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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
Conyers continued: and activity with telephone collections and other things that are now being revealed that would not have been revealed otherwise. Massie: Can I just add that some people say he should have gone to a Congressman with this information. But there actually probably are 20 or 30 Congressmen that already knew about this program and if he had went to them, i think we would not be having this discussion and he may already be in jail without the disclosure happening.
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
Goodman: defeat this and yet, it was so close (Amash amendment in the House). Conyers: it was seven votes would have made the difference. To be honest, we did not know we were that close to victory. Out a "dear colleague" letters urging that the amendment be supported and they were panicked by it. It was a signal that even in
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
...the partisanship that goes on too much around here, that there are people willing to say enough is enough, the law isn't, the Patriot Act isn't being followed. I didn't support the Patriot Act, but the Patriot Act would have gone down if we had known this was going to be part of its program.
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
Conyers: Alexander told so many whoppers in one statement that it is hard to recount them all. First of all, this information isn't available to anybody. We only got it through a person that took it improperly and made it public. So the whole
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
Conyers continued: I hope that, i don't suppose he can announce a way to modify what he said, but it is clearly, untruthful from beginning to end.
Thomas Massie
U.S. Representative, R-Kentucy, co-sponsor Amash Amendment
LINKTV 08/02/2013
Massie: if we accept the premise it is ok for government to lie to us or for one branch of the government to lie to another branch of government in order to protect our public safety, then we have crossed the threshold. We cannot accept it is ok for government to lie to us to protect us. Conyers: yes. We can't turn into a surveillance state, trying to protect these kinds of
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
LINKTV 08/02/2013
We can't turn into a surveillance state, trying to protect these kinds of conduct that we all know is improper and probably illegal.
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, D-Michigan, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 08/13/2015
Conyers: Last week, endorsing a view that I and many of my colleagues have held for years, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals held that the text of Section 215 cannot bear the weight the government asks us to assign it, and it does not authorize the telephone metadata program. Now with Section 215 set to expire on June 1 we have the opportunity and the obligation to act clearly and decisively and end the program that has infringed on our rights for far too long.
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, D-Michigan, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 08/13/2015
Conyers: A vote in favor of the U.S.A. Freedom Act is an explicit rejection of the government's unlawful interpretation of Section 215 and similar statutes. Put another way, a vote in favor of this bill is a vote to end dragnet surveillance in the United States. The ban on bulk collection contained in this legislation turns on the idea of a specific selection term and requires the government to limit the scope of production as narrowly as possible. This definition is much improved from the version of this bill that passed the House last Congress.
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