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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  November 7, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains...
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this is wjz tv, baltimore. >> from the city to the counties to your neighborhood, now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. gang take down. police raids target nearly 50 dangerous black guerilla family members. >> why it was fueling much of the violence across the city. hello, everyone. >> here's what people are talking about tonight. >> police battled back against a notorious gang. we have more on the massive strike against the gang. >> reporter: well, police issued 48 arrest warrants all in the greenmount area. a community they say has been plagued by gang violent.
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driving down the darkened streets of the greenmount community where murals painted on walls remember those who lost their lives. it's here police say the black guerilla family terrorized the streets. >> they need to be off the streets where people can sleep and night and feel safe. >> reporter: now many of them. police and federal agents went after 48 alleged members. the gang is connected to at least 13 murders and 12 shootings dating back to 2005. one of those killed, carlos williams. they say he was targeted because he opened a drug rehab center near the place gang members sold drugs. >> i walk my dogs, and i take my butt in the house. >> reporter: the police commissioner says the raids here in this neighborhood are just the beginning. >> this is where we start cutting the head off this organized group and bringing
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them to justice. >> this sweeping indictment against gang members will dismantle and eliminate their organization. >> reporter: they hope that's true. >> this round up and the anticipated convictions hold steady, it will be good for everybody. >> reporter: so people living here can walk the streets without fear of violence. and prosecutors hope to try many of the suspects together under the city's gang statute. that comes with a maximum 20- year sentence. live at city police headquarters for wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. the family is same gang investigators sed a widespread contraband smuggling operation. two people are killed and four people hurt in a crash in hunt valley. it happened just after 10:00 p.m. at the intersection of york road and thornton mill road. police say three cars were involved in the car. no word on what caused it. we are on the way to the scene.
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we'll bring you the latest information as soon as we get it. robbers strike again for the third time in four days. police say a woman was walking near townsen gate drive when a tan nissan drove up. this follow attacks and police have not said if this latest victim is a student. the fda is ready to take a bold step outlawing transfats in a all foods. it causes heart disease but it's still found in a lot of food we take for granted. while some food manufacturers may fight the ban, many local restaurants support the move. >> reporter: years after several major u.s. cities, including baltimore, banned transfats from restaurants, the food and drug administration is joining the move against transfats calling them unsafe. now the agency is considering a
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nationwide ban on the artery- clogging oil. >> there's no redeeming quality to transfats, and there's every reason in the world to get them off our shelves. >> reporter: they're considered the worst kind of oil for your heart. they're tasty in muffins and cookies and allow those products to last longer on store shelves. but they have been linked to a higher risk of heart attack and other diseases. >> they increase inflammation throughout the body which we have seen as a precursor for many disease entities. >> i'm surprised it took so long. >> reporter: the cooks at jimmy's restaurant made the healthy switch five years ago, months before baltimore banned transfats in restaurants. he says some of his customers asked for the move back then. he believes the fda will make a swift move to get the ban in place. >> i have no doubt it will be
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approved. people are too health conscious and these transfats have been linked with a lot of serious issues. >> reporter: new york was the first state to ban transfats. baltimore followed suit in 2009. >> researchers say at least 20,000 heart attacks can be prevented every year just by removing transfats from processed foods. tonight president obama is apologizing to americans for the affordable health care act. he says he's sorry people are losing health insurance plans that he told them they'd be able to keep. millions of people have gotten cancellation letters in the mail. the president also says that the website is not working and it is his responsible to fix it. too close to call late into the night in annapolis. ballots are being counted and recounted in a high drama race to decide the state capital's next mayor. pat warren is closely following developments. >> reporter: this started at 9:00 o'clock this morning and
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they're still at it now. before they can even count the votes, they have to deal with the challenges. it's a first for annapolis. the outcome of the mayor's race hinges on a few hundred absentee ballots. a battery of lawyers for each candidate, a panel of election officials, a crowd of partisan voters, and every single one of them gets to challenge every ballot. how long do you think this will take? >> it doesn't matter. >> reporter: election officials must determine if absentee ballots qualify for the official count. josh wowen has the advantage of his party outnumbering republicans 2-1. >> they're a challenge to this fella.
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>> we wanted to make sure the will of the people is done and the law is followed. >> reporter: some annapolis voters discontented with high water bills and plans to renovate the beloved city dock putting their personal preferences ahead of political party which is why the election ended with an 82-vote lead for pantaledes and this cliff hanger for the city. and at this point, we don't know how long they will continue tonight or when they will get a final count. reporting live from annapolis, now back to you on tv hill. >> no one imagined it would go this long. thank you very much. >> reporter: never. >> both candidates say they're optimistic about the outcome. one of the most powerful typhoons in history has hit the philippines and it is far from over. weather experts are warning the damage will be catastrophic. you can already see flooding and very strong winds. and radar shows the massive
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storm churning right before it made land fall. how big could this be, bob? >> as you said, catastrophic damage. when you think about how big this storm is and how powerful it is, it's likely to be the strongest tropical storm, hurricane, typhoon ever to come ashore on land. look at the track we have for you. right now it's approaching central portions of the philippines. it will bring us close to one of the second major cities. manil is in the northern sections. as it goes to that portion of the philippines, we have expected winds around 195 with gusts perhaps as high as 235 miles an hour. that is catastrophic damage. very few buildings can withstand that kind of strength. once it gets past the philippines, it could actually
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get stronger. it may weaken through the philippines and on sunday and monday, it approaches vietnam and portions of south china. this is something we'll be tracking throughout the weekend. i expect to see a lot of damage. unfortunately this will cause a long, long area of deaths, destruction all through the philippines into vietnam over the next 4-5 days. >> thank you very much. twitter goes public. the social media giant has changed the way the world communicates, and now it's one of the hottest stocks on wall street. we have more on its first day of trading. >> reporter: twitter stock hasn't exactly skyrocketed, but optimism over the site is flying high. the 7-year-old company took over the 200-year-old new york stock exchange. it lasted nearly an hour and a half. it opened around $26. the demand for twitter stock was 30 times greater than the
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supply. >> old wall street has embraced the new economy. >> reporter: twitter allows users to post online messages to the world no longer than 140 characters. 232million people use it including popes and presidents. it's become an important place to learn about news and events around the globe. the company still hasn't made money. it lost $65 billion last quarter and doesn't forecast a profit until 2015. >> you're not buying because of what they've done in the past. if you are looking to buy twitter, you're looking to do so because of what they'll do in the future. >> reporter: at the closing bell, twitter is trading for $45 a share. not bad according to industry analysts who say twitter executives have been very strategic and have not made some of the same missteps facebook did in its debut. >> did you say $45 up from $26?
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okay. in the twitterverse, pop singer katy perry has the most followers at 47 million. >> the twitterverse. note to self, find out what that is. unexplained explosion. the search for answers after a house is leveled. flash mob robberies. how these criminals got away with entire racks full of merchandise. a chilly, dry, and sunny end to the week. i'll have the complete forecast coming up next. [ male announcer ] want to upgrade your entertainment?
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switch to a fios triple play online for $89.99 per month guaranteed for the first year plus your choice of a $300 bonus with a 2 year agreement. last chance! this deal ends november 16th! fios is 100% fiber optic so you get america's fastest, most reliable internet, and unbeatable tv picture quality. so get fios now with your choice of bonus. this amazing deal is going fast! don't wait! offer ends november 16th!
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visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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it is clear, 47 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete forecast is coming up. a house explosion critically injures an elderly couple in new jersey. fire officials say the home in cape may county was flattened by the thunder blast. they say at least 20 neighbors rushed to the burning home and pulled the man and woman out of the rubble. the couple was air lifted to the hospital. the cause of that blast is still under investigation. police in chicago are investigating a troubling crime
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spree involving flash mobs. this surveillance video shows five people entering a sporting goods store. moments later they are seen running out with larges amounts of clothing. some people are pulling entire racks out of the store. the flash mobs robbed three different stores this week. as gunshots ring out inside a new jersey mall on monday night, shoppers and employees rush to call police. today those panicked 911 calls were released. >> i'm in the bathroom. >> stay on the phone with me, sweetheart. how many people are in the bathroom with you? >> three. >> are they in your store? >> yes. >> many of the callers whispered because they feared being heard by the gunman. he killed himself inside the mall. no one else was hurt. the garden state plaza has reopened under extra security. there is a clear message regarding the importance of booster seats in cars.
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the insurance institute for highway safety says that children in booster seats are 45% less likely to sustain injuries in crashes than children restrained by seat belts alone. they are recommending that booster seats be used for children as old as 12 because the seats raise them and make the seat belts fit better. deadly diseases once nearly wiped out are making a frightening comeback in maryland and across the country. a warning that parents who don't vaccinate their children are putting others at risk. we explore an alarming and controversial trend. >> reporter: measles, mumps, whooping cough. deadly diseases. until recently, virtually eliminated thanks to vaccines that prevent kids from getting sick. now doctors see an alarming trend. more and more children are coming down with these diseases. >> it's a serious issue that these diseases are coming back?
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>> kids die from measles on a regular basis. kids are in hospitals and can die from whooping cough very commonly. these kids are at risk. >> reporter: here in maryland, cases of whooping cough are skyrocketing, tripping from 123 cases in 2011 to nearly 370 last year. outbreaks of measles and mumps have swept through states across the country. just how serious a problem is it when ooh child gets sick? summer robinson experienced it firsthand. her son was just 3 weeks old when whooping cough put him in intensive care for 5 days and nearly killed him. >> when you went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with whooping cough, what went through your mind? >> if they do start breathing again, how long have they not been breathing? what are the side effects? it's just so scary. >> reporter: too young for the recommended vaccine, he was defenseless. he's living proof one
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contagious person can start an outbreak. >> if your 10-year-old has it and you're near my 3-week old baby, you can infect my child. >> reporter: why are a growing number of parents not getting their children the shots? some fear the vaccines can do more harm than good. >> these vaccines and all of these doses also can be deadly. >> reporter: after researching vaccines and talking to doctors, this mom decided not to vaccinate her young children. other parents are angry her kids could put their kids in danger. >> what happened that led you to make this decision? >> it just didn't make sense to me. i didn't understand why a little human had to get so many will drugs at one time. >> reporter: she believes her family's healthy lifestyle will keep her children from getting sick, but most doctors insist that's not enough. >> it doesn't matter what vitamins they're on, how
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natural everything is, everything organic, it's irrelevant. >> you don't ever want to go through that. you don't want to be in an icu unit especially over a disease that's supposed to be preventable. >> in maryland, children must be immunized to attend school but can be exempt for medical or religious reasons. the weather's getting colder. >> right now we're back down in mid to upper 40s down to 47 now. there's a bit of a breeze. in fact, just in the last hour it jumped up to 20 miles an hour which brings our windchill back in the upper 30s. the dew point has really come down, down to 26 degrees. the barometer is rising. currently 32, freezing in oakland. could see a few snow flakes out there tonight and tomorrow. 41 up in cumberland, 28 d.c.
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and down in ocean city. locally, low to mid-40s. the bay is a lot warmer than the land. to our north and northwest, a few snow showers extending to the mountain air in pennsylvania. new york is mainly rain. a few snow flakes mixed in there as well. our front moved through this afternoon. not much rain with it, but we did get clearing skies and drier conditions moving in. that's what we have around the ridge right now. you see snow showing up here. looks like a nice, cool day coming up for friday into the weekend, but by the end of the weekend, somewhat mild air comes in for sunday and the next front could bring us cold temperatures for the middle of next week. gusty winds up to 25 knots in the bay. overnight, down around 36 with a few patchy clouds from time to time. tomorrow, 54. sunshine about 5 degrees below normal. the next five days as we head
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into the weekend, 54 on sat. a lot of sunshine, a few clouds, milder, close to 60 on sunday. 58 and 46. could be rain and a few wet snow flakes north and west of our region by tuesday night as colder air moves in for next week. >> thank you, bob. coming up, the ravens face more injury issues before they get ready to play the bengals. >> will they have a healthy ,,,,
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ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru.
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i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at
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and thrive. we need some miracle healing potions. >> get these guys out of the training room. we have games coming up. ravens injury list grew unexpectedly today with two more defensive players missing practice. suggs with an unspecified foot ailment and graham with a calf injury. linebacker smith and corner smith both missed their second
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straight practices with injuries. an indoor workout today, one last full practice tomorrow before the ravens play host to the bengals on sunday. it's always important to have good back ups in a sport where injuries are such a big issue. >> i feel good about all my guys. i feel good about whoever we put out there. i really can't answer, i'm never going to answer an injury question because i don't know. >> the first place bengals come to town. they have plenty of injuries of their own. the ravens trying to snap a three-game losing streak. kick off sunday at 1:00. the following sunday, the ravens go on the road to chicago. here is jay cutler practicing today. he has been cleared to play this sunday against detroit. he missed one game after the injury. he was expected to be out for
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four weeks. ed reed has been reduced to a part-time player with the houston texans. he was arguably the best safety in the league during his 11 seasons in baltimore. he left as a free agent before this season to sign with houston where he is now listed as a back up. reed has zero pass defenses in the six games he has played. tonight's best basketball matchup, lebron james and the heat at home against the clippers. 18 points for king james. wade hit 29. college basketball tomorrow night. the terps will start their season. >> thank you. >> thank you. and then when you get up -- can i play?
11:28 pm
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i usually shop at giante, but today i brought my receipt to see how much i can save at walmart. i have an 11 year old, so he's eating more than ever. at walmart you could've saved 26% on tuna, how's that sound? that sounds great! well, my food budget is tight. every penny counts. $134.23! that's a savings of over $21 or 13%! wow! the prices and variety here at walmart have completely blown my mind.
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sing along, rubber ducky you're the one. everyone's favorite bath toy was selected to be the toy hall of fame in rochester. the only other inductee this year was the game of chess. they beat out teenage mutant ninja turtles and high little pony. there are now 53 toys in the hall of fame. ,,,,
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[ male announcer ] brace yourself for mcdonald's new jalapeno kicker sandwiches. with heat from layers of jalapeno crisps, jalapeno slices, pepper jack cheese... and a cool creamy sauce that kicks in right when you need it. now through thursday, buy one jalapeno kicker quarter pounder or premium chicken sandwich, and get a free medium fries and soft drink. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪
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coming up next on the late show with letterman, kelly ripa. >> thanks for watching. we'll see you tomorrow. have a


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