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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the daily news live from berlin, prospects for a ceasefire deal in gaza, appear slim after talks in cairo and without a resolution. a sticking point in the negotiations remains whether a truce between israel and her mas would be temporary or permanent. also coming up german police say a teenager has turned himself in over a street attack that put a german politician in the hospital. the social democrat was assaulted while putting up campaign posters in dresden, the
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melissa china, thanks for joining us. talks in cairo between negotiators trying to strike a gaza cease fire deal had ended without a resolution. a mazda official set of delegation representing the group would return to doha for further consultations. after meeting with us objection and guitar mediators is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to launch a ground offensive into the southern city of rough up palestinians, in that city tensely wait for what might happen next. as these doctrines watched the destruction of the neighborhood negotiations that we determine the future of taking place. a few 100 meters, though we entitled that assumption of dogs for the sci fi di has ignited for many, the longing to return home. i'm going to see if there's a great sense of how you can enter so patient as we have long for months for the negotiations to succeed. so we an old at this place,
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people can go back home while you're in for stability and bringing an end to the will end to destruction. we have witnessed, knows that we're very hopeful god willing we will rejoice when we return home, even if we remain in attend like this one. but what matters is when we return to our homes, there's not many hope i see side would in the bombing and allowing food medicines and other supplies that can save lives. not as must be. a grandfather has found a group to me for his family of 16. the fort distributed by the chat at the word center kitchen, is helping them survive with the cash. uh, sometimes we have lunch but we don't have dinner. and sometimes we have breakfast, but we don't have lunch. we must manage, is that and then what type of food we get from outside is enough. we share with some of the sales and select on goals and follow up with them to the they used to
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be trucks, but now there are no trucks. we haven't had vegetables for a month and a half is coming up. the the u. n. c's box of the gaza strip out experiencing from in the almost 7 months of war has made the delivery and the distribution of speed extremely challenging. but now, a possibility of a heart in fighting seems really do many, dozens who for months have been living to death and destruction. still have hope for better these israel on her mazda or accusing each other of undermining the prospects of any of these far deal is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again warrant that he won't accept tomas as demands for a permanent end to the fighting in gaza. to clearly do show surrendering the masses to months would be a terrible defeats the israel. it'd be a huge victory for a mass for around the entire axis of evil. it will project terrible weakness,
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12 friends, until enemies. this weakness will only bring the next will closer, and it will push the next piece. the other way, journalist, by like flooding is intel of eve. i asked him what he makes of the latest statements from israel, and whether it's a tactic to increase pressure on him, us both prime minister or nothing. the on the since mister gunn. i want to make it clear to these a republic, and also to how mazda is of no longer accept the presence of this project from god's best. it won't accept a deal that effectively keeps almost empowering god, there's also a message to the mediators with them, or it comes on top of that, that israel wouldn't give any guarantees from us to endure. and i'm personally very skeptical with that. this would put any pressure on how mazda accept a proposal with no guarantee to the end to end to work. it doesn't seem logical to me from how mazda is perspective to give away the only car the hostages live is run
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into rock up with no internet pressure. i assume that they would definitely prefer to keep the hostages and continue their pressure on is ready to government. why the hostages family, as well as the international pressure that they are trying to do since the beginning of the war. oh, what do people in israel want, and i know there's a lot of divided opinions, but is there a majority that wants to see spar and the release of hostages, or is there support for this potential offensive in rafa or well, there's a huge debate about this inside this world liberally, many of the hostage families that say that if bring of the loved ones means the end of the war and keeping come. i think that works. then the government needs to take that decision. some of these families and the other has to the families, especially the ones from the take about 4 that i talked to a couple of days ago. i think the only military pressure will bring back the loved one in terms of the polls and what they're saying. a slight majority of these, the last one in march said that the majority of these writing still doesn't want to
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give a or a give up the elimination of from us in order to bring back the hostages and the specifically the right ways. they are not in favor of any topic will be one in order to bring back the hostages. and if we talk about what's happening inside the cabinet, from what i understand, there's no one currently suggesting the end of the war in any case. so the all agree on that specific issue. now, netanyahu's cabinet today also ordered guitar a broadcaster out to 0 to be shut down in israel. why are they taking that step now? is this related in any way to the negotiations that are now stalled as well? um the legal uh, answer to this is that it does the right according to the law, the fast does, the harm is rose is security to be shut down. but the question is, why? right now? i think there are 2 reasons for that. first of all, because of the 0 with it's very intensive, influential media outlet,
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but simply champions from us and has a lot of influence, not only on the world since the beginning of the war, but also on is reputation in the world in general. that is to be the, the reason that they're not saying publicly and the last one i assume is that is ro think the no one puts pressure on guitar, the owner of, it's just the era. so someone needs to do something about this. i mean, the u. s. is putting more pressure on israel is basically to hold a select the arms and ammunition, but no one's person cuts are to pressure him off to accept the deal. so is there a wants to do something about it? and i guess that's one of the reasons as well potentially, i know it just not a practical matter if you could explain to us, does this mean the closure of the bureau in jerusalem? and is this decision by the is really cabinet going to impact uh, i'll just there as ability to report from within gaza as well. um,
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an hour ago with these ready police actually rated the i'm on the, excuse me, the jersey at the offices in jerusalem. so it is already shut down, but it will not affect the just the reporters in gauze on only inside is a proper israel. so $6.00 to $7.00 boards is not even in the west bank. the board or the reports, excuse me, will be able to actually be active in those places at least until now, as in terms of what you've asked about the, just the era and the coming to the future. so they are planning to not planning to ready trying to challenge the decision in the high court. so we'll still need to wait and see what the hi core can say about this journalist, folic sledding and tell a b. thank you so much for joining us. let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. israel has closed the current shallow border, crossing into gauze after him. us fired rockets and is really forces in the area is
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really media said several people were injured in the attack. torrential loan is the main entry point for aid into southern gaza. ukrainian president vladimir is a wednesday, has addressed the nation on the occasion of orthodox easter. he celebrated the holiday talking about how the resurrection of jesus symbolizes life. over death, he spoke about confronting darkness for $802.00 days, which is how long it has been since russia invaded ukraine. ford and chinese president shooting king has arrived in france, taking off his 1st trip to the e. u since 2019 she is due to meet with the french president in my new law con, on monday. later in the week, the chinese president will continue on to serbia and hungry. 2 countries that have alienated themselves from the european lock. in germany, people have gathered in the cities of dresden and berlin after a violent attack on a politician mathias echo a member of the german chancellor,
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olaf schultz. his social democratic party was hospitalized after the assault in dresden. on friday evening, a 17 year old has turned himself into the authorities for taking part in the attack . and police are still looking for 3 other suspects. let's go straight to dw political, corresponded alex garris, who is at the demonstration in front of the brandenburg gate in berlin. alex, uh what's the mood like at the gathering? yeah, i would say there to around $500.00 people has to gather to you to send a clear no it clear? no. against the violet to the clear no. to violence against politicians, just 2 days after you have just mentioned, it must be a 2nd from the social democratic party. it has to be in the tech violence, the uh, the dentist just starting uh right around me. so it's a bit difficult to hear you. i mean this out of the organize this of this
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demonstration, they organize us from the, from the in active is to network cool to, to get against the power rises, demonstration itself is not labeled as a demonstration against the file, right? but as a demonstration for the pending democracy and democratic values, that is because we don't know for sure yet if the a tech or not. yes, it could indeed was politically motivated or not with the relying on an eye witness report there. who would things the appearance of the suspect to uh, file right extreme is in, um and you have us just mentioned to them. one suspect has parenting side of thing . you went to the police already. we don't know yet if there what, what's the motivation of this attack has been about police hope now that because of the public attention and also because of the public pressure also from demonstrations like these, that the other suspects will also go to the police soon. now with this latest
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attack, how do you think it impacts the current political climate in germany? that's this process. well, it is a complex picture, but a very clear trend. bought into tax investments and that's again politic. a representative of all parties has doubled since 2020 and that means in everyone of the 6 cases of such violence against politicians a day, the most effective is the green party. but also the far right a if the potty. but while a case number for the fire, right, they if the case the most involving the fire, right. if the has been cleansed and dog at least slightly, the timing of the last few years we're seeing is very steep rise in the attacks in violence against the representative of the green poppy. with the most prominent example, being the case of the german economy, minnesota, the topic, what's blocked from leaving a fairy early of a z,
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a blocked by aggressive bomb us. something very similar happened. the vice president cuts and building a cut also from the green party earlier this week when she was blocked from leaving on the campaign and event. um, but the majority of those cases happens to politicians on the rather lower level. that is because, uh they uh, most of the times out without any securities, they've been using public transport, for example, especially in building, which is what makes them actually an easy target. so to say, for people's willing to use violence against them. this is also why the drive and, and to women. it's got nancy fat as a now it's called an all into administers from the 16 gym states to come together and work out the plan to make sure that the people who want to be politically active right can do so without, without being in danger. got it. anybody is alex garrett live from the brandenburg gate. thank you very much. now, so 1600000 people gathered on rios copa,
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combined, a beach on saturday night to see the queen of pop madonna, in concert. the. the rogue senior held the free event to say thank you to her south american fan. it was also the conclusion of her celebration tour and her 1st time performing in brazil in over a decade. here's a reminder of our top story prospects for a c, sorry deal and god appears slim after talks and cairo ended without a resolution. a mouse has repeated its demand for an end to the war and exchange for the freeing of hostages. but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has flatly rolled that out. and with that, you're up to date that stuff clearing for us land to make way for it. you long must x tesla plant near berlin, that's on report. thanks for watching. the
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