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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm BST

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this is bbc news. top us diplomat antony blinken is meeting with china's president xi in beijing. we could hear to communicate clearly about our differences to minimise the chance of miscalculation. the world's first personalised vaccine for melanoma skin cancer, hailed as a potential "gamechanger" for treatment, is being tested on british patients. global conservation efforts are having a positive effect.
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hello, i'm samantha simmonds. welcome to bbc news now, three hours of fast—moving news, interviews and reaction. america's top diplomat, antony blinken, is meeting with the chinese leader, xijinping, for talks in beijing that are expected to cover several areas of tension between the two superpowers. according to chinese state media, mr xi told antony blinken us and china should be partners not rivals. he called for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. there is concern that china is making weapons for use against ukraine. if making weapons for use against ukraine. ., ., ,
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ukraine. if our future leaders, if the are ukraine. if our future leaders, if they are going _ ukraine. if our future leaders, if they are going to _ ukraine. if our future leaders, if they are going to be _ ukraine. if our future leaders, if they are going to be able - ukraine. if our future leaders, if they are going to be able to - they are going to be able to collaborate, they want to be able to solve big problems. if we are going to work through our differences, they need to know and understand each other, language, culture, history. let's speak to our china correspondent, stephen mcdonell. what is your assessment of this meeting? it what is your assessment of this meetin: ? , ., ., ,., meeting? it is not warm in some laces. meeting? it is not warm in some places- there — meeting? it is not warm in some places. there has _ meeting? it is not warm in some places. there has been - meeting? it is not warm in some places. there has been a - meeting? it is not warm in some places. there has been a lot - meeting? it is not warm in some places. there has been a lot of l meeting? it is not warm in some i places. there has been a lot of talk on both— places. there has been a lot of talk on both sides of the need for cooperation. for maintaining this relationship so it does not collapse any further. antony blinken didn't have _ any further. antony blinken didn't have some — any further. antony blinken didn't have some pretty tough words for crop china — have some pretty tough words for crop china when it comes ukraine. china _ crop china when it comes ukraine. china is_ crop china when it comes ukraine. china is the — crop china when it comes ukraine. china is the most in potent back of russia _ china is the most in potent back of russia he — china is the most in potent back of russia. he has accused chinese companies of supplying machine tools
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and other_ companies of supplying machine tools and other dual use technologies which _ and other dual use technologies which dress you can use to make weapons — which dress you can use to make weapons or— which dress you can use to make weapons or make batteries that make the weapons. he said that china had to do— the weapons. he said that china had to do something about this or the us word~ _ to do something about this or the us word~ that_ to do something about this or the us word. that threat, he didn't say what _ word. that threat, he didn't say what that— word. that threat, he didn't say what that meant, but it seems to me that that _ what that meant, but it seems to me that that means sanctions on those companies — that that means sanctions on those companies or the university individuals involved. he did say in the past _ individuals involved. he did say in the past that china had been able to use its— the past that china had been able to use its leverage with russia to this garage _ use its leverage with russia to this garage better from using nuclear weapons — garage better from using nuclear weapons in ukraine. but he said he spoke _ weapons in ukraine. but he said he spoke very— weapons in ukraine. but he said he spoke very clearly and at some length — spoke very clearly and at some length about us concerns regarding chinas— length about us concerns regarding china's support for the russian invasion— china's support for the russian invasion of— china's support for the russian invasion of ukraine and it seems now that washington is giving beijing a chance _ that washington is giving beijing a chance to — that washington is giving beijing a chance to do something about it. and if they— chance to do something about it. and if they don't _ chance to do something about it. and if they don't it could be a cause for going — if they don't it could be a cause for going concerns. he did mention other— for going concerns. he did mention
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other things. they are already cooperating, he praised china for cracking — cooperating, he praised china for cracking down on making precursors for a drug _ cracking down on making precursors for a drug that is a scourge in the us. for a drug that is a scourge in the us china — for a drug that is a scourge in the us. china has made good its policy to do— us. china has made good its policy to do something about fentanyl. both countries _ to do something about fentanyl. both countries want to have more student exchanges — countries want to have more student exchanges. you the numbers. they're guite _ exchanges. you the numbers. they're quite staggering. 290,000 chinese students _ quite staggering. 290,000 chinese students in the us. but only 900 us students _ students in the us. but only 900 us students here in china. that is down from _ students here in china. that is down from a _ students here in china. that is down from a much — students here in china. that is down from a much larger number, 15,000 a few years _ from a much larger number, 15,000 a few years ago. both governments want to do something about this. they were _ to do something about this. they were talking about areas where they want to _ were talking about areas where they want to continue cooperating. the chinese want to continue cooperating. tie: chinese foreign want to continue cooperating. tte: chinese foreign minister want to continue cooperating. "tte: chinese foreign minister said want to continue cooperating. tte: chinese foreign minister said that the us china relationship is beginning to stabilise. but is being
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tested as the us enters its election year. what are those areas? it is year. what are those areas? it is interesting. _ year. what are those areas? it is interesting, one _ year. what are those areas? te 3 interesting, one thing that antony blinken said they didn't come up with the president —— people who have followed the story know that there's going to be a ban on tick—tock. it there's going to be a ban on tick-tack— tick-tock. it is smart for the chinese government - tick-tock. it is smart for the chinese government not - tick-tock. it is smart for the chinese government not to | tick-tock. it is smart for the - chinese government not to mention tick-tocic _ chinese government not to mention tick—tock. they are trying to say that they — tick—tock. they are trying to say that they don't have to provide the chinese _ that they don't have to provide the chinese government with any information. it could be a headache for the _ information. it could be a headache for the two — information. it could be a headache for the two governments moving forward — for the two governments moving forward. another key thing that antony— forward. another key thing that antony blinken criticised china for
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was that— antony blinken criticised china for was that china is leading the world with electric vehicles and that this is unfair— with electric vehicles and that this is unfair competition. he wanted sending — is unfair competition. he wanted sending to be done about this. these types _ sending to be done about this. these types of— sending to be done about this. these types of moves will hurt the us economy — types of moves will hurt the us economy. us workers could be put out of a top _ economy. us workers could be put out of a job. that's the sort of rhetoric— of a job. that's the sort of rhetoric that we would expect from the bride _ rhetoric that we would expect from the bride administration in the run-up— the bride administration in the run-up to _ the bride administration in the run—up to the election. us job losses— run—up to the election. us job losses because of the impact of chinese — losses because of the impact of chinese goods in the us market. thank— chinese goods in the us market. thank you — chinese goods in the us market. thank you for now. now to what experts are calling a potential "game changer" in the treatment of skin cancer. the world's first personalised vaccine for melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — has begun being tested in britain. steve young, one of the first
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nhs patients to take part in the trial for what's hoped will be a game—changing treatment. it's for melanoma — the deadliest of all the skin cancers — and it aims to help those at the highest risk of a recurrence. steve was given the experimental treatment at university college hospital in london. he had a melanoma removed from his scalp last summer. he told us the trial is his best chance of keeping cancer—free. i feel...0k. someone told me i've got survivor syndrome because i actually feel guilty — i feel guilty that i'm completely fine and yet i'm getting all this attention and i'm... you know, i get to have a scan and an mri every three months when i know that people are waiting such a long time. and i... i genuinely feel kind of awful about that. but... ijust really hope that what's happening with the trial and the results they get are going to be good news,
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and it's going to go on to do amazing things. the personalised treatment works by identifying proteins unique to each person's cancer, and then uses the same technology which created some covid vaccines — called mrna — to prime the immune system to attack the cells. it's being used in combination with another cancer drug, and previous results suggest together it almost halved the risk of recurrence or death after three years. it's a very specific treatment, highly personalised to each individual's tumour, and it's a really exciting way of hopefully turning the patient's own immune system against their cancer. and it looks like it could be a really effective therapeutic approach. this trial will really prove that's the case or not. this is an international trial. uk doctors are hoping to recruit at least 70 patients across centres including london, manchester, edinburgh and leeds. sophie hutchinson, bbc news.
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we found out more details about how these vaccines are made. it is we found out more details about how these vaccines are made.— these vaccines are made. it is very excitina. these vaccines are made. it is very exciting- the _ these vaccines are made. it is very exciting. the vaccines _ these vaccines are made. it is very exciting. the vaccines have - exciting. the vaccines have transformed how we treat these diseases. it is been to turn towards the treatment of cancer. it is a personalised vaccine. parent patients with melanoma will have the melanoma removed. if they are at significant risk of recurrence, then the melanoma that gets removed will be analysed in the genetic material broken down and we can identify the targets in the melanoma cells that are particular to the melanoma cells are particular to the melanoma cells are not to the normal cells. because
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the cancer cells come from ourselves. there is a very clever algorithm that predicts which ones are most likely to stimulate the immune system. it is then turned into a signal which is injected into the muscles. the same as you would have a covert vaccine. haifa have a covert vaccine. how significant _ have a covert vaccine. how significant is _ have a covert vaccine. how significant is this _ have a covert vaccine. how significant is this trial? - have a covert vaccine. how significant is this trial? it l have a covert vaccine. how- significant is this trial? it does feel like a _ significant is this trial? it does feel like a game _ significant is this trial? it does feel like a game changer. - significant is this trial? it does feel like a game changer. we l significant is this trial? it does i feel like a game changer. we are moving _ feel like a game changer. we are moving in— feel like a game changer. we are moving in the right direction. how does it compare _ moving in the right direction. how does it compare to _ moving in the right direction. firm-m does it compare to what options there are at the moment? for this u-rou there are at the moment? for this a-rou of there are at the moment? for this grow of patients. _ there are at the moment? for this group of patients, they _ there are at the moment? for this group of patients, they are - there are at the moment? for this group of patients, they are a - there are at the moment? for this group of patients, they are a high| group of patients, they are a high risk melanoma patients. they have had a _ risk melanoma patients. they have had a melanoma removed and they have the option— had a melanoma removed and they have the option of— had a melanoma removed and they have the option of having what is called
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another— the option of having what is called another treatment. there may be some rogue _ another treatment. there may be some rogue melanoma there. it is adding this personalised vaccine to a standard _ this personalised vaccine to a standard immunotherapy treatment. it is great _ standard immunotherapy treatment. it is great. what it would do it it will help— is great. what it would do it it will help the immune system to identify— will help the immune system to identify targets and kill melanoma cells _ identify targets and kill melanoma cells it— identify targets and kill melanoma cells. it will have very little effect — cells. it will have very little effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? _ effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? it _ effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? it is _ effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? it is the _ effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? it is the fifth - effect on healthy cells. how common is melanoma? it is the fifth most - is melanoma? it is the fifth most common cancer _ is melanoma? it is the fifth most common cancer in _ is melanoma? it is the fifth most common cancer in the _ is melanoma? it is the fifth most common cancer in the uk. - is melanoma? it is the fifth most common cancer in the uk. the i is melanoma? it is the fifth most. common cancer in the uk. the rates in the _ common cancer in the uk. the rates in the uk _ common cancer in the uk. the rates in the uk and — common cancer in the uk. the rates in the uk and around the world are rising _ in the uk and around the world are rising it _ in the uk and around the world are rising it is— in the uk and around the world are rising. it is quite concerning. it is the — rising. it is quite concerning. it is the most _ rising. it is quite concerning. it is the most deadly form of skin cancer~ — is the most deadly form of skin cancer. , , ., ., ., ., cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take _ cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take for _ cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take for the _ cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take for the child - cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take for the child to - cancer. this is a trial. how long will it take for the child to be i will it take for the child to be completed? how long before the treatment will be flat widely available. i treatment will be flat widely available. ., ., , ., available. i am not sure that
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information. _ available. i am not sure that information. i'm _ available. i am not sure that information. i'm not- available. i am not sure that information. i'm not sure i available. i am not sure that. information. i'm not sure how available. i am not sure that - information. i'm not sure how long it will— information. i'm not sure how long it will take — information. i'm not sure how long it will take to assess the trial and take it _ it will take to assess the trial and take it to— it will take to assess the trial and take it to the next stages. there is so much _ take it to the next stages. there is so much interest in it, i am sure it will go _ so much interest in it, i am sure it will go through as rapidly as it can _ will go through as rapidly as it can. ~ . will go through as rapidly as it can, ~ ., ., . ., will go through as rapidly as it can. . ., ., . ., ,., will go through as rapidly as it can. what advice would you give to an one can. what advice would you give to anyone who _ can. what advice would you give to anyone who is _ can. what advice would you give to anyone who is watching _ can. what advice would you give to anyone who is watching this - can. what advice would you give to anyone who is watching this to - can. what advice would you give to i anyone who is watching this to check whether or not whether or not they have cancerous melanoma? melanoma is an interesting — have cancerous melanoma? melanoma is an interesting cancer— have cancerous melanoma? melanoma is an interesting cancer because _ have cancerous melanoma? melanoma is an interesting cancer because it - have cancerous melanoma? melanoma is an interesting cancer because it is - an interesting cancer because it is highly— an interesting cancer because it is highly preventable. stay safe in the sand hy— highly preventable. stay safe in the sand by wearing sunscreen. if they have _ sand by wearing sunscreen. if they have any— sand by wearing sunscreen. if they have any concern, that thing to look out for— have any concern, that thing to look out for our— have any concern, that thing to look out for our new or changing lesions. if out for our new or changing lesions. if you _ out for our new or changing lesions. if you have, — out for our new or changing lesions. if you have, take a photo and contact — if you have, take a photo and contact your gp. keep looking at it to see _ contact your gp. keep looking at it to see whether it has changed. thank ou for to see whether it has changed. thank you for being — to see whether it has changed. thank you for being with _ to see whether it has changed. thank you for being with us. _
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to see whether it has changed. thank you for being with us. this _ to see whether it has changed. thank you for being with us. this is - to see whether it has changed. “t�*tag�*taz you for being with us. this is bbc news.
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the court has heard whether donald trump has had immunity while he was president. they are deciding whether mr trump should face trial over the attempt to overturn the 2020 election defeat. cases continue against the president in new york today. that is crass to our correspondence. what did the supreme court here yesterday? thea;r correspondence. what did the supreme court here yesterday?— court here yesterday? they heard about how much _ court here yesterday? they heard about how much immunity - court here yesterday? they heardj about how much immunity donald court here yesterday? they heard - about how much immunity donald trump has when it comes to prosecutions relating to official acts that they
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are conducting as president. we have heard from the justices that a majority don't believe that there is this widespread blanket immunity. present has made a claim that there is. they could be some kind of middle ground. if they rule in that way, this case then gets tracked down to a lower court which would snowball, delaying a bigger case which is going on which is that of election interference. that could ended end up getting pushed beyond this november's election. what ended end up getting pushed beyond this november's election.— this november's election. what can we exect this november's election. what can we expect today — this november's election. what can we expect today at _ this november's election. what can we expect today at the _ this november's election. what can we expect today at the supreme i we expect today at the supreme court? , . ., . court? they will continue deciding about that case. _ court? they will continue deciding about that case. there _ court? they will continue deciding about that case. there is - court? they will continue deciding about that case. there is also - court? they will continue deciding about that case. there is also the | about that case. there is also the hash many case happening in new york
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state. this is not related to today's supreme court. it is a bit confusing. the question around this is whether the former president was around in this illegal scheme before the 2016 election to disclose hash many payments made to a woman. he said that none of this happened. he hasn't done anything wrong. they are expecting the editor of the national enquirer understand today. he is going to be back on the stand today the former president's legal team will be questioning him. they
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will be defending him against the allegations. will be defending him against the allerations. ., ., , , allegations. thanks for bringing us u . allegations. thanks for bringing us u- to allegations. thanks for bringing us up to date- — allegations. thanks for bringing us up to date. let's _ allegations. thanks for bringing us up to date. let's speak— allegations. thanks for bringing us up to date. let's speak to - allegations. thanks for bringing us up to date. let's speak to a - allegations. thanks for bringing us| up to date. let's speak to a former federal prosecutor from the united states. thank you for being with us. let's talk about what is happening in the supreme court. what did you make about the arguments of the been put forward so far? the make about the arguments of the been put forward so far?— put forward so far? the supreme court arguments _ put forward so far? the supreme court arguments are _ put forward so far? the supreme court arguments are finished. i put forward so far? the supreme i court arguments are finished. now put forward so far? the supreme - court arguments are finished. now it is up to— court arguments are finished. now it is up to the _ court arguments are finished. now it is up to the supreme curd court as to whether— is up to the supreme curd court as to whether they will offer a decision. yesterday's argument did not accept — decision. yesterday's argument did not accept the arguments. they are not accept the arguments. they are not moving — not accept the arguments. they are not moving on any particular hurry. it not moving on any particular hurry. it may— not moving on any particular hurry. it may he _ not moving on any particular hurry. it may be that trump actually wins lry it may be that trump actually wins by losing _ it may be that trump actually wins by losing this case. no one thinks that the _ by losing this case. no one thinks that the president gets immunity for private _ that the president gets immunity for private acts. the debate is what is
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an official — private acts. the debate is what is an official act? many of the conservative justices were very worried — conservative justices were very worried about the future. can a new president— worried about the future. can a new president can and vindictively prosecute his predecessor? the more progressive _ prosecute his predecessor? the more progressive justices were worried that no— progressive justices were worried that no one wants president coming to office _ that no one wants president coming to office and know that he can do anything — to office and know that he can do anything and have immunity. this debate _ anything and have immunity. this debate is — anything and have immunity. this debate is very robust. there's a good _ debate is very robust. there's a good chance that case will be sent back to _ good chance that case will be sent back to the lower court to identify where _ back to the lower court to identify where the — back to the lower court to identify where the line is. what is official and what — where the line is. what is official and what is — where the line is. what is official and what is unofficial? this could be pushed — and what is unofficial? this could be pushed back till after the election. , , . , . be pushed back till after the election. , , . ., ., election. this is a very much aware ofthe election. this is a very much aware of the decision _ election. this is a very much aware of the decision making _ election. this is a very much aware of the decision making here - election. this is a very much aware of the decision making here and i election. this is a very much aware i of the decision making here and how that could weigh in the future democracy of the country. thea;r that could weigh in the future democracy of the country. they are very mindful _ democracy of the country. they are very mindful of _ democracy of the country. they are very mindful of what _ democracy of the country. they are very mindful of what a _ democracy of the country. they are very mindful of what a decision - very mindful of what a decision
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could _ very mindful of what a decision could imply. what is the president that will— could imply. what is the president that will be set. will we see all president— that will be set. will we see all president indicted by the political predecessor? the justices did not want _ predecessor? the justices did not want to— predecessor? the justices did not want to seem to talk about that. they _ want to seem to talk about that. they want — want to seem to talk about that. they want to talk about the future. with respect to what will happen now, _ with respect to what will happen now. the — with respect to what will happen now, the key issue is whether this case _ now, the key issue is whether this case will— now, the key issue is whether this case will be — now, the key issue is whether this case will be so delayed by this forward—looking debate, trying to -et forward—looking debate, trying to get the _ forward—looking debate, trying to get the line right between official acts and — get the line right between official acts and an official acts, and whether— acts and an official acts, and whether that process drags on so much _ whether that process drags on so much that— whether that process drags on so much that there is no decision on the criminal— much that there is no decision on the criminal trial below. before the presidential election. and if champ wins, _ presidential election. and if champ wins, he _ presidential election. and if champ wins, he can certainly end that prosecution himself.— wins, he can certainly end that prosecution himself. how much attention is _ prosecution himself. how much attention is this _ prosecution himself. how much attention is this getting - prosecution himself. how much
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attention is this getting in - prosecution himself. how much attention is this getting in the i prosecution himself. how much i attention is this getting in the us? it is getting a huge amount of attention. the last trial, that of joe simpson was completely televised. people could actually see it on tv _ televised. people could actually see it on tv in — televised. people could actually see it on tv. in the new york state court _ it on tv. in the new york state court where trump is on trial right now it _ court where trump is on trial right now it is _ court where trump is on trial right now it is a — court where trump is on trial right now it is a little bit behind closed doors _ now it is a little bit behind closed doors it— now it is a little bit behind closed doors it is— now it is a little bit behind closed doors. it is very dependent on secondary— doors. it is very dependent on secondary perception, on great recording — secondary perception, on great recording by folks like you, but it is a little — recording by folks like you, but it is a little bit concerning in the us that people can actually see what is happening. but there is extreme interest— happening. but there is extreme interest in— happening. but there is extreme interest in the supreme court argument. lots of concern on the liberal. _ argument. lots of concern on the liberal, progressive side. they seem
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to think— liberal, progressive side. they seem to think the — liberal, progressive side. they seem to think the president should be removed — to think the president should be removed for almost any act. and that a present— removed for almost any act. and that a present can be outdid knowing that the criminal— a present can be outdid knowing that the criminal consequences for his acts could — the criminal consequences for his acts could be almost new.- the criminal consequences for his acts could be almost new. thank you ve much acts could be almost new. thank you very much for— acts could be almost new. thank you very much forjoining _ acts could be almost new. thank you very much forjoining us. _ acts could be almost new. thank you very much forjoining us. we - acts could be almost new. thank you very much forjoining us. we have i very much forjoining us. we have some breaking news. a 20—year—old man has been charged with conducting hostile activity in the uk in order to benefit russia. four others have been charged in connection with the investigation. reporting restrictions were lifted today. a treasure has been charged with with conducting activities with russia.
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officials in guatemala have wrecked raided the offices of save the children. save the children was shocked and said that they had never orchestrated the movement of children out of guatemala. an actor has been arrested in melbourne. he was accused of sexual assault. a baby that was rescued in gaza has died. irate a baby that was rescued in gaza has died. . ., , ., .,,
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died. we got the news late last niuht died. we got the news late last nicht in a died. we got the news late last night in a phone _ died. we got the news late last night in a phone call. _ died. we got the news late last night in a phone call. the - died. we got the news late last night in a phone call. the baby| died. we got the news late last - night in a phone call. the baby died yesterday morning and the family die very heard 1pm. this story began last saturday night with an israeli air strike on the family home. they were going after hamas operatives. the missile hit the family home and killed baby's father, her three—year—old sister and her mother was badly imaged and was rushed to a local hospital. that was very short so these dramatic scenes. the baby was born through a cesarean section and doctors tried to resuscitate her, tapping her chest to simulate reading, using an air pump. then placing her in an incubator. she looked as if there was a fragment of
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hope amid this terrible tragedy, that some life would survive. of course, we should point out at that time that the doctor said her condition was critical. an emergency doctor at the hospital said that if she survived, we now know that that didn't happen. the babyjoins the 16 other children who were killed that weekend in air by israel. we are told also by family members that they would have been more than willing and indeed happy at the prospect of adapting her. the maternal grandmother of the baby, when a journalist visited her, she was scrolling through photographs of her daughter, speaking directly to
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her daughter, speaking directly to her daughter, speaking directly to her daughter and promising that she would take care of the child along with the paternal grandmother and also saying in that interview that she will see the baby in heaven. this is how the story ends, i am sad to say. the baby died although the doctors did their best to save her. this is the live scene outside trump towers in new york. donald trump is about to leave for the lower court in manhattan for the continuation of his has many trial. we expect to hear from the national enquirer publisher to answer more questions about his efforts to suppress damaging information about donald trump during the 2016 election day with us on bbc news.
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we have been shivering for days. it is going to be on the cold side there will be some thick cloud and outs breaks of lane rain in cornwall. i did a bit of bad weather for wales. cornwall. i did a bit of bad weather forwales. it cornwall. i did a bit of bad weather for wales. it will be cloudy across many southern parts. it isn't day of sunny spells and occasional showers. particular across northern and eastern scotland. temperatures will be 12 or 13 in south. the rain can run be heavy at times. particularly
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along the m4. it would be soggy overnight. clearer skies and a touch of frost in northern england. also in parts of scotland. it will be a really nippy start. the south coast will brighten up a little bit. temperatures tomorrow will be 13 in glasgow, maybe 13 in london. temperatures will recover because there is weather coming in from the south. you won't particularly feel the benefit because they will be outbreaks of rain. outbreaks across much of england. scotland and northern ireland will be bet for the sunshine. eventually the rain will clear away leaving a legacy of clout
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and dampness everywhere. temperatures, 13 in belfast with the wind coming in from the south. is it going to warm up? yes it is. the air is coming infrom going to warm up? yes it is. the air is coming in from the south—east and it will be slightly warmer air. temperatures will steadily climb a gentle climb in the south. about a mid—teens in the north. whether can to do is to be a mixed bag.
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this is bbc news. the headlines. united states top diplomat has been meeting the chinese leader for talks in beijing. irate meeting the chinese leader for talks in bei'inu. ~ _, meeting the chinese leader for talks in bei'inu. ~ .., ., in beijing. we continue to communicate _ in beijing. we continue to communicate clearly - in beijing. we continue to| communicate clearly about in beijing. we continue to - communicate clearly about our differences, at the very least to minimise the chance of miscalculation, misunderstandings. the world's first personalised vaccine for melanoma skin cancer — hailed as a potential "gamechanger" for treatment — is being tested on british patients. the second phase of the world's largest election gets under way today in india. and a study says it has found the strongest evidence yet that global conservation efforts are having a positive effect. 2024 is notjust an election year.


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