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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is thursday, may 2nd. >> thursday with a th. let's get started. >> a cone was thrown at my face
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which has left an injury to my upper right forehead. >> protests turn violent. another tense day ahead on american college campuses. if there's no hope, i mean, what are we doing? you know. i just hope that things do get better. and i like to keep a positive attitude about it. >> community members leading the way for change by leading with positivity. your community station where hope is this morning for a better oakland. ♪ ♪ all your favorite artists are back on tiktok. the new agreement that will end the new dispute over royalties. it's a war story. but it's a sewing story. it's a -- everything is out of proportion story. >> and the san francisco native stitching together a story about a united community. the one-woman show that became a pulitzer prize finalist. and
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we're looking forward to sharing that story that gianna went out and interviewed her and i'm nicole zaloumis. and we were having a deep dive here on taylor swift's newest video with post malone. love it or hate it? >> i kind of love it. i'm gianna franco. i honestly -- i will be very honest and i'm not a big taylor swift fan. she's fine. but not my thing. but this is the first album i kind of leaned in on. >> you have to be prepared to like go deep with everything it's like very -- all up in your feelings. good morning, i'm reed cowan and it's thursday. >> you were very judge joy when it came to taylor's dress. you didn't like that selection. >> i felt like she killed a crow and wore it. >> did you want to be judgmental about this view of the bay area. >> the golden ticket for golden gate bridge. >> live look outside on this thursday and jessica, how long are we going to have the clear skies in the forecast? ooh, i wish we could just hold on tight to them for just a smidge longer. but we do have a big change in the forecast for us this week. and it comes
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at an inconvenient time. saturday morning is all of us just enjoying the first day off from a busy workweek, well, at least many of us will be, we're taking a live look outside right now with that bay bridge just glowing with that sunrise starting to happen right around the corner. we have little changes in the forecast for us today and tomorrow. but once we head into our saturday forecast, it will be wet and windy and a lot colder as this cold front moves its way in from the north. it's almost like a winter storm in the sense that it's bringing snow to the sierra. and chilly temperatures for us here if the bay area and plenty of rain for us too. but luckily that rain is short-lived. we dry out on sunday. and then we see a nice gradual warm-up into next week. but let's take it a step bob and let's talk about this morning lasting into this afternoon. because some of us are experiencing some breezy conditions. if you live along the coastline you know exactly what i'm talking about because there is a repeat of yesterday. wind speeds this morning anywhere up to around 30 miles per hour near bodega bay. breezy conditions down near half-moon bay as well. heading into the afternoon hours we start to see it ramp up and then suddenly we're talking about 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts all the way up along the
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coastal communities stretching down into areas like pacifica too. so big changes in the forecast for us this afternoon when it comes to the winds. but heading into this weekend it will get breezy for all of us as the cold front approaches and we're all going to experience a series of showers too. i'm going to time that storm out for you and also going to show you how much rain the local community can expect coming up in just a bit. g? is it friday yet? we're looking forward to friday at least. because it's thursday eve and your thursday morning commute is moving along pretty smoothly overall. san mateo bridge, not bad for the westbound commute heading over to 101. a live look at bay bridge toll plaza because that's starting to back up just a little bit. metering lights were turned on just before 6:00 this morning. so it's really manageable actually that backup not quite to the overpass just yet and coming off the approaches like 80 and 580 and 880 all moving along very well. over at the golden gate bridge, a different perspective than what we showed you just a few minutes ago but the headlights heading into san francisco and right now it's about 15 minutes from the
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richmond-san rafael bridge south 101 all the way over into the city and really the only slow spots is the upper deck commute into the bay bridge and the altamont pass commit westbound 580 coming out of tracy. jump that map to a story developing throughout the night g, clash between pro palestinian and pro israeli protesters. they are clashing as police s.w.a.t. teams at ucla moved in with riot gear. watch this. yeah, that's what it looks like during finals time at ucla. and that's one scene at one of southern california's biggest universities. look at that. throwing a traffic cone into crowd we're talking about fighting and fireworks. groups tearing down each other's barricades. students saying this conflict makes them feel afraid. >> a cone was thrown at my face and another counterprotester grabbed a wooden block and slashed the back of my head. i want to take a moment to serve as a reminder for why this encampment exists. i have the ability to go to a hospital
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last night. currently, in gaza, there's zero fully functioning hospitals. [ applause ] >> so the clashes left at least 15 people injured. at least one of them was sent to the hospital. so in the midst of all of this, enter more police. it's really a tricky balance this morning between police who have made an evacuation order this morning on campus and in our last live image say they were making some arrests. this is the scene left behind. i believe this is a live image as well. this is what protesters left as they were there. encampments declared on campus as unlawful and in fact many ucla students getting alerts. reporters there getting ready to do live reports and all over the country. students are waking up to news that riot police will be there and that they will be navigating campus through spring graduation. also there's word this morning of negotiations between the university chancellor and
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protesters. meanwhile, jewish students at ucla and across the country say that some of the language of the protests caused them to feel unsafe. more reports from los angeles as the sun comes up. big story down south. we're watching it. from the west coast to the east coast. this is new video you see here behind me from columbia university in new york. this is the moment that police moved in to a building that was occupied there on the east coast. and you see there protesters on the ground, they were arrested and going to jail. on tuesday night, police in riot gear used flash bangs to get. they had to they say because of the barricades. building occupied. but two hours later it was clear. and that meant arresting 300 protesters. students there waking up to heavy police presence in new york. bithe way police pledging that they will stay on campus until well through graduation maybe into mid-may. lawmakers are hearing the concerns from jewish students who feel unsafe. because of these pro palestinian protesters and some of the
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language they're using across the country. republican led house passed legislation and they're establishing broader definitions of anti-semitism for the department of education to enforce antidiscrimination laws. the measure now goes for the consideration of senators. viva, viva palestine. >> all right, sort of mixed voices here. but let's stay in san francisco from pro palestinian protesters to the plight of workers in the bay area. we saw may day and hundreds of workers demanding better wages and working conditions. >> i'm struggling to pay my rent. i'm struggling to take my daughters out of the city to have some times together. to have picnics. to have -- it's very hard to do it. and someone is going to say we give you whatever wages is good for the city. but it's not enough. >> well, as you heard off the top there, while the plan was to have a conversation about
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surviving in the bay area economy, lot of these demonstrators also used the opportunity in the platform to decry the israel-hamas war. it's time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. this morning, we now know who will be advancing to the general election in the closely watched district 16 race. evan low will face off with former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november. low won the recount by just five votes. knocking santa clara county supervisor joe simitian off the ballot. it was going to be a three way race in november. until a former mayoral campaign staffer for liccardo requested the recounts in both santa clara and san mateo counties. san mateo allowed seven challenge ballots to be counted. which enabled low to pick up extra support. liccardo for congress put out a statement on wednesday night, accusing evan low of trying to undermine and stop the recount process for the past two months. we asked low about those allegations and he told
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us this. >> well, it's important to remember is that we must thank our dedicated workers at the registrar of voters and if anything, this election shows that every vote certainly does count. so make sure that we register to vote and we have to -- continually have faith in our electoral process. >> is a mitt january posted on x saying he lost and that he concedes. adding that he trusts the process and accepts the results. a statewide conference begins today in oakland. focusing on ways to limit illegal dumping. for the next two days, participants will talk about policies to address the problem. experts will give presentations and focusing on so-called three es. this is the strategy. it includes education, eradication, and enforcement. this conference is now in its fourth year. well, gun violence has become an acute problem in some parts of oakland and it can have a devastating impact. tearing families apart and in some cases making people afraid
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to leave their homes. at the same time we have now learned robberies are up 11% in oakland in the first four months of the year. that's compared to a year earlier. now even so, there are some encouraging signs. violent crime is down city-wide and dropped by 33%. that's compared to last year. there's also been a 50% drop in burglary and theft and a 17% drop in homicides. our katie nielsen looks at what the city is doing differently and whether people in oakland are taking notice. >> we had a couple of break-ins. and it didn't seem like it's really safer, you know. >> reporter: jonathan perez says they're lucky no one was inside guadalajara restaurant in the fruitvale when it was broken into twice since the beginning of the year. >> i feel like it just happens so regularly over time we're not scared of it as much. we kind of just expect it somehow. >> reporter: but according to new data released by the oakland police department, violent crime rates are down in
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the first part of the year. and according to city leaders, it's all thanks to reimplementing the ceasefire program. >> as we continue to move the strategy along, it not only historically has reduced homicides and shootings, but it has also led to pretty significant reductions in all crimes. >> reporter: dr. holly joshi leads the city's office of violence prevention and has been working to revive the ceasefire program. it was hugely popular in the early 2000s during the height of the gang violence in oakland and it's a multipronged approach to identify those most likely to commit violent crimes. then they bring in community leaders to talk to those at high risk of violence to reduce the possibility of retaliatory shootings and other serious crimes. >> the folks that are at the center of group and gun violence in the city are also heavily involved in other crimes, including robberies and including burglaries, including car break-ins. >> reporter: while crime rates have come down on paper since the beginning of the year, many like jonathan say they don't feel that much safer, but hope things continue to move in the right direction. >> if there's no hope, what are
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we doing, you know? i just hope that things do get better. and i like to keep a positive attitude about it. >> well, another part of the strategy is to continue some of the violence interruption programs that the oakland police department the new chief will be overseeing that once he is sworn in later this month. all right. time right now:12 in the morning. orinda now. we hear you homeowners, we are in your neighborhood in the east bay and we hear your voices straight ahead. and finding solutions to help with san jose's homeless crisis. we'll explain how a new idea could be a model for
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use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. risk of wildfires causing insurance companies to pall back in many bay area neighborhoods and to the east buy now where the community of orinda you are telling us you are hit very hard. state farm policyholders reportedly there saying that they are going to lose their coverage in orinda. andrea nakano in your neighborhood with news of 1700 homeowners who say they are running out of options. watch. >> reporter: tom holland has lived in orinda for 15 years and his home is tucked in the beautiful hillside where he takes daily walks with his two dogs. after paying more and more each year for homeowners' insurance, he just found out
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his policy won't be renewed. >> so i just called my broker and he said you're canceled. so. that's it. >> reporter: he's one of many state farm policyholders to lose their insurance. >> i think it's been slowly coming at us for five years. >> reporter: holland says he used to pay about $3,000 a year. that has steadily increased to roughly $8,000. >> honestly, it was not a shock. because it's -- been a known issue. and also our premiums have been going up like 30% to 60% a year for about five years. >> reporter: this comes as holland and many of his neighbors have been taking steps to mitigate fire risk. >> this is our home. mofd is the fire -- fire department in orinda. they have ordinances and we meet all of them. >> reporter: yasaman lee also found out travelers insurance wouldn't be renewing her policy after 18 years. she spent countless hours trying to find a new carrier. >> i got a list of people that could potentially insure me. i
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was on nextdoor and on facebook. following all the leads. especially after the state farm here in orinda hit pretty hard. people were definitely looking for carriers. but nothing panned out. >> reporter: lee even looked into the f.a.i.r. plan created by the state, but the policy wouldn't even begin to cover the costs of rebuilding her home. >> the state needs to step it up. i mean, the reality is we have homes. we're living here, they need to be insured, and we need to be given some options and it looks like f.a.i.r. is just not a viable option for many. >> reporter: holland is trying to stay positive about finding another company to insure his home, but knows it's going to cost him more than ever before. >> price goes up. and maybe the actual coverage goes a little down. so. >> reporter: state farm released a statement on this matter. it says it had to make tough and necessary decisions not to renew policies for the long-term sustainability here in california. >> andrea nakano. thank you for
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this. homeowners you can still buy coverage with the california fair plan which is known as the insurer of last resort. last resort. but it's known to be expensive. and rates for that coverage also continue rising. let's take a live look outside on thursday morning and wore seeing the sunrise over the city of san francisco. let take a deep breathe and it's beautiful out there. jess, you also have some incredible video out of the south kind of a contrast to what we just saw. twisters. >> right around the corner. i mean, yeah, take a look at this. reed, check this out. this storm chaser -- the storm chasers actually caught. it was two tornadoes touching down in the texas panhandle last night. and three twisters formed just near the town. we haven't sewn any reports of damage so far which is actually really good news and after seeing the devastation of the twist tear left damage in nebraska earlier this week. now we're going to continue the keep a close eye on the coverage all throughout the midwest and all throughout the south too. but back here in the bay, we've been dealing
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with mild weather and that's kind of what i was hinting at just around the corner. as we head out the door today and tomorrow. things are looking great for us. we do have a little tiny storm that's moving in from the north and when i say that i mean the time span of it. yes, this is definitely going to pack its punch and i mean we have a very impactful storm right around the corner as we head into our saturday forecast. but it's only saturday once we head into sunday we expect sunshine once again. so let's talk a little bit about it. high pressure has been building its way in all week long. that's the reason why we've been dealing with warm dry weather. 80s off in the east bay. sunshine all throughout our inland areas and a little bit cooler and breezier along the coast of course. but watch what happens. we're all going to experience cool and breezy conditions as we head into this weekend's forecast. as low pressure moves its way in from the north. bringing in a winter-like storm for many of us throughout the bay area. all the way up into the sierra where they're going to experience some snow too. as we take a look at futurecast, very important tool right now ona day like today. as we gear up for the rain right around the corner, more clouds friday afternoon and really what we're waiting for is that storm to
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just move its way in. into the overnight hours friday early morning hours saturday. starts from the north and windshield wipers down to the south. just into 9:00 a.m. on saturday. notice the impacts of the storm already. i mean, heavy showers expected from san francisco stretching all the way off in the east bay. we see snow starting to form up in the sierra. and advancing the clock into 2:00 all the way into the afternoon hours, on saturday, we'll continue to watch that rain move to the south and luckily the center of the storm doesn't have too much energy. we actually see drier conditions on the back end of that and so once we head into sunday, dry conditions and some sunny skies too right around the corner. but in total this storm it moves in fast and moves out fast and going to give us close to around an inch of rain all throughout the bay area. now as we take a look at the daytime highs today, and tomorrow, we are expecting daytime highs to still stay a little bit above average. especially off in the east bay and by the way look behind me right now. that's a live look from our rooftop cam over the bay bridge. the sun is starting to rise and as it starts to we're going to warm up in the 70s just across the bay bridge
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over into oakland this afternoon. 80s off in the east bay. 70s stretched all the way down into the santa clara valley. we're going to continue to hold on tight to the weather for one more day. saturday rolls in, it's the only anomaly for us this week really and i mean 50s in the forecast for us but notice that warm-up on the back end. high pressure moves in once again and we'll see sunnier skies around the corner and beautiful weather into next week. g? all right, jessica, thank you. let's talk about the roadways up out the door on this thursday morning. doing fairly well for the most part. a live look here at one of the bay area bridges and san mateo bridge if you are headed from hayward over to 101, typically we'll see things getting a little bit crowded here but doesn't look quite the case just yet anyway. so easy commute there headed over towards the peninsula. headed across the -- for anyone making that ride out of the east bay over into san francisco. doesn't look it but the backup here doesn't extend beyond the every pass very far. it's really just about 10 to 15 minutes to go from here into the city. so not too bad just yet. we'll let you know when
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it really starts to slow down. golden gate bridge is actually looking okay. as you work your way over into san francisco. a nice commute there. and just kind of looking at our overview map you can see the eastshore freeway starting to slow down just a little bit but again, that backup for the bay bridge not too bad. here's a live look from san jose's japantown before we head to break. it is asian american and pacific islander heritage month and we know when we talk about heritage that's one of the gems of our bay area. make sure to get out and get a cup of coffee and go lunch and say hi and get to
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this morning, we're getting a better look at the oakland ballers' new home at raimondi park in oakland. check out these renderings. the team giving a glimpse into what the 4,000 seat stadium will eventually look like. on tuesday the oakland city council officially gave the green light for the use of the field. now the ballers are investing about $1.6 million in park renovations that include building stands and a new video and scoreboard. the team is almost finished installing new
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turf to the park and the ballers play in the pioneer league and that pioneer league dates all the way back to 1939. the home opener is set for june 4th. tickets go on sale this monday. >> that'd be a good baseball game. san francisco native stitching a story about unity. how she got inspiratio - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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all right, coming up on half past the 6:00 hour and live to l. a. right now and the campus of ucla. police have been ready all morning long to arrest protesters after the encampment were declared illegal and protesters refusing to leave. now you are seeing several of them, they are sitting on curbs many of them with zip ties behind their backs. they are being detained right now. of course arrest is a very technical police term and we're being careful and we do know that they are detained. but right now, we can tell you overnight it was very violent and evacuation order was in place throughout the night. those encampments declared unlawful and there's word this morning that some of the protests did result in negotiations between the university chancellor and the protesters. jewish students at ucla and across the country also saying the language of the protests causes them to feel unsafe. the live massage right now of police facing off with protesters, now on the curb, detained hands behind their
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back. we want to keep our commitment to you that we'll keep you updated on this story throughout the morning and not only on the west coast but also, gianna, over on the east coast with columbia university in new york. >> so much has been happening on so many campuses a lot of them here in california as well. now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. as we welcome you on in with this gorgeous view of the sun coming up over the bay. and the bay bridge just hanging out. like it does every single day getting people to and from work. jess, it was a little chilly waking up this morning many hopped in the car, it was like 49 degrees is what my temperature gauge said. >> that's because you live along the coast, gianna. >> but it was cold. >> not taking it back. it's chilly this morning and that's great for people to know before they head out the door right? grab the jacket and warm clothes but in the inland areas, well, we're going to be warming up into the 80s today. just like yesterday, so keep that in mind. all of the microclimates are doing something different as we head in the forecast today. but then we all kind of group up together as a cold front moves its way in saturday. we're all
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going to experience 50s and 60s for our daytime highs for saturday's forecast. as that cold front also brings in windy and wet conditions too. but luckily we dry up fast as we head into sunday. and then all of the microclimates start the kind of average out in their normal temperatures once again 70s in our inland areas and 60s, 50s along the coast and that's whoo we're talk about with the slow warm-up into next week. let's talk about the current conditions. this morning we're seeing breezy conditions up near bodega bay. watch what happens as we advance the clock all the way into this afternoon. wind speeds along the coastline no matter where you are live along the coastline are really going to start ramping up. north bay up close to bodega bay. 40-mile-per-hour winds expected by binner time tonight and 30-mile-per-hour winds along the south bay portion -- at least along the south coastline i should say. closer to half-moon bay all the way over into pacifica. insipient nearly as breezy but you know the big weather story for us right now. it's the rain that's right around the corner because it's really just an isolated day event. as we head into friday
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night early saturday morning, that's when that system starts swoping its way in and by saturday afternoon, it slowly sweeps its way out so we'll have moreen that coming up in just a bit. let's talk a little bit about conditions today though. 60s in the forecast once again near san francisco. just like yesterday. but we do warm up all the way into the 80s off into the inland areas. that sun is up and it's beautiful there morning. and yes, it's still chilly and sol make sure you grab the jacket but down into the santa clara valley we go, ty you live in the local communities you can definitely shed the jacket this afternoon. topping off in the upper 70s. g? thank you, jess. let's talk about the roadways right now. we do have a report of trouble spot with an overturned vehicle on southbound 13. this just into the traffic center. south of park boulevard. looks like they may issue a traffic alert because of that. so do keep that in mind if you are commuting through east bay. if you are headed along 880 though, live look here near paseo grande southbound commuters it's getting slow for that ride as you head through there. if you are making your way into hayward and fremont. the brake lights in the area also as well as south 680 from the dublin interchange as you head into
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the sunol grade. starting to get a little bit thick there but north of there not bad. 880 near the coliseum. you can see traffic is moving along at a pretty nice pace. if you are headed from here towards the bay bridge. and it actually is moving along pretty well. san mateo bridge, it's get l a little more crowded but the travel times are still moving along very well. as you head between 880 and over to the peninsula. from tracking brake lights to major headlines. a victory for abortion rights in arizona. so that state's democratic governor is expected to repeal a dormant law dating back the 1864. this, after the state senate voted by the way with two republican lawmakers to pull that 160-year-old ban. so drilling down on what it actually means. it is not a total ban on abortions in arizona. however, arizona's 15 week gestational limits do stay enforced. the san francisco now and the effort to eliminate traffic deaths on our roads. city transportation bosses cracking down on parking violations this
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morning. it's tall part of a program called "vision zero." so you can expect to see more officers out there ramping up enforcement against what they call unsafe parking. what is that? well, apparently violations will be for blocking sidewalks, where pedestrians are and bike lanes where bike riders are and spaces near crosswalks and stop signs where again, foot traffic is heavy. staying in san francisco. a live look for you as you start your day. beautiful out there. good look in san francisco. the city by the bay. by the end of thursday you will have the opportunity to celebrate downtown first thursdays for bay area bounce-back to really revitalize businesses and food booths and 2nd street between market andfolsom. also a six foot wide disco ball that happens tonight and 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. endless work of addressing homelessens continues to fremont now. judge has stopped people from evictioning people
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in motel rooms and they were there under something called the winter relief program. plan was for tenants to stay only until the end of april when the weather warmed up but now on hold because lot of pool say the city hasn't provided alternatives. we are in that community today as motels get word of the court order figure out what to do and we'll bring you the very latest a little bit later today. cities across the bay area are trying to find new and innovative ways to get people living on the streets into permanent housing. in the south bay, san jose leaders are enlisting the help of a developer and philanthropist. the city is leasing a private lot as you see here behind me to build 150 temporary housing units on via del oro and st. ignacio avenue in san jose. len ramirez spoke with one of the first people it will help. a woman who sees it as a chance to get back on her feet. >> reporter: we're about to walk up to my tent. >> reporter: gg is 50 years old and for the last nine months, she's lived in this tent on
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great oaks parkway. >> this is my tent. >> reporter: she's been on the streets since losing her job during covid in 2020. and for the first time since then, she now has realistic hopes of finally getting into housing. >> i want to go indoors because that's where i need to be. that's where i want to be. that's where i'm comfortable and i feel like i'm safe. and this is -- time. for me. i feel like it's time. >> reporter: and this land just blocks from her tent is where she could live next. san jose mayor matt mahan actually jumped into the driver's seat and took the controls of an excavator with a key new difference. >> this is the first time that san jose has stood up an interim housing solution on private land. and that was because -- [ applause ] >> reporter: projects like this are always been placed on city or state owned land but these two acres on via del oro are
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owned by long time developer john sabrotto. about $5 million of industrial zoned real estate that he was leasing to the city for $1 a year for the next five years. >> we actually started this neighborhood back in the mid '70s that's the last parcel we have not developed yet and no plans to do anything on the site for a few more years. so it just seemed logical to make it available to the city of san jose. >> reporter: dignify moves will develop 150 housing cabins and other buildings to provide support services to help the people who move in find permanent housing. to gain support of neighbors, the city will give housing preference to people already camped in the neighborhood. >> we're going to then decommission any remaining encarvements and create no encampment zones around the site. we have to preserve our progress and prove to the community when they embrace solutions of homelessness they see that benefit in their neighborhood as well. >> we're the center of
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innovation. greatest concentration of wealth in the world. we've got to be able to figure out this homeless problem. >> reporter: and since gg already camps in the neighborhood she's likely to get top priority for one of the cabins when they are completed later this year. >> that's my biggest -- hope right now. to be inside. and be able to maintain my life again. comedienne and france native wong was in the middle of the show when the covid-19 pandemic shut down theaters across the country ending the run early. she threaded up the sewing machine and started a movement making masks. that inspired her show "sweat shop overlord" and became a pulitzer prize finalist for drama and now playing right here in the bay area. i speck with her about why it's so important to tell story about unity. >> then this is actually a replica of my sewing machine
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that i sewed my first mask on. >> reporter: in march of 2020, when the world shut down and needed help, kristina wong turned on her hello kitty sewing machine and started stitching. >> if you look closely, some of the masks have camouflage in it. >> reporter: putting her basic skills to work. making masks for anyone who needed one. >> i can make masks. and i'll save america. and that -- turned into me making a very naive promise to the internet that if you are immunocompromis ed, i will sew you a mask. >> reporter: overpromising at first, but that's how the auntie sewing squad was born. >> referring to older women as auntie or others as uncle, is just a term of endearment and respect. and i have learned in running a sewing group called auntie sewing squad, it's much easier to yell at people when you call them auntie and make demands of them. versus going hey, can anyone sew some masks? aunties, we need to sew masks. >> reporter: now shares the story in her one woman show
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"sweatshop overlord." >> it's a war story. it's a sewing story. it's a -- everything is out of proportion story. and so georgia lee, the designer, came up with these ideas of a giant pincushion. >> reporter: where kristina stitches together the story of people from all walks of life joining together as a community helping one another. >> i do feel like this show sort of offers a way to kind of sit with what happened. and find moments to laugh. not at the expense of, you know, of the most vulnerable. but just -- how absurd it was, but also to celebrate that there at least was one community that i witnessed that got us through this. >> reporter: getting a chance to perform in front of family and friends. >> i know one of the audience members asked what did -- were your parents supportive of you when you were doing this? and i'm like, they're right in front of you. so my mother turned around and said well, we
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weren't really into the idea that she go pursue this, but it's okay now that she's a pulitzer prize finalist. it's okay now. >> reporter: and of course performing in front of so many aunties. >> what i learned in this process was that family is not necessarily a family that i make biologically. but it's -- the people that i bring around me. that i care for and care for me back. and i have a lot of those folks in my life now because of this process and because of this show. so yeah. auntie pride. >> reporter: who were truly the fabric and foundation of the movement. well, the sewing squad made over 800 masks before ending in august of 2021. you can see her in sweat shop overlord at act strand theater now through may 5th. you know she is a pull iter prize finalist in drama. isn't that amazing though? her parents wear the t-shirt at the show and just entered it as a joke and never thought she'd get that far but a great accomplishment. a really gooding good story about
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community and coming together. >> i love everything about this story. and the visuals, just being there. in-person. what was that like? >> it was really fun to sort of "alice in wonderland" like, you are standing with a thimble that's the size you know, of almost as tall as you and just the massive, you know, pieces. but it really -- she puts it in great perspective because she was like it was going to war you know. you really wanted to do something good and save people and help people and she tells the internet i'm going to mike you a mask if you need one. just call me. completely overpromised but found a way to deliver. and create something really magical. >> and highlighting celebrating our culture of aunts. i love that. i have an idea maybe we need a restaurant in the bay area called aunties. then launch it in the fight market. >> okay. >> i love that idea. >> absolutely. it's interesting, part of asian and pacific american heritage month means looking at cultures overseas. and take look at this video our anchor ryan yamamoto took of taipei, night market. this 24 hour
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shopping district is a mecca for clothes and food and it's something that san francisco actually wants to adopt. city leaders believe that night life is one of the keys to helping san francisco's economy bounce back which is huge for us and you know they've been doing it once a month so far. they kind of brought it back after apec. and continuing to see that culture and just the liveliness at nighttime i think san francisco really needs that. and i just got back from taipei too that's my favorite part about going over there. i love the liveliness and i love the families go out there. i'm like how are these kids allowed to go out at like 10:00 p.m. >> the energy of it. make you feel alive? >> the food is cheap and it's great and it's just -- it's everybody we need here in san francisco. >> we. >> like easy food and -- the calorie don't count after 10:00 p.m. >> i need it right now. can we have it right now on the consistent. >> overnight market here. >> morning market yes. >> the mayor said downtown 24/7. you heard her say that and i think it's a great idea. >> really is. well, we will be bringing you stories like these all month long on air and streaming on cbs news bay area and we'll
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be posting all of our stories on special aapi section of our website at all right, 6:44. are you applying for college or financial aid or know somebody who is. get out the headache medicine. we're going to help you navigate fafsa foibles, plus this. ♪ ♪ wipe that tattoo on to your face. well, listen up swifties. taylor swift's music is returning to tiktok. up next, we'll explain the new agreements set to bring the world's biggest artist back to the video platform. . here's a live look at pier 39 in san francisco this morning. it's getting pretty busy gaining a lot of attention as well from tourist around the globe. all because of the surge in see lions and i think they're trying to say hello. good morning. welcome to the morning show. yeah, >> tech: does your windshield have a crack?
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trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver, clinically proven to support memory in older adults. it's time now for the morning's money watch report. today is the deadline for california college students to apply for state financial aid. now earlier this year, state lawmakers voted to push the application deadline back from april 2nd to may 2nd for cal grants and other state aid programs. that was after glitches developed in the rollout of federal forms.
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colleges and states use the forms to calculate scholarship and loan amounts. well, this has led to schools receiving inaccurate information about student eligibility. the biden administration is out with a student loan forgiveness plan and this one could benefit students who attended two art institutes here in the bay area. it applies to students who went to the art institute of california and san francisco or silicon valley. now it has to be between 2004 and 2017. the department of education says that the schools misled prospective students about job rates and average salaries. federal reserve decided to leave a key benchmark rate at a 23 year high. mortgage rates have doubled over the last two years. now more than 7% and as a result, potential sellers are not willing to part with their current low rate. the federal housing finance agency says
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that led to 57% drop in sales this past year. ♪ ♪ god i love that outfit reed. it's just -- stunning. >> post malone's? >> taylor swift is returning to tiktok. the video platform has struck new deal with universal music group. a ban on u mg's music has been going on since february on tiktok and now they have settled their differences. they say the agreement will be beneficial for songwriters and recording artists. and this is your favorite gianna. airbnb is offering a collection of what it calls icons derived from tv and movie scenes. for example, you can rent a version of marvel animation's x-mansion from the movie x-men movie. or you can stay at a house from the movie "up." look at that. it's located in new mexico. comes with more than 8,000
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balloons. or for fans of prince you can stay at home in minneapolis that was featured in the film "purple rain." is there a home that's really nostalgic to you? maybe the one that kevin got stuck in "home alone." >> goonies? at astore yea right? >> that home -- maybe be in the cave in the ship. >> watch the keys and the -- i love that movie. >> mrs. doubt fire for me. >> that was filmed. yeah. >> right here in the bay. >> yeah. that's good one too or the "full house" you can go to the steps of that. he's here in the bay too. there are some iconic movies filmed here. >> i'm y -- i want to know wherthe golden girls house was. it was several exterior of different houses. >> you can always do the drag show. >> you could. let's get -- thank you, look at these friends. lots of
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them hanging out this morning at pier 39. people travel all over the world to get a glimpse of san francisco's residential sea lions and those who are visiting the city now are really in for a treat an usual amount of the marine mammals are at the docks. over 1,000. harbor master says it's quite the fell no, ma'am nonmentioning also a huge number of pelicans and anchovy in the bay right now. listen to them. >> i really feel like jess should be live from pier 39 with the weather report right now. such a great fit for the beautiful skies. >> i love whiskers. absolutely, i don't think you'd be able to hear me at all. >> judd have to bark louder. >> saturday -- no. you would not be able to hear me at all. but it's so fun to experience it and reminds me to have childhood visiting san
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francisco. that's the core memory i always remembered seeing them and thinking wait a second, is this like a part of like -- do they actually come here to visit or is this a zoo? what's going on? come to find out they gist really love the bay as much as we do right? well, taking a look at the bay area weather, we have warm conditions today and tomorrow. hey in our inland areas and yes it's still a little bit coral along the coast with 60s in sight. but speaking of 60s, we're all going to be hand-in-hand and all hit the 60s this weekend. as a storm system moves its way in from the north bringing in wet conditions and cool conditions and gusty conditions too. not enjoyable right? luckily short-lived. this is day-by-day. partly cloudy skies for us as we head into our friday forecast. today is not looking that bad unless you live along the coastline and then here we go all the way into friday night. early saturday morning. that's when that storm actually approach us and you see it right here on the time stamped friday night into early saturday morning. some impactful storms really moving in from the north. and it's slowly sweeping to the south bay into 10:00 hour. well continue to watch it really
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develop off in the sacramento valley. closer to 3:00. and then suddenly snow up in the sierra lasting into the evening hours as we start to clear up on the back end of that storm. how much rain are we going to get from the one storm alone? close to an inch at least on average throughout the bay area. pretty impressive if you ask me. especially considering the fact that it's only a day event. usually the cold front kind of linger little bit and we get that whiplash from the center of the storm. and this time, really it's just going to turn right back into sunshine and beautiful weather next week. kind of like right now. what can we do about this? enjoy what we have today. take the kids out to the park. maybe just stretch your legs andextra lap around the neighborhood with pups. 70s in sight in down into the santa clara valley. but this weekend we know saturday is going to be the one gloomy day out of the beautiful setup of sunny skies throughout the 7 day forecast. that's the inland forecast. take a look the bay we're going to see more partly cloudy sky os p the back end of the cold front
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heading into next week. monday and tuesday partly cloudy conditions and still nothing to write home about. sunday is looking more beautiful. g? get through that saturday but that's all right. we have sunday to enjoy and you know today is not so bad. a little slow for commuters near background background a perspective of how crowded it is. that's a commute direction hayward down into fremont and you definitely are seeing things getting a little bit busy in and around there. and just past that point if you are headed south of fremont looks like traffic is a little slow because of a crash. south 680 seeing some brake lights as well. north of there though, 880 is clear near the coliseum and at the san mateo bridge starting to pick up little bit heading westbound but travel times aren't to big through there right now. of course you will know exactly how long it takes to get to work when you hop on the favorite app. in the car, but for now i can tell you this. live look at the bay bridge, it is bumper-to-bumper and starting to back up into the foot of the maze. reed? all right, thanks so much. time right now 6:55. putting
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the senior in senior prom. how a community stepped wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now— fryday. fryday. fryday. —tuesday. —fryday. —wednesday. —fryday. —friday? —fryday. get the fries other fries wish they could be. wendy's hot and crispy fries, guaranteed.
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this is the feel good story of this morning. if you need light in the morning we have it for you. a community effort to bring senior prom to seniors.
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>> it's adorable. roughly 120 resident at the westerly rehabilitation and health care center in prove dens, rhode island were ready the roll. >> balloons and corsages of course and food and cake and entertainment and they went all-out. a high school cosmetology department even donated dresses and helped with their hair styles. police officers, well they handed out roses and of course they danced with their dates to put little pep in their step. for some it was reliving the old days and for others, this was their first prom. take a listen to reaction from some of the seniors of the hour. >> look at the people floating by. you know? i mean, it's -- really incredible. >> boogieing. what do you think i'm doing? >> honey, i have been going to proms since i was been in kindergarten. [ laughter ] >> she said boogieing of course it wouldn't be official without aplomb king and queen. take a look at the 102-year-old majesty. moments like this make it all worthwhile organizers
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say. i'll say it again. this time, no curfew. stay up. party it up. >> i want to be in the room where that happens. i want to hang out with them. talk to them and learn their stories. listen to their, you know, what they loved and how they got here to 102. and just -- dance. how cute. >> how fun. a cosmetology school coming in and making donations of time and all the fun things. congratulations to all them. all right, well, coming up on pix+ 44 cable 12, meet the rising star taking his tap dancing talent on the road in the broadway hit funny girl. and saying good-bye to a bay area legend. what we're learning about the plans to celebrate the extraordinary life of glide memorial's reverend cecil ♪ welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to our viewers on the west coast. i'm nate burleson. >> i'm vladimir duthiers. >> i'm jericka duncan. >> tony and gayle are off, but we are in great


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