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Written and Photographed by Lowell McKay Whatley, Jr.

Compiled by Dawn McLaughlin Snotheriy

Essays edited by Dr. Jerry L. Cross

Published by

the City of Asheboro

the County of Randolph

and the North Carolina Division of

Archives and History

with assistance from the

Randolph County Historical Society


the Randolph County Arts Guild


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This publication was funded in part by the City of Asheboro, the County of Randolph and a grant from the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, through the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and His- tory. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the National Park Service, nor the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. Copyright© 1985 by the City of Asheboro and the County of Randolph, North Caro- lina. All rights reserved.

Copies available from the Randolph County Arts Guild/Randolph County Historical Society at Randolph Book, R O. Box 1605, Asheboro, North Carolina 27203. Printed by Fisher-Harrison Corporation, Durham Division, Durham, North Carolina. Designed by Diana Kowal.




Honoring the 400th Anniversary of The First English Colony




2 Introduction and Acknowledgements


The County and Its Cultural Heritage


A Statistical Summary ^

Native American Presence ~,

European Immigration g

Religious Atmosphere o

Slavery and County Opposition

The Rural Landscape

. . 11

Agnculture j j

Transportation ^2

Waterpower and Mills



Growth of the Textile Industry j^

Furniture Industry 20

Industrialism and Community Growth

Architectural Heritage


Structural Development 28

Building for Manufacturing 27

Stylistic Trends 43

Growth of Design Profession 44

Development of Construction Industry

Randolph County Inventory

^. . 50

Tnnity Township rg

> Trinity gj

; Archdale ^

C New Market Township ^7

Level Cross Township /-o

\ Providence Township ^2

^ :', Liberty Township ^r

p! Liberty ^^

Q^ Columbia Township g2

Ramseur q.

Franklinville Township 04

Franklinville ,^,0

Cedar Falls . -2

i Randleman Township

New Salem ^ ' ^

Randleman ' ^ '

Back Creek Township '29

Tabernacle Township 132

Concord Township 1^6

Cedar Grove Township 141

Grant Township 1^4

Coleridge Township 146

Coleridge 1^1

Pleasant Grove Township 157

Brower Township 1^8

Richland Township 160

Seagrove 1"^

Union Township 1^8

New Hope Township 170


Founding and Growth to 1830 174

Antebellum Years 176

Civil War, Stagnation and A New Beginning 184

The Railroads and an Era of Change 188

Emergence of Modern Asheboro 191

Asheboro Inventory

Section A— The Courthouse Center 199

Section B— The Central Business District 206

Section C The Fisher Estate, Hollywood 224

Section D Millhaven 231

Section E— Eastover, Spring Hill, Homeland Heights 235

Section F— Old Muster Field, Colonial Heights, Grey stone Terrace 237

Section G— Randolph Heights, OoGalista Heights 241

Section H— Sunset Heights, Dogwood Acres, Dave's Mountain 246

Section I— Industrial Park, Dixieland Acres 249

Section J— Spero, Balfour, King Tut 252

Section K— Central Falls 254

Glossary 258

Bibliography 273

Index 276




Like others in the series of architectural surveys of North Carolina and municipalities, the study of Randolph County's historic a':'^hitectural environment is an admission that its subject is disappearing. At many points during its creation this inventory seemed to be little more than a sad, depressing record of destruction and decay. With one of the highest continuing growth rates in North Carolina, Randolph County should have good reason to worry about its endangered, dwindling historic resources. The last quarter-century has seen the loss of a vast proportion of he houses, farm buildings and commercial structures that once provided a hving link with the past. Through lack of awareness of its significance, there is too often a failure to realize that this historical fabric gives continuity in modem life and generates the security and confidence used to build the future.

It is the destruction of continuity which creates dissatisfaction wUh the present and fuels nostalgia for the past. This is strikingly evident in A^heboro founded while George Washington was president: a town which has destroyed vrtually al ^ctural evidence of its history before 1900. Ironically, ,^^ithin Asheboro the nostalgia business is booming. Modem versions of Colonial style banks offi^^^' condominiums and apartment complexes are built by devdopers ^h 1^ ^^P^^^^^^^^^^^ exaggerated versions of Mt. Vemon, Carter's Grove and the WiH'amsburg Governor Palace rise to house the wealthy. Despite the facades, a visitor from the eighteenth or even the nineteenth century would find the Randolph County landscape of today

^'"1!:tU"' well be a subconscious effort to provide ersatz historical continuity, modem society has too often chosen the glittering of America's colonial past. The copying of monumental architecture seem to express the ambition, lifestyle and economic status of modem Rando ph c.t.zens more than the historic landscape. Modem practices of "more," "now, waste, consumpt.on exploitation and mediocrity thus contrast sharply with the trad.tK,nal values ot patience, respect, fmgality, pride in workmanship and qual.ty of product. Part ot tne confusion stems from a failure to grasp the tme significance of the h.stoncal process. Stmctures reflect the contemporary social environment and the values oi their builders. The rustic log cabin in its original location and env.ronment was a tar different creature than the same log cabin taken apart, moved, and reassembled as an expensive antique shop. While the stmctural element may be preserved to some de-

gree, the life force and sense of place so vital to the historical process are destroyed. Once lost they can never be fully recaptured. .• u ,h „„t w-.

This observation does not intend to imply that log cab.ns should not be preserved or that every stmcture should be maintained and used in its original state _ Adaptions' and modifications can be made with sensitivity and with reeognition d the structure's original integrity. These are the most important aspects of the moden. historic preservation movement. Once the purview of professionals and special interest groups, preservation has grown to include everyone interested in niamtmn^ ing the historical character and integrity of the environment. Buildings not singled out for historic value or architectural merit are now seen as cultural art'facts and resources which contribute to the uniqueness of a community and ennch the quality of its life. In this sense, the vast majority of old buildings would be a "lost yalueles if divorced from their historical contexts. Therefore, a pnmary goal of thi survey has been to gather facts and statistics relating to the built environment that ean b used as a foundation for a renewed appreciation of the county s surviving links to its

^'''■Randolph is a large county with great variety in its bft environment. This survey does not claim to be complete and comprehensive. Such a reco d i neve really completed because history continues, but it is assumed that ^iUea^^ ".^^^ Randolph County stmctures eligible for the National R^g^^^^^/^"'^^""^^ ^^ have been identified. One objective of the inventory was to 'dentify those extan stmctures that were built before the Civil War. At least 85-90 percent of these have been listed, but more may be found behind aluminum siding or under the hon^suckle Most of the buildings over one hundred years old are included; those after 188 have been selected under generalized and somewhat arb.trary cnter.a. The Ashebor inventory, initially a separate project, had slightly different object.ves. An attem was made to identify those stmctures more than fifty years old along w. h mo modem buildings demonstrating interest or merit. These cntena were developed J part at the request of the Planning and Community Development Department for us in their planning activities. The names of stmctures are those of the ong.nal bu.ldj or occupants, or those of the best remembered residents. The h.story of many bu IJ ings was difficult to uncover in the course of this project. Some information may inaccurate although it was the best available to the author.

TU. inventory was initiated in the spring oV'^^^Scto^^^^^^^ of Asheboro's Planning and Community Development d rector Mary B

With the assistance of Mrs. Carolyn Neely "^^e? the pro^t wl^^^^^^^^^ -

and financial support of both local govemmg bodies tneproj

scope to become a joint venture between f e C^t^ -^ Ra"^^^^^^^^^

course of this project the followmg people have served ^"^^^ ^ .^^^^^ p h,

Logan White, Matilda Phillips, Frank Auman, ^;,f^^^™ ^el Frye, and Hoyd

Kenyon Davidson, Thurman Hogan, Richard Petty, Bill Boyj, Da^ W J^^

Langley. The Asheboro City council has been co^^^^^^^^^^^

Robert L. Reese, C. Hubert Causey, C. M ^^ac) Mng, ^^^^^

Joseph (Joe) Trogdon, Jeny G. Ward, Doc Kivett, Bai^bam HochuU^^ay Robbins, Lee C. Phoenix, Dr. Frank Edmondson Fred Kearns, ^^^

Holt. As the project lengthened beyond its °"g>"^ °"S,rr^cTntosh, Jr. , Ash- reaffirmed by Bobby J. Crumley, County Manager Tho^^^^^^^^ M ^^_ eboro City Manager; and the director ^fj^e Mhe^ro ^S^lthe ^ ^^^^^ velopment Department, J. Terry Wildrick. W. Frank ^"»J ^^^ ^^^^^.^^ finance office staff provided in-liable assistance m work mg^t ^ J^.^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ aspects of the project. Dawn M'^Laughlin-Snother y, i severed to trans- Randolph County/Asheboro project since 1980, ha stea J^ inventory, form a difficult project into a well ^Jg^^"'^^?/"'^ '""^ for a quality product This publication is clear evidence of Dawn « con tant stnvmg^ The author and co- as well as her commitment to the project s ultimate comp ; ^^ numerous ordinator are greatly indebted for the advice, ^"PP^^^Xs of the Division of Ar- members of the staffs in the Survey and Rf™ oran contacts chives and History. Michael Southern and M^KeldenSmUh served a^^^^^^ back in 1978. David Parham and Dm G. Haley ^"*'^^?XKth r Davyd Foard burdens and became friends as well as colleagues. Cathenne bisn y^ ^^^^^ Hood and Brent Glass provided valuable adv.ce and Jre^^^^^^^^^^ ^„^ reviewed the manuscript at every stage, P™^''*^'^!"' f!"^!llication undertook the responsibility of editing th%fi"f ' P^" ^er During the first two years The author acted as both historian and Photographer uu g ^ed; this of the project, Randolph County's first histo^ sin 1890 ws bemgj^ p^ ^^^^^ study hopes to complement, not duplicate, that accoum

Charlesanna L Fox, Jane L. Delisle and Carolyn N. Hager of that project were

S le is and r;sources in the development of this manuscript. They and the

Snowing people acted as guides and informants both in the research and in he task

of driving up and down every road in the county. Manon S. Covington, Joseph D_

Ross JrR Reynolds Neely, Jr. , Frances R. Elkins, Francine H. Swaim, Dr^Joseph

RS,mas James W Pickard, the late Miss Katherine Buie, Mrs. Margaret

Williamf'seth andMm^ Ed th Hinshaw, Miss Leah Hammond, Jean Davis

SS ' Mr? Zeola English, Mrs. Alene T Whatley Lenton Slack, the lat.

FmncesL Stone, Henry King, Ralph Bulla and W Calvin Hmshaw Tom Terrell

Damon Hickey and Dr. Lindley F Butler read and commented on various versions of

Se manu cript and their opinions and insights were much appreciated. Nancy F

BrenTer of the Randolph County Public Library helped coordinate many of the Brenner 01 tne Kan p j ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ,,j,^^^

Sf 5oAnne P Inders of'L Asheboro Planning and Community Development nl: j^ent Jovce AUred and Sharon Hall of the Randolph County Tax Department, STl wS, ud " O^^^ Audrey H. Shropshire and Mrs. Kathleen C. Wha- S typed various portions and versions of the manuscript. Superior Map Company, he AsheWRandolph County Chamber of Commerce and Bobby Kivett were ,n- l»Srn producing maps for the inventory section. Carolyn Hager spent count- S hour assisting in the organizational format of this publication and was an invaSle sou of moral support throughout this project; for this the coordinator is extremely grateful. Jack Lail took a special interest in the project and contributed an imnortant Photograph of Cox's Dam. Helen Farlow Neill provided impor ant re- sSon InicE in the Richland Township/Seagrove area. For her time interest and creativ ty in producing line drawings for this publication, a special debt of grat- itude's due to Audrey C. Beck. The author would also like to thank his family for their support and encouragement during the project. . ,■ -,„

Perhaps this study will brighten the prospects for historic preservation in Randolph County. While individuals are privately active, there is no organized preservation committee and no general public participation. With the county poised on the brink of rapid urbanization, historic preservation should become a pnmary concern before the opportunity is lost.


Randolph County, North Carolina (courtesy Superior Map Company and the Randolph County I Asheboro Chamber of Commerce).


Parker's Mill .as located -/--^^cfr/^'^^^^^ U.harrieRi.erbet.eer:Far.era^J^^^^^^

built a mill on this site in 1 779 'T''"^'' '°'^^,^ , ,;,, ^,„ „hen the of Stephen "enley Victor Parkerjajo^^^^^^^^^ oft^ ^^^^^^ .^ ^^^^

photograph .as taken in '^^"imTf.^me structure with four- Parker's Mill. as a '";":;-^J;;;; ^;y,, , .urbme water .heel.

SSt/Xr rr Zo^nds Uke .eese. the city's fifth ra. .ater reservoir.

Asheboro's raw water reservoir dam.



A Statistical Summary of Modern Randolph

The tenth largest county in North Carolina, Randolph County covers an area of 801 square miles in the center of the state.' The county is almost perfectly square, with 512,640 acres of land divided into twenty townships.^ It is part of the state's piedmont plateau, characterized by rolling hills and valleys sloping to the southeast. The average elevation in the northern section is around 960 feet; Shepherd Mountain is the highest point in the county at 1,390 feet. Along the county's southern border the average elevation is approximately 480 feet with Pleasant Grove Township, m the southeastern comer, recording lower spots at 350 feet above sea level.

The county's semi-mountainous character immediately strikes the visiting eye. Noted in 1701 by explorer John Lawson, one of its first European visitors, the terrain was more recently commented upon by a traveler who wrote:

The mysterious Uwharries are very beautiful. It is said of Randolph that it is one county where every road is a scenic highway. Every mile has its view of the mountams isolated knobs, long ridges, rounding mounds

This combination of woods, of numerous streams, rolling hills swelhng mto mountam knobs and ridges, all interspersed by occasional wide open lands or "savannas,' as Lawson called the prairies, makes Randolph an exceedingly attractive section. A pleasing variety unfolds for the visitor as he alternately rides over mountains, across meadows, enters deep forests, and then suddenly descends into a river gorge to discover there a busy mill and a peaceful village.'

The Uwharries are a type of erosion-shaped mountain known as "monad- nocks," after Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire. One controversial theory claims that the Uwharries and other nearby Piedmont mountains are the eroded roots of the Ocoees, a 350 million year-old mountain chain which would have rivaled the Rockies;* other researchers doubt they were ever so spectacular.

The mountains take their name from the Uwharrie River, one of the county's three main discharge basins. The word is of unknown Indian origin and meaning; Lawson spelled it "Heighwaree" in 1701 and writers through the centuries have varied it from "Voharee" to "Uwany" to "Huwara" to "Uharie" to 'j^Hugh Warren," a Germanic transposition by a colonial Moravian missionary. The Uwharrie and a second river system, the Little, are part of the Yadkin River watershed which becomes the Great Pee Dee River and flows into the Atlantic Ocean near Georgetown, South Carolina. The Uwharrie rises between Thomasville and Trinity and exits the county at Eleazer. The Little heads at a spring on the Asheboro Municipal Golf Course and enters Montgomery County west of Seagrove. Deep River starts near Colfax in Guilford County, west of the Regional Airport, enters Randolph at Coletrane's Mill and flows southeasteriy, joining the Rocky and Haw rivers in southern Chatham County to form the Cape Fear.

The county thus straddles two natural drainage systems, one flowing southward

to South Carolina and the other southeast to Wilmington. Today this creates an unusual situation for municipalities such as Asheboro that take water from one system and empty into another. But in prehistoric times this feature of the terrain created a natural gathering area, the place where a number of Indian trails came together.

The hills seem to temper the climate in the county, moderating temperature readings which "usually lay between the extreme lows and highs reported frort neighboring stations."^ Forests still cover more than half the county, consisting fd the most part of second-growth oak and pine timber. One quarter of the Uwharri« National Forest lies in Randolph.

The 1980 census revealed 91,471 inhabitants of Randolph County where thirt) years before there had been 50,804. The population increase between 1950 and 197? nearly doubled the state's average.'" In the decade of the 1950s the urban populatiof of the county grew an amazing 102.3 percent, more than twice the rate of the second place county, Mecklenburg, and representing the highest urban growth rate of an) county in the so-called "Piedmont Industrial Crescent" of North and Soutt Carolina." The 1970s witnessed a different trend, however, when almost ever) township grew in population while the demography of the towns and citie! declined.'^ Just 30 percent of the Randolph population lives in an urban area toda) reflecting in part the persistence of the county's rural tradition.'^

Yet Randolph's rural population is not a farming population. Fifty percent o county residents were classified as "rural non-farm," in 1970, indicating that ove half the population lived in "the country" but did not make a living fron agricultural pursuits."* Only 2 percent of the 45,000-member workforce are farH laborers; nevertheless, agricultural income remains of great importance to th' county.'^ The total value of farm products in Randolph is estimated at about S^ million per year. '*' While com is the major crop, income is also derived from poultf) dairy products, tobacco, hogs, beef cattle and lumber.'"'

Randolph's mral work force is highly mobile, illustrated by the fact that 3' percent of the labor force commutes to jobs outside the county.'* Local manufactui ing occupations employ 63 percent of the work force, with 60 percent of the toU county payroll coming from the textile and apparel industries.'^ Textile work is time-honored tradition in a county that built two of the first fifteen cotton factories ' North Carolina.

During the past thirty years Randolph County and the surrounding Piedmo" have undergone sweeping changes in land use pattems, population composition afi employment characteristics, all of which are likely to continue into the next centuf) Neither can Randolph isolate itself but must deal with regional issues, such aS growth rate stimulated by population "spillover" from its rapidly urbanizijl neighbors, Greensboro and High Point. These pressures undoubtedly will reflected by alterations in the local landscape, probably as in "bedroom community developments which threaten to suburbanize the county. The following stu

explores the process of urbanization -d. modem du-

consequences for preservationists by comparmg ^" ;^":h"^^^ landscapes.

em Randolph with a historical discussion of ^^^^-^^J^^^^^^^^^^^ blended into

Within this framework the structural findmgs of the 'nventon^ ca

the living contexts in which they were bom and do now exist.

Native American Presence d h i h

Long before the coming of the white man *e a- now compnsm County included the intersection of a major abongma '^^^1"^^°-^,^^^ to the (Indian) Trading Path crossed Caraway Creek on f.™";VJ° caraway Creek to Catawba Nation on the lower Catawba River. A spur t™l ^n ^^^^^ to Virginia, the present Forsyth County area where jt joined ^"°^'^!^ P'^JJ^e li^ explorer NeaJthis transportation nexus lived the Keyau wee Indians whose lit J^ ^^^^^ .^ John Lawson described in painstaking detail in 17U1. inei b ^^ ^^^

the vicinity of "a stony River . . . called Heighwaree, at or near Indian Trading Path across Caraway Creek. ^^^ j^^^^ settlers

The fate of the Keyauwee tribe is "fl^^^;;'J°'r,^Hra drawn by Sir Edward arrived, they had disappeared. A map of No^h^^^"^?'"^ " but the implication Moseley in 1733 showed a "Keeauwee old town in tne aic ,

«,«. that the village had been abandoned. The Keyauwees are remernbered in Sddph County today in the name of Caraway Creek and the Caraway Mountains Randolph county loy ^^^^^ ^^^.^ palisaded village. The

the part of he ^jharrie cnam somewhat mysterious. "Totero

Trt"'^ sitS inte fo k'oTti U^^^^^^^^ that the "Totero" (Tutelo)

S; harmovedTnto the area and occupied some sort of palisaded town Little is iTnoln abit ttsTindians; they, too, had disappeared by the time of pioneer settlement.

European Immigration

The earliest white outpost seems to have been a trading post and tavern built in u /u frf™ Creek at a crossroads on the route of the Great Trading Path. In ?^f'n?rXSvfanurJey expedition led by Bishop August Spangenberg "^^ /a\ "Shl^rSrway^l^ group, searching for an attractive

,Te to estS a comiTnity, soon settled their account with "Jos. Rich, tavern place to establish a commuy "Wachovia." In the early 1760s the

l^'^P"" nlTwas visit d by agents of its new owner, Henry McCuUoh. The Caraway «"^P° ^^^^^fS^^^ and Robinson who lives on Ridge's Place,

?"'^'^?TTandshouVdT employed to show it."^> Godfrey Ridge, or "Joh. S"': hfce^aSferp^y^^ -y well have h- one of the pione.


foXr of T^rt£:^:^^^r.l^is tUg post, perpetuates Ridge's name in the modem landscape. encompassed the Uwharrie River area

wherfh^su^eyotvi^iteJr Ridge Trading Po'st. They advertised this 100,000

i . *-^- ^ •■ ^j, A.M ^^/^'■r^-^'^,':^ ^ J *- '

.#*---'-»*.»->j <fr'

^, .«i-t— *

.\'Jm- rtC

Wap of the Randolph County area drawn in 1733 by ^'''^"'■''^'''^^^"S'pww''^^^'''™'^'- (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in_IM y

^ n i.„r^„rn 1765 showme'Ridee'sPlace"andtheTradingPath.Themap Plat map of the Caraway Creek area ^'i^i'swTbfeasily subdivided, as the good land lies along the bears '''e foUo.insnota..o. ^J^'^^^^^^^^ Survey Boo\ #1944, pp. 102-103 ':^tZ!':f::fLthern mZr':i'collec,iZ University of North Carolina a, Chapel Hill,


acre tract as "the Rich lands of the Uwharrie," and from the mid-1750s its charms attracted hordes of settlers. Many of the pioneers in this northwest quadrant of the county were Germans because the original justification of McCulloh s real estate syndicate had been to attract German-speaking Protestants to North Carolina. In the years just before the Revolution the area had become heavily populated by various German groups. In 1771 George Soelle, a visiting Moravian missionary, lamented:

This is a unique species of people. They appear to me like Aesop's crow which feathered itself with other birds' feathers. They have Moravian, Quaker, Separatist, Dunkard principles, know everything and know nothing, look down on others, belong to no one, and spurn others. ^^

Further evidence of the diversity of German settlers in the Uwharrie area can be found in other religious tracts. In 1772 the Baptist historian Morgan Edwards wrote that the Uwharrie congregation of Dunkers, or German Baptist Brethren, was he largest of three North Carolina Dunker congregations.^^ These Dunkers spilled across the border into present-day Davidson County, where there were severa Lutheran and Reformed congregations. Northwest Randolph also included at least one group of Mennonites.

Sandy Creek Baptist Church. Liberty Township. Built in 1826. it is the oldest organized church and oldest surviving religious structure in Randolph County. Founded in 1755 by Separate Baptist Minister Shubal Stearns (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

Religious Atmosphere

The Dunkers opposed formal education and organized politics because these activities were thought to be incompatible with their understanding of "primitive Christianity Dunkers and Mennonites, like some Quakers, refused to take oaths ot any kind and were therefore unable to engage in lawsuits or, in some cases, even to register deeds with the county court. Refusal to bear arms during the Revolution resulted in increased suspicion and hostility toward pacifistic religious sects, with the German sectarians persecuted even more fervently than the nearby Quakers. For these and other reasons, the Uwharrie Germans began to give up their lands and move west. By 1807 most of the Dunkers had left Randolph, and the remaining Germanic families slowly blended into ethnic homogeneity.

In 1755 the Rev Shubal Steams (1706-1771) led another group of dissenters, the Separate Baptists, into the northeastern quarter of the county. Separate Baptists were an evangelical sect which had split with the strict Calvinism of the regular Baptists. They were heirs to "the fire and fervor of the Whitefield Revival and were also called "New Light" Baptists because of their insistence that the inspiration and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit could be directly revealed to


Shubal Steams was a former Boston Congregationalist who was ordained J Separate Baptist minister in 1751.^^ In 1755 Steams, along with sixteen friends an family members, organized the Sandy Creek Baptist Church to which Nort Carolina historians have referred as the "most significant landmark in Baptis history ' ' " The burst of religious activity inspired by these companions led directly i the formation in 1758 of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association, the first associatio of Separate Baptist churches and the third colonial Baptist association. Morgai Edwards, writing in the 1770s, thought that

... very remarkable things may be said of this church. It began with sixteen souls, and J a very short time increased to six hundred and six, spreading its branches to Deep Riv ; and Abbott's Creek. Sandy Creek is the mother of all the Separate Baptists^ From » Zion went forth the word, and great was the company of them who published it. in_ church in seventeen years had spread her branches westward as far as the great rive Mississippi; Southward as far as Georgia; eastward to the sea and Chespeake Bay; an northward to the waters of the Potomac; it in seventeen years, is become motn^ grandmother, and great grandmother to forty-two churches, from which sprang i>



By 1775 the several groups of Baptists comprised the most populous religioij| denomination in North Carolina, largely the result of Shubal Steam's considerabi skill as an evangelist. According to Baptist histonans.

Steams was a highly gifted and dedicated man . . . he possessed a strong voicj although he was a man of small stature. His tones were particularly impressive a captivating, and his eyes seemed to have had almost magical power over those up whom they were fixed ... it is doubtful whether any evangelist, save Whitelie surpassed Steams in magnetic power over audiences.

Although Governor Wima.Tryon,apa.isan^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"faction of Quakers and Baptists,' the Sandy ^^"/^ j'f° ^nd take up arms

resolved "That if any of their members should join the Reg"^^^^^^^^ ^^^ \he political

against the lawful authority, \^^'-'\^:^:^ZZTonc. it birst, Stearns's

conflict expressed by the Regulation offered no escape .^un

congregation shrank from 606 to 14 virtually overnight^ ^^^ ^^^

Close behind the Baptists '^^"'^ *e Q"^'^^!?,';^!.*^^^^^^^ Husband, who was bom dissident Regulator leader, Hermon Husband (1724 l/y^^ Quakerism, was

an Anglican in Cecil County, Maryland ^"'l 'f;/;^^ „'^g1n\he regi^

among a growing number of Quakers f « ^ad been arn^^^^^^ S^_^^ ^^^^^

over the eastern seaboard. Husband hun^^'f^j^se family, moved from settlements in 1751. William Cox, the patnarch of an immense^m ^ j,^^^ ^.^^.^.^

the Hockessin Friends Meeting in Delaware •" ' '^^^ Pennsylvania. The Worths

families came about the same time from ^^t, . t^, uiand After the Revolution,

, and Coffins arrived in the early 1770s f™- ^-^"^c^^^^^^^^^ River, South

, the Englishes and Tomlinsons immigrated f™"".'-^"'^' _ities in eastern North

; Carolina. Some Friends came from n^^'-^^Q^^'^^^^.^rTaTe from as far away as

Carolina, and others, such as the Aliens and Hinshaws, came trom

J Ireland by way of Pennsylvania.^^ - ' -—'-

Ireland by way of Pennsylvania. Piedmont were Cane Creek, estab- The first Quaker monthly meetings in the P»«''"°"' established in 1754 lished in 175 1 and now in Alamance County, and New Garden,

h use it was used as a meeting house Uwharrie Friends Meeting House. 1793-1856. Built in '^^J ''^'1°. 1779.1979 photograph collection until 1856 when the meeting was laid down (courtesy Randolpn book

in the Randolph Public Library).

in oresent Guilford. Colonial Friends in the Randolph County area either traveled to in present ^™"- „„thered in private homes. Private assemblies for worship

'"' fi ^t helTin tK^^^^^^^^ in 1^60. In 1762 meetings were held

rn^'heXvidencV«^^^^^^ others beginning at Back Creek in the 1760s A

in the Proviaence com u > j^^g ^ ^ ^owth was so slow that an


sldv CreSecame "preparative" meetings and built worship houses in the 1780s^ Sj^^rhL and Marlboro established houses in the 1790s and were officially Holly Spnng ^"0 Mmoo nineteenth century.^^ Despite heavy

emTatfon i^ftt alS^yefs. Randolp'h today has more Quaker meetings than

any other county in the state. ^

Slavery and County Opposition

Largely because of its strong Quaker influence, Randolph County participated Largely Dew economy. North Carolina meetings had adopted a

only marginally '" Hl^^^^ ''°"^bers to limit purchases of slaves and to prevent dictum as early as 1772 adv. mg f^^^^J^'^ ? ^^^^ .^vised Friends to the separation of slave fan^hes^ as soon as they possibly can" and threatened 2™enTo '^ "UlTof'trme^tinglhVma/ hereafter buy, sell or clandesSy assign'for hire any slave in such a manner as may perpetuate or prolong that slavery.-J^ ^^ ^^^^^^ j^ ^^^^^^ constantly

proportion of slaves •"t'le population population had declined due

?o Ct ^^^T^^^^^^^^^^ --' h-r """ "^S^

w.??.le number of free persons of color (the majority of whom were probably SwTcontinu?d to g ow. The twenty-four listed in Randolph in 1790 grew to more ?SK 1800 anlpassed 300 by'l830. Restrictive laws -g-ding manum.ston of slaves passed after 1835 halted this dramatic increase, and by 1850 the free

"%So^Sns'^^^^^^^^^^ u H ifr^S for Slaves The county's politicians often supported the nghts of free

l^v nSe oSSminrstatewide opposition. In 1827 both of Randolph's state blacks despite o™elm ng siaie w ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^


The constitutional convention in 1835 opposed disenfranchising free blacks DespT this support, however, local free Negroes generally were unable to attain Ssoda status. While men such as "Elder" Ralph Freeman Frank Lytle and Sues such as the Waldens became successful and respected members of the Stlph community, the majority of free blacks found themselves with few nghts in a South that was increasingly hostile to their presence.


The area's last flurry of antislavery activity occurred in the late 1840s and 1850s. Wesleyan Methodist missionaries arrived in the county in 1847 for a tumultuous four year stay. Called "Abolition Methodists" because of their stance in American Methodism's three-way split over slavery, the two missionaries founded six churches in Randolph. Their active and forceful support for abolition led to several near riots and they were driven out of the state in 1851. In 1857 another Wesleyan missionary arrived, Daniel Worth. Worth was bom a North Carolma Quaker but became a Wesleyan after immigrating to Randolph County, Indiana. His headquarters during his mission was the home of his daughter and son-in-law in New Salem. Worth's irrational charges that the Quakers fostered the institution of slavery, and his stormy diatribes against the system, alienated Friends and infuriated the state's political leaders. He was subsequently arrested for sedition and escaped prison only by fleeing the state.'"

The failure of local Quakers to resist pro-slavery leadership and to assert actively their moral and ethical opposition to the institution grew out of a profound conflict between political reality and their philosophical ideals. Friends earlier in the century had rallied to support progressive Whig goals and legislation. An identifiable Quaker presence in North Carolina politics was noted in the elections of 1824 and 1828, when Friends joined forces with ex-Federalists and others to oppose Andrew Jackson as a presidential candidate.^^ In 1828 it was said that John Quincy Adams's "greatest support came from the Quaker counties of Guilford and Randolph." Yet, as the Daniel Worth episode illustrates, Friends generally held a dim view of overt political activity and were even inclined to disown members who sought othce. Friends seem to have rediscovered their political voice just three months before North Carolina followed her regional neighbors out of the Union. In a February, 1861, referendum Randolph County voters, largely upon Quaker ^support, defeated the call for a secession convention by a margin of fifty to one. ^^

As North Carolina in general has been called a "Progressive Paradox Randolph might well be called a "Conservative Contradiction." Against its back- ground of progressive historical traditions the county has happily cultivated a contemporary reputation for political conservatism. The popular explanation— that Randolph is politically conservative because of its Quaker hentage— is perhaps the most widely accepted and least critically examined tidbit of local wisdom. Yet an outside observer would regard this explanation as something of a paradox, since the Society of Friends is normally classified among the "liberal" religions.

Statistical research seems to underscore the paradox instead of erasing it. A look at the presidential and gubernatorial elections in which the county has participated reveals that the voters overwhelmingly favored the candidates promoting conservatism.'*^ On the state and national level, Randolph has been one of the most conservative counties in North Carolina. In countywide political contests, however, the situation is less clear. Since 1850 Randolph has had thirty sheriffs, and the representation for conservative and more liberal parties has been about equally divided. Elections for other offices would probably yield a similar story. "'' Thus, on the local level, it would seem that there is a rough parity between the political philosophies.

This confusing amalgamation of religious and political dissent must play a role in any examination of Randolph County history. These progressive and conservative forces interwoven in the county's past are also reflected in its landscape and built environment.


The America of Jefferson had begun to disappear before Jefferson himself had retired from the presidential chair. That paradise of small farms, each man secure on hiS own freehold, resting under his own vine and fig-trees, was already darkened by th shadow of impending change. For Jefferson, Utopia had cast itself in the form ot nation of husbandmen.' Those who labor in the earth,' he had said, 'are the chose people of God, if ever he had a chosen people'; and the American dream required that tn land be kept free from the corruptions of industrialism.' While we have land to laW then, let us never wish to see our citizens occupied at a work-bench, or twirling a distatl^ Far better to send our materials to Europe for manufacture, than to bring workingmen these virgin shores, 'and with them their manners and principles.' 'The mobs of gre9 cities,' he concluded ominously, 'add just so much to the support of pure government, a

sores do the strength of the human body.'

Arthur Schlesinger, J' The Age of JacksO

1770 map by Collet showing Cox's Mill, Husband's Mill. Fraser's Mill. Caraway Mounlains. RichK^ Creek Pole Cat and Sandy Creeks. Uwharrie (Voharee River). Deep River. Cape Fear Road. Craffo' Path and Trading Path (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randoi Public Library). ^


Agriculture . .

The setting for antebellum Randolph's religious ^^^^^^^^^^^ tual life was a rural agricultural landscape which had been w ^^^ ^^

wilderness within the lifespan of many ^t'", ''^'"^ "^ /sou. v ^^^^^^^^^

social organization was the economically self-sufficient ex^nded^^^^ ^^enty-one thinly around the countryside Randolph County av^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^J.„ ^

inhabitants per square mile in 1850 and I860, only slignuy ^^^^

state whose more prominent political Ag"^-' S^^^/^J^^,^^^^^^^^ dog bark."- remarked, "No man should live where he can hear his neigno b ^.^^^

In the colonial period, the grassy ''^^^f "^^;, JX^^S much of the rise to a lucrative export trade in I'^estock. Betore t ^^^^^^ ^^^^^

agricultural economy of the Piedmont revolved J™""J ^^'^^j^^i, , ,us grain and farmers along the way picked up extra money by sem g ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^

forage. The keeper of the Bethania Diary wrote «" ^ct^oe , ^^^^ ^^

September and October "more than 1,000 head of cattle have

the way to Pennsylvania.""* r^„„ntv harmonized rather well with

The agricultural landscape of Randolph County harmomz^ ^ ^^^.^^ ^^

Thomas Jefferson's concept of a "paradise °^. '3' .^rms'than her colonial husbandmen.""^ North Carolina in general featured smauer ^^ ^^^ agricultural neighbors with lesser emphasis on the production oi ,^ ^^^^^3^^,, (Guilford and economy of Randolph and its adjoining counties in tn V ^^^ the

Alamance) was generally one of subsistence food ^roP Producuo^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ primary product of the area with wheat gaining seconi,^^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ continuing self-sufficient nature of Randolpn agni-u domestic

. local newspaper editor who declared that "our provisions are mostly


ural agricultural landscape (courtesy

Nineteenth-century Randolph County featured an ov^'^^j''^'"^yJ„i, public Library) . ^

Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Kanao'P —-

c u „o» Rnttpr and Milk from the cool Recesses of the Dairy." 'pl7/rL°„V^rw=StoHng'fo„d crops u„.i. weU t„,o .he ,w.„..e,h century. In 1920, Fred Burgess reported.

Of her aericultural wealth only ten percent was produced by non-food crops. This is a her agricultural wealth is produced by food crops.


Transoortation was the vital link between production and market. If the land was .oodSe weather was cooperative, a farmer expected his hard work to produce good f ^;j^ ™f ., ^lon^ acmally consumed. This surplus he hoped to sell for

eS?a wheat or corn or butter or cheese; they had surpluses of their own to selk SsTdents of owns with limited garden space were the natural buyers of this Residents o\J°wi between town and farm were imperative.

''''X:^S::r^^^^'^^P-^- of ^o-l county officials and every ab.e- u A- H !;an was reouircd to help with road maintenance under the supervision of bodied man ^^^^nTted^bv the county court. Even so, the early roads were often luut ^oTtl^bTe ly pasS^^^^^^^^^ Methodist missionary Bishop Francis Asbu^ was aZcclsLnaf visitor to Randolph in the 1790s and preserved several accounts o was an occasiona v. j ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ carnage. I

nLotw shaped b^^^^ was much^affrighted . we had exceedmg ly

narrowly e^ccipcu m & . trving; but it will make death

uncomfortable road. Go-g t t^, ,,ate , very t^^^^g ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^

welcome and e^^f J^^/f^^^^^^^ ,,e'of wooden plank roads in the

mid-nmeteenth centuo' J ^^.^d in 1849 and diagonally bisected Randolph

'Sn^The 9'^^^^^^^^^ road entered southeast Randolph from Moore

CoSn S roughly following the present-day NC 705 to "s intersection with US 220 tnH nn to Asheboro From Asheboro it approximated the route of 220 to New Market whte it tied northwest along the modem US 311 to advance to Sa lern ?iow Wirs^on-Salem). Asheboro lawyer Jonathan Worth was a director of the p ank road compTn; and with his brother, John Milton Worth, contracted to provide all the Sne anZak^lumber used on the road through Randolph. To accomplish this, the mrths acquired the first steam-powered sawmill known to exist in the region.^ ^ope main enance of plank roads was expensive and, though experiments were Se su^s ituting rock and gravel for planks, competition from the North Carolina Sroad led to the abandonment of the road in 1862.^^ However, the impact of the niank road belies its short life-span. As a convenient, direct route to major urban Sets to the north and south' the plank road opened up rural Randolph like nothing else prior to the railroads of the 1880s.






.llAvairff^.VflBli^. ( liIRT Hoists.

752i /ma/J showing the

Randolph County section of the Salem to Fayettevilte Plank Road. Surveyed by Hamilton Fulton. State Engineer; drawn by Robert H. B. Brazier (courtesy N. C. State Archives).

Special problems occurred when roads met watercourses. One solution was to float across in ferry boats. William Searcy's Ferry, later known as Waddell's Ferry, crossed Deep River near its entrance into Moore County and was an important colonial link. Those people with carriages, like Bishop Asbury, had particular problems with ferries. In 1780 he ". . . crossed Deep River in a flat boat, and^the poor fisherman sinner swore because I had not a silver shilling to give him. In December, 1793, "... we crossed Deep River, in a flat, not without danger; thence down Caraway Creek to Randolph town; thence to Uwharrie at Fuller's Ford. Here we were assisted by some young men with a canoe. Thank the Lord, both men and horses were preserved! The young men sometimes prayed and sometimes swore." A more common method of crossing one of Randolph's streams was to ford it at some shallow point. A ford is still maintained on a rural road near the site of Waddell's Ferry, the only one still in regular use in the county. Other well-known fords, such as the Island Ford in Franklinville or Buffalo Ford near Coleridge, were like Waddell's Ferry, eventually replaced by bridges.

Waterpower and Mills

Water was one of the great assets of the agricultural landscape, and one which made it possible both to process and to market agricultural products. Water rights were regulated by local government for the protection of both the property owners upstream whose land might be flooded by a dam and those downstream whose rights to water might be interfered with. Accordingly, county courts had to be

petitioned for the "priviledge of riparian rights." Court records show that the fif* mill privilege in the area which later became Randolph County was granted t Samuel Walker in 1756 for a mill on Sandy Creek.'^ Soon thereafter, mills wef built on waterways throughout the area, an accurate accounting of which is V longer possible. Among them were those operated by Harmon Cox on Mill CreeK Hermon Husband on Sandy Creek, William Bell on Deep River and Andrew Hoove on the Uwharrie River. .

The presence of these mills seemed to create as many problems as were solve« Along the Uwharrie and Deep rivers, for examples, they interrupted the supply '^ shad, eels, sturgeon and certain anadromous fish local residents depended upon W food and livelihood. On December 15, 1773. residents of the part of Guilford CouO that became Randolph petitioned the colonial Assembly "praying a law may pass' facilitate the passage of Fish in Deep River":

. . . Your petitionars is Deprived of that Natural and profitable priveledge of CatchjiJ fish in Deep River as formerly ... by its Chanel being stopt by several Mill Dams bei made quite across said River to the Great hurt of many poor familys who Depended , said fishing for great part of their living, it being well known that no River of its size this provence afforded a greater quantity of Excellant Shad and other fish. We thereto^ Humbly pray that you through your great goodness would Condesend to pass a law in " favour so far as to oblige the owners of said dams to afix proper flood gates in their da"^ from the mouth of said River to Field & Dicks Mill above the trading path and then^ keep open at proper times from the tenth of fabniary to the tenth of april that the s inhabitents may in some manner be Restored to their former priveledge of Catcti fish.



The nature of the earliest gristmills is not clear. Tiny mills powered by tub whee s my have been built of logs, while larger mills with two or more stones were probabW of heavy frame construction. The massive timber framing, held together wrwooJen pegs, was necessary to withstand the vibrations of the turning stones Tnd wooden gearing. The special problems of mill construction were the province of *e mSnght, a craftsman who stood somewhere between the carpenter and the engineer.

V. fl<:t to soawn in fresh water, ;; Shad, a kind of herring, swim upstream from the coas ^^^^^^ declined to

I"; unless stopped by dams. The members of the Assemoiy, ^^^ ^^^ .^^^

f/egulate the construction of mill dams; ^he m>llmg ot ^n ^^^^^^y

» commodities suitable for trade or barter was vital in a cdbu h

Daily News. Its accompanying caption identifies me mm amy

Township r The photograph is credited to Frank Jones.

A Photograph exists to show the appearance of the gristmill at FranklinviUe TradiSon cStf construction to Christian Moretz in 180 , although the miU nrivlTge had been sold from miller to miller beginning as early as 1785. The mill wala small two-and-a-half-story building about forty by forty feet in plan A wo^enwSer wheel powered three stones and a mrmmum of flour-processing maSery The gristmill shared the site with a sawmill, a typical combination. In Set SmiUsites, once developed, shared the potential power with other kinds of Ss The Franklinville mill later included a cotton gin and wool-carding machine Peter Dick's mill on Deep River, mentioned in the 1773 petition, included an oil mil which crushed flaxseeds to make linseed oil.^' Since water was the only convenient Tource of power at that time, even relatively small streams were used for purposes such as turning the lathes of cabinetmakers.




Franklinville grist mill (built ca. 1801) taken in 1912 when the foundations of the new roller mill were being built around it. The tiny old mill was destroyed soon after.

Dennis Cox grist mill, now destroyed, as it stood in Union Township.

The Dennis Cox mill (ca. 1835) has been destroyed by fire since the inventory. The Cox mill was, at thirty by thirty feet and two-and-one-half stories with full basement, one of the largest remaining buildings of heavy frame construction in the county. At its site were a sash sawmill and a blacksmith shop. It was technically nd just a gristmill, like the one at Franklinville, but a merchant mill, one whick included special machines for smutting and bolting flour. These processes refine the coarse yellow flour, separating it into various grades. White flour was the desireO end product of this process and brought the highest price. Cox's mill, powered by ! breast wheel generating ten horsepower, could grind seventy-five bushels of graU each day.^^ The Peter Dicks mill in Randleman (destroyed about 1970) and th< Bell/Walker mill in New Market Township (destroyed about 1965) were both vei^ similar to the Dennis Cox mill. Miller's mill, a later merchant mill near Trinity, i| the best preserved of the remaining Randolph County gristmills. I

Waterpower not only supplied energy for milling adjuncts to agriculture bi* also provided the element necessary for manufacturing plants. Rudimentary industil that began in antebellum Randolph emerged later in the century as the county i leading source of income. Because of the difficulty in transporting goods in tW Piedmont, antebellum merchants often engaged in manufacturing activities. On' such individual was Benjamin Elliott.

"Colonel" Benjamin Elliott (15 February 1781-27 February 1842) was > prominent lawyer and commander of the Randolph County militia. He opened J general store in Asheboro sometime before 1808 when he was involved in tl* now-legendary tale of Naomi Wise." In the late 1820s Elliott acquired a tract « land on Deep River to establish his own manufacturing operation. Since the level « Deep River dropped about fifty feet in the half-mile stretch of the tract, Elliott hire local workmen Isaac Lamb and Grief Cozins to build a dam and sawmill powered K an undershot "flutter" wheel. Soon a "common gristmill, with one run of stones was added, and the settlement became known as "Elliott's Mills."^

As Elliott began to provide his stores with flour and lumber, he also toO' preliminary steps to obtain wholesale cotton yam. The southern market for yam vast. While northern textile demand could be partially satisfied by Europe^ imports, home textile production was a major pursuit in the South. The census « 1810 disclosed the fact that North Carolina produced more domestic textiles than » the New England states together. ^^ In Randolph County alone the census identifi* 1,333 hand looms, 400 spindles and 14 spinning frames producing 86,000 yards' handmade cotton cloth worth some $34,000.^

Converting raw wool and cotton into spun yam was the most laborious step' the creation of "homespun" clothing. A difficult part of the complex process \V automated in 1793 when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, in which a row ' rotating, toothed saws pulled the cotton fiber from the seeds. Just nine years la^ there were five cotton gins in Randolph County." Once processed and spun, the y^ was ready to weave into cloth. With the development of water-powered factories was found that much of the time spent in hand-weaving could be saved by buy'" this mechanically-produced cotton yam.

Local merchants such as Ben Elliott could meet this demand either


Interior of Miller's Mill. Trinity Township, showing the hoppers and housings of the wheat an corn stones (courtesy of Jane L. Delisle).

u ,»fQii stores or by producing it importing yam through circuitous routes to their "^^^ ' ''" _ ' ^rchants was even themselves in a mill of their own. A wholesale trade t" "*" "'/^^ legislature possible if the mill was successful. In F;^^™g;.„yof Randolph, a projected incorporated The Manufacturing Company ot ^he t^oumy McCain, the

cotton textile factory, at the request of Elliott ^f three fnenos ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ county's clerk of court, Jesse Walker, a New Salem mercnan ^ ^^re

Asheboro lawyer and merchant.''^ Enterprismg ^^"^olph atizens^^^^^^ motivated to invest their capital in ventures other than lana ^^.j^^giopment

One reason may have been the regions affiliation w'ln y ^^^^ ^^^

political policies of the Whig Party. Plank roads railroads ana ^^^.^^^.^^ ^^y advocated by proponents of'internal improvements^ Belt" toward slavery, which have been the religious opposition of the Q"^^;^^^ ,„,,, businessmen and required less objectionable ways of investing ^^e savings oi factories

small farmers. Many of the subsequent stockholders '" ^f"^°'P (1738-1836), were Friends, and many Quakers in the North, such as Moses bro ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

advocated such developments. Brown, one "f ^^^ *''""''^'' iH„ated actively in the industry, was a wealthy Rhode Island Friend ' ^^J) jiad ^^ u^f j^at

Quaker abolition and antipoverty movemems and had shaped the Fnenas manufacturing might relieve social ills."''^

r-^^T,: -W_


Disused iron water

wheel of Miller's Mill. Trinity Township (courtesy of Jane L. Delisle).

General Alexander Gray, farmer, JohnstonviUe merchant and Randolph County's most prominent citizen of the time, was a stockholder in an earlier, unsuccessful North Carolina cotton mill scheme. The Hillsborough Manufacturing company, proposed in 1813, never passed beyond the organizational stage. A similar fate lay in store for the Randolph Manufacturing Company of 1829. The Randolph County incorporators seem to have underestimated the difficulty of building financial support for the cotton factory, the most expensive local project ever proposed The lack of banks and other sources of capital m the area meant that funds had to come from individual savings. When fund-raising proved unsuccessful, the Randolph Manufacturing Company charter was allowed to lapse. The time was not yet favorable for manufacturing interests in the state. Four other cotton factory companies were incorporated in that same legislative session and none were in operation before the mid- 18 30s.

Yet where a public corporation had failed, a private partnership eventually succeeded, attributable largely to Colonel Ben Elliott's son, Henry Branson Elliott (1806-1863). One of Randolph County's most progressive figures in the antebellum movement for internal improvements, Henry Elliott was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1826 and went to Princeton to study law. About 1830 he returned to Randolph and joined in his father's business ventures. In 1836, Henry



and Ben Elliott formed a partnership with another father-and-son team, Dr. Phillip Homey (1791-1856) and Alexander S. Homey (1815-1891) to build the county's first cotton factory. On March 14, 1837, the Raleigh Register noted that "Messrs. Elliott, Homey and others have been for some time actively engaged in erecting a cotton factory at the Cedar Falls on Deep River. . . ." By mid-June the factory's 500 spindles were making "superior quality cotton yam" suitable for sale in Elliott's



The 1846 Cedar hulls Jaciory ca. 1900. viewed frum lite soutlicasl. The monitor rooj and chimneys are clearly visible. The stair tower and cupola at the west end are later 1 9th century additions (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

The year 1836 was important to North Carolina's infant textile industry for another reason. In that year Edwin Michael Holt installed machinery for spinning yam in his father's gristmill, thereby establishing a factory at Alamance Village on Great Alamance Creek. Holt enlarged his factory in 1845, added looms in 1848, and after 1853, when an itinerant Frenchman taught them the dyeing process, Holt and his sons made "Alamance Plaids," the first colored cloth woven on power looms in the South. Five other mills were started in the Alamance area before the Civil War, two of which Holt purchased in 1851 and 1860 to add to his nascent textile dynasty. ^^

Also in 1836, Charles P Mallett built two factories in Fayetteville. The second factory included 100 looms for weaving cloth and was perhaps the first mill in the state to boast this innovation. ^^ Power looms proved tremendously successful in this mill, the Rockfish Manufacturing Company, which by 1860 was the largest factory in

North Carolina. One of the state's first mills had been built in Fayetteville in 1825; with Mallett's mills and three more built in Fayetteville in 1840, the city boasted six textile factories before the war.^''

The 1836 Cedar Falls factory was the stimulus for an economic boom in Randolph County. By 1850 there were five textile mills in operation along Deep River, making the area (along with Alamance and Fayetteville) one of the three centers of North Carolina's antebellum textile industry. Just seven months after the Cedar Falls factory began operations, another factory was organized downriver at: modem Franklinville. This concern, designed to improve upon the Cedar Falls mill, was created as a corporation rather than a partnership for it needed additional capital. The new factory was housed in a brick building, one of the largest structures in the county, and expanded operations "to include weaving on a pretty large

Western side of the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company factory, as it appeared in 1874. A cupola " faintly visible at the north end of the roof. The demarcation line between the original 1838 first floo' masonry and the darker post-1851 masonry is evident.

scale."'^ By Febmary of 1839 "a little village had sprung up" as the company constructed houses for "some eight or ten respectable families."'^ By January o' the next year machinery was being installed in the brick "Factory House," and W March the mill at Franklinville was in operation. ^^

In 1845 manufacturing had become such a lucrative investment that fifteen me" and women joined to incorporate the Island Ford Manufacturing Company. Thi* small frame mill was also built in Franklinville and also included looms. In 1848 ^ fourth factory was organized by Quaker residents of the New Salem area. Named thf Union Manufacturing Company, the corporation built what was probably the county ' largest antebellum factory near the Dicks' grist and oil mill (now Randleman). Th^ county's fifth mill, the Deep River Manufacturing Company, was also incorporate|^ in 1848, but the brick mill at Columbia (now Ramseur) was not completed unf' 1850.


t* I

The only ,no.n representaHon of, He 1845 Island ^or<ifac,oryism^^^^^^^^^ -' ^^^'^^ ""^-^'^ in the special 1895 "Cotton Mill Edition" of the News and Observer ofRaletgh. ^

~ Randolph County's early cotton te^^^^^^^^^^^^

North Carolina's first, although the Cedar Falls and F "klmvd^^^^^^^ ^^^^^,^

among the first twenty. Neither were the Randdph f^^""" ^^ ^^^ early

biggest, or best-run, or most-productive ^"^^^^ellurn mUls^ BuMhe^^^^^^.^y

Randolph mills and mill villages are important, "^^^"^^'"'p^rolina when the Civil

There were about fifty cotton mills in operation m North Laroui

War began in 1861;^» these are among the few survivors.

^^^ vpnman service for both the State and From 1861 to 1865 these mills were to P^J"™ y!™fn,i,,s worked at full capacity the Confederacy. Almost without exception North Carolina i^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^

throughout these four years, and many operated day a e ^ ^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^^

months of the war the Confederate government drew its en ff^ Sherman's or

from the mills of upland North Carolina. Cotton lactones ^^.^^ ^jjj, ^orn and

Stoneman's forces emerged from the war as ''''™' .^ring the war justified the obsolescent machinery, but their own record of Production dunngt faith their owners had shown in the North Carolina ext.kinau^ry. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^ For the years ahead the ante-bellum mills nao ""^^ t'^^j jg^Q^^ (here was never a Despite the precarious existence of mills in the late ^^^^ ^^^^j^^ expansion after complete breakdown of the industry in the State, ana ^^ ^^^ ^^.^ asset— a

1880 was built on the foundations that had existed for ''^"°"^j^j;,„ 3„d enough mills to number of communities with manufacturing traditions an e ^^^ Carolina

form a nucleus for further growth-that attracted casual and maae Piedmont area the textile center of the New South.

Thi, is the only known illustration of the Union factory before it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1885. Tappel^sontheRandleman Manufacturing Company letterhead, dated 1879 (courtesy N. C. State

Archives). _^_^^_____


Here we still have a lot of personal independence, coupled with a personal initiative, looking toward the personal good of the most people.

There is no higher aim for any business group, large or small, than to help along this Tar Heel way of life and living.

Speech by North Carolina Governor R. Gregg Cherry, 22 November 1946

Growth of the Tfextile Industry

The five Randolph County factories, employing 298 persons in 1860, were the predecessors of local industries now employing 10,000 textile and apparel workers, or about one-fourth of the county work force.«° As eariy as 1850 Randolph had been almost three times as industrialized as all but one of its neighboring counties. The exception Alamance, pioneered the textile industry in concert with Randolph and Cumberiand. Much of the subsequent expansion of the textile industry in North Carolina rested on the foundations laid by industrialists of these counties.

Typical of the influence of the eariy Randolph factories was the Civil War-era Cedar Falls Company under George Makepeace. During the war the company was




the state's largest supplier of shirts and underwear for the army.^' Makepeace and his young assistants, J. M. Odell and W H. Ragan, oversaw production from cotton bale to finished apparel, perhaps the first time in North Carolina that these activities were integrated by a corporation. Odell and Ragan were two in a generation of subsequently prominent "New South" industrialists who entered the textile busi- ness before the war.

John Milton Odell, a Cedar Falls native who began working for the factory about 1855, is perhaps the best known. *^ After brief service in the Civil War, Odell returned to the Cedar Falls factory and seems to have served as superintendent from 1862 to 1869. Odell then moved to Concord and in 1877 bought and reopened a defunct textile factory there. He soon became one of the most successful textile industrialists in the state. Not only was Odell the dominant figure in Concord's industrial boom, he also pioneered textile ventures in Chatham and Gaston counties and the city of Durham. Odell also sponsored James William Cannon's first Concord factory, the Cannon Manufacturing Company.'*-'

J. A. Odell, a brother of J. M. Odell, began work for the Cedar Falls Company as a storekeeper. About 1869 he moved to Greensboro and founded the Odell Hardware Company which remains a major wholesale business. William H. Ragan, the war-time superintendent at the Franklinville factory, became a pioneer merchant and industrialist in High Point and was involved in the early furniture industry also.

Jonathan Worth's primary income while he served as secretary of state and governor came from his job as president of the Cedar Falls Company. His brother,

John Milton Worth, began an influential career in textiles as a Cedar Falls stockholder who rose to the presidency of the company (1877-1901). J. M. Worth involved several family members in the business, founded the mill and village at Worthville, and controlled plants in Randleman and Central Falls as well as Cedar Falls. During his lifetime Randolph became the center of a regional industry:

By 1883 the banks of Deep River were lined with eleven cotton factories, nine of which were located in Randolph County. This county had one of the heaviest concentra- tions of cotton mills before the war ... In the 1870s new mills arose at the side of those which had been in operation for decades. There were eleven mills, extending from Jamestown in Guilford County to Enterprise in Randolph. They had in operation 28,OO0 spindles and 750 looms, which gave employment to about 5,000 persons. The capital invested in these mills was over three quarters of a million dollars.*"

Other local factories played parts in fostering the textile expansion. The postwar owners of Union factory helped establish the 1879 Naomi plant down- stream in Randleman as well as three later steam-powered factories. Randleman's most significant role was perhaps as a pioneer in the hosiery industry. The Randleman Hosiery Mill, established before 1894, was one of the first in the Piedmont.** J. Henry Millis of High Point had taken interest in this mill by 1904 ani had hired its superintendent to oversee the first hosiery mill in his city, the Higl' Point Hosiery Mill. That original factory became part of the modem Adams-Milli* Corporation, one of the nation's largest hosiery manufacturers and a cornerstone of

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■/:.„„/ a;„,/,„^, „/ 7/r,//„;//rJi!. A/,;., ■; r\A,« ,/ -^^^^^ 0/<^

i4 \\evi of the Worth Manufacturing Company factory at Worthville appears on a 1910 stock certificate.

Interior of the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company weaving room in 1916.


the phenomenal development of High Point's hosiery industjy.J^e debt to RancUeman was partially repaid when the Commonwealth H.°^'^^^^'^'"l^3'„'„ s.^ ^■ and associates moved there from High Pomt dunng the Depression.

Furniture Industry .

An unexpected outgrowth of Randolph's antebellum textile m^^^^^^ as the other half of the county's modem mdustnal sector^ ^^ outgrowth of

Randolph, unlike the development in some areas, ^^^not s. p > ^^

early country cabinetmaking. Textile factones all ^,^1^, we^e necessary, from which to wind yam. Various sizes of the spools or ^oddui ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^

the large warp and roving type to "quills, bobbms wh'cn ^.^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^

loom. Bobbins were disposable items, used until ^^o'cen or s^^^ ^^ ^^^ difficulties of essential, therefore, to have a source of ^^P^^'^^^i^f ^^re doubtlessly manufac- transportation and the simplicity of the iteni, boboms w f^,^^^ or by a

tured locally from the earliest periods either by independent mill's machine shop. . ^egan during the Civil

The first known wholesale marketing of ^h^f i;^"^;„i„| i„ june, 1863, the War, again under the aegis of George .^?f kepeace Begin^^^g^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Greensboro Patriot carried notices that The Ceaar ra ^ ^^^ ^^.^^^^ ^^^ ^

prepared to furnish at short notice, all kinds ot ^o''"" ,,'87 ^^e Cedar Falls Bobbin suitable for woolen and cotton mills. J. M. Odell, Agen^ r,,v^cwrv in 1867-1868 factory was advertised in Bransons North Carolina f "^'"""^ ; t^e Cedar Falls- and 1869. The 1870 Census of Manufacturers ''^ted fwo me"^^^ ^^j,.„^^ ^ork." Franklinville area who described their business as equipment as

Both A. G. Jennings and J. W. Tippett identified h^^^^^J^^^ J'^.'^^.d tumed 26,000 a "water-powered tuming lathe." Besides 50 bedsteaas Jen ^ j ^^^^ ^^ bedsteads bobbins (worth $780) during the previous y^^r, ^"f^,' ?„^..orv of Alson G. Jennings and 25 bureaus as well as 13,000 bobbins. The bobbin ^^ / . ^ds was listed advertised in the 1872 and 1877 Branson Directories, but atterw only as "A. G. Jennings & Son, Cabinetmakers. „arked the first example

The bobbin factory with waterpowered t""^'?^ '^"^ working industry. During of mechanized mass production in North Carolina "^ ^j^j shuttles and picker

the war production must have expanded to include rep .^^ ^^^ shuttles were

sticks. Picker sticks were simple, disposable items uk ' ^^^^^^^^ ^^j^^^i^g^j

more complicated. Hollow, bullet-shaped devices witn .^ ^{,e'ioom. They were quills to carry the filling yam through the warp sn ^^ manufacture. Raw

historically made from apple wood, durable yet sou ^ -^ .^ ^^^^^ maintained material, however, was grown in specially-planted groves o \>v

by the northern loom makers. v.: ,n "the father of High Point,"

The situation changed after the Civil War ^^^nKs lu ^^^^ .^ ^^^^ Carolina Captain William H. Snow.'' A Vermont native, bnow nu ^^^^^^ ^^ ^.^ tubercular during the war and decided to retum hoping to improv resources of

wife.«9 Snow immediately became involved in utilizing the

Randolph and Guilford counties. He seems to have worked during the late 1860s in ?o?ond Thomas McMahon's spoke and handle factory in Greensboro.^" TT^]V^ Sntw Sres tablish his own V and handle factoiy in Archdale, but by 1872 he had moved the operation to High Point where he had settled, had movea ^""l J introduced inexpensive dogwood and

•^"'''' lis S the nTrthem textile industry. In 1867 he sent a barrel of persimmon shuttles to the rionnern lexi y Massachusetts. This

P"^\rfi^"sttrate?simmon^ u^^^^^^^ shipped from the South."-

was the first time a Persimmon snu ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^

Although it has been c aimed ht^to^^^^^^^^ for th'e manufacture of

tSo k's '■' it seems likely that the state's antebellum textile factories had made tttcrr;'earlier.^3 ^ the Civil W. with .on. in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

rhSrarwKsSrin :uL?r:sothem shuttJalmost immediately shuttles as wen as pvnensive aoolc wood and a market was created

aXTS ars rn^ XStTmS By 1884 there were shuttle block StoriesTn Archdale and Central Falls as well as in High Point, Greensboro and sur-

""IriSfsnow founded the Snow Lumber Company to process Randolph in 1651 oil" crrnwine number of High Point wood products— shuttles,

County timber ^"-^ j^e grow'^^i^^^^i^dow sash, doors and blinds. About 1883 rbeg:;rpSm^otS^^^ to open up the Randolph forests.- The

prcSeltwas completed in 1889, a year after W. H. Snow's son, E. A. Snow, assisted

Interior of a chair manufacturing operation in Randkman. ca. 1900.




in founding the High Point Furniture Company, the town's first furniture factory, which had begun operating by July, 1888.^^ The railroad and the developing furniture market soon encouraged the opening of plants in Randolph County. The Alberta Chair Works, incorporated in Ramseur in 1889, was the first and continues to operate as the Weiman Company. By 1900 almost every town in the county boasted a chair factory. P & P Chair Company in Asheboro is the best remaining example of that period, although furniture manufacturing plants are currently being constructed and remain an important segment of the local economy.

Industrialism and Community Growth

The practice of building a mill in virtually every town in the Piedmont tended to stabilize the population in and around the towns, in contrast to the tendency in other industrializing areas for rural populations to empty into a few large cities. The dispersion of industry led to the dispersed population and relative lack of large cities that is such a striking characteristic of the region.'^

The above quote describes the results of a circular development process which provided for slow, steady industrial growth in both Randolph County and North Carolina. This type of industrial development was, in effect, a process of decentraliz- ing factories and centralizing the worker population. Factories and workers were gathered together in small towns, and the rural landscape was kept relatively free of encroaching industrial development and residential subdivision. The process began under the various cotton mill companies both before and after the Civil War and was extended to foster the furniture industry. The philosophy was institutionalized by North Carolina's Governor R. Gregg Cherry in the 1940s as the "Balanced Growth Policy." In a speech entitled "Conserving North Carolina's Resources" given in January, 1946, Governor Cherry said:

. . . we must not lose sight ofthe fact that industrialization alone is no panacea. . . . North Carolina will not have a great many industries except as they are added one or two at a time, community by community. It must be a program based on the type of industry best suited to any given community. ... It should be the type of industry which will be locally owned, locally managed, and locally financed. . . .

We shall never forge ahead relatively to the race with our sister states unless and until we supplement the present vogue for bringing in industries from the outside with an aggressive program of development from within. ... To obtain locally owned and managed industries, established in the light of needs of a particular community, is to obtain them the hard way But we can and must do it.'"

Governor Cherry's call for the creation of small, community-based, rurally located industries built with local capital, utilizing local labor and raw materials contrasts sharply with contemporary notions of growth based on industrial recruitment. Unfortunately, it is an obvious fact that life today does not reflect a situation like that he described. The textile industry today is the largest industrial employer in North Carolina. The state's fifty textile factories of the Civil War period currently have

1,325 descendant textile plants. With mills in 81 of 100 counties, one quarter of the United States textile industry is located in North Carolina. One of every three manufacturing workers in the state is involved with textiles or wearing apparel, combining for more than 40 percent of the industrial occupations.*^

Governor Cherry's lucid description of an ideal was made as changing circumstances began to erode it. The process of decentralizing factories in rural population centers reversed course with advances in mid-twentieth century technology With good roads, automobiles, inexpensive gasoline and reduced travel time, a centralized worker population was no longer necessary. Employees could live anywhere as long as they could drive to work. Hard times in the 1930s and the demands of World War II brought people from the farms into the wage earning class of industry. The clear distinction between rural and urban life blurred in the years after the war. The final barrier was broken when water and sewage service systems were extended into the rural areas. Annexation and expansion followed, intensifying and encouraging a similarity of growth in the cities and the countryside.

Between 1967 and 1978, the amount of rural farmland in North Carolina decreased by 1.3 million acres, including an average of 2,000 acres per county of prime farmland."* Just in part of that period, from 1974 to 1978, Randolph County lost 10,000 acres of rural land to development. "" j

The history of Randolph County's buih environment calls to mind the long' running controversy between preservationists and developers, sometimes posed as "the eternal struggle for supremacy between the land and the machine." The county's antebellum industry both coexisted with the agricultural economy and strengthened it. The relationship of the factories to the environment was naturally symbiotic: the environment provided the energy to run the manufacturing operation and the factory workers created a market for agricultural production. That mutually beneficial relationship stands as a perpetual reminder of those brief but exciting years when the machine and nature were working as one. Realistically, however, the clock cannot be turned back and development will continue. The preservationists must work with the forces of progress to conserve that which should be preserved of our architectural heritage. Together they can create an acceptable "balanced growth."

Good-thinking, growing, forward-looking companies . . . working hard with aletl civic bodies, will remodel the indusu-ial map of our glorious state in wonderfully helpful ways, bit by bit, month by month, year by year. Here in North Carolina we have our own working problems, our own enthusiasms, our own wholesale pride. Our job to do is ouf own garden to tend— in accordance with the local climate, the local rain, the local sunshine. We have, in the final analysis, a North Carolina way of life, a way of doinj things, and this is in direct contrast to the vast and regimented industrial complexes i" other lands. '"2


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Structural Development

The need for structural development in early Randolph County was initially filled by amateurs, then by specialists and professionals, and in more recent years oy corporations and businesses. Houses, bams, outbuildings, mills, ^^ore^' ^f^J"/"^ all the other elements of the early Randolph County landscape sprouted out ot tne

^^/OsphotographofEnosBlairHouse.TrinityTowmhip(FrancesBenjamin "J Congress).

Johnston and the Library

fertile and diverse minds of the widely divergent groups of settlers claiming a piece of central North Carolina real estate. The wagon loads of barrels, boxes, furniture and other belongings carried by the early immigrant families pale when compared to the intellectual and cultural baggage each member carried in his head. While remaining an essential truth, it has become much less obvious today due to the mass-produced, homogeneous nature of modem American society. Today's exurban migrant can fill his need for housing with the purchase of some pre-manufactured house trailer or "Jim Walter" home. The pioneer of the early North Carolina Piedmont faced an acute need for shelter which he could only fill by building for himself, with local materials and labor, according to whatever idea of a home he carried in his mind.

In Europe prototypical dwellings varied from country to country, as regional and site-specific as any linguistic dialect, and as easy to identify and attribute. American architectural research is not quite so clear. As in most other aspects of our society, the cultural "melting pot" has blurred those European distinctions. Many national elements which were preserved in New England, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia had been transformed, modified or forgotten completely by the time these settlers or their descendants reached Piedmont North Carolina. While building types and architectural forms found in those states are also found in Randolph County, attributing them to specific national or cultural groups is difficult and highly


"In log houses the antecedents of the builder show less than in more highly finished buildings, where details of joinery almost invariably betray early training or environment." '°^ This statement, made by Thomas T Waterman, the godfather of architectural history in North Carolina, was used as preface to a discussion of Randolph's oldest house, the Enos Blair log cabin. The Blair cabin is the county's only contribution to the author's 1941 book, The Early Architecture of North Carolina. Waterman considered the house near Trinity one of the region's oldest stractures on the basis of its plan, chimney location, window treatment and construction details. The Blair house survives today with changes. The unglazed windows covered with sheathed shutters have disappeared, replaced with modem sash. The original cabin is the nucleus of a series of rambling additions now further disguised with aluminum siding. Fewer alterations have changed the interior of the cabin, which had led Waterman to exclaim that "The effect of this low dark room with its great fireplace must well exemplify the interiors of the first North Carolina

dwellings." '°^ , . ^. ^^

The only portion of Waterman s analysis which demands improvement is his use of local information to assign a specific date to the cabin, "said to date from about 1750, when Enos Blair settled here."'°^ Enos Blair, bom in Virginia in 1750, could not have built a home of his own in Randolph County until about 1770. The cabin could possibly have been built much earlier by a relative or some other pioneer, but this is unclear. Whether 1750 or 1770, the cabin is still Randolph's oldest standing stmcture and a good example of the simple dwellings of the earliest settlers. Moreover, it demonstrates the fact that some of the ideals brought by the settlers were later changed in response to the local environment. An illustrative


comparison can be made between the Blair cabin and a larger log home built by the Frazier family about 1780 standing a short distance northeast.

Both cabins feature a single story with a sleeping loft. The Frazier cabin, however, used "double-pen" construction to create a two room plan, called a "hall-and-parlor" plan. The front and rear entrances, by opening into the larger east room, or "hall," provided for cross-ventilation in the summer, and the exterior end chimneys relegated excess heat to the outside. The Blair cabin's interior end chimney is the only one known in a Randolph County log house. This type of chimney was


Frazier double-pen log House. New Market Township: built ca. 1 780: demolished 1981 .

Contemporary photograph of the Enos Blair House porch, now a screened enclosure.

useful for retaining heat in colder northern climates, but hot southern summers soon led builders to place chimneys outside the mass of the house, and even to build separate "summer kitchens" to distance the heat of cooking fires from the living areas.

Log construction had been brought to America by Germans and Scandinavians, but the technique had become a pioneer standard long before the first settlers reached Randolph. Because of the abundance of materials and the relative ease of construction, pioneers left log structures in their wake like bread crumbs along the trail. More log structures are recorded in the Randolph architectural inventory than any other type of building, yet these undoubtedly represent only a fraction of those which still exist and now are hidden by later construction. Inventoried log buildings represent an even smaller fragment of the total number built in the county for the tradition of log building extended from the eariiest days of settlement to the Second Worid War. Today, a modified version is gaining in popularity.

Because of the technique's ubiquity the exact dating of a log cabin or house is almost impossible. Size, floor plan and the style of comer joint notching are the only major distinctions between types of log buildings, and any builder could choose any variation which appealed to his tastes and needs. The two most common notching techniques found in Randolph are the "V" notch, as featured on the Blaif cabin, and the "half-dovetail" notch such as used in the circa-1840 log mill house al


Interior of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church showing log construction.

Cedar Falls. No "full dovetail" notches were found, and «"ly .^/^^ V^^^f'^a the "diamond" notch, a com crib on the Thomas Rice ^o^ne «a Fa^^^^^^^ discovered. Any style of notch was appropriate for o^tbuildrngs, w^h^^y' vary g from building to building even on the same farm complex. ^""^^ bmioing p w built in haste or by two Workers with different preferences, '^°"^^med more tn notching style in a single structure. Two small f ;";-f,^,S' Cross and one in Brower Township, displaymg both halMove ail ana The latest documented use of half-dovetail notching is f«""'^ '" ^^'""^eTrly all of Swaim farm in New Market Township, built in 1919. Log ^Jacco bams^ neady a ^vhich were built in Randolph County between 1900 and 1940, almost unitormiy

the simple saddle or square notches. „^rdstent building technique.

Log construction was Randolph County's most persistent ^"""' » j ^^^^ surviving even heavy frame construction. It was appropriate o even^ J dwellings of the earliest settlers (the Frazier and Blair cabins) to a ger two ry 'mansion" houses (the Wrenn House near Liberty) P^'^^^Hs L^^^^^^ courthouses or the extant Sandy Creek Baptist Church). For a l.t^perv^^ knowledge of log construction is still incomplete but it wll.ncreas^^^^^^^ ^^^y^ future discovery of a house or cabin hidden under honeysuckle, additions ti

Despite the prevalence of log construction, pioneers may have frequent y

Picker house of the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company or ' ' Upper Mill: ' The original stone picker house has been surrounded by later additions (Ruth Little).

considered such buildings as temporary, expedient structures. Permanent structures before 1860 generally were of "heavy" frame construction. Only one major stone building was found by the inventory, the 1838 Randolph Manufacturing Company "Picker House" in Franklinville. Stone was a logical choice for containing the explosive atmosphere of combustible cotton dust. Although the structure is basically utilitarian, the stone masonry received at least a partial coat of stucco, which was scored to resemble cut blocks of stone.

While the local clay which supported so many potters also produced many brick it was used primarily for chimneys or foundations. Only five brick houses are known which pre-date the Civil War: the Reddick House (Trinity), "Melrose," the Dempsey Brown House and the Tommy White House, all in Trinity Township; and the Makepeace House in Franklinville. There were only five brickmasons in Randolph in 1850 and six in 1860. The career of only one of these is known in detail— Robert Gray (1820-1890) of Gray's Chapel. He almost certainly was involved in the construction of the brick textile factories in nearby Cedar Falls and Franklinville and in the reconstruction of the Franklinville factory in 1851. Soon afterwards he "contracted for and built" the three-story main building of Trinity College. In 1855 Gray was hired to build another three-story school building, the Glennanna Female Seminary, which still stands in Thomasville.'°^

Heavy frame construction was much more common than masonry. The tech-



Dempsey Brown House, Trinity Township: built perhaps prior to 1836.

Documentary photograph showing the George Makepeace House in Franklinville ca . 1895 .

nique was also known as "post and beam" or "mortise and tenon" construction, so-called after components of the process. Large timbers were mortised, or cut and notched, to make up a skeletal structural frame, then fastened together with wooden pegs, or trunnels ("tree-nails"), instead of iron hardware. This type of construction was superseded in the late nineteenth century by "balloon-frame" construction, developed in Chicago after 1833. The "balloon-frame" technique, using smaller, standardized sizes of lumber fastened with nails, is more familiar today. It is not known to have been used in Randolph until after the Civil War.

Almost any settler with a broadaxe and a strong back could build a log cabin. A heavy-frame structure required greater skill, different tools, longer time and more money. A log cabin could be built without using a single nail, but either masonry or frame construction required plenty of them. Frame construction was something of a specialty and mainly the province of a professional house carpenter. The carpenter was hired to build at least the massive frame of a structure. Once this was done, the neighbors could be called to help raise the frame, peg it and celebrate in the "house-raising" party. In the 1850 census, the first to list professions, there were forty-eight carpenters in Randolph. The number had climbed to seventy-six by 1860.

Little information is available on the lives and careers of the county's aforemen- tioned carpenters. A unique survival is the contract signed by Spencer M. Dorsett and Thomas W Allred in September, 1850 to build Hanks Lodge for the Masonic Order in Franklinville.

The framing is to be of oak; the rest may be of good heart pine, but any expose timber must be heart pine. The shingles to be of good heart pine. The framing to be inches thick and the studding set on 18 inch centre. The upper story to be finished vvi' seats, stands, and a desk suitable for the lodge. The lower story to be finished with se^' with backs and desks suitable for a school room. The said Dorsett and Allred are ' furnish all the material and to do the whole in good workmanlike style and after the late^ fashions. . . . The structure was to be completed within six months for $1,350.

original document in the possession of Hank's Lodge No. 1 2'

The same materials and techniques developed for home and commerci' construction were also used in building bridges. Throughout most of the nineteen'' century timber was the only economical material for rural bridge construction. I'' chief drawback, however, was its tendancy to weaken and decay. An open bridge h^' a useful life expectency of only ten to fifteen years, while other bridges, roofed afl' covered, have survived over one hundred years. Any large wooden bridge w^ therefore designed to be protected by a roof, protecting the wooden structuf' members from rot. North Carolinians built many such bridges in the nineteeni' century. One of the first in the Piedmont was authorized in 1818, when Lewis Bear'' operator of an important Yadkin River ferry near Salisbury, gained permission fro'' the state legislature to replace his ferry with a toll bridge. Beard went far afield '' find a designer for his bridge, hiring Ithiel Town of New Haven, Connecticut. ToW' a former apprentice to Boston architect Asher Benjamin, had just completed thr^


r arjiTJK'CTErj^JWMKyaw*"

'documentary photograph showing the interior construction of the Sheen's Mill covered bridge, an ^'iample of mortise and tenon construction.

important bridges over the Connecticut River and was considered an expert on the subject. 107 While in North Carolina Town patented one of the country's most popular Jndge trusses, a latticed web of diagonal timbers in standard sizes. The resulting °ndge was sturdy, cheap and easy to assemble, leading Town to boast that his bndge ^ould be "buih by the mile and cut off by the yard." '°' Town patented his design and charged a licensing fee for its use.

Although covered bridges were built all over the state, Randolph has long been ^^nsidered North Carolina's foremost "covered bridge county."'"^ Randolph today has two of the state's three existing bridges, although these are the last representa- tives of a once large assortment. At one time there were more than sixty covered ''"dges in Randolph. Forty-two remained to be documented in 1936; sixteen were ^Wl preserved in 1947;'" and eight remained as late as 1950. , The county's first known covered bridges were built under the Town patent, ^though not before Ithiel Town's death in 1844. In February, 1845, the justices of the Randolph County Court authorized the constniction of bridges at Cedar Falls ana ^anklinville.'i^ The single-span Cedar Falls bridge was accepted by the county in ^"gust, 1846, when industrialist Henry B. Elliott was paid $736, half the cost ot ''^^ing it built. It survived until about 1940. The Franklinville bndge, suffenng ?fveral delays, was not complete until May 1848. Thomas Rice, a county justice and fjanklinville's resident "mechanic," was paid $1,119 for his work on the structure; ^'le itemized account was $750 for the woodwork and $349 for the masonry, with





IJ .1 .1


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Schematic of the Town lattice truss

Ca. 1940 documentary photograph of the Cedar Falls factory and covered bridge (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).



The Franklinville covered bridge ca. 1930.

additional funds appropnated for special stone "parapets" on the bridge abutments. ' " The Franklinville bridge was similar to the Cedar Falls structure but longer and this fact niay have riecessitated a design improvement. Photographs show that the Franklinville bridge was a double-span truss utilizing secondary chords for extra strength charactenstics of Town's improved post-1830 design. However its long, diagonal braces and counterbraces seem to have been unique among Randolph's known covered bridges and may have been Thomas Rice's own invention. The deteriorated Franklinville bridge was replaced by a concrete bridge in 1924 and was finally demolished about 1930.

While covered bridges were being built in the decades preceding the Civil War, some of the largest and best known Randolph bridges were built in the 1880s as neW cotton mill companies appeared along the Deep River. In March 1883 the county commissioners authorized the construction of "a covered lattice bridee 210 fed

long" at Worthville J - The bridge was complete by December of thafyear and stoo

bun Z !?T ol.^'rY' '" ''''• '""'""^ "'^P^ *"^i^^^^ 'haf the bridge aS built was actually 237>/2 feet long; several bridges in excess of 200 feet in length have been identified in Randolph, and the Worthville bridge may have been one of the county s longest. A bridge at Central Falls was authorized in April 1883 and bridges at Columbia and Enterprise factories were authorized in June 1884 '"^ H seems that at this period any competent carpenter could bid to const^ct a bridge according to county specifications. Those who could provide their own plans seem to have been the more experienced bridge builders. In August 1884 J H Redding's bid of $1,164.50 won right of construction for an open bridge at Buffalo

Schematic of the unique braced and coumerbraced truss system of the Franklinville covered bridge (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck).


Ford with the promise to "pay the expense of getting up plans and specifications which amounts to $15.00.""^ After part of the Enterprise bridge was destroyed by flood in 1886, B. B. Brooks and J. C. Cox won the contract to replace it "■ according to the moddle submitted as a plan. ..." Brooks and Cox later agreed to alter their design to "M. N. Brower's plan," and the bridge was built. John C. Cox was one of the area's premier bridge builders of this period and trained several men who built covered bridges during the boom years of the early twentieth century. '19 Cox's 1886 "moddle" is the only known Randolph County example of a 'lesign submitted as a plan although Madison N. Brower of Frankhnville was frequently hired by the county to build, repair or draw plans and specifications for covered bridges. '2°

The open trestle Buffalo Ford bridge was short lived; by October, 1892, the ondge had washed out, and in 1894 a two-span iron bridge was authorized to be built. 121 This was not the first local bridge to use iron in its construction. Even the Wooden covered bridges used some iron, as witnessed in the demolition report

'• 15 Rods of Iron weighing 785 lbs., 26 screws being Irons from the old Buffalo Bridge.">22 The first known bridge to use iron structurally was a bridge at Waddell's Ferry authorized in 1889. The commissioners' minutes state that "The contractor for building the bridge at Waddell's Ferry is allowed to put in Iron Pillars at each end ot *e Bridge as well as the Middle Pillar, said Pillars to be good, large and substantial." '23 A construction bid of $2,474 by Alfred Moffitt and B. B. Brooks Was accepted for this short-lived bridge'^* which was destroyed by a flood m 1892. In 1894 iron spans began replacing the longest wooden bridges. Wiley H. Chiton ot ^ake County was awarded contracts for two iron bridges, a 110-fooV26"^'^,Qnr"if^ *e Naomi Falls factory and a 145-foot double span at Buffalo Ford. In 1901 the Virginia Iron and Bridge Company of Roanoke received contracts for bridges at Island Ford in Frankhnville and at Enterprise Factory in Coleridge.

. Interestingly, the introduction of industrial bridge building to Randolph did not signal the doom of custom-made covered bridges. Instead, it seemed to invoke a "nie of revived and increased construction of such bridges. Though the major river pressings were soon spanned with iron, the mileage of public roads maintained by ^be county increased substantially, and new bridges were required for smaller ^treams. The majority of Randolph County's covered bridges were built between j^^O and 1920 by a new generation of bridge builders. John C. Cox, his son lom A. ^^^ and associates Hezekiah L. Andrews and Will Dorsett were responsible tor !^"ch of this construction. T A. Cox recalled in 1950 that the standard price for °"dge construction was $1.00 a linear foot for open bridges and $2.50-53^50 per '•near foot for covered bridges, when the county furnished the lumber. When the ^keen's Mill covered bridge toppled over during a flood around 1920 Will Dorsett "^^naged the task of pulling it upright and bracing it with steel cables . Dorsett did "Ot. however, build the bridge and its early history is unclear. The 100-foot span over y Little Uwharrie was probably built around the turn of the century, and it is certainly the last example of a Town lattice truss in North Carolina. The county^s °'ber remaining bridge, at Pisgah, was built in 1911 for $40 by J. J. Welch, covered bridges in North Carolina and Randolph County met their doom during the

Documentary photograph of the Franklinville covered bridge which provides a glimpse of its interior framing.

Idyllic documentary photograph of the Worthville covered bridge which was washed away in a ' freshet' ' in August, 1908.



Central spans of the Island Ford iron bridge.

Fuller's Mill covered bridge, built in 1907.

Schematic of the counterbraced truss used in the Fuller's Mill bridge (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck)-

Depression when financial responsibility for most roads and bridges was assumed b) the State and heavier automobile traffic made them unsafe crossings.

Building for Manufacturing

It has been said that the factory was one of the few new building forms added to western architecture between the Renaissance and the nineteenth century '3' Whil^ North Carolina was not directly in the mainstream of pioneer industrial design » reasonable idea of contemporary factory architecture can be gained from the k^ remams of the state's oldest textile mills. That physical record includes however a* few as six examples. The earliest of these is the 1837 Salem Cotton Manufacturing Company, a steam-powered mill built in Forsyth County by Francis Fries. After late' expansion, the factory became known as the "Arista Mill" and has recently bee' renovated as the "Brookstown Mill," a specialty shopping mall. Another survivor i* the Granite Cotton Mill at Haw River in Alamance County, a four-story bric^ structure built in 1844 that is still in use by Cone Mills. The remaining fou' antebellum factories are in Randolph County and make up, along with the surviving buildings associated with their mill villages, North Carolina's richest and mosi significant collection of eariy industrial structures.

Since the original wooden Cedar Falls factory was replaced, the oldest factor) remnants in the county are the surviving portions of the 1839 Randolph Manufactur- ing Company at Franklinville. The original structure, now called the "Upper Mill,'










m m








'^"'Ulolph Manufacturing Company; built 1839. rebuilt 1851 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck).

*as a 40 by 80-foot brick building, nine window bays long and three wide and three Atones high. The bond of the brickwork consisted of a course of alternating stretchers and headers (similar to Flemish bond), five courses of stretchers and Mother course of alternating stretchers and headers. This unusual bond was never "sed in other Randolph factories, although it was repeated in the Franklinville plant '" 1851 and 1882. All subsequent Franklinville alterations and additions were made in one-to-six common bond. The exact appearance of the 1839 structure cannot be ascertained because of some 140 years of alterations and significant damage by fire ^^^ original roof probably consisted of a simple gable with Greek Revival bell ^upola similar to that seen in the earliest photograph (1874) of the mill. J does not seem to have had a clerestory monitor roof like the one found on the 1837 Salem

., A fire ravaged the mill in 1851 but left much of the structure standing. Most of "^e walls remained up to the level of the second floor, where the line between old and "ew brickwork can be clearly seen in early photographs. The survival of the walls ^^en with destruction of the mill exemplifies the practical philosophy of early mil Jfsign. The foundations, built strong enough to withstand both floods and constant ^•bration from the machinery, were often the most expensive part of a mill. Througti f^Perience with large grist and merchant mills, a multi-storied design was preferred "ecause it maximized floor area while minimizing necessary foundations. Thus, me franklinville mill was reconstructed on the original massive foundations, utilizing "^ surviving brickwork and repeating the original bond. The Franklinville factory is

an important link with the vernacular tradition of mill design, a concept more directly an outgrowth of gristmill construction than of English or New England factory planning.

New England factory tradition can be seen in the 1846 Island Ford factory built in Franklinville and destroyed in 1895 but reconstructed from surviving documents. The frame building was 40 by 80-feet in plan, nine bays long and three wide virtually identical to the Franklinville factory just upriver. The Island Ford structure, however, was four stories tall, boasting a clerestory monitor roof (like the one at Salem) to light the fourth floor. This roof type was a familiar design element imported from English factory design and used in some of the earliest New England factories. The innovation may have been introduced to Randolph County by George Makepeace, a machinist and millwright imported from Massachusetts in 1839, along with the machinery, for the Franklinville factory. Makepeace was one of the founders of the Island Ford factory and almost certainly participated in its design.

In the same year, 1846, Makepeace likely helped Henry Elliott rebuild his Cedar Falls factory on a larger scale. Elliott's was only the second brick factory in the county, but it was a great departure from the one at Franklinville. Fifty by one-hundred-ten feet in plan, the new Cedar Falls factory was more than twice the size of the one in Franklinville. Cedar Falls featured more and larger windows and, like the Island Ford factory, added a fourth story lighted by a clerestory monitor roof. Like all the subsequent antebellum factories, its brickwork was laid in one-to-three common bond.






Island Ford Manufacturing Company; built 1846. destroyed 1895 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck).





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Cerfar fa//.v Manufacturing Company: built 1846 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck).









Only a small portion of the county's fourth mill. Union factory (1848), still exists due to its destruction by fire in 1885. Like the Franklinville factory, the surviving foundations and walls formed the basis for rebuilding. Union factory, as reconstructed from an 1879 drawing and surviving information, seems even more than the Cedar Falls factory to have been representative of the most advanced theo- ries of New England mill design. Union factory was the largest of the antebellum Randolph mills at 50 by 120-feet. Sited the farthest upstream of any of Deep River s early mills, the builder augmented its waterpower by channeling an adjacent stream into its headrace. Even then the mill was continually idled by low water, the trustra- tion of which led it to become the first of the county's mills to add steam power atter *e Civil War. The three-story factory was built on the most elaborate, massive stone foundations of any of the mills and was the only factory which straddled its power canal, housing the wheel under the mill itself. Although in New England this design was used so that winter ice could not block the race and stop the wheel, here it was probably influenced more by the steep, sloping terrain on which the factory was located.

The most important innovation at Union factory was the roof, where crowstep gables concealed the most shallowly pitched root of any early mill. This is perhaps North Carolina's earliest example of "slow bum" construction pnnciples. inese Pnnciples for mill construction began to develop in the late 1830s trom tne experience of New England mutual fire insurance companies who desired to prevent

or limit the damage done by factory fires like the one that destroyed the Franklinville factory in 1851. Shallow gables and flat roofs were considered safety features because steep gables and clerestory monitors required elaborate and combustible wooden rafters, collar beams and braces. Every factory built in North Carolina after the Civil War exhibited some aspects of these "New England Mutual Vernacular" principles, which by then were accepted as industrial standards. '^^ In the 1880s and 1890s the older Randolph County factories sought these lower insurance premiums by adopting features such as stair towers with water tanks and sprinklers. The Franklinville factory even went so far as to rebuild its gable into a flat roof with brick


While Union Factory presaged later architectural standards in mill design, the last antebellum factory seems to be something of a throwback. Columbia Factory, completed in 1850, is a large scale (50 by 100-feet in plan, 1 1 bays long and 5 bays wide) version of the Franklinville factory a rectangular brick box with overhang- ing gable roof. These retarditaire features exist because the mill, otficially named "the Deep River Manufacturing Company," was organized and designed in 1843. Construction seems to have begun then, just four years after the Franklinville factory and three years before the construction of the Island Ford and Cedar Falls factories. According to local tradition, a fever epidemic brought construction to a halt, but as the work-stoppage stretched over six years, it was evidently coupled with a shortage of capital among the stockholders. Consequently, when it was finally completed, the

"'"" Manufacturing Company: built 1848. burned and rebuilt 1 885 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck)


I iijjimi


Deep River Manufacturing Company: built 1850 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck)

factory incorporated few, if any, of the innovations introduced by tlie other mills. Columbia Factory, now at Ramseur. was later extensively expanded and is the only antebellum Randolph County factory which has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The five early factories were the focal points of larger communities which served the physical and social needs of the factory workers. The need for worker housing was responsible not only for the birth of the seven Deep River factory towns but also for the subsequent growth of earlier crossroads communities and later railroad towns. Much of the expansion and development of those first and third- growth communities during the early twentieth century resulted from the construc- tion of worker housing by factories such as the Liberty Chair Company, the Petty Sash and Blind Company in Archdale and the various Asheboro hosiery mills, chair factories and wood-working companies. An in-depth look at mill villages should therefore shed some light on the importance of industrialization in the development of Randolph County's built environment.

Like most American "new town" schemes, mill towns were conceived as Utopian solutions to the problems of worker availability housing, health and welfare. The first true American mill town a village created especially to house workers at a factory was begun in Connecticut in 1803 by Colonel David Humphreys. Colonel Humphreys and his industrial community Humphreysville, received encouragement from President Thomas Jefferson, who was beginning to


modify his views on industry.'" The Humphreysville pattern of independent small factories located in rural mill villages, as adopted and elaborated upon by Samud Slater and other industrialists, became known as the "Rhode Island System " The contrasting pattern of several large mills sharing leased water from a power canal within a city was known as the "Waltham System," even though it was first full)' developed at Lowell. During its first two decades Lowell enjoyed a worldwide reputation for successfully integrating industrialism with high moral and ethical standards and spacious, beautiful surroundings. This Utopian ideal lingered for vears after wage cuts and increasing workloads began to destroy the "Arcadian simplicity" of life in Lowell. Economic troubles in the late 1830s began to erode the formerly benign working conditions. In 1848 an economic depression, coupled with a large increase in child labor and immigrant labor, caused a rapid decline in the general standard of living of northern workers.'^'*

North Carolina's advocates of industrialism worked diligently to demon strate that manufacturing would not degrade local moral standards Randolph County editors and industrialists mounted a concerted public relations campaign W promote the virutes of local manufacturing activities. The Asheboro newspaper i^ 1838, for example, advertised for Franklinville factory workers with the appeal. Here IS a fine opening for hardy industrious young men, who are willing to worf hard, live well, earn money honestly and enjoy one of the most healthy situations i^ this or any other county. '^^ in 1843 the Greensboro Patriot enviously called Ceda'

Falls "one of the most picturesque and romantic spots east of the mountams, and in 1845 assured its readers that the Franklinville factory operatives ';su|tam a moral character equal to that of any portion of the surrounding population." In 1851 one of the Island Ford stockholders wrote the Patriot that his operatives were "experienced and industrious and of the best moral character." An 1851 report on the new Middleton Academy between Franklinville and Cedar Falls stated that "The villages are unsurpassed for morality and good order; the situation is healthy and mountain- like." In 1852 a similar statement insisted that the "location is very healthy and the whole country is remarkably free from immorality of every kind."

While some advocates underscored the moral and social benefits of manutac- turing, local Quakers addressed the philosophical and political issues. I" l»^^ ^ Memorial on Slavery, approved by the North Carolina Yearly Meeting ot hnenos, was presented to the General Assembly. '^^ Its blunt language denouncing the manifold evils" of slavery and demanding "the extinction of this evil in our belovea state" aroused a political firestorm in the press. Lost in the controversy over the "Abolition Memorial" was the petition's case for industrialism. One of the conse- quences of slavery was that it caused the emigration of white craftsmen ana laborers, thereby depressing "mechanical enterprise." Emancipation, the hrienas believed, would directly aid "the erection of manufacturing." '^^ This view took the position of Northern Friends and may have characterized Randolph County s attitude toward manufacturing. Elisha Coffin, founder of the Franklinville factory was a former Friend, and a majority of the Union factory stockholders ten years later *ere Quakers. ,. . .

^ Conditions in Randolph differed so markedly from those P/ey^'l\"g f'"""^, „^ state that in 1906 Holland Thompson, the pioneer historian of the North Carolina textile industry, explained that:

Upon Deep River in Randolph County, where five mills were built before IS^q conditions were somewhat peculiar . . . These mills were in a section where the Quaker •nfluence was strong. Slavery was not widespread and was "npopular_ The mills were built by stock companies composed of substantial citizens of the neighborhood. 1 he e *as little or no prejudice against mill labor as such, and the farmers daughters glacHy came to work in the mills They lived at home, walking the distance morning and evening, or else boarded with some relative or friend near by.

The mill managers were men of high character- who felt themselves to stand m parental relation to the operatives and required the observance of decoous conduct. Many girls worked to buy themselves trousseaux, others to helP their famihes. They los^ no caste by working in the mills. Twenty years ago throughout the section one might hnd the wives of substantial farmers or business men who had worked in the mills before the Civil War. Some married officials of the mills.""

fam,^''P"^ Thompson's idealized memory of "farmers' daughters" living on the w^v'"? talking to work, every Randolph County factory included company-owned ^^--ker housing. The Franklinville company completed houses fo^^ some eight or *g^ jespectable families" a year before its factory was built. I" 1^49 an A.Je^^^^^ ^'•■^Id report on Cedar Falls noted that "The buildings occupied by the operatives,

numbering some 25 or 30, are all exceedingly neat and comfortable, and owned by the company."''*'

The companies built houses and created villages around the factories for the same reason that they publicly emphasized the beautiful geography, healthy climate, and high morality of those involved they needed to recruit a work force. While northern factories soon came to depend on immigrant labor, those in the South had to rely on an indigenous rural worker population. Southern mill villages conse- quently assumed open, spacious characteristics attractive to the rural worker population and similar to the northern "Rhode Island System" towns. Single family dwellings on individual lots were the norm, although a mill boarding house was operated at Franklinville.

While the villages were designed to appeal to rural residents, entire farm families did not begin to move from agrarian activities to industrial work until the agricultural depressions of the post-civil War period. More than 80 percent of the heads of antebellum Randolph mill households were artisans such as potters, cabinetmakers, blacksmiths, tinsmiths, hamessmakers, carriage, wagon and buggy makers and cobblers.'''^ In the cash-poor southern economy it was hard for these men to ply their trades while farming to keep food on the tables; the mill villages provided them with their first opportunity to work full time, with affordable housing, outside work for their children, and an assured additional income.


Contemporary photograph of a Union factory dwelling.










Union Factory houses: built 1848 (courtesy of Audrey C. Beck)


. . .the housing provided at the factory allowed for continued supervision of the chil^ employees by their parents. Dwellings furnished by the company, single family structure.'

AUK ^l u P"' ^^'""' "^^""^ '^^''^""'^ =»"^'>^' ^ special work unit to the factory

Although the owners recruited families to the mill village, they employed only unmarried children and adolescents in the factory. With this arrangement, the family would maintain social control outside the factory proper at the same time that no primar) earners were recruited from their already existing occupations and no married wome« were enticed from their proper sphere, the home.

_ with an average of seven children per factory family a number not rare amonj families of all economic statuses, enough children could be working in the mill at one time to make the mill village life a comparatively lucrative proposition.

Large families virtually guaranteed numerous workers for the mill and thus made the construction of houses by the corporation a profitable venture A small number of factory houses built for workers during the 1850s survive across Nortt Carolina, houses which are similar not only in plan, but in size, details and windo« and chimney placement. E. M. Holt originally built small log houses for his workers at Alamance, but about 1860 these were either replaced or supplemented b) substantial two-story houses in a 20 by 30 foot hall-and-parlor plan with simplified ureek Revival detailing. These frame houses were virtually identical to those buiH by the Union Manufacturing Company in 1848. Five of these still stand Kandleman; at least three from the same period exist in Franklinville; and at least eleven remain in Alamance. '^■' Also similar to these houses are those found al Orange Factory in Durham County. "•' Alamance. Orange Factory and a fe^« remaining houses from the Rockfish Manufacturing Company near Fayetteville arc the only antebellum millhouses known to exist outside Randolph County These late antebellum millhouses are not discemibly different from two-story homes produce^ within the vernacular building tradition throughout the rural Piedmont at that time A similar situation seems to have existed at an even eadier period in Nortf Larolinas textile development, although the only houses known are those froif Cedar Falls and Franklinville.

What may have been Randolph County's earliest mill house was destroyed i^ ulrZ pn .'", I 2"/- °"^-^"d-a-half story log house, its existence implied thai Henry Elliott, like Edwin Holt, first provided log homes for his workers. The hous« was approximately 15 by 20 feet in size with half-dovetail notching. The house wa* covered with weatherboarding and had later been expanded with a board-and-batte^

LvHi f n """""^ ^u "'^' °^ P'^°'^' ™Portance in the history of North Carolina textiles fell victim to the destructive fad of "log cabin collecting"

n.r J. ,u u ' ^^^^ •'i'°"'^ '^^'' '""■■eover, of additional importance when com- pared to the houses built two years later in Franklinville. It was identical to the lattC houses except in one important respect: it was not built of sawn and dressed lumbe' with mortise-and-tenon framing. Five houses remain in a Franklinville neighbor- hood known as the "Cotton Row" and are story-and-half houses in a 16 by 22 foo' hall-and-parior plan Houses of similar shape and size also remain on the hill aboV« the fac ory in Franklinville, but these were later tripled in size by the construction d much larger wings. Whether this enlargement was done to accommodate large'

Cfar Falls log house, probably built ca. 1840: destroyed 1980 (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

families or multiple families of workers, or as a status symbol for the homes of mill foremen or superintendents is uncertain. , a

This comparison has two possible implications: that the 16 by ^2 hall ana parlor plan was a standard in Randolph County during the 1830s anf w^^ "^^^both ") Cedar Falls and Franklinville, or, alternatively, that Henry EH'Ott and ^usha Coffin and the other Franklinville stockholders exchanged information regard mg the appropriate size and form of worker housing. By the 1850s, '"••I houses from Randolph to Alamance to Orange to Cumberland counties did "o^J^J^f J^" een '" size or plan, implying thaf an actual informational network may have been operatmg among millowners and manufacturers. . o^ it was

Deep River had been the workhorse of the region since colonial imes, so it was "atural that all four antebellum factory villages formed around ^^f '"f ™"^^2 "s course. The Elliott family's gristmill was converted to house the ""g'"^' ^^^ar Falls factory. The Franklinville "factory house" shared the dam ^^d p^er ca^^^^^^^^^ El'sha Coffin's grist and sawmill. Columbia Factory (Ramseur) J"™ f ^"fj^^^^ .^^mill at Allen's Fall. The Dicks' grist and oil mill, m operation s'nce cofoma ;"^es, was the nucleus of the Union Factory community. P««!°"^^^, *',,^ designs therefore responded to these predetermined factors. F^^^^hnvUle d^^^^^^^^ J^°"nd its mill in a sheltered river valley, enabling its buildings to beonented toward *^ sun on a south-facing north bank. Union Factory's village ^^ree^ were Imd o^ ^l«ng the crest of a ridg! on the south side of the river. Cedar Falls and Columbia Pread out along both banks of their riverside sites.


, II 1








Franklinville -Cotton Row" houses: built 1838 (courtesy Audrey C. Beck).




Cedar Falls Company Store, now destroyed (taken in May 1974 by Ruth Little) ! M u" '°"^' ^""^ ^°'^^' •'°"^^^' 'he mill corporations also provided

then- villages with stores. Although other company stores later became symbols of coTJorate exploitation and paternalistic control, these village stores were originallv ^nTifl""! f more than logical necessities. Privately-owned stores soon provided

alon. wh^h ""n ^""TT'^ ""^""S'' ^'^^ '^«'"P^"y ''°'^' '^""ti""^^ be built along wth the mills of the later nineteenth century. The 1884 Franklinville

anSn^S cT"^ ^'"'■^ '' '^^ '^''^"■^^ '"^'^^'"'"8 ^^^'"P'^' ^'though the antebellum Cedar Falls store survived until 1975. The 1886 Rjwhatan Manufacturing

theT780n°r f "'^k'^k]" '^f '"^'"^" ^' 'he "Pilgrim Tract Society" building, and Mercantile" buildin ^''""'^"'"'"""S Company Store is now known as the "Carter

In FrSkSr"! mTkT"'.'"'^ '°'''' institutions was left to private initiative. 1839 even hif^r Tf'"' ^Pu"'°P" ^'^"'''^'^ "ad been organized and built in SJ f\ u? ""^ ^^"^""^ building was ready for operation. A Wesleyan

t^Ty.tB^.r?'':'TT "^^''"^ •'°"^^") ^'- "P-^'^'' 'here in the a'r y 185US. The Baptist churches built in Cedar Falls (1844) and Columbia (1851) were among the county's first five congregations of that denomination oSn'edn" he nineteenth century. Quakers composed the stockholders of Union Facto.^ but not its worker population St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church was or^an^eSrer Z 1855. Hanks Lodge ,n Franklinville became Randolph County't firs Mason c


InteriorofSaintPauVsMetHodistCHurcH. Randleman. as decorated b.- -HeuMnHink- or Jules K6rn..

S?hool?SV" V' '"'^ "'' "^^ °"'y ^"^•^ g™"P '" ^" ^"tebellum mill village.

.h.n^*''^ ?^ ^'''?'^ buildings, the mill villages were subject to dynamic evef- changing forces. Just as advancing textile technology produced new elioS requiring additions and alterations to the factories social 3 Prnn-? ^1"']""^" changed thp fnrpc r.f fh» .v,ii n "^ "»^'"ries. social and economic conditions cnanged the faces of the mill villages. The small antebellum houses were enlareeil and renovated, new houses were built, and the towns expanded oXRamLS Cedar Falls were so modernized in the late nineteenth century thatttlerTmaTnsof their antebellum appearance. Randleman preserves a few ofl ea riy houseTon th"

Doom years The Island Ford mill and its community were rebuilt in 1895 hut al the other end of Franklinville, many elements of the antebellum vil age remain W

S:ni:;ti"n'North S' ''- x/^^' ''^ "^^^^ ^^^'^P'^^^ survival'ofan ambel'ut S before 8^0 , ^ u To^ '°''" '°"'"'"' '""'"^ '^an two dozen structures

the upeSendenV a i;"f h' '''"'^V '''^'°^' '^^ ^^^^^P^^^^ "°"^^- home of me superintendent, at least a dozen workers homes, a former tavern and hoardine

INOI to be dismissed is an impressive colleclion of later buildings, such as the 188^

company store, the 1886 Moore's Chapel and a wide range of Italianate and Queen Anne homes. Franklinville is the only spot in Randolph County where tne progression of architectural styles can easily be discerned, from Georgian to heaerai to Greek Revival to Italianate and Gothic Revival and into the early twentietn century. , ., .

The mill villages erected in Randolph after 1870 were less diverse than heir antebellum cousins, both architecturally and economically. None ot me laier villages developed into independent trade and business centers as Kamseur Randleman and Franklinville did. Naomi and Worthville have since been annexea to Randleman, as Central Falls has been annexed to Asheboro. Coleridge is almost abandoned and disintegrates in peace, isolated from the county s growth centers^ While the tum-of-the-century Island Ford and Coleridge factones are interesting architecturally, the mills and mill villages in Worthville, Naonii and Central halls were severe, utilitarian creations. Planning and construction of these villages was no longer left to the tastes of stockholders and local craftsmen but relied on textile industry handbooks such as Cotton Mill: Commercial Features by ^^^"f' ^. Tompkins, a Charlotte engineer. Tompkins's book, representing a ^oditication o *e nineteenth century industrial experience," includes ^Pf •^'^^ '°"f46 „' ™" houses and community facilities which were widely used and popular. "o" built in the twentieth century according to his specifications exist in ^J^^^'^H^f in the county and reflect the area's tremendous identification with the industrializa- tion process.

Stylistic TVends

, The architectural style prevalent at the time of s^«l^,'"^"^,,""f„f°""En5ist Randolph County is known as the "Georgian," after the eighteenth^entury English kings. The style actually developed in the seventeenth century '^'^'J^'"^^'^^ ^Pread of the artistic ideals of the Italian Renaissance and was '"^^"g^'f/.^y '^'f'^ toward symmetrical balance. In this country the style is b^^''^? hniMii. technd- P>-eserved and perpetuated by Colonial Williamsburg, but ^ ^^^f ^^" 't" oSrdan y in Piedmont North Carolina developed too late to emulate this hgh Geo gmn '^ any.significant degree. Instead, the style must be recognized in p ans , P^^^^^'' "^«erials or trim features which are often mixed with elements from late sty^es.^ ^. The Peter Dicks House in New Salem is a representative hom' °L\ouse •ghteenth century Randolph resident. Dicks probably built the gabk-roof house 5«"nd the time of his marriage in 1797. With two stories it '^^^I'^^be reeired to as a ^■^ansion house"despite its small, 20 by 25 foot size. It featured th^ f H-and Parlo Pl^n with an end chimney. The parlor was sheathed in vertical board fbove^ch^'^ 'l^' and the exposed ceiling joists are chamfered. Plaster was ^-T^eWom used m a fr^^me house in Randolph, Then or later. Owner and operator of a gn/tm. ' o^^^^^^^^^ ^^er and one of the founders of Guilford College, Peter Dicks "^"^^^e considered ^^"^cessful and wealthy man. His house, modest though it seems, gves us an «t the dwellings favored by substantial Quaker residents of the county.

The contemporary dwelling of William Coletrane offers a contrast. Coletrane



The •• upper" dam on Deep River in Franklinville, 1901.

Peter Dicks House. New Salem, built ca. 1798.




1.1 I




Inlerior photograph of the Coletrane House. New Market Township, .showing the embattled molding crowning the paneled chimney piece.

Coletrane House. New Market Township. Paneled chimney piece with arched fireph

ace opening.

was the son of a Scottish resident of Edenton and was elected to a variety of public offices in late-eighteenth century Randolph, including that of deputy sheriff. Though the exterior has been much altered, the two-story, hall-and-parlor plan house IS in many ways similar to that of Peter Dicks. The interior trim, however, is much more ornate, with beaded paneling and an elaborately molded chair rail. Both lower rooms boast beautiful Georgian raised-panel overmantels. One surviving mantel exhibits raised panels and a molded shelf. This elaborate woodwork may have been grained, as are the upstairs doors, to imitate mahogany. The interior trim of the Coletrane House is the county's finest expression of the Georgian style. This may be due to the family's link with Edenton, one of the coastal centers of the style in North Carolina; for whatever reason, no other Randolph County homes exhibit this kind of "high style" Georgian.

Other elements of the style can be found among a scattering of structures. The Lytle Johnson House in Trinity Township has the county's only example of a molded cornice which terminates in pattern boards. The house also has a brick double- shouldered chimney, as does the Eli Bray House near Coleridge. The massive chimney is in English bond with glazed headers and paved shoulders, touches rarely seen in the county. The interior trim in unpainted pine is also impressive, featuring raised panel chimney breasts with arched fireplace openings. The house could easily be dated to the late eighteenth century if it were not for the known fact that Bray built It in 1824— an illustration of the conservatism of stylistic change in the area.


Ra^an Sf'^r nf'^;"?^'' ^"""'^ ""'^ *'" '^''^ ^^^^^"^^^ *" 'he Liberty area- the Ragan Store and Sandy Creek Friends Meetinghouse (both in Julian) and the HenrV

be" b^nrtsSo'?:!- T ^^^ --'-^^ouse and the storl seem to hS Deen built about 1800, but the Kivett House is said to date from 1818 Beaded weatherboarding is unusual in Randolph, but it is found nearby in both Alaman and Chatham counties. The Kivett House is also unique because it is the countv's rat IV mX/r'' "' ?™^"''^ r"^'^"'^^ ^^°^^'-' characterized y an elabo- nd Lwn b fusterstair ra',"' "t'T' \'^}''' °P^"'"^^' -'^ed-panefwainscots StedTn ablaze "fTolo" "'^- ^'^ "'"'^ '"'""^ '^ '"^^^'-^^' g--'^ -^ ..n. ^h'^f houses display an important innovation of the Georgian stvle the center-hall plan. The center-hall plan house has rooms on each s de "f a cen ral

afterl^- periodTaSf' r"?"''"" °'"^^^^ "'^"^ ^^ ^^^ ^-^^ ' " 'L " ^ (c 18 OV^ 4ht'S''"'''.P^°"l'"^"'^^- ''^' '"g'-^'" H«"^e, Trinity Township £use FrLik invme 18^2r n' ^k"" ?°'' '^°^"^*^'P ^'^- ^^'^^^ ^"^ the Julian

The American Federal style emerged from the English Adamesaue stvle It was

coZl fil exli T??'"^'-, ^''^ J^d"'han Harper House near Trinity is the county s finest example of this style. Haiper, an influential county politician and

'egant Federal style mantel in the Jeduthan Harper House. Trinity Township

Open-string staircase at the Jeduthan Harper House, showing turned newel post and balusters and an interesting ' 'pie crust' ' molding.

"?il«ia commander, probably built the house about 1800; ^e extenor was remod led *out 1851. The unusually fine interior trim is almost a textbook exainple of Federal ornamentation. The parlor is plastered, accentuated by a moWed chair ^^^^^^^ ^'oard and cornice. Slender, stylized Ionic columns support the "^°l;?^f f""^ J, "mantel shelf. Other trim includes rope molding, crossetted fo^J^^i raves and a f aceful open-string stair with turned balusters. The comer A^f ^^"J^Brown ^^^ond floor bedrooms are paralleled only by those of the nearby W^/ J^^^^^J House. The kitchen outbuilding exhibits the county's only known example ot bncK "ogging. ^ u t

^ The Dempsey Brown House has many Federal features, and "Pff^'^b'iUng *?«hy are several fine mantels with reeded panels. The parlor ^^^^\^f'^^^l Tt P^"^l^ ^"d a dentiled, molded, pulvinated fneze ^^^^^^.f^^^^ffj^f^.h ^ombmation of Georgian and Federal motifs. Yet the house is """^"f ^^^^^^^^ !^^^yl'stic blend; a brick by the door is dated 1836. The Brown House may be the Jjunty's oldest brick building, depending on the actual construction date ot me 5^ kepeace House in Franklinville. The Makepeace House seems « have ^^^^ ^ J the time of the founding of the textile mill, 1838-1840, but ^^y ^'^^'^^l^J^^^^ ^fhhght of its austere original facade is a single door set ma paneled architrave ^'th pulvinated frieze, sidelights and an eliptical-arch f^"^'^''*;^ .,„ .hese three , ., Most Randolph houses of the period were much less el^^«[,^^^;^^!?J,^^^^^^^^^ ^'^^ the John Long House in Liberty Township, or the Jarrell-Hayes House in New

Salem they combined Georgian forms with Federal details. As a distinct architec- tural period the Federal style was virtually skipped; aspects of the Georgian style survived so late, and the Greek Revival was so immediately popular, that the Federal style had little time to flower in the interval.

After 1830 virtually everything built in Randolph displayed some hint of the Greek Revival It was America's first academic architectural style of widespread, enduring popularity in the county. The Greek Revival revolutionized traditional architecture by shifting away from the traditional or "vernacular" house forms toward concepts created and consciously disseminated through builder's handbooks and pattern books written in Boston and New York. In Randolph the style assumed a eeneralized pervasive character which colored the lingering traditional forms with two-panel doors and post-and-lintel mantels. Only in the FranklinviUe/Cedar Falls area are examples found in which builders tried to consciously imitate the most stvlish northern designs.

The Moody Dougan House, Back Creek Township, and the Joseph Welbom House New Market Township, are two products of the 1830s where Federal, Greek Revival and even a lingering touch of Georgian can be seen in combination. Both are now of the hall-and-parior plan, but may have been built in the "Quaker" or "Continental" plan, with a large parior and two smaller rooms. Despite its popular name this plan was not a standard of Randolph County Quakers and is found rarely. The pilastered and pedimented door and window architraves of the Dougan House



Paneled emrance to the Makepeace House. Franklimille. showing pitlvinaled frieze, sidelights and elliptical fanlight.

display elements of all three styles combined to suit the tastes of a local craftsman. The unusual balcony/dormers of the Welbom House are also expressions of the owner or builder taste. This hesitancy to abandon popular building patterns is also seen in the A. C. Bulla House in Back Creek Township. Though constructed in 1844, it shows little overt influence of the dominant Greek Revival style.

The "Grecian taste" began to show itself in Randolph in the 1830s and increased in strength throughout the antebellum period. The Alexander Gray House, built in Trinity Township in 1832, sports two-panel doors and post-and-lintel mantels as well as a staircase with lingering Federal/Georgian trim. By the 1840s the academicism of the Greek Revival was felt more strongly with the appearance and widening use of comer blocks in trim and moldings. The ca. 1840 Carlie Lewis House near Farmer has Greek Revival mantels with comer blocks. The house is

Entrance to the Lambert-Parks House.Franklinville. with Greek ReiiwI st\le svmmetrically-molded "' and corner blocks (Ruth Little).

most important, however, as the county's only antebellum example of "double-pi'^ constmction— two rooms wide, two rooms deep, two stories high. The ca. l8^' Gladesboro Store, New Market Township, has plain comer blocks on its wind"* trim, though the contemporary Thomas A. Finch House (Trinity Township), '^ Wade Smith House (Tabemacle Township) and the Lambert/Parks House (Frankli" ville) have more elaborate molded comer blocks.

The founding of the first Deep River textile mills in the late 1830s initiated' building boom in which the millowners and stockholders personally participate''' The Henry B. Elliott House, built in Cedar Falls but subsequently moved '' Asheboro and renovated into the "Central Hotel," was a Greek Revival house '' some architectural pretension. The Wrenn House is the only remaining comparab'' example in Cedar Falls. The early history of the house is unknown, but it featuf*


'^'erior v/^ of ,he Central Hotel. Asheboro, ca. 1940: now destroyed^ ^^V^^r Z'afsion mZd «^'v«/ period trim which survived from its original incarnation as the Henry B. Ellwtt mansion, mo^ea f'-om Cedar Falls.

high quality Greek Revival trim and a mantel decorated with a "Greek key" design ^hich is the builder's interpretation of one of the illustrations m Asher Benjamin s P'-actical House Carpenter. ''' Benjamin was a successful New England architect/ builder whose popular books were very influential in spreading t^e style ine Lambert/Parks House and Hanks Lodge reflect this academic pattern-book 'ntt"ence ^^ did the now destroyed Homey/Parks House (Franklinville). Another important ^'^ample of the Greek Revival in Franklinville is the Thomas Rice House. K.ce known as a "mechanic," probably came from Greensboro to design ^nd build the 1845 Island Ford Factory. In 1846 Rice built his own home, notable for its dis net ve ^"gaged porch carried on stuccoed brick Doric columns, ^'f^' ,^l;«i° , "'^^ ' ' 1848 Franklinville Covered Bridge and Greensboro's 1851 West Market St^e ^ethodist Church, was involved with Robert Gray in the design and construction ot "^ pld Main" building at Trinity College in 1854. ,^„„ «,ith a few

^^ The Greek Revival sfructures of Cedar Falls and Franklinville, along wU^ ^^ ^tered examples such as the I. H. Foust House (Columbia Townshp, the Thornburg-Macon House (Farmer) and the T W. Winslow House (.Tnmy) represent J^ height of the style in Randolph. By the mid-1850s new variations suggs^d by Gothie and Italianate influences began to dilute its purity. ^Je Win low and Thornburg-Macon houses have wide eave overhangs with sawn fter ends sugges ';^ Of the Italianate. Asheboro's destroyed J. M. Worth House had a lovv-ptched S ^"h ^'^Posed rafter ends probably intended to resemble A- J; Downing ^««age Gothic or "Bracketed" style. Downing was one of the ^^^7/' PJg^ «f the more picturesque architectural styles such as the ItaHanae and Got^^c ^7;val. His books were widely read and emulated by all classes of builders, ^n The ^,f"ecture of Country Houses Downing said that, "The Bracketed may be the P'^'ne« of all styles, showing itself externally only by the ends of the rafters

Mantelpiece in the Wrenn House, Cedar Falls, copied from a published design by Asher Benjamin (Ruth


supporting the extended roof."''*^ The "pains taken to extend the roof more than is absolutely needful" and the "bold shadows" this produces combine to create its "picturesque effect." ''''^ This technique was rapidly accepted and became part of the local building vocabulary in the second half of the century. It can be seen in the Robins Law Office, Asheboro (ca. 1860); the Jess Pugh House, Franklinville Township (ca. 1870); the Franklinville Manufacturing Company Store (1884); and a wide variety of houses and buildings across the county. The county's first Gothic Revival house was built in 1853-1854 by Braxton Craven, the president of Trinity College. The house has been destroyed, but photographs indicate that it was a Gothic design with vertical board-and-batten siding and carved bargeboards. Several other Gothic structures were built in the Trinity area, undoubtedly attributable to the influence of Craven's home. A small cottage in Trinity retains its carved bargeboards and some Gothic porch trim but has been re-sided. The ca. 1860 Tomlinson House in Archdale, recently destroyed, combined Gothic forms with Greek Revival details, while the nearby ca. 1875 Homer Hall House displays Gothic details such as board-and-batten siding, crenelated chimney caps and sawn porch brackets with trefoil cutouts. The Hall House and others such as the John Turner House, Columbia Township, illustrate the 1870 movement away from the academic Gothic Revival toward the Victorian "Carpenter Gothic" style. This trend was promoted and nurtured by millwork companies such as Archdale's Petty Sash and Blind Company which created wide ranges of pre-manufactured ornamentation in popular styles. Eariy records of the company are not available, but both the Tomlinson and Hall houses may have used some Petty products. The Moses Hammond House in Archdale is a virtual catalogue of the firm's production in the 1880 period. The pseudo-gothic pedimented window architraves were some of the company's most popular products and are found in late nineteenth century homes across the county.



John Milton Worth House. Asheboro, in a documentary photograph taken ca. 1870. The original Greek Revival facade

is visible here before the addition of an elaborate Eastlake-sty,

style porch ca. 1880.

John M. Tomlinson House. Archdale, built in I860: demolished in 1982 42

Homer Hall House. Archdale. no^ destroyed, shoeing Gothic Revival detailing.

^^'1 photograph appeared in a June. 1952 edition of the Raleigh News and Observer. The Gothic Re- ^'^ol-style Braxton Craven House appears in the background, complete with board and batten siding, ^owfi bargeboards. shed dormers and stuccoed chimney. The house was demolished soon afterwards (•courtesy Duke University Archives).

Growth of a Design Profession

The 1880s and 1890s, a golden age for Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright and *e nascent Prairie School Movement, saw a minimal but ever-increasing role for architects in Randolph County. While antebellum carpenter-builders could follow ^he mainstream stylistic trends through publishcl architectural handbooks, these men were not architects by the professional standards of today. Men such as Thomas •^ice, with training and experience beyond that of a simple carpenter-builder, might '^all themselves "mechanics" as well as carpenters, and were entirely capable of ^^signing and building large structures such as textile factories and Trinity College's 1854 "Old Main" building. Others such as Braxton Craven of Trinity College were architectural amateurs in the grand tradition of Thomas Jefferson. Craven's own ^°me, built in the eariy 1850s, was probably the county's first taste of the Gothic Revival. It seems likely that Craven himself designed the house after consulting one ^r more of A. J. Downing's popular design manuals which featured the style. When •" I860 Trinity College contemplated a substantial new addition, it appears that Craven, the school's president, drew up plans which were to have been executed by Jacob Holt, a fashionable builder of Warrenton. A daguerreotype of the elevation for *is proposed structure survives in the Duke University Archives, showing a large, ''omed building of significant architectural character. Though the war intervened


Daguerreotype of plans drawn by Braxton Craven in 1860 for an extensive addition to Trinity College. The elevation has the monumental character of English Baroque architecture of the era of Sir Christopher Wren. Construction of the building was cancelled by the Civil War (courtesy Duke University Archives).

and the building was never constructed, the episode is illustrative of the increasing preference for stylish design over vernacular craftsmanship.

Another architectural "semi-professional" was Randolph County native Lyn- don Swaim (1812-1893), who in 1869 left his job as editor of the Greensboro Patriot to open an architectural practice in that city.'^° Examples of Swaim's designs have not been identified, but he ranks as one of the eariiest architectural designers in the area and may have designed buildings in postwar Asheboro. Charles R. Makepeace, son of George H. Makepeace of Franklinville, was another self-trained architec- tural pioneer. Makepeace left Trinity College's class of 1880 without graduating, worked in Randolph County textile mills for a time, then in 1885 moved to Providence, Rhode Island to join the engineering firm of D.M. Thompson. In less than ten years Makepeace had taken over the firm, renaming it C.R. Makepeace & Company. Specializing in textile mill architecture and industrial engineering, the firm designed cotton and woolen mills, bleacheries and dye works, hydroelectric power stations and water treatment plants all over the United States, as well as in Mexico, Canada, South America and Australia.'^' Examples of his work in North Carolina include the T. M. Holt Manufacturing Company, Haw River (1895) and the R. J. Reynolds Building No. 8, Winston-Salem (1899).

Although attributions cannot now be made, architects were probably responsi- ble for designing many of the substantial brick commercial buildings in Asheboro,




'I' 111


lii! a




Original or -Old Main" building of Trinity College, completed ca. 1854. The photograph, taken in 1861. shows the ■Trinity Guard" unit (courtesy Duke Universit^' Archives)

Randleman and Liberty during the 1890s and early 1900s. Rural areas were slower to accept the use of architects, although the impressive manor hous o W G BrXw near Tnn.ty was said to have been designed by New York architect Stlford White.

boTarchi ea Tl" Br"' T '""/"""'^ '" ^''^'^ PapersLwevS Greens- boro architect W L Brewer, designed a public school for Liberty in 1908 The school, which burned in 1925, was an interesting brick structure w'th a "eond-floor auditorium The preservation of Brewer's plans is unusual; mo t of Randolph'* early-twentieth century buildings have lost any identification with th ir c'eatS.

Development of Construction Industry

Students and faculty arranged before the Trinity College building in 1 891 . The ' 'Old Main ' building is at the left; the wing built in 1874 is at the right (courtesy Duke University Archives).

Sawmilling and the timber industry was all-important to Randolph in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and home building becamfaclialy ndustn^ The widespread availability of lumber in standardized sizesTnd pre man^

f t"he'trewrhrB;i88o' f "T"'" '''''' ''' ''' f- ^'^ ^^z:z^

oi tne nousewright By 1880 heavy frame construction had ail but died out for

ndtr i'^:";ircr"8857n '^zf' "^'^ ^^^ '^^^^ structures'surh arbai.*

Frank linvi e iiustrnte . t v"" ' i"^'" "'"■ ^"""y^' '^^' '^84 Company Store in S n ikd oSr T^ ^'^P' '' "^ '^^^^ f^^'"'"g timbers^re mortised

out nailed together. The two-story center-hall plan was still nonnlnr fnr hnnie construction, but cosmetic changes began to alter'exterio" . GlTReviv^l homi


''airview Park, the William Gould Brokaw mansion. Trinity Township. The extensive dwelling was built in " ^tyle known as '•Dutch Colonial Revival."

•lad introduced the use of a centrally-placed decorative gable on the main facade; *is became a very popular decorative feature during the latter nmeteenth century ^s a design feature on contemporary homes, or as added to older houses, the central ^•■OSS-gable design has come to be known as the "Triple-A" house form. . Other changes altered the traditional house format during the years. Kitchens, formerly detached to reduce the heat and danger of fire from large open hearths ^ere attached to the rears of houses either as wings or "ells" or by covered ''reezeways and porches. Porches, too, were lengthened and began to ramble around ^ house. Shed roofs on porches and gables on houses often became hip roots |,"stead, and sometimes the hip roofs stood so tall and steep they resembled pyramids

''"uching above dwarfed residences.

. As structural work house forms became standardized and simplified, so did decorative and ornamental work. During the 1880s much trim work was stil personally supervised by carpenter/builders with highly interesting and individual results, such as the Talley and Gregson-Pickard houses in Randleman or the series of ""Usual two-tiered porches built by some Franklinville craftsman and exemplified 2' the Curtis-Buie and Makepeace houses. The R. R Dicks residence, in Randleman, ^as the county's best example of this kind of Victorian exuberance. The mansard- ^°ofed Italianate style house sprouted brackets and pendants and stained glass at ^^ery conceivable point, a Randolph County echo of the big city palatial mansions the wealthy during the Gilded Age.


Greensboro architect W. I. Brewer's blueprint and rendering of Liberty Graded School. 1908-1925 (courtesy Francine Holt Swaim. Liberty High School 1885-1968).

Amos Hinshaw barn, Coleridge Township. A large barn with unusual earthen ramps built up to the second floor.





Detail of house in Coleridge Township showing sawnnork brackets, turned porch posts and pierced The beautiful raised porch of the R L Cavin^r^ u^„.^ r- i j

sawnwork soffit decoration. sawnwork soffit and .able ,L n„H hr.ZZ"""''- '^^'''''^Se. showing bracketed f,

sawnwork soffit and gable trim and bracketed c

jrieze, pierci


Elaborate sawn brackets of the Gregson-Pickard House, Randleman {courtesy Randolph Book 1779- \9T) photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

Magnificent two-tiered Eastlake porch of the Curti^-RuipHn,,.^ i^ l,- ■„ ^

tical porches once existed in the vicinity (ZhLinle) '' ^™''*'"'""^- ^'^'^al nearly ide"-


By the turn of the century, however, this flamboyant period was virtually exhausted even though many attractive, large and rambling Victorian homes would still be built across the county, especially in the more urban areas which had begun to boom under the stimulation of the railroads. But the traditional shapes and plans had lost their popularity. Except where it survived in standardized mill housing, the rectangular central-hallway plan was largely replaced by the polygonal shapes and plans of the "Queen Anne" style. This, and later dwelling styles such as the


l^obertP. Dicks House. Randleman, built in 1881 by T. C. Worth. Mr. Dicks extensively remodeled '"^ home in 1885 creating Randolph County's most elaborate Victorian dwelling in the Second Empire yie. Destroyed in the 1960s (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Ran- ""'Ph Public I ih.^..,\

^Public Library).

American Foursquare," bungalow and the Colonial Revival were almost entirely nationwide in scope and popular appeal, accelerated by improved mail service, mag-

^"te, newspaper and catalog distribution.

As the construction industry boomed, sash-and-blind companies expanded "eir product lines to include virtually any part of a house. Catalogs of ornamental ^^m were printed, orders could be made through the mail, and companies would 7? the pieces of a home to the nearest railroad siding. After World War I Asheboro's Home Building and Materials Company became a leader in the Pi'ovision of housing, especially in the growing popularity of the bungalow. In J^sociation with T. J. Lassiter, a local contractor who had become familiar with the '^"ngalow style while in California, the company began to manufacture all the ^^^erials and trim to build a complete house every day. These bungalows were J"'PPed all over the southeast and erected under Lassiter's supervision. The trends ^*ard simplification, standardization and mechanization are still evident in North ^.arolina's construction industry, although modem technology is a far cry from the

'ghteenth-century pioneer with his broadaxe.

. . the great changes that are altering the cuiturallandscape of the South almost beyond recognition are not simply negative changes, the disappearance of the familiar. There are also positive changes, the appearance of the strikingly new.

The symbol of innovation is inescapable. The roar and groan and dust of it greet one on the outskirts of every Southern city. That symbol is the bulldozer, and for lack of a better name this might be called the Bulldozer Revolution. The great machine with the lowered blade ... is the advance agent of the metropolis. It encroaches on rural life to expand urban life. It demolishes the old to make way for the new.

The fact is the South is going through economic expansion and reorganization that the North and East completed a generation or more ago. But the process is taking place far more rapidly than it did in the North. ... All indications are that the bulldozer will leave a deeper mark upon the land than did the carpetbagger."^


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Plan of the Hal M. Worth House. Asheboro. The house was built between December. 1907 and April, 1908 by contractor M. L. Davis for the sum of $2,005. The plan, contract and extensive notes on its construction are found in the Hal M. Worth papers in the Randolph Room, Randolph Public Library.



Detail of house in Coleridge Township showing sawnwork brackets, turned porch posts and pierced sawnwork soffit decoration.

The beautiful raised porch oftheR.L. Caviness House. Coleridge showino hr„.L , ^ v A

sawnwork soffit and gable trim and bracketed ^ ' °" '"« '"^"'^^eted frieze . pierced

EluUii.^u .sawn brackets of the Gregson-Pickard House, Randleman (courtesy Randolph Book 1779- \91<) photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

Magnificent two-tiered Eastlake porch of the Curtis-BuieHnu^^ p.^ u- ■„ o

tical porches once existed in the vicinity (Ruthli'lle). '''""klinville. Several nearly iden-



By the turn of the century, however, this flamboyant period was virtually exhausted even though many attractive, large and rambling Victorian homes would still be built across the county, especially in the more urban areas which had begun to boom under the stimulation of the railroads. But the traditional shapes and plans had lost their popularity. Except where it survived in standardized mill housing, the rectangular central-hallway plan was largely replaced by the polygonal shapes and plans of the "Queen Anne" style. This, and later dwelling styles such as the

Robert p. Dicks House. Randleman. built in 1881 by T. C. Worth. Mr. Dicks extensively remodeled "■* home in 1 885 creating Randolph County' s most elaborate Victorian dwelling in the Second Empire ^'yle. Destroyed in the 1960s (courtesy Randolph Book 1719-1919 photograph collection in the Ran- "^"'Ph Public Library).

'American Foursquare," bungalow and the Colonial Revival were almost entirely nationwide in scope and popular appeal, accelerated by improved mail service, mag- azine, newspaper and catalog distribution.

As the construction industry boomed, sash-and-blind companies expanded their product lines to include virtually any part of a house. Catalogs of ornamental tnm were printed, orders could be made through the mail, and companies would ^hip the pieces of a home to the nearest railroad siding. After World War I '^sheboro's Home Building and Materials Company became a leader in the provision of housing, especially in the growing popularity of the bungalow. In association with T. J. Lassiter, a local contractor who had become familiar with the ^"ngalow style while in California, the company began to manufacture all the ■^aterials and trim to build a complete house every day. These bungalows were ^hipped all over the southeast and erected under Lassiter's supervision. The trends |^*ard simplification, standardization and mechanization are still evident in North ^.arolina's construction industry, although modem technology is a far cry from the

'gnteenth-century pioneer with his broadaxe.

. . . the great changes that are altering the culturallandscape of the South almost beyond recognition are not simply negative changes, the disappearance of the familiar. There are also positive changes, the appearance of the strikingly new.

The symbol of innovation is inescapable. The roar and groan and dust of it greet one on the outskirts of every Southern city. That symbol is the bulldozer, and for lack of a better name this might be called the Bulldozer Revolution. The great machine with the lowered blade ... is the advance agent of the metropolis. It encroaches on rural life to expand urban life. It demolishes the old to make way for the new.

The fact is the South is going through economic expansion and reorganization that the North and East completed a generation or more ago. But the process is taking place far more rapidly than it did in the North. ... All indications are that the bulldozer will leave a deeper mark upon the land than did the carpetbagger'"




Plan of the Hal M. Worth House, Asheboro. The house was built between December, 1907 and April, 1908 by contractor M. L. Davis for the sum of $2,005. The plan, contract and extensive notes on its construction are found in the Hal M. Worth papers in the Randolph Room, Randolph Public Library.





-J » m - ^iiiM



'Hugh T. Lefler and Albert R. Newsome, History of a Southern State: North Carolina (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1973), 714. ^Ibid.

■"Nancy E Brenner (ed.), Randolph Public Library and its Community: A Community-Library Analysis (Asheboro, N.C.: Ran- dolph Public Library, 1979), 10.

■"Bill Sharpe, A New Geography of North Carolina, vol. 2 (Ra- leigh: Sharpe Publishing Company, 1958), 1023. 'Ibid., 1024-1026.

'Jasper Leonidas Stuckey, North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources (Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Conserva- tion and Development, 1965), 16. 'Sharpe, 1023-1024.

'Lawson crossed a "stony River . . . called Heighwaree" in 1701 according to H. T. Lefler (ed.), /i New Voyage to Carolina by John Lawson (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1967), 56. Col. John Collett's 1770 map of North Carolina pinpoints "Vbharee Creek" (the map is reproduced in Randolph County Historical Society, Randolph County, 1779-1979 (Winston-Salem: Hunter Publishing Company 1980), 25. Rev George Soelle made notes on the German residents of the "Hugh Warren" area in 1771, in Adelaide L. Fries, Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 2 (Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton, 1925), 806. In 1771 Governor Tryon's Army took possession of the ford of the "Huwara River" in Walter Clark, (ed.). The State Records of North Carolina, 16 vols. Winston and Goldsboro: State of North Carolina, 1895-1907), 848. Methodist Bishop Francis Asbury in 1793 visited the "Uwary Mountains" inSharpe, ANewGeographyofNorthCarolina, 1018. The nineteenth-century "Uwharie" gold mine is mapped in Bruce Roberts, The Carolina Gold Rush (Charlotte: McNally and Loftin, 1972), 76.

'Sharpe, 1026. '"Brenner, 20.

"E. Stuart Chapin and Shirley F. Weiss (eds.) Urban Growth Dynamics in a Regional Cluster of Cities (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1962), 14.

'^George Shadroui, "Randolph Population Undergoes Shift," Greensboro Daily News Leader, 11 January 1981, pp. Rl, R3. "Brenner, 24.

'"Randolph County Historical Society, Randolph County, 1779- 1979 (Winston-Salem: Hunter Publishing Company, 1980), 249. "Brenner, 44. '^Ibid.

"Ibid.; also Randolph County Historical Society, Randolph County, 268.

"Brenner, 39.

'Vbid., 37-38.

^"Lefler, A New Voyage to North Carolina by John Lawson, 56-59.

^'Henry E. McCulloh Survey Book. Surveys and plats of land in Rowan County, North Carolina, Southern Historical Collection, Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

^^John Scott Davenport, "Earliest Pfautz/Fouts Families in America," National Genealogical Society Quarterly 63, no. 4 (December 1975), 255.

"G. W. Paschal (ed.), "Morgan Edwards' Materials Towards a History of the Baptists in the Province of North Carolina," A^or/Zi Carolina Historical Review, 7, no. 3 (July, 1930), 393.

^*The story of the Uwharrie River German Community is told more fully in L. McKay Whatley, "The Mount Shepherd Pottery: Correlating Archaeology and History," Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts, 6, no. 1 (May, 1980), 21-57.

^'M. A. Huggins, A History of North Carolina Baptists, 1727-1932 (Raleigh: The General Board of the Baptist State Conven- tion of North Carolina, 1967), 51. ^"Ibid.

^'Lefler and Newsome, 139.

^*The Sandy Creek Baptist Association followed associations in Philadelphia (1707) and Charleston, S.C. (1751), M. A. Huggins, 65. "/iiV/., 57. ^Ibid., 92. "/iW., 60. ^^Ibid., 62.

''"Cox Family" file, "Farlow Family" file, "Milliken Family" file, "Worth Family" file, "Coffin Family" file, "English Family" file, "Tomlinson Family" file, "Allen Family" file, "Hinshaw Family" file. Randolph Room, Randolph County Public Library, Asheboro, North Carolina.

'"Congregational histories in Seth B. Hinshaw and Mary Edith Hinshaw, Carolina Quakers: Our Heritage of Hope (Greensboro: Society of Friends North Carolina Yearly Meeting, 1972).

"Randolph County Historical Society Randolph County, 27. ■"■Rufus M. Jones, The Quakers in the American Colonies (New York: W W Norton and Company Inc., 1966), 326.

"^Population figures in Sharpe, 1019.

"John Hope Franklin, The Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860 (New York: W W Norton and Company, Inc., 1971), 15-16.

*°Ibid., 180.

■"Roy S. Nicholson, Wesleyan Methodism in the South (Syticuse, N.Y: The Wesleyan Methodist Publishing House, 1933), 52; Clifton H. Johnson, "Abolitionist Missionary Activities in North Carolina," North Carolina Historical Review, 40, no. 3 (July 1963), 309; Noble J. Tolbert, "Daniel Worth: Tar Heel Abolitionist," North Carolina Historical Review, i9(July, 1962), 290.

"^William S. Hoffmann, Andrew Jackson and North Carolina Politics. The James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science, Vol. 40 (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 1958) 17.


■"The actual vote in Randolph County was 2,466 against the secession convention, 45 in favor (54.8 to 1). Guilford had the highest number opposed, 2,771 to 1 13, but the proportion there was only 24.5

to 1. Burton Alva Konkle, John Motlev Morehead and the Develop- ment of North Carolina 1796-1866 (Philadelphia: William J. Campbell. 1922, repnnt ed., Spananburg, S.C: The Reprint Company 1971) Statistics taken from John L. Cheney Jr. (ed.). North Caroline

?^^7.T!!!- ffff "'^^^ "^^'"'S''^ Office of the Secretary of State. 1975), 1321-1336; /Wrf., 1385-1403.

o r^'fi^''" '^''^" ^'""^ Randolph County Historical Society Randolph County, 268.

"Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jackson (Boston: Lit- tle, Brown and Company, 1945), 8.

"^Cornelius O. Cathey Agricultural Developments in Norli Carohna. 1783-1860. The James Sprunt Studies in History ai.^ Political Science, vol. 38 (Chapel Hill: The University of NoH^ Carolina Press, 1956), 24.

"^Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jackson, 8.

^Cathey Agricultural Developments, 134-135 . ^'"l'^^^\^''^^- Jonathan Worth: A Biography of a Souther' m5)"'42 '^' ^"'"'""^ °^ North Carolina Press.

"Fred Burgess, "Randolph County: Economic and Social" (' Laboratory Study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel HilL Department of Rural Social Economics, 1924; reprint ed., Asheboro iN.L.j^ Randolph County Historical Society 1969) 55

Randolph County Historical Society, Randolph County, 26 Z,uber, 105.

"Roben B. Starling, "The Plank Road Movement in Nortf

Seal's. i72""^ "'""' "^"'"'"^ "'""'''' '-'^' '^- ""• ' "Randolph County Historical Society, Randolph County, 26

59u??r°''''', *^°""'y Historical Society. Randolph County, 22 r. , ,T \- ^f""*^^" '^''•'- ^''^ Cotom-fl/ Records of Nort* mol^ifsysi. 783 '''"""'^ '""' °^''°"' ^'"°""'' '^^^'

rNr?n'V°a^'?''.^'^'^'"- ^ November 1784, Randolph CountJ (N.C.) Deed Book 2, p. 136; Jacob Skeen to daughter Jane an^

Sf k"4 Tn«'f ""!• " '^P'^'"'^^ "^- '*^"<1°'P' County Deef W. V'-,7o<=' 1'"".""'' ^='"= ^'"°"^ •« George Mendenhall, September 1795, Randolph County Deed Book 17, p. 226; Georg' Mendenhall to Benjamin Trotter, "(Miller)." 28 July 1797, Randolph

?5T?',^",«m°°o'' ^- P- ^^- ^'"J^'"'" Trotter to Christian Morel^' 15 October 801, Randolph County Deed Book 8, p. 441; John Mo.^' to James Ward, 2 April 1818, Randolph County Deed Book 14, P 124; James Ward to Elisha Coffin. 25 December 1821, Randolph County Deed Book 14, p. 531.

'^Randolph County Historical Society Randolph County, 79

p H 1 u ^ V °^ "'^ ""'■^'^ S'^'"- '870: Industrial Schedule

Randolph County North Carolina.

^'Naomi Wise was an orphan girl strangled by her lover, Jona- than Lewis^ Lewis worked as a clerk in Elliott's store, and murdefC Naomi in hopes of manying Elliott's sister. Hettie. The poem i^ song which grew up around the story is now recognized as Nof* Carolinas earliest surviving ballad. Also, see Hoyle S. Burton (ed '■ North Carolina Folklore. 1, no. 1 (June, 1948) 14. (Located >' Naomi Wise file" Randolph Room, Randolph Public LibraD


Asheboro, North Carolina.)

'^"History of Cedar Falls Written in 1880 Tells of Early Settlers of Area," Asheboro (N.C.) Courier-Tribune, 15 December 1940.

"Richard W Griffin and Diffie W Standard, "The Cotton Textile Industry in Antebellum North Carolina, Part I: Origin and Growth to 1830," North Carolina Historical Review, (January, 1957), 16.

**Third Census of the United States, 1810: Industrial Schedule, Randolph County North Carolina.

""Return of the cotton machine for the Year 1802," North Carolina State Archives, C.R. 081.701.5, Miscellaneous Tax Re- '^ords, Randolph County papers.

''"North Carolina, Private Acts Passed by the General Assembly (1829-1830), Chapter 73, pp. 46-47.

''Steve Dunwell, The Run of the Mill: A Pictorial Narrative of 'he Expansion, Dominion, Decline and Enduring Impact of the New England Textile Industry (Boston: David R. Godine, 1978), p. 12. '"Griffin and Standard, "The Cotton Textile Industry in Ante- bellum North Carolina, Part I," p. 22.

"Quoted in The Asheboro Southern Citizen, 17 June 1837. '^Richard W Griffin and Diffee W Standard, "The Cotton Textile Industry in Antebellum North Carolina, Part II; An Era of °°om and Consolidation, 1830-1860," North Carolina Historical «ev,ew (April, 1957), 137-138, 145-146. ^^Ibid., 143-144.

'''Griffin and Standard, "The Cotton Textile Industry in Antebel- l"m North Carolina, Part II," 144.

^^^Asheboro (N.C.) Southern Citizen. 3 March 1838. ^''Asheboro (N.C.) Southern Citizen, 8 March 1839. ^jAsheboro (N.C.) Southern Citizen, 21 January 1840. , "Griffin and Standard, "The Cotton Textile Industry in Ante- "e'lum North Carolina, Part II," 159. Jhid., 159-160.

""" atistics from John Roberts, "Textile Fortunes Rebound rough New Technology," Greensboro Daily news, 20 July 1980, p. "'; and Mariene Burger "Textiles and Apparel," Greensboro Daily '^^^.^24 January 1982, p. H-11.

-, George Makepeace to Quartermaster, 9 July 1862, copy from 0"! Presnell's files in "Franklinville" folder. The Randolph Room, •Randolph Public Library Asheboro, North Carolina. , A recent biographical study is available in Gary R. Freeze, ■faster Mill Man: John Milton Odell and Industrial Development in °"^ord. North Carolina 1877-1907" (M.A. thesis. The University North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980), 25. ^ Peter R. Kaplan, The Historic Architecture of Cabarrus County, "'''h Carolina (Concord, NC: Historic Cabaniis, Inc., 1981), pp. 24-25.

.J, , "Richard W Griffin, "Reconstruction of the North Carolina ,,'''ile Industry, 1865-1885," North Carolina Historical Re\ieH- 'January, 1964), p. 48. Q. Rev. Levi Branson (ed.), Branson' s North Carolina Business

"'^'^^ory (Raleigh: Levi Branson, Publisher, 1897). 508. p Holt McPherson (ed.). High Pointers of High Point (High ""j,N.C.; Chamber of Commerce, 1976), 32-35. The Greensboro Patriot, 10 October 1863.


**Sallie W Stockard, The History of Guilford County, North Carolina (Knoxville: Gant-Ogden Co., 1902), 136.

"'Lewis Publishing Company (gen. ed.), 6 vols. History of North Carolina, vol. 1: The Colonial and Revolutionary Records, 1584-1783, by R. D. W Connor; vol. 2: The Federal Period 1783-1860, by William K. Boyd; vol. 3: North Carolina Since 1860, by J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton; vols. 4-6: North Carolina Biography, by a Spe- cial Staff of Writers. (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1919),

6, 165.

'^'Established by 1869, it may have been the first such woodwork- ing business in the state. "During the Franco-Prussian War, 1871, this factory furnished the French Army with picks, handles, and spokes for the Cannon Wheel." See Stockard, 125. '•McPherson, 115.

^^The High Point (N.C.) News, 24 March 1921. ''Stockard, 67.

'^Levi Branson (ed.), Branson's North Carolina Business Direc- tory (Raleigh: Levi Branson, Publisher, 1884), 547-549. "McPherson, 118. ^Ibid., 20.

'■'James W Clay, Douglas M. Orr, Jr., and Alfred W Stuart, (eds.). North Carolina Atlas: Portrait of a Changing Southern State (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975), p. 205. "Robert Gregg Cherry, "Conserving North Carolina's Re- sources," January 1946, quoted in David Leroy Corbitt (ed.). Pub- lic Addresses and Papers of Robert Gregg Cherry 1945 -1949 (Ra- leigh: Council of State, 1951), 289-292.

"Statistics from John Roberts, "Textile Fortunes Rebound Through New Technology" Greensboro Daily News, 20 July 1980, p. F-1; and Mariene Burger, "Textiles and Apparel," Greensboro Daily Nens, 24 January 1982, p. H-U.

■"•"Hunt Urges Protection For Prime Farmland," Greensboro Daily News, 10 December 1980.

""Rod Hackney "Urbanization Threatens Farmlands," Greens- boro Dailv News Leader, 7 June 1982, p. R-1.

'"^R. Gregg Cherry, November 22, 1946; Corbitt, Public Ad- dresses and Papers of Robert Gregg Cherry, 554.

'"'Frances Benjamin Johnston and Thomas Tileston Waterman, The Early Architecture of North Carolina (Chapel Hill; The Uni- versity of North Carolina Press, 1947), 6. '°*Ibid. '°^Ibid.

'"^Davidson County Historical Association, Historical Gleam- ings of Davidson County, North Carolina (Reeds, North Carolina; Baker Printing Company 1976), 74.

'°'Richard S. Allen, Covered Bridges of the South (Brattle- boro, Vermont: The Stephen Greene Press, 1959), 3.

""*David Jacobs and Anthony E. Neville, Bridges, Canals, and Tunnels (New York; American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc., 1968), 31.

'"'Allen, Covered Bridges, 6.

^^°Greensboro Daily News, 18 October 1936.

'"Allen, Covered Bridges, 6.

"^Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune, 13 July 1950.

'"Randolph County. Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter

Session, 4 Febmary 1845, Minute Book 1843-1851, p. 100 (Located in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C).

' '''Randolph County, Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, 1843-1851, p. 379.

'"Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 5 March 1883, p. 200. (Located in Randolph County Register of Deeds).

"^Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 2 April

1883, pp. 205-206; 2 June 1884, p. 306.

' '^Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 4 August

1884, p. 317.

""Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 1 June 1886, p. 487.

'"Allen, Covered Bridges, 6-7; Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune, 13 July 1950.

'^"Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 5 Janu- ary 1885, p. 352; 3 September 1888, p. 146.

'^'Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 3 Octo- ber 1892, p. 548; 5 Febmary 1894, p. 105.

'^^Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 4 June 1894, p. 147.

'^'Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 5 August 1889, p. 234.


' ^'Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 1 Septem- ber 1892, p. 448.

'^''Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 5 Febru- ary, 1894, p. 105.

'^^Randolph County, County Commissioners' Minutes, 7 October 1901, p. 574; 4 November 1901, p. 587.

'^'*Allen, Covered Bridges, p. 6.

'^''Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune, 13 July 1950.

""Dorothy Auman and Walter Auman, Seagrove Area (Ashe- boro: Village Printing Company, 1976), 101.

'"Dunwell, 24.

"^See the discussion of the New England Mutual factory vernac- ular in Kaplan, The Historic Architecture of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, pp. 28-30.

'"Dunwell, 19.

"*/fcW., 47-48.

"^Asheboro (n.C.) Southern Citizen, 14 April 1838.

"'•The Greensboro Patriot, 30 September 1843.

'■"T'/ie Greensboro Patriot, 2 August 1851; 22 November I85I; 12 June 1852.

""Susan Tucker Hatcher, "North Carolina Quakers; Bona Fide Abolitionists," The Southern Friend: Journal of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society 1, no. 2 (Autumn, 1979), 94.


'""Holland Thompson, From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill: A Study of Industrial Transition in North Carolina (New York: The Macmillan Company 1906), p. 51-52.

""Reprinted in Raleigh (N.C.) Register, 22 August 1849 (Available in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C).

'"^Martha T Briggs, "Mill Owners and Mill Workers in an Antebellum North Carolina County" (M.A. thesis. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975), 85.

continued on page 50



y II

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9 a


r :l'

! ,J

Randolph County Inventory

Trinity Township


continued from page 49

'"'Ibid., 80-81, 85. Carl Lounsbury. "Survey and discussion of Alamance Village at Alamance Village, N.C.," 7 January 1982.

'"'John Baxton Flowers III, Orange Factory (Durham: Orange Factory Preservation Society, 1978), 15-17.

'■"■Brent Glass, "Southern Mill Hills: Design in a Public Place," in Carolina Dwelling: Towards Presenation of Place: In Celebration of the North Carolina Vernacular Landscapes, (ed.), Doug Swaim (Raleigh: North Carolina State University School of Design, 1978),

145; Catherine W Bishir, "Asher Benjamin's 'Practical House Carpenter' in North Carolina," Carolina Comments 27 (May 1979) 72-73.

""Catherine W Bishir, "Asher Benjamin's 'Practical House Carpenter' in North Carolina," Carolina Comments 27 (May, 1979) 72-73.

'■"•a. J. Downing, The Architecture of Country Houses (New York: Dover Publication, Inc., 1969), 394.

'"Ibid.. 73.

r "°^^'"'^„^• '^^''1*^". comp.. Founders and Builders d mslnr- ""'-"'' 'C--^""-: J- ^ stone and Company.

rac. 'vl?3'rM '^t™^/''^'' '"""''^ T^''' Centuries of Democ- racy, Vol 3 (New York: Uwis Historical Publishing Company, 1932).

RouEr.T;.^!"" ^r^^t^"^' ^''^ ^"'■den of Southern History (Bato" Kouge. Louisiana State University Press, I%8), 5-7.


t:.iia'-H.'.'.?iif.^»iLv>.Hlr'Tl •■-'■"-'•'*


Trinity Township

This architecturally significant structure was the home of the politically active Harper family The house was probably built ca. 1800 by Lt. Col. Jeduthan Harper (1736-1819), who served at various times as a Randolph County justice of 'he peace, register of deeds, clerk of court and member of the state legislature. Harper's son Jesse (1787-1851) followed in his father's foot- steps as county clerk of court; daughter Ann Elizabeth married Gov John Motley Morehead of Greensboro; and daughter Sara married Alex- ^der Gray Randolph County's general in the "M of 1812. Jeduthan Harper's will contained *e unusual directions that his slaves be emanci- pated and provided with land, furniture, horses and money from his estate.

The four-bay two-story frame house has 9/9 sash on the first floor and 6/6 on the second. The entrance door with transom and sidelights, and 'he hip roofs of the house, west wing and the


porch, all may be part of a mid-19th cen-

^ remodeling. The unusually fine Federal style 'nterior woodwork is the outstanding feature of nis house. An open-string staircase rises from 'he rear of the entrance hall. The turned balusters and newel post support a rail which terminates in a graceful curve, and risers of the stair are carved on the step ends. A molded chair rail elaborated ''h a rope molding decorates the hallway, as oes the crossetted surround of the doorway to 'he west wing. The first-floor parlor, the largest ^0 most elaborate room in the house, opens off !^ hall. On the east wall is a large fireplace ■Wasting slender, stylized Ionic columns which ^"Ppon a molded frieze and mantel shelf. The enimney breast is flanked by windows whose I °odwork carries a raised panel at the head with


and room

'etted comers. Molded chair rail, baseboard

cornice accent the plastered interior of the

Unusual features of the second floor are the

0 Comer fireplaces in the small eastern bed- 'ns. Those fireplaces have deep finish shel-

fed friezes with bolection moldings and molded ^ antel shelves. Evidence indicates that most, if ^ all, of the interior woodwork of the house

*iP*'n'ed with decorative wood graining, he only distinctive outbuilding is a one-story

ard-and-batten structure formeriy used as a .^ Chen. Local tradition mentions that this build- ^8 originally sat parallel to the main house and

*s connected to it by a covered walkway. The

^^^Eir- ini inr inr=

original building probably had brick end chim- neys, and some brick nogging remains despite a fire which left the structure partially burned.

The house is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and was bought in 1978 and resold with protective covenants by the Historic Preservation Fund of North Carolina. John May is the present owner.


Trinity Township

Built by Riley Miller ca. 1883, the mill com- plex also became known as "Brokaw's Mill" when it was bought by neighboring millionaire William Gould Brokaw around the turn of the century. The complex includes a house, store, machine shop and mill sited in a horseshoe bend of the Uwharrie River where a fifteen-foot dam created the water power. The house and mill are relatively late examples of mortise-and-tenon construction. The mill was powered by a twenty- foot overshot water wheel or a turbine led by a concrete penstock, both of which are still in place. A steam engine and boiler, now replaced by a diesel engine, provided power for summers when water was low. The exterior of the monitor- roofed mill features "dutch" doors and 6/6 sash; the interior feanuts chamfered exposed beams and a comer fireplace. Both the com and wheat stones remain in place, as does all the bolting and sifting equipment on the second and third floors. The three-bay T-plan house has 6/6 sash. Nearly deteriorated, the store building, once used as a post office, is a simple structure decorated with a "boom-town" front.


Trinity Township

Certain features of this two-story three-bay center-hall plan house indicate a date of ca. 1810. The gable roof exhibits a molded cornice with boxed remms and the 6/6 sash have molded exterior frames. The gable-end chimneys with stepped-shoulders and the foundation are all stuccoed. The weatherboarding is now covered with asphalt siding.

The first floor exhibits two types of molded chair rail, as well as a molded baseboard. There are marks of H and HL hinges on the six-panel door^ and filming. The fireplace mantels are simple Georgian designs with sunken panels.



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'3'===lBI===)l31^^==iRr==im 52

I ini inr=


Trinity Township

"Melrose" was built in 1845-1847 by Lewis M. Leach on a prominent hill just south of Trinity In the 19th century students boarded in the house, walking the three-quarter mile to college. The original kitchen and dining room were in the basement and accessible from out- side by a bulkhead entrance. The original porch, now gone, was a two-story veranda with aii entrance from the second floor. The American bond brick house is now painted white, one of many alterations made since 1931 by the present owners. Some two-panel Greek Revival doore survive, as well as two simple post-and-lintel mantels in upstairs bedrooms. The den mantel is a simple yet unusual design with swelling ogee curves resembling furniture in the "Empire" style. The tread ends of the open-string staircase are decorated with brackets and the case itself features raised panels with applied oval shells carved in a sunburst pattern.


Trinity Township

A small one-story house which may be a log cabin now covered with board-and-banen siding.

TRT:6 FAIRVIEW PARK (destroyed)

Trinity Township

In the late 19th century "the area formed by the three counties of Randolph, Davidson and Guilford was once the most highly regarded quail shooting country in the United States." That reputation attracted some of the nation's wealthiest men to the region, men who were eager to emulate the practices of the English landed gentry. North Carolina's most prolific legacy from this period is, of course, George Vanderbilt's Biltmore House. But in the Pied- mont, Vanderbilt's closest competitor was clearly William Gould Brokaw "of New York, Saratoga and Tuxedo Park," railroad baron Jay Gould's grandson. In 1896 Gould came to Randolph County and began to assemble an estate which ultimately included purchases of 2,300 acres and leased hunting rights on 30,000 additional acres By the time of World War I Gould was virtually the feudal lord of most of the northwester^i quarter of Randolph County

The original section of Gould's "Manor House" was built in 1896 and later expanded to become a




ow, white, gambrel-roofed structure moie than 160 teet in length. It included a sun porch, library, dming room, billiard room, gun room, gymnasium, shooting gallery, bowling alley, lurkish bath, indoor swimming pool and squash court, not to mention fifteen bedrooms, some with pnvate baths. The architect of this "har- nionious blending of the colonial and French chateau types" is said to have been Stanford White, remembered locally as "that man Hany K. Thaw killed in New York." White if he was indeed the architect, also designed the lodge of Clarence McKay in nearby Jamestown.

Although the estate boasted such amenities as a race track and polo field, a golf course and trap shooting facilities, it was first and foremost a hunting establishment, including a 35-stall bam, kennels and cottages for game keepers and trainers. Not satisfied with quail, Brokaw buiH duck ponds and raised mallards, imported liv< bnghsh pheasants, and fenced in a 500-acie trad around the Manor House, stocked it with deer and elk, and created a private deer park.

Hunting was Brokaw 's passion and he used his influence to promote it in every way North Carolina's game laws were entirely rewritten by Brokaw "at the request of the Governor" He backed the establishment of the state-owned game tarm below Asheboro which raised and released game birds for sportsmen. He tried to attract his tnends to the area, praising its "ideal climate resembling that of France and Italy" To accommodate the resulting overflow of guests. Brokaw built a "Swiss Chalet" (actually an Adirondack Style" log cabin) about a hundred yards east of the Manor House and connected to it by a bridge that crossed the intervening ravine Soon after his graduation ftx)m Hanaitl. hanklm Roosevelt was a guest at this "rustic lodge (which featured running water and mar- ble fireplaces).

This idyUic life was, sadly, transitory. "Inflation following the First Wbrld War forced Btoka* mto some financial difficulty and the Manor House was turned into a deluxe club for wealth) sportsmen who could shoot and live luxuriously for about $25 a day." Then, in 1921, the Manor House burned to the ground. Brukaw renovated the Estate Manager's Lodge for his own use, bul the limes had changed. He finally disposed of the property in 1938 and died in South Carolina in 1941. FuBs slowly claimed other parts of th« estate, until little was left. Today massive chim- neys mark the sites of the Swiss chalet and Estate Manager's Lodge. The only reminder of the


v&idmmm^ lunii^

Manor House is the tiny octagonal shooting stand which once stood behind the Manor House, *here Brokaw and his guests practiced trap shooting.

"On a quiet day in November, it is possible to stand on the knoll where the Manor House reared its lofty presence and see in your imagina- tion a pair of hunters moving out for a day's ^Port, with dogs and handlers. They are wearing ■English tweeds and carry custom-made double suns. The hunter tips his hat and moves the dogs into a covert. Two quick doubles are scored on we covey rise and the hunters move out of sight, Back into the past." (Don FoUmer, The High Point Enterprise, July 25, 1968.)


Trinity Township

Randolph County's only entry in Thomas T Waterman's The Early Architecture of North Caro- "w is this one-and-a-half-story log house which

ay be the area's best known log cabin. The entiy in Waterman's book is based on a photo- graph by Frances Benjamin Johnston, the fa- nrous photographer of the New Deal era who Beveled the nation recording historic buildings.

ne original portion of the house, of V-notched

8 construction, has a massive interior end

^himney of mud-chinked fieldstone. A dog-leg

to the south of the chimney provides access

°, *e second floor. A closet, lit by a tiny

indow, occupies the space to the north of the ^wmney Both the stair and closet are closed off

.:} .batten doors hung on strap hinges. Shed

'hons on the east and west were built in the

J^ 19th century when thin Victorian sheathing

{^ ^PP'i^d over most of the interior. A concrete

ndation and screened-in porches are recent


Wat, noted

ennan dated the house as ca. 1750 and especially an unglazed window covered

y by a sheathed shutter. The window is now and the shutter has disappeared, a victim

1750°*^*™'^^"°"' ^^ *^ ^°^^^ '^ '" ^ ^^^'^ ** (17'in " '^°"''' "°' ^^^^ ''^^" ''"''' ''y ^"°^ '^'^"^ the rT'^'''*^' ^'^° ^^* *'""' ''^*' y^^' '"'^^^'^' tha \ ^a^i'ly had migrated no farther south tl,^ p^irg'nia by 1761. It would therefore seem thi< K ^ ^^^^ '^°"''' "°' ^^^^ acquired or built hou ^"^^ ^^°^ '^a. 1770. Even at that, the Rantf i'^'"*'"^ 'be oldest standing structure in dwell' ^""""y- " '5 3 ''^y example of the log thr.. ^"^* ''"'•' by the first generations of settlers "^"ghout the FMedmont.


Trinity Township

The centerpiece of Wheatmore Farms, this massive Queen Anne style house was built on the site of the little T. A. Finch House, which was moved to an adjacent site. The house was designed and built by Charles Franklin Finch, brother of the owner. C. F Finch graduated fix)m Vanderbilt University in 1894 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree, taught drafting and worked in the lumber business beibre reniming to Thomas- ville. The house was his first commission; there- after he built houses, stores and churches in Thomasville, as well as the Palace and Stable theaters and the first "Big Chair."

The stnicmre is a rambling hip-roofed house with a projecting gabled wing and a polygonal bay with bracketed overhang. The sawn gable ornamentation includes a spoked "open wheel" design. The glazed sun porch on the southeast- em facade may have been added in the 1920s. Nearby is a one-story central-chimney structure which served as kitchen and dining room for the original antebellum house.


Trinity Township

This is one of the earliest surviving brick strucmres in Randolph County; an inscribed brick near the fiunt door dates it 1836. Oddly, however, the outstanding interior woodwork seems to date ftom an earlier period. The exterior has been completely smccoed at some time, although brick- work visible under the porch is laid in 1:5 com- mon bond. The pylon supports of the porch date from ca. 1935 alterations as do the 1/1 window sash. Sawn Federal-style dentil work decorates the gable and cornice. An unusual detail of the brickwork is that all outside comers are cham- fered, including both the edges of the house and the exterior end chimne>'s.

A simple transom above the door lights the entrance hallway In a variation of the center-hall plan, two small rooms heated by comer fireplaces lie north of the hall, with a spacious parlor on the south. The partition has been removed ftom the north room, now called the "Mail Room," after its use as a post office. One of the comer fireplaces exhibits a simple mantel with molded shelf; the other is similar, but a reeded panel is centered below the shelf. A six-panel door sur- vives on the closet of this room and illustrates







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the original decorative treatment; the pine door has been painted and grained to resemble more expensive wood, and lunettes have been scratched into the wet paint of the raised panels. The wainscoted hallway has an open string staircase with scrolled stair brackets; the square newel exhibits several moldings and is decorated with an applied cartouche. The parlor with a chair rail highlighting the plaster walls, is dominated by its impressive mantel. A reeded fireplace sur- round in a symmetrically-molded frame is sur- rounded by three raised panels, which are in turn topped by an elaborate molded comice which breaks in the center to form a dentiled "keystone." The simplicity of the room and the intricacy of the mantel combine to produce an elegant decora- tive effect.


Trinity Township

This miller's residence is the only survivor of the grist mill complex operated by the Payne family The original one-and-a-half-story house dates ca. 1868; a one-room addition doubled its size in the late 19th century. The hall-and-parlor plan house featui^es two-panel Greek Revival doors, a very plain post-and-linlel mantel and a boxed dog-leg stair. The shed porch is supported by columns with bases but no surviving capitals. The mill stood across the Uwharrie River from the house.


Trinity Township

Local farmer Samuel Gray (1778-1856) built this half-dovetail log building as the detached kitchen of a planned house which was never built. The one-room building includes 4/4 sash and boxed stairs leading to a loft.


Trinity Township

This hip-rioof end-chimney center-hall plan house was built ca. 1850; however, the log rear wing is probably earlier. The facade is divided into three sections by monumental pilasters; coupled 4/4 sash are used on the facade while 6/6 are used on the sides and rear. Double two-panel Greek Revival doors, flanked by four-pane sidelights, give en- trance into the hall. An open-string stair rises to the second floor. The interior is plastered and has

simple Greek Revival mantels. The house is a simple rural version of the popular Italianate style- The Leach family was quite active in North Carohna-s political and social activities. Col- Martin W Uach married Sallie Alston Mangum. daughter of U.S. Senator Willie Person Manguw ot Hillsborough. Col. Uach's brother, James Madison Leach, was elected a US. Congress- man before the Civil War, was a Confederate congressman during the war and returned to the U.S. Congress after the war.


Trinity Township

This early I9th century house is remembered as the home of Lytle Johnson (b. 1796) The onginal house may be the one-and-a-half-stoiy log cabm now covered wtih weatherixjaniing and attached to the main house by a shed porch. The main house is an end-chimney hall-and-parlor plan dwelling with symmetrically placed 6/6 sash; one single-shoulder brick-end chimney; and a granite fieldstone-and-brick double-shoul- dered chimney, stuccoed and painted to resem- ble brick. The molded comice terminates with a nicely detailed pattern board. A concrete porch with wrought iron posts has replaced the original.


Trinity Township

The brick for this ca. I860 house was made in a nearby field. The walls, two feet thick, are i" 1:5 common bond. There are double entrance doors flanked by four-pane sidelights, and cou- pled 4/4 sash characterize the three-bay facade. The center-hall plan house has interior chimneys on the rear wall, with simple Greek Revival mantels. There is an open-string staircase, and the interior is completely plastered. The one- story west wing, now used as a kitchen, wa* originally the one-room log "Glencoe" School.


Trinity Township

This hunting lodge was built by Northern financier William Zeigler about 1910 and con- sisted of four bedrooms, a large "lodge lootn." dog lots and suppon buildings. It was used bJ ' Mr. Zeigler until his death in the 1950s and now owned by former High Pbinl mayor Roy B Culler, Jr.



Trinity Township

Once the nucleus of the Mendenhal! Dairy, former supplier of milk to High Point and the surrounding area, this two-story central-gable '-house was built perhaps ca. 1890 and remod- eled in the 1920s. The house has many surviving elements of Victorian decoration such as the small brackets closely spaced under the main comice, the sawn brackets of the porch cornice and the sawn porch balusters.


Trinity Township

This is known as the Thomas Austin Finch House, although it was probably built ca. 1840, almost twenty years before Finch bought the property from John P H. Russ in 1857. The One-and-a-half-story end-chimney center-hall plan "ouse is a lovely example of Greek Revival ''esign. The 9/9 sash have molded frames and *ere once shuttered. The entrance door and sidelights are set in a symmetrically-molded frame complete with comer blocks. The interior trim features comer blocks with raised central panels; e^en the mantels have symmetrically-molded sur- rounds with comer blocks. The first floor rooms '"^ wainscoted. A boxed stair leads to the sec- ond floor. The rear shed wing is contemporary to

the and from

main block and features molded comer boards cornice end plate. The house was moved


'ts original site in 1897 when the T. J. Finch se at Wheatmore Farms was built on the 'fe- The kitchen-dining room outbuilding for ™s house remained at the original site.


Trinity Township

Perhaps dating to ca. 1860, this house has now ^n converted to the "Gospel Music Hall." The

ar wing features a massive granite chiitmey ase; a single shouldered end chimney has been

moved, and the opposite end displays what ^ Cms to be an original single-shouldered stove ^.'mney. Dnp moldings protect the 6/6 sash and

^ 'c framing is of the mortise-and-tenon variety.


Trinity Township

This beautifully-sited house was built in 1832, probably by General Alexander Gray, whose son Robert Harper Gray lived here until his death in the Civil War. Alexander Gray, the county's largest slaveowner, was a merchant and militia officer who was made a general during the War of 1812. He married Sarah Harper and is buried in the Harper cemetery at the nearby Jeduthan Harper House. The hip-roofed center-hall plan house is set on the crest of a hill, surrounded by pastureland and original buildings such as the detached kitchen, stable and bam. The rafter ends aie decorated with sawn brackets and the porch is supported by an elaborate Victorian trellis featuring pointed pendant drops. The inte- rior exhibits twelve-foot ceilings and four-panel and two-panel Greek Revival doors throughout. All mantels are in a rather plain Greek Revival style; and the window architrave extends down to the top of the high molded baseboard in each room. The ramped, open-string staircase has bracketed stair ends.

TFT: 17





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Copyright Superior Mop



West Side NC 62 Trinity

This ca. 1871 house served for many years as a student boarding house for Trinity College. The '6n rooms on the two floors are said to have originally possessed public entrances opening off a two-story gallery porch. The gabled porch and roof treatment, and perhaps the Palladian *indow over the entrance, may date from a turn-of-the-century remodeling. Much of the sur- viving interior trim is of a late Greek Revival character; the closed-string staircase may be original. Some unusual 19th century wallpaper survives in one room.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

These two gabled roof buildings with false Doom-town" fronts were originally separate stores. Now connected and covered with asbes- tos siding, they were possibly built around the '"fn of the century.


Cemetery Street Trinity

The first burial in this public cemetery was on pPril 9, 1859. It exhibits a variety of Victorian ™neral art, as well as a large number of Masonic "ombstones. Braxton Craven (d. 1882), the first president and guiding spirit of Trinity College, is buried here.


West Side NC 62 Trinity

. Almost certainly the oldest existing structure } Trinity, this is known to have been the home of ^ Reddick family at least by 1850, when Robert I esley Reddick was one year old. A persistent

_OCal traditinn olcr, i^ontitit^c thic nc thf* TrinitV


tradition also identifies this as the Trinity

'Sonic Lodge. Trinity Lodge #256 was char-

red on December 5, 1866, and its charier was

P^eited for unknown reasons in 1876. The 1905

"th '^"^°''''s of an adjacent house refer to this as

^ Odd Fellows Lodge," and it may be this

'Upancy which is mistakenly remembered as a ^^^sonic lodge. The house is of brick in 1:6

"^mon bond; all interior walls are plastered.


second floor exhibits a center-hall plan, ^ the first floor is hall-and-parior, perhaps

the resuh of an alteration. A simple Greek Re- vival mantel remains on the second floor. The building has long been abandoned and is in a much deteriorated condition but is a worthy candidate for restoration.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

This house is thought to have been built for Dr. Thomas Winslow, probably ca. 1855. The large pane 6/6 windows, two-panel interior doors and Greek Revival mantels indicate this date. The entrance, with three-pane sidelights and comer-blocked trim, is set in a small area of flush siding; weatherboards cover the rest of the facade. This indicates that the present porch replaces an earlier smaller porch. The wide over- hang of the roof, supported by sawn rafter ends, may be original perhaps a vernacular reference to the popular Italianate style. Now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Richardson, it was once the home of Lorenzo Mendenhall.


West Side NC 62 Trinity

Thought to have been built ca. 1870 by "Cap- tain" Parkins, an official of the Hoover Hill Gold Mine, this four-room center-hall plan house with rear wing has been considerably altered through the years. Pink asbestos siding, wrought iron porch supports and 1/1 window sash have all replaced earlier elements. Some original 6/6 windows remain on the north side.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

This house was probably built shortly before 1881, when it was bought by the Methodist Protestant Church for use as a parsonage. It served in this capacity until the late 1950s. Tnm elements still visible under the aluminum siding added in 1975 include bracketed cornice returns and 6/6 windows.





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West Side NC 62 Trinity

Built ca. 1900 by the owner's father, this is a simple clapboarded one-story T-plan house.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

Probably built ca. 1890, this Queen Anne style house features an end pavilion with project- ing polygonal bay window. There is a closed string staircase. The porch has been altered to include iron posts and a concrete floor. An interesting original feature is the south-facing glazed "flower house" off the porch. The exte- rior of this small wing repeats the feathered shingles and dentiled cornice eaves of the main house; the interior is plastered-over lathe. Exist- ing outbuildings include a hip-roofed carriage house and a detached kitchen. The house is known as "the old Royals' homeplace."


East Side NC 62 Trinity

Originally built ca. 1860, this house received roof modifications and a bungaloid porch in the eariy 20th century. The interior features such antebellum features as molded two-pane! doors and oversized 6/6 window sash which extend to floor level. The main entrance door is flanked by three-pane sidelights. The central hallway holds an open-string staircase. John Franklin Heitman (1840-1904) was bom in nearby Davidson County and entered Trinity College with the class of 1861. He left to join the Confederate Army during the war and finally graduated from Trinity in 1868. Following the death of Braxton Craven in 1882, Heitman was nominated for college president but lost to Marquis L. Wood. Heitman was then appointed Professor of Greek and Ger- man as well as elected treasurer of the faculty. Following President Wood's resignation in 1884, Trinity was administered by a "Committee of Management" composed of members of the Board of Trustees; Heitman served as Chairman of the Faculty from 1884 to 1886 under the committee, and was responsible for most admin- istrative and academic duties until the election of Dr. John Franklin Crowell as president in 1887. Even though his wife was the sister of Durham industrialist Julian S. Carr, Heitman opposed the

removal of the college to Durham, and remained in Tnnity to serve as headmaster of the prepara- tory school which was established at the old campus.


West Side NC 62 Trinity

This ca. 1860 house is interesting because it illustrates the roots of the one-story and two- story three-bay center-gable houses which be- came widely popular by the turn of the century. Here the central gable exhibits its original func- tion, that of lighting the second story with a pointed window The gable is still decorated with the onginal sawn bargeboard. Now covered with asbestos siding, the house was almost certainly built with board-and-batten siding. Two pilasters remain from the original bracketed porch, now replaced by wrought iron supports. The house may have been a product of the same carpenter as the 1853 Braxton Craven house and the Dr. Tomlinson house in Archdale, two other Gothic- style homes.


West Side NC 62 Trinity

This small three-bay house may date from the 1850s, but a variety of alterations through the years make an accurate estimate of its age difficult. The unusual central chimney place- ment divides the house's interior into two main rooms, and one original simple Greek Revival mantel remains. The three-bay exterior facade has been covered with aluminum siding and most windows converted to 1/1 sash; however, several earlier 6/6 sash remain





East Side NC 62 Trinity

Boasting an end-pavilion and deep eave over- hangs, this large two-story house seems to have been built ca. 1870. Its chief decorative features include coupled 6/6 windows in the gable ends, tripled 6/6 sash on the main facade and square coupled porch columns reminiscent of the Greek Revival style. Local residents refer to this as "Dr. Weeks' house," almost certainly recalling Dr. Stephen Beauregard Weeks (1865-1918), one of North Carolina's earliest professional historians. Weeks, a native of Pasquotank County was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1886. He received Ph.Ds. from the University of North Carolina in 1888 and from Johns Hopkins University in 1891. In September, 1891 , he was elected Trinity College's first Profes- sor of History and Political Science. He resigned from the Trinity faculty in 1893 after following the college to its new home in Durham. Weeks was a founder of both the Trinity College Histori- cal Society and the Southern History Association. A prolific writer, his most prominent work was the book Southern Quakers and Slavery (1896), one of the earliest examinations of North Caro- lina's Quaker heritage. Weeks, who served as Trinity's first librarian, was a bibliophile and collector of North Caroliniana; his extensive collections became the basis for the North Caro- lina Collection in Chapel Hill. Dr. Weeks estab- lished firm connections to the Trinity area in 1893 when he married his second wife Sallie Mangum Leach, the daughter of Colonel Martin W Leach of Trinity and the niece of Congress- man J. Madison Leach.


West Side NC 62 Trinity

An early 20th century home substantially al- tered in a 1950s conversion into apartments. An unusual feature is the casement-windowed wing providing sun rooms on the first and second floors.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

This church, a substantial hip-roofed structure with projecting end bays, was probably built in the 1930s. The pediment over the entrance is supported by coupled Tuscan columns.


(destroyed 1980)

West Side NC 62, jet. with SR 1600

and SR 1603


Designed by the architectural firm of Northrup and O'Brien of Winston-Salem and built by the firm of E. T. Hedrick and Son, this structure replaced the old Trinity College in 1924. Dyna- mite was required to clear the site of the old three-story brick college, built in 1855 and ex- panded in 1872-1876. Ten fluted iron columns with lotus-leaf capitals suggesting an Egyptian motif were reused to support the balcony of the school auditorium and were the only elements to survive from the 19th century construction. These columns were fortunately preserved when the school, abandoned in 1977, was demolished by the Randolph County Board of Education.

The columns were almost certainly bought originally for the college chapel which occupied the entire second and third floors of the 1872 wing. Observers at the time praised the chapel as "the best auditorium in the country, both for the speaker and the hearer. It will pleasantly seat 2000 persons, and is so perfect in acoustics, ventilation, and arrangement, that a much larger number might be accommodated, each seeing the speaker without obstruction, hearing distinctly, and suffering no inconvenience from impression."




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East Side NC 62 Trinity

The original portion of this structure was one of the oldest buildings in Trinity dating perhaps as far back as the 1840s. That eight-room original building, demolished in the 1930s, formed the south wing of the present house. It was a three- bay two-story center-hall plan house with a sidelighted front door. When the north wing was built, probably ca. 1850 a two-story gallery porch united both halves. Details of the later wing included coupled 4/4 windows, a front door with three-pane sidelights, projecting end pavilions and a dining room extending the full width of the house. An original detached kitchen serves today as a garage. The inn was run both as a hotel for visitors and as a student boarding house.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

A center-hall plan house probably dating from the late 19th century, as evidenced by the 4/4 sash and semicircular gable vent with sawn keystone. The hipped porch with central gable may be original but the bungaloid pylons on brick piers were added in the 1920s. The original facade may be the south side rather than the western, street facade.


East Side NC 62 Trinity

Lemuel Johnson (Trinity class of 1853) was one of the two brothers who served the college as professors of mathematics. D. C. Johnson was made professor "pro tempore" for the 1850-1851 term; Lemuel was made tutor for the 1853-1854 term and was appointed professor of mathemat- ics in 1855. He served Trinity in this position for more than thirty years. In 1858 he was elected the first president of the Trinity College Alumni Association. In 1864 he was appointed first official librarian of Trinity as well as treasurer of the college. After 1884, failing health forced Johnson to accept a reduced teaching load. A former student wrote the following sketch of Johnson: "From across the hollow, climbing the hill with long steps and swinging gait. Pro-- fessor Johnson, the Mathematician of the College, comes into view. I seem to see his straight black hat and to hear him say as he demonstrates a problem in calculus or mathematical astronomy on the blackboard, "Looking at it thus, we will easily understand it' which was not always the case." (Chaffin, p. 183) Johnson's home may have been built before the Civil War and cer- tainly would have featured Victorian millwork of the 1870s or 1880s, but massive recent alter- ations such as the "Mount Vernon" porch. Colo- nial Williamsburg trim and aluminum siding effectively disguise its origins.










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Behind 3509 Archdale Road Archdale

The first official recognition of Bush Hill occurred in 1866 when the United States Govern- ment transferred its post office from the declin- ing settlement of Bloomington to the new com- munity of Bush Hill. The first postmaster, W M. Wilson, installed the office in a small building behind his home, located on the northwest cor- ner of the Trindale/Archdale Road intersection. Ca. 1940 the office was moved to its present location and remodeled to match the adjacent residence. The original gable roof was replaced with a hip roof at that time. The chimney and fireplace have also disappeared. When Bush Hill was incorporated as a town in 1874, postmaster W M. Wilson also became the first mayor and undoubtedly governed from the office. It is one of the oldest structures in Archdale.


Southwest corner of NC 62 and

Archdale Road


Built ca. 1860 this is one of several homes constructed in the Trinity area in the Gothic Revival style. The brick foundation of the center- hall plan house was originally stuccoed and scored to resemble cut stone. Remnants of the original chamfered and bracketed porch posts also survive. A pointed casement sash is posi- tioned in the center gable; pointed double-hung sash flank the interior end chimneys. Despite the stylish exterior, Greek Revival mantels are used throughout, suggesting that the exterior was cop- ied from a pattern book, while the interior was finished in the carpenter's regular style of work. The sash and trim may be eariy examples of the local work of W C. Petty and Company. Dr. John M. Tomlinson was the area's most prominent physician during the late 19th century. This his- toric and architecturally significant home was demolished in 1982.



120 Trindale Road Archdale

This house is very similar to the neighboring Hammond house and is likewise an example of the work of the W C. Petty Sash and Blind Company. Although smaller than the Hammond house, this house has many identical elements

such as brackets and sash and was probably also built ca. 1880. A vague local tradition states that the house was built by a Quaker preacher, but it IS referred locally as the "Dr. Uath" house.


118 Trindale Road Archdale

This house is an outstanding example of the work of a well-known 19th century Archdale industry, the sash and blind factory of W C. Petty. "Clinton" Petty, his brother D. M. Petty and their brother-in-law Moses Hammond, came to Bush Hill ca. 1855 and began manufacturing furniture and building houses. W. C. Petty was an expert machinist and mechanic who, just before the Civil War, invented a machine for making shoe pegs. These pegs were needed for making the shoes and boots so indispensible to the war effort, so Petty and his employees were exempted by the Confederate government from the draft. In 1866 W C. Petty and Company first engaged in the business of manufacturing win- dow sash and blinds, doors and mantels, mold- ings, and. in fact, anything made of wood which could be used for building purposes. The com- pany was the only one of its kind in the area and reaped the profitable harvest of the post-war building boom. W C. Petty died in 1885 at the age of 55. The business, reorganized after a disastrous fire in 1889, was continued for some time under the management of Moses Hammond. Hammond was an active and prominent worker m the Temperance and Prohibition movements on both the state and national levels. For several years he was president of the North Carolina Temperance Union, and in 1888 was candidate for the office of lieutenant governor on the Prohi- bition ticket.

The house Moses Hammond built for himself ca. 1880 is virtually a catalog of the output of W C. Petty and Company. The elaborate tapered porch posts, the cornice brackets with drops, the molded pediment frames of the 2/2 windo* sash, the gable vents, moldings and probably even the clapboards and framing lumber were products of the Petty establishment. On the inte- nor all the mantels, the turned balusters and newel of the open-string staircase and, indeed, everything but the plaster cornices originated in the local factory. Since 1917 the house has been the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ragan, Jr.



(destroyed 1980)

3300 South Main Street


The nucleus of this house was a small (approxi- mately 20 feet X 25 feet) V-notched log cabin (hidden from view) which may have been built 5'efore the Civil War, although exact dating is "iipossible. The main portion of the house was a "'gh-ceilinged, early 20th century wing built by °2n T. English as a hunting lodge for Yankee Visitors. The family lived in the original wing, and guests roomed in the large wing, hiring Mr. English as a hunting guide.


3307 Archdale Road Archdale

The rambling character of this house, with Sables and wings projecting from all sides, and Several different styles of window sash, indicates "2t the structure was built over a period of time starting ca. 1890. An unusual decorative treat- "^ent is the bracketed comer boards which seem support the frieze of the cornice. The trim ?ay be a product of W C. Petty and Company, rile house was built by Meriey English, a hunt- "|g dog trainer. Part of the house was used for ^'Siting hunters, and a strong local tradition says hat the "Prince of Wales" stayed here on one """ting trip.


3108 Archdale Road Archdale

Built between 1908 and 1912 by a Mr. Welbom, ^|s house was the home of George Crowell, a 'gh Point superintendent of schools. The main ature of the house is its two-tiered porch with '^cess to the balcony from the second floor hall. "■"Ejecting gabled bays break the hip roof on the


106 Petty Street Archdale

The pedimented window frames and a brack- eted cornice found on this ca. 1880 house are similar to other products of W C. Petty and Company and almost certainly were purchased from Petty for this house. The porch of the end-pavilion house was replaced ca. 1930. A kitchen wing (now destroyed) is said to have been an earlier house.


NC 311 Archdale

The pointed pediment window frames set in the gable end of this house are highly reminis- cent of the Gothic style Tomlinson house. This house may originally have been even more similar, for board-and-batten siding survives on the rear wing and may at one time have covered the entire house. Even the brick chimney caps are embattled, suggesting the Gothic, as do the porch brackets and trefoil cut-outs. The three-bay one-and-a- half-story house with its central gable featuring feathered shingle decoration is almost identical to any of the three-bay center-gable farmhouses built in the area up to 1920. The early date of this house— seemingly ca. 1875— suggests a transi- tional form in a period between the pattern book Gothic of the 1853 Braxton Craven house in Trinity the Tomlinson house in Archdale and the later houses which dropped the Gothic details altogether, retaining only the masses and shapes of the design. Empty for several years following the death of Mr. Hall, the house was demolished in 1982.















New Market Township















New Market Township

This house was probably built ca. 1850, al- though aluminum siding and a variety of modern- izations confuse dating. The entrance door has four-pane sidelights; large 6/6 sash are used on the first floor, with smaller 6/6 on the second. The roof is probably a recent replacement.


New Market Township A hall-and-parlor plan house with Greek Re- vival trim, two-panel doors, post-and-lintel man- tels and sheathed paneling. Probably built ca. 1840, with alterations dating around 1940.


New Market Township An open-string staircase and simple Greek Revival style mantels characterize this center- hall plan dwelling. The outside is covered wtih aluminum and the interior has been heavily altered.


New Market Township

The Gladesboro Store is a three-bay hall-and- parlor plan house with 6/6 sash, probably buiH ca. 1840. The window trim features comer blocks on both interior and exterior. Other trim includes an open-string stair with turned newel and a bracketed-shelf post-and-lintel mantel. The build- ing originally stood at a nearby intersection, the site of Gladesboro. an early crossroads town. " was moved to this site by Cyrus Taylor (1860- 1924). Lxxal tradition believes this to be Robert Gray's Store and post office. Robert Gray was a Gladesboro merchant and the progenitor of the prominent Winston-Salem Gray clan. Grayly"' the family manion there, is built of stone col- lected in the Gladesboro area.


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New Market Township

A ca. I860 hall-and-parlor plan house with "rick end chimneys. An earlier small house is Attached as a rear wing; it has a large granite <^himney. Nearby is a mortise-and-tenon bam *ith strap hinges and a V-notched log com crib.


New Market Township

This tiny story-and-a-half house may have "^sn built ca. 1800. Despite major alterations made ca. 1950, the hall-and-parlor plan house f^'ains 6/6 sash, six-panel doors and sheathed ^'ding under the shed porch.


New Market Township

The two-story dwelling of this farm complex *as built by Ed Swaim, the father of the current "^cupants, in 1919. It features 2/2 sash, a hipped P^fch on Tliscan columns and a roof with wide "''erhang and exposed rafter ends. The end- ^himney center-hall plan house preserves the

aditional farmhouse form in all but details such ^ 'he shed dormer which is used instead of the ^niiliar central gable. The complex includes an "'oer double-pen half-dovetail log bam as well / ? '^rge bam of mortise-and-tenon construction I "lit with the house in 1919. This is an unusually *'^ date to find this technique in use.


New Market Township

^ne of the county's most significant early ^omes, this house was probably built ca. 1785. ^°^al residents attribute it to James Ruffin f ^'^'fane, but evidence points instead to his j^"er William Coletrane. Bom in Edenton to

■^o'sman David Coletrane, William was a sur-

yor by profession. He served as constable and ^^ collector in the 1780-1781 Randolph County j^^, and was appointed deputy sheriff in 1782. With * house exhibits a hall-and-parlor plan coeH ""^^^'^^ s"d chimneys of stone (now stuc- Kia ^^ interior boasts the county's best Geor- n style trim. Both lower rooms feature beauti- faised panel overmantels with molded shelves

capped by an embattled frieze. Vertical beaded boards are used above an elaborate molded chair rail with horizontal beaded boards below. Six- panel doors with strap hinges are used througout the interior; those on the second floor retain their original red and black pseudo-mahogany graining. The upper floors are accessible by a boxed stair which rises from the engaged south porch. The porch may originally have been open, but is now closed by double-leaf two-panel Greek Revival doors set in a sidelighted frame. The exterior was further altered ca. 1930 when German siding and new double-hung sash replaced the original work.


New Market Township

In March, 1806, this property was deeded to the trustees of "Gossett's Meeting House," so- called after William and Elizabeth Gossett, the original owners of the land. The church's first minister was the influential minister and teacher Brantley York. The present structure, three bays long, was built in 1858. Sunday school rooms were built to the rear in 1921, and the church was brick veneered in 1964. The cemetery has some impressive early gravestones.


New Market Township

Some of the county's earliest marked burials are found in this cemetery; predating the Revo- lution. Local heroine Martha McGee Bell is buried here. Her husband William Bell (who may be buried here in an unmarked grave) was Randolph's first sheriff. Martha Bell was an unwilling hostess to Lord Comwallis and his army for several days after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, during which time she spied on the British for General Greene.












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New Market Township

Ca. 1780 may be the construction date of this large double-pen log house. A boxed slab pro- vides access to a loft. A shed wing was added to the north; the south porch is engaged between two small rooms. Massive stone end chimneys are the most impressive feature of the house. The firebox of the larger east chimney is constructed of large blocks of hewn granite, with a brick flue. Fireplace openings are arched, with simple mantel shelves. The type of notching is hidden under clapboarding. The house was one of two Randolph County residences photographed in 1940 by Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston, noted architectural photographer. Sadly, this important structure was demolished in 1981. It was sold to a Guilford County antique dealer for reconstruc- tion as a shop.


New Market Township

The original section of this T-pIan house is a story-and-a-half log house which exhibits half- dovetail comer notching. This is now attached to an early 20th century two-story center-hall plan house. The nearby bam is unusual in that its beams are mortised, but are nailed, not pegged together.


New Market Township

This house was built by Joseph Welbom (son of John and Jane McGee Welbom) when his daughter Sarah (bom 1838) "was a baby." The gabled dormer balconies are unique in the county. Placed over the engaged porches on the north and south facades, the gabled dormers are open and unglazed, although originally railed. The engaged porches are paneled in flush horizontal boards above and below a molded chair rail. The six-panel doors and 6/6 sash are set in molded three-panel surrounds. The interior of the hall- and-parlor plan house has exposed beams with molded surrounds and a boxed stair. The mantels have been stored for safekeeping but are de- scribed by the owner as "carved all up and down." The chimneys are of rock with brick flues; the fireboxes are lined with soapstone. The northwest porch room originally had its own small fireplace.


New Market Township

William Bell's Mill on Muddy Creek is Ran- dolph County's only recognized Revolutionary War site, mentioned as early as 1849 in Benson Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. British General Comwallis camped here a few days before the Battle of Guilford Courthouse and sent his baggage back to the area where he stopped for action on the evening of March 14, 1781. After remaining for two days on the battle- field, Comwallis spent two days marching back to Bell's Mill where he rested and resupplied his troops for two days before moving on towards Wilmington.

William Bell was elected first sheriff of Ran- dolph County in 1779, the same year he married Martha McFarlane McGee, the area's richest widow. Martha Bell is well-remembered as a local heroine of the Revolution and is commemo- rated in a monument at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. The mill itself was known after the Revolution by the name of the Welbom and Walker families. A later mill, built in the early 19th century, was demolished in 1967.


New Market Township

This now-unused building is a well-preserved example of an early 20th century niral school house built after the pro-education campaigns of Governor Charles Aycock. A gable decorated with feathered shingling embellishes one end of the steeply pitched roof. Oversized 6/6 sash ligh' the twin school rooms.


New Market Township

The two most distinctive features of this dwelling are the "ridge pole" dormers, designed for attic ventilation, and the glassed, second- floor sleeping porch. The house was built for (a) Madison Johnson by contractor Aaron Spencef and completed in May, 1889. It was acquired W Thomas Oliver Spencer, grandfather of the pres- ent owner, Eleanor Hartley in September, 1900 Between 1936 and 1946 Chicago interior de- signer Ross Crane, fonner decorator with ih^ popular Greensboro furniture store Mon-iso" Neese, was a frequent visitor.


Level Cross Tbwnship


Level Cross Township

Seth Beeson, a Quaker immigrant from present- day TUscarora 1\impike, West Virginia, built this log house before his death in 1816. The northern shed wing is contemporary with the main block; its logs are mortised into the half-dovetail notch- ing of the house. The three-bay house is divided into a "Quaker" or "Continental" three-room plan by a vertical board partition which features sunken panels above the board-and-batten doors. The second floor is reached by a boxed stair. A huge exterior chimney and fireplace in the main room once served the entire house. The chimney is now in the center of the expanded house. The east wing was added in the 1880s so Cane Creek Friends could board there during quarterly meet- ings at nearby Centre Friends Meeting in Guil- ford County. The house has recently been ex- tensively remodeled.


Level Cross Township

Deep River enters Randolph County just north of this site, which has seen industrial use for over two centuries. Elisha Mendenhall, one of the county's twelve wealthiest men of 1779, had buih a grist mill here by 1787, the supposed construction date of the present dam. The dam, constructed of massive granite blocks (some as large as four feet square) held in place by lead- sealed iron straps, is the most prominent feature of the site. Local tradition maintains the mill was built of stone hauled by oxen from Moore County; however, several granite quarries are found in the immediate area surrounding the mill, and granite is a rarity in Moore County. At any rate, the dam is one of the IBth century engineering landmarks of the county, if not the Piedmont. The existing mill structures of frame and reinforced concrete date from the early 20th century. Ice-makitig machinery of the period (which used ammonia as a coolant) and a turbine water wheel are still in place, although last used in 1973. The mill is now known after its last owner, Daniel Coletrane, who bought it from the Mendenhalls. The last covered bridge crossing Deep River stood here at Coletrane's Mill until 1950.



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Level Cross Township

The imposing pillared portico of this house is the only one of its kind found in the county. As the house seems to have been built ca. 1900, it is probably an early example of the Classical Re- vival style. The porch and balcony are the only such elements found on the house, which other- wise is a standard L-plan with Victorian details. A one-story kitchen wing on the rear may be an earlier house. A dairy, stable, several bams and rent houses complete the plantation-like setting of the house.


Level Cross Township

An end-chimney hall-and-parlor plan house built in 1857 and still owned by descendants of the builder. The house has been heavily remod- eled, although it retains some interior trim, such as very simple post and lintel mantels. The rock chimneys have been stuccoed.


Level Cross Township

Following originally a one-room plan, this small log cabin illustrates an odd combination of both half-dovetail and V-notching construction at each comer. The cabin has a loft and stone end chimney with brick flue. At some time a board- and-batten extension and rear shed wing were added to the cabin tripling it in size. The cabin may pre-date the Civil War.


Level Cross Township

A substantial mral house probably built ca. 1850 and recently subjected to extensive renova- tion. The front and rear entrances have four- panel doors with raised panels and sidelights. Six-over-six sash and two-panel Greek Revival doors are commonly used throughout. Since 1976 the "Mount Vernon" porch has replaced one which was built ca. 1880. Its original cham- fered posts and scroll brackets are piled nearby. Aluminum siding has been applied as well.


Level Cross Township

Built in 1978-1979, this is one of the most advanced solar homes in Randolph County. It was designed under a grant from the U.S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development by John Alt, who lives nearby. Winter heat is stored in water-filled steel dmms stacked inside. The most unusual exterior features are the sail-like fabric shades which can be adjusted to keep out unnecessary heat and light.


Level Cross Township

This farm complex includes what may be an early one-story cabin with a later two-story addition, both of which probably pre-date the Civil War. The house had 6/6 sash and a clay- mortared stone chimney. Both front and rear porches are supported by deeply chamfered posts. Outbuildings of all sizes and descriptions sur- round the house. Chief among these are a V-notched log com crib and a board-and-batten woodworking shop.



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Providence Tbwnship


Providence Township

R. H. ("Reggie") Underwood bought this rural store in 1916. It may have been built ca. 1885. The store has survived virtually unaltered both on the interior and exterior. In 1918 Under- wood became a Texaco dealer and began to sell gasoline. The cantilevered pump shelter was erected at that time and is perhaps the oldest gas station in the county. The rear wing of the T-plan store is thought to have been part of the former Gray's Chapel Methodist Church.


Providence Township

This house, built ca. 1911, exhibits some late Queen Anne-style features such as the polygonal bay on the first floor level of the end pavilion and the zinc cresting on the roof peak. The house otherwise has many elements of the Colonial Re- vival style and illustrates the melding of styles prevalent in a transitional period. An earlier house occupied the site, but it was moved nearby and converted into a bam. That two-story ca. 1880 house with boxed stair is in ruinous condition.


Providence Township

The first meeting house on this site was built in 1769. The present brick sanctuary is entered through the base of the steeple on the north gable end; it was built in 1929. The cemetery contains the grave of folk heroine Naomi Wise, subject of North Carolina's oldest known ballad. Accord- ing to tradition. Wise was drowned in Deep River near New Salem by her lover, Jonathan Lewis. The original stone was replaced by the current marker in 1949. Unfortunately, the dates "1789-1808" inscribed on it are incorrect. Court records indicate that Naomi Wise died in Febru- ary or March, 1807; her date of birth is unknown.













Providence Township

The one-story east wing of this house is thought to have been built by Miles Chamness ca. 1810. That small wing has an interior end chimney, although the two-story antebellum main block of the house has an exterior end chimney. The most unusual feature of the house is its porch posts, massive square timbers which have been beveled to form a diamond-shaped design. The adjoining farm complex includes a huge bam and a small shop, both of heavy frame construction. The two-story bam once featured a threshing floor, now removed to create a center aisle. The shop has been a "coffin factory" or woodworking shop and a weaving house. The once prominent Quaker Chamness family has now died out in Randolph County.


Providence Township

This tiny stmcture may well be the oldest existing commercial building in Randolph County. Ca. 1866 the store housed a new mercantile and hardware company founded by J. A. Odell and W H. Ragan, two young former employees of the Franklin ville textile mill. The two partners left the factory and came here to the home of Thomas Ragan, W H. Ragan's father, where they set up shop in this building. In 1867 the Ragans and Odell moved to High Point, reopen- ing the store there. In 1872 Odell moved to Greensboro, where he founded the still-extant Odell Hardware Company.

This building quite evidently pre-dates the Odell/Ragan business by many years. The origi- nal beaded weatherboarding, now gathered on the east facade, is known on only two other stmctures in Randolph County. All three of these structures stand in this far northwestem comer of the county and all seem to have been constructed ca. 1800. The building originally had an end chimney and fireplace, with a second floor loft reached by an open stair. It is being privately renovated.


Providence Township

Sandy Creek Friends Meeting was set up under the supervision of Cane Creek Friends Meeting in 1780. Quaker congregations in gen- eral declined in the late-18th/early-19th centuries

and the Sandy Creek meeting did not prosper. Its records do not survive so the history of the meeting is very unclear. The structure was in a ruinous condition when its remains were disas- sembled and stored ca. 1970.

The meeting house was some twelve by eigh- teen feet in plan, covered with beaded weather- boarding. The structure does not seem to have possessed a partition dividing the sexes, in com- mon with what is known of some other early Friends meetings. Evidence suggests that the stmcture was built ca. 1800, some years before the 1812 Jamestown meeting house. The Sandy Creek meeting house, if reassembled and restored, would be the oldest Friends meeting house in North Carolina. It is presently stored here, under cover.


Providence Township

A ca. 1886 board-and-batten depot built in connection with the constroction of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. The well- preserved building has been sold into private hands and is being moved to Ramseur.


Providence Township

Charles H. Hardin had this house built in 1889 by two builders for just over $1,000. Hardin operated a store and the Julian post office in a little hardware store which stands nearby. The house is elaborately decorated. Coupled brackets with drops and spindles articulate the cornice. The double entrance doors are framed by ^ transom and sidelights. The porch posts are meticulously detailed with moldings, applied panels and sawn scroll brackets. The pressed tin roof is pattemed to look like tile. An early farm building complex nearby was once part of this property, including a flush-gabled bam surrounded by sheds which may pre-date the Civil War The iron-banded wooden silo was one of two build ca. 1910 by J. E. Hardin, who ran a beef cattle operation on the farm.

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Providence Township

This small two-story house was built ca. 1845 W Thomas Ragan, a miller who moved here from Montgomery County. Ragan's son left for Franklinville to learn the textile business, retum- ■ng in 1866 with J. A. Odell to open a small store. They lived here with Ragan's family while operating the nearby business. Ca. 1867 the Ragans moved to Jamestown, selling the house *nd property to the Charles Hardin family. The Hardins later built another house nearby.

The hall-and-parlor plan house is capped by a gable roof with molded cornice and pedimented ends. The interior features some fine work, with two-panel doors and an open-string stair with 'urned balusters and a massive turned newel post. The building was moved from its original ^'te in the path of US 421 in 1969.


Providence Township The focus of this rural farm complex is a ca. '*90 two-story center-hall plan house connected y a covered walkway to a two-story V-notched |og house. The ca. 1870 log house, known as the Roddy Doak" house, has a massive stone ^nimney, as well as frame shed-roofed and ga- oled wings. The farm complex includes other g buildings such as a smokehouse and com ^0 with half-dovetail notching, and a bam with -notching. The log bam is connected by a feezeway to a large frame stmcture covered in J " lengths of clapboarding. This building was one time used as a school, although it seems to ave been built as a cabinetmaker's shop. Another, ^"laller frame building nearby has "1882" painted

" 'ts door; it is said to have been a blacksmith's stiop.


Providence Township

The sanctuary of this church may have been built ca. 1900, although later classroom wings and aluminum siding have obscured almost all of the building's details and make dating difficult. The congregation is an old one; stones marking burials as early as 1821 are found in the graveyard. In April, 1865, Confederate troops camped in the Bethel Church yard, leaving tons of ammuni- tion and equipment when they were mustered out. Although most of the material was sold to the iron foundry of Franklinville, rifle and can- non balls are still occasionally discovered.







Liberty Ibwnship


Liberty Township

Liberty Grove Church began in 1760 as Barton's Meeting House, a union meeting house estab- Hshed by both Lutheran and Reformed German settlers in the area. In 1787 the Lutherans broke from the union and established Richland Lu- theran Church nearby. Barton's was unable to survive the split and the log building stood unused until the 1820s, when dissidents within the Methodist Episcopal Church formed the Meth- odist Protestant Church. When the Methodist Protestant conference was formed in 1828 Lib- erty Grove Church was one of four circuits in North Carolina, along with Roanoke, Warrenton and Oxford. Liberty Grove was not only the first Methodist Protestant Church in Randolph County, but the first in the Piedmont. It was served by the Rev Alson Gray.

The present frame church was built in 1873 by Patterson and Philmore Pickett, and Eli Fogleman. William Overman and A. Cook made 11,902 shingles for the roof between July and August, 1873. The resulting building has 4/4 sash and sawn rafter ends. The entrance porch seems to have been added ca. 1900. A Methodist Protes- tant Church built in the town of Liberty in 1895 pulled many members from this church, which now has some fifteen members. There are many interesting stones in the cemetery.


Liberty Township

In 1820 the North Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church became divided along factional lines due to differences of opinion on doctrines and practices. Disaffected members organized their own faction, the Tennessee Synod. The congregation at Richland Lutheran Church was also divided on the issues but both factions used the old Richland Church. In 1849 the Tennessee Synod decided to build their own church, named Melancthon in 1 85 1 . The present church build- ing was built in 1902 and remodeled in 1936. Membership subsequently declined and the church is no longer used for regular services.



Liberty Township

Richland Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in 1789 by the Rev. Christian Eberhart Bernhardt, pastor of three other Lutheran congre- gations in Guilford and Orange counties. The first church was built in 1790. After a doctrinal split in 1820 two congregations shared the church "ntil 1849. On July 14, 1849, the Evangelical Lutheran congregation voted to build a new ■"eeting house "12 feet high, 35 feet wide and 55 feet long," to be paid for by subscription. The 1849 building exists virtually unaltered, *ith 9/9 sash and one-panel double doors. The <^hurch has been inactive since 1950. The adja- cent cemetery has many unusual early tombstones.


Liberty Township

The original sanctuary section of this church features a molded cornice with cornice returns *nd may date to the ca. 1870 period. Ca. 1890 an Entrance pavilion with boxed cornice and pointed Window sash were added. The classroom wings 'Id asbestos siding probably date from the 1950s.


Liberty Township

This house, sited on the dividing line between

"Randolph and Guilford counties and near their

^ommon border with Alamance, was built by

*" Long, Jr. (1785-1857). Long was Randolph

ounty's premier early politician, serving in the

|;Orth Carolina legislature from 1811 to 1815 and

firee terms in the U.S. House of Representatives

°20-i828). One of his sons became a graduate

"" 'he U.S. Military Academy and four were

graduated from the University of North Carolina.

T°"g's son John Wesley became a physician, as

'u his grandson John Wesley, Jr. , who practiced

Randleman and later in Greensboro, where

^Wesley Long Hospital is named for him.

Reflecting Long's increasing prosperity as well

his growing family, his house was built in two

M^' ^^ earliest, northern half built ca. 1810,

'ows a hall-and-parlor plan some thirty feet

quare. The two-story house has a two-story

sa u"^"°" '" 'he west under a shed roof. The 6/6

tall °" ^^^ sheathed porch facade are seven feet

p , snd extend down to the molded baseboard.

th ''"'' S''^''"^'' six-panel doors are used

o^ghout, as is horizontal board paneling above

and below the molded chair rail. There is also a molded cornice and mitred three-part door and window surrounds. The mantel is a large Federal- style design with a molded shelf, sunken panels flanking the fire opening and an unusual central panel carved in an ogee curve. A boxed stair rises from a rear room to the second floor. The exterior has a molded cornice, 9/6 sash on the rear, 4/4 sash on the gable end and well-preserved yellow poplar weatherboarding.

Ca. 1820 a thirty-foot extension was built to the south, which in effect constituted a second house. An off-center two-panel door with three- pane sidelights opened into a new entrance hall complete with a graceful open-string staircase. The mantel in the parlor of this wing is a simple Greek Revival post-and-lintel design. The sash and trim in general match those of the earlier house, although a boxed cornice with minimal molding is used, as well as pine weatherboarding. The original house has a large double-shouldered chimney laid in 1;8 bond: the wing has a single- shouldered construction in 1:3 bond. The house has been in the possession of the present owner since 1919.


Liberty Township

This highly unusual house is an important example of North Carolina Germanic vernacular design related more closely to the Pennsylvania "Dutch" than to the Moravians at Salem. The two-story house is thought to have been built in 1818, while its one-story northern extension seems to date to the 1830 period. The exterior of the two-story section has a boxed cornice and molded comer boards, with an interior end chimney. Some original beaded clapboards remain on the west side. The interior was the glory of the house. A massive arched fireplace (with an open- ing five feet wide) was paneled with an elabo- rately molded chimney breast. The main room boasted a raised-panel wainscoting with molded chair rail. H and HL hinges were used throughout. The boxed stair has beaded and molded treads. Upstairs a sawn baluster rail protected the stair opening. The use of color was perhaps the house's most unusual decorative element. The raised panels of the wainscoting were marbleized in shades of blue, while the paneling was painted gray. Baseboards were marbleized in shades of brown and red. The chimney breast was marble- ized in blue and gray. The doors were painted and grained. The ceiling and stair rail were













painted green. At one time the interior was virtually a riot of color. Unfortunately, most of this interior work has been removed and sold to a Raleigh antique dealer.


Liberty Township

This was formerly the site of Nixon's Mill, now destroyed, and the site in the 18th century of Regulator Herman Husband's mill. The small house still standing at the site was the home of the miller. It is of mortise and tenon construction and may date to the 1850 period. Abram York of Melancthon was a millwright and miller here during the Civil War and is said to have filled the space between the exterior and interior walls of the house with grain to hide it from the Yankees.


Liberty Township

Now serving as a bam, this is one of the few eariy log houses which remain in the county. In shape and size the house is similar to the frame Peter Dicks house in New Salem, a small square gable-roof house which seems disproportionately tall. Also, like the Dicks house, the Wrenn house has suffered considerably from conversion into a bam. In moving the house some 100 feet from its original site, the double-shouldered brick chim- ney was destroyed, the interior was gutted and shed wings were added. Original features which are still evident include saddle notching, 6/6 sash and board-and-batten doors with strap hinges. John Wrenn, a native of Virginia, ac- quired the property in 1805 and died ca. 1833.


Liberty Township

Sandy Creek Baptist Church is both the oldest organized church and oldest surviving religious structure in Randolph County. A recognized land- mark in religious history, it is noted by the nearby state historic marker as the "Mother of Southern Baptist Churches." The church was founded by the Separate Baptist Minister Shubal Steams (1706-1771), a Boston native who led a group of eight families into the area in 1755. Most colonial or "Particular" Baptists were mem- bers of the Philadelphia Association and advo- cated a strict Calvinistic philosophy of "What

will be, will be." Separate or "New Light" Baptists broke with this practice and proposed active campaigns to win converts with Sunday schools, revivals and missionary work. Steams' efforts to awaken the religious impulses of the back country were wildly successful, with his original congregation of eight families mush- rooming into 606 members by 1770. In June, 1758, he had formed the Sandy Creek Associ- ation, an organization including not only the original church but three nearby offshoot churches as well. The association soon grew to include members all over the south, and as far west as Mississippi. Morgan Edwards noted in 1772 that "It, in 17 years, is become mother, grandmother, and great grandmother to 42 churches, from which sprang 125 ministers, many of which are ordained and support the sacred character as well as any set of clergy in America." In 1830 the Sandy Creek Association backed the creation of the new Southem Baptist Convention and the two organizations soon combined. Sandy Creek Church itself, centered in the area of most active opposition to the colonial government, suffered greatly during the War of the Regulation. Ed- wards estimated that 1,500 families left the re- gion after the Battle of Alamance. This, com- bined with the death of Rev Steams in November, 1771, soon caused the membership of the church to dwindle to a mere fourteen.

The existing Sandy Creek Church is the third building to house the congregation, built (accord- ing to strong tradition) in 1826. The first building had bumed ca. 1785, and the second, bui" across the road, was blown down by a storm- The log church building is approximately 20 W 25 feet in size. It still houses the original pulp" or "Bible Rail" and some original benches- Raked balconies across each end of the stmcture were removed in 1936. The church was weather- boarded in 1870 and asphalt siding was added i" 1953.

Nationally, the Separate Baptists combined with the Regular Baptists in the early 19th centuC- but the merger was not popular. In 1836 discon- tent was so profound at Sandy Creek that part of the congregation broke away and formed the nearby Shady Grove Baptist Church, leaving th^ old building to the Primitive (or anti-missionaO'' Baptists who maintain it today.






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L:5 141-143 W.Swannanoa Si.


L:5 119, 123-125, 127 W. Swannanoa St.

ftPJiW I


South Fayetteville Street Liberty

Dr. A. J. Patterson built this simple two-room cottage with loft ca. 1884 on the lot where he lived, for his parents George and Sophia Coble Patterson. It was located across the street from the business section which burned in 1895 and is the only house on that block which survives today. The original location was Graham Street (now South Fayetteville). It was moved to the grounds of Town Hall in 1974 and renovated as a museum.


East Dameron Avenue Liberty

The Gothic Revival is faintly echoed in this mid- 1880s dwelling. The two-story end-chimney center-hall plan house is a typical form of the late 19th century while the sawn bargeboards are holdovers from the Gothic tastes popular in the 1850s and 1860s. Six-over-six sash are used ex- cept in the central bay above the entrance where coupled 4/4 sash fill the enlarged space under the shallow gable. This house formerly occupied a site on South Fayetteville Street.


South Fayetteville Street Liberty

This four-bay brick sanctuary was built in 1915. It features a cruciform plan, a roof "kicked" at the eaves and 4/4 sash set in arched openings.


229 West Raleigh Avenue Liberty

Most of this house bears evidence of a major I930s-era renovation. The asbestos siding and first floor bungaloid porch pylons date from this period. The sawn balusters and chamfered posts of the second floor balcony are late 1 9th century survivals.


West Swannanoa Street Liberty

The Liberty central business district is an attractive eariy 20th century commercial street- scape. Some of the major landmarks include:

141-143 West Swannanoa Street is a ca. 1920. double storefront built to house the Bank of Chatham. The two-story brick building features granite window sills and lintels and a metal cornice above the shop windows. 141 retains its original metal-clad display windows and frosted glass transom.

127 West Swannanoa Street. Built by Dr. G. A. Foster, president of the bank, this two-story brick commercial structure features star end tie- rods, a corbeled cornice and arched hood mold- ings linking the three-bay second floor facade. The first business housed here was Farmer's Union Mercantile Co. A. E. Dark later ran a grocery store from this location.

123-125 West Swannanoa Street. Built by Tom Trogdon, this 1930s-era brick double store- front has granite window sills and decorative bands of herringbone brickwork. Five large quartz rocks are inset at the parapet level.

1 19 West Swannanoa. Known as the Gilliam- Patterson building, this is a lovely tum-of-the- century structure. Its second floor facade is five window bays wide; the segmental-arched open- ings are linked by an undulating hood molding- Immediately above the windows the parapet is decorated with elaborate brickwork. A miniature blind arcade of round arches is set below a mousetooth frieze and corbeled cornice. The storefront is partially preserved, with a recessed entrance and shop windows set on marble knee walls.

120 Wfest Swannanoa displays Randolph Coun- ty's only remaining complete metal storefront. The facade includes not only patterned sheet metal cornices and pilasters but rusticated "stone" infill panels of press-molded metal. The shop front retains its original paneled wooden window bays, but the entrances and transoms have been remodeled. O'Kelly Overman ran a general mer- chandise business in this store.

122-124 West Swannanoa is an interesting one-story double shop front. Display windows and entrance doors in wooden frames are set in large elliptical arches which bridge the width of each store bay. A paneled parapet with mouse- tooth frieze and corbeled cornice caps the design- The stnicture may have been built ca. 1915 by O'Kelly Overman. The little post office building was on this site.

L:5 120, 122-124 W. Swannanoa St.

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156 West Swannanoa Avenue Liberty

The Liberty Depot is the last remaining Ran- ''olph County structure built by the Cape Fear ^nd Yadkin Valley Railway. (The Julian Depot, nowever, has recently been moved to Ramseur from Guilford County.) The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway grew out of early 19th century efforts to connect the Cape Fear and Yadkin "Vers by canal, efforts that soon changed in the erection of a railroad. The C.FYVR.W was organized in 1879 from the remains of an antebel- jum railroad company, and ultimately completed

main line from Wilmington to Mt. Airy in


'°90. Service on the first part of that line, from Payetteville to Greensboro, began on March 16, °^4, Construction of that line gave Randolph ^ounty its first railroad, founded the town of '3ley as a shipping terminal for the Deep River 6xtile factories, and revived the small cross- roads town of Liberty.

\on '""'^rty Depot was built some time before

'^S, when photographs of it were made. It is an

"cellent example of a tum-of-the-century train

*|'on and the most elaborate example in Ran-

olph County. The hip-roofed station has both a

Saoled dormer and an octagonal turret which

^Ps a polygonal window bay at trackside. The

ves of the roof are "kicked" out to overhang at

^' six feet; this is supported by sawn braces.

^^nnan siding is now used above an exterior

Wainscoting" of beaded vertical paneling.


204 West Swannanoa Avenue Liberty

p Originally this was the home of Dr. Rez D. p 'erson before he built his home on South l^y«tteville Street, and was bought from Dr. fu .'^""^''son, Jr. by Carl Loflin to use as a


'^■■al home. At the center of a mass of addi-

Pla ^ f '^"''^ ^ two-story central gable center-hall

" house of the 1880s. Its overhanging eaves

^ed by sawn brackets with pendants, and

an Pierc,


Ornate circular vent with sawnwork tracery '"es the central gable.



West Swannanoa Street Liberty

's attractive early 20th century sanctuary

has segmental arched windows with hood mold- ings on the sides and large round arches with hoods on the street facade. The latter frame both the entrance and coupled stained glass windows with fanlight. The entrance is offset in a tower at the southeast comer. The rear quarter of the structure was added sometime later. The brick- work is laid in 1:6 common bond and a granite sill trims the large south window. This church was originally called the Christian Church and was the first church organized in the town of Liberty.


303 and 307 Asheboro Street Liberty

These homes are two of a dozen or more substantial dwellings which front the railroad tracks and line the west side of Asheboro Street in Liberty. The Asheboro Street neighborhood developed from ca. 1890 to 1915 and its houses illustrate the styles popular at the turn of the century. 303 Asheboro Street is a typical center- hall plan central-gable house with a single chim- ney on the north end. Its hip porch is carried on turned posts with sawn brackets. 307 Asheboro Street is an end-pavilion or "T-plan" house with chamfered porch posts and elaborate "feathery" sawnwork brackets. Both homes were probably built ca. 1900 by J. M. Philmore Pickett.


415 Asheboro Street

Liberty This attractive ca. 1895 home turns its side toward Asheboro Street, showing off a late 19th century two-story "double decker" veranda pop- ular in North Carolina but rarely seen in Ran- dolph County. The form of the house is that of a common three-bay central gable house, with a central hallway and two-story rear wing. But the center-gable facade faces south toward a neigh- boring house. The hip porch of that facade features elaborate tapered posts set on square bases; sawn brackets with turned drop pendants brace the cornices of the house and its porches. H. C. Causey, a house builder by trade, built this house for himself.



L:9 L:10







I Ml


605 Asheboro Street Liberty

This house is one of Randolph County's major landmarks of the Queen Anne style. It was probably built in the mid-1890s. The primary portion of the two-story house is a square hip- roofed block with wings projecting to the south and east. A two-story polygonal window bay sprouts to the north, covered by a cantilevered roof overhang. This bay and the gables are decorated with feathered shingling; the gable which fronts on Asheboro Street displays a turned eave decoration. The patterned slate roof is one of the very few in the county, and the porch with turned posts, spindle frieze and polygonal ga- zebo is particularly fine. Charies Philip Smith built this home which was later occupied by his daughter Margaret Smith Wylie.


330 North Greensboro Street Liberty

In 1910 James Alexander Martin organized the Liberty Picker Stick and Novelty Company; reor- ganized in November, 1923 as the Liberty Chair Company. The original plant was destroyed by fire on February 18, 1926. The nucleus of the present plant dates from the subsequent recon- struction. Built of large brick blocks, a stepped parapet conceals theroof of the main building. It uses metal industrial window sash. The date "1910" on the gable is, of course, the date of the founding of the company, not the construction of the building. Liberty's first electric power was furnished by the generators installed by this company.


316 North Greensboro Street Liberty

Much of the considerable original charm of this elaborate Victorian structure is now buried under aluminum siding. It was built in 1890 as the home of the Liberty Methodist Episcopal congregation. It was acquired by the Quakers in 1943 after the merger of the Methodist Episcopal

and Methodist Protestant churches. The gabled four-bay structure was lighted by oversized 4/4 sash and topped by an elaborate cupola. The square tower has lost its ornamentation, but the spire covered with feathered wooden shingles and the bellfast roof retain their original iron filigree decoration. This is the only Victorian ironwork remaining in Randolph County.


North Fayetteville Street Liberty

This cruciform-plan house was built ca. 1924 by Henry Frazier for Dr. Frank A. Shepherd. Originally designed to be converted to a medical clinic, it has recently served as office space fof the Liberty Furniture Company. The low hip roofs and spreading porches carried on woode" pylons echo the Prairie School of midwestem architecture and hint of bungalows that were to follow.


421 East Swannanoa Avenue Liberty

The transitional period between the Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles are particularly evident in this dwelling. The conical slate-roofed tower capping the engaged porch is a very u"' usual feature. Feathered shingling decorates the gables and the space above the first floor windows^ The hidden offset entrance, window sash and much of the trim indicate a pre-World War ' origin.

Columbia Township


Columbia Township

This two-story "Triple-A" house was built ca. 1880 in a florid "Carpenter Gothic" style. Four- over-four sash with molded pediments are used throughout, and the paired windows over the central entrance have arched heads, as do those on the side elevations. The entrance door is framed by sidelights. The chief feature of the house is its elaborate sawn decoration, such as the bargeboard under the eaves and the lattice- work porch supports which have intricate pierced brackets.


Columbia Township

This house is clearly related to the John Turner House, its neighbor to the north, in such details as the lattice- work porch supports, pedimented 4/4 sash and sawn bargeboard. Both were proba- bly built ca. 1880. The rear wing of this house, however, is an earlier one-room log building.


Columbia Township

A prominent Randolph County businessman, Isaac H. Foust ran a successful store and post office here at Reed Creek, a community which predated Ramseur. He was one of the partners who incorporated the Deep River Manufacturing Company at nearby Allen's Fall in 1848 and in 1857 was one of the investors who refinanced the bankrupt Island Ford Manufacturing Company. Foust also ran a grist mill on Sandy Creek and invested in both the North Carolina Railroad and the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. One of the three wealthiest men in the county in 1860, Foust owned fourteen slaves. He was politically a staunch Whig, serving as a county justice from 1846 to his death in 1864, and was elected to the House of Commons in 1860.

Foust's home was probably built ca. 1850 although the rear wing may be an earlier house dating to ca. 1840. The house is five bays wide and one room deep, with 9/6 sash. The shed- roofed full-facade porch is carried on rectangular posts decorated with sunken panels, and the siding under the porch is flush with a tall baseboard. The roof and porch have identical boxed cornices with returns. A central gable on the facade was probably added about 1900. The one-panel double-leaf doors have a symmetri- cally-molded surround with plain comer blocks











I mi





and a transom. The house features a center-hall plan with open-string staircase, two-panel doors throughout and wainscoting in both first floor rooms. The rear wing is a four-bay hall-and- parlor plan structure with central chimney. Ac- cess to its second floor was originally by a boxed stair The wing has short 9/9 sash on the first floor, with short 6/6 on the second. The cornice and returns of the wing are molded. The mantels have been removed from the house and are in storage. Four of them are simple post-and-linlel type Greek Revival mantels. Two are more elabo- rate with symmetrically molded trim and sawn vernacular decoration.


Columbia Township

The White's Chapel congregation was organ- ized in 1897. The present sanctuary seems to have been built about that time. Three bays long with overhanging eaves, it is entered through a vestibule capped by a belfry with rectangular vents. An apsidal bay with 4/4 sash projects from the gable behind the altar Sunday school rooms have been added on each side of the altar. The early White's Chapel school stands beside the sanctuary.


Columbia Township

This well-preserved house is the centerpiece of a rural farm complex which may date from the mid-1870s. The house has 6/6 sash on the first floor facade with 4/4 sash on the second. The twin exterior end chimneys have stepped should- ers, and the roof has exposed rafter ends and a deep overhang. The wraparound porch is carried on chamfered posts. It links the house to a one-story rear wing which may originally have

been a detached kitchen. A central chimney rises I from this wing, which itself has been given a 20th centur>- ell addition. The yard contains large boxwoods and an enormous mulberry tree, 'j


Columbia Township Slaley

In December, 1908, local resident C. P FoX sold lots between Pittsboro and Edwards streets to Edward R. Coleman of Lebanon, Pennsyl- vania. Coleman built a hunting lodge on the propeny which was later sold to Senator Harr)' Byrd of Virginia. A local history records thai "many nonhem dignitaries visited the lodge W hunt throughout the years." The lodge itself i* now gone, and this one-story four-stall bricl' stable, built perhaps ca. 1915, is the only surviv- ing element of the complex.


Columbia Township Staley

This one-and-a-half story end-pavilion hous< was probably built ca. 1890. It is a late example ' of the Gothic Revival style, with sawn barg«' boards, unusual pedimcnted doors and 4/4 sash' which display sawnwork decorations in the pei^ of each pediment. The porches are carried o" turned posts with brackets. A colored gl"** window framed by feathered shingles is set in ih' end pavilion. The house is now covered *'•'' asbestos siding. In the 1930s this was the hortj^ of Ed Bray. It is said to have been built by J- ^' Cox.





Columbia Township Staley

•his one-slory central-gable house has 4/4 sash and an overhanging cornice with brackets and pendants. The central gable contains a qua- refoil vent. The hip porch is carried on cham- m '' posts with brackets and pendants. In the '530s this was the home of C. P. Fox.


Columbia Township Staley

'his two-story center-hall plan end-chimney ouse features elaborate porches on front and ear. The two-story front porch is carried by

■■acketed, chamfered posts, and the balcony has "nied balusters railing. The hip-roofed rear porch

"h projecting central balcony is similar to

j , ^'■"^^ in the Franklinville area. Local residents

aentify this as the dwelling of John W. Staley

°"'» ca. 1888. During the 1930s it was the home

Brown and Gamer families.


Columbia Township Staley

fro °"^"S<ory hall-and-parlor plan house dates m the 1850 period. The interior features two- inel

'"m and

Chi * ''""^'^ cornice with returns and a stone Ihe'""^^ *''h brick stack. Just across the road to Sal *^^' '^ "^^ cemetery of the now-defunct ■" Methodist Protestant Church.


Columbia Township

stro'^'T '^^"^"'^'*' Protestant Church, now de- Prio *'"' established at this site sometime (1752 '^"^'^'^''^"'"' '832, when John Craven ofo ~'°33) sold the property to the "Trustees the 0^1" fleeting" Craven's grave is now 'hounh '^^'^'^'^'' grave in the cemetery, al- '■oneri ' "comer of the graveyard" is men- nijfK,'" 'he 1832 deed, indicating earlier, un- °^in '"'''■ ^'i''* ws probably the location

lies b*^"^'^ Craven family cemetery. Other fami- uned here include Doves, Cables, Yorks

,r^"^' ''oors, a molded baseboard, three-part door hg _*"'' a post-and-lintcl mantel. The exterior













Copyright Superior Mop Co.



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901 Coleridge Road Ramseur

W H. Watkins (1839-1919), former sheriff of Montgomery County, became secretary-treasurer of the reorganized Columbia Manufacturing Com- pany in 1879. Watkins assumed an influential role in the life of the town, donating sites for the Methodist Church and local school, acting as a state senator and town commissioner, and even naming the village for Major General Stephen Ramseur, his commander in the Civil War.

The Watkins home, built ca. 1885, was an elaborate and eclectic structure, exhibiting ele- nients of the Italianate, Romanesque Revival, Eastlake and Queen Anne styles. The original porches were supported by chamfered square posts with pendant brackets. Among the surviv- ing elements are paired Italianate cornice brack- ets and round-headed sash. The cornice frieze is embellished with sawn leaf-like dentils. Most Unusual is the elaborate hood over the second noor end pavilion window, decorated with pierced Scrollwork. The interior was equally elaborate, *'th plaster cornices and ceiling rosettes. The dining room rosette is decorated with shells, ears °f corn, bunches of grapes and sunflowers. The nouse was converted into a funeral home some twenty-five years ago and is now the nucleus of a senes of rambling, aluminum sided additions.

^^•2 HOUSE

907 Coleridge Road Ramseur

This T-plan house is placed with its side to- ward the street, so that its cross-bar becomes a Polygonal end pavilion. The hip porch is carried °n Square posts and is railed with square balusters, •^"e house has double-hung 2/2 sash. The ab- ence of elaborate trim indicates that it was probably built in the eariy 20th century.


908 Coleridge Road Ramseur

This ca, 1895 T-plan house has an end-pavilion

1 'ts street facade. A squared one-story window

y with bracketed cornice projects from this

Id pavilion. The second floor window above the

y 's capped by an elaborate wooden hood and

^awnwork frieze. Sidelights frame the entrance

"n^' *hich is set in a projecting entrance bay.

ne original porch posts have been replaced by

bungaloid pylons on brick bases. E. J. Steed was superintendent of the Columbia Manufacturing Company at the time of World War I.


909 Coleridge Road Ramseur

This "L-plan" house probably dates from the middle 1890s. Its 2/2 window sash have molded flat cornices. The Colonial Revival porch is a relatively recent addition. The most interesting feature of the projecting end pavilion is the two-story polygonal window bay decorated with molded recessed panels and coupled brackets. Bays such as this one are found throughout Ramseur and are the trademark of an as-yet- unknown carpenter-builder The Copeland fam- ily are the earliest-remembered residents who lived here.


910 Coleridge Road Ramseur

This rambling one-story house is an eclectic combination of late-19th century house forms. The street facade seems to be a three-bay central- gable end-chimney house, but on the southwest this expands into a square deck-on-hip roofed wing with decorative end gable. Yet another small gable-roofed wing is attached to the rear of the house. The porch is carried on Tuscan col- umns and features a railing with mmed balusters. Each gable is pierced by an elaborate sawnwork vent.


911 Coleridge Road Ramseur

This simple tum-of-the-century dwelling fea- tures a center-hall plan and 2/2 sash. Its hip porch is carried by chamfered posts. A rear shed addition now connects the house to what may originally have been a detached kitchen. The exterior has been covered with asphalt siding.








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915 Coleridge Road Ramseur

Take a typical one-story center-hall-plan cen- tral-gable house and add a polygonal Queen Anne style end pavilion, and this home is the result. The cantilevered overhang of the polygo- nal bay is braced by sawnwork brackets with turned pendant drops and applied bull's-eye molding. The gable vents are decorated with elaborate sawnwork moldings. The wraparound veranda was altered in the early 20th century by the replacement of the supporting posts. The existing paired pylons set on prick piers are connected at the throat by miniature collar beams which seem to be mortised together. This is a Craftsman style detail which is similar to bunga- low decoration.



Coleridge Road Ramseur




This substantial two-story house originally faced east or west and has been remodeled to front the south on Coleridge Road. The fenestra- tion and plan have been extensively altered and most detail has been obscured by aluminum siding. Only paired brackets with turned pendants remain, as well as applied quatrefoil-pattem frieze trim identical to that found on the W C. Watkins House/Loflin Funeral Home. At one time this must have been a very elaborate and beautiful dwelling. From 1883-1891 its resident, Mrs. Sarah Ferree, was Ramseur's postmaster.


1501 Main Street Ramseur

A tum-of-the-century residence, this one-story center hall-plan central gable house offers no surprises. It has a single end chimney, a hip porch carried on chamfered posts and 4/4 sash.


1503 Main Street Ramseur

This two-story hip-roofed dwelling illustrates a variation of the two-tiered veranda and balcony combination popular along Deep River in the late 19th century. Probably built ca. 1905, it is the latest known example of the form. The wraparound porch curves around the comers of the house, carried on Tuscan columns. The bal-

cony gable displays a Colonial Revival style vent, while the balcony itself is railed by a turned balustrade. The central hall-plan house is lighted by 6/6 double-hung sash, with oversized sash used on the first floor facade. Contractor W H. Tippett of Franklinville is said to have built the house for "Captain" W. D. Lane, local rail- way conductor.


Main Street (beside Public Library) Ramseur

Aaron Capel, a native of Montgomery County, was one of three investors who bought and reorganized the Columbia Manufacturing Com- pany in 1879. Capel moved to the village and became superintendent of the mill. In 1894 Cape' founded another industry, the Alberta Chair Works, and in 1895 became a town commis- sioner at Ramseur's incorporation.

Capel's striking ca. 1880 home features a gable and hip roof with sawn bargeboards and turned and bracketed porch posts supporting a one-story wraparound porch. The ca. 1890 wing with bracketed cornice and polygonal bay known as the "Ballroom."


Behind Public Library Ramseur

On March 4, 1879, the town of Columbia was awarded a post office. This frame building was built in 1880 to house that office. The small siz« of the office enabled it to be moved to the residences of subsequent postmasters, as it was in 1889 and 1891. By the turn of the century, other buildings were serving as the post office and in 1909 this building was moved to the rear of a home on Main Street and became a kitchen. In 1970 the building was given to the town and moved to its current site behind the Public Library- In 1975 the building was restored as a museum-

The old Ramseur Post Office is a small, square. one-room structure approximately 15 by 15 fee' in plan and thought by local historians to have been built ca. 1880. One of the two board-and- batten doors has a mail slot cut into its center. A 9/6 sash is used on one end, while a 6/6 sash is found beside the front door.



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Main Street

Ramseur Finding tlieir Liberty Street sanctuary inade- quate, the trustees of the Methodist Church were authorized to build a new building on Main Street in September 1896. The structure was completed by contractor W J. Jones the follow- 'ug spring. In 1954 the church was renamed to honor the minister who oversaw the construction of the new church, the Rev. Henry Harrison Jordan. Jordan was the father of Sen. B. Everett Jordan and Dr. Henry Jordan of Cedar Falls.

The hip-roofed church is an outstanding eclec- tic design. The three-tier steeple is clapboarded on top and bottom, shingled in the middle. The cornices are uniformly bracketed. In 1947 a framed educational building was added which Sensitively copied the brackets and trim of the original church.


Main Street Ramseur

This tum-of-the-century commercial building *as built as the "Ramseur Store Company," the third company store of the Columbia Manufactur- ing corporation. The gable-roofed one-story build- ")g is set on a large brick basement. The sloping ?'te allowed a one-story frame commercial build- '"g to be placed on a large brick basement, 'treating a full two stories. The basement walls ^^ built on a rubble stone foundation; the walls themselves are laid in 1;6 common bond with Penciled joints. A shed wing added to the north ^'de provided additional floor space, which was "t by a monitor skylight. The street facade of the store was modernized ca. 1960, with the result that brick veneer now conceals the form of the Original storefront. In the early 20th century the business was acquired by local merchant H. B. J-arter, from whom it took its familiar name. In the late 1960s the building was used as a setting '°r the motion picture "Killer's Three," which *as filmed in Ramseur.


Main Street Ramseur

These two frame structures are charming exam-

P'=s of a type of late 19th and early 20th century

ommercial construction which has nearly van-

ished in the state. The larger office, with three 2/2 windows fronting Main Street and an en- trance door on the south side, was once the business office for the adjoining Carter Mercan- tile store. Both frame offices have gable roofs hidden behind "boom-town" false fronts. Brack- ets with turned pendants brace the overhanging cornice of the large office facade. Both struc- tures at one time housed the Ramseur Public Library with the smaller building being the library's last stop before its present permanent location.


1535 Main Street Ramseur

Stores of this type were once very common across Randolph County. Standard elements are the gable roof masked by a false "boom-town" front, recessed double-leaf entrance doors and overhanging canopy. The store is now covered with red aluminum siding. It once housed the Crescent Fumimre Store, and the Brady Funeral Home was operated out of the basement. The original tenant was J. O. Forrester who sold furniture, jewelry and coffins.



Main Street Ramseur

The rather plain smcco facade of this former movie theatre is a faint echo of the more robust Spanish or Mediterranean styles widely used for motion picture theatres in the 1920s. The theatre was opened and operated by Lee Jones who lived on Oliver Street.


1538-1542 Main Street

Ramseur This brick commercial row was originally a single-story brick block of three stores. The recessed storefronts are tied together by a brack- eted wooden cornice and capped by decorative brick corbeling and mousetoothing. The street level side doors and windows (now filled in) are set in arched openings crowned by brick hood moldings. A second floor was later added atop the first with segmental-arched windows cut into the decorative brickwork. These later windows are without hood moldings. During the 1920s and 1930s this building housed a barbershop, J. A. ("Jim") Craven's grocery store and the Dob Johnson Cafe.









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Main Street Ramseur

The Ramseur Roller Mill was organized in 1913 with the mill built shortly thereafter. It manufactured Rose Bird flour, Robin Bird self- rising flour, com meal and feed, with an average output in 1938 of twenty barrels per day. The two-and-a-half-story frame structure has a moni- tor roof, a widely used feature of early industrial architecture. The mill has recently been reno- vated and reopened as a feed mill.


Main Street Ramseur

The Columbia Manufacturing Company mill complex consists of a three-story gable-roof structure, built in three stages; a southeast comer power plant; a four-story tower; and several free- standing auxiliary buildings an office, pump house and warehouse, located northwest of the main building.

The original mill, built ca. 1850, is the two- story southern section, eleven bays long and five bays wide, whose narrow south end abuts a mill race parallel to the Deep River. This section is of brick laid in 1:3 common bond. Each bay is pierced by a 9/9 sash window with a plain wooden sill and an ovolo-molded surround, surmounted by a simple brick lintel. No original doors remain. Each interior floor is a single large room with one row of eleven posts supporting the wooden ceiling joists at the center of the span. About half of the posts are turned, tapering columns with cmde brick and wood bases. These are perhaps the original supports. The other supports are chamfered wooden posts or cast- iron posts. The ceiling joists, each a single beam, are hand hewn and measure approxi- mately two feet by eight inches. The third story of this section, laid in 1:4 common bond, is a pre-1885 addition. This floor has sash windows identical to the first section; it is capped with a gable roof, covered with tin, with overhanging eaves with exposed rafter ends, and has no interior supports.

After 1888 a three-story addition connected the main block and the picker room. This thir- teen bay-long section is laid in 1:6 common bond, with star-headed iron tie rods, paneled doors within segmental-arched openings and 9/9 sash windows within two types of openings.

Those on the east side have rectangular openings with simple brick lintels; the remainder have segmental-arched openings, also with brick labels. The interior of each story is an extension of the open space of the original mill, with a single row of center supports bracing the ceiling joists. The tumed wooden posts, more slender than those in the original mill, have a metal base and necking. The sawn joists, of identical dimensions as the original joists, are spliced at the center. Wood floors, bare brick walls and wood sheathed ceil- ings exist within both sections. The third story lacks intermediate supports in this section also. A belfry, sheltered by an onion dome sheathed with tin, perches on the roof ridge in the center of the entire block.

The original wheel house, built over the mill race, has disappeared, but the engine house which powered the mill by 1885, still remains at

the southeast comer of the main block. The picker house was built before 1885 as a one-story free-standing building located north of the main block. Between 1885 and 1888 it was doubled in size and raised to two stories. This structure, which now abuts the northwest corner of the north mill addition comprises five bays of brick laid in 1:6 common bond. It has segmental- arched 9/9 sash windows surmounted by arches and a tin gabled roof. The interior has a dirt floor, bare brick walls, no intermediate sup- ports and an exposed roof tmss system of bolted wood trusses with vertical metal tie rods ex- tending from the ridge to the center of the joist. A four-story brick stair tower abuts the cen- ter west side of the mill. Added between 1885 and 1888, the tower is laid in 1:6 common bond, had 9/9 sash windows with segmental-arched openings with brick labels and segmental arched

doors. The original frame fifth story, with bracketed pyramidal roof containing a water tank, was removed after 1949.

The westem wings— a two-story wing which abuts the north side of the tower and a one-story wing which abuts the west side of the picker room— form the final expansion phase; they were added within a few years of one another, probably in the early 20th century. The two- story wing, laid in 1:6 common bond, has 9/9 sash and double, paneled doors within segmen- tal-arched openings with brick labels. The shed roof has exposed rafter ends on the south side, and the comice parapet on the remaining sides is ornamented with mousetooth and brick cor- bel courses. Each floor, one large room, has wood floors and bare brick walls. The first-floor supports consist of two rows of chamfered and bracketed wooden posts supporting sawn ceil-







ing joists, each of which is spliced at each sup- port. The second-story supports are simple posts without brackets, and the roof truss system is exposed. The one-story wing, laid in random common bond, has door, window and roof treatment similar to the two-story wing. A sin- gle row of turned wood columns support the sawn, spliced ceiling joists, and the roof truss system is exposed.

At the northwest comer of the one-story wing IS the free-standing mill superintendent's of- fice, a one-story brick building laid in 1 :5 com- mon bond, with front and side roof parapets concealing the shed roof. Corner brick pilasters *id a parapet frieze of pointed-arched brick panels, brick corbel cornice and molded wooden eave ornament the building. The front (west) elevation contains a paneled door within a seg- ■nental-arched opening; each side elevation Contains a triple sash window, each sash with ^0 panes, within a segmental-arched opening. The office interior contains a vertically-sheathed Wainscot, sheathed ceiling, plaster walls and molded opening surrounds. Beside the office is 'he pump house, a hexagonal brick structure With a pyramidal tin roof surmounted by a turned *ooden finial. The walls are laid in random Common bond, with segmental-arched open- "igs with brick labels. The metal pump is prob- ^°ly a replacement for the original, which supplied water to both the mill and the entire town,

'he one-story brick warehouse located west °f the pump house, is laid in 1:5 common bond and capped with a tin gable roof with exposed fafter ends. Each of the four sections, divided °y stepped, parapeted fire walls on the interior and by brick pilasters on the exterior, has a found-arched opening with a metal door at the font and rear. The gable end and fire wall par- Pets are ornamented with mousetooth and cor- ^' brick courses. Along the south side is a *^oncrete loading platform sheltered by a brack- eted shed roof.

National Register Nomination written by Ruth Little-Stokes and Brent Glass.


729 Liberty Street Ramseur

The Ramseur Methodist Episcopal Church, ^outh, was organized in 1886. This, their first sanctuary, was completed in 1890. The growing

congregation soon buiU yet another new sanctu- ary on Main Street, to which the church moved in 1897. The Methodist trustees then sold the 1890 building to the local Marietta Masonic Lodge Number 444, which had been organized in January, 1892. The original form of the church was probably one large open sanctuary with a balcony along three sides. Oversized 6/6 sash in the first floor with smaller 6/6 sash above still indicate this layout. After 1897 the building was divided into upper and lower chambers by the addition of a floor at the balcony level. The gable vent in the form of the Masonic emblem was also added at this time. The only major alteration of recent years occurred ca. 1965 when the entrance pavilion was brick veneered.


733 Liberty Street Ramseur

Although its unusual siting on the lot tends to disguise the fact, this is a standard three-bay two-story house with central gable interruption. The house stands at a forty-five degree angle to the street, to which it is related by an entrance pavilion extending from one comer of the Colo- nial Revival style porch. The interior follows a typical center-hall plan. Though local historians say the house was built as the parsonage for the neighboring Methodist church (now the Masonic lodge) ca. 1890, the house seems to be at least ten years older. Its 6/6 sash suggests an eariier date of construction, as does the angled position of the house which implies that the house existed before the street was built.


Southeast comer Liberty Street and

Coleridge Road


Outgrowing their small antebellum church ad- jacent to the cemetery, the Baptists in 1894 erected a rectangular plan brick church on Lib- erty Street which is the nucleus of the present structure. Two wings were added between 1897 and 1912, and a baptistry built in 1919, producing a cruciform plan. Additional Sunday school rooms were added in 1921, and an education building was built in 1950.

The original church had a Gothic character, with pointed windows and car\«d cornice brackets. The tall wooden bell tower and shingled steeple gave the church an almost European Medieval


flavor. In the course of major remodelings in 1921 and 1957, much of the original character was lost; the pointed windows were replaced with round-headed Roman sash windows, and





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the old steeple entrance replaced with a classical facade and colonial-type steeple. The penciled mortar joints are an interesting surviving feature of the original construction.


927 Coleridge Road Ramseur

The sawn balusters of its porch railing are the prime features of this rather typical central gable house. Sawn balusters are found on houses in Ramseur, Franklinville and Randleman though they are seldom seen in other parts of the county.


Carter Street Ramseur

Like the neighboring I. E Craven house, this structure is a pre-1880 dwelling with tum-of-the- century cosmetic improvements. The original two-story center-gable three-bay house with 6/6 sash received a polygonal window bay facing Coleridge Road on the east and an elaborate Colonial Revival porch carried on paried fluted TUscan columns. The entrance, with sidelights and transom, is set in a monumental portico with balcony. E. C. Watkins, son of mill owner W H. Watkins. was owner and operator of the Ramseur Furniture Company.


1398 Salisbury Street Ramseur

The original portion of this house seems to have been a two-story three-bay center-gable structure with a central chimney similar to other nearby mill houses. The original house may have been built before 1880, with enhancements made in the 1890s when a wing and gabled pavilion with polygonal bay were added to the east. The bracketed roof overhang and porches with spin- dle frieze, brackets and turned posts were proba- bly added during the renovation. Fletcher Craven was the son-in-law of mill owner W H. Watkins and followed him as company president.



Salisbury Street Ramseur

These three identical houses on a hillside above the cotton mill are ca. 1880 versions of mill-built worker housing. The three-bay center- hall-plan houses were one room deep and had

6/6 sash, rear kitchen wings and side gable roofs. There were originally several more such houses in the area.


317 West Ridge Street Ramseur

Baptists had begun to meet together in the village of Columbia Factory by May 3, 1851- From 1851 until 1853 the "Missionary Baptist Church of Christ of Columbia" was pastored by the Rev William C. Patterson. In 1855 this frame structure was built to house the congrega- tion. It was heated by an open fireplace. In 1894 a new Baptist church was built with this one sold to the newly-organized Congregational Christian church. In 1897 that congregation built a new sanctuary and the old Baptist building was moved to its present site and remodeled as a dwelling- This small structure has obviously undergone substantial alterations since 1855. The porch and current interior configuration probably date to the 1897 remodeling, while the molded cornice with returns and the 6/6 sash may be survivals from the original trim.


Church Street Ramseur

This Christian Church was organized in Ram- seur in 1893 by Rev M. L. Hurley with nineteen chaner members. The denomination had been brought to Randolph County by the Rev Thomas C. Moffitt who, in 1842, began the organization of five Christian churches in the southwestern quarter of the county. The denomination has since merged with the northern Congregation- alists, but this church is now independent. The congregation first purchased the 1855 Baptisl Church adjoining the cemetery and in 1896 erected the present sanctuary. The old church was moved to the rear of the property and remod- eled as a home. The 1896 building was five bays long with a bellcast steeple over the entrance pavilion. Four classrooms were added in 1926 and a brick educational building added in th' 1960s. In 1981 a new sanctuary was built and the 1896 structure was demolished.



710 Liberty Street Ramseur

This dwelling is Ramseur's most elaborate and robust example of the Queen Anne style popular at the turn of the century. It is a T-plan house with many decorative elements. The ga- bles feature feathered shingling and sawnwork eave ornaments. A cantilevered gable with pen- dant brackets and sawn bargeboards accents the south wing. The shed-roofed porch is carried by chamfered posts with sawn balusters and a turned spindle frieze. The house was built by John Emmett Brady and remains in his family.


601 Oliver Street Ramseur

This T-plan house now turns a remodeled face toward Jordan Road (US 64) but its original form *as that of an end-pavilion house fronting on Oliver Street. From that angle the two-story polygonal window bay is evident, as is the side porch with brackets and turned posts. The 4/4 Sash are set in molded window frames. Ca. 1^25, after the construction of US 64, the hip porch supported by bungaloid pylons on brick bases was added to the north facade. A small Projecting central gable on the porch accents the ^ntrance. J. Harris Marley was the father of 'aughn and Woosley Marley, proprietors of a general store on Liberty Street. Vaughn Marley *rote a popular column, "Trash 'N' Whittlin's," for the Asheboro Courier-Tribune for forty years.


603 Oliver Street Ramseur

. This is a T-plan house similar to the neighbor- 'ng Marley house; it also turns its end-pavilion tacade towards Oliver Street. Instead of a two- ^'°ry window bay, as on the Marley house, a °ie-story polygonal bay is found, decorated with ■■scessed panels and a sawnwork frieze. The ^scond floor window above the bay has a hood Jl^olding with a matching sawnwork frieze. The P roofed side porch is carried on turned posts *"h sawn brackets. George Lambert's son, J. I. ■-ambert, ran a local grocery store for many











609 Oliver Street

Ramseur This house provides a good illustration of the changing faces a home may show the world over the years. A documentary photograph of the house about 1915 shows a solid, respectable late 19lh century dwelling. Sawnwork "gingerbread" decorates the central gable, the hip porch is carried on chamfered posts with sawn brackets and the porch railing is made up of sawn balusters. At least three contrasting colors are used to pick out and emphasize the various surfaces and edges. Today we see a white house devoid of Victorian ornament, and a massive bungaloid porch with white flint pylons speaks of the new tastes of the 1920s and 1930s.


314 Oliver Street

Ramseur 1\vo-story three-bay center-gable dwellings such as this one were popular and frequently built throughout Randolph County in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This end-chimney house has a hip porch carried on turned posts with sawnwork brackets and retains a complete set of working louvered window shutters.



(destroyed 1981) Jordan Road Ramseur

The Ramseur Graded School building was a handsome example of a Colonial Revival style public school. The original block, built in 1921, consisted of an imposing three-story (technically two stories atop a raised basement) classroom block with an 800-seat auditorium wing attached to the rear. Multiple bays of two, three and five 6/6 and 12/12 double-hung window units lighted the classrooms. The double-leaf entrance doors were capped by a fanlight and recessed into an elevated classical pavilion. The entrance arch w ith keystone was framed by Tuscan order pilas- ters which carried a classical entablature com- plete with modillion blocks. An inscribed "Book of Know ledge" sculpture set in a gabled pediment originally capped the entrance bay, but in some subsequent renovation the gable was replaced by a flat brick parapet. A molded cornice ran around the south, east and west facades below the parapet, while a belt course emphasized the first floor level. The belt course, cornice, entrance pavilion trim and door and window sills were constructed of white sandstone.

A classroom wing was added in 1936, a gym in 1948, additional wings in 1949 and 1953, and the building was completely renovated in 1961- The construction of a new high school in the early 1970s demoted the old building to the position of an elementary school. A modem single-story elementary school built elsewhere on the site in the late 1970s finally made the old building totally redundant. It is unfortunate that no imaginative adaptive reuse scheme was pro- posed for this structure; so much space built at a time when energy and materials were relatively cheap will not be seen again.





Franklinville Township


Franklinville Township

The Cool Springs congregation was organized on November 20, 1938 and the present sanctuary built soon thereafter. Contemporary elements such as bungaloid brackets, asbestos siding and concrete block foundation make its recent con- struction evident, but it is interesting to note the conservatism of church design which lasted until World War II. The form of the building and its tripartite vestibule/steeple are similar to churches built fifty years eariier.


Franklinville Township

Exhibiting commonly used half-dovetail log construction, the Enoch Pugh Cabin is an impor- tant single-pen story-and-a-loft antebellum log dwelling. Characteristic features include the ga- ble roof, the combination fieldstone and brick exterior end chimney and stone foundation. The two-bay facade is distinguished by a batten door with a rare example of a wooden door latch. Exterior weatherboard sheathing appears to be a more recent addition. On the interior a steep ladder-type stair rises next to the stone fireplace with its simple shelf. The cabin is remembered as the home of Enoch Pugh and family.


Franklinville Township

Exhibiting an unusual five-bay fenestration pattern with two entrances, this vernacular house was probably built ca. I860. A flush sheathed facade is protected by a hip porch roof, which seems to be original although the porch itself has been dismantled. Large 6/6 sash light the first floor and smaller 6/6 sash are used above. The same size sash is also used in the tight space between the porch roof and the gable-roof eaves —the carpenter simply turned it on its side. The exposed rafter ends supporting the roof are decor- ated by sawn embellishment. The stone end chimneys have brick stacks. The hall-and-parlor plan interior is finished very simply with horizon- tal board sheathing, two-panel Greek Revival doors and crude shelves instead of mantels.

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Franklinville Township

This house, with 6/6 sash and a handsome bracketed cornice with pendant drops, was proba- bly built ca. 1885. Its two-tiered porch is similar to those of four other houses built in nearby Franklinville. The central balcony is accessible from the second floor. The house has a center- hall plan with end chimneys and a two-story rear wing. The original porch supports were replaced by lattice-work posts set on brick piers ca. 1925. The house may have been built by Matthew Sumner (1823-1886), superintendent of the "upper" mill in Franklinville from 1876 to 1881, or by his son David Spurgeon Sumner (1862-1939), engineer of the "upper" mill from 1886 to 1895. Apparently Matthew Sumner had acquired the property in 1874, and David inher- ited it at his father's death in 1886. David lived there until he purchased the Lambert-Parks House in Franklinville. The extensive farm lies on the northeast bank of Deep River at its junction with Sandy Creek. The nearby Salem Church prop- erty was originally part of the holdings.


Franklinville Township

The 25-foot high concrete and rubble dam im- pounding Deep River between Cedar Falls and Central Falls was built between 1919 and 1924 by Clark and Ervin Cox, who operated the Central Falls Manufacturing Company. The 31 -acre lake formed by the dam is the largest on Deep River, and the third largest in Randolph County. The three-story wheel house housed two generators powered by turbine water wheels. When com- pleted, it immediately became apparent that the flow rate of Deep River had been miscalculated: two generators could not be run continuously without draining the lake. The facility was used on a limited basis until 1953, when it was aban- doned. It is now virtually inaccessible.


Franklinville Township

Originally a one-room store expanded ca. 1940 by Charlie Walker, this building included living quarters in the rear. The small bracketed dormers and large 10/10 sash are unusual. The store was operated for many years by Bessie Lawson and closed ca. 1968.


Franklinville Township

This three-story monitor-roofed grist mill was probably built ca. 1890. It was known as "Henry Pugh's Mill on Sandy Creek" until Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kidd came to run it in 1934, An old board-and-batten store nearby was replaced by the concrete block "Kidd's Place" store, still operating. The frame mill was at an early date covered with pressed tin siding, decorated in a brick pattern. The mill closed ca. 1960.


Franklinville Township

This hip-roofed house was built ca. 1880- Its brick end chimney has paved shoulders. The rear wing is an earlier log structure which had a stone end chimney, now surrounded by later construction.


Franklinville Township

This tiny rural store may date ca. 1875. The door and window trim is molded. The 6/6 sash were originally shuttered.


Franklinville Township Millboro

This frame water tank is now a unique survival in Randolph County. The shingled structure en- closes a metal tank which served a gravity-flow Water system for the adjoining Halliday hunting lodge. The guest house and lodge still stand nearby, remodeled into private dwellings. Access '0 the lodge was provided by the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway, which ran within sight of the complex. All of Millboro grew up along the railroad after 1889 and for a while Millboro was 'he shipping point for all the surrounding cotton textile mills.


Franklinville Township

The W C. Jones house was the nucleus of a Community across Deep River from Franklinville which is sometimes known as the "Fair Mount" Community, after a Methodist Protestant church which stood here at the turn of the century. Lesley Cornelius Jones (1862-1925) is listed in the 1894 Branson Directory as a "contractor and builder" but is best remembered as a wagon- ■^aker Jones' wagon shop, machine shop and felated businesses surrounded his home. As automobiles replaced horse-drawn vehicles Jones "^San to custom-build truck bodies; his first was 'Of a 1912 Model T. Jones later converted horse- drawn hearses to fit Model T chassis for many 'ocal funeral homes. Jones was killed during the ^onstruction of a new business, the Franklinville "totor Company, which was subsequently owned ^nd operated by his son, B. C. Jones.

The house was probably built by Jones in the '°80s, and has undergone at least three major femodelings. The original one-story central gable, "^enter-hall plan house has oversized 4/4 sash and ^ elaborate molded cornice with sawnwork cor- beling or dentilwork. The simple porch was then replaced by an elaborate Victorian creation with

great deal of decorative "gingerbread." This •n turn, replaced ca. 1929 by the current


poled porch carried by bungaloid pylons on ""ek pillars.


Franklinville Township

This early 20th cenmry dwelling was built by Leonidas Mountvale ("Lxjnnie") Jones, son of W C. Jones whose home stands directly across the road. The hip-roofed house has gables or projecting gabled wings at each comer of the square main block, creating an exceedingly com- plex roof plan. The mmed porch posts are linked with arched tie beams.


Franklinville Township

This late-19th century cruciform-plan house has a corbeled chimney at the center of the four wings. Randolph County now has few of this type of home. It has been extensively remodeled.


Franklinville Township

The massive stone chimney of this house indicates a pre-Civil War construction date. Now in the center of the house, it was undoubtedly built to one end of a smaller house which was later expanded. A boxed cornice is still partially visible, though aluminum siding, storm windows, replacement sash and a variety of improvements obscure original details. Joseph Franklin AUred was a Methodist Protestant minister.


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Deep River Franklin ville

Rising out of the river several hundred yards Upstream from the site of Island Ford is Franklin- ville's major geographic landmark, a huge blue- stone outcrop known as Faith Rock. It was the setting for one of Randolph County's best-known Revolutionary War legends, an incident which has been both elaborated and confused over the years.

David Fanning was the notorious Tory guer- f'lla leader of Piedmont North Carolina, and Andrew Hunter was a southwestern Randolph resident. On May 2, 1782, Hunter and a neigh- bor were captured by Fanning while taking a *agon of produce to trade for salt at the Pee Dee River market. Promised immediate execution by Panning, Hunter took a desperate chance for escape. In Fanning's words. Hunter "sprung Upon my riding mare, and went off with my saddle, holsters, pistols, and all my papers of any consequence to me. We fired two guns at h'Ti; he received two balls through his body but " did not prevent him from sitting the saddle; and make his escape."' Enraged, Fanning plun- dered Hunter's home, kidnapping his slaves and holding his pregnant wife as hostage for the return of Bay Doe, "a mare I set great store by, and gave One Hundred and ten guineas for her."^ Hunter, however, coolly called Fanning's bluff. The war was over; the British had begun the evacuation of Charieston; Fanning and his men eould not afford to wait. They were forced to felease Mrs. Hunter and ride to rejoin the British. But before he left. Fanning determined to risk * final return to Randolph for the single purpose °f recovering Bay Doe. He rode out of Charles- ton on September 5, 1782, and left the county in frustration on September 22.' Fanning does not uescribe the incident at Faith Rock, which must have occurred at this time, although Caruthers is "lost specific. Hunter "was riding the Bay doe. On the high ground South of Deep River, and not |5 above the [island] ford, where the village of ffanklinville now stands" when "he was like to "* overtaken by some of Fanning's men. He first attempted to gain the ford; but found they were heading him in that direction. He then turned his <^ourse up the river, but they were there ready to deceive him. The only alternative was to surren- ''er, which would be certain and instant death, or o make a desperate plunge down a precipice, Some fifty fee( i,igh jnto the river. He chose the

latter. ... It was such a daring adventure that his pursuers, though they were burning with revenge, would not dare to follow him, but stopped short, in a kind of amazement, and contented themselves with firing two or three pistols after him. As there was no level ground at the bottom of the descent, he plunged right into the river and turned down the stream, sometimes swimming and sometimes on terra firma or floundering over rocks, until he found a place where he got out on the north side and made his escape.'"* Today a plaque placed by the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution on the nearby highway bridge commemorates Hunter's escape.

'David Fanning, The Narrative of Colonel David Fanning (Spartanburg: The Reprint Com- pany, 1973), p. 59.

^Ibid, p. 60.

^Ibid. p. 62.

■*£. W Caruthers, Revolutionary Incidents: And Sketches of Character Chiefly in the "Old North State" (Philadelphia: Hayes & Zell, 1856), pp. 280-281.



West side Bush Creek at junction with

Deep River


A foundry was built here ca. 1850 to process ore from the Iron Hill mine some four miles to the southwest. The mine and smelter were worked periodically from ca. 1849 to 1868, but particu- larly during the Civil War when workers were exempted from the military draft. A report of the enrolling officer dated July 4, 1864, listed thirty hands at the iron works, indicating an extensive operation. Little remains at the site although the dam on Bush Creek and the power race are still visible. The property was sold to G. H. Make- peace in 1869 and later operations at the site included a chair manufacturing plant and a rock crusher. The Iron Hill mine was one of the most extensive mining operations in the eastern half of Randolph County with the main shaft reach- ing a depth of eighty feet.



Deep River Franklinville

A dam has been at this site on Deep River


since the eariiest use of the river's power for grist milling. In 1901 the Franklinsville Manufactur- ing Company replaced all eariier dams with a massive new dam of coursed rubble stone con- struction. This impounded water to run both the grist mill and cotton factory. The last water wheel to be used at the factory was a 285 horsepower horizontal Smith wheel, installed in 1909. This turned all the machinery of the fac- tory through a belt and pulley system until elec- tric drives were installed in 1922. On November 29, 1934 the Courier noted that "The Randolph Mills, Inc. are preparing to raise their dam across Deep River at Mill # 1 thirty inches higher. This will give them a resource supply of water for their equipment and will be one of the prettiest ponds of water on the river." As a result of that remodeling the 1901 stone dam became the core of a new concrete dam with massive buttresses, floodgates and hydroelectric generat- ing station. This installation, the most elaborate in Randolph County, was used to generate elec- tricity for the mills until 1963.


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SR 2235 Franklinville

Flour milling is Franklinville's oldest activity. That, and the kinetic energy of Deep River which made it possible, entirely determined the location and subsequent development of the Franklinville community. The potential of the site was realized before the year 1800. Both George Mendenhall, who acquired the site in 1795, and Benjamin Trotter, who bought it in 1797, were millers. It is not known whether those men made any use of the site; their pur- poses may have been purely speculative. Since at least 1890 local tradition has stated the first mill at this spot on Deep River was built in 1801 by Christian Moretz, or Morris, who bought the property in that year. By 1802 Morris was being taxed for the operation of a large cotton gin, and it is known that a wool-carding machine and saw mill were also operated at the mill. The availabil- ity of such a variety of products and services soon led to the formation of a rural trading community at the mill even before Elisha Coffin, a miller and former Quaker, bought the property in 1821.

The small two-and-a-half story mill housed com and wheat stones which ground and pro- cessed the grain into meal and flour with a minimum of machinery. The grist and saw mills continued to be operated into the 20th century as adjuncts to the neighboring textile factory. Meth- ods of producing flour changed in the later 19th century, with mills utilizing steel rollers instead of stones to grind grain, a process first demon- strated in Philadelphia at the Centennial Exposi- tion in 1876. This roller process produced a higher yield of finer flour from the wheat and soon became the industrial standard. The all- roller Pillsbury "A" Mill, built in Minneapolis in 1880, was the largest such mill in the world at that time.

This new technology arrived in Randolph County soon thereafter. The Enterprise Roller Mills, built in the eariy 1880s at which is now Coleridge, was the county's first roller mill and one of the earliest in the Piedmont. In the eariy 1890s Dr. John Milton Worth founded the Ashe- boro Roller Mill; it later merged with other local mills to form the Southern Crown Milling Com- pany which survived until 1958. In the eariy 20th century many rural mills began to upgrade their operations and adopt the roller process. Roller mills were built in Farmer, Seagrove, Archdale



and Ramseur during this period, in addition to the new mill at Franklinville.

In 1912 the Franklinsville Manufacturing Com- pany, under Hugh Parks, Jr., decided to replace the antique grist mill with a completely new, greatly enlarged roller mill operation. The three- story frame mill was opened in 1913 and the former structure was demolished. The roller mil' retained water power as its primary source of energy, but made use of the textile mill's nearby steam engine for back-up power. Today the mil' uses neither steam nor water, being entirely powered by electricity.

Ca. 1920 a new product was added to the traditional brands of whole wheat "Excelsior" flour; this was a new "self-rising" flour, name'' "Dainty Biscuit" flour. The "Excelsior" natne was later discontinued and "Dainty Biscuit" flour today is available in both plain and self- rising styles. Extensive additions were built to- ward the south in the 1930s and 1940s to house an animal feed operation; tile, concrete and metal grain bins were added for increased stor- age capacity.

Just three men supervised manufacturing opera- tions at the mill through most of this century- Edgar G. Routh began as miller in 1901; J. A Wallace took over in 1932 after Routh was elected RandolphCountyregisterofdeeds; and Wallace's son, Paul Wallace, served until 1978. The gen- eral bankruptcy of Randolph Mills, Inc. forced the roller mill to close temporarily in 1978, but i' is now in operation once more.


("The Upper Mill") SR 2235 Franklinville

The earliest sections of this extensive indus- trial complex include the oldest textile-related buildings in Randolph County. Although Cedar Falls factory was established first, none o' its original structures remain.

The drive to establish Deep River's second cotton mill culminated in a public meeting "" April 2, 1838. when "The Randolph Manufactur- ing Company" was organized and Elisha Coffi" was dispatched "to the North" to buy equipmeni On March 4, 1839, the president of the corpora; tion advertised for bids on the "factory House.' which was "to be 80 feet by 40, 3 stories high— materials brick, and covered with shingleS' the whole to be finished off in the most workma"'

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like and best style. . . .The Directors prefer mak- ing two separate contracts, with different indi- viduals—one for the MASON WORK and the other for the CARPTENTER WORK." The structure, the county's first large brick building, Was nearly complete by February, 1840, when the local newspaper reported that "they are put- ting up the Machinery. It is expected they will commence spinning in a few weeks by the first of March at furtherest."

The true appearance of that original building is largely uncertain due to later alterations and damage by fire. It is clear that the structure, nine window bays long and three wide, used an un- usual brick bond consisting of a course of alter- nating stretchers and headers (similar to Flemish ^nd); Ave courses of stretchers; and another course of alternating stretchers and headers. This t>ond was used again in repairs and additions to tile factory in 1851 and 1882, although it is not found in any other Randolph County building. The bond may have been designed to strengthen the walls of the factory, which were subject to floods and constant vibration from machinery. The only contemporary description of the 1839 factory is a partial one included in a newspaper recount of the fire which destroyed the mill on Saturday, April 18, 1851. "The fire was first discovered about nine o'clock at night, in the dressing room, which was in the upper story of 'he building. In a short time the flames were ^communicated to the roof. . . . The walls of the building were of brick, but the falling in of heavy burning timbers left them in a ruined state."

Ironically the stone "Picker House," the one Part of the mill complex designed to be fireproof, ^as not even involved. The picker house was 'Considered to be the greatest fire threat in any "^'11 due to its atmosphere of combustible cotton "Ust. The stone walls of the building were built to contain a fire and allow the roof and interior to be rebuilt easily and inexpensively. It remains today, embedded in later additions, the county's Only major stone structure. Though in a "ruined *'*te," much of the mill's solidly-built lower ^b^cture seems to have remained standing after *^ tire. The factory was soon rebuilt on the "tiginal first floor walls; the dividing line be- *'6en old and new brickwork can be clearly ^^sn. The earliest photograph (1874) of the mill bows its reconstructed appearance: a simple Sable roof with exposed rafter ends; small 6/6 *^b lighting the work areas; and the north end Frowned by a Greek Revival cupola housing a ^"- This earliest section of the building is now

visible only at the northwest comer and on the upper west facade, where the antebellum sash are still in place.

From the scrapbooks of mill superintendent George Russell a complete record of post-Civil War alterations is available. In July, 1882, a two-story wing was added to the south, enclos- ing the water wheel and providing space for a new steam engine and boiler. This was raised to three stories in 1897. The baling room wing was added to the west in 1883, enlarged in 1888 and raised to two stories in 1900. An addition was built to the picker house in 1887; it was raised to two stories in 1899. When mill output changed from cotton bags to sheeting in 1915, a large new weaving shed wing was added to the southeast.

Some alterations were made for the sake of safety. In 1883 the gable roof was rebuilt as a flat roof with brick parapet. In 1892 a stair tower was added to the north end and the old, open interior stairwells were removed. The tower also sup- ported a large water tank which fed a new sprinkler system. Electric lights were installed in October, 1896, replacing kerosene lanterns and lard lamps. In the most extensive improvement, the mill was doubled in size in 1899, when a three-story, 40 x 80-foot addition was built at the eastern side of the original mill. This 1889 addition, with 12/12 sash, is the present river facade of the mill complex.


SR 2235 Franklinville

This brick warehouse was built during the summer of 1900 to shelter cotton bales shipped down the railroad. The four bays were divided by substantial brick firewalls with stepped gables echoing the north and south ends. Arched door- ways on the west facade originally opened onto a wooden loading platform; the platform was de- stroyed and the doorways filled in the 1950s when new doors were opened on the east facade. At that time a metal shelter was constructed which linked the warehouse with the adjacent powerhouse. The powerhouse had been built in 1919, along with a 125-foot tall smokestack of radial brick. The powerhouse and coal-fired steam generator were installed in preparation for the conversion of the mills to all-electric operation rather than belt drives. On January 10, 1921, the upper mill first ran entirely on electric motor drives. Both the warehouse and powerhouse are now abandoned and the smokestack was demol- ished in 1976.


(The "Upper" Store) SR 2235 Franklinville

Mill records note that "The old red store was burned April 18, 1884 just thirty-three years after the old cotton mill was burned." The "old red store" was the company store built by the "upper" mill soon after it began operations. This building, built in 1884, is its replacement and one of the oldest surviving commercial struc- tures in the county. It was originally a rectangu- lar structure approximately 25 by 65 feet in plan. The interior was plastered and white-washed, a seldom-used treatment in Randolph County which must have made the store seem unusually clean and bright. Oversized doors and windows were located on the gable ends. The building's exte- rior was clad in board-and-batten siding, a deco- rative treatment popular in the Gothic Revival style, which is also hinted at by the trefoil vent in the gable. The exterior seems also to have boasted a highly unusual decorative effect, gained by painting the vertical boards and battens in alter- nating stripes of pink and gray. After consolida- tion of the two company stores in 1920, the building was turned into a laundry, and still later into a machine shop. This pivotal stnicture is cleariy deserving of a major restoration effort.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

The most impressive house in Franklinville and one of the most architecturally significant homes in Randolph County, the George Makepeace House is a two-story brick Greek Revival style stnicture with a low gable roof and partially recessed single-stepped shoulder exterior end chimneys. Its most prominent feature is the or- nate Victorian two-tiered porch, probably built in the 1880s, which hints of the Chinese Chippen- dale style. The facade boasts 9/9 sash and a handsome Greek Revival entrance feamring Doric pilasters, sidelights and fanlight.

The ca. 1840 house displays an austere use of the Greek Revival which, in its simplicity, is as much related to the New England Federal style popular in the early 19th century. It indicates the conservative survival of earlier architectural tastes among Randolph County artisans and clients. The builder of the house may have been Franklin- ville's founder, Elisha Coffin, who originally









owned all the surrounding acreage. Its location, on the west of the highest point in town, was originally a central location in regard to the church and school across the street and the factory at the foot of the hill. In 1850 the prop- erty was sold to its earliest-remembered owner, the mill supervisor George Makepeace. It passed into the hands of his son, George Henry Make- peace, and remained in the hands of the family into the early 20th century. It later housed the families of W A. Grimes and W R Ward, and, until recently, a religious cult.



Smith Street Franklinville

This house appears to have been built in two stages. The east wing was the early section, a one-and-a-half-story hall-and-parlor plan house identical to the ca. 1838 "cotton row" houses at the bottom of the hill. Ca. 1850 the two-story interior-end chimney section seems to have been added. It features 6/6 sash and a wide cornice with overhanging eaves, while the earlier section has a boxed cornice with returns and 4/4 sash. The later section also features the hall-and-parlor plan with boxed stair and simple Greek Revival post-and-lintel mantel.



Smith Street Franklinville

The current owner reports that part of this house is of heavy frame construction, pegged together. This indicates an antebellum date, al- though the house has been moved and modern- ized so often that dating is difficult. It now sits approximately on the site of the old Franklinville Methodist Church, which stood here from 1839 to 1913. The house once stood diagonally across the street from its current site; there it adjoined the cemetery and the Franklinville Academy building, now destroyed. Even earlier, the house was part of the Makepeace property and at one time was joined to that house by a rambling porch.



Greensboro Road Franklinville

This house has undergone a similar evolution to the nearby house on Smith Street (F:9). A one-and-a-half-story hall-and-parlor "cotton row"- type house was first built ca. 1838. Ca. 1850 a

two-story section was added to the east, with 6/6 sash and wide overhanging eaves. The major difference between the Smith Street house and this one is that the former has an interior end chimney, while an exterior end chimney is found here.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

Hugh Buie and his father "Gib" (M. G.) Buie built this house themselves in 1908. At the time Hugh Buie was in charge of operations at the upper dam power plant nearby; he was later overseer of weaving in the upper mill. The end- pavilion or "T-plan" house was a very popular form in mill villages. Versions of the plan were printed in various books and magazines which may have provided a source for Buie's home. The turned posts, sawn brackets and other trim materials were readily available from local mill- work companies.


Buie Lane Franklinville

This two-story hall-and-parlor plan house with one-story wing seems to have been built ca. 1840 and is almost identical to the two nearby houses of similar design and age. It is said to have been built by Madison Brower (1826-1914), who is listed as a local "Contractor and builder" in the 1894 Branson directory. Brower. however, ac- quired the property from an earlier owner, Cal- vin E. Graves, who may have had it built. The Peter AUred family were 19th-century residen'* of the house.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

One of the show places of Franklinville. this house was a substantial residence both before and after the Civil War. Though the magnificent Eastlake-style porch is its more prominent feature. the rear wing may be part of one of the earliest remaining structures in Franklinville. The tvvo- story frame building had a massive end chimney, a molded cornice and 9/6 window sash. These eariy sash relate the building to the nearby Julia" House and indicate that it may precede the con- struction of the textile mill. At that time this probably was the home of Dr. Phillip Homey (1791-1856). father of Alexander Homey. The



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two Homeys were deeply involved in the county's textile development, having been partners with Benjamin and Henry Elliott in the construction of the original Cedar Falls factory, and then assisting the establishment of both the Franklins- ville and Island Ford factories. Phillip Homey acquired the property (a substantial portion of the present town) in 1838; Alexander Homey sold it in 1872 to Dennis Curtis. Dennis Curtis (1826-1885) was a son-in-law and apprentice to George Makepeace, the revered superintendent of the mill. Curtis and his brother-in-law, George Henry Makepeace, were the second owners of the Columbia Factory; they operated it until October, 1879, when they sold out to William Watkins and Company. It was Curtis who, about '880, more than doubled the size of the old house by adding the impressive two-story river- front facade. It features a deep roof overhang with bracketed cornice; these brackets have turned drop pendants. The center-hall plan house has interior chimneys placed on the rear facade and Unusual rounded window and door architraves in 'he Italianate style. Two-over-two sash are used, as well as a double-leaf entrance with transom. The glorious porch once had a near-twin on the Homey-Parks House across town. The hip porch *ith central gabled pavilion is an eclectic compo- sition with elements of several styles. Chamfered posts with applied moldings and boxy capitals '^arry a bracketed cornice with sawnwork dentils. The balustrades are flat, sawnwork cutouts; the Central gable exhibits pseudo-Gothic elements such as an applied bargeboard and trefoil vent. Curtis moved to Greensboro in the mid-1880s and the house was acquired by Matthew Gilbert ^uie (d. 1912), overseer of weaving at the 'upper" mill. It then passed to his son J. T. ("■loe") Buie, bookkeeper for the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

This lovely home is perhaps the oldest struc- ture in Franklinville. Local historian Comelius °- Julian, whose descendants still own the home. Said that the date "1819" is carved into one of 'he sills. The architectural record certainly bears this out for the house exhibits graceful, refined Proportions, and trim which indicates the transi- '■onal period between the Georgian and Federal styles. The end-chimney house has a molded Cornice with returns and a closed-string staircase

which rises from its central hallway. Asymmetri- cally placed 6/9 sash in a sheathed facade are sheltered by the shed porch which is carried by replacement chamfered posts with sawn brackets. Six-over-nine sash also light the second floor facade with 4/4 sash used on the gable ends. A formerly-detached kitchen dependency is now an attached kitchen wing.

C. H. Julian (1871-1953) was a prominent Franklinville resident, acting as postmaster from 1933 to 1948 and previously serving as depot agent, town clerk and treasurer. The house was for many years the home of Mary Jane Cox (1840-1913), a weaver in the "upper" mill and daughter of former owner Nathan Cox. Nathan Cox (1809-1872) bought the house sometime before 1850 when he operated it as a boarding house for workmen engaged in rebuilding the fire-damaged mill. Like Franklinville's founder, Elisha Coffin, Nathan Cox was a birthright Friend who had been disowned for marrying a non- Quaker. According to C. H. Julian, Cox bought the house from a Mr. Johnson, who had built it. Almost certainly this was James Johnson, who in April, 1844, advertised for sale in the local newspaper his "valuable real property in Frank- linsville ... 4 town lots, on which there are 2 excellent dwelling houses, a good blacksmith shop and all necessary and convenient out- houses. . . . The premises are well adapted to keeping Entertainment there being no other tavem or house of public entertainment in the place. It is also to be remembered that . . . this place is directly on the stage route from Raleigh to Salisbury." (Southern Citizen, 1 May 1844)


Greensboro Road Franklinville

Older residents of Franklinville think that this 1920s bungalow set on a foundation of quartz or "white flint" rock includes part of a much older house. Arthur V Jones, overseer of spinning in the "upper" mill, had the bungalow built for his family about 1922. Supposedly it acmally remod- eled the Lizzie Jobe House, a small two-story house which may have been built of logs. Liz- zie Jobe was a daughter of Nathan M . Cox , the owner of the neighboring C. H. Julian House in the last half of the 19th cenmry. The Jobe House could have been part of the complex of build- ings described in newspaper advertisements in 1844 by James Johnson. Whether Jones ac- tually did remodel the eariier house is not now




evident. The property was acquired in 1933 by J. A. Wallace, a professional miller from Mil- ton, N.C., who came to Franklinville to take charge of the roller mill. Wallace served as mayor of Franklinville from 1961-1953 and 1967-1969.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

These four one-story frame houses, along with four similar structures now attached to larger two-story dwellings, are undoubtedly among the dwellings built by the original Randolph Manu- facturing Company after April, 1838. In March, 1839, the Asheboro newspaper noted that "since the commencement of that works but one shon year ago, a little village has sprung up at the place which has assumed the name of Franklins- ville, embracing some eight or ten respectable families." Each small, sixteen by twenty-two- foot house had two rooms in a hall-and-parlor plan, a single fireplace on the west end for heat and cooking and a loft reached by a boxed staircase.

Five and perhaps six of these houses were built in a row on the hillside above the factory. The western-most one has been destroyed and the eastern-most is now attached to the two-story Will Tippett House, leaving these four in between. Each has evolved similarly, with turn-of-the- century wings and porches, ca. 1920 additions, and ca. 1950 renovations and German siding. But the roof of the original houses can still be seen poking up above the later additions and showing its boxed cornice returns on the western gables.


Greensboro Road Franklinville

Originally one of the "Cotton Row" houses built ca. 1838, this house developed differently from its neighbors. In the later 19th century it became the residence of William H. Tippett (1857-1938), one of the area's most prominent house carpenters and builders of the period. Tippett is first listed in the 1877 Branson direc- tory as a cabinetmaker, but by 1894 he is identified as a "builder and contractor." It was probably Tippett who ca. 1890 moved the original two- room 1838 house to face its gable end north and built the two-story center-gable house as its south wing. That three-bay center-hall plan house is typical of more than a dozen houses built in

Franklinville from 1890 to 1910, some of them no doubt also built by Tippett. Will Tippett is said to have built the George Russell House on Main Street ca. 1903 among many in Franklin- ville, and the W. D. Lane House in Ramseur among many in that community. He was also responsible for a great deal of industrial construc- tion for the local factories, most of which is now unknown; one notice survives from the Courier of 6 May 1915 which states "Mr. W H. Tippett has commenced the new press house for the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company" Ca. 1918 Tippett built and moved into another house (now destroyed) on Clark Avenue near Depot Street.

F:19 TRESTLE (destroyed) SR 2235 Franklinville

The identification plate on this trestle recorded the facts that it was built by the Roanoke Iron and Bridge Works in 1924. The official North Caro- lina Depanment of Transportation information described it as a "bridge with 50' steel thru girder span on frame towers, over 2 lane road, with 50' and 25' timber apparatus." The trestle was destroyed in 1983, as was the 18.7 mile length of railroad originally known as the "Fac- tory Branch" of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway.

The "Factory Branch" included three other major wooden trestles: across Sandy Creek, Bush Creek and, the longest, over SR 2141 at Cedar Falls. The branch line was built from 1888 to 1890 in order to connect Randolph County's Deep River textile mills to the main line of the CFYV at Climax. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway was the final outcome of early efforts to link the Cape Fear and Yadkin rivers. first by canal, then later by railroad. Organized in 1879, the corporation opened its main line from Fayetteville to Greensboro on March 16. 1884. For the next five years Staley was used as the shipping terminal for the local factories, until the completion of the branch line to Millboro in 1889. The "Factory Branch" was completed by July 1890. The corporation was reorganized as the "Atlantic and Yadkin Railroad" in 1898 and was absorbed into the Southern Railway system in the 1920s. All of the local depots along ihe line were demolished in 1976, the line was officially abandoned in 1980, and the tracks and trestles dismantled by February, 1983.

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Main Street Franklin ville

The three houses in this row are very similar and may have been built as worker housing for the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company dur- ing the 1850s. The house on the southwest cor- ner of Main and Depot streets nearest the Meth- odist church is abandoned and deteriorating, but it best illustrates the original appearance of the three dwellings. The one-and-a-half-story hall- and-parlor plan house has a boxed stair and Greek Revival style post-and-lintel mantels. A single chimney at the rear serves both the house and a one-story wing. The wing is placed at the east rear comer of this house but is found at the West rear comers of the other two. All three houses have been extensively remodeled, with new siding and 4/4 sash, but mortise-and-tenon or "heavy frame" constmction indicates an ante- helium date. The center house has been altered "lost radically having lost its upper floor in 1978.


River Road Franklin ville

Remembered today for its 20th century use as a town hall and jail, or "calaboose," this build- ing was originally built before the Civil War as pan of the Isham Jones (1834-1915) wagon factory complex. It is the only survivor of the houses, shops and commercial stmctures which 'ined the River Road in the 19th century Franklin- ^'"e. Around the turn of the century Jones retired and his shop was remodeled into a town hall and concert hall for use by the Franklinville 'Riverside Band." In the 1950s it was renovated for use as a dwelling by Randolph Mills. Due to 'ts deteriorated condition, portions of its mor- tised and tenoned frame are currently visible.

^=22 HOUSE

Main Street Franklinville

Essentially two houses combined into one '■Welling, the eastem end is of mortise-and-tenon •Construction, indicating an antebellum date. That Original structure was a small end-chimney hall- and-parlor plan house; its details have been lost '"subsequent remodelings. The 4/4 sash and twin gables date from the tum-of-the-century enlargement. The house at one time stood across "spot Street behind the Lambert-Parks House

and probably was a dependency of that dwelling. The house was even further remodeled and brick- veneered in 1983.


Main Street Franklinville

The Franklinville Methodist Episcopal Church was officially organized August 15, 1839 by trustees Elisha Coffin, Bethuel Coffin, J. M. A. Drake, Alexander Homey and Phillip Homey. Both the first church, built in 1839, and a second replacement building, erected 1894-1895, stood on the hill at the present cemetery across from the Makepeace house. In 1912 the present brick church was built on Main Street to house the growing congregation. Hugh Parks, Jr., mill owner and chairman of the building committee, is said to have personally drawn up plans for the new structure. In a contract dated July 2, 1912, the building committee hired J. H. Burrow as brick mason and D. A. Curtis as carpenter to jointly erect the church. The design is what Methodists call the "Akron Plan," named after the Ohio city where it was formulated, which included a special wing of Sunday school class- rooms arranged around a central assembly hall. The Franklinville church plan includes this wing in an apsidal bay on the south side of the sanctuary.

Several alterations have been made over the years. A large folding door which opened be- tween the sanctuary and Sunday school rooms has been removed, the opening walled up and the sanctuary reoriented. The original lancet sash have been replaced by stained glass windows. The entrance, once on the north side of the tower, has been moved to the east due to road widening. The Sunday school wing has not been altered, however, and retains its molded door and window surrounds with bull's-eye comer blocks. The soaring, vaulted two-story interior space of the assembly hall is the county's best example of this once-popular plan.



Sumner Street Franklinville

This building has been called by many names, including ' 'The Teacherage , " "The Franklinville Inn" and "The Grove Hotel," which seems to have been its first name. Local tradition says that the hotel is built around an earlier house which









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was the home of a blind man named McPherson. In 1915 it began to be remodeled and was opened as a hotel in the fall of 1919. M. G. (Mack) Maner and wife, Hannah, were the innkeepers. The hotel is a large hip-roofed structure approxi- mately fifty feet square. A projecting bay on the facade marks the off-center entrance facing the railroad and River Road. The hotel included ten guest rooms opening off large central lobbies on the first and second floors. Four-over- four sash are used throughout the structure. The large dining room was once well known for its good food but the hotel housed its last guests almost twenty years ago and is now in a very deterio- rated condition.


Main Street Franklinville

In 1920 Hugh Parks, Jr., decided to consoli- date the management of the " lower' ' and "upper' ' mills the Randolph Manufacturing Company and the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company respectively in a single new office building which would also house the town's first bank. The first brick was laid on May 20, 1920, and the combined offices moved into the building on August 4. The new Bank of Franklinville opened the next day with fifty-seven accounts and over $15,000 in deposits. The structure is a typical brick building of the period with recessed en- trances and corbeled cornice. The bank, housed in the west half of the building, closed in the Depression. The entire building then became offices for Randolph Mills, Inc.


Main Street Franklinville

George Russell, superintendent of the "upper" mill from 1907 to 1927, was a close personal friend and business associate of the Parks family. He left Franklinville in 1927 and died in the 1930s. Russell and Hugh Parks, Jr., were ama- teur photographers, and perhaps George Russell's greatest legacy is his photograph collection of Franklinville. Arranged in several scrapbooks and given to friends and relatives, Russell left a documentary record of the village from 1874 to the 1920s which is unequaled. Russell's home was built for him in the 1890s by Will Tippett, local contractor. It was a cruciform plan house with polygonal bays projecting from the east and west. The cantilevered roof overhangs are braced

by sawn brackets with turned pendants. The gables display lacey sawnwork gable ornaments. Most of the original porch has been removed and a two-story shed wing has been added to the rear.



Main Street Franklinville

The first Masonic Lodge in Randolph County was Hank's No. 128, organized March 26, 1850, at Franklinville. The second was built five years later at Foust's Mill (now Coleridge), with Asheboro's Balfour Lodge third in the same year. Ten Masonic brothers residing in the Frank- linville neighborhood were granted permission to establish a Lodge of Ancient York Masons; by 1869 there were 82 members. In July, 1850, a building committee was appoointed, and on Sep- tember 10, 1850 the committee signed a contract to "erect a Masonic Hall" in the village with Spencer M. Dorsett and Thomas W Allred. Dorsett, 28, and Allred, 27, were Franklinville residents. Dorsett listed his occupation in the 1850 census as "Carpenter." The building was contracted for a price of $1,350.00, to be paid in installments, and to be completed in six months from the date of the contract. It was specified to be of two stories, 40 by 20 feet, with the lower story nine feet high and the upper story ten feel high. The framing was to be of oak five inches thick and the studding set on 18-inch center The remainder, including shingles and any exposed timber was "to be of good heart pine." The Hall was built on the south side of the River Road between the two cotton mills. In 1890 the rail- road was extended from Millboro to Ramseur, running across the lodge lot between the Hall and the River Road. The River Road fell in'o disuse following the construction of "Highway 90" (the present NC 22), and in early 1924 the Hall was moved to its current location on the south side of that highway.

The temple form Greek Revival building is one of the oldest public buildings in the area, and is doubly important since its construction contract has survived, preserving the names of its builders. Dorsett and Allred were obviously men of some skill, for the Hall is as sophisti- cated an example of the Greek Revival style as is to be found in Randolph County. The form of the building can best be seen on its rear elevation- where three monumental pilasters rise the ful' height of the facade, dividing it into two bays- On the front facade the entrance door interrupis



the central pilaster. The pent roof above that door is probably a later addition. Further study of this building may lead to other buildings which can be attributed to Dorsett and AUred.


Rose Street

Franklinville The Franklinsville and Randolph Manufactur- ing Companies maintained separate "upper" and "lower" stores until 1920, when it was decided to consolidate the two under one roof. The combined store, renamed the Franklinville Store Company, was ready for occupancy in December, '920. Its first managers were John Marley and H. S. Edwards. The structure was a 45 X 90-foot brick building with a basement. The store level, *ith twin entrances on Rose Street, was divided in half down the middle. Dry goods and "notions" *ere on one side and the meat and grocery 'department was on the other. At various times 'he building sheltered a drugstore, doctor's office, beauty parlor and public library. The basement eurrently houses a barbershop and the post office. The Franklinville Store Company was liquidated 'n 1981 and the building taken over by store- '^eeper Harold Poole.


Main Street Franklinville

Known locally as the "Sumner House" after 'ts 19th-century owners, this house has had a 'ong and colorful history of ownership. In 1907 •^avid S. Sumner (1862-1939), superintendent of the "lower" mill, moved here from his former home east of town. He and his family resided "ere for the next seventy years. Sumner bought 'be property from the widow of Alexander S. Horney, one of the most influential citizens in Pranklinville and Randolph County for much of 'be 19th century. Homey and his father helped to found both the Cedar Falls and Franklinville ^otton factories and Alexander Homey acted as brst superintendent of the Island Ford factory, "orney also served as chairman of the county Commissioners for many years. He owned the house twice, both before and after the Civil War. From 1871 until about 1893 the dwelling was 'be home of Hugh Parks, undoubtedly the most Powerful personage in Franklinville. During that Period Parks acquired control of both the town's ^'"ile corporations, serving as secretary-treasurer

of the Franklinsville Manufacturing Company and as president of the Randolph Manufacturing Company, the former Island Ford factory. Under Parks' benevolent paternalism Franklinville first acquired many civic amenities such as its river- side park. He was politically influential, serving as mayor and county commissioner, among a variety of offices. Ca. 1893 Parks engineered a house trade with Ruth Homey in which she moved back to this home and Parks moved his family into the impressive Homey mansion on the hill above the Island Ford mill.

These later deeds and transfers cite the prop- erty as "the Lambert lot in the village of Franklinsville." This refers to John R. Lambert, who sold the lot to A. S. Homey in July, 1850. The substantial purchase price indicates the house already existed, which confirms the architectural evidence that the home was built in the 1840s. Lambert, 36 years old in the census of 1850, listed his occupation as "Manufacturer." Lam- bert was probably connected with the "upper" mill, which had been destroyed by fire in April of 1851; besides his wife and six children, Lam- bert housed two boarders identified as ' ' plasterers' ' and obviously engaged in the reconstruction of that factory.

The house is one of the county's best exam- ples of the full-blown Greek Revival style. The two-story center-hall plan dwelling has exterior end chimneys, comer boards and a molded cor- nice with returns. Wide flush sheathing on the first floor facade is sheltered by a shed porch with paneled cornice. The porch superstructure is obviously original to the house, although the chamfered posts with sawn decoration and brack- ets seem to have been added by Hugh Parks in the late 1880s. The finest exterior feature is the entrance where double leaf raised panel doors are framed by sidelights over raised panels and a Greek Revival architrave with molded comer blocks.


Rose Street Franklinville

Originally facing south toward the river, this ca. 1885 three-bay center-hall plan house then boasted an engaged porch with elaborate sawn- work detail similar to that of the Dennis Curtis house. This porch has since been enclosed. En- trance to the house is now gained through a door facing Rose Street in the rear wing. James Bute was overseer of spinning in the "upper" mill






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from 1877 to 1882 and overseer of carding from 1882 to 1923.


Rose Street Franklinville

This two-story end-chimney house has feath- ered shingles in its central gable and 2/2 sash. The cornice is supported by sawn brackets. The hip porch has lost its original supports. Duncan "Dune" Dove (1851-1939) worked at the "lower" or Randolph Manufacturing Company store and later owned his own general store.


Rose Street Franklinville

This dwelling is very similar to the hall-and- parlor plan mill houses on Main Street near the Methodist church which seem to date from the 1850s. The two-story house has 6/6 sash and is two bays wide with a door centered on the first floor facade. The house displays a molded cor- nice with returns and its hipped-roof porch has turned balusters. The structure was moved here from the rear of the neighboring Duncan Dove House to which it was connected by a breeze- way. It may have served as a kitchen or serv- ants' quarters.


Rose Street Franklinville

Henry W Frazier, a director of the Franklins- ville Manufacturing Company from 1884 to 1890 and the builder of this ca. 1890 house, moved to High Point in 1899 and founded the Myrtle Desk Company, maker of roll-top desks. The house was then acquired by Lewis F Fentress, overseer of spinning 1883-1914 and postmaster 1914- 1924. The two-story end-chimney house has a sawnwork gable ornament in its gable, along with vents and feathered shingling. The cornices ter- minate in unusual sawn pattern boards. A one- story wing with matching details extends from the rear toward Depot Street. The "Mount Ver- non" porch on the Rose Street facade was added in the 1960s, replacing a one-story hip porch with chamfered posts and sawn brackets.


Pine Street Franklinville

This two-story hall-and-parlor plan house seems unusually tall and narrow because of its short two-bay facade. The date of its construc- tion is difficult to estimate, although the fluted, tapered columns supporting the porch indicate the Greek Revival style. The 4/4 sash and other details imply a later 19th-century date house. The frame house is covered with brick-patterned asphalt siding, which further obscures its features. T. A. ("Bud") Slack was a peddler and farmer.



Pine Street Franklinville

Although disguised by later additions, this small, story-and-a-half dwelling has the look of a pre-Civil War structure. The house is built around a massive, stuccoed stone chimney and the east end sags noticeably implying that it was an addition to the original structure. The second floor is lighted by windows on the west end. The house seems to have been drastically remodeled in the 1930s or 1940s when it received German siding and a rear wing.


Church Street Franklinville

The oldest existing church building in Frank- linville, this frame structure was built in 1888. The church was organized in October, 1887 by Franklinville members of the Columbia Baptist Church in Ramseur. At first the Ramseur pastor J. E Moore sened double duty as pastor of the Franklinville church, and the church was named in his honor after his sudden death in 1889. A brick sanctuary was built in 1919 and the frame structure used as Sunday school rooms. In 1958. after the destruction of the local community building, John W Clark purchased the church. moved it across the street and renovated it fof use as a community center. It has not been used for several years. The original church was a simple three-bay, twenty by thirty feet building with boxed cornice returns. The porch was added in the 1958 renovation.


Academy Street Franklinville

John Paschal Marable (1856-1932) was the last of a family of potters. Marable"s grandfather. Paschal McCoy, was a potter, as was his step-


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father, E. K. ("Kelly") Moffitt, whom his mother married in 1866. The 1870 census of manufactur- ers lists Moffitt as making salt-glazed stoneware. The history of an adjoining pottery site on the creek behind the house is unclear, although it is thought that Marable and perhaps Moffitt worked there. Pottery is believed to have been made in Franklinville well before the Civil War. The three-bay central-gable end-chimney house dis- plays a center-hall plan and tum-of-the-century detailing. It may contain parts of an earlier structure.


Academy Street Franklinville

The nucleus of this dwelling is a two-story antebellum building which originally faced south toward the river. This portion of the house has ^'6 sash and a large stone chimney with brick stack. A two-story gable-roofed wing and a Single-story shed wing were added later; both feature 4/4 sash. The hip porch on turned posts *as added to shelter a new entrance on Academy Street. This seems to be the only dwelling re- tiaining from the Island Ford mill village com- munity which centered around this road, then called Mulberry Street.


Weatherly Drive Franklinville

One of the most architecturally significant structures in Franklinville, this small house was built by Thomas Rice (1803-1893), a well-known carpenter and "mechanic." Rice worked in both ■Randolph and Guilford counties, building such structures as the Franklinville covered bridge (1848) and Greensboro's West Market Street ^Icthodist Church ( 1849- 185 1 ). One of his most "nportant commissions came in 1854 when he ]*as hired to build the "Old or Main building at Trinity College," a large three-story brick struc- ''"'c. Rice held several public offices in Randolph, *nd was a justice of the peace from 1843 to 1859. 'n 1846 Rice became one of the founding stockholders of the Island Ford Manufacturing Company. He probably supervised the construc- •'on of the frame Island Ford factory. At the Same time. Rice bought five acres of land on the mllside above the factory, and built a home for nis wife and five (later seven) children. The P''operty was part of the mill's Mulberry Street cvelopment, where property was sold off to aise operating capital for the company. The most

unusual feature of Rice's house is its distinctive engaged porch, set back under the gabled roof and supported by four stuccoed brick columns. (There is some evidence that these were origi- nally painted to resemble marble.) This kind of engaged porch is a characteristic of the Greek Revival's "Creole Cottage" house type, popular in coastal areas and standard for the area along the Mississippi River. No other examples of this kind of house are known in Randolph County, nor is it often found elsewhere in Piedmont North Carolina. The high quality of Rice's crafts- manship is evident in the sophisticated architec- tural details of the exterior. Its lines are simple and strong. Since this is the only known example of Rice's work, it is extremely unfortunate that little, if anything, survives of his interior work. The house was remodeled by Randolph Mills in the 1960s for use as a conference center. The interior of the first floor was drastically altered. The second floor is no longer accessible.

Financial difficulties during the 1850s seem to have caused Rice to leave Franklinville; during the 1860's he settled in the Farmer community in southwestern Randolph. Much more research needs to be done on the career of this man, one of Randolph's premier builders. F:40 D. M. WEATHERLY HOUSE Weatherly Drive Franklinville

Henry Parks, a cousin of mill owner Hugh Parks, built this Queen Arme style dwelling ca. 1890. It was subsequently acquired by D. M. ("Dave") Weatherly principal and headmaster of the Franklinville Academy. The brothers, D. M. and J. A. Weatherly. were prominent local educators at the turn of the century, jointly or individually running schools at Liberty, Ramseur, Asheboro and High Point, among others. D. M. Weatheriy, settled in Franklinville and lived here in 1922 when he was elected Randolph County clerk of court. The house is a transitional form from the Eastlake to Queen Anne periods. It is essentially a traditional two-story rectangular house with square and polygonal window bays breaking up its angularity. A flowing, rounded porch wraps around the first floor and also works to disguise the sharp edges of the traditional house form. The porch has turned posts with sawn brackets, turned pendants and a spindle frieze. The eaves of the hipped roof are decor- ated with sawn details. A central gable on the south facade has a sawnwork gable ornament with spindle decoration.



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("The Lower Mill") NC 22 at Academy Street Franklinville

On September 5, 1846, Elisha Coffin and three of his sons and nephews, along with A. S. Homey, George Makepeace, Thomas Rice and nine other men and women, incorporated the county's third textile mill, the Island Ford Man- ufacturing Company. A large frame building was constructed to house the factory and "went into operation in 1848, supplied with the Latest and most approved machinery. The dam and canal, factory house and houses for the opera- tives, store house, cotton house and all necessary appendages [were] constructed by experienced workmen and in the most elegant and durable style." The factory building may have been de- signed by George Makepeace and built by Thomas Rice, both of whom were stockholders and local residents. The four-story factory "house" was 40 by 80 feet in plan, nine bays long and three wide essentially the same size as the Frank- linsville factory just upriver. But at Island Ford, instead of a wholly brick building, a wooden superstructure was built upon a brick first floor, and a fourth floor was lighted by a clerestory monitor roof. This feature was widely used in English and New England factories, and fore- told the spread of mainstream industrial innova- tions into the infant Deep River manufacturing environment.

The corporation prospered for a few years, but deteriorating economic conditions forced the com- pany to declare bankruptcy on July 14, 1856. By October, 1859 the property had been sold to a group of local investors including A. S. Homey John M. Coffin, Reed Creek merchant Isaac H. Foust and Foust's store clerk Hugh Parks. In 1862, following Foust's death, a revised partner- ship was incorporated as the "Randolph Manu- facturing Company" with John D. Williams as president, Hugh Parks secretary-treasurer and J. A. Luther as superintendent. The corporation at that time had capital stock worth $30,000. sev- enty employees and consumed 850 bales of cot- ton to produce 3,000 yards of 4-4 sheeting.

In 1895 the "Cotton Mill Edition" of the Raleigh News and Observer wrote of the Island Ford mill, saying that "the fates have decreed that it shall not stand to see the flowers bloom again, for the architects and brick layers are building long, new brick walls all about it. and

so soon as new floor space is ready, the quaint old wooden building will tumble to the tune of the new order of things, and give way to modem architecture and convenience." The "architects" mentioned by the newspaper seems to have been just one non-professional "architect," W C. ("Will") Russell (1848-1912), the superinten- dent of the "upper" mill. Russell's obituary states that "The new mill of the Randolph Manu- facturing Company was designed and built by Mr. Russell and stands as a monument to his genius." The new brick factory may have been the largest of Randolph County's 19th-century industrial buildings. It was built immediately W the west of the Island Ford stmcture, which was located approximately where the present engine room and smokestack of the new factory stand- The 1895 C-plan factory straddled the existing mill race or power canal, which is the only trace of the antebellum factory which is still evident. The building was very visually appealing, with continuous brick hood moldings connecting rows of arched windows on both floors. Its central three-story stair tower was accessible only by a bridge over the power canal, and was capped by a very unusual bell cupola with a semicircular pediment. The stair tower was destroyed in the mid-1950s when new construction filled the cen- tral courtyard area, leaving the gable ends of the east and west wings the only visible parts of the 1895 mill.


Wagon Wheel Road Franklinville

When the Randolph Manufacturing Company was created in 1862. Jonathan Luther was listed as superintendent of manufacturing operations. He held this position for many years. This house was probably built in the late 1880s. although an ad- joining outbuilding may have been part of a" earlier dwelling. The house is a typical center-hall plan end-chimney design, with 2/2 sash. Its mos' prominent decorative feature was a hip porch on the south facade w ith central second-floor balcony- This porch-and-balcony arrangement was the trademark of some as-yet-unidentified local car- penter/builder: it is or was found on at least si" substantial dwellings in Franklinville.



Horney-Parks House West Street Franklinville

This tiny structure is one of the very few antebellum dependencies remaining in Randolph County. Its flush roof overhang, boxed cornice and 6/6 sash speak of a pre-Civil War construc- tion date. A large chimney once existed on the *est end and the structure may originally have consisted of a single large room. Converted into a dwelling, it now features a hall-and-parlor plan with rear wing. Immediately in front of the ''uilding are masonry steps down to Main Street *hich mark the site of the Homey- Parks House, One of the most ornate residences of Franklin- ^'"e's mill owners.

That two-story double-pile house featured a <^enter-hall plan and interior end chimneys. Its "lost prominent architectural feature was a hip Porch with central balcony similar to, but more elaborate than, the porch of the Curtis-Buie House. Probably built ca. 1846 in conjunction *ith the Island Ford factory which it overlooked, 'he house may have been home to the A. S. Homey family for more than forty years. Homey ('815-1891), a mill owner, superintendent, county 'commissioner and political leader, was one of "Randolph County's most prominent men of his l^neration. In 1937 Jonathan Worth's daughter, Elvira, wrote that 'Alexander S. Homey was a •ine citizen and his home fittings outside and in ^as a pattern for any community. The Homey house was later owned by Mr. Hugh Parks, then ^r- John Clark, and was burned Dec. 1935. The 'Urniture in this Homey house was very elegant.

' The steps, concrete walkway, tennis court ^^d kitchen are all that survive of this elegant ffisidence. A Colonial Revival-style house was """'It on part of the site ca. 1940.


Main Street at Sunrise Avenue Franklinville

This ca. 1895 two-story end-chimney center- hall plan dwelling has lost its porch and most of its architectural detail under aluminum siding. Its mill work and decorative detail, such as the fine "sunburst" omament with spindled frieze which survives in the central gable, was almost certainly purchased from one of the many local millwork companies or by mail from a catalog. This type of "store-bought" millwork features more elements tumed on lathes and built from pieces of molding, while "gingerbread" decora- tive elements were usually cut out with scroll saws by local carpenters. S. Clifford Trogdon worked as engineer for the nearby Randolph Manufacturing Company or "lower" mill. Her- bert Edwards, manager of the "lower" company store and later manager of the Franklinville Store Company, lived here just after his marriage while his bungalow-style house across Sunrise Avenue was under construction.




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Cedar Falls




Copyright Superior Mop Co.



SR 2116 Cedar Falls

In the summer of 1844, a group of Baptists ■net and established a church in Cedar Falls. Within a year the church had more than one hundred members. Negroes were received into church membership and seated in a separate section. The original church building built in 1844-1845 was used until 1975. The building had been extensively remodeled about 1920, when a classroom wing and asbestos siding were added. The window sash have also been replaced. An early feature is the molded cornice with cornice returns. The original pine pulpit has been preserved; it is decoratively painted to resemble a more valuable wood, such as walnut.



SR 2116 Cedar Falls

This house may have originally been a single- story house built ca. 1850 and expanded to two full stories about 1880. The double entrance doors are set in a pilastered Greek Revival frame with transom, sidelights and comer blocks. The fifst floor windows have 9/9 sash; the second floor has 4/4. The roof and porch, with exposed fafters and shallow pitch, seem to be later ''^placements. A one-story rear wing has sawn f after ends supporting the deep overhang.


SR 2116 Cedar Falls

This 1885-era house exhibits a two-tiered porch ^d balcony of the type so popular in the area at 'he time, The cornice and gable cornice returns afe braced by a frieze of paired sawnwork Jackets, The house follows a central-hall plan *ith brick exterior end chimneys and 4/4 sash.


SR 2221 Cedar Falls

'" 1878 a Methodist Protestant congregation ^as organized in Cedar Falls. The cornerstone °f the church building was laid December 25, ^^y in the center of the present cemetery. In . ^39 the local Methodist Protestant and Method- ^' Episcopal congregations merged. In 1941 the ■Methodist Protestant building was moved to its

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present site, where classroom wings, asbestos siding and stained glass windows were added. The simple steeple with pilasters is the only obvious early feature of the building.



SR 2221 Cedar Falls

This dwelling has been much altered over the years, but it seems to date from the 1850s. The center-hall plan hip-roofed house with raised basement still retains hints of the Italianate style. An early map suggests that the structure may have originally stood across the street, and was moved to this location about 1900.


SR 2221 Cedar Falls

Commanding the crest of a hill in a horseshoe bend of Deep River just across the bridge from the Cedar Falls factory, this house was tsuilt ca. 1895 by Orlando R. Cox, general manager of the Cedar Falls Manufacturing Company. In 1876 Cox was elected sheriff of Randolph County, but resigned the following year to assume the mana- ger's duties. By 1884, under his leadership, the mill had doubled in size and output. Cox later moved to Asheboro; the house was subsequently the residence of Dr. Henry Jordan. The building is a fine example of the Queen Anne style. The iron cresting around the roof deck and the stuc- coed arched panels in the chimneys are unusual features. Several comtemporary outbuildings remain. An iron planter now in a flower garden behind the house was originally the fountain which stood in Asheboro in front of the old Bank of Randolph building.


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SR2144 Cedar Falls

This mill was the first in Randolph County, organized in 1836 and built in 1837 by Benjamin and Henry Elliott and Dr. Philip and Alexander S. Homey The original wooden building was replaced in 1846 by a three-story building of brick laid in 1:3 common bond. At least the north and east walls of this structure remain, incorpo- rated with subsequent 1950s-era expansion. There are some timber supports in the interior of this section.

The 1846 factory, fifty by one hundred feet in plan, was almost twice as large as the only other contemporary brick factory at Franklinville. A fourth attic story, was lighted by a clerestory monitor roof. In 1860 the water-powered mill operated 1,500 spindles and 38 looms to produce yam and sheeting material. In 1870 a water wheel producing as much as 80 horsepower operated 2,249 spindles and 50 looms. The dam and portions of the mill race still exist as well as an unused turbine wheel. A steam engine was added in 1898 for auxiliary power.


SR 2144 Cedar Falls

This stracture, built ca. 1900, was used to store bales of cotton brought in on the railroad. It was originally three bays wide divided by fire walls, and a fourth bay was added later. Each bay was entered through a large arched opening. The end wall is decorated with elaborate corbeled brickwork. The mortar joints between bricks were originally striped with white paint, and certain bricks in the corbeled decoration were picked out with white, creating a checkerboard effect.


SR 2144 Cedar Falls

These two nearly identical houses are called "shotgun" houses because of their long narrow plan, said to resemble the barrel of a shotgun. Three rooms long and one room wide, each of the rooms can only be entered one after the other. The east house has comice returns, boxed rafter ends and a shed front porch. The west house has no comice returns, exposed rafter ends and a hip-roofed porch. Both have 6/6 sash. Like most houses in the village they date to the ca. 1890 period. (Both homes have been de- stroyed since 1982.)


SR 2144 Cedar Falls

As the only known log house in Randolph County's earliest textile mill village, and the only known sur\iving example found in the state, this small house was one of the most significant structures in Cedar Falls. Log mil' housing was once common in the state's early mill villages. Its needless destraction in 1980 is therefore especially to be regretted. The half- dovetail notched structure had a stone chimney with a brick stack and a board-and-batten rear shed. The house may have been built by the Elliott family for their village as early as 1836. 1' may always have been clapboarded, to protect the logs and mud-mortared chimney from bad weather.

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SR 2226 Cedar Falls

This tiny store now used as the local post office originally faced the adjoining brick com- pany store, which burned in the early 1970s. The 2/2 sash and "boom-town" storefront suggest that the structure was built ca. 1890. It was once used as a barbershop and cafe.



SR 2226 Cedar Falls

This ca. 1850 dwelling is one of the landmarks of the Greek Revival style in Randolph County. The builder of the two-story center-hall plan house drew inspiration for the decorative trim *ork from a well-known, widely used builder's guide, The Practical House Carpenter, by Asher Benjamin. Benjamin (1773-1845) was a New England builder-architect whose published manu- als helped popularize the Greek Revival style all across the United States. A mantel in the house 's directly adapted from Benjamin's book, speci- fically from Plate 51, "Design for a Chimney Piece." The mantel is a traditional "post and 'inter ' form, with a Greek key design decorating 'he frieze; this is carried on turned colonnettes. The firebox is framed by a molded architrave *ith bull's-eye comer blocks. The local artisan's rendition of the mantel is somewhat crude and two-dimensional when compared to the Asher benjamin design, but it is important to find that •Randolph County craftsmen tried to imitate published examples in their work.

The house has a great deal of additional high- quality work. The molded cornice is carried across the gable to form a classical pediment; the Sable is covered with sheathed siding as is the area sheltered by the Doric gallery across the facade. The double-leaf entrance is framed by sidelights in a symmetrically molded architrave ^ith beveled comer blocks. The house is built into the hillside so that the rear facade displays ^'''y a single story; the central door on the rear facade is set in a crossetted architrave with 'fansom. Nine-over-nine double-hung sash are Used on the ground floor, with 9/6 sash on the ''PPer story. The house also features interior chimneys, molded two-panel doors and an open- string staircase with turned newel post and square balusters.


SR 2226 Cedar Falls

The Sapona cotton textile mill was built ca. 1895 by the Cedar Falls Manufacturing Company under superintendent O. R. Cox. The original structure, much of which is still visible, was a one-story brick factory built in 1:6 common bond. The northern or railroad facade features nine window bays with 9/9 double-hung sash flanking a central entrance tower. The tower has bracketed cornices and a domed belfry. The original structure is now surrounded on three sides by brick and metal additions built by the Acme-McCrary Corporation. The Asheboro ho- siery manufacturer converted the plant to spin silk in the late 1930s; it now processes man- made fibers.


SR 2226 Cedar Falls

These six houses grouped in a row on a ridge above the Sapona mill were probably built in connection with it in 1895. Five of the houses are two-story central-chimney duplexes, entered through dual entrances on the front porch. The northemmost dwelling is a hall-and-parior plan house with an end chimney. The story-and-a-half house has six-light casement windows lighting the second floor. All of the houses have shed porches carried on square posts and all are raised high on piers.






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Built by John H. Ferree in 1895 and named after his two daugh- ters, this documentary photograph depicts the mill building ca 1900 It still stands, but has lost its Classical Revival style conical tower roof which sheltered the sprinkler water tank.



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This three-bay center-gable house was built ca. 1900, although its present bungalow style dates from the 1920s. Surviving early features include a dentiled cornice on the east elevation and a decorative attic vent in the facade gable.


New Salem

Known as the "Doctor House" since 1944 when a retired physician purchased it, this mod- est frame house was bought in 1895 by J. V Van Arsdale, a New York native and Civil War pensioner. Van Arsdale altered an early 19th century cottage by adding an elaborate porch with decorative fascia, bracketed posts and sawn balusters.



New Salem

This small three-bay structure has been greatly obscured by modem additions, but the massive stone chimney indicates a 19th century construc- tion date. The building may be the "Ingold Store and Barroom" mentioned by local writer W S Lineberry. The tavern was a part of, but separate from, Joel Ingold's adjacent hotel. In later years the barroom was converted into a house by Billy Brown, a deputy under sheriff Joe Steed.



New Salem

This structure was heavily altered in the 1950s when the modem window sash, red asbestos siding and rear shed rooms were added The massive stone gable end chimneys with stuccoed exteriors, double shoulders and brick stacks indi- cate the antiquity of the house, probably built ca 1820. Before the Civil War Joel Ingold ran a hotel or stagecoach inn here. His son A W Ingold, was for many years owner and editor of the Greensboro Patriot and later editor of the Yorkville, S.C. Enquirer


New Salem

As one of the town's earliest houses, the Jarrell-Hayes House probably dates from the towns incorporation in 1815. The end chimney center-hall plan house retains a beautiful Federal period mantel whose symmetrically molded colonnettes support a molded shelf which breaks in the middle and at both ends. The parlor is wainscoted. The main entrance door was flanked by sidelights, but the trim is now hidden under aluminum siding.

The unusual three front doors undoubtedly relate to the period when the house served as a store, owned and operated by Noah and Manliff Jarrell. The post office was in the store, and elections wtre held on the porch. Subsequently the house was the home of J. M. (James Madison) Hayes, a stoneware potter. His shop was just to the west of the house, on the present site of the garden.

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New Salem

Its present owner believes that this house was built by Pierce Hayes, son of the local potter ^' M. Hayes, probably ca. 1880. It may origi- nally have been a three-bay center-gable farm- house, but was extensively altered in the bunga- low style after its purchase by Ward in 1918.


New Salem

Dating from the late 19th century, this small frame building originally fronted the road but ^as moved by Rom Ward into his side yard and 's now used as a tool shed. The oversized door, *ith seven raised panels, is noteworthy.


New Salem

What is now Rom Ward's bam may be the °'dest house in New Salem. The house origi- nally fronted the street. It was the home of Peter Dicks (1772-1843), owner and operator of a Siist and oil mill on Deep River, about a mile **ay. Dicks was a prominent Quaker and one of the founders of Guilford College. In 1848 his ^01. James, was one of the incorporators of JJnion factory, built on Deep River beside the D'cks mill complex. His daughter Sallie mar- "«d Dr. John Milton Worth of Asheboro.

The ruinous condition of the house makes oating difficult, but it seems to have been built l^a. 1800. What little decorative trim remains in '"e two-and-a-half-story structure is of high quality. The exposed ceiling joists of the first ""or are chamfered; those on the second floor '"■e beaded. The house seems to have had an ^"d-chimney and hall-and-parior plan, although either the chimney nor the partition remains.

The original parlor seems to have been sheathed in wide vertical boards above a chair rail, with molding around the ceiling and exposed beams. A surviving board-and-batten door has strap hinges. Clapboards on the west end appear to be riven, not sawed, a very early technique. However, if the chimney was on this end, these boards must be replacements. This important early struc- ture is definitely worthy of further study, docu- mentation and preservation.


New Salem This two-room cottage with rear shed wing seems to predate the Civil War, although the decorated mantel inside could date ca. 1870. The stepped single-shoulder chimney is of bnck in common bond on a stone base. Several two- panel Greek Revival doors survive in the shed wing. The house may have been an early home of the Woollen family.


New Salem Burials in the cemetery, dating to at least 1813, seem to have predated the official organization of the New Salem Friends meeting house in 1815. In 1889 the Quaker church was sold to a Metho- dist Protestant group, who erected a new church building in 1895. In 1948 a new bnck veneer sanctua^ was built and the 1895 building was turned around, brick veneered and rebuilt as a classroom wing. The 1895 church was a one- room four-bay strticture with tall 9/9 sash.







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New Salem

This was originally the home of Dr. C. W Woollen, the area's most prominent physician. Woollen married the daughter of the Rev. Daniel Worth, the Wesleyan Methodist minister who was arrested in 1859 and tried both in Asheboro and Greensboro for distributing anti-slavery liter- ature. Woollen later moved to Randleman and the house was sold to J. N Caudle, who may have been responsible for the extensive Victorian embellishments including the bracketed cornice, pedimented window and door frames and brack- eted porch. Caudle was a merchant and his store was located immediately to the west of the house. The front porch was again altered in the 1920s. Down the hill behind this house is "Naomi Spring," the legendary trysting place of Naomi Wise and Jonathan Lewis.


New Salem

An unusual feature of this eariy 19th century house is its complex fenestration. The facade has large pane 6/6 sash on the first floor level and small pane 6/6 sash on the second floor In contrast, the gable ends have 4/4 sash on the first floor, 4/2 above. New Salem's last post office origmally a separate one-story frame structure sited near the road, is now attached to the rear of the house as a kitchen wing. The small mail slot IS still visible in the door. Post office service was transferred to Randleman in 1900.


New Salem

A combination of late Federal mantels and Greek Revival trim indicate a ca. 1820 construc- tion date for this house, which was demolished m 1982. Its 4/4 sash and the molded cornice with matching returns were probably original to the house. (The kitchen, once detached, had a simple Greek Revival post-and-lintel mantel.) Vickory ran a tan yard on the site.


New Salem

This is a typical rural gas station and store of the 1930s. The hip roof was extended to shelter the gas pumps and the shed room was used for storage of meat and produce.






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West Side Commonwealth Street Randleman

Besides the houses built for the mill agent and superintendent, only three houses survive from those shown on the 1849 map of the Union Manufacturing Company property. The houses built for workers were slightly less elaborate than those of the agent and superintendent, but ap- proximately the same size: two-story structures in a twenty-by-thirty-foot hall-and-parlor plan. The houses were heated by fireplaces on each floor. The houses originally had, or at an early date added, a one-story rear wing with fireplace. This was probably used as a kitchen.

These houses are virtually identical to those built by E. M. Holt in his Alamance Factory village about the same time. They are also sim- ilar to the houses built in the 1850s at Orange Factory in Durham County It is interesting to note that North Carolina textile mill village houses built in the 1850s seem similar in size, plan and window and chimney placement, varying only in the quality of the Greek Revival detailing.



210 Commonwealth Street Randleman

On the 1 849 map of the Union Factory property , this is labeled as the mill superintendent's resi- dence. It differs very little from the two-story end-chimney hall-and-parlor plan houses built for the workers. Instead of a boxed cornice with boxed returns, the cornice returns here are molded both at the roof level and on the shed porch. That porch is carried on square posts with molded capitals. The steeply sloping site made a massive stone foundation necessary. The one-story wing and asbestos siding are recent additions.


215 Commonwealth Street Randleman

The 1849 map of the Union Manufacturing Company labels this end-chimney dwelling as the 'Agent's House." The agent was then some- thmg of a business manager for a textile mill while the superintendent managed the actual operation of equipment and employees. After his acquisition of the Union Factory corporation John Banner Randleman chose this house as his own and added the end pavilion to bring it to its

present form. This wing exhibits four-over- four sash set in molded surrounds with odd notched comer blocks and a small diamond-shaped win- dow in the gable. The southeast windows are shaded by bellcast shed awnings on chamfered Eastlake brackets, but the overall style of the house is Gothic Revival. Chimneys are stuccoed and scored to resemble stone, and bargeboards decorate the gables. The most unusual feature is the bulb pendants which drop from the porch cornice and resemble those on the overhang of 17th century Jacobian style houses. While paint- mg the interior of St. Paul's Methodist Church, the painter, "Reubin Rink" (acmally Jules Komer of Kemersville), is thought to have redecorated the interior of the house but this is not now evident. Ironically in 1879 at the height of this flurry of remodeling activity, J. B. Randleman died and was buried in the cemetery at St. Paul's.


Northwest comer of High Point Street

and Main Street


In 1848 twelve stockholders, all of whom seem to have been Quakers, organized the Union Manufacturing Company to build a textile mill on this site. The property was provided by James Dicks, and adjoined the grist and oil mill built much earlier by his father, Peter Dicks. Union Factory was the largest mill built in Randolph County before the Civil War, measuring fifty by one hundred-twenty feet. The flow of Deep River at this point was inadequate to run such a mill- Even though the power was augmented by chan- neling the adjacent "Factory Branch" into the mill headrace, the mill was continually idled by low water. The factory structure itself was an advanced "slow bum" design, with crow-step gables concealing a roof of very shallow pitch- The 1:3 common bond brick building was built on a steeply sloping site which made a massive and elaborate stone foundation necessary. It is unusual that the mill was designed to straddle its power canal, with the wheel housed under the mill itself. This feature was used in Europe and New England to prevent winter ice from freezing the wheel; its purpose here is unknown.

In July 1868, the mill was bought by John Banner Randleman. who soon augmented the water power with steam. Randleman died in 1879. and the corporation was carried on by his partner. John B. Ferree. On June 12, 1885, the

mill was destroyed in a fire, although evidence indicates that its immediate reconstruction used the original stone foundation and much of the standing first floor wall structure. As many as four different brick bonds were used in the reconstruction, indicating that several masons *ere hired, working independently, to rebuild 3s fast as possible.

In 1911 this mill, the Naomi mill, the Mary Antoinette Mill and the Plaidville mill were consolidated into a single company. Deep River ^ills. Inc. The corporation entered bankruptcy '1 1929, an early victim of the Depression. For a "me the mills were operated by the Hunter 'Manufacturing and Commission Company of New York, but when it, too, declared insolvency, 'he mills were closed for several years. In 1934 E. W Freeze of High Point moved his Common- wealth Hosiery Company from that city to this "lill, building the three-story shed-roofed exten- sion facing the river. The site is now used as Warehouse space by several companies.

West of the main building across the central Square is a three-story brick building in 1:5 com- mon bond. Its history is unclear, although it seems •o have been built in the mid-1870s. The 1885 Sanborn Insurance Map shows it was used as an office and for storage, as well as for Masonic Lodge meetings. It later served for a time as the )^andleman Town Hall and Community Build- ">8. The cornice of the gable roof returns slightly *nd the building has elaborate segmental-arched windows with brick labels. Also on the site are * Warehouse, an office and two power plants, °ne a coal-fired boiler and engine room, the °'her a small hydroelectric station.


312 High Point Street Randleman

Following a three-bay two-story form standard ''"ring the late 19th century, the ca. 1880 gable- ''"of house features such typical characteristics ^ exposed rafter ends, double-leaf entry and a hip-roof porch with distinctive tapered posts. All me facade's 6/6 sash windows originally had louvered shutters. At one time the house was run ^^ a hotel by Ellen and Ebenizer Ferguson. Later °<=eupied by J. A. Lamb.


315 High Point Street Randleman

This tiny dwelling, said to be of log construc-


tion, once housed the children's Sunday school classes from nearby St. Paul's Methodist Church. Whether it is or isn't built of logs is really a good question, since it almost certainly has always been covered with weatherboarding. The upper class residential atmosphere of the surrounding St. Paul's Hill neighborhood would have clashed with a rustic log cabin.


319 High Point Street Randleman

Like its neighbor, this dwelling was once owned by mill superintendent James O. Pickard. It displays elements of the Italianate style but these are outshown by robust Victorian elements, probably bought from a mill work catalog. The rounded Italianate sash have bull's-eye comer blocks and have been capped by elaborate, de- tailed cornices set on brackets. A monumental two-story portico shelters a second-floor balcony which repeats the trim of the entrance door below. The portico may have originally been of a two-tiered design similar to the Curtis House in Franklinville; it seems to have been much sim- plified and altered. With the losses of the R. P. Dicks and John H. Ferree mansions, this house is the best reminder of the flamboyant Victorian residences which Randleman once boasted. Frank Talley lived in the house forty years.


323 High Point Street Randleman

This dwelling was buiU in the mid-1880s by Amos Gregson, a carpenter and Methodist minis- ter from Rock Hill, S.C. Gregson later became superintendent of the Naomi mill. In 1889 the house was sold to James O. Pickard, superinten- dent of the nearby Randleman Manufacturing Company. It is still owned by the Pickard family. The center-hall-plan house is a bold statement of the Victorian Italianate, with arched window surrounds and heavy scrolled brackets on the cornice. The chamfered porch posts with lamb's tongue motifs support extremely elaborate sawn- work brackets.

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324 High Point Street Randleman

This simple cottage, built ca. 1880, was the minister's residence for nearby St. Paul's Meth- odist Episcopal Church. The hall-and-parlor plan house has interior end chimneys and chamfered porch posts. The doors and win- dows are set in elaborate frames with bull's-eye corner blocks and dog-ear surrounds.


330 High Point Street Randleman

This small, simple house is said to have been used as a "powder house" or "ammo dump" during the Civil War. Reputed to be of log construction, this point is not immediately evi- dent. The asbestos siding and modem replace- ment sashes make dating difficult.


338 High Point Street Randleman

This center-hall plan house is two rooms deep and is capped by a hip roof with decorative side gables. S. E. (Ed) Kirkman was an office man- ager for the Randleman Manufacturing Com- pany, and later served as Randleman's city clerk.


Southwest comer of High Point Street

and Stout Street


St. Paul's M. E. Church was founded in the village of Union Factory in 1855, when a small wooden structure was built on the present site a hillside overlooking the nearby mill complex on Deep River. In 1868, John Banner Randleman and John H. Ferree purchased the factory and renamed it the Randleman Manufacturing Com- pany. Tfen years later these two partners called for the erection of a new St. Paul's which they would

donate to the community. Local brick mason Peter Clark and carpenter Allen Redding con- tracted to build the structure, the first brick church in the county. The most uniquely signifi- cant feature of the church is its interior, designed and painted by Forsyth County artisan Jules Komer. Remembered locally today by his trade name "Reubin Rink," Komer and two workmen lived in the town for several weeks, decorating the interiors of several homes as well as the church. At the church Komer expanded on the theme of the single pointed-arch stained glass window behind the pulpit to create a triumph of trompe-l'oeil interior design: a marble Gothic cathedral in paint and plaster The church was used continuously from its opening in 1879 until 1947, when the members of St. Paul's combined with the Naomi Falls Methodist congregation and built a new church on Main Street in Randleman. St. Paul's was donated to the North Randolph Historical Society in 1969.



154 Poplar Street Randleman

Though seemingly a house dating to the late 1940s or early 1950s, this structure was origi- nally built ca. 1900 to house a cotton gin. " fronted on High Point Street beside the James 0- Pickard house, and was later moved to this location and remodeled.


153. 156 Poplar Street Randleman

These two dwellings are typical of worker housing in the late 1870s and early 1880s: three bays long, center chimney and hall-and-parlor plan, with no central gable. There are similar houses in every mill village on Deep River.


Poplar Street Randleman

The Plaidville Manufacturing Company was organized in 1886 by Randleman Manufacturing Company officers John H. Ferree, S. G. Newlin and J. O. Pickard. A stair tower topped by a water tank and bell cupola was centered on the east facade of the two-story brick building, six bays wide and about twenty-two bays long. The building has a shallow roof with stepped end gables. In 1894 the mill employed 125 hands and Wove 3,500,000 yards of plaid cloth. It is now used by Deep River Dyeing Company.


Plaid Street Randleman

This large factory was built in 1895 by John H. Ferree, and named after his two daughters, Mary and Antoinette. The two-story brick building in ':6 common bond was originally graced with a whimsical, elaborate stair tower on its southwest eorner The round tower and cupola surrounding a Water tank was designed to resemble a euro- Pean castle tower. The cupola has since been dismantled. The building has round-headed 12/12 window sash with hood moldings. Above the ?econd floor level these hood moldings merge into a continuous brick cornice. Also on the site are two other large buildings, probably a picker house and dye house, which have decorative eorbeling at the roof level. Several additions *ere made to the mill around the 1950s. The structure is now a warehouse.


Carlisle Avenue Randleman

James Dicks (18 May 1804-14 October 1883), *e son and heir of Peter Dicks, was the owner of |''e grist mill which became the nucleus of the 'ater town of Randleman. James Dicks was one °f the organizers of the Union factory and lived '" this house on a hill above the mill. The house ■"ay in fact pre-date the mill, and thus be the "'"lest structure remaining in Randleman. The 'wo-story frame structure is built on a pebble- ^'one foundation. A surviving window on the

second floor displays a 6/6 sash, although the first floor windows, now replaced, were larger. The house is now covered with asbestos siding, and little of the Greek Revival trim remains.



West Side US 220 Randleman

Albert Hinshaw ran a grocery store from this interesting, tiny, early 20th century commercial building set with its gable end to the street. The jerkin-headed roof and German siding are Bunga- loid elements suggesting a ca. 1920 date. Once very common, pre-franchise roadside commer- cial architecture is becoming difficult to find.


107 West River Avenue Randleman

This end pavilion house features some of the most intricate sawnwork decoration in Randle- man. The hip porch has turned posts and an elaborate sawn frieze. The paired 4/4 sash in the projecting pavilion is capped by a triangular pediment with sawnwork frieze and finials.


313 Main Street Randleman

Although this house is said to be "pegged" together, which would indicate a pre-Civil War construction date, its robust Victorian decoration features date from the 1880s. Six-over-six sash can be seen on the two-story rear wing, but 2/2 sash are found on the three-bay end-chimney main block. This portion also features a hip porch carried on chamfered posts with sawn brackets and turned balusters. It is crowned by an eyebrow dormer instead of the usual central gable. An elaborate veranda with decorative fea- tures matching the front porch connects the house to a dependency which may have been used as a separate kitchen/dining room. Hayes was the owner and operator of the "New York Racket Store" on Main Street. The house was subse- quently owned by local historian W . L . Lineberry .






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239 Main Street Randleman

Amos Gregson, Methodist minister and Na- omi mill superintendent, built this house and moved here in 1889, after selling his former home on High Point Street to James O. Pickard. This house is not quite as elaborate as his former dwelling. The center-hall plan end-chimney house has a hip porch carried on chamfered posts with sawn brackets. The roof overhang and porch cornice are bracketed. The side windows retain paneled and bracketed hoods.


238 Main Street Randleman

This two-story three-bay house has an end chimney with a roof overhang with exposed rafter ends. Four-over-four sash are used on the first floor but the second floor exhibits four-pane casement windows. The monumental "Mount Vernon" porch was added by R. P Bell, father of former Randleman mayor Paul Bell, who owned and operated a coffee roasting business.


228 Main Street Randleman

This two-story three-bay end-chimney house has feathered shingles in its central gable and a bracketed cornice. The second floor windows are capped by intricate sawnwork hoods which in- clude small brackets. Mr. Sherwood came to Randleman as a mill overseer.


212 Main Street Randleman

This is an early 20th century vintage, two- story end-pavilion house with 2/2 sash, a colored glass window in the projecting pedimented gable and a hip porch carried on Tliscan columns. R. P Deal came to Randleman to act as superinten- dent of the Randleman Manufacturing Company.


205-209 Main Street Randleman

C. A. Lamb operated his meat market from the southern-most portion of this triple shopfront. The original building was a single story, with

arched shop windows and entrances united by an undulating corbeled brick pattern. The second floor of apartments was added later.


206 Main Street Randleman

This is one of the most elaborate Colonial Revival style homes in Randolph County The gambrel roof is an unusual feature, as are the Palladian windows set in the gable ends. Three dormer windows face the street; two single win- dow shed dormers flank a larger dormer contain- ing a Palladian window and capped by a Chip- pendale-type broken-pediment bonnet. The house may have been built by Bart Caudle, a mail carrier, and remains in his family.


134 Main Street Randleman

The nucleus of this home is a two-story T-plan house of the 1880s. The doors and windows of this part of the building are set in molded sur- rounds with bull's-eye comer blocks. The origi- nal windows have been replaced by 1/1 sash; the upper sections of the front windows are edged in colored glass or feature stained glass panels. The sidelights framing the entrance door are filled with beveled glass. The comers of the house are edged with molded comer boards, and a paneled frieze with brackets supports the roof overhang- The windows of the southwest second floor are capped by elaborate bracketed wooden hoods, while the coupled windows of the second floor end pavilion are shaded by bellcast wooden shed awnings on chamfered Eastlake-siyle brackets. The extensive Colonial Revival veranda with modillioned comice, turned balusters and col- umns with full Ionic capitals, was added in the early 20th century by the owner, Samuel Gray Newlin. The house may have been given '" Newlin in the 1880s by his brother-in-law John H. Ferree. Newlin rose through the hierarchy "f Randleman Manufacturing Company becoming first secretary-treasurer and then president, step- ping down only when the corporation was forced into bankruptcy during the Depression. Along with A. N. Bulla, Newlin founded and built the Randleman Hosiery Company the county's first hosiery mill. It was located at 117 South Main Street, the present site of First Union National Bank.


131 West Academy Street Randleman

The impressive two-story main block of this building was built in 1904. The massive round- arched entrance framed by squat piers and cor- beled shoulder pilasters are characteristic of the Richardsonian Romanesque style. It is found here almost twenty years after the height of its popularity in the rest of the country and is the county's only example of this style. Its architect 's not known. The entrance bay was originally capped by a pointed brick pediment carrying a flag pole but at some point this was replaced by a curvilinear Flemish gable. This detail, combined *ith a coat of whitewash which deemphasized |he Romanesque brickwork, gives the building 'ts present Mission Style atmosphere. Several *'ngs were added over the years and a detached frame gymnasium still stands in the rear. Ca. I960 new schools replaced the aging facility and the building was converted into showroom space for the Shaw Furniture Galleries.



Southwest corner of Main Street

and W. Academy Street


"This old home, originally known as "Wav- ^■■'y." is situated on a slight rise well back from 'he street in an oak grove almost in the center of 'own. The house fronts on the highway, but now |hat the business block is extending in front of ". the present owner J. W. Johnson, is planning 'o rnake the main entrance on Academy street, *hich runs by the school building.

The grand old house is three stories, topped ^y a little tower. It contains 15 rooms, not counting an unfurnished attic under the mansard roof, There are leaded stained glass windows in the octagon-shaped library and music room. On these are designs with a shield in various colors, 'n the upstairs hall a full length of windows of colored glass pours bright light over the aged *ood of the walls.

Downstairs there is a sitting room, a library, two parlors, which were often opened into one [or dancing, two bedrooms, a dining room, '''tchen, butler's pantry and a bathroom. On the ^ccond floor there are five bedrooms and a bath, '-^rge square bay windows ornament several of 'he bedrooms.

This was one of the first houses in Randleman, in fact, in Randolph County, to boast its own water system, hot air heating system and gas lights. A windmill operated the water system. Back of the large house is a servants' house. There was once an ice house, a smoke house, a big bam and other structures.

The original house was built in about 1881 by the late T. C. Worth, who with his family occu- pied it for several years before moving to Worth- ville. He sold the house to Robert R Dicks, then secretary-treasurer of the Naomi Falls Manufac- turing Company. Mr. Dicks spent nearly $15,000, a large amount in those days, in remodeling the house. Carpenters worked on it for a year and when it was completed, it was described in the newspapers of that day as "an elegant and stately mansion."

Mr. Dicks had built the home to provide a home for the family where they could show the cordial hospitality which was a characteristic of the family. Unfortunately, he died after having lived in it only one year.

His family continued to live there for a num- ber of years. After the death of Mrs. Dicks the homeplace was sold to John T. Council, Randle- man merchant, who moved to Greensboro and sold the house to Mr. Johnson, of High Point, who has moved to Randleman."

Greensboro Daily NeviS. April 23, 1946

Robert Peele Dicks (1847-1888) was a son of Union factory founder James Dicks. He re- turned to Randolph County from Texas to as- sume management of the Naomi Falls mill and acquired the house from Thomas Clarkson Worth (1854-1891), son of Dr. John Milton Worth of Asheboro. Worth had moved to Worthville to manage his family's business interests there. Dicks' extensive remodelings from 1885-1886 created Randolph County's most elaborate Victo- rian dwelling. A mansion in the Second Empire style, it was as impressive as any contemporary home in North Carolina. Its destruction in the early 1960s was a great loss to Randleman and the county.



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214 Main Street Randleman

Probably built ca. 1910, the O. C. Marsh House is a substantial two-story "Triple-A" house with Colonial Revival trim. The door has side- lights set in a classical frame, and there is a del- icate fanlight in the central gable. The porch is supported on Tuscan posts, and another small gable highlights the entrance. The house fol- lows a center hall plan with a rear ell and inte- rior chimney.


Depot Street Randleman

This large, two-story frame commercial struc- ture was built in 1886 as the Company Store for the Powhatan Manufacturing Company. That cor- poration was yet another creation of the indefati- gable John H. Ferree, with James E. Walker and Samuel G. Newlin joining the venture. Land- locked on Main Street, the frame mill was com- pletely dependent on steam engines and boilers for power It had a yearly production of 224,500 pounds of yam and 1,300,000 yards of colored cotton cloth. In September, 1894, the Powhatan factory was sold to members of the Worth family, who renamed it the Engleworth Cotton Mills' Inc. In 1900 the Engleworth property was merged into the Worth Manufacturing Company and oper- ated as "Mill #3." The history of the property after the 1913 bankruptcy of the Worth Manufac- turing Company is unclear, but the Powhatan/ Engleworth factory building no longer survives. The Company Store was originally sited at the southwest corner of Depot and Main streets, with the factory immediately to the south. Ca. 1960 the comer lot became the site of a service station and the store was moved to front on Depot Street. It is now the headquarters of the Pilgrim Thict Society, a religious publishing house.


Depot Street Randleman

This store was originally sited on Stout Street behind St. Paul's Methodist Church and was later moved across town to this site. The delapi- dated building was perhaps built ca. 1890, al- though its type of bracketed-comice "Boom- Town" front was common up to the World War I period. Such commercial buildings have now become very rare in Randolph County.


Depot Street at Railroad Street Randleman

This seems to be the original depot built in 1889 when the High Point, Randleman, Asheboro and Southern Railroad reached town. Most de- tail and trim has either been removed or covered by asbestos siding; however, typical brackets remain bracing the overhanging shed roof. A documentary photograph shows that a sawnwork frieze once embellished the eaves.


209 Depot Street Randleman

This two-story three-bay hip-roofed house has been heavily remodeled with asbestos siding, modem sash and a small wing to the side- Corbeled brick chimneys indicate a late 19th ot early 20th century construction date.



Northwest corner, Depot Street and

Tabernacle Street


This is a two-story hip-roofed T-plan house with projecting dining room bay and 6/6 sash. The generous hip-roofed wraparound porch, fea- tures sawn balusters and brackets. John Brown ran a local grocery.


305 Ferguson Street Randleman

This hip-roofed house has projecting gables on each side. Those on the north, east and south are purely decorative, while that on the west is a projecting dining room/kitchen wing. The en- trance door with sidelights on the east opens into 'he central hallway and another door opens on the north. The hip porch is carried on Tuscan Columns; its railing has turned balusters.


Church Street Randleman

This two-story center-hall plan house origi- nally fronted on Main Street but lost its front yard to a service station. Its rear porch retains some original trim with tapered posts and sawn brackets. The door and window frames include Pedimented lintels.



203 Church Street Randleman

This one-story center-hall plan house with rear c" includes a diamond vent in the central gable and paired 6/6 sash. Most of the house trim is obscured by aluminum siding, but the shed porch retains chamfered posts and sawnwork brackets and balusters.


114 East Naomi Street Randleman

This two-story end-chimney house has feath- ered shingles in the central gable as well as a king post and tie beam ornament with pierced sawnwork decoration. The doors and 6/6 sash are set in molded surrounds with bull's-eye cor- ner blocks. The cornices of the hip-roofed porch, main house and two-story rear wing are brack- eted and feature decorative modillion blocks.


116 East Naomi Street Randleman

This two-story L-plan end-chimney house features a wraparound Colonial Revival veranda with balconied entrance. Sidelights set with col- ored glass frame the entrance door and fanlight windows are used instead of vents in the gables. A. N. ("Arch") Bulla was mayor of Randleman in the early 1900s. Along with S. G. Newlin, he organized the pioneer Randleman Hosiery Com- pany which was powered by a hydroelectric sta- tion built by Bulla on Polecat Creek. Later the site of a Greensboro YMCA Camp, the dam and power plant provided Randleman's first electricity.


1 19 East Naomi Street Randleman

This T-plan house points its gable end toward the street. The Colonial Revival porch on Tuscan columns includes an octagonal gazebo. Rome Dobson ran a general store on Main Street; his son Charlie Dobson was advertising manager for the Progressive Farmer magazine.






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204 East Naomi Street Randleman

Although an earlier house may have stood on this site, the nucleus of this home was built ca. 1880 by Col. J. Ed Walker, one of Randleman's prominent industrialists. It is sited at a command- ing location at the head of East Naomi, looking down the street toward the factory building. The original house was similar to the surrounding two-story Naomi village houses, but featured much more elegant and fashionable detailing. The center-gable center-hall plan end-chimney house featured crossetted window frames with arched 2/2 sash, a bracketed roof overhang and a simple hip-roofed porch carried by turned posts with sawn brackets. Additions were made to the house and the porch was replaced ca. 1905 by Stanhope Bryant, a later owner. The wraparound hip-roofed porch is carried by paired chamfered posts. Small sawn brackets with pendant drops are paired along the eaves above each post. The railing features turned balusters. The house was provided with bathrooms and running water pumped by a windmill. The surviving well house is elaborately decorated to match the residence. In 1917 the property was acquired by Philip Custer Story who arrived from Massachusetts to manage the Deep River Mills Corporation. His daughter still occupies the house, one of Randle- man's finest survivors from the era of its greatest prosperity.


East Naomi and Barker streets Randleman

The Naomi Methodist Episcopal congrega- tion was organized in 1883, and for some years used the old frame St. Paul's Methodist Epis- copal Church building. In 1903 this unusual cruciform-plan sanctuary was built, one of Randolph County's only shingle style building. Although the stubby entrance tower has since been removed, the cross-gable roof is high- lighted by flared eaves, pedimented gables dis- tinguished by patterned butt shingling and large arched windows. In 1944 the Naomi and St. Paul's congregations merged to form the First Methodist Church and this building was sold to the Church of God. Later outgrown, it was sold and attached to the 1950s- vintage house next door.



303 East Naomi Street Randleman

This enigmatic brick structure is said to have been home to several of the superintendents for Naomi mill. The frame wing was originally a separate building, connected to the brick struc- ture within the last 50 years. Despite the identifi- cation as a residence, both structures look suspi- ciously like office or commercial buildings. Its brick construction is also odd; no other early brick residences exist in Randleman. The struc- toe is in a side-hall plan, entered through off- eenter double doors on the south side. It de- serves further study.



310 East Naomi Street Randleman

The detailing of this house is different from 'he usual two-story three-bay center-hall plan homes of the Worthville and Naomi villages because this was the local superintendent's resi- lience. Instead of a chimney to the rear, the chimney is placed on the south end, adjoining a Small wing. Four-over-four sash are used through- out, although those on the first floor facade are oversized, extending from floor to ceiling. The 'ow hip porch is carried by chamfered posts with 'amb's tongue motifs.


316 East Naomi Street Randleman

This two-story three-bay house is typical of Jhose in both the Naomi and Worthville villages. J^he chimney is placed to the rear of the center- "*" plan house, between the house and a one- s'ofy gable wing. The wing usually includes a ^Tiall brick stove chimney and was probably built for use as a kitchen. This wing and the chimney can be placed on either side of the rear '3cade of the house. Four-over- four sash are used throughout. A. R. Russell was one of the pur- chasers of the mill properties after bankruptcy "'t them during the Depression.


East Naomi Street Randleman

In 1878 John B. Randleman suggested to his partner John H. Ferree that they ought to build a cotton mill at the Naomi Falls just downstream from their original Union Manufacturing Com- pany mill. The falls were named after the un- lucky folk heroine Naomi Wise, who had been murdered by her lover near the spot in 1808. Randleman died in 1879 but the incorporation of the factory went ahead as planned. J. H. Ferree became president, with James E. Walker secre- tary-treasurer; Randleman residents J. O. Pickard, Logan Weaver and Amos Gregson were stock- holders. A three-story building was built, 307 feet in length by 54 feet wide, in 1:5 common bonded brick on a rubble stone foundation.

The mill was dedicated in February, 1880, in an unusual ceremony presided over by Dr. Brax- ton Craven, president of Trinity College. In his words, "... we are for the first time to dedicate houses and machinery to the service of God. We are to ask, and I hope obtain, the Divine blessing upon capital and product, upon the owners and all who shall hereon do faithful work." By 1884 those faithful workers were producing per day 5,000 yards of plaid cloth, 600 seamless bags and 1,000 pounds of warp yam. The machinery included 5,500 spindles, 150 plaid looms and 12 bag looms.

On June 11, 1 9 1 1 , the Naomi Falls mill was combined with the other Randleman factories in a new company, the Deep River Mills, Inc. This firm was in 1929 a victim of the Depression; in 1933 R. L. Huffine of Fayetteville bought the property. The Randtex Corporation, with Huffine as president, was organized to manufacture fancy colored cotton fabric. In 1941,Randtex became a subsidiary of the Susquehanna Silk Mills of Sunbury, Pa. The company houses were then sold and the mill closed during World War II. In 1948, Herman Cone of Greensboro bought the mills to house a personal venture manufacturing synthetic yam. At Cones death the property was sold to the J. P Stevens Corporation, which operates it today.












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Russell Walker Ave. , Village Ave., Riverpark Dr., Meadowview Rd. Randleman

The Worthville Mill village consists of approxi- mately fifty houses of two basic types. Ten are two-story houses virtually identical to those in the Naomi mill village in Randleman. These three-bay center-hall plan houses have wide roof overhangs, diamond-shaped gable vents, 6/6 sash and single-story hip-roofed porches. A single chimney on the rear facade is shared by a small one-story kitchen wing. Whether the houses were meant for use as single-family dwellings or as multi-family boarding houses is not clear. These houses are grouped together in a row along SR 2128 (Russell Walker Avenue) beginning at the intersection with Village Avenue, and running east downhill towards the factory.

The majority of the village's housing stock is made up of one-story three-bay houses which are essentially smaller versions of the two-story type. All originally featured 4/4 sash, wide roof overhangs, square gable vents and shed porches, although they varied in details such as cornice returns, brackets, porch posts and railings. It may be that the original 1880 village at Hopper's Ford consisted of the two-story houses on the hill above the mill; the smaller houses with larger window panes would date to the period of mill expansion in the later 1880s and 1890s.

Worthville was hit very hard by the closing of its mill; the housing stock of the village became delapidated and some deteriorated houses were demolished. In 1983 the village was annexed by Randleman and has begun a revival, gaining improvements in streets, water and sewage sys- tems, but losing its historic identity.


Russell Walker Avenue Randleman

The original Worth Manufacturing Company building was a very long, narrow, three-story brick structure built into a sloping site. The west facade, exhibiting just two stories, was punctu- ated by a three-story stair tower. Star-end tie rods brand the floors, while the 12/12 window sash were framed by elaborate corbeled brick mold- ings. Interestingly, these hood moldings are painted a uniform "brick red" color, with the keystones and terminals picked out in contrasting white. A row of brick dentils at the eaves are also accented with white paint. This unusual decora- tive treatment is seen in the earliest photographs of the mill and, to a great extent, survives today-

The stair tower was later enlarged and became an entrance wing three bays wide and ten bays long. The early mill has also been expanded through the years, but an original stepped-gable survives on the north river facade, concealing a shallow-pitched roof. On the northwest, at the present bridge, is what was probably the original detached picker house. The one-story brick build- ing is built on a stone foundation, repeats the hood molding treatment of the main mill, and features a corbeled parapet.

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Back Creek Ibwnship


Back Creek Township This complex includes one log cabin original to the site and several other structures built or moved here by local antiquaries Frances and Lee Stone. The original cabin is a saddle-notched log structure now part of a larger dwelling. A small log cabin with half dovetail notching was half of a saddle-bag cabin which once stood in south- western Randolph. The largest house of the complex is a log cabin of unknown notching now surrounded by frame additions; the second floor is entered by an enclosed stair which rises from an exterior doorway on the engaged porch. A small half-timbered house with brick nogging was built in 1978, based on Old Salem examples.


Back Creek Township John Wesley's Stand is Randolph County's last remaining example of a once familiar sight: the open-air tabernacle or brush arbor. Despite local tradition, the church was not founded by Meth- odist clergyman John Wesley but by Rev J. R (Frank) Burkhead of Asheboro in 1903. A small frame church was erected in 1906, and the taber- nacle in 1921. Surrounding both was a camp- ground with a complex of outbuildings including a kitchen, dining room and dormitories to house preachers and workers during the annual camp meeting period. The quartz rock pillars of the tabernacle are an echo of the popular Bungalow style of that time. Wooden lattice- work origi- nally filled the space between the pillars. Such a recent example of an antique religious form is unusual.


Back Creek Township A Preparative Meeting was organized at Back Creek in 1785 and the first meeting house was built about four years later. The church still possesses benches and fumimre from that orig- inal structure. In 1792 Back Creek was estab- lished as a monthly Meeting, the oldest such meeting in the Southern Quarter. One of the first Sunday Schools in the area was begun here in 1835. The age of the present building is difficult to determine, due to extensive aherations and brick veneering. Some elements, such as the central gable, would suggest a ca. 1890 or 1900 date, while features such as the oversized 9/9 sash seem earlier.








Back Creek Township

A lovely rural chapel, probably built ca. 1890. The pointed transom over the entrance doors echos the pointed sash on the sides. Chamfered comer boards tie the elaborately shingled gable to the ground.


Back Creek Township

This congregation was organized in 1932 and its sanctuary built soon thereafter. The building is very similar to late 19th century churches with 4/4 double-hung sash, exposed rafters, entrance vestibule and belfry.


Back Creek Township

Maple Grove Diary supplied milk to Asheboro and the surrounding community in the early 20th century. The Queen Anne style house with a projecting polygonal end pavilion was probably built ca. 1895. The bay has a bracketed cantile- vered gable with pendants and feathered shin- gling. The complex includes many outbuildings, such as a brick flower house and a board-and- batten garden shed. The huge board-and-batten dairy bam was probably also built ca. 1895. The pitch of the barn's roof is very steep, creating an enormous open space as a hayloft. Associated with the bam is a wooden water tank, well house and spring house. The dairy was mn by Mr. Earl Bulla. Operations ceased when the City of Asheboro built Lake Lucas in 1943.


Back Creek Township

At the top of this house's south end chimney is painted "WC. 1881 WO.O. (?) 1882." The house is identified with a later owner; the names that match these initials are unknown. This is a well-preserved gem of a house, with molded pediments over the windows, coupled brackets with drops below the comice and Eastlake-style porch posts with applied panels. The chimneys have painted mortar joints. The house is about one-quarter mile from the site of Sawyer's Gold Mine, and may have had some connection with that operation.


Back Creek Township

This attractive house was probably built in the 1880s. It has 4/4 sash in plain rectangular frames save for the central second-story front window which has a pedimented architrave. The steep gable roof has a boxed comice with coupled sawnwork brackets on the frieze board. The hip-roofed porch has tumed posts with brackets. The mortar joints of the stepped-shoulder end chimneys are penciled.


Back Creek Township

In 1844 the local physician Dr. Archie Castelray Bulla built this house and adjoining doctor's office. The Quaker-plan house has a sheathed facade and unusual two-story veranda. This treat- ment is well known in coastal areas, but is uncommon in the Piedmont. The single shoulder chimney is laid in 1:5 common bond. The office, probably also built in 1844, is a small structure with matching trim, raised about four feet off the ground. It is said that this was to keep visitors from peeping in at the patients. Beside the office 's a small house built as a residence for Dr. Bulla's son. A small board-and-batten building nearby is said to have been a "worker's" house moved from elsewhere on the plantation. This may mean that it was once used as a slave cabin; 'f so, it would be the only one surviving in Randolph County.


Back Creek Township

Asheboro's primary raw water reservoir is impounded by this dam, built from 1943 to 1947. Piatt and Davis of Durham were the designing engineers; the firm of Wannamaker and Welles of Orangeburg, S.C, was the contractor.


Back Creek Township

The interior of this small antebellum house is a surprising example of exuberant vernacular craftsmanship. Every door and window origi- nally had elaborate pedimented cornices. The 'ioors and mantel have matching narrow pilasters. At one time there were octagonal porch posts *hich also matched these pilasters. The house

has, in overall form, been greatly altered. At one time it had a usable second floor, now removed. Ca. 1938 that second story, original roof and porch were removed, a kitchen wing built and asbestos siding added. The chimney, now hidden, is of local soapstone.

The identity of the owner/builder is un- known, though the house was probably built ca. 1830. In the middle of the 19th century this was the home of Newton and then Ramsom Pierce; it is now the home of Moody Dougan. The house is located near an historic spot, the "Forks of the Caraway," where a tavern and trading out- post was located before 1750.


Back Creek Township

The most prominent feature of this Colonial Revival house is the Palladian window in the central gabled dormer. The hip roof is elaborated by twin gables flanking the facade and a side pavilion. The porch is carried on short Tuscan columns elevated on brick piers.


Back Creek Township

An exceptional example of a three element Pratt through truss, the Mountain Creek Steel Bridge contains bottom and top lateral bracing in addition to portal bracing. A feature character- istic of most small rural truss bridges is the inner wooden guard rails which flank the plank floor.


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Tabernacle Tbwnship















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Tabernacle Township This attractive Queen Anne style dwelling is still the home of descendants of its builder. H features a projecting polygonal bay with cantile- vered gable braced by brackets decorated with a sawtooth design and turned pendants. The two gables of the primary facade are embellished by feathered shingling, sawnwork peak ornaments and colored glass windows. The hip porch is carried on turned posts and sawn brackets with turned pendants. Sawnwork fascia decoration fills the space between each post.


Tabernacle Township

This isolated early 20th century hip-roofc'' house illustrates the transitional period between the Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles^ Queen Anne survivals include polygonal win- dow bays with projecting gables supported by comer brackets. Feathered shingling and sawn- work gable decoration also decorate the exterior- The Colonial Revival details include dentil cor- nices, Tuscan porch columns on brick piers and elliptical sidelights framing the entrance door-

TT:3 HOUSES (destroyed)

Tabernacle Township

The two dwellings which once stood on this site beside the Tabernacle church cemetery of- fered an interesting contract between early an late 19th century house design. The earlier house had been converted into a bam. but was one o the county's few examples of the "Continental or "Quaker" plan house; one large room w"^ fireplace; two small unheated rooms walled oi the opposite end by a partition of hand-plan* tongue-and-groove paneling. Two-panel Gtee Revival doors w ere used, and the roof had a wio overhang with exposed rafter ends. The hous' may have been built in the 1 890s.

The adjoining two-story dwelling was pf'',^' bly built ca. 1890 and retained traces of '• original polychromatic exterior paint— tan w' red and green trim. A projecting polygonal baj was covered by a cantilevered overhang brace^ by sawn brackets with turned pendant drops. J ^ gable ends wx:re decorated with "fish scale' ° "feathered" shingling and sawnwork peak orn ^ ments. The WTaparound porch was carried o turned posts; sawnwx)rk fascia decoration ^

used between the posts instead of brackets, houses burned in 1980.




Tabernacle Township

Sited near the center of Randolph County's "lajor 18th century German community, this <^emetery features examples of folk-art tomb- stones. "Pierced" tombstones such as these have ''een discovered primarily in Davidson and Rowan counties and are attributed to Germanic folk ^raditions. These are the only examples yet found "> Randolph and date to the first quarter of the 19th century.


Tabernacle Township

This small Quaker plan house of ca. 1870 is PW of a large farm complex with a number of outbuildings and bams. The largest bam, built ''a. 1890, has been remodeled as a kennel. Some outbuildings retain early fittings such as strap "">ges and wooden latches.


Tabernacle Township

The oldest section of this house was built ca. '845 by William Reams. It was a small hall-and- Parlor house with an end chimney and a boxed stair. The interior has been remodeled, but origi- nal two-panel doors remain. A large "triple-A" ^oduion was built ca. 1890, which faced the old "■oad now replaced by US 64.


Tabemacle Township ThisT-plan "triple-A" house of ca. 1900 occu- pies a prominent site on US 64. It is located m a pasmre bordered by a stream, with Shepherd Mountain rising dramatically in the background.


Tabemacle Township The original Methodist Episcopal congrega- tion was organized here ca. 1881. The current sanctuary was built in 1887. Four bays long, with oversized 4/4 sash, it features a boxed comice with returns and a square, open cupola housing the church bell. Double entrance doors are cen- tered on the south gable end. A Sunday school wing was added and other alterations made in 1929.






Tabernacle Township

Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting was organized in 1906 and now occupies a modern brick sanctuary. Two earlier buildings remain at the site. The southern structure is the third meeting house, built in 1937. It is a frame structure with 6/6 sash, entrance vestibule, belfry and Sunday school wings. The northern structure is the 1904 Poplar Ridge School. A school was first held here in 1881; it closed due to consolidation in 1951. The school is four bays long, with 9/9 sash, exposed rafters and a belfry. The earliest burial in the Poplar Ridge cemetery is that of Hannah Farlow in 1872.


Tabernacle Township

According to a local historian, the original Ml. Gilead Church was built of logs and had an elaborately carved pine pulpit, eight feet tall and "round like a barrell." The church was a Method- ist Episcopal congregation. In 1892 a second church was built; this sanctuary still exists, sur- rounded by later additions and covered with aluminum siding.


Tabernacle Township

This sadly delapidated house is located on a magnificent site, a bluff high above the Little Uwharric River The original house was one- story high and two bays wide, in a side-hall or hall-and-parlor plan. A stone and brick exterior end chimney served a fireplace which retains an

interesting mantel. A simple mitred molding frames the firebox, while the mantel shelf is supported on three raised panels or cushion-like boxes resembling a cnide pulvinated frieze. The mantel seems to represent the transitional period bridging Georgiaa'Federal/Greek Revival ele- ments in the 1830s. In the later 19th century the house was widened and expanded to two stories.


Tabernacle Township

Dr. Charles Phillips built this house near Fuller's Mill, probably ca. 1890. The T-plan house with bracketed polygonal end pavilion has porch and cornice brackets, as well as elaborate gable ornaments.


Tabernacle Township

This is a ca. 1845 five-bay Greek Revival house with front and rear shed porches. The exterior end chimneys are of stepped-shoulder design in running bond. The double entrance doors are set in a symmetrically-molded frame with car\ed comer blocks. Other doors and windows have comer blocks as well. The shal- low pitched gable roof has a molded cornice with returns.



Tabernacle Township

A brick in the chimney of this house is painted "N— 1873." A two-panel Greek Revival en- trance door is framed by sidelights. The interior has an open-string stair with turned newel and a paneled post-and-lentil mantel. The orange mor- tar joints of the house were originally stenciled with white paint. This house was probably built in connection with the Hoover Hill Gold Mine, which was located about one-quarter mile north.


Tabernacle Township

This log house with upstairs accessible only from an exterior door, has a matching frame addition to the east. It is part of a farm complex *hich includes a large mortise-and-tenon bam, smokehouse and well cover, all probably built before 1860.


Tabernacle Township

A carved stone in the slate and brick chimney of this log house is inscribed "MT-1831." The area's only "M.T." was Martin Trotter, aged 54 i" the census of 1850. The interior of the dwell- ing was remodeled in the 1890s.


Tabernacle Township

Representative of perhaps the most common type of early 20th century truss bridge in North Carolina the Little Uwharrie Bridge, demolished in 1979, featured a Pratt truss spanning 125 feet. Top and bottom lateral bracing further strength- ened this simple truss system. Measuring 12 feet ■n width, the road maintained a characteristic Wooden floor. Located only two miles from the ^keen's Mill Covered Bridge which is the state's only example of a Town lattice truss, the Little 'Jwharrie Bridge offered an important educa- tional opportunity focusing on the evolution of ^arly bridge design. The bridge was destroyed in 1980


Tabernacle Township

Of the scores of covered bridges built in Randolph County, only two survive. One of these is Skeen's Mill Bridge which crosses the Uwharrie River northwest of Asheboro. A map of Randolph County made by J. W Bean about 1873 shows a Skeen's Mill. Although this map indicates various bridges throughout the county, no bridge is shown at or near Skeen's Mill. The minutes of the June. 1885, session of the county commissioners record a petition for a public road "from Isham Finch's by Widow Thayers, Skeens Mill, John Ganx)ns, and to the Stage Public Road ..." with John Skeen appointed overseer. It is likely that such a road would antedate a bridge in the area but at the same time create a future need for a bridge across the Uwhanie in this vicinity. County commissioners' minutes of March 5, 1900, show that C. T Hughes was paid eleven dollars for "repairing bridge at N. R. Skeens," indicating the bridge was constnicted sometime before 1900.

Ithiel Town, noted architect and early bodge engineer, built a bridge across the Yadkin River as early as 1818 and patented his "Town lattice mode" of tnissing in 1820. Skeen's Mill Bndge incorporates the use of his lattice tniss, and is called "the last of the Town lattice bridges in the state in which they were first built."

Skeen's Mill Covered Bridge, one hundred feet long, spans a branch of the Little Uwhame River twenty-two feet above the river bed. Built on dry wall stone ramps and an auxiliary support, the wooden bridge is a one-span combination of the Ithiel Town lattice-truss and queenpost tniss consmiction systems. The joints of the stnictural members have been fastened with tninnels. Skeen's Mill Bridge, once toppled dunng a flood, was set back up and stabilized with steel cables. The sides of the bridge are covered with vertical board-and-batten sheathing and the ga- ble roof with standing seam tin. Plank tracks or treads nin the length of the wooden floor.




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Concord Tbwnship







Concord Township

Ca. 1860 carpenter-builder Thomas Rice left his home in Franklinville and moved to this farm near Farmer. The nature of Rice's house at this site is not known, as it has not survived. Several outbuildings remain, however, and one is out- standing. The only example of a diamond-notched log building is the small com crib here. An unusual feature of the crib is that not only the joints but the whole logs are hewn perfectly square.


Concord Township

The original part of this house is now a rear wing, said to have been built of log construction about 1838 by Jared Homey, father of Julius ("Jube") Homey. Ca. 1890 "Jube" built the two-story frame end-chimney house and estab- lished a Farmer's Alliance Store in the rear wing- The Fanner's Alliance was founded in North Carolina in 1887 as part of the Populist move- ment. A chain of cooperative stores were estab- lished where members of the Alliance could purchase groceries, seeds, hardware and fertil- izer at wholesale prices. The movement waned, and Homey closed his store ca. 1900.


Concord Township

This house is thought to have been built ca. 1800, and may indeed have been. Extensive alterations and aluminum siding have made this difficult to ascertain. The flush gables and boxed cornice indicate an early date, as does the smal' boxed staircase. The bulky rock chimney and brick stack have been stuccoed. An early de- tached kitchen wing is now attached to the rear- Known locally as the Fargo Wood House.



Concord Township

This is Randolph County's only early double- pile house a house two rooms wide and two rooms deep and two stories tall. The large ca. 1840 house is an odd combination of monumen- tality and simplicity. The surviving interior trim is rather plain. T\vo-panel doors with plain trim or plain batten doors and horizontal board panel- ing without moldings are used throughout. One mantel is decorated with molded flat panels and has a bracketed shelf. Another mantel has a symmetrical molded surround with rectangular comer blocks. A simple boxed stair provides access to the second floor. The house was aban- doned and deteriorated badly in the 1930s. It was extensively renovated in 1942, but it has been unused again since 1964. The surviving exterior trim is minimal. Both front doors are surmounted by three-pane transoms. Large 6/6 sash are used on the first floor, smaller 6/6 sash on the second. The exterior is now covered with asbestos siding; one chimney and the roof have been completely rebuilt. An enormous bam nearby is of mortise- and-tenon constmction and is probably contem- porary with the house.


Concord Township

This odd center-hall plan house is difficult to date; it includes antebellum features such as 6/6 sash and a two-panel entrance door framed by sidelights and transom, as well as later trim such as arched millwork windows with pedimented 'intels. The shed porch carried on turned posts *nd brackets may be a tum-of-the-century replace- "lent of a smaller central porch which sheltered only the entrance. Asbestos siding obscures much ?f the trim details. The isolated farm complex includes a small log outbuilding with half-dovetail notching.


Concord Township

This large dwelling is said to have been built <^a. 1900 as a winter residence for a New York fan. Though covered now with asbestos siding, a documentary photograph reveals that the house *as originally covered completely with shingles.

It is, therefore, one of the very few "shingle style" structures in the county. The large two- story house has a smaller two-story servants' wing. Double-hung 6/6 sash are used througout. The original porch extended from the entrance hall to cover the carriage drive; it has been dismantled. The lodge was subsequently known as the "Vuncannon House," and later became the summer home of Asheboro industrialist C. C. Cranford and his family


Concord Township

The "Bunch" post office was located in this large two-story house from 1888 to 1901, but the house seems to be much older. Parts of it may predate the Civil War. The asymmetrical place- ment of the two front doors and 6/6 sash is unusual for Randolph, as is the central chimney. The shed porch is a replacement, carried on bungaloid pylons and piers. John Thompson was appointed postmaster when the Bunch office was created on February 27, 1888.


Concord Township A double span concrete spandrel arch bridge over the Uwharrie, built in 1924. The one-lane bridge was designed by engineer Grady L. Bash, and built by the firm of Steel and Lebby of Knoxville. Tennessee. Vic Parker's grist mill once stood at the east end of the bridge; it is now being replaced by a huge dam designed to im- pound a new raw water reservoir for Asheboro.










Concord Township

Probably built ca. 1830, this house features locally-made two-and six-panel doors, a boxed stair and a molded cornice with cornice returns. The hall-and-parlor plan house once had two end chimneys of brick set on stone foundations. The original front facade is now the rear; it exhibits 9/6 sash and sheathed siding. Thought to be an old Arnold family home.


Concord Township

Built by Mollie Fuller Skeen and renovated recently by Asheboro architect Hyatt Hammond. Probably built ca. 1900, the house is covered by a deck-on-hip roof. The decorative sunken pan- els in the brick chimney are distinctive features.


Concord Township

Perhaps built ca. 1820, the house features flush gable and a boxed cornice. The end chim- ney has been destroyed. Two-panel Greek Re- vival doors and 6/6 sash are used. A detached kitchen has become attached as a rear wing.



Concord Township

This abandoned and delapidated dwelling was probably built in the 1870s or early 1880s. The two-story center-hall plan house has an open- string stair with square balusters and a cham- fered newel post. Its twin end chimneys w''^ stone fireboxes ser\ed four fireplaces with post- and-lintel mantels. A one-story gabled wing 'S attached to the south facade.


Concord Township

Though the church was established in 1840- this building seems to have been built ca. I860' The cornice is molded with cornice returns. Tn* church's most prominent and unusual feature is the coupled window in the gable. The arched 4/^ sash are tied together by an elaborate molde^ pedimented end frame. The building is used today only for occasional reunions and spec'^ events.


Concord Township

Thought to have been built by a member of •"* Thomburg family, the house was owned by 'n' Macons from 1885 to 1940. A beautifully-P"*' served example of a one-story house built on raised foundation, the house has both Greek R'^ vival and Italianate elements. The pediments porch is outstanding. The double entrance door* are flanked by sidelights and transom. Tn« exposed. decoraIi%-ely-sawn rafter ends suppof* deep overhang of the hip roof. The house ha* two rooms on each side of a central hallway, sers-ed by interior chimneys. The interior was remodeled ca. 1955; simple four-panel doors an post-and-lintel mantels survive.

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Concord Township

Marvin Reams built this house in 1905; it was bought in 1907 by Dr. Charles Hubbard, who iioved here from Worthville. Prominent features "f the house are the three-sided bays which are Used for windows on the east and for the entrance door on the north facade. A bam on the property 's of mortise-and-tenon construction. The "Pami- rs" post office was located on this site ca. 1875.


Concord Township

, An elaborate Queen Anne style house, very ^'wilar to several towered houses once standing '" ''^sheboro. The octagonal tower is covered with fathered shingles and engaged into the deck-on- 'P roof. A polygonal bay on the south facade is covered by a cantilevered gable.


Concord Township

The church was built ca. 1933 after a fire destroyed the old Concord Methodist Church in

I cemetery. Local residents say the idea of a

tone church was derived from the Eden Method- ^st Church in Rockingham County. The five-bay

eldstone sanctuary is very attractively sited in

's sloping rural setting.


Concord Township


Co t K '^'^'"ctery was established around the Con- ,. ^^cthodist Church (not to be confused with

e C„n(,„rj Methodist Church in Coleridge) ^^" in 1856 and destroyed by fire in 1933 and

°^cd several hundred yards to the northeast.

The first burial was in June. 1848. The cemetery holds a great deal of interesting Victorian funeral art. including an elaborate iron fence surround- ing a single grave plot.


Concord Township This two-story farmhouse was the residence of John Orpheus Keams (1867-1937). a local mer- chant who built a general store and roller mill in Farmer in 1908. Keams acquired this property in 1896 and probably built this dwelling the follow- ing year. The house once fronted on the west, where double-leaf doors opened into a central hallway. The interior of the house is sheathed throughout with beaded tongue-and-groove pan- eling Below a chair rail the paneling runs vertically: above the chair rail it runs horizontally. An exception to this treatment is a room at the northwest first floor comer, which boasts a pan- eled wainscoting below the chair rail. An open- string stair ascends from the central hall, with tumed newel post and balusters. The extenor of the house is sheathed with unusual double- rabbeted tongue-and-groove siding which resem- bles miniature German siding. This was once painted green with white trim, while the exterior doors were grained in red and yellow to resemble mahogany.








Concord Township

The enclosed stairs of this two-story hall-and- parlor house are entered through an exterior door, producing the unusual window-door-door- window layout of the ground floor facade. The house has a one-story side wing, brick chimneys, 6/6 sash and two-panel Greek Revival doors. The metal roof with exposed rafter ends may be a 20th century replacement, as is the asphalt sid- ing of the house.


Concord Township

The most unusual features of this house are its twin chimneys with fireboxes built of slate. The two-story house may be a mid-19th century struc- ture heavily remodeled in the 1920s. It now has 2/2 sash and deep roof overhang with exposed rafter ends braced by bungaloid brackets. The hip porches are panially enclosed and are carried by turned posts. The complex includes a number of bams and outbuildings, most of which seem to date from the early 20th century.


Concord Township

Originating in 1818 at a nearby site called "Russell's School house," this was the first Methodist congregation in southwest Randolph A church was built at the present site in 1822 and camp meetings were held yearly before the Civil War. In 1883 a church member wrote that "we distmctly remember the time when the whole hill and hills on each side were covered with tents and a vast number of people assem- bled from day to day to worship." The existing sanctuary was built in the winter of 1881 and dedicated July I, 1883. It is three bays long with 4/4 sash with arched muntins added to create a pointed lancet window effect. The roof has ex- posed rafter ends and the church is covered with asbestos siding. An enclosed belfry with dia- mond vents is placed above the entrance vestibule The earliest tombstone in the adjoining cemetery IS marked "Priscilla Johnson Elliott- 1843 "


Concord Township

This frame sanctuary was erected in 1885. Three bays long, it has 4/4 double-hung sash which use extra diagonal muntins to create pointed pseudo-lancet windows. The roof terminates in a boxed cornice with returns. An enclosed belfC with square vents is positioned above the double- door entrance.

CT:24 DUNBAR'S BRIDGE (destroyed)

Concord Township

Spanning the Uwhanie River, Dunbar's Bridge was previously the site of a covered bridge bui" by John Dunbar: however, until recently an un- usual combination steel through truss bridge built in 1904 occupied the site. It was distin- guished by two Warren lattice trusses: the smallef one had a single central crossing with no top lateral bracing and the taller one had three cen- tral crossings with top lateral bracing. Both were reinforced later by a drop brace connecting '''^ top chord with each web crossing. These truss frames rested on rubble stone piers origina")' constructed to support the former covered bridge-


Concord Township

Organized in 1893, St. Mark's is one of ih^ oldest black congregations in southwest R''"' dolph. Its first pastor was Cicero Laughlin. Tn'-' frame sanctuary may date from 1893, and '* certainly no later than the First World War. Thre^ ba>-s long, it has lancet windows and exposs" rafter ends. The enclosed belfry has diamon''' shaped wnts. St. Mark's is also known as ih'

■Red House" Church, after the nearby

House School" which also served the 1"*^^ black community.



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Cedar Grove Tbwnship


Cedar Grove Township

The north end of this house was originally a two-story hall-and-parlor plan dwelling built in 1884 by A. A. Hammond. It passed into the hands of W W Lassiter in 1892, and he added the matching south half to create the present center-hall plan. A second decorative gable was also added then, unifying the two sections and producing the unusual "quadruple-A" facade. The northern chimney retains part of a plaque containing the builder's initials and date of construction.

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Cedar Grove Township

This two-story hall-and-parlor plan house was built using mortise-and-tenon construction tech- niques, and seems to have been built before the Civil War. Nine-over-six sash are used on the first floor, while 6/6 sash are found on the second. Two-panel doors are used throughout. The second floor is reached via an enclosed "dog-leg" stairway. The fireboxes of both chim- neys are built of stone, with brick stacks. The overhanging roof with exposed rafter ends is probably a replacement for the original.


Cedar Grove Township

Tradition has it that this center-hall dwelling was the first painted house in the area, hence the name "White House." The house was originally the home of Benjamin Brookshire who ran a tavern here. Brookshire came from the Guilford County area ca. 1815 and is thought to have moved part of the house from that county.

The first floor windows are 9/6, but may once have been 9/9. Four-over-four sash are used on the second story. Paneled mantels with arched openings appear throughout. The house was bought in 1910 by James Jason Hill, a local basket maker.


Cedar Grove Township

This meeting was organized in 1892 at the site of Science Hill Academy as a result of mission- ary efforts of Mary Moon, a Friends minister from Indiana. The building was begun in 1893 and completed in 1894. The 6/6 sash are set in symmetrically molded frames.


Cedar Grove Township

Hopewell Friends Meeting was built between February and May, 1 885 at the site of an antebel- lum cemetery. Local residents John Hammond and Lewis Branson were contractors. The first meeting in the building was held May 6, 1885. The five-bay sanctuary has been well kept, and is now covered with asbestos siding.



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Cedar Grove Township

Local merchant Rupert Freeman moved this 'ate 19th century house to this location ca. 1914. The two-story center-hall plan structure features a hip-roofed porch with central balcony. The porch is carried on turned posts with sawn brackets. The central gable has feathered shingle decoration.


Cedar Grove Township

This frame commercial building appears to have been built in the late 19th century. The original store is a gable-roofed structure which has a molded cornice with returns. Shed wings were added on each side and tied to the main portion by a false "boom-town" facade which Covers all three sections. For 35 years Rupert freeman, who bought the store in 1914, ran the Ulah post office from the west wing.


Cedar Grove Township

This center-hall plan house is divided into ten rooms and includes a one-and-a-half-story rear *'ng and two-story end pavilion. Its wraparound porch is carried on turned posts with sawn brackets. The interior trim features molded door faci ^'

••ngs with cross-hatched comer blocks house

The ov was built in 1907 by Enoch Whatley (1868-1946), a South Carolina native who ar- rived in Randolph in 1888 as a section foreman

for railroad construction crews. A sawmill opera- tor and builder, Whatley settled here to run a now-destroyed general store across the street.


Cedar Grove Township

The original building of this complex is a small steel-frame gas station with a corrugated metal skin and oversized industrial sash. A drive- through shed sheltered hand-cranked gasoline pumps, one of which remains. The building is one of the county's earliest automobile service structures, having been built in Randleman ca. 1915 and moved to this site in 1925. Ulah Motor Company was founded in 1925 by Ralph Whatley (1897-1964), Enoch Whatley's son.


Cedar Grove Township

The least complex of Randolph County's truss bridges, the Back Creek Steel Bridge is com- prised of a four element Warren pony truss with bottom lateral bracing. Inside the protection of the outer truss system is located a wooden guard rail which flanks the bridge's thickly planked wooden floor. This short span is supported by fieldstone abutments.


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Grant Ibwnship




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Grant Township (destroyed)

A strong local tradition says that this sadly delapidated outbuilding was part of the farm where Jonathan Lewis, the killer of Naomi Wise, was captured in 1807. It is not possible to verify this assertion but this outbuilding could date to that period. The long, narrow one-story building was divided into two rooms by a central chimney; the eastern half of the structure has been de- stroyed. It is almost identical to a kitchen/laundry dependency restored by the Greensboro Historical Museum as part of its McNairy House exhibit. The massive chimney, of fieldstone laid in mud mortar, is of special interest. Few dry-laid stone chimneys and very few antebellum outbuild- ings have survived in Randolph County.

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Grant Township

This one-story central-gable center-hall plan house is typical of many small homes built in Randolph County from the 1880s to the early 1900s. Four-over-four sash light the facade and the porch features chamfered posts with brackets and sawnwork frieze. Instead of end chimneys, a single chimney is placed between the house and the rear wing. Few rural houses from the period retain much of the kind of architectural millwork which decorates the porch of this dwelling.


Grant Township

This small antebellum house perches on a hillside overlooking a low-water bridge across Richland Creek. The three-bay one-and-a-half- story house has 6/6 sash, boxed cornice and a •nassive stone exterior-end chimney with brick stack. Brick-patterned asphalt siding now covers the original weatherboarding.


Grant Township

The nucleus of this home is a two-story log house with two rooms, one above the other. The ground floor cabin is now the living room of the expanded frame house, which has mortise-and- tenon jointing. The present form of the house is that of an off-center-hall plan end-chimney Vernacular design with 6/6 sash and wide ov- erhanging eaves. A closed-string staircase with turned newel rises in the center hallway. The earlier log house retains its batten doors, drought-iron hardware and corner, dog-leg hoxed stair. The Federal style entrance with fanlight and sidelights frames the original two- Panel Greek Revival door, although the sur- round was added by Ervin and Evelyn Cox, lo- eal antiquarians and residents of the house. Their research indicates that the house belonged to the •Daniel Brown family in 1851. Mrs. Cox's grandfather was William King, a Quaker min- 'ster who acquired the property in 1902; it has remained in the family ever since.


Grant Township

Planning for a state zoo began in 1969, but the facility was attracted to Randolph County in 1971 by the gift of 1,371 acres of property surrounding Purgatory Mountain. A 40 acre interim zoo was opened to visitors in 1974, pending construction of what was billed as the "world's largest natural habitat zoo." The Zebra- Ostrich- and Giraffe habitat ("ZOG") of the Afri- can section was the first such exhibit to open, in 1979. The African Plains and African Pavilion opened in October, 1984, completing the park's first geographical area. At least two of the zoo's structures are fuWre landmarks of Randolph County architecture. The R. J. Reynolds Forest Aviary, designed by O'Brien/Atkins Associates of Chapel Hill (opened 1982), features a 55-foot tall plexiglass geodesic dome. The African Pavilion (also called the CES, or Controlled Environment Structure) is the product of Hayes- Howell, Inc., of Southern Pines, with structural engineering by Geiger-Berger of New York. The permanent roof of the Pavilion is a free-form tension canopy made of Teflon-coated fiberglass fabric. The unique "tent" structure is one of the first uses of architectural fabric in a textile- dominated state and county.




GT:5 African Pavilion


R. J. Reynolds Forest Aviary nas








Coleridge Tbwnship




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Coleridge Township

This two-story ca. 1860 house has 4/4 sash set in pedimented frames. The entrance door has five-pane sidelights. A ca. 1880 rear wing has a bay window, carved bargeboards and lattice- work porch supports.


Coleridge Township

A cruciform plan Queen Anne style house probably built ca. 1885. Asbestos siding was added in the early 20th century, and a brick facade and "Mount \femon" type porch added ca. 1960.


Coleridge Township

This is a very deteriorated, ca. 1860, two- story three-bay house with a one-story wing. The 6/6 sash are original. The chimney has a single shoulder with "tumbled" brickwork.








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Coleridge Township

The brick chimney of this late Greek Revival house (ca. 1860) displays the "tumbled" shoul- der brickwork characteristic of several houses in the area. The interior has two-panel Greek Re- vival doors, a molded baseboard and molded post-and-lintel mantels. Four-panel doors are used on the exterior. The engaged rear porch was once framed between two small rooms. A very inter- esting survival is the original detached kitchen, ^hich matches the house in details such as the two-panel doors, flush sheathing and diamond- shaped attic windows. The kitchen chimney, now destroyed, was at one time protected from the Weather by an open extension of the roof.


Coleridge Township

In 1760 the Quaker community in this area asked or applied to the Western Quarterly Meet- ing for permission to have a meeting for worship. The first use of the name Holly Spring occurred in 1769. The early location was near the river. In 1787 the present site was bought "for the use of the Society of people called the Quakers," and a building was constructed. A preparative meeting *as set up in 1790 and an independent Monthly Meeting in 1818. The buildings here are all niodem, although the cemetery contains many early stones. Joseph Bookout (d. 1806) is suppos- edly the first person buried here.


Coleridge Township

Dedicated in 1840, this is one of the five Christian churches organized by the Rev T. C. Coffin. The church building seems to date to the 1890 era, although aluminum siding and brick Veneer have recently obscured most of its origi- nal character. The original building, of frame eonstruction with "Gothic" lancet windows, was entered through the offset three-tiered tower.


Coleridge Township

Shiloh Christian Church was organized on December 11, 1843; established by the mission- ary activities of the Rev Thomas C. Moffitt. The cornerstone says that the present brick church, five bays long, with classroom wings, was built in 1949. Disagreements with the merger of the Christian church with the Congregationalists re- cently led Shiloh to affiliate with the Baptist denomination. The original site of Shiloh Acad- emy is just west of the church. Rev Moffitt (1806-1854) is buried in the adjoining cemetery.


Coleridge Township

The two-story log house on this property, usually identified as the "original cabin built in 1768," in fact has nothing to do with Randolph County. It was built near Siler City in 1840, and was the home of a Chatham County sheriff. It was moved to its present location ca. 1955 by local antiquarian Thad Ellis, who lived here.

The original section of the large frame house is a two-story hall-and-parlor plan structure built in 1824 by Eli Bray. The rear wing was added ca. 1890. The massive double-shoulder/paved shoul- der English bond chimney with glazed headers in a random pattern is an outstanding feature. The interior trim is also impressive. The exposed second floor joists have a double bead. The arched fireplaces have chimney breasts decorated with both raised and sunken panels. Two rooms are paneled in unpainted pine, with a molded chair rail. An original board-and-batten door retains its strap hinges. The exterior was un- painted until the 1950s, when the siding was replaced and the "Mount Vernon" porch was added.

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Coleridge Township

One of the last operating grist mills in the state, Raymond Cox's mill custom-grinds and mixes animal feed. Still in place, although full of silt and unused since September 1945, is an overshot Fitch water wheel made in Hanover, Pa. The dam used until that time was an oak plank dam, now destroyed. A covered bridge over the river was demolished in June, 1953. The present mill was built in the early 20th century by Allison Beane, and is also known as "Beane's Mill." The site of an earlier mill can be seen nearby However, this does not seem to be the site of the Revolutionary War era Cox's mill which was the headquarters of the notorious Tory leader David Fanning. In official documents that mill was referred to as "Hammond Coxe's Mill"; possibly the reference is to Herman Cox, a Quaker and former Regulator. Fanning referred to his headquarters as "the Fort of Deep River at Coxe's Mill." This was probably an earthenwork, not a palisaded, "fort" constructed by Fanning after his arrival in May 1781. The American general DeKalb headquartered his army at Cox's Mill in July 1780, while awaiting the arrival of the North Carolina Militia under Gov Richard Caswell. The place was obviously a strategic colonial source of supply.


Coleridge Township

The academy movement succeeded the era of subscription schools in North Carolina's educa- tional history. Public academies were usually chartered by the legislature and were run by individual boards of trustees. In the Coleridge area, the three academies at Park's Cross Roads, Erect and Shiloh predominated. Shiloh Acad- emy was organized in 1865 by residents of the Moftitt's Mill community. In the 1880s and 1890s, Moffitt's Mill was a prosperous and pro- gressive section of the county. A post office had been established there as eariy as 1827. Boarding facilities for visiting students were later built. The two-story school house originally contained one large room on each floor. A raised platform served as a stage at one end of the room; a blackboard was painted at the other end, with a recitation bench in front. Several grades were taught in one classroom, with the teacher listen- ing to each grade in turn as the students filed up to the recitation bench.

The first floor of the building is a structure of mortise-and-tenon construction and was proba- bly built in the 1850s. The doors and 6/6 sash are crowned with decorative molded pediments. Lou- vered shutters protect each window. The second story was added ca. 1885. It is of balloon-frame construction, as were the demolished bell tower and center gable. The porch on Doric-style col- umns was also added at that time. Since the building seems to have existed even before 1860, it may be that the building was originally the second home of the Shiloh Christian Church, organized in 1843 in a log building.

In 1976 the school was moved to its present site to avoid demolition. It is being remodeled for use as a dwelling. The end chimneys are part of those alterations and do not reflect any as- pect of the original building, which seems to have been unheated.


Coleridge Township

After the Civil War, the Baltimore Association of Friends began to funnel money and assistance into the war-ravaged south. The first year's relief included food and clothing; the project of the second year was to rebuild the local monthly meeting schools. At one time Holly Spring Meet- ing had five local schools under its supervision, all within walking distance for children in the area. Several other Quaker academies remain in North Carolina, but Evergreen is the only one to stand unchanged. According to its present owner, the first reference to the academy in Holly Spring records occurs in 1866, when a site one-and-a- half-miles east of the meeting house was donated by Thomas Hinshaw. In 1867, a reference is made in the Levi Cox records to "lumber for the school house." The school subsequently oper- ated for some forty years, with summer schools being conducted there even after the opening of public schools.

The academy is a small structure, six bays long with 6/6 sash. The school's two classrooms were once partitioned by wooden accordian doors, which could be folded back to create one large interior space. The academy is now part of the adjoining Hinshaw farm.

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Coleridge Township

This one-story center-hall plan central-gable house is in an attractive rural setting. It is raised three to four feet above ground level on brick piers without underpinning, as were almost all houses of the late 19th century. The side porch retains its sawnwork decoration with turned posts, sawn brackets with turned pendants and sawnwork fascia decoration.


Coleridge Township

Something of the history of this structure can be understood from its rarely-used legal name: "Holly Spring Friends Meeting (Conservative)." •t was the result of a split in the nearby Holly Spring Friends Meeting in 1910 when some thirty-five members withdrew to form a separate meeting. This portion of the Holly Spring congre- gation objected to the tum-of-the-century evan- gelical movement which ended the "quietistic" period of Quaker history. Meetings across the state began to adopt Sunday schools, singing, foreign missionary work and, the subject of most Controversy, a paid pastoral ministry. The "North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, Conserva- tive" was founded in 1904 by those congrega- tions opposed to these changes. Interestingly, a similar division between "Gumeyites" and "Wil- hurites" (conservatives) had occurred among northern Friends in 1845.

The two Holly Spring factions continued to share the same meeting house for sixteen years, *ith the Conservative Friends meeting on Sun- day afternoons. After the First World War land *as secured less than a mile north of the Holly

Spring location, and in 1926 this meeting house was built. It is said by Quaker historians to be the last meeting house built in the state which included a partition to separate the men's and women's business meetings. The very plain struc- ture is extremely well-preserved, down to the original benches and wood stove.

In the early 1920s an influx of families from Ohio, Alabama and eastern North Carolina ar- rived in the area. These people, members of other conservative congregations, settled near one another, built the meeting house and estab- lished a school there in an effort to preserve the "ancient manner of worship" of the Friends. The Friendsville community and congregation remained active up into the 1950s but as younger members moved away and older members died, membership dwindled. In 1982 only one local member remained.


Coleridge Township

This house at Coleridge airfield was probably built in the late 1880s. It is a common type of two-story center-hall central-gable house with fine sawnwork trim. Coupled brackets brace the overhanging cornice and central gable. Pedi- ments cap the doors and 2/2 sash. The original porch posts have been replaced by bungaloid pylons, although the brackets and sawnwork fas- cia decoration remain. The house is now covered with brick-patterned asphalt siding.







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Coleridge Township

This single-pile hall-and-parlor house seems to have been built ca. 1860. Part of the center- chimney rear wing was built ca. 1853 as "Foust's School," thought to be taught by a Mr George A. Foust, who was from Alamance County. He may also have been related to the Fousts of Fousts Mill, near Coleridge. The hip-roofed main section of the house has oversized 6/6 sash and a running bond brick chimney built on a rubble stone base. The south facade was remodeled about forty years ago. The shed bungalow porch with marble steps and tapered posts set on brick bases was built at that time; the windows were replaced with coupled 4/4 sash and the area recovered with German siding. The house was later owned by Gilbert Cox and John Roe Steele. Calah Presbyterian Church was just across the road from this house. Calah, an outpost of the Asheboro Presbyterian congregation, was oper- ated at this Buffalo Ford site from 1881 to 1900. It later became a Holiness Church and is no longer at the site.


Coleridge Township

This two-story frame hip-roofed house dis- plays elements of the Italianate style popular in the 1850s. It features a center-hall plan, end chimneys and 6/6 sash. The entrance door is framed by sidelights. The house crowns a hill above the site of Moffitt's Mill on Richland Creek, though a screen of pine trees hides it from casual view.


Coleridge Township

The Hinshaw farm which adjoins Evergreen Academy is a well-preserved example of a pros- perous late 19th century rural farmstead. The house, probably built ca. 1885, has two rooms of equal size entered by twin doors off the hip porch. The porch is carried on sawnwork posts and brackets and the roof features a molded cornice with returns and bracketed frieze board. The house uses 6/6 double-hung sash except for the central front windows, which are coupled 4/4 sash. The second floor window is capped by a semicircular hood with applied sawnwork decor- ation. The interior features molded post-and- lintel mantels with applied sawnwork decoration; the front rooms feature diagonally-paneled wains- coting. Behind the house is a small antebellum house of mortise-and-tenon construction which was a residence of the Stout family. Across the road from the house and academy is the most unusual element of the complex, a huge monitor- roofed bam without parallel in the county. It is said that Thomas Hinshaw brought the concept of this structure from Indiana where he lived as a refugee Quaker during the Civil War. The most unusual feature of the bam is an earthwork-and- stone wagon ramp leading to the second floor, one of two originally. The ramp allowed wagons to drive their loads into the loft, unload and drive out the other side. This bam is one of Randolph County's largest surviving examples of "heavy frame" construction.

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Copyright superior Map Co.

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SR 2652 Coleridge

The history of the Coleridge community did not start with the establishment of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company in the early 1880s. The ccmmunity originally centered around Foust's Mill, at or near the present location of Coleridge, and was one of Randolph County's most promi- nent rural areas. Deep River Masonic Lxsdge, the county's second masonic group, was organized at Foust's Mill in 1855, a year before the Balfour Lodge was opened in Asheboro. Concord Meth- odist Episcopal Church was another antebellum creation in the Foust's Mill community, being established there in 1825.

The early 20th century sanctuary complex of Concord Methodist Church is one of Randolph County's most attractive frame buildings. The square hip-roofed sanctuary block is entered through two towers on the south facade. The southwest tower is the taller and contains the bell. Stained glass lancet windows light the south and west facades. To the east is a large Sunday school wing, with small rooms grouped around a larger assembly room following the "Akron"

plan. The Franklinville Methodist Church is the county's only other example of this once-popular design.


SR 2652 Coleridge

This fellowship hall or community building for the adjacent Concord Methodist Church is an excellent example of how a modern building can be related to a neighboring historic struc- ture. Asheboro architect John J. Croft, Jr. de- signed this structure in the 1950's using elements such as a spindled frieze on the porch, the den- tiled cornice and the flush sheathing in the ga- bles to relate Florence Hall to the church, as well as to the nearby R. L. Caveness House and the now-vanished Coleridge Academy which stood across SR 2652 on the west side of the church-


SR 2652 Coleridge

This one-and-a-half story hip-roofed house is an appealing Colonial Revival design. Twin ga" bles flank a tiny pedimented window dormer. A




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small gable accents the porch above the entrance door.


SR 2652

Coleridge A small neighborhood of tum-of-the-century niiU houses clusters around Concord Methodist Church. Four are nearly identical one-story center-hall plan central-gable houses with dorsal chimneys and rear wings. Each has 4/4 sash, a shed porch and a diamond vent in the central sable. Those which have not been remodeled have plain square posts supporting the porch. This type of utilitarian mill housing was (and 's) extremely common in North Carolina.


SR 2652 Coleridge

This tiny one-room building was used as a barber shop. It has been moved from its original Jocation near the Enterprise Store. The tall 'boom-town" front conceals a gable roof.



NC42 Coleridge


Several one-story center-hall plan center-gable houses still stand across the river from the main village of Coleridge; this one is the most elabo- rate. The basically plain house has been trimmed with millwork identical to that of the R. L. Caveness House, the hotel and others of the most visually Baroque Coleridge dwellings. Turned posts with sawn brackets carry the shed porch; toothed fascia boards decorate the porch and gable eaves.


NC42 Coleridge

The plans for this house may have been taken out of a book or magazine in the early 20th century; it is very similar in several characteris- tics to many houses of the period. Interesting details include the polygonal end of the project- ing bay, with scalloped sawnwork decoration in the cantilevered overhang, elaborate feathered shingling and six-pointed star vents in the gables. The original porch posts have been replaced by peeled cedar logs.


NC42 Coleridge

This one-story, L-shaped brick structure was built in the 1920s. It is laid in 1:5 common bond, with a segmental arched metal casement window in each bay and a brick pilaster every three bays. The heavy wooden rafters of the low gable roof, which is covered with gravel, are exposed at the eaves. In the center of the southwest and south- east street elevations is a two-story entrance tower with crenelated roofline. In the front, lower face of each tower is a glazed and paneled double door. At the second level in each face is a wooden 15/10 sash window. Each entrance tower contains a two-flight stair; the first flight open with a late Victorian style railing, the second flight enclosed with narrow beaded sheathing with a batten door. The interior space of the mill is divided by several brick partition walls. A single row of heavy chamfered wooden posts, bolted to the rafters, support the roof at the ridgeline. The brick walls are bare, the rafters are exposed and narrow sheathing covers the underside of the roof. The west end of the mill has several one-story frame additions. North of the mill are several small brick pump houses and a metal water storage tower.

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NC42 Coleridge


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On the west side of NC 42, across the street from the mill, is a one-story brick warehouse which faces the riverside site of the original, frame 1882 Enterprise Mill. The warehouse was probably built ca. 1910 as a storage facility for that first mill. The 1:6 common bond parapet walls extend above the shed roof and a brick cornice decorates the eaves. Brick pilaster strips define the three bays of the main (west) facade, and a metal door, set in an arched opening outlined by a simple brick cap, opens into each section. The rear evalation contains several win- dow openings.


NC 42 Coleridge

The 1920s mill office southwest of the mill is a one-story brick building containing two offices, each two bays wide and three deep, with a smaller mid-20th century rear addition. The walls, laid in random common bond, extend as para- pets with tile coping above the shed roof. The storefronts have comer pilasters and corbel cornices, and each contains a paneled glazed door with a fanlight set within a simple molded surround in a round-headed opening, and a 6/6 sash within a segmental-arched opening. Brick labels surmount the openings. The side eleva- tions are treated identically, but lack doors.


NC42 Coleridge

The Bank of Coleridge, located between the company store and the mill office, is a small rectangular one-story brick building contempo- rary with the office. It has identical storefront treatment with the exception of the openings.

The flanking windows are larger and are sur- mounted by fanlights. Three courses of header bricks outline each opening. The bank vault, in the northwest comer of the building, has a cast- iron door with a classically ornamented surround. The Bank of Coleridge was founded in 1919. opened a branch in Ramseur in 1934 and moved completely to Ramseur in 1939.


NC42 Coleridge

The company store, located across NC 42 from the mill, is a one-story tripartite brick building built ca. 1910 and composed of a center block with lower flanking wings. The brick build- ing is laid in 1:7 common bond and has a parapeted main facade with pilastered comers and a prominent corbel cornice. The center section, the store, contains its original storefront consisting of a cast-iron lintel with a wooden bracketed cornice supported by a pair of cast- iron fluted Corinthian columns. Between the columns is a recessed double door, paneled and glazed, and a four-pane display window with a plain wooden dado occupies each flanking bay- A wide toothed brick frieze extends across the upper center facade. Each of the wings contains a similar door with a transom in the inside bay and a 6/6 sash in the outside bay These seg- mental-arched openings have simple molded sur- rounds and dentil-arched labels. The east wing. which contained the Coleridge post office fof over seventy years, was probably built for this purpose. The west wing is used for storage.



NC 42 Coleridge

Although a 555-foot dam built in 1912 across Deep River still impounds water, the headrace of 'he mill, which flows parallel to the river from the dam through Coleridge, ceased to be the source of power when the steam-powered 1920s mill was built. Three buildings are strung along fte north bank of the race. Just west of the warehouse is the 1910 bending mill, which was probably water-powered. This one-story rectan- gular brick building is laid in 1:7 common bond. The walls extend above the shed roof as parapets, with a brick cornice resembling that at the store and warehouse. The segmental-arched openings have brick labels. At the northwest end of the mill 's a one-story frame addition covered with metal sheeting. The building was the home of the Coleridge Manufacturing Company with Dr. R. L. Caveness serving as president and J. A. Brower as secretary, treasurer and manager. The com- pany manufactured "bentwood chair stock which 's sold to furniture manufactures in all parts of 'he United States."

On the millrace south of the bending mill is a 'wo-story, gabled, frame structure with a metal smokestack on the north side. Southeast of this huilding is the steam plant constructed for the "ew cotton mill in the 1920s. This one-story hrick structure has a hipped roof coverd with tin, round-arched doors, 8/8 sash windows within segmental-arched openings and decorative brick- work identical to the mill office. A large brick smokestack abuts the north elevation. On the West side of the plant is a brick addition with metal casement windows, probably constructed m the 1940s to house hydroelectric generators. East of the buildings which line the race are 'hree small brick structures which probably served ^s pumphouses for the original 1882 mill.


NC 22 Coleridge

From this unobtrusive house tucked away on a hillside behind his brother's home. Dr. Robert L. Caveness ruled his little mill village. In 1917 the local newspaper observed that "Dr. R. L. Caveness is at the head of practically everything in Coleridge. For 10 years he most successfully practiced medicine and his friends assert that he is equally as good as a doctor as he is as a manufacturer. For the past ten years he has been devoting a majority of his time to the duties of the position as secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Enterprise Manufacturing Com- pany." Caveness was the son-in-law of James Cole, the founder of the town, from whom Caveness purchased majority interest in the cor- poration in 1904. He was directly involved in the operation of the mill until 1922 and served as president of the company until his death in 1951.

The Caveness home is a lovely example of late 19th century domestic architecture. The two- story center-hall plan house has a projecting entrance bay which is echoed by a projection of the wraparound porch. The raised porch is car- ried on coupled short turned posts set on brick pillars; a spindle frieze and sawnwork decoration is used between the posts. The cornice overhang of the roof is bracketed and the central and end gables have sawnwork eave decorations. It is now the home of the Lynn Albright family.

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NC 22 Coleridge

On the east side of NC 22 just east of the mill store is the John Caveness House, a large, two- story frame Queen Anne style residence built ca. 1895, which is practically unaltered and in excel- lent condition. John, brother of R. L. Caveness, was vice president of the Enterprise Company and helped his brother manage the mill. The house, with a two-story rear wing, is set on a high lattice-work brick foundation, has steep gable roofs with interior brick chimneys with decorative stacks and a one-story porch with ornate wooden bracketed posts. An arcaded drip- course accents the porch frieze and gable ends. The porch wraps around the north side and con- tinues the length of the rear wing. Behind the house is a frame well house consisting of a small clapboarded storage area with a bracketed porch sheltering the stone well.





SR lOO.'i Coleridge

Called "The Hotel" by local residents, this dwelling exhibits some of the county's most eye-catching examples of Victorian millwork. The house is an enlarged version of the typical two-story center-hall plan central-gable house with extra rooms added in the two-story rear wing. The overhanging cornice is braced by brackets with turned pendants and the chimneys are elaborately corbeled. The gables are sheathed in feathered shingling, with toothed fascia decor- ation. The peak of the central gable includes a spindled frieze with half a spindled "wagon wheel" ornament. The rounded porch, which wraps all around the building, is the primary feature of the exterior. Small gables accent the roof above each window and door; the porch is carried on coupled turned posts with sawnwork brackets and fascia boards. The house is now a private dwelling.


SR 1005 Coleridge

Little is known about the type of housing originally provided for workers at the Enterprise mill. Unlike other Deep River villages, Cole- ridge has no rows of identical worker houses. Whether no such dwellings were ever built or whether they have since been destroyed is unclear. This particular mill house, however, could cer- tainly have been built in the early 1880s; some aspects of it are unlike any other mill house if the county. The hip-roofed house has 6/6 sash and a raised shed porch with turned posts and sawn brackets. The off-center entrance door is set in a molded surround with comer blocks. Oddly, the single leaf door is flanked by two additional "blind" doorways filled with sheathed siding and framed by molded surrounds and comer blocks. This treatment is a strange combi- nation of the Greek Revival style with Victorian millwork.



SR 1005 Coleridge

This well-preserved house is a typical two- story center-hall plan central-gable house with better-than-average millwork. The overhanging comice is braced by coupled brackets. The shed porch is carried on turned posts with elaborate sawnwork brackets, toothed fascia decoration and turned pendants.

Pleasant Grove Tbwnship


Pleasant Grove Township

The only state-maintained ford in Randolph County, this now unique crossing is typical of the hundreds of fords which were the only places where rivers and creeks could be crossed through- out the 18th and much of the 19th centuries.

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Brower Township

This Baptist congregation was organized in 1905, and the frame sanctuary was probably built at that time. It was brick- veneered in the 1960s. The building has double-hung 6/6 sash filled with colored panes. It is entered through a three-tiered vestibule which is capped by an enclosed belfry with lancet-head vents.


Brower Township

Displaying both half-dovetail and V-notching. this one-story single-pen log dwelling with gable roof is distinguished by a single-shoulder exterior- end fieldstone chimney. Mud chinking in-fi" weatherizes the exposed roughly hewn log walls- The house was enlarged by a single room frame addition during the late 19th century.




Brower Township

A typical example of a vernacular interpreta- tion of the Italianate style popular during the third quarter of the 19th century in rural North Carolina, this one-story dwelling with low pitched hip-roof characteristically follows a double-pile center-hall plan. The roof was originally punctu- ated by two interior chimneys and the deep eave overhang is accented by decorative brackets. Although in deteriorated condition, the shed- roof front porch once protected the three-bay facade. Other distinctive features are the over- sized 6/6 sash windows and comer pilasters.


Brower Township

Mt. Olivet church was founded in 1813 by the Rev, Enoch Spinks, Jr. The first building was erected about one mile northwest of the present site, where the eariy graveyard is still maintained. This hip-roofed church building was constructed when the congregation moved in 1874. The class- room wing and stained glass windows were added 'n a 1926 renovation.


Brower Township

Although one of the earliest surviving houses in southeastern Randolph County, this ca. 1840 dwelling has been substantially modified by re- '^ent alterations. Maintaining its basic two-story three-bay form with low-pitched gable roof and exterior end chimneys, the house illustrates the most prevalent vernacular house form found in •Randolph County throughout the 19th century. Significant original fabric includes the 6/6 sash and the two-panel Greek Revival doors.


Brower Township

This one-story T-plan house was probably built ca. 1900. Its details such as porch posts, brackets and window sash are identical to the neighboring two-story center-hall plan house, but this dwelling retains more of the flavor of the Queen Anne style by turning its polygonal bay and rounded porch toward the road, its most prominent facade.


Brower Township

This is a tum-of-the-century rural home of typical design, a two-story gable-roof house with central interruption. Distinguished by a center- hall plan, the house is three bays wide with 4/4 sash and twin single-shouldered chimneys. The wraparound porch has turned posts and sawn brackets. This particular house has a two-story rear wing with projecting polygonal end pavilion.

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Richland Township

Brick veneer conceals most of the architec- tural character of this church but it retains an attractive cupola with dentiled cornice and late Greek Revival-style pilasters. Pleasant Hill Meth- odist Protestant Church was organized in 1858 and a frame structure was built in 1859. Plans for the present sanctuary were drawn in December. 1885. The church was completed in August, 1886 and dedicated on November 7, 1886. It was remodeled and brick-veneered in 1966. The tomb- stone of William Bird, who died March 19. 1858, is marked "First to be buried in this cemetery." Some "Lautermilch" (Lowdermilk) family burials from the early 19th century have been moved here, however.





Richland Township

This grist mill on Fork Creek no longer oper- ates but it is the county's best maintained and most attractively sited rural mill. It retains an iron overshot water wheel and some milling equipment in addition to its stone dam. The two-and-a-half-story frame mill seems to date from the turn of the century but Yow's Mill was established in 1820. A sawmill was added in 1870 and a turbine water wheel was installed ca. '890; both have been removed. Since 1936 it has been in the possession of Harwood Graves.


Richland Township

Four unusual outbuildings are left at the site of the destroyed Richardson House. All four bam, stable, wellhouse and springhouse have steep pyramidal roofs which were popular at the turn of the century. The springhouse is built of stuc- coed fieldstone, and it and the stable also feature shed dormer windows.


Richland Township

^hen this Methodist Protestant congregation *as organized ca. 1859 the church was called "Auman's Chapel" because Martin Auman fur- nished its logs. It was renamed "Mt. Moriah" before it burned during the Civil War. A new church, built in 1870, was named Fair Grove.

The present sanctuary was built in 1900. It is a one-room building, five bays long with lancet windows and a polygonal apse behind the altar. Services here were discontinued in 1935 after Seagrove Methodist Church was built one-and-a- half-miles north. A well-known local school, the Why Not Academy and Business Institute, was located on the church grounds. It was a coed boarding school with an enrollment of 132 stu- dents in 1910.


Richland Township

The nucleus of this dwelling is a one-story heavy frame hall-and-parlor plan house with 6/6 sash. Ca. 1890 this antebellum house was ex- panded; a second story and kitchen wing were added, as well as a polygonal bay with overhang- ing bracketed eaves. A central gable was added on the east facade and the house was transformed into a center-hall plan. The wraparound hipped- roof porch is carried on classical columns which seem to have been added in the early 20th century.















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Richland Township

The chief feature of this two-story center-hall plan is its hip-roofed porch with gabled central balcony. It features turned posts with sawn brackets. This type of two-tiered porch was popular in parts of Randolph County during the 1880s and 1890s. Professor George Gamer of the Why Not Academy lived in this house until his death in 1913. The house was built by the community and is located on the Why Not Acad- emy grounds. (The academy held its first com- mencement exercise in 1897.)


Richland Township

This was the home of James Edward and Caroline Dean Harper. A later section of the house was built in 1897-1898 by a "live-in" carpenter, Mr. Jerdan (Jordan?). The later addi- tion was constructed using the stud and joist method (clapboard exterior-horizbntal planking interior) as opposed to log construction covered by clapboards exterior which was employed in the older section of the house. The two sections were joined together with the aid of wooden rollers. The kitchen was housed in a separate building which was floored with handmade brick. Brick used for flooring and chimneys were made on the site by family members.

A 1910 documentary photograph only faintly reveals the original section of the house; the section constructed in 1897-1898 is all that re- mains today. This two-story center-hall plan features a two-tier porch, feathered shingle decora- tion in the pedimented gable with boxed cornice, 4/4 sash and turned porch posts with sawn brackets.


Richland Township

This two-story T-plan house was recently moved to this location from a site on Richland Creek. It featured end chimneys and a two-story central porch and balcony carried on chamfered posts. The bases of the surviving posts are paneled.


Richland Township

Built in 1 844, this structure was a fine example of 19th century vernacular craftsmanship and its use in the construction of rural service buildings. Unfortunately the bam has been moved from its original site and substantially altered for use as a dwelling. Cassady utilized pegged construction techniques and heart of pine lumber (sawn with a small, sash saw). The main portion of the bam is two stories high resting on a stone foundation. The lower floor was divided into two sections; one with flooring and used for storage, etc. and one with dirt floors for use as stables. One stall contained a trough hollowed out from a pine log. A trap door located at the top of the interior stairs contained metal strap hinges wrought by Cassady, as were the lift latch on an exterior door and the lightning rods. The west elevation exhibited a shed with stalls where another pine log trough measuring 20" x 20" x 26'/;' 'S located. Another interesting feature of this stmcture are the Roman numerals indicating date of constmction still visibly carved in the overhead beams.

Calvin Cassady was the last of eight children bom to John and Elizabeth Cassady who came to Randolph County from Ireland in the 1790's- According to local tradition Cassady built the bam on his father's 468 acre farm with the assistance of two slaves, John and Enoch- Cassady's intentions were to construct a "sub- stantial home" for he and his bride-to-be, Fannie Moffet, after the completion of the bam. Cassady died in 1847 of a fever, at the age of 28, prior to the marriage. A portion of John and Elizabeth s original tract, that which contains the bam, '* now owned by Mrs. Susan Lowdermilk Burroughs'

Adapted from July 1980 National Register nomination written by Jo Ann Williford and Jiii Sumner.





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Main Street Seagrove

This is an attractive Queen Anne style dwell- ing probably built ca. 1900. Its wraparound porch was at one time carried by turned posts with sawn brackets. TWo polygonal bays are capped by cantilevered roof overhangs braced by sawn brackets with rows of spindles. John and Clail Cooper built this house for Frank Auman's family where they lived until their move to Asheboro. Mr. Auman owned and operated Seagrove Lumber Company from 1926 until his death in 1941. His son, Howard, continued to operate the business after his father's death until 1944 when it was sold. Frank Auman was also affiliated with the Seagrove Hardware Company and the Bank of Seagrove.


Main Street Seagrove

Chief features characterizing this structure are the pyramidal roof with accenting gables. The hip-roofed porch is carried on tuscan style posts. Built by W. H. Hughes, this house was later occupied by Dr. Helms, partner of Dr. Johnston. (No medical doctors have resided and practiced in Seagrove since Drs. Johnston and Helms.) A. C. Harris, manager of the Bank of Seagrove from 1920 until 1935, purchased the house ca. 1921-22. A. C. Harris' son Wade is now the present owner.


Main Street Seagrove

Built by Charlie T^sor, a prominent builder in the region around the turn of the century, this two-story hipped-roof dwelling has offset gables on the south and east facades and a projecting pavilion on the west. The wraparound porch is carried on turned posts with brackets. The pres- ent owner of the house, Bobby Voncannon, was mayor of Seagrove from 1963 to 1971.


Southeast comer of Main Street

and South Street

Seagrove This early 20th-century house is similar to many other examples in the county; plain, al- most utilitarian. A one-story kitchen wing has been added to the rear and the original porch supports have been replaced by 1940-ish bunga- loid pylons on brick piers. One remarkable fea- ture of the house is the solitary hipped gable which contrasts with the other standard A-gables with cornice returns.


Southwest comer of Main Street and

South Street


The Seagrove Hardware Company was organ- ized by Frank Auman, Charlie lysor and Artemas (A. R.) Auman ca. 1915. The building was begun the same year and was open for business by 1916. Brick was hauled from the Elmer Rich brickyard in Grant Township; the masons were Willard Brown and John Wright. The Seagrove Post Office was housed in the building from 1920 to 1923. Shortly after the store was built a railroad siding was built between the depot and hardware store so that crossties could be loaded here. For a time Seagrove was called the unoffi- cial "Crosstie Capital of the Worid." The long shed-roofed building uses a stepped parapet to conceal its change in height from one story in the rear to two full stories at the street. That facade is simple and utilitarian, with brick pilasters fram- ing the relatively unaltered, original cast-iron and glass storefront. The hardware store is owned and operated today by the late Artemas Auman's sons A. R., Jr. and Hubert.



Northwest comer of Main Street and

North Street


The Bank of Seagrove was organized by a group of local citizens on March 10, 1920, with $10,000 capital stock. The bank was closed by the directors on December 29, 1933, in volun- tary liquidation. No depositors lost money. The bank building was constructed ca. 1921. Two entrance facade doors flank a central tripartite window; all three segmental-arched openings are lit by transoms. A corbeled parapet conceals the shed roof. The street facade is composed of 'ight orange-colored brick; the secondary walls *re of standard red brick in 1:7 common bond.


US 220 Seagrove

Built by Henry Stutts, this center-hall plan end-chimney house features a hipped-roof porch with central-gable balcony. The porch was origi- nally carried on turned posts with sawn brackets; feathered shingles decorated the gable. It has 4/4 sash. Henry Yow had this house constructed for his cousin Nancy Holmes. Miss Holmes fur- nished room and board for passengers from the A & A railroad. Henry and Francis Yow's home Was several yards south of the Holmes House but on the same property. Upon the death of Miss Holmes, the house went to the Yow estate where it t^mained until it was purchased by Henry Yow's grandson, Henry. Boyd King, mayor of Seagrove from 1945-1947, rented the house a number of years between the time of Nancy Holmes' death *nd the time of purchase by Henry Yow's grand- son.


Main Street Seagrove

This small commercial building is typical of ™any across the county in the early 20th century, "s gabled roof is disguised by a false "boom- *own" facade with sawn brackets supporting the ^ornice. The entrance is recessed between two display windows. Built by Jasper Auman, this ^tfucture was moved from downtown Seagrove

(Highway 705) to its present site. This site was once the location of Henry Yow's store which was disassembled and used to consUiict a resi- dence for the Seagrove School principal on the Old Plank Road. The Jasper Auman building was used as a barber shop operated by Manley ("Crip") Jerdan (Jordan?) and later as a store.


Northeast comer US 220 and

Main Street


This substantial dwelling illustrates a vemacu- lar house form which was common in eariy 20th-century Randolph County. The tall, narrow main block of the structure has a matching two-story rear wing. The steeply-pitched gables are decorated by feathered shingling. The first- floor entrance into the central hallway dividing the main block is crowned by a doubled window on the second story. The ground-level doors and windows are completely shaded by a rambling veranda carried on turned posts. Henry Yow owned and operated the general store on Main Street (Lucas Street) until his death in 1918.

S:10 A.R. (Artemas) AUMAN HOUSE

Lucas Road Seagrove

Built ca. 1913, this two-story dwelling fea- tures a center hall plan with central gable and two-story rear wing. The three corbeled brick chimneys have single stepped shoulders. Other features include 4/4 sash, gables with boxed cornice and retums and pointed gable decoration. The hip-roofed porch is carried on Tuscan-order columns with capitals although surviving tumed posts are probably the original. Evidence sug- gests that John and Clail Cooper may have been the builders. A. R. Auman leased the house to Frank Auman and J. M. Green, respectively before leaving his farm and moving into the house with his family. His new business venture in the Seagrove Hardware instigated the move to the town of Seagrove. A. R. was the son-in-law of Henry Yow whose house was several hundred yards east of the Auman house.









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Parks Street Seagrove

This elongated central gable house features a hip porch with second-floor balcony. The porch exhibits turned posts with sawn brackets. The house may have been built ca. 1914 by Dick Boiling. Jeff and Delia Welch purchased this home in 1919. Delia Welch's neice, Tonnie Richardson Auman and husband Lynn are the present owners.



Parks Street Seagrove

This one-story center-hall plan house features an oversized central gable with a smaller gable interruption in the hip porch to accent the entrance; both gables have boxed cornices and returns. Built ca. 1905, the bungaloid style porch supports on brick piers are probably replace- ments. S. G. ("Guyard") Richardson, who in 1925 bought the Seagrove Roller Mills and added a cotton gin, once lived in this dwelling. He later served as chairman of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners.


Southwest comer of Parks Street and

Green Street


This delapidated two-story house was proba- bly built ca. 1910 by Jason Freeman. It has lost its original porch but retains feathered shingle decorations in the central gable. German siding has partially replaced the original.


King Avenue Seagrove

This pyramidal-roofed house is two rooms deep arranged around a central hallway. Shed dormers light the small second floor. The present bungaloid porch pylons on brick piers may be replacements of earlier porch posts. Pyramidal roofs were in vogue in the late 1890s and early 1900s. In eastern North Carolina it was thought that they made houses cooler by pulling the heat to the peak. The house was built by W J. Moore, one of the original town commissioners of Seagrove, in 1913. It was later bought by Carl King, sheriff of Randolph County from 1930 to 1942.

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US 220 Seagrove

This hip-roofed side-hall plan house is identi- cal to a house two doors north which was re- cently destroyed. It has a rear wing and a project- ing two-story side pavilion. It is now covered with asbestos siding, which also hides the feath- ered shingle decoration in the gables. The porch posts are replacements. Mr. Hammond was both the builder and owner of the house and in fact constructed several houses during this era in Seagrove. He and Madison Farlow both owned saw mills and furnished much of the lumber for both residential and commercial buildings in the Seagrove area between ca. 1895-1930. This house was later occupied by Madison Farlow's brother-in-law Jethro Harper and still later by Noah and Jewel Williams. Mrs. Williams was postmistress of the Seagrove Post Office from January, 1928 until November, 1945.


US 220 Seagrove

This two-story center-hall plan house has feathered shingle decoration in the center and side gables, 1/1 sash and a wraparound porch ^ith a small gable over the entrance. The porch 's carried on turned posts with brackets. The south end of the house is clipped to form a polygonal bay capped by cantilevered roof over- ''^ngs. These are braced by spindled brackets *ith turned pendant drops.

8:17 HOUSE

Borough Avenue Seagrove

Once sited on Waymon Street, this house has been recently moved to its present location and is undergoing renovation. The central portion of this house is a two-story hip-roofed structure with three projecting wings or pavilions. The wraparound porch is carried on Tuscan-order columns. The dwelling was probably built ca. 1915. Eli Leach's son, Garrett, once lived here.


US 220 Seagrove

The original Seagrove depot of the Asheboro and Aberdeen Railway burned in 1905 and was immediately replaced by this structure. Lumber for the new depot was furnished by Jefferson Auman, who also built the station for $35. The two-story gabled building was the center of the corporate limits of the new town when Seagrove was incorporated in 1913. A one-story hip-roofed wing housing a waiting room and office was later added to the original section. For many years this was the closest station for wealthy Pinehurst vacationers who wanted to visit the nearby potteries. After the railroad line was abandoned, the station was moved to the grounds of the Seagrove Pottery in 1969, where it functions as the Potter's Museum.






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Union Tbwnship


Union Township

The earliest grist mil! and largest frame struc- ture remaining in Randolph County, the Cox Mill on Little River, may have been built ca. 1835 when Thomas Cox (a Quaker of English ancestry) acquired the property. The mill is known today after Dennis Cox, long time miller and son of Thomas. The fabric of the structure is virtu- ally unaltered, with the most important survival being the small unglazed windows. The guillo- tine shutters with original wrought iron latches are unique in the county. Early features of the structure also include strap hinges, two-part "Dutch" door, pent roof over the east entrance, chamfered interior support posts terminating in lamb's tongue motifs and asymmetrical placing of the window and door openings. Much of the

original wooden gearing used with an overshot water wheel has survived later replacement with leather belting run off a turbine water wheel. The location of the mill, far off the present thoroughfares, has contributed to its survival in near-to-original form. Local tradition also cites another factor: the miller during the Civil War is said to have bargained with Sherman's advance troops to spare the mill.

Note: What Sherman's troops failed to do in 1865, lighming and neglect accomplished on 29 July 1981. Randolph County's architectural and cultural heritage is immeasurably poorer for the destruction of this superb building.











Union Township

Labon Slack is said to have built this one-and- a-half-story house in the 1850s with money he earned working on the construction of the plank road. A log house, the dual front doors suggest that it may have been built in two stages. The off-center primary entrance is set in a frame with sidelights. The engaged porch is carried on plain posts. The end chimneys have stone fireboxes and brick stacks. The house is now covered with asbestos siding and a metal roof.


Union Township

The Pisgah Community Covered Bridge was built around 1910 by J. J. Welch, who con- structed a number of covered bridges in the area. Normally the building of these bridges was au- thorized by the county commissioners. Upon the satisfactory completion of a bridge, the commis- sioners paid for materials and labor. Available records, however, do not show county participa- tion in the building of Pisgah Bridge. The bridge IS forty feet long and is said to have cost $40 to build. Its modest proportions indicate it may have been built privately.

Pisgah Bridge is one of two such bridges remaining in a county where the number of covered bridges once exceeded that of any other county in the state. It is a fine example of this particular type of construction and an object of much interest to historians, engineers, architects and artists. Ownership of the bridge appears to be vested in landowners on either side of the bridge, Lacey Strider and Gerald Parker.

A low range of mountains extends through Randolph County, creating many small streams and rivers to be forded or bridged. The Pisgah Community Covered Bridge spans one of these streams, a shallow branch of Little River, about fourteen miles south of Asheboro. It is a small forty-foot wooden structrure with a gable roof and vertically sheathed sides resting on a dry wall stone pier foundation. On either side of the bridge above the four piers the floor joists extend beyond the wall and support braces that are sheathed to created small buttresses. Openings for light and ventilation are located directly be- low the eaves of the roof, which is covered by standing seam tin. On the inside the modified queenpost truss system is exposed, and plank tracks or treads run the length of the floor.








New Hope Ibwnship

Construction of the Lion habitat at the N. C. Zoological Park, 1981. Perhaps the most perva- sive design motif at the state zoo is also one of its most innovative and surprising architectural achievements; the massive rocks which sur- round many exhibits like the Lion habitat are ac- tually false facades disguising concrete animal shelters. The technique was one of the first in- ventions of zoo Design Curator Dwight Holland and his staff. The "rocks" are formed around an armature of wire mesh and steel reinforcing rods, with a carefully-shaped and painted concrete skin sculpted by the design crew. The Lion habitat. Aviary and African Pavilion exhibit the most im- pressive examples of this unique art form. The monkey exhibit in the African Pavilion even boasts a 40-foot tall artificial tree built using the same technique.











New Hope Township

This frame sanctuary building, five bays long, 's among the oldest religious structures in the county. Decorative details suggest it was built at 'east by 1850 and show that the area was once prosperous and of sophisticated tastes. The trim of both doors and windows consists of eight- piece segmental arches which spring from plain corner blocks. The doors have round arches, *hile the windows are pointed. The cornice has a deep overhang with cornice returns. There is no steeple; instead, the bell is attached to a corner of the building. A Sunday school class- room wing at the rear of the sanctuary is covered *'th asbestos siding and seems to have been built ca. 1940. In the graveyard are many stones *hich were elaborately carved in the 1850s by 'he Lauder firm of Fayettevile. In 1864 the church *as used as a headquarters by Lt. Col. Hargrave, ^ commander of the North Carolina Home Guard, *ho camped there while trying to round up and ^Test the many deserters and "outliers" hiding in the area.


New Hope Township

Part of this dwelling is very obviously an early 19th century two-story house with boxed cor- nices and flush gables. However, the structure was extensively altered and added to ca. 1960 and very little of the early fabric remains. The 2/2 sash, "picture" window, metal carport and aluminum siding all date from this period. Some- where underneath remains one of the oldest houses in the area.



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Pugh Funeral Home ca. 1930atits location on the southeast corner of Sunset Avenue and Church Street, Asheboro. Originally built ca. 1900 by C. C. Cranford as a residence, it served as a funeral home until ca. 1934.









Founding and Growth to 1830

Asheboro can be thought of as Randolph County's original Christmas present; the city received its first corporate charter from the state legislature on December 25, 1796. But while the holiday is a convenient milestone to perpetuate as the city's founding date, the events that led up to the creation of Asheboro began as early as the formation of the county in 1779.

Although what was to become Asheboro was originally established by local settlers as their principal village, it was not Randolph County's first seat of government. Between 1779 and 1785 the county court met first in the home of Abraham Reese and then in the home of William Bell. For the next three years, the court met at different sites while the first courthouse was being built. In November, 1788, the legislature formally created the town of Johnstonville around the newly completed courthouse at the crossroads in northwestern Randolph where the Channel Eight television tower now stands (NC 311). This was not convenient for the majority of county residents, however, and agitation for a new location began almost



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Survey of lots in Johnstonville by Samuel Millikan and William Lowe, Surveyors (showing property of William Bell. Alexander Gray and others^ Randolph County: no date (courtesy N. C. Stale Archives).

immediately. Less than two years later state senator John Arnold, a resident of the Jackson's Creek area, introduced a bill "for altering the place for holding the courts in the County of Randolph. ..." This was passed in December, 1792, and the legislature ordered that a new courthouse, prison and stocks were to be built "in the most central part of Randolph County." Even this explicit order did not persuade everyone; a die-hard effort to prevent the change occurred the day before the scheduled move. Six of the seventeen justices of the county court voted against adjourning to the new courthouse. Nevertheless, the first court met at 9:00 on Wednesday June 12, 1793, in new facilities at a site in the center of Randolph County known only as "Randolph Court House." Not until that Christmas day three years later was the settlement coalescing around the courthouse officially incorporated and named "Asheborough," after Samuel Ashe (governor from 1795 to 1798).'

Placement of the courthouse in the center of an almost perfectly square county impartially allowed geography to determine who would benefit and who would be disadvantaged. However, one man did benefit more than anyone else by the town's creation, Jesse Henley, the original owner of the land. On April 14, 1786, Henley

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On July 10. 1786 Samuel Millikan. the County Sunewr. platted out a 200 acre tract of land ■'on deep river waters Including the Center ofSd County! ' The tract was granted to Jesse Henlev. The plat isfoW"! today in the Land Grant Office of the North Carolina Secretan. of State.


entered his application for a grant of 200 acres of land "on Deep River waters including the Center of Sd. County." The land had been part of the vast estate of the Earl of Granville, the ungranted part of which was confiscated by the state of North Carolina during the Revolution. It was some distance to Henley's home near the present Lake Lucas, now Asheboro's raw water reservoir on Back Creek; therefore, his specific concern to include the center of the county indicates that his intentions Were shrewdly speculative. His agreement in 1796 to subdivide fifty acres of the tract into one-acre lots substantially increased the value of all his adjoining property.^ Asheboro, then, was bom in the midst of political maneuverings and land speculations in 1792, the final year of President George Washington's first term in office. The event of its creation doomed another town, Johnstonville, to eventual extinction.

A combination of factors determined the site of the town on Henley's tract of land: the desire to put the courthouse in the center; the presence of high and level ground; and the need for water. The last was filled by the nearby spring and branch today called the "Penn Wood Branch" but originally known as 'Allen Woodell's Spring" and ' Abram's Creek," tributaries of Haskett's Creek and Deep River. The street plan laid out by Henley and the five commissioners appointed by the legislature to "regulate" the town is Asheboro's only surviving reminder of the eighteenth century. Yet even this has been altered in the intervening years. The original town plan was probably a standard "Lancaster Square" plan (so called after the Pennsylvania county seat where it was first used). The plan was a variation of the grid street pattern which notched out the comers of adjacent blocks to form a courthouse square in the intersection of the two main streets. It was traditionally identified with county government and reflected the pride of the community in its administrative and legal center, symbolically the heart of the county. This was doubly emphasized in Asheboro, for the courthouse square at the junction of niodem-day Main and Salisbury streets was determined to be the exact center of Ran- dolph County as well as the center of town.

Only a vague image of the first years of "Asheborough" can be calculated today. It was not then a commercial hub nor a traveler's way-stop. Those functions ^ere filled in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by natural crossroads communities such as Johnstonville, Gladesborough and New Salem. New roads *ere built and old ones realigned to connect Asheborough with the rest of Randolph County. Main Street is the only present-day street for which an eighteenth-century "ame is known: deeds refer to it as "McCulloh Street," after George McCulloh, ^hose home and law office fronted its westem side. McCulloh was the son of colonial land baron Henry Eustace McCulloh, and one of the ongmal residents of tl'e infant town.

No physical evidence whatsoever has survived to give us an idea ot the appearance of Asheboro during this period. Records mention the small frame 'Courthouse, a log jail, stocks and pillories and a whipping post. A handful of stores ^nd law offices clustered around the courthouse. Houses would have been a few in ""niber, small and not necessarily of log constniction. Homes resembling the Williams-Bryant log cabin at 1430 Sunset Avenue may have been built in the new

The original Eighteenth-Century Street Pattern as sited on the 200-acre Henley tract. The courthouse square has been placed in the center of the tract. The streets do not run due North, South, East or West, probably because of the steep slopes on the North and East, and a creek to the North. Other tracts of land were added to this as the town expanded.

town, but other examples in Randolph County suggest that elaborate frame constmction in the Georgian and Federal styles may also have been known in early Asheboro.

The courthouse was the focal point of most activity for the first ninety-five years of the town's existence. Asheboro in that period resembled one of the present-day coastal or mountain resort towns, which flower each summer or winter just long enough to reap all the benefits of the tourist season, then lapse into dormancy. In the case of a county seat, the tempo of life and the economy of the town were geared to the periodic "court week" when law, politics and hucksterism convened at the courthouse. The swell of population during the first week of each quarter was a lure which attracted a growing number of craftsmen and artisans. One early resident wrote "I wish I could bring to my readers the atmosphere of the little town a few days before court week; on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the gathering of the lawyers from other places and witnesses and those who had business; then Tuesday when everybody, especially the men, came to court, sell anything they had for sale, swap horses, and lots of them just to get dmnk. . . ."^ Another resident recalled that the courthouse square

. . . was often a noisy and riotous place. ... the judge often had to call a halt in the proceedings of a trial and order the sheriff to go down and restore order and quiet around the building. The noises arose from horse-traders, venders of patent-medicines, shilabers




The Randolph Courtly court records of 1816 contain the following annotated drawing for stocks and a pillory to be built for the use of the sheriff.


for peep-shows and the like, and lastly from quarrellers and battlers likely stimulated by country brands of raw John Barley com. Many of the hawkers moved from one court to another, and in Asheboro at least, Tuesday was sure to be a big day. They camped often times by open fires alongside their wagon-tongues, and slept in their wagons. ... In July particularly with windows open, it often sounded like Bedlam out there.'*

A two-story frame courthouse was built in 1805 in preparation for the first term of superior court held in Asheboro in 1807. Expansion of the court activities guaranteed increased business opportunities. This set the pattern for the growth of Asheboro and the formation of its character— a rural settlement populated by artisans and professional men, almost totally dependent upon the seasonal meetings of the court. The town was first designated a post office in 1814, and members of the Elliott family dominated as postmasters for its first quarter-century. In 1806 Benja- min Elliott bought lots on the south side of the courthouse square, on which he built one of the town's first substantial homes— a two-story frame house, with a "long porch, square white columns, with door opening into a hallway."^ Elliott and his family later moved back and forth between Asheboro and their textile manufacturing interests in Cedar Falls and this early house was converted into a hotel and tavern. It burned about 1890.

The earliest known representation of a structure built in Asheboro is the contractor's drawing of the new stocks and pillory constructed in the summer of 1816. These were popular devices for punishment until the Civil War. They seemed to deteriorate despite regular maintenance and on the average were replaced about every ten years. Stocks and pillories were normally situated in the yard of the jail, which was moved during the nineteenth century from a site on the creek behind present 303 East Salisbury Street to a site on the southeast comer of Salisbury and Cox streets.

In November, 1824, a twenty-two year old lawyer. Jonathan Worth, bought a lot m Asheboro. Worth, governor from 1865 to 1868. became one of the town's most prominent citizens. He served six terms in the General Assembly, two terms as state treasurer and two terms as governor.' Perhaps as early as 1830. Worth bought or built the house which became his home until 1864. Its site lies just behind present 232 Worth Street. A photograph of the house shows a simple L-plan vernacular structure, with 6-over-6 sash and flat cornice returns hinting at the Greek Revival style. What appears to be a pyramidal ice house occupies the left foreground of the picture. No photograph of the front of the house is known. The house passed out of the Worth family and burned about 1890.

Antebellum Years

Civic awareness was low in Asheboro during the early nineteenth century, and no new town commissioners were elected or appointed. The eighteenth-century town plan had provided for 42 one-acre lots surrounded by a grid of 32-foot-wide streets or alleys. Forty years later the narrowness of those alleys which had becom^ main thoroughfares was felt to be burdensome, but a remedy was not readily available. Since the town had no functioning government, the state legislature had to

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^ ca. 1885 view of the home of Gov. Jonathan Worth, from the southeast or Mam Street point oj view. No photograph of the front or Worth Street facade is known. Worth moved to Asheboro in 1825 but the date of '"w acquisition of this house is unclear. Worth died in 1869: the house remained in his family until it burned, ca. 1890.

be petitioned to reincorporate the town and appoint new commissioners before improvements could be made. This was accomplished in 1829 when Benjamin Elliott, George Hoover, Joshua Craven, Hugh McCain and Jonathan Worth were authorized to resurvey the town. The number of lots remained the same, but were consolidated in six blocks bordered by five principal streets. The new streets were «louble the width of the old ones.* In 1843, Worth, McCain and Craven ("the "■emaining commissioners of the town of Asheborough") were ordered to assist the county surveyor in making a map of the town and in marking the comers of the courthouse square with soapstone landmarks. The plat map which was drawn up still exists in the court records of November, 1843.^

Since only Worth, McCain and Craven remained out of the five 1829 commissioners, it was obvious that the townspeople had not been electmg replace- "lents for those commissioners who died or moved away which reflected a widespread political apathy among the local populace. The citizens of Asheboro simply did not seem too interested in maintaining a municipal government. 'Commissioners were once again appointed and the town reincorporated by the legislatures of 1845, 1849, 1855, 1861 and 1883. The 1855 act directed the townspeople to elect five commissioners who were to appoint a "magistrate of police" as the presiding officer of the board of commissioners and a constable to

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To the County Court of Bald County

In Obediance to the Orde; It term appointing the undersigned to survey the streets Cause the corners

of this Court at the iploy the county surveyor f Asheboro inciudin« the Public Square and . be durably and permanently Marked, Me Report

That WB employed Col. Isaac Lamb, the County Surveyor, to make said survey, and the plat above,' made out by him on a Scale of Ten poles to the Inch, is a Correct Representation of the Town with the Streets and the Public Square.

We further report that at Each of the Twelve ansles or Corners of the Public Square we Caused a Soapstone Rock to be planted extending one foot into the ground and Two inches above the surface and that portion of these rocKs above the Surface, la hewed Square and not leas than ^ Inches Square, and we have had 25 other rocks, of "Suitable Site for a land Mark planted, one at Each of the Corners of the blocks Containing 6 lote fnakin« 22, Exclusive of the Corners on the Public Squaret and one at the South East Corner of Lot No. I, all at least Extend at Least one foot Into the Ground and Six inches above the Surface. The Charge of the Surveyor for hie services is $4 75 and we Let out the Contract for Procuring and planting the Rock to the lowest bidder and Joseph A. Worth became the Undert«ker ■t $9.75 and has performed his Underteklnfi according to his Contract,

Jonathan Worth Hugh McCain Joshua Craven

This map of the town of Asheboro was made by the county surveyor and submitted to the county Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at their November, 1843 term.






collect taxes, which were to be used for upkeep of the roads. This 1855 act, with amendments in 1861, provided the framework of municipal government until 1883. Although official records are lost. Col. Thomas Moore seems to have been the first unofficial "mayor" of Asheboro, serving perhaps from 1855 to 1876. Lawyer J. T. Crocker was then mayor from 1877 at least until 1890."

The latter 1830s heralded the first boom period in the history of Asheboro. It originated late in 1836 with the arrival of lawyer and editor Benjamin Swaim. Swaim had decided to move his newspaper, the Southern Citizen, from the town of New Salem to Asheboro, and the first Asheboro issue was dated December 31, 1836. For the next eight years Swaim showed himself to be a tireless promoter of "internal improvement." The Southern Citizen of August 19, 1937, has preserved Swaim's description of his new hometown:

We have been waiting a good while for room to tell folks at a distance whereabouts, and what sort of place this Asheboro is. . . .

The situation of this place is uncommonly healthy and pleasant, being on a ridge dividing the waters of Deep River and Uwharrie, and within a few miles of Carraway and several other beautiful mountains. Our village, though yet small, has been on the advancing hand for the last two or three years. We number about one hundred inhabitants; very few blacks. We have a pretty good Court House, jail and Methodist E[piscopal] Church. In point of Morality and good neighborhood our community is an exception, and besides very industrious. Nearly all the public offices are kept here. . . .

The two main roads leading from Virginia to South Carolina, and from the Eastern to the Western parts of this state, intersect here, and within a few miles of this place, they respectively branch off in every direction, affording all the necessary facilities of intercourse. We have two arrivals of the mail (in stage) every week from the East, and as many from the West; besides a mail from the North once a week, that ought and we hope will shortly be extended to the South, and carried by stage.

We stand in a great need of more Mechanics, especially carriage and wagon makers. Blacksmith, Hatter, Tanner, Cabinet workmen, Tinner, Saddle and Harness maker any or all of these occupations, well followed, would find ample encouragement among us. Provisions are plenty and cheap, and likely to be more so. We have never seen a more promising prospect for heavy crops of com. . . .

Come some of you thorough-going sons of Carolina! give up your hankering notions of the West. Come and settle among US, on the route of the projected Fayetteville and Western Rail Road. Bring capital if you can, if not, bring what is infinitely better enterprise, industry and economy.

The Fayetteville and Western Railroad of which Swaim spoke caused great excitement in Asheboro from the late 1830s to about 1845. Despite the central geographical locations of both Asheboro and Randolph County, it was difficult for residents to market their agricultural or industrial products. Local Whigs hoped that attracting the railroad through the county would stimulate the economic develop- ment of the area. Though the railroad would not come for another fifty years, the efforts did culminate in the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company some ten years later.

In November, 1839, The New York Circus and Arena Company came to town.

exhibiting strange animals and promising "a variety of new and interesting feats of Horsemanship and other varied scenes of amusements and Equestrian excercises, which will constitute the most delightful and genteel entertainment ever offered in this place." '^

The circus may have heralded the completion of the new county courthouse, a tangible result of this era of civic improvement. Construction of a new brick courthouse had been authorized by the county justices in February, 1839. In May, however, some of


This photograph of the Randolph County Courthouse was probably made ca. 1890. The original two-story 1839 courthouse is visible behind the entrance pmilion added in 1876. This is the south facade of me building {courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public


^^****** *' ^' .' ,, . .... t,^,„!„„ ,u^ were shiDDed to Wilmington in the 1840s, were barged up the Cape Fear River to TL- , . . , 1,. ,„„r^ „^pH to erind gold at the Gray mine near Asheboro. Made in Belgium, they were snippea lu r,nm « This pair of iron balls and granite '^"^f/^ ^f^'^ J^ f„" p,fL„t ideated on Marmaduke Circle, behind the home ofJ.D. Ross, Jr. Payetteville and were brought to Randolph County by wagon, presently locmea ^ ^

the justices seem to have had second thoughts and voted instead to bu'W yet anc^he woodenstructure.Theadvocatesofabrickbuilding,nottobeoutdonedevsedaclever

ploytorevivetheoriginalplan.Theoldwoodencourthousewasprec.p.tatelya^^^^^^^^^ offtoinnkeeperGeorgeHoover.whoannouncedthatheintendedtoaddthestructureto

his nearby tavern complex. The commissioners responsible - --^'"g '^^^ -- courthouse then claimed that no "proper matenals'' could be ^""d to^" Id a new wooden courthouse. The county justices, faced ^'^^Jhe Prospect of homeles^^^^^^^^ asked Hoover if the county could rent or buy back the old ^.«""house_ Hoover "appeared in open Court and agreed that the Sale might be ff ^i'f .f °" ^"^"f/.^ J^ that the Court would order the erection of a Brick building. The die was cast^ the resulting structure was a rectangular brick courthouse divided 'nto^^ Yn«^^ first floor with two jury rooms and the courtroom on the second floor

The town's first religious and educational institutions were also Products of th period. The first, and for sixteen years the only church in Ashebom. ^/^^..^'^S Episcopal sanctuary built in 1834 adjoining what is now the ciy cemetery. Oh denominations also used the building for many years. South of the church Salisbury Street was the original site of the Asheboro Female Academy now the oWes building in the city. The exterior door surrounds and ""^-^^ h rris uSwn element of the architectural trim. The identity o the builder remains unknown although he must have been a craftsman of some skill. A male academy was built in 1842 near the local muster field; the building burned in \^w.

Census records note a population of 154 in 1850 Asheboro, including 32 house- holds 23 wives 21 single adults, 67 children under 21 and 1 1 free blacks. A Pres- byterian congregation had been organized that year, and in 1852 they dedicated their own church building on Worth Street. Dr. Simeon Colton, Yale graduate and min- ister, was lured from Payetteville to serve as pastor and school teacher m 1854. In 1855 he noted in his diary that although

there is more prosperity here than in any place I have lived ... I have by no means found the place what I expected. I was encouraged to expect a good school, but the prospect is by no means flattering. There is nothing but the mere fact of being a county

town that gives to Asheboro any claim to notice above any comer in the country Much

of this state of things among the population arises from the mining operators. . . .

Other sources also attribute the nuisance of drunken gold miners to the presence of the Asheboro saloons.

Construction of the 129-mile-long Payetteville and Western Plank Road began in Payetteville in 1849 and was completed to Salem in 1854. The work through Randolph County spanned 1851 and 1852. The toll house for Asheboro's section of


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During World War II this small building was used as the office of the newly formed Stedman Manufacturing Company. It stood on or near the present municipal parking lot between Sunset Avenue atul Academy Street. Local tradition holds that the tiny building was originally built in the 1850s as the Asheboro toll house for the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road.

The Henry B. Elliott mansion, later known as the Central Hotel, is one of several historic homes in Asheboro whose destruction is recorded in a remarkable series of photographs . The "Finer Carolina" promotional program administered by Carolina Power and Light during the 1950s awarded grants and prizes to towns and cities for community development and beaulification projects. The destruction of "unsightly" old dwellings and the preparation of sites for commercial development was a top priority and the vast majority of Asheboro' s historic homes were le\'eled due to these yearly competitions . At least the end of these historic properties is well documented, for a number of photographs made at stages during the demolition process were compiled in the contest scrapbooks submitted to the "Finer Carolind' Committee. These are now located in the Randolph Room at the Asheboro Public Library.

the road stood behind present 226 South Fayetteville Street. Although maintenance of the road bed was abandoned by 1864, the highway was still called "The Plank Road" until the early twentieth century.'^

One major architectural addition to Asheboro's 1850 streetscape was imported. In 1837 Henry B. Elliott had built his home in Cedar Falls where he was supenntendent of the textile mill. About 1850

for convenience of business he decided to move his place of residence from Cedar Falls

to the county seat [He] had his home taken down and rebuilt in Asheboro, the work

bemg done by slaves, superintended by "Old Wash" who was skilled in carpentry and industry. The house was erected on what was then described as "the most choice lot in Asheborough on Fayetteville Road.''

Photographs show the house, known as "Elliott's Mansion," to have been a Greek Revival structure, five bays long, with a porch supported by Tuscan columns running the length of the facade. A photograph of the interior of a first floor room reveals an elaborate arcaded screen, paneled wainscoting and a very simple Greek Revival mantel.'^ ■' ^

(A>The Elliott mansion ca. 1880. showing Greek Revi^nl style exterior trim and porch details.



(B) The Central Hotel as it stood at the time of its sale and demolition in the summer of 1958. The original Elliott mansion has become the central portion of the hotel, with a two-story veranda linking ^'"gs added on each side.

(C) View from the southwest as demolition begins.

fO) Th

^ northwest wing under demolition.

(E) Going . . .



I "I



(F) Going .

About 1853 Dr. John Milton Worth, brother of Jonathan Worth, moved to Asheboro and built an unusual house on the northeast corner of Cox and Worth streets. The exterior of the two-story house was austerely simple; elements such as the door surround suggested the Greek Revival style, and the small coupled windows were a faint reference to the Italianate style so popular in the 1850s. The interior of the house, on the other hand, was surprisingly elaborate. The rooms were wainscoted in walnut and the ceilings were painted with flowers. The house must have truly been looked upon as a "mansion" in antebellum Asheboro. Residents today mostly remembered the elaborate Eastlake style porch which was added in the 1880s by Worth's son-in-law, A. C. McAlister.

The one building which still exists from the 1850s is the Marmaduke Robins law office at 124 North Main Street. It is the second-oldest building extant in Asheboro. The two-room frame structure, now being used as a storage shed, was purchased by Robins in 1874. Robins did not build the office since structural indications suggest an antebellum date. According to Marmaduke Robins's son Sidney, the office was originally set on stilt-like piers raising it some six feet off the ground.'^ Other buildings in Asheboro are known to have been similarly elevated, but the reason for it is not clear; perhaps the additional height aided ventilation. Offices such as this were common structures in nineteenth-century Asheboro and throughout the county towns of North Carolina; few have survived.

(G) Gone. The hilly lot is being leveled; the Randolph Savings and Loan building, Asheboro' s first modern multi-story building, would soon rise on the site.


WTheWorth-McAlisterHouseca.l950.TheoriginalGreekRevivalstyledwellingwasbuittbyDrJohr' Milton Worth ca 1853 . His son-in-law. Col. Alexander McAlister. later added wings and the elaborate Eastlake style porch .




W\ '^U





(^) Demolition begins in the summer .

(C) Continues into the fall

t «



'^) Exposes the massive structural timbers of the antebellum dwelling

(E) Reduces the once-glorious home to a heap of rubble



'•ii •"I




'^•*- .ifc^^^ . -




ff ) /Im/, as spring returns, Asheboro possesses another vacant lot ready for redevelopment. This scrapbook sequence was brightly captioned, "An unsightly old building, no longer beautiful or useful, makes way for progress!' In 1964 the Asheboro Public Library opened on the site.

Civil War, Stagnation and a New Beginning

The Civil War was a difficult time for Asheboro and Randolph County but not for military reasons. There were no Federal occupations, battles or burnings. The troubles in Randolph County came as internal struggles, first over the issue of secession and then dissatisfaction with wartime politics. Political sentiments were strongly pro-union as early as the nullification crisis in 1830, when an Independence Day toast in Asheboro declared that "he who wantonly engenders a feeling of hostility between the states instead of soothing it to harmony is a traitor to his country. Let no such man be trusted."'^"

Randolph's state senator, Jonathan Worth, tried desperately during the "secession winter" of 1860 to keep North Carolina in the Union. On December 28, a public meeting in Asheboro to discuss the crisis drew a crowd of 1,000 people. The sense of the meeting was reported in a final resolution which declared that "all men who love their country . . . should . . . unite for the salvation of the Union and the Constitution."'^' On February 28, 1861, a referendum was held to determine whether North Carolina should call a secession convention. The vote, sponsored by the secessionists in the legislature, was barely defeated statewide, while in Randolph the population voted against calling a convention by a fifty to one margin. -^^ However, President Lincoln's "April Policy" turned the tide and forced North Carolina out of the Union on May 20, 1861.



.y^ '/s~


!!>rl f » t""*"" '^^^-'^^^ period dray^n by Frances Porter Hubbard. The ■'Public Square' ,Zi c/""-""^ located courthouse is clearly visible. When compared to the 1843 surxey map. H '^ obvious that some streets were neser opened, or became disused.

Promment Asheboro citizens such as Jonathan and John Milton Worth became supporters of the war effort. Jonathan Worth moved to Raleigh in 1862 when he was elected state treasurer. John Milton Worth spent much of the war in Wilmington as airec orot the state salt works. Under influences such as theirs, opinion in Asheboro ran strongly m favor of the Confederacy. The surtounding county, however, was a center ot dissent. Peace meetings were held around the county throughout the war. uratt evaders, or "Outliers," and local deserters from the amiy hid from authorities n the woods and mountains. In 1864, Randolph was one of only three counties in he state which voted for W. W. Holden (the Peace Party candidate) over Zeb Vance <n the gubernatorial election. In addition, Peace candidates swept all local offices, Worth "^ ^'° ""^^'^^'^''^ '^^''^'' ^""^^ ^^ Marmaduke Robins and John Milton

w.r '^'['f °™'.' g^w'h, slowly building since the 1830s was halted by the Civil

inlcr r^'^T'' '^°"^'™c''0" took place for the next twenty-five years, and the

Mhehl '''TJ^P"^^"' °f 'he town was miniscule. The only industries listed in

ZXZ u i^,f'^ ^ '^"y^'''^ "P^^^'^'* ^'y Samuel Walker and a wool-carding machine run by William Gluyas.^-*

reveak'^'lTiT"""'' ""'tl^^ '^"^^ P'"'' ^ '"^P "^ '^e village during this period

urJ led inTsi/'hT'' '''^?'' '"^" '^^" ^'^ ^'^ planned Some of the streets

surveyed in 1843 had never been opened. Others, such as Gluyas's Pond Road (latef

known as Depot Street and Sunset Avenue) had developed in disregard for the survey and ultimately in the middle of a planned block. The growth of Asheboro became increasingly haphazard.

The addition of a monumental entrance portico on the south side of the old courthouse was the only architectural achievement of note in the 1870s. An unusual "time capsule" built into that courthouse addition provided a glimpse into Asheboro of the Reconstruction period. In 1876 the mayor of Asheboro jotted down a senes of notes on the current aspects of his town, inserted the papers into four bottles and deposited the bottles in the wall of the unfinished courthouse addition. These were found in 1914 when the structure was demolished.

Asheboro at this writing contains a population of about 200. It has two churches, Presbyterian and Methodist, South. The Rev. Mr. Dalton occupies the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Mr. Craven in the Methodist Church. Both churches unite in a Sabbath School and it is held in the Presbyterian Church; it number about 75 students from the town and surrounding neighborhood. The cemetary is at the Methodist Church.

Asheboro has two academies of learning, male and female. The colored people have

also a church in this town. , ,

Asheboro is incorporated and no intoxicating drinks of any kind of character is aloua

to be sold in two miles of the court house. ... , . j ,

There is a Masonic Lodge in Asheboro, Balfour Lodge No. 188. The Independent

order of Good Templers have a lodge in this town. Good Shepherd lodge No. 4.

The Randolph County Agricultural Society hold their annual fairs in this town; they have a fair ground, enclosed, of four acres. . . j~ ..

The Court House was covered with tin this year and painted by Benjamin H Moore. . The ladies of this town is, and always have been remarkable for their beauty, industry, intelligence and virtue. ... The grain crop is quite abundant this year and of good quality. There's much complaint among the people on account of the scarcity of money to pay their taxes owning to the county administration of government. _, , . _ , ,„,

There is published in this town a weekly newspaper called the Randolph Regulator Democratic in principles and unflinching advocate of retrenchment and reform in me administration of the government; Hon. Marmaduke S. Robins, editor. The Hon. John Kerr is judge of the Superior Court. October 16th, A. U. l»/o. Thomas McGhee Moore, Justice of the Peace" ^ TWo other bottles were filled with seed com and seed wheat, and the last '^"tained some notes on the inhabitants of Asheboro, their occupations and P^t'mes. Moore seems to have been very proud of the revival of the Randolph ^ounty Agricultural Society, which had lapsed during the war. The Society had been 'f^^rganized on November 10, 1874, with A. S. Homey, chairman of the County ^^mmissioners, elected president. The first postwar fair was held October 21 and S i^^^' ^«h exhibits of all kinds of livestock and agricultural Products .Moore jo^ed that the Fair Ground included shelters for stock and produce exhibitions as ^f ! as a "Floral Hall." He also proudly announced that 500 bales of cotton were "^ jn the Asheboro market in 1876.'*' .^ ^„,.r<"

In reference to the construction trade, Moore stated that three house carpenters

lived in Asheboro Winningham, Porter and Bums. This is the only known reference to those three men, who were well-known buggy and carriage builders, as house carpenters. Examples of their work would be difficult to identify, as only one structure exists in Asheboro dating from the 1860-1885 period. That is the tiny Bunting House at 601 South Main Street.

The end of Asheboro's postwar slump seems to have been signaled by a "wave" of immigration. The arrival of three young foreigners between July and November, 1886, produced a cultural impact on the town second only to the impending arrival of the railroad. The population of Asheboro had remained static for nearly a century and most families were related in some way. Basil John Fisher, C. Slingsby Wainman and Charles St. George Winn were the vanguard of outside residents the railroad was destined to introduce. Their nationality, strange ways and free spending immediately set them apart from the townspeople, who accorded all three the deferential title of "Captain." One tradition says that the three were British army officers retired from service in India, who had been recraited to manage one of the county's gold mines. This might have a basis in fact, for the Hoover Hill mine was then owned by a syndicate based in London. Taking up temporary residence in the Central Hotel, all three seem to have completed homes within the next two


Wainman, a Scot, was a small, tweedy man with a wife and daughter. His home, still standing at the comer of Church Street and Wainman Avenue, is an example of the standard North Carolina vernacular two-story central-gable house, which in this case, has an ell attached to the northwest comer. The Wainman House

Charles Slingsby Wainman House, fronting on Church Street, and built ca. 1888. It was occupied by the Romulus R. Ross family at the time of the photograph.






M window frame of the Fisher Gatekeeper's House. The Wainman, Winn and Fisher homes used iden- tical exterior millwork, perhaps obtained from the W.C. Petty Company in Archdale.

originally boasted elaborate eave and porch post brackets, a sawn-baluster porch railing and arched window sashes set in pedimented frames. The Wainman House, the Fisher Mansion and the Fisher Gatekeeper's House, built simultaneously, shared these elements of decorate trim. Such material was available in ready-made form from local "sash and blind" factories throughout the state. The W C. Petty Company in Archdale could have provided the trim for these houses.

Fisher, the wealthiest of the three, acquired a 384-acre estate. His land centered



Capt. BasilJohn Fisher, resident of Asheboro from ca. 1886 to ca. 1895. He acquired a large estate in Greensboro where he moved upon leaving Asheboro. His real estate dealings there created the elegant turn-of-the-century 'Fisher Park' ' neighborhood which is now a locally designated historic

around what is now Sunset Avenue (then called Fisher's Road) and included almost everythmg west of Park Street between Salisbury Street and Wainman Avenue. His home was universally called the "Mansion House" and stood on the vacant lot just west of the modem Masonic Temple. It was a two-and-one-half story structure at least twice the size of any other house in town, including Wainman's. Fisher's estate possessed the requisite number of service structures; many, such as the gatekeeper's house, have survived the mansion. Most unusual of these is the enormous dovecote

Plai of Fisher's estate in Asheboro. drawn from original deed records by the author. The estate comprised at least eight separate tracts of land on Cedar Fork Creek and Tanyard Branch. Fishers mansion house stood on tract #1. Tract #4 was later cut into a multitude of tiny lots, the -Hoover Subdivision" This area along Hoover Street became Asheboro' s first residential subdivision.


ter mansion, ca. 1925.

"ow in the backyard of 711 Sunset Avenue. The octagonal structure, approximately twelve feet tall, boasts tiny sliding doors to individually close each nesting compartment. Fisher was also very fond of dogs and horses. Although the kennels ^nd stables apparently did not survive, local tradition claims that the estates bam ^as finally cut in half and remodeled into two houses.

The 1890s saw the deaths of one of Fisher's young daughters and both ot his ^omrades. It may have been the weight of all this tragedy which about 1895 caused "'"1 to sell his estate and move to Greensboro. The estate was then subdivided.

The Fisher Gatekeeper's House. When a shopping center was built on the site in the mid-1960s, this home, mistakenly labeled as the town's oldest dwelling, was moved and preserved. Whether it actually functioned as a Gatekeeper's House for the Fisher estate is debatable. Its lot was originally owned by Fisher's batchelor associate Charles St. George Winn, and the building may have been built as his residence.

The only surviving structure from the Fisher estate is this elaborate octagonal dovecote.

opening up much of west Asheboro to construction. In 1919 the mansion was converted into Asheboro' s second hospital, which closed in 1931. On October 21, 1934, the former mansion was completely destroyed by fire.

The S. W. Kivett House at 308 West Kivett Street is the largest remaining house from the late nineteenth century. It combines several revival styles of decorative trim to embellish what is basically a standard center-gable house. The dentiled cornice suggests the Colonial Revival, which would become one of the most popular styles in Asheboro within the succeeding ten years.






The Railroads and an Era of Change

In 1890, lawyer and local historian J. A. Blair wrote the first history of Randolph County, treating each community to a few descriptive phrases. In doing so, he painted the last portrait of Asheboro before it entered a turbulent period of change.

Thus amid the circling hills of pine, where the golden light of day first breaks upon the dew-gemmed hills, where the tremulous light of evening lingers on the crest of the lonely mountain pine, without a boom, without a puff, without ever assuming an air of greatness, with more merit than praise, . . . this quite country village ... has stood for a hundred years, without assuming an air of town life, unafflicted with burglars, tramps, or insurance agents. . . .

In July, 1889, the [High Point, Randleman, Asheboro, and Southern] Railroad was completed to this place. What influence this medium of travel and transportation is to exert on the future of a town a century old, containing two stores and twenty-two houses, time alone can tell.^'

Blair's question was answered in 1912.

It is amazing to note the influence this medium of travel and transportation has exerted on the advancement of a town a century old. . . . Since the completion of this road tremendous strides have taken place despite an effort on the part of some of the older inhabitants to prevent it. The town almost immediately began to build about the new depot, and since that time a prosperous growth has been continuous. . . . Thus while the town has a history of a century and a quarter, yet its true life dates from the coming of the Southern Railway in 1889. Since then it has grown from a village into a thriving



A resident later described welcoming of the railroad's arrival in Asheboro and its significance:

July 4, 1889, had been set aside as a day of celebration for the completion of the railroad. . . . When the day arrived throngs assembled from all parts of the county, coming in horse-drawn wagons, ox carts, on horseback and on foot.

The coming of the railroad to Asheboro marked the beginning of progress for Randolph County. The most important natural resource of the county was its abundance of timber. Due to difficulties of transportation there had been no market for it but with the coming of the railroad the saw mills descended on the county and lumber plants began to be built in Asheboro. Whole train load of lumber were shipped to High Point and other places. In late afternoon one could look south on what had been the Old Plank Road and as far as one could see there would be wagons loaded with lumber coming into Asheboro.^'

In 1896, the Asheboro and Montgomery Railroad was opened from Asheboro to Star in Montgomery County. This railroad, built by the Page family, merged in 1897 with the Aberdeen and West End Railroad, which the family also owned. The


resulting corporation, the Aberdeen and Asheboro Railroad, became part of the Norfolk and Southern system on January 1, 1912 and was abandoned in 1952.^° With the completion of both railroads, Asheboro and Randolph County finally possessed the transportation system that had been dreamed of since the 1830s. Star was two hours to the south, Randleman about a half hour to the north and High Point two hours away. Travel at last could be measured in hours instead of days. Rapid communications followed with the opening of the first telephone exchange in Asheboro in 1897.

The first man to take advantage of the boom was the elderly but indefatigable John Milton Worth. He immediately started a lumber and planing mill and the Asheboro Roller Mill near the intersection of Salisbury and Park streets. But the

This 1910 Sanborn Insurance Company map sho»s three of Asheboro' s most important early industriu- sites: the Asheboro Roller Mill, the Home Building and Material Company milU-ork factory and tht town s electric light plant. The generating station urn built to po^er the roller mill and only inc'- dentally provided electrical service to /ohti residents (courtesy of the Sanborn Map Company).

The Clark Cox House was located near the roller mill. The form of the center-hall plan central gable house is not unusual but the porch and wooden fence are attractive exhibitions of the house carpenter's facility in combining millwork products for decorative effect.

first really new industry was founded by W A. Grimes, who built a factory on the northeast comer of Sunset Avenue and North Street. He bought dogwood lumber from which he manufactured shuttle blocks for use in the local textile mills. Not long after the arrival of the railroad, branches of the Guilford Lumber Company, the Snow Lumber Company of High Point and the W. C. Petty Company also opened in Asheboro.^'

The brick store buildings of E. A. Moffitt and McAlister and Morris were built around the old courthouse square after the arrival of the railroad but before the center of activity in Asheboro had shifted to the railroad depot from the courthouse. The Moffitt building soon burned, and the McAlister and Morris store was converted into the town's first hosiery mill in the 1890s. The fire that claimed the Moffitt Store expedited the move away from the old courthouse center by destroying the entire east side of Main Street. Burned were Boyette and Richardson's drug store, J. L. Brittain's law office, the Bums Hotel, W. E Moragne's Jewelry Store, E. A. Moffitt's Store and the Argus newspaper office. Most of the businesses rebuilt nearer the railroad. ^^

The R H. Morris general store at 102 Sunset Avenue (1895) was the first brick structure built in the new central business district. A small brick building built across Fayetteville Street in 1897 housed the city's first bank. The Bank of Randolph, which had been founded that year. The tiny stmcture was enlarged or replaced about 1905 by the neo-classical bank building tom down in 1963. The rest


Ca lonn ^ L L u ^ .u . ..nnrnt, nhotosrovhs from a spot in front of the new Bank of Randolph building. Combined, they create a fascinating panoramic view of Asheboro s most

^■1900 an unknown photographer made three ''P'^l^'/J^l^^^^^^^^^^^ identified the man crossing the street as Fred Baldwin. The P. H. Morris store is the only building still standing today


'nent intersection of the turn of the century.

(<:ourtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

1 i'!l










of the infant business district was a motley collection of frame "boom-town" storefronts. Typical of these was the bright yellow Wood and Moring Store, erected in 1899 on the southwest comer of Sunset Avenue and Fayetteville Street.

The late nineteenth century was a boom period for domestic construction as well. With the evolution of Depot Street, or Sunset Avenue, as the centerpiece of the business district, Fayetteville Street underwent a transformation into an upper-class residential area. About 1892 an unknown draftsman built three identical houses in Asheboro for three prominent lawyers and businessmen: W H. Moring, Col. J. Ed Walker and Col. William Penn Wood, the state auditor from 1910 to 1920." The townspeople at the time were awestruck by these impressive homes, all of which have since been destroyed. About the same time, roller mill executive W J. Scarboro built an equally impressive home on Fayetteville Street. Its most prominent feature was a second empire style mansard-roofed tower. Falladian windows graced the third floor. In the 1930s, Scarboro Street was opened between the Scarboro House and the Central Hotel and the house was soon moved down the hill, fronting Scarboro, in order to open up the Fayetteville Street site for development. It was finally torn down in the 1950s.

Several equally ambitious houses were built in the Queen Anne style. The T H. Redding House on Worth Street, the S. B. Stedman and Hiatt-Swaim houses on Fayetteville Street and the E. A. Moffitt House, now on Academy Street, were all of similar design. The Redding House boasted an elaborate veranda with spool-like

(B)The W. P. Wood home, on East Salisbury Street (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).

Some very substantial homes were built in Asheboro during the 1890s. Three of the largest dwellings were almost identical.

(A)TheO. R. CoxHouse, on the corner of Academy and Main streets (courtesy Rundolphhook 1779- 1 979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library) .

(C) The W. H. Moring House, on South Fayetteville Street (courtesy Randolph Book 1119-1919 pho- tograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).


I^oller mill executive W. J. Scarboro built this large house in the late 1890s. Its mansard-roofed tower ^os one of the county's few examples of the "Second Empire" style.

^^'ghbors on North Fayetteville Street, the W. J. Armfield and S. B. Stedman houses were both built °''°und the turn-of-the-century. The Stedman House, built by the Redding family, was almost identical ^^he Hiatt-Swaim House at the corner of Fayetteville and Academy streets. Octagonal corner turrets ^'■^ <:ynosures of both the Queen Anne style homes.

balusters and a spindled porch frieze; the Stedman and Hiatt-Swaim houses sported peaked towers on their hip roofs. But all of the houses were essentially the basic design which can still be seen in the Moffitt House: a square, hip-roofed main block, a projecting polygonal bay with bracketed eaves and a wraparound veranda. An earlier, stylistically related house, was the original Arthur Ross home built at 444 Sunset Avenue but moved east on Sunset in 1905 and later destroyed. This house was the most elaborate and decoratively rich creation of Victorian Asheboro, with all the brackets, spindles and spools its unknown builder could add.

Emergence of Modern Asheboro

After the arrival of the railroads, the population of Asheboro nearly doubled every ten years: 1890 (510), 1900 (992), 1910 (1,865), 1920 (2,559) and 1930 (5,021).^'* Industrial expansion attracted most of these people to Asheboro and large scale construction was necessary to provide them with homes, stores and public services. A 1912 observer noted:

At present there are two roller mills, the third one almost completed; two chair factories, a lumber plant, wheelbarrow factory; Home Building and Material Company; a foundry, and a hosiery mill. The community affords two prosperous banks, and there is also a building and loan association. There are already about thirty stores and several more being built.

The first home built by industrialist Arthur Ross on the northeast corner of Sunset Avenue and Park Street was Asheboro' s finest example of a decorative style which deserves to be called "Millwork Baroque." The end gable is a virtual catalog of some unknown company's millwork production. The house was subsequently moved and the present Colonial Revival style house was built on the site for Ross (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).




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Two views of the present Randolph County Courthouse under construction in 1909 (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library).


Asheboro has one of the finest school buildings in the State, and its school is second to none. The school for white children has ten grades and nine teachers. The colored children also receive a good education. There are five churches for the white people and four for the colored. Two newspapers are printed. The Courier and The Randolph Bulletin. There are a telephone system and an electric light plant, and a newly-installed water and sewerage system. To all the foregoing should be added the fact that there are many handsome residences in our town which serve to give it a pleasant appearance. . . .

Judging from the past twenty-five years of progress ... we cannot but predict for the old county seat of Randolph a large share in the marvelous prosperity which is coming as a tidal wave upon the piedmont sections of North Carolina.^'

The last vestiges of old "Asheborough" began to fade in March, 1908, when the county commissioners voted to build a new courthouse. Dr. John Milton Worth's old cornfield and barnyard were bought by a citizens group for $1 ,400 and donated to the county. Seven of the town's lawyers purchased adjoining property for $1,300 on which to build their "Lawyer's Row." After many setbacks and changes, the new government building was completed in July, 1909, at a cost of $34,000. In April, 1914, the old courthouse was dismantled and the bricks used to build a new county jail.- In 1919 the sites of the former courthouse and jail were sold into private ownership. The passing of the historic courthouse center does not seem to have been mourned or regretfully acknowledged by many citizens.

The magnificent new courthouse was less symbolic of Randolph County than of Asheboro's booming spirit of civic pride and self-awareness. It signaled the start of ten years of unparalleled growth and unprecedented change. From 1910 to 1920 Asheboro acquired all the virtues of urban life, from public utilities and recreation areas to improved educational and health care facilities to municipal police and fire protection.

The post office had been the first service to move toward the railroad from the old courthouse center. The office occupied several sites in the Sunset Avenue area while serving the growing community. An identity crisis of sorts occurred on January 10, 1923, when without warning the Post Office Department officially changed the town's name from 'Asheborough" to "Ashboro." Outraged at the mistake, Courier editor and congressman William Cicero Hammer forced the post office to adopt a compromised spelling, "Asheboro." A government-owned down- town post office building was built with WPA funds in 1935, but in 1965 the growing operation moved to its present quarters on the northeast comer of Sunset Avenue and Davis Street. ^^

Electricity had arrived in 1900 when J. D. and Arthur Ross, owners of the Home Building and Material Company (a sash-and-blind manufacturer), and W I Scarboro, operator of the Asheboro Roller Mill, installed a 100 horse-power electric generator between their adjoining plants. Electric power had been available only i" the two factories until 1905 when Arthur Ross and C. C. Cranford incorporated the Asheboro Electric Company. In 1911 the town government bought the company- operating it as a municipal utility until 1924 when a 50-year franchise was granted Carolina Power and Light. Electricity was available for residential use only at nigW' the power was needed during the day to operate the roller mill and other industries

Power even to street lights was cut off at 1 1:00 FM. on Sundays and at midnight on all other days. A 100-kilowatt, coal-fired dynamo was installed by the city in 191 1 in the new "Water and Light Department" complex on the site of the present city hall.

A $50,000 water system fed by wells had been installed in the summer of 1910. Two circular concrete tanks holding 600,000 gallons and one elevated steel tank holding 75,000 gallons were constructed. In 1914 the wells proved inadequate and a filter plant and concrete reservoir holding 2 1/2 million gallons (called "Lake Number One") were built on the hilltop between Wainman Avenue and Hill Street. When the reservoir ran dry in 1925, Lake Number Two was built in the hills west of Asheboro. Another lake was constructed in 1931, and yet another in 1946. The latter Was the Back Creek reservoir, now called Lake Lucas, impounding one-and-a-half billion gallons of water. ^*

The fire department, originally manned by volunteers, was founded in 1911 by S. B. Stedman, who became its first chief. The only equipment at first was a "hose reel," a two-wheeled hand-drawn carriage holding a drum with a hose wrapped around it. The first truck was purchased in 1914.^'' After 1915 the first full-time municipal official was the town constable, whose duties included provisions outlined in the charter of 1855. He was responsible for collecting property taxes, privilege taxes, special license taxes, as well as keeping order in the community. In 1928 the constable was replaced with a chief of police and a policeman.

A large brick public school, called the "Asheboro Graded School," was built in 1909 on the grounds of the old county fair and male academy. Between 1924 and 1926 the building was enlarged, remodeled and stuccoed, and came to be called Payetteville Street School. A separate elementary school. Park Street School, was I'uilt in 1936. It partially burned in April, 1959, and was rebuilt; a later name. Donna Lee Loflin School, honored its principal from 1936 to 1965. Lindley Park School *as the third added to the growing system. In the late 1960s the growing profusion of new schools doomed the historic Fayetteville Street building, which was demol- ished in 1969."°

Across the street from what would be the site of Park Street School lay Asheboro's first public park on land donated to the city in 191 1 by Rufus W Frazier ^nd named for him. The site had been a tanyard in the nineteenth century and included a natural spring. Walks were laid off and flowers planted under the guidance of Miss Julia Thorns, a leader of the Women's Club.

Dr. and Mrs. John Floyd Miller operated the first hospital in Asheboro from 1^14 to 1917 in a two-story frame house on the southeast comer of Salisbury and North Fayetteville streets. Mrs. Mary Scotten was hired as a cook, later becoming a "urse for the black patients while her son Peldon served as orderiy. Mrs. Scotten was Je first licensed practical nurse trained in Dr. Miller's nursing program. After the "ospital closed she became a well-known midwife and died in November, 1959 at ^8e 94. The hospital ceased operation in the fall of 1917 when Dr. Miller went into '"e army. His wife soon died in the 1917 influenza epidemic. The second hospital "^.J opened in 1919 by two brothers, Drs. C. A. and R. W. Hayworth in the °JJ Pisher mansion. The original fifteen bed facility was expanded to fifty beds in '^23. R. w. Hayworth later entered the navy, and when his brother Dr. C. A.

Graded School Buildinf. Atheboro, N. C

The brick Asheboro Graded School, built in 1909, at 325 South Fayetteville Street.

The school was expanded, remodeled and stuccoed in the 1920s.






This architectural rendering of the proposed Randolph Hospital was exhibited in 1931 . It was produced in the office of Asheville architect Eric G. Flannagan (courtesy Randolph Public Library).

Hayworth fell ill in June, 1930, the hospital closed temporarily. He reopened the hospital in the fall, but closed it permanently in May, 1931, after Randolph Hospital, Inc., was chartered by special legislative act.'*'

This burst of civic improvement and municipal responsibility reached a pinnacle in July, 1919, when the first seven miles of Asheboro's streets were paved. To a population accustomed to muddy quagmires instead of streets and sidewalks, this was the most obvious sign of Asheboro's entry into genteel society. "That was the year Asheboro really started gettin on the map. . . ." recalled one resident.'*^

Industrial development had of course been the impetus behind this boom in public services. In 1920, more than five trains a day left Asheboro with the products of its industries. About 132,000 chairs were shipped out of local factories that year. In 1920, each week saw 690,000 board feet of lumber shipped; 4,320 wheelbarrows and 300 caskets were built; 168,000 pairs of stockings were made; 480 barrels of flour (at 196 lbs. to the barrel) were bought and sold."*^

The 1920s and 1930s saw even more changes in Asheboro as the local economy entered a transition from agriculturally-related businesses to fully-industrialized manufacturing. Early wood-products firms were increasingly replaced with textile operations. Before 1905 Asheboro's chief industries had been blacksmith shops, lumber mills and chair factories. The Asheboro Chair Factory opened under J. 0. Redding and others in 1904, with wages from 350 to 750 per ten-hour day.





Bunding #1- - - Building #2- . . Building #3- - - Building #4- . .

Building #5

Building J6- - - Building 17- . . Building l€- - - gliding 19- - - Utlot Building- Itneral plant- -

*otalB, Plant Valuation- - •ohinery Away jrom plant-


Szand Totals-



40,064.94 6,106.32









4616,483.28 1.726.00



$246,865.03 36,305.79

6,866.14 2,381.26






7,046.81 4.694.39

J53v,8v8.45 1,294.50











9. 297. 69






1929 site plan and appraisal report of Asheboro Hosiery Milts (courtesy of Samuel D. Cranford, Jr.).


National Chair Company was opened in 1914 by C. C. Cranford and reorganized in 1933 by Cranford and W. Clyde Lucas. Their cane-bottomed chairs wholesaled for $7.50 per dozen. Wagons and trucks carried the unfinished chairs out into the county where women at home could weave the seat bottoms.'*^ Descendants of many of the original wood products industries still survive. The Home Building and Material Company, operated for many years by the Ross family survives today in Hedgecock Builders, Inc., despite its almost complete destruction by fire on August 17, 1929. The present-day Dixie Furniture Company is a descendant of the National Chair Company organized in 1914. The one representative which has survived completely unchanged is the P and P Chair Company, organized in 1926 by W. C. Page and Arthur Presnell.

The shift from wood products to textiles is well illustrated by the career of C. C. Cranford, a Randolph County native who came to Asheboro in 1895. Cranford expanded upon the knowledge gained in his first job, driving a delivery wagon for the Asheboro Roller Mill, when he organized his own Crown Milhng Company. In 1913 it merged with the Southern Milling Company to form the Southern Crown Milling Company, owned and operated by the W. E Redding family until 1958. In 1908, Cranford purchased the Randolph Chair Company. He was also mvolved m organizing the Cranford Furniture Company, the Asheboro Veneer Company, the National Chair Company and the Piedmont Chair Company.

In 1917 Cranford switched his manufacturing interests to the production of men's socks in his Asheboro Hosiery Mills. The company later expanded to make ladies' hose as well and in 1937 began the manufacture of "full-fashioned- hosiery '♦^ The "full-fashion" process was an improved method of knitting ladies stockings which had been introduced to Asheboro by the brothers Joseph C. and Charles G. Bossong. Their company had been organized in New York in 1927 and brought to Asheboro by Charles Bossong in 1928.^^ The textile business also drew the Stedman family away from their wholesale grocery operation. Sulon B. Stedman and his father, W. D. Stedman, organized the Stedman Manufacturing Company in 1930. The company originally made handkerchiefs but in 1945 began making T-shirts for the U.S. Navy. The company has since expanded enormously.

The pioneer of the twentieth-century era of textiles was the Acme Hosiery Co. , chartered on December 19, 1908 with a capitalization of 526,000. 1 here were seventeen original incorporators, including prominent local businessmen U. ti '^eCrary, T. H. Redding and W. J. Armfield. McCrary was the first president of the corporation. O. R. Cox, former superintendent of the Cedar Falls textile mill "loved to Asheboro to act as secretary-treasurer of the corporation and manager ot *e mill. The venture was not immediately successful and McCrary and Redding soon left the hardware business to take over personal direction of the mill. Ihe original product of the firm was cotton stockings; production later shifted to rayon, silk and currently nylon hosiery.^^ The Acme Hosiery plant was buih just northwest of the new courthouse on a site which adjoined the railroad; the southwest corner ot Salisbury and North streets. (Mr. Armfield was its neighbor to the east.) All ot the ^^fly industries were located for similar reasons in what has become Asheboro s central business district. The West Salisbury Street area periodically has been rebuilt

Asheboro' s central business district blanketed under the "Great Snow of 1927 r

as fires swept through the rambling frame factories of the woodworking businesses located there. Later furniture plants and all textile mills built brick factories which now make up most of the noncommercial floorspace in the downtown area. Shared wall construction is a dominant feature of the area's inter-related and tightly-packed commercial/industrial buildings.

The development of the Church/Sunset/Fayetteville/Worth streets corridor of brick commercial structures began with the R H. Morris Store in 1895 and continued until about 1950. These streets comprise Asheboro's only areas of real urban spatial consolidation. The structures are all related in height, building material and second-story fenestration. Though most of the inter-related downtown residences have vanished, and some major original structures have been replaced, Asheboro's central business district retains today a cohesive collection of pre-World War II commercial buildings. Some structures in the area are more attractive architecturally than others, but lesser buildings and factories also play an important part in defining the character of the era.

The ever-expanding population of Asheboro necessitated the creation of a great deal of domestic residential construction. Three-bay central-gable houses, either single-story as at 339 Worth Street or two-story as at 525 South Fayetteville Street, were popular and common into the 1920s. Thereafter, houses in the "Bungalow"






The original Asheboro Baptist Church, a Gothic Revival structure complete with batttemented entrance tower, was built in 1911 . It stood beside city hall on the east side of Church Street. The building burned Nov. 19, 1933 and the congregation rebuilt on the opposite side of the street.

Style became standard— low, spreading structures, with deeply-overhung roofs supported on brackets and porches set on squat brick posts or stone bases. The 1917 J. D. Ross House is an example of this style and was probably the city's first brick dwelling as well. Architectural eclecticism in a variety of revival styles was the fashion among the homes of wealthier residents. The homes of the two McCrary brothers on Worth Street are prominent examples.

The Home Building and Material Company served a large segment of the housing market. With production ranging from raw lumber to finished millwork, the company could and did provide every wooden element for a home. After World War I, the company advertised that it produced a complete house everyday. In the 1920s the company manufactured houses according to the specifications of T E. Lassiter, a local contractor who shipped the packaged components by rail and assembled bungalows all over the South.

The explosion of domestic construction shaped the development of new neighborhoods. The "B. E Hoover" subdivision of 1890 was one of Asheboro's first efforts at suburban development. Development of the sixty one-acre lots was retarded, however, when most were bought and kept in a block by B. J. Fisher. The 1908 "Randolph Heights" subdivision was the first project which resembled modem development practices; Asheboro High School is in the area today. "Dog- wood Acres" was opened in 1928 by Henry P. Corwith on property which he ac- quired in 1914. t- 1^ .7

In 1923, the Makenworth Company, a real estate development corporation, established "Greystone Ten-ace." This originally comprised the Worth Street/Elm Street/Randolph Avenue/Cliff Road areas. In 1924 the company opened the "Old Muster Field" tracts on Cox Street. (The Old Muster Field had been the nineteenth- century assembly point and campground for the county militia.) In 1925, "Rosemont Park" began in North Asheboro, followed in 1926 by nearby "Balfourton." The name of "Rosemont Park" was almost immediately changed to "King Tut," in honor of the discovery of the tomb of that Egyptian pharaoh. In 1929, Millhaven was opened


This panoramic view of the Sunset Avenue-Fayetteville Street intersection was taken ca First National Bank are the landmarks of this important corner: all have been

nca 1925 from the opposite corner of the ca.-l900 panorama. The Bank of Randolph. Capitol Theatre and destroyed (courtesy Randolph Book 1779-1979 photograph collection in the Randolph Public Library,.


in the area of Peachtree and City View streets, and a year later the McAlister estate initiated the "Eastover" section. In 1931 , came "Worth Terrace," comprising Elm, Randolph and High streets, followed in succession by "OoGalista Heights," "Country Club Estates," "Hollywood" and "Beechwood" (1936), "Forest Hills" near Millhaven (1937) and "Eastside" and "Homeland Heights" (1939). "West- side," in 1947, was one of the last in this flurry of subdivisions.""

Industrial development continued at an increasing pace during the 1940s and 1950s, with a resulting civic pride that approached euphoria. Just as residential development spread out from the downtown area, so did industrial and commercial development. Automobiles propelled residents farther from the city center, and the siting and construction of stores and factories reflected new concerns for parking and an orientation toward motorists rather than pedestrians. Asheboro has a very interesting collection of streamlined "Art Modeme" commercial and industrial structures that illustrate this period. A milestone in this trend occurred in 1960 with the opening of Hillside, Asheboro's first shopping center.

The period was not without a measure of conflict among goals and sensibilities. Asheboro's concern for industrial development and civic improvement peaked when the city won Carolina Power and Light's "Finer Carolina" contests in 1954, 1955,

1956 and 1958. Yet the scrapbooks prepared for these contests and meant to boost the city's growth and progressive spirit, inadvertently provide an eloquent chronicle of the nearly total destruction of the city's nineteenth-century heritage. Those buildings which survived were left much-altered due to changing tastes, technology and maintenance costs. Modem storefronts were applied to old buildings. Aluminum or composition siding materials were substituted for wooden clapboarding. Porches, fences, cornices and ornamental trim were removed to reduce repair costs. Such practices as the replacement of multipane window sash with modem jalousie windows and the addition of fake shutters and "colonial" trim almost invariably diminished the historical quality of the buildings' architecture.

Today Asheboro retains only nine structures which seem to have been built before 1900. Almost the entire first century-and-a-quarter of the city's architectural history has vanished, resulting in an irretrievable loss for historic preservation. While the physical evidences of its earlier years no longer exist, much of the city's later cultural legacy still stands and could be revived. If the remaining extant heritage of Asheboro is to be preserved for posterity, a new awareness and understanding of potential contributions of the architectural environment to the "liveability" of the city must become ingrained in its growth philosophy.

One of th. I r.uu . ,, ■„ <:,r.,,r,,iAfntial neiehborhood is destroyed in 1973. Attempts to convert the W.J. Armfield house into a county museum wer^

'^-^gSi::^ r:^t:^;:^r^:f ^r:^^^ corJlot .as the sue of the Ashe^orou^h remaie Academy in ,839.



51' 91



'For more complete discussion of this subject, see L. McKay Whatley, "Courthouse Petitions, 1785 and 1788," The Genealogical Journal of the Randolph County Genealogical Society, 3, no. 1 (Fall, 1978). See also David Leroy Corbitt, The Formation of the North Carolina Counties 1663-1943 (Raleigh: Department of Archives and History, 1950), 179-180.

^See "An Act to Establish a town on Lands of Jesse Henley, in the County of Randolph, at the Court House of said County," 25 December 1796 Act of incorporation for the town of "Asheborough," in Mrs. W C. Hammer and Miss Massa E. Lambert, "Historical Sketch of Asheboro," Asheboro (N.C.) Courier-Tribune, 1938; reprinted, Asheboro, N.C: Randolph County Historical Society, 1968, p. 13.

'Mrs. J. L. Winningham, "Memories of Old Asheboro," manu- script in the Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

"Sidney Swaim Robins, Sketches of My Asheboro: Asheboro. North Carolina 1880- 1910 (Asheboro: Randolph County Historical Society, 1972), 9.

'Mrs. Laura Worth, "Manuscript Notebook #1," in the files of the Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

'Randolph County Miscellaneous Records, State Archives, Raleigh, N.C.

'For a complete discussion of Worth's Asheboro residency see Richard L. Zuber, Jonathan Worth, A Biography of a Southern Unionist (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1965).

'Petition to General Assembly to "appoint commissioners to alter the plan of the town of Asheboro, ..." Randolph County Papers, CRX Box 242, State Archives, Raleigh: "An Act to appoint commissioners to alter the plan of Asheborough, and to incorporate the same, . . ." North Carolina, Session Record of the North Caro- lina Legislature (Private Acts), 1828-1829.

'^Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Randolph County, North Carolina, Book #1, pp. 18-19 (located in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C).

'"North Carolina, Session Record of the North Carolina Legisla- ture (Private Acts), 1829-1830 c. 88; 1854-1855 c. 262; 1860-1861 c. 160; and acts dated January 7, 1845 and January 27, 1849 (located in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C).

"Hammer and Lambert, "Historical Sketch of Asheboro," II; Rev. Levi Branson (ed.), The North Carolina Business Directory

(Raleigh: L. Branson, Publisher, 1877- 1878); North Carolina Ses- sion Record of the North Carolina Legislature (Private Acts). 1883 c. 79.

'^Southern Citizen, 16 November 1839.

"Randolph County, Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February, May and August terms, 1839 (located in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C).

"Nancy W. Simpson, comp., (ed.), 1850 Census of Randolph County, North Carolina (Wilkesboro, N.C: Nancy W. Simpson n.d.).

"Simeon Colton, Diary, 1855, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

'^Dorothy Auman and Walter Auman, Seagrove Area (Asheboro- Village Printing Co., 1976), 103-104.

"Asheboro (N.C.) Courier-Tribune, 13 November 1940. '^Randolph (N.C.) Guide clipping, 1954; Greensboro Daily News clipping, 1 August 1954, in the files of the Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library. The Elliotts moved to Missouri in 1863. About 1895, after a succession of owners, the enlarged house was transformed into the "Central Hotel." In the early 1950s the hotel became the subject of indignant newspaper editorials decrying fire hazards and ramshackle buildings; after a fire on July 4, 1954, the building was condemned and demolished. "Robins, Sketches of My Asheboro, II. ^"Zuber, Jonathan Worth, 16-17. ^'Ibid., 116-117. "/iW., 120. "Ibid., 182-184.

"Rev. Levi Branson, ed. , The North Carolina Business Direc- tory {Raleigh: i . A. Jones, for the author, 1872).

"The Bulletin and The Randleman News, 29 April 1914 ^^Ibid., 6 May I9I4.

"J. A. Blair, Reminiscences of Randolph County (Greensboro: Reece and Elam, 1890; reprinted Asheboro, N.C: Randolph County Historical Society, 1978), 12-13, 47.

^'Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 1912, Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

^'Unidentified, undated newspaper transcription of speech by Dr. J. E. Pritchard, 2 July 1949 at the "Sixty Years of Progress" celebration in Asheboro, N.C

'"Auman and Auman, Seagrove Area, 107-112. ""Bicentennial Report," Randolph Guide, 21 July 1976 d CIO.

^^The Greensboro Patriot. 1 January 1896.

"Robins, Sketches of My Asheboro. 32.

'"Asheboro Chamber of Commerce Pamphlet, 1955, Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

"Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 1912, Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

^The Bulletin and The Randleman News, 22 April 1914.

^''Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune, 14 February 1979. Information on the construction of the public utilities was gathered from Asheboro Chamber of Commerce typed brochures, ca. 1923, 1930, 1933, 1941, Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

^'Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune. 14 February 1980.

"°"Fayetteville Street School," unsigned, undated typescript in Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

■""Bicentennial Report," F9. L. B. Lambert, Retrospect: Reminiscences of Printers and Printing in Asheboro, N.C. 1907-1957 (Asheboro: Hunsucker Print- ing Co., 1957), 7.

"'"Bicentennial Report," CIO.

""Lambert, Retrospect, 7.

"Randolph Guide, 28 March 1979, Maxi Page.

""Asheboro (N.C.) Courier Tribune, 28 October 1979.


"'Sulon B. Stedman, "Historical Summary," 19 December 1960. Typescript in the possession of Mrs. Marion Stedman Covington.

"'Acme-McCrary Corporation 50th Anniversary brochure, 1959, Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library.

Information on Asheboro real estate development was taken from the plat books in the Randolph County Register of Deeds office, in which the subdivision maps were recorded. Randolph Heights can be found in Deed Book 128, page 548. All others can be found in Plat Book #1. Dogwood Acres (pp. 179, 195, 205, 227, 308); Greystone Terrace (pp. 23, 312, 313, 320); Old Muster Field (p. 49); Rosemont Park (p. 127); Balfourton (pp. 131, 137, 139); Eastover (p. 199); Millhaven (pp. 217, 221); Worth Terrace (pp. 215, 294, 314, 339. 340, 341); OoGalista Heights (p. 177); Country Club Estates (pp- 290, 292, 329, 350); Hollywood (Plat Book 3, p. 2); Beechwood (Book 1, pp. 289, 325); Forest Hills (pp. 295, 337, 342); Eastside (pp. 343, 347, 348); Homeland Heights (p. 349); and Westside (pp- 332,333).




Asheboro Inventory

Section A— The Courthouse Center






3131r IBE

Ell-l[^^=]lilI^^=lEl[ IBE



3 EH^^^=1 131^^^=113 ■^^^=113'=^^'="^

250 0







hi '•i



A:] McAlister and Morris Store ca. 1920.


A:2 Ross and Rush Livery Stable ca. 1890.


A:3 Randolph County Courthouse #6 ca. 1880. 200


303 East Salisbury Street 1890, 1947

Built for use as a general store by Col. A. C. McAlister and R H.Morris, this is the oldest commercial structure presently existing in Ashe- boro. It was built to front the northeast comer of the old public square, a remnant of which is the small grassy area between the sidewalk and en- trance. The east wing, yellow-brick facade with Art Deco details and stair tower were 1947 addi- tions. A ca. 1920 documentary photograph of the original facade agrees with local tradition in relat- ing this structure to the now destroyed E. A. Moffitt general store on the southeast comer of the courthouse square. The Italianate corbeling of the cornice and hood moldings over each window of the now white- washed west and north facades indicate that the two commercial structures, con- structed in the same year and probably by the same builder, were nearly identical twins.

By 1895 Morris had sole ownership of the business and built his new General Merchandise building at 102 Sunset Ave., moving to the new commercial area growing near the railroad. For a few years around the turn of the century the original building housed Asheboro's first hosiery mill, afterwards hosting the Carson Winningham Grocery Store and an auto repair shop. WGWR, the first local radio station, began operation May 24, 1947, moved here in the fall of that year and has remained on the second floor to the present.


243 East Salisbury Street ca. 1885; destroyed ca. 1915

In addition to the livery stable, this building featured several law offices on the far right, includ- ing that of Congressman W C. Hammer. Fronting on N. Mam Street, these were later known as "Old Lawyer's Row" Previous to this structure, the site was that of the Hoover Long House, a hotel and bar.


Salisbury and Main Street Intersection 1839, 1876; destroyed 1914

This was the fourth courthouse in Asheboro. It was authorized to be built in February, 1839. The previous wooden courthouse was sold to George Hoover, who moved it to the northwest comer of the public square for use as part of his "Long House" tavem. Jonathan Worth was appointed to supervise construction of the new building, a 35 X 54 foot, two-and-one-half story rectangle in 1:3 common bond. Six rooms of equal size housed the county offices on the ground floor. Stairs at each side of a central passage led up to the courtroom and two jury rooms on the second. A cupola with a bell and a clock surmounted the roof. In March, 1876, the south wing was author- ized to house a stair tower and enlarged courtroom. As built, this was an impressive temple-form, arcaded-front entrance facaded in 1:4 common bond, with brick quoins emphasizing the comers. It is strangely similar to the Roman Revival style popularized by Thomas Jefferson, and may have used one of the many small Virginia courthouses built according to Jeffersonian Classicism as a prototype.

In 1909 the courthouse followed the rest of the town in moving nearer the raihoad, and for a few months this building was used as the jail. Finally in 1914 the stmcture was demolished and die bricks re-used in the foundation of the new jail built behind the present courthouse. In 1918 the county sold the land, ending 126 years of public owner- ship of the "Courthouse Square." Salisbury and Main streets were straightened, widened and paved, and the former courthouse site was amal- gamated into the block. Today a ca. 1940 brick apartment building at 143 North Main Street oc- cupies the site of Randolph County's eighteenth and nineteenth century courthouses.


Southeast corner Main Street and East

Salisbury Street

ca. 1890; destroyed 1896

This store, identical to the McAlister-Morris Store, was built by E. A. Moffitt. The general store displayed some very elaborate brickwork such as an intricate corbeled cornice, and crossetted hood moldings over the windows set in recessed arched panels. A dentiled metal cornice with arched bonnet capped the entrance door and show windows. An unusual balcony with turned railing overlooked the public square from the second floor of the north facade. On Monday December 30, 1896, a fire originating in a drug store in the middle of the block destroyed every building on this side of Main Street, including a law office, hotel, jewelry store, the Argus newspaper office and this store. The Johnson Service Station occu- pied this site in the 1930s and 40s.


139 North Main Street ca. 1910

The high, hip-roofed form with cross gables on two major facades and the veranda with coupled square columns that wraps around two sides of this house relate it to many vernacular houses designed to make the best of a southern climate. A strong, simple design similar to the more elabo- tate example at 915 Sunset Avenue. (The house burned and was dismantled during the course of the survey.)


124 North Main Street ca. 1860

This two-room frame structure is the last survi- vor of the small office buildings and commercial structures which clustered around Asheboro's "•neteenth-centuiry courthouse square. Sash saw markings on the mortisc-and-tenon structural mem- bers indicate a construction date prior to the Civil ^ar; extensive ca. 1910 alterations which gutted the building to produce a woodshed and garage make more exact dating difficult. The office origi- nally fronted the street at its present location, Parched about six feet above the street. Paired Come-and-go steps led upto a small porch shclter- '"g the entrance into the office itself. A partition separated this room from the combination law ibrary/consulting room where bookcases and "hng shelves were built around the walls, ^larmaduke Swaim Robins purchased the office

lot on August 21, 1874. He had been seeking new quarters since dissolving his fourteen-year partner- ship with Samuel S. Jackson on August 1. Jackson's father-in-law, Jonathan Worth, gave the partners his clients and caseload upon leaving Asheboro in 1862 to serve in state government. That same year Robins was elected to the House of Commons from Randolph County and served for a short period during the term as Speaker of the House. He subsequently served four more terms in the state legislamre. Robins was quite active during the war years, as private secretary to Gov Vance, as treasurer of the State Literary Fund (roughly comparable to Commissioner of Education), as a captain in the Home Guards and as Editor of a newspaper. The Raleigh Conservative. This last position provided experience he put to good use when he founded and edited The Randolph Regula- tor in Asheboro in 1876; the name was later changed to The Courier and is still published today as The Courier Tribune. After the death of Marmaduke Robins in 1905, the office housed the law practice of his son, Henry Moring Robins until the completion of the new courthouse and the adjacent Lawyer's Row offices in 1909. From 1907 to May, 1909, Henry Robins served as mayor of Asheboro, and the office was the site of the town commissioner's meetings, the Mayor's Court and the transaction of municipal business.

Happily, though the structure has been leading a precarious existence for some time, plans are being made for its restoration and re-use.


100 North Main Street

ca. 1910 The deck-on-hip roof, squarish mass and Tuscan- columned veranda wrapped around this house are familiar Colonial Revival elements. The upper side- lighted door and balcony over the entrance, how- ever, are novel variations on the theme. The twin pedimented dormers housing rounded-headed, Ital- ianate windows are tied into the lower facade by brackets flanking the balcony door. The division of the upper lights into four pointed pseudo- Gothic windows is evidence of a whimsical eclec- ticism. The glass vestibule is the only survivor of a feature once frequent in Asheboro. The house display an almost modem concern for the value of large interior spaces. Sliding doors can be thrown open to combine the entrance hall, two parlors and dining room. The massive staircase is a fine feamre of the house; an unusual element is the bench built at the foot of the steps. The house is presently owned by Mrs. John D. Hager.








339 Worth Street ca. 1915

The Colonial Revival detailing suggests a rather late date for this small three-bay, cross gable vernacular house.


103 South Main Street ca. 1920

The house is fundamentally Colonial Revival in form, with its rectangular, hip-roofed mass and Tliscan-columned porch. Obvious bungalow fea- tures include the exposed rafter-ends under the overhanging eaves (now obscured by gutters), the narrow vertical divisions of the transom and side- lights sun^ounding the entrance, the later arbor attached to the south facade and the non-functional strip shutters— here a purely decorative element accenting the fenestration.


111 South Main Street ca. 1915

This is a classic of the Colonial Revival style with its boxy mass, hip roof with squat, hip- roofed dormer and wraparound veranda solidly supported on square columns with plain balustrade. The builder was mayor of Asheboro during the late 1930s.


117 South Main Street ca. 1925

This pleasant, substantial Colonial Revival house with distinctive triple-casement windows lighting the lower floor was built by the lawyer son of Marmaduke Robins on the foundation of the latter's antebellum house. The Robins farm included all the land now bounded by Wbrth, Main and Elm streets.


126 South Main Street ca. 1900

This three-bay, one story vernacular house has an unusually prominent cross gable. The brack- eted posts supporting the veranda are similar to those in photographs of the C . S . Wainman House . The cobblestone retaining wall and steps are attrac- tive features. It was reported to have been built by T. E. Lassiter, a local contractor.





144 South Main Street ca. 1905

This looks to be a typical three-bay, central cross gable vernacular house with a high hip roof, but it is unusual in that it possesses a usable second floor. TXvo windows in the gable light the Upper floor, and an interesting detail is the decora- tive shingling carried out of the gable to meet the porch roof. The porte cochere is a nice feature, although the entire porch may be a replacement, built when the house was moved south from its original site beside 126 South Main Street. It was once the house of the George Ferree family.


202 South Main Street ca. 1910

This elegant and well-proportioned Colonial Revival house has a vernacular-type high hip roof accented by twin gable ends flanking a tall, central dormer with a leaded-glass Palladian window. The broad, flattened porch pediment defining the en- trance completes a novel collection of gables and 8'ves the house an active and pleasing vertical accent. This house originally stood on the present site of 240 Worth Street, and was moved south ''own the hill on Main Street and converted to apartments ca. 1930.


229 East Academy Street ca. 1900

This is the best-preserved survivor of the many Jandsome, picturesque Queen Anne homes once found in Asheboro. It originally occupied the site °f 232 Worth Street and was moved through the Renter of the block about 1930 and mmed to front ^eademy Street. The main block of the dwelling 's a two-story hip-roofed block with projecting gabled pavilions. A polygonal bay accents one eorner of the entrance facade; its cantilevered gable is braced by sawnwork brackets with turned Pendant drops. The TUscan-columned veranda a Classical Revival style feature may have replaced

" earlier porch when the house was moved.


339 South Cox Street ca. 1890

This house is said to have been built for Burkhead, a Methodist curcuit-rider, by a contrac- tor from outside Asheboro. It was supposed to have been built in 1883, but there are several indications that point to a later date. One, a newspaper article by Rev Burkhead, states that the chimneys were built of brick and the fireplaces lined with soapstone slabs taken from the ruins of the Governor Worth House. That house burned sometime between 1885 and 1890. Moreover, there are close similarities between this home and the C.S. Wainman House, which could not have been built before 1885. Although the Burkhead House is only three bays wide compared to the four bays of the Wainman home, the bracketed eaves and cen- tral gables of both houses were originally almost identical. Even more striking are the close like- nesses of the window frame treatments. The win- dows of this house all possess triangular pediment- like additions to the usual rectangular sash. The homes of the three Englishmen Fisher, Wainman and Winn are the only other local structures known to have used pedimented window frames, although those were products of some sash-and- blind factory, while these are home-made. The evidence suggests that the Burkhead House may have been built in imitation of those dwellings across town. An attractive, comfortable home to a family of twelve, it was remodeled and converted to apartments in 1940. It is still the residence of Rev Burkhead's daughter.


357 South Cox Street

ca. 1930 Built next door to J. E Burkhead by one of his sons, this house is one of the finer examples of the Bungalow style in the city. The smaller, offset gable sheltering the steps to the porch is silhouet- ted against the main mass of the house and carried on stubby pylons. The exposed framing of the porch and the curved buttresses of the pylon bases are unusual and well-executed.

A: 13


A: 15









513 South Cox Street 1923

This attractive and unaltered bungalow turns its gable end to the street and uses an offset gable carried on quartz pylons to form a porch. The roof overhang is carried on craftsman-style brackets, and 1/1 sash are used throughout. The use of quartz for foundations, pylons, chimney and retaining wall is a good example of the widespread use of native rock during the Bungalow period. The date of construction is inscribed in the chimney cap.


212 Worth Street 1905

This beautiful house is a well-preserved exam- ple of the Colonial Revival style at its most impressive. An exquisitely-detailed gable dormer surmounts the hip roof and acts visually as a pediment to the coupled Ionic columns (which actually support nothing more than an entablature and railing). These giant-order columns are mas- terfully combined with a "Ibscan order veranda shading three sides of the house, and an elegant, semi-circular portico which both re-defines the ground-floor entrance and creates a balcony en- tered through the second-floor Palladian window. The house is situated in park-like grounds encom- passing the entire interior of the large block. These are shared with the J. Frank McCrary home next door. The house was built by D.B. (Doctor Bulla) McCrary, one of the most influential citi- zens of early twentieth century Asheboro. McCraiy was an owner of the hardware store at 103 Worth Street, a founder of the Acme-McCrary hosiery mill and first president of the Bank of Randolph among many other activities.


232 Worth Street

ca. 1933; W C. Holleman, Architect

W C. Holleman, a Greensboro architect, de- signed what many consider to be the most beauti- ful home in the city. The rambling TUdor Revival

manor house combines native slate with such decorative details of Elizabethan England as the Tlidor-arched entrance with embattled hood mold- ing, oriel window and casement windows with leaded glass quarrels. Some of the most attractive elements of the design are the huge trees and well-kept grounds which it shares with the adjoin- ing dwellings of the McCrary femily. The trees can be seen in photographs of the Governor Jona- than Worth house which occupied this location, at a site behind the present house. J. E McCrary was a son of local industrialist D. B. McCrary.


240 Wbrth Street

ca. 1930; Harry Barton, Architect

Harry Barton of Greensboro, the architect of the 1925 First Methodist Church, also provided plans for this imposing Classical Revival style house. In feamres such as the entrance bay and Palladian window framed by Ionic pilasters, the stuccoed walls and green tile roof. Barton's design drew on the academic style of the Italian Renais- sance. Yet the rectangular mass of the dwelling with its end chimneys and central gable articulat- ing the entrance is typical of the vernacular house type dominant throughout the nineteenth-century South. This architectural style was popular among the well-to-do during the 1920s and 1930s, and some elements of the McCrary House stucco, green tile and sun rooms for instance relate it to dwellings such as Reynolda House in Wmston- Salem. The house was built by the oldest son of industrialist D. B. McCrary on the comer lot east of the father's home.


... ,



225 Worth Street ca. 1915

This is the city's only example of the use of the Bungalow style for a large home. The massive central gable and wraparound porch de-emphasize the true size of the structure, for it conceals a great deal of interior space. The stair hall and parlor boast attractive dark paneling and high ceilings. The shingled gable end, bracketed roof overhangs Md the subtle ogee curves found in the porch eaves are typical Bungaloid details. The entrance door, off-center on the main block, is defined by a pediment centered on the porch. This creates a nice feeling of asymmetrical balance which is not 3 small part of the charm of this handsome, unaltered house. Built possibly by an Auman, later owners were E. H. Morris and Jack Hasty. Now empty, its preservation from encroaching development should be given serious consideration.


201 Worth Street

1963; J. Hyatt Hammond Assoc., Architects

Alvis O. George, Jr., Design Chief

The library, a low, massive structure shaded by *deep roof overhang, received aStateAIA award m 1964. While it is one of the city's most sensitive and visually attractive structures, from no angle ^an it be seen to its best advantage. It would have benefitted from a less restrictive site.


formerly 201 Worth Street ca. 1855; destroyed 1958

TVvice a representative to the State Legislamre

'fom Montgomery County, Dr. John Milton Worth

"loved to Asheboro to join his brother Jonathan in

^ous commercial ventures. During the Civil

Var, Dr. Worth was North Carolina's salt commis-

^'°ner, appointed to obtain and ration that vital

*n<l scarce commodity. After his brother's term as

Sovernor, Worth served several terms as a represen-

^''ve from Randolph County, and was elected

iRs* ''^asurer in 1876, remaining in office until

?°5. A successful businessman as well as politi-

'an. Dr. Worth was one of the original contractors

or the Plank Road and built the section which ran

"^ough Asheboro. Later, he founded the Warth

Manufacturing Company with its own mill village (Worthville), and subsequently owned or con- trolled many of the Deep River textile operations. Dr. Worth built the main block of this unusual Greek Revival dwelling about 1855. A one-story western wing was added ca. 1870 to the original cruciform plan; ca. 1890 the handsome Eastlake- style porch and a polygonal-bay dining room was added by Col. Alexander C. McAlister, Dr. Wjrth's son-in-law and business partner. The projecting entrance bay was articulated by a trabeated door surround with transom and side lights. Small 4/4-paned windows were coupled to form wider- than-usual openings, each crowned with a simple cornice. The chunky exterior proportions, exposed rafter-ends and shallow roof pitch suggest that the design was provided by some vernacular craftsman or builder; the lack of any related designs might imply that he was brought in from outside the county.

The interior of the house was equally unique. The large entrance hall, parlor and music room boasted wainscoting, perhaps of walnut to match the railing, and newel posts of the straight sweep of stairs which have been preserved. In a decora- tive technique sometimes found in stylish antebel- lum homes, garlands of flowers were painted on the ceiling of the entrance hall, surtounding a plaster rosette which anchored a brass chandelier and chain. The ceiling was bordered by an elabo- rate gilded plaster cornice. A most unusual feature was the secret staircase which was entered through a sliding panel in a built-in wardrobe in the west bedroom on the second floor. A steep, narrow flight of steps descended behind the paneled fireplace wall of the parlor and exited outside. Local tradition has it that Col. McAlister scram- bled down these steps and onto a waiting horse to escape from the Yankees during the War. This appealing tale is a fining compliment to this history-laden home, a show-place for more than a hundred years. Its regrettable destruction, elo- quently chronicled in a series of photographs in the 1958 "Finer Carolina" contest scrapbook, left a gap in the cultural heritage of Asheboro which can never be filled. The pictures are captioned "An Old House, Neither Safe nor Sightly, Comes Down to Make Way for Modem Development." Modem development finally occuned six years later.


A:23 Worth-McAUster House ca. 1952.

Section B The Central Business District



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170 Worth Street 1917


A Greensboro architect was responsible for this very professional and urban use of the Bun- galow style. Its most prominent aspect is the jerkin-headed shed roof; combined with the con- tinuous shed dormer, enough additional head toom is provided for a complete second floor. The three-bay facade of buff brick boasts many fine bungaloid details. Particularly nice are the rafter-ends sawn in graceful curves and notched to support gutters. Stubby coupled square col- umn support the porch, where a central gable calls attention to the entrance flanked by tripar- tite windows. A porte cochere and carved eave brackets reinforce the obvious; this is a home of great architectural interest and charm.


(Formerly First People's Savings

& Loan)

158 Worth Street

1974; J. Hyatt Hammond Assoc,


Alvis O. George, Design Chief

One of the city's best contemporary public "tiildings, this design won a state AIA award in }^75. Located immediately across Worth Street from the 1909 Randolph County Courthouse, the Savings and Loan responds to the historic build- ">g by using brick and cast stone detailing which f''^ similar in color and texture. Rather than oull-dozing trees and existing landscape elements, "6 design was adapted to its hilly site in a ormer residential area. The oversized hipped .°of is used to provide a large, open, expansive 'nterior banking space. The building occupies 'ne site of the T. H. Redding House, a large VUeen Anne style dwelling which boasted a fine

*stlake porch with spindled frieze.


formerly 120 Worth Street

1850, remodeled 1919; destroyed 1957

Vernacular architecture is usually the product of a carpenter-builder, not an architect. A good example of this lies in the records of the Ashe- boro Presbyterian Church, organized in 1850. Meeting temporarily in the courthouse, the congregation purchased a lot and gathered ma- terials. Lumber valued at $500 was donated by Hugh McCain and Jonathan Worth. The total cost was $1,339.13, including painting ($593 . 1 3) , a fence ($70) and the services of un- known carpenters ($600) who were probably solely responsible for the architectural merit of the result. Furnishings were secured by the Women's Missionary Society and the building was dedicated February 29, 1852. The product of this effort was a frame structure of simple Greek Revival design, painted white with green trim. Entrance was into a vestibule with access to the sanctuary and a stairway to a gallery ex- tending across the rear "for the use of colored worshippers." Seating capacity was 225, al- though even by 1883 the number of communi- cants totaled only 38. In 1919 Sunday school rooms were added and the structure was brick veneered; a large columned portico was added to the entrance. In 1957 this historic structure was demolished after construction of the First Presbyterian Church (Walker Ave.). People's Savings and Loan (now the architectural office of J. Hyatt Hammond Associates) was subse- quently built on the site.



B:2 T. H. Redding House ca. 1950.

Asheboro Presbyterian Church ca. 1900 nmi ini inr


B:3 Asheboro Presbyterian Church ca. 1940. =]G[=













145 Worth Street 1909

In July, 1907, the Randolph County commis- sioners began to consider building a larger, more conveniently located home for the county offices. On November 4, 1907, they paid the Charlotte firm of Wheeler, Runge and Dickery $300 for plans and specifications of a new courthouse. Local tradition says that the Iredell County Court- house in Statesville was so admired that the architects were asked for duplicate plans. Wheeler and his various partners ultimately built eight courthouses similar or identical to this one of which six remain in existence today. The Iredell Courthouse (1899) was the first of these, followed by Scotland County (1901), Ashe, Stokes, Wilkes and Watauga counties (all 1904), Randolph (1909) and Avery (1912). Citing the need for fireproof vaults for record storage, the Randolph commis- sioners voted to build anew in June, 1908. A group of local businessmen had purchased Dr. J. M. Worth's old cornfield and barnyard, midway be- tween the old courthouses and Asheboro's new commercial nucleus growing up around the railroad; to encourage the commissioners' deci- sion they donated the land to the county. On July 6, 1908, Joseph R. Owen of Randleman was hired to supervise construction. In November of that year W J. Armfield, Jr., was elected chair- man of the county commissioners and immedi- ately stepped in to cut costs. Owen was fired, with the walls waist high. M. M. Allred of Randleman was hired as carpenter foreman; Ed Frazier as bricklayer foreman. A luxury such as an inlaid tile floor was replaced with linoleum and concrete, and $15,000 was borrowed from pnvate citizens and from Armfield's bank (at 6% interest) to complete construction. The total cost of about $34,000 compares favorably with the pnce range of the seven similar courthouses which ranged from $20,000 (Ashe County) to $74,000 (Stokes County). Work was completed and offices moved in by July 12, in time for the next term of court. 700,000 "hydrolic-pressed" yellow-face brick from Washington, D.C. were used along with 1,000,000 common brick from the Glenola Brick Works in the interior. The county jail was built in the rear of the building in 1914; a sizeable addition for the register of deeds and clerk of court was built in 1950 and re- modeled in 1975. A new county office building

is presently under construction at considerably greater expense than the original structure.

The courthouse design combines the complex, flamboyant masses of nineteenth-century Victor- ianism with the motifs of American Beaux-Arts classicism. The original building consists of a 3-story hipped-roofed square cove with 2-story flat-roofed -wings. Corithian columns supporting an elaborate pediment point to the powerful Second Empire dome clad in ribbed copper and set on a rectangular base. In the pressed-tin pediment a bearded male face of indeterminate mythological significance broods at the local Confederate Monument, which in contrast to the grand traditions of Bronze Rebels faces quietly south rather than defiantly northward. The por- tico shelters the entrance into a rectangular vesti- bule flanked by stairs. Much of the original interior finish has survived the extensive altera- tions; original staircases, vertical panel wainscot, flat panel doors and spittoons can be seen in the first floor cross hall. The courtroom above has been completely remodeled.

The brick facades of the building rise from a roughly-hewn granite base. Round arched win- dows define the courtroom on the second floor; all other windows a variety of shapes and sizes are linteled. The complex textures of materials such as tile, rough granite, sandstone, brick, wood and metal are combined with bold ornamental shapes to create the active, highly plastic surface of the building. The result '* one of Asheboro's most important architectural possessions.

The earliest surviving artifact from Asheboro's past is installed in the belfry of this courthouse- In August, 1838, Jonathan Worth, Hugh McCain and John Balfour Troy were ordered by th^ county justices to buy and hang a bell in th^ courthouse. The bell was preserved and moved from building to building as county govemmen' expanded. It still exists, although unseen and unheard.


149 Worth Street 1914

Now hidden by the 1950 courthouse annex, "le jail was originally visible from Worth Street. It is a good example of the use of historic Wchitectural forms to carry a public message; in 'his case relating the solid forms of a medieval fortress to the penal functions of a modem jail. The battlemented entrance porches and castel- lated tower are all references to this idea, seen in full-blown use in Raleigh's Central Prison. The foundation, now visible only on the northeast comer, is of common red brick reused from the sixth county courthouse. The previous jails had ''een located on a 3-acre site at the southeast t^orner of Salisbury and Cox streets.



125 Worth Street 1909

Built from October to December, 1909, the seven original offices were jointly funded by the 'own's lawyers in an arrangement similar to mod- ^■^ condominium ownership. Straws were drawn '0 assign offices. William Cicero Hammer, law- yer, editor and U. S. Congressman, built two offices— one for his legal practice and one for "'s newspaper. The Courier. Five more offices ^one on the north end and four as a second story— yvere subsequently added, for the struc- ""■« Was designed with expansion in mind. The found-headed windows with elaborate brick hood |iioldings are the dominant visual element of this ""cresting building. Along with the triple-arched entrance of the County Agricultural Building cy echo the arched courtroom windows of the J°'"ing courthouse. Moreover, Lawyer's Row ^d the Agricultural Building form the western crminus of the present Courthouse "Square."' "eluding the now-vacant lot directly across from * Courthouse and extending down Worth Street the Public Library, this is a nebulous environ- cntal space which is still evolving. By extend- offi °"' .'° "'^ sidewalk, the proposed county ce building could strengthen this visual space, etching Lawyer's Row and finishing the eastern "1e of the "square."


113-119 Worth Street ca. 1920

This building first appears on the 1922 San- bom insurance map, labeled "Dry Cleaning" and "5 & 10 cent Store", respectively. It was built within three feet of the Lawyer's Row building, which until that time had had rear steps and exits. The offices of The Courier were moved to 119 from a small Lawyer's Row office. That side of the structure has recently been attractively renovated. The adjoining grocery store boasts the only unaltered store front in Asheboro. An arched opening separating the two halves leads to a stairway.


111 Worth Street ca. 1915

The brick hood moldings over the upper win- dows suggest that this building is earlier than its neighbors. The 1922 Sanborn insurance map labels this business as "fumiture, undertaking, and millinery." The undertaking business was Pugh's Funeral Home, which later moved to a house at the southeast comer of Sunset Avenue and Church Street, and still later to its present site at B-32.









fl.-9 Fayetteville Street-Worth Street intersection, including the McCrary-Redding Hardware i a l'>27. B:9




103-105 Worth Street 1902, 1907, ca. 1935

The original section of this structure, on the comer of Worth and Fayetteville streets, was one of the first brick buildings in the new central business district. The original facade can be seen in a photograph of the "Great Snow of 1927." A 35-foot addition was made to the rear in 1907; about 1935 new construction filled the space between this and 1 1 1 Worth. An Art Deco facade tied the new structrure to the 1902 building and a separate Fayetteville Street entrance facade was given the 1907 addition. This was one of the first business ventures by D. B. McCrary and T H. Redding. The original store was housed in a frame structure on Sunset Avenue. In recent years this buildling has housed both Wachovia (1963-64) and Planter's (1969-71) Banks while the new quarters of each were under construction.


136 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1912

The Asheboro Motor Car Company, a Maxwell and Ford dealership, was established in 1912 by former Sheriff S. L. Hayworth. The accom- panying documentary photograph was taken in 1916 and shows the Fayetteville Street facade of the building. The only decorative feature was the corbeled brick cornice. The wooden storefront is now entirely covered by aluminum siding and the brickwork has been painted red. The build- ing is now used as warehouse space for The Courier-Tribune.

B:IO Asheboro Motor Car Co. ca. 1916.

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1 15 North Fayetteville Street

1910-1911 The first forty rooms of this hotel opened September 1, 1911. Its construction was a proj- ect of local banker and nearby resident W J. Armfield, Jr. The brick building exhibits differ- ent window treatments at each level of its three- story facade. The ground floor window bays and entrance portico are capped by a metal cornice with applied wooden dentils. The flat-arched second floor windows are crowned by individual molded wooden cornices, while a central arched opening shelters a recessed exit onto the portico balcony. The third floor exhibits round-headed Italianate sash with arched brick hood moldings creating an arcaded effect. A paneled cornice ^ops the third level. The side elevations hold "1 double-hung sash in arched openings. The South ground facade includes several individual shops with outside access. The rear three bays of 'he building were added at some time after the original construction. The hotel had been closed for several years before the ground floor was re- "lodeled to house law offices in 1967. The upper floors are unused and deteriorating. The porch became structurally unsound and was demolished in 1983.


148 North Street

1948; Eric G. Flannagan, Architect

J' is curious that this gymnasium building by Flannagan, actually designed in 1943 has a more 'modem" and less-powerful Art Deco character 'han the Ashcboro High School gym, designed '^a. 1949. Buff brick with white accent relates it Jo Flannagan's other work in the city; the only hint of his usual sculptural or geometrical forms 's weakly present in the stainless-steel transom Stills above the entrance doors. An unusual effort by a mill to provide recreational facilties '°f its employees, the building offers a large Symnasium, a cafeteria, a 25-by-75-foot indoor swimming pool and four bowling alleys. Origi- "''"y open to the general public, the facilities ^fe now available only to employees and their families.


SW comer of Salisbury Street and North Street ca. 1909

The original knitting mill of this company is a two-story brick building 60 x 100 feet with a one-story dye house 40 feet square. In the be- ginning a steam engine operated 80 Mayo seam- less knitting machines. The building, known as Acme Mill, was built in 1909. The Italianate hood moldings over the windows of this structure are particularly fine. In 1915 a two-story addition 60 X 100 feet was built south of the original plant. This building was also of brick and fea- tured a clerestory. Major additions were con- structed in 1917 and 1924, the latter being a three-story mill. A full-fashioned silk stocking mill was built in 1928.

The company was founded in 1908 by D. B. McCrary and his brother-in-law, T. H. Redding, partners in a local hardware and farm machinery store. This was probably the first such mill in Randolph County itself an historic center of textile manufacturing in the state. In 1916 the company purchased an additional mill in Cedar Falls and in 1932, the Parks Mill in Asheboro was added to the company's manufacturing plant. The company now produces full-fashioned seam- less hosiery and operates sales offices in New York, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and Ashe- boro. The descendents of the founders continue to preside over the operations of the company.


105 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1915 This store first appears on the 1922 Sanbom map as "Grocery Store & Butcher." This may have been either a grocery business called "Covington and Prevo's" or an operation run by J. M. Caviness. It is presently the home of "Jed's Sandwich Shop."



B:I5 Bank of Randolph ca. 1925.




17 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1900; destroyed 1963

Formed November 4, 1897, the first bank in Asheboro unpretentiously began operations in a tiny frame building. W J. Armfield, Jr., was hired from a position in High Point to become manager This brick and granite Neo-Classic Revival structure was undoubtedly the first struc- ture in Asheboro to speak so self-consciously of "Architecture." The rusticated granite base, the deeply-relieved brick quoins, stone string courses and drip moldings, window openings bridged by flat brick arches and carved cap-stones and the elaborate metal cornice fairiy screamed classi- cism. Be-ribboned gariands and hero's laurels (both probably of painted terra cotta) were ap- plied as a kind of frieze just below the cornice. Odd though it may seem, this frenetic structure had closely-related cousins all over the United States: all direct descendents of the Columbian Exposition in 1893, when the grand traditions of Greek and Rome took center stage in the country's imagination. In 1963 the Bank of Randolph merged with Wachovia Bank and Trust Company and this building was demolished to make way for the present structure by J. Hyatt Hammond, Associates. The only part of the building to survive today is the fountain, now in Cedar Falls. Designed as a horse- watering trough, there was also a small outlet at sidewalk level for the use of dogs. The globe on top of the central column was the city's first streetlight.


19 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1920

The Stedman family built these two common- wall store buildings. They were originally brick with granite trim on the facades. Although much altered, they still serve an important function as the visual termination of Sunset Avenue. They were once flanked by the Bank of Randolph and the Capitol Theatre, both of which are now demolished. The Capitol was the first building built as a theater in Asheboro. It opened Decem- ber 19, 1922 as a moving picture and vaudeville theater, seating 359 and featuring a functional stage house and dressing rooms. It closed in 1958.


(Formeriy Randolph Savings & Loan) 115 South Fayetteville Street 1962; J. Hyatt Hammond Associates, Architects

Alvis O. George, Jr, Kemp Mooney, Design Team

Located on the site of the old Central Hotel, this was Asheboro's first contemporary high-rise structure. Perched on huge concrete pillars, the building was almost literally built from the top down. The rhythmically-alternating patterns of windows and brick panels enlivens the poten- tially drab surface of the tower.

























102 Sunset Avenue ca. 1895, ca. 1930

This was the first brick building and is the oldest existing structure in the central busines <listrict. The facade (mostly hidden by the bill- •^ard) is a particularly good example of the style of Italianate brickwork used so often on tum-of- the-century commercial structures. The decora- 'ive corbeling can still be seen, although part of 'he cornice has been dismantled. The second floor has five roundheaded windows decorated *ith hood moldings and granite keystones. The center opening held an oversized, double win- 'low with fanlight. The original storefront was of Wood, with two entrance doors flanking a central display window. A large display window, now bricked-up, opened on Fayetteville Street. The plate glass of all the storefront windows was bordered with squares of colored glass. Ca. 1930 the rear wall was extended ten feet to meet the Trade Street sidewalk. B. C. Moore's Depart- "lent Store was a tenant of the first floor and hasement until 1965. For many years the Ashe- horo Telephone Exchange was on the second floor of this building. The shaded light visible high on the comer of the building, usually erron- eously identified as Asheboro's first streetlight, *as actually used by telephone operators to ^'gnal the town's policeman. The police kiosk *as across the street on the present site of Wachovia Bank. The painting on the east facade ^epicts scenes from Asheboro's history. It was a "'centennial project completed in 1977.


114 Sunset Avenue ca. 1915

Early photrographs of this building show a our-windowed upper facade with brick hood moldings. The building was heavily remodeled "1 the late 1950s and nothing remains of the °"ginal facade. It now houses Foust Photo and '^"sic Store.


122-132 Sunset Avenue 1908

These two-story Italianate buildings were built (reportedly by John Ward) in conjunction with the three-story building at 134 Sunset Avenue. Though built as a unit, the buildings are all different. Unifying elements are window height, string course and corbeling. Number 122, now defaced by a 1950-ish facade, was originally a furniture store. Number 128 boasts the most elaborate treatment, topped with a pedimental cornice and its windows capped with grantie keystones. Originally a feedstore, from 1916 to 1923 it housed the "Joyland Motion Picture Theatre" (Asheboro's first), seating 175. The flat cornice of Number 132 straddles two buildings on the first floor. One was originally a dry goods store; the other housed the Asheboro Drug Co., a well-known pharmacy. The 1910 Sanborn Map shows that the large open room with a stage above these stores was originally designated "The Opera House." It was entered by way of the stairs off the street at 134 Sunset.

B:18 P. H. Morris General Store during 4th of July parade ca. 1930.






31; Ji' 91



132 Sunset Avenue 1908

At three full stories, this building ranks with the Ashlyn Hotel as the largest early building in the downtown area. Largely unaltered, the fa- cade combines Italianate hood moldings, rustica- tion and a neo-classical cornice. The now- vanished pedimental crest of the latter displayed the date of construction. The United States Post Office was the tenant of the ground floor from 1908 until 1925. Sharing the second floor were a tailor, a photo gallery and for 50 years (1931- 1981), the office of Dr. R. P Sykes. The third floor housed the Masonic Temple.


144 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905


148 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905

The bold facade of this structure is clad in yellow-face brick with granite trim in use through- out. Double rows of decorative corbeling accent the cornice. Several small stores and an entrance to the second floor open off the North Street facade. Acme-McCrary now uses the loft space for storage. North Street was originally a street of wholesale groceries, butchers and livery stables. These small businesses have all now fallen to industrial expansion. Cox-Lewis Hard- ware (O. J. Cox, J. Stanback Lewis) occupied the four-bay storefront from 1905 to 1954, From 1954 to 1978 it housed Sherwin-Williams Paint Store. First National Bank was organized Decem- ber 4, 1907, with J. S. Lewis as president. The bank's original office was in the comer store. The beveled comer of that store was matched by the set-back entrance of Standard Drug; the two faced each other across the intersection.






208-224 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905, ca. 1910, ca. 1915

Nothing evident today would suggest that this block of buildings is one of the oldest in the central business district. The original building is that part of the present Eagle's Store farthest to the east a two bay store of Italianate brickwork built to house the grocery business of "W D. Stedman and Son." Soon another two bays were added as a meat market; these two buildings plus a modem structure house Eagle's. The original facades still exist behind the aluminum false- front. A June 9, 1915, Randolph Bulletin article announced Stedman's plans to "build a new brick building ... a modem garage 55' x 95' to the east. The Stedman Motor Company opened in August of that year as the dealer for Dodge, Studebaker and Hudson. The building, divided 'nto three bays by engaged pilasters, was shorter than the adjoining grocery and severely plain. This storefront was wholly remodeled in the 1940s and is now unrecognizable.

B:23 W. D. Stedman and Son ca. 1912.

B:23 Stedman Motor Company ca. 1920



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The Stedman Block looking east on Sunset Ave. ca. 1923. 3SE







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B:26 Asheboro City Hall ca. 1920. B:26 I IF" ' 1™ "^1 'Pii iniJ ifnf=



234 Sunset Avenue 1929

This was the first building in the city built solely as a theatre for motion pictures. The Sunset opened March 6, 1930, and closed in 1975; it has since been re-opened under a new name. It was built by J. E White, president of the White Amusement Company and operator of the Capitol Theatre on Fayetteville Street (now destroyed). The Capitol seated 359 and opened December 19, 1922, as a moving picture and vaudeville theatre. It provided complete stage and dressing room facilities. The Sunset is an example of a "Moorish Picture Palace," de- signed in the Spanish Colonial Revival style popular in southern California. The tile roof and long marquee now give the facade a strong horizontal orientation. The marquee was added ca. 1950. Originally the entrance was sheltered only by a small copper canopy. Engaged pilas- ters supporting the bracketed cornice added verti- cal emphasis to the design. The stucco facade boasts well-done details such as window sur- rounds and pilaster capitols. The massive wooden brackets under the eaves are quite attractive. The interior has undergone many changes. Only the upper lobby has preserved much of the Spanish trim and wrought iron.


240 Sunset Avenue ca. 1928

The pyramidal-roofed original section of this structure was a gas station built in the pictur- esque style of the 1920s. The "kicked" roof overhang, bracketed porch shelters and stone trim are references to English "Country" archi- tecture. The round-headed door and casement windows are original. An unusual feature is the bird house built into the peak of the roof.


146 North Church Street

1938; Albert C. Woodnjff, Architect

Built as a WPA project betwen 1938 and 1939, the City Hall is the city's foremost example of the Art Deco style. The limestone facade is symmetrically massed around the central en- trance pavilion. That section projects forward from and is taller than the body of the building. The words "Municipal Building" carved in the relief crown this bay, while a podium of steps with lamp pylons provides access to the entrance. The facade recedes in stages from the entrance bay, ending in what was originally the fire depart- ment on the north and the public library on the south. Stair tower windows are concealed behind pierced limestone panels. The building has a horizontal emphasis, with the window and door bays providing a vertical accent. Cast aggregate panels divide these bays at the second floor level. (The previous city hall on the same site was an undistinquished structrure built ca. 1910 to house the city's Republic fire truck and the water department.) The tax department, water de- partment, city clerk and finance officer were originally housed in offices accessible through the main entrance. The public library on the south and the fire department on the north had separate entrances. The city engineer and po- lice department were found on the second floor, along with the mayor's courtroom. The latter was the city's traffic court, for the mayor was responsible for municipal justice. Today it is used as city council chambers. The Art Deco style woodwork in this room is particularly fine. Of special note are the door frames and judge's bench. The public library moved to new quar- ters in 1964; the fire department moved in 1972.


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146 North Church Street 1910, 1938

This tank was built as part of the $50,000 water system installed in Asheboro in the sum- mer of 1910. Buih to hold 175,000 gallons, it was later expanded to hold 250,000 gallons. At one time, more than half a milion gallons of Water were stored in various tanks behind City Hall. This is the last survivor only because its reinforced-concrete construction is so solid that it is virtually indestructible. The tank was no longer needed after creation of the municipal 'akes in the 1930s. During construction of the present City Hall, a garage door was added and the tank became a storage area.


173 North Church Street 1948

This rather sophisticated Art Modeme design includes several features unique to Asheboro 's industrial buildings. Even the decorative alumi- num railings at the entrance are "streamlined." Yellow, terra-cotta blocks frame the two-story entrance where blue-tinted glass set in an alumi- num fram.e conceals the true second floor level. Decorative horizontal stripes of ridged brick- work outlined with precast concrete copings wrap around the rounded comers of the building, terminating in square window panels. Glass block fil's the side windows. An elevated walkway over Church Street connects the structure to another '^^cme-McCrary plant.


187 North Church Street ca. 1905, 1961

The details of the surviving ground floor indi- cate the quality of this house, the top two floors of which were destroyed by fire in 1961. The original house was a hip-roofed Queen Anne mass with projecting gabled bays. The porch possibly a replacement was in the Colonial Revival style. One of the existing windows exhib- its attractive stained glass in an unusual fleur-de- lis design.


412 Sunset Avenue 1923

This simple, yet strong design is a typical example of what has been name the "American Foursquare" house style. A two-story dwelling with a boxlike shape, it has a low hipped roof with hipped dormer above the central entrance. The hipped porch is extended over the driveway to serve as a porte cochere. In many ways the "American Foursquare" house represented a fu- sion between the "Craftsman" style (also popu- lar for bungalows) and the architectural achieve- ments of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Praire School.

Charles Michael Fox, a pharmacist, was owner and operator of the Asheboro Drug Company from 1914 to 1954. His wife Elizabeth Spencer Fox was a daughter of A. A. Spencer, owner of the Central Hotel. One of Asheboro's first stenogra- phers. Mrs. Fox was a president of the Asheboro Womens Club. Their daughter. Miss Charlesanna A. Fox, the present occupant, was county librar- ian of the Asheboro and Randolph County Pub- lic Library system from 1949 to 1977.


B:29 R. C. Lewallen House ca. 1950.












430 Sunset Avenue 1928

The Craftsman styling of the decorative de- tails of this house are typical of large houses of the late 1920s, which sometimes resemble over- grown bungalows. Craftsman elements include sawn rafter ends notched to carry guttering, 6/1 bungaloid sash and gable brackets. The porch is carried on brick piers and wraps around the house to end at a porte cochere. The interior trim of the dwelling is in a restrained Colonial Revival style. Dr. W L. Lambert was on the staff of the Memorial Hospital located to the west on Sunset Avenue. His wife, Julia Ross Lambert was a daughter of Arthur Ross, owner of the neigh- boring house at 444 Sunset.


444 Sunset Avenue 1905

This impressive Neo-Classical Revival man- sion was built by a prominent local businessman who was one of the founders of the privately- owned Asheboro Electric Company in 1900. Mr. Ross was a former mayor of Asheboro (1923- 24) and served as a state senator. (His father, R. R. Ross, was former postmaster, and at one time owned the C. Slingsby Wainman House at 305 West Wainman.

The house is dominated by the giant columns of the central portico; these Ionic pillars are repeated m miniature by the columns of the veranda (now enclosed). The entrance door with transom sidelights under the portico used the top of the vestibule as a balcony. This house, with many additions, now serves as Pugh Funeral Home. It replaced the original Arthur Ross home, undoubtedly one of Asheboro's most bizarre Victorian masterpieces.


415 Sunset Avenue 1919

This house imparts a sense of dignity, quiet charm and grace which makes it one of the most attractive homes in the neighborhood. The cen- ter hall-plan, Colonial Revival style house is five bays wide. Six-over-one double-hung sash are used with small sets paired over the entrance and in the pedimented-gable dormer. The en- trance is set in a side-lighted architrave sheltered by a small hipped porch. A single-shoulder extrerior chimney serves fireplaces at the north- east comer. This wisteria arbor on the east side of the house is a striking decorative element, balanced by a screened porch on the west. In 1980 the house was moved to Cedar Grove Tonwship and restored by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Neely. Mrs. Neely is the granddaughter of the original owners, Kemp and Annie Alexander.


349 Sunset Avenue ca. 1920

This is a sophisticated design in the Dutch Colonial Revival style, vaguely Federal in detail. The gambrel roof with continuous dormer is unusual in Asheboro, but was a standard element in this style of domestic architecture. This dwell- ing was built ca. 1920, but the style remained popular well into the 1950s.





227 Sunset Avenue 1936

A. J. Maxwell, Architect, from Goldsboro, N. C. was the designer of this Art Deco commer- cial building. (Mr. Maxwell may have also been involved with the design of several buildings for Asheboro Hosiery Mills.) The original facade *as a handsome design clad in black mirror glass and limestone veneer. Two strange lozenge- shaped windows terminating in floral medallions flanked a central tripartite bay window with ruffled accent stripe and a geometrical motif. Five pavilions (probably for mechanical equip- ment) capped the roof. This building was drasti- cally remodeled after a fire in the early 1960s.


219 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905

The early history of this building is extremely cloudly. The 1910 Sanborn map lists its occu- pants as a printing office and a wholesale grocery. The second floor was originally one large room, entered by way of a staircase dividing the two 'ower stores. During and after World War I, the 'National Guard used this building as their armory, ^hen they moved to the present "Bargain Warehouse" (113 N. Church St.) built especially ■or their use ca. 1930, this space was converted 'o a roller skating rink. The ground floor subse- quently housed "Big Bear" Supermarket. The "Pstairs is now divided into offices. The large ^'de windows with hood moldings are the only decorative features still visible.


119 Sunset Avenue ca. 1915


12! Sunset Avenue ca. 1915


125 Sunset Avenue ca. 1915

This group of buildings was undoubtedly built in response to the ca. 1910 erection of a separate passenger train depot, on the present site of McCown-Smith Department Store. Decorative corbeling ties the three into one unit. Wood and Moring had been started ca. 1880 as W P Wood and Company in a building across from the old courthouse. W H. Moring was taken on in partnership and ca. 1895 the business was moved to a frame structure on the comer of Depot (Sunset) and Fayetteville. 1 19 Sunset was its first brick building. The original storefront was di- vided in half and had separate entrances one side sold men's clothes, the other sold women's. Windows are framed by simple granite lintels. The keystones above each one are purely decor- ative. Wood and Moring sold out to the Belk chain in 1932; Hudson-Belk moved out of the building in 1936.

W D. Stedman built the middle building for the Coffin-Scarboro Company. Founded in 1915, the store sold men's clothes and shoes; later it converted solely to shoes. The firm closed in 1976. The recessed panel above the second-floor windows was probably meant for a sign.

Standard Drug Company was started about 1893 by W. A. Underwood. Though the main entrance of the pharmacy— highlighted by three fan-lighted windows— was on Sunset, the prime orientation of the building was toward the rail- road tracks and passenger depot. This was origi- nally the last building on the block, and the facade facing the tracks included a long row of windows and doors to accommodate rail pas- sengers. A 1918 newspaper advertisement ex- tolled the virtures of the pharmacy's "modem soda fountain"; Standard Drug was one of the centers of small-town life.


B:35 Cranford Building ca. 1952.















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B:38Asheboro Bank and V-ust Company ca. 1930. 8:38

B:39 First National Bank ca. 1930.


111 Sunset Avenue 1920

The bank began operation in this building January 20, 1921. The building was built in the Roman Revival style of neoclassicism. Evidence of this remains in the shed roof resting on a dentiled cornice and the four iron grills similar to those of the Senate in the Roman Forum. The original facade was of rusticated granite, with Tuscan columns supporting a simple entablature. An unusual transom and door of Art Deco design dates from ca. 1940 alterations. The first presi- dent of the bank was H. T. Caviness; the last was S. B. Stedman. The bank was closed March 12, 1934 with the consent of its officers; the decision of federal banking officials was that Asheboro could not support three banks. Assets were di- vided between the two remaining local banks; depositors received 100% of their funds.


103-107 Sunset Avenue ca. 1920

These two buildings were destroyed in the summer of 1978, during the course of this survey. They had been built in conjunction with and in an identical style to the First National Bank's second building. The bank moved into that building, of tan brick with a limestone lower facade, in 1921. The bank and these two rental buildings occupied the site of the original frame Wood and Moring Store, which adjoined the graceful Moring home. In the 1930s the Ameri- can Legion donated a clock to the town in memorial to the casualties of Worid War I. It was promptly mounted in a prominent position on the comer of the bank. The bank was torn down and the clock removed during construction of the present building in 1967. These structures met a similar fete for a similar reason bank expansion. They matched the bank building in color and decorative detail. The metal cornice with modil- lion blocks also matched that of the bank.

B:39 Wood and Moring Store ca. 1900. 220



144 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1920, ca. 1955

This structure was one of the first gas stations in Asheboro. It was an example of the Spanish Colonial Revival style popular in the 1920s for both gas stations and movie theatres. Red brick trim was used to accent the stark white stucco of the structure. The large pump shelter was par- tially cantilevered from twin brick pillars with corbeled brackets. The structure was partially demolished about 1955, with shops and offices built along the street front. The underground parking garage and rear wall of the original building remain, however, and the gables of the upper wall can still be seen above the modem flat roof.


152-156 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1932, 1935, 1947

This interesting building assumed its present form in stages. Built on the site of the Hedrick family's bungalow home (which was moved to South Cox Street), the original structure was a one-story commercial block, three shop bays ^ide. Asheboro Printing Company occupied the northernmost storefront, now the site of Scott Book Store, while the southern bays were taken Up by a bowling alley. A second story was added '" 1935; it marked the symmetrical center of the block with a tripartite window in an arched opening which features the name and construc- tion date of the building in green mosaic tiles set "1 the stuccoed tympanum. The new second floor, complete with skylights and maple flooring, provided space for a roller skating rink. In 1947 the building was totally remodeled. The second floor was converted into office space, a large one-story wing was added to the rear to house the relocated bowling alley and printing establish- ment and the southern shops assumed the charac- ter of a shopping arcade. The arcade entrance is "ot aligned with the central window bay, but is rather recessed under a stubby aluminum cornice *hich links the entrance and the two small lower shops. The street facades were also covered iden- tically with beige ceramic panels, accented by °'ack stripes of the same material. The clipped "Corners of the shop fronts, the aluminum hard- ware of the doors, as well as the streamlined aluminum stair railing and coffee shop counter, are *" elements of the Art Modeme style widely used '" Asheboro just after World War II. The northern


arcade shop originally housed Williams-Riddle, a men's clothing store, whose painted monogram remains on the interior display windows.


206 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1925, ca. 1937

This structure was built in the late 1920s to house the U S. Post Office, which moved here from 132 Sunset Avenue. The original design provided a central entrance flanked by granite- trimmed bay windows. Brick infill panels laid in a herringbone pattern were placed beneath these windows. An arched window bay with keystone accented the second floor level above the entrance. A metal cornice with dentils marks the roof level, while the central summit is crowned by a round stucco panel set with green mosaic tile inlay seemingly a signature of the buildings built by the C. H. Wood Construction Company for the Hedrick family on this block. In 1935 the post office moved to 241 Sunset Avenue, and the building was remodeled by the Carolina theatre chain into Asheboro's largest theatre, the Caro- lina, seating 498. The new recessed entrance was an interesting quarter-round passageway with streamlined moldings; this may have been the town's introduction to the new Art Modeme style. The original entrance became the thea- tre's exit door in the reconstruction. The audi- torium was decorated with Art Deco style lighting fixtures and murals painted, it is re- called, by a European artist. Portions of these features can still be seen in what has become a storage area. The Carolina Theatre closed in 1962, and the building stood vacant until 1981 , when it was once again remodeled into com- mercial space.


218 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1930 The original occupant of this building was the Hedrick Motor Company, a Buick dealership. The present storefront marks the location of the automobile showroom; a two-story space (now remodeled) with a balcony or mezzanine level in the rear. Clerestory windows (now closed, but visible as buff-colored brick outlines in the red brick facade) let additional light into this space. A large door bay at the south edge of the facade provided access to the company's garage.

B:40 Gas Station ca. 1958.



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B:47 Fayetteville Street School ca. 1960.

B: 47 The Asheboro Summit housing complex located to the east, directly behind the former Fayette- ville Street School. Eli==3Ell^^==l<^r=^=ini ini iini=



226 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1935

This is one of three similar examples of Art Deco gas stations in Asheboro. (The others are at 15! North Park Street and 1223 North Fayette- ville Street.) This is the largest and most elabo- rate of the three. The shed roof is tiled, emphasiz- ing the Spanish Mission style influence in this stuccoed design. The pylons separating the bays terminate in a crest that is pure Art Deco. These designs were provided and built by the oil compa- nies and reproduced all over the country.


211 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1925


217 South Fayetteville Street 1938, 1941, 1952

The nucleus of this complex of buildings is the two-story hipped-roof house built about 1925 by broom manufacturer Lonnie L. Whitaker. It is the only brick building found in this survey which uses Flemish bond, where brick stretchers alternate with darker glazed headers in an ex- tremely attractive decorative technique. The square, boxy shape of the house is characteristic of the early twentieth-century 'American Four- square" style, but the wide overhanging eaves of the roof and small one-story shed wings also relate it to "Prairie Style" architecture. The roof overhang is carried on exposed rafter ends sawn m a decorative pattern and notched to carry guttenng. The house uses two types of bungaloid double-hung sash: tripartite 4/1 and paired 6/1 wmdow units. This house is the only home to survive in place from the eariy twentieth-century residential district which once lined Fayetteville Street.

The adjoining Barnes-Griffin Clinic was started in 1938 by Dr. Dempsey Barnes and Dr. H. L. Griffin. It offered beds for some thirty patients. The clinic expanded to include the neighboring residence in 1941 and built the two-story addition to the north in 1952. It closed in 1962 after the death of Dr. Griffin. The fluted limestone pilas- ters with abstract capitals which frame the street facade of the 1938 building hint at the Art Deco style. The Colonial Revival door with pedi- mented architrave dates from the 1960s.




133 East Academy Street ca. 1920

This imposing brick veneer residence was the second home of John Stanback Lewis, hardware store owner and president of the First National Bank. It was built on Fayetteville Street at the present site of the Tobias Store, and was moved to this site about 1960. Still facing Fayetteville Street, the original facade displays a hip-roofed block framed by projecting gabled bays. Semi- circular fanlights are set in each gable. The buff-colored brick walls are accented by lime- stone trim, including window sills and pedi- ments with prominent voussoirs and keystones and a limestone belt course. Double-hung 12/1 bungaloid sash are used throughout the house. The molded cornice features a prominent dentiled frieze. Original elements lost in the move were a Tuscan-columned porte cochere and veranda which skirted the dwelling, and a granite retain- ing wall fronting the Fayetteville Street sidewalk. The house has been divided into six apartments.


325 South Fayetteville Street 1908, 1923; destroyed 1969

The four acres of the Fayetteville Street School property were for many years known as the "Fair Grounds," since the yearly agricultural fairs and expositions were always held here. The Asheboro Male Academy was chartered January 25, 1843; a school was located on the property for the next 126 years. Superseded by the later school house, the small frame Male Academy building was moved and incorporated in a house on Cox Street that bunied in 1967.

The first brick building was built for the Asheboro public schools in 1908. That structure, two stories built on a raised basement, was a hip-roofed central block with gabled wings ar- ranged in an H-plan. It included round-headed Italianate windows as decorative accents, with the classrooms lighted by large tripartite sash. The building was crowned by a domed cupola holding a bell and flagstaff. In 1923 flanking wings were added to the building, which re- ceived a flat roof and coat of stucco in the remodeling. A. C. Woodruff, the architect of the City Hall, designed the separate gymnasium in 1936. It was a Neo-Classical building of red brick with a pilastered and pedimental facade.



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With the creation of individual neighborhood elementary schools and the building of the high school in 1950, the student population of Fayette- ville Street began to dwindle. In its last years, it Was the private domain of the seventh grade. The opening of North Asheboro Junior High was the death knell; the school saw its last classes in the spring of 1968.


406 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1905; destroyed 1980

This is a difficult house to date, as it has Undergone extensive alterations. The bracketed eaves and unusual sawn cornices over the; upper windows suggest a date around the turn of the century. Dr. Fox bought the property in 1906. The "Colonial" door frame was added in con- junction with the aluminum siding.


525 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1900

This three-bay, central gable house was very similar to a typical turn-of-the-century farm- house— appropriate to the rural nature of this location at that time. It is relatively intact al- though in a bad state of preservation. This was 'he home of the White family A similar house, around the comer on East Kivett Street, has been ™uch altered but may have been built about the same time.


530 South Cox Street ca. 1925

Cobblestones became a popular building mate- "al during the Bungalow period; this powerfully- '^esigned home uses them for every visible bit of masonry. The shed porch and recessed dormer are interesting details that emphasize the hori- ^ontality of the composition.


139 South Church Street ca. 1917

The older, northern end of this building may date to 1917, when the company was founded by the C. C. Cranford family. Nine bays wide by fifteen bays long, the building's segmental-arched window frames once held wooden sash, which have been replaced by blue tinted glass in metal frames. A monitor bay still crowns the shallow gable, but the windows which once lit the upper floor are now completely covered.


230 West Academy Street ca. 1925

This early twentieth-century factory is built in 1:5 common bond, with red brick headers creat- ing darker stripes through the orange stretcher courses. Eleven window bays run the length of the building; some retain early 12/12 wooden double-hung sash in the flat arched openings. Stepped ends hide the gable roof. Built about 1925, the building served as finishing and spray- ing space for the Cranford Furniture Company.

The main factory of the corporation was built about 1918. Now destroyed, it stood between the existing building and the neighboring Asheboro Hosiery Mills. The firm was founded before 1910 as the Asheboro Furniture Company and was reorganized by C. C. Cranford, first as the Cranford Chair Company and later as the Cranford Furniture Company.












Section C— The Fisher Estate, Hollywood



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308 West Kivett Street

ca. 1890 This is the largest house remaining from nineteenth-century Asheboro. Although exten- sively remodeled in 1950 to create four apart- ments, various details remain to indicate its original character. The small screened porch on the Kivett Street facade retains part of the trim of the original latticed porch that once wrapped around the house. Dentils under the eaves of the deck-on-hip roof hint at the impending Colonial Revival style. The most outstanding survival is the detached well shelter, where the unusual bellcast roof provides an oriental flavor. Stephen ^ayland Kivett came to Asheboro from the New Market area of Randolph County, where he seems to have been connected with the iron foundry which operated there during the Civil War. In Asheboro, Kivett operated a business building *agons and coffins.


305 West Wainman Avenue ca. 1888

Wainman, a Scotsman and erstwhile gold finer, built this house while in his middle twenties. He died soon after. The decorative trim must have been purchased from a local sash-and- blind factory, perhaps the W. C. Petty firm in Archdale. Acquired after Wainman's death by the Romulus R. Ross family it was remodeled as apartments in 1941 and was recently covered with aluminum siding. The pedimented window frames, identical to those of the Fisher mansion and Gatekeeper's House, probably still survive "nder the aluminum skin. A few of the original Porch brackets were re-used on a small entrance porch added to the north side. At least one mantel survives inside; however, the stairs were rernoved when the main entrance was closed. A ""'que and important survival is the original ^'tchen or cook's house. Once free-standing, it has been attached to the south end of the house and is now used as rear entrance and dining toom, Beyond important historical associations,

his house is the sole survivor on what was once a street of several large, graceful dwellings. Its preservation is an important goal.


405 Hill Street ca. 1925

This house is illustrative of the Spanish Mis- sion style, another west coast introduction of the bungalow period. The one-story house is of stuccoed brick or block, with a stepped central gable over the entrance, embattled comers and an entrance portico complete with round arches. The coupled windows of the street facade are sheltered by shed canopies covered in Spanish tile.


327 South Park Street

ca. 1910 The gable of this three-bay L-plan house is on the north, shingled in a decorative pattern and bearing a vent of classical design. The original site of the structure was at the northeast comer of Cranford and South Fayetteville streets. It was moved ca. 1920 to make way for the granite C. C. Cranford home (now destroyed). It is an odd quirk of fate that this humble building was moved and preserved early in the century while its elegant replacement was destroyed in the 1960s. The Winslow House burned in 1981 and was finally demolished in 1982.



326 South Park Street ca. 1905

This dwelling is almost a mirror-image of its neighbor across the street. A three-bay cottage design with a shingle-decorated northern gable.


235 South Park Street ca. 1930

This is a very attractive, classic bungalow. Its gable roof has a deep overhang supported on corbeled brackets. The shed porch is carried by massive stuccoed pylons; corbeled round arches spring from the house front, while the street facade is carried on a wide elliptical arch. A brick band accents the throat of the pylons, and stucco is used as decorative trim on the brick porch railing. A low gabled dormer is placed athwart the gable above the entrance. A near twin of this dwelling stands around the comer on Hill Street.


151 North Park Street ca. 1935

Almost identical to the commercial building at 226 South Fayetteville Street, although somewhat smaller, this is another fine example of the Art Deco style of architecture. The structure is stuc- coed with accenting red brick trim. "Crested" pylons accent the bays.



605 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905

This well-preserved, simple house features sawn brackets on the turned porch posts, feath- ered shingle decoration in the gable ends and a double-leaf front entrance.


609 Sunset Avenue ca. 1930

This is an attractive and sophisticated gable- end bungalow. The secondary gable shelters only a screened-in porch; its most important function is to visually disguise the oversized main gable. A wisteria arbor supported by a sturdy brick pylon also ties the main gable to the porch; the sawn ends of the arbor match the sawn rafter ends of the house.



621 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905

This house illustrates the stylistic transition between the Queen Anne and Colonial Revival periods. The massing of the house is Queen Anne, especially evident in the polygonal bay, deck-on-hip roof and spindled brackets. The porch, carried on Tuscan-order columns, exhib- its Colonial Revival detailing.


625 Sunset Avenue ca. 1930

This is an odd-looking yet very appealing bungalow. The gable roof completely covers the second floor, with inset windows serving instead of a dormer. The extra height of the roof might have made the house look top-heavy had the "Pper comers not been clipped off. This is described as a "jerkin-head" roof.


703 Sunset Avenue ca. 1915

Evidence suggests that the street facade of this house at one time featured a hip-roofed wrap- around porch carried on turn posts with sawn brackets and off-set gable with boxed cornice feturns. Feathered shingles in the eastern gable *re surviving decorative elements hinting at a Victorian style. John M. Neely came to Asheboro from Alabama to assist John Stanback Lewis in 'he initial operations of the First National Bank *nd later became president. This home is now owned by Neely's grandson Ryan Reynolds '^^ely, Jr., and wife Anne.


711 Sunset Avenue ca. 1905

John Stanback Lewis, a Montgomery County native, came to Asheboro from Alabama in 1905 and built this house on a prominent hill directly across the street from the old Fisher mansion, then known as Memorial Hospital . In 1 907 Lewis was a founder of the Cox-Lewis Hardware Com- pany and the First National Bank, of which he was also president. (See 144-148 Sunset Ave- nue.) He was also involved with the Southern Crown Milling Company and the Asheboro Wheelbarrow Company. The site of the house was originally the Fisher barnyard; the stables, fish pond and dovecote are to the rear, and the estate's huge bam was just to the west. The "Goat Mountain," a dry-laid stone structure now used as a garden feature, was built as an inclined ramp into the second story of the bam, much like the Pennsylvania Dutch "bank" bams. The 2-1/2 story house has a Queen Anne style form with Colonial Revival style trim. A poly- gonal bay at the northeast comer is covered by a cantilevered gable. Smaller polygonal window bays were placed on the west facade, where an arched stained-glass window lights the stair landing. A gabled dormer with balcony railing allows more light into the third-floor attic space. The original design was strongly vertical and did not include the verandas which now give it a more horizontal character. Interestingly, the house is identical to a house illustrated in the book High Point. N. C. 1900-1910, and identified as the residence of a Charles F Long. There has to be some connection between the two, whether involvement of the same architect, construction contractor, or sash-and-blind factory.

In 1923 Lewis sold the house to Hugh Parks, Jr son of the long-time owner of the textile mills in Franklinville. Parks had sold the mills in that year to a corporation headed by John Washington Clark. In Asheboro, Parks opened a hardware store and founded the Parks Hosiery Mill now a part of Acme-McCrary. Parks died in 1931 and is buried in the Asheboro city ceme- tery. The house was subsequently re-acquired by the Lewis family.






91 \






700 Block Sunset Avenue ca. 1888; destroyed 1934

Visible reminders of the now-vanished Fisher mansion are the terraced lawn, rock steps and goldfish pond; the tree now in the center of Memorial Avenue was in the front yard.


722 Sunset Avenue ca. 1920

This pyramidal-roofed house exhibits details of the Colonial Revival such as Tliscan columns and gabled dormer The latticed porch creates an interesting decorative effect.



830 Sunset Avenue ca. 1925

The chunky boxy shape and hip-roofed dor- mer of this house relate it to the "American Foursquare" house type, which grew out of midwestem frame school architecture. The ex- posed masonry is entirely built up of smooth- edge cobblestones, illustrative of the interest in natural materials which characterized the early twentieth century.


840 Sunset Avenue ca. 1915

The main gabled facade of this house actually fronts on McCrary Street, although the address is that of a door facing Sunset. That door is set off-center, behind the main block, in a wing covered by a deck-on-hip roof. Feathered shin- gles and colored glass windows decorate the gable ends, while the porch is carried on stubby Doric columns set on brick piers.

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915 Sunset Avenue ca. 1910

A hip-roofed porch wraps around two sides of this house, displaying turned posts and sawn brackets. The deck-on-hip roof is pierced by several gables holding windows which light the second-floor living area. The original weather- boarding has been replaced by asbestos siding.


830 Lewis Street

ca. 1900 This is one of the best-preserved, tum-of-the- century houses in Asheboro. The hip-roofed house with projecting polygonal bay is an exam- ple of the "Queen Anne" style, while the knobbed and chamfered brackets under the canti- 'evered eaves of the bay are examples of the "Eastlake" style. Feathered shingles decorate 'he gable and colored glass decorates the door and several windows. Charles Loflin was the father of Donna Lee Loflin, long-time principal of the nearby elementary school which bears her name,


703 Dixon Avenue ca. 1905

Local residents say that this house once be- longed to "Old Sheriff Brady." The wraparound porch on bungaloid pylons replaced an earlier porch; aluminum siding covers any remaining <letails. The house must have been very similar '0 the end-pavilion type house of nearby 627 Dixon.

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636 Dixon Avenue ca. 1900

This odd house resembles two center-gable houses joined at one end like Siamese twins. Considered in this manner, each house would be 'hree bays wide, with central chimney, and cou- pled 4/4 sash above the entrance. The entrance Qoors, however, are placed asymmetrically off- Ijenter on the facade. Local tradition suggests 'hat the structure may have been part of the Fisher estate. The cloned construction of the building indicates that it was built as duplex apartments, perhaps Asheboro's earliest.

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627 Dixon Avenue ca. 1905

This is a well preserved end-pavilion type house with a hip-roofed porch, turned posts and sawn brackets. The end-pavilion form was popu- lar in Randolph County; other nearby examples are 703 Dixon and 605 Sunset Avenue.



617 Dixon Avenue ca. 1900


This T-pIan house bears an unusual orientation to the street, with the small end— a projecting polygonal bay— housing the main entrance door. Two additional doors frame the bay on each side of the rear wing, with a wraparound porch unit- mg all three in a pleasant symmetrical composi- tion. The porch posts have been replaced and the house covered with aluminum siding, but the Queen Anne brackets with pendant drops remain uncovered.


136 Dixon Street ca. 1910

This is a rambling house which, due to its comer site, has the aspect of a center-gable house from the south and the look of an end- pavilion house from the east. The east is the primary facade, however. The house features tum-of-the-century 2/2 sash and molded porch posts with brackets.


127 Dixon Street


135 Dixon Street ca. 1915

The two houses pictured here are nearly identi- cal twins. The one at 127 Dixon is approximately in its original form. The original porch posts at 135 Dixon have been replaced by bungaloid pylons and the house has been covered with asbestos siding. Aluminum canopies also dis- guise its origins. The deck-on-hip roof with central gable prevents the houses from appearing as large as comparable two-story structures, relat- ing them in size to the neighboring small houses on Dixon.


Section D— Millhaven


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D.-2 Methodist Episcopal Church ca. 1890 (Original photograph byH.M. Robins)

D:2 First Methodist Church ca. 1910.


124 West Salisbury Street ca. 1950

This tiny, flat-roofed office is Asheboro's only example of a frame structure built in the stream- lined Art Modeme style. The facade comers are rounded by flush vertical sheathing; the rest of the building features German siding. Rectangular metal window sashes provide a horizontal accent.


Northeast comer of Salisbury Street

and White Oak Street


The earliest burial in this cemetery was that of Benjamin Augustus Marsh, b. 1826, d. Decem- ber, 1827. Not until October 25, 1834, did Benjamin Elliott, a local merchant, deed two acres of land to the Methodist Episcopal Church "to erect, or cause to be built, a house of public worship ... and for a public cemetary." Thus, the property saw its first use as a family cemetery. (An Indian burial mound was said to be located just to the east of the original tract.) By the end of 1834, the Methodists had built a plain, rectangular stmcture painted light grey It was located inside the present cemetery, approximately on the site of the marker erected "to the memory of our colored friends" (slaves were also buried in the cemetery). Two front doors of this structure opened into a vestibule where stairs rose at either end to the slave galleries which ran the length of both sides of the building. A "graceful pulpit of red-cherry wood" donated by the wife of Jonathan Wjrth was considered "the handsomest furnishing in the church." This structure was demolished in 1888; its replacement on the same site satisfied no one. In June, 19(X), it was announced that "architect's plans have been procured for a modem, attractive building" proposed for the site of the modem used-car lot adjoining the Armfield Mausoleum. The result was a romantic Gothic Revival frame building entered under the graceful bell tower and steeple. The leaded, stained-glass windows were a particular point of pride, as was another unusual item; a central healing system. The building was demolished ca. 1925.




224 North Park Street

ca. 1930 This frame warehouse has 6/6 sash, and is covered with asbestos siding. Its "boom-town" facade disguises a clerestory monitor roof. A similar warehouse stands nearby on Chestnut Street, and others were once found in the area, at one time Asheboro's major warehouse and manufacturing district.


532 West Salisbury Street 1924 This complex of buildings encompasses Ashe- boro's only surviving examples of large, frame industrial buildings. All of the town's early manufacturing operations were once housed in frame structures, but several disastrous fires (such as ones in 1923 and 1925 which leveled the Asheboro Wheelbarrow and Home Building Company plants) proved the danger of such buildings. (The ca. 1910 Randolph Chair Com- pany and Acme Hosiery Mill plants were among the town's first brick factories.) P & P Chair Company was organized by Arthur Presnell and W. C. Page in 1924, and was one of the few furniture operations which continued throughout the Depression. The best-known product of the company is its "Kennedy Rocker," a type of wooden rocking chair made here and given to President John F. Kennedy by his orthopedic surgeon.


227 Peachtree Street This neglected cemetery marks the former site of Allen's Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church. The ca. 1900-vintage sanctuary, which once stood here, was abandoned and destroyed ca. 1965, when the congregation merged into St. Luke's United Methodist Church.


305 Chestnut Street

ca. 1930

This small, frame warehouse is covered with

Gennan siding and has 6/6 sash. It is lighted by

a clerestory monitor roof, much like those once

found on several early factories along Deep River.


840 West Salisbury Street 1928. 1950 This company, organized in New York in 1927, opened the original portion of its Asheboro plant in 1928. That building is now the central portion of the present building, including the entrance. It was a small, brick building with four window- bays of square industrial metal sash. Large wings were added in 1950, with similar large windows and sawtooth monitor roofs. Soon after, the exterior of the complex was remodeled into its present monumental form. The windows were filled, the facade was stuccoed and yellow-metal stripes were added to create a unified linear facade. The words "BOSSONG/HOSIERY" in Art Deco lettering on either side of the central portion add to the decorative effect.


p .5 Alleri s Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church ca. I960.


D:7 Bossong Hosiery Mill ca. 1945.










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D:9 Randolph Hospital ca. 1940.






291 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1900

Unusual features of this T-plan vernacular structure are the polygonal window bay and tiny trefoil window in the gable. These eclectic Victorian features, in addition to the bracketed porch on turned posts, indicate that the house was built before neoclassicism swept the nation.


373 North Fayetteville Street 1932, 1946, 1951, 1964, 1976 Eric G. Flannagan, Architect

The original Art Deco hospital structure, now almost totally obscured by later accretions, was the first work in Asheboro by the Henderson office of Eric Flannagan. It was also the most architecturally important. The hospital, funded partly by the Duke Endowment, was begun in 1931 and completed in July, 1932. The rectangular, 13-bay structure featured buff-face brick, cast stone trim in pseudo-floral geometrical motifs and decorative brickwork in diapered and her- ringbone patterns. Entrance was made on the second floor level, accessible by a unique T-plan exterior staircase. The entrance bay was capped by an oversize stone cornice including the name of the hospital. Facilities were segregated at that time; the total of 39 beds included a separate ward for blacks on the ground floor near the emergency room. The adjoining 5-bay nurses quarters was also built at this time. In general it remains almost unaltered; the metal entrance door frame in a geometrical design is interest- ing. Several additions through the years, all by Flannagan, increased the capacity of the hospital to 142 beds. The most extensive alteration was made in 1951, with the demolition of the original entrance facade and the creation of a new entrance wing. The McCrary Memorial Wing, named for hospital corporation president and board chair- man, D. B. McCrary, housed the switchboard, information desk and adminstrator's offices as well as additional ward space. The facade repeats most of the decorative techniques used on the first building and also re-used the original cornice.

Its most distinctive feature was the black marble entrance incised with Art Deco patterns. Stainless steel lanterns in the shape of a caduceus light the glass doors covered by geometrical stainless- steel grills. The interior is easy to keep clean; the fireplace and columns of the public lounge are carved Carrena marble, the floors were tiled with contrasting blocks of brown and cream marble and corridors were paneled in marble. The rooftop solarium was said to be the first in North Carolina.


503 North Fayetteville Street

The central entrance door of this Art Modeme building is set in a frame of glass block recessed by rounded comers in soldier courses. Because of its odd site, the building is not a rectangle but a parallelogram, and the angled comers are turned with "knuckle joints." The stepped front con- ceals a bowstring truss roof.














Section E— Eastover, Spring Hill, Homeland Heights








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E:l First Methodist Church ca. 1930




224 North Fayetteville Street 1924; Harry Barton, Architect

The original proposal of the Greensboro archi- tect called for a grandiose domed structure in a cruciform plan. This was scaled down to the present structure in the Italian Romanesque style. The Mediterranean character of the design can be seen in the tile roof, corbeled brickwork and polychrome stone decoration. The cornerstone was laid in December, 1924, and first services were held December 18, 1925. The compact adjoining parsonage and Italianate campanile were added ca. 1934. The fellowship hall wing was built in 1960. Barton also designed the First Baptist Church in Siler City, which is virtually identical to this structure in plan and detail.


428 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1950

This streamlined Art Modeme-style building was built to house an ice cream bar, dairy warehouse and distribution center. The comers of the facade are rounded by bricks laid in header bond. Regular red brick is used on the north wall, while buff-colored glazed terra cotta brick or tile is used on the west and south. The glazed brick is an unusual feature which may have been designed to give the effect of a clean, antiseptic dairy environment. Glass block is found in three large windows.


468 North Fayetteville Street The street-front display windows of this stream- lined. Art Modeme commercial building wrap around the rounded ends of the building. Thus the brick facade seems to be unsupported, resting on sheets of glass. This is a characteristic of the European-derived International style which influ- enced Art Modeme. The stepped front conceals the warehouse-type bowstring truss roof.


520 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1948

The rounded comers of the recessed entrance are an Art Modeme feature of this building. The soldier courses of brick, set on end, recede toward the double entrance door capped by a glass block transom. The stepped front conceals a bowstring truss roof.


414 Watkins Street 1926

One of the first schools for black students in Randolph County was established in Asheboro in the 1880s, when a Quaker missionary group hired a teacher, William Emest Mead of Brooklyn, N. Y, to open "William Penn High School." Mead returned to New York several years later and the school moved to High Point. At the turn of the century Asheboro Colored Graded School was established in the Bums Street/North Main Street area; it attracted boarding students from across the county. The marble cornerstone in the present building— dated 191 1— was probably re- used from the earlier wooden stmcture.

The brick building that now stands on Watkins Street was constructed in 1926 with monies from the Juilius Rosenwald Fund and with the assis- tance of the Slater Fund. When Professor C. A. Barrett opened the new school as principal, its name was changed to the Randolph County Training School. It was renamed Central High School during the term of J. N. Gill, its last principal. High school students were transferred to the newly-integrated Asheboro High School ca. 1964. The school was closed in 1969 when the remaining students were moved to Lindley Park and Charles W McCrary elementary schools. The building at one time housed various county agencies including the Randolph Sheltered Work- shop. In December, 1981, the East Side Improve- ment Association, a local neighborhood organ- ization, purchased the property for community


Section F— Old Muster Field, Colonial Heights, Greystone Terrace


Ji 31





817 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1905; destroyed 1982

A one-story version of the three bay. central gable house. It is possible that this house and two others nearby may have been built by black families. This was a black neighborhood at the turn of the century. At the comer of Bulla and South Fayetteville streets was Bulla's Grove Methodist Church, which subsequently moved to Burns Street and is now St. Luke's United Methodist Church.


911 South Fayetteville Street

This is the only Art Modeme design in Ashe- boro which used precast aggregate panels on the facade instead of brick. Smooth panels turn the rounded comers, while corrugated panels frame the tinted-glass horizontal strip windows. A ves- tigial aluminum canopy marks the division be- tween the second-door storage area and the street- front showroom, which is completely walled in plate glass.


962 South Cox Street ca. 1910

A variation of the three-bay vernacular house with the gable on an end instead of the center. The bungaloid porch piers are probably replacements.


923 and 935 South Cox Street ca. 1910

These neighboring, nearly identical houses are examples of the familiar three-bay, central gable, vernacular type. The turned-post porch of 923 still survives, but window sashes have been replaced. The porch and porte cochere of 935 are bungaloid features which must have been later additions.

F:4 923 South Cox Street. F:5 935 South Cox Street.

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845 South Cox Street 1899, 1921, 1978 The foundations of this house are reported to have been started in 1898. The general character of the house is of the early twentieth century; for the most part it may be the product of the extensive 1921 alterations. The shed dormers are unusual. The turned spindles were added to the porch in 1978; the bungaloid porch was built iri 1921. An interesting survival is the "goat house" in the backyard. It may have begun existence as a well cover. The house has recently been attrac- tively renovated. Rich and his family operated the local brickyard beginning just after the Civil War. His descendants still sell brick in Asheboro.


707 South Cox Street

ca. 1920 A whimsical example of the "Picturesque" style, this is someone's "bungaloid" re-affirma- t'on of a man's home as a man's castle. The brick dwelling was probably meant to resemble an English country cottage, although the conical- foofed entrance tower is a rather eclectic adapta- tion from English castles. The extremely steep roofs and free-standing buttresses add to the Itiaint flavor of the house.



835 Center Street ca. 1905

A vernacular dwelling with a projecting gabled end pavilion and a recessed cross gable centered on the southern half. The porch is a Victorian survival with turned posts and brackets.


601 South Main Street

ca. 1870 Much of the architectural character of this simple vernacular house, owned for the past 60 years by H. H. Bunting, has been obscured by modem aluminum siding and storm doors. The simple, interior moldings of the mantel on the only fireplace are in the style of the late Greek Revival. This simple home is shaded by porches on the north and west. There are references which indicate that originally this was the home of Bill Lytle, a barber and member of one of the most respected black families in Randolph County. The Lytles traced their ancestry back to Frank Lytle, a slave freed and given 100 acres of land by his master in 1794. Thus the Lytles were "Free Persons of Color," eligible to vote in all elections until the North Carolina constitution of 1835 denied them this right. This house stands as a memorial to the Lytle family who, according to Sidney S. Robins, "belonged to the class of superior people, black or white."


354 Lindley Avenue 1935 This example of the Adirondack-style or "tele- phone pole cabin" was popular in the Bungalow period. Built by Haskins, it was later owned by Miss Laura Kennedy.














426 Worth Street 19th Century, 1936

This 18' X 28' single-pen log house was originally located on the Troy Redding farm near Flint Hill. It exhibits half-dovetail notching and could well have been built before 1860. The house was disassembled, moved to Asheboro and rebuilt in 1936. The interior was greatly altered; modem windows, doors and bungalow detailing were added. The house was the project and creation of Rose Thomas Rich (1889-1951), a professional nurse who was bom in Indiana and moved here in 1927. Mrs. Rich envisioned a romantic recreation of mountain life and land- scape on the 90' x 160' lot in Greystone Terrace. The house was not only the Richs' dwelling but a showcase for their collection of early crafts and antiques.


741 Kildare Road

1956; Clyde Dorsett, Architect

This house is one of the most important examples of modem architecture in Asheboro, strongly influenced by the domestic architecture of Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus. Set on a slope well back and almost invisible from the street, the house is well integrated with a site left almost completely in its natural state. The outside space is a very important element in the design, flowing into the bedrooms, living room and kitchen through a two-story rear facade that is almost wholly thermopane glass. A deep roof overhang and fixed wooden sun shades above the first floor level screen out the heat of the sun. The one-story street facade most clearly exhibits a distinctive feature of the design. Upper and lower clerestories continuous strips of glass both under the eaves and at ankle-level demate- rialize support for the panels of the wall, which are seemingly suspended in space between foun- dation and flat roof. Also unusual is the inter- changeable floor plan, where wall panels and storage units can be taken out, re-arranged and re-installed at will. The original owner and architect worked for the architectural firm of J. Hyatt Hammond, whose own house is next door.


801 Kildare Road

1958; J. Hyatt Hammond, Architect

This outstanding contemporary home is closely related to the "Usonian" houses of Frank Lloyd Wright. Sited on a steep slope, it is actually below street level. From that viewpoint the stracture seems quite elongated although the entire house is to the left of the central entry court; the right half is a double carport. Contain- ing only 1500 square feet of floor space, the house was originally designed for a bachelor. The walls of native slate and the horizontal character emphasized by the flat roof enable the house to "hug the ground" and blend harmon- iously with its surroundings. Clerestory windows protected by the wide roof overhang can remain open at all times to create a system of cross ventilation. The flagstone floors also promote a natural cooling process. Rooms of the house are on several levels, following the hillside contours. The open entrance court is screened from the carport by woven wooden slats. The combination den and solarium is a mid-level room, from which steps lead to the long sunken living room. The architect was graduated from the School of Design of N. C. State University. The house was decorated by his wife, an interior decorator trained at the Art Institute of Chicago.



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Section G— Randolph Heights, OoGalista Heights


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1221 South Park Street

1949-50, 1952-53

Eric G. Flannagan, Architect

The school was built in stages, as money became available. The entrance bay and adjoin- ing classrooms were opened for the fall term, 1950. The flanking gym and auditorium wings were ready for the fall term 1953. The buff brick and limestone trim are characteristic of the archi- tect Eric Flannagan; this was his largest project in Asheboro. He was involved in the school design because of Charles W. McCrary , the school board chairman and industrialist for whom he had worked before. The impressive size and scope of the design was further enhanced by its situation, separated from Park Street by a consid- erable expanse of lawn. This was completely necessary, for the school cannot be appreciated as a whole except when seen from a distance. Such decorative details as the panels of brick set diagonally which flank the entrances to the gym and auditorium are used to break the light falling on the facade, creating vertical bands of shadow which lessen the swat horizontality of the block front. Smaller details, such as the carved stone panels above the entrance, benefit from close examination. These too were de- signed by Flannagan. They depict, allegorical fashion, various pursuits of education: science, sports, the "lamp of knowledge," drama and music. The main floor of the school is actually the second; the central steps enter on a landing between floors and continue inside. The gym and auditorium are entered by way of impressive flights of steps. The stadium, built in 1957, boasts an unusual cantilevered roof over the press box, designed by Latvia-native Walter Preimats. Heretofore the extensive additions to the school have been made to the south and rear, preserving the building's monumental public face. The new basketball arena, completed in 1980, blocks the original gymnasium front and upsets the harmony and balance of the original facade.


420 West Walker Avenue

1957; Harold E. Wagoner, Architect

This "contemporary colonial" design was the Philadelphia architect's second building in Ashe- boro; Central Methodist Church was completed in 1955. The cornerstone was laid May 12, 1957; first services were held December 8 of that year. As with the Methodist Church, the completed portion was only a small part of a grand design to be completed as the church grew. Here, only the "Educational Unit" was built. The Fellow- ship Hall was to serve as the sanctuary until the "Sanctuary Unit and Tower" were built. The design of the completed elements actually stand alone very well. The overhanging entrance gable and tall pillars are an effective entrance. The spire over the hall is twice the height of its counterpart on the Methodist Church. It adds a vertical accent which pulls the sections together.




West Walker Avenue, across from the Junior High School 1839 From 1800 to 1860 the North Carolina General Assembly chartered 287 academies, most of which were short-lived. At some time during the period, practically every county had one or more academies offering "a more thorough and ad- vanced type of education" than the primitive system of statewide public schools. The school later known as the "Asheboro Female Academy" appears to have been chartered on January 9, 1839, as "Randolph Female Academy." The schoolhouse was built on a one-acre plot located on the southwest comer of North Fayetteville and West Salisbury streets, donated by Alfred H. Marsh and James M. A. Drake, trustees of the school.

Miss Eliza Rae of Boston was employed by the trustees to instruct the young ladies for ses- sions of five months in spelling, reading, gram- mar, geography, arithmetic, philosophy, rhetoric, needlework and piano (in 1840, wax flowers and wax fruit work were added). The first exercises were held on Monday, June 17, 1879. The acad- emy was described as "a house large enough to accommodate 60 scholars ... and furnished too with necessary seats, tables and a fine piano." In 1855 the Asheboro Male and Female Acade- mies were incorporated under the supervision of a single board of trustees.

By 1892 the academy had ceased to function, and the property was sold. W J. Armfield, Jr., built a house on the site and used the building as servants' quarters. In 1969 the academy was Siven to the Randolph County Historical Society ^y the family of Mr. Armfield, to be used as a museum. The building was moved in 1970 and restoration began; it was moved to its present site 'n 1972 and work was completed.

The building is a one-story frame structure five bays long and two bays wide, covered with Weatherboard. No attempt has been made to gather original siding in one location; many boards are replacements. The chief feature of the facade is the central entrance which is set in a simple molded frame. Above the entrance is a four-light transom flanked by curious diminutive fluted pilasters. The transom is surmounted by a molded cornice which breaks over the pilasters.

Many alterations have befallen the building and the original floor plan has been all but obliterated. As restored, it is a center-hall plan, one room deep. A considerable amount of original horizon- tal sheathing survives. Along the north and south walls a chair rail runs beneath the windows forming a sill. One of the two mantels survived, a crudely-rendered but interesting Greek Revival design.

A detailed architectural study was never con- ducted at the time of restoration to insure authen- ticity. Therefore, it may never be possible to know for certain if the building actually ap- peared as it has been portrayed.


520 Albemarle Road

ca. 1940 This is a visually appealing design which transforms a square plan by clipping the comers to accommodate four doors, one at each angle, creating an octagon. The hipped roof is faceted to accommodate these extra angles, adding even more visual interest. It is thought that the struc- ture was built as a road house or "fish camp" restaurant.


850 Uwharrie Street

ca. 1920 This is a late example of the pyramidal-roofed vernacular house. It possesses an unusual recessed porch. The only bungaloid detail is the hip-roofed dormer. It was built by a Mr. Caviness.

G:3 Asheboro Female Academy ca. 1839.





G.-(5 802 Uwharrie Street.


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802 and 732 Uwharrie Street ca. 1920

These are two very similar one-story three- bay cross-gable dwellings. 802 was built by a Richardson. The feathered shingles in the gable are a good decorative touch.

732 was the home of Bob Paisley, the original owner of all the land west of this part of Uwharrie Street. The house was situated in the middle of his farm.


722 Uwharrie Street 1917

This two-story dwelling is the best preserved cross-gable house on the street. The porch still retains its original turned posts. The bam, flower house and other outbuildings survive. The house was built by a Mr Davis; both he and his wife died in the 1918 influenza epidemic. Since that time the property has belonged to Reid Freeman.


725 South Park Street ca. 1923

This house is the city's best example of an "Adirondack-style" log cabin. This was a revival style in which logs were used more as decorative than structural features. Elements of the Bunga- low period are seen in the house, which sets its gable end toward the street, and uses brown river stones for decorative and textural effects on all exposed masonry areas. The house was built by a Shafter Ferree, and was bought by Mrs. Virtle Crutchfield in 1939.


320 Lanier Street ca. 1888

The one-story, hip-roofed house was moved to this site from the Northwest comer of Sunset Avenue and Park Street in 1962 to escape oblitera- tion by a shopping center It must have been moved once before, however, for one source describes the original structure as set up off the ground on piers and approached by many steps. This would relate well to the porch, deeply shading three sides of the house and imparting a very "coastal" feeling to the stmcture. The exterior is unaltered and well-kept; the interior has been modernized for use as a meeting place for local women's clubs. The pedimented win- dow frames which were used on the Fisher mansion house and the Wainman House are visi- ble here. Little is known about the actual use of this house in guarding the approach to the Fisher estate. It was probably more theatrical than functional.

G.IO Fisher Estate Gatekeeper's House ca.l960. G.IO




624 South Fayetteville Street The street-level facade of this automobile show- room is virtually all glass, which even wraps around the rounded comers of the building. A thin aluminum canopy marks the division be- tween the first-story glass and the second-story brick on the facade. The rounded comers of the canopy echo the rounded comers of the building. The stepped-brick, upper facade is supported on unobtmsive metal posts. The rounded comers of the one-story, secondary office wings are decor- ated with msticated brick "quoins"; on the pri- mary facade these become bands mnning the width of the building which frame the horizontal strip windows. These light a mezzanine storage 'oft. The warehouse/service area is roofed by bowstring tmsses.


822 South Fayetteville Street

ca. 1905 A well-preserved example of the three-bay, central gable, vemacular house type which was very popular in early twentieth-century Asheboro. The porch posts here are identical to those at 836 South Fayetteville, although these are bracketed.


836 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1905; destroyed 1980

Three-bay vemacular house with turned post supporting the porch. Note the odd off-center placement of the entrance. It is now the site of a cable television studio.


1010 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1910

This rambling house of many additions has one small porch displaying Victorian posts and brackets, but all other porches use Doric columns, and classical details predominate. The only ac- cess to the house today is from Hammer Avenue.


1326 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1930; destroyed 1981

An interesting bungalow garage apartment. The bracketed balcony is unusual.




Section H Sunset Heights, Dogwood Acres, Dave's Mountain




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1430 Sunset Avenue

1849, 1969 This log dwelling was built by Solomon Wil- liams on Panther Creek, near Seagrove. A stone in the chimney is inscribed with his name, the date (December 7, 1 849) and the name ' 'Richard Suggs" (supposedly a slave responsible for the stone masonry work). The building is of substan- tial squared-log construction with half-dovetail jointing. The dwellings of eighteenth-century Asheborough may have been similar to this structure. The house was disassembled, moved to Asheboro and restored by Walter and Vivian Bryant.


1214 Sunset Drive ca. 1935 The form of this house resembles that of Spanish Mission style houses such as 405 Hill Street. The stepped center gable, the embattled comers of the house and portico, as well the shed roofs sheltering the window bays are all characteristic of this style. Its construction of textured concrete blocks is unusual, though found in several other homes around Asheboro. This construction technique recalls the "textile block" houses of Los Angeles designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1920s.


505 Mountain Road

1937, 1951, 1972

John J. Croft, Jr., Architect

The chapel of this church was built soon after 'he formation of the congregation and used as 'he sanctuary for more than thirty years. It is an attractive structure on an intimate scale, and its construction of native slate blends perfectly with 'he lovely wooded setting. The new sanctuary dwarfs the chapel in size but not in spirit.


1322 Oakmont Drive ca. 1915

Corwith was the developer of the entire "Dog- wood Acres" subdivision. He moved to the area and bought this land in 1915; his home was the first on Dave's Mountain. It is unusual to find a Bungalow period house built entirely of flint rock, as this one is. The small porch is a refer- ence to the Federal style and the Colonial Revival. The attic was originally lighted by an eyebrow dormer near the chimney. It was removed when the roof was replaced.


520 Oakmont Drive ca. 1935

The "catslide" roof of the central gable, the diamond-paned windows, the "nubby" brick and inset flagstone decoration are all elements of the "Picturesque" style used for many bungalows.







933 Oakmont Drive ca. 1935

The squared logs with half-dovetail joints are unusual; the original logs may have been reused from an older house. The rounded log porch posts and railings are in the Adirondack style. This is now the home of Dr. and Mrs. John Davis.


1049 Neely Drive

1968; Arthur Cogswell, Architect

The flat roof with sheltering overhang, the clerestory windows and the upper stories reach- ing the ground on tall piers are all elements of modem domestic architecture introduced by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is the only contempo- rary house in the Dave's Mountain area and is a very well-executed, attractive design by a Chapel Hill architect. Trogdon was the son of local contractor S. E. Trogdon.


745 Lexington Road

1939; Joseph Sawyer, Architect

This particular style of Colonial Revival dwell- ing was described as "Mount Vernon Regional" by its Greensboro architect. George Washington's home is of course recalled by the monumental portico; here, however, the "regional" detailing seems to be more Williamsburg Georgian than Mount Vernon Adamesque. The Chinese Chip- pendale balcony railing is a Georgian feature, while the entrance set in a frame with elliptical fanlight and sidelights is definitely in the Federal style. The house includes many features adapted to a comfortable 1930s home, such as screened porch, glassed sunroom and canvas window awnings. The tirst floor rooms conveniently open onto the stately veranda through jalousied French doors, emphasizing the fact that the imposing hillside site is one of the most impressive aspects of the design. The restoration of Colonial Wil- liamsburg by John D. Rockefeller had only just begun to have the grip on popular tastes which it has now assumed, but this house illustrates the start of the trend. It won a state AIA award after its completion in the spring of 1939. Sulon B. Stedman, son of local merchant W. D. Stedman, founded the Stedman Corporation, a textile man- ufacturing firm based in Asheboro.



















Section I —Industrial Park, Dixieland Acres

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1758 South Fayetteville Street 1945 and subsequent additions

In 1941 W Clyde Lucas combined three of Asheboro's early woodworking companies Piedmont Chair Co., National Chair Co. and the Cranford Furniture Co. into one new cor- poration, Lucas Industries, Inc. Near the end of World War II Lucas began to plan for a large new factory building designed to consolidate the opera- tions of the three former plants under one roof. The new building was to be built on the former Randolph County Fairgrounds; the Fair had closed during the Depression, and Lucas had bought up the stock of the corporation in order to acquire the site. Construction began in the fall of 1945 and the building was ready for occupancy in May, 1946. Mr. Lucas himself designed the floor plan of the plant based on contemporary furni- ture operations. The exterior of the building was almost entirely left up to the tastes of the contractor, S. E. Trogdon. Trodgon's firm subse- quently became the county's largest building contractor; this plant was one of his first big jobs. Adequate supplies of brick for the structure were impossible to come by in the post-war building boom, so the old Elmer Rich brickyard southwest of Asheboro was leased to make the brick on special order. The 1 10-foot-high chim- ney serving the steam boiler was one of the most difficult tasks it alone cost more than $10,000. The 1000-foot facade of the original 145,000- square-foot plant was its most striking visual fea- ture. The exterior of the building was designed in the streamlined version of the Art Modeme style which became popular following the 1936- 1939 construction of Frank Lloyd Wright's S. C. Johnson Administration Building in Rachine, Wisconsin. The rounded, streamlined comers, horizontal brick banding and glass block of that influential building are hallmarks of a number of late- 1 940s commercial structures in Ashe- boro, beginning with the Lucas Industries Plant. The building's twin entrances are highlighted by rusticated brick pilasters topped with stone caps decorated in the earlier "zig-zag" Art Deco style. Stubby canopies protecting the entrance doors and glass block windows (now filled in with brick) are familiar elements of the build- ing vocabulary of this group of local buildings. In 1952 the bedroom furniture plant was ac- quired by General Electric and converted to the manufacture of electric blankets. In the late

1970s the complex was extensively expanded and altered, with a modernistic pavilion added to the northern entrance, the glass block win- dows filled in and the red brick facade painted battleship gray.


1759 South Fayetteville Street 1947

Until recently this was a good example of the relatively late use of the Art Deco style on a commercial structure. Unlike Asheboro's more common examples of rounded, streamlined com- mercial buildings, this structure uses the angular, geometricized version of the style. A geometri- cally-patterned metal ceiling is the major interior feature, while a tall central pylon calls attention to the off-center entrance. A glass block window divides the pylon at eye level while a metal fin rises above the aluminum cornice. In 1978 the building was refurbished to hide all these ele- ments under plywood and cedar shingles.


1635 South Fayetteville Street 1946 This equipment showroom/warehouse was built soon after the nearby Lucas Industries plant and in the same streamlined Art Modeme style. The building is in fact Asheboro's best example of this style, and illustrates a veritable catalog of its design elements. The exterior cor- ners of the facade are rounded by bricks laid in header bond; these comers are further empha- sized by horizontal msticated bands. The single entrance door is housed in an extended bay flanked by rusticated pilasters. The interior cor- ners of the recessed entrance are rounded by bricks laid in solder courses; the door is set in a glass block frame with transom; a stubby canopy shelters the entrance. The space above the entrance is enhanced by a panel of decorative brickwork. A number of similar structures around Asheboro use one or more of these features, but this is the only building where all are found on the same facade.


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1512 South Fayetteville Street ca. 1930 Asheboro's most significant early gas station appears here. This is an infrequently-found re- working of the familiar Art Deco gas station design complete with rain shelter. The Spanish Mission style is evidenced by the tile roof and earthtoned stucco; the red brick base is an accent to balance the mass of red tile.


1619, 1626 and 1701 Cox Road

ca. 1910 These three houses are located in a group. 1619 is a one-story three-bay cross-gabled house of standard type. 1626 is an L-plan vernacular cottage with flanking end gables. 1701 is a small central-gable home with a pair of front doors an unusual four-bay arrangement.


538 Cox Avenue

ca. 1915; burned 1982

A two-story three-bay central gable farmhouse. This was early twentieth-century Asheboro's fa- vorite design. These homes were built all over the South as standard mill housing.







1:5 1619 Cox Road.

1:6 1626 Cox Road.

1:7 1701 Cox Road.

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Section J Spero, Balfour, King 'Hit































920 North Fayetteville Street

ca. 1950 This is another streamlined. Art Moderne style ice cream bar and dairy warehouse. Cor- ners rounded by bricks laid in header bond frame the central entrance. The building is smaller and simpler than the Guilford Dairy structure.


1 100 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1948 Yellow brick are used on the stepped, square- cornered facade of this Art Moderne structure. The comers of the recessed entrance are rounded by bricks laid in soldier courses. Panels of deco- rative brickwork accent the facade; the comer bricks of the decorative "frame" are mitred.


Spero Road just west of railroad tracks

ca. 1890 There were many such one-story center-hall- Plan farmhouses in Randolph County at the end of the nineteenth century. This dwelling was once in rural Back Creek Township but has now been drawn within the limits of Asheboro. The facade is capped by a central gable decorated *ith feathered shingling; the cornice returns of the end gables have been extended to form pediments. The hip porch is carried on tumed posts with sawn brackets. The house is now covered with board-and-batten siding.


2455 North Fayetteville Street ca. 1875 Once this little house stood in rural Randolph County several miles north of Asheboro; now the town has grown out to surround it. The story-and- a-half hall-and-parlor plan dwelling with single exterior end chimney is typical of many small dwellings built in the county both before and after the Civil War. The firebox of the chimney is built of randomly-coursed roughly-quarried stone, with a brick flue. Six-over-six sash are used on the first floor level, while smaller 4/4 sash light the gable ends of the attic story. The rafter ends of the roof have been left exposed, as have those of the shed porch. The porch is carried on cham- fered posts with simple brackets. Other details of the exterior are hidden under asphalt siding. The post-and-lintel mantel uses symmetrically-molded millwork trim, and its shelf is supported on sawn brackets. A boxed stair provides access to the loft. Several original outbuildings remain on the site including a hand-hewn log bam and a wooden blacksmith shop. Stones which were once part of a detached kitchen can also still be seen.

Mr. Benoni Pritchard acquired this property in the 1850s. In 1884 Mr. Pritchard sold the prop- erty to Thomas F Sechrist who in 1939 deeded it to Roland A. Briles. Mr. Briles converted the dwelling into a cabin. The property is now owned by Mr. Briles' daughter, Wilda Mae Briles Reams, and husband Fred M. Reams, Jr.

Section K— Central Falls



Old Liberty Road ca. 1925

The first school on this site was built about 1905, in the period of expansion of North Carolina's public education system under Gover- nor Aycock. This structure was erected about twenty years later, and was used as part of the Randolph County school system until 1958. For a time it was used as a meeting place and community center by the Central Falls Lions Club, but it subsequently fell into disuse and is now deteriorating. The building has good poten- tial for rehabilitation and reuse.



Old Liberty Road ca. 1905

This house is very similar to the Moffitt House at 229 East Academy Street. The polygonal bay with pendant brackets and pyramidal roof are elements of the Queen Anne style. The tapered porch posts are probably the result of a ca. 1930 remodeling.


Old Liberty Road 1881

Almost certainly one of the original mill structures, this house was probably the home of 'he factory superintendent directly in charge of 'he 150 workers. Houses virtually identical to 'his one can be seen in Cedar Falls, Franklinville, Ramseur and Coleridge, pointing to the great popularity of the "porch and pedimented bal- cony" type in the county. The quartz trim is a 1930s addition.


2227 Old Liberty Road 1934

Central Falls possesses quite a few structures built out of native milky quartz or "white flint rock." J. W Rollins had this monumental build- ing built as a grocery store by a Mr. Cheek, a Franklinville mason. The rough-textured wall surface is strikingly similar to the flint construc- tion of South and East England. There, flint is black and the end of each stone is chipped off to expose a white broken surface or "rind." Flint- laying is a precarious business necessitating the plentiful use of mortar and patience.


View from Old Liberty Road

Twenty-five dwelling houses were built to house the mill workers in 1881, but the majority of the present housing stock in Central Falls seems to date from the period of mill expansion in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Those earliest structures which remain are probably located on Pennsylvania Avenue and Gant Street, in the vicinity of the mill buildings. Today, a century of renovations and repairs conceals the simple one- and two-story single-family dwellings.









Pennsylvania Avenue 1881 and later renovations

This building was evidently built by the origi- nal investors as a community building, used for gatherings, public speakings and shows. About 1883 a Methodist Episcopal congregation was organized, and the community building was bought for use as a church. In 1934 a fire damaged the frame structure; between 1935 and 1940 brick veneer was added and the structure assumed its present psuedo-colonial form.



Old Liberty Road ca. 1881

This house probably dates from the creation of the original mill village. The metal roof with ridge ornaments and the feather-edged shingle gable treatment are typical details.



Dumont Street and Old Liberty Road 1881 and later additions

The eighth of the nine original Deep River cotton mills, this factory was organized in 1881 by a group of Asheboro businessmen and Randle- man textile entrepreneurs. The original mill building, of brick on a fieldstone foundation, is a low gabled structure now almost hidden by subse- quent additions. The facade was graced with a false front surmounted by a stepped parapet. The arched window openings, now bricked-up, have Tudor brick surrounds. The detached "picker" house is similar and was built at the same time. In 1889 J. A. Blair (a Central Falls investor and biased .source) wrote, "This is confessedly the neatest village on the river, and the factory building is unrivaled in beauty and elegance."

The original investors were bought out about 1885 by Dr J. M. Worth, who had organized the Worth Manufacturing Company in nearby Worth- ville in 1881. As a result of the merger. Central Falls became known as the "Worth Manufactur- ing Company Mill #2,' with $100,000 of capital stock and 150 hands in 1894. It is still remem- bered that Dr. Worth set up a steamboat service on Deep River between Central Falls and Worth- ville. Its primary purpose was to ferry raw materi- als and finished goods between the two plants, but it also seems to have served as a great source of entertainment and adventure to the local citizenry. In 1894 the mill produced 300,000 pounds of warps (thread made from raw cotton), and 1,800,000 yards of plaids (a popular type of woven cloth).

The complex until recently was occupied by Burlington Industries Industrial Fabrics Division, it is now being remodeled by Prestige Fabrica- tors of Worthville.


Deep River at Old Liberty Road destroyed

This photograph records the Central Falls cov- ered bridge just before its destruction and replace- ment by the present bridge in 1926.


Drawings of three pre-Chil War Randolph County residences JZludedin the 1896 biography of the Rev Braxton Craven by

?™rc: 'rS.:S4, erectedL ,820, .asdescribed ''"T , ^"hi„ hnvim one room on the ground floor and a sort of aloft ^^itt^Z^^indo. in the gable end to admit light r C^'s growing family later caused him to build a new "substannal Cox s growing J J haying five rooms on the ground floor

t-o-story frame buMtn,^^^^^^

"f'^'^tZbMothcReviv'alcottageforhisfamilyatTrinity. tlS^^S^rlstdences. no,, of whic^f survive, were made for the book by an unknown arttst ca. 1895.






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Author's Note

This glossary has been compiled from lists of architec- tural terms which have appeared in several historic architec- tural surveys published in North Carolina, including works by Michael Southern, Ruth Little-Stokes, David R. Black, H. McKeldon Smith, Doug Swaim, Peter Kaplan, Gwynn Taylor and Dm Haley. James Coman of the Buncombe County Planning Department drew the illustrations, with the excep- tion of the log comer timbering, which was drawn by John Kinney.

Other sources found to be exceedingly helpful were: John Blumenson's Identifying American Architecture: A Picto- rial Guide to Styles and Terms, 1600-1945; Leland M. Roth's A Concise History of American Architecture; Labine and Poore's article "The Comfortable House: Post- Victorian Do- mestic Architecture" in The Old-House Journal; Cyril M. Harris, editor of both Dictionary of Architecture and Con- struction and Historic Architecture Sourcebook; William H. Jordy and William H. Pierson, Jr., a four-volume anthology American Buildings and Their Architects; John Fleming, Hugh Honour and Nikolaus Pevsners' The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture; Paul E. Buchanan's article "The Eighteenth- Century Framer Houses of Tidewater Virginia" in Building Early America; Fred Kniffen's article "On Comer-Timbering" in Pioneer America; John Summerson's The Classical lan- guage of Architecture; Marcus Whiffen's The Eighteenth- Century Houses of Williamsburg; and Thomas Tileston Waterman's The Mansions of Virginia, 1706-1776 and The Dwellings of Colonial America.

Terms relating to milling, the textile industry, water power and bridge constmction were assembled from Peter Kaplan's inventory of Cabarrus County; Herman Steen's Flour Milling in America; Charles B. Kuhlman, Development of the Flour Milling Industry in the United States; the first volume in Louis C. Hunter's projected series, A History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930; Steve Dunwell, The Run of the Mill; Mary Meigs Atwater, The Shuttlecraft Book of American Hand-Weaving; and Richard S. Allen, Covered Bridges of the South.

ABUTMENT The shore foundation upon which a bridge rests, usually built of stone but sometimes in bedrock, iron or concrete.

ACADEMIC Pertaining to formal architecture styles as prac- ticed by architects and masterbuilders.

ADAMESQUE Having qualities of style which derive from the work of the late eighteenth-century Scottish architects Robert and James Adam. The Adamesque mode is character- ized by slender proportions, delicate scale, graceful curves and linear compartmented omamentation held flat to the wall or other architectural surface. In its American form the style is typified by the work of Charles Bullfinch and Samuel Mclntire.

ADZ A cutting tool having a thin, arching blade set at right angles to the handle, and thus differing from the ax. It is used to trim the surface of wood.

"AMERICAN FOURSQUARE" A simple early twentieth- century house type growing out of the Craftsman style; basic features include: two stories, unadomed boxlike shape, low hipped roof with dormers and a porch extending the full width of the front elevation.

ANTEBELLUM Dating from before the Civil War (1861- 1865).

APSE A semicircular or polygonal part of a building forming a projection from the exterior wall, commonly used for the altar area of a church.

APSIDAL Apse-like, in the shape of a half-round or polygo- nal projecting bay.

ARCADE A range of arches supported on piers or columns attached to or detached from a wall. ARCHITRAVE The lowest part of an entablature, some- times used by itself as around a window or door. "A" ROOF See Gable.

ART DECO A style of decorative arts and architecture popular in the 1920s and 1930s; characterized by linear or angular composition often with a vertical emphasis and high- lighted with stylized "sunrise," chevron, or "zig-zag" decoration. The name is derived from the Paris "Exposition International Des Arts Decoratifs Et Industriellcs Modemes" of 1925.

ART MODERNE Architectural style of the 1930s and 1940s, characterized by rounded corners, fiat roofs, smooth wall finish without surface omamentation and horizontal bands of windows which create a distinctive streamlined or wind-tunnel look. The streamlined effect is emphasized by the use of curved window glass that wraps around comers. Aluminum and stainless steel often are used for door and window trim, railings and balusters.

ASHLAR Hewn blocks of masonry wrought to even faces and square edges and laid in horizontal course with veritcal joints, as opposed to rubble or unhewn stone straight from the quarry.

ASYMMETRICAL Lacking symmetry or regularity in ar- rangement of corresponding parts.

ASYMMETRY An occult and dynamic balance achieved by the irregular distribution of weights and forces around an off-center fulcrum.

AUGER A carpenter's tool for boring holes. It has a handle, placed crosswise by which it is turned with both hands. "BALLOON FRAME" CONSTRUCTION Method where machine-sawn lumber in standardized sizes is joined with hammer and nails; so light and insubstantial when compared to "heavy frame" construction that it was likened to a balloon rising from the ground.

BALUSTER A tumed or rectangular upright member sup- porting a stair rail.

BALUSTRADE A railing consisting of a handrail and balus- ters (turned or rectangular upright members supporting the handrail); usually found on stairs or porches. BARGEBOARD (also known as verge board) A wide board fastened on edge below the slope of the roof on the gable end. A popular device of the Gothic Revival, it was either carved or sawed in ornamental tracery-like patterns. BAROQUE A style of architecture which flourished in Eu- rope during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Al- though based on the architecture of the Renaissance, it was more dynamic, with circles frequently giving way to ovals, flat walls to cur\cd or undulating ones and separated elements to interlocking forms. It was also a monunTental and richly three-dimensional style with elaborate systems of omamental and figural sculpture.

BARREL VAULT A semicircular vaulting unbroken by ribs or grains.

BASEBOARD See walls illustration. BATTEN In building siding, a thin narrow strip of wood applied over the joint between vertical boards to seal it from the weather.

BATTEN DOOR A door (or shutter) of vertical boards held together with two or more horizontal boards (battens) on the back side. BAY I. An opening or division along a face of a stmcturc;



e.g., a wall with a door and two windows is three bays wide. 2. A projection of a room, usually with windows. BAY WINDOW A projecting bay of windows rising from ground level for one or more stories. BEADED WEATHERBOARD A weatherboard finished with an incised and rounded edge.

BEAM A structural spanning member of wood, iron, steel or reinforced concrete.

BEAUX ARTS STYLE Style based on Classical and Renais- sance architecture; popular around the turn of the century. Many followers of this style were trained at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, the national school of fine arts in France. BELFRY Bell tower; a room at or near the top of a tower which contains bells and their supporting members. BELT COURSE A projecting course or courses on the exterior of a building, usually at the floor or wmdow sill level. BOARD- AND-BATTEN Siding fashioned of boards set ver- tically and covered where their edges join by narrow strips called battens.

BOBBIN A wooden spool or reel used to hold yam. BOLECTION In joinery, a moulding following the outside edge of a panel and projecting byond the face of the frame in \vhich the panel is set.

BOLTING The sifting of flour into various grades of fineness. BOND The pattern in which bricks are laid for the sake of solidarity and design. Three basic bonds are seen in North Carolina; FLEMISH— headers, or ends, alternate in each row with stretchers, or sides, with the center of each header over the center of the stretcher below; AMERICAN— rows ol three to seven stretchers between rows of headers; COMMUIn —American Bond without the rows of headers. Amencan Bond is also often referred to as Common. BOXED CORNICE A simple, sometimes bold, projection running along the top of an exterior wall, formed by enclosing either the ceiling joists' ends, the plate, or the rafters ends. See gable treatments illustration.

BRACE A member placed diagonally within a framework or truss to make it rigid.

BRACKET A device, either ornamental, structural, or both, set under a projecting element, as the eaves of a house or porch.

BREAST WHEEL A vertical wheel rotated by the weight and percussion of water striking a series of buckets slightly above or below the wheel's axle. If struck from above it was ealled a high breast wheel; if struck from below, a low breast wheel.

BRICK NOGGING Filling of brick work between timber framing.

BROKEN PEDIMENT A pediment that has been split apart at the center, the gap of which is often filled with an urn or other ornament.

BUCKETS A series of enclosed paddles struck by water, utilizing its force and weight to power both breast and overshot wheels.

BUNGALOID SASH A double-hung window whose upper sash is divided by vertical muntins into long vertical panes and whose lower sash is a single, undivided pane. BUNGALOW STYLE An early twentieth century architec- tural style that grew from the arts and crafts movement of the late nineteenth century. Most basic characteristics are long, low profiles; overhanging, bracketed eaves; wide, engaged porches; and informal interior arrangements. The term bunga- low refers to a one or one-and-a-half story house in this style. BUTTRESS A mass of masonry timber or brickwork pro- jecting from or built against a wall to give additional strength. CA. Abbreviation for "about" in reference to approximate dates.

CANTILEVER An overhanging horizontal member which is supported at only one end and carries a load beyond its point of support.

CAPITAL The head or cap of a column or pilaster. There are three types of capitals: DORIC— the simplest; IONIC— characterized by spiral scrolls (resembling ram's horns); and CORINTHIAN— the most ornate with ornamental acanthus leaves and various foliage.

CARDING The process whereby the fibers of wool or cotton are combed, straightened and aligned before they undergo spinning into yam.

CARTOUCHE A scroll-shaped panel used as an omament in a design.

CASEMENT WINDOW A window having hinged or piv- oted sash opening either outward or inward. CASTELLATED Omamented with battlements like a medi- eval fortified castle.

CENTER HALL PLAN See floor plan illustrations. CHAIR RAIL A molding on a wall around a room at the height of a chair back.

CHAMFERED Cut away at the outer edge where two sur- faces meet, leaving a bevel at the junction. CHAMFERED POST A post whose comers are beveled. CHEVRON A V-shaped stripe pointing up or down or any omament so shaped.

CHIMNEY POT A cylindrical pipe of brick, terra-cotta or metal placed atop a chimney to extend and thereby increase the draft.

CHORD the top (upper chord) or bottom (lower chord) member or members of a bridge truss, usually formed by the stringers; may be a single piece or a series of long joined pieces.

CLAPBOARDS Split or rived, instead of sawn, boards used as sheathing or roofing.

CLASSICAL Based upon the arts of ancient Greece and Rome or upon their stylistic derivatives. CLASSICAL REVIVAL STYLE Late nineteenth, early twentieth century style which combined features of ancient Renaissance and Colonial architecture; characterized by im- posing buildings with large columned porches. CLERESTORY An upward extension of a single-story space, or of the upper floor of a multi-story building, used to provide windows for lighting and ventilation. Monitors and sawtooth skylights are two types of clerestories. CLIPPED CORNERS Where the comers of a projecting bay or room are tmncated for ornamental or spatial effect; often the roof overhangs the missing corners. CLIPPED GABLE A gable which has been cut back to form a hipped peak.

COLLAR BEAM A horizontal tension member in a pitched roof connecting opposite rafters, generally halfway up or higher. Its function is to tie the angular members together and prevent them from spreading.

COLONETTE A small or slender column or pilaster. COLONIAL REVIVAL Late nineteenth and early twentieth century interpretation of architectural forms of the American colonial period.

COMMON BOND Brick bonding in which three or more courses of stretchers (large side of brick) alternate with one course of headers (short end of brick); e.g., five-to-one common bond would be five courses of stretchers alternating with one course of headers.

COMPOSITE ORDER A late Roman order whose capital combines the Corinthian acanthus leaves with Ionic volutes. CONCAVE MOLDING A molding whose surface is curved like the inner surface of a sphere.

CORBEL In masonry a projection, or one of a series of projections, each stepped progressively farther forward with height and articulating a comice or supporting an overhanging member.

CORBEL TABLE A projecting course supported on a range of brackets.




CORBELED CORNICE A molding, decorative band or series of decorative bands created with projecting bricic courses along the roofline of a building.

CORINTHIAN Most ornate of the classical orders, the columns of which are characterized by capitals with ornamen- tal acanthus leaves and curled fern shoots. CORNERBLOCK The square, usually decorated, medal- lion at the comers of a door or window surround. Common to the Greek Revival and Victorian styles. CORNICE The uppermost, projecting part of an entablature, or a feature resembling it. Any projecting ornamental mold- ing along the top of a wall, building, porch, etc. COUNTERBRACE A diagonal timber in a truss which slants away from the midpoint of the bridge (opposite from brace, q.v).

COURSE In masonry construction, continuous horizontal ranges of brick and stone.

COVED CEILING A ceiling where the junction of wall and ceiling is disguised by a large hollow or concave curved molding.

COVED CORNICE A cornice, or uppermost course of a wall, shaped to a concave pattern.

CRAFTSMAN STYLE Decorative and architectural style emphasizing simplicity of design, use of natural materials and hand-made craftsmanship. An American outgrowth of the English Arts and Crafts Movement, it was popularized by designer Gustav Stickley in his magazine The Craftsman. CRENELATED Describing a parapet in which the top is alternately and uniformly depressed; bearing an embattled pattern of repeated indentations. (Sometimes referred to as "battlemented.")

CROCKET From Old French, crochet, "hook." In Gothic architecture, a carved, ornamental foliate hook-like projection used along the edges of roofs, spires, towers and other upper elements.

CROSS GABLE A gable which intersects at right angles the main gable roof.

CROSS PLAN A building plan which assumes the basic shape of a cross.

CROSSETTES Decorative square offsets at the upper cor- ners of a door, window or mantel architrave. CROW-STEPPED (CORBIE-STEPPED) GABLE A gable finished in steps instead of in a continuous slope. CRUCIFORM Cross-shaped.

CUPOLA A small structure built on top of a building, usually for ornamental purposes.

CURTAIN WALL A wall supporting no more than its own weight.

DADO A plain or paneled field, defined at top and bottom by moldings, that traverses the lower part of a wall surface. DECK-ON-HIP A flat roof surmounting a hip. See Hip. DENTILED Consisting of a series of small block-like pro- jections forming a molding, usually as part of a classical cor- nice. These small, block-like projections are called "dentils." DEPENDENCY A building, wing, or room, subordinate to, or serving as an adjunct to, the main building. DIAMOND NOTCH See log corner timbering illustrations. DIAPER WORK A diamond-shaped pattern or design on a flat surface.

DOG-EAR SURROUND A door or window surround that features flaps, or "dog ears" at the upper corners. A character- istic of the Greek Revival style.

DOG-TROT PLAN A simple structure, often log, with two rooms or blocks, separated by an open breezeway which affords better air circulation.

DORIC The simplest of the three orders of classical architec- ture developed by the Greeks.

DORMER WINDOW A window that projects from a roof. See illustration of dormer types.

DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW A window consisting of a pair of frames, or sashes, one above the other, arranged to slide up or down. Sometimes their movement is stabilized by a system of cords and counterbalancing weights contained in narrow boxing at each side of the window frame. DOUBLE-LEAF DOOR A pair of doors hung side-by-side which together create a single doorway. DOUBLE-PEN PLAN A plan in which two pens with their own chimneys are placed side by side. DOUBLE-PILE HOUSE A two-story center-hall plan house, two rooms deep on either side of the hall. See floor plan illustrations.

DOUBLE SHOULDER CHIMNEY See chimney illustra- tions.

DOUBLE WEAVE A weave that produces two distinct layers of cloth simultaneously, often connected or interpenetrating at some point.

DRAWING ROOM The room in a factory where the warp yarns are threaded through the hcddles. DRIP MOLDING A molding which is designed to divert rain water from the window or door below it and which follows the shape of the arch over the opening it protects. DRY-LAID Stone or brick laid up without mortar.

DUTCH DOOR One divided horizontally in two leaves which operate independently; "Dutch" is a derivation of "Deutsch," meaning German.

EASTLAKE Popular decorative and architectural style of the 1870-1890 period named for English interior decorator Charles Eastlake. Porch posts, railings, balusters and pen- dants were characterized by a massive and robust quality. Brackets, scrolls and other stylized elements often are placed at every comer, turn or projection along the facade, along with a profusion of spindles and lattice work found along porch eaves which added to the complexity. EAVES The projecting edge of a roof designed to shed water.

ECLECTIC Exhibiting elements and characteristics of more than one historic style simultaneously. EGG AND DART A molding taken from classical architec- ture where an oval, egg-shaped motif alternates with a dart form.

ELEVATION Any one of the external faces of a building; also a drawing made in projection on a vertical plan to show any one face of a building.

ELL A secondary wing of a building attached at right angles to its principal axis.

EMBATTLED Having battlements or crenelations. EMBATTLED MOLDING A molding notched or indented to resemble merlons and embrasures in fortification. ENCLOSED STAIR A narrow, boxed-in stair usually seen prior to 1840; very common to the hall-and-parior plan. ENGAGED COLUMN A column attached to a wall. ENGAGED PORCH A porch whose roof is continuous structurally with that of the main section of the building. ENGLISH BOND A method of laying brick wherein one course is laid with stretchers and the next with headers, thus bonding the double thickness of brick together.

ENTABLATURE A three-part horizontal band consisting of

architrave, frieze and cornice; located above columns and

pilasters of classical orders.

EXTERIOR END CHIMNEY See chimney illustrations.

EYEBROW DORMER A low dormer on the slope of a

roof. It has no sides, the roofing being carried over it in a

wavy line.

FACADE The principal face or front of a building.

FALL The action of water on a wheel below the point of

impact; the gravity stage.

FANLIGHT A semicircular window over the opening of a

door, with radiating muntins in the form of an open fan.


FASCIA A flat broad member used in a cornice or other molded part.

FEDERAL STYLE The architectural style popular in Amer- ica from the Revolution through the early nineteenth century (in North Carolina ca. 1800-1840) similar to the Georgian style but characterized by a much more delicate use of Roman classical ornamentation.

FENESTRATION The arrangement and proportionmg of windows.

FILIGREE Delicate ornamental work. FILLING The threads running crosswise in a fabric; called the "weft" in England.

FINIAL An ornament at the apex of a roof, spire, pinacle, etc.

FLASHED GLASS Small colored panes of glass with nar- row mullions between, usually framing a larger pane or picture glass; also referred to as "Eastlake glass. FLAT ARCH A series of wedge-shaped stones or brick over an opening which, though simulating the appearance oi a lintel, performs the arch function.

FLEMISH BOND Brick bonding in which headers (short end of brick) alternate with stretchers (long side ot bncK) within each course. Flemish bond with glazed headers reiers to a Flemish bond in which the headers have been burned in the kiln to a blue-black color.

FLUSH SHEATHING Wood siding of boards set flush at the edges.

FLUTING Shallow, concave grooves running vertically on the shaft of a column, pilaster or other surface. FLUTTER WHEEL A type of undershot wheel with a series of long paddles connected to arms radiating from a shaft. The name "flutter" was given to this wheel because oi the bird-like sound its paddles made as they cut through tne Water.

FRIEZE The middle band of a classical entablature, be_ tween the architrave and cornice; a horizontal band locateo just under a cornice or under a mantel shelf. FULL-DOVETAIL NOTCH See log comer timbering illus- tration.

GABLE The triangular upper part of a terminal wall under the ridge of a pitched roof.

GABLE ORNAMENT A decorative woodwork feature lo- cated in the apex of a gable, often used in conjunction witn decorative barge boards.

GABLE ROOF A roof sloping upward from two sides and meeting at a ridge in the center, forming a gable at each ena.

often called an "A" roof.

GAMBREL ROOF A roof in which the angle of pitch is abruptly changed on each side between ridge and eaves. GEORGIAN REVIVAL Phase of the Colonial Revival style (see Colonial Revival) focusing on the forms and details of eighteenth century Georgian architecture. The term is some- times used loosely to describe buildings which revived not only Georgian period details but also those of the Federal period as well.

GEORGIAN STYLE The prevailing style in Great Britain and the American Colonies during the eighteenth century (the reigns of George I-III, 1714-1820) derived from Classical, Renaissance and Baroque forms.

GERMAN SIDING A type of weatherboard siding intro- duced in this area in the early twentieth century and whose joints are rabbeted, or grooved, so that each board lies flush in the plane of the wall. Sometimes referred to as "ship-lap" siding.

GINGERBREAD The highly decorative turned or sawn woodwork applied to houses of the late nineteenth century. GIRT A timber framed into the outside posts of a building at the second floor level, or from plate to plate across the gable end.

GLAZED HEADER A glossy, dark coating formed on the ends of brick through direct exposure to flame during firing; this glazed surface used ornamentally by exposing the brick end when laid; so laid the brick is called a header. GOTHIC REVIVAL Nineteenth century revival of forms and ornament of the architecture of medieval Europe, charac- terized particularly by the use of the pointed arch. GRAINED Painted to imitate wood grain. GREEK REVIVAL STYLE Mid-nineteenth century revival of forms and ornaments of architecture of ancient Greece; also decorative elements associated with the style. GRIST Grain ground in a mill; originally com, but later applied to all grains.

GRIST MILL A place where grain was ground into meal and/or flour.

HL HINGE A hinge which resembles the shape of these two letters of the alphabet; usually found on eighteenth and eariy nineteenth century buildings.

HALF-DOVETAIL NOTCH See log comer timbering illus- trations. HALF-TIMBERING A method of construction where walls

are built of timber framework with the spaces filled in with stucco or brickwork, known as nogging. It is sometimes

referred to as mock half-timbering in instances where the technique is used for decorative rather than stmctural purposes,

as in many Tlidor Revival designs.

HALL-AND-PARLOR PLAN Simple two-room floor plan

in which the larger room, or hall, is divided from the smaller

room, or parior, by only a wall or partition.

HARNESS A frame that supports a group of heddles on a


HEAD The distance water falls to the point of impact on a


HEADER A brick with its end laid toward the face of a wall.

These were often glazed or bumed so as to create patterns.

HEADRACE (sometimes called penstock or millrace) A

narrow opening or canal through which a large amount of

water passes in a strong current, providing a source of power

to drive the mill wheel.


oversized, usually hand-hewn wooden framing members are

joined using the mortise and tenon technique; also called

"post-and-lintel" construction.

HEDDLE A wire, strip of metal or cord with an eye in the

center. One (or more) warp yams are threaded through each

heddle to control the separation of the warp and create a shed.

HERRINGBONE A pattern used on masonry or wooden

doors and made by rows of parallel slanted lines (resembling

the spine of a herring).

HEWN TIMBER Wood which has been roughly dressed by

an ax or adze, usually to frame a building. HIP The extemal angle in which adjacent roofs meet each other; a roof that slopes back equally from each side of a building.

HIPPED ROOF A roof which slopes upward from all four sides of a building, terminating in a ridge. HOOD MOLD A projecting molding above an arch, door- way or window, sometimes called a label, dripstone or win- dow hood.

INTERIOR END CHIMNEY See chimney illustrations. IONIC A classical order characterized by a column capital featuring spiral scrolls, called volutes. ITALIANATE Mid to late nineteenth century revival of the forms and ornamentation of Italian Renaissance architecture, characterized particularly by the use of overhanging bracketed eaves and round or segmental-arched openings. JAMB The reveal or lining of a doorway or other aperture. JERKIN-HEAD A roof which is hipped only for a part of its height, leaving a tmncated gable. See also "clipped gable."





JOIST A horizontal member in the framing of a floor or ceiling.

KEYSTONE The central wedge-shaped stone at the crown of an arch.

KICK The change in pitch of a roofline creating an upwardly tilted eave. This eave directed the water away from the sides of the building while still allowing the weight of the roof to set squarely on the walls. This was done in the days when the roofs of buildings were covered with heavy tiles. "LANCACTER SQUARE" PLAN Governmental town plan where a courthouse is sited in a public square located at the intersection of the primary axial streets. So-called after Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where it was first used in this country.

LANCET WINDOW A window generally tall in propor- tions and topped by a sharply pointed arch; characteristic of early English Gothic.

LATERAL BRACING An arrangement of timbers between the two top chords or between the two bottom chords of bridge trusses to keep the trusses spaced apart correctly and to insure their strength. The arrangement may be very simple or complex.

LATH A thin narrow strip of wood; used in building to serve as a base for plaster walls and ceilings. LATTICEWORK An open framework made of strips of metal, wood or some other material interwoven to form regular, patterned spaced. LIGHT A window or the main subdivision of a window.

LINTEL A horizontal beam or stone bridging an opening such as a window or door.

LOCK RAIL Rail of a door in or to which the lock is fixed. LUNETTED CORNER A cut-out crescent shape usually associated with raised paneling.

MANSARD ROOF From Francois Mansart, French archi- tect, 1598-1666, who employed this roof form extensively. A roof with two slopes on each of its four sides— a steep and neariy vertical slope on the outside and a gentle neariy flat slope on the top.

MARBLEIZED Having the appearance of marble, or made to look like marble by a special application of paint, as in marbleized woodwork.

MASSING The grouping or arrangement of the primary geometric comfjonents of a building. MEDALLION A large ornament, generally circular, which adorns the center of a ceiling. MISSION STYLE An architectural style of the early twenti-

eth century reflecting Spanish colonial architecture, particu- larly in the use of stucco and tile roofs. MITRE To bevel ends for the purpose of matching together at an angle.

MODILLION A horizontal bracket, often in the form of a plain block, ornamenting or sometimes supporting, the under- side of a cornice.

MOLDING A plane surface given the appearance of stripes of light and shade by the addition of combined parallel and continuous sections of simple or compound curves and flat areas.

MONADNOCK A hill or mountain of resistant rock sur- mounting a peneplain; so-called after Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire.

MONITOR ROOF A roof with a raised section, usually straddling a ridge, with openings or windows along the sides to admit light or air.

MORTISE A recess cut into a piece of timber to receive a tenon.

MORTISE AND TENON JOINT A joint which is made by one member having its end cut in a projecting piece (tenon) which fits exactly into a groove or hole (mortise) in the other member. Once joined, the pieces are secured by a peg. MULLION An upright post or similar member which di- vides a window into two or more units, or lights, each of which may be further subdivided into panes. MUNTIN The strip of wood separating the panes of a window sash.

NR National Register of Historic Places. NAVE The main part of a church, or that part between the side aisles and extending from the chancel or crossing to the wall of the main entrance.

NEO-CLASSICAL REVIVAL Eariy twentieth century style which combines features of ancient. Renaissance and colonial architecture; characterized by imposing buildings with large columned porches.

NEO-FEDERAL A free, twentieth century adaptation of the motifs typical of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century American architecture. Typically includes Flemish bond brickwork, slender columns, fanlights and delicate moldings. NEO-GEORGIAN A free, twentieth century adaptation of the motifs typical of pre-RevoIutionary War American archi- tecture. Typically includes Flemish or English bond brickwork, hipped roofs, swansneck window pediments and robust col- umns and moldings.

NEWEL (or newel post) The terminating baluster at the foot of a stair, often oversized and ornamented.

NOGGING Brickwork or plaster used to fill spaces of a wooden frame.

NOSING That part of the tread of a stair which projects over the riser.

NOTCHING The various comer arrangements of joining log structural members. Most common being full-dovetail, half- dovetail, square, V and diamond.

OPEN STRING In stairs, the end carriage which has its upper edge cut out to fit underneath the steps. ORDER A definite arrangement of column, capital and entablature, each having its own set of rules and ornamental features. Types are the Doric, Ionic. Corinthian, Tuscan and Composite; see illustrations.

ORIEL WINDOW A bay window supported on a corbel or bracket, rather than on the ground.

OVERSHOT WHEEL A vertical wheel where the weight and percussion of water strikes a series of buckets on the outer circumference of the wheel.

PALLADIAN WINDOW A three-part window with a cen- tral arched opening flanked by smaller rectangular openings, in the manner of sixteenth century Italian architect Andrea Palladio.

PANEL A portion of a flat surface distinctly set off by molding or some other decorative device. PARAPET 1. A low wall along a roof or terrace, used as a protection or decoration. 2. Low masonry stone walls on either side of the section of roadway leading directly into a bridge.

PATTERN BOARD An applied board serving as a func- tional as well as a decorative terminus for a cornice. PAVED SHOULDER See chimney illustrations. PAVILION A prominent portion of a facade, usually central or terminal, identified by projection, height and/or special roof forms.

PEDESTAL A substructure under a column. PEDIMENT A crowning motive of porticos, pavilions, door- ways or other architectural features, usually of low triangular form, sometimes broken in the center. PEN A one-room building. Many dwellings erected by the first settlers of the North Carolina piedmont were single-pen structures. Considerable numbers of these dwellings were expanded into two-pen houses following double-pen, saddle- bag or dogtrot plans. See floor plan illustrations. PENCILING In brickwork, the painting (especially in white) of the mortar joints. PENDANT DROP The often decoratively carved or turned


terminal of a vertical member, such as a bracket, that projects below another member attached to it, such as a cornice. PENT-ROOF A feature projecting from a vertical wall in the form of the eaves of a roof to protect the wall below from rain. PICKER ROOM The section of a nineteenth and early twentieth century cotton mill where bagging and ties were removed from the cotton bales and the fiber of several bales was blended to produce a raw material of consistent moisture, color and lengths. The picker room generally adjoined the main mill building, but because it was an area where hres frequently began it was separated from the mill by a brick tire wall.

PICKER STICK A wooden rocker arm in a loom, slammed hard against a shuttle to propel it at high velocity through the warp.

PICKING 1. In weaving, the act of throwing or passing the filling yarn through a shed in the warp. 2. In spmmng, an operation in which the compacted mass of fibers is initially opened and blended prior to carding. PIER A square supporting member. PIERCED WORK Decoration which consists mainly or partially of perforation.

PILASTER A fiat-faced representation of a column, project- ing from a wall.

PILE A simple timber span, oftentimes associated with span depth within primary framing of structure. PITCHED ROOF A roof in which the two planes slope equally toward one another.

PLATE The timber in a roof which rests on the walls of a building and receives the roof rafters. POINTED ARCH An arch with a point at its apex. POLYGONAL BAY A projecting window bay with Aree or more sides or the gable-end of a house or pavilion where tne corners are clipped to resemble such a bay. PORCH A roofed structure supported by posts or columns to shelter an entrance. A similar space formed within a building by recessing the entrance.

PORTE-COCHERE A porch or extension of a porch large enough for wheeled vehicles to pass under. PORTICO A roofed space, open or partly enclosed, forming the entrance and centerpiece of the facade of a building, often ^'th columns and a pediment.

POST AND LINTEL A structural system in which the main support is provided by vertical members, or posts, whicn carry the horizontal members, or lintels. PRAIRIE SCHOOL Architectural movement of the mid-

western United States which grew out of the domestic architec- ture of Louis Sullivan. Its greatest practitioners were a group of Chicago architects including Frank Lloyd Wright. Charac- teristics of the style include a long, low building profile, hip roofs with wide overhanging eaves and use of natural materi- als appropriate to the area of construction.

PULVINATED FRIEZE A cushion-shaped or semicircular frieze.

PURLIN A horizontal beam which supports the rafters in a roof. Also referred to as a purlin plate. PYRAMIDAL ROOF A roof which slopes upward from all four sides, terminating in a peak. QUAKER PLAN See floor plan illustrations. QUARREL A small piece of glass, usually square or diamond-shaped; often set diagonally. QUATREFOIL A four-lobed, cloverleaf pattern, common in Gothic design.

QUEEN ANNE STYLE Popular late-nineteenth-century re- vival of early eighteenth-century English architecture, charac- terized by irregularity of plan and massing and a variety of textures.

QUILL A small bobbin on which the filling is wound for use in a shuttle.

QUOIN The bricks or stones laid in alternating directions which bond and form the exterior comer angle of a wall. RABBET A groove.

RACKING The face of masonry which is alternately in- dented in the coursing to receive a future masonry wall. RAFTER END The end of a sloping beam supporting a pitched roof, often exposed as part of a bungalow style design. See eaves illustrations.

RAFTERS Structural timbers rising from eaves to ridge which support the covering of a pitched roof. RAISED PANEL A portion of a flat surface, distinctly set off from the surrounding area by a molding or other device, that rises above the surrounding area. RAISED SIDELIGHT A clerestory of the monitor type. RAKE The slope or pitch of a roof. RANDOM COURSED STONE Stone laid in irregular courses rather than in rows.

REEDED Molded with a series of closely-spaced, parallel, half-round, convex profiles; the opposite of fluting. REINFORCED CONCRETE Concrete in which steel rods have been imbedded for extra strength. RENAISSANCE REVIVAL Characterized by the re-use of

the classic orders and an emphasis on pictorial impact; revival of designs of Renaissance architects. RETURNS The continuation of wall cornices, at right angles, partly into the gable ends of a building. RIDGEPOLE The board or plank at the apex of a roof and against which the upper ends of the rafters abut. RIPARIAN RIGHT A right of access to or of use of the shore, bed and water of a natural watercourse. RISER Upright piece of a step from tread to tread. ROLLER MILL A type of grist mill, introduced in the United States shortly after the Civil War and in widespread use by the late 1880s. Roller mills had a series of spirally fluted rollers, followed by pairs of plain rollers, in contrast to earlier mill types that had one or two pairs of grindstones. The rollers could be adjusted to produce finer grades of flour and meal, and could separate the oil and embryo from the rest of the grain, making possible the manufacture of such by-products as corn oil and fodder.

ROMANESQUE REVIVAL Nineteenth century revival of the medieval period of architecture which preceded the Gothic; characterized particularly by the use of the round arch, often

in a series. The style is sometimes referred to as "Richardson

Romanesque." Henry Hobson Richardson, a Boston architect,

was one of the foremost practitioners of the style.

ROSE HEAD NAIL A handmade nail with a conical head.

ROSETTE A circular floral motif.

ROUND ARCH An arch whose curved portion is a full


RUSTICATION A technique whereby joints in a brick or

stone wall were more obviously defined, either through

beveling or rebating, thus creating a purposely rough surface

with exaggerated joints.

SADDLE NOTCH See log comer timbering illustrations.

SADDLEBAG PLAN See floor plan illustrations.

SALTBOX ROOF See roof illustrations.

SASH From French, chassis, "frame." Frame in which

glass window panes are set.

SAWNWORK The ornamental, sawn woodwork used to

decorate Victorian buildings.

SAWTOOTH SKYLIGHT A clerestory that projects from the main roofline at an angle and whose profile thus gives the appearance of teeth. In large buildings, such as textile mills, sawtooth skylights are set in several rows at regular intervals.

SCALLOP An omament or other piece carved or molded in the form of a shell, such as a scalloped shingle.







SCORED Having lines scratched in the surface of a material, often in stucco in imitation of cut stone or bricic. SEAMLESS BAGS Bags woven for flour and feed which were sewn only at top and bottom, not along the sides. The exact type of loom, first installed in Randolph at Franklinville in 1872, is unknown. It probably employed a "double weave" technique, weaving two layers of cloth at once to provide a long, continuous tube.

SECOND EMPIRE STYLE Style deriving its name from the French Second Empire, the reign of Napoleon III from 1852-1870; popular in America primarily from I860 to 1880; characterized particulariy by the use of the mansard roof, so that it is frequently referred to as the Mansard Style. SECONDARY CHORD Single or joined timbers lying be- tween upper and lower chords and parallel to them, giving added strength to the truss.

SEGMENTAL ARCH An arch formed on a segment of a circle or an ellipse.

SELVAGE The point at which the filling yams bind the warp to form a finished edge.

SEMI-ENGAGED PORCH A porch whose roof form a continuous surface with, but is in a slightly different plan from, the roof of the adjacent building mass. SHEATHING Wood siding of boards set flush at the edges.

SHED 1 . A lean-to roof. 2. The room created by a lean-to. 3. The space between separated warp yarns through which the filling yam is passed. A shed is created by raising one or more of the harnesses.

SHINGLE STYLE Architectural style of the period 1880- 1900 typified by the uniform covering of unpainted wood shingles from roof to foundation walls.

SHOULDER The sloping shelf created on the side of a

masonry chimney where the width of the chimney abruptly

changes. Also called "weathering."

SHUTTLE The bullet-shaped devide which carries the filling

yam back and forth through the warp in a loom.

SHUTTLEBLOCK A blank wooden turning from which a

finished shuttle would be manufactured.

SIDELIGHT Vertical rows of narrow glass panes flanking a


SILL The horizontal member laid just above the foundation of a building; also, the horizontal closure at the bottom of a door or window frame.

SINGLE SHOULDER CHIMNEY An exterior chimney, the sides of which angle inward once as it ascends from bottom to top.

SIX-OVER-SIX SASH A sash window with six panes of glass in the upper sash and six in the lower. (Nine-over-six would denote nine panes in the upper sash and six in the lower, etc.)

SOFFIT The lower horizontal face of any projecting feature. SOLDIER COURSE A row of brick having the stretchers set vertically.

SPAN The length of a bridge between abutments or piers. CLEAR SPAN is the distance across a bridge having no intermediate support, and measured from the face of one abutment to the face of the other. The length usually given in for the TRUSS SPAN, i.e., the length between one endpost of the truss and the other, regardless of how far the truss may overreach the actual abutment. Bridges of more than one span are called MULTI-SPAN BRIDGES.

SPANDREL A wall panel filling the space between the top of the window in one story and the sill of the windows in the story above.

SPINDLE Part of a spinning frame; a slender rod or pin carrying a bobbin on which yarn is twisted and wound. SPINDLEWORK A row of spindles included as the upper- most decorative feature of a gallery or porch below the cornice, also known as an open-work frieze. SPINNING The process of drawing out and twisting loose fibers to form a continuous strand of yam. STEPPED GABLE Sec roof illustrations.

STEPPED SHOULDER CHIMNEY Sec chimney illustra- tions.

STOOP A small porch or platform at the entrance to a house. STORY-AND-A-HALF BUILDING A one-story building with a large usable attic.

STRAP HINGE One in which a long metal "strap" is attached to the face of the door for support; usually seen in the late eighteenth or eariy nineteenth century dwellings. STREETSCAPE Term coined to describe the physical ap- pearance of a street including building facades, signage and landscaping.

STRETCHER A unit of masonry placed lengthwise in a course.

STRIATED BRICKWORK Brickwork with bands at regu- lar intervals that are distinguished from the surrounding masonry by color, texture or elevation. STRING COURSE A projecting course of bricks or other material forming a narrow horizontal strip across the wall of a building.

STRINGER The diagonal stmctural or decorative member

of the outside face of a stair.

STRUT In a tmss, a rigid member which acts as a brace or support. It differs from a post in that it is commonly set in a diagonal position and thus serves as a stiffener by triangulation. STUCCO Plaster for exterior walls. STUD The principal vertical supporting element in a wall. SUMMER A heavy beam crossing a ceiling from girt to girt and supporting the floor joists above. SURROUND The frame around a door or window, some- times molded.

SUSPENSION ROD (or Hanger Rod or Suspender) Iron rod usually found in arch bridges or in connection with auxiliary arches added to older bridges, attached from arch to floor beams to aid in supporting the roadway. SYMMETRICAL MOLDING A decorative surround that has an idential molded treatment on all of its sides, often punctuated by comer blocks.

SYMMETRY A balance achieved by having an exact corre- spondence in size, shape and relative position of parts on each side of a center or axis.

TAILRACE The lower millrace, which carries the water discharged from the waterwheel back into the stream. TERRA COTTA From Latin, "cooked earth." A ceramic material made from clay slip poured into molds and fired; capable of assuming many forms; widely used, 1875-1930, as a sheathing material particulariy when glazed. TETRASTYLE Of a portico with four frontal columns. THREE-PART MITRED SURROUND . An enframement of three members with mitred joints.

THROUGH TRUSS A covered bridge in which traffic uses a roadway laid on the lower chords between the tmsses. Most covered bridges are through trusses. TIE BEAM A horizontal members in a pitched roof or truss placed low down to tie together the opposing angular mem- bers and keep them from spreading outward. TIE ROD I . A horizontal iron rod attached to two opposite walls to prevent them from spreading. Sometimes referred to as tie bolts or earthquake bolts. 2. Iron rod used as integral vertical member in some tmss bridges to replace wooden posts between upper and lower chords. Bridge members could be tightened by adjusting nuts against washers on the ends of the rods. Their use marked the first step in transition from wooden bridges to bridges made entirely of iron. TIER Layer or level, as in the two levels of a double-tier porch.

TOWN LATTICE TRUSS A bridge tmss patented in 1820


by Connecticut engineer Ithiel Town. It consisted of a series of overlapping timber triangles connected by wooden pins at the point of intersection. Town promoted the truss for the construction of cheap, strong bridges which could be built by the mile and cut off by the yard" to support spans up to 200 feet in length.

TRABEATED Used here to refer to a standard entrance with a transom and sidelights.

TRACERY The curvelinear openwork shapes creating a pat- tern within the upper part of a Gothic window or an opening of similar character. TRANSOM A narrow horizontal window unit over a door.

TRAP-DOOR or EYEBROW, MONITOR In a sloping roof, a large section which is raised to a flatter angle as though it were a trap door hinged at the top, and having a window inserted in the opening. Unlike a clerestory monitor, it does not run the entire length of the roof. TREAD The horizontal part of a step. TREFOIL A three-lobed, cloverieaf pattern, common in Gothic design.

TRESTLE A braced framework of timbers, piles or steel- work for carrying a road or railroad over a depression. TRIPLE-A A colloquial term used to describe the false center gable often found on late nineteenth, early twenti^^" century domestic roofs. Also used as a name for a vernacular house containing such a roof configuration. Term is denvea from the three 'A" shaped gables: side, front and side. TROMPE D'OEIL Illusionistic painting creating a trick of the eye.

TRUSS Structural triangles formed of iron, steel or wooden beams, joined with pins or rivets, the arrangement ot wmcn determines the specific truss type.

TUB WHEEL A horizontal wheel mounted in a tub con- structed of wooden slats and reinforced with iron hoops. It receives water through a tube that enters the tub at an angle, rotating the wheel by percussion.

TUDOR REVIVAL Based on English Gothic architecture and featuring round arches with points, half-timbering, low- relief vertical ribs, combinations of brick, stone, stucco and wood, crenellated parapets and other Gothic forms. TUMBLED SHOULDER Chimney shoulder consisting of a sloping course of brickwork which intersects a horizontal course. The technique is also called "mouse-toothing." TURBINE A horizontal wheel of great power and efficiency; really a hydraulic motor in which water flowing through the machine turns a vaned wheel or runner with great force. TURNBUCKLE A metal loop fashioned with a screw at one end and a swivel at the other, used in some covered bridge trusses to tighten iron rods and thus overcome sagging. TURNED Fashioned on a lathe, as a spindle, baluster or porch post.

TURRET A diminutive tower, characteristically corbeled from a comer.

TUSCAN ORDER The simplest and most massive classical order supposedly derived from Etruscan temples; with unfluted columns, unadorned capitals and plain entablatures. TWO-PANELED DOOR A single-leaf door with two verti- cal panels, characteristic of the Greek Revival style. TYMPANUM The triangular or segmental space enclosed by a pediment or arch, or similar space above a door or window.

UNDERSHOT WHEEL A vertical wheel rotated by the percussion of water striking a series of paddles at the base of the wheel. VAULT An arched roof or ceiling constructed in masonry;

sometimes simulated in wood and plaster. An arch or a combination of arches used to cover a space. VERANDA, VERANDAH From Hindi, varanda, which is partly from Portuguese, varanda, akin to Spanish, baranda, "railing." A covered porch extending along the outside of a building, planned for summer leisure. VERNACULAR In architecture as in language, the non- academic local expressions of a particular region. For example, a vernacular Greek Revival structure draws ideas from formal classical architecture and interprets them in an individual way to suit local needs, tastes and technology. VESTIBULE A hall between the outer door and the main part of a building.

VICTORIAN Characteristic architecture from the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901); includes a number of individu- ally distinctive styles but primarily characterized by fanciful wooden ornamentation or "gingerbread."

VOLUTE A spiral scroll; especially that which forms the

distinctive features of the Ionic capital.

VOUSSOIR One of the wedge-like stones which form an

arch; the middle one is called a keystone.

WAINSCOT Facing or paneling applied to the lower part of

a wall in a room and usually capped by a chair rail.

WATER TABLE A projecting ledge or molding running along the sides of a building near the foundation to shed the rain.

WEATHERBOARD Wood siding consisting of overlapping boards usually thicker at one edge than the other. WINDER A wedge-shaped step.

WOOD GRAINING Painted treatment on wood panels simu- lating patterns of wood grain, sometimes to the point of exotic abstraction.


Dormer Types



i'i Si


Gable With Return

Pedimented Gable




Rafter End


Soffit Frieze

Bracketed Cornice

Box Cornice



Door Types

Classical Orders

I I ! I



Vertical Diagonal Two- Panel Uoor Four-Panel Door

Board and Batten Hoard and Batten

J ln.=

J 'J, J

Six-Panel Doors



Trench Door




Double Leaf With Panels



Tuscan Greek Doric






Brick Bond Patterns









English Bond



Flemish Bond


American Bond





1 r

Mechanical Bond

t:>i 1(11

Log Corner Timbering


Full Dovclail

Sqiiiirc Notch

Diamond Notch



Half Dovetail



L -1 i

r 1 1

-_, 1 1

1 Over 1

2 Over 2

4 Over 4

6 Over 6

9 Over 9

a]rj[:] nnnn

12 Over 1

PI! ir-

1 i! <; 1 li ii 1





i 1


Latticed Bung'aloid


5 Cornice - Picture Molding

Chair rail Wainscot Plain





Wainscot Paneled

L --^^-^ A



Porch IVeatments










Engiigei] Porch

Semi-eng-agod Porch

Double-Tier Portico


Doublo-Ticr Porch V.ilh Porch Rooms

Shed Porch






Asheboro, N.C. Randolph County Courthouse. Record of Deeds. County Commissioners' Minutes. Asheboro, N.C. Randolph Room, Asheboro Public Library. Acme-McCrary Corporation 50th Anniversary bro- chure, 1959. ,- Asheboro Chamber of Commerce brochures, ca. IV/J,

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Simeon Colton, Diary, 1955. Henry E. McCuUoh Survey Book. Raleigh, N.C. North Carolina Division of Archives ana History. . „^

Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,

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North Carolina. Industrial Schedule. ^-^..^.v

Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Randolph County,

North Carolina. Industrial Schedule.


Branson, Rev. Levi, ed. The North Carolina Business Direc- tory. Raleigh: J. A. Jones, for the author, 1872.

Branson, Rev. Levi, ed. The North Carolina Business Direc- tory. Raleigh: L. Branson, Publisher, 1877-1878.

Branson, Rev. Levi, ed. Branson's North Carolina Business

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Benjamin, Asher. The Practical House Carpenter. Boston: Asher Benjamin, R. P. & C. Williams, and Annin & Smith, 1830. Blair, J. A. Reminiscences of Randolph County. Greensboro: Reece and Elam, 1890; reprint ed., Asheboro, N.C: Ran- dolph County Historical Society, 1978. Caruthers, E. W. Interesting Revolutionary Incidents: And Sketches of Characters, Chiefly in the -'Old North State." Philadelphia: Hayes and Zell, 1856. Clark, Walter, ed. The State Records of North Carolina. Winston and Goldsboro: State of North Carolina, 16 vols. , 1895-1907. Corbitt, David Leroy , ed. Public Addresses and Papers of Robert Gregg Cherry, Governor of North Carolina. 1945- 1949. Raleigh: Council of State, State of North Carolina, 1951. Fanning, David. The Narrative of Colonel David Fanning. Richmond, Va.: by the author, 1861; reprint ed., Spartan- burg; The Reprint Co., 1973. Fries, Adelaide L., ed. Records of the Moravians in North Carolina. Vol. II. Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton Print- ing Company, state printers, 1925. Kimrey , Grace Saunders. The Morning Star: A History of

Ramseur. Ramseur, N.C: By the author, 1976. Lefler, Hugh Talmage, ed. A New Voyage to Carolina by John Lawson. Chapel Hill: The University of North Caro- lina Press, 1967. Lossing, B. J. Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. New

York: Harper and Brothers, 2 vols., 1855. Robins, Sidney Swaim. Sketches of My Asheboro: Asheboro. North Carolina, 1880-1910. Asheboro: Randolph Histori- cal Society, 1972. Saunders, William L. , ed. The Colonial Records of North Carolina. Raleigh: State of North Carolina, 10 vols., 1886-1890. Simpson Nancy W. , comp. 1850 Randolph County Census, North Carolina. Wilkesboro, N. C: Nancy W. Simpson, n.d. PERIODICALS The Bulletin and The Randleman News (Asheboro, N.C.)

The Courier (Asheboro, N.C.)

Courier-Tribune (Asheboro, N.C.)

Goodwell, Mrs. Kenneth. "Thomas T. Newby's Book, Part IV, 1856-1857." The Genealogical Journal of the Ran- dolph County Genealogical Society 5 (Winter 1981): 3-7.

Greensboro (N.C.) Daily News

The Greensboro (N.C.) Patriot

The High Point (N.C.) Enterprise

The High Point (N.C.) News

Raleigh (N.C.) Register

Randolph Guide (Asheboro, N.C.)

Southern Citizen (Asheboro, N.C.)

The Tribune (Asheboro, N.C.)


Hammer, Mrs. W. C, and Lambert, Miss Massa E. "His- torical Sketch of Asheboro," Asheboro (N.C.) Courier- Tribune, 1938; reprinted, Asheboro: Randolph County Historical Society, 1968.



Allen, Richard S. Covered Bridges of the South. Brattleboro,

Vermont: The Stephen Greene Press, 1959. Amett, Ethel S. The Saura and Keyauwee in the Land that Became Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham. Greens- boro: Media, Inc. 1975. Amett, Ethel S. William Swaim. Fighting Editor: The Story ofO. Henry's Grandfather. Greensboro: Piedmont Press, 1963. Atwater, Mary Meigs. The Shuttlecraft Book of American

Hand-Weaving. New York: MacmillanCo., 1951. Auman, Dorothy, and Auman, Walter. Seagrove Area. Ashe- boro, N.C: Village Printing Company, 1976. Blumenson, John. Identifying American Architecture: A Pic- torial Guide to Styles and Terms, 1600-1945. Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1977. Brenner, Nancy F. , ed. Randolph Public Library and its Community: A Community-Library Analysis. Asheboro, N.C: Randolph Public Library, 1979. Buchanan, Paul E. "The Eighteenth-Century Frame Houses of Tidewater Virginia." In Building Early America, pp. 54-73. Edited by Charles E. Peterson. Radnor, Pa.: Chil- ton Book Company, 1976.





Burgess, Fred. "Randolph County; Economic and Social." A Laboratory Study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Rural Social Economics. Ashe- boro, N.C.: Randolph County Historical Society, reprint of 1924 edition, 1969.

Caldwell, Bettie D., comp. Founders and Builders of Greensboro, 1808-1908. Greensboro: J. J. Stone and Company, 1925.

Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democ- racy. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., vol. 3, 1932.

Cathey, Cornelius O. Agricultural Developments in North Carolina, 1783-1860. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science, vol. 38, 1956.

Chaffin, Nora Campbell. Trinity College, 1839-1892: The Beginnings of Duke University. Durham: The Duke Uni- versity Press, 1950.

Chapin, F. Stuart, and Weiss, Shirley P., eds. Urban Growth Dynamics in a Regional Cluster of Cities. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1962.

Cheney, John L., Jr., ed. North Carolina Government, 1585- 1974: A Narrative and Statistical History. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State, 1975.

Clay, James W.; Orr, Douglas M., Jr.; and Stuart, Alfred W. , eds. North Carolina Atlas: Portrait of a Changing Southern State. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975.

Corbitt, David Leroy. The Formation of the North Carolina Counties 1663-1943. Raleigh: North Carolina State De- partment of Archives and History, 1950.

Davidson County Historical Association. Historical Gleam- ings of Davidson County, North Carolina. Reeds, N.C.: Baker Printing Company, 1976.

Dowd, Jerome. The Life of Braxton Craven. Raleigh: Ed- wards and Broughton, 1896.

Downing, A. J. The Architecture of Country Houses. New York: Appleton, 1851. Reprint edition. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1969.

Dun well, Steve. The Run of the Mill: A Pictorial Narrative of the Expansion, Dominion, Decline and Enduring Impact of the New England Textile Industry. Boston: David R. Go- dine, 1978.

Ezell, John S. The South Since 1865. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1963.

Fleming, John; Honour, Hugh; and Pevsner, Nikolaus. The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture . Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., 1966.

Franklin, John Hope. The Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860. New York: W. W. Norton and Company,

Inc., 1971.

Harris, Cyril M. , ed. Dictionary of Architecture and Con- struction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975.

Harris, Cyril M., ed. Historic Architecture Sourcebook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977.

Hinshaw, Seth B. Friends at Holly Spring. Greensboro: The North Carolina Friends Historical Society, 1982.

Hinshaw, Seth B., and Hinshaw, Mary Edith, eds. Carolina Quakers: Our Heritage of Hope. Greensboro: Society of Friends North Carolina Yearly Meeting, 1972.

Hoffman, William S. Andrew Jackson and North Carolina Politics. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Sci- ence, vol. 40, 1958.

Huggins, Maloy A. A History of North Carolina Baptist, 1727-1932. Raleigh: The General Board, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, 1967.

Hunter, Louis C. A History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930. Vol. I. Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1979.

Jacobs, David, and Neville, Anthony E. Bridges, Canals and Tunnels. New York: American Heritage Publishing Com- pany, Inc., 1968.

Johnston, Frances Benjamin, and Waterman, Thomas Tiles- ton. The Early Architecture of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1947.

Jones, Rufus M. The Quakers in the American Colonies. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1966.

Jordy, William H., and Pierson, William H., Jr. American Buildings and Their Architects. Garden City, N.Y.: Dou- bledayandCo.,Inc.,4vols., 1970.

Kaplan, Peter R. The Historic Architecture of Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Concord, N.C.: Historic Cabar- rus, Inc., 1981.

Konkle, Burton Alva. John Motley Morehead and the Devel- opment of North Carolina 1796-1866. Philadelphia: Wil- liam J. Campbell, 1922. Reprint edition, Spartanburg, S.C: The Reprint Company, 1971.

Kuhlman, Charles B. Development of the Flour Milling In- dustry in the United States. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1929. Reprint edition, Clifton, N.J.: Augustus M. Kelley, 1968.

Lambert, L. B. Retrospect: Reminiscences of Printers and Printing inAsheboro, N.C. 1907-1957. Asheboro: Hun- sucker Printing Co., 1957.

Lefler, Hugh Talmage, and Newsome, Albert Ray. North Carolina: The History of a Southern State. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1973.

Lewis Publishing Company, gen. ed. History of North Caro-

lina. 6 vols. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1919. Vol. 1: The Colonial and Revolutionary Records, 1584-1783, by R. D. W. Connor; Vol. 2: The Federal Period 1783-1860, by William K. Boyd; Vol. 3: North Carolina Since 1860, by J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton; Vols. 4-6: North Carolina Biography, by a Special Staff of Writers.

McPherson, Holt, ed. High Pointers of High Point. High Point, N.C: Chamber of Commerce, 1976.

Nicholson, Roy S. Wesleyan Methodism in the South. Syra- cuse, N.Y.: The Wesleyan Methodist Publishing House, 1933.

Randolph County Historical Society. Randolph County, 1779-1979. Winston-Salem: Hunter Publishing Company, 1980.

Roberts, Bruce. The Carolina Gold Rush. Charlotte: Mc- NallyandLoftin, 1972.

Rotary Club of Randleman. History ofRandleman. Randle- man, N.C: Rotary Club ofRandleman, 1944.

Roth, Leiand M. A Concise History of American Architec- ture. New York: Harper and Row, 1979.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Age of Jackson. Boston: Lit- tle, Brown and Company, 1945.

Sharpe, Bill. A New Geography of North Carolina, vol. 2. Raleigh: Sharpe Publishing Company, 1958.

Steen, Herman. Flour Milling in America. Minneapolis: Dennison, 1963. Reprint edition, Westport, Conn.: Green- wood Press 1973.

Stockard, Sallie W. The History of Guilford County, North Carolina. Knoxville: Gaut-OgdenCo., 1902.

Stuckey, Jasper Leonidas. North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, 1965.

Summerson, John N. The Classical Language of Architec- ture. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1966.

Swaim, Doug, ed. Carolina Dwelling: Towards Preservation of Place in Celebration of The North Carolina Vernacular Landscape. Raleigh: North Carolina State University, 1978.

Thompson, Holland. From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill: A Study of Industrial Transition in North Carolina. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906.

Van Dresser, Peter. "The Coming Solar Age." In The Sub- versive Science: Essays Toward an Ecology of Man. Edited by Paul Shepard and Daniel McKinley. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.

Vogt, William. The Road to Survival. New York: William Sloane Associates, Inc., 1948.

Waterman, Thomas Tileston. The Dwellings of Colonial America. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1950.


Waterman, Thomas Tileston. The Mansions of Virginia,

1706-1776. New York: Bonanza Books, 1945. Whiffen, Marcus. The Eighteenth-Century Houses of Wil- liamsburg: A Study of Architecture and Budding m the Co- lonial Capital of Virginia. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1984. Woodward, Vann C. The Burden of Southern History. Baton

Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968. Woodward, Vann C. Origins of the New South, 18, 7-191 J.

Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1951 . Zuber, Richard L. Jonathan Worth: A Biography of a South- ern Unionist. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965. PERIODICALS

Bishir, Catherine W. "Asher Benjamin's Practical House Carpenter in North Carolina." Carolina Comments 2 1 (May 1979): 66-74. , ,, , _

Burton, Hoyle S., ed. "Naomi Wise Ballad." North Caro- lina Folklore I (}unt\94?,).U-\5. Davenport, John Scott. "Earliest Pfautz/Fouts Families in America." National Genealogical Society Quarterly bi (December 1975): 243-263. u m ^h r.rnlina

Davenport, John Scott. "Early Settlers in the North Carolina Piedmont-on Lands sold by Henry McCulloh within Granville's District, 1749-1763." The North Carol.m Ge- nealogical Society Journal 4, no. 2 (May If^j)-/^^;"^^ Griffin, Richard W. "Reconstruction of the North Carolina Textile Industry, 1865-1885." The North Carolina Histor- ical Review 4\ (imuary 1964): 34-53. ..„. p„„._ Griffin, Richard W. , and Standard, Diffee W. Jhe Cotton Textile Industry in Ante-Bellum North Carolina. Part L Origin and Growth to 1830." The North Carolina Histori- cal Review 34 {ianunry \957): \5-35 . r„ttnn Griffin, Richard W. , and Standard, Diffee W. The Cot on Textile Industry in Ante-Bellum North Carolina. Part U, An Era of Boom and Consolidation, 1830- 186a ine North Carolina Historical Review 34 (Apn\ 195/). iJi-

164 Hatcher, Susan Tucker. "North Carolina Quakers: Bona

Fide Abolitionists." The Southern Friend: Journal of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society 1 (Autumn

1979): 81-99. . .

Johnson, Clifton H. "Abolitionist Missionary Activities in

North Carolina." North Carolina Historical Review 40

(July 1963): 295-320. Kahn, Renee. "Post-Victorian Domestic Architecture: Ihe

American Foursquare." The Old-House Journal 10 (Feb- ruary 1982): 29-32. Kahn, Renee. "Post-Victorian Domestic Architecture: ihe

Dutch Colonial Revival Style." The Old-House Journal

10 (May 1982): 99-102 Kniffen, Fred. "On Comer-Timbering." Pioneer America.

(January 1969): 1-8. Labine, Clem. "Post-Victorian Domestic Architecture: Ihe

Homestead House." The Old-House Journal 10 (March

1982): 55-57. , . _

Labine, Clem. "Post-Victorian Domestic Architecture: ine Princess Anne House." The Old-House Journal 10 (July 1982): 135-137.

Labine, Clem, and Poore, Patricia. "The Comfortable House: Post- Victorian Domestic Architecture." The OW- WoMieyoMrna/ 10 (January 1982): 1-8.

Linden, Fabian. "Repercussions of Manufacturing in the Ante-Bellum South." The North Carolina Historical Re- view 11 {October \940): 3\3-33\ .

Paschal, G. W., ed. "Morgan Edwards' Materials Towards a History of the Baptists in the Province of North Carolina^ North Carolina Historical Review 7 (July 1930): 365-399.

Sherrill, Paul M. "The Quakers and the North Carolina Manumission Society." Historical Papers, Trinity College HistoricalSociety 10(1914): 32-51.

Starling, Robert B. "The Plank Road Movement in North Car- olina, Part 11." The North Carolina Historical Review 16(Apnl 1939): 147-173. . .

Tolbert, Noble J. "Daniel Worth: Tar Heel Abolitionist North Carolina Historical Review 39 (July 1962): 284-

304. ,_.j ,

Whatley, L. McKay, Jr. "Courthouse Petitions, 1785 and 1788." The Genealogical Journal of the Randolph County

Genealogical Society 3, no. 1 (Fall 1978-79): 29-38. Whatley, L. McKay, Jr. "The Mount Shepherd Pottery: Cor- relating Archaeology and History." VoMrna/ of Early Southern Decorative Arts 6 (May 1980): 21-57.


Flowers, John Braxton, III. Orange Factory. Durham, N.C.:

Orange Factory Preservation Society, 1978. High Point Chamber of Commerce. High Point, N.C. 1900-

1910. High Point, N.C: Chamber of Commerce, 1947.


Briggs, Martha T. "Mill Owners and Mill Workers in an An- tebellum North Carolina County." Master's thesis. Uni- versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975 .

Freeze, Gary R. "Master Mill Man: John Milton Odell and Industrial Development in Concord, N.C." Master's the- sis. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980.

Little-Stokes, Ruth, and Glass, Brent. "National Register Nomination for Columbia Manufacturing Company." Ra- leigh: Survey and Planning Branch, North Carolina Divi- sion of Archives and History, 1977. MacDonald, Lois. "Southern Mill Hills: A Study of Social and Economic Forces in Certain Textile Mill Villages." Ph.D. dissertation. New York University, 1928. Williford, Jo Ann, and Sumner, Jim. "National Register Nomination for Calvin Cassady Bam." Raleigh: Survey and Planning Branch, North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1980.


Lounsbury, Carl. Alamance Village, N.C. Interview, 7 Janu- ary 1982.

Note: The author conducted hundreds of interviews during the course of the survey and is indebted to all of those who gave so graciously of their time and energy. This impor- tant oral history was critical to the project's research process.








•• '










Aberdeen and Asheboro Railroad 188 Aberdeen and West End Railroad 188 "Abolition Methodists" SEE Wesleyan

Methodists Abram's Creek 175 Acme Hosiery Company 195, 233 Acme-McCrary Corporation 1 1 1 Acme-McCrary Hosiery Mill No. 3 217 Acme-McCrary Hosiery mills 21 1 Acme-McCrary Recreation Building 21 1 Adamesque style 38 Adams-Millis Corporation 18 "Adirondack Style" 52 African Pavilion 145 "Akron Plan" churches 101 Alamance County 28, 34-35 "Alamance Plaids" 16 Alamance Village 16, 34 Alberta chair works 20, 84 Alexander, Annie 218

Kemp (house) 218 Allen family 9 Allen's Fall 35, 79 Allen's Temple A.M.E. Church 233 Allred, Rev. Joseph Franklin (house) 93 M.M. 208 Peter 98

Thomas W. (carpenter) 24, 102-103 Allred Place (Providence TS) 71 Alt, John (architect) 68 "American Foursquare" style 47 Andrews, Hezekiah L. 27 Archdale, N.C. 19,32,61 (map) Armfield, W. J. (house) 197

W. J.,Jr. 195,208,211,212,243 Armfield Mausoleum 232 Arnold, John 174 Arnold house (Concord TS) 138 Artisans 33

Asbury, Bishop Francis 11,12 Ashe, Samuel 174

Asheboro and Montgomery Railroad 167, 188 Asheboro Argus 189 Asheboro Bank and Trust Company 220 Asheboro Baptist Church 196 (ill.) Asheboro Chair Factory 194 Asheboro City Cemetery 232 AsheboroCity Hall 216 Asheboro Colored Grade School 236


Asheboro courthouse square 175, 176, 177 Asheboro Drug Company 217 Asheboro Electric Company 192, 218 Asheboro electric plant 192-193 Asheboro Female Academy 179, 197, 243 Asheboro Fire Department 193 Asheboro High School 242 Asheboro Hosiery Mills 194, 195, 223 Asheboro incorporation 174, 177 Asheboro industrial development 194-195 Asheboro Male Academy 222 Asheboro medical facilities 193-194 Asheboro Methodist Episcopal Church 232 Asheboro Motor Car Company 2 1 0 Asheboro Opera House 213 Asheboro police and fire departments 193 Asheboro Presbyterian Church 207 Asheboro Printing Company 221 Asheboro public schools 193 Asheboro-Randolph County Public Library

205 Asheboro Roller Mill 96, 188, 192, 195 Asheboro streets 175-177, 194 Asheboro subdivisions 196-197 Asheboro Veneer Company 195 Asheboro water system 5, 193 Asheboro Wheelbarrow Company 227, 233 Ashlyn Hotel 211 Atkins, Woodrow (house) 150 Auman, 205

ArtemasR. 164, 165

Frank (house) 164

Howard 164

Hubert 164

Jasper (store) 165

Jefferson 167

Lynn 166

Martin 161

Tommie R. 166 Auman's Chapel 161 Aycock, Gov. Charles 66


Back Creek Friends Meeting 9, 129 Back Creek Steel Bridge 143 Back Creek Township 129 (map) Balanced growth 20 Baldwin, Fred 189 Balfour 252 (map) "Balloon-Frame" construction 24

Baltimore Association of Friends 148

Bank of Chatham 76

Bank of Coleridge 154

Bankof Franklinville 102

Bank of Randolph 189, 196, 212

BankofSeagrove 165

Baptists 8, 36

Baptists, "Separate" 74

Barber Shop (Coleridge) 153

Barker, Argus (house) 125

Barnes, Dr. Dempsey 222

Barnes-Griffin Clinic 222

Barrett, Prof. C.A. 236

Barton, Harry (architect) 204, 236

Barton's Meeting House 72

Bash, Grady L. (engineer) 137

Bauhaus 240

Bay Doe 95

Beaded weatherboarding 38

Bean, J. W. 135

Beane, Allison 148 Dempsey (house) 162

Beane house 227

Beane'sMill 148

Beard, Lewis 24

Beechwood 197

Beeson, Seth (house) 67 Bell, Martha McGee 65-66 Paul 122 R.P. (house) 122 William 12,65-66, 174 Bell's Mill 14,66 Bending Mill (Coleridge) 155 Benjamin, Asher24,41, 111 Bernhardt, Rev. Christian Eberhardt 73 Bethel Methodist Protestant Church 71 Bird hunting 52 Bird, William 160 Blair, Enos21 Enos (house) 53 ■I. A. 188,256 Quince (house) 63 Blair-Anthony house 65 Boarding house (Trinity) 57 Bobbins 19 Boling, Dick 166 Bookout, Joseph 147 Bossong, Charles G. 195

Joseph C. 195 Bossong Hosiery Mill 233

Boyette and Richardson drugstore 189 Brady, John Emmett (house) 89

Sheriff 229 Brady Funeral Home 85 Branson, Lewis (contractor) 142 Bray, Ed 80

Eli (house) 38, 147 Brewer, W.L. (architect) 44-45 Brickmasons 23 Bridges 24-28 Briles, Roland A. 253 Briles Place 133 Brittain, J.L. 189 Brokaw, W.G. (estate) 44-45, 52

William Gould 51 Brokaw's Mill SEE Miller's Mill Brooks, B.B. 27 Brookshire, Benjamin 142 Brower, Curtis (house) 166 J.A. 155

Madison (contractor) 27, 98 Madison (house) 98 Brower Township 158 (map) Brown, Billy 114 Daniel 145

Dempsey (house) 23, 24 (ill.), 39, 53 John (house) 125 M. J. (house) 230 Moses 15

Willard (brickmason) 164 Willard (house) 146 Brown-King house 145 Brown family 81 Bryant. Stanhope 126 Vivian 247 Walter 247 Buffalo Ford 150 Buffalo Ford Bridge 27 Buie, Hugh B. (house) 98 J.T. "Joe "99 James (house) 103-104 Matthew Gilbert "Gib" 98-99 Bulla. A.C. (house) 40 Dr. A. C. (house) 131 A.N. "Arch" 122. 125 A.N. (house) 125 Archie Castelray 131 Earl 130 Bulla's Grove Methodist Church 238 Bunch, Walter A. (house) 202

Bunch Post Office 137 Bungalow 226 Bungalow style 47 Bunting, H. H. (house) 185, 239 Burgess family 81 Burkhead, Arthur (house) 203 Ivey (house) 138 Rev. J. Frank 129, 203 Rev. J. Frank (house) 203

Burlington Industries 256

Burns, (carpenter) 185

Burns Hotel 189

Burroughs, Susan Lowdermilk 162

Burrow, J. A. 101

Byrd, Harry 80

Cabinetmaking 13, 18

Calah Presbyterian Church 1 50

Cannon, James William 18

Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad 70, 77,

93, 100 Cape Fear River 6 Capel, A.W.E. (house) 84

Aaron W.E. 84 Capitol Theatre 196 Caraway Baptist Church 130 Caraway Creek 7 Caraway Mountains 7 Carolina Theatre 221 Carolina Wholesale 233 "Carpenter Gothic" style 41 , 79 Carpenters 24 Carr, Julians. 58 Carter, H.B. 85

Carter Mercantile Store Company 85 Cassady, Calvin (barn) 162 Elizabeth 162 John 162 Catawba River 7 Caudle, A. B. "Bart" (house) 122

J.N. 116 Causey, H. C. (contractor) 77

H.C. (house) 77 Caveness, John M. (house) 156 Dr. Robert L. 155-156 Dr. Robert L. (house) 46 (ill.), 155

Caviness, 243

H.T. 220 IM.211 Cedar Falls, N.C. 16, 23, 33-36, 108 (map),

109-111 Cedar Falls Baptist Church 109 Cedar Falls Company Store 36 (ill.) Cedar Falls covered bridge 25

Cedar Falls factory 16, 18

Cedar Falls Manufacturing Company 16, 18,

29, 30 (ill.), 109-110 Cedar Falls United Methodist Church 109 Cedar Fork Creek 187 Cedar Grove Township (map) 141 Center-Hall plan 38 Central business district (Liberty) 76 Central Falls. N.C. 18, 26, 37, 254 (map) Central Falls Manufacturing Company 92, 256 Central Falls School 255 Central Falls United Methodist Church 256

Central Hotel (Asheboro) 40, 41 , 180-192 (ill.), 185

Central Methodist Church (Asheboro) 242

Central School 236

Chamness, Miles (house) 70

Charlotte Methodist Protestant Church 130

(-|,ge)j^ (stonemason) 255

Cherry, R. Gregg 20

Church of Christ (Liberty) 77

Civil War deserters 184

Civil War period 184

Clark, John Washington 104, 107, 227 Peter (brickmason) 120

Clerestory monitor roof 29

Clifton, Wiley H. 27

Coble family 81

Coffin, Bethuel 101


John M. 106 Coffin-Scarboro Company 219 Coffin family 9

Cogswell. Arthur (architect) 248 Cole, James 155 Coleman, Edward R. 80 Coleridge, N.C. 151 (map) Coleridge Manufacturing Company 133 Coleridge Township 146 (map) Coletrane, Daniel 67

David 65

James Ruffin 65

William (house) 37. 38 (.11.), 65

Coletrane's Mill 6, 67 Colonial revival style 47 Colton, Simeon 179 ColumbiaFactory31.32(ai.),99

Columbia Factory Baptist Church 88 Columbia Manufacturing Company 8, 86 Columbia Manufacturing Company Store 36 Columbia Township 79 (map) Commercial row (Ramseur 85 Commonwealth Hosiery


Concord Methodist Episcopal Church (Cole- ridge) 152

Concord Township 136 (map)

Congregational Christian Church (Ramseur) 88

Cook, A. 72

Cool Springs Missionary Baptist Church 91

Cooper, Clail 164, 165 John 164, 165

Copeland House 83

Cornelison, Dave (house) 164

Cornwallis, General 65, 66

Corwith, Henry P. 196. 247

Cottage (Randleman) 119

Cotton gin 13, 14

"Cotton Row" houses (Franklinville) 34, 35

(ill). 100 Cotton warehouse (Cedar Falls) 1 10 Cotton warehouse (Coleridge) 154 Cotton warehouse (Franklinville) 97 Council, John T. 123 Country Club Estates 197 Courier-Tribune 20\ Covered bridge (Central Falls) 256 Covered bridges SEE Bridges Cox, Clark 92

Clark (house) 189

Dennis 14, 168

Dennis (grist mill) 168

Ervin92, 145

Evelyn 145

Gilbert 150

Harmon 12, 148


John C. 27

Levi 148

Mary Jane 99

Nathan 99

Nathan M. 99

Nathan W. (house) 257 (ill.)

O.J. 214

O.R. 109,111,195 O.R. (Asheboro) 190 O.R. (Cedar Falls) 109 Raymond (mill) 148 Thomas 168 Tom A. 27 Cox-Lewis Hardware Store 214, 22/

Cox family 9

Cox Grist Mill SEE Cox, Dennis

Cox's Dam 92

Cox's Mill SEE Cox, Raymond

Coxe, Hammond 148

Coxe's Mill 148

Cozins, Grief (builder) 14

Cranford. C.C. 137, 192, 195. 223. 225 Cranford Building 219 Cranford Chair Company 223 Cranford Furniture Company 223, 250 Craven, Braxton 43, 57, 127

Braxton (house) 41 , 43 (ill.), 257 (ill.) George (house) 59 I. Fletcher (house) 88 Jim A. 85 John 81 Joshua 177 "Creole Cottage" house 105 Crescent Furniture Store 85 Crocker, J.T. 178

Croft, John J., Jr. (architect) 152. 247 Crowell, George (house) 63

Dr. John Franklin 58 Crown Milling Company 195 Crowstep gables 31 Crutchfield, Virtle (house) 244 Culler, Ray B., Jr. 54 Curtis, D. A. 101

Dennis 99 Curtis-Buie house 45, 46 (ill.), 98-99


"Dainty Biscuit" flour 96

Dark, A.E. 76

Davis, Dr. John (log house) 248

M.L. 47 Davis-Freeman house 244 Deal, R.P. (house) 122 Deep River 12, 13.35 Deep River Dyeing Company 121 Deep River Manufacturing Company 16. 31 ,

32 (ill.). 79 Deep River Masonic Lodge 152 Deep River Mills, Inc. 119 DeKalb. General 148 Depot Street (Asheboro) 184 Design profession 43 Dicks, James 115, 118, 121 James (house) 115. 118, 121 Peter 13-14, 115, 118, 121 Peter (house) 37. (ill.), 74, 115 R.P. (house) 45, 47 (ill.), 119, 123 Robert Peele 123 Sallie 115 Dixie Furniture Company 195 Doak, Roddy (house) 71 Dobson, Charlie 125

Rome 125 Dobson house (Randleman) 125 "Doctor" house (New Salem) 1 14 Dogwood Acres 196, 247








Dorsett, Clyde (architect) 240

Clyde (house) 240

Spencer M. (carpenter) 24, 102-103

Vance (store) 1 16

Will 27 Dorsett Store SEE Dorsett, Vance "Double-Pen" log construction 22 "Double-Pile" construction 40 Dougan, Moody (house) 39, 131 Dove, Duncan (house) 104 Dove family 81 Downing, A.J. 41, 43 Drake, James M. A. 101,243 Dunbar, John 140 Dunbar's Bridge 140 Dunkers 8 Dutch Colonial Revival style 45

Eastlake style 46

Eastover 197

Eastside 197

Ebenezar Methodist Episcopal Church 65

Edenton, N.C. 38

Edwards, Herberts. 103, 107

Eleazer, N.C. 6

Elliott, Colonel Benjamin 14, 110, 176-177,


Henry B. (house) SEE Central Hotel

Henry Branson 15, 25, 29, 34-35, 1 10, 180

Priscilla Johnson 140 Elliott's Green 197 Elliott's Mills 14 Ellis, Thad 147 Engleworth Cotton Mills 124 English, Ben T. (house) 63

Merley (house) 63 English family 9 English bond brickwork 38 Enterprise, N.C. 18,26,27 Enterprise Company Store 154 Enterprise factory 153

Enterprise Manufacturing Company 152, 153 Enterprise Roller Mills 96 Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 247 Erect Academy 148 Evergreen Academy 148, 150

Factory buildings 28-32

Fair Grove Methodist Church 161

"Fair Oaks" (Level Cross) 68

"Fairview Park" SEE Brokaw, W.G. (estate)

Faith Rock 95

Fanning, David 95, 148

Farlow, Hannah 131

Madison 167 Farlow family 9

Farm Complex (New Market) 65 Farmer Cemetery 139 Farmer Methodist Church 139 Farmer's Alliance Store (Farmer) 136 Farmer's Union Mercantile Company (Lib- erty) 76 Fayetteville, N.C. 16,34 Fayetteville and Western Plank Road 11,12

(map), 178, 179 Fayetteville Street School 193, 222 Federal style 37-39 Fentress, Lewis F. 104 Ferguson, Ebenezar 1 19

Ellen 119 Ferree, John H. 112, 118-122, 124, 127 Mrs. Sarah 84 Shafter 244 Ferree house 84 Ferries 12

Finch, Charles Franklin 53 Isham 135

Thomas Austin (house) 40, 53, 55 Thomas Jefferson (house) 53, 55 First American Savings and Loan 207 First Baptist Church (Ramseur) 87 First Baptist Church (Siler City) 236 First Methodist Church (Asheboro) 236 First National Bank 196, 227 First National Bank No. 1 214 First National Bank No. 2 220 First Presbyterian Church (Asheboro) 242 First Southern Savings and Loan 212 Fisher, Basil John 185-187

Basil John (mansion house site) 227, 228 Fisher Estate gatekeeper's house 244 Fisher Park neighborhood (Greensboro, N.C.)

186 FIannagan,EricG. (architect) 194,211,234,

242 Flat Creek Ford 157 Florence hall 152 Fogleman, Eli 72 Fords 12, 157 Forest Hills 197 Forrester, J. O. 85 "Fort of Deep River" 148 Foster, Dr. G. A. 76 Foust, George A. 150 I.H. 106

I.H. (house) 41, 79 Foust'sMill 150, 152 Fox, C.P. 80

C.P. (house) 81

Charles M. (house) 217

Charles Michael 217

Charlesanna M. 217

Elizabeth Spencer 217

Dr. L.M. (house) 223 Fox house (Randleman) 125 Franklinsville Manufacturing Company 16, 23

(ill.), 95-96, 102 Franklinsville Manufacturing Company Store

36,41,44,97 Franklinville, N.C. 13, 16, 23, 25-29, 32-37,

45, 94 (map), 95-107 Franklinville covered bridge 25-26, 27 (ill.) Franklinville Iron Works 71, 95 Franklinville Methodist Episcopal Church 98,

101 Franklinville Riverside Band 101 Franklinville Roller Mill 96 Franklinville Store Company 103 Franklinville Township 91 (map) Frazier, Ed 208

Henry 78

Henry W. 104 Frazier-Fentress house 104 Frazier log house 22, 66 Free blacks 9 Freeman, Jason 166

"Elder" Ralph 9

Reid 244

Rupert (house) 143 Freeman's Store 143 Freeze, E.W. 19, 119 Friendsville Friends Meeting House 149 Fries, Francis 28 Fuller's Mill 134

Fuller's Mill covered bridge 28 (ill.) Furniture industry 19-20

Gant Street (Central Falls) 255

Gamer, George (house) 162

Garner family 81

Garrons, John 135

Gasstation222, 226, 251

Geiger-Berger (engineers) 145

George, Alvis O., Jr. (architect) 205, 207,

212 Georgian style 37-38 German settlers 8 Germanic vernacular 73 Gill,J. N. 236 Gladesborough, N.C. 175 Gladesborough Store 40, 64 Glencoe School 54

Glennanna Female Seminary 23 Glenola Brick Works 208 Gluyas, William 184 Gluyas's Pond Road 184 Gossett, Elizabeth 65

William 65 Gossett's Meeting House 65 Gothic cottage (Trinity) 58 Gothic Revival style 37, 41 , 43-44 Gould, Jay 52

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 76 Granite Cotton Mill 28 Grant Township 144 (map) Graves, Calvin E. 98

Harwood 161 Gray, General Alexander 15, 51, 55

General Alexander (house) 40, 55

Rev. Alson 72

Malcom (house) 68

Robert 64

Robert (brickmason) 23, 41

Robert Harper 55

Samuel (kitchen) 54 Gray gold mine 179 Gray house 64 Gray's Chapel 23

Gray's Chapel Methodist Church 69 Greek Revival style 29, 34, 37, 39-41 Green, J. M. 165 Gregson, Amos (house No. 2) 122

Rev. Amos 122, 127 Gregson-Pickard house (Randleman) 45, 46

(ill.), 119 Greystone Terrace 196 Griffin, Dr. Harvey L. 222 Grimes, W. A. 98, 189 Gristmills 12, 13 Gropius, Walter (architect) 240 Grove Hotel (Franklinville) 101 Guilford College 115 Guilford Courthouse (battle) 65-66 Guilford Dairy 23 1 Guilford Lumber Company 1 89 "Gumeyite" Friends 149


Hager. Mrs. John D. 201

Hall, Homer (house) 41 , 43 (ill.), 63

"Hall-and-Parlor" plan 22

Halliday Hunting Lodge (Millboro) 93

Hammer, William Cicero 192, 209

Hammond. A. A. 141

Clifford (house) 167

J. Hyatt (architect) 138, 205. 207, 212, 240

John (contractor) 142


Moses (house) 41,62 ,,,„-,

Hanks Masonic Lodge No. 128 24, 36, 102-

103 Hardin, Charles 71 Charles H. (house) 70 J.E. 70 Hargrave, Lt. Col. 171 Harper, Carolina Dean 162 J.E. 162

James Edward 162 Jeduthan 51 Jethro 167 Harris, A.C. 164

Wade 164 Haskett's Creek 175 Haskins, Hoyle (log cabin) 239 Hasty, Jack 205 Haw River 6, 28,43 Hayes, James Madison 1 14-115

Pierce 115 Hayes-Howell, Inc. (architects) 145 Hayes-Lineberry house 121 Hayworth, Dr. C.A. 193 Dr. C.A. (house) 218 Dr. R.W. 193 Sheriff S.L. 210 Hearthstone Farm 129 "Heavy Frame" construction 23-24, 34 Hedgecock Builders, Inc. 195 Hedrick Arcade 221 E.T. Hedrick and Son (contractors) 59 Hedrick Motor Company 221 Heitman, John Franklin (house) 58 Henley, Jesse 174 Hiatt-Swaim house 190-191 High Point, N.C. 19 High Point Furniture Company 20 High Point Hosiery Mill 1 8 High Point, Randleman, Asheboro and South- ern Railroad 19, 124,188 Hill, J.R, (house) 228

James Jason 142 Hinshaw, Albert 121 Amos (barn) 45, 150 Amos (farm) 1 50 Thomas 148, 150 Hinshaw family 9 Historic Preservation 2-3 Historic Preservation Fund of N.C. 51 Hoggott, Wade (house) 68 Holden, W.W. 184 Holder house 68 Holleman, W.C. (architect) 204 Holland, Dwight 170 Holly Spring Friends Meeting 9, 147

Holly Spring Friends Meeting (Conservative)

149 Hollywood (subdivision) 197 Holmes, Nancy (house) 165 Holt, Edwin Michael 16, 34, 118

Jacob 43 T.M. Holt Manufacturing Company 43 Home Building and Materials Company 47,

188, 191-192, 195-196,233 Homestead Heights 197 Hoover, Andrew 12 B. F. (subdivision) 196 George 177, 179, 200 Hoover Hill gold mine 57 , 135 Hoover Subdivision SEE Hoover, B.F. Hopewell Friends Meeting 142 Hop's Barbeque 216

Homey, Alexanders. 16,98-99, 101, 103, 106-107, 110 Jared 136 Jube (house) 136 Dr. Phillip 16, 98-99, 101,110 Homey-Parks house 99, 107 Hosiery mills 18, 32, 122, 125, 127, 195,

211,217,233 Hotel (Coleridge) 156 Hubbard, Dr. C.C. (house) 139 Huffine, R.L. 127 Hughes, C.T. 135

W.H. "Will" (house) 164 Hughes house 132 Humphreys, David 32 Humphreysville, Conn. 32 Hunter, Andrew 95

Dr. J.V. (house) 202 Hunting Lodge Stable (Staley) 80 Huriey, Rev. M.L. 88 Husband, Herman (mill) 74

Hermon9, 12 Husband's Mill SEE Husband, Herman Ed Hyder Datsun 234


Ingold.A.W. 114

Joel 114 Ingold Hotel 114 Ingram-Brinson Building 221 Ingram house 51

International Harvester Buildmg 250 Iron bridges 27 Iron Hill iron mine 95 Island Ford iron bridge 27 , 28 (ill . ) Island Ford Manufacturing Company 16-17,

29, 30 (ill.), 36, 79, 105-106 Italianatestyle37,41,45

Jackson, Samuel S. 201 Jarrell, Manliff 114

Noah 114 Jarrell-Hayes house 39, 1 14 Jed's Sandwich Shop 211 Jennings, A.G. 19 Jobe, Lizzie 99 Johnson, Dob (cafe) 85 J.W. 123 James 99

Lemuel (house) 60 Lytle(house)38,54 Johnson Cafe SEE Johnson, Dob Johnston, Frances Benjamin 53, 66 Johnstonville,N.C. 174-175 Jones, Arthur V. 99 B.C. 93 Isham 101

Isham (wagon shop) 101 L.M. (house) 93 Lee 85

Leonidas Mountvale 93 W.C. (house) 93 W.J. (contractor) 85 Wesley Cornelius 93 Jones Wagon Shop SEE Jones, Isham Jordan, B.Everett 85 Dr. Henry 85, 109 Rev. Henry Harrison 85 Manley "Crip" 165 Jordan house 247

Jordan Memorial Methodist Church 85 Joyland Motion Picture Theatre 213 Julian, Cornelius H. 99 Julian depot 70 Julian house 99


Keams, Bobby (Ream's Place) 135

FredM., Jr. 255

John Orpheus (house) 139

Marvin 139

Wilda Mae Briles 253

William (Ream's Place) 133 Kennedy, Laura 239 Kerr, John 185 Keyauwee Indians 7 Kidd, Chariie 92 Kidd'sMill92 Kindley house 135 King, Boyd 165 Carl (house) 166 William 145 "King Tut" subdivision 196, 252 (map)

Kirkman, Ed (house) 120

S.E. (house) 120 Kitchen outbuilding (Franklinville) 107 Kitchen outbuilding (Grant TS) 144 Kitchens 22, 45 Kivett, Carrie (house) 245

Henry (house) 38, 73

Stephen Wayland (house) 187, 225 Komer, Jules 36, 118, 120

Lake Lucas 175 Lake Lucas Dam 1 3 1 Lake Reese 5 Lamb, Isaac 14

J. A. 119 Lamb Building, C.A. 122 Lambert, George (house) 89 J.I. 89 John R. 103 Julia Ross 218 Dr. W.L. (house) 218 Lambert-Parks house 40-41 , 92, 103 Lane, Charies (house) 84 W.D. (house) 84, 100 Lassiter, T.E. 196,202 T.J. 47

W.W. (house) 141 Laughlin, Rev. Cicero 140 Lawson, John 6 Lawyer's Row 192,209 Leach, Eli (house) 164 James Madison 54, 59 Lewis M. 23,52 Martin W. (house) 54 Col. Martin W. 59 Sallie Mangum 59 William (house) 98 Leads, Garrett 167 Leath, Dr. MacLean B. (house) 62 Level Cross Township 67 map) Lewallen, R.C. (house) 217 Lewis, Chariie (house) 40, 137 J.Stanback214, 227 John Stanback (house no. 1) 227 John Stanback (house no. 2) 222 Jonathan 116, 144 Liberty, N.C. 44, 75 (map), 76-78 Liberty Chair Company 32, 78 Liberty depot 77 Liberty Friends Meeting 78 Liberty Grove Methodist Protestant Church 72 Liberty High School 44, 45 Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church 78 Liberty Picker Stick and Novehy Company 78




Liberty Township 72 (map) Lindley Park School 193 Lineberry, Jacob (house) 116

W.L. 121

W.S. 114 Little River 6

Little Uwharrie River steel bridge 135 Loflin,Carl77

Charles (house) 229

Donna Lee 229 Log cabin (BrowerTS) 158 Log cabin (Level Cross) 68 Log construction 21-23 Log joint notches 22-23 Long, Charles F. 227

John (house) 30, 73

John Wesley 73 Lovelt, Marvin G. (house) 202 Lovett house 230 Lowdermilk family 160 Lowdermilk house 245 Lowe, William 174 Lowell, Massachusetts 19, 32 Lucas, W. Clyde 195,250 Lucas Industries/General Electric 250 Luther, J. A. (house) 106

Jonathan A. 106 Lutherans 8 Lytle, Bill 239

Frank 9, 239


McAlister, Col. Alexander C. 205 McAlister and Morris Store 189, 200 McCain, Hugh 15, 177, 207-208 McCaskill, W.G. (house) 227 McCoy, Paschal 104-105 McCrary, Charles W. 227

Charles W. (house) 204

D.B. 195.210,234

D.B. (house) 204

J. Frank (house) 204 McCrary-Redding Hardware Company 210 McCulloh, George 175

Henry 7

Henry Eustace 175 McCulloh Street (Asheboro) 175 McDowell, John (house) 245 McKay, Clarence 52 McMahon, Thomas 19


Maken worth Company 196 Makepeace, Charles Roderick (architect) 43 George 17-19,29,98-99, 106

George H. 43, 95, 98-99

George (house) 23, 24 (ill.), 36, 39, 45, 97-

98 C.R. Makepeace & Company (architects) 43 Mallet, Charles P. 16 Maner, Hannah 102

M.G. "Mack" 102 Mangum, Willie Person 54 Maple Grove Dairy 130 Marable,J.P. (house) 104

John Paschal 104-105 Marbleizing 38

Marietta Masonic Lodge No. 444 87 Marlboro Friends Meeting 9 Marley, J. Harris (house) 89

John 103

Vaughn 89

Woosley 89 Marsh, Alfred H. 243

Benjamin Augustus 232

O.C. (house) 124 Martin, James Alexander 78 Mary Antoinette Mill 1 12, 1 19, 121 Masonic Temple (Asheboro) 214 Maxwell, A.J. (architect) 219 Mead, William Ernest 236 Melancthon Lutheran Church 72 "Melrose" SEE Leach, Lewis M. (house) Memorial Hospital 227 Mendenhall, Elisha67

George 96

Lorenzo 57 Mendenhall diary house 55 Mennonites 8 Merchant mills 14 Methodist Episcopal Church 36 Methodist Episcopal/Protestant split 72 Methodist Parsonage (Ramseur) 87 Methodist Parsonage (Trinity) 57 Middleton Academy 33, 36 Mill houses (Coleridge) 153, 156 Mill houses (Franklinville) 101 Mill houses (Ramseur) 88 Mill houses (Sapona, Cedar Falls) 1 1 1 Mill houses (Union Factory, Randleman) 118 Mill log house (Cedar Falls) 1 10 Mill office (Coleridge) 154 Mill villages 32-37 Millboro, N.C. 92, 100 Miller, Dr. John Floyd 193

Riley (Miller's Mill) 14,44,51 Miller's house (Liberty TS) 74 Miller's Mill SEE Miller, Riley Millikan, Samuel 174 Millikan family 9

Millis, J. Henry 18 Millwright 13 Moffitt, Alfred 27

E.A. 189

E.A. (house) 190, 203

E.A. (store) 201

E.K. "Kelly" 105

Rev. Thomas C. 88, 147 Moffitt-Stout house 150 Moffitt house 147 Moffitt Store SEE Moffitt, E.A. Moffitt'sMill 148, 150 Moon, Mary 142 Mooney, Kemp (architect) 212 Moore, Benjamin F. 185

J.F. 104

Thomas McGhee 178, 185

W.J. 166 Moore's Chapel 104 Moragne, W.F. 189 Moravians 7-8 Morehead, John Motley 51

Sara Gray 51 Moretz, Christian 13,96 Moring, W.H. 190,219 Morris, E.G. (house) 203

E.H. 205

P.H. 189, 195 P.H. Morris General Merchandise 213 "Mortise and Tenor" construction SEE

"Heavy Frame" construction Mt. Gilead Methodist Church 134 Mt. Moriah Methodist Protestant Church 161 Mt. Olivet Methodist Church 159 Mt. Tabor Methodist Church 138 Mt. Zion Methodist Church 133 Mountain Creek steel bridge 131 Murray, Bunn (house) 78 Myrtle Desk Company 104

N Nance Chevrolet Company 245 Naomi Falls iron bridge 27 Naomi Falls Manufacturing Company 18, 37,

123, 127 Naomi Falls Methodist Church 120, 126 Naomi Village 37, 126-127 National Chair Company 195, 250 Neely, Anne 227

John M. (house) 227

Ryan Reynolds, Jr. 227

William M. 218 "New England Mutual Vernacular" style 31 New Hope Township 170 (map) New Market Township 64 (map)

New Salem, N.C. 16, 37, 39, 1 13 (map), 1 14-

116, 175, 178 New Salem Friends Meeting 115 New Salem Methodist Church 115 New York Racket Store 121 Newlin,S.G. (house) 122

Samuel Gray 121-122, 124-125 Nixon's Mill 74

North Carolina Lutheran Synod 72 North Carolina Temperance Union 62 North Carolina Zoological Park 145, 170 North Randolph Historical Society 120 Northrup and O'Brien (architects) 59


Oak Grove Methodist Episcopal Church 171 O'Brien/Atkins Associates (architects) 145 Odd Fellows Lodge (Trinity) 57 Odell.J.A. 18,70-71

John Milton 18 Odell Hardware Company 18, 70 Offices (Ramseur) 85 Old Muster Field 196 Orange Factory 34, 118 Outbuildings (Richland TS) 161 Overman, O'Kelly 76

William 72 Owen, Joseph R. 208

P & P Chair Company 20, 1 95 , 233

Page, W.C. 195. 233

Paisley, Bob 244

Parham, Rita (house) 68

Park Street School 193

Parker, Gerald 169

Victor 5, 137 Parker's Mill (Concord TS) 5 Parker's Mill bridge 137 Parks, Henry 105

Hugh 103, 106-107

Hugh Jr. 227 Parks Hosiery Mill 227 Park's Cross Roads 148 Park's Cross Roads Christian Church 147 Patterson, Dr. A.J. (house) 76

Gilliam (Patterson Building) 76

Dr. Rez D. (house) 77

Rev. William C. 88 Patterson Building SEE Patterson, Gilliam Payne's mill house 54 Pee Dee River 6 Penn Wood Branch 175 Perkins. "Captain" (house) 57 Petty, D.M. 62


W.Clinton 62 Petty Sash and Blind Company 32, 41 , 62-63,

186, 189 Phillips, Dr. Charles (house) 134 Piatt and Davis (engineers) 131 Pickard, James O. 119-122, 127 Picker sticks 19

Pickett, J.M. Philmore (houses) 77 Pickett, Patterson 72

Philmore 72 Piedmont Chair Company 195, 250 Piedmont Electric Machine and Weldmg

Company 253 Piedmont Electric Motor Repair 236 Pierce, Newton 131

Ranson 131 Pilgrim Tract Society 124 Pillories 175, 176(111.) Pisgah covered bridge 27 , 1 69 Plaidville Manufacturing Company 119, 121 Plank road SEE Fayetteville and Western

Plank Road Pleasant Grove Township 157 (map) Pleasant Hill Methodist Church 160 Plummer, Kearney (house) 139 Poole, Harold 103 Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting 134 Poplar Ridge School 134 Porches 45

Porter, (carpenter) 185

"Post and Beam" construction SEE "Heavy

Frame" construction Post Office (Cedar Falls) 1 1 1 Post Office Museum (Ramseur) 84 Post Office No. 1 (Archdale) 62 Powerhouse (Coleridge) 155 Powhatan Manufacturing Company Store 36,

124 Prairie School movement 43 Pratt truss bridge 131 Preimats, Walter 242 Presnell, Arthur 195, 233 Prestige Fabricators 256 Pritchard, Benoni (house) 253 Pritchard house 230 Providence, R.I. 43 Providence Friends Meeting 9, 69 Providence Township 69 (map) Pugh, Enoch (cabin) 91 Henry (mill) 92 Jess (house) 41, 91 Jesse (house) 273 Pugh Funeral Home 173, 209, 218 Pugh's Mill SEE Pugh, Henry Purgatory Mountain 145


"Quaker Plan" house 39 Quakers 9, 15,33,36-37 Queen Anne style 37, 47 Quills 19


Rae, Miss Eliza 243 RaganH.S.,Jr. 62

Thomas 70-71

Thomas (house) 71

William Henry 18,70-71 Ragan/OdellStore38,70 Railroads 19

Ramseur, Major General Stephen 83 Ramseur, N.C. 32, 35-37, 82 (map), 83-90 Ramseur Graded School 90 Ramseur Methodist Episcopal Church No. 1

87 Ramseur Roller Mill 86 Ramseur Store Company 85 Randleman, John Banner 118,, 120, 127

John Banner (house) 118 Randleman, N.C. 34, 37, 44-45, 47, 117

(map), 118-128 Randleman depot 124 Randleman Graded School 123 Randleman Hosiery Mill 18, 122, 125 Randleman Manufacturing Company 17, 118,

120, 122 Randleman Township 112 (map) Randolph Chair Company 233 Randolph County, N.C. 4 (map), 7, 10 Randolph County Agricultural Society 185 Randolph County agriculture 11 Randolph County Courthouse No. 7 208 Randolph County development and pressures

20 Randolph County Fairgrounds 250 Randolph County geography 6 Randolph County Historical Society 243 Randolph County Jail 209 Randolph County occupations 6 Randolph County political conservatism 10 Randolph County population 6 Randolph County textile industry 6 Randolph County Training School 236 Randolph County urbanization 6 "Randolph Court House" 174 Randolph Court House No. 6 200 Randolph Dairy 253 Randolph Heights 196 Randolph Hospital 234 Randolph Manufacturing Company i», /v (ill) 96,100,102-103,106

Randolph Methodist Church 73 Randolph Regulator 185, 201 Randtex Corporation 127 Reconstruction period 185 Red Front Store (Ramseur) 85 "Red House" Church 140 "Red House" School 140 Reddick, R.W. (house) 57

Robert Wesley 57 Reddick house 23 Reddick house 52 Redding, Allen (carpenter) 120 "Gas" (house) 92 J.H.26 J.O. 194 T.H. 195,210 T H. (house) 190, 207 Troy (house) 130, 240 Reed Creek 79 Reese, Abraham 174 Reese-Siler house 76 Reynolds, R.J. (Building No. 8)43

R.J. (Forest Aviary) 145 "Rhode Island System" 32-33 Rice, Thomas 23, 25-26, 41, 43 105-106

Thomas (farm) 136 Thomas (house) 105 Rich, O.E. (house) 239 O. Elmer 164, 250 Rose T. (log house) 240

Richardson, -244

Jess 57

S. Guy ard (house) 166 Richardson house (Richland TS) 161 Richland Evangelical Lutheran Church 73 Richland Township 1 60 (map) Ridge, W.E. (house) 226 Ridge's Mountain 7 Rink, Reuben SEE Komer, Jules Riverside Baptist Church 158 Roanoke Iron and Bridge Works 100 Robbins, Jess (house) 133 Robbins house 132 Robins, Henry Moring 201 Henry Moring (house) 202 Marmaduke 184, 185,201 Marmaduke (law office) 41, 182, 201 Sidneys. 239 Rockfish Manufacturing Company 16, 34 Rocky River 6 Rollins, J.W. 255 Rollins Rock Store 255 RosemontPark 196 Rosenwald, Julius 236 Rosenwald Fund 236

Ross, Arthur 192, 218

Arthur (house no. 1) 191

Arthur (house no. 2) 218

J.D. (house) 196, 207

J.D.,Jr. 179

Romulus R. 218, 225 Ross and Rush Livery Stable 200 Routh, Edgar G. 96 Royals house 58 Russ, John P.H. 55 Russell, A.R. (house) 127

George97, 100, 102

George (house) 102 W.C. "Will" 106 Russell's School House 140

St. Luke's United Methodist Church 233,

238 St. Mark's Methodist Church 140 St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church 36,

120, 126 St. Paul's Parsonage 120 Salem Cemetery (Columbia TS) 81 Salem Congregational Christian Church 140 Salem Cotton Manufacturing Company 28 Salem Methodist Episcopal Church (Concord

TS) 140 Salem Methodist Protestant Church 81 Sandy Creek 12

Sandy Creek Baptist Association 8, 74 Sandy Creek Baptist Church 8, 23, 74 Sandy Creek Friends Meeting 9, 38, 70 Sapona Manufacturing Company 1 1 1 Sawmill 13-14

Sawyer, Joseph (architect) 248 Sawyer's Gold Mine 130 Scarboro,W.J. 190-192 Science Hill Academy 142 Science Hill Friends Meeting 142 Scott Book Store 221 Scotten.Mary 193

Pelden 193 Seagrove, N.C. 163 (map) Seagrove depot 167 Seagrove Hardware Company 164 Seagrove Lumber Company 164 Seagrove Pottery Museum 167 Seagrove Roller Mills 166 Sechrist, Thomas F. 253 "Seven Hearths" Lodge 137 Shady Grove Baptist Church 74 Shaw Furniture Galleries 123 Shepherd, Dr. Frank A. (house) 78 Shepherd's Mountain 7


"•*— ^ -— '^ ~- -




Sherwood house 1 22

Shiloh Academy 147-148

Shiloh Christian Church 147-148

Shotgun houses 1 10

Shuttles 19

Skeen, Mollie Fuller (house) 138

N.R. 135

Williams, (house) 234 Skeen's Mill covered bridge 25 (ill.), 27, 135 Slack, Labon (house) 169

T.A. "Bud" 104

T.A. (house) 104 Slater, Samuel 32 Slavery 9, 33

"Slow Burn" construction 31 Smith, Charles Philip 78

"Duck" (house) 167

Wade (house) 40, 134 Smith-Wylie house 78 Snow, E. A. 19

William H. 19 Snow Lumber Company 19, 189 Sophia School 66 Southern Baptist Convention 74 Southern Citizen 178 Southern Crown Milling Company 195 Southern Milling Company 195 Southern Motors and Equipment Company

250 Spencer, A. A. 217

R.W. (house) 66 Spero 252 (map) Spinks, Rev. Enoch, Jr. 159 Staley, John W. (house) 81 Staley house (Liberty) 76 John Wesley's Stand 129 Standard Drug Company 219 Steams, Rev. Shubal 8, 74 Stedman. S.B. 193, 195,220

S.B. (house no. 1) 190, 191 (ill.)

S.B. (house no. 2)248

W.D. 195,219 Stedman Block 215

Stedman Manufacturing Company 180, 195 Stedman Motor Company 2 1 5 W.D. Stedman and Son 215 Steed, E.J. (house) 83

Sheriff Joe 114 Steel and Lebby (contractors) 137 Steele, John Roe 150 J. P. Stevens Corporation 127 Stocks 174-175, 175 (ill.) Stone, Frances 129

Lee 129 Stone buildings (Trinity) 57

Stone construction 23 Store (Franklinville TS) 92 Store (New Salem) 115 Story, Philip Custer 126 Stout, O.M. 124 Stout Store 124 Strader, Lacey 169 Sugg house (Brower TS) 159 Suggs, Richard 247 Sullivan, Louis (architect) 43 "Summer" kitchens 22 Sumner, David S. (house) 92

David Spurgeon 92, 103

Matthew 92 Sunset Avenue (Asheboro, N.C.) 184 Sunset Theatre 216

Superintendent's house (Central Falls) 255 Superintendent's house (Naomi Mill) 127 Superintendent's house (Union Factory, Ran-

dleman) 118 Susquehanna Silk Mills 127 Swaim, Benjamin 178

Ed (farm) 65 Sykes, Dr. R.P. 214


Tabernacle Methodist Church Cemetery 1 33

Tabernacle Township 132 (map)

Talley, Frank (house) 45, 1 19

Tanyard Branch 187

Taylor, Cyrus 64

Tennessee Lutheran Synod 72

Textile industry— labor market 32

Textile industry— morality 32

Textile manufacturing 15-20

Thayers, Widow 135

Theatre (Ramseur) 85

Thomas Auto sales office 232

Thomasville, N.C. 23

Thompson, D.M. 43

Holland 33

John 137

R.W. 229 Thornburg-Macon house 41, 138

Thorns, Julia 193 Tippett.J.W. 10

W.H. (contractor) 84, 100, 102 Tobacco barns 23 Tomlinson, Dr. John M. (house) 41, 43 (ill.)

62 Tomlinson family 9 Tompkins, Daniel A. 37 Totero Indians 7 Town, Ithiel 24-26, 135 Town lattice truss 25 (ill.)

Trading Path 7

Transportation 1 1

Trestle (Franklinville) 100

Triad Plumbing Supply 236

Trinity, N.C. 56 (map)

Trinity Cemetery 57

Trinity College 41 , 43-44 (ill.), 105

Trinity High School 59

Trinity Inn 60

Trinity (Masonic) Lodge No. 256 57

Trinity Memorial United Methodist Church 59

Trinity Township 50 (map)

"Triple-A" house 45

Trogdon, James O. (house) 248

S.Clifford (house) 107

S.E. (contractor) 248, 250

Tom 76 Trotter, Benjamin 96

Martin (house) 135 Troy, John Balfour 208 Trunnels 24

Turner, John (house) 41 , 79 Tysor, Charlie (carpenter) 164

Herbert (house) 159

Thomas B. (house) 159


Ulah, N.C. 143

Ulah Motor Company 143

Underwood, Alvis (house) 69

Reggie H. 69


W.R. (house) 201 Underwood Store 69 Union Manufacturing Company 16-17, 31

(ill.), 33-35 Union Township 167 (map) "Upper Dam" (Franklinville) 95 Uwharrie Friends Meeting 9 Uwharrie Mountains 6 Uwharrie National Forest 6 Uwharrie River 6, 12

VanArsdale, Dr. J.V. 114 Vance. Zeb 184,201 Varner Place (Cedar Grove TS) 142 Vestal Motor Company 238 Vickory, William (house) 1 16 Voncannon, Bobby 164 Vuncannon house (Concord TS) 137


WGWR radio station 200 Waddell's Ferry Bridge 27

Wagoner, Harold E. (architect) 242 Wainman, C. Slingsby 185-186

C. Slingsby (house) 225 Walden family 9 Walker, Charlie 92 J. Ed 124, 126-127, 190 Jesse 15 Samuel 12. 184 Walker-Story house 126 Walker family 66 Walker's Grocery 92 Wallace, J. A. 96, 99, 100 J. A. (house) 99 Paul 96 "Waltham System" 32 Wannamaker and Welles (contractors) 1 3 1 Ward, John 213 Rom (house) 1 15 W.P. 98 Ward rent house 1 15 Warehouse (Asheboro) 233 Warren bridge truss 143 Water tank (Asheboro) 217 Water tank (Millboro) 93 Waterman, Thomas T. 21, 53 Watkins, E.C. (house) 88

W.H. 83-84 "Waverly" SEE Dicks, Robert P. (house) Weatherly, D.M. "Dave" 105 D.M. (house) 105 J. A. 105 Weaver. Logan 127 Weeks. Dr. Samuel B. (house) 59 Weiman Company 20 Welbom. Jane McGee 66 John 66

Joseph (house) 39-40, 66 Welbom-Dougan Cemetery 65 Welbom family 63, 66 Welbom house 64 Welch Delia (house) 166

J.J. 27. 169 Wesley Long Hospital 73 Wesleyan Methodists 10, 36, 1 16 West, Tom (house) 83 Western Auto 221 Westside subdivision 197 Whatley. Enoch (house) 143

Ralph 143 Wheatmore Farms 53, 55 Wheeler, Runge and Dickery (architects) 208 Whig political party 10, 15 Whipping post 175 Whitaker. Lonnie L. (house) 222 White. J. F. 216


Stanford 44, 52 Tommy (house) 23, 54 White house (Asheboro) 223 "White House" (Cedar Grove TS) 142 White's Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church

80 Whitney, Eli 14 Why Not Academy 161-162 "Wilburite" Friends 149 Williams, Jewel 167 JohnD. 106 Noah 167 Solomon 247 Williams-Bryant log cabin 175, 247 Williams-Riddle Clothing Store 221 Wilson, W.M. 62 Winn, Charles St. George 185, 187 Winningham (carpenter) 185

Carson 200 Winslow, Dr. Thomas W. (house) 57

Tom (house) 225 Wise, Naomi 14, 69, 1 16, 127, 144 Wood, Fargo (house) 136

Marquis L. 58

Ross (house) 114

Col. William Penn 190,219 Wood and Moring Store 219 C.H. Wood Construction Company 221 Woodell, Allen 175 Woodell's Spring 175 Woodruff, A.C. (architect) 222 Wool carding 13 Woollen, Dr. C.W. (house) 116 Woollen family 115 Worth, Daniel 10, 116 HalM. (house) 47

JohnMiltonll,18,96, 115, 123, 182,

184, 188,192,205,256 Jonathanll,18, 176-177,182, 184,201,

207-208, 232

Thomas Clarkson 123 Worth-McAlister house 4 1 , 42 (ill .), 1 82- 1 84

(ill.), 205 Worth family 9

Worth Manufacturing Company 124, 128, 256 Worth Terrace 197 WorthviUe, N.C. 18,26,37,128 Worthville covered bridge 27 (ill.) Wrenn, John (house) 74 Wrenn house (Cedar Falls) 40, 1 1 1 Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) 43, 240, 247- 248, 250

John (brickmason) 164 Wylie, Margaret Smith 78

Yadkin River 6

Yates, Mavin (house) 138

York, Abram 74

Brantley 65

Ed (house) 10 York family 81 Yow, Francis 165

Henry 165

Henry (house) 165 Yow'sMill 161

Zeigler, William 54

Zeigler Lodge 54

Zoo SEE North Carolina Zoological Park


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