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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the the come on several venue. good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program. this our american universities rocks by protests against israel's war on gaza. they've also triggered demonstrations beyond the united states spending from the u. k. and australia. i'm present salumi at columbia university where students, demonstrators have refused the administration's latest offer to try to get them to
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leave the campus and aid worker with the belgian development agencies has been killed by it is really your strike in gaza and the sanitation and water crisis on the streets of gaza, we will be reporting on how diseases are spreading and fears of cholera. also, ukraine issues restrictions on passports for military age men outside the country to address a shortage of troops at home and support the time as well. number 3, carlos alvarez has made a winning star to his clay court season. the spaniard, who's been the suffering with injury, put on a dominant performance in his quest for a record for consecutive the . so we begin this our with the voices of students from across the world university
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protests that were triggered by the war on gaza. now growing into a course of disenchantment with governments and leadership across the globe. it's been a little over a week since students at columbia university in new york began demanding that their school divest from israel students at columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university. then followed suit and protest spread from the ne to campuses in michigan, texas and california. and now they've gone global at university college, london in paris at cl spell university and all the way to the university of sydney in australia where we're going to try and bring you voices from those campuses in the us. we are live in new york in los angeles in washington and in texas. let's start with houses here is kristen salumi at columbia university. the epicenter of this campus protest movement. kristen, you have been speaking with representatives of the student body. they are negotiating with the university leadership about their encampment about their
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demands, what's happening and that's right. it is a 10 of this demonstration. it's a beautiful friday afternoon here in new york. and you can see, i'm right along side of the and cabinet where all of the tents are set up. the negotiations are ongoing, but so is the sense of camaraderie and spirit in the camp over here where they are vowing to stay until their demands are matched. the students are praying on campus. now there's a muslim evening prayer happening right now. as i'm talking to you and, and a couple hours time, there will be a shabat, jewish, a dinner this evening as well. the students say there is growing come lottery amongst the group and it's very welcoming and not hostile,
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not anti semitic. they're trying very hard to fight these accusations, and they say for anyone who makes that accusation, they should come and see what's happening here. but getting to those all important negotiations, the students told me that they spent 11 hours with the administration yesterday, another hour here. this morning there's some possibility that those discussions will continue over the weekend. there is no looming deadline at this point. they have not been given a deadline to leave or facing eviction. however, they haven't been promised that that won't happen either. so there is a little bit of on certainty, a little unsettled feeling among the protesters here. they don't know what's going to happen on that front. the university did make some concessions or some offers, i should say, to the students saying that they uh, they would agreed to uh, look at divestment that are being made by the university and start the process of
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reviewing them and talking about them with the students. but the suit just said that's not good enough. they want a commitment to dive best from israel. not just a promise to look at it before they leave the encampment. are kristen? thank you so much. i'm going to go now to id show castro heidi's at the university of texas in austin. i believe you have a guest with you this hour just before we go to that, to that interview though you've been explaining that the president of the university where you are is really flip flopped on how to deal with these protests . why that's right, j hard. so the president of the university of texas at austin and he was taking a lot of blame after the images we saw from the 1st day of these protests and which police had some violent confrontations with the student demonstrator ultimately arresting, $57.00 people, almost all of them have had their charges dropped,
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and after the outcry that came not only from protesters, but even from some supporters of the university. well, hard to release a new message last night to the youtube community, saying that it was a difficult and 10th day saying that he believed at the time that this protest would follow what he said was the national playbook. unclear exactly what that meant. but apparently acknowledging that there was no violence but that the police believe there would be and then we saw those complex taking place. and now he says he is quote, grateful that these peaceful protest, w t awesome campus are continuing. of course, i want to know what the people here thinking about them that does bring in our guess. this is dr. boss who boss to dave. and so it's so much thanks you for joining us to keep him as a faculty member. why is it and for you to come here and what do you make of the president's statements? you know, it's interesting because i think the president is making it sound now as if it is
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the campus has free speech policies that are allowing these protests to continue. when in reality, these protests have been nothing but peaceful. they have been nothing but a spontaneous and organized expression of conversation, of people's feelings about what's happening at a time. and the university is fully repressing. any conversation about palestine. faculty are scared to mention the word palestine in their classes. people don't want to talk about the genocide and there has been strong indication from the university throughout since october 7th that this is not a cop topic of conversation despite the formal notices and e mails, you know, occasionally in response to events that seem to claim the university supports free speech, so i'm not at all surprised by hartzell's comments, but i would say in, on one level they're a bold faced lie. and another level, it's kind of cowardly, honestly because there was no indication there was no need to call
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a lease that day at all. and there was nothing leading up to it that would suggest that what you're seeing happening today. as you can tell, it's a community space. it's collaborative. people have been praying, eating, learning, learning about the law, learning about what it means to be students and exercising free speech. there have been art spaces. i do a class this morning. the same as i would and one of my seminars and it's a beautiful space and this is exactly the program actually from 2 days ago. so i was asked to teach 2 days ago and this is what it was supposed to be like. and very quickly, we've heard for pro, from protest are saying that they still want the central message of the church has to be about the people of gaza and the resistance to israel's, for their talk about how that message is. you're trying to ring that through. absolutely. we, i'm part of the austin, texas faculty and staff for justice and palestine. we are an ad hoc coalition of faculty who supports the past tense already. committee. the students who are the leaders and visionaries in the schools were really shifting the conversation and
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holding the school down, creating the space where it's possible to even have these conversations. and, you know, i mean, i think for us as faculty, we have a commitment. we have an obligation and as people as human sort, living through a genocide, this is no more. this is a genocide, it is very clear. and it is clear from scholars of genocide, this is clear from human rights law that across every measure of what constitutes a genocide, an equal side and as collapsed aside. a killing of hall university is a faculty of knowledge production. that is what is happening. and it is our obligation as callers, this is what we do. i do this day and day out, and it's my job to teach about this. thank you, dr. positive. i much. and those are the words that are being shared here are really conversations. in fact, there are, some is really supporters who have also come to dialogue with these pro palestinian supporters here on the university of texas austin campus. we're seeing a peaceful protests going forth and they say this is really in defiance of,
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of the crack downs. and that, and warranted claims of anti semitism that the university leadership has tried to stick to these protesters 0. all right, how do you think you very much? we're going to take it back to the east coast. alan fisher is the george washington university in washington, dc. and i wonder what you're seeing, how the, how george washington university is dealing with the student protests there. and also whether they're engaging with the substance of the protest on any level, which is israel's war on god. saying what has happened to you is good to protest those who are in the big the college yard. many of them are still there, but the numbers are don't significantly, but they're still attend to the encampment there. but there's a lot of protest in the street just outside the college. just you can see here, there was about a couple of hours ago, maybe of a 100 people here. that number has no small and over the last couple of hours to close on 300 and they're having people speak and give their own views of what is
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happening in gaza. joining me live here now is i hadn't study bermonte who is an active as to someone who's been involved in process so, so you're going to be blinking sideways to the secretary of state here. why are you here? what, what brought you to this? because you have protested, i say the is really embassy, i'd say 20 blink concise. why is this so special to me? i think the power of and cabins and the power of consistent in durance and protest is extremely important. we are in a very critical moment of shifting the public opinion and the united states holding accountable institutions that enable and support and whitewash as well as crimes of crimes against humanity. and also showing the world that we're no longer a freight. we're no longer afraid to step into our advocacy into the power of the resistance and saying enough, i think in humanity enough of the violations of international law we've had in camp . it's now in front of lincoln's home. today is a 93 of our accountant in front of us secretary state. and we are at a 60 of our 247 and cameron also in front of is really embassy. and we are so proud
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to have been one by so many students, many of whom are currently camping in this yard right here. that had been with us from the beginning and we are here to show solidarity. we are here to support the students movements. it is extremely powerful when students start to step up and say we are no longer afraid to risk our careers. we are not afraid to speak the truth and we are going to put the apply put into application everything that we're learning about in textbooks. that the school somehow are so afraid of them to do, and that's why people go to school. they go to school to learn critical thinking to learn how to hopefully make the world a better place. and the fact that it's being stopped is ludicrous, and a lot of the criticism has been to give cranks you're. you're representing, you, minority view that you had trouble because the un submitted nothing was seen much evidence that any of that here. but do you genuinely feel a shift in american public opinion driven by the young people? i definitely feel a shift we've been on the streets now. you know, it's a collective group for a 100 and today is 87 days. and when we started, we were getting a lot more vile commentary, a lot of just disgusting rhetoric,
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being called terrorist race. this rape is i have been called so many things been spent on been slapped. and what we're seeing now is more and more people saying, i wish i knew more, your presence, your persistence people being on the streets is encouraging us to wherever we want to know why you are so in range. and why do you feel so passionately to put your lives on pause to do this full time? and that's making people curious. it makes people want to go and learn more about what's happening. the calls of, you know, people being answer somebody, i have not been on a single protest where people have been saying things that are anti semitic. i think the treatment is ation of the palestinian people, the documentation of activism, the dehumanization of people calling for justice and freedom for all needs to end. it needs to stop and we are hoping that, you know, we will continue to put pressure to and that by showing who we are showing the true faces of peace and love and justice. i'm afraid for free human human rights activists. for a long time, you see any problems here with 60, with the, you know, the protests that helped drive in the vietnam war. even though the 1918
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the absolutely. i think what we're seeing now is the endurance of the movement. we're seeing, you know, they waited for us to try or out. we are currently in the epicenter of what is enabling and supporting israel's crimes. the united states of america, specifically washington dc. and so many people that occupied the buildings all around us are benefiting and have been benefiting financially economically, socially, politically, from their support and endorsement of israel's crimes in atrocities over the last 76 years. and i think what we're seeing now is that people are saying we're no longer willing to accept it. we're no longer willing for that to be the status quote and the norm. and we're seeing a huge shift in public opinion of people actually saying that i'm not afraid to be called an answer so much because i know i am not one. i know i am not one, i'm not sure if this happening and it's very important specifically in places like washington, you see where, you know, the city polls, people that are interested in policy, the city polls, people that are interested in human rights that are interested in philanthropy in the various institutions and unfortunately, we are seeing our way to dominate design as audiology that do not humanize palestinians. and our fight for freedom, injustice,
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or fight is not one that should be controversial. and we see in vietnam, and you see, you know, for, from all these other protest movements, it's when the masses start to stop allowing the judgement is ation of our causes. when we start to own our power and step into it, when we start to say that we are willing to sacrifice our security, our freedom are no comfort to say enough. this needs to end enough. that's when the started start to change. because when you start to have insurance, i know for a fact they were waiting for us to tire out. i know for a fact we've heard that repeatedly from secret service during our protests. oh, i'm sure you guys will be gone next week. oh, i'm sure 3 weeks we sat through the snow through the rain, through the hail, through the wind, through the flooding, through it all, and we're not going anywhere. i know you're incredibly busy, i appreciate your time. thanks very much indeed for your time. what is interesting is, well, and the last couple of hours, the academic lectures at george washington and other schools around the washington area. i've sent a joint link to, to the heads of those universities. seeing that they want to make sure that free
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speech like we're seeing here is protected on college campuses because that's what the teach most of the time. i'm free speech, of course, as we try and right there in the us constitution in the 1st amendment. absolutely, alan say so, reporting from washington d. c. thank you very much. we're going to the west coast now rob rentals join us from u. c. l a. the unit university california los angeles. you're on their campus. what's going on there? a well, behind me there is a very large encampment which has been set up by students and faculty and others. it's been here for several days now. and i would like to just step aside for a 2nd and allow our cameraman and keen suff gary to uh, to get out of view. as you can see, it's pretty extensive. there are hundreds of people here, lots and lots of tents. and also it's very, very peaceful and very, very well organized there are, uh, uh, facilities, sanitary facilities,
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water and food being provided a medical 10th and so forth and so on. and it's quite a jarring contrast from the scene that i saw myself on wednesday at the university of southern california and the other side of town where the los angeles police department was invited in interest of 90. 3 students for trespassing, a very heavy handed response to student protests. in this case, the administration has taken a different tack. there are campus security officers here, but they're just circulating around on bicycles and on foot. they're not uh, harassing the students or taking any moves to break up the protests. so who are the people who are protesting here? well, i'd like to bring in one of the protest organizers, kiasha ties to step right in here. that's great. perfect. um,
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thank you for speaking with us. i'd like to start by asking you what are the demands of the protesters here at u. c. l a? yeah, thank you so much for having us. our number one dime, it demand is divestment, and you feel like is currently invested in corporations that are actively profiting off of the genocide in gaza. and we demand that they thought it best for nice corporations. we also demand transparency. we are not sure where my majority of our money is going because there is no requirement for the use the for you still have to be transparent about our and down us. we are demanding that they stop policing and surveilling pro palestinian activism on campus. we also want them to and, and their silence. we are demanding you, celebrates their silence. acknowledges the ongoing genocide and gaza addresses their complicity and, and call for an immediate cease fire. lastly, we are demanding that you tell a boy costs to study abroad programs in israel. and what if anything, has been the response from the university administration. they are you in dialogue with them? i have not heard anything from you say administration. um and i,
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i am not sure about internal organizers, but i think that if we had heard something or received an update it would be announced to the group. but on the other hand, they haven't set any deadlines or anything like that. no, thank you. kyle: excellent, thank you very much for speaking with us. again, that's kiasha. one of the organizers of this very large protests, but peaceful protests on the campus of u. c. l. a. so now let's swing across the country to my colleague, john 100, who is in new york city. i would city university of new york and one of the things you notice watching this one live shot after another is that these in cabinets are popping up on one university after another. and sometimes police arrest a group of them. and then the encampment reforms the next day here at c, n, y, and this open yesterday and already campus police and trying to shut it down. they
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came and they were unable to do so. and what the concern is here is that that might have it again, and there's good reason for that because if we look over here, here's a group of barricades right next to that campus police car. so yesterday, the campus police wept in unsuccessfully trying to clear this university. now the fear is it new york, we are going to come in and do what campus police could not. and the reason we believe that is they've erected light poles. you can see on either end of, of this area and what those do is at night if they light up the area so that if police wanted to come in here and sweep, they could do so and see everything going on. and so the concern is that maybe new york police have pre positioned all of this equipment in case they want to do it, sweep and clear this area out. and as you can see,
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nobody here is moving. these are tents, right? you've seen them at the other campuses as well, and as a way for the occupiers to say, this is our territory. we're not going anywhere until our demands are met. and right now, here at the city university of new york, one of the negotiators on the student's behalf that we spoke to is in a meeting with administrators right now, trying to come up with a negotiation strategy. now the students, they have their demands for domestics or you just turn rob reynolds talking about that. and the university wants their land back in so far, it's been a stalemate, campus after campus. and in some cases, the university brings in police and tries to take them away. but when they do these, these encampments just keep getting bills and rebuild that to you. and that's john henry and reporting live from a city university in new york. thanks to all our correspondence for covering what's
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it been 5 campuses there among the dozens where we seen the student protests in support of palestinians. thank you very much. now in paris, a demonstration by students was broken up after they occupied the main building of the science po university. for hours they are demanding, much like their american counterparts. betsy on spoke cut ties with israel, which is 0 is natasha butler was there. she sent us this report, a r k did inside terraces, prestigious steel spo university. dozens of students demanding it in to israel's war and gaza outside to others, showing cellphones to help stop what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student, we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that students movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay,
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just counter protest, really. so captain, i live near here and i worry, this university is no longer friends. french police moved in to separate the 2 sine . meanwhile, most students during the demonstration this through the children, one of the universities like there is another, is raising university. we have a few demands. the one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy. and financial, there's already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide to grow by the i c j. and we want to talk with investigating and prep partnerships. to protest is relate to student demonstrations. and wednesday, french police please assist in the student says with
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a pete 100 and symbolic there's a root. we will not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides. there is a starting process 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming in to our campus during the wednesday, the organization to take us out of the company. this is the next assignment of a silence. the must be broken, say to students. if palestinian rights it's a be heard types of butler just sarah purse the all these protest ultimately are tied to israel's war and gaza and what's happening on the ground. so let's get the latest from the gaza strip. 51 people have been killed in the past. 24 hours, also zeros tara comp was reports from rough attacks on the guns with strep really
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did not stop within the past 24 hours of at least $51.00 palestinians have for reports of killed, according to goals, was health ministry, as weapon recording multiple attacks in a rough hour, at least 2 locations being targeted with 2, at least palestinians have been injured and now they are receiving treatment at the job hospitals. but again, i and it says on the ground in the middle areas have been reporting and constant onto the re bombardment and unprecedented rates of strikes that target. residential houses on the farm land with a number of casualties have been transferred to a box or hospital to receive medical treat. now these. busy these unprecedented escalation of military attacks came in light of the anticipated military and cogent for roughly the district as palestinians are following all the latest developments on the ground regarding the political assets being made by regional payers in order to print to the gaps of this on this type of, of this understanding that we,
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how my son is valid or not to get for an end for the fighting on the ground as palestinians here. believe that they have no one else safe to go to our campus to out. is there a roof on palestine? the belgian has summoned the is really ambassador after an aid worker in his trials were killed by his really forces in rough uh of the end of han. and his 7 year old son were killed in a house sheltering displaced people. now he worked for buildings development agency . so the foreign minister said that the killing was unacceptable and is demanding an explanation. a premature palestinian incident, who was rescued from her dying mother's womb after and is really your strike has died. our teams had reported on the newborn her name sabrin, a roof to the she was pulled out the live moments after her. pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by an is really or a strike on the rough uh, on saturday. israel's war on gaza has left the strips,
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health care system in ruins. the collapse of sanitation systems and lack of clean drinking water is fueling the spread of diseases, honey. mount mode reports. after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning. because as it should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at to no toilets, no water, no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one was designed for 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases uh the lack of showers in hand washing facilities means maintaining a proper hygiene is nearly impossible. stagnating water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising,
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whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also straining the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and there is no sanitation or waste management when you live industries. there's no sanitation, tools, or equipment to help to it's as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available. they are very expensive for 7 months. we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness, stress on the problem of the conflict. we're not excited. the pressing on both dramatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles and tens bombing campaign has eliminated nearly co sourcing services and health care. a recovery will need
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a humanitarian aid organization. local authority is an international actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment are all needed immediately as a lot of clean water would be to start hunting for most of the gaza palestine. still a head on al jazeera, america's top diplomat needs trained as president engaging for there is little sign of a saw in relation and the olympic flame is handed over to parents organizers. as it prepares, a set sale, france will have details coming up later and support the, the latest news as it breaks. the doctors who say the witness to killing knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not
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recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place. also was had a city in part on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. right. but no collins and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. by putting that 40 on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other root fails, die with action was to be left open for a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on out his era during the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet reporting from the action age work. here's where it directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens
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across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else 0 as a reminder, the top story that we're following, this our, our student protest against the war and gaza, which is spread across the world, from campuses in the us to solid errancy rallies in parts of europe and in australia. students have been voicing their opposition to israel's for on god's us send it to bernie sanders. a slammed is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for remarks that he made criticising the pro palestinian protests and the us he had
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described the demonstrations as horrific saying that the campuses had been taken over by quote anti semitic mobs. this was sanders, is response. no mister, that's in yahoo. it is not anti semitic or pro, from us to point out that in a little over 6 months, your extreme is government has killed $34000.00 pounds of citizens and wounded more than 78070 percent. the form of women and children, it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. almost half the population. it is not anti symmetric to note that your government has obliterated garza civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage. it is not empty,
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symmetric to realize that your government has the highlighted gods as health care system. not the $26.00 hospitals out of service and killing more than $400.00 health care workers. it is not anti semitic to condemn your government's destruction, of all of gods as 12 universities and 56 of its schools. with hundreds more damaged, leaving 625000 students with no educational opportunities. it is not anti semitic to agree with virtually every humanitarian organization. in saying that your government in violation of american law has unreasonably blocked humanitarian aid, coming into casa, creating the conditions, and were so many thousands of children. they smell nutrition,
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and family is the notes and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people, but please do not insult the intelligence of the american people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and rates as government, america's support for israel and in particular, it's influential, evangelical christians have been unwavering despite the mortality of its war on guys, a door around 11000000 evangelicals in the us, and they have turned into a powerful political lobby. their support for israel is centered around the belief that the state of israel is connected to the return of jesus christ. they also cite the quote in the bible as one congressman told university of columbia as president during a congressional hearing. are you familiar with genesis 123?
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probably not as well as you are on this map. well, it's pretty clear it was a covenant that god made with abraham. and uh that cabinet was real clear. uh, if you blast israel, i will bless you. if you curse israel, our curse you, and then in the new testament it was confirmed that all nations would be blessed through you. so you do not know about that. i have heard that now that you've explained that yes stuff is that if they are familiar do you consider that a serious issue? i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed by god of the bible? definitely not. okay. well that's good. a sal events trend, but there's electra and religious studies at santa clara university. you are
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joining us from san francisco. thank you for your time today. we are going to want to pro with you the, the political weight of evangelicals only in the us. but just before we do that, i need to break down once again. the right reason that that is sort of the theology in the way evangelicals see. the world that, um that, uh the, the, the root cause for their support for israel as well. it comes out of it in my to my mind that i'm, i comes, i speak from the catholic tradition. so the catholic understanding of how you interpret the button, the bible, the heap of bible, the catholic christianity planes. but it seems to me that the political, evan jellicoe movement misunderstands the way that you use a safe for tests. and it reads the record of the people of israel's relationship with the living god with their, their understanding of how they are related to the source of all life and goodness that how would, that's what
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a state that sacred text functions as. and it's been co opted for a political agenda that's linked to a specific political state. you can't just simply identify the current political state of the nation of israel with the broader category of the story of the people of israel's relationship to the living god. it's very complicated, but it's gets over simplified by what we call the political evan jello home is much okay back at least. well if i, if i try to simplify it, nothing tough for political purposes. but for the purposes of explaining it to our viewers, the belief is that israel needs to exist in order for the christians to see the 2nd coming of jesus christ realize. and also because they believe that god gave the holy land israel to um, to the jews. is that am i getting this? all right, is that just? yeah, right, absolutely. yeah, it's a political view of the end times,
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especially rooted in the last book of the christian scriptures. the book of revelation, which is that when the world ends, it's going to end in a battle in israel and the geographical place of israel, where jesus will come again. and that's a very distorted out of context for our understanding of that text. so that just that, that simple story is taken way out of context, but yes, you're exactly right that. so you don't preserve from the political, evan jellico movement. you're not interested in the value of the state of israel except to the degree that during its destruction will come. it will be the 2nd coming of jesus, which you know, is troubling in it's all right. so it's not for the sake of this real, really how much i'm paying little to, how much political influence does that religious belief wheeled in the us that i get the hardest thing to know um, it seems to,
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it's certainly right now in our congress, it appears to be wielding out of proportion power in terms of, of if you look at the, the wide um, the breadth of the way people think about their relationship with the living god. right? with the source of all goodness and the source of all love that there there's a wide range of the ways people american people approach that and american christians, american muslims, american jews, and all manner of i'm religious people. but right now, politically it sure looks like that brand of evan jessica lives. i'm. it hasn't outsized importance. i think it remains to be seen and, you know, with the long term consequences about our okay sally visit. we could have a much longer conversation about this. but for today's purposes, we wanted to highlight at least the basics of it. thank you so much, sally vance. trend this lecture in religious studies of santa clara university thing. thanks for asking me
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the ukraine where at least 3 people were killed and several wounded by shilling and the russian controlled city of done yet. the local mayor blamed the ukrainian military for the strike. but keith has yet to comment. russian officials also say that ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others and sat for region, a corrupt pizza and southern her son. often within 2 years of war, you crate is struggling to recruit new troops. it has recently passed a law lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25. but on tuesday went further issuing new passport rules for men abroad, john home and explains from keith the ukraine struggling to buy men, to fight its military commander in the east. who said that in some sections of the front line, brushing policies out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced
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a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports abroad to military age, but they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home is what the ukranian minister of foreign affairs to meet, throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a countries will wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukraine impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am. yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally and they'll tell us the neighboring ukraine supports the
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major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help help me talk. but oh, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to ada ukrainian side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. is a test. i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models that i'm going to put along with . we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. ukraine still missing meant with the john home,
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and i'll just say to keep you cry. peters on my face. political scientist and the executive director of you ration democracy initiative. sorry, you are joining us from keith. i wanted your thoughts on this latest passport measure aimed at forcing ukrainian men to come back and fight me. it's next of populism. it's not going to happen. i'll just say point blank. uh, you know, there are so, you know, there's a variety of players norms and standards by which, you know, the governments are not really a limited to return and forcibly people julie award. so obviously these individuals just pick up their customer service is going to be limited. they're not in a rush that to go to your grade from comfortable, you know, they're a, they're comfortable european lives. so this is just obviously nonsensical and the reviews are really bad today. and from the presence of these man, by some of the counselors over 800,
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almost 900000. so in many living outside of ukraine, the most of them are probably easier and they are well educated. they are capable, i don't think, but uh, you know, you won't be in the comment, isn't necessarily roll under the weight of these things or, you know, capable and, you know, productive members of their newly found societies. you know, the problem is that you bring with this mobilization law that will go into effect in may, did not really provided for diesel is ation. so essentially, these men will be taking a one way ticket and you know, and somebody in the army until the war is over, which may be years and years and years. so i don't think the work doesn't ukrainian military need them to win the war a precisely yes, uh, but you know, keep in mind that, uh, with all the advertising problems with globalization still manor be because, you know, it is probably not happening as quickly as we want but you know,
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the government has made a mistake off trying to go with the, you know, the lady, the russians next door and making it sort of a um, trying to be close by force better than trying to come up with. can we ways to actually encourage a man, make me service appealing to them and think about how to raise the, you know, the basic salaries for servicemen and raised funds for that? i would need a broader me other ways to do that. and it's also happening to kind of late into the game, you know, i'm, i are, i mean, has been events during the concert offensive when the hopes were still high and that it was going to be successful. that's precisely would you be interested in becoming more minutes when the, you know, when the one of them was cool, you know, you should have actually accounted for potential, you know, sitting area b. c. when that kind of offensive would not work when the west to assist these would be, you know, slow and non existing, it didn't do that. it's doing it now,
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and it's doing it a bit delay when we are where we are, right. but we've seen that on both sides, right? russia? same thing, we've seen sort of waves of mobilization that have taken different forms and same thing with ukraine lowering their age of conscription from 27 to 25 recently. right? so both sides as the war drags on as both sides realize, this is going to take, perhaps longer than they both planned for. they're going to need more man. so there is, there is kind of a logic that you can see there. isn't there a logic that is more of a little ones are probably in several years. you know, there are studies that have been done. let's say that you know what goes for at least a year. chances are to go for another 5 or 6, and then some more of attrition that we've already are. russia is not really hoping to necessarily cross the army, especially now that the american aid has been announced. it is trying to make our lives miserable behind the front lines as we speak. we're actually on the
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monitoring the telegraph channels around 3 am. key of donald in about 2 hours. we're expecting the balls from 2 will 9 advice to the bottom as to his key and another major cities. but his pride to capitalize on this lapse between now and when we actually get this american a drive to disable our you know, uh critical infrastructure. and with another tricity, i'm actually now charging more man, power banks, etc. so russia strategy is multi pronged but when it comes to the war of attrition, still the numbers. and fortunately, bottom, the bottom, russian assigned it as a population by size, the population of the brain. and it has the money to be a cost. it's more money than they've ever seen in their life types. you know, that's also the hard reality. peters of my of joining us from keith. i know it's late where you are almost 1 am, so we appreciate you staying up for us today. thank you very much. us secretary of state anthony,
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blinking has ended his 3 day visit to china. he and president choosing paying say that there came to find common ground, but during long meetings on friday, both sides were clear about what they disagree on. katrina, you reports from budget to us secretary of state antony blinking said the goal of his 3 day trip to china was simple. i returned to china this week to take stock of where we made progress and where more needs to be done, so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. but the tensions rising between dating and washington accomplishing that task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often failed to keep its would say one thing and do another 2 countries, or should we part in this not rivals. both countries issues the common ground. well, reserving differences instead of vicious competition to those differences were made clear during a 5 and
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a half hour meeting between lincoln and china is for administer earlier on friday when you want increasing negative fact is jordan to trigger a downward spiral and ties china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonably suppressed, an our core interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions designed to limit chinese access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment and not set competition. one also raised tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any move that could be seen as us support. so the islands independence and said the but in administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground for the 2 superpowers blinking race to him. his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea, cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us,
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china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, prove war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatened is not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with the europe too. but there was some areas with the true side degree to deep incorporation, including instead being the tide of power from drugs pension to the us. you know, it's visual intelligence and increasing student exchange. not major breakthroughs, but enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc. katrina, you know, to 0 as hard as time figures. sports is now as far as male who has joined us in the studio far. thank you so much. 0 around the drug beat rail associated one nailed inch closer to clenching a record, extending $36.00, a spanish league a title. even though ral, coach, carlo and chalabi rested 9 players ahead of their champions league semi final
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against byron munich. they were still good enough to win at associated dad's 19 year old turkish and midfield. there are the dealer score the only goal of the game, and his 1st start for l. a. first along to lose their game on monday route could become champions if they, when their next game lester city had been promoted back to the english prairie league. it, it comes up to their nearest arrivals. leads united last for now the queen's park rangers giving lester an unassailable lead and the championship standings elsewhere all hello have put their amc champions, league exit behind them, bouncing back beat alpha town on friday schools from michael reuben novice and la la. he's striking the 15th minutes of extra time cap, the $31.00 victory standing there, winning streak miss sadie pro linked to $21.00 games all while are now 12 points clear of 2nd place on us or at the top of the standings. barnard manager ernest slot has told dodge media that is club is negotiating
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a deal with lever pool. that will see him join the ad field side. and there are reports. but that deal might now be done, as lot has been with fire, no words since 2021. he has won the dutch league and kept in his time their liver pulls deer can clap is leaving at the end of the current season and slot has hinted that he is indeed the front runner to replace with german. yeah, it did take care of all of its allowing us to switch. yeah. so i'm confident that things work out because i think a very good offer is already being made. then the decision for the club will be whether to accept it on us anonymous. that is completely justified, of course. and on the other hand, i also think that there will be some gratitude on that part for the past 3 years. and a balance will have to be found in terms of transfer fee. even despite petro rocca has been appointed, the new president of the spanish football federation, despite being under investigation for corruption, the 70 year old has held the position and it in term capacities. and it's taking over from luis ruby. alice was banned from p 5 for 3 years for his on solicited
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test journey her most so during the celebrations of spain's world cup victory, rocca was indicted on april. the 12th for a corruption case that effects a large part of the spanish football federation including ruby alice, they both denied any wrong doing. spain is co hosting the world cup in 2030 a 10 as well. number 3, carlos alvarez made a winning start to his clay court season. the 2 time defending champion, he withdrew from monte carlo and barcelona because of injury breeze through his match with alexander ship, the tank goes 3 3rd around during open. the home favorite is bidding to become the 1st player, internal history, to win 3 titles and ro depending women's champion or we know sub blank is survived, will scare the world number 2 needed $0.03 to overcome poland mags and lynette after winning the 1st set. so then at forced a deciding 3rd set where the raining australian open champion clinton,
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victory after 2 hours and 12 minutes satellite is on a record time 3 titles in which way the 1st time and the champions will broad. james and his lakers are on the brink of illumination from the playoffs attempt to defend new champions, denver nuggets, to show a 112. so 105 game 3 went on thursday. denver now leave the series 3. nothing. know when the team is ever come back from that kind of a deficit in the play of aaron gordon scoring 29 points. while nikolai you'll get added 24 points of his own. it's an 11th street. when for denver over the lakers, a lamp, it's lame that will burns for out this summer games has been handed over to pairs organizers. how do a 68 day torch relay a hand over took place and the ceremony and athens at the side of the 1st modern olympics in 18? 96. the flame will leave on saturday and board in 19th century french fell book for the part of mercy before heading to paris for the opening ceremony on july,
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the 26. okay, and that is all you support for now back to you 0. all right bar. as well, thank you so much for all of that. one more thing before we let you go, south africa is preparing to mark freedom day. that's on april 27th. and that is 30 years after the country's 1st democratic vote. and nelson mandela's, amc swept of our 3 decades on many argue that the amc has failed to deliver on the vision of a new open and inclusive society with opportunities for all joining ho reports from the town of humans growl in south africa. it's not because of the drought, the water is delivered by truck to more than a 100000 residents in this area. code humans crow here. they blame the mismanagement and neglect of corporate all govern. we ask the government to take pity on us because we're suffering with the water a product. i mean, don't you think that by now they should be fixing these problems? i think so, but then the problem with our government is that
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a financial stability in this country is very low legged, it is with finances. i don't think i will government disagree. default whatever they have doing whatever they are doing. i think benifits them this is a huge community. how months crowd just north of the capital pretoria that doesn't have access to reliable clean water. and that's just one public utility that he's failing. millions of south africans. so 2 years after the 1st pre election in this country, nelson mandela's a in c one and then slide victory in that election. but the post deposit a promise of a better life. the rule was never going to be easily met. corruption took root inequalities widened. unemployment now stands a told, and 30 percent. and poor service delivery has become the target to the public and as rubbish, piles up and the electricity cups out the main problem with the i'll come to use
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infrastructure then. and especially when you get issues of attendance, you get the people to attend this, but the government is never following up to make sure that the projects that's off hand. so we have for example, the issue if we bundle with a lot of meetings where he needs to fix but only about 5 percent of the white stuff . because there was a time when the taps ran clean and how months crossed before the misuse of funds intended for the repair of roy reservoir while the color. oh and nice, nice and that's what i'm spending just as there was a time when the future seemed brought to before 94. i was so excited about the coming government. much do you think enough progress has happened and i don't see in i don't see anything with another election looming party is a competing when
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a common theme that something in what used to be known as the new south africa. he's broke joe, the whole elder 0 in humans cross. okay, we're going to take very short break and we are going to be right back at the top of the hour with another news holocaust bungalow is k, off the gross has destroyed many. the cities, water buttons in a race against india is booming water shortage. an engineer turn water conservationist takes on 61. was one lake at the time catching the rate in india. that takes a lot, a witness documentary on a jersey though. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on wordpress. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the fast lane to 2 weeks. so
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the total does not contain the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow i'm several of any age group to have you with us. this is the news. our line from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes, american universities blocked by protests against israel's war on gaza. they've also triggered demonstrations beyond the united states and france students at the
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cl spoke university or demanding that their institution cut ties with israel and stopped the genocide and johnson sanitation and water crisis on the streets of guys


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