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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the k off in the composite us authorities attempt to break up some of the pro palestinian demonstrations that have taken bruce and universities across the country are leaving the to ride. also call us directed to impress misleading form and to the end result caused by the way the media has track of our t gets rare access to the conflict written cast me a region is local cost. the balance in india is general election. so this
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stat and i'm standing on top of it, is actually the best in the world for the united states. wanted everybody to believe that and tongues a lot. some of nato, supposedly, game changing hardware is put on display in moscow after being kept us from ukrainian forces. the, this is all the international reaching you from the russian capital. welcome to the updates. so i am my cohort. you now student active based across the well, they've been trying to reverse roles and teach the universities the less than when he comes to the war and gather a protest. that movement has taken hold of the us. u. k. fronds and even australia in paris, demonstrators were forced to treated as one of the skews and cancel the french
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capital. i made a heavy police presence while people were physically drive away from their raleigh, the piracy skita political studies. now police at $91.00 the rest where made the best for take this from the university of california in los angeles where numerous demonstrators where detain additional police. unix was dispatched to vera's protest sides for night, rage, nighttime rates authorities, or the people to leave threatening more arrests if they disobeyed. officer has moved in and, and had one of the campus buildings after the students defied and alia, order to leave. this put, it shows how the demonstrators had settled barricades as they attempted to hold their ground. a new york has been a major forego point to all the student protest movement more than 2000. the people
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had been arrested in the past 3 weeks, and the demonstrators have been calling for an immediate cease fire and gather and accusing user all of genocide. now, many of the stand offs between police and protest as of erupt it into violence. wow. the now one of the protest open eyes as ron gutierrez outlined, how police both of the crunch down on what had been a peaceful protest or a demonstration here in los angeles at the university of southern california
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usc, about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning, early this morning, more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper pepper spray the students interested them. they were not being violent. they were simply indian captain insurance of defending kent meant to continue to demand that you see how they stopped investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are not getting up, and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to see it to support the students. the process will continue at u. c. l a and many universities throughout the country just yesterday or may, they may 1st more university started their, their accounts. so this is something that is going to continue across the country. we're not going to stuff a president biden himself as waiting on the protest saying that the us is not
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a place for december to them. seemingly dismissing the fact that many of the demonstrators on jewish themselves, we are not doing a far terry nation, where we silence people are squashed to say, the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus. no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students will while the us house of representatives this week approve the not the semitism awareness act of a bill seeks to broaden the official legal destination of on to submit to them or critic say it is an attempt to snuff out any criticism of these ready atrocities. wrong, good jazz again says of your forward use of god, the aims of the protest movement of old wrong we don't want anyone to be anti semitic. and a lot of our brothers and sisters,
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jewish brothers and sisters are in being cabinets across the country. many of the largest protests in the united states against the genocide, had been led by a courageous, jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue and for someone to isn't, this isn't it. this is an attempt by the us government to complete the to, to confuse the public and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic, that is back to not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism and yahoo, or demanding that he's step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against the government in israel. they're protesting against the genocide in israel . they are protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those rails are also anti semitic. well that's, that's their problem. but we know that we are not anticipating. we stand shoulder to shoulder with our jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the orientation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who would anti
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semitic, who just hates jewish people, we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so to say that, that our movements have anything to do with insects and it isn't, it's completely and absolutely wrong. and, and we did notice that the initial solidarity, several iranian universities are offering scholarships to 80 american. the european students kicked off the courses for taking part in the protest. archives use of july the half the story. as a fierce crack down on pro policy and demonstrators intensified cindy, west or want in universities are offering a safe haven for students and that you was and you were a poor facing expulsion and other repercussions for their participation and involvement in the demonstrations that prestigious shaheed the history university, that one is now the 2nd academic center in iran to announce, call, or ships for those who have been expelled or fucking with expansion for speaking
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out against is wells actions. and gosh, i'd be offer follows a similar initiative why she was university market growing. trend of support for protesters facing backlash for their pro palestinian stance in the west. che best eats, university said this color ships were provided cover. all educational expenses with accommodation included. there was supreme leader i to law common a also reacted to was on folding in the west think it shows the legitimacy off. it was per pessimism about the west. i want to, as on was i, this behavior with the american government was dispute in process has shown that rogers and this of france, pessimism towards the us and has supported the slogan down with the united states. it shows to everyone that the us is that cold list of these ro look for the us and their relation entities are doing to justify protests against israel dispute and south american universities. the north, sabotage deal or says fly,
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or do anything or anyone. since the onset of the gods, a conflict in general, these bunker public has offered all kinds of support to try to bring the war to one end. interestingly, when we look at the united states response, we use it as, instead of listening to the voice of its students, american officials are busy playing a blame game, calling the protesters. quote, ideological twins are for wanting. and officials. we're here to discuss the little causes that have risen up on campuses across america and the liberal, college administrators and politicians who refused to restore law and order and to protect other students. these little gaza is or disgusting success, pools of anti semitic hate, full of pro her mos sympathizers fanatics and freaks. protera sympathizers in these little gaza is art peacefully protesting israel's conduct in the war there violently and illegally, demanding death for israel,
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just like their audiological twins. the i a tell us in or on the blame game continues unabated mainstream media are reporting that east term rivals, such as iran, russia and china are covertly covertly attempting to offend the planes of pensions in the west. of course, the out provided no concrete evidence to support their claim relying solely on social media. post a news reports that express defense over the mistreatment of processors. and that was, for example, of the chinese vermont has criticized the unrest as western and have pol chrissy and double standards. yeah, to western media suggest that these posts are part of a converts team to perpetuate the term while and highlights the bind in administration's failure to address public sentiment at home. well, the message will lead by iran, russia and china is not complicated and is clear. they are just saying that the key
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to preventing further escalation is to listen to the voices of the students instead of punishing them and depriving them of their why to education. hobbies really got bends, is handed, which is 0. some news, some news of its own. it's been shut down to the country and made claims. it's a threat to national security. the cutoff based network is report to the bullying. illegal responds of these ready cabinet voted on sunday to shut down to network operations in the country for a period of at least 45 days of the communications minister branded the shadow. i didn't slice mid machine while the prime minister had already pledged last month, but he was going to pull the plug on the outlet. all it's broadcasting equipment, including cameras, laptops, and even some mobile phones will also be seized by let's get some thoughts on this. now and speak to that across like the political
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analyst profess to adapt all the all how you were done just now from. busy i'm really glad to have you join me right now. so how do you think you are? thank you. we thank you, michael. thank you. how do you know justify at this decision, bobby's really got been at his network. is it? so i do national security as being claimed. what's your thoughts on this uh, lets me say this uh before i uh uh tackle uh i just spoke to just the vacation dealer, set the light channels since its inception doing the 1996. it has the always been a severe headache, not too is why it enjoys this to rob the games and all of the apartments. i honestly speaking why?
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because the jersey, the gave uh, doing the 1996 up to 2000. the platform for is that i really uh pull up the options like delete the. it says show me a shame on uh, there is on the many uh, is the 80 politicians to express their views now or whether that the had be seen as a brake. if it'll buy it or not, that's it going to the shuttle point now. oh, sort of 2000. they have to a 1000. i was just the, the had the had been quite a more severe hit this is it like the government because i just see it as the daily coverage of that and the citizens in your resolve them and i'll ex,
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uh, was good and that will to abide by the city of lands uh in the west bank and get in. uh it does. uh, especially since the 7th of october 2023. when does that? palestinian uh, resistance. uh i did buy uh, a mazda into the, into the right guys. as the keyboards or supplements, i call them line to get off the lines by uh, eh, is an i yeah. and do we put into them as uh, a coup by the, to do it to these as a part of the whole nation over the, bought a stine, which is called now between 2 brackets as of right. so because of this, via the hendricks. uh, i just the, the, the, the codes, the 2 is there,
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i doing this a daily coverage. so the closure, the closure of, i'll just deal as the offices and then i'd be and swear and find a stein or uh, as ryan, because uh it has in my view, it has happened to munich piteously with the top of the heavy talk of invading the floor uh, between guys uh and the egypt or add to that southern lot of uh, guys that uh, all apart into the video. i mean that the, oh the uh is the, the prime minister doesn't want more of a coverage over just the lack of data. uh possible, uh and vision of uh, of uh, you know, during the uh,
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212 views. um, so the $212.00 days. uh, i just need, uh, has been also bombard. it has been on bar bone bar thing. uh, the that is really double month was its news on the coverage on the other side. is that why it has been in bombarded thing it does up with the bum uh, from that american made the but it will plays like it's 75 of 16. the apache, and there is, by the way, i am not a military man, but it is a cool one since a knowledge that does that is only 362 square kilometers. i mean, it doesn't for days such heavy will produce such heavy uh, wal mart as like the if you have the 5 on it's 16 but isn't i because it is
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a steep above the low supported the quality that just so we will put, it will go funds planning and, and spot distribution uh, from the united states of america, germany, france, uh, the older view. these countries will also pull off, also supporting you paying against that arise of the nation of russia, which we, uh, and the other one, especially in that goes, it says supports uh point out that uh, the items of russia to defend its national security. and we here in the gulf, no, just the people also the government's support the the. 3 russian, the chinese gathering now. all right, that's,
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that's really a quite apt because even on the floor of the united nations security council of russia and china have set it over and over again. it is time to cease fire and bring everyone to the table as far as the issues in the middle east are concerned now, but not yet, but the question, yes, sorry, sorry. let me ask this question. the child has, has been considering a legal response to the move. do you think it's it's, it's likely to overturn the bad, as well as the one eh, and the auto blue that goes upstairs guitar, uh as a mediator guitar as a matter of fact. and then either of the tooth was uh and does uh, it had succeeded uh into a chief in st. uh. see cit, buyers uh,
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which uh had resulted into uh, the lease of more than $100.00. uh, is that i these women, children, i'm a elderly uh people and also understand that it is over more than one and 220 policy. did you had it for me? is that right? any j is? i will go to say, i haven't said that everybody likes to cease to, i guess what's been the, i mean to know for his own. pearson on pauses doesn't want this to is until last night. what does that got? that is, when the c i a william burns, and when the egyptians a gathering of how much gathering inc. title, he made the list of items and the photos, the declarations or announcements to put the obstacles in
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front of that meeting last night. why? because he knows very well, he's aware of the fact that if this war in guys still he would go behind the present box. so bouncing about that, well, okay, but that's, that's what a lot of people are seeing. how sad is it to link the coverage of the lives of publish tv and suffering in gaza? something out of g 0. it has been doing to the support of have mazda americans while the, how much the militants supported by the whole does on by the or palestinians, and del co pays palestinian lands and there was the bad enjoy those of them. despite the disasters that that got the total fees resulted in $2.00 days, variety of bombings and healing. we have now more than 150000 find us that is between uh,
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monitors in june and the better. and that is that about 60 percent of these people are most 70 percent of these. the people are children and the woman. and despite of this, every single ballast again and, and guys that, and that was the banking euro is an, or at, in that, in that a pilot by this time to divide 90 for the a, the, or to say we all supporting that existence. i by the way, the mike a it's, it's been just, i must fighting and goes to the hands on his time is fight thing is that i and goes and got it. is that the through all the times, you know, the pretty gaze of the model of the, of what are the, what's the for the, the gates of the national bmo craddick from to the, i'm sorry them would you i hey, dean uh the issue i that i love well alex,
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the market is very, is single every single uh faction of, uh, palestine united, fighting uh, in uh, in guys uh uh, those those, despite the fact there is a defense in the identity between, for example, the gaze over the monitor of what are the most of the, of the how much unsettle yeah, i'll post on the other hand, despite that i do is you tell the distinction or the difference between the mitigates of the national people, plastic front and those that islamic, i don't know just the functions like a mouse and the shuttle yeah. what's the general was the big gates? yes. or are we have too many people in the world? not that would have just again 75 giving us and the ok. thank you for giving us the insight into all of this is really very educative. professor, dr. ali, all right,
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how are you? well, thank you so much for your inside. got that now let's turn to the well as largest democratic exercise now and the ongoing general election in india. it's the 1st time the dispute and cash me a region is taking pots in special autonomy status was received in 2019. the territory is claimed to by india as well as neighboring pakistan and china. the the indian gap and strips bids territory up at special status after crashes with the pakistani forces resulted in thousands of many feet casualties on both sides. the province was also shaken by a separate his protest, but the more recent years locals have tried to balance instead of bottles as our
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teeth rouge's shaw, my reports, the, the gosh muse haven't or no gosh musical. so what is the most militarized zooms in the world? has really been a focal point due to political tensions. you know, it was 2019 the marine, the more the government stick, a bold decision that delivery to, to across the nation. and the was obligation of all to go $370.00. and for the 1st time since john, one gosh, mute is 14 pop. how about a job? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote. we want to express ourselves through voting election, sir. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been in flash points between india. i'm focused on since 1947
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. gosh, me was enjoy the special stages of independence in most areas, accepted defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago, during the multi built 70 years of use suite, direct control of the state of police and mentors elect donald from this most during his trauma and image nationally. but the valley is not to be to be strong court. they are contesting only 3 of the 5 fundament receipts hills came to the beach, if he has no ground in cost me a. they have not filed candidates because they know they'll get nothing. here we go by jump on to go, 370 was our identity and they took it away. they betrayed us. the contest here is essentially among 3 regional bodies, b, b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national guard and friends looks about by a run candidate from so you know, the constituency, collections of the 1st time
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because human, this is happening off the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2090 august i 2019 the and tie of shape of doing crush me both politically and constitutionally dental changed on august size has deep if it's not in the only in the functioning of the state. looking at the psyche of the people of them when crush me, we have the sentiment that this is not we this no to why we actually due to the union of nearly exceeded off on certain principles. and we excited for you to know certain constitution getting things and democratic rights. and all those principles will open on that day. the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that to enjoy was smashed the democratic rights of the people
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because we recognize the status of the state of georgia. and all this happened. the doctor will and visual difficulty because we and the process was completed on democratic unconstitutional. so this is the 1st opportunity for the people of the human crush me to express to the means of democracy. that opinion about those of visions. and i believe that people are the ones we do not subscribe to that, those decisions, this historical elector landscape in india, as only muslim majority and state, is it going dest not to marry a valid but of identity of years of conflict? and overall, to go $370.00 in the last few years, millions of to was have look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa, and they would start to would with this new found gain. there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's
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a waiting game loss versus gain. data suggests supp locked down. stone felting us use that are incidents have gone down last degree since all to go 370 going to do your send them up. jordan christian need also listed on some 50 films, was shot in the body last deal. why should my people or my youngsters not have the same privileges as they get to know the parts of the country said one was one of them having they want to send him on to be kept on saying that they didn't not have the luxury of what you're, you're sending one like you and i did sitting in jail more even cost me. why? oh, i leaving the to ride. also call us directed to impress, misleading comments we and report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about beauty, art and culture hub for handicraft. during his 1st visit to the region in march
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this yard off to the imposing direct soon living, the more you know, projects what $774000000.00 to support the locals. he also bought a ham, splunk brush mino shown from a local office and literally just shaw. but one, the hopes of the industry that's been heard by yoseph militancy, an unstable to an order well invested in these, the level of support from m indigo, a majority come, i know and the support should have gone into properties to proper people. so that this or the engine or when sort of life in the land of leaks know kept peaks and south some fields, the promise of democracy collides with the spectre of conflict. as crush me, what's the eyes of the world are on this troubled pharaoh dies. ridge and sharma,
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audi sri know guard by may to tanks have been seen on the streets of the russian capital, but perhaps not the way something had helped. it will be as ortiz, english down of explains. so this stat and i'm standing on top of it, is actually the best in the world for either the united states. wanted everybody to believe that well, they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well that was until the 1st machines like this one appeared just outside the town of, of dave come for many, certainly for this one that became the final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these tanks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple coming. kazi drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry, marius cracked. but every one of them carries the flag of the country that menu
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fact to them. in the bold statements nature was selling the equipment as an absolute.


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