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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the k austin, the campus us before with these attempt to break up some of the pro palestinian demonstrations that have taken proved to get a subsidies across the country leaving it arrived. call us directed to impress, misleading pharmacy, and report to us by the way the media has r t. it gets rare access to the complex written cast me a region has locals across the ballads in india is general election. so the stag i'm spending on top of it is actually the best in the world for the united
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states. wanted everybody to believe that in terms a lot of nato supposedly game changing hardware is put on display in moscow after being captured from ucr 80. and for the, the hello, the welcome to arch international i a michael point joe with the latest updates now student activist across the well, they've been trying to revise roles and teach the universities the less than when it comes to the war and gaza. that protested movement has taken hold of the u. s. u k. frauds and even australia in paris, demonstrators were forced to retreat. that's one of the students counts in the french capital. i made a heavy police presence while people were physically drawn the way from their radi of powers institute of political studies. police at the $9.00 to $1.00 arrests when
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made the on this such a just from the university of california in los angeles, where numerous demonstrators were detained, additional police units were dispatched to various protest sides for nighttime range authorities ordered people to leave threatening more arrests. if they disobeyed office has moved into manns and one of the campus buildings after the students defied an area order to leave. now, this with it, shows how the demonstrators had set up barricades as they attempted to hold their grounds. on new york has been a major focal point to the students, protest movement more than 2000 people have been the rest of them. the last 3 weeks of the demonstrators have been calling for an immediate cease fire and gas and accusing use relevant genocide. many of the stand ups between police and protest as a vi wrapped it into violence. wow.
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the now one of the protest organizes around goats as outlined. how police brutally cracked down on what had been a peaceful demonstration. here in los angeles, at the university of southern california usc about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning. early this morning, more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper, pepper spray, the students interested them, they were not being buying it. they were simply in the account. and in terms of
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defending camp meant to continue to demand that you see how they stop investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are not getting up, and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to you through to support the students. the process will continue at u. c. l a and many universities throughout the country just yesterday on may. they may 1st more university started their, their accounts. so this is something that's going to continue across the country. it's, we're not going to stop by president bobby and himself as waiting on the protest saying that to us is another place one to submit to them. certainly dismissing the fact that many of the demonstrators jewish themselves, we are not in a far terry nation where we silenced people are scars to say. the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any
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campus, no place in america for enter semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. but while the us house of representatives has this week approved and and to submit to some awareness that the bill seeks to broaden the official legal destination, no bound to semitism. but critics feed us on the tab to no fault. any criticism of these ready atrocities run good chairs again said that the forward use of god the aims of the protest movement over wrong. we don't want anyone to be anti semitic. and a lot of our brothers and sisters, jewish brothers and sisters are envying companies across the country. many of the largest protests in the united states against the genocide had been led by our courageous, jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue of anti semitism, this is an, this is an attempt by the us government to complete the, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic, that is back to not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of
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people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism and yahoo, or demanding that he's step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against the government in israel, they're protesting against the genocide in israel. they are protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those rallies are also anti semitic. well that's, that's their problem. but we know that we are 9 for somebody we spend shoulder to shoulder with a jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the occupation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who would anti semitic, who just hates jewish people, we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so to say that, that our movements have anything to do with insects, and it isn't. it's completely and absolutely wrong and, and we did nonsense, but let's discuss the topic with french lawyer, philip deville fed up,
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is good to have you join me right now. are you surprised that the wave of pro guys up protest is now reached bronze and good afternoon 1st i'm thank you to advise me under chatting up. oh, i am not surprised, surprised. that's all because of the so it isn't. it's a new political issue. we friends coming from the way of how for a missing immigration we got into significant problem bit to us. it before. it was a long time ago regarding the, the decision of so we, we, we, we know we, the 9 will put the yellow at the, the yellow sign on, on the jewish community. because it was advised by, by a prize who was june coverage. but this is far away, no dentist to meet, is it something very different than the? well, the link was terrorism, criminal line,
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which is coming from 2006 with the keeping of the land lease was due by a gang. and that because it was you did, you was reach then we have to add them to lose. of do we school was that was dropped by a mom and there are 233 kids as we do we do. um we have also the affair. all right, give me, will you a buzz could barely prorate. uh, was the decided not to be personally responsible. so its a huge way from the rece. the issue of and civic uh, civic is experiencing problems. now we have seen ryan please sent in to disperse. the students who've been standing and so the dire to with gather if they had been making the protest and support of these role. we have seen the same reaction from the fall reduce or well,
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if you decide to reset the kind of a use of the goals, i'm the student in france to be to fight against the war and goes on to i choose is early army on the he's ready to make a genocide on the, on the, on the population of guys. and this is terrible because old as this community never complained, for example, about the, the slaughter of armenians include in the, i cover of our. so if you to do fight, it's a combination of lift, lift to sides, you try the lift side. uh, what is the gold standard use to use this issue? you can do you something the student to level now the annual on to submit to them world wide report which was compiled,
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vice rodney's call. us say that they has been one of the biggest ever spikes of under semitism, seen in the world, including in france. well, 1676 of the semitic incidents were recorded in the last year compared to 456 in 20. 22. why are we seeing this tread? is it surely down to the war or something more? i think it's both the, the, the, the war a, it's a kind of a, a, a leak always a kind of and also to, to uh uh tu, tu, tu, tu increase in 1075 just my uh, phoenix and fox it on there out there. so the service from rudco pocky 12 with the kind of, uh, cb, lauren from between the wisdom community and the french community because they want to come to power by revolution are seeking war because that they know that with the
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votes, it's very difficult for them to get the power and this is very, very dangerous for the french, a stability in politics. now, how call concerning his son to be during the 1st instance. in fact, i, as i told you at the beginning, the end, despite the signs, are coming from far, not just coming from the 7 of october and the, the read the easily uh the, the, the disease or the war against a mass on the, on the, the on the get it, i'm just on the stripe. i think it says i told you the feelings that to use it's used on it's a feeling of far beyond the the wisdom community when making an issue with the jewish community. and from, for example, i have to give you example because to go until rates go pick it. well the samsung
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b, which is the department, was which is that i right, i can cross on all, all the jew community. the community has left because it was ventures for their safety. most of them left the display of products and a lot of the jewish community is a friend of what screwed up and uh, for the, for that family. the for the protocol, the safety goes, we come to the friends, practice of friends, government come provide the secrets default for each a ju was a french citizen across. okay, now in the meantime the, the euro med human rights money, just as of the pro palestinian campaign in fronds it's been repressed and silent. a prominent left wing n p was even someone for questioning over a large justification of terrorism for making your stand against the use ready, offensive being gaza. how do you expect the situation to play out in the country?
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it was of course, that they're seeing that there is a oppression regarding the is freedom of speech because of course you can call name of this even gets lost in the back into stripe of guys of course. but you part of the they are pushing too far on most of the people criticizing is really a really tell reaction. a never said that of us. it's a terrorism. it's september was organization. in fact, what if the, i must have not done a lot during the civil cover? i, i, i, i don't think that he's right with, i've talked to the struck up guys a, it's a war like you toward the trend like it's a war in each was a war in the, in the hike are of our with the, as every actually toward human, but this is a good way to them to a to give
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a big line against the, the ceiling, so against the jews and from the on the associate, the image of the jews to the ease ease are really pretty decent, which is very unfair, very. and said, well, why do you see any and insides to the challenges we're facing in the world is criticizing in gaza. what are you able to spam detracted the criticizing the, the, the, what is happening in guys out on the it's, it's not, this is the freedom of speech, but the fact. so you'll, you'll have to, to, to make a reasonable approach. and the, it's very complicated for is really a country where you else you, you have to use royal, you have one mediums of cushion citizens sitting there. and you are also a russian hostages. so of regarding the own, all the countries is ready of the states is considered like
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a calling at least state. i'm the, the, it's, it's issues he's right, but of course we can discuss of that. but what i see it's, we never explain why there is missing is riley, which are very web integrated use right in the ring. caught on, they are you inside the country. they are leaving the sweets on there and they happy to meet these are the citizens. so i think there is a winning to destroy the image of these around all over the world. and who knows what time happened. all the countries who are with these icing is read you some even some day that some problem on the face, the war we side did we, did we see them to, well, they would see if there are criticize if there is a issue in the old countries all right, we have to leave you here. now,
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thank you so much, definitive deville, a french lawyer for your insight on this. thank you very much. thank you. or are moving ahead now government's hand at all. i'll just hear some news of its own and it's been shut down in the country and made claims. it's a threat to national security of the catawba is natural. it says it's preparing a legal response to that. are these are the cabinets voted on sunday to shut down the networks operations in the country for a period of at least $45.00 days. the communications minister, branded the child and inside the machine, while the prime minister had already pledged last month that he was going to pull the plug on the outlet. all it's broadcasting new equipment, including cameras, laptops, and even some mobile phones would also be seized. now let's turn our attention to the wills,
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largest democratic exercise. now on the ongoing general election in india, it's the 1st time the dispute a cash me a region is taking part. seems it special. autonomy status was rescinded in 2019 of the territories claimed by india as well as neighboring practice, done, and china. the now the indian got been stripped the territory of its special status after practice with practice, dunney forces resulted in thousands of military casualties on both sides of the province was also shaken by separatist protests. but in more recent years. busy holes of 10 to ballots instead of bundles as archie is richard shaw. my reports. the
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gosh music heaven. oh no, gosh, music also. what does the most militarize zooms in the world? have the focal point due to political tensions? you know, it was 2019 the knowing the more the government stick, a bold decision that drivel very good across the nation and the world obligation of all to go $370.00. and for the 1st time since john, one gosh, me is 14 pop. how about a job? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote. we want to express ourselves through voting election, sir. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been in flash points between india and focused on since 1947. gosh me who has enjoyed a special stages of independence in most areas, accepted defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago,
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during the multi built 70 years of his sweet direct control of the state of fulfillment of his elect, donald trump is bolstering his strong mind image nationally. but the valley is not to be to be strong cold. they are contesting only 3 of the 5 parliament receipts hills came to the beach if he has no ground and custom. yeah. they have not filed candidates because they know they'll get nothing to go by jump on to go 370 was our identity. they took it away, they betrayed us. the contests here is essentially amongst 3 regional bodies, b, b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national conference looks about by a run candidate from so you know, the constituency elections for style. because human this is happening off the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2090 august i 2019 the and tie of the shape of
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doing crush me both politically and constitutionally dental changed on august size has deep if it's not in the, on the into functioning or the state looking at the psyche of the people of them when crush me. we have the sentiment that this is not we this no, to why we exceeded to the union of india. we exceeded a on certain principals and we excited for individual enough to attend a constitution guarantees and democratic rights. and all those principles were working on that day. the dignity that the people of them would crush me to the constitution of india that they enjoyed was smashed. the democratic rights of the people snatched the status of the state of georgia. she was degree. those do i did . and all this happen without the vin and visual difficulty because we and the process was completely on democratic and unconstitutional. so this is the 1st
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opportunity for the people of the human crush me to express the means of democracy . that opinion about those visions. and i believe that people are doing because we do not subscribe to that. those decisions, this historical elector landscape in india as only muslim majority state, is a con. dest, no, to marry of ballots, but of identity of years of conflict, and overall to go 370 in the last few years, millions of to was how look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa, and the wallet stuff to would with this new found again, there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain data suggests that locked down stones belting. a few steps of incidence have gone down last degree since i want to go $370.00 going to your cinema jordan cushion. needles lifted on some 50 films. was shot in the
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body last. yeah. why should my people on my youngsters north have the same privileges as they get to another 5? so the country said one was one of them having they want to send them on probably a laptop for that they did not have the luxury of what you're, you're sending one like you and i did sitting in jail more, it would cost me what i need when it arrives, also call us directed to impress misleading, foreman's lee, and report to us by the way. the media has classes that she was also about beauty, arts, and cultural hub for handicrafts during his 1st visit to the region in march this yard off to the imposing direction, leaving the muddy announced project split 700 and $74000000.00 to support the locals he also bought a ham. splunk should be no shown from
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a local autism little gesture, but one that laid a whole to the industry that's been heard by yoseph militancy and on stay below. and although well invested in these, at the level of support from m indigo, a majority come, i know and the support should have gone into properties to proper people. so that this over to engine on when sort of why in the land of leaks know kept peaks and south from for you the promise of democracy collides with the specter of conflict. as cushion means votes, the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies. origin sharma, audi srinagar. right? nato tags have been seen on the streets of russian capital, but perhaps the way some had once hoped. as r d,
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as he goes down of explains so this stagg, i'm standing on top of it is actually the best in the world, or uh, the united states wanted everybody to believe that where they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hot stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this $1.00 to pay a just outside the town of, of dave come for many, sadly for this one that became that final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these banks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple coming. kazi drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry anerio scratch. but every one of them carries the flag of the country that manufactured them. in the bold statements, nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. united states will be sending $31.00 abram tags to ukraine,
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the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion, dave, those tanks are the most capable tanks in the world. look when it comes to the abrams tank. and we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs, and we're gonna, we're and continued to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there is no doubt about it. but this charge skeleton is inside a massive p out as us to, for the inside and they to blog. because as i'm standing amid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. because well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nathan military engineering. this is a, a german made lip, a tank. and one of its new a modifications. the 2 a $61.00. yet it is here, a reminder that all these tanks, infantry fighting vehicles um and personnel carriers, they did not live up to the expectation before the conflict ukraine broke out.
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russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits office, the invoice of the us, britain, germany, france, and poland. a v i. p pos, to skip the line, and visit the exhibition. now it's being only a couple of hours past noon on day one of the events you had already thousands of people have showed up. in fact, the organizers have told me that they did not really anticipate this popularity, but they are going out of the way to make everybody feel welcome. like here they are treating everybody willing to hop on the food that they prepare here. they even bake red on the sport just so that every visitor has something to fill the bellies with under. just to add a touch of emotion to this exhibition. know is an interesting fact. some nato equipment that was provided to ukraine is not here,
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not because it is so invincible, but rather because it was simply and quite literally on fits for the ukrainian battlefield. the challenge it to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not the foss this tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing destroying another time. just this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it here in ukraine because of its lability is actually even simple repairs of equipment that they salvage from the front lines can become a challenge for the ukranian army before the stuff gets up on the i'm just looking at the with the supply of western weapons reduced to a minimum ukrainian army engineers are forced to improvise that. they call it cannibalization. collecting one serviceable artillery piece from the remains of
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many damaged ones. senior unexpected solutions can be useful here. where does this pipe is from a commercial excavator? not all the solution is not provided in the instructions, but it works. oh, this world with 2 era mazda anti tank, gun sub nazi germany, and this infantry fighting vehicle, mazda service, ukraine. whatever you give, key of will burn is not the only message of russia he's sending him makers done of reporting from moscow artsy but archie did companies where you can get for the details of all the stories were following these hours. thanks for watching and i'll see you again, the
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phone and welcome to once a part, trade getting tired, treat total security or additions for peace. a last thing, settlement of the premium conflict with require different given takes from each of the parties. but 1st, that would probably have to parts we have the own sense of righteousness does the historical moment or the nature of this conflict allow for this or to discuss that . i'm now joined by geoffrey roberts emeritus professor of history of the university college for professor roberts is always a great pleasure, personal, a pleasure to talk to you. but on top of that, i'm part in that some academic exchanges between western and russian scores continue as this crisis continues to escalate. where do you think we are in a, in this the battle of what stage? the conflict tests taken? i think um my, my, my car in for you is over and it were in
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a very dangerous not much of the danger, right. this is the same thing. you said last time we talked the way, it's actually a score districts, god bless you have multi just yes because the closer but the ukraine comes to the fate of the most desperate potentially reckless the west is again about powerful um, extreme. his voice is uh, becoming so he is quite possible that that deal. then we may see some extreme actions to postop ukraine's defense. and then obviously there will be a danger of escalation arising out those actions. what do you see as potentially extreme actions from the side of the west? because it's clear that the ukraine is becoming more liberal in its open use of terrace tactics. but what about the wes 12? i mean old talking about is the introduction of western troops in some phone. that issue seems to be on the agenda again. there's also 2.


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