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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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decision makers in check, so the devastating cost of their decision working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's mode that unites us then divides the the hello i'm around the y z. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, student protesting grow universities across the us denouncing the war on god, just pulling the ties to because with israel and it's supposes it's important at all forensic evidence. be well for you and once evidence from the mass graves in garza to be protected off, the palestinian officials say they have proof that people would torture to execute
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. phase 2 of india's election gets on the way when any opinion people eligible to cause pilots in the next 5 weeks, a voting and dozens of people, a dead thousands more, displaced off the heavy rains and floods in all day parts of the canyon capital, the students across the united states are continuing to demand an end to the war on cause a decision protest opposite at the university of columbia in new york. what late thursday night faculty back down of to having issued a midnight deadline for students to disperse protest as a demanding that the institutions comp ties with companies that have links to israel. i'll just there is john. henry begins out coverage now from york.
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the stand also, universities across the united states is forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel and its war on guns. the national divide is reflected at the epicenter of the protest movement on new york. columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags, marketing the conflict, half a world away. demonstrators say just spike hundreds of arrests here and across the country. and the university's calls for them to leave. they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding the university divest from investments with ties to israel or ongoing as we are calling the park columbia university says i best disclose it if provide in this be for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for palestinian liberation. those are central demand in until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to protest. muslim american
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congresswoman, johan omar voiced her support for the demonstrators inside their encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also to see if new is really flags. silently appeared this week, meters from the student zone of occupation. that is drawn the eyes of the world were alone calendar approached test or condemned the demonstration to stop the. # you have to pay the price i do, i see that this,
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that the story, the approaches to intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york to suburban, chicago's northwestern university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts to the university of new mexico in dozens of campuses, in between, students at columbia university have started a national conversation. whatever happens here or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread the campuses across the us and they say there's no stopping there. as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies, punctuated by and camp protesters, calls for justice john henry and l jersey or new york. or i know and so sure, george washington university in the center of washington dc. the professors have
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been here for hours, a deadline set by the authorities of the university to clear the courtyard for people to leave has come and gone. and the numbers have been fairly consistent for several hours. the people here a very clear that they want the, you'd investigate to start the best thing of any interest. because in these really link companies to make sure that that investments are open on public. and those who are protesting here face new rep protection, the protectors have been calling for change and the incest that they will state, even with the threat of police action, even with the state of arrest until the demands are met. all in so sure, i'll just see you to washington all the students and faculties across america holding for divestment from israel. so let's take a look at what that actually means. universities and colleges have these endowment funds to finance the research and scholarships is money is often invested in
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private equity or hedge funds, protested the demanding universities stop investing this money in companies. the profit from is rails will like alms, manufacturer, lockheed martin, no tech joints. amazon and google with contracts in israel. now, simon action was held across the united states several decades ago against the upon take government. and that south africa in 2009 hampshire college divested from and is really relate to fund, but denied it was due to a boy called prussia and new york university students. also calling for the closure of the schools 10 of these campus saying it's discriminatory. how does your castro reports now from the university of texas in austin, of the thames clashes between police and student protesters wednesday have transformed into this peaceful gathering which protest or say, is in itself an act of defiance. police earlier arrested $56.00 demonstrators and one journalist that prompted still more protesters to come out on thursday. and
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they were joined by many university professors. they're demanding that you t austin, divest from weapons manufacturers. and some companies that benefit is real. and now they're also demanding the resignation of the universities president jake hartzell, who had orders that the police crack down on the approach. while the texas governor of greg abbot republican, who strongly support israel has taken credit for the plaintiff texting and says the student protesters can i ask you again? and again. so uses their tuition money to fund that effort. heidi to castro alger 0 austin, texas, will protest, gaining ground on campuses and other parts of the world as well in australia demonstrates a set of 10. so the university of sydney students from all the universities has been going that to show that supports as well. if been shunting slogan similar to
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those voice in the us like goals for diagnostic from is radio link companies will join the live now bye alex thomas. he is in sydney for so we've just been hearing about to these protest demonstrations across american universities. that's resulted in mass arrests, suspensions canceled classes. what's happening there in sydney to yes, my name is sunny, more civilized, peaceful, australian size. a snapshot really of the, of the process we seen elsewhere in the world as i speak, probably a few dozen students in tenants have settling down for that full nights, a protest to the university of sydney, all the colorful times. you can see behind me the flags, the signs, but the banners slogans working in tools across the tom, i can stall, contrast to the historic buildings here at australia is oldest university going
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back more than a 170 years. although it is small and hasn't been going a long time organizes hey, it's telling me there is a lot of ground sort of opinion in the favor that was a much early room that was not sanctioned by the university. maybe a 100 to 200 students trying slogans. as you mentioned, similar to those we've heard elsewhere, crossing campus, getting a to the main road, briefly occupying that main road in stopping traffic before returning here. but really they say they're in it for the long hold. and the universe, the for now, i told her rising it is that likely to last? obviously we've seen tentative action in america, different country, different plays, but nonetheless, what are the most valuable reaction from university there in sydney. i mean, the officials at the moment say they welcome
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a diverse range of opinion. that's part of that culture at this university. you want people with different viewpoints to express them as long as they do so respectfully. they have a sense that list of things and things to organize as hey, who are not totally happy about being told what to do, and not necessarily gonna follow them over the most. so they, it was a classic example. but as for the ultimate goal of students here, who wants the university to come old size with this right, the establishment, i put that question to the university. that doesn't address any financial backing from israel directly, but it's all about academic collaboration. saying this, we remain open to winning college links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on ost, off engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, so a slightly tell you the response, but now organizes here are slightly frustrated the university on engaging with them directly as far as that goes, are concerned. and they want to stay here until they're met. whether that's successful or not. all right, alex thomas and sidney,
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thank you. i'm not joined by mom at alaska. he's a political analyst and professor of media studies at c, doha institute for graduate studies here in dow. huh. he's been seeing these extraordinary scenes across american universities. no sign of protests dying down that we the protests have taken on a different slave in sidney. but it does seem to be that we are seeing this continue resolve on the part of students is the cause of all of the injustices and suffering and inflicted upon the palestinians becoming the defining cause of a generation. i think that's probably, that's probably fair to say. i think it's, it's certainly interesting to see all of this play out, but i don't think it's particularly surprising that we're seeing this movement being led by young people. it seems like it's always young people that are at the for right, whether it's anti war movements associated with iraq or vietnam or symbol,
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the civil rights movement or the movement for, for black lives. and now this uh, the genocide unfolding and gaza. and so from that standpoint, it's not surprising. it's also not surprising if you look at the opinion pulling data we've been seeing this for months that it's young people in the united states and europe who are most opposed to what israel is doing. and who are most sympathetic you know, to the palestinians into their cause. and so we, we are really seeing a generational shift now to what extent this is going to continue. i think that's the big question right now. and, and particularly when you raise some of the other mass protests we've seen in the recent e as in the past decade, black lives not to say the rock for. and then just all the smaller protests that we have seen a crack down in america. and so that, you know, the question is, of people going to be able to protest freely because on earth and really incredible
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scenes of police using what can any be described as violent and heavy handed tactics against peaceful protest isn't members of the faculty? yeah i'm, there is a video right now that i just saw a few moments ago of a female professor who is just enter university. right. she's just standing around, certainly not posing a threat and she was tackled to the ground violently by police officer. i had hit the concrete slots. this fell off. yeah, it was, it was quite shocking here to see um and, and that's the kind of image that that is going to be broadcast. now on all the social media sites. i think there are 2 things that we have to keep an eye on. number one is usually the case that when you use these heavy handed tactics against protesters, it actually has the opposite effect. it ends up spring. more protests, people see these images, they get angry, people who are sitting on the sidelines. we may have been apathetic and up joining, joining the freight. so we have to keep our eye on that. the one thing that i will
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say don't, this is the 2nd point i want to make is that the timing might be working in the favor of who's university administrators and all of the 5 immunizations. because just so happens that protest movements are starting right at the end of an academic year. and so it's not going to be possible. i don't think to continue these protests during the summer when there are no classes or a window or a fewer classes. and many students, you know, leave town to go home, they pick up summer jobs. so we have to keep our eye on that from that standpoint, timing works into the favor of this, this kind of pro zionist entities. last 3, thank you. thanks on all the stories of following belgian as something the is riley. i'm boss of the officer an aide worker was killed in rough on belgium's development minister said 33 year old abdullah nob han and his 7 year old son were among the casualties as in his riley strike is positive belgians
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aid efforts in the gaza strip spokesman for these writing 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu said that they were moving ahead with ponds for a ground operation on rough uh, but no timeline was actually given for that. oh honey mama joins us now from rossa in southern gaza. and so we know that gauze there is now a probably the world's most dangerous place for humanitarians to provide aid. and the more of these incidents we see, i suppose, the less likely it is, is that that will be initiatives to get a workers into the strip if organizations cannot ensure will guarantee the safety. the, the yes, mariana, the more we talked to aid organizations about what's going on the, the, the, almost there is an agreement among these organizations that is rarely military is doing this alone, deliberately the talk, the deliberate tax on aid workers on distribution wins in done in
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a way to discourage organizations and aid worker from doing their work on the ground delivering months needed much, not necessary live saving items for larger traumatized. a starving population across the god forbid. within 6 at the beginning of this month, early april the i, the i, the, the, the i, c, r c are issued a statement describing the deliberate prevention of a delivery as one way to hamper a word card on the work of the workers on the ground and their operation is done in a way to prevent the organization or from doing so. just over nighted targeting this aid worker. and his son inside a residential building along with other people were shouldering inside this particular house. just how much fear and panic for the people are taking the risk on the ground. with this chatter sense of safety, the cost of the $3.00 weeks, we've seen the deliberate tax on w. c. k,
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employees and centrals in the western part of central dogs. and before that, many of the incident that were documented that the of these really military attack and distribution points, either in over a crowded dropbox city or in the northern parts. and not all the aid workers are being targeted, but also h segers and people who are in need of these important and much needed aide and humanitarian supplies are also being targeted. the tory is among them is the flower mastercard. at the western part of garza city, at the levels the proud traffic circles were close to a 100 people were killed. as they were trying to get a to save their families who are starving and be hydrated by the ongoing intense bombing campaign. there is a great negative impact of these deliberate attacks on the ground. all right, thank you. honey. mountain wood and rough line, southern gaza, thanks for the update. united nations is saying it's important to preserve forensic
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evidence when investigating mass graves found and gaza. this is off to gauze as civil defense, cold for an independent into investigation into what happened at nasir hospital in han, eunice, i'll just say it was christine salumi. aust, the spokesman for the one century general about what comes next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would the you advise? and i think it is important, or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear this time. there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit. parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean,
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there's definitely investigative traffic and with those very right there, there legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved evidence of the you ends cooling, to be preserved comes from some of the bodies exempt from that mass graves that both na said and i'll shift the hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies has been recovered sofa, sorry, i would assume reports from the rough i in southern gaza. you get. this mother's creams evidence. the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave, then also hospital come down in con eunice to come home with them. how you, from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies,
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the fount i'm to, um, support them like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice, we found the body of it for the number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves the child of the patient is still in his crops. a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have caused that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about that. you to, you know, again, it's not somebody still had the, can you low on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental. it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. they are asking for an
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independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound as baseless isabel, the troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 61. at least 392 buddies wed discovered into 3 different sites on the grounds of nicer hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english by god, i can no longer bear it. every day. i come here in search since the day he went missing . and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taken by these reviews or anything? and now the u. s. is joining quotes from the using the you and demanding an
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explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goal is a civil defense has asked for an independent investigation, conducts a delegation, specializing forensic analysis. since most of going as facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital to give the families of those being killed. the answer is there. we're looking for target cup as the out just the euro roof on palestine. meanwhile, israel is what cabinet has been holding meetings to discuss the military's next moves in gaza. you on well food programs, director in gauze or is one that a full minute tree assault on rafa would kill tens of thousands of people. we have really concerns about any kind of in cushion interests or the to displace hundreds of thousands of people. i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here um from
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one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice. if that happens to drop the 10s of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa, hundreds of thousands of people who displaced again more misery, more needs that we will need to have to try and resolve and meet this is around the government has been advancing ponds, the construction of illegal sacraments and occupied east jerusalem. since the beginning of the war on gaza plans of drawing criticism, both internationally and by palestinians say they feel increasingly cornut. i'm decided which reports from occupied east jerusalem. since october, the 7th, israel's government has accelerated the approval of several legal settlement projects in occupied east jerusalem. the 1st approvals in more than a decade. the housing ministry published plans for the construction of thousands of
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housing units in the palestinian neighborhoods. a bit slow fall far, and suited best hit in the southern part of the city. what is the only thing to do with this neighborhood is to prevent is like to build on what we have seen as the last it empty land that these villages having like, think about a neighbor who would like to buy one of those eventually laptops and they don't have any places to expand in the same time, so we must remember if i is not advancing palestinians, and what do you need to do with them? it's a bureaucratic process that could sometimes take up to 10 years for approval, but multiple ministries in the right wing government have given the go ahead during the war on gone. so active is say the time between the settlements date of authorization and the public announcement was relatively short. something rights groups are calling on president it to say will be illegal. settlement projects
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advanced by the israeli government will be right here in the palestinian town of itself. off off, but it's rarely human rights organizations say that building on these lands will harm potential territorial continuity between bethlehem and occupied east jerusalem . making the realization of a 2 state solution nearly impossible. palestinians here believe the land grabs, are just one of many attempts to push them out. they want to expel us. we want to uproot every single policy. then from that and of course they want us to go out to leave the area to have no space for us to starting to put it the road. i'll have next, i would mix and then to oblige, the young people devised and other peers would have to live despite international criticism. israel's government continues to implement policies that violate
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international law and further deteriorate the livelihoods of palestinians. have the son who is just ego occupied east jerusalem, meanwhile, is really strikes of head to the outskirts of 3 southern lebanese towns in the early hours of friday. moving a 150 is ready. shells will find in these attacks. the strikes destroyed 3 homes and damaged moles and 35 others in the towns of chava. if i should but, and hold to cross board. the fighting between his ready forces in his bullet has escalated in recent days. you with the news, how much most sill spring you on the program real estate and join us for minutes to meet of pat shop relations. but by doing and says, washington is suppressing it's development and why the issue of citizenship is critical in some areas of the wells biggest election that's already taken place the
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color we've got. oh, i'm sorry. i'm certain whether it was a good positive here where to where the right, which was the eastern part. so losing that to structure. when the, the dustin cab has been drifting up from this, a hara got some good scattering and shelves across central pos, lots of areas of light pressure as bit of adults tend to assume fact. and then we got this, why the system will these to weather system sinking further south was and they will introduce of what the weather is about western side of europe as we go through the next couple of days. much needed cloud of rain coming into spain and portugal. what will become more widespread do without it really across from top across england? well scotland pushing across into northern, on an ad, in fact, across the republic as well, but to does to and increase the unsettled across spain and portugal. as we go through sas day notice and snow that to over the peer nice, heavier rain coming into westland central past of france,
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lots of western europe. this, the central air is somewhat quiet to somewhat dry, somewhat brighter on the 2 showers that just down to the southern parts of the bulk is but that eastern side of the med allows you find dry and settled with a good deal of sunshine sunshine to across northern parts of africa just to your shatter of things for you here. and then the showers of west africa started eventually drifting further north now was the time to the direct. israel's project has been completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is not important. you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking the upfront on,
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out to their unique perspective, why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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stuff in that reminder of the main stories, students and faculty members from universities across the united states, all continuing to protest in support of kind of sign. and reminding that universities hot financial ties with is around divest from companies they say, over 1000. since the prototypes began moving 550 students has been arrested across the country. the student protests and saw the doctor who palestinians also happening in australia. dozens of people, the setup tens in front of the university of sydney. they also calling for an end to the schools named with israel. and then our other top story, the united nations is saying that it's important to present forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza. this off to gauze of civil defense presented evidence. they say prove these right? the military carried out torture and summary executions in hong eunice. well
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now we take you to india where the 2nd of the 7 phase general election is taking place. across 13 states, nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to cost ballots during the 6 weeks of voting, which started last friday. the issue of citizenship has become critical in the northeastern state of assigned the b j. p. government has post a controversial note based on religion that so let's take a closer look at how india is going to vote, or nearly a 1000000000 people are registered to vote in this election. that is more than the combined populations of america, the u and russia votes, as will cost the balance until early june. india has that move in 2 and a half 1000 political policies, but just 10 of them hold a to 6 percent of the 543 seats in the look sub. this is the low house of parliament to rule a policy or coalition needs a simple majority of $272.00 seats in the is it $28.00 states will decide whether
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to elects prime is in render and render moody. and his b, j, p to a rat, foot consecutive time, 73 year old was 1st elected 10 years ago, and re elected in 2019 after the highest votes of time out in the country's history . b. j p's main challenger is the indian national congress. by russell gundy from india's famous political dynasty mode, he is accused of silencing his critics cracking down on independent media since he came to bow and yours for an $21.00 places 200 and 61st out of a 118 nations in the annual world. press freedom index, and india is 200000000. most of them say they have been prosecuted on the the b j piece. hindus. nation is policies so we're covering the election from outside the country because the government has not gone to the visas to our journalist. join me now from and by is kyla ducari, he is
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a managing director of governance now use magazine. so the be great piece target for the gains in the selection was pretty ambitious, but it does look as though it could be within reach some money in my field at this time that about isn't that why do you have set of numbers just all good off uh, dodging 400 seats across the 400 seats and the looks of all the 523 seats. and i do see that that is enough optimism, as well as a popularity amongst the waters on the 970000000 voters that you just broadcasted that the block agent apply to even prospect number. we have to understand the how the numbers out of the in the heartland states of india, which major the couple of the states on the shop is got a couple days behind a job kind of, i'll just time with job daily, been job yada. and marcia, which should the be to be, i didn't sweeping between the 2019 the add up to more than $300.00, which was less than $203.00. and this time brought me to sunday. the movie has made a very uh, active push to watch the southern states of india. i know the,
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the southern states, the full southern states, i sort of the sunset investment go the guy, the more than a 100 seats. so your, the kind of push, the problem is trying to estimate the kind of rodney is that he has done the kind the public we do use the phone. i think that the blockage in the parking spot to be sure. it's just about just, i mean it's just the, i just want to, i just want to emphasize, just want to emphasize one point that you made because we're talking about a massive geographical area and such a massive population as well. it's, it's, it's correct to say that the b j. p has been focusing particularly on karnataka state in, in southern india, because that is the place where they have a foothold. they are less presence will have a negligible presence in all the southern states is not right. so another guy used to be here be, has had a very strong presence and did you be, has been in board in the state or for another time the assembly elections of the state. having said that, the other states, which is under the spell, i'm done not. i'm not to get a law in 2019 yes, the presence was negligible,
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but this time in the elections of 2024, you might see a surprise rep immediately. even not on the increase the number of seats, but also to whichever to be great. because the kind of push that right from the prime minister has made and right now what their focus is, not a young and dynamic lead us for the state of common model number like he's, he's projected there and get a lot that is somewhere and under a different then i'm gonna so we not only see prime is somebody moving, meeting the push, but the boxes are actively searched for the young lead. a young dynamically does. who can you present the stare when you say represent, i mean, what about cause, you know, just speaking about a function lies ation. polarize ation the persecution of ethnic minorities and violence against muslims dotted some of those in, in recent years. i mean these, these young leaders, how then, how does the b, j, p. recruit them and lots of rest rhetoric because they've been conveying to the general public?
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is it yet they exploiting those divisions for the political benefit? is that what you mean? no, i don't mean that i don't see that the body has created any kind a risk between uh on the basis of any religion, cost or breed in this country. we must have just started, has one thing that you know, you know, that it's been well documented by an independent human rights groups. we've all seen the footage online about the treatment that are designed are 2 groups and the way. and then the rhetoric is coming from the b j p themselves. you know how they speak about lessons or you know, of course the just not about how they speak about the must have that about vision. the part, the right from prime minister to the whole minister has said that, how much of the hindus that in the eyes, for whom do india is also different on the other communities. be mostly in jan, 6 christians or other communities i'm, we missed on alternative starting to kind of between the 2014 or 2019 we saw it
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cannot just come from one particular majority. so that the see that the kind of piece of prosperity and the progress that in the scene of the nation. and also the promises of the page. and nobody has made the conservation of that on monday, along with the provision of logic of the 70 giving especially status to the states of the industry along with that. okay. and what's the drop have any, most of them candidates running in the election doc or something with the party that's doing, deputy decided i can, i believe that the adults books, but some of the party have come up with the open thing that what would be a strategy, but the regards to having the presentation from people from the other really just for an audit, these as their candidate. thank you very much. now for joining us kind of show the rocky or there's also the issue of citizenship that's very important in constituencies that are going to the polls in the northeast and say of i some b, j, p. government has post a controversial based on religion, on the costume sherry for points on this for more than
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a decade. now. lots come on monday. it has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared to for no, but 5, you know, in india is northeast and state of for some in 2016 since then. he's been 4 years in detention and his country on base monday. and since he was born in the states and he's not an undocumented immigrant tablets with a woman up on more than we've heard, there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us. but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born and a some my father and grandfather have documents here. monday lives among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a natural registrar of citizens updated in 2019. the bgp says he can get an indian citizenship to a recent p, and that's a controversial know that sets of religion as
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a criterion. the citizenship amendment lo will see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies. in news, jane's buddhist and christians who fled have gone to some foundation and focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries. citizenship and this is a controversial issue, as it seemed base of migrations of both hindus and muslims. it's now dividing voltage on it's nice and religious grounds. as far as the minority most lim community is concerned. it's an and if they have been creating a negative and negative is this the day on not part of the indies, enough culture, it is good. lot of police fuller, i zation, when you the see it from the perspective of electronic dynamics, how much more than full use of to the bills of approval in parliament,
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the government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the problem mr. moraine devoted is seeking a system the passage of the low let to violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity, most of them. so what are the low combined with a propos? citizenship registry could be used to talk with them. do you think anyone was good when have it, was it in uh, you know, country where everything scream is the measure that they, like marcus thought. like i've gotten into like burnwell this, i don't think so. that's it is very clear. he knows my they have some really just actress. ideas mostly, but certain, most of the minorities, within most, the majority nation's face persecution, to especially a neighboring country, is like a find a sun and focus fun. but they won't be able to apply for citizenship. and now many fear in your state, this is a secure list,
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aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave on to see the checks are joins us from. look, all a hot tea us on india is a john as an officer of no lines people. so the b jeep post this controversial. no, that is essentially based on religion. how significant is the issue of citizenship going to be in this mode? yes, the citizenship continues to be quite important. the sending and receiving us out you know, the n d c a vendor, send it often enough time. and so the 1920 and he has actually been involved in 9921 elections of the national and state evictions. they have been pretty decisive,
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big g and it seems that of this eviction is also the use of the for 7. that would be using the holding to be jersey. and i think the reason behind that, like a in the, the use the c a is that the sound of the reason i started it was turned in the country. but essentially that needs to be doing the same time. yeah. you know, it's not the best thing that you've been a huge, a lot of issues should not be allowed to give in the future. so the yeah. in the problem and do they, you know, you know,
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really they don't know because of any gender separately, according done. you know, the kind of the nationalist, benjamin and probably to go back to the, the, and the kind of is not a strong enough for us to kind of to be so in other words that the face of hundreds of thousands of people remains very on site and there's no way of pushing back against the little are right now when new people were excluded from the south in uh, you know, the be signed in the box for the uh, the they do,
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they would have to go to the point where they want to have an easy way out right out of the c a. but now i'm just giving it to her. now it can do like the dishes when the people that all the big into the in any way it isn't ok. no special provision the enough to get the citizenship prior to you. so at the end of the day and it seems that the, there is no guide, no, very kind of solution for you. okay, and are you going to? yeah, we kind of promising on those lines. so from what seems to continue
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the time being then actually the n r c has ceased to be the starting point just to make sure that you just sign the lease. and it means to be seeing how things are affordable. what happens to these people up, i guess as the what, what you're saying this. so this issue of those who are unable to register those who cannot, you do not have the ability to gain formal citizenship despite being born in the country and having lived there all their lives. that it is uh, creating a lot of uncertainty for people, but not likely to be a major political issue. we'll continue on coverage of this story for now. thank you very much. i'll be shocks off for joining us. a just a quick reminder that we are covering the election from outside the country because
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the government in india has not granted out. is there a john list visas? now in the all the news today, the secretary of state is due to meet chinese prize and changing paint, and badging on friday. and the blank has been holding talks with china is foreign minister, one he is visits is seen as an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 super powers. a diplomatic tensions have risen in recent years, bought by washing military rivalry around the south china sea and new restrictions on us trade with china. i'm just there is katrina, you joins us live from badging. so blinking and why he was speaking for several hours. do we have any idea about the, the nature of that discussions we've just had some comments now from the us side and also we just have in china as foreign ministry, both say that these folks work constructive and intense. uh extensive. um, it seems that they did go through a lot of the issues, major points of disagreement that they were no breakthroughs as expected. so one
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things that the us as it raised is the issue of ukraine and us has in the past. so it's concerned about trying to support what it says as rushes defense industrial base that us has said that chinese provides normally to technology for russia, eating. and it's a fit. and its invasion of the price that we know by doing has denied having any role in the world at the same time. aging has not shown any signs that it's willing to pull back from what it's described as a rump solid partnership with most. so that was one points of disagreement that was raised by actually blinking. also raised was the very thorny issue of taiwan and blinking apparently raised to one me the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits race concerns about china's increasing military activity in the south. trying to see no doubt of used to be the philippines as well over the 2nd thomas show. and the ton one he also mentioned to us at the time one is a red line issue. and that the us,
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if it is serious about the one china policy, needs to stop sending potentially mix signals to taiwan about supporting independence, which is arguably what the us has done this week by approving a for an a package which includes $8000000000.00, much of that to go towards ty, ones military, not move as you created by james. and another complaint raised by one year was recent news uh over the last few months and used by the us to suppress one you had said unfairly suppressed chinese technological industries. now this has to do with a lot of semi conductor restrictions, as well as other tariffs on chinese goods. so those are some issues raised. one disagree uh, one point of agreement story that was raised was that both sides agree that there is a need to both work towards the escalated intentions, the middle east, and the korean peninsula. but we don't have details as to exactly what was spoken about the thank you. katrina,
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you the united nations as close one of as peace keeping bases in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the because new base and south q province was handed to government forces on thursday comedies, government, also you and troops to leave last year, accusing them of failing to protect civilians. now we've been following the situation and can you very closely, there's been severe flooding there, at least 45 people have been killed. but officials of warning that that is more heavy rain to come. days of floods across the country are forced thousands of people to flee the homes. and time neighbors also have much in the capital nairobi . many people are still missing. the present, elden emergency meeting on the 1st day to address the crisis. knock on web joins us live from the river south of the canyon capital. so we have a situation what there a move slots on the way, just as people are struggling to recover and deal with the effects of,
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of the rainfall that we see all around. you that or what it's not raining right now, but indeed more heavy rains are full cost. no, just saving. can you have it across the whole region, which has been affected by these floods in neighboring tons? it in the government says more than a 150 people have been killed in burundi governments at a 100 around 800000 display saving can you can use. redcross says more than 40 people have been killed or since last month in a rainy season, the boat to run show down pools and some of the west affected areas in formal assessments like this one where we are now. but it's very little drainage and so entire homes can be washed away. it often, children are the most vulnerable being small living lights that can easily be swept away in these torrents of water. now the heavy rains attributed suzy el nino,
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the effect of a pacific ocean climate cycle, which once every few yes, brings high a c temperatures and cause heavier causes heavy rains here in east africa on the horn of africa. and now this is one of the strongest l. ninos ever recorded of being experience last year, having this. yeah. which scientists say or climate scientists say that these more extreme weather events caused by climate change. and then the urban areas having carrier that's exacerbated by wrapping to wrap it up and development, both informed assessments like this and large commercial buildings in the city with inadequate drainage. and so when these down pulse comes, what drainage the raise can very quickly get overwhelmed. all right, thank you very much. not good luck following the floods and can you for us the last 4 years focusing on hazy and its future. many doubts whether
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a new transitional council for stem worst. and again,
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the the the total from so called harsh money case in new york has hit the wells headlines as he becomes the 1st for us president to stand trial. the trump is also involved in another case of the supreme court, which could have deep repercussions for him. the justices a hearing arguments about whether he enjoyed absolute presidential immunity, while he was in office, a new york sized quote, as of
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a ton of 2020 right conviction of the former hollywood for jews. the harvey weinstein. it ruled that the trial judge was wrong to allow testimony from women who would not named when the initial charges brought against him face. is it possible re trial but will remain in prison in new york because of a 16 year sentence handed down in california 2 years ago in a separate right case? now we've been following developments in haiti. the country is wanting a transitional governing council. often months of gun violence which forced the prime minister ariel on re to resign. ceremony was held at the prime minister's office rather than the presidential palace as police failed to gain control of the area around the compound money ra, polo reports. in haiti's capital, puerto prince a ceremony to swear in a new transitional presidential council was interrupted by the sounds of heavy gunfire on thursday, cause the members of the new council vowed
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to reign in the gang related violence that's pushed the country to the brink of social collapse and recent months in the face of this unprecedented crisis, the entire population has recognized the urgency and necessity of taking a firm grip on the situation. to pull our country out of the spiral of despair and destruction. outside the walls of the ceremony, gang members armed with automatic weapons, exchanged gunfire with police on criminals, roaming the streets, freely off and overpowering. the police is a scene that's become all too common in the city. at least 2 people were killed during the fighting on thursday. this woman says her son was caught in the crossfire and till she adds that there are no safe places left in the country. when yeah, she was sudden walter, she saw the police here in here to rent as it was her when she was shot into like
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the police held him many times in his stomach and that i didn't know what to do to deserve this in the area where he grew up, everyone knew he was not a member of findings. international observers have applauded the successful swearing in of the transitional counsel. some call. we need a turning point for a crisis that is left more than 2500 people dead since the start of the is one of the 1st daughters of business of haiti's. new transitional council was the name of the interim prime minister michelle patrick. while they're a former finance minister who is taking the place of prime minister ariel henri, who formalized his resignation earlier in the day, the general incense should be at the saint of all consents and public decision and advisable competitor as to what, what strength, name and consolidation what has been achieved to contribute to the recovery, i thought beloved hatred though haitian gang leaders of promise to the rail,
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the efforts of the new transitional body council members say plans are in motion for the deployment of an international security force led by the government of kenya, to help restore law and order in haiti, mondays it up a little al to 0. indigenous people in brazil are coming together to demand recognition of that lands the. the annual gathering in the capital of presenting a known as the free land camp is taking place of a several days a rallied outside congress to the mom, the government of present louise enough to do that to silver do more to protect that territories from illegal mining and deforestation, and then the indigenous, ya know, mommy, people in brazil say its members detained 12 people on tuesday for allegedly, for allegedly mining illegally on the territory. and the amazon, they handed them over to the police. they say the mine is contaminate the water
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with mercury to and that rounds all this news out, but i will be back in, along with more of the days news around off at the top. so he's coming up in just a couple of minutes. these other must these on the drum is they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous . as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of pals, class cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. i
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think i would say the difference in exploring goal is to change the situation in that list. we have 70 percent more business people here, say the heart of the month is even more significant. this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in casa, exploring type less cultural, examining political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east. on al jazeera devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city,
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it's unbelievable desperation didn't moving on a freedom just life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work when the have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life. before land. the student protests grow universities across the us denouncing the war on garza and cooling for ties to be couch with israel and its supporters. the law i am the was the says algebra live from dow ha. also coming out. it's important at all forensic evidence be well presented to you and once evidence from the mass
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graves and garza to be protected off the palestinian officials say they have proof that people with tortured and executed phase 2. and his election gets on the way


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