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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 26, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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jor plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. in brin for certain cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next closed captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the
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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. >> they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% shop today it's friday, april 26, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump's claim of absolute immunity in the hands of the supreme court i've justices tip their hand. the former president claims he's being treated unfairly. now, a cnn poll reveals whether the american people agree and children of gaza sending a message to the us students who are protesting on college campuses all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at capitol hill on this friday morning. good morning, everyone. happy friday. we made it. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. a historic week unfolding in donald trump's legal dramas right now, we are waiting on a decision from the supreme court
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on trump's claims a sweeping presidential immunity. the justice hurt justices heard oral arguments yesterday. they appeared ready to reject some of the former president's claims, but they also seemed reluctant to give special counsel jack smith the greenlight entirely to pursue these charges related to trump's actions on and around january six, the high court appears likely to leave a lot of the work to lower courts that could take months and further delay a trial that was originally set for march 4, we are also hours from trump returning to new york city courtroom for his hush money trial. >> the former tabloid publisher david pecker, back on the stand yesterday, describing to jurors how he paid a former playboy playmate to keep her quiet about an alleged affair with trump and how his decision not to pay for stormy daniels story led to michael cohen ultimately paying for it. judge juan merchan also announcing he'd hold a hearing next wednesday where he's going to make a decision about whether trump
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violated his gag order. that supposed to be an off day for the trial after court wrapped up yesterday, trump seemed to walk back his vow to testify in his hush money trial well, if it's necessary right now, i don't know if you heard about today. >> today, was just incredible. people are saying the experts, i'm talking about legal scholars and experts this saying what kind of a cases is there is no case joining me now to break all this down, cnn legal analyst, joey jackson, joe good morning. >> i always wonderful to have you with us. thanks for kicking us off today. >> let's start with the oral arguments that we saw before the supreme court yesterday. >> what stood out to you? >> yeah. casey, good morning to you. what stands out to me is whether there's gonna be this delineation between the president's private conduct and between of course, what can be deemed is outside the perimeter of the presidency. and the reason that's concerning to me is because i
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was one who believed there would need to be a bright line rule cool. what does that mean? us lawyers, what we say is bright-line rules that you need clear guidance with respect to what you do. otherwise, you get lost in the weeds. otherwise, for example, how do you differentiate when something's criminal, something's not, you need a bright line to determine if a president does something and it's illegal. it's illegal doesn't matter. whether it's in part of your performance of the presidential duties are not. and so i think i'm wondering whether or not and we know when terms of the setup that the supreme court is conservative, six to three, six conservative three liberals, whether they'll split on any of those grounds, right? and so there's a number of things i'm thinking about. the first is the delineation of whether you started this off casey by saying whether they send it back, send it back for what? send it back to the lower court for further findings that could take months. the findings as to well, our all the ax presidential are some of them not presidential? and how does that play into the role? so
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i'm about that. yeah. yeah. no to every point i'm so glad that you laid it out so clearly that way because one of the moments that really stuck out to me yesterday was when trump's attorneys seem to acknowledge that some of his potentially critical actions on the day on january 6th could amount to private conduct. >> i want to play play that section. this was an exchange with amy coney barrett, one of the trump appointees on the court and trump's lawyer watch petitioner turn to a private attorney, was willing to spread knowingly, false claims of election fraud to spearhead is challenges to the election results. >> private as much. i mean, we just moved the allegation, but sounds private. two sounds private petitioner conspired with another private attorney who caused the filing and court of a verification signed by petitioner that contain false allegations to support a challenge. >> sounds private three private actors to attorneys, including those mentioned above& a political consultant helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification jim
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proceeding and petitioner and a coconspirator attorney directed that effort you write it quickly. i believe that it's private that's seems to answer a lot. >> there it does, casey and that is the genesis of the concern, right? you have to now parse out. is they have private conduct from presidential conduct and then, you know, this sort of, this how the ambiguity right, is what i'm searching for. and so if you have that ambiguity, do you take it down to the lower court and does because the lower court make factual determinations as the justice did in her questioning as to what can be deemed to be private such that it can be prosecuted. and what could be deemed in the outer perimeter, you keep hearing this right of the president meaning that it couldn't be because there would be immunity. and so whether or not the supreme court issues a blanket decision president seems unlikely as to the president not being immune. the question becomes the clearly in my mind, can't be immunity for crimes that just
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would not be consistent with the constitution. so will the supreme court, in an effort to protect him, send it down and have those determinations made. that's the issue for me and we'll see what they do very soon joey, it's obvious that neil gorsuch said, set as much directly on the bench yesterday that this is about future presidencies, future presidents but there's this very immediate question about donald trump and whether or not voters are going to get a chance to understand whether or not he is convicted of trying to overturn conspiring to try to overturn an election before they have to decide whether or not to send him back to the oval office. >> and while officially the supreme court is supposed to be above politics, it seems very clear that they understand how they operate in a political environment, including the chief justice john roberts. he seems to want to protect the court from that, but he also understands how that plays out
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are they not making a political decision if they effectively delay this trial, past the election yeah, i think so. casey and i think we have to be really concerned, right. because we have these institutions and in these institutions we want them to be non-political. we expect the supreme court to make rulings predicated upon the law, predicated upon past precedent, predicated upon what makes sense, right consistent with statutes, consistent with the constitution, not the preservation and protection of anyone in particular. we know back in the year 2000, bush versus gore, and how they stepped into it. that is a supreme court and making that decision. and i just think when you have such a politicized environment case, you don't want the supreme court making any political decision. you want to make? get on the merits. and so i'm concerned with respect to your question of whether it does politicize the court and if that's the case, you lose the people's confidence and losing the american people's confidence,
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i think is a tragic a travis state in any system of justice all right. >> joey jackson for us on this friday, joey. thank you very much for being here. i appreciate it all right. >> coming up next here campus protests spreading as pro-palestinian demonstrators face off with police, plus secretary of state antony blinken. watch walking a diplomatic tight rope in china and we'll show you a new standard and poll how voters think donald trump is being treated as a defendant the sinking of the titanic. how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cbi brought in a juror, max broaching, with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks here, i'll take that sure. >> not to protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25
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even more college campuses a peaceful protests escalated quickly at ohio state university demonstrators and police clashing on the campus late last night, while in georgia. >> meanwhile, say police at emory university used excessive force when breaking up protestors, their troopers used pepper balls and even a stun gun on one demonstrator. >> he mall at columbia well, which was really the epicenter of these protests. >> the university president faces a faculty senate vote over her handling of the crisis that's according to new york times, talks between the students and the university are ongoing. the protesters now getting a message of support from the people they're fighting for the children in gaza all unit one we thank you. >> this to them all right.
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cnn's max foster is with me now. max. good morning to you. always wonderful to see you as these protests are growing and we saw those children there in gaza. of course, their stories absolutely. >> heart-wrenching of course, the question here in the us, the tension between peaceful protests that are focused on those children. and some of the anti-semitic and violent elements that we have seen here. how is this being viewed across the pond in your neck of the woods? >> well, the happenings, some protests universities, it's not a sort of a case of don't think of them spreading from the us to european universities because the protests have been taking place across europe but in a different way, basically a form of march's very regular marches and protests they become more and more controversial because there is often a very negative language coming out of them. some of the posters that they'd been carrying with them have been
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very offensive and it really reached a peak here in london, at least when there was jewish man who was at one these protests and the police said worst effective. he was looking openly jewish and he was provoking the crowd and that was seen as very controversial. and as a result of that there has been calls for a clamp down on these protests because they are being allowed to run freely and spread. often anti-semitic language so a real challenge as it has been on the campuses to how to balance the freedom of expression two offensiveness effectively, and incitement. some would argue max one or the other developments were watching here in the us is the us military now constructing doing additional construction to try and create a that they can use for humanitarian aid into gaza it's unclear, but
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potentially over the objection of the israelis and that does signal to me some i suppose this tension has been ongoing, but we do have continually this tension between president biden benjamin netanyahu in terms of that particular piece of it. and i have to say it's the piece that i've, i've struggled the most wrap my head around why israelis aren't willing to let more basic food supplies and other things enter gaza. what do you make of this development in terms of the military working on this and what it says about the broader geopolitics i just think you know, obviously israel is so desperate to keep control of all of this and the us is saying you have to let more aid in and they're effectively just going in and taking it in and that's obviously going to be a frustration to the israelis because they want to control this area yeah also, huge amount of sensitivity isn't it? >> when you got us troops going
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there under the present bias is made it very clear that they can't set a thought on, set foot on gazan soil because that could arguably be seen as americans going into combat in gaza so it's a risk for president. biden, but also shows exactly how strongly he feels that his words aren't being taken seriously enough about getting aid in there. and i think that's really reflected by the leadership across europe. i think they think this is a good thing and they should be pushing israel on this very interesting. >> all right, max foster for us in london, max have a wonderful weekend. thank you so much to you guys. see all right. coming up next a massive fire erupting on california's historic ocean. sayyed pier, got x plus it's donald trump being treated unfairly. we're gonna hear from voters in a new cnn poll cnn central today. >> and seven eastern. >> not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your
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person that will reality means true romance a beautiful. the never, ever met all new friday eight, seven central all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. secretary of state antony blinken, meeting with china's president xi this morning in beijing. the meeting comes amid rising tensions with china over its support for russia. blinken is expected to speak thank soon we're gonna bring those to you in the coming hour. today marks one month since baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapsed after being struck by a cargo ship. the investigation into the deadly disaster is ongoing as our efforts to clear the debris have you black smoke spewing from the iconic oceanside peer in california, a vacant diner at the end of the pier catching fire. it took hours to put out the flames, but much of these southern california tourist attraction was saved. no word on what caused the fire, but authorities confirmed no one was injured our time now for weather over 35 million people
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in the central us could see several rounds of severe storms this weekend with potential tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds are weatherman van dam is with us now, derek good morning. what are you looking at? >> yeah good morning. so we're in this multi-day severe weather threats that has been ongoing for several days now, it will continue today and into the weekend, really ramping up tomorrow. but look what happened yesterday for tornado reports across parts of eastern colorado into kansas and nebraska, several reports of hail and wind damage well, now there are ongoing showers and thunderstorms, several hundred lightning strikes being picked up on our radar, but i'm going to focus in on this area, the southern branch of these storms, just south of oklahoma city's see that shading of yellow, that is a severe thunderstorm watch that's valid through about 9:00 a.m. eastern standard time eastern daylight time, i should say. and this it's just because of the strong line of storms that's moving through this area could pick up wins in excess of 55 miles per hour. but later today, when we start to take
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advantage of the environmental conditions, the heating from the daytime sun. this is the area where we're particularly concerned about omaha to kansas city so parts of iowa, missouri, into kansas and brassica. that is where we have our greatest threat of tornadoes and strong tornadoes at that. and then check out the enhanced risk tomorrow, 55 million americans on saturday, about 37 million americans impacted four the de, on sunday. so a very active weekend. and again, highlighting this hashed area right on your tv screens there. keep an eye to the sky. this is where we could pick up tornadoes that have wins greater than 111 miles per hour. you don't want to be part of that is indeed not. all right. are weatherman van damme, derrick, thank you. i'll see you next hour coming up next. this is so unfair. >> you hear that from donald trump almost every day. >> now, new cnn poll reveals whether voters let's agree. plus the supreme court's signaling they're prepared to reject trump's claims of absolute immunity. >> there's a big caveat live
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unfairly. it's basically the whole argument and it's something that he repeated just yesterday as he left his hush money criminal trial in new york this is a drought that you have never happened. this is a case that should have never been filed & it was really an incredible an incredible day. open your eyes then we can let this continue to happen to our country a new cnn poll shows that few americans, just one in eight. >> that's that 13% number at the bottom of that graphic, there. think that trump is being treated the same way other defendants would be treated he did here's the rub though. this is our divided politics, just as many think he's being treated more leniently as those who agree with trump and think that he's being targeted for harsher treatment. let's bring in julia manchester. she is national political reporter for the hilt. juliet. good morning. good morning. casey. >> so i it's one of these things this is another one of our american institutions, our justice system, our system of courts, that seems to now
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reflect political divisions in terms of trust, right? and we're seeing that over and over again in different areas of american life, this in many ways was the last a bastion of this, but it's clear that these divisions are showing up in the trump trial. we can put up also the number of americans who think that, who are confident that a fair verdict can be reached in this case, just 7% are very confident that this trial could be fair. 36% somewhat conference put in a good quarter of americans wanted for almost are not confident at all that this trial could be fair this seems to reflect the reality that donald trump does seem to be. his argument is resonating with his supporters. what's your view of that? plus? how those who oppose donald trump, there are many people who think he's gonna be treated too leniently. absolutely. so i think what you're seeing right now is donald trump supporters, obviously like you said, sort
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of taking what he's saying and he's saying it a lot. he has this consistent messaging that he is the victim of a witch-hunt. we've seen this for you ears and he's pin this on the justice department. he's pin this on the state of new york and other legal entities as well. and then you have his opponents who say he's not true. he's, very much being treated fairly. in fact, some would even say he could be treated probably maybe some institutions are being too soft on him. so trump is very much the trying to portray himself as the victim of that. and i think there are voters who are certainly buying into that the question i have is that how does this impact voters choices when they go to the polls? i really don't think it does obviously there is a very low trust in our institutions gen. vista institutions to stay in age. but at the same time, i don't think voters are tuning into these trials and thinking, oh, donald trump's listening to donald trump's campaign messaging. and that's
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influencing their vote. it's interesting because you have donald trump stuck in new york this week, while president biden is on the campaign trail talking about kitchen table issues well, it's interesting. >> you raise whether or not this could potentially be an issue because we did ask people about that and it was interesting to learn in this poll we asked, okay, i've trump's committed, convicted of committing a crime. does that influence your vote? and we can put that up here so you look so 76% say that they would support them no matter what, but 24% said, well, i might reconsider my support for him and that, i mean, look at reflects. we've we've had some variation in our exit polling and the primaries, right where we ask people this was going to, in some states, there were more than others, but 24% kinda, right in the middle, there. so i mean that does suggest that there might be some movement the possibility of a conviction is really key here, because i think we're obviously an unchartered territory here. voters don't know what would happen if a former president who is running for office again, what would have happened if he was
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convicted so going forward, i think there's a lot of uncertainty and i think right now voters want some sense of ability right now, and i don't think donald trump necessarily with his legal issues, gives that if you layer on top this issue of a conviction that doesn't help him either. >> so the other piece of this that stuck out to us here is the differences in how voters may consider this hush money trial versus some of the other things that trump is facing, especially the january 6 questions mean we've been here and we've talked about how this hush money trial politically may be the weakest one, right? right. >> so let's look at this. this is at those who think that charges disqualify him for the presidency only 28 percent in the hush money trial. believe that let's now put up the charges related to january 6. you see 47% believe that he is disqualified from the
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presidency based on those charges. this does seem to suggest that we've seen the supreme court in the arguments yesterday, seems willing to put this off until after the election, the january 6 case after the election, by default, by potentially extending the timeline here, it seems like americans are most likely only going to see this hush money trial play out before they have to make a decision on voting for him. him or not sending back to the officer, not what's the impact there? >> i didn't the impact is huge because like i said, it goes back to the possibility of a conviction if he ultimately is convicted, then you have voters in that area of uncertainty. they don't know what's going to happen. they feel unstable with a candidate or a front runner in some cases, who is facing that kind of future at the same time though, look legal experts say this january or excuse me, the hush money case is the weakest out of all of these cases. so if he isn't convicted, then donald trump kit and the other cases are
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delayed or whatever donald trump can essentially go out on the campaign trail and talk about those kitchen table she's as joe biden is, so i think it really depends on the outcome at the end of the day. >> all right. julie mentioned for the hill, julia, thanks very much for being with us. i appreciate it all right. >> the us supreme court, as we've touched on, is now set to rule on donald trump's claims of sweeping presidential immunity. the justices heard oral arguments yesterday, much of its surrounding, what should it'd be considered official conduct of a president, which in theory might be protected compared to what is private. and what the president may not be immune from petitioner turned to a private attorney was willing to spread knowingly false claims of election fraud to spearhead is challenges to the election results. >> private, as we dispute the allegation, but sounds private. two sounds but petitioner conspired with another private attorney who caused the filing and court of a verification signed by petitioner that contain false allegations to support a challenge.
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>> so sounds three private actors to attorneys, including those mentioned above and a political consultant helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification in proceeding and petitioner and a coconspirator attorney directed that effort you really quickly. i believe that's private the court does appear ready to reject the former president's absolute immunity claims, but they also seemed likely to send the case back to lower courts to basically decide what's what and that could take months. >> and potentially delay trump's january 6 trial until after the presidential election. joining me now to discuss former january 6 investigative counsel, marcus children's market. good morning, britain. have you so you were in court yesterday for these arguments. can you just take us inside the room? what did it feel like to be there? yeah. >> it felt a lot like our first primetime january 6 committee hearing i know going back thing about myself. we wanted to make sure we were getting it right with the facts that we've presented the american public
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for the first time, and you could tell yesterday the justices wanted to get this decision right sitting in the courtroom, you couldn't help but think of some of the more critical or consequential decision there's in american history such as bush vigo or even dred scott are plessy versus ferguson. as you were sitting there. and so that was really the feeling around the courtroom was just like this is going to be an important decision in american history moving forward. and i think the justices, you could see that they were really weighing the impact of their opinion that they were going to put out as they were asking questions. >> i think arguably that moment right there that we just showed with amy coney barrett might be the one that lasts the longest. if in fact, we do see the a trial in this case. what did you make of the fact that she a trump appointee? what's the one who did this? >> what was your perception of how she viewed this when she was sitting on the bench and what's the ultimate impact of that? well, i took that line of questioning is going right to the doj's fallback position and their briefs there fallback position was none of this is in the outer perimeter of official
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duties. in fact, we could try this case if you look at all the private actions, we can move forward with. and i think you see justice barrett really pressure testing that theory of okay. well, how much of this indictment does fall outside of the official duties or outer perimeter of the presidential powers. and you saw trump's attorney can see that a lot of the conduct did fall outside as a private, but i think the chief justices hypothetical i think we'll probably one of the more consequential questions that were asked yesterday when he said can a president be tried for appointing an ambassador and receiving a bribe? because i think we all agree that a a bachelor is an official duty of the president. yeah, i think we also also agree with setting a bribe is a criminal activity that should be, should be prosecuted. >> that's the theory anyway, speaking of hypothetical there were a couple others raised by justices sotomayor and kagan, watch or listen, i should say, to what they said if the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and
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he orders the military or order someone to assassinate him is that within his official acts that for which he can get immunity? it would depend on hypothetical, but we can see that could well be an official if a president's cells, nuclear regrets to a foreign adversary, is that immune? >> that sounds like similar to the bribery example, likely not immune now, if it's structured as an official act, he would have to be impeached can convicted so i mean it is interesting to me that he tries to make a distinction between these two, that it could be an official act. the president assassinated it's his rivals. but if he sells nuclear secrets, it's likely private, although it depends on how it's constructed. what what is your overall view of all these various hypotheticals? we heard yesterday? >> i took it was pretty jarring here in the courtroom those hypotheticals yesterday, and i took it as certain justices really establishing that there
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cannot be absolute immunity for official acts right? but the absurdity of having immunity for those hypotheticals that were just presented, i think that was really what those questions were meant to do was to just lay down the marker of really just getting rid of this notion that there can be absolute immunity for official acts of a president. basically trying to say that it is absurd to argue that, well, if this is an official act, you should be immune from assassinating the political right that's correct. >> and i think that's why you saw for president trump's council argue for an hour and not really get pushed on the boundaries of those arguments. but then you saw the government's attorney get press for an hour and 45 minutes about the different boundaries and official act and what could be criminally prosecuted. i think the justices were really searching more for their baseline of the ruling through mr. dreeben on the doj sayyed versus through trump's attorney, through those hypotheticals, really, really interesting mark is children's. >> thank you. and i had a long day yesterday. really appreciate you being a morning thank you. all right. coming up next here, a former republican lieutenant governor who says his party has no business being
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in the majority in the house plus with the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft how's that for a tease. >> the winners and losers in the nfl draft are bleacher report. >> i had i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried be felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i'll take that i'm sure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic freeze dryness breakage. >> new dove ten and one serum hair mask with peptide complex fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level, helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute, keep living real key, preparing businesses go further
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has earned the ire of some of her republican colleagues after she led the fight to stop ukraine aid and is trying to oust speaker mike johnson. an effort my next guest calls a quote, embarrassing spectacle. geoff duncan is from the state that green also represents georgia and he joins me now he's former lieutenant governor, cnn political well commentator jeff, thank you for being here. >> absolutely. good morning you write in this new piece in the atlanta journal-constitution quote, until green no longer has a place of influence within the republican caucus conference, our party has no business being in the majority and not much chance of governing it is an endless doom loop without quality candidates, we can't win elections without winning elections we can't govern an endless doom loop and you really hone in on the quality of the people who are here in washington yeah. marjorie taylor greene is everything that's wrong with the republican party just wrapped up in one person, right? she's angry, she's visceral. she does not come to work any single day being serious minded or wanting to solve a problem.
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she just simply wants to get likes on twitter and attention in the headlines and that's a problem that we've got donald trump promised us, if as republicans, if you let me endorse you and you've do all the things i want you to do and be anger filled i'll win a huge majority in the house that didn't happen. we have a one vote majority in the house, and so nothing can get done. it's just another endless string of lies at he told a republican party marjorie taylor greene specifically has said things and seems to her opposition to ukraine aid in particular is a policy thing that seems to line up with vladimir putin's interests to the point that seemed to, it does, right? >> the point that russian state tv i had marjorie taylor greene featured watch module it. they a little green congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who york post already dressed in a huge shank ahead with a star, officially putting her in the ranks of kremlin agents called
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speaker johnson, a democrat, elected by ukraine johnson. >> but green also said that johnson betrayed not only republicans, but the whole of the us. >> nonetheless, the us military aid will be bigger this year compared to the past years. >> and of course, there is nothing good in that what does this say to you? and also, where do you think this comes from for marjorie taylor greene words matter and stuff like this just really highlights the fact that this is a national security threat when you, when you sit there and use language to be divisive like she's using, there's consequences to it, right? just to think it's hitting the russian evening news, ronald reagan's literally rolling over in his grave thinking that somebody inside the republican party wants to play kate to these individuals. it just shows the shallowness of where the republican party is currently. it's broken and when we watched this trump stuff play out in all these cases, i mean, this is just an embarrassment to the party and i would have thought that two years ago we would have when smart enough to make a pivot and move in a different direction than donald
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trump and marjorie taylor greene and those i do think there are signs of it, right this weekend vote with mike johnson and him being bold enough and courageous enough to stand up to allowed angry caucus and say no, we're going to actually do the right thing. i think it's steps in the right direction. we're just going to need a lot more of that. that only in dc, but also state by state by state jeff, what was your reaction to the supreme court arguments yesterday? i mean, it does seem like they are likely to make a decision that will mean that donald trump does not face a january 6 federal trial before the election. voters are going to have to decide whether to put it back in the oval office without having that information. >> i feel like half of america is going to get an already law degree by the time this is done. all these legal, technical, it makes me feel like i should have gotten i got i got to act like an attorney for 40 legislative days or the years lieutenant governor, but yeah, it's certainly it's concerning that america is not going to hear the full truth throughout this, this election process. but look this is like donald trump's playing this out like a mafia boss. he's, it's not that he's denying any of these things happen like january 6, fake electors
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documents, hush, hush payments. it's all happened. it's just well, i was above the law and that particular sequence and that de and job description, it's all a series of technicalities. he still has a math problem with the suburbs, right? the suburbs are listening to this play-out day after, day after day. and he's going to need women, especially in the suburbs to show up and vote form. i don't know if a single woman in the suburbs that i live in that says, oh, you know what i don't i'm shelby actually is a pretty good guy. and now that i'm hearing the facts of these cases come out, they're just not doing it. and i still think he has a math problem. donald trump does not win in november short of some unforeseen health event on either side. joe biden wins, wins the election. >> all right. i'm gonna i'm gonna write that down and hold you to it. and we'll see it come back in november. thank you, jeff. i was your shade having you know, for sports the first round of the nfl draft is in the books featuring a historic run on quarterbacks at the top of the list andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. andy, good morning. >> yeah. good morning. cases. so the first round last night, it was all about offense. the first 14 picks we're all on
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the offensive side of the ball, five of the top ten pigs were quarterbacks, six of the top 12 never seen that before. and it started with the bears, that number one the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft the chicago bears select caleb williams quarterback. >> southern california yes or no surprise there the bears taken 2020 heisman trophy winner caleb williams, first overall, chicago fans hoping finally, have a star quarterback. >> the bears have never had a qb throw before. thousand yards in their 103 years here history. and not a future is here in more ways than one williams, 22 pairs draft party onstage you hologram. >> pretty cool. >> all right, now the shakur of the drafts coming quickly at pick number eight, the atlanta falcons selecting washington quarterback michael penix, junior. no one had penix to the falcons at eight, especially
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since they just signed kirk cousins to a four-year $180 million deal, this offseason. so that was certainly i head scratcher here was your top ten picks half of them again or quarterbacks for the first time ever the vikings traded up to tend to take michigan's jj mccarthy quarterback bo nix, also went 12th to the broncos and draft continues tonight with around two and three and look at number crowd they had for night one inch detroit, the nfl says an estimated 275,008 and showed up to smashing the attendance record for the event. the previous record was set 20 drafted nashville that had about 200,000 in the ground inhale, look at see if people are the nba playoffs. last slide, really getting back in there series with the nix, thanks to joel embiid six or is big manage his dominant last night it kim, the first player in nba history to score 50 and a playoff games while taking you were the 20 shots 76 years of wind game 3125 to one 14 and been having this monster named
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despite being recently diagnosed with bell's palsy, a form facial paralysis it's been tough but i'll nauta not acquittal. >> so not acute fighting through wanted oh, yeah. it's all fortunate that's the way i look at it not that's not an excuse. got acute push. it could be weeks, could be months. i just hope that stay like this now, i got a beautiful face. like when my mouth is looking the other way. so yeah, but i got say unfortunate situation, but everything happens for a reason. >> i like me while are now on the brink of elimination abroad, helped la get out through an early laid out today would just run out of gas. aaron gordon was just all around the ram all night for the nuggets, putting up 29 points and 15 rebounds and nikola jokic, his normal dominant cell, but he was an assist shy of a triple, double
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nuggets would win games three, one-twelfth, 2105, no team has ever come back from down oh, three and in a history major. >> all right. the third game of the nih, the magic and the cavs, their worst playoff laws in franchise history. paolo banchero had are lando up by 60 at the half the lead only grew from there, magic would win that one by 38 calves still be that series though two-to-one, three games on the scheduled tonight with an early start, bucks and pacers going to get things started with a five, 30 eastern tip off and you've got clippers and maths at eight followed by t-wolves& the sun's at 10:30. and i tell you what casey my boys very happy to see a five 30 eastern tip off. they never get to see the end of games. they're always yelling at me. they want to stay up, but hey, tonight, guess what? >> you can't you got to be honest, andy, i had the same reaction. look, again, i could watch all of it still actually get to bet on thank you. have a good weekend. enjoy it with your boys back to you. >> i thank coming up next year. how supreme court ruling against donald trump could actually be a win for the former president plus lost tens
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