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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news coming to live from berlin. china is present, calls for common ground with us saying the 2 countries should be part. there is no rivals. us secretary of state entity blinking talks to she's in ping in china and a visit march by tensions over taiwan and support for russia in the war. and you're also going to get in this epic collection is under way it's of $45.00 day multi that used process or correspond it is on the campaign trail. criss crossing, the country will bring you the latest from the
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hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. us secretary of state mc, blinking has met with china, is present. she's in ping on the 3rd and final day of a visit product with tensions. she's in pink called for the 2 countries to be partners not arrivals and suggested there are still a number of issues that need to be resolved when it comes to their relations. the meeting comes hard on the heels of a new, a package passed by the us congress to support taiwan and ukraine. both areas of tension between china and the u. s. earlier entity blanket matthews chinese counterpart for administer wong. he, the us secretary state underlined the need to strengthen ties, but in beijing the present asked me to travel back to work on moving forward on the agreements that are to present is reached starting san francisco at the end of last
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year. resuming cooperation on katherine narcotics, restarting our military to military conversations, looking together at the future of artificial intelligence, risks, and safety issues. i try to strengthen our people to people, connections, but also critically managing responsibly or differences. for his part, for a minister, one year warranty blank, and that the us china relationship could further deteriorate. here's what he had to say. but china, us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china is legitimate to develop and tribes have been unreasonably suppressed and all co interest of facing challenges should china and the us stay on the right, the costs of moving forward with stability or a ton to a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests of sincerity and ability.
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earlier i spoke about this with the w as james chaser and taiwan is capital type. a and journalist, bobby, and customer who's been following blankets, visit pores invasion. probably what we just heard, china is for administer. they're saying it's a choice between stability or a downward spiral and relations with the us. what is it that these 2 great powers are having such difficulty agreeing on is yeah, i can't overstate how fred's uh, actually the tensions and also afresh or the relationship between china in the us is just a little over one year blink. and was, are basically already on his way to badging. and then the diplomatic issue over a suspected spite balloon from china popped up and he can so it says visit last minute. now in the last year, some progress was made that the 2 presidents, seating thing and job, i've met in san francisco. but recently in the very few weeks um,
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the trend is negative again and i think it will not change because blinking the list that he brings to the again agenda here in the aging is really quite difficult . so this economic tension over capacities and basically destroying and know something, prizes, etc. but on the other hand, it keeps china says that the us suppressed is our legitimate right for development by implementing texting since and export controls. so that is pretty difficult. and then you have a lot of foreign policy issues. maybe the most prominent the vote and ukraine. the u. s. s. china is exporting a lot of um, to use products to russia. it also exports a lot of a machine import machine to the goods to russia. those goods, they are really important for putting to keep its wall machinery going. so that is also very crucial. and i don't think this much progress for improvement because putting basically has just announced that he will go soon to visit debating in may
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. and i'm sure that the chinese side will roll out the red carpet for him. so multiple contentious issues. they're far beyond the elephant in the room though is really tie one, isn't it? there's been at least some movement at the diplomatic level. it has that helped at all on this sensitive topic of the well, i mean one is what china called the call off. it's called interest and direct line . so this is really of a crucial um, yeah. interest of, of china and i think the 2 stances, the 2 positions and i really fundamentally different. i think there's really not much common ground that can be found to you. for example, joe biden, he's a president who is quite outspoken and to express its commitment to protect taiwan from any possible chinese invasion and so forth. from the eyes of china. this is really very and acceptable. the um, sales from us to taiwan is an acceptable and this is so much room for conflict,
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but really not much room for appropriate. i think the best we can hope posted both sides. will you know um, sup to you, that rhetoric and tone it down a bit? it's a massive tensions there surrounding tie one, james, you are there. what are people in taiwan saying about lincoln's bist, a willing type, hey, there's a belief that any type of communication between the us in china is better than none at. so remember the military's of the us in china sometimes operating in very close proximity invoices around. so i want and so that 5 is communication in any form is viewed in a positive life, but there's an a q. so when it says hobby and mentioned when trying to tools about these coal interest. so the us is challenging. the taiwan is absolutely funds and censor all those concerns. i don't remember when moving into this move all the top political periods here in taiwan, where we just weeks away from a new great thing,
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a new president slicing. this is a man who belongs to the time when he's political policy, that beijing refuses to communicate with and use a separate system. so i think there was some hope that blinking might be able to put the word and is it why would page, if somebody, types of intimidation ahead of that may 20th, you know, gratian but that's really a recognition that when it comes to the issue of taiwan, even if that is some progress on other friends in the us, i'm showing the relationship that this fundamental attention remains. and given that political context in the coming months, those tensions looked unlikely to a bates. now the us has just passed a for an aid package, part of it provides a 1000000000 us dollars and funding for the in the pacific region, including military assistance to taiwan in taiwan view. is that enough? james was hi, one has already sent the us for the support ones for our ministry said that it
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would be very helpful to $21.00 situation. but i don't think there are any misunderstandings inside. pay about the, the scale of the military discrepancy imagery capability between taipei and paging . now remember, badging have is running a military defense budget, some 12 times odds of ty, ones. and so there's a really deep recognition here. and so i wonder if it's going to be able to effect, suspend off a potential chinese attack. it's going to require an alternative more mos in a more well equipped tie when these military but also the supports of washington. i would on scott to that if, if i was going to be able to fend off by the time it would also require the support of the us as of the allies in the, in the pacific. and at least the coordination between those partners. and that's why we seem washington really make big efforts to bring its allies, especially the judge upon and the philippines with which it has a mutual defense, tracy. i close that together to so i'm more united front against more assertive
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chinese behavior in this region. james, thank you very much. uh, that was james tater in taipei and probably, and customer envisioning. thank you very much. bye. sketchup on a couple of other stories making headlines around the world today. authorities intends, in the se, weeks of heavy rains, have claimed 155 lives and affected more than 200000 people. the el nino global weather phenomenon has combined with the stars the rainy season, bringing down forest regions that seldom get rate rains of also hit neighboring kenya, killing at least 50 people. there are top court in the us state of new york has overturn the verdict from 2020. that found movie mogul harvey weinstein guilty of rape. the judges found that he was denied a fair trial. but weinstein will remain behind bars due to a separate rate conviction. in california, it was accusations against one scene that spark the global me to move. so
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tally and authorities have introduced a new 5 bureau fee for a tourist wanting to visit venice. official say the fee is aimed at curbing tourism to the fragile lagoon city and safeguarding spaces for residents. they also hope it will help monitor visitor numbers to limit over crowding. india is currently holding the largest democratic election in history stretched over a period of $45.00 days. the election kicked off a week ago with the 1st of 7 election phases. now phase 2 is getting underway with pollings across 13 states and union territories. a total of $88.00 seats in the look salvo, the lower house of the indian parliament are being contested. the income of prime minister, the rend remote, he is seeking a rare 3rd term. the head of the b. j. p. party is also aiming for a super majority which could empower his international escalation to change the
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constitution. modi's challengers in the india alliance are seeking to end his rule, but are struggling find a message that resonates, that we use audio bought, went through 2 neighboring constituencies in northern india to try to get a taste of what's at stake. a lot drum give. so i can do good please immediate policy and election c a in the q u klux native, northern india, about the to the only indian is live here. it's a strong hold of him. do not list b, g b, a prime minister in the movie. the party puts law job center stage needs, campaign committee of the city of mid it today. the line between real life and fiction is blood photo and google is a popular actor,
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hopefully law drum in the iconic television series run mind in the 1980s. law jerome is come to meet the voters and he's a b, be candidate. global is a 1st time candidate, he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge fan of prime minister molding, which seems to be his means. what to ration destroyed by virginia student in their motives vision. you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country? it's his vision, just doing of of i can stall to make so that the crowds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends . i'm not promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i that's it's not far from the riley support for the b g p a p,
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a strong. but you can find some critical voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and a good time for the rich people daily wages like me, a suffering and dying in these times. i've got a lot. i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie that has come to our town. it is good that be to chose him as the candidates for elections. you should have thought moody has done in men's development work in the country like india, where the population is any rising status. the truth, he is like gold for us. you said you picked out a job over here in the sally is a testimony to the henri every supposed to be did he has gained what the us the body, but he was pregnant. the body's popularity really just again read the defining factor . the window seals election too much here in a neighboring city of gauzy about the body. shudder my advice. talk with
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something else but the opposition. eliza in the block. she has a book, this books, president of the indian national congress fucking and ran from mia garcia about enough. she's challenging moody's candidate and discuss truancy for the national parliament seat or mean topics. women and safety stop changes for the constitution. democracies in danger via looking at the instances reading the doors in chief ministers out in j. dante had some support to us. like fighting for the seat is an up to back to. she seems. 6 odd, you know, god, god, anyone who supports the ideology of the be to be a safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against the position leaders who joined the beach party utah just as how you doing. got this fucking meet it. go with reaps the benefit of merging. they made a lot rom,
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just political jump in that mixing of religion and politics, worries many experts if you take good, why doing peers in india, social fabric banks, we've got a documentary about a legal build money. thanks for watching the big ultima video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d w good low end.


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