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for God on the best-seller list

A roundtable discussion


Where God lives

When He cursed the serpent, God con- demned him to slither on the ground and feed on dust. How strange! The serpent will never be hungry. Is that a curse? Yes, and a dreadful one.

Rav Menahem Mendel of Kotzk

As a rather long-term resident of this jittery, alarming and exhaust- ing century, I have learned to take my theology wherever and whenever I can get it. Books have at times been a fairly reliable source, and poetry in particu- lar. Hopkins' line "Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain" has at some moments seemed to me worth a year's supply of sermons, as has Blake's "Nurse's Song" as have some works of music, and even TV on occasion.

Last summer, for example, I was laid up after minor surgery. Alone in the house one afternoon, I was drifting in the easy chair between pain and Percocet and awoke to find the TV running and tuned to "Club Dance," which emanates from a country- western palace in Texas, where people as real as you and me dance past a camera that unblinkingly broadcasts their earnest graces and valiant mis- steps as well as the corporeal evidence of every folly, vanity, vice and misfor- tune that can't be concealed by a 10- gallon hat, loose clothing or sunglasses. They were waltzing when I joined them. Man and woman, kid and crone, beer belly and Soloflexer, comb-over artist and femme fatale, on the make and on the mend, they turned and floated across the screen a line dance out of Brueghel by way of the Ponde- rosa. It took me a moment to find the gentle pulse to which they were mov- ing and then to discern the song that propelled them on its chorus of conso-

lation: "But when I get to heaven, I know He'll let me in." In my weakened state, the scene moved me to tears, a healing moment when I surely needed one. I was still glowing from the expe- rience (or maybe the Percocet) when my wife came home. "I've seen Truth on television," I said.

Once asked by a provocateur

whether he could revive the

dead, he responded coolly,

"Of course I can, but I prefer

to revive the living. "

Rav Menahem Mendel of Kotzk, one of the few theologians from whom I take my theology these days, would certainly have understood. "Where does God live?" he once asked a group of his followers. They were puzzled. God lives everywhere. No, Menahem Mendel replied, "God lives where man lets him."

The Hasidic movement, of which MenahemMendel (1787-1859) was the last great interpreter, took root in early 18th-century Eastern Europe as a re- vivalist reaction to stricter forms of scholastic Judaism. It was revolution- ary and daring, a sanctification of joy and fervor. It was jazz as compared with the rigorous classical forms that came before it, and Menahem Mendel was its final, iconoclastic genius, its Miles Davis rueful, brooding, minimalistic, provocative. The Hasidic movement survived Menahem Mendel, as jazz sur- vived Miles, but it's all repertory now.

Menahem Mendel left no printed works behind. What survives comes from memories. The result is a shim- mery pointillist portrait of a man who took every risk, who preached, "The

middle of the road is for horses."

He was a rabbi who praised the biblical Pharaoh for his bravery in stand- ingup to God; who settled in the village of Kotzk, Poland, after the local Jews greeted his arrival with a fusillade of stones, leading him to remark, "A good omen they aren't indifferent here"; and who once told a follower who com- plained that a hard life kept him from study and prayer: "And how are you sure that God doesn't prefer your tears and suffering to your study and prayer?"

Remarks like that cost him friends and followers, but in his search for truth, Menahem Mendel gave no quar- ter and asked for none. "Holy revela- tion [has] deteriorated into habit," he said. Habit, even the habit of miracles, was suspect in Kotzk. Once asked by a provocateur whether he could revive the dead (and so prove himself a won- der-working rabbi in the Hasidic tradi- tion), he responded coolly, "Of course I can, but I prefer to revive the living."

Elie Wiesel called Menahem Mendel "a stranger to his own generation." In the end the alienation was too great a burden. At age 52 he had a breakdown. He spent the next 20 years a recluse, writing his thoughts each day and burn- ing the manuscript each night. One night, alone in the room, he cried out to the passing watchman, asking if he'd heard the footsteps. What footsteps? the watchman asked. "My ears can still perceive the sound of His steps, but His voice no longer reaches me," Menahem Mendel replied. If no other of his words remained to establish his kinship with our own time, those would do.

Our story on late-20th-century ef- forts to hear transcendent sounds be- gins on page 16.

Ben Birnbaum



Ben Birnbaum


Charlotte Bruce Harvey


Bruce Morgan


John Ombelets


Susan Callaghan


Gary Gilbert


Geoffrey Why '88


Valerie Sullivan '90

Boston College Magazine is published quar- terly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) by Boston College, with editorial offices at the Office of Publications & Print Mar- keting, (617) 552-4820. FAX: (617) 552- 2441. ISSN 0885-2049. Second-class postage paid at Boston, Mass., antf addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to Office of Publications & Print Marketing, 122 College Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02 167.

Copyright ©1995 Trustees of Boston College. Printed in U.S.A. All publica- tion rights resened.

Opinions expressed in Boston College Magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the University. BCM is distrib- uted free of charge to alumni, faculty, staff, donors and parents of undergradu- ate students.


Boston College



Spirituality lite 16

A roundtable discussion

Four BC faculty examine America's quest for a new and prefer- ably paperback road to salvation.



By Bruce Morgan

Raised in a gritty New Hampshire mill town, Peter Callahan '96, could never see much of a future for himself. Sudden blindness at age 26 would change all that.

The return

of the Weston 1 1


By Jan Wojcik '68

A quarter century ago they were part of a startling exodus from the Jesuit order. Last fall they held their first reunion. The tales of a lost generation.


Letters 2

Linden Lane 4

News & Notes 1 1

Advancement 44

Q & A 46

Works & Days 49

ALUMNOTES (follows page 24)

Authentic ignorance

David Plante's memoir of childhood ["Na- tive son," Spring 1995] is delightful reading. The sprinkling of Canuck patois lends the piece an ethnic authenticity that rings true. Poor benighted Canucks! A cultural island with no James Joyce to translate their expe- rience into English. They make fine material for an elitist snob like Plante.

Plante's piece is a good example of dis- guised but continuing "Sambo" literature. Delightful, but not much truth to it, in fact not much to it at all, reflecting more on its author than on its subject. It is soon forgot- ten, a curiosity to be sneered at later.

It is curious that a place like BC should continue to be so ignorant of a great, relevant and defining Catholic tradition as is the Franco-American here. Perhaps the history of Church persecuting Church is too much to bear for BC's Irish roots. In any event, this Canuck invites the BC community out of its narrow ghetto into the wide, wide world of Catholicism. Invitation accepted, BC may even learn what is means to be a university.


Walpole, Massachusetts

Absolute nonsense

Your article ["Absolute Drinan," Spring 1995] needs further clarification as to the reason Fr. Drinan voted for Medicaid fund- ing for abortion. If you are correct, his rea- soning now is that "if it is legal for the rich, it must be for the poor." This is nonsense. Just because the rich are able to kill their own children, it does not follow that the poor should have the same right. In any event his support for abortion rights has had disas- trous consequences because of the cover it gave to politicians such as Tip O'Neill and Ted Kennedy and others in the "personally opposed but . . ." camp.


Prairie Village, Kansas

I graduated from BC in 1967 and was imme- diately thrust into the Vietnam dilemma. I was drafted, served honorably and came back to make a life for myself. I was disgusted by


some of Fr. Drinan's rhetoric. I was ashamed of him as a BC graduate and as a Roman Catholic.

I concede that he was right about Richard Nixon (I never voted for him). But Drinan's vote on abortion funding from Medicaid funds is an absolute disgrace. On a moral basis it opened the floodgates to millions of abortions (many of which were an alterna- tive for birth control).

What troubles me most is the absolute lack ot challenge and objectivity in the ar- ticle. Fr. Drinan and his admirers are not alone in their concerns for social justice. It is people like Bob Drinan who turned the crimi- nal justice system upside down and inside out. Why no question on that? A simple question: "Fr. Drinan, do you think that Bill Clinton supports the values and goals of the American working family?" I, for one, would expect that he would answer in the affirma- tive. Out here in the real world, this presi- dent is viewed as a disaster. Here is a lawyer who never tried a case. His main goal in life was to be elected to higher office. As a law professor, what is Drinan's view of such political animals?


Bedford, New Hampshire


Some of the things discussed by Judith Shindul-Rothschild ["Careless: hospitals cut too close to the bone," Q&A, Spring 1995] are certainly true. Hospital lengths of stay are shorter, there is a tendency toward man- aged care, and hospital costs are not low. But that's about all that I agree with. First of all, the nurse is not and never should be the focal point in health care. Yes, the nurse is an integral part of caring for a patient. Yes, the nurse should be well trained and well paid. But the use of licensed practical nurses and certified nurses aides is appropriate and nec- essary in today's health care scene.

The focus of health care always rests with the physician. The doctor determines diag- nosis, treatment and length of stay (govern- ment regulations aside). My guess is that if a physician was asked the same questions Shindul-Rothschild was asked, the answers would have been substantially different.

Perhaps the next time you venture into an arena as complicated as this one and I be- lieve that you should you may wish to ques- tion a panel of a physician, a nurse and a health care administrator. The answers might be a bit more balanced and reasonable rather than biased and pointed toward the well- being of nurses. And don't get me wrong, I love nurses. I'm even married to one. But health care management does not deserve the incessant raps that it has been receiving from one component of the industry.

But then, I've been a health care worker and administrator for only 45 years. And, I know, I don't have all the answers.


St. Louis, Missouri


As one who left Catholicism for agnosticism and later moved through that to eventually become a priest in an alternative religious faith, I was refreshed by Suzanne Matson's essay ["Coming out"] in the Spring 1995 Linden Lane. The inclusion of this essay in BCM helps me to feel that there is room for people like me in the BC community. In this urgent, late time in which we find ourselves, it seems that only by actively cooperating with and tolerating each other, no matter our beliefs or lack of them, will we ever touch peace in our lifetimes.


Washington, D.C.

Look homeward

"Homeward bound" [News & Notes, Spring 1995] reminded me of why I vowed never to contribute a dime to BC (although the ab- surdity of a foreign monarch exhorting the Class of 1993 to be "socially conscious" is pretty fresh in my memory and still makes me gag from time to time).

The last time I checked, the homosexual "lifestyle" was still considered an abomina- tion by Catholic doctrine. The last time I checked, BC was still considered a Catholic institution.

Hence my problem: why was a syrupy article concerning a student's transcendence


into homosexuality and his family's unques- tioning acceptance printed in the periodical of a Catholic university? And furthermore, what exactly is the function of the Commit- tee on Sexual Diversity within this same Catholic university? Am I naive to hope that this committee is not officially sanctioned and gets no funding from the school? Bisexu- ality was fashionable when I was at BC; is it part of the core curriculum now?

Out of this idiocy, one thing seems clear. Boston College, like so many other of our once-vaunted institutions, is only too willing to pander slavishly to the vapid political fancies of the times and thinks nothing of carelessly discarding our ancient values like so much useless refuse.


Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania

Editor's note: The Committee on Sexual Di- versity was created in 1993 to provide a forum for topics related to sexuality and to sponsor educational programs that explore related developmental issues.

Thank you for "Homeward bound: a gay student and his family talk of transformation and continuity." I was so pleased to read about the forum at which the Greers spoke. As the gay community continues its struggle for civil rights, it is people like Joe and his family who are leading the way in breaking down negative stereotypes.


Somerville, Massachusetts

I am extremely proud that Boston College presented such an important program. It proves once again that Boston College is a great university that understands that the exchange of ideas should not be feared; that instead, such an exchange should be aspired to as fulfilling the highest ideal of an institu- tion of learning. I applaud the Greer family for their courage and love. They clearly know the real meaning of "family values."


New York City

I was present in the Fulton Debate Room when Joseph Greer and his family shared the story ofjoe's "coming out." The Committee on Sexual Diversity has carried forward on the Boston College promise to end the si- lence within our community on matters of sexual orientation. The Greer family witness

carries forward that work with dignity, in- tegrity and reconciling potential for lesbian, gay and bisexual graduates, faculty and ad- ministrators.

Silence on the issue of human sexuality has been a profound disservice of universi- ties that have otherwise hoped and worked to be fully attentive to the needs of students. We must take responsibility for the silence of the past and for current opportunities to teach and to heal.


Danvers, Massachusetts

Editor's note: The writer is co-founder of the Lambda Association, an organization of gay and lesbian BC graduates.

Kudos to the Greer family for their courage and their honesty. Their process of accept- ing Joe's homosexuality can teach us all a lesson about struggles, acceptance and love.


Nashua, New Hampshire

As a Catholic campus minister I feel it cru- cial that our educational and religious insti- tutions address the issue of sexual orientation with honesty, intelligence and compassion rather than from a posture of fear, which unfortunately distinguishes our current so- cial climate. I work with many faith-filled young adults who painfully, and perhaps unnecessarily, struggle as they confront their homosexuality, particularly within the Christian community, which often demon- izes such persons.


Eemdale, Michigan

I have one question concerning the printing of "Homeward bound." Cut Bono?


Waltham, Massachusetts

The Greer family is truly a model of Chris- tian love and relationship. In presenting this family's story, Boston College reaffirms what is best in its Christian humanist tradition and demonstrates the importance of this tradi- tion to contemporary American social and political culture.


Binghamton, New York

I laughed when I saw the article entitled "Coming out" about a non-Catholic professor's struggle with Boston College's Jesuit identity because I thought that's as close as BC would ever come to acknowledg- ing that anyone has anything to "come out" about. So I was thrilled to flip the page and see "Homeward bound."

I stayed in the closet while a student out of both self-loathing and genuine fear of harassment, and the two are well connected, as "Homeward bound" points out. I am glad that BC is now running support programs for gay and lesbian students and their fami- lies. The highest Jesuit ideal is care of the person and this means all persons. The programs described in "Coming out" and "Homeward bound" are critical to the suc- cess of Boston College because through such programs all persons can learn positive ways they can contribute to the Jesuit mission of the school and to the world beyond.


Scranton, Pennsylvania

Bravo and thankyou for "Homeward bound." I thought the article was well written and courageous, especially in light of the climate of hatred and prejudice against gays and lesbians. Such injustice has cancerous effects on our communities and, unfortunately, I have seen it at work in the Boston College community. It is essential that Boston Col- lege be an example of strength, compassion and injustice. Our Jesuit tradition challenges us to answer God's call to seek justice and to build loving relationships and families.

KIMBERLY FRAPPIER '93 Seattle, Washington

I was one of many contributing gay and lesbian members of the BC family. Due to the rather extreme level of homophobia at BC, however, we were almost invisible until recently. Thanks to individuals such as Joe Greer and to the Committee on Sexual Di- versity, BC is on its way to becoming a place where being gay doesn't automatically mean having to lie about one's sexual identity.


Washington, D.C.

BCM welcomes letters from readers. Letters must be signed to be published and may be edited for clarity and length. Our fax number is (617) 552-2441, and our e-mail address is




Silence and dust

Fifty years after the Nuremberg War Trial, a former prosecutor makes his reckoning

Senator Robert A. Taft and other illuminati once cursed the Nur- emberg Trial as a war crime in itself the victor's justice out for blood. That judgment reminds me of a comment one of my distinguished colleagues made about Senator Taft: he had the finest mind in the U.S. Senate until he made it up. I submit that Nuremberg was more than the idle chatter of inconsequential jurisprudential apparatchiks; I think it will last until lips are silent and tongues are dust, for three solid reasons.

First, Nuremberg established in in- ternational law the proposition that ag- gressive war is the greatest of all crimes; it comprehends all the other sins and offenses that are even conceivable. If to plot and plan and carry into execution a war of aggression, with all that went with it, is not criminal, how can we hold pickpockets and share pushers and land developers in jail?

Second, Nuremberg laid down the proposition that there would be indi- vidual accountability for individual par- ticipation in the planning, waging and carrying out of a war of aggression. In other words, if aggressive war comes, not only do the GIs and the corporals die, but so do the captains and the kings, the industrialists, the financiers, the bankers, the generals and the admirals, the presidents, the prime ministers, the secretaries of political parties, and all their cabals, coteries and co-conspirators. Into their hands, as Nuremberg's first chief prosecutor, Justice Robert H. Jackson,

By Thomas Lambert, Jr.

said, "we will pass the poisoned chalice." Third, as far as I know, Nuremberg was the first postmortem analysis of a totalitarian state: how does it come about? What are the forces that drive and shape it? What are its ends and aims? How can God-fearing, brother-loving people con- front it and oppose it?

John Wyant, the former governor of New Hampshire, and the U.S. ambassa- dor to Great Britain during World War II, once told me the lesson we were learning from the Nazis was that next time we must not wait until the sun is gleaming on the bayonets. You take this dragon of totalitarianism when it is an eggshell and stamp it out and do not wait until it is ordering democracies from the menu a la carte.

I submit to you that the record of Nuremberg is an anvil that will outlast the hammers of the critics. Justice Jack- son was not his own best PR man in fact, he had a disdain for the concept of public relations but he had vision. He was a man of high vision and low visibil- ity, not one of low vision and high vis- ibility. We had those, too, atNuremberg, but he was decidedly not one. He showed us that a trial lawyer needed to be at the same time a master of the microscope and a master of the telescope. I think of the story of the New Englander who was out climbing the mountains in Califor- nia with an Indian guide. The New En- glander had a lot of trouble. When he kept his eye on the polestar, he didn't get lost, but he kept stumbling, fumbling,


falling all over the trail. When he kept his eye on the trail before him, he didn't stumble, fumble or fall, but he kept getting lost. The Indian guide said that the white man needs the near look and the far vision. And that's what we got at Nuremberg from Justice Jackson.

He said we are here to punish wrongs which in their enormity and their calcu- lation were not crimes of inadvertence or ingrained stupidity; these were planned and plotted and carried into execution by an evil fusion of science, technology and lunatic efficiency that was designed to occupy Germany and dominate the world. There were des- pots before Hitler, but here, for the first time, you had the industrial urban state: you had people who knew how to be masters of the mobilized, moronic mind; you had an orchestration and a deploy- ment of all the resources of the modern state. That made this particular chal- lenge to the rule of law unique. The Nazis made modern barbarism almost contemporary and chic.

Justice Jackson was not without a sense of humor. I remember one night at a skull session he said, "Don't try to make your case by an overinvocation of legal history. That's too much like oxtail soup; it's going too far back to find something good." He said you mustn't give a talk, you mustn't hold a confer- ence, you mustn't write a song unless it's an ice pick to break up what Franz Kafka called "the frozen sea inside us." The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.


Thomas Lambert (far right) and his former colleagues with Chief Nuremberg Prosecutor Telford Taylor (front) on the Law School campus.

What do I mean by applying that to Nuremberg? After Nuremberg I lec- tured at synagogues from Portland, Maine, down to Key West, Florida, and I always found I had the same trouble when I would say "the systematic perse- cution and killing of 6 million Jews." I would look at the faces before me, and that figure made little impact. It was just like saying 6 million Suzuki Samurais or 6 million billiard balls; it didn't reach people. A statistic is a human being with the tears wiped off. But what would reach them was the story of Anne Frank a child-girl, in her teens, waiting at the top of the staircase with the din of the storm troopers' bullets in her ears, trem- bling on the threshold of destruction. That's the ice pick.

Another example is the testimony of SS General Ohlendorf. He was in civvies when I saw him. Amild-mannered man diminutive, not without his own special breed of inverted charm cool, laid back

like the vice president of a bank in charge of the loan department. "How many people were your Einsatz-gruppe respon- sible for the systematic killing of?" he was asked of one of his operations.

He hesitated. He was thoughtful. "Well, it was somewhere between 90,000 and 100,000," he said, a small smile play- ing around his lips. "You must allow me a margin of error." We pointed out that other small special-action groups which followed the armies into the east claimed more than his total. He spat back, "But my methods were more efficient."

"What do you mean they were more efficient?"

"They used gas vans," he said. "And toward the end of the war with the disorganization it became harder and harder to get replacement parts for the gas vans. Also, we would tell the inmates that they were just being relocated, but they knew, and the wailing, the lamenta- tions for the dead, would begin when

Wow many people were your Einsatz-gruppe re- sponsible for the systematic killing of?" Ohlendorf was asked. He was thoughtful. "Well, it was somewhere between 90,000 and 100,000, " he said, a small smile playing around his lips. "You must allow me a margin of error. "



these vans were driven through the coun- tryside. The German civil population would hear it, and it depressed their morale. Gas vanning was hard on the German civil population. My methods were more efficient." , "What do you mean more efficient? "

"Well, after my men shot them, I allowed them to shovel dirt on them. It relaxed their nerves. You might say I did it out of consideration of humanity."

Now I know and you know that in every part of the world there are serial killers psychotics. But this Ohlendorf was not a sporadic psychotic thrown up from the bowels of the earth by cosmic forces. Nazi civilization was designed to breed the Ohlendorfs of the world. I ask you to consider briefly: if they had got the V-weapons program operational six months earlier and it had shattered the invasion ports from which Operation Overlord was mounted, would we have ever been able to do it? And if the Nazis had carried out their final plan, using Germany as a springboard from which to dominate the world, they would be in charge of your media, your law schools, your schools of theology and your medi- cal schools not only those, but also your kaffeeklatsches, your backyard fence and your PTA.

We have not, of course, suppressed all aggressive wars around the world. But isn't it better even if we cannot banish them from the face of the earth isn't it important and gratifying that sometime in our long, painful climb upward from the caves and savage isola- tion into the cities and a semblance of civilization that we've stood up and said, "Even if we can't abolish it, we condemn it"? In our condemnation we crystallize our conscience. From now on it will be easier for those so minded to condemn the aggression into Kuwait than it would have been before. Nuremberg couldn't do everything. Something had to be left for you and your children and the on- going life of reason. The work is incom- plete, but the precedent has been laid down the power of the beaten track. Lastly, I believe international law does

not consist of a set of treaties and com- pacts and assurances, merely. It also has its invisible line of growth. As Roger J. Traynor, that magnificent magistrate, chief justice from California, once said, "the common law is not finished, and with luck it never will be." Why cannot the same be true of international law? It grows, as one of my colleagues said, with glacial speed. It's invisible but verifiable. Every now and then you see on TV a volcanic island being born before your eyes. Nuremberg was such a moment, when the life of reason leapt forward, took high ground and held it.

If this is so, we can narrow the gap between where we are and where we ought to be, and it may yet well be the dawn and not the dust of the gods. And there is always the ultimate injunction of the Sisyphean legend: it isn't necessary to hope in order to persevere.

Thomas Lambert, Jr., holds an endowed profes- sorship in his name at Suffolk University Lais School. He was one of six Nuremberg prosecutors who spoke this spring at the seventh annual conference of BC Law School's Owen M. Kupferschmid Holocaust and Human Rights Project. This essay is taken fro?n his remarks.

The decision

In a letter to student petitioners, Fr. Monan details BC's reasons for turning down a registration bid from a gay student group

Editor's- note: The following is an edited version of a letter from Fr. Monan to gradu- ate students David Leonard and Kathleen Mackin and Ryan Brady '96. The three had earlier this year petitioned the University for formal registration of a gay student group. [See story on page 1 3.]

June 15, 1995

Dear David, Kathy and Ryan: I am writing in response to your request for registration of a student organization under the title of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community at Boston College. Since, at your request, I have met and discussed the matter with some of you and have personally heard from a num- ber of other members of the community, I have chosen to convey a decision on your application in my own name.

. . . Your request did not arise within a cultural vacuum. Three years ago the University received a request for regis- tration of an almost identical constitu- tion. At that time we devoted very extensive study and consultation to as-

certain what means would educationally and developmentally best serve the Uni- versity and all of our undergraduate stu- dents in better understanding the role and importance of their individual sexu- ality and successfully integrating it within their total personal development. That study resulted in the formation of a creative organization that had the chal- lenging task of promoting educational programs to assist in the successful for- mation of individual personality for all students during the transitional years of undergraduate education.

The College did not believe at that time that the formal registration of a student organization of gay, lesbian and bisexual persons was in the best interests of the College or individual undergradu- ate students and therefore declined for- mal registration. The College continues in that belief.

The reason for this position in no way reflects an obligation stemming from the Catholic character of Boston Col- lege. The background materials you pro- vided indicate that you are already aware



of our own clear understanding that the University is under no religious obliga- tion as a Catholic institution to refuse registration to every form of gay, lesbian organization. Both the Catholic Church and most other religious traditions rec- ognize that sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual, is in no way morally blameworthy or sinful. Al- though constitutions of gay, lesbian stu- dent groups differ significantly from institution to institution, a number of Catholic colleges and universities have recognized some form of student orga- nization based on sexual orientation.

This is precisely the course, however, that Boston College chooses not to fol- low. Sexual orientation is perhaps one of the most personal and private elements of an individual's personality. The full achievement of one's sexual identity and its integration within total personality is a complex developmental process whose stages are markedly different for entering first-year college students and for ad- vanced graduate students. If students wish to communicate their orientation to oth- ers, and there is today an increasing will- ingness to do so, they should enjoy complete freedom to do so. On the other hand, whatever the practice at other uni- versities, Boston College does not con- sider it to be in the best interests of our students or of our community to establish structures that categorize students on the basis of characteristics as personal and private as their sexual orientation.

The categories we use to define one another are always in some sense self- defining and limiting. They in some sense reduce what we are to one aspect of our personhood. Although the use of categories in self description is a neces- sity of language, Boston College consid- ers it singularly reductionist to create institutionally recognized structures that categorize students according to their sexual orientation.

Finally, I wish to reflect briefly on the observation contained in both our con- versation and your document to the effect that registration would add nothing sub- stantive to the understanding and sup- port which the University already provides

to our gay and lesbian students, but that it would be symbolically important as proof of their acceptance as students and as persons by the College. On the con- trary, the University's policies and un- ambiguous actions carry the implicit and more powerful message that, no matter whether students are heterosexual, ho- mosexual or as yet struggling with ambi- guity, each is fully accepted as a person and a valued Boston College student.

... As a private institution, Boston College does frame its policies and ex- pectations regarding student conduct on the basis of moral values, some of which derive from its Catholic charac- ter. As noted, it has long been the posi- tion of the Church that, since homosexual orientation is not a freely chosen human act, it is no way blameworthy; together with many other religious groups, how- ever, the Church's consistent position has been that homogenital acts are mor- ally wrong. While respecting the diver- sity of religious and philosophical belief among the student body, there are nev- ertheless a number of University poli- cies regarding conduct that reflect the University's distinctive moral values, [and] I want to avoid any misunder- standing others may have with regard to the College's prerogatives in establish- ing standards of campus conduct.

The fact that you have attached a particular symbolic meaning to the pro- cess of registering student organizations, will, I recognize, make this response to your request a greater disappointment than it otherwise might have been. I can assure you, however, of Boston College's continued uncompromising dealing with any form of harassment or intolerance based on sexual orientation. More im- portantly, the University will seek your continued assistance in providing its many substantive forms of educational and social support to all of our students through the critical intellectual and per- sonal development of their undergradu- ate years.


J. Donald Monan, SJ


Doston College considers it singularly reductionist to create institutionally recognized structures that categorize students according to their sexual orientation.




From a new book, a theory on why the Boston Irish came to value family over individualism, and security over personal achievement

By Thomas O'Connor

In the 19th century the

death of Irish fathers in

their late thirties or early

forties was so common that

Boston V Theodore Parker

referred to these men as a

"perishing class" and

observed that he rarely

encountered a 'gray-haired

Irishman. '

Early 1 9th-century Boston was a city of fatherless boys Irish-American sons whose fathers had died young, bro- ken by poverty, hard labor and disease. When their mothers took menial jobs to keep their families together, the sons did, too, dropping out of school at an early age. It's a pattern so striking that it is impossible to dismiss as mere coinci- dence. Some of Boston's most promi- nent politicians came from these circumstances: Martin Lomasney, Pat- rick A. Collins, Patrick Kennedy, John

F. Fitzgerald, James Michael Curley. The premature death of so many heads of families left a tragic mark on the community, and its legacy haunts the Boston Irish still.

In the first decades of the 19th cen- tury, positions for unskilled laborers were so scarce that immigrant fathers took jobs no one else would take. They wore themselves out digging, shoveling, lift- ing, hauling and dragging, laboring for 10, 12, 14 hours a day with seldom a breakand never a vacation. Ralph Waldo

The fate of a working man a crew lays gas pipes beneath the streets of Dorchester, Massachusetts, July 26, 1901.


Emerson once wrote his friend Henry David Thoreau describing his astonish- ment at discovering Irish laborers who regularly worked a 15 -hour day for no more than 50 cents. Considering the nature of the jobs, the long hours and the general inexperience of the immi- grant workers, it is not surprising that they fell victim to industrial accidents at a staggering rate. One Irishman was struck by the almost daily litany of disas- ters reported in the papers: "an Irishman drowned an Irishman crushed by a beam an Irishman suffocated in a pit an Irishman blown to atoms by a steam- engine 10, 20 Irishmen buried alive."

The hours, the poverty, the over- crowding and the unsanitary conditions in which workers were forced to live caused outbreaks of tuberculosis, influ- enza, cholera, typhus and other illnesses that carried off still more young immi- grant fathers; cardiovascular disease took an extraordinary toll of Irish-American males and continued to do so for gen- erations. Indeed, the death of Irish fa- thers in their late thirties or early forties was so common that Boston's Theodore Parker referred to these men as a "per- ishing class" and observed on one occa- sion that he rarely encountered a "gray-haired Irishman."

Because there was seldom enough in- surance or other financial assistance to support the widows and children, the mother usually became central to a family's will to survive after the father's death, impressing upon her children the necessity to "stick together." To support the family, she scrubbed floors in a nearby hotel or rooming house during the day- time, or took up lodgings in a private home in the Back Bay or nearby Brookline as a domestic servant. Children accepted their responsibility to help maintain the family as a fact of life the inevitable consequence of living in this vale of tears. They went out into the streets at age five or six to peddle newspapers, run errands, shine shoes, pick coal or rummage through the junkyards for salable items. At 12 or 13, they usually left school and took full-time jobs handling freight on the piers or carrying hods of bricks on

construction projects.

Although in most cases, with every- body working and with help from aunts, uncles and cousins, families were able to survive and even occasionally prosper, the impact of this personal trauma and social dislocation must have produced incalculable psychological effects. Wil- liam Shannon, author of The Irish, has suggested it "pulled the family inward." The death of the father focused the children more intensely than ever on the importance of the family in their lives and often made family the consideration upon which they based decisions for the rest of their lives. It also centered the love and devotion of the children on the mother, who assumed an almost mythi- cal position in Irish-Catholic society. With this collective history, many Irish Americans in Boston persisted in the personal insecurity and national paro- chialism their ancestors brought with them from Ireland long after those char- acteristics had disappeared among other

ethnic groups and even among the Irish in other parts of the country.

At a time in American history when individual ambition was encouraged and personal achievement applauded as cri- teria for success, the loss of a father caused many young Irishmen and Irish- women to subordinate their personal and professional aspirations to the in- terests of the family. Tied to the family, rooted in the neighborhood, devoted to the mother, committed to siblings, the emerging Irish American in Boston was more concerned than ever with the im- mediate comforts of friendship, security and close family ties than with the more distant prospects of riches, refinement and renown.

Emeritus Prof essor of History Thomas 0 'Connor '49, MA '50, has written widely on Boston his- tory. This essay is excerpted fro?n his most recent hook, "The Boston Irish: A Political Histoty" (Northeastern University Press, 1995). It is reprinted by permission.

Telltale heart

Sometimes things go right but still feel wrong

An administrator writes:

One hot morning in late June, I went to a campus meeting with some BC colleagues and a guest a busi- ness consultant. When it was over, a colleague and I adjourned to her office to continue the discussion. We'd hardly been there a minute when our guest returned, his face dark from a four- flight climb. Someone had broken into his car and stolen his cellular phone.

The car was parked in one of the University's outdoor lots, and the three of us went there to wait for the BC Police. The rear window on our guest's car was smashed a hole just large enough to admit an arm.

Next to his imported sedan was an old American car, painted an unlikely

dull black. Maybe it was wall paint. Cer- tainly, it was a shade that had never seen the inside of a showroom. Curiously, although the car appeared to be locked and the windows were rolled up and whole, the interior showed signs of a thorough pillaging. Where the radio should have been, four wires dangled, and the seats were neatly slashed in a pattern of precise, large X's that were incised edge to edge in the seat cushions and back rests, bleeding gray fluff.

As we stood looking at this car, won- dering if it, too, had been broken into, a young man appeared. None of us saw him walk up. He simply appeared. He stood and looked at the car in silence, as if he were considering buying it. "Yours?" we asked. "My brother's," he



I could see from the look on

the face of our guest that he

knew the boy was lying. We

stood and waited for the

police. The boy went and

waited in the sunlight

beside his car, not moving,

as though his feet were

anchored in the asphalt.

said; and, showing us the stub of a bro- ken car key, he told us he was waiting for his brother to come with a spare so he could go out for lunch. He was about 1 7, a boy really, with a reedy mustache and a reedy Hispanic accent. You work at BC? we asked. Yes, he had a summer job in a nearby office. We asked if the radio had been stolen from his car. No, he replied, that was how the car was. Our guest showed the boy his smashed win- dow and asked if he'd seen any suspi- cious activity. No, the boy said, looking sympathetically at the damage, he hadn't. Our guest asked him how long his car had been parked there. The boy replied that it had been there since eight that morning. I could see from the look on the face of our guest that he knew the boy was lying. We stood and waited for the police. The boy went and waited in the sunlight beside his car, not moving, as though his feet were anchored in the asphalt.

I went to talk with him. He told me he was a junior at a public high school in Boston and that he'd gotten his BC job through a city program that found sum- mer work for Boston teenagers. To keep us out of trouble and off the streets, he said or words to that effect. The high school he attended had recently gained local infamy by losing its academic ac- creditation, and I asked him how he was going to graduate under that condition. He told me that it wasn't a real problem the diploma would be issued by another of Boston's high schools. Ah, I said, as though that made sense to me. He said the school he attended wasn't as bad as the media had made it out to be. We then talked about his BC job, which consisted of filing pieces of paper and delivering other pieces of paper around the campus, and he agreed with me that it was a very good summer job, no heavy lifting or words to that effect. He told me he planned to go into the army when he graduated from high school and to save enough money to go to college. He said he wanted to go to college full-time, without having also to work. I told him I had worked while going to college, and it had taken me seven years to finish my degree. The

boy made a whooshing sound and smiled. "I could never do that," he said. I said it wasn't so bad, and once you had the degree, you had your life ahead of you or words to that effect.

Then a patrolman on a bicycle ar- rived, and soon after came the detectives with fingerprint kits and other crime- detection paraphernalia. Questions were asked of us, and the answers recorded in notebooks. A reported witness was sought. IDs were confirmed and stories reconfirmed. It was approaching noon and groups of lunchgoers paused to watch the activity before driving off. I saw a middle-aged man who worked in the office where the boy worked go up to him and ask if he was all right. The boy nodded, his jaw set, not looking in any particular direction. I saw a detective whisper something to the boy. The boy nodded, and the detective quickly pat- ted the boy down from behind. The middle-aged man from the office the boy worked in had backed away. He stood and watched, looking like the ac- cidental witness to a car wreck. My col- league and I had to leave for a scheduled lunch meeting. As we walked away, I heard the boy say to a BC patrolman, "You don't think I did this, do you?" "That's a funny question to ask," I heard the patrolman say. "Why would I think that?"

When we returned to the parking lot an hour later, the lunchgoers were gone, and the boy was gone, but some of the police were still there, and so was a lock- smith, who was on his knees, working on the trunk of the black car. I returned to my office. My colleague called me later that afternoon, just before I left for home. They had found the telephone and a crowbar in the car. The boy had given up an accomplice, a pal with a reportedly impressive record of criminal activity. The boy had been arraigned; the accom- plice was being sought.

Everything had worked the way it was supposed to the investigation, the apprehension of a suspect, even the re- turn of the stolen property to our guest. So why did I go home heartsick?




Student center project is reborn as part of a new Gothic-style development on the main campus

The complex (above) comprises a new academic building (labeled 1 ), a student center (2) and a replace- ment for McElroy (3).

BC has announced plans to com- plete the last underdeveloped sec- tion of the Middle Campus in the Gothic architectural style of the University's hallmark buildings. The linchpin of the project is the relocation of the proposed student center from a planned site behind the O'Neill Library to the corner of Beacon Street and College Road the current site of McElroy Commons and its parking lot. The new plan calls for a three-building com- plex comprising an academic building, a student center and a replacement for McElroy. The project also includes the renova- tion and expansion of Carney Hall, adjacent to McElroy, in the

same Gothic style, and an under- ground parking lot.

Pending approvals, construc- tion of the academic building and student center will begin in March 1996 and conclude in September 1997. McElroy will then be torn down and its replacement erected by December 2000. The work on Carney Hall will begin in 1997 and conclude two years later.

Trustees approved the plans in June, the same month in which the University was to have broken ground for a new student center on the Lower Campus. Executive Vice President Frank Campanella said the change in plans was driven by an opportunity to "revitalize" the southwest area of Middle

Campus, add a new academic quadrangle to an architecturally neglected area, and recapture the University's architectural style for the campus gateway at Beacon Street. The new plan also allows BC to house student organiza- tions in one area rather than split- ting them between the Lower Campus center and a refurbished McElroy, as had been planned. "These buildings are going to be here for 100 years," Campanella said. "We need to take a good long look at what's going to be involved and do it right."

BC is now seeking responses to, and support of, the project from neighbors and municipal of- ficials in Newton and Boston.


Kiefer wanted to market Pops on the

Heights ball caps.

"We told her it

wouldn't be a good

idea," said Stone.

"Students take their

caps seriously; their

caps say something

about them."

Summer stock

Pops on the Heights takes on a youthful cast with help from a youthful cast of planners

Conte Forum dressed up as an enchanted forest? Hardly your father's Pops on the Heights. But this year the three- year-old rite of fall the Boston Pops concert to benefit BC's scholarship fund is aiming for a younger affect: sort of Disney meets Sousa. According to Karen Kelly Kiefer, BC's behind-the- scenes Pops maestro, this year's event will feature more student singers and musicians on the bill, some performing at the pre- concert cocktail reception and others at small stages thrown up around Conte.

Driving it all is the Pops on the Heights Student Task Force and its auxiliary group in set de- sign; all told, some 25 peppy young men and women who are spending the summer toiling on the September 15 show. Junior

Megan Kerrigan's mood a con- tinual bubbly simmer is repre- sentative. "It's a great event," she says. "There's nothing else like it on campus the rest of the year, and it benefits students, so I re- ally want to make it work."

The student set designers are puzzling out the enchanted- forest look which plays on this year's student-driven theme of "To change, to grow, to become." Unfurling his design drawings at a late-June task force meeting, Greg Park '97, directs attention to a plastic and somewhat surreal- looking wishing well, explaining that when singing groups are not using the well as a performance venue, people can climb on it, use it as a prop for family snapshots even toss coins into it. "It's part of a whole interactive design we're working on to encourage the au-

On site with a summer of work still ahead of them, members of the Pops student planning group gather at the Conte Forum venue.

dience to be part of the show," the theater arts major says.

The task force members, meanwhile, have been address- ing mailing labels and gently prodding potential sponsors while also lending their youthful vision to the proceedings. "We're representing the student point of view, and that's something they've missed in the past," said task force chairman Keith Stone '96. It's already paid off, he said. Kiefer wanted to market Pops on the Heights ball caps to students in addition to the T-shirts that have been standard. "We told her it wouldn't be a good idea," said Stone. "Students take their caps seriously; their caps say something about them, so they won't wear just anything." The idea was shelved.

At the same meeting that fea- tured Park's wishing-well con- cept, Kiefer broke the news that John Williams could not con- duct due to movie commitments, and that composer Marvin Hamlisch would be filling in. "How should Hamlisch be mar- keted?" she asked.

Once they found out who Hamlisch was, the students warmed to the task. Emily Tiberio '97, who is writing copy for the Pops program, opined that BC students would respond to public- ity focusing on Hamlisch's movie and stage credits. There were vig- orous nods all around. "If he's done the music for A ChonisLine, he's got to be good," shrugged Tim Gavin '98, a task force mem- ber who has benefited from a Pops scholarship.

Then, like a general walking her lieutenants through a battle plan, Kiefer flew on to the next topic student ticket sales. The lieutenants listened closely. There were 1 1 weeks to go.


Private lives

Gay and lesbian student group is declined in bid for formal registration

Calling sexual orientation "one of the most personal and private elements of an individual's personality," Boston College has turned down an ap- plication for formal registration of a gay student organization.

The decision was conveyed in a June 1 5 letter from University President J. Donald Monan, SJ, to the three student petitioners for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community at Boston College (LGBC).

The president said in his let- ter that while homosexual orien- tation was of itself "in no way morally blameworthy or sinful" and that several Catholic colleges had recognized gay student or- ganizations, "this is precisely the course . . . Boston College chooses

not to follow." He said that stu- dents who wished to communi- cate their sexual orientation to others should have the freedom to do so but that Boston College would not "establish structures that categorize students on the basis of characteristics as personal and private as their sexual orien- tation." Observing that all terms of self-identification are to some degree limiting, Fr. Monan added that the practice of creating "in- stitutional structures" to identify individuals by sexual orientation was "singularly reductionist." [Editor's note: an edited version of Fr. Monan's letter appears on page 6.]

Petitioner Ryan Brady '96, a co-director of LGBC, said he be- lieved the University's decision


ran counter "to the progress and change that has been unfolding in recent years." David Leonard, PhD'96, another of the petition- ers, said that while LGBC was still considering its formal re- sponse, its members were "heart- ened by expressions of support, both before and since the president's announcement."

According to Dean of Stu- dents Robert Sherwood, gay and lesbian students currently are al- located space for meetings and programs and receive funding for educational programs through the Committee on Sexual Diver- sity, which was founded three years ago to sponsor and pro- mote programs dealing with sexual identity.

When I was asked to speak to you today, my mind raced ahead of the invitation, imagining what bromides of advice, truth, profundity, could serve to solemnify this important occasion. I was on the point of refusing why embarrass both of us with the paucity of my wisdom when [A&S Associate] Dean [Marie] McHugh mentioned that my time could be filled anyway I pleased, with a reading of my poems, for instance. Now, any poet snaps to attention at an invitation to read her work, and my mind then began working in a different direction: how many poems would I read, which ones, and how would I relate them to your accomplishments, which we are gathered to celebrate? The idea of offering poems as a way to mark this celebration seemed right: poems, like any made art, are by their nature gifts to others. They are the traces of the poet's attention to things; as such, they bear witness to another's way of being in the world. Poems are our signposts, our touchstones. They do not so much offer advice as much as they reenact experience and the thought accorded to that experience. Think of them not as linguistic artifacts but rather as voices in the air waiting to include you in the conversation. Because of this notion of conversation, let's call it the sociability of poetry, I decided not to read to you only from my own work. Poems I would read and, yes, a few of my own among them, but a solo performance seemed the wrong approach to take today. What I bring is a small chorus of contemporary poets' voices with me W.S. Merwin, Sharon Olds, Denise Levertov, Philip Levine, Elizabeth Bishop and Mary Oliver: scouts reporting back to you on what it is like to be grappling with life at the close of the 20th century.

English faculty member Suzanne Matson speaking at the Cross and Crown honor society induction ceremony in May. Matson's ?nost recent book of poems is Durable Goods.


Three of this year's gradu- ates received Fulbright Fel- lowships. Scott McGehee, a doctoral candidate in history, will attend the University of Rome researching 1 8th- and 19th-century Italian agrarian life. At Trier University in Germany, Jennifer Burkart '95, will research manu- scripts produced during Charlemagne's reign. And, at the University of Potsdam in Germany, Neil McDevitt will study links between fascism and 1 9th-century German ideological history.


The Law School's Immigra- tion and Asylum Project has completed its inaugural year offering pro bono legal rep- resentation to indigent asy- lum seekers and immigrants facing deportation. With a grant from the U.S. Depart- ment of Education, 1 5 BC law students have been working through the BC Neighborhood Resource Cen- ter, in Brighton, and the Im- migration and Naturalization Service's detention center in Boston. Clients have included natives of Liberia, Haiti, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Guatemala.


Is a piece of goalpost from the 1941 Sugar Bowl gath- ering dust in your attic? A ticket stub from the 1 949 NCAA hockey championship in your desk drawer? The Athletic Association and Varsity Club are stocking new trophy and memora- bilia cases in Conte Forum. Equipment, uniforms, game programs, photographs and awards will all be consid- ered for placement along- side the likes of Doug Flutie's Heisman Trophy and the women's field hockey team's 1994 championship cup. Potential donors and lenders are asked to contact Reid Oslin at Conte Forum.



BLOWING TIME Bubble gum helps one member of the Class of 1995 pass Commencement morning. The soon-to-be-alumni saw BC confer honorary degrees upon Northern Ireland's Social Democratic and Labor Party leader John Hume, U.S. poet laureate Rita Dove, former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, Wall Street wizard Peter Lynch '65, and Museum of Fine Arts curator Cornelius Vermeule III.

Words apart

Intent of new academic journal is to develop a conversation between religious faith and the arts

Boston College is the home of a new quarterly journal that will explore religious experience and its expression in the verbal, visual and performing arts, ac- cording to editor and English Professor Dennis Taylor.

"We look for discussions of modern artistic works that seek out religious terms, and for new ways of talking about traditional religious experiences in the arts," he said. "We're trying to pro- mote a conversation about the role of religion in cultural studies and its expression in painting,

sculpture, film, architecture and other forms of art about how you integrate religious and secu- lar ways of speaking to these matters."

Religion and the Arts, which is scheduled to debut next March, is an outgrowth of faculty discus- sions that began at the Boston College Jesuit Institute in 1990. In 1993, a grant from the McCarthy Foundation provided support for start-up costs, and a planning committee was formed. Taylor was appointed editor last year, and an advisory board in-

cluding such luminaries as JaroslavPelikan, Harold Bloom, Elie Wiesel and Czeslaw Milosz was named.

"We have a pretty good sense of the scholars who might be in- terested in the journal, " said Tay- lor, who has begun soliciting charter subscriptions and articles from scholars and artists for the new publication. "We are asking for submissions, recommenda- tions and general advice, and thus far the idea of the journal seems to have aroused a lot of interest."


Point after

BC shares national award for football players' graduation rates

Boston College was one of three institutions to receive this year's College Football As- sociation (CFA) Academic Achievement Award for the high- est graduation rate in the nation for football players. The rate of 94.4 percent was calculated for the 1 7 students on football schol- arships who entered the Univer- sity in the fall of 1989. Players at Duke and Wake Forest compiled identical records over those years. An affiliation of 67 colleges who play football at the Division IA level, the CFA calculates

graduation rates based on five years of attendance, but all of the graduating players from BC's Class of 1993 graduated in four years, according to Kevin Lyons, who directs academic advising for the University's student ath- letes and who also was recog- nized by the CFA.

BC had previously won the CFA award in 1992 with a 100 percent graduation rate. Duke, Virginia and Notre Dame are the only other institutions to have won the award twice or more.

"There's nowhere to hide on

this campus when it comes to academics," said Athletic Direc- tor Chet Gladchuk. "Student athletes attend the same courses as other students so they are not only competing at the highest levels on the field but also in the classroom. As a result, our [gradu- ation] numbers are real. They reflect something clearly earned." In the 1 5 years since the CFA began giving the award, the aver- age graduation rate for football players among its members has increased from 49 percent to 58.6 percent.


When Lorie Conway decided to hire History Professor Emeritus Thomas O'Connor for a television job, she had never met him. She had, however, listened to his voice-mail message three times, and she knew he was right for telling tales of former Boston Mayor James Michael Curley and Scollay Square on "Boston: The Way It Was," a history program she was producing for Boston's WGBH-TV. "There was something about his voice that stuck in my head, very easy on the ears, peppered slightly with a Boston accent," she recalled. That O'Connor happened to be an expert on Boston history (see page 8) didn't hurt, either, of course, and then neither did what turned out to be his hitherto-undis- covered affinity for the small screen. "A natu- ral," said Conway. "Completely accessible with an unusual ability to communicate." In fact, O'Connor narrated the hour-long program in one take, after reading the script for less than 30 minutes. And "Boston: The Way it Was" became one of the most successful fund-raising programs of the year for the PBS affiliate, leading Conway to hope nobody else discovers O'Connor and ruins his "unspoiled quality" at least not before she can sign him for her next program. O'Connor said he had indeed planned to let stardom go to his head. But then he ran the show's videotape for his two-year-old grandson, who, expecting Barney, burst into tears of disappointment at the sight of Grandpa.


Gerald P. Fogarty, SJ, the author of works on American and modern Catholic history and a professor at the Univer- sity of Virginia, has been ap- pointed the Thomas I. Gasson, SJ, Professor for the 1 995-96 academic year. Fr. Fogarty is working on a book about U.S.- Vatican relations during World War II. He will teach and present two public lectures dur- ing his residency. Founded by the Boston College Jesuit Com- munity, the Gasson Chair is the University's oldest endowed professorship and is reserved for Jesuit scholars.


Marc Molinsky '95, is one of 14 scholarship athletes to re- ceive a 1995 NCAA scholarship for postgraduate study. The third-best three-point percent- age shooter in BC basketball history and only the seventh player to participate in every game of his collegiate career, Molinsky was this year's Big East Basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Currently poised between an auditor's job at a Big Eight firm and the possibility of an overseas pro basketball career, Molinsky has five years to use the $5,000 scholarship at a university of his choice.


•Francis O. Corcoran, SJ, dean of the College of A&S from 1 95 1 to 1954, on April 7, 1995, at age 89.

•Margaret M. Gorman, RSCJ, a member of the theology and psychology faculties at Newton College of the Sacred Heart and at BC since 1959, on May 16, 1995, at age 75. •Spencer C. MacDonald, director of admissions at the Graduate School of A&S from 1 982 to 1994, on May 26, 1995, at age 66.

•Francis J. Kelly, a professor of counseling psychology in the School of Education since 1965, on July 3, 1995, at age 69.


Four BC faculty discuss America s quest

for a new and preferably paperback

road to salvation



AMERICANS LOVE A SOLUTION. WE LOVE PEOPLE TO show us the way. We love Dale Carnegie and Ann Landers and Dr. Ruth. We love books that tell us how to fix our bodies, our marriages, our businesses even our souls. For the past decade U.S. best-seller lists have chronicled our seemingly insatiable hunger for books telling us how to rediscover the angels within and around us.

It's not an unprecedented phenomenon. Henry David Thoreau's Walden has been in publication for nearly 150 years. But if Walden has endured, it was not an immediate hit. In Pilgrims in Their Own hand: 200 Years of Religion in America, historian Martin E. Marty points out that shortly after Waldetfs publication in 1854, Thoreau commented that his personal library numbered 900 volumes; 700 were copies of Walden, returned by the publisher. The spiritual best-sellers of Thoreau's day are now obscure, Marty notes flashes in the pan of pop history.

BCM recently assigned a reading list of current spiritual best-sellers to four members of the faculty. On April 1 3 we brought them to a quiet room in Bapst Library and turned on a tape recorder. The discussion, which follows, was moderated by Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Patricia De Leeuw.

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Patricia De Leeuw: Let's begin with the phenomenon. In the past year seven books relating to the quest for spiritual fulfillment have made the New York Times's lists of best-sellers. Collectively, they have sold almost 1 3 million copies. One of these books, Scott Peck's Road Less Traveled, in fact, has been on the paperback list for more than 10 years and has sold more than 6 million cop- ies— one for every 16 households in the United States. Clearly there's something going on worth talking about. Paul Schervish: It's that old Boston prob- lem: how do you get from here to there? People have a yearning for a spiritual life. What Peck, for example, offers in rather available terms is a methodology for getting there. Peck is also very clear about discipline and energy and lazi- ness, and these are, I think, enduring

American traits hands-on self-devel- opment in the pragmatic tradition. Maryanne Confoy: And I think Peck's pragmatism addresses issues that people are working on. It's a methodology in relationship to the issues of family, try- ing to love, trying to grow. Peck points out the way people are open to growth but at the same time resistant. The book is so personal that one feels engaged. And this makes his methodology seem useful. I think lonely people can feel they're having a conversation with an expert.

De Leeuw: For the sake of the five or six BCM readers who may not be aware of what The Road Less Traveled and Further Along the Road Less Traveled are about, perhaps I should state Peck's message in brief. It's that if we just do what our mothers always told us to do delay

gratification, confront problems, take responsibility and face reality squarely, using the "basic tools of discipline," as he calls them Peck, who is a psychia- trist, promises that we can overcome the original sin of laziness and respond with love and readiness to God's grace. Willemien Often: But I'll tell you, I didn't like that "conversation with an expert" tone that Maryanne mentions. Ulti- mately, there is something in Peck's vision that makes you eternally depen- dent on some expert that everyone is basically neurotic and that everything is linked to psychopathology. He actually believes everyone can benefit from psy- chotherapy. Maybe so, but I think it's good for people not to move too quickly in that direction. I think Thomas Moore, in Care of the Soul, moves beyond that dependency.


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m not sure there's much spirituality in Scott Peck's book, either. If there is, it's a very secu- larized form, with the psychia- trist replacing the confessor. The curate the man who takes care of your soul is relegated to the background. So where is God in all this?

Schervish: Moore is a little more Euro- pean, a little less Freudian, a little more Jungian.

Ernest Fortin: Moore wants the care of the soul, not therapy of the soul. De Leeuw: Again, it might be prudent simply to note that in his best-seller Moore says we will find fulfillment only if we listen to and care for the soul, that "quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves" that, as he puts it, "has to do with depth, value, related- ness, heart and personal substance." He says we care for the soul by turning away from the modern myths of growth, progress and success. Moore, I gather, lived in a Catholic religious order for more than a decade and has been trained in theology and philosophy as well as Jungian psychology. Fortin: You know, Maryanne mentioned loneliness. It needs to be said that Peck's book addresses the loneliness of most people in our society, and that's a deep problem. People don't have much to dedicate themselves to in our society. It's characterized by intense individual- ism, which is part of the American psyche now.

That struck me about all these books the focus on the individual in- stead of looking at what the individual would need to do in order to grow. In fact, I think people are better off if they

think less about themselves and more about the things they might be doing, assuming there are opportunities to de- velop themselves in those things. Confoy: That's interesting, Ernie, be- cause in Further Along the Road Less Trav- eled, Peck comes back to the need for community. He talks about coming back to be baptized, but still he won't be baptized within a specific confessional tradition. He deliberately makes it an ecumenical baptism into the whole of Christianity, which again, I think, con- tributes to the individual and piecemeal flavor.

Fortin: Someone was telling me this week that Moore converted to Catholicism. De Leeuw: What about Moore's notion of the unconscious equaling God? Is that compatible with Christianity? Schervish: I think his notion is not that the edge of consciousness is equal to God, but that it's the window to God the pathway. Take a hierarchical model of consciousness, from self-reflective consciousness down to the unconscious. Is the normal working of our conscious- ness a window to God? I would say yes. If I'm experiencing God, there is no window but my consciousness. De Leeuw: That's hardly an insight on his part, though. And I wonder, in fact, if any of you believe there's anything new, of real value, in these books? Are any of these classics that will be read 20 years from now?

Schervish: I would say that any book that's sold 6 million copies is a classic. And Peck's now part of BC's Capstone Courses, so there's another 70 or 80 copies a year that are going to be sold. But there is something to be skeptical about. Look at the shiny faces on these book jackets— they're all the same they're all one person. And they're all writing sequels. They have an industry here.

But at the same time I take it seri- ously. I don't spend enough time caring for my soul, and I am lazy about it, to use Scott Peck's terminology. Remem- ber the Neil Young song about "mining for a heart of gold?" Well, I need to be reminded of the importance of panning



for gold. Yes, these books could be cat- egorized as dangerous; if everybody fol- lowed these shiny faces, we'd go off the deep end. But there is another way of reading these books, and that is to ask: what are they doing for me? Reading these books, however superficial they may in part be, is like a good liturgy, a reminder of what I have abandoned and what I'm yearning for. If I read them seriously, I am forced to experience the distance between what I'm yearning for in spiritual life an edge of transcen- dence— and what I actually have. So each one of these books, for me, is a grace.

Often: I have no trouble with the idea of finding God in your consciousness, as the great Christian mystics did, but I do think the danger is as Ernie stated it. The vision here is too individualistic. I come out of a Protestant tradition in which we strongly value the transcen- dence of God. And if you have a tran- scendent God, God can act in history; you can see God in society. In this re- gard I found Peck to be very negative about politics. For instance, in The Road Less Traveled he shows no interest in people's being citizens. I think God acts not only through individual consciousness but also in society, and I believe we can collaborate in that en- terprise.

By the same token, the book is dated. When he talks about parenting, the women are cooking and cleaning, and from time to time the men do a little bit of their share. It seems to reinforce traditional structures, which I think Christianity can coincide with but doesn't necessarily. Chris- tianity can be on the edge of transforming society. Fortin: You're right about the politics, but I'm not sure there's much spirituality in Peck's book, either. If there is, it's a very secularized form the psychiatrist replac- ing the confessor. The cu-

Be/ow, from left to right:

Paul Schervish

is an associate professor of sociology and director of BC's Social Welfare Research Institute. He writes about the roots and role of charitable giving in American culture. In 1994 he edited a series of essays analyzing American cultural consciousness of wealth. Schervish lives in Belmont, Massachusetts, with his wife and three children.

Willemien Often

joined the theology department last fall as an assistant professor specializing in the history of Christian life and thought. She is particularly interested in medieval intellectual history and is working on a book about the development of theology prior to the rise of scholasticism. She lives with her husband in Newtonville, Massachusetts.

Ernest Fortin, AA

has been a professor of theology since 1971. He has written widely on the relationship between Christianity and the political order from antiquity to modern liberal society, focusing on the moral issues that arise when Christians take part in imperfect civil societies. An Assumptionist priest, Fr. Fortin resides in Boston.

Patricia All win De LeeuwF

jnel moderator, is associate dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in theology since 1 979. Her academic specialty is church history in the early Middle Ages, with a particular focus on pasto- ral care and popular piety during the period. She has a book in progress on the parish in early medieval Germany. De Leeuw lives in Lexington, Massachusetts, with her husband and two children.

Maryanne Confoy, RSC

is an adjunct associate professor of theology and a member of the Australian congregation of the Sisters of Charity. She writes on feminist and liberation theology and spirituality and recently served as a contributing editor for a collection of essays on Australian feminist theology. She lives in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

rate the man who takes care of your soul is relegated to the background, and someone else has now occupied the space that has been vacated. So where is God in all this?

The political thinker Leo Strauss once said that the two most important things in life were God and politics, and today we have neither. I think these books are symptomatic of that condition. Schervish: Let me read that complaint as Thomas Moore might read it. Why does it bother us so much that these writers don't talk about politics or citi- zenship? When Robert McNamara's book came out this spring, it struck a nerve about the betrayal, the empti- ness of politics, the lack of courage in our political leaders, which in that in- stance cost 25,000 U.S. lives because of his continuing silence. I don't miss poli- tics in Peck's book. I am more and more convinced of the intercession of agency that is, unless the heart is touched, there is no politics. Our poli- tics has for too long been based on the absence of this yearning for spirituality, and it's time to take a rest from declar- ing who our political enemies and friends are. I don't think this will last forever, but it's important for us to step back and examine the personal spiritu- ality within which we do our public living. It's the classic reversal of Dor- othy Day's notion that if you wish to care for your soul, you must care for the community, and your soul will follow. I'm saying if you care for your soul, the care for the community will follow. Confoy: Peck does emphasize personal responsibility; he pushes that with the Orestes myth, saying, It was not the gods; it was I. What I see missing in Peck is community accountability. McNamara has made himself account- able to the community for what he saw as his personal responsibility and his failure. Peck focuses on the person as a person at the expense of accountabil- ity to the larger society. I think part of that comes from his idea of God. He's bought into the "New Age god" with a Jesus flavor.

But when I came to the sequel, I did think it would say, Well now, having seen the privatizing possibilities of this, I begin to see the need to belong to a community. But Peck doesn't see him- self as accountable to a community with whom he shares an identity. By being baptized generically Christian, he is say- ing, "I am Christian, but I won't be accountable for Lutherans; I won't be accountable for Catholics; I won't be accountable for Baptists." Schervish: Well I won't, either. But I will be accountable for a Baptist. I will be accountable for a Catholic. I will be accountable for a child. But I am not accountable for groups anymore. Confoy: But don't you have account- ability for how that group engages itself?

Schervish: Yes, once I can figure out what the policy should be. But we don't have a clue. I think this reflects the crisis of politics, the crisis of Utopia. When these writers say, Here's a way of man- aging the microdecisions of daily life, a way of raising your children to be open to the flow of the spirit, the power of grace, we grab for the help. At this point in my life, with three little children, that is an amazing task in and of itself. Fortin: That's absolutely true, but this is the problem of our time that has to be addressed. It's not a normal human ex- istence to live outside a larger commu- nity. People have not always been in that situation. We are, in a very acute way. Can we be individuals and take care of ourselves as individuals and de- velop a sense of responsibility for our families and all of that unless we're part of a larger group that sustains our lives and makes them possible? We don't live in the wilderness; we don't live in the desert. The only place we can develop is within this larger group that you claim not to be terribly interested in. Schervish: I'm not saying I'm not inter- ested in it; I'm saying there is no larger group. There's Pat [De Leeuw], and there's you; there's the kids at the Cam- pus School [for multihandicapped chil- dren]. As I said, what's the agenda for

the group? If you tell me what to do in regard to the group, you're going to put me face-to-face with individuals. And you're going to ask me how I'm using my time, and you're going to talk about my consciousness, you're going to be dealing with my generosity, with my commitments. None of that has to do with the group.

Fortin: But you're part of the group, and you can't help being influenced by a group of which you are a part. Schervish: I think it's a facade. Fortin: Well, we disagree. Otten: The point of talking about poli- tics and citizenship is to construct a better future. I feel Peck's book appeals largely to an audience that probably has a pretty nice future ahead of it anyway. But I taught in Chicago for the past four years; why would somebody on the South Side read this? Schervish: I'll tell you why. Because the very first chapter asks what the crisis of child rearing in the inner-city family has in common with the child-rearing crisis of the middle-class family. The content of people's lives won't be the same, obviously, but the issues are. For instance, this issue of delayed gratifica- tion— that's a terribly important prob- lem whether you're on the South Side of Chicago or in Newton. Otten: Poor people need all their energy just to get by, to survive; they have no time to delay anything, let alone gratifi- cation. I think a more urgent matter for people on the South Side would be to get an education, to vote. Schervish: But this is how they can do that; this is why they don't vote. It's not because they're immoral people but be- cause they lack social capital. The re- sources of grace are not available to them, just as they might be unavailable to me or to some of my neighbors.

Look, we were poor growing up; they came and towed our car away. We didn't have money for a Christmas tree one year. We didn't take vacations. We went to the neighbors and asked for food. So we were poor, so we studied our butts off. Confoy: Can I slip in for just a moment?


Often: No. I was born in a condemned house, pretty poor also. And if one of Peck's concerns is to address an audi- ence other than the middle class, this is nowhere evident in this book. The only thing Peck says about politics is that it corrupts and that power is bad. If he wanted to give a positive message to the South Side, maybe he should have said that after you are able to abide by these rules of delayed gratification, you be- come a more balanced citizen, and life goes on, and then you can help build a better future for the rest of us. Confoy: Can I comment that I think a strength and a weakness of this book is that it's given up on society and that it's taking individuals so seriously? Peck says the only way we'll transform society is through local communities. Schervish: You theologians want us to take care of society. I'm a sociologist; I want us to take care of the soul. Can you give me one example of how society can be transformed? Often: First of all, vote. Schervish: How is that transforming society?

Often: Well, for one thing it's going to get us a more representative govern- ment. I've taught doctoral students who never voted. That lack of concern for the breadth, the wholeness, of society is astonishing to me.

Schervish: Or is not voting a spiritual statement of ennui the discernment that there is no choice? I'm not going to vote on whether Saddam Hussein is a maniac and whether the United States should have beaten the daylights out of him. That's not my choice. There may be great wisdom in not voting. Confoy: But voting does give you power. If you back off, don't you give your power to the people who do vote? Schervish: That is what Peck meant when he said we need the courage for a while to refuse to have the choices be either- or. I'm not saying we will never have a political agenda. I'm not abandoning this as the ultimate hope. But I am im- pressed by the need to reject the alter- natives we have right now.


ow do you know what the soul is? These writers never define it. If you want to under- stand the soul, you look at what it can do. The soul reveals itself in its activities. How else are you going to know it?


Often: Maybe I'm too endemically a Christian, but when Peck was talking about good and evil, I felt there were strong Manichaean tendencies. There was a sense that evil's out there, and we can't do anything about it, so let's just hope it doesn't triumph. In the Chris- tian tradition in St. Augustine, for ex- ample— evil has no existence as a separate power. It's the absence of good. In the moral sphere it's the perversion of will. So when you see evil or things that come across as evil, you have a strong responsibility to change them. I did not feel that responsibility in Peck's book.

Fortin: That's a fundamental problem: the distinction between good and evil has just disappeared. I'll tell you a story from a former student of mine who now teaches writing at Hampden-Sydney College. He asked his students to write about heroism or what a heroic life might be. They were to write about a young man who had been very successful in this town; he'd starred on the football team and he went on to play profes- sional football. In the summertime he went back home to Alabama, where he liked to hunt 'coons raccoons. So was this kid a hero? Very dutifully, the stu- dents wrote essays on that. And one black kid in the classroom said yes, al-

BOSTON COl.l.l ■(.!■ \1A(,\/INK 21




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hicken bup


101 Stones lb

Open The Heart inn Rekindle The Spirit



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Dvkiiw Tied* PofwtKXfc tdilkon



A New Psychology


Values and Spiritual Gtvwt/i



A Book of Angels Sophy Burnham

Ballantine Books, 1990

Copies sold: 925,000

New York Times best-seller list:

July to October 1 994

Care of the Soul Thomas Moore

HarperPerennial, 1994

Copies sold: 1,000,000

New York Times best-seller list:

March 1 994 to present

The Celestine Prophecy James Redfield

Warner Books, 1 993

Copies sold: 2,700,000

New York Times best-seller list:

March 1994 to present

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

Health Communications, Inc., 1993

Copies sold: 2,000,000 +

New York Times best-seller list:

September 1 994 to present

Further Along the Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck

Touchstone, 1993

Copies sold: 250,000 +

New York Times best-seller list:

October 1 993 to December 1 994

The Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck

Touchstone, 1978

Copies sold: 6,000,000 +

New York Times best-seller list:

October 1983 to present

though he wasn't absolutely sure. I don't like very much this business of shooting blacks in your spare time during the off- season, this student said; but if that's the way they do it down there, who am I to judge? It's not easy to distinguish be- tween good and evil if you've been brought up in the kind of atmosphere that prevails in our culture. De Leeuw: Isn't that much more a prob- lem in Moore's book than in Peck's? In Moore, you just embrace everything as it is; it's all there in the soul good and evil and it's all part of me. I found that frustrating.

Schervish: I think we're all engaged in some kind of spiritual judo. What I mean by that is you take a situation and you get a creative twist on it, and that's grace. You don't accept it as it is. In Moore, you don't deflect it or try to conquer it. So you're neither to em- brace evil nor simply to ward it off; you're to transform it. Fortin: Moore is a Jungian. In his view, you don't try to change things; you try to understand them and look for some kind of balance. He doesn't talk about problem solving, he talks about difficul- ties. Well, is someone else supposed to take care of you if there's a problem to be solved, if there is that kind of need? There is something passive about him, a resignation to whatever exists, through which you try to understand a little bit better and, possibly, by so doing, to improve.

I was annoyed by Moore. His is a much more profound book than Peck's but it's ultimately disappointing. He wants to retrieve the soul. All of these writers want to retrieve something lost. There is every reason to want to recover this notion of the soul that has disap- peared. Just talking about the soul is old-fashioned. If you want to be up-to- date, you talk about the self. But how do you know what the soul is? These writ- ers never define it. And it's not that easy to find out what the soul is. If you want to understand the soul, you look at what it can do. The soul reveals itself in its activities. How else are you going to know it? You go from the act to the

power that generates the act. And, fur- thermore, you know what the soul can do when it does it. We don't know what the power of the soul is beforehand. That's not written in the sky some- where.

Often: I like Moore better than Peck precisely because Peck is so problem solving. His is a mechanics of life: if all the parts are connected, then it works, and you don't have to talk about it again. Moore has a more enriching vision, talk- ing about a soulful life and how families should have soulful fathers. I think that's a valuable message one applicable to Newton and the South Side of Chicago, one that leads you beyond the sheer mechanics of life.

Confoy: Peck is a carpenter, whereas Moore is an architect. I agree that there is a certain passivity in the spirituality that Moore professes, but I think that's possibly where he wants us to be artists and observe more carefully. Fortin: The one thing they never talk about that's completely taboo is the rational soul.

Confoy: It seems that he's trying to counter the emphasis on the rational soul with the aesthetic dimension of the human person. The task of the soul is "to thine own self be true," and one can't be true unless one knows oneself. I found that helpful and very positive. Fortin: Do you know why these writers are so reluctant to talk about reason, which was the most important part of the soul? They confuse reason with Carte- sian reason with an abstraction that ne- glects all the aspects that Moore is trying to bring back by his emphasis on artistic experience. But the Cartesian notion of reason is a relatively recent one, and it's a terribly impoverished one. Schervish: I don't understand. Help me. What's so crucial about reason? Fortin: Well, because human beings used to be defined as rational animals; if you wanted to understand them, you had to make room for reason in your account. I don't see Moore or Peck leaving much room for reason. And I think what preju- dices us against reason is the triumph of Cartesian reason in the modern pe-

riod— mechanical reason. Not reason that perceives human existence as a whole, but reason that divides, compart- mentalizes this life and retains as its focus of interest only those things that can be measured or quantified. Often: In the medieval view, reason defi- nitely would be a part of the soul. These days people quickly move from a commonsensical, ordinary life to an eso- teric one in which there is mystery but not much structure. I don't think theo- logical reflection used to work in that manner. It was very logical, with a pur- pose. What do you replace that with? A fuzzy feeling or just a celebration of mysticism? To me, it's important that what you think about the divine be some- how logical. Because even there you are accountable to society, to the church, as well as to yourself. Schervish: It strikes me that several of you are saying these writers have missed a set of issues citizenship, rationality, com- munity— that you feel are dangerous to overlook. And while I share some of that concern, my experience of these books is not that they have failed to touch on these issues, but that I can't yet get anywhere near the dimension and the depth of spiri- tual life that they're saying is available to me as an individual person. Often: But spirituality precisely involves the whole person, so omissions like these seem to indicate that these writers are not quite doing what they're saying they set out to do or have done. Schervish: But I haven't internalized Peck's one-sided view enough to get to the point where it's unbalancing me. Do you see what I mean? De Leeuw: What does Moore say you can do that you don't do? Schervish: When I sit and read this book in a coffee shop, and I've had two espres- sos, I start to say, What a life this would be. Life is so rich, my children are so rich, the paschal mystery is so rich, my teaching is so rich. I may have a glimpse of the depth of what happiness in this life is about, a glimpse of what my spiritual life is about, a glimpse of who God is for me, a glimpse of who my children are and what they can become. I get the


sense that there is layer upon layer upon layer that I haven't even gotten to. And the fact that Moore may have missed the rational part of my soul is so far below the level of my concern because I have only begun to touch upon these other things.

Fortin: That's fine, that's fine, except that I'm afraid that when you leave hu- man reason out of your account of the soul, that account will be truncated. You will lose some of the richness. Confoy: I see Care of the Soul as a valu- able accompaniment to the rational stance that theology has taken a useful complement. The book is billed as "a guide for cultivating depth in sacred- ness in everyday life," and it's an exquis- ite expression of the sacred in ways ordinary people can grasp the idea that there is something more to life.


Fortin: The two books on our reading list that I liked best were Chicken Soup for the Soul and A Book of Angels. With- out denigrating the other books for what they were, I'll say they didn't move me. These did.

Often: I liked Chicken Soup because it was the least pretentious, and in that sense it completely fulfills its modest goals. Chicken Soup is a very simple medi- cine— really nice stories. Confoy: Well, I respect your opinions. But when I looked at Chicken Soup, I thought that another title for it would be McNuggets of Inspiration for the Nonnally Neurotic. For a man like yourself, Ernie, with your depth, obviously you can pick it up, and it can recharge your batteries. My problem is that it's a short-term sat- isfaction, a sugar high. I can see where you've gone with it, but my problem is it's too easy to take short-term, saccha- rine solutions to lifelong problems. Schervish: I don't know anyone who does that. And the reason is because short-term solutions falter, and our bod- ies and our emotions and the grace of the universe tell us they're unsatisfying. There is a great blessing in the fact that evil or sin or unhappiness is not really

satisfying. That's kind of the grace of history.

Confoy: But how different are books like Chicken Soup from TV evangelism in their effect?

Schervish: I don't know. All I know is that TV evangelism is absolutely fine if it helps one person find the depth of the spiritual path.

De Leeuw: For five minutes or for a lifetime? And can't TV evangelists hinder a person's spiritual development? Schervish: TV evangelists can hinder a person's spirituality, but so can the Catholic Church. So can the pope. So can the latest encyclical. So can a bad sermon. And so can not having women priests. But one of these stories may bring insight.

Fortin: On the other hand, you do have to raise the question of the more perma- nent solution: real virtue, a permanent disposition that transcends you in the face of the evils we all have to face, and that enriches your life in a more pro- found and lasting way. Not just the fix that the stories give you as much as I like them.

The other book I wanted to praise is Sophy Burnham's Book of Angels. I get a little annoyed with the certitude of sci- ence, psychological science, Freudian psychology. It goes back to Descartes again to finding the bedrock, the sure path of science, as Descartes used to put it, the unshakable foundation. "I think; therefore I am": that's the principle on which modern science is founded. Or else there's existentialism, anguish. A Book of Angels is different insofar as it tries to inculcate the sense of wonder not anxiety, not the sense that you should be pulling your hair out, that you'll never get to the bottom of things, or that you should ditch the whole thing and live and be merry if you can. Yes, there are angels around. She's not making a theo- logical pronouncement, but just that this is a way in which we express all these things within us that are really inexpressible but that mean something nevertheless. Wonder used to be con- sidered the fundamental mood. Hamlet instructs Horatio, "There are more

things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Why not be open to that? It's one of the most hopeful things one could think of. Often: I agree with that last statement, but I did think that this was the absolute worst book we read. I was also ashamed that it was the only one written by a woman. I was ashamed of my gender. There is no structure, there is no argu- ment; it's just the flower-power genera- tion having a midlife crisis and needing some sort of otherworldly experience. Many of the historical facts in it are wrong, and where she could have stressed imagination and mystery, she wants these angels to be real the way some people believe UFOs are real. And she doesn't weigh sources; everything is equal as far as she's concerned. If it has an angel in it, it winds up in the book, no matter where it comes from. This fasci- nation with angels is a fad; it's spiritual entertainment rather than spirituality. People have angel earrings; there's a whole angel industry. Fortin: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I won't pass the book around. Confoy: I was intrigued by this book because there is so much of human ex- perience that touches mystery and won- der but touches it without knowing quite where to go with it. When I came on the chapter on "angelology" in the middle, which gave the appearance of science, I was very discomforted. The integrity of Chicken Soup is that it's simply that. But this does try to be more; this is much more pretentious than either Moore or Peck.


De Leeuw: Let's talk about The Celestine Prophecy. Paul, I know you liked it. Does it matter whether it's true? Schervish: Is the gospel true, Pat? Every one of these books is about stories: the story of a person coming to Scott Peck or to Tom Moore for therapy, or the stories of the angels. The Celestine Proph- ecy is the story of a guy who goes to Peru, where he and his companions dis- cover a manuscript. It's revealed to them



A Look Back

Alumni Association


John H. MacKinnon '62

Broadened apos- tolic programs; a new alumni di- rectory; Laetare Sunday better than ever; the "strike year" graduating class returns for its twenty-fifth re- union; a Legends Luncheon pre- cedes the BC-Notre Dame football game; and the Alumni Association takes a criti- cal look at alcohol abuse. These are just a few of the programs and issues which fell to my stewardship as your alumni president this year, and I'm happy to give you a wrap-up report.

Our apostolic outreach work, which began with Second Helping seven years ago, last year grew to four distinct pro- grams, as we added to our list a partner- ship with Mother Caroline Academy. A group of alumnae have taken on the

responsibility for arranging Friday evening socials for these young women from the inner city. Second Helping cruises along in its two food trucks, sup- ported by our annual food drive and the traditional Second Helping Gala, which this year exceeded all expectations. Sixty volunteers participated in a major cleanup and paint job at Allston's West End House as part of April 29th's Christmas in April, and the year concluded with alumni descending on BC's dormitories at the end of the semester to collect usable clothing, non-perishable food, furniture, and appliances. Over 30 grate- ful social service agencies benefit from this project which we call Operation Cleansweep.

Benefits and services continued to flourish. Over 7,000 alumni have re- quested their own library card, and gradu- ating classes are now automatically added to the list. The 1995 alumni directory is in the hands of all who ordered it and is the subject of many compliments; and

12,500 alumni now hold our privileged MBNA Visa bank card. To date, we have distributed over $40,000 in scholarships, thanks to the Visa program.

It is difficult to imagine that our Laetare Sunday Communion Breakfast could continue to be a renewable suc- cess; yet, March 2 6th witnessed the gath- ering of 1,050 alumni and friends who heard a magnificent talk by Washington punster, Mark Shields so excellent it earned him a standing ovation. The lit- urgy was highlighted by the participa- tion of four priests from the silver anniversary class of 1970, a figure future jubilee classes will find a challenge. I won't dwell on the year's other fabulous events like the Christmas Chorale Con- cert, Family Day, or Boston College Alumni Night at the Pops (at which we gave Keith Lockhart a rousing BC wel- come)—but let me mention the pre- game BC-

continned on next page


1995-96 Board of



John P. Connor, Jr., Esq. '65, law '68 Walpole, MA

Vice President/ President Elect

Richard J. O'Brien '58, GSSW '60 Springfield, VA


Thomas J. Martin '61 Canton, MA


Karen McCabe Hare '87 Cape Elizabeth, ME

Past President

John H. MacKinnon '62 Hingham, MA


Dennis J. Berry, Esq. '70,


Way/and, MA

Amy Allegrezza Donahue '90 Holliston, MA

Donald J. Emond GSSW '62 Taunton, MA

Donald A. Garnett '77 Boston, MA

Jean M. Graham '90 Arlington, MA

Kristina D. Gustafson '96 Seattle, WA

Robert F.X. Hart '60, GSSW '62 Denver, CO

Philip C. Hazard, Jr. '78 E. Providence, Rl

Carol Donovan Levis NEW '63 Attleboro, MA

Andres J. Lopez CGSOM '82 Wellesley, MA

James J. Marcellino, Esq. LAW '68 Providence, Rl

Keith S. Mathews '80 Providence, Rl

James F. Nagle '89 Medfield, MA

Edward J. O'Brien, Jr.,


St. Louis, MO

Kristin A. Quirk '90 Walertown, MA

Rhonda C Raffi NEW '75 Arlington, MA

John M. Riley '82 Watertown, MA

Jeanne C Salvucci '84 Wellesley, MA

Louis V. Sorgi '45 Milton, MA

John D. Sullivan, PhD '50 Osterville, MA

Thomas M. Sullivan '89 Washington, DC

Executive Director

John F. Wissler '57, CGSOM '72

Class Notes Editor

Maura King Scully '88, GA&S '93

Assistant Editor

jane M. Crowley '92

Boston College Alumni


Alumni House

825 Centre Street

Newton, MA 02158

(617) 552-4700

(800) 669-8430


We must accept our

obligation as role

models for the

students, regarding

alcohol consumption

continued from previous page Notre Dame Legends Luncheon. Over 1 ,200 alumni and friends of both schools gathered at the Castle at Park Plaza to appropri- ately launch this now "home and home" rivalry.

The University has asked us to join in the effort to reduce alcohol abuse on the campus. Among other things, alumni con- tribute to an unfavorable image just by the way we display alcohol at tailgate parties and other pub- lic events. At the conclusion of the year, we adopted a mission statement and added some tan- gible suggestions to help the pro- gram along. Next year, we'll be talking to alumni class leaders about the problem and how they can help. We must accept our obligation as role models for the students, regarding alcohol con- sumption.

Picking up on a suggestion by Father Monan, I chaired a gath- ering of alumni to examine how we might enlist AHANA alumni to recruit qualified high school students of color, an area of ad-

missions where we feel we can do a better job. The meeting was very constructive, with several excellent recommendations adopted. The Alumni Associa- tion clearly can be a part of the solution. Also, on admissions, after a few years of disappointing results, our alumni children ad- missions took an upswing this year. Fully 1 3 percent of the fresh- men class will be alumni chil- dren, moving toward our goal of 15 percent. This is good news.

Career planning services re- main a high priority for us, and I can promise that my successor, Jack Connor will continue to press ahead on this issue. We recognize that this is one of the most important ways we can con- structively serve you.

Reunions were better at- tended than ever. Of note, the class of 1945 had an 80 percent attendance, with 98 percent con- tributing to their class gift of $384,000. These three figures are all record-breakers and quite a challenge to succeeding Golden Eagles. The class of 1970 experi-

enced a marvelous reunion, as its members recalled with wry smiles that 1970's graduation was in far more tempestuous times than the silver anniversary celebration. Class members also proved by the "good time had by all" that time does heal all wounds. On Saturday of Alumni Weekend, over 3,000 alumni, spouses, and guests were on campus for their reunion parties.

The year for me has been most fulfilling. I wanted to advance our goal of service to members while serving the University, and we have done that. There is no end to the possibilities for your alumni association, and you can help make things happen by your support and involvement.

I leave the association leader- ship in the capable hands of Jack Connor '65, and I wish him and the '95-'96 Alumni Board great success in the coming year, while I extend my heartfelt thanks to the '94-'95 Alumni Board, the association staff and all the vol- unteers who made my year as president a joy.

'95 Election Results

Spring Elections bring ten new members to the Alumni Board ofDirectiors

The ballots have been tallied and the results in from the Spring 1995 Alumni Elections. Incoming Alumni Presidentjohn P. Connor, Jr. '65, LAW '68 an- nounced the winners during this year's Reunion Weekend, held on the Heights May 19-21.

The Board of Directors will welcome ten new members in the fall, representing a range of ages, interests and geography. Joining the board for a three- year term will be Richard J. O'Brien '58, GSSW '60 of Spring- field, VA. O'Brien will serve as

vice president/president-elect for '95-'96, president for '96-'97 and past-president for '97-'98. Newly elected treasurerThomasJ. Mar- tin '61 of Canton and secretary Karen McCabe Hare '87 of Cape Elizabeth, ME will serve for one year, and will run on next year's ballot for vice president/presi- dent-elect and treasurer, respec- tively.

Freshmen two-year term members include: DennisJ. Berry '70, LAW '73 of Wayland; Robert F.X. Hart '60, GSSW '62 of Den- ver, CO; Jean M. Graham '90 of

Arlington; Keith S. Mathews '80 of Providence, RI; Rhonda C. Raffi NC 75 of Arlington; John D. Sullivan, PhD, '50 of Osterville; and Thomas M. Sullivan '89 of Washington, DC. The Board of Directors is the volunteer governing body of the Alumni Association which directs programs and services for Bos- ton College's 113,284 alurnni world wide. The Boston College Alumni Association is the largest Catholic university alumni asso- ciation in the world.


Reunion '95

May 19-21 brought over 3,000 alumni, family and friends back to the Heights for a weekend of remembering, reminiscing and celebrating. Re- union classes from the 50th the Class of '45, to the 5th the Class of '90, joined in the weekend ' s revelry which included the annual BC Night at Pops at Symphony Hall on Friday; the all-alumni barbecue, the Chestnut Hill Grill, on Saturday and individual class parties at locations all over campus Saturday evening.

Alumni from non-reunion classes came back for Alumni Day on Saturday to participate in the day's events, including the Continuing Learning programs offered as part of Reunion Weekend.

Next year, Reunion Weekend will be held May 17-19, when classes ending in 1 and 6 will have their turn to rediscover the people and places that make Boston College.




William E. O'Brien

900 Arbor Lake Dr., Apt. 304

Naples, FL 33963


Talked to Ed O'Neil on the phone this morning. He is fine, but is the only classmate I hear from. I would appreciate a call or note from any- one else alive and kicking let's keep the Class of 1925 represented in these Alumni Notes!


c/o BC Alumni Association 825 Centre Street Newton, MA 02 1 58-2527

On May 17, Boston College lost one of her greatest alumni, Joe McKenney. He will be remembered by his classmates and others for his athletic prowess, his record-setting coaching career at BC, and for his class leadership including many years as class correspondent. In ad- dition, his attention to classmates and other alumni at their time of illness and death occupied many hours of his later years. Father Monan called him "our most be- loved alumnus," and who could ar- gue with that? Joe received all our honors, including the William V. McKenney award and an honorary degree in 1983, when the "third gen- eration Joe McKenney" graduated from BC. His funeral Mass at St. Ignatius, fittingly on Alumni Day, was celebrated by Father Monan and a throng of concelebrants. From us at the Alumni Office, who knew and loved him, we offer this remem- brance while extending our sympa- thies to his family. John F. Wissler '57, CGSOM '72, Executive Director


Maurice J. Downey

1 5 Dell Ave.

Hyde Park, MA 02 136


Heartfelt sympathy is in the ascen- dancy when it is reported that three of our classmates have entered eter- nity since the last issue. Dr. John O'Loughlin was a quintessential teacher and educational administra- tor, as evidenced by his many teach- ing assignments at Somerville High, BC and Emmanuel, to name just a few. Atty. Edward Monahan, a

graduate of Harvard Law, was for many years of the bar in his native Lowell. Joseph McKenna died recently in California after a long and fruitful career as a teacher in Cambridge. To those they have left behind, we offer our sincere condolences. Word reaches me that Bernard McCabe, a retired Boston schoolteacher, was featured in an article in one of the Cape Cod newspapers. The lucidly written biography of our classmate, Wallace Carroll, is now available. The chap- ter dealing with the years he spent at BC is especially interesting. May our football team have a successful season, highlighted by another vic- tory over Notre Dame.


Robert T. Hughes, Esq. 3 Ridgeway Rd. Wellesley, MA02181 (617)235-4199

Very little news to pass on to you at this time. Saw Barr Dolan re- cently and, as usual, he looked fine. He is still active in the insurance business and sends his best to all of you. Talked with president Jim Riley on the phone, and he indicates that the class will line up some activ- ity in the fall. He was pleased with the showing at Laetare Sunday. We received a letter from Evelyn Cronin informing us of John Cronin's death on February 26. Evidently it came as a blessing, as he had been bed-ridden for the last seven years. They had been living in Roanoke, VA. May John's soul rest in peace. On a brighter note, BC is looking forward to a great football season. They have been selected to open the national campaign by play- ing Ohio State, and their other games including Notre Dame present them with a very difficult schedule. We understand that most of the home games are already a sell- out. • My grandson, Ryan Quinn, has just completed his freshman year at BC and was among the top in his class. Let's hear from you. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.


Charles A. McCarthy 208 1 Beacon St. Waban, MA 02 168 (617)244-9025

Although it was a relatively mild winter (for Boston), Mary and I spent

most of it in Naples, FL. We just can't take the ice, snow and wind like we used to. St. Anne's Church in Naples has a 17-year tradition to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a parade. While it doesn't compare with South Boston's, it provides en- tertainment and excitement for the "snow birds." This year, I was sur- prised and pleased to see a small but vocal contingent of BC alumni marching and singing "For Boston!" These young alumni are everywhere ! With sadness, I report the death of Bill Toomey who died in N. Cam- bridge, Dec. 29, 1994. 1 first met Bill in old Freshman G, always cheerful and up-beat. Our condolences go to his widow, Irene, daughter Ann, and grandchildren. I had hoped that the baseball strike might revive in- terest in the college game. Remem- ber the junkets to Worcester each May 30 for the BC- HC contests? That was real baseball. I recall a duel between HC's Owen Carroll and BC's FrankMcCrehan before 40,000 fans at old Braves Field. There used to be a picture of that event hanging in the old A. A. office at the Heights. With memories like that, who needs the Fenway millionaires? As Casey Stengel would say "You could look it up." Some of you may have known, but it came as a surprise to me that our late classmate John Haverty was a Civil War buff and had col- lected a valuable and extensive li- brary on the subject. His widow, Margaret, has graciously donated this collection to BC in memory of John and her brother, the late Cardinal Wright. Bill Tobin attended the Washington, DC reception for Fa- ther Monan. He sends his regards to us. Don't forget the concert com- ing Sept. 1 5 , Pops on the Heights, to raise funds for scholarships. This will be the third year for this event which has already provided funds for 14 scholarships.


Thomas W. Crosby, Esq. New Pond Village Suite B306 1 80 Main St. Walpole, MA 02081 (508)660-1174

With sadness we report the death of Reverend Monsignor Edward B, Flaherty, retired director of Regina Cleri Home. During World War II, he served as an Army chaplain in the Pacific Theater (Guadalcanal). Fa- ther Ed was director of Regina Cleri from 1974 to his retirement in 1990. As we may recall, he was the brother

of the late Reverend Monsignor Anthony, Reverend Monsignor Walter and Dr. Albert. He is sur- vived by his brother Paul. The fu- neral Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Bernard Law in St. Charles Church, Woburn on May 27. The class was well represented on Laetare Sunday by the attendance of Mike Curran; Mary Rowlinson, accom- panied by her granddaughter, Jenni- fer Thalman '98, who as a freshman is carrying on the BC tradition, as her mother, Jane, is '70; and Tom Crosby, accompanied by his grand- son, Neil Deininger '96, just now completing his junior year. A bit of nostalgia: Recently Mike Curran and your scribe were invited guests at a luncheon sponsored by the Jo- seph Coolidge Shaw Society. The luncheon was held in our senior class lecture hall (now known as Gasson 100) and to their surprise, their as- signed table was in the exact location of their classroom seats some 64 years ago. Our class contribution to the 1994 Annual Fund is worthy of mention. Number of gifts: 38; total contributions, $13,77 5 .00, with Mike Curran being noted as a Fides Patron. Phone conversations with several of our classmates were most pleasant and we report the follow- ing: Bill Bennett up Gloucester way is busily engaged in getting his boat on the water for summer cruising; Father Bill Donlon travels from Natick to Scituate every Tuesday to visit Dr. Frank West; John Gill is his usual "happy self as a resident of St. Patrick's Manor; Tom Maguire is on the golf course at least once a week; Frank Romeo is a weekly bowler; and Johnny Temple, as an ardent baseball fan, is overseeing the trials and tribulations of the Red Sox. May we all enjoy a healthful fall season again; telephone calls from you and your family members will be most appreciated.


John P. Connor 24 Crestwood Cir. Norwood, MA 02062 (617)762-6377

On June 1, we had a very fine 63rd reunion. It started with Mass, cel- ebrated by classmate Fr. Ed Nowlan, SJ, and continued with a delicious meal and con-fab with one another. Peter Quinn, at the reunion, an- nounced his retirement as class presi- dent after many years of doing a wonderful job. We are going to miss him very much and thank him for his


untiring efforts in holding the Class of '32 together. Have a happy, healthy and peaceful retirement, Peter. Fred Meier was chosen to succeed Peter and we know he will do a great job. Those attending the reunion were Josephine and Fran Curtin; Fr. Ed Nowlan, SJ; Mary and Ed Hurley; Jerry Kelley; Ed Herlihy; Nancy and Peter Quinn; Walter Drohan; Louise and Fred Meier; Mary and Dan Larkin; Mildred and Jim Donovan; Lillian and Emil Romanowsky and their daughter Ann; Frank Moynihan; Mrs. Alvin Richie; Mrs. Edmund Brennan; Mrs. DiVirgilio; Dante DiVirgilio; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Keefe; Mrs. Charlie Callery; and Helen and Barbara Callery. Due to the illness of his wife Josephine, Paul Stacy was unable to attend but wanted to be remembered to all. Due to unfortunate circumstances, my wife and I were also unable to attend, but hope we were remem- bered to all. Eva and Tom Connelly were unable to attend, being in Ber- muda. • Sorry to have to report the passing of three of our classmates: John Collins in April, who left his wife Regina, sons John, Peter, James and Daniel, and daughters Ann and Mary; Tom Collins on Aug. 20, who had retired from Boston Edison; and James Hayden, former super- intendent of schools for New Bedford, on April 10. Jim left a son James and a sister Vancini. We offer our sincere condolences. Got a nice note from Chris Nugent stat- ing all is well but he was unable to attend the reunion this year. So, he stayed home in Sarasota, FL. Re- ceived a letter from James Cleary '50, asking me to promote the return of Pops on the Heights on Sept. 15. Ed Gallagher's daughter Susan is a teacher and lacrosse coach at the Belmont Hill school.


John F. Desmond 780 S. Main St. Centerville, MA 02632 (508) 775-5492


Herbert A. Kenny 804 Summer St. Manchester, MA 01944

John A. Long of Westwood, for- merly of Newton and Needham, a well-known real estate attorney, died

at his home in May after a brief illness. His wife and ten children were at his bedside. John was the first great-grandfather in the class. He was a triple eagle, graduating from BC High in 1930, from BC in 1934 and from BC Law in 1943. He was a member of the Mass. Bar Asso- ciation for 5 1 years. John was a se- nior partner in the law firm of Lyne, Woodworth and Evarts in Boston, and a long-time member of the Bos- ton Catholic Lawyers Guild, estab- lishing the annual Boston Lawyers Retreat in 1944. The Martindale- Hubbell Law Directory gave him its highest rating for legal ability. As a real estate attorney, he represented many major banks, insurance com- panies and developers. Two of his classmates, the Rev. Jack Saunders and the Rev. John Caulfield were on the altar with several other priests at his funeral mass at St. Bartholomew's church in Needham. He is survived by his wife, Gervaise (nee Kelley); three sons: William P. of Irvine, Calif; Francis X. of West Newbury; and Robert J. of Scituate; and seven daughters: Gervaise Haley of Hull, SusanneMcInerney-Hickey of Southborough, Valerie Cooper of Derry, NH; Mary -Jeanne Kuehn of Tustin, Calif.; Lynnie Mahoney of Bridgewater; Jacquelynne Gardiner of Derry, NH; and Vir- ginia Martins of Southborough; 3 1 grandchildren and four great-grand- children; and one sister, Mrs. Madeline Long Grady of Chestnut Hill. Bill Joyce is back in Osterville after his winter sojourn in Florida. Msgr. John Dillon Day gave the invocation for the Boston City Coun- cil in May and made the papers. Msgr. Russell Davis is mending at his sister's home in Duxbury after major surgery at Norwood Hospi- tal. • Your correspondent has not been idle. His novel, Paddy Madigan, will be published this summer.


Daniel G. Holland, Esq.

164 Elgin St.

Newton Centre, MA 02 1 59

As these notes were being prepared, the class was looking forward ea- gerly to our 60th anniversary cel- ebration to be held on June 7 with Mass and luncheon arranged through the courtesy of the Alumni Associa- tion. All who could do so were ex- pected to show solidarity of Class by supporting the reunion effort made possible by the enthusiastic coop- eration of the Alumni Association

staff. The Laetare Sunday celebra- tion consisted of Mass at St. Ignatius Church and breakfast at McElroy Commons at which the principal address was given by the noted po- litical analyst and syndicated colum- nist Mark Shields. Laetare greetings to the Class were received from Bill Hannan and Dr. Bill Nash. The Class also received a very touching note from Catherine Dougherty of Brick, NJ, widow Dr. Bill Dougherty. The Class shared in the honor of the Development Office's Volunteer Award Presenta- tions by the class agent award given in the name of John Griffin. This was the first year the award was pre- sented; Samuel S. Church '43 re- ceived it for his work on the BC Fund. John's devotion to BC and his years of dedicated service invested this award with special meaning. Jim Cleary '50, chairman of Pops on the Heights concert with the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra and the BC Chorale, is working overtime to assure the success of this year's gala event on Fri., Sept. 15 which pro- duces funds for scholarships to wor- thy students. This worthwhile and challenging undertaking has raised funds in excess of one million dollars over the past two years. If you are interested in tickets, call 617-552- 2234. Our Class notes with sad- ness the death of our former coach and dear friend Joe McKenney '27.


Joseph P. Keating 24 High St. Natick, MA 01 760 (508) 653-4902

Thanks to Brendon Shea, the an- nual class luncheon held in May was again a most enjoyable take-in. Those at the luncheon were: Julie and Al Burgoyne, Grace and Gerry Burke, Rita and Dr. Bob Condon, Madeline and Dennis Dooley, Helen and John Fahey, Virginia and John Haggerty, Steve Hart, Dorothy and Frank Hilbrunner, Mary and Joe Keating, Mary and Bernie Kelley, Frank Mahoney, Phyllis and Tom Mahoney, Gerry and Jack McLaughlin, Bishop Lawrence Riley and Brendon and Mary Shea. Also joining us were Ursula Mahoney, PegMcCarthy and Terrie Provenzano. Helen and John Kilderry and Kathleen and Charlie Sampson planned to attend but were unable to make it. The good Bishop, Larry Riley, said grace and benedic- tion and Jack McLaughlin signed up

the accordion player to lend music to the affair. In addition to the above, Brendon heard from the following: Paul McGrady from Indian Hills, CO, who will be visiting in Maine in mid-June too late for the luncheon; Dr. Jack Burke, who wrote from Hilton Head and felt the 1 500 miles to Boston was a little bit far to come; Leo Horgan, living in Pompano Beach, sent regrets and hopes to be here for our 60th; Fr. Tom Navien, presently confined in Regina Cleri; and Johnny Fiumaro from Bryan, TX time and distance stopped him from coming but not from "joining" us; he and his wife Anna went to lunch the day of our luncheon at the Hilton Hotel and in that sense was with us. All of the above wanted to be remembered to everyone in the class. All seemed in great shape, es- pecially Leo Horgan who, from his letter, is certainly young at heart! At the luncheon, Tom Mahoney sug- gested that, since various 50th anni- versary celebrations of victory in Europe were occurring, it would be appropriate to remember that two of our classmates, Arnold Red O'Donnell of Attleboro, and John Rusty O'Brien, of Jamaica Plain, had been killed in action. Bishop Riley led us in prayer for those two and all our classmates, especially those who had died since our last meeting. Peg Mahoney, wife of George Mahoney, died in mid- April; I'm sure many classmates were at her wake. Among those attending the funeral were Gerry and Jack McLaughlin, Mary and Phil Tracy, Mary and Joe Keating, Mary Shea, and Tom Mahoney. Bishop Riley was on the altar and gave the homily. He also gave the final prayers and blessing. Mrs. Mary Dacey wrote to inform us that her beloved hus- band, Joseph E. Dacey, passed away on May 7. The class is saddened by the news and our heartfelt condo- lences to Mary and the rest of Joe's family. Also, I have to report that Dr. Fred Howard of Chestnut Hill died in March; and Helen Connors, wife of Jim Connors of West Ha- ven, CT, died in April. You are asked to remember all of the above and their families in your prayers. Next year will be our 60th. Brendon plans to form a committee to come up with suggestions as to what we might do for this big anniversary. If you have any ideas, send them along to either Brendon or me. Of all the suggestions received at our luncheon as to how best to celebrate the 60th, Bishop Larry's table came up with the best: "Survive!" Hear! Hear!




Angelo A. DiMattia 82 Perthshire Rd. Brighton, MA 02 135 (617)782-3078

It is my sad duty to report that sev- eral classmates have been called to their eternal reward. First I want to report the passing of Edward J. Hart on Dec. 26, 1994 at his home in Bradenton, FL. This news came to me from Charlie Iarrobino. Hart was former personnel manager of Chrysler Corp. at Newark assembly from 1960 to 1971. In 1971 he was transferred to the same post at the firm's Ann Arbor, MI plant. He re- tired in 1975. He is survived by his wife Jane, two sons: Stephen J. and ThomasJ.; and daughter, Rosemary T. Kessberger of Florida. We ex- tend to them our condolences. Dr. Charles J. Quigley died on Jan. 7 in Salem, NH. He owned and operated Quigley and Sons Consulting Pe- troleum Engineering for several years. He leaves his wife Constance and his children Dr. Charles Jr., Clarkson, Joan and Jill Quigley Roberge. We extend to them our sympathy. As I mentioned in my previous notes, Fr. Edwin Crowley, SJ passed away on Jan. 14. Much of Fr. Crowley's life was spent at BC High where he held many service positions, including moderator of the mothers' guild from 1958 until 1992 when he retired to the Cam- pion Center in Weston. He leaves one cousin, John P. Sullivan of Hyde Park. Next was Arthur Durkin on Jan. 29. Arthur was a chemistry ma- jor and became a successful business man. He was self-employed and owned the American Metal Process- ing Co. in Wakefield. I can attest to his knowledge of chemistry as he was a classmate of mine in the BS program at the Heights. We extend to his wife Catherine, his son Arthur Jr. and his two daughters: Priscilla, who teaches Latin at Boston Latin High School in Boston, and Nancy Orazem, our most sincere condo- lences. • I must add that I have lost a very dear friend. I received a note from John Keary of Fairhaven who informed me about his wife's pass- ing on Feb. 24. She died after a long illness and is survived byjohn; their four sons: Thomas, Michael, Timo- thy and Paul; and daughter, Ann Marie Toraya. We extend our sin- cere condolences. I regret to an- nounce that John has had his share of illnesses. Hazel Lomax and Casper Ferguson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the old

mansion where they were married at Chester Park in the South End. This mansion is in need of repair, so the Fergusons eschewed anniversary gifts and asked their guests to make a donation to the building fund. The strategy raised $2,500 for restora- tion! • Prayers are solicited for our ill clergy who are at Regina Cleri and also for the many in our class that need prayers for recovery. In your kindness, remember my wife Julia who has suffered another stroke on May 5. Andrew Gaquin, Eric Stenholm and I believe there may be some others who have not been brought to my attention. I wish to make a correction from the last is- sue: Dr. Jack O'Hara changed resi- dences in Athol.


Thomas F. True, Jr.

37 Pomfret St.

W. Roxbury, MA 02132


John Janusas has been voted into the Varsity Club Hall of Fame. He will be honored at a dinner in Conte Forum Oct. 20. A large number of his family, teammates and '38ers are expected to attend. The following day at the BC-Army game, John and the other inductees will be intro- duced to the fans. We recently learned of the passing of Dr. John Duffy and Walter Lepiesha last fall. John had been living in Manchester, NH and died last Oct. Walter made his home in Worces- ter. To their families, we offer our sincere sympathy. In the last issue we neglected to mention that Dr. Ed Ryan had sent along his year- book along with the letter. We for- warded it to Jim Cahill as he had requested. Although we were sad- dened to learn the news that it con- tained, we want to thank Gene Soles' brother for sending us the follow- ing: "It is with deep regret and sad- ness that I must tell you of the death of my brother Eugene Soles. He died suddenly from a rare pneumo- nia on May 1 . He was 79 years of age. He lived in New Castle, NH for 45 years and was a retired VP of Dunphy Corp. He is survived by his wife Jeanne; his sister Geraldine of Clearwater Beach, FL; and his broth- ers, Jerome of Dennis and Thomas '44 of Harwichport. Our condo- lences to Gene's wife, sister and brothers. Our '38 foursome had their annual get-together again this year Bill Finan, Paul Mulkern, Charlie Kimball and Frank Hunt.

No mention was made as to whether their scores had improved since last year. We have lost another loyal classmate, Fr. John McLaughlin. Bill Finan and I paid our respects at St. John's Church in Beverly. While there we met John Caselli with Paul Chavane. At the Church we had a brief reunion with Charlie Logue and Fr. Bill Guindon, SJ. Charlie wanted to be remembered to Joe Home. Bill tells us that he is at the Jesuit House at 300 Newbury St.; Fr. Joe Keaney, SJ is at the same residence. In appreciation of all that Fr. McLaughlin had done for the Class over the years, we sent a dona- tion to Regina Cleri in his memory. My grandson, Thomas F. True rV, graduated from Colby College this year. His brother John is entering Fairfield Univ. in Sept. While Bill Finan was in Florida, Paul Mulkern took care of arrangements for Laetare Sunday. At our two tables were Barbara and Frank Hunt, Tom O'Connor, Ellie and John Marshall (who won a book written by guest speaker Mark Shields), Ruth Castelli, Phyllis and Paul Mulkern, Ruth and Tom True, Fr. John McLaughlin (who also concelebrated the Mass), Carol and Jim Cahill, Phyllis and Tony DiNatale and Peter Kirslis. The Guthries were in Florida at the time; and Dick Canavan had sent his payment for a ticket, but couldn't make it. Plans are underway for a Memorial Mass, luncheon, get-to- gether, etc. in the fall.


William E. McCarthy

39 Fairway Dr.

W. Newton, MA 02 165


On April 30 under the chairman- ship of our president Paul A. Keane and a committee consisting of Charlie Murphy, Al Branca, Pete Kerr and Bill McCarthy the '39ers enjoyed an afternoon of the- atre at Robsham with the produc- tion of "Company," followed by a cocktail party and dinner. Those at- tending were: Nancy Norberg, Ann Peyton, Larry Fitzgerald, Bill Hol- land, John Donovan and Bill Flynn. All the following, with the exception of Simeon Legendre, who came with his son-in-law, came with their wives: George Devlin, Arthur Sullivan, Al Branca, Pete Kerr, Bill McCarthy, Herb Chernack and Paul Keane. Received a letter from Jim Cleary '50, chairman of Pops on the Heights, reminding people of

this upcoming event on Sept. 15. It features conductor Marvin Hamlisch, the world-renowned Bos- ton Pops Orchestra and the BC Chorale, and has raised funds well in excess of $1 million over the past two years. Those who are interested in attending would give a big boost in providing scholarship assistance to qualified students. We had a great turnout for Laetare Sunday under the chairmanship of Charlie Murphy. We had an excellent speaker, Mark Shields, the political analyst and syndicated columnist. Those attending were George Devlin, Nelson Erickson, Larry Fitzgerald, Peter Kerr, Mary and John Donovan, Gina and Bill McCarthy, Natalie and Charlie Murphy, Barbara and Ed Quinn, Ann and Frank Sennott, Mary and Arthur Sullivan, Kathleen and Paul Nagle, and Fr. Joe Fallon, SJ. Received a note from Paul Needham regard- ing the 60th reunion from Lawrence Academy, which he and Bill Flynn attended. Paul's grandson Brian graduated from Assumption College in Worcester, where he was captain of the football team, and Paul's granddaughter Diane graduated from Middlebury College. Hope that Paul's wife Kay is improving after her recent illness. Received a letter from Frank Brennan saying that his son, Jack, will soon become CEO of the $150 billion Vanguard Mutual Fund. The Wall Street Journal states that Jack has been Vanguard's presi- dent since 1989 and has completely bought into the tightfisted tradition; in fact, he recently got a letter from a Vanguard institutional client who was "so happy to see him get into the back of a rented Ford." Received a note from Frank McBride's widow, Mary, with an obituary from Norwalk, CT. After graduation from BC, Frank attended Southeastern Univ. Law School in Washington, DC prior to his appointment as a special agent in the FBI. After re- signing from the FBI, he joined Stamford Rolling Mills Co., where he served as director of industrial relations. Later on, Frank was man- ager of personnel and labor relations for Westinghouse Corp. He was also finance chairman of the Norwalk Republican party in 1 966 and a com- missioner of the Norwalk Redevel- opment Agency. He was a founder of the Connecticut Catholic Con- ference, was president of Norwalk Catholic Charities, and was awarded knighthood in the Order of St. Gre- gory the Great by Pope John Paul II. Our sympathy is extended to Pete Ricciuti on the passing of his wife Doris in April, and also to Kathleen


Ash of Clearwater, FL on the death of her husband, Edward J. Ash. Ed was a former supervisor in the Mass. Social Service Dept. Ed was a gradu- ate of New Hampton Prep and BC, where he was a baseball star and member of the Varsity Club. He was also a former CYO baseball coach. Pete Kerr, our class treasurer, will send the spiritual bouquets.


Daniel J. Griffin 1 70 Great Pond Rd. N. Andover, AAA 01 845

Barbara Goodman has again ar- ranged for a luncheon for the wives and widows of our class for Sept. 2 1 at the Wellesley College Club. The affair will begin at 1 1 :30 am and will include a multi-course buffet, tax, tip and parking. Ladies interested should send a check in the amount of $11.50 payable to Mrs. John Goodman, 40 College Rd., Wellesley, MA 02181. For further information, phone 617-235-4188. This is a repeat affair held for the past few years, and has been enjoyed by a goodly number of wives or wid- ows of the famous class of '40. Our class is requested to support the Pops on the Heights concert featuring conductor Marvin Hamlisch, the world renowned Boston Pops Espla- nade Orchestra and the BC Chorale on Sept. 1 5 . This concert raises funds for scholarship endowment, and we should "pop" for a good cause. The Pilot on March 24 carried pictures of 3 1 priests celebrating their 50th an- niversary of ordination this year. In- cluded was Rev. Lawrence Doyle, senior priest in residence at St. Patrick's parish in Lawrence. John Foristall and I attended the celebra- tion marking this event on June 25; his twin brother Walter Doyle and wife Catherine also attended the cel- ebration at the parish, along with many friends and parishioners. Walter is the retired city clerk in Beverly, but Lawrence still labors in the vineyard at St. Patrick's. Also listed was Rev. William Smith, OMI, bursar, Oblate Infirmary, and senior priest in residence at St. William's Parish in Tewksbury . Rev. William Carpenger, who died in 1973, was also mentioned. We learned of the passing of three class- mates this quarter. PatrickJ. Ennis, a retired social worker, died on Jan. 25 in Northampton. Frederick J. Dobbrats of Hilton Head, SC died on March 14. He had served as an agent with the FBI for 27 years. Also

Sidney S. Bogen of Randolph, a retired manufacturer of leather clothing, died on April 4. 1 know you will keep these and all our deceased classmates in your prayers. Catherine and John Foristall re- cently attended their granddaughter Kendyl's graduation from Cornell Univ. where she received a BA in animal science. Kendyl, daughter of Ed Foristall '72, plans to become a vet.


Richard B. Daley 160 Old Billerica Rd. Bedford, AAA 01 730 (617)275-7651

Please remember the following class- mates, who have passed on. John Guinee of Somerville, a former teacher in the Somerville school sys- tem for 38 years, died on Dec. 3. He was also a former director of St. Bernard's Church, past member of the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the Holy Name Society. John O'Brien died Jan. 2. He was a re- tired consultant to the Ford Motor Co. John Mulvehill died in May. Classmates attending his wake were John Colahan, John Jansen, Jim McLaughlin, Tom Donelin, Nick Sottile and Jim Kiely. The open- ing of our 55 th anniversary for the Class of 1941 will be the attendance at the BC-Syracuse football game at Syracuse. The game is on Nov. 18; transportation will be by bus and overnight will be at a local hotel. Keep this event in mind it shall be a winner! The annual luncheon on May 23 was a great affair! Sixty-five classmates and wives were present, plus a good showing by the clergy. Those in attendance were John Kehoe, John Bowes, Dick Daley, Leonard McDermott, Joe McCafferty, Gene Goodreaut, Nick Sottile, John Jansen, Paul Jennings, Msgr. Tom Finnegan, Frank Galvant, Jim Kiely, Bob Sliney, Bishop Joe Maguire, Brendon Crotty, ST. Colamaria, Jim Murray, Fred jaquith, Jack Colahan, Ceclia McDonague, Fr. Jim Rogers, Fran Bellew, Fran Blouin, Helen Ryan, John Hayes, J. Warren Heffeman, Harry Fulchino, Jack Calahan, George McManama, Ethel Sheehan, George Kerivan, George Hanlon, Paul True, Leonard Frisoli, Emil Slizewski, Jim McLaughlin, Dave White, Walt Dubzinski, Bill Brewin, Charles O'Rourke, Fran Hegarty and Fr. Ed Cowhig.


Ernest J. Handy

84 Walpole St. Unit 4-M

Canton, MA 02021


I am extremely grateful to John Fitzgerald and John Irrabino for

sending material from which these notes are composed. At the dinner in his honor, held on March 1 8 at the Ritz-Carlton Ballroom, Washing- ton, DC, Bob Drinan received the congratulations of President and Mrs. Clinton. The opening page of the tribute booklet reads, "Robert F. Drinan's name is signed to every petition in behalf of the persecuted, because we can always count on him to raise his voice for the victims who are forgotten, cheated or betrayed." Bob closed his remarks that evening with a quotation from Irish poet William Butler Yeats, "Think where a man's glory most begins and ends. And say my glory was I had such friends." If interested, contact me for a copy of his speech. Have you read the biography of Bob in the spring issue of BCM? Thanks to Tom Hinchey the Class was repre- sented by 16 classmates at the Laetare Sunday celebration. In addition to Tom, Terry Geoghegan and John Lane were accompanied by their wives. Unaccompanied included Jim Boudreau, Paul O'Hara, Gerry Joyce, Leo Strumski, Dave O'Keefe, Charlie Ahern, Bucky Harris, Jim Calahane, Paul Heffron, John Fitzgerald, Frank Mahoney, Martin Hansberry and yours truly. On April 3, Louise and Jack Hart be- came the proud grandparents of Sh- annon Louise who checked in at 7 1/ 2 pounds. One month later Jack and Louise celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with a grand reception at the Framingham Coun- try Club. Jack still envies me the title "Best Man." Also celebrating 50 Golden Years together in 1995 were Winifred and Bob Troy. Marie and Frank Dever finalized the celebra- tion of their 50 years of happiness together with a trip to Italy, courtesy of their two sons and three daugh- ters. • Jim Stanton continues to reign as golf club champ at Wyndemere in Naples, FL. Shortly before his return to New England, Jim shot a round of his age (74) less 2, i.e., he parred the course. Jim still found time to work with Dan Barrett and organize our Annual Memorial Mass, which, this year, also served as a testimonial to our classmates Tony Cintolo, Joe Downey, Bill Flynn, John Kelly, John Lawler and Jim

Maloney, each of whom celebrated their Golden Anniversaries as priests. Space does not permit the listing of the many who attended. Long distance travelers included Joan and Jack McMahon up from Vero Beach, FL. for the summer. Both are bragging about their 1 6th grandchild and their 2nd great- grandchild. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing many of you at the football games this fall. Before or after the game, as you are walk through Shea Field, Frank Dever and I will be pleased to serve as hosts with refreshments.


Thomas O'C. Murray

14 Churchill Rd.

W. Roxbury, MA02132


First and foremost, we must begin with thanks to Ernie Santosuosso for his great work on the last col- umn while your regular scribe was "down south!" Again, sadly, we must report the passing of two more classmates: Dr. Bob Nangle, from Atkinson, NH, on April 15; and again in April, Marc Carrigan one of the old CBA men from Newbury Street after a long ill- ness in Weston, MA. Marc began with the old CBA gang "down- town," left early to join the Air Force, later was associated with the automobile industry for many years, co-founded the NE Shuttle Co., was a director of Shawmut Bank and a member of Woodland Golf Club. To Catherine and his family, our sincere sympathy. Now from notes on hand. Many thanks to Eddie O'Connor for his great work on another fine theater party on April 30. The usual group was present, but we were pleased to see Bill Noonan from Gloucester for the first time in many years. Also, Ed O'Connor told us of a nice letter from Fr. Larry Cedrone, who hopes to make more class functions in the future. Ed McEnroe reports that Dot and Dan Healy stopped for a visit with them in Florida, and that our old fencing "master" Yale Richmond was a featured speaker at a world-wide symposium in St. Petersburg on the negotiations with Russia. Best wishes to Jack Kelleher on his recent hip opera- tions. • Thanks to Frank Hill for "late" payment of class dues ac- tually, it was in advance!! Also, if you need some good travel advice,


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please see Frank at Global Travel in Framingham. Tom Kennedy sends greetings to all, and Leo Reilly asks that he appear on the invitation list to the '95 golf day at Wayland. Speaking about that ... we must thank Jim Harvey for again master- minding this annual event. Any re- ports of prizes, great scores, etc. will be announced in our fall column. With thanks to Ernie Santosuosso, the Alumni Association-sponsored Second Helping "Magic Ball" at the 600 Club at Fenway Park was a great success. Had a short note from Tom Heath in January, protesting another attack of malaria he says this is malaria country (not Marlboro country!!) but checked back in Feb- ruary in better health. Letters would be most welcome!! We hear that the Bob Rehlings will be in resi- dence in Cotuit for the summer, and that Jim P. Connolly had a good golf day at the Cape Cod Country Club. NB: It's mid-'95, but just a reminder that your '95 class dues are still payable. Check your records; if late, please remit now.


James F. McSorley, Jr. 1204 Washington St. N. Abington, MA 02351 (617)878-3008

Harry Roberts let us know he and Nancy wintered in Stuart, FL, just north of Jupiter where Charlotte and I spent Feb. Harry plans to be in the same place next year. Frank Doherty continues to travel to near and far away places. Last winter he got to ski with his children and grand- children in the good old USA. He also made it to Singapore and recol- lected the last time he saw the city was April 15, 1945 while on an un- friendly sky recon photo mission out of Calcutta. In May, theMcSorleys were honored by the Abington Council On Aging with an award for "Exceptional Service to the Abington Senior Citizens." The class had another good representation at the 44th annual Laetare Communion Breakfast which Tom Donelan chaired. Among those attending were John Cataldo, Bill Daley, Frank Doherty, Tom Donelan, Jim Dowd, Paul Fleming, Jim McSorley, John O'Connor, Bob O'Leary, Tom Soles, Leo Wilson, and Dr. Don White who is enjoying his semi- retirement. It was also so pleasant to see the wives of those attending who also came. Phil Carey of E. Bridgewater and BC Hockey fame

was again elected Town Moderator, a position he has been re-elected to every year since 1962. Congratula- tions Phil! The class extends its sympathy to the family of Paul Z. Vartigian who died Nov. 1, 1994 in Tewksbury after a long illness which prevented his working. Paul, how- ever was able to help his wife with the care of their handicapped son. Paul leaves his son and wife Beatrice. Our sympathy also to the family of Frank H. Harris of SOM and Sa- lem who died on Feb. 1 8. After serv- ing three years in the Navy in the South Pacific, he worked as a bank examiner for 14 years which was followed by employment at three other commercial banks as CEO before retiring in 1987. He was an ardent golfer as was his whole fam- ily. Frank was a member and former president of the Salem Country Club as well as holder of the course record there. He was also the recipient of the Robert Morris Association's award as Certified Commercial Lender. Frank leaves his wife Gertrude, six children and seven grandchildren. Our condolences to the family of Edward J. Duffy of W. Roxbury who died April 26. Ed saw service in the Army Air Corps in World War II where he was awarded the Purple Heart. He attended Ob- lates College in Washington, DC, and then studied at their seminary several years before opening his own real estate business in W. Roxbury from which he retired. He took an active part in helping rehabilitate former prisoners in the Mass. Com- munity Assistance Program which helped in the parole adjustment of retarded parolees 14 and 1 5 years of age. Ed was past president of the Mass. Parole Officers Association. He leaves two brothers: Thomas of Concord and Center Harbor, NH, and James of Jupiter, FL; 12 nieces and nephews; and 20 grandnieces and grandnephews.


Louis V. Sorgi 5 Augusta Rd. Milton, MA 02 186 (617)698-0623

Congratulations, Golden Eagles you really turned out for our re- union weekend! From what I saw and heard, the class thoroughly en- joyed all of the weekend's events and activities. Of a current class of 105, 72 classmates were present at vari- ous events. For those unable to make it, I will try and summarize the week-

end. • I told everyone at the reunion that we were a unique class, and the first day we proved it. Rain was pre- dicted for Thursday, the day of our golf tournament, but on that morn- ing the sun shone bright and early with clear skies. Twenty-one of us teed off at the Commonwealth Country Club, with yours truly win- ning the handicap event and Charlie McKenzie winning the Calloway. Thanks to Bill Cornyn for a well- run tournament. Our welcoming dinner that evening in the Heights Room of the New Dining Facility was a great affair, and it gave all of us a chance to renew old acquaintan- ces. I saw Charlie Rodgers for the first time since our Navy days at Brown. He and Bud Keenan have a total of 49 grandchildren. Also saw Joe Bellissimo for the first time in probably 25 years; he now lives in Wisconsin. Don McMorrow came all the way from California, as did Warren Mills. Warren has a great voice, which we utilized that evening, singing our "Alma Mater." After din- ner, we had dessert at the BC Mu- seum of Art, complete with a private tour of the "Memory and the Middle Ages" exhibit, which has over 100 objects assembled from more than 30 museums and libraries in the US and France. On Friday morning, we had our Investiture ceremony in Robsham Theater, where Fr. Monan and Alumni Association president Jack MacKinnon presented us with our Golden Eagle pins. Fr. Monan spoke of the uniqueness of our class, starting out 500 strong in 1941 and ending up with 105 in 1995, the smallest class of Golden Eagles to date. After the ceremony, we had lunch with our families in the Heights Room. Paul Paget, on behalf of the class, presented me with a "cash gift" for my efforts with the class over the years, especially as chairman of the Reunion Committee. He also pre- sented my wife Lillian with a ster- ling silver replica pin of the swan boats for her support of my work with the class. He also gave out 200 swan boat tickets for classmates to enjoy when in Boston. From 5-7 pm Friday night, there was a buffet prior to BC Night at the Pops. After the buffet, we were off in our private buses to the concert, where we lis- tened to a great program directed by new conductor Keith Lockhart who wore his BC tie and hat! Fol- lowing Pops, we returned to the Heights for dessert, coffee and danc- ing. • On Saturday morning, we enjoyed the Celebration of Loyalty ceremony in Bapst Library's Gargan Hall. Here, yours truly and John Campbell, co-chairs of the reunion

committee, presented Fr. Monan with our class gift of $378,000, the largest gift ever for Golden Eagle classes. We also had the largest per- centage of participation ever, with 97% of the class giving. This is an amazing accomplishment, consider- ing the small numbers of classmates. These numbers will have increased by the conclusion of the campaign on May 31, because money is still coming in. In fact, I received over $5,000 during the weekend. Follow- ing this, we had a BBQ in a large tent on campus. At 4:30 we had our Mass of Petition in St. Mary's Chapel in honor of all our classmates (living and deceased) and their families. Cel- ebrant was Vincent Burns, SJ; concelebrants were John Berube, Gerard McGann and Deacon Ri- chard Hassey. We then hurried to the steps in front of O'Neill Library for our class picture, and then it was on to Gasson Hall T-100 for our 50th anniversary dinner-dance. This was a classy affair, with fancy hors d'oeuvres, a delicious roast beef din- ner and dancing to the music of the '40s with the White Heat band. It was great to see John Murphy, Jake SantaMaria,Tom Moran (Texas), Jack McCarthy and many others dancing up a storm in the room where the great Fr. McCarthy lec- tured on natural theology. At this event, we honored our lovely wives and class widows with beautiful silk scarves, compliments of the Golden Eagles. Sunday was a day of rest with no special functions scheduled. Monday was Commencement, and

I had the pleasure of being Honor- ary Grand Marshal. It was quite a thrill to march into Alumni Stadium holding the mace with the Golden Eagle. It was an experience I will never forget. Well, that's it the Golden Eagle weekend of the Class of 1945, leaders in class gift dollars, percentage of participation and an- nuities (27). My personal thanks to yearbook committee chairman John Hogan. I will end the notes with a paragraph from a letter I received from Don McMorrow: "I have al- ways felt saddened that World War

II interrupted the collegiate career of so many of us, pulling us out of school and sending us in all direc- tions. This recent reunion, more than anything else previously, pulled us back together for four wonderful days and did much to make us a class again. We felt that everyone was experiencing a very strong 'togeth- erness' at all our activities. I firmly believe that we truly achieved 're- union' as we became Golden Eagles together."





Leo F. Roche, Esq. 26 Sargent Rd. Winchester, MA 01 890 (617) 729-2340


Richard J. Fitzgerald P.O. Box 171 Falmouth, MA 02556 (508)563-6168

Marty Underwood, now living in Roseburg, OR, received a lot of pub- licity concerning his volunteer work at Pitchford Boys' Ranch, a county- operated center. Marty, who signed up with the FBI just after gradua- tion, retired in 1978. Many of his assignments included spending a lot of time in Alaska. After retiring from the Bureau, he became commissioner onpublic safety for the state of Alaska arid later became head of security for die University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Fr. Bob Bogle is pastor at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Acton. Some of you might have had him in your parish atone time. He has served at Holy Name in West Roxbury and Cathedral High, and also spent ten years at St. Mary's in Charlestown. Jim McSharry, who spent summers on Cape Cod, has now made his permanent home in East Dennis. Jim Ryan is probably more familiar to many of the athletes at the college than some of the coaches are, as he is a fixture at most practices and foot- ball, hockey and basketball scrim- mages. He was spotted most recently at the Spring Game. Sorry to re- port the death of Art Fagan in April. He had made his home in Levittown, PA for many years. He had three children. Art's brother phoned in to inform the class that Arthur passed away on April 16. We are tremen- dously saddened by the news; our condolences go out to the family.


William P. Melville

31 Rockledge Rd.

Newton Highlands, MA 02161

(617) 244-2020

In the winter issue, I waxed enthusi- astically about last September's Pops on the Heights. Now I would like to bring you advance information about the next presentation of this great musical extravaganza. For the past two years, the University has spon-

sored this concert which raises sig- nificant funds for scholarship en- dowment. This is one of the University's greatest challenges providing scholarship assistance to qualified students. On Sept. 15, Pops on the Heights returns with conduc- tor Marvin Hamlisch, the world- renowned Boston Pops Orchestra and the BC Chorale. I can guarantee you will come away knowing that you have heard one of the finest nights of music ever. So, order your tickets now by calling (617) 552- 2234 and while you are helpingyour- self to much pleasure and enjoyment, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have helped a most worthy cause. Jim Calabrese and Len Sherry did a great job in alert- ing our classmates to the annual Laetare Communion Breakfast. En- joying the camaraderie of the occa- sion along with their families were John Corcoran, Warren Watson, Jim Calabrese, John Nee, Len Sherry, Jim Hogan, Tim Buckley and Bill Curley. Paul Morin is traveling again this time to the Ba- hamas and Arizona. Bill Curley was in Naples, FL in Feb. and March; he and Ann now have three grand- children. • Irene and yours truly were also in Naples this winter and were quite impressed with the large contingent of BC alumni that marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Tim Buckely and Bill Melville have become members of the Fides Executive Committee. The members of our Class board of directors want to thank all of you who responded to the survey we sent out in Jan. More on this at a later date. Cornelius Scanlon tells us that although he is now retired as a law school prof, and on oxygen 20 hours a day on account of emphy- sema, he still manages to teach occa- sionally, serve on the Conn. State Labor Relations Board, the Simsbury Town's Charter Review Commis- sion and consultant to the Conn. State Dept. of Education. Bill Curley retired in June after 1 1 years in a second career as career counse- lor at Babson College. Henry T. Burke, Esq. of NYC responded to our questionnaire with an unsolic- ited sizable check thanks Henry. We are saddened to learn of the death of Rita M. Canney of Belmont, sister of Joe Canney '51. Rita was retired assistant commissioner for the Mass. Division of Child Guard- ianship. The sympathy of the Class is extended to Rita's family. Our hard working, genial class treasurer, Tim Buckley wants all of us to know that our dues paying year is from June 30 to June 30. You are there-

fore encouraged to send in $25 dues for 1996. Send your checks made out to BC Class of 1 948 to Tim at 1 5 Standish Rd., Wayland, MA 01778. Saw the lovely Janet Greehan at a recent gathering of BC's Institute of Learning in Retirement, and the lovely Ginnie Oliver at Emmanuel College's 75th Gala Party.


John T. Prince

66 Donnybrook Rd.

Brighton, MA 02 135

Bob Bidwell is teaching a course in entrepreneurship and small business management at the Univ. of Day- ton. He is to be congratulated on the April publication of his new book, Skills for Managerial Excellence, which targets people already in manage- ment. His goal is to teach managers to cope with issues they face in the workplace. Bob's views on the im- portance of managing frustration were featured in the cover article of Industry Week on Nov. 7. Con- gratulations are also extended to Joe Quinn for his tremendous hockey coaching at Coyle-Cassidy High. He was selected as Ice Hockey Coach of the Year in Division 3 . His team had 19 wins, the most in school history. Our sympathy is extended to the family of John McMahon, who died after a lengthy illness. John was an accountant with the Bank of New England. Bill Flaherty, chairman of the golf outing, sends the follow- ing report: "It was raining as I drove along Rt. 128 at 7 a.m. on May 25, headed for Wayland Country Club for the class golf outing. It didn't look good. When I arrived, the rain stopped and we never saw another drop all day." Players were John McQuillan, Jerry Leonard, Bill Cohan, Ernie Ciampa, Fran Dolan, John Forkin, Don McAnulty, Ed Murphyjoe Dowd, John Brosnahan (all the way from Virginia), Bob Crane, John Driscoll, John Carney and myself. Also joining us were Eileen Flaherty, Dot McQuillan, Mary Murphy, Mary Dowd and Carol McAnulty. I'm happy to re- port the results: Winner, John Driscoll with an 82, followed by Bob Crane with an 83. John Brosnahan broke 90 for the first time, tallying a scorching 88. Ernie Ciampa and John Carney set an NCAA record for strokes, and the latest report is they 're still out there! We plan a repeat next year and hope we can entice some more '49ers onto the links!


John A. Dewire 15 Chester St., #31 Cambridge, MA 02 1 40 (617)876-1461

Our West Coast correspondent ad- vises that Warren Lewis hasn't yet hung up his skates. After playing in the Seniors tournament in Victoria, BC in early April, he returned to Portland, OR in time to engage Guy LaFleur, among others, in the NHL Old-Timers' Challenge. Warren plays hockey year 'round on all ama- teur levels and coaches in the vicin- ity of his home in Vancouver, WA. To relax, he cross-country hikes in the Cascade Mts., and does get back to the Cape each summer. John O'Neill died of heart failure on Feb. 9 in the Deaconess Hospital in Needham. He was born in Medford and lived in Needham for 30 years. He earned a master's in education from Boston Teachers' College, and taught chemistry and physics at En- glish High School for 30 years, until his retirement in 1986. John was a retired major in the National Guard and was a member and past com- mander of the Nobscot Power Squadron in Natick for 2 5 years. He leaves his wife Muriel of Needham; two sons, John M. of Leominster and Daniel P. of Brighton; two daughters, Elaine C. Yarnall of Windsor, CT and Ann Conway of Norwalk, CT; and seven grandchil- dren. • Edward J. Furey died in Lynnfield on Dec. 26. He was the retired president of Northeast Ma- chinery Co. and the brother of John J. Furey '49 of Florida. He leaves his wife Barbara; three sons, Edward Jr. of Acton, Lt. Col. (Dr.) Dennis C. of Ramsten AFB in Germany, and Christopher of Newburyport. Burial was in the Bourne National Cem- etery. • On May 7 , 1 took the Eurostar train from Paris to London. It's about the same distance as Portland, ME to Philadelphia, and it makes the trip in exactly three hours. The tun- nel under the English Channel is 24 miles long, taking exactly 20 min- utes to go through it and it feels like traveling through a toothpaste tube. It was another first for me, and an experience late in life that I shall never forget. The Eurostar came into London's Waterloo Station. You may know that Winston Churchill's funeral train left here after a service in London's St. Paul's Cathedral, and traveled to the little town of Blagdon near Oxford, where he was buried in his family plot next to the centuries-old church. Our class


president, Bob Harwood, was quite pleased with the turnout for Laetare Sunday on March 26. We had three full tables, more than we've had in six or seven years. I have been informed by our Alumni Associa- tion that three of our classmates passed away in November. Mark E. Casey, Nov. 13 in Abington; James M. Collins, Nov. 17 in West Roxbury; and John D. McCarthy, Nov. 4 in Waltham. Gn behalf of the class, I wish the families of these classmates our sympathy.


Mary McManus Frechette 42 Brookdale Ave. Newtonville, MA 02 1 60 (617)244-8764

Our 45 th reunion for the first gradu- ating class of Newton College of the Sacred Heart! In Sept. '46, when, as freshwomen, we had our picture taken with Cardinal Cushing, the Boston newspapers hailed us as the pioneer class of the new college. Thanks to BC, we had a warm and nostalgic reunion weekend starting on Friday night with Pops, con- ducted by our wonderful new mae- stro, Keith Lockhart. Saturday was the Garden Party Luncheon in a tent between Stuart and Barat; fol- lowing was our reunion in the li- brary of Duchesne, where Lydia Casavant Hecht and Lincoln, Claire De Blais Canning and Joe, Ann Devereux, Kate Doyle, Mary Lou Julian Natoli and John, Mary King Supple and Ed, Mary Kyne Maze, Chic LaBante White and Mark, Mary McManus Frechette and Al, Joan Mitchell Curran and Arthur, Helene Sweeney Doyle and Bill, toasted each other and tried to ex- plain to the husbands why Newton was so special. Connie Ryan Eagan had to cancel due to family illness, Hilda Carey, RSCJ was on retreat and unable to join us, and Agnes Hauford wrote from Florida that she would be with us in spirit and see us at our 50th. We closed our week- end with the annual alumnae Mass in the Newton Chapel of the Blessed Trinity, where we remembered class- mates no longer with us: Irene (Muffle) Good, RSCJ, Mimi Hayes Pardo, Mary Lou McGowan, Elena Ruggiero Kissell, Trudy Walsh Crowley and Mary Ann White Cullen. May they rest in peace. In April, your correspondent was one of the Newton College delegates to the AASH conference in Houston, where I met Alicia Elosua Talinas

of Monerrey, Mexico, who was in our freshman class. Because we hadn't met since 1947, we had to do a lot of updating.



MAY 1 7 - 1 9 1 996


Francis X. Quinn, 1 205 Azalea Dr. Rockville, MD 20850 {301)762-5049

I trust you've noted a lack of notes for our class. If you're reading this, I ask you to drop me a line about your present activities and location. Jack Riley, MD lives in La Jolla, CA. He and John Stevens "play golf regu- larly and erratically!" Bill Harwood, who is retired from both the FBI and United Telephone Co. of Florida, lives in Longwood, FL and is an investigator with Central Florida Investigations, Inc. of Or- lando. • Paul Doyle, retired State of California administrative judge, re- sides in Walnut Creek, CA and re- lates the joys of "Senior Softball." Pat Roche, Roche Bros. /Sudbury Farms, received the Bald Eagle Alumnus Award for "tremendous deeds worthy of emulation." The honor is bestowed annually by the undergraduate government of BC.


Edward L. Englert, Jr., Esq. 1 28 Colberg Ave. Roslindale, MA 02131 (617) 323-1500

Double congratulations to Judge John Irwin who was recently pre- sented the St. Thomas More Award by the BC Law School Alumni Asso- ciation. This is the highest award given by the Law School Alumni in recognition of exemplary service by an individual. In May, the BC Alumni Association honored him with the Award of Excellence in the field of Law and he is the first recipient of this particular award. John served as an assistant District Attorney in Middlesex County until his appoint- ment in 1970 as Chief of the Crimi- nal Division in the Mass. General Attorney's office. John was appointed to the Superior Court in 1976, and in 1994 was appointed Chief Ad- ministrative Justice of the Trial Court, the state trial court's highest position. Due to the hard work of Fred Meagher, our class had one of the best turnouts in years at the Laetare Sunday gathering. Al

Deshaies came down from Biddeford and joined Fred, Jim Kenneally, Bernie Dwyer, Ed Goulart, Joe Fagan, Al Pizzi, Gene McMorrow, Charlie Brown, Paul Smith, Tom Dolan, Roger Connor, Fred O'Sullivan, Bob Quinn and Frank Dooley. Al Sexton and Jim Mulrooney were ushers for two Red Sox spring training seasons, starting with the replacement team and then when the regulars returned. The winter reunion in Naples, FL con- tinues to grow, and this year Al Sex- ton and Bob Allen did an excellent job in arranging various functions. The get-together started with a wel- come reception on Wednesday, and on Thursday there was a sunset boat ride. Friday, the group attended the Red Sox-BC baseball game, and on Saturday evening they finished with a cocktail party and dinner at the LaPlaya Resort Hotel. Both the snow birds and temporary escapees from the North thoroughly enjoyed the scheduled events. Those attending some or all of the events were Lex Blood, Bill Bond, George Campbell, Al Casassa, Steve Casey, Tom Cummiskey, Paul Daly, Bill Dolan, Bob Ferroli, Jay Hughes, Bert Kelley, Jim Leonard, Jim Moroney, Evelyn Thomas and Charlie O'Donnell. Also joining the group were Joe O'Shaughnessy, Art Powell, Bob Quinn, Paul Smith, Frank Torpey, Bill Walsh, Bob Doherty, Jim Callahan, Jack Leary and Tom McElroy, as well as Dave Murphy, Jack Donovan, Charlie Sherman, Jim Mulrooney, Frank McDermott, Bernie O'Sullivan, Bob Kincade and Bob Shea. I don't know what Al and Bob will do for an encore, but I'm sure it will be interesting! Sandy and Mike McCarthy's daughter, Lynn Ann, graduated BC '95 to join the alumni with her sisters Julie '84 and Patricia '87. On the sad side, I am sorry to report the deaths of two classmates, Jim Doyle and Dan Duggan. Jim was one of the most loyal and faithful members of our class and was a past president of the class. Jim was senior VP of invest- ments at Paine Weber at the time of his retirement in 1988. He leaves his wife, Lois, two sons and three daugh- ters. Dan passed away in Feb. in Roanoke, VAand worked for AT&T for 30 years after moving from Rockland where he lived while go- ing to BC. In closing, I want to remind you that Pops on the Heights will be held on Sept. 15. This will be the third return of this event which features Marvin Hamlisch and the BC Chorale. The funds will go to- ward providing scholarship assis- tance to qualified students. Over the

past two years this event has raised over one million dollars and prom- ises to be more successful this year.


Robert W. Kelly 98 Standish Rd. Watertown, MA 02 172 (617) 926-0121

My cry for help didn't go unno- ticed— I've received correspondence from classmates we haven't heard from in years. John O'Gorman writes that he and Eileen just cel- ebrated their 40th anniversary on May 20. Joining them were their six children, nine grandchildren, and family and friends from Ireland, Canada and nine states. John retired after 3 1 years with NCR. Their home is 1223 Maue Road, Miamisburg, OH 45 342 , but they return each July to West Yarmouth for a vacation. John, my knee surgery was very suc- cessful; thanks for asking. I highly recommend it to any of you who might be bothered with arthritis in the knees. Herb McCarthy, an- other "name out of the past," was kind enough to write about his life after leaving us in '53. He spent five years in active duty (four in Ger- many) after graduating, returned for a few years to Cleveland, OH, then moved to Washington DC, where he worked at the Navy Finance Cen- ter and the office of the Secretary of Defense (McNamara). He received an MS in administration from George Washington Univ. and was commissioner of the Federal Naval Supply System Command for five years. After that, he returned to the Pentagon, where he became Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Material Management. In 1984, Herb retired and became consultant to the National Academy of Public Administration. Herb and Barbara have three children and five grandchildren, all of whom live in Florida. Herb and Barbara live at 2604 Long Boat Court, N in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. In 1990 Herb and Barbara really retired and moved to Florida, where he became adjunct professor at the Univ. of North Florida, Jacksonville Univer- sity and Nova Univ. In 1993, the mayor of Jacksonville hired him as executive director of the Cecil Field Development Commission. Ernest Criscuoli, Jr. also retired to Florida, to 3 06 1 Big Pass Lane, Punta Gorda 33955. He's looking to buy a cabin cruiser and do some fishing and traveling. He says if any class-



mates are in the area, give him a call. He's the only Criscuoli in the whole state of Florida. John F. Jack Coleman just retired and was named professor emeritus of history at St. Francis College in Loretto, PA. Jack wrote The Disruption to the Pennsyl- vania Democracy 1848-1860, as well as numerous articles, book reviews and abstracts. Jack has served on the St. Francis College faculty senate, the Penn. Historical Association, and the Cambria County Historical Society, serving as president at some point of all organizations. His other activi- ties include the Organization of American Historians, the Pennsyl- vania Historical Association, Cambria County Historical Asso- ciation, Phi Theta Alpha Interna- tional Honor Society in History, and the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Finally, for the past two years, the university has sponsored a concert which raises significant funds for the scholarship endowment. This event is Pops on the Heights, featuring Marvin Hamlisch, the world-re- nowned Boston Pops Orchestra and the BC Chorale slated for Sept. 15. You'll find a ticket order form in this issue. Fill it out and send it in. You won't forget or regret the evening. See you there! P.S. Hot off the press!! I just received notice that Guy DiGirolano was honored for his work with the elderly. It seems that Guy has been involved in vol- unteer work sponsored by Mass. Home Care, The Executive Office of Elder Affairs and the American Association of Retired Persons. This year the Health and Social Services Consortium nominated him as its Outstanding Money Manager. A buffet reception was held at the Fed- eral Building in Boston, a presenta- tio.n was made to Guy by Vice President Al Gore, and flowers were sent and presented to his wife Joan by the Vice President's wife Tipper. Guy said, "He would never forget the outpouring of good wishes at the event by his many friends in high governmenfplaces."


Alice Higgins Slattery 9 Cornell Rd. Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 877-4238

Thanks to a note from Pauline Polly Madden Murphy we have some news to share. Polly lives in Watertown and works at the Fernald State School in Waltham as a service coordinator. While she loves her

work, she plans to retire in 2 1/2 years. She then hopes to pursue some research that she had engaged in when volunteering as an aid to an anthropologist atMcLean Hospital. The research involved the study of atypical psychiatric syndrome in a wide variety of countries. Between gardening and traveling it sounds as though she will be busier than ever! Polly and her husband Jim will spend time in Kansas this Sept. to help daughter Martha Ellen and her hus- band John Dowling with the arrival of their second child. Son Jay has two children, Kevin and Erica. Their oldest daughter Maureen recently married Darwin Ortiz, a card magi- cian. Polly notes that she has always loved show business and has taken advantage of open mic nights in the comedy clubs around Boston do- ing about 16 stand up gigs. I hope Polly will let us know about any appearances she may be making since it would be great to see her. I well remember her wonderful sense of humor that kept all the "day-hops" in good humor while at Newton! On a sad note, it was with deep regret that we heard of the death of Sister Gorman. She died suddenly on May 16. According to Rosemary Dwyer, she had gone to her office to correct some papers and died sud- denly. She was buried on May 20 from the Sacred Heart Chapel at Newton Country Day School. On a more cheerful note, it was a jubi- lant evening a short time earlier, on May 12, when Francie Mannix Ziminsky received the Alumni Award of Excellence in Religion at a beautiful ceremony at BC. Francie's reception speech received sustained applause from the more than 400 alumni present for the awards. She noted that we would all do well to listen very carefully to the Holy Father's words as presented in his last two encyclicals. Francie has brought the hope of sustaining life to many girls who might have suc- cumbed to the culture of death and the temptation to take the life of their child in the womb. It was a pleasure to see her honored. Sister Sweeney joined Ann Fulton Cote, Barbara Gould Henry, myself and Francie's husband Vic in attending the celebration. We had a delightful time recalling our years at Newton. Sister Sweeney reports that Newton Country Day School, under the di- rection of Sister Barbara Rodgers, is enjoying great success. I was un- able to attend the alumnae Mass at Newton chapel on May 21 since I was on retreat with the secular Carmelites from the Danvers Carmelite Community. Please let

me know any news that you may have. Also, if anyone has an alumna in mind to recommend for an Alumni Association award, please send me the information.


Francis X. Flannery 72 Sunset Hill Rd. W. Roxbury, MA02132 (617)323-1592

Our class has been busy this past spring with 26 at the Night at the BC Pops on April 22 and about 21 at Laetare Sunday. Dan Miley informs me that the reunion on the Cape was a great success. Twelve rooms were booked at the hotel, and a total of 56 attended the dinner. Rose and Lenny Matthews were responsible for making the arrangements and a won- derful job they did. Among those in attendance were Margaret and Dan Miley, Nancy and Tom Murphy, Pat and Bob King, Mary and Herb Burridge, Judy and Frank Bonarrigo, June and Don Preskenis, Joan and Frank Patchell, Connie and Charlie Pelczarski, Jane and John Ford, Alberta and Gerard Natoli, Ruth and Jerry Monaghan, Linda and Dave Pierre, Shirley and Bob Sanborn, Lori and Lou Totino, Carol and Dick Foley, June and Ray McPherson, Mary and Murray Regan, Mary and Kevin Lane, Jack Duggan, Bea and George McDevitt, Nancy and John Moreschi, Caroline and Bob Donovan, Bobby and Jerry McCusker, Helenjean and Jack Parker, Mary and Bill Kelly, Lois and Lou Florio, and Mary and Jim Coughlin. A good time was had by all. I received a note that Dr. MarvinJ. LaHood has recendy been appointed a Distinguished Teach- ing Professor by the SUNY Board of Trustees. This designation is con- ferred to faculty who have achieved national or international prominence and a distinguished reputation within a chosen field. After ten plus years writing this column, I am pleased to inform you that Dave Pierre has been named my successor as class correspondent. My very best to Dave on this new endeavor. I would like to thank all who have contributed in- formation over the past ten years. Without your assistance, I would not have been able to write this col- umn. Please continue to send your notes to Dave. His address is PO Box 72, Prides Crossing, MA 01 965.


Marie J. Kelleher 1 2 Tappan St. Melrose, MA 02176 (617)665-2669

Since I wrote my last column, I re- ceived word from Dr. Bob Cefalo that he's been elected president of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Bob has a PhD, continues to be an ob/gyn professor, and is the assistant dean for graduate medical education all while carry- ing on his medical practice in Chapel Hill. Tom Reynolds sent word from Weymouth of his recent re- tirement from the Dept. of Defense as the Northeast Regional Contrac- tor of the Labor Relations Office. He and his wife Grace have bought a home in S. Yarmouth and look forward to spending many happy years there. During our reunion festivities, I passed around a book so those present could jot down thoughts and memories. A question found within seems so appropriate: Koro on Mbali Ayjam? Tim Heffernan, Marie Considine Heffernan's husband, wrote both the question and translation. Writ- ten in African, it means "did you spend the night in peace? " I think all who attended would answer "yes," and if we knew the word for joy, would add that as well. Nick Grugnale, husband of Patricia Lavoie Grugnale, has become a successful painter, recently display- ing four of his works in an art show. Ralph Vigeant and wife Phyllis wrote in the book that they are par- ents of six daughters and one son, and are grandparents of 12 grand- children. • Joining our growing list of retirees are Tom Griffen, from GE; and Gail Maguire, from the Waltham VNA. Marie DiMarzio Rutland expects to move back to New England from Pennsylvania very soon. She has traveled around the world and looks forward to see- ing many more friends in the year 2000 (our 45th). Dave Sheehan returned after spending 40 years in California. Sally Walsh Logan enjoys getting away from her Needham residence to her home in Newburyport. She plans on retiring in about a year. She is a school nurse working for the City of Boston. Justine and Ralph Donnelly report that they live (most of the year) on Marco Island, but still spend a few months in Wisconsin. To Joannie "G" (as in Gospodarek) Lett, I thought of Fr. G, too, on Satur- day— but I think of him every time I


hear "Danny Boy" or go to the Pops. He organized the first SON night there when we were students, and surprised the Pops officials by re- questing the 1812 Overture. Vincent Milano and his wife Jane still live in W. Roxbury and summer in Manomet. Being retired helps them enjoy getting together with their eight grandchildren, as well as their three sons and one daughter, even more. Charlie Costello re- ports that he and Anne have moved to Merry Point, VA. Since retiring, they enjoy activities such as volun- teering, sailing, and time with their six daughters, one son, two sons-in- law and four grandchildren. Beverly and Walter Fitzgibbon came up from Wethersfield for the second time in 40 years. Bob Pagliarulo should be well into his campaign mode by the time this column ar- rives. He is a candidate for state rep. from Ward 20. This Ward covers W. Roxbury, S. Brookline and Roslindale. Bob is a wonderful gar- dener and also enjoys photography.

Rosemary and John Vozzella will be keeping a close eye on future Russian space missions. Their daughter Gail and son-in-law, Dr. Scott Parazynski, have gone to Rus- sia for two years. Scott will train with cosmonauts and eventually go into space on a Russian space craft. Dick Olson has joined Candela, Inc.

Another classmate making a change is class president, John Johnson. He now travels to Worcester where he practices law for the firm of JJ Fuller, Rosenberg, Palmer and Belliveau. Bob Connors was due to go to Medjugore a few days after the reunion. Someday I hope to make that pilgrimage. I cannot end this column without expressing thanks to some very special people, without whom the night wouldn't have been as successful. Marie Heffernan made many trips for meetings from Worcester, and helped with the se- lection of the favor. To Ann Th- ompson and the staff of the Alumni Association, no praise or thanks is ever enough to acknowledge all the work they do and the long hours they put in to ensure that not only our class, but every class, had a won- derful time. Every event we have receives their competent assistance. Thanks also to Joan Curran in the BC Bookstore for her ideas for our favor and for her assistance in order- ing them. Ernestine Bolduc '56 and Claire Hoban McCormack '56 gave up a Saturday night to greet you as you arrived and give out your pic- ture badges. Many thanks for doing this for us. Rick Farrell and his or- chestra provided wonderful music

for dancing or just for listening. It was great to meet so many of you, and I hope that all of you had such a good time that you'll come back soon, especially if you haven't been com- ing to events and live locally. On that note, let me remind you to pay attention to mail from the Alumni Association, as I already have a couple of ideas for some off-campus activi- ties for our 41st year. I wish I had space enough to list the names of all who came, but I have a word limit. For those of you who couldn't come, but may be interested, we did have two group pictures taken, one of all of us and one of the nurses. If you would like one, please contact me quickly and I'll tell you how to pur- chase it. I'm sure I've missed a lot of news, so please let me know what I missed so I can put it in my next column. I can only share the news you provide. As I was about to out this column into its envelope, I learned that Carla DePrizio LaPlante's mother has died. Our sympathy to Carla and her family.


Jane Quigley Hone 425 Nassau Ave. Manhasset, NY 1 1 030 (516)627-0973

The reunion weekend for some of us began with Friday evening's buffet reception at our old Putnam House before going to the Pops a delight- ful evening. The Saturday outdoor lunch at Newton was also most en- joyable. In the evening we all came together for a dinner at the Sullivans' home in Medfield. There was Carra Wetzel, who drove from Virginia with Weasie Wilding. Carra and Ed have four children and seven grandchildren. She's just finished graduate school for her master's in social work and is a therapist in Win- chester, VA for a child abuse pre- vention organization. Weasie Wilding and Joe (retired) live in Columbia, MD. They have five chil- dren (one girl) and four grandsons. Sugie Tully and daughter Mary flew in from Cincinnati. She has six sons and nine grandchildren. Nick (re- tired doctor) and Nadia Deychakiwsky came from Ohio. She works full-time as head of adult services in the public library. They have three sons and four grandchil- dren. Their youngest son is working in Kiev, helping the new democracy. Ray (retired) and Dalia Ivaska have four children, three of whom are married, and one granddaugh-

ter. She is a chemistry teacher at Boston Latin. Frank and Sue Crowley came from New Hamp- shire. They have two children and two grandchildren. Sue is co-direc- tor of Birthright of Manchester. Mike and Pat Mitchell recendy re- turned from a long-awaited trip to Europe. One of their three children is married. Pat works in guidance and is secretary to its program direc- tor at Wellesley High. Gerry and Mary Jane Murray came from Providence, where they visited their daughter Mary Jane and two chil- dren. Their son Gerry is a priest; he is studying at the Gregorian Insti- tute in Rome for a doctorate in canon law. Ed (retired) and Winnie Hicks were there, and Ed became the chief dishwasher for the evening. Another of their seven children is being mar- ried. • Frank and Jane Hone visited with their son and his wife and daugh- ter in Newton. Allison Lynch Hone had her 10th reunion from BC. A real surprise was seeing Cecilia Muydi, with us for only our fresh- man year. She still lives in Colom- bia, SA. Her husband Henry and two sons also joined us. She has three other children and six grand- children. She volunteers at the Co- lombian Cancer Society. Our hosts for the evening, Paul and Mary Sullivan, were most gracious, and they want us back in five years! They have 1 1 children and three grand- children. Chris has just retired from having a day care center at her home.



MAY 17- !?•! 996

Steve Barry

1 1 Albamont Rd.

Winchester, AAA 01 890


By now, you have probably re- sponded to the letter about our an- niversary and Reunion Weekend events. We've reserved 60 tickets for the Army football game on Sat., Oct. 2 1 (Family Day), preceded by a brunch in the Science building and followed by a reception with cash bar and complimentary hors d'oeuvres. We're also reserving tickets for the Boston Pops concert on the Heights. This terrific event has raised $2 million for scholar- ships in its first two years. If you can possibly make it, you'll enjoy it. Other events may include the BC Christmas Chorale, a BC basketball (if tickets are available) or hockey game, theater event, Red Sox game or golf tournament. We'll, as al- ways, be attending the Laetare Sun-

day Mass and Communion Break- fast. • The reunion is on Commence- ment Weekend, May 18-20. Our suggestions include a visit to the BC Museum, Trolley Tour of Boston, separate brunch/lunch by schools, and either a dinner dance or clam- bake/barbecue for Saturday evening. This went to press before the ques- tionnaire returns, so there may be other possibilities. We had about 40 at Laetare Sunday. Marie and I couldn't go; Cardinal Law was visit- ing our parish and I'm in the choir. We also had about 14 at the BC Pops, a small turnout since it was Easter vacation week. How much is a tenth of a point on the stock market worth? At St. Agnes School in Arlington ( Rev. Frank Irwin is pastor) it was worth lunch at a local Au Bon Pain restaurant from Peter Lynch '63, Fidelity Investments' Wall Street whiz. In Jan. '94, the seventh graders challenged him to see whose 10 stocks would do better for the year. If the students had lost, they would have cleaned Peter's of- fice. • Jack Kennedy is selling very classy BC "throws" through the Alumni office. They have the col- lege seal and representations of St. Mary's, Gasson, Fulton, Devlin, Bapst and Lyons in maroon on a cream background. Rev. John Surette, SJ is director of Spiritearth, a Center for Spirituality in the Eco- logical Age, in Poughkeepsie, NY. The center offers workshops, pro- fessional study days, internships, sab- batical programs, private study, research and thesis work. After Richard Tobin of Stamford, CT, retired from law practice, he was appointed and confirmed as a Con- necticut Superior Court Judge on Oct. 1, 1994. The next day, he went to Jean and Bernie Doherty's daughter's wedding in Portsmouth, NH. Ann and Frank Merrigan also attended. Alan Keiran and Bar- bara are sitting the Longmont, CO home of their son-in-law, who trans- ferred to London to manage six Eu- ropean affiliates. Three others of their seven children live there, and two arrived from California and Florida for Christmas. A member of the Class of 1 95 1 , Alan served in the US Navy during the Korean War, and graduated with us. He received his MBA in 1970. After early retire- ment from Digital Equipment in 1992, Alan settled in Nashua, NH. His new address is 8223 Sawtooth Lane, Longmont, CO, 80503. His telephone number is (303)652-3001. Marie and I attended the second annual BC Alumni Retreat attended by about 27 at Weston, given by Fr. Paul Messer, SJ of the BC English



department. Incidentally, I've of- ficially retired, receiving Social Se- curity. Carolyn Kenney Foley tells me that Dan planned to retire in June and she will follow suit in De- cember. • Carolyn met Dorothy McCauley Flood and Frank at Frank's reunion (Class of '55). Carolyn has spent much time com- miserating on the phone with Jean Riley Roche, who is recovering from a broken leg suffered in a car acci- dent. • Jack McCarthy is recuper- ating from colon surgery. Jim Martin called to say that George Riley of Quincy has passed away. A retired insurance man, George was active in the community, serving under two mayors. He leaves his wife, Pat, four sons and four grand- children, two sisters, Kathy and Vir- ginia, and his twin brother, Steve, also a classmate, in Florida. Our con- dolences to his family.



9 9 6

Patricia Leary Dowling 39 Woodside Dr. Milton, MA 02 186


Francis E. Lynch 27 Arbutus Ln., P.O. Box 1 287 W. Dennis, MA 02670 (508) 398-5368

Before we know it, the football sea- son will be upon us. The class plans a football event scheduled for Home- coming weekend; a class mailing details this event will be forthcom- ing. • Tom Bray dropped me a line about Joe Donovan. Joe was fea- tured in the Nov. '94 issue of Firehouse as fire chief of Jackson, MS. Tom explained that he spent over 30 years at Hughes Aircraft in nearby San Clemente, CA, where he held several positions ranging from test engineer to manager of manu- facturing engineering to division contracts manager. Norma DeFeo Cacciamani is former president of Zonta International in Arlington. Just recently she chaired a Zonta Intercity Dinner held in Lexington. Norma is administrative coordina- tor for the infectious disease divi- sion at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge. She and her husband Vin have three children and live in Arlington. Joan and Jay Cronin are proud first-time grandparents to a little girl born last August. Siobhan Cronin is the daughter of Jay's son,

John Jr. Their son Neil will be get- ting married in Sept. in Stemboat Springs, CO; daughter Kerin is a special education teacher; and Kristin is manager of the Four Seasons Ho- tel in NYC. I was recently able to assist Delores Cerutti Gallagher in tracking down Mary Lou Hogan of Arlington. Dolores lives in the Baltimore area. During February and March, Tom Harrington (who is on sabbatical from Northeastern) and his wife worked for six weeks at five university psychology depart- ments in South Africa, lecturing on job search methods and locating psy- chological tests. They also consulted on provincial research projects. Tom is currently president of the assess- ment division of the American Coun- seling Association. My daughter Carolyn '88 was married to John Frederick Egan on June 24 in Moretown, VT. Carolyn is a nurse at UVM Medical Center and will live in Moretown. The sympathy of the class is extended to James Cantwell and his family on the death of his wife Joanne in January.


Marjorie L. McLaughlin 139 Parker Rd. Needham, MA 02 194 (617)444-7252


David A. Rafferty, Jr. 33 Huntley Rd. Hingham, MA 02043 (617)749-3590

Ed Albertini is director of guidance at Mansfield High. Bill Ambrose has retired from Febreeka Industrial Products. David Callagy is assis- tant director of Catholic Charities in Honolulu. Bill Callahan is a professor of history at the Univ. of Toronto. Bob Carroll, living in Dedham, is a systems manager at Harvard. Frank Callnan is an im- migration officer in Houlton, ME. Joe DiCarlo, living in Revere, is director of Boston Port Services. Joe Desmond is chairman & CEO of the Concord Group Insurance Co. in Concord, NH. Ed Devin recendy retired from Fleet National Bank and will be making his home- stead in Naples, FL. Paul Ellis is a management consultant with Ellis Enterprises in La Canada, CA. Helen Fagan is director of nursing at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Harvey

Federman, living in Randolph, is VP of Printers Service in Hingham. Paul Fennell is president of PD Fennell & Co. in Orlando. Paul, how do you compare Orlando with Vienna? Joe Gabis, living in Lunenburg, has retired from Ben- eficial Management Co. Joe Giardina, living on the Cape, is a retired VP of Beech Aircraft. Ron Ghiradella is a social studies teacher in Merrick, NY. Ed Glavickas has retired from American Express. Bill Griffin is CFO of Marwais Stell Co. in San Francisco. Charlie McGowan is program manager for IBM in Guilford, CT. Bill Monahan is president of Eastern Securities in Westport, CT. Apolo- gies to Alex Kulevich, who is not with Lotus Development but is, and has been, the athletic director at Marblehead High. Alex and Henry Zielinski have been frequenting George Harrington's great restau- rant in Salem, the Lyceum. Lou Ennis is retiring from Brandeis Univ. this year. His current position is VP of employee relations. Joe O'Donnell is a physicist with the US Naval Ship R&D Center in Bethesda, MD. Carl Pitaro is mayor of Brockton. Peter Power is managing director for Cowen & Co. in NYC. Bill Rochford is executive director of Action, Inc. in Gloucester. Bill and family are liv- ing in Magnolia. Bill Ryan, living in Swampscott, is account manager for Network Systems in Waltham. Ed Sabatino is a plant environmen- talist for Cytec Industries in Willow Island, WV. Bob Santi, living in Duluth, GA, is retired from IBM. Paul Ronan is president of PJR In- vestments in Sausalito, CA. Bill Monagle is president of Somerset Medical Center in Somerville, NJ. Arthur Mooney is with Dean Witter in Boston. Frank Day, after many years with Casey & Hayes Movers, is now with Wakefield Industries. Eddie Malloy and Joe Casper re- tired from the Social Security Ad- ministration in Dec. Pretty soon they'll be collecting their own! Prayers of the class are requested for Fred Holbrow, who passed away on June 16. Fred was an attorney prac- ticing in Marina Bay in Quincy. Jim Higgins, living in Hingham, is VP of JC Higgins Corp. Joe Hinchey has retired from the Maiden School Dept. On Sept. 1 5 , Pops on the Heights returns for a third year. This year the goal is to raise $1 million over & above the cost of the event. This money will provide scholarship assistance to qualified students. The only way this goal can be achieved is through the

sale of many corporate and benefac- tor packages, as well as individual tickets. The event will feature con- ductor Marvin Hamlisch, the world- renowned Boston Pops Orchestra and the BC Chorale. Condolences of the class to the family of James Horgan, who died of cancer in June. Jim was a lifelong resident of New- ton and a retired English teacher at Medway High. He leaves his wife Kathleen and two sons, Neil and James. The class gave $500 to Second Helping. This is the 7th con- secutive year the class has donated to this mostworthy cause. Keep those cards and letters coming. Any news is good news. Don't forget to send your $25 class dues to Jack Mucca McDevitt at 28 Cedar Rd., Medford 02155.


Sheila Hurley Canty 8 Sherbrooke Dr. Dover, MA 02030


Robert P. Latkany c/o NML, P.O. Box 4008 Darien, CT 06820 (203) 857-5738

Pops on the Heights: mark your calen- dars for Sept. 15 at 8 pm in Conte Forum. This is the third annual event for the University's scholarship en- dowment. The affair has raised al- most $1 million per year for deserving students. Conductor Marvin Hamlisch and the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra, the BC Chorale and special guest perform- ers will play Broadway show tunes and light classical and popular music selections. Tickets range from as low as $50 for a balcony seat with a gourmet picnic dinner and two bev- erage tickets; $75 for a loge seat; $100 for a preferred loge seat; and a $6,000 package (12 tickets)— 8 floor seats (champagne included) and 4 preferred loge. These 12 are invited to a private cocktail reception. This is a very worthwhile event. Call Meggan O'Leary at the Develop- ment Office, (617) 552-4400, for more info. When I reported about my attendance at the BC-Rutgers game last fall, after the George Giersch Hall Of Fame induction the night before, I raved about the great time at the pre- and post-game par- ties. However, I was remiss in one major detail. The Class of '59 was


well-represented, but the word must be out: the crowd was (as always) largest where lovely Ellen Markey Thurmond set her table. This in- vestment company executive does not limit her talent to the financial field. Word of her culinary expertise has spread throughout the Boston city limits to as far as the NH, RI and CT borders. Her remarkable gour- met treats which, she says, she "just threw together last night," have people scurrying to try to get an invitation for her Epicurean delights. Great job, Ellen, and thank you from those of us from the class who were there. Barbara and Gerry McElaney's youngest son, Keith, a Desert Storm veteran, just com- pleted his first year at So. Conn. State Univ., majoring in phys. ed. He played first-line defense for the club hockey team, which finished at 23-6. They advanced to the nation- als at Colorado State, where they went 1-2 in the double elimination tournament. They beat UKentucky before losing to Colorado State and San Jose State, 4-3 . They represented the Northeast in the 8-team tour- ney. Congrats, Keith! My wife Regina and I spent Easter week in surprising Santa Fe (elev. 8000 ft). We stayed at gracious host Jack Harrington's condo for part of the time. We had six inches of snow the first day, which was melted by the noonday sun. It's a beautiful part of the country and an artist's delight. Santa Fe has more art galleries than any other US city except New York and Chicago. That is not a misprint: little Santa Fe is #3. "Little Santa Fe!" Hard to believe. The Brook- lyn Prep (Jesuit) annual dinner on April 2 8 was attended by 5 50 alumni. Here's a school that closed in 1972. It gives $60,000 per year in scholar- ships to the five Jesuit high schools in the New York metropolitan area $12,000 each for young men who would otherwise be unable to re- ceive a Jesuit education. The recipi- ent schools are Xavier, Fordham Prep, Loyola, Regis, and St. Peter's of Jersey City. This unusual phe- nomenon has the NYJesuit commu- nity smiling. Great job by the Brooklyn Prep Alumni.


Maryjane Mulvanity Casey 28 Briarwood Dr. Taunton, MA 02780 (508) 823-1188


Joseph R. Carry 920 Main St. Norwell, MA 02061

It is with deep sympathy and delay that I report the deaths of three classmates. Condolences to the fami- lies and please keep their memory in your prayers. They are: Marty Lee of Woburn, who died in January of '94; Vin Siefcak of N. Weymouth in November of '94; and Frank Keaney ofMillis in January. Kevin O'Neil of Wells, ME has been reap- pointed to the Diocesan Pastoral Council of Portland. Lorraine Renda O'Leary writes from Maiden that her family is mostly married and they are enjoying life. Steve Coyne, living in Granada Hills, CA, withstood thejanuary '94 earthquake with some house damage. Tom Kelly, MD recently married in Carmel, CA and resides in Nashua, NH. Joe Walker purchased and renovated an apartment in Ft. Lau- derdale and planned to winter there. However, duty called with Chrysler, and he is tied up for a year with them. Tom Flynn of Bedford writes he is very busy with Raytheon's air defense systems. He's been mar- ried for 37 years and is the grandfa- ther of four. David Russo was in town last fall from Palantine, IL. Ralph Shea now resides in Falmouth. He's self-employed in real estate ownership and management. Dan Sughrue, who retired from the FBI after 26 years, now operates a PI company with his wife in Con- cord, NH. He has a number of grand- children and was recently elected the NE regional VP of the FBI's Society of Former Special Agents. Bob Reagan of Arlington writes that, at his advanced age, he has a second child recently born. He teaches at Cambridge Rindge & Latin and still runs road races. Lawrence Boucher of N. Billerica writes that his three children have graduated from Tufts. His son is pursuing a PhD at UMass-Amherst and his two daughters are in volunteer teaching programs. The class reunion was a huge success, with 120 people in attendance. The committee worked with the Alumni Association to plan a gala event appreciated by all. Paul Cunningham arrived the day of the reunion from Stockholm from his vacation. He recently moved to Northboro from Southboro and is associated with Ericsson as sales manager. He skis at Sugarbush in the winter and summers in Edgartown; he wants to smell the

roses. Seems he's on the way . . .• Mike Hawley is now president of the Gillette Co. He has been instru- mental in opening the market for his company in China. Approximately 80% of the company's sales and prof- its come from outside the US. Mike has been with Gillette for 34years. Dave Pergola of Belmont, an ex- ecutive VP with Meredith & Grew, was named Commercial Broker of the Year by the Greater Boston Real Estate Board. Other news from the reunion: Edith Cackowski Wetherell came in from Paris. Joe Nadeau and Tom Rattigati ar- rived from Florida. Bob Winston came in from California. Bill Hyland, who still resides in Foxboro, relates the following information: both sons are married; one lives in Philly and the other in Hopedale. He's a grandfather twice. Bill is the regional officer for AG Edwards the largest brokerage firm in New England with 39 offices and over 400 brokers. Bill was also recently appointed to its board of directors. Red Baron Hyland has purchased a small plane and flies it recreationally. Msgr. Walter J. Edyvean, who was elevated to that position in Janu- ary of '92, writes from Rome. He was assigned in 1990 to the Congre- gation for Catholic Education at the Vatican, the office of the Roman Curia which is responsible for semi- naries, Catholic universities and Catholic schools. In 1 993 he became the head of the universities section, which deals with Catholic universi- ties throughout the world. Monsi- gnor is also director of "Villa Stritch," the residence in Rome for diocesan priests from the US who work in the Vatican. Among oth- ers at our reunion were Dick Cou- ture and Father Leo Shea.


Patricia McCarthy Dorsey 53 Clarke Rd. Needham, MA02192 (617)235-3752

The 35 th reunion was a great suc- cess! We had 43 classmates attend some part of the weekend 44% of the class. Congratulations to all of you who spread the word and en- couraged someone to join us! A big thankyou to Marie Stebbins, Carol Cardinal and Joanne Goggins, alum- nae coordinator, for a superb job of organizing our class events. I know I speak for all who attended; it was a fun, relaxing and nostalgic weekend. Friday evening began with a cock-

tail party in the old Putnam Library, now Alumni House. About 12 class- mates were present, including Betsy DeLone Balas, Mary Egan Boland and Mary Elizabeth Brusch Mulkeen, who couldn't be present Saturday. The dinner at Wood- land Country Club on Saturday was the highlight of the weekend. We didn't have a difficult time recogniz- ing former classmates and enjoyed mixing and trying to learn a bit about each other's lives now. Cameras were clicking and several shots were taken of the whole group on the stairway. After a delicious meal, we attempted to answer trivia questions; the prize went to Loretta Maguire, who even knew the last line of the Alma Mater! (Down through our Newton Days). Rosemary Stuart Dwyer, Joanne Stuart's sister, joined us, and we remembered Joanne and Jane O'Connor, our classmates who have died. These are some tidbits of information on those who were present (in alphabetical order by maiden name): Alex Armstrong was married in Sept. to Jerry McCoy, whom we were glad to meet. Alex has written a book about financial matters for women, entitled On Your Own. Pat Beattie still lives in Greenwich, CT. Mary Elizabeth Brusch Mulkeen is living in Lin- coln and working as a biotechnologist. Lita Capobianco is enjoying her home on the Rhode Island shore. Stella Clark owns a successful catering business in New York called "Stellabrations." Lennie Coniglio continues to teach music at Sacred Heart in Green- wich, CT. Joan Di Menna is also living in New York and is teaching. Moira Donnelly has done well in the real estate world, especially in Newton. Betsy Delone is in the process of building a new home in Wilmington, NC. Peggy Flynn lives in Milton and is in her eighth year of teaching math at Cohasset High. Mary Egan practices law in Springfield and is keeping up with her five children. Fran Fortin vol- unteers for Rosie's Place and loves her time at her home in Maine. Mary Lou Foster is employed by Headstart as a social worker in New Jersey. Lindsay Gowan celebrated her first visit back to Newton. Berenice Hackett continues to work part-time for a physician in Rhode Island. She retired from many years of teaching history on the high school level. Jeanne Hanrihan is looking forward to joining Ed on Martha's Vineyard at their bed & breakfast, "Ocean Side Inn." Mary Harrington is retired from IBM and joins Carole McNamara in taking a



painting class. Elaine Holland

took a vacation from BU's chemistry dept. and flew off to Italy with me on June 1. Gail Hanaford came to every event over the weekend ! She is a graphic artist by trade and has volunteered to co-chair the next re- union with Brenda Koehler. Carol Johnson has been employed several years at an insurance com- pany in Springfield and did a great job as co-chair of our reunion. Sue Kenney and her husband travel be- tween their apartment in Brooldine and their place to relax in Marshfield. '

Brenda Koehler keeps in touch so well, she was chosen to chair Re- union 2000! Thanks, Brenda, for saying yes. Brenda Kowalski is working in the blood lab at Boston City Hospital. Loretta Maguire just returned from a quick, fun trip to Disney World in Florida. Mickey Mahon is living in Cotuit and has gone into real estate on the Cape. Rosemary Maravantano is an executive owner of McDonald's in Saint Louis and came the farthest distance for this reunion. Sheila Marshall continues to teach elemen- tary school and is enjoying her grand- children. • Michaelene Martin still tells a great story and will assist with Reunion 2000. Marie McCabe, our co-chair, did such a great job that Dick took her to Italy in June. Pat McCarthy is enjoying the chal- lenge as Recruiting Coordinator at Babson and is delighted to be head- ing to Italy for two weeks with Elaine.

Kathy McDermott took a break from her paralegal jargon and was so glad she made the decision to come and see everyone. Norah McGinity hailed from Cincinnati, OH where she is involved with a nursery school. Sally O'Connell was also instrumental in calling people for this event and continues to sell real estate in Newport, RI. Sheila O'Connor's specialty is space planning, and she has a successful business in New York. Julie O'Neil is teaching and looks forward to spending time this summer at the Cape. Darryln Powers will soon be moving into a new condominium in Wayland. Rosemary Roche has become involved in a women's health study in Rhode Island. Judith Romano is living in Danvers and just returned from a winter in Florida. Ferna Ronci is the proud owner of "Pasta Patch" in Warwick, RI. Kathy Runkle has lived in South America and is now back in Chicago; she loves a good game of golf. Sue Thornton is packing up and moving to Tuscon, AZ. Carole Ward is looking forward to her 6th grandson in Sept.; in addition to her

real estate, she loves to paint. Pat Winkler continues to organize the preparation of baby buntings for hundreds of newborns.




John H. Rossetti 9 Raleigh Rd. Dover, MA 02030 (508) 785-2496

Laetare Sunday again proved to be an irresistible draw, with Dick Glasheen spotting Tom Concannon, Herb Scofield, Jack V. Lane, Ginny O'Neil and Bob Kelly. Circulating faithful included MaryTurbiniJackJoyce and Ann- Marie Wasalauski Mulligan. McElroy Commons hosted break- fast to Paul Brennan and Bob Hannon, just back from Aruba, and to Jack Carr, newly returned from skiing in Vail, who attended with an entourage of his family. Peg Ryan Collins did much work behind the scenes to make this another success- ful event. Mazel Tov to our class- mate Dan Cohen on his engagement to Dr. Sandra dicker. After a No- vember wedding, the couple plans to live in Newton near Sandra's prac- tice at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. Two of our own were honored for their professional achievements at the Alumni Association's awards cer- emony on May 12 in the Robsham Theater. George Downey received the William V. McKenney Award, the Association's highest honor, for his work with Second Helping and numerous other volunteer endeav- ors. An Award of Excellence also went to Dr. John McNamara, chief of pediatrics at Brockton Hospital. A note from Peg Ryan Collins in- forms us that the 12th annual class Mass, concelebrated by Rev. Dick Harrington and Rev. John Acres, was quite meaningful; the memory of departed classmates was honored with beautiful, anonymously-do- nated vestments. They are appro- priately decorated with symbols of knowledge and will be used for this special annual service. From all the rest of us, thank you. Among let- ters of apology for their absence: Tom Jones, managing director for Pinkerton's European operations, could not make it from Frankfort, understandably; Tom Hynes, with Meredith & Grew, had left Boston for business in the Old World; and Francis Vacca, with the US State Dept., was kept busy with his new assignment in Rome. Jack Sutton of Falmouth, ME, marched to his

company's tune in Denver (a long walk), and LA's Joe Lally was at- tending his son's graduation. Joe has suggested that our 35th Big One be held under the Hollywood sign. Maybe. If they do a remake of Co- coon. Roger Sweeney was teed off. Actually, he had plans at the Arnotto Bay Golf Tourney, claiming Charlie Duffy was going to be his caddie. I was going to refute this until I no- ticed that Charlie didn't attend our evening, either. Paul Mclntyre, president of Crystallume in Santa Clara, CA, would like to have come back across the Great Divide; and here at home, Bob Sullivan in Easton has decided there must be conspira- torial forces that plan class dinners only on weekends for which he has plans. We'd better get dates for the 35th to him ASAP! The evening was wonderful with drinks, dinner and Paul Brennan. The first two were tasteful and well-presented. Paul, on the other hand, provided serious laughing in his perfected role of MC. Table-hopping showed Larry Eisenhauer, John Lonergan, Nancy Bonazzoli Connelly, George Downey, Dick Gill, Mary Turbini and Jack Carr. More hop- ping produced Cliff Hoey, John V. Lane, Peg Ryan Collins and Dick Glasheen. Dick Gill informs us that he headed Down Under in June for his son's Australian wedding to new daughter-in-law Paula Quinlan. It's been a long and busy year to date for Walter Shields. In addition to moving into a condo after selling his home of 22 years, his son Wayne was married inMarch and his daugh- ter will be doing the same in August. With 3 3 years teaching in Needham, Walt has taken a special assignment with Polaroid designed to give teach- ers insight into the business world. After the year's sabbatical he will return to the Needham schools. Walt writes of other irons in the fire and seems happy to keep the sparks fly- ing. • This last entry from Jack McDowell just arrived. Jack assures Ed McDonough that the class pro- duced more Marines than Ed's fal- tering ability with numbers indicated in the last issue. This ex-Marine thanks everyone at the class dinner for helping share his and his wife Patty's 2 8th anniversary. Our class funds are very low, and 35th anni- versary costs can be high. If each of us sends $25 payable to the Class of 1961, we can have a successful year. Send your dues to class treasurer lames Russell, 337 Hayward Mill Road, Concord, MA 01742.



9 9 6

Rosemary Hanley Cloran

30 Ransom Rd.

Newton Centre, MA 02 1 59



Richard N. Hart, Jr. 5 Amber Rd. Hingham, MA 02043 (617) 749-3918

Congratulations to John G. Sullivan, MD, chairman of the Dept. of Surgery at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center and clinical professor of sur- gery at Tufts University School of Medicine, who was recently named to the Board of Trustees at St. Elizabeth's. John is also proud to announce the first recipient of the Forrester A. Clark Scholarship at Tufts Med., set up byjohn to honor his medical school benefactor. This year's recipient is Scott Dunbar '92, a fourth-year medical student at Tufts. John also serves as the surgi- cal consultant at Boston College Health Services. His daughter Caitlin will be entering BC in Sep- tember as part of the Class of 1999. Congratulations to Bob Caprio, who took early retirement from Polaroid Corp. after 24 years of ser- vice. Bob has started a new career with Cotton Real Estate in Cotuit, and would be happy to help any classmates looking for a summer rental, retirement or second home. Bob resides in Cotuit with his wife Charlene. Our condolences to the family of Patrick McLaughlin, who recently passed away. Patrick had resided in San Diego, CA. Our condolences also to the family of Joan Roth Lannan who passed away in Sept.. Joan had resided in Charles- ton, SC. Class condolences to the family of Howard Ponty, who passed away in Nov. Howard had resided in Andover. Daniel Reilly Hart, son of your correspondent and wife Monica, recently graduated from Bowdoin College, where, as president of the class, he led the academic procession throughout the entire campus prior to the gradua- tion ceremony. As a closing re- minder, you all should keep Friday, Sept. 15 open for Pops on the Heights, where conductor Marvin Hamlisch will appear for the first year. Any classmate desiring more information can call (800) 767-5 591 .



Mary Ann Brennan Dalton 94 Abbott Rd. Wellesley, AM 02181 (617) 235-6226

It is with great sadness that I write to you about Sister Margaret Gorman's sudden death. Sister Gorman, a Re- ligious of the Sacred Heart, came to Newton College in 1960. Many of us benefited from her role as teacher, advisor and friend. At Newton she was head of the psychology depart- ment, and during her years at BC she taught in both the psychology and theology departments. She was highly respected in her field and admired by her colleagues in academia. Until the very end, Sister Gorman was always accessible to her students as advisor and confidante. They responded to her great open- ness and appreciated her care for them by loving her in return. Any- one who would like to write some- thing about Sister Gorman and what she meant to them is asked to send it to: Sister Alice Husson, RSCJ, 55 Lee Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02 167. It can be a personal reflection something serious or humorous!


William P. Koughan 173-10 Eyck St. Watertown, NY 13601 (315)785-4132

Jim Bunnell, PhD is head of a school sponsored by the Icarda/ World Bank in Aleppo, Syria. Since graduation, Dr. Bonnell spent four years in Africa and 1 1 years in Eu- rope working in international edu- cation. He is a retired colonel of the US Army, spending 30 years in the active reserves. He may be contacted at ICARDA/ISA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria. David Collins re- cently became general manager of the Glens Falls Communications Corp., a locally-based long distance telephone company located in Glens Falls, NY. Edward L. Curley re- ceived his MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in June '94. He lives in Wethersfield, CT with his wife Jeanne, and they have three children. Paul Daley is a senior partner with the law firm Hale and Dorr in Boston, where he is chair- man of the firm's bankruptcy and commercial dept. and a member of the corporate and litigation depart- ments. In Sept. '94, Paul retired as a

captain from the US Navy after 3 1 years of active and reserve service. He and his wife Barbara reside in Waban with their son Patrick. George Perrault's second volume of poetry, Trying to be Round, has been published by Singular Speech Press in Canton, CT. He teaches at Gonzaga Univ. in Spokane, WA, and is the founding editor of the electronic journal Research if Reflec- tion. • Robert D. Willix, Jr., MD has written a new book, Healthy at 100 7 Steps to a Century of Great Health. Dr. Willix completed his in- ternship and residency in cardiac surgery at the Univ. of Michigan Medical Center. He founded and developed the first open heart sur- gery program in South Dakota. By blending the ancient medical wis- dom of the East with the modern systems of the West, Dr. Willix has enabled people of all walks of life to achieve the ultimate goal of good health.


Marie Craigin Wilson 10319 Grant Ln. Overland Park, KS66212 (913)492-5030


Ellen E. Kane

15 Glen Rd.

Wellesley Hills, MA 02181

John Callaghan of New York died May 5, 1994; our condolences to his family and mother Helen. Walter Rossiter received the ASTM's award of merit for distinguished service. Walter is a research chemist at the Institute of Standards of Technol- ogy. • Father Jim Spillane, SJ is at BC to enjoy his first home leave in seven years from Indonesia. Father has published two books on the In- donesian economy. The School of Ed.'s '64 women's luncheon was a grand success; Mary (I mean Murray) Regan was there and pro- vided us with gifts of silk flowers and white wine! What a sweetie is Murray!!!!!!! We have a great pic- ture of us girls with the "Heartthrob!" George Saulnier sent in the following information (thanks, George!):WalterJ. Arabasz has a PhD from Cal. Tech. He lives in Salt Lake City and is a professor of geophysics at the Univ. of Utah, where he is helping to organize a national seismologic observation

network. Pasquale De Caprariis

has a PhD from Rensselaer. He is a professor of hydrology at Indiana/ Purdue Univ. in Indianapolis. Jo- seph Jackimovicz has an MS from the Univ. of Missouri-Rolla. After graduate school, Joe served in the US Army Corps of Engineers in Korea and then as a geologist for state agencies. He has changed ca- reers and is now a boatman near Bar Harbor, ME. Randolph J. Martin III has a PhD from MIT. Randy lives with his wife Therese in Ver- mont (they have four boys), heads a small rock mechanics research lab, and teaches part-time at BC. Gre- gory J. McCarthy has a PhD from Penn. State. He lives in Fargo, ND, is head of the geosciences dept. at ND State Univ., and is active in local choral groups. Dermis W. O'Leary also has a PhD from Penn. State. Dennis lives with his wife Christina and their two girls in Evergreen, CO. He works for the US Geologi- cal Survey on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository project. He spent several years at Woods Hole, where he was once on assignment to the bottom of the sea in the Alvin deep-sea research vessel. George Saulnier, Jr., PhD lives with his wife Mary in Austin, TX. The Saulniers have three boys scattered over the country. George works for INTERA, Inc., which specializes in hazardous and nuclear waste prob- lems. What an impressive group of geology grads! John Granara is currently practicing law in Medford Square. You can find John in Sec- tion D during the upcoming football games! John, my son Marty is a DA in Maiden. I trust you'll keep your eye on him and make sure he's be- having! • Please send news or I'll have to fill up the column with my old jokes. Trust me you'd rather read news.


Susan Roy Patten 1 36 North Inverway Inverness, IL 60067 (708) 358-8897

Margot Butler Kirsis writes from NYC: Susan Roy Patten returns next edition as class correspondent, meanwhile sends along this note: Jill Schoemer Hunter and Dennis are proud grandparents twice! The oldest of their four sons had his sec- ond child, a boy, named after Jill's father who turned 80 shortly after the birth. The Hunters live in Saratoga, CA where Jill is on the

school board and has been for quite a few years, including a term as presi- dent. • Thank you for the kind notes I, Margot, received after the publi- cation of the address directory. Sue Bellanca Walsh has recently wit- nessed the marriage of her first-born, twenty-eight year old son. He and his wife will be living in Salt Lake City. Sue, who has a career counsel- ing practice and corporate training business, and her husband Jack, a pediatrician, live in Alamo, CA. Pat Rice is the religion editor and a writer on classical music for the St. Louis Post Dispatch. She is also active in AASH and a faithful correspon- dent to this reporter. Mary Cricket Liebert Coleman sent a note from Washington, DC what a treat to hear from you! Sheila Chip Donahue Boes sent thanks from Wayland, but she gets to visit her son and daughter-in-law in my neighborhood, the Upper West Side of Manhattan, occasionally. What a small world. Carol Sorace Whalen also sent a note and is a regular attendee to our NYC area get- togethers. On that note, I partici- pated in the first reception for Newton College alumnae during the 91st St. Reunion Weekend, which is an annual spring event. Some of us in the NYC area have decided that the time has come for us to get to- gether, and the Convent of the Sa- cred Heart 91st St. graciously provided the setting. I learned among other things that BC has a very well- organized career network, and that Newton College alumnae are en- tirely welcome to join. If anyone cares, the presence is overwhelm- ingly masculine and for that reason, particularly interesting and unique for some of us. For instance, one Newton College alumna met her husband there, OK? As for me, I have been happily married for 22 years and I would be more interested in the career aspect. My career could certainly use a boost! Directories were returned from Mary Jane Collins Aquilar, Patricia Hanrahan Loewen, Marcia Murphy, Janet Regan and Bernadine Moore. Anybody else out there want to play detective? I am slowly plodding through our class list provided by BC one last time to catch lingering errors. I thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to get to know you once more. Susan Roy Patten, back to you.




Patricia McNulty Harte 6 Everett Ave. Winchester, MA 01 890 (617)729-1187

The 30th reunion has come and gone; if you didn't return to the Heights for it, you missed a wonder- ful time to renew old friendships. Our committee did a great job of planning a very casual, fun event. Special thanks to Judy Nisius Hagan for Saturday's Duck Tour and lob- ster dinner at the Chart House, with a bus return to BC. The weather was perfect for a tour of Boston on these unique vehicles, the highlight being a ride on the Charles with classmates taking the wheel. We returned to BC for a moving memorial Mass in St. Joseph's Chapel. Ed Duggan, with help from Jack O'Toole, Jack Fidele and Jim Hartnett, planned a eulogy with a slide presentation of our deceased classmates. Following Mass we proceeded to O'Connell House for more talk and a great evening. Pops on Friday evening was also enjoyable, with new conductor Keith Lockhart appreciating his BC audience. Steve Colucci writes from Riverside, CA that his only son Michael is a star place-kicker at Riv- erside Poly High; he hopes to make the BC team as a walk-on. Steve is the medical director at three nursing homes and has his own medical prac- tice as well. His wife, Marie '66, runs the Dept. of Nursing at Riverside Community College. Congratula- tions to Mindy Nicoloro, who teaches in Cambridge. Mindy has taken a leave of absence to continue her studies in education administra- tion at BC. Her research for her doctoral dissertation, dealing with the implementation and retention of innovative television programs, led to her induction into Phi Delta Kappa. Kevin Flatley is VP of the private bankatBankofBoston. Kevin has written a series of articles for the Boston Business Journal. Steve Bow- ers has moved to Johannesburg to be the CFO of IBM-South Africa for the next three years. He writes that he'll dearly miss the BC Club of St. Louis. Peter Femino has com- pleted a class at BC in technical writing and wonders if knowing the professor, Dr. Wally Coyle, will help his final grade. Speaking of Wally, he and Mary McNamara Coyle are grandparents. Congratu- lations! • Bette Michalski Greene still lives on the central New Jersey shore. She is executive director of one of seven NJ. Perinatal Consor-

tia. Her husband Bob is a mortgage broker for CORE States Bank. Bette and Bob's son Tim graduated from the US Military Academy in June; Bryan will be a sophomore at the College of Charleston, SC; and Amanda is in high school. Claire Stacey Yee writes from Wayland asking for prayers for her husband, Yu Hoke who is seriously ill and, at the time of this writing, was receiv- ing chemotherapy. Claire would like to be remembered to her classmates. Our class has received a thank-you note from Rosemary Thomas MacKinnon, who chaired the Sec- ond Helping Gala this past April. Our class wanted to donate to a spe- cial charity as part of our reunion celebration, and chose Second Help- ing, feeling it was very appropriate since our president was chairing the event. For all classmates who at- tended the 30th, I'd like you to take a minute to drop me a line. Good luck to Jack Connor, this year's president of the Alumni Association.


Gretchen Monagan Sterling 14 Morse Rd. Wayland, MA 01 778

It is my pleasure to announce that Cathie Lugar will be taking over this column in the fall. After watch- ing Cathie's enthusiasm and energy working on the questionnaire and the reunion, I know she will do a superb job. Although I was not able to attend the reunion, the report is that everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening. Forty members of our class were present. Cathie will be writing about the results of her survey and about her observations at the re- union when she begins her column. Midge Schmitt Schmidt won a copy of Simone Poirier's book, and several others purchased copies which Cathie had the bookstore or- der. • Suzanne Huyot Matthau videotaped the reunion, asking two questions: what is your most impor- tant memory from Newton College; and what three things do you believe identify you as a person? She is in the process of editing it and will sell it in a few months at cost. Cathie re- ported that one of the evening's high- lights was Maureen Crowley Cahir's singing of "Scotch and Soda." Cathie has compiled a list of former Newton College faculty telling where they are now, which she will be including in her mailing of the survey results. Pat Wolf '68 is encouraging distribution of a vid-

eotape of a 30-minute interview with Mother Putnam five months before her death. Information on how to obtain this tape will be forthcoming. Condolences to Eileen Glynn Carr on the death of her mother and to Priscilla Durkin on the death of her father.




Kathleen Brennan McMenimen 147TrapeloRd. Waltham, MA021 54 (617) 894-1247

Without a doubt, the proudest fam- ily to attend BC's commencement this year were the Connors, to see wife/mom/classmate Eileen Ahearn Connors receive her master's in so- cial work. Ever proud of Eileen was husband Jack, former chair of the Board of Trustees, as well as many of her former classmates from the School of Ed. Another joyful occa- sion was the evening of May 12, when Sr. Cecilia Harrison received the Alumni Award of Excellence in Education. Many classmates were on hand to congratulate Sister, who attended BC while a nun in Jamaica, and who has since been named prin- cipal of a Catholic elementary school in Alabama. Maura Buckley spent the year after graduating in the Je- suit missions with Sr. Cecilia in Ja- maica. • Edward Hines,Jr. has been elected national VP for development of the American Heart Association. He is a partner at Choate, Hall & Stewart and lives in Andover with his wife Elaine and two children, Jonathan and Carolyn. I received a great note from Msgr. Tom Wells, who is pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Bethesda, MD. He has of- fered to say Mass for any deceased classmates when notified. His ad- dress is 7500 Pearl St., Bethesda, MD and his phone is (30 1)654-1 287. I also had a wonderful phone con- versation with Jim Millea, Jr. who was elected chair of the Board of Trustees at Hudson Valley Com- munity College. He is an attorney in Rensselaer, NY; he and his wife, Cheryl Wilcke, have four children. Jim also notes that Ed Hockenberry has not been well. His address is 9 Hill St., Northfield, VT. The New York Times of 1/12/95 featured a full-page profile on Dick Syron, chair of the American Stock Ex- change. • Paul Delaney and his son Brian visited with President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle of the Republic of Chile at Harvard last December. Brian is the Chilean consular agent

in Boston with additional scholastic activities at BC. Bob Costello is the new president of the Mass. Academy of Trial Attorneys. His list of affili- ations and accomplishments associ- ated with law and public justice is extensive; he, his wife Janet and three daughters live in Belmont. Jim O'Connor is executive VP of cor- porate development strategy for the worldwide interests of BBA Group PLC, an international engineering and manufacturing group serving the transportation and industrial mar- kets; their offices are in Wakefield and London. "June 5 saw the happy reunion of 80 classmates, relatives and friends, who came together to kick off the beginning of our cel- ebration as 3 0-year graduates of Alma Mater! We gathered in the Diamond Room of Fenway Park for a twilight buffet and a Red Sox win over the California Angels. Our gracious event chairperson was our own John Buckley, now the VP for the Red Sox. Thirty members of our class were present. Christian Baird, son of Joella and Dane Baird, will enter BC with the Class of 1999. As al- ways, Dane has kept our class books in impeccable order! Lisa Downes, daughter of Judy Burns Downes and Ed Downes '65, graduated from BC in May. Tom and Marianne McCinnifi Torrisi live in Andover. Tom's dental practice is in Methuen, and Marianne is a Chapter One teacher in Lawrence. They have three children: Maryellen, Rosemary and Tommy. Paul Miles received several postcards from Dan Healy, who biked across the US last year. Paul says the best was the card from South Bend with just the score of "The Game!" Jack and Paula Corbett Fedele finally managed to get their last daughter our of high school! In September they'll have two children in college and the third in law school. (Paula says they'd hoped for a plumber in the family but are getting another attorney in- stead)! • We're planning a variety of events for next year, beginning on Sept. 15 with Pops on the Heights and the BC-Michigan football game and reception the next day. For Pops tickets in Conte Forum, contact Meggan O'Leary, Coordinator, at (800) 767-5591. Our class has re- served a block of tickets for both events. Detailed news will he mailed to you this summer. We're also plan- ning a meeting for Thurs., Oct. 5, 1 995 from 6-8 pm at Alumni House. All classmates are invited; call Patty Ann Lyons at the Alumni Of- fice if you can attend or for info. As I prepare news for each issue, sad- ness seems to come more frequently


as I report the deaths of our class- mates. Requiscat in pace. Kevin T. Kelley of Southington, CT died Aug. 20, 1994. He had owned and operated his own CPA firm as well as the Southington Monumental Works. Michael T. Clifford died on Jan. 25. Mike was audit supervi- sor for the Mass. Department of Education. Our condolences to his wife Marie, his six children and his grandchildren. Condolences also to Denise Perron, whose mother and father passed away last winter.



9 9 6

Catherine Beyer Hurst 49 Lincoln St. Cambridge, MA 02141

Beth Gundlach Williams contin- ues to pursue entrepreneurial busi- ness opportunities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. During 1994, she spent nine weeks in Poland, begin- ning work on a five-year project for an electronic system for interbank transactional processing. She and her partners are working with banks, the central government, municipal gov- ernments, etc. She is also buying and selling sugar and petroleum prod- ucts in the international arena. Beth reports that her daughter Anne has several clients for computer graph- ics and promotional works. She also does photographic work with Ron at the auto race track where he works with one of the race teams on week- ends. (Ron does portrait photogra- phy during the week.) Beth concludes: "My life seems to be be- ginning over since I turned 50. Yes, now I am in the second half of my life; it is going to be fabulous!" Got a note from Skeetie McCabe this spring; she is interested in working on a reunion questionnaire address- ing significant and relevant issues that we face at this point in our lives. She's volunteered to compile and print the results; wants to include photos of significant moments as well. She reports that printing is very inexpensive in Guatemala, where she lives. Are there two more classmates who'd like to volunteer to help Skeetie with this project? You can contact her directly at the following address (a private mailing address which forwards her mail to Guatemala): Caroline McCabe, "Panajachel", PO Box 520-972, Mi- ami, FL 3 3 1 52-0972, or call or write to me. This brings up reunion planning in general: we need at least another two or three people to vol- unteer to take this project on for the

spring of 1996. Let me hear from you! On a sadder note, our condo- lences to the family of Sister Marga- ret Gorman, who died on May 16 and was buried from the Newton Country Day School Chapel.


Charles and Mary-Anne Benedict

84 Rockland PI.

Newton Upper Falls, MA 02164

Roland Skip Loper of Franklin has been elected internal auditor of the Gillette Co. by its Board of Direc- tors. Skip earned his master's in fi- nance from Western New England College. Susan Donovan Redman has been named a full-time special needs teacher at Huckleberry Hill School in Lynnfield. Susan received her master's from Boston State. Dennis E. O'Neill was re-elected town treasurer of Westboro in 1 993 , but resigned his position to become a candidate for the position of town coordinator. As this is written, Marianne Dacko Martin is cel- ebrating her first anniversary as the assistant principal at Norwell High. Marianne earned her master's in school administration from Bridgewater State. Marianne, her husband Tom and their three chil- dren live in Weymouth. Michael Normile writes to let us know of the passing of his father, who was a mem- ber of BC Law's Class of '40. The class offers its condolences to Michael, who is a partner in the law offices of Chaves & Normile in Falls Church, VA. Condolences are also offered to the family of Bob Wallwork. Bob was a CPA and had worked in public accounting his whole life, most recently with Price Waterhouse and Altheimer & Gray in Chicago. Bob helped with the class treasury duties and was an avid supporter of the class. On a more positive note, I am happy to report that my co-correspondent, Mary- Anne Benedict, earned her master's in nursing from Salem State Col- lege. No more nights in class or Sundays in the library. Dave and Ann Kremmel Fowler celebrated their 25th anniversary. Joining in the festivities were Mike Ryan, Rich Martin and Noel Schaub. By the time you read this, plans will be finalized for some class events. This year we actually have a chance to get some football tickets. The class has set aside some seats for the Pops on the Heights concert on Fri., Sept. 1 5 at Conte Forum. Seats are available in each giving category. We urge

you to attend, as all funds go to scholarship endowment. BC's goal is to raise over $1 million this year. When you order your tickets, please indicate that you're a member of the Class of '67. Many thanks! Good luck to all of you who have gradu- ates, seniors and entering freshmen!


Faith Brouillard-Hughes 19MarrickCt. Centerville, MA 02632 (508) 790-2785

Christopher Carignan, 13 -year-old son of Jan Curry and Ken Carignan of Boca Raton, FL, died after being shot Feb. 1 0. To quote from Rev. Ed Duffy's eulogy, "... let's reflect on what Christopher brought to all of us. Let's shake this crazy world we live in and make it more loving and forgiving." Keep Jan and Ken and the rest of their family in your prayers. In April news reached me indirectly of a cancer battle being quietly won by a yet another class- mate. • This May Sr. Margaret Gorman died within hours of grad- ing her last exam. Many, many col- leagues and friends from BC, DOD, and NCSH attended the service on the Saturday of reunion weekend. She was said by some to be a reunion groupie and finally arranged for ev- eryone to visit at the same time. Margaret Smith '69, her niece, would certainly enjoy receiving your favor- ite Gorman story . . . Doesn't every- body have one? Adrienne Tan- Free joined forces with Carol O'Donaghue McGarry to get the Washington contingent of the class together at the NCSH Tea. Carol's encouragement brought out Hillary Schmitt Fennell, Nancy Birdsall, Jane Hannaway, Donna Shelton and Mary Lou Hinchey-Clemons. Good job! See you at the BC Pops on the Heights Concert on Sept. 15.


Judith Anderson Day 415 Burr St. Fairfield, CT 06430 (203) 255-2448

jBuenos dias desde Barcelona! Joe Basile was a participating member at the Babe Ruth Conference, held at Hofstra Univ., celebrating the 100th birthday of the Bambino. Joe presented a paper, "Babe Ruth: Baseball's Whitmanesque Hero," as

part of the Babe Ruth in Literature segment of the conference, titled "Baseball and the Sultan of Swat." Joe is an English professor at the Univ. of South Dakota. Lt. Col. John Kulas of Belmont was named by the Air Force judge advocate gen- eral as the 1994 winner of the Maj. Gen. Reginald C. Harmon Award. The award is presented to the out- standing Air Force Reserve judge advocate worldwide. He was hailed as "an absolutely superior officer and attorney" who "delivered top-notch legal services to his many clients." Raymond Brassard was sworn in as associate justice of the Superior Court at the State House in Boston. Henry Metcalf of Walpole has been promoted to VP of manufac- turing by the Foxboro Co., oversee- ing worldwide manufacturing operations. Dr. Robert Santoro, professor of mechanical engineer- ing at Penn State, has been appointed director of the Propulsion Engineer- ing Research Center, established by NASA to provide graduate educa- tion. Bob holds BS and PhD degrees from BC in physics. David Caven of Holden has been named assistant principal of Naquag School. He and his wife Karen have two sons and a daughter. Dave is very active in Holden, having been a scout leader and coach of several sports. He holds a master's in education from Worces- ter State and has experience in both teaching and private sector work. Sheila O'Shea Melli, EdD, RN, writes: "For several weeks this past summer I was involved in a nursing education project in Hanoi, Viet- nam. Our team of five doctorally- prepared nurses conducted a concentrated seminar designed to strengthen the teaching skills of re- habilitation nursing educators throughout the country. In addition to the formal classroom content, we interacted with patients and staff at Bach Mai, Hanoi's largest teaching hospital, and visited with rehab pa- tients and their families in the outly- ing communities. It was rewarding to be part of an educational process that, over the years, will enable the people ofVietnam to obtain adequate health care. This project was spon- sored by Health Volunteers Over- seas, a private, nonprofit organization funded by the US Agency for International Develop- ment." • Art Derosiers' son Arthur was named to the third team of the 1995 All-USA Academic Team, an elite group of top high school stu- dents throughout the country. Arthur attends Barnstable High in Hyannis. Our third son, Matthew, graduated from BC in May, adding



our 5th family member(!) to the Alumni Association. Matthew works in the investment banking division of Barclays Bank in NYC. His younger brother Andrew is now a sophomore at the Heights.


Kathleen Hastings Miller 8 Brookline Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914) 723-9241

Ellen Mooney Mello hosted a birth- day get-together for Barry Noone Remley and Jean Sullivan Burchard at her home in Rye, NY last March. Jane Sullivan Burke and I both commented that it seemed as if no time had passed since our college days. Were all your ears burn- ing? We gossiped the night away, trading old Newton stories. Jean manages the Capital Grill in Provi- dence, RI, so call her for a reserva- tion (and TLC) if you're in the area. It's a great place to eat! Barry's ar- chitectural salvage company is boom- ing. As a buyer, designer, marketing director and CEO, she is constantly on the go. Pat Wolf writes that the first of two 90-min. cassette tapes, containing 46 Newtone songs from the 1966, 1968 and 1970 albums, is now available. Send a check for $6 to her at 44 Oak St., Shrewsbury, MA 01545 if you'd like a copy. A second tape will follow later this year. Save the datel The third annual Pops on the Heights concert will be held on Sept. 15. Proceeds from the concert provide scholarship assistance.


James R. Littleton

39 Dale St.

Chestnut Hill, MA 02167


Kathleen Kelleher Furniss of

Florham Park, NJ has been ap- pointed section legislative coordi- nator of the Nj section of AWHONN, the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, a national organi- zation of over 20,000 nursing pro- fessionals. Kathleen is currently an OB/GYN nurse practitioner at the Women's Health Initiative at the Univ. of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark. She is also employed by Drew University's health services and is the coordina- tor of the Domestic Violence Project

based at St. Barnabas Medical Cen- ter in Livington, NJ. Molly (Mary Graville) Kelley is principal of Our Lady of Nazareth Academy in Wakefield. Molly previously taught English at St. Mary's High School in Lynn. Molly, husband Dennis and sons Michael and Peter live in Melrose. Michael will be a freshman at William & Mary in Virginia start- ing in Sept. Mike Barry is an attor- ney in Framingham and is also a member of the Framingham school committee. Mike, wife Patricia and children Christine, 13 and Peter, 9 reside in Framingham. Anne DiFilippo Basiliere is a math teacher in the Quincy public schools. Anne and her husband Robert reside in Hanover. Ron Beattie is VP/ CFO at Youville Hospital and Re- habilitation Center in Cambridge. Ron, wife Carol and children Michael, 17 and Kristina, 15 live in Watertown. I hope to see many classmates at Pops on the Heights on Sept. 15th on the BC campus.


Patricia Kenny Seremet 39 Newport Ave. W. Hartford, CT 06107 (203)521-8567


Dennis Razz Berry, Esq. 1 5 George St. Wayland, MA01778 (508)655-1497

Congratulations to Mike Mingolelli

and the rest of the committee for a job very well done on our 25 th re- union. • Individual accolades might detract from the group effort, but a couple of special notes are in order. First is the work of Ed Vozzella in spearheading the effort to present a class gift of a clock for Conte Fo- rum— a lasting memento you should make the effort to see. A testament of lasting memories is the work of Pat Mee Marvin and Nancy Wil- son, who put together the 25 th an- niversary yearbook. The books are great! Thanks also to all those who provided information. Too many classmates to list all, but a few notes from my personal memory bank. Reunion conversation involves all kinds of things, including, for the first time, my getting the full story of how I'm related to Alice Power Heaton. Not only are we second cousins (or something like that), but

she and her husband Bob live in Ashland and their oldest son Timo- thy (Cornell '97) graduated from high school with my niece. Alice is a nurse at the Metro West Medical Center in Framingham. Another nursing grad I talked with for the first time in 25 years was Linda Turcotte-Shamsky, who runs the family nursing home and lives in Mattapoisett. Her husband Ed is involved in similar work at a larger facility in the same area. Linda and Ed have four children. Had a chance to talk with Bill Fogarty, a cable TV executive who lives in Atlanta with his wife and two children. He's been in the industry for a number of years and has had the opportunity to live in a variety of locales. Steve Hanley and his wife Teri (PhD '93) made the long, 200-yard trek from their Chestnut Hill home. Steve is a sys- tems analyst at John Hancock and Teri works for DC Heath in book publishing. Bernie O'Kane is an- other proximal resident, and one who's never really left campus. After a .number of years in student affairs at BC, he transferred to the human resources dept. and enjoys it quite a bit. While thinking of those close by, I'd like to mention two class- mates I never really got to know until this year, though they both live in my home town. Joan O'Brien who, after teaching for several years, got her JD from Pepperdine Law; she's busy raising her two children, 12 and 9, and working part-time as an immigration attorney. Maureen Tully Lopez is married to a doctor at Newton-Wellesley Hospital and is actively involved as an AIDS edu- cator. Maureen's three children range in age from a '94 Georgetown grad to a 10-year-old. I can't get over how many classmates were mar- ried very soon after college and have children in the 20-plus age range! I guess I was too busy writing this column back then ...» Dan Lammon is VP of Marketing with Fort, Inc. in Providence, RI. Dan has remained close to campus through sporting and other events, has two daughters at the Heights ('96 and '98), and a son at home in high school in Cumberland, RI. On Saturday night I had a chat with George King, who is now the gifts librarian at BC (and if your impres- sion of the BC library is Bapst, are you behind the times!). On Monday morning I was among the marshals at graduation and, due to the traffic jam on Comm. Ave., had to walk from Centre St. When I finally ar- rived at Conte Forum, it was a mecca of confusion. I was late, hpt, unsure of where to go and certain they had

started without me. Entering that large building through the wrong entrance, the first person I saw was George, who was helping out with final preparations. He calmly left his post, walked me to the correct en- trance, and pointed out the right door. I made it with time to spare. Thanks, George; a tip of my top hat. I wasn't alone on my morning stroll wearing formal attire. Right in front of me was Dr. Jim Phelan, a Dracut dentist. In fact, it was seeing Jim walk by while I was snarled in traffic that caused me to abandon my wife and head out on foot. While hot-footing it past the stalled col- umn of cars, I passed Pat Carney, not only a member of the Board of Trustees but the proud father of Pat Jr. '95. I need to correct an error from last time: I confused the title of John Hughes in the last issue. John is now the principal of Kennedy Middle School in Natick. Sorry for the last time, John. Second, sincere thanks to all who found my name on the ballot. I was elected to a term on the Alumni Assoc. Board of Direc- tors. I'm looking forward to it.


Patricia Brum Keefe 309 Walnut St. Wellesley, MA 02181 (617)237-3268

Our 25th reunion was certainly a wonderful event. One sentiment heard over and over was, "Girls of the class seem happier and friend- lier, and everyone enjoyed getting re-acquainted. The weekend was too short! " Teresita Manalic Jose trav- eled from Saudi Arabia and com- bined the reunion with daughter Gina's graduation from Mount Holyoke and a trip to Ann McDermott's country house in up- state NY. Her son George came from California, and we who remember him as a baby saw first-hand that 25 years is a long time. I'm proud to say that my three freshman roommates made it to the reunion. Ann McDermott, Lynn McCarthy and Chris Couglan also showed up for the event. Lynn lives in the family homestead in Newjersey and Chris is in western Mass. doing high school guidance counseling. Muriel Daly Schumacher is also doing guidance counseling, but in Essex, NH. It was great to visit with Muriel's son Bobby, who just completed his fresh- man year at BC, and son Kurt, who is beginning his senior year at Harvard. Nine of my children were


privileged to sing at the Mass on Sunday and were able to meet Ryan, Connor and Coleman Chamberlain, sons of Miceal and Nancie Sullivan Chamberlain. Ryan will attend Wesleyan in Sept. and son Miceal has already graduated from Dartmouth. Nancie and Lauree Gallagher Laliberte work together remodeling and decorating homes in the greater Boston area. Nancie was very enthusiastic about their work. The highlight of Saturday night's class party was the mini con- cert presented by Kathy Sheehan, Kathy Cronin LaTourelle, Katchy Clarke-Pearson, Joan O'Callahan, Sheila Crowley Sullivan and Lois Cartnick. Their rendition of "But- ton Up Your Overcoat" and "San Francisco Bay" were tremendous, bringing back great memories. Pat Wolf '68 has put together the firstof two 90-min. cassette tapes contain- ing 46 Newtones songs from 1970, 1968 and 1966 (14 of 16). This tape is available by mail for $6 (including s&h) from Pat Wolf, 44 Oak St., Shrewsbury, MA 01545. The sec- ond tape will include the 1 96 1 , 1 964 and all of 1966 albums, and four songs by the Veydlers, to be com- pleted by Reunion '96. Speaking first-hand, the first tape is fabulous and not to be missed. The Keefe Family Singers are already humming the tunes and are very impressed that Mom's friends can sing so well. While we're in a musical vein, I encourage all to attend Pops on the Heights on Sept. 1 5 . This gala event raises thousands of dollars in schol- arship assistance to qualified stu- dents who wish to attend BC truly a worthwhile activity. I'm actually writing this column as I attend my husband's 25th Harvard reunion. We've moved practically our entire family into the dorms, and some of our children are in activities with some of Barbara Cook Fabiani's daughters. Barbara and her husband Jim are attending the reunion from the DC area; Katchy Clarke- Pearson, husband Dan and children Emily, Mary and Michael are also here. Katchy, a pediatrician in Chapel Hill, NC, has a son Don who lived in the Hardy dorm last year as a freshman at BC. I have lots more news stay tuned to class notes! Once again, many thanks to Bar- bara Coveney Harkins and An- drea Moore Johnson for organizing and planning an awesome event.



MAY17- 19*1996

Thomas J. Capano, Esq. 2500 West 17th St. Wilmington, DE 19806 (302) 658-7461

We're beginning our 25th reunion year. Our kick-off event will be on Sept. 16 when the Eagles meet Michigan on the "new" Alumni Field. Our reunion committee has also scheduled an event for the Christmas Chorale on Dec. 8. Watch your mail for details! Fred Willis is developing a chain of restaurants, Willy's Texas BBQ, in the Boston area. His son Drew, who was present at our graduation at the age of 2 months, graduated from BC in 1 993 . His son Brett is a student at Trinity College. John Loretz is director of public relations at Mass. School of Law. He formerly served as direc- tor of communications for Physi- cians for Social Responsibility and directed press and fund raising pro- grams at the Boston office of the World Society for the Protection of Animals. Michael Tocci and his wife of 2 1 years, Marlene, are the proud parents of 2 -year-old Margaux Hayley. Mike writes that his daughter's birth was a significant event in their lives "since it took so long to get to this point." He contin- ues as president of Carrera Graphic in Newark, NJ. Mike Franco is VP for development and public af- fairs at Rhode Island School of De^ sign where he manages development, communications and alumni rela- tions. He was previously associate VP for university development at the University of Rochester, and held similar administrative positions at BC from '86-'90. Mike and his wife Susan have a 14-year-old daughter, Lauren. Robert LeBlanc was elected executive VP of Elf Atochem in Feb. '94, and is responsible for the fine chemicals and industrial chemi- cals operations of the company. He lives in Bridgewater, NJ with his wife Margaret and their two daugh- ters. Prior to joining Elf Atochem in 1984, he was director of sales and marketing for the special products division of Rhone Poulenc, and ear- lier held various marketing and busi- ness management positions with M&T Chemicals and Morton Inter- national. • Ubaldo Bezoari is a VP for Citibank, Paris where he is in charge of Citibank's business with financial institutions in France. He holds an MS from MIT and previ- ously worked for Citibankin Britain and Canada. Tim Gens is senior director of government relations for

the Mass. Hospital Association; he manages MHA's Boston office, working closely with state govern- ment officials on health care issues. Tim previously served as assistant general counsel to the MBTA. In his 1 1 years there, he was director of policy, planning and inter-govern- ment affairs as well as director of development and public affairs. He also has 12 years of consulting expe- rience and strategic planning and management. Jim Dunn writes that he, Rosalie and their two daugh- ters, Marissa, 19 and Lauren, 16, now live outside of Toronto since being transferred by his company from New Hampshire two years ago. Jim works for a German company, Heidelberg, which manufactures printing presses. He started with them in 1977 in Denver. Both of his daughters were born in Colorado. They moved to San Francisco in 1980 and lived there for 10 years until the transfer to Dover, NH. He notes that while attending a BC bas- ketball game with a group of alumni, his daughter remarked that every- one looked the same from the top bald. He would be happy to hear from college friends visiting Toronto. Robert Longden was elected president of the Worcester County Bar Association last year. He is a partner in the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey in Worcester, where he is chairman of the Real Estate Practice Area. He is a past president of the Legal Assistance Corporation of Central Mass., Elm Park Center for Early Childhood Development and Rainbow Child Development Center. He is a fellow of the Mass. Bar Foundation, a mem- ber of the Board of Delegates of the Mass. Bar Association, and a trustee and life member of the Worcester Bar Association, where he has served on the executive committee since 1991. He is also a member of the Emergency Medical Care Advisory Board of the Mass. Dept. of Public Health and has lectured at UMass Medical School on liability issues in pre-hospital emergency care. Rob- ert and wife Joanna have two chil- dren, Timothy, 13; and Carolyn, 10.



MAY17-19*199 6

Georgino, M. Pardo 6800 S.W. 67th St. S.Miami, FL 33143 (305) 663-4420

It was marvelous to hear from Jane Hudson, who lives in Connecticut with spouse Don and children Jed,

12 and Catherine, 8. Jane has a freelance business, Moving Words. She continues to publish her works in various magazines and newspa- pers. She also offers workshops in writing. This summer Jane received her second master's degree in liberal studies, with a humanities major, from Wesleyan Univ. In keeping with Jane's apparent schedule of a degree every 20 years, we look for- ward to her next report in the year 2015. She does report a rather curi- ous feeling during her American History in the '50s and '60s class. It seems there were only two people in the class who were alive during that period. Jane states, "Now in addi- tion to studying history, we are his- tory." • The last time I heard from Anne Butler she lived in Pennsyl- vania. (Previous letters had post marks from CO and NY.) She wrote Jane from Germany where she is living with spouse Carlos and chil- dren Marcos and Elena. She is still working for Mary Kay cosmetics international. Jane wonders if she might be driving one of those pink Mary Kay cars, a Mercedes perhaps?

Jane also heard from Pat Chiota who lives in Singapore with her spouse Rick and their daughter Kendra. They return to the US ev- ery year in the summer, and Patty comes to Connecticut to visit and catch up. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, I coordinated construction of an ur- ban park in downtown Miami. We took an empty lot and turned it into a garden landscaped with native plants. Brittle Star Park has a two- story high, 200 feet long mural on one side and an 80 foot-long brightly colored Brittle Starfish in the middle. The starfish snakes its way up the mural and can be used as a bench or a playground. The project was a wonderful community effort. Mother Earth has already expressed her gratitude since we already have birds and butterflies visiting the site.

My thanks to Jane for all the news on our classmates.


Lawrence G. Edgar

530 S. Barrington Ave., #110

Los Angeles, CA 90049


This was about to be a very sparse column until I got a long letter from Joe Ahearn. He reports that he played in the alumni game on May 6, pitched two shutout innings, and hit a triple off coach Moe Maloney. No



classmates were there, but former teammate Paul Santilli '75 was. Joe has a software consulting company in Gloucester and lives in Manches- ter- by-the-Sea with his wife and four children. He formerly lived in Paris and was a friend of Joe Armbrust '65, a lawyer and survivor of the World Trade Center bombing. He's seen classmates Norm Spitzig, a country club manager in Cincinnati, Bill Haggerty, an investment banker in Cleveland, and Jeff Plum, a lawyer in Baltimore. Dick Mucci has been promoted from chief actuary to COO for the Paul Revere Insurance Group in Worcester, where he's worked since earning his "master's degree in math from BC in 74. Kevin Shannon is back to his law prac- tice in San Francisco after a 3 -week trip to Italy in April.


Nancy Brouillard McKenzie, Esq. 7526 Sebago Rd. Bethesda, MD 208 1 7

We join with all members of the Newton College and Boston Col- lege community in praying for the repose of the soul of Sister Margaret Gorman, RSCJ, who died suddenly on May 16. On Palm Sunday, Eva Sereghy '71 hosted the Second Springtime Tea for Newton Col- lege Alumnae of the Washington, Maryland and Virginia area. Atten- dance was outstanding as Newton alumnae gathered for a wonderful afternoon catching up with friends and meeting other alumnae living in the Washington area. Joining us again from Boston were Joanne McCarthy Goggins '75, our repre- sentative in the BC Alumni Office; Rosemary Stuart Dwyer '58, and Carol Donovan Levis '63, one of the two Newton College representative on the board of directors of the BC Alumni Association. Eva, Adrienne Tarr Free '67, the committee mem- bers, and Penny Brennan Conaway '63, our own Newton alumna ca- terer, deserve a big thank you for the success of the tea. Shelly Noone Connolly, Lisa Kirby Greissing, Kathy Fogarty and I represented our class at the tea. Shelly stopped in before running to a mother-son din- ner at Georgetown Preparatory School. Lisa existed on a cucumber canape for two days after the tea as she and Ed nursed a son through an emergency appendectomy. Lastyear, Kathy missed the tea and decided that nothing was going to prevent her from coming this year. In Jan.,

Phil Lader, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration, spoke to students and faculty at BC. Con- gratulations to Anne Brescia and Brian Connell on the birth of An- thony Gabriel last June. Two weeks before Anthony's birth, Anne and Brian moved into their home in Medford. Margaret Beany Verdon wrote that her husband Ri- chard Byrnes just finished the phar- macy program at St. John's University and is now studying for his boards. As always, Beany contin- ues to be busy with her private clini- cal psychology practice and her work in an elementary school, and yet managed to begin ice skating les- sons! Beany is very thankful for the prayers offered for her sister Jane '64 who miraculously battled men- ingitis last fall. Congratulations to Vance Bonner, who just returned from a national 27-city tour for her book on her technique to correct poor posture and its effects, The Vance Stance, with appearances on "CBS This Morning" and CNN. BC Night at the POPS on Sept. 15 will benefit the scholarship fund and will be a wonderful opportunity to meet with Newton alumnae.


Joy A. Malone, Esq. 16 Lewis St. Little Falls, NY 13365 (315) 823-2720 fax: (315)823-2723

Hello classmates. Did you make it through the spring in one piece? The Malones had Tess's Confirma- tion, Jane's 10th birthday, Rob and Joy's 20th Anniversary, and Will's high school graduation not to men- tion a shower and wedding (Rob's nephew), track meets, tennis matches, spring concert, piano re- cital and sports banquet during the spring. It sure was a busy time. How about you? Received a nice fax from Jack Woods. Jack recendy ran into Ken Nelson at a Bishop Feehan High School hockey game. It seems they both have daughters attending that school. Ken is the superinten- dent of the Bridgewater Correctional facility. Jack has retired as a com- mander in the Naval Reserve after 20 years of service. Since he left active duty (submarines), he has worked for Stone and Webster En- gineering Corp. in Connecticut and Texas. For the last few years Jack has been back in Boston doing work on international projects for his com- pany. In the fall, Jack's daughter will

be attending UMass Amherst. Tempus Fugitjack wrote. We agree! HMS of Newport, Inc., which owns and manages three rehabilitative care facilities in southern Rhode Island, has announced the appointment of Jeanne B. Stowe, RN, MBA, as director of program services. Jeanne has had a 20-year career in health care that includes extensive experi- ence in nursing management and rehabilitation programs. At HMS, Jeanne will direct all activities relat- ing to subacute care programs at the three HMS facilities. HMS has 286 beds and annual revenues and assets exceeding $13 million. At HMS, an interdisciplinary, team-managed re- covery program is provided for those patients needing personal transi- tional medical care or brief rehabili- tation after an illness or injury. Nearly three-quarters of HMS's sub- acute care patients are discharged in about 30 days. Keep up the good work, Jeanne! Did you know that for the past two years, BC has spon- sored a concert which raises mucho money for their scholarship endow- ment? That's right, I am talking about Pops on the Heights, which will feature conductor Marvin Hamlisch, the Boston Pops Orches- tra and the BC Chorale. They have raised over one million dollars over the last two years, and have given out six Pops scholarships. Eight more scholarships will be awarded in the next few months. This year's goal is to raise one million dollars over and above the cost of the concert. Cor- porate and benefactor packages are being sold as well as individual tick- ets in order to achieve this goal. So where do we all fit in? What part can the class of '73 play? If you are free on Sept. 15 and wish to attend the concert, then call 1-800-767-5591 for more information about buying your tickets. A corporate donation from a member of our class would be super. Read any good books lately? I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so I waded through The Celestine Prophecy. Did you catch "The Langoliers"? Sorry, Stephen, but it was way too long. Now I think our class should take votes on guilty or not. Call, write or fax me, OJ watch- ers, and cast your ballot. The results will be discussed in the next column.


Christine A. Hardiman 1 6 Prospect St. Hyde Park, MA 02 136 (617)361-4524


Patricia McNabb Evans 35 Stratton Ln. Foxboro, MA 02035


Beth Docktor Nolan 693 Boston Post Rd. Weston, MA 02 1 93

Reunion 1994 news notes continue the news is dated, but better than another empty column! Jean O'Leary and husband Mark Goffrey are living in Pelham Manor, NY and recently bought a summer home in Nantucket. Jean is a corporate writer, and Mark is an entertainment law- yer. They both had a great time at the NCSH reunion and are looking forward to many more. Kathy Renda Flaherty and husband Michael are still living in Millis. Michael is a self-employed CPA, and Kathy is assistant principal at Mansfield High School. They have two children: Katie, 10 and Michael, 1 3 . 'Johanna Ferry Laadt and hus- band Jack are in the process of mov- ing from NYC to Remsebus, NY with their son John, 4. Jack is in the reinsurance consulting business. Trisha Keogh Almquist and hus- band Glenn live in Rumford, RI with children Meredith, 15; Rachel, 12; and Jenny, 9. Trisha is back to full- time teaching in a 9th grade learn- ing-disabled class in E. Providence, and Glenn is an environmental con- sultant in Providence. Trisha also coaches Little League. Robbie Grassi Magee and Michael are liv- ing in Rochester, NY with children Jay, 17 and Genevieve, 1 5 . Robbie is a VP at Saatchi; her clients include "Good Morning America, "Viacom and Lifetime TV. Chris Mafo Gre- gory is living in Seekonk with Meghan, 15; John, 12; and Caitlin, 8. Husband Jay is the commissioner of Little League in Seekonk. Chris Crowley Fitzpatrick lives in Milton. Gloria McPike Tamlyn lives with her husband Ralph in both Westchester and NYC. Gloria is VP of communications for Georgio Armani Fashion Co. Gloria and Ralph were expecting their first child in Oct. '94. Cathy Comerfor Smyth lives in Milton with husband Peter and children Nancy, Thayer, Colin and Kathleen. Elise Brad- ley and children, ages 18, 13 and 7, live in Wellesley.



Hellas M. Assad 149 Lincoln St. Norwood, AAA 02062

Our 20th reunion, which was as suc- cessful as the committee had hoped, has come and gone. Thankyou, com- mittee members, for putting together a fine reunion at Lyons Hall. It was a fun-filled evening of renewing ac- quaintances, great food, music, a clever magician, and, of course, non- stop photo opportunities for every- one. • Here are what some of our classmates are doing and where they are living. Patricia Niwi'Jacobson Overton and husband Carl live in Baldwinsville, NY with their four children. Louann Privitera has advanced in her nursing career and lives in Buffalo, NY with her hus- band and three children. Mary Rose Noonan Delaney is back to teaching in Newton. Joe Trad is an attorney with the firm of Lewis, Rice & Fingersh in St. Louis, MO. Joe and his wife have five children. Classmates Jay and Jill Irwin Garvin reside in Westwood with their two daughters. Thank you, Judy Bow- man Healey, for the colorful and festive decorations. Judy, her hus- band Richard and young son Bo live in N. Walpole. Judy is director of the Etiquette School of Boston, where she teaches etiquette to chil- dren and adults. She'd love to hear from you at (508) 668-6619. Also seen circulating at the reunion were Kathy Bannon, Patricia Casey, Su- san Darveau, Dolly Dipesa, Patricia Flood, Mary Kane, Janet Kiely, Maureen Murphy, Lorraine Montuori, Nancy O'Sullivan, Kathleen Ring Corcoran, Kathleen Donnelly Betts, Kate Murray, Sheila Roche, Marie White, Bill Donovan, John Gauthier, Mike Hugo, Jack Irwin, Ray Julian, Ardie Klement, Peter Lawlor, Dave LeShane, Mike Morgan, Shawn Sheehy, David Tho- mas and Jeff Wright. Very special thanks to Ann Thompson of the Alumni Association for her behind- the-scenes diligent efforts. The 20th reunion was rewarding, as the turn- out was better than anticipated. Please keep in touch, as the 25th is not that far away and we hope for an even greater turnout. Jayne Saperstein Mehne (who was also my classmate at Norwood High) wrote to tell me about a mini-re- union of the Mod 18 gang on April Fool's Day. It was a warm-up for the real thing on May 20. Jayne lives in Shrewsbury with husband Chris Mehne 74, Law 77, son Jeffrey and

daughter Julie. Jayne, a former spe- cial ed teacher in Boston, is a man- ager with Discovery Toys, selling educational toys, books and games. Jeff and Tricia Jordan Graeber live in Quincy with sons Justin, Ryan and Adam. Jeff is a partner with the law firm of Boland, Frank and Graeber, while Tricia is the firm's administrator. Karen Maguire Reeves is a 4th-grade teacher in Boxboro; she and husband Dana live in Lunenburg with sons Jeffrey and Brian. Judy Rainha Whitney and husband Bob hosted the party at their home in Winchester, where they live with sons Robbie and Chris- topher and daughter Jeana. Judy runs her own aerobics school and stays fit by jogging, exercising and teaching from morning 'til night! Jayne, Tricia, Jeff, Karen and Judy expected to continue the reunion celebration with Mod-mates Ann Broderick Nieskins and husband Jack, Judy Forlenza Wesley and Suzanne Cadieux Eastman at the big event on May 20! Leslie Visser, a pio- neer among women sports journal- ists, now with ESPN and ABC Sports, gave the main address at the 1995 commencement exercises at Elms College in Chicopee. She re- ceived the Outstanding Woman Sportswriter in America award in 1983 and twice was named the New England Newswoman of the Year. In 1988, Leslie joined CBS Sports on a full-time basis, having served as a feature reporter in 1982. For CBS she covered the NBA, college bas- ketball and football, major league baseball, US Open Tennis, and gym- nastics, bobsled and luge at the 1992 Winter Olympic Games. In addi- tion, Leslie has been on NFL Today since 1990. In 1992 she became the first woman to handle the post-game presentation ceremonies at the Su- per Bowl. Leslie is married to sports- caster Dick Stockton and they live in Boca Raton, FL.


Deborah Melino-Wender HOChamplinPl. N. Newport, Rl 02840




Gerald B. Shea, Esq.

lOGreaton Rd.

W. Roxbury, MA02132

The Reunion Committee has met twice since the last epistle, and things seem to be going quite well. We've

been graced with the input of several 76ers who now have the time to plan what we all hope will be a memo- rable 20th Reunion. Has it really been that long? When I see the chil- dren of classmates, the answer is always a resounding affirmative. It's still not too late to get involved with the scheming and planning, so all are invited (again) to contact this writer with your thoughts about the reunion. What have you liked in the past? What do you think we would all enjoy at this phase of our lives? The Reunion Committee has au- thorized a (hopefully) representa- tive survey of classmates in order to make our 20th a wonderful time. So, please, take the time, drop a line, and let us know what you're interested in doing, because not everyone is being surveyed. On Sept. 1 5 , Pops on the Heights returns for a third year. A BC scholarship fundraising event, it has been extremely entertaining; this year's goal is to raise one million dollars. If you like great music and a great cause, contactMeggan O'Leary at BC, 617-552-2234. Ria Antonetz advises that she and eight BC roommates combined for a "Forty isn't Fatal" mini-reunion, apparently at a Marriott Hotel, given the stationery. Here's the scoop: Janice Clover Burke lives in Natick with husband Peter and three "ter- rific kids" Danny, 7; Kaitlyn, 6; and Michael, 2. Donna Gaynor Cambria is assistant superintendent of schools and resides in Windsor, CTwith husbandjoe and son Bryan, 8. Kathy Powers Haley spent time in England, but home is now Harvard, along with husband Steve and children Matthew, 7; Cortney, 6; and Christopher, 2, who is bring- ing up the rear. Lynn Sterett lives in Edgewater, NJ and works in NYC (The Big Apple) for Estee Lauder as associate broadcast director for the corporate division. Carla Falento Lepke, "the carpool queen of N. Andover," has three munchkins: Eric, 11; Kirk, 9; and Brianha, 5. Husband George is also on site. Janet Nako Andreo and (my old Welch Hall pal) Andy Loren Andreo live in West Simsbury, CT with their lovely brood: Andy, 13; Melissa, 11; Meghan, 9; and little sisterMichelle, 5. Andy owns and runs Andy's Su- permarket in Simsbury. (Hey, Andy, how's Mo doing?) Karen Chiacu lives in Bristol, Rl, where she serves as director of professional services for Caldre Tech. She's often seen floating in her boat, "Kalalla." Fi- nally, the aforementioned Ria Antonetz and husband Bob Battaglia live in Simsbury, CT with their two boys: Matthew, 6; and Billy,

2 . Bob is corporation insurance man- ager for Locktite Corp. in Hartford, CT. (Thanks, Ria! See how much info, one can get from one infor- mant? Any more stool pigeons out there?). He's a sole man (do, do ,do, do, do)! Our own Charles Duczakowski has been named di- rector of business systems develop- ment at Thom McAn Footwear. After graduation, Charles completed graduate studies at Clark Univ., earned a certificate from the Insur- ance Institute of America, married Wanda Stakutis (not necessarily in that order) and moved from W. Roxbury to Uxbridge. Peggy Ring-Moynihan, ever the Celticphile, criticized BC's inten- tion of honoring Maggie Thatcher last May. The Iron Lady's schedule was too full, she couldn't show, and that's all we really need to know!


Mary Jo Mancuso Otto 256 Woodland Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534 (716)383-1475

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! This column brings news of Mary Keenan Besser, a School of Nursing graduate. Mary and her husband Gary live in Newington, CT. They became first-time parents in Oct. '94 with the birth of twin sons, Daniel and Scott. Congratula- tions! Prior to the birth of the twins, Mary was working in a hospital out- patient department as a clinical man- ager. Her husband Gary is chief of finance for the U.S. Small Business Administration in Hartford. The godmother of Mary's sons is class- mate Carol McCarthy. Carol lives in Newton and works for WBZ ra- dio. • I know there must be job promotions, career changes and fam- ily news out there amongst the class of 77, so please write. There is a three-month gap between issues, so if you don't see your news immedi- ately, please be patient. I send in any and all news I receive.


CathleenJ. Ball Foster 1 5 1 05 Cedar Tree Dr. Burtonsville, MD 20866 (301)549-3211




Laura Vitagliano 78 Wareham St. Medford, MA 02 155

Michael Downey was elected presi- dent of O'Connell Engineering & Financial and O'Connell Properties. His responsibilities include all project development activities and the overall management of the real estate portfolio of the company. He received his law degree from West- ern New England Law. I'm sad to report the following: Ann McSweeney's infant daughter, Ximaro, died suddenly on April 26 in Managua, Nicaragua, where Ann teaches at the American School. Please remember Ann, her husband Mark and their child in your prayers. Pops on the Heights has asked me to mention a concert which features Marvin Hamlisch, the Boston Pops Orchestra and the BC Chorale on Sept. 15. This concert raises funds for scholarship endowment. For more info., call (617) 552-2234. As you can see, my mailbox has been empty! Please help!


Jay Geary 1 1 Pond St.

Needham, AM 02 1 92 (617)449-9212

I would like to invite all classmates to continue the good time enjoyed by all at our reunion last May by attending Pops on the Heights on Fri., Sept. 15. This concert, which features the Boston Pops Orchestra, raises money for much needed schol- arships and really deserves everyone's support. Watch for additional mail- ings about this event or contact the Development Office at (617) 552- 2234.1 look forward to seeing fellow classmates at this event. Thanks again to all the members of our class reunion committee for their efforts in putting together a successful re- union weekend. The members of the committee included: John Annese, Anne Baccari, Bob Bejoian, John Carabatsos, Larry Casey, Demse Clifford, Steve Daley, Anne Marie Fallon, Bruce Ginsberg, An- drew Glincher, Gary Houle, Lynn and Brian O'Connor, David Pirani, Brian Sullivan and Rosemary Traini. Now for the updates: Timothy Perkins was appointed VP of mar- keting for Segue Software, Inc., an automated software testing company

for client/server software applica- tions located in Newton Centre. John O'Neill has joined Golden Bear International as corporate mar- keting manager for Jack Nicklaus Marketing Services, where he will be representing Golden Bear prod- ucts and services to the corporate marketplace. He and his wife Amy are living in the New York area. It was great to see everyone at the reunion. Please send me a note or give me a call so I can pass along your updates to the class.



MAY 17 - 19 1 99 6

Alison Mitchell McKee, Esq. c/o Hunton & Williams P.O. Box 3889 Norfolk, VA 235 14 (804) 640-5329

Congratulations to Ralph Picardi,

who was named a partner early this year with the law firm of Burns & Levinson in Boston. Ralph practices in the area of business litigation. He and his wife Diane reside in Belmont with their three children: Christo- pher, Robert and Emily. Joy Haywood Moore was appointed director of development and alum- nae relations at Dana Hall School in Wellesley. Joy graduated from the independent boarding and day school for young women in grades 6-12 in 1977 and served as a member of its Board of Trustees. Joy will be responsible for all development and alumnae programs, special events, reunions and other alumnae and donor activities. She will also over- see all external publications and pub- lic relations. Joy and her husband Robert have two children, Christo- pher and Amanda. Rick Nunez is a partner with the law firm of Klar, Piergrossi & Nunez in Bronx, NY. He has a short commute from his home in New Rochelle, where he lives with his wife Susan and four- year-old daughter Julia. Anne Kavanaugh was named executive VP and head of NatWest's North America Equity Division, NatWest Securities in New York. She is charged with managing the firm's U.S. research, sales and trading op- erations. • Congratulations to Domenic D'Intino who was re- cently promoted to principal engi- neer at Digital Equipment Corp. in Nashua, NH. Domenic and his wife Karen both completed the Boston Marathon in April. It was Domenic's twelfth Boston Marathon and Karen's second. Domenic sends his regards to his roommates from Mod

3A and friends from South Street, especially Rob Wilson, his wife Kim and daughter Nicole who live in Trumbull, CT; and Tony Gray, his wife Judy and sons Anthony and George who live in Boxboro. We have lots of news of babies this quar- ter!. Best wishes to Lee Slap and his wife Laurie on the birth of their second son, Andrew Quay, in March. Andrew, William (age 2-1/2), Lee and Laurie live in Belmont. Robyn Kaminski Greene and husband Chris were blessed with their second son, Connor Philip, on April 8. He joins his brother Cameron who is three. Jeannie Driscoll Howard and husband Joe have two daugh- ters, Kara Elizabeth, who was born Aug. '93 and Elizabeth Jean, who was born Dec. '94. Jeannie resigned from her position at Fleet Bank after the birth of her first child and is enjoying being a full-time mom. The Howards live in N. Attleborough. Congratulations to my roommate Mary Ryan Kusiak and her hus- band Tony on the birth of their fourth child, Caroline, in Jan. The Kusiak clan lives in Springfield. Best wishes, too, to my good friends, Bob Shea and his wife Julie, on the birth of their third daughter, Laura Catherine, in April. Laura joins her big sisters, Molly and Annie, in Westwood. I am also delighted to report the birth of Brae's and my third child, Thomas Braxton McKee, Jr., born May 20. His big sisters, Alii and Katheryn, are thrilled with the new addition to our family.


Lisa M. Capalbo 49 Maplecrest Dr. Greenville, Rl 02828

Ellen Edelman married Josef Franklin last Sept. They spent two weeks in Tahiti and Bora Bora. Ellen is a national account manager for the Ross Products Division of Abbott Laboratories. They live in Alexan- dria, VA. Denise Prenosil Stack and husband Ed announced the birth of their fifth child, Mary, last Dec. They recently moved to Pittsburgh. Ann Marie Jasse and husband Bruce Fram became parents of a son, Nicolas Regan, who joins brother Benjamin. Ann Marie is a business re-engineering program manager at Apple Computer. They live near San Francisco. James Connolly mar- ried Janet Keating last Sept. in Stoneham. James received a master's degree in management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He

is a project engineer at Earthtech in Concord. The Connollys reside in Ayer. John Simoneau recently became a partner in the New En- gland Financial Services practice at KPMG, the international public ac- counting & consulting firm in Hart- ford, CT. John lives in Farmington with his wife Mary Jane and their daughter. Bill Merrigan an- nounced his candidacy for Town Moderator in Holbrook. He and wife Linda have three children: Brian, Kyle and Emily. He is a partner in the Braintree law firm of Merrigan & Merrigan. News arrived from John Foo Feudo in western Mass., who wrote of his recent promotion to Associate Chancellor for Univer- sity Relations at UMass-Amherst. He's still responsible for alumni re- lations, but also assumes the leader- ship of the public relations, university and community relations efforts. Foo has spent the past two seasons as a member of the UMass basketball radio broadcast team. Congratula- tions to Bruce Pearl and his Univ. of S. Indiana basketball team, who won the Division II national cham- pionship this year! As always, thanks for the update, Foo. Jennifer Pline and husband Hans Dettgen an- nounced the birth of their daughter, Hannah Louise, last Dec. Jennifer is a VP and portfolio manager at Standish, Ayer & Wood in Boston. Bill McGuire wrote that he received a BSEE from Northeastern Univ. He is a member of the Naval Re- serve and was sent overseas for Op- eration Desert Storm. Bill works as an IS manager for Subfina Machine Co. He lives in Warwick, RI with his wife Susan. Congratulations to Dave and Bev Hayden Canavan on the birth of their daughter, Drew Anne. Joe Blood is a municipal bond trader with Baybank in Bos- ton. • Marcy Granata and husband Tom Currier recendy returned to NYC after spending a few years in LA. Marcy is in PR for Miramar Pictures in NY. Welcome home! Congratulations to Dorie Kraweic, who married Billy Cusick last April in Darien, CT. Diane Miller served as an honor attendant. Dorie and Billy live in West Roxbury.


Cynthia J. Bocko

71 Hood Rd.

N. Tewksbury, MA 01 876

(508) 851-6119

Gloria Mastrocola Gavris and hus- band Lee had a baby boy, Michael


Achilles Gavris, on Dec. 10. Gloria is an attorney and lobbyist for the law firm of Coyne, Kennedy & Kerr in Boston and was recently named to the board of directors for the Make a Wish Foundation of Greater Bos- ton. • After eight years as in-house counsel with Liberty Mutual Insur- ance Co., Susan Grondine is now counsel for ITT New England Man- agement Co., a reinsurance asset management group. Susan is at 150 Federal Street in Boston and would love to hear from area alumni at 6 1 7- 526-7720. Margaret O'Connell is a software GUI development en- gineer at Iconics in Foxborough. Margaret was also a volunteer for Rosie's Place (a shelter for homeless women and children) and served for two years as its president. Russ Joyner, general manager of Fox Hills Mall and former professional foot- ball player, received the Los Angeles Area Council Boy Scouts of America Vincent T. Lombardi Hall of Fame Award for his contributions in sports, community involvement and dedi- cation to improving the lives of in- ner city youth. Congratulations, Russ! Alison Guiney married Bryan Sweeney and resides in Hingham. Sally Hill Deehan and husband Alan proudly welcomed their third child, Caroline, on Feb. 10. Sally and Alan live in Montclair, NJ with their other children: Allison, 5; and Billy, 3. Sue Kenneally Walton and husband Michael wel- comed their first child, Jenny, on Feb. 16. Sue and Michael live in Concord. Irene Sullivan Herrera and husband James announce the birth of Maureen Teresa, born May 10. Irene and James reside in Avon, CT, and Irene manages personal lines specialty markets for ITT Hart- ford, CT.


Carol A. Baclawski, Esq.

29 Beacon Hill Rd.

W. Springfield, MA 01089


On January 1, Ed Rabasco became a partner in the Lewiston, ME law firm of Gosselin & Dubord, PA. The firm's name has been changed to Gosselin, Dubord & Rabasco, PA. Kirk A. Carters has become di- rector of the Worcester law firm Fletcher, Tilton, Whipple, PC. His practice includes corporate, com- mercial and immigration law. He is involved in community affairs in his hometown of Southboro, where he serves as chair and elected member

of the Board of Assessors and as chair of the music committee of Pil- grim Church. Philip Cate Huckins was named an adjunct fac- ulty member in the dept. of educa- tion of Merrimack College, and is currently a PhD candidate at BC. He also recently published an ar- ticle, "Selections From an Air Force Memoir," which appeared in the Salem State College faculty journal Sextant , and presented a paper en- titled "Broken Vows, Broken Ar- rows: A Critical Analysis of the Federal Government's Off-Reser- vation Boarding School Program, 1879-1900," at a conference at the Univ. of Nebraska-Omaha. John T. Holtquist, Jr. is a teacher at Hawkey Bluff Elementary School in Davie, FL. Tom McNeice has been promoted to principal of Camp, Dresser & McKee's design/build subsidiary, CDM Engineers & Con- structors, Inc. Tom is an environ- mental technology specialist, responsible for industrial and pub- lic-section hazardous waste clean- up projects throughout New England and the mid- Atlantic states. He resides in Needham. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Ann-Marie Looney is cur- rently stationed in Norfolk, VA and flies a Sea Knight helicopter. Most recently she was deployed aboard the amphibious assault ship, USS Wasp, while it operated in the Carib- bean and off the coast of Haiti. She flew missions in Haiti for two-and- a-half months. Next on her agenda is the command of a seagoing de- tachment of the Sea Knight On January 19, Mary Ellen Quigley Breen and husband Mike '78 wel- comed their first child, a son, James Michael. They live in Westfield, NJ. On Feb. 14, Melissa Baker and husband Wayne Chou had a special valentine, their first child, a daugh- ter named Lindsay Louise. Beth Scott Widner is currently living near Boulder, CO with her husbandjames and their son Payden, 2. Beth works at Denver Children's Hospital. She would like to hear from Carolyn Y., Kim A. and Donna Z.


Barbara Ward Wilson 32 Saw Mill Ln. Medfield, MA 02052 (508) 359-6498

The reunion party at McElroy on May 20 was a great success with a huge turnout. In addition, there were quite a few classmates at the after- noon cookout with many, many

children. Steven Fachada is living in London and received his MBA at London Business School in July. Steven is planning a career in mu- seum administration and will read for a master's degree in art history at Courtauld Institute in London. Billy and Kathy Reilly Britt were missed at the reunion, but they were quite busy with a new son who was born in early May, joining brother Sean, 2 1/2. The Britt family has recently moved to Chicago. Diane Dahlquist Farina is a labor and de- livery nurse at Brockton Hospital. Diane and husband David have three children: Jaclyn, 5; and twins, David, Jr. and Allison who were born in Jan. "94. The Farinas live in Duxbury. Mimi Barrett Bouchard and hus- band Bob had a new baby, Victoria, in Feb. Nancy Schneibly Jones and her husband had a son, Airus, in June '94. Bob and Sara McCarthy Casassa welcomed son Matthew Francis in July '94 and are living in Hampton, NH. Angela Rella Manning missed the reunion for a very special reason. . . John (Jack) Manning rV was born on May 18, joining sister Allie, 2 1/2, who thinks he is great. Caroline and Dave Smalley were joined by their first child, Madeline Quincy, on May 7. The Smalleys live in S. Pasadena, CA. Maria Cachi Ramos is living in Madrid, Spain and in Sept. started as financial controller for Hard Rock Cafe in Madrid. Mike McDonald and his wife Dinah '94 (master's in adult health) were joined Feb. 27 by Thomas Patrick McDonald II, who is named after his grandfather— BC '57. Mike is VP of Thomas P. McDonald Insurance Agency, Inc. in Quincy. Lynn Desantels Gallandt and husband Bob are liv- ing in Long Beach, CA with their daughter Madelane, 3. Lynn works part time as a bilingual teacher in Lennox, CA. Lynn continues to be pleasantly surprised that even on the West Coast she works with and meets BC grads! Lynn would love to hear from Laurie Moran Light and Jeanne D'Olivera. Mark and Grace Bergdahl McNamara live in Boston. Mark is VP and general manager of Boston Photo Imaging, a digital imaging archival company. He received his MBA from UNH in '93. Grace is director of marketing and public relations for Boston Cen- ter for Adult Education. Mark Yamazaki recently began to publish a magazine for handicapped people in Japan, Active Japan, which pro- vides information on products avail- able for handicapped people. In addition, Mark started a company to import American-made wheelchairs

five years ago. It is the first company to be successful in importing and marketing wheelchairs from the US.

Bob O'Brien, his wife Cathy and son Robert Emmett O'Brien III are living in Duxbury. Bob works for Merrill Lynch. Ann Renehan is living in Norwich, CT with her son Mark, 6, and works as a substitute teacher. Martha Bagley gradu- ated from New England School of Law in May. She passed the Mass. bar exam and is practicing law at Bagley and Bagley, PC in Boston. Alec Petro is living in Paris and working for Banque Nationale de Paris Derivatives Trading Business.

Sue and Jim Ferrara live in Milton with their sons, AJ and Joe. Con- gratulations to Scott and Mimi Mannle Humphrey on the arrival of Elizabeth on May 24, 1994. Pat '82 and Resie Carney Flaherty live in Milton with Ian, 6; Heather, 2 1/ 2; and Meredith, who was born in April. Greg Perez is practicing dentistry in Nutley,NJ. •Since leav- ing the US Marine Corps in '92, Dan Murner has been practicing insurance defense lawwith Landrum & Shouse in Lexington, KY. Dan, his wife Beth and children Edward Teddy William, 4 1/2; and Kelly Elizabeth-Anne, 2 live in Lexing- ton. • Nancy Gonsalves is living in Colorado Springs and works and travels with the US Olympic Com- mittee. • Patrick Clifford is living in Woburn, working as a credit ana- lyst at Lifeline Systems in Cambridge and is working towards an MBA at Bentley College. Pat says hello to Kevin Convery and wants to hear from him. Frederick Steeves, his wife Kippy and two children are liv- ing in N. Attleboro. Fred works in sales for Catalink Direct and is won- dering what ever happened to Glenn Fontaine? Lewis Madley earned a master's in biology in '89 and is working as director of laboratories for New Haven Health Department.

Mary Kate O'Donoghue O'Mara is living in Oak Park, IL with her husband and four children. After teaching college writing and litera- ture courses at a local community college, Mary Kate is now teaching high school. Laurie Blauvelt Cook is living in San Francisco and has been working for Sun Microsystems in marketing for five years. Steve Orzell and wife Mimi live in Suffern, NY. Steve is a district sales manager for Abbott Laboratories in NYC. After three years of practicing law in Hartford, CT, Rob McAndrew has relocated to NYC and is working as a financial advisor with Prudential Securities. John Phelan is cur- rently a hematology/oncology fel-



low at Univ. of Alabama/Birming- ham. • See you at Pops on the Heights Sept. 15!



M A Y 17 19 I 9 9 6

Karen Broughton Boyarsky 34 Powder Hill Road Bedford, NH 031 10

One of our beloved classmates, An- drew Docktor, was recently awarded the Young Alumni Achieve- ment Award. Doc is a homeless shel- ter liaison to Hope House in Milwaukee, WI. His work in edu- cating homeless youth is an inspira- tion to us all. Congratulations, Doc, we're so proud of you and your mis- sion. • The mail has been steady and I appreciate it! Carolyn Morrissey Lemone sent a lovely birth an- nouncement for her daughter Margot. Carolyn, husband Scott and daughters Katherine and Margot live in Greenwich, CT. Hi to Elissa Rearing O'Hara, who wrote with news of her new baby, John. Congrats! She also informed me that Carolyn Boldry Weiby welcomed their new baby Hannah in Decem- ber. • Hi also to Rob McLafferty, a vascular surgeon in Oregon. He sends his best to all BC friends! Anne Marie Meyers Miller is the proud mom of Kelly and new brother, Andrew! Andrea Gagne Pierce, husband Brian and two little ones, Kevin and Margaret, recently moved to Andrews AFB, where Brian will do his medical residency in fam- ily practice. Andrea would love to hook up with any classmates living in the Maryland/DC area. She hopes to pursue a master's in museum edu- cation. • Dave and Karen Smith live in Morristown, NJ and are the proud parents of a new baby, Gerard Clancy. Congrats to the Smiths! Martha Lee was married recently to Dave Slocum '85 and lives in Scituate, where she is a teacher at the Mass. Hospital School. She will soon begin a graduate program at Wheelock. Jenny Miller Rand and Ruth Fusco both attended the wed- ding. Ruth has completed her MEd at Harvard. Rev. Mark O'Connell has recently completed his first term as a priest at St. Barbara's Parish in Woburn. He's now on his second term at St. Mary's in Danvers. All the best with your new assignment! Congrats to Bob and Margaret Leighton who have a new baby, David, who joins two-year-old An- drew! Bob is the VP of Norcross and Leighton Insurance in Lowell. Greg Licholai recently graduated

from Yale Medical and will begin his residency in neurosurgery at Harvard at both Children's and Brigham and Women's. He and his wife Charlotte live in Brookline. Congrats and good luck, Greg! Hi, Tricia Casey Sullivan! Tricia writes that she and her husband Tim have a new baby, Kevin, and that they live in Bristol, CT. Tricia works at Hart- ford Hospital in the pediatric inten- sive care unit. She reports that Cheryl Wade Murphy has a new baby, Katherine, and lives in Stoneham. Kerri Moroney mar- ried Jimmy White last fall; they live in Georgetown. Maureen Walsh Giggey has another new baby, Alex, who joins two-year-old Matthew; the family lives in Dunstable. Bruce and I (and of course Michael, 5 and Katherine, 3) ran into Vinnie Sylvestri and his family at Burger King. (We usually don't go there without the kids!). Vinnie and his wife have a beautiful daughter and Vinnie works for Digital in Merrimack, NH. Jose R. Andrade is now the AHANA Alumni Council VP. He encourages all AHANA alumni to contact him through the Alumni Association, (800) 669-843 0, and reconnect with friends from BC. Jose's wife, Vilma Rodriguez Andrade '85, received her master's in moderate special needs at BC in May. They have two children, Claudia, 7 and Ricardo, 3. Good luck with your post, Jose! Want to know how high-tech I am now? You can now e-mail me at!


Catherine Stanton Rooney 343H Bolivar Street Canton, MA 0202 1 (617)821-0746

Hi! Another football season is upon us already. As you may have no- ticed, there's been a slight name and address change up above. After re- porting so many weddings, I finally get to write about mine! I was mar- ried on May 20 at St. Ignatius to my college sweetheart, Sean, by my cousin, Fr. Jack Hanwell, SJ '78. Molly Martin and Julie Stamos were two of my bridesmaids, and some of our guests were Dave and Shawn Curren Widell (Dave just signed on with Tom Coughlin's Jack- sonville Jaguars), Rob Sabella, and Eric and Laurie Quint Slifka . I've also left the beer business and am now working as the Mass. on- premise manager for Bacardi-Mar-

tini, USA (Bacardi Rum and Martini & Rossi products). Karen McKenzie and Mike Gorman were also married on May 20, and they're living in Middleton. Some other weddings to report: Gerard Frost, Jr. was married to Jennifer Matthews by Rev. Edward Hanrahan, SJ, and they're living in NYC. Kathryn Horton married Daniel Caldicott in July '94. She's a sales manager at Pitney Bowes, and they live in Con- cord. Robert Burke III married Kelly Ann Barrett in July '94. He's employed by Star Market, and they live in Plymouth. Stephen Masiello and Suzanne Swain were married in June '94. Steve is the regional direc- tor at Trust Fund Advisors, and they're living in Winchester. Kathleen MacDonald and Will- iam Murray, Jr. were married in June '94. William is a business con- sultant with MetLife Corp., and Kathleen received her master's from Yale. Sharon McCarty married David Fitzgerald last summer. Sharon attends Suffolk Univ. Law School and is working at Sullivan, Sullivan and Pinta. Steven O'Brien wed Erin Drakeley '89 in June '94. Steven is a branch manager of US Telecenters in San Francisco where they are now living. Christine Fettig was married to Timothy Dever last fall. She is a registered nurse, and they are living in Woburn. Michelle Casavant married Timothy Ber- nard, and she's employed at Children's Hospital in Boston. Kathleen Koen wrote in with this: Ellen McDonald Muller and her husband Joe welcomed their first child, Emily Kathleen, in Nov. Rebecca Rose Bocian, her husband Frank and son Jake, 4, live in Old Lyme, CT where Rebecca is teach- ing. • Christine Wisleder Burke wrote in with the news of her new daughter Erica's birth in March. She joins brother Matthew and dad Rick. Christine is a compensation analyst at Putnam Investments in Boston. Natalie Ricciuti Ducharme wrote with the news of her son's birth in April. Johnathan William was born just a few weeks before Natalie and husband Bill's 5th wedding anniver- sary. She's a sales manager at AT & T in Boston. Paul Martin wrote in from Santa Barbara, CA where he owns a growing career consulting and job s. arch assistance business. Mary Kenney Monagle and hus- band Bill welcomed their first child, Eileen, in Jan., and they're living in Wellesley Hills. Karen Murray Wargovich and husband Jim are also the proud parents of a baby girl. Mairead Christina was born in Jan., and joins two others, Bridgette and

Paul. Congratulations to Gina Caruso who landed a great new job with the Boston Athletic Associa- tion as project coordinator for the 100th running of the Boston Mara- thon. • Mark Haddad completed his master's in creative arts educa- tion at Lesley College, and is now heading the music and drama dept. at Newton Country Day School. Margie Campbell, RN is complet- ing her second year at Suffolk Law. Gina Calise is the manager of the actuarial dept. at Blue Cross of RI. Kim Machado is still working for Marriott Corp., but has moved from Orlando to Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Paul Aswad, DMD recently opened his own practice in Needham. Debbie Garcia Carey and husband John welcomed Allison Marie in Feb. Debbie is a foreign equities trader at AIG Global Investors. Nick and Barbara Barry Gendron have two sons, Nicholas and Kevin, and are living in Ramsey, NJ. Cindy Pierce Marett has "retired" from her job as Newton's health inspector to be- come a full-time mom. She and hus- band Mike have two children, Ryan and Amanda, and they live in Londonderry, NH. John and Cathy Blasi Petosa are living in Camillus, NY with their two chil- dren, Jay and Allison. Cathy's also a full-time mom, while John's run- ning the family deli business, at- tends Syracuse Law and has his own independent accountant business! See you at Pops on the Heights on Sept. 15!


Kara Connell Thompson 338 Meadowview Dr. Collegeville, PA 1 9426 (610)489-0837

Sheila McCarthy DeFelice wrote in to let us know that she and Paul, her husband of six years, had a baby boy on Dec. 30, 1994 (cutting it awfully close for that tax break!). James Patrick weighed in at 7 lbs., 5 oz., and the three of them are living happily in Pelham Manor, NY. Mary Wasmer Heuring was mar- ried on July 3 , 1 993 to Kevin Heuring of Point Pleasant, NJ. The couple lives in Colorado where they own a construction and development firm in the Vail Valley. Mary has two stepdaughters, Caroline and Whitney, ages 9 and 12. Doreen Dantono graduated from an ultra- sound program at Yale in 1993 and has been employed as a clinical ap- plication specialist with ATL since


January '95. Doreen is now living in Munich, Germany and covers 2 3 for- eign countries as her territory! So far she loves it (who wouldn't?) and is hoping that if any BC buddies are in the area they'll look her up. Eve Rutyna was married this past Dec. to Taso Daskalakis. Eve received her master's in human resources management from Emmanuel Col- lege in May '94 and is currently working for EG&G in Cambridge. Eve and Taso live in Watertown. Some of the BC classmates attend- ing Eve's wedding included Cathy McCarron and her husband Bert Entwhistle '89, as well as Julie Carrigg Charrette. Also spotted at the wedding was Moira Clancy, who is living in Charlestown with Ann Kulevich. Moira is working in sales for American Express and is getting married this Sept. to Felix Riccio. Other attendees at Eve's wedding included Ellen Broderick Brock and Kathy Brustman Rasor, who was married to Rich Rasor last sum- mer and is now living in Larchmont, NY. We received word that Pamela Genovese Baltz and her husband Raymond CGSOM '95 are currently residing in Atlanta, GA. A BC campus wedding was held last fall for Ellen Principato and John McNamara, now residing in Cohasset. Ellen is employed by Clean Harbors, Inc. where she is a cus- tomer service account manager. Also married last fall were Jennier Deveney and Thomas Anderson. The couple lives in Newton, and Jennifer is working for Liberty Mu- tual in Boston as a communications specialist. Hearts were breaking up and down the east coast when Sam Palmisano announced his en- gagement to Victoria Evans. The couple was married in Milton in June and resides now in Vermont. For the most part, "The Dorks" were present and accounted for and a great time was had by all! Speaking of the dorks, word is out that den mother of the dorks, John Scoop Morrier, and his lovely wife Lori are expect- ing a baby in Nov. Also in the baby department, Joe and Kim Fontaine Gindhart will have had their baby by the time this letter is published! Details on that one will be included in the next issue. It's also been rumored that Keith and Kathy O'Brien Longson are expecting their second child as this column is heading off to print. Their first, Charles, was born last spring and by the time we're reading this, he should have a playmate!! We've also heard that they've relocated to California, so we'll wish them all the best on the West Coast. Say hi to Rob Murray

(still in San Francisco) for us ! Laura Nelson was spotted at Comedy Cen- tral in NY and is apparently living in the City. Dan Gilligan and his lovely wife Jodi have moved out of NYC and are now residing in Port Washington, NY (on the island). Dr. Anne Boyd (still so hard to believe) is living and working at a hospital in Beverly (okay, she's not living at the hospital, but it seems she may as well be) where she is doing a residency. Elizabeth Lisa Colpitts married Matthew Hall in Bedford, NH in July '94. Lisa is a special ed teacher in Pembroke, NH; Matthew is a civil engineer. They live in Manchester, NH. Natalie Renee Munroe married Leo Hill of Newton in June '94. Renee is a spe- cial ed teacher in Litchfield, NH. She and Leo live in Bedford. The girls from Mod 43 A wrote in to let us know what they've been up to. Stacia Krowski married Peter Speliakos last Aug. Mary Dwyer also tied the knot, marrying Jack Chapin in Oct. '93. Kendra Maisitis Condon had her second daughter, Lauren. Kim Moore Smith and husband Greg have two sons, Connor and Brayden. Chris and Deanna Sullivan Moran bought a new home in Westwood. Last but not least, Jackie Cox and Michael Sly were married in May. The girls are looking forward to getting together over the football season.


Joanne Foley

936 E. Fourth St. #3

S. Boston, MA 02 1 27


Heard from Christine Pier and Suzanne Suppelsa with much info. Thomas and Christine Bracciotti Pier were married in summer '91. They live in Montclair, NJ and work in NYC at Andersen Consulting and the FDIC, respectively. Suzanne Suppelsa and George Zlvetti are planning an Oct. 14 wedding at St. Ignatius. Suzanne currently teaches biology at Teaneck High in NJ, and George graduated with his MBA from Michigan this past April. •Julie Tierney Spurr graduated from Leslie College in '94 with a master's in education and is currently teach- ing in Needham. Tim Spurr is a consultant for Parthenon. They re- side in Charlestown. Colleen Borger O'Connor and husband Kevin live in Buffalo, NY with Murphy, their black lab. Colleen teaches kindergarten. Gianni and

Laura Pollock Salamone currently live and work in Piano, TX. Karen Sullivan Garry and husband Joe are busy with Katie Erin, who was born Nov. '93. John Skwiot continues to work in Washington, DC. He has recendy become a nationally-ranked triathelete. Matthew Ray works for Andersen Consulting in Hart- ford, CT. He and his wife Cio are enjoying their baby boy Max. Steven Pellegrino enjoys living in his Back Bay apartment and contin- ues to work in public relations for Kortenhaus Communications on Newbury St. Wesley and Kaoru Numata Wenig are new homeowners in Simi Valley, CA. Wes, who graduated from law school in '92, works for Michaelis, Montanari and Johnson, a law firm specializing in aviation-related liti- gation. Kaoru works for a company that imports and exports steel prod- ucts. • Jim Massman is engaged to Diane O'Donnell '88 and is plan- ning a Sept. wedding. Jim works for Fleet Bank in Boston and lives in Charlestown. David Meyer, wife Karen and their daughter Caitlin live in Kansas City, MO. David graduated from law school in '92. Paul Stefanacci, MD graduated from NJ Medical School in '93 and is currently doing his residency in San Diego. John Beil and Mike Salvato can't escape those college days and are rooming together in Norwalk, CT. Joshua Plorde, MD graduated from Univ. of Washing- ton Medical School in '93 and is currendy doing his residency in ra- diology in Seattle. Bob Savio also graduated this year from Univ. of Washington Med. School and will be doing his residency in the San Francisco area. Tom Civitanova graduated last year from Univ. of Michigan with a degree in facilities management. Mark Donohoe graduated from Suffolk Law School in '94. Kenny Alleyne works for Bank of Tokyo in Boston. Tim Lopes married Jen Flaherty in July '92. Tim and Jen recently relocated to Dalton, GA where Tim works for International Carpet Mills. Mike Darling is still out on the West Coast. He lives in Carlsbad, CA and works for a brokerage firm in San Diego. Sean Blair and his wife Vicki live in suburban Dallas. Sean graduated from Univ. of Chicago with an MBA in '94. He works for American Airlines in Dallas. Cynthia Recchia was recently en- gaged to Jeffrey Graff; a May '96 wedding is planned. •Jeffrey Silvia is working at RM Bradley in Boston. Jeff is living in Cambridge with Ted Anderson. James Gasperoni is

happily married to wife Lisa and lives in Danvers along with their "newest edition:" daughter Rebecca. Michael Passanisi was married in Oct. '94 to Joanne at the Hillview CC in Reading. The couple resides in Somerville. Michael recently passed the bar exam. Lynn DellaPietra recently received her PhD in clinical psychology from Hahnemann Univ. in Philadelphia. Lynn will be finishing her intern- ship at Univ. of Florida and then plans to head back to the Boston area to do a Harvard fellowship at Children's Hospital. John Wilkinson and Cheryl Home Wilkinson announced the birth of their first child, daughter Lindsey Rose, born May 28. John is a senior accountant for Gallo Wines and re- cently sat for the CPA exam in May. Cheryl is a human resources admin- istrator for National Electronic In- formation Corp. Catherine Garvey Welsh and her husband Richard leftMaplewood, NJ lastyear and moved to Kansas City, MO where Richard is working for Twen- tieth Century Mutual Funds. On Jan. 28, Colin Richard Welsh was born! Congrats! Grace Cho is currently working in GE Capital, a company based in Stamford, CT, as a manager of international market- ing and strategic planning. Grace has had the opportunity to travel and work in various countries in Europe and Asia, including England, Sweden and Germany. Grace cur- rently has an office and an apart- ment in both Stamford, CT and Tokyo. John Horvack married Stacy Tutino last Sept. John is an attorney with law firm of Gager and Henry. Maria Joseph married Philip Peckham last Aug. in Milton. Maria is a business development manager at Allied Security, Inc. Carol Anguilla and Eric Weissman were married last Oct. in Newport, RI. The couple is currently living in Arlington, VA where Carol is an attorney at the office of Bryan Cave.


Kara Corso Nelson 2 100 Dover Ct. Windsor, CT 06095 (203) 285-8626

It was wonderful seeing everybody at reunion weekend! There was quite an impressive turnout of '90ers. Did Walsh Hall feel like a time warp to anyone else? ! I think the fire alarms each night really clinched it for me. A note of thanks to our reunion



committee for their hard work in putting it together: Maureen Appleyard, Elise DeWinter, Dave Flynn, Fran Forte, Willie Gartner, Jean Graham, Jim Hickson, Tom Nee, Mike Pimental and Debbie Sprindzunas. There are Class of '90 T-shirts available through the Alumni Office; call (800) 669-8430 to order yours. Jean Graham also wanted to thank everyone who voted for her she was elected to the Alumni Board of Directors! Minnie Tse and Nick Husni were married on May 6 in Boston. They honeymooned in Disney World and are currently living in Boston, where they are both medical students at BU. Monique Choiniere, Chuck Clapton and Paul McCullagh are currently studying for their law de- grees at Catholic Univ. in Washing- ton, DC. Chuck just finished his term as president of the student bar association; Paul served as president of the Federalist Society this past year; Monique is currently on the staff of the Health Law Journal. Lynnly Tydings and Philip Lynch celebrated their first anniversary May 2 8 . Lynnly works for Catholic Chari- ties in Washington, DC and Phil is a special education teacher with Chelsea School in Maryland. Lynnly is completing her master's in theol- ogy at Washington Theological Union. Since graduation, Kathleen Straub McAuslin has spent time in Haiti and Romania doing volunteer work. She is pres- endy living in Rhode Island with her husband Jeff and newborn son Joel and is a full-time mom. Phil Rectra is a corporate account manager for Harvard Business School Publish- ing. In his spare time Phil trains for competition in short-track speedskating, and fronts a cheesy (his description, not mine!) cover band called Organic Panic great name! On Dec. 1 5, 1994 Stephanie Tang Bartoldus gave birth to Alison Lucy she, baby and husband Joe are doing fine. Alison's godmother is Diana Winarski. Keith Wargo and Anne Margiloff were married April 8 at Trinity Church in Boston. (They met on a blind date!) John Hefferon, Charlie Yzaguirre, Steve Soukup, Peter Alia and Matt Jeannerer '89 were members of the wedding party. They honeymooned in St. Vincent, West Indies. Anne is a consultant with Mercer Manage- ment Consulting. Keith has finished his MBA at Harvard Business School; they have moved back to NYC where Keith will return to Goldman Sachs. Denise Angelo landed a great promotion with Roll Systems in Burlington {way to go, Dee!) and will

be going back to school for her MB A. Shannon Smith Brown and hus- band Jeff live in Texas with their two children, Tucker and Ryan. Jeff is finishing medical school with the US Army Special Forces and Shan- non is gearing up for law school. We hope they end up back in New En- gland soon. Larissa Castriotta became engaged to Daniel Marshall this past Christmas. A June '96 wed- ding is planned congrats, Lara and Dan! Larissa is completing a master's degree in Chinese at UMass- Amherst and is planning to study in China this summer. Amy MacDonald finished her master's in education at BC and will be mov- ing to Arizona this fall to do her student teaching in health science on the Fort Apache Indian Reserva- tion at Whiteriver High School. Katie Spain McLaren and husband Frank are expecting their third child! Daniel and Meghan are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their newest sibling some time this summer. Patrick McEleney married Kesae Ishiwa of Japan on June 11, 1994. They live in Huntsville, AL where Patrick works as a computer pro- grammer for the US Army LOGSA. They were expecting their first child in June. Xavier Pedroza married Alison Hume in 1993; they have since had twins (who are just over a year old). They live in Boston where Xavier is an administrator for Bos- ton Primary Care. Kevin Mahoney married Karen Basta on March 1 7 in Garfield, NJ. Sean Gavin was best man; ushers included Mike DeSala, Pat Patruno, Mike Foley and John McKenzie. Wedding bells will be ringing for Robert Romano and Rita DiCecca this July. Robert is a CPA and has established his own firm in Arlington. Leslie Laroche Bishop and Richard Bishop '92 were married July 1 6, 1 994 at St. Ignatius. Leslie is working on her doctorate in chemistry at BC; her husband is a fund accountant at State Street Bank in Quincy. On October 26, 1994 Maria Elena Nadarse lost her battle with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. She will be greatly missed.



MAY17 19»1996

Christine Bodoin 55 Lands End Ln. Sudbury, MA 01 776

I had a large response this time, so if you don't see your info, here, it will be in the next issue. Martin Hernandez will attend Thunderbird

American Graduate School of Inter- national Management in Phoenix for his master's this fall. Ted Jenkin married Gena Ranellone Oct. 9, 1 994 in Dobbs Ferry, NY. They live in Chevy Chase, MD. Ted is a district manager for American Express Fi- nancial Advisors in Washington, DC. He completed studies to be- come a certified financial planner. Harold H Ehrmann, D.J. Simon, Dan Bevere, Mike Nangle and Shaun Spencer were all at the wed- ding. Heming Nelson was not able to make it because he is in a one-year program at the London School of Economics. Tom Hines was also unable to attend because he had a role in his first movie, Exit to Eden. Annie R. Edwards married Rev. Eric Edwards in Feb. 1993. Annie works in marketing and corporate communication at EBSCO Indus- tries, an international manufactur- ing plant in Birmingham, AL. Annie also teaches Sunday school (grades K-5) and travels throughout the US with her husband as he teaches the Word of God. Bea Maloney re- ceived her law degree from Univ. of Montana in Missoula, MT, Bea mar- ried Joel Kaleva on Aug. 13, 1994. Pam Parker was her maid of honor. Also in attendance were Tim Minahan and Renee Rabeni. On June 4, 1994, Stephan Wronski married Inga Usalis '90 at St. Ignatius. Tim Morse was their best man. Also in attendance were Tom Penque, Matt Samson, Don Niss, Jon Gallagher, Dina Coffman, Sheila Finan, Savina Mallozzi, Laura Gallagher, Laura Prantil, Dave Delaney, PatMoran, Mike Primiano, John Padilla, Lara SanGiovanni and Kate Jacinto. Stephan is a buyer-in- training at Filene's and lives in Quincy. Nancy Lee Wheeler was admitted to the California bar on Dec. 5, 1994. She graduated from Loyola Law School and studied abroad, both at the London School of Economics and the London Insti- tute of International Law. Nancy intends to specialize in entertain- ment law in the Los Angeles area. Andrew Piela and Rebecca Coo- per were married at St. Ignatius May 28, 1994. Anna Crane was a brides- maid. At the wedding were: Claudia Rodriguez, Corinne Knolblach, Maribel Custodio, David Daly, Jon Gelber, Dana Ducharme, Ken Small, Susan Masters and Erin Miller. An- drew passed the New Hampshire bar exam and works as a law clerk for the NH Superior court. Rebecca passed her ANCC Nurse Practitio- ner Certification Exam and works as an adult nurse practitioner in Nashua, NH. Anthony Parlato

and Kellyann Bartolomei were married Sept. 12, 1993 on Long Is- land. Present were Keith Solomon, Gene Reed, Jacqueline McClean, Tsedal Beyene, Dominique Verdieu, Monique Acevedo and Alycia Sarjeant. They are also the proud parents of a baby girl, Alexis Torri Parlato. Anthony would like to know Kenny Norwood's '92 whereabouts. Attending Teri and John Spielberger's last Labor Day on the Cape were: bridesmaids Patty Donahue and Christine Pokoly, best man Amue Thapar, ushers D.J. Simon and Mark Sexton. Also, Troy Bracher, Biz Renick, Christine Berl, Kari Cadwallader, Kathleen Cronin, Sarah Lev, Kerry Carmody, Jeff Jerrier, Dan Grady, Harold Ehrmann, Gregg George, Lois Hanrahan, Brian Wogenson, Neil McCullagh, Robjasminski, Jennifer Silvernail, Sherry Rutherford, Kevin Reid, Sean Salene, Diana Schnitka, Drew Tripodi, Laura DeBrux, Christopher Zoidid, Craig Tagliamonte,andJim and Pat Wood.

In San Francisco, Christine Pokoly, Karen Olson, Sandy Uribe, Lena Kim and Tara Henwood all get together once a month. On Oct. 15, 1994 Katie Bresnahan and John Ragan were married at St. Ignatius. Kelly Biby- Morales was a bridesmaid, and Matt Metz an usher. Also there were: Andy Klare, John Ravenna, Mike Delwiche, Matt Burke, Dave Per- gola and Roland Pritchett. Rey Roldan is a publicist at IRS records in NYC. He is also a music review editor of LOOK! Magazine and a contributing writer for Boston Rock and Cake Magazine. Rey still main- tains a long-distance relationship with Maureen Blandino in Boston. Rey's e-mail address is •JohnMontrone is working on his MBA at Columbia.

John Olson graduated from Fordham Law. Mark Sexton and Kathleen Byrne are married and living in St. Paul, MN. Mark is a lawyer in St. Paul, and Kathy works for Aetna Health Plan in Minneapo- lis. They have assumed leadership of the Twin Cities BC Club. Ken DeStephano lives in NYC. Eliza- beth Johnston and Jean Newell work together as elementary school teachers. Fran Clorio lives in NYC. Peggy Morin is working on her master's in education at BC. Petina Joe lives in Hong Kong. Kerrie Shaheen is at Georgetown working on her MBA. Maryann Brennan married Thomas Dillon March 25 in New Jersey. Peggy Morin was her bridesmaid. Travis Thayer graduated from Vanderbilt


Law School. Sheila Rinaldi teaches fourth grade in W. Roxbury. Sheree Nuccio teaches fourth grade in Enfield, CT. Lisa Billings mar- ried Robert Cerulli in July '94. They live in Norwalk, CT. Lisa is a sev- enth grade social studies teacher and received her master's in education from Sacred Heart Univ. last Dec. Roberta Lampoon passed the Vir- ginia bar and is a judicial clerk for a circuit court in Virginia. Roberta has been married for two years.


Paul L. Cantello 1 30 Garden St. #3 Hoboken, NJ 07030

Drew Massey has founded a new magazine called P.O. V. The current issue is on newsstands now. Kramer from "Seinfeld" is on the cover. There are many interesting articles, like "Where the jobs are," "Mutual Funds you can afford " and "Choosing an appropriate bottle of wine. " Call 212- 421-8676 for subscription info. Trent Janik works for J. Crew as an assistant product manager of men's sweaters. She lives and works in NYC. Trent reports that J. Crew is an exciting company to work for and was able to travel to Hong Kong on business. Dina Strada has been promoted to account rep for ABC's affiliate relations dept. in NYC. Claire Kates was married in June to a doctor she met while working as a nurse at Brigham & Women's Hos- pital. • Kris Hager was promoted to promotion director at Classic Rock 94.5 KFOX in San Jose, CA. Alisa Picerno has been promoted to press secretary for the State of Connecticut's GOP. Alisa recently purchased a piano and acquired a family member a new kitten. Chris Eidt wrote in about a recent gathering of roommates in DC. Dean Kueter is working for Con- gressman Barney Frank.* Dimi trios Angelis has been a teacher with Teach for America in L.A. He earned his master's degree and decided to spend this summer teaching in Ja- pan. Dimitiros was also involved with interviewing prospective kids for ad- mission to BC. Cynthia Finley is attending graduate school at Louisi- ana State Univ. She will receive her master's in social work in May '96. Cynthia is engaged to Eric Waguespack, whom she met at LSU. They will marry this Dec. in L.A. Susan Hannifin and Maureen Wall are roommates in San Diego. Susan teaches at Polinsky Children's Cen-

ter. Maureen is engaged to John Levangie of Lexington. They will marry in the spring with Susan as the maid of honor, and Maura Feeley, Trent Janik, Pamela Maskara and Mary Kate Meis as bridesmaids. Brian Coleman is a DJ at The Linwood Grille (off Boylston St. near Star Market) Thursdays from 1 0 pm to 2 am. He spins deep funk, soul jazz and rare groove records. Brian also has a radio show, "Funk to the Folks," Tuesdays from 5-6 pm on WZBC (90.3 FM). Ron Wessel won the prestigious Quimby Award from Creighton Univ. Law School in Omaha, NE. Ron graduated with his JD in May and is considering relocating to Denver. Steve Lavelle proposed to Mary Wasserman on March 1 7 in Toronto. She said yes! A June '96 wedding is planned with many '92ers expected to be in attendance. Malena Amato is finishing up her third year at Georgetown Univ. Medical School and still lives with Caroline Mendoza and Tina Castellano. Erin Graefe lives nearby and is re- gional fundraising coordinator for the Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee. Tina is in her third year working for Special Olym- pics International. Caroline is the assistant press secretary for Con- gressman Henry Bonilla of Texas. Ann Kurtz is in her first year of law school at Catholic Univ. All three roommates attended Sheila Mahony and Steve Schlageter's wedding in Edina, MN in April. Billy McMurtrie, Pat Caulfield, Brendan McGowan, Bryan Bourke, Amy Brown, Stephanie Sayfie and Todd Johnson also at- tended. The couple honeymooned in the Cayman Islands and returned to live and work in the Seattle area. Steve works for Arthur Andersen; Sheila is a sales rep. for Pfizer Phar- maceutical Co. Michelle Korn lives in NYC and works for CBS news. Kelley Noreen is in Minne- apolis working as a stockbroker with Dean Witter. After a year-long cou- rageous battle with leukemia, Kevin Rappa passed away. He loved BC and our prayers are with his family.


Alison J. Pothier

c/o BC Alumni Association

825 Centre St.

Newton, MA 02158

The class officers have already started planning ahead for football season

by reserving Harper's Ferry for homecoming weekend again this year. If you're in town that weekend, hope you can join us for a quick reunion! Please note the new ad- dress to which you can mail all cor- respondence to me. If all works out as planned, I will be relocating to London with my job and can be contacted through either the alumni office or the above e-mail adress until my home address becomes more permanent. If your letter is not included here, keep an eye out in the next article to see that they've been forwarded and published. Saw many '93 classmates at the Presiden- tial Scholars dinner sponsored by die NY Alumni Club earlier this year a few representatives included: Jose Garcia, Noelle Brogi, Mike Ascione, Pat Lalor and Rob Carroll. Recently heard from Wendy Burgess and Nicole Choiniere. Nicole is a 3rd grade teacher at the Commodore Macdonough School inMiddletown, CT and is living in Rocky Hills. Wendy, who is currently living in Chicago and working at the Run- away Switchboard, will be attending graduate school for social work this fall. Congratulations to Tammy Bouda and George Doehner '94 who are planning to marry in August of this year . Tammy recently finished her second year at Univ. of Ne- braska Medical Center. Congratu- lations also to Carrie Malone and Chris Rivera '94 who are planning to marry at BC in April '96. Carrie lives in Walpole and works for CIBA/ Corning. Her roommate, Sarah Bintinger, is a human resource ad- ministrator with the Mass. Co. in Boston. Best wishes to Mary Orlowski and Jay Yuskis, who are engaged and are planning a May '96 wedding. Mary is attending gradu- ate school at Arizona State Univ. to pursue her master's of education. She works as a graduate assistant in undergraduate admissions at ASU. Congratulations to Laura Maniscaleo and Damon DeLise, who were engaged in January and are planning a March '96 wedding. Laura received her master's in envi- ronmental management and Damon works for Andersen Consulting in NJ. Heard from JP Plunkett, who recently joined the Boston office of Cushman & Wakefield as a com- mercial real estate broker. He also writes a monthly column for Eagle Action covering BC sports. Kelly Johnson graduated from Boston Univ. in May with a master's in sci- ence in occupational therapy. She works at the Mayo Clinic in Roches- ter, MN as an intern in physical

rehabilitation while working toward her certification in occupational therapy. Kathy Cammarata re- ceived a university fellowship from Ohio Univ.'s Scripp's School ofjour- nalism and will continue on in the master's program this June. She also let us know that Ellen Gallagher is the editor of a local newspaper in Buffalo. Heard from John Kim, who is living outside of Washing- ton, DC. After spending time work- ing as a marketing consultant at an advertising firm, he has decided to change career directions. John is now heading off to Virginia Tech to study accounting and information systems. After graduation, John Snoey trav- elled throughout Europe for two months and spent the next year es- tablishing his own construction com- pany in Oregon. He is now doing consulting work for Ernst & Young in Chicago. Mike Burke and Jenny Osborne '94 are engaged and plan- ning a July wedding. Congratula- tions! • Heard that Louis Tirino is living in Norwalk, CT where he now works as a consultant for Hewitt Associates. Lorajakubczak is cur- rently working at the Italian Home for Children in Boston. She would like to extend a hello to her previous roomates: Michele Egan, Chris D'Ellesandro, Stacy Stecher and Kara Heffernan all working in San Francisco. #Monique Laflamme Hapgood is living in Honolulu, HI attending a pediatric specialty nurs- ing course at Tripler Army Medical Center. She and her husband will be moving to Tacoma, WA where she will work at the Madigan Army Medical Center once she has com- pleted the course. Heard from Ja- son Raia, who is currently living in Allston while working on his master's in philosophy at BC. He works as a full-time youth minister at St. Joseph's Parish in Medford. Phoebe Loyer is working toward her master's in social work at UPenn; word has it that, though she enjoys PA, she misses life in Boston. Con- gratulations to Tom Hickey and Jennifer Sarnie who were married on July 9. Tom is working as a his- tory teacher in a high school on the South Shore. Congrats also to Robert Drapeau, who received his master's in Anglo Irish studies from Univ. College, Dublin, Ireland.




Alyce T. Hatem 208 South Ann St. Mobile, AL 36604

Brian Falvey is entertaining another football season; however, this time he was behind the scenes. He had the opportunity to be the first former mascot to judge the Eagle Mascot tryouts. Hey Brian, tell us your se- cret! • Derek Hughes was appointed to marketing trainee for Janssen Pharmaceutical, NJ in Jan. After a year of training he will become a sales rep. Christine Leonard joined World Teach in Feb. and is in Costa Rica teaching English. We have some more JVC updates: this list just keeps getting longer and longer. Keith Haig is in Anaheim working with the homeless, trying to find them transitional housing. Maria Haggarty is in East L.A. teaching physical education. Dave O'Toole is in L.A. teaching history in an alternative high school. Debbie Carrasquillo is living in Manhattan Beach, CA and working with home- less and mentally handicapped women. BC grads just don't like to leave Boston. Here goes it. Mark Viveros is a fund accountant and recently took his CPA exam. Good luck, Mark. Sharon Friedman is a high school math teacher. Jim Kelly is working at Tower Records. Carolyn Healy works at Sun Life of Canada as a programmer for indi- vidual systems development. Cheryl Hockman and Paul McNamara work at KATZ radio. They love their jobs so much they are planning to get married in June '96. The New England Patriots have a new star with them. Katie Delay is in the Foxboro offensive line office. Jerry Caruso is working for Arthur Andersen. John Burns is at Merrill Lynch. Katie Rollins is working part time as a shoe shiner in downtown Boston and for the Visit- ing Nurses' Association on the week- ends. Matt Finte is working at a bakery in the North End, with aspi- rations to have one of his own one day. Ann Highland and Jen Phillippe work at Fidelity. Mike Spalla has returned from playing hockey in Italy and is also working at Fidelity with Ann and Jen. Andy Mahar is a high school hockey ref- eree. Tom Ryan was promoted to senior account executive with Baybank, Inc. Meredith McNeilage is working for Furman Selz. Tara Goshco, Ann Brisetle and Andrea Palermo are living together and working in Boston. BenD'Agostino

and Jerry Spencer are living in Medford and working in Boston. Melissa Mastriani is living and working in Norway. Brian Saxton and Steve Marciano are playing baseball for Moe Maloney's '95 BC team. Stephanie Nakielny was a contestant in the Miss Rhode Island Beauty Pageant on April 22. Hope you did well! Please tell us the re- sults. • Chrisy McLain is working in Australia at the Consulate. Brian Delaney has taken a leave of ab- sence from Coopers and Lybrand to pursue a singing career in NY. Chris Woody Accardo and his group the "Reitions Brothers" were sched- uled to tour ten cities in the Midwest this summer. Cooll We still have some folks who are attending school. Rich Alcock will attend Harvard Law School in the fall. Michelle Damian is attending law school at American Univ. Gaew Phadungchi is a medical student at Georgetown Univ. Antonia Moser is a grad stu- dent studying English in Nashville, TN. Jenny Osborne called to let us know she's engaged to Mike Burke '93. AJuly weddingis planned. Con- gratulations! • John Joyce is cur- rently skating in Disney on Ice's production of "The Lion King. " Charlotte Altmeyer is living and working as a nurse in Charleston, SC. Dennis Thornton is a finalist for MTV's Real World production in London. Martha Lynch has recendy moved to NYC and Kelly Mulcahy is working at Lord Abbet Mutual Funds in NYC. Melanie Prusinki is working for Price Waterhouse. Jack Callahan has finished his season in the East Coast Hockey League and will be training as a franchising associate for McDonald's John Driscoll has moved to Honolulu to train for the Ironman Triathlon. Connie Cicolini is opening a new office for the company she is working for. Good luck, Connie!


Jane T. Crimlisk '74

416 Belgrade Ave. Apt. 25

W. Roxbury, MA 02 1 32

Jeremiah J. Lonergan '55 informs me that on Dec. 24, 1994, Channel 7 showed "Christmas in Massachusetts, " an animated Christmas story. The voices of Santa and The Snowman were Jerry's. Jerry Long '62 re- tired last Sept. after 3 3 years of teach- ing— 32 in the Norwood public schools. Jerry's sister, wife, two

daughters, and one son-in-law are all BC grads. Gerry Harvey 79's daughter Kristen will enter BC in the fall. His daughter Carol Ann will receive an MS in nursing in '96 and his wife, Ginny, who works at BC as a librarian, will receive a BA in '97. Susan G. Robinson '85 was elected an officer with Paul Revere Insur- ance in Worcester. Susan received a law degree from New England School of Law. She is a member of the Mass., Worcester and American Bar Associations and is a Worcester Legal Services volunteer. I met Walter Sullivan '64 and his wife Joan at Pops on May 19. Walter expects to retire from the Federal Reserve Bank in Oct. Walter and Joan have three sons: John, Ed and Jim. They are proud parents of a daughter Gourtney, born April 26. Condolences are extended to the family and the Sisters of St. Joseph on the death of Sister Mariona Hurley '45. Also, condolences are extended to the family of Dorothy Devlin '53. May they rest in peace.


Dean Michael A. Smyer McGuinn Hall 221 A Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 02 167 (617)552-3265

Karen Hassey Dow, nursing '92, PhD '94, is a recipient of both the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)/ Schering Corp. Excellence in Can- cer Nursing Research Award and the ONS/Upjohn Co. Quality of Life Award, which were presented at the Society's 20th Anniversary Con- gress in April in Anaheim, CA. Dr. Dow is a cancer consultant in Melbourne, FL. Robert J. Gerardi, DEd '79, retired Lynn su- perintendent of schools and most recently VP for education sales with Eastern Building Services in Woburn, has now been appointed superintendent of schools in Kingfield, ME in the Sugarloaf Mountain area. J. William Harm- less, PhD religion and education '90, assistant professor of theology, was awarded Teacher of the Year at Spring Hill College last spring. This fall, Liturgical Press will be publish- ing his new book, Augustine and the Catechumenate. Philip Cate Huckins, MAT '85, had an article, "Selections from an Air Force Mem- oir, " published in the faculty journal of Salem State College, Sextant, late last year. He also presented a paper, "Broken Voids, Broken Arrows: A Criti- cal A nalysis of the Federal Government 's

Off-Reservation Boarding School Pro- gram, 1879-1900," at the Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference at the Univ. of Nebraska, Omaha in Feb., and was recently appointed as an adjunct faculty member in the edu- cation department at Merrimack College. P. Patrick Leahy, MS geology '70, has recently become chief geologist and chief of the geo- logical division of the U.S. Geologi- cal Survey. The geology department at BC is nominating Pat for the Alumni Achievement Award in Sci- ence next year. MaryKay Mahoney, MA English '73, an En- glish professor at Merrimack Col- lege, has contributed an essay, "A Train Running on Two Sets of Tracks: Highsmith 's and Hitchcock 's Strangers on a Train " to the book, It's a Print!: Detective Fiction fro?n Page to Screen. She has presented papers on detec- tive fiction at national Popular Cul- ture Association conferences, and participated in a panel at the annual conference of the New England As- sociation of Teachers of English. Christopher Martes, PhD ed. admin. '93, director of personnel for the Brookline schools, became su- perintendent of the Medfield Schools in June. Rev. Francis S. Tebbe, OFM, MEd '82, was unanimously elected to serve a second term ('95- '98) as president of the Nat'l Orga- nization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy. It was the first time in its 22-year history that a president was re-elected. He edited their Handbook for the Con- tinuing Formation of Priests. He also wrote, "Living with Pain: Windows of Hope, " which was published by Di- ocesan Publications of Columbus, OH; the Catholic Chronicle, the news- paper of the Diocese of Toledo, re- printed the article in a special insert in its May 27, 1994 issue. Rev. Charles Vavonese, MEd 78, has been appointed to the New York State Regents Review Committee. He is a member of the U.S. Catholic Conference Federal Assistance Ad- visory Council, advising bishops on federal legislation affecting educa- tion. He serves on the Syracuse and Onondaga County Drug and Alco- hol Abuse Commission. Linda Brown Wilson, PhD counseling psych. '80, was elected interim presi- dent of Quincy College in Jan. She's been affiliated with the college since '79 and with Quincy public schools since '69.



Lesley Fox Denny '91 1 1 Tumelty Rd. Pea body, MA 01 960 (508) 535-8791


Sr. Joanne Westwater, RGS, '55 57 Avalon Ave. Quincy, MA 02 169 (617)328-5053

Fr. John Driscoll '41 has retired after eight years of serving as execu- tive director of the GSSW's Alumni Association. Father will be living at a retirement center called New Pond Village, located at 180 Main St., Walpole 0208 1 . His telephone num- ber is (508) 668-8553. Words can never express our thanks and appre- ciation for all his years of generous and dedicated service in a variety of important human service positions, including as dean of GSSW. Our fond memories and best wishes are extended to Father. Tom O'Donnell, '59, after many years working for the Veterans' Adminis- tration in Brockton, the Commis- sion for the Blind and Catholic Charities of Boston, is enjoying his retirement. He has been volunteer- ing at The Good Shephard's Maria Droste Services in Quincy and re- cently was elected to the GSSW Alumni Board for a two-year term. Bill Allen 71 is executive VP for community services at the United Way of Southeastern New England. His office is located in Providence, RI. Bill has been with this United Way for 18 years. He is also on the GSSW Alumni Board. Bill resides with his wife Anabel and two daugh- ters in Cumberland, RI. Margaret Vann 72 just concluded her two- year term on the GSSW Alumni Board. Margaret volunteers with several agencies and she recently returned from Saudi Arabia, where she visited her son and his family. When speaking of this, Margaret can be heard to say, "I had a great visit there; I had a wonderful time; and I had an extraordinary adven- ture." • Nancy C. Slamin 74 is executive director of the Newton- Wellesley-Weston Committee for Community Living. This private, non-profit organization provides community residences/group homes, family support services, and leisure and recreation for develop- mentally-disabled individuals. Nancy is married and has two boys. June Cooper 76 of the Cooper Group in Jamaica Plain, is a consult-

ant working with a variety of pro- grams, particularly maternal and child health. June also provides di- versity training to various organiza- tions and teaches two courses at BC: Racism and Cross-Cultural Inter- ventions. • Connie K. Wilhite '89 received a graduate certificate from BC's Women in Politics and Gov- ernment program in 1 990; she gradu- ated from South Texas College of Law in Houston in 1994. Connie passed the Feb. '95 Texas bar exam and is now a licensed attorney. She works for the Attorney General's office in Austin and plans to special- ize in civil rights and employment discrimination law. Connie lives in Austin. Rick Goggin '90 com- pleted his term as president of the board of the GSSW Alumni Asso- ciation. Rick has now assumed the role of president emeritus and is heading a committee of all former GSSW executive board presidents, now in the process of being estab- lished. This new committee will serve in an advisory capacity. While doing all of this, Rick continues to work full-time at Mentor as a clinical su- pervisor of traumatically brain-dam- aged individuals. Our new executive board members are: Donald J. Emond '62, president (Donald is president and CEO of Family Services in Fall River); Paul Segal '66, vice president (he is ex- ecutive director of Jewish Family Services in Providence, RI); Mary Ellen Provencher -66, treasurer (she is a consultant for two agencies work- ing with the developmentally dis- abled); and Catherine Nowak DeMassi '90, secretary (Catherine is a full-time mother taking care of her first child, Nicolas, born in Sept. of '94.)


Amy S. DerBedrosian Director of Communications Boston College Law School 885 Centre St. Newton, MA 02 159

The Honorable James A. Redden

'54, a federal district court judge for the District of Oregon, has stepped down as chief district judge and as- sumed senior status. Richard J. Tobin '62 has become a Connecti- cut Superior Court judge. Herbert L. Turney '62 has become a partner in the Boston office of the law firm of Jackson, Lewis, Schnitzler & Krupman. Thomas J. May '66 recently was named a judge in the E. Boston District Court. David F. Hannon '68 has been included in

the most recent edition of Best Law- yers in America. * Alan S. Kaplinsky 70 has become a partner in the busi- ness and finance department of the Philadelphia law firm of Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll. Ernest B. Murphy 70 has been appointed to a four-year term as a member of the Board of Bar Overseers by the Su- preme Judicial Court of Mass. Raymond J. Brassard 71 has been named a Mass. Superior Court judge.

Harold Damelin 72 recently was named staff director and chief coun- sel for the Governmental Affairs In- vestigations Subcommittee by Senator William Roth of Delaware.

Timothy E. Kish 72 has been named an executive VP of Capital Bank in Miami, FL. Dennis J. LaCroix 72 has joined the Boston law firm of Schwartz, Shaw and Griffith, where he is involved in healthcare business and regulatory law. Walter A. Costello,Jr. 73 has formed the law firm of Walter A. Costello, Jr. & Associates in Salem.

Thomas A. Connors 76 has been nominated as a circuit judge for the District Court of Mass. Mary J. Healey 76 has been named VP, general counsel and secretary of Yankee Energy in Connecticut. Alan G. Philibosian 78 has been appointed Commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. James J. Yukevich 78 has formed the law firm of Yukevich & Sonnett in Los Angeles. John P. Pucci '80 has become a partner in the Northampton law firm of Fierst, Mitchell & Pucci. Mary Ann Chirba-Martin '8 1 is the co-author of the article "The Critical Role of ERISA in State Health Reform;' 13 Health Affairs 142 (1994). She also has been teaching health care law at BC Law School. Christopher P. Kauders '81 has formed Pre-Trial Solutions, Inc. in Boston. Leonard F. Zandrow, Jr. '81 recently was elected to the board of directors of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association. John A. Herbers '82 has been named a fellow of the American College of Trust and Es- tate Counsel. Jonathan P. Norris '83 has formed the law firm of Jonathan P. Norris, P.C. in Chest- nut Hill. Daniel B. Winslow '83 has been named a judge in the Wrentham District Court. Susan L.S. Ernst '84 recently was ap- pointed treasurer of the franchise section of the Dallas Bar Associa- tion. • John P. Connolly '85 has been named a partner in the Boston office of the law firm of Peabody & Arnold. Richard H. Durben '85 has joined the Boston law firm of Gilmore, Rees & Carlson as a senior

associate. Robert D. Hoffman '85

is now a partner in the Los Angeles law firm of Charlston, Revich & Williams. •Jeremy Ritzenberg '85 has been named a partner in the law firm of Hinckley, Allen & Snyder. Jeffrey Spitzer-Resnick '85 is the author of an article titled "Protecting the Rights of Nursing Home Residents: How Tort Liability Interacts with Statu- tory Protections" and published in 19 Nova L.R. 630 (1995). Abigail R. Hechtman '87 has been named a member of the Boston law firm of Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer. Patrick Q. Hustead '87 has been named a partner in the Denver, CO law firm of Rothgerber, Appel, Pow- ers & Johnson. Andrea Peraner- Sweet '87 has been elected a partner in the Boston civil litigation firm of Sally & Fitch. A. Brian Albritton '88 has been elected president of the Hillsborough County [Florida] As- sociation of Criminal Defense Law- yers. • Leizer Z. Goldsmith '88 has established a Washington, DC law practice emphasizing employment litigation. Christopher J. Devlin '89 is now an attorney in the com- mercial department of the Portland, ME law firm of Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson. Kathleen Connelly Moline '89 has opened a general law practice in Danvers. KevinJ. O'Connell '89 has become associated with the New York law firm of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosler. Alina P. Marquez '90 has joined the criminal division as an assistant U.S. Attorney in Connecti- cut. • Brian R. Connors '91 has become an associate in the business department of the Boston law firm of Perkins, Smith & Cohen. Erin K. Higgins '91 has become associ- ated with the Boston law firm of Conn, Kavanaugh, Rosenthal, Peisch & Ford. M.J. Reynders MacKenzie '91 has become an as- sociate in the Syracuse, NY office of the law firm of Harris, Beach & Wilcox. Timothy J. Shea II '92 has joined the science and technol- ogy department of the Boston law firm of Perkins, Smith & Cohen. Gina M. Signorello '92 is now as- sistant city solicitor for the city of Lowell. She also serves on the board of directors of Rape Crisis Services of Greater Lowell. Joseph J. Centeno '93 has joined the Phila- delphia office of the law firm of Swartz Campbell & Detweiler. Jason A. Farber '93 is now an attor- ney with the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine in Seattle, WA. Julie Park Farber '93 has an insurance defense practice with the Seattle, WA law firm of Johnson & Martens.




George W. Boner EX '21,

Groveland, 12/31/94 Francis J. Hickey, '23, Medford,


Frederick W. Blatchford, SJ '25,

GA&S '26, Weston, 3/29 Joseph V. Sheerin '27,

Lexington, 1/31 Edward L. Monahan, Esq. '28,

Lowell, 12/9/94 John Lloyd Carnegie '29, GA&S

'32, Denver, CO, 7/10/94 Keelan S. Milbury '29, Medford,


William J. Toomey '30, GA&S '31,

Cambridge, 12/29/94 Thomas F. McGann '31, Long

Beach, CA, 1/14

Sr. M. Rose Sheehy, CSJ '31, Framingham, 1/22

Thomas F. Collins '32, Dorchester, 7/29/94

Francis J. Crump, OMI '32

Washington, DC, 12/08/94 William S. Downey '32, Silver

Spring, MD, 12/23/94 Arthur F. Ward '33, Lawrence,

11/23/94 John T. Broderick '34, GA&S '35,

South Harwich, 6/16/94

Sr. Mary Rosella, RSM, GA&S '34, Cumberland, RI, 12/15/94

Flavio J. Tosi EC '34, Beverly,

12/28/94 Raymond N. Funchion '35, West

Palm Beach, FL, 1/22

Daniel P. Keenan '35, Venice, FL, 2/19

James A. McLaughlin, MD '35,

Marshfield, 2/26 Edwin J. Crowley, SJ '37, WES

'40, '50, Dorchester, 1/14 Arthur E. Durkin '37, Melrose,

1/29 Charles J. Quigley '37, Salem,

NH, 1/7

Amos J. Guarente, MD '38, Winchester, 3/28

Oliver Laronde '38, Waltham, 12/7/94

Paul F. Sharkey '38, N.

Hollywood, CA, 11/21/94

William J. Condon, Esq. '40, LAW '47, Larchmont, NY, 3/25

James M. Doonan, MD '40, Milton, 2/16

Leo F. Fittabile GA&S '40,

Willimantic, CT, 1/4 Charles M. Normile, Esq. LAW

'40, Newport, RI, 2/25

Mildred Kinnier Delrios GA&S '41, Framingham, 3/8

John V. Guinee '41, Acton, 12/30/94

John F. O' Brien '41, Cohasset, 1/3

Sr. Clare Marie Russell, SCH, GA&S '42, Wellesley Hills, 1/13

Donald E. Bonnette '43, Atdeboro, 11/23/94

Walter F. Cassell '43, Vero Beach, FL, 1/7

Joseph F. Dinneen, Jr. '43,

Needham, 1/8 James D. Edgeworth '44, GSSW

'49, Houston, TX, 1/11

William F. Haley '44, Belmont, 12/26/94

Frank H. Harris '44, Salem, 2/18 Arthur J. O' Connor, MD '44, Newton, 12/29/94

Robert F. Sullivan '44,

Hendersonville, NC, 4/30/94 Sr. Mariona Hurley, CSJ, EC '45,

GA&S '49, Weymouth, 1/6

Robert P. Murphy '45, Brooklihe, 3/2

C. Richard Powers '45, Weston,

6/15/94 Sr. Ruth Marie Kelley, SND,

GA&S '46, Ipswich, 1/27

Arthur M. Fagan, Jr. '47,

Levittown, PA, 4/16 Rita M. Canney GSSW '48,

Belmont, 2/13 James F. Kearns, Esq. LAW '48,

Miami, FL, 1/16

Paul A. Lovett '48, Randolph, 1/3 Richard L. Wilder, Esq. LAW '48,

Parish, FL 3/11 JohnJ.Hogan,Jr.'49,N.

Andover, 3/9

Sr. Victorette Mary Kiczuk,

CSFN '49, Monroe, CT, 1/20

Edward J. Furey '50, Lynnfield,

12/26/94 JohnH. O'Neill, Jr. '50,

Needham, 2/9

Joseph A. Torchio, Esq. LAW '50,

Pittsfield, 12/18/94 Arthur J. Collins '51, N. Reading,

3/4 Lawrence E. Delaney '51,

Derwood,MD, 1/12/94

Donald J. Evans '51, Dedham, 3/4 William J. Meehan, Esq. LAW '51, Worcester, 1/8

Gerald T. Peters '51, Chatham,

3/26 James M. Doyle '52, Waltham, 3/26 Thomas F. Martin '52, Fort

Myers, FL, 1/6

Patricia Cuttell Murray '52, Na tick, 9/15

Sebastian Sicari '53, Medford,

12/4/94 Mary T Loftus '54, N. Easton,

11/20/94 David G. Sanford '54, Old Town,

ME, 2/5 Rev. Walter R. Lethin '55,

Canton, 3/4

Sr. M. Anita Salmon, PBVM

GA&S '55, Leominster, 1 1/30/94 Francis X. Curry '56, Medfield, 1/1

George R. Riley '56, Quincy, 4/8

James L. Leary '58, Winthrop, 1/04

Edward F. Phelan, Jr. '58, CGSOM '65, Milton, 1/16

Sr. Ann Edward Regan , SND,

GA&S '58, Lawrence, 1/20 Florence Michaud Bourcier '59, GA&S '63, Claries Green, PA, 11/26/94

John L. Dennehy '59, Laguna

Hills, CA, 2/1 John J. Finn, Esq. '59, GA&S '60,

law '70, Augusta, ME 1/23 Dorothy Terrio Devlin EC '60,

Washington, DC, 10/25/94

William L. Hammond '60,

Marblehead, 2/23 Francis P. Keaney '60, Millis, 1/12

Martin R. Lee '60, Woburn, 1/10/94

Robert J. Mc Donald '60, W. Roxbury, 3/19

Vincent S. Siefcak '60, N. Weymouth, 11/18/94

Elizabeth Scheib Anderson '61,

Darien, CT, 11/24/94 James J. Doherty, Esq. LAW '61,

N. Hampton, 12/8/94 Patricia O' Neill Wagner '61,

Palo Alto, CA, 2/1/94 Ann M. Cahill '62, ga&s '69,

Newton, 12/19/94 Arline Gehrmann Hilditch '62,

Finksburg, MD, 10/14/94 Joan Roth I .in nan '62,

Charleston, SC, 9/12/94

Owen A. McCarty '62, Lawrence,

2/28 Howard D. Ponty CGSOM '62,

Andover, 11/17/94 Rev. James Francis Kenney, SSE

GA&S '65, Fall River, 11/21/94 Michael T. Clifford '66, Hanson,

1/25 Sr. M. Alberta Nicewicz, CSSF

GA&S '66, Enfield, CT, 10/1/94 Richard A. Rogalski, Esq. '67,

law '70, Saugus, 11/26/94 Robert F. Wallwork '67,

Chicago, IL, 12/5/94

Thomas J. Whalen GA&S '67, Bridgewater, 3/9

Sr. Jeanne Frank, OSF, GA&S '72, Buffalo, NY, 12/16/94

Bathelemy A. Rousseve WES '72,

Brighton, 8/13/94 Nancy Cox DeSheplo '74, Fort

Lee, NJ, 11/22/94 Jean Hudson Ransden '75,

Framingham, 1/19

David Francis Gallerani GA&S '77, Provincetown, 2/21

Brian F. Wilkins '77, Milton, 3/13

Richard M. A. Beaudoin '78,

Milwaukee, WI, 1/06 Robert Francis Kiley '78, GA&S

'83, Milton, 3/17 Janice E. O' Grady GA&S '79,

Needham, 12/16/94 Fay J. Henry '81, Dorchester, 1/4 Brendan L. Hickey, PhD GA&S

'83, '87, Boston, 1/6

Barry P. Karamourtopoulos,

CGSOM '83, Lawrence, 1/20 Theodore T. Poulous '84, Weston, 11/22/94

David W. Alessandrini GA&S '86, Orlando, FL, 12/5/94


by everyday teachers, one truth at a time. It's about life. We're all in Peru, and if we pay attention to the world around us, these insights can be ours. De Leeuw: You found the insights useful? Schervish: Absolutely. The major one and it's true of all these books, I think is that the divine is approaching us in addition to us approaching the divine. That's what grace is about; that's what these angels are about in some ways. Scott Peck's emphasis on grace is in the dreams that come to you. There is this emphasis on mediators, on mentors; if you can learn how to learn, the world will teach you. The grace of the universe is coming to you; it's flowing through you. The Celestine Prophecy is about seeing this energy.

Ultimately, it seems to me that the thing all these books converge on and miss is worship: bowing our heads be- fore this incredible flow of energy. That is probably the one nonpsychother- apeutic dimension of religion at its deep- est that these books have omitted explicitly. Though I think it's implicitly there. So we're in the middle of this incredible story, and we have only a glimpse of how rich it is and how pro- found it is. That's what I got out of The Celestine Prophecy.

Fortin: But The Celestine Prophecy has pre- tensions like the others. What are these prophecies? It's a condensed form of some currently fashionable philosophy. It's too cliche ridden in that sense. The other books didn't strike me as being as committed to fashionable modes of thought. The book disappointed me, al- though I liked the conceit, this business of an ancient manuscript. I must say that I was greatly interested in the premise when I began.

Often: The search for the exotic put me off. You can see this being turned into a movie with Harrison Ford. My own sense of Christian spirituality is that it can be in the ordinary. You don't have to go to Peru. You don't have to retrieve some paradise.

Confoy: May I make the point that if the fundamental spirituality that's implicit in Moore's book is Benedictine, con-

templative, then the fundamental spiri- tuality in The Celestine Prophecy seems to be Ignatian. This is a book about a spiri- tual quest. That sense of the quest and defining God in all things strikes me as Ignatian. While in one way it could be seen as going out into the Peruvian wilds, in another way it's really just the raw- ness of life. It's exotic, yes, but it's na- ture; it's human beings in a house; it's buying gas; it's all of that ordinariness. And the story isn't really completed there's no conclusion to it. I think that's another dimension of Ignatian spiritu- ality; it moves us along toward some- thing more.

Schervish: What it's moving us along toward is a sequel.

De Leeuw: In the author's note to The Celestine Prophecy, he says that for half a century now a new consciousness has been entering the human world, an aware- ness that can only be called transcendent or spiritual. Is he right about that? Fortin: Well, it's certainly conceivable. One never knows when something new flourishes and imposes itself as an or- thodoxy. That can be the start of it. We may live in that kind of period. New things emerge when the old things have lost -their power and everybody is grop- ing for something, something that will satisfy their curiosity or their longing. We may have to wait a long time, how- ever, to know if this really marks a de- parture.

Schervish: I do think this marks a trend. I think the popularity of these books paral- lels the tremendous growth of wealth in the United States and the world. We're increasingly able to have what we want materially, which simply leaves us more time to consider what we want.

Secondly, part of our culture is the notion that we as individuals have a right to salvation: if I'm not feeling good, I should feel good. We believe this in a spiritual context; we believe it in a thera- peutic context. The notion that we ought to remain unhappy is no longer cultur- ally acceptable, and we have a great range of spiritualities and therapies to help us be less unhappy. This trend allows for a deeper spiritual anxiety and a deeper





hat we're looking at on the best-seller list is a source of teaching other than mainstream religious teach- ers. People want more, and they're not accepting the less that they get from traditional sources. So who is the teacher? It's not the pope; it's not the pastor; it's reality.

spiritual evil, but also a deeper spiritual opportunity.

Finally, I think there is a crisis of teachers. What we're really looking at on the best-seller list is a source of teaching other than mainstream reli- gious teachers. People want more, and they're not accepting the less that they get from traditional sources. So who is the teacher? It's not the pope. It's not the pastor. It's reality: the pulse of my heart; the energy in nature; the sea's rise and fall; the gospels; the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. There is no teacher but reality. This is what these books are about. This is what these angels are all about. Fortin: You cite prosperity as a precon- dition for this situation that we're in. I think you're right, but that's another way of saying these books are bour- geois. There is a problem there. Bour- geois life is not conducive to the kind of exploration you say is now possible be- cause we have time to engage in it. That intense desire to find the truth about these matters tends to be weakened by the conditions of life in the modern world. Easygoing modern life does not lead to manifestations of an intense spiri- tuality. The bow has been unbent. There is something missing. We don't have intense desires anymore. That is to say, there is no real passion.

I try to get my students to express their deep feelings. They don't even dare talk about love. The other day a student came to see me; something was eating away at her. It had to do with a boy. Finally she blurted it out: "I like him." Like him? She was madly in love with him; she had gone out of her mind. But that word so intimidated her that she didn't dare use it. Students are afraid of these wild passions that make you go up like a volcano and transform a young person's life. I found that revealing. Otten: I'm not sure that's true, but I do think some of this interest in exotic spiritual quests may have to do with the approach of the end of the millennium; around the year 1000 you had the same thing. I'll be curious to see if any of these books are still being read in the year 2004. 1 think there is some kind of anxiety about approaching 2000.

Another element of this, I think, is postmodernism, and that has to do with the dissolution of structures, the disso- lution of culture. You're not going to have a post-postmodernism. You're go- ing to have something new after this. And I think people are trying to find a way to really combine various resources that were not traditionally combined before.

Fortin: The first millennium is men- tioned in the Bible the devil at the end of the first 1000 years. Maybe people had reason to be worried, though I'm not sure they were on a large scale. You know the story about the Bishop of Fulda. Parishioners came to him asking what they could do with the end of the world coming, and he told them to build a cathedral. That took care of their anxi- eties for the next 200 years. They sailed right through the turn of the millen- nium.

Confoy: In some ways, the author's note in The Celestine Prophecy is a comment on all of the books. He talks about a spiritual unfolding that's personal and enchanting. But that's the delusion be- cause if we stay with that, we're sold short. I like where he talks about maxi- mizing the occurrence of that search in our lives so that history and society will


take a quantum leap. That's what I'm yearning for when I critique the lack of social consciousness in the books. And Paul, when you talked about those dif- ferent sets of needs, that was a reminder to me of the way in which there is a continuity of healing , a redemptiveness that is always present in our society people are looking for a new ethic, a new set of values, a new set of teachings. And I find myself wondering whether we'll come back from this and claim the traditional wisdoms of humanity, the mainstream religions, the classics, but in a new way, with a new understand- ing. So rethinking, rewriting and then a revisioning of the vision that's there. Schervish: That's how I would express it. De Leeuw: These are all rebuilding books, aren't they?

Fortin: They are, but at least they be- lieve in the possibility of a rebuilding. The greatest crisis I know of today is the notion that we have not only burned our bridges behind us, but we have also burned our continent; there is no going back to anything. Everything has to be reinvented from scratch; everything has to be created. I think that a lot of people are affected by this without knowing it. But crises, we've had them galore. I think you have to think of history in exactly the opposite terms. You have these very brief periods of noncrisis, of real creativity, when great things hap- pen. Fourth-century Greece, the so- called Greek miracle, how often do you find that? And it lasted about 75 years. Confoy: I think one of the problems is that we're looking at spirituality from a primarily Western classicist viewpoint. And I think we've yet to hear the voices of a global consciousness. They're be- ginning to be heard. We're beginning to be aware of the fact that there is a new conversation that is taking place about spirituality, and so that sense of a mar- riage of the East and the West is begin- ning to take place. The South Side of Chicago, yes, but also South Dakar. And I think that is shaping our under- standing of spirituality. Fortin: You're talking like a Westerner. If the people of Dakar talk about this at

all, it's because they've been educated in Western universities. Schervish: The thing about this trend that I find new is that intellectual and psychotherapeutic approaches have be- come the allies of spirituality instead of the Enlightenment enemy, so that so- phisticated knowledge among scholars and artists not just theologians now is turning into kind of a counter- Enlightenment appreciation, so that the resources of intellectual life are being used to reinforce spirituality instead of being its enemy.

De Leeuw: There has always been a tension between the intellect and the spirit. Look at the late Middle Ages; people argued that to save your soul you had to stay as far away from the univer- sity as possible. And in the 19th century people veered away from industry and technology and the intellect, embracing an emotional, romantic spirituality. I don't think this is new. Schervish: I don't see this current phe- nomenon as veering away from the in- tellect, do you?

De Leeuw: I do in Moore especially. He's the one who most explicitly says, Stop thinking.

Schervish: I read his book for hours, though, and I was thinking and thinking and thinking.

Otten: I was worried by the anti- academic tone in these books; a lot of them get their facts wrong. Why can you not tell a story and have the facts right? Even Moore, whom I liked best, had mistakes in his information, and he also has a penchant for deliberately us- ing exotic sources such as Renaissance alchemy. I think you can find pretty much the same message in mainstream Christian sources. One of the tragedies for me in this regard is that there are so many resources inside the Christian tra- dition that people do not pick up on.

Although I like Moore, compared with Augustine's Confessions or some of St. Anselm's prayers or Bernard of Clairvaux, some of this reads like chew- ing gum. I mean there is taste, but there is not immense nutritional value. I would like, after this stage, to see a stage in

which people are really going to read some of the classics and can savor them again somehow.

De Leeuw: Before we go, some conclud- ing words from each of you, please. Confoy: I think that each of these writ- ers, in inviting us to be attentive to our experience, our sufferings, the ordinari- ness of our lives, offers us hope and invites us to the possibility of a vision of something other. So I think this is a spirituality of hopefulness that we are about, that we see in these books and in the culture.

Otten: We are yearning for some re- birth. I think it's going to happen. Postmodernism is so centrifugal that it's ultimately not going to last. A real cultural pessimist would say everything is coming to an end. But I think there will probably be some new cycle. Fortin: I would like to say something about spirituality. The first author to use the word spirituality was Shakespeare. At the beginning of Henry V, the two bishops come to see the king. He wants them to validate his claim to Burgundy, and they want to get back their land, which has been expropriated by the gov- ernment. So there's a marvelous under- standing; each needs the other, but for different reasons. The spokesman for the bishop presents the two of them as "we of the spirituality" like we of the admiralty. The ironic thing, of course, is that there is nothing spiritual about their concerns. They're talking about money on both sides. So, it's funny that the word spirituality should have been used for the first time in that context. Schervish: What seems to motivate a lot of this is people wanting to understand their suffering. Before the Enlighten- ment we could say it was God's will. But after the Enlightenment we have to blame ourselves or social injustice.

Now I am going home. I'm going to go back to my office and get my stuff; then I'm going to be with my kids this afternoon. I really am because of the issues that I've been reminded of this afternoon.


Deliveranc e

By Bruce Morgan

ONE DAY SHORTLY AFTER HE WENT BLIND, PETER Callahan walked into his mother's kitchen in Somersworth, New Hampshire, to make himself some tea. He put the water on to boil and left the room. Before long he smelled something burning.

Edging back toward the stove, he felt intense heat on his face and sensed a brilliant orange glow in front of his eyes. (He learned later that a pot holder had dropped onto a burner and the blaze had spread.) Callahan threw water in the direction of the glow but completely missed the flames. A blind man trying to fight a fire, he thought hey, this was just too crazy. So he dialed 911. Then he stepped out onto the front porch and sat down to wait for help. Behind him the house was filling with acrid smoke. In little more than a year Callahan, 26, had lost a beloved older brother, a girlfriend

Photography by Geoff Why

Raised in a gritty New Hampshire mill town, Peter Callahan '96, could never see much of a future for himself. Sudden blindness at age 26 would change all that

and his eyesight. Now he had managed to set his parents' house afire. He was at the lowest point in his life.

So far, that life wasn't much to brag about. Dur- ing his high-school days in this blue-collar town hunched up against the Maine border, he had distin- guished himself by shirking class work, getting drunk early and often, and wading into fistfights at the least provocation. He had graduated from Somersworth High into a series of dead-end jobs, working on construction jobs, building swimming pools, scrub- bing pots and pans. His early twenties found him locked in a rut of hard work, hard partying and abusive relationships.

Peter's life had always been tightly bound by geography and class. His horizons extended as far as well, maybe Portsmouth on a clear day. By his, own description, he was "just a local yokel, New England Yankee."

Blindness made him a double loser. Now not only did he have no future, but he needed other people to help him tap his way toward it. Drive nails? Shovel cement? Chase girls? Roar around on motorcycles? Forget it, pal. Those days and that life were gone. Blind, Peter Callahan would be shunned by some people, including many old friends, and pitied by the rest. The town "very French, very closed minded and conservative," according to one resident would surely talk. And the gist of that talk would be as follows: this time the Callahan boy has fallen into a hole he'll never get out of. He's young, uneducated, moody, a boozer, unemployed and blind.

Slumped on the porch with the fire smoking away in the background, Peter could not glimpse the unlikely and exorbitant brightness to come. The life he would discover for himself over the next few years would bear little resemblance to the grindingly physical life of his past; it would be something altogether new. In effect, he would walk off this porch, turn on his heel and never look back. And blindness would be his ticket out.

No direction

Pizza joints and blank storefronts line the broad main street of Somersworth. Where the road dips around to the right, the Salmon Falls River churns under a stubby bridge linking Maine and New Hampshire. In the middle dis- tance a modern General Electric plant, smooth skinned and pastel on the exterior, resembles an alien pod set down amid the roughage at water's edge. Callahan, now 31, describes his hometown

unsentimentally. "It's a mill town from the early 1 900s that's washed up now," he says. "Most people born there die there. The majority of those who go to college go to the University of New Hampshire [in Durham, 10 miles away], come back and work in the GE plant."

Peter and his family his two brothers, two sisters, plus mom and dad lived in a three- bedroom Cape at the edge of town. There wasn't a lot to go around. Peter, second youngest, re- members eating the same brand of breakfast cereal every day for 1 5 years and riding secondhand bikes whose chains always fell off. "We made do with what we had," he says. The Callahans were a tight- knit family, Peter always had someone to play with, and a stretch of deep woods beckoned out back. Now and then he would see deer standing in the yard.

At age 13 Peter was diagnosed with diabetes. That meant he needed daily insulin injections and a strict diet; it also meant he was vulnerable to a raft of sobering long-term diabetic complications such as kidney failure, heart disease, nerve decay and blindness. "It was traumatic for Peter," says Louise, his mother. Paul, his father, dates an attitude of withdrawal and hostility in his son from the time that Peter became diabetic and was forced to live a regimented life under his parents' thumb.

A resdess, moody teenager, Peter didn't take well to a regular daily routine, with meals measured out and eaten by the clock. His dad's alcoholism didn't help, either. "When I was very young, I just assumed he was tired," says Peter. But his father's distracted, unresponsive air had a more troubling cause. "I was a very heavy drinker then," concedes Paul, who quit drinking six years ago. His alcoholism undermined the family's stability, and Peter went wild. Dr. Wil- liam Dudley, Peter's physician of the past 1 5 years, uses one word to sum up his patient's preblindness level of self-control: "awful."

Peter was by his own admission a mediocre high-school student who seldom bothered to do his homework, but he knew about booze and he knew how to throw a punch. Tom Sevigny at- tended Somersworth High with Peter but didn't become a friend until later. He remembers watch- ing Peter dive into fistfights on many occasions. "He was drunk, Irish and ready to go," says Tom, now a hydrologist and a part-time bike messenger living in the Boston area. Peter's class of 150 students was "one of the king partying classes at Somersworth High," Tom says. "Almost no one went to college."

Fighting, Peter now says, "was the thermom-

30 I!( )ST( )N ( X (LLEGE ALU , A/ 1 N I

eter by which you would gauge who was who. That's where guys got their self-esteem. A lot of those guys I fought with in high school are still sitting in bars around town." Although slight in build, Peter became an occasional member of a bunch of 20 local toughs who called themselves The Gang. "They'd beat everybody up," Peter relates. "After a while they'd gotten so proficient at what they did that they had to go to UNH to find guys to fight."

Peter's teens were bleak. "There were a lot of times when I went to bed not feeling like much," he says. "I didn't feel that I mattered much in the world." The bare-knuckled culture waiting out- side his front door kept him fearful. "When I was 15, I used to worry, Am I going to get through today, or am I going to be a wuss?" Being a wuss meant being pushed around, meant having one's face, and one's pride, rubbed in the mud for the world to see.

It may have been a life with determinedly low horizons, but young Peter had little incentive to imagine any other kind of life anything much beyond the models available to him near at hand. Neither of his parents had been to college and they seemed to be doing all right, with his dad employed as a car salesman and his mom a secretary at UNH. The same was true of his friends. "I thought I'd do what the others did try to get into one of the better factories in the area," Peter says.

Locally, thinking big was as suspect as Roman- tic poetry or quiche and not much encouraged. "We had this one girl in my class who was really smart," Peter recalls. "The counselor told her not to bother applying to Boston University, because she wouldn't get in." The young woman went on to earn her bachelor's degree at Stanford Univer- sity and her master's at Tufts. She picked up a doctorate from one of the better academic facto- ries (Harvard) not long ago.

Senior year, Callahan applied to UNH and was rejected. It didn't faze him. He went to work, shut- tling from one manual-labor job to another for the next nine years. He worked construction. He helped install and repair swimming pools at sites around New England. Out in the sun, sweating hard and lugging things around, Peter was right at home.

"I have a lot of respect for blue-collar work, going home sore at night," he says. "I miss it, in fact. I was in good shape then. I was getting bigger, stronger. And the camaraderie among the guys is great. You're all in the same boat; you have to depend on each other. You might be 60 feet off the ground, standing on someone else's planks." His

righting, Peter says, "was the thermometer by which you would gauge who was who." He became an occasional member of a bunch of local toughs who called themselves The Gang. "They d beat everybody up. After a while they'd gotten so proficient that they had to go to the University of New Hampshire to find guys to fight."

life felt as loose and natural as a stone skipping across a pond. As Peter asks, "What did I have to be stressed about? Just make sure all my tools were in my belt."

Callahan came from a long line of hard workers; his maternal grandparents had toiled in shoe shops in the northern Massachusetts mill town of Lawrence their whole lives. Installing pools, Peter had a backbreaking specialty. Whenever the pool walls were sprayed on too thick, the mix would slide down, forming a slurry of cement at the bottom of the pool. Someone would yell, "Get Callahan!" and Peter would hop in to shovel three tons of cement out of the pool single-handedly. "It would be 120 degrees in the pool, and I'd be shoveling cement 10 feet into the air for maybe a half hour," recounts Peter. "I don't know anybody here at BC who could do that, but I did, and I'm proud of it."

Although Peter may have been gaining physical confidence in his early twenties, other aspects of his life were classically self-destructive. His rela- tionships with women were superficial and empty, if not downright dangerous. For several years he was involved with a girlfriend who once pulled a knife on him and another time clunked him on the head with a beer bottle. During one rampage Peter was calling the police when she ripped the phone out of the wall. The police arrived with guns drawn.

Peter was drinking heavily. He'd become friends with Tom Sevigny, and the two of them would put away two cases of beer between them that's 24 beers each on an average night, beginning at five o'clock and continuing past midnight. "We partied a lot," says Tom. "We'd go bar hopping or to small parties; we'd also go hiking or ride our bicycles around. It was like we'd wreck our bodies, then take care of them." Still living at home, Peter was moody and uncommunicative with his family when he wasn't dashing out. "If I came home, he'd be sitting in a corner, brooding," says his dad. "I'd be lucky to get a 'Hiya' out of him.

"From the age of 16 on up through his mid-


or Peter, the summer following his brother's death was a blur. By late fall he was troubled by light-headedness and a rapid heartbeat ailments for which no ready medical expla- nation could be found. Soon after, his eyesight began to fail.

twenties, him and I didn't have the best of relation- ships," Paul admits. "My drinking, combined with the diabetes, made it very difficult on Peter. He had no direction to his life. He would drift in and out of jobs; things were pretty much helter-skelter for him. During that time he had probably as poor a control over his own life as I did mine. I could see he was going nowhere."

Knife-wielding girlfriends, grueling work, his, dad's alcoholism, his own thirst, and the shadow of an incurable disease had put Peter on the ropes at age 25. Unfortunately, the news would get much worse before it got better.

The real game

Peter's mom came home from work one spring day six years ago and found her oldest son, Scott, sprawled on the couch. She assumed he was napping. He was dead.

Scott, then 29, had suffered from an irregular heartbeat since birth an arrhythmia severe enough to bring on frightening seizures periodically. Once Peter and his brother were shooting hoops when Scott collapsed and turned blue; Peter got him breathing again through mouth-to-mouth resusci- tation. The two brothers shared a bed for 1 3 years. Asked to describe his brother, Peter grows quiet. "He was indescribable," he says finally. Peter and Scott were unusually close, says Louise, pointing out that Peter was the only one of her children who went to the hospital to view Scott's body.

For Peter, the summer following his brother's death was a blur. By late fall he was troubled by light- headedness and a rapid heartbeat ailments for which no ready medical explanation could be found. Even- tually Peter was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. Soon after, his eyesight began to fail. A cloudiness appeared in his right eye, quickly fol- lowed by a similar condition in his left eye. The haze in both eyes grew worse. "Every time I'd go to see the doctors, they'd start shaking their heads and sighing," Peter remembers. Within 14 months of his brother's death Peter was legally blind.

It was July 1991. In personal terms, for those friends and family members who witnessed Peter's

descent into blindness, it was a nasty and surprising twist of fate. Medically, the phenomenon was not so peculiar. Only about one percent of those with juvenile-onset diabetes go blind these days. But Peter had let his illness run uncontrolled for a dozen years, and his lifestyle had lifted him into a high-risk category. The clouded vision that Peter experienced was the result of diabetic retinopathy, which begins with bleeding at the back of the eye and progresses in severe cases to detachment of the retina. When the retinas detach, the result is blind- ness. That is what happened to Peter.

Did the death of his brother trigger Peter's blindness? Here the answers are not so clear. Some doctors believe emotional trauma is a contributing factor in the onset of diabetes and plays a role, however ambiguous, in subsequent diabetic com- plications. However Dr. Dudley quickly dismisses the suggestion of a simple psychosomatic cause and effect in Peter's case. The more compelling cause of blindness, he suggests, was his patient's profligate behavior.

"We brought to bear all our high-tech weap- onry, but the damage was already done," com- ments Dr. Matthew Norman, the ophthalmologist who did the initial diagnosis of eye trouble and handled Peter's early laser treatments. Following the laser intervention, Peter underwent two opera- tions per eye at the New England Medical Center in Boston to reattach his retinas, but all four sur- geries failed.

Immediately after he went blind, Peter lived at home with his parents. He was like a child again. He couldn't see to butter his toast. He couldn't shave or squeeze a dab of toothpaste onto his toothbrush or tell containers of shampoo and con- ditioner apart. His family treated him protectively, like an invalid. Once when Peter ventured out to the mailbox using a golf club as a cane, his parents urged him back inside, saying, "Oh no, Peter, you shouldn't be doing that." Relatives would tiptoe into the house bearing thoughtful gifts such as cassette recorders and touch him lightly on the


Friends were less solicitous. A girlfriend who had been with him for three years was among those who could not make the adjustment. Shortly after Peter began to go blind, she told him the relation- ship was no longer working for her. "You can't expect it to," argued Peter. "I'm going through a tough time I'm losing my sight." She split. Other friends, too, backed off in a hurry. "They'd tell me, 'I don't know what to say,' " Tom remembers.

Tom, in contrast, proved to be a stalwart buddy.


He would show up, slap Peter on the side of the head, and say, "C'mon, man, let's go out." And the two of them would go to a bar and dance and flirt with girls, just like before only now, Peter drank water or sipped a single glass of wine. Tom's attitude rescued Peter from the cardigan-sweater- in-the-wheelchair mind-set and the self-pity that threatened to smother him. "He kept me in touch with my personality," Peter says gratefully. In the days before Peter got a cane, Tom helped him walk the streets of Somersworth, the two men proceed- ing slowly, arm in arm.

Peter needed something akin to a new naviga- tional system. His old life had been entirely physi- cal; that no longer made sense. "If seeing nature, playing ball and riding my motorcycle were the world, then I was a loser," he explains, with syllo- gistic logic. "My world had to change." Peter was surprised to find himself reasonably happy, even as he sat around the house going in and out of funks. The disastrous year gone by "should have killed me, and it didn't," he recalls thinking. "So what am I supposed to be doing here if I'm not supposed to be playing ball or finding a pretty girl?"

Family friend and advisor Sister Judith Moun- tain, now 82 , visited weekly to talk with Peter. The Callahans had attended Holy Trinity Church in Somersworth for years, and Peter had been an altar boy there. Suddenly unable to see the most basic elements of the church the crucifix over the altar or the stained-glass windows or the priest's vest- ments— he felt guilty and estranged from their meanings. Sister Judith, who had known Peter since he was in first grade, told him, in her soft, deliberate manner, "No, don't feel guilty, those things are merely symbolic. You've gone to the next step." She cited John 20:29, Jesus' words to Thomas: "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

Peter "not terribly religious, but awfully spiri- tual," in his father's words was already looking beyond the religious framework he had known. He had begun studying Ram Dass, an author who promoted, in books such as Be Heir Now, a pared- down life built on awareness of the moment. With Tom, he ventured to Portsmouth to attend a "chan- neling" session, in which a spirit from the 1600s named Scotty assured Peter that everything that had happened was supposed to have happened. Peter, who had begun to toy with the idea of attending college, confessed to the medium that he was nervous about being a student again after so many years. "You're not a student; you're a teacher," the voice told Peter.

"What I was searching for was peace," Peter suggests. "I could no longer see outwardly so I concentrated on what was going on within me." Always observant, he was becoming more so now, in the stillness of his parents' house. He noticed that his cat, Jasper, would sidle over to comfort him when he was in a bad mood. He noticed the slow, lovely way that winter sun would advance into his bedroom and flood the corners with warmth. He came to appreciate the nimble touch his father used when assembling a sandwich, so that the crust would crunch just so in the mouth.

According to Peter, the goal of all his reflec- tiveness was to become a kinder and a more "cen- tered" person and, after a dozen years of thrashing back and forth, to settle himself lightly on the

Blindness led Peter into a new life one less physical and more cerebral, less reactive and more responsive. He must listen carefully now, whether he is being read to by another student (top) or trying to follow a discussion in class.


With his dog, Stella, Peter walks a campus he has never seen. "Doors have opened that I didn't even know were doors," he says.

earth. Even in high school, Mahatma Gandhi had been a secret hero of his, for the inner peace that he had embodied. "That was something I always felt was missing when I was bangin' around Somersworth," says Peter. "In my dreams as a teenager I was infatuated with Gandhi, who could live amid the violence [of Indian resistance to British rule] and take it."

Blinded, Peter reclaimed a gentler self, one he had submerged years earlier. The centered life "didn't come with my blindness; it came out with my blindness," Peter emphasizes. Does a general correlation exist, then, between physical affliction and insight? Yes, Peter responds unequivocally. "You no longer play the game that people have created," he explains, "and so you start playing the real game."

Brawn for brain

In February of 1992 Peter came down from New Hampshire with Tom to join Tom's cousin and three other women at a coffee- house in Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Folksinger Greg Greenway was performing. Previously a fan of heavy-metal bands

such as Van Halen and Thin Lizzie, Peter had recently discovered the quieter, ringing charms of the acoustic guitar. In the group that night was Suzanne Guiod, a soft-spoken graduate student in English at UNH. That first evening she and Peter talked pleasantly about folk music. At their next meeting, when Peter stood up to give Suzanne a quick hug goodbye, he misjudged her position and smacked his forehead into hers. They laughed and moved on from there.

Peter's face lights up when he's asked to de- scribe Suzanne now. "She's beautiful," he says. "She's petite, about five-foot-three, with brown, curly hair and delicate features. I was really at- tracted to her voice; she has a good vocabulary and uses words well." Suzanne began reading books aloud to Peter classic works he had never cracked open, like Wuthering Heights. She also gave him confidence, assuring him that he had the ability to do anything he wanted.

He had already decided to dip a toe into the academic waters at Keene State College in New Hampshire. The summer Peter enrolled, he was the only full-time blind student on a campus of 6,000 students. The place proved a difficult testing ground for someone just learning to use a cane. "It


was tough," says Peter, "and a little humiliating being 27 or 28 years old and being led 200 yards to your classroom."

Living on his own was risky, too. Once Peter moved the stereo speakers in his bedroom and forgot about the change. Later, bending down to put on his sneakers, he whacked his head so hard that he almost knocked himself out. "I would swear and curse and throw things," says Peter. Then he adds ruefully, "patience is necessary if you're going to lose a major sense." Bit by bit, he was learning how to be blind and mobile in the world: to recog- nize the edges of buildings by the puff of wind detectable at their corners or to pick up the faint drone of approaching cars.

At Keene State, Peter learned he was a gifted student. After a year of taking courses in history, English and psychology, his grade-point average stood at 3.9, and he found himself wanting greater challenges. Encouraging him to move on, a profes- sor put him in touch with Richard Ely MS'88, who had earned his master's degree at Boston College and was also blind. Ely persuaded Callahan to cross the state line.

In the fall of 1993 Peter came to BC as a sophomore transfer student. Here, on a campus he has never seen, he has flexed his brainpower and his confidence and thrived. "Doors have opened that I didn't even know were doors," he says, still sound- ing a little awestruck.

Leaving his dormitory room for a history class in Higgins Hall this spring, Peter does not appear from a distance to be blind at all. He strides briskly along, gripping the harness of his guide dog, Stella (the two have been inseparable since the summer of 1993 a clear boon for Peter in mobility and companionship), swings through the arboreal cool- ness of Linden Lane, then off toward the open air of O'Neill Plaza. He seems about to enter O'Neill Library by its main glass doors when, without a blink, Stella veers right. The two advance in the narrow space between the slanted concrete col- umns and the building's exterior. Then out the end of the portico and downhill goes Peter at a clip, right to the Higgins entrance.

Once in the classroom the class is "Cultural History of Modern Europe," taught by Associate Professor of History Francis Murphy Peter settles into a chair up front with Stella sprawled at his feet. "Is Raoul here?" he calls out, turning around and angling his gaze toward the ceiling. "Here," an- swers a classmate from the back of the room. "Can I talk to you after class?" Peter asks; he wants to consult Raoul about organizing a study group.

Blindness has been Peter's deliverer; it continues to be his friend. "My blindness has gotten me so far that now I've climbed onto the blindness and I'm riding it for all it's worth, all the way to happiness," he says.

Then Fr. Murphy begins his lecture, and Peter presses the button on his cassette recorder.

Peter tapes courses such as this one, with its peppering of dates and facts; for an afternoon class in logic, he leaves the recorder at home. Back in his dorm room Peter has a special "talking" computer that reads aloud what he is typing, enabling him to compose and type papers the same as any other student. For eight or 10 hours a week, the Univer- sity hires a student to read course materials to him Peter has never learned Braille, which he deems difficult and cumbersome. His professors give him tests orally.

Despite these hurdles, Peter outshines all but a few of his classmates. He works as hard at his class work as he used to work shoveling cement 10 feet into the air. After two years on campus, he is a psychology major with a cumulative GPA of 3.7. He is unusually charismatic and focused as a stu- dent, betraying no hint of the crippling self-doubt of his teens and twenties. Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences Carol Hurd Green, Peter's advisor, comments that her office colleagues are "all vying with one another to write letters of recommenda- tion for him because we feel such confidence and borrowed pride."

Peter's dry humor percolates through every- thing he does. Associate Professor of Psychology John Mitchell tells about Peter showing up late for class one day. The room was jammed. "Can any- one tell me where an open desk is?" Peter asked, standing inside the door. In response, four or five students simultaneously called out differing direc- tions. "OK, let's have fun and confuse the blind guy," Peter joked.

Under Mitchell's supervision, Peter and a team of four other students have been using a computer model to explore alterations in brain chemistry that characterize Alzheimer's disease. The pur- pose is to discover "what happens to old memories with gradual and accumulating damage to the cor- tex," explains Mitchell. Describing the project, Peter becomes animated. "Essentially, our brain works by neurotransmitters," he begins. "It's a binary code, either on or off ..." The reporter

BOSTON COLLECT \l\(,\/l\l 35

scribbles a few notes but can't keep up. This young blind man in tattered jeans and a flannel shirt, using his hands so expressively, his gaze slightly askew, is in his element. He has superb control of his diabetes; he sees Suzanne often; his future is a translucent, shimmering thing.

Asked to connect his campus life with his years in Somersworth, Peter shrugs. They are two dis- tinct worlds 75 miles apart. "I'm much more de- pendent on my brain now," he says. Then he adds with an edge of ferocity, "If there was an argument, I know. I could make any lug go away with his tail between his legs." Peter returns periodically to touch base with the old gang but finds he has less and less to say to those guys or that part of himself, still lodged in a time when college "didn't seem like something I Could touch." At a birthday party in Somersworth this year he found himself listening , to friends get drunk all around him. "Nobody was interested in what I'm doing now," he says.

From the Somersworth newspaper recently, Peter was shocked to learn about some cats in town that had been hanged by parties unknown for fun. "That's barbaric," says Peter, with a slow, marveling shake of his head. After a pause he concedes, "But I might have done that at age 15. Thank God, the Good Lord took away my sight and got me out of there."


When you consult Peter's family and friends about the effects of blindness on the course of his life, there's a clear uniformity to their response. "He changed. He be- came far, far more sensitive," says Tom. "One time he told me, 'In many ways I can see much better now.' I think he meant that he could see his own path in the world. Before, he had been clouded up in a lifestyle with not much learning or wonderment."

Peter's father remembers, "Peter made the re- mark to his cousin, a couple of years after he went blind, that if he had the chance to get his sight back, he wouldn't want it. And I think I would say the same thing that he's better off being blind. He seems a lot more contented."

Pat Hilton, a psychotherapist in Dover, New Hampshire, met Peter shortly before the onset of his blindness, while counseling the family. She continued to treat Peter privately, off and on for four or five years. Hilton views Peter's earlier self- destructive lifestyle as a defense against his father's

alcoholism. "Peter was very, very, very angry," Hilton recalls.

"His anger came from sensitivity. He could see other people's pain, and he needed to medicate himself against it. Because of his family situation, he worried, Was it OK to be a sensitive, loving guy? He didn't have any model. So he took his sensitivity and put it in a box and covered it with a lot of anger so he wouldn't be hurt."

Together, the sudden death of his brother and rapidly failing eyesight posed a critical challenge for Peter, Hilton reasons. "He could get more angry, more into drugs and resentment," she says, "or he could look at the pain and look at his life. To his credit, he chose the latter process. Peter's situ- ation was that he was either going to get crushed or he was going to change. And he changed." In effect, she says, Peter's blindness enabled him to shed the brute armor of the tipped-back bottle and the he- man swagger. As Hilton puts it, the blindness was "totally humbling."

Blindness has been Peter's deliverer; it contin- ues to be his friend. "My blindness has gotten me so far that now I've climbed onto the blindness and I'm riding it for all it's worth, all the way to happi- ness," he says.

Law school will likely be the next step. "I know it sounds crazy, but I'll be disappointed if I don't get into Harvard," says this kid who barely mus- tered Cs in high school. He has a decent shot. On an initial diagnostic version of the LSAT, which he took early this summer before enrolling in a special preparatory course for blind students, Peter placed in the 88th percentile in the nation. "It's hard for me to sit back and let someone else take the reins," he has said. It's becoming more apparent by the day that he may not need to ever again.

Over every prospect hovers the enigma of Peter's blindness, its purpose in the cosmic scheme of things. "For some reason I was meant to be blind," Peter says simply. "I don't yet know why." Seated in the living room of her second-floor apartment at the edge of Somersworth, Sister Judith contends that her longtime friend is "very special. God is using him as an instrument for something. It's all mystery, and that's the way it should be. It's like death," she offers with a serene smile. "We're all given our own way to get there."

Bruce Morgan is this magazine V associate editor.


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A quarter century ago they were part of a

startling exodus from the Jesuit order.

Last fall they held their first reunion.

The tales of a lost generation

By Jan Wojcik *68


AMID HAPPY SHOUTING THE REUNION BEGAN IN THE tarred parking lot of what's now called Campion Center the New England Province Jesuit retirement home, infir- •mary and place of retreat. It was early Saturday morning of Old Saints and Old Souls weekend last October. "O my Captain," the still robust Denny LaCroix called out to me from a distance. I'd been primus inter pares with him on the work detail of maintaining the novitiate septic beds. Drawing near, he took an awkward second before recognizing my face. "It's your mustache," he suggested charitably.

(previous page) photo illustration by Gary Gilbert

We were standing in a loose knot, 1 1 former Jesuits in our late forties and fifties, returning to what had been called Weston Col- lege, in the elegant suburban vil- lage of Weston, Massachusetts. Our ranks included Phil Rose, Charlie O'Leary, Joe Mendola and Nick Corvino, all psychologists or counselors; Paul Quinlan, a driver for United Parcel Service; Paul Howard, a sanitary engineer; Fran Walsh, a plan- ner for a nonprofit elder-services organization; Steve Conner and Bill Carlson, both businessmen; Denny, a corporate lawyer; and me, a college pro- fessor and farmer. Behind us, as we hugged, loomed Campion Center, its burly Italianate wings fending off a spare New England sky.

In the 1960s and 70s all of us had lived here, commuting daily to our undergraduate classes on the Chestnut Hill campus of Boston College. As we carried our bags to our assigned rooms, we found the once-bustling halls haunting; a thin maroon carpet stifled the creak in the old wooden floors.

Initially this weekend had begun as a reunion of singers. The organizers, Phil and Joe, had be- longed to several traveling singing groups 25 years ago, calling themselves the Celibate Six, the Good News Singers and the Unrestricted Notion, a name they took from a chapter heading in one of Jesuit Bernard Lonnergan's philosophy books. As old singing friends called other ex-Jesuits, the evolving reunion's compass widened. Still youthfully slim, Charlie had traveled the farthest, from California, insisting his wife had given him permission. At 56, the oldest to return was Paul Quinlan, who as a scholastic had written new melodies for the psalms and canticles the groups had sung. Now he had seven children and hair as white as a grandfather's; his wit and anguish were as youthfully sharp as anyone's memories.

During the eight rich years of my youth I had

shared with these now-grown men, being Jesuit had meant an immortality of continuity. I wore a black robe as Jesuits had for 400 years, and it did not matter to me whether any one of those men was living or dead; those temporarily out of sight were simply in a place I'd reach eventually. It was because we shared this feeling, I think, that after unpacking our bags we agreed with surprising warmth and unanimity to convene our first gath- ering Saturday morning in the New England Prov- ince cemetery on the grounds at Campion. The day was mild, and bronze oak leaves hung over the gravestones. Overhead, pairs of ducks flew south. Quickly the names of the dead cast spells over us.

In the cemetery identical Jesuit gravestones form evenly spaced rows, providing each name an initial prefix: "P" for Pater, or priest; "F" for Frater, or brother; and "S" for Scholastiais, or seminarian. For a suffix are two initials: "SJ" all. First names are latinized where possible: Joannes and Carolus, but not Harveyus. Otherwise, egali- tarian severity levels all distinctions. Three suc- cessive lines bear three designated dates: ortus, ingressus and obiit, for born, entered and died. As if to suggest it takes three days to perfect the life of a Jesuit.

At breakfast Sunday morning Pat Sullivan, SJ, now the administrator of the hospital at Campion, stopped by our table and recognized among us some of his former classics students from the novi- tiate. When we mentioned rediscovering the aura of the gravestones, he described the recent Prov- ince discussion whether to cast future inscriptions in English, because, he said laughing, "soon the only people who could translate the stones would be lying under them." For now the tradition held, and we could still read them. Former Boston College presidents Seavey Joyce and Michael Walsh were buried in adjacent rows, along with the lesser- known Jesuits Ola Nelson and Neil Callahan. The


ingressus dates for the latter two men held our eyes because they were the same as ours. Ola had died of leukemia contracted in the Brazilian mission.

Later that morning we gathered in the dark- paneled receiving room of the original mansion on the Weston site. Beer, fruit juice, bread, chips and cold cuts were laid on sideboards, guitars and a bass fiddle uncased, and music stands set up. Songbooks were opened, still expressing in ghostly mimeo- graph blue the words and chord progressions of the lively sacred songs we used to sing as young men. After a few flat starts we belted out the harmonies of Paul's psalmic anthem "It's a Brand New Day." Then we dropped into armchairs and couches. We quickly agreed on a protocol for the two days of the reunion: each would tell his story to the others, speculating on why he had left the Society of Jesus and telling what had happened since. In between, we would sing our old songs in what would become a ritual of readings and songs.

In his story Paul told us he had been unable to sing his own songs after he left because they still expressed so much of the anguish he had felt as a Jesuit and afterward. This amazed us, because many of us remembered his writing and music as the source of our deepest spirituality as young Jesuits. "Paul, doesn't the reverence we always held for your songs make you feel any differently about them?" I asked him.

"I wasn't really the writer," he said. "Whatever energy I put into my music I was just gathering.up from all of you." At first he would not join us when, after listening to several stories, we wandered over to the music stand and sang a psalm in his vernacu- lar translation.

The psalms' moods moved between sadness and joy, just as our stories did: "I yell, 'God, where are you?/ Where can you be? '/But I know after all is said and done/That my God has known me from before all time/ And I'll see His face." On Sunday morning Paul finally got up to sing, once again, "It's a Brand New Day." His bobbing to the beat with the rest of us seemed as natural as another shift of mood, even as we found ourselves belting with a little more emphasis and, to extend the harmony of the moment, repeating extra choruses.


The demographics that emerged from our stories reckoned us exemplary Boston College alumni of a certain age. We prac- ticed professions we had begun training for there.

We had been successful and unemployed by turns. We were responsible for 27 children eight of them adopted. Ten of us had been married a total of 12 times, with two divorces. We included one bachelor. We had kids in trouble and kids in good schools. Bill's daughter was a freshman in music at a small college in Wisconsin. Driving there earlier in the fall, she and her father had sung all the way. "It seems the day they become adults and friends they move out," Bill said with a sad smile.

But we were not typical BC alumni, in the sense that we had also been Jesuit scholastics in the 1960s. During our two-day reunion we sharpened and deepened one another's thinking about what that difference had made of us over 25 years.

"We all had the same yearnings for something bigger than ourselves when we joined," Steve told us in his story. "First we found it in a Jesuit commu- nity, and I still think I want what I found there. One of the reasons I joined the Lutheran Church is that there is a more comfortable place for women within the denomination. We have women clergy and the like. But I still get upset when we wind up bickering at church com- mittee meetings. It's hard to find the spirit there. One woman in our congregation lost her husband and then stopped coming to the church. I said to myself, 'What is a church for unless we can console one another?' It's like the old Ignatian idea of the gift of tears, the consolation we bring to one another."

Each of us remarked during the weekend and in phone calls to one another over the next few weeks how easily we validated one another's stories, what- ever our differences. Some of us remained Catho- lics. There was another Lutheran; there were several Unitarian Universalists and several indifferent ag- nostics— one describing himself as "a Catholic pa- gan." We had struggled with alcoholism, infertility, other illnesses and the enthralling drama of the life of a handicapped child.

We had joined the Jesuits for many different reasons to do God's will, to follow a relative, to escape a family. But we had stayed as long as we did because of the family we found in one another.



BC Jesuits who watched friends and associates leave the Society in the 1 960s reflect on that loss

In a small, humbly furnished room on the first floor of St. Mary's Rectory, William Leonard, SJ, is remembering a friend he lost 50 or 60 years ago. The friend was a high-school classmate who had entered the novitiate with him at Shadowbrook, in western Massachusetts, studying, working and praying beside him— a man seemingly devout and utterly committed to a spiritual life. Three months before his ordina- tion, the young man dropped out to become a lawyer and raise a family instead. He announced his decision to Leonard in a letter. "I remember looking at that note in my hand. I just couldn't believe it," Leonard says softly, decades later.

In 1965 American Jesuits numbered more than 8,000, but by 1990 their numbers had dropped to less than 5,000. Many Jesuits experienced the loss of a brother. The exodus caught these men at different points in their lives. Leonard, for one, was nearing retirement age when the young men started packing up. He had cast his lot with the Jesuits in 1 92 5 and had served on the BC faculty since 1939, chairing the theology department from 1965 to 1969. Some of those who left were his former students.

To David Hollenbach, SJ, the young Je- suits who left were peers his classmates as well as his brothers. He'd entered the novi- tiate at St. Isaacjogues in Wernersville, Penn- sylvania, in 1964 and was in his twenties during the tumultuous years. After being ordained in 1 97 1 and earning his doctorate in religious ethics at Yale University, Hollenbach lived among the Jesuits in suc- cessive stints at the Woodstock Theological Center of Georgetown University and at the Weston School of Theology. He joined the BC faculty as the Margaret O'Brien Flatley Professor of Catholic Theology in 1991.

Although Hollenbach and Leonard are among those who stayed within the fold, neither bears any hint of hard feeling toward those who departed. Years of reflecting on the ordeal of his early religious training have given Leonard a large measure of sympathy for the restlessness that led Jan Wojcik '68, and his fellow scholastics to leave. "The life was rigid and, well, suffocating," Leonard says of his time at Shadowbrook. "We of my generation tolerated it; we found it supportable. You could say we knuckled under to it.

"Why did people leave religious life?" Leonard wonders. "It was in the air, I guess." He and Hollenbach both see the 1960s exodus as a direct consequence of that volatile era. They believe the spirit of radical change then transforming other institutions in Western culture could not help but touch the Jesuits. "It was a time of enormous ferment and considerable upheaval in

Fr. Leonard

Fr. Hollenbach

American society and in the life of the Church," Hollenbach says. "The upheaval made it pos- sible for people to consider changing the di- rection of their lives in ways previous generations might not have. A fluidity of com- mitment was more part of the accepted social picture than before."

Both men cite the signal role played by the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) in opening up life within the Church and, paradoxically, perhaps making it easier for Jesuitsrin-training to abandon the rigorous and demanding life they had chosen. As Leonard remarks, "Pope John, who called the Council, said he just wanted to open a few windows and let a little fresh air into the Church. I don't think he knew what a tornado would come in."

Jesuits who stayed behind watched those who fled the Society in the late 1960s with decidedly mixed feelings, according to Hollenbach and Leonard. "The reaction among older Jesuits was disappointment, of course. There was some anger but mostly, I think, perplexity," Leonard says. "There was a sense of What's happening?"

Hollenbach, about the same age as many of the men who left ("I was given the gift of stronger reasons to stay than reasons to leave," he explains), remembers his fellow scholas- tics as being generally supportive of the men's decisions but saddened, too. "These were people you had been living with for years and with whom you had been engaged in a common effort. To have them leaving some piece of your own life goes out the door when they leave," he says. "One could understand why they had decided to leave even if one didn't want to celebrate it."

Fewer young American men are entering the Society now than 30 years ago, notes Hollenbach, and that decline in numbers is likely to continue. The relative thinness of the Jesuit ranks has many implications for Boston College. Leonard points to the difficulty of finding a successor to University President J. Donald Monan, SJ, as one example of an obvious effect: "There just isn't the abundance of candi- dates there once was," Leonard says. At a lower institutional level, he cites the diminished Jesuit presence on campus. "I can think of only one Jesuit department chairman Fr. Frank Kennedy of the music department," he says, "whereas 40 years ago every department had one."

Still, Hollenbach believes the current trend "is forcing Jesuits to take a more focused approach to their work instead of simply filling a slot somewhere. These days, one has to be quite intentional about where one puts one's time and energy in the service of God."

Bruce Morgan



Sunday morning, as our final ceremony, we sat in a close circle holding hands. Each told the others what their stories had meant to him. A few who had not been friends 30 years ago found themselves for the first time comfortable with our old official term for one another brother. We found our stories answered questions we hadn't known we had had about who we had been and what we had become. After the ritual was over, we laughed and shook arthritic stiffness out of our fingers.

Many of the intimacies we shared were in- tensely private and remained so, I suspect, even after we returned to our families and friends. Who else could understand this stuff? But we all agreed to share with a wider readership these reflections, which bear on the mass exodus from the Society that occurred in the late '60s and early '70s. We know many people involved in Jesuit education who think about what happened to us. If we had remained Jesuits, we would be the 45- to 5 5 -year- old men ripe to be tapped as deans, rectors, college presidents, provincials, spiritual fathers ready to assume leadership positions in the Jesuit institu- tions that the men we revered had led.

Once, the talent pool of Jesuits seemed oceanic. Since its formation in 1924, some 3,000 men have entered the New England Province, most of them, like us, matriculating at the novitiate called Shadowbrook, in Lenox, Massachusetts. In 1964 the New England Province was at its apex with 1,180 men. Perhaps 500 were between 35 and 65 years of age, working as missionaries, parish priests, teachers, spiritual fathers and superiors through- out New England and the world. Another 500 or so were younger Jesuits in formation. Every year another 30 or 40 young men joined us; the future looked black with robes.

Five years later a dramatic winnowing was un- der way. Starting in 1969 and continuing for the next seven years, an average of 2 5 Jesuits a year left the order. Significantly, many of these men had been Jesuits for between eight and 20 years. This outflux represented a profound and permanent loss. Today approximately 580 Jesuits remain mem- bers of the New England Province, many of them retired or close to it.

We did not leave the Jesuits to get rich. Judging from the rust spots on the cars and pickup trucks parked in the Campion lot, only the lawyer among us could afford anything like the clean, new house cars we'd occasionally get permission to drive as Jesuits. Women, on the other hand, obviously did have something to do with our leaving. We all agreed celibacy hadn't been a problem by itself.

w*aul told us he had been unable to sing his own songs after he left because they still expressed so much of the anguish he had felt as a Jesuit and afterward.

Most of us had left before we met the woman we would marry. When I asked if anyone would have remained a Jesuit if Jesuits could marry, everyone quickly answered no. Instead, each of us had found celibacy insufferable only after the events of the '60s had delivered profound shocks to the Jesuit tradition of obedience to religious authority.


Even after 30 years it was still painful to recall what we had endured under the stric- tures of obedience. Paul only half jokingly described the towering rage of a houseful of Irish priests at what he acknowledges was a foolish prank. Before dawn on St. Patrick's Day in 1963, he had raised a British flag on the Shadowbrook flagpole. For the usually trivial offense of leaving the house without permission, his superiors forced Paul, al- ready a graduate of Dartmouth College, to spend a penitential year at Shadowbrook taking entry-level courses among young Jesuits with no more than a high-school education.

We remembered other events of this kind. In 1964 the relatively liberal-minded New York Prov- ince had closed its novitiate and sent its novices to New England. At first we were delighted by our sudden surge in numbers. But culture shock fol- lowed. The New Englanders observed rules of si- lence and still spoke Latin in the house, at table and on work details; the New Yorkers had long aban- doned the use of house Latin. Our superiors insisted that everyone follow what struck the New Yorkers as brutally archaic house rules. And the young New Englanders found that to obey their elders was to betray their peers. At dinner one scholastic would ask in Latin for the butter, and another would mock- ingly pretend not to understand.

This sounds trivial to anyone but a kid in a novitiate whose walls seemed to encompass the whole world. At the reunion Joe asked plaintively, "Why didn't any one of our superiors ever sit down


£ach of us discovered himself one day having

drifted over a blurring line between loneliness

within the Society and solitude without. For

people who know us, that line is still blurry.

with us and try to help us work things out?"

"At that time the Jesuits hadn't changed in 400 years," someone answered. "Suddenly they were supposed to, and all our superiors could do was what they had always done just more of it."

In 1966 some of us who had been Jesuits for three years had been promised we could leave for Boston College one year earlier than the tradi- tional four years that novices and young scholastics spent at Shadowbrook. That promise was rescinded by orders from Rome. With an ashen face, Shadow- brook rector Thomas M. Lannon, SJ, called us together in the conference room and told the unfortunate three-year men to unpack their trunks. We asked our superior bitter questions and filed out of the room in silence. At the reunion Denny could still fit an Italian accent to the phrase he had made popular back then: "We want you to be where the action is not."

But none of us had stormed out in reaction to a dumb decision, whether someone else's or our own. What led to our undoing as Jesuits, it now appears, were the consequences of our superiors' resolve to avoid making such terrible demands on our obedience again.

In Boston, progressive liberations came rapidly. Leaving Shadowbrook, we all finally got to Weston and began taking a yellow school bus each day to our classes at Boston College, where, in a radical break with tradition, Professor Peter Kreeft, a non-Jesuit, was permitted to teach some of us our official Jesuit philosophy courses. After one year our superiors allowed us to join in extracurricular activities. Our most famous classmate, the late A.J. Antoon, began staging plays on campus, beginning a directing career that would win him a Tony Award five years later. Enthusiastically, we began writing for campus periodicals, acting in plays, tutoring in Roxbury, and singing at Masses and hootenannies throughout the Boston area.

Originally our superiors allowed themselves to think they were simply extending to us the tradi-

tional Jesuit cultivation of theater, music, art and spiritual counseling. But there were hot ideas in the wind at the time, buffeting large and traditional institutions like the Roman Catholic Church. Our superiors approved our requests to pursue the apostolates of the light cavalry and the barefoot doctors. The singers took Paul Quinlan's psalms into prisons. Extracurricular activities tookjesuits and other undergraduates afield of the BC campus, where we worked in shelters, drug programs, and inner-city health services. Back in the rec rooms at Weston, our discussions began to raise questions about social and political structures, about class, race and gender.

We were men of our times. In those times the company of Jesuits a small band that had grown huge was rediscovering its inner armature of Jesus' style of teaching. He had wandered alone and in small groups throughout the Galilean countryside, finding the spiritual meaning of a child's illness, a heretic's desire and the hunger of the poor. Like him, we followed our apostolic yearnings, which led us into small circumstances as retreat directors, coun- selors, community organizers, hospital chaplains and writers. But in these small circumstances we found our necessary loneliness greater than the grace we had been granted to bear it.

Over and over at the reunion, we mentioned how terribly lonely our lives became as we to use a phrase from those times got so far out we could not find our way back. Fran, who had remained a Jesuit for 25 years before becoming involved in elderly care, had succeeded at almost a half-dozen different apostolic endeavors. He spoke for the rest of us when he described the emotional crisis each success would eventually bring. "I used to love giving retreats at Gloucester," he said with a strained smile, "but after everybody would go home, I'd go walking on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. A loneliness like a physical presence would hit me so hard I'd almost stand still."

Each of us discovered himself one day having drifted over a blurring line between loneliness within the Society and solitude without. For people who know us, that line is still blurry. My wife calls me a Jesuit whenever she thinks I'm too regi- mented— for example, I always cook two boiled eggs for breakfast on Wednesdays and my aca- demic colleagues have called me a Jesuit for teach- ing literature as humane scripture. Bill spoke for most of us when he said, "I am sometimes consid- ered an oddity at work and have been told I never left the Jesuits. But I think that way because of a spirit of community I got from you. We see life not



as a race with winners and losers but as a journey on which we all share the same perils and can only succeed by helping one another."


We still felt what we had lost. Paul Quinlan remembered the day he signed his papers of resignation. He said it felt like he was falling down a long hole. Acting for the Provincial, Paul Lucey, SJ, had tried to buoy him up, saying, "Today we are losing a treasure." Paul had countered, "Today I am leav- ing a treasure behind."

We talked about our saints as well as our souls. At an impromptu memorial service Saturday night we stood in a circle around a large table telling funny and sad stories about those we knew as Jesuits who had died. Everyone had a story about A.J. Antoon, our most dramatic brother, and usu- ally it was about how difficult he was. "You couldn't type in the same room with him," Joe said. I told about periodic stretches in our 30-year friendship in which A.J. would get so mad he would refuse to speak to me for days or weeks, usually for my being solemn about something he wanted to laugh about or curse. Standing at the table, I wept in gratitude, remembering that A.J. had been speaking to me again and I had fed him some soup just before he died.

In our elegies, several of us mentioned taking walks with Thomas Hennessey, SJ, at whose grave- stone we had paused during our morning gather- ing. As a wizened old man he had suffered through the terminal tremors of Parkinson's disease in the infirmary at Shadowbrook. Novices were assigned to help him with his therapeutic afternoon walks. Being young and wanting to cut loose for a few hours a day, we griped childishly about the assign- ment. Several of us remembered how ashamed we all felt the day Fr. Lannon called us together in the conference room. He said our Stockbridge Bowl neighbors had made a point to tell him they were deeply moved when they drove past us young men in black robes leading the lurching, old priest by the arm down the road.

We recalled another occasion, when the French theologian Henri de Lubac, SJ, visited Shadow- brook. During a tour of the infirmary, he had shaken Fr. Hennessey by the shoulders and said to him, "Father, without your prayers, my work would be a failure." Remembering that scene, one of us said, "Both of them believed that. It was the most powerful act of faith I have ever witnessed, before

or since." Talk of Fr. Hennessey led Steve to describe the last walk he had taken with his neigh- bor Jim O'Hare, another beloved former Jesuit classmate, who had died subsequently of brain cancer. The last time their families sang Christmas carols, Steve and Jim's wife had flanked him, ready to grab him if he stumbled. Like Fr. Hennessey before him, Jim had walked lurching, on the verge of falling.

Phil figured we had carried off a treasury of stories since leaving the Jesuits. As Steve had hoped, our stories included and conveyed the gift of tears, an unusual-sounding phrase for which we sug- gested new meanings. Paul said it meant "the magic of belonging" to a group of people who still yearned for greatness. "It's like picking up a conversation that we suddenly stopped 25 years ago," Fran said, "and everything fits right in."

Our first days in formation as young Jesuits had prepared us for living apart from one another for long periods of time. We were taught that St. Ignatius had turned monasticism on its head by adding a new fourth vow to the standard three religious vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedi- ence. While other monks took a fourth vow of Stability, promising to remain in the same resi- dence for life, Jesuits took a vow of Instability, agreeing to go anywhere in the world that a supe- rior beckoned, as God's will inclined. All our train- ing followed from that because if you took the man out of a monastery, you had to put a monastery into the man build in him peace and reliance and a commitment that would remain secure within, whatever the weather outside.

What no one anticipated was that for some of us, the landscapes over which we would travel would be interior as well as geographic. The fierce integrity of the intellectual and spiritual explora- tions we began as youngjesuits would lead some of us outside the formal religious organization that had given us our original sense of direction. What we discovered at Campion on a gray autumn week- end was that however errant our lives by anyone else's standards, we still loved the Jesuits we found in ourselves.

Jan Wojcik '68, left the Society of Jesus in 1970. He teaches literature at Clarkson University and raises sheep, chickens, turkeys and geese in the foothills oftheAdirondacks. His profile of A.J. Antoon appeared in the Fall 1992 issue ofBCM.

Photographs by Gary Gilbert, taken at Campion Center in Weston, Massachusetts.



High societies

Fides, President's Circle push 1994-95 fund-raising over the top

With strong assistance from the two major giving so- cieties, Fides and President's Circle, the University reached two significant fund-raising mile- stones in 1994-95. BC posted a record total for cash gifts of $23 million and raised $29.1 million in new pledges. The latter mark topped the previous record for a noncampaign year of $23 mil- lion, which was set last year.

While applauding all of the volunteer groups that drove the fund-raising effort, Vice Presi- dent for University Relations Mary Lou DeLong singled out

record-breaking performances by Fides and President's Circle. "They are the foundation of our development program," she said. Both set new membership records for the second consecutive year: Fides grew to 1,605 members, and President's Circle totaled 493 members.

"Our success was really a mat- ter of spreading the word about Fides," said University Trustee Patrick Carney 70, who leads that group. "The society has a long history of providing Boston Col- lege with financial support that ensures the University's status as

one of the premier Jesuit colleges in the nation. Today the group is more dynamic and forward-look- ing than ever. Fides and the future of Boston College go hand in hand, and people responded to that mes- sage with enthusiasm."

University Trustee Thomas P. O'Neill III '68, who heads President's Circle, attributed its growth to the University's strength in general and to its em- phasis on attracting top-notch undergraduates in particular. "The importance of increasing student financial-aid resources was a powerful message for po-

STATE OF THE ART— The new Law School Library's cathedral ceiling nears completion. Scheduled to open next January, the Sl4-million building will provide cutting-edge tech- nology in a comfortable, open setting for legal study and research. An el- egant rare-books room will house important his- torical texts. A year and a half into a five-year fund- raising campaign, donors have contributed $ 1 .6 mil- lion toward the building's $5-million goal.

44 BOSTON COLLEGE A I \< , \/l \ I



tential President's Circle mem- bers," he said. "They're attuned to leadership, and they recognize that one important measure of a great university is its ability to educate young men and women who will be leaders in their cho- sen fields."

Gifts from reunion classes also contributed significantly to fund- raising success this year (see story below). Pledges from the 10 re- union classes reached an all-time high of $6.3 million, led by the Class of 1970, which set a 25th- reunion-gift record of $ 1 .2 5 mil- lion, and the Class of 1 960, which raised a record 35th-reunion to- tal of $1.7 million.

Such successful fund-raising during a noncampaign period shows that BC has reached a new level of giving, said James Cleary '50, chairman of the Trustee De- velopment Committee. "For the University to achieve such a lofty goal without the impetus of a campaign highlights the strength of Boston College and its posi- tion as one of the nation's leading Catholic universities. Each year we are broadening our traditional circle of support."

The University's 1 994-95 cor- poration and foundation funding totaled $8.5 million in new pledges and $7 million in cash grants.


While As a Tree Planted: The Endowed Funds of Boston College is unlikely to show up on many coffee tables or best-seller lists, it can lay claim to one distinction. It is the first complete listing of every endowed fund be- stowed upon Boston College from the first, a $1,000 fund established in 1 865, to the $ 1 -million-plus endow- ments of the 1990s.

The book is 52 pages thick, it contains the names of nearly 700 of the University's most stalwart supporters, and published in July, it took more than a year to compile, index and print.

As a Tree Planted was created as a reference and marketing tool for staff, volunteers, and potential and current donors, but it tells a story that goes beyond lists and numbers. BC's rapid growth in endowment mirrors the University's growth over the past quarter century from a regional to a national university. The en- dowment's history also reveals the broadening of the University's educational mission, noted Director of Donor Relations Katherine MacDonald, who headed the project. "You can see in the book the kinds of things donors believed were deserving of their strongest sup- port and how that has changed over time," she said.

For anyone curious about that very first endowment given 130 years ago, the book contains a thumbnail sketch: it was a scholarship fund established by a Phila- delphian named Joseph J. Sinnott $1,000 at a time when annual tuition was $60. The first recipient, Henry Towle, eventually became a physician.

Return receipts

Competition among classes boosts reunion gifts

This year reunion-class giv- ing continued its upswing, with 1994-95 pledges rising sharply to a record-setting $6.3 million. The previous high, es- tablished last year, was $4.6 mil- lion. This marked the third straight annual increase in re- union giving. Alumni gift totals at reunion time have more than doubled since 1992.

"The Class of 1969 had just set the record, and we didn't want to let them beat us at anything," joked 25th-reunion co-chair

Kevin Hines 70. His classmates set an all-time 25th-reunion-gift high of $1.25 million.

On a more serious note, Hines said raising funds for financial aid was a big draw for his class. "When we could say, 'This money is go- ing to help the students,' it made a real difference. People liked to know that their gifts were going to ensure a place for the best stu- dents at Boston College regard- less of economic means."

Robert Connor '70, who co- chaired the 25th-reunion drive

with Hines, added, "BC's success in the last 25 years has been self- evident, and it just draws out the support."

The Golden Eagle Class of 1945 set a record for participa- tion: of the class's 105 members, 104 (99 percent) made pledges. The class raised $378,000, nearly twice its goal of $200,000. Louis Sorgi '45, who co-chaired the 50th-reunion effort with classmate John Campbell, said the fund-rais- ing drive helped make their re- union memorable.


The Student Center-to-be re- ceived a boost from BC-parent- to-be Michael Argyelan, who pledged a gift of $100,000. Argyelan's daughter Melissa will join the Class of 1999 in September. Her father, a mem- ber of the Class of 1972, said the new student center is 20 years overdue. The University plans to begin the project's first phase next March (see news story page 11).


Renovated and expanded Fulton Hall, which reopened for classes with little fanfare last January, will have its official unveiling September 19. Xerox Corporation Chairman and CEO Paul Allaire will kick off the cel- ebration with an afternoon lec- ture. Then, after a formal rededication, a reception will be held in Fulton's glassy new five-story atrium, and a dinner will honor contributors to the $22.4-million project.


The following are among named endowed funds recently established at Boston College. New funds may be established, and contributions to existing funds made, through the Office of Development, More Hall.


Black Alumni Leadership


STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS Terrence J. '42, and Virginia H. Geoghegan Scholarship Fund*

Geraldine M. Lyon Endowed Scholarship Fund honoring James Ring, SJ, '35, MA'36, MS'38*

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Martin, Jr., '63, Scholarship Fund

Remondi Family Scholarship Fund

Richard L. Trum '37, Endowed Scholarship Fund*

Frederick A. '32, and Louise J. Meier Endowed Scholarship Fund*

* Established through the Deferred Giving Program 9


Q & A

Sin deep


To understand how the Holocaust happened, we must understand how the early Christians' refutation of Judaism evolved into fear and hatred of the Jews, says Theology Professor Donald Dietrich in his new book God and Humanity in Auschwitz (Transaction, 1995). An inter- view by senior writer John Ombelets.

Where did anti-Semitism begin?

Actually, anti-Judaism, which is the ancestor of anti-Semitism, predates Christianity. If you look back to the ancient Greeks, you can find thinkers such as Theophrastus, a pupil of Aristotle, hailing the Jews as great philosophers. That may not seem like bigotry, but it's a start: when you isolate individuals or individual groups in a category even to praise them you are already marginaliz- ing them in some way. And, of course, there were numerous instances in those pre-Christian times of more obvious bigotry against Jews. Anti-Jewish riots over food shortages in the Nile Delta around 500 B.C.E. suggest that Jews were being stereotyped.

By their very nature, the original Christian communities were not anti- Semitic, not biased against the Jewish people; after all, Jesus was Jewish, and so were the original apostles. The preju- dice initially developed as a bias against Judaism. As Christian communities be- gan to grow, they found it easier to develop an identity in opposition to some other religion, and that was Judaism, Christianity's elder brother.

If you read the Gospel of John, for example, we are told in the early part that the Jews are saved. But by the end, the verbal assault on the Jews is vicious. As this process of identity building de- veloped, there was a radical transforma- tion, so that by the middle of the second century C.E., the Jews were considered beyond salvation, and the dominant Christian theme was one of anti- Judaism. As Christianity became more institutionalized, Christian communi- ties also became more homogeneous, and others, such as Jews, no longer fit in. This development also coincided with the growth of the notion that the Jews had murdered God; diatribes to that effect were very useful in building iden-



tity within the young Church.

There were those who wanted Jews and Christians to continue their dia- logue and seek common ground, but the institutional church won out, and that triumph was reflected in patristic refer- ences to Jews as pigs and goats. One father of the early church, St. Augustine, declared that the Jews must be kept as a remnant simply to remind Christians that they had been saved.

Even so, at the noninstitutional level it seems that Christians and Jews con- tinued to mix fairly comfortably and without strong prejudice for several cen- turies. As late as the eighth century, for example, the institutional Church felt the need to prohibit intermarriage and other kinds of interaction, which sug- gested that what the Church had been saying for hundreds of years wasn't aw- fully significant to the average person.

When did anti-Judaism develop into anti- Semitism and become violent?

The hatred and prejudice became more widespread and violent around 1100, when the first crusade was launched. The logic was that if Christian soldiers were going to empty the Holy Land of the Muslims, it made sense to remove from Europe other alien groups namely, Jews.

From that point, prejudice against the Jews in Europe grew worse. Chris- tians began to create such anti-Judaic myths as the "blood libel" myth which claimed that Jews used the blood of Christian babies or small children to incorporate into the Passover bread. If a Christian child disappeared from a town, the local Jewish community frequently would be accused of kidnapping and slaughtering the child. That belief con- tinued right up until the 20th century. In 1215 the Lateran Council even in- sisted that Jews wear distinctive types of clothing.

During the 14th century, when the Black Death stalked Europe, Jews were often accused of poisoning wells. Add- ing to that fear was a strong economic bias against Jews. Christians considered

it a sin to charge interest on a loan; therefore, it made sense to relegate the job of money lending to Jews, who had no such prohibition.

All of that led to the popular belief that Jews were a foreign and sinister element in an otherwise-homogeneous society. By the end of the 15th century, they had been expelled from England, France and Spain, forcing them to con- centrate in Eastern Europe, a circum- stance that would have direct and tragic consequences 450 years later.

How did religious tensions play out in prewar Germany?

Germany in the early 1930s was about 69 percent Protestant, 3 0 percent Catho- lic and one percent Jewish. Initially, Martin Luther apparently had been pro- Jewish, but when the Jews refused to join his church, he came out against them as viciously as any Catholic cleric, employing the same arguments. In churches in southern Germany you can still see stained-glass windows with anti- Semitic depictions. One shows, of all things, the circumcision of the infant Jesus. A frightened Mary holds Jesus with the mohalim gathered around her looking evil and brandishing knives. Well into the 20th century, Catholic liturgy called on the faithful to pray every Good Friday for the "perfidious Jews" in the name of Jesus Christ; that only stopped in the past few decades.

The point is that there was a 2,000- year social-learning process in which one group was marginalized 2,000 years of selective enmity. That partly explains how ordinary people in the 20th century could do extraordinarily evil things. They had been conditioned to look at the Jewish people as dangerous and alien and as economic exploiters who controlled the banks, the press and the department stores.

And in the 1920s and 1930s Catholic bishops were saying the same kinds of things as the Nazis. It would be difficult for a German Catholic to distinguish Adolph Hitler's words at that time from those of the average bishop although

you must keep in mind that the Church sought conversion, while Hitler's agenda, ultimately, was extermination.

Historians have argued that the Holo- caust could not have happened without Hitler in effect, saying that the wide- spread anti-Judaism of Christian Europe was not, in and of itself, sufficient to cause genocide. Do you agree?

A debate over that question has been raging for seven or eight years, so much so that the two camps are identified by name: intentionalists versus functional- ists. Intentionalists say that the final solu- tion occurred because Hider wanted it. Functionalists say that the causes of the Holocaust were more complex, that it evolved more out of circumstances and ruthless pragmatism than out of Hider's conscious will. For example, functional- ists would suggest that Nazi bureaucrats, discovering they didn't have enough food to feed the Jews in the Lodz ghetto, might simply decide that some Jews must be killed so others could eat.

But someone had to give the order for extermination, and, as far as we know, that was Hitler. There was no written order, but there records of conversa- tions with Hitler during the spring of 1941, in which he refers to his final solution to the "Jewish problem." In 2,000 years of European anti-Semitism, no one had ever suggested exterminat- ing the Jews until Hitler came along.

Were Hitler's audiences more moved by his appeal to their economic fears of the Jews or by his appeal to cultural and religious fears?

The two tended to reinforce each other. If I were a father in 1933 Germany, and my son were graduating from law school into a depressed economy and I had been brought up with an anti-Judaic bias, it would not be hard for me to think, If the government would bar Jews from law, my son could have a great job. So cultural or religious anti-Semitism helped German citizens justify their eco- nomic anti-Semitism.


Q & A

The Nazis killed nearly 6 million Euro- pean Jews. Why didn't the Catholic Church intervene?

For one thing, it would have been dif- ficult for a church that had been preach- ing anti -Judaism for 1 ,900 years to take a pro-Jewish stand. Also the Church blamed the Jews for many of the prob- lems of the modern world. The Church bought into the myths that the Jews controlled the West economically and that they were leading the West into cultural decadence. Since anti- Semitism was so routinely ingrained in the culture of Christianity, many Catholics failed to see that Nazi-style anti-Semitism was a more ruthless, deadly strain.

Privately, both Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII went as far as they be- lieved they could to defend Jews against Nazi persecution . In 1 93 8 Pius XI com- missioned Fr. John LaFarge, an Ameri- can Jesuit whose book on interracial justice challenged pseudoscientific claims of white supremacy, to write an encyclical on racism. At the Jesuit general's insistence, a German Jesuit, Fr. GustavGundlach, collaborated. But Pius XI died before approving their treatise, Humanae Generis Unitas (On the Unity of the Human Race), and it was subsequently deep-sixed by the Jesuit general and the new pope, Pius XII. Although Pius XII personally op- posed anti-Semitism he ordered re- ligious institutions and monasteries in Italy to hide Jews from the Germans he felt the timing for the encyclical wasn't right. His primary responsibil- ity, he felt, was to the institutional Church. Essentially, his view was that the Catholic Church had existed for nearly 2,000 years, while Hitler had been chancellor for fewer than 1 0. Pius assumed that the Church would outlast Hitler and that postwar Germany would need a strong Catholic Church to pick up the pieces after Hitler's defeat. He reasoned that forcing German Catho- lics to choose between Church and country during wartime might lead

them to choose country and so weaken the Church.

It took Pope John XXIII and Vatican II to resolve the issue by speaking pow- erfully in terms of the dignity of every individual human being and by broadly opposing anything that was an affront to human dignity. That encouraged Catholic clergy as part of the institu- tion to speak out against all kinds of discrimination.

In your book, you present four Jewish theologians wrestling with the mean- ing of the Holocaust within the context of Judaism. In his early writings, Rich- ard Rubenstein says he could find no meaning except that God was dead and his covenant with the Jewish people was null and void. Others, such as Emil Fackenheim, find affirmation in the Ho- locaust. How about you? Do you find meaning in the Holocaust?

I find Fackenheim's ideas most useful because he talks in terms of co-creation, the notion that you can't depend on God to do it all. Humans have to assume responsibility for preserving themselves, for structuring their world and for main- taining their dignity in the most horrible of circumstances. It is not enough sim- ply to leave that responsibility to God. Fackenheim's notion fits nicely with the Christian belief in the incarnation that is, the idea that God has entered human history to help us do His work. Fac- kenheim saw humans doing God's work even in Auschwitz: people giving the sick food and risking their lives to help in small ways, like the man who sneaked in and out of Auschwitz two or three times just to get word to those outside about what was going on in the camp. That's phenomenal bravery. The Jews said their prayers, kept their holy days, taught their children. Faced with brutal totali- tarian rule, they maintained their com- munity and their faith.

Have Catholic and Jewish theologians found any common ground in their treatment of the Holocaust?

Yes, and the key I think lies in this notion of co-creation. It's a way for Christians to get into a discussion with Jewish colleagues and still maintain one of the fundamental events of our tradition. The incarnation God be- coming human is something we're all comfortable with because it puts us on an equal footing with God in terms of having responsibility for creating the world. The idea that we share re- sponsibility for the world can be found in the Jews' Exodus and Sinai experi- ences, and it was reinforced by the Holocaust.

Another point that's come out of Auschwitz is especially important for Catholic theologians to remember: you have to live the theology of the Catho- lic Church in light of events. As the Catholic theologian Johannes Metz said, you have to do theology in the presence of Auschwitz. For instance, the Catholic Church has been ob- sessed with individual sin. Increas- ingly, in light of the Holocaust and more recent world events, Catholic theologians have begun to talk about sin as something that is built into a system of thought or belief, such as anti-Semitism or racism or sexism. Looked at in this light, sin is not just something to repent personally but something that can be attacked struc- turally through public and private ac- tion in politics, in the workplace and in the church, and it is something to be on guard against.

David Tracy, a professor at the University of Chicago divinity school, warns us to be suspicious about our expression of theological doctrines be- cause it may lead to disasters down the line. In this case, the structural sin of anti-Semitism that was embedded in Christian doctrine prepared the ground for the Holocaust. This whole notion of structural or systemic sin has given Catholic thinkers a way to move the Church in directions that will prevent future holocausts.



Perfect pitch

'I can play anything I want," Richard Giglio deadpans, "except 'New York, New York


It's the top of the seventh, with two outs, and Richard Giglio is ready. His long fingers are poised; his eyes are on the ball. As it floats effortlessly from Red Sox shortstopjohn Valentin's hand, nestling snugly into first baseman Mo Vaughn's glove, Giglio pauses a beat. Then he lets loose and the familiar calliope strains of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" sail forth from his Yamaha electronic organ across Fenway Park. On cue, 23,000 fans rise as one in the ritual of the seventh-inning stretch. For Giglio '68, this is the best mo-

ment of the game, and by season's end he will have enjoyed 72 such mo- ments— more if the Sox make the play- offs, a prospect that positively lights up his youthful countenance: "Wouldn't that be great}" he effuses. "And natu- rally, if they win the Series, it'll be because of the music."

From his six-foot-square rooftop perch just a spit of chewing tobacco from the scruffy denizens of the press box, Giglio plays a repertoire that runs from "Tijuana Taxi" to "Love Boat," each tune accompanied by the appro- priately cheesy programmed beat. It's an odd job for a classically trained mu- sician who once served as pianist for a ballet company in Geneva, Switzer-

land. But Giglio is not your average classical musician. For one thing, he's done this sort of gig before, playing organ for the San Diego Padres in 1970 and 1971. ("They ac- tually wanted me to play the 'Mexican Hat Dance' during the seventh-inning stretch," he winces.) And Fenway is his second home; a native of Quincy, Massachusetts, Giglio grew up with the Green Monster and Pesky's Pole. His father, Kelly, has held season tickets since Ted Williams's rookie year as a professional, 1936, and threw out the first ball to open the 1985 season. Richard's mother, Dora, once confided to him that despite his attainments as a concert or- ganist, her dream was to hear him play Fenway Park.

Dora Giglio got her wish on April 26 opening day in this strike-delayed season. By day a consultant to non- profit organizations on fund-raising and promotions, Richard hadn't played a note professionally since 1987, but an organ dealer friend recommended him for the Red Sox job. After two auditions in March, Giglio was hired without knowing when or even if there would be a baseball season. Opening day, he says, "I was so terrified I wouldn't let my parents come up to the booth until after the game. My hands were shaking."

John Ombelets

Take Pride

Boston College was there for you.

Be there for Boston College.

Support the BC Fund. We can't do it without you.


This is as close as seniors Tom Godino, Jr., Amy Rolfe and Bridget Rooney will get to the new student center as undergraduates, but they helped make it happen. For their senior-class gift, members of the Class of 1 995 raised more than $3 1 ,000 for the project, shown above in an artist's view from the corner of Beacon Street and College Road.

Private gifts to the University, your gifts, help Boston College produce alumni who understand their responsibility to the future.