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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news life from berlin, topics to reach a ceasefire. deal in god's that resume on sunday in egypt. a sticking point in the negotiations remains whether a truce between israel and homeless would be temporary or permanent. also coming up, middle east broadcaster algebra is now off air in israel after the cabinet of benjamin netanyahu, both to shutter it's news operations. critics call it an attack on the press. freedom and rio welcomes the material girl to cope a combined
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a beach. the madonna cast off her world tour with possibly her biggest ever concert the i, melissa 10, thanks for joining us. talks have resumed on sunday in cairo between negotiators trying to strike a gaza ceasefire deal. moscow delegation has been meeting with us egyptian and could target mediators. a key stumbling block is whether a truce would be temporary or permanent, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to launch a ground offensive into the southern city of rossa. whether there is a truce or not palestinians in that city thames, we wait for what might happen next. as these godson's watch,
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the destruction of the neighborhood negotiations that we determine the future of taking place. a few 100 meters, though, we entitled that assumption of dogs for the sci fi d has ignited for many belonging to return home. i'm going to see if there's a great sense of how you can anticipation as we have long for months for the negotiations to succeed. so we an old at this place, people can go back home while you're in for stability and bringing an end to the will and the destruction we have witnessed knows that we're very hopeful god willing we will rejoice when we return home, even if we remain in attend like this one, but what matters is when we return to our homes the. 8 many hope i see side would in the bombing and allowing food medicines and other supplies that can save lives. not as must be. a grandfather has found
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a good meeting for his family of 16. the fort, distributed by the chat at the word central kitchen, is helping them survive with the cash. uh, sometimes we have lunch but we don't have dinner and sometimes we have breakfast, but we don't have lunch. we must manage that and what type of food we get from outside is enough. we should have it to myself. and so i called the guy that used to be trucks, but now there are no trucks. we haven't had vegetables for a month and a half is good enough. and then the whole, the whole, the the u. n. c's box of the gaza strip out experiencing from, in the, almost 7 months. so ford has made the delivery and the distribution of feed, extremely challenging. but now, a possibility of a heart in fighting seems real and too many dozens,
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who for months have been living to death and destruction. still have hope for better these. a journalist kareem alga hurry in cairo, gave me this update earlier on the 2nd day of ceasefire talks in egypt. yeah. talk to ongoing since yesterday and they are still continuing today. they are talking as we speak. it is almost indication together was the direction and the cost of the negotiators and the head of the ca. william guards, who is not present, is rated indication who are saying they only will come to cairo if there is a written statement from how mazda is accepting these really conditions. what is on the table is basically a suggestion for a separate face. the exchange of hostages and the policy is, is really prisons and to do what is under the base is how long the
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ceasefire will be or what kind of guarantees will be that the ceasefire is going to hold. how much came in quite positively set the positive steps for the in the last hours we heard the a few negative comments from all sides saying that the it is. and it's on you all personally who's entering the talks and kyra. so you have how mosse saying that there won't be a truce, that doesn't end the war in gaza, and then it doesn't sound like something that is really would agree to this is the absolute sticking point. that it's a contradiction basically. uh, how much is it asking for some kind of guarantees for permanent suicide and they want to have these guarantees from the go straight to us from the texas and the companies. and also from the americans who have to get this card system says somebody's ratings. and of course that contradicts is the primary. so steve,
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to to well objected for of nissan. yellow saying he wants to destroy a moss and if he wants to continue or he wants to move into the on going into a and the total fences in the hop that of course doesn't fit together. so that to how to overcome that. it's difficult. also the other speaking point is that how much is asking for the, is there any, i'm going to withdraw from the cause of strip. so there's 2 people. it can return back home from the solace where many of them of fled to displaced and, and it to go back to their houses. so difficult to see how this can be really rich . and, and does he said and attend yahoo, threatening to invade rafa with or without a deal? it doesn't sound like a viable negotiating position. is there any leverage from saying that? can you talk a little bit about that sticking point?
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it almost made it very clear that the, when there will be no offensive enough, it could be over was to be over was the, she's fine english usually there will be no more exchanges or hostages. so at the same time, of course, you all just announcing this for instance, no matter what it is, negotiations or if you've missed that is an agreement. so this of course is also confucius probably maybe also we how is a side is trying to put book pressure on how much in order to accept the they are proposing. so there's a lot of things to the sessions at the, to the, to the media. we should have basically designed to great price on the other sites and to, to make some strategic interventions say in order to get some advantages in this negotiations. and maybe some of the works with us as publicly also, or some of the things that i need to also the,
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basically the intention is to make some strategic reservations for just get some advantage in the negotiations. kareem outgo heavy in cairo. thank you so much for joining us. you're welcome. israel's cable providers have taken guitar a broadcaster out a 0 off air. it comes after benjamin netanyahu has government voted to back out to 0 from operating within israel earlier that is really connect. it passed a lot of that allows the temporary closure of foreign broadcasters considered to pose a security threat. is really media say the block can last up to 45 days out as they are rejected the allegations that it threatens israel security as a quote, dangerous and ridiculous lie and quote that puts its journalists at risk. i asked journalist about like flooding in tel aviv what netanyahu's cabinet is
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saying about why they made this decision as well. there are some things that don't say publicly and others are they are not saying publicly in terms of what they are saying. public humanity is that they've been lock, i'm not to close the 0 specifically, but the by itself, the any media outlet that does a harm is right, a security will be closed. now we've seen that with, with, it may have been a couple of months ago as well, but now we're seeing get to it with a difference and a more into windshield media, which is, is going to be a, it's not mentioned actually in the law, but of course everyone knows that that's what we're talking about, why you're hurting and harming is by security. will be many occupations throughout the use that the 0 are using. the reporters in order to really pull from leads to that are not entirely accepted by the military. something that the middle to does sense or that they are saying with no censorship, these accusations with her over the years,
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but it's happening right now. and this is the big question. why right now, specifically, some are saying in the background of the war, it's just, you know, it's in, it's influential, a coverage in the world, in general. they are scores, the hurting is down. so revisions in the world, something that is of cares about them. it's also championship, germany, excuse me, come on, what they call the lennox resistance, or the processing of resistance in general. what they're not saying publicly is that these writing cabinets know that no one actually is putting any pressure on cats are the only way to just the right to the dresser, a how much in this deal. so they've tried to do something to make it lose something . so maybe it doesn't hurt to come pressuring them off. now you touched on this a little bit, but practically speaking, what does this actually mean to closer about is here is offices in jerusalem, which they have. and to clarify,
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does this impact out to zeroes reporting operations in gaza as well? i've got 2 of my colleagues in new jersey that are working here. um, that does mean that they will load the offices of interest in the age of resilience . but the law and it states that clearly we are talking about only the $67.00 borders inside of proper is 12. we're talking about the goal of high support is rarely itself and the duty to of tourism. we're not talking about that with back and also of course not talking about god, unless of course, at some point is right. does have any, any administrative of the over god the at any point in the future, bucklin never talked about the 6 to 7 border alone. it will not hurt what's going to happen. he got a journalist, dean in tel aviv. thank you very much. i. so let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. israel has close the care. i'm
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show on border crossing into gaza after him. us fired rockets that is really forces in the area is really media said several people were injured in the attack. crash alone is the main entry point for aid into southern gaza. in germany a 17 year old has turned himself in over an attack on politician mathias echo in the city of dresden. police are still looking for 3 other suspects. the social democrat was putting up election posters when he was assaulted on friday evening. police have not commented on the motives heavy rain in texas has resulted in severe flooding, prompting residents and neighborhoods around the houston area to evacuate. water levels are expected to rise further with thunderstorms continuing in the region. and finally, madonna gave it her all during the historic performance for
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a huge crowd of fans, i presume, is famous. corporate combined a beach, the pop idol pulled out the stops with dozens of cost human set changes as she sang hits from her 40 year long career. the concert was the crowning touch to her worldwide celebration tour. the . it was the biggest concepts of her career. as madonna performed to an estimate to 1600000 funds on brazil iconic copa combined a beach. the free event was that was as thank you to have funds on the epic conclusion office celebration till that started in london last year. that's unpopular late into the night with the legendary queen of paul
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the and with that you're up to date up next. thousands of workers in southeast asia are forced to defraud people on line. our tech shows shift examines these cyber scans. thanks for watching the goals we said there was never giving up every weekend on d w the