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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the the, this is the daily news, live from balance. israel signals and advance on rasa is imminent of the sci fi talks, and without the agreement be, is ready. all me is judge and residents of the city in southern gaza to evacuate. israel says thousands of members has come off all hiding that will say coming up on the program, china's president makes his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. he, him pain, arrives in from trade tensions on the was a new train in the middle east are likely to be tilting the agenda and ukraine's troops on the defensive russian forces move in on a t stronghold along the front lines as the premiums soldiers wait. so long delayed
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weapons, the new keeps mckinnon. great, so have you with us is rails army is cooling on residents of gauze, of southern city, of rasa, to evacuate to a humanitarian area ahead of a possible offensive. the israel defense forces all urging people in rough as east to leave with some families reportedly already on the move. they've been told to head towards con eunice to the on the wasi refugee temp. more than 1000000 displaced palestinians have taken shelter and rough us since the war broke out. despite growing a law move an assault, israel has said been offensive that is key to eliminating him off in the wake of be okay with the 7th terror attacks. i off the w correspondent, rebecca rushes,
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who's in jerusalem to tell us more about the evacuation order to well, i knew we had come from confirmation from is rarely military just a little while ago to say that in day this evacuation order was beginning to be carried out just shortly before coming on and we were told that these flyers, that is the part of the process of these evacuation orders had been dropped over the area, advising the citizens. they had to evacuate that area, that eastern areas. this is not an entire evacuation of the whole roster area of about the it's what they call in a limited scope operation. so we're seeing that eastern part, the very corner of rafa down by the is riley and egyptian border. that is the area that is being asked to move on. that being asked to move to an area of a humanitarian area that has been expanded, an area code on the wasi, but also that will reach areas of the a, bala and on eunice. now the is ready military say that there's a field hospital at least one,
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if not more field hospitals in that area being set up and they will be more humanitarian aid and services. they have provided for people who are going to be evacuating there. of course, we've seen these evacuation orders and how they've been carried out in the past, and many people of course have been saying for weeks that they don't want to evacuate again. i don't want to leave this rasa area again. many have evacuated several times already from all the parts of the gaza strip and they're exhausted. know today this is sarah the trust that they will be out of homes way we have seen in the past that some of these evacuation areas have also they uh, you know, targeted in, in strikes. so people feeling very, very nervous about what's happening, what they being asked to do. hm. okay. yeah. so that's about all we know at the moment it should effect about a 100000 people. that's the other thing that these really military said this morning, but they looking to move around about a 100000 people on. yeah. all right,
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rebecca, stay with us. we're going to take a look at what's been happening with the sci fi to looks uh, between israel and i will come right back to you. these is rarely protest is demanding the government push on with its plan for a military operation in brussel, in southern gaza. many of them are relatives of soldiers killed in the war. they believe a rough are encouraged and is the best way to pressure how much to release these really hostages gets to hold. visiting troops in the central gaza strip is riley defense minister. you'll have gallant, indicated that he agrees with the protest as on the home is a snare or concerning signals that thomas is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with us. issue with the risk you meet on a much low. this means in operation and rough uh and then the anti gas and strip record in the very near future will build the guidelines, sentiments, what a code in
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a video message for me is right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu yada, to show the hip. it's relating to how most of the moms would be of terrible defeat for israel. it would be a great victory for our mouth. ron and vx is an evil, so it would show great weakness to our friends and enemies. bring to next to our closer and push the next piece agreement further away from them about the outside net on. yeah, he's of these injuries and him thousands of protesters made it clear that they don't share his feelings. that we are calling for saying yes to the deal to the hosted shell release deal to release as many hostages as we can while they're still alive. sausages are there for $212.00 days. the deal we're talking now about about now is the humanitarian deal. it's for elderly people, it's for 6 people. it's for young women, and they can't last there anymore. we know that hostages are dying all the time and if we don't reduce them now we don't know who we'll have to. the slater was
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a temporary true school. so the to humanitarian dissolved across the board, the in gaza, the you and says pulse of the strip already experiencing from and earlier on sunday is well post him shut on a keyboard across thing used by any of the homeless militants attacks it. all right, well that was rebecca versus injurious them so rebecca, we look at the situation, no sign of any breakthrough in the sci fi tools. you were telling us about what's happening with the vi evacuated sions earlier. does a lot of this mean that an offensive is imminent? but it certainly does look that way on. yeah, that is what the is riley government and military has been saying for some time now that if this deal wasn't meant able to come to fruition that they would be going in to run from side prime minister benjamin netanyahu say he, he would direct to the army to go into raffle whether or not they was
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a deal. now we know i'm also not willing to accept a deal that doesn't include something that would move towards the time and it say, saw israel saying that there is absolutely no way they will agree to offering opponents a saw are in exchange for a deal. so we are at that style made i think it's wrong to say the talks have completely collapsed to the c. i a chief us c i a chief is headed to go home to try to continue those tools. but yes, we definitely are at a point that we have been hearing about and you know, many people have been fearing would go ahead and happen. and that's does seem to be what we're looking at, what we're facing now, that these talks do seem to be sold once more and agreement cannot be reached. it's something that looks like this rather offensive could be imminent. as he is ready, military say they will do it in stages, we get to say, well, what that looks like on that i wanted to ask you about the, the closing of the southern curriculum shalom crossing. what, what can you tell us about that? as well as the carriage lum crossing was the idea of sight was targeted last
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night to earlier in in the evening. last night 3 soldiers were in fact killed in that in those strikes. i believe there were about 10 projectiles. find that the estimate and they were retaliatory strikes the fire. well the fi came from the really military is saying it's coming. the came from the rest. the area in that area was targeted. we know that 12 people were killed in strikes in that rafter area last night and indeed that karen sion i'm crossing was closed with no more information on when that might reopen, but it is in design that is being evacuated. so it's unlikely to open anytime soon . is riley military saying that they've, they're working on other boards and it will not affect them the amount of a coming into casa rebecca. thank. see that's the don't use rebecca versus reporting from jerusalem. the chinese president and she's in pain has arrived in front kicking off his 1st trip to the you since 2019 as he is due to meet with the french president and my
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new and my call today. later in the week, the chinese leader will continue on to serbia and hungry, 2 countries that are seen as close to, to beijing elite as a, divide it over how to deal with china. and it's growing global influence. and it's economic might the eiffel towers the same, but china is relationship with the west has changed since using, paying less, visited europe in 2019. the cobra tends, i mean, facing packing, some rushes ukraine war. it's growing all far as heritage and trade tensions of electric vehicles, subsidies and suspicions of wide scale chinese espionage and your pin capitals of complicated relations. this is the phone. what this visit is, the 1st by china is head of state. so to europe, in the past 5 years, 3 to those of great significance to promoting challenges, relationships with broncho. so it'd be a hungry one, ends the overall development of the china,
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your relationship. you don't wish to do. so being 5 to single china's economic muscle and growing global influence, i've left your up, divide it on how to deal with beijing. she will be happy to exploit those divisions is the confidence struggles to define his role between the united states and china . in paris, he in front is a monday will not kron. we'll talk of a trade in investments and the middle east, macro names to drum up business with french firms. convince she not to get further involved in russia's war and ukraine. frances sees she's visit, which officially mark 60 is a french chinese diplomatic relations as an impulse and diplomatic moments. and wants to focus on china is broader relations with the u. my chrome is invited. you are paying commission, present us left on the line to the talks of to friends she will have to. so it'd be a for talks with president. how big's on the boot kitchen? i know, sorry terry and strong men and ally of rushes vladimir putin keys last stop is
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hungry to meet with prime minister vic to all about hungry wants to deepen diplomatic and trade ties with autocracies, such as russia and china. the states on easily with it's a you and they to membership so that they may have coaching castle long shot over the visit. she imputed describe that relationship as without limits by visiting like minded hungry and so it'd be a china is testing the use balancing act between beijing and brussels. a solicitation and dw china on the list to follow that report joins me now in the studio. so more on this could see cliff said, um, so at the most important token points in the next couple of days, tell us what we're going to be talking about. the focus will be the war and ukraine and on trade. we've seen a lot of um, issues surrounding the war and ukraine at the moment in china as possible backing for us. and your call is going to be trying to get some sort of agreement which you,
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jim ping, not to keep backing all be a tacitly, uh, rushes war and ukraine. and then the u. as investigating chinese mobile like mobile x, where the car exports to, to europe and she has the economy of struggling a little bit is going to be trying to boost trade. so those are going to be the 2 main talking points. i think they've, they've been 5 years, they haven't seen each other, so they've got a lot to talk about and to will be other topics on the agenda. and the choice of france is very important because it means a lot to the chinese, a lot of the great revolutionary leaders of the communist party like joe and lie, don't shopping. they all studied in france. and the, the, this visit has been given huge coverage. and from in china, it's all over the media. so it's a very important meeting for the chinese. and so it's an opportunity for these to talk for them to reset relations with europe. but also for europe to maybe try and use some of its leverage to, to get china on side on these 2 key issues. okay,
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so obviously you, ukraine is a huge issue. china says that it is neutral regarding this conflict. and yet it does to live a supplies to russia. um that supports its will efforts. so how realistic is it that, you know, front will be able to persuade china to whatever extent to shift its position. i think it's, it's, it's facing an uphill bottle. i'm in china, if you didn't ping on unplugged, my pollutant are very, very close, it's a relationship with i have limits and there's no way that she, jim pink, is going to abandon that relationship. now even if, if put in has become the weaker partner in there, she didn't, ping's traditional alliances tend to be with the authoritarian governments much as they they see frances, symbolic, and a lot of this has to do with the fact the front isn't the us. and in some ways this visit is a way of, of showing a sub assigned to the us that it's focused on your up. okay. i did just want to ask
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you about the issue of climate change, clifford and quite possibly coming up in these talks. now we know that china is a huge and messer, it's responsible for nearly a 3rd of all global c o 2 emissions. it's still building new coal fired power stations. can we expect any shift at all in, in china? is that of climate politics up to this visit to europe? i think china takes a very strategic approach when it comes to climate change. it's going to see it as a bargaining tool as much as anything because they know that the west, it's what it's a big political issue in the west. so i don't really wanted to make much of a change on this, this some way the china can get something in return for making concessions on, on c o, twos and climate change w solicitude. and thanks so much for that cliff it okay, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and israel has ordered the closure of the local offices of the could tarry broad costa out 0. slicing
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a risk to state security. the channel has also been removed by israel's main cable tv and stuff like providers to 0 has vowed to take legal action the united nations and press freedom groups have condemn the closure. authorities in mexico have confirmed the bodies of 3 people found in the states of baja, california, all those of missing tourists, the to australians and one american word emphasized by relatives of the disappearing during a campaign. and so i think trip last weekend, we'll sort of see say that the men will likely mode it during a robbery. was in panama, the right wing candidate has a round. the lino has won the presidential election. he's the process a is the full. i'm a president ricardo mazda natalie who was bought from standing off for a golf conviction. melina went to visit mountain ally off to those sing, most nearly a seeking asylum in the correct o, an embassy in panama. now at least 78 people have been killed in more than
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100 or missing in floods in southern prison. the countries president visited the region for 2nd time on sunday, pledging funds for reconstruction efforts. the silver also promised a plan to help prevent climate change linked. does austin's for sales president flies low over the cta of portfolio. i agree. the capital of rio grande. so sol, stays is home to almost 1500000 people. but it's straight. so silent as they fill with brown flood water, louise in a seal lula to silver brooch. most of these cabinets on a trip to the affected region on sunday to discuss rescue assets and reconstruction . lot also said the government is working on a plan to prevent what he called climate accidents. happen to see because we need to stop chasing misfortune. we need to run tests and pay what could
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happen. fidget the floods have been raging for a week tree. good bye to ritual rain. more than 100000 people have been displaced. imagine z cruz as still struggling to rescue trapped residents with the floods reaching mesa is high. we thought well as a lot of water on the lower side of the city, the boats are already at the level of electricity polls. we have to cut the power grid to be able to cross some of these places. and what else is a little guys? rio grande still sold golfing, uh says, this is the worst natural disaster in the states history, but it follows several other major floods in the last year alone. and a growing trend of extreme weather events across brazil to you trade now, where you credit in force as a struggling to hold back a wave of russian insults in the east. moscow says it has captured several 100
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square kilometers of the training and territory. since the beginning of the year keeps as it is suffering from a lot of soldiers and delays and deliveries from its west and allies, the shortages have allowed the russians to advance in many places like a thief. now they have the sites set on charles, if you are a training and retreat that could jeopardize the defense of the entire region corresponding that commonly how's this reports of anything less than breakneck speed is just too risky on these roads. we're heading towards chess. if you are, there are some troops now just a few kilometers away. for some drugs of a head or a constant threat, disagreement commodity unit is being tossed the shooting them down very low and those are a week or 2 ago was the last time we down to try and start the last time we go to the onset, george was more than 3 weeks ago. the weather's been good for you. awesome the border with the tires. you keep that fine too high. you can't hit them with guns.
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hydro and a shallow dug out as much covers. these men have discounts as a quite a round here, often enough, the shelves a much closer to the over there. well, that's what a shell hit last night. another one came in about a 100 meters further because you have them look at it was about 1 30 in the morning . the school is dropping to came flying past the crate. it was pretty small, but there was a lot of shrapnel. not everyone can ignore the noise. the units dog spends most of our time hiding college tells us they used to have a cat. the show digital sign of being scared. was there any later when the cat was wondering why i call, they realized that was a reason to can't manage to say so come on, but i lose desk out here expose to drones and shelves and fight to the previous generations left of a weapons. it's hard to believe that $60000000000.00 worth of usa is now and it's
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way with the full i'm with, if we will believe the age is coming when we see it for ourselves, or we can see or feel any difference yet for more, for watching from wonderful, for now, we've seen withdrawing from places like half days ago and the russians have been taking villages. i feel like we haven't been able to turn things around yet just to hear that kind of there's a little care about shelves, or rather the lack of them in 2023, regular west and deliveries allowed ukraine to briefly close the gap and 5 pile with russia no longer going to foot on your credit. him that you come on, says russia is upcoming its troops. 5 or 6 to one. many here. believe the truth, it gets closer to $10.00 to $1.00. suddenly does activity on the radius. i always square the right, correct? you understood the russian one set drug and he ukrainian target for fall. yes, it was a hit. my foot found its target. they've got the colors in stones up that rule of
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time. they find to target an attack straight away just to be like possible before it be flattened by rushing. artillery for us to help gets here in a hurry, granting soul just say they can still hold onto the ruins, refresh and managed to take. just if you are in the high ground that surrounds it, many we spoke to believe defending the remainder of ukrainian healthdesk region could soon be untenable. holding out no gun by russia and under, supplied by the west, has come at a price. 58 come on time. things would have been very different. we'll have the price. and so the news that because of the, today's many, many goods manual of died through elements of reflection. everyone here is acutely aware rumors, the platinum and put in his ordered his general to take just if you off by rushes,
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made a note to pick 3 day holiday. anyone's going to stop them. if the soldiers joined now by go stuff customer a senior policy fellow with the european council on foreign relations, welcome to dw, can you tell us again, why trust me, if you are, is just so important as well as a hillside from where you have a good view in the neighboring valleys. so if you come on the high ground here of permanent observation on fire control options for over a couple of other values of valleys on the road make defending them difficult. that would make us applying or to few ukrainian for positions a difficult to impossible. so just if you would fall, your trainings would have to withdraw all to people lines which are much further away from other according to y'all. and would have to give up sort of a supplement, it's probably on the way. and that's why it, so it contested. okay,
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explain to us how russia has been taking advantage of the fact that ukraine is still wasting a symbol weapons deliveries from its allies. we, we just heard in the report that, that so many man has been lost, but give us a sense of how rusher is really sort of capitalizing on this. i know that i was a few origin, 5 people 1st and foremost, oh, the lack of ukrainian taylor. it shows allows for russell for us to all to withdrawal heavy equipment. and it has been damaged by drones. but drones only damaged these equipment and destroyed that gets repaired, turn it around, and send to the front. oh, it allows them to fire onto training positions. i've basically on handed, because condo battery fire, that is up to the re firing at all. the tillery has been continued on the ukraine inside photo eco shells, and finally, blocking fire. so if, if there is a rough enough time going on,
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how many shells can you throw at the attack to destroy the vehicles that are advancing and destroying the man? who are advancing. if the blocking fire runs short, then of course, mole russian soldiers will, will survive the assault and break into ukraine in positions. and that is, that is then a problem of itself. while you train is so low on munition while it's still wasting some weapons to deliveries. what is it strategy right now? i mean, is it managing in any way of tools to keep rusher? it may as well the trying to contain the losses as far as the con um the 1st specials of age have already arrived on recei on the russian loss council that they have done a good work so far. but of course, even the full us supplements will only allow ukraine to, to, to lower the cap and remain easier defense,
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but not to allow them any sort of appeal ready over the russians that also we have to be aware of. and the other problem and then the really, it was actually good showing that is the ukraine lacks a lot of soviet at defense me. so i was, that has been serving at the, from stray law school, those, these shop down the restroom to color since drums, and did not allow russia to recombine to ukraine and re other, to the reposition, the cetera. and that is a huge problem independently of all west and 8 because the west doesn't have recruited lives to these. so it's me size the ukrainians now developing their own weapons into set the drones, all that kind of improvised defenses to trying to cope with these threats. we'll see how foster come to the scale because is a huge problem. okay, so with the, with the delays, you know, when the full amount of a western a west and deliveries get that will it have been too late. i don't think
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it'll be too late because they'll always go on for quite some time. the problem is how long done will you train house to manage on the supplies stops the other big question. ukrainians need to plan the war. they need to know how much they can fire today, 5 tomorrow, 5 next month. file the next month from now. and on this the worst, and most certainly of us. but it was a european so big sketchy when he comes to promises south and the promises from late. often a d. d pane production is multiple 3 projects from bank francs out. and i'd like to take stream really difficult to really plan the wall. ukraine is probably will manage to contain the reference for the time be, but it's really hot if you really don't know what's going to come or not going to come next month. the stuff i saw from the european council on foreign relations. thank you so much for your time. you're welcome bye. this is a quick reminder of our top story. israel's army is cooling on residents of gauze,
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southern, the city of rasa, to evacuate to humanitarian areas ahead of a possible offensive. despite growing worldwide alarm is ralph. as an offensive, that is key to eliminate. come on the
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how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we we can from becky grounds of speaking. we have seen grace and beauty. why he, what do you do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said they can do this. pressing this, 77 percent of 0,
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dw, the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for head lice in housemates jewish tennis need to alaska by face the was the nazi's favorite conduct the forcing to musicians who lives denise. the panel of the swastika was music so important to the national association of the odd square to be used as paul to submit to assume about the sounds of power. i'm inspiring story about survival. thanks to music in the home and usually such the tenant is now well
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i was the only ones i was super not music under the swastika stuff may 25th on dw this week on the 77 percent street debate. we used to be forced to speak english why we, we can from becky ground of speaking. so here we have seen race and in so i need to do your do you lose your identity simply by learning another language. when i speak english at church street making means i have to leave or make or just behind my family to, to, to, to do not just new phones or if i'm.