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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:03am CEST

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a whole month easily sent to the tenants in a uh well i guess the only ones i was super not to use like under the swastika stuff may 25th on d w the this is dw news and these are our top stories. chinese president, changing things arrived in france, kicking off his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. he's scheduled to meet with friends, present him on, on a crawl on monday lazar in the week. the chinese president will continue on to serbia and hungry. 2 countries seen as frankly, to aging. israel has closed, the cam shall on border crossing into guys a after how much the launch an attack on it is really media said several people were injured by how much rockets the militant group said. it was target thing is really soldiers in the area terms. how long is the main entry point for 8 into
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southern gaza? the latest round of gaza ceasefire adults in cairo have ended without a deal being reached. i must negotiators have returned to cutoff and now israel and how most of both accusing the other side of undermining the prospect of an agreement. a key sticking point remains. israel determination to attack the southern city of russell. this is the domain from berlin. you'll find more on our website, dw. com. as the body of work, we see how british peter, at least the more uses her physique as a paintbrush. a fairy tale destination in austria. why bod issue is worth
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a visit this year. and a cold dog for dessert, we find out how the german treat counselor a warrant is made, and it's not in the oven. all this and more coming up on your own max. the . we started off with one of the most popular attractions in germany. the many are 2 of one deadlines, which attracts more than $1000000.00 visitors each year with the world's largest model railroad. recently prince albert of monica was also on hand with princes sharleen and their children. the world family took a look at the latest edition, monica in miniature, including formula one racing. this is the world's largest model railway with new things comes to me.