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tv   Real Time With Bill Maher  CNN  May 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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tomorrow on the whole story . this animal is a symbol of this country. is it in trouble? it's very much in trouble. in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems, ivan watson confronts the stark reality of climate change. humanity is being threatened at a rate which i'm not sure we really understand. can australia act fast enough to save itself? we're fighting a losing war. it's a fight for our survival. the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn. every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. and here are five reasons to stream it on max. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. you can stream it anywhere, any time. in five minutes or less you can stream it anywhere, anytime we'll get you up to speed and on with your day. cnn's five
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things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on madix the hbo original series, real time with bill
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want hi, everybody. i appreciate that thank you very much they, did. >> this after decades working on this, it's now classified three, i think it's in the same category is tylenol
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not let's be a fair enough that there are exactly like i would never do tylenol before this shot but it's very exciting time a year now for parents and kids who are going on to college, decision day, was this week. that's what kids decide. are they find out if they're going to get the attentive their choice i didn't good idea 50 nothing wrong with the safety ten, but now this is the police. finally this week said enough, enough and they broke up a lot of these encampments that i'm going on yeah, the kids are fighting each other. did you see this the university of alabama. and this says a lot about a lot of things in this country. there was pro israeli
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demonstrators and anti-israeli doubt charge at one point, they were both chanting. joe biden and, they said he couldn't unite america that's not a good sign for the election but, no it's amazing some of the kids in the tens i'm going them or the pro-palestinian demonstrators are jewish i, i cannot wrap my mind around this. jews camping meanwhile, the homeless here like can we have your dorm rooms and some of these encampments are getting pretty grungy. the kids say they would love to do laundry, but the aid all the tide pods so i don't know if
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this interests you, but the kentucky derby is this weekend. yeah. i feel the same way but let's said this pretty injured the winning horse will make three million. >> and the losers will be shot by kristi noem we've been following this story we did it here last week. >> i thought it was a small story now it's the biggest thing in the country, kristi noem, she's governor of governor, yeah. of north dakota. and auditioning to be vice president as so many are these days for donald trump says he puts out a book and things. it's going to make her look like a bad. she tells the story when she shot her 14 month-old dog. of course, it made her the most unpopular politician ever. i mean, like no, she thought she was going to win over people. nope, liberals don't like it conservatives don't like it. you know, likes it. cats she
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got the cat i just i've heard people defender. >> they say, well, you know, shooting a dog is normal in some parts of the country. yes, those your sister doesn't make of course, trump had to weigh on in this like a dog. he had to weigh in he said shooting a dog is acceptable, but only if the dog is shoplifting in other animal abuse news, we know now that bird flu, we reported this last week, moved to the dairy area and they think it's because we're feeding the cattle chicken yeah have you
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think that's gross because of what came out of a chicken's ask just enjoy your eggs tomorrow it is cinco de miao this weekend i'm not saying
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thank you you look great too bag of laundry well, you know, i was looking through some old pictures of you as i often do. first of all, i just got to say thanks for all the entertainment over the years. i mean, you thank you. because without your support what would have happened? i would have been a sheet metal worker and i
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wasn't very good at it i don't think he ever would have been that i feel like if anyone was born to be a rock god like they made it in a lab. >> i mean, look at yourself here that mean look at some of these pictures yeah. >> hello, dear i'm that's a little too much information. >> no. >> i don't remember ever when i was a kid senior with the shirt on men on for many years after you remember what how old you were when you were finally put a shirt on what i get? >> incredibly hot when i saying, i don't know why? it's like a furnace. so does the audit i just i feel restricted with the sure. or it. so often i it's wonderful but it used to be not quite
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when your ideas old but eight is that we weren't at one. >> yeah. yes. looking over some of the other album covers, i mean, i have the original lps and i always was curious as long as i have you here, i'm going to ask you about the one for who's next, which is one of the greatest albums of all time what what is the on stonehenge what what was that about? was it it was two photos put together. it was a it was a concrete oblast that was holding up what was a slag heap from a coal mine because we had a disaster in england in way in wales where one of the slag heap slipped down on the village and wipe the village out. certainly put these big concrete blocks which it would for us, it looked like the beginning ivr what's at 2001 space odyssey. so we thought,
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well, that's an interesting photo. but when we got to it was, it was kinda boring. it was the piece of concrete lump. >> and we thought, well, at ems, i mean, we just got out of the group van with we can use it as a rhino then it became a competition where who could, who'd have the highest p we're very competitive. yeah that's a good thing in music, in art. she went up right? >> what i mean?
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>> for ladies have a metal i
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want to make the of keith moon because he had an incredible life he was extraordinarily terror talented. he was the funniest man i've ever met in my life. >> often said, rock's greatest drummer, know he was, he was fantastic. >> they call him slopping. it was anything bob? >> and he was the only guy i know that could make peter sellers laugh. >> who was it was really funny guy, but in put in his personal life, he was very serious. but keith could have him on the floor, fits of laughter so i've wanted to make this film for ages that is a roller coaster of a real life, of someone so talented in so many ways. but he doesn't know how to use it and it's kind of it's painful, but it's joyous. it's tragic it's so much so much in it. there's so much narrative to his based in music comes from his, just from his genius. and i want to put it on a screen and make a film again that runs no longer hours, 15.
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>> and interesting dynamic the one guy in a group and don't have to be a musical group. i've been in situations like this. i wasn't this ober guy but where there is one guy who doesn't want to go belong, it creates an incredible amount of tension to people don't like for some reason however many times you have a drink. i'm having one now. i'm okay. now, come on and have one with me. what's the i used to do you i used to have a drink beer. i don't know angel no, i know. >> but, you know, i live are used to get out on my face and smash hotel rooms up, right? for me i was born in an error rate in the second world war in 1944 my mum was, was came into labor in a tube station that's where he should go into shelters. and she thought things were bad, but then she had me yes. >> so i'm post-war england, we
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were bombed out both ends of our street were rubble. >> we add it hard for 15 20 years yeah. and so my first guitar i can make
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four now? >> what depends minimum of 90 minutes. i usually end up doing about two hours. >> what's long as you still love love to saying what songs never got, loved them all like your job, it depends which, which there's only one on
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board with that won't get fooled again. it's because it stuck to compute the track, right it tries me insane because i can't move it. >> but you still do it. >> was or still do at the fans once when he or she got to do it for the fans. >> i love them all. one i like singing probably most is love ryan army there are so many thanks again for coming here. >> once you've gone three of her body that trump site expert analysis and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn. >> we're looking for adults, 45 and honored to be in our hpv vaccination at sound like you not made the interrelationship if you're sexually active in
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unvaccinated tickets, still it'll be i'm too old. >> if you're under 45, you're not for most people, hpv clears on its own, but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv related cervical vaginal vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts gardasil nine doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv related cancers routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed you shouldn't get gardasil nine if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients or yeast, tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system are pregnant or planned to be the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. >> fainting can also happen
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help protect yourself against certain hpv related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today i brought in a chore max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i'll take that ensure max protein 30 frames protein one, prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer, was that after i texted the h two screens now 45 because i said cool guard. they there where did he go from? >> yep. with me. you can screen at home just off to your provider will scream of color guide. and do it. my way. cola guard is one of a kind way the screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high false positive, a negative results may occur as good provider for me, cola guard make your first move with battery power may vice right
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now, say $50 on select eight cases some battery tool sets real still, find yours a perfect de for a family outing shingles doesn't care, but ingrid's tax only shangri-la is proven over 90% effective shingles vaccine used to prevent shingles and adults 50 years and older, she licks, does not protect everyone who's not for those with severe allergic reactions to ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of dion bar a syndrome was observed after getting chambers, fainting can also happen. >> the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shamed works today sail through the hull
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he will never admit an election loss. >> well, first of all, this was said. thanks for having me back, bill. we've been doing this for decades together. secondly donald trump was accused of not being able to accept the election hillary clinton made a big deal of it and we're the final debate. >> it's so shocking and so on. american and he did except those election results, she didn't she still says one, not correct the ones e-waste 2024. >> right. i think his point is important in this way for some reason, early voting is no longer a 6:30 a.m. on november 5th, it goes on for 45 days in some states ahead of time they count the ballots afterwards as somebody who has never sat election fraud on election, all of that from 2020, i will say that it's important that we have states that count the early votes, early and then add together the votes that were cast. so election day and give us results that night. this
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shouldn't be difficult in the world state is tobacco because the polls suggest, and i think the momentum that he's got right now suggests if everything keeps going as it is, and i take nothing for granted. he probably will be reelected. it's by underwear and things could write and if if biden were ahead in the polls at the cnn poll, has biden at 49 and not 43 and trump at 43 and not 49. and if young people weren't leaving, joe biden, we'd say, well, he has in the bag, it is really can get to all that has nothing to do with the fact that he was not concede an election. >> no, it doesn't. and also, if democrats were ahead, they, they'd still be wedding the bet because that's what democrats do. but the big takeaway the big takeaway, because i talked to democratic strategist all the time, just like i'm sure you do know and they're all no matter how big the lead is, they're always worried that somebody somehow is going to blow it or the ufo won't turn hidden. trump vote will turn out. >> should i think of bedwetting and biden in the same sentence
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president presiding over 20% increases in gas and groceries, presiding over 22% increases in health care 36% in car insurance. i mean, people can afford the natural couture mont'e have an adult life, which is why young people the abandoned biden's. so it's very clear donald trump is not the president. our economy soccer the border is open, 8.8 million people came here. that's, that's larger than the population of 39 states. it's the same. we will, we know the president and we will get to all these issues but right now i'm just asking you, don't act like we ever had before a candidate running for office who never conceded the prior election that has never happened. well, i'm sorry, but respectfully, why are we talking about i think people are so why are we talking about whether elections matter in america? >> i'm going to type but my business listen, i've been a pollster for decades a fully recovered attorney and happy about it. my job is the prism of the people. people are not talking about that. bill, the honestly are talking about bacon and eggs. the insurance,
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utilities. they're trying to meet everyday expenses. they feel they need the head because i'm lack of security, lack of affordability, people do care about democracy see also, they do maybe not. >> the, not the circles. >> do you know what i think i came on your show five days after that, we know what 90s after that. we know what i think of january 6 that will never change. but if we're looking backward, elections are always about the future, not the past. that's the way america needs to look at them right now. they feel a cost of living and every day quality of life has demanded a poster you've got to worry. >> i mean, you've seen polls that say, if donald trump is convicted of a crime and he's currently on trial, even though it doesn't get much attention in the news that support for trump will add. trump doesn't get attention in the news. >> it's all know the criminal trial. no, it's nothing it's nothing but protesters this week. >> oh, okay. so well that criminal trial really i mean, we were treating it like it's like it's like the gwyneth paltrow skiing trial okay there
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are vulnerabilities there that there are this famine were split country, we have cultural cleavages, were politically listen, art elections are presidential elections are not decided by millions of votes across the country. >> they're decided by thousands of votes across a hi. i'm reading everything. three states. three states in using it's going to come down to michigan, pennsylvania, and it was a prejudice if you look at 20:16, trump swept those three states, came president biden swept them is 2020. >> i think anybody, whichever candidate, let me throw a wildcard that you their florida. >> now it's absolutely been a red state for awhile, but there abortion law went into effect this week, six weeks
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gloves are off today for the biden folks
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can you skulls health plus lawn food wanted to show you how to put it on i know i think i know how to use a spreader. >> the pick up a bag of the new scott's turk, build your healthy plus lawn through today meaning response to the trade rumors, we keep turn about when we talk about little bit now, let's write not it's right. >> we talking about moving. >> no. thank you. you could use open-door sell your house and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this?
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welcome to beyond the mercedes. my buck. he qs suv
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it's the. >> delmas product ever made it's like combining a vibrator with a reading light why would i mix something i enjoy doing first thing in the morning with coffee neural, the south african tourists who sat quietly in this car while leinz on the ruv deserve an award best roommates ever addressing difference between humans and leinz lie engines, the male
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partner who says out your on my hair neural well, now that they chechnyan ministry of culture as banned all music that's either too fast or too slow chechnya has to change its name to the people's husbands won't get up to dance yes, there's actually a country now where they regulate the speed of music. maybe someone at columbia can get mad about that neuro, someone needs to explain two young guys raised on pornhub that most women don't like being called a dirty and, the ones who do will tell you here's an idea. try being nice
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during sex say things like, wow, this is fund or you, sure are good at sex better yet, do with the airlines, do and say, i know you have a choice when. >> so thank you for me and, finally new rule at the top levels of our federal government, giving a guy a job because he got screwed over for another job isn't a good reason to give a guy a job, especially if the job is attorney general and especially if it's during a time when we need a tough ag to catch a real criminal merrick garland garland, who is that attorney generalized speak of and who spoiler alert sox was. you may
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recall president obama's pick for the supreme court in 2016 after the clintons murder justice scalia with a pillar and while our government dysfunctiocontinues to grow, one thing remained sacrosanct when a supreme court justice dies, the president gets to fill the seat. until mitch mcconnell said that new rule, you garland never even got a hearing so when biden got elected, the democrat said wouldn't it be funny as payback if we gave garlin the attorney general job? and that's how we got attorney general barney five a man who epitomizes the strange stupor that comes over. democrats whenever they have to choose a top law man, they worry so much about appearing nonpartisan. they get behind someone who
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let's actual crimes go on punished five years ago in this space, i was tearing robert molar and one. remember him, the straight arrow republican all the democrats thought would hold trump accountable for colluding with russia. but with molar as with garlin. now when we needed a pitbull, we got a purse dog it's so interesting when it comes time for republicans to appoint a special prosecutor. they always appoint a republican. and when it comes time for democrats to a 0.1, they also appoint a republican a democrat hasn't served as a special prosecutor in a major investigation since watergate. somehow the rule became it has to be a republican or it's not fair. you know dudley do right type like what molar or james comey remember him? a boy scout. they said, yeah, he was a boy scout. alrighty gave me and not in the
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stomach because he threw the presidency to trump by making a big announcement 11 days before the election that he was reopening the case into hillary's emails. and then found nothing. but the fbi was also investigating the trump campaigns, constant contact with russian nationals at the same time i am over 140 of them, but that he kept secret, weird. >> he trump winds. the case. that's going on in new york right now, we call it a hush money trial, but really it's an an election interference case. and trump is clearly complicit in breaking the same laws that michael cohen pled guilty to and served prison time for. >> so tell me how can the fixer who delivers the hush be guilty
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of election interference? >> but the candidate who orders it pays it conceals it, and benefits from it not be charles manson didn't personally go on the killing spree, but he went to prison for it. el troppo didn't have the drugs in his michael corleone had somebody else shoot moe greene. i'm just saying the problem the problem the problem with this case isn't a trump isn't guilty, it's that it's being tried in the wrong court. if garland had done his job, trump would be in federal court charged with breaking campaign finance laws instead of state court charged with falsifying business records and then there's the
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case of the stolen files and trump's bathroom croppers delight for months after trump left office, the national archives began asking him to return the documents he illegally took with him and after being ignored for nine months, they passed the case off to garland, who should have sent the fbi to mar-a-lago the next day, but didn't for another six months joe biden also had documents at his private residence. but again, by bending over backwards to be fair to the republican, the democrat got garland shows a, again with this trump appointed republican as special counsel for joe biden, as he did later for hunter biden and the upshot in the files cases was to make a look like biden and trump were equally guilty, which was not true. biden returned the documents immediately and cooperated fully. so why the
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need to appoint special counsel at all? oh, yes. optics. but of course, the optics wound up being that while biden was totally exonerated, the republican council took the opportunity to say that the reason biden wasn't guilty was that he was too much of a senile, feeble, confused shell of a former man who poops his pants and can't remember his kids names with biden garland appointed a special prosecutor instantly with trump, it took 20 months, 20 months? i know liberals love drag, but maybe don't do it with the justices and now with the most serious of the trump trials, the one involving his illegal schemes to remain in office. it's happening again 59% of americans, including 26% of republicans, say they want a
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verdict on this case before the election but it's doubtful they'll get one because for nearly two years or slow jam attorney genial looked at the statue of lady justice and thought, i want to be like her in capable of moving merrick garland is just so slow. he's like if the foro five was a person he's the embodiment of the liberal judge in every 70s cop movie, the one who always, let's the cycle path out on a technicality and then the cycle path rapes and nursing school and clint, nice what has to kill him with a bazooka? but at least the optics weren't good all right. that's our show. i'll be at the palace theater
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in albany, new york, may 9, the spotlight, 21 coachella, june 1 under david copperfield fader at the mgm grand, his vegas, june 21 and 22nd. i want to thank josh green well, yeah. and garden wave and rogers all three now go watch over time on youtube. thank you very much
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some people just node is a better way to do things some people don't wonder joham and auto with all state and save you're in good hands with allstate we're looking for adults 45 and honored to be in our hpv vaccination sound like you know me, the interrelationship thank you. >> sexually active in unvaccinated, it could still be here i'm too old. if you're under 45, you're not. >> for most people, hpv clears on its own, but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers wow gardasil nine is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv related cervical vaginal vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers suchv related cervical vaginal vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and backup mouth cancers and genital warts gardasil nine doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection.
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>> these diseases may have many causes your doctor may recommend screening a certain hpv related cancers, routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed you shouldn't get gardasil nine if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients or yeast tell your doctor if you have a weakened own system, are pregnant or plan to be the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat hunting can also happen help protect yourself against certain hpv related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today make your first move with battery power, made by steel right now, save
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