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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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o happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. tensions explode on college campuses across the country. the showdown between demonstrators and police plus thousands are getting ready to hit the picket lines. the may day protests happening across the bay area and businesses are bracing for new changes. the new law that's banning hidden fees on your bill and why it could be bad for both customers and restaurants. let's get straight to this morning's top stories, high stakes in san mateo county this morning as the winner of the district 16 house races tiebreaker could be announced. a recount began
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april 15th after evan low and joseph midian tied for 2nd place against former san jose mayor sam liccardo 16 disputed ballots were found unaccounted for once the count is complete, the new winner for 2nd place could be announced the registrar of voters will make a ruling later today around 2 p.m.. alameda county voters will now get to decide whether or not to recall district attorney pamela price. this comes after the board of supervisors gave them the green light. another meeting is set for may 14th to decide whether to have a special election or add the recall to the november ballot and good news for commuters very services up and running again between salsa, lito and san francisco the golden gate ferry service was suspended last month after damage was spotted on 1 of the 4 piles of the salsa lito pier. repairs have been completed. why don't we get a check in in on our weather now and here is a live look across the bay area this morning. just beautiful and oakland san francisco san jose, you see those clear skies
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and it looks like it's going to hold up throughout the day. but what about the week? jessica? >nicole>all right. thank you. jessica taking you now to a developing story out of los angeles mayor karen bass
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deployed the lapd to use ucla early this morning. they're helping clear an overnight clash between dueling pro palestinian and pro israeli protests. finstrom with our ella sister station shows us the chaos from campus. >>you feel a leader? have announced that all classes on this campus have been canceled for today because of the violence that took place on roy squad late last night. they say the hospital and the health system, though, will remain open. now. royce hall itself also will be closed through friday. the sheriff's department arrived this morning. you can see lots of law enforcement out here, the lapd the highway patrol campus police as well. you see, i did declare the gathering here unlawful yesterday, but the pro palestinian encampment does remain the group of counter protesters who were on the lawn in front of it, where those clashes took place. those counter protesters have dispersed and tensions have eased. let's show you what we saw overnight. fireworks were
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thrown so we wouldn't pallets and what appears to have been smoke bombs overnight pieces of the makeshift barrier put up around the encampment also appeared to have been broken apart and it looks like some people in that group were pepper spray officers did move in, and the university put out a statement that law enforcement was prepared to make arrests. at this, we don't have any update as to whether any arrests were made. no, no word of any arrests also, we did see some ambulance that we're leaving from here yesterday. but it's unclear what injuries may have been suffered. we did speak with 1 of the campus students here who said he's really seeing quite a bit of an impact on his classes within the last 48 hours, >
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their plan is from moving forward. back to you. >nicole>all right. thank you. kara, on the other side of the country after protesters barricaded themselves behind broken glass and furniture at columbia university riot police moved in with a swat team to clear the building so far more than 200 arrested at the new york campus, they'll face potential charges of burglary for the break ins and here in the bay area we're expecting to see several gaza protests break out around the bay area for may day in the east bay. people are set to march from the west oakland bart station to the ports and hope of shutting down operations for the day and in san francisco, a march for palestine is expected to take place at the 24th street bart station. there is also a kite flying solidarity event taking place at the music concourse near golden gate park's california academy of sciences. striking rally to stop genocide will be held at embarcadero is harry bridges plaza. and more may day protests over 1000
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hotel workers plan to march through downtown san francisco today, sean chitnis has more on what employees are demanding. >>king says they're ready to march on may day with plenty of signs and employees who want to fight for better pay and working conditions >>private dining server who works to take care of room service orders at the st regis in san francisco. she's had the job for almost 20 years working there since it >>but commute a says she can barely make it right now to cover the cost of housing and medical bills, especially with back problems and a daughter who has >
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better treatment, better wages. um better health >>car, she says. hotels in the city are constantly understaffed, and that means more work for those who are on >>alex bastion with the hotel council of san francisco says not enough people are visiting the city after the pandemic. his organization represents the vast majority of hotels in san francisco, but he's not a part of union negotiations. >
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appealing to tourists. >>the union argues that while the pandemic has affected operations, hotels still managed to increase profits in 2022. they aren't giving any specifics on what kind of increases they want yet saying made a is an early reminder to make a good offer when their contracts are up later >
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bottom of the restaurant bills. plus, do you ever catch yourself endlessly scrolling through your phone? it's known as doom scrolling. coming up. we're going to speak to an expert live on how can impact your mental health?
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what happens... when an unstoppable force... meets an immovable raccoon? attack! bark! attack! it's not easy taking out the trash. that's why you need... strength that's anything but ordinary. hefty hefty hefty
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♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. san francisco's nightlife has been a big part of its come. story. the mayor said. it's 1 of the key elements to bringing people back downtown and she is
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touting some promising numbers. the city comptroller's office reported to jump in new restaurants and bars opening in the city 99 new businesses open in february, 147 in march. the mayor said. the city is trying various strategies to cut red tape like getting rid of the entertainment license fee for new businesses in their 1st year, and when you go out to eat, tipping can be a touchy subject we've seen some san francisco restaurants do away with tipping entirely replacing them with service charges automatically tacked onto your bill, and there's still lots of debate about whether that's fair. well those extra charges that are as high as 20% of your bill are about to be illegal as our lauren toms reports, some industry experts say this might not translate to cheaper dining bills and, in fact, could be bad for both customers and restaurants. >>diners in san francisco often
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think twice. when they see a common line at the bottom of their menu, warning of a mandatory service chart and under a new law that may be going away, but food experts like mercia gagliardi, who writes the popular newsletter table, hopper says this isn't great news for customers or the restaurants. just when you thought your pork chop was already really expensive. guess what we are going to be seeing even higher prices because there's nowhere else you know. restaurants can put these fees and cover wages, especially higher hourly wages now that they've had to offer, um, in order to retain employees taking effect in july, would ban junk fees commonly seen in ticket sales. but on tuesday, the state attorney general reportedly confirmed that also applies to restaurant fees. with used to create an equity. well model for employees so typically, servers at restaurants make much more money than folks working back
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of house and your dishwasher. so what it does is it creates a way for those funds to be distributed. equitably, thoma dean has been leading food tours in san francisco for decades. he's seen the restaurant price roller coaster and says the change may not be all bad news shifting attention back to mom and pop restaurants to go into and you feel like you're part of that restaurant. at that, it's kind of secondary, so i think of long as restaurants maintain that knowing their customers and really being a neighborhood restaurant. i think they're going to do okay. but some fear that the change could make restaurants less equitable for staff, golden gate restaurant association director laurie thomas says restaurants will be in a bind for how to keep up their wages, while also keeping customers coming. out. do you take their their rate down and you go to an old fashioned tip model and say to your servers? you got to tip out the whole house, but that drops
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everybody's salaries because you're going back to another model, or do you raise your prices? 20 25%. but for marcia's, she says, well, customers may feel some relief by not seeing the added charges. they'll still feel it in their wallet. if you were to look into your magic ball, how would you see restaurants in this city adapting to this new structure? i see prices raising, you know easily 5 15%. it's it's going to be tricky, but not all is lost. it could end up things. could change. >
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conditions to match it all up and speaking of gusty conditions, our inland areas are under a wind advisory, at least near solano county until 5:00 today with that in mind, we could see wind gusts close to around 30 to 40 mph at times, but we'll also notice that along our coastline despite the fact that we're not under wind advisory there, so if you live near bodega bay or half moon bay keep in mind. those winds are going to last into the evening hours tonight. at least it's dry, though. once we head into our friday night early saturday morning forecast, that's when that cold front approaches bringing in a series of showers for us all throughout the bay area, and then we dry up quick as we head into sunday, we'll talk more about that in just a 2nd. let's take it a step back and let's talk more about today, though 70s are expected for us today up into the north bay near napa and vallejo, and we get so close to the 80s opened those communities, but we actually hit the 80s once we head off into the east bay near concord in antioch, without for 70s stretching down into the santa clara valley, but i can't forget the coastline too 60s in the forecast near those micro climates today upper 60s near san francisco, let's take a quick look at what we can expect in our inland areas real
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fast and then we'll head to the bay 80s 80s and more 70s, at least as we head into our friday forecast. it's not until saturday where that cold front comes in and really drops those temperatures fast. into the 50s. but then we have a nice recovery into sunday and monday we go right back up into the 70s for our inland areas. that's going to be a beautiful forecast for us as we head into next week, but if you live along the bay closer to oakland or san francisco, holding on tight to the 70s for now, we'll cool down into the 50s as that cold front approaches and then averaging out into the 60s as we head into early next week, with partly cloudy skies in the forecast. >nicole>well, it's something we all do the mindless scroll on our phones, but how mindless is it really coming up in our wired wednesday report will speak to an expert live on how being glued to your phone can have an impact
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with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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>nicole>yeah. it is wired wednesday. what we all know. the feeling. of being born. scrolling. through our phones on social media, whatever it may be, it's called doom scrolling. and today we're talking about the negative impacts that doomed scrolling can have on our mental and physical health. joining us is seen at video host and producer abrar al hedy. welcome a bra. so let's 1st talk about the why why do we doom scroll as the security blanket? what is the psychology behind being a drone, so to speak? >live>yeah, absolutely. sometimes you're in a situation where you feel uncomfortable. like if you're waiting at a restaurant for your friends, or
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if you're on the train, and just your natural instinct is to say, ok, i want to connect with people. how do i do that? i do that through my phone or it's a good way to procrastinate too, because if you have this endless to do list, it's a lot easier to scroll through tiktoker instagram and watch entertaining videos, and it is to tackle that to do list. >nicole>it's almost like an addiction, though, and no addiction is actually good for you. so how does scrolling through your phone without any stoppage lead? the harmful consequences. >live>yeah. i mean, it's essentially it's a dopamine hit, right? so if you're getting these notifications or if you're scrolling through and you watch a really good video, and you say, i'm going to keep scrolling until i get that next video, you become hooked on it. and your brain really says this is something that's that's really enjoyable to me, but then you look up and it's been an hour. it's been 2 hours and you've wasted all this time and also impacts your real life relationships. you know if you're absorbed in your phone while being with friends and family, you're not really reaping the full quality of that time. >nicole>i worry about that with the youth in my own kids. ok, so now we've talked about the negative effects. what are the steps to recognize and stop the
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doom scrolling? >live>yes. so the 1st thing you're going to want to do is use your phone screen time tools. this will tell you how long you spent on your phone. sometimes it's a startling number. so that's a good reality check and then you can utilize the focus modes on your phone, whether you have an iphone or an android. what this does is it can block certain notifications during a certain window of time so you can set a focus mode for work. i'm not going to get notifications from social media while i'm at work, but i can get calls from loved ones right, so that's really helpful, but another really good tip is to buy a physical alarm clock. because if you >nicole>are using >live>phone as your alarm, it's the 1st thing you see when you wake up in the last thing you see when you go to sleep, and you're probably going to check your social and getting social media notifications while you're at it, right. >nicole>that is a very helpful hint and tool. i appreciate abrar al hedy. thank you for your time today. well, it's time now. for our money watch report today. the federal reserve meeting on interest rates, and experts believe that the central bank will leave its benchmark rate at a 23 year high inflation continues to dog
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consumers, cbs news business analyst jill slesinger says that the fed is not happy when things slow down and prices remain high. >
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>nicole>if you're looking for a unique spot to get married. this summer. why not? music? music festival? well, you can tie the knot with the love of your life at san francisco's outside lands. this year, there's going to be a pop up wedding venue called city hall. it's located among the eucalyptus trees in mclaren pass now this wedding package includes a 50 minute ceremony with a photographer and an officiant. it will cost about $350 plus fees, so not too shabby. well, that's going to do it for the news at 9 up next year is the drew barrymore show today singer huey lewis discusses his new broadway show the heart of rock and roll for more local headlines, including the weather, join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area
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perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save! with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. announcer: please welcome drew barrymore and ross matthews. [cheering, applause] is it better? ross: yes. hi, everybody. ross: hi, hi, hi. welcome to the show. ross just helped me. i put on my glasses. and he was like, maybe lower them a hair. it's going a bit urkel. [laughs] i did. she was like, right up here, huh? drew: yeah. you know, remember when he came on? i love urkel. and he-- like, yeah, so i would be into urkel. but thank you for having a girl's back. - that's what friends do, right? - yeah. we look out, yeah. urkel expo. yeah.


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