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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jason Chaffetz
U.S. Representative, R-Utah
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Chaffetz and Cole (and Inglis) Part 3: Inglis continued: could be granted by the courts to collect that attribute. We have not done that. And as Mr. Cole indicated earlier, the director of NSA has given an affirmation to the Congress that before such time we were to reconsider that decision, we would come back to the Congress.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy & Inglis: Leahy: You have to have a certain amount of trust but don’t you have people doubled checking what somebody is doing? Inglis: We do, sir. Leahy: Who double checked Mr. Snowden? Inglis: There are checks at multiple levels, there are checks in terms of what an individual might be doing at any moment in time. There are. Leahy: you obviously failed. Inglis: in this case I think we can say that they failed but we do not yet know where. Leahy: You think you can say they failed. I mean he’s sitting over at the airport in Russia with millions of items . Inglis: I would say that uh with the benefit of what we know now they did fail but we do not know where precisely they failed. We may find
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy & Inglis: Inglis: We will hold them accountable. Leahy: Are you taking any steps now to make sure such a screw up doesn’t happen again? Inglis: we have instituted a range catch someone who might want to repeat what Mr.. Snowden did. There are many other ways that someone might try to beat the system. Leahy: you can understand why some people have used the old expression, locking the door after the horse has been stolen?
Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator, Majority Whip
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Durbin continued 3: Have i missed something along the way? Or perhaps minimize that number? Inglis: Sir, if I could start apologizing for the format, the unclassified format. I’ll be discreet in my remarks but happy to follow up in any detail that you would prefer either here or at NSA. Now first and foremost, the are analysts charged to provide information that is truly useful to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And so in that regard, they try to be judicious about choosing when to do a second or under the court’s authorization, a third hop. Those aren’t always exercised.
Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator, Majority Whip
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Durbin: It comes down to this, once establishing that number with al Shabab, this operative from al Shabab, you could certainly go after that person’s telephone records and all of the contacts that that person has made and his telephone records. The basic question we are faced with is, do you need five years worth of data on everyone in America and their telephone records so that the haystack which is pretty big -- Inglis: that’s a fair question.
Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator, Majority Whip
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Inglis continued: if you don’t have the person’s records in the past then you can’t determine Durbin: The point that has been raised repeatedly is if we required the phone companies to retain the records for 5 years Inglis: that’s a very fair point and that is possible. Durbin: it would not be in the grasp of the government, but access by the government which serves the same purpose Inglis: I agree. But under the current legal framing the phone companies are not required to retain that for the benefit of the government. Durbin: how hard would it be? Inglis: I think it would require a legal change. I don’t think that’s hard. I don’t think that you can get there from here. You have to then
Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator, Majority Whip
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Inglis continued 2: think about the rest of the attributes that are necessary to make this a useful venture. Durbin: Sen. Feinstein said ask him about the expense. Inglis: I would say in a classified session, i can give you chapter and verse on the expense. The expenses are different depending upon whether you chose the current implementation and you chose the implementation or you leave it at the providers. The govt. requires the providers to retain those records should bare that expense.
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