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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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says that this has to be retried, but he also has a case in california where he was convicted of rape and sexual assault. >> there. what does it mean for him? so as far as california, the new york decision is not binding. now the challenge to the california case, it's going to be a very, very similar challenge. but. it will be governed by california law. so the standard is slightly different as of now, new york, the case needs to be retried in order for conviction and would have to be starting from ground zero. right. but he's now under california jurisdiction where he was sentenced to six teen years. so the law they're quite different from the law are different from the law in new york or maybe not so narrow, but still, it is something that he is going to use viable challenge in california as well. okay. i want to ask you something, this twist that was brought up first by report or an author, ronan farrow, who has done extensive reporting and wrote a book on how, what harvey weinstein operated he argues that this appellate case could actually have some impact on donald trump's case, how
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sarah, it's the first thing i thought of because we're covering trump gavel to gavel keep in mind, we just heard a sandoval hearing in donald trump's case. >> there's two things that this is directly impactful to donald trump's case. first prior bad acts evidence coming into the courtroom. the second, the appellate courts finding that harvey weinstein basically could not testify because so much was going to be allowed in on cross-examination the same type of argument would apply to donald trump at the sandoval hearing. that's where prosecutors are told by the judge what can come in if donald trump were to testify, they opened up the gates. the judge to the e jean carroll case, to the new york state attorney general, civil fraud case because of that, donald trump will have a similar argument that he's hamstrung. he couldn't possibly testify because of everything that's going to come in on cross-examination. it's directly related to the appellate division decision that we just heard today. >> did not see that twist coming. misty marris. thank you so much. it's always a pleasure for sure.
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>> okay. >> next hour i'm cnn news central starts right now only if necessary, donald trump changing his tune on whether he will testify today. >> david pecker will be back on the stand and for more critical testimony. what else will he reveal now under cross-examination, also in new york this morning, president biden campaigning while trump is in court by i've been throwing shade at trump's legal woes saying he's been busy on the trail while trump has been on trial. >> plus university unrest professors arrested students, clashing with police. >> and now one university is canceling its main graduation ceremony because of the pro-palestinian protests engulfing campus is coaston to coast. i'm kate baldwin was sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn news central all
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right. happening right now. live. look for you outside from tower where we are standing by to see and potentially here from donald trump as he soon makes his. way back to court. the former president's historic criminal trial resumes today with the man who ran the national enquirer or the publisher, david pecker, back on the stand for cross-examination. what else could he reveal today about the hush-money deal with stormy daniels were also standing by to learn who will testify next and whether or not the judge will find trump violated his gag order and hold him in contempt. another gag order hearing is now set for new alleged violations. cnn's brinton grasses live outside court for us this morning, gin, as we're watching for donald trump to just leave trump tower and get down to the core. can you let us know? sort of how soon court resumes and whether or not we're ever going to get an answer to this gag order rule because it's been sitting there now for few days yeah i
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mean listen, we went into court yesterday wondering if the judge was going to rule solely. certainly that's something that's usually address when courts starts. so we'll have to see when it gets started. today, but we know that we have that next goalpost write about those new those new allegations from the prosecution, and that is for next thursday. so it's certainly not going away. we know that sarah, but look, as soon as core again, i am really going to be looking for the rapid questioning that we saw from the cross-examination yesterday, there was not long of it before court broke for the day, but i got to tell you are reported in the courtroom had a magic fingers because the defense was really firing off questions to david pecker, essentially getting him to admit that buying and burying stories was really common practice for the national enquirer that they actually did this for lots of celebrities and for the fact that they were alerting donald trump. but two stories about him, more than a decade before the presidential election. so that's a lot for the jury you to take in. and it really nipped away at the
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prosecution's case, which was a strong case basically laying out for several hours over the last several days for jurors, how david pecker really the intricacies of these catch-and-kill stories, how he bought and buried two prior stories before the store. we daniel story came about and essentially he says, i'm not a bank, and then he found out later on that michael cohen actually paid for that story to go away before the 2016 election. of course that is a story that is at the heart of these charges against i'll trump. so we'll see if that was effective in the defense's strategy of distancing donald trump from the charges that are against him. when it comes to at least david pecker as a witness, but he'll be back on the stand when court resumes today. >> so david pecker will be back on the stand. he will be continuing with cross-examinati on. you are expecting that the prosecution to redirect after that, correct absolutely. >> yeah. of course. they get that option before we even maybe see who the next witness is redirected fact, it's very unclear, actually it david
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pecker will finish today. i mean, it is a full court today, so it's very likely he will, but we don't really quite know the timing just yet but we are waiting to see, like you said, sarah, who is the next witness, is it someone who deals with the accounting inside ami or within the trump organization or is it michael cohen, another quite arguably the star witness for the prosecution so we'll have to wait and see. of course, we don't know because they are not giving away that witness lists or rather the order of that witness list. this ahead of time because of the fear that donald trump will post about them on social media and such. so we'll standby all right. >> brand jin grass standing by for court to resume. appreciate it. john. >> yeah, it will be an interesting morning. and in the meantime donald trump is walking down that well-worn path of his, suggesting maybe he will testify in his own defense this time he says do it if necessary, seen as the land of treene is with us this morning. >> any reporting on what his
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actual intentions here are later is this is more of the drama building that he engages in. yeah, we are feeling a bit of that. will he or won't he testified, but luck, john. i mean, this is something donald trump has done repeatedly in the past. he almost always says, whenever he's facing legal challenges or trial, saying, i want to testify, i want to be there to defend myself and that's really, when you get to the heart of who donald trump betts he thinks he is his own best defender, and that's where a lot of this is coming from. however, last night he did change his tune a bet on this question, whereas a couple of weeks ago he was saying, yes, i plan to testify. yes, i want to testify in an interview last night, he said, well, we'll see if it's necessary. take a listen to how he put it. >> well, if it's necessary right now, i don't know if you heard about today. today, was just incredible. people are saying the experts, i'm talking about legal scholars and x this saying what kind of a cases is
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there is no case now, i do just want to point out some context here at one point in that interview, he did say this is no case. >> i think that's the defense. he's going to be using for not taking the stand that look, it doesn't even matter. this isn't a good case. i don't need to take the stand, however, again, this is a tactic he is used before saying he wants to testify only to have discussions with his lawyers who ultimately convinced them testifying isn't a good move here, and i think all of the legal experts i've been talking too lawyers involved in this are saying luck. you never really want someone to take the stand in this case, it's more likely this could hurt the former president than it could help them. and so that's where some of this is coming from donald trump was golfing this past wednesday, whereas he's been campaigning complaining that he can't get out on the campaign trail. >> what are his golfing slash campaign plans in the days and weeks ahead? >> right well. you're right on wednesday, he was at his bedminster golf club golfing and this weekend he's going to be at mar-a-lago back in
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florida celebrating melania trump's birthday. however, next week we are really seeing him get back onto the campaign trail. he's going to make two visits, a one to michigan, one to wisconsin. of course, john, to vary the crucial battleground in 2020 for trump won these states in 2016, lost them to joe biden in 2020. and i know from my conversations with his advisers that these are very critical to winning the election come november, but luck. >> it, it is a bit weird to see how this has been shaking out for them. >> i know that in my conversations with his team they recognize that this has been a hard juggling act. it's been challenging to have him in court four days required a week, and then trying to use the other three days to campaign. we haven't seen much of that so far. he was supposed to have a rally last weekend in north carolina. they ended up having to cancel that last minute because of storm weather. but apart from that, he hasn't been used using those days really to get out there. so we're going to see this happen wednesday. i do think they're going to try to do more of this and really try to maximize his ability to be
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on the trail while also being stuck in court. >> john landa tree and great to see this morning. thank you so much. >> okay. >> so he faces four criminal cases. why and what has happened leaving smart minds though? say, now it's looking more likely the hush money case will be the only trial that donald trump faces before the november election. and crisis on campuses across let's the country, pro-palestinian protests growing schools are struggling to contain, to keep them contained. and now one school is canceling part of its graduation because of it plus fire crews and southern california, they are fighting to save a landmark engulfed in flames, will get back every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with
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we're stopped buying granger for the ones who get it done i miss this adrenaline flown just like standard every. turn he can't stand my cup, boy. shot of adrenaline right to the heart so we. >> have a new look at the real impact trump's trials are having on how americans feel about him. and also how they feel potentially about their vote. a new cnn poll showed americans are sharply divided over how they view the criminal prosecution of donald trump the poll found just 13% said trump is being treated the same as any other different criminal defendant, though when you look inside that number, it is interesting most they're divided over whether he is being treated more harshly or more leniently than other criminal defendants. the same poll finds that less than half our confident that a jury will reach a fair verdict. what happens if he is convicted of a
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crime? what among trump's supporters, the result is also quite interesting. the poll finds the vast majority would support trump regardless, but 24% of trump supporters say it, say that it may cause them to reconsider their support of the former president. joining us right now is a former deputy white house press secretary under donald trump, sarah mathews, she resigned her position right after january 6. it's good to have you here again, sarah. so this rising share of americans say, also in this poll that the charges in the ongoing trial, their irrelevant to his fitness for the presidency. even if the charges which are true, though a majority says that it's still is relevant, but a rising number says that it's irrelevant. what do you think? why do you think that is i think it's because when we look at the nature of this case and the charges, he's facing, they're not as severe, maybe as the other cases that he's facing later on down the road. >> and that's what's really unfortunate about this hush money payment case being the
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first one where he received an indictment. and now the first one to go to trial and likely maybe the only trial we're going to get before the 2024 election because i think this case, this is something that americans have been aware of. most americans have heard the story about stormy daniels, and it's already been litigated in the court of public opinion, and they've made up their mind where they stand on donald trump and his character whereas the other cases that he's facing he's saying those are cases that strike at the heart of our democracy. the charges he's facing are much more aggressive and severe and so i think that when you're looking at these cases, it's not necessarily surprising then that this is where americans are at in their opinion and pulling on it let's talk about the data on the impact of trump among trump's supporters. if he's convicted, i mentioned it, was right before i brought you in so it's about three of voters that are currently backing donald trump against biden say that they will stick with him? no. but regardless, you see there 76%, but then there's that 24% of trump
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backers say a conviction chun might have them reconsidering their support. yes. 24 is nowhere near 76. but when you're talking about it could be a margin election between donald trump and joe biden if they would go to joe biden, that could be very significant does that surprise you? i think it doesn't surprise me because i think it tracks what we've been seeing in the primary so far, and i would say that that 24% are those nikki haley voters. and we just saw in pennsylvania these folks, i think there's 155,000 people who cast their vote for nikki haley in pennsylvania in the primary and i believe that that is tracking then with that polling where we're seeing those are the folks who would be probably on the fence about trump and then if a conviction came down, that might sway them to not support him, i'm not saying they're gonna go vote for joe biden, but they might leave the top of their ballot blank, done donald trump talks
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outside of court, often criticizing the case and also complaining that it's taking them off the campaign trail. let me play this for you, sarah this is what took me off. >> it takes me off the campaign trail because i shouldn't be in georgia now i shouldn't be in florida now. i should be a lot of different places right now campaigning and i'm sitting here we haven't really seen him take the opportunity to campaign when he's not i mean, he has wednesdays and weekends to campaign whether complicated things this past weekend. >> but cnn is also reported that trump went golfing this past wednesday. we haven't seen i'm going to barnes storming the country on his days off. why do you think that that is yeah, i found it quite ironic that he's complaining that he can't be out on the campaign trail and then the one day off he had this week, he spent golfing at bedminster and i think that it kind of tracks and with this pattern, we've seen from trump, where back when i was working for him. >> i've thought of him almost as like the energizer bunny. he had just this endless amount of
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energy and would hold multiple rallies a day. and i think we've seen as time has gone on, and he's gotten older. he doesn't quite seem to have the same kind of pepin, his stuff but i would imagine though, as we get closer to the election, that will change, i don't think it's going to be the same level of campaigning that we saw from him in 2020. but i do think that we're going to see him out there a little bit more frequently right now, the campaign has been obviously saying that they're utilizing all media coverage from the trial to their advantage. and kind of campaigning from the courtroom, if you will. but at the same time, i'm not sure if several weeks of trump being outside the courtroom just complaining about how cold the air conditioning is and how he has to sit up straight for several hours as necessary. separately. a really strong campaign message that we're hearing from our, some of our
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correspondence that he the campaign does have events planned for next week, but everything you're saying it totally makes sense and is very good point. it's good to see you, sarah. thank you very much, sir. >> all right. thank you. >> there are a lot of sarah here today. i had more of pro-palestinian protest and violent arrest on college campuses across the country. over the war in gaza. now, one university let's the us canceling its main stage graduation ceremony over security and beyond the call of duty, how officers coordinated to save lives awful baltimore bridge collapse live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc. this runnable read back here again, president biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner, live tomorrow at seven eastern on cna if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. >> i'm 17 consider an aarp
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for free visit ai or download the app. >> great teammates, trusting each other. we're gonna do a trust stand up, you close your eyes for trust. >> what we're suddenly up doc he said, i told you there was a dummy this morning. the unrest and terminal on college campuses over israel's war in gaza is spreading across the world, happening right now in
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france students are carrying out a pro-palestinian blockade. and the main campus building of a university in central paris they've also put up a barricade blocking police access to the street and you see the number of people there in the us at ohio state university, a peaceful protests turned violent between students and police after the students refused orders to disperse. there have been multiple arrest on that campus and another scene at emory university in georgia, where 28 people were arrested yesterday including two professors some georgia lawmakers say police use excessive force on protesters. they're deploying pepper balls and even stun guns. i'm joined now by maddie oliver. she is a student at emory and also the editor in chief of the emory we'll thank you so much for talking to us today first, can you give us a sense of what the scene as on-campus after those 28 arrests? yes. today yes, i can say that. i haven't been to campus today, but i know that
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i've heard a lot about students are still planning on protesting and still putting on going back to the quad. i know last evening i was there until around 9:00 p.m. because people were protesting on the quad. no one got arrested that time. time they used to render peacefully on their own but i think it hasn't dissuade anyone. people are still definitely protesting was still feeling really strong in their beliefs against or for palestine. >> so you are expecting more protests today on campus and for people to return it. i want to talk to you about what happened yesterday. state police said the protesters were throwing bottles and refuse to leave, but a group of democratic georgia state lawmakers on thursday condemned what they called excessive force used by georgia state patrol during arrests at emory university, you are on the ground there. what are you hearing from students about the reality of what went down there? >> i know the majority of students that i've heard speak about it have agreed that it was excessive force and i've
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been saying that it was a peaceful protest i was not actually in the protests hours on the sidelines, so i can't say for sure what happened. i didn't see anybody throwing anything, but again, i wasn't there right now. most people seem to think it was definitely excessive force on canvas let me ask you about the two professors here give you and show the audience the moment that an economics professor was arrested and detained by police. >> take a look that first-person who was thrown to the ground. do you know what led up to the economics professor or there was also a philosophy chair who was also arrested. do you have any information on what happened there? >> i'm not sure we actually accessed the dekalb county is or the jails, arrested records, and we weren't able to confirm
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anything with economics professor. all we know is that we did see that the philosophy chair know while mcafee's was arrested but i'm not sure what led up to it. i think they're claiming it was assault. again, a police officer, but i didn't see anything occur, so i'm not sure. i know i've heard people say that they also didn't see anything occur. >> okay. >> what is it that students are demanding and sort of what has happened on campus to have the university colin police in the first place students are demanding for free palestine in general and for emory to divest from israel or cut all ties from israel and i know that emory is a university president and the police chief proud a statement saying that the reason the police were called the west because the majority of the protesters were allegedly not affiliated with emory and they were trespassing on campus so they called police whenever they warn the protesters. if you don't leave, then this accountings
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trespassing and they still didn't leave. so that's what the university is climbing happened. >> do you have any sense of that's true that most of the people there were were from outside of the campus i cannot say for sure if most people four inner outside campus, i did see a lot of students. i don't know if they like the majority, but i can say that out of the 28 arrests, 20 of them are affiliated with emory, so at least the majority of those arrested were members of the emory community that gives you a good sense of who was there. i do want to ask you about this other bit that happened on another campus, university of southern california, has just announced that they are going to camp it's all the main stage ceremonies for graduation because they don't feel like they can secure the campus enough. is there any concern that that may happen here? and i asked that because these students that will be graduating, that will be walking did not get to walk on their high school graduations because of covid, has anyone been talking about that there
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i've not heard anything from admin that would suggest they going to cancel it, but i have heard a few students concerned about it. i think like for the reason you said they didn't get to graduate high school. but i think that's people concerned because i heard about usc, obviously, so i haven't heard anything about it happening at emory for sure. >> maddie oliver. thank you so much for speaking to me today and explaining all of the reporting that you guys have been doing their job all right. >> very shortly we will be back inside a new york courtroom. donald. trump's criminal trial for covering up hush money payments to stormy daniels allegedly resumes shortly it is the meat of the cross-examinati on that's trump tower. we're looking at right there live pictures we are waiting to see donald trump leave, stay with cnn for our special live coverage this seeking of the
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titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn. you found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis& the chance that clear or almost clear skin it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once daily. so tiktok was proven better getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain print labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to tick two is a tick to inhibitor tick two as part of the jackpot emily, it's not known as a tiktok has the same risks as jak inhibitors find
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three, phi. so, you can save thousands and get to your goals faster. so get your money right all right this was just moments ago, donald trump leaving trump tower heading down to the courthouse here in manhattan for the new york criminal trial. >> he is charged with falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to adult film actress stormy daniels testimony begins very shortly on the stand. will be david pecker, who used to run the national enquirer he is in the middle of cross this morning. let's discuss what just happened and what is about to happen with to me defense attorney and former prosecutor randy zahlen and cnn legal
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analyst and former federal prosecutor, michael moore. i just want to read a little bit of what was one of the key points for the prosecution, in direct to set the stage for where we are right now, one of the things the prosecution tried to do is suggest that the payments to karen mcdougal ultimately to stormy daniels as well. we're about the campaign and just the campaign are mostly the campaign. so there's this exchange from prosecutor josh steinglass after mr. trump announced his candidacy for president, did he ever say anything to you that indicated he was concerned about what melania trump or ivanka trump? with think about these affairs. david pecker says no, and just before that, he said that it was about the campaign. he was worried about the campaign rainy to you. why was that important for the prosecution? how effective do you think that argument was? >> well, it was important because it certainly now creates a bridge from the former president's brain to the allegations in the case. because remember, it's got to
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be a specific other crime the fourth centuries or simply a misdemeanor to get to the felony, you've got to be doing it in furtherance of another crime. here we have the election fraud. so what mr. pecker testified to now allows the jury to link the former president two election fraud. >> is it a big deal? no, i don't think it's a big deal at all. john, quite frankly, a trial is all about whose stories makes more sense, whose story is more credible? >> who do i like better? >> and right now, this is all old news. it is a victimless crime. it is so old and i don't think it has any impact on the election. at all, which has all the former president really cares about. >> i'll come back to that point in just a second because you do raise some interesting questions that haven't been discussed in detail yet, but i want to stick to the testimony just now. michael moore to you, you do think it was important to make that campaign link? for the prosecution. what does it offense in cross need to do to
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undo the games that the prosecution made yeah. >> i'm glad to be with both ever this morning it was good testimony for the prosecution to get out and make that link. i mean, there is maybe a tendency by some two throw a party every time the campaign word is mentioned in this trial. that's not going to be enough. they're going to have to tie in the fact that there was an intent to do this to actually we. want to say election. they've not done that yet, but they're trying to work their way and build the blocks. you think about a house we're laying bricks for the foundation and that's kind of what they're doing is brick by brick trying to get information out. the cross-examination then brought out good information to the contrary and that was that this is normal. what what what's happened here is normal. these stories is paying people for this checkbook journalism that's normal. so that's contradicting and deflating if you will, the prosecution's bubble about the fact that this was campaign because mr. pecker testified their celebrities are doing this. we do that for the
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politicians. we do this for people trump's certainly not the originator of this idea. to do this catch and kill practice and so you're watching now through the cross-examination, some chiseling away of the foundation that the prosecution has been trying to build over these last few days. so that'll continue today. >> i would urge that a trial though is a little bit like a small roller coaster. >> there are a lot of ups and downs and you don't get to the big hill until the end. so we're going to be watching the back-and-forth match between the defense team and the prosecution team for the next few weeks have been good days for vote and as you get older, motion sickness does come into play on some of these roller coasters. >> ready? you said this is all old news in something everyone has said. so i'm going to ask you this question somewhat facetiously here. but the jury, they're not supposed to read any coverage of this this is a jury that's supposed to be completely oblivious to the world around them. is that not the case? ready it is not the case.
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>> they're not included. they are from planet earth and they are from manhattan. of course they know here, as i said, john, a trial is all about whose story makes more sense. and michael makes a great point because this case is going to be one for the defense. if they can turn the government witnesses into their own witnesses, what we call a constructive cross-examination. the more you can show through david pecker that this is done hello. all the time. the more you can show through david pecker that michael cohen was running the show. he's the fixer. the more you can show that this is what the former president does. he surrounds people, pays them and says, make this all stuff go away. i don't care how you do it. >> you. >> do that. the jury is left with eyes glazed over and at least one of them is going to say, i'm not convicting a hung jury is a win for the former president, just like an acquittal is a win for him. >> you know, i hear you say that you make a persuasive case, but it also helps me understand maybe some of what the prosecution was doing here
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by bringing up specific conversations that donald trump had with david pecker. according to david pecker, about karen mcdougal, about stormy daniels and michael, i do understand that in and of themselves, there may not be any illegality in those conversations, but if a trial is all about the impressions made, the jury sitting there, i imagine going that's interesting. donald trump is asking a lot about karen mcdougal, this former playboy playmate. what impression does that leave the jury? >> well, sort of no using a worn-out analogy of the godfather here. if you think about the godfather sitting back and just sort of asking these benign questions, showing some interest in what's going on without maybe given the command to do the bad de or to continue to say well out of thinking about this, and this has been a very good idea. you've had there without actually giving the affirmative statement to go do something that's sort of what we're
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seeing. and i think that's going to be the argument the prosecution has to make you because there is no question michael cohen is the man in the middle doing the work. i mean, he's out there talking to david pecker and doing checks and running accounts. and i mean, that's his thing. and so he's gonna have his own problems on cross, but this, this effort by the prosecution makes a lot of sense to me whether it's successful, we'll see, but they have to tie trump for this. yeah, we can talk about that. there's let's conspiracy. there's the gray, but but we have they're going to have to put some meat on the bones of those allegations if they intend to have a shot to get a guilty verdict of the case, where the analyte, both you go in 20 seconds or law is the next witness you would put on the stand if you were the prosecution michael cohen let's cut to the chase. that would make for a big friday to be shoehorn radius l and michael moore. really interesting perspective. thanks so much for being with us this morning. sir. >> all right. rigging economic news for you this morning, stubbornly high new inflation numbers outright now, showing the fed's preferred inflation
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gauge, the personal consumption expenditures, price index accelerated to 2.7% for the year ending in march i hear dig deeper into this cnn business and a comedy economy reporter, matt egan, this is not the number that investors wanted to see that consumers want to see, nor the biden administration wanted to see the correct, sir. >> that's definitely right. this is going to just reinforce the sense that inflation is sort of stuck, not as bad as two years ago, but not good either. let's look at these numbers. prices up by 0.3% between february and march. that was flat, that was as expected, but the big number is 2.7%. that's the annual increase in prices. this is moving in the wrong direction and was hotter than expected. let's look at the trend for this number because this is the big one that the fed really looks at. >> and you can see two things that stand out from this chart. one, we met a lot of progress, right? this metric was above 7% two years ago were miles away from that. but the other thing that stands out is the progress has source stalled the out and actually the rate of inflation
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is starting to tick a little bit higher. and that is concerning because again, 2.7%, the fed remember, is targeting 2%. now, even if you remove food and energy, which can be volatile, this metric was at 2.8%. again, that's above 2%. so here's why all these numbers matter at the end of the de, i know there's a lot of inflation metrics tricks and it can be confusing. we're talking about the cost of living, the higher this chart goes, the bigger the numbers are, the more expensive life is for all of us. obviously, food gasoline, housing are the big ones then there's other stuff like car insurance is getting more expensive. baby formula, the cost to repair your car, the cost to bring your pet to the vet. all of those things have gotten more expensive and the other reason why this is all very important is because the cost of borrowing is expensive right now. so you think about credit cards, car loans, mortgages, and the hope had been that inflation would cool off enough to allow the fed to start lowering interest rates, which would be nice for all of us. but the fact that it hasn't yet and privacy sort of stalled out, suggest that the fed is not going to be able to
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lower interest anytime soon into your points are this big implications for the market, for the economy and even for the election, definitely politically, there are implications because this is really, really stubborn you're seeing a tiny trend up. they were expecting what, 2.6, it was 2.7. yeah, that's up from last month. absolutely. matt egan. appreciate you. thank you. thank you. >> okay. >> so this morning, a trio officers going beyond the call of duty and saving lives as baltimore's francis scott key bridge was collapsing the officer's decision to stop traffic changed everything for so many drivers. cnn's gabe cohen has a story any one of you guys on the south sayyed wanted you guys on the north side, hold all traffic on the key bridge. a mayday call, just seconds before baltimore's key bridge collapses. >> there's a ship approaching. i just lost there during three officers from the maryland transportation authority police race in to keep cars off the bridge on the route traffic,
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just make sure no was on the bridge right now. >> there's a crew up there. you might want to notify whoever the foreman is that we can get them off the bridge. temporarily. four once the other unit gives you all right? whereas this is the whole bridge just fell out he didn't reach the workers in time. and six members of an 8 million crew lost their lives. >> here we know hall traffic, but they did manage in a matter of seconds to stop traffic gail fermion, an uber for driver, was seconds from disaster. that was like right up front. how do you wrap your head around? >> how close you came to being on that bridge well still processing it something what do you think of the work of those officers that morning? >> i mean, it saved our lives, saved my riders eyes and your
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neighbors, how many other lives? >> these are the officer's sergeant pull pass, doric k9 unit 13 years on the force. corporal jeremy herbert central command attachment 19 year veteran, officer gary kurtz, central command attachment six years with mdta police. they aren't speaking to the media yet. but the accolades are pouring in the baltimore orioles honore them in the days after the collapse and they've earned praise for maryland governor wes moore. >> it's almost difficult to put into words how heroic their actions were. >> the fact that you had people who well, we're willing to go to awards a danger instead of away from it, the people who are still driving to go over the bridge, they would not have known it collapsed. it was dark so, these would have kept on driving. and so the amount of lives that they saved, it was countless. and so we all owe them a deep sense of gratitude yeah, a feeling shared by gayle, fair man. what would your message be for those
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officers? >> just thankful i'm thankful they were the air definitely grateful for what they do. >> gabe cohen, cnn, baltimore, maryland right? donald trump, just left for his new york criminal trial. >> we are waiting to see if he speaks this morning before entering court. we're waiting to see if the judge rules on the gag order. if donald trump has been in contempt of court for every the ease that up until this point and possible i love it. it's of china interfering in the upcoming november election. what the us secretary of state just told cnn in an exclusive interview beyond the call of duty. roger, you buy a place for mom, the place for senior living advice, talk to an expert good advisor today at no cost to your it's really been a gift having mom live with us. >> but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide so i connected with the place for mom. my senior living advisor.
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for free visit, ai or dealt with the app riyadh says new album is breaking records who gets to say what country is comey country beyond, say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on macs i'm gabe cohen in baltimore. >> and this is cnn a massive fire tore through a historic peer in ocean sayyed, california's thursday afternoon and today fire crews
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are still trying to mop up the mess. >> there are vacant restaurant at the end of the pier caught fire and it took firefighters hours to put out the flames. most of the southern california tourist attraction though, was actually save there is still no word what caused the fire, but we do know that it was lifeguards who first saw it happening and call authorities. all right. after years of delays and setbacks nasa and boeing are moving forward with launching the new boeing's starliner rocket. it's going to happen may 6 and a little over a week, the spacecraft will carry two astronauts for the first time up to the international space station if successful, the starliner will join spacex's crew, dragon spacecraft, and making routine trips to the space station. all right, in hawaii, that state lawmakers are considering legislation reducing the number of those cute rose ringed parakeets. >> how calm, because as farmers say the birth had been decimating the island's native fruits, things like papayas and killing trees by stripping off the bark. >> the legislation would create
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a one-year pilot program. for him to reduce the population of the islands of hawaii. and unrwa, who a final vote expected by the end of the week hawaii that is i'm sorry. >> you started and i was like get over it. hawaii lawmakers and then i was like, that's an alfred hitchcock movie. i've come i've completely gone one at now, those cute little is another freaking me yeah, they're destructive. but mutable. but it really helps me because my daughter's want to get a want to get a parakeet, wanna get a burn show him this story on this video. there you go. thank you. that's good, mommy, who i don't know what to tell you what to do about your problems, but you just solve one mind. thank you so much. >> glad we have that. on record. >> whenever you're now, what am i doing? okay. >> let's continue. >> donald trump does arrived at court in new york the question is, will he speak before cameras? of course, that are waiting outside the courtroom? it is becoming something of routine from when he does stop to speak to the cameras, he frequently makes claims that ranged from misleading to
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baseless, to outright false. cnn's tom foreman has more on that day after day going in, coming out, donald trump is making big claims about his trials among the latest, security is keeping thousands of his fans blocks away because they don't want any supporters here they don't want maga here. >> they don't want anybody in this lockdown. >> that's false with no for evidence of such crowds anywhere near the court. still, the former president has had something to say in person or online every time court has been in session almost always denying the truth in this judge, real problem with glad things having to do so this drought from the get-go, he insisted his legal troubles were flowing from the current president. this is all coming from the white house. >> that's false. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is a locally elected official who does not report to the fence, but trump has steamed ahead, posting that the da's so
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busy person during trump has led violent crime in new york flourish at levels never seen before. and that's false to violent crime is nowhere near its highest level. there were more than 500 murders alone in manhattan in 1990 last year, just 73. >> i am ashamed that i chose to take part in concealing mr. trump's elicit acts. >> trump's former attorney, michael cohen, is expected to testify that his onetime boss directed him to pay hush money to a porn star to hide an affair, which trump denies and to illegally conceal the payment and falsified records. the gist of the whole case. cohen went to prison for helping make that happen. but trump's take jumbling went to jail this had nothing to do with trump has said the judge won't let him attend his son's graduation when no decision has been made and the judge seems sympathetic to trump's request. ahead of jury selection, trump said, every
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legal scholar called the case against him absurd. when that is flatly untrue and he insists that the gag order makes it impossible for him to defend himself but all right we do have breaking news very shortly. >> us secretary state antony blinken will head back to the united states after key meetings in china, including with chinese leaders jinping, the secretary just spoke to cnn national security correspondent kylie atwood moments ago, kylie joins us from beijing kylie, what did he tell you well listen he said these conversations were certainly better than his conversations with chinese officials that happened here in beijing tag months ago. >> and that's because he said they were forthright about their differences. but one major point of tension between the us and china that will only
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grow in the coming months is concerned about china meddling in us elections, listened to our conversation on that topic i want to ask you about a commitment that cnn has reported present she made to president biden when they met in november. we reported that he told president biden that china would not interfere in the upcoming presidential elections in the united states. but since then, there have been reports of online in chinese accounts that have falsely mimic trump's supporters. >> do you believe that these accounts violate present cheese commitment? what i can tell you is this president biden was very clear about that with president xi. and i repeated that today in my meetings. >> you repeat what that any interference by china in our election is something that we're looking very carefully at. >> and is totally unacceptable
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to us. it's something we're tracking very carefully. i can't speak to these specific reports. i can say that as a general matter we've been very clear with china. don't do it, but there not violating the commitment yet as far as you can tell. >> well, again, i'd have to look at the specific reports that you're referring to, but we have seen generally speaking evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere and we want to make sure that that's cut off quickly as possible now, it is noteworthy that he said that there is evidence of china attempting to influence and arguably interfere in us elections just months after president biden present kyi had that conversation. >> it's clear that china is not heating those morning calls from the united states. he also said that it's the concern that russia, excuse me, china is seeking to


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