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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. israel's defense minister says israel has no choice but to act in rough up the is really, or is urging residents of the city and southern gaza to lead as soon as possible. this after talks in egypt, ended without a cease fire between israel and 2 months. also coming up, china is president, makes his 1st trip to europe and 5 years change in thing is in france for talks with president my call and the leaders will try to iron out trade tensions and discuss the wars and ukraine and the middle east. the
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l m. terry martin, thanks for joining us. israel's army is calling on residence of gaza, the southern city of rafa to evacuate to what is calling a humanitarian area. israel's defense minister says military action, and rafa is necessary because a mazda is refusing truth proposals that would free hostages in gaza. palestinians in rough as east had been told to go to the out my was the refugee camp near con eunice, the senior, him, us official, has called it a dangerous escalation. there's been growing international alarm over an assault in ralph on more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering there since war broke out after the october 7th terror attacked by a mouse. a little short while ago i spoke with glenn ross, director of planning and rough up. i asked him what israel's plan for a limited scope operation and drop off would mean for people that we don't know
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we've done this. i mean that you go, we, we, we seen the population orders for about a 100000 people and saw that it will be limits. it is go whether it plays out that way. remains to be see a sponsor early to say, well, we all said we're already seeing people moving people from outside. those vaccination areas are on the move, worried that if they stay any longer, life will become even more unbearable. so the pages that you have on the screen are indeed off the streets of rockers. people pack up and people moving, we go, i mean, you know how people in iraq have many children, but many as you can see on the screen now disabled. so it'll be some people who are able to move or would choose not to. we is the united nations, we as honorably on the waiting list thing, where we are now and tell us all the time, which as i say is outside of the population area. but we're deeply,
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deeply concerned about our ability to manage was, was to come given the amends nice and given the complications of this. ok, so i know already very difficult operation. and so there are brand new supplies and bringing fuel in and getting those supplies to people who need them to be arriving in these, these are from these evacuated areas in desperate desperate conditions. the sense of urgency is indeed clear. uh, just a reminder of yours. we're looking at live pictures now of roughly we're looking at the sky line there and can see some smoke on the horizon. sam, tens of thousands of people have been ordered to go to the milwaukee area on the coast. near rafa many displays, people are already there. is there sufficient infrastructure in that area to sustain tens of thousands more? absolutely. now we're looking at potentially hundreds of thousands of people that absolutely know these are send you that are already jones. beyond that capacity, it has no relevancy to provide services here there's no sanitation is very,
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very limited. oh yeah, very, very for supply of water and we can see from the evacuation borders the blooming asked to go back to con eunice on eunice, which let's, let's not forget as been subject to intense opening an intense campaign over the past several weeks and is largely destroyed so even though the ability of these areas that were built for humans live in, in a parents to sustain this number of people simply is the, is that these people, let's not forget that are already on the break, a 5. and so that, that conditions are going to get saw homeless. there's no doubt so much. so thank you very much for taking time to talk with us today. that was sam rose, director of planning with going wrong in the city of ruffled in southern got so french president, 2 men, while nicole has met with she's in pain in paris as the chinese leader kicked off official business on a state visit to france. it's the 1st stop on
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a tour of europe that will include visits to hungry and serbia. it's been 5 years since she's last trip to europe has visit com. so the time of growing trade tensions, the 2 presidents were later joined by european commission president was left on the line of c and the call and stressed the importance of a level playing field for business and for trade conditions between china and euro will later this week the chinese leader will continue on to serbia and hungary to countries that are seen as closer to beijing. the leaders are divided over how to deal with china and it's growing global influence and economic might to the full towers the same. but china, his relationship with the west has changed since using ping last visited europe in 2019 the cobit pundum in spacings, packing from russia's ukraine war. it's growing all sorts heritage and trade
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tensions of electric vehicles, subsidies and suspicions of wide scale chinese espionage and your pin capitals have complicated relations on the phone. what this is, is the 1st by china is head of state to europe in the past 5 years, 3 years of great significance to promoting, trying his relationships with bronze sub you. i'm hungry and the overall development of the china, your relationship. you generally should, you will be in part to seem to china's economic muscle and growing global influence . i've left your up, divide it on how to deal with beijing. she will be happy to exploit those divisions as the content and struggles to define his role between the united states and china . in paris, she and francis a manual macro, and we'll talk of of trade and investment and the middle east, macro names to drum up business with french firms. convince she not to get further involved in russia's war and ukraine. frances sees she's visit to which officially
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mark 60 is a french chinese diplomatic relations as an impulse and diplomatic moments. and wants to focus on china is broader relations with the you. my chrome is invited. you are paying commission, present us left on the line to the talks of the front. she will have to so it'd be a for talk for the president. how big's on the boot kitchen? i know sorry terry and strong but allow your brushes. vladimir putin cheese last stop is hungry to meet with prime minister vic to all about a hungry wants to deepen diplomatic and trade ties with all talk receives, such as russia and china the states on easily with it's a you and they to membership so that they may have coating castle long shot over the visit. she imputed describe that relationship as without limits by visiting like minded hungry and so that'd be a. china is testing the use balancing act between beijing and brussels. earlier i spoke to our corresponded in paris,
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lisa louis feet told me more about those talks taking place there today as well. as you said, basically this has been talking about the need for move cooperation between china and west when it comes to international conflicts in mind. my call has been saying that a europe also needed a level playing field with chinese, china's seats in being saying that this is a strategic relationship between china and from china and b, e u. this comes, as you said, after weeks or months of tensions when it comes to the commercial for license of the trade license to see a in europe and china. europe is threatening to increase terrace on chinese electric vehicles as it suspects that the chinese government is providing state subsidies for the sector and aging in retaliation is looking into maybe a imposing of duties levies on liquor coming from europe. and that would may split
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heat, friends come yet. so these 2 read us will be talking about that they will also be talking about international conflicts, especially in ukraine, the one in ukraine. where am i call the frenchie to believe about a china can play a crucial role in ending the war. it talk to us more about that lisa, because china says it's neutral regarding the ukraine conflict. and yet it's a deliberate supplies to russia that are said to be used to support its war effort . and ukraine does not allow me to call and really expect to persuade john his present to shift his position on russia and ukraine as well. it's going to be a long shot seating thing has cold vladimir poochie and the russian leda his best friend in the past. it's the relationship between russia and china is a strategic relationship pollutant is expected in china later this month. and as
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you said, china has been rob a right to send to outright come them the russian aggression in ukraine. obviously i'm on my call. i still hoping that the teeth that sits in being will shift his position at least a little bit. also, given that china is interested in a good trade relations with europe and not by convince him to at least maybe change somehow his policy on delivering to use equipment that can be used in ross or to provide weapons to produce weapons for the aggression in ukraine. so thank you very much. that was our correspondent lisa lewis in paris. here in germany, the opposition christian democrats are holding their annual conference. their leader police may have spent years in the political wilderness before staging a remarkable come back. now he aims to portray himself as the tough decisive leaders. the germany needs this,
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mine would most likely become thomas left. many went to the polls today with 17 months to go before the next elections, city police maps has led his seed. you see, is you conservative, blocked to the top of the opinion polls with nearly as much support as the 3 policies and the current governing coalition have altogether. he's done that by vowing to take his post. i'm going to america. conservatives, more conservative. again, i'm fi displaying a times personal contempt towards chancellor who left so seasons. i'm usually off and like a plumber in pounds, you lack any idea of how this country should develop in the coming years off. can you please edition against the government? every d as you are right, but when you are criticized, you're a shrinking violet. i'm any more. the statement for the this confrontation has seen his cd. you policy rise back to the top, but mouth personal rating, so less promise women versus don't like him and even his own cd you policy members
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have him as the the choice for chance. the candidate behind to conservative state premier is if the current governing co listen was to break up today free, but i should now flip become the conservative candidate for tons to pretty much by default. at this policy conference, he has to convince delegates that his name is the best ticket to bring the cd you back into government. in september 2025, i asked our chief political correspondent, nina, has a police match really has a shot at becoming the next german chancellor as well if i just went to the poles now and costs that vert now then siblings match would likely become sound slow now he is not officially the candidate yet the cd you have said that they want to wait for the regional elections that a very important later they see it in the east of the country. they want to see how that parties doing that before they announced who's officially going to run against
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life shorts and the current government. but stipulation, man is definitely trying to change the profile offers policy. now we mustn't forget that this is close to the party. that is used to governing gemini, so 50 out of the 75 use of german martin, germany, the c d u y, and governing positions and positions of power. and it was early after that big political figure and go a mass. all that is so well known around the world, withdrew from politics, the party really had to do some soul searching and read the fine works. conservative in germany actually means and this process is now culminating, essentially in the new policy manifesto that is the 1st and almost 2 decades. that is a lot more conservative and it puts an end to a lot of uncle americans. decisions like the welcoming culture and deciding policies. so in a nutshell need it. what is like mouse's agenda, where does he want to take the party in germany?
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somebody's med says the german voters do have a, a desire for change and that they do want a centrist potty to govern. he says that they don't want the radical left or the radical right. and he says that german conservative apologies like his and also the bavarian sister party have the right program. because he says that they need to be very tough when it comes to migration. for example. they also are now embracing nuclear power again. but they do want to stay in the center and offer a proper alternative to the current government that is closed is known for a loss of well playing. there's a lot of tight thing insights in between the 3 parties that are currently governing . so civic matches. so the hopes are essentially that people have had enough that they will refrain from voting for the radical left or the radical right. you know, thank you very much. that was the w. nina,
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how the seed you party conference you're watching data, but you know stuff next. the story of deutscher bank and how managers allow their agreed to set the german institution of course are useful on terry martin. thanks for watching. the why do humming does not get drunk. why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need per day press stop hans, praying for help find the offices get smoked on dw science and i'll take talk 10 of the.