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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is either we news line from berlin, the us secretary of state raises concerns with china's president over his support for russia's war and you create and talks with changing pain and to me, blank, and criticize this china thing. it's helping rush to make weapons, but despite the disagreements, the to find room for cooperation and other areas. also coming up berlin, police clear a groups of pro palestinian demonstrators outside the german parliament building. the protesters were demanding that the government stopped, arms exports to israel. the
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go fairly welcome to the program. he was secretary of state anthony blinking has met with china as president on the 3rd and final day of, of visits fraught with tensions. the 2 nations disagree on a range of issues from ukraine to china as territorial claims blinking stress that it was crucial for washington and basing to maintain open channels of communication . of the 2 rival powers tried to find common ground. china as president, choosing being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite cord differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the
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us can also look at china's development positively. only when this fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized, improved and moved forward. during is 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china's territorial claims in taiwan and the south china sea. he also accused of the people's republic of china, or p, r. c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against ukraine. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support china is foreign minister has accused
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the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as well as its regional expansion. the china, us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china is legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed and all co interest of facing challenges should china and the us stay on the right, the costs of moving forward with stability or a ton to a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests of sincerity and ability. the path forward includes holding formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence. in the coming weeks. earlier lilly mccaul away from the center for strategic and international studies told us what the 2 countries wanted to get from this visit. i think the point of this trip was certainly not to move the needle on
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substantive issues. i don't think that was the expectation really on either side coming into the meeting. but we've seen over the past year, a desire from both the biometric ration and beijing to have a temporary, at least temporary stabilization of the relationship. there are some really, uh there are some really big geo political issues is real, gaza, ukraine, that both countries are dealing with the chinese economy slowing down the binding ministration and spacing and election. i think both want to continue the temporary stabilization that we have seen. so my assessment is that this visit, like the visits we've seen from, from yellow and a phone call between she and biden is an investment in that stabilisation, at least temporarily. one of the most contentious issues between china in the us is always trained china accuse washington of suppressing what they called their legitimate development rates. the u. s. complains about china and flooding the
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world was cheap products. is there any way to find common ground here? as well, that's a very good question. i think you have to look at the context of this visit and you know, the us has just passed the, the tick tock divestment bill has to buy. and ministration has been very rigorous and consistent in its development of the technology controls where it sees chinese practice is harming us. security and china for its matter is facing an economic slowdown. and plants to export is way out of this. out of the slow down, these are going to create further frictions. so this temporary stabilization, these open lines of communication are really important because we're going to see added and continued challenges on the trade front going forward. in the past, there was a lot of talk about guard rails and none of that anymore. what happened? you know, i think it's pretty clear from both sides that there are major,
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major structural issues. so really what both sides are doing now is trying to find monica, this little areas of cooperation, and i is one of them. we're going to have talk soon. designers, she call, i mentioned these open lines of communication, military to military communication. the fentenol has an area where we're seeing motor progress, but it's really about it's about communication, where we have the structural challenges and talking about them and finding small areas for, for the us in china to work together. but i think there's a recognition on both sides, but those structural frictions aren't going to change any time soon. that was literally mccall way of the center for strategic and international studies. thanks for your input. you. on a quick look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. the officials and the ukrainian capital keeps say they've evacuated patients from 2 of the cities,
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hospitals over fears that could be targeted by russian straits. the decision came after the head of the bill of routing and security service said the hospitals were housing soldiers. keeps city administration has called those claims, quotes, an absolute lie and a provocation. britton's king charles is to return to public duties for the 1st time since being diagnosed with cancer in february, a statement from buckingham palace that the king was responding well to treatment and the doctors were positive about his continued recovery, fulls of clothes in the 2nd stage, of india as multi phase national election. millions of voters cast ballots across 13 states and union territories, incumbent prime minister and a render. modi is seeking a rare 3rd term is a new national is b, j. p is also aiming for a super majority which could empowers coalition to change. the constitution believes here in berlin have cleared pro palestinian protest camp set up outside
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the german parliament. the group created the encampment more than 2 weeks ago saying they wanted the german government to stop sending weapons and military support to israel. police say they acted to band the camp after some protesters repeatedly used forbidding symbols and slogans. a reporter spoke to protesters and police. so we've been here. what does this now uh, exist at 1617 days just over 2 weeks and we've been peaceful and we've been harassed by the police every single day. they have given us the stupidest restrictions. they have forbidden us from using language, is that on german and english, they have a criminal lives now save criminalize our prayers. our songs are workshops and now they are there a session reasoning for evicting this time, that we had a sofa and that we are hurting the grass. that's for the test campus. trouble protest, compass being prohibited because there have been
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a piece of violations that the rules for public assembly and criminal offenses committed. thomas about the protest leaders did not intervene to prevent this from happening. disease for him not to that. so the protest has been deemed a threat to public safety. kind of made a mistake if there are no miles or measures to prevent more crime so i can cite meant to hatred for him not. it will be a political correspondence. i mean young has more on how the authorities in germany are dealing with pro palestinian protest. yeah, well, as you saw in this particular case, the police said that has been criminality and violence around this camp. i think probably they were also a bit concerned because it was low take to rights in the heart of the a government district here in berlin. but more generally, i think it's fair to say that police have often felt they needed to police these kind of pro palestinian demonstrations that we've seen over the last few months
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pretty closely in some cases breaking them up at there. is this a allegation of incitement coming from these protests in some cases and they use all in particular of band slogans and band uh, images and so on a is a, is a problem. it can be difficult for the police to decide exactly when the law has been broken. for instance, with the slogans to the a just wanted in a, in arabic or a language is uh, you know, that may be difficult for the police or in some cases raises when maps of the region of the middle east region that held up in the palestinian colors that may be problems, sometimes they've taken a sort of precaution, we approach pulling people out or even in the closing the demonstrations down and leaving it. of course in the end is the quotes that to decide when the lower has actually been broken me. we have seen pro palestinian protest spreading on
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university campuses in the us lately. how strong, how big is the movement in germany as well? i think it's fair to say that there has been many pro palestinian demonstrations both before the 7th of october. how mass attacks against israel, and even in a more concentrated form sense, and some of them have attracted thousands, in some cases, even tens of thousands of participants. not seeing every case have they complied with the police requirements that such a large demonstrations should be registered in advance. and as i say, that's been the concerns about the races of the lot about anti semitism. and so, you know, there is a polarized atmosphere i, i think around many of these demonstrations, but the police, of course,
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and the all sorts is generally always say as well. but they all concerned about the freedom of speech, just as much as freedom to demonstrate a freedom of expression is as important also as making sure that nobody breaks the low dw political correspondence. simon young. thank you, simon. the south and south east asia are in a state of emergency after extreme heat levels, record breaking temperatures and bangladesh. the philippines and thailand have led to school closures, power shortages and heat related ducks on the streets of bangkok, torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to
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stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry, there have been 30 heat related debts nationwide so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 reported across the island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy, but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are
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usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon in india were a general election is underway. sweltering temperatures caused roads administered in a team good carry to st. at a campaign, riley for prime minister in the venture. moody in the western states of maharaj truck searing heat is led to a surgeon power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record. and finally, greece has handed over the olympic flame to french organizers as paris prepared to host the games. the summer olympic officials made the hand over at the stadium and athens,
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where the games were revived in 1896. the flame will spend the night in the french embassy before setting sail for france on saturday. and without your all of today, but don't go away. i'm next, we have a documentary on how illegal gold mining and indonesia is poisoning people and the environment. stay with us for that. thank you so much for your company by what cod tires have to do with the production. here's a hands on the real media now on youtube, the lumber indonesia a product.


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