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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. china is foreign minister warns of potential for a downward spiral in relations with the u. s. contentious issues dominate us secretary of state and we play against visit to china, including tensions over taiwan and the war can you create also coming up in the ass, epic collection is under way. it is a $45.00 day multi phased process. our correspondent is on the campaign trail, pris crossing the country, bringing the latest from bill brazil's indigenous peoples rally in the capital brazilian. they say new legislation threatens their way of life and their and says
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through like the hello i'm terry margin. thanks for joining us. us secretary of state antony blinking is in beijing for talks with chinese leaders. and then the attempt to ease strange relations between the 2 countries. ahead of a meeting with president fusion ping, who said you sat down with for administer. one of the tensions between the united states and china are high over a range of issues among them. the war and new crate will. following that meeting with the chinese for administer hensley blinking underlines and need to strengthen ties between the 2 countries. but in beijing, the president asked me to travel back to work on moving forward on the agreements that are 2 presidents reached out in san francisco at the end of last year. the
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resuming cooperation on catherine narcotics, restarting our military to military conversations, looking together at the future of artificial intelligence, risks and safety issues. trying to strengthen our people to people, connections, but also critically managing responsibly or differences. for his part, for administer one year warranty, blinking that the us china relationship could further deteriorate. here's what he had to say. but china, us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china is legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed and all co interest of facing challenges should china and the us stay on the right, the costs of moving forward with stability or a ton to a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests of sincerity and ability.
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earlier i spoke about this with database, james changer in taiwan, capital, taipei and journalist bobby, and crush. well, he's been following blankets visit for us invasion. probably what we just heard. china is for administer, they're saying it's a choice between stability or a downward spiral and relations with us. what is it that these 2 great powers are having such difficulty agreeing on? yeah, i can't overstate how fred's uh, actually the tensions and also afresh or the relationship between china in the us is just a little over one year blink. and was, are basically already on his way to badging. and then the diplomatic issue over a suspected spite balloon from china pops up and he can so it says visit last minute. now in the last year, some progress was made that the 2 presidents, seating thing and job, i've met in san francisco. but recently in the very few weeks um, the trend is negative again and i think it will not change because blinking the
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list that he brings to the again agenda here in the aging is really quite difficult . so this economic tension all the capacities and basically destroying and know something, prizes, etc. but on the other hand, it keeps china says that the us suppressed is our, it's a legitimate right for development by implementing texting since and export controls. so that is pretty difficult. and then you have a lot of foreign policy issues. maybe the most prominent the vote and ukraine. the u. s. s. china is exporting a lot of um, to use products to russia. it also exports a lot of a machine import machine to the goods to rush out those goods. they are really important for putting to keep its wall machinery going. so that is also very crucial. and i don't think this much progress for improvement because putting basically has just announced that he will go soon to visit debating in may. and i'm
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sure that the chinese side will roll out the red carpet for him. so multiple contentious issues. they're far beyond the elephant in the room though is really tie one, isn't it? there's been at least some movement at the diplomatic level. it has that helped at all on this sensitive topic or what i mean. yeah. one is what china called the call off. it's called interest and direct line. so this is really of the crucial um, yeah, interest of, of china and i think the 2 stances to 2 positions and i really fundamentally different, i think that's really not much common ground that can be found here. for example, joe biden, he's the president who is quite outspoken and to express his commitment to protect taiwan from its possible chinese invasion and so forth from the eyes of china. this is really very and acceptable. the um, sales from us to taiwan is an acceptable and this so much room for conflict,
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but really not much room for appropriate. i think the best we can help posted both sides. will you know um sup to you with the rhetoric and towing it down a bit? it's a massive tensions there surrounding tie one, james, you are there. what are people in taiwan saying about lincoln's best? a willing type, hey, there's a belief that any type of communication between the us in china is better than none . it's whole. remember the military's of the us in china sometimes operating in very close proximity invoices around. so i want and so that 5 is communication in any form is viewed in a positive life, but there's an a q. so when it says hobby and mentioned when trying to tools about these coal interest. so the us is challenging. the taiwan is absolutely friends and sensor all those concerns. and remember when moving into this move all the top political periods here in taiwan, where we just weeks away from the new great thing,
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a new president slicing. this is a man who belongs to the time when he's political policy, that beijing refuses to communicate with and use a separate system. so i think there was some hope that blinking might be able to put the word and is it, why would page it is that the type of intimidation ahead of that may 20th, you know, gratian but that's really a recognition that when it comes to the issue, of taiwan, even if that is some progress on other friends in the us and showing the relationship that this fundamental attention remains and given not political context in the coming months, those tensions looked unlikely to a bates. now the us has just passed a for an aid package, part of it provides a 1000000000 us dollars and funding for the in the pacific region, including military assistance to taiwan in taiwan view. is that enough? james was hi, one has already sent the us for the support site. ones for our ministry said that it would be very helpful for $21.00 situation. but i think there any
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misunderstandings in 20 pay about the, the scale of the military discrepancy imagery, capability between 20 pay and paging. now remember, badging have is running a military defense budget, some 12 times odds of ty, ones. and so there's a really deep recognition here, and so i wonder if it's going to be able to affect it's a friend of a potential chinese attack. it's going to require an alternative more mos in a more well equipped tie when these military but also the supports of washington. i would on the spot to that if, if i was going to be able to fend off by the time it would also require the support of the us as of the allies in the, in the pacific. and at least the coordination between those partners. and that's why we've seen washington really make big efforts to bring its allies, especially the judge upon in the philippines with which it has a mutual defense, tracy. i close that together to so a more united front against more effective chinese behavior in this region. james,
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thank you very much. uh that was james tater in taipei and probably, and customer envisioning. thank you very much, but this india is currently holding the largest democratic election in history is stretched over a period of 45 days elect. the election kicked off a week ago with the 1st of 7 election phases. now, phase 2 is getting underway, withholding across 13 states and union territories, a total of $88.00 seats in the locks hop on the lower house of the, in the, in parliament, or be contest and come a prime minister and a render motif is seeking a rare 3rd term, he's also aiming for a super majority which could empower his indian nationalist b j. p. party to change the cost of tuition. modi's. challenges in the, in the alliance are seeking to end his rule, but are struggling to find a message that resonates the w's audio bought. went to 2 neighboring constituencies
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in northern india to get a taste of what's at stake. a lot drum give. so i can do good please immediate policy and election c a in the q u klux native northern india, about the to the only indians live here. it's a strong hold of him, do not list bgp appointments and the movie the party puts law drum center stage clips campaign, city of the city of mid it today. the line between real life and fiction is blood photo and google is a popular actor, hopefully law drum in the iconic television series around mind in the 1980s law, jerome is come to meet the voters and he's a be, be candidate global is
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a 1st time candidate, he's not be involved in politics before a he's a huge fine, a prime minister movie, which seems to be has mean what the ration is heard by virginia student in the mode is vision, you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a development the country his vision? you're just doing what i can so to make so that the crowds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends. i'm not promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i that's it's not far from the riley support for the b g p a p, a strong. but you can find some political voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and the good time for the rich people. daily wages like me, is suffering and dying in these times, i've got
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a video. i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie it has come to our town. it is good that be to chose him as the candidates for elections. moody has done in men's development work in the country like india, where the population is any rising. that's the truth. he is like god for us. you said, tell you the crowd job. do it here in the styling is a testimony to the henri, every supposed to be has gained what the us the body. but he was prime is the body's popularity really just again read the defining factor the when the ceo's election. but here in a neighboring city of gauzy above, the bodies shuddered. mom, it's right, still off with something else. but the opposition allies of india block. she has looked at spokesperson of the indian national congress, baki, and rand from me a gun see about enough. she's challenging moody's candidate in this constituency
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for the national parliament seat. are main topics women and safety stop the changes for the constitution. democracies in danger, via looking at the instances reading the tools in chief ministers out in j. dante has some support to us. like fighting for the seat is an appeal back to she seems odd. no, got anyone who supports the ideology of the be to be a safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against deposition leaders who joined the beach ape party, utah, just as how you doing. got this fucking me to go with reaps the benefits of merging. they made of lot rom, this political jump in that mixing of religion and politics where these many experts fear it could widen tears in india social fabric.
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earlier i spoke to our deli bureau chief center page as mine who has been following this election marathon asked her for her impressions of the election so far. the way of what i find most staggering is really how much the campaign of the ruling party beach repeat this sentence around in our end, remotely. he is the man, the faith. the problem is the manifesto, the message of to the voting people. and for many weeks now, moody has been travelling up and down the country tirelessly. it really doesn't take a break. he's displaying sewage energy. and if you look at the diverse, i'll position alliance of more than 20 pockets from the very far left to the very far right. they're really find it difficult to develop this one message that really reaches the vote has. and they are in fact spreading very diverse messages depending on the pa to with us, ring them and on the reaching this potty is in. so the opposition also gets less
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cheesy coverage. and let's not forget, that's quite a few important lead us behind boss on corruption charges. so moody is standing out . now this is a huge election spread out in multiple phases. the 2nd phase is just getting underway. how would you describe the political mood in india at this point? a web based seed is definitely on the gloves are off today, for instance, or judgment by the supreme court of india on india's famous electronic electronic voting machines. $1500000.00 of them will be used in the elections and the fee is by a civil society activists and also by the opposition that they could be tempered with . but the supreme court today said, let's carry on. regardless, the machines are safe to use and we carry on with this election. and if you look at the 2nd phase and compare it with the 15 years ago and the 2019 genuine elections
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back then out of those, 88 seats 50, went to the b j. p. and a lot of service here. i'm not expecting anything else this time, but then there are still 5 more election faces to go. the engine boat as a pretty unpredictable. and like i said, the heat is on the gloves are off, containing it's getting more aggressive, which could be seen by a prime minister and a rand remotely. he spent that used off is level for the kate speech after riley in rochester, and last sunday, where he set the following are better than what it is that it got to be when congress was in power. what they said most of themselves, the 1st right to the nation's wealth is the yes, some of this means so collect people's wealth and distribute it to whom drive that . but it went up to those who have more children, to the empty tray to start doing your job. do you think your how doing money should
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be given to info traitors? would you accept this? this is what the congress manifesto is saying to god. so to help us understand what prime minister moody is saying there and why he thinks arguments like that will appeal to voters with this is discussed extremely controversial here in india. i'd really depends on who you are, the opposition, especially the congress party, is accusing him of either ring, the biggest minority of the country, the most slims trying to gain votes. and by going against them by going against the sex relying nature of india's constitution. congress is also a choosing moody of spreading this information about them manifesto. now at the same time, if you are speech a piece of portez, they say that's prime minister on our end, dra moody has done nothing more than calling. i quote a spade a spade that he is right and what he's saying that this is what many people in
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india are thinking. and the bottom line is no harm has been done. and you cannot criticize the prime minister because he's always right. if moody does when the selection, if he gets a 3rd term and maybe even a super majority, what can we expect? where is he likely to lead that country? well, i think we would see an increasing emphasis on him to culture and tingling ditch. and that is what prime minister moody, firmly believes in this, is what he has been displaying in the past 10 years. he's already runing india since 2014. and if you really gets a fed consecutive 5 year term, he wouldn't mix this message, the message ok. and to develop into 1st with the promise of development. he wants india to become a developed nation by 204017. this year is kathleen pick because it,
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when mock 100 years of british independence from great britain. and of course that wants to be marked by india being develop that this mode is big promise. so when we know sandra when this, when we get results from this election because it is very drawn out process as it is a very trolling outposts as they are still 5 faces to go. the last voting face will be on june 1st and then they, then the next resides would all be counted on 4th of june. so by the mid day, in europe, on the 4th of june, we didn't know what the engine vote has decided. if p m or you really gets a cert consecutive term with a huge majority, which is what he wants sound or thank you very much. that was our daily beer achieve center petersburg. it's catching up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. authorities in trends and the other say, weeks of heavy rains, have claimed
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a 155 lives and affected more than 200000 people. the el nino global weathered phenomenon has combined with the start of the rainy season, bringing down forest to regions that seldom get rain rains of also hit neighboring kenya, killing at least 50 people. they're the top courts in the us state of new york says overturned a verdict from 2020 the found movie mobile harvey weinstein guilty of rate. the judges found that he was denied a fair trial. but once they will remain behind bars, due to a separate rape conviction in california, it was accusations against one scene that sparked the global need to move now to brazil, and despite opposition from left wing present, lulu the silva, the country's congress, signed off on controversial new legislation that indigenous people say threatened
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their way of life. thousands have responded with demonstrations of an annual protest camp in the capital this is an unusual plan, spends brazilian indigenous group to be performing the ritual. but then one of around 200 crews and 8000 people who travel from remote locations often for days in boston sometimes. but they've come to the cafeteria for the, for an event that they hope the only highlight the challenges they face as indigenous people. but also address the cooling, the biggest step back to the right decade and you know, at the time, i know you've got some i pulled up on my mouse. well, she's got blue style, but also the time locker know is in a 10 by the brazilian state. it's leaders and pull additions to try to continue and i, late thing, indigenous peoples. yeah,
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that's completely up. that's the right to be indigenous and to be indigenous in your own territory. to recognize that these territories belong to indigenous peoples. these territories connect our lives. there are beings as indigenous peoples before our existence, such as these things. yeah. so the indigenous peoples here at the camp is easier across the country. and, you know, represent most of shed moments. we can say claims to that and fester land thing. these can only be recognized if they prove that occupied the territory in 1988. it also pay the way for mining road building and other construction projects. active a say this would be a disaster for the environment which indigenous peoples protect. a change in most glen at the time will be both our planet is dying and this planet does not only belong to indigenous peoples. that if we don't look after it,
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if we don't use things that nature offers, we are going to die. we are talking about climate change. we are talking about green forest alone, which needs to be looked off to, to stick with that. being digit is people's bench that range at the demonstration for the government district. the process is taking place within sight of congress. the body that approve the low, they say now threatens the survival still dominated by wealthy landowners and the right tween allies, agribusiness. congress signed off on the major, despite opposition from lecturing. presidents knew that the silver supports is on the, even though is needed to establish legal certainty and protect commercial interest . but the indigenous people say without the alarm, the way of life and culture died. without those, the forest will die, which will likely have an impact on climate change that could have consequences to
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everyone agrees, the ssl is prime minister victor, oregon has used the conservative political action conference in budapest to further set out his right wing views. and vision is riley and cry make america and europe great again. then part of that he said, means defeating the progressive world spirit that we use. alexander phenomena has more from the event which attendees have declared a no work. so outside the conference then you a police car is ordered to block our view at one of the entrances. a security guard tells us to stop filming. along with our stevie 40 movie, somebody, i think that he was here at the far right. politicians and influencers gathering here in budapest seem to prefer a close doors settings. unfortunate cdw was banned from attending the conference along with some of the big outlets. it's organizes rejected our request saying that the conference is in the work so and that we will be welcome if we become less woke
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. and what did it doesn't mean no walk soon? no vote zone that good. this is no, no to for people. i don't really and this is what kind of ideology about the very best. originally the term will describe someone who is informed and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality. but in conservative circles, it's being used with negative co notations. and can you tell us what is the no, oh, focus on you. don't understand though. our purpose is the conservative as well as to come back to this then. okay. inside the then you 5 minutes to the, to all bun filed up the crowd that hung gillian. leader who's been widely criticized for dismantling the country's democratic institutions, made clear he believes the upcoming european and you asked selection. so we'll see the far right on the right. best see,
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but i'll just show you if we go back. the progressive liberals feel the danger of replacing this era means replacing them. it means the ends of the progressive worlds. the rates are sell them the musical america great again makes you to upgrade to down or go. donalds, trump go european southern tips the government in budapest once to use the then to present itself is a lighthouse for right wing forces. but one is facing serious pressure, says this is on us too many of foreign policy expert domestically, due to economic recession and internationally as well. his badly needing this international support because he's also so they're isolated in europe. so this conference is more a message to europeans then to hon gary ends. he can not really make a big win, win hungry on this conference. what he wants to demonstrate is that he's strong and
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that he is able to make alliances for the then participants have different ideas and concepts which unites them. the policy x, which says, is the culture war against liberal. you're watching dw news. the news africa is next. thanks for watching the
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news. we'll tell you what the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w. a port is in a surprise every day,
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many risk their lives working you need to need just billy dole gold mine. but workers also face and other terrible threats and mercury. it is used to extract cool evaporates seats into the ground and devastating people's lives. for reason and poverty in 45 minutes on the w, the deal. we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to us and by agreed in the 2000 star, 2 bank engaged in various high risk business practice. those types of unc was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. well, twice a range for ever higher process. if you made money that was pressure to make more
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and then the minds of the german institution, the georgia bang story starts may 2nd on the business day. the news i forgot coming up on the program is off the south africans and the whites only rules who failed. the victims of a policy meets the movements now that the ladies protesting against being shut out of the country is the truth and reconciliation process. dmc government says they should end the demonstration and go home. also coming out in the democratic republic of congo is the end of an era as to you. enforcement of school pulls out who will protect the people now and occasion that leads where in crushing form
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either london mouth or not just one or 2 big.


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