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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy: We need to take an equally close look at the phone records program. This program is not effective. It has to end. So far I am not convinced by what i have seen. I am sure we will hear from witnesses who say this -- these programs are critical .Have been identified to connect the so called dots. There is always going to be dots to collect and analyze and try to connect. The government is
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy continued: already collecting data on millions of innocent Americans on a daily basis. Based on a secret legal interpretation of the statute that does not appear to authorize this kind of bulk collection. So what is going to be next? When is enough ? I think Congress has to carefully consider the powerful surveillance tools that we grant the government and have to ensure that there is stringent oversight and accountability and transparency. This data should not be limited to those surveillance programs about which information was leaked.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy continued: That is why i have introduced a bill that addresses not only section 215 and section 702, but also national security letters, roving wiretaps, other authorities on the Patriot Act. And we’ve seen in the case of reform, the Protect of Americans Privacy is not a partisan issue. I think Senator Lee of Utah and others for their support of my FISA bill. I hope others will join that effort.
Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley: evaluate the wisdom and value of the intelligence programs. However, Congress needs accurate information to conduct oversight responsibilities that the constitution demands that we do under our checks and balances of government. That is why it was especially disturbing to see that the director of national intelligence was forced to apologize for inaccurate statements he made last march before senate intelligence committee. Those statements concern one of the important programs will be hearing about
Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley continued: This very day. Nothing can excuse this kind of behavior from a senior administration official of any administration. Especially on matters of such great importance. We have a constitutional duty to protect American’s privacy. That’s a given. We also have an equal Constitutional responsibility to ensure that the government provides a strong national defense. That’s a given. Intelligence gathering is of course a vital part of that defense.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy & Inglis: Leahy: You have to have a certain amount of trust but don’t you have people doubled checking what somebody is doing? Inglis: We do, sir. Leahy: Who double checked Mr. Snowden? Inglis: There are checks at multiple levels, there are checks in terms of what an individual might be doing at any moment in time. There are. Leahy: you obviously failed. Inglis: in this case I think we can say that they failed but we do not yet know where. Leahy: You think you can say they failed. I mean he’s sitting over at the airport in Russia with millions of items . Inglis: I would say that uh with the benefit of what we know now they did fail but we do not know where precisely they failed. We may find
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Leahy & Inglis: Inglis: We will hold them accountable. Leahy: Are you taking any steps now to make sure such a screw up doesn’t happen again? Inglis: we have instituted a range catch someone who might want to repeat what Mr.. Snowden did. There are many other ways that someone might try to beat the system. Leahy: you can understand why some people have used the old expression, locking the door after the horse has been stolen?
Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley, Cole, Litt, Inglis: Cole: Nobody is listening to anybody's conversations through this program and through program, nobody could. No information like that is being collected through this program. Grassley: Mr. Litt, section 215 contains a requirement that records collected under the program, and --on be relevant to authorized investigation. As a legal matter, how can you justify the assertion that phone records of millions of Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism are relevant to an authorized investigation under section
Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley, Cole, Litt continued 1: Grassley: section 215? Litt: I begin by noting number of judges repeatedly over the years have found that these records are in fact, relevant. The reason is the standard of relevance we are talking about here is not the kind of relevance you think about in the Perry mason sense of the criminal trial. It is a much broader standard of relevance and in a number of circumstances such as civil discovery, it is a well accepted concept that if you need to get a large group
Robert Litt
General Cousel, Office of Director of National Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley, Cole, Litt continued 2: Litt: of records in order to find a smaller group of records that actually provides the information you need to move forward, that the larger group of records can be relevant. That is true in this case because of the kinds of controls that the deputy attorney general mentioned. The fact that the queries are limited, the access to the data FISA court, and the has repeatedly found these
Showing 351 through 360 of 1708