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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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or the, this is the, the, the news life from berlin prospects for a cease fire deal in gaza appears, slim after talks in cairo and without a resolution. sticking point in the negotiations remains whether i choose between israel and tomas would be temporary or permanent. also coming up, middle east broadcast or out a 0 is now off air in israel after the cabinet of benjamin netanyahu. both to shudder is news operations. critics call it an attack on press freedom. and german police say a teenager has turned himself in over a street attack that put
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a german politician in the hospital. the social democratic was assaulted while putting up campaign posters interested. the melissa chan, thanks for joining us. talks in cairo between negotiators trying to strike a gaza ceasefire deal has ended without a resolution. uh, mazda official said, a delegation representing the group would return to doha for further consultations . after meeting with us, egyptian and guitar mediators is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to launch a ground offensive into the southern city of rossa palestinians, in that city, tensely wait for what might happen next. as these datsuns watch the destruction of the neighborhood negotiations that we determine the future of taking place. a few 100 meters, though,
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we entitled that assumption of dogs for the sci fi d has ignited for many longing to return home. i'm going to see if there's a great sense of how open anticipation as we have longed for months for the negotiations to succeed. so we an old at this place, people can go back home while you're in for stability and bringing an end to the will and the destruction we have witnessed knows that we're very hopeful god willing we will rejoice when we return home, even if we remain in attend like this one, but what matters if we return to our homes there's not. 5 many hope i see fide wood in the bombing and allowing food medicines and other supplies that can save lives. not as must be. a grandfather has found a good meeting for his family of 16. the fort, distributed by the chat at the word central kitchen is helping them survive
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with the democrats. yeah. sometimes we have lunch, but we don't have dinner and sometimes we have breakfast, but we don't have lunch. we must manage, was that and then what type of food we get from outside is enough to we should every to myself and it's like thing called the they used to be trucks, but now there are no trucks. we haven't had vegetables for a month and a half is good enough. and then one of the channels that you guys hold off the u. n . c's box of the gaza strip out experiencing from in the almost 7 months of war has made the delivery and the distribution of feed extremely challenging. but now a possibility of a heart in fighting seems real and too many dozens who for months have been living to death and destruction. still have hope for better days of israel and los or choosing each other as undermining the prospects of any spire deal is
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really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has again warrant that he won't accept tomas as demands for a permanent end to the fighting in gaza. clearly to show surrendering to mass as the months would be a terrible defeat israel. it'll be a huge victory for a mass for around the entire axis of evil. it will project terrible weakness, 12 friends until enemies. this weakness will only bring the next will closer, and it will push the next piece. the other way. journalist by like sally sliding, joins me now from tel aviv. thanks very much for joining us. what do you make of the latest statements from israel? is this just more of a tactic to put pressure on him us? it goes to the prime minister or nothing the on the since mister gunn. i want to make it clear to these a republic and also to how mazda is now no longer accept the presence of this project from cause of us. it won't accept a deal that effectively keeps almost empowering cause there's also
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a message to the mediators with them. very comes on top of that, that israel wouldn't give any guarantees for homos to indoor. and i'm personally very skeptical. would this would put any pressure on how mazda accept a proposal with no guarantee to the end to end to work? it? does it seem logical to me from a mazda is perspective to give away the only car the hostages, unless it's rolled into rough. i've, with no internet pressure, i assume that they would definitely prefer to keep the hostages and continue the pressure on is right. a government, why the hostages family as well as the international pressure that they are trying to do since the beginning of the war. oh, what do people in israel want, and i know there's a lot of divided opinions, but is there a majority that wants to see spar in the release of hostages, or is there support for this potential offensive and rough? uh well, there's a huge debate about this inside this world liberally, many of the hostage families that say that if bring of the loved ones means the end
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of the war and keeping come. i think that works. then think government needs to take that decision. some of these families and the other has to the families, especially the ones from the take about 4 that i talked to a couple of days ago. i think the only military pressure will bring back the loved one in terms of the polls and what they're saying. a slight majority of the last one in march said that the majority of his writing still doesn't want to give a or a give up. the elimination of from us in order to bring back the hostages and the specifically the right ways. they are not in favor, it's any stopping of the one order to bring back the hostages. and if we talk about what's happening inside the cabinet, from what i understand, there's no one currently suggesting the end of the war in any case. so the all agree on that specific issue. now netanyahu's cabinet today also ordered guitar a broadcaster out to 0 to be shut down in israel. why are they taking that step now?
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is this related in any way to the negotiations that are now stalled as well? um the legal uh, answer to this is that it is the right according to the law, the fast does the harm as rose a security to be shut down. but the question is why right now? i think there are 2 reasons for that. first of all, because of the 0 with it's very intensive, influential media outlet, but simply champions from us and has a lot of influence, not only on the world since the beginning of the war, but also on is reputation in the world. in general. that is the, the, the reason that they're not saying publicly and the last one, i assume if that is what i think the no one puts pressure on cuts are the owner of it just 0. so someone needs to do something about this. i mean the u. s. is putting more pressure on israel is the basically to hold a select the arms and the munition, but no one's person cuts are to pressure him off to accept the deal. so is there
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a wants to do something about it? and i guess that's one of the reasons as well potentially. um, no, it just not a practical matter if you could explain to us, does this mean the closure of the bureau in jerusalem? and is this decision by the is really cabinet going to impact uh out is there as ability to report from within gaza as well. um, an hour ago with these ready police actually rated the amount of the, excuse me, the adjust the, the offices in jerusalem. so it is already shut down, but it will not affect the you said 0, the porters and gauze on only inside is a proper israel. so $6.00 to $7.00 boards is not even in the west bank. the board of the reports, excuse me, will be able to actually be active in those places at least until now, adds in terms of, uh, what you asked about uh, the uh, just the rough in the coming future. so they are planning to not planning to ready
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trying to challenge the decision in the high court. so we'll still need to wait and see what the high corporate say about this decision. journalist folic sledding in, tell a b. thank you so much for joining us. let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world is really has closed the cream shalom border crossing into gaza after him. us fired rockets that is really forces in the area is really media said several people were injured in the attack. trim shalom is the main entry point for aid into southern gaza. and chinese president shooting thing has arrived in france kicking off his 1st trip to the new since 2019. she is due to meet with french president emmanuel, my con, on monday layer in week the chinese president will continue on to serbia and hungry . 2 countries that have alienated themselves from the european block ukrainian
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president vladimir zalinski has addressed the nation on the occasion of orthodox easter. he's celebrated the holiday talking about how the resurrection of jesus symbolizes life. over death. we spoke about confronting darkness for $802.00 days, which is how long it has been since russia invaded ukraine globally. here in germany, police a 17 year old has turned himself in for taking part in an attack on a politician in the eastern city of dressed in 3 other suspects, remain unknown. mathias eco had to be hospitalized after the assault on friday evening. police have not yet commented on the motive, but grouped against far right extremism, have called for demonstrations in berlin and dresden on sunday. in response to the incident for too much he is okay. is one of the s p d's rising stars, sentences election to the european parliament 2 years ago. he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. the echo was
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confident, the re election this year. he was hanging up campaign, posters, mistress and suburb 14 and identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also injured a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris went against political figures, trensler shots called for united action against right wing extremism fig life. so i decided that we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. we must never shrug our shoulders when they happen here or there, such as when green party candidates were attacked recently. when we see this happening against the local politicians and the mayors of small towns, democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together in the new months. i know so and give us a good mind. some of that gave
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a state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly what new max is on the screen, right. want they want to on the local level, car valves destroyed democracy and i think the fred has never been grades or since reunification and. ready the uh, the start words, by the chance there are very much appreciated politicians from o, germany's major parties, including the far right a f d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's darkest times. and finally, madonna gave it her all during a historic performance for a huge crowd of fans at brazil's famous corporate combine of beach. the pop idol pulled out the stops with dozens of costume and set changes as she's saying hits
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from her 40 year long career. the concert was the crowning touch to her world wide celebration tor. the it was the biggest concepts of her career. a mcdonough performed to an estimated 1600000 funds on brazil's iconic cobra combined a beach. the free event was both a thank you to have funds on the epic conclusion of has celebration till but stopped in london last year. until the patient and rio had been building for days on sunset. mcdonough did not disappoint on imagine it but experience out of the ordinary.
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i've never attended such a file for sure. it was fabulous. i o, i say it was a. i think she deliberate a high level, so it had an excellent production value. it was a gift for brazil. 18 sounds. how was a wreck to the along the beach to ensure everyone could hear her iconic kits including like a prayer and holiday in true mcdonough style. the comes that started almost an hour late. that's a little after $1030.00 at night. but the crowd a p and happy to wait to experience one of the world's biggest of a concepts and populates into the night with the legendary queen of paul the
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and with that you're up to date up next is our series per with a look at the women inspiring the next generation of environmental us. thanks for watching the the, the german was c w policy, or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level. reading gentleman has chosen to go this shadows of german color. these are costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools
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farms and destroy lives. what is the next.