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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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to the, [000:00:00;00] the, you know, i'm about this and, and this has been use our live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, found a stand in solidarity valley spread outside the united states. students on australia, france, i'm not a u. k. join the drawing calls for ties to be charged with israel and the supporters of the tele were 5. thousands of tons of aid for guys are set to move so key up the un calls for unimpeded access. us secretary of state to meet the china as president, she's in pain to patch up relations. but beijing says washington is suppressing
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it's development. and dozens of people are dead on fires of being forced from their homes after heavy rains and floods in and day parts of the canyon, capital nairobi, and on piece of statement with useful. it's kind of williams as being picked 1st and the nfl drives dakota back caves to chicago based on what was originally breaking day in detroit suite. the . so we're going to begin this. these are with the increasing the global student led movement against israel's war on god. so young people say they're demanding an end to 6 months of violence in the gaza strip. because governments in the united nations on doing enough students in power so occupying the campuses of the seals, poll university, demanding the institution issue, clear condemnation of israel's actions with demonstrations of also being taking place in australia for dozens of students. a set of tenants in front of the
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university of sydney calling for an end to its length with israel time being comp and some protests of expanded across cultures throughout the united states. with more than $500.00 arrests. now we're going to be covering the story from 2 countries. this song natasha butler, is standing by for us in paris. first we're going to go to sonya gate. go in london . so sonya, it's moved from the us. it's a fine sense of a stereo. now we're seeing protests and e, okay, well this is gonna take care of you may have been very cool and wonderful name is for the collaboration of research for the companies such as low key
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the fact that they do so early on me that is one of the main tools that i need to talk about on instead of from new sales are to some fun. james, exactly the thing. this action is needed specifically from the c o y. so we believe that as students, we have a responsibility to hold our institution to account for genocide and we will find an organization and on the decision of ways on monetize. in recent companies on maternity teams,
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we is like the so these issues for the water city really raising the issue for the move out. yeah, exactly. oh oh my name is always gonna be the invoices and bring attention to the the issue of his road side. um yeah we, we, we do that. yeah, yeah, yeah, it's easy, very thing please. and is it all in a wide range student system raising awareness right now they may just straight and sit offering something on
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a regular basis. has been on the action that we're seeing today the sonya. thank you very much indeed. so you're going to be talking to is there from london? let's go and tasha box on who's in power as far as trinity very noisy process back there in london. we're certainly advised, but obviously the ones that you've been having equally, always eventually joining the most whose students here in paris in the street and there many more inside the building yesterday. i don't want to say they say to people they are demanding. i mean to the, they say the products is to move to help the people that need it as well and help
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problems there the moms into the store, to the discussion about what is happening and save the time we've is reading university the speak to the ones who said, look, when washer and major crane there were those consultations quite some time with watching universities and this thing. so why is it the same? in this case, there's a lot of frustration amongst entirely on the loudspeaker. and that is because what's happening is that they are trying to, to, to shave with university administrators to see where this is going. they say they want to remain in front of the case themselves in until the mattresses university administrators are trying to find a way to end to pay the balance of empowers. thank you. was there mentioned earlier, students have led to protest much at the university of sydney, the accurate calls elsewhere in the world for institutions through several links
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with israel. now reporter alex thomas went to the incumbent, the the, making the voices, the students, little stray. these oldest university holding on it to cut ties with these rail, inspired by the campus of protests in the united states to come up against the national guard in some cases that has really inspired and i think, you know, brought a flame of inspiration and radicalism here in australia as well. we have seen no change and no ties caught from our government, no divestment from our university. so i think we really have to escalate this campaign. these tense does the, those flags and banners up and drapes across sydney university's loans. since tuesday, university officials are tolerating the camp for now, but of sense organized is
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a list of rules. there are thousands of 10 say and all those that represents only a fraction of the near 70000. the study at this university organizers say they have plenty of pools and that are telling me to stay here, for as long as they can. safe la city university is not engaging with students about its connections to israel. in a statement to out to 0, the university said, we remain open to ending coverage links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on ost, off engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, that isn't enough for one student who would only give us a 1st name that is closer to the issue than most. so our personal to me, i mean i'm a palestinian, i was born in palestine and my family lives in palestine. i it, it's my land, it's my people, it's my country. the university has
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a responsibility as they did for south africa, they divested from the pots hide that they need to divest from the pots side and genocide, with israel. friday's march wasn't sanctioned, and although it was too small to oppose much disruption, students remain determined to get the message across. annex thomas. the 0, sidney anymore that had in the news are including phase 2 of india's election gets under weights for nearly a 1000000000. people are eligible to cost products and the next 5 weeks had a toast to haiti's future. $590.00 for the new transitional council can stem the worst thing, gang violence. the belgium has some of the is ready on boss of the offer and aid worker was killed in rafa. belgium's development minister said to 33 year old of dollar, not hon. and his 7 year old son,
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one of the casualties in is really air strike. it was part of belgium's 8 efforts in the gaza strip. john ackland is the secretary general of the norwegian refugee john. so he says, teams on the ground having to adjust how to deliberate we do i go on the same time. we have limited the movement from south wind noise and we have concentrated much of our work in the, in the, the, the large population center in the south. we are increasing over races in the area. and of course it is it that the human to turn work that would be where and when people meet us, the most dangerous, all the greatest. so message has been to the x rays of the americans and this was supporting them. but we need a re community. she said not just that pass
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a notification. oh that's me. communication with i actually have the townhouse. yes. this is sites. yes. you can go that yes, no one will talk to you and we need real time communication, which we do have uh the uh, the west central kitchen, college credit, trustworthy co telephone numbers to tell me that they were on the website. it 2 times rarely. and they come so we need re time communication also with the tremendous share kind of michael was joining us style from rafa in southern gaza. where of course, some of that desperately need of the age should be heading bots. talk to us about the latest strikes, 1st of all and off in or is
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there any military continues do is try to cross the gaza severely concentrated in the center of the area just within the past couple hours of the why the data and the area of the western part of, of, of the central area very close to a new fi router and you can, but another surrounding refugees, a refuge account in the central area of the reports of multiple injuries. then there's unconfirmed report that was still waiting for the hospital to confirm the talk about women and children. on monday casualty, it's that already there were arriving the hospital. did you don't talk? the hospital is very, very exhausted over one health facility right now. given the difficulty of the situation for the past, the 7 months of running at the lowest capacity possible, meanwhile in gauze, and the northern part is really mandatory, showing no signs of slowing down on letting off the talk. they, they're more of dar tillery shilling and the use of a quiet copiers, of these are a talk, a drawing that are talking people who are in areas that are drawn by these really military as a combat zone, shooting at people indiscriminate, at least those who are trying to get their,
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their homes that do work for us to leave within the past few days of this really military deployed to ground forces in bait tunnel and i'm bid lion city. but at earlier hours today, there was a talk directly targeted uh facility owned by operated and managed by an international organization that the cs asked as a charitable organization across the gauze of frame. but there were families display families inside the facilities. reports confirmed report talking about the 3 people who were killed. 2 of the people were killed where children and other people were critically injured. and because a civil hospital is absolutely out of service, cannot take any cases or any injuries. all the transferred to the center part of the 50 to allow the baptist hospital that is already running got a very low capacity right now. finally, thank you very much indeed. have any more good talking to some girlfriend in southern gaza. this is a police have stopped to march led by american and is really involved by is on the way to deliver food to gaza. the religious leaders hope to enter this trip through
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the at is crossing the carriage aid and called for an end to the war and gaza. 7 protesters have been arrested every day. the prices get to where as you keep thinking, how could this get worse? and yet it does, right when we're facing the invasion of ralph and what that will mean to the millions of people that are seeking shelter there. right? this crisis, you know, the reason we came all the way across the world is because the crisis is out of scale. that's unimaginable. and we can simply stay where we are and not try to do what we can. however, we can to bring attention to this crisis and to stop this crisis. ceasefire is the only thing that will save gaza. an international aid organization says israel's deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching johnson. the freedom for tele coalition says israel has created an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leading the port and assembled. the ship will not go through further
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inspection delaying its planned frederick friday. departure. you are the experts of demanding a safe passage on, on impeded access to gas. that's also a big has more from that shape and it's tumble. the international freedoms to the us. it's been called is that it's just that sales. the paperwork has been submitted to come out of here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze . organize the say, the is the front to prevent this rest of the accident if it's like ship these vessels from departing. now it was the side of the republic of geneva, so organized to say that is the destructive pro, brent. it's what pressuring is that country to remove it so that we understand there will now be an additional inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost. there will be in today of a few days. now this, the to this is tiring, $5500.00 tons of few months here and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela. and the daughter of jacob are already in trouble because is your try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous terry
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an age, the confidence that it will take place in rules that fails as long as it isn't any flexibility is a fair. and i just split through this is taking place 14 years off to the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break the fees deposit because intercepted by the ministry of service activists were killed. that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is a having to in your, in gaza. that this with today isn't just about breaking. the siege isn't just about delivering to monitoring 8 is advice. bringing more international attention to the whole on garza, i to force country to take action. i thought vague is central we're don't know why on right. she's spokesperson for the freedom for telecom relations. she's also a pharma us diplomats, are resigned over the us war on iraq in 2003. thank you very much indeed for being
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with us. i'm. what's your understanding of the latest situation with regard to the slip to the as well as we understand that the inspectors that were called essentially by his realtor, trying to get candy for us out to take the flag off of our flagship. this inspectors are still inspecting and we have been the ship is ready to go. it is past all of the inspections that turkey has. and this is definitely a political play on the part of israel to try to get, getting pushed out to take the flag off so that we will be delayed several days until we find another country that will open up the flag on this shift. and forgive me for my lack of understanding of this, but why is it so significant in terms of what flag the ship flies? well actually uh it doesn't really matter. we just need someone to flag the ship and we had chosen and getting the sale on it and never realizing the political
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pressure that israel would go ahead and put on getting the sale and properly if, if that doesn't work, whoever we'd find the next time israel will try it again, and if it's not israel, it will be the united states, my country, they'll provide a try to prevent the sailing of this flow till they're in a reporter as a bag. in his report, he was saying that when he was talking to people on the flood, that wasn't optimism. but eventually the fatality would be able to go that might delay might just take a few days. but i get the impression from what you're saying this to late could actually go on indefinitely, as long as israel keeps putting in objections, as well, the administrative a good. we are ready to sale. we are ready to go. we're keeping our fingers crossed that the inspectors for the country of guinea purcell that does have requirements on all ships, that it registers under its flag that indeed the inspectors will find nothing that would prevent us from leaving from having that flag. and we are very optimistic
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that we will be able to leave the, you know, the government of turkey as been the president of the country has been very, very critical of, of, of what's going on and gaza. and we certainly hope that the government of turkey will, will not stand in our way that, uh, you know, with millions and millions of people in turkey, you have raised a lot of money to help us with the ships that we have that are going over $200.00 international is already here. we have over a 100 international press. we have the ships are loaded, they're ready to go. and nothing really stands in our wakes up getting that flat done. and then port authorities letting us lease on you eventually do manage to go um, in the event that israel finds no more objections. when you get the age to guys or how do you intend to get it off the ship sent on to the mainland because that have course has been an issue in the past as well. indeed. i mean, it's a, it's
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a real challenge that you know, anybody taking a get shot at by the israeli. so this is a dangerous mission where, where there are no doubts about that, the garbage ship that we as has the mechanism that we could guess is the, this cargo unloaded. we have full confidence in it. and the main thing is that we, we are allowed to go that way as, as an arm civilian ship are allowed to go to take to manager and assistance, which shouldn't be coming in right now through drop. i mean, it's just outrages that the united states, my country has not put full pressure on israel to lead the, the huge amounts of food that could, could stop the starvation of these people and gaza. that we are going to go with the ship because they won't even let the truck say. and so we're going to try to go back ship and we can get to the cargo long. and we just hope to see is riley's don't kill us, like they get ahold of the, you know,
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all the other or to manage here in orders and journalists and you know, yeah, it's dangerous, no doubt. and right, we appreciate you talking to us and i'll just say i'm, i'm thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. stop the genocide stuff, the genocide, thank you. we're not, your nation says it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza as after guys as a civil defenders calls for an independent investigation into what happened to and also hospital in con eunice just as prison. salumi aust, the spokesman for the un secretary general about what comes next and what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would the you advise? i think it is important or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in
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a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's on clear this time there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit. parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean, there's definitely investigative traffic and with those very right there, there legislative bodies of this organizations that could create and call for an international investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved of israel's government's been advancing funds for the construction of illegal settlements and occupied east jerusalem since the beginning of the war on garza. the blinds of john criticism, both internationally and by palestinians who say they feel increasingly cornered honda sahu reports from occupied the susan since october, the 7th. israel's government has accelerated the approval of several legal
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settlement projects in occupied east jerusalem. the 1st approvals in more than a decade the housing ministry published plans for the construction of thousands of housing units in the palestinian neighborhoods. a bit slow, thoughtful, and suited best hit in the southern part of the city. what do you think thing to do with this neighborhood is to prevent is like to build on what we're seeing as the last it empty land that these villages having like, think about neighborhoods like to buy one of those eventually laptops and they don't have any places to expense in the same time. so we must remember, if i is not advancing palestinians, and what do you need to do with him? it's a bureaucratic process that can sometimes take up to 10 years for approval, with multiple ministries in the right wing government have given the go ahead
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during the war ongoing. so active is say the time between the settlements date of authorization and the public announcement was a relatively short something rights groups are calling on president it, it would be illegal. settlement projects advanced by the is really government will be right here in the palestinian town. a bit so far far, but it's rarely human rights organization say that building on these lands will harm potential territorial continuity between bethlehem and occupied east jerusalem . making the realization of a 2 state solution nearly impossible. palestinians here believe the land grabs, are just one of many attempts to push them out. they want to expel us. we want to uproot every single se, then from that. and of course, they want us to go out to leave the area to have no space for us to starting to put it the road. i don't,
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i'll have next. i would mix. and then to oblige the young people devised and other appears we have to live despite international criticism. israel's government continues to implement policies that violate international law and further deteriorate the livelihoods of palestinians. have the son who as ita, occupied east jerusalem. is there any such as stormed archaeological sites and you ought to novelists and the occupied westbank is really forces of rated the areas and preventing the palestinians from meeting their homes before the settlers arrived. this is the latest in a series of incursions into ancient science during the jewish holiday of possible there is ready forces have at least 3 palestinian children whom get arrested at the job zone. refugee camp, which is north of the, in the occupied west bank. the children ranging from ages 10 to 13 years old. what arrested need a school run by the u. n. these really military can be seen forcing the children to
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board military vehicles. is there any rights in the occupied westbank for being a near daily occurring since israel's warrant garza began last october for a family to a palestinian baby who was investigated from her dying mother's womb laughter, and is really air strikes has died. so, but you know, those judah was pulled out in july just moments after i attracted mother was killed . 3 is home was head fine is where the s drive comes off on saturday. she's not being budded next to another. is ready or strikes have hit the outskirts of several southern lovelies times on friday. more than a 150 is very shells were fired and the attacks strikes destroyed 3 homes of damage more than 35 others the of the times of ship bar. hoffer show by, on how to cause motor fighting between is ready for it isn't because of all the has escalated in recent days. it's time for the weather, here's efforts and how i some pots of china. now brace for yet more heavy rain, sundry down pools. as we go through the next couple of days,
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you can see the little plot systems pushing for oil on may you front, which will flick its way in this we go one through sas day, so i pockets of heavy rain. when you do get a sundry down pool, you might well see 304050 millimeters of frank coming down in next and no time you can see where the yellow is to show up fast they into sunday the app as most storms around a similar area. pushing right up into central and eastern parts of china at that stage where the weather will make its way across the fall south of south korea pushing into southern parts of the japan. but you can see how it links all the way back yet more heavy right coming into the southern areas of china. so we are looking at the flooding the problems here. we go through the next couple of days for the south where we have got a scattering assurance into the southern philippines as usual, showers that across so well. striving the a quite to still clinging on some rain there, which is not a pos of indonesia, a little bit of weather, still clinging onto the southern past all bus for lanka,
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really across india, it's really about the heat white temperatures into the forty's. for many, some west of weather, for the fall north west the stair to have done all the 0 why ukraine is struggling in recruiting new troops despite the load and use the military draft. a 100 supports and not just a city made a huge primarily titled stipend. peters going to have more is the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be take the increase of food across the country? how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote really unfairly ongoing coverage. the in the is and actions on out, is there
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a phone counseling the calls global ministry spending? as i said, all time high, one nation is racing to buy weapons. will western sciences impacts or runs ability to wage a war against israel? fuss, why actually is ancient city advantage is charging entry fees per day trip. it counts you. the cost on out of their indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, the 1st part of the original open across the nation. but not every one supports the idea. maybe i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an author, terry, and decisions on the 101 east with deals indonesia moving a mega city on out to 0. the the
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you want to go to 0 reminder about town. so is this are in paris, fine students have been occupying the main buildings of the seals, po, university, and selma directly with palestine. dozens of students of them wanting an end to israel's war in gaza. they've been challenging for funds to help stop what they call agend, assigned students, and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest the support of palestine. they're demanding that the university is financial ties with israel and the invest from companies base i enabled the war on . johnson says the process began more than 550 students have been arrested across the country. and an international aid organization says israel's deliberately preventing a shift, carrying agent international observers from reaching johnson a freedom such a coalition says israel has created what it calls an administrative role blocked to stop the vessel from leading the fortunately stumbled un experts of demanding it's
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safe passage supposing and the 2nd stage of india is 7 phase general election is underway and voters in 13 states and union town and trains are costing their ballots. and among them a southern states where the ruling b. j fee hopes to make inroads. indian government has failed to give business to all just need his correspondence to report the story that fort, we're covering the election from outside the country on consumption reports. despite the heat wave in several states, these voters are determined to exercise the democratic, right? 160000000 are eligible to vote in india, 2nd phase of election across coding states and union territories. it includes funds from holes of the governing policy attempt, the party of the b, j. b, in states like a some projects on lots of predation, which is produced and model sure, go sort of to unable him for you bought the how by, sir, in the last 10 years we've seen a lot of change. the government has alleviated economic distress, built better roads,
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and addressed issues like unemployment. since the beach i p is coming to power. we have not seen any hindu muslim conflict, a little uh, so in the states of cadillac and cannot call you to not governed by the b t p. head of the poles from this to maureen to move the health set through campaign fridays and left his govern. kevin is the only state for the b. b has never won a seat this year. it hopes to change that the election commission has issue notices to the b, g, b, and opposition congress for violating october rules off to complains by both parties from mr. green to moody who's speaking the 3rd. tim was accused of hate speech during the valley last week. jobs. the guy got parts off the only big goal of the bus business. what is it? no more. did you start a new finally getting rid of that? that what he's doing?
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no living. i duck on gone, goes by be in canada, gus tech city and capital bank. lulu golf, inside the congress will discuss the beat and traffic crick locks a major issues. the region is home to some housing society companies. the cities post praise quote is troubling to keep pace for development. seems to be an issue with young voters that i know we don't even think that this is something politicians can fix the test phase of phones will be held on may 7th, nearly a 1000000000 people will cost the balance in this election, which will end on june 1st and the results i expected a few days of to that the consumption of these on to see the. let me just remind you that we are coming back from outside the country because medium governments now granted visas to obviously it was journal as soon as you have it on site, he's
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a senior journalist on political on the list. he's joining us not from new delhi, so thank you very much indeed for being with us. and it appears to those of us looking at indian selections from the outside as though most people think that the b j b is going to be successful in this selection. why is it that the states of cattle and cannot, are so important to it? but it's important because the b j b has never done relative care law. and, and the neighboring terminal cannot because they do not. they have the government favors feed. cuz not because the only state themselves into if the b j, b has to come and even met costs for it stated name of getting 370 seats. they have to do well in states, especially in south endeavor. they've never done reading the sofa the science either to be just be in the all john favorites, that davis for short of the state today. if i do fall short of that day and how is
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that going to affect politics in india? what for one is but not give them hundreds of the box. so this and for the other, it could give a opposition some some both. they would be some of the death chairs and set some quarters that fits the budget. beach gets an actual projector. tickets across the board gets 3 or 370 or even 400, which they've spoken about. then they could go about and come to inflate birthday and agenda and political agenda. and so to some people i've even spoken express chairs that didn't change the very basic nature of the constitution. and that's the fair that is driving people out of a lot of parts for a lot of politicians and also a large number of a substantial section of the electric. now it's going to be an interesting few ways . job is, i'm sorry, we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for that image onto ukraine. now, what are these 2 people have been killed and several have been wounded by selling
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in that auction controls that you've done yet. the local mer, blame the ukranian military for the starting, but key phys yes to comment. russian officials also say that your training and strikes killed at least 7, all those in south asia. how you've caught on southern castle with often more than 2 years of war. ukraine is struggling to retreat new troops. it's recently passed a lot loading. and the conscription age from 27th, 25. but on tuesday it went further issuing new passport, rules for man abroad, john home and reports from cheese. the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military commander in the east. has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing forces out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports, a broad military aged man, because they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw cool level,
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wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is a will a wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effect to me, ukraine, impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible. my goal here is 6 am. yesterday we spent the noise, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally not to tell you this, the neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, this country could help how we talked about. we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service go home. mr. as a test,
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i think the many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's truth numbers. alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models that are with the put along with we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up, so that were able to find the width ends from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving and coming weeks ukraine still missing meant with the john home. and i'll just say to keep you cry, chinese president, changing things as he believes the us in china should be partners, not rivals. she emphasized finding common ground and destroying, told the secretary of state and to be blinking and beijing,
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the visits and attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. diplomatic tensions have risen in recent years. this fault, by a worsting military rivalry around the side of china, see new restrictions on us trade with china. americans actions are not st. holding back trying to develop. nor are we de coupling our economy sector, young and said during our recent visit, that would be disastrous for the global economy, including for the united states. we want chinese economy sort of the american businesses and investors here. several of whom i have the opportunity speak to in shanghai. but the way china grows matters, as i told by counterparts. that means fostering a healthy economic relationship where american workers and firms are treated equally and fairly well. victor guys joining us back from beijing, he's vice president of the center for china and globalization. he's also a former chinese foreign service officer factor to have you with us. again,
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we obviously don't want to talk to the trade element 1st of all and onto the bank. and there had been say, saying that china's trade was driven by over production and was for goods that were heavily sabbott side subsidized around the world. he said that that in turn pushed out local industries from countries around the globe. if there was to be some sort of level playing field between china and the rest of the world. is this an issue that china would be willing to address? i think the secretary of state spring touch is completely all 3 marks. i mean, a saying this, why, if he talks about of the revolution. yes, indeed. china is leaving the revolution in the world at last year about one 3rd of the calls that china produced. well, e cause i one of the way you talked about over capacity, there was no over capacity because as i mentioned in the production is only about one 3rd. the goal is to go up to 50 percent and eventually up to 100 percent fall
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china in the world. the production is even smaller as a percentage and need to go up much more. so now the, you not in the states is actually thinking, but traveler has of leads that lead to not walk you by you because produce the turnout. so they put the label all over production for try that. this is completely in accurate. it does not reflect the situation on the ground. as a matter of fact, if the united states automobile enough to wants to be sustainable, they need to make this lee called face from continuing with the field car to change into the revolution. because the is the cause of the future, whereas the fuel car is the cause of the past. therefore traveler will be complete the what are you happy to cooperate with the united states who can help in the united states to make that transition from the fuel call to the car. and both china
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and the united states will be with us rather than both sides of this revolution when he was speaking in remarks after they. ready the meeting with president changing things down to the bank and was acknowledging the level of influence that china has around the world in the middle east. but also, of course, um with russia as well. he referred to the fact that china was one of the top suppliers to russia. all i see describe it. do you use products, which is the machine tools and i'm having trying to put michael electronics and so on in the event of trying to foster a good relationship with not just the us, but the rest of the world. would it be in china's interest to re examine or whether or not it should be quite supplying? quite so much of that kind of material to russia. we are going to make several times one of these that china and russia are neighboring countries. we share of all the 4300 kilometers long right now. it isn't all on the folder, and this is
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a stabilizing facts to have full peace and stability on the ration constant as a whole. secondly, no country has a right to disrupt the normal relations between china and russia and try the rush. i do trade with each other on equal terms for me to benefit. now, if the united states has any real evidence of try those apply, what was to russia come up with the evidence? on the other hand, if you single out of the so called to do use goods, i remember when the job team was meeting with the visiting leader from the united states is the 1980s he said, you'll keep sending, wait to try the don't forget that we can be consumed by the p l. a. so just so you should label as it's as of do, you was good. know if you called do we use a missing and everything can be used for do use purposes. then you cannot use that to allegation to pools or try to allege, but try no sales weapon to russia. therefore,
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we need to separate the normal business relations between china and russia on the one hand and wholesale, so of what. but it was by trying not to russia, which is what happens. it is completely different from the u. s. sales of weapons, all supply of what brings up money to the ukraine. we saw frequently, the only rising to end the war you agree is their own peace and negotiation to achieve ceasefire, to bring the walter and, and as quickly as possible. so that more civilly is in ukraine, can be saved, that need the corporation between china and the united states. us keep selling what that supply weapon to ukraine in the home that ukraine can do. feed russia, you may never happen. russia has endless resources to keep on with the war, the ukraine, and it is time for ukraine and russia to come to the negotiations table to talk about peace rather than the continuation of. well, i think history will mock chatting on the rice side of history for calling for peace colonies. policies via and the united states probably will be on the wrong
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side of history because it keeps surprised with the $21.00 sides of the wall. the law, the to prolong the wall and to use to create as a proxy of someone else. victor, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just as i thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you very much for having me. thank you. bye. and so it had on all does it up? never on james, on the last agent angel, these lights are on the brink of a n b, a, playoff elimination dots on the wages. peter can support
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the services as far as his paycheck. so thank you very much. as expected, caleb williams has been picked 1st and this is the nfl dropped. he's heading to the chicago based on what was a record breaking difficult subjects. rather a my name, welcome to crowd, and his hometown is a ripple, 250000 fans packed down downtown detroit to this fix. really in 2024 at the chicago bears who said it was maybe written down for the 22 year old one. the procedures highs. moving so it seems 2022 awarded to college for teens based play. it is widely regarded as one of the most talented college football players because it is 22 prospect so, you know, yeah, i didn't know how i was going to react to pneumonia. i was trying to think through it in my head throughout the process. but nothing feels better than actually being in the moment. actually getting that call and you're not in so nervous. i didn't
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put any of that was i was, i was, i was anxious. i'm ready to go. i was just ready to get the call back and walk out the walk out there and stage and just finally be back on the team is, is honestly what i'm excited for. i go out there, i handle my job. that'd be a great teammate. first and foremost, i hand the business on and off the field and then and then and then i go to work. i enjoy, i enjoy what i do. i love what i do. i'm in there with my guys and my guys are seeing me this. they see how hard i work there guy, there to be and we go get it. your scouts say is how much does the guy but football, i'll commit it easy to football. williams is kind of what we call or right character . um usa, or maybe he showed up at the draft with the one of his fingernails page and silver to match his girlfriend's dress for whole ground for the draft is kind of like to see improper for most of these college these college players. and he's
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a very bright personality, so the question is, will he heck her down and, and play quarterback. he had the advantage of having a pretty good quarterback coaches had coaching, call a to see follow from oklahoma to usc during his college career. so i think he showing that he could actually make, make those plays. the question is, how quickly can you adjust to the nfl? the reason, say it's not the only cold is the best to make some big moves. jayden daniels was picked 2nd by the washington commanders. while drake may was been selected for the new england patriots. and they got a feeling of profit and select michael junior. well, the. 6 that is the 1st to say the least 6 quotes of x was selected in the $1212.00 for the 1st time in the nfl history. the advantage of falcons moved for michael panics. junior, was the most surprising. the franchise had already signed cook customers in the off
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season, which guarantees the veteran $100000000.00 of the back to back super bowl champion . the good. i've got that speed in each of the 1st place. he thinks we're all thing. so this plays the previous record for that was 7 . 1 of them was critical banking wide will see the executive where the he ran the fastest ever fall to your dash and the nfl combine, the kansas city chief snapped him up to speed a high profile of things. and for the 2 time defending super bowl champions off the phone, the rugby union stall, louis resend that, joins a rank struby. it'd be a no and full time champion, the brand james. and these los angeles lakers are on the brink of illumination from the playoffs. that's also the defending champions. denver nuggets fished out of 112105 game 3 when on thursday, the engine now leave that series, 3 nothing. no. and the a team is ever come back from that kind of a deficit in the playoffs. it will go to the school in $29.00 points. well,
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and they kind of y'all catch at a 20 full points of design. it's, i mean 11 straight winning for denver over the lake is elsewhere. it was a night to remember for joel and be with the camera and the important things that help themselves to 50 points. as the philadelphia 76 is the the new york mix 125114. that's a postseason korea best for indeed to confirm that he's suffering from a facial condition. include bounds policy, which is expected to make a full recovery. the next still leave the series to one. another team that has a hall, it's deficit is the orlando magic have been care of. so he said he one points here as well. and a 3 expertise and cavity is $121.00. 83, even leave the series to one. now this is the worst post season, the feet ever full. the cavity is a final manager on the slot says told that's media that he's club is negotiating
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a deal with livable that will see him join the enfield side slots has been with finals since 2021 is when the dutch league and companies time they have a full here, then truck is leaving at the end of the current season and slots has hensley, that he is indeed the front runner to replace the german. yeah, it, they cover all of a trial. we know that. yes. so i'm confident that things will work out because i think a very good offer is already being made. then the decision for the club will be whether to accept it on us, not as that is completely justified, of course. and on the other hand, i also think that there will be some gratitude on that part for the past 3 years. and a balance will have to be found in terms of transfer fee, even despite job. meanwhile level who have dropped a 3rd independent living standing special some interest the city haven't bryson full no fit 40 on his main or up to 2nd just one point behind also and with the game and and city also 18 games and beat them in the lead now, i'll to give them the broad as for the 1st, they have a headed to lead goals, fulford and added the price. the and all the results are sold. what is the 1st
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golden chain games, convincing victory, some quantity of lives, name. you know, we, the, we know we throw in the chance to fight them to the end. so of course, the pressures there. otherwise, we can not performing the door until 5 minutes left. and until next week i can say 1994 footfall will champion ro, mario, it sits make a sensational, come back at the age of 50. 8 romano is currently a senator and he's home country preserve. he's also the president of america football club that seem that plays in the 2nd division of the leo state system. for mario hopes to play a few minutes here in may and to feature alongside the sun aroma reading you. the rebels chief design, adrian new media sets and leave the for me to one team due to the control vesee surrounding the allegations against a team principle christian a whole. now the 65 year old is considered to be the architect behind rebels. extraordinary dominance in the schools in recent years. but these reportedly be non
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safe, a lot of situation involving wholeness, who was accused of inappropriate behavior by female employee. something he was late to kid or fun, internal investigation movie has been with rainbow for nearly 2 decades. the carolina hurricane sort of went away from the 2nd round of the n h l. playoffs. they dealt with the new york island is 32 in game 3. that gives carolina a 3 laughing series need a head of gainful in new york on saturday. print burns to me to own off and sebastian all her with the gold school. the hurricane. the houston astros and colorado rockies are getting ready for it to game regular season series, the mexico city. as far as bands, i have already arrived in the mexican capital and tickets all sold out for both games on saturday and sunday. majorly. baseball has already stage games outside the us and canada. this year. the season actually started with the la dodgers and san
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diego padres faced each other in. so i'm out to the 1st round at the xerox plastic in new orleans. this is actually a team events, and they're all full pays that shared lead at 11. and then when we mcelroy and train lowery on one of those guys, every cole had a hole in one on the full team full. what if he's 1st ace on the pga tour? and then what have brought things to a bit of a whole, but certainly not for 7 minutes as to if that's how long play will stop full, well play is waiting for an alligator to move out of the way. at the 17th t, it's likely that sort of thing doesn't happen on outset or not so far greater. thank you very much indeed. okay, so can you now would at least $45.00 people have died after severe flooding had parts of the capitol, nairobi, days of floods across the country have forced 5 thousands of people to flee their homes, entire neighborhood. so, so backs and many people are missing. president william wrote home housing emergency meeting on thursday to address the crisis rate is expected to fall until
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sunday. malcolm lab is one of the funded areas. the size is the canyon capital is in full settlements like this one. the west affected is often children who were smaller, unlike the most vulnerable to being swept away, can use red cross the dozens of people have been killed in torrential downpours across the border and neighboring tons. any other government says more than 150 of the people have been killed in across the whole region. hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from the homes. this is all since last month in a rainy season. knox bite to renfield down paws, which you attributed to the el nino effect of a pacific ocean climate cycle. it brings warm a c temperatures once every few years, causing heavier rains here in east africa, and in the whole of africa. now these photos of 80 season late last year and which around $300.00 people were killed across the region. following one of the round,
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in decades affecting somalia, ethiopia, and kenya, climate scientists say these extreme weather events are increasing because of climate change. in hearing can hear it, so we'll say west and because of rapid development and open areas both of informal sacraments like this and large commercial buildings without adequate drainage to cope with the torrential downpours malcolm web out to 0. i see we have a kenya, a neighboring tons of near flooding, caused by weeks of heavy rain is killed at least a 155 people. the brian miller associate has more than 200 fives and other people have been effective crops of homes and infrastructure destroyed. kinds of am is one of several countries across east africa. grappling vary in price of the nino weather pass and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget the website, i'll just get
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a dot com on robotics and stay with us. and i'll just sooner the the latest news as it breaks. another mouth x ray of yours more power city on voted over 3 of the, there i did is yours are largely last, you know, not a president and more with in depth for pools that scale. this summit was something they've never seen before from the house of the story, almost 500 me to come work is have been killed inside the gaza strip, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time. on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to 0. it's the same as a full for an upgrade, has changed a lot in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to one or 2 young women who have taken place that were to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand and talents. the idea is that move like use around the world. generation changed on our euro. 2020, full res, getting closer. great savings away. you subscribe now to the euro, early the adults to get up to 3 months, free subscription or free set, top full experience. the great is supposed to give a jump,
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the exclusive the offer you the palestinians on the down to 3 values spread outside the united states. students in australia, france, i'm the u. k. join the drawing coal for ties to because with israel added support the time about this and, and this is audra 0 live from don't have also coming up. the lady's head of the tele set to leave to key for guys driving sizes of tons of aid. a group of view and experts is calling for unimpeded access. dozens of people that data and files are being forced from their homes after heavy rains and floods inundate parts of the


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