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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is daily news line from berlin, the us secretary of state res, this concerns with china, us presidents over at support for russia's war and ukraine. intox with changing paying. anthony blink and criticized of china is help for russia to make weapons. but to find that disagreements, the, to find room for cooperation in other areas. also coming up nato is the insult for pays a visit to were lim, meeting with german chancellor or left shots to discuss an upcoming defense summit in washington. and for land police clear groups of pro palestinian protesters from in front of the german parliament building acts of it, sorry,
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demanding that the government stop arms exports to israel plus in the ethics election is under way. it is a $45.00 day multi phase process. are corresponded is on the campaign trail, criss crossing the country and we'll have the latest for you the on the call, for least welcome to the show you a secretary of state antony blanket has met with china as president on the 3rd and final day of a visit fraud with tensions. the 2 nations disagree on a range of issues from ukraine to join us territorial claims. but blinking stress to that, it was crucial for washington and beijing to maintain open channels of communication to rival powers, try to find common ground. china as president,
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choosing being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite core differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the us can also look at china's development positively. the only one, this fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized, improved and move forward. during is 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china is territorial claims in taiwan and the sell china sea. he also accuse of the people's republic of china or p, r c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry,
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and my discussions today. i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against ukraine. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support this. china is foreign minister, has accused the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as well as its regional expansion. but china u. s. relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china's legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed and all cool interests facing challenges show to china and the u. s. stay on the right, the costs of moving forward with stability or a to into a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests our sincerity and the ability
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the path forward includes holding a formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence in the coming weeks. let's get more of george back and as he is an economist and research associate at the china center at oxford university in the u. k. thank you so much for joining the w today. now, relations between the us and china had a low points last year. what would you say after this, visit our intentions easy as well? i think that both sides of trying to stabilize what are, what does it affect, you know, not a great relationship because they both have interest to do so. in china, you know, the economy is in bad shape of bad doing things, trying to sort of steer the economy away from its reliance on property and infrastructure to something you very verify you find employment. i think everybody
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knows these kinds of stories in america. it's got involvements, obviously in the middle east, in ukraine is a presidential election coming up in november. so nobody really wants that explosion or a rift that we saw, for example, during the polluted incident last year. and then you know, before about the over nancy police, he's busy to to taiwan. so yeah, there's a bit of bladder already and fuzzy language that you can hear on both sides. but if you, you don't have to kind of look, well, listen terribly, a find the actually to hear that there is quite a tension between the united states and china. and actually the chinese side, i thought, was quite a reckoning. why don't you use language as what was with robert inappropriate for a meeting like this, to be honest at blink, and wants china to stop supporting rushes war in ukraine? both of us in china are interested in stabilizing ties instead of there. but is
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china keen enough to change policy in what is causing no limits, friendship with moscow? yeah, i, i don't think so. to be honest. i mean, to be fact, you know, chinese banks have been quite careful not to be seen to be facilitating the financing of, uh, you know, military commerce or anything like that for fear of the secondary sections which the united states might levy. but obviously us intelligence must have some kind of information about the activities of chinese companies, uh, shipping products and uh, you know, military good. so i support goods to the, to the russians. um, you know, which may be financed by smaller banks, which in not really in the main kind of focus of international finance. so i think that's the kind of just a fling cause warning, which is that there would be for other sections if the china doesn't really kind of
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sit on this. i suspect that's exactly what's going to happen by the way. that china and venue west. you mentioned the economy, there is always a huge topic between them because they are the world's 2 largest economies. they meet each other, but they're also in fierce competition with each other. they accuse each other and they did so again today and basically sabotaging each other's growth. what is the way forward here? that's very hard to say. i mean, you know, if you look at the areas where they think, where blinked comes, uh, the american readouts at least, you know, said that they had actually had some, some constructive discussions. it was about, you know, a, i governance about people to people exchanges. so students may be going backwards and forwards, and academics of a climate change, you know, is obviously something they can talk about. fentanyl control, you know, wish the chinese have promised to get on top of the, these kinds of areas. obviously there's discussion about the ministry of dog
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actually has resume, so that's a good thing. but, you know, generally yellow was talking about over capacity when she was in china a couple of weeks ago, drinking was talking about it again today. the you commission itself has kind of concerns about this as well. and the problem is that the chinese economy, you know, what it's endemic, it structurally kind of built into the model is to kind of over producer to concentrate on supply, rub about and demanding the economy. so that's why we've had problems with steel and lumen them in the past. why we have problems nowadays with electric vehicles and batteries on solar panels and so on, ship building and logistics. so there's no real kind of, um resolution that i can see because, you know, the chinese model is not going to change the benefit of the states or europe
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and they will just carry on doing what they do. and so we will have, unfortunately more kind of trade friction, i think, to come those george magnus from the china center at oxford university. thank you so much for your analysis and your time. thank you as well here in berlin, german chancellor or shaw, says host of nato secretary general against oldenburg for talks. the meeting was in preparation for the alliance of the annual summit, which will be held in washington in july. the pair discussed the war in ukraine and how to boost defense funding to counter threats from russia and china. stilton broke phrase, germany for its commitment to supporting ukraine. the pair also urged allies to do more to help chief camille grand is an expert in defense and security policy of the european council on foreign relations. welcome to the w and the nino chief priest or me. we've has heard of there as the most important europe and
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supporter of ukraine, and he urged other allies to follow germany's example. why do you think the other european countries especially, are more hesitant? i just now to, to reasons for that. so some of them think you don't have the capacity because they did say to have a broker stone pines and so therefore they are struggling. then there is a small group which is more reluctant on the assistance ukraine, and the email stating from the one that they want to deliver weapons to be hunger. so i, that the motivation is that we have more and more of a dean this stokes all producing for your brain. but it is it that it's showing that the something like beyond what would you say are the lessons here of has learned since the war broke out and ukraine? it has been a hard lesson for many europeans. first of all, it was a, the transformation of the relationship to russia and would sure collapse from the
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a partnership relationship to something quite different uh, and the tier of the concrete with russia now seeking with most european allies. the 2nd thing is that we were very you prepare for that type of dogs. the attrition war means inductive brokers, stokes, we didn't have the production capacity to which lead europeans to really have a sort of a very serious weight of quarter on their d. c. p. ever copper ministry follow the steps that are going supporting your printing. they're not going on on their own. yeah, and well, there has been a reckoning as well internally in many countries, right? many countries investing more in their military and their defense capabilities, but there are still many countries that rely on different weapon systems. even in the european union, you know, systems that require different ammunition. that means they can't be deployed together effectively. why do you think the issue is not able to develop
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a coordinated defense policy as well as the terms, but he sees the response, speech of nature. and in that framework we do out of a proper norms and, and standards that guides interpret. the jim wants me to add ice, but we haven't worked hard enough to ensure that this would work in a trustable m. yep. chewed segue from interpreted teacher interchangeably, to your weapon systems, to guarantee that that ice are capable of working together. and every single weapon system is a valuable paul or alex. the 2nd thing is, we didn't, did you? uh there's, there's been remarkable progress since the since of february 22. we send you your training and your training soldiers are using your thing just to send it to you too . so probably ukrainians and also bringing together many a new tunes into you 2 bucks to support your train. but we're not quite there yet.
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and the importance of seem your gains project together on the fence and probably being best, much more in defense, not only national ways and your p. yeah, we saw an example of what seemed like, you know, you're being military cooperation and getting their act together as you've heard of france and germany signed an agreement on the production of what they call the battle tank of the future. how important is this project for a european defense and reality for each one of dyslexia projects for franco, german central operation and mobile phone, your the, the next generation of the best time, the fact that to the european nations decided to proceed together and that them and citrus stories and historically joined forces in that project is i think, a very good signal to the end of a long term project. and it's not going to deliberate tanks in the next years. but
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it is a very strong signal that the 2 largest of your in defense budgets into european union. and the 2 doctors countries are alternate forces to join to the next generation of a bunch of times. i want to do that until 2040. that was camille ground with the european council on foreign relations. thank you so much. thank you for invitation . meanwhile, elsewhere in berlin, police were clearing a pro palestinian protest camp set up outside the german parliament building. police dragged away demonstrators. the roof, who set up the encampment more than 2 weeks ago, said they one at the german government to stop sending weapons and military support to israel. here's what protesters and police had to say. so we've been here. what does this now uh, exist at 60 in 17 days, just over 2 weeks and we've been peaceful and we've been harassed by the police every single day. they have given us like the stupidest restrictions they have
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forbidden us from using language, is that on german and english, they have a criminal lives now save criminalize our prayers. our songs are workshops and now they are their official reasoning for a victory that we had a sofa and that we are, it is to test campus. the trouble protest campus being prohibited because there have been a piece of violations of the rules for public assembly and criminal offenses committed. thomas about the protest leaders did not intervene to prevent this from happening. this is for him not to that. so the protest has been deemed a threat to public safety, kind of made of them to take it. there are no miles or measures to prevent more crime, so i can cite meant to hatreds for him that was bringing our political correspondence . simon young simon pro palestinian protestors in germany say their movement is being on fairly criminalized. how are the authorities dealing with these protests? us? yeah, well i, i see so in this particular case,
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the police said that has been criminality and violence around this camp. i think probably they were also a bit concerned because it was low teaching rights in the heart of the a government district here in berlin. but more generally, i think it's fair to say that police have often felt they needed to police these kind of pro palestinian demonstrations that we've seen over the last few months pretty closely in some cases breaking them up at there. is this allegation of incitement coming from these protests in some cases and they use all in particular of band slogans and band uh, images and so on is a, is a problem. it can be difficult for the police to decide exactly when the law has been broken. for instance, with the slogans to the a just wanted in, in arabic or in other languages. you know,
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that may be difficult for the police or in some cases raises when maps of the region of the middle east region, a held up in the palestinian colors that may be problems. sometimes they've taken a sort of precaution. we approach pulling people out or even in the closing the demonstrations down and leaving it. of course in the end is the quotes that to decide when the lower has actually been broken me. we have seen pro palestinian protest spreading on university campuses in the us lately. how strong, how big is the movement in germany as well? i think it's fair to say that there has been many pro palestinian demonstrations both before the 7th of october, but how mass attacks against israel, and even in a more concentrated form sense. and some of them have attracted thousands, in some cases, even tens of thousands of participants. not seeing every case have they complied
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with the police requirements that such a large demonstrations should be registered in advance. and as i say, that's been the concerns about the races of the law about anti semitism. and so you know, there is a polarized atmosphere i, i think around many of these demonstrations. but the police, of course, and the all sorts is generally always say as well, but they all concerned about the freedom of speech just as much as freedom to demonstrate freedom of expression is as important also as making sure that nobody breaks the little dw political correspondence simon young. thank you, simon. and a quick look now and some of the stories making headlines around the world today. students at the university of california in los angeles have joined a wave of pro palestinian citizens on campuses across the us. demonstrators are
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demanding a ceasefire and gaza and or calling on the university to cut all ties with israel. hundreds had been arrested at similar protests as you, as authorities cracked down on the growing movement. authorities and tons of me as a weeks of heavy rains have claimed a 155 lives and affected more than 200000 people. the young menial global. whether phenomenon was combined with the start of the rainy season, bringing down forest to regions that seldom get rain frames of also hit neighboring kenya, killing at least 50 people starting to india now, which is holding the largest and democratic election in history and stretches over a period of 45 days, the election kicked off a week ago with the 1st of 7 election phases on friday, pulling for phase 2 across the 13 states and union territories withheld. a total of $88.00 seats and deluxe. so by, so by the lower house of the indian parliament,
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we were being contested. the incumbent prime minister never under moody of course, is seeking a rare 3rd term. his indian nationalist b j. p is also aiming for a super majority which could empower his coalition to change the constitution. bodies challengers in the india alliance are seeking to end his rule, but are struggling to find a message that resonates the we use deal, but twins to 2 neighboring constituencies in northern india to get a taste of what's at stake. the t lot drum gifts. so i can do good please, immediate policy and election c a in the community, clocks native, northern india, about the, to the only indians live here. it's a strong hold of him. do not solicit b, j, b, a prime minister. in the movie, the party puts law, job center stage needs, campaign, get in the city of mid it to date the line between real life and fiction as blood
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don't go really is a popular actor, hopefully law drum in the iconic television series around mind in the 1980s, law jerome is come to meet the voters and he's a b, b candidate. global is a 1st time candidate. he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge car on a prime minister movie, which seems to be his means. what division does heard by virginia student in the mode is vision, you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country his vision, just doing of items to, to make so that the crowds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends. i'm not
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promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i, that's it. not far from the variety support for the wp appeal strong, but you can find some critical voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and the good time for the rich people daily wages like me, a suffering and dying in these times, regardless is the yes, i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie that has come to our town, it is good that be to chose him as the candidates for elections. moody has done in men's development work in the country like india, where the population is any rising. that's the truth. he is like gold for us. you said tell you. the crowd gathered here in the strategy is a testimony to the henri, every supposed to be did we have gained what the us the body believes prime is the body's popularity. really just a game with a defining fact of the when the ceo's election. but here in
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a neighboring city of gauzy about the ability sharma strikes, talk with something else, put the opposition allies of india block. she has looked at spokesperson of the indian national congress box and ran from mia garcia about. she's challenging rudy's candidate and discuss truancy for the national parliament seat or mean topics. women safety stop changes the constitution. democracies in danger, via looking at the instances where in the towards, in chief ministers out in j dawn, you have some support to us. but fighting for the seat is an appeal back to she seems. 6 odd, you know, god, god, anyone who supports the ideology of the beach, i. p is safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against the position. indeed those who joined to be taped the party. you talk just as how you
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doing. got this fucking meet it. go with leaps the benefit of merging. they made a lot drum, this political jump in that mixing of religion and politics, worries. many experts fear it could widen tears in india, social fabric, south and south east asia are in a state of emergency after extreme heat levels. records of breaking temperatures and bangladesh, the philippines and thailand have led to school closures, power shortages and heat related steps on the streets of bangkok, torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to
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stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry, there have been 30 heat related debts nationwide so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 recorded across the island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy, but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the
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reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon in india where a general election is underway, sweltering temperatures, cause roads administered and 18 good. carry to st. at a campaign. raleigh, for prime minister in the renter modi in the western state of maharaj truck searing . he does lead to a surgeon power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record. and finally, greece has handed over the olympic flame to french organizers, as parents prepares to host the games this summer. olympic officials made the hand over at the stadium in athens,
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where the games will revise in 1896. the flame will spend the night in the french embassy before setting sail for france on saturday. and that's all for now. we'll have more headlines for you at the top of the next hour. i hope to see you then the
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that was the pressure to make more money. and then the minds of a german institution, the georgia back story may 2nd on d w. the welcome to a very special edition of app remax pulling b as we doubled into some of the most curious stories. gates on today say, oh ones in california, there's things or isn't with, it's called a male papa, inspired by canadian women surfing and sent a go and to send people up namibia preserving their culture through virtual reality . i'm fine. he's like don't bate, and you're watching at re max.


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