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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 6, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's moving along. i think the prosecutors will save, i think, their best evidence for after cohen. they will be hurt very badly with the cross examination. >> bill: interesting. >> dana: i like the prediction like that. thank you. appreciate having you. >> bill: come on back. before we go, we got some lights in the sky, dear. several mysterious lights in the sky over arizona. here we go now. many are speculating this is some sort of ufo. how could you argue with that evidence, huh? the user posted it saying the light moved up and suddenly disappeared. no official confirmation on exactly what it was. i was sharing something from you from a buddy of mine last night. that was totally out of this world. >> dana: i'm the only one who doesn't see it. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with donald trump versus new york in a
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courtroom right now. we do anticipate at some point michael cohen will take the stand. we say that each day because we don't have the witness list but we know he is a prime one for them and it could be any moment. or another day. a former trump organization executive is on stand at this moment. and we will bring you all the details as they unfold during our coverage on "the faulkner focus" all hour long. keep a close watch on that box on your right because it has some realtime notes and things that are coming out of the courtroom for our journalists and producers. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." breaking right now, columbia university has capitulated to the mob. they've caved. can you imagine paying $588,000 for four years for your kid to go to school there for four years and they cancel
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commencement? we still don't know what they are doing with the end of the year school tests, the finals. it is still a mystery, all of it. but today those kids will not have a graduation ceremony because of the mobs that you see on screen and how it played out particularly on the university of columbia over the last few weeks. anarchy, anti-israel hate on campus has ruined what should have been a major milestone for all students graduation day. the school says -- this is a quote -- it's now going to look at the possibility of a festive event to take place of the large formal ceremony. they aren't going to have a ceremony, but they will get together and have some sort of social festive event. i wonder if it will be online. they force some of the jewish kids to study off campus to keep them safe? the university of southern california made a very same
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decision last week. former president donald trump even had something to say about it. not the current president, joe biden, but donald trump is talking about this. >> columbia just canceled their commencement. that shouldn't happen. it also came out that the protestors, many of the protestors, are backed by biden's donors, okay? are you listening, israel? i hope you are listening, israel and being smart. >> harris: one headline says college campuses are -- this was the scene at the university of michigan's graduation. [shouting] >> usa, usa, usa, usa. >> harris: anti-israel, jewish hate against israel. all those protestors that you see repeatedly interrupting the
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ceremony. and you heard they were met by chants of usa and calls for them to shut up with their hate. the polite version i'm giving you now. disturbing images like the ones becoming all too common in front of you now. schools calling in law enforcement to crack down on the agitators. they call themselves protestors. some ofist not so peaceful. a lot of it hateful. i call them the mob. they are getting their way in a lot of places now. officers in tactical gear with riot shields moved in on the illegal encampment at the university of virginia two days ago on saturday morning. now new images today, tense moments as police moved in to disburse the rioters and protestors and take down another illegal encampment this time at the university of california san diego and crews are cleaning up all the mess that was left
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behind. including having to listen to the chant anti-semitic slogans. one harvard university student told fox what's really going on there. >> anti-semitic level. calling for intifada, calling for the destruction of israel in no uncertain terms. if dei wanted to help jewish students, they would call the encampment what it is, anti-semitic, pro-terrorist hate fest. [chanting] >> harris: you think this nation is ready for an intifada revolution? i don't know. some of these schools are acting like it, their leaderships. are you ready for it? is the rest of america? that's what they want. george washington university's president is also speaking out. she admits the protests there
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are not peaceful. a defaced statue of our nation's first president remains in the center of the campus quad. mark meredith is at george washington university right now. mark. >> harris, good morning. you are right. george washington university official eaves say enough is enough. it is time for this protest to come to an end and it has gotten too large and out of hand and unsafe and the majority of people out here aren't even students at gw. let me show you what it has been like this morning. i wouldn't say it is chaotic. the image that most people have seen over the last week remains. that statue of george washington right here in the center of campus. you can see with the american flag behind it. the statue right there of george washington covered up. george washington university says it is not a peaceful protest in their view and not how the campus will tolerate first amendment activities. gw leader posted a statement said at no point was that encamp. lawful from the moment students
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declared their intent to have an encampment they were in direct violation of university policies and trespassing on a space explicitly reserved for the gw law final examinations. members of congress are not thrilled with what they've been seeing and scheduled a hearing to demand d.c. leaders explain what is being done to rein this in. we heard from the mayor saying over the years we have developed strategies and expertise in policing demonstrations and first amendment activities. we support peaceful protests and i rely on mpd and their experience and expertise to decide what types of interventions are necessary and when. however, some democratic lawmakers think now is the time to send a message. >> some of these protestors aren't even students, right? we know that. that they are showing up on campuses and they are becoming involved and when they cross a line and when they commit crimes they should be arrested. that's the appropriate thing to do.
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>> one of the most interesting things that i've seen out here you see the tents and people out here all hours of the day and night. they are set up here for the long haul saying they are not going to let the university tell them what to do as they have continued to set up here, an indication they are waiting to find out what d.c. police may do. i spoke to one of the organizers a few minutes ago. very respectful. i said why are you wearing a mask? she didn't want her dad to see her out here. >> harris: okay. as a parent of teenagers we know what you sound like, baby. we've heard you your whole life. i don't think your dad needs help you with taking off the mask or wearing one. did you ask her who is paying for the tent she is staying in? >> no, i didn't ask that. she was very respectful in our interview and made it clear they will be out here. amazed how much supplies have been set up here. they are planning to stay here as long as possible and want a meeting with g.w. leaders but no indication that will happen.
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>> harris: if she doesn't want her dad to know her know, maybe he thinks he is paying for tuition. i know you are being respectful back but you can spread my asking around. i want to know who is paying for the tent she is staying in. thank you. let's get back to former president trump's new york criminal trial. i mentioned it before. a former trump organization executive is on the stand right now. we don't have the list of what these people will be doing in terms of when they appear on stand but we know that michael cohen is coming up at some point. we're following all of it. judge merchan had another ruling now on the former president's gag order. he made one last week and four more alleged violations to consider and now he says it is very clear to him, this is what he said today, that the $1 thousand fine for violation is not working. so again for a second time he threatened jail time for donald
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trump if there are any further gag order violations. meanwhile he is the only one under a gag order, not the convicted professional liar michael cohen, no one else. the former president, you see him there. fox news senior correspondent eric sean is outside the new york state supreme court with more. eric. >> as you said, former president trump could wind up in jail if he doesn't knock it off. judge merchan telling the defendant that he has got to stop his attacks on the jurors and others and he fined him for doing just that. >> i had a gag order against me. think about it. never happened before ever. number two, a fake trial. they have no case. it has been absolutely proven now that they have no case whatsoever. >> when he arrived this morning the former president continued to attack the trial and the gag order. he was fined $1 thousand for
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violating it again by attacking the jury. he said there were 95% democrats, he claimed. there really is no way to know that since the jurors were not asked their political affiliations during jury selection. judge merchan said to trump since the fines aren't working he may next order him behind bars saying the last thing i want to consider is jail. you are the former president and possibly the next president. the magnitude of that decision is not lost on me. your continued willful violation of the court's order constitutes a direct attack on the rule of law and will not be allowed to continue. the gag order goes further preventing the former president from quote making or directing others from making public statements that also violate the gag order, too. in court this morning prosecutors called jeff mcconney. he is the former trump organization controller. his testimony is designed to show how the company knowingly reimbursed michael cohen for the
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money he laid out to pay stormy daniels and that they were aware that cohen was not being paid for legal services as the former president has claimed. but so far through his about two hours or so of testimony mcconney has not done one thing that is very important. he hasn't tied the former president directly into those payments. he hasn't said whether or not the former president even knew about them, what they were for. so far said he only discussed this with former trump cfo weiselberg. that could be a major boon to the president's defense if mcconney cannot tie the president directly into that. harris, back to you. >> harris: i was just making a note of what you were saying. it is helpful for the defense the controller was not aware of the cohen payments being doubled also for taxes. we have producers and journalists and everybody inside and outside the court. doing a great job. that note comes from inside with
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kerri urbahn saying it was a big part of the prosecutions opening statements the idea of cohen payments would be doubled for taxes. let's get in with that for matt whitaker. welcome to the program. i will read this note. it was important to the prosecution that trump and cohen created an elaborate scheme to obscure the heart of what the payments to cohen were actually about. it will come down to cohen versus trump's word. that's coming from inside the courtroom with kerri urbahn. one of the people giving us information. >> good to be with you today. what i make of it. having tried cases as a prosecute or and defense attorney. to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt you have to have no holes. any of these opportunities or promises you make on your opening statement, you need to deliver. i think that's one of the biggest challenges for the
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prosecution right now is they are not delivering on what they promised. in fact, every witness has gone to undermine the core of their case, which was that these payments were known by donald trump to be illegal. first of all, that's wrong in the law, they were not illegal. and so -- and then michael cohen will be completely worthless to them by the time each one of these prosecution witnesses says he can't be trusted and he is a convicted liar. >> harris: i wrote down what you said prosecution needs legal deliverables and we've yet to see that. speaking of which, what is the crime here? i'm trying to dig through and bottom line it. you don't get a penalty just for being salacious in court. what are prosecutors pinning all this on? >> that's what they are trying to do. show that donald trump is essentially a bad person. then everyone that's testified that worked for him or worked with him has said quite a
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opposite. what they are trying to say is essentially there were these misdemeanor document falsifications that allegedly happened in 2017. the election was in 2016, by the way. they are saying that misdemeanor in connection with the covering it up for interfering with an election, the 2016 election, therefore enhances both those misdemeanors to felonies. again, i think this is a card trick that they are trying to do. it is wrong in the law and be overturned, no doubt. one of the things i'm watching next once all the witnesses come in is what these jury instructions actually suggest the law is. >> harris: interesting. jury instructions. all right. i appreciate it. and we'll bring you back during the hour as the news warrants. we never know who will be on the stand and it could be any moment for someone we want to go moment by moment on the air with. thank you, matt, i appreciate your time and expertise. the anarchy an college campuses
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is putting serious political pressure on president biden and driving a deep wedge between members of his own political party. somehow are calling on the president to step up. really? they don't want him to step down, they want him to step up. we'll hold our breath to see if that happens. plus white house cleanup duty continues after the president called two u.s. allies, not one, not just japan, not just japan, now a second one he has called them xenophobic. >> the word xenophobic is a negative word. >> the president was very clear and i think -- >> he was very clear. >> harris: does she know what the word means? she might want to do a better job cleaning up. leaders in japan are firing back with serious fire and shade. gianno caldwell next. ssed them .
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>> i think the president should and will get out there on campuses. i think -- >> he will get shouted down genocide joe when he goes to events. >> that's part of protests. i think the protests and the larger movement have had the president change. >> harris: that's one of biden's main surrogates. ro khanna and his take. the anti-israel protests raging across college campuses are dividing democrats. >> these kind of protests haven't been helpful and ironically they are working against peace in the middle east as well. >> when it turns into unlawful acts, we've seen this in a number of colleges and universities. including here in arizona. it's appropriate for the police to step in. >> harris: the biden campaign
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went after that. it was a dire warning from the far left senator bernie sanders about the protests. watch. >> people are making this reference that this may be biden's vietnam. i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people but a lot of the democratic base. >> preparing it to viteae name is an overexamination. people who lived through that difficult time would say it isn't comparable. >> harris: when they start to fight about vietnam on the left. it didn't stop the far left members of the party from making another vietnam compareson. may 5th kent university shootings. ilhan omar posted this on saturday. ohio national guard opened fire on unarmed students at kent
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state. students have a right to speak out, organize. corey bush posted on the 54th anniversary of the kent state massacre students across our country are were brutalized for complaining by endless war. those do not represent the facts. but, you know, it's the squad. they can do what they want, i guess. gianno caldwell. we've done tracing of the money on this. this isn't just a mild group of kids on a sunday afternoon saying they don't want war. in fact, what they are doing is taking money from the funding of the rockefeller brothers fund, $3 hundred thousand to the tides foundation according to the nonprofit tax forms. that money go flow to groups like this. the groups that soros and other dollars are funding go to these
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organization groups and you hear them. they want intifada. university of san diego want an intifada revolution on some of these campuses. >> the goal was simple. to create chaos. it has been a successful mission, i'll tell you. when you think about what bernie sanders said and his comparison, i think about the fallout of the war and the destruction of the coalitions which democrats had put together over the course of many years. you think about a lot of these groups may not even like each other but willing to go under the democratic tent. at some point they are next in line to get their goals met. here is the real issue for democrats when you are talking about going onto college campuses for joe biden. sure, he should go on college campuses and he absolutely should make his voice heard and say this is wrong, it took him nine days to do, which according to him silence is an agreement to what we've been seeing around
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here. he would be agreeing with those protestors, what he said about donald trump. here is an interesting fact. 35 and under according to cnn poll a couple of weeks ago are supporting donald trump over joe biden. i wondered how could those numbers be? trump's message is consistent and he stands with israel. joe biden has waivered. this is the distinction. i spoke to a 25-year-old jewish woman who never voted for a republican in her life. didn't like donald trump last year. i asked her last week who will you be voting for? she said i have no choice but to vote for donald trump. he stands on the side of israel. that what's it is coming down to politically. he has not only been on the powder keg but it has exploded in the democrats' face across the country, joe biden. >> harris: as he was walking into court this morning versus new york, this is where he started. he had an axios articles in his hands and said the university of columbia isn't going to have a
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c commencement ceremony for students and parents, all the money they put in at some of the most expensive education you can get in columbia and now no graduation. many of those students were robbed on lockdown and didn't get to graduate from high school. senator tom cotton got into a very tense exchange with abc's john carl and he was criticizing biden's response. watch in. >> it was too late. two weeks after these pro-hamas fanatics had taken over campuses. why does he draw moral equivalence between thousands of students setting up little gazas across america. >> you used little gazas, what do you mean by that? >> they call themselves the gaza solidarity encampment. they're little. they are little gaza. >> it seems like you are mocking
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the situation in gaza. >> dana: these people do deserve to be mocked. >> gianno. >> that's a strong response there and i got to tell you, we need adults back in the room. we need people willing to unite as a country to say this is wrong and there seems to be on the other from quotes from the squad members, what side are they on? do they support the united states of america when they swore and took a duty to support or what? what are they saying here? you have people even on the left who are deciding to say you know what? we're not with the squad anymore. we won't follow the progressive narrative anymore. like my friend sophie i'm done with the democratic party. i think we'll have a transformation. we saw it with trump in 2016 where the working delays became part of the republican party. i think we'll see a transition when it comes to many jews who usually support democrats. i think they will begin to support republicans on many
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issues. they have had enough. >> harris: that was something that president trump was hinting at now. telling the jewish community to wake up to what's going on and we'll see if it affects their vote. they typically as a voting block, much like blacks in this country, will vote democratic. is this enough? in chicago we have heard from a lot of black residents the border issue will get them to vote republican. we'll follow it all. thank you. >> he is losing coalitions left and right. >> harris: it is true. israel today ordered mass evacuations from rafah. and that may mean the ground invasion president biden has been pushing against by israel could be imminent. what they said they needed to go in and get the hamas killers. they meant it. we'll see what happens next. plus a surprising new report on who is funding the anti-israel campus chaos. it may be some of president biden's biggest backers. i gave you a little taste of this.
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we'll drill down even more. a lot of money and a lot of power and they are tied to him. at least as donors. critics say it is time for federal law enforcement to get involved and look into who is organizing the protests. the f.b.i. said its main concern was hate crimes, particularly by white supremacist groups. these people hate jews. why don't they go after them? with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses
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>> harris: president biden just wrapped up a call with prime minister netanyahu. of course, this is all following the israel military telling civilians to evacuate the east side of rafah. israel says that southern city is the last hamas stronghold in gaza. you can see some people pulling out there in the video we just showed you. this evacuation is signaling israel's long-promised ground operation may be imminent. israeli army spokesperson says about 100,000 people were ordered to move to nearby humanitarian zone. axios is reporting the biden administration has put a hold on its latest ammunition shipment to israel. so with an ally, our closest, the closest to our type of democracy in the middle east, our best friend in that region, we will withhold ammunition after the aid package -- did we withhold ammunition to ukraine?
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i digress. critics say it would embolden hamas. a former national security official with this warning. >> as long as the united states provides endless concessions to adversaries and endless constraints on israel we will see an escalation of this conflict. >> harris: jeff paul is joining us from tel aviv, israel. jeff. >> israeli military is describing this evacuation order as a limited scope operation specifically aimed at the people who are living or currently residing in eastern rafah. they are warning the roughly 100,000 people who are currently there in that specific location that if they stay, they could be only further endangering their lives. the warning was issued by the idf through flyers, text messages and phone calls to people there in eastern rafah. they are urged to go to a humanitarian zone. an area north of rafah along the
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coast of gaza. israeli military says at the moment the orders are only temporary and it is not a large-scale evacuation. however, for the civilians who have been told to pack up things and leave, there is not only frustration coming from them but a real concern about their safety. >> the israeli occupation said rafah was a safe area. they tell us now to get out of it. where will all these crowds go, 2 million civilians, where would they go? should they go into the sea? >> ongoing negotiations between hamas and israel appear to be falling apart. there are some reports they could return to egypt. but on sunday that same day when they left there was also a deadly mortar attack on the crossing that the idf says was fired from an area near the
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humanitarian zone in rafah. hamas claimed responsibility and the defense minister said it appears hamas is not serious about reaching a cease-fire deal. we know the phone call between biden and netanyahu spoke about rafah. the biden administration said they can't support a major ground operation in rafah. the prime minister here in israel says it will happen. back to you. >> harris: i'm noting, too, it is 6:38 hours ahead of us here in israel right now and so it is not nighttime. the sun has not fallen. we'll see what happens in the next few hours. that does make a difference at wartime. they may wait for darkness. we'll see and cover it all as it happens. jeff, thank you. [shouting] >> harris: a new report says
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those anti-israel protests r rioters and whoever they are on college campuses are calling president biden genocide joe and they are being funded by some of biden's biggest backers. the list includes democrat mega donors like george soros, the rockefellers, the pritzkers, the "wall street journal" reports the left wing groups train students for months before the rise of the anti-israel encampment. somebody had to figure out how to put the tents up. a new opinion piece saying f.b.i. should look at who funded the encampments. i'm still baffled how it is the f.b.i. has said they want to be focused on through their director christopher wray, hate crimes, particularly white
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supremacist. this is another group that hates jews as much as they do nothing. >> this is a point in time where special counsel would be appropriate to investigate what's going on across the country so one area isn't particularly focused versus another. the idea of an investigation from the d.o.j. into what is going on across campuses needs to look at the idea it is criminal behavior that is being organized. there is a difference between first amendment right to speech and assembly versus the idea of getting together with a conspiracy to engage in criminal behavior. even if that is merely trespassing. we have seen much more than trespassing. the idea of burglary, defacing important statues. >> harris: threats of death. against jewish students. >> focusing in on the organization, the conspiracy to engage in these type of criminal acts in order to get their message out, that's the real problem. we can't go forward with a first amendment that's being used by engaging in criminal activity
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and believing that should be excused because your message had some sort of importance to it. >> harris: we're looking live at university of california in san diego. ucla is part of this, the university of southern cal is not. a private campus. to give you an idea the uc regent system. i went to one of those schools. not one we've covered so far. they are very large campuses tend to have reaches into urban areas. how else would you set up these encampments and do that? you need organization and money would be helpful. a notable democratic donor whose philosophy has helped fund the protest movement is david rockefeller, junior. "politico" reporting now. he sits on the board of rockefeller brothers fund. in 2022 he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to a foundation, tides foundation
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according to nonprofit tax forms, for anti-zionist groups. and then you have several other groups, pritzker, the governor of illinois, his cousin is nick, mr. and mrs. pritzker, have given a lot of money. biden supporters as well. several groups, including the pritzkers are funding money to the anti-israel protestors backing a foundation funded by the pritzkers. this is not complicated. it is just actionable and nobody is taking action. >> funding terrorist extreme organizations or those at least who support it seems to be something that the f.b.i., d.o.j. should be incredibly interested in. look after january 6th. the f.b.i. and department of defense even launched these huge extremism type investigations.
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i talk about that in my new book. the idea the government is willing to look after and look into the funding and process behind the right wing type extremists or those way out there and not doing it to the left. when the message that's being communicated right now is all about supporting hamas, a terrorist designated organization. this is a true fundamental breakdown in the biden administration that seems to be trying to capitulate. >> harris: is it a felony who they are doing? >> even if you have trespassing and conspiracy to trespass -- these are massive funding operations. you could look at it as a rico investigation. >> harris: can you go after the donors or some of the organizations snow >> absolutely. if they know where that money is going or reason to know where it's going, that's criminal. >> harris: that's somebody we ought to see the d.o.j., the
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state of new york since so much is happening here. >> i think is special counsel is the right move. >> harris: okay. we'll bring you back as news warrants. thank you. former president trump's new york criminal trial does not hurt his campaign as much as democrats were thirsty for. new poll numbers are back and it is interesting. plus those campus protests, rioters, all the like, are raising fear that this summer's democratic convention in chicago, there is one in milwaukee, could end up looking like 1968, the chaotic convention in that same city of chicago in particular there. power panel next. every day, veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%.
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>> harris: let's look at the live images now. that's uc san diego after police cleared an illegal occupation there. the anti-israel jewish hate protesting on campuses across america obviously a huge headache for the biden/harris campaign because, of course, there is so much politics mixed into the response or non-response you're seeing. democrats are bracing for massive protests at august convention as demonstrators over gaza erupt on campuses across the country. biden team faces prospect of chaotic scenes in chicago. and the people in the streets and on those campuses are promising they intend to send their message loud and clear. >> we are against genocide. we need the democrats. >> we have to stop it. it is incumbent upon us, our
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responsibility. >> we are not interested in paying for, facilitating for this genocide. how dare he come and ask for our vote when he has been literally killing our palestinian siblings. >> harris: tom cotton says president biden hasn't risen to the occasion in his response and why he predicts former president trump will win in november. >> we're talking about is 2024. the reason why donald trump -- one of the many reasons donald trump will win this election is you've got democratic protestors out there putting a terrorist headdress on a statue of george washington. patriots around the country defending the american flag and joe biden refused for two weeks to come out and denounce it. that is the 2024 election. >> harris: some of the strongest talk you are hearing on the right coming from senator tom cotton. power panel, gopac chairman
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david avella and leslie marshall. david, you first. >> given the biden job numbers last week, full-time protesting seems appealing to some democratic voters. let's put this in a historical context. it's 1968, the president is unpopular, there is college campus riots going on, a kennedy on the ballot. it was after that election that voters put republicans in the white house in 28 of the next 40 years. we are on the cusp of seeing that again as president biden continues to see his coalition fall apart. >> harris: i have to cut in, i'm sorry. these protestors have broken through a barricade at uc san diego. what we have seen in recent days and particularly on the portland state university campus late last week, was that they were pushing into police. it became a physical altercation
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as they pushed into the swat teams there. they are starting to back off some of the other people came and got them. we can't tell who is who wearing goggles and masks and all the like but they are there. they were shaking the barricades. now they have pushed them up by 15 feet. pushed them up to where they were and putting them back together. we know watching it live they have moved those barricades fencelines forward. you have a journalist moving if trying to get the perspective. an open area here where journalists are coming down the stairs. we're watching this closely. this can devolve. now they are pushing back again. they want in, they want in. we'll see what happens. they have moved that perimeter close to 20 feet from what we can see. all you have to do is multiply the average height of these people moving up. average height of a human being, a grown-up and you know they are moving that barricade closer to the cops. why are they doing that? what kind of confrontation do
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you want? the police officers and swat gear some of them have moved along that fenceline. this is how this is going. leslie, i will bring you in quickly to give you a quick say and i have to get back to this breaking news. >> absolutely. i wouldn't agree with david. 1968 our country is not where it was in 1968 for those of us that were alive and remember in history class. certainly we don't want violence. i think when you say what do they want by moving the barriers closer? many protestors who want to get arrested and make their headline. >> harris: not a lot of agreement in the democratic party about 1968 and what was going on. they want to make that into this conversation about vietnam. you can see some of them doing this. we're all over the breaking news. stay with fox. . now i sleep with inspire. inspire?
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