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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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its own donates with confidence. the low on the pocket of this is the news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. student voice is grow out of protest against the war and gaza spread outside the united states to australia, friends and the u. k. an aide worker with the belgian development agency is killed in casa, speak, live to the head of the organization. he worked for the ladies who the particular set to leave, took a full garza carrying thousands of tons of aid. a group of you and experts is quoting for unimpeded access. have us
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a few of statements. china's president to punch up relations of aging, says washington, the suppressing is developed unimportant. caleb williams has been paid to the 1st and the nfl draft. the quarterback has 5th chicago bears on what was a regular basis breaking day in 22. the thanks for joining us. we begin this news with the voices of students across the world university process that were triggered by the war one guys. and that'll growing and a course of disenchantment. the governments in leadership across the globe we have reports is around the world and london, sydney and berlin. and we are live this now in new york, washington in paris for where we begin without serious natasha. but the natasha, we all say of course protests, but it was some counter protest, battery and powers. maybe just the
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what is happening here in the street outside sales for university, one of my agents who the person in here. and if you feel like i'm stepping out of the way, you might see how there comes to the importance of young people who are watching, sitting down in the street. somebody so say this one again because if you turn around here on the other side, police officers count to purchase the kind of surprises by a group who say they all hit who, who lisa sausages approve is really good things to try and separate these 2 groups for now, it is a call on the situation, but today is the one that i was going to end because the whole thing
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in the middle some of the students, the student demonstrates the assist you in talking to them. they won't say the 1st you saw or it seems to listen to the 3rd day you did inside power suspicious. did you see? oh, university, dozens of students demanding an into israel's when garza outside of is challenging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. the seals pool is famous and problems performing the countries and it's going to beat the students say it's essential for the university continues, is tradition of supporting, right?
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the only thing we owe the children they have is the universities like there is another reason universe. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research for the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide. the crew by the i c j and we want it starts with investigating and prep partnerships. the prototypes design late to student demonstrations is on wednesday, french mondays pay the $16.00 move. the student says was a 100 and symbolic there's a real google not only and seems to be very wide in for in french flight. there was a startling process. 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus. during the wednesday,
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the provision to pick is out of the company. this is the next assignment. assignments, the must be broken, say the students palestinian royce and to be heard especially popular. i'll just sarah purse. okay, let's get you to the other side of the atlantic level if this began and she ever times you standing by the us capital washington dcs of washington university that and she, i bought the scene like where you of the it's friday morning here at george washington. university, this is lynn calvins that encompasses students from universities and colleges around the region. baltimore, maryland, virginia. i'm dc. there's a 10 smug because drops throughout the audi. how's the morning? the room is with the police are coming in to clear the account, but then we've just had this statement from the authorities. harold university, very wholesale statements. any individuals or roommate on university yards are
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trespassing on private property. we will pursue disciplinary actions again, so dw students involved and these are an authorized demonstrations and so on, sir. very hostile select. so the element of rep fritz. yeah about tearing it up with one of the members of faculty here. george washington university. professor russell, the coffee white wire party, so hostile to these demonstrations off campus. and so basically about free speech, so expressive, especially for young mind. yeah. they, they are to be that. um, i'm a professor and few studies and we've had some pretty amazing conversations about different ways to respond to harmon and just this. and, you know, i think of many of these students are experiencing harm and particularly the harm of the other students in gaza and other people in gaza. and they're trying to, to find a way to, you know, effectively respond to that through act about violence. and i said, why don't the university of marcus see that, why they last, you know, like, well,
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i think there is and there's concern about, you know, their role at the university and i think they feel pressure from different, different angles. and what's wrong with the students? well i, i'm not sure, but i think when you get into the position of administration and you have a lot of different voice series and pressures that are coming at you, and i think it's typically about as wrote. do you think as opposed to other other double searches the well, i think there is an element here where there is, you know, a lot of anger about the situation coming from multiple directions. and when the anger and fear dr. responses it gets in the way of creating a space for dialogue and the you referring to that you're referring to the,
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the management of doors and universities. anger at the of the students are questing that links to as well. um, so it'd be donors who, you know, who do contribute a great deal to the university. is that really what's driving ganga, listing from g w a particular? i think there's, it's, it's an element that sends a lot of people, whether you're protesting or your administration or your government, there's anger, there's fear, there's trauma. and that gets in the way of thinking of critical thinking, which the university has an opportunity i think, to kind of break through. and i think the students here by using the active non violence or trying to create that dynamic. i would hope that our administration sees that opportunity and kind of ships away from the community to kind of attribute of approach and more to what would be a restore to other folks that really acknowledges particularly of our students and all these people involved. and particularly those and guys suffering incredible and
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we have the responsibility to make all that we can to stop getting way too long. so let's look out here. thank you so much for talking to us. that's a good one. number of the faculty here, but as far as the management adult to the university here, these are just trespasses. we need to try it out. we'll see what of a live up to that promise. and the color goes, or i see how many thanks to you, and indeed your guest as well as you have potentially the george washington university with us capital. let's like you know, to new york and christian sleeping, who's outside columbia university. the other is, of course, where all of these protests began. kristin, so the deadline to dismantle the camp and then the protested columbia and do the midnight friday. but what's the latest? the the that's right, the gaza solidarity enchantment on the campus behind me. behind the gates behind me
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is continuing for its 10th day. after that deadline passed the president of the university. my new shot, the announcing that progress was being made with negotiations. so they did not want to escalate the situation and try to remove the students apparently. but still very much a lot of passionate debate going on here at the columbia university campus. as i arrived this morning there was a pro israel. c counter demonstration outside of the gates, where people waving israel, the flags, and down the street. i'm actually hearing from some of those demonstrators going back and forth with a pro palestinian demonstrators. another jewish group that is here in support of the pro palestine in cabinets. so very much more of the same 10 days later, still a lot of intensity around this issue. and today we do expect universities hesitant
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to face a censure resolution from the student center. the student senate consists of faculty, administered casualty and students as well as staff at the university, and they're expected to vote on a resolution critical of her. and the way she testified in washington dc before a congressional committee and the way police were brought in on campus, very much a lot of negotiations and the base between the administration and protesters and between the 2 different sides of protesters that we're seeing here today. and kristen, we know that of course columbia and also another important university, new york, n y. you have been involved in these protests, all the schools planning to join the slightest movement though that it's really amazing. in fact, uh, not only across the country have other schools,
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follow the example in columbia university and continue to put here in new york city as well. there's now at least 4 college campuses that have in cabinets or demonstrations of some sort. there's n y, u and columbia, as you mentioned now, the fashion institute of technology, downtown manhattan, saw us a large group of students, storm one of their main buildings and set up an account with they are. that is ongoing this morning at the city university of new york as well, very different school to columbia. columbia is considered an a lead ivy lead institution with a lot of history. the city university, a lot of 1st time families, students, university families, people who. 9 a the 1st ones in their family to ever get a college education go to the school. it's called the harvard of the common people
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. that's what it's been referred to in the past. and that there's a lot of sympathy there are among those students for the palestinian cause, and they have set up an encampment as well, even though it is technically their spring break at that college. so definitely seeing the movement continued as i said, but also some counter protests winding up as well. right? absolutely. you know, side of the basic, the, a new yorker christian sleeping many things. so we update all their whole saving protests at university college london. so when i get i got, it has disappeared from the british capital. the that has been undertaken by the coding for the university college london who know, just to arrange other options, but also occupations as well. they recently also has a 30 full day occupation and one of the buildings as well. but with this particular demonstration, they all cooling a full e. c o 2,
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we think it's research collaboration, drones, companies such as a, b, a, e and the last page. this is part of the loan, the since since about, sorry, but we've been, we've been holding raleigh's world house teach ends and to try and hold yourself to account. so i can push the n as i've satisfied the game, garza and most recently. and they say they read how to search for day long occupation of a lot, just as of right in the hot compass and for 2 major reasons. the 1st being to hold you sale to account. and secondly, to educate about the policy and struggle on on to so select the size the student body course as part of a growing movement of student bodies facing action for dispos made due to a part of the main protests that had been taking place in london. usually at the weekends as well, and they say that it is part of a learning process to,
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to allow people to understand this conflict. more and watch resides with the cost of it when they got jagow out of the mail. meanwhile, overall strategy, a student slander protest bonds to the university of sydney for alex thompson. so the support making the voices, students little strategies, oldest university, holding on it to cut ties with these rail. inspired by the campus protests in the united states. to come up against the national guard in some cases that has really inspired and i think, you know, brought a flame of inspiration and radicalism here in australia as well. we have seen no change and no ties caught from our government, no divestment from our university. so i think we really have to escalate this
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campaign. these tents does the, those flags and banners been draped across the university's loans. since tuesday, university officials are tolerating the camp for now, but of sense organized as a list of rules. they're all dozens of 10 say, and all those that represents only a fraction of they need a 70000. the study at this university organizers say they have plenty of pools and that have told me to stay here for as long as they can. so fall city university is nothing gauging with students about its connections to israel. in a statement to al jazeera, the university said we remain open to ending coverage links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on ost, off engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, that isn't enough for one student who would only give us a 1st name and is closer to the most part personal to me. i mean, i'm
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a palestinian, i was born in palestine and my family lives in palestine. i it, it's my land, it's my people, it's my country. the university has a responsibility as they did for south africa, they divested from apartheid that they need to divest from the past side and genocide with israel. friday's march wasn't sanctioned. and although it was too small to pull, is much disruption. students remain determined to get the message across amex thomas elder, 0. sidney was known just students to be getting involved. protest has come to inside. germany's pa them into being told by police. they need to leave demonstrate to the show support palestine of setup and dozens of 10 south side the bonus tag. please say the group has been repeating the violation restrictions put on the camp, which has been there for nearly 3 weeks now. we and peacock sent this update from bell in on the police that stand there about an hour ago that savage having
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problems i've been told to leave and come pick up the past 2 weeks. i need to need about 4 to tens people protested against one published on saying by time to book jeremy themselves. but the thing to pull the germans both of israel. what's happened now is there's another place that's across the road. these people have been told by police, i need to leave the angry about a police station. denver come the police a thing i pass the kabc flats even though it says any signs of moving william pico algebra fell in. the belgian summons yesterday on bassett are off to an aid work and his child was killed by his ready forces in rough up abdullah no bond on his 7 year old son were killed in a house sheltering to space people. he worked for belgium's development agency. the foreign minister said the king was unacceptable and is demanding an explanation. within 208 workers have been killed by israel since the war on gaza began. well,
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joining me now from brussels is shown from vanessa. is the managing director of the belgium development agency, unable thank you very much for your time. so we more do we know about the circumstances in which i've done it in the band and his 7 year old son were killed was beautiful. thank you very much. so inviting me on this program. so could we get that out in any some way? cute says the morning is not from wednesday or thursday. there is an id of time on the house in the hospital city. the house was a heavy around $25.00 people at the time and what we know 7 people died including a creek and the son, his wife was seriously injured. um the father was killed, his brother, and these were also killed. and the social having 2 other young children, what enjoyed for student life, just just to be clear about this,
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how did you had any contact with the radio authorities before his death and have you subsequently heard from them now? and so we will be looking in the info start so many years as a government agency will always be have contact with the or to receive them on both sides. we have enough. it seems that when we walk into west buying and we walk in gather and you know that we are in contact with the zip code yet. um, so we have a long presence in, in guess uh we have to 22 steps being does that include the free intermission as you pull this code? uh, 2 months ago, all of these as being completed, these quotes um in the, um, the s 5, but the bumping from the prompts. uh, so if he's configured, use a few and we complaints or review the time to watch do is that people to receive on, on the funding and no, each one of our creeks that's uh was killed um 2 days ago from,
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i mean still francis and my me still for international corporation. mets we've the, he said, i don't bustle though. he's in brussels yesterday to ask for full explanation which we received a piece of and confirmed that it was indeed and tried the draft for the last or 4. could you get? so yes, we can do for you in contact if the incident equal to be. okay, so this certainly as far as he's a, have accepted that this is a mistake and have apologize. did they give any more details as to how i understood why this could happen? i did these between the, from the ease of id on both of those and brussels mentioning of the meeting with him. he's still a friend of finance and indicating the chest that the, sorry for the loss of our creeks. what dimension of these, that's some of the pilots ago, for sure, was the apartment leading to host uh at the time of the, of the findings. we don't know if you scroll north, we don't know if you see or, or, or the details of what to become them. i mean, as it is,
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they're not going to vision. working for international development in my field was a 4 megabyte. tony, i'm a local, i'm very attentive to international united, so you know, and what i see, it says cvn and his son being killed and whatever. if it was me to tell you target all not these to many cdm, darcy goes uh and leave shocking to see that because the news. so let me so we all are so sorry, let me, let me, let me clarify. so in your opinion, you regard this as a potential breach of international let me see the uh, tubes. um yeah, it should bleach. i think of course, you know, the warranty, say that it has to be investigated. but what we see, you know, okay, it is clearly a charge that was killed of 2 of you if the child is, if you have enough to, to release and follow up with you, you somebody to look for for us because so we know him very well it was, it is
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a different kind of successful. and so what program, which is it kind of came composition program funded by european commission in um, so anybody's funded by both the government of belgium but also the work in commission. um uh he bought to see paid to to the cops up because he's also somebody working and i'm trying to do, she writes and 15, but it would not be possible to do so what we see the cvd. i'm a professional not being killed in an attack. yes i, i, we've become them. this is quite to strongly jones. i'm back so thank you for joining us. thank you very much. i, it's saying and guys are in a permit to a policy in the infants who was rescued from head dying mother's womb. often this ray, the strike has died. all teams reports is on the newborn sabrin rouge would. um, she was pulled out a live moment soft to have pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by this right. strike on rafa on saturday. okay,
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well let's go to raw for now and guys are where 51 people have been killed in the past 24 hours target because the room is that for his entire act, bring us up to speed with these latest attacks. yes. when fact, within the past couple of hours that use very minute to have targeted and hit several areas in the gaza strip. now one of the latest hot talk, it says a residential house and it is mostly rocked refugee camp. we're at least one palestinian has been killed with him for of casualties being reported. the dues being going that have been now receiving medical treatments and locks the hospital . but yet the abutment according to eye witnesses that we have been contacting them within the past couple of hours. they have been reporting and confirming the fact that the majority of. busy a great and alongside with as to why the town has been widely targeted that residential house was hit and it's a white neighborhood for one palestinian as will have been,
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has been killed along side that on a record trolanda in a bridge refuge account was massively hits while he in russell as be happy hearing loud explosions and the eastern part of the city due to the isabel artillery, bombardments in that area. and ongoing, ongoing hovering of the is very surveillance of drones in the western side of roughly a district. now this kind of military activities and miniature intelligence gathering keeps going on the ground here in rough off district. and every single day, specifically that we have been recruiting, please direct tax at night where there was the vast majority of families that being targeted work completely civilians as these casualties amongst the children of women, west completely high and unprecedented. while these set tax continued the situation in hospitalization, roof ourselves to be critical as they are a barely functional, as they are trying to provide medical treatment for the wounded people who are arriving to the hospital as on a daily basis. target was
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a lie for us that in rough assign q and international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching goes up. the freedom for tele coalition says israel has created a quote administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the ports and they stumble the ship without getting through further inspections. delaying is fine friday to punch in your next best, so demanding at safe passage on unimpeded access to gaza. us, i bank has more membership and assemble the international freedoms. the to the us, it's been called is that he's defense sales. the paperwork has been submitted here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organize the say, the is the front to prevent this rest of the accident if like ship these vessels from departing. now it was the side of the republic of geneva, so organized to say that is the destructive pro brent it's blood pressure and use that country to remove it so that we understand there will now be an additional
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inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost there will be in today of a few days. now this the to, this is tiring. $5500.00 tons of few months here and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela. and the daughter of jacob are already in trouble because it's there, try and break that fees and deliver this to monetary an age. the confidence that it will take place, it will fail as long as it isn't any flexibility to fair. and i just split it up. it's taking place 14 years off to the last one left front of the to that was also trying to break the fee. deposit because, intercepted by the ministry of service activists were killed, that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is a having to in your, in gaza that this, the, to the, isn't just about breaking the feed isn't just about delivering to monitoring 8 is advice bringing more international attention to the whole on garza,
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i to force country to take action. i thought vague the central so the head to allowed to 0. ukraine issues restrictions on possible. it's a military age man, a board to address a shortage of troops on the front line. the bron james and the los angeles lakers saw on the brink of n b, a, playoff elimination details coming up in sports. the . the color wake up, some very lively showers in the full costs for the river plate. so you can see that from the heads just gathering across the se, opposite will rolling down across the uruguay. pushing towards ne and pulse of origin. tina for the remainder of friday,
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temperatures pick back to around to 19 celsius here the to try a little further north, but the usual shots across central west in palm. so for sale, pushing up towards the west side of the amazon basin and to the north. there are still some live the showers just around the southern parts of central america. change shows still rumbling away fund. read down. polls still live across hispaniola because they live in localized studies. be pretty wet here over the past few days. it's thing pretty westside with the next few days as well. so we're going to sac, they can see a very similar look to the weather here. eastern audits on the other hand, looking fine and dry. lovely sunshine coming into barbados. right, the way down into trinidad and tobago. fabric dropped sunshine to just around the east side of the us. but the stones are gathering across the great plains. they will continue to make my wife by the east was be tempted to trying to come for chicago. and for denver as we go 135, i in so fast i is that what with the which is right across the great lakes of
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the, one of the biggest collections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase of food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote sweetie and fairly ongoing coverage, but in the selections on out, is there a phone call gene, the calls global ministry spending. as i said, all time high, one nation is racing to buy weapons will western side issues in impacts or wrongs ability to wage war against israel. fuss, why it's means ancient city advantage is charging entry fees per day. trippers counts you. the cost on out of their indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, this is for the original open across the nation. but not everyone supports the idea
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. maybe i could pass along with them when we have, we see this as and also are terry and the search was on the 101 east with deals indonesia moving a mega city on out to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the plug it back here without just area is, are mindful. top stories this our belgium as someone's the strategy and best of the offer, an aide worker. and his 7 year old child were killed by his ready forces and rough abdullah. nobody works for both in this development agency. and international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing it ship carrying aid and observe is from reaching garza, the freedom floats in a coalition and says it's where the officials have created an administrative role
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to solve the vessel from leaving east. i'm full time protests against the war in guys i have spread across the world from students in campuses, in the us to solar dieting values and costs of your people have been expressing. and i guess the government's for that support. well that's look into that to in much more detail now with lincoln mitchell. he is a professor at columbia university's political science department and the school of international affairs and public affairs. he joins us from new york, a very warm welcome to you. can i start by asking you, of course, university campuses, historically bringing home beds of political protests and on rest equal to civil rights movements? you go to vietnam demonstrations to name a few, but where would you place what we're seeing now? well, there's 2 things i would highlight here by the website for help me on. this is such a fascinating topic in an important 1. 1 of these, or the biggest demonstrations in
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a very long time. now i've been affiliated with columbia university since 1990, so sports or i'm quite old. and these are the biggest i've seen at columbia. and the biggest i've seen kind of nationally as to k as a national campus wide movement on really since we are talking a part time moving to the mid to late eighties at various university campuses. so that's one thing. so these are very nice because the vietnam era ones, but they're very significant. and the 2nd is that like in the vietnam era, although differently they really divide the campus is particularly campuses like mine and also in other parts of the united states. there's no consensus here in the united states on this issue and on this or so on my campus, which is in new york city. there are a very quick number of, for example, muslim in a, in arab students who are probably against this war. one of several old ties between the university and israel, and also many onto kind of left wing of american politics. but there also are
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a columbia as campus centers, students, and also a lot of jewish this. we don't feel that way in the rest of america house when he gets more conservative areas. it's important for your listeners to understand that in the united states of america, from his real sentiment is a predominantly christian idea. so if you want to use the word sign is the words that has been i think this used a lot in recent months, right. americans begin to start over willingly christian. so as you get to the parts of the country like texas or oklahoma, you know, weird which are mostly white christian people, there's very strong support for as well. right. so these are, this is the id campuses in a way that like to get a 5 part time moving. so if compass is a divided, presumably the faculty is, i wonder, way you, since with all of this, i mean, once you think of your university's handling of these demonstrations, surely there are less than some history there. well, that's an easy question to answer the universities and i'll speak about mind specifically handle this verity portland for bringing in the police as we did. it's
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not all right, but as the president of my university, having the snipers on the reuben ohio state university, which is a massive university in columbus, ohio, arresting students in places like m, read the university of texas and often also major state the research university is a terrible mistake. it's 1st of all, most of the students, while they are saying things and not every student is doing a like, are not actively hurting students. some are summer hurting students. summer threatened to kill students specifically do is get those students. that's a simple solution. you personally, you've spelled, but the rest of them are relatively peaceful and they should just be allowed to exercise this right to print test. and when to track down on them, early or doing is reading the printer. so it is both and might be actively wrong. and switch equally stupid, whether it is the presence of a private university. whether it is a governor, a working with the leadership of a state university, the crackdown has been a disaster. and it really is
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a cracked on free speech. students and other americans and faculty have a right to have a range of views on this floor and what the solution is and what american role is you should be doing the birth of the policy with something specifically on expectations around us policy. no secret. this is of course, a huge presidential election. yeah. the united states to these period of this period of student discontent, say about the level of confidence and trust, not only in the universities, but in the political elite there the are well, you know, i think the students, if it gets a complicated issue, because there has been a tremendous solidarity between students and faculty. so i'm not, i suspect if you went into our college campus and you said, what do you think the faculty at your university and this is what other useful range of students with a range of opinions. you probably get a pretty positive feeling. you asked about the university administration and most of the schools and including my own would be very negative. now we're in the middle
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of a period where there was not a lot of confidence in our political leaders. now students in particular because not surprisingly, they tend to be quite young. are looking at these man. one of homes is 81 years old or 82 years old and the other will be $82.00. and the other is even seems even older and more of it. so it's this really older out of touch of generation. and what a lot of students have been very shortly qualified is handling of this more and i've been critical of tons of that as well. it is important to know the truck would be much worse. so if you want to accelerate the killing of civilians and gaza, something i do not want to do, but if that is your goal, then what you do is you make trump presidents. and that's the level facing the active as left is that as a brand, we are inviting anybody who knows anything knows the trunk would be much worse for for the the i think the suffering civilities of god that were really just starting what was happening. their truck would make it worse. professor lincoln mitchell,
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reading really interesting to hear your thoughts. many thanks for joining us. fascinating or talking to you and my part. okay, let's take you to ukraine. now we're at least 2 people were killed and several wounded by shedding and the rushing control city of done the ask, the local man blamed the ukrainian military for the strike. the t if is you have to comment. russian officials also say you can't in strikes, killed at least 7 others is up or easier, correct. cuba and southern across all will often more than 2 years of war. ukraine is struggling to the crew. new troops is recently possible. lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25, but on tuesday went even further measuring new possible rules for man abroad. it's on home and official from key if or ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military commander in the east. has said that in some sections of the front line,
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brushing forces out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new posts, bullets abroad to military aged man because they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw qu level, wrote in his statement how it looks like now a man of conscription, age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way, a country's a will. on wednesday, the oldest seemed to go into instant effects and the cranium possible office in will. so there were tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland. to go to pick up my possible go here at 6 am. yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went to board, how can i be a draft don't j?
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if i went to broad legally not to tell you the whole and neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help help me talk. but we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service go home. mr. as a test, i think the many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models the put along with we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find that the width is from a $61000000000.00. a package from the united states now said in the beginning,
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arriving incoming weights. ukraine still missing meant with the gentleman out to say, to keep you cry, prosecutors in guatemala, her right, in the offices of safe, the children of complaints about the possible violation of migrant children's rights. they say the rage was to search for documents that might support accusations of child trafficking involving the charity safe. the children says it has no evidence of that being any truth. these allegations are the largest f, a joint military exercises between the philippines of united states, a kind of the underway of the disputants, south china sea. the annual drills run into may the 10th and involve hold and 16000 ministry personnel along with more than 250 french and australian forces. china is one countries against operations in the area. yes, actually of states anthony blinking has ended his 3 day visit to china. p in president gigi paying say that keen to find common ground. but during long meetings
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on friday, both sides with clear about what they disagree on. katrina, you said some paging us secretary of state anthony blinking set the goal of his 3 day trip to china with simple return to china this week. take stock of where we made progress and where more needs to be done so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. but the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often failed to keep it's would say one thing and do another 2 countries that should be putting this not rivals, both countries that shows the common ground. well, reserving differences instead of vicious competition to those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between lincoln and china is for administer earlier on friday when you want increasing negative factors. jordan to trigger
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a downward spiral and ties. china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonable, a suppressed an our core interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions, design to limit china, access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment. and not that competition was also raised. tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any move that could be seen as us support. so the islands independence and said the but in administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground. so the 2 superpowers blink and race ton, his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea, cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us, china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, build
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a war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatened is not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with the europe too. but there was some areas with the true side degree to deep incorporation, including instead being the tide of power for drugs, pension to the us in our special intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major breakthroughs, but enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc. katrina, you to 0 to british man accused of spying for china being grunted bail after appearing at the court in central london full upon commentary. research of christopher cache and his co accused, christopher berry appeared briefly at westminster, magistrates court, charged with breaching the officials. because act fine, providing information that could be useful to an enemy. a preliminary hearing will be held at the central criminal court of england and wales on may the 10th so it
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had them out as their primary home that point. and let's communities in brazil to mind reforms so they can have a permanent home support much as the city making a huge premier leave types of statements. fire fire support. the, the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination,
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and due by the business, latest expenses by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the go. so get it can, you know where at least $45.00 people have died off to severe flooding had parts of the capital nairobi, days of floods across the country, of force, thousands of people to flee that homes. and time neighborhoods,
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the supposed to many people are missing. president william russo held an emergency meeting on thursday to address the crisis rains expected until sunday of the neighboring times. and the flooding cools by weeks of heavy rain is code. at least a 155 people, the 5 minutes to assess more than 200000. now those to be in effect said with crops homes on roads destroyed tons of the as one of several countries across east africa . dealing with the impact of the el nino, whether possible. okay, it's the type of support now as far names. thank you so much. as expected, keller williams has picked 1st in this year's nfl draft. he's heading to the chicago bears on what was the record freaking day for quarterbacks, rapper. eminem. welcome to proud in his hometown is a record. $250000.00 fans packed out downtown detroit. the spectacle in 2024 to chicago bare so
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it was never in doubt for the 22 year old who won the prestigious heisman trophy in 2022, awarded to college football. the best player is widely regarded as when most talented college football players for years we were the 22. yeah, i didn't know how i was going to react pneumonia. i was trying to think through it in my head throughout the process. uh, but nothing feels better than actually being in the moment actually getting that call. so you're not in so nervous setting for any of that. i was, i was, i was, i was anxious and ready to go. i was just ready to get the call. so i can walk out there, walk up there on stage, and just finally be back on the team is, is honestly what i'm excited for. i go out there, i handle my job. that'd be a great teammate. first and foremost, i handle business on and off the field and then and then and then i go to work. i enjoy, i enjoy what i do. i love what i do. i'm in there with my guys and my guys are seeing me this. they see how hard i work there guy,
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there to be. and we go did it. what you're here scouts say is how much does the guy above football, how big it is he to football williams is kind of what we call a bright character. um, you saw a baby he showed up at the draft with the one of his fingernails page and silver to match his girlfriend's dress for whole ground for the draft is kind of like to see improper for most of these college these college players. and he's a very bright personality, so the question is, will he heck her down and, and play quarterback. he had the advantage of having a pretty good quarterback coaches had coaching call a to see follow from oklahoma to us see during his college career. so i think he showing that he could actually make, make those plays. the question is, how quickly can you adjust to the nfl or williams is not the only quarterback to make some a big news. jaden daniels was picked 2nd by the washington commanders. while drake may was then selected by the new england patriots,
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everybody's taking josh allen and they got a big deal in a profit and select michael junior. well, there. 6 that is the 1st to say the least 6 quarterbacks were selected in the top 12 for the 1st time in the nfl history. the atlanta falcons, new for michael. how next junior was most of causing franchise had already signed correct cousins in the off season, which guarantees the veterans $100000000.00 to go to atlanta. federal rocca has been appointed the new president of the spanish football federation, despite thing under investigation for corruption, the 70 year old has held the position and then in terms capacity since taking over from luis ruby alice, he was banned from p for, for 3 years. for his unsolicited case of jenny her most. oh, during the celebrations of spain's woke up victory. rocca was indicted on april. the 12th for corruption case that effects
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a large part of the spanish football federation, including ruby. alas, they both denied any wrong doing. spain is co hosting the world caps in 2030 for our nerd manager, ernie slot has a told dodge media that his club is negotiating a deal with liber pool that we'll see him join the anfield side slot has been with finding the words since 2021, and he has won the dutch league and an cub in his time there we propose your going cloth is leaving at the end of the current season and slot has hinted he's indeed the front runner to replace the german. yeah, it did take care of all of the yes. so i'm confident that things work out because i think a very good offer is already being made. then the decision for the club will be whether to accept it on us. not as that is completely justified, of course. and on the other hand, i also think that there will be some gratitude on that part for the past 3 years. and a balance will have to be found in terms of transfer fee. meanwhile, liverpool have dropped to 3rd and primarily expanding sides after manchester city
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hammer. right. and for no pep, cordial is meant are up to 2nd just one point behind our so and with a game and hand city are also 18 games on being in the league. now. after canada bring us forward, his 1st ever had it legal cellphone and added a brace. julian alvarez also scored what is his 1st school in 10 league games, convincing victory for quality of life. we know that we the, we know we throw will not be chance to fight until the end. so of course, the pressures there. otherwise, we cannot performing the due until 5 minutes left. and until next monday, i can see the funding champion arena settled. lancaster arrived the real scared to reach the 3rd round of madrid open. well, number 2 needed $0.03 to ever overcome colin's magdalena. after winning the 1st set, lynette forced a deciding 3rd fetch, where the reigning australian opened champ eclipse victory after 2 hours and 12 minutes sat. blanca is on
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a record time 3 titles. image of a world number for lena ruby, tina has also reached the 3rd round madrid. the cows like star beat the chair, runs eddie of a lee and straight fence. be 2020 to wimbledon champion, has already won 3 w a 500 titles this year. to the m b now and for time champion. le bron james and his lakers are on the brink of elimination from the playoffs attempt to the 20 champions. denver not getting fish out 812-2105 game 3 went on thursday. denver now leave the series spring. nothing. no. and the a team has ever come back from that kind of deficit and the playoffs. aaron gordon scoring 29 points while nichol i yoke it added 24 amazon. it's an 11th street. when for denver over the lakers. nice. you take is one of them at a time at this point. you know, you lose, you go home. so speaking to come up with a mindset let's, let's get one 4th again 5 and then we'll go from there. so as long as you still
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have life to your exam, please just think the points of the wheels fall off. and that's was always about for me as a mindset. and i know it's not next to me. feel the same way to all the houston astros and colorado. rockies are getting ready for it to game regular season and series in mexico city. as for fans of already ride in the mexican capital and tickets are sold out for both games on saturday and sunday. major league baseball has already stage games outside the us and canada. this year, the season actually started when the la dodgers and san diego padres faced each other. and so now, so the 1st round up, is there a classic in new orleans? this is actually a team event and there are 4 pairs that share the lead at 11 under rory mcelroy and shane larry are one of those deals. eric who hit a hole in one on the 14th for what is his 1st face on the pga tour. and that would have brought things to a bit of a house, but certainly not for 7 minutes as how long plays stopped for while players waiting started, alligator to move, adams the weight of the skies
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t. he's scary stuff there that is all use for, for now. back to, you know, making a snappy exit. thank you for. that's a good presume now and go over a long expected land reform. so seen a wave of protests activists from the landless workers movement site president knew that the silver has not done enough. the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of siding with the test as what i can get to care of has the story. thousands marching across priscilla demanding land reforms, the protest mark the 40th anniversary of the longest standing peasants movement in latin, america's largest country. since the beginning of april, members of the land, this workers movement where the m s. t have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states. establishing camps like this one, engine buckle global view and massaged. we are doing our duty pressuring the government to enforce our rights, preserves democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it,
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so they can grow food and not go hungry. this land 300 kilometers away from the city, a free addition, narrow used to be a sugar cane plantation. now the old church serves as the community kitchen and he says, i can, you know me that's associated, you know, where to go. after family was evicted, she hopes to build her new home. here the government has responded by announcing it would invest over $100000000.00 to settle $73000.00 families by the end of the year . but activists from the land list workers movement say it's not enough. any quality remains of pressing issue in brazil, nearly half of the country's arable land is controlled by just one percent of agricultural, told these and the farm lobby wheel, significant power in congress. its representatives have a choose the left us government of siding, but squatters and a half proposed to bill allowing the police to expel them without
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a traditional warrant. we believe in property rights. and therefore, we understand that the laws in brazil should be strengthened in a way to um, you know, not allow this kind of movements through happen. people like they need us to box onto the brazil has enough wealth to accommodate both the haves and the have nots. like herself, she spent 3 years in a camp similar to the one she's now helping build before settling into her career at home. today, cheer and so living by selling organic fruits and vegetables at the local market. monica and give all jw a 0 compass that was great. that causes brazil. okay, that's it for me in the fall code for this news out, but i'll be back in a moment with much more the days do use, including all the developments and the growing protest movement in the united states. and indeed, europe to become a website that was a 0. don't com,
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the these are the mythologies or dramas. they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really ministry presidents. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street club carts, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and towards for is the cities often defies the fictional suite. use of the law on the street right now look, it's easy to move around the law because the difference in this warren goal is to change the situation. and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the
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heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gaza has been at the forefront a progressive change. the locked in america, the same as slides remain high, active violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to one to 2 young women who have taken place in route to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand, i'm telling you ideas that may apply use around the world. generation change on ologist era. devastation bundle dish is usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world. displacement. if you look at the custody, it's unbelievable desperation, then living on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and
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have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. the student voice is grow loud protests against the war in gauze and spread outside the united states to australia, from the u. k. the, on the bulk of this is al jazeera life. some dough also coming up and i work with the belgian development agency is being killed by industry. the strike in casa delays. it's a for the taylor sense and leave took a for gaza carrying thousands of tons of a group of view. and experts is cooling for an pd,


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