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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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aishah: fox news alert, concerns growing over president biden's handling of disreel-hamas if war and the growing chaos on college campuses across the nation. welcome to a brand new hour of "fox news live," i'm aishah hasnie. mike: i'm mike emanuel. president biden condemned anti-semitism and called for the safety of jewish students. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more. hello, lucas. >> reporter: mike, many critics pointed out that the it took over a week for president biden to condemn the anti-semitic protests going on on some of the college campuses. here was president biden speaking at the white house thursday. -- thursday. >> so let me be clear, peaceful protests in america, violent protest is not protectedded. peace. protest is. dissent is essential to democracy, but it never must lead to disorder or denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their
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college education. >> reporter: senator bernie sanders did make the comparison and said e this does feel like biden's vietnam. earlier yesterday at the white house jim clyburn who many say was responsible for president biden winning that 2020 election, as a you can see here, he received the medal of freedom. other democratic colleagues were also honored such as al gore, john kerry, nancy pelosi. the white house pushed back earlier on any comparison to the vietnam war. >> joe biden ended the longest war in american history and just succeeded in convincing both parties in congress to make crucial investments in our national security. >> reporter: many historians are making the comparison to the situation across the country right now and the summer of 1968. one of the major differences some say though is protesters today, many are wearing masks and many don't speak to the media. mike: lucas tom elevenson, many
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thanks. aishah: protester at george washington university superimposed a picture of the president with the words genocide joe. our matt finn is live at new york university today with more on what's happening there. hi, matt. >> reporter: good morning, aishah. it's a very different scene this morning compared to just a couple of hours ago last night e when police ultimately busted up this encampment. you can see right now nypd is still manning this area, but it was a much different scene last night p. hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters gathered outside of nyu. ultimately, nypd took 59 people into custody, 12 quickly released. and a short while ago a student from rutgers in new jersey told fox he and his jewish friends don't feel safe a. >> just my own experience and my friends' experience, i've had friends and been called anti-semitic slurs walking around campus. i'm part of a jewish fraternity,
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and our house has been egged multiple times. students have been pointed at and laughed at. so it's definitely an issue and it's definitely on the rise of late. >> reporter: heading south, in d.c. at george washington university, yesterday staff put up that a large american flag but later on protesters projected a genocide joe signal onto the flag. headed wes out in los angeles at ucla, the pro-palestinian encampment there but quite literally trashed. bulldozers clearing out the remnants after it turned violent earlier week with. countless pieces of debris, lawn furniture, plastic all left over went into dumpsters after protests turned violent in westwood, los angeles, just a couple of days ago. >> ucla has a student body of 30,000 students. 30,000. and at the height of this demonstration, there were several hundred including large are numbers of outsiders who aren't even actually students. so let's keep it in context in
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some respect. this is not a huge 3450u789. it doesn't -- movement it doesn't involve tens of thousands of participants. it is accomplishing what it is. intended to do though, attracting a lot of publicity to their issues and their cause. >> reporter: back live here at nyu, we can report there is calm right now. police outnumber any protesters or civilians here, but we are keeping our eye on any potential demonstrations throughout the city. we'll keep you updated, aishah. aishah: thank you, matt finn. mike: as the number of anti-semitic attacks have spiked since october. th, one jewish-owned company in atlanta says this isn't just a statistic for them, it's become their reality. madison scarpino is live in atlanta with more. hello, madisonful. >> reporter: hello, mike. a cookie shop right by emory university here in atlanta has jewish owners, and em if ory is one of the many schools are
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police -- where police shut down anti-israel protests. since october 7th the owner says the store has been receiving threatening e-mails, calls, and people are vandalizing it. and they say since all the protests, things have gotten worse. >> one person called in threat us that he will come and burn us. and he said that he hate israel and hate all the jews and we deserve to die. >> reporter: the husband and wife owners started displaying an israeli flag in the store since the start of the war, and they say sales went down while attacks went up. for example, the store received an e-mail last week saying in part, quote: your store is going down unless you will stop supporting a country that murders, tortures and commits a genocide. they say threats and attacks like this happen two to three times a week, and heir not alone. less than a month if ago an anti-israel protester appeared in court after officials arrested her for allegedly
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threatening to murder a city council member in bakersfield, california. and that's one with of many other examples. and according to the latest data from the if anti-defamation league, 60% of all anti-semitic attacks last year happened after the israel-that has -- hamas war. mike? mike: madison scarpino live in atlanta, thanks very much. aishah: for more on what life has been like on college campuses as of late for jewish students, health bring in george washington student, sarah, and columbia university student, parker. thank you both so very much for joining us. i know this is tough. this is not something that you guys should be talking about during your college years. you should be out this weekend having a good time with your friends. this is the finals week. this is not the conversation that you should be having, so thank you for being with us. i want to, first, play this sound beet for you because i think it's going to make your blood boil. this is from progressive
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chairwoman pramila jayapal this week, and this was her answer when she was asked what advice she has for jewish students who don't feel safe on campus. >> reporter: what would your message be to a jewish student who doesn't feel welcome or even safe on their own campus right now? >> i think my message, is the same to a jewish student, to a palestinian student, to everybody, that it is really important to educate yourself about what is anti-semitic, about what is islamophobic, to separate a people from an action a of a government and that it is good to protest based on your values. aishah: sarah, i'll come to you first. educate yourself. how does that make you feel? >> as someone who is extremely educated already about the subject, i have spent time, you know, reading and learning from
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my peers and from professors and from my family are about what a it means to be proudly jewish, what it means to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. and as someone who aa tended a pro-israel and jewish rally on campus on thursday morning, we sang songs, we held hands, and we spoke about the 133 hostages that are still held in gaza. that is what it means to educate yourself. aishah: yeah. if parker, i'll get you to respond too, but i've got to ask you about this columbia law review situation going on. i'm sure you've heard about this. the board of student editors is now asking the law school to cancel classes and and also give them passing grades or at least pass or fail because they arer revocably shaken, quote, and unable to focus and highly emotional a during this tumultuous time. parker, give me your thoughts on
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that. you go to columbia. they're shaken because of protests that they are causing. >> yeah. i think it's an interesting thing. i think you know every columbia student is definitely shaken, but i think particularly jewish students are shaken. and these accommodations weren't given to jewish students until we had a significant donor, robert kraft, withdrawing his e money from the university and providing that threat or having speaker johnson come to columbia university and asking for the president's resignation. jewish students have been calling and asking for accommodations to make us feel more comfortable on campus, and only until these the drastic events happen does columbia actually respond. so i think regarding your question on the law school issue, i think it's graduate school. i think it's really important to have accommodations if you immediate to, if you're threatened by anti-semitic remarks, but doing so across the board, it's still columbia university law school, and heir
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pratt from the rest of the main campus. it's definitely not on the campus where all the turmoil has been going down, so it's an interesting take. aishah: yeah. and you think about finals and people being allowed to be students there, i mean, there are some jewish students that aren't even allowed to be on campus. they're actually being stopped because of their ethnicity which is wild that that's happening in america. this is not a foreign policy issue anymore, this is really about who do we stand -- what do we stand for as a americans. parker, i'll come back to you because the office of is civil rights is investigating a plethora of title vi violations. 130 plus cases nationwide. and secretary cardona this week called it abhorrent, some of the things that are happening in realtime that are obviously clearly violations of civil rights. do you feel like this administration is doing enough and doing it quickly enough to eradicate anti-semitism and, i mean, just uphold your basic
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human rights to exist on a college campus? >> you know, i think it's a combination of efforts that needs to happen. specifically speak at gw, there is a case happening where we have asked, students themselves have called upon the mayor to bring in extra support that jewish students need whether it's to take finals, whether it be to simply just be brave enough to walk around campus, that is what the issue is. just to simply exist as a jewish student. so i think there can be more done, i absolutely do. but with the effort that has been done already, i think it needs to be stronger. arab ashe is there the anything that's happened to you specifically or your friends, that i mean, just -- i mean, stops you in your tracks in the past week? >> on thursday when the protests start thed at gw, my friends and i wanted to go observe and see what was going with on for our own eyes, because this is history. and and we want to see what is happening on our campus. there was a student wearing
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hamasing, covering her -- a mask covering her face who recognized me from my freshman hall, and she mocked me and verbally abused me. and to feel that way on my own campus is just disgusting. aishah: yeah. peaker, i'll ask you what can joe biden -- park, i'll ask you, what can joe biden do for you? >> continue to make statements about con. demming anti-semitism. i think that's a huge thing. but i also think he really needs to engage on this issue of anti-semitism head on and provide a more clear definition of what is antisemitism in america. i think we have so many definitions, but our country has not adopted a singular one that is across the board and applies to every educational institution the. i know at my university, columbia, if you go to our university campus live page and search the testify in addition, it labels it as often up unclear to many. this definition isn't unclear. it's pure jewish hay trade -- hatred, but my university can't
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even provide a definition, and there are many universities across the country which can't do so. so i think it's, first of all, classifying what chant at a protest are anti semitic. i think we have had the message coming from the house of representatives that condemn from the river to the sea as anti-semitic. i think there needs to be a motion for there's only one solution, intifada revolution. that has to become anti-semitic because when you have those, hi to haveically every intifada in the last four years has led to the significant loss of jewish, israeli and even non-israeli life in the state of israel and the threats to jew, s around the world. are there needs to be a characterization of different words like the word pig being used at jewish students also as anti-semitic. after being on the news significantly speaking out and taking a public stance, walking back on campus last week people are saying, oh, you psi eonist pig and then start going oink,
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oink and winking at me. and if the term pig whether used towards a jew or any other individual was used during the holocaust, used during russian pogroms, used in the 1970s, '80s and '90s eans jewish -- against jewish individuals. ashe ashe a i get it. parker, i'm muslim. if someone did that to me, i'd be very upset to too. i totally understand. what boggles my mind is you are view-american, going to american university -- jewish-american. you have nothing to do with what's happening overseas. and for a people -- for people like this to target you, i mean, students, kids who are just venturing off into your life is, i mean, it's just, it's awful a. thank you to both of you, and you guys are both leaders, and i know there are, there's a bright future ahead for both of you, so thank you for joining us and coming on. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. aishah: mike? mike: for more on this let's
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bring in massachusetts democratic congressman jake auchincloss. congressman, welcome. >> good afternoon. mike: i want to play a clip for you from president biden, i'll get you to react to it. >> there's no place for hate speech or violation of any kind whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian-americans. it's simply wrong. if. mike: congressman, is that strong enough based on what you're seeing happening on our college campuses? >> president biden is articulating that pluralism is a sacrosanct value for americans, that we believe that everybody, regardless of nation of origin, regardless of color, regardless of religion should be able to participate in american civil life without fear of harassment and certainly should be able to participate in federally-funded institutionses like columbia or harvard or ucla, all of which take federal grants. but they should be able to go to class without being that lased. the violent and anti semitic nature of these student protests
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at these elite universities is a national travesty, and president biden has called them so. mike: you represent massachusetts. have you gotten answers about schools in montana that are getting failing grades -- massachusetts that are getting failing grades for handling anti-semitism? >> woefully if insufficient answers. the anti-defamation if league recently ranked 10 massachusetts campuses, i regret to say that 8 of them got a c or worse, 4 of them got an f, mit, harvard, u.k.s-mass amherst. i've written to 8 of those universities requesting an action plan for how they're going to improve their campus anti-semitic scores because they're right now in title vi violation. they are not creating a suitable learning environment for their jewish and israeli students. and when i was at harvard a couple of days ago a, the fact pattern that they laid out before me was deeply demoralizing and troubling. these are students who are
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seeking to build a career to learn more about the world, to have fun, and they're being ostracized from social environments and being actively harassed because of their faith or their ethnicity. mike: your colleague, congressman timmons, a republican p was on last hour. let's play him. this? >> these people are protesting, they're not pro-palestinian, they're pro-hamas. if they were to pro-palestinian, they'd ask hamas to accept the multiple peace treaties that the israelis and the u.s. have tried to broker. these people are breaking the law, and the mayor needs to enforce the law. mike: do you agree with him that a lot of these protesters are really supporting hamas and not the palestinian people? >> well, clearly, the protesters are not a monolith. i think there are some protesters who are genuinely pro-palestine and pacifist to their core and want to see peace the world over. some protesters are pro-hamas and deeply anti semitic, yes. and, unfortunately, that tinge
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of anti-semitism and pro-terrorism has accentuated these protests to the extent that they are becoming the defining feature of them, and i regret that. i regret that not just as a massachusetts member of congress who is having to deal with the fallout on these massachusetts campus for jewish and israeli constituent withs of mine, but i regret that as a proud american watching our country being televised overseas in this light. it's, it's embarrassing. mike: to capitol hill, this coming week democrats are expected to help speaker mike johnson retain his job as some conservatives try to oust him from it. is that the right move? >> yes. speaker johnson, with whom i have substantial political differences, he governed, and and he stood up to his extreme maga flank in support of our democratic allies, so i'm going to vote to protect him. i do think though that americans should reflect upon the fact that when democrats had the house last congress, at this time we were debating how to
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make health care cheaper or by empowering medicare to negotiate drug prices. fast forward two years, republicans are debating whether or not we should have a speaker of the house. they have been disfunctional, but the last thing americans need right now is another 3-week temper tantrum courtesy of marjorie taylor greene. mike: henry cuellar is accused of some pretty serious allegations. should he resign? >> i think he deserves to have an investigation made public, and he deserves to be able to answer these charges against him. like i've said on this show and others whether we're talking about donald trump or senator me 9/11 if december or hunter biden or now henry cuellar, no american is above the law. they all need the answer to these allegations. they all get their day in court to present their own facts and, ultimately, or they're all going to be answerable to the conclusions of law. mike: congressman auchincloss, grateful for your time today, sir. thank you. >> good to be with you. aishah: so britney spears is now
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speaking out after an ambulance was called to her hollywood hotel this week. that's next. ♪
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in a blanket is sparking more concerns over the pop star mental health. the singer explained on instagram she fell and twisted her ang aing and said the paramedics, quote, showed up at her door illegally. ♪ ♪ aishah: a brand new report released friday shows lore than expected job numbers in the if u.s. some hope this could help cool off inflation and lower those interest rates in the long run. fox news correspondent connor if happenson has the details from new york -- hanson. >> reporter: in april u.s. companies added 175,000 jobs. it's lower than what experts predicted and well below march's major increase of 315,000. it quickly became one of the latest talking points leading up to the 2024 presidential election. >> the job numbers just came out, and they're horrible. they're very -- and i say that not happily. e say that very unhappily.
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but the numbers are horrible. it's just, these people are destroying our country. >> reporter: president biden released a statement painting a rosier picture. part of it said, quote, with well over 15 million if jobs since i took office, working age women employed at a record high rate, wages rising faster than prices and unemployment below 4% for a record 27 months in a row. >> the president has been very clear, he's going to protect working, working and middle class americans making less than $400,000 a year. >> reporter: the federal reserve announced it's holding interest rates at a its more than two-decade high. some economists hope the job numbers could be a sign the hot economy is cooling and that could push the fed to drop rates sooner, leading to lower borrowing costs for homes, cars and credit cards. >> the federal reserve had felt looking at the economic numbers, marley the employment numbers -- particularly the employment numbers, that today didn't need to be in a hurry to cut interest rates.
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i think it's still the case that they don't have to be too much in a hurry, but they've got to think a little harder about it. >> reporter: the federal reserve has signaled it's focused on inflation dropping to 2% ever it lowers rates. in new york, connor hanson, fox news. mike: the summer if travel season's right around the corner. fox business correspondent kelly o'grady has a look at the latest travel trends and what they'll cost you. >> reporter: looking for a cool getaway? new data from travel network virtuoso showing the latest emerging travel trends including more bookings to cooler or climate countries this year to escape that sweltering heat. >> we're seeing a lot of interest in europe as we always do, but this time we're seeing them go to northern europe. don't get me wrong, people are still going to paris for the olympic, but we're seeing much more demand for maces like sand knave -- scandinavia which is up 77%. we're seeing sweden up 145% over last summer, denmark, the nyeter lands.
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netherlands. >> reporter: demand going into the summer is strong with rates on par if with where they were last year. >> overall, everything else is more expensive. so you are seeing a lot of fluctuations in air. airfares are quite high, hotel rates are quite high, but the cost on the ground is as well. >> reporter: despite higher costs, luxury travel is showing no signs of slowing down. >> and that's the important piece. they a may be willing to let go of luxury goods, other things, but they are not letting go of their luxury experiences. >> reporter: expectations that the cruise industry will become the strongest sector of the tourism industry are at a 58. >> we're starting to see much more demand amongst millennials and each gen z. you're starting to see more solo female travelers cruising as a well which is an interesting and odd dynamic. and we're also seeing much more family cruising and multigenerational cruising too. >> reporter: and on the go on the whim. american education press says about 80% of -- experience says
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44% of travelers saying they prefer to pack up and hit the road leaving the details for the last minute. in new york, kelly o'grady, fox business. aishah: we are following a breaking story this hour. michigan's graduation disrupted by a pro-palestinian parade, probably the first of this many more to come as graduation season kicks off. we're going to show you what we're learning coming up next. ♪ who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪ -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay?
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the first of many more. graduation season is underway. jen psaki, former white house press secretary, is supposed to headline the commencement at gw university. wonder how that's going to go. more on that a coming up. mike? mike: one issue democrats are hoping will gain the support of young voters is a new policy on marijuana. the bidenen administration wants to ease federal restrictions for the first time in a half century. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> reporter: college conflagrations, splitting democrats. but the party has high expectations that hess restrict we've cannabis rules could grow support among youths. >> it will help our country close the book once and for all on the awful and harmful and femaled war on drugs. >> reporter: republicans say this is bald politics as democrats potentially hemorrhage votes. >> i put this in the same category as proclaiming you're going to forgive student loans. this is an appeal to younger
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voters. >> reporter: but schumer and others are pushing legislation at the federal level and expunge records of those with low grade marijuana if offenses. >> i've seen the tears op on people's eyes, that it's like economic shackles, an or colors being released. >> reporter: republicans say it's all about a november. >> this is an election year. you're going to hear all kind of wild ideas from the democrats. >> reporter: pew research found that 88 of americans believe marijuana if should be -- 88 believe marijuana should be legal, but there's concern about public safety. >> here we have chuck schumer basically lowering the barriers for gateway drugs like marijuana, and it's going to damage the society even further. >> reporter: but one democrat facing a tough re-election favors curtailing marijuana restrictions. >> from a virginia perspective -- v.a. perspective, i think it'll allow them to do research are on it which i think is really, reallying really important. >> reporter: young people could embrace the changes, but older voters hope cannabis might
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serve as alternative medicine for pain and cancer. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. aishah: okay. let's bring in our political panel now to talk everything politickings. -- publics. -- politics, senior communications adviser city hunt is here in studio with me as well as a former, the nc deputy press secretary, the jose. he's joining us remotely. welcome to you both. thank you, gentlemen, for joining us on this saturday. okay. jose, i want to get to you first because we have this breaking news now, we've got this protest that's disrupting a college campus commencement. we had, i believe, a picture, if we can put it up, of presidents biden -- president biden's face superimposed on an american flag at gw university. and it reads, i think, g.i -- genocide joe, is what it reads. i think we have that picture. this is going to be a problem.
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i know we're six months away from the election, but this is going to be a problem with the youth vote because a recent fox news poll found that a biden is underwater with the youth vote. voter under age 30. 40%. trump has 58%. that's a complete flip from november of 2020. jose, what does the president have to do to get a grip on this? if. >> look, it's a great question, and it is concerning, or right? i think, first and foremost, the president has been very clear. people have a right to free speech. people don't have a right for violence. so we have to kind of walk finish the president and the white house have to walk that tight rope between law and order and free speech. now, he's been very clear, joe biden has been very clear or that he's going to continue to supports israel, right? we just got the israel funding approval, the ukraine approval, and that doesn't mean there should be a two-state solution,
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a ceasefire, but that's politics. you can actually walk and chew gum at the same time, and i think the president will continue to do that as we get closer to the election in november. arab ashe let me ask about this, because republicans found their issue they can divide democrats on, but the rnc is attacking vulnerable democrats with a one with. of new ads and really trying to make this a 2024 issue. is it going to last though? like i mentioned, six months. it's a long time. these kids will go away, relieve college campuses for the summer break. yes, they come back right before the election, but do you think this can be a november issuesome. >> welsh i think biden's always been at a disadvantage with some of these younger voters because there's a huge generational divide as the oldest president in american history. i think that's always been a problem for him. but now what you're seeing is an energy, a dissatisfaction that's not going to dispate. there's a recent harvard youth poll that showed trump faring 15 points better than in 2020
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against joe biden head to head. i just think that's more evidence of soft support among a key constituency for joe biden. look, he's between a rock and a hard a place. he's alien nateing a lot of the the independent voters who want to see more conviction when it comes to defending israel, when it comes to pushing back on these radical protesters who have. occupied campuses all across america. but pat the end of the day, these are some of the folks democrats is have come to rely on to help them win reelections, and that's why you're seeing them try to mollify some of the younger voters with things like student loan forgiveness and marijuana. aisha: yeah. jose, last quick question on this because, here's the thing, this shouldn't be a democrat or reare palin issue. it's not even -- republican issue. when you think about what we're seeing now, right? you've got jewish students that are being turned away on their own campus just because of their ethnicity, and you've got people pulling down the american flag
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on college campuses to replace it with a palestinian flag. i mean, this is now a question about what do we stand for as americans. so why is it that democrats are so divided on? why is there so much division on what we know is right and wrong? if. >> yeah, it's a great question, but the answer is just not that simple. i mean, i think, look, i support the jewish community, i support israel, and biden does as a well. i think that's very clear. but at the same time, the way this has been carried out, i think there might be ways to do it in a smarter way. we cannot deny there's been thousands of innocent people killed in gaza, and that's also not okay. again, we have to -- aishah: but jewish students have nothing to do with that that. jewish students -- you can protest on campus, you can protest policy, you can have an engagement and conversation, but why attack jewish kids? >> i agree. and i agree. look, i think with all due respect to browning folks --
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folks, we've all -- young folks, we've all been once, students -- [audio difficulty] the thing to do, and i would advise students to educate themselves before you come out and protest. aishah: jesse, i i want to switch gears and talk about the former president hosting a big retreat in at mar-a-lago and fund raising, but this is also kind of a veep stakes. a one of -- bunch of people there on the short list. j.d. vance, ohio senator, marco rubio, senator from florida. south carolina senator tim scott, doug burgum, the above from north dakota and also -- the governor from north dakota. and and also not listed here, elise stefanik and and bea ron donalds who are on -- can byron donalds who are on the short list as well. i thought trump had already picked his vp. didn't he say that a few weeks ago or at least a couple months ago, i think at a fox debate, he kind of already knew. so what's this about?
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you think this is kind of a meet and greet and try to figure it out? >> it's normal for a president to kind of stack up potential candidates next to one another to see who you have the -- arab arab is this to take away headlines from the courtroom? >> no, i think this is normal. i think you see it if pretty much every campaign. it's a little different, obviously, because he's a past president, right? so the whole situation a little unique. but it's very normal. what you see typically is the nominee doing a handful of events with different candidates, with different folks to just see how they mesh. ultimately, what we know with the president p is he's going to value one thing above all else, loyalty. that's something he's been very clear about. i also think each candidate brings a different set of -- aishah: totally. >> -- qualities to the stage. it would be, you know, someone with a great story like tim scott or someone like doug burgum who has a lot of executive experience. i think they're all very unique, and i think he wants to see which one is the best fit.
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iowa iowa jose, your last thought about henry cuellar. this is a democrat who's been a pretty vocal critic of the president when it comes to the border, has a direct line to the white house. if how does this affect the democrats when it comes to november and just right now? >> yeah, look, i think, first and foremost, we have to become very cheer that the corruption and bribery that no -- have no place in american politics whether you're a democrat or republican. now, henry has a right to be -- he will get his day in court and time will tell. again, i don't tolerate corruption andbery at any level. aishah: okay. jose, jesse, thank you both very much. we'll have you back soon. thank you, guys. >> thank you. mike: great discussion, aishah. what we're learning about reports of a possible ceasefire deal between israel and hamas, that's up next. ♪ ♪ utrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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aishah: a flurry of reporting coming out of the middle easts, "the wall street journal" reporting israel gave hamas one week to agree to a ceasefire or that planned envegas of rafah in southern gaza, that's going to get started. and axios is now reporting that hamas is poised to accept accept the first part of the deal. ryan chilcot is live in -- with the very latest on this developing story. >> reporter: hi, aishah. a delegation is in cairo, they've gone there to consider a proposal for a ceasefire from the israelis and egyptian state media is saying that there has been noticeable progress in those negotiations. i now, egypt is in the know here. egypt is in a place to know what's going on inside the room because egypt alongside the united states, qatar, saudi arabia are dealing with, negotiating with with the israelis and hamas to try and get system kind of deal in place. at stake or i should say most immediately at a stake, the city of rafah.
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you mentioned that's the southernmost point of the gaza strip where about a million and a half if palestinians are holed up. many of them have moved from northern gaza, seeking shelter there. "the wall street journal" reporting that the israelis have given hamas a sort of do or die deal, an ultimatum the of one week to accept their ceasefire if proposal or face an aa subtle on rafah which is -- assault on rafah which israel says is serving as a safe haven for the last remnants of hamas if fighters. prime minister ben benjamin netanyahu has always said israel will go into rafah mr.-- whether there's a ceasefire or not. unclear or what's going to happen next. what's at stake here is the prospect, the prospect that we could be getting closer to the beginning of the end of this war now in its seven seventh month. the deal would see hamas' lease some of the hostages, about 33 of them, in exchange for a 40-day lull, a first step, a 40-day lull in the fighting. that could be the beginning of
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more, longer ceasefires. so talks are underway. the egyptian official just came out a short while ago talking to the reuters news agency and said that he's cautiously optimistic. we've heard similar things from both the israeli and hamas if sides, but we've e been here before, and we're not there yet. aishah: yeah. wait til we actually see it to believe it of. ryan chill9 cot, thank you very much. mike: as you know, the 150th kentucky derby is now just hours away. all the latest from louisville when we come back. ♪ because t-mobile is helping power operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business.
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♪ mike: thousands gathering at churchill downs for the 150th running of the kentucky derby. the derby marks the first leg of the triple crown with 20 horses competing for a $5 million purse. kelly saberi is live in louisville with the details. hello, kelly. >> reporter: hi, mike. what an energy here. i wish you could feel it. i wish you also had a big, floppy if hat on. the kickoff is at 6:57, this is the first leg of the triple crown and 150,000 people will be on site today to watch the festivities. again, you can feel the energy, and the event is full of tradition. so we got a firsthand look for
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you at one of the most iconic parts of the race. it wouldn't be the kentucky derby without enjoying a meant julep. who better -- mint if julep. who better to show me the best recipe than the first female master distiller for woodford if reserve, elizabeth mccall. let's take a look at this special anniversary recipe that you have. what goes into making this. >> yeah. so for the derby 150, we have the honey rose mint julep. we have honey simple syrup infused with rose, going to pour that right into the a glass. and then, of course, we have the greatest two ounces in bourbon for the greatest two minutes in sport, woodford reserve, and there you have our special mint julep this year. >> reporter: thank you. it looks delicious. love that you showed us the recipe. of course, this is a unique if mint if julep, but over the course of the weekend about 120 to,000 mint juleps will be enjoyed.
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now, i should tell you, mike, they are selling a $15,000 bottle of woodford reserve. you do not want to use that in your mint julep though. if that's too much money, there is a $5,000 the jewish i lend glass that you can -- julep glass that the you can also purchase. if you're considering it i'll see if i can pick one up for you. mike: i'm more of a margarita guy. did you like the julep? >> reporter: yeah, it was really good. [laughter] mike: all right. kelly saberi, enjoy the race. aishah: may not know a whole lot about horses, but mike nose about juleps and manager' e it is a. madonna throwing a free concert tonight in brazil. over one million people are expected to attend, a million, in what's being called the biggest dance floor in the world. are you sad you're missing out? mike: she's a legend, right? aishah: can i tell you what i would remortgage my house to go see? spice girls reunited. if they ever reunite, i don't
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care if it's the election day, i'm going. mike: who do you have in the race? aishah: for? oh, sierra a leone. and if you win, you can thank me later. mike: mark the tape. arab arab "fox news live" continues now. se e you tomorrow, 1:00 is eastern. real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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