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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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committee without a project made their redevelopment, and after that you don’t have to present the original appearance, in court it is possible to preserve the premises in a redesigned form, this is the first opportunity, the second opportunity, which is allowed by the supreme court, in the case of unauthorized redevelopment, you can do it agree with the municipality on... fact. so, let's repeat the main thing. since april 1 , the concept of redevelopment has expanded. this includes everything that changes the shape of the room and requires a change in the technical plan apartments. local authorities are responsible for approval. the application must be reviewed within 45 days, and the finished work must be accepted within a month maximum. redevelopment is considered completed from the date the information is updated in the state real estate register. would you like to learn more about government services related? with
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apartment renovation or about which house can be considered residential and which not, write to us in the telegram channel, send your questions, we will ask experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our program.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. give me a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. in the recent past, a psychiatrist
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and a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you me i’ll kill you, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you know how to look right into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into him head, look in the application or on the website.
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blurs with all the ensuing consequences. if we talk about the orenburg region, then there is, say, in quotation marks, a golden dam worth almost a billion rubles, and rek faizulin, the minister of construction, correctly said that this dam is not worth that kind of money, and of course, the investigation will be carried out, because there is such a dam, in fact, they just poured soil. sand - about a billion
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rubles, this is complete nonsense, in this regard, i remind you that we have more than half of the hydraulic structures in total... 700 hydraulic structures are ownerless, that is, there is no owner at all, municipal and regional authorities, which should be responsible, of course, they have no money, this story repeats itself every year, in this regard, i sent a letter to the chairman of the government mikhail vladimirovich mishuskin with a proposal to take over all hydraulic structures in the russian federation at the federal level. it is necessary to check their condition in advance in the fall and winter, because as soon as a flood comes, and it always comes suddenly, it turns out that they are not ready and breaks through where quite recently, local authorities in the region, walking along this dam,
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said that it will last forever that it will withstand everything, moreover, the water there has already risen by more than 7 m, and the maximum protection from water of this dam is 5.5 m. what kind of dam is this? and here, of course, you need to point order, and i am sure that the regional authorities, through whose fault such emergencies occur, must leave their posts without fail. people do not understand why they found themselves alone with this element. moreover, i can’t say anything about the so-called payments. listen, 10,000 rubles for complete loss of property 100,000 rubles. rub. houses cost millions of rubles. what are we talking about? and what kind of compensation is this? and, of course, i understand that the regional authorities do not have money, it is clear that the federal budget needs to be involved, but with people shouldn’t do this, moreover, with
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people, few people really talk at all, they are rude there, turn off the phones, put the phones away and so on, this is not power, this is...
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and need, i think that power is representative, and we represent just our many national people, i could have my say here, and of course, i will emphasize again, we need to reconsider the procedure for payments in such emergency situations, the payments that are due today are nothing, and people understand that this is just a mockery , how should they continue to live, how can they exist, many have completely lost their homes, they don’t know what’s next? to do, and here, of course, completely different material assistance is needed, and of course, i will emphasize once again, you need to talk to people, you need to listen to them, hear them, unfortunately, i have the feeling that local authorities are not doing this today, well, the facts
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continue to monitor the flood situation, now the question is on a different topic, the other day, with your support, a public organization was created, we are russians, the first question is, what are the main ideas? the goals of this movement, what this movement will do, and why it was created in general, well, first of all, we want to unite everyone who is russian in spirit, our president very correctly said, russian is more than nationality, by the way, in the constituent, representatives of various nationalities from our multinational russian people took part in the founding conference, and we believe that those who... are russian-minded, russian-speaking, those for whom the russian world is not empty words, these people, we must unite, for what? well, firstly, we must resist russophobia, by the way, i think that in the future, in the state duma, probably,
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together with all factions , a law will be introduced that will introduce the concept of russophobia into the criminal code into the code of administrative offenses, because.. if there is a war against us, we must clearly formulate what russophobia is, and accordingly, punish for the manifestation of this russophobia, including through the criminal code. so, here... the main idea: we are going to defend our russian world, we are going to resist russophobia, we want to protect our compatriots abroad, who are having a very difficult time, to help them, those who want to return to their homeland now, many people want to now, and of course but we want to make sure that this concept of russians, we are russians, we are russians, becomes very clear and understandable. the slogan that was heard at this conference, we were, we will be, we are
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russians, it is consonant, i will emphasize this again, with all of our multinational people, and i am convinced that this new all-russian social movement will be very effective, including, by the way, i think we will make our contribution to the support and formulation of the future state ideology, which... is necessary to fulfill all the norms of our ministry of justice to create
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a regional branch in half of the constituent entities of the russian federation, now we are doing this, we are doing it very quickly, there are a lot of people willing, during the founding conference our representatives from both spain and finland spoke, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, and of course, this is not accidental, because people understand that... the creation of such an all-russian social movement is now very timely and very necessary, so i think that in answer to your question, how to become a member, this is exactly sergei koryakin was with us at our conference, our magnificent, true patriotic chess player, and we first must register, that is, so that it is officially registered by the ministry of justice of the social movement, and then, of course, anyone can...
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who wants to erase russia, everything russian from history, russian culture, and we need to resist this, this idea originated from below, including by our compatriots abroad, they said, well, let's unite somehow, let's defend our common russian world, our a common russian home, responding to these wishes, we have created, and of course, local branches abroad will be created, and those who wish are already actively... there are a significant number of people joining, this will be a truly powerful
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all-russian movement that will have their representative offices, including abroad. on a social topic, i want to ask you, last week the state duma heard a report from the central bank, during which the head of the central bank also proposed measures to combat poverty. how do you assess these measures of the central bank's policy as a whole? our faction abstained from voting on the central bank's countdown for 2023, we are absolutely not satisfied with the so-called floating, in fact sinking exchange rate of our national currency, the ruble, we are not satisfied with the highest discount rate - loans are expensive, listen, but if now, for example, our industrial giants, for example, kamaz, their profitability there is less than 5%, they can get a loan at least at 18-19%, this is at best, what are we talking about? it turns out that this discount rate, no matter what the chairman of the central bank says, is ruining
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our economy, our processing industry, if our profitability among gas workers and oil workers goes beyond 100%, here is real production, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aviation building there literally the first interest is profitable, the discount rate, of course,
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cannot pay both the interest and the main debt, because they have no means of subsistence, and holding a credit amnesty would be correct, and of course, if we are talking about increasing the minimum amount wages, the president correctly set a good level by 1930, but this needs to be done now, and here you really need to think not about the profit of the bank, which, by the way, has a profit of 3.3 trillion rubles. banks did a good job for 2023, but people are the end making ends meet, in this regard, the proposal of the central bank does not suit us at all, which is why our faction of the socialist party of a fair russia , patriot for truth, abstained from voting on the report of the central bank for 2023. yes, sergei mikhailovich, you touched on the topic of the minimum wage;
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indeed, enterprises have tariff rates and employee salaries. it turned out that the employer now has the right to set a base rate that is less than the minimum wage to be recruited for at the expense of various coefficients for various preferential charges to reach the minimum wage, this is absolutely wrong, today, when
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people have this base rate for a smaller company, and in order to receive... i hope that our initiative will be considered , including representatives of other factions, well, to what extent, in continuation of this topic, since april a number of medical workers began to receive salary increases, do you think this measure will be able to solve the problem of the shortage of doctors in russia, and what else can be done? i receive mail from our doctors, here is the
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same deception, unfortunately, i will call a spade a spade, i am exposing... our president, the president promised doctors, for those who work in populated areas - with a population of 100,000 rubles. 29,000 doctors, 13,000 paramedical personnel, for those who work in settlements with a population of 50,000 or less, 50,000 doctors, and approximately 30,000 medical personnel, what is really happening? i’ve already received a letter, imagine how... the doctors were happy, they they said, well, finally, well, how much can you suffer, finally the president thought about us, now we are waiting for us to receive, let’s say the same 50,000, you know how much, you know how much we received, 1. rub, and why ? but because everything is very simple, they immediately cut everything, increased it, which means, supposedly, the rate was removed from
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all allowances, any allowances, for overtime, for additional work, for difficulties. for anything, everything, here are the real payments from april 1, people have already received the accruals that they will now receive, they have there it turns out that compared to the march salary, they receive one thousand and a half rubles more, but this is a deception, this, well, that is , it turns out that all this is happening due to some bureaucratic delays in places, of course, because, well firstly, look, let's be honest, all these salaries are paid from regional budgets. if the president sets such a federal task, then, of course, it cannot be solved without the help of the federal budget, and the employer does not need to be disingenuous, but there is no need to do it clearly...
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givers, educators, all our doctors should receive the same salaries , regardless of the subject of the federation where they work, because we know how people leave, we are naked, we have subjects of the federation where there is simply a catastrophic shortage of doctors, and why ? but because in a literally neighboring region they pay 10 to 15 thousand rubles more, and people go there, this is unacceptable, here it is necessary to establish uniform tariffs, uniform... payments, this is the president’s decision, it is absolutely correct, it fair, but only implemented at the expense of , as you said correctly, all these bureaucratic costs and tricks, unfairly
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put aside to the world. well, a separate topic is the support of svo participants. you recently proposed to allocate land plots to them for free, but have you heard support for this initiative and how can this mechanism work? i’ll answer your question now, i just remembered, i’m now receiving letters, we have so-called interdistrict clinics of the district hospital, they were not affected by this at all, just like they were not affected emergency doctors, this is wrong, unfair, here too we must not forget about them, now on our initiative, yes, we have introduced such a bill, we believe that participants in a special military operation should have the right to receive a land plot of up to 1 hectare in any . of our country, with the exception of cities of federal significance, these are moscow, st. petersburg, the hero city of sevastopol, with the exception of crimea, with the exception of the krasnodar territory,
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the kaliningrad region and the southern federal district and the north caucasus federal districts. in addition, we believe that in the liberated and new subjects, in the new subjects of the russian federation, i mean the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye region and kherson region, our participants in the special military.
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2:58 am
i suggest changing the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure. passenger, guerin addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white. bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us. having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something against china, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own security. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest martial art and even thought out psychological little things, the bet was
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that. that will be the very counter-offensive, the very miracle that will save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under the window. of course, you will run into a machine gun fire, but you will no longer be able to escape from it. our corps left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, 24, 2124, that’s the situation. now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and now is the time to sort everything out, it’s not the time to act somehow, questions,
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suggestions, objections, right? what do you want? 100 years ahead! the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the center and south-west groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, a train with western weapons and equipment in the udochny area was destroyed, as well as personnel and equipment of the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at the
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loading station. in the balakleya area and control point drones, in addition, eliminated 24


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