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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news live from ballot and israel signals in advance on rafa is imminent of the sci fi tools. and with alice agreement, the army says it's judging presidents of the city and southern gaza to evacuate, where it says, thousands of members of hamas all hiding. also coming up on the program, china is president, makes his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. she's in pain, arrives in from his 1st destination, tre. tensions and the was in ukraine in the mid least likely to be testing the agenda.
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the new cooks mckinnon. welcome to the program. israel's army is cooling on residents of gauze, southern city of rafa to evacuate to a few minutes harry, an area head of a possible offensive. the israel defense forces say people in rough as east should move to a refugee camp west of hong eunice on the coast. more than 1000000 displaced palestinians have taken shelter in rafa. since the war broke out of a spike growing alarm over an assault, israel has said that in the offensive, that is key to eliminating him off in the wake of the type of the 7th terror attacks as frustrate to dw correspondent rebecca versus the joins us now. from jerusalem. hi, rebecca,
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tell us more about what's going on in russell right now. well, i knew we had come from consummation from is really military just a little while ago to say that in the day this evacuation order was beginning to be carried out just shortly before coming on. and we were told that these flyers, that is the part of the process of these evacuation orders had been dropped over the area, advising the citizens. they had to evacuate that area, that eastern areas. this is not an entire evacuation of the whole roster area of about the it's what they call in a limited scope operation. so we're seeing that eastern part, the very corner of rafa down by the is ready and egyptian border. that is the area that is being asked to move on. they're being asked to move to an area of a humanitarian area that has been expanded, an area code on the last see, but also that will reach areas of the a, bala and on eunice. now the is ready military say that there's a field hospital at least one, if not more field hospitals in that area being set up and they will be more
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humanitarian aid and services. they have provided for people who are going to be evacuating there. of course, we've seen these evacuation orders and how they've been carried out in the past, and many people of course have been saying for weeks that they don't want to evacuate again. i don't want to leave this rasa area again. many have evacuated several times already from all the parts of the gaza strip and they're exhausted. know today this is sarah the trust that they will be out of homes way we have seen in the past that some of these evacuation areas have also they, uh, you know, targeted in, in strikes. so people feeling very, very nervous about what's happening, what they're being asked to do. hm. okay. yeah. so that's about all we know at the moment it should affect about a 100000 people. that's the other thing that these really military said this morning, but they looking to move around about a 100000 people on. yeah. all right, rebecca, stay with us. we're going to take
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a look at what's been happening with the sci fi to looks between this realm us and we'll come right back to you. as the easiest, riley protest is demanding the government push on with this plan for a military operation in russell in southern gaza. many of them are relatives of soldiers killed in the war. they believe a rough are encouraged and is the best way to pressure how much to release these really hostages. it still holds. visiting tweaks in the central gaza strip is riley defense minister. you'll have guidelines indicated that he agrees with the protest of a novel, missouri, and there are concerning signals that how must is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with us to show me the risk you meet on how much mo, this means and operation and rough, uh and, and the entire gas and strip the quote in the very near future will be able to got on sentiments what a code in a video message for me is right,
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the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the audit we show the trip insulating. so how most of the mountains would be of terrible defeat for israel, it would be a great victory for our mouth, ron, and the axis of evil. so it would show great weakness to our friends and enemies. bring the next well closer to him and push the next piece agreement. by the way so little more about the outside netanyahu's office in jerusalem. thousands of protesters made it clear that you don't share his feelings, that we are calling for saying yes to the deal to the hostage released you to release as many hostages as we can while they're still lives. sausages, are there for $212.00 days. the deal we're talking now about about now is the humanitarian deal. it's for elderly people, it's for 6 people. it's for young women, and they can't last there anymore. we know that hostages are dying all the time and if we don't release them now, we don't know who we will have to release. slater was a temporary,
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true school. so the humanitarian dissolved across the board, the in garza, the you and says pulse of the strip or wendy experiencing from and earlier on sunday is well closed. had him shut on a keyboard crossing used by a family of the homeless militants a tax it all right, well that was rebecca rich has interest them. so rebecca, we look at the situation, no sign of any breakthrough in the sci fi tools. you were telling us about what's happening with the vi evacuations earlier. does a lot of this mean that an offensive is imminent? but it certainly does look that way on. yeah, that is what the is riley government and military has been saying for some time now that if this deal wasn't meant able to come to fruition that they would be going in to run from side prime minister benjamin netanyahu say he, he would direct to the army to go into raffle whether or not they was a deal. now we know i'm also not willing to accept
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a deal that doesn't include something that would move towards the permanent se, saw israel saying that there is absolutely no way they will agree to offering a permanent se siren exchange for deal. so we are at that style made i think it's wrong to say the talks have completely collapsed the c i a chase us c i a chief is headed to go home to try to continue those tools. but yes, we definitely are at a point that we have been hearing about and you know, many people have been fearing would go ahead and happen. and that's does seem to be what we're looking at, what we're facing now, that these talks do seem to be sold once more and agreement cannot be reached. it's something that looks like this rather offensive could be imminent. as these ready military say they will do it in stages, we get to see what, what that looks like on that i wanted to ask you about the, the closing of the southern curriculum shalom crossing. what, what can you tell us about that? as well as the carriage lum crossing was the idea of sight was targeted last
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night to earlier in the evening. last night. 3 soldiers were in fact killed in that in those strikes. i believe they were about 10 projectiles fired. that's the estimate. and they were retaliatory strikes the fire. well, the 5 came from the really military is saying it's coming. the came from the raffle area in that area was targeted. we know that 12 people were killed in strikes in that raffle area last night. and indeed that karen sion i'm crossing was closed with no more information on when that might reopen, but it is in design that is being evacuated. so it's unlikely to open anytime soon as riley military saying that they've, they're working on the board and it will not affect them the amount of a coming into casa rebecca. thank you. that's the don't use rebecca versus reporting from jury slim now, israel has ordered the closure of the local offices of the guitar. april costa al jazeera. the tunnel has also been removed by israel main cable tv and satellite
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providers. israel is accusing the channel of humming is secure, a, c, l 20 has rejected. the allegations is really a store and to is confiscated, broadcast equipment from the guitar network, just 0. and this hotel is jerusalem. the international, broad cost as local office is in one of the rooms here. no, the room is closed to israel's main cable and such a wide provide as to cause a 0 of at shortly off to the order to cease alterations came into force. the decision was the combination of a fight between the broad, costa and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government got the, i'll just say a report is harmed israel security and incited against the idea of soldiers this time to remove the trumpet from us from our country. ma'am,
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do you know the networks, they're a chief in israel and the police to me and territories, valid amari says, the reasons behind the decision. a political, this is very this decision i guess, a disease and against the international media at all. because at least it's a clear that they want to eh, prevent from any of those 2 and know what's happening in this war. and they were in the guys i reside in that we spent, the broad cost us legal team is working on a potential response. the ben and j 0 operations in israel threats and still fights and tensions between israel and co. tar. doha has played a key role in mediation efforts to secure a supply in gaza. okay, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and israel has begun, mocking low cost, remember, and stay with the ceremony at the admission, the country's national holocaust memorial prime minister, benjamin netanyahu,
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and president isaac had suffered spoken. the event from 6000000 european jews was systematically mode by nazi germany and its collaborates as during holocaust feats . in panama, the right wing candidates, the 0 me lino has won the presidential election, is the process a of the full, my president ricardo mazda nellie, who was bought from standing off to a graft conviction. melina went to visit martin l. e. uh, after voting, who was currently taking asylum in the nicaraguan embassy in panama city. with ortiz and mexico have confirmed the bodies of 3 people found in the spaces bohak, california, all those as missing tourists. the 2 australians and one american were identified our relatives off to disappear and during accounting and stuffing trip last weekend was already say that the men will likely murdered during a robbery. of the chinese president sees him,
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ching paying has arrived in front kicking off his 1st trip to the you since 2019 g is due to meet with the french president the money. what am i calling today? later in the week, the chinese leader will continue on to serbia and hungry 2 countries, but the same as close to beijing you. lead is all divided as a how to deal with china related, grow and global influence and economic might. the eiffel tower is the same, but china is relationship with the west has changed since using ping last visited europe in 2019 the cobra ton, demi facings packing, some rushes ukraine war. it's growing all sorts heritage and trade tensions of electric vehicles, subsidies and suspicions of wide scale chinese espionage and your pin capitals of complicated relations. so it's a phone. what this is is the 1st by china instead of state. so to europe, in the past 5 years, to tell you that was of great significance to promoting,
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trying his relationships with france. so it'd be a hungry and the overall development of the china, your relationship. you always should, you will be in part to she in china is economic muscle and growing global influence . i've left your up, divide it on how to deal with beijing. she will be happy to exploit those divisions is the content and struggles to define its role between the united states and china . in paris, she and francis a money will not cron. we'll talk of a trade and investment in the middle east. macro names to drum up business with french firms, convince she not to get further involved in russia's war and ukraine. frances sees she's visit, which officially mark 60 is a french chinese diplomatic relations as an impulse and diplomatic moments. and wants to focus on china is broader relations with the you, my chrome is invited, you are paying commission, present us left on the line to the talks of the front. she will have to. so it'd be a for talks with president. how big's on the boot? kitchen, i know, sorry terry and strong,
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but allow your brushes. vladimir putin cheese last stop is hungry to meet with prime minister victo all about hungry wants to deepen diplomatic and trade ties with autocracies, such as russia and china. the states on easily with it's a you and they to membership so that they may have coaching cas a long shot over the visit. she imputed describe that relationship as without limits by visiting like minded hungry and so that'd be a. china is testing the use balancing act between beijing and brussels. and we've got some sports news for you before we go. real madrid have extended the record by winning a fussy 6 spanish league title funds gathered in downtown madrid to celebrate the victory. the title. when came off the rail one the much on saturday against the closest rivals, barcelona and fans could have more to cheer about the season because reality,
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the dread of to him with a chance of winning the champions league. and with that, you are up to date is coming up next. thousands in south east asia, a being forced to defraud people. online tech show shift takes a look at the site that's library and then you can see mccain. and thanks so much for watching the come have a piece of this out to the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. in charlotte, the g. more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion, life on the bus. and so it does have committed the passport