Biological Sf Medical Serials





















Pall Mall East,

lokdon, s.w.

Telegraph ^rfrf/e^s— " Medicorum, London." Telephone Number 7701. Gerrard.


Explanation of the Abbeetiations List of Presidents of the College Officers of the College Committees, Finance and Library . .


Council Examinees.. Standing Counsel Honorary Fellow List of Fellows..

,, ,, Members



,, Diplomates in Public Health

Country List, with the Towns in which Fellows anj Members reside

The Harveian Oration

List of Haeveian Oratoes since 1863

Lumleian Lectures and List of Lecturees since 1889


Croonian Lectuees ,, ,, ,,

Bradshaw Lecture ,, ,, 1881

MiLEOY Lectures ,, ,, 1889

FitzPatrick Lectures . .

Olivee-Sharpey Lectureship oe Prize

Horace Dobell Lecture

Swiney Prize, List of Eecipients ..

Baly Medal ,,

MuRCHisoN Memorial Scholarship and List of Scholars

MoxoN Medal and List of Medallists ..

Jenks Memorial Scholarship and List of Scholaes ..

Webee-Paee:es Peize and Medals . .

BissET Hawkins Medal

Index to Fellows and Members and Extra Licentiates

1 5 6 Li










313 325 326 326 328 329 331 332 334 334 335 .336 337 337 338 339 340 341 342

A 2


P. Fonnerly President.

V. P. Vice-Piucsidf:xt.

C. Cexsor.


i^- Registrar.

A. R. AssisTAXT Regisiuar.

n. L. Uarveiax Librarian.

R. r. L. Representative on the Senate of

THE University of London.

R. M. C. Representative in Medical Councii>.

Cor. Councillor.

Ex. Examiner.

H. Harveian Orator.

L. Ll'.mleian Lecturer.


Or. Croonian Ho.

M. M. Materia Medica do.










FiTZ Patrick










1518 1525 1526 1527 1529 1531 1532 1541 1544 1545 1547 1548 1549 1551 1553 1555 1561 1562 1564

Thomas Lixacre, M.D. Patav. et Oxon.


Thomas Bentley, M.D. Oxon.

Richard Bartlot, M.D. Oxon.

Thomas Bentley, M.D. Oxon.

PacHARD Bartlot, M.D. Oxon.


Edward Wottox, M.D. Patav. et Oxon.

John Clement, M.D.

William Freeman, M.D, Oxon.

John Burgess, M.D.

PtiCHAED Bartlot, M.D. Oxon.

John Fryar, M.D. Cantab.

PtOBERT HuiCKE, M.D. Cantab, et Oxon.

George Owen, M.D. Oxon.

John Caius, M.D. Patav. et Cantab.

Richard Masters, M.D. Oxon.

John Caius, M.D. Patav. et Cantab.

Robert Huicke, M.D. Cantab, et Oxon.


1568 1569 1570

Thomas Fkancis, M.D. Oxon. John Symings, M.D. Oxon. Richard Caldwell, M.D. Oxon.

1571 IJoiiN Caius, M.D. Patav. et Cantab.

1572 1581 1585 1589 1600 1601 1604 1606 1609 1612 1615 1616 1618 1619 1620 1621 1624 1625 1628 1629 1634 1641

1645 1650 1655 1667 1670

John Symings, M.D. Oxon.

Roger Giffard, M.D. Oxon.

Richard Smith, M.D. Cantab.

William Baronsdale, M.D. Cantab.

William Gilbert, M.D. Cantab.

Richard Forster, M.D. Oxon.

Thomas Langton, M.D. Cantab.

Henry Atkins, M.D. Corb.

Sir William Paddy, Oxon.

Thomas Moundeford, M.D. Cantab.

Richard Forster, M.D. Oxon.

Henry Atkins, M.D. Covb.

Sir William Paddy, M.D. Lngd. Batav. et Oxon.

Thomas Moundeford, M.D. Cantab.

Richard Palmer, M.D. Cantab.

Thomas Moundeford, M.D. Cantab.

Henry Atkins, M.D. Corb.

John Argent, M.D. Cantab.

John Giffard, M.D. Oxon.

John Argent, M.D. Cantal).

Simeon Fox, IM.D. Patav.

Othowell Meverell, M.D. Lugd. Batav. et

Cantab. John Clarke, M.D. Cantab. Si)- Francis Prujean, M.D. Cantab. Sir Edward Alston, M.D. Cantab, et Oxon. Francis Glisson, 'M.D. Cantab. Sir George Ent. ;M.D. Patav. et Oxon,



1676 Sir John Micklethwaite, M.D. Patav. et Oxon.

1682 Thomas Coxe, ]\LD. Patav. et Oxon.

1683 Daniel Whistler, M.D. Luord. Batav. et Oxon.

1684 Sir Thomas Witherley, M.D. Cantab.

1688 George Eogers, M.D. Patav. et Oxon.

1689 Walter Charleton, M.D. Oxon.

1692 Thomas Burwell, M.D. Luo^d. Batav. et Oxon.

1694 John Lawson, M.D. Patav. et Cantab.

1695 Samuel Collins, M.D. Patav. et Oxon.

1696 Sir Thomas Milltngton, M.D. Oxon. 1704 Edward Browne, M.D. Cantab, et Oxon.

1708 JosiAs Clerk, M.D. Cantab.

1709 Charles Good all, M.D. Cantab.

17] 2 William Dawes, M.D. Lugd. Batav. et Cantab.

1716 John Bateman, M.D. Oxon.

1719 Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., M.D. Aurant. et Oxon.

1735 Thomas Pellett, M.D. Cantab.

1740 Henry Plumptre, M.D. Cantab.

1746 Richard Tyson, M.D. Cantab.

1750 James Jurin, M.D Cantab.

1750 William Wasey, M.D. Cantab.

1754 Thomas Reeve, M.D. Cantab.

1764 William Battie, M.D. Cantab.

1765 Sir William Browne, M.D. Cantab. 1767 Thomas Lawrence, M.D. Oxon. 1775 William Pitcairn, M.D. Oxon.

1785 Sir George Baker, Bart., M.D. Cantab.

1791 Thomas Gisborne, M.D. Cantab.

1792 Sir George Baker, Bart., M.D. Cantab.

1794 Thomas Gisborne, M.D. Cantab.

1795 Sir George Baker, Bart., M.D. Cantab.

1796 Thomas Gisborne, M.D. Cantab.



1804 Sir Lucas Pepys, Bart., M.D. Oxon.

1811 Sir Francis Milman, Bart., M.D. Oxou.

1813 John Latham, M.D. Oxon.

1 820 Sir Henry Halford, Bart., G.C.H., M.D. Oxon.

1844 John Ayrton Paris, M.D. Cantab.

1857 Thomas Mayo, M.D. Oxon.

1862 Sir Thomas Watson, Bart., M.D. Cantab.

1867 Sir James Alderson, M.D. Oxon.

1871 Sir George Burrows, Bart., M.D. Cantab.

1876 Sir James Eisdon Bennett, M.D. Edinb.

1881 Sir William Jenner, Bart., G.C.B., M.D. Lond.

1888 Sir Andrew Clark, Bart., M.D. Aberd.

1893 Sir John Bussell Reynolds, Bart., M.D. Lond.

1896 Sir Samuel Wilks, Bart., M.D. Lond.

1899 Sir William Selby Church, Bart., K.C.B..

M.D. Oxon. 1905 Sir Richard Douglas Powell, Bart., K.C.V.O., I M.D. Lond.

Sir Richard Douglas Powell, Bart., K.C.V.O.,


Censors. Sir William Henry Allchin, M.D. Francis de Havjlland Hall, M.D. Seymour John Sharkey, M.D. James Kingston Fowler, M.D.

Cuasurijr. SirDYCE Duckworth, Bart., M.D.

Emeritus llcigistrar. Edward Liveing, M.D.

|iC0istrar, Joseph Arderne Oemerod, M.D.

Harbeian l^ttrraihuu Joseph Frank Payne, M.D.

gfjjr^srntatitits of tbc (Tollccic on ih Sen ah d\ tin Hiiiba'sttu of I^onbon. Sir William Henry Allchin, M.D. Frederick Taylor, M.D.

S^epnsmtatitre of tb dToIlegc hi tbc dSciural Coimdl of glcbkal CBburatioii mxh ^Ugrstraiion. Norman Moore, M.D.

^finance dTmnnuttcc.

Francis Henry Champneys, M.I). George Newton Pitt, M.D. Herbert Pennell Hawkins, M.D.

^'ibrurn Committee.

The President.

Senior Censor.

Second Censor.



Hauveian Librarian. Norman Moore, M.D. William Osleh, M.D. Arthur Francis Voelcker, M.D. Charles Arthur Mercier, M.D.

(Curators of ||lu5cum.

The President.

The Treasurer.

Sir William Henry Allchin, M.D.

Seymour John Sharkey, M.D.

Frederick William Andrewes, M.D.

William Hunter, M.D.


The Phestdent.

The Censors.

The Treasurek.

Representative on the Senate of the Uni- versity OF London.

Representative on the General Medical Council.

Edward Liveing, M.D.

George Ernest Herman, M.B.

David White Finlay, M.D.

Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard, M.D.

Wilmot Parker Herringham, M.D.

Sidney Philip Phillips, M.D.

WiLLiA^r Pasteur, M.D.

Sidney Harris Cox Martin, M.D.

Archibald Edward Garrod, M.D.

Donald William Charles Hood, M.D.

Hector William Gavin Mackenzie, M.D.

Sir Ja:vies Reid, Bart., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., M.D.


A\m. Holdsworth Hlrtlev, D.Sc. George Senter, Ph.D., B.Sc.


D AAV SOX I-". D. Turner, M.D. Alfred Henry Fisox, D.Sc.


Pharniacy. Aktulu Philip Beddaud, M.D. RoBEirr Arthur Young, M.D. Edmund Ivens Spriggs, M.D. William Jamks Fknton, M.D. Alfred Ernest IIussell, M.D.


Christopher Addison, M.D.

Physiologij. William Dobinson Halliburton, M.D. Marcus Seymour Pembrey, M.D.

Medical Anatomy and Principles and Practice of Medicine. WiLMOT Parker Herringiiam, M.D. Richard Grainger Hebb, M.D. Sidney Harris Cox Martin, M.D. Herbert Pennell Hawkins, M.D. Humphry Davy Rolleston, M.D, Sir Edwin Cooper Perry, M.D. Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor, Bart., M.D. James Galloway, M.D. Wilfred James Hadley, M.D. Laurence Humphry, M.D.

Midwifery and Diseases Peculiar to Women. Herbert Ritchie Spencer, M.D. Arthur Hamilton Nicholson Lewers, M.D. George Henkell Drummond Robinson, M.D. Arthur Francis Stabb, M.D. George H. A. Comyns Berkeley, M.D.

Public Health. William IIexry Willcox, M.D. (Part I).

Alexander Grant Kusseix Foulertox, F.R.C.S. (Part II).

iflurcbisou .Scholars bip.

David Bridge Lees, M.D. Horace George Turxet, M.D.

c^taubinci Counsel.

Sir Alfred Cripps, K.C. Bryan Farrer.

"William Flemixg.


Admitted an Honorary Fellow in 1897, when Frince of Wales.


1873 1856


1861 1864

1865 1866

Sir Richard Douglas Powell, Bart., K.C.V.O., M.D. Lond., President (1905). Physician- in- Ordinary to the King. Cor. 1892, 93, 94, 1902. L.1898. c. 1898, 99, 1902. llB, Portlaud-jylace. w.

Sir Samuel Wilks, Bart., M.D. Lond., Physician to H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. Ex. isgt. Cor.

1870, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, ^ C. 1875, 76, 88. H. 1879. V.P. 1890.

P. 1896, 97, 98. 8, Princc Arthur-road, Ham2>

stead. N.w. Sir Hermann Weber, M.D. Bonn, Cor. i877, 78, 84, 85,

86. c. 1879,80. Cr. 1885. 10, Grosvenor-stveet. w. William Odling, M.B. Lond., Ex. i863, 64, 69, 70, 91, 92, 93,

94. M.M. 1865. 15, Norham-gardens, Oxford. Frederick William Pavy, M.D. Lond., g. 1862, 63. Ei.

1872, 73, 78, 79. Cor. 1875, 76, 77, 88, 89, 90. Cr. 1878, 94.

c. 1882, 83, 91. H.1886. 35, Gvosvenor-street. w. James Edward Pollock, M.D. Aberd., Cor. 1881, 82, 83, 98,

99, 1900. Ex. 1882, 83. Cr. 1883. C. 1884, 85, 93. H. 1889.

37, Collingham-place. s.w. William Howship Dickinson, M.D. Camb. Ex. 1872,

73, 78, 79, 83, 84. Cr. 1876. Cor. 1879, 80, 81, 1901. C. 1885,

86, 92. L. 1888. H. 1891. 10, Stauhopc - place. Marble Arch. w.

William Ogle, M.D. Oxf., Cor. i883, 84, 85. 10, Gordon- street, w.c.

Peter Wall work Latham, M.D. Camb., Cr. 1886. Cor. 1886, 87. c. 1887, 88, 94. H. 1888. Cambridge.



1867 Alderman Thomas Houghton Waters, M.D. St. ^ An(h\, GO. Be<J ford-street, Liverpool.

John Harley, M.D, Lond., Or. I868. Ex. i875, 7fi, 83, 84,. 85. 86. L. 1889. Cor. 1890, 91. Becdings, Pulhovough,. Sussex. John HiighHngs Jackson, M.D. St. Andr., G. i869.

Cr. 1884. Cor. 1885, 86, 87. C. 1888, 89. L. 1890. 3, Muil-

chester-square. w. Reginald Edward Thompson, M.D. Camb., Cor. 1885-

86,87. 13, Cheyne-gardens, Chelsea, s.w. 1869 George Fielding Blandford, M.D. Oxf., Cor. 1887,

88, 89. L. 1805. Cctmden Park, Tunhridqe

Wells. Henry Maudsley, M.D. Lond., g. i87o. Cor. i892, 93, 94.

12, Queen-street, May fair. w. Edward Thomas Wilson, M.B. Oxf., Westal, Chel- tenham. Sydney Ringer, M.D. Lond. Ex. i876, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84.

Cor. 1886, 87, 88. 1 5, Cavendish-ploce. w. Sir William Selby Church, Bart., K.CB., M.D. Oxf.

Ex. 1874, 75, 84, 85, 86. Cor. 1888, 89. C. 1890, 91, 96. H. 1895.

P. 1899-1904. 130, Harley-street. w. Samuel Jones Gee, M.D. Lond., Honorcny Physician to H.R.H. tlie Prince of Wales.

G. 1871. Cor. 1890, 91, 92, 1902, 3, 4. B. 1892. C. 1893,

94, 97. L. 1899. 9, Stauhopc-jolace, Marble Arch. TV.

Walter Butler Cheadle, M.D. Camb., Ex. i885, 86, 87,

88. Cor. 1889, 90, 91. C. 1892, 93, 98. L. 1900. 19, PortmaU-

street, w. Philip Henry Pye-Smith, M.D. Lond. Ex. 1875, 76, 8i,

82, 85, 86, 87, 88. Cor. 1888, 89. 90. L. 92. H. 1893. C. 1894,

95, 99. RU.L. 1902, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 48, Brook-strcet, Grosvenor-square. w.

Sir Dyce Duckworth, Bart., M.D. Edinb., Treasurer (1884). Representative Governor Uni- versity OF Liverpool, r.m.c. 1886— 1901. Ex. 1886,

87,88,89. L.1896. H.1898. C. 1900, 1, 3. 28, GrOSVe7lOr-

place. s. w.


1870 ] Henry Charlton Bastian, M.D. Lond. Ex. i877, 78, 85,

86, 87, 88. Cor. 1890, 92, 93, 94. C. 1896, 97. L. 1897.

Fairjield, Chesham Bois, Bucks.

1871 Augustus Drake, M.B. Camb., Fxmoiith. Charles Theodore Williams, 31.V.0., M.D. Oxf.,

Representative Goverxor University of

Birmingham. Cor. i89i, 92, 93. l. 1893. c. 1899, 1900.

2, Upper Brook-street, w. Philip JohnHensley, M.D. Camb., a.i872. Ex. i892, 93, 94,

95. Cor. 1895, 96, 97. c. 1898, 99. The Ark, Famham,

Surrey. Philip Frank, M.D. Berlin, Cor. i9oo, i, 2. S,Elvaston-

2^lace, SoutJt Kensington, s.w.

1872 Robert Liveing, M.D. Camb., g. i873. Ex. 1878, 79. Cor. 1894, 95, 96. l\, Manchester-squcire. w.

William Murray, M.D. Durh., EUison-place, Ntiv-

castle-on-Tyne. William Cayley, M.D. Lond. Cr. 1880. Ex. 1885, 86, 87,

97,98. Cor. 1890, 92, 93, 94. C. 1895, 96, 1900. 120 , Quecri S-

road, Richmond, Surrey.

1873 Alfred Baynard Diiffin, M.D. Edinb., Ex.i889,90,9i,92. Cor. 1894, 95, 96. IS, Devo)ishire-street. w.

John Beddoe, M.D. Edinb., Bradford- on- Avon.

Sir Peter Eade, M.D. Lond., Norwich.

Sir George Hare Philipson, M.D. Camb., b. 1884. Cor..

1901, 02, 03. Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Rt. Hon. Sir B. Walter Foster, B.C., M.D.

Erlangen, 30, Grosvenor-road. s.w. Thomas Tillyer Whipham, M.D. Oxf., Ex. i885, 86,

87, 88. Cor. 1891, 92, 93. C. 1891, 95, 1901. FisMeigh,

Hatherleigh, B.S.O., North Devon. Thomas Buzzard, M.D. Lond. Cor. 1890, 91 92,1905,6,7.

74, Grosvenor-street. w. Joseph Frank Payne, M.D. Oxf, Harveian

Librarian (1899). g. i874. Ex. 1889,90,91,92, 1 898.

99, 1900, 01. Cor. 1890, 91, 92, 96. H. 1896. C. 1896, 97, 1905.

L. 1901. F. 1903, 4. Lyouscloivn House, Neiv Barnet, Herts.

D 2


Edward Liveing, M.D. Camb., Councillor (1910),

Emeritus Registrar (1909). a. r. issg, 87, 88, 89.

R. 1889 10 1909. 52, Queeii Ajine-street. w. Henry Gervis, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1880, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88.

Cor. 1895, 96, 97. 15, Eoyctl-crcscent, Bath. John Charles Thorowgood, M.D. Lond., Cor. i899, i9oo.

Springfield, Bognor. Eustace Smitli, M.D. Lond., Cor. i896, 97, 98. 15,

Queen Anne-street, w. John Buckley Bradbury, M.D. Camb., Cor. I899, 1900,

1901. B. 1895. Cr. 1899. Cambridge. Thomas Henry Green, M.D. Lond. Ex. i885, 86, 88, 89,

90,91,97,98. Cor. 1893, 94, 95, 1907. C. 1900, 1, 4. 74, Wini-

pole-street. w.

James Barclay Montgomery, M.D. Glasg., Penzance.

George Bernard Brodie, M.D. St. Andr., 65, Princes- gate, s.w.

William Ainslie HoUis, M.D. Camb., Hove, Brighton.

John Wickham Legg, M.D. Lond. b. 1883. 4, St. Margaret' s-road, Oxford.

Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Bart., M.D. Edinb.,

G. 1877. Ex. 1880, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 93, 94, 95, 97, t?8, 99, 1900. Cr.l889. H.1894. Cor. 1894, 95. 10, Stratforcl-place. W.

Isaac Bumey Yeo, M.D. Lond., Ex. i894, 95, 96, 97.

44, Hertford-street, w. Frederick Thomas Roberts, M.D., Lond., Pen-yr-

allt, Paine's-Iane, Pinner. Ex. I88I, 82, 83, 84, 89, 90,

91, 92. Cor. 1894, 95, 96. L. 1902. C. 1902, 3, 6. H. 1905.

102, Harley-street. w. David Ferrier, M.D. Edinb. G. i878. Ex. 1882, 83, 84.

Cr. 1890. Cor. 1896, 97, 98. II. 1902. C. 1902, 3, 7. L. 1906.

34, Cavendish-square. "W. Norman Moore, M.D. Camb., Representative on THE General Medical Council (1901). b. i88y.

Cor. 1896, 97, 98. H. 1901. C. 1904, 5, 8. F. 1905, 6. L. 1909.

94, Gloucester-place, Portman- square, w. Michael Comport Grabham, M.D. Aberd., Madeira. William Orange, (7.^., M.D. Heidelberg, 11, Marina

Court, Bexhiil -on-Sea, Sussex.


David Lloyd Roberts, j\[.D. St. Andr., 11, ,S^. John- street, Manchester. John Mitchell Bruce, M.D. Lond. Ex. i884, 85, 86, 87,

89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96. Cor. 1897, 98, 99. C. 1906, 7, 23,

Harlei/street. w. Sir William Henrv AUchin, M.D. Lond,, Senior Censor (1909), Representative on Senate University of London(1909),Cltratok (1906).

Ex. 1881, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93. A.R. 1883, 84, 85,

86. B. 1891. Cor. 1897, 98, 99. H. 1903. C. 1903, 4. L. 1905.

R.U.L., 1902, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 5, Chcindos-street. w. Alfred Lewis Galabin, M.D. Camb. Ex. lasi, 82, sg,

87, 88, 89, 1901, 2, 3, 4. Cor. 1898, 99, 1900. To.pley,

Bishops Teigntoii, Teignmouth. Christian Gottfried Heinrich Biiumler, M.D.

Eriangen, Fi^eiburg, Germany. Sir William Richard Gowers, M^.D. Lond., g. isso.

B.1896. Cor. 1900, 1, 2. 50, Queen Aniic-street. w. George Charles Bright, M.D. Oxf., Cannes, France, Frederick Bagshawe, M.D. Camb., 35, Warrior-

square, St. Leonards. Frederick Taylor, M.D, Lond., Representative

on Senate University of London (1907).

Ex. 1885, 86, 87, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96. Cor. 1897, 98, 99. L. 1904.

c. 1904, 5. H. 1907. 20, Wimj^olestrcet. w. Sir John Wilhams, Bart., K.C.V.O., M.D. Lond., Physician Accoucheur to H.R.H. the Princess

of WcdeS. Ex. 1882, 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93. Cor. 1899,

1900, 1901. Plcis Llanstephan, Carmarthenshire. William Smith Greenfield, M.D. Lond., b. i893.

7, Heriot-rovj , Edinburgh. Thomas Claye Shaw, M. D. Lond., 30, Harley- street . w. Horatio Bryan Donkin, M.D. Oxf., Ex. 1896, 97, 98.

62, Portland-place, w. Sir Thomas Barlow, Bart., K.C.V.O., M.D. Lond.,

Physician to the King's Household, b. i894.

Ex. 1897, 98, 99, 1900. Cor. 190C, 1, 2. C. 1903, 6. 10, Wim-

pole-street. w. Sidney Coupland, M.D. Lond., G. issi. Ex. 1888, 89, 90, 91,96. Cor. 1900, 1, 2. IQ, Quccn Awie-street. w.







James Frederick Goodliart, M.D. Aberd., b. isss.

Ex. 1889, 90, 91, 92. Cor. 1901, 2, 3. C. 1907. 25, PoH-

land-place, w.

John Iloberts Thomson, M.D. Edhib., Bon me- mo a th.

Cornelius Benjamin Fox, M.D. Edinb., llfracoDihe.

James Watt Black, M.D. Edinb., Ex. i883, 84, 85, 8«, 93, 94,95,96. Cor. 1905,6, 7. 15, Clarges-strect. w.

Francis de Havilland Hall, M.D. Lond., Censor

(1908). Ex. 1899, 1900, 1, 2, 5, 6. Cor. 1901, 2, 3. 47,

Wimpole- street, w. William Ewart, M.D. Camb., G. i882. Ex. 1885, 86,

87,94,95,96,97. Cor. 1901, 2, 3. 31, UpptV Bl'Ook-

street. w. David Bridge Lees, M.D. Camb. Ex. i885, fc6, 87, 88, 90,

91, 92, 93, 97, 98. Cor. 1903, 4, 5. 22, Weijmouth-ntreet.

w. James Lewis Siordet, M.B. Lond., Mentone, Alpes

Maritimes, France. Thomas Ptobinson Glynn, M.D. Lond. L. 1903. Cor.

1907,8,9. 62, Rodney- street, Liverpool. Bobert Leamon Bowles, M.D. St. Andr., Priors

Mesne, Lydney. Francis Henry Champneys, M.D. Oxf., Repeesenta-


Ex. 1887, 88, 89, 90, 1903, 4, 5, 6. Cor. 1902, 3, 4. 42, Upper

Brook-Street, w. Sir Henry Blanc, K.C.V.O., M.D. Montpelier,

Cannes, France. Sii* James Alexander Grant, K.C.M.G., M.D,

McGill, Ottaica, Canada. Sir James Sawyer, M.D. Lond., l. i908. 31, Tem- ple-row, Birminqham. Francis Warner, M.D. Lond., M. 1892. Ex. 1897, 98, 99,

1900. 5, Prince of Wales-terrace, Kensington.

w. William Murrell, M.D. Brussels, Ex. i885. 86, 87, 88.

17, Welheck-street. w. j Henry Cook, M.D. St. Andr., Lee-on-the- Solent,






Sir Thomas ClifFord Allbutt, K.C.B., M.D. Camb., Regius Professor of Physic, Cambridge, g. i884.

Ex. 1899. H. 1900. Cor. 1905, 6. C. 1906, 7, F. 1909. Cam- bridge.

Herbert Watney, M.D. Camb., Ex. 1882, 83, 84. Buck- hold, Upper Basildon, Reading.

William Osier, M.D. McGill., Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford. G-. 1885. h. i906. Cor. 1906-8. 13, Norham-gardens, Oxford.

William Carter, M.D. Lund., b. 1888. Ex. i897, 98, 99, 1900. Talavon, Deganivy, Llandudno.

George Ernest Herman, M.B. Lond., Councillor (1908), Ex. 1901, 2, 3, 4. 20, Harley- street, w.

David White Finlay, M.D. Glasg,, Honorary Phy- sician to the King, Councillor (1908), 2, Queens-terrace, Aberdeen.

Sir Felix Semon, K.C.V.O., M.D. Berlin, Physician Extraordinary to the King, Great Missenden, Bucks.

Vincent Dormer Harris, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1885,86,87, 88, 94, 95, 96, S7. Milford-on-Sea, Lyniiirgton.

Joseph Arderne Ormerod, M.D. Oxf., Registrar

(1909). Cor. 1903, 4, 5. H. 1908. A.E. 1907, 8. Ex.

1907,8. 25, Upper Winipole-street. w. Samuel Hatch West, M.D. Oxf., b. i887. Ex. 1902, 3, 4, 5.

Cor. 1904, 5, 6. 15, Wimpole-strect. w. Robert Shingleton Smith, M.D. Lond., Deephohn,

Clifton-park, Bristol. George Henry Savage, M.D. Lond., Cor. i898, 99, 1900.

l. 1907. H. 1909. 2&, Devonshire-pilace. w. Sir Herbert Isambard Owen, M.D. Camb., Ex. I888,

89, 90, 91, 99, iGoo, 1, 2. Cor. 1903,4. TJ\e University,

Bristol. Percy Kidd, M.D. Oxf. Ex. i9oo, i, 2, 3. Cor. 1903, 4, 5.

60, Brook-street, w. Seymour John Sharkey, M.D. Oxf., Censor (1908),

Curator (1905). g. isse. Ex. 1893, 94, 95, 96. Cor

1902, 3, 4. B. 1906. 22, Harley-street. w. Edward Seaton, M.D. Lond., Ex. i89o, 91, 92, 93. M.1896.

93, St. George s-square, Westminster, s.w.


John Abercrombie, M.D. Camb., Ex. looo, i, 2, 3. Cop.

i90i, 5, 6. Brough, Westmoreland. James Kingston FowJer, M.D. Camb., Censor

(1908), Ex. 1892, 93, 94, 95, 99. Cor. 1904, 5, 6. 35,

Clarges-street, Piccadilly, w. Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard, M.D. Lond.,.

Councillor (1 908), Ex. isse, 87, 88, 89, 93, 9e, 97, 98v

90, 1900, 1, 2, 3. 74, IIa7iey-street. \v. Sir Donald MacAlister, K.C.B., M.D. Camb., g. I8&7.

Cr. 1888. Ex. 1900, 1, 2. University of Glasgow. George Oliver, M.D. Lond., Cr. i896. o.s. 1904. Harro- gate, and Miversleigh, Farnham, Surrey. Frank Buszard, M.D. Lond., Northampton. Robert Saundby, M.D. Edinb., b. i89o. Ex. 1893,94,95,

140b, Great Charles-street, Birmingham. William Julius Mickle, M.D. Toronto., a. i88».

8, Rosedale-road, Toronto, Canada. George Allan Heron, M.D. Glasg., 57, Harley-

street. w. Walter Balls Headley, M.D. Camb., Oriental Club,

Hanover-square, w. George Blundell LongstafF, M.D. Oxf., Putney

Heath, s.w. Richard Caton, M.D. Edinb., h. i904. Holly Lee^

Livi^igstone Drive South, Liverpool. Frederick George Dawtrey Dj-ewitt, M.D. Oxf,,

14, Palace Gardens -terrace, Kensington^

w. Howard Henry Tooth, C.M.G., M.D. Camb., o. 1889-.

Cor. 1906, 7, 8. 34, Havley-street. w. William Hale White, M.D. Lond., Ex. i889,90,9i,92,98,9&,

1900, 1. Cr. 1897. Cor. 1905, 6, 7. 38, Wimp)ole-sireet .

w. Graham Steell, M.D. Edinb., 96, Mosley-street^

Manchester. Montagu Lubbock, M.D. Lond., 127, Mount-street,

Grosvenor-square. w. Cecil Yates Biss, M.D. Camb., Ex. isso, 9o, 9i, 92.

2, Medina-p)lace, St. John's Wood. x.w.


Wilmot Parker Herringham, M.D. Oxf., Councillor (1908), Representative Governor Univer- sity OF Sheffield (1909), Examiner (1909), Ex. 1888, 89, 90. 40, Wimpok-street. w.

Robert Ma^uire, M.D. Lond., 4, Seymour-street, w.

Theodore Dyke Acland, M.D. Oxf., Ex. 1903, 4, 5, o, 8. Cor. 1906, 7, 8. 19, Brycinston-squai^e. w.

George Newton Pitt, M.D. Camb., a.i89o. Ex. i903, 4, 5, 6. Cor. 1907, 8, 9. \b, Povtland-jjlace. w.

Fletcher Beach, M.B. Lond., Alton, Hants.

John Dixon Mann, M.D. St. Andr., IQ, St. John- street., Manchester.

Edwin CHft'ord Beale, M.B. Camb., 73,Addison-road, Kensington, w.

Thomas William Thursfield, M.D. Aberd., Beau- champ-square, Leamington.

Sir Thomas OHver, M.D. Glasg., G.i89i. Ex. 1892,93,94, 95,99. 7, Ellison-place, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Alexander Haig, M.D. Oxf., 7, Brook-street, av.

Robert Percy Smith, M.D. Lond., Cor. 1905, 7, 8, 9. 50, Welheck- street, w.

William Allen Sturge, M.V.O., M.D. Lond., IcUingham Hall, Mildenhcdl, Suffolk.

Alfred Henry Carter, M.D. Lond., 61, Newhall-street, Birmingham.

Richard Grainger Hebb, M.D. Camb., Examiner (1909). bO,Ridgmount-gardens,Goiuer-st. w.c.

Sidney Philip Phillips, M.D. Lond., Councillor (1909). Ex.1894, 95, 96, 97, 1901, 2,3,4. 3, Upper Brook-street, w.

John James Pringle, M.B. Edinb., 23, Lower Seymour-street, w.

William Pasteur, M.D. Lond., Councillor (1909),

Ex. 1894, 95, 96, 97, 1901, 2, 3, 4. B. 1908. 4, CluindoS-

.street. w. Sidney Harris Cox Martin, M.D. Lond., Councillor

(1909), Examiner (1907). o. i892. Cr. i898. 10,

Mansjield-street. w. Arcliibald Edward Garrod, M.D. Oxf, Councillor

(1909). B. 1900. Cr. 1908. 9, Chandos- Street, w.


Samuel Herbert Habershon, M.D. Camb., 88, Ilarlcij-

street. w. Donald William Charles Hood, C.V.O., M.D. Camb.,

Councillor (1910), 43, Green-street, Gros-

venor-square. w. John Ebenezer Ranking, M. D. Oxf., Iwihridye

Wells. Harrington Sainsbury, M.D. Lond., 52, Wimpole-

street. av. Thomas Colcott Fox, M.B. Lond., 14, Ilaiiey-st. \v.

John PhiUipS, M.D. Camb., Ex. 1897, 98, 99, 1900, 5, 6, 7, 8.

68, Brook-street, w. William Dobinson Halliburton, M.D. Lond.

Examinee, (1906). g. isgs. Ex. i896, 97, 98, 99.

Cr. 1901. o.s. 1907. 17, Mcirylehone-roacl. N.w. Lauriston Elgie Shaw, M.D. Lond., 64, Harley-

street, w. Edward Alfred Birch, M.D. Brussels, Jersey. William Collier, M.D. Camb., Ex. i904, 5, 6, 7. Oxford. Hector WiUiam Gavin Mackenzie, M.D. Camb.,

Councillor (1910), Ex. i896, 98, 99, 1900, 1. 34,

UpiK'r Brooh-st. w. Frederick Walker Mott, M.D, Lond., Ex. i889, 90, 91,

92, 93, 91. 95. (Jr. 1900. 25, Nottingham-place. w. Sir James Reid, Bart., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., M.D.

Aberd., Councillor (1910), Physician in

Ordinary to the King and to H.R.H. the

Prince of Wales, 72, Grosvenor-street. w. Walter S{)encer Anderson Griffith, M.D. Camb.,

Ex. 1893, 94, 95, 96. 96, Hai'ley-street. w. Paul Morgan Chapman, M.D. Lond., G.1894. Hereford. Alfred Georo-e Barrs, M.D. Tl^dinb., Leeds. Sir Robert William Burnet, M.D. Aherd., Honorary

Physician to H.R.Il. the Prince of Wales, 11,

Upper Brook-street. \v. Henry Davy, M.D. Lond., Exeter. Arthur Templer Davies, M.D. Camb., 9, Tokenhouse-

yard. e.g. Norman Dalton, M.D. Lond., Ex. i904, 5, 6, 7. 4, Mans- field-street, w.


Henry Lewis Joues, M.D. Camb., Ex. i889, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94,95,96,97. 14:3, Hcirley-street. w.

Judsoii Sykes Bury, M.D. Lond., b. i9oi. 10, St. Johns-sty^eet, Manchester.

Herbert Pennell Hawkins, M.D. Oxf., Examiner (1909), 56, Foi'tland-jylctce. w.

Humphry Davy liolleston, M.D., Camb., Examiner

(1906). Ex. 1891, 92, 93, 94. G. 1895. 55, UppeV

Brook -street, w. Sir Edwin Cooper Perry, M.D. Camb., Examiner

(1907). Ex. 1900, 1, 2, 3. Gw/s Hospital, s.e. Robert Michael Simon, M.D. Camb., 47, Newhall-

streef, Birmingltara. Frederic Harry Haynes, M.D. hond., Leamington. William Kadford Dakin, M.D. Lond., Ex. i893,94, 95, 96.

8, Grosvenor-street. w. Dawson Williams, M.D. Lond., 48, Greycoat- gardens, Westminster, s.w. Frank Joseph Wethered, M.D. Lond., 83, Harley-

street. w. Frederick John Smith, M.D. Oxf., Ex. i90i, 5, 6, 7. 138,

Harley -street, w. James Calvert, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1397, 98, 99, i9cx).

113, Harley- street, CavendisJi-square. w. Francis George Penrose, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1893, 94, 95, 96,

1903, 4. Downton, Scdishury. Frederick William Andrewes, M.D. Oxf., Curator

(1909), D. 1906. Higliivood, Hampstead-lane.


William Heaton Hamer, M.D. Carab., Ex. 1902, 3, 4, 5.

M. 1906. 55, Dartmouth-park-hdl. N.w. Sir Patrick Manson, /r. C.J/. 6r'., M.D. Aberd., g. i896.

21, Queen Anne-street, w. Charles Montague Chadwick, M.D. Oxf, CrayJce,

Easirigwold. Harry Campbell, M.D. Lond., 23, Wirrqjole-street. w. Juhrr Anderson, C.I.E., M.D. St. Andr., 9, Harley-

street, w. John Michell Clarke, M.D. Camb., 28, Pembroke-

Toad, Clifton, Bristol.


Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor, Bart., Examiner (1908), M.D. Lond., 17, Wimpole- street, w.

Ernest Septimus Reynolds, M.D. Lond., 2, St. Peters-square, Manchester.

William Hunter, M.D. Edinb., Curator (1907). 103, Harley-street. w.

Wm. Aldren Turner, M.D. Edinb., 18, Harley- street. w.

Arthur Pearson LufF, M.D. Lond., Ex. i89o, 9i, 92, 93, 1902,3,4,5,6,7. G. 1897. 9, Queeii Aiuie-street. w.

John Alfred Coutts,M.B. Camb., 54, Ux>per Berkeley - street, w.

James Galloway, M.D. Aberd., Examtner (1908), 54, Harley-street. w.

Walter Essex Wynter, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1901,2, 3,4,5,6,7,8. 27, Wimpole-street. w.

Walter Stacy Colman, M.D. Lond., 9, Wimpole- street. w.

Arthur Francis Yoelcker, M.D. Lond., 101, Harley- street. w.

James Taylor, M.D. Edinb., 49, Welheck-street. w.

Ernest Henry Starling, M.D. Lond., Ex. i904, 5, 6, 7. Cr. 1905. 40, West End-lane^ Hampstead. n.w.

James Samuel Risien Russell, M.D. Edinb., 44, Wimpole-street. w.

John Rose Bradford, M.D. Lond., g. 1898. Ex.1901, 2, a, 4, 5. Cr. 1904. 8, Manchester-square, w.

William Richard Huggard, M.D. Roy. Univ. Ireland, Davos Flatz, Sivitzerland.

Joseph Wiglesworth, M.D. Lond., County Asylum^ Rainhill, near Liverpool.

Frederick Parkes Weber, M.D. Camb., 19, Harley- street. w.

Henry Johnstone Campbell, M.D. Lond., 36, Man- ning ham-lane, Bradford.

Horace George Turney, M.D. Oxford, 68, Portland- place, w.

George Redmayne Murray, M.D. Camb., 0.1899. B.1905. 13, St. John-street, Manchester.


Arthur Newsholme, M.D. Lond., ir. i895. 57, North

Gate, Regent's Park. n.w. Benjamin Arthur Whitelego^e, C.B., M.D. Lond.,

M. 1893. 3, Edvxtrdes-place, Kensington, w. John Francis Walkingarae Tatham, M.D. Dubl.,

Rockvale, Lynton, Devon. William Vicary Snow, M.D. Lond., Bournemouth. Henry Handford, M.D. Edinb., Elmjield, Southwell. Herbert Ritchie Spencer, M.D. Lond., Examiner

(1906), 104, Harley-street. w. Wilfred James Hadley, M.D. Durh., Examiner

(1908). 33, Queen Anne-street, w. Cyril Ogle, M.D. Oxf. , Ex. i905, 6. 7, 8. ^Q, Gloucester-

2)lace, Portman-square. "W. William Halse Kivers Rivers, M.D. Lond., Cr. i906.

St. Johns College, Cambridge. William John Ritchie Simpson, C.M.G., M.D. Aberd.,

Cr. 1907. 31, York-terrace, Regent's Parh. n.w. *Percival Horton-Smith-Hartley, M.V.O., M.D.

Camb., o. i9oo. 19, Devonshire-street, w, Sydney Arthur Monckton Copeman, M.D. Camb.,

M. 1898. Local Government Board, Whitehall,

s.w. Arthur Ransome, M.D. Camb., m. i89o. Sannyhurst,

Bournemouth. Clement Dukes, M.D. Lond., Rughy. Robert Bridges, M.B. Oxford, Boars Hill, Ox- ford. Seymour Taylor, M D. Aberd., Ex. iss9, 9o, 91, 92. 16,

Seymour-street, w. Amand Jules McConnel Routh, M.D. Lond.,

Ex. 1899, 1900, 1, 2. l^ A, Manchester-square, w. Charles Montagu Handheld- Jones, M.D. Lond.,

Ex.1898, 99, 1900, 1. 36, Cavendish-square, w. Richard Thomas Williamson, M.D. Lond.,

2, St. Peter s- square, Manchester. Leonard George Guthrie, M.D. Oxf., F. 1907. 8.

15, Upper Berkeley -street, w.

* Formerlj Horton-Smith, Perciral.


Frederick Foord Cai'f^er, M.D. Lond., B. 1904. South- West ern Hospital, StockwcU. s.w.

Herbert Morley Fletcher, M.D. Camb., 98, Haiiey- street. w.

Henry Albert Caley, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1901, 2, 3, 4. 24, Uj)per Be rkelei/ -street, w,

Henry Head, M.D. Camb., G. i9oi. 4, Montagu- square, w.

Fleming Mant Sandwitli, M.D. Diirh., 31, Cavendish- square, w.

William Burns Beatson, M.D. St. Andr., Grange- road, Eastbourne.

Arthur Hamilton Nicholson Lewers, M.D. Lond , Examiner (1909), 43, Uj)2-)er Brook-street, w.

John Walter Carr, M.D. Lond., 19, Cavendish- plaxe. w.

William Joseph Tyson, M.D. Durh., 10, Langhorne- gaoxlens, Folkestone.

Edmund Hobhouse, M.D. Oxf., 12, Second Avenue, Brighton.

Hugh Walsham, M.D. Camb., 114, Ilarley -street, w.

Walter Sydney Lazarus-Barlow, M.D. Camb., Cr. 1909. Fernholme, Woodside Park. n.

Edmond Fauriel Trevelyan, M.D. Lond., b. 1903. 40, Park-square, Leeds.

John Hannah Drysdale, M.D. Camb., 11, Devon- shire-place, w.

Frederick Eustace Batten, M.D. Camb., 33, Harley- street. w.

Baymond Henry Payne Crawfurd, M.D. Oxf., 139, Harley -street. \v.

George Frederic Still, M.D. Camb., a. 1902. \ I A, Harley -street, w.

Henry Carr Maudsley, M.D. Lond., Melbourne, Australia.

William Camac Wilkinson, M.D. Lond., 38, Harley- street. w.

Frank Montague Pope, M.D. Camb., Leicester.


Edward Malins, M.D. Edinb., Ex. 1902, 3, i, 5. 50, Neiv-

hall-.street, Birmingham. William Alfred Wills, M.D. Lond., Rotherhill,

Stedham, Midh urst. Thomas Hancock Arnold Chaplin, M.D. Camb.,

41, Finsburii-square. E.G. Arthur Georg^e Phear, M.D. Camb., 47, Weymouth-

street. w. George Francis Blacker, M.D. Lond., 45, Wimpole-

street. w. John Fawcett, M.D. Lond., 66, Wimpole-street ^

Cavendish -square, w. Herbert Campbell Thomson, M.D. Lond., 34, Queertr

Anne-street, w. Albert Sidney Frankaa Griinbaum, M.D. Camb.,

G. 1903. Void House, Leeds. Sir James Barr, M.D. Glasg., B. 1907. 72, Rodney- street, Liverpool. Joseph John Perkins, M.B. Camb., Ex. i905, 6, 7, 8.

8, Mansjield-street. w. St. Clair Thomson, M.D. Lond., 28, Queen Anne- street, w. Edwin Goodall, M.D. Lond., Valinda, Whitchurch,

Cardiff. George Alexander Sutherland, M.D. Edinb., 29b,.

Wimpole-street. w. Edmund Cautley, M.D. Camb., 15, Upjper Brooh-

street. w. James Alexander Lindsay, M.D. Roy. Univ. Irel.,.

B. 1909. 3, Queens Elms, Belfast. William Gordon, M.D. Camb., 3, Barnjield-crescenty

Exeter. Walter William Hunt Tate, M.D. Lond., 32, Queen

Anne-street, w. Alexander Morison, M.D. Edinb., 14, Upper Berlce-

ley-street. w. Bertrand Edward Dawson, M.D. Lond., Physician

Extraordinary to the King. 32, Wimpole- street. w.


1903 George Francis Angelo Harris, M.D. Durh., 14, Russell-street, Calcutta.

Alfred Milne Gossage, M.D. Oxf., 54, Upper Berke- ley-street, w.

Laurence Humphry, M.D. Camb., Examiner (1908). Lensjield, Cambridge.

James Stansfield Collier, M.D. Lend., 17, Viyper Wimpole-street. w.

Arthur Philip Beddard, M.D. Camb., Examiner (1908). 44, Seymour -street, w.

Robert Hutchison, M.D. Edinb., G. i904. 22, Queen Anne-street, w.

Frederick John Poynton, M.D. Lond., 1, Harley- place, Harley-street. w.

1904 Edward Johnstone Jenkins, M.D. Oxf., Sydney, New South Wales.

William John Gow, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1905, 6, 7, 8. 27,

Weymouth-st. w. Thomas Kobert Bradshaw, M.D. Dubl., 51, Rodney- street, Liverpool. Edmund Henry Colbeck, M.D. Camb., 55, Upper

Berkeley -street, w. Arthur John Hall, M.D. Camb., 342, Glossop-road,

Sheffield. Sir John Francis Harpin Broadbent, Bart., M.D.

Oxf, 35, Seymour-street, w. Charles Arthur Mercier, M.D. Lond., 34, Wimj^ole-

street. w. William Cecil Bosanquet, M.D. Oxf, g. 1905. 117a,

Harley-street. w. Arthur Carlyle Latham, M.D. Oxf, 38, Portland-

jolace. w.

1905 Duncan Burgess, M.B. Camb., Glossop-rd., Sheffield. Bedford Pierce, M.D. Lond., The Retreat, York. James William Russell, M.D. Camb., 72, NewhalU

street, Birmingham,.

James Harry Sequeira, M.D. Lond., 8a, Manchester- square, w.

Arthur Whitfield, M.D. Lond., 21, Bentinck-st. w.


Thomas Watts Eden, M.D. Edinb. Ex. i905, 6, 7, 8.

26, Queen Ayme-street. vr. William Barnett Warrington, M.D. Lond., G9,

Rodneij- street^ Liverpool. Wilfred John Harris, M.D. Camb., 73, Wimpole-

street. w. Robert Arthur Young, M.D. Lend., Examiner

(1906), Ex. 1900, 1,2, 3. 8, Mcmsfield-streei. w. Leonard Rogers, M.D. Lond., m. i907. 3, Londo7i-

street, Calcutta. Harold Batty Shaw, M.D. Lend., a. 1906. 7, Devon- shire-street, w. Edmund Ivens Spriggs, M.D. Lond. Examiner

(1909), o.s. 1906. 4:8, Bri/anston-street. w. Samuel Walton Wheatoii, M.D. Lond., 17, Rastell-

avenue, Streatham. Hill. s.w. '^Frederick William Burton-Fanning, M.D. Camb.,

Norioich. John Hill Abram, M.D. Lond., 74, Rodney-street,

Liverpool. George Henkell Drummond Robinson, M.D. Lond.,

Examiner (1907), 17, Seymour-street, w. Richard Tanner Hewlett, M.D. Lond., m. 1909. 74,

Wimbledon Park-road, Southjields. s.w. Ernest Graham Gordon Little, M.D. Lond., 61,

Wim pole-street, w. Charles Richard Box, M.D. Lond., 2, Devonshire- place, w. Maurice Craig, M.D. Camb., 54, WelhecTc-street. w. James Purves Stewart, M.D. Edin., Ex. i904, 5, 6, 7.

94, Harley-st. w. Thomas Jeeves H order, M.D. Lond., 141, Ilarley-

street. w. James Hugh Thursfield, M.D. Oxf., 84, Wimpolc-

street. "W. Edward Farqubar Buzzard, M.D. Oxf., a. i907.

78, Wimpole-street. w.

* Eormerly Burton, Frederick William.


1907 I Daniel Colquhomi, M.D. Loud., Dunedin, New Zealand,

James Barry Ball, M.D. Lond., 12, Uj^per Wimpole-

st7'eet. w. Arthur Shadwell, M.D. Oxf., Ham Common, Rich- mond, Surrey. Arthur Thomas Wilkinson, M.D. Lond., 22, St.

Joh n' .'^-street , Manchester. Edward Mansfield Brockbank, M.D. Vict., Northern

Assurance Buildings,Alhcrt- square, 2fanchester. William James Fenton, M.D. Camb., Examiner

(L909). 58a, Winq^ole-street. w. George Edward Bennie, M.D. Loud., 159 , Macquarie-

street, Sydney. Edwin Btamwell, M.B. Edinb., 23, Drumsheugh-

gardens, EdinhurgJi. Andrew Duncan, M.D. Lond., 24, Chester-street,

Grosvenor-2olo.ce. s.w. Ptobert Jones, M.D. Loud., Clayhury Asylum, Essex. . Thomas McCrae, M.D. Toronto, Johns Hopkins I Hosjyital, Baltimore, U.S.A.

Herbert Stanley French, M.D. Oxf., G. i908. 62,

Wimpole-street. w.

1908 Robert Charles Brown, M.B. Lond., 27, WincUey- square, Preston.

George Ogil vie, M.B. Edinb., 22, WelhecJc-street. w.

Charles Henry Cattle, M.D. Lond., 1, East Circus- street, Nottingham.

John Elliott, M.D. Lond., 24, Nicholas-street, Chester.

Guthrie Bankin, M.D. Glasg., 4, Chesham- street. s.w.

Theodore Fisher, M.D. Lond., Sidcup.

Bobert James McLean Buchanan, M.D. Vict., 6, Rodney -street, Liverpool.

Arthur Francis Stabb, MB. Camb. F.yAMTVFR (1909). 132, Harley -street, w.

William Henry Butter Stoddart, M.D. Loud., Bethlem Royal Hospitcd. s.e.

Arthur Latham Ormerod, M.D. Oxf., 99, Holywell, Oxford.


1908 Walter Langdon Bi-own, M.D. Camb., 60, Welheck- street, CJavendisli-square. w.

Alfred Ernest Eussell, M.D. Lond. Examiner (1909), G. 1909. 7, Upper Wimpole-street. w.

Reginald Cecil Bligh Wall, M.D. Oxf. 6, Cavendish- place, w.

Thomas Wardrop Griffith, M.D. Aberd., 43, FarJc- square, Leeds.

Leonard Stanley Dudgeon, d. i908, 86, Ashley-gar- dens, s.w.

1909 John Edward Squire, C.B., M.D. Lend., 5, Harley- street. w.

TheodoreStacey Wilson, M.D. Edinb., 51, Xewhall-

street, Birm ingh a rn. Charles John Macalister, M.D. Edinb., 35, Rodney- street, Liverpool. George Harold Arthur Comyns Berkeley, M.B.

Camb. Examiner (1909). 53, Wimpole-

street. w. Eobert Oswald Moon, M.D. Oxf., 45, Green-street,

Park-lane. w. Clive Biviere, M.D. Lond., 12, Quee/i Anne-street.

w. Oliver Key Williamson, M.D. Camb., 55, Upper

Berkeley -street, w. Francis Arthur Bainbridge, M.D. Camb., Lister

Lnstitute, Chelsea-gardens, s.w. John Shields Fairbairn, M.B. Oxf, 42, Wimpole-

street. w. Otto Fritz Frankau Grluibaum, M.D. Camb.,

Ex. 1906, 7, 8, 92, Portia nd-place. w. Joseph Shaw Bolton, M.D. Lond., County Asylum,

Rainhill, Liverpool. Charles Bolton, M.D. Lond., 20, Queen Anne-street, w. Llewellyn Caractacus Powell Phillips, M.D. Camb.,


Total Xumber of Fellows, 339.

E 2



J 856

1857 1859


Horace Benge Dobell, M.D. St. Andr., Parkstone

Heights, Dorset. William Walkinshaw Macreight, M.D. Glasg.,

Torquay. William Woodham Webb, M.D. Aberd. Charles Izard Beard, M.B. Camb. George Britton Halford, M.D. St. Andr., Mel- hour ne, Victoria, Australia. William Millington, M.D. Edinb., 3, Waterloo-roady

Wolverhampton, William Barney Tate, M.D. Aberd., Nottingham. Edmund Dapples, M.D. Wurzburg. Joseph Hutchinson Hammond, M.D. Aberd.,

Preston. Robert Crothers, M.D. GJasg., Southhorough, Tim-

bridge Wells. Alonzo Henry Stocker, M.D. St. Andr., Peckham

House Asylum, s.e. Clarence Cooper, M.D. St. Andr., 3, Wa7nninster-

rcad, South Norwood Park. s.e. Elias Jones Roberts, M.B. Lond., Clacton-on-Sea. John Jones, M.D. St. Andr. Thomas Lawes Rogers, M.D. St. Andr., Court-road,

Eltham, Kent.


Charles Muller, Sydney, New South Wales. Alexander Charles MacLeod, 35, Drayton-gardens,

South Kensington, s.w. George James Symes Saunders, M.D. Lend.,

Hotvard-square, Easthourne. Benjamin Bingay Thurgar, M.D, Edinb., 97, Regent- street, w. Offley Bohun Sliore, M.D. Edinb. Pierre Georges Cox.

Hey wood Smith, M.D. Oxf., 40, Portland-court, w. William Lomas, M.D. St. Andr., 23, Sackville-street,

Piccadilly, w. Francis Valentine Paxton, M.B. Oxf., Chichester. Charles Gayner, M.D. Pisa. Moses Prosser James, M.D. St. Andr., 71, St. Mark's-

road, N. Kensington, w. Joseph Butter, M.D. Lond., Hove, Sussex. John Charles James Fenwick, M.D. Camb., Ijong

Pramlington, Moiyeth. James Beginald Stocker, M.B. Loud., Board of

Trade Office, Camiing -place, Liverpool. Littleton Stewart Forbes Winslow, M.B. Camb.,

b7, Devonshire-street, w. Joseph William Eastwood, M.D. Edinb., 18, Farndon-

road, Oxford. John Cook, M.D. Edinb., \, Nottingham-terrace. N.w. Isidor Boas Berkart, M.D. Wtirzburg, 71, Wimpole-

street. w. Henry Forbes Winslow, M.D. Lond., 29, Belsize-

sqiiare, Hampstead. N.w. Su- Francis Henry Baking, Bart., G.C.V.O., M.D.

Heidel., Physician in Ordinary to the King,

and to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, 62, Pall

Mcdl. s.w. Isaac Dobree Chepmell, M.D. St. Andr., Shelley- road, Worthing. William Williams, M.D. Queen's Univ., L'eland,

58, Rodney-street, Liverpool. Charles Henry Carter, M.D. Lond., Bromley, Kent.


James Edmunds, M.D. St. Andr., 23, Sussex- square, Brighton. Clement Godson, M.D. Aberd., 82, Brooh-street. w. Alfred Kingcome Newman, M.B. Aberd., Wellington^

New Zealand. Arthur Evershed, Eve7'sjield, Fishhourne, Chichester. Albert John Venn, M.D. Aberd., HuntersdalCy

Virginia Water., Surreij. William Park, M.D. St." Andr., 1, Doughty -

street. W/C. Richard Thomas Smith, M.D. Lond., 117, Ilaverstock-

hill. N.w. Edmund Holland, M.D. Lond., 1, Titchjield-terrace,

Regent's Park. n.w. Edwin Burrell, M.D. Aberd., 1, Doughty-street, w.c. Alexander Collie, M.D. Aberd., Foecy, Cher,

Finance. Charles Sethward De Lacy Lacy, M.B. Oxf. Henry Humphreys, M.D. Camb., St. Auhins,

Torquay. Ernest Wyndham Cottle, M.D. Oxf., Ningu'ood

Manor House, near Yai'moutli, Isle of Wight. William Valentine Bird, M.D. Aberd., 94, Redclife-

gardens. s.w. Stanley Augustine Gill, M.D. Durham, Formhy,

Liverpool. James Alfred Mansell Moullin, M.B. Oxf., 80,

Porchester-terrace, Hyde Park. w. Jules Edniond Theophile de Valcourt, M.D. Paris,

Cannes, France. Abraham Matthewson Edge, M.D. Queen's Univ.,

Ireland, Whalley Range, Manchester. Ewing Mould Glynn Whittle, M.D. Camb., Princes- avenue, Liverpool. Bernard O'Connor, M.D. Queen's Univ., Ireland,

14, Old-square, Lincohis Inn. w.c. Henry Singer Gabbett, M.D. Dubl., Easthourne. Siegmund Moritz, M.D. Wurzburg, 26, King-street,



Bedford Fenwick, M.D. Durh., 20, Upper Viimpole-

street, w. John William Springthorpe, M.D. Melbourne, Mel- bourne, Australia. Alexander Frederick Bradshaw, C.B., Honorary

Physician to the King, 111, Banhury-roacl,

Oxford. William Henry White, M.D. Dubl, 43, Weymouth-

street, w, George Wallington Grabham, M.D. Lend,, MatJtyns,

With am, Essex. Gilbert Bichardson, M.D. Dubl., 19, Putney- hill. S.AV. Edward Joshua Edwardes, M.D. Lond., 73, Spring -

field-road. n.w. Frederick Lucas Benham, M.D. Lond., Camden

House, Exeter, South Australia. Robert Alexander Gibbons, M.D. Edinb., 29, Cado-

gan-p)UAce. s.w. George Williams Parker, Twrntuniari Potaro River,

British Guiana. Narendra Prasanna Sinha, 24, Florence-road, Ealing.

w. Charles Fillingham Coxvvell, M.D. Camb., A, Alley n-

pai'k, Dulwich. s.e. Walter John Kilner, M.B. Camb., 218, Ladhroke-

grove. w. Joseph Baldwin Nias, M.D. Oxf., b. Rosary -gardens,

South Kensington, s.w. ^"William Smith Paget-Tomlinson, M.D. Lond., The

Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale. Money Lall Dutt. William Duncan, M.D. Brussels. 4, Harley-

street. w. Cornelius William Suckling, M.D. Lond., 103,

Neiuhall- street, Birniinghami. Henry Seymour Branfoot, M.B. Lond., 51, Lans-

doivn-place, Brighton.

* rormerlj Paget, William Smith.


1884 ! Dudley Wilmot Buxton, M.D. Lond., 82, Mortimer- ! street, Cavendish- square, w,

Charles Alfred Hebbert, Boston, United States of

America. Ernest William AVhite, M.B. Lond., Christchurch- road, Streotham-ldU. s.w. Edward George Younger, M.D. Brussels, 2, Meck-

lenhiirgh -square, w.c. I Edward Owen Daly, M.D. Oxf., Hidl ,, i James Oliver, M.D. Ediiib., 18, Gordon-square, w.c.

1885 J John Michael McDonagh, M.D. Brussels, 14, I College-street, Sj/dneij, New South Wales.

Edward Stewart, M.D. Brussels, J^Jast Grinstead. Richard Kingston Fox, M.D. Brussels, 55, Wim-

2')ole-street. w. Robert Boxall, M.D. Camb. Ex. isor, os, 99, isoo.

Ahinger-commoii , Dorking. Michael Colman Collins, M.D. Queens Univ.,

Ireland, 25, Derby-road, Nottingham. Thomas Glover Lyon, M.D. Camb., 1, Victoria-

squa7^e. s.w. William Gay, M.D. Edinb., Crosby-road, Liver- pool. Francis Leslie Miner, M.D. McGill. George Douglas Pidcock, M.D. Camb., 74, Fitz-

johns-avenue. x.w. Joseph Henry Philpot, M.D. Lend., Gl, Chester-

square, s.w. JefFery Allen Marston, C.B., ]\LD. St. Andr., 56,

Never n- square, s.w. Thomas Johnstone, M.D. Edinb., Harrogate. Thomas Frederick Pearse, M.D. Brussels, c/o Messrs.

Thomas Cook & Son, Calcutta, India. William Henry Gregg, M.B. Dubl. Charles William Marriott, M.D. St. Andr., Reading. Stephen Little, M.D. Roy. Univ. Ireland, 16, St.

James' s-square, s.w. Albert Martin, M.D. Lond., Wellington, Neiv




MEMBEltS. 35

Thomas Carleton Kailton, M.D. Lond., 9, Moorjield-

road, West Didshury, Manchester. John DufF, M.D. Glasg., 5, Ahhey-street, Chester. Hemy Waldo, M.D. Aberd., 19, Femhroke-road,

Clifton, Bristol. Alexander Disney Leith Napier, M.D. Aberd.,

28, Angas-street, Adelaide, South Australia. Frederick Rufenacht AValters, M.D. Lond., Farnham. Charles Planck, Edenhridge. William Henry Spencer, M.D. Camb., St. Manfs

Hospital, w. Thomas Outterson Wood, M.D. Durh., 40, Margaret- street, Cavendish -square, w. Otto Jackson Kauffmann, M.D. Lond., 22, Broad- street, Birmingham. John Fletcher Little, M.B. Csavih., 'x,FarJ:-crescent. w. Auguste Elisee Cordes, M.D. Paris, 3^ Chemin du

Square, Geneva. Donald Pose Paterson, M.D. Edinb., 15, St.

Andrew s-cr esc ent, Cardiff. Frederick Howard Taylor, M.D. Lond., China

Inland Mission, Newington Green, x. Duncan Turner, Melbourne, Austrcdia. John Livesay Whitehead, M.D. St. Andr., Vent nor. George Alfred Carpenter, M.D. Lond., 12, WelbecJc-

street. w. James Davison, M.D. Queen's Univ., Ireland,

16, Bath-road, Bournemouth. Elijah Baxter Forman, M.D. Brussels, 11, Bramham-

gardens. South Kensington, s.w. Edwin Hyla Greves, M.D. Edinb., Bournemouth. Charles William Chapman, M.D. Durh., 21, Weij-

mouth-street. w. Archibald Donald, M.D. Edinb., 2, St. Feters-

square, Manchester. Vaugh an Berkeley Harley, M.D. Edinb., 25, Harleij-

street. w. John Sinclair, M.D. Durh., Medical Department,

General Fost Office, e.c.


George Owen White-Cooper, M.B. Camb., 5, Court- Jield-road. s.w.

Charles Henry Allfrey, M.D. Edinb., Princes-road, St. Leonards.

George Gavin Morrice, M.D. Camb., 17, Royal- terrace, Weymouth.

John Stephenson Selwyn Harvey, M.D. Durh., 1, Astivood-road. s.w.

John Alfred Masters, M.D. Durh., 94, Knights- hridqe. s.w.

Ernest Christison Carter, M.D. Edinb., Oriel Lodge, Cheltenham.

Edward Lawrence Fox, M.D. Camb., 9, Oshorne- 2:>lace, Plymouth.

Samuel Otway Lewis Potter, M.D. Jefferson Coll., 70, Liberty-street, San Francisco, Ccdifornia, U.S.A.

Walter Knowsley Sibley, M.D. Camb., The Man- sions, 70, Duke-street, Grosvenor-square, w.

Dawson Fyers Duckworth Turner, M.D. Edinb., Examiner (1907), 37, George-square, Edin- burgh.

Winslow Anderson, M.D. California, 1065, Suiter- street, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

George Bainbridge, M.D. Durh., Branksome-ivood- road, Bournemouth.

Roland Danvers Brinton, M.D. Camb., 8, Queen' s- gate-terrace. s.w.

William Soltau Fenwick, M.D. Lond., 29, liarley- street. w.

Anghel Gaster, M.D. Bucharest, 68, Greencroft- gardens, West Hampstead. n.w.

Frank Papillon Haviland, M.D. Camb., St. Leonards.

Frederic La Coque Thorne, M.D. St. Andr., Manor House, Adderbury East, Banbury.

William Bezly Thorne, M.D. St. Andr., 2, ILarley- street. w.

Stuart Alexander Tidey, M.D. Lond., Montreux, Switzeiia^nd.


William Francis Menzies, M.D. Edinb., Cheddleton

Asylum, Leek, Staffordshire. Thomas Sydney Short, M.D. Lond., 85, Edmund- street, Biriningham. John Oglethorpe Wakelin Barratt, M.D. Lond.,

School of Tropical Med., University, Liverpool. Matthew Mitchell Bird, M.D. Darh., St. Mary's

Hosmtal. w. John William Campbell, M.B. Camb., Casa Rossa^

Mentonc, France. George Frederick Crooke, M.D. Edinb. John Inglis Parsons, M.D. Durh., 3, Queen-street^

May fair, w. Sir William Japp Sinclair, M.D. Aberd., St. Ann- street, Manchester. Frederick John McCann, M.D. Edinb., 14, Wim-

pole-street. w. Neville Thorold Wood, M.D. Durh., 42, Elvaston-

place. s.w. Perry David Goldsmith, M.D. Toronto, Peter- borough, Canada. William Harding, M.D. Edinb., County Asylum^

Berry Wood, Northampton. Thomas Davies Harries, Aberystivith. Nusserwanji Fakirji Surveyor, M.D. Bombay^

145, Queens-road, Bombay. Robert Fortescue Fox, M.D. Lond., 55, Wimpole-

street. w. William Kington Fyffe, M.B. Camb., Wellington^

New Zealand. Arthur Edward Giles, M.D. Lond., 10, Upper

WimiDole-street. w. Charles Herbert Thompson, M.D. Dubl., Junior

Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, w. Frederick Poynton Weaver, M. l3. Lond., Cedar

Lawn, Hampstead Heath, x.w. Robert Murray Leshe, M.D. Eclinb., 152, Harley-

street. w. Chichester Gould May, M.D. Camb., 59, Cadogan-

place. s.w.


1893 William Arthur Bond, M.D. Camb., Municipal Offices, 197, Iluih Holborn. w.c.

Frederick Edge, M.L). Lond., Wolverhampton, AlfredMantle,M. D. Durh.,62, York-place, Harrogate. Cliarles Hubert Roberts, M.D. Lond., 21, Welbeck- street. w.

1894 Edward Henry Biddlecombe, M.B. Lond. George Francis Johnston, M.D. Edinb., 3, Montagu-

2')kice. w.

Francis Whittaker Tunnicliffe, M.D. Lond., Ex. 1902, 03, 04, 05. 129, Hcirleystreet. w.

Reginald Langdon Langdon-Down, M.B. Camb., 47, Welbeck-street. w.

Charles Edwin Purslow, M.D. Lond., 192, Broad- street, Birmingham.

James Kingston Barton.. 14, Ashhurn-place, South Kensington, s.w.

Ludwig Frejberger, M.D. Vienna, 9, St. Maries- square. N.w.

Thomas Arthur Helme, M.D. Edinb., 3, St. Peters- square, Manchester.

Charles Edward Shelly, M.D. Camb., Hertford.

Samuel Buckley, M.D. Lond., 72, Bridge-street, Manchester.

1895 Thomas Vincent Dickinson, M.D. Lond., 33, Sloanc- street. s.w.

John Porter Parkinson, M.D. Lond., 57, Wimpole- street. w.

Sydney Russell Wells, M.D. Lond., 16, Lower Seymour-street, w.

Theophilus Nicholas Kelynack, M.D. Vict., 133, Hurley -street, ay.

Charles Samson Jaffe, M.D. Lond., 138, Sutherland- avenue, w.

Heinrich Oppenheimer, M.D. Heidelberg, G3, Fins- hury -pavement. E.G.

John Henry Dauber, M.B. Oxf., 39, Hertford- street, May/air. w.

Max Sally Lowenthal, M.D. V^urzbuvg, 126, Princes- road, Liverpool.


Ebenezer Stanley Smith, M.D. Durh., 68, Wimpole-

street. w. Cuthbert Chapman Gibbes, M.D. Aberd., 89,

Harleij-sti-eet. w. John Douglas Stanley, M.D. Edinb., 21, Broad- street, Birmingham. Arnold Francis Bill, M.D. Oxf., Davos Platz,

Switzerland. Eobert Henry Cole, M.D. Lond., 25, Ujjper

Berkeleii -street, w. Thomas George Stevens, ]\I.D. Lond., 8, Weymouth-

street. w. Arthur John Whiting, M.D. Edinb., 142, Ilarlei/-

street. \v. Walter Broadbent, M.D. Camb., 50, Brunswick-

square, Brighton. Samuel Haslett Browne, C.I.E., M.D. Queen's Univ.^

Ireland, East India United Service Club. s.av. William Ronaldson Clark, M.B. Aberd., 2, Belvedere^

Beach-road, Weston-sujjer- Mare . Daniel McClurc Ross, M.D. Durh., Cedar Lodge,

Littledown-road, Bournemoutli.

John Le Mare Bunch, M.D. Lond., 84, Park-street^

Grosvenor-square. ay. Walter Jobson Home, M.D. Camb., 23, Weij-

mouth-street, ^y. Ewen John Maclean, M.D. Edinb., 12, ParJc-jylace,.

Cardiff". Hugh James Moore Playfair, M.D. Lond., 7, Ujoper

Brook-street, w. John King Warry, M.D. Lond., 39, Filey -avenue,

Clapton- common, n.e. William Bain. M.D. Durh., York-place, Harrogate. Alfred Eddowes, M.D. Edinb., 28, Wimpole-street. w. Edwin Stephen Pasmore, M.D. Lond., Warlinghccm,

Surrey. °e«« j

Donald John Armour, M.B. Toronto, 89, Harleij-

street, CavendisJi-square. w.


Francis Henry Edwards, M.D. Brussels, Camherwell

House. s.E. Michael George Foster, M.D. Camb., Harrogate. *Hugh lloubiliac Roger-Smith, M.D. Loud.,

15, College-crescent, Fitzjohns-avenue. x.w. Thomas Beattie, M.D. Durh., 3, Ellison-placef

N ew castle- on- Tyne. Edward John Cave, M.D. Lond., 20, Circus, Bath. E/obert Briggs Wild, M.D. Lond., 9G, Mo si ey -street,

Manchester. Edwin Gilbert Emerson Arnold, M.B. Durh., Fiji. William Lamb, M.D. Edinb., 22, Templc-roiv,

Birmingham. Ernest Playfair, M.B. Lond., 57, Gloucester -terrace,

Hyde Park. w. Edward Hanly, M.D. Queen's Univ., Ireland,

951, Santa Fe, Buenos Ayres, Argentina. William Darley Hartley, M.D. Durh., Cauvins

Gift, Sea Point, Cape Toivn. Edward Arthur Saunders, M.B. Oxf., 49, Harley-

street. w, Ralph Henry Crowley, M.D. Lond., Letclnvorth,

Herts. Cuthbert Henry Jones Lockyer, M.D. Lond.,

117 a, Harley-street. w. Henry John Davis, M.B. Camb., 8, Portman-

street. w. Francis Edward Fremantle, M.B. Oxf., 17, Queens-

herry-place. s.w. Sidney Herbert Perry, M.D. Lond., 54, Neivhall-

street, Birniinghani. Reginald Pratt, M.D. Lond., Leicester. Peverell Smytbe Hichens, M.D. Oxf., 45, Sheep- street, Northampton. George Thornton, M.D. Edinb., General Hospital,

Colombo, Ceylon. Augustus Whitehorn Addinsell, M.B. Edinb., 10,

Curzon-street, May/air. w.

* Formerly, Hugh Eoubiliac Smith.


Richard Walter Marsden, M.D.Vict., 3, Si. Peter's- square, Manchester.

Thomas Frank Ricketts, M.D. Loud., Soutlifield House, Dartford.

Robert Dawson Rudolf, M.D. Edinb., 396, Bloor- street West, Toronto, Canada.

Tliornas Frederick Gardner, M.D. Durh., Boscombe, Bourneniouth.

Daniel West Samways, M.D. Camb., Mentone, France.

Edward Stainer, M.B. Oxf., 60, Wimpole-street, Cavendish-square, w.

Charles Oliver Hawthorne, M.D. Glasg., 63, Harley- street. w.

John MacLeod Hendrie MacLeod, M.D. Aberd., 11, Harley -street, w.

Alfred Walter Sikes, M.D. Lond., 57, Wimpole- street. w.

Lewis Albert Smith, M.D. Lond., 25, Queen Anne- street, Cavendish- square, w.

*Ralph Vincent, M.D. Durh., 1, Harley -street, w.

John Roger Charles, M.D. Camb., 12, Victoria- square, Clifton, Bi'istol.

Alexander Gunn Auld, M.D. Glasg., 23, Henrietta- street, Cavendish-square, w.

Noel Dean Bardswell, M.D. Edinb., Midhurst, Sussex.

Arthur John Cleveland, M.D. Lond., 10, Thorpe- mansions, No7'ivich.

Henri Dardenne, M.D. Edinb., 49, Albany -street.


Francis Woodcock Goodbody, M.D. Dubl., 6, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, w.

Francis Henry Hawkins, M.D. Edinb., 73, London- street, Reading.

Thomas David Lister, M.D. Lond., 50, Brook- street, w.

Wilfrid Brougham Warde, M.D. Lond., Tunhridqe Wells.

* Formerly Vincent, Kalph Harry.


Thomas Rowland Charles Whipham, M.D. Oxf.,

58, Park-street, w. Henry Kussell Andrews, M.D. Lond., 2:?, U'p'per

Wimpole-st7^eet. w. Wm. Francis Victor Bonney, M.D. Load., 15,

Ilarley-street. w. Frederick William Collinson, M.D. Edinb., 32,

1 Vincldey -square, Preston. Karl Joseph Furth, M.D. Freiburg, 39, Ilarlcij-

street. w. Shapurji Hormasji Modi, Apollo .Hotel. Bomhaijy

India. John Lloyd Roberts, M.D. Lond.. G8, Rodiieij-

street, Liverpool. William Samuel Octavius Byrne, M.D. Dubl., Ann- street, Brisbane, Queensland. Hugh A. McCallum, M.D. Western Univ., Ontario ;

London, Ontario, Canada.

Frederick Stephen Palmer, M.D. Durh., 27, Queen

Aime-street. w. George Eric Campbell Pritchard, M.D. Oxf., G3,

Harley-street. w. Henry John Forbes Simson, M.B. Edinb., 36, Gros-

venor-street. w. Francis Hugo Thiele, M.D. Lond.. University

College, w.c. Francis Bobert Bryant Bisshopp, M.D. Camb..

Tunhridge Wells. Frank Cecil Eve, M.D. Camb., 14, Albion-street^

Hull. Archibald Gordon Gullan, M.D. Lond., 37, Rodney- street, Liverpool. Edward Forster Maynard, M.D. Edinb., 49.

Brunswick-place, Ilove, Brighton. Nathan Raw, M.D. Durh., Qd, Rodncy-stre.H^

lAvcrpool. Charles Henry Reissmann, M.D. Camb., St, Peters^

Adelaide, S. Australia.




Thomas Bushby, M.B. Eclinb,, 43, Catherine-street, Liverpool.

John Cecil Mackmurdo Given, M.D. Lond., Lowood, Mossley-li ill, Liverpool.

PixthuY Douglas Heath, M,D. Lond., 41, Neivhall- si reet, Birmingham.

Frederick Craven Moore, M.D. Vi(;t., Priory, Ardwich Green, Manehester.

Harold Douglas Singer, M.D, Lond., ''Hospital" P.O., Illinois, U.S.A.

Charles Henry Fennell, M.D. Oxf., County Asylum, Hellingly, Sussex.

David Nuiies Nabarro, M.D. Lond., 14, Welheek- street. w.

Frank Charles Shrubsall, M.D. Camb., 34, Lime- fjrove, Uxhridge-road. w.

William Mitchell Stevens, M.D. Lond., 21, St. Andreiv s-crescen t, Cardiff.

Septimus Sunderland, M.D. Brussels, 11, Cavendish- place, w.

Arthur Stanley Barnes, M.D. Lend., 141, Gt. Charles-street, Birmingham.

John Charlton Briscoe, M.D. Lond., 110, Ilarleij- street. w.

x^rthur Edmund Carver, M.D. Camb., 8, Higher- terrace, Torquay.

Kichard Crawshaw Holt, M.D. Durh., 2, Albert- road, Southport.

Charles Hunter, M.D. Aberd., 222, Portage-avenue, Winnipeg, Canada.

Sheffield Henry Morier Neave, Mill Green Park, Ingatestone.

Charles Gabriel Seligmann, M.D. Lond.

William Philip Satcliffe Branson, M.D. Camb., 41, Devonshire-place, w.

Gerald Godfray Giffard, 54, Parliament-street, s.w.

Charles Herbert Meliand, M.D. Lond., 96, Mosley- street, Manchester.

Sidney Vere Pearson, M.B. Camb., Mimdcsley,




1902 Edward Furniss Potter, M.D. Brussels, St. Helms, Me of Wight.

Walter Henry Maxwell Telling, M.D. Lond.,

29, Park-square, Leeds. *William Wallis Ord, M.D. Oxf., The Hall

Salishury. Edwin Harold Brown, M.D. Durham, Zy<cZia?i Medical

Service. Andrew Elliot, M.D. Edin., 110, Gloucester- place,

Pdrtmctn-square. w. Joseph George Emanuel, M.D. Lond., 47, Xcwhall-

street, Birmingham. George Norman Meachen, M.D. Lond., 11, Devon- shire-street, w. David Waters Sutherland, M.B. Edinb., Medical

College, Laliore, India. William Lawrence Ascherson, M.D. Camb., 22, Nishi

Machi Azahu, Tokyo, Japan. Robert Joseph Dwj'er, M.B. Toronto, 732, Spadina-

arenue, Toronto, Canada. Llewelyn Leonard Bulkeley Williams, M.D. Glasg.,

123, Harley-street. w.

1903 tCharles Frederick Bailey, M.D. Lond., 125, Marine Parade, Brighton.

Arthur Herbert Hayes, Royal Army Mediccd Corps.

Goldwin William Howland, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Frederick William Price, M.B. Eclinb., 133, Harley- street. w.

Henry Edmund Symes-Thompson, M.D. Camb., 33, Cavendish- square, w.

JGeorge Lestock Thornton, 6, The Beacon, Exmouth.

John Abernethy Willett, M.D. OxF., 26, Upper Wimpole-street. w.

Herbert Williamson, M.B. Camb., 84, Wimpole- street. w.

* Diploma resigned 18^6, i-e-granted 1902. t Diploma resigned 1891, re-g ranted 1903. I Diploma resigned 1904, re-granted the same year.


Emil Paul Baumann, M.D. Edinb., Johannesburg.

Robert Alfred Bolain, M.D. Durh., Queen-square, Savllle-row, Neivcastle-on- Tyne.

Edward Alfred Gates, M.D. Loud., Corso Regina Elena, Florence, Italy.

John Hay, M.D. Yict., 12, Rodne(/-strect, Liverpool.

Georoe Lucas Pardington M.D. Durh., Tiuihridge ^Vells.

James Hutchinson S wanton, M.D. Po3\ Univ. Irel., 40, Harley -street, w.

Robert William Dodgson, M.D. Lond., 25, Clifton- villas, Maida-hill. w.

Frank Harwood Jvicob, M.D. Lond., 32, Regent- street, Nottingham.

George Wm. Falconer Macuaughton, M.D. Edinb., 33, Lower Beig rave-street. s.\v.

Thomas Howard Morgan, M.D. Edinb., Brisbane, Queensland.

John Alexander Nixon, M.B. Camb., 18, West Mall, Clifton, Bristol.

Beaumont Albany Percival, M.B. Camb., Isthmian Club, FiccadilJy. w.

Paul Cuningham Edward Tribe, M.B. Lond., Cairo, Egypt.

*Horatio George Adamson, M.D. Lond., 9, Wey- mouth-street, w.

Sydney Walter Curl, M.D. Cam')., 58, Crouch- street, Colcliester.

James Edward Hill Sawyer, M.D. Oxf., 93, Corn- ivall-street, Birmingham.

Jacob Snowmin, MD. Brussels, 11, Shoot-up-Hdl, Brondesbury. x.w.

James George Taylor, M.D. Camb., 35, Nicholas- street, Chester.

Sol Jervois Aarons, M.D. Edinb., 6, Harley -street. ^Y.

David Forsyth, M.D. Lond., 85, New Cavendish, street, w.

* Diploma resigned 1807, re-granted 1903

F 2




Alfred Ernest Jones, M.D. Loud., 407, Bruns-

ivick-avenue, Toronto, Canada. Lindley Marcroft Scott, M.D. Aberd., 30, Cadogan-

place. s.w. James Graham Forbes, M.D. Camb., 1, Duke-streety

Manchester-square, w. Donald George Hall, M.D. Camb., 30, Brunswick- place, Hove, Brighton. Charles Christopher hieywood, M.B. Camb., Winters

Buildings, Manch ester. David Sommerville, M.D. Hoy. Univ. Irel., 31, Manor

House, Marylehone-roaA. n.ay. Edward Tnrton, M.D. Vict., 1, Albion-street,

Null. John Frederick Gordon Dill, M.D. Camb.. 16, Bruns-

tvick-square, Brighton. Edward Henry Douty, M.D. Carab., Mont Fleuri,

Cannes, France. Wilfrid Stephen Fox, M.D. Camb., 63, Grosvenor-

street. w. Ernest Edward Glynn, M.D. Camb., 62, Rodney- street, Liverpool. Henry Lawrence McKisaek, M.D. Koy. Univ. Irel.,

University -road, Belfast. Tliomas Grainger Stewart, M.B. Edinb., 54, Queen

Anne-street, w. Guide Yule Giglioli, M.D. Florence, Florence,

Italy. Eric Danvers Macnamara, M.D. Camb., 54, Welheck-

street. w. Harold Theodore Thompson, M.D. Camb., 94,

Fortland-place. \v. 1905 ' Henry Willoughby Gardner, M.D. Lond., Slirews-

Ijury. William Henry Willcox, M.D. Lond., Examiner

(1906), 40, Welherk-street. w. Arthur John Jex-Blake, M.B. Oxf., 47, U2yper

Brook-street, w. Frank Edward Taylor, M.D. Lond., 34, Wimjwle-

street. w.




George William Watson, M.D. Loncl, 24, Park- square, Leeds. William Henry Wynn, M.D. Lond., 41. NewlialU

street, Birminghaw. John Brian Christopherson, M.D. C^mh., Khartoum ^

Sudan. Lewis Augustus Clutterbuck, M.D. Durh., Golders

Green, Hendon. x.w. Arthur Frederick Hertz, M.D. Oxf., 1, Weymouth-

street. w. Conrad Meredyth Hinds Howell, M.D. Oxf., 53,

Queen Anne-street. \y. Henry Percival Johnson, Royal Army Medical

Corps. Harold Campbell Parsons, M.D. Toronto, 72, Bloor-

street, W., Toronto, Canada. William Morton Robson, M.D. Lond., Northampton. Alexander George Gibson, M.B. Oxf., 46, St. Giles -

road, Oxford. Joseph George Harsant, M.D. Lond., Exeter-road,

Bournemouth. Ernest Bosdin Leech, M.D. Camb., Timperley,

Cheshire. John Cyril Holdich Leicester, M.D. Lond., c/o

Messrs, Grindlay and Co., 11, Hastings-street,

Calcutta. Joseph Arthur Arkwright, M.D. Camb., Kenley,

Surrey. William Carnegie Brown, M.D. Aberd., 3iJ, Harley-

street. w. Kobert Fielding-Ould, M.D. Oxf, High-street,

Oakham. Frederick Samuel Langmead, M.D. Lond., 53,

Queen Anne-street, w. Charles Hewitt Miller, M.D. Camb., 22, Queen

Anne-street, w. Athelstane Iliff Simey, M.D. Camb., 5, Horton-

terrace, Rughy. John Telfer Calvert, M.B. Lond., c/o Messrs.

Grindlay and Co.. Parliament-street, s.w.


Thomas Eclwyn Cecil Cole, M.D. Oxf., Norfolk House, Kenilworfh-roacI, Leamimjton.

Henry Eoy Dean, M.B. Oxf.

George William Ross, M.B. Toronto, Toronto^ Canada.

Charles Henry Benham, M.D. London., 27, Sackville- road, Hove, Brighton.

William HaiirBroilie, M.D. Edinb., 6, St. Stephens- road, W., We.<it Ealing, w.

Peter Kevin Byrne, M.D. Lond., 40, York-jylace. w.

Ernest Nicholson Cunliffe, M.D. Vict., 11, SL John-street, MancJi ester.

Henry Devine, M.B, Lond., Lomj Grove Asyluniy Epsom, Surrey.

John McCrae, M.B. Toronto, 190, Peel-stir et, Montreal, Canada.

Carlton Oldh'eld, M.D. Lond., 32, Park-square, Leeds.

Alexander Corsar Sturrock, M.D. Edinb,, 11, Vic- toria-crescent, Eecles.

Alfred Edward Barnes, M.B. Lond., 348, Glossop- road. Sheffield.

Dudley William Carmalt- Jones, M.B. Oxf., 78, VVimpole-street. ^v.

Alfred Charles Coles, M.D. Edinb., Yo7'k Honse, Pooh'-road, Bournemouth.

George Alexander Finlayson, M.B. Aberd., Singa- j)ore.

Frederick Liicien Golla, M.B. Oxf, 30, Harley- street. w.

George Hall, M,D. Lond., 9, Ellison-place, Nevr- castle-on-Tyne.

Frederick William Higgs, M.B. Lond., 0, Hertford- street, Mayfair. w.

Walter William Moore, M.B. New Zealand, PvMic Hospital, Napier, Neu) Zealand.

Owen Thomas Williams, M.D. Lond., 42, Rodney- street, Liverpool.

Julius Meyer Bernstein, M.B. Lond., 10, JBerdinck- street. w.



Wilfrid Edgecombe, M.D. Lond., Victoria-avenni\

Harrogate. Daniel Cffisar O'Connell Finigaii, M.D. Berlin, 2,

Woodville-voad, Ealing, w. Archibald Montague Henry Gray, M.D. Lond.^

30, New w. Thomas Lewis, M.D. Lond., 58«, Wimpole- street.

w. Newman Neild, M.B. Vict., 9, Richmond-hill, Clifton,

Bristol. Clifford Sidney "White, M.D. Lond., 49, Wimpole-

street, w. Arthm^ Wellesley Falconer, M.D. Aberd., 18, Bon

AcGord-aven ue. Aberdeen. Vincent .SatlierJand Hr,dson, M.B. Oxf., Athara,

Sudan. Bernard Hudson, M.D. C■^in\h. , Davoz Flat z, Switzer- land. Harold Charles Cony Mann, M.D. Lond., S,

St. Thomas' s-streef. s^.e, Beginald Henry Miller, M.D. Lond., 53, Queen

Anne-street, w. Harold Pritcliard, M.D. Lond., 11, WelbecJc-street,

w. Ernest Athole Boss, M.D. Camb., 54, Nevern-square,

s.w. George Maclver Campbell Smith, M.B. Aberd.,

Indian Medical Service. Frank Edward Tylecote, M.D. Vict., Royal In-

jirmary. Ma nchestcr. Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson, M.B. Edinb.,

63, Wimpole-street. w. Maurice Alan Cassidy, M.D. Camb., >S'^. Thomas's

IJospital. s.e. Cliarles Wilberforce Daniels, M.B. Camb., London

School of Tro/iical Medici r^e, Albert Docks. E. Samuel Ernest Dore, M.D. Camb., 2G, Xeta

Cavendish- street, w. John Prescott Hedley, M.B. Camb., 11, John- street, Berkeley -sqncxre. w.

50 MEMBEllS.

1907 Reginald Charles Jewesbury,M.B. Oxf., 10, Chandos- street, Cavendish-square, w.

Herbert William George Macleod, M.D. Edinb., 17,

Up2'^er Wivipole-. street, w. George Basil Price, M.D. Lond., 53, Devo7ishire-

street. w. Robert Frazer Standajje, Bangalore, S. India. Harold Waterlow Wiltshire, M.B. Camb., 30, Wei-

beck-street, w. *Charles Edwin Percy Forsyth, M.B. Aberd., 6,

Dalton-road, Liscard, Clteshire.

1908 Jehaniiir Cawasjee Balsara, 12, Princess street, Bombay, India.

Hector Charles Cameron, M.B. Camb., 6, St. Thomas s-street. s.E.

Carey Franklin Coombs, M.D. Lond., 74, St. Paid's- road, Clifton, Bristol.

John Gallic Fraser, M.B. Edinb., " Caa-an-Righ" Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Charles Edward Iredell, M.D. Lond., 41, Devonshire- street. \y.

John Owen, M.D. Lond., 13, Rodney-st., Liverpool.

Herbert Chavasse Squires, M.B. Oxf., Richmond, Surrey.

Henry Letlieby Tidy, M.B. Oxf., 26,Harley-street. w.

Godfrey de Bee Turtle, M.D. Durh., 18, Cambridge- terrace, Hyde Park. ^y.

Rupert Waterhouse, M.D. Lond., 128, Gay -street, " Bath.

John William W^atson, Indian Medical Service.

Robert Alexander Ghisholm, M.B. Oxf., 16, Wey- mouth-street. av.

James Clark, M.D. Aberd., Sorn, Ayrshire, N.B.

Thomas Bogie Hamilton, M.B. Edinb., Court of Appeal, Cairo.

Eardley Lancelot Holland, M.D. Lond., 92, Portland- 2^lace. w.

James Mackenzie, M.D. Edinb., 17, Bentinck-st. w.

* Diploma resigned April, 1906; restored October, 1907.




Alexander Manuel, M.B. Lond., 14, Clargcs-street, Mcujfair. w.

Richard John Morris, M.D. Durh., Southfield, Har- rogate.

John Norman Walker, Indian Medical Service.

George Bidie, M.B. P]dinb., 9, Pcdl Mcdl. s.w.

Stanley William Eandolph Colyer, M.D. Lond., Savile-place, Halifax.

Stanley Dodd, M.B. Camb., 11, Wimpole-street. w.

John Foster Gaskell, M.B. Camb., The Uplands, Gi^eat She/ ford, Cambridge.

Kenneth Harrison Alloa Kelhe, M.B. Camb., 2, Chester-gate, Regent's Park. n.w.

Charles Paget Lapage, M.D. Vict., 20, St. John's street, Manchester.

Alfred Goodman Levy, M.D. Lond., 2, Manchester- square, w.

Alfred Parkin, M.D. Durh., 56, Jesmond-road, Newcastle-on- Tyne.

Albert Piamsbottom, M.D. Vict., 2, St. Peters-square^ Manchester.

John Clark W^ilson, M.D. Edinb., 18, College- crescent, Fitzjohns-avenue. N.w.

Hugh Tuke Ashby, M.B. Camb., 13, St. John- street, MancJiester.

Haldinstein David Davis, M.B. Oxf., 9, Portman- street. w.

Harold Benjamin Day, M.D. Lond., Cairo, Egypt.

Gordon Morgan Holmes, M.D. Dubl., 25, New Cavendish-street, w.

Charles Ernest Lakin, M.D. Lond., Middlesex Hos- pitcd. w.

Archibald Currie MacGilchrist, M.D. Edinb., Indian Medical Service.

Otto May, M.B. Camb., 15, Harley-street, Caven- dish-square. AV.

Wm. Southwick Willmore, Indian Medical Service.

George Augustus Auden, M.D. Camb., Education Offices, Birmingham.



1909 Francis William Clark, M.I). Diirh., Samlarij Department, llonq Konq. John Frederick Halls Dally, M.D. Canib., 11,

Devonshire- street, w. Robert McCarrison, M.D. Eoy. Univ. Irel., c/o Messrs. Cook and Sons, lAidf/ate-circns. e.c.

Edward Fretson Skinner, M. D. Camb., 309, Fulwuod- road, Shefpeld.

Arthur Lionel' Hall Smith, M.B. Camb., IG, Neii; Cavendish-street, w.

James Aubrey Torrens, M.B. Lond., 30, South- street, Park-lane. w.

^Alfred James Pace Oxley, M.D. Dublin, 5, Kensbnj- ton-square. w.

Clifford Beards, M.B. OxiJ.ondon Fever Hospitcd. X.

Edward Alfred Cockayne, M.B. Oxf., 10, Cambridge- square, Hyde Park. w.

Donald Ehiis Cure, M.B. Vict., Withington, Man- chester.

Wilham Griffith, M.B. Vict., 1, C^iester-gate, Negenfs Park. n.w.

Frederick Gowland Hopkins, M.B. Lond., Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Leonnrd George Joseph Mackey, M.D. Birmg., .'il, N eir hall -.street, Birmingham.

Percy Whittington Saunders, M.B. Toronto, National Hospital, Queen-square, w.c.

Henry Charles Gustavus Semon, M.B. Oxf., c/o Messrs. Grindhiy and Co., 54, Parliament- street, s.w.

Arthur Stanley Woodwark, M.D. Lond., 14, Old Cavendish-street, ^y.

Edwin Greaves Fearnsides, M.B. Camb., London Hospital. E.

Wm. Errington Hume, M.B. Camb., 0, St. Marys- place, Neivcastle-on-Tyne.

James Lindsay, M.D. Etlinb., 24, Dennett-street, Bath.

* Diploma resigned 1896, re-granted 1909.


1909 Henry MacCoimao, M.B. Edin., Middlesex Ilospitrd.

Walter Maiden, M.D. Camb., 58, Lemfield-road ,

Cambridge. Arthur Hallowes Miller. M.B. Camb., 4, Benefs-

2ylare, Caiuhridrjp. Patrick Thomas O'Sullivan, ]\1.D. Eov. Univ. Irel..

20, South Mall, Corh. ' Leonard Greo-orv Parsoap. M.D. Lond., Reedham

Parh, Purleij. Ivy Evelyn Woodward, M.D. Lond., 12, West

CromiveJl-road. s.w. Wm. David Keyworth, M.B. C;imb., c/o Messrs.

Grindlay and Co.. Calcutta, India. Charles Joseph Singer, M.B. Oxf., 4, Glouce.ster-

teirace, Faddi/u/tori. vr. *Thomas Hillier Chittenden, M.D. Durh, 25,

Ovington-square , Chelsea, s.w.

Tolol Number of Meiubors. 479.

Diploma resigned 1908, resfored 1?09.




1854 1857

James Yaughan Hugliss, M.D. St. Andr., Hemel

Hemj^stead. Lawrence Thomas Griffin, Killarney, Ireland. Edwyn John Slade King, M.D. Edinb., Bicksleighs-

comhc Down, Ilfracomhe.



Aaron, David Jacob (Chowiy Muthu), Hill Grove, Wells, Somerset,

Abadjian, Alexander Tateosian, TIarleij College, Bow. e.

Abbot, James Arthur, 211, Ihjde Park-road, Leeds.

Abbott, Francis Charles, M.B, Lond., Bletcldngly.

Abbott, Frederic William, 141, Bedford Hill, Balham. s.w.

Abbott, George, Tunhridge Wells.

Abbott, Horatio "White, GO, Jackson-road, liollowag. x.

Abbott, James Edward, Bramlei/, Leeds.

Abbott. Samuel Franklin, M.D. West. I'niv. Ont., London, Ontario,

Abbott. William Louis, Philadelphia, United States.

Abcarius, Joseph John, London Hospital, k.

Abel, Horace Marshall, 10, King's Bench Walk. e.g.

Abercrombie,Rodolph George, ^F.B. Camb., Middelburg, TransvL

Abraham, Richard Bernard Chadlington Charlhnrg, Oxford.

Abrahams, Adolphe, 30, Rutland-road, Bedford.

Abram, George Stewart, M.B. Camb., Reading.

Ackery. Edward Faulkuor, 11, Queen Anne-srreet. vr.

Ackland, Charles Herbert, Poole-road, Bournemouth.

Acklaud, Charles Kingsley, Bideford.

Ackland, Donald, Gag-street, Bath.

Ackhmd, Robert, 54, Brook-street, vr.

Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke, Christchirch, New Zealand.

Aclaud, John Henry Dyke, Beira, Portuguese S. Africa.

Acland, John Musgrave, 22, Chichele-road, Cricklewood.

Acorab, John, M.B. Lond., York.

Acoml), Leonard Ernest, Clgtha Park, Newport, Mon.

Acres, George Charles Johnston. 77, Falcon-road, Clapham.,

Acton, Charles James, Wangford, Suffolk.

Acton, Hugh Wm., Indian Medical Service.

Adam, Caleb Denovan, 31, Fernhead-road, St. Peter s-park. w.

Adam, Edward Morison, 48, The Manor House, Marglehone-rd,


Adam, George Heniy, West Mailing-place, Kent.

Adam, Stanley Denovan. 31, FernJitad-road, Maida-hill. w.

Adam, Thomas, County Hall, Wakefeld.

Adams, Alfred, M.B. Uxf., West Looe, Cornwall.

Adams, Arthur James Bowman, Springwell, Barnes, s.w.

Adams, Arthur Reginald, Gujfs /Iof:pital. s.E.

Adams, Edmund Weaver, Church-street, Slough.

Adams, Edwarti Coker, Lokoja, North Nigeria, West Africa.

Adams, Eustace Henry, The Villas, Stoke-on-I'rent. <i~'^

Adams, Evelyn George Beadon, M.B Lond., Martock, Somerset.

Adams, Evelyn Lancelot, M.B. Lond., \l^, North-end, W. Croydon^

Adams. George Basil Doyne, M.B. Camb., King Edward Vll

Sanatorium, Midhurst. Adams, Gofton Gee, Rogal Arnvj Medical Coips.



Adams, Harold Cotterell, Poifjnton.

Adiiiiis, Harry, Welliiii/ton, Nfw Zca/<iiitl.

Adams, Ileniy Cvril, Naval Medical Service.

Adams, James Wilmot, Ea>^tboitrne.

Adams, Joliii, 18i>, Ahkv.-iiiah'-^lred. e.g.

Adams, Joseph Ebeiiezer, ISI.B. f/oni., 61, Wimpole-street. w.

Adams, Melville MortunL-r, (/ni/'s Iloapitul. s k.

Adams, Peicy P^dward, M.D. Loud., Ilarttcy Wintneij, Winchfteld.

Adams, Pliili|i Edward Ilumer, Oxford.

Adams, Wm. Francis, Ii'iiilei<//i, Es-<ex.

Adamson, James Weedeii Woodliams, Lee-on-the-Soleiit, Hunts.

Adcock, George Robert, TanstaH, Stole-on- Trent.

Adileiibrooke, Bertram, M.I). Diirli.,.Sl, Mill-street, Kidderminxte?:

Addey, Wm. Fielding, M.D. Lond., Lower Addiicombe-ivad,

Croj/doii. Addinsell, John Howard. Surhiton. Addison, CJhristopher, M.D. Lond., Examiner (1000), 2, Tlanorer-

terrace. N.w. Addison, Eld red Arthur, Coddenham, Ipswich. Addison, Hugh Cecil, Bro.vbourne^ Herts. Addison, Joseph Bartlett, Mahe\ Sc\t/chelles. Addison, Oswald Lacy, M.B. Lond., 55a, Welbech-street. av. Addisoii, "William Bragg, M.B. Cam!)., Thornton Heath., Surrei/. Adcney, (ireorge Cuthbert, M.B.Lond., JVhallei/ Range, Manchestei'. Adie, Alexander James, Hampden House. N.w. Adkins, Albert James, M.D. Lond., Tunbrid'je Wells. Adkins, George, Exeter.

Adlei', James Elrick, 53, Pi/rland-road, Canonbury. N. Adler, Magnus, aS7. John-street, llanlcji. Agar, Morley Frederick, G8, Wimpole-street. w. Ag'ate, Henry St. Aruaud, 9, King Edward-mansions, Charing

Cross-road. w.c. Agnew, Edward Dalton, Bishop's Stortford. Agnew, Colville Smith, Ibstock, Leicester. Ahearne, Joseph, Townsville, Queensland. x^hlswede, Oscar Jacob Louis, Hamburg. Ahrens, Henry Augustus, Basingstoke.

Aikin, \Villiam Arthur, ()6, Bi'dford-gardens, Kensington. \y. Aikins, William Henry, M.B. Toronto, 50, College-street, Toronto. Ainger, Wm. Biadshaw, 17, Moorgate-street. e.g. Ainscow, James, Lice, Wigan. Ainsworth, Herbert Pearson, Marden, Kent, Ainsworth, Hugh, M.B. Vict., Indian Medical Service. Ainsworth, Raipli Bignell, Roipd Army Medical Corps. Ainsworth, Richard, Lotulwater, Hi'/h Wycombe. Air, Alexander Cummings, 205, Selhnrst-road, South Xorwood.


Air, Samuel Henry Cummings, M.B. Lond., 205, Sdhurst-road,

S'nith Norwood. s.E. Aird, Thomas Wilson, Wallington, Carshalton. xlirth, George Leslie, M.D. Toronto, Shelburne, Ontario, Canada.



Aitchison, Cliarles Umplierston, M.D, Oxf., 9, Ih-uijtoii-terrace,

S. Kensington, s.w. Aitken, Robert Youno:, M.D. G\a,B., bo^Preston Ncic-rd.. Blackburn. Akers, William Dutton, Hove, Sussex. Alban, Edg-ar, M.B. Loud., Liiidjield, Ilai/icards Heath. Albert, James Valek, 49, Sloane-street. s.w. Albury, Joseph Baird, Nassau.i N.P., Bahamas. Alcock, Fi'ank, Mai/ Bank, Stoke-on-Trent. Alcock, Georg-e Herbert, Hi/jhains-park, Chinr/ford. n.e. Alderman, Harry Cole, Ty-Croes, Halifax.

Alderson, Fredk. Herbert, M.B. Durh., 21, Queen's Gafe-ter. s.w. Alderson, Gerald Graham, 5, Grosvenor-villas, Newcastle-on- Ttjne. Alderson. Percy Francois, Naval 3fedical Service. Alderson, Win. Seaforth, Old-road, Leeds. Alderton, Herbert Charles, Barnoldswick, Leeds. Alderton, Thomas Guiitou. 82, Hammersmith-gmve. ^\. Aldous, Georg-e Frederick, Phjinouth.

Aldred, ^Vilf^•id Asiiwell, Lanheevnr, Wroxham, Norwich. Alilren, Bertram Cecil lt(^bert, 42, Biistol-road, Binninr/liani. Aldridg-e, Arthur Wm., M.B. Durh., Northfiekl, Birminf/ham. Aldridg-e, Aug-ustus Henry, South Pender Lsland, Victoria, B.C.,

Canada. Aldridg-e, Charles, M.D. Aberd., Plympton. Aldridg-e, Charles Braxton Mooring-, We>^i()ver, Bournemouth. Aldridge, Frederick James, Kni//hton, Leicester. Alexander, Alfred, Bnxted, Sussex.

Alexandei-, Edward Heniy, M.B. Edin., Duuedin, New Zealand. Alexander, Fredei'ick Hugh, jNf.B. Lond., Littlelaimptun. Alexander Gervase i>isney, Blackwall, Halifax. Alexander, Herbert, Church Hill, Walthamstow. n.e. Alexander, Kenneth Bush. M.B. Lond., 6'w/',s- Hospital, s.e. Alexander, Wm. Arthur, South Chingford, Essex. Alford, Cyril Wolrig-e, M.D. Lond., Chelmsford. Alford, Ernest Francis Rimiug-ton, Weston-super-Mare. x\^lford, Herbert Thomas Marmaduke, Weston-sujur-Mare. xVli, Subhan, Agra.

Allan, Alexander William, M.D. Brussels, Skegness, Lincolnshire. Allan, Doiig-las, Sunaerland.

Allan, Edward BuUer, M.D. Lond., Ilfaldon, Victoria, Australia. Allan, Herbert AVilliam, Wells, Somerset. Allan, James Hugh Brodie, M.D. McGill, DFontreal, Canada. Allen, Ciiarles Percival, Gillingham. Dorset. Allen, Charles Wm., 40, Fortune Green-road, W. Hampstead. n.w, Allen, Frank James. M.D. Camb., Cambridge. Allen, James Lymi, M.B. Camb., Kelvedon Common, Brentwood. Allen, Lancelot Lloyd, North Paramatta, New South Wales. Allen, Richard Clayton, Rirersdale, Belper. Allen, Sydney Chalmers, M.D. N.Z., Wellington, Neio Zealand. Allen, Thomas, Branksome, Bourtiemouth. Allen, Thomas Percival, //oifarcZ, Queensland. Allen, Vernon, Liss.



Allen, AValter Henry, Jfiir.<t-/iill, lUistnu.

Allen, William Arthur, i\J,B. T()r()nto, Ontario, Canada.

Allen, Williuni Herbert, M.B. Canib., Derhij.

Alles, Enmiauuel Castan, J^7, Alcxandra-rd., Finxhnrii-pk. x.w,

Alleyne, Evelyn Addison VVentworth, 210, Harrow-road. w.

Allford, Hy. Geo. Ijynwood, 29, Coruical/is-f/ardcn.f, 1 fastings.

Allfrey, Frederic Henry, INI.B. Camb., SoutJiwick, Sussex.

Allin, kdg-ar William, M.D. 'J'rin. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Allin, Norman George, M.I). Toronto, 42, Fi-eni(intle-rd.,Jhisfol..

Alliiigliam, Harry Reginald. M.H. Lond., Reifjate.

AllingliHm, Walter, Orseit, Graijs.

Alliott, Ivicliard, liams(jaie.

Allison, Godfrey Fredk. Kly, M.B. Lond., Petersjield.

Allnutt, Edward Bruce, Jlitchin, Herts.

Allott, Harold Wordsworth Leach, Fie Id/iead, Hoi/ land. Biirnsleij,

Allott, Jolin Ernest Cecil, York-road, Southend, Essex.

Allport, Alfred, 28a, Moorr/ate-strcet. e.C.

AUport, Evett Gordon, Port Espeiancc, Dover., Tasmania.

Allport, John Philip.

AUport, Roland Harrison, Hiyh-road, Lour/Jiton, Essex.

Allport, Wilfrid, M.B. Lond., Haadswoi-t/i, Birminghaut.

Allworth, Alfred Leig'h, Parliament House, Peckham. s.k.

Almas, William Edwin, 8, Guiljhrd-place. w.c.

Alment, Edward AVhyte, Abbot's Langle/i, Hertford.

Almond, George Hely-Hutchinson, 27, Queen' s-square, Bath.

Alpin, William Geoi'ge Patrick. Abridge, Essex.

Alquire, Alexander Ross, M.D. McGill, Comical/, Ontario, Canada,

Alsop. Clement, Naral Medical Service.

Alston, Hugh, M.D. Brussels, West Kirbi/. Cheshire.

Alston, John Averell, Union-street, Cape Town.

Althorp, Charles Fredk. Manning, M.B. Lond., Bradford.

Alvares, Nicolas Sautana, Colralle, East Indies.

Amarasuriya, Charles, Dolosbnge, Ceylon.

Ambler, Fr;incis Barlow, M.B. Lond., United Provinces, India.

Ambi'ose, Alfred Cole, Qini, Cambridge.

Ambi'ose, Alfred Parker, 27, South-side, Clapham Common, s.w,

Ambrose, George Patrick, G!), Queen's-road, Dalston. n.e.

Ambrose, William Cole, Barnt Green, Worcester.

Amenabar, Julio Daniel. Valparaiso, Chili.

Anisden, (Jeoi-ge, M.B. Edinb., Essex County Asylum, Brentwood.

Amsden, Walter, Potters Bar.

Amsler. Albert Maurice, M.B. Lond., 39, High-street, Eton.

Anderson, Alexander Charles, 80, Christ Church-road, Tulse

Hill. S.E.

Anderson, iVrthur, M.B. Vict., Warrington.

Anderson, Arthur Ponsonby Moore, M.B. Camb., WoodstocJcy

Cape Town. Anderson, Cauldwell Hamilton, Kalgoorlie, W. Australia. Anderson, C'harles Alexander, Sandwich, Kent. Anderson, Charles Ernest, 19, Spencer-road, Chiswick. w. Anderson, Charles Macdonell, M.D. Edin., 1, Elm-pk-grdns. s.w.



1896 Anderson. Clias. Thompson, Cope Town, South Africa. 1834 Anderson, Daniel Elie. 5, harlet/street. w. 1889 ; Anderson, Ernest Cliester. D.S.O., Roji/ol Armi/ Medical Corps. 1888 Anderson, Georg-e Reinliardt. oG, Hcghton-street., Southpnrt. 1899 Anderson, Harry Bertram, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. ., j Anderson, Henry Georg-e Sidley, Bramliall., Chei^kirv.

Anderson, James, M.I). Toronto, Ihnnilton, Canada.

Anderson, James Robert, Charters Towers, Queensland.

Anderson, John Buckle, linyai Armij Medical Corps.

Anderson, Jolin Sewell, Willerby, Hull.

Anderson, Kenneth, M.B. I.ond.. Ban'iell, Somerset.

Anderson, .\laurk-e Clare Bielefeld, Winfrith, horsef.

Ander>on. Richard Walker, Si/denham, Canterbunj, New Zealand.

Anderson. Roberl. Birri/ St. Kdmnnds.

Aiulersou. Robert Grenville, Eoi/al Arini/ Medical Corps.

Anderson, Wm. James. Ilflstun, Cornwall.

Anderson, Wm. Maurice, M.D. Lond., Indian Jfedical Serrice.

Anderson, William Monro, 14, Hunover-square. w.

Anderton, Win. Bury, M.B. Lond., Bidsbm-ii. Afanchester.

Andre, James Edward Eelix, sidleshain, Chichester,

Andreae, Harry, 479, Fnlhaniroad. s.w.

Andrew, Alfred John, 7,^. Cardiff'.

Andrew, Bennet [iarvey, M.D. Duih., Thame..

Amlrevv, Edwyn Gaved, M.D. Brussels, St. Austell.

Andrew, Francis William. 1, BanLside, Hendon. n.w.

Andrew, George, M.D. Durh., 5, Moatpelier-cresceat, Brighton.

Andrew, Henry, 29, East Southernhat/. Exeter.

Andrew, Philip Oswald, AV/*o», A'e/r Zealand.

Andrews, Alexander Gordon, N^aral Medical Service.

Andi'ews, Archibald George, Moss-lane Juist, Mancliester.

Andrews, Heni-y Arthur, Tonbridc/e.

Andrews. James Al lord, 77 frtM Drive, Finchleij-road. N.w.

Andrews. Samuel, Basinfistoke.

Angear, Frederick Cliaries.

Angior, Frederick Leigh, 220, Gidlow-lane, Wigan.

Ang'ioi', Thomas Matthews, Slandishgate, Wigan.

Angus, Henry Brunton. M.B. Durh., N eiccastle-on-Tyne.

Ankh'saria, Kekobad Co.vasjn, cjo Messrs. King ^ Co., 6.'^, Cornhdl. E.C.

Anklesaria, Manekjee Dhanjishaw, c/o Messrs. Tho?nas Cook 4' Son, Ludgate Circus. K.c.

Anley, Fi-ederick Eustace, Naval Medical Service.

Annacker, Ernest, M.D. Berlin, 342, Oxford-road, Manchester.

Annand, Wm. t'raser. M.D. Lond., 9, Lichfield-road, Stajford.

Anning-, Geoi'g-e Paul, Kirlcstall, Leeds.

Aimingson, Thirkell, ^i/^r'// Park-road, Great Grimsbjj.

Aunis, Ernest George, Westcombe Park-mad, Blackhea'h. s.k.

Ausari, .Mukhtar Ahmed, 39, Tavist ock-square. w.c.

Anson, Georg-e Edward, M.D. Camb., Wellington, New Zealand.

Ansorge, William John, 12, Addison-road, Bedford-park. v/.

Austey-Chave, Thomas, M.B. Lond., Bute Docks, Cardijf.



1903 Antlioiiisz, Edward Ore}', Roijul Armij Medical Corps. 18'J7 Anthony, Frederic, Bamsburij, IIiiiKjfrfonl.

1907 Apperly, Kayinond Ebenezer, 20. St. Georges-road, Regent's

Park. N,w.

1884 Appleford, Stephen ITerbort, 17., Finsbury-circus. e.C.

1888 Applegate, Jolm Williatn, Dewshury.

,, Appleton, James Enderhy, Poole-road, Bournemo^ith.

1904 Appleton, Roy, M.D. Vict., The Bar House, Beverley.

1894 Appleyard, Francis Edward, M.B. Camb., Salisbury, Rhodesia.

19(17 Appleyard, James, 3, Clifton-rilla!>.^ Bradford.

1903 Appleyard, William, M.B. Lond., General Hospital, Wolver-


1900 Arang-o, Mig-uel, M.D., Bogota, Ba rranquiUa, Colombia.

1892 Arathoon, Hilary Charles, Naval Medical Service.

1900 Arbuthnot, Thomas Shaw, M.D., Columbia, New York.

1904 Arch, Arthur James, Coventry.

1909 Archer, Charles William, Windlesham, Bournemouth.

1867 Archer, Herbert Ray, M.D. Lond., Saumarez, Jersey.

1894 Archer, Samuel Arthur, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1892 Archer, Stafford Lewis, 38, llill/ield-rnad, Hampstead. n.w.

1909 Archer, Tom Chamney Russell, 170, Lambeth-road. p.e.

1905 Archibald, Richard James, 23, Crockerton-road, Wandsworth

Common, s.w.

1903 Argles, Ernest Edward, 74, Oxjord-terrace, Hyde Park. av.

1892 Argyle, Stanley Seymour, M.B. Melb., Kew, Victoria, Australia.

1907 Aris, Frederick Wui., M. I). Mont., New Works, Limtead, .famaica. 1899 Arkie, Alexander Septimus, 24, Rodney-street, Liverpool.

1902 Arkle, James Vere, Kaigoorlie, W. Australia. 1894 Ariner, Alfred, M.D. Lond., Tanybryn, Barmouth.

Armit, Henry William, Wembley. Middlesex.

1905 Armitage, Charles Ernest Augustus, Vd,Nicoll-rd.,Harlesden. x.w.

1884 Armitage, Edward Harris, M.D. Durli., Hawaiian Islands.

1908 Armitage, Frank Rhodes, M.B. Camb., Onndle.

1903 Armitage, John James, Salisbury.

1896 Armson, Charles James, Yoxall, Burton-on-Trent.

1892 Armstead, Hugh \Vell.«, M.D. Lond., 30, Queensborough-terr. w. 1907 Armstrong, Arthur Keith, Monmouth.

1886 Armstrong-, George Samuel

1896 Armstrong, Harry Frederick William, Upper Richmond-road. s.w.

1885 Armstrong, Hugh, Tamwnrth, New South Wales.

1909 Armstrong, Richard liohins, 55, Grauville.-pnrk. s.e. 1903 Armstrong, Walter Seymour, Burqess Hill, Sussex.

1889 Armstrong-, Wilfrid Ernest Arbuthnot, Indian Medical Service. 1907 Armstrong-Dash, Charles James, M.Ji. Lond., Ottershaiv, Surrey..

1887 Arnim, Henry Charles Leffler. Indian Medical Service.

Arnison. Wm. Drewett, M.D. Durh., 2, Saril/e-place, Newcastle- on-Tyne.

1886 Arnold, Ernest Charles, M.B. Durh., Forest-hill. s.e. 1907 Arnold, Frederick Octavius, M.B. Camb., Hale, Cheshire.

1893 Arnold, Gilbert James, The Towers, 2'orquay.


Arnold-Wiilling-er, Robert Nasmyth, Writtle, Chelmsford. Aruott, Sandford, 14G, Brief on-road. s.w. Aniott, William, M.B. Loml., Bei-er/e>/. Arnnuld, Loris Arthur, If/afpoun, India. Arlhur, Francis, 'll?, Bethiud Green-road. e. Arthur, Joseph Ilug-h, M,D. Lend.. 404, Commercial-road. e. Arthur. William. Government Emigration Service. Ascough, Matthew Thomas, Romileii, Stockport. Ash, Alfred Edwin, M.D. Vict., Jliijli-sfreet, Ifouiton. Ash, BeT-keley Noel, 2, Parkhill-road, Ilampstead. n.w. Ash, Edwin Lancelot, M.D. Lond., oO, Harleij-street. "w. Ash. Perc7 Ivoberts, 73, Wrir/Zit-street, Hull. Ashby, Edg-ar, 5>>. Boot/tam, York. Ashby, Thomas Harry, M.B. Toronto,

Ashdowiie, Wallace Cha.s. George. 39. Devonshire-street, w. Ashe, Frank, Roi/al Armi/ Medical Corp.<<. Ashe, William Percy, M.D. Durh., 95, Chchea-gardens. s.w. Ashford, Claude Henry, o, Lan.sdowne-place, Plymouth. Ashford, Wm., Topsham, Devon. Ashley, Herbert Ernest, Strafford, Essex. Ashley, Martin, M.B. Lond., W est on-sti per- Mare. Ashley, Sydney Dukes. 134, Brixton-hitl. s.w. f Ashmore-Noakes, Saml. Silverthorne, M.D. Wash., A7c'e, France. Asliton, George. M.D. Vict., Falloiv/ield, Manchester. Ashton, John Hilton, Duke-street^ SoiUliport, Lanes. Ashton, Joseph, M.D. Lond.. *SV. John's-hilt, BaHersea. s.w. Ashwin, Richard Hamilton,. ^[.D. Lond., Market Weighton, Forks. Ashworth, John Wallwork, Ifeafon Moor, Stockport. Ash worth, Percy, M.D. Lond., '2Q>, Albert-road, Southport. Askham. Hugh Lowrie, Dovercourt, Essex. Aslett, William Stacey, 296, Clarendon- park-road, Leicester. Aspiiiwall, John Fiillerton. Marsden, Huddersfield. Asplaud, AVm. Harold Gi'aham, M.D. Toronto, /S'neim^o//, Notting- ham. Asplin, Wm. Reginald Ward, 18, Lupus-st., Sf. George's-sq. s.w. Astbury, Thomas, Market Bo>iworth, Leicestershire, Aston, Richard Henry, Ashford, Middlesex. Atal, Pundit Piaraylal, Indian Medical Service. Atcherley, John, X. Kona, Hawaii.

Atchley ,Edward G odf rey Cuthbert Frederic, TyndalVs-pk., Brislol. Atkey, Oliver Francis Haynes, M.B. Lond., Wimbledon, s.w. Atkey, Percy James, Southampton. Atkin, Charles, Eiulclife Croft, Sheffield. Atkins, Charles Alfred. Royal Army Medical Service. Atkins, Frank Robert Lowth, Loughborough. Atkins, Fredk. Duruford, M.B. Durh., Dove, Sheffield. Atkins, George Ernest, Wombwell, Barnsley. Atkins, John, M.B. Lond., o9. Addison-gardens. w. Atkins, John Francis, ]\LB. Birin . Ilandsworth, Birmingham.

* Formerly Wallinger, liobert Nasmyth Arnold, t Formerly Noakes, Samuel Silverthorie.



Atkinson, Artlmr Edward, Mo)iiham, U;j>in(lt, E. Africa. Atkinson, Ait.liur (rooi-g-o, 27, Liinhnm-road, Upper Nor icood. s.k. Atkinson, Cliarles Mason. Ash/'ord. Kent. Atkinson, Kdward [jeicestcr. Naval .\fe<lical Scrrice. Atkinson, J]nocli Turner. M.I), Toronto, iiarr/e, OiiPirin, Canada. Atkinson, Francis Edward, Settle. YorL-shire Atkinson, Frederick Ilolgafe, M.D. Lond., Grimsbii. Atkiiison, George James Smith, 104, Tdteahall-road, ]V (d rev- It am pton. Atkinson, (ieorg-e Louis, /Linipfon-lnll, Middlesex. Atkinson. Henry Lawrence, Kirl stall, Leeds. Atkinson, Hugh Norman Crowley, Auckland-road., Upper

Nortvood. s.E. Atkinsoii, Jackson Arthur, Knareshoroiuih. Atkinson, John Lee, cjo Dr. .lo'lye, Doninrjton, Spalding. Atkinson, John Parkinson, fjiintfin. Deoonsltire. Atkinson. John Parkinson, M.I). Glasg-., Sajfron Walden. Atkinson, Samuel Ernest, Os(/atliorpe, Louffhborouf,h. Atteiihorough, Wilfrid Godwin. M.B. Lond., Strawberry-liill. Atthill, Frank, Great lientlej/, Colchester.

Attlee. Cecil Knight, 153, Heeclicroft-road, Upper Tooting, s.w. Attlee, John, M.D. Canih.. G;'), Grosvenor-street. "W. Attlee, Wilfrid Henry Waller, M.D. Camh., High-street, Eton. Attwater, Flarry Lawrence, Gii/fs Hospital. s.E. Attwood, Richard Denton, Barleij, Roi/ston, Herts. Aubin, Emile Dupont, M.H. Lond., Ponsonhg-rd., Auckland, N.Z. Aubrey, Geo. Ernesr, i\LD- Loud., Hong Kong, China. Aubrey, Harold Perceval), 40, Curzon-street, Magfair. av. Aubrey, Sydney Ernest, The Berea^ Durban, Natal. Aubrey, Thomas, M. B. Lond., Bitton, Bristol. Andland, William, Wellinf/borongh.

Austen, Harold William Colmer, M.D. Lond., 129, Harley-st. v,'. Austen, Thomas, Naval Medical Service. Austin, Elfred Chalmers, Broughton, Astleg, Rugby. Austin, Herbert Ward, Royal Anny Medical Corps. Austin, James Herbert, Toronto. Ouiario, Canada^ Austin, John Staines, i\LB. Birm., Mosdey, Birmingham. Austin, Lorimer John, M.B. Camb., Clifton, Bristol. Austin, Neville Henry, Lingfield, Surrey.

Austin, Reginald Francis Edmund, Royal Army Medical Corps. Auty, Cliarles ILarley, llarlcsden. N.w. Aveline, Henry Talbot Sidney, M.D. Durh., Asylum, Cotjord,

T'annton. Aveling, Charles James, 88, Clapton-common, n.e. Aveling, Kenneth John, SS, Clapton- common, n.e. Aveling, Leslie Baldwin, M.B. Camb., Roytou, Lancashire. Avery. John, 54, Fitz-George-avenue, Kensington, w. Avery, John Stanley, M.B. Lond., Friory-road, Clifton, Briitol. *Avery, Leonard Avery, 19, Charles-street, Berkeley-square. \y.

* Formerly Grimes, Leonard Avery.



Avis.?, AVilliam George, Arwij Medical Service.

Awdrv, Arthur John, Bevheleii, Glo'icestersldre.

Axford, Sidney IJertrara, Te Aroha, New Zealand.

Aylen, Ernest Vaug-lian, T^o;/al Armj Medical Corps.

Aylen, John, Haiesa-orth, Sujfhli:

Aylward, Edward Bailcv, //areirood, Leeds.

Aylward, Walter Charles, Timbridge Wells.

Aj'mard, John Law. Pibirim's Rest, Tiansvaal.

Ayre, Frederick John, 2l9,iVe/r Kinfjs-i oad, Parson^s Green, s.w.

Baber, Edward Creswell, M.B. Lond., G2, Broo'-street. av,

Babing'ton, Staidey Noel, Taichmc, A^inf/pn, Mid-China.

Bacba. Ardeshir Pestonji, 1 G, Trebocir-road, KarVs Cnurr. s.w.

Back,lvnr (jordon, M.B. Camb., 14, Clarges-sb'eet. ^y.

Backlioiise, Charles Fenwick, ^7. Ires. Curnwall.

Bacon, Robert Alfred Edward, Bitterne Park, Sonthtnnpion.

Bacot, William Georg-f*. M.D. St. Andr., Marlboro -rond^ Bournemouth.

Bacque, William Jules. Balh.

Badciick, Austin Lewis, M.B. L'>nd.. 10. Buckinfjham-pl.. Brighton^

Badcock, Charles ILdford, 148, Cro.rted-road, Dtilicic/i. s.k.

Badcoi-k, Frnest Heginahl. '2!0, West-hill, Wandsicorth. w.

Badcock, Henry John Francis, GiUiugham, Kent.

Badcock, John Henry, 140, llarleii-street. av.

Badger, Arthur Ro-^coe. Berliswt'll, Warwickshire.

Badgerow, George Washington, M.B. Toronto, G4, Brook-st. \x.

Badhani, Robert Charles, Mosmans Bay, New South Wales.

Bagnall, Samuel Freeman.

Bagsiiawe, Arthur Wm. Gairard, M.B. Camb., Shirland, North- wood, Miildlcsex.

Bagshawe, Herbert Vale, Ho/al Army Medical Corps.

Baliadurii, Jamslied Nassarranji, 20, Upi>er Bedford-place, "w.c.

Ball!-, Pliilip Ileinrich, Pernisfifld, Oxied, Survey.

Baile}'. Beriuud Edward Granville, Midliurst.

Bailey, Charles Henry Farley, Bedford.

Bailey, George Fredk. Selborne, M.B. Camb., Langlcy-rd.. Watft>rd^

Bailey, James Connor Maxwell, M.D. Lond.. 4tt, AUeyn Park. s.e.

Bailey. Francis William, .ol, Grove-slreet, Liverpool.

Bailey, Henry, ILn-^foitli.

Bailey, Lionel Danyers, Chiddingfuld, Surrey.

Bailey, Matthias. Tue Binch, LAverpool.

Bailey, Reginald Threlfall, ol, Grovfstveet, Liverpool.

Bailey, Robert Cozens, M. I>. Lond., Spanish-place Mansion.

Bailey, Robert Greenoak, ]S, John-strtet, Bedford-row. av.c

Bailey, Thomas William, High-street. Orpingtou, Kent.

Bailey. William Arthur, Eccteston-park, St. Helens.

Baillie, Robert Alexander. o7, Acacia-rd, St. .Johns Woo'l. i

Bain, Edward ^Valter, M.B. Lond., 40, Devonshire-street, av.

Bain, \Villiara. M.B. Lond., 10, Russell-sqvxire. av.c.

Baines, Allen Mackenzie, M.B.Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Baines, Joseph Chailes, Malrern.

Baines, Mark Blakiston, 19, Banbunj-road, Oxford^





Biiird. James Joseph William, ^l,Akennan-i-oa(I, N. Brixton. s.W.

Haird, Key Fearon, Indian ,\fe(Uf(d Service.

l^aiss, Llewelyn Anioltl, Naral, Medical Service.

liaker, Albeit do Winter, G, Ifolinhnsh-road. s.w.

liaker, Alfred Eaton, M.Ii. Lond., llasCuujs.

Baker, Arthur de Cliair. Ilaiinfi Park-road, Croydon.

Baker, Arthui- Ernest, 44, Bi^ook-street. w.

leaker, Clement John, Entebbe, Uganda.

Baker, DodiiigtonUeorfte Ivichard Shei'ston, Indian Med. Service.

leaker, Fredeiic Charles Josepli, North Motton, iV". Devon.

liaker, Fredeiick Relland, 11, Albert-road, Brir/hfon.

Baker, Gerald Humsey, Salt Sprinfj Idand, British Colamhia.

Baker, Harold Ramsey Popham, Sluildmi, 2'eignmouth.

Baker, Harry Cecil, Ds Aar, Cape Colon//.

Jiaker, Herbert Plainer, Unshden, Northants.

Baker, John Charles, M.B. Loud., Aijlesbunj.

Baker, John Heniy.

Baker, Montagu Wilfred, 7.'), Victoria-street, s.w.

Baker, Walter Robert, Julrjinswell, Torquay.

Baker, Wildman Edward, Bntnei/ Bridye-road, Putney. S.W.

Baker, William Henry, (If), Eaton Rise, Ea/ing. w.

Baker, William James, I'oyal Army Medical Corps.

Baker, William Langworth}', 148, Briygate, Leeds.

Baker, William Lincoln, Itoyai Army Medical Corps.

Bakewell, Ifobert Turle, M.B. Lond,, 4, Carendish-place. "W-

Bakhle, Chintamaii Ramchandea, Indian Medical Serince.

Balderston, Robert, M.B. Lend., 17, Westbourne-road, Forest-

hill. s.E. Baldock, Edward Heniy, Hereford. Baldwin, Aslett, (3, Manchester-square, w. Baldwin, Charles Wm. Tresidder, We^td iff -on-Sea, Southend. Baldwin, Edgar, 218, Yorksldre-street, Rochdale. Baldwin, Francis John Augustus, Bathurst, Gambia, W. Africa. Baldwin, Gerald Roberr, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Baldwin, Henry Clifford, Lockwood, Iliiddersjield. I^aldwin, Thomas Paul, M.B. Lond., Prescot-road, St. Helens. Bale, William Barker, Shatv Heath, Stockport. Balean, Ilermaiui, JNLB. Lond., 4, I/o)ig Kong-road, Shanghai. Ball, Alfreil, M.B. Lond., 2o, Woodland-gardens, Muswell-hill. K. Ball, Charles Rowan ILimilton, Ilunslauton, Norfolk. Ball, Francis James, ^LD. Trin. Univ., Toronto, Regina, Canada. Ball, Malcolm Edward, M.B. Lond., West Court, Lewisham

Hill. s.E. Ball, William (Ruling, 11, Upper Wimpole-strect. w. Ballance, Charles Alfred, M.B. Lond., lOG, Harley-street. w. Ballance, Hamilton Ashley, INLD. Lond., Norwich. Ballance, Herbert Stanley, M.D. Lond., Weston-super-Mai'e. Ballance, John Des Canieres, 38, Hagtey-road, Birmingham. Ballard, Philip, Smarden, Staplehurst. Ballard, Robert, Milverton, Afarket Harborough. Ballingall, George Anderson, ALD. Brussels, St. Leonards.



1903 I Balme, Ilarolr], Tai Yuan Fu, Shcmsi, N. China, 1906 ! Balthasar, Ewaid, Count// Asylum, Tootinfj. s.w. I Baly, Arthur Lioi.'el, 1, Cleve-road, West Hampstead. y.\v.

Baly, Charles Francis Peyton, 152, IIarle;i-sti-ed. w.

Bainber, Charles James. Indian Medical Service.

Baiiiber. William Edward, M.B. Vict, Wenti.corfh-street, Bolton.

Bamfield, Harold John Kinahan, Indian Medical Service.

Bamford, Charlo-i Roljert, St. Marys Mount. Uttoxeter.

Bam ford, Thomas, Uttoxeter.

Banatvala, Ilormasjee Edaljee, Indian Medical Service. *Banda, Kobbekadu\v('' Tikiri, Kandj/, Ce/ihin.

Banerji, Umadas, Jtnipnl^ Central Provinces, India.

Banham, Cecil Weaker Kamsay, Denbij Dale, Ilnddersjield.

Baiiham, Sidney Marshall, M.B. Lond., Ellesmere, Uxbridrje-rd. w.

Banham, William Wilfred, Cemetery-road., Sheffield.

Bankart, Arthur S3-dney Blundell, Guys Hospital, s.ic.

Baukes, John IIerl)ert, 11, Cranleij-place, S. Kensington, s.w.

Bankes-Pi'ice, llu^rh. Dole, Lampeter, S. Wales.

Bankes- Price, Sydney Herbert, Stroud Green, x.

Banks, Alfred, Brif/ftton-street, Seacombe.

Banncrman,Georcre Doug-las King", Ilirjh Wycombe.

Bannerman, Walter BIggar, Iliijh Wijcombe.

Bannister, Marmaduke, M.B. Lond., Preston New-rd., Black- burn.

Banting, Cecil, M.B. Lond., West Ilill, Putney, s.w.

Barber, Alec. >LB. Lond., Whetstone. N.

Barber, Charles IIarri^•on, Indian Medical Service.

Barber, Frederic Samuel, Streatham. s.w.

Barber, Georg'e Thomas Congreve, Coventry-road, Birmingham.

Barber, Georg-e Walter, Kalgoorlie, W. Australia.

Barber, Ilalford Vaug-lian, The Homestead, Neu^ Barnef.

Barber, Hugh, M.lJ. Lond., 45, Friar-gate, Derby.

Barber, John \Vatson, Ilkeston, Derbyshire.

Barber, Maurice Charles, Staple Hill, Bristol.

Barber, Percival Ellison, 3, Clarkehouse-road, Sheffield.

Barber, Sidney Frederick, 11, St. Barnabas-road, Sheffield.

Barber! , Jose Ig^nacio.

Barclay, Alfred Ernest, Kersal, Manchester.

Barclay, Herbert Clifford, Waimate, New Zealand.

Bardsley, Henry, Haivt home-road, Moreton, Birkenhead.

Barendt, Frank Hugh, M.D. fjond., ^b, Rodney-street, Liverpool.

Barford, Arthur Morton, M.D. Brussels, Chichester.

Barford, James Leslie, Naval Medical Service.

Barford, Percy Crompe, M.B. Lond., Selsey, Chichester.

Barham, Guy Foster, M.B. Camb., Long-grove, Epsom.

Barham, Percy Cornelius, 31, The Grove, E. Duhvich. s.e.

Bariii, Dinsha Darasha, 24, Kildare-terrace, Baiisivater. n.

Bark, Ernest Gilbert, M.B. Lond., Seabank-road, Discard.

Bark, Ernest Onesimus, Handsworth, Birmingham.

* Formerly Kobbekaduwa, Tikiri Banda.



Barkas, William Janif>s, Paddingtnn, New Sovth Wale.9.

Barker, Alley lie 11 ay ward, VVdnicuje.

Barker, Cliesinaii. M.l>. IjOikI., CInirch Kml, Fiiiclilvj. n.

Barker, Ei-iiest Marriott, M.B. ('ainh,, Ht. Leonards.

I:{arker. Frederic, M.B. Loiid.. B'trnton. Xoithwich, Cliesliirr.

Barker. George lleury, M.I). Loud., 124, Redkuid-road, Bristnl,

Baiker, (ieorye Laj'^cock, Gold Colony.

Barker, Henry Lewis. 172, Blowfidd-tevioce.. Paddington. w.

Barker, Horace John Maurice Dnimniond Sale, IG, Tite-slreef, t'lielsfci. s.w.

Barker, Jolm Collier, Waffovd.

Barker, John Hamer, 53(>. Chorli-ij Old-road, Bolton.

Bai-ker, Percy Duckworth. Be:ihill-on-Sea.

Barker-, Toft, IV/iilele?/ C'rosf^, Beading.

Barker, Wm. James Towiisend, 304, Wandsworth Bridge- road, s.w.

Barker, William Lewiiio'ton. 22, Che//ne-row, Chelsea, s.w.

Barkworth. Henry Siuitli, M.D. Brus.sels, Junior A tlienceum Cluhy PiccddUhj. w.

Barlet, Jehan Meredith, 99, ShofttsJmry-avenue. "\v.

Barling', Arthui' Stanley, Qiiecn-sqitore, Lancaster.

Barling', Seymour Gi\\>i'vt,M.B.L()\\(\., HI. Edniund-st..Birniing/i(inK

Barlow, Charles, Ueatli Town, Wi)lcerhampton.

Barlow, Georg'e. Lijt/iani, Lancashire.

Barlow, Henry Goodeve, Ml , .Januiica-road. s.e.

Barlow, Herbert Cecil, M.B. Lond.. Somersham, St. Ires, llicits.

Barlow, Herbert Wm. Leyland, M.i). Oxf.. Unnston, Manchester.

Barlow, Thomas Wm. Naylor. Egremont, Cheshire.

Barnard, Charles Edward, M.D. Aberd., Sinibury, Victoria. Australia.

Barnard, Walter Burrows, 77, Upper Richmond -road, Putney, s.w.

Barnes, Arthur, (Jharing Cross UosoitaL av.c.

Barnes, Ernest Charles Edward, 2o7, Green-street, Foi-est-gai'-. K.

Barnes, Ernesr Charles Page, /•>/•?* JJank, Lyncombe-hilt, Bath.

Barnes, Frank, M.B. Lond., Kdnnnid-strcet, Birmingham.

Barnes, Frederick, Sharroiv, Sheffield.

Barnes, George, 4. Wolrcrton-gardens. Hammersmitli-rond . av.

Barnes, George Charles, Dnnloe, lloylnke, Birkenhead.

Barnes, Henry Edgar, M.D. Lond., Eiic, Snfjolh.

Barnes, Herbert Cooper, ^LD. Diaii., 47. Gloucester-place, w.

Barnes, -lohn Alfred, 25, JincLlcrshury. K.c.

Barnes, John Arthur Percival, 8(12, High-road, Tottenham, n.

Barnes, Joseph Sanciert. Silrergote, Carnjorth.

Barnes, Leonard Stewait, Welwyn.

Barnett, Bertram Leeds Tlionias, M.B. Camb., 114, Queen Victoria-street. E.G.

BarnetT, Ernest Cuthbert, Tall,, j^e, N. Island, New Zealand.

Barnett, Horatio, M.D. Camb., Church Stretton, Salop.

Barnett. John Kdwai'd Sewell. Qnecns-road, Kincstun-hill.

Barnett. fiouis Edward, M.B. Edin., JJunedin, New Zealand.

Barnicot, Joseph, M.D. Camb., 4n, Queen- street, Httchin.



1881 I Barns, John Gay, W/n-at/ey, Oxford

1905 Baron, Alfred Edward, Asijlmn, W/nteiton, Fern/ Hill.

1888 I Baron, Horatio Nelson, Orfnrd. Wickhcoa Market.

1887 Barr, Horace Carlos, Went'i-oi-f/i, Iinther/iam.

1888 I Barr, John Coleman, 47, C/iurch-slrcet, Marylehone. N.w. 18'.'4 ! Barr, Valentine Herbert, Nelson, New Ztalaml. IHHo ! Barraclougli, Robt. Wooding- Sutton, M.D. Brussels, 4, Parh-

plac-, St. .lames', s.w.

Bariiidell-S'iiirii, Sydney, M. B. Camb., T.r.xi-e^ioft.

Barrait, Herbert James, lloyal Arvu/ Medical Corps.

Barret. Edward Ernest, M.D. Pans, 12, Avenue de la Grande A rnie'e. Paris.

Barrett, Alfreil Kepi lel, 5. Be<lf()rd-gnrdens, Kensinf/fon. ^y.

Barrett, Edmund Howard, M.B. Dmdi.,2.?8, Gloucester-terrace, w.

Barrett, Ernest. Market Deeping.

Barrett, Frederick Walter, 7, Cavendish-place, av.

Barrett, Henry Edward. G, Darnlet/-road, Hollind-park. w.

Barrett, James Wilkie Colling-wood. I'hondda Vallt//.

Barrett, John James. M.D. St. Andr., Ranisden-rd.. Bnlham. s.w.

Bairett, liobert llasb\', Wisbecli.

Barrett, .Sidney Edward, M.B. Camb.. Tillingha-n, Sovtlnninster.

Barrett, Walter liu&sell, 41. fJar/e//-s'reet. w.

Barrett, Wm. Amherst llenvy. Portnrlingtnn, Victoria, Australia.

Barrick, Eli James, M.D. Vict. Coll., Canada, Toronto.

BaiTington, Fredk. James Fiizmaurice, M. B. Ijond., Sioafham.

Barring-ton, Nicholas William, xM.D.Dubl., 18. Somerset-street. \v.

Barrionuevo, Jose Maria, San Juse, Costa Rica.

Barris, Jolin Davis. 4, Spmiislt-place-niansinns. vr.

Bairitt, Gilbert Lacy, Spalding.

Barritt, Jolni Thomas. G8t). Oldliam-road, Manchester.

Barron, Henry Thompson, M.D. Lond..282, Halhani High-rd.

Barron, Herbert (le<)ig-e, 24, Iloghlon-street, Southport.

Barron, Richard DuiJop, Wellington. N. Zealand.

Barron, Robert .Macplierson, Indinn Medical Service.

Barron, Thomas Ashl'V, Spondon. Derbyshire.

Barron, Thomas Walter. M.B. Camb.

Barron, Willie Nettervili(% Ascot.

Barrow. George Aiig-ustus, Ciieftham-hill, Mandtester.

Barrow, Harold Percy W:dler. Royal Army Medical Corps.

Barrow, ^\"m. Dodg-son. ^LB. Edinb., Datton-square., Lancaster.

Barr^', Cecil Charles .SUiart, Indian Medical Service.

Barr3\ .lames William, o, Landerdale-road, Maida Vale. vr.

Barry, Thomas .St. .John, ;>3, hertiy-lane, Liverpool.

Bartholomew. Ernest Ui(|uhait. Tenis'm. House, Leicester- square. AV.C.

Bartletl, Basil Sorley, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Baitlett, Bertrarn Friend, 3i), Onsloic-gardens. s.-\y.

Baitlett. Charles Eastty, 2, Denmark-terrace, Brighton.

Bartlett, Edward Leslie, General Dispensary, Lincoln.

Bartlett, Ernest John Reeve, Ipsn-icli., Felix Paul, Ottery St. Mary.


Burtlett, Frank Whiufiekl, Romsey.

Bartlett, Georg-e Bertram, London Hosfiitah E.

Bartlett, George Norton, M.B. Lond,, BexAey.

Bartlett, Iledley Coward, Safron Walden.

Bartlett, Henry, M.D. Aberd., 150, Norioood-rcad. s.e.

Bartlett, Lionel Jasper, Wardington, Banbury.

Bartlett, Ralph Clarke, Rvim^ey.

Barton, Bertram Henry, M.B. Lf>nd,. Jlanow.

Barton, Charles Nathaniel, \1 , ReddiU'e-ydns., S. Kensinyton. \v.

Barton, Edwin Alfred, oG, Kenainyton-court, Kensington, "w.

Barton, Edwin William, M.D. Brussels, Authorpe, LoutJi.

Barton, Eustace Robert, Cintra, Pui-tuqal.

Barton, Francis, oO, Sea Bank-road, Liscard, Cheshire.

Barton, Francis Alexander, Beckenham.

Barton, Frederic William, 216, Stockwell-road. s.^y.

Barton, Georg'e Alexander Ileaton, lo, Talbot-road. w.

Barton, Guy Douglas, M.B. Camb., Norwood Lodye, Weyhridge.

Barton, John, 410, Audley Range, Blackburn.

Barton, Percy Frederic, Ling field-road, Wimbledon, s.w.

Barton. William Edwin, M.D. Diirh., Amble House, Streatham. s.w.

Barwell, Francis Reinagle, Mildenliall, Suffolk.

Barwell, Harold Shultleworth, M.B. Lond., 55, Winqwle-st. w.

Barwick, Richard Laviiig-ton, Yeadon, Leeds.

Bascom, Horace, M.B. Toronto, Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada.

Bascombe, Edwin Cecil Dare, G, Hertford-street, w.

Basden, Harold Stevens, Crowborough, Sussex.

Bashall, Charles Edward, Byfleet, Surrey.

Bashford, Henry Hovvarth, M.D. Land., G.P.O., St. Martin s-le-

Grand, e.g. Baskett, Bertram George Mortimer, M.D. Oxf., Halton, Leeds. Bassano, Harold Frederic, M.B. Camb., Ventnor. Basset, Walter, Stotv-hill, Newport, Monmouthshire. Bassett-Smith, I'ercy William, Naval Medical Service. Bastian, William, Naval Medical Service. Batchelor, Charles, Staines. Batchelor, Ernest Hall, Bridlington. Batchelor, Ferdinand Stanley', Dunedin, New Zealand. Batchelor, Henry Thomas, Queen s Town, Cape of Good Hope. Bate, Richard Francis, Naval ]\[edical Service. Batel^-, John, M.D. Durham, Gorleston. Great Yarmouth, Bateman, Herbert Raymond, Royal Army Medical Corps. Bateman, Hinton Ernest, 48, Mickelyate., York. Bateman, Robert Watering, Corner Cottage, Eastbourne, Bates, Georg-e Llewellyn, 60, Harley-strcet. w. Bates, Henry Leslie, St. A Ibans.

Bates, James Curling, 5, Churcli-road, Upper Norwood, s.e. Bates, Joah Edward Lionel, Central Hill, Norwood. s.E. Bates, John Edwin, M.B. Camb., Lingfield-road, Wimbledon, s.w. Bates, Mark, 44, Fore gate-street, Worcester. Bates, Stephen Henry, M.D. Lond., 11, Archway-road, n. Bates, Thomas Wright, Derby-road, Bootle, TJverpool.


Bates, Tom, M.B. Lond., Woixester.

Bathe, Anthon}' John, 8, Uanover-hnildvigs, SonUiampton. Bathurst, Lacey, M.B. Loud., Biirlei/, Leeds. Batliurst, Lancelot, EUesineve.

Bathiirst, Lullum Wood, j\LD. Lond., 15, Inverness-terrace, vr. Batle}', Albert Brook, Christchinch^ Hants. Batson, William L:iscelles, Dorkmrj.

Batten, Herl'ert Ernest, Side Asylum, Clecdand-slreet. "\v. Battersb}', James, Parkhead Cross, Glasi/oic. Batteson, Carol Luther, L'^S, (iiddhurst-roud. av. Battiscombe, Eric Georg'e. Bridt/water. Battle, Charles John, Benoni, 2'iansvaal. Battle, Edward. Wharmbv, Coleford, Gloucester. Battye, Walter Kothney, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Bawtree, Frank. Maldon, Essex.

Baxter, Charles ViOilQrxW ,ls\ .}i.¥Amh., Ilohjicell If oust, Shreicshurrj . Baxter, Charles Thomas, Naval Medical Service. Baxter, Stephen Edward, Wollaston, Wellinrjboi-ouc/h. Ba3'field, John Blyth, Southhorougli, Tunbridge Wells. Bayley, Eric, M.D. Lond., 36, City-road. n. Bayley, Joseph Herbert, St. Andreio's Hospital, Northampton. Baylis, Henry, M.B. Birm., Long Eaton, Derbyshire. Baylis, Heniy Edward Montgomery, ISLB. Durh., Maidenhead. Bayliss, Richard Arthur. Bath. Bayly, Hug-h Wansey, G4, Brook-street, av. Bazalgette, Sidney, Fishponds Asylum, Bristol. Bazett, llenr \ , J tendon, n.w. Beach, Henry William, Great Yarmouth. Beach. Thomas Boswell, Royal Army Medical Corps. Beachcroft, Francis Seward, Petn-orth. Beadel, Algernon James, Mill Hill. x.w. Beadles, Arthur Harry, 38, Silverdale, Sydenham, s.e. Beadles, Cecil Fowler. 1, Western-villas, New Southgate. N. Beadles, Harold Shatford, 23t, Barking-road. v.. Beadles, Hubert.

Beadles, Hugh Stanley-, «;], London-road, Forest Hill. s.k. Beadnell. Charles Marsh, A aval Medical Service. Beadneli, Herbert Owen Marsh, Bogal Army Medical Corp)S. Beale, Hanway Kichard, M.D. Loud., East Retford. Beale, John Foster, Brierley-house, Sidcup, Kent, Beale, Peyton Todd Bowman, 6. Bentinck-street. w. Beale, Stanley James Annear, M.B. Lond., 82, Hedsor-bldngs., Shoreditch, n.k.

Beale-Browne, Thomas Richard, i4^s7//«'?i, Z?e7'»7/PFboc/, A'^or^^a/H^'^o"' Beales. Thomas William Lewis, Martham, Great Yarmouth. Beamau, Winfred Kelsey, Royal Army Medical Corps. Bean, Algernon Carter, Naral Medical Service. Bean, Charles Edward, 19, Lockyer-sireet, Plymouth. Bean, John Willoughby liutler, M.B. Camb., Brentwood, Essex. Bean, Louis Constantine, 18, Falcon-road, Battersea. s.AV. Beane, Robert Leonard, Long Eaton, Derbyshire.


IJearblock, Peter Esdailc, Oa/.wiwoy, Stnjfoiuhliire.

liearhlock, Walter James, Naval Medica/ Service.

Heard, Joseijl), (Jo, Spencer-street, Car/isle.

Beanlinoie, Geoig-e Itussell, 820, Upper-street., Islinf/trm. N,

Beards, Ernest Jonatlnm, 428, Mtiseleij-road, Jiinidnjlaun.

Heath, David Leslie, Hath.

Beaton, Edwin, Sheerness.

Jk'attie, Henry, Jianbury.

Beattie, James .Martin, (Inirer/^iti/, Sheffield.

Beatty, lleniy Albert, -Tormito, Catiwla.

Beaucliani]), Sydney, M.B. Camb., ^, Welliaui-st., Loivndes-sqvare.

s.w. Beanmont, Arthur Be,!^iM;dd, Croydnn. Beaumont, Edf>ar, M.D. Driih., Upper Norwood, s.e. Beaumont, Noel t'iiarles, <1(), Castetnav, Barnes. P.w. Beaver, Robert Attwood, M.i). Vict., Cli/fon, BristnL. Beavis, John Doug-las AVilson, Ijibrn G/urr, Assam. Beaz.ley, Tom William, jNI.H. Birni., C'?7;/ Hospital, Birminrjham. Bebb, Richard, Silver-street, Upper Edniontoii. x. Beck, \Villi::ni, 20, Frimai\tle-sq"are, Cot/ann, Bristol. liccker, Jonathan Ernest Aui;s. Geor<^'e. M.H. Ediri., Colchester. Beckett, Ilugch (ieorg-e Williain, Whitchurch. Beckett, James Clay, Leigh, La)tca><hire.

Beckton. John James llaikness, (iti, I'orrington-square. "NV.C. Beckton, William, F vzincjiiall, Bradford.

Beddaid, William Olivei', 1, Jiichniond Bridge-watis., Ticickenham. Beddoe, David Morgan, Sharui el iMannkh, Cairo. J5e Idow, Harold Jo-iali, 9.'), Clifton-road, Eiif/b//. Beddy, Thomas .\lfred,./<f_(7o-.</w/(/(.'m, Oranfje h'iver Colony, Africa. Bedford, Doug-las James, Kegicorth, Derby. Ik'dford, Robert, Marlboroiifih, New Zealand. Hedfoi-d, Robert Thomas, 5!4, Fulham Palace-road. s.w. He.^ley, Arthur, M.D. Loud., 14, Park-Armue, Keighley. Beesley, Albert James, JJaschii?-ch. Shrewsbury. Beesjey, Robert William, M.D. EdinI)., 13o, Deane-road, Bolton. Beet William Ashley, Beaudesert, Brisbane. Queensland. Beetliam. Herbert Arthur, G4, Ihirehills-roail, Leeds. Heg-bie, Francis Warburton, Royal Army Medical Corps. - Ikhiamjee, Dinshah Biirjoi-jee. 12, Sinclnir-rood. Kensington, w . Beit, Fiancis Victor Owen, M.B. Lend., Indian Medical Service. ]>ekeim, (reorge Hemy Ernest, .'50, Bath-roiv, Birmingham. Bekemi, Justin James. Kdgboston, Birmingham. Belben, Frank. M.B. Camb., Boumemonth.

Belcher, CeorgeC/lemenr, M.B. I^irm., 80, Dale End, Birmingham. Belcher. Henry Edward, West hudgford, Nottingham. Helcher, James Arthur, M.D. Lond., 1, Beckuiilt-road, Heme

Hill. S.E.

Belcher, Joseph Silverthorne, M.D. St. Andr.

Heiding-, Davy Turner, East Dereham.

Beley, Georg-e, Ecc'eshall Infirmary, Shefpeld.

Belfrag-e. Sydney Henning-, M.D. Lond., 77, Gloucester-place, w.



Belilios, David Aaron, 100, Queen's -road, Wimhlcilon. s.w.

Hell, Anhur Sydney Gordon, Nacal Medical Service.

Bell, Chailes Ouuieron, Neiv South Wales.

Bell, Edward Aug-iistine, M.B. Lond., Mew Briglitvu Cheshire.

Bell, Edward Stock, Benuondsey, Injirmarrj, Eothcrhithe. s.e.

Bell. Frederick, 17, Wincklcy-square, Preston.

liell, Geoi-ge Alexander Stuai'l, Xaral Medical Service.

Bell. Georg'e Craig'ie, Fruitou-on-Sea, Essex.

Bell, Georg-e Lawaluk, M.B. Melb., Melbourne., A ustralin.

Bell, Hugh Thotiias Synies, Mururllumhali, New South Wales.

!-vell, James Adamsun, Gloucester.

Bell, James Francis.

Bell, James Vincent, M.D.St. Andr., Mayfield-place^ Eastbourne.

Bell, John, Civil Hospital, Hong Kong, China.

Bell, John Arthur. M.B. Durh.,' Bethlem Hospital, s.t.

Bell, John Cuiiin'nyham, West Coker, Yeovil.

Bell, Kenelm Digby, Naval Afedical Service.

Bell, Kenneth de Uisley, l.ambourn, Berks.

Bell, Thomas, Uppingliam.

Bell, Thomas Dobson, Woodhoase, Leeds.

Bell, Thomas Herbert, Bocaitville, Assiniboia, Canada.

Bell, Victor Samuel Alexander, Bedford.

Bell. AVm. Blair, M.D. Lond., 7, Bodney -street, Liverpool.

Bell, William Ker, Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon,.

Bellamy, Gerald Eade, Martlake-road, New.

Bellamy, Henry Francis, M.D. Lausanne, Abbots Langley.

Bellamy, John Henry, Ashby. Doncaster,

Belson, Georg-e de Veulle, 7, Paragon. Bath.

Bendle, Jas. Huxtable, M.b! Lond., Bath.

Benett, Arthur Morris, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Benians, Thomas Herbert Cecil, Gruve-park, Lee. s.k.

BenjaHeld, Joseph Dudley, Bhtchenden, Lnwer Edmonton.

Bennett, Arthur, Hamilton, Victoria, Australia.

Bennett, Arthur George, 10, Mulgrove-terrace, Kingstown.

Bennett, Cecil, Ipswich.

Bennett, Christopher Henry Wentworth, Sandbach, Cheshiie.

Bennett, Claude John Eddowes, Shrewton, Wilts.

Bennett, Colin Edwaid Vrilmot, Vancouver-road, Forest Hill.


Bennett, Francis Dillon, 20, St. James -place, s.w.

Bennett, Frank Cyril Harvie, M.B. Lond., Ilighlield, Soulhamj.'ton.

Bennett, Harold Garfield, M.B. Lend., East Bergholt, Suffolk.

Bennett, Harry Charles Plant, M.B. Lond., Auckland, N.Z.

Bennett, Henry Stag-g', ICowloon, Hung Kong.

Bennett, James, Padgate, Warrington.

Bennett, James Henry, Staplehnrst, Kent.

Bennett, James Wodderspoon, Marsden, Ilkley, Yorks.

Bennett, Kenneth Hugh, Escot, Penzance.

Bennett, Lawrence Henry, M.B. Oxf., Paignton.

Bennett, Norman Godfrey, M.B. Camb., 50, Brook-street, w.

Bennett, Robert Allan, M.B. Lond., Torquay.



Bennett. Wm. Boase, Aif/biirf/i, Livei-pool.

Bennett, William Edward, M.IJ. Binn., 22, Bvoad-\t., Birmiur/fiarn,

Bennett, William Fay, Harrow, Bury St. Edmunds.

Bennett, ^Villian1 (ieorg-e, Worceata:

Bennett, Sir William Henry, K.O.V.O., 1, C/testerJield-s'.reet. w.

Heniiett-Povvell, Norman, Gcueral. In/hmm-y, Chester.

Bennetts, Archibald James, FLuslniui, Falmouth.

liermeits, Frederick, Alma-road^ Sheeruess.

Bennion, John Menlove, 'S\.\). Camh., St. ^far>/ Craij, Kent.

Benoly, Natluiniel, M.D. Wilrzbnr<^', 150, Bethnal Green-road.

v.. Bensley, C'lenifnt Henry, Indian Medical Service.

Bensle}', Edwin Edward, 18, St. Georrje-place, NortJiampton. Bensley, tJeoi'g-e Egbert, Acton IJill. m\ Bensley, Vernon Cyril, Beavfart West, Cape Cohiiij. Benson, Alexander Vigors, M.D. Brussels, AlOesto:;, S. Australia, Benson, Alfi'cd Hugh, Cleohnr// Mortimer. Benson, Charles Thornton Vere, Leives. Heiison, Christopher, Bradfo7'd-road, Shipley. Benson, Ceorge Vere, St. Anne's, Leices. Benson, Henry Thomas, Market Deeping. Henson, John Robinson, Bath . Benson, Matthew, M.D. Brussels, Wi(jan. Bensted, Levvin, Musivcll Hill. N. Bensusan, Arthur Daniel, M.D. Brussels, Johannesh'.n-ij. Bent, George. Fleet, Hants.

Benr, Percy Claude Vincent, 80, Rrpinghaui-road, Putney, s.^v. lient, Sidney Charles Henry, Burlington House, Balliam. s.AV. Bent, Vincent Thomas Clare, ?Jitchani-lane, Streatham. s.w. Bentliam, Andrew Occleshaw, Abram, Wiyan. Bentley, Harold, Miicham, Surrey. Benton, Samuel Eandor, ^filfurd-nn-Sea, Hants. Benton, William, 132, Plasliet-road. Upton- pari: k. Beresford, Edwyn Henry, Metropolitan Asylum, looting Bee. s.vr.. Beresford, Robert de la Poei-, M.D. Glas., Oswestry. Beresford, William Hugh, Esher, Surrey. Bergin, Frank (xower, 1, Vork-b'/ildings. Clifton, Bristol. Bergin, William Marmaduke, M. H Lond., o7, W'^albrook. K.c. Beringer, Fritz John Alfred, Wolverhampton. Berkeley-Hill, Owen Alfred Rowland, M.B. Oxf., Indian Medical

Service. Berkley, Ernest James Gibson, 70, Camberwell-i-oad. s.e. Berlyn, John Aaron, M.B. Lond., Egbaston, Birmingham. Bernard, Claude, Fishponds, Bristol. Bernard, Robert Spence, Naval Medical Service. Bernard-Onraet, Hugh, 2G, Peak-hill-gardens, Sydenham. s.E. Bermiu, Heniy Ferdinand, Napier, New Zealand. Bernays, Charles Murchison, Shirley, Warwickshire. Berncastle, Herbert Melbourne, 7, Wood-vale, Forest Hill. s.E.. Bernhardt, Dudley Richard, 4.'», Bell-street, n.w. Bernstein, Matthias Max, 51, Cazenove-road, Stamford-hill. N.



Berridge, Wm. Robert Morpott, Endcrby, Leicester.

Berrill, Alfred, Hujli-road, South Woodford, n.k.

Berry, xUbert Edward, M.D. Loud., Walkden, Bolton-le-Moors.

Berry, Arthur Williatn, M.B. Loud., Faisc Dulicich. s.e.

Berry, Charles Harold, D irtnioor Sanatorium, Devon.

Berry, Herbert Georg'e, Itefphani, Norwich.

Berry, Horace Simeon, Aslibartov, Dnwn.

Berry, Robert Sewers, Southport, Queensland.

Berry, Thomas Percival, M.D. Lend., Swindon.

Berrymau, Henry Arthur, Iio>/al Ann// Jfedicai Corps.

Berrymati, Richard (Jharles Palmer, Guildford, Surrey.

Bertiu, Heuri Victoi-.

Bertram, Benjamin, M.B. Loud., Cape Colony.

Best, Frederick Henry de Graves, Walt ham Cross.

Best, Palemon, St. Ices, Cornwall.

Best, William Harris, High-road, lljord. *Betensoc, William Betensou, Sussex Lodge, Nen-haren.

Betenson, Woodley Daniel, '.', Kew-rjardens-ruad, Kew, Surrey.

Bethell, Hug-li Wood, Basingstoke.

Hett, Doug-las Home Blackader, M.B. X. Zealand, Ashburton, New Zealand.

Bett, Francis Arnot Blackader, Nile-street, Nelson, New Zealand.

Bett, William, M.B. Lond., Naval Medical Service

Betteridg'e, Thos., ^[. B. Camb.. Sutton Coldficld, Birmingham.

Betts, Alfred John Vernon, M.B. Loud., Indian Medical Service.

Betts, Edwai'd Hetley, 12 ), Wilberforce-road, Finsbury. x,

Betts, Leonard Bowring, Bradworthy, N. Devon.

Betts, Robert Sidne}^ Wellington-road, Bournemouth.

Be van, Arthur, M.D. Lond., 17, Lancaster-gate-terrace, w.

Bevan, Henry Crook, Blaina, Monmouthshire.

Be van, Richard, 31, Girdlers-road, W. Kensington. "\v.

Bevan, Tom Webb, Nantyglo., Monmouthshire. ■|" Be van-Lewis, Wm., West Riding A.^ylum, Wakefield.

Beveii, Ocravius, M.D. Durh., 137, High-road, Lee. s.e.

Beverley, Kenneth Harold, Whiitington }roor, Chesterjield.

Be vers, Edmund Cecil, M.B. Oxf., Oxford.

Beville, Frederick Weils, Bath.

Beville, Herbert George, 2.3, Buchingham-place, Brighton.

Bevir, George, Timsbui-y, Bath.

Bevis, Alfred "William, <S3, Maida Vale. av.

Bevis, Harold, 81, St. Thomas-street., Portsmouth.

Beyts, William George, Royal Army Medical Corp?.

Bharucha, Phirozshah Byramji, M.B. Lond., 94, Felloivs-roadj S. Hanjpstead. N.w.

Bharucha, Rustom Hormasji, 34, Miidntay-park. x.

Bhedwar, Pallonji Pestonji, Manor-park, Lee. s.e.

Biale, John Seaton.

Bice, Frank Veale, St. Cohunb, Cornwall.

* Formerly Slyman, William Betenson. t Formerly Lewis, Wm. Bevan.



liickerstaff, Uc'>r<;'e Roj^'er, JUntniefunnlli.

Bicker.^tetii, Robert Alex., M.U. Caiiih.. 4, Rodneij-st.^Liici /mof.

Bickfcrd, I'eitraiii Ralt"i;^'li, NaiuU Midicid Service.

Uickford, Xicliolas Seymour, //tii/dou.'s-road, Wimbledon. >.\v.

Bickle, I>8otiiird Walkiiis, Adelaide, South Australia.

Biddle, Cornelius, Mert/ii/r T//<lri/.

Biddle, Ileury Geor<>e, /Jroadstaivf.

Biddulpli, Robert Nicliolus William, Kdeiuiiore, Monnt I/crnion,

Wo/.iiif/, Snrreif. Biden. Charles Walter. Laxfuld, Fnuiilinfjliain, Bidwell, diaries Hugh, P.O. box 24, JJloem/ontein, S. Africa. Bid well, Laurence, Xacal Medical Service.

Bigelow, Arthur Wellington, 3«oO, I'Jllis-aven., C/iicar/o, CS.l. Bit>-g-, EdwMrd, Cranlei/, Stirrer/.

Bigg"ai-, Benjamin, M.B. Loml., JJeecIticood-ovemie, Keiv-gardcns. Big-gs, Arthur Cecil liarker. ///// Side, Child's Hill. N.w. Big-gs, John James Egerton, IGl, Netcjjort-i-oad, Cardiff. Biffg-s, John Maundy, ChiUVs-hill, Ileitdon. x.w. Billiald, Richard Atherstone, West Kij-hi/, Che.^hire. Billino-hurst, Walter Brinsmead, M.B. Oxf., 7, Oakcroft-road,

Blackheath. s.k. B'llino-s, Bernard Richardson, IS, Fileij-averiue, Stoke Keuini/ion. x. Billiui'ton, Win., M.B. Load., D, Easij-roiv, Binuiuyham. Billson, Charles, 28, Hornsey Park-road. x. Biliups, Christopher Robert, Toicvr House, East Grinsiead. Billups, Howard Barclay, M.B. Oxf., Station-avenue, Saudoivn,

Isle of Wi(jht. Biliups, Percy Christopher Charles, i\^(?it' Stcindon. Binckes, Frederick William, Hillside, Kast Dulwich. s.k. Bindloss, Arthur Henry, M.B. Camb., Harrow. Bindloss, p]dmund Frederick, Melbourn, Royston. Bing'hain, Frank Miller, Catnn, /.ancaster.

Bingham, Raymond Glendore, Sb,Gl(iucester-st.,Warwick-sq. s.w. Bing"ham, Sydney Oliphanr. Alfreton. Bing'ley, Ernest Horslord, Midnapore, Bengal. Binney, Charles Newton, 72, CloveUy-iuansions, Grays-inn-

road. AV.c. Binns, Cuthl)ert Charles Ilarber, DufjiehJ, near Deiby. Binns, John Bravbrooke, JJiiJjield, Derh//. Bintcliffe. John William, Waltham^tuw. n.k. Birch, Autliony, M.B. Lond., Wallinyford. Birch, Charles, Whitchurch, Reading.

Birch, Charles Ormond, Liverpool, Sydney, New South Wale-i. Jiirch. Georg'e, 105. Downs-road, Lower Clapton, n.e. Birch, Henry Priestley, Royal Army Medical Corps. Birch, John, 58, Moss-lane, Liverpool. Birch, Philip. Gunlerstone-road, West Kensington, w. Birch, Richard Charles, Nottingham. Bii-d, Arthur Cyril, Sidmouth.

Bird, George William Harvey, M.B. Camb., Bridgwater. Bird, Gerald Francis, M.B. Camb., Godaljuimj, Surrey.


Bird, Henry, 235, Kinrjsland-road. n.e.

Bird, John Wilfred, 21. St. Andreir-sh-eet, Shafteshury-avenue.

Bird, Robert, C.I.E., M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Bird, Wm. Edmund Frankish, 3, St. Leonards, York.

Birdwood, Gordon Travers, M.D. Camb., Indian Medical Service

Birkenhead, Harold, Burton. Westmoreland.

Birkett, Henry James Dilke.s, 3, Clarendon-road, Soitthsea.

Birks, Melville, M.B. Adel., Petersburg, South Australia.

Birley, Hug-h Kennedy, 54, Derby-road, Weaste, Manchester.

Birt; A melius Cyril, Wantage.

Birt. Cecil, Rnyal Army Medical Corps.

Bill, Ernest, M.D, Durh., West Riding Asylum, Wakefield.

Birt, Shirley Hall, Naval Medical Service.

Bishop, Charles Dudley, 123, Lavender-hill. s.w.

Bishop, Darell Winn. Zeerust, Transvaal Colony.

Bishop, Frederick Michael, Varenna, Lake of Como. Italy.

Bishop, Georg-e Thompson, Naval Medical Service.

Bishop, Henry Draper, M.D. Brussels, Guernsey.

Bishop, John Ramsa3% Stab/bridge.

Bishop, Reg'inald William Snowden, West Tanfield, Bedale.

Bishop, Thomas Henry, St. Georges-road, Harrogate.

Bisson, Albert Og'ier, Springfield-road., South Tottenham. N.

Blalier. Percy Leonard, Shoot-up-hill, Brondesbury. n.w.

Blachford, James Vincent, M.D. Durh., 87, Belvedere-rd.,Penge. s.e.

Black, Arthur Campbell. Paddock Wood, Kent.

Black, Charles, Norton Woodse^t<>, Sheffield.

Black, Guy, M.B. Lond., 104, Beulah-lnll, Upper Norwood, s.e., Kenneth, 30, Park Bow, Nottingham.

Black, Lewis Potter, M.B. Camb., Sawtry, Peterborough.

Black, Patrick. 6, Whitehall Place. S.W.

Blackall, William Edwai-d, M.B. Oxf., C»ttesloe, W. Australia.

Blackburn^ Albert Eihvai-d, Springtield, West Hartlepool.

Blackburn, Ernest Woodheacl, M.B. Oxf., Barnsley.

Blackburn, Vernon Kent, Barnsley.

Blackett, Edward Joseph, 50, Bryanston-st., Port man-square. \v.

Blackler, Henry John, M.B. Lond.. Redhill.

Blackman, Sidney Spencer Farwell, Normanton-rd., S. Croydon.

Blackmore, Fredk. John Chanter, Treeton Rectory, Rotherham.

Blackstone, Charles Edg'ar, Ringu-ood, Hunts.

Blackstoue, Leonard Christopher, M.B. Loud., 6, Holmdale-rd. n.w.

Blackstone, Willoughby Arthur 56, Regenfs-park-road. N ^v.

Black well, Arthur Seal, M.D. Lond., Monte Carlo.

Blackwood, John, Festing-road, Southsea.

Blagden, John James, 10, Nicholas-street, Chester.

Blag-g, Arthur Frederick, M.D. Durh., Clifton, Bristol.

Blaikie, Arthur Babington, M.B. Camb., Oswestry.

Blaikie, Cuthbert James, fi, Lancnster-road, W. Norwood, s.e.

Blair, James Andrew, M.D. Edinb., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

BIftke, Anthony Fewster, 43, High-street, Grays, Essex.

Blake, Henry, M.B. Lond., Park View, Great Yarmouth

Blake, Hubert Elliot, Bognor



Bhiko, Matthew Robert, M.D. Toronto, Winuipey, Moniloha. Blake, Morgan Dix, Ilinghain, Norfolk. Blake, Percy Ryall, 102, Uiijli-streeA, WalthaiuHtow. n.e. Blake. Tobia» Kustat Ilemsted, 33, Don fj las-mansions, Cromwell'

road. s.w. Blake, Victor John, M.B. Lend., Oiifram-road, Soulhsea. Blake, William Farewell.

Blake, William Henry, M.D, Brussels, West Wickhavi Blakcmaii, Charles J(jhii, 10, Roe-lane, Southport. I>hikeinore, Herbert, Atkerton, near Manchester. Blakeney, John Henry, ;">, Crescent-terrace, Cheltenham. Blaker, Percy Stanley, Ealing Common, w. Blakeway, H.arry, M.B. Lond., Norton House, Stourbridge. Blakie, James I(andells, Snrrey-hill, Melbourne. Blakiston, Frederick Cairns, Glastonburii, Somerset. Blanc, Antonio, 5.'», Burton-court, Lower Sloane -street, s.w, Blancard, Joinville Toby, Lxlian Medical Service. Jilanchet, Jean Baptiste, M.D. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Bland, (ieorge, Lincoln. *Bland-Sutton, John, 47, Brook-street, vr. Blandford, Harry Oliver, M.B. Lond., 11, The Grove, Ilighgate. N. Blaiidford, Joseph John Guthrie, Whitlinghani, Preston. Blandy, Francis Dawson, M.D. Lond., Belvedere, Whitley Bay. Blandy, Wilfrid Boothby, Nottingham. Blatchford, William Nichols, Naval Medical Service. Biatherwick, Chas., M.D. St. Andr., Helensburgh, Scotland. Blatherwick, Henry, The Laurels, Dulwich. s.E. Blathwayt, Arthur de Visme, Bath.

Blaxall, F. Ricliardson, M.D. Lond., The Hyde, Hendon. N.w. Blaxland, Athelstan Jasper, M.B. Lond., Norwich. Blaxland, Ernest Gregory, Biirwood, New South Wales. Blaxland, Walter, Fremantle, W. Australia. Blaydes, Wilfrid, 1, King's Bench-walk, Temple, ic.c. Blease, Arthur Torking-ton, M. B. Vict., Woodland-rd.,Altr{ncham. Blenkinsop, Alfred Percy, Boycd Army Medical Corps. Blenkinsop, William Henry, M.B. Dubl., 7, Powis-gardens. w. Bletchley, Geo.Playne, M.B. Lond., Nailsworth, Gloucester. Bletsoe, John Henry, M.B. Lond., Upminster, Essex. Blewitt, William Francis. Bacton-on-Sea, Walsham. Blick, Graham Thomas Baylis, M.D. D\iy\\., Broome, W. Australia. Blieden, Max, P.O. box 5297, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Bligh, William, M.D. Lond., Caterham Valley. Blight, John Henry, M.B. Durh., ChfMer field, Derhy. Blight, William Lyne, M.D. Durh., 47, Newport-road, Cardiff. Bliss, Ernest William, Royal Army Medical Corps. Blomfield, Alfred Beah', 217, Queen s-i-oad, Peckham. s.E. Blomfield, Edward Eldridge, M.D. Lond., Duncdin,New Zealand. Blomfield, George \Vills, M.D. Durh., Horsefair, Pontefract. Blomfield, James Edward, M.D. Oxf., Sevenoaks, Kent.

* Formerly Sutton, John Bland.


Bloomfield, Herbert ^Yadmore Gissing-, 32, Holborn-viaduct. e.c.

Blower, Bernard, LicerpooL

Bloxam, George Edward, 113, Ncwhridge-road, Bath.

Bloxsome, Harold Ernest, 1 60, Ujiper Richmond-road. s.w%

Blucke, Harry F'redk. Stokes, Cann Lodge, Shaftesburi/.

Bluett, Georg-e Mallack, Courtland-terrace, Kensington. "W.

Blunt, Arthur Henry, Leicester.

Blunt, Thomas Edward, Naval Medical Sercice.

Boake, Basil, Ormesbij, Norfolk.

Boani, Herbert, 3G, Honeywell-road, New Wandsworth, s.w.

Board, Edmund Comer, Clifton, Bristol.

Board, John Henry, M.B. Camb., 8, Caledonian-place, Clifton, Bristol.

Boase, Richard Davey, Penzance.

Boase, William George, New Amsterdam, British Guiana.

Boclet, Faustin Marcel, 1, Westbourne-street. s.w.

Boden, John Smedley, M.B. Lond., Muswell-hill. N.

Bodilly, Reginald Thomas Hacker. South Woodford, n.e.

Bodkin, Herbert Alfred, Chelmsford.

Bodman, Christopher Osmond, M.D.Durh., 143, Whiteladies-road, Bristol.

Bodman, John Hervey, M.D. Lond., 3, Whiteladies-road, Bristol.

Bod vel- Roberts, Hugh Frank, Napsbnry, Asylum, St. Albans.

Body, Thomas Howard, Lngh-on-Sea, Essex.

Body, Thomas Munn, Middlesbrough.

Boeddicker, Hans Frederick William, M.B. Lond., 97, Bradford- street, Birminqham.

Boissier, Arthur Henry, Banbury, Oxford.

Boissiere, Felix Anthony, 103, Fortess-road. N.w.

Bokenham, Thomas Brandon, Wokingham.

Bokenham, Thomas Jessopp, 10, Devonshire- street, w.

Bolton, Frank Elliott, Naval Medical Service.

Bolton, John Henry Douglas. University College Hospital. w.C.

Bolus, Harry Boulcott, M.B. Camb., Beckenham.

Bolus, Percy Reginald, M.B. Lond., Devonp>r(.

Bomford, Sir Gerald, K.C.I.E.. M.D. Lond., hxdian Med. Service.

Bomford, Trevor Laurence, M.B. Lond., St. Albans.

Bond, Arthur Herbert, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Bond, Barnabas Ma3'Ston, 30, Brook Green, w.

Bond, Bertram William, M.B. Durh., Godalming.

Bond, Cecil William, 25, Mattock-lane, Ealing, w.

Bond, Charles John, Leicester.

Bond, Charles Knox, 11, Denbigh-place, s.w.

liond, Charles Shaw, M.B. Camb., 7, Broadlands-rd., Highgate. N.

Bond, Francis Spencer, Bmtiien, Victoria, Australia.

Bond, Frank Fouracre, Trowbridge.

Bond, James Henry Robinson, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Bond, William Ernest, Bramhall, Stockport.

Bone}', Thomas Knowles, Talaton, H'>luen-rd., Woodside-pk. N.

Bonnefin, Fernand Henry, 2o2, High-road, LeytonAone. n.e.

Bonnet, Saint Rene, M.D. Paris, Chatel Guyon, Buy de Dome.

H 2



Bnnney, Ernest Henry, 49, C'/nn-ch-.ttreet. w. Bonnin, James Atkinson, M.B. Adel., Adelaide, (9. Au!>(ralia. Bontor, Sidney Alo-eriion, M.l). Diirh., Berkhampstead, Herts. Booker, Charh-s William, Wit/ei/, Surrey/. Boon, Ernest Gerald, Alaasio, Italy. Booth. Charles Herbert, Thnmbury, Bradford. Booth, Daniel, Dakinfield.

Bootli. Edward Ilargrave, M.D. Lend., 1, Cambridge-rd., Brighton. Booth, Geoi-g-e, M.D. Durh., 43, Central Pavement, Chesterfield, Booth,. John Gregory, Padiliam.

Booth, Lawrence Tweinlow, 301, Ashfon New-road, Manchester. Booth, Lionel llethorn, Nassau. Nero Providence, Bahamas. *Bo()tli-Milner, Oscar Milner, New Cleethorpes. Booth, William Henry, OG, Dnnstnure-road, Stoke Newington. N. Borcherds, Walter Me<'nt, Ca'hcart, Cape Colonij. Borr(?tt, (reorge Goss, Navnl Medical Service. Borrie, Frederick John, I'nrt Chalmers, New Zealand. Borrow, Frederick Charles, M. B. Loud., 219, Evering-road. n.k Borrows, Robert, M.D. St. Andr., Dnnedin, Neiv Zealand. Bosson, George Archibald, M.B. Lond., Asylum, Tooting Bee. s.w. Bostock, Arthur Hastings, CIrlchester. Bostock, Eustace Bernard, M.D. Lend., Guernsey. Bostock, Robert Ashton, Royal Army Medical Corps. Boswell. John Irvine, M.D. Lond., Newport Pagnell. Boswell, Norman Alexander, 117, Dunstall-rd., Wolverhampton, Bott, Henry, Brentford..

Bott, Percival George Albert.M.B.Lond.. h^, Cambridge-terrace, av. Bott, Robert Henry, M.B. TiOnd., Indian Medical Service. Bott, Stanley, 54, Melton-ruad, Leicester. Bottle, Alexander, M.D. Edinb., 8, Easy-row, Birmingham. Bottomley, Francis Carr, M.D. Camb., Bournemotith. Bottomley, Thomas Abbey, Shepley, Huddersfield. Boucher. Frank Treadwell, Hazdmere, Cotham-park, Bristol. Boulter, Harold Baxter, Indian Medical Service. Boultiug, William, Lantosque, Alpes Maritimes, France. Boulton, Arthur, Horncastle.

Boulton, Harold, M.B. Camb., Indian Medical Service. Bour, Edward Fran^oi.s.

Bourdas, Ernest Clarkson. 32, Bedford-hill, Balhani. s.w. Bourdas, John, Naval Medical Service. Bourguignon, Honore, M.D. Paris,

Bourke, Isidore Mac William, Moree, Neiv South Wales. Bousfield, Arthur, M.B. Lond., The Cheal, Hornsey-lane. N. Bou.sfield, Edward Collins, 303, Old Kent-road. s.e. BousfieM, Leonard, M.D. Camb., Royal Army Medical Corps. Bousfield, Stanley, 35, Princes-square, Bayswater. w. Bovey, Thomas William Wid^er, Horsmonden, Kent. Bowater, William, 207, Broad-street, Birmingham. Bowden,Walter,Z).S'.0.,0/(i Charlton, Kent,NavalMedical Service.

* Formerly Booth, Oscar Milner.



Bowdler, Archibald Peiuhyu, 49, Dukes-avenue, Chiswick. w.

Bowen, Alfred Long-more.

Bowen, Francis Godiny, Abercom, N.E. Rhodesia.

Bowen, Owen Henry, Medical llall^ Cnccieth, X. Wales.

Bowen, William Francis, Bishops Castle, tiaiop.

Bowen, VVm. Henry, ^LB. Lon.l., (iO, llarlen-stveet. w.

Bowen-Jones, John, Poatyvhyl, Briilgeiul, South Wales.

Bower, Edwaid Ignatius, 81, Barosbury-road. N.

Bower, Reg'inald. Knoivle, Warwickshire.

Bower, William Charles, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

Bower, William George, Southporl.

Bowes, Thomas Armstrong, M.D. Camb., Heme Bay, Kent.

Bowhay, Albert, M.U. Durh., Gminislake, Tavistock.

Bowie, Robert Arthur, Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

Bowie, Robert Forbes, Naval Medical Service.

Bowker, Charles Stanser, Newport. Momnuiithshire.

Bowkett, Leonard Howard, Melrose-avenue, Crickleicood. x.w.

Bowlby, George Herljert, Berlin, Ontario, Canada.

Bowie, Chnrles William, Royil Army Medical Corps.

Bowie, Sidney Clement, Royal Army Medical Corps. *Bowle-Evans, (Jharles Harfoid, Indian Medical Service.

Bowles, Alfred, SouthclijI'e, Eastbourne.

Bowling", Rowland Alessaii'lro, 43, Argyle-road, Ealing, w.

Bowman, Richard Oxley, M.D, Lond., Ulverston.

Bown, Arthur Thomas, Indian Medical Service.

Bown, John Quinton, M.D. Brussels, Buxton, Derby.

Bown, William Quinton, 50, Abbotts-road, Southall.

Bowring', Harold, Sefton Park, Liverpool.

Bowring-, Walter Andrew, Furze Hill, Brighton.

Bowser, James Charles, M.D, McGill, Chicago, United States.

Bowtell, Herbert Richmond, 10. MadeUy-road, Ealing, w.

Box, Stanley Longhurst, M.D. Lond., 36, Gordon-rd., Ealing, w.

Box, \V^illiam Frederick, ALB. Lond., StratJord-on-Avon.

Boxall, Frank, Rudgwick, Sussex.

Boyan, John, Naval Medical Service.

Boyce, Sir Rubert William, M.B, Lond,, The University, Liverpool.

Boycott, Arthur Norman, M.D. Lond., Asylum, Hill-end, St. Albans.

Boyd, Alexander Brooke, M.B. Uxf., Famcombe, Godalniing.

Boyd, Ezekiel Alexander, M.D. Toronto, 171, Seymour -place, w

Boyd, Georg'O Samuel James, Stansford. Lincoln.

Boyd, John Errol Moritz, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Boyd, John Francis, Indian Medical Service.

Bo3^d, Samuel Jolm, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Boyd, Sidne}' Arthur, M.B. Lond., 10, Chandos-streei. w.

Boyden, Georg'e Henry, Rhodes, Barklg East. Cape Colony.

Boyle, Henry Edmund Gaskin, 4, Tenby-mansions, Nottingham- street, w.

Boys, Leonard Herbert Henry, M.B. liond., Woodhall, Spa, Lines.

Boyton, Arthur James Henry, Watlington, Oxon.

Formerly Evans, Charles Harford.



Boy ton, Edward Thomas Augustus, Forest Gale. e.

lirabant, Ixobcit Herbert Win. Ilug'hes.

Biabant, Tliotnas Iluglies, GO, St. Georr/e's-rnad. s.vr.

lirabazon, Kdward, 34, La-irel-mad, Fairjield, Liverpool.

Brachi, Francis, 80, West Knd-inne, Ilampxtead. N.w.

Brackenbury, Ily. Britten, 21, Quernmore-road, Fiitshnry Park. x.

l^radburn, Thomas Stratford, Codsall, Wolcerlinmpton.

Bradbury, Charles Henry, 1, Gt. Genrrje-st., Salford, Manchestei\

Bradbury, Harvey Kiniiersley, Burton-on-Trent.

Bradbury, Jolm Cecil Openshaw, Sfoidfjate, Kent.

Braddock, AVilliam, Oldham.

Bradford, Anthony Bourchier, M.D. Durham, 1-1, Hearldta-ftrecty.

Cavendisli -sq ua re. w. Bradford, Cordley, M.B. Birm., AcocVs-rjreen, Birmiiujliam. Bradford, John, M.B. (Jamb., y, Wilton-place, Exeter. Bradle}^ Alwyn Hewett, M.B. Lond., Leicenter. Bradley, Clement Henry Burton, M.B. Syd., Alfred-street, North

Si/dtiei/, New South Wales. Bradley, Charles Iveg'inald Sj'lvester, Royal Army Medical Corps.. Bradley, John, Coventrij.

Bradshaw, Gerald Arthur, Naval Medical Service. Bradshaw-Isherwood, Percy Arthur, J/eadcorn, Kent. Braid wood, Thomas Lithg-ow, Epsom, Surrey. Brailey, Arthur Robertson, 11, Old Burlinrjton-street. ^y. Brailey, Wm. Herbert, M.D. Camb., 2J, Lansdoione-place, Hove, Braine, Charles Carter, 2G, Wimpole-strett. w. fBraine-Hartnell, Geo. Marcus I'auton, Lunatic Asylum, Pou-ick. Braine-Hartiiell, James Christopher Reg-inald, Cheltenham. Braithwaite, Charles Bernard, M.B. Lond., Golcar, If udders field. Braithwaite, Eldred Curwen, INI.B. Durh., 3, Beech-grove, Benton,

Neivcastle-ypon-7'ij)ie. Brakeiu'idg'e, Francis Jolm, Jloyal Army Medical Corps. Bramhall, Charles, Royal Army Medical Corps. Bramsdou, William Arthur, 1, St. Geo7'f/e''s-i<(/uare. s.w. Brandon, Arthur John Spiller, M.B. Durh., 20;'), Elizabeth-street,

Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales. Branfoct, Arthur Mudge, M.B. Loud., Indian ^fedical Service. Brang'win, Charles Harold. 20, Weech-road, W. Ilampstead. n.av. Brausbury, Henry Artlnn- Bramsdon, Royal Army Medical Corps. Branson, Clement Waites, Bournemouih. Branson, Herbert William Archer. Branson, William, M.B. fjond.. Carl)7-ooh, SheJ/ield. Branthwaite, Robert Welsh, M.D. Brussels, Home OJlce. s.w. Branwell, Charles, Alverton, Penzance. l^rash, Edward Alexander, Exeter. Brash, John Bardsley, Handsworth, BirmiuyJutm. Brasher, Chailes William James, 128, Cotham Brow, Bristol. Braund, Ai-thur J\[ather, Bude, North Cornwall.

*' Formerly Bradley, Charles Beginald.

t Formerly Braine, George Marcus Panton.


Braund, Henry, 27, Montaf/ti est reef, liass'ell -square. "W.C.

Brawn, Harry Ellis, Uitfnltacje, Cape Colony.

Bray, Frederick Richard, 41, Sacemake-road, Hampstead.^'S.yv.

Bray, George Arthur Theodore, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Bray, Hubert Alaric, Hoyal Army Medical Corps.

Braye, Reginald .Tomes, St. Saviour s-road., Leicester.

Brayn, Richard, Criminal Asylum, Broadmoor, Berkshire.

Brayne, Robert Edward, Combe Hay Rectory, Bath.

Brebner, Arthur, 55, Kingdand-road. n,e.

Bree. Sidney, M.B. Lond., Manninytree, Essex.

Breen, Adrian Louis, 43, St. Luke' s-road., Xotting Hill. w.

Brehm, Robert Almon,M.D.I)aIhousie, St. John^s, Newfoundland.

Bremuer, Ramsay Allan, Canterbury.

Bremner, Walter Charles i'ahner, M.B. Toronto, 89, St.

John s-road, Upper Hotloiray. x. Bremridge, Richard Harding, M.B. Oxf., Trowbridge. Brenan, Alexander Richard Micklethwait, M.B. Camb., 49,

Eaton-rise, Eidinq. w. Brend, William Alfred, M.B. Lend., 14, Bolinghroke-grorc, Bat-

tersea. s.av. Breuton, William Hore, Plymouth.

Brereton, Frederick Sadleir, Royal Army Medical Corps. Breton, Hewlett, Terang, Victoria, Australia. Breton, Lancelot Moyle, Southampton. Breton, Moyle, Naval Medical Service. Breton, William Kenneth Dudoit, Naval Medical Service. Brett, Harry Clarence Marshall, Cranbrook, Kent. Brett, John, 108, Collins-street, Melbourne, Australia. Brett, William George, Coombe Martin, N. Devon. Breuer, August, M.D. Freiburg, 10, Finsbury-circus. e.g. Brewer, Alexander Hampton, 13G, Richmond-road, Dalston. n.e. Brewer, Alexander Hampton, 29, Court-rd., Barry Dock, Glam. Brewer, Dunstan, Eastern Hospital, Homerton. x.e. Brewer, Henry JeaPfreson, Richmond-road, Dalston. x.e. Brewer, Henry Melvill, Newport, Monmouthshire. Brewer, Reginald Edward Wormald, Newport, Monmouthshire. Brewer, William Kenneth, 175, Manor-road, Brockley. s.k. Brewerton, Elmore Wright. 81, Wimpole-street. av. Brewster, Rex (Harrington, 2G0, Amhurst-road, S. Ncwington. x. Brice, Henry Doyle, Dunkinfield.

Brickwell, Frank, M.B. Lond., Mendleshaw, Stowmarket. Bridge, John Crosthwaite, Orsett, Grays, Essex. Bridger, James Fredk. Edmund, M.B. Lond., B)^idgetown,Barbadoes. Bridger, John Dell, 50, Dartmouth-road, Brondesbury. x.w. Bridger, Robert Daniel, Biggleswade, Beds. Bridger, Sydney, Southend-on-Sea. Bridges, David, Bedford. Bridges, Ernest Chittenden, M.D. Durh., 2, Conrtfeld-road, South

Kensington, s.av. Bridges, Roland Harley, Royal Arnvj Medical Coips. Bi'idgman, Henry Edward, Budleigh, Salterton.


Brierley, Charles Isherwoorl, Indian Medical Service. Brierley, Wilfred Edward, M. 15. Vict., General Infirmary, f.ecds. Brigg.s, (Jeorgc Frederick, 13G, Sprinrj-bank, Hull. Brig-g.s,J()hiiArthnrOs\val(l, M.I). Ij()nd.,37, iVoe/-5^,Xo//''/;'///an«. Brig-g-s, Robert Warden, M.D. Eduil)., Ilarhorne, liirminylKUu. Bright, Archibald Leonard, 3, Royal Crescent, Briyhton. Bright, Richard Charles, M.D. ^Nlontpelier, Cannes, France. Brightmaii, J^'rank, Broadstairs.

Brigstocke, Percy Ward, (J. M.S., M.B. Lend., Beyrout, Syria. Brimaconibe, Richard Williaiii, lU, Hurley-street, Carendish

S'/uare. ^v. Brimblecombe. Stanley \jeQmovc.,Burlescomhe,Wellinrjton^Somerset. Brincker, John August Hermann, M.B. Camb., 8, Christchurch-

road, Hainpstead. N.w. Brind, Henrj' Hauslow, Dartnell Park, Byjleet. Brinton, Artliur Greene, Johannesbury, Transvaal. Briscoe, James Rynd. Chippenham, Wilts. Briscoe, John Edward, Charlestoivn, Xatal. Briscoe, William Thomas, Chippenham. Brisley, Charles Walker, London-road, St. Leonards. Brito-Salazar, Juan Manuel, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Bribtow, Walter Rowley, M.B. Lend., Chislehurst, Kent. Bristowe, Hubert Carpenter, M.D. Lund., Wrington, Bristol. Broadbent, Joseph, Airbrick, Manchester. Broadhurst, William Jjunes, Senekal, Orange River Colony. Brock, Ernest Henry, M.D. Lond., 21, Streatham-Idll. s.w. Brock, John, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Brockat, Andrew Alexander, Malvern. Brockway, Archibald Birt. Brisbane, Queensland. Brockwell, .John JJrocas Chambers, W alton-on-the-N a:e. Broderick, Frederick ^Villiam, 4, York Roir, Wisbech. Brodie, Charles Gordon, Wootton, Isle of Wight. Brodie, Desborough, M.B. Lond., Bawford House, Tetbury. Brodie, Frederick Carden, M.B. Durh., Ollerton, Neuark. Brodie, Tiios. Grigor, M.D. Lond., Uidr., Toronto, Canada. Brodrecht, John Henry Richard. M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Brodribb, Arthur Hubert, Bury-fields, Guildford. Brodribb, Arthur Williamson, M.B. Oxf., Si. Leonards-on-Sea. Brodribb, Charles Hildred, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Brodribb, Ernest, Royal Army Medictd Corps. Brodribb, Francis Arthur, Tattendon, Neicbury. Brogden, Rich. Wm., M.B. Lond., 12. Lower Brook-st., Ipswich. Brohier Samuel Lindsay, 30, Upper Bedford-place, w.c. Broniet, Edward, Red Hill. Bromhall, Ernest, Rawtenstall, Manchester. Bromhead, Frank Hodgson, M.B. Camb., 5, Drewstead-road^

Sti-eatham. s.w. Bromley, James, Castle Hedingham, Essex. Bromley, Lancelot, Seaford, Sussex.

* Fonnerly Briggs, Robert Ward.


Bronstorph, Ernest Ebenezer, M.D.Montreal, Kingston, Jamaica.

Brook, Francis William, 149, Walworlh-road. s.e.

Brook, Heury Darville, Fareham. Hants.

Brook, Samuel Stanley, Mirjield, !Sanderstead, Surrey.

Brook, Tom Stanbury, Denkolm, Chimiford. n.e.

Brook, William 11}'. Breffit, M.D. Lond., Lincoln.

Brooke, Baron, The Baron.^, East Twickenham.

Brooke, Fredk. Arthur John Robertson, BinJiekU Berks.

Brookhouse, Herbert Oipe, M.B. Lond., 38, Tweedy-road, Brom-

leij^ Kent. Brooks, Charles, Chalfont St. Peters, Bucks. Brooks, Francis Augustus, M.D. Brussels, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Brooks, Richard Philip, 24, Wimpole-street. w. Brooks, AVilliam Patrick, Walkers-road, East Moors, Cardiff. Broome, Harold Holkar, M.B. Edinb., Indian Medical Service. Broomhall, Benjamin Charles, 2, Fi/rland-road, Mildniay. N. Bruugh, Daniel. ^SLB. Edinb., Battle, Sussex. Broughton, John Frederick, M.B. Lond., Wetherht/, Yorkshire. Brown, Alexander, M.B. Lond., 1, Bartholomew-rd. n.w. Brown, Allen Bathurst, Donhend, Salisbury. Brown, Arthur Carnarvon, D.M.O., Allahabad, India. Brown, Arthur James, 5, Fielding-road. Bedford-park, Chis-

wick. w. Brown, Daniel Dor ward, Tf arrogate. Brown, David, M.D. Lond., Harrogate. Brown, Edward.

Brown, Edward Archer, M.B. Edinb., SI, Jeppe-st., Johannesburg. Brown, Edward Middleton, M.B. Camb., Craven Arms, Salop. Brown, Elijah, 1, Devon-uiansians, Lewisham, S.E. Brown, Evelyn Kempson, Cranbourne, Salisbury. Brown, Frank Manson, M.D. New York. Brown, Frederick Nathaniel, FrimUy. Surrey. Brown, Georg-e Minter, Griqualand West., South Africa. Brown, George ^Valter, lo, Westminster Bridge-road. s.w. Brown, Harold Corser, M.B. Birm., Tipton. Brown, Harry Mewburn, M.B. Vict., Market Drayton. Brown, Horace George, 'The Willows, Tredegar. Brown, James, Uig, Portree, Scotland.

Brown, James Warburton, .')Sa, Wimpole-st., Cavendish-square, w. Brown, John, M.D. Vict., Burwood House, Bacup. Brown, John, Balderton, Nnvark. Brown, Joseph L'Oste, Shifnal.

Brown, Joseph Norwood, M.D. Lond., 92, Finchley-road. n.w. Brown, Lewis, 28, Charley Old-road, Bolton, T^ancashire. Brown, Lewis Henry. Buckhur.-<t Hill, E,-sex. Brown, Ralph, M.B. Lnnd., Hiyhjield. Sherborne. Brown, IJalph Charles, M.B. MelU, Windsor, Victoria, Avslralia. Brown, Reginald, 56, Rectory-road, Stoke Newington. N. Brown, Robert Dixon, Troyeville, Johannesburg. Brown, Robert Tilbury, M.D. Durh., Royal Army Medical Corps. Brown, Stanley Mewburn, M.D. Lond., Birkdale, Southport.



Brown, Tliomas Frotlorick. 2, Pdrk-rontl, firavescnd.

Brown, Thomas A\ airen, Wdlliiu/toii, Surrei/.

Brown, Waller Geoi-^^e Stepliens, *J, rrionj-strcef, Cardirjan.

Brown, William JNlcEnerj, M.D. Toronto, A'eustadt, OntariOy Canada.

Browne, Ciithbert Garrard, lioi/al Aniiij Medical Corps.

Browne, Kdwd. Granville. M.B. Camb., Pembroke Coll.., Cambridge.

Browne, Edward Moxon, 40, F/iilbcacli-f/ardeiis. s,w.

Browne, Edward W'emyss, Indian Medical Service.

Browne, Harold Elliott, Molonr/, New South Wales.

Browne, ilarrie Spence David, M.B. Camb., Winchester.

Browne, Henry, Salisburij.

Browne, Herbert Henry, Bethlehem, Orange liicer Colon//.

Browne, John James, Wigton, Cumberland.

lirowne, Josiah, Claremont. Bromijard, Worcester.

Browne, Robley Henry John, Naval Medical Service. *Browne, Thomas Walkei* Stanley, Paddock House, Chatham.

Browne, William AValker, Royal Arrai/ Medical Corps. tBrowne-Carthew,RalphHenry,M.D.Durh.,2lA,.4sA/(?//-;?/ace. s.w.

Brown-Fairlie, James Daniel, M.D. Brux., Colombo, Ceylon.

Browne-Mason. Hubert Oliver Browne, Royal A rmy Medical Corps.

Browning, Benjamin, Sidmouih, Devon.

Browning', Edgar, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada.

Browning-, Paul Kansome, Jolton, Hants.

Browning-, Sidney llowaid, Lovgliton, Essex.

Brownlow, Harry Lurg-an, llenlcji-on-Thames.

Brownson, Roger Dawson. Dawson-Dufldeld, Loudon Hospital. E.

Browse, George, Indian Medical Service.

Bruce, Herbert Alexander, 64, Bloor-st. E', Toronto., Canada.

Bruce, OUiver, Heme Bay.

Bruce, William .James, Milford-on-Sea, Lymington. +Bruce-Porter, Harry Edwin, M.D. Brussels, G, Grosvenor-st. ^y.

Brunton, John, M.B. Glasg., 15, Endsleigh-gardens. n.w.

Biunton, Walter, M.B. Durli., Birchington, Kent.

Brushfield, Archibald iSadauld, Halifax.

Bruzaud, Alfred Sigismund. Greenfield, Oldham, Lancashire.

Bryan, Charles Walter Gordon, 47, Princts-square. av.

Bryan, Clement Arthur Dou<;-las, 44, Hun\hersl one-road, Leicester.

Bryan, Herbert James, Railuay-street, Chatham.

Bryan, John, Aintree, Liverpool.

Br^'an, John Morgan, Northampton.

Bryant, Charles Hilary, M.D. Durh,, ^fontpelier-crescent, Brighton.

Brydeii, Ronald Anderson, lioyal Army Medical Corps.

Brydone, James Mai-r, M.B. Camb., IH, South Audley-street. w.

BryeVt, Lewis Thos Eraser, M.D. Lond., 2, A lwyne-rd.,Cananbury. n.

Br^'ett, William Robert, M.D. Lond., 59, Stanhope-sf., Strand, w.c.


* Formerly Brown, James Daniel.

t Browno, Ralph Henry.

X Formerly Porter, Harry Edwin Bruce.



Buchanan, Archibald Hraham, 75, Warwick-square, s.av. Buchanan, James Spittal, MM. Gias., 37, Collins-street, Mel-

bonnie, Victoria, Aristialia. Buchanan, Norman Duncan, M.B. Toronto, Zurich, Ontario.

Buclc, Arthur Herbert, ol), Cambridge-road, Brighton.

Buckell^ Edward, Ronisey.

Buckell, Ernest Hook, Chichester.

Buckell, \VilHam Robeit, Chelfenhani.

Buckeridp-e, Gu}' L'^she, Aaral Medical Service.

Buckle, Fleetwood, M.D. St. Audr.. 2(», Merton-road, SoutJisea.

Buckley, Charles Herbert, Weruetli, Oldhaw.

Buckley, John Pliilip, M.B. Lond., Burn Old-road, Manchester.

Buckley, Joseph Kichard, M.B. Lond., Edghaston, Birmingham.

Buckley, William Henry, 20, Union-street, Oldham.

Bucknall, Thos. Eupcrt Hampden, ^l.D. Lond., IG, Devonshire- street. AV.

Budd, AVm. Hindshaw, Voshv.rg, Cajte Colonij.

Budd-Budd, Edward John, 72, Marine Parade, Brighton.

Budden, Tice Fisher, M.D. Camb., Crouch End. K.

Buendia, Nicolas, Bogota, Republic of Colombia, South America.

Bull, Doug-las William Anderson, Stonji Stratford.

Bull, Geoi-g-e Coulson Kobins, M.B. Lond.. Bedford.

Bull, George Vernon, Ashbourne, Derbijslnre.

Bull, Harry Ashworth, Gt. Haijivnod^ Stafford.

Bull. James Weston, M.D, Brussels.

Bull, Stanley Arthur, M.D. Lond., A uckland, New Zealand.

Bull, William Henry, Stonji Stratford.

Bullen, Charles Henry, M.D. Lond., Tettenhall, Wolverhampton.

Bullivaiit, Samuel.

Bullmore, Edward Augustus, 10. South Brink, Wisbeach.

Btillmore, Frederick Guy, Colder s-green. n.w.

Bullock, Charles Fenry, Oswestr//.

Bullock. Henry Maurice, 14a, U/iper Wimpole-street. w.

Bulstrode, Christopher Victor, ]\LB. Camb., Shrewsbun/.

Bulstrode, Herbert Tijubi-ell, M.D. Camb., M. 1903, 52, Palace- gardens-terrace, Kensington, av.

Bulteel, Cecil Edward, Indian Medical Service.

Bulteel, Marcus Heiny, Guernsei/.

Bumsted, Henry James, M.B. Camb., 7, Iliglt-road, Streal- ham. s.w.

Bunbury, Edwin Garrett, J 3, Dowry-square, Bristol.

Buncombe, William Dewe}% City Infrmary, Boiv-roaA. v..

Bunting-, Edward Lancelot, M.B. Birm., St. John's, Worcester.

Bunting, Gerald Lantsbery, M.D. Loud., Tonbridge.

Buol, Florian, Davos Platz, Switzerland.

Burch, Henry Edwin, Kingston-road, Portsmouth.

Burchell, Ernest, 5, Waterioo-2^lace, Brighton.

Burd, (!yril I'richard, Upton-on-Severn, Worcestershire.

Burd, Edward Lycett, M.D. Camb., Shirehampton, Bristol.

Burd, Eeg-iuald Shirley, M.B. Birm., Oaken, Wolverhampton.

Burden, Heni-y, Indian Medical Service.



Burdett, John Heafl, 24. fAinmifts Park-voadi FaiUtkj. W.

Burditt, Kalpli Austin, Moss Side, Manchester.

Burfield, Joseph, M.B. Loud., 2, Thoipe Mansions, Norwich.

Burtield, Tlionias, iM.B. Canib., Warbleton, Sussex.

Burge, Frederick Jolni, Shaiu/ha/, ('hina.

Burg-es, Frederick Augustus L'Estrange, HocMey-hill, Dirntinghain.

Burges, Bicliard, 12, Roseherii-road, M iisiceli Hill. n.

Burgess, Arthur Henry, M. B. Vict., lOo, I/if/h-sireei, Manchester.

Burgess, Arthur Savell, Bin-ch llantjer, Gudabniwj.

Bui'gess, Edward John, Whitchurch, IJainpshirc.

Burgess, Harold Lyncli. Streathain. s.w.

Burgess, Jolm Hay, M.i3. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Burgess, Robert, Market I/arborotigh.

Ijurgess, Thos. Wiu. Warkin, Wagga. Wagga, New South Wales.

Burke, Geiald Tyler,M.B. Lond., 1 4, Somersei-road, W.Ealing, w.

Bin-land. Herbert, Finedon., Wellingborongh.

Burnian, Hugh Westley, Colwall, Herefordshire.

Burn, Alfred, M.D. Lond., Crawleg, Sussex.

Burn, Thomas William Barnetl, Cambridge.

Burnand, Walter Earclley, i)Mr6''/«, Natal.

Burner, Laurence Henry, General Hospital, Cheltenham.

liurnett, Arthur Hill, Carlton-place, Southampton.

Burnett, Frank Marsden, M.D. Lond., Sevenoaks.

Burnett, John Ridley, M.D. Edinb., Keswick.

Burnett, Leslie Burton, M.B. Camb., Balcluthu, Otago, N.Z.

Burnett, Philip, M.D. McGill, 1073, Sherbrooke-street, Montreal.

Br.rnett, Reuben, Leek.

Burney, Charles Dudley Francis, 327, New Cross-road. s.e.

Burney, Walter Henry Skardon, Greenwich Injinnarg. s.e.

Burniston, Hugh Somerville, M.B. Durh., Naval Medical Service.

Burns, EdvA-ard Pay ton, L58, High-street, Smeihwick, Birmingham.

Burns, William Thomas, The Crescent, Carlisle.

Burpitt, Harry Reginald, London Asylum, Cane Hill, Surrey.

Burr, Wilfrid Buchanan, Winchester.

Burr, William Alexander, M.D. Toronto, Fergus, Ontario, Canada.

Burra, Launcelot Toke, M.B. Oxt'., Consumptive Hospital, New- castle, CO. Wicklow, Ireland.

Burrell, Arthur Wra., M.D. Lond.

Burrell, Lancelot Stepheii Topham, Oak Holm, Wimbledon.

Burrell. Lionel Cottiiigham, M.B. Camb., Kew, Surrey.

Burridge, Henry Alfred, 4(5, Herne-hill. s.e.

Burridge, John Harold, Slough.

Burroughes, Henry Neville, M.B. Camb., 35a, Hertford-street, Mag fair. w. *Burrouglis, John Herbert, 1 09 Cifg-road. E.C.

Burronghs, Leopold, 7, Eltham-road, L^ee. s.e.

Burroughs, William John, 75, Camden-road. n.w.

Burrow, Thomas, Dulton-square, Lancaster.

Burrow, Vincent, M.D. Durh., Alnwick, Northumberland.

* Formerly Tootal, John Herbert.


Burrows, Ai'thiir, SoII>i/s, Hadleigh Ratjleigli, Essex.

Burrows, Cresswell, M.B. Camb., Cambridge.

Burrows, Harold, M.B. Lond., Grove-road, Southsea.

Burry, Henry Burry Pulltm, Bnrnstatde.

Burt, Albert Hamiltou, Palmeira-square, Hove, Brighton.

Burt. Cyril Cecil Barrow, Suitter field, Stratford-on-Avon.

Burt, -loseph Barnes, M.D. Lond., Manchester-road, Brixton.

Burt, William Charles, Wolrerton, Bucks.

Burtch, John, M.D. Vict. Col., Fingal, Canada West.

Burton, Arthur, M.D. Camb., Cromer.

Burton, Charles Geoi'ge, Lower Edmonton, n.

Burton, Edward Theodore, Naval Medical Service.

Burton, Herbert Campbell, Lee Park L^odge, Blachheath. s.e.

Burton, James Cecil, Calne, Wilts.

Burton, John Earp, 64, Rodney -street, Liverpool.

Burton, Leonard Lamming, M.D. Brussels, Longton,\

Burton, Percy, Newcastle, Staffordshire.

Burton, William Edward, Frodsham, Cheshire.

Burton, William Henry, M.D. Toronto, Melhourne., Victoria.

Burwash, Henry Jolin.

Bury, Herbert Taylor, Sydney, New South Wales.

Bury, Reginald Frederick, Leamington.

Busfield, James, Clay gate Surrey.

Bush, Erasmus, ChilUngton, Kingsbridge.

Bushnell, Frank George, M.D. Lond., County Hospital, Brighton.

Bnshnell, Percy Charles, 16, Avondale-square. s.E.

Buss, Howard Decimns, Umtata, Cape Colony, S. Africa.

Buswell, Ferberd Richard, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Butcher, Charles Bazett Deaiie, Ealing, av.

Butcher, Harry Hendy, 4, Dukes-avenue, Chisivick. w.

Butcher, William James, Bedford.

Butement, William, Masterton, New Zealand.

Butler, Arthur George, M.B. Lond., Beckenham-road, Penge.'^s.Vj.

Butler, Charles, M.D. Brussels, East Budleigh, S. Devon. ^^

Butler, Frank, 36, City-road, Finsbury-square, e.g.

Butler, Gamaliel Heniy, 52, Macquarie-street , Hobart, Tasmania.

Butler, George Guy, 61, Lambeth-palace-road. s.E.

Butler, Gilbert Edward, Montagu, Tasmania. .i

Butler, Harold Branson, Waterden-road., Guildford. '~^

Butler, James Alfred, M.D. Lond., 280, Goldhawk-road. w.'

Butler, Percival, Great-bridge, Tipton.

Butler, Sydney George, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Butler, Thomas Edward.

Butler, Thomas Harrison, M.D. Oxf., Kenilworth.

Butler, Thomas Langton, Hdmsley, Yorkshire.

Butler, William Baiber, Hereford.

Butler, William Harold, 3. Lanyman-road, Barnsley.

Butlin, Henry Trentham, 82, Harley-street. w.

Butt, Harold Thomas Hay ward, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, e.g.

Buttar, Charles, M.D. Camb., 10, Kensington-gardens-square, w,

Butterfield, Nathaniel Augustus, J. cZcZe/ey-s^y-ee?, Cape Town,


1906 Butterworth, John, Brentwood, Middleton, Manc1ie»Ur.

1907 i Button, Martin Binns StuHer, Mftrtinnfield^ De^il. 1891 Baxton. Gumey WT.ite. Fenny Stratford.

1877 Byam, Samuel Ilenry, 3^, Cheifter-square. 8.\r. 1904 . B^'am, William, Royal Aron/ Medical Corps. 1891 j Byass, Thomas Spry. Lan/Jham Ifoiu'e, S'orOiampton. 1907 ! Byatt» Harry Vivian Byatt, lioifal Arm>/ Me/ltcal Corps.

1906 I Bye, Xrmnan Uuthnance, Budhftnt-fiill, Emex.

1894 \ Bvers, Hv. Stagg, ALB. Durh., Cleator, Cumberland.

1895 I Byford. \Villiam Franci*?, Ruthin, N. WaIe/>.

1893 ByleSjJamesBeuzevilie, M.B. fx>n(L, .5. ,S'aci•^I7fc-*/^e«^ vr.

1891 I Byle«, John Beuzeville, M.B. Canb., Jot/ce Green JIo^p., Dart/ord.

1 884 Byrne, George, Oicens College, Manchester.

1874 Byrne, John Joseph, Molden, Sajskatclieiran, Canada.

1899 B^Tne, John Scott, M.B. Vict., 20i>, Up. Parliamenf-st., Liverpool.

1900 By water, Ernest Frederick Wharton, MJi. Birm., Isolation j Hospital, Muswell Hill. x.

Caddj-, Adrian, >LD. Lond., Harim/tonslreet, Calcutta.

1887 I Caddy, Arnold, Harinrjton-street, Calcutta. 1897 j Cade, Ilarry Mills, Ropsley, Grantham.

1892 Cade, Henry Lowless. Parkhill-road, WnlUngton.

1875 Cadge, William Hotsou, Indian Medical Service.

1896 Caesar, Richard Thomps^m, Maidstone.

1895 j Caglieri Gaido Enrifto. San Francisco. California. 1883 i Cahill. John, 12. Seville-street , Knightsbridrje. s.w.

1888 j Cahill, William Arthur.

1890 j Caiger. Herbert. M.B. Lond., Burgherstlorp, Orange River Colony.

1888 Calder, Frank, 5iLB. Lond, Forhm. New South Walex.

1895 j Caldicott, Charles Holt, M.B. Lond., CJiobham.

1909 Caley, Frederick Goodman, Thombury House. Wiudsor.

1885 Caley, Guthrie Neville, 31.D. Ihirh-,44. Cfftlebar-rd., Ealing, w.

1897 Caley, Thomas Aloysius, Tickhilt, llothfrham.

1890 Callender, Eastace Maude, 47, Connnught -square, w. 1897 Galium, Harold Sidney Hill, M.B. Vict., Ttulc^ister. 1868 I Calthorp, Christopher William. Indian Medical Service. 1862 I CaJthrop, Edward. Sutton, Surrey.

1909 Calthrop, Edward .Spencer, M'lhdia, Albion-road. Sutton, Surrey.

1887 I Calthrop, Lionel Claude, .\f.B. Durh., Woodhall Spa, Lincoln.

1894 Cal verier, Jo». Ernest Goodf'ellow, C'.3/.6'.,M.D. Lon(L, Folkestone. 1887 I Calvert. William Dobree, 17, New Steine, Brighton.

1909 Cam, Walter Holcroft, Birchnnger, Bishops Slorlf<trd.

1907 Cama<-ho, Angel, -i8, Holland-park. w.

Camacbo, 3'Iartin, 29, Elstuxm-rfMitl, Kensington, w. 1902 j Cameron, Alexander, M-B. Loud., Indian SfefUcal Service.

1891 ; Cameron, Allan Gordon Russell, SLB. Durk, Worthing. 1864 Cameron, Charles, Bengal Army.

1877 ! Cameron, Charles Hamilton Hone, Eastbourne.

1889 , Cameron, Ewan Gordon, 64, Gre^it Portland-street, w. 1900 5 Cameron, John, M D. Edinb., Middlesex Hospital, vr.

1908 ( Cameron, John Joseph. .30, Beeston-street, Kingston, .Tamaica.

1896 i Cameron, Malcolm, M-B. I>jnd., Nacal Medical Service.



Cameron, Robert Miles Fletcher, Boulder Cifij, West Australia.

Cameron, Robert Watson, Fenn-road, Wolverhampton.

Canimidg-e, Percy John, iVJ.B, Lond., 2, Beaumont-street. "\v.

Campbell, Alfred Youn<^, MarrickviUe, Nev) South Wales.

Campbell, Archibald John, Jioss, Herefordshire.

Campbell, Arthur Minton, Oxf., 2o, Sfh. Lambeth-rd. s.av.

CampVjell, Cliristopher Addison, M.B. Tovoxito, Kirkton, Toronto, Canada.

Campbell, Colin Alexandei', M.D, Toronto, 87. Yorkville-avenne, Toronto, Canada.

Campbell, Duncan McDoug-all Lochnell, Acton, "vv.

Campbell, Francis Wayland, M.l). Montreal, Canada.

Campbell, Goorg-e Guuniiig, 2"), Cambridge-road, Anerley. s.E.

Campbell, John Alexander Lang-ford, Naval Medical Service.

Campbell, John Ilay, D.S.O., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Campbell, Patrick Duuciin Maclver, Naval Medical Service.

Campbell, Robert, M.I5. R. Univ., Irel., 03, Gt. Victoria-st., Belfast.

Campbell, William Archibald, M.B. GIasg\, 24, Glasf/ow-street, Glasgow.

Campbell, William Wellesley, Georf/etoicn, British Guiana.

Campiche, Paul, M.U. Switz., Lausanne, Switzerland.

Camps, Ptsrcy Wm. Leopold, M.B. Lond., Teddington.

Candler, Arthur Laurence, M.B. Lond., 47, Coombe-rd., S. Cnnjdnu.

Candler, Georg^e, Black Torrington, North Devon.

Candler, Wallace Harry Charles, 8, Iligh-st., Stone, Staffordshire.

Candy, Georg^e Spence, G, Gordon-square. w.C.

Cane, Arthur Skehling;, St. Oswald's Meads, Eastbourne.

Cane, Howard, M.D. Brussels, Belvedere, Kent.

Cane. ILjward James Barrell, The Gables, Belvedere, Kent.

Cane, Ijeonard Buckell, M.B. Camb., Peterborough.

Canfield, Ralph Metcalf, M.D. Vermont, Stanstead, Quebec.

Cann, Francis John nughtrede,M.B. Lond., Sefton House, Dawlish.

Cann, Ralph Thomas, Fowey, Cormvall.

Cannau, David, 34, Sebn-t-road, Forest Gate. e.

Canne3'', James Robertson Campbell, University College Hos- pital. AV.C.

Cant, Arthur, M.B. Birm., Coleshill, Birmingham.

Cant, Frederick, Woodley, Stockport.

Cant, William Edmund, M.D. Yiuvh., .hriisalem.

Cant, William John. M.B. Birm., 3, Lindum-road, Lincoln.

Canton, Frederick, 24, Upper Wimpole-street. w.

Capes, Robert, 181, Grove-lane, Denmark-hill. s.E.

Capon, Herbert James, M,D. Brussels, 40, Upper George-st. \r.

Caporn, Albert William, Woodstock, Cape Town.

Cappe, Herbert Nelson, Asi/han, Brookicood, Surrey.

Capper, flarold Selwyn, M.D. Lond., 3filler-street, Sydney, N.S. W.

Card, Alfred Herbert, 37, Muswell-risc, Muswell Hill. n.

Cardell, Edward Stewart, Tonbrldgc, Kent.

Cardeu. William Alfred. Bothairille, Orange River Colony.

Cardew, Henry Jameson, M.B. Camb., 181, Ebury- street, s.w.

Cardin, Herbert, Digatesfone, Essex.


Cardinall, Charles Dakiiig-, 21, Chnrch-rcdd, Willesden. n.w. Cardozo, Samuel Nunez. North Mo/ton. Devon. '^Carew, .Sydney, 79, NiciJitiiujale-Iane. s.w. Carey, Richani Stocker, East litrnholl, Suffolk. Cargili, Lionel Vernon, ;il, Hur ley-street. \v. Carle, Fredk.Chai-le.s,iM.B. fiOiid., West Bi/Jleet, Surrei/. Carling, Albert, M.B. Canib., Great Geovfie-street, Bristol. Carlin.g', Ernest Rock, M.B. Lond., 14, Mandeville-place. ^^'. Carlisle, Geoffrey, Naval Medical Service.

Carlyll, llildred Bertram, 7, Ilanover-terrace, Regenfs-park. N.w. (Jarlyon, Edw. Trewbody, M.B. Darh., Yarmouth, Isleof Wiijht. Carmody, Ernest Patrick, Tilehurst, Berkshire. Carues, William, 152, Cardigan-road, Leeds. Carney, Ambrose, Romford-road, Stratford, k. Carolin, Georg-e, Boscombc.

Carpenter, Arthur Bristowe, M.B. Oxf., Croydon. Carpenter, Edgar Godfrey, Cairo, Egypt.

Carpenter, Geoffrey Douglas Hale, 73, Elsham-road, Kensington. Carpenter, Percy Tranter, Parkstone, Dorset. Carpenter, Wm. Stanley, M.B. Durli., Abinger-rd., Deptford. s.e. Carpmael, Cecil Edward, M.B. Lond., 17, Half-Moon-lane. s.e. Carpmael, Norman, M.B. Lond., Henhii-on-Thames. Can-, George Francis, Bank House, Wood-street, Wakefield. Carr, William James, T homton-in-Craven, Leeds. Carr-IIarris, Ferguson Fitton, M.D. Queen's, Canada, 13, Upper

Woburn-place. w.c. Carre, Louis John Gerard, Limplestoke, Bath. Carre-Smith, Herbert Lovell, 74, Holland Park-avenue, w. Carrell, George Northern Piccaver, Ilford, Essex. Carroll, Edward Rich. Willm. Chas., Indian Medical Service. Carroll, Francis Radcliffe, M.t^. Camb., Caterham. Carron, Frederick Burke, M.D. McGill, Brockvilh, Ontario, Canada. Carruthers, George, M.D. McGill, Prince Edward Island. Carruthers, Walter Donald, M.B. Birm., Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Carsberg, Alfred Ernest, M.B. Camb., Brnfon, Somerset. Carson, Herbert William, 2G, Welbeck-street. av. Carsweli, William Elliott, M.B. New Zealand, 4, Endsleigh-

gardens. n.w. Carstairs, Herbert James, Grahamstown, Cape Colony. Carter, Arthur Burnell. Dartford. Carter, Arthur Hunton, M.D. Lond., Wolverhampton. Carter, Felix Bolton, M.D. Lond., Leicester. Carter, Frederick John. Sea Vieiv, Isle of Wight. Carter, Georg-e Archibald, Tunstall, Staffs. Carter, Howard Bernard, 287, Lewisham High-road. s.e. Carter, Hugh Ronald, 11, Leonard-place, Kensington, s.w. Carter, James Bubier, M.B. Vict., Ulvei-ston. Carter, John George, 76, New Kent-road. s.e. Carter, Robert Markham, Indian Medical Service.

* Formerly Smitli, Sydney.


Carter, Sydney, ChaiUtlli/, Oise, France. Carter, Thoma?!, Ric/inwnd, Yorkshire. "Carter, Tliomas Moravian, M.B. Durh., Clifton, Bristol. Carter, Tyler Pleydell, Chippenham. Carter, Weldon Cragg, M.D. Lond., Southport. Carter, William Jeffrys Becher, Cape Colony, South Africa. Carter, William Robson, M.B. Camb., Wancick. Cartwrig-ht, Ernest Henry, M.D. Oxf., Ticehurst. Sussex. Carver, Alfred Edward Arthur, St. Bartkoloniews flospital. E.G. Carver, Norman Clifton, M.B. Camb., Ewell-road, Surbiton. Carwardine, Thomas, M.B. Lond., Clifton, Bristol. Cascaden, John, M.D. Toronto, St. Thomas, Canada West. Case, Hugh Martin, Fareham, Hants. Cass, Arthur Morgan, South Wigstoa, Leicester. Cassidy, Colin, M.B. Camb., Army Medical Serrice. Castel. Adolphus Leo, Q'latres Bornes, Mauritius. Castellain, John Graham, .SV. Georges Hospital, av. Castor, Richard Hendei'son, Indian Medical Serrice. Cathcart, George Elliott, Royal Army Medical Corps. Cathcart, Samuel Earle, Greenfield, Hvjhgate. n. Catling, Henry, 38, St. James-road, Brixton, s.w. Cato, Alexander xMcLean, 154, Stanstead-road. s.E. Cato, Chai'les Stanley, Royal Army Medical Corps. Cattell, George Trew, M.D. Brussels, J 79, Cromwell-road, s.av, Catterall, Cuthbert Geo., Clarerle//-grore, Finchleij. N. Caudwell, Eber, 122, North Side, Clapham. s.av. Caudwell. Francis Bernard Heiuy, Great Cogcfeshall, Essex. Causton, Edward Postle Gwyn, Naval Medical Service. Cave, Francis William, Ipswich. Cave, Frank Evans, Silrerhill, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Cavell, Herbert Bertram.

Caveii. John, 29, Carlton-street, Toronto, Canada. Caven, William Proudfoot, Toronto, Canada. Cavenagh-Mainwaving, Wentworth Rowland, Adelaide, A ustrali". Cawley, George, Ottershaw. Chertsey. Cawston, Albert Edward, Wantage, Berks. Cawstoi), Frederick Goidon, St. Albans. <.)ayle3^ Frank Pierson, ]\LB. Camb., Slansted, Essex. Cazalet, Grenville William, Sutton, Surrey. Cazaly, William Henry, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Cazenove, William Reginald, Knight' s-hill-rd.. W. Norwood. s.E. Center, Wm. Rudolph, M.B. Edinb., Naval Medical Service. Cerswell, William Alfred, M.B, Toronto, 914, Dovercourt-rd.,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Chadborn, Charles Nugent, 10, Cambridge-road, Hove, Brighton. Chadwick, James Morley, Manchester. Chaff, Thomas Waycott, HigJter Brour/hton, Manchester. Chaffey. WayJand Chas., M.D. Loud., Hove, Brighton. Chaikin, George, 47, White Lion-street, Norton Folgate. n.e.

* Eormerlj Carter, Arliugliain.



Chaldecott, Jolin Ilenr}', 41, Welheck-street. av.

Chiilk, Charles Launder, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex.

Cliallnns, Krank. M.D. Loud., Upton Manor, e.

Clialliee, John Scott, Crkklewood. n.w.

Cliallinor, ('edric, Lei ah, Lancashire.

Challinor, Samuel Macniillan, Aska]ii-in-Fii mess.

Challis, Ilairy Thornton, 315, Hoe-street, Walthamstow. n.e,

Challis, Oswald. Royal Arnti/ Medical Corps.

Chahners, Alliert John, M,I). Vict., CoUmdjo, Ceylon.

Chaiulieilaiii, Durie Aveiy, Shalton^ North Cornumll.

Chanibeilain. Edward Twyford, M.D. Durh., Jiillinghurst, Essex.

Chanjbers, Alexander Jasper, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Chambers, Alfi'ed Edward, Denton. Mancliester.

Cliarabers, Ernest James, 18, Had (/ate, Dor.caster.

Chambers, Guy Oldham, 101, Goldhawk-road, ShephertrsBiifih. ^v.

Chanibei-a, Herbert William, Goldhaick-road, Shepherd's Bnsh. w,

ChamV)ers, John Miles, Amberley House, Norjolk - street,

Strand, w.c. Chambers, William Francis, Folkestone. Chambers, William John, M.B. Toronto, Kinora, Canada. Chance, Robert Francis, 34, West-side, Wandsuorth Common, s.w. Chand, Fatch, College of Medicine, N en-cast le-on-Tyne. Chandler, Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps. Chnplin, Clement Woodthorpe, M.D. hond., An gmering, Sussex. Chapman, Alu;ernon Vivian, Croydon. Chapn)an, Charles Leopold Granville, Grimsby. Chapman, Donald Poyntz, Naval Medical Service. Chapman, Frederick Hercy Montag-u, Roy. Army Med. Service, Chapman, George William, Margate. Chapman, Herbert Frederick, Richmond, Surrey. Chapman, J'lhn Ellis, Great Clacton, Essex. Chapman, Walter. M.B. Birm., Totnes.

Chapman, William Daniel, M.B. Camb., Helmivood, Windermere, Chapman, ^Villiam James, M.D. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Chappie, Aubrey Durant, <.S'^ Geoi'ge's-road, Weyhridge. Chappie, Harold, Guy's Hospital. s.E. Chappie, R()l)t. Llewellyn, Stanfoot, Barnsley. Charles. Arthur de Courcey Cranstoun, Indian Med. Service. Charles. Blackwell, Newton Abbot. Charles, Clifford Pendrill, Hitclnn. Charles, Godfrey Eustace, Indian Medical Service. Charles, Herhert, 22, Anson-road, Crirkleicood. Charlesvvorth, George Ilenr^^ East Hill, Wandsworth, s.w. Charlton, Frederick John, Wimbornc.

Charpeuiipr. Ambiose Edward Lea, M.D. Durham, Uxbridge. Charsjcy Gilbert William, M.B. Birm., SydenJiam. s.E. Charsley, Robert Stephen, Slough. Chase, Roln'it Godwin, Guy's Hospital. s.E. Chasker, Keshir Sadashiva, 22, St. Stephen' s-road, Baysnafcr.

w. Chaster, George William, 42, Talbot-street, Southport.



Chatelain,Victor Albert, M.B. Lond., i<,Aberdour-g(his., Goodmayes.

Chater, Harold John, Navcd Medical Service.

Chater, John Samuel, M.D. Loud., 10, Steep Hill, Lincoln.

Chater, Thomas Andrew, Ladt/smith, Natal.

Chatterton, Edgar, 2, Upper Westhourne-terrace. av.

Chatterton, Harold, 61, Portsdoun-road, Maida Vale. w.

Chaudhuri, Suhrid Nath, Calcutta, India.

Channcy, James Hornidg-e, 44, Lee-park, Blackheath. s.e.

Chavasse, Howard Sidney, Sutton Coldjield, Birminyltam.

Chawner, Alfred, Chesterfield.

Cheadle, Bernard Arthur, 11, Campden House-road, Kensington, yr.

Cheale, Montague, Uckfield, Sussex.

Cheatle, Arthur Henry, 18, Savile-roio. "W.

Cheatle, Cyril Thomas, Burford, Oxon.

Cheatle, William George, Asylum, Hanicell. w.

Cheese Fredk. AYm.. M.D, Durh., 9oa, Blackheath-hill. s.e.

Cheese, John \Yilliam, Aortlnvood, Herts.

Cheesman. Algernon Edgar Percy, Llorley, Surrey.

Cheesmau, Her berr. Hilton, Karangahak, JSlew Zealand.

Cheetham, Sydney William, 233, Romford-road, Forat-gate. e.

Chell, George Russell Plaines, Newark.

Chenery, Arthur, Mortlake, Victoria, Australia.

Chennells, Ernest Philip, M.B. Lond., 39, Woodrille-road, Thornton Heath.

Cherrett, Bertram Walter, M.B. Lond., Fever Hosp., Plaistow. e. *Chesson, Herbert, Brisbane, Queensland.

Chetwood, Thomas, M.B. Lond., 79, New North-road. n.

Chevallier, Claude Lionel, British Protectorate, E. Africa.

Cheyney, (leorge Hammond, Caversham, Oxon.

Chichester, Edward, M.B. Lond., Colchester.

Chicken, Rupert Cecil, Bognor.

Chidell, Claude Churchill, M.B. Lond., Ville Gentiana Arosa^ Switzerland.

Chilcott, Arthur Edward, M.D. ^rnsteiQ, St. Pancras Infirmary, s.^r.

Chilcott, Wdliam Winsland Douglas, Naval Med. Service,

Child, Francis Joseph, M.D. Camb., Winchester.

Child, Gerald Alfred, Southampton.

Child, Harry Norman Rix, 65, Gaifiord-st., Kentish Town. N.w.

Child, Stanley, ^LB. Camb., Slinfold, Horsham.

Child, William Noel, 10, Holland- villas-road, Kensington. ^Y.

Childe, Charles Plumley, Kent-road, Southsea.

Childs, Christopher, M.D, Uxf., Bnscarne, T^ooe.

Chiles-Evans, David Brynmor, Fforest Fach, Swansea.

Chisholm, Murdoch, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Chisnall, George Henry. Frating Abbey, Colchester.

Chissell, Percy John, Middlesex Hospital, w. f Chittenden, Thomas Hillier, M.D. Durh. , 25, Ovington-sqnare. s,"\v.

* Formerly Lardner, Herbert Galloway. t Kesigned membership, April, 1908.

1 2


Chitty, Hubert, M.B, Loud., Brock/iill-part, TLjtlie, Kent.

Cholmeley, Moiitag-ue A'iy(!, Truro.

Cholinele}', William Fredk., Wulrerli(unptnn.

Chopping", Arthur, Rofial Artni/ Medical. Carpf.

Chopra, Rum Nath, M.D. Camb., Indian Jfedical Service.

Chown, Henry Ilavelock, M.D. Kingston.

Christal, Tiionias Forster, Benbnlbcn, Ireland.

Christian, .lolin Beresford, Indian Medical Service.

Christmas, Robert Wm. Samuel, Gamlin</ai/, Sandij.

Christopherson, Cecil, St. Leonards.

Churchill, (xeorg-e Brooke Forbes, floi/al Army .\redical Corpa.

Churchill, Herbert Melville, 180, Sprinf/iield-ruad, Brijhton.

Churchill, John Aylward, Tientsin, China.

Churchill, John Foot, Chesham, Amersham.

Churchill, Joseph Henry, Weinhlei/, Middlesex.

Churchill, Spencer, Fairharen, Pvtnetj Heath. S.av.

Churton, John Gaitskell, Royal Armij Medical Corps.

Claph im, E hvard William, 48, llarleij-street. w.

Clapham, Harold, Tkorneij, Peterborough.

Clapham, John Thurlow, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Clapham, Howard Dennis, 123, Norton Way, Letchioorth,

I/itchin, Herts. Clapham, Koderic Arthur, M.D. Camb., Eastbourne. Clapham, Stanley Cornell, M.B. Durh., Handley, Dorset. Clapham, William Crochley Sampson, M.D. Brussels, Rotlierltam. Clapp, Robert, Whitchurch, Tavistock.

Clare, Thomns Charles, M.B. Lond., Ed'fbnston, Birmingham. Claremont, Louis Bennett, GO, Ilaver stock-hill. n.w. Claridge, William Walton, N. Territories, W. Africa. Clark, Alfred Joseph, Street, Somerset. Clark, Brown, 86, Turnpike-lane, Hornsey. n. Clark, Henry Colbatch, Wellington, Hereford. Clark, Henry James, 32, Lambert-road. Brixton, s.w. Clark, James Aitkin, M.B. Loud., 93, Fordwych-roud, Brondesbury.


Clark, Reginald William, Chamberlaynr-road, Willesden. n.w.

Clark, Richard Foster, Naval Medical Service.

Clark. Sydne}', 25, Blenheim-terrace, Leeds.

Clark, William Adams, M.D. Lond., Beckenham-road, Penge. s.e.

Clark, William Brown, M.B. Lond., 11, Beaufort House, Chelsea.

s w. Clark, William Gladstone, Bulaivayo, Rhodesia. Clark, William Thomas Marston, Cross Deep, Twickenham. Clarke, Arthur, Morley, Leeds.

Clarke, Arthur Allen Foster, 74, Inverness-terrace, w. Clarke, Arthui' Ernest, M.D. Lond., Rickmansicorth. Clarke, Arthur Hopkins, Hobart, Tasmania. (Jlarke, Astley Vavasour, M.D. Camb., London-road, Lncesfer. Clarke. Cecil, ]\LB. Lond., 17, Elmdale-road, T'yndalVs Park,

Bristol. Clarke, Colin, M.B, Loud., Quex-road, West Hampstead. n.av.



C]ar]<e, Edward Eevely, Phjmrmfh.

Clarke, Fieldin.o,-, Tunhridge Welh.

Clarke, Fincastle George Barlow, 40, Behjrave-road. y.w.

Clarke, Frederick Adderley Howard, 7?o//r/Z vljwjy Mediccd Corp?.

Clarke, Georg-e Fernandez Mitchell, Cranbourn-mansiom, Cran-

honrn-street. "W.c. Clarke, George Gilbert, Foidbi/, Wakefield. Clarke, George Sauuder. Sfringfontein, Oranrje River Colony. Clarke, Harold "Wrangel, M.D. Brussels, 67, St. Quintins-aveniiCy

Nortli Ket^sington. av. Clarke, Harry Edward, 34, The Avenue^ Bedford-park. w. Clarke, Harry Ward, M.B. Durii., Capel, Dorking. Clarke, Henr^', M.D. Durh., West Riding Prison, Wakefield. Clarke, Henry Hugh Rose, TJagletf-road, Stourbridge. Claike, Heniy Joy, M.B. Camb., 53, Hallgate, Doncaster. Clarke, Heniy Robt. Stanhope, Wolverlmmpton. Clarke, Hugh Campbell Wilson, Ashton-on-Mersei/, CheMre. Clarke, Huntley, Truro. Clark(j, James, Walt Jian: stoic, n.k. Clarke, James Macfarlane, M.B. Vict. Clarke, John. liotherham.

Clarke, John Peter, 4], Pendjroke-road, Booth, Liccrjyool. Clarke, John Stephenson, M.B. Camb., Magor, Mon. Clarke, John Tertins, Batii Gogah, Perak, Malag States. Clarke, Samuel A rathoon, Ilorley, Surrey. Clarke. Sidney Herbert, M.D. Camb., Leicester Asylum, Nar-

borovgh. Clarke, Thomas Alexander, 88, Bolingbroke-grove, Wandsworili-

coniuwn. s.w. Clarke, Walter James, Gravelly-Jtill, Birmingham. Clarke, Walter Travers, Morley, Leeds.

Clark-Hall, James Richard Alexander, Naval Medical Service. Clarksoij, Colin Campbell, M.B. Lond., Stouegate-road, Leicester. Clurkson, Fraidc Cecil, Indian Mediccd Service. Clarkson, George Aylwiu, Caterham Hill, Surrey. Clarkson, Thomas Harry Frederick, Royal Army Medical Corpr. Clay, Cecil Ernest, Deicsburg. Clay, David Lloyd, Otaki, New Zealand. Clay, Ei-iiest Langsford, M.B. Lond., Moseley, Birmingham. Clay, Francis Edmund, 130, Stondon-park. s.e. Clay, James Duncan, 20, St. Asaph-rood, Brockley. s.e. Clay, John, M.B. Durh., G, Victoria-square, Newcasth-on-Tyne. Clay, William Rudolph, Hornshi, Sydney. N.S.W. Clayton, Arthur Ross, M.B. Adelaide, Medinclie, South Australia. Clayton, Charles Ilollingsworth, 24, College-terrace, Belsize-

park. N.AV. Clayton, Edward Bellis, Hillside, Dittou-hill, Surrey. Clayton. Ernest Tomiinson, 19, Harpur-st., Red Lion-sq. w.c. Clayton, Frank, Meadow-side, North Fiuchley. N. Clayton, John Cecil. Brondesbunj-park, Cricklewood. N.w. Clayton, John Hazel wood. M.B. Lond., Edgbaston, Birmingham.


Clayton, Joseph Everett, Heilbron, Orange River Colomj. Cleary, Augustine Patrick Douglas, 9, Templeton-place, South

Kensinf/ton. s.w. Cleaver, William Fidler, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Cleg-g, John Gray, M.D. Loud., 22, Si. John-street, Manchester. Cleffg. Richard, Clatjton-le- Moors, Accringtcn. Clegg, Walter Thomas, 97, Durnincj-road, Liverpool. Clemens. James Ross, 110, NorthSth-sf., St. Louis, Mo , U.S.A. Clemetiti-Smitli, Herbert Drayton, M.B. Lond., 11, Abinf/tlon-ct.,

Kensinfjton. \y. Clements, Edward Cecil, 3, LJndum-rnad, Lincoln. Clemesha, John Craig, 33, Upper Bedford-place. av.C. Clemesha, AVm. Wesley, M.B. Vict., Lidian Medical Service. Clernmey, William Newlands, Merton-i-ona Bootle, Liverpool. Cleiidiiiuen, Frederic); John, Ihuckshum, Victoria, Australia. Clendinnen, William McEntire, M.B. Birm., Coseley, Bilston. Cleve, Richd. Plowman.

Cleveland, Henry P^rancis, Indian Medical Service. Cleveland, John Wheeler, Clarence-ro(ul, St. Albans. Cleveland, Robert Achilles, Nicosia, Cyprus. Cleverton, Thomas Charles Albert, Windsor Villa, Saltash. Clifford, Frank Charles Weeks, Audley. Newcastle, Stafford. Clifford, Harold, M.B. Lond., 15, St. .Johns-street, Manchester. Clifford, Maurice, 11, Eandolph-crescent, Maida Hill. \v. Clifford, Thomas, M.B. Durham, Stalyhridge, Cheshire. Clift, Hugh, Naval Medical Service. Clift, Samuel Leonard, M.D. Brussels, Bimniemnnth. Clindening, Fredk. Talbot Driffield, Kiukiang, China. Clitherow, Herbert George, Peckham Rye. s.E. Clogg, Herbert Sherwell, M.B. Lond., 143, JIarle>i-street. w. Close, John Borrill, M.D. Durham, Pryme-street, Hull. Clothier, Henry, M.D. Lond., Selpham, Bognor. Cloud, Frank Henry Loveless, New Buckingham, Norfolk. Clough, Alfred Hollier, Maldon, Essex. Clough, Joseph, Hunslet, Leeds.

Clover, Martin, Veryan, Gra'ii pound-road, Cornwall. Clowes, Ernest Francis, Wotton-under-Edge. Clowes, Herbert Alfred, M.D. Durh., 4, St. Stephen' 3-road. av. Clowes, John Palphreyman, County Asylum, Prestwich. Clowes, Norton Burroughs, 7i'(?ac/2H,'7. Clowes, William Frederick Albert, Colchester. Clubbe, Charles Percy Barlee, Sydney, New South Wales. Coad, Claude Norman, Walton, near Wakefield. Coad, Stauhjy Allan, Farnhavi, Surrey. Coaker, Francis Wm. John, 22, High-street, Bromsgrore. Coalbank, Robert Malcolm, Teddington Lodge. Teddington. Contes, Frederick Arthur, Wlntchurch. Coates, Henry Honiton, cjo Dr. Matheson, Hai-row-on-the-

hill. Coates, John, Hvmansdorp, Cape Colony. Cbatcs, Richard, Great Barford, St. Neofs.



1889 1897 1875 1891 ■1890 1897


1894 1903 1896 1907 1882 1883

1893 1905 1900 1888

1891 1887 1883

1867 1896 1884

1899 1893 1898 1908 1900 1896 1902 1907 1900 1892 1901 1874 1904 1886 1863 1888 1886 1894 1888 1892

Coates, William Henry, M.B, Dux'ham, Patrington, Hull.

Cobb, Eruest Herbert, Belmont, Stevenage.

Cobb, Robert, 83, High-road^ Leijtonsione. n.k.

Cobb, William Ernest Stanley, 6, SelJcivk-road, Tooting. s.\r.

Cobbett. Louis, M.D. Camb., Cambridge.

Cobbledick, Arthur Staubury, M.D. Lond., 368, Brixton- road.


Cochrane. Archer William Ross, M.B. Loud., Indian Medical

Service. Cock, Ciiarles James Edward, Naval Medical Service. Cock, Frederick, Naval Medical Service. Cock, George Herbert, M.B. Edinb., South Molton. Cock, James Lyall, M.D. Dalhousie, 16, Torrington-square. w.c. Cock, John, Exmouth. Cock, Morris Fisher, Asliford, Middlesex. Cockbiirn, Lestock Weatherley. Cockburn, Robert Pitcairn, M.D. Ediub., Ealinf/. w. Cockcroft, Geor<ie, M.B. Loud., Middleham, Yorks. Cocke, Robert Stnrg-eon. 78, TVimpole-Hreet. w. Cockerill, John William, 138, StocLwell-road. s.w. Cockerton, Herbert, Middelburg, I'ransvaal. Cockill, Thomas Treffry, Richmond., Snrrei/. Cockill, William Baron', M.D. Durh., Kendal, Westmoreland. Codd, Arthur Frederick Gambell, M.B. Durham, Bromlev,

Kent. Codrington, John Fx'ederic, Orange, New Sonfh Wales. Codriugton, Wm. James, Naval Medical Service.

Coe, liy. Clark, M.D. Harvard, 124, East hWi Street, Neiv York, U.S.

Coghlan, Edward Francis, 1, Ormonde-ferracp, Regent's Park. n.av.

Cogill, Harry, 2, Gwendwr-road, W. Kensington, w.

Cogswell, Philip Dare, Stonetj Stanton, flincktei/.

Colien, Bertie Lsaac. St. George's Hospital, s.w.

Cohen, Edward, Femhank, Shoot-up Hill, Cricklewood. N.w.

Cohen, Josepli, 87, Victoria-mad, Aldershot.

Cohen, Mai-cus Woolf, M.B. Lond., 100, Commercial-road. e.

Cohen, Meyer, M.D. Lond., 68, Grosvenor-road, Canonbunj. N.

Cohn, Jacob, M.D. Jena, 34, Belsize-square. n.w. *Coke, Edmund Percival Isaacs, 1, Sinclair-road., Kensington, w.

Coke, William Francis Harriott, Ash ford, Kent.

Coke, William Harriott, Asliford, Kent.

Coker, Alfred Philip, Si/dnei/, New South Wales.

Coker, Owen Cole, Ealing, ^v.

Colbeck, Thomas William, Dover.

Colborne, George, Bungof/, Suffolk.

Colborue, William John, Naval ^fedical Service.

Colby, Francis Edward Albert, M.B. Camb., Woking.

Colby; James George Ernest, M.B. Oxf., Mdton.

Colclough, William Frank, M.B. Camb., Hillsdon, Sidmouth.

Formerly Isaacs, Edmuud Percival.



Coldicott, Win. Rimell, 91, ShephenVa Bush-road. TV,

Cole, Arthur Frederick, Ninr/po, Mid China.

Cole, 1 1 01 ace Godden, 34, ]*elham-road., Liverpool.

Cole, George, Svelnton-road^ Nottiufiham.

Cole, John AVilliam Edward, M.B. Camb., Mwomhoshi, N.-E,

Rhodesia. Cole, Percival Pasle^^ Guifs Ho-ijnfal. s.e. Cole, Ilichaid Mount, Gloucester. Cole, Samuel Joliii, Bideford. Coleman, Alfred Thomas, Leicester Coleman, Edw. Ilayling, M.B. Camb., Wolverhampton. Coleman Eincst, M.B. Lond., llford, Essex. Coleman, Fiank, 120, Jlarley-street. av. Coleman, James George Blyth, Lauf/lands, Mortimer, Salop. Coleman, James Jordan, M.B. Lond., Bridlinfjtou^ Yorkshire. Coleman, Maurice Were, M.D. Lond., 129, Castle-hill, Reading, Coleman, Percy. M.B. Durh.. Clacton-on-Sea. Coleman, William Edward, Wedneshury. Coleridge. Alfred. M.B. Lond., 12, Cotham-gardens, Bristol. Coles, Cliarles, M.D. Lond., Oxford. Coles, Charles St. Arnaud, Lavington-road, Ealing. "W. Coles, Donald Alexr., M.D. Brussels. Coley, Frederic Collins, M.D. Durh., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Colerato, Henry, M.D. Lond., Eastbourne. Collard, Bevil AEuIesworth, Sherborne, Dorchester. Collard, Frederick Stuartson. Brighton-road, Croydon. CoUcutt, Arthur Maurice, M.B. Camb., St. Peter s-place, Brighton, Colledge, Lionel, 2G, Warwick-square, s.w. Collenette. Frank de Beauchamp, Tootinrj Common, s.w. (Jollens, Edward Howard, M.B. Lond., Hereford. Collet, Gilbei't Golding, M.B. Camb., Royal Army Medical Corps:. Collet, Golding Bird, Worthing.

Collier, Charles, 21, Eaton-terrace, Eatcn-sr/vare. w. Collier, Henry Vfilliam, M.B. Lond., 71, Whitehall-parl; High-

gale. N. Collier, Herbert, M.D. Brussels, Penzance. Collier, Horace Stansiield, 57a, Wimpo'e-street. \x. Collier, Rol)ort St-du]ey, Livingstone, N.-W. Rhodesia. Collier. U'alter PJdgar, Asylum, Banning Heath, Maidstone. Collingliam, David Horace, 80, Cheyne-coui^t . Chehea. &.^\\ Collingridge, William Rex, Morland, Penrith. Collings, Dudley Willis, M.B. \jOU(\., Ascot. CoUings, Edward Beresford, Church-street, Barnsley. Collington, Frank Arnolt, Coventry. Collingwood, P'redk. William, 17, St. Margaret' s-road^ Brockley,


Collingwood. George Trevor, Naval Me.rlical Service. Collins, Algernon Boniface, Tapton, Arundel. Collins, Arthur Ward, M.B. Vict., Ulverston. Collins, Charles Edward, East Grinstead. Collins, Charles Phillips, Leamington.



Collins, Echvard Treacher, 17, Queen Anne-street, w.

Collins, Eric Abdy. Saxmiindham, Sujf'o/k.

Collins, Etlielbert, Saicbridgeioorf/i, Herts.

Collins, Flo3'd, Ruecroft-street., Fnlham. s."sr.

Collins, Francis (larland, Mount Ilawke, Cornivall.

Collins, Frank, Neiv Wanstfod. N.E.

Collins, Georg-e William, T/ie Mali, Wanstead. n.e.

Collins. John Boniface, Haicthorn Lodge, Yapton, ArundeL

Collins, John Norton, M.D. Lond., PeterhoroiKjh.

Collins, Michael Abd}', M.D. Lond., Bexley Asijlvm. Kent.

Collins, Octavius Ang'nstns Glasier, 5, Parar/on, Bath.

Collins, Ricliard Hawtre}', M.D. Brussels, East Ham. e.

Collins, Reg'iuald Thomas, Boi/al Armji Medical, ''orps.

Collins, Victor Evelyn. M.D. Lond., Graaf linnet, Cape Town.

CoUinson, Fj'ancis Charles. Burgh Wallis, Botherham.

Collinson, Harold, M.B. Lond., General Injirmary, Leeds.

Collinson, Thomas Arthur, ('2, Cranhrook-road, Bristol.

Collis, Arthur John, M.D. Camb.. Neircastle-0)i-Tyne.

Col lis, Edg-ar Leigh, M.B. Oxf,, Home Office, s.w.

Colls, Percy Cooper, Benniden, Cranbrook, Kent.

(/'ollum, Rowland William, 85, New Cavendish-slreet. w.

CoUyer, Bertram Joseph, Totnes-road, Paignton.

Collyer, Brice, M.D. Lond., Crohani-road, Croydon.

Collyer, James, P/ayden. Sussex.

Collyer, James lialj)h, P/ayden, Sussex.

Collyns, John Moore, M.B. Lond., Entebbe, Uganda.

Collyns, Robert John, Dulverton.

Colman, Henry, Rdgate.

Cohner, Cecil, M.B. Lond., Yeovil.

Colmer, Ptoleni}^ Augustus, South-street, YeoviJ.

Colmer, Vyvian, Bridfort. Somerset.

Colquhoun, Willianj Brooks, 104, SoutJiampton-rou'. ^v.c.

Colt, Georg-e Herbert, M.B. Camb., 4, Priory-court, Wesf

Hanipstead. N.w. Coltart, Guy Hemming, M.B. Lond., 714, Fulham-road. s.w. Coltart, Heni-y Neville, Samastipnr, Hidia. Coltart, AA'iifred Henry, M.B. Lond., Oswestry. Coltart, William Wilson, Epsom. Colter, Newton Ramsey, M.D. Harvard, Canada. Colvin-Smith. Hobt. Cnrzon Molison, ]\LB. Camb., Cromer. Colwell, Hector Alfred, M.B. Lond., 55, Ridge-road, Hurnsey. N. Colyer, Arthur Reginald, Beckenham. Colyer, Hcjrace Charles, 25, New Cavendish-street. "\v. Colyer, James Frank, 11, Queen Anne-street, w. Comber, Arthur Wandesforde, Oxford. Comber, Charles Thomas Thornton, 27, Rushey-grecv, Catford..


Comerford, Beaumont Harry, M.D. Durh.,3, Chester-terrace. s."\v» Compton. Ahvyne Theodore, 3, Mount View-road. x. Compton, Maurice Winzar, Keyinghum, Hull. Compton, Thomas, East Molesey.


Corapton, Thomas Arm(itiidiiig, ^[.D. Diibl., Parkstone, Dorset.

Comyii, Arthur Fitzwilliani, Leicis'iani. s.K.

Comyn, Kenneth, 38, Vincent-sqiKire. S.w.

Conder, Alfred Ilartvvell, Durban, Matal.

Cones, Georg-e Augustus, Indian Mediral Service.

Cones, John Arcliibald, Burr/ess Hill, Sussex.

Conford, (xcorge James, M.D. Oxf., Felixstowe.

Connell, Arthur Mayers, 79, Ilanover-street, SheJfiehL

Conncll, Walter Thomas, 5))<'/(ce/-a7/e, Ontario, Canada.

Connelhin, Edmund Victor, 21H, Caerleon-road, Netrport, Mon.

Connellan, Percival Sandys, 10, Queen-stjuare. av.c.

Connolly, Frank Gh'nn, South Brisbane, Queensland.

Connor, Fiank Powell, Indian Medic(d Service.

Connor, George Washington, 77, II ill-street, Newry,

Con()lly,Noel Alfred William, Drumni<njne,Sijdney,N. South Wale

Coiiran, Philip Crawford, Garn/owen, Basin f/st'ike.

Constable, John Cecil, 215, Brixton-road. s.w.

Constant, Thomas Edward, Scarborouyh.

Conway, Aul^rey, Stockport.

Conwa}', Basil Wiseman, Stockport -road, Manchester.

Coode, Claude Lionel, M.B. Oxf., Stroud, Gloucester.

Cook, Augustus Henry, M.B. liOnd., RoMsljin-hill. N.w.

Cook, Ernest Neville, M.B. Lond., 12, lio^'slf/n-hill, Ilampstead.

Cook, Frederick Ernest, Laura, South Australia.

Cook, Harry Franklyn, St. Domingo-grove, Liverpool.

Cook, Herbert Geo. Graham, M.D. Lond., 22, Newport-rd., Cardiff.

Cook, Isaac Reginald, M.B. Lond., Woodford Green, Essex.

Cook, John, Newport, Mon.

Cook, John Howard, M.B. Lond., Mengo, Uganda.

Cook, Jonathan Nield, Bedford.

Cook, Joseph Basil, M.D. Vict., Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire.

Cook, Lewis, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Cook, Robert James, Derby.

Cook, Samuel Bird, M.D. \jO\\d.,Askajn, Lancashire.

Cook, William Warner, St. Faith's, Norwich.

Cooke, Albert William, Northampton.

Cooke, Arthur, M.B. Oxf., Cambridge.

Cooke, Cecil Whitehall, M.D. Lond., 120, Walm-lane, Crickle-

ivood. N.w. Cooke, Charles Michael, Barnstaple. Cooke, Ernest Wilfrid, Shreicsbury.

Cooke, Francis Gerrard Hamilton, Trichinopohj, S. India, Cooke, Francis Henry, Birch, Colchester. Cooke, Fredk. Arthur, M.D. Diirh., Iladdenham, Bucks. Cooke, George Harr3\ M.D. Lond., St. Helens, Lancashire. Cooke, James Douglas, M.B. Melii., Stamnnre, Middlesex. Cooke, John Ambrose, Tue Brook Villa, Liverpool. Cooke, John George, M.B. Camb., Walsall. Cooke, Martin Alfred, 17, Gipsy-hill, Upper Norwood. s.E. Cooke, Montague Percy, 52, Ealing-road, South Ealing, w. Cooke, Owen Cunningham Preston, Army Medical Service.



1901 1888 1892 1894 1887 1894 1891 1907 1871 1904 1909

1867 1889 1870 1892 1890 1900 1892 1888 1896 1875

1894 1898 1864 1882 1896 1893 1897 1890 1904 1900 1890 1903 1890 1893 1877 1895

1882 1900 1905 1896 1909 1907 1900 .1901 1894

Cooke, Reginald, Brif/Iitwaltou , Wantage.

Cooke. Thomas Alfred Bu) nard, A^ew Mi/ford, PemhroJceshiie.

Cooke, William Henry, Bath.

Cookson, Fredk. Xesfield, M.D. Lond., Stafford.

Cookson, Re,ii,"mald Georg-e, Formby, Tasmania.

Cooley, Alfred Glover, Caniphelltoirn, New Scuth Wales.

Coombe, Thomas Sandby, Purton, Swindon.

Coomber, Arthur Beauchamp, 3G, Great Eastern-street, e.g. I Coomber, Frauds, oO, Great Eastern-street, e.g. I Coombes, Percival Charles, Asiiliun, Walling ford. ; Coombs, Harold Martin McCuUoch, Fcdbum, Roth. <ay -place., j Bedford.

Coombs, Rowland Hill, M.D. Durham, Bedford. [ Cooper-, Ardaseer Dossabhoy, Bi/mbaj/., India.

Cooper, Arthur, 20, Old Burlington-Street. w\ I Cooper, Arthur Tanner, 87, Great Portland- street. \v. I Cooper. Charles Dudle}'.

I Cooper, Charles Minor, 1, Flngal-place. Edinhin-gh. i Cooper, Dossabhoy Xowrojee, 13, Royal-avenue, Sloane-sij. H.yr. j Cooper. Edward, N'aval Medical Service. I Cooper, Edward Harold, Radlett, Herts.

Cooper, Ernest Frederic, 22. South Hill Park-gardens, Ilamp- stead. N.^v.

Cooper, Francis Bastow, M.B. Dnrh., Lincoln.

Cooper, Frank, Gordon-place, Erdiiigton., Birnnngham.

Cooper. George Frederic, Valparaiso, S. America.

Cooper, Georg-e Frederick, M.B. Lcmd., Loughton, Essex.

Coo[>er, Harold Merrimau, M.B. Lond., llampton-on-Thames.

Coopei-. Harry, M.D. Oxf., Ewell-road. Surbiton.

Cooper, Harry Gordon, Altrincham, Cheshire.

Cooper, Harry Joseph, M.B. Camb., Lyme Regis, Dorset.

Cooper, Henry, Naval Medical Service.

Cooper, Henry Creemer. 80, Gloucester-road, S. Kensington, av.

Cooper, Henry Spencer, Yaxley, Peterborounli.

Cooper, John Sephton, M.B. Camb., Rossendale, Clitheroe.

Cooper, Ludford, M.D. Durh., Rochester.

Cooper, Percy Robert, M.D. Lond., Boivdon, Manchester.

Cooper, Peter, Stainton-lodge, Blackheatlt. s.e.

Cooper, Robert Montagu Le Hunte, M.D. Duih., 18, Wimpole- street. AV.

Cooper, Thomas George Duncan, Tpnh, Perak, Federated Malay

States. Cooper. Walter, Barnstaple.

Cooper, Walter Edward, East Harling, Norfolk. Cooper, Wilbve. Sutton-in-Craven, Keighley. Cooper, William Herbert, Trewellard, Pendeen, Cornwall. Coorey, Edward Abraham, 39, Woburn-place. w.g. Coorawala, Rustom Nusserwan, Hyderabad, Deccan, India. Cope, Gilbert Edgar, 2, Vauxhall Bridge-road. s.w. Cope, llicardo, Tarkwa, Gold Coast. Copeland, Frederick. Mafeking, Cape Colony.



Copeland, AVm. Henry Lawrence, M.D. Canib., 4, Bolt'-n- {furdens. s.w.

Copeman, Alfred Heathcule, M.D. Dub., PaviHon-paradcr Briijhton.

Copland, George Anderson, Diinedvi. New Zeahmd.

Copland. James P^benezer, S4, Opjndans-7-d., S. Hauipsteod. n.av.

Copley, Stanley, Durban, Natal.

Copp, Charles Joseph, 9G, Wtlleslpy-street, loronto, Canada.

Corben, Cliarles, Caldicot, ChepsUnr.

(iorbett, Cyril Dudley Hely, M.B. Oxf., Streatham Common, s.w.

Corbett, George Holmes Uvedale, Camb., Stei/ning, Sui>^e.r,

Corbett, Sidney d'Alton, 04, Jlrook-sti-eet. w.

Corbett, William Victor, 3, Kitson-road, Barnes, s.w.

(Jorbii), Herbert Eriiest. Town Hall, Stockport.

Corliin, John, ,S"*/^// Australia.

CorboukI, Victor Albert Louis Edward, M.D. Brussels, 8, Victoria- road, KensiiKjton. av.

Cordiner, Richard, Dovglas.

Cordner, Robert Harry Lucas, lioyal Army Medical Corps.

Corfe, Robert, M.B. Lond., 6, Croom's-/nl.t, Greenwich. s.E.

Corfield, Charles, 4, Coplhali Chambers, k.c.

Corfield, Edward Carruthers, 205, Cacendish-road, Balham. .'^.w.

Corfield, Walter Francis, J\LB. Lond., 26, Old Burlington- street. AV.

Corlett, William Thomas, M.D, Wooster, Cleceland, Ohio.

Cornaln', Edg-ar Edward, M.j}. Camb.. liammcrs-nith w.

Corner, Albert, Westgate-o?i.-Sea, Essex.

Corner, Edred Moss, M.B. Camb , 37, Ilarlei/street. w.

Corner, j'^rank, j]fanor House, Poplar, k.

Corner, Harry, M.D. Lond.. 37, Harley-stieet. ^y.

Cornilliac, Joseph, 4, Endsleigli-street, 2'avistock-sf/uare. w.c.

Cornish, Charles Vivian, 39, Mortlake-road, Kew'Gardens.

Cornish, Edward, Ebhw Vale, J fan.

Cornish. Sydney, M.D. Lond., Dorking.

Corry, Hari-y ]iHvrett, Feltham, Middlesex.

Cort, John Giles Denison, Whitburn, Sunderland.

Cory, Chai-les George, Soham, Cambridge.

Cory, Ernest Richard ILaines, Bournemouth.

Cory, Frank Gillett, Tisburii, Wilts.

Cory, Harold Myrie. Quithing, Basutoland.

Cory, Isaac Rising, Guildford, Surrey.

Cosens, Charles Hyde, Paignton.

Cftsens, Francis Robert Seppings, Seaton, Devon.

Cosens, William Burrough, Dorchester.

Costa, Isaac, M.B. Lond., Adelphi, P.O.. Jamaica.

Costerton, Horatio, Government Emigration Service.

Costobadie, Hugh Palliser, ^^idsnmer Norton.

Costobadie, Vincent Ackroyd Palliser, Trewell, Taunton.

Cottell, Iveginald James Cope, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Cotter, George E-hnond WenI worth, M.B, Camb., 40, Church- lane, Tooting Graveney. s.w.



Cotterill, Albert Ernest, Fall oicji eld, Manchester.

Cotton, Fredk. William, i?o//a^ Arimj Medwal Corps.

Cotton, Henry Hugh Powell, Wester/iam, Kent.

Cotton, John, 101, Liverpnol-road, St. Helens, Lancashire.

Cotton, Robert Hug-h, Reading.

Cotton, Thomas, M.D. St. Andr., 235, Camden-road. n.

Conch, James K3'naston. M.D. Durh.,Pe/-M, West Australia.

Couldrey. Thomas Reginald, Scunthorpe, Doncaster.

Coulson, James Edmund, St. George's Infirmary. s."\v.

Coulton. John James, Bumansdorp, Cape Colon//.

Councell, Edward Leslie, 41), Rodney-street, Liverpool.

Conper. James, Colder' s-green. n.w.

Couper, Samuel Barrett, 35, Wemyss-road, Blackheath. s.e.

Conplaiid, James Alane, 37, Park-i-quare, Leeds.

Counsell, Herbeit I]dward, 27, Banbury-road. Oxford.

Coui't, Arthur, M.B. Camb., Staveley, Chesterfield.

Court, Edward Percy, Fordingh-idge, Hants.

Court, Josiah, Staveley, Chesterjield.

Courtauld, Louis, M.I). Camb., Lincoln's Inn. ^\.c.

Courtenay, John Hoysted. East Melboin^ne, Victoria, Australia.

Courtne}', Guy Budd, M.D. Camb., Bracknell, Berks.

Courtney, Harold George Sliackleford. Bartvn, Amphthill.

Coutts, David Kirkpatrick.M.B. Lond., Kars-el-Ainy Hosp., Cairo.

Coutts, Francis James, M.D. Lond., Leytonstnne. n.e.

Ccutts, John Morton Sim, M.D. Lond., 88, Hig/ib>i)ij-neic-park. x.

Couzens, Albert Ebenezer, Cavendish-place, Easthonrne.

Couzens, Alfred John, 2, Romford-road, Stratford, e.

Coventon, Albert William Duncan, Southgate. x.

Coventon, Charles Arthur, Oxford.

Coventry, Charles, M.B. Vict., Perth, W. Australia.

Covernton, Hugh Selby, Gaicler, South Australia.

Covey, Wm. John, Ellastone, Ashbourne.

Cowan, Frank, Strood, Kent.

Cowan, Wilham Joshua, 41, Lovgcattseicay, Farmcorth, Bolton.

Cowasjee, Maneckjee ^Nlerwanjee, 38, lUandford-square. x.av.

Cowburn, Arthur Douglas, M.D. Brussels, o\, Barkston-gdns. s.av.

Cowell, Alfred Rodgers, M.B. Camb., 204, Haverstock-hill . x.w.

Cowell, Ernest Marshall, M.D. Lond., Steynivg, Sussex.

Cowen, George Hebb, M.B. Lond., Southampton.

Cowen, Thomas Philip, M.D. Lond., County A sylum. Lancaster.

Cowes, Adam, 2, Goldhurst-terrace, S. Hampstead. x.w.

Cowie, James Alexander, Masterton, New Zealand.

Cowie, Robert Macnamara, Royal Army Medical Coips.

Cowiu, Douglas Henry Fawcett, Indian Medical Service.

Cowper, Claude Marriott Lovell, 4, Royal-avenue, Lowestoft.

Cos, Alfred Edward. Watford.

Cox, Alfred Harold Lissant, Naval Medical Service.

Cox, Arthur Brooks, Sydney, New South Wales.

Cox, Charles x\lfred Stanley Hill.

Cox, Clement Harlow, 17, Wheeley's-rd., Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Cox, Edmund, M.B. Camb., Naval Medical Service.



1902 Cox, Ernest Alfred, Long Buckbi/, Rur/bj/. 1899 Cox, Franklin, 103, Kint/s-i-oa/l, Rewling.

1906 Cox, George Lissant, M.IJ. Camb., Ellacot, Orton, Birkenhead.

1901 I Cox, Georg'e Ralph, Winchcombe, Gloucester.

1895 j Cox, Henry Procter, Anderton, F/ijmouth. 1886 I Cox, James Ilerbert, Cape Town, S. Africa. 1883 Cox, John Henry, Nottingham.

1908 Cox, Ralph, M. B. Camb., c/o Messrs. Tucker. 12, Coleman-st. E.C.

1905 Cox, Rej^inald John Hands, M.B. Load., Peshawar, India.

1885 Cox, Robeit Hippisley, 50, Pall Mall. s.w.

1882 Cox, Roland Frederic, M.D. Durh., Ashcott, Bridgwater. 1893 Cox, Walter Mundy, Olton, /Jirmingham.

1909 Crabb, Robert Lawson, 59, Parkhurst-road, ILdloway. N.

1896 Crabtree, Augelo Matteo, Weybridge.

1901 Crabtree, Eniilio Frederico, Buntingford.

1895 Crace-Calvert, George Alfred, M.B. Lond.. Ruthin.

1899 Crag-g, Eduard Henry, M.D. Brussels, Billinghoro\ Lincolnshire.

1883 I Crago, William Henry, 16, College-st, Sgdneg, IVew Sorith Wales.

1898 I Ciaig. J;»mes Andrew, M.B. R.U.I., 11, Univei-s>tg-square, Belfast. 1890 I Craig, William Wallace. Bridgnorth.

1906 j Crampt on, Harold Percy, M.B.Camb., 7, /^ro5'na/,//a/H^s<eac?. N.w. 1905 Crampton, Walter, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead.

1903 I Cran, Hugh Rose, Neiv Maiden, Surrey.

1895 Cran, Robert David, 247, Regent-road, Salford.

1888 Crane, Ho'-ace Charles Frederick, 171, East fndia-road. E.

1899 Crapper, Harold Sngden, Parkstone-road, Poole.

1896 Craven, Walter, Umtati, Rhodesia.

1907 Crawford, Andrew John, M.B. New Ze?L.,4, Endsleigh-gdns. x.Ar.

1893 Crawfoi'd. Cyril Rodney Holtz, Pemhury, Kent.

1886 Crawford, Gustavus Rochford Jar vis, New Brunsivick, Canada. 1907 Crawford, Robert, Bestwood, Notts.

1905 Crawford. Stephen Estridge, Marton, New Zealmul.

1904 Crawford, Thomas Wm. Walter, M.D. West. Univ. Ont., Fort

Hall. Brit. E. Africa.

1899 Crawford, Vincent James, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1902 ' Crawford,WilliamThomsou,M.B. Lond., Co«// /?//!. "///(i/ttj^e/Zt/j^Jy.

1900 I Crawley, Herbert Edward, 152, New-road, Portsmouth.

1901 i Crawahaw, Ernest John, Burnham., Somerset.

1905 i Crawshaw, James Henry, Jemuka, S. Canterbury, N.Z.

1894 ' Creak, Alexander Brodie, King's Heath, Birmingham.

1895 Creasy, Lawrence Eliot, 36, Wey mouth-street, w. 1885 Creasy, Rolf, Windlesham, Snn^ey.

1888 Cree, James Douglas, M.D. Durh., 337, Finchley-road,

Hampstead. N.w,

1880 Cree, William Edward, 2, Pemherton-gdns., Upper Holloway. n.

1877 Cressey, (ieorge Henry, Toubridge.

1883 j Cresswell, Francis, Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough.

1892 1 Cresswell, Frank Pearson Skeffington, M.B Lmid.,' Cardiff.

1893 I Cresswell, Stuart Comwallis, Dowlais.

1888 j Cressy, Charles James, Riugwood, Hants.

1889 I Creswell, John Edwards, Suez, Egypt.



Cretin, Eugene, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Creux, Paul Alfred, P.O. Box 796, Pretoria, Transvaal.

Crew, Frederick Denys, M.B. Camb., Higham Ferrers, iVorthants.

Crew, John, Hi>/hani Ferrers.

Cribb, Ai'thiir William Gordon, MilKhorpe, Neio South Wales.

Cribb, Harry Gifford, Countij Asijlum, Cane Hill, Surrey.

Crick, William Throne, Barwell, Hinckleij.

Cridland. Arthur Bernard, Wolverhampton.

Crinks, Victor Adolphiis, Itedland-road, Bristol.

Cripps. Win. Lawrence, M.B. Camb., Oj'ford and Cambridge-

mansiuns, Mari/lebove. w. Crisp, Ei-iiest Henry, 43, Fenchurch-street . e.g. Crisp, Georg-e Bedford, Royal Army Medical Corps. Crisp, John, Market Harhorough. Crispin, Edward Smyth, Port Soudan, Red Sea. Crocker, James Meadmore, Bingley.

Crocker, John Hedley, M.D. Vict., Petersham, Richmond, Surrey. Crocket, Wm. Caldwell, M.D. McGill, Fredericton, iV.B., Canada. Croft, Eiiward Octavias, M.D. Durh., 28, Hyde-terrace, Leeds. Croft, John Thomas Herbert, Longford, Coventry. Croft, Lawrence, M.B. Lond., Hill foot, Pudsey, Leeds. Crofton, Jdhn Hutchinson, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.b. Crofts, Arthur Doug-las, 26, King's-road, Windsor. Crofts, Georg-e Henry, Leicester. Croly, Henry Pennington, Cliarlbury, Oxon. Cromie, Monimer John, Royal Army Medical Corps. Crompron, Alfred, Benington, Boston. Crompton, Ernest, Newmarket. Cronipton, Ralph, Oak Bank, Ramshnttom. Hants. Crompton, Richard Heurj, Gorton, j\[anchester. Croneen, Sydney, Naval Medical Service. Crook, x\rthur, Norivich. Crook, Arthur Henry, 253, Devonshire-road, Honor Oak

Park. s.E. Crook, Herhert Evelyn, M.D. Lond., Richmond- road, Tmckenham. Crook, John Siddon, West Tarring, Sussex. CrookB: William. Egremont, Cheshire. Crookshank, Francis Graham, M.D. Lend., Barnes, s.w. Cropp, Edward Lycett, Reading.

Croppei', J(jhn W estray, 78, Union- street, Seacombe, Cheshire. Crosby, Arthur Henry Pascal, Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. Crosby, Herbert Thomas, M.B. Camb., 19, Gordon-square, w.c. Crosland, George William Kilner, New North-road, Huddersjield. Cross, Claude tlarold, Indian Medical Sei'vice. Cross, Edward John, M.D. Durh., St. Neots. (/ross, Ernest William, Wallwood-park, Leytonstone. n.e. Cross, Francis George, Beaafort-road, Kingston-on-Thames. Cross, Geoffrey, M.D. Durh., Ramsgate. Cros<, Gerald Coneyl)eare, Naval Medical Service. Cross, James Allan, Miirton, Victoria, Australia. Cross, Robert George, Petersfeld.



Cross, Win. Fostei-, 80, New Cavendlsh-Ntreet. w. Crosao, Re^'iinld Edward, Devonshire-road, Balham. s.w. Crossing-, Aug-ustus Vincent, SUtliuihnume. CruKsley, Ely Wiltciiison, Triangle, Halifax. Crossley, Henry Joseph, RojiaL Army Medical Corps. Crossley, Riciiard, 172, Clowes-street, IVest Gorton, Manchester. Crossley, S:iniiiel, Kippax, Leeds.

Grossman. Francis Ward, M.B. Durli., TIamhrook, Bristol. Crouch, Herbert Chalhce, St. Michaels, Ascot. Crowe, Henry Neville, 43, Forefjate-street, Worcester. Crowe, Henry Warren, M.B. Oxf., Ilomlehjh, Yeloerton. Crowther, Arthur JJing'ham, llohart, Tasuiania. Crowther, Charles Keith, Qneensbun/, Yorks. *Crowtlier-Saiith, Stanley Francis, M.B. Loud., Ueadlcy, Hants. Crowther, Sydney Nelson, Asi/lum, Bmokwood. Crozier. Georg-e Rowland Henderson, Ennelo, Transvaal. Crozier, John Beattie, M.B. Toi-onto, 9, fChjin-avenue. w. Cruddas, Hamilton Maxwell, Indian Medical Service. Cruickshaiik, John David, Chingford. n.e. Cruickshank, Malcolm Og'den, cjo Messrs. Baddeley, GO, Leaha-

hall-street. E.c. Cruise, Richard Robert, 85, liar ley-street, av. Crump, Colin Harold, Gu!j''s Hospital. s.E. Crump, James Arthur, Park-lane, Welshpool. Crump, Stanley Trefusis, Indian Medical Service. Crump, Thomas Greenwood, M.B. Canib., Burnley. Crutchley, Edg-ar James Temple, Perth, West Australia. Crutchle}', Heniy, M.D. Brussels, Alsager, Stoke-oti-TrenL Cryer, Joseph, 50, Upper Brook-street, Manchester. Cubley, Artiiur, 48, Narcissus-road, West Hampstead. n.av. Cuddon-Fletcher, Angus Joseph McNab, Dunans, Argyleshire. Cudmore, Arthur Murray-, Adelaide, S. Australia. Cuff, Archibald William, '2^h, Glossop-road, She/field. Cuffe, Alfred (xordon, M.D. Heidelberg-, Chester. Cullen, Alfred Edgar, Geno-al Infirmary, Chester. Culleii, James Alfred Patrick, Bedford.

Cullinan, Edward, M.D. Brussels, 331, A7/)//-.s7., //«w?me/w«i7/'. w Culmer, John James, Nassau, Bahamas, W. Indies. Culmer, Jo'^eph William, Saltley, Binningham. Culpin, Millais. M.B. Lond., Shanghai, C/iina. Cumberlidge, William Isaac, M.B. (Jamb., Limefield, Hyde, Cheshire. Cuming-, Richard Ingram, Chudleigh, Bognor. Cumming, Cliatles Reg-inald, M.B.Toronto, Gait, Ontario, Canada. Cumming- Wm. Allan, M.D. McGill, Buckingham, Quebec,

Canada. Cumming-s, Arthnr Pollard, Leytonstonc-road. n.e. Cummings, Harold Lytton, Franklin, Tasmania. Cununings, Henry Joseph, 5, Upper Bedford-place. "W.c. Cundell, Har(jld Juler, 1, Springrove-terrace, Leeds. Cunliffe, Thomas Varley, M.D. Lond., 75, Grecngate-sf., Oldhan,.

Formerly Smith, Stanley Frauds.



Cunning-hain, Arthur John AVcllington, St. Bartholomeivs

Hospital. E.G. Cunning-ham, Herbert Ilug-h Blair, Malone Park, Belfast., Ireland. Cunuing'ham, John Francis, 45, Welbeck-stveet. av. Cui]nini!:bam, Norman Kowsoll, The Hospital, Bohshnrfi.^ Transvcml. Curgenven, John Saddler, 12, Craven Hill-gardens, Bayswater. av. Curgenven, William Brendon, Dapto, Neiv South Wales. Curl. Henley Frank, Eli/, Cambridge, Curling, AVilliam, 27, B rvnswick-square, Hove, Brighton. Curme, Duncan Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps. Currey, Edmond Francis Neville, Lismore, co. Waterford. Currie, John, M.D. Loud., Lagos, W. Africa. Currie, John Legge, Bungay.

Curties, Arthur William Stutter, Biirwash, Sussex. Curtis, Arthur Humphrey, Alton.

Curtis, Charles William, Electra House, Finshury Pavement. E.G. Curtis, Frederick, Pedhill.

Curtis, George Herbert, 32, Weymovth-street. ^x. Curtis, Georg-e William, Week St. Mary, N. Cornwall. Curtis, Henry Jones, M.I). Lond., 58, Harley-street. \v. Curtis, Montague AVm. AYorthington, 5, Canrpden House-terrace,

Kensington, w. Curtis, Percy James, Beckenham, Kent. Curwcn, Elliot, M.B. Camb., 1, St. Aubyn's, Hove, Brighton. Cusack, Robert Oriel, Boyal Army Medical Corps. Custauce, Gustavus William Musg-rave, Naval Medical Service. Cutcliffe, Montag-u, North Tawton, North Devon. Cuthbei't, Henry Pierce.

Cutler, Fredk. John, 10, St. John's Park, Blackhnith. ('utler, Horace Arthur, M.B. Camb., Walton-on-Thames. Cutler, Lennard, 1, Kensington-gate. w. Cutting, Ernest Buxton, Stalham, Norv-ich. Cyriax, Richard Julius, 4; Craven Hill, Lancaster Gate. w. Da Costa, Francis Xavier, Bangalore, India. Dacre, John, 14, Eaton-crescent, Clifton, Bristol. Dadachanji, Kailkhosru Kersaspji, 94, Goiver-street. w.c. Daft, Hedley Gascoyne, West Fields, Retford, Notts. Daft, Leonard, Retford.

Dag-gett, Henry Ligledew, M.B. Camb., Borouglibridge, Yorkshire. D'Aguiar, Joao Gomes, Demerara. Dain, Harr}^ Guy, M.B. Lond., Selly Oak, Birmingham. Dakeyne, Daniel Irving, Cheadle, Staffordshire. Dakin, Thomas Burns, Gloucester. Dalai, Ratansha Dinsha, Indian jlfedical Service. Dalby, John Lyttleton Bennett Julius, 75, Dyke-road, Brighton. Daldy, Arthur Manteil, M.D. Lond., 17, Palmeira-sgiiare, Hovr. Dale, Aston Ridley, 9, Poynder Villas, London-road., Islewortlu Dale, Benjamin, Victoria -.-treet, Swindon. Dale, Cuthbert Bracey, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Dale, Frederic, M.D. Camb., Scarborough. Dale, John, Coleshill, Birmingham.


Dale, Walter Frederick, Alford, Lincolns/n're.

Dalebrook. John, Albareda, Seville, Spain.

Daliiado, Daniel Gelasio, M.D. Brussels, Lisbon, Porlnf/al.

Dalg-ado, I'atrick, Colombo, Cei/lon.

Dalgliesh, Frank Bell, 11, Vaubrnt/h Park-rd. East, Ptlark- hearh. s.K.

Dalf^liesh, John William, M.D. Durham, Sutton, Stirreij.

Dallewy, John, Wem, Shrewshiiry.

Diilton, Arthur John, M.D. Brussels, 41b, Wclbcck-street. w.

Dalton, Benjamin Neale, M.D. Lond., Sellmrst-road. s.e.

Dalton, Ernest Edmund, Cerne Abbas, Dorchcfter.

Dalton, Fredk. James Abercrombie, Naval Medical Service.

Dalton, Grcorg-e Fredk., .54, Johnston-street, Kingston, Canada.

Dalj, Ashley Skcffing^ton, 30, York-street, Portnian-sqnare. ^\'.

Daly, Frederick James Furcell, 164, Upper Clapton-road. n.e.

Daly, James Thomas, Donrjlas^ Ide of Man.

Daly, Xolan, Kingston, A bingdon.

Damian, Oswald Joseph Staiile}^ 112, Regent's Park-road. n.av.

D'Amico, Carmel De Piro. o4, Brunswick-square. w.G.

D'Amico, Guido de Piro, 34, Brunswick-square, av.c.

Danaher, Edward Harry James, Rainham, Kssex.

Danaher, Harry Williams Beresford. Rainham, Essex.

Dando, Edwin Arthur, Coinpton House, Dudley.

Dane, Harold, Northwood, Rickmansworth.

Dane, Robert, Singapore, Straits Settlements.

Daniel, Alfred Wilson, M.D. Camb., County Asylum, Ilanwcll. w.

Daniel, Edgar George Clement, M.B. Camb., Epsom.

Daniel, Peter Lewis, 1a, Upper Wimpole-street. \v.

Daniel, Robert Xapier, 300, Earl's Court-road. w.

Daniel, William Patrick Taylour, 273, Cable-street, e.

Daniell, Benjamin XdidiXXiB, Aberavon, Port Talbot.

Daniell, Edgar Percy, 416, New Cross-road. s.e.

Daniell, George Warwick Bampfylde, 167, Smit-street, Johannes- burg., Transraal.

Daniell, Henry Pywell, 55, Nassau- road, Barnes, s.av.

Daniels, Davis Woodcock, M.B. Lond., 22, Springlield-road, Leicester.

Daniels, Frederic William, Cardiff-road, Newport.

Danks, Walter Seymour, J\LD. Lond., Sutton, Surrey. *Danse3'-Browning, George, Royal Army Mnl. Corp-i.

Dantes, Augustus Paul, Esplanade. Cross-road, Bombay, India. jDanvers-Atkinson, Fredk. Cecil Edgar, M.B. Lond., 20, Lower Seymour-street, w.

Darabsheth, Bomonji Beramji, Grant-road, Bombay. India.

Darby, William Sydney, M.B. Camb., Harrow.

Darbysliire, Douglas Edw.. M.B. Vict., Cottesloe, W.Auf^ti-alia.

Darbysliire, Harold Stuart Cassan, West Ealing, w.

Darker, George Fitzjames, 2, Middle Temple-lane. e.c.

Darlington, Wm. Whitfield, 'Jl, Ashted-row, Birmingham.

* Formerly Browning, George. f FormerlT Atkinson, Frederick Cecil Edgar.


Darling, Harry Cecil Rutherford, M.B. Lond., N.Z. Banh, ^foor-

gnte-t<triet. Darlow, Alfred, Upton Manor, Plaistow. e. Durrell, Ilarringtou W^'iidham, Norwich. DartoU. William Bnrwell, Leintwardine, Herefordshire. Dartnell, Louis Edward, Naval Medical Service. Daser, Peter Paul, M.D. Inusbruck, Fi nsbury-ixtvemeat. i:.c. Dashvvood, Charles Ewart, Taormina, Sicilt/. Daukes, Siduey Herbert, M.B. Camb., Lennard-road, Beclcenhani. Dauut, Elliot, Bnrlesdon, Hants. Davenport, Cecil John, Hankow, China. Davenport, Edward Charles, M.B. Lond., Canton, China. Davey, Arthur Tonkin, Goodmayes, Ilford. Davey, Ernest Llewellyn, ///// House, Waliner, Davey, James, Que Que, Rhodesia.

Davey, John Bernard, M.B. Lond., Chiromo, Brit. Central Africa. Davey, Samuel, Caterham, Stirrei/.

Davey, Wm. Henry Hawker Carthew, 30, Princes-road, Liverpool. David, Archibald Sinclair, Waterbeach, Cambridfje. Davidson, Alan. M.D. McGill, St,. Albans, Vermont, U.S.A. Davidson, Archibald, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich. David.son, Duncan, 15, Priori/-row. Covenlnj. Davidson, Georg-e Gillies, M.D. Oxf., 2, Baron s-court-road. w. Davidson, Guilford, Sandgate, Queensland. Davidson, Harold, Teddington.

Davidson, Jackson Graham, M.D. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Davidson, Maurice, M.B. Oxf., Islip Rectory, Thrapston. Davidson, Wm. Henry, T'ung Ch' wan, via Chungking, West China, Da vies, Abel Christmas, Gowerton, Glamorganshire. Davies, Alban Davy, Yarmouth. Davies, Albert Barnes, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Davies, Arthur, M.B. Lond., 33, Charlewood-st., Belgrave-rd. s.w. Davies, Aubrey Hugh, M.B. Camb., Delhi, Ontario, Canada. Davies, Charles AYoolmer, 13, Duke-street, Southport. Davies, David, London Hospital. E. Davies, David, M.B. Lond., Tunbridge Wells. Davi(^s, David Lawford Francis, Woiple-road, Epsom. Davies, David Leig-hton, M.D. Lond,, 124, Newport-rd., Cardiff. Davies, David Living-stone, Criccieth, Carnarvon. Davies, David Morgan, M.B. Lond., Aberavon, Cardiganshire. Davies, David Samuel, M.D. Lond., Clifton, Bristol. Davies, Edward Cluneglas, M.D. Durh., Lampeter. Davies, E Iwin Thomas Harries, 14. Westboume-square. vr. Davies, Ellis Thomas, M.D. Edinb., Liverpool. Davies, Ernest Edgar, 7, Oakjield-road, Clifton, Bristol. Davies, Francis Joseph, Godahning.

Davies, Frederick Chai-les, IS, Alexandra-avenue, Battei'sea. s.w. Davies, Frederick Mark, IG, Warrington-crescent,Maida Vale. w. Davies, Freiik. Spencer, Putney, s.w.

Davies, Frederick William Samuel, 21, Newport-road, Cardiff. Davies, George Augustus, Clifton, Bristol.

K 2


Davies, Herbert Kees, M.B. I.ond., 20, ILtrleij-street, Bow. i_

Davies, Howard Owen, M.I). Loi)d., Ealing, w.

Davies, Howell, Pretoria, South Africa.

Davies, Hug-h, M.B. Loud., Blackheath. s.e.

Davies, Hugh Edward, Lntterivorth.

Davies, Hng-li Morristou. 55, Gordon-square. "W.c.

Davies, Huj^hes Reid, Woodford Green, Essex.

Davies, Joliii Charles, M.D. i)urh., lihos, Raahon.

Davies, John Edgar FliiH)), Ca-^t/e-hilf, Llane/h/.

Davies, John Edward Henry, P/as Darland, Wi-cdutm.

Davies, John Lloyd, Newport, Monmouth.

Davies, John Rees, 43, Wellinfiton-slreet, Merthjr.

Davies, John William, Ebhw Vale, Monmouthshire.

Davies, Joseph Trower, M.D. Michigan, Graliamstoicn, S.Africa,

Davies, Larg-ford George, 25, *S'^ Jolnis-park, Blackheath. s.ii,

Davies, Morgan, M.D. Aberd.. 10, Gorinrj-street. Ilnundsditch. L.c.

Davies, Nathaniel Edward, 44, JIarley-street. \v.

Davies, Richard, M.D. Edinb., Cheltenham.

Davies, Samuel Hugh Rattray, Worthing.

Davies, Sidney Trevor, Norfolk Hospital, Norwich.

Davies, Sievwright Arthur, Blackburn.

Davies, Thomas, Cwmgwen, Pencader, Carmarthen.

Davies, Thomas Ashton, Stainmore. Spencer-road, Newport, jMou,

Davies, Thomas Benjamin Philip, M.D, Lond., Milford Haven.

Davies, Thomas Bonnor, Charles-street, Briton Ferrg, Glam.

Davies, Thomas John, Watts Town, Rhondda Valleij, S. Wules^

Davies, Thomas Joseph, 58, Vine-street, Liverpool.

Davies, Thomas Sidney, 52, Kingsdown Parade, Bristol.

Davies, Timothy Howell, Middlesex Hospital, ^y.

Davies, Trevor Berwyn, M.B. Lond., Pentre, Rhondda, Glam.

Davies, Walter Ernest Llewel^^n, Cwrtmaivr, Aherystwith.

Davies, AVilliam Henr}', Frome.

Davies, William James. London House, Aheraj/ron, Cardiganshii-c

Davies, William John Edwin, Yokohama, Japan.

Davies, Wra. Llo.yd Bo wen, Slough, Bucks.

Davies, William Thomas, Penyhont, Radnorshire.

Davies-CoUey, Hugh, Briarwood, Woking.

Davies-Colley, Robert, 24, St. Thomas-street, s.e.

Davis, Arthur Iloldsworth, M.B. Loud., Sunderland.

Davis, Arthur Hubert Treby, Lytham, Kew Gardens. AV.

Davis, Chailes Noel, M.B. Lond., Shanghn, China.

Davis, Cyril Stephen, M.D. Brussels, Waipiro Bay, Neiv Zealand,

Davis, Edward David, 33, Wimpole-street. av.

Davis, Everard Liseal, Brighton-road, Worthing.

Davis, Frederick Lionel, Belize, British Honduras.

Davis, (jateward Coleridg-e, Hyde-park, Sydney, New South Wales,

Davis, George Bmcklesby, M.D. Camb., Amritsar, Lulia.

Davis, George William, M.D. Duih., Sidciip.

Davis, Ilarr}-, M.D. St. Andrew's, Callington, Cornwall.

Davis, Harry, Callington, Cornwall.

Davis, John James, M.D. WestUni.,Ont.,142, Gananoque, Ontario,



1898 I 1879 I 3 907 1903

1904 '















188 L



1901 1906 1908 1903 1874 1887 1888 1896 1882 1892 1882 1903 1902 1893 1897

1899 1908 1886 1877 1907 1885 1889

Davis, Newton Charles, M.B. Iiond., 36, Chowrinf/hee, Calcutta.

Davis, William, 60, Lisson-grove. n.av.

Davis, William Herbert, Kei/hani, Devonport.

Davison, Henry Edward, M.D. Durh., \VhitleijBa>/, Northumherland.

Davson, John Ben. Hoghton, i* Vee Town, Sierra Leone ^ W. Africa.

Davy, David Henry, Hull.

Davy, Gerald Henry, M.B. Camb.. Hull.

Davy, Philip Claude I'resilian, M.B. Lond., Royal Arnvj

Medical Corps. Dav}^ William Bradshaw, 348, Finchhy-road. N.^w. Daw, Samuel Wilfrid, M.B. Lond., Guys Hospital. s.E. Daw, William Henr}', Naval Medical Service.

Dawe, Charles Henry, Naval Medical Service.

Dawe, Frank Sherwill, M.D. Lond., 69, High-road., C/iiswick. w.

Dawes, Christopher Dering, Indian Medical Service.

Dawes, George Harr}^ 254, St. Philip s-road, Sheffield.

Dawes, Herbert Edwin Tonge, Walmer, Kent.

Dawes, John Alphonsus, Pretoria, Transvaal.

Dawes, Richard St. Mark, Gaivler, South Australia.

Dawkin, George Mansell, Pontypridd.

Dawnay, Archibald Hugh Payan, 126, Harley-street. w.

Dawson, Cecil Lacy, Berry, New South Wales.

Dawson, Ernest, 4, Grange-park-road, Leyton. n.e.

Dawson, Joseph Bernard, M.B. Lond., 78, Bootham, York.

Dawson, Rankine, 35, Lansdowne-crescent. w.

Dawson, Reginald Branch, Maiden Newton, Dorchester.

Dawson, Thomas Denman, Stafford Street, Midland Junction., W. Australia.

Dawson, William CoUings, M.B. Lond., Erdinglon, Birmingham.

Day, Arthur Percival, Weybridge.

Day, Bernard, M.B. Camb., Wyforne, Woodspeen, Newbury.

Daj', Charles Frederici<, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Day, Charles Henr}^, Brightwell, Oxfordshire.

Day, Edward Irving, Cape Town, S. Africa.

Day, Francis William Henry Langston, Baldock, Herts.

Day, James John, Sandwich.

Da}', John Rol)erson, M.D. Lond., 35, Queen Anne-street, w.

Day, Joseph Henry, 60, Margaret-street, w.

Day, Thomas Montagu, Harlow.

Day, William Frank Lydstone, M.B. Camb., Roydon, Essex.

Day, \Villiam Leigh Maule, M.D. Oxf., 4, Head-street, Colchester.

Dayus, Frederick Herbert, Forest Gate. Essex.

Deakin, Frank Newstead, M.B. Birm., 18, Bradford-street., Walsall.

Dean, Edmund Clapperton, Bridgetown, West Australia.

Dean, Lawrence Thompson, M.B. Camb.

Deaue, Edward, Caversham, Reading.

Deane, John Richard, Bengal Army.

Deane, William, Wragby, Lincoln.

Dearden, William Francis, Urmstnn-lane, Stretford, Manchester.

Deare, Benjamin Hobbs, hidian Medical Service.




33, Victoria-road,

Clapham Com-


Deare, Edwin Walter.

Deas, Frank, Merton Park.

de Brent, Harold John, mon. s.w.

Debenham, Horace Allan, Presieign, Itadnort-Jure.

Debenhain, Robert Bavsham, 1)2, East India Duck-road.

De Castro, George, Boscombi', Bournemoutli.

De Cliazal, Edniond Lucien, M.D. Lond., Port Lotas, Mauritius..

Deck, Edward James, Wailii, New Zealand.

Deck, Horace 1-eigh, 23, Alderhrook-road, Balham. s.w.

Deck, John F'udd, M.D. St. Andr., Ashjield, New South Wales.

Dee, Maurice Vincent, M.B. Edin., /.'e^/i/on, Orange River Coloni/.

de (Joteau, Joseph Taafe, GO, York-street, York-road, s.ic,

de Freitas, Qiiirino Bonifacio, Georr/etown, British

de Gannes, Joseph Louis Fernand, (.5, Upper Phil li more-place, w.

de Gebeit, Louis Jean Adam, 25, Avenue, Ilomseii. n.

De Gruchy, Charles William, Caerleon, Monmouth.

De Jersey, Walter i>rock, M.B. Camb., Guildford.

De Korte, Wm. Edmond, M.B. Loud., Lock Hospital, Dean- street. AV.

De Kretser, Edward William, Ceylon.

De la Cour, George Francis, M.D. Edinb., 268, Camden-road. n.w.

De la Cour, George, M.B. Lond., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Delbruck, Raoul Eiuest, M.B. Camb., 29a, King's-roadr Chelsea. S.w.

Dellschaft, Max Eberhard, 22, llighhuni-i/rore. n.

De Lorn, Henr}^ Anthony, Royal Army Medical Corps.

De Mirandu, Pedro Joaquin, 17, Ucnninijton Park-road, Ilampstiad. N.w.

De Monti)rnn, Domingo Antonio, Port of Spain. Trinidad.

De Montbrun, Pedro Louis, Port of Spain, 'Trinidad.

Dempsey, Patiick Joseph, 7, Merrion-square North, Dublin.

Dempster, Jolm Henry, Redhill.

Dempster, William Thomas, 94, Brir/hton-road., South Croydon.

Dend^y, Walter Chester, Maidwell, Northampton.

Denholm, George, Meadoicfield, Brandon, Durham.

Denne, Francis Vincent, M.D. Brussels, 69, Brook-yreen. w.

Denne, Henry, M.D. Heidelberg, Edgbaston, Bimdnghanu

Denning, Arthur Ffolliott ^\'illiam, 174, Blackfriars-road.

Denning, George Fanning, Fulbourne Asi/lum, Cambridge.

Denning, William Frederic, Elland, Yorkshire.

Dennison, Tom St(n)henson, Newton-row, Birmingham.

Denny, Arthur William, Isleham, Sohani, Cambridge.

Denny, Herbert Reginald Harry, Naval Med'cal S-i-vice.

Dennys, George William Patrick, Indian Medical Service.

Deunys, Richard Molesworth, Glenvie/r^ Sidmouth.

Densham, Arnold Thomas, Indian Medical Service.

Densham, Ashley Bloomfield, 18, Stratford-place, w.

Dent, Howard Henry Congreve, M.B. Durh., Wolvei-hampton.

Dent, Louis William, South Woodford, Essex.

Deuyer, Clarence Hamul, Royal. Army Medical Corps.




Deriyer, Stanley Edward, M.D. Camb., C.M.a,, Hall.

De Nyssen, Petrus Johannes, Halesworth.

dePinua, Herbert Alfred, 20, Grosvenor-strtet. w.

Dernier, Win. Tliomas, Fremantle, Wesfei'ii Australia.

Dermott, Edward Jame.'^, 45, Rkhniond-road, MontpeUer, Bristol.

Derry, Bartholomew Gidley, Bodmin.

Deshmukh, Gopal Vinayak, M.B. Loud., 47, Eardley Crescent,

EarCs Court, s.av. De Silva, Appu Henuedig-e Charles, M.B. Durh,, Galle^ Ceylon. De Silva, Arthur Marcellus, Colombo, Ceijlon. De Sonza, David Heuriques, M.D. Lend., 32, Belsize-

sqnare. N.w. d'Esterre, Johu Nortcott, Eastbourne. d'Esterre, Wni. Henry Daniel Patrick, M.D. Durh., 20, Farquhar-

road, Upper Norwood. s.E. Des Voeux, Harold Antoine, M.D. Brussels, 14, Bacldngham-

gate. s.w. Deuntzer, Canut, Middlesex Hospital, "w. De Vail, Alfred Ernest, 199, Alum Rock-road, Birmingham. Devas, Horace Charlton, Cleveland Cottage, Barnes, s.w. Deyeuish-Meares, Archibald Lewis, Mount Hope, New SuutliWales. Devereux, Norman, Tewkesbury.

Devereux, William Charles, ^T.B. Camb., Tewkesbury. de Villiers, Carel Christiaau Alex., M.B. Lend., Cape Town. de Villiers, James Heur}^ Rondebosch, Cape Town. Devis, Harry Fran9ois, Wells-road, Bristol. Devitt, Herbert Pye Smith, 14, Devonshire-t'jrrace, Hyde

Park. w. de Verteuil, Eric Joseph, M.B. Lond., 8, Newtcn-road, West-

bourne-grove, w. de Verteuil, Fernand Louis, Naval Medical Service. D'Ewart, .John Thomas, M.B. Lond., Moss Side, Manchester. Dewes, Frederick Joseph, Indian Medical Service. Dewe}^ Edward William, Fortsmonth.

Dewhurst, John Henry, M.D. Camb., Campden, Gloucestershire. Dhingra, Behari Lai, M.D. Hrussels, Jhind State, Punjab, India. Dias, Anthony, 35, Depot Lines, Karachi, India. Dibbs, Wm. Steward, Dewsbury-road, Leeds. Dick, Alan MacDonald, M.B. Edinb., Messrs. Grindley ^- Co.,

Parliament-street, s.w. Dick, James Reid, 8, M uswell-avenue, Muswell Hill. x. Dick, John Lawson, M.D. Edinb., 89, Ca:enove-rd., Stamford Hill. x. Dick, ^[axwell. M.B. Loud., Indian Medical Service. Dick, Walter, Ringwood, Hants. Dickens, Charles Henry, M.B. Durh., Chiswick. s.w. Dickey, Wm. CranfuiidMcNag-hten, 354, ///V///-rc>c«(/, Chiswick. ^y. Dickie, William Stewart, ^fiddlesbrougl^. Dickiii, Edward Percival, M.D. Edinb., Brightliugsea, Essex. Dickius, Sidney John Oldacres, M.D. Brussels, Horsham. Dickinson, Charles Marshall, Talbut-road, Winton. Dickinson, George Frank, Leamington.



1894 '


1876 I

1003 ;

1!J06 i

1897 .1 9U5 1890 1901 1889 1905 1907 1895 1879 1907 1883 1896 190r) i877 1880 1885 1906 1905 1900 1890 1906 1890 1902 1908 1891 1904 1887 1901 1896 1882 1897 1871 1861 1872 1899

1909 1892 1909 1895 1890 1901 1884 1906 1891

Dickinson, Harold Bertie, M.D. Lond., Herejord. l>ickinsoii, Robert Lumley, Natal Militdrij Service. Dickinson, William Gilbert, M.D. Diirli., ru/nei/ Heath, s.w. Dickinson. William Henry, 2, Grove Parle, lAvtrpool. Dickson, Arthur Norman, M.B. Camb., 6, Arlington Park-mans.^

Chisivick. w. Dickson, Avery Wynn, Stainland, Halifax. Dickson, Harold Stewait, Army Medical Coll., Milthank. s.\v. Dickson, John William, Camb., 42, Hertford-street. Av. Dickson, Louis Eding-lon, M.D. Loud., Hoole, Chester. Dickson, Thomas Hugh, M.B. Camb., H.M. Customs. k.C. Dickson, William Leonard, Djike-road Drive, Brighton. Digby, Kenelm Hutchinson, M.B. Loud., 15, TrinUy-square. s.e. Dillon, Rupert Wentworth, 39, Al/farthiny-iane. s.w. Dimmock, Heniy Peers, Indian Medical Service. Dimock, Horace, M.B. Camit., Siretham Manor, Ely. Dimsey, EJgar Ralph, D.S.O., Naral Medical Service. Dingle, Harr}^ Barmouth, N. Wales. Dinule, Percival Alfred, 46, Finshury-square. e.g. Dingle, William Alfred, M.D. St. x\.nd.. 46, Finsbin-j-square. E.c. Dingle}', Allen, 36, Carleton-mad, Camden-road. N.w. Dingley, Arthur William, M.D. Loud., 7, Aryylc-square. AV.C. Diiinis, Alfred, 48, Chadivick-road, Leytonsfone. n.e. Dismorr, Cecil Jaaies Stewart, Bagthorpe Infirmary, Nottingham. Dismorr, Henry Bertram, Wroiigliton, Sicindon. Distin, Howard, M.B. Lond., Enfield. Dive, Gilbert Henry, St. Bartholomew s Hospital, e.g. Diver, Ebenezer Wm., M.J^. Uurh., Shotlcy Bridge, Durham. Dix, Charles, Bruton, Somerset. Dixon, Alban, "P//e Vicarage^ Willesden. n.av. Dixon, Arthur, Fulwood, Preston. Dixon, Austin Clarence, Bolivia Raihcay, Chile. Dixon, Charles Harvey, Esher.

Dixon, Godfrey Brooks, 'Tollesbury, Witham, Essex. Dixon, Harold Evans, 90, Kellet-road, Jirixton. s.w. Dixon, Henry Charles, Orange Free State, South Africa. Dixon, Henry Cuthbert, 54, King Edward-road, S. Hackney, n.e. Dixon, Henry Edward, Bnntingford. Dixon, John, M.D. St. Andr., 133, Jamaica-road. 8.E. Dixon, John Francis, Rohhen Island, Cajie Town. Dixon, Montague, M.D. Lond., Melton Mowbray. Dixon, Robert llalstead, M.B. Lond., Hacing-green, Ealing, w. Dixon, Saamel, 13. .lack son's- lane, Ilighgate. x. Dixon, Thomas, Eccteshall.

Dixon, Thomas Benjamin. General Hospital, Bristol. Dixon, Walter Ernest, M.D. Camb., Cambridge. Dixon, William Arthur, Toronto, Canada. Dixon, William John, M.B. Madras, Templecombe, Somerset. D'Moule, Dominick Anaclete, Bandoi-a, Bombay, India. l)obi)iu, Wilfrid Arthur Edwin, 2 \,Marylands-rd., Harrow-rd. w. Dobbs, Matthew, M.D. Durh., Fulkestone.


Dobell, Clarence Briau, M.D. Ediiib., Charlton Kings, Cheltenham.

Dobie, Edward Cyril, M.B. Edinb., N'oithgate House, Chester.

Dobie, Herbert, M.D. Edinb., Chester.

Doble, Francis Carminow, Reedham, Norfolk.

Dobie, Henry Trefi,"ell as, 2, Union-street, Oldham.

Dobson, Arthur, Ilkeston, Derbi/sliire.

Dobson, Joseph Faulkner, M.B. Lond., 29, Park-square, Leeds.

Dobson, Josiah Rowland Benjamin, Glen Volta, Fenarfh.

Dobson, Leonard Charles Talbot, M.D. Lond., 71, Holland-park-

auenue. ^v. Dobson, Maurice Rowland, M.B. Lond., Woodbank, Ilkleij. Dockra}", John Smalley, M.D. Vict., Bishops Stortfurd. Dodd, Alexander Russell, 3, Mavf/nret-street. w. Dodd, Arthur Herbert, Hore, Brighton. Dodd, Arthur Timothy ATiddleton, Anjield, Liverpool. Dodd, Ernest James Auberon, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. Dodd, Frederick Lawson, 41, Wiwpole-street. AV. Dodd, Henry Work, 136, Harleji-street. w. Dodd, Percy Voruon, M.D. Dubl., Folkestone. Dodd, Walter Henry, Wimborne. Dodg-sou, George Stanley, M.B. Camb., Sherborne House,

Durham. Dodson, George Everard, Kinnan, Persia.

Dodsworth. Frederic Charles, Arlington-park, Gunnersbury. "W. *Dodwell, Philip R., M.D. Lond., 57, Bridge-rd., Battersea. s.vr. Doig, Kenneth Alan Crawford, Royal Arnig Medical Corps. Dolamoi-e, William Henry, 63, Harley-street. av\ Dolan, Edmund Michael, Pontcfract. Dolbey, Robert Valentine, M.B. Loud., Vancouver, British

Columbia. Dolman, Edgar Winn Fox, Mattaburra, Queensland. Domela-Nieuwenhuis, Theodor, Tunis. Dominy, George Herbert, Milton Abbas, Blandford. Domville, Edward James, Exeter. Donald, Robert, Dunedin, New Zealand. Donaldson, Alexander Henry, Holsicortlni, North Devon. Donaldson, Malcolm, *SV. Bartholoineivs Hospital. K.c. '

Donaldson, Samuel, 83, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. Donaldson-Sim, Ernest AUred, St. Bartlwlomew's Hospital, e.g. Donor, ^Villiam Jerome.

Doran, Robert Sydney, Hafodunes, Felixstowe-road, Ipswich. Dornian, Marcus Rob. Phipps, M.D. Camb. Dorman, Oscar Chipman, M.D. Dalhousie, 650, Logan-avenue,

Winnipeg, Cawida. Dorrell. Edmund Arthur, Lyncroft-gardens, West Hampstead. N.w. Donbble, Meredith Sedgwick, Luton. Doudney, Leslie, Salop Injirmanj, Shrewsbury. Dougal, Daniel. M.D. Glasg., Lansdown-road, Bournemouth. Douglas, Archibald Robert John, M.D. Lond., Rangoon, Burma. Douglas, Claude, Leicester. Douglas, Jas. Sliolto Cameron, M.D. Oxf., Oxford.

* Kesigned Membership.




1904 1J<96 1908 l9o()

1903 1890 1897 1891 1892 1905 1888 1898

1893 1888 1S90 1891 1905 1887 1895 1901 1907

1876 1897 1885 19(11

1882 1887


1898 1899 1884 18183

1889 1904 1907 1894 1896 1891 1894 1903 1902 1894 1892 1865 1900

Doug-las. Keimetli Ilaringrton. 105. Wofxl-fftreet, WaJ^Jiainstoir. E.

Doug"las. Reg-iiiald Iiig-lis. M.B, Purh., 500. /^ordsftip-lane. s.E.

Doug-las, Stewart Rankeiis St. Jfaj-i/'s fJnsjn'tal. w.

Doug-las, Wni. Robert. '20, York-place^ Ojrf"riI-sircct^ }fanches*fr.

Doug-las?^. Percy Clarence, Rnt/al Armii Medical Corp-.

Doug-lass, William Claug-hton, South Miimns. litirnet

Douse. John Freeman, 125. Li/ndhur^t-arcnue. Streatham Hill. s.w.

Dove, Percy William. M.B. Lond., 84, Croiich-liilL n.

Dove, William Bathurst, M.B. Camb., Leather head.

Dow, John Hardmau. 2. Cou-ky JId/-/ane, St. Helens.

Dow, Wm. Alex., M.D. Durh., Leires.

Dowdall, Arthur Melville. New Fern/, Cheshire.

Dowdel I.Charles Seymour. M.B. Loiid.,0/'ws#'/, Gold Coast Colony.

Douding-. Em<^st Fredk. Charles, Wauffoi d, Aorthonls.

Dowding-. William Fredeiick Charles. Hof/ntal, Copse Hill. s.w.

Dowler, llerbeii: Matthew, Altissoorie, India,

Dowhng-. Edward Alfred Griffiths, Clifton, Bristol.

Dowliug, Geurg-e WiUiam, Alderley Edge, Cheshire.

Dowliug, Norman, Toung, New South Wales.

Dowling. Stanislaus Marcus, Woodford Green, k.e.

Do-wn, Arthur Reed. Bampton, Devonshire.

Duwn, Elg-ar, Stoke. Deirnyport.

Downer. Clarence Herbert, Mahaica, Demerara:.

Downer. Reg-iuald Lionel Ernest, M.B. Lond., General Infirrnarf/y

Chester. ^

Do"\Anes, Edmund, M.D. Brussels, Bolton-road, Easthourne.

Downes. Godkin. Statidn-road, We^ddftone.

Downes. Howard. Priory-road, Hornsey. K.

Downes, Tnomas W iiliam Hardwicke, 2^), Broad-street^ Ludlcir.

Downing, Chailes, 49, Charle •'-street. Cardijf.

Downing-, William, 1, Great Colmore-strtet. Birmingham.

Downman, Charles Frederick, Bvmham, Maldon.

Downton Arthur Sydney. 5, Weston-parh, Crouch End. x.

Dowse, Thomas Al<-xander, Littleham, Exmovth.

Dowsett, Ernest Blair, 1, Gloucester-street. I'ortman-square. "W.

Dowsing, Herbert Leopold, Bcrerley-road, Hull.

Dowson. John. Naral Medical Service.

Doyle, Edward Ang-el Gaj'iies, South Najtnrima, Trinidad.

Doyle, Henry Martin. Newcastle, New South Wales.

Drabble, Perc}' Toplis, College-road, R it'erham.

Drake, Arthur William Courtney. Winchester.

Drake, Courtenay Henry, M.B. Lond., Streatham High-road. S.w.

Drake, Dennys John, Thalcurhari P.O., A.^saui.

Drake. Ernest Charles. litd Hill.

Drake, Ernest Uenrj', 161, St. George' s^-road, Peclcham. s.E.

Drake, Hugh Basil, Indian Medical Snfice.

Drake. John Alexander. M.B. Loud., Ttnb'/, S. Wales.

Drake, William. Harwich.

Drake, William Elliot, M.B. Camb., Bed House, Winchester.

Drake-Brockmau, Edward Foster, 18a. Han:irer-street. w.

Drake- Brockman, Henry George, Asylum, Middlesbrough.


188 7 Drake-Brockman. HerVjert Edward. ladiau Medicni .yerdce.

1899 Drake-Brockman. Ralph Evelvn. Berham, SamnEIamd. 1891 Drake-Brockman. Vivien - Trndka Medicml Sewwiee. 1888 Draper. James William, -- ;', Hrnddergidd.

1896 Draper. R jbert Athelstaa. Fu-f.-d-roa/i. Tort,

1890 Draper. Thomas N[akiD. Watlin^ -n. Xorfolt.

1904 Drapes. Thi^mas Lambert. iLB, Camb- Ckepsb^v, Jfsa.

; I*rawbridge. Wilire^i Ralph Leycester. >V?«x ITofp^ HaMiMys.

1886 Dreaper, WTilliam Grey. Grogmu/mt. Torlskire.

1870 Drew, Alfre^i ^taubaaks. AUjomdria. Oip^ of Good Hope.

1886 Drew Arthur John. S(. AlJate?, Oxford.

1890 Drew, D.:>a2^1as. ALD. LjikI. 6. WiMp-Ae-itreet. w. 1894 Drew. Edward Hatherell. 167, Hi'jfi-ruod. Bnlham. s.w. 1888 , Drew, Hedley Vicars. Tirmtru, Canterbury. Xete Zealamd.

,. i Drew. Henry William. 3. Addiicomhe-roai. Croydon.

1905 Drew, John Harmer. M.D. Lond.. Pl*mr>»th.

1902 Drew. Robert Stanbanks. M.B. Camb.. K-jkhh. Surrof.

1901 Drinkwater. Fredk. Andrew Worsley. Cit»jrom, LiaagoUeu.

1902 Driver, Henry Lloyi Svjtii^a.

1905 I Droop. Charl^-s Edward. M.B. Camb., Madd^, Salop. 1896 1 Draitt, Arthur Edward. Altra-iton. Derbj.

,, Druitt. Claud Francis. Ah:a.<ton. D-rh; .

1909 Dmitt, Daniel Cmhbert, Gu.f^ Ho^pitaL s.e.

1896 Drun*-. Edwd. Gay Dm. M.D. Lend.. Grahauutoicn, Cape CuloaV' 1904 Drury. G -dfrey L»ru. Cor/e Ca<ile. Dorsri.

1907 Dryland. Gilbert Wiater, Kimjton., Her^jordJtire.

1891 Dryland. Leslie Winter. Kettering.

1904 Drysdale. The<xlore. M.B. Camb.. 84. Sloans-street, s.w.

1886 Du Boalay, Hal»ert Houssemaync, Weymouth.

1885 Du Buisson. Edward William. Castle-street^ Hereford.

1894 Docat, Arthur [»avii. M.B. Lend.. Heat/tneld-fjardens, ChistticJL 1888 Ducket. Charles Alexander. 150. Broirning-road. Manor-part. E-

1900 Dudding, J. >hn Scarbrongh, Xaval Medical Serrire. 1902 Dudding, Thos. Scarbrough. Kotjal Amv Medic>d Corps,

1885 Dudfield, Reginald Samuel Onne, M.B. Camb.. Totcn Hall. Paddiiiglon. at.

1897 Dudgeon. Herbert William. M.D. Durh.. Cairo. Egypi. 1891 Dudgeon. R ibert Henry Beauchamp, Toxteth-park. Liverpool.

1895 Dudley. Arthur Dudley Parr. Mar^hneid. C/ii/peuIiam.

1901 Dudley. Bernard John. 35. liyde-tale-road. Balham. s.w. 1904 Dudlt-y. Eivrard Percy Hughes, Caxton, Cambridge.

1890 Dudley, George James, Stourbridge.

1906 Dudley. Sheldon Francis, Stoneltouse. Pltimonth. 1888 Duer, Charles. M.B. Lond.. Indim Medical Service.

1891 Duer, Sidengham Fnwin. '2'2. Haretvood-square. s.\x.

1894 Duffett. Henry Allcroft. Sidcup.

1895 DuflBeld. Ernest Alphonse, 110. Bute-st.. Treherbert, Glamorgan. 1891 Duffy, Patrick Joseph. 54. Khediie-road, Forest-gate. E,

1888 Dugon, Francis. \~ . Ilderton-road. Bermondsev. s.E.

1900 Dugon, Thonias Henderson, Xeic Elt/tam, Kent.

1894 du Heatmie, Herbert Thomas, St. Heliers, Jersey.



Duig-an, Victor Jolin, JFii/h-street, East Dereham.

Duig-an, William, M.B. Caiub., Woodstock-road^ Oxford.

Duka, Albert Tlieoiihilus, D.S.O., Boumemojith.

Duke, Harold Denn^', 43, Fonlinjc/i-road, Brondeshunj. N.w.

Dukes, Edmund Sprague, M.B. Lond., Paparoa Kaipara, N.Z.

Dukes, Major Cliarles, M.D. St. Amir., Iljracombe.

Dukes, Thomas Archibald, M.B. Lend., 16, Welleslei/-road,

CrOTjdon. Bummere, Howard Howse, Sevenoaks.

Duu, Robert Craig-, M.B. Edinb., 7;5, Rodney-street.^ Liverpool. Dun, Walter Ang-us, M.D. Miami, Cincinnati, United States. Dunbar, James John Macwhirter, M.D. Loud., Clapham-common.

s.w. Duncan, Archibald Wallace, Ilenley-on-Thames. Duncan, George Ernest, Naval Jfedical Service. Duncan, Horace, M.B. Lond., 11, Bolton-street. w. Duncan, John, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Duncan, Percy James, M.D. Ijowd.^ Bournemouth. Dnncker, William Reinhold, Fortslade, West Brighton. Dundas, George Albert, Benyul Army. Dunderdale, Robert Harold Webster, Blackpool. Duukerton, Norman Edwin, Royal Army Medical Corps. Dunkin, Silas Ethelbert, G8, Studley-road, Clapham. s.w. Dunlop, John EeaLtie, M.B. Camb., 15, Spring - bank - place,

Bradford. Dunn, Arthur Gibson, M.B. Durh., 8, Cavendish-place, Newcastle-

on-Tyne. Dunn, Geiiru'e Hunter, 15, DaJnmere-street, Paddington. w. Dumi, Philip Henry, M.D. Durh,, 87, Regent-street, w. Dunn, Robert Ayton, M.D. Durh., Hertford. Dunn, Thomas Wm. Newton, M.B. Camb., 5, Beaufort East,

Bath. Dunn, AVilliam Edward Xickolls, M.B. Lond., 7, Chrisichurch-

avenue, Brondesbury. N.w. Dunne, Arthur Briggs, M.B. Camb., West Bridgford, Nottingham. Dunning, Jolm Beatson, 35, Bhi'idford-square. n.w. Dunstan, Robert, Plymouth. Dunstan, Walter Robert, M.B. Lond., 6, Water-lane, Brixton.

s.w. Dunston, John Thomas, M.D. Lond., Lunatic Asylum, Pretoria. Dupiguy, Joseph Elford, 7, Streatham-hill. s.w. Duprey, Albert Joseph Bonniface, Trinidad, West Indies. Duprey, George Perry, Mayars, Trinidad. Duran, Carlos, Costa Rica.

Durance, William Arthur, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. Dnrant, Robert James Anderson, Royal Army Medical Corps. Durbridge, Hem-}-, Matlock, Bath. Durell, Robert Edward, Seldown, Poole. Durrant, Charles p]dwin, Kingsbridge.

Durrant, Thomas Arnold, M.D. Durh., 109, Gloucester-terrace. Durston, John Christoptier, Naval Medical Service.


Dutch, Heury Asher, M.D. Brussels, 8, Berkeley-street, w.

Button, Arthur Stayt, 5, Dicinity-road. Oxford.

Dutton, Hug^li Reginald, Indian 3Iedical Service.

Diitton, William, Belgrave. Leicester.

Duvivier. Marc Antoine Einile, M.B. Loncl., 54, Carniinia-roud,.

Balham. s.w. Dwyer, Hubert De Burgh, Banhnry, Oxon. Dyball, Brennau,M.B. Lond., Exeter. Dyer, Harold, Nortli Vancouver, British Colombia. Dyer, John Edward. Klerksdorp, Transvaal, South Africa, Dyer, Sidney Reginald, M.D. Brussels, H.M. Prison, ]\''a)id.>-

tvorth. s.w. Dyer, Walter Percy, Naval Medical Service. Dykes, Campbell, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Dykes, Charles Reginald, Queens-road, Buckhurst Hill. Dykes, Percy Armstrong, Castle Cary, Somerset. D^aiioke, Frederick, Stap/eton-road, Eastville, Bristol. D^'son, Ernest Andrews, 10. Bisham-gardens, Higlif/ate. N. Dyson, Harold Edward, M.D. Lond., Harrow-road, Wembley. Dyson, John Newlon, Bournemouth.

Dyson, Malcolm Goodworth, 93, Union-road. Rotherhitke. s.E^ Dyson, Percy Albert Stanley, St. Johns, Wafejield. Eager, Gurth, Biirford, Oxford. Eager, Mervyu, Durban-road, Watford. Eager, Wilson, Woodbridge. Sufolk.

Eames, Charles William, M.B. Edinb., 48, Church-lane, Shipley^ Eames, Edward Shairp Barnard. Ujfculme, CuUompton. Eames, Edward Thomas Philip, Naval Medical Service. Eames, John Davey, Chapeltown-road, Leeds. Eardley, AMlliam, M.B. Camb., Goole. Eardley-Wilmot, Robert, M.B. Lond., Leamington. Earl, Guy Stanley, M.B. Lond., St. George's Hospital. s.AV. Earle, Edward Roljert Charles, Jamaica, West Indies. Earle, Hubert Malins, Indian Medical Service. Earle, John Rolleston, M.B. Oxf., Woodstock -road, Oxford. Earle, Maurice Mason, Wanganui, New Zealand. Earle, Walter George, Bournemouth.

Eason, Herbert Lightfoot, M.D. Lond., 24, St. Thomas-street, s.k. East, William Norwood, M.D. Lond., 2, North-road, Clapliam-'

Park-road. s.M'. Eastes, George Leslie, M.B. Lond., 38, New Cavendish-st. av. Eastman, Julio Daniel, Caton, Lancashire. Eastment, x\llan Grant, Naval Medical Service. Eastment, Gerald Meade, Naral Medical Service. Eastmond, Reginald Anthony, M.B, TiOnd., Mansfield. Easton, Frank Edwai'd, 12, Devonport-sireet, Hyde-park, w^ Easton, Harold Augustus, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Easton, Philip George, Indian Medical Service. Pjatock, John Albert, Widnes. Eaton, James William, Bingham. Eaton, Oliver, Exmouth.


Eaves, Wilbeiforce Vangflian. Junior Athenceum Club, Ptcca-

di/h/. w. Eccles, Bertram Joseph, 21, Uinrersity-avenue, Belfast. Efcles, Charles Henry, Najferton, Hull.

Eccles, Herbert Annesley, M.D, Ijond., Upper Norwood. 8.E. Eccles, Iloraee Dorset, Alongonui, N. Island, New Zealand. Eccies, Robert Burton, Great Driffield.

Eccles, William McAdani, M.B, Lond., 124, Ilarley-street. "W. Eck, Vincent Frederick, Chili. South America. Eckenstein, Kenneth Edward, M.B. Lond., 8. Gainshorovfjh-

mansiono, Queen Cluh-gardc»s. ^Y. Eckstein, John McDongall, Go, Guilford-streei. w.c. Piddisiin, Francis Ryalls, Be.dale. Eddlestone, Neville Avory, JNI.H. Durli., Whitehaven. Ed(i3% James, Leicester.

Edelsten, Ernest Alfred, M.B. Oxf., 370, Brixton-road. s.av. Eden, Wm. Annesley, Rendcomhe, Cirencester. Eder, Montag-ue David, 2, Charlotte-street, Fitcroj/square. w. Edge, Arthur James, M.B. Lond., Tudor House, Maidenhead. Edge, Bruce Edgar, Old Basford, Notlinriham. Edg-elow, George, M.D. xVberd., LS, Hertjord-street. w. Edgelow, Hei'bert, Mashonaland. Edington, Ernest Adolphus, Ley Moor, Golcar, Torks. Eding-toD, George Henry, M.D. Glasg-., 20, Woodside-place,

Glasijoiv. Edis, Isaac Marcus, 103, Islington, Liverpool. Edleston, Richard Shafto Chambers, Baslow, Derbyshire. Edlin, Herbert Ebenezer, Levenshubne, Manchester. Edmond, William Square, Farringdon Dispensari/. e.g. Edmonds, Charles John Ernest, Manor House, Streatham. s."\v. Edmonds, Frai'k Rowe, Georgetown, Brit. Guiana. i

Edmonds, George, Mai/Jield, Sussex. I

Edmonds, Hairy Augustus, Pattisivoiih, Queensland. Edmondson, W atts, Lancaster.

Edmondson, William Constantine, M.B. Toronto, Oriln'a, Canada. X

Edmuuds, Arthi/r, M.B. Loud., 30, Welheck-street. w. f

Edmunds, Clive Thornley, Royal Army Medical Corps. Edmunds, Flavell, Avenue House, Saltergate, Chesterfield. Edmunds, Percy James, M.B. Loud., 5, Great Marlhorough-

sfreet. w. Edridge, Rny, 18, Lawn-terrace, BlackheatJi. s.E. Edsell. (jeorge Alfred, M.D. Durh., Surbiton. Edwards, Arthur Rea, King's College, w.c. Edwards, Augustus Lea, Upavon, Wilts. Edwards, Cliarlef*, Granville House, Bridport. Edwards, Charles Stanstaj', Mombasa, E. Africa. Edwards. Charles Wright, Wincanton, Somerset. Edwards. David, Mold.

Edwards, David Richard, Compton House, Coricen. Edwards, Edgar Steele, Empingham, Stamford. Edwards, Frank Payne, M.B. Camb., Ranbaw, Victoria, Australia.



1901 1899 1902

Edwards, Frederick Georg-e Henry, M.D. Paris, Mauritius.

Edwards, Fred<n-ick Swiiiford, 55, Harley-street. w.

Edwards, Frederic William, 222, Statist ead-road, Forest Hill. s.E.

Edwards, Gem-u-e Benuicke, Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Edwards, Georg-e Frederick, M.D. Vict., Maidenhead.

Edwards, Geo. Mackenzie, M.B. Cainb., Harrow.

Edwards, Harford Norman, Markyate, Dunstable.

Edwards, Harry Rumsey, 12, Park-road, Beckenham, Kent.

Edwards, .John Maltliy, Bromley, Kent.

Edwards, Octavius, Leominster.

Edwards, Percy, Newsliam Park., Liverpool.

Edwards, Pliilip Hugh, Deroran, Cornwall.

Edwards, Robert, Lamb^s Conduit-street. "\r.c.

Edwards, Robert Thomas, Walters-road, Swansea.

Edwards, Thomas llenr}', Huddersjitid.

Edwards, \Yilliam Howard, Brixtou-hiU. s.w.

Edwards, Wilham Lloyd, 142, Holton-road, Barry, Glamorgan.

Eedle, Edward John, Pabners-green. x.

Ehrlich, Henry Albert, 89, Dawes-road, Falham. s.w.

Ehrmann, ARiert, 255, Camden-road. n.av.

Eichholz,Oreste, M.D.Oxf., 36, Russell-road, Remington, s.w.

Ekins, Charles Maxwell, Cairo, Egypt.

Elam, Georg-e, M.D. Durh., 9, Fawley-road., West Ham psfead. x.w.

Elder, Armin Gascoig-ne Vavasour, Junior Conservative

Club. yv. Elder, George Tatham Davison, Man-^feld, Nottingham. Eldred, Arthur George, Gold Coast, W. Africa. Eley, Norman William, Batley.

Ellacombe, GiU'Crt Henry Wemyss, Livingstone, N.W. Rhodesia. Ellcome, John Edwin, 8, Lodeg-road, Wandsworth-common. s.w. EUerton, Henr^' Byam, Learesden Asylum, Watford. Ellerton, John, M.D. St. Andr., Middlesbrough. Ellery, Ernest Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps. Elliman, Arthur Charles, West Southboiirne, Bournemouth. Elhot, Ernest Edwai-d, Dover.

Elliot, Robert Henry, M.B. Loud., Indian Medical Service. Elliot, Thomas Stokoe, The Old Rectory, Southwell. Elliott, Arthur 15owes, Llandulas, North Wales. Elliott, Charles Caldwell, M.D. Lond., Cape Town, Cape Colony. Elliott, Christopher, C.'anricarde House, Tunbridge Wells. Elliott, Gilbert, 80, Black Horse-road, Walthamstow. Elliott, Harold St. Clair, Drydens-cliambers, Oxford-street, w. Elliott, Harry Scott, Victoria-road, Southsea. Elliott, Howard Robinson, WInttiugton, Chesterfield. Elliott, James Warner, 1, Askew-road, Shepherd's Bush. av. Ellis, Carlton Atkinson, Chislehurst-ave., Church-end, Finchley. n. Ellis, Edgar Severn, 6, Clarence-street, Gloucester. Ellis, Ernest Alfred, M.B. Camb., Asylum, Broadmoor, Berks. Ellis, Ernest Fitzgerald, Naval Medical Service. Ellis, Francis Hamilton, M.B. Camb., Shirley, Southampton. Ellis, Francis Heygate, Salisbury, Rhodesia.


Ellis, Fred, 2o, CommPvcitiJ -road, Pcckham. s. k.

Ellis, Henry lU^g'inakl, M. 11 Diirli., Shiplejj IJall, Shipley.

Ellis, Ilerbeit iVIackay, Naval ^fedical Service.

Ellis, John Constable, Mufhei-iiir/hani, Lincoln.

Ellis, Leonard Eiasmus, JNf.D. lirussels, Leicester.

Ellis, Philip Mackay, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Ellis, Richard Thomas, o7, L^ondon-road , Ilolijhend.

Ellis, Robert Macka}'', Chndleigli, South Devon.

Ellis, William Ashton, Preston Park, Brifjhion.

Ellis, William Francis, lioi/al Arnn/ Medical Corps.

Ellis, William Hodg'son, M.B.Toronto, Toronto.

Ellis, William McDonagh, M.D. Brussels, Woldingliam.

Surrey. Ellison, Arthur, Tiipla/ House. JJolhecl:, Leeds. Ellison, Ernest Henry, M.D. Durh., Sj/ston, Leicestershire. Ellison, Harold Blades, Hoscotc, West Kirhii, Cheshire. Ellison, William Augustine, M.D. Oxf., M.V.O., E?oh, Windsor. Ell wood, Thomas Ashcroft, 9i), Tollinoton-park. n. Elmslie. Reg-inald Cheyne, M.B. Lond., \b, Devonshire-place, w- Elring-ton, Nicholas, Wethersfield^ Essex. Elton, Henry Brown, Cheddon Fitzjuiine, Tannton. Elv3% Frank, llellhujly, Sussex.

Elwes, Frederick Fenn, M.D. Lond., Lndian Jifedical Service. Elwin, George Richard, ISF.O. Lond., 82, Blachfriars-road. s.e. Elworthy, Henry Herbert, 41, Pimlicc-road. s.av. Elworthy, Henry Stuart. Ehhw Vale, Moyrnwythshire. Elworthy, Reg-inald Robert, M.B. Lond., 8, Rosenau-crcsccnt^

Battersea-park. s.av. Embleton, Dennis, 8, ILeoth-mansions, Hampstead. x.w. Embling-, William Heurj-, St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, Emerson, Herbert Bree, Pershore, Worcester. Emery, Arthur, M.B. Birm., Ludloic. Emery, Frederick William, M.D. Brussels, 19G, Stratford-road ^

Birminqham. Emery, Walter d'Este, M.D. Lond., 35, Clifton-hill. n.av. Emlyn, Charles Willmore, Banbun/. Emmerson, Herbert Harry, 392, Glossop-road, Sheffield. Emmet, John William. Sea-road. Bexhill. Emmett, Richard, M.D. Durh., North-end, Portsmouth. Emms, Harry Robert.

Enderby, Tom Sidney Dawber, '), Uainton-avenue, Grimshy. England, George, Moulton, Spalding. England, Humphrey, 22, West Kensington-mansions, w. English, Arthur Oxley, M.B. Lond., 79, Edith-road, West

Kensington. "W. English, Thomas Crisp, M.B. Lond., 47, Upper Bi-ook-stieet. av, English, Thomas Harks, Sleights, Yorkshire. English, Thon)as Johnston, M.D. Brussels, 13, Gilston-road. s.w. Eiinion, Octavins Roberts, Burivell, Cambs. Enraght, William, 143, Croydon-road, Anerley. s.E. Ensor, Cecil Arthur, Tisbury, Salisbury.



1888 1899 1879 1898 1895 1904 1905 1908 1S95 1900 1883 1899 1902 1907 1899 1895 1899 1881 1893 1884 1899 1886 1897 1903 1894 1898 1897 1902 1900 1895 1898 1899 1870 1899 1895 1907 1903 1872 1897 1888 1904 1889 1896 1905 1875 1905

1896 1892

Ensor, Charles William, 23, Marine-pcwach, Sheeniess. Elisor, John William, 204, Mosdei/-7-oad, Binuiivjliam. Ensor, Theodoi-e Francis, Stalbrutge, Dorset. Ereaut, Harold John, Mossel Bai/, Cape Cnlomi. Erhardt, Cnnrad (Uiarles James, Cross Hills, Knuihhy. Ernst, Georg-e Regnnald, M.D.Rush., Godesherg bei Bonn, German;!. *E!-skine-(Jollius, James Edward, 218, Barl:ing-rd., East flam. v.. Eschwege, Fritz Salo, Sunnyside, AJayow-road, Forest Hill. s.i;. Escombe, William, Great Grimsby.

Esser, Samuel Jonathan David, Maraishurg, Cape Colony. Etches, William Robert, M.D. Durh., Warlingham, Surrey. Etheridge. Charles Ed\v;ird, M.B. Lond.. Dankerton, Whitstable. Etling-er, Frederick Kiucaid, Cotsivold, Sfi-ond, Gloncestershire. Evans, Albert Edward, M.B. Lond., Prestatyn, Flintshire. Evans, Alexander, Market Weighton, Yorks. Evans, Arthur Heuiy, M.D. Lond., 18, Upper Wimpole-st. w. Evans, Arthur John, 83, Canning-street, Liverpool. Evans, Arthur Owen, Indian Medical Service. Evans, Arthur Vernon, Weybridge.

Evans, Cadwallader Edwards, St. Kilda, Victoria. Australia. Evans, Charles Edward, 97, Chatsworth-road, Lower Clapton, x.e. Evans, Charles Hotham, 56, Wolrington-road, W. Norwood, s.e. Evans, Charles Robert. Royal Army Jfedical Corps. Evans, Daniel Cyril, 290, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. Evans, Daniel Edward, M.B. Lcix\([.,Sl. Helen' s-road, Swansea. Evans, David, Aberamen, Aberdare. Evans, David Edward, The Poplars, Pontypridd. Evans, David Haydn, Llandaff, Cardiff.

Evans, David Robert Powell, 75, Lambton-road, Wimbledon, s. w. Evans, Edgar Griffith, Mumbles, Swansea. Evans, Edv/ard, Holbeach, Lincolnshire. Evans, Edward Alban, 4, Northamj^ton-jdace, Swansea. Evans, Ernest Richard, Fore-street, Hertford. Evans, Evan, M.B. Lond., Lampeter^ Cardiganshire. Evans, Evan Laming-, M.B. Camb., 36, Bryanston-sirect. ^y. Evans, Evan Pariy, 22, Windsor-road, Barry, Cardiff. Evans, Evan Robert, Ffynuon Groeir, Mostyn, N. Wales. Evans, Francis Morse, 32, Kenihvorth-road, Ealing, w. Evans, Frederick Hudson, 161, Lewisham-road. s.e. Evans, Georg-e Edward Alfred, Netherhayes, Seaton, Axminster. Evans, Geovg-e Jewel, Somerset Hospital., Taunton. Evans, Harold Muir, M.D. Lond., Lowestoft. Evans, Harold Ward, Main-street, Littleport, Ely. Evans, Harry Loft, Hull. Evans, Henry, Hove, Brighton.

Evans, Hugh Roker, M.B. Loud., 4, Chesterfield-mansions, High- gate. X. Evans, James, Llandovery, Carmarthen. Evans, James Arnold, Breeze Hill, Liverpool.

Formerly Collins, James Edward.


Evans, John,. M.D. Lond., 18, London-road, Neath.

Evans, John, M.D. Lond.. 2, Church-street, Carnarvon.

Evans, John, High IVijcouibe.

Evans, John Howell, M.Ii. Oxf., 24, Berl-eln/square. \v.

Evans, John Jackson AVhatie}', 9, Gerrard-street, Solio. w.

Evans, John Jiinic-son, M.D. Binn., 85, Edmund-st..^ Birmingham.

Evans, John Morgan, Llandrindod Wells.

Evans, John Morton, 117, Ashley -road, Bristol.

Evans, John llichard, Llandilo, Carmarthen.

Evans, John Tasker, M.D. Aberd., Hertford.

Evans, Leslie Wilson, M.B.Durh., Inj House, Clapham Common,

s.w. Evans, Oliver Conrad Penrhys, M.D. Durham, Kidderminster. Evans, Percy, M.B. Durh., lioyal Army Medical Corps. Evans, Richard, Wrexham.

Evans, Robert Cecil Turle, M.B. Lond., Heme Bay. Evans, Robert Jones, Plasyward, Pwllheli. Evans. Samuel, Bovercourt, Harwich. Evans, Thomas, M.B.Lond., Milford House. Aberayron, Cardigan-

shire. Evans, Thomas John Carey, Llysmeddyg, Blaenau-Festiniog. Evans, Thomas Llewellyn, Penllyn-court, Cowbridge, Glamorgan. Evans, Trevor, 11, Pictou-place, Swansea. Evans, William, 13, Pimlicn-road. s.w. Evans, William, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. Evans, William Edward, Babbacombe, Torquay. Evans, Wm. Geo., 50, Holyhead-road, Handsworth. Evans, William Norman, 3, Thurlow-road, Hampstead. x.w. Evans, William Thomas, Maes-y-bryn, Trehar7-is, Glamorgan. Eve, Frederic Samuel, 61, Harley-street. w. Evelyn, William Arthur, M.D. Camb., York. Everard, Arthur Geo., 43, Clapham-road. s.av. Everett, Ernest William, Norwich. Everidge, John, Anniccot, Surbiton, Surrey. Everington, Herbert Devas, M.B. Lond., Sanderstead, Croydon. Evershed, Arthur Reginald Field, 13, Harley-street. w. Every-Claj-ton, Leopold Ernest Valentine, M.D. Lond., Clevcdon. Eves, Percy Stanhope, M.D. Lond., St. Peter s-place, Brighton. Evill, Frederick Claude, Barnet, Herts. Evisou, Frank Arthur, March, Cambridge. Ewart, Charles, M.D. Brussels, 58, Queens Gate-terrace, s.w. Ewart, John Henry, Eastbourne.

Ewart, Robert John, M.D. Vict., 33, Berkley-street. Liverpool. Ewbank, Ai'thur George, Ingatestone, Essex. Ewen, Gerald Sidney, Twickenham.

Ewens, George Frank Wm., M.D. Roy. Univ. Irel., Bengal Army. Ewens, Henry Luther, M.D. Durh., Maldon, Essex. Ewens, John, Redland, Bristol. Ewing, Alfred Washington, Guy^s Hospital, s.e.

* Formerly E^ans, Jolin James.


Eyre, Charles Roland Babing-tou, West Li'ss, Hants.

Eyre, John Wm, Henry, M.D.Durh., M. 1908, Gw/s Hospital, s.e.

Faber, Hamilton Stanley, CricIJewood. n.w.

Facey, Reginald Ambrose, 115, Uxhridgc-road. ^y.

Facey, Samuel Henr}', Naval Medical Service.

Fagan, Arthur Roberts St. Leger, 57, St. Jo/m's-road. n.

Fagan, Charles Horace John, St. Georges Hospital, s.av.

Fagg-e, Charles Herbert, M.B. Lond,, 3, Devonshii^e-place. w.

Fag'ge, Frederick Thomas, Llanfairfechan, North Wales.

Fagge, Robert Hilton, Melton Mowbray.

Fagge, Thomas Henry, M.D. Brussels, 21, OvinQton-gardens, Chelsea. s.AV.

Faichnie, Frederick, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Fairbank, Christian Beverley, Naval M'edical Service.

Fairbank, Frederick Roystou, M.B. Heidelberg, Westcott, Dorking.

Fairbank, Harold Arthur 'J'homas, M.B. Lond., 137, Harleij-st. av, ^Fairbank, John Gerald Atkinson, M.B. Lond., 18, George-street, Ilanover-square. av.

Fairclough, ^Vm. Aiken, Opldhulmic Hospital, King William- street. AA'.C.

Fairfax, Edward Wilfred, M.B. Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales.

Fairhall, George Victor Hamh-n, M.B. ]\[elb., Lewisham. s.e.

Fairlie-Clarke, Allan Johnston, Horsham.

Fail-weather, William Ernest, Race-street, Sal ford, Manchester.

Faithfull, Robert Lionel, M.D. New York, Sydney, N.S.W.

Falk, Herman, M.B. Camb., Indian .\[edical Service.

Falkener, Lyon, M.D. Camb., East Molesey, Surrey.

Falkner,Edg. Ashley, M.B.Durh.,2'ooifoo?/(k<,Q»eeHs/aH<'/,4z/s^ra/ja.

Falla, Walter, St. Heliers, Jersey.

Falwasser. Arthur Thomas, Maidstone.

Fanning, William Joseph, Kelling, Holt, Norjolk.

Farbstein, Henry, 5, Albeinarle-ierrace, Hull.

Farbstein, John Henr}', M.B. Lond., Anlahy-road, Hull.

Fardon, Albert HenrA% ]\LD. Camb., Red Hill, Surrey.

Fardon, Harold Joseph, M.D. Camb,, Red Hill, Surrey.

Pardon, John Henry, Claughton, Birkenhead.

Farebrother, Harold William, 442, Hackney-road. n.e.

Farmer, Frederick Reginald, Cinderford, Gloucestershire.

Farmer, Gabriel Wm. Stahel, M.B. Oxf ., Oxford.

Farmer, William HenrA*, Gravel Hill, Ludlow.

Farncombe, Harry, M.B. Lond., Southsea.

Farncombe, Thomas Stone, M.D. Toronto, Trenton, Ontario.

Farncombe,AVm.Turberville, M.D. Brussels, ffa?-ior«e,5m?n»^/m??i.

Farndale, John William, Ba, Fiji.

Farnfield, John Stewart, Hastings.

Farnfield, William Walter, Mere, Wilts.

Farnjm, Charles Mortimer Stone, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Farquharson, William George Robertson, Hanover, Jamaica.

Farr, Arthur, Pembroke-road, Kensington, s.av.

* Formerly Atkinson, John Gerald.





Farr, Ernest xVugustus, Amhver.

Farrant, Cliailes, Taunton.

Farraiir, Percy, Boi/(d Army Medical Corps.

Farrant, Rupert, 132, Tachbrook-street. s.w.

Fai'rar, John Frederick, 83, Clieicerton-road, Putney. s.\r.

Farrar, Kei^'inald Anstrutlier, M.D. Oxf., C/iisicick. w.

Farrintitoii, John, I'^i/i.

Fasnaclit, Keyniond Edward, Bedford.

Faulder, 'J'lionias Jefferson, (i, J/arlei/streel. w.

Faulkner, Ebenezer Ross, M.D. Dalh., Canada, Halifax, Xovcf

Scotia., Canada. Faulkner, Erasmus Oakes, Stanford-le-Ilope. Essex. Fauiks, Edgar, Bexleij Asylum, Kent. Faxell, Richard Vermin, Glossop-road, Shefleld. Fawcett, Hugh Herbert James, Jioyal Army Medical Coi'ps. Fawkes, ^larmaduke, M.B. Ijond., Felixstowe. Fawley, Tom Bower, 481, Hessle-road, Ilidl. Fawsitt, Thomas, Oldham. Fawssett, Basil, Sparkbronk, Birmingham.

Fawssett, Fiancis AVm., iM.B. Lond., 2G0, Fore-street, Edmonton, s. FaAA'ssett, Frank, M.B. Lond., Leives.

Fawssett, \Vilfrid, 32, P(//-^-ro«J, Colliers Wood, ^ferton. s.AV. Fayrer, Frederick Durand Stirling, Indian Medical Service. Fazan, Charles Herbert, Belmont, Wadhurst, Sussex. Fearnhead, Thomas, Lytham. Fearnle}', Jonathan, 82, Bow-road. e. Featherstone, George William Beaumont, Aldershot. Feaver, Lewis, Truro.

Fedden, AValter Fedde, M.B. Lond., 36, South-st., Park-lane. y\\ Feeny, John Aloysius, Lahardane, Ballina, Irel<ind. Fegan, John Herbert Craiigle, ]Velwyn, Herts. Fegan, Richard. Ardra, Forest-row, Sussex. Fehrsen, Alexander Oloff, Malcolm, Cradock, Cape Colony. Felling, Anthony, Brentwood, Essex. Feldinan, Moses, 3, W Itittchapel-road. e. Felix, Edward, l\o, Elgin-avenue, Maida-vale. "W. Felix, Jean Joseph Toussaint Raoul, M.B. Lond., Beau Base-in ^

Mauritius. Felkin, Henry George, AE.D. Lond., Bingwood, Hants. Fell, Matthew Hemy Gregson, Royal Army Medical Corpse. Fell, Robert, 62, Scarscroft-road, York. Fell, Walter, M.D. Oxf., Wellington, New Zealand. Feiton, Edgar Hall, Torrington House, Park-street, Grimsby. Felton, Richard, M.B. Lond., Broadbottom, Manchester. Fenn, Charles Edward, M.D. Durh., 34, Streatham Hill. s.w. Fenn, Joseph Hiorns, New Road, Suuthporf. Fennings, Arthur Allen, M.D. Durh., Eastbourne. Fenton, Charles Francis, Barking. Essex. Feuton, Herbert Alfred Hil!, M.D. Brussels, 1, Cumberland^

street, s.m*. Fenton, Thomas Gerald, Easky, Co. Sligo, Ireland.


* B'enton, William Hng-h, M.D. Brussels, 27, George-street, Hanover- square, w.

Fenwick, George Ernest Oswald, Uiiiversity Collerie Hospital, Gower Street, w.c.

Fenwick, Percival Clenneii, M.B. Lond., Christchvrch, N. Zealand.

Fenwick, Sanuiel Chas. Collin.u'wood, M.D. Brussels, Nnifield.

Fenwick, William Stephen, M.B. Loud., 3, Princess-road, Primrose Hill. x.w.

Fe're, Gregory Arthur, M.D. Toronto, Ontario.

Ferguson, Arnold Samuel, 31, llarhy-slreet. w.

Ferguson, George Edward. ] loyal Army Medical Corps.

Ferguson, James Henry, Skipton-mad, Kcir/hley.

Ferguson, John, M.B. Lond., 26, Baldry-gardens, Streathnm. s.vv.

Ferguson, John, M.D= Durh., 2(JG, Stockport-road, Manchester.

Ferguson, Lionel Cecil, 1, Defoe Road, Tooting, s.w.

Ferguson, Malcolm, Winnipeg, Canada.

Ferguson, Robert Bruce, M.D. Camb., New Soiit/igate. n.

Ferguson, "William Alexander, Douglas, If^le of Man.

Fergusson, James Herbert, Naval Medical Service.

Fergusson, John Newberry Eraser, M.B. Camb., Hydropathic /Establishment, Great Malvern.

Fernandes, Cactano Josd, Assagdo Badir Goa, India, India Por- tiignera.

Fernie, Charles Henry, Stone, Stafurdshire.

Fernie, Francis Edward, Stone, Staffordshire.

Fernie, John Firth, Stone, Staffordshire.

Fernie, William Thomas, M.D. Durham, Richmond, Surrey.

Feritiby, George Arthur, Nottingham.

Ferriere, Joseph Anthony, M B. Lond., Mauritius.

Ferris, John Spencer, M.B. Lond., Uxhridge.

Fetherstoiiiiaugh, Robert Trevor, Geelong, Victoria. Australia.

Fiaschi, Fiero, 135, Madison-avenue, dl-street. Neio York, U.S.A.

Fiddian, Ai-thur Edwin, 23, The Walk, Cardiff.

Fiddian, Benjamin Gregory, M.B. Lond., 23, Tfie Walk, Cardiff.

Fido, Herbert Adamson, 78, Brixton-hill. s.w.

Field, Edgar Alfred, Dariven.

Field, Frederick Arthur, M.D. Lond., Birchington. Kent.

Field, George Hammond, M.B. Camb., 280, Christchurch-road, Bournemouth.

Field, Oliver, M.D. Edin., Gardner House, ClapJiani-common. s.av.

Field, Philip Charles, Guifs Hospital, s.e.

Field, Stephen, 152, Barley-street, av.

Field, William Vincent, 32, Spital-sqitare. e.

Fielder, Frederick John, M.D. Lond., Raleigh-gardens, Brixton- hill. s.w.

Fielding, Chas. Henr}', M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Finch, Alexander Henry, Shepton Mallet.

Finch, Ernest James, M.D. Brussels, Naval Medical Service.

Finch, George, 1, Hills-place, Oxford Circus, w.

* Formerly Fenton-Jones, William Hugli.


Finch, Herbert Jonathan, Sudhunj, Suffolh.

Finch, William Stanley, Fursto/i, Pontejract.

Fincham, William Sidney, 53, Keiv-brklge-road, MitlUescx.

Finlay, Douglas Edward, M.B. Loud., Park-road^ Gloucester.

Finlayson, Walter Taylor, Indian Medical Service.

Finley, Harry, M.D. Lond., Malvern.

Finn^ Allan Rigden, M.D. Loud., 19, Cliveden-place, i.w.

Finnie, John Ellison. 6'J, Livcrpool-road, BirkcUde, Southport.

Finucane, Morgan Ignatius, 10, Ashley-place, s.w.

Finzel, Harrv, M.D. L'jiid., Ntiv Maiden, Surrey.

Finzi, Neville Samuel, M.B. Loud., U, Welbeck Street. ^^^

Firth, Arthur Charles Douglas, cjo Messrs. Feake <)'• Co., G, Bed-

ford-row. w.C. Firth, Edwin Gore, Baildon, Shipley, Yor/cs. Firth, Henry Edward, Doncaster. Firth, John Lacy, M.D. Lond., Clijfon., Bristol. Fischer, Carl, M.D. \Viirzburg, Sydney, Xew South Wales. Fish, Cecil Edgar, M.B. Canib., Ruthin.

Fish, William Ambrose, M.D. Toronto, 102, Dunn-avenue, Toronto. Fisher, Arthur Koland, Shclton Rectory, York. Fisher, Edward Fow, M.B. Lond., Great Bookham, Surrey. Fisher, Frederick Bazley, i)o?c//es^cr.

Fisher, P'rederici? Pearson, M.B. Lond., The Level, Brierley-hilL Fisher, Henry Holdrich, M.D. Loud., Park-road, Siltinghourne. Fisher, Henry Richmond, M.B. Carab., Fillongley, Coventry. Fisher, Hei-bert Woi'tley, Southery, Downhani Market. Fisher, John Cecil, M.B. Oxf., Lytham, Preston. Fisher, John Herbert M.B. Lond., 83, Wimpole-streec. vr. Fisher, Reginald, King's Langley, Herts. Fisher, Reginald Willis, Westbury-on-Serern. Fisher, Richard Denington, M.B. Durh., Fort Notioth, Cape Colony. Fisher, Robert Hankinsou Williams, Great Eccleston, Gai stang. Fisher, Thcs. Escolme Hervarre. 272. Wightman-rd., Ilornsey. x. Fisher, Walter, Kalene Hill, N. W. Rhodesia. Fislier, Walter Harington, M.B. Camb., Cleethorpes, Grimsby. Fisher, Welby Earle, 142, Felloices-road, S. Hampsiead. n.w. Fisher, William Featon, North Curry, Taunton. Fisk, Edward, >LD. Lond., Ramsgatc. Fison, Edmund Towers, M.D. Carab., Salisbury. FitzGeraid, i']dward Desmond, Folkestone. Fitzgerald, Gerald Eustace, Grahamstown. South Africa. P'itzmaurice, Alexander Lindsay, Guys Hospital, s.e. Fitzmaurice- Kelly, Maurice Anthony Miller, M.B. Lond.,

43, Queen Anne-street, w. Flavelle, John Mason, Junior Athenaeum Club, Piccadilly, vr. Flaxman, Samuel Christopher Reeve, 180, Broadhurst-gardens,

Kilburn. N.w. Fleetwood, William Hardy, Great Mcols, Cheshire. Flegg, Frederick Arthur Martin, George- lane, S. Woodford. x.E. FleminjjT, Alexander, M.B. Lond., St. Mary's Hospital, w. Fleming, John Kenneth Sprot, Indian Medical Service.


Fleming, Wilfrid Louis Remi, Pirhrvjht, Surret/. Flemming-, Arthur Lauucelot, Clifton, Bristol. Flemming-, Cliarles Edward Stewart, Bmdford-on-Avon. Fletcher, Cavendish, M.B. Loud., 7, Castellkm-mansions, Maida-

vale. w. Fletcher, Frederick James, 6, Woodhouse-streel, Stoke-on-Trent. Fletcher, John Howard, Ince, Wigan. Fletcher, Leslie, Harlest, Bun/ St. Edmunds. Fletchei^ Nigel Corbet, 128, Haverstock-lull. x.w. Fletcher, Piolaud Henry, 25, Chichele-road, Cricklewood. N.w. Fleury, Charles ^larley, Royal Army Medical Corps. Flewitt, Charles York, M.B. Birm., Sutton Coldfield, Birminrjham. Fliut, Arthur, M.D. Brussels, We^tgate-on-Sea. Flint, Ethelbert Rest, M.D. Leeds, Filey-road, Scarborough. Flint, Harold Edwards, Hospital., Teignmouth. Flint, Thomas Buxton, Buxton, Derbyshire. Flint, William Henry, Whitstable. Fliutoff, Charles Ashley, Bedale. Flood, Frederick Gray, Wyme^wold, Loughborough. Flook, Hubert Sydney, Nkandhla, Zululand. Flory, Cyril Hobson, Pen-y-Glya, Overton, Flintshire. Flower, Arth. Fred. Ashbrook, Green-hill House, Derby. Flower, Norman, M.B. Oxford, Hendford, Yeovil. Floyd, Stephen Geora-e, M.D. Lond., Grays, Essex. Flux, Geoi-g-e Belben,^M.D. Durh., 5, Old Burlington-st. ^y Foerster, Arthur Edwin, St. George's Hospital, s.w. Fog-arty, Daniel, 52, Salisbury-road, Harriagay. N. Foley, Charles Nicholas, Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands. Foley, James Leslie, M.D. Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Folker, Herbert Pleury, Hanley. Folliott, Edwin, Naval 3fedical Service. Follit, Harold Harry Baily, 56, Margaret's, Bedford. Fookes, Ernest Faber, M.B. Lond., Neiv Plymouth, N. Zealand. Fooks, Edward Verdou Russell, Gawlor, S. Anstralia. Fooks, Walter Pembertou, M.B. Camb., Five Ways, Birmingham. Foote, Edmund George, Sedbergh, Yorkshire. Foote, Percy Leslie, 18, The Avenue, Hale End, Essex. Foote, Vivian Percival, 14, Leigham Court-road., Streatham. s.w. Footner, Bertram Maughan, Forlock, Somerset. Footner, George Rammell, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas's Hosp. s.E. Footner, John Bulkley, Tunbridge Wells. Forbes, Norman Hay, Church Siretton, Shroj)shire. Forbes, Robert Dow, M.D. McGill., Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Ford, Frank Chubb, M.B. Durh., 7, Leopold-rd., Wimbledon, s.w. Ford, George, M.B. Toronto, Shakespeare, Ontario, Canada. P'orde, Cecil Ledward, 56, Grosvenor-rd., Claughton, Birkenhead. Forde, Thomas Arthur Munro, Southsea. Fordham, John William, Belgrave-road, Leicester. Fordham, William John, Middlesborough. Foreman, John Eugene, 37, The Avenue, Bedford-park. w. Forge, George Baynton, Rochford, Essex.



Formb}', Tlenry Harper, M.B. Melb., Strafluilhyn, S. Australia.

Forrest, Frank. Roj/al. Arniij Medical Corps.

Forrest, John George Stracev, Buni St. Edimtmh.

Forrest, William Duff, M.l)."r)arn.,'22, John-st., llaUfax, N.S.

Forrester, Archibald Thomas William, M.B. Lond., Counttj

Asylum^ Wenwick. Forrester, William, Punjab. India.

Forsayeth. John Richard Martin, 48, St. George' s-road. s.i:. Forsdike, Sidney, M.B. Lond., 71, Calhedral-road, Cardijf. Forshaw, AVilliam Herbert, Loudon Hospital, e. Forster, Arthur Frost, Siugapore. Forster, Frederick Cecil, Bourneuiouth. Forster, John Erwood, Brockleji. s.e. Forster, Thomas L'rederick, M.D. Durh., Daltou-iu-Fvruess. Forsyth, Charles Wesley, M.B, Lond., Gt. Bedwipi, Wilts. Forsyth, Lennard AVilliam, 24, Georr/e-sfreef, Jfanover-sr/tiare. ^Y. Foit, Charles Leyland, 150, Ilir/h-ro/id, Wiltesden. n.w. Fort, Henry Richard Trecothick. Rickmansivortli. Fortin, Claude Edward Freer, M.D. McGill., Winnipeg, Canada. Forty, Daniel Herbert, Wotton-under- Edge. Forward, Ernest Lionel, The Coppice, Nottingham. P"'orward, Francis Edward, ,32, IIilbnarto7i-rd., Cauiden-rd. N. Fosbery, Francis Clifford, M.D. Brussels, Bath. Foss, Edwin Vincent, St. George, Bristol. Foster, Alfred, Parkstune, Dorset. Foster, Arthur Herbert, Ilitchen, Herts. Foster, Arthur Leslie, Kincraig, Malcolm Bead, Wimbledon. Foster, Edward Cecil, Oxford.

Foster, Francis Wheldale, Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester. Foster, Henry Bertram, Indian Medical Service. Foster, John Joseph, M.B. Durh., Churchdown, Cheltenham. Foster. John Rowland, Poyal Army Medical Corps. Foster, Michael Bernard, Pnckeridge. Foaler, Percy, Badlipar, P.O. Assam.

Foster, Raymond Leslie Vachell, Iloyal Army Medical Corps. Foster, Walter Edwin.

Foster, William James, 107, Oxford-road, Reading. Fotherby, Henry Arthur, Ileadcom, Kent. Fothergill, Claud Francis, M.B, Camb., Chorley Wood, Herts. Foulds, Basil Samuel, Camden, N.S. W. Foulds, Francis Henry, Droitn-ich.

Foulds, Matthias Frederick, Rogal Army Medical Corps. Foulerton. Alexander Grant Russell, Examiner (I'JOG), Middlesex

Hospital, w. Foulerton, Harry Fercival, II.^^. Prison, Uollowav. N. Foulkes, Peter Gifford, M.B. Lond., Knightwick, Worcester. Foulkes, Samuel Newall, 21), High-street, Conway. Foulkes, Thomas Howard, Indian Medical Sen-ice. Fountain, Edward Osborne, M.D. Brussels, Sutton-lane, Turnham

Green. "W.


Fowell, Patrick Clive, 9, Ridf^ranitnt-gardens. av.c.

Fowler, Alfred Henderson, IVie Gardens, Tilbun/, Essex.

Fowler, Chappell Hodgson. 47, Cliarlivood-street, Beh/raiie-rd. s.w.

Fowler, Charles Edward Percy, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Fowler, Charles Owen, M.D. Brussels, Thomtun Healli.

Fowler, Edwin Samuel George, fleadinyley-with-Burley, Leeds.

Fowler, Frank, M.D. J)nrh., 29, Poole-road, Bournemouth.

Fowler, .James Grant, Naval Medical Service.

Fowler, James Stewart, M.n.Edinb.,iVor^//w?;iJe)'^rtHtZ-si., £'(?//; 5 i<r///^

Fowler, Thomas \Vebb, M.D. Birm., Coventry.

Fow'ler, Trevor Hayman, Epping, Essex.

Fowler, William Edward Lindsey, Weston-svper-Mare.

Fox, Arthur Claude, Royal Army .\fedical Corps.

Fox, Campbell Tilbnry, Ashford. Kent.

Fox, Edward Hamilton Bruce, Woolston, Southamplon.

Fox, Edward Joseph, 1 2, Rylands-street, Warrington.

Fox, Frederic George Townsend, Kajfir River, Sonth Africa.

Fox, George Mai'tin. M.D. Durh., 48, Bradjord-street, Walsall.

Fox, George Raymond, Beccles.

Fox, Henry Edward, M.B. Vict., Blackburn-road, Accrington.

Fox, Herbert, OndtsJinorn, Cape Colony.

Fox, Hereward Evelyn Croker, M.B. Lond., Weymouth.

Fox, Hugh AVatson, Bcttws-y-Coed, N'. Wales.

Fox, John Crofton, 7'Ae Croft, Putney Hill. S.w.

Fox, John William, M. B. Lond., Park Hospital, Hither Green, s.e.

Fox, Stephen Charles Gundr3% Perak., Straits Settlements,

France, Charles Frederic, Wigan.

France, James JMead, Naval Medical Service.

France, William Henr}', Tierra del Fuego.

Fruncis, Arthur Edward, 82, Cromwell-avenue, Highgate. N.

Francis, Harry Arthur, Parsons Bridge, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Francis, Harvey, M.D. Durh.. Arnold. Nottingham.

Francis, Henry Alexander, M.B. Camb., 9, Henrietta-street. AV.

Francis, James Bernard Chalmers, Croydon.

Francis, John, M.B. Edinb., Pbpnouth.

F'rancis, John Edmund, Northam, North Devon.

Francis, Louis Arthur, of!. High-sfreet, JJxhridge.

Francis, Reginald Cyril Herbert, Guys Hospital, s.e.

Francis, Thomas William, Bundaoerg, Queensland, Australia.

Francis, William, 62, Leytonstone-road, Stratford. E.

Francis, William Vare Chalmers, Ncrth Thoreshy, Lincolnshire.

Francis- WilJiams, Cecil Hughes, 38, Craven-hill-gardens, Hyde- park.

Francisco, Sylvester Agostinho, Georgetown, Demerara.

Frankau, Claude How^ard Stanley, M.B. Lond., St. George's Hos- pital. S.AV.

Prankish, Harold, M.B. Oxf., 26, Hardwick-rd., Palmer i^ Green, x.

Prankish, William Jolm, .37, Cadogan-gardens. s.w.

Franklin, George Cooper, Leicester.

Franklin, George Denne, Indian Medical Service.

FVankliu, Lawrence, Southwick, Sussex.



Franklin, Philip Julius, 10 [,Priorij-roaJ, Wr.<<t fJampsteail. x.av. Franklin, Keg-inald, Cecil FmlIqc^ Ilook, Sitrbiton, Surrey. Frankling-, Herbert Geov^e, llnrrncjatc.

Franklyn, Louis Ilug-li, 87, Albert-brvlfje-road, Battersea. s.w. Fraser, Alexander Edward Gordon, 164, B/om/ield-terrace. w. Fraser, Charles Frederick, M.D. Brussels, Indian Afedicat

Service. Fraser, David Ilarley, Pendleton, Manchester. Fraser, Ernest Albert, 8, Delamere-crescent. ^y. Frasei', Forbes, Bath. Fraser, Herbert, The Thorns, Slough. PVaser, Herbert St. John, Indian Medical Service. Fraser, James yVlexander, Romford. Fraser, John, M.D. Toronto, Strahane. Ontario, Canada. Fraser, John Henry Pearson, Grosvenor-square, Soutluinipton. Fraser, Paul Wilkes, St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia. Frazer, Ernest Edward, M.D. Durh., Jersey. Frazer, Ewan Richards, Woollhra., Sydney, iV-.S". TF. Frazer, James Hog'g", 29, Buccleuffh-placo, Edinburz/h. Frazer, John Ernest Sullivan, Kin;/'s Colleqe. w.c. Fi-azer, William Dyer, Fordsburg, Johannesb^irg. Frean, Henry Geor^^e, M.P. Camb., 62, Walton-street, Oxford. Frederick, Edward Gnrdon, 485, North Woolwich Road. e. Frederick, Ernest Victor. Frederick, Herbert John, Western Australia. Freear, Alexander, Chatham.

Freeborn, John Charles Richard, 38, Broad-street., Oxford. Freeland, Arthur Raymond Stilwell, Ashbourne. Freeland, Ernest Harding, 145, Ilarley-street. w. Freeland, Reginald Stillw^ell, Brockenhurst, Hants. Freeman, Charles Delamark, Trinity-road, Wandsworth, s.w. Freeman, Ernest Carrick, M.D. Durh., R()y(d Army ^fedical Corps. Freeman, John, M.D. Durh,, Queens-road, Clifton, Bristol. Freeman, William Thomas, M.D. Durh., Reading. Freer, Gerald Dudley, M.B. Lond., Singapore, Straits Settlements. Freer, Horace Wilberforce, Gig Mill House, Stourbridge. Freer, John Henry, Rugeley. Freer, William Leacroft, Blachheath, Dudley. Fremlin,HeaverStewart, /^//;»/?/i Laboratories, ITendon. n.av. French, Arthur Gordon Valpy, St. Thomas's Hospital. s.E. French, Gilbert Edwin, High-road, Chiswick. av. French, Herbert Cumming, Royal Army Medical Corps. French, John Gay, M.B. Lond., 14G, Harley-street. French, Alexander Weatherhead, H.M. Prison, Wake/kid. French, Robert Houle, M.B. Durh , North Finchley. s. Frend, Eustace Clifford, Ilurstpierpoint, Sussex. Freshwater, John Doug-las Hope, M.B. Camb., 13, Welbeek-

street. w. Frew, Wm. Douglas, Walmer, Kilmarnock, N.B. Friedlander, Arthur Jonas, 18, llie Avenne, Hale-end. v.. Friend, Gerald Edward, St. George's Hospital, s.w.



Friend, Herbert Edward, »?/. Stephens-crescent. Wesihourne-

pcn'k. w. Fripp, Sir Alfred Downing:, K.C.V.O., C.B., M.B. Loud., Honorary

Surgeon in Ordinary to the King, 10, Fortland-p/nce. ^^\ Frizzell, William Thomas, M.B. Toronto, Owen Sound, Ontario,

Canada. Frohwein, Otto Fraser, Burton-on-Trent. Frossard, Emilien Edward, Bishop's Lydeard. Taunton. Frost, Francis Turner, 28, Ashbonrne-road, Derby. Frost, George, M.D. Durh., Bonrnemonth. Frost, Joseph Reginald, 296, Queens-road, Xew-cross. s.e. Frost, Walter, High-grove, Wrexham. Frost, William Adams, Forest-row, Susse.v. Frj', Arthur Brownfield, ]M. 0, Lond., Indian ^^edical Service. Fry, Augustin Cradock. M.B. Camb., Wokingham. Fiy, John Blount, Hoi-sham.

Fry, John Farrant, 13, Dane-mad, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Fry, John Marchant 725, Commercial-road. k. Fry, Percy Victor, Sowerby Bridge. Fry, Walter Burgess, Boycd Army Medical Corps. Fry, Walter Ernest, Aberdeen House, Hainmer.^mith. w. Fry, William Herbert, Pahang, Straits Settlements. Fryer, Ernest Henry, Silver-street, Wellingborough. Fryer, George Ernest, Urmston, Manchester. Fuller, Alfred Leonard, Bath.

Fuller, Ashbury Joseph Stuart, 83, Rosebery-road, ^[uswdl-hill. x. Fuller, Charles Ai'thur, M.B. Lond., Caiorpore, India. Fuller, Courtenay James, Woolwich. Fuller, Fredk. Holcombe, Poole-i-oad, West Bournemnufh. Fuller, John Eegiiiald, M.D. Durh., 95, Tallin gton-park. n. Fuller, Laurence Otwa}^ East Harling, Norfolk. Fuller, Ralph Annesley, Long Ashton, Bristol. Fuller, William Anderson, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. Fullerton, Alexander Young, Murrurnnch, New South Wales. Fullerton, Francis AVilliam, M.D. Durh., ITull. Fulton, Henry, M.D. Brussels, Lisburn, Serenoaks. Fulton, John, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Furber, Edward Price, Oxted, Surrey.

Furness, Harold Sydney, M.B. Loud., The Infirmary, Lambeth. s.F. Furnivall, Chai'les Hilton, Royal Army Medical Corps. Furnivall, Perc^^, 28, Weymouth-street. w. Fyffe, Eric Leigh, M.B. Lond., Xo, Lambeth Palace-road. s.e. Fyffe, Robert James, >SV. Phillip's-road, Sheffield. Fyzee, Ali Azhar Hassanally, Mazagon, Bombay. Gabe, Howell Woodwell, 17, Bernard-st., RusscU-sqnare. vr a. Gabe, William, Morriston, Swansea. Gabbett, Pulteney (Jharles, Royal Army Medical Corps. Galjell, Douglas Phillimore, 9, Portland-place, w. Gadgil, Shridhar Bheekajee, Guest Hospital, Dudley. Gadsden, Arthur Horace, Newquau, Cornwall. Gaff, James, M.B. Loud., 31, Bridge-road, Hammersmith, vr.





Giiiiis, Joliii Edwin, Kippax^ Leeih.

Gairdner, John Francis Robert, Germiston, Transvaal.

Oaitskell, (Jliarles Edward, So;'), JIi;/h-road, Leijtonstone. n.k.

Gaitskell, Edward Forbes, Cn/st(U Palace-park, Sydevluun. s.k.

Galbraitli, Colin James, M.B. Lond., 2, Hifjliam Station-avenue, Chin (I ford.

Gale, Arthur, Manorgnte IToui^p. Kingston-hill.

Gale Arthur Kni,c;-ht, Norton. Woodseats, SJieffield.

(rale, Frederick William, Kaikoina, Blenheim, New Zealand.

Galizia, Joseph Sylvester, Valletta. Malta.

Gall, Herbert, 12, Canibridge-t trace, Dover.

(lalloway, Hugh, 15, LaniboUe-road, Ifampstead. N.w.

Galloway, John Dohie. '.)7, Hron-ning-road, Manor Park, Essex.

Galloway, William Ileaifield, Brtulfurd-road, Otley, Leeds.

Galpin, O^'ril Geoige, 116, St. James-terrace, Paddin'ilon.

Galsworthy, Laurence, (i, Brvnsivick-plaee, Regent's Park

Gait, \\'illi:>m James, 141, Minories. e.g.

Gamau, Francis Robert Snngg-s, Caistor, Lincolnshire.

Gamgee, Leonard Parker, Uo, Cornwall-street, Birmingham.

Gamlen, Robert Long, M.B. Camb., fndian Medical Service.

Gaudevia, Merwanjee Nourojee, Colombo, Ceylon.

Gandevia, Navi-oji Banian ji, Siirreg Hills, Melbourne, Australia.

Gandhi, Nadir Uermazshaw, 10, Werrington-road, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent.

Gandier, Augustine, Sherbrooke, Queber. Canada.

Gandy, Eric Worsley, 7'he Hill Top, Norivood, Surreij.

Gandy, Thomas Hall, M.B. Loud., 137, Cheetham-hill-road, Man- chester.

Gane, Edward Palmer Steward, Boro. Anjhnn, Sunderland.

Gauge, Frederick \Vhitechui-ch. M.D. Brussels, Favtrsham.

Gann, Thomas Wilham Francis, Hagling.

Gannei', Joseph, M.B. Lond., Acocks-green, Birmingham.

Gans, Friedrich. M.D. Prague, 8, Gliddon-rd., W. Kensington, w.

Gardener, William Frederick, Vcnner-road, S>/denham. s.e.

Gardiner, Geoffrey Edward, Nascot Lodge, Wafford, Herts.

Gardiner, .John, 10, Braidwood-terrace, Mutleg, Plymouth.

Gardiner, John Herbert.

Gardiner, Joseph Napier, M.D. Camb., Dunmow.

Gardner, Eric, M.B. Catnb., IVnjbridge.

Gardner, Ernest Frederick, Ilfracombe. ^Gardner, Harold Bellamy, 12G, Harley-street. \\.

Gardner, Harry, Thrale-road, StreaVhoii. s.w.

Gardner, John, Adwick-road.^ Mexborough.

Gardner, John Twiname, 5, Enibankment-gardens, Chelsea, s.w.

Gardner, Thomas Hudson, M.B. Loud., Streatham-hill. s.w.

Gardner, AVilliam, Nanney. Frame.

Gardner, William Thomas, ]\LB. Lond., Bournemouth.

Gardnor-Medwin, Frank .Med win, Wavertree, Liverpool.

Garle, Robert Hubert William, Pvrley, Surrey.

Formerly Gardner, Harold.



Garlick, Georg-e, M.D. Loud., 3, Gordon-sqnnre. av.c.

Garnian, Cornelius Bernard, 1-43, Boi.v-road. e.

Garman, Edwin Cornelius, Bni-ehaiUi Hailsham, Sussex.

Garnian, John Bernard, Great Darr, Biriningham.

Garnian, Joseph Marcus, Brahonrne. As/ifurd, Kent.

Garner, Wni. Lan,o-ham, AinpthW.

Garrad, Francis William, M.D, Camb., B arrogate..

Garrard, Edward Brown, SouthernJunj, Weston-siqjer-Mare^

Garrard, Georg-e, St. Lennards-on-Sea.

Garratt, William, Madras.

Garrett, Charles Dudley, Co'^lsditcJi, Favershani.

Garrett, Peicy Charles, S/info/d, Sussex:

Garrett, Philip Gell, M.B. Durh., Earl S/nlton, Hinckleij.

Garrett, Hayniond Reynolds. Eaatkiqh^ Hants.

Garton, Wilfrid, Regent-street^ liughij.

Gask, Chas. Herbert, 7GU, Uarlinn-road. e.

Gask, Georg-e Ernest, 41, Dcronshlre-place. w.

(iaskell, Arthur, Nacal Medical Service.

Gaskell, Leonard Sadg-rove, M.B.,G£imh., Stscli/o'd, Birmiajham,

Gaskin, Alfred Charles.

Gaster, Sidney, Dera G/iazi Klian^ Punjab, India.

Gater, Arthur William, liojial Amuj Medical Corps.

Gatt, Joseph, M.D. Malta, Royal Arviji Medical Corps.

Gault, Arth. Ily., M.D. Lcmd., Lr. Mitcham, Adelaide., S. Australia^

(launtletl, Eric Gerald, 3'.), Oakhill-road, East Putney. s.AV.

Gauntlett, Harry Leon, 3!), Oalchill-road., Putney, s. w.

Gauntlett, Owen Binns, East Gate, Chichester.

Gauvain, Henry John, Alton Pari; Alton.

Gay, Charles William Ebenezer, Chudderghaut. Hyderabad, India,

Gay, John, 137, Upper Richmond-road, Putney, s.w.

Ga^'er, Reginald Courtenay, 33, Stanhope-gardens, s.w.

Gayford, Charles, M.D. Durh., o2, Fleet-street, e.c.

Gayner, Francis, M.B. Camb., Red Hill, Surrey.

Gayner, John Stanstield, Earswick, York.

Gaze, William Henry, 84, Collins-street, Melbourne.

Geach, Robert Neville, Charlbury, Oxon.

Gedg'e, Arthur Johnson, Havant.

Gedge, Arthur Sydney, Pewsey, Wiltshire.

Gee, Claude Alfred Heath, Erercreech, Somerset.

Geikie, Walter Bayne, M.D. Vict. Coll., Toronto, Canada.

Genge, George Fredk. Saunders. M.B. Lond., Bournemouth.

Geng;e, Georg-e Gilbert, M.D. Lond., Croydon.

Gentles, Thomas Lawrie, Moreton, Newport.

Georg-e, Alfred Walter, M.D. pAlinb., Shoot-up-hill, Brondes-

bury. N.w. Georg-e, Heniy, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. (jeorg'e, Howard Trevelyan, 2, St. Andreivs-j)lace, Cardiff". Georg-e, Isaac, 26, Widegate-street, Bishopsgate. E.c. Geraty, Laurence LTnthank, 5, Lorv Pavement, Nottingham. German, Arthur William, 296, Kensington, Liverpool. j German, Hugh Bernard, Naval Medical Service.


l8'.)4 Gerrard, Alfred Ileurj-, M.D. Lond., Lmcer Addtscombe,


r.'Oi! Gerrard, Kob.'rt Francis,, Uelnhj, near Chester.

1895 Gerrish, Daniel Smith, 322, Chnrcli-road, Bristol.

1891 Gervis, Arthur Frederick, 48, P/i»tro5c-/n7/-rof«^. n.w.

1897 Gervis, Charles Beikele}', M.D. Brussels, Sea ford, Sussex. 1889 Gervis, Henry. M.B. Canih., 74, Di/ke-ioad, Brii/hton. 1908 Gerzabek, Boleslaw, M.D. Cracow, Cracov, Austria.

1904 Gettiugs, Ciithbert Keay, M.B. Birm., Chase Lodge, Walsall.

1898 ; Ghan}^ Mohamecl Abdul, 1, Fingal-place, Edinburgh.

1904 Gibb, Harold Pace, M.B. Canib., 51, Ladhroke-grove. av.

1905 Gibb, James Glenny, Union Medical College, Pekin, China. 18H7 Gibbens. Frank Edsvard, Barking, Essex.

1879 Gibbes, Heneage, M.D. Aberd., Michigan, America.

1895 Gibbes, Lewis Nicholas, 13, Shejjipld-gardens, KenAington. w.

1899 I Gibbins, Herbert Bowly, M.B. Loud., Ashtead, Surreu. 1904 Gibbins, Kenneth Mayoh, M.B. Lond., Parkstone, Dorset. 1895 Gibbons, Arthur Philip, M.B. Loud., 71, i^/».vi«r_y-c2>6-«5. EC. 1897 ' Gibbons, Charles James Prestun Telford, 21, Maldon-

crescent. n.w.

1880 Gibbs, Alfred Napier Godb}', Whiteladies-road, Clifton, Bristol.

1890 i Gibbs, Charles, 23, Upper Wimpole-strcet. w.

1894 Gibbs, PVancis Richard, Bonnie End, Maidenhead.

1 904 I (iibbs, Herbert Jennings, Singapore.

1889 Gibbs, Seymour Fnrrage, M.B. fjond., 11, Adamson-road. N.w.

1905 Gibbs, Stanley Rider, Bear-street, Barnstaple.

1895 i Giblin, Wilfred Wanostrocht, //oJar^ Tasmania. 190G I Gibson, Charles Walter, 2, Tcniple-gardens. k.c.

1901 Gibson, Frederick Goulbourn, M.D. Lond., Christchurch, J^ew


1907 Gibson, Harold, Rogal Army Medical Corps.

1891 j Gibson, Henry Wilkes, M.B. Lond., 6, College-terrace, Ikvnp- i stead. N.w.

1907 I Gibson, Howaril Graeme, Pogal Army Medical Cor ps. 1886 Gibson, John Hutchinson, 1, Lansdowne-ruad, Aldershot.

1905 Gibson, Lawrence George, licyal Army Medical Corps. 1889 Gibson, Lewis Percival, Cowes, Isle of Wight.

1904 Gibson, •'Sydney Herbert, 2, Temple-garden', e.c.

1902 Gibson, Thomas. Hants Asylum, Knowle, Fareham.

1908 Gibson, Thomas Sidney, West Derhy, Liverpool. 1889 Gibson, Walter, 7vra///uo/7/e, West Australia.

1903 Gibson, William Edmund, M.B. New Zeal.. New Zealand.

1896 Gibson, William Robert, Langside, Gla-'^goic.

1907 I Gibson, William Stonier, 318, Sydenham-road. s.e.

1908 ' Gideon, Eugene de Montevin, Port Antonio, Jamaica.

1892 Gideon, George Yeruon Miuchin, Hatcham, s.e. 188G Gidley, Gustavus George, Cullompton.

1906 Giesen, Ernest Wm., M.B. Loud., Pintoil-street, Wellington,

N. Zealand.

1908 I Gifford, Alexander ILirold. 27, i>rt5sei<-ro«(7, X. Kensington, vr.

1900 1 Gilbart Smith, Thomas Bewley, Nottingham.



1892 1904 1897 1885 1897 1890 1908 1904 1909

1894 1895 1882 1868 1887 1885 1904 1901 1898 1903 1902 1890 1878 1888 1893 1895 1879 1892 1900 1891 1895 1908

1904 1879 1907 1895 1873 1902 1903 1888 1895 1905 1890 1887 1909 1890 1887 1908 1892 1889

Gilbert, Charles William, Purley.

Gilbert, Henry, M,B. Melb., Melbourne.

Gilbert, Leonard, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Gilbertson, James Ilenrj', Hifchin.

Gilbertson, William, Southbourne, Chvistchurch.

Gilchrist, Alexander Wm., Nice (|- La Bnnrbnule les Baina, France.

Gilday, William Carnochan, Midland Eye Hoftpital, Birmingham.

Gilder, Dhaujibhai Ratanjee, 1, Lochrin-terrace., Edinburgh.

Gilder, Manchersha Dhanjibhai Dorabji, M.B. Lond., 59, West-

bere-road. N.w. Giles, Henry O'Halloran, Glenely. South Australia. Giles, Leonard Thomason, M.B. Camb., Scarborough. Giles, Oswald, Sleaford.

Giles, Wm. Betts, West/ield, Bonchitrch, hie of Wight. Gilford, Hasting-s, King's-road, Reading. Gillces, Ernest Oimond, Stamford-avenue, Brighton. Gilks, John Lang'ton, Camber well Ivjirmary. s.e. Gill, Clifford Allchiii, Indian Medical Service. Gill, i'Vancis Philip, Horfield, Bristol. Gill, Georg-e Brittan, M."h5. Durh., Belper. Gill, Georg-e Frederick, Moneague, .Jamaica. Gill, James McDonald, M.D. Lond., Sydney, New South Wales. Gillo John Wallis, St. Germans, Cornwall. Gill, Joseph William, M.D. Durh., Liskeard, Cornwall. Gill, Samuel Ernest, M.D. Lond., Nottingham. Gill, Sutton Dudley, 17, High-street, West Bromioich. Gillam, Thomas Henry, Bromyard, Herefordshire. Gillbard, Richard, Purley, Surrey.

Gillespie, Thomas, M.B. Camb., Winchester-road, Southampton. Gillett, Georg-e Edward, Brooke, Norivich. Gillett, Henry Treg^elles, M.D. Lond., Oxford. Gilliatt, William. M.B. Lond., G, Stevenage-road, Fulham. s.w. Gillies, Harold Delf, St. Bartholomeu- Hospital. E.G. Gillies, John Winn Ford, Wimbledon Park. s.w. Gillies, Niel, M.D. King-ston. Gillies, Robert Gray, Sajf'ron Walden. Gillies, Sinclair, M.D. Lond., Sydney, New South Wales. Gillingham, Alfred, 439, High-road, Chiswick. av. Gillitt, William, M.B. Lond., indian Medical Service. Gilmour, Harry Morgan, Andover. Gilmour, Percy Graham, Gorleston, Suffolk.

Gilmour, Richard Withers, M.B. Durh., St. Luke's Hosjntal. e.g. Gihnour, Robert Thomas, Royal Naval Service. Gilpin, Robert Harrison, Kaeo, Auckland, N.Z. Gilpin, William John, Bourne.

Gilroy, Paul Knig-liton, 41. Maclise-roajl, Kensinqton, -NV. Gimlette. John Desmond, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Gimson, William Doug-las, Chelmsford. Girdlestone, Gathorne Robert, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e. Girdlestone, Howard PMward, Poole-road, Boumeuinvth. Girling, Charles John, M.B. Lond., Cranborne, Salisbury.



1886 [ Girling', John, M.D. Biussel?*, Clacton-on-Sea. Glirviii, John, Roijal Arviii Medical Corps.

Gittens, Carloton Wyndhani, Uuirer.sit)/ Collef/e Umtpital. ^\'.C, Gittins, Alfi'ed lienjamin, Mttdeley^ Newcastle^ Staff. Giusseppi, Paul Leon, xM.B. Lond., 80, Palace-qardcns-terrace. w, Ghidstone, Arthur Edward, Newton Ferrers, Fh/ntoiH/i. Gladstone, Reginald John, 1, Glourc^ter-(jate, liefjent's-park. N.w, Glaeser, Eg-idiu.s Benodictus, M.B. Edin., Worcester, Cape Colony^ (ihiister, John Norman, 1G9, Iliglibuni New Park. n. Glasg'ow, Jolm Geoi-ge, 34.1, Brixtnn-road. s.vv. Glasier, Howard, Milden/iaU., Snjpdk. Glass, Kobei't Lionel, Ikdlinl Jlmise, Toi//ih(e TlalL k. Glassford, Ian Canute Gordon, Australasian Club, Edinhurfjh. Glasson, Charles Jaines M.D. Jirussels, «0a, Brook-street, s.vr Gledden, Alfred iNEaifland, 22, Colle;fe-st., Sydney, Neio S. Wales, Gleed, Seymour Richard, 21, Flodden-road. s.k. Glenny, Elliott Thornton, M. B. Lond., St. Andreu's-parl; Bristol. Glinn, Cornehus Frederick, Salisbury -road, Plymouth. Glinn, George Frederic, 52, Camden-square. N.w. Glover, John Abel, M.B. Lond., Jiuryess Hill, Susscr. Glover, Lewis Gladstone, ALD. Camb., 17, Belsize-park. n.w. Glynn, Thomas iJawdon, G2, Rodney-street, JAverpool. Goadliy, Kenneth Weldon, 21, New Cavendish-street, w. Goard, Thomas Arthur, 28, Southemhay, Exeter. (loble, Edwin Wallace, Naval Medical Service. Goble, Frederick Georg-e, 120, Cazenove-road, Stamjord-hill. N. Goddard, Bertram, 27, Pentonvi lie-road. N. Goddard, Charles Ernest, M.D. Durh., Wembley, Harrow. Goddard, Eiig-ene Gilbert, Tarlcastad, Cape Colony. Goddard, Gerald Hamilton, Royal Army Medical Corps. Godding', James, 09, East India Dock. e.

Godfrey, Albert Edward, M.B. Lond., Woodside-pk., N.Finchley. n. Godfrey, Thomas Henry, M. B. Durh., Churc'i-'-nd, N. Finchlcy. n. Godson, Alfred Henry, M.B. Camb., G3, Union-st. West, Oldham, Godson, Charles Aubrey, Indian Medical Service. Godson, Francis Arthur, M.B. Camb., West Didsbury, Manchester. Godson, John Edward, M.B. Birm., 36, Judd-street. av.c. Godson, Leonard Joseph, Shrewsbury.

Godwin, Alfred Harold, Wnrren Drive, New Bri<jhton, Cheshire. Godwin, Frederick Jamea, Dern<iate, Northampton. Godwin, Herbert James, M.B. Durh., Winchester. Goffe, Ernest Geo. Leopold, M.D. Lond., North Eastern

Hospital, Tottenham. N. Gofton, Edward, M.B. Durh., 33, Borouyh-road, North Shields. Gofton, Joseph Edward, Hiyh Wick, Newton Abbot. Going-, Robert Marshall, M.B. Dublin, Littlehampton. Gokhale, Vina^'ak Balvant, 68, Warivick-avenne, Paddington. \\\ Goldie, EllisGordon, M.B. Lond., 1 71, Lower-road, iiotherhithe. S.E. Goldie, Walter Leigh Mackiniion, British East Africa. Goldie-Scott, Thomas, M.B. Edinb., Royal Asylum, Glasgow. Goldiug'-Bird, Cuthbert Hilton, M.B. Loud., Meopham., Kent.


Goldiiey, Arthur Georg-e Xel>5on, 224, Mare-street. Hackney, x.s. Golduev. Thomas William. 3 1, Kew-road^ RichoiomU Surrey. GoMsmitli, Aithur Frederick, Harpur-place, Bedford. Goldsmith, George Harvey, M.D. Camb., Harpiir-place, Bedford. Goldsmith, Septimus Jesse, Cheltenham.

Goldstein, Herbert Myer, M.B. Lond., Auckland, N'eiv Zealand. Goldstein, John Leopold, 26, Sunimerhill-road, Tottenham. N. GoUan, Lachlan, Ulve?ston, Tasmania.

Gomess, Alfred Francis Bilderbeck. 33, Drayton-gardans. s.w. Gomez. Anthony Clement, George Town, Denierara. *Gomez, Francis Joseph, South Petlierton, Somersetshire. Gomez, Guillermo, M.D. Colombia, Borjota. Gompertz, Richard Henry Cyril, M.B. Lond., Drury-lane. vr. Gonin, Bertram Winter, Broad-street IJou^es. s.k. Gooch, Horace, M.B. Lond., Harold-wood, Es^ex. Goc>d, .Arnold Saxty, Hirjh Bickinrjton, Chulmleir/h. Good, Edo^ar Hubert, »SV. Botolpli's-road, W. Worthing. Good, Hardman AUgood, New Zealand. Good, Thomas Saxty, County Asylum, Littlemore, Oxford. Goodall, Joseph.

Goodbody, Cecil Maurice, Indian Medical Scrrice. Goodcliild, John Fleming, 8, Bloor-street, E. Toronto. Goodchild, Nathaniel John, M.D. Canada, 9, Highgate-road. ^^^v Gooddy, Edward Samuel, Llandudno. Goode, Georg'e Ernest, " Homewood,'^ Purley. Goode, Henry Norman. M.B. Lond., S. St. Leonard"^, York. Goodfellow, Thomas Ashton, M.D. Lond., West Didshury. Goodhue, Frederick William Jevvis, 14, Ashley-gardens, s.w. Gooding', Ang-elo, Adelaide, Cape Colony. Gooding", Matthew Richard, Bideford. Goodman, Harold, Hemsicorth, Wakefield. Goodman, Henry Cyril, M.B. Camb., Turf Club, Cairo. Goodman, Roger Neville, M.D. Camb., Kingston-on-Thanies. Goodridg-e, Walter Lisle Taylor, Fonthill, New-road, Windsor. Goodson, William Henry, CO, Leytnnstone-road. e. Goodwin, Bernard Graing'er, The Limes, Dudley. Goodwin, Edward Knox, Dalton-road, Easlbourne. Goodwin, Frederick Charles, M.D. Durh., Dalton-road, Eastbourne. Goodwin, Frederick William, M.D., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Goodwin, Thos. Herb. .J. Chapman, Royal Army Medical Corps. Goodwin, AVilliam Richard Power, Royal Army Medical Corps. Goonetilleke, Fredk. William, 1, Colville-square, Hyde Park. w. Goouewardene, Andrew Simon Swaris, 26, Gloucester-road. x.w. Gordon, Cecil Frederick, 44, Parliament Hill-rd., Hamp<tead. n. w. Gordon, Francis Jervis, Frame.

Gordon, Frederick \y\\\\^xxi,Manukau-rd., Auckland, New Zealand Gordon, Harry, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Gordon, James Edward, 52, Endless-street, Salisbuiy. Gordon, John, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.

* Formerly Gomez, Francisco Jose.


Gordon, Kenneth Farquliavson. Andover.

Gordon, Loudon Pasley, livdil.'ifurd. J)erhy.

Gordon. Stej)li('n, Great Solke/d, Penrith. *Gordon-Green, Henry William, Naval ]\fedical Service.

Gore, Alfred Joseph, Folkestone.

Gore, Ilenr}^ Bushell, Park-rond, Binvdon.

Goring-, Charles Buckman, M.D. Lond., B.^L Prison. Isle of Wight.

Gornall, John Pegge Joseph, Blackpool.

Goss, Edward Slade, 1, Circus, Bath.

Goss, John. ^^.B. Canib., Glovcester.

Gosisag-e, "William Herbert, Che7-tsei/.

Gosse, Philip Henry George, -Bca;//ze», Hants.

Gosse, William, .M.D. Durh., Sittinrihonme.

Gostling, Ernest Victor. Needham Market.

Gostling, John Harr}-, Stonegate, York.

Gostling, Perc}' Robert, Burea, St. Manj. Suffolk.

Gosthug-. Thomas Preston, Worcester.

Gotelee, Hugh Evelyn, Royal Army flfedical Corps.

Gott. Henry, M.R. Durham. GilUngham. Kent.

Gough, Bernard Bradley, Compton Martin, Bristol.

Gough, Harold Oscar, 98, Hampton-road. Bedland, Bristol.

Gough, Henry Edward, Northwich.

Gough, John Hailey, M.D. Durh., Torquay.

Gough, William, M.B. Lond., 37, Woodsley-road, Leeds.

Gould, Alfred Pearce. M.B. Loud., 10, Queen Anne-street, "w.

Gould, Harold Utterton, M.B. Camb., Shaftesbury, Dorset.

Gould, John Edwin, M.D. Lond., Bolton.

Goulden, Charles Bernard, M.B. Camb., Clarendcn, Canter- bury.

Goulden, Herbert Edward, Clyst Hydon, Devon.

Gouldesbrough, Claude, 21, Bessborough-yardens. s.w.

Goullet, Charles Arthur, 2, Finchley-road. K.w.

Goulston, Arthur, Heavitree, Exeter.

Gover, John Maxwell, Gosforth, N ewcastle-on-Tyne.

Gover, Lawford Dineley, Clay Point, Flushing. Falmouth.

Gow, Alexander Edward, M.B. Lond., St. Bartholomew's Hospital. K.c.

Gow, Duncan, M.D. Toronto, Cardinal, Ontario, Canada.

Gowan, Bowie Campbell, G7-eat Stanmore, Middlesex.

Go wland.Wm. Percy, M.D. Lond., 1, Clegg-strcct, Oldham.

Gowring, Benjamin Wm. Nettlefold, Dorchester.

Goyder, Francis Willoughby, .M.B. Camb., 88, Gi'eai Horton- road, Bradford.

Grabham, Henry Leatham, INLB. Lond., 5, St. James' s-road, Su7'biton, Surrey.

Grabham, Michael, M.B. Camb., Kingston, Jamaica, W. Indies.

Grace, Gerald, Box 7, Springs, Johannesburg, Transvaal.

Grace, John Johnston, M.D. Durh., Hilo, Hauaii.

* Formerly Green, Henry William Gordon.



Grace, Nathaniel. M.D. :McGill, Tunbrkhie Wells.

Graham, Alexander Savill, IG, Auckland-hill, West Kor- icood. S.E.

Graham, Allan Gordon, Wimbledon, s.^r.

Graham, Cecil Irving, -47, Queen Anne-street, w.

Graham, Charles Hunter, Wellin/jto", Neic South Wales. *Graham, Edward Xa<rgiar, Auxiliaries Forces Club. s.w.

Graham, Georo^e, 12, Ladbroke-gardens, Xotting-Iiill. w.

Graham, Harold Ernest, M.B. Camb., Cirencester.

Graham, Howard William, CU/tonville, Margate.

Graham, John Charles William. M.D. Camb., Cambridge.

Graham, John Henry Portens, Wallase;/, Cheshire.

Graham, Joseph Sutherland Aikin.

Graham, Samuel, Lunatic Asi/lum, Antrim. Ireland.

Graham, Samuel Lewis, M.B. Lond., 45. Xen-hill-street, Birm.

Graham, Sydney Gag-"-, Stcain-street, Watchet, Somerset.

Graham, Vyner, 46, Hall Gate, Doncaster,

Graham, Walter, M.B. Vict.. Revelstoke, British Columbia.

Graham, AValter Ap Samuel James, Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Graham, William, M.B. Toronto, Toronto. Canada.

Graham, AVilliam Ezra, M.D. Toronto, 1 7, Torrington-sqnare. w.c.

Graham-Jones. John Lawrence, .S'^ Thomas's Hospital, s.e.

Graham-Smith, George Stuart, M.D. Camb., Cambridge.

Grandage, William Briggs, 90, Cromwell-road, Kensington, s.w.

Granger, Edgar Bridden, Little Milton, Wallingford.

Granger, Fariugton Marsden, 18, Nicholson-street, Chester.

Granger, Henry, Victoria Hospital, Bournemouth.

Grant, Alexander Smeaton, Brondeshury. N.w.

Grant, Alfred James, M.D. Brussels, 6, Queen's Club-terrace, w.

Grant, Hope, 15, Christopher-street, e.g.

Grant, James Alexander, jun., M.D. McGill, Ottawa, Canada.

Grant, John Prescott, Jioyal United Hospital, Bath.

Gi'ant, John William Geary, L/ann-rtyd Wells, Brecon.

Grant, Montagu Frederick. Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Grant, William Prince, M.B. Vict., Hursted, Rochdale. fGrant-Johnston. Joseph, Ash forde-grange, Witmslow, Cheshire.

Grant-Wilson, Charles Westbronke, St. Winnows, Bromley, Kent.

Granthara-nil], Wilfred St. George, M.D. Brussels, Chiswick. w.

Granville. Alexander, Cairo.

Grapel, Francis Gaspar, London-road, West Croydon.

Grattan, Henr}- William, Royal Army Medical Service.

Gratte, Charles Brooke, 18, Gold-tops, Newport, Mon.

Graves, Alfred James, 15, Lady Somerset-road, Tujnell-park. s.

Graves, Charles, 58, St. Andrews-road, Southsea.

Graves, Harman John Howland, 41, King wood-avenue^ Brondes- btiry. N.w.

Graves, Robert Kennedy Grogan, Clevedon, Somerset.

Gray, Arthur ClaypouHorner.M.B.Lond.,/?ovaM?-/»^ Med. Corps.

* FormerlT Xaggiar, Edward Elie. t Formerly Johnston, Joseph.

M 2



Gray, Douglas, M.B. Loud.. Chorleij Nev:-ro(i<h BoJton.

(jrray, Gilbert. (j\QmenU Ashcroft, Stalion-rd., Winchmore Hill. x.

(rray, Harry Tyrrell, ChiUh-p.ns Ilos/nhil^ Great Ormond-sl. AV.c.

Gray, Henry, ](>, Norland-srjuare, Ilullaiul-park. w.

Gray, Herbert Edvv^ard, Cfwibrulf/e.

Gray, Leonard, Sf. Mai-tins, Stafford.

Gray, llonald Evelyn Gordon, M.B. Catnb., Ifaslemere, Surrey.

Gray, Tlioinas Underwood, 7<i, Wiinpole-street. w.

Gray, William Harrington, 7V\ Garret-lane, Tootinf/. s.w.

Gray, AVilliam Henry, West Gate, Maiis/ieid, Nottiiujluim.

Gray don, Archibald, Santa Ft, Arf/entiiia.

Grayling, Arthur, M.B. Lond., 14o, Sunder/and-rd., Forest-hill. s.E.

Grazebrook, Edwyn Jtobert, Naval Medical Service.

Great-Rex, James Burnell, Plianstead, Kent.

Greaves, Edward Harrison, Amer.t/iani.

Greaves, Francis Ley Augustus, 57, Friar-fjate, Derhi/.

Gieaves, George Aldon, 405, Princess-street., Kingston, Ontario.

Greaves, Henry, M.B. Camb., A wlleni, Naiitwich.

Greaves, Henry, 115, Ifadders/ield-road, Oldltam.

Greaves, Herbert Stanley, General Hospital, Barbadoes.

Greaves, Horatio Norman, George Town, Dtmerara, B. Guiana.

Grech, John, Royal Armj/ Medical Corps.

Green, Albert, M.B. Lend., Chesterfield.

Green, Alfred Withers, 4, Wardrobe Place, e.g.

Green, Arthur Augustus Russell, Aldridr/e.

Green, Arthur Llewellyn Baldwin, h\i/ fJnuse, Ross-on- Wye.

Green, Arthur Robert, New-street, Ledbury.

Green, Charles David, M.D. Lond., Romford.

Green, Charles Robert Mortimer, M.D. Durh., Indian Medical

Service. Green, Com^ad Theodore, Birkenhead. Green, Edward, 22, Uplands-road, Harringay. N. Gi'een, Edwin Collier, Friar-gate, Derby. Green, Fredk. Wm. Edridge, M.D. Durh., Ilendon. n.w. Green, George Sydney, Weston-super-Mare. Green, Gilbert Egerton, 1.3, Church-street, Prescot.

Green, Howard, 280, Philip-lane, South Tultenham. s. Green, James, Landport, Portsmouth.

Green, James Howard, M.B. Vict., Higher JTillgate, Stockport.

Green, Joseph, 203, Bramhall Lane, Stockport.

Green, Percy Andrew, Pietersburg, Transvaal.

Green, Philip Anthony Mark, M.D. Lond., 37, Onslow-square. s.w.

Green, Robert Walter, 257, Deivsbury-road, Leeds.

Green, Sanniel Morris. 13, Church-street, Prescot.

Green, Sibert Francis St. David, Royal Army Medical Corpf.

Green, Sydney Balch, M.B. hu\n\., Felton, Bristol.

Green, William, Campbell-road, Southsea.

Green-Arriiytage, Vivian Bartley, 13, All Saints-road, Clifton^ ' Bristol.

Greene, Arnold James, 18, King-street, Wigan.



Greene, Charles William, M.B. Camb., 80, London-street,

Greenivich. S.E. Greene, George Watters, M.D. Camb., Turvey, Beds. Greene, William Henry Clayton, 4.S, Queen Anne-street, w. Greenfell, Pasi'oe Bevil, Alexandria, (Jape Colony. Greenfield, Dudley George. M.D. Lend., RusJuUn, Northants. Greeuhalgh, Arthur, M.B. Vict., Bluckhnrn-road, Accrington. Greeiiing, George Frederick, Melcille House, E/jde. Greening, William Robert, *S7. Genrr/e's Infirmanj. s.w. Greenway, Chai'les Melville, 291, High-street, Plumstead. Greenwood, Arthur, Chrlstchurch-road. Crouch-end. N. Greenwood, Arthur A.tkins, M B. Lonrl., 1, Christcharch-road,

Crouch-end. x. Greenwood, Arthur Rowland, Rogal Army 2fedical Corps. Greenwood, Augustus Charles, Curbij, Grantham. Greenwood, Edwin Climsoii, 1, Hanover Hou-e, liegent's-parlc. Greenwood, Frank Redmayne, M.D. Lond., ,))parkhill, JJir-

ntinghaiu. Greenwood, Frederick Stowell, M.D. McGill. Toronto, Canada. Greenwood, (jeorge. Bush Hill-park, Enfield, 3liddlesex. Greenwood, George Spencer, Ossett, Wakefield. Greenwood, Henry Harold, M.B. Lond., Cardi/en-lane, Leeds. Greenwood, Major, M.D. Brussels, 243, Hackney-road. n.e. Greenwood, Mnjor, jun., Loughton, Eistx. Green woc>d, Newton, Penryn. Greenwood. Richard Edwin.

Greenyer, Vivian Tudor, Sackrille-road, Hove. Brighton. Greer, Morrice, 9, Regent-road, M^allaseg, Cheshire. Greeves, Reginald Affleck, M.B. Lond., Middelljurg, Transvaal. Greeves, Thomas Neville, 7, Hillside, Stonebridge-park. N.w. Greg, Arthur Hyde, IG, West Hilkin-street, Beljrace-sq. s.w. Gregor, Edmund William, Aylesford, Maidstone. Gregory, Arnold, 78, Stanlnj-grove, Longsight, Manchestei-. Gregory, (Jhas. Hebien, M.B. Camb., i^ze/c/u^y. New Zealand. Gregory, Henry Lonsdale, M.B. Camb., Highgate. N. Gregory, Thomas, Cheethani-hitl, Manchester. Greig, Alexander William, Indian Medical Service. Grcig, W^illiam Joliii, 49;5, Slierhourne-street, Toronto, Canada. Grell, Jesse Mitchinson Potter, M.B. Cauib., Port of Spain,

Trinidad. Grenfell, Henry Osborne. Pose Hill, Saltnsh. Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, C.M.(i., M.D. Oxf., 181, Queen

Victoria-street. E.G. Grey, Harry Martin, The Infirrnary. Milton, Portvnnuth. Grey, John Temperle}'', Stanjield House, Lenhani, Kent. Grey, Thomas Campliell, 11, Gerald-atreet, Wrecham. Gribbell, William Ernest, Naval Medical Service. Grice, Johu William, Guifs Hospital, s.e. Grieves, James Percy, Porfshead, Somers3t. Grieves, Thomas Arthur, Burraga, New South Wales. Griffin, Alfred Ernest, 122, Leadenhall-street. e.g.




l'J02 1889

1905 1907 1893 190.") 1863 1901 1902 1892 1884 1889 190G 1903 1892 1891 1895


1891 18G6 1892 1909

1887 1901 1884 1894 1891 1901 1906

1893 1887 1902 1906

1901 1889 1895 1896

1888 1903 1898 1877 1897

Griffin, Frederic AVm. "Wandby, Royal Sea Bathing Hospital., Margate.

Griffin, Gerald, Tir Phil, Cardiff'.

Griffin, John Henry, Brisbane, Queensland.

Griffin, John Hubert, Fulham-place, Paddinrjfon. ^y.

Griffin, John Purser, 41, South-parade, Southsea.

Griffin, Walter Bristow, 41, South-parade, Southsea.

Griffin, William Watson, M.B. New Zealand, Hove, Brigfiton.

Griffith, Arthur Donald, M.B. Lend., MnsweU-Idll. n.

Griffith, Gideon de Gorrequer, 34, St. George' s-square, Pi^nlico. s.w.

Griffi'th, John Richard, Argold, Monmouthshire.

Griffith, Richard, Brecon-place, Portinadoc.

Griffith, Robert Constantine, Kingston, Canada.

Griffiths, Charles Thomas, 9, Nea-tiall-street, Birmingliom.

Griffiths, Cornelius Albert, 6, Windsor-place, Cardiff'.

Griffiths, Cyril Verity, Rosewead, Cfiurch-road, Horley, Surrei/.

Griffiths, Edward Reginald, 1 00, South Hill-par/,; Hampstead. n.av.

Griffiths, George liatho, H.M. Convict Prison, Aylesbury.

Griffiths, Gilbert Henderson, Deganioy, Llandudno.

Griffiths, John Alban Kendal, M.B. Lond,, Knighton.

Griffiths, John Crisp, M.D. Lond., Kidderminster.

Griffiths, John Howell, M.D. Lond., Broofc Hospital, Shooter^s Hilt, Kent.

Griffiths, John Samuel, Uedland Parfc House, Bristol.

Griffiths, Richard Samuel Purnell, Naval Medical Service.

Griffiths, Samuel Albert Ernest, Meopham, l\ent.

Griffiths, Sydney Harold, 19, South Hill-parf:-gardens, Ha>np- stead. N.w.

Griffiths, William Arthur, Micheldever.

Griffiths, William Layard, M.D. Lond., Cape Town, South Africa.

Griggs, William Alfred, Kingston-on-Thames.

Griuisdale, Haiold Barr, M.B. Camb., 114, Harley -street. "W.

Grimshaw, John, M.D. Lond., Birkenhead.

Grimwade, Alfred Slieppard, Geelong, Victoria. Australia.

Griniwade, Sidney Wilfred, M.B. Loud., 2'd,JacfcKon-lane, High- gate. N,

Grinling, Frederick Xewman, Wallcer, Korthumberland.

Grogan, Henr\' William, Bombay.

Grogono, Eric Walter. 43, Rom ford-road, Stratford. E.

Grogono, Jonathan. 171, Romfwd-road, Stratford. E.

Grogono, Rab}- Montague, Heme Bay, Kent.

Groue, Friedrich, M.B. Lond., Alexander-buildings, Hong Kong.

Grose, John Sobey, Bideford, Devon.

Gross, Charles Frederick, Wickham Market, Suffolk.

Gross, Solomon, M.B. Lond., 248, Finchley -road. n.w.

Grosvenor, Randolph Lea, 75, Oakley-street, Cfielsea. s.W:

Grosvenor, Wilshaw William, M.D. Durh., Gloucester.

Grote, Robert George Ernest. 182, Worple-rd., Wimbledon, s.w.

Groube, Geoige Patrick Thomson, Indian Medical Service.

Ground, Edward, M.D. Camb., Ulaidstone.

Grove, Ernest George, Bootfiam-park, York.



Grove, "William Reginald, M.D. Carab., Sf. Ires, Hunts. Grover, John Mororau Key, Hartington, Buxton. Groves, Edward, Hunslet, Leeth.

Groves, Ernest William Hey, M.D., Lond., Clifton, Bristol. Growse, AVilliam, Dudleii House, Kenihcorth. Gruber, Rudolph, M.D. Vienna, 81, Harleij-street. av. *Griili'yd, John, Betltesda, North Wales. Grummitt, Charles Christopher, Sccdhy, Scarhorough. GrUu, Edward Ferdinand, Southwick^ Brighton. Grundy, Morris. M.B. Camb., 26, Wi/re-grove, Blacl-pool. Gruner, O.skar Cameron, M.D. Lend., Huby, Leeds. Gubb, Alfred Samuel, M.D. Paris, Algiers. Gubbin, George Frederick, Roi/al Army Medical Corps. Guest, Leslie Haden, 218, Bottersea Park-road. s.E. Guinand, Paul, Korumborra, Victoria, Australia. Guiuane, Joachim, Toronto, Canada.

Guinness, Henry Grattan, M.D. Brussels, Harley House, Bow. e. Guiselin, Frentz William, Jamaica, West Indies. Gully, Percy, Great Malvern.

Gummow, James Freeman, ISfnrthfield, Birmingham. Gunasekara, Septimus Theodosius, Ceglon. Gundlach, John, 1:38, Upper Clapton-road. n.e. Gunn, Donald Stihvell, 4(>, Dover-street, w. Guun, Frank Walter. M.D. Durh., Widdrington, Acklington. Gunn, John Nisbet. M.B. Toronto. 9, Fitzrog-street. \v. Guune, John Robert, M.D. Manitoba, 62, Bloor-street, W. Toronto,

Canada. Gunning, Charles John Hope, 1 .3, Tit urloio-road. s. w. Gunson,John Bernard, M.B. XdieWxAe, Adelaide, South Australia. Giiuther, Charles Theodore, M.D. Tubingen, Hampton Wick. Gunther, Herman Arthur, M.B. Lond., Hampton Wick. Gurd, Charles Cowen, 6.'), McGill Coll.-avenue, Montreal, Canada. Gurd, David Frazer, Montreal. Canada. Gurley, John Herbert, Royal Army Medical Corps. Gurney, Alexander Cecil, M.D. Lond., 6, CoUege-rd., Eastbourne. Gutch, John, M.D. Camb., Ipswich.

Guthrie, Thomas, M.B. Camb., o.i, Rodney-f^tieet, Liverpool. Guthrie, Thomas Clement, M.B. Edinb., Tunbridge Wells. Gwillim, Richard. Davis Hoyle, Soutliampton. Gwynn, Neville Claude, M.B. Durh., Geistcot, Belstone. Oke-

hamptnn. Gwynn, Wm. Purnell, Naval Medical Service. Gyllencreutz, James Randolph, Roy. Hospital, Portsmouth. Gyton, Walter George, 273, Lavender-hill. s.av. Habgood, Artlmr Henry, 17, Nassington-road, Hampstead. N.w. Habgood, Henry, M. D. Brussels. Hartfield-sqnare, Eastbourne. Habgood, William, M.D. Brussels. Municipal Ojjices, Sutton,

Surrey. Hacking, John Herbert, Wibnslow, Manchester.

* Formerly Griffith, John.



Hackney, Alfred Clifford John Hill, 115, Iligli-sf., TTifthe, Kejd,

Hackney, Gordon Il(!rbert, Lymvifie, Kent.

Hackney, AVilliani, M.D. Toronto, lo, 7'orrington-sqnaye. "\v.C-

Hacqnoil, Philip Homfray, Penarlh.

Hadfield. Charles Frederick, M.D. Camb., Upper Clapton, n.k-

Hadfield, Kowland Hurst, 118, Dccpdale-road, Presfaii.

Hadley, Ernest Cutcliffe, M.B. Lond., Lo:ells. JJinniiif/havu

Hadlf}', Frederick Au.^ustns, JJigliJiekl Iluiise, ^hejlidd.

Hadwen, John, M.B. Lond., limtisioick-sqruire, Gloucester,

Hadwen, Walter Robert, INI.D. Durli., Gloucester.

Ila^^'g'ard. Tliomas Barker Amynnd, 10, Hans-crescent. S.vr.

Hag-g-er, Roger Lionel, Indian Medical Service.

Hag-Lie, John, Amsdale, Soutliport.

Hague. Juhn Locke, Northern Hospital, Winchmore-hill. N.

Haig, Harold Axel, M.B. Lond., Hospital, Colchesle,:

Haig, Kenneth George, 7, Brook-street. "\r.

Haig, Patrick Balfour, Indian Medical Service.

Haig", Pei'cy de Haga, Indian Medical Service.

Haigh, Bernard, Kenilicorth, liadcliffe-road, Wincinn ore-hill. x.

Haiu'h, Harold, Meltham, Huddersjield.

Haigh, \ViIliain Edwin, York-street, Barnsley.

Hailstone, John E'hvard, Cheltinliam.

Haines, Arthur, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Haines, Aubrey Wheeler, Pantgolen, Llanhedr.

Haines, Edmund William, 64, Marlhorough-mansions. x,av.

Haines, Ed\Yard, Rochdale.

Haines. Frederick Haselfoot, Winfrith Newhurgli, Lorchesttr.

Haines, John Wm., M.D. Lond., Sutton Coldfidd, Birmingham,

Haines, Rupert Lawrence, 15, Bromley-road, Bcckenhani.

Hainworth, Edward Marrack, M.D. Lend., Hull.

Hair, Allan, 481, Ilolloicay-road. x.

Hale, Charles Douglas Bowdich, M.D. Durh.,3, Sussex- place, av.

Hale, Charles Heiu-y, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hale, Edward, Wallasey, Cheshire.

Hale, Lancelot Hugh Downman, Chillington, Kingshridge.

Hale, Robert Eugene Vaughan, 3. Sussex-place, Ilyde-jxtrk. "w^

Hall, Alexander Ritchie, M.D. McGill, Washington, Ontario.

Hall, Arthur James, M.B. New Zealand, Duncdin, New Zealand..

Hall, Charles Beaucliamp, 7, Compton-ierrace. N.

Hall, Charlton Robert F'l-ederick, Shredton, Wilts.

Hall, Edmund Stokes, M.B. Lond., Bittcrne, Southampton.

Hall, Elias Georg-e, M.B. Lond., Hampton-road, Redland, Bristol..

ILall, Frederick William, M.D. Lond., College-st., Sydney. N.S.W.

Hall, Harry Spencer, 2, Narbr.nne-aveuve, Cla/diaut Common, s.w..

Hall, Henry Acton. Rotherjield, Sussex.

Hall, Henry John, May field, Sussex.

Hall, Herbeit Strang-e, Leigh, Lancashire.

Hall, James Thouias, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent.

Hall, John Arthur, 1 , Pershore-road. Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Hall, John Basil. M.B. Camb., 116, Manningham-lane, Bradford'.

Hall, John Spencer, M.D. Durh., Farnham, Surrey.



Hall, Joseph Percv, M.B. Lond., TT'f.^^ Derhj, Licerpool. Hall, Percy, Hull

Hall, Richard Charles Baker, Swadlincoie, Burton-on-Treni, Hall, Eobert ^Villiam Basil, Xaval Medical Service. Hall, AN'alter, Hndnet, Salop.

Hall, William Hamilton, Fordcomhe. Tunhridge Wells. Hallam, Herbert, Broom-hill, Sheffield. Hallani, Martin, 1G7, Crotjdon-road, Anerley, s.E. Hallett, Heuiy Arthur, M.D. Aberd., Kimbolton, St. Neots. HallettjHeuvy Georg-e Drumniond, Darenth Asylum, Dartford.. Hallett, Thomas George Palmer.

Halley, William, Park House, 724, Fulham-road. s.w. Hallida}", Fi-ederick ^Villiam, Worthy, Leeds. *Hallidie, Andrew Hallidie Smith, M.B. Camb., St. Leonards-

on-Sea. Hallilay, Herbert, M.B. Lend., Indian Medical Service. Hallinan, Thomas John, M.B. Lond., 210, Camden-road. k.av- Halliwell, John, Winchcomhe, Gloucestershire. Halliwell, Thomas, Lotvther Hill, Forest-hill. s.e. Halliwell, Thomas Gates, Manor-place, Deivshury. Hallsworth, Francis Arthur, Carisbronlce, Isle of Wight. Hallwrig"ht, Matthew Leslie Guy, La Vega, San Domingo. Halsall, CuthberL Murray, Lirersidge, Yorks. Halstead, Georg'e Ezra, M.D. Lond., Albion-place, Itanisgate. Halsted, Denis Gratwicke, M.B. Durh., Sutton, Surrey. Halsted, Harold Cecil, M.D. Diirh., PeckJiam House Asylum, s.e- Halsted, William Wilfrid, Walfham Cross. Ham, Bertie Burnett, M.D. Brussels, Brisbane, Queensland^.

A ustralia. Hamel, Gustav, C.V.O., M.D. Bern., Spanish-pl.., Manchester-S(i. w. Hamerton, Albert Ei-nest, Boyul Army Medical Corps. Hamerton, Georg-e Albert, 26, Southampton-street, St7'and. av.c. Hamill, John Molyneux, M.B. Camb., 14, South-parade, Bedford

Park. w. Hamilton, Andrew, Whitley, Beading.

Hamilton, Archiljald, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. av. Hamilton, Archibald Dong-las, M.D. Loud., 9, Grosvenor-street,.

Chester. Hamiltiin, Arthur Francis, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Hamilton, Bruce, 5, Crediton-road, West Hampstead. n.av. Hamilton, Charles Dai. Hamilton, Edward Thomas Ernest, M.D., Lond. l'd,Jeppe-sl.y.

Joliar.neaburg, Transvaal. Hamilton, Georg-e, Dunedin, Xew Zealand:

Hamilton, George, M.B. Loud., 0. Watlbolton-rd., Drockley. s.k. Hamilton, Henry, 22, Park-crescent, Bri(jhton. Hamilton, Herbert James.

Hamilton, John James (Jecil, Bexley Heath. Kent. Hamilton, Richard, M.D. Lond., Washwood Heath, Birmingham,

* Formerly Smith, Andrew Ilallidie.


Hamilton, Rog'er Kerr, Leicester.

IlamiltoiijWiUiaiu Gavin, Indian ^^edical Service.

Hamilton, \Vm. IlaN'wood, Indian Medical Service.

Hamilton, NVni. Thompson, M.l^. Toronto, Stratford, Ontario.

Hamrnersley, Percy Herbert Vickers, Christchurch, N. Zealand.

Hammond, Frederick Arthur Lucas, Indian Medical S'-rvice.

Hammond, John Abbott Baldinj;-, M.B. Lond., ShanLtin.

Hammond, John Maximilian, Lond., 40, Palace-mansions, Kensiufiton, "w.

Hammond, Robert Edward.

Hammond, Thomas, H.M. Prison, TAverpooJ.

Hamond, Phili[) William, M.D. Lond., Thornton Heath, Surrey.

Hampton, Thomas, M.B. Lond., Grosniont, Hereford.

Hanau, Alfred, Chante Strasse 9, Berlin.

Hanbury, Langton Fuller, BorongJi Asjihnn., Goodnuijjes, 11 ford.

Hanbur^', Keginald Janson, 37, Loward-street. e.g.

Hanbury, Saville Waldron, Count// Asiihim, Bansfmd, Surrey.

Hanbury, William Reader, West Ham Asi/Lani, Goodmai/es, Tlford.

Hancock, Arthur Ernest, Salt lei/, Birminghnm.

Hancock, Edward Dawbney, Bath.

Hancock, Frank Thompson, Clovelly. Hounslow.

Hancock, Georg-e Charles, Local Gov. Board, Whitehall. S.w.

Hancock, John Edwin, Hurst Green, Sussex.

Hancock, William Ilbert, 27, Queen Anne-street, "vv.

Hancock, William John, Stah/bridge.

Handcock, Robei't Oliver, 19;:5, Green-street, Forest Gate.

Handtield-Joues, Charles Ranald, M.I). Durh., Leamiin/ton.

Handley, William Sampson, M.D. Lond., 12, New Cavendish-st. ■\v.

Hands, Arthur, Wolverhampton.

Handsou,LionelEdwiuCharles,M.B.Lond..7GA,C/«/«cer//-/aHe. w.c.

Hanhaiu, Leonard Leigliton, St. Bartholomeu's Hospital, e.g.

Hanley, John Joseph. M.D. Bostjn, 37, Chamber-street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Hann, Reg-maid George, 23, Blumlell-street, L.eeds.

Haunay, IVFaurice Gilbert, 36, City-road. e.g. *Hannen, Habeeb Jabboor, Codsall, Wolverhampton. tHauneii, John Jabboor, M.D. Constantinople, Beyrout, Syria.

Ilanschell, Hother McCormick, Royal Army Medical Corjis.

Hanwell, Gerald Lucas, Shanghai, China.

Harbinson, Robert James, 43, Grextt Western-road, Glasgow.

Harconrt, Charles Harold, M. R. liirm., Pinxton, Alfreton.

Harcourt, Georg-e Robert, M.B. Lond., Leytoa. n.e.

Harconrt, Jolm Charles, M.B. Lond., 82, liomford-road, Strat- ford. E.

Harcourt, Vincent Ximenes, Castle Donington.

Hardcastle, Alfred Herbert, Forest Toicn, ^fansfield.

Hardcastle, Wm., M.B. Lond., Westgafe-road, Newcastle-on-2yne,

Hardenberg-, Edward Francis Herman, M.B. Lond., Watford.

Hardenberg-, Emile John Frank, Cliveden, Chingford. n.e.

* Formerlj Habeeb Jabboor. f Formerlj Hanna Jabboor.



Hardey, Edward Peirce, 80, Spriinj Bank, TFuIl.

Hardie, Charles Frederick, M.B. Camb., Barnet.

Harding', Chai-les Headle3% ]V/u'ff.lesea, Cambridge.

Harding', Charles O'Bi'ien, 1, Chiswick-place, Eastbourne.

Harding, Harold William Litton, Taranaki, Neiv Zealand,

Harding, Henry William, M.D. Lond., Cafford. s.e.

Harding, Lionel Nicholson, M.B. Camb., 22, Stanford-ai:, Brighton.

Hardman, Richard Smith, M.B. Vict., CJiendk Hulme, Stock- port.

Hardman, AVilliam, M.B. Edinb.. Blackpool.

Hardwick, Georg-e, Siiaintoi), Yorkshire.

Hardwick, Harold George Cooke, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e.

Hardwick, Reginald Henry, Pnrlands, Charing. Ashford, Kent.

Hardwick-Smith, Henry, M.B. Camb., Christ Church, Ntiv Zealand.

Hardy, Edward William Dacre, 8, Darlcy-road, Bournemouth.

Hardy, Frank Samuel, Pitsmoor, Sheffield.

Hardy, George Francis, Champion-hill. s.e.

Hardy, Georg-e Wilfrid, Blackpool.

Hardy. Henry Louis Preston, Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Hardy, Percy, M.ll Camb., Nottingham.

Hardy, William Edmund, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hare, Edward Chi'istian, Indian Medical Service. *Harford, Charles Forbes, M.D. Camb., Leyton. n.e.

Harger, Frank Arnold, P.O. Box 2512, Johannesburg, Transvaal.

Hargreaves, Walter Herbert, Akaroa, New Zealand.

Harke, Sydney Lawrence, M.B. Camb., Churcli-road, Noricood. S.E.

Harker, Thomas Henrj^, M.D. Lond., TJovercout-t, Essex.

Harkness, George Francis Lines, Indian Medical Service.

Harland, Wm. Charles Frederick, Beverley -road, Hnll.

Harley, Edward, Safron Walden.

Harman, Albert Brice, 1, Cranbury -terrace, Soutliampton.

Harman, Leonard, M.B. Durh., I.eunsham. s.e.

Harman, Nathaniel Bishop, M.B. Camb., 10-S, Harlcy-street.

Harmens, Wyger, Ingram Honsse, Stocicwell-road. s.w.

Harmer, William Douglas, M.B. Camb., 45, Weymoutfi-street fHar"neis, Theophilus Wilham Morcom, 188, Amhurst-road.

Harness, Henri Nelson, Rainsbrook, Rugby.

Harnett, Walter Lidwell, M.B. Camb.. Salisbury-road, Barnet

Harold, John Patrick, 9 1 , Harley-street. w.

Harper, Charles John, Church End, Finchley. N.

Harper, Gerald Samuel, M.B. Aberd., 40, Curzon-strcet. ^v.

Harper, Henry Cecil, Stoivmarket.

Harper, James Edei", Oldbury, Birmingliam.

Harper, John, Parkstone, Dorset.

Harper, John Robinson, Barnstaple.



* Formerly Harford-Battersby, Cliarles Forbes. f Forraeriy Morcom, Tlieophilus William.



Harper, Philip Thomas, Chivenor Wrafion^ N. Devon.

Harper, Raymond Sydney, S/ioreham, Sussex.

Harper, Rol)ert Russell, 61, Ilaverstock-hilL N.^r.

Harper, Thomas Edward. Sanatorium, Virginia Water.

Harpei-, Walter Josepli, Branntnn.

Harper-Smith. Geor^'e Ilastie, 102, J/nntinr/don-road, Camhridge,

Harratt, Thomas Tomkiiisou, Hjie, Sussex.

HaiTer, Charles John Joseph, M.D. Gottingen, 34, Cily-voad. k.c.

Harries, David Jnlm, M. li. Lond., 48, Great Ptrcg-Mred. w.c.

Harries, p]ric Henry Rhys, M.D. Lond., Ad<nnsriU-roady

Sydenham. s.E. Harries, Heni-y Jones, Naval ]\redical Service. *Llarries-Joiies, Evan Harries, M.B. Ediii., Nortliampton. Harris, Arthur Byam, Maple Creek, Asf>iniboia, Canada. Harris, Arthur Georg-e Rawson, 414, .Jai-vis-streef, 'Toronto. Harris, Charles Joshua Joseph, M.D. Diu'h., Wliittkaven. Harris, Charles Poulett, M.D. Lond., Crogdon. Harris, (Jlayton Campbell. Harris, Dudley Raymond, Falmouth. Harris, Edward Bernai'd, Tottenham-lane. n. Harris, Frank Drew, M.B. Lond., Treherhert, Glamorgan. Harris, Frederick.

Harris, Frederic Rosenberg-, Flat 2, 4, Colville-gds.. rag-'icater. vr. Harris, Frederick Stuart, M.B. Durh., 10, Croft do irn-roady

Kentish. Toicn. N.w. Harris. Georg'e James. Ansteg. Leicester. Harris. Hy. Arthur Clifton, T>gke-road. Brighton. Harris, Herbert l']lwin, M.B. Camb., Clifton, Bristol. Harris. Herbert Georg-e, M.D. Durh.. Bii-chiugton., Kent. Harris, Herbert Stocker, Esher, Snrreg. Harris, James Edward, 124, Queen's-road, Bayswaler. \y. Harris, John, M.D. Durh., 40, Trinitg-square. s.E. Harris, Noel Hugh, Naval Medical Service. Harris, Norman ^lacLend, Toronto, Canada. Harris, Robert, M.B. Lon(].,Southport. Harris, Robert James, 190, Yorkshire-street, Rochdale. Harris, Sampson George Victor, M.B. Durh., Whitehaven. Harris, William James, M.D. Camb., Shaftesbury. Harris, William Roberts, 'The Tnfrmarg, Leirishatn. Harris, Wm. Treng"weath, IIigh-ro'(d, Chiswick. w. Harris, Worsley John, Bream, Sgdneg.

Harris-Liston. Llewellyn, M.D. Brussels, .S'^ George, Darlington. Harrison, Arthur William, M.D. Brussels, Jfossley, Manchester. Harrison, Charles Alan, Sturminster.

Harrison, Chas. Joseph, M.D. Lond., G, Su-an-a-tdL, Chelsea, s. w. Harrison, Edward Montague, M.B. Lond., Guy's Hosjntal. s.i» ILarrison, George Alfred, Eltham, New Zealand. Harrison, Gerald Woodforde, Fa ling. ^v. Harrison, Harold Charles, Lincoln.

Eormerly Joues, Evan Harries.



Harrison, Henry Frank Egbert, ShephercVs Bash-green, av.

Harrison, Herbert, 14, Snuthampton-street. w.C.

Harrison, Herbert xNleredith, West Ayton, York.

Harrison, James Herbert Hiig"h, Belize, British Honduras.

Harrison, Louis Kennetii, M.B. Camb., Leicester.

Harrison, Napoleon Augustus Rogers, Madras Army.

Harrison, Percy Booth, WoodciUe, UkUii.

Hari'ison, Reginald Temple, Grahams Ttuvn, Cape Colony.

Harrison, Samuel Ricliavd, 177, Portsdown-road, Maida

Vale. AV. Harrison, Sidney Hope, Norili Walsham. Harrison, Sydney George. Kaiinq. ^\.

Harrison, Thomiis, M.B. New Zeal., 4, Endshigh-gardens. N.w. Harrison, Thomas Smith, Mohberley, CIteslnre. Harrison, Tom Henr^', Betley, Crewe.

Harrison, William, 93, Montgomery-road, Sharrow, Slieffield. Harrison, William John, M.B. Diirh., West Jesmond, Newcastle. Harrison, William Rhodes, Nacal Medical Service. Harrison, William Walter, 8, Waterloo-place, Brighton. Harriss, Stanley Arthur, Indian Medical Service. Harrisson, Alfred Everson, Daventnj, Northampton. Harry, Norman George, M.B. Camb., Evesham. Harston, George Montagu, M.D. Lond., Hong Kong, China. Hart, Arthur Uerberl, M.U. Durh., 55, South-road, Southall. Hart, Bernard, ALB. Loud., Long Grove Asylum, Epsom,

Surrey. Hart, Fredk. Jas., M.D. Toronto, Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Hart, John Hamilton, High-street, Walton.

Hart, Richard Neville, M.D. Camb., King's College Hospital, av.c. Hartil], John Thomas, Willenhall. Hartley, Francis William, Heyivood, Lancashire. Hartley, James Victor, Tsomo, Translcei, Cape Colony. Hartley, John, Darlington. Hartley, Jolin Dawson, Graresend- ' Hartley, Robert Norman, Pemberton, Wigan. Hartley, Walter Dixon, M.B. Lund., Ill, King's-road, Peckham.


Hartnell, Edward Bush, Bridgivater.

Hartridge, Gustavus, 12, Wimpole-street. ^y.

Hart-Smith, Humphry Morshead, M.D. Camb., Brockley, s.e.

Harvey, Alfred Wallace, St. Thoniass Hospital, s.e.

Harvey, Arthur George, M.B. Camb., Wanganui, New Zealand.

lEarvey, Arthur George, M.D. Camb., Wirksworth, Derbyshire.

Harvey, Charles Edward, M.B. Edin., Savanna-la- M or,

Jamaica. Harvey, Charles Walter Cowell, King's Langley. Harvey, Charles William, M.B. Lond., Univ. Coll. Hospital, w.c. Harvey, Christopher ratey, Bridge- street, Witney. Harvey, Frank, Sa-inton, Rotherham. Harvey, Frank Melville, 95, Gordon-7-oad, Ealing. ^Y. Harvey, Frederic, Royal Army Medical Corps.


Harvey, Henry, Health Department, Sjidnen, N.S. W.

Harvey, James, Falsgroce-road, ScarboroiKjIi.

Harvey, John Owen, Wolverton, Bucks.

Harvey, John Owen, M.D., Lend., 55, IToUand-park. "\v.

Harvey, Joseph Frederick, Manchester.

Harvey, Joshua Harold, Wyke Regis., M'ei/mouth.

Harvey, Percival Georfi;-e, M.D. Lond., Monrnoufh.

Harvey, Sidney Frederic, 117a, Queens Gale,S. Keusiugton. s.w.

Harvey, Thomas Reginald, Swinton, Rutherhani.

Harvey, Walter Anstice, M.B. Lond,, Ilohart, Tasmania.

Harvey, William John Saundry, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Harvey, William Yeo, 92, Great Titchfield- street, w.

Harwood, Claud Sebastian van Renen, M.B. Lond., 78, Primrose-

mauKions, L'altersea. s.w. Harwood, Elias Francis, Brugspruit, Middelburg, Transvaal. Harwood-Yarred, William Henry. M.B. Lond., I/igh Wycombe. Haslam, Arthur Charles, M.D. Loud,, SackciUt-road, Hove, Sussex, Haslam, Hy. Cobden, M.B. Canib., Cambridge. Haslam, AVilliam Arthur, Whiston Injirmary, Prescot. "llaslett, William John Ilandfield, Halliford Hou.^e, Sniibury. Haslip, George Ernest. M.D.Brussels, 8, Suffolk-place, s.w. Hassan, S^'ed, M.B. Calcutta, Indian Medical Service. Hassard, Edward Moresby, Royal Army Medical Corps. Hasslacher, Francis Joseph Maria, Bicester. Hastings, Edwin Birchall, M.D. Lond., 415, Mile End-road. e. Hastings, George, x\l.D. Brussels, 14, Old Burlington-street, w. Hastings, John Patrick, M.B. New Zeal., Dunedin. New Zealand. Hastings, Somerville, M.B. Lond., 61, A'eic Cavendish-street, w. Hastings, William Howitt, M.B. Camb., Halton, Lancaster. Hatch, Herbert Lincoln, M.D. Durh., Pinner, Middlesex. Hatfield, Henry Francis, 37, London-road, Forest- fall. s.e. Hatfield, Ronald, M.D. Lond., Bamoldsirick, Yorks. Hatherley, Sidney Oldall, Sicinton, Rotherfiam. Haultain, Charles Selby, M.D. Toronto, Regina. Canada. Hauser, Philip, M.D. Berne, Madrid, Spain. Havard. David, M.D. St. And., Newport, PembrokesJiire. Havell, Charles Graham, M.D. Durh., Felixstowe, Ipswich. Haward, Kenry Horace, M.B. Camb., Castle-North wich, Chesfiire. Haward, John Warrington, 57, Green-street, w. Haward, Walter, M.B. Durham, 55, Priory-road. x. Bawarden, Samuel, Benoni, Transvaal.

Hawes, Colin Sadler, 207, Albion-road, Stoke Newington. N. Hawes, Godfrey Charles Browne, Pangbonme, Reading. Hawke, Edward Drummond Hay, Sfiortlands, Kent. Hawkes, Alfred Ernest Underwood, Liscard, Birfcenhead. Hawkes, Claude Somerville, Brisbane, Queensland. Hawkesworth, Thomas A^'scough, M.B. Lond., Watlingfon,

Oxford. 1875 I Hawkins, Alexander Frederick.

* Formerly Haslett, William John.


Hawkins, Arthur, Xile Boat Company, Cairo.

Hawkins, Charles Louis, M.B. Camb., Bromsgrovp..

Hawkins, Charles Tliomas, Melrose, Caerphilhj, Cardiff.

Hawkins, Edward James, Avoyimouth, Bristol.

Hawkins, William Lawrence, Naval Medical Service.

Hawksworth, Herbert, Wehhpool.

Hawley, Arthur, M.B. Birm., Coventry.

Hawthorn, Frank, M.D. Durh., Neivcasth-on-Tyne.

Hawthorn, Henry William John, Holly Lodge, Wellington^

Salop. Hawthorn, Herbert John, Uitoxeter. Hay, Arthur Ed.i^'ar, Pickering.

Hay, Kenneth Robert, M.B. Camb., 20, St. James-place, s.w. Hay, Malcolm Bell, Kinqston- on- Thames. Hay, William Leslie, Walmer, Kent. Ha3xraft, Guy Fleetwood, 357, New Cross-roal. s.e. Hay den, Arthur Falconer, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service, Hay den, George Alfred Thomas, Eltham, Kent. Hayden, William Gallimore, Farnham.

Haydon, Arthur Georg-e, M.D. Brussels, 23, Henrietta-street, w. Haydon, Frank, Apothecaries' Hall, Water-lane. e.c. Haydon, Hillyard \Vm., M.D. Dnvh., Park-row, Bristol. Haydon, Maurice Willoughby, Naval Medical Service. Haydon, Nathaniel Thomas John, Newton A bbot, Haydon, Thomas Hoi'alio, M.B. Camb., Marlborough. Playdon, Walter Turner, Naval Medical Service. Haij^es, Edwin Claude, Somerset, Hayes, Francis George, Dunster. Hayes, George Constable, Park-square, Leeds. Hayes, George Sullivan Clifford, Royal Army Medical Corps. Hayes, Hawkesley lioche, Basingstoke. Hayes, James, Leigh, Lancashire.

Hayes, Joseph, Nelson, Jfii^amicht, New Brunswick, Canada. Hayes, Lionel Chattock, 11, Dnchess-rd., Edgbaston, Birmingham. Hayes, Reginald Hewlett, 93, Comwall-gdns.^S. Kensington, s.w. Hayford, Ernest James, Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast. Hay lock, Sydney John, Woodland Lodge, Blackheath. s.e. Hayman, George Atkin, 18, Poseleigh-avenue, Highbiwy Barn. n. Hayman, William Speed, M.B. Loud., 121, Stanford-avenue^

Brighton. Haj'ue, Percy Alfred, Insein, Burma. Haynes, Edmund Lyall, Harrogate. Haynes, Edward James x\mbrose. Gunnedah, Australia. Haynes, George vSecretan, M.D. Camb., Cambridge. Haynes, Horace Guy Laukester, Marhfield, Leicester. Haynes, Walter Frederic, Stanstead, Montfichet., Essex. Ha^'ward, Arthur William, Westminster Llosjntal. s.w. Hayward, Charles Wilhams, M.D. Edinb., 117, Grove-streety

Liverpool. Hayward, John Arthur, M.D. Lond., 23, The Grange, Wimbledon

Common, s.w.



ITayward, Milward Cecil, IM.B. Caml)., Ahinndon.

Ilayward, \Villiam Ourling-, M.B. Uurii., Fort Said, Egypt.

Ilazcll, Frederick, iM.B. Loud., Cajtc Town.

Head, Ernest Edward, Ijul<nva//n, lihoileski.

Head, Hubert Turner, Bals/icun, Cambridf/e.

Head, Timothy John, 15!), Edqirare-rodd. \y.

Heahl, Charles Brehmer, Snnt/datid.i, Weijhridge.

Heale, Alfred Lawson, Gisborne, New Zealand.

Heanley, Charles Montague, M.B. Lond., Bacteriological Institute,

Hong Kong. Heap, Edward Fortre}' Georg'e Turiibull, St. Asaph, Flintshire. Heapy, Harold Ernest, M.B. Vict.. Manningham, Bradford. Heard, Geoffrey Richard, 170, Rich'nond-road, Dalston. n.e. Heard, John, 3U0, Lnrdsln'p-lane, East Dniwick. s.E. Heard, Wm. Nevill, M.B. Camb.. Hove, Sussex. Hearn, Edward Michael Wai., Naval Medical Service. Hearn, Richard Stirke Flemyinp;, Enfield. Hearnden, Erncsr Morgan, Sntfon, Surrey. Ilearndon, Hamilton, St. Ives, Hunts. Heasmaii, Frank, Bnscombe, Bournonouth. Heasman, "William Gratwicke, Wokingham. Heasmcn, Herbert Wilks, 40, .V el fort-road, Norbury, s.w. Heath, Arthur, AL.U. Lond., Normanton-road, Derby. Heath, Francis Harold Rodier, Wcyvwuth. Heath, James Glover, W'inburg, Orange Hirer Colony. Heath, Philip Maynard, M.B. Lond., 5, Devonshire-street, w. Heather, Lewis Daniel, Hay, Breconshire. Heaton, Alan Baldwin, 88, St. Janies's-street. s.av. Hcaton, Arthur Frederick, ]\fahnesbury.

Heaton, Charles James, M.D. Bi'ussels, Westgate-on-Sea, Kent. Heaton, Georg'e, 47, Newliall-street, Birmingltam. Heaven, John Cookesley, Clifton^ Bristol. Hebb, Frederic Theodore,' 70, Oakley-street, s.w. Hebbert, Robei't Francis, 95, Lambeth Palace-road. s.E. Hebblethwaite, Alfred George, Keighley. Hebblethwaite, Septimus Montague, M.D. Lond., Cheltenham. Heberden, George Alfred, Barkley West, Cape Colony. Ileberden, AVilliam Stanley, Sabakwe, lihodena, S. Africa. Hebert, Paul Zotique, M.D. McGill, 14, York-jilace, Portman-

sqnare. w. Hedden, Richard, Tloniton.

Hedges. Charles Edward, M.D. Camb., Mayfield, Sussex. Heekes, John AVilliam, 72, Station-road, Barnes, s.w. Heelis, Robert, M.D. Durh., Lenton, Nottingham. Heffernau, Harold Hilton, Warminster.

Heffernan, William Hilton, 59, Arthur-road, Wimbledon, s.w. Heggs, Francis Raymond Mitchell, Venfnor. Heinemann, William, Orange, New South Wales. Heiser, Arthur Lewis, Eastbourne.

Helby, Ernest Hasler, 4, Du Cane-road, Wormwood Scruhbs. w. Helc, John Warwick, 11, Portland-square, Carlisle.



1906 Hele, Thomas Shirley, M.B. Camb., 1 1, Portland-square, Carlisle.

1907 Hellyer. William Woodtnason, Port Talbot.

1887 Helshara, Iluo-h Paul, Beccles, Svffolk.

1888 Ilelsham, William JMacdonald, Richmond, New South Wales.

1891 Hemingway, John, 51, Prince's-7-oad, Wimbledon. s.A7. ,, Hemming', Charles Harold, Brighton.

1892 Hemsted, Edmund Spencer, Kintbury, Berkshire. 1899 Hemsted, Henry, M.D. Brnssels, Christdiurch, Hants.

1893 Hemsted, Rustat Henry, M.D. Brussels, Marazion, Penzance. 1879 Henderson, Cecil, Madras Army.

1902 Henderson, Frederic Louis, New Bushey, Herts. 1907 Henderson, Henry John, M.B. Lond., Amersham. 1887 Henderson, James Threapland, Wibscy.

1898 Henderson, John Hunter, Auburn, Melbourne, Australia.

1895 Henderson, Robert, 254, London-road, Croijdon.

1904 Henderson, Thomas Bonhote, M.B., Oxf., '2S, Walpole-street,

Sloane-square. s."\v.

1894 Henderson, William Douglas, Somerville-road, Bristol.

1899 Henderson, William Savile, M.D. Liverp., 7(J, Rodney-street, I Liverpool.

1869 I Hendley, Thomas WcAham. Indian Jlfedical Service.

1887 Hendle}^, Arthui- Gervase, Indian Medical Service.

1893 Henley, Walter Farrar, Leadr/ate, Co. Durham.

1896 Henly, Albert William, Bromley, Kent.

1889 Hcnniker, John Granville, Catcoft^ Bridgwater,

1890 Henning, Thomas Irwin. 90, Ilill-streef, Newry, Ireland.

1892 Henry, Edwin, Wingham, Kent.

1893 Henry, Gordon George William, Minchead, Somerset.

1878 Henry, Louis, M.D. Wiirzburg, Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.

1892 ILenry, Robert, 42, BelUne-road, Southampton.

1905 Henry, Sydney Alexander, l,IIarcourt-bldgs., Inn^r Temple, e.c. 1885 Hem\y, \Villiam George, JNE.D. McGill, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

1897 Henshaw, Harr}^ AVilliams, 1, Priory-terrace, Ke.w.

1899 Henshaw, William Alfred, Leicester-terrace , Northampton. 1890 Henshaw, William Henry, 30, Swan-street, Manchester.

1907 Hensler, Oscar Henri, M.D. Strass, Lei/sin, Vaud, Switzerland.

1896 Henson, William Warner, Impendhle, Natal.

1890 Henstock, John Lea, Valparaiso, Chili.

1905 Henton, Albert Ernest, East-hill-road., Wandsworth, s.w.

1&S6 Hentsch, George Frederick, 36, Hayter-road, Brixton, s.av.

1880 Henty, S3'dney Haviland, 302, Camden-road., Holloway. n.

1904 Hepburi], Fi'ederick Charles, Southern Nigeria.

1892 Hepburn, Malcolm Langton, M. D. Lond., 1 1 , Upper Wimpole-st. av.

1900 Hepper, Evel^ai Charles, Indian Medical Service. 1895 Heptinstall, Robert Hollings, Hitchin.

1892 Hepton, John Cussons, Waterloo, Liverpool.

1903 Hepworth, Frank Arthur, M.B. Camb., WoodHeld House, Dewsbury.

1894 Hepworth, John, Penmon, Beaumaris, Anglesey.

1907 Herapath, Charles Edward Kynaston, M.B. Lond., 12, Brunswick- square, Bristol.

1889 Herbert, Cliarles Henry, New Hanover, Natal.



Herbert, George Ileywoo'l, Uttoxeter, Staffs.

Uerbert, Herbert, Indian Medical Service.

Herbert, Salomon, M.D.Vienna,! 74, C//ea/AaHi-/K7/-r J., Manchester.

Herbert, Sidney.

Herbert, Thomas, Asylum, Fulford, York.

tlerbert, William, Foulsham, Norfolk.

ner(;foril, Charles Francis Alexander, Kingston-on-Thames.

Herklots, Gerard Andreas, Vicarage., Eton-road. N.w.

Hern, George, 7, Stratford-place. AV.

Heron, George Henry, 131, Ilall-lane, Liverpool.

Heron, Geoi-ge Wykeham. 2io>/al Army Medical Corps.

Herring, Edward Ken, West Maitland, New South Wales.

lierrington, Edmund William, 18, Lorrimore-sq., Ktnnington. s.E.

Hertslet, Lewis Eccles, Escourt, Natal.

Heseltine, Veriier George, Adelaide, Suuth Australia.

Heslop, James Willie, M.B. Durh., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Hessey, James Dodson, Hastings.

Hetherington, George Haynes, M.D. Durh., Clifton, Bristol.

Hetheringt on, Vernon, M.B. Loud., Wokingham.

Hett, Geoffrey Seccombe, M.B. Lond., 45, Queen Anne-it. v,\

Hewan, John, Cinnamaru Jorhdt, Upper Assam, India.

Hewavitarna, Charles Alwis, Co/petty, Ceylon.

Hewer, Alfred Earushaw,M.B. Camb., Blackall, Queensland.

Hewer, Cecil Mackenzie, Tarporley, Cheshire.

Hewer, Edward Septimus Earnshaw, Stratford-on-Avon.

Hewetson, Alfred, Falsgrave, Scurhorough.

Hewetson, Henry, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hewetson, John Thomas, M.D, Ediub., 89, Cornicall-st.,

Birmingham. Hewett, Frederick Stanley, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas' IIosp. s.E. Hewitson, John George, M.B. Lond., Newcaslle-on-Tyne. Hewitt, H'lrry Edward., M.D. Lond., Medical Dept., General Post

Office. E.G. Hewitt, Julius AVinch, 85, Lamleth Palace-road. s.E, Hewitt, William,

Hewlett, Clarence William, Cedros, Trinidad, W. Indies. He}', Charles Edward Milues, 158, Leadenhall-street. e,c. He}', Harold Darwin, Faringdon. Hey, Samuel, Ripon. Hey, Wilson Harold, M.B. Vict., Colne. Heygate, Reginald Beaumont, Billinghurst, Sussex. Heywood, Thomas, M.D. Chile, Chile. Heywood, Wm. Benjamin, M.D. Camb., Newhury. Hey worth, George Alexander Frederick, Sefton, Liverpool. Hibbert, Joseph Coote, M.D. Lond., Warrington. Hibbert, \\'ilfrid Lawience, b\,Bovill-road, Honor Oak-park. s.E. Hichens, William, Redruth, Cornwall. Hick, Herbeit Edward, Volksrvst, Transvaal. Hick, Reginald HeberProwde, 51, /S7. Georges-terrace, Macclesfield.

* Formerly Halberich, Salomon,


Hickey, Cai^l Cornelius, Clifton-terrace, Kilkee^ Co. Clare. Hickinbotham, James Rylaud, M.B. Loud., Carnarvon, W.

Australia. Hickley, Arthur Mackenzie, 259, South Lamheth-road. s.e. nickman, Henry Richard Belcher, M.B. Oxf., 5, Harley-street. w. Hickman, Herbert Vigers, M.B. Lond., The Mall, Wanstcad. n.e. Hickman. John Edwin, Brislington, Bristol. Hicks, (Charles Edward, Huntingdon. Hicks, Edward Buller, Easingw<dd, York. Hicks, Edward James, 149, Amhurst-road. k.e. Hicks, Philip, M.D. Camb., Leamington. Hicks, Robert Grieve, Ramsgate.

Hicks, Thomas Rog^er Cardew Hays, Wenham Priory., Colchester. Hicks, Thomas William, M.D. Lond., East Finchley. n. Hig-g-ens, Charles, 52, Brook-stieet. "W. Higgens, Oakley Elford, 135, Homsey-road. n. Higg'ins, Alexander Georg-e. Neivent. Higgins, Hubert, Varese, Coma, Italy. Higg'ins, James Gilkison, Vancouver-road, Catford. s.e. Higgins, Patrick Charles, Tower Hamlets Dispetisary, Stepney, e. Higgms, Tom Shadick, M.B. Lond., Gray's, Essex. Hig-gins, Thomas Twistington, M.B. Vict., Congleton, Cheshire. Higgins, William Robert, Louth. Higg-inson, Charles Gaskell, Edgbnston, Birmingham. Hig'ginson, George, Church Stretton, Salop. Higginsou, John Wigmore, Hayes, Middlesex. Higgs, Ernest William Mules, 88, James-street, Oxford. Higgs, Walter Alpheus, Chippenham. Higham, Bernard. M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Hignett, Lionel Watson, M.B. Ediub., Northwood, Middlesex. Higson, Thomas, 87, Preston New-road, Blackburn. Hill, Alfred William, Adelaide, South Australia. Hill, Arthur Croft, M.D. Camb., 169, Cromwell-road. s.w. Hill, Charles Alexander, M.B. Camb., 13, Rodney-st., Liverpool. Hill, Edward Falkner, ^L^.y^\ct.,Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. Hill, Ernest, Pietermaritzhurg, Natal. Hill, Ernest Gardiner, Morley Hall, Wymondham. Hill. George Leonard, M.B. Birm., Acock' s-green., Birmingham. Hill, Hedle3% M.D. Durh., Rede life-hill, Bristol. Hill, Horace Brvden, M.B. Lond., Nacal Medical Service. Hill. John, 17, Via Principe Umberto, Milan, Italy. Hill, John de Vere, 34, Wesley-street, Liverj^ool. Hill, Leonard Erskine, M.B. Lond., O.S. 1905, Ex. 1902-0.3,

04, 05, Loughton, Ef^sex. Hill, Leopold George, 202, Green-lanes, Finsbury Park. K. Hill, Ludovic, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. Hill, Nelson AVood, Poplar Hospital. E.

Hill, Reginald Augustus I^owder, Worple-road, Wimbledon, s.w. Hill, Richard Athelstane Parker, xM.B. Camb., Pekin, China. Hill, Richard Chambers, M.D. McGill, Great Falls, Montana^


N 2






Hill, Robert, M.V.O., Naval Medical Service.

Hill, Walter de Mardiot, 10, Rii.^seU-ftjiKtre. av.c.

Hill, Walter Ileiuy I'hilip, M.i). Mdiill, Montreal, Canada.

Hill, WaltiT James, Clevcdon, Somerset.

Hill, William, M.IJ. Caiiib.,' Li/nconihe, Bath. *Ilill-\Vils()n, Arthur Edward, oO, Sfdvijord Brook-road. w.

llillahy, Arthur, Ponte.Jract.

Hillianl, Harvey, 30, Wi/foii-phire. H.w.

Hilliaid, Henry Charles, M.I). Loud., BletcJiinf/Je>/, Red Hill.

Hillier, iioix'rt John, 1)87, Ifdrtshill-road, St.(>/:e-on-2\ent.

lliliier, NVilliani Thomas. Broin/ei/. Kent.

Hills, William Charles Dillon, Upwell, Wishec/i.

Hills, William Ernest, 25, C/inrch-7-oiv, Jfa/npsiead. N.w.

Hillyer, William Heiny, M.D. Durh., Juist Grinstead.

Hind, Alfred Ernest, Jersei/.

Hinde, Alfred Buckley, lioi/al Army Medical Corps.

Hinde, Ernest Bertram, Northern Ilospital, Ilollowaij-road.

Hinde, William Cathcart, Treherbert, Claniorr/anshire.

Ilindley, Godfrey John Douglas, M.B. Oxf., 794, road. s.AV.

Hinds, Herbert Austen, Charthnm, Kent.

Hinds, Thomas Walter, M.D. Lond., Bcxlcy, Kent. fHine, Alfred Ernest Bairatt, Ci'iannouth, Dorset.

Hiiie, iVtfred Leonard, M.D. Lond., Ilarpenden.

Hine, Henr}^ Farnham. Surrey.

Hiiie, Hug-h Eitz-Neville, M.B. Lond., Newark-on-Trent.

Hine, Montag-ue Leonard, M.B. Lond., Ilarpenden.

Hing'e, Henry Alexander, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hiugston, Clayton Alexander Francis, Indian Medical Service.

Hingscou, Donald Alexander, M.D. Laval, 3fo)itreal, Canada.

Hing-ston, James Clarence Jjedeatt, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hingston, Richard, Liskeard.

Hiugston, William Perceval, Naval Medical Service.

Hinks, Alfred Grosvenor, M.B. Durh., Soutkend-on-Sea.

Hipwell, Harry, M.D. Brussels,, Banbury.

Hird, Alfred Ernest Wilson, Norton House. Coventry.

Hird, Frederick Robert, Ridyeway Lodge, Wimbledon. S-NV.

Hird, Robert Beatson Dennis, M.D. Birm., The Leys, Bletcliley.

Hiron, William Nathaniel, Buenos Ayres.

Hirsch, Charles Theodore William, Rectory-place, Woolwich.

Hirsch, Leonaid, Indian Medical Service.

Hirst, Geoffrey (rratrix, Indian Medical Service.

Hirst, Leonard Fabian, M.D. Lond., 248, Victoria-park-road. n.e.

Hislop, Walter John Henry, 59, Andiurst-road, Hackney. K.t:.

Hitch, Frederick, Perth, West Australia.

ILitch, Frederick George, M.B. Lond., Iliyh-street, Ware.

Hitchcock, Frank Norman S[)urrell, M.B. Lond., Dispensary, Water-lane, Brixton, s.AV.

Hitclilield, Alfred Reg-inald, Arthur s-hill, j\ eivcastle-on-Ty ne.

* Formerly Wilson, Arthur Edward.

t Formerly Hine. Alfred Ernest,



Hitcliiiig'S. Robert, Ojfnrd.

Hitchins, Frederick Charles, Sf. Anslell.

Hitchius, Thomas Jolms, Broad/le/d, Crawley.

Hitchon, Henr^' Jlardacre Irvhig-, Jleywood, Jfancheater.

Hour, Chas. Desambler, Dover.

Hoar, Charles Edward, ^f.D. Lond., Makhtoiie.

Hoar, James Edward, Roijal Ann// Medical Corps.

Hoare, Edwin Stanley, 17, Lupus-street, s.w.

Hoare, William Wallis, M.D. Brussels, J/ac.^-ay, Queensland.

Hobart, ^Sathaaiel Heiny, M.B. Camb., South Mall, Cork.

Hobbs, Albert Remington, M.D. Brussels, Colder s Green, n.w.

Hobbs, Edward Coomber, Colder s Green, n.av.

Hobbs, Frederick William, 29, Randidph-crescent. w.

Hobbs, Roland Angiistus, 29, Randolpk-cre.^cent, Maida Vale. AV.

Hobday, James, M.B. Camb., Muswell Hill. n.

Hobson, Hugh Geoi-ge, 21, //o////;'//'""rue-^a/'(?e'i.?, W. F.alinrj. w.

Hobsou, John Morrison, M.D. Edinb., Morland-road., Cro//don.

Hocken, James Pre^tou, M.D. Brussels, Wallsend., Newcastle,

Hodder-Williams, Frank Garfield, M.B. Lond., 8G, College- street, Calcutta, India.

Hodge, Albert, Farnworth, Bolton.

Hodge, Edward Ilumfrey Vere, Stamford.

Hodge, Reginald Felix Vere, M.B. Camb., Woodford Green, Essex.

Hodges, Aubrey Dallas Percival, M.D. Lond., Uganda.

Hodges, George Montague Williams, M.B. Loud., Deddington, Oxford.

Hodges, George William Cecil, Cleohury North, Bridgnorth.

Hodges, Herbert CI lamney, Watton, Hertford.

Hodges, William Cliff, 1, Queens-villas, Chingford, Essex.

Hodgetts, Charles Alfred, M.D. Toronto, 189, College-street, Toronto, Canada.

Hodgins, Emerson Le Roy, M.B. Toronto, Hotel Coburn, Endslei'/h-gardens. N.w.

Hodgins, Walter William. M.D. Durh., 108, Fortess-road. N.w.

Hodgkins, Albert Edward, Sce.tcliford, Birmingham.

Hodgson, Charles, Strealham. s.w.

Hodgson, Cortes Rawsthorne, M.D. Lond., Sgdney, N.S.W.

Hodgson, Eruest Charles, Indian Medical Service.

Hodgson, George Goodfellow, Chertsey, Surrey.

Hodgson, Harold, M.B. Lond., Alresford, Hants.

Hodgson, Harold Wesr, 3, Albert-terrace, Bedford.

Hodgson, Jolui Edward, Itoyal Army Medical Corps.

Hodgson, Robert Eiiward, iJigbys, Heavitree, Exeter.

Hodgson, Stauley, M.D. Lond., Crescent, Salford, Manchester.

Hodgson, Victor James, WesicliJfe-on-Sea.

Hodgson, William Hammond, I'oultun-le-Fyldc, Preston.

Hods(m, John Ernest, Priest's Mere, Tedworth. Surrey.

Hodson, Thomas George Smith, M.D. Durh., Buxton.

Hoffman, Aua:. Wm. Westinghauseu, 54, Brook-street, ^y.


Iloffmeister, Cyril John Roby, Ramsgate. Iloffineister, Henry Edgar William, M.B. Camb., East Coiccs. Iloffmeister William, iVI.V.U., ]\I.D. Heidelberg, Coiven. Hogan, Cyril Evelyn, 4, He<ith Ifitrsf-road, Ilampsteod. n."\v. Hogan, Edward Vincent, Weyinouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Hogan, James Joseph, 18, Upper lied ford-place., liusseli-sq. "nv.c. Hogarth, Archibald Henry, M.B. Oxf., Toi/nbce Hall. e. Hogarth, Bertram Whewell, M.l). Lond., Morecamhe. Hogarth, Christopher VVheweli, 12, Woolwich-road. s.e. Hogarth, Frederick Whewell, M.B. Lond., Cross Copp., More- camhe. Hogarth, Robert George, 60, The Ropewalk\ Nottingham. Hogg, Ernest Henry, Bridi/watn: Hogg, Frederick Stapleton Dicice}', liichnansiiwrth. Hogg, John Augustus, Shardloit\ Derby. Hogg, Robert Henrj-, 61, Albert -street, Regents Park. N.w. Hog'g, William John, Lansdown-road, Belfast. Holberton,Hy.Nelson,M.D.Durh., E. Molesey, Kingston-nn-Thames'. Holburn, Claud Anthony, Great Stauidon., Ferry Hill, Durham. Holden, George Herbert Hose, M.U. Camb., 7?e<<f/rn<7. Holder, Sidney Erriest, University College Hospital. Av.c. Holderness, John Cautley, Longwood., Huddersjjeld. Holdsworth, Charles Dyson, M.D. Lond., Wilmsloiv, Cheshire. Plole, Kenneth Hill, M.B. Lond., Haslar Hospital, Portsmouth. Holford, Christopher Tredwell, Bnrton-on-Trent. Holford, Walter Stanlej", Sutton, Surrey.

Holgate, Maurice James. M.B. Lond., .\fetropolitan Hospital, n.e. HoU, Francis Plarold, 51, Lambeth Palace-road. s.e. Holland, Charles Thnrstan, 4^, Rodney-street., Liverpool. Holland, P]dmund Bui'ke, 1, Park Mansions, St. Johns Wood. N.w. Holland, Edward Wilmot, Chelmsford. Holland, P'dward Torriano, Chel:<ea Infirmary, s.w. ^Holland, Henry Huuwink, M.B. Lond., Hendon. n.av. Holland, William Algernon Louis, Hosp., Erdington, Birmingham. Hollander, Bernard, M.D. Freiburg, ooa, Welbeck-street. AV. Hollick, Bernard Septimus, Si urminster- Newton, Dorset. Hollick, Hubert Ilarrj', Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Hollick, John Orton, M.B. Durh., Knowle, Birmingham. Holliday, AVilliam Henr^', oM.B. Loud., Gildersome, Leeds. Holliugs, Edwin Thomas, 182, Jamaica-road. s.e. HoUings, Guy Bertram, M.D. Edinb., 22, Endsleigh-gardens. x.w. Hollis, Herbert Stanley, M.B. Loud., 1, Palmeira-avenue, Hove,

Brighton. Hollisr, Gerald W^etherell Capron, Maidenhead. Holloway, Samuel Frederick, IVie Arenne, Bedford-jmrk. av. Holman, Charles Colgate, M.B. Camb., Adenbrooke Hospital,

Cambridge. Holman, Frank Kay, M.D. Durh., 60, Eton-avenne. n.av. Holman, Georg'e, 7, Lahurnam-gi-ove., Moseley, Birmingham.

* Formerly Houwink, Hendrik.


Holman, Ileniy James, ITardwick-road, Easthonrne.

Holme, Crampton Whituker, llipleti, Derby.

Holmes, Bernai-d Willoughby, Bocking, Brahitree.

Holmes, Charles Denton, Xea-biirn-on-Ti/ne.

Holmes, James Willie, 67, Fhilip's-road, Slieffie/d.

Holmes, John, Louis-street, Leeds.

Holmes, Willmot, Poiitekind, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Holroyd, Benjamin, Ocit/ands, Harrogate.

Holroyd, Gilbert, Indian Medical Service.

Holi'o_) de, Gerald, 25, Sari/e-park, Halifax.

Hoist, Otto Leonard, Upperton-gardens, Eastbourne.

Holt, Arthnr Kriig-ht, M.D. Dnrh., Henfield, Sussex.

Holt, George Frederick, Miuchinliampton.

Holt, John Lupton, Stoncferry, Hull.

Holtby, Kichaid, M.B. Lond., Uillericay, Essex.

Holthusen, Alan NVm., M.H. Lond., Forest Gate., Essex.

Hultom, Ernest Charles, 23, Junction-road. Beading.

Holton, George Waddington, Elland, Yorkshire.

Holyoake, Ernest William, M.B, fiOnd., 2, Tower-street, Leicester,

Elolyoake, Hubert, Naval Medical Service.

Homan, George William, Licltjield.

Home, Alfred Lucette, ^I, B, Lond., 6, Church-sf.. Saffron Walden.

Home, Frederick Christian Henry, Tarrington, Hereford.

Home, John Aiinistcad, 2, Kew Gardens-road, Surrey.

IJoney, Thomas Edward, M.D. Diirh,, Stoke, Devonport.

Honeybourne, Victor Cj'ril, M.B. Camb., Royal Army Medical

Corps. Honsberger, Jerome, Berlin, Ontario, Canada. Hood, Basil, 7, Nuttingham Terrace, at. Hood, Eric Crichton, i\LB. Ijond., Eldermcrc., Hhley. Hood, b'rederick Colton, M, D. Toronto, roro/tio, Ontario, Canada. Hood, Tnomas, Crowborough, Sussex.

Hooker, Alfred Wyatt, M.B, Lond., Futsham. Canton, China. Hooker, Edward Miles Coverdale, Seafn-d, Sussex. Hooper, Arthur Winsmore, D.S.O., Royal Army Medical Corps. Hooper, Geo. Henr}' James, M.D. Lond., Sutton, Surrey. Hooper, Henry Walpole, Souldem, Sevenoaks. Hooper, Lionel Swinton, 143, Westcombe-hill, Blackheath. s.E. Hoople, Edwin Maidey, ^[. B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Hooton, Alfred, Indian. Jfedical Service. Hooton, William Arthur, G, Aytoun-street, Manchester. Hope, Charles William Menelaus, M.B. Durli., Jesmond, Xew-

castle-on-Tyne. Hope, Edward Cuthbertson. Winton, Queensland. Hope, Edward Wm., ^[.D. Kdinb., Municipal Offices, Liverpool. Hope, George, Beaconsfeld House, Uxbridge-road, Hanivell. AV. Hope, Hubert Lindsaj^ Curling, Guildford. Hope, John Lamplugh Allen, Addlesfone. Hope, Percy l^ake, GO, Moutpelier-road, Brighton. Hope, Walter Bayard, Caversham, Reading. Hopewell, Samuel Prince, Water-lane, Brixton. s.AV,



Ilopkin, Ricliard, TAangadock^ Carmarthen.iJiire. Hopkins, Charles Ileiisley, I'oi/al Army Medical Corps. Hopkins, George Herbert, North Quay, Brisbane, Queensland, Hopkins, AValter Donald, 67, Mount Park-road. Ealing, w. Hopkins, Walter Kempson, Naval Medical Service. Hopkins. William Georg'e, 24, Warrin/jton-cres., Maida Vale, vr, Hopkinson, Kmilius, M.Ji. Uxf., 45,, Brifjliton. Hopper, Aitlmr Kicliard, M.D. Durli., (53, Rodney-street, LiverpooL Ho])ton, Kal|)li, M.D. Lond., Brudenall-ioad, Leeds. Hnpwood, Jo.-eph .Staidey, Crej/ield-road, Colchester. Uora, Julian, M.B. Lond., 3, Maple-road, Birnnngham. Hore, Elrnest Wickham, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Hore, Harry George Standisli, Iiuyal Army Medical Corps. Hurley, Richanl Rothwell, Naval Medical Service. Hornuisji, Sorab Cowasji, M.D. Brussels, Bombai/, India. Horn, Andrew Ferguson, M.B. Lond., GO, Lord-street, Southport, Horn, Arthur Edwin, ^LD. Lond., Perry-vale. Forest-hill. s.e. Horuabrook, Rupert Walter, M.B. Adelaide, Adelaide, S.

Australia. Home, Harold Forster, M.D. Camb., The Poplars, Barnsley. Home, Maynard, M.B. Camb., 37, Nottin/paun Place, ^v. Horner, Charles Julian, M.D. Durh., Walthamstoiv. n.e, Horner, Norman Gerald, 20, Norlund-s'jiuwe. vr. Horner, Win. Ernest L., M.D. Loud., Wolstantnn, Stoke-on- Trent. Horrocks, Herbert, M.D. Lend., Capri, Italy. Horrocks, John Ernest, Talhrook Villa, Liverpool. Horseman, Frederick, Whitley Bay. Northumberland. Horsfield, William, Newzastle-on-Tyne. Hort, Fredeiick Aylmer, ^LB. Montpellier, Nice, France. Horton, James Henry, ^LB. Lond., Indian Afedical Service. Horton, Thomas, M.D. Durh., Castle-road, Torquay. Horton, Walter Hartland, Chasetoivn, Walsall. *Horwich, David, P.O. Box 503, Johannesburg. Hosegood, Samuel Price, North Walsham. Hosi'ord, Alfred Stroud, Eastern-road, East Finchley. n. Hosford, Arthur Holloway, Chapeltoivn-road, Leeds. Hosford, John Stroud, 33, St. J ames -place, s.w. Hosken, James Gerald Fayrer, Estado de Minas, Brazil. Hoskin, Theophilus, 1, Amhurst-park^ Hackney, n.e. Hosking, John Edward Francis, Deliniquia, N.S. W. Hoskyu, Charles Reginald, M.B. Loud., St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital. E.C. HosKyn, Donald Templeton, M.B. Lond., Naval Med. Service. Hotchkis, Robert Dunmoie, M.D. Durh., Mid-Dykebar, Paisley. Hotop, Francis Rudolph, M.B. New Zealand, Evelina IIosp. s.E. Houfton, Ernest Henry, M.D. Lond., Mansfield. 4

Houghton, Leonard Frank, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Houghtou, Murtaugb James, Ilford, Essex.

* Formerly Horwitch, David.



Ilong-bton, Xorris Norman Allen, M.D. Loncl., 23, Woodstock- road, Croi/do)i.

Iloug-liton, Philip Arthur, Lindfield, Ilayward's Heath.

Hoiilbrook, William Edward, Bradicell, Derhyslnre.

Hoiilgrave, Auo-ustiue, <S'/. George s-rond, Waterloo, Liverpool,

Iloulton, Jose Leig-htou, Elmdon, Richmond-road, New Burnett

Houusficld, Sydney Coupland, Stowrnarket, Sujfotk.

House, Frederick Maurice, Katanning, W. Australia.

n(^usman, Basil William, Tardebridge, Bromsgrove.

lloveuden, Arthur Cecil, M.P>. Lond., East Sheen, s.w.

Ilovenden, Gerald Stanley, M.D. Loud., Churcli-rd., Barnes. s.AV.

Howard, Arthur Dashwood, M. U. Brussels, Fairlight, Hampton- Itill, Middlesex.

Howard, Arthur Ht^nry Howard. //aZ*^m:Z Grove, Lee, Kent. s.E-

Howard, Arthur Walters, s;'., Queen- street, Maidenhead.

Howard, Charles Reg-inald. M.D. Camb., Selston, Notts.

Howard, Ernest Henry, M.B. New Zeal., Murchison, Kelson,. New Zealand.

Howard, Heatou Clark, 281, Ctapham-road. s.w.

Howard, James, GO, Great Korhnrg -street, Hyde.

Howard, John Alexander, M.D. Lond., Upper Norwood. s.E.

Howard, Joseph Louis, M.D. Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco,

Howard, Robert Jared Bliss, M.D. McGili, Montreal Canada.

Howard, Vincent, Buckingham.

Howard, William Heiiry, 636, Green-lanes, Hornsey. n.

Howarth. Walter Goldie, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas's Hospital. s.E.

Howat, Robert King", M.B. Glasg-., Middlesbrough.

Howden, Charles Ernest, 33, Buxton-road, Chingford.

Howell, Alfred, M.D. Lond., Roath Park, Cardiff.

Howell, A.rthur Henr\', Naval Medical Service.

Howell, Francis Musgrave, M.B. Loud., Bahbacombe-roadf Torquay.

Howell, Frederick Duke Gwynne, Lloyal Army Medical Corps.

Howell, Hector Lionel, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Howell, James Bonnell, Asylum, Hauweil. w.

Howell, John, M.B. Lond., Chelteuham.

Howell, Robert Edward, M.B. Kdinb., Middlesbrough.

Howell, Thomas Arthur Ives, 59, Upp. Fdchmond-road. s.-w.

Howell, Trevor, Bamsley, Yorks.

Howells, Howell Tylford, 29, Delaware-mansions, Afaida Vale. w.

Howelis. Jeukin, M.D. Brussels, Bridgend, South Wales.

Howells, John, Trimsaran, Kidwelly, South Wales.

Howes, Frank Charles Plumptre, M.D. Edinb., Lincoln.

Howev, Bichard, M.B. Toronto. Owen Sound.^ Canada.

Howitt, Alfred Bake well, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas's Hosjntal. s.e.

Howiit, Henry Orton, 235, Woolwiclt-sired, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Howitt, Joseph Henry, Lyme Regis, Hough Green, Chester.

Howitt, William Adling-ton, 54, Goldsmith-street, Nottingham,

Howkins, C3"ril Henry, 83a, Edmund-street, Birmingha. n.

Howlett, Bernard Featherstone, Kingston-on-Thames.


Ilowlctt, Edmund ITeniy, ITull.

Ilowse, Alfred Oswald, Manninrj River, New South Wales.

Howse, Cyril Beresford, Theale, Reading.

Howse, Neville Kefi,iiiald, V.C, Ovnnr/p, New South Wales.

Ilowse, Percy William McDowall, 17, Castle-street. Reading.

Hoylaiid, Staidey Stenton, M.D. Durh., 10, Musewn-street, Ipswich.

Ho^'le, James Colling-s, MB, Diirh., Upham. Hants.

Hoyle, JoIhi, Brier/ield, Burnley.

Iloysted, Ijionel N(Mt(>n, Camperdown, Victoria, Australia.

Hoyten, William James, Longsiglif, Manchester.

Hubbard, A<lriaii Russell Fortescue, 83, Devonshire-street, Higher Brougliton, Manchester.

Hubbard, Arthur John, ]\I.D, Durh., 5, Ravznsbonrne-gardens, W. FAiling. w.

Hubbard, Walter Lovett. M.D. Brussels, Edenhridge.

Hubert, William Ailhur. Bil/inghurst, Sussex.

Huckle, Arthur Henry Headley, Hastings.

Hudleston, Wilfrid Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hudson, Arthur, Dawlish.

Hudson, Arthui- Byrn, Cobham, Surrey.

Hudson, Arthur Cyril, M.D. Canih., 73, Lambeth Palace-rd. s.E.

Hudson, Aug"ustine Hem-y, 02, Groflon-road, North Plaistoiv. e.

Hudson, Charles Tilson, Indian Medical Service.

Hudson, Corrie, Indian Medical Service.

Hudson, Edmund, 154, King's-road, Chelsea, s.w.

Hudson, Frank Horace, 12, Water-lane, Brixton, s.w.

Hudson, Henry, BIyth, Northumberland.

Hudson, Henry, 215, Great Chathani-sireet, W. Higher Brough- ton, Maiiiliester.

Hudson, John Samuel, M.D. Brussels, Rickmansworth.

Hudson, Theodore Joseph, M.D. Durh., Leeds.

Huelin, Lewis William, 2, Parkside, Jersey.

Hiig-<>ins, Godfrey Martin, Sibertsico/d, Berkhamsted.

Huggins, Sydney Penrose, M.D. Loud., 114, Lower Richmond- road, s.w.

Hug'hes, Burioughes Maurice, Wymondham.

Hughes, Basil, High-street, Bushey, Herts.

Hughes, Cecil Hugh JVlyddehoii, M.B. Lond., 44, Wclbeck- street, w.

Hughes, David Ai'thur, Ammanford, Carmarthen.

Hughes, David Morgan, M.B. Lond., Blackwood, Mon.

Hughes, Edgar Alfred, 12, Welbeck-street. w.

Hughes, Edmund Octavius, 14, Falkner-street, lAverpool.

Hughes, Edward Lucas, 14, Palkner-sti-eet, Liverpool.

Hughes. Edward Pierce Llewellyn, 23, Sinclair-road, Kensing- ton, w.

Hughes, Ernest Cranmer, 4, St. Thoma^^s-street. s.e.

Hughes, Ernest Theodore Cobbett, Richmond, Surrey.

Hughes, Ernest William Shaw, Danecourt, Halifax.

Hughes, Frank Fercival, M.B. Lend., Asylum, Arlesey, Hitcki/i.



Hughes, Geoffrey Wallace Graing-er, RoifcilAnny ^^cdica/ Corps.

Hug-hes,Georg-e Osborne, 22. Ocerst7-and Mansions, Battersea. s.w.

Hug-hes, Gerald Stepheu, MB. Lond., 110, Bootliam, York.

Hag-hes, Guy, jMacclesfielJ, Cheshire.

Hughes, Heur}' Spencer, Galea House, Birmingham.

Huglies, Hugh, Fenrhipi Deudraeth, N. Wales.

Hughes, James Bradley, Bethesda.

Hughes, John Biierley, Roe-street House, Jfacclesjield.

Hughes, John Douglas, Naval Medical Service.

Hughes, John Howl, Ombersle;/., Droiticich.

Hughes, Leslie Edward, G5, Ih/er-street, Circnce!<ter.

Hughes, Norman Alexander Aylmer, Calvcrb-y, Leeds.

Hughes, Reginald Hugh St. Bernard Ellis, Naval Medical Service.

Hughes, Robert, M.B. Lond, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent.

Hughes, Robert. Naval Me'lical Service.

Hughes, Robert Thomas, Birkenhead.

Hughes, Samuel Henry, Macquarie-st., Sydney^ New South Wales.

Hughes, Sidney, King\s-7-oad, Clapham-park. s.w.

Hughes, Thomas Clarke, Hospital, Hither Green, s.e.

Hughes, Thomas Martin, Hale. Altrincham, Cheshire.

[lughes, Thomas Hugh James EWh, Meathop,Grange-over-Sands.

Hughes, Wilfrid Kent, M.B, Lond., Melbourne, Australia.

Hughes, Wm. Stanley', M.B. Lond., Parh-vieiv, Aberayron, Car- diganshire.

Hugiil, George Frederick, M.D. Durh., 197, High-rd, Balham. s.av.

Hugo, Edward Victor, M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Hugo, James Henry, D.S.O., M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Ser- vice.

Hulbert, Ernest Beddoc, M.D. Dui-h., 77, Welbeck-street. av.

Hulbert, Henry Harper, Cohbrook-road, Bexhill.

Hulbert, Henry Louis Powell, ^LB. Camb., Northampton.

Hulbert, Joseph George. M.B. Camb.. Indian .]/edical Service.

Hulke, Frederick Backhouse, Admiralty House, Deal.

Hulke, Sydney Backlionse, Wulmer, Kent.

Hull, Alfred John, Royat Army Medical Corps.

Hull, Henry Woolcott, Naval Medical Service.

Hidl, Walter, M.D. Lond., Cootamundra, Neic South Wales.

Humb}', Daniel Morgan, 74, Oakjield-road, Stroud Green, x.

Humby, William John, Stroud-green. n.

Hume, Douglas Walter, M.B. Lond., JJackney. n.e.

Hume, Norman Haliburtou. M.B. Durh.. Indian Medical Service.

Humphreys. Charles Style, 8.3, Gunterstone-rd., W. Kensington, w.

Humphreys, Francis Rowland, 2, Chalcot-gds., Hampstead. K.Ar.

Humphrey's, Frederick William, 44, Addisoiv-gardens. w.

Humphreys, George Herbert, 7, Cavendish-place, w.

Humphris, Francis Howard, M.D. Brussels, 8, West Chapel-st. ^y.

Humphry, Arthur Dumville, Kurseong, Bengal, India.

Humphry, Edward Scott, Southern Cross, Western Australia.

Humphry, Ernest, Toa-nsville, Queensland.

Humphry, Gilbert Percy, Chichester, Sussex.

Humphry, Lawrence, Royal Army Medical Corps.



1904 Humphry, Philij) Rog-inald, 23, North-street, Chichester. ,, Iluinphry, lloUcrt lOniesT, Jieddiiif/.

1909 Lluiiif)lirys, Ilerltert i'Jdward, 77, Lambeth Pdlace-road. s.E.

1894 linniiaicl, Arthur. Loml., Notlingham-rcxid, ^^o^ls/ie/J.

1899 Hunt, All)crt. WiUiain Dunning-. (.'hcj/Jhrd, Newton Abhut.

1888 Hunt, Aithur Henry WilHani, Wolverhampton.

1897 Hunt, Kdword Lewis, 21, Upper J lamil ton-terrace, ^y.

1884 Hunt, Edwin Guy, M.r». Durh.. Foref/ate-street, .'Stafford.

1900 Hunt, Edmund Henderson, M.B. Oxf., Secunderabad, India.

1893 Hunt, Ernest, IlariiiKjton, Newton Abbot.

1898 Hunt, Ernest Rivaz, M.I). Camb., 3, Goldsmith-road, Brighton.

1894 *Hunt, Georg-e Bertram, M.l). Load., Scarborougli. 1897 Hunt, Georye Henry, San lioiw, Jtali/.

1900 Hunt, John AVilliam, M.B. Loud., 1\0. Box, 1194, Johannes- burg, Transvaal.

1902 Hunt, Lawrence Charles, Namd Medical Service.

1882 Hunt, Robert, Preston New-road, Blackburn.

1897 Hunt, Spencer, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. 1900 Hunt, Sydney, Spondon, Derbg.

18G8 Hunt, William Alfred, Yeovil.

1878 Hunter, Christian Bernaid, Indian Medical Service.

1896 Hunter, Clement Harris, Swansea.

1890 Hunter, Georg-e Yeates Cobb, Indian Medical Service.

1898 Hunter, Irwin Walter AVilliam, 1G7, Ham Park-roal, Forest

Gate. K.

1905 Hunter, Maik Oliver, Brading, Pgde.

1902 Hunter, Percy Doug-las, Count// Asgluni, Ilellingli/.

1885 Huntington, William. 43, South-street, St. Andrews. 1892 Huntley, Edg-ar, M.B. Lond., Sudbury, Suffolk.

1885 Huuton, Alfred \\ illiam, i>'/)'/.-rfr//e, Southport.

Hiirlbutt, Spencer, 5, Old Burlington-street, w.

1894 Husband, Friink, Crowland, Lincolnshire.

1877 Husband, Walter Edward, Bath.

1887 Husbands, Harold Wessen, North Town House, Taunton.

1894 Huskinson, Harold, ^LB. Durh., Naval Medical Service. 1900 Hussey, Bertram Fowler, 10, Cecil-road, Harlesden. x.w.

1896 Hussey, James, M.D. Lond., Castle-street, Farnham, Surreg.

1899 Hutchens, Ilarold John, D.S.O., Coll. of .Med., Newcastle-on-Tgne.

1897 Hutcheson, George, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

1886 Hutcheson, James. M.D. Edinb., 44, Morag-place, Edinburgh.

1895 Hutchinson, Fredk. Arundel Siewart, M.D. Canib., 32, Brtms-

irick-place. Hove.

1898 Hutchinson, Frederick Ernest, Leicester.

1899 Hutchinson, George Arnold, Waterloo, Liverpool.

1909 Hutcliinson, Robert Llilton, Rogston Park, Hatch Fnd, Middlesex.

1889 Hutchinson, Roger Jackson, llaslemere. 1902 Hutchinson, Thomas, Cannock, Staffs.

1909 Hutchinson, Victor Patrick, 4a, Barons Court-road, W. Kensing- ton, w.

Kesigned Membership 1899.



Hntcbisoii, Cyril Bertram, 90, Kelletf-road, Brixton, s.w.

Iluthwaite, AVm. Henry Jt>seph, Slciptoa-in-Craven.

Hutley, William Charles, Wit/iemsea, IIiilL

Hutt, Cecil William, 23, Montar/ue-roaiL Richmond, Surrey.

Hutt, Charles Edward, (!,2^, Ili'ih-road, Tottenham. N.

IJutt, Herbert Aiig-ustus, Si/lhct, India.

Hutton, Albert Edward, 145, Victoria-road, Leeds.

Huttou, Edwin Rutherford, 42, West Green-road, Tottenham. N.

Iliitton, Eustace, R/n/L

Hutton, James Alfred, M.D. Diirli., Scarborough.

Hutton, James William, Bnrleij View, Leeds.

Hutton, John, 3, Falcon-avenue, e.g.

Huxley, Henry, 39. Leinstcr-gardens. ^y.

Huxtable, Richard Rossiter, EarLsridgc Red Hill, Surrey.

Huyssen, Charles William, 14, Linkenkolt-mansions, Stamford Brook., Hammersmith, w.

Hyde, Edwin, Bassett Heath., Southampton.

Hyde, George Edwin, Bassett Heath, Southampton.

Hyde, Harry Feeny, Worthing.

Hyde, Regiuald Henry, Ljondon-road, Kingston-on-Thames.

Hynes, Ernest Jermyn, Grassington, Skye.

Ibbotson, William, 9a, Streatham-place, Brixton, s.w.

levers, Osbunie, M.B. Lond., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Hes, Alfred John Hopkinson, Taunton.

lies, Arthur Ernest, Cotham. Lawn, Bristol.

lies, Charles Edward, M.B. Loud., Mosetey, Birminghctm.

Illesing-he, Richard de Silva, 19, Endsleigh-street. AV.c. "Illingtou, Edmund Moritz, Indian Medical Service.

Illius, Henry Warwick, Indian Medical Service.

Ulius, John Warwick, Indian Medical Service.

Ilott, Arthur Talman, liainhill, Liverpool.

Ilott, Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.B. Gwxnh.., Bromley, Kent.

im Thurn, Robert Mackenzie, Whetstone, n.

In(;e, Arthur Godfrey, Slurry, Canterbury.

Inchley, Orlando, M.D. Camb., Loughborough.

Ind, Charles Uncles, 50, Shell-road, Lewisham. s.E.

Infield, Stephen, Mottram-road, Hyde.

Ing-all, Frank Ernest, Brook Hospital, Shooter' s-hill, Kent.

Ingersoll, Robert Stephenson, Takoma Park-station., Washing- ton, B.C., U.S.A.

Ingle, Charles Durban, Somerton, Somerset.

Ingleby-Mackenzie, Kenneth Walter, John-street, Ryde.

Ingouville, John George, 13, Templeton-place, EarCs Court, s.av.

Ingram, Alexander, M.D. Ediub., Akrokerri, via Sekondi, W. Africa.

Ii)gram, Arthur Charles, M.D. Camb., Indian Afedical Service.

Ingram, Percy Cecil Parker, M.B. Loud., Royal Societies Cluh, St. James-street. ^X.

Ingram, Thomas Lewis, Welford, Rugby.

* rormerly Iliewicz, Ednnind Moritz.


lukson, Edgar Thomas. V.C., lioijal Armi/ Medical Corps. Inman, Harold Muiidee, G'J, Wanvick-road, Eai-rs Court, s.w. Inmau, Robert Matthews, 105, Burlington-road, Thornton Heath. lanes, Hubert, M.B. FiOnd., Indian Medical Service. Inness, \Vm. James Deacon, Lokoja, N. Nigeria. Instone, ]iradney, G8, Addison-road. "\v. Instone, Noel, 08, Addison-road. w.

lonides, Theodore Henry, M.B. Lond., 25, First Avenue, Brighton. Iredell, Alfred William, Naval Medical Service. Ireland, Archibald Edward, Suva, -''Oi- Ireland, James Aubre}', Allcrton-road, Wavertree. *Ireland-Smith, Norman, Naval Medical Service. Ironside, Artliur Edmund, 59. Fulham. s.w. Ironside, lleginald ^Villiam, Campbell House, Fitz JoliiCs-av. N.w. Irvine, Arthur Gerard, Sellj Oak, Birmingham.. Irvine, Delaware Lewis, liogal Army Medical Corps. Irvine, Maurice Lionel Corrie, M.B. Loud., 75, Lambeth-palace- road. S.E. Irving, Duncan Bell, Vancouver, British Columbia. Irving, Hamilton, M.B. Lond., 2, GreenJiead-road, Huddevsjield. Irving, Wm., M.B. Camb., Christchurch, New Zealand. Irwin, John Robert, M.B. Toronto. 6, Endsleigh-gardens. N.w. Isaac, Charles Leonaid, M. B. Camb., Swansea. Isaac, Ernest Emrys, Colncg Hatch Asylum, New Southgate. N. Isaacs, David, Zetland House, Great Maze Pond. s.k. Ivatts, Edgar Reginald, Shear Brow, Blackburn. Ivers, John Gladstone, Bolton-road, Moses Gate, Farnworth. Ives, William Robert Yeates. Portswood-park, Southampton. Izard, Arnold Woodford, M.B. Camb., Wellington, New Zealand. Izard, Herbert Edward, St. Thomas Abbey., Birmingham. Jack, Wm. Andrew Morton, M.B. Lond., 5, Rosendale-rd., W.

Dulwich. S.E. Jackson, Basil Frederic Forrester, Brighton. Jackson, Edward, St. Georges Hospital, s.w. Jackson, Francis Seymour, Aberdovey, Merionethshire. Jackson, Francis Willan, Market Rasen.

Jackson, Frederick Douglas Selmes, 27, Queen Anne-street, av. Jackson, Frederick William, Broadstairs. Jackson, George, Plymouth.

Jackson, Harold Edgar Atheling, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Jackson, Harold Hart, Newbiggen-by-Sea, Northumberland. Jackson, Herbert Soames.

Jackson, Herbert Wm., M.D. Lond., Middlesbrough. Jackson, James Eustace, 15, Huntingdon-street, Barnsbury. x. Jackson, John Charles, T'own Hall, Fulham. s.'W. Jackson, Percy Vaughan, Naval Medical Service. Jackson, Richard, 1, Ashchurch-terrace, Shepherd's-bush. w. Jackson, Richard Houlton, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Jackson, Kobert Alexander, 32, Ladbroke Grove, w.


* rormerlj Smith, Norman Ireland.


Jackson, Thomas Leouard, M.B. Camb., Cheadle, Cheshire.

Jacksou, Thomas Sparks, 59, Carter-lane. k.c.

Jackson, Wilfrid Anthony Leg-h, M.B. Birm., Smethivich, Bir-

viingham. Jackson, William Ferrida}'. M.B. Vict., Ardwick, Manchester. Jackson, William Tayloi-, 'The h'oost, Hajjdock, St. Helens. Jackson-Taylor, Basil John Francis, L///sicen, Breconshire. Jacob, Arthur Hildebrand, Roj/al Arniif Medical Corps. Jacob, Norman Bremer Vickers, Naval Medical Service. Jacobsen, George Oscar, Featltng, Lutterworth. Jacobson, Sidney Dattner, M.D. New York, Anglo-Austrian

Bank, Vienna. Jacomb-Ilood, Charles John, 8, St. George' s-jylace, Brighton. Jaffe, Jacob Isaac, 170, Commercial-road. E. Jaffrey, Francis, 33, N ottingham-jylace. vr. Jiig'er, Harold Julius, 172, Ilolland-park-avenue. vr. Jago, Ashley Tilsted, *S'^. Burgan, Cornwall. Jago, Thomas Dirmen, 18, Arundel-square., Barnshurg. n. Jago, William John, 11. Ec-num-i oad, Il/ord. Jalland, William Hamerton, St. Leonard's House, York. James, Algernon Meyrick xHban, Brampton, Huntingdon. James, Arthur William, M.D.Brussels, 69, Gloucester-terrace, vv. James, Charles Alfred, 49, Stamford-hill. n. James, Charles Henry, hidian Medical Service. James, Charles Wilmot Wanklyn, Knowle, Bristol. James, Coram Llewellyn Stuart, Walm-lane, Willesden-green. n.-\v'. James, David Philip, Wellington, Neiv Zealand. James, Ernest William, Hingham, Attleborough. James, Frederick Charles, M.B. Durh., Fressingfeld, Harleston. James, Frederic William, Melbourne-avenue, West Ealing, av. James, George Thomas, 45, Wimjiole-street. w. James, Gwilym Prosser, Penarth. James, Henry Daniel, Royal Army Medical Corps. James, Henry Walter, 190, Llandiff-road, Cardiff. James, Herbert, Boxmoor, Herts.

James, Herbert Ellison Rhodes, Royal Army Medical Corps. James, James Thomas, M.D. Durh., 108, Harley-street. ^y. James, John, Llanfihangel, Borth.

James, John, M.B. Lond., Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, s.e. James, John Angell, 43, Nevil-road, Bristol. James, Leo Edward, Naval Medical Service. James, Philip William, M.D. Durh., Thornton Heath, Surrey. James, Robert Blake, Hungerford. James, Robert Rutson, 6, flower Berkeley-street, ^y. James, Rupert, Von Brandis-square, Johannesburg. James, Samuel, Gwaun-Caegwrwen, Glamorganshire. James, Stanlake, 85, Erpingham-road, Putney, s.w. James, Sydney Price, M.D. Loud., Lidian Medical Service. James, Walter Evelyn, Newbridge, Monmouthshire.^ James, William Abel, St. Dials House, Cwmbran, Monmouthshire, James, William Morgan, 33, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.



James, William AVarwick, 22, Wimpole-street. w.

Jameson, Archibald Douglas. JiOi/al Avmy Medical Corps.

Jameson, l\e,i;inalil, IM.H. Oxf.,32, Pembroke-roail. w.

Jameson, Rolieit William, AF.!). lirnssels, Wilhank, TransvaaL

Jamieson, Harold lleiirj, Uppertkorpe, S/ieJfield.

Jamieson, Sydne}', Li/ons-ten-acp, Sifdiiei/, Netv South Wales.

Janion, Harold (jrarnett, Gveal Bcrkhavistead.

Janmahomcd, Habib Isinaii, M.D. Lond., Guys Hospital, s.k.

Jaqnes, John Waiien, Ihide.

Jaques. RoliOft, 2, The Cref^cent., Plijmouth.

Jarvis,Cliarles(Teorg-e,M.D. FAvlsfil.Boulcvaid Jfalesherbes, Paris.

Jarvis, John, Gaii-.streef, Bath.

Jarvis, Joseph llenry Ernest, 127, Pracd-street. w.

Jarvis, William Charles, o2o, Sniithainpton-strett, s.e.

Jauffrel, (j!eor^-e Heiny Louis, Mauritius.

Jay, Fi'edk. Fitzherbert, M.D.St. Andr., Constitutional Club. w.c.

Ja}', Melville Kichard Hindmarsh, Adelaide, Australia.

Jay, William Eugene, Willunga, S. Australia.

Jays, Tom, Kiiigston-on-Tlutmcs.

Jayakar, Atmaram Sadashiva, Indian Medical Service.

Jeaffreson, Christopher Julius, West-hill, Hastings.

Jeaffreson, George Cordy, Framlinglunn, Suffolk.

Jeattrcson, John Leslie, Slutnliin, Isle of Wight.

Jeans, Alfred Norman, 8, llanilel-road, Upper Norwood, s.k.

Jeans, Frank Alexander (jallon, M.B. Camb., 30, Rodneij -street,

Liverp)Ool. Jeans, Thomas Teudron, M.B. Lond., Naval Jfedical Service. Jeeves, John, Cemetn-ji-rnad. Sheffield. Jefferiss, F''rederick Burroughs, 217, New-road, Chatham. Jefferiss. Lain Mackinuon, Kirhoswald, Cundjerland. Jefferson, (ieoffrey, i^LB. Lond., 2, West-street, Rochdale. Jeffery, Charles Chinimo, G2, Norroij-ro:td, Putnei/. s.w. Jeffery, Thomas Walter, Naval Medical Service. Jefferys, VValter Marmaduke, M.B. Camb., U nicer sit j Coll. IIusp.

w.c. Jeffreys, Alfred, Briton Ferr//. Neath. Jeffreys, Harold Edward, M.B. New Zeal., Mental Hospital,

Christchurch, New Zealand. Jeffreys, Herbert Castelman, Grosvenor Club, 1, Dover-street,

Piccadillij. AV. 'Jeffreys-Powell, John Powell, Senwj Bridge, Breconshire. Jekyll, Lewis Nugent, Leijtonstone. n.e. Jellicoe, Stanley Coleman, Sevenoaks. Jelly, George Aubre}', Bur]i.

Jenkin, Nelson West, 3'), Shawfield-park, Bromley, Kent. Jenkins, Arthur William, M.B. Lond., Hinckley. Jenkins, Evan Llewellyn, M.B. Durh., Jliuckle/i. Jeiikins, Geoi-ge John, M.B. Edinb., 7, Welbeck-street. ^y. Jenkins, Henry HoUis, Sidcup, Kent.


* Formerly Jeffreys, Joha Powell.



Jenldns, Herbert Stanley, M.D. Lond., Hankow, China.

Jenkins, Herbert Thomas, Pen)nae)i7nawr, JV. Wales.

Jenkins, John, Hammersmith Infirmary, w.

Jenkins, Jolin David, M.D. Lond.. Pentre, Rhondda, Glamorgan.

Jenkins, John Elystan Alorris, Hadleigh, Suffolk.

Jenkins, Richard Sydney, 30, Dawson-place, Bai/sicater. w.

Jenkins, Thomas John Price, 11, Hill's-place, Oxford-street, w.

Jenkins, Thomas Jones, Henlkm, S.O., Cardir/anshire.

Jenner, Arthur Gordon, Moss-lane, Walton, Liverpool.

Jenner, John Earle,>"M.D. Toronto, Leamington, Ontario, Canada.

Jennings, Charles Egerton, M.U. Durh., Gt. Somerford, Wilts.

Jennings, Edward, 218, Gloncesler-st., Christchurch, Neiv Zealand.

Jennings, John Frederick, M.B. Lond., 13, John-street, Mayfair. av.

Jennings, Richard Edward William, Bournemouth.

Jennings, Robert, M.D, St. And., Fall River, Mass., U.S.A.

Jensen, Ernest Thomas, M.B, Lond., 53, Devonshire-street, w.

Jephcott, Charles, M.B. Camb., Chester.

Jepson, Victor Brodie, Walsingham, Norfolk.

Jeremy, Harold Rowe, GO, Friem-road, East Dulwich. s.e. Jermaine-Lnlham, Frederick Sydney, Melbourne, Australia.

Jerman, Arthur Edward, M.B. Lond., Krith, Kent.

Jerome, George Percy, M.B. hond., Sutton Cnldfield, Birvnngham.

Jervis, Arthur, M.D. Durh., 52, York-street, Port man-square, w.

Jesso]), Edward, 81, Fitzjohn s-avenue, Hampstead. n.w.

Jessop, John William, West-street, Horncastle.

Jewell, John William Frank, M.D. Lond., Balham. s.av.

Jewell, Wm. [lenry, M.D. Lond., 33, Streatham-ldll . s.w.

Jimenez, Gerardo, 5, Ciiildebert-road, Balham. s.w.

Jimenez, Ricardo Luis, 2, Huron-road, Upper Tooting, s.w.

Jouiiiiides, Anastasius, M.D. Athens, 57, Talbot-rodd. av.

Job, Henry Percy, Castle-gate, Newark.

Joberns, William, M.B. Lond., Wolverhampton.

Jobson, Frederick Cutlibert, Nortinimberland Ho.. Finsbury-pk. N.

John, Ambrose Hilton, M.B. Lond., Sfoke-on-Treut.

John, David, Yonkers, Westchester, United States of America.

John, Thomas, 14, Grove-place, Swansea.

Johns, Charles Percival, M.D. Queen's Univ., Canada, Thomhill,

Ontario, Canada. Johns, Frederick Arthur, M.B. Lond,, 30, Leeds-mad, Harrogate. Johns, Henry DougLvs, M.D Durh., Hornsea, Hull. Johns, John Francis, M.D. Durh., Cheltenham. Johnson, Alfred, Liscard, Cheshire.

Johnson, Alfred Edward, M.B.Vict., Middlesex Hospital, w. Johnson, Claude, M.B. Birm , King^^i Heath, Birmingham. Johnson, Edwin Charles, Dispensary, Rochester-roiv. s.w. Johnson, Edward Angas, Adelaide, Melbourne. Johnson, Frederick, M.B. Lond., Kerak, Moab, Palestine. Johnson, George Arthur, 58, St. Andrew's-street, ( anibridge. Johnson, Harold Jo.sse, M.B. Lond., I'yfleet, Surrey Johnson, Harry Oswin, Parkes, New South Wales. Johnson, Henry Heath Foch'm, Fonrth-av., Brooks Bar, Manchester,




Jftlinsnii, John James, Cofes.iej/, Norwich.

Jolinson, John Pratt, M.H. I.ond., 21, Fore-street, Devonport.

Johnson, Jolin Kobert. Uiclnnond. Surrey.

Jolnison, Lawrence Alfred. Normmiton.

Johnson, Lionel Capper, M. H. Lond., Lidgett Park-i-oad, Leed^.

Johnson, Miircns Heaneiiamp, 9, Henrietta-street, "vv.

Johnson, Ranee Dreweatt. Oswald PlaCi, Loicer Edmonton, n.

Johnson. Kobert George, M.B. Lond.. Poole.

Johnson, Samuel Harvard, J/fssle, Ilidl.

Johnson, Smeeton, I\LB. Lcjrid., C/eobiiry, Mortimer, Shropshire.

Johnson. ValniitinH Goode, I'oyal Army Medical Corps.

Johnson, \yalter Hurford, M.B. Lond., Frauces-road, Windsor.

Johnson, William, ^LB Lond., Gvern A tyn, Ruahon-road. Wrexham^

Johnsiiii, William JeroUl (ireaves, ITospital, Barroir-in- Fnrness.

Johnson, Wm. John. ]N[.I). Lond., Sheff'ord, Bedfordshire.

Johnston, Arthm* Haminersle}'. Anlahy-rd., Ihill.

Johnston, Duncan Matheson. M.B. Durh., Health Office. Black- burn.

Johnston, George David, Vancourer, British Columbia, Canad i.

Johnston. George Laws<in ITarvcy, Westminster Hospital. s.\V-

Johnston, George Saint, M.D. Lond., Fdf/bastov , Bii-mingham.

Johnston. John Edwaid Lionel, M.B. Lond., LS, Grange Part, Ealing, w.

Johnston. John Macpherson, NortJiernHosp.^ Winchmnre-hill. x.

Johnston, Lambert Arthur Wellesley, Edghaston, iJirmingham.

Jotinston, Robert Macfie, MB. Lond., St. Leonards.

Johnston, Thomas James, M.B. Toronto, 15, Gordon-street.


Jolmston, William, Cape Town, South Africa.

JohnstoJie, John Lloj'd, Upholland, Wigan.

Jollve, Francis William. M.D. l>iu'h., Alresfnrd.

Jolly, Robert Denr^' Ilatten, M.B. Lond., Peterborough.

Joly, Joseph Antoine ISfaiuMce. BarHg Asylum, Mauritius.

Jonas, Herbert Charlton, M.D. Lond., Barnstaple.

Jones, All)ert Edward. CricLhowell.

Jones, Alfred, Tongpmdy^ Rhondda, S. Wales.

Jones, Alfred Gwilym. ]SLB. Lond., Guys Hospital, s.k.

Jones, Alfred Lancelot, 42, h' in g. street, Brynmawr, S. Wales.

Jones, Alfred Stanley , Mornington.-/dace, Regent' s-juirk. N.w.

Junes, Arthur Basseit. M.B. Lond., Aberystwiih.

Jones, Arthur Reginald, JJou-arth Cross, Leigh.

Jones, Arthur Thomas, Mountain Ash, South Wales.

Jones, Artliur Webb, Alexandria, Egi/pt.

Jones, Arthur Wentworth, BucJdand Pipers Rectory, Dorset.

Jones. Arthur William Llewellyn. Harliugton. Neuton Abbot.

Jones, Bernard W'atson, M.B. Lond., Hay Mills, Birmingham.

.Ion- s, Bert rand Seymour, 9.i, Cornwall-street, Bii-minghmn.

Jones, Bevington Sydney, !l7, Louisville-road, Tootivg. s.av.

J(mes, Cecil Herbert, haydau-n, W. Atistralia.

Jones. Charles Albert, Thornrlijf'. Penarth.

Jones, Charles Edward Mellersh, M.B, Camb., Alton, Llai.ts.


Jones, Charles Owen, M.B. Vict., New Biigldon, Birlcenh€0(L

Jones, Christopher Lloyd, Dunstable.

Jones, David Kiiryn, INJ.D. Toronto, 109, Collins-street, Melbourne,

Jones, David John, Pontypaol, Momno^ithsJnre.

Jones, David Lewis, Cardonne I -terrace, Skeicen, Neath.

Jones, David Llewellyn, 231, King-street. Haramersmith. w.

Jones, David Morgan, Bula-eU, Nottinffham.

Jones, David Og'den Roebuck, 126, Carlton-street, Toronto.

Jones, David Thomas, Wostenhohne-road^ Sheffield.

Jones, Edmund Benjamin, Go/ders Green, x.

Jones, Edward Alfred, M.B. Toronto, Winnipeg, Canada.

Jones, Edward Shirley, O.rton, Birkenhead.

Jones, Edward Tliomas, Hetsfon, Cornwall.

Jones, Edwin Clark, Tooting Common, s.vv.

Jones, Ernest Williams, M.B. Loud., Aldridgs, Walsall.

Jones, Evan, yBri/n, Llani/ii/ther, South Wales.

Jones, Evan, 89, Gosiv ell-road. e.g.

Jones, Evan James Trevor, M.D. Brussels. Tg-mawr, Aberdare.

Jones, Evan Rhys, Brt/n Cadnant, Menai Bridge, Anglesey.

Jones, Fiancis Ftederick, Twerton-on-Avon, Bath.

Jones, Francis Samuel, 15 1, Croum-street, Liverpool.

Jones, Frank Silva, M.B. Durh., Clarence House, Southend.

Jones, Frederick Pryce, Neirtown, Montgomeryshire.

Jones. Frederic Wood. M.B. Loud., Harley Lodge, Enfield.

Jones, Georg'e, M.B. Oxf., 8, Church-terrace, Lee. s.E.

Jones, George Burnett Mander, Sydney, Neio South Wales.

Jones, George David Edwardes, M.D. Durh., 39, High-street ^ Cardigan.

Jones, Georg-e Francis, M.B. Lond., 21, Buckinaham Mansions^ Kilhurn. n.w.

Jones, George Horatio. Deddingfon, Oxford.

Jones, George Mellersh, Alton, Hants.

Jones, George Reginald, 73, Withington-road, ^^anchester.

Jones, Grenville Parry, General Lifirmary, Stamford.

Jones, Harold Emlyn, London Hospital, e.

Jones, Hector, Afaesteg, Bridgend.

Jones, Henry Hepburn Averaj', Ocean S.S. Company, Water- street, Liverpool.

Jones, Henry John Rutherford, Caterham, Surrey.

Jones, Henry Macuaughten, M.B. R.U.L,2, Fawley-road, W, Hampstead. n.av,

Jones, Henry Travers, M.B. Lond., ICent Hospital, Afaidstone.

Jones, Herbert Stanley, M.B. Lond., Ea^t Dulwich. s.e.

Jones, Hermann Johnston, M.D. Heidelb., Wallington, Surrey.

Jones, Hugh Edward, 19, Rodney-street, Liverpool.

Jones, Ivor Davenport, M.D. Lond., Lulian Mediccd Sen-ice,

Jones, Isaiah Henry, 53, Mcdda-vcde. "w.

Jones, James, M.D. Ediub., 157, Jjewisham-road. s.e.

Jones, James Evan, Newquay, Cardigan.

Jones. James Robert, M.B. 'roronto, Winnipeg, Canada.

Jones, John, M.D Lond., Ch/'lac/i, Swansea.

O 2



Jones, John, Church }fission, Niiifjpo, China.

Jones, John Arnallt, M.D. Dui'h., Aberavon, Glamorgan.

Jones, Joliii Edward Evans, M.D, Brussels, Cathedral-rd., Cardijf,

Jones, John Ellino;-ton, IG, Jiichniond-park-road, Clifton, Bristol.

Jones, John Henry, Naval Medical Service.

Jones, .John Howard, 49, Elgin Mansions, Elgin Avenue, ^y.

Jones, John Lewis.

Jones, John Llewelyn, M.D. Lond., Luton.

Jones, John Pugh, Barmouth, Merionethshire.

Jones, Lawrence, M.B. Lond., 47, Ui>per Brook-street. \r.

Jones, Lewis, Sialhot, Punjab, India.

Jones, Llewellyn Gw^un Uuaffydd, Sicanscombe, Kent.

Jones, Llo^-d Middleton Bowen, Carmarthen.

Jones, Martin Llewelyn, Victoria-square, Aberdare.

Jones, Murray Parr}^ Naval Medical Service.

Jones, Oswal \Vynn, Ashron-in-Makprfield, Neivton-le-Willows.

Jones. Oswald Meredith, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Jones, Owen Clayton, M.B. Oxf., Silverton.

Jones, Pi) dip Xapier, Crowthorne, Berks.

Jones, Phili]) Theodosius, Coleford, Bath.

Jones, Rees Gabe, Chidach Vale, Rhondda, South Wales.

Jones, Richard, Llandilo.

Jones, Richard Llewelyn. M.B. Lond., Bath,

Jones, Richard Nelson, Preswylfa, Swansea.

Jones, Roger Percival, M.B. Lond., 63, Forge-street, Rhymneij.

Jones, Rowland Francis Iliigh, Boncath. Pembrokeshire.

Jones, Samuel Lloyd, Colney Hatch Asi/lum. n.

Jones, Seymour Whitworth, Indian Medical Service.

Jones, Thomas, Amlwch, Angle.^e>/.

Jones, Thomas Buniell, 54, Chaucer-road, Forest Gate. s.e.

Jones, Tliomas Caldwell Litler, 1, Abercromby-sQuare, Liverpool.

Jones, Thomas Robert Lloyd, Gh/n Curig, Mumbles, Swansea.

Jones, Thomas Slater, M.D. Durh., 2, Truro-road, Wood Green. N.

Jones, Thomas William, Felmfuch, Swansea.

Jones, Valentine Llewellyn Watson, St. Clear's.

Jones, AValter Paul, M.D. Brussels, 1, Walton-pl., Hans-rd. s.w.

Jones, Wm. Black, M.D, Lond., Llangammarch Wells, Brecon- shire.

Jones, William David, M.B. Lond., Spa-road, Gloucester.

Jones, William Edmund, (!4, Ainsworth-street, Blackburn.

Jones, Wm, Ernest, Talgarth, Brecon.

Jones, William Forsytli. ].o, Manjlebone-road. n.w.

Jones, William Griffith, 56, Bridge-street, Newpo7-t, Mon.

Jones, William Howard, Peterston-super-Ely, Glamorgan. *Jones, William James Bennett.ISLD. Ediub., ,S7/a7-roacZ, Liverpool.

Jones, William Meredith, Victoria-square, Aberdare.

Jones, William Phillips, Rock House, Wostenholme-road, Sheffield.

Jones, William Watkin Cadwaladr, 41, Craven Hill-gardens, Hyde Park. ^v.

* Forirerlj JonPSjWilliaiTi James.


1900 Jones, William Warner, M.B. Toronto, Forest Mount, Ontario, Canada.

1896 *Jones-Philipson, Cecil Ernest, M.D. Brussels, Port Alfred, Cape

Colon i;, South Africa. 1898 Jordan, Alfred Charles, M.D. Camb.. 14, Wcijmouth-strcet. W. 1873 Jordan, Frederick William. M.D. Durh., Heaton Chapel,

Stoctport. 1891 Jordan, John Furneaux, M. B. Roy. Univ. Ireland, 9, Xeichall-

street, Birmingliam. 1889 Joscelyue, Arthur Edwin. Tautiton. 1882 Joseph, John Baptiste Edgar, Couva, Trinidad, 1903 Joseph, Henry JNlichael, M.B. Camb., 54, Oxford-fjardens. av.

1888 Joslen. Hubert, M.D. Durh.. St. Anns Ba>/, Jamaica, W. Indies.

1885 Josling-, Charles Lang-ford, A'oya/ Ar>n>/ Medical Corps. 1878 Jover, Anthony.

1888 Jowers, Lauucelot Emilius. 51, Marina. St. Leonards.

1886 Jowers, Reginald Francis, 55, Ih-unswick-square, Brighton.

1898 Jo}', Norman Humbert, lU-adjield, Berkshire. 1907 Joyce, James Leonard, M.B. Camb., Reading. 1895 Joyce. Robert D\vyer, 7, Eh/-pl"ce, Dublin.

1897 Joynes, Francis William, 14, Victoria-road, Wolverhampton.

1894 Joynson, Gerald Georg-e, Southport. 1893 Joynson, Harold Mead, Osicestry.

1905 Jut)b, Archie Vivian, 71, Victoria-street, Lythani. 1897 Judd, Walter Rossall, Ashfon-undei'-Li/ne. 1903 Judson, James Douglas, M.B. Lond., Southport.

1900 Judson, Joseph Edward, Ashton-under-Li/ne. 1877 j Judson. Thomas Robert, West Derby, Liverpool. 1905 Juler, Frank Ander.-^on, 24. Cavendish-square. ^Y.

1886 Julian, Oliver Richard Archer, C.M.G., lioyal Army Medical Corps.

1905 tlupp, Edgar Norman. 84. Wellesh'i-road, Croydon.

188G Kaka, Sorabji Manekji, Karachi, India.

1901 Kalomiris, Nicholas John, Alexandra, Egypt.

1909 ; Kauga, Hormusji Dorabji, 162, Adelaide-road, Hampstead. x.w. 1909 ' Kantawala, Chhag-anlal Hargovinddas, 59, Westbourne-park-

\ road. vr. 1886 Kapadia, Fardunji Sorabji, Bombay.

1909 Kapadia, Rustom Darasliaw, 40, Hamilton-road, Hi'jhbury. x. 1903 Karanjia, Khursedji Nasserwauji, c/o Messrs. Cook g'- Son,

I^udgaie Circus. E.C. 1882 Karanjia, Merwanji Dhuujibhai. Bombay.

1899 Kautmnnn, George Bernard, Dunster House, Mincing-lane. e.g. : Kay, Alfred Reg-inald, Cley, Xorfolk.

1897 ' Kay, Richard. M.B. Lond., Cockermouth.

1903 Kaye, Henry Wynyard, M.D. Uxf., Strathppffer Spa.

1904 Kaye, Wm.'Holland, 528, Gorton-road, Reddish, Stockport. 1867 Keag-ey, David. M.D. Vict. Coll., Canada, Hamilton, Canada.

1889 Kealy, John William Gregory, Gosport.

1895 , Kearney, Charles James, J\^ew South Wales.

* Formerly Jones, Cecil Ernest.



1908 1874 1890 1909 1892 1884 1898 1902 1867 1874 1893 1889 1893 1886 1906 1896 1894 1889 1894


1906 1891 1903 1896 1891 1902 1887 1886 1887 1907 1896 1905 1888 1906 1899 1868 1893 1875 1896 1902 1898 1884 1892 1903 1907 1892


w. x.w.


Keates, Courtnoy Cooper, 20, E(i<l I)nlwich-road. s.ii.

Keate.s, \Villiaiii Cooper, 20, FaisI Dalwich-road. s.e.

Keat'^, W^illiam Joliu Clias.. Caiubenrell Iiifirmari/. s.k.

Kebl)ell, (Jharles Fre'lerick Vivian, Berks Hospital, Reading.

Keele, David, 14, llhjhhurij-ijrove. n.

Keole, John Rushworth, Cmnberland-place^ Southampton.

Keeling-, Georg-e Sydney, M.D. Camb., Attlebo rough.

Keeling-, Hugh Nevill, 25. Blenheim-terrace, Leeds.

Keen. William, 35, Carbjle-square, Chelsea, s.w.

Keer, Georg-e Edwardes, Wuodbridge, Suffolk.

Keevil, George Mulreidy, 20, Wey mouth-street, w. *Keiffeidieini-Trubridg-e, Luigi Walter, M.D. Durh., Rochester.

Keig-hley, Herbert, Batlnj, Dewsburij.

Keig-htley, Archibald, M.D. Camb., -io, Brook-street.

Keith, Darwin Mills, 8G, Ilarward-court, Ilampstead.

Keith, William Dow, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kekwick, John, The Crescent, Carlisle.

Kelbe, Walter Edward, Victoria East, Cape Colony.

Keller, Hermann Louis Arthur, Kcloicna, Brit. Canada.

Kellett, Orme Stirling, Belisle, British Honduras.

Kellg-reen, Ernest Gregor, 49, Eaton-square, s.w.

Kellock, Thomas Herbert, 8, Queen Anne-street, w.

Kellond-Knigiit, Henry Arthur, Naval Medical Service.

Kelly, Bruce Curtis, M.B. Edinb., Burnhnm, Somerset. fKelly, Charles Ernest Mackenzie, M.D. Lond., Witneij.

Kelly, Thomas Thelwell, (iuii's Hospital, s.e.

Kelly, Thomas William, M.D. Dwvh.., Slierwood-street, Nottiiigham.

Kelsall, Charles James Seddon. Naval Medical Serrice.

Kelsall, Henry Truman, M.D. Lond., Perth, West Australia.

Kemp, Cliai-les tjlordon, M.ll Dui-h., St. Helen's Park, Hastings.

Kemp, David Claude, Indian Medical Service.

Kemp, Frederick William, M.D. Durh., Wellington, New Zealand.

K(!mi:), Georg-e Lajus, M.D. Loud., Potter-street, Worksop.

Kemp, James Reginald, Pinner, Middlesex.

Kemp, John Harold, M.B. <, Wellington, New Zealand.

Kemp, William Georg-e, M.D. Durh., St. Uelea's Park, Hastings.

Kempe, Charles Gilbert Burriiig-ton, M.D. Durh., Salisbury,

Kempe, John Arthur, Edghaston, Birmingham.

Kempster, Christopher Richard, Whitehall, Bank-place, Melbourne.

Kempthoriie, Gerard Ainslie, Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Kendal, Nicholas Joseph, Smethwick, Birmingliam.

Kendall, George, Battle, Sussex.

Kendall, Nicholas Fletcher, Chiddingfold, Surrey.

Kenderdine, Ernest Henry, Coventry.

Kendrew, Alexander John, M.B. Lond., Barnstaple,

Kendrick, Georg-e, Bilstan.

Kendrick, Horace Herbert, Coventry.

Kenion, Thomas Lloyd, Roseland, Rockferry, Birkenhead.



Formerly Keiifenbeim, Luigi Walter. f Resigned Membership, 1903.




Keundrd, Alfred Dudley Eskell, 6, Wuhaiii-square. w.c. Keiinard, David Gerald, Faringdon, Btrksldre. Keimed}', Angus Endicott, llo, Balaam-street, Plaistow. K Kennedy, Charles Matiieson, l\'d,A l.bert Pal. M ans.Jiutttrsea. s w. Kennedy, David, 5, iSontliwold-iiiaiision", Elr/in-aroiut. av, Kennedy, James Buckle^y Martin, 13, Gosfa-green, Biniii/ii/ltaiit. Kennedy, Joliii, 2, Crrosoennr-ffnacc, CainberiCKll-road. s.e. Kennedy, Robert Fettig'rew, Blair-ldll, Coat liriihje. Kennedy, \\\n. Adam.M.B. Durli., 8oo, J/at/st., Perth, Australia. Kennedy, William Willuughby, M.D.Lond., 3'J, Chouvinuhee-strect,

Calcutta, India. Kenning'ton, Edgar, Fou/sfiain, Norfolk. Kenrick, William Hamilton, Indian Medical Service. Kent, Charles Arthur, M.D. Lond., Folketstone-rnad, Doter, Kent, llug'h Braund, M.B. Lund., cjo Agent for Colonies, W/titc

hall. s.w. Kent, Percy Wheeler, Bamj, Clumorgan. Kent, Sydney, M.B. Canili., Be.rhill.

Kenwood, llarr^'^ Richaid, M.B. Edin., Stoke Neicington. N. Keayon, George Arthur, M.B. Lend., Chester. Ken^'on, John Edward, liebnnnt-road. Upper Twickenham, Keog'h, Fredeiick Edwin Hubert, 38, St. Marie s-ruad. w. Keown, David Boyd, 48, Windsor- road, Ealing, s.w. "Keppel-Compton, John Herbert, Southanii>ton. Ker, John Errington, Kingston, Jamaica. Ker, William Percivai, Otterhurn, Northuniher'and. Kerby, Robert John, M.D. Brussels, SpeenhanUand, Newbury. Kerfoot, Stanley James, Bedminstcr, Bristol. Keruahan, Joseph Arthur Alexander, 8, Ne'cton-rd.,Bag.nvuter. AV. Kerr, Arthur Edgar, M.B. (Jamb., Pet worth. Kerr, Geoig-e Douglas, lo, Denmark-terrace, Brighton. Kerr, William James, M.D. Vict., Rochdale. Kershaw. Heibert Warren, Dinsdale-j)ark, Darlington. Kerswill, Harry, Sandwich, Kent.

Keteheu, Arthur Dickson, M.B. Lond., Cajje Town, S. Africa. Kettlewell, George D<juglas. Ilfracombe. Kevern, Grahame Travers, Rowhedge, Colchester. Keyser, Charles Ralph, 40, Q'leen Anne-street, w. Kiiambata, Rataushaw l^omanjee, Indian Bank.ll ,B>shops<jate. e. Khambata,SohrabManeckji,c'(y T.Cook Sc S.>n,LudgateCircas. e.c. Khan, Abdus Sattar, D, Marsden-road, Fast Dniirich. s.k. Khan, Latafat Husain, 1.36, Goldhurst-tei r., S. Hanjistm I. K.w. Khan, Masha Allah, Agra, India.

Kidd, xA.rchibald, Nightuigale-road, Godalming, Surrey. Kidd, Francis Seymour, Al.B, Camb., 41, Wimpole-street. w. Kidd, Harold Andrew, We.-t Sussex Asylum, Chichester. Kidd, Hugh Cameron, M.B. Lond., Bronisgrove, Worcestershire. Kiddle, Horace Harvard, Indian Medical Service. Kiddle, John Nelson, 05, Albert Hall Mansions, s.w.

* Foimerly Compton, John Herbert.



Kidner, Henry Ratcliff, M.B. Lond., WaUi'iigton, Surrei/. Kilg-our, AVilliam KoV)eit, 1>, Driar-wulL. Putney, s.w. Killiam, Charles S|)ei;^'lit, Croolce>imooi\ Sheffield. Killery, St. Jolin linnviie, Rujial Arm)j Medical. Corps. Killick, Charles, M.Ji. Cainb., 'IVinitt/ House, Maidstone, Kent. Kihier, lienry Goff, Middlesex Hospital. Av. Kiluer, John Newport, iM.B. Loud., Adra, Benfjal. Kilpatrick, James Armstrong', King's Coll. Hospital, "vv.c. Kilroy, Lancelot, Naval Medical Service. Kilvert, John Ellis, Derbi/.

Kimbell, Henry John Sullings, 157, Hicfnnond-i-d., Hacfcneij. n.e. Kinder, Alexander, M.B. New Zeal., Cltildren's Hospital, Great

Ormond-strett. av.c. King", Arthur, Fauresmitli, Orange River Colon?/. King-, Arthur Frederick William, Indian Medical Service. King-, Colin, M.H. Camb., Cuclrjield, ySussex. King-, Edmund Eleazar, Toronto, Canada. King-, Frank Raymond, Nortliumherland House Asylum. N. King, Frederick William Robert John, Avclcland, New Zealand. King, John Charles, Mountsorrel, Barry, Glaniorgansfiire. King-, Leslie Reginald, Hill Head, Fareham. King-, Nevill Pearce, Gartli, Brcconsldre. King-, Ralph De Veil, Royal Army Medical Coijis. King, Richard Ilenr}', Ticyford, Berfcsfdre. King, Thomas Arthur, Bialc, Cornwall. King, Thomas Percy, M.I?. Camb., Guy's Hospital, s.k. King, William Athol Desmond, Walfcem, Stevenage, Herts. King, Wm, Herbeit, 18, Ravenscroft Parfc-road, Higfi Barnet. King. William Wilfrid, 11>, Portland-place, Baili. Kingdon, Edward Owen, llolsn-ortlnj. Kiugdon, James Renorden, King's Lynn. Kingsbury, William Neave, \h, Blacfcfieatfi-rise. s.E. Kiiigsford, Arthur Bere.sf(ii-d,]M.D. I)urh.,19, Upper Georgc-st. w. Kiiigsford, Bertram Harold, M.D. Lond., Wofcing. Kingsf(/rd, Edward Claude, Camtyne. Brondeshury. n.av. Kingsland, Alfred, Small Heath, Birniingfiaui. Kingsmill, Henry Ardagh, IG, Torrington-s<piarc. -w.c. Kingston, Charles Samuel, 3. CanJidd-gardcns,Uamps1ead. n.av. Kingston, Percy John, 43, Behoir-road, Bristol. Kinloch, Robert Blair, M.B. Lond., ^7. Albans. Kinnersle}^ George Edwaid, Guernsey. Kinsej'-Morgan, Augustus, M,D. Durh., Bournemouth. Kirby, Guy Hannah. Bearwood-road, Smetliwicl;. Kirby, Rowland Arthur, ^LB, Camb., Putney, s.w. Kirl>y, Tliomas \ViHiam. M.D. Toronto, Maple, Ontario, Canada. Kirk, John Lamplugh, ALB. Camb., Picfcering, Yorksfiire. Kirkby, Robert Casement, Towyn. Kirkman, Albert Henry Beaumont, Touws River. Cape Colomj.

South Africa. Kirkness, William Ronald, The Haven, Falmouth. Kirkpatrick, Randolph, Natural History Museum. s.AV.


Kirkpatrick-Picard, Arthur William, M.D. Lond., 59, Bonndary-

rocul. N."\v. Kirtikar, Kanoba Kamchoddas, Indian Medical Service. Kirton, Charles Imray, M.B. Lond., Honor Oak. s.e. KirtOD, Martin Ainger, Outram-terrace, Stoke, Devonport. Kirton, Reginald Gower. M.D. Lond., Cairo, Egijpt. Kisch, Harold Albert, M.B. Lond., 42, Devonshire-street, vr. Kitchen, Charles Frederick Hewick, 112, Cheetham Hill-road^

Manchester. Kitchen, Harold Ernest, 112, Cheethant, Hill-road, Manchester. Kitchin, Ernest Hugh, ^f.B. Camb., Skipton. Kitchin, Henr}^ Brunton, M.I). Loud., 1S8, Brockley-road. s E. Kitchin, Percy, Bonmemouth.

Kitching', Charles Atkinson, Mosscl Bai/, Cape of Good Hope. Kitching, John Lea Walton, Cobhain, SiirreT/. Kitson, Francis Parsons, Beaminster.

Kitson, John Pole, M.B. Lond., East London, Cane Colony. Kittson, Edmund Graves, M.D. McGill, Toronto. Klumpp, Ernest George, iNf.B. Durh., Wootton Bassett. Knaggs, Francis Heiiiy, Hnddert< field . Knaggs, George Johii, Royal Army Afedical Corps. Knaggs, Robert Lawfijrd, M.D. Camb., 27, Park-square, Leeds. Knapp, George Harvey, Unitata, Cape Colony. Knapp, Montague Heniy, Naval Mediccd Service. Knaptou, Henry Alfred Forbes, Bombay Army. Kneclitel, Robert, Brussels, Ontario, Canada. Knevitt, Herbert, 4, Elm-villas, Ealing. ■\v. Knight, Aubrey Harvey Davenport, 1, Grosvenor Mansions,

Victoria-street, s.w. Knight, Charles Voughlon, M.D. Lond., Gloucester. Knight, Ernest, M.B. Lond., St. Annes-on-Sea, Preston. Knight, Frederick Charles Bienzi Malius, 43, Claremont-square,

Pentonville. x. ^Knight, Henr}' Bury, Marhainchurch, Bude. Knight, Henry Ernest, M.D. Lond., Brooklands, Botherl/am. Knight,HerbertStanley,M.B.Loud.,l}4, Wickliam-rd.,Brockley. s.e. Knightle}', Walter Randall.

Knill, Edwin Gilmore, Detroit, Michigan, America. Knobel, William Bernard, M.D.Camb., Belbroughton, Worceslersh. Knocker, William Douglas, M.B. Lond., 4, Essex-court, e.g. Knott, Edward Milward, 1, Colef-hill-street, Sutton Coldfield. Knowles, Arthur, Beech-grove, Scarcroft, Leeds. Knowles, Frederick Joseph, St. Helen's. Knowles, Henry, M.D. Durh., St. Georges-place, Barnslty. Knowles, Ralph, St. Anne' s-on- Sea.

Knowlton, Alexander Jdlin, M.B. Lond., St. Deny's, Southampton. Knox, Charles Arthur Northland, Sydenburg, Transvaal. Knox, Robert, M.B. Edinb., Shcjiherd's Hill, Highgatc. n. Knowles, Robert, 63, Southicold-mansions, Elgin-avenue, av.

* Formerly Kiiij^lit, Heurj.



Knox, Robert Genrg-e, Freshford, Balli. Kobia, Dosabliai llomjibliai, Bom/xi/j. Ko'iii;;-, Keiie Paul, MA). Berne, Geneva, Sicitzerland. Koettbtz, Alaiiiice, Dover.

Kolaporewalla, Franiroze Jamset iee, 3. Beacon-hill,Camden-rd. N. Kolaporewalla, F^ldrozsbaw Jamshedji, Guy's Hospital. s.E. Kola|niivala, i amsetjee Framjee, Bombay.

Kicstin, .Sulonion, M.D. (Geneva, 92, Hidneif-st., Commercial-rd. v.. *Kra2!)ig-liyan. Victor Fowell, CarxJidlton-lane, Coulndun. Kiohn, Konatd Edwd. Stewart, M.D. Lond., 13, Belaize-sq. n.w. Kruiubh(jlz, Charles James Izzard, M.H. Loud., Jiuf/Oy. Kumarasaey, Muiuguisam Mutliu, 21, St. Sttphens-road, Bays-

ivater. w. Kuiihardt, John Conrad Gie, Indian Medical Service. Kureiski, Mozaffer Din Ahmed, 27, Deerlrook-rd., Ilenie-Itill. s.E. Kytilii, John, Go.ymrt. Kynaston, Albert Evelyn Fairfax, 19, Lanark-mansions, Maida

Vale. w. Labey, Julius, Jersey. Lace, Frederick, Paragon, Bath. Lacey, Allan Ramsey, Sydenham, JSatal. Lacey, Bin-nard Warner, M, B. Duih., 19G, Barrage - road.

Pltimsttad. Lacey, Ilug-h Kirbell, Torquay.

Lacey, Thomas Warner, M.I). Diirh., Woolwich Common, Kent. Lacey, William AValter, (Jolville-mansions. Boicis-sqiiare. w. Lack, Harry Lambert. M.D. Lond., 48, Harley-slreet. a\% Lacy, Alexander Gairdner, Sunning Hill., Ascot. Ladell, Ernest William Juhus, M.B. Lond., 29, York-place,

Brighton. Ladell, Mordaunt Percy, 116, St. Johns-road. n. Laidlaw, Frank Fortcsciie, Iranhoe Hotel, Bloonisbury-st. w.c. Laimbeer, Frederick Jam^s

Laing, Alfred A\'illiam, 197, Upper L'ichmond-road, Putney. S.w. Lake, Richard, GO, Harley-sticet. w.

Lakin, Cecil Lionel, M.D. Lond., S.E. Hosp., New Cross, s.e. Lakshmanan, Peter, N. 2, Can'tun-mansions, Clapham-road. 'w. Lamb, Archibald Walter, 22, Mentone road, Highbury Barn, n Lamb, George, Anlahy-road, Hall. Lamb, Hugh, HoglUon. Preston. Lamb, Ralph, 51a, Hodney-sti eet, Liverpool. Lamb, William Henr}-, M.B. Lond., 23, Palace-ct., Bayswaier. av. Lambe, Thomas, Seaford, Sn.^ser. Lambert, Ernest Charles, M.D. Brussels, 23, Fairjield-strect ,

Wandswurlh. s.w. Lambert, Francis Courtena}', Royal Army Medical Corps. liambert, Frederick Saujucl, Newland., Lincoln. Lambert, Hugh Llewellyn, 110, Castelnau, Barnes. s.AV. Lambert, John, M.D. Camb., 77, Buckinghaai-road, Brighton.

* I'ormerly Krocuig, Victor Kicliard Foweil.




Lambert, Percy, 81, Queen s-road. Finshmy-piD'k. n.

Lambert, Thos. \Vilson, M.B. Camb., Kandoojis, British Cvlumhia.

Lambert, Willium Osborne. M.D. St. i\ndr., Ai/clifle, DarUngton.

Lamborn, W'm. Alfi'ed Stfdwell. Georgetown, British Guiana.

Lammimam, Clekiud, Titnbridge Wells.

Lamplong'h, Charles, Gospoi-t.

Lamplougli, Wharram Ilenr^y, M.O, Durh., Alverstokc, Hants.

Lancashire, Geoig-eHerbei'tjM. I). Bruss(!ls, \Vithingfon,Manchesttr.

Lancaster, Henry Francis, M.D. Brussels, 154, Westhourne-

ten ace. \v. Lander, Charles Llewellyn, M.B. Lnnd., Stoke, Devonport. Landon, Ernest Edward iialinau, 271, Acton Vule. w, Laudon, Thomas Hamlyn Wliitting-ton, Lnskop, K^tconvt, Natal. Lane, Clayton Arbuthnot, M.D. Lond., Indian ^^edical Service. Lane, liarrj^ Angell, o3, New-road, Stepneij. E. Lane, William Byam, Indian Medical Service. Lang", Arthur Joseph, Janstnville, Cape Colony, South Africa. Lang", Basil Tiiorne, 22, Cavendish-square, w. Lang, Eniest Jackson, IG, Old Burlington-street. AV. Lang-, Henry Charles, M.D. Brussels, Southend. Lang, Ferc.y, Mirfifld, Yorks.

Langdale, Harry Marniaduke, Coiintg Hospital, Brighton. Lang'dale, Ileniy, M.D. Lond., Warrington. Langdon, Henry Charles Theodore, 413, High-road, Chinrick. haiige, Andre Bhilip, 11, Claverton-strect. s.w. Lange, Massillon Henri Joseph, G, Upper Plrllliniore-place. ^x. Laugford, Charles Harris, M.B. Loud., Sli<2)hcrd's-hill, Highgate. x. Langford, Fredk. Charles, -J 8. Nuuhead-lane. s.e. Laugford, Maityn IIeur\', Middlesex Hospital, w. Laugford, Morris diaries. Naval Medical Service. Lang-ley, John Edwaixl, 746, Fulham-road. s.w. Langle}', John Inman, M.D. Brussels, Coventry. Langley, Robert Jackson, Orange River Colony. Laiigniore, Herbert Richard, M.B. Camb.. Wallingford. Lang-ridge, Frank Washington, Cleave House, Ilfracomhe. Langridge, George Thomas^. Royal Army Medical Ccrps. Laug.ston, Thomas Alfied Ulliv'ant, Indian Medical Service. Langwoith}', Edward South wood, iW-aicZe//. n.w. Langworthj', NVilliam Southmead, Yealmpton, Ptyniouth. Laukester, Arthur Colbourne, M.D. Loud., Peshaivar, India. Lankester, Cecil Pryor, Guildford. Lankester, Fiancis John, Belvoir-street, Leicester. Lankester, Raljah Albert Rogers, M.D. Durh., 140, Toller-lam,

Bradford. Lansdale, William, M.D. Durh., 44, Trinity-square, s.e. Ijansdown, Charles Ewbank, Berkeley-place, Cheltenham. Lansdown, Gilbert Harry, Knapp Hill.^ Surrey. Lansdown, Robert Guthrie Poole, M.l>. Durh., Clifton, Bristol. Lanyou, Edgar Temple, Gainsboro', Lincolnshire. Larbale3iier,Wm. Robert, 1, Pf/r^• Vie.w-terr., Wimbledon. s.AV. Larkam, Edward Thomas, M.D. Brussels, Whitlaker-la.,Prestwich.


Larkin, Reginald, ]\I.Ii. Loud., Craven House, Grovc-pk., Kent. S.E.

Lascelles, John Eaton, Uchjield, Sussex.

Lash, Henry Anchew, 4, Moimt-park-crescent., lutlhuj. av.

Laslett, Maurice Howard, GilUnr/han}, Kent.

Laslett, Tiiomas George, Famicort/t, Bolton.

Last, Cecil Edward, Littlehampton.

Last, Thomas Clifford, New ^filton, Hants.

Latchuiore, Arthur Thomas. iJo, Shaic-street, Liverpool.

Latham, Charles Hugh, AJ.B. Lond., Sawlei/, Derbi/.

Latham, Denyer William Fellows, 2, Uaninyford-rozd. N.

Latham, (rod trey WoWiind, Burton-road, Derhij.

Latham, Thomas Jones, 2, Heiuinjjford-road., Bamsbury. N.

Latiibury, Arthur Edward Anthony, Eastbourne.

Lathhury, Charles John, Dunstable.

Lathbury, Ernest Browning-, jlnyai Armij Medical Corps.

Lathern, John Simpson. M.D. McGill, Toronto, Canada.

Lattey, Arthur, Woking.

Lattey, Walter, M.D. Durh., Reading.

Lauderdale, Edward Maitland, 8, Ilacerjield-Qardens, Kew.

Laurence, Bertram Eustace, London-road, Croi/don.

Laurence, George, Catjord. s.e.

Laurie, Caspar Kobert, Redruth, Cornwall,

Laver, Philip Guyon, Head-street, Colchester.

Laverick, John Valentine, Hinderwell, Yorkshire.

Lavers, Norman, M.D. Brussels, Bath.

Law, Josepli, HidUnwood, Oldham.

Lawford, John Bowring, M.D. McGill, 09, llarlej/street. v,\

Lawrance, Milo Charles Shrieves, 95, Stricklandgate, Kendaly

Westniordand. Lawrence, Alan Arthur Tlinds, IG, Cranesicater-av., Southsea. Lawrence, Henry. Rondesbosch, Cape Colony, South Africa. Lawrence, Henry Cripps, M.D. Durh., Babbacombe, 'iorquay, Devon. Lawrence, Henry G\vynue, M.Ji. Lond., 59, Green-street^

G rosvcnor-square. \\. Lawrence, John, The Hospice, Crewe.

Lawrence, Sidney Cameron, M.B. Ijirm., 2'own Hall, Edmonton. N. Lawrence, Stephen March, M.B. Lond., Redlnll. Lawrence, Thomas George, Cape of Good Hope. Lawry, James Littleton, M.D. Lend., Calstock, Cornwall, Lawry, Richard Coger, Penzance. Laws, Harold Lionel, Charlbury, Oxon. Lawsou, Arnold, 12, Harley-street. w. Lawson, Douglas, Royal Army Medical Corps. Lawson, Frank Howard, Steyning, Sussex. Lawson, Fred. James, M.B. Lond., CG, Belgrave-road. s.w. Lawson, Hugh, Chislehurst. Lawson, James Ward, L54, Canulen-road. N. Lawson, Richard. 09, BaUnnn-hill. s.w. Lawton, Walter Chaplin, Cambridge. Lay born, William Kirkus. Laycock, Albert Penard, 10, Lancaster-road, West Norwood, s.e.


I Layng, Henry, Sicatoii\ China. Lay ton, Frank Georg-e. Ahlewell-slreet, WahaU. Layton, Thomas Bramley, M.B. Loud., Guy's Hospital. s.K. Lea, Arnold Wm. Warrington, M.D. Lond., Manchester. Lea, Julian Augustus, Grahnmstoivn, Cape of Good Hope. Leach, Edg-ar, Gl, We/linr/ton-i-oad, Eccles. Leach, Harold, Ovendon., Halifax. Leach, Herbert, Lomarjundi, Rhodesia. Leach, I'ichard Ernest Howell, Bungaij, Suffolk. Leader, Harold, M.B. Lond., Sheffield.

Leaf, Cecil Huntington, M.B. (Jamb., 75, Wim pole-street, ^v. Leah, Thomas Noy, M. 11 Lond., Stonehoitse, Flymoutli. Leak, Hector, Winsjord., Ciiefhire.

Leake, George Dal ton Nugent, Royal Army JiFedical Corps. Leake, Jonas William, Royal Army Medical Corps. Leaning, Robert Craske, M.B. Lond., Gunnershury. ^y. \jedi\An'^vfe\\,kvt\i\\v YiiUx^vd^Butler s-liill,Cheadle,Stolce-(jn-Trent . Leatham, Alfred Newman, Gwydor Cottage, Beckenliam, Kent. Leathart, Percival Wilson, M.B. Camb., Upper Norwood. Leathes, Hill Mussenden, Thirlmere, Godalming. Leathes, John Beresford, 89, Albert Bridge-road. s.w. Le Bas, Diimaresq, 40. St. Mary's-mansions, Paddington. w Leiion, Camille, M.D. Strasb., Saargemund, Alsace- Lorraine. Le Brocq, Charles Noble, M.B. Camb., Jersey. Leckie, Malcolm, Gu'i's Hospital, s.e. Leclezio, George -'oseph Alexis, Moka, Mauritius. Leclezio, Gustave Ernest, 69, Albert- street, n.w. Le Cronier, Hardwick, .Jersey. Le Cronier, Maxwell, Jersey. Ledger, Alfred Vernon, Chelston, Torquay. Leiilie, William, 71, St. James-road^ West Croydon. Ledward, Hugh Daveriport, M.B. Camb., J^etchu'orth. Ilitcliin. Lee, Charles George, 11, Prince' s-avenue, Liverpool. Lee, Grichton Stirling, Cheddleton Asylum, Lccks. Lee, Frederick William, Storringtan, Pullborough^ Sussex. Lee, Harry, High Close, Earlsheaton, Deicsbury. Lee, Robert Hammersley, M.B. Lond., 70, Kenninghall-road,

r^over Clapton, n.e. Lee, Ronald Outram, M.B. Camb., Haddenham, Thame. *Lee, Septimus JoS(?ph, Brampton, Cumberland. Lee, Sidney Herbert, M.B. Camb., Teddington. Lee, William Edward, M.D. Lond., Jfuswell Hill-road. n. Lee, William Emerson, Park-street. Worksop. Lep, Wm. Herbert, The Crimps, Ellesmere., Salop. Lee, William Howe, Pllsley, Chesterfeld. Lee, William John.

Leech, Frederick Samuel, Oxford-terrace, Gateshead. Leeder, Forrest Bertram, Parkstone, Dorset. fLeedham-Green, Charles Albert, M.B. Birm., Birmingham. Leeming, Arnold, M.B. Lond., Sudbury, Suffolk.

* Deceased, Jan. lOth, 1910, f Formerly Green, Charles Albert,



Leeniiiig', Arthur Norman, Lond., 74, IJrodrick-ioad, Upper

7^<>()iin(/. s.AV. fiecniino', .folin, 3541, Indiana-avenue, C/iicof/o. Lees. Alfred Everanl, (ririfs Jfospitnl. s.i;. Lees, Charles Arcliihald, 69. I.arinrjlon-rond, Ealing, av. Lees, Charlie, 2'*, C/mrdi-road, Timbridf/e U'ell^. Lees, Frederic Arnold, Meanwood^ Leeds.

Lees, Harold Cruickshank, M.B. Lond., Be/r/mre-road, Danren. Lees, Kenneth Arthui', M.B. Camb., 22, Weipnouth-f^freft, w. Leeson, Harold Howard, Co/lini/lioin IJanse, Cromwell-mad. s.w. Le Feuvre, W^illiani Philip, Box 150, Bulawayo, Rhodemi. Le Fe vie, John Sjieechly, 208, ^o'<'-co?/imo«-Z«;ie. e. Le Fleming, Ernest Kaye, Wimhorne. Legassick, William Kingdon, Phjmpton. •^Le (ieyt, Daniel Edward, St. Helievs, Jersei/. liegg, Cyrus, Upper Tootinri. s.w. Legg", Thomas Percy, 141, Ear ley -street, w. Legge, Sydney Colen, Worcester. Legh, HaiMy Legli de, M.D. Durli., C'oatliam, Redcar. Le Grand de la Liraye, Louis Marc, Pai-is. Lelimani), Julius Eduaid, M.B. Toronto, Winnipeg, Canada. Leicester, VVm. Samuel, Tlmnipson-road., Singapore. Leigh, Albert, Afalpa'', Cheshire. Leigh, Thomas, G8. Grand Parade., Brigldon. Leigh, Wm. Hamer, Westhoic/hton, Bnlton. Leipoldt, Christian Fiederic Louis, Giiifs Hospital. s.E. Lelean, Percy Samuel, Roi/al Army Medical Corps. Leman, Thomas Curtis, Chipping-Sodbury. Gloucester. Lemaichand, Aithur Wharton, Barnstaple. Lemon, Edward Henry, 0(!, Burnt Ash-road, Lee. s.E. Leney, Ronald John Barcham, Wateringhury, Kent. Lennane, Alfred James Andrew, 11, Park-court, Clapham. s.w. Leon, George Alexander, M.D. Brussels, Torquay. Leon, John Temple, ]NLD. Lond., Southsea. Leonard, Napoleon, M.D. Brussels, c/o ifessrs. lAddle (|- Indole,

47, King William-street. E.G. Leonard, Robert Cecil, M.D. Durh., 134, Coronation-rd., Bristol. Leonard, William Huo-h, Indian Medical Service. Le Quesne, Claude Philip, Laivn-road, Southampton. Le Qnesne, Edwin Joseph, Tring.

Le Quesne, Ferdinand Simeon, V.C., Royal Army Medical Corps. Le Riche, Philip John, Afarine-pai-ade, Worthing. Lermitte, Edward Augustus, CJiurch Green, Redditch. Le Rossiguol, Augustin, M.D, Aberd., Jersey. Leslie, Lewis Francis, Evesham. Lessel. John Frederick, M.D. Dalhousie, Halifax, Nova Scotia^

Canada. Lessey, Saudford Scobell, M.D. Durh., TTythe, Hampshire. Lester, George Mackenzie Lester, Christchnrch, New Zealand.

* Formei'ly Le Geyt^ Edward,



Lesur, Marie Paul Ainie.

Letchworth, Thomas Wilfrid. M.B. Camb., Bournemouth.

Lett, IIug"h, M.B. Yict., 48, Queen Anne-street. ^Y.

Levertoii-Spry, Edn'ard, St. Keverne, Helston.

Levick, George David Baker, Pinner.

Ijevick, Geo. Kenny, M.B. Lond., Gable House, Havant.

Levick, George Murray, Naval Medical Service.

Levick, Ilany Diitlfield. M.B. Lond., South fiehl-rd., Middlesbro' .

Levi.son, Hugo Adolf, 44, West S-ifh-sd'cet. New York.

Levy, Aaron, ALD. McGill, 67, Wimpole-street. "W.

Lev}-. Oscar Ludwig. Talbot Mansions, Bloomsbnry. AV.C.

Lewarne, Frank, Cricklade.

Lewellyn,. John Woodruff, Kingswood, Bristol.

Lewers, Alexander, 12, Chichester-road, Westbourne-park. yy,

Lewin, George, M.B. Lond., 1, Haling Park-road, Croydon.

L-wis, Arthur Cedric, Rochford, Essex.

Lewis, Arthur Daniel, 181), High-street, Stoke Newington. x.

Lewis, Benjamin Adams, Mydrim, St. Clear's.

Lewis, Benjamin Mi)rgan, Pontypridd.

Lewis, Cecil Ernest Miliington, M.D. Camb., Bickley, Kent.

Lewis, Charles Harvey, Southampton.

Lewis, Charles Mortimer. Hindhead, Haslemere, Surrey.

Lewis, Christopher John, M.D.Brux.,72, Newhall-st., Birmingham,

Lewis, Colton Taylor, Luton.

Lewis, David Thomas, Cartrnf, Ponty-y-Pridd.

Lewis, Ernest Eiiward, 30. Weymonth-street. w.

Lewis, Ernest Wool, 15, Queen-street. Hammersmith, "w.

Lewis, Frank Charles, M.D. Lond., 23, Park-hill, Ealing, w.

Lewis, Frederick, Henfield.

Lewis, Frederick William, South Earnbo rough. Earnborovgh.

Lewis, Georg'e Williams, Fir Hill Lodge, Lower Sydenham, s.e.

Lewis, Gwilym, Old Charlton. Kent.

Lewis, Henry AVilliams, St.' David's, Pembroke.

Lewis, Herbert Wolseley. ALD. Brussels, Kent County Asylum,.

Barmiug Heath. Maidstone. Lewis, John, M.B. Lond., Cardiff

Lewis, Lewis, M.D. Durh., 153, Se^hurst-road. S. Norivood, s.e, Lewis, Llewelyn, M.D. Durh., London-road, Neath. Lewis, Robei't Robinson, Royal Army Medical Corps. Lewis, Rowland Philip, Laugharne, St. Clears. Lewis, Wm. Collins, Denbigh. Lewis. William Edward Vaughan, Worcester. Lewis, Wm. Henry Phillips, 8, Gloucester-st., Belgrave-rd. s.av. Lewitt, Frederick William, M.D. Durh., Thrale-rd.,Streatham. s.av> Lewthwaite, Alfred. ALB Lond , Thirhnere, New South Wales. *Lewys-Lloyd, Evan, 9, High-street, Towyn, Merionethshire. Ley, Bernard, 6, Longridge Rd., Earl's Court, s.w. Ley, George, Naval Medical Service. Ley, Gordon, Duncroft, Exmouth, Devon.

Formerly Lloyd, Evan.


1907 Ley, Richard Leonard, M.B. Camb., Nelson-road, Great Yarmouth 1898 Leyden, Charles Dominic, 284, Brockley-road. s.e.

1906 Leyshon, Thomas St. Lep^er, Southampton.

1900 Libby, IlaroUl Samuel, Falmouth. 1884 Lichfield, James William, Leyton. n.e.

1898 Lidderdale, Francis John, M.D. (^amb., Folkestone. 1889 Liebstein, David William, Preston, Brighton.

1886 Licsching-, Charles Edward, Tiverton, Devon.

1893 Ligertwood, Walter Hood, Somerset Connf/j Asi/lum, Wells.

1887 Liglit, Edwin Mellor, M.D. Camb., 4, Wilton-street, s.w.

1901 Light, Leonard William, Sonthminster, Essex.

1889 Lightbody, John Ileury, M.D. Vict., Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex.

1899 Lig'ht font, John Henry, Naval Medical Service. Lilley, Ernest Lewis, M.B. Lond., Leicester.

1896 Lillie, Cecil Firmin, M.D. Camb., San Remo, Itahj.

1908 Lillie, Charles Ogilvie. o, Kensington Park-road, Notting Hill. vr. 1884 Lilly, Alfred Thomas Irvine, Royal Army Afedical Corps.

1895 Lincoln, Charles Hope Septimus, Indian ^fedical Service.

1900 Lindop, Llewellyn, Naval Medical Service.

1901 Lindsay, Alexander \Vm. Criwford, Bankside, Ilendon. w.

1908 Lindsay, Edwin Algernon, 6, Lower Porchester-street, Connaught-

street. w.

1909 Lindsa}', Ernest Charles, 69, Philjwt-street, Whitechapel. e. 1873 Lindsay, William Baltimore.

1894 Lindsey, Colin Dunrod, M.D. Lond., ^fannamead, Plymouth. 1900 Lindsey, Edward Vaughan, M.B. LonH., Repton, Burton-on-Trcnt.

1903 Lindsey, Eric Craigie, Blandfnrd, Mannamead, Plymouth. 1893 Linington, William West, Folkestnne.

1907 Linnell, Robert McCheyne, Great Bar ford, St. JNeots. 1882 Linne}', William Wyckliffe, Ilawkes Bay, New Zealand. 18'S5 Lipscomb, Edgar Richard Senhouse, Starcross, Exeter. 1886 Lipscomb, Eustace Henry, M.B. Camb., St. Albans.

1888 Lissaman, Thomas, 128, St. George'' s-road, Bolto?i.

1900 Lister, Alfred Ei'uest John, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

1905 Lister, Frederick Spencer, Nor well, Newark.

1901 Lister, Herbert Shaw, M.B. Vict.. P^ver Hospital, Plaistow. e. 1892 Lister, Septimus Rayner. King's Lynn.

1904 Lister, Walter, Meanwood. Leeds. i

1895 Lister, William Tindall, M.B. Camb., 24, Devonshire-place, w. 1888 Liston, Walter Lawrence, M.D. Brussels, Tewkesbury.

1869 Litchfield, Henry Robert Campbell, 61, ^7Trti70«-rc/a(/, Tivickenham.

1906 Litchtield, Percy Collins, The Haven, Purify, Surrey.

1904 Lithgow, Ernest George Robert, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1879 Lithgow, Thomas George. Farnborough, Hants.

1906 Litteljohn, Arthur Rieussett, Cuckoo House, Hanwell. "w. 1901 Litteljohn, Edward Salternc, Cuckoo House, Hanwell. w. 1868 Litteljohn, Saltern George, M.B. Ediub.. District Schools,

Hamvell. w.

1896 Little, Arthur Edwin, Roundhay-terrace, Leeds.

1881 Little, Ernest ]\[uirhead, r>, Duchess-street, Portland-place, ^y.

1907 Little, Harold Norman, Normanhurst, Strood, Kent.


Little, John Wisbart, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Little, Joseph Pearson, Old Vicarage, Maryport.

Littlehales, Arthur Gascoyne, Amp field, Hants.

Littlejohn, Thomas Plested, West Worthing.

Littlejohns, Archibald Smith, 6, Belmont-villas, Stoke, Devonport.

Littler, Robert Meredith, Southport.

Littlewood, Harry, 25, Park-square, Leeds.

Littlewood, John Oscroft, ^Fansfield.

Livermore, William Leppiug-well, 52, Staple/on Hall-road. N.

Liversidg-e, William, M.D. Loud., Skipton.

Livock, VVilliam Sherwood, Brighton.

Livsey, William Edward, M.D. Vict., 78, Rodney -street, Liverpool.

Llewellyn, David William Henry, Southhorough, Tunbridge Wells.

Llewellyn, Rees Ralph, 108, Stamford-hill. x.

Llewellyn, Thomas Lister, M.D. Loud., Bargoed, Glamorgan.

Llewellyn, Thomas Richard, Penygraig, Pontypridd.

Llewelyn, Llewelyn, .^fountain Ash.

Lloyd, Bertram Arrhur, M.B. Lond., Edgebaston, Birmingham.

Lloyd, Brinley Richard, M.B. Lond., Jlerthyr Tydjil.

Lloyd, David George, New Castle, Emlyn, Llandyssil.

Lloyd, Edmund Eyre, Southend-on-Sea.

Lloyd, Fi-ancis Seymour, M.D. Loud., Luton.

Llo3'd, Frederick George, 27, Russell-road, Kensington, av,

Lloyd, George William, M.B. Lond., Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent.

Lloyd, John.

Lloyd, John Allden. M.B. Lond., Hatting Spruit, Natal.

Lloyd, John Daniel Stuart, Chirk, Denbighshire.

Lloyd, John Ross, 52, Palace-road, Streatham Hill. s.w.

Lloj-^d, John Thomas, Llys-Einon, Tregaron, Cardiganshire.

Lloyd, John Tryweryu, M.B. Lond., 43, Ullet-road, Liverpool.

Lloyd, John Wesley, 1a, Rodney-street, Liverpool.

LLoyd, Langford Newman, D.S.O., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Lloyd, Lewis Jones, Strahan, Tasmania.

Lloyd, Morgan, M.D. Durh., Llanarthney, Carmarthen.

Lloyd, Nathaniel Hellings, Tiverton.

Lloyd, Perceval Allen, Haverfordwest.

Lloyd, Richard Ernest, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Lloyd. Richard Harte, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Lloyd, Robert, 3, Cobnor-road, Woodseats, Sheffield.

Lloyd, Robert Archer, M.D. Lond., 3, Elder-av., Crouch-end. n.

Lloyd, Thomas Edward, Woodstock, Abergavenny.

Lloyd, Walter Everard, Bank House, Llandilo, Carm,

Lloyd, Wm. Frederick, M.B. Camb.. Alma-road, Windsor.

Lloyd-Jones, Percy Arnold, M.B. Camb., 8, Manor-place^

Paddington. AV. Lobb, Edward Leslie Martyn, M.B. Lond., 11, South Norwood

Hill. s.E. Lobb, Francis Frederick, Naval Medical Service. Lobb, Hubert Peche, New Milton, Hampshire. Lock, George Haylett, 456, Uxbridge-road. av. Lock, John Lewis, M.B. Camb.. 64, ■S'^ Andrew's, Uxhridge.



1899 Lock, Lyonel John, Enfield Lock.

1903 Lock, Percy Gonville, (j, C'romwell-i-oud, Hove, Brighton. 1895 Lockett, George Vernon, M.B. Edinb., Kingston, Jamaica. 1867 Locking, Benjamin, Nelson, New Zealand.

1877 Lockwood, John Parker, Faringdon.

1888 Lockyer, Conrad William, Bircliington^ Kent. 1893 Lockyer, Gerard Edward, Amesbur/j, Salisbury.

1907 Loddiges, Conrad, St. Bartholomevfs Hospital, Rochester.

1889 Lodwidge, William Charrott, Langport, Somerset.

1884 London, John Edward, M.D. Durh., George Town, British Guiana.

1889 Long, Edward Charles, Maseru, British Basutoland.

1863 Long, Frederick, Norwich.

1893 Long, Herbert Birch, Bicester.

1898 Long, James Ernest, M.D. Brussels, Bath. 1897 Long, John Reginald, 1, Priory-road, Dover.

1894 Long, Thomas Ereemaii, Ivy House, Chesham, Bucks.

1899 Long, William Christopher, Indian Medical Service.

1891 Longhurst, Bell Wilmot, Rotjal Army Medical Corps.

1901 Longhurst, Ernest i^rchibald, 28, Old Burlington-street, m'.

1900 Longhurst, Frederic \X\\\\2im, A, Hobart-place, Eaton-sqtiare. w. Longhurst, Percy Augustus, 28. Old Burlington- street, w.

1894 Louginotto, Michael Joseph, 10, Russell-square, w.c. 1900 Longle}^ John Augustus Noel, M.B. Birm., Bristol. 1893 Longton, George Harold, 80, Welbeck-street. w.

1895 Lonnon, Frederick, 77, Denmark-hill. s.E.

1892 Loos, William Christopher.

1902 Looseley, Alfred Edward Arthur, M.B. Oxf., 68, Wood-lane. w.

1907 Loosely, Charles James, 68, Wood-lane. w.

1897 Lord, Cyril Courtena}^ New Brompton, Chatham.

1893 Lord, Samuel Thomas, Castleton, Manchester.

1889 Lord, William Henry, New North-road, Huddersfield. 1900 Lord, William James, Faringdon.

1884 Loring, Jonathan Brown, M.D. Montreal, Montreal.

1887 Lotz, Henry John, Fremantle, West Australia.

1895 Loud, Frank, Albion House, Leives.

1908 Loudon, Julian Derwent, M.B. Toronto, 83, St. George^ s-street.,


1906 Loughborough, Albert Lawrence, 45, Holland Park-avenue, "w. 1905 Loughborough, Walter Gerald, Lee-on- Solent, Hants.

1908 Loughlin, Dermot, 16, Merton Hall Road, Wimbledon.

1904 Louissoii, Maurice George, M.B. Loud., Christchurch, N. Zealand.

1890 Lourensz, Charles Ball.

1907 Louwrens, James Johnson, Ficksburg, Orange River Colony. 1902 Love, Herbert, M.B. Lond., 34, Connaught-road, Stroud Green. N.

1905 Loveday, Francis John, 13, Royal-avenue, Chelsea, s.w. 1902 Loveday, George Edward, 14, >S'^ John-street, Manchester. 1892 Loveday, Wm. Dunmore. Beckett House, Wantage.

1898 Lovegrove, Frederic Thomas Alexander, M.B. Vict., Marina,

Blundellsands , nr. Liverpool.

1909 Lovell, Arthur Gordon Haynes, 3a, Hans-crescent, s.w.

1871 I Lovell, Francis Otley, 34, Avenue House, St. Johns Wood. n.w.


Lovell, Robert Haynes, 3a, Hans-crescent, s.w.

Lovell, William, G2, liolmdale-road, W. Hampstead.

Lovell-Keays, Lionel Francis, East Hoathhj^ Sussex.

Lovitt, Arnold Edward, Tientsin, North China.

Low, Allan Douglas, Bridgend, Glam.

Low, Charles William, M.B. Durh., Stowmarket.

Low, Georg-e Harvey, Poicis Lodge, Vicarage Park, Plumstead.

Low, Harold, M.B. Camb., 10, Eve/i/n-gardens, S. Kensington, s.w.

Low, Nelson, Royal Army Medical Cor-ps.

Low, Robert Bruce, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo.

Low, Vincent Warren, M.D. Lond., 146, Harley-'^treet. w.

Lowdell, Charles George Walton, Indian Medical Service.

Lowe, Frederick Boulton, 43, Thurlow Park-road. s.E.

Lowe, Godfrey John Ralph, St. Catherine's, Lincoln.

Lowe, Heur3', Tycroes, Anglesey.

Lowe, Lockhart, Clent, Stourbridge.

Lowe, Otto William Axel, 38, Westbourne-road, Birkdale.

Lowe, Walter Georg-e, M.D. Lond., Burton-on-Trent.

Lowenthal, Louis Laurence, M.D.Chicag-o, \, Highbury New-pk. n.

Lower, N,ynian Yeo, St. David's, Presteign.

Lowman, Wm. Heuville, M.B. Lond., Coventry.

Lowry, Ernest Ward, .53, Kew Bridge-road. w.

Lowry, Wm. Herbert, M.D. Toronto, Brentford, Toronto.

Lowsiej', Lionel Dewe, Uganda, East Africa.

Lowsley, Montag'u Marmion, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Loxtou, William Arthur, M.B. Birm.,85, Cormvall-st., Birmingham.

Lo}', Martin William, New Brompton, Kent.

Luard, Hugh Bixby, M.B. Camb., Osmotherly, Northallerton.

Lubbock, Edgar Ashley, 630, Fulham-road. s.w,

Lubeck, Wilfred Joseph, Jalarpet, India.

Lucas, Albert, 9, Easy-roiv, Birmingham .

Lucas, Arthur, Stanley-place, Bury, Lancashire.

Lucas, Claude Robinson, Broadway House, Tooting, s.w.

Lucas, George Humithrcy, Wisbech.

Lucas, Joseph John Scammell, M.D. Lond., WeWs-road, Bristol.

Lucas, Richard Clement, M.B. Lond., .50, Wimpole-street. w.

Lucas, Stanley Arthui-. Nelson, New Zealand.

Lucas, Travis Clay, Huntingdon.

Luce, Richard Harman, M.B. Camb,, Derby.

Lucey, Herbert Cubitt, M.B. Lond., Guy^s Hospital, s.e.

Luciani, Julius CjBSar, M.D. Venez., Caracas, Venezuela, South

America. Lucy, Sidney Herbert, Sungei Ujong, Malay States. Lukmani, Budrudin Abdulkarim, Bombay. Lulham, Edwin Percy Habberton, Ditchling, Sussex. Lumb, Edward John, 881, Leeds-road, Bradford. Lumb, Thomas Fletcher, Royal Army Medical Corps. Lumley, (Jharles Armstrong, Idntywa, Transkei, Cape Colony. Lumley, Frederick Davidson, Naval Medical Service. Lund, John Knowles, Stretjord, Manchester. Lunn, Cyril Reginald, M.B. Birm., Olton, Birmingham.

P 2


1 879 rjunn, Jolin Reuben, Marykhone Infirmary, Ladhroke Grove-rd. w.

1890 ijiinn, Percy Trenavin, Alver.sfoke, Gosport.

1874 Lupton, Ilany, StrutJord-on.Avun.

1903 Luxinoore, Evfjlyn iJohn llansler, Jioi/al Arini/ AFedical Corps.

1871 Lycett, John Allan, M,D. St. Andr., Woloerliampton.

1895 Lydall, Wykeliaiu Tracy, City-road., Jiinninf/haia.

1886 liyle, Charles Conway Vacy, Aiuersfoort, Transvaal.

1893 Lyie, Herbert Willouo-hby, M.D. Lond., 39, Ilertford-strfet. w. 18G3 liyle, Tiionias, M.I). Aberd., 18, Ca,ifellam-road, Maida Vale. w. 1908 Lynch, Arthur Alfred, 40, line de Lii.remhoiirf/, Paris.

18Ho Lynch, George VVilliani AugMistiis, M.B. (Jamb., Suva, Fiji.

18()() Ijynch, Jordan Roche, 160, //o//«m/ Pa/'^-wre/tMe. w.

1897 Lynch, Stephen Frederick, liexhobn, Plyinouth.

1901 Lynch, William Warren, Knoidton, Quebec, Canada. 1908 Lyon, Edwin James, 10, Torrimjton-sqnare. "W.C. 1890 Lys, George, Bere Regis, Wareham.

1902 Lyth, Charles Ernest VVheatley, M.H. Lond., N. South Wales. Lyth, Uaiold vVshton, M.B. Lond., Matley, Plymouth.

1903 Maberly, Ernest, EversUni, Winch field. 1888 Maberly, .fohn, Woodstock, Cape Colony.

1905 Macalister, George Hugh Kidd, M.D. Camb., Torrisdale, Cambridge.

1896 McAdam, Kenneth, New Zealand.

1904 McAllum, John Henry, Milford-on-Sea, Hants.

1907 Macalpine, James Jjai'low, Broad Oak, Accrington.

1892 McAnally, Archibald Ache.son, Eastry, Dover.

1897 McAnally, Edward Arthur, Newington, Kcnf-

1890 Macann, Arthur Charles Joseph, 26, Stanley-gardens, Belsize

Park. N.w.

1895 McArthur, Arthur Norman, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

1890 McArthur, Dinican Campbell.

1904 McArthur, .John. Manor-rodd, East Molesey.

1906 Mc'Ash, .lolui, M.B. Toronto, Clinton, Ontario, Canada. 1904 McBane, Dugald, M.B. Toronto, 68, Gower-street. w.c.

1898 MacCallan, Arthur Ferguson, M.B. Camb., Royal London

Ophfh(dmic IFospifal, City-road. E.G.

1906 McCandlish, Alexander Henry, 14, Avenue-rd., Forest-gate. s.E.

1894 McCardie, William Joseph, 89, Cornwall-street, Birminf/ham.

1887 MacCarthy, Ujar Ansbert Ovoa, Roy<d Army Medical Corps.

1899 McCarthy, Thomas, Sherborne.

1903 McCaskie, Harry Bertram, M.D. Camb., \2, Sydney-place, Onslow-

square. s.w.

1899 McCaskie, Norman James, M.D. Can)b., 12, Sydney-place, Onslow-

square. s.w.

1903 Macaulay, Wm. Cameron, M.B. Lond., Heme Hill. s.E.

1878 McCausland, Albert Stanley, M.B. Brussels, Swanage.

1908 McCaw, Alexander Todd, Chi ng ford, Essex. 1868 McClean,Edwar<l Henry, Barbados.

1897 McClean, John Francis, Biifish Hospital, Constantinople.

1893 McCleland, Hugh Augustus, New Pli/mow, New Zealand.

1901 McClintock, Joseph Andrew, M.D. TViu. Coll., Toronto, Canada.


1900 McClure, Charles Thomas, Retford.

1897 McClure, James, Cheyne-gardens., Chelsea, s.w.

1906 McClure, Walter St. Clair, Stoke, Devonport.

McCollum, John Alexander, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1899 McComb, James Adrian, Millwall. e.

1901 McCombe, John, M.D. McGill, Quebec, Canada.

1894 McCone, James Francis, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

1899 McConnell, James, 25, Percy-gardens, Tynenwidh.

1884 McConochie, Samuel Watson, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1902 McCord, James Bennett, M.D. Chicago, Amanzimtoti, Adams^

South Africa.

1892 McCormack, Charles Vincent, Booth, Liverpool.

1902 McCowen, William Thomas, 73, Talbot-road, Bayswater. \v.

1903 McCoy, Samuel Harvey, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1899 McCoy, William John, 48, St. Phillips-road, Dalston. n.e. 1891 McCrea, Benjamin Henrj^ 58, C aivley- road. South Hachiey. n.e.

1907 McCulloch, Robert John Percival, M.B. Toronto, Beileville, I Ontario, Canada.

1894 ! McCulloug-h, Hug-h Allan, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada.

1909 ' McCully, Donald, The Ferns^ Spring-grove, Islewortli. av.

1906 McDonagh, James Eustace Radclyffe, Wien IX, Hofergassc.

1877 McDonagh, George Raymond, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Caruida.

1905 Macdonald, Arthur Harkness. Singapore.

1908 McDonald, Charles Eric AVells, King's College Hospital, av.c.

1900 MacDonald, Charles John, Skeabost, Isle of Skye.

1909 McDonald, Daniel Robert, M.D. Dal. Univ., Salt Springs, Picton,

Nova Scotia.

1904 McDonald, Edgar John Cecil, Indian Medical Service.

,, Macdonald, John George, 86, Forth-street, Dunedin, N. Zealand.

1897 j Macdonald, John Norman, 22, i?e/s?^e Pa7'/j-^rtrrfe?is. N.w.

1863 ; Macdonald, Keith Norman, M.D. St. Andr., Edinburgh.

1909 i McDonald, Niel, M.B. Vict., 29, Bairstow-street, Preston.

1906 MacDonald, Sydney Gray, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e.

1902 Macdonald, William Chisholm, M.B. Edinb., Indwe, Cape Colony,

South Africa.

1896 McDonald, Wm. Maclachlan, Plymouth, W. Indies.

1884 McDonnell, William Campbell, Park House, Stoke Newington. N.

i ^\.c\)owai\\,\lQv\)eYX,(^v'\Q\\tou, Gladesville, New South Wales.

1903 I McDouall, John Orichton Stuart, National Bank, 15, Moorgate-

streef. e.g.

1896 McDougal, Ernest Duncan, GO. Park-street, Grosvenor-sq. w.

1893 McDougall, Alan, M.D. Vict., 6, Aytoun-street, Manchester.

1899 McDougall, John Tyley Montgomery, Southampton.

1901 MacDovvall, Wm. MacDowall, 31, Crouch-hall-road, Crouch-

end. N.

1907 McDowall, Colin Francis Fredk., M.D. Durh., City Asylum,


1886 McDowell, Samuel Edgar Creighton, Norway, Michigan, U.S.A.

1900 McEnery, William Augustine, M.B. Lond., 27, Regent-street, s.w. . 1906 McEvedy, Patrick Francis, M.B. Loud., Guy's Hospital, s.e. 1886 Macevoy, Henry John, M.D. Lond., 41 , Buckley-rd., Rilhurn. n.w.


McEweu, Owen Reginald, 9, Montrose-terrace,Mutlei/, Plyiuouth.

Macfadyen, Norman, Load., T/te Croft, Letchicoi'th, llitchin.

McFarlane, Alexander Ra.strick, 27, M ilner-strect. s.w.

McGavin, Donald Johnstone, M.B. Lond., Ed f/baston^ Birmingham.

McGavin, Lawrie Hugh, 6, Afansjield-Hreet. w.

Macliill, Donald Grey, SmaU Bridge, Rochdale.

McGillivray, Donald, M.D. Toronto, 42, Carlion-street, Toronto.

Macgowan, Alexander, Thorburn, .M.D. St. Andr.

MacGi'ath, Edmund John, 72, Cenlral-liill, Upper Noricood. s.e.

McGreer, Charles Grange, M.D. Edlnb., 7, Douglas-block.,

Winnipeg, Canxtda. MacGregor, Arthur Robert, 69, Central Hill, Upp. Noricood. s.e. McGregor, George, Naval Medical Service.

Macgregor, Joseph Johnston, M.D. Lond., G9, Splott-rd., Cardiff. Macliin, Frank Smith, Ifcreford.

Mcllroy, James Archibald, Grove-avenue, Moseley, Birmingham. Mcllroy, John Black, Bulmain, New South Wales. M'llroy, John Morrison, The Prior ji, Eoehampton. s.av. Macllwaine, Sidney Wilson, Bromley, Kent. Macintosh, Archibald Malcolm, Pietermaritzburg , Natal. Mclntyre, Ernest, Mitcham, Surrey.

Mack, Cyril Gordon, M.B. Lond., 2G, St. PauVs-rd., Canonbury. n. Mack, Hans Hamilton, 243, Roman-road, Bow. e. McKague, William Henry, Coburg, Ontario, Canada. Mackay, Duncan Matheson, M. 0. Ediub., Hull. Mackay, Ernest Charles, M.D. Lond., St. Leonard's. Mackay, James Jerome, 112, Stochwell Park-road. s.w. McKay, John Gilbert, 8, Malvern-road, Melbourne, Australia. Mackay, Percy Barnard, Hall Gate, Doncaster. McKay, Robert, 11, Queen Anne-street, w. McKean, Getjrge Bartley, M.B. Lond., Ledbury. McKee, Joseph Feunell, 421, North Delaivare-street, Indianopolis,

Indiana, U.S.A. McKenty, Francis Edmund, M.D. McGill, Winnipeg, Canada. Mackenzie, Alexander, M.B. Carab., North-street. Leeds. MttKenzie, Alexander Ernest, The Grange, Boothstown, Manchester. Mackenzie, Colin, 29, C'hester-iei'race, Regent's Park. n.w. Mackejizie, George Welland, 13, Williain-st., Loivndes-sq. s.^v. Mackenzie, Kenneth Morell, 60, Grand-parade, Brighton. Mackenzie, Lewis, Tiverton.

Mackenzie, Louis Hope Lovat, Glenoran, Beauly, N.B. Mackenzie, Stephen Morton, M.B. Camb., Dorking, Surrey. Mackenzie. Stuart Donald, M.D. McGiil, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Mackern, John, M.D. Camb., Shooters llill-road, Blackheath. s.e. Mckeirow, Charles Kenneth, 7, Barns-street^ Ayr. Mackeson, Gu^^ 15, King William-street. E.c. Mackie, Frederic Percival, Compton-Greenjield, near Bristol. McKie, Gordon McKenzie, 72, Union-road, Rotherhithe. s.e. McKillop, Alexander, M.D. Toronto, Button, Ontario, Canada. Mackinlay, James Egan Harrison, Coatham, Redcar. McKinney, Hugh Giffen, Northern NigeiHa.


McKinnon, Archibald Andrew, BerMce, British Guiana.

Mackintosh, Hugh Richd. Duncan, M.D. Erlan, Onslow-gdns. s.w.

Mackintosh, John Stewart, Platt's-lane, Hampstead. n.w.

Mackuish, James William.

McLachlau, Arthur Ronald, Ca/?e Town, S. Africa.

McLaren, George Hagarty, Hamilton^ Canada.

Maclaren, Norman, 23, Portland- square, Carlisle.

MacLeaii, Charles Murray, M.D.McGill, New Brunswick., Canada.

McLean, Hugh, 127, King Edward-road, S. Hackney, n.e.

Maclean, Ivan Clarkson, M.D. Loud., Beckenham, Kent.

Maclean, Neil John, M.D. Manitoba, 323, Flora- avenue, Winnipeg, ]\Ianitoha.

MacLean, William Walter Laroche, Board of Trade Offices, Queenstown.

McLeay, Charles Wm.,M.D.West. Univ., Canada, London, Canada.

McLellau, Wilbert Ernest, M.B. Toronto, VMh Si., New York.

Macleniian, Duncan Neil, 126, Bloor-st., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

MacLeod, Chas. Edward Alex., 70b, Ladhroke-gi'ove. w.

MacLeod, Evan Cameron, Indian Medical Service.

MacLeod, Harold Hay Brodie, Shrewsbury.

MacLeod, James Alexander, 2, Vernon-place. w.c.

MacLeod, Roderick Alexander, 93, Charlwood-street. s.w.

Maclure, Herbert Wm., M.B. Camb., Brill, Thame.

McMane, Charles, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

MacMaster, Donald Aeneas Dunlop, M.B. Svdney, Henson-street, Sydney, N.S. W.

McMichael, Arthur William, Vowchurch, Herefordshire.

Macmillan, John Furse, Indian Medical Service.

Macmillan, John McCallum Anderson, M.B. Edin., 12, Chalmers- crescent, Edinhurqh.

McMullen, William Halliburton,, M.B. Lond., 27, Welheck-st. w.

McMunn, James, 6G, Finsbury Pavement, e.g.

McMurtry, Walter Campbell, M.D. McGill.

Macnab, Allan James, Indian Medical Service.

Macnab, John Theodore, 38 Murraiifield-avenue, Edinburgh.

Macnair, Norman, Benvue, Dowanhill-gardens, (rlasgow.

MacNalty, Arthur Salusbury, Hospital for Consumption,Bronipton. s.w.

McNally, George Johnston, New Bn/nswick, Canada.

Macnamara, Hugh Winck worth, Naval Medical Service.

Macnamara, James Thomas, 203, High-street, Ltwisham. s.e.

McNutt, William Fletcher, M.D. Harvard, San Francisco.

McOscar, John, Bridge House, Buxton.

Macphail, John Andrew, M.D. McGill, Montreal.

McPherson, Thomas, 15, Torrington-square. W.C.

Macpherson, Wm. Hugh, Henley-on-Thames.

McQueen, Robert Martin, 89, Eaion-terrace. s.w.

Maci'ae, I'ouald, 88, High-street, Ptplar. e.

McSheeh3% Oswald William, M.B. Lond., Wimbledon.

McSorley, Alexander Somerled, St. Paul's House, High Barnet.

McSwain, Angus, M.D. Massachu.setts,F2C?o?'/a, British Columbia.





McTavish, Frank, M.B. Toronto, 331, Westminster-avenue ^

Vancoui'ci\ British Columbia. McVail, John Borlaiu], AntofafjuHta, Chile. MacAVatlc'is, John Courteiiay, Almondsbnrii^ Gloucestershire. MacVV^atters, Matthew Robert Cecil, M.B. Loud., Bath. Madden, Francis Brian, Folkestone, Madden, Frank Cole, Kasr-el-Ainy Hospital, Cairo. Maddison, Thomas William, M.P,.' Durh., 123, Stamford-hill. Maddox, William Gordon, Tasmania. Madg-e, Arthur Ernest.

Madge, Edward Donglas, IG, Clarr/es-streef, Mai/ fair. w. Madge, Unbert Abraham, 150, JliiiJi Cross-street, Leicenter. Mag-ee, Cliarles Crozier Tandy, Soi, Old Ford-id., Bow. e. Magg-s, William Adolphus, 14, Upper Wimpole-street. av. Mag-or, Thomas, St. Colmnb.

Mag-owan, Peter Donald Fraser, Clonlee, Lame, Ireland. Maher, Mahmoud, Government Hospital, Bent Sue/, Egypt. Maher, Michael Robert, G, Arundel-avenue, LiverpooL Maidlow, William Harvey, M.D. Durh., Ilminster. Maingay, Henry Bertram, Scarborough. Mainprise, Cecil W^ilmot, Royal Army Medical Service. Mains, John Henry, Wakeham, Portland. Mair, Ludovic Wm. Darra, M.D. Lond., Carshalton, Surrey. Maisey, Chas.Thos. Boodle, Witham, Essex. Maitland, Alfred Derwent, 44, Uxbridge-road, Tlanwell. Maitland, Charles Robert, 7G, Park-road, West Dulwich. Maitland, Pelham Christopher, Sion House, Clapton, n Maitland, Percy Edmund, Naval Medical Service. Maitland, Vivian Gray, The Vicarage., Dudley. Major, Arthur Cundell, Reading. Major, Hug-h Marcus, St. Heliers, Jersey. Makalua, Matthew Manuia, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Maknis, George Henry, C.B., 47, Charles-street, Berheley-sq. Makuna, Manikjee Dosabhai, Trealaii\ Pontypridd. Malabre, Herbert Frederic, M.B. Edinb., Kingston, Jamaica. Malcolm, Alexander John, 39, Gicendwr-rd., West Kensington, w. Mallam, Harry Guy, 4, Pavilion-parade, Brighton. Mailam, William Andrew, 63, Roslyn-hill, Hampstead. n.w. Mallam, William Prior, 97, The Vale, Acton, w. Malleson, Herbert Cecil, 30, Thur low-road, Hampstead. n.w. Malloch, AVm. John Og-ilvie, M.B. Tor., 44, Grosvenor-terrace,

Camberwell. s.E. Malpas, James, Fawcett-road, Southsea. Maltby, William Ernest Georg-e, Feltham, Middlesex. Mamlock, Harold Charles, M.D. Paris, 20, Rue Lesueur, Paris. Manasseh, Antonius Joseph, Beyrout, Syria. Manby, Walter Edward, M.B. Camb., Bridport. Manchester, John William, M.D. McGill, St. John's, New

Brujisivick, Canada. Mandel, Eli^s Leopold AVoolf, M.B. Loud., Guy's Hospital, s.e. Mander, Percy Robert, M.D. Durh., The Rockery, Stafford.





Manders, Neville, Royal Army Medical Corps. Mandy, Percy Stephen, Hythe, Kent. Manfield, Geo. Herbert Hiud, ."^henstone, Lichfield. *Maiig'iu, Frederick Meredyth, Royal Army Medical Corps. Manknell, Arthur, M.B. Loud., Laisterdyke, Bradford. Manlove, Jaraes Ernest, aS'^. Leonards-on-Sea. Maun, Fairman Rackbam, Naval Medical Service. Maun, Fredk. Wm. Slingsby, Revesby, Boston. Manning', Ernest John, Sonthall.

Manning, Guy Eugene, M.D. Loud., Eastern Hosp., Homerton. n.e. Manning, Harry Paul Owen, Faversham. Manning, Herbert Campl)ell, Fidbourne Asylum, Cambridge. Manning, Richard Beattie. Wells, Somerset. Manning, Thomas Davys, M.B. Lond., Weymouth. Mannington, Frank, Musweli Hill-road. n. Mansbridge, Josiah, 112, Harley-street. ^Y. fMansel-Howe, Sidney lorwerth, M.D. Brussels, 115, St. George's-

S(piare. S.w. Manser, Fredk. Baile3% M.B. Camb.. Tunbridge Wells. Mansfield, Perceval Aubertin, M.B. Oxf., Sevenoaks. Mant, Harold Turley, M. ]^.hon&., 'd.Nottimjham-ter., York-gate. N.w. Mantell, Hugh Eraser, Western Hospital, Fulham. s.w. Manton, John Albert, Shrewsbury House, Park, Shejfield. Mantri, Dadoba Janardhan, Bombay. Manwaring, Edward Ernest, Worthing. Maples, Ernest Edgar, M.D. Lond., Warri, Central Provinces,

S. Nigeria. March, Edward Gerald, 41, Castle-street, Reading. March, Geoffrey Colley, Abbotsbury, Dorset. March, Joseph Ogdin, Amesbury^ Salisbury. Marchant, Eric Lachlan, M.B. New Zeal., Ophthalmic Hosp. w.c. Marder, Edward Swan, Lyme Regis. Marder, Nicholas, Royal Army Medical Corps. Marett, Philip Jauvrin, St. Saviour s, Jersey. Margrave, Malcolm Llewellyn, Moffat. Marin, Ferdinand Baptiste, 236, Cambenv ell-road. s.e. Mark, Leonard Portal, M.D. Durh., 49, Oxford-terrace, w. Markby, Herbert, Morley, Leeds.

Marklove, John Carriugtoii, 7, Lansdown-crescent, Cheltenham. Marks, Herbert William James, M.D. Camb., Sydney, N.S. W. Marks, Leonard Freeman, M.B. Lond., Mumbles, Glamorgan. Marks, Urban, 1, Trinity -place, Sivansea. Markus, Charles, 28, Wimpole-street. w. Maries-Thomas, Theodore, Naval Medical Service. Marlow, Frederick William, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Marrack, George Comyns, Itclien, Hams. Marrett, Henry Norman, Merwell Sanatorium. Sandon, Essex. Marriage, Herbert James, M.B. Lond., 109, Harley-street. w.

* Formerly Mangan, Meredyth.

t Formerly Joseph, Sidney Westbrook lowerth.


1895 Marriott, Arthur, M.B. Lond., Aldeburgh, Suffolk.

1896 Marriott, Cecil Edward, I^eicvster.

1886 Marriott, Henry Tancred, East-streei, Brir/Iiton.

1888 Marriott, Horace Bruce, Naval Medical Service.

1900 Marriott, Oswald, M.D. Lo)id., Jfong Kovg^ China.

1904 Marris, Henry Fairley, Clinton House, Worksop.

1894 ^[arris, Wm. Arthur, M.D. Lond., King's Heath, Birmingham,

1861 Marsdin, Frederick, M.B. Lond., Old Town, Eastbourne.

1901 Marsh, Charles Alfced, M.D. Lond., Bath.

1894 Marsh, Edward Henr^^, Long Preston, Yorkshire.

1881 Marsh, Frank, 93, Cornwall-street, Birmingltam.

1897 Marsh, Henry Rupert, 83, Croydon-road. Anerley. s.E. 1894 Marsh, John Hedley, Macclesfield.

1881 Marsh, Wilham Aspinall, Skelmersdale.

1902 Marshall, Arthur Thomson, M.B. Lond., Bideford.

1894 Marshall, Augustine, M.D. Brux., 145, London-road, I^owestoft.

1890 Marshall, Charles Devereux, 112, Ilarley-street. w.

1903 Marshall, Charles de Zouche, Thowerton, Exeter.

1908 Marshall, Claude Herbert, The Elms, Burgli Heath, Surrey.

1889 Marshall, Edward Williams, Mitcham.

1906 Marshall. Eiic Stewart, 24, Willow-road^ Hampstead. N.w.

1891 Marshall, Francis Edward, Ticickenham.

1905 Marshall, Herbert Frank, Ilighgate, Walsall.

1900 Marshall, James Cole, M.D. Lond., 36, Albion-street, Hyde

Park. w.

1906 Marshall, John Dodds, M.B. Vict., Chorley New-road, Bolton.

1901 Marshall, Reginald Prynne, 143, Grange-road, Bermondsey. s.E.

1909 Marshall, Russell Hardy Sidney, 26, Carlton Hill. n.w. "

1900 Marshall, Thomas Bingliam, Lecldade, Gloucestershire.

1890 Marshall. William Ernest, Naval Medical Service. 1906 Marshall, Wm. Burton, 29, Canning-street, Liverpool.

1891 Marson, Cyril Darby, 23, Greengate-street, Staljbrd.

1892 Marson, Francis Herbert, M.D. Durh., Eastgate, Stafford.

1882 Marston, Francis Ernest, High-street, Welshpool.

1887 Marston, Henry John, Durlston-road, Upper Clapton, n.e.

1901 Mart, William Thomas Dakin, Pitsmoor, Sheffield.

1884 Marten, Robt. Humphrey, M.B. Camb,, Adelaide, S. Australia.

1889 Martin, Albert Edw., M.D. Durh., 196, Sturt-street, Ballarat,


1899 Martin, Alfred Eugene, M.B. Camb., Fremantle, W. Australia.

1893 Martin, Antony Alexander, M.D. Lond., Eastbourne.

Martin, Arthur James, M.D. Lond., Bloxwich, Staffordshire.

1908 Martin, Edward Keimeth, M.B. Lond., University College Hos- pital, w.c.

1902 Martin, Edward Lister, M.D. Lond., Hull.

1886 Martin, Francis George Clifton, 45, Grange-road. s.E.

1898 Martin, Francis John Hensley, Bottesford, Nottingham.

1897 Martin, Francis Raynes, M.B. Camb., Randfontein, Transvaal.

1887 Martin, Fredk. Geo. Sturridge Goodall, Darlington.

1905 Martin, Harold Philip, M.D. Trin.Univ., Tor., 108, Carlton-street, Toronto.

1903 Martin, James Ernest, M.B. Lond., Epsom.



Martin, James Pirie, Box., Wilts.

Martin, James Sackville, Leigh., Lancashire,

Martin, John, Naval Medical Service.

Martin, John Birch, Beckett Hospital, Barnsley.

Martin, Jolm Macleod, 238, Warren-st., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Martin, John Newton, Caseytoicn. Tavistock.

Martin, Louis Charles, 8, Upper Bedford-place, w.c.

Martin, Paulin John, Clock House, Abingdon.

Martin, Philip Stanley, 7, Bartholomeio-road, Kentish Town. N.w.

Martin, Robert Collins, 3, Clifton Vale, Clifton, Bristol.

Martin, Thomas, Thatcham, Newbury.

Martin, W'illiam Beare. Plymouth-grove., Manchester.

Martin-Leake, Arthur, V.C., 14, Garden Reach, Calcutta.

Martineau, Alfred John, 8, Eaton-road, Hove, Brighton.

Martiueau, Arthur, County Asylum, Bodmin.

Martland, Thomas, Kenmare House, Walsall.

Martley, Francis Chas., M.D. Camb., 32, Upp.Merrion-st., Dublin.

Martyn, Alfred Lea, Hartland, North Devon.

Martj'n, Frank Derecourt, Moyna, St. Cathei'ine's, Lincoln.

Martyn, Georg-e, Burley, Hants.

Mart3'n, Reginald, Exmouih.

Marvin, Harry Forbes Churton, Heme Bay.

Masani, Hormasji Dadabho}^, Indian Medical Service.

Mascarenhas, Eugene Augustus, Bombay.

Masina, Diushaw Manekji, Homhay.

Maskell, John Wm., Chorley, Lancashire.

Mason, Alfred, The Limes, Deal.

jNIason, Arthur Henry^, Oakwood, Walton-on-Thames.

Mason, Frank, M.B. Edinb., Handsivorth, Sheffield.

Mason, Frank William, Boston.

Mason, Gerald Bovell, Antigua, West Indies.

Mason, Harold, M.B. Lond., 73, Willes-?'oad, Leamington.

Mason, Herbert Alfred, Duffleld, Derby.

Mason, John Harold, M.B. Vict., Thombury, Bradford.

Mason, Samuel, St. Bartholomew'' s Hospital, e.g.

Mason, William Blaikie, 218. Somers-road. Southsea.

Masser, Edward (-harles, Waschbank, Natal.

Massey, Henry Massey, Queensfown, Tasmania.

Massiah, Clarence Henry, Demerara, British Guiana.

Master, Alfred Edmund, M.B. Camb., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Master, Dudley Cj'ril, Junior Conservative Club, Albemarle-st. w.

Master, George, M.B. Camb., Bury St. Edmunds.

Master, Jehangir Ardeshir, 17 o, Eentiman-road. s.w.

Mastermau, Ernest William Gurnej', M.D. Durh., 16, Lincoln^ s Inn

Fields. Av.c. Masters, Edgar Ernest, 207, Bridge-road, Batlersea. s.w. Matheson, Farquhar Mackenzie, 11, Soho-square. w. Mathew, Charles Montague. Indian Medical Service. Mathew, Charles Pynsent, Thorncombe, Dorset. Mathew, George Porter, M.D. Camb., Port Elizabeth., Cape Colony. Mathew, Philip Walter, Heavitree, Exeter. Mathews, Charles, Sevenoaks.


Mathews, Frank Edward, Welsh Roio House, Nantivich.

Mathews, Sidnoy Robert llaivey, Bichleij, Kent.

Mathews, William Ij'Kstran<;e, (Jreat Bridge, 'Tipton.

Mathews. William Mohevt, A lb my. New South Wales.

Mathias, Ciiarles David, North Clijf House., Tenby.

Mathias, Richard, Itadyr, Cardiff.

Mathieson, William, 6 1, Invema-court, Kensington, w.

Mathison, Arthur Jolin, 46, High-road, Wood Green. N.

Matson, Horace Sidney, M.B. Lond., ;j, Lewin-rd, Streatham. s.w.

Matthews, Arthur Keiiwartl, 9, Qnex-roud, South Hampstead. N.w.

Matthews, Charles Edward, M.l). Oxf., Northern Hospital, n.

Matthews, Edgar Willi;im, M. B. Lond., T/te Maples, Hampton Wick.

Matthews, Ernest Albert Churchward, Indian Medical Service.

Matthews, Jolin, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Matthews, John Cuthbert, M.B. Camb., Blundellsand., Liverpool.

Matthews, Samuel Ryder Russell, 207, New Cross-road. s.e.

Matthews, Sidney Philip, Holly Lodge, Craivley.

Mattliews, Thomas Arnold, M.B. Lond., Richmond, Surrey.

Matthews, Vernon Lickfold, London Hospital. E.

Mattice, Richard Iram,M.D. Mc(j;\\\,Winnepeg,Manitoha.^Canada.

Maturin, Francis Henry, M.B. Camb., Lyniington.

Maude, Arthur, Westerham, Kent.

Maug-hara, William Somerset, ;34, Dover-street, w.

Mau<4-han, James, 66, Albany-street, Regent's-park. N.w.

Mauud, John Hansb}', Newmarket.

Maunsell, Debonnaire Frederick, 67, Earl's Court-road. w.

Maurice, Georg-e Thelwall Kindersley, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Maurice, Oliver Galley, Marlborough.

Maurice, Walter Byron, Marlborough.

Maurice, William James, M.B. Oxf., London-street, Reading.

Maver, Patrick Alpin James, 116, Knollys-road, Streatham. s.W.

Mavor, William Samuel, M.D. Durh., Brentwood, Essex.

Mavrog-oidato, Anthony, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e.

Maw, George, C o ning shy, Shor Hands, Kent.

Maw, Henry Trentham, M.D. Camb., Wesicott, Surrey.

Mawhood, Reginald Hawksworth, County Hospital, Bedford.

Mawson, Joseph Arthur, 17, Nether field-road North, Liverpool.

Mawson, Samuel Francis, Derby-street, Bolton.

Mawson, William Arthur, Indian Medical Service.

Maxwell Ernest James, M.B. Camb., South Shields.

Maxwell, Herbert Bo wen, Knapp-hill, Surrey.

Maxwell, James Burns, Southend-on-Sea.

Maxwell, James Laidlaw, M.B. Lond., Tainan, Formosa.

Maxwell, John Preston, M.B. Lond., Changpoo, Anioy^ China.

Maxwell, Matthew, Toronto, Canada.

Maxwell, Richard i)v\xmiaor\di,W.\).ljOndi.,Al,Wimpole-street. w.

Maxwell, Wm. Hy., P.O. Box 473, Johannesburg.

Maxwell, William Walker, M.D. Edinb., Tliames Ditton, Surrey.

May, Albert P]dward, Cliandos, South Hayling.

May, Arthur William, Naval Medical Service.

May, Charles Montague Neale, Box 49, Kimberley, S. Africa.


May, Francis Hollingsworth, 9, Birchfield-road, Biitningham.

Maj", George Ernest, Ware.

May, Henry, 37, Birch field-road^ Aston, Birmingham.

May, Henry James, M,B. Camb., College-place, Southampton.

May, Percival Marshall, Naval Medical Service.

May, Sydney William, Woodville, Burton-on-Trent.

May, Walter John, 24, Upper Wimpole-st7'eet. ^y.

May, William Norman, M.D. Lond., Sonning, Berks.

Maybury, Aurelius Victor, M.B. Durh., Landport, Portsmouth.

Maybury, Bernard Constable, Mile End, Portsmouth.

Mayer, Clifford Antony Leo, M.D. Lond., In French Hospital,

Shaftesbury -avenue, w. Mayer, Ernest, M.D. Zurich, 23, Byron-road, Ealing, w. Mayer, Thomas Frederick Gisborne, Punjab, India. Mayes, Frederick James Alexander, Heaton Chapel, Stockport. Mayhew, Christopher John, Southsea, Portsmouth. Mayhevv, Evelyn Hill, M.B. Camb., Lodson Vicarage, Norfolk. Maynard, Charles Dudley, 130, Babington-road, Streaiham. s.w. Maj'nard, Edwin, General Hospital, Bristol. Maynard, Frederic Pinsent, Indian Medical Service. Maynard, George Darell, P.O. Box 1286, Pretoria. Mayne, Bertie James, Cam Brea, Cornwall. Mayne, James O'Neil, Moorlands, Brisbane, Queensland. Mayne, William Boxer, Swindon. Mayne, William Sidney, Park End, Lydney. Mayo, Edmond Godfrey, Corsham, Wilts. Mayo, Herbert Reginald, M.B. Camb., Great Yarmouth. Mayo, Thomas Alfred. M.B. Camb., Coives, Mayo, Walter Cyril, 4, Wood-lane. Headingley, Leeds. Mayor, John Beecham, //ea^o?i Chapel, Manchester. Mayou, Marmaduke Stephen, 46, Weymouth-street. ^y. Mays, Charles Cecil Wildman, Norton Woodseats, Sheffield. Mayston, John Harry, 74, Elmbourne-road, Upper Tooting, s.w. Mayston, Uobt. Wm., M.D. Loud., Erith, Kent, Meacher, John Howard, Wadebridge, Cornwall. Meacock, Henry Charles, North Brink, Wisbech. Mead, George Berwick.

Mead, Guy Harvey, 71, Lambeth Palace-road. s.e. Mead, Jolin Clarke, M.B. Lond., Watford. Meade, Frank Elliott, Reading. Meade, Norman Gerald, Manningham. Meade, Warren, c/o P. and 0., Tilbury Docks, Essex. Meade-King, Richard Liddon, M.D. Durh., Taunton. Meade-King, William Thomas Peai'se, Minehead, Somerset. Meaden, Albau Anderson, Torrington Park, North Finchley. Meaden, Charles Anderson, Beech Lawn, N. Finchley. n. Meaden, Edward Henry, Naval Medical Service. Meadows, Arthur Hamilton, 141, King-street, Great Yarmouth. Meadows, Frederick Evelyn Woolner, Otley, Ipswich. Meadows, Sydney Manvers Woolner, Otley, Ipswich. Meagher, Edward Thomas, Naval Medical Service.


Meakin, Leslie, Ingram Ilnuse, Stock well-roml. s.w.

Meek, John William, M.D. Loud., Norwood-rd.^ Heine-hill. s.E.

Meek, Wilfiid Ombler, M.B. Lond., 3, Meath-st., Battersea. s.w.

Meesou, Alfred, 361, Fark-road, Liverpool.

Meg'g-.s, Theodore Hug-h Egbert, Pimvell, Slough.

Mehaffey, John Mitchell, 32, Spital-square. e.

Meiklejohii, Norman Sinclair, 105, IIo/ land-road, Kensington, w.

Melhuish, Uerbert Michael Henry, Amritsar, Funjab.

Mellish, John Stafford, Tetbunj.

Mellor, Alfred Shaw, M.B. Camb., 14, Westbotirne-street. w.

Mellor, George MuUins, Chapel Alford, Lincolnshire.

Mellor, John, 8, Bolton-road, Bury.

Melville, Stanley, 18, Nevern-road, EarVs-court. s.w.

Mence William Charles, Perranporth, Cornwall.

Mennell, James Beaven, M.B. Camb., 1, Roiial-crescent. w.

Menneli, Zebulon, M.B. Lond., 57, Holland-park-avenue, w.

Menon, Chittayil Ramunni, Tellicherry , Malabar, India.

Mercer, Alexander, Wesfhoughton, Bolton.

Mercer, Wm. Bracewell, M.B. Camb., Ripponden, Halifax.

Mercer, Wm. Stainton, Park-road, Wolverhampton.

Mercier, Charles Jerome Alexander Nicolai, M.B. Lond., Upton Park. E.

Meredith, Richard William Herbert, Wellington. Somersetshire.

Merry, Edward, M,D. Ontario, 106, Trinity -road, Balham. s."vy.

Merryweather, Roy Charles, Per^Zi, W. Australia.

Messiter, Arthur Frederick, Doncaster.

Messum, Gordon Bonnington Willie, M.D. Durh., Pretoria, South Africa.

Metcalfe, Alfred Waugh, M.D. Camb., 2, St. Leonards, York.

Metcalfe, Brian Bentley, 42, Eltham-road, Lee. s.E.

Metcalfe, George, M.D. Durh., Skelmersdale, Ormskirk.

Metcalfe, George Herbert, Clare, Suffolk.

Metliveu, John Cecil Wilson, Woolston, Southampton.

Meyers, Donald Campbell, 23, Montague-place, w.c.

Meyrick-Jones, Hugh Meyrick, M.B. Durh., Charlton Kings.

Miall, Charles L'Oste, Paulton, Somerset.

Michael, Cyril Eden, Crystal Palace Park-road. s.E.

Michel, Arthur George Herbert Hay, 23, Redesdale-street, Chel- sea, s.w.

Michell, Ralph, 173, London-road, Leicester.

Michels, Ernst, M.D. Berlin, 48, Finsbury-square. e.g.

Mich6d,Fredc. Archibald Hope, M.B. Lond., Roma, Queensland.

Mickle, Herbert, i?«./fa/o, iVejy York, U.S.A.

Micklethwait, George VVhitley, M.D. Camb., Ilaslington, Crewe.

Middlebro',Thomas Holmes, Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada.

Middlemiss, James Ernest, Spital, Chesterfield.

Middlemist, Robert Charles, Stevenage.

Middlemist, Robert Percy, 6, Devonport-street, Hyde-park. w.

Middleton, Edward Meredyth, M.B. Toronto, The Manor House ^ Poplar. E.

Middleton, Percy Ellwand, Knottingley, Yorks.


Midelton, William John, Bournemouth.

Mieville, Georg-e Christian Blake, Maidstone.

Milbanke, William Byron, Sunderland.

Milbank-Smith, Harry James Milbank, Worthing.

Milburn, Frederick Valentine, Kidlington, Oxford.

Milburn, Leslie, Town Hall, Tynemouth.

Milburn, Oscar Le Fevre, Kidlington, Oxford.

Miles, Alfred, Cymmer, Port Talbot.

Miles, Charles Henry, Hiiih-street, Stantonbury.

Miles, Georg-e Edward, Rydalmere., New South Walesa.

Miles, Henry Pode, Modbury.

Miles, Usher Wm. Newton, Bewdley.

Miles, William, Fairfield, Treforest, Glam.

Miles, William Ernest, 3, Upper Wimpole-street. w.

Miles, William Percival,7ir/H^'5 Lynn.

Milej', Miles, M.B. Camb., 21. Belsize-avenue, Hampstead. N.w.

Millar, Alex. Fleming', 494, Fulham Palace-road. w.

Millar, Lindsay Flag'g-, Ontario, Canada.

INIillar, William, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Millar, Wilham Heptinstall, '2Q, Streatham-hill. s.w.

Millen, Seymour Alfred, Milverton, Malmesbury.

Miller, Alfred, M.B. Lond., Madras Army.

Miller, Arthur Alan, M.B. Durh., Sutton, Surrey.

Miller, Arthur Dixon, Cornwall-street, Birmingham.

Miller, Ernest Alfred, 42, Upper Richmond-road, Putney, s.w.

Miller, Frederick Montague, High-road, Upper Clapton, e.

Miller, Frederick Richard, 70, Holland-road. w.

Miller, George, Forest Drive, Manor Park. K.

Miller, George Valentine, M.B, Lond., 1, Cleveland-square, w.

Miller, Guy VVitton, North Tkoresby, Lincolnshire.

Miller, Herbert Percy, M.D. Brussels, 100, Stoke Newington-

road. N. Miller, John, Exeter.

Miller, Robert Molyneux, Florys, Princess-road, Wimbledon, s.w. Miller, Thomas Davidson, M.B. Uurh., Sidcup. Miller, Tliomas Mackinlay, General Hospital, Tunbridge Wells. Miller, Walter Frederic, M.B. Durh., Wrangle, Boston. Miller, Walter Richard Samuel, Zaria, N. Nigeria, West Africa. Miller, Wm. Henry, M.B. Lend., 32, Kyverdale-road, Stoke

Newington. N. Milles, Walter Jennings, Shanghai, China.

Millichamp, George Ernest, 592, Church-street, Toronto, Canada. Milligan, James Knowles, 27. Park-mansions, Vauxhall. s.w. Milligan, Robert Arthur, M.D. Durh., Noi'thampton. Mills, Albert Charles, M.D. Brussels, Riie de Livoume. Brussels. Mills, Andrew McFarlane, Montego Bay, Jamaica, W. Indies. Mills, Claude Harry, Guy's Hospital, s.e. Mills, George Percival, M.B. Loud., Gi-eat Barr^ Birmingham. Mills, Henry, Holt, Norfolk.

Mills, Henry William, San Bernardino, California. Mills, Herbert Henry, M.D. Lond.,21, St. Mary AbbotC s-terrace. w.


1902 Mills, Oswald, Naval Medical Service.

1905 Mills, Percy Strickland, M.B. Lond., Giiifs Hospital, s.e. 1884 Milli=!, Robert, 13, St. Geoi-ge's-place, Northampton.

1894 Mills, Thomas Ingham, Eadnrjwold.

1880 Mills, Thomas Wesle}', M.D. McGill, Toronto, Canada.

1891 Mills, Yarnold Hubert, M.B. Loud., IliU-street, Haverfordwest.

1897 Mills-Roberts, Richard Arthur, M.B. Durh., Bishops Castle, Salop. 1870 Millson, George, 90, Angell-road, Brixton, s.e.

1904 Milne, James Alexander, M.B. Loud., 32, Bow-road. e.

1881 Milne, James Kershaw, Kingston-road, J/erton-park. S.w.

1898 Milne, John Wallace, M.B., New Deer, Aberdeen.

1904 Milne, Robert, M.D. Lond., 32, Bow-road. e.

1892 Milner, Arthur Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1893 Milner, Cyril Wm., 32, Heath cote-street, Nottingham. 1898 Milner, Norton, Muirfoot, Sheffield.

1906 Milner, Sydney Wood, Malton. n.

Milner, William Arnold, 9, Rudall-crescent, Hampstead. N.w.

1884 Milnes, John George, GisHngham, Eye, Suffolk.

1900 Milnthorp, Richard, Trentham-strect, Leeds.

1909 Milroy, Thomas Alexander, 17, Laicr en ce- street, Glasgow.

1903 Milsom, Edward Henry Britton, M.D. Lond., Wellington, New


1905 Milsom, Ernleigh Guy Durham, Thornton Heath, Surrey, 1896 Milsome, Harry Blunt, M.B. Camb., Chertsey.

1902 Milson, Ernest Henry, Marlborough.

1892 Milton, Arthur Reginald Octavius, Hutton, Leyton.

1889 Milton, Francis Ralph Septimus, Llanberis.

1898 Milton, John Penn, Yelverton, S. Devon.

1899 Milton, William Tayler, M.D. Lond., Eltham.

1895 Milward, Fred. Victor, M.B. Camb., 91, Cormvall-street, Bir-


1898 Milward, William Courtenay, 54, Charles-street, Cardiff.

1907 Minett, Edward Pigott, WestcUffe-on-Sea. 1905 Minett, Percy Frsiuk, High-street, Cheltenham.

1903 Minkley, Henry Richmond, 1, Greenleaf-road, Waltliamstow. n.e.

1896 Minnes, Robert Stanley, Ottawa, Canada. 1884 Minns, Allan Glaisyer, Thetford.

1892 Minshall, Arthur Gladstone, Northampton, Mass.^ U.S.A.

1899 Minshull, Herbert Barford, Dispensary, Highgatc, Birmingham.

1893 Minter, Leonard John, Marine Parade, Brighton.

1892 Minton, Alfred Hugh, 124, High-street, Woolwich. 1903 Miskin, Albert Francis, 156, Kennington-road. s.e.

1893 Miskin, Ernest, M.B. Lond., Eltham, Kent.

1894 Miskin, Leonard John, Dartjord, Kent.

1900 Mitchell, Arthur Henry MacNeill, Royal Army Medical Corps. 1899 Mitchell, Charles Martin, 60, Kirkdale, Sydenham, s.e.

1909 Mitchell, Douglas Ashley, St. Andrews, Westcombe-park-road, Blackheath, s.e.

1890 Mitchell, Ernest John Drum, M.B. Camb., OxJ. ^- Camb. Mans. n.w. 1909 Mitchell, Howard Edward Hall, M.B. Lond., Carshalton,

I Surrey.



190G I Mitchell, Howard Vincent, Tamworth.

1894 I Mitchell, James Edwin Henr}', Middlewich, Cheshire.

1889 Mitchell, John James, Howard-place, Stoke-on-Trent. 1900 Mitchell, Talbot Carter, Topcliffe, Thirsk.

1906 Mitchell, William Steele, C'roivthome, Berkshire.

1888 Moberly. Sydney Charles Hillyard, Winsloiv, Bucks.

1895 Moffat, Henry Alford, Cape Town, S. Africa.

1896 Moffatt, Alfred Arthur Paget, 89, Whailey New-road, Blackburn.

1893 Moffatt, Charles Edward, Dalston. Cumberland.

1904 Moffatt, Christopher William Pag-et, M.B. Carnb., Town Hall,


1896 I Mofifitt, Charles Gordon, University College, Gower-street. w.c.

1874 ! Moir, Gerald Chetwynd Algernon, Bootle, lAvei-pool.

1903 ' Moir, Gordon, Gmfs Hospital. s.E.

1904 ' Moiser, Bernard. M.B. Lond., Heworth Grange, York.

1902 j Moiser, Lionel Henry, M.B. Lond., Crediton.

1908 Mold, George HennyChavasse, 39, Wheelwright-road, Erdington,


1890 Mole, Harold Frederick, Clifton, Bristol.

1884 Moles worth, Robert Everard, Iio//al Arm?/ Medical Corps.

1896 Molesworth, Theodore Henderson, St. lUargaret's, Dover.

1889 Molesworth, William, M.B. Durham, Madras Army.

1900 Molinenx, Bernard Newmai-ch, 20, Hartinglon-road, Liverpool.

,, Moller, Adolf Andreas Christian, Easington, Castle Eden, Durham.

1904 Mollison, William Mayhew, Gug's Hospital. s.E.

1888 Molson, John Cavendish, 17, Vernon-terrace, Brighton.

1890 Molson, John Elsdale, M.D. Canib., Goring, Worthing.

1905 Molyneux. Echlin Storry, Winchester.

1889 Molyneux, Edward, M.B. Vict., Southport.

1903 Monckton, Robert Vernon Giraud, M.B. Lond., 1, Emperors I Gate, S. Kensington, s.w.

1899 ! Mondy, Samuel Lee Craigie, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, n.

1890 Monier- Williams, Montagu Sneade Faithfull,54, Onslow-gar. s.v/. 1886 Montague, Arthur John Helm, M.D. Durh., Worksop.

1896 Montague, Aubrey Alfred, M B. Lond., Rewa, Fiji.

1909 Mouteitli, Hugh Glencairn, 34, St. Johis-park, Biackheath. s.E.

1907 Muntesole, Max Herschel Edward Richard, M.B. Lond.,

18, Russell Afansions, Coram-street. "W.c.

1896 1 Montgomery', Edwin Cecil, Maidenhead.

: Mongomery, Colonel Harry, Box 403, Orilla, Ontario, Canada.

1907 j Montgomery, Gordon Xevil, Parkstane, Dorset.

1891 j Montgomery, Wm. Percy, ^l.M.Lo\\d.,\b, St. .Johns-st., Manchester.

1895 \ Montgcjmery-Smith, Edwin Charles, 36, Abbey-road. x.w. 1909 Moolgaokar, Shamrao Ramrao, Bombay, India.

1903 I Moon, Archie Trevor, Wallingtun, Surrey.

1896 j Moon, Edward Gibson, Broadstairs.

1903 j Moon, Harold Joseph, 91, Stockport-road, Manchester.

1894 Moon, Robert Henry, 148, iV(ire<;oocZ-roarf, West Norwood. s.E. 1905 Mi.ore, Alfred William, M.B. Camb., Stong Stratford, Bucks.

1904 Moore, Athol Raymond, M.B. Camb., /Joyson-rd., Camberwell. s.E. 1907 Moore, Benjamin, Oxton, Birkenhead.




1905 Moore, Charles William. 177, Byfrden-tfirace, Burnley.

1903 M.on-, Clifford Arthur, M.B. Ldiid., Stoke Bishop, Bristol.

1901 MooFP, Kdward Bortram Leslie, llurlesden. n.w.

1903 Mnore. Kdward Henry Miln.'r, ,SV. Man/'s HospitaL av.

1891 Moore, Kdward James Fleetwood, M.D. Dnrh., 53, Well-street, [[ackneji. n.k.

1902 Afoore, ^ieoffrey Stuart, Kd(/bastoii, Birminrjhain. 1862 Moore, James Foster.

1872 Mo')re, John Bartholomew Giles Gidley, Omjar, Essex.

1867 Moore, Joseph, M.D. McGill.

1897 Moore, Joseph, 44, Torringtnn-square. w.c. Mooi-e, Julius, M.D. Lond., Kntield.

1900 Moore, Leonaid Augustiiio, '15. As/ileij-road, Bristol. 1864 Moore, Mihier Montg'omery. M.D. Durh., Couentry.

1895 Mooie, Percy Lyndon. F.O. Box 28, Salisbury, Rhodesia.

1898 Moore, Percy VVilliam, M.B. Lond., Melbourne, Derby. 1908 Moitie, Reg'inald Mark, Ke.nihvorth, Exeter.

1904 Moore, Robert Foster, 11, Upper Wimpole-street, av.

1862 Moore, Kol)ert Wilson, Bristol-road, Northfield, Worcestprskire.

1885 Moore, W'^alter P^'raiicis, M.B. Durh., Winck ley-square. Preston. J, ]\roore, \N^alter Henry Bernsn-d, Med. Dept..^ Straits Settlemenig.

1896 Moore, William Ilodi^sou, 18, (Jhurch-street., Kidderminster. 1888 Moores, Samuel Guise, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1899 Moorshead, Robert Fletcher, M.B! Durh., Tulse-hill. s.w.

1908 Mora, Charles Bernabe, *SV. Bartholomeio' s Hospital, e.c.

1909 Morcoin, Alfred Farr, JJiinstable.

1900 Mordauut, Leonard John Pavillet, Walthamstow. n.e.

1891 More, John, 7ifj<A»'e//, Kelt ring.

1894 Moreton, Frederick, Warrninnbnol, Victoria, Australia.

1895 Moreton, Reginald, Wrinyton, Bristol.

1890 Moreton, Thomas W^illiam Earl, Tarvin, Chester.

1905 Morg-an, Conwy Llewellyn, M.D. Lond., Droitwich.

1864 Morgan, Cosby \Vm., M.D. Brussels, Sydney, New South Wales.

1901 ) Morg-an, Daniel Leig'h, M.B. Lond., Pembroke Dock. 1890 Morg'an, David Nauntcn, Bridgend, South Wales.

1893 Moig-nn, Edgar John, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

1906 Morg'an, Kdward, 23, Honor Oak-park. s.E. 1878 Morg'an, Edward Smith, 51, Ceorgt-street,Hull.

1901 Morgan, Edwin, jNLB. Lond., Glen View, Tonypandy , Pontypridd.

1902 Morgan, Frank, West Nom-ood. s.E.

1909 Morgan, Frank Cyrd, 59, St. Michael' s-hill, Bristol.

1899 Morgan, Frederick Charles. 40, Cotham-road, Bristol.

1886 Morgan, Frederic James, Royal Army Medical Corps. 1884 Morgan, George, 6, Parilion-parade, Brighton.

1887 Morgan, Geoi'ge Frederic Elliot, West Hartlepool.

1892 Morgan, Harry de Riemer, 23, Embankment-gardens, Chelsea, s.w.

1907 Morgan, Henry Lewis, M.B. Lond., 6, Huddleston-road, Tujnell-

park. N.

1861 Morgan, Herbert Major, Lichjield.

1904 M(jrgaii, Idris Naunton. Cal Glas, Tonypandy., S. Wales.

1894 Morgan, James Arthur, Llanwityd Wells, Breconsldre.


Morgan, James Campbell, Royal Army 3redical Corps.

Morgan, John Frederick Henry, 63, Guil ford-street, Ratsdl- sqiiare, vr.C.

Morgan, John Griffiths, 6, Tluddlcston-road, Tufnell-park. N.

Morgan, Morgan John, 35, North Parade, Aberystmtli.

Morsi'au, Thomas, Abernant. Aberdare.

Morgan, Walter H\rinoii, Wef^tcli/fe-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea.

Morgan, William Ellis, 56, Puckham-road. s.e.

Morgan, William Holmes, Kinijstoa-oa-Thames.

Morgan, William Parry, 7, Osborn House, St. Marys-terrace, w.

Morice, Charles Geor.^'e Frederick, Grey mouth, New Zealand.

Morisori, Frederick William, 78, Cadogan-place. s.w.

Moi'ison, Henry Banneriuaa. M.B. Durh., Cranleigh, Guildford.

Moi-lanu, Charles Henry Duncan, M.B. Durh., Sivatoiv, China.

jMorliind, Egbert Coleby, Arosa, Switzerland.

Morlej^, Arthur Solomon. 29, Goioer -street, av.c.

Morley, Edward John, Naval Medical Service.

Morley, Edwin Bertram, M.B. Lond., Burgate, Barton-on-Hurubn:

Morley, Frank, 67, Wimpole-street. w.

Morley, George Frederick. 45, Ilifih- street^ Portsmouth.

Morley, Plemy \Vebster, 45, Iligh-streft, Portsmouth.

Mornement, Robert Harry, Naval Medical Service

Morphew, Edward Maudsley, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Morrell, Reginald Arthur, Flat 2, 8, Carey-mansions, Vincent-' square, s.^v.

Morris, Arnold, Leamingt'm.

Morris, Arthur Hugh, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Morris, Charles Edward, ffolywcll.

Morris, Charles Sculrhorpe, 47, Upper Brook-street, ^v.

Morris, Colin Dwight, Feltham, Middlesex.

Morris, Cyril George, Combe Down, Bath.

Morris, Edward, St. Georges Hospital, s.w.

Morris, Edward Walter, Port Adelaide. Australia.

Morris, Edwin Haigh Grant, M.B. Camb., 47, Onslow-gdns. s.w.

Morris, Frank MayO; M B. Lond., Cape Town.

Morris, Frederick Temple, St. Andrew' s-crescent, Cardiff.

Morris, George Edward Victor. Wednesbury.

Morris, Gerald Hauiihon, 47, Upper Brook-street, w.

Morris, Graham, Shotfeld, Upper Walliugton, Surrey.

Morris, Henry, M.B. Loud. (Ex. 1884,85, 86, 87.), 8, Cavendish- square. AV.

Morris, Henry, Upton-on-Severn, Worcester.

Morris, Henry Cecil Low, Bngnor.

Morris, Henry Gibbins, We^t Bromwich.

Morris, Herbert Mackinlay, Indian Medical Service.

Morris, Isaac Llewellyn, Ty Twi/n, A bercynon, Glamorgan.

Morris, James John Nixon, 1, Acre-place, Stoke, Devonpo/i.

Morris, John Ignatius Worgaii, Walton-on-Thames.

Morris, Jonas, Hosp. Britauico. Buenos Ayres, Argentine.

Morris, Leonard Newsoin, 263, Staplefon-road, Bristol.

Morris, Leslie Miles, Naval Medical Service.

Q 2


1894 1873 1894 1902


1892 1900 1903 187G 1900 1898 1909 1891 1887 1895 1891 1893 1886 1881 1900 1892 1893 1890 1892 1907 1905

1900 1902 1904 1888 1899 1902 1897 1905 1902


1895 1904

1892 1898 1903 1904


Morris, Robert Alex., ]\LD. Durli., Bcdlington, North luuherland. Morris, Sydney, Wretham Hall, TliHford. Mori'is, Thomas Harold Pryce, Neivcaxt/e-umky-Lj/ine. Morrish, William John, Al.D. Loud., Thralc-road^ Slrcatham.


Morrisfdi, Alexander. Opmml-e, JVeiv Zealand.

Morrison, David, INF. B. Lond., Sfuidnnf/ham, Victoria, Australia.

Morrison, James, M.D. Lond., 11. JJrnok-street. w.

Morrison. AVilliam Cecil, M.B. Toronto, Copper Cliff, Ontario.

JNforrow, David. Boiodon, Cheshire.

Morsliead, Ernest Garstin Anderson, ]\LD. Brussels, Guildford.

Morson, Albert Clifford, 10, Elsworthy-rd., Primrose Hill. N.w.

Mort, James Henry, Patricroft, Manchester.

Mort, Samuel Parker, Newport, Isle of IVirjht.

Mortimer, Edg-ar Eaii'bank, Naval Medical Service.

Mortimer, William, 107, Guilford-streei, Rvssell-square. "\v.C.

Mortimer, William Graddon, M.B. Lond., 3Iartin, Lincoln.

Mortimore, James Anning', 1, New Cross-road. s.E.

Mortis, Harold Edward, Kinnerley, Osioestry.

ISfovtlock, Charles, 27, Oxford-street, w.

Morton, Charles Alexander, Clifton, Bristol.

Morton, das. Robert, M.B. Lond., Bournemouth.

Morton, John Leyden, M.D. Lond., (jG,Priori/-rd.,Ha7npstead. n.'nv.

Moi'ton, Samuel Ernest, 8, Burngreave-road, Sheffield.

Morton, William Britain, M.D. Lond., Brislington Horse, Bristol.

Moseley, Charles King'don, 14, Northgate-street, Ipswich.

Moses, David Assur Henry, 78, Kensington-park-rocul. "\v.

Moss, Basil Eustace, M.B. Lond., Temperance Hospital, Hamp- stead-road. n.av.

Moss, Bertram Wilmore, M.B. Lond., Lutterivortlt.

Moss, Cyril Raymond, Fern, Hill, Hugton, Liverpool.

Moss, Edward Lawton, 8, Oakfield-road, Croydon.

Moss, Enoch, M.D. Lond., Wrexham.

Moss-Blundell, Cuthbert Blundell, Walthanistoiv. n.e.

Mosscrop, Gilbert Phillips, ]\LB. Lond., Stockport.

Mossop, Charles Henry, New Romney, Kent.

Mossop, Ernest Edward, M.B. Lond., Capye Town.

Mostyn, Sydney Gwenffrwd, M.B. Oxf., Health Office, Russell- street, Sovth Shields.

Mothersole, Robt. Devereux, M.D. Lond., St. George' s-road, Bolton.

Mott, Clarence Harry, 138, Newcastle-street, Burslcm.

Mott, Raymond Culver, M.B. Camb., 20, Manor-road, Stamford- hill. N.

Motteram, Henry Prince, M.D., Birm., Smetlnvick, Birmingham.

Mottram, Guy Nasmyth, Bridgwater.

Mottram, James Gec\\,'hl.^. howdi.. Dial House, Tunhridge Wells.

Mottram, Maurice John, King's Lynn. *Mouat-Big-g-s, Chai'les Edward Forbes, Bayshill, Cheltenham.

* Formerly Biggs, Charles Edward Forbes.


Mould, Georg'e Thomas, Indian Medical Service.

Mould, Gilbert Edwaid, Hoinifjield-road, Sheffield.

Mould, Philip George, W/iitfJields, Manc/iester.

Mould, Ricliard John, C2, Gips}j-hill, Upper Norivoo'L S.E.

Mould, William Thomas, Eo/jal Army Medical Corps.

Mounsey, Ridley Ewart, Camherleij, Sarrej/.

Mouritz, Arthur Albert, Waialiia., Sandwich Islands.

Moxcy, Vinceiit, 1, Vicforia-auenue, Finchlei/. n.

Moxham. Marcus ('amplin, Sticknei/, Boston.

Moxon, Charles Carter, Corn Market, Pontefract .

Moxon, Harold Richard, 1, Park-crescent, Portland-place, "sv.

Moxon, Herbert William, Darleij Dale, Maltock.

Moyle, Henley Hainlyn, Brook, Tutncs.

Moyle, Re(:inald, Brook, Totnes.

Moyle, V/ alter Henry, Rogate, PtiersfieJd.

Moyiiihan, Berkeley Geo. Andw., M.B. 'Lond.,Park-sqnare, Leeds.

Mudd, Frank Burnand, Johannesburg, Transvaal.

Mudg-e, Thomas, Hayle.

Mudg-e, Zachary Belling-, llayle.

Mugford, Sidney Arthur, loo, Kennington-park-road. s.e.

Mugg-leton, Ferdinand Charles Harry, Southsea.

Mugliston, Reginald, 3, Lansdoione-terrace, Hampton Wick.

Muir, Arthur, M.B. Camb., Bushey Heath, Herts.

Muir, Berthold, Daleficld, Buckhurst Ildl, Essex.

Muir, David William Stevens, Bradford, Manchester.

Muir, Joseph Corbett, M.D. Camb., St. Genrge^s Injinuary, s.w.

Muir, Robert Douglas, 286, JVeic Cross-road. s.k.

Muirhead, James, M.B. Durh., G9, Linskill-terrace, North Shields.

Miilberg'er, Arthur, M.D. Munich, Munich.

Mulder, Willem, M.D. Utrecht, 15, Lucas Coliverk, Utrecht,

Holland. Mulkern, Hubert Cowell, 45, Godolphin-road, Shepherd's Bush. vr. Mulligan, Frederick William, Millbrook, Ontario, Canada. Mullins, Reginald Cuthbert, M.B. Birm., Cape Colony. MuHins, Henry Rubert, Guys Hospital, s.k. Mullis, George VV^illiam, Mulvaii}', John, Indian Medical Service.

Mulvany, Joseph Archie, cjo Dr. Wolfe, Paarl, Cape Colony. Mulvany, Thomas Edward, Muswell-arewie, Muswell-hill. N. Mumford, Wilfred George, M.B. Lond., Bath. Mummery, John Percy Lockhart, 10, Cavendish-place, ^y. Mummery, Norman Howard, Naval Medical Service. Mummery, Stanley Parkes, 10, Cavendish- place, w. Munday, Richard Cleveland, Naval Medical Service. Munden, William Poole Henley, M.B. Lond., Ilminster, Somerset. Mundy, Herbert, Durban, Natal.

Munro, Alex., M.D. Montreal, 10, Woburn-pL, Tavistock-sq. av.c. Munro, Donald John, M.B. Lond., 56, Acre-lane, Brixton, s.w. Muni-o, Henry Acland, M.B. Oxf., Rushey Green, Catford. s.e. Munro, John May Herbert, Bath. Murdoch, Alan, The Oaks, Hythe, Kent.


1905 Mur(]o(;l), Alexander, ISI.B. Toronto, 0, Enflsleir/h-gardens. x.w. 1882 Muriel, Cecil Jeffery, 42, St. Giles-street, Norwich.

1896 Muriel, George Bertram, M.B. Camb., Whitehaven.

1901 Murison, Alexander Log'an, 27, Welbeck-sireet. \\\ 1904 Murphy, Basil Newuian, New Brifjliton^ Cheshire.

187G ^[urplly. Henry Howard, M.D. Catnb., The Barons^ Twickeuhiim.

1894 Mui'pliy, James Keog-h, M.D. Cauil)., 9, Weijmouth-street. w. 1896 Mur|)hy, Jerome Joseph, Banstead Asjilum, Sm-rey.

1904 Murpliy, John Findoii, 15, Durtmoidh Park-road. x.w.

1SG8 Mnrpiiy, Thomas Charles, 28, Brunswick-square, w.c.

1904 Murray, Charles Molteno, 7'ndor-cottaf/e, Maple-road, Siu'biUv.

1906 Murray, Frederick William, Lafhain-aveuue, Seaforth, Liverpool. 1889 Murray, George, Queen Anne's-mansion. S.w.

1884 Murray, Geo. Alfd. Everitt, M.B. Durh., Johannesburr/, Sth. Africa.

1895 Murray, John Hanna, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. 1898 Murray, Richard Galway, 49, Eastbourne-terrace, w. 1884 Murray, llohert William, 15, liudneij-street, Liverpool.

1904 Murray, Stuart, M.B. Vict.. Gedliu;/, Nottingham.

1896 Murray, Win. Berkeley. Tenbuni.

1889 Murray-Aynsley, John Heniy, Eketahuna, New Zealand.

1890 Murreil, George Frederick, M.B. Loud., London-road, Heading.

1896 Mursell, Henry Temple, M.B. Fdm., Joliannesburg.

1892 Musgrave, Cecil Benjcamin Thomas, M.D. Lond., Lifton, N. Devon. 1903 Muspratt, Perc}' Knovvles, M.B. Camb., West Drayton, Middle- sex.

1897 Mussellwhite, William, *S'/?e»n'/m/;or, Durham. 1906 Musscm, John Orrett, Leicester.

1889 Mnsson, William Edward (.j(m]»()n, Bridge-av., Hammersmith, 'vr. 1874 Mutch, Robert Samuel, M.D. Durh., ,S7r«i///onj. s.w.

1884 Mutis, Avu'elio, Bucaramanga, Columbia, S. America.

1906 Myer, Leonard, 76, Wimpole-slreet. av.

1902 Myers, Albert Angelo, Sanatorium, over Wells, Mendip Hills.

1898 Myers, BernhardElirenfried, 98, Priory-rd.. West Hampstead. N.w.

1897 Myers, Charles Samuel, M.D. (Jamb., Gt. Shelford, Cambridge.

1893 *Myers-Ward, Charles Frederick, Green Lane, Northwcod. 1895 Myler, John William, Whitchurch, Cardiff.

1882 Myles, James Perceval, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1903 Mylvaganam, Henry Bailey, 5, Queen' s-gate- villas, South Hack-

ney. N.E.

1 905 Myott, Edgar Coningsby, M.D. Lond., Sidmouth-avenue, Newcastle.

1895 Myrtle, George Yule, Harrogate.

1891 Naden, John Bassett. Ill, Liverpool-road, Warrington.

1898 Naesmyth, Donald Kilve Luttrell, Ashiead, Surrey.

1909 Naik, Naranji RaiUchhod]\, -^S. St. Ste/)hen''s-road, Bayswater. vr.

1886 Nairn, i{ol)ert, Hastings, New Zealand.

1896 Naisli, Albert Ernest, M.B. ('amb., Wadsley-lane, Sheffield.

1890 Nail, John Frederick, Clayfield, Brisbane, Queensland. 1881 Nance, Heiwy Chester, Noncich.

1898 Nanjapa, Codunda Apacha, 2G, Camdenstreet, Oakley-sq. n.av.

* Formerly Ward, Charles Frederick Myers.



Nanji, Ratanji Mancherji, Fn-st Avenue, Durban, Natal. Nankivell, Austin Threliall, M.B. Loud., IGl, Auckland-road,

Upper Norwood, s.k. Nankivell, Bertram Wri^^lit, West Cliff-road, Bournemouth. *Xariman, Sorab, 117, Ilomby-road, Bombay. Nash, Arthur Charles, Farnham, Surreij. Nash, Cliarles, Horndean.

Nash, Elwiii Harral Tliomas, Barsham, Beccles. Nash, Loriuier Gifford, Turveij, Bedford. Nasli, Walter Gifford, Bedford.

Nathan, Edward Albert, M.D. Loud , Johanne.<burg, South Africa. Nathan, Sidney Herbert, oU, Harrington-nardens. s.w, Nattle, Harold Rundle Fit/.. Mafetemi, /Jasutoland, S. Africa. Nattle, W'illiaiu Robert, liasntoland. South Africa. Navarra, Norman, 51, Upper Bedford-place, av.c. Naylor, Joseph, Tipfon-green. Naylor, William Roebuck, Wallington, Surrey. Naz, Jean Baptiste Charles Ucra\e, Port Louis, Mauritius. Neal, Frank, M.ti. Toronto, Walton, Ontario, Canada. Neal, James, 610, Coventry-road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Neale, Benjamin Gabriel. Clevedon. Xealor, William Steward, Euyal Armg Medical Corps. Neatby, Edwin Awdas, M.D. Brussels, 82, Wimpole-sireet. Neatby, Thomas Miller, Leyfonst'ine. n.k. Nea^e, Lionel Digby, Middleivich, Cheshire. Nedwill, Courteney Llewellyn, M.B. Camb., Chrisfchurch,

Zealand. Needham, Richard Arthur, M. iJ. V'ict., Didsbury, Manchester. Neil, James llardie, M.B. New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand. Neil, Reginald Cavan, Brentford. Neil, Willia.u Fulton, .\LB. New Zealand, 4, Endsleigh-gardens.

y.w. Neil, William Herbert, G4, Churchfield-road, Acf(ni. w. Neild, Frederic Miller, M.B. Lond., 3a, Petdng-rcwl, Shanghai

Chin a. Neill, Balfour, M.P., Brussels, 9, Victoria-road, Kensington, av. Nelig-an, Anthony Richard, M D. Lf^nd., Teheran, Persia. Nellen, George Frederick .Marshall, 'J, Clifton-road, Brighton. Nelson, Harry AugustU'^de Beauvoir, 217, Barking-road. e. Nelson, Malcolmsou Knox, Matlock. Nelson, William Bremner, Wallingford. Nelson, William Ernest, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. Nesfield, Vincent Blumhardt, Indian Medical Service. Neshaiii, Robert Anderson, 12, Ellison-place, Newcastle-oa-Tyne. Nettleship, Philip Lafoiit, Krugersdorp, South Africa. Neville, Thomas Crofts, o4G, Upper Richmond-road, Putnei/. New, Jolm Sherwood, M.B. Lond., 35, Harrington Square. Newbald, Clement Arthur, 2o, Park-street, Macclesjield. Newby, Charles Henry, llfracombe.


Ne 'V

s.w X. w,

* Formerly Nariman, Sorabji Karsedji.


1892 Newby, Gervase Edward, 12, Addisconihe-road, Croydon. 1909 Xewcomb, Clive, 69, Mount Xod-road., Streatham. h.w. 18G2 *Ne\vconibe, James Kivelle, M.I). Tc^ronto, Toronto, Canada. 1898 Newliam, llug-li liasil Greaves, The Dingle, Liverpool. 1895 Newing-ton, Charles Wilinott Henderson, Kdcabiidge. 1871 Newing-ton, Frank Enefer, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead.

1903 Newland, VA'we, M.B. Adel., Adelaide, South Au.^tralia.

1889 Newland, Edward Oriel, Coonanible, Neic South Walefi.

1897 Newland, Henry Simpson, 0, Gore-road, Victoria-park. k. 1900 Newling-, Harry Tudor, Pairjnton.

1874 Newman, Charles, Cheltenhaui-road, Bristol.

1890 Newman, Ernest Alan Robert, M.D. Camb., Indian ^^edical Service.

1898 Newman, Herbert Robert Cambridge, M.B. Durh., 150, Wells-

road, Knowle, Bristol.

1900 Newman, John Campiii, M.B. Camb., Bishop Stortford.

1881 Newmarch, Bei'nard James, North Sydney, Xeio South Wales.

1893 Newnham-Davis, Robert, 19, Grcville-road, Kilburn. n.av.

1902 Newport, Alexander Charles William, Naval Medical Service. 1905 Newport, Harry MacGrogor, Alverstokc, Gosport.

1901 Newton, Arthur Charles Duncan, North Finchley. k. 1905 Newton, Francis Morlej^, Wansford.

1892 Newton. Henry William, Chelmsford.

1889 Newton, Herbert William, Feltham.

1892 Newton, Isaac, Touhridge.

Newton, Reginald Frederick Heiir^', Balcomhe, Sussex.

1895 Newton. Robert Earle, Penh, West Australia.

1905 Newton, NVilliam Henry, M.B. Camb., 35, High-street, Wimble- don, s.w.

1885 Nichol, Frank Edward, M.B. Camb., Margate.

1903 Nicholas, Cecil Fi'ancis. Baub, Federated Malay States.

1899 Nicholl, Ernest Edvv^ard, Bi/linghay, Lincoln.

,, NichoUs, Francis John, M.B. Camb., Eastbourne.

1907 Nicholls, Harry Williams, Coed Celyn, JDolgelly.

1899 Nicholls, Henry Cecil, 128, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde Park. w. 1867 Nicholls, James, M.D. St. Andr., St. Columb, CornicalL

1882 Nicholls, John Michael, St. Ives, Cornivall.

1900 Nicholls, Fercival Thomas, Naval }[edical Service. 1892 Nicholls, Sydney Richard, 235, Leytonstone-road. k.

1909 Nichols, Frederick Cecil, 13, Clarendoii-7-o(ul, I'edland, Bristol.

1894 Nichols, Herbert George, Burton-on-Trent.

1899 Nichols, William Robson, 30, Keppel-street, Russell-square, w.c.

1873 Nicholson, Arthur, M.B. Lond., Brunswick-square, Brighton.

1889 Nicholson, Charles. Morley-sireet, Bradford, York.

1898 Nicholson, Charles Rowley, Rochford, Lessee.

1894 Nicholson, Edgar, Fenny Stratford.

1862 Nicholson, Edmund Custis, 4, Peajield, Blackrock, co. Dublin.

1898 Nicholson, Guy Berners, Hull.

1879 Nicholson, James Edward, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1895 J Nicholson, John, 96, Harehills-avenue, Leeds.

* Formerly Newcombe, James.



Nicholson, Mark Alleyne, 12, Grove-court, Brcnjton-gardens, S.

Kensington. Nicholson, Roger Brig-house. West Didshunj, Manchester. Nicholson, Thos. Goddard, M.B. Lond., Jfarlow. Nicholson, Tom Marshall, 293, lionndhay-road, Leeds. Nicholson, "William, 123. Queen -street, Cardiff'. Nicol, Alexander Campbell. High-street, Glossop. Nicol, Burton Alexander, Ikimsnate. Nicol, Ilamish, Ilarlston, Norfolk.

Nicol, William Percy, M.B. Lond., Mojint Ayliff, Cape Colony. Nicolas, John Papa, 17, Harp-lane. e.c. Nicoll, Charles Vere, 30, Icernn-court, Kensington, w. Nicol), Thomas Vere, 4, Collingham, ^outh Kensington, s.w. Nightiiii^ale, Heniy John, M.B. Lond., Higlrfield-lane, South- ampton. *Nightino-ale, Samuel Shore, ^^atlock. Nihill, John Edward, M.D. Durh., Melhourne, Australia. Nimmo, Frank Hutton, Naval Medical Service. Nimmo, Wilfrid Cowan, Westminster Hospital, s.w. Nitch, Cyril Alfred Rankin, M.B. Lond., G'J, Harleg-street. w. Nixon, Arthur Percival, Aintree, Liver/wo/. Nixon, Edward John, ][''orcester, Cape of Good Hope. Nixon, John, Cleet/iorfies, Grims/)//. Noad, Henry Carden, Ealing De m. av. Noall, William Payuter, M.B. Lond., Cluh CJiamhers, Yorl:. Noble, Frank Stanley, M.D. Brussels, O'J, King's-road, Brighton. Noble, Hug-li Percy, M.B. Lond., 24a, Portland-place, ^y. Noble, John Allen, 1, Winterhrook-road , Herne-hill. s.E. Noble, Joseph William, Cairo, Egyj^t. Nock, William Wilson, Clarerleg, Wolverftamjyton. Nockols. Humphrey, M.B. Lond., Dallards-lane, Finchley. x. Nodes, John Dickinson vSydeiiham, Worthing. Noke, Frank Herbert, M.B. Lond., East Hages House, Bath, Nolan, Rupert Henry, Banstead Asylum, Sutton, Surrey. Noon, Leonard, Eamccmbe, Godalming. Norbui-n, Albert Edward. M.D. Lond., Oldfield Park, Bath. Norbury, Lionel Edward Close, M.B. Lond., St. Thomas's Hosjyital.


Norbury, William. 12, Moreton Gardens, S. Kensington, w. Norcott, William Boyle, Carshatton, Surrey. Norgate, Robert Henry, Eis/ipnnds, Bristol. Norman, Alexander Stewart, Havant. Norman, Frederick, 5, Holland-road, Brixton, s.w. Norman, George, M.B. Durh.. Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Norman, Joseph Clement Arthur, Hadhigh, Suffolk. Norman, Ralph, M.D. Lond., St. Andrew s, Northampton. Norman, Regitiald Leslie, 55, Eccleston-square. s.w. Normau, Richard Henry, 286, Upper-street, Islington, x. Norman, Thomas, Guij^s Hosjntal. s.k.

* Formerlv Sliore-Smitli, Samuel.



1897 1892 1906 1895 i8Gl 1893 1898 1900 1907 1908 1893 1899 1907

1867 1889 1908 1888 1900 1878 1903 1887 1895 1886 1897

1893 1901 1906 1893 1892 1874 1904 1896 1900 1873 1903 1883 1895 1907 1890 1900 1893

1884 1892 1885 1891 1905 1896 1909

Norrington, Henry Lawrence Weeks, Rot/al Army Medical Corps,

Norris, Arthur Ernest, East Ildr/inr/, Norfolk.

Norris, Arthur Herbert, 14, Co/el-'jard'-nfi, West Kensington, "vv.

Norris, Frank Baker, M.D. ('anib., Siubiton.

Norris, George Abbott, M.D. Toronto, MarLfiam, Canada West.

Norris, George Hugh, 1, Bedford-place, Gateshead-on-Tyne.

Norris, Hugh Leigh, Naval Medical Service.

North, Charles, M.B. New Zeahuid, C/iandpur, E. Bengal.

North, Donald. 4, Eslaforde, Rotlierliam.

North, Herbert, 139, Uoudenell-road, Leeds.

Northcote, Percy, M.B. Lond., 101, Jermi/n-street. \v.

Northcott, John Ford, M.D. Lond., J^ar/c Hasp.. Hither Green. s.K.

Noiton, Edgar Lionel Robert, ALB. Lond., St. Jo/uis Hospital,

Lewisliani. s.K. Norton, Edward, M.D. Aberd., Capel Lodge, Folkestone. Norton, Everitt Edward, Infirmary, Isleworth. Norton, Frank Arthur, Sarlamar, Jamaica, B. W.T. Norton, Henry Harvey, 87, Kenning ion- park-road. s.e. Norton, John Chalmets, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. Norton, Ritchie Robinson, 35, Broad-lane, South Tottenliam. n. Nothwanger, Rooert George, M.B. Cunit)., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Nott, Arthur Holbrook, M.B. Durh., Indian Medical Service. Nott, Herbert Walter, Litllt Sutton, Chester. Nourse, Stuart Cliristopher Myngs, Rnghy. Novis, Thomas Sheplierd, Indian Medical Service. Nowell, Walter Salmon, l.S, Stratford-place, w. Noyes, Alexander Wellesley Finch, Melbourne, Australia. Noyes, Fredk., M.D. VV^est. l^niv. Ontario, Clicvdey, Newmarket. Noyes, Harry Francis Golding,M.B. Camb., Buckkurst Hill, Essex. Noyes, Henry, M.D. Toronto, Cheveley, Neivmarkef. Nunes, Herbert V\\7j^\.e\)\\(in,\ ,Alljarlhin g-lanc, W'avdsivvrth. s.av Nunez, Daniel, Costa Rica. Nunn, (ierald, Guy's Hospital. s.E. Nunn, James Henry Francis, Upper Tooting, s.w. Nunn, John Wilfred, Iladley-green, Barnet. Nunn, Philip William Gowlett, Bournemouth. Nunneley, Fredk. Pitcairn, iNLD. Oxf., Ehtree, Herts. Nunuerley, Phillip Jebb, I'oyal Army Medical Corps. Nuthali, Alex Wathen, M.B. Birm , 89, Cornwall-st., Birminghau. Niithall, Ernest Edwin Tallent, M.B. Lond., Norwich. Nuthali, Robert Lothian Scratchley, Orpington, Kent. Nutt, Harold Rolheiy, M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Nuttall, Arthur Peel, M.D. Lond., Manchester-road, Bury,

Lancashire. Nuttall, Charles Dalle}", London-road, St. Albans. Nuttall, Walter Wingtield, Folkestone. Nutting, Philip Henry, *SV. Kilda, Melbourne, A ustralia. Nyulasy, Arthur John, Perth, Western Australia. Oakeley, Arthur Eckley, 86, Sekvyn Avenue, Chingford, Oakky, George Gardner, 196, Pellon-lane, Halifax. Oakley, Philip Douglas, Holly House, Halifax.


Gates, James Christopher, Bampton, Oxov.

O'Brien, Arthur Boniface, M.D. Loud., C/uisf church, New

Zealand. O'Brien, Charles William, 58, Denbigh-street, s.av. O'Brien, James Mattiievv, Ledefina, Jujujf, Arf/eu/ina. O'Brien, Philip Kennedy, Asylum, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Ockwell, Cliarles Melton, 1, Iligh-slreet, Craijjord, Kent. O'Connor, Francis ^Villiam, 3, Alexander House, St. Mari/'s-

lerrace, Paddington. w. O'Connor, Richard Dominic, 2, Alexander House, St. Marifs-

terrace, Paddington. w. Odell, Robert, Hertford. Odgers, Paul Norman Blake, Northampton. O'Donovan, Wilh'am James, 135, Mahnesbury-roal, Bow. e. O'Dowd, John Austin, AI.B. Loud., Netherton, Dudley. Ofenheim, Ernst Hitter, M.D. Leipzig", 36, Weymoutli-street. "\v. O'Ferrall, Edward French, 358, Coldharbour-Ume, Brixton, s.av. O'Flaherty, Austin Romuald, Royal Army Medical Corps. O'Flanag-an, Martin Joseph, 'J4, Alexandra-road, Manchester. Ogden, Og'den Watson, M.D. Durh., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ognlvie, Ferg-us Menteith, M.B. Camb., Oxford. Og"ilvie, James, Crau.'ley, Sussex. Og'le, John Gilbert, M.D. Oxf., Reigate.

Og'le-Skan, Henry William, St. Joluia Vicarag'', Hendvu. n.w. O'Gradj, William Fitzwilliam, Swintou, Manchester. O'Hea, James Patrick, M.B. Loud., Catford. s.e. O'Hea, John, Naval Medical Service. Ohlmiis, Walter Theodore, Ceylon. Okell, John Bathurst, 2, Magdala-road, Nottingham. O'Kinealj, Frederick, Indian Medical Service. Old, Joseph Eilg'ar Sydney, M.D. Brussels, Blanfyre, British

Central Africa. Oldersha-A^ Georg-e, 202, County-road, Walton, Liverpool. Oldfield, Josiah, Bromley, Kent. Oldham, Benjamin Curwen, Indian Medical Service. Oldham, George Frederick, Langton Green, Kent. O'Leary, Arthur Price Evelyn.

O'Leary, Elystan Glodi-ydd Eve'yn, Naval Medical Service. O'Leary, Ralph Daniel, M.B. Melb., Hospital for Fpilejh'^y, Maida

Vale. w. Olive, Eustace John, M.D. Camb., Leamington. Oliver, Artlmr Cardell, Stratford, Victoria, Australia. Oliver, Charles Pye, ^^.D. Loud., Maidstone. Oliver, Georg'e Ilenr}', 28, Peel-square, Bradford. Oliver, John, Sydney, New South Wales. Oliver, John Percy, M.D. Durh., Penarth. Oliv'er, Leonard William, Ropley, Alresford, Hants. Oliver, Matthew William Baillie, St. Georg<iS Hospital, s.w. Oliver, Norman ilenry, (i3, WhUbred-road. Brockley. s.k. Oliver, Stuart, cjo Crown Agents, Whitehall-gardens. s.w. Oliver, Vere Langford, Sunninghill.






1890 \




Ollvey, John !Nricliael Abraliam, Poole, Dorset.

Olive}', William James, Jiraiiluootl, Aeiv South Wale.<>.

Ollereiishaw, Kobart, M.IJ. Vict., Glo><srp.

Ollerhead, llcniy Saiidford, Ui//hnri/, Minehead, Somerset.

Ollerhead, IMiomas Hamilton, llillburij, Mineliead, Sovmrsct.

Olsen, Alfred Berthier, M.D. INIicli., The Hydro, Cater/iam Valley.

Olver, Richard Sobey, St. Austell.

Olver, Thomas, Crown-liill, South Devon.

O'Malley. Edward Dominic Joseph, N<ival Medical Service.

O'AIeara, Eujifene John, Indian Medical Service.

Ommaniiey, Francis Montagu Maxwell, 42, Kidbrook-pk.-rd. s.e.

O'Neill, Arthur, Crathome, Teignmouth, S. Devon.

O'Neill, Bernard Price, 17, Ravensconrt-niansions., Hammersmith, "vv.

O'Neill, Eug-ene Joseph, M.B. New Zealand. Dunedin, New

Zealand. O'Neill, Gordon, Chin-u;anff-tao, China. O'Neill, Thomas, M.B. Vict., 241, Blackburn-road, Bolton. Onslow-Ford, Max, A^eni Oixluird, Wendorer. Openheim, Ernest Hitter you, M.l). Leipzig, 40, Dartmouth-roiv,

Blackheath. s.e. Openshaw, Edward Hyde, Cheddar, Somerset. Opeushaw, Thomas Horrocks, M.B. Durh., C.M.G., IG, Wimpole-

street. yy. Opzoomer, AVilliam, M.O. Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Oram, Evelyn Henry Bardens, M.B. Lond., Bromleij, Kent. Oram, Pei'cy Spi"ague, TlocJidale-road, Manchester. Oram, Richard Rundell \Vm., Bolingbroke-grove^ Wandsworth. s.AV. Orchard, A.lfred, Ashby-de-la-Zouch.

Orchard, Harry Percival, llo, Bosebery-mad, Muswell Hill. N. Ord, George AV iliiam, 58, Queen's-road, Richmond, Surrey. Ord, Reginald Whistler, Dover. Ord, William Theophilus, Bournemonth. Ord-Mackenzie, Stuart Allan, Midgham, Reading. O'Reilly, Bertram Charles Noble, 52, Bclsize-rd.. Hampstead. n.av. O'Reilly, Brefney Rolph, M.D. Toronto, 294, Sumach-street,

Toronto, Canada. Orella, Fermin Ralph, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. Orford, Herbert .lohn, M.B. Birm., Klerksdorp, l^ransvaal. Orford, John, Pontefract.

Orford, Robert James, Sutton Coldfield, Bii-mingham. Orford, Thomas Christian, Grenada, West Indies. Orisadipe. Obasa ; of Ikija, Lagos, 1 1 'est Africa. Orlebar, Jeffrey Alexander Amherst, M.B. Camb., Glencarse,

PertJishire. Orme, Gilbert Edward, M.B. Carab., Lowfield, Clilheroe. Orme, "William Bryce, Taiping, Perak, Malay States. Ormerod, Charles Evelyn, M.D. Brussels, Burgess Hill, Sussex. Ormerod, Ernest Wm., Southam, Warwick. Ormerod, Ernest AVilliam, M.D. Camb., Wimborne. Ormerod, Henry Lawrence, M.D. Roy. Univ., Irel., Westhury-on"

Trym, Bristol.



Ormoiid, Arthur William, 37, Queen Anne-street, w.

Ormoiid. James Service, M.D. Glasg., Malvern, Melbourne.

Ormoiid, Siclne}' Jas., M.D. Loud., Leatherhead.

Orr, Frederic Laytou, M.O. Lond.

Orr, John, M.D. Edin.. 1, RUlhank-crescent, Edinlurr/h.

Orr, Vivian 13eruaid, M.B. Melb., 2(S, Lowndes-Mreet. s.vr.

Ortlcpp, Albert James, E/n/ton, Transvaal.

Ortoij, Dougflas Catterall Leyland, St. Jfelens.

Orion, George Harrison, M.B. Camb.. 67, Upper BerJceley-st. ^v.

Orton, John. M.D. Birm., Coventry.

Orton, Lionel Edward, Congreve House, Bedivorth, Nuneaton.

Orton, Loraine. TJie Broadicaij, Crouch End. x.

Orton, William Hunt, 7, Campden-hill-road, Kensington. "\v.

Orton, William ."^tuart, 14, College-road, Britjhton.

Osborn, Edward Collet, I'ooting Graveney. s.av.

Osborn, Francis Arthur, Dover.

Osborne, Albert, Xorihjield House, Ilfracomhe.

Osborne, Frank, Bexhill, Sussex.

Osborne, Harry, M.D, Vict., Town Hall, Salford.

Osborne, Oswald. Bexhill, Sussex.

Osborne, Richard Sidney, Naval Medical Service.

Osburn, Arthur Carr, Boyal Army Medical Corps.

Osburn, Harold Burgess, cjo Messrs. Arher 4' Lewis, 11, Old

Jewry-chambers. E.c. Osmond, Edwai'd Bartram, Pontejract. Ostheimer, Alfred James, M.D. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.,

U.S.A. O'Sullivan, Daniel, 37, Duncan-terrace, Islington, x. Oulton, Ernest Vivian. M.B. Camb., Gateacre. Liverpool. Ouranofski, Vladiiuir Nikolaevitch, Russian Consulate, Liverpool. Ouston. Thomas George. 1, Saville-place, Newcaslle-on-Tyne. Outred. Charles Deane, Grays, Essex. Ovens, Thomas, Arkona, Canada. Overy, Harry, 30. Harlnj -street, w. Owen, Albert Harold, Upper Bagnor, N. Wales. Owen, Arthur Deaker, Hampton, Middlesex. Owen, Arthur Dunley, Barrydale. Swellendam, Cape Colony. Owen, Arthur James, 2U5, London-road, West Croydon. Owen, Charles Arthur, Lahore, Punjab, Lmia. Owen, Charles William, C.M.G., CLE., Bengal Army. Owen, Harold Edward. Upper Wanganui, New Zealand. Owen, John George, 35, Colebrooke-row, Islington. N. Owen, John Lewis, Hohjhead, Anglesey, N. Wales. Owen, John Morgan, Fishguard, Pembroke. Owen, John Vaughan, Llanidloes. Owen, Lanyon Edward, 28a, Moorgate-sireef. E.c. Owen, Samuel Walshe, 10, ShephercFs Biish-road. w. Owen, Sydney Arthur, M.B. Camb., .50, Harrington-gardens, s.w. Owens, Isaac Edward, Wavertree, Liverpool. Owles, Oscar William. Beccles. Owsley, George Chetwode, 5, Montpelier-row, Blackheath. s.E.


Oxley, Frederick John, 1. Dock-street, k.

Oxloy, James Charles Stewart, Indian Medical Service.

Oxley, AVilliam Henry Francis, 119, East India Dock-road. k.

Ozaune, Frederic Newell, Victoria-avenue^ Harrogate,

Ozzard, Fairlie Russell, Indian i)fedical Service.

Pace. Harold Everett, M.B. Lond., Ilig/i-road, Le>/ton. n.k.

Packe, Georg'e Garfield, M.B Cainh., lo, / far ley-street, "w.

Packer, Harry Dixon, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Packer, William Herbert, M.D. Jii'ussels, Shrewsbury.

Padbury, George John, M.B. L<»nd., Axniinster.

Pad<lle, James Isaac, M.D. Lond., Rose-hill, Mauritius.

Paddock, Thomas Danily, Bootle, Liverpool.

Paddon, George.

Padmore, Gordon, 100, Denbigh-street, s.av.

Padwick, John Cayle^^ East Castle, Bridgnorth.

Page, Alfred Matthew, Naval Medical Service.

Page, Algernon Fountain, Heighnm-cottage, Norwich.

Page, Cecil Herbert Winter, M.D. Camb., North Wabham.

Page, Charles Max, M.B. Lond., 4, Carlyle-niansions, Chelsea, s. w.

Page, Edward Ferdinand, M.B. Birm., Solihull, Birmingham.

Page, Fredk. Wm. Tudur, George-street. Brisbane, Queensland.

Page, George Frank, East Sussex Hospitcd, Hastings.

Page, Harry Marmaduke, M.D. Brussels, 14, Grenville-pl. s.av.

Page, John Howard Le Bouverie, Naval Medical Service.

Page, Walter Thomas, 74, Compton-street, Clerkenwell. E.G.

Page, William Sidne}', M.B. Lond., Midhurst.

Pagen, Wilfrid Robert, 20, Eastern-road, Romford.

Paget, Charles Edward, County Hall, Northampton,

Paget, Peter, Tenterden, Kent.

Paget, Tom Lakin, Taranaki, New Zealand.

Paget-Tomliiison, Edward Edmondson, Chingford, Essex.

Paget, Walter Gray, Waddon-road, Croydon.

Pain, Alfred, 146, Neiv Kent-road. s.e.

l^iin, Arthur, 2(), Sutton-^treet, Durham.

Pain, Basil Hewitt, M.B. Camb.. Leatherhead.

Pain, Francis, AUora, Queensland.

Paine. Ernest Wm. Mynall, Hoyal Army Medical Corps.

Paine, Frederick, Claybury Asylum, Woodford Bridge, Essex.

Paine, William Henry, 10, Havergal-viUas, Green-lanes. N.

Painton, George Richard, Royal Army Medical Corps, Aldershot.

Paira,-Mall, M.D. Munich, Brent Hill School, Hanwell. {See

page 220.) Pakes, Albert Ernest Hardman, Belfast, Transvaal. Pakes, Walter Charles, M. Hospital, Johannesburg. Paley, Fredk. John, M.D. Lond., Hore, Brighton. Paley, William Edmund, M.B. Durham.

i'aley, William Norman Awdry, Durand-gardens, Stockwell. s.w. Palgrave, Edward Francis, Pitsltanger-road, Ealing, av. Palin, Edward Watson, M.B. Oxf., Fakmham, Norfolk. Paling, Albert, M.B. Lond., Burton-on-Trent. Pallant, Hubert Arnold, 120, Harley-street, Maidenhead.



Pallant, Santiago Luis, Boi/al Arm?/ Medical Corps.

Palmer, Ambrose Henry, Barton-under-Needwood, Buvton-on-

Trent. Palmer, Arthur Aubrey, Elizaheth-street, Si/dnei/, New South

Wales. Palmer, Arthur Ernest, Loughborovgh. Palmer, Basil Henry, Victoria Hospital^ Folkestone. Palmer, Cadwallader Edwards, Kepier, Wimbledon-park. s.vr. Palmer, Charles Ambrose, Old Wkittington, Chesterfield. Palmer, Charles John Linton, 24, Rock-park, R(/ckferry, Clieshire, Palmer, Charles Spencer, Statio7i-road, lied Hill. Palmer, George Edward, Westport, co. ]\/a?/o. Palmer, Harold Thornbury, Ba?'ton-under-Xeedicood, Burton-on-

Trent. Palmer, Horace Kemp, Rot/al Army Medical Corps. Palmer, James Foster, 8, Royal-avenue, Chelsea, s.w. Palmer, John, Snodland, Roc/tester.

Palmer, Percy Allan, 1, Cijril-tnansions, Battersea. s.w. Palmer, Ralph Herbert. Palmer, Russell Edwards, Rochester.

Palmer, William Alortlock, M.B. Durh., Linton, Cambridgeshire. Palmer, William Pitt, M.D. Durh., Torquay. Falser, John Edward Ford, Victoria Crescent, Sonthsea. Panckridg-e, William Panckridge, Petersfield. Panioty, John Emanuel, 19, Royd-sfreet, Calcutta, India. Pank, Harold William, Market Rasen. Pantin, Chas. Satchell, M.D. Lond., Douglas, Isle of 3 fan. Panting, (Uiarles Henry, 67.5, High-road, Leyton. x.e. Panting, John, Watton, Norpdk.

Panton, Kenneth Douglas, M.B., Toronto, Jkilton West, Ontario. Panton, Fliilip Noel, M.B. Camb., St. Thomas's Hospital, s.E. Parakh, Dhanjisha Navroji, Indian Medical Service. Parakh, Frann-ose Ratansha, M.B. Vict., 7, Great St. Helens, e.c.^ Paramore, Richard Horace, M.D. Lond., 2, Gordon-square, w.c. Paramore, William Erasmus, ^LB. Camb, 2, Gordon-square, w.c. Parbury, Frederic Deuis, 26, Ditchling-road, Bi-ighton. Parbury, Walter Key, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. Pardhy, Krishna JVloreshwar, Royal Cornn-all Infirmary, Truro. Pardoe. John George, M.B. Abei-d., 77, Wimpole-strect. \v. Pares, Basil, Royal Army Medical Corps. Parfitt, Charles Daniel, London, Canada. Parfitt, John Brijdribb, 17i», King's-road, Reading. Paris, Robert Colin, 2.1, Beauchamp-road, Clapham. s.w. Park, John Steele, Cranboume, Victoria, Australia. Park, William Cliarles CuTiningham, Hither-green, Leivisli am. s.k. Park, Williom Hodgson, 8, Victoria-place, Carlisle. Parker, Christopher. The Veterinary College, Glasgow. Parker, Frederick Henry, Guys Hospital. s.E. Parker, Frederick William, Naval Medical Service. Parker, George Dines, M.B. Lond., 131, Cornwall-rd., Lambeth. s.E, Parker, George Roger, Lancaster.



1899 ] Parker, Herbert Franciv", M.l). Caml)., Waterdcn-road, Guildford.

190G Parker, Jeilery Winiperis, o3, Sindair-rd., W. Kensinr/toti. s.w.

1897 Parker, Lionel Edmund Lonp;- worth, Roj/al Arnvj Medical Corps.

189G Parker, Pobert Derwent, MA). Carab., Caledon. South Africa.

1871 I'arker, Walter Augustus, Iioi/al Army 3fedical Corps.

1886 Parker, William, 10, Tollinfjton-park, Ilolloway. N.

1888 Parkin, Alfred, M.D. Lond., 24, Albion-street, Hull.

1906 Parkinson, George Singleton, CorMon, near Bristol.

1907 Parkinson, John, M. P. Loud., lo, Halford-street, Grafton-street. E. 1895 Parkinson, AValter George, Standet'ton, Transcaal.

1897 Parkinson, William, North Otteriiiqton Vicarar/e, Northallerton. 1909 Parkinson, ^Villiam Robert, ,SV. Thomas's Hospital. s.E.

1908 j\arnell, lloderick Joseph 'Graham, Kivffs College Hospital, "sv.c.

1899 Parrett, Edward Erratt, Thome, Doncaster.

1892 Parrott, Albert George. 31, Szechii en-road, Shanghai, China.

1871 Parrott, Edward John, Hayes, Middlesex.

1900 Parrott, Hugh McDowall^ M.B. Lond,, 100, South-side, Clapham

Common. s.AV.

1902 Parrott, John Norman, Hayes, Middlesex.

1884 Parrott, Thomas Godfrey, M.D. Durh., Aylesbury.

1888 Parry, Albert Alexander, M.B. Melb., lioc/champton, Queensland.

1899 Parry, Edward James, Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks.

1904 Parry, Evan Williams ,M.B. Lond., Brisbane, Queensland.

1890 Parry, Henry Jules, D.S.O., M.B.Durh., liogalArmy Medical Corps.

1884 Parry, Herbert Lloyd.

1894 Parry, Leonard Arthur, M.D. Lond., 83, Church-road, Hove,


1882 Parry, Robert, M.B. Lond., Carnarvon.

1892 Parry, Thomas Wilson, M.D. Camb., Belmont, Crouch End. n.

1886 Parry, William Tliomas, Toronto, Canada.

1898 Parsons, Allan Chilcott, Clorelly, Earlswood, Surrey.

,, Parsons, Ailhur Ruscombe Crane, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1887 Parsons, Charles Octavius, 189, Richmond-road, Cardljf.

1903 Parsons, Edward Daniell, 47, Cottenham Fark-rd., Wimbledon, s.w.

1899 Parsons, Ernest Alsager, Livingstone, JSf. W. Rhodesia. 1867 Parsons, Frederic William, Seuton, Devon.

1888 Parsons, Frederick George, Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, w. 1886 Parsons, Fredk, Gymer. Ex. is92, m, pj, 9.% St. Thomas's Hosp. s.E.

1905 Parsons, Geoffrey Owen, 12, FAm-grove, Wimbledon. s."W,

1889 Parsons, George Gooden, Westbury, Wiltshire.

1907 Parsons, Gerard Lyne, Loughton, Essex.

1908 Parsons, Harold, London Hospital. E.

1885 Parsons, Harry Compton, Torrington, North Devon.

1897 Parsons, Heniy Francis, The Heath, Sneyd-park, Bristol.

1899 Parsons, Jolm Edward Hocking, Sh'pton-under- Wychwood, Oxford.

1891 Parsons, John Herbert, M.B. Loud., 54, Queen Anne-street,

May fair. "W.

1909 Par.-50us, Richard Alfred, 3, Delamere-terrace, Paddington. w.

1898 Parsons, Walter Brock, 29, Qneen Anne-street, av.

1902 Parsons. Wilfred, H.B.M. Consulate, Busreh, Persian Gulf.


Parsons-Smith. Basil Thomas, M.D, Lond., 58, Addiscoynbe-rocul, Croifdon.

Parsons-Smith, Eustace Macartney, 58, AdJiscombe-rd., Croydon.

Part, John Shepley, 30, Ruth-road, Bedford-park. ^y.

Partridg-e, Lionel Strovvd, Wamnusier.

Partridge, Victor Stanley, 103, Albaiiy-i-oad, Camberuell. s.e.

Pascoe, Lfames S^'dno}'. 3, llie Grove, Highgate-road. n.w.

J'ask, Edward Henry Allon, M.B. Lond., Zomba, Central Africa.

Pasley, Nicholas Claude Burgoyne, Trinidad.

Passinore, John Edmund Sanders, Gainsborough.

Passmore, Joseph Ernest, Burbaye, Hinckley.

Passmore, William Henry, Park Hill., Carshalton.

Patch, Burnet Graham, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Patch, Henry Herbert Lloyd, Hertford.

Patel, Framji Jivanji, Bombay, India.

Paterson, Archibald Richard, M.D. Camb., Parkstone, Dorset.

Paterson, George William, Grenada, West Indies.

Paterson, Herbert John, 9, Upper Wimpole-sireet. ^y.

Paterson, Hugli Gordon, She/field.

Paterson, James Jenkins, M.B. Lond., Town Hall, St. Helens.

Paterson, Marcus Sinclair, M.B. Durh., Brampton Hospital Sana- torium, Fritnley, Surrey.

Paterson, Peter, M.B. Glasg., 10, Sandy ford-place, Glasgow.

Paterson, Robert Kerr, M.D. Kingston, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada.

Paterson, Thomas Wm. Stanifortli, M. B.Camb., 42, Ilolland-pk. vr.

Paterson, William Fergus, Wabxri. Diinedin, New Zealand.

Patey, Walter, M.D. Lond., Norfolk Hospital, Norwich.

Patmore, Tennyson Deighton, 16, Finsburi/-circus. e.g.

Paton. James Scott, Rochester.

Paton, Leslie Jolinstoti, 1, Spanish-place, w.

Paton, Roderick Mclver, Glen Eldon-road, Streatham. s.av.

Patrick, Norman Colum, 25, Bernard-street, Russell-square. w.c.

Patten, Ciiarles Arthur, Marpool House, Ealing, w.

Patten, Stephen Kerr, 72, Dale-street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Patterson, Charles Sumner, M.B. Edinb., High-street, Lambourn.

Patterson, George Henry, Town Hall, Ulverston. *Pattin, Harry Cooper, M.D. Canib., Norwich.

Pattison, Albert John, Goodmayes, Uford.

Paul, Arthur Edmund, 4G3, Harrow-read. av.

Paul, Frank Thomas, 38, liodney-street, Liverpool.

Paul, George Wm. Fredk.,M.D. Brussels, Townsville,N. Queensland.

Paul, John Ernest, M.D. Lond., Torquay.

Paul, John Fredei'ick, 215, Isledon-road, Finsbury Park. N.

Paul, Maurice Eden, Parkstone, Dorset.

Paul, Samuel Chelliah, M.D. Madras, 128, Gower-street. w.c.

Pauli, Edwin Henry Churton, 172, Wells-road, Bristol.

Paulin, Stanley, M.B. Toronto, Toronto.

Pauling, William Tennant, Somerset Hospital, Cape Town.

* Formerly Cooper-Pattin, Wm. Harry,



1906 Panlley, John, M.B. Lond., St. Bartholomews Uospifal. k.c.

1870 Paulson, William. Moimt Sorrel, LnvQhhorovijh. 19(>2 Pavitt, Percy George, 57a, Wiwpole-slreet. w.

1891 Pavri, Mervanji Erachji, 70, Oaklfi/-f>qiiare. ^^^^.

1890 Pawlett, Thomas Lawrance, Crookwcll, Nein South WnUs.

1897 Payne, Alfred Ernest, oG, Melbourne-street, Leicester.

1902 Payne, Archibald Gates, Diixford, Cambriihjp.

1900 Payne, Edward Melville Bruce, Sheph€}-d.<;irell, Kent.

1893 Payne, Ernest Le Fevre, Brunswick House, Kew, Surrey.

1883 Payne, Frank Cobham, Witham.

1874 Payne, Henry Peier, Tulhafjh, Cape Colony.

1899 Payne, Joseph Le^^'in, 44, Devonshire-street, ^y.

1893 Payne, Wm. Henry, 8, Vesta-road, Brockley. s.e.

1903 Peace, Percy Clift, Cuorlton-cinn-IIardy, Manchester.

1904 Peach, William Frank, 11, Bridf/e-arenuc, Hammersniith. "\v. 1903 Peachell, George Ernest, M.B. Lond., Counti/ Asylum,


1909 Peacock, Wm. Henry, M.B. Durh., St. Luke's Vicarage, Darlington.

1894 Pead, John Hunter, M.B. Camb., Naval Medical Service.

1898 Peake, Arthur Edward, Northleigh, Henley-on-Thames.

1893 Peake, Arthur Walton, Bishopston, Bristol.

1894 Peake, Frederic Ernest, 129, Coronation-road, Bristol.

1892 Peake, George Arthur, Alma House, Cheltenham.

1900 Peake, Sydney John, Lnharrime, via Iitharnbane, Portuguese E.


189.) Peake,Wm. Harland, M.D.Durh., \, Piatt' s-lane, Finchley-rd. x.w.

1887 Peake, William Pemberton, Leicester.

1909 Peall, Guy Harcourt, M.B. Lond., L.C.C. School, Highbury- grove. N.

1903 Peall, Percy Alfred, M.B. Lend., Eldorado, Loinagiindi, S. Rhodesia.

1878 Pearce, Charles Worth, M.D. St. Andr.

1893 Pearce, David Arnold Chaning, M.D. Lond., Wokingham.

1896 Pearce, Francis Henr^', M.B, Camb., Madeley Court, SJiropsldre.

1887 Pearce, Frank, Rose Hill-terrace, Brighton.

1889 Pearce, Frederick William, 53, Preston-road, Brighton.

1871 Pearce, Joseph Chaning, M.D. Edinb., Victoria-parade, Ramsgafe.

1905 Pearce, Percival Leslie, M.B. Glasg., 512, Rochdale- road, Man-


1900 Pearce, Thomas Massey, M.D. Lond., Bushey, Watford.

1891 Pearman, Thomas Edward Allaway, 81, Hilljicld-av., Hornseij. N.

1907 Pearn, Oscar Phillips Napier, West Herts Hospital, Hemel Hemp-


1888 Pearse, Albert, Royal Army Jifedical Corps.

1886 Pearse, Arthur William, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e.

1896 Pearse, Athol Stewaii Joseph, M.B. Camb., 110, Cathedral-road, Cardiff.

1899 Pearse, Edward Mountjo}', Liskeard.

1891 Pearse, Herbert Henry, N^aval Medical Service.

1895 Pearse, Joseph Steele, 153, Union-street. Plymouth.


Pearse, Robert Edward Fraiikl3'n, Jagcrsfontein, South Africa.

Pearse, Robin, 15, Wucd/irld-road, Ealing, w.

Pearse, Wilbam Henry, Naval Medical Service.

Pearson, Allan Campbell, M.B. Camb., Borstal, Rochester.

Pearson, Arthur, M.B. Lond., 28, WoodciUe-gardens, Ealing, w.

Pearson, Dudle.y (xarencieres, Spennithorne. Burrow-in- Fu mess.

Pearson, Francis James, Oivston Ferry, Lines.

Pearson, George Kenneth, 55, High-strcp.t, Stoke Newington. N.

Pearson, Harry Beasoii Allen, ]Vandsworth Common, s.w.

Pearson, Heslop Laird, Baij House, Holt Hill, BirhenJiead.

Pearson, James, 83, Merton-road, Bootle, Liverpool.

Pearson, John Doug'las, Greville Lodge, Cheltenham.

Pearson, John Sidney, M.D. Camb., 27, New Cavendish-st. ^v.

Pearson, John Sydney, Cecil House, Westwood-rd., Sgdenham. s.k.

Pearson, Maurice Grey, M.B. Loud.. Durban, Natal.

Pearson, Reginald Spencer, Leighton Buzzard.

Pearson, Richard, M.D. Durh., 34, Bruton-street. "vv.

Pearson, Roland Wilfred, M.B. Durh., xirundel.

Pearson, Thomas, Fark View, Peckham Rye. s.e.

Peatson, Joseph Clarence Stanhope, 211, London-road, Croijdon.

Peck, Awdry, 15, East Castle, Bridgnorth.

Peck, William Edward, M.B. Lond,, Wellington-square, Hastings.

Pedler, George Henry, 235, Knightshridge. s.w.

Pedler, William Frederick, 26, Bloomsburji-street. w.c.

Pedle}^ (leorge Aston, Winchester.

Pedley, Samuel Edward, 18, Peckham-road, Camherwell. s.e.

Peeke, Harold Samuel, Royal Arnuj Medical Corps.

Pegg', John Henry, Reigate.

Pegge, Edward Vernon, Briton Ferrxj.

Peile, Harry Diamond, Indian Medical Service.

Peile, William Hall, M.D. Dubl., 28, Campden House-court, ^y.

Peirce, Henry Ireson.

Peirce, James Arthur Lilwall, Langley Green, Birmingham.

Pell, William, 217, Bethnal-green-road. n.e.

Pellereau, George Elie, AFauritius.

Pellew, Edward Irving Pownoll, Pau, Basses Pyrenees, France.

Pellow, John Edwards, M.B. Oamb., 5, High-street, Southampton.

Pemberton, Charles Arnold, 4, Endsleigh-yardens. N.w.

Penberthy, William, Wiveliscomhe, Somerset.

Pendlebury, Herbert Stringfellow, M.B. Camb., 44, Brook-st. vr.

Pendlebury, John Philip, Ormskirk.

Pendred, Berthon Fleming', Loughton, Essex.

Penfold, Fi"ed Bailey, 30, York-street, Portman-square. Av.

Penfold, Thomas Cunningham, Elvaston-road, Hexham.

Pendred, Vaughan, M.D. Durh., Coventry.

Penfold, William James, M.B. Edin., Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Peiiiston, Arthur Henry, M.B. Lend., Stowmarket, Suffolk.

Penn, John Evans, Naval Medical Service.

Penuefather, Claud Maxwell, M.B. Durh., Harrow-on-the-Hiil.

Pennell, George Herbert, M.D. Oxf., Buenos Ayres.

Pennell, Theodore Leighton, M.D. Lond., Bannu, Punjab, India.

n 2


1902 Pennington. Pmnr, M.B. Caiub.. S^mdoirn, hh ff Wi^he.

1S98 Pennington. Septimus lienjamin Culleu Carter Adolplms, Argyh-

j road. Wfst Ealinfj. w.

1888 \ Penno, Francis Porbes Lanyon. Bangalvrf, India.

1903 ! Penuv, Charles Burnage, M,h5. Lond., 4. Daae Park. Blacl- '■ heath. s.E.

1894 Penny, Frederick Septimus, lioyal Army Medical Corps.

1891 '. Penny, Herbert Lloyd. Xa>al Medical Service. 1887 ! Penny. Jeremiah, Indian Medical Service.

1902 Penny, Rol>ert Augustus Greenwood, Littlemore A.*t/lum, Oxford",

1904 Penny, Sydney Greenwood, Marozion. ComicalL

1895 Penny. AVilliam Re.arinald. Penny Bridge^ Ulvenion, Land, 1899 Penrose. Arthur Wellesley, 33, Comptou-terrace. Highbury, x,

1886 \ Penton, Richard Hnprh, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1899 Pentreath, Herbert Massingberd, 12. Mandc^ter-Hreti. w. 1895 Pentreath. Leonard NorlK)ume, Hampton Pfyle. Kidlmgton. 1880 Pepler, William Henry, 38. Mansfield-road, JJacerstocl-hill. s.w^

1887 Pepler, AVilliani HerN^rt, AI.D. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1892 ' Perceval. Frank, County Asylum. Fresticich, Mancliester.

1908 t Percival. Thomas Godfrey. Ash Grove, Knottingley, Yorls.

1909 [ Perdrau, Jean Rene, M-B. Lond., Devon County Asylum,. j Kxminster.

1902 Pereira. George, M.B.Edinb.. 9, i)Mit(j-«renu/'.J/i/#irc//^i7/. x.av.

1894 Pereira, Joseph Anthony Wenceslaus, M.D. Brussels. Exeter. 1906 Pereiria. Patrick Howard Hennessy, M.B. Madras, Kuala Pilah,.

Segri Sent ti Ian, Federated Malay States. 1902 ' Perkins, Eric McLeod, St. Aubins, Jersey.

1895 Perkins, George, Box 1, Knight. Germiston, Transvaal.

1880 Perkins, Geo. Chapman Steele, M.D. Edinb., 85, WimpoU-st. w.

1890 Perkins. Henry Bowen, Staple Hill, Bristol.

1893 Perkins. Henry Campbell. Trevandrum, Travancore, India. 1908 Perkins, Herbert Edward, Guys Eospilal s.e.

1905 Perkins, Herbert Wilberforce, Harrow.

1900 I Perkins, John Shirley Steele, M.B. Camb., St, SidiceUs, Exeter,

Perkins. Philip Meyler, Tunbridge Wells.

1864 Perks, Charles. Burton-on~Treni,

1882 I Perks, Robert Howell, M.D. Brussels, Paignton.

1 885 Perks, William Ca&sie, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.

1869 Pern. Alfred, Botley, Hants.

1895 Peni; Edgar Courtney, Droxford, Hants.

^eTn,lS.OT2iCe, Smyt}iesdale, Victoria, Atistralia.

1901 Pern, Lionel, 86, Osmaston-road, Derby.

1900 Pern, Norman, P.O. Box 1050, .Johanneiburg, TransvaaL Pern. Sydney, South Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

1891 Pemet. George, 94, Harley-strttt. w.

1904 Perodeau, Edward George. M.B. Lond., St. Margarets, TicicLen-

ham. 1893 Perram. Charles Herbert. ^^LD. Lond.. Bedford. Ib92 Perram, Edward Arthur, MJ). Lond., Whitchurch. 1899 Perrin, Thomas. M.D. Lond., Aylesbury, Buds. 1»93 Perrv. Cranlev Marten. Eastbourne.



Perry, Dallas Gordon, iLD. >[anitoba, 3, Uppe Btdford-pL w.c.

Perrr, Edmund Ludlow, Indian Medical Service.

Perry, Edward Verdon, Reepham.

Perry, Francis Frederick, Indian Medical Seitrice.

Perry, Georue Downing', Trysail, Wotcerkampton.

Perry, Lionel Bmks, 51, /Aimbetk Palace-rrxvl. s.e.

PeiTy, Samuel Herbert, 3. Church-street, .ipalding.

Perry, Walter Dymock, 1, Gloucester-crescent, RegenCs-ph. x.w.

Pershouse. Frank, Hadley Wood, Herts.

Pershouse, Frederick. .Johannesburg, S. Africa.

Pestonjee, Rustom, Cicil Hospital, Galle, Ceylon.

Petcb, Cbarles Henry Lamhert, 8, Ahingdon-court, Kensington, w.

Peter, Alastair Gordon. M.B. Aberd., Monaliadh, Inverness, N.B.

Peters, Albert Edward Duncan Ralph, Petersjield.

Peters, Charles Ayre, M.D. McGill, Montreal. Canada.

Peters, David, Bala.

Peters, Edwin Arthur. M.D. Camb., 52, Wimpole-sfreet. w.

Petherick, Wallace, Hopton, Thetford.

Pethick, Charles Stuart, M.B. Camb., Woolton, Liverpool.

Pethybi-idge, Walter Ley, M.D. Lond., Plymouth.

Petrie, Alexander Sturrock, Yateley, Hants.

Pettey, Tom, M.D. Edinb., Eastbourne.

Pettigrew, David, Atterclijfe, Sheffield.

Pettig-rew, William, S6, Attercli/fe-common, Sheffithl.

Petting-er, James Wilson, Kingsbridge.

Pettingill, Alfred Ernest Albert, 'lib, High-road, Lee. s.e.

Pettitt, William Brakenridg^e, Low^ Mel/ord, Sujfolh.

Petty. William. Joseph, M.B.Lond.,6''>/^y-'*of"i^T UpperXoricood. s.e.

Phelps, Arthur Robert, 37, Compton-terrace, Highbury, s.

Phelps, John Heniy Dixon, M.B. Oxf., Catterick. Forks.

Philipps, Arthur Edward, 50, Epple-road, Fulham. s.Ar.

Phillipps, William Alfred, M.D. Brussels, 13, John-si., Berkeley- square, w.

Phillips, Arthur Owen Henry, Warwick. Queensland.

Phillips, Charles Alleyue Doug-las Herbert, Cape Colony.

Phillips, Charles Morley, Brislington, Bristol.

Phillips, David, 3, Bank-terrace, Llandilo.

Phillips, Da\-id Jonathan, M.D., Bishop's Coll., lo-tl, Thompson- street, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Phillips, Edg-ar Vaughan, Kibicorth, Leicester.

Phillips, Edward James Montagu, 33, Rodney-street, LiverpocJ.

Phillips, Frederic Eustace Leigh. 31, Wannck-square. s.w.

Phillips, George, 157, De Grey-street, Hull.

Phillips, George Gonlon Owen, Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia.

Phillips, George Ramsay, 1, Birmingham-mad, Wallsall.

Phillips, Harry Harding, Hamilton House, Penge. s.e.

Phillips, Heury Arthur, 5, Bootham-terrace, York.

Phillips, Herbert James, Sanatorium, Wokingham.

Phillips, James, Bradford.

Phillips, John, The Pentre, St. Clears.

Phillips, John Elphiostoue Hood, Naval Medical Service.




1 !)07 1896 1888 1007 1901 1907 1902 1901 1892 1901 1 909 1894 1907 1872 1906 1890 1894

1906 1902 1881

1888 1897 1909 1907

1903 1904 1902 1889 1890

1905 1877 1892 1904 1892 l877 1903 1909 1892 1900 1903 1868 1898

1902 1885 1903

Phillips, John Evans, Malpas.

I'hillips. John (ieorg-e, M.l>. Lend., Jieiklem Roval IToqiital. s.K.

Pliillips, Jolin Robert Parry, 19, Urook-rjveev, Ilnimnti yniitli. w.

Phillips, Josiah Northey, J fednesford.

Phillips, Lionel Lewis, Totnes.

Phillijxs, Miles Harris, lioiial. Jnfinnary, Brislol.

Phillips, Montagu, 33, Ii'odnei/stiret. Liver/iool.

Phillips, Nathaniel Richard. Jfonvioiith Asi/lnui, Aber(javenit>/.

Phillips, NoiMian Routh, ,SV. Martuis, Canterbury.

Phillips, Percy Cranston, Vine House, Grantham.

Phillips, Philip, L/anelh/, Cdrmarthenslnre.

Phillips, Richard Biddulph, 21, Addison-f/ardens, Kensiunton. av.

Phillips, Richard Edward Game, Mount Fktcher, E. Griqnaland.

Philli])s-Joiies, Benjamin James, 7\m-i/-Bijrn,Fenr/nu-enber,Gf(ii".

Philpot, Ilarvey Jolm.

Philpot, Henry Austin, 61, Chester-srjuare. s.av.

Pliillpotts, Herbert McDonald, Kivfjsireor, Darfmoutli.

Philps, J'redk, Georg'e Meynell, 3, The Mansions, llichmoml- road. s.w.

Phippen, Harry Garnet, Wef<tern Ferer Ilofipital., Fulham. s.w.

Phipps, Chai'les Arthur Gayer, Naval Medical .'Service.

Phipps, Edgar Vivian Ayi'e, cjo Messrs. Holt (|- Co., 3, Whitehall- place. AV.

Phipps, Henry Hostache, Sivinton, Manchester.

Phipps, John Hare, M.B. Lond., Mosman, Sydney, N.S.W.

Phipps, Mii^hael William, Leecarrow Passage Wist, co. Cork.

Phipson, Edv/ard Selby, M.B. Lond., 105, Harborne-road, Edijbaston, Bir.ningham.

Pick, Arthur, Bad Kissin^/ea, Germany.

Pick, Biyan, The Nook, Great Bookham, Leatherhead.

Pick, Lawrence, 3, Norroy-road, Putney, s.av.

Pickard, Ransom, M.D. Lond., Southernhay, Exeter.

Pickels, Joseph Arthur, M.B. Lond., cjo P.M.O., LagoSy S. Nigeria.

Pickering-, Bernard, M.B. Edinb., 23, Chorley New-road, Bolton.

Pickei'ing, Charles Frederick, Berkeley-square, Bristol.

Pickering, Rowland Neville Umfreville, 50, Upper Berkeley-sl. w.

Pickering, William Cowper, M.B. Lond., Wellingborough.

Pickford, James Shaw, Little Lever, Bolton.

Pickford, John Kemble, Cleethorpes, Grimsby.

Pickin, Fredk. Harold, 3, Albert-buildings, Weston-super-Mare.

Pickles, Clifford Crawshaw, 105, Camp-road, Leeds.

Pickthorn, Edward Butler, Naval Medical Service.

Picton, Lionel James, Holmes Chapel, Crewe.

Pierce, Frederick James, Baker-street, Enjield.

Pierce, Fredk. Morrish, M.D. Q.U.L, 50, Gordon-square, w.c.

Pierce, George Oliver, Havant.

Pierce, Robert Wynne Charles, Guildford.

Piei point, Harry, Ainsdale, Southport.

Pletersen, James, Kingswinford.

Piggot, Allen Pledger, 26, Clondsdale-road, Balhani. s.w.


Pigg'-Strang-ewaj^s, Thomas Strangeways, Camhridge.

Pike, Cyprian Royston, /S7. Vincent, West Indies.

Pike, Norman Howard, M.B. Lond., Heckmondwike, Yorkshire.

Pilcher, Cecil Westland, Boston.

Pilkiuglon, Frederick AVilliani, Alvescot, Oxford.

Pinch, Albert Edwin Hayward, 22, C/tenies-street, Goirer-st. w.c.

Pinches, Henry Irving, 1, Nevern-road, South Kensington, s.w.

Pinches, Horace George, Iioi/al Army Medical Corps.

Piiichin, Artlnir John Scott, M.D. Lond., Clapham Common, s.w.

Pinching, Chai-les James, Gracesend.

Pinching', Sir Horace Henderson, K.C.M.G., Cairo.

Pinching, William Guy, 76, New-road, Gravesend.

Pinder, Alan Hargrave, Walton Union fnjirmari/, Liverpool.

Pineo, Ernest George Douglas, Langford, Bristol.

Pinhorn, Richard, Cambridge-terrace, Dover.

Pinker, Henry George, 22, Avonmore-road, Kensington, w.

Pinniger, Albert Edward, M.B. Lond,, Broadstairs.

Pinniger, Charles Lever, 163, Queens-road. N.

Pinniger, Francis Baldwin, M.D. Lond., 32, Stanford-road,

Brighton. Pinniger, Walter Augustus, Prestonville, Brighton. Pinniger, Wilfrid James Hussey, M.B. Lond., 9, Beaconsfield-

road, Clifton, Bristol. Pinto-Leite, Hubert, St. George's Hospital, s.w. Piper, Francis Parris, M. B. Lond., Whitstahle. Pires, George, Karachi, India.

Pisani, Orestes Victoriano, 56, Cavendish-rd., Clapham-pk. s.w. Pitcairu, John James, Portland, Dorset. Pitcairn, Stephen Hugh, Belmont, Harrow-on-the-IIiU. Pitkin, Montague Claud Melville, Ascot. Pitman. George John Edward, University College, w.c. Pitt, Robert Cecil, Gloucester House, Mahnesburg. Pitt, William Carey, Sunburg, Middlesex. f Pitt-Payne, William, M.B. Lend., 281, Brockley-road. s.e. Pittock, Francis William.

Pitts, Arthur Gentry, Waimate, S. Canterbury, N. Zealand. Pitts, Henry Yate, Tue Brook, Liverpool. Pitts, Robert Elliot, Springfield, Chelmsford. Pitts-Tucker, Francis Augusrus, Sutton, Isle of Ely, Cambs. Plaister, Geoffrey Ratcliffe, Pembrey House, Tottenham, n. Planck, Charles, jun.. County Asylum, Haywards Heath. Plant, Charles, Dalton-in-Furness. Plant, Henry William, Dudley. Plant, James Robert, 107, Hinckley-road., Leicester. Piatt, Arthur Hardwicke, 8, Weech-road, W. Hampstead. N.w. Piatt, John Edward, M.D. Lond., Albert-square, Manchester. Piatt, John Noble, Wilmsloiv, Manchester.

Plews, JohnMacka3% M.B. Lond., 5, Mitcham-lane, Streathain. s.av. Plowman, Sidney, Frankston, Victoria., Australia.

EortQerly Pigg, Thomas Strangeways. f Formerly Payne, William.


Plowman, Tom Alexander Barrett, North Cnrrii, Taunton.

Plowrig-ht, Charles Tertius MacLean, iM.B. Canib., Kiajs Lynn.

Plumbe, Arthur, Singleton, Neiv South Wales.

Pluniley, Arthur George Grant, M. B. Lond., Wakefield.

Plummer, Charles Joseph, M.I). Brussels, IK'i, Heme Hill. s.e.

Plummer, Edgar Curnow, Batk Juiston, Bath.

Plunnner, Win. Edwin, Wenchow, Shangliai, China.

Plumpti'e, Cyril Macdonald, Woodham. Ferrers Rectory, Chelmsford.

Poate, Hugh Raymond Guy, Af.B. Sydney, Waverley, Si/duey.

Pockett, Lewis Walter, IVI.I). Durh., Grimsby.

Pococlc, Alfred George Clai'ke, '213, High-road, Streatham. s.AV.

Pocock, Arthur Jxobt. Geo., M.D. Lond., Beaconsjield, Bucks.

Pocock, Herbert limes. Royal Army Medical Corps.

Pocock, Theodore Charles, ALB. Lond., Burgess Hill, Sussex.

Poignand, Kalpli Newman, ]\i.B, Cauib,, Littleporl, Ely.

Poiuton, James, 147, Liverpool-road, Southport.

Poland, John, Home Cottage, Seal, Kent.

Pollard, Alexander Morton, 21, St. Nicholas-road, Upper Tooting, s.w.

Pollard, Arthur IIain\ Esneh, Upper Egypt.

Pollard, Charles, M.D. Biussels, Worcester.

Pollard, Frederick, M.D. Loud., St. Nicholas-rd., Up. Tooting, s.w.

Pollard, Herbert Dean, M.B. Lond., Bedford.

Pollard, George Kichard Mackintosh, 21, Ji'aiensboame-garden', Edinburgh.

Pollard, Sidney Pochin, M.D. Camb.. J/ebden Bridge.

Pollard, Walter Henry, M.B. Lond., M-i, Hagley-rd., Birmii<ghavi.

Pollard, William Fox Branch.

Pollock, Aubrey Keatinge Ilalliday, Dibrugarh, Assam, India.

Pollock, Charles Kdward, Roycd Army Medical Corps.

Pollock, John Robert Russell, Bampton-sireet, Ticertun.

Pollock, Richard Gordon, Warlingham, Surrey.

Poison, James Honald, M.D. Bii-m., St. Johns, Worcester.

Pomeroy, Wallace, Queen Camel, Bath.

Pomfret, Henry Waytes, M.D. Vict., Llollingu-orth, Cheshire.

Pond, Francis Aloysius, Liverpool.

Ponder, Constant VV'ells, M.D. Camb., Cambridge.

Ponsonby, John, Newland-avenue, Hull.

Poole, Cyril Cecil, Lifirmary, Fonlefract.

Poole, Edward Albert Bodeuham, Barrow-on-Humber, Hull.

Poole, John Copeland, Hampton Wick.

P(Jole, Kenneth VVorsley, M.B. Durh., 1, Palace-mansions, Ken- sington, w,

Poole, Thomas Brice, M.D. Durh., WestcliJfe-on-Sea.

Pooler, Harry William, M.B. Birm., Ashted, Birminqham.

Pooley, George Henrys 70, Hanocer-strect, Shejicld.

Pooley, John Milues, Nettlebed, Henley.

Poolman, Arthur Edwai-d, 10, Weymouth-street. w.

Pope, Charles Alfred Whiting, M.B. Camb., Rugby.

Pope, Edward Campbell, 7, Embju-vHUis, Stamford Brook. ^Y.

Pope, Fgerton Llewellyn, M.D. McGill, Winnipeg, Canada.



Pope, Francis, Jo/iannesbin-r/, Transvaal.

Pope, Frederick Samuel, M.D. Toronto, P.O. Box, 613, Calgary,

Canada. Pope, Henry, Gathorne IIoiisc, Rovndhay-road, Leeds. Pope, Wm. Henry, Naval Medical Service. Popert, Alfred. William, Sonthport.

Popham, Robert Brooks, l.'iO, Argijle-road, West Ealing, w. Porritt, Norman, Huddersfield.

Port, Arthur William, M. K Durh., 122, Southicark ParL-rd. s.e. Porteous Herbert Llewellyn, Chalford, Slrond. Porter, Arthur Edward, M.L. Camb., Reigatc. Porter, Charles Robertson, Great Berkhamsfed, Herts. Porter, Frank Constable, 12, Oxford-street, Nottingham. Porter, Frederick Joseph Wm., D.S.O., Roijal Armji Med. Corps. Porter, James Houston, 26, Queens-road, Dalstnn. x.e. Porter, Robert Ibbetson, 90, Edith-road, W. Kensington, ^y. Porter, Roht. Lan.o'ley, Al.D. Cooper Med. Coll., Montreal, Canada. Porter, William George M.P. Brussels, New Maiden, Surrey. Porter, William Smith, M.D. Purh., 283, Glossop-road, Sheffield. Posnett, Edward, M.D. Durh., Hainton-square, Grinish;i. Postlethwaite, Joseph Marshall, Whnlley, Blackburn. Pott, Francis Henry, M.D. Bi'ussels, 11, Scarsdale ]^illas. Potter, Bernard Elwell.M.B. Lond., 58, Park street, av. Potter, Godfrey Russell, Barnsleij. Potts, Horace, Great Yarmouth. Potts, Frank Reginald Henry, Stanger, Natal. Potts, Wm. Alexander, M.D. Birm., 118, Hagley-rd., Birmingham. Potts, Wm. James. M.D. Lond., Belhnal-green Infirmarij. n.k. Pou, Wm. Oscai-, M.D. Michigan, Michigan, U.S.A. Poulter, Arthur Reginald, 3, Addle-street, e.g. Pounds, Gordon Christopher, Id-i, Humber-road, Blackheath. s.e. Powell, Cecil, Stony Stratford. Powell, Charles Marten, Caversham, Reading. Powell, Dan Arthur, M.B. Lond., Charing Cross Hospital, w.c. Powell, Edgar Elkins, Royal Army Medical Corps. Powell, Fredeiick Hamilton, Ottaiva, Canada. Powell, Hei-bert Andrews, M.D. Oxf., St. Catherines, Guildford. Powell, Hugh Falkenberg, Pittrille, Cheltenham. Powell, James Farquharson, 74, Huron-road., Balham. s.w. Powell, John Edward, Naval Medical Service. Powell, Josiah Cecil, 5, Alfred-place, Thurlow-square. w. Powell, Llewellyn, Cliristchurch, New Zealand. Powell, Llewellyn William, Kingswood, Bristol. Powell, Rhys, Brecon.

Powell, Thomas Morgan Jones, M.B. Lond., Swansea. Powell, ^Valter 2\.ngustus, 5, Grand-parade, Brighton. Powell, William, 17, Cavendish-place, Cavendish-square, w. Ptiwer, Herbert Robert, 3o, St. Mary's- terrace, Paddington. w. Power, John Hugh Spalding.

Power, John Warded, M.B. Sj'dney, ;10, Harrington-gardens. s."\v. Power, Thomas, 156, FaisI India Dock-road, Poplar, li.


1904 Power, Thomas Costello, loG, Jun^t Inih'a-rond. E.

1862 Power, Wilmot ILn'ton Trevor, Unirersiii; College Hospital, w.c.

1881) Powers, Charles Henry, Sout/nvaite, Carlixle.

18'J8 Powers, Richard Henry, 2, Jii'iby-slreet, Bri<jrj.

1896 Pownall, Graham Steinmetz, 8o, Onslnw-s(/uare. s.w. 1892 Powrie, Percy Chamberlain, Mossel Bay, Cape of Good Jlvjie. 1894 Powys, Henry Lionel, 134, York-road, Lambeth. s.E.

Poynder, Frederick Cecil, M.B, Oxf,, East Grinstend.

1875 Poynder, Geoi'g'e Frederick, 45, Chaucer-road, Bedford.

1877 Poj'iider, John Leopold, Indian Medical Serrice.

1908 Poyser, Arthur Vernon, M.H. Oamb., Charing Cross Hospital.


1882 Prabhakar, Govindrao Bhau.

1892 Prada, Enriqne.

1894 Prain, John Leay, Casilla 1213, Valparaiso, Chile., S. America,

1892 Prall, Cedric Barkley, Indian Medical Service.

1890 Prall, John Henniker, Banipton, laringdon.

188G Prall, Samuel Esmond, M.B. Loud., Indian Medical Service.

1897 Prance, Charles Hei-bert Gouldsmith, St. Austell, Cornwall. 1889 Pratt, Edward Fredk., M.B. Durb., Ilcaton-road, iVeiccastlc-


1896 Pratt, Eldon, M.D. Lond., Whitehaven.

1905 Pratt, John Edward, Whitehaven.

1902 Pratt, John Isaac, JNLB. Toronto, Port A.rthur, Ontario, Canada.

1889 Pratt, William Sutton, M.D, Brussels, lingbi/.

1907 Prausnitz, Otto Carl VVilly, Grove-road, Sutton, Surrey.

1902 Prell, John Phihp, Aberdulais, Neath.

1906 Preutice, Hugli Kidle3% 57, Chancery-lane. w.c.

1907 Prentis, John Edward, Lancing, Sussex.

1900 Prescot, Norman, o9, Gorst-road, Wandsicorfh Common, g.w.

1896 Preston, Charles Chichester. 89, Earl's Court-road. w.

1890 Preston, Charles Henry, M.D. Lond., Sale, Cheshire. 1887 Preston, Frederick, Nonvich.

1891 Preston, John Robei't, Fleetwood., Lancashire.

1872 Preston, Theodore Julian, 16, St. Johns-park., Blackheath. s.E.

1900 Pretty, Harold Cooper, Kettering.

1908 Pretty, Kenneth, 26, St. James s-square, Holland Park. AV.

1898 Price, Archibald Ainslie, 84, St. Johns-park, Blackheath. s.E. 1891 Price, Arthur Edward, M.B. Lond., 7, Westbourne-terrace. w.

1908 Price, Charles EdAvin, Orpington, Kent.

1901 Price, Clifford, Abertillcry, MonmoutJishire.

1897 Price, David, Sadelleworth, Yorksliire.

1879 Price, Edward Morris, Bridgend, Glamorganshire.

1904 Price, Edwin Edgar Montague, Great Bridge, Tipton.

1903 Price, Ernest Aubrey, 24, Gold-sti-eet, Kettering. 1901 Price, Ernest Walters, High-street., Narbcrlh. 1896 Price, Francis Edward, Mutley, Plymouth. 1907 Price, Geoffrey, Naval Medical Service.

1896 Price, Henry James. Maldon, Essex.

1.908 Price, Horace John D'Arcy Gerard, Beacon House, Dudley Port, Tijiton, Staff's.


Price, John Dodd, J/essa, Nou-gong, Assam, India.

Price, John Dudle}^, Ambleside, Dudley.

Price, Laurence Edwin, Nuneaton.

Price, Maurice Dyball, Bitshrch, Persictn Gulf.

Price, Philip Se3"niour, 9 Grosvenor-gardens. s.w.

Price. Robert Bei-nard, M.B. Lond., BeckenJianx.

Price, William, M.B. Lond., 40, Park-place, Cardiff.

Price, William JNLatthews, 48, York-place, Neu'port, Mm.

Prichard, Arthur Ileaward, Naval Medical Sn-cice.

Prichard, David Llewellyn Kurtz, Bettirs-jj-Coed, N. Wale.^i.

Prichard, John Llewelyn, Plas-yn-Rhos, liuahon, North ]V(ilcd:

Priddle, Alfred Ernest, Pins Madoc, Llanrwst.

Prideaux, Joseph Francis Eiigledue, East Acton, w.

Pridham. Arthur Tregellue, M.B. Lond., Indian Medicai

Service. Pridham, Charles Fortescue, Wittersham, Kent. Pridham, Fredk. Charles, IH. Lennard-ro td., W. Croydon, Pridham. Gerald Henry, Windsor Villa, Mannamead, Plijmn)ith. Pridham, William Frederick, Rickmansivorth. Pridmore, Eric Leonard Norman, M.B. Loud., Folkestone. Pridmore, John Walter, Pijde.

Priest, Robert Cecil, M.B. Camb., 10, Alhert-palace-mans. s.w. Priestley, Harold Edgar, Roy. Army Medical Corps. Priestley, Re.u,-inald Fawcett, Pot} ty pool, Mun. Priestley, Thomas, Hillsborough, Sheffield. Prince, Hugh Tennant, Boston Spa.

Prince, John Woolnough George, Harffield, Tunbridge Wel/s. Prince, Peregrine Charles, Reigate. Pring, Frederick Arthur, 278, Old Kent-road. s.e. Pring, Horace Reginald, I, Highbury-place, n. Pringle, Arthur Young, Ipswich. Pringle, Ernst Georg-e, M.D. Lond., 195, Croydon-road.^

Anerley. s.e. Pringle, Kenneth Douglas, M.B. Camb., Noifolk Hospital, Nor-

icich. Prins, Henry Mallock, Colney Hatch Asylum, New Southgate. x. Prior, Edward Symes, 22, Torrington-square. w.c. Prior, Guy Percival Underdown, The Hospital for Incurables^

Paramatta, N^.S. W. Prior, James, Heckmondwike. Prior, John Ralph, M.B. Durh., Council Offices, Church End,.

Finchtey. n. Pritchaid, Edward 5<:>v\?Cn.,Branksome, Wandsworth-common. s.w. Pritchard, Eric Law, M.D. Loud,, Fairhazel-gardeus, S. Hamp-

stead, x.w. Pritchard, Harry Washington, 12, Brunswick-street, Muu-

chester. Pritchard, Joseph James Gawler, West Park-street, Dewsbury. Pritchard, Robert John, Reigate. Pritchard, Trevor John, M.B. Edinb., Chichester. Pritchard, Urban, M.D. Edhib., 26, Wimpole-street. w.





1890 Pritchard, William Bridgett, 272, Oxfovd-road, Manchester.

1898 Pritchard, William Clowes, 28, Wellimjton-square, Iliutings.

1901 Pritcliett, George William Murris, Pli/moiit/i.

1890 Pritcliett, Sidney Isaac, liochester.

i893 Probyn, Percy John, D.S.O., M.I3. Loud., Royal Army Medical


1890 i*Probyn- Williams, Robert James, M.D. Durh., 13, Welbeck-st. \v. 1900 Procter, George Woodvatt, M.B. Durh., Woolton-road, Liverpool. 1873 Procter, John Ward, Brampton Kinlets, Bouruetaouth.

1890 Procter, William James, M.B. Lond., Gt. Boolcham, Leatherhead. 1896 Proctor-Sims, Frank Richard, 294, Essex-road, Canonbury. x. 1876 Prongei-, Charles Ernest, Harrogate.

.1894 Propert, Walter Archibald, 100, Gloucester-place, Portman-sq. w.

1888 Prosser, Astley Bennett, M.B. VAnn., Brearley-street, Dirminr/Jiam. 1892 Prosser-Evaus, Jehosophat, Rainham, Essex.

1898 Provis, Francis Lionel, 11 , /?roo^--s?ree/. w.

1900 ; Provvse, Wni. Barriiiglon,3l, Vei-non-terrace, Brighton.

1899 ' Pryce, Harold Vaughaii, M.B. Caml)., 101. Bethune-road.

1892 , Prynne, Harold Vernon, Royal Army Medical Service. 1906 Pryse, Albert Edward, Woodpecker -road, New Cross, s

1900 ; Prytherch, John Rowlands, Llangefni, Anglesey.

1887 : Puddicombe, Leonard, 38, Neiclands^ Sydenham Park.

1904 Puddicombe, Thomas Phare, M.B. Lond., Education

Plymouth. 1899 Pugh, Arthur Bailey, Bream Lyd.xey. 1898 Pugh, Chas. Grant, M.D. Lond., Park Hospital, Hither Green

1908 ! Pugh, John, Manor House, Caencys, Flints.

1894 fPugh, Wm. Thomas Gordon, M.D. Lond., Cere Farm Hospital, j Dartjord, Kent.

1893 I Pulleu, Ralph Seymour MacDougal, Stoke, Devonport. 1885 ; Pulling, Herbert John, 11, Old Steine, Brighton.

.1906 I Purdoin, \^'m. Percy, M.B. Loud., Brighton-road, Sutton.

1889 J Purnell, Piirncll, Woodlands, Strcatham-hill. s.AV.

1888 1 ?nvv\s, A.\'ive<\,lb(j, Trafalgar-road, Greenwich. s.R.

1891 I Purvis, William Prior, M.D. Loud., ,S'o«//«<»?^;)'o«.

1905 I Puttock, Reginald, M.B. Gamb., Chard. 1864 ; Puzey, Chauncey, 71, Rodney-street, Liverpool.

1909 Pybus, Frederick Charles, M.B. Durh., 72, Jesmond-roal,


1887 j Pye, Thomas.

1903 ; Pye-Smith, Charles Derwent, M.B. Lond., Huddersfiehl.

1872 Pye-Smith, Rutherfoord John, 450, Glossop-road, Sheffield.

1864 Pyle, Ge(jrge Edward.

1888 Pym, Charles Brownlow, J/fnTzci'ti/Ze, AVw 5o»//i Wales. 1908 ; Pywell, Ernest Alfred, Stilton, Peterborough.

1898 Pywell, Percy Dodd, 174, York-road, Lambeth. s.E.

1895 Quait, Alexander Wortley, Mandeslty, Norfolk. 1893 Quay, Frederick Aiken William, Sunbury, Middlesex.

,, Quayle, Eilwiu, Urmiton, Manchester.


Foroicrly Williams, Robert Jaraes. f Formerlj Pugh, William Thomas.



Queunell, Arthur, Brentwood^ Essex.

Querney, Thomas Mather, Port St. John, Cape Colony.

Quick, Hamilton Ernest, M.B. Lond., Swansea.

Quiller, Charles Turner, 97, Larkhall-rise, Clapham. s.'.v,

Qninb}', Edward Melville, 21, Rodney-street, Licerpool.

Quinby, Frank Gray, Shrewsbury.

Quinlan, Wm. Thomas, 81, Victoria Park-mad. n.e.

Quirk, p]d\vard John Joseph, 8, Arenue-road, Hirjhi/ate. x.

Quu'k, Fredk. Whitly, 3, Glebe-road, Knowle-green, Staines.

Quirk, Thomas Aug-ustus, St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.

Quirke, Herbt. Chas., 1 17, lTunters-roadJI'indsworth,Birmlnfjham^

Quirke, John Joseph, 308, Lillie-road, Fulham. s.w.

Kaby, lvali)h, liumwell I/jdge, Daunlon.

Race, Jolm Percy, Asylum, Carmarthen.

Racker, Eug-ene Clifford, Hounslow, Middlesex.

Radford, William John, Nairdi, East Africa Protectorate.

Rae, Francis Lionel, Guy's Hospital, s.e.

Rahilly, John Maurice Bisdee, M.B. Lond., R"y. Army MediatV

Corps. Rahim, Bakhshi Isaac, 284, Convnercial-road. e. Rahman, Mohamed Abdur, Gvy's Hospital, s.e. Rai, Dhaupat, Punjab, Lahore. Raiment, Percy Charles, 33, New Walk, Leicester. Raines, Robert, Hull.

Rainey, Edward Holmes, 106, Xelson-roal, Uornsey. x. Rainforth, John Jekyll, ALB. Lond., Lincoln. Rainier, Norman Robinson Jones, Indian Medical Service. Rake, Alfred Theodore. ^LB. Lond., 58, Delancy-street. n.w. Ralph, Charles Hug'h Danson, ^^edical Staff, Accra, W. Africa, Ralston, Robert Gow, Children's Hosp., Great Omiond-st. w.c» Ramsay, Jeffre3% M.D. Lond., Cheadle Hvlrne, Cheshire. Ramsay, Palmer Devoy, Nacal Medical Service. Ramsbottom, Edgar Nelson, M.B. Lond., Harwich, Bid'.on. Ramsdeii, Uerbert, M.D. Lond., Bobcross, Oldham. Randall, Ernest Bidg-ood, M.D. Lond., 367, Rornford-road. e, Randall, George Frederick, Danmow, Essex. Randall, Martin, M.D. Lond., Zeo;;o/f/-ro«cZ, Wimbledon. s.AV. Randle, Alan, M.D. Lond., The Infirmary, Lambeth, s.e. Randle, James Majnie, Riian ALnor S.O., Cornwall. Randolph, William Henry, Milverton, Somerset. Rankeii, David, M.B. Lond., 14, Grange-crescent, Sunderland. Rankin, Allan Coats, M.D. McGill, Montreal, Canada. Rankine, John Lawson, Roweltown, Carlisle. Rankine, Roger Aiken, M.B. Lond., Glencoe, Brockley Rise, s.e^ Ranking, George Lancaster, Whitley Cross, Reading. Ranking, Robert Maurice, M.B. (Jamb., Roy. Army Medical

Corps. Rannie, James, M.B. Aberd., Transvaal. South Africa. Ransford, Alan Carpmael, Ingat^stone, Essex. Ransford, John Ernest, Birkdale, Southport. Rausford, Sydenham Teast Gifford, A, Weitbournc-street. aw



1873 ] Raiisford, Tlioinas Davis, Bafh.

1871 j Hiuisoiii, Frederick I'aileft Fisiier, M.D. VA'inh., Berlin.

1890 I Uaiisomc, Arlliur Cyril,, Cainb., O.cton, Birkenhead.

1897 Ransoine, Gilbert Ilollaiul, Biinf/ai/.

1892 Kansome, Herl)ert ViiWavUm, Bowt/on, AUrincham.

1894 Raper, Mattiiew Henry, M.I). Lond., S/ioeburi/ness, Essex.

1902 Rashleigh, Ilng'li Goorge, Charfhani, Canterbury. 1901 i Rastrick, Robert Joseph, 6'Mi7(i/b?YZ.

1907 Rattray, Malcoliu John, 17, Trinitij-squarc. Borough, s.i;.

1901 Raven, Hugh Mil villa, Broadstairf<. Raw, Herbert Ilsirland, Whitbi/.

1885 Raw, Wni. Edmund, St. Michael.

189 1 Rawes, Charles Kinsman, M.B. Vict., 4, Tubbs-rd., ITarlcsden. n. w. 1905 Rawes, Leslie, Sarid)urji Green, Sontliainpton.

Rawlence, Harold Ernest, M.B, Edinb., Srinngar Kii.<hmir, India.

189G Rawling-, Louis Bathe, M.B. Camb., IG, J\[ontagn-sti'eet. ^v.

1875 Rawlings, Alfred, Heme, Canterhiny.

1893 Rawling-s, Jolm Dunnell, M.B. Loud., iJorking, Surrey. 1863 Rawlins, vVilliam Feiei;M.T>., Ifai/ivai-ds Heath.

1891 Rawlinson, Frederick Juland, Bognor.

1895 Rawson, William Foster, Easbji-road, Bradford.

1898 Rawsthorne, Hubert, Ilaslingden, Manchester.

1894 Ray, John Howson, M.B. Vict., 11, St. John-street, Man-


1896 Ray, AValter John Orbel, Wimborne.

l'.)09 I Raymond, Cutlibert, 2, *S'^ Agnes-terrace. S. Hackney, x.k.

1905 I Raymond George, Carisbrooke, Newport, Isle of Wight.

1886 Raymond, George Howard, Neiv Brunswick, Canada.

1892 i Rayner, David Charles, 9, Lansdown-place, Clifton, Bristol.

1885 1 Rayner, Herbert Edward, Camberley, Surrey.

1904 I Rayner, William Hartree, Tiviot Dale, Stockport. 1892 I Rayson, Herbert Knights, Bayville, Cape Colony. 1888 Ray wood, Joliu Roljert Isaac, White Cross, Hereford.

1892 I Read, Arthur William, M.D. Durh., 19, Southwell-gardens, s.av. 1890 I Read, Charles Stanford, M.B. Lond., clo P. <J- 0. S. N. Co.,

Leadenhall-strect. e.g.

1893 Read, Clarence, Llanberis, Chatswood, Sydney, N.S. W.

1897 Read. Edward Henry, Newton Ferrers, Plymouth.

1905 Read, Harold William, Newport, Isle of Wight. 1890 Read, Richard Henry, 39, Church-street, Hanley.

1903 Read, Walter Woolfe, County Asylum, s.e.

1902 Read, Walton Rix, 1, Portland-place, av.

1905 Reade, Arthur George Lawrence, Amblcside-ar., Streatham. s.e.

1906 Reader, Stanislaus, Wakefield.

1887 Reading, Richard Faii-fax, Macquarie-street, Sydney, N.S. Wales. 1900 Reaney, Michael Foster, M.B. Lond., cjo Messi-s. King,

Hamilton ^ Co., Calcutta.

1906 Reckless, Philip Alfred, Tnjirmary, Leicester.

1886 Reddall, Osborne Henry, Randwick, New South Wales.

1878 ' Roddy, Herbert Lionel, 705, Dorchester-street, Montreal, Canada.



1908 1903 1874 1892 1903 1865 1886


1885 1896 1888 1891 1909

1877 1 1895






























Redman, Cliarles Edward, The Knoll, S/iawford, Winchester. Redmond, Robert Clark, 27, Lansdowne-avenue, Torovto, Canada. Redmond, William, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Redpatl), William, M,B. Camb., Woodbridge, Suffolk. Redwood, Robert Vachell de Acton, Iihi/mnei/., Cardiff. Redwood, Thomas Hall, M.D. Durh., Bhumnty. Cardi^. Reece, Richard James, M.D. Camb., Local Government Board,

Whitehall, s.w. Reed, Georg-e Angustus Keppel Ilart, Roijal Armij Medical

Corps. Reed, Henry Albert, Maldon, Essex. Reed, John Charles Groscort, Naval Medical Service. Reed, John Sleeman, Goi-leston, Suffolk. Reeks, Henry, Mew Shnreham. Rees, Alexander Armstrong, M. 6. Liv^erp,, 2,Sandrinciham hrive,

Liverpool. Rees, Alfred, Cardiff. Rees, David Charles, Public Health Office, Port Elizabeth. Cape

Town. Rees, David Valentine, Brecon. Rees, Edward Davies, Caersws, ^fontgomcr //shire. Rees, Frederick John. West Ham Infirmary, Leytonstone. n.e. Rees, Griffith Henry, iM.B. Lond., 86, Grove-pk., Denmark Hill. s.E. Rees, Harry William Melville, Naval Medical Service.

Rees, Howell, 190, Neu-port-rcad, Cardiff.

Rees, John Llewellyn, Pontardawe, Glamor/janshirc.

Rees, John Milsom, 18, Upper Wimjjnle-street. vr.

Ree*, John Valentine, Bettics, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire.

Rees, Morgan James, M.D. Lend., Stej)Jien Green, e.

Rees, Rees William, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire. *Rees-Thomas, William Henry, M.D. Brux., Basingstoke.

Rees, William Arthur, M.D. Lond., Shaivford, Hants.

Reeve, Ernest Frederick, M.B. Lond., County Asylum, Rainhill.

Reeve, Herbert Midgley, M.B. Lond., Manor-park, Lee. s.e.

Reeve, Walter, 38, Manchester-street, vr.

Reeve, Walter, 32, St. Peter s-road, South Croydon.

Reeves, Albert, 6, Streatham-hill. s.w.

Reeves, John Kingham, diS, Upper Tulse-hill. s.w.

Regan, Tliomas Edward, Knfield, Middlesex.

Reichwald, Max Balzar, M.B. Lond., Ashtead, Surrey.

Reid, Alexander, Opntiki, New Zealand.

Reid, Alfred, M.B. Durh., The Cranes, Tooting, s.w.

Reid, Allan George, 73, Balaam-street, Plaistow. e,

Reid, Archibald liouglas, 30, Welbeck-street, w.

Reid, Arthur Lestock, Watford.

Reid, Edgar 200, St. Helens-road, Swansea.

Reid, Edward Douglas Whitehead, St. Bartholomew's Hospital.


Reid Ernest Stewart, Naval Medical Service.

* Formerly Thomas, William Henry,



1905 18G6 1892 1890 1903 1894 1898 1S75 1884 1890 1905 1886 1903 1899 1897 1875 1906 1889 1891 1893 1905 1880 1890 1889 1892 1898 1894 1862 1880 1907 1893 1877 1871 1894 1890 1904

1863 1891 1894 1899 1904 1908 1888 1895 1889 1 882 1901 1897 1908 1907

Reid, James Derhani, W(ill:den. Manc/ie.ster.

Reid, Lestock Ilolhiiicl, liowmanville, Ontario. Canada.

Reid, Matliew Alexander, Braii.fivicl-\ Victoria, Australvi.

Reid, Peter Macphersou, Hic/imond, Victoria, Australia.

Reid, Robert Watson, M.Ii. Aberd., Wokinr/.

Reid, Sidney Thomas, Naral Medical Service.

Reid, Stuart liath^'ate, M.B. (Jamb., Auckland, Neio Zealand,

Reid, TiiOMias Wliiteiiead, iM.D. St. Andr., Canterburij.

Reilly, Cliarles Cooper, lioi/al Army Medical Corps.

Reilly, I'^rederick Bradsliaw, 233, Victoria Park-road. n.e.

Reilly, Percy Ceorg-e, 154, Glohe-road, Mile-end. e.

Reily, Alexander Yates, M.B. Dnrli., Roj/. Army Med. Corps,

Reinliold, Carl Henry, Indian ^fedical Service.

Relph, Arthur Ernest, 24, Wimpole-street. w.

Relph, U(;rbert John, 24, Wimpole-street. av.

Rend.'dl, John, Lymington.

Rendall, Robert Montj^'ouiery, 101, Forest-road, Nottinf/ham.

Rendel, Arthur Bo\ven,M.B.Canib., 19, Norfolk-cres., llyde-pk. \v

Rendle, Anstruther Cardew, M.I). (Jamb., Kampala, Uganda.

Rendle, Arthur Russel, North Pa/ant. Chichester.

Rendell, Samuel Sliuttleworth, M.B. Loud., Boston.

Renner,Charles, M.I). Wurzburg-,75, Upper Gloucester-place, n.av

Rennie, George Septimus.

Rennie, William, King's Heath, Pirmingha'n.

Renny, Eustace Georg-e, Wellesley-road, Colchester.

Renshaw, (jraham, M.B. Vict., »S'rt/e Bridge H onse , Sale .^Fanchester

Renshaw, Herbert Comer, Ash House, Stretford, Manchester.

Renshaw, Herbert Smith, M.D. St. Audr., Sale, Ma)ichester.

Rensliaw, Israel James Edward, Sale, Manchester.

Renshaw, John AUister.

Rentzsch, Sigismund Henry, Week-St. Mary, North Cornwall.

Reporter, Maneckjee Eduljee, Indian Medical Service.

Reston, Henry, M.D. Durh., Ash/hrd., Barnstaple.

Kevell, Hugh Stanley, 49, Wimbledon Park-road. s.w.

Revill, Geo. Leslie Howard, Heigldngton, Lincoln.

Rew, George Russell, Applebhtiw, Andover.

Rey, Jules Frederick, Fleet., Hants.

Reynalds, John, Clifton, Bristol.

Reynolds, Austin Edward, Shepherd's-hill, Highgate. x.

Reynolds, Bernard Gore, College-park, Willesden. n.w.

Reynolds, Bryan Ellis, M.B. Lond., Orlcans-rd., Hornsey Rise,

Reynolds, Cecil Edward, Reading.

Reynolds, Douglas, M.B. Lond., High Wycombe.

Reynolds, Ernest James, Barry-road, East Dnlauch. s.E.

Reynolds, Harry AVilliam, St. Saviour s- gate., York.

Reynolds, James Jones, Crediton.

Reynolds, Frank Ernest, Watford.

Reynolds, Leethem, M.B. Camb., Indian Medical Service.

Reynolds, Leonard Grugeon, 26, Bal ham-hill. s.av.

Reynolds, Lewis Leslie Clayton, High Wycombe.

Reynolds, Russell John, M.B. Loud., 17, Streatham Hill, s.w.


Reynolds, William Percy, 128, Stamford-hill. n. Rhind, Thomas, ffawkesburt/, Upton, Glos. Rhodes, Arthur, 17, Hall Eoyd, Shipley. Rhodes, Edward Llewellyn Noott, Bridgnorth. Rhodes, Francis, M.D. Glasg.

Rhodes, Fred Schofield, Thornton Poulton-le-Fylde, Preston. Rhodes, James Herbert, M.B. Loud., 30, Brechin Place, s.av. Rhodes, John Henry, Kendal. Rhodes, William Frederick, Bridgnorth. Rhys, Watkiii Llewellyn, Aberdare. Rice, David, Citji Asi/lmn, Hellesdon, Norwich. Rice, Frank Melville Fitcairu, West Hill, Sydenham, s.e. Rice, Hubert Richard, Lithgoic, New South Wales. Rice, Thomas Harper, M.D. Penn., Pottstown, Pi^nna., U.S.A. Rice-Oxley, Doug'las Georo-e, 5, Kensington-square, w. Rich, Evelyn Arthur, 12, Wilton-street, Grosvenor-place. s.w. Richard, Georg'e Herbert, Royal Army Medical Corps. I Richards, Albert Francis Blag-don, M.D. Camb., Sioansea. Richards, David Harold, Bangor Ferry, Bangor, N. Wales. Richards, Francis Graham, Royal Army Medical Corps. Richards, (xeorge Maurice Oswald, Naval Medical Service. Richards, Harold Meredith, M.D. Lond., Town Hall, Croydon. Richards, John, Park-road, Hengoed, Cardiff. Richards, John Evans, M.B. Lond., Stoke Neioington. N. Richards, Joseph Stewart, M.D. Lond., Wellesley-road, Croydon. Richards, Lewis Wm., M.D. Durh., Belvedere, Kent. Richards, N(>rman Llo3'd, Naval Medical Service. Richards, Owen William, M.D. Oxf., Cairo. Richards. Ramsey Martyn, Naval Medical Service. Richards, Richard Walter, M.D. Lond., Dolgelly. Richards, Thomas, Routh Park, Cardiff'. Richards, Walter Guyon, Indian Medical Service. Richards, William Jones, Aberavon.

Richardson, Alfred, M.B. Lond., General Infirmary, Leeds. Richardson, Arthur Henry Sims, Naval Medical Service. Richardson. Charles Boards, M.D. Aberd., Hove, Brighton. Richardson, George Quintin, 16, Little Grosvenor-street. w. Richai'dson, Horace, 530, Commercial-road. e. Richardson, Irwin Browne, Gnnshill, Shrewsbury. Richardson, John Billing-sley, M.D. Ediub., South-street, Devon. Richardson, Robert Samuel, M.B. Toronto, 401, Parliament-street,

Toronto. Richardson, Reginald Percy, Wellingborough. Richardson, Sidne_yWm.Franklin,M.B.Lond.,Crt/»i? Town, S.Africa. Richardson, Timothy, M.D. Brussels, 530, Commercial-road. e. Richardson, Walter Silverwood, Boscomhe, Bournemouth. Richardson- Jones, Arthur Trevor, Abergele, Denbighshire. Riches, Reginald George, Catfield, Norfolk.

* Formerly Oxley, Douglas George Spring Rice. t Formerly Richards, Albert Francis.


1902 1896

1873 1897 1900 1863 1899 1906 1868 1902 1896 1894 1901 1905 1900 1905 1896 1888 1899 1894 1891 1907 1904 1895 1886 1894 1888 1886 1895 1906

1897 1895 1890 1903 1888 1890 1903 1870 1873 1886 1878 1876 1909 1904

1886 1906

Richmond, Arthur, M.B. Vict., Princes-read, Liverpool.

Richmond, Benjamin Arthur, M.D. Loud., 61, Lower-road, liotherhithe. s.K.

Richmond, Onslow Robert, Gravesend.

Riclimond, Reg'inald Tliomas, Wilton, Salisbury.

Rickard, Cecil Rodney, IS! aval Medical Service.

Rickards, Alfred.

Ricketts, Arthur, C.M.G., M.D. Lond., 8, Wohum-square. w.c.

Rickinan, lluljert George, Blandford.

Riddell, Andrew Wilson, New Brighton. Birkenhead.

Riddell, James, M.B. Melb., Melbourne, Victoria^ Australia.

Riddett, Albert John, 3[ere-road, Leicester.

Riddick, George Bushman, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Ridewood, Harold Edward, M.D. Lond., London Hospital, v..

Ridewood, Vivian Eraest, 103, Bethnal Green-road. n.e.

Ridg-e, Edwj'n Manners, Enjield.

Kidge, Robert Leslie, M.B. Lond.

Ridgeway-Macauley, Wm. George, Harlesden. n.av.

Ridley, Nicholas Charles, M.B. Lond., Leicester.

Ridout, Cbas. Archibald Scott, M.B. Lond., Sonthsea.

Ridsdale, Arthnr Errington, Bottinfjdean, Sussex.

Rielly, \Vm. Ernest, M.B. Durh., 12, Nassau-road, Barnes, s.w.

Rigby, Claude Mallinson, 25, Queen Anne-street, w.

Riglty, Cyril Stephen Stokes, Darlaston, Staffs.

Rigby, Hugh Malliuson, M.B. Loud., 24, Queen Anne-street, w.

Rigby, John William, Charley.

Rigby, Morris Notley John, 17, Norton-road, West Brighton.

Rigb}', William Bradshaw, 233, Hyde-road, Gorton, Manchester.

Rigden, Alan, M.D. Durh., Salop County Asylum, Shreivsbury.

Rigg, Samuel Edward, 1, Alfred-street, Carlisle.

Rigoulet, Marie Joseph Jean Roger, M.D, Paris, Pau, Basses- Pyrenees, France.

Riley, Arthur, M.D. Durh., Sale, Cheshire.

Riley, Francis, M.B. Lond., Sale, Cheshire.

Riley, Frederick Ratcliffe, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Riley, Stanley, Stanley Villas, Tyldesley.

Rilot, Charles Frederick, 22, Wimpole-street. av.

Riugrose, Ernest, 25, Lombard-street, Newark.

Rischbieth, Harold, M.D. Camb., London Hosjnial. e.

Risdon, Alfred, IVells, Somerset.

Risdon, George Ovven, Wells, Somersetshire. *Risdon, William Elliot, M.D. Lond., 63, Threadneedle-street. k.c.

Ritchie, Arthur Fisher.

Ritchie. John Lichtenstein, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Ritchie, John Lichtenstein, General Hospital, Birmingham.

Ritchie, Russell Ian, M.B. New Zeal,, 254, George-street, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Ritson, Robert, Hamilton-road, Reading.

Rivers, Arthur Tunna, 10, Hervey-road, Blackheath. s.E.

Formerly Risdon, William Newt.


Rivers, John Herbert, Royal Army Medical Corps. Elvers, "Walter Courtenay, Sanatoriuvi, Barrasford, NortKland. Riviere, Bernard Beryl, St. Giles Plain, Norwich. Rlvington, Charles Sangster, 16, Sandbourne-rd.,Brockley. s.E. Rlx, Francis William, ^^Dennington-pnrk-i^h^W. Hampstead. N.w. Rix. John Cecil, 1, Mount Ephraim-road, Tiinbridge Wells. Rix, Rowland Waters, M.B. Lond., h'2^High-st., Gillingkarn, Kent. Roach, Sidney, Naval Medical Service. Roache, William Henry, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Roaf, Herbert Eldon, M.D. Toronto, University, Liverpool Roalfe-Cox, Walter John, ^Fortimer, Reading. Robbies, Reginald ICenry, M.B. Camb., 60, Holland-road. "W. Robbins, Tom Wiltshire, Watford.

Robbs, Charles Haldane Denny, M.B. Lond., Grantham. Robert, Joseph Xavier, M.B. Toronto, Chatham, Ontario. Roberts, Alfred Dean, Shrewsbury . Roberts, Arthur Henry, West Mailing, Roberts, Astley Carriiigton, Badlesmere, Eastbourne. Roberts, Bernard Hamilton St. Clair, Dudley. Roberts, Cecil David Dale, ]N[.B. Lond., The Hollies, Dursley. Roberts, Charles, M.B. Lond., 15, St. John-street, Manchester. Roberts, Charles Dudley, Guys Hospital. s.E. Roberts, Edmund Arthur, Indian Medical Service. Roberts, Edwd. Augustus, M.D. Lond., 33, Loivndes-street. s.w. Roberts, Edward Hugh, 347, Queen^s-road, Battersea. s.w. Roberts, Edwin Shelton, Penygroes, North Wales. Roberts, Ellis James, Clwtybont, Cwmyglo, Carnarvon. Roberts, Ernest, 71, Peckham-rye. s.k. Roberts, Francis Henry, Church-road, Forest-hill. s.E. Roberts, Frank Allan, M.D. Lond., Houghton House, Brighouse. Roberts, Frank Douglas, M.B. Lond., P.O., Cachar, Kumblur, India. Roberts, Frederic Emilius, 8, Cambridge-street, Hyde-park. w. Roberts, George Augustus, Stoke, Devonport. Roberts, George Edwin.

Roberts, Henry, Sion Hill, Garstang, Lancashire. Roberts, Hugh CoitoI, Melton Mowbray. Roberts, James Alexander, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Roberts, James Ernest Helme, M.B. Lond., St. Luke's Hosp. e.g. Roberts, James Reid, M.B. Durh., Indian Medical Service. Roberts, John Chambers Lawton, M.D. (Jamb., Ruabon. Roberts, John Haselwood, Wroxall, Isle of Wight. Roberts, John Saunders Hughes, Picton Villa, Swansea. Roberts, John William, Knaylon, Thirsk. Roberts, Kilham, Shillington, Bedfordshire. Roberts, Llewelyn, M.D. Lond., Pontypridd. Roberts, Llewellyn William, Cowra, New South Wales. Roberts, Owen William, 79, Cambridge- gardens, Notting-hill. w. Roberts, Philip Meredith, M.B. Lond., 25, Fopstone-road. s.vr. Roberts, Raymond Paul Middleton, Guys Hospital. s.E. Roberts, Richard Cadwaladr, Newport, Mon. Roberts, Richard Lewis, 92, St. James'-road, Holloway. n.

s 2


1896 Roberts, Richard Lumley, 11, Penn-street, Brklport-piace. n.

1887 Roberts, Robert Ilerbort Mills. C.M.G., Llanberis, North Wales.

1892 Roberts, Sidney John, Was/nvood, Ileath-road, Biriniiir/ham. 1904 Roberts, Thomas Howard Frederick, 71, Peckham-rye. s.e.

1908 Roberts, William Edg-ar, 2.3, Ninimi-road, Cardiff. 1902 Roberts, William Owen, Camfortli.

1907 Robertson, Cecil Frederick, M.B. Lond., 98, Tottenham Court-

road, w.

1890 Robertson, Christopher, Alicedale, Cape Colony, South Africa.

1902 Robertson, Carrick Hey, M.B. Lond., Johnsonville, New Zealand.

1869 Robertson, Frederick Marrant, M.B. Aberd., Wimbledon, s.w.

1895 Robertson, Fredk. Wm., M.D. Lond., Bletchinrileii, Surrey.

1902 Robertson, George Struan, M.D. Lond., 101, Thurloiu Park-

road. S.E.

1893 Robertson, George Vans Agnew, Pickering.

,, Robertson, George Watson, Cape Town, South Africa.

1896 Robertson, James, J\LB. Lond., 130, Christchurch-road , Tulse-

hiU. s.w.

1901 Robertson, James Fenwick, Althorpe, Dnncastn:

1909 Robertson, James Stanley, 14, Derwent-road, Palmers Green, N.

1888 R(jbertson,John, M.D. Lond.,66,C/</7s<cAM?-c/i-?'c7., Tulse-hill. s.w.

1903 Robertson, Lome Forbes, M.D.McGill., Stratford, Ontario, Canada. 1899 Robertson, William, Dunedin, New Zealand.

1904 Robertson, Wm. Edgar, M.B. Toronto, Milton, Ontario, Canada.

1905 Robertson, William Grserae, M.D. McGill, 9, Princes-square, w

1894 Robertson, William John, 19a, Iliqh-street, Clapham. s.w. 1903 Robins, John Norman, Rochester, Kent.

1898 Robinson, Arthur Cecil, 144, Brixton-road. s.w.

1901 Robinson, Benjamin Joseph Adolphus, M.D. Bishop's Coll.,

Montreal, Canada.

1886 Robinson, Bernard, Rocester, Stafford.

1896 Robinson. Charles Allen, M.B. Camb., Leominster.

1895 Robinson, Charles Henry James, Naval Medical Service.

1902 Rol)inson, Christian Cathcart, M.B. Lond., Wye, Kent. 1883 Robinson, Clement ^wimxev. Sark, Channel Islands.

1889 Robinson, Edward Hei'bert, 427, Eccles New-road, Salford.

1888 Robinson, Edward Stanley, Stourport, Worcestershire.

1895 Robinson, Edwin William, Walthamstow. n.e. 1876 Robinson, Ernest Laurie, *SV. Peter Port, Guernsey.

1908 Robinson, Francis Harry, \.\, Bernard-street, Rwisell-sq. w.C- 1893 Robinson, Fredei"ic Cecil, Indian Medical Serrice.

1903 Robinson, Frederick Cecil, Naval Medical Service.

1892 Robinson, George Burton, M.B. Durh., Btundelsands, Liverpool.

1896 Robinson, Geo. Edward James Antoine, M.D. Lond., Nottingham. 1879 Robinson, George Somerville, Kastbourue.

1876 Robinson, George \Vinsor, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1904 Robinson, Gerald Charles Frederick, Plymouth. 1903 Robinson, Harold Joseph, M.B. Camb., Grays, Essex.

1889 Robinson, Harry, 2, Acol-road, Kilburn. N.w.

1883 Robinson, Heniy Betham, M.D. Lond., 1, Upper Wvnpole-st. "W.

1899 Robinson, Henry Harold, 76, Woodchurch-road, Birkenhead.


Robinson, Henry James, M.B. Camb., 13, ITai-greaves-st., Burnley.

Robinson, James Frederick, North End, Croydon.

Robinson, James Herbert, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Robinson, John Charles Reynolds, Harleston, Norfolk.

Robinson, John Elliott, M.B. Lond., Education Olfice, Dorchester.

Robinson, John Hugh Ripon, Stanley-road, I'eddington.

Robinson, Kenneth, " Rockfieldr Dunscar, Bolton.

Rol inson, Mark, 79, East Hill, Wandsworth, s.w.

Robinson, Norman Battye, Peppard, Henley.

Robinson, Oliver Long, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Robinson, Thomas, Leicester.

Robinson, Tom, M.D. Durh., 9, Princes-st., Cavendish-sq. w.

Robinson. Waring, Moira House, Peckhavi-rye. s.e.

Robinson, Wilford Vidal, 2\y, Bickenhall Mansions, w.

Robinson, William Edward, M.B. Oxf., Sonning, Reading.

Robinson, William Henry, Fleetwood, Lancashire.

Robson, Arthur William Maj'o, 8, Park-cres., Portland-place, w.

Robson, Henry Xaunton, 291, Oxford-street, ^y.

Robson, Hubert Alan Hirst, M.B. Lond., 18, Rosendale-road,

W. Dulwich. Robson, Thomas Stretton, St. Osyth, Essex. Robson, William Walter Constable, Gainsborough. Roch, Horace Sampson, Royal Army Medical Corps. Roche, Alfred Reginald, 99, Queen^s-crescent. n.w. Roche, Eleazer Birch, Surrey-street, Norwich. Roche, Ivan Joseph, 2, Vermont-road, Upper Norwood, s.e. Roche, Nelson Joseph, Naval Medical Service. Roche, Redmond John, 1, Eccleston-srjuare. s.av. Rochfort-Brown, Herbert, M.B. Oxf., Pietermaritzhurg, Natal. Rock, Cecil Howard, Naval Medical Service. Rock, Ernest Albert, 30, Malcem-road, Beeston-hill, Leeds. Kock, Frank Ernest, M.D. Lond., 38, Glenthorne-rd. w. Rockstro, Frank Braine, Soutlicote-road, Bournemouth. Rockwood, David Pratt, 19, Torrington-square. vv.c. Rodd, Montague Louis Bouchier, Naval Medical Service. Roderick, Henry Buckley, M.D. Camb., Cambridge. Rodgers, Robert Isaac Craig, Burnley. Rodocanachi, Ambrose John, M.D. Lond,, Stalybridge. Rodrigo, Wm, Paul, 53, B I omf eld-road, Shepherd's Bush. w. Rodriguez, James Donald, 57, Croicndale-road. N.w. Roe, Edwin Ernest Williamj Hainbledon, Hants. Roe, Thomas O'Neill, M.B. Lond., Iquique, Chili. Rogers, Arthur Anderson, WooUton, Southampton. Rogers, Bertram Mitford Heron, M.D, Oxford, Clifton^ Bristol. Rogers, Edward Norman Tilly, West Southborne, Bournemouth. Rogers, Frederick Arthur, D.S.O., Lndian Medical Service. Rogers, Frederick Colin, Indian Medical Service. Rogers, Frederick Edward, 103, Bethnal Green-road. n.e. Rogers. Kenneth, M.D. Lond., Bromley, Rent. Rogers, Reginald James, Auckland, New Zealand. Rogers, Wilham Gusterson, M.D, Lond., Johannesburg, S. Africa.


1891 Rogers-Tillatone, John Monkhouse, Chalford, Gloucestershire. 1909 Rogerson, Cecil Johu, M.B. Lond., 70, Albert-street, lier/ent's

Park. N.w.

1904 Rogerson, Frederick, M.B. Lond., 109, Stieathbourne-rd., Up.

Tooting, s.w.

1890 Rollason, Abel, Heidelberg, Victoria., Australia.

1909 Rolleston, Christopher, 123, London-road, Reading.

1893 Rolleston, Lancelot VVm.,M.B. Durham, Napsbiinj, St. Albans. 1909 Rolliiison, Harry Dudley, Brierleu Hill.

1908 Rolls, Allison Montague, M.B. Toronto, 15, Torrington-sq. W-C. 1867 Rolph, John Widmer, M.D. Vict. Coll., Canada.

1888 Rolston, Thomas Restarick, Morice Town, Devonport,

1897 Roman, Alphonse Henry, 22, Motz Str., Berlin. 1875 Romano, Frederick William Richard, Brazil.

1894 'Romev,¥r2knk,\\, Seymour-street, av. Romer, Harry, M.B. Oxf., St. Leonards.

1892 Romer, Robert Leslie, Great Stonmore, Middlesex.

1890 Ronald, Arthur Edwin, M.B. Camb., Napier, Hawkes Bay, N.Z.

1891 Ronaldson, Robert Miller, M.B. Edinb., Edinburgh.

1906 Rood, Felix Stephens, 22, Alwyne-square, Canonbunj. n. 1883 Rook, Albert Edward, Eastbourne.

1907 Rooke, Alfred Basil, 8, Alexaadra-grove, North Finchlcy.

1892 Rooke, Ernest Morley, 14, Alexander-court, Queen's Gate. s.w.

1900 Rooke, Frederick James Faulkland, 41, Welbeck-street. w.

1901 Rooke, William Stanley, North Finchlcy. N. 1906 Roome, Alfred Martin, Dunster, Somerset. 1875 Rootes, George.

1901 Rooth, James Augustus, Brighton.

1909 Rope, Arthur Denys, Shrewsbury.

Koper, Frank Arthur, The Shrubbery, Exeter.

1891 Roper, Herbert John, 6, Spencer-place, Roundhay, Leeds.

1901 Roper, Richard Snelling, ;S'^. Marylebone Infirmary. \v.

Rorke, Robert Francis, M.D. McGill, Dorcliester- street, Montreal.

1899 Rose, Frank Atcherley, 3, Upper Wimpole-street. w.

1898 Rose, Frank Herbert, 13, Westfield-park, Bristol.

1896 Rose, Horace, Melrose, Aylesbury.

1887 Rose, Percy, 161, Barking-road, Canning Town. e.

1898 Rose, Samuel Frank, 25, Weymouth-street. w.

1903 Rose, Thomas, 60, Bloomsbury-street. w-C.

1887 Rosenau, Albert, Bath Kissingen, Germany.

1909 Rosewarne, David Davey, 3, Delemere-terrace, Paddington. AV.

1898 Ross, Alexander Michael, Norwich.

1903 Ross, Donald Murray, 75, Lambeth Palace-road. s.e.

1898 Ross, Edward Halford, Port Said, Egypt.

1903 Ross, Frederic Wm. Forbes, M.D. Edinb., 15, Gower-st. w.C.

1898 Ross, Hugh Campbell, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool.

1881 Ross, James, M.D. McGill. Dundas, Ontario., Canada.

1880 Ross, James Frederick William, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1901 Ross, James MacBain, Broken Hill, New South Wales.

1897 Ross, Murdoch William, Tiviakina, Wellington, N.Z.

1901 Ross, Percy Alexander, Hamlet Court-road, WestcUJ-on-Sea.


Ross, Philip Hedgelaud, Uganda, British East Africa.

Ross, Robert Ainslie, M.B. Edin., 6, Warrender Hill-crescent,

Edinburgh. Ross, William Albert, M.D. Toronto, Toronto. Canada. Rossiter, Harold Trenchard, 109, Fenlirnan-road. s.w. Rost, Ernest Reinhold, Indian Medical Service. Rostant, Andre Arsene, 85, N orthumherland-pk., Tottenham, a. Rosten, Leslie Martin, M.B. Durh., King's Heath, Birmingham. Roth, Felix Norman, Niger Coast Protectorate, W. Africa. Roth, Walter Edmund. Cooktown, Queensland. Rothwell, Thomas Andrew, M.D. Vict., Hale, Altrincham. Roughton, John Paul, Kettering. Roughton, Walter, Rushton, New Barnet. Rouillard, Jean Antoine Abel, Umzinto, Natal. Round, John Cornwell, 19, Crescent Wood-road. s.e. Rous, John Bart, M.B. Lond., General Hospital, Hampstead. N. Rouse, Algernon Edward, Worthing. Rouse, Eusebius Rouse, Frant, Tunbridge Wells. Routh, Laurence Melville, 52, Montague-square, w. Routh, Randolph Henry Felix, Bridgwater. Routley, Edwin Walter, M.D. Brussels, Church-lane, Aldershot. Routly, Ernest Sydnej', 18, Melville-road, Brighton. Rouw, Kobert Wynne, 7, Wimpole-street. w. Row, Charles Martin, Templecombe, Somerset. Row, Edward Reginald, Nanango, Queensland, Australia. Rowbotham, Edgar Joseph, Narbonne-avenne, Clapham. s.w. Rowbotham, Herbert Barnwell, 254, Moselei/-road. Birmingham. Rowe, Robert Morison, M.B, Ediub., 60, Gordon Mansions,

Gordon-square, w.c. Rowe, William Trethowan, M.D. Loud., Nottingham. Rowell, (xeorge, 6, Cavendish -place, w. Rowell, Herbert Ellis, J\[.D. Durh., East Rudham, Norfolk. Rowell, John Geoi'ge, 66, John William-street, Huddersdeld. Rowland, Edward Roger, M.D. Brussels, Dordrecht, South

Africa. Rowland. Edward Walton Spenser, Reading. Rowland, Frank Mortimer, M.D. Camb., 26, St. John-st., Lichfield. Rowland, Frederic Samuel, Wrexham.

Rowland, Fredk. Wm., M.D. Durh., 3, St. George^ s-place, Brighton. Rowland, John Jones, Aberystwith. Rowland, Lewis Thomas Archibald, Lampeter. Rowland, Penry William, M.D. Lond., Wellesley-road, Colchester. Rowland, S.ydney Domville.

Rowland, Walter .lohn, M.B. Durh., 5, College-road, Brighton. Rowlands, Hugh Pugh, M.D. Durh., Treveddyg, Towyn. Rowlands, John Sydney, M.D. Liverp., Llangollen, N. Wales. Rowlands, Moses John, 27, Beauchamp-place, Font-street, w. Rowlands, Richard Pugh, Talgbont, Tou-yn. Rowlands, Robert Pugh, M.B. Lond., 12, Queen Anne-street, vr Rowlands, Wm. Herbert, Bromsgrove. Rowley, Oswald Francis, 20, Church-street, Barnsley.


1902 Rowntiee, Cecil William, Loud., Middlesex Hospital, w.

1906 Kowntree. Sidney John, 2(1, liicfiniond-rocuL Islington. N.

1891 Rows, Richard Gundi-y, M.l). Lond., Count)/ Asijlum, Lancaster.

1890 Kowse, Edward Leopold, M.D. Brussels. Putneij-ltiil. s.vv. 1893 Rowstroii, Noel Florentine, M.H. Diirh., Sunderland.

1 887 Roxburg-li, Alexander Bruce, M. B. Oxf., 7, Henrietta-street, w.

1906 Roy, Donald W'hatley, Harbij, York.

1893 Royden, William, St. Margaret's, Great Yarmouth.

1867 Royds, William Alexander Slater, St. Mary Bourne, Andover.

1896 Rozelaar, Abraham Levie, 1 1 \),Greencroft-grdns.,Hampstead. N.w.

1894 Rubel, John Leopold, Shepherd's Well, Dover.

1892 Rubra, Henry Homer, 66, Crouch Hall-road, Crouch End. N.

1887 Ruck, David Naunton, Ealing, w.

1891 Rudd, Arlhur, 493, 0/c/ AV/i/-7-oa(/. s.e.

1888 Rudd, William Arthur, ALl). Durh., /I f<o«-//t7Z. av.

1877 Ruddock, John Burton, Consul, Mazagan, Morocco.

1869 Rudge, Cliarles King, 14o, Whiteladies-road, Clifton, Bristol.

1904 Rudge, Frederick Henry, 145, Whiteladies-road, Clifton, BristoL

1905 Rudkin, Gerald FitzGerald, 2, The Crescent, Teignvwuth.

1889 Rudyard, Henry Ashton, 103, ^S^ Albans-road, Watford. ,, Ruel, Charles Percival, Kent-road, Southsea.

1904 Ruete, Alexander, 112, King-street, Blackburn.

1861 Rug-g, George Philip, M.D. Aberd., 3, Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton.

1901 Rugg, Godfi-ey Faussett, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1907 Rumspy, C^^cil Frank, Regent-street, Cambridtje.

1895 Rundle, Claude, ^LD. Lond., City Hospital, Liverpool. 1869 Bundle. Henry, 13, Clarence-parade, Southsea.

1908 Rupp, Karl, M.D. Graz, German Hospital, Dalsfon. n.e.

1896 Rusby, Edward Lionel Macpherson, 369, Coldharbour-lane. s.w.

1885 Rushbrooke, Thomas, 93, Stamford-hill, n-

1884 Rusliworth, Frank, M.D. Lond., 153, Finchley-road. n.w

1882 Rushworth, Norman, Beechfield, Walton-on-Thantes.

1903 Russ, Charles, M.B. Lond., 27, Staverton-road, Brondesbury. N.w.

1894 Russell, Charles Henry, Great Yarmouth.

1908 Russell, Edmund Neptune, Milford House, Limerick.

1905 Russell, Francis John, 58, South-sirett, Greenwich, s.e.

1886 Russell, George Herbert, 1, St. Stephens-road, Upton Park. e. 1896 Russell, John Dill, M.B. Lond., Fortiss-green, East Finchley. n.

1892 Russell, John Ronaldsou, Wesierham, Kent.

1909 Russell, Leonard, 2, George-lane, Hayes, Kent.

1886 Russell, Robert Hamilton, Spring-street, Melbourne, Australia. 1889 Russell, Wdham Alfred, Eastwood, Notts.

Russel-Rendle, Charles Edmund, Plymouth.

1887 Rust, John, St. Marys-road, Manchester.

1902 Rutherfoord. Thon^as Corrie, M.D. Durli., Lidian Medical Service, 1894 Rutherford, Alfred Ernest Raif, 3, Brondesbury-rd., Kilburn. N.\r.

1891 Rutherford, George James, Gold Coa^^t, West Africa. 1905 Rutherford, James b^dmund, Kettering.

1903 Rutherford, Randolph Henry Neilsou, Stoke, Devonport.

1892 Rutter, Francis Burchett, M.D. Durh., Mere, Wilts.


Rutter, Hubert T,lewellyn, M.D. Durh., Ncwcastle-on-Tyne.

Ruttledge, William Edwcard, Bath Asijlum, Wells, Somerset.

Ruttledge, William Frederick, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Ruzzak, Shaik Abdur, Indian Medical Service

Ryall, Charles, 62, Harley-street. av.

Ryall, Edward Canny, 77, Hurley-street, w.

Ryan, AVilliam Bonner, Burton-ou- Trent.

Ryde, Cyril Alexander, 89, St. Helens-gar., N. Kensington, ^y.

Ryder, Claude Clifford, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

Rygate, Artliur Montag-ue, M.B. Durh., Saxmundliam.

Ryg'ate, Charles Daniel Hartley, S. Brisbane, Queensland.

Rygate, David John, Watcfiet, Somerset.

Ryg'ate, Henry Bertram, M.B. Durh., Ipswich.

Rykert, Arthur Frederick, St. Catherine s, Canada.

Ryland, Arthur, 7, Guilford-place. w.c.

Ryland, Robert Felix, Solihull, Birmingham.

Ryle, Arthur Jolm, Bhiwlas, Colivyn Bay.

Ryley, Charles, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Sachs, Alfred Ludovicus, 26, Marlborough-hill. n.w.

Sadler, Vyvyan Kendall, University College Hospital, w.c.

Sadler, William Mackenzie, M.D. Lond., 117, Durham-road,

East Finchley. n. Saffer}', Frank Golder, 20, Talfourd-road, Camherwell. s.E. Said, Ahmed, 78, Drayton-gardens, S. Kensington. S.w. St. John, Alexandei- Story, Eltham.

St. John, Alfred Henry Valentine, 34, Ehury-street. s.w. St. John, Wiiistan St. Andrew, Derby. St. Johnston, Thomas Reginald, Guest Hospital, Dudley. St. Stephens, Wm. Trewhella, 36, Avenue-inans., Finchley~rd. N.w. St. Vincent Welch, Leslie, New South Wales. Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan, M.D. Camb., Frognal End., Hamp-

stead. N.w. Saldanha, Frederick Francis, Poona, India. Sale, John Caruthers, Skegness.

Salisbury, Chas. Ramsden, 110, Evering-road, Stoke Ncwington. N. Salisbury, Harold Kenneth, The Limes, Wells, Somerset. Sail, Ernest Frederick, Canterbury. Salmon, Albert, 7, Waterloo-place. Brighton. Salmon, Arthur Guy, M.D. Lond., Bodmin. Salmon, Norman Guy Hawtrey, Bodmin. Salt, Arthur Philip, Kempsey, Worcester.

Salt, Charles Edward Fosbrooke, Pendryl, Winchmore-hill. N Salt, Thomas, Washwood Heath, Birmingham. Salter, Alfred, M.D. Lond., 198, Jamaica-road. s.E. Salter, Charles Edward, M.D. Lond., Scarborough. Salter, Samuel CoUey, Longsight., Manchester. Salter, Stephen Thomas, M.B. Camb., 125, Hambalt-road,

Clapliam.. s.w. Salvage, John Valentine, M.D. Durh., Royal Army Medical Corps. Sames, John William, Mill Hill-park, Acton, w. Sampson, Bernard Moore, City Asyhim. Birmingham.


1899 1907 1903 1893 1895 1901 1900 1907 1904 1909 1905 1895 1890 1869 1901 1905 1897 1898 1896 1888 1883 1908

1899 1897


1886 1902 1906

1902 1887 1897 1884 1888

1901 1893 1896 1898 1890 1893 1900

1907 1889 1887

Samuel, David, Skeiven, Neath, S. Wa/es.

Samuel, Henry Charles, 32, Blackhorse-road, Walthamstow. n.e.

Samuel, Henry Thomas, 17, St. Andrew^s-crescent, Cardiff.

Sandall, Thus. Edward, M.B. Camb., Alford, Lincolnshire'..

Sanders, Alfred William, M.D. liOnd., P.O. Box 176, Pretoria.

Sanders, Edward Arthur, 51, Abinr/ton-street, Nortliampton.

Sanders, James Ilerberl, M.D. Brussels, South MoUon, Devon.

Sanders, Louis Philip, Union Infirmary, Greenwich. S.E.

Sanders, Thomas, Newsham, Barnard Castle.

Sanderson, Arthur Frederick, 22G, Kew-rd., Kew-fjardens, Surreij.

Sanderson, (ieorg-e Meredith, Poole-road, Parkstone, Dorset. *Sanrlerson-Wells, Thomas Henry, M.D. Lond., Weijmouth.

Sandifer, Hy. Stephen, M.D. Lond., 29, Dan- son-place. \v.

Sandiland, Arthur Henry, 137, Southjate-road, Islington. N.

Sandilaud, Digby Sayer, 137, Sonthgate-road. n.

Sandiland, Ernest Littleton, M.B. Loud., 137, Southgate-road. N.

Sandilands, John Edward, M.D. Camb., 7'own Hall, Kensington, "w.

Sandison, James, Ladywell Sanatorium, Salford.

Sanduer, Adolph, Bendigo, Victoria., Australia.

Sandoe, John Warden, M.D. Durh., Broad Cbjst, Exeter.

Saneyoshi, Yasuzumi, Tokyo, Japan.

Sanfoi-d, Harry Archibald, M.B. Loud., 39, Woodland-terrace, Charlton, Kent.

Sanger, Frederick, M.D. Camb., Ring Hwa, Foochoiv, China.

Sang-ster, John Ikin, Kooringa, S. Australia,

Sanguinetti, Harold Herbert, M.B. Oxf., Minehead, Somerset.

Sankey, Charles Fox Octavius, M.B. Lond., Boreatton Park, Baschurch, Shreicsbury.

Sankey, Julius Ivor, Gt. Yarmouth.

Sankey, Richard Harvey, M.B. Oxf., 35, St. Giles, Oxford.

Sankey, William Octavius, M.D. Lond., 32, Bridge-street, Evesham.

Sansom, Bertram Eli, Conway-road, Southgate. N.

Sansom, Harry Arthur, M.D. Lond., 127, West End-lane. N.w.

Sansome, Thomas, Hilltop, West Bromwich.

Santi, Philip Robert William, 1 5, Stratford-place, w.

Sapp, John George Victor, M.B. Edinb., 16, King William- street. "W.C.

Sapwell, Benjamin Beckham, The Grange, Aylsham, Norfolk.

Sai'gant, William Edward, St. Bai^tholomeio's Hospital, e.c.

Sargent, Alfred George, hidian Medical Service.

Sargent, Percy William George, 67a, Har ley-street, w.

Sarjant, Frank Percy, M.B. Lond., Withingion, Manchester.

Sarjeant, John Frederic, 65, Parkhurst-road. n.

Sass, Frederick Joseph Wilfrid, cjo Messrs. Sass and Young, 3, New-sqxiare. w.c.

Saul, Barnett, 100, High-street, Oxford-road, Manchester.

Saul, Victor Salmon, 41, Cheetham Hill-road, Manchester.

Saunder, Charles Stii'liug, 6, Upper Phillimoi'e-place. w.

* Formerly Wells, Thomas Henry.


Saunders, Allan Lindsay, 112, Maida-vale. w.

Saunders, Ernest Albert, Staford-road, Wallington, Surrei/.

Saunders, Fredk. William, M.B. Camb., Neivbury.

Saunders, Lawrence, M.U. Queen's Coll., Canada.

Saunders, Leonard Dimock, Salish)iry.

Saunders, Leonard Doug-las, Tunbridge Wells.

Saunders, Mark Richard, Hucknall Torkard, Nottingham.

Saunders, Stuart MacKenzie, " Tsu Shima" Grove- park, Lee.

Saundry. James Baynard, 72, Blackheath-hill. s.e.

Savag-e, Ernest Smallwood, ]\LB. Oxf.,133, Edmund-st.,Brmnghm.

Savage, Thomas Copeland, M.B. Lond., Auckland, N.Z.

Savage, William Arthur, 3, Sterling -street, Brompton. s.w.

Savage, William George, M.D. Lond., Colchester.

Savery, Frank, 4, Mount Park-road, Ealing, av.

Savill, Philip, M.D. Lond., Bexhill.

Savin, Lewis, Chaotang, Yunnan, W. China.

Savory, Horace, M.B. Camb., Abbots Brondey, Rugeley.

Savory, William Harmsworth, Ashford, Kent.

Saward, Arthur Henry Michael, Richmond, Surrey.

Sawdon, James Edgar, M.D. Toronto, Listowel, Ontario, Canada.

Sawdy, Edward Charles, Naval Medical Service.

Sawers, Frederick Hayes, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Sawers, John Lorimer, M.D. Lond., 29, Grosvenor-place, Margate.

Sawhney, Mvilk Rjij., 19, Sinclair-gardens, West Kensington.

Sawnhy, Bhagat Ram, Lahore, India.

Sawyer, Ramon Alexander, Nassau, Bahamas, W. hidies.

Sayer, Thomas, Kirklington, Bedale.

Sayers, Matthew James Hazlitt, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent.

Sayres, Alexander Ward Fortescue, M.D. Brussels, Exeter.

Scadding, Henry Crawford, Toronto, Canada.

Scale, Thomas William, Gloster House, Aberdare.

Scales, John Edwin, Llanferres, Jfold, N. Wales.

Scanlan, Arthur de Courcy, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Scanlan, Henr^', M.D. M'Gill, 11, Overdale-av., Montreal, Canada.

Scanlon, Leonard Edmund, Princess-road, Moss Side, Manchester.

Scaping, Harold Massey, 307, Beverley-road, Hull.

Scarborough, Oswald Lowndes, Chapel Allerton, Leeds.

Scatchard, James Percival, M.B. Lond., Tadcaster.

Scatchard, Thomas Edward, Boston Spa, Yorks.

Scatliff, Harold Harris Elborough, 11, Charlotte-street, Brighton.

Scatliff, Philip Melancthon, 30, tjnderhill-road. Lordship-lane. s.e.

Scawin, Harold Willis, Bavenslea, Clifton, York.

Schapiroff, Abraham, M.D. Geneva, 31, Old Compton-street. w.

Scharlieb, Herbert Johann, C.M.G., M.D. Lond., 149, Harley-

street. w. Schaub, Justus Martin, M.B. Lond., Harlesden Park Parade. N.w. Schenck, Edward, M.D. Freibui'g, Frankjort-on-Maine. Scheurer, Jan Gerrit, Java, Netherlands India. Schmid, Carl Theodor, M.D. Tubingen. Schnoller, Anton, Davos Platz, Orisons, Switzerland. Schofield, Alfred Taylor, M.D. Brussels, 19, Harley -street, w.


1902 Schofield, Arthur Reginald, M.B. Lond., Naval Medical Service.

1899 Schofit;Ki, (:iisack Roney, Southport.

1885 Schofield, Gerald, M I). Brussels, Chcfiham Bois, Bucks.

1893 Schofield, Samuel Robert, M li. Lond., 1, Phillimnre-gardens. w.

1898 Scholl)erg, Harold Alfred, M.B. Lond., Univ. Collef/e, Cardiff.

1899 Scholbeig-, Peter Herbert, 42, Litt/e Britain, e.g.

1898 Scholefield, Ernest Hall, M.B. Oxf., FiUwood, Preston.

1909 Schulenburg, August Carl, M.D. Wash., Zichtenburg, JVajisvaal.

1899 SchuUer, Walter Joseph, Charlton, Kent.

1902 Schunier, Jacob, M.D. Vienna, 127, High-street, Aldgate. e.

1905 Schwarz, Emil, M.D. Vienna, Stefaniestrasse 18, Vienna. Scoones, Harold Edward, Hythe, Kent.

1899 Scorah, Ernest John, High/eld, Driffield.

1893 Scorer, Frank, Chriftchvrch-road, Bournemouth.

1895 Scot-Skirving, Arch. Adam, C.M.G., S, Bandolph-crescent, Edin-


1892 Scotsou, Fredk. Charles, M.B. Vict., Chorlton, Manchester.

1898 Scott, Aleck Lauriston, Ro)/al Army Medical Corps. 1882 Scott, Alfred, 141, Marine Parade, Brighton.

1888 Scott, Arnold, M.D. Lond., Booking, Braintree.

1908 Scott, Arthur Bodley, Ashcroft, Station-road, Winchmore Hill. N.

1896 Scott, Arthur Eldon, Middlesex Hospital, w.

1893 Scott. Arthur William, Beverley-road, Hull.

1899 Scott, Charles Walter, 27, Selhurst-road. S. Norwood. s.E. 1902 Scott, Edward Spencer, M.D. Camb., 59, Fellows-road, Hampstead.


1898 Scott, Ernest Harold, Creffield-road, Colchester.

1892 Scott, Francis Gilbert, Hermon Hill, S. Woodford, e. 1908 Scott, Frank Sholl, M.B. Lond., Stoke Bishop, Bristol.

1889 Scott, George Henry, St. George' s-terrace., Sheffield.

1906 Scott, Gerald Claude, Tan-y-Gyrt, Denbigh.

1907 Scott, Gilbert Bodley, Naval Medical Service.

1905 Scott, Harold Munro, 196, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde Park. w.

1897 Scott, Henry Harold, M.D. Lond., Ludlow.

1888 Scott, Henry James Herbert, Scone, New South Wales.

1861 Scott, Henry Thomas, 69, Mill-lane, West Hampstead. n.w.

1904 Scott, Herbert Bodley, Aldington, Poole-road, Bournemouth.

1893 Scott, James Andrew Neptune, Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia. 1897 Scott, John Geddes, Funchal, Madeira.

1890 Scott, John Robinson, The Fosse, Leicester.

1905 Scott, John Walter Lennox, 126, Tulse-hill. s.w.

1901 Scott, Maitland Bodley, Bournemouth.

1907 Scott, Robert Beresford Seymour, The Deaneiy, Westminster, s.w.

1889 Scott, Sack Noy, Plymstock, Plymouth.

1904 Scott, Sebastian Gilbert, 28, Tavistock-square. w.c.

1899 Scott, Sydney Richard, M.B. Lond., 46, Queen Anne-sireet. \v. 1892 Scott, Thomas Graham, 75, Denmark-hill. s.e.

19U1 Scott, Thomas Walter, Warrnamhool, Victoria, Ai'.st'aHa,

1888 Scott, Thomas Wilfred, M.B. Camb., Southborne, Hants

1902 Scott, Wallace Arthur, M.B. Toronto, 576, Church-street,

Toronto, Canada.


Scott, Walter Henderson, Devon-square, Newton Abbot.

Scott, William Jermjm, M.B. Durh., Windsor.

Scott, William Lockhead. M.D. Loud., University College

Hospital. Av.c. Scowby, Edward Thomas, M.B. Loud., Worsley^ Manchester. Scowcroft, Herbert Edwin, Gt. Lever, Bolton. Scrase, Frank Edward, 6, Woodchurch-road, West-end-lane. N.w,. Scrase, James John Sheat, 56, Walborovf/h-si., Newton Abbot. Scrogg'ie, Wm. Reith John, Indian Medical Service. Scudamore, Charles Edward, 42, Tollington-park. n. Scudamore, Leonard Georg-e, E/npnney, Mon. Scully, John, Indian Medical Service. Scutt, Tom Homer, Staines, Middlesex. Seagrove, Herbert Aylward, Brondeshurij-park. n.w. Seal, Arthur William, The Bartons, Tetbury. Seal, Charles Edward, Darjeeling, India. Seal, Francis Montgomery, M.B. Loud., Wirksivorth, Derby^

sh ire. Seal, Philip Henry, M.B. Lond., South Moltnn. Sealy, Geoffrey Orr Fern, Indian Medical Service. Sear, John Taylor, 06, Drakefield-road, Upper Tooting, s.av. Searle, Charles Frederick, Grange-road, Cambridge. Searle, Francis Cliarles, M.B. Lond., The Cleeve, Guilford, Surrey.. Searle, Richard Burford, Bexley, Dartmouth. Sears, Alfred Eruest, 52, Lee-terrace, Blackheath. s.e. Sears, Charles Newton, M.D. Lond., 67, Southbrook-rd., Lee. s.e. Sebastian, Gerald Noel Boyd, 22, Kensington-court, s.w. Seccombe, Charles WilHam, Albaston, Tavistock. Secconibe, Clovis Leopold, 5, Duchess-street, Portland-place, w. Seccombe, George Samuel, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Seccombe, John William Smyth, Royal Army Medical Corps. Seccombe, Philip John Ambrose, M.B. Camb., Oporto, Portugal.. Secretan, Walter Bernard, M.B. Lond., Reading. Sedgwick, George Henry, 70, Demesne-road, Manchester. Sedgwick, Hubert Redmayne, M.B. Camb., Kingston-on-Thames. Seed, William Pope, Perth, West Australia. Segundo, Charles Sempill de, M.B. Lond., 97, Gloucester-place, w. Selby, Edmond Wallace, M.D. Lond., Doncaster. Selby, John SamuelErnest, Waddesdon, Aylesbury. Selby, Prideaux George, Teynham, Kent. Selby, William, D.S.O., Indian Medical Service. Seldon, George Elliott, M.D.Toronto, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada.. Selfe, John, 9, Lower liock-gardens, Brighton. Sellers, Arthur Edward, Thornhill, Dewsbury. Sellon, John William Gore, Spring-road, Southampton. Sells, Charles John, Guildford.

Selous. Cuthbert Fennessy, M.B. Lond., New Milton, Hants. Seiiimence, Ernest Edward, Westclif, Southend-07i-Sea. Semple, Henry Frederick, Budleigh Salterton. Sen, Chandi Chavan, 19, Schillerstrasse, Munich. Senior, Arthur William, Levenshidme, Manchester.



1905 1893

1871 1903 1896 1903 1897 1891 1893 1890 1903 1899 1907 1891 1902 1905 1902 1909 1901 1897 1885 1908 1885

1904 1876 1902 1876 1878 1890 1902 1896 1890 1889 1887 1893 1884 1868 1908 1891 1888 1889 1895 1902 1903

Senior, Harold Dickinson, M.B. Durli., University of Syracuse^ N.Y.. U.S.A.

Sephton, Eobert Poole, Atherton, .\fanchester.

Sequeira, AValter Scott Uarecourt, M.B. Lond., Naval Medical Service.

Sergeant, Edward, Countii Offices, Preston.

Serg'eaiit, Jolin Noel, M.B. Lond., 20, Bigbii-road, Brigg.

Serjeant, Robert, 27, Peckham-road. s.e.

Serpell, Hu^h Uamilton, Pohjphant, Launceston.

Sessions, Fredk. Leonard, Fdrnworth, Bolton.

Seton, Bruce Gordon, Indian Medical Service. *Seve9tre, Robert. M.D. Camb., 119, London-road, Leicester.

Sewaki, Hisao, Tokio, Japan.

Sewell, David Lindley, M.B. Lond., 2, St. Pefers-sq., Manchester.

Sewell, EveljnPierce, M.B. Camb.,3, Dora-rd., Wimbledon, s.w.

Sewell, Robert Beresford Seymour, Deanerij, Westminster, s.av.

Sewill, Joseph Seftou, 9a, Cavendish-square, w.

Sexton, Ilenrj' William, Borstal, Rochester.

Sexton, Timothy William, Festing-road, Southsea.

Seymour, Charles Gibbons, Lidian Medical Service.

Seymour, Edward Albert, 188, West-hill, Putne//. s.w.

Seymour, Harold Farley, M.D, Lond., College Uates, Worcester.

Seymour, Lionel William, Oxford.

Shackel, George Arthur, Lmdlow.

Shacksnovis, Reuben, 32, Goiuer-street, Leeds.

Sliadbolt, Lionel Pierrepout, 56, Balliol-road, Liverpool.

Shadwell, Harry Winstanley, 9, Leathicell-road, Clapham Com- mon, s.w,

Shadwell, Lancelot Walter, Bedford Park, "w,

Shadwell, St. Clair Brockway, M.D. St. Andr,, Walthamstow. e.

Shand, Walter Moray, Shoreditch Infirmary, Hoxton. n,

Shann, Frederick, St. I^eonard's-place, York.

Shann, William Arthur, M.B. Camb., Lowestoft.

Shannon, James Webster, M,B. Vict., Liscard, Birkenhead.

Shannon, Stanley Samuel Howard, Naval Medical Service.

Shardlow, Joseph, M.B. Lond., 13, Richmond-crescent, n.

Sharman, Eric Harding, Indian Medical Service.

Sharman, Henry, M.D. Lond., Arkwright-road, Ilampstead. n.w.

Sharman, John SchiitzeWm. Edward, Avenue-gate, Norwood. s,e.

Sharp, Arthur John, M.D. Lond., Nottingham.

Sharp, Charles John, M.D, Durh,, 2, Wellington-avenue, Liverpool.

Shai-p, John Adolphus, Derhj.

Sharp, Leonard Whittaker, 47, Buxton-road, Chingford, Essex.

Sharp, Percy, Brant Broughton, Neivark-on- Trent.

Sharpe, Wm. Salisbury, M.D, Durh,, 8, Cleveland-ter., Hyde Pk. w.

Sharpin, Archdale Llo3'd, Bedford.

Sharpin, Walter Archdale, Bedford.

Sharpies, Joseph Percival, Wye, Kent.

Sharpley. Christopher Wilfred, Royal Infirmary, Hull.

* Resigned membership 1901,


Sharpley, Edward, M.D. Durh., Louth.

Sharpley, John Ernest, Kirton, Lindsey.

Shattock, Charles Robert, 25, Heathfield-terrace, Chiswick. w.

Shattock, Clement Edward, 4, Crescent-road, Wimbledon, s.w.

Shave, Edward Simpson, 1a, ♦S'^. Paul's-rd., Camden Town. n.w.

Shaw, Alfred Eland, Overdale Laxey, Isle of Man.

Shaw, Arthur Hemans Plows, Cranbrook, Kent.

Shaw, Arthur Priest, 15, Holdemess-road, Hull.

Shaw, Charles Thomas Knox, 19, Bentinck-street. w.

Shaw, Cyril Walrond, Warcojy Vicarage, Peimth.

Shaw, David Christopher Mawhinney, 229, Ashton Old-road^

Manchester. Shaw, Ernest Henry, 70, Parkhirst-road, Upper Holloway. n. Shaw, Harry Chas. Costello, Wembley-park. Shaw, John Custance, Boro' Asylum, Goodmayes, Essex. Shaw, John Hepworth, M.B. Vict., 9, Dovedale-road, Lioerpool. Shaw, Riciiard Holgate, The Grove, Liversedge. Shaw, Robert Wesley, M.D. AVestern Univ., Toronto, Ontario. Shaw, William Rutherford.

Shea, Henry Francis, Royal Army Medical Corps. Shearer, Donald Francis, 48, Upp. Richmond-road, Putney, s.w. Shears, Charles Hartley Bedwell, Upper Duke-street, Liverpool. Shears, William, M.D. Lond., Ill, Rushey Green, Catjord. s.E. Shedden, Arnold Ward, 141, Lichjield-street, Walsall. Sheehan, Michael, Bank-place, Malloiv, co. Cork. Sheeh}'-, William Henry Patmore, Montebello, Totteridge. n. Sheen, Alfred William, M.D.Loud., 2, 5<.4?«/?-ei(;'s-cre5ce?j«,Corc??^. Sheild, Arthur Marmaduke, M.B. Camb., 4, Cavendish-place, w. Sheldon, Arthur Izod, Naval Medical Service. Sheldon, Hng-h Frederick, Clover, Ladybrand, 0. R. Colony. Sheldon, Robert Garuett, 223, Boundary-street, Liverpool. Sheldon, Walter Sirr, 44, Cornwall-road, Notting Hill. av. Sheldrake, Edward Xodin, Royal Army Medical Corps. Shelley, Arnold, M.B. Oxf., Hamond Hill, Chatham. Shelley, Percy Wilfred Graham, Witheridge, N.Devon. Shelswell, Oscar Berridge, Mitcham, Surrey. Shelton, Harvej'' Llewellyn, [Jove, Brighton. Shelton- Jones, Ernest, Pwllheli, N. Wales.

Shenstoue, Norman Strahan, 40, Walmer-road, Toronto, Canada. Sheuton, Edward Warren Hine, 12G, Har ley -street. ^Y. Shepard, Robert Henry, Cookham, Berks. Shepheard, Henry, 19, Brook-green, Hammersmith, ^y. Shepheard, John, North Walsham. Shepheard, Samuel, 30, Arlington-road, Ealing, w. Shepherd, Alfred Edward, Doncaster. Shepherd, Cyril, 40, Baysioater-road, Sydney, N.S.W. Shepherd, Douglas Robert Chaplin, M.B. Lond., Middlesex

Hospital, w. Shepherd, Henry Bowman, Castleton, Sheffield. Shepherd, Henry Brooks, 8a, New Cavendish-street, w. Shepherd, Thomas Scott, Henstridge, Somerset.


1895 Sheppard, Arthur Murray, M.Ii. Syd., 2, Temple-gardens, e.g.

1872 Sheppard, Tliomas William, Beiuial Army.

1883 Sheppard, VVm.. John, M.D. Durh., 2:3;"), Upper Richmond-rd. s.AV.

1905 Sherren, HujJ^h Godwin, 4, Clarence-road, Wood Green. N.

1899 Sberren, James, 4(), Devonshire-place, w.

1886 Sherriugtou, Charles Scott, M.D., Camb., Ex. 1888, 89, 90, 91, O.S. 1909, University, Liverpool.

1873 Sherwood, Arthur Paul. M,D. Durh., Eastbourne.

1903 Shettle, Francis Broug'hton, Indian Medical Service.

1894 Shields, Oswiu, M.D. Durh., Selden-road, Worthing. 1901 Shields, AVilliam Thomas, Lonr/poi-t, Stoke-on-Trent.

1892 Shillitoe, Alfred Ashby, M.B. Camb., c/o T. Cook ^ Sons, Cairo.

1893 Shillitoe, Arthur, 2, Frederick-place, Old Jewry. E.c. 1905 Shiug'leton-Smith, Lionel, M.B. Camb., Clifton Park, Bristol 1901 Shipman, Georg-e Alfred Cargil, Watergate, Grantham. 1869 Shipman, George William, Grautiiani.

1888 Shipton, IIcMbert, Buxton, Derbyshire.

1891 Shirtliff, Edward Dickinson, St. Leonards-on-Sea. 1907 Shirvell, Edgar Arthur, Exeter.

1883 Shone, William Vernon, Strathalbyn, South Australia.

1886 Shopoff, Pano Ivan, Phillippolis, East Iloumelia.

1868 Shoppee, Edward Collett, 21, Carleton-road, Tufnell-park. N.

1909 Shorbag'i, Ibrahim, 78, Drayton- gardens, S. Kensington, s.w.

1901 Shore, Richard Allan Ambrose, M.D. McGill, Toronto, Canada.

1883 Shore, Thomas William. M.D. Lond., Upper Norwood, s.e.

1895 Shorland, Ernest Trevor, Wtstbury, Wiltshire.

1901 Shorland, George, Tockwith, Harpenden.

1889 Short, James Joseph, 36, .S/je/zcvr-/?!-., Wandsworth Common, s.w.

1890 Shortt, William Rushton, M.D. Durh,, 70, Fitz George-avenue,

Kensington, w.

1887 Shute, George Sidney, M.D. Brussels, Northfleet, Kent.

1904 Shutte, Malcolm Winfrid, Walton-on-Thames. 1893 Shutte, Theodore, Fareham.

1902 ShutMeworth, Chas. Buckingham, M.D. Toron., Toronto, Canada.

1896 Sibley, Reginald Oliver, Caterham Valley, Surrey.

,, Sibson, Arthur Bei'tram, Hardwick House, Stockton-on-Tees.

1892 Sichel, Gerald Theodore Sylvester, Sevenoaks. 1887 Sidebotham, Harold, San Francisco, U.S.A.

1903 Sidgwick, Harry Christopher, M.B. Camb., Royal Army Medical


1889 Sieveking, Herbert Edward, 2S,Devonshire-te7'iace, Hyde-park, yy,

1904 Siev Wright, Henry Gates, Whitchurch, Cardiff.

1898 Silas, Walter Biscombe, 101, Southgate-road. N.

Sills, Clarence Ham, M.D. Trin. Univ., Toronto, Wye, Kent.

1899 Silver, Hugh William, 9, New lands-park, Sydenham, s.e. 1896 Simiiionds, Ernest George, St. Leonards.

1874 Simmonds, William Allasou Indian Medical Service.

1893 Simmons, Edmund Wretham, Bishopstoke, Hampshire.

1889 Simmons, Frederick Hero, Johannesburg, Transvaal. 1907 Simmons, George Alan, Woburn Hill, Addlestone, Surrey.

1890 Simmons, Gerald Allpress, M.D. Ijond., 216, Ashley-gai-dens. s.w.


Simmons, Harold, M.B. Durli., Bournemouth.

Simmons, Herbert Charles, Standerton, Transvaal.

Simmons, Stewart Septinins, Emnore-mad, Norwood. s.E.

Simoens, Joseph Auspicio, Colra, Goa, East Indies.

Simon, John Wellesley, Buntiuf/ford.

Simons, Robert John Ridiard Cobden, Bridgend, Glamorganshire.

Simpson, Adam Pearson Hope, 108, Hartingfon-road, Liverpool.

Simpson, Cecil Butler, File;!/, Yorkshire.

Simpson, Charles Shackleton, 2, Portland-road, Brighton.

Simpson, Chas. Stanle}', 17(], JToxton-streef. N.

Simpson, Francis Odell, 47, Berkeley-street, Liverpool.

Simpson, Fred Algernon, Accrington.

Simpson, Frederick Charles, Werburgh, Rochester.

Simpson, Fredk. Hampson, M.B. Durh.. 45, Welbeck-street. ^x.

Simpson, Georg-e Charles Edward, M.B. Camb., 27, Croxteth-

road, Liverpool. Simpson, Greorg'e Herbert, 9, Lucerne-road, Brighton. Simpson, George Maxwell, 2, Chepstow-mansions, Ba>/sivater. "w. Simpson, Godfrey William, Spencer Park, Wandsworth, s.w. Simpson, Graham Scales, Royal Hospital, Sheffield. Simpson, Henry, M.B. Camb.. Brenchley, Kent. Simp'^on, James Starr, M.D. McGill, Spennijmoor, Co. Durham. Simpson, Julius Benedict, 11, Gloucpster-row, Weipnouth. Simpson, Thomas Young, i"V[. D. Durh., Feverell, Devonport. Simpson, Wm. Sidney, 103, Bexleg-road, Erith. Sims, David, 260, Meanwood-road, Leeds. Sims, George Samuel, iVF.D. Durh., Green Hill, Derby . Simson, Colin Coape, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Simson, Harold, Royal Army Medical Corps. Sinclair, Alexander, M.B. Toronto, 15, Torrington-sqiiare. w.c. Sinclair, Harold Weightman, M.D. Loud., Workhouse Hospital,

Middlesborough. Sinclair, James Donald, Darlington.

Sinclair. Xeil Fi'ederick, 10, Carlyle-mansions, Kensington, w. Sing, Wilfrid JNIacdonald, M.D. Camb., 26, Southampton-st. AV.c. Singer, Arthur Leonard, Coundon Court, Coventry. Singh, Bawa Jiwau, Indian JSfedical Service. Singh, Kan-war Shumshere, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, s.e. Siugton, Harold Sigismund, 23, Cleveland-gardens, Hyde Park.

w. Sinigar, Harry. M.D. liOnd., Southall, Middlesex. Sircom. Edmund Ralph, 23, B ashy -park, Knowle, Bi'istol. Skeels, William, 29, Church-lane, Brighouse. Skelton, Dudley Sheridan, Royal Army Medical Corps. Skerrett, Frank Blenkinsopp, M.B. Lond., 39, Claremont-road,

Forest Gate. E. Skevington, Joseph Oliver, Crescent Lodi/e, Windsor. Skey, Arthur Richard Harrie, M.B. Lond.. Naval Medical Service. Skill, James Maurice, Norbiton-avenue, Norbitnn. Skinner, George Henry, Caster ton, Victoria, Australia. Skinner, William.



1894 1902 1888 1902


1907 1901 1906 1899

1894 1890 1893 1896 1876 1869 1896 1904 1909 1891 1908 1903 1897 1901 1875 1906 1907 1905 1886 1902 1898 1895

1869 1903 1898 1902 1888 1906 1901 1893 1905 1896 1887 1891 1865 1898 1875 1908 1896

Skiuwcrth, Philip Lvonel Grey, 39. The Terrace, Gravesend. Skriiii-fliire, llt-nry Fiiicli, Mortlon-iii-the-Marxh^ Gloticestn-. Skynr.e, Ileiir}' Edward, 22, \Vindsor-]ilace, Cardijf. Slade, lleibert Jas.. M.H. Diuii., 26, Jesmond-road, Newcastle-

on-Tijne. Slade, John Godfrey, M.I). Cainb., Fleet, Hants. Shide, Sidney, Ilathcrleif/Ii, JV. Devon.

Sladen, lleginahi John Lambert, Tf/atpuri, Bomliay, India. SUiney, Charles Newnham, Juffreji Hospital, Birminfjham. Slater, Alan Butler, M.B. Edinh., 36, liri/anston-.street. w. Slater, Benjamin Ilolroyd, Little Ilorton-lane, Bradford. Slater, Geo. Nathan Oscruft, CoiiHti/ Asi/lum, Brentwood. Slat«n', Howard, M.D. Durh., Waihi, New Zealand. Sloane, John Stretton, M.B. Lond., Leicester. Slocock, Richard, Spilsby. Sloman, Herbert, Bedford. Shjman, Samuel George, Farnham. Slowan, William John More, 91, Sheperdess Walk. N. Smailes, AVilliam Herbert, M.B. Lond., Honley, Huddersjield. Smale. Herbert, 22a, Cavendish-.^quare. w. Smale, John, Granrje-road^ Darlington. Smale, Oswald Kidle}', M.B. Camb., Leigh, Kent. Smales, William Clayton, Longroclc, Cornwall. Small, Arthur Atwell, 244, Bloor- street, W. Toronto, Canada, Small, Robert, Worcester.

Smalley, Herbert, M.D. Durh., Ilnme Ojflce. s.w. Smalley, James, Westford, Cheadle, Cheshire. Smalley, James Thornton, 5, Part-road, Beckenham. Smallhorn, Cyril Aubrey, M.B. Oxf., Kmdsford, Cheshire. Smallpiece, William Donald, Swanwick Shore, Southampton. Smallwood, Edward, M.D. Brussels, West Norwood, s.e. Smallwood, Matthew Edmund, Wheathampstead, St. Albans. Smallwood, Robert Percy, MB. Camb., Little Waltham.

Chelmsford. Smart, David, 108, Grange-road, Bermondsey. s.e. Smart, Herbert Douglas, M.B. Lond., Shelley, Iluddersfield. Smeaton, Bronte, Mount Barker, S. Australia. Smedley, Ralph Davies, M.D. Camb., Durham. Smeetou, Charles William, Hovingham, York. Smillie, Alexander Buchanan, M.B. Toronto, Sheffield, Ontario. Smith, Alan Ayre, M.D. Durh., Infmiary, Sunderland. Smith, Alfi-ed Egerton Manners, Retford. Smith, Armstrong, Wymering , Gosham, Hants. Smith, Arthur Grosart Lehman, Crick, Rnghy. Smith, Arthur Henry, 28, Chorlton-road, Manchester. Smith, Arthur Hopewell, 58, Park-street, Grosvenor-square. w. Smith, Charles, M.U. Lond., South Yarra^ Victoria, Australia. Smith, Charles Charnock, Woburn, Beds. Smith, Charles Edwin, Altrincham.

Smith, Charles Harold, M.B. L'pool, Moorside, Neston, Che^^hire. Smith, Daniel Lloyd, M.B. Lond., Kingswood, Frodsham.


Smith, Dansey, WucJiow, Canton, S. China.

Smith, David Priestley, 52, Frederick-rd., Edyhaston, Birminr/liam.

Smith, Doug-las Wilberforce M.B. Lond., Mossel Buy, Cape Colony.

Smith, Edward, St. Leonards.

Smith, Edward Archibald, M.B. Vict., 42, Gordon-square, w.c.

Smith, Edward Arnuld Cloere, 1, Westhourne-st., Hijde-park. w.

Smith, Edward Bertram, Siisted, Braintree., Essex.

Smith, Edward Hickson, Leicester.

Smith, Kdward Protheroe, Id, Prospert-liill, Redditcli.

Smith, Edwin, M.D. Load., 278, Balham High-road. s.AV.

Smith, Edwin Chas.Teiople, Charters Toirers, Queensland.

Smith, Eric MacLeod, M.B, Oxf,, Brewarrina, New South Walts.

Smith. Ernest George, Plyraouth.

Smith, Ernest Newl^m, M.D. Lond., Willesdm-lane. n.w.

Smith, Ernest Sutton, Broadstairs, Kent.

Smith, Francis Maylett, 8, Riverdale-road, Twickenham.

Smitli, Francis Shingleton, Deephclm, Clifton Park, Bristol.

Smith, Frank Lewis, 31, The Oval. s.e.

Smith, Ferdinand Clarence, M.B. Durh., Indian Medical Service.

Smith, Frank Addinsell, M.D. L(md., Indian Medical Service.

Smith, Frank Laughton, M.D. Durh., 61, Uj^gate, Louth.

Smitti, Frank Wy bourn. Tower House, Plu/nstead-common, ICent.

Smith, Frederick Morton Vincent, Naval Medical Service.

Smith, Frederick Walter, 40, Newington-causeway . s.e.

Smith, Frederick Wm. Weeks, M.B. Lend., 40, Newington- causeway. S.E.

Smith, Gay ton Warwick, M.D. Lend., County Asylum, Tooting, s.av.

Smith, George Francis, Watfo7xl.

Smith, Geoi'ge Frederick Darwall, M.B. Oxf., 30, Winipole- street. s.av.

Smith, (ieorge Melville, The Retreat, Buntingford, Herts.

Smith, George Muuro, 18, Apsley-road, Clifton, Bristol..

Smith, George Percy, 58, Summer-road, Edghaston, Birmingham.

Smith, Gilbert, M.D. Durh., Hindkead, Haslemere.

Smith, Graham Udale, Wivenlioe., Christchurch, Hants.

Smith, Henry Archbold, Headingley, Leeds.

Smith, Henry Cleveland, Southend-on-Sea.

Smith, Henry Gordon, 127, Upper Richmond-road, Putney, s.w.

Smith, Henry Hammond, St. Alban's-mans., Kensington Court, w.

Smith. Henry Walter, Phasley, Mansfield.

Smitli, Herbert Austen, M.B. Camb., Indian Medical Service.

Smith, Herbert Austin, Claghrooke, Magna, Rugby.

Smith, Howard Lyon, M.D. Durh., Buckl and- Newton, Dorchester.

Smith, Hoyland, Arndey, Leeds.

Smith. Hugh Bernard Willoughby, M.B. Loud., Box 201, Pretoria.

Smith, James, Coho, Guernsey.

Smith, James, M.B. Camb., 16, St. John's-road, Patney-hill. s.w.

Smith, James Edmund, St. Bartholomew'' s Hospital, e.g.

Smith, James Ernest Sutcliffe, M.B. Lend., Moor Vieio, Bacup.

T 2



1865 Smith, James William, Tanhridge Wdls.

1889 Smith, James William, Kinfiddnd, Iferefni-d.ffiire.

1885 Smith, John, M.I). Ediril)., Kirkca/dy, Scntlnvd.

1889 Smitii, John Barker, J/er»c Hill. s.k.

Smith, John Percy, 26, Eaton-lerrace. S-w.

1900 Smith, John Salmon, C, Marine-terrnce, Old Colwi/n, N. Walea.

1885 Smith, John Turville, 2H, Chorltnn-rodd, Afaiic/iest''r.

1891 Smith, Joseph Stanley Kellett, 23, JiuKseU.-stre*'t, Liverpool.

1905 Smith, Jnlius IIod<^'etts, Scv.n Kinr/.<t, Jlfm-d, K.isex.

1897 Smith, Lionel Shing-leton, C/ifton i\n-L\ Bristol.

1898 Smith, Malcolm Arthur, Bancjkok^ i^siaia.

1903 Smith, Malcolm William Stewart, M.B. Lond., 18, Boxces-rond, Palmers Green. N.

1896 Smith, Maurice Hamblin, Princetown, S. Devon.

1897 Smith, Montague, 10, Kenninqhall-road, Clapton, n.e.

1886 Smith, Newman, Braintree, Essex.

1895 Smith, Percy Montague, M.D. Loud., 288, ZL'ar/!'*- Coi!r/-nZ. s.w.

1899 Smith, Percy Nelson, Staniford.

1892 Smith, Reginald, Lynton House, Warrington. 1894 Smith, Reginald Nitch, 10, New Bond-street, vr.

1889 Smith, Richard Arthur, 303, ?7/?;)er-.«/?"fe^ n.

1909 Smith, Reginald Rutherford, 7, Cnmberland-ter., Flnshnni-pk. N.

1894 Smith, Richard Leonard Bealy, Eastleig/t, Southampton.

1863 Smith, Richard Wagstaff, Exmouth.

1902 Smith, Robert Howard Newb}^ 203, High-street. Lewisham. s.k.

1900 Smith, Robert William Innes, Brightside, Sht'fjield.

1867 Smith, Sanmel Montgomery (Jharles Alfred Anderson, M.D. Brussels, 2, Garnet-road, Wiltesden. n.w.

1890 Smith, Sidney Browning, Indian Medical Service.

1896 Smith, Sidney Frederick, 147, Hurdjerstone-road, Leicester.

1898 Smith, Sidney Maynard, M.B. Lond., 1, Spanish-place, w. Smith, Sidney Robert, 23, Pa^-Ic-road, Flnmstead, Ivent.

1891 Smith, Sydney Calvin, 27. Musivdl-rise, Highgate. N. 1894 Smith, Thomas, Church End, Finchleg. N.

1864 Smith, Thomas Haywood, Alcester. 1902 Smith, Thomas Morland, Bournemouth.

1892 Smith, Thos. Rudolph Hampden, M.B. Camb., Stockton-on-Tees.

1893 Smith, Thomas Waddeiow, The Square, Walnier, Kent. 1900 Smith, Thomas William, 90, Larkhall-risc, Clapham. s.w. 1889 Smith, Thomas Wilson, M.D. Lond., 17, Brock-street, Bath.

1906 Smith, Walter Heaton, 16, King-street, Wigan.

1897 S.mith, Walter tlugh Montgomery, Sclhur^l-rd., S. Norwood. s.E.

1900 Smith, Ward, M.D. Edinb., Shipleg.

1901 Smitli, William Christian Baumgartcn, Nav(d ^fedical Service.

1908 Smith, William Frederic, M.D. New York. I/alifax, Nova Scotia.

1909 Smith, Wm. John, M.B. rcjrouto, Biple//, R.O , Ontario, Canada. 1892 Smith, William Robert, M.D, Lond., Beeston, Nottingham.

1896 *Smith, William Steele, M.B. Lond., Wilbraham-rcad, Chorlton- cum-IIardg, Manchester.

* Formerly Smith, William.


Smith, Witney Charles Pahiier, Burnkam-on- Crouch, Essex.

Smith, Wm. Stephen Montgomery, 28, -Elm Park-gardens, s.w.

Smithson, Arthur Ernest, M.B. Camb., Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Smithson, Oliver Cromwell, Luton.

Smuliau, Samuel, Savarino-man&iuns, Dalston. n.e.

Smyth, Ernest Jackson, M.D. Lond., Epsom-road, Guildford.

Smyth, Fi-ancis Kadway, 5, Duchess-street, Portland-place, w.

Smyth, Henry James, South Molton.

Smyth, James Arthui". M.B. \jO\i(\. , Burton-road, Mellon Mowbray .

Smyth, John Cecil, M.B. Vict., Great Malvern.

Smyth, Joshua Charles, Sanatorium, Kilpedder, co. Wicklow.

Smj'th, Nug-ent Edward, Malvern Wells.

Smyth, Reg-inald Mander, M.D. Loud., Lin ford, Ringwood.

Snape, Ernest Alfred, M.D. Brussels. 41, Welbeck-street. ^v.

Snell. Doug-las Montagnie Brooking, Staplcford, Nottingluun.

Suell, Ernest Ilugh, M.D. Lond., 10a, Ilaij-lane, Coventrj.

Snell, Heniy Cecil, Moor L^odge, Sheffield.

Snell, Sidney Herbert, M.D. Lond., Wandsicorth-common. s.w.

Snoad, Francis George, Ai/Iesione Park, Leicester.

Snoad, Philip Ephraim, Ai/lestone Park, Leicester.

Snook, Samuel Penny, Wet/mouth.

Snow, Lionel Mason, Horsham.

Snovvden, Arthur de "Winton, M.D. Camb., The Sanatorium, Jlfundeslei/, Norfolk.

Sobey, Arthur Lyne, San Francisco, California.

Soden, Wilfred Newell, M.D. Lond., Mapesbunj-road, Brondts- burij. N.AV.

Solly, Ernest, M.B. Lond., Ilirrogate.

Solly, Reginald Vaug-lian, M.D. Lond., 40, Soutliemhaij, Exeter.

Soltau, Alfred Bertram, M.D. Lond., Plymouth.

Somers, ('harles Dudley, Deodora, Portsmouth-road, Surbiton.

Somers, Edward O'Reilly, 4, Leaf-square, Pendleton.

Somerset, Edward, Reading.

Somerville, Henry, Barrold, Sharnbrook.

Somerville, John, M.D. Glasg., 52, Burgoyne-road, Sheffield.

Soper, .Arthuf VValrond, 197, Anerlc.y-road. s.e.

Soper, Gerald Morgan, Prospect House. Bartmouih.

South, P'rank Montague Wilson, t''2, Queens-road, Peckham. s.e.

South, Ricliard Edward Ernest, Churjah-close, Boston.

Southcombe, Arthur George, M.D. Durh., 83, Sidney-road, Hackney, n.e.

Southern, Francis Gerald Llandebie, South [Vales,

Southern, John Acton, Friar-gate, Derby.

Southern, Walter Duckett, 22, Wimpole-street. w.

Southey, Herbert Watson, Maidstone.

Southwick, George Rinalds, M.D. Harvard, 31, Massachusetts- avenue, lioston, United States of America.

Souttar, Henry Sessions. M.B Oxt., 144, Brentwood, Essex.

Soutter, David Wright Luther, 8, Cumberland-ter., Finshury. N.

Soutter, James, //ecZo7i, Hull.



1891 1900 1895

1901 1896 1901 1899 1907

1895 1894 1899 1896 1909 1903 1889 1888 1907 1904 1893 1901 1900 1892 1900 1888 1870 1906

1887 1903 1897 J 888 1908 1907 1891 1896 1894 1895 1888 1893 1905 1874 1900

1908 1883 1896 1875


Sou tter, Mansfield Kuox, 42, Aveiicll-rriad, Finshnni-park. N. Sowden, Georg-e, M.D. Brussels, J'oan IIull^ East Ilam. e. So wry, (jieorge Herbert, M.D. Lcmd., Netccastle, Staffordshire. Spain, Cliarles Milner, St. Ileliers, .lerseij. Spalding-, Archibald Denize, Naval Medical Service. Spark, Percy Charles, h'psom, Surrty.

Sparks, John Elliott, AI.l). Lond., 6, Widcombe-crescenf, Bath. Sparkes, William Moore Bell, Jtoyal Arnnj Medical Corps. Sparrow, Edward Cyril, M.B. Camb., Bec/cminster, Waiver-

hampton. Sparrow, George Randal, 80, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Spaull, Percy William, I, StanivicL-road, West KevJiington. w. Spear, Georg-e Arthur Whitworth, Fittfeworth, Sussex. Spear, John Augustus, St. John Del lieij Mining Co., Brazil. Spedding, Ivan ^^orman, Dunedin, New Zealand. Speechley, Alec John Lincoln, Wondalli, Deccan, India. Speechly, Ilai-r}^ Martindale, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada. Speedy, Robert Geo. Dunell, Buslnnans Kop, Orange River Colony. Speers, Charles, ;SV. Marys Hospital, w. Speers, William Gordon, Sao I'aulo, IWazil. Spence, Daniel Benham, 615, West l^lst Street, New York, U.S.A. Spence, Harry Wilkie, M.B. Toronto, 4, Endsleigh-gardens. x.w. Spencer, Alfred Richard, M.B. Lend., Eivell, Surrey. Spencer, Charles George, M.B. Lond., Royal Army Medical Corjis. Spencer, George Herbert, Wallstnd, Northumberland. Spencer, Henry Alexander, Middhsburg. Transvaal. Spencer, Henry Banks, M.D. St. NiidiV.', Oxford. Spencer, John Heatly, M.B. Lond., 252, Sandycombe-road , Kew

Gardens, w. Spencer, Matthew Henry, M.D. Camb., 92, Oxford-gardens Spencer, Sandy, 226, Stamford-street, A shton-nndcr-Lyne. Spencer, Thomas, 42, Cavendish-street, Keighley. Spencer, Thomas Edward, We.ston-super- .ij arc. Spencer-Phdlips, Percy Tyrell, Farhhurst. Beckenham. Spensley, Frank Oswald, Darenth Asylum, Dartford, Kent. Spensley, James Richardson, Albergo delV Unione, Genoa, Italy. Spicer, Arthur Herbert, M.B. Lond., Petworih. Spicer, Harry, M.B. Durh., Naval Medical Service. Spillane, James Charles, M.B. Lond., Foi-t Jameson. N.E. Rhodesia Spink, Christopher Peirsou, Johannesburg, South Africa. Spink, Ernef^t William, M.D. Lond., Eccles. Spiteler, Alfred, 126, Chri.'itchurch-road, Tulse Hill. s.av. Spitta, Edmund Johnson, 41, Ventnor-villas, Hove. Spitta, Harold Robert Dacre,M.D. Durh., VJ, Botton-st.,Mayfair

w. Spittel, Richard Lionel, 30, Upper Bedford-place, w.c. Spitzl}', John Henry, 32, Gracechurch-street. E.c. Spon, Harry James, 23, Southwark-hridge-road. s.e. Spooner, Fredk. Henry, M.D Aberd., 33, Pembury-road, Lower

Clapton. N.E. Spooner, William, Birkenhead.



Spoonei", William Casswell, M.B. Edinb., Blandfonl.

Spotswood, Maurice, 16, Elgin-drive^ Liscard. Birkenhead.

Sprague, Cecil Gordon, 60, Addison-garlens, Kensington, av.

Sprague, Francis Heury, Gloucester.

Spratly, Ernest Richard Woody, Soutli Africa.

Sprawson, Cuthbert Allan, M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Sprawson, FiVelyn Charles. 2Q, N'ew Cavendish-sfreet. "W.

Sprawson, Francis Edgar, Belle Vue, East Finchley. N.

Sprawson, Frederick Chailes, M.B. Loud., Blackpool.

Sprig-gs, Neville Ivens, M.D. Lond., Shrewsburi/.

Sproat, James Hugh, M.B. Lond., Gravel tq Hill, Birmingham.

Sproat, Robert Douglass, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Spr}', W^illiam, Naval Medical Service.

Spurgin, Percy Bertram, 35, Welbeck-street. w.

Spurrell, Charles, Poplar Sick Asglum, Brontleij. E.

Spurrell, William Dewing, Aldhorough. Noricich.

Spurrier, Alfred Ilenr}', Prison Island, Zanzibar.

Spurrier, Harry, M.B. Camb., Maidenhead.

Square, James ElHot, Pifimonth.

Square, William Russell, Thurk-itone, near Kingshridge.

Squibbs, Robert Edwai'd Portbur}', New Lenion, Nottingham.

Squire, Frank Henry, Piidsej/.

Squire, Maurice Frederick, M.B. Durh., Paddington Infirmarg. w.

Stabb, Ewen Carthew, 57. Queen Anne-street, w.

Stableford, Frank Barue}^ Gorton, Whitchurch, Cardif.

Stacey, Frederic, George, The Clijf'e, Ranmoor-road, Sheffield.

Stack, Edward Hugh Edwards, M.B. Camb., Down-road, Clifton,

Bristol. Stacy, Richard Davis, 10, Cambridge-road, Barking. Staddon, Henry Ernest, lloyal Arnuj Medical Corps. Staddon, John Richard, Ipswich. Staddon, Walter Joseph, Ipswich. Stainsby, John Addison, Ecclesjield, SheffiM. Stale}^ Herbert McLean, St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire. Stalkartt, Charles Edward (xrey,M.D. Edinb., Rojjal Army Medical

Corps. Stallard, Harry, Newark. Stallard, Nigel Frampton, M.B. Lond., 8, Stanley-gardens,

Hauip.-ttead. x.w. Stallard, Philip Lechmere, 3, Lansdowne-pL, Brunswick-sq. w.c. Stallybrass, Clare Oswald, M.B. Lond., New Brightun, Birkenhead. Stamford, Robert Basil, LougJiborough. Stamford, William, Tunbridge Wells.

Stamm, Louis Ei;lward, >[.D. Lond., 43, Iligh-rd., Streatham. s.w. Stammei's, George i]lliott Frank, Royal Arm>/ Medical Corps. Stamp, Lionel Duncan, Plymjjton.

Standish, Frank, M.B. Lond., G.P.O., St. M^arlins-le-Grand. Stanford, William Bedell. Sutton Valence, Krnt. Stanger-Leathes, Hugh Ellis, Indian Medical Service. Staniforth, John William, Hinderwell, Yorkshire. Staniland, John Henry, Hornsea, Hull.



1894 189G 1894 1899 1888 1900 1895

1899 lOOG 1901 1880 1897 1902 1903 1905

1892 1896 1893 1892 1896 1909 1894

1907 1881 1897 1884 1908 1902 1895 1890 1886 1896

1892 1882 1907 1906 1865 1899

1893 1877 1892 1861 1896 1898

Staniland, Meaburu Francis, 255, Staphton-roacU BristoL

Stanistreet, Richard ^\'eld, Naval Medical Service.

Stanley, Arthur, M.D. Lond.. Slumghai. China.

Stanley, Arthur John, JM.H. Birm., llinckleti.

Stanley, Charles James, M.B. Durh., 1, Cast ltbar-7-oacl, Ealing, vr,

Stanley, Edmund Hamilton Blake, Indian Medical Service.

Stanley, Hubert, M.B. Camb., 12, Fevensey-i-oud, St. Leouardt-

on-Sea. Stanley, John Brentnall, Biaion-on- Trent. Stanley-Clarke, Crispian, M.B. Camb., Timhridge Welh. Stannus, Hugh Stannus, M.B. Lond., Zomba, JVijasaland. Stansby, Charles John, M.D. Brussels, 56, Liidgafe-liill. Stansfeld, John Stedwell. 60, Riley-street, liermondscy. s.E. Stansfield, Fredk. Joseph, Ben lihydding, Leeds. Stansfield, Walter, Liscard. Stanton, Ambrose Thomas, M.D. Toronto, Tropical Medicint

School, Albert Docks. E. Stanton, Janies Wm. Wilcocks, Xaval Medical Service. Stanton, Thomas William, Follcingham, Lincolnshire. Stanwell, St. John, M.B. Edinb., Johannesburg, T> ansvauL Star, Paul Hohling Mills, Naval Medical Service. Stares, Charles Lindsay Baker, Sivanlei/ Junction, Kent. Starkey, Henr}' Samuel Crichton, 39, Lansdoivne-raad. w. Starkey, Thomas Albert, M.B. Lond., McGill Univercityy.

Montreal, Canada. Starkey-Smith, Thos. Gordon, Christchvrch Par/:, Siition, Surrey, Starling, Edwin Alfred, M.B., R.U.L, Tmibridge Wells. Starling, Hubert Jolm, M.D. Lond., A'oririch. Starr, William Henderson, Royal Army Medical Corps. Startin, John, Royal Army Medical Corps. Statham, Hugh, M.B. Camb., Lymington. "Statham, John Charles Baron, Royal Army Medical Corps.. Statter, Henry Bellamy, Wimborne-road, Bournemouth. Staveley, William Henry Charles, 24, Sloane-gardcns. s.yr Stawell, Roduiph de Salis, M.B. Camb., Shrewfbnry. Stead, Charles Clement, M.B. Camb., llawkhurst, Rent. Stead, Dryden, 194, Newtounards-road, Belfast. Stead, Geoffrey, Hatherton House, Walsall.

Steadman, Sidney Francis St. Jermain, 7, EJfra-rd.. Brixton. s."<r. Sfebliing, Geo. French, M.B.Lond.. 21, Lewin-rd,, Slrcatham. s.w,, Stedmau, James, Pokesdown, Bournemouth.

Stedman, Percy Taylor Humphrey, M.B. Lond. ,Ze(7/(<c?ii?((^2f/)"<L Stedman, Savignac Bell, Binbrook, Market Rusen. Stedman, Thomas Bernard, M.D. Lond., Seiby. Steedmau, Percy Andrew, Oxford. Steegmann, Edward John, M.B. Durh., Isleworth. Steele, Charles, M.D. Durh., Richmond-liill, Clifton, Bristol. Steele, Charles Francis, M.B. Lond., Chisivick. w. Steele, George Herbert, Birch Lodge. Ji/uch Birch, Hereford.

* Diploma granted to Charles John Baron Statham.


Steele, Henr}^ Frederick, M.D. Durh., Stohe Ferry, Brandon.

Steele, Percy Kingsley, M.B. Vict., lU, Lord-street, Halifax.

St(;ele. Wm. Kenueth, 4. htijoldsbij-mansions, Keusitiglon. w.

Steele, Wm. Lawrence, Roy at Aniaj Medical Corps.

Steen, Wilfred Alexander, Ilford.

Steg'g'ail. Septimus Leonard John, Port Simon, Costa liica.

Steinhaenser, John Robert, M.D. Lond., Lewes.

Steinthal, Walter Oliver, Withinnton, Mancliester,

Steinthal, AMlfred Moritz, West Didsbtiri/, Manchester.

Srenbouse. James Wilson, M.B. Edin., 524, Stretford-road^

Mancliester. Stepanian, Ilovsep Der, Harky House, Boio. e. Stephen, Guy Neville, Grosvenor Club, Piccadilly, av. Stephen, Lionel Henry Yorke, Bassingbourn, Cambridge. Stephens. Augustus Edward Richard, Bengal Army. Stephens, Frank Harold, A'aoal Medical Service. Stepliens, Henry Newport, Lcatherltead. Stephens, Henry Woolcott, Laingsburg, Cape Colony. Stephens, Henry Zouch, Geeveston, Huoa River, Tasmania. Stephens, James Batson, M.l^. Loud., Park Corner, Red HilL Stephens, James William, Tymaa-r, Cardigan. Stephens, Reginald, Torbay Hospital, Torquay. Stephens, Stanley, Yetminster, Sherborne. Stephens, AVilliani John, Hayne, Newquay, Cornwall. Stephenson, John Leemiug, County Asylum, Whittinghav}^

Lancashire. Stephenson, Owen Taunton, Woolston, Sonthampton. Stephenson, Robert West, Cannon Crag, Windermere. Stephenson, William Arthur, West Haddon, Rugby. Stericker, William, M.D. Aberd., 30, Park-lane, Croydon, Stern, Moritz, Kingston, Jamaica. Starry, John Riverhead, Sevenoaks.

Stevens, Alfred Edward, IVLD. Durh., 12, Cadogan-place. s.w- Stevens, Algernon Francis, Indian Medical Service. Stevens, Andrew Norris, Great Yarmovth. Stevens, Bertram Crossfield, M.D. Durh., Lancaster. Stevens, Cecil Robert. M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Stevens, Charles Henry, Plympton.

Stevens, George Jesse Barnabas, 1, Neicington-green. n. Stevens, Henry Geo. Lewis, Ftmdale-road. s.w. Stevens, Herbert John. 79, Stamford-hill. n. Stevens, Reginald Charles Jeremie, M.B. Durh., Olds, Albertic^

Canada. Stevens, Richard Henry Easington, 59, Clarence-gate-gdns. ^.w.. Stevens, William Edward, Kuroiv, N. Otago, New Zealand. Stevens, William Henry, Zetland-road, Bristol. Stevenson, Archibald Campbell, M.B. Lend., University Collegey.

Gower-slreet. av.c. Stevenson, Claude Maberlj), M.B. Camb., 237, Chesterton-road,. ] Cambridge.

1880 I Stevenson, Fredk. Coney, M.B. Toronto, Cos^/eiou'?;, Isle of Man,.



1877 ' Stevenson, Leader IIoniT, M.D. Lnnd.. HO, Westci-oft-square. vr.

IH'JG Stevenson, Thomas Henry Craiy, M.D. Lond., T/ie JJoulevard, We.ston-su per- i\ fare .

1897 Stevenson, Walter Brodie. Aliwal. N^orth, Cape Colnnii.

1893 I Steward, Edward Simmons, 10, Frinces-sfjiiare, I/arrogate. 1895 t Steward, Francis James, M.D. Lond., 125, J/ur/ei/street. w. 1863 I Steward, Josepli Septinuis.

1904 Steward, Sidney Joiin, ALH. Camb., Worcester.

1884 Stewart, Andrew, M.D. Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

1895 I Stewart, CliJirles Balfour, M.B. Camb., Jlunl.^pUl, Bridfjwater.

1894 I Stewart, Charles Howard, Netlen Abbn/, Hants.

lyOO I Stewart, Charles Mon, M.D. Trin. Coll., Toronto, Toronto.

1885 Stewart, Geor<^'e Eland, 28, Putneii-lnll. s.w.

1899 Stewart, (ii-org-o Irvine Thompson, M.B. Aberd., Cowiiy Hall, 1 Jpswicli.

1877 Stewart, Howard Douglas, 98, Reddlffe-gardcns. s.w.

1892 Stewart, James Allan, ALB. Glass-., Aormanton.

1899 Stewart, Walter Grahame, M B. Lond., IVare, Hertfordshire,

1902 Stewart, Williiuu Howard Edwin, Wavcileij-road Bourn<nioiiih.

1903 Sthamer, Eduard Franz Adolf, M.D. Leipsig-, P.O. box GG78,


1908 Stibbe, Edward Fliiiip, (>, St. Anne's-vdl.a.-<, Shepherds Bush. w.

1906 Stidston, Charles Algernon, M.D. Lond., Wolverluimpton.

1902 Stiebel, Charles, M.B. Camb., 4o. Grosvenor-square. w. 1901 Stiff, Harold Flenry, M.B. Caml)., Bun/ St. Kdmauh. 1887 Stiles, Theodore Mayo, Cotham, Brit^tol.

1891 Stil well, George Robert Fabris, M.B. Lond., Beckenhavi.

1899 Stilwell, Regiu.ild John, Muorcroft, Hilline/don, Uxbrideje.

1893 Stirk, Percy Herbert, Exeter.

1901 Stirling-Hamilton, John, M.B. G^mh.., Ingatestone, Essex.

1909 Stiven, Harold Edward Sutherland, Ji'eUboiirn, Herts.

1900 Stock, Pliilip Graham, Jo//rtHuei^/n'_y, Transvaal.

1898 Stock, William Stuart Vernon, M.B. Lond., Clifton, Bristol.

1896 Stockdale, Finest Malcolm, 67, Uodneij-street. Liverpool.

1889 Stocken, Leslie Maury, Winchester House, UxbridifC-road. w.

1875 Stocker, Charles Joseph, Rom ford-road. Forest Gate. e.

1889 Stocker, Edward Gaved, Clevedon, Somerset.

Stocker, Walter Woodley. 2o3, High-road, Willesden-green. s.w.

1908 Stockert, William, M.D. Heidel., Havptstrusse 88, Heidetbug, Germany.

1907 Stocks, iJeginald Woolse}', 421, Wandsworlli-road. s.w. 1867 Stokell, George, Campbell Town, Tasinania.

1883 Stokes, Francis Alexander, Basinr/stoke.

1895 Stokes, Frank William, M.B. Du'rh., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S. W. 1880 Stokes, Henry Eraser, M.D. Durh., 1 1, Highbury-place,IsUngt.on. n. 1895 Stokes, John Wilfrid, She.jjield.

1907 Stokes, Kenneth Henry, M.B Lond., 11, Highbury-place, x.

1882 Stokes, Leimard, 40, Lte-road, Blackheath. s.k.

1878 Stokes, i-Jichard Liiigard, Ditclding, Hurstpier point.

1892 Stokes, Whitley, M.B. Lc^nd., Pilgrim's Rest, Lydenburg, Transvaal.

1903 Stolterfoth, Charles Sigismund, Stokenclmrch, Wallingford.






Stone, Bertram Alfred Wood, Cleveland Walk, Bath.

Stone, Ernest Richard, Queens Hospital for Children. Ilackneij

road, E. Stone, Frederick Wni. Stanley, 40, Norbunj-court-road. Stone, Georg-e, London Hospital. E. Stone, Gerald \Villiam, Cuninor, Dijke Road, Brighton. Stone, Robert Sidney.

Stone, William Gream, M.D. Oxf., 93, Denmark-hill. s.e. Stonehouse, Henry, Loftus, Yorkshire. Stoner, Harold Bimiface, 18, Regency-square., Brighton Stones, Robt. Yelverton, M.B. Lond., 25, Hartington-sf. Stonliam, Henry Archibald, 511, Conimercial-road. e. Stordy, Thomas, The Bank, Preston. Storey, Lawrence, 22. Chistcick-street, Carlisle. Storey, Perc}^ Arthur, 24G, Mari/lebone-road. N.Ar. Stormout, James Henry, Tanicorth, Birmingliam. Storrs, Eric Gleadow, Orerton, Ellesniere. Storrs, William Henry Townsend, King's College Hospital. Storrs, William Townsend, Tnnbridi/e Wells. Stott, Arnold Walmsley, St. Bartholomews Hospital, e.g. Stott, Hug-h, Lenes.

Stott, Hugh, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Stott, William Atkinson, M. B. Vict., 2, I/illari/-place, Leeds. Stowe, Wm. Reginald, Fahnerston North, Neu) Zealand. Stowers, James Herbert, M. I). Brussels, 128, Har ley -street, w. Strachan, William Henr}^ Williams, C.M.G., Lagos, S. Nigeria. Strahau, Stuart Seguiii, Oakhurst, Ravcnscourt-park. w. Strand, Alick Oondell, 30, Wimpole-street. w. Strange, Arthur, Knebworth, Stevenage, Herts. Strange, Charles Frederick, 81, Constantine-rd., Hampstead. N.w Stvange,Rohert{jordou,'Si..B.Loud., '2, Belsi:e-av.,Ha7npstead. n.av Stratford, Ernest, 94, Westbourne-terrace, Faddington. \v. Stratford, Howard Martin Blenheim, 210, Worple-road, Winille-

don. s.w. Strathy, George Stewart, M.D. Toronto, 102, Bedford-read

Toronto. Straton, Alexander Walter Keith, West Lodge Wilton, Salishnry. Straton, Arthur Arbuthnot, M.B., Lond., Wilton, Salisbury. Straton, Charles Henry, Roycd Army Medical Corps. Stratton, Percy Houghton, 63, *SV. James'' -street, s.w. Streatfeild, Thomas, M.D. Durh., Folkestone. Streattield, Percy William, Southborongh. Streatfield, William Hugh Raymond. 152, Pall 3fall. s.w. Street, Albert Ernest, Woburn Sands, Bedfordshire. Street, Alfred William Fi-ederick, Indian Medical Service. Street, Charles Tidbury, Newton-le- Willows. Streeten, Ernest Rock, 34, \V estbonmc-road, Barnsbury. x. Stretton, John Lionel, Kiddersnunster. Strickland, Chailes, Naval Medical Service. Strickland, Harold Foster, 17, Barllett's-buildings, Holborn. Strickland, Percy Charles Hutchison, Indian Medical Service




1009 Strode, Thomas William Rarastlen, 88, Ashew-road, Shephenrs Jiiii<h. \v.

1889 Stroij";-, Edf^'ui- Ilng-li, IJul<t>va>jo, South Africa.

1898 Strong, Robert Henry, 110, CoUins-street, Mi'lbouvne, Australia^ 1903 Strono, Walter Mersh, M.D. Caiiib., Papua Via, Australia.

1890 Strouts, Siiluey Robert, Week-strett. Maid^tunc.

1883 Stroyuii, Frederick Trinity llous'e, Alder. shot.

1875 Stni^-iiell, Frederick William, 45, JJii/hf/ate-road. n.w.

1902 Striither.s, AVilliam Eiit>erie, Lanark. Ontario, Canada.

1900 Stuart, Fred., M.B. Durh., 2, Char/es-street, Knif/hfsbridf/e. s.w.

1896 *Stuart, Frederick Joshua, Bern/ Wood Asi/luin, Northampton.

1890 Stuart, Jiubert, 20, New El cet,' Durham.

1887 Stuart, Thomas Edmimd, 100, Euf/bi/-road, Leamington Spa.

1895 Stuart, Walter Lea, Grans, E.^sex.

1900 Stuart, \Vm. Lumsden, M.D. Lond., Frimle>/-road, Camhcrle//. 1905 StubliH, Ismay Donald, G, BnrUnqton-road,\Vestbourne Park. w.

1886 Stubbs, Percy Belford Travers, Wynberg, Cape 2'oivn, South Africa.

1893 Stuck, Sidney Joseph, 450, Mile End-road, Bote. k.

1896 Sturdee, Frederic Herbert, ]Valsinfjham, Norfolk.

1899 Sturdy, Harry Carlile, M.D. Durh,, 81, Bolingbroke-rirove,.

Wandsworth, s.w.

1909 Sturdy-, Arthur Carlile. St. Bartholomews Ifospitid. e.g.

1891 Sturg-e, William Howard, M.D. Lond., Uoddtsden, Herts.

1884 Sturg-es, Frank, Wellington, N.S. W.

1894 Sturges- Jones, Wilfred Ed ivard, Half Moon-lane, I/erne Hill. s.k. 1874 Sturmer, Arthur James, Madras Army.

1905 Sturrock,VV'illiamDuncaii,M.B.0xf.,42,^(Z(Z/Av>)/-?-J.,A'e?!67«<//(>«.w.

1901 Stusser, Israel, Oudtshoorn.

1906 Stuttaford, Wm. Joseph Edward, Worcester Park, Snrrei/. 1901 Style, Arthur Hurrell, M.B. Camb., Pembroke, South Wales. 1889 Style, Frederic William, South Brent, Ivybridgc.

1883 Style, Mark, Moreton-in- Marsh, Gloucester.

1906 Sudlow, George Wray, M.B. Lond., Ellesmere Park, Ecvles.

1899 Sugden, Henry, South Ealing, w.

1889 Sugden, Heni'v Clapham, Ramsey, Isle of Man.

] 906 Suhr, Alfred Christoplicr Herman, 82, Palace-rd., 2'ulse Hill. s. w.

1895 Sullivan, Daniel Vincent, Kingston. Ontario, Canada. 1889 Sullivan, Edward Henry Charles, St. Heliers, Jersey.

1887 Sully, Albert Max. Chu/gate, Esher.

1894 Siimmerhayes, James \Vard, M.D. Durh., rf/r^ow/f-i/i, TransvaaL

1891 Summerhayes, John Orlando, Thame.

Summers, Thomas Collyer, 69, Bow-road. v..

1888 Suminerskill, William, Seren Kings, Jlford.

1885 Sumner, Benjamin, M.D. Roy. Univ. of Ireland, Waterloo, Liverpool. 1898 Sumner, Fred William, M.B. Caml)., Indian Medical Sei'vice. 1891 j Sumpter, Walter John Ernely, M.D. Durh., Sherringhain, Cromer. 3 902 i Sunderland, Robert Archibald Slater, Islesworth Injirmary. av. 1905 Sunnucks. Edward John, Chedworth, Gloucester.

1900 Susmann, Walter James, M.B. Camb., 7/e«%-on-77m»?es.

Formerly Levi, Joshua.


Sutdiffe, Arrhlbald Alfred, M.B, Lond.. Greal Torrington, Devon. Sutcliffe, Edward, Benu-e//, Neiccasile-on-Tyne. Sutcliffe, James Herbert, 61, \V/iet/e//-lane, Bradford. Sutcliffe, William, The Hawthorns, West Bromivich. Sutcliffe, Wm, Francis, 2, Albion-road, CUipham. s."\v. Sutcliffe, William Greenwood, 7, Dalbi/square, Margate. Sutherland, Joseph Roderick, M.B. Glasg., 12, Westbank-terrace,

Glasgow. Sutherland, William, M.B. New Zealand, Ditnedin, New Zealand. Sattierland, William Ross, M.D. McGill, Montreal, Canada. Sutter, Robert Ross, M.D. Aberd., Warbogs^ Hunts. Sutton, Edward, Naval Medical Service.

Sutton, Henry Martyu, 3, Manor-road, Stoke Newington. n. Sutton, James Br^^an, Stoke Poges, Slough, Bucks. Sutton, Samuel Walter, M.D. Lond., Dharmsala, Punjab. India. Sutton, William Hubert Reitz, St. Thomas's Hospital, s.e. Suzuki, Shigemechi, Tokio., Japan. Svensson. Robert, District Hospital^ West Bromwich. Swabej, Maui'ice, Rogal Armij Medical Corps. Swainson, Edwin Arthur Cleveland, M.B. Camb., Marple.

Cheshire. Swainson, James Midleton Graham, 9, Welbeck-strect. w. Swale, Harold, M.B. Lond., Wet/bridge. Swales, Edward, Prenton, Birkenhead. Swallow, Allan Jas., M.B. Durh., Mount Edgcumbe-gardens,

Clapham. S.AV. Swan, Charles Robert John Atkin, M.B. Oxf., 3, Chester-place,

Hijds-park. w. Swanwick, Eustace Maclean, West Hartlepool . Swayne, Walter CarIess,M.D. Lond., St. Pauts-rd., Clifton, Bristol. Sweet, Edward Hoare, Uckfield, Sussex.

Sweet, Samuel Henry, M.B. Lond., 'Temple Buildings. Dowlais. Sweet, \Vm. Sidne}-, M.D. Lond., University College Hos- pital. AV.C. Sweetapple, Herbert Algar, M.D. Durh., Parkside, Adelaide.

South Australia. Sweetlove, John Wallace, Mildred Lodge, East Moleseg,

Surreg. Sweetnam. Stephen Westrope, Bogal Army Medical Corps. Swenden, Benjamin Wood, 4, Victoria-road, Darlington. Swete-Evans, William Benjamin, M.B. Camb., Southport. Swift, Sidney Sampson, M.B. Lond., Broadgreen, Liverpool. Swindale, Henry Vernon, Clitheroe. Swinhoe, George Rodway, Swindon. Swhiton, Francis Edward, Indian Medical Service. Swnrder, Ernest George, M.B. Camb., Folkestone. Sworder, Horace, Luton.

Sworn, Alfred George. M.B. Lond., 5, Highbury-crescent, n. Sworn, Arthur Ben Richman, 45, St. Peters-street, Canterbury. Sworn, Ernest Andrew, 42, Hope-street, Hanley. Sykes, Arthur, Wallingfon. Surrey.


1905 1878

1889 1897 1881 1879 1887 1892 1908 1898 1891 1888 1901 1894

IdOl 1894 1908 1904 189] 1886 1906 1896 1882 1886 1878 1904 1899 1896 1895

1903 1898 1905

1899 1905 1885 1901 1886 1893 1906 1898 1897 1909 1900 1906 1904

Sykcs, Artliur Barry, Fonnhi/, Lii-erpool.

Sykes, John Fredk. Jos., M.D. Edinb., M. 1901, 40, Camden-

squfire. N. vv. Sykes, John Herbert, M.D., Lond., Birkda/e, Souihport. Sykes, Jolin Lewi?, 170, West Green-road, Toitenhani. s. Sykes, Matthew Carringtoii, M.U. Diirh., 30, Brok-street. w. Sykes, William Ainley, M.B. Lond., BeiKjal Army. Sylvester, (icorg-e Holden, Afoolpa. Ihnbrifhje. Sylvester, Herbert Mayris, St. Petroc, Leiston, Suffolk. Symes, Artlmr Jessop, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Symes, Ernest, Bar, Wills.

Symes, John Odery, M.D. Lond., Clifton, Bristol. Symonds, Ilenr}', M.D, Lond., Kimberley.^ South Africa. Symons, Anj^elo Nelson, Beaumont, Jersey.

Symons, Robert Fox, 95, Cromwell-road, South Kensington, s.w. Symons, Thomas Henry, Indian Medical Service. Symons, Vivian [lood, Charters T'owers, Queensland. Symons, William Henr}^ M.D. Brussels, The Guildhall, Bath. Syms, Gilbert Fi'ancis, Tlie Avenue, Surhiton-hill, Surrey. Syms, John Kendall, 157, Sherlock -street., Birminyham. Syrett, Ernest Frank, M,D. Durh., Nayland, Colchester. Tabor, Charles James, M.B. Durh.. 5, Pulteney-street, Bath. Tacey, Dalton William, Woodford Green, Essex. *Tahmisian, Paul Baldasar, 11, Balham-grore, Balhani. s."\v. Tait, Henry Brewer, 22, Sunnyside-road, Ilornsey-lane. N. Tait, James Sinclair, 49, Forest-road, Edinburgh. Takaki, Kanehiro, Tokio, Japan. Takaki, Kenji, Tokio, Japan. Takaki, Yoshihiro, Tokio, Japan.

Takayasu, Michishige, Shichdme, Doshomachi, Osaka, Japan. Talbot, Alfred George, M.B. Edinb., Christchurch, New

Zealand. Talbot, Francis, 109, Southwood-lane, Highgate. N. Talbot, Fi'ancis Theodore, M.B. Cainb., Stockton-on-Tees. Talbot, Leonard Smith, M.B. New Zealand, Toynbce Hall. e. Talbot, Philip, M.B. Vict., Stalybridge. Tallent, John Henry, M.B. Camb., CIdslehurst. Tangye, Claude Edward, M.D. Lond., Knoivle, Waricickshire. Tanner, Herbert, 152, Westbourne-grove. av. Taplin, Julian, Westbonrne, Bourneinouth. Tapson, Joseph Alfred, The Grove, Clapham-common. s.w. Taracband, Nowroji Merwanji, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Tarapurwala, Pheroze Kharsedji, Guys Hospital, s.e. Tarbet, Peter Rowley, M.B. Camb., Stevenage. Tarbet, Wm. Edward, Cormoni-road, CamberwcU. S.E. Tasker, Harold Lindle}', Wembley, Middlesex. Tatchell, Percy, 73, Holland-park. w. Tate, John, Harrow. Tatchell, AVilliam Arthur, Wesleyan Hospital, Hankow, China.

* Fonnerly Tahmisian, Boghos Baghdasar,



Tatliam. Arthur Leopold, M.D. Camb., Alergavenny.

Tattersall, Charles Ilerinanu, Town Halt, Salford.

Tattersall, John, Countij As)/ltnn, Hanwell. ^x.

Taunton, Edu'ar, M.B. Lond., Betliei^sden. Ashford, Kent.

Taunton, John Godfrey Cresswell, Old Brampton, Chatham.

Tayler, Frederic Ernest, I'rowbridge.

Tayler, George Christopher, M.D. Lond., Trowbridge.

Tayler, Henr^' Christopher, Brad ford-on- Avon.

Tayler, John lAQneX,^, St. Adg's Lau-n, Crichkwood. x.w.

Taylor, Alfred King- Burford Eichard Wra., ]\LB. Lom\.,Sitting-

bo}irne. Taylor, Ashby. Sark, Channel Islands. Taylor, Charles Uenry Shinglewood, 2C^, St. James -f^quare^

Holland Park. av. Taylor, Christopher Musgrave, Luckipore, India. Taylor, Douglas Conipton, M.B. Lond., Long Compton. Taylor, Dudley Claude Palmer, Sibsei/, Boston. Taylor, Edward James Davis, M.B. Camb., Southsea. Taylor, Edwaid Leonard, The Becton/, Pujilar. E. Taylor, Edwin Claude, M.D. Lond., IS, Rosslyn-hill, Hamp-

stead. x."w. Taylor, Ernest Edmund, M.D. Edinb. Taj'lor, Fred. Ryott Percival, M.D. Lond., East Sussex Coitnti/

Asyliun, Hdlingly, Sussex. Taylor, Frederick Henry Arthur, Kidlington, Oxford. Taylor, George Orissa, M.B., Loud., Chandraghona, Chittagong

Hill Tracts, India. Taylor, Gerald Mabeiley, 11, Regerifs-park, Headingley, Leeds. Taylor. Gordon Ernest Oddin, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Taylor, Henry Herbert, 36, Brunsidck-sqnare, Hove., Sussex. Taylor, Henry James, 1, Starkie-street, Preston. Taylor, Henry Shinglewood. M.D. Aberd., St. Heliers, Jersey. Taylor, Herbert, Alverthorpe-road, Wakefield. Taylor, Herbert Hampden, 28. Kensington Park-gardens, ^y. Taylor, Herbert Stockley, Boyal Army Jfedical Corps. Taylor, Isaac, M.B. Lond., Beeston-hill, Leeds. Taj'lor, James, Hay garth House. Chester. Taylor, John Backus, M.D. Michigan, Wheelersburgh, Ohio. Taylor, John William, M.B. Brussels, 22, Newhall-street^

Birmingham. Taylor, John William, Oaklands, Methley. Leeds. Taylor, John William, Redclife Parade, Bristol. Taylor, Mark Ronald, Helston, Cornwall. Taylor, Martin Bramley, Hemsworth, Wakefield. Taylor, Reginald Thane, 79, Grarfs Inn-road. w.c. Taylor, Robert Stanley. St. Leonard's. Taylor, Shephard Thomas, M.B. Lond., Noricich. Taylor, Tom Robinson, l\LD. Lond., 22, Park-place, Leeds. Taylor, Walter, M.B. Toronto, Dunaville, Ontario, Canada. Taylor, Wilfrid Reginald, Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire. Taylor, VYm. Benjamin Batchelor, Royal Army Medical Corps.


1903 1900 1896 1905 1889 1886 1902 1896 1906 1900 1890 1897

1892 1909 1902 .1890 1888 1895 1896 1861

1894 1899 1900 i887 1882 1887 3881 1887 1905 1891 1901 1893 1905

1899 1884 1901 1898 1902 1893 1896 1885 1899 1891 1906

Taylor, William Gordon, M.Ii. Lond., 15, Ifarfey-slreef. w.

Tavloi',VVm.Irwin,M.D.Trin. Univ., Toronto, Logos, W. Africa.

Teale. Michael Aiibiey, Leeds.

Teas'lale, John Camidj^e M.H., Vi':t., 22, IlolUj-terrace, Retford.

Tebl),All)('rt Edward, M.I). Lond. ,226. /'V»c///f //-?■(/., //aw/j.s/ea^/.x.w.

Tebb, William Scott. M.I). Camb., I'oim Hall., Southivark. s.E.

Tebbs, Basil Nelson, M.B. Camb., Soiitfiniiipton.

Tebbs, Lionel Virtue. Idiiti/ica, Transkn, Cope Colony.

Teiclimaiiii, Oskar, Sitka, Cliislehurst.

Telford, Evelyn Davison, 8, St. Jo/ms-street, Manchester.

Tempest, Henry, Thomer, Leeds.

Tempest, James, 1, Clarendon- road.. Whalley Range, Manchester.

Temple, Percy Georg'e, Cmivn-hill, Norwood, s.k.

Templetcm, Georjre, M.B. Edinb., 10, Sejpnour-street. ^y.

Templeton, Henry Herciilcs Skinner, Patchivay, BristoL

Templeton, James, Exeter.

Templeton, Perc}', Worthing.

Tench, Montag-iie, M.D. Brussels, Dnnvioic, Essex.

Tench, Sidney Edward, Frinton, Essex.

■Tenison, Adolf, Stockbridge, Hants.

Teiiison, Edwd. Tenison Ryan, M.D. St. Andr., 215, Uxhridge-

road. w. Terr3% John, Brannston, Riighji. Tetley, Thomas Walsh, Kirl>>jinoorside, Ynrks. Thackray, Christopher, M.D. Lond., St. Pancrn-i hifinnary. s.w. Thane, Edg-avIIerbert, M.D, Loud., Wagqa-Wagga, N. S. Wales. Thane, Philip Thornton, Yass^ New South Wales. Theobalds, Owen leMare, 5, Glenloc'i-road, Haverstock-hill. n.w. Thistle, Frederick Thomas, M.D. Durh. CUarvitle, Torquay. Thistle, William Brown. M.D. Toronto, Stratford, Canada. Thorn, George. Dn-onport.

Thomas, Abraham, M.B. Lond.. 22, North-parade, Aheiystwith. Thomas, Albert Edwd.. M.B. Lond. Whittlesea, Cape Colony. Thomas, Albert Ivor, 25, Dericent-road, Licerpool. Thomas. Arnold Newall, M.B. Lond., 14, W hatley-road, Clifton,

Bristol. Thomas, Arthur Richard, Naval Medical Service. Thomas, Benjamin Wilfred, Welm/n, Herts. Thomas, Cadog-an, 315, Garratt Lane, Earlsfield. s.w. Thomas, Ciiarles James, M.B. Lond., Walton-on-the-Hill, Epsom. Thomas, Daniel Jenkins, Bargoed, Glamorgan. Thomas, Daniel Lewis, 23, Bromky-sireet,Convnercial-road. E. Thomas, Daniel William, Shirley, Southampton. Thomas, David, Elsmere, Afanly, N'eiv South Wales. Thomas, David Jones, 130, Church field-road, Acton, ^y. Tho)nas, David Owen, Minneapolis. United States. f Thomas, Edmund Fairfield, \'2\, Richmond -road, Cardiff.

1902 I Thomas, Elijah Richard Lockwood, Naval Medical Service.

* Formerly Kvan, Edward Tenison.

t Formerly Thomas, Edmund James Fairfield.



1897 1895 1903 1885 1873 1905 1899 1908 1889 1907 1874 1904 1905

1881 1890 1886 1892 1886 1896 1905 1862 1895 1896 1887 1905 1906

1903 1897 1892 1896 1903 1895

1888 1900 1896 1897 1900 1875 1899 1906

1876 1891 1901 1899 1891

Thomas, Ellis Rae, New Brompton, Kent.

Thomas, Evan, M.D. Loud., Newbridge, MonmoutJi shire.

Thomas, Frank Leslie, M. B. Lond., Barnstaple.

Thomas, George Henry Warren, C/iilders, Llueeiislaud.

Thomas, Georg-e Tucker, Indian Medical Service.

Thomas, Gordon Wilson, M.B. Lond., Cross Bills, Keighleij.

Thomas, llaruld Sibert, Cushani, Hants.

Thomas, Harold Skarratt, 35, W ilherforce-road, Finshury Pari: X.

Thomas, Harold Wynne, Htgli-street, Bromley, Kent.

Thomas, Henry Darby, Elsfemnrch, Melbourne.

Thomas, Herbert Hemy, Hebden Bridge, Aranchester.

Thomas, Hugh Mortimer, Goodn-ick, Fembrokeshire.

Thomas, James DouD;"las, 36, Rutherhithe New-road, Rotherliithe.


Thomas, John, Neath.

Thomas, John Llewellyn, Colombo, Ceylon. *Thomas, John Lynn, C.B., Fenylan, Cardiff".

Thomas, John Morgan Mi.rtimer, 5, Colston-imradc, Bristol.

Thomas, Josiah Telfer, Penvean, Camborne.

Tliomas, [jeonard Kirkby, Edgbaston-road, Birmingham.

Thomas, Lewis, M.D. Dalhousie, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada.

Thomas, Montague, 39, Nottingham-place, w.

Thomas, Nevill Everard, Ilattun, Ceylon.

Thomas, Rhys Tudor, M.B. Lond., 40, Buverton-street, Cardiff.

Thomas, Richard Francis, Cwmaman, Aberdare.

Thomas, Robert Arthur, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Thomas, Robert Evans, M.B. Lond., Rock House, Dray cot, Cheddar, Somerset.

Thomas, Robert John Percy, Tregertha, East Looe, Cornwall.

Thomas, Robert Russell, 20, Windsor-place, Cardiff'.

Thomas, Robert Stanley, M.U.Camb., Carlton-hill, Exmouth.

Thomas, Thomas, Ferndale, South Wales.

Thomas, Thomas James Bell, Bron-y-Garn, Maesteg, Bridgend.

Thomas, Thomas Morrell, M.D. Lond., Newport, Monmoiith-

shire. Thomas, Thomas Nash, 34, Humberstone-road, Leicester. Thomas, Thomas Price, Brecon. Thomas, Wm. Georg-e, Wallingtnn, Salop. Thomas, AVilliam John, South Woodford, n.e. Thomas, William Murray, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Thompson, Alfred, Boxford, Suffolk. Thompson, Arthur, Newbury., Berkshire. Thompson, Arthur George James, M.B. Oxf., Hampton-road,

Twickenham. Thompson, Arthur Hirst, Darlington.

Thompson, Arthur Hugh, M.D. (jamb., 36, Wey mouth-street, ^y. Thompson, Arthur Ralph, M.B. Vict., 4, St. Thomas -street, s.e. Tliompson, Cecil Charles Brandon, Tutshill, Gloucestershire. Thompson, Charles, Stapenhdl, Burton-on-Trent.

* Formerly Thomas, John.




1907 Thompson, Charles Henry Burton, Middlesex Uospital. ^v. 1906 Thompson, Francis, Siinbury-on-T/tame.i.

1899 Thompson, Frfuicis Barrallier. 112, ^faida Vale. w.

1893 Thompson, Geoffrey AVard, M.D. Camb., West-street, Scarborough.

1888 Tliompson, George Ilobson, High-street., Buxton, Derbijshire.

1906 Tliompson, George Stanley, St. Marifs Hospital. \\.

1895 Thompson, Ilenry Evans, M.B. Lond.,7v/e Hospital, Birmingham. 1905 Thompson, Isaac, M.B.NewZealand, Union[iifirm.,Newc.-on-Tyne.

1908 Tliompson, John, M.B. Boy. Univ. Irel., 1, Boives-road, New

Southgate. N.

1868 Thompson, John Ashburton, M.D. Brussels, SyJuey, iV. ^S". Wales.

1866 Thompson, Joseph, 1, Oxford-street, Nottingham.

1902 Thompson, Joseph Bernard, Rnddington, Nottingham.

1905 Thompson, Louis Clifford, 16, Belle Vue, Clifton, Bristol.

1892 Thompson, Patrick Oswald.

1902 TliomiDSon, Reginald, Naval Medical Service.

1904: Thompson, Richard James Campbell, Popes-gmve, Ticickenham.

1888 Thompson, Robert, M.D. Durh., Brisbane, Queensland.

1887 Thompson, Stephen Robert, 5, Fair-street, Tooley-street. s.e.

Thompson, Walter, 4, Park-square, Leeds.

,, Thompson, AVilberforce, 18, Friarn-street, Bridgivater.

1899 Thompson, William Atkin, 38, Beverley-road, Hull.

1891 Thompson, William Hartley, 27, Easbji-road, Bradford.

1896 Thomson, Arnold James, Kingsmnjord, Dudleg.

1906 Thomson, Arthur William Dunville, 1, Beacon-hill. n. 1899 Thomson, Charles Bertram, Wimhorne.

1898 Thomson, Frederick George, M.D. Lond., 20, Guy-street, Bath.

1893 Thomson, George Dingwell, Ruskington, Lincolnshire. 1906 Thomson, Edward Mervjn, Kensington, Bath.

1903 Thomson, Louis Leopold Arthur William, Etrochey, France. 1874 Thomson, Peter James, Avenue Afarnix, Brussels.

1904 Thomson, William Traill, 15, Lansdoivne-place, Leamington.

1897 Thorman, William Henry, Kirkburton, Huddersfield.

1892 Thorne, Atwood, M.B. Loud., 148, Uarl eg -street, w. ,, Thorne, Borthold Bezly Thorne, M.D. Durh,, Wokiug.

1890 Thorne, John Mills, Betchworth, Surrei/.

1893 Thorne, Leslie Cavendish Thorne, M.D. Durh., 45, Inverness-

terrace, w.

1901 Thorne, Richard Thorne, M.D. Durh., Woking, 1897 Thornely, Michael Harris, Indian Medical Serrice. 1895 Thornely, William, M.B. Camb., Epsom.

1899 Thornley, Robert Lewis, M.D. Loud., Beverley, Yorkshire.

1881 Thornton, Bertram, Trinitg-s(puire, ]\fargate

1902 Thornton, Edward Mewbury, 55, Parliament-street, Cape Tou-n. 1909 Thornton, Francis Kuthven, 18, Craven Hill, Hyde Park. a\'. 1895 Thornton, Frank Butler, M.B. Lond., Ormaston-road, Derby.

1882 Thornton, Hastwell William, M.D. McGill, Montreal, Canada.

1883 Thornton, Henry John, 25, Maples, Acton, w. 1885 Thorold, William Grant, Indian Medical Service.

1894 Thorp, Albert, Underclijf'e, Ilalni/irth.

Thorp, Arthur Edward, Itogal Army Medical Corps.


Thorp, Charles Glover.

Thorp, Harold, M.B. Vict, ConiJiolme, Todmorden.

Thorpe, Reginald, Elmbourne-i-oad^ Tooting, s.w.

Thorpe, William George, 270, High-road, Balliam. s.w.

Tliring', Edward, S//dneg. New South Wales.

Thurnell, Herbert Leslie, Woodville, Gravesend.

Thursfield, Richard Mortimer Rowland, 39, High-street^

Bridgnorth. Thursfield, William, M.D. Aberd., Bridgnorth. Thurston, Edgar, CLE., Government Museum, Madras, India. Thurston, Edward Owen, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service. Thurston, Edward Whitfield, Ashford, Kent. Thurston, Hugh Chanipneys,C.M,G., A'o//aZ Army Medical Corps. Thurston, Hugh Stanley, Rogal Army Medical Corps. Thurston, Lionel Victor, Royal Army Medical Corps. Thwaites, Cyril Evered, Brocklesby, Lincolnshire. Thwaites, Gilbert Bahn, M.B. Loud., Brighton, Sussex. Thwaites, Harry, Wandsworth Common, s.w. Thyue, James Andrew, M.B. Ediub., Greytown, S. Australia. Tibbetts, Thomas Major, M.D. Lond., Cradley Heath. Tibbits, Hubert, M.B! Edinb., 22, Jury-street, Warwick. Tibbs, Francis Christopher, Sutton, Surrey. Ticehurst, Charles Sage, Point Hill, Rye, Sussex. Ticehurst, Claud Buchanan, Guy's Hospital, s.e. Ticehurst, Gerald Augustus, M.B. Camb., >SV. Leonards. Ticehurst, Norman Frederic, M.B. Camb., St. Leonards. Tickell, Henry ALaurice, M.D. Camb., Cheltenham. Tidcombe, Francis Sit well, St. Albans, Bognur. Tidswell, Herbert Henry, Torquay.

Tierney, Thomas, M.D. Vict., Durbeyville, Marple, Cheshire. Tilbui'y, Robert, 235, Queens-road, Peckham. s.e. Tildesley, Josiala Percival, M.B. Lond., Willenhall. Tilleke, Robert Edwin Goone, Kandy, Ceylon. Tilley, Herbert, M.D. Lond., 89, Harley-street. w. Tille}^ William James, Lisniore, New South Wales. Timothy, John Hadyn, Nantgaredig, Cam. Timothy, Peter Vincent, Great Yarmouth. Timpson, Gciorge Gilbert, Rendlesham, Hornsey-lane. n. Tindale, Weutworth Rayues, M.B. Aberd., Hampton. Tindall, Ernest Edward Partridge, Exeter. Tinker, William. Virginia Water, Surrey. Tiuley, William Edwyn Falkingbridge, M,D. Durh., Whitby. Tinne, Philip Freileric, Grassendale, Liverpool. Tipper, Ernest Hariy, 25, Holland-road, Brixton, s.w. Tippett, Sydney Gordon, M.B. Lond., Barnes, s.w. Tipping, Harold, M.B. Lond., Staines, j}[iddlese.r. Tipping, Henry Hubert, 578, Slratford-road, Birmingham. Tireman, Arthur Lumley, Hull. Titlestad, Karl Johaunes, Abingval Store, Alcandhla, P.O. Zulu"

land. South Africa. Titley, Frederick Lionel, Plumstead, Kent.

u 2


1907 Tiwary, Slieo Xanrlon, Ajiveve^ India.

1890 Tizartl, Iloiirv Jolin, Mental Hospital^ Seac/ifFe, New Zealand. 1896 Tod, Hunter Fiiilay, M.D. Caiiil)., \\\, Ilarley-strect \\.

1896 Todd, Artlmr Kochefort. Jamaica, West Indies.

1891 Todd, Charles, M.I). Camlj., Serum Institute, Cairo.

1882 Todd, Cliarles Edward, Victaria-sgnnre, Adelaide, South A iistralia,

189<; Todd, David Hansall, Oxf., Westbtmj, Wilts.

1887 Todd, Henry Bansall, Chdieuhaw.

1907 Todd, John f.ancelot, M.I). McGill, Victoria, British Columhia. Todd, Konald Ernest, M.Jl Lond., lioi/al Army Medical Corps.

Todd, William Eenthum, Karem District, Sierra Leone.

1893 Todd-White, Arthur Thomas, Lei/tonsfone. n.e.

1007 Tolhurst, St. Jc'hn Alexander Molesworth, M.B. Lond., Komomho^

near Assouan, Iu/>/pt.

1882 Toller, (Jharles William Edward, M.D. Diirh., Ilfracomhe.

1898 Tolputt, Arnold Georg-e, Montaiiu-street, Ketlerina.

1893 Tomkys, Leonard Sydney, Lichfield.

1894 Tomlins, \Villiam Henry, Alsionrille, Richmond liiver, N.S.W.

Tomlinson, George Hedley, M.B. Durh., Church-lane, Bir- niinffhain.

1891 Tomlinson, Henry Edward, TF. London Ilospitcd, Hammersmith, w.

1897 Tomlinson, John Henry, Belmont, Efjham, Surrey.

1894 Tomlinson, Lionel Philip, Royal Army ]\fedical Corps.

1908 Tomlinson, Percy Stanley, 16, Royal-park, Clifton, Bristol. 1890 Tompsett, Robert Henry, Crewkerne.

1884 Tomson, Walter Bolton", M.D. Durh., Lidon.

1902 Ton<i:, Livsey, Farnivorth, Bolton.

1900 Ton<;-ue, Edwin John, Winterfon, Doncasier.

1886 Tonkin.u;'. John Herbert, M.B. Loud., Cainborne, Cornivall,

1895 Tonks, Artliur Edwin, 42, Corporation-road, JSeivport, Mon.

1887 Tonkw, Henry, University Colleye. AV.C.

1898 Tooker, James Pollock, 208, Bow Common-lane. e.

1894 Toombs, Hei-bert George, 24, Woodville-gardens, Ealing, -w.

1901 Topham, Erederick Stocks, Halifax.

1902 Topham, John Arthur, Kent County Asylum, Chartham.

1909 Topley, Wm. Whitemun Carlton, 23, Lansdowne-road, Tottenham^ 1887 Tordoff, Sarg-en, 63, Ash-street, Southport.

1884 Torres, Julio Zenon, M.D. Columbia, Bogota, Colombia.

1903 Tosswill, Leonard Robert, Exeter.

1907 Totesau, George Stiebel, Asylum, Kingston, Jamaica. - 1886 Totsuka, Kankai, Tokio, Japan.

1905 Toulmin, Arthur, 35, West Clif, Preston.

1908 Toulmin, Ernest William, San Remo, Festing-road, Southsea. 1901 Tovey, Arthur Hamilton, Upton, Ockham.

1895 Towne, Hugh Rose Eorster, Aliwal North, South Africa.

Townend, Richard Hamilton, M.D. Lond., 99, Wickham-roadr Brockley. s.E.

1903 Townroe, Eugene Dunbar, Winsley, Bradford-on-Avon.

1908 Townrow, Vincent, M.B. Lond., Guy's Hospital, s.e.

1890 Townsend, Arthur Allen Deykiu, M.D. Birm, Gloucester.

1897 ToAvnseud, Ueury William Worth, Naval Medical Service.



1907 Townsend, Reginald Stephen, M.B. Lond,, Glenvak, Mount

I Radford, Exeter.

1895 I Toye, Edwin Josiah, M.D. Lond., Bridgeland-street, Bidejord.

1892 I Tracey, Henry Eugene. M.B. Loud., Cidlomptnn, Devon. 1906 Tracy, Horace Ernest Humphrey, Bury St. Edmunds. 1902 Trail, David Herbert, M.B. Lond., Fa/month.

1S7G Traill, Mark Windeyer, Burwood., New South Wales.

1906 I Trapnell, Francis Cyril, M.B. Camb., ^- Iladdon," Bcckenham, I Kent.

1885 Tratmau, Frank, M.B. Loud., Perth, Western Australia.

1887 Travers. Archibald Lindsay.

1886 Travers, Ernest Aston Otho. Selangcr, Malaij Peninsula.

1904 Travers, Ernest Frank, M.D. Lond., 22, Ujyper Phillimore- gardens. \x.

1893 Travers, Fredk. Thomas, M.B. Lond., Maidstone.

1883 Travers, Geoffrey Frederic, Drouin., Victoria, Australia.

1902 Traylen, Cliarles Leonard, Willesden Green. N.w.

1909 Treadgold, Henry Aslibourne. Lytdon House. Durand-gdns. s.w.

1904 Treble, Charles Edward, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1899 Tredgold, Alfred Frank, Guildford.

3886 Tredinnick, Albert Stephen, Melbourne, Derhijshire.

1894 Tregaskis, Edward Paul Robins, Ileilbron, South Africa.

1895 Tregenza, William, Rawnnor, Sheffield.

1904 Trench, John Henry, M.B. Lond., o, ,S7. Jo//?i's Wi>od ParJc. x.w. 1890 Trenfield, George Henr^', 2^, Lawrence-hill, Bristol.

1905 Tresawna, William Samson, M.B. Camb., Abergavenny.

1883 Tresidder, Edward Stanle}', 2, llie Rope-walk, Noitingliam. Tresidder, Harry Lmis, Onehunga, Auckland, N.Z.

1897 Tresidder, Morton Lverard, Mjicence-road, Blackheath. s.E. 1895 Tresidder, Percy Edgar, 12, Shakespeare-street , Nottinqham.

1888 Tresidder, William Eliuc. M.B. Lond., Chudleigh, Devon.

1906 Tressider, Alfred Gtddes. xM.B. Lend., 13, Park-ter., Falmouth. ,, Tretliowan, William Henr}'. M.B. Lond., Guy's Hospital. s.E.

1901 Treusch, John Benjamin August, 15, Envun-e-rd., S. Norwood. s.E.

1884 Trevan, Frederick Adolplius, Naval Medical Service.

1906 Treves. Frederick Boileau, 32, D alb y- square, Margate.

1907 Treves, Harold Thomsetr, 32. Dalby-square, Margate.

1909 Treves, Wilfred Warwick, M.B. Camb., 2, The Drive, Hove, Sussex.

1884 Trevor, Arthur Herbert, High-street, East Ham. e.

1908 Trevor-Roper, Bertie William Edward, The Grove, Timperley,


1898 Trewby, Henry William, 17, George-street, Hanover-square, w. 1906 Trewby, Joseph Frederic, 72 Wimpole-streef. vr.

1904 Tribe, Reginald Herman, ol, St. Leonard'' s-terrace, Chelsea, s.w.

1902 Trimmer, Francis Inman, Bli/th, Northumberland. 1883 Trinder, Alfred Probns, Bemlridge, Lnle of Wight. 1902 Tripe, John Henry, London Hospital, e.

1900 Tripp, Basil Hubert Howard. Southwold. Suffolk. 1882 Tripp, Charles Llewellyn Howard, Dawlish.

1905 Trist, John Ronald Rigden, Putney Bridge-road. s.w. 1902 Tritsch, Isidor, 58, Clifton- gar dens .^ Maida Hili. w.



1884 1898 1895 1896 1887 1901 1900

1899 1894 18(36 1894 1896 1895

1906 1899 1898

1896 1903 1897 1902 1903 1900 1902 1897 1900 1895 1904 1907 1896 1890 1898 1900 1903 1900 1888 1890 1877 1899 1885 1907 1899




Trott, Dudley Cox, M.B. Camb., Hamilton, Bermuda, IV. Indies. Trotter, Edward, M.B. Vict., J/ulm/irt/i, Iluddersfield. Trotter, Robert Hale, M.D, Vict., Uolmliith.Hmidersfield. Trotter, \Vilfred Batten Lewis. M.D. Loud., 101, llaileij-slnet. ^Y. Trow, Charles, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Cmmda. Trubshaw, Kenneth Vincent, M.B. Lond., Mold, Flintshire. Truman, Bernard Renshaw Beckit, M.B. Camb., 447, Mansjiek]-

road, Carrimjton, Notlinyhavi. Trumper, ^Vm. Arthur, Torqiiaji. Tr^'thall, William Re3-nolds, Xaval Medical Service. Tubb3% Alfred Herbert, M.B. Lond., 68, liar ley-street. \s'. Tuck, Ernest Sydney, Naval Medical Service. Tucker, Alexander Benjamin, M.B. Lond., Fordshirq, Transvaal. Tucker, Ernest Frederick Gordon, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical

Service. Tucker, Sydney Arthur, M.B. Lond., Bromley, Kent. Tucker, William Eldon, M.B. Camb., Hamilton, Bermuda. TucktT, William Hancock, Indian Medical Service. Tuckett, Ivor Lloyd, Sotitli Shelford, Cambridge. Tuke, Arthur AVilliam, Indian Medical Service. *Tuke-Johnson, William, Orleans Lodge, London-rd., TicicLcnham. Tulk-Hart, Thomas John Augustus, M.D. Durh., Brighton. Tuohy, William Edward James, Indian Medical Service, Turle. James Evan, Eottingdean, Sussex.

Turnbull, Charles Cuthbert Ingram, Penistone Vicarage. Shejield. Turnbull, Hubert Maitland, M.D. Oxf., London Hospital. Turnbull, Hug-h Prideaux, Naval Medical Service. Turnbull, Robert Cyril, M.B. Lond., Hortm Asylum, Ej^som. Turner, Alan Charles, 287, Glossop-road, Sheffield. Turner, Arthur Hewett, JVeicfon-le- Willows. Turner, Arthur John, C.M.S. Hosjntal, Peshawar, India. Turner, Arthur Scott, 39, Anerley-road, s.e. Turner, Charles Byron, Grimsby.

Turner, Charles Ernest, 20, Bnry-street, Bloomshiry. w.c. T' roer, Charles Harold, Royal Army Medical Corps. Turner, Charles Willifim, 2, Ilammersley-sireet, Hanley, Staff. Turner, Douglas Duke, Naval Medical Service. Turner, Edgar Olive, M.B. Lond., Great Missenden, Bucks. Turner, Edward, M.B. Durh., 159, Brigstock-road, Thornton-heath Turnei", Edward Beadon, 9, Sussex-gardens, w. Turner, Frank Douglas, M.B. Lond., Counties Asylum, Colchester. Turner, Frederick Senior, Amersham. Turner, Frederick Thomas, Clarence-road, Teddingtov. Turner, Geo. Grey, M.B. Durh., 22. Jesnwnd-road, Newcastle-on-

Tyne Turner, (Sfeorge, M.B. Camb., Skene, Aberdeen. Turner, George Robertson. Ex. 1897, 98, 99, 1900. 41, Ilalj

Moon-street, "w. Turner, Harry Fulham, Colney Hatch-lane. N.

* Admitted as Johnson, William.


1899 Turner, Harry Stanley, 211, Bridge-rood, Battersea. w.

1904 Turner, Henry Strawson, 6, Ormislon-road, Shepherd's Bush. w.

1898 Turner, Henry Watson, 59, Wimpole-street. w. Turner. James \Villiam, Moseley, Binnwgliam.

1892 Turner, Joseph George, 59, Wimpole-street. av.

1886 Turner, Nathaniel Henrj', 35, Highhimj-grove. x.

1892 Turner, Oliver Polhill, Peckham House. s.E.

1893 Turner, Percy Edward, M.D. Durh., NagercoU, Travancore, India, 1897 Turner, Philip, M.B. Lond., 8. St. Thomas' -street. s.E.

1891 Turner. Reginald Georg-e, Indian Medical Service.

1905 Turner, Sydney Booth, Walthamstoiu. n.e.

1897 Turner, Sydney Duke, M.D. Durh., Purley, Sussex.

1906 Turner, Thomas, M.B. Lond., Eastbourne. 1895 Turner, Thomas William, Beddington, Oxford.

1900 Turner. Walter Edward, Church-end, Willesden. K.w.

1893 Turner, William, M.B. Lond., 17, Harleij-street. w. 1905 Turner, William George, M.D. McGill, Quebec, Canada.

Turnly, John Edward Alexander Litton, c/o Dr. Long, Iv^/ House, Chesham, Bucks.

1892 Turner, Philip Watson, Penkridge, Stafford.

1904 Turtle, James, 35, High-street, Homerton. n.e.

1905 Turtle, William Reginald Margetts, //(/zViHar?/, Lei/fonstone. n.e.

1907 Turton, James Richard Henry, M.B.' Lond., St. Bartholomew's

Hospital. E.G.

1887 Turton. Robert Straker, Stnnj/ Hill, Jamaica.

1899 Tuxfoi-d, Arthur Wren, M.D. Durh., Stonehouse, Gloucester. 1897 Tuxford, Reginald, Pout Green, Boston.

1887 : Tweed, Edward Reginald, M.D. Bruss^els, Hemhuri/ Fort, Honiton.

1900 Tweedie, Alexander Pvobert, 17, Regent-street, Nottingham. 1872 Tweedy, Sir John. 100, Harley-street. w.

1892 Tweedy, Resinald Carlyon, Abbeji House., Kenilworth.

1894 Twenilow, William Albert Fytclie, 45, Avenue-rd., Acton, ^y 1907 Twigg, Garnet Wolsley, St. Bartholomeiv s Hospital, e.g.

1906 Twigg, Stuart William Jackson, M.B. Lend., Wirksivorth,

'^Matlock, Bath.

1900 Twort, Frederick William, Bagshot, Suri-ey.

1881 ; Twynam, George Edward, 2, iVetherbii-place, Earl's Court, s.w.

1888 '. Tyacke, Nicholas, Poj/al Army Medical Corps. 1906 Tylor, Cliristopher, Willow-grove, Chislehurst.

1901 Tylor, Max Forster, Wisbeach.

1899 Tymms, Herbert Geo., M.B. Melb., Rockhampfon, Queensland. 1897 Tyndale, Wentworth Francis, C.M.G., M.B. Loud., lioi/al Army

Medical Corps. 1886 Tyndall, Francis, Westhoughton. Bolton. 1888 Tyrrell, Arthur Frederick, Poyal Army Medical Corps. 1897 Tyn-ell, Francis Astley Cooper, M.B. Camb., Swanley, Kent. 1877 Tyrrell, Robert Shaw.

,, , Tyrrell, Walter, 104, Cromwell-road, S. Kensington, s.w.

1884 [ Tyrrell, Walter Guy Beauchamp, Claremont, Great Malvern.

1895 Tyson, Wilson, The Beeches, Lowestoft. 1884 Udale, Joseph James, 70, City-road. e.g.



Ulrich, Frank Ferdinand Apliii, M.B. New Zeal, 20, nn.osell- viansidnn, ]ini)isicic/c-sf/ii(irc w.C.

Umney, Win. Francis, M.I). Lond., 81, Laurie Park-road, Sjitloiham. s.K.

Underliill, Sydney Valentine Hercules, Newport, I.nle of Wi'jht.

Underwood, Arthur Cressee. Saliley, Birminfjham.

Underwood, Frank Louis, Flore,, Weedoii.

Underwood, John Cliarles, 11, Campana-road,, Pnttiei/. s."\v.

Unwin, Harold Arthur Robert Edmond,M.B. Camb., St. Thomas Hospital. s.E.

Unwin, William Howard, M.D. Lond., Timaru, New Zealand.

Upcott, Harold, lo, Albion-street, Hull.

Upcott-Gill, Geoffrey Allen, Uatjie'd.

Upharn, Charles Hazlitt, Ljitlclton, N. Zealand.

Upton, Alfred, Hnre, BrirjJiton.

Upton, Herbert Chrippcs, 2H, lifedina-vil/as, West Brirjhton.

Upward, Harold Arthur, M.B. Camb., Romford.

Urwick, Reginald Henry, M.D. Camb., Skreivshirnj.

Urwin, John Johnson, M.B. Ghis., Indian Medical Service.

Usher, John Edward, M.D. New York, lioij. Soc. Club. ^v.

Utting, Horace Ebbag-e, M.Ii. Birni., 117, Lichlield-street, Walsall.

Uttley, William Wilkinson, 20, Albert-road, Bolton.

Vachell, Cliarles Tan(i<'ld, M.D. Lond., 11, Park-place., Cardiff.

Vaile, William Bartholomew, Aldershot.

Vairakiam, Samuel Ariaratnapillai, Maidenhead.

Vakeell, Nusserwanjee Hoi-masjee, 24, Kil dare-terrace, av.

Valerie, John, Hampton Court, Surrey.

Valeric, Lsmael, Guifs Hospital. s.K.

Valiritine, Thomas Harcourt Ambrose, Taranaki, New Zealand.

Vallance, Erjiest, Westcliffe-on-Sea.

Val lance Herl^ert, Ijvves.

Vallance, Hugh, Meadrale, Redhill.

Val'ancey, Aymer d'Estampes de, Ravenscmft-parL. w.

Van Buren, Asa Claude Ali, M.D. Lond., East. Hasp., Horrerton. N.E.

Vandermin, Henry l'''ran(;()ia, M.B. Loud. .'), Peck ham-<] rove. s.K.

van Geyzel, Colvin Tlunnasz, Colombo, Cejlon.

Van Rooyen, Charles Ellard.

Van Schalkivijk, Jo/iannes, Petrus Villc, Cape Colony, St. Bartho- lomew's Hospital. K.c.

van Soiiier(;n. Ernest Hei'bert, l8o, Calle del Capello Nero, Venice.

Varugliese, Mang-utta Kariyan, M.B. Madras, Madras, India.

Varvill, Bernard, Wooa'co/e, Redinyton-road, Ilampstead. N.w.

Vasey, Chai'les Lyon, Naval Medical Service.

Vase;>', Samuel VVilliam, Naval Medical Service.

'Vaughan, Arthur Llewellyn, Diss.

Vaughan-Jackson, Herbert Francis, Potters Bar, Middlesex.

Vaughan, -John Courtenay Folliott Dudley, Ashburton, Devon.

Vaughan, Richard (Jrenvilie, Easton-in-Gordano, Bristol.

Vauiihau, Robert VVilliam Walter, M.B., 36, Stanley-gardens, Ilampstead. N.w.

formerly Jackson, Herbert Francis.



1901 1874 1907

1905 1307 1896


1862 1907

187o 1.896 1888 1907

1897 1898


1887 1890 1876 1909 1907 1876 1906 1896 190.) 1890 1908

1890 1893


1887 1887

1886 1892

1899 1908

Vaughan, "Walter Frederick Hamilton, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Vawdrey, Theophilus Glascott, Plymouth.

Vazifdar, Sohrab Shapoorji, c/o Tlios. Cook & Sons, Ludgate

Cv'ciio. Veale, Rawdon Augustus, M.B. TiOnd., Harrogate. I Vollacott, Harold Fitz, London Ho-^'pital. e. [ Vellacott, Philip Northcott, M.B. Lond., Bloemfontein, Orange

Ricer Colony. *Venr)iker, John Charles, M.D. Durh., 2, Lauderdale- mamions. av. Venning, Sii" Edgcoinbe, 6, Chesham-place, Bet grave-square, s.w. Yenning-, James Arthur, M.B. Camb., 29, Charles-street^ Berkelcy-

sq uare. w. Verco, Joseph Cooke, M.D. Lond.. Adelaide, S. Australia. Verdon, Eg'bert Sumner, M.D. Camb., Morocco. Verdon, Francis, 33, Wefherbi/-niansions, EarCs Court, s.w. Verdon, Walter George Howard Masterman, bS, Streatham

Hill. s.w. Verdon-Roe. Spencer, M.B. Camb., 47, West-hill, Wandsworth, s.w. Verley, Reginald Charles, M.B. Edin., 33. Kensingtou-gardens-

squaie. vr. fVerling-Brown, Charles Richard, M.D. Lond., Court-rd., Sutton. Vernon, Alexander .Apfell, " Worcester." Montego Bay, .Jamaica. Vernon, Arthur Pleygate, Chrisfchurch-rd.. Boscombe, Bouniemouth. Vernon, Claude Martin, EUcick-road, Ashford. Vernon, Mark Henr}' Herbert, Horsham. Vernon, Rupert Jolin, Borshams, High Wycombe. Verrall, Paul Jenner, M.B., Camb., Fiji. Verrall, Thomas Jenner, 97, Mofitpelier-rd., Brighton. Verry, (juy Tyrrell, St. Bartliolomeu/s Hospital, e.c. Vertannes, Carr Aratoon, Rangoon, Burma, India. Vevers, Oswald Henr}', Norton Vicarage, Worcester. Vicars, Frederic George, M.D. Brussels, 11, Campden-grove. "W. Vick, Reginald Martin, 83, Talbot-road, Highgate. x. Vickerman, Philip Sexton, M.B., EJin., o2, Burlington-road,

Baysicater. w. Vickers, John Benj. Nicholson, Great Yarmouth. Vickers, Kirsop Baiubridge James, M.B. Loud., Wellington,

Shropshire. Vickers, Thomas Hedley, Xaval Medical Seivice. Vickery, William Henr\-, Weston-super-Mare. Vidler, All)ert Edward, Ashford, Middlesex. Vincent, Herbert Edmund, M.D. Lond., Hurley, Surrey. Vincent, John Francis, Jersey. Vincent, Thomas Swale, M.D. Lond., University of Manitoba,

Winnipeg, Canada. Vincent. William James Nathaniel, Asylum. Wadsley, Sheffield. Vine, Alfred Bertram, M.B. Lond., Bury. Lancashire. Viner, Geoffrey, M.B. Lond., Northcote, Hatch End, Middlesex.

* Formerly Telenski, John Chnrle8.

f Formerly UrowDj Cliarles Eichard Verling.



1888 1882 18'J2 1894 1887 1890

1889 1896 1901 1892 1908 1906

1895 1884 1892 1901 1899

1900 1885 1893 1905 1899 1907 1897 1893 1906 1901 188G 1893 1891 1870 1888

1889 1906 1888 1879 1906 1904 1890 1899 1890 1885

Vines, Charles Stuart, Bridge-street, Newport, Monmouthshire.

Viney, Joaialj Ernest, M.D. Camb., Chertsey.

Vinrace, Matthew Ilenr}', 26, Cannon-place, Brighton.

Vinter, Charles Herbert Sawyer, Station-road, Blachpool.

Vinter, Sydney Gairatt, Torpoint, Devonport.

Vintras, George Charles Louis Bartlett, M.D. Durh., 8, Regents'

jmrk-7'oad. N.iv. Viret, Benjamin Pope, M.B. Loncl., 125, Ilortoyi-lane, Bradford, Vise, Arthur Blithe, ITolbeach. Vise, John Neville Blithe. A.aninster. Visg-er, Charles, Cleredon, Somerset.

Visick, Charles Iledley Clarence, 29, Brownswood-parh. x. Vivian, Charles St. Aubyn, Roseville, Wiachmore Hill. n. Vivian, Harold Sugdeu, M.B. Lond., Roseville, Winchmore

Hill. N. Vivian, John Henry Percival, Beltinge, Heme Bag. Voisin, Alexander Bishop, Quimper, France. Voisin, Ernest Ormoud Bishop, St. Heliers, Jersey. Voller, Frank, 2, Alexandva-avenne, Battersca. s.w. Von Berg-en, Carl Wahlg-rnn, M.B. Durh., Leathcrhend. von Eberts, Edmond Unjuhai-t Melchior, 7, Endskigh-strPtt. AV.c. Von Rosen, Alfred Dittop Benedictus, 100, Victoria-street, s.w. Von Winckler, William Joseph, George Town, British Guiana. Vorah, Kunchhoddas Purmauanddos, Gurgaum, Bombay. Vosper, Cecil, King's College Hospital, w.c. Vosper, Percy, 112, Regenf.<i Park-road. N.w. Vosper, Sydney, Lying-in-Ho.spiud, Endell-strect. AV.C. Vulliamy, Justin Theodore, Rugby. Wace, Cyril, Walcote, Winchester. AVacher, (ieoffrey, WestcUjfe-on-Sea. Wacher, Harold. M.B. Camb., Canterbury. Wacher, Sidney, Canterbury. Wadd, Henry Randall, Richmond, Surrey. Waddelow, John Joseph, Whittlesca. Waddy, Henry Edwaid, Brunswick-road, Gloucester. fWade-Brown, P^-aiicis Joseph, Royal Army Medical Corps. Wade, Charles, Boscastle, Cornwall. Wade, Herbert, Ponders End. Wade, Newton, Intake, Sh-ffukl. Wade, Rubens, The Grange, Windermere. Wadham, Frank Jesser, Ryde.

Wadham, Frederick, Redmyre, Sydney, Neio South Wales. Wadia, Maneck Dhunjishaw, 89, Bartholomeu:-close. E.G. Wadmore, .lames Christopher, //</Hij/«oH, Wackatn. Auckland, N.Z. Waggett, Ernest Blechynden, M.B. Camb., 45, Up. Brook-st. w. Wag-staff, Charles Bertrand, Homchurch, Essex, Wag-staff, John Philip, Homchurch, Essex. Wagstaff, Frank Alexander, Northampton.

* Formerly Winckler, William Joseph, t Formerly Brown, Francis Joseph.



1907 1889 1909 1909 1890 1891 1895 1887 1894 1890 1904 1895 1886 1894 1893 1907 1909 1907 1896

1883 1887 1901 1907 1902 1908 1906 1890 1862 1888 1896 1887 1894 190G 1898 1901 1878

1909 1908 1892 1901 1882 1894 1899 1889 1876 1898 1872 1901 1890

Wahby, Behdjet, Emirgliain, Bosphorus, Constantinople. Wa'mman, Benjamin, 258, Deicsburif-road, Leeds. Wain\viio;'ht, Donald, Ipswich.

Wainwrig-ht, George Bertrain, >SV. Thomas s Hospital, s.e. Wauiwrig"ht, Lennox, M.D. Brussels, Folkestone. Wainwrig'ht, Wm. Long-worth, M.B. Loud., Ilenlerj-on-Thames. Waite, Joseph Edward, M.B. Lend., Leicester. Waites, Richard Foulstone, East Bank, llotherham. Waithman, James Clarksou, M.D. Camb., 9, Willesden-lane. x.w. Wake, Charles Ilereward, Elthani, 2\iranaki, New Zealand. Wakelield, Arthur Williatn, Bir/clands, Kendal. Wakefield, Christopher Frank, Charlwood, Surrey. Wakeham, Charles Henry, 714, Harrow-road. w. Wakeling-, Thomas Georg-e, J\Jena House, Cairo. Walch, Charles Nash Crosby, lixstinfjton, Worthing. Waldmeier, Frederick John, Holywell House, Chesterfield. Waldo, Henry Cecil, 19, Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol. Waldron, Charles Edward, 14, Forest-drive, East Leijtonstone. Waldron, Francis Thomas, M.D. Lond., Mossel Bay, Cape

Colony. Wald}', John, Green-park, Darlington. Wale, Georg'e, 133, High-street, Croydon.

Wales, Edward Garneys, M.B. Q,?tn\h.,Downham Market, Norfolk. Wales, Harry, Anlabi/-i-oad, Hull.

Wales, lEenry Charles, M.B. Toron., Bracebridge, Toronto. Wallis, Basil, Undercroft, Reigate.

Walford, Harold Kosser Styieman, 120, Finchley-road. N.w. Walford, Reginald Manwood Hodson, 244, Fincldeg-road. n.w. Walford, Walter (Jilson, M.D. Durli., 120, Finchley-road. N.w. Walker, Alexander Hope, Crankigh, Surrey. Walker, Alfred Ei-nost, Wibsey. Bradford. Walker, Alfred William Hinsley, M.D. Brussels, Harrogate. Walker, Arthur. 16, High-street, West Glossop. Walker, Arthur, MB. Camb., Gillingham, Dorset. Walker, Arthur Nimmo, M.B, Camb., 45, liodney-streei, TAverpool. Walker, Arthur West, Cromer. Walker, Basil Woodd, M.D. Durli., 6, Dawson-place, Fembridge-

square. ^v. Walker, Charles Edward, 15, Percy-street, Licei'pnol. Walker, Cuthbert Ferguson, M.B. Lond., Rochdale. Walker, Ernest George Agars, Igldham-pluce, SevenoaJcs. Walker, Ernest Ronald, Widmore-hill. Brondey, Kent. Walker, Francis John, M.D. Durh., Spilsby. Walker, Frederick, Holbeach, Lincobishire.

Walker, Frederick Edward, M.B. Lond., St. Andreivs, Uxbridge. Walker, George, 35, Wood-vale, Lordship-hine. s.e. Walker, George, 39, Worple-road, Wimbledon, s.w. Walker, George Charles, M.D. Vict., Winchmore Hill. n. Walkei', George Edward, dO, Gordon-road, Ealing, av. Walker, Harold, M.B. Camb., Ashleigh, Middlesbrough. Walker, Henry, Singapore., Straits Settlements.


1865 Walker, ITenry George, M.D. Brussels, 5, ^farloes-road. w.

1904 Walker, Henry James Davey, Dormansland, Surrey.

1895 Walker, Henry Roe, 8, Ilarleii-street. -w. 1885 Walker, Henry Seeker, 45, PnrL-square, Lenls. 1897 Walker, Herbert John, Sprinfjliekl-road, Brifjhton. 1876 Walker, Horace, 143, Ilammersmith-i'oad. AV. 1869 Walker, James, Ston/street, II nil.

1888 Walker, James Herbert. 55, Fiumy-road. n.av.

1887 Walker, James Pixton, jNI.I). Durh., Basingstoke.

1902 Walker, John, Ham Cominon. Surrey.

1899 Walker, John Frederick, M.d Lond., Soutlicnd, Esaex.

1907 Walker, John Leemiiig-, M.D. McGill, 26, Victoria-street, s.w. 1906 Walker, John Philip, Shipleii.

1883 Walker, John Willam, The Kims, Wakefeld.

1896 Walker, John AVm. Thomson, M.B. Ediub., 30, Queen Anue-

street. ^y.

1908 Walker, Josiah, 33, Westqate, Peterhorourjli.

1887 Walker, Joseph Eaj^land, Bexiey.

1906 Walker, Kenneth Macfarlane, M.B. Camb., Frognal. n.w.

1899 Walker, Lewis Aug-ustus, M.D. Lond., /.ee-on-Solent, Gosport. 19U7 Walker, Norman llamilton, M.B. Loud., Winclnnore-ldll. N.

1888 Walker, Re-inald Field, Esher.

3899 Walker, Ptobert, M.B. Dui'h., 14, .James-street, Cardiff.

1900 Walker, Robert Alexander, ^LB. Cambs., Peterborough.

1907 AValker, Robert W^nne Stanley, Leicester.

Walker, Ronald Ralph, liai cliff Hall, Leicester.

1906 Walker, Spencer Lewis, M.B. Camb., 37, Gloucester-street, War-

ivick-sqvare. S.w,

1897 Walker, Sydney Robert, Mombasa, E. Africa. 1899 Walker, Thoma.^ Malcolm. Hook, Norton, Banbury.

1897 Walker, William Percival,M.B. Lond., Naral Medical Service.

1905 Walker. William Perc3% lioyal Army Mediad Corps.

1 898 Walker, William Walter, Batley.

1896 Walker, William Watson, 2, Chtrening-road, Willesden. N."W. 1902 Wall, Alfred Herbert Edwin, M.B. Lond., Wafiganui, N.Z. 1892 Wall, Frank. Indian J\/edi cat Ser rice.

1908 Wall, Harold Eustace McMahon, St. Marys Hospital, w.

1897 Wall, James Blig-h, Vlb, Palace-road, Tulse-hill. s.w. 1902 Wall, Vivian Fram is, 66, South Eaton-j)lace. s.AV. 1871 Wall, William Barrow, Pembroke.

1881 Wallace, Alfred Cypiian, Guernsey.

1891 Wallace, Cuthbert Sidney, M.B. Lond., 26, Upper Winipole-

street. w.

1892 Wallace, Francis Gore, M.B. Camb., 278, Earl's Court-road. s.w. 1867 Wallace, Frederick, 13;!, Upper Clapton-road. n.e.

l'-'03 Wallace, Frederick Herbert, Foulden Lodge, Upper Clapton, n.e.

1907 Wallace, Gerald Douglas Hamilton, The Dispensary, Birmingham. 1H99 Wallace, James "Williamson, Southcille, Bristol.

1906 Wallace, John, M.B i.)\i.,lX. EarVs Couvt-road. s.av.

1 894 \Vallace, Lewis Alexander Richard., M.B. Uxf., 31, Welbcck-st. w.

1889 Wallace; Richard Teale, Eastbourne.


Wallace, Robert Fitz-IIenrv Stanley, Skegness.

Wallace, William Thomas, M.B. Toronto, G8, Gower-street. av.c^

Waller, Alfred Whalley, Ml). Durh., Stroud, Gloucester shire.

Waller, Arthur Beaumont, M.B. Lond., l/kfston, Derhijsldre.

Waller, Harold Kirk, Sheldon Hook, Hampshire.

Waller, Herbert Ewan, Church-road, Moseleij, Bij'ininghain.

Waller, Theodore Hurry, Chelmsford.

Waller, Walter Augustus Ewen, Rugby.

Wallis, Basil, Gun's Hospital. s.E.

Wall is, Charles Edward, o^. Queen Anne-street, w.

Wallis, Charles Georg-e, 241, Neio Cross-road. s.k.

Wallis, James Garfit, M.B. Lond., Naval Medical Service.

Wallis, Maurice Edmund Arnold, 97, Chutswortli-road., Lower

Clapton. N.E. Wallis, Sidney Seymour, 237, Roman-road, Bow. e. Wallis, Vernon Montague, Doncaster. Wallis, William, Bamsley.

Wallis, ^Villiam Evershed, Groomhridge, Sussex. Walls, Edwaixl Geoffrey, Burgh, Boston. Walls, William.

Walls, AVilliam Kay, M.B. Lond., 14, St. .John-street, Manchester,. Walsh, Fred Newton, G, South-road, Ilandsworth, Birmingham. Walsh, Georg-e Delavel, Naval Medical Service. Walsh, John Henry Tull, Indian Medical Service. Walsh, Leslie Herbert, M.D. Durh., 21, Gag-street, Bath. Wallenberg, Theophilus Ralph, (S, 5;/r// New-rond, Manchester.^ Wnlter, Albert Elijah, M.D. Brux., Indian Medical Service. Walter, Edwiu Charles, Wallingfcrd. Walter, Richard Arthur, M.B. Durh., Tanh ridge Wells. Walters, Alexander Radcliffe, Reigate, Surrey. Walters, Arthur Leslie. Hurley, Surrey. Walters, Arthur Piercefield, Sandown, Isle oj Wight. Walters, Charles Ferriei', Plymouth. Walters, Frederick Wilfred. Walters, Henry Blanchard, Chudleigh. Walters, John Basil, 9, Park Crescent, w. Walters, Joseph, Mossley, Manchester.

Walthard, Robert Rudolf Max, M.D. Bern, Bej'n, Switzerland^ Walthardt, Gustav Rudolph, M.D. Bein, Frank furt-a-Maine. Walton, Albert James, M.B. Lond., London Hospital, e. Walton, Francis Fielder, 19, Charlotte-street, Hull. Walton, Henry Beckles Gall, Royal Arnnj Medical Corps. Walton, Herbert James, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service, Walton, Walter Rees, Milton, Stoke-on-Trent. Wanhill, Charles Frederick, Royal Army 3Iedical Coips. Wanklyn, William McConnell, 8, St. Martin' s-p)lace. av^c. Warburton, Arthur, M.D. Durh., East Molesey. Warburton, John, Orrelt-road, Pemberton, N. Wigan. Ward, Anthony Arthur, 12, Asylum-road, Peckham. s.E. Ward, Arthur Blackwood, M.B. Camb., Bloemfontein, S. Africa. Ward, Arthur Henry, Arts Club, 40, Dover-street, w.



1902 ^Yard, Bernard Joseph, 133, Edmund-street, Birmingham 1897 Ward, Elhicott Leamon, Indian Medical Service.

1903 Ward, Ernest, M.D. Carnb., Llanelli/. 1888 Ward, Ernest, Wokingham.

1904 Ward, Ernest Lewis, Giisdir, Merthjr Tydfil, S. Wales. 1902 Ward, George Stafford, M.B. Lond., Wanstend. x.e. 1909 Ward, Gordon Reginald, 10(5, Leigham-cnurt-roMl. s.w. 1902 Ward, Herbert Kingsley, ^foulton, Northampton.

1905 Ward, Horace ^Valshnlan, IG, Emscote-road, Warwick. 1891 Ward, Jas. Philip Stephens, 10, Tothill-arenue, Plymouth.

Ward, John Alfred, M.D. Durb., Grays, Essex.

1D04 Ward, Joseph, 110, Upperthorpe, She/field.

1900 Ward, Oswald Erasmus, Chesterton, Staffs.

1901 Ward, Percy Harold, N.W. Rhodesia.

1899 Ward, Ronald Francis Campbell, M.D. Camb., Harrogate.

1909 Ward, Sidney Ilarland, 2(JU, Amhurst-roiul, Stoke Kewington. x.

1886 Ward, Stanley Edward, Brasted. Sevenoaks.

1902 Ward, Vere Godsalve, M.D. Lond., West Byjleet, Surrey.

1888 Ward, Walter Fisher, Bawtry, Yorkshire.

1893 Ward, William Alfred, lioyal Army Medical Corps.

1905 i Ward, William Charles Augustus, Weybridge.

1872 Wardale, Joseph Angustus William, Invercargill, New Zealand.

1886 Warde, Arthur Waldemar Brougham, M.D. Durh.

1899 Ware, Arthur Maitland, M.D. Camb., 13, Launceston-place. w.

1889 Ware, Ernest Edwin, M.D. Lond., Frognal Park. n.w. 1886 Ware, George Stephen, M.B. Durh.. Barnstaple.

1880 Ware, John William Laugston, 2, Well-walk^ Hampstead. x.w, 1896 Wareham, Sidney James, 12, New Cavendish-street, w.

1895 Waring, Anthony Henry, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1890 Waring, Holburt Jacob, M.B. Lond., 37, Wimpole-st. w.

1891 Waring, John Alfred, M.B. Lond., 7, East Circus-st., Nottingham. 1883 Waring, John Arkle, xM.B. Oxf., Chichester.

1892 Warneford, Stanley Wilson Collingwood, Matlock.

1896 Warner, Allan, M.D. Durh., Kirby Muxloe, Leicester.

1886 Warner, Frederic Ashton, 10, Brechin-place, South Kensing- ton, s.w.

1906 Warner, Howard Francis, M.B. Lond., H ay ward^s Heath, Susse-r.

1881 Warner, Percy, Wood ford-green , Essex. 1892 Warner, Thomas, M.D. Lond., Worthing.

1904 Warren, Alfred Castle, M.D. Camb., \b, Lansdoune-crescent. w.

1894 Warren, Charles Frank, Wagga Wagga, New S. Wales. 1904 Warren, George Hope, Plymouth.

1880 Warren, Henry Guy Seymour, Sydney, Neiv South Wales.

1904 Warren, Leonard, M.B. Lend., Gillingham, Kent.

1900 Warren, Richard, M.D. Oxf., 31, Finsbnry-square. e.c.

1905 AVarreu, Stanley Herbert, Gillinfjham, Kent.

1895 I Warrington, Richard James, M.D. Lond., Crawshawbooth, Man-


1879 Warwick, Percy, Halesworth.

1885 Wavshbourn, William, Blackfriars, Gloucester.

1892 Wason, Richard LlewheUin, 2, Burgoyne-road, Harringay. n.



Waterfield, Noel Everard, "M.B. Loud., Khartoum^ Sudan,

Ef/i/pt. Waterliouse, Amyas Theodore, M.B. Oxf., 36, Beaumo7it-street,

Oxford. VVaterhouse, Herbert Furuival], M.D. Ediu., 81, Wimpole-street. w. Waters, Alfred Charles Stanley, High-street, March, Cambridge. Waters, Fred William, Adelaide, S. A ustralia. Waters, George Wm. Bennett, Jli/tholmroi/d, Yorkshire. Waters, Ilany Georg'e, Tundla, North- Western Provinces, India. Waters, Jolm Frank William, 10, Calthorpe-street. "W.c. Waters, ^Valter James, Roijal Army Medical Corps. Waters, Wm. Arthur Pernow,M.D. Oxf., 99, Holywell, Oxford. Watkiii, Arthur Christopher, Brynmair, Caereinion, Welshpool. WatUin. Paul Jeuan, Mansfeld House, Canning Town. e. Watkin-Williams, Penrose Lanyon, Bridgwater, Somerset. Watkins, Alan Percival, 48, Litpus-street. s.w. Watkins, Arthur Muriel, Whitchurch. Watkins, Bernard Vincent, M.B. Vict., Whitchurch. Watkins, Devereux John Gregory, M.B. ( 'amb., Lincoln. Watkins, Frank Augustus, 115, Denmark-hill. s.e. Watkins. Gwilym Das'id, Brynmau-r, Brcconshire. Watkins, Harold Ernest, Stone Legh, Neicton-le-Willows. Watkins, John Graudisson, Taunton.

Watkins, John Prestwood, 36, Doicnes Park-road, Hackney, n.e. Watkins, Walter, Southend-on-Sea. Watkins. \Villiam,"iAV»rt(:/c/, Llangattock. Watkins-Pitchford, Wilfred, M.B. Lund., St. Judes Vicarage,

South wark. s.E. Watuey, Herbert Andrew, M.B. Loud., 42, Beckenham-road,

Penge. s.E. Watson, Cecil Francis, Famham, Surrey.

Watson, Charles Everard Samuel, South-road, Forest-hill. s.E. Watson, Charles Gordon, \i^, Harley-street. "\r. Watson, Charles Henry, Indian Medical Service. Watson, Charles Robert, M.D. Brussels, Tunbridge Wells. Watson, Douglas Percival, M.B. Camb., Royal Army Medical

Corps. Watson, Frederick James, Bidls, Rangitikei, New Zealand. Watson, George Henry, Cottingham, IJull. Watson, George Trustram, M.B. Camb., Tunbridge Wells. Watson, John, M.D. Durh., Newbury.

Watson, Jolm Harry, M.B., Lond., University of Birmingham. Watson. John Nuthall, Ginfs Hospital. s.E. Watson, Robert Nimmo, Harrogate. Watson, Wm. Bertram, M.D. Louil., Harrogate. Watson, William Douglas, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Watson, William Robert, Nelson, Ontario, Canada. AVatt, .lohu Alexander, M.B. Loud., Epping, New South Wales. Watt, James George, Naval Medical Service. Watt, Thoii;as Newlands. Watts, Alexander Miuter, M.D. Durh., Minster, Birchi?igfon, Kent.



1895 1875 188G 189G 1903 1892 1891 1901























1895 1908

1892 1890 1894 i;)07 1901 1886 1893 1866 1872 1886 1903 1896 1903 1890 1909 1874 i

Watts, Brian, M.D. Brussels, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Watts, Fred.

Watts, Harry John Manning, Tonhridge.

Watts, Henry Ernest, 1, Siinm/ side-road, I/ford, Essex.

AVatts, Hugh, M.B. Lond., Indian Medical Service.

Watts, James Alex. Wood, M.B. Duvh., If //de, Cheshire.

Watts, Thomas, M.D. Durli., Ilj/de, Cheshire.

Watts-Sylvester, Thomas Henry Evered, Sturminsler Neivton.

Waiigh, George, M.D. Lond., 55a, Wclheck-street. w.

Wangh, Robert James, M.B. Lond., Fulhani Infirmary, w.

Way, Arthur Orsborn, Winchester.

Wa}^, John Henry Frederick, Victoria-road Xorth, Southsea.

\N'^ay, Lewis, Roijal Army Medical Corps.

Way, Montague Harold, 1, Clarendon-road, Southsea.

Way, William, Bramley, Leeds.

Wayh'n, George Henry Hitchcock, 53, Werter-rd., Putney, s.w.

Waylen, George Swithin Adee, 41, Long-street, Devizes.

Wa^'ne-Morgan, Lewis, Tygwyn, Whitchurch, Glamorganshire.

Wa}te, Frank Edward, Ilanson-lane, Halifax.

Wayte, John, M.B. Oxf., 108, North End, Croydon.

Weakley, Alfred James. Westclijf'e-on-Sea.

Weakley, Arthur, Queens Town, Cape of Good Hope.

Weakley, Arthur Leonaid. 300, Romfurd-road, Forest Gate. e.

Weakley, Samuel Joseph John, 369, Ronford-road. e.

Wear, Arthur Taylor, M.D. Durh., Newcastle-on-T'yne.

Weary, George Edward.

AVeatherhead, ErnesI, M.B.Camb., Southhorough,Tanbridge Wells,

Weaver, Frederick Kearsle}', M.B. Camb., Guildford. Weaver, William George, 38, Circus-road. x.w.

Weaver-Bridgman, Harry Meilor.

Webb, Albert William, M.B. Oxf., 79, Church-street, Stoke Neiv-

ington. N. Webb, Arthur Lisle Ambrose. Royal Army Jfedical Corps. Webb, Charles Henry Shorne}', M.B. Lond., Bank House, 84,

Rosebery-avenue. E.C. Webb, Cholmondeley, Nay land Rock, Margate. Webb, Fiank, Nelson-place, Neivcastle-under- Lyme. Webb, Fredk. Edwd. Apthorpe, 48, Tenison-road, Cambridge. A\'ebb, Harry Gordon, 30, Terrapin-road, Balham. s.w. Webb, Hugh George Stiles, Royal Army Medical Corps. Webb, John Bartlett, 10, Barton Hill-road, Bristol. Webb, John Curtis, M.B. Camb., 24, Bina-gardens. s.w. Webb, John Holdeu, Melbourne, Australia. Webb, Thomas Law, M.D. Birm., Iron Bridge, Salop. Webb, William Henry, M.D. Durh., Kingsbridge. Webb, AVilliam Tudor, 1, Buckingham-place, Clifton, Bristol. Webb- Ware, Hugh Robert, Saxlinoham, Norwich. Webber, Alexander Moxon, M.B. Lond., Nottingham. Webber Henry Woolmington, M.D. Lond., Plymouth. Webber, Leonard Mortis, 69, Eltham-raad, Lee. s.E. Webber, William Littleton, Bradford-on-Avon.



1898 1908 1898 1899 1891 1886

1866 1883 1903 1898 1909 1890 1880 1897 1893

1895 1896 1892 1903

1886 1907 1901 1908 1868 1900 1906

1908 1895 1901

1883 1872 1902 1905 1897 1889 1891 l'.)03 1898 1884 1902 1891 1900 1881 1908 1905 1888 lOoO

Weber, Edward Albert, Queens Tuicn, Cape Colony. W<5bley, Arthur Sydney, 37, Femhridije-vilkis. w. Webster, Edwin, 21, Old Steine, Brighton. Webster, Harold Geoi-ge, Lon<iford, Coventnj. Webster, Percy Lawrance. 23, Dalhij-f'quare^ Margate. Webster, Percy Samuel, M.D. Durh., Collins-street^ Melbourne,

Australia. Webster, Thomas, liedland, Bristol. Webster, William Frederick, Heathfield, Sussex. Wedd, Bernard Harry, ]\[. D. Loud., 18, Nottingham- jilncc. "W. Wedd, Gilbert, Wellington^ ShropsJiirt. Weddell, John Murray, 27, Victoria-road, Kensington, w. Wedg-wood, William Brackenbury, King^s Lynn. Weed, Theodore Arthur, M.D. Wooster. Weekes, Charles Peterson, Southampton. Weekes, Henry Hohuau, M.D. Brussels, Crowborough. Weekes, Reg-inald Newton, Jfodbury, South Devon. Weeks, Courtenay Charles, Catford. s.E.

Weeks, Harold, M.B. Lond., 44, Scarsdale-villas, Kensington, w. Weichert, Charles John, Femjgraig, Pontypridd. Weinberg, Solomon James. Higher Broughton, Manchester. Weir, Edmund Georg-e Harrison, M.D. Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Weir, Frederick William.

W^eir, Henry Bright, 184, Ebury-street, Pimlico. s.w. Weir, Hugh Heywood, M.B, Camb., Chemulpo, Korea. Weir, Walter, South Lodge. Merstham, Surrey. Welby, Erasmus, M.D. St. Andr., Biarritz, Prance. Welch, Charles Herbert, Bath. Welch, Cuthbert Gerald, :\[.B. Lond., Knight's Hill Lodge, West

Norwood. s.E. Welch, Cyril Howard, Knight's Hill Lodge, West N'orirood. Welch, Edmund. Stanningley, Leeds.

Welch, Frederick Day, Wesibury-avcnue, Wood Green. N. Welch, George, Naval Medical Service. Welchman, Edward, Cambridge.

Welchman, Fi'ank Ernest, IG, Garlton-road, Putney. s,w. Welchman, Walter, M.B. Lond., Guy\i Hospital, s.e. Weld. Alfred Edmond, Royal Arnuj Medical Corps. Weld, Octavius, ^LB. Toronto, Vancouver, British Columbia. Weldon, Stawell.

Welham, George S3'd!]ey, Charing Cross Hospital, av.c. Wellby, Stanley, M.D. Oxf., Fleatham, East Liss. Weller, Charles Joseph, Frampton-on-Severn. Wellington, Arthur Robartes, Selangor, Malay Peninsular. Wellington, Richard Henslowe, 5, Essex-court, Temple, e.g. Wells, Albert John Walton, i?oj/a/ Arm// Medical Corps. Wells, Alfred Ernest, M.D. Loud., Cuckfield, Haywards Heath. Wells, Alan Geoffrey, 60, Burnaby-gardens, Chiswick. Wells, Arthur George, M.B. Loud., 89, Harley-street. w. Wells, Frank Barber, ^l.B. Lond., 107, Fo7(Zif_j/GA-rd, Kilburn. x.w. Wells, Hardy Vesey, Naval Medical Service.


1903 Wells, Joliii, Daisy Bank, Bilstun.

1893 Wells, John Edmund Bishop, Hoddesdon.

1897 Wells, Lionel Thomiis, Wakefield.

1905 Wells, Stanley' Martin, Valparaiso, Chile.

1885 Welpton, John, 79, Whitworth-road., Northampton.

1901 Welsh, John, Tavvin-road, Chester.

1902 AVenham, Herbert Victor, M.B. Lond., Peking, N. China.

1909 VVoraperniall, Arthur Agassiz Matthysz, 37, Alexander-road, Finshin ii-park. N.

1898 Wernet, Aug-iist Jo?pph, >[.B. Lend., Naval Medical Service. 1892 Wesle}', Frank William, M.D. Lond., W. Bridr/ford, Nottingham.

1899 Wessels, Cornelius Adrian, Robertson, Cape Colony.

1900 Wessels, Francois Ilendrick, Cape Town, South Africa. West, Charles Ernest, GO, Queen Aniic-street. \v.

1885 West, Charles James, M.D. Durh., Newbury, Berks.

1892 AVest, Henry William, Old Basford, Nottingham.

1902 West, John Arthur, 76a, Chancery-lane. w.c.

1891 AVest, Lionel Frederick, Tadcastrr.

West, Richard Milbourne, M.D. Durh., Leicester.

1901 W'est, Robert Uvedale, Seamen's Hospital., Greenwich. s.E.

1907 AA^est, Stephen Harold, M.B. Vict., Park-road, Southport.

1892 AA^est, AA^illiam Goldsborough, Watsons Hotel, Bombay. 1897 AA^estcott, AA^arren Guy, Naval Medical Service.

1905 AVestern, George Trench, M.D. Camb., 30, York-street, Portman-

square w.

1890 AVestmacott, Frederic Hibbert, 8, 'S'^ John-street, Manchester.

1905 AA'estman, Samuel Henry, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1894 AA^eston, Arthur Ernest, Salisbury House, Blandford.

1900 AA^'eston, Henry James, St. Leonards-on-Sea.

1908 Weston, Thomas Alexander, Handsworth, Birmingham. 1905 AA^eston, AA^alter John, Gillingham, Kent.

1894 AA^estrup, Joseph Perceval, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead.

1892 AA^etherall, Frilzler Sim Batten, Weymouth. 1899 VA^ethered, Ernest, M.D. Lond., Maidenhead.

1902 AA^'etherell, Marmaduke Cordeaux, M.D. Durh., Royal Army

Medical Corps.

1 893 AAHiait, John Robert, ]\LB. Edinb., 1 24. Finchley-road. x.av. 1902 AA'hale, George Harold Lawson, M.D. Camb., Copthall House,

Copthall -avenue. E.c.

1901 AA^halley, Edgar, Street-lane, Roundhay, Leeds.

1902 AA^hatley, James Lawson, Knowle, Birmingham.

1908 AA^heat, Ernest Godfrey, Somerset Hospital, Cape Town.

1895 Wheatley, Rupert, 4, Park-place, I'orquay.

1889 AA^heeler, Albert, M.D. St. Andrews, Honor Oak Park. s.E.

1892 AA^heeler, Charles Edwin, M.D. Lond., 5, Devonshire-street, w.

1903 AA^heeler, Edwin Robert, M.B. Lond., Peking, China.

1909 AAHieeler, Francis James, 43. Sunderland-road, Forest-hill. s.E. 1887 AVheelei-, Humphry John, M.D. Durh., High Wycombe.

1908 AA'heeler, James Xorman, Wimborne.

1896 AVheeler, Malcolm, 237, Junction-road. n.w. 1902 Wheeler, Percy Charles Edward D'Erf, Jerusalem.


Wheen, Charles, 42, Albioii-streef, Hyde Park. w.

Whelpton, Edwai'd Smith, Beckenham-road, Beckenham.

Whichello, Harold, T'attenliall, Chester.

Whincup, Fr-ank, S/irewsbiirij.

\Vhipple, Connell, St. Andreivs Lodge., Plymoitth.

Whiston, PhiHp Henr^', Royal Army Medical Corps.

Whitaker, Alfred Gurth, Erers/iot, Dorset.

Whitaker, Frederick, M.B. Camb., Halifax.

Whitaker, James Smith, 429, Strand, w.c.

Whitaker, Leouard Edg-ar, Diss.

Whitaker, Roy Henry RoUinson, 141, Great Charles-street,

Birminqhaui. Whitaker, Sydney Moi-g-an, M.D. Brussels, Waterloo., Liverpool. Whitamore, Vernon Northwood, Gravesend. *Whitcombe-Brown, Wm, Henry, M.B. Durh., Westcliffe-on-Sea. White, Arthur Denham, M.B. Lond., 1, Buckingham-mansions,

West Hampstead. N.w. White, Charles Francis Orr, 7, Kingswood-road, Upper

Norwood. s.E, White, Charles Powell, M.I). Camb., Withington., Manchester. White, Cyril Charles Coleby Kirke, Clapham, Yorkshire. White, Edgar Ramsay, 1, Victoria-road, Deal. White, Edward, 2, Green-park, Bath. Wliite, Edward Barton Cartwrig'ht, 3. Barbican, e.c. White, Edward How, West Knoll, Bournemouth. White, Ernest Alfred, 27, Blundell-slreet, Leeds. White, Finch, 23, Vanbrugh-park. s.E. White, Frank Faulder, 142, Harleg-street. w. White, Frank Harris, I^orest Gate. e. White, Frederick Job, Greenspond, Newfoundland. White, Frederick Norman, M.D. Lond., Indian Medical Service. White, George Whittenbury, 8, Brouigrove-road, Sheffield. White, Gilbert Benju. Mower, M.B. Lond., 112, Harley -street, w. White, Harold Edward, M.B. Lond., Wylde Green, Birmingham. White, Henry, Hospital Yezd, Persia. White, Herbert George, Swineshead, Boston. White, Jas. Atkiu Henton, M.D. Durh., Monument-rd., Birmingham. White, John Arthur Tenrple, Hattield Broad Oak, Essex. White, John Douglas Campbell, M.D. Camb., Harrow. W^hite, John Houg-hton, 5«eHos Ayres, Argentina. White, Leonard, 62, Primrose-mansions, Prince of Wales-rd. s.w. White, Malcolm, 3, Connington-road , Lewisham. S.E. White, Percy Stanhope, Bugbrooke, Weedon. White, Percy Walter, Woodland-road, Clifton, Bristol. Wliiie, Ralph Kuper, Rye, Sussex. White, Richard Watts, Swavesey., Cambridge. White, Sidney Hug'h, Cambridge.

Wliite, William Thomas, 241, South Lambeth Road. s.w. Whiteford, Charles Hamilton, 5, Sussex-terrace, Plymouth.

* Formerly Brown, Wm. Henry.

X 2


1892 1006 1898 1890 1902


1888 1893 1904 1906 1903 1893 1906

1896 1885 1893 1898 1897 1901 1895 1893

1903 1893 1869 1908 1904 1908 1882 1894 1896 1909 1906 1901 1883 1890 1878 1909 1907 1887

1896 1909 1908 1880

Whitehead, Arthur Loiigley. M.B. Loiul.. 31, Park-sqvarc. Leedf. Whitehead, Charles Ernest, 70, Queen's-rond, Battersen. s.w. Whitehead, Clarence Barns, M.B. Lond., Richmond, Yorlshire. Whitehead, Elihu Tlieophilus, 118, Lavender-hill. s.w. Whitehead, Eugene Christopher, M.B. Lond., Rmjal Army

^fedical Corps. Whitehead, Francis Henry, 118, Lavender-hill . s.w. Whitehead, Frank Edred, 84, Iligh-rocul, Peterborough. Whitehead, Henry Edward, 475, Caledonian-road. N. Whitehead, John Herbert, Johanneshnrri, I'ransvaal. Whitehead, Arthur, 129, Aimr/ate-road, Catford. s.e. fAVhitehorne-Cole, Arthur George, 38, Sackvitle-rd., Hore, Sussex. Whitehouse, Alfred Landon Walter, 139, Victoria-street, s.w. Whitehouse, Edwin St. John, Solihull, Birmingham. Whitehouse. Harold Beckwith, M.B. Lond., Handsworthy

Birmingliain. Whitelaw, Francis, 3, Grove Park, Wreuham. Whiteley, Daniel Flockton, 48, Britannia-road, Fulham. s.w. Whitenian, ^Vilfred Augusta Dixon, Grenada, W. Indies. AVhiteside. Henry Cadman, Naval Medical Service. Whitfield. Allan, 38, Rochdale-road, Harpurhei/, Manchester. Whiting, Kobert Garden, Stoke-h>/-Clare, Suffolk. Whitley. Henry Walter, Stroud. Whitling, Henry Townsend Makepeace, M.B. Durh., Husbands'

Bosworth^ Rugby. Whitmore, Fielding Charles, Plymouth, Whitmore, John, 28, Glodivick-road, Oldham. Whitmore, "William Beach, M.B. Lond., 41, Thnrloe-squure. s.w. Whitnall, Samuel Ernest, M.B. Oxf., Kidlington. Whitney, Willis Norton. 17, Hikawacho Akasaka. I'Okyd, Japan, Whittall, Harold Frederick, 3, Ilorsecroft-road, Boxntoor. JWhittick, Fallon Percy, M.D. Durh., 9a, Upper Brook-st. w. Whiltingham, George Matthew Young, Balliam. s.w. Whittington, Ivichard, M.D. Oxf., 1, Sillwood-place, Brighton. Whittington, Iheodore Henry, Beckenham, Kent. Whittle, Edward Denis, 9, Regency-square, Brighton. Whitwell. Hugh, Norwich. Wholey, Thomas. M.B. Durh., Eastbourne. Whyte, Herbert William, Guildford. Wickers, Ilenr}^ Adolphus.

Wickert, Jacob Hodgson, 19, Chatsworth-road, Clapton, x.e. Wickham, Harrie Bruce, J'he Hermitage, Rujfhrd, Ormskirk. Wickham, Onslow Arthur, M.D. Durh., 1, Westboume-road,.

Barnsbury. n. Wicks, Spencer, Beaconsjield, Kimberley, S. Africa. Widegren, Mathias Wilhelm Eberhard. 27, Kidghtsbridge. s.w. Wigan, William Cecil, Laddesdown, Gravescnd. Wigg, Alfred Edgar, Norwood, South Australia.

* Foriiierlv Whitehead-Smitli, Arthur. t Fonnerly Cole, Arthur George.

X Formerly Whitwick, Fallon Percy.


Wigg', Ileiuy Hig-ham, M.D. Brussels, .S'. Adelaide^ Australia.

Wigg", James, 112, Kentish Town-read n.a\^.

Wiggiii, Hugh Peler Victor, BronsJtill-road, Torquay.

Wiggins, Charles, Charing Cross Hof^pitai. \y.c.

Wiggins, Clare Aveling, Nairobi, British East Africa.

Wig'g'ins, Henry, Worthing.

Wiggins, William Denison, The Infirmary, Greenwich, s.e.

Wigginton, Albert Edward, 287, Ladtjpool-road, Birmingham.

Wigglesworth, Sidne}', Kirkham, Preston.

Wight, Edward, 9, Regenci/sqitare, Brighton.

Wightman, Cecil Frank, lioi/ston, Herts.

Wightman, Ilenr}^ Temple, 92, Brocco Bank, Sheffield.

Wightman, John Prest, 1, East Motmt-road, York.

Wiglesworth, Arthur, 1 2, Brougham-terrace, Liverpool.

Wig les worth, Thomas R idler, Minster, Sheerness.

Wigmore, Alfred James, Catford. s.k.

WigQiore, Arthur William, Northwood, Middlesex.

Wijegoouewardena, William, 19, Endsleigk-st., ,Tavistocl--sq.

w.c. Wilbe, Richard Haydock WiflGn, M.D. Durh., 21, Finchlen-road,


AVilcox, Richard Loy, The Grove Hospital, Tooting, s.w.

Wild. Charles Henr}-, 13, Church-streat, Prescot.

Wild, Henry Sydue}'-, Guemsei/.

Wilde, Alfred Neville, 29, Court-road, Barry, South Wales.

Wilding, Walter Fredk. William.

Wilkes, Ernest Alfred Freear, 256, Derwent, Sheffield.

AVilkes, George A.rthur, M.D. Birm., Aston, Birmingham.

Wilkes, Wm. Henry Griffin, 192, Lady wood-road, Birmingham.

Wilkin, Griffith (yharles, Paignton.

Wilkin, Lancelot, 46, London-mad, Gloucester.

Wilkin, Robert Hugh, Wickliambrook, Newmarket.

Wilkins, Gilbert Hamilton.

Wilkins, Henry George Gastrill, Uxhridge-road, Ealing, ^y.

Wilkins, James Sutherland, Indian Medical Service.

Wilkins, John, North- Western Hospital, Ilampstead. N.w.

Wilkins, John Claude Verity, Sarishury^ Southampton.

Wilkins, Thomas Halford, 4U3, Coventry-road, Birmingham.

Wilkins, Trevor Hamilton, 24, ,S'^ Alhans-avenue, Chiswick. w.

Wilkins, Walter, 2, Haymans-green, West Derby, Liverpool.

Wilkins, William Douglas, M.B. Vict., The Sanatorium, Benenden,

Kent. Wilkinson, Arthur Nori'is, Frunkstin, Melbourne. Wilkinson, Edmund, Indian Medical Service. Wilkinson, Edmund, Bordesley, Birmingham. Vv^ilkinson, Edward Aubrey Guy, Naval Medical Service. Wilkinson, Francis Tichborne, Royal Army Medical Corps. Wilkinson, George, M.B. Camb., 350, Glossop-road, Shejfield. Wilkinson, Harry Bacon, Asi/hun, Blackadon, Ivybridge. Wilkinson, James Howard, 204, Wolverhampion-street, Dudley. Wilkinson, John Cooper, 1, Elwick-road, Ashford, Kent.


1890 Wilkinson, Ilobeit, M.I). Brussels, 8, Ilamlef-road, Upper

Norwood. s.E. 1892 Wilkinson, Sidney, 4, J/amt/ton-sfjmire, Birkenhead.

1900 Wilkinson, VV'ni. John, Seamen's Jfospital, Greenwicli. s.E.

1891 Wilks, Herbert Lorraine Earle, Wilton-road, Salisbvri/.

,, Wilks, Josepli Henry, M.B. Camb., 43, Montgomery -road, SheJIield.

1895 Wilks, Morris, M.B. Lond., Spark/till, Birmingham.

1892 Wilks, Stephen Long-more B., M.D. Lond., Grassington, Skipton.

1908 Wilks, Washington Everitt, Hurdle, Bracken hn rat, Hants.

1898 Will, Henry Cliisholm, 4, Columbia-road. n.e. 1907 ^Viiliam, Reginald, Melton Mowbra/j.

1901 Wilhui, George Thomas, Milton Sittingbourne.

1903 I Willan, Richard, Navy Medical Service.

1907 i Willan, Robert Joseph, M.B. Durh., 25, Ellison-place, Newcastle-

j on-Tyne.

1889 Willard, Sylvester David, 48, Hertford-street. \c. 1901 I Willcox, Hubert Liston, Warminster.

1907 Willcox, Joseph William James, M.B. Lond., Glastonbury,

Somerset. 1869 Willcox, Robert Lewis, Warminster.

1909 Willes, Charles FitzGerald, 24, C roohis-hill, Greenwich, s.k. 1891 Willey, Thomas, M.D. St. And., Siranage.

1901 \ AVilliams, Alfred Carleton, 203, Albion-road, Stoke Neicington. N.

1906 j Williams, Arthur Harold, Hospital House, Wisbech. 1905 Williams, Augustus Scott, Royal Army Medical Corps. 1885 Williams, Campbell, 18, Queen Anne-street, w.

1896 Williams, Charles Elihu, 356, West Gi-een-road, lottenham. n. 1895 Williams, Charles Welliugham, Smallburgh, Norivich.

1908 Williams, Cyril Oswald Oxford, St. Bartholomew's Jlospital,

Bocli ester.

1891 Williams, David John, The Asylum, Kingston, Jamaica. ,, I Williams, David Lewis, Ferry-side, Carmarthenshire.

1909 Williams, David Phillips, 18, ,S7. George s-sq., licgeni's Park. N.w. 18S9 Williams, Edgar McKenzie, Royal. Army Medical Corps.

1901 Williams, Edward Colston, M.D. Lond., 13, Park-view, Wigan.

1904 Williams, Edward Kynaston, Billesdcm, Leicester. 1885 Williams, Edward Lloyd, 11, Buckingham-gate. s.w. 1882 Williams, Edward Richard, 36, Spibnan-street, Carmarthen. 1889 Williams, Ernest Graham Hamilton, M.D. Durh., Ombersley,


1899 Williams, Ernest Harry, M.B. N. Zealand, Hope-street, Dunedin.

1892 Williams, Einest Montgomery, Royal Army Medical Corjts. 1903 Williams, Ernest Ulysses, Eastbourne.

1882 Williams, Evan, Bala.

1895 j Williams, Fenwick D'Arcy Moore, Redland. Bristol.

1893 Williams, Frederick Edgar, Buckdeu, Huntingdon.

1892 Williams, Geo. Chisholm Waldemar, 20, Bedford-square, w.c.

1901 Williams, George Edward, Rhosti yfan, Carnarvonshire.

1836 Williams, George Rowland, M.D. Durh., 1, Siuclair-gardens, I West Kensington, w.



1909 1903

1891 1892

1902 1873 1898 1888 1892 1908 1907 1897 1890 1885 1883 1893 1888 1890 1896 1887 1866 1896 1895

1879 1884 1902 1899 1901

1894 1908 1896 1885

1895 1901 1892 3 9U6 1907

1888 1885 1891 1861 1896 1900 1886 1903

Williams, Gwilym Ambrose, 87, Westmoreland -street, s.w.

Williams, Gwyune Evan Owen, M.D. Lond., 30, New Cavendish- street, w.

Williams,HaiT3'Bowen, M.D. Brussels. 78, Leivisliam lUgh-vd. s.E.

Williams, Harry J. Egerton Hutchins, M.D. Brussels, City Fever Hospital, Sheffield.

Williams, Henry Currer, M.B. Canib., Alton, Hants.

Williams, Henry.

Williams, Henry Thomas Hadley.

Williams, Herbert, M.D. Lond., 7, Ulundi~rd., Blackheath. s.E.

Williams, Herbert Whitley Skey, /fo/yu'e//, A'orfA Wales.

Williams, Hdwel Meirig, Flas-y-ward, Ruthin.

Williams, Hugh Owen. Brynmor, Abersoch, Carnarvonshire.

Wiliia'xs. John Daniel Evans, 135, Stewart" s-road, Battersea. s.w.

Williams, John Edward, Ebhw Vale, Mon.

Williams. John Frederick. 56, Camberwell-road. s.E.

Williams, John Henry Hywell, 22, High-street, Haverfordwest.

Williams, John Owen, Mount Pleasant, Barmouth.

Williams, John Price. M.D. Lond., Swititon, Manchester.

Williams, John Robert, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada.

Williams, John Sydney, 175, Barkiny-road. e.

Williams, John Thomas Creswick, Whitland. Carmarthen.

Williams, Joseph Arthur, M.D. Vict. Coll., Canada.

Williams, Joseph William, 128, Mansfield-road, Gospel Oak. n.'>\%

Williams, Kenway Thomas, Tividale, Tipton.

Williams, Leonard Addaras, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Williams, Miles Mell)0urne, Heapey., Chorley.

Williams, Montague William, 45, London-road., Leicester.

Williams, Moses Thomas, M.B. Lond., Canterbury.

Wilhams, Penry Garnons, Naval Medical Service.

Williams, Percy Glyn Savours, M.D. Loud., Sanitary Dept., Cairo, Egypt.

Williams, Philip Georg'e, 170, Albion-road, Stoke Newington. x.

AVilliams, Ragaiya Rubert. Vaddakkoddai, Jaffra, Ceylon.

Williams, Ralph Paul, M.D. Lond., 6, Severn-road, Sheffield.

Williams, Reginald Muzio, M.D. Lond., 13, Kensington-jmrk- gardens. w.

Williams, Richard Bridgman, Marlborough, Neir Zealand.

Williams, Richard Geoffery, Egerton House., Wrexham.

Williams, Richard Heury, 27, Commercial-road, Pembroke Dock.

Williams, Richard Hugh, 21. Penelope-road, Manchester.

WilUams, Richard Tudor, M.B. Lond., Prince of Wales Hosp., Tottenham, x.

Williams, Robert Edwin. M.B. Loud., Woolwich, Kent.

Williams, Robert Richard.

Williams, Samuel, M.D. Lond.. Lakef eld-road, Llanelly.

Williams, Samnel White D., M.D. vSt. Audr.,76, .Jermyii-st. s.w.

Williams, Stanley Walter, Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.

Williams, Sydney Rice, M.B. Lond., Toll Marsh, Buckjastleigh.

Williams, Thomas Henry, 1, Gibbons-street, Plymouth. Williams, Thomas John, M.D.Loud., 3, Eversley-street, Liverpool.


1909 Williams, Thomas John, Wadliam House, Toijnhee-hill. v..

1861 Williams, AVilliam, Penrdllt-termcc, Upper Jitmr/or.

1880 Williams, Wm. Daniel Cainplxill, O.V)., Melbourne, Victoria.

1887 Williams, William (Griffith, M.B. Loml, Toxtet/i-park, LiverptxiL

1876 Williams, William Homy, Acaci<i-road, Acton, w. 1!)07 Williams, William Humphrey, Wrfxltmn.

1867 Williams, William Jones, M.i), Ediiib,, Middlesbrough.

1905 Williams, William Percival Gould, St. Tltoniass IJo.tpital. s.ic.

1900 AVilliams, William Reg-inald Ejtoii, M.B. Edinb., Pembroke.

1879 WilliaiDs. Wiliam Roger, Waltou-Jni-Clereden, Somerset.

1905 Williams, \Villiam Wynne, Graii;/e-road West, ^fiddlesbrough.

1900 Williamson, ArchibaM Robert liarclay, M.D. King'stou, Canada,

Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

1907 Williamson, Cecil Lennox. 3, Ilonahhroad, Waterloo, Liverpool. 1886 Williamson, Charles Frederick, Clerklands, Ilorleij, Surrey.

1892 Williamson, John, M.D. Lond.. Epfom.

1870 Williamson, John Gover. Boi/al Army Medical Corps.

1908 Williamson, John Samuel, Stcindun.

1898 Williamson, Joshua, M.B. Vict., New Cleethorpes, Grimsby.

1906 AVilliamsoii, William Sugden, 1, Heaton-grove, Bradford. ,, Williamson, Wilson Trevor, Bredicardvie, Hereford.

1885 Willis, Arthur Keith, 44, West End-lane, Kilburn. n.w.

1905 Willis, Charles Savill, M.B. Sydney, Aunandale, Sydney, N.S. W.

1893 Willis, Cyril Hamer, Motcombe-road, Bournemouth.

1897 Willis, Harry Alexander Legg-e, Farelmm, Hants.

1904 Willis, John Keith, M.B. Camb., Redcroft^ Cranleigh, Surrey.

1 898 Willis, Joseph Darrington, 79, Hyde-rd., Manchester.

1899 AVillis, William Fredeiicic, 29, Bircldngton-road, Kilburn. n.w.

1895 Willis, William Morley, 7, Regent-street. Nottingham.

1906 AVillis-Bund, Henry Dewi Hampton, c/o P. (j- 0. Co., 122, Leaden-

hall-street. E.G.

,, Wilhtiore, J'AmesGTiihiiin,ol, St. Leonard's-terrace, Chelsea, s.w.

1892 Willock, Edward Hulse, 113, London-road, Croydon.

1885 Willonghby, Alfred Harvej'', (irimsthorpe, Uncolnshire.

1901 Willonghby, James Frederick Digby, Southwell, Notts.

1888 Willonghby, William George, M.D. Lond., Eastbourne.

1897 Wills, Bertram Shera, L^eicester.

1896 Wills, James Tremlett, M.B. Camb.. Farnborough, Hants.

1903 Wills, Robert Glover, M.B. Camb., 44, Merton-road, Bootle, LJrerpool.

1898 Wills, Walter Kenneth, M.B. Camb., 19, Whiteladies-road,

Clifton, Bristol.

1892 Willson, John Wherry, Baykerend-road, Bradford.

1894 Wilhvay, Frederick AVilliam. LSI, Queen Victoria-street. E.G. 1896 ' Wilmer, Charles Henry, f^yndhurst.

1894 Wilmot, Hugh Begbie, Church-slrcet, Edmonton, x,

,, Wilmot, Philip McKinnell Curbould, M.B. Lond., Plymouth.

1902 Wilmot. Reginald Cameron, Royal Army Medical Corps.

1899 Wilmot, Robert Eardley Byam, Burnliam, Bucks.

1877 Wilmot, Tliomas, Lumb-lanc, Bradford. 1885 Wilsou; Albert, 311, Anlaby-roud, Hull.



1880 Wilson, Alexauder, 3, Auson-road^ Manchester.

1899 I Wilson, Alexander (iarrick, M.B. Camb., Ranmoor, Sheffield.

1897 Wilson, Alexauder Gordon, M.D. Lond., 1, Plulheach-gardeus. w.

1908 I Wilson, xlmbrose <Jyril, The Rectoru, Tackley, Oxford.

1876 i Wilson, Arthur Ilueliu, Medical Department, General Post

Office. E.G.

1892 Wilson, Aithur Marius, M.D. Durh., Ilof-street, Cape Town.

W^ilson, Charles McMoran, M.B. Lond., 162, Biomfield-terrace, Paddiiuiicn. ^y.

Wilson, Christopher James, IVLB. Camb., CohJiaia^ Surre//.

Wilson, David, M.B. Lond., Paddock, Iluddersjield.

Wilson, Edmund Monkhouse, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Wilson, Edward Allan, M.D, Loud., Hartley Hill, Leeds.

Wilson, Francis Keimeth, M.B. Lond., The Corner House, North- road, Souihico/d, Suffulk.

Wilson, Frederick Ernest, Brockley. s.E.

Wilson, Frederick Wallace, 9, Fore-streei. e.g.

Wilson, Geoffrey Plumpton, County Asiiluin, Sleaford.

Wilson. George Evvart, M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

W^ilson, Graham Lionel John, 13, Queenshen-y-place. s.av.

Wilson, Harold Wm., M.B. Lond., 42, Welbeck-street. w.

Wilson, Ilarry Theodore Minden, Royal Army Jfedical Corp.".

Wilson, Henr3' Adrian Fitzroy, 12, Cheyne-court, Cliehea. s.w.

Wilson, Henry Lydiard, M.B. Camb., Lansdown, Bath.

W'ilson, Horace Bagster, Balsall Heath, Birminyham.

Wilson, Horace Richard, M.B. Loud., Willesden. n.av.

Wilson, Humphrey Bowstead, 70, Henford-rd., Bayswater. w.

Wilson, Ivan Stuart, Louyhbnrouyh Hospital, Leicester.

Wilson, John Black Ferguson, M.B. Lond., Headinyley, Leeds.

Wilson, John Gratton, M.B. Lond., Denninyton, Victoria, Atistralia.

W^ilson, liOrton Alexander, Abbey-road, Barroiv-in-Furness.

AVilson, Murray Richard Osmond, Wells-road, Bath.

Wilson, Norman Methven, Indian Medical Service.

Wilson, Xormau Uctavius, iJovers, Reiyate, Surrey.

Wilson, Philip Frederick, 2, R id yicay- place, Wimbledon, s.w.

Wilson, Robert James, M.D. Coburg, Toronto.

Wilson, Roger Parker, Indian Medical Service.

Wilson, AVilliam, 184, Goldhawk-road, Shepherd's BusJi. "sv.

Wiltshire, Herbert Pattison, Hemsworth, Wakefield.

Wimble, Herbert Charles, Bushey, Herts.

Wince, Walter (leorge, 35, Iliyhbury-place. x.

WinckAvorth, Charles Edward, Shefford.

Wiuckworth, Harold Chai'les, Royal Ai- my Medical Corps.

Winckworth, Wadham Bruce, Taunton.

Winder, John, 43, The Avenue, Chiswick.

Wiuder, Maurice Guj', Royal Army Medical Corp)s.

Winder, William Henry, Convict Prison, Aylesbury.

Windeyer, John Cadell, M.B. Sydne}', Austi-alia.

Windsor, Charles William, M.D. Camb., Royston, Herts.

Windsor, Frank Needham, M.B. Vict,, Indian Medical Service.



S.E. W.


d. S.K.


1 1*07 Windsor, James Fiederick, M.Ii.Camb.,»SV. Jfnspitah

iH.Si; Winlield-liull, (Jralianie, iM.H. Cainb., 7, Upper Wimpole-st.

18',H) Wiiigate, i>asil Fentoii, lloyal Army Medical Corps.

18!H) Win<^ate, William Waibiirton, M.B. Camb., Cambridije.

1902 Wingate-Saul, William Wiiifrate, M.B. Camb., Lancasfa: 190U Wink, Charles Stewait, 114, Dura-road, Wimbledon Park.

1898 Winkfield, Charles Franks, Belmont, Whetstone, x. ,, Winkfii-ld, Wm. Bertram, lioijal Arm)/ Medic(d Corps.

18'J1 Winslow, Waller, M.B. Camb., Watliafjton.

1899 I Winston, Gerald Denton, 8o, O.cford-ffardms, N. Kensintjton.

1893 Winston, William Bamford, iM.B. Lend., JJuives-paj-k. x,

1894 I Winter, Edward Stuart, Lincoln.

1890 Winter, Georg-e Mitchell, St. Mari/'s C/mrch, Torqnay.

1887 ' Winter, Herbert Fdminid, Iioi/al Arnvj Medical Corps.

1895 Winter. John Bradbury, 28, Montpelier-road, Britjldon. 1892 WinttT, Laurence Amos, Farnbnrough.

1896 I Winter, William Cecil Pollard, British Honduras. 19(>o I Winterbotham, Lauriston Leonard, lo6, Sont/i Lambeth- ISO^ 1 Winterbotham, Kayner, Brixwort/i, Northampton.

1891 Wintle, Colston, 24, Gloucester-road, Bishopston, Bristol. 1899 Wirg-man, Charles Wynn, M.D. Lond., 45, (.lueen Anne-street.

1903 1 Wisdom, Robert Horace Constable Owen, //^r/M7>ifo», Middlesex. 1877 AVise, Alfd. Thos. Tucker, M.D. Brussels, Montreux, Switzerland.

1882 Wise, Chas. Henry, M.D. Roy, Univ. Ireland, IVallhamstou: n.k. 1805 Wise, Harry Mortimer, M.B. Lond., 'I'd. Plumstead-rd., Plumsiead.

1888 Wise, Henry Wellsted, M.B. Edinb., Poynton, Stockport.

1904 Wise, Kenrick Stanton, M.B. Lond., 84, Overstrand Mansions^

Batterseu. s.w.

1866 Wise, Thomas, Poynton, Stockport.

1864 Wise, William Clunie, M.D, St. Andr., Biss.

1895 Wiseman, David William, Gravesend.

1867 Wiseman, John Greaves, St. Margaret's, Twickenham.

1885 Wishart, David James Gibb, M.D. McGill, Toronto, Canada.

1891 Witham, Ernest Wells, Doona Dooma, Assam, India. 1894 Witham, Henry, Kirton, Boston.

1892 Withers, Frederick Ernest, Tlomcastle. 1884 Withers, John Sheldon, Windermere.

1883 Withers, Oliver, M.D. Durh., Sale, Manchester.

1894 Withers, Percy, M.B. Durh., Keswick

1867 Withers, Richaid Walter Owens, Chirk, N. Wales.

1903 Withrow, Oswald Charles, M.B. Toronto, Fort William, Ontario.

1908 Witney, Ernest William, M.B. Lond., 44, Bolingbroke-grove^

Wandsworth Common. s.W.

1886 Woakes, Arnold Beaumont, 52, Hurley -street, w.

1893 Woakes, Claude Edward, 52, Har ley-street, av.

1890 Wohlmann, Arthur Stanley, M.D. Lond., Rotorua, N.Z.

1882 Wohrnitz, Ferdinand Broer Mathieu, 104, I^edbunj-road.

1906 Wolfe, John Henry, Inglewood, Seivurd-roud, Hunwell.

1895 AVolfenden, Henry Charles, Tutbitry, Burton-on-Trent.

1909 I Wolferstan, Kemieth, Townsend House, Plymouth. 1864 Wolferstan, Sedley, \, Alton-terrace, Plymouth.




Wolff, Ernest Douglas Weston, 31, Beulah-/ii/l, Upper

Norivood. s.E. Wollastou, Alexander Fredk. Richmond, Flax Bourton. Bristol. Wonnacott, Richai'd Reginald Howard, Faversham. Wood, Charles Albert, M. B, Lond., Park View, Bishop AiCelhimL Wood, Charles Herbert, 39, Regent's Park-road. N.w. Wood, Charles Rawdon, M.D. Durh., Shorehaui, Sussex. Wood, Cyril George Russ, Shrewsbury. Wood, Duncan, Chingford, Essex. Wood, Edward, Waverle/i-road, Enfield. Wood, Edward Archer, 20 1, Barry-road, Dulwich. s.E. Wood, Frank Herbert, Cheshunt. Wood, Frank Stanley, Westhourne Hotiae, Sheffield. Wood, George Edward Cartwright, M.D. Edinb., 61, Alderhrooh-

road, BaUtam. s.w. Wood, George Ernest, Gringlci/-on-the-IIill, Doncaster. *Wood, Guy Edward Mills, M.B. Durh., 49, Gordon-square, w.c. Wood, Henry Utting, Brandon, Suffolk. Wood. Horatio Clias. Wna., 71, Alcester-road, Birmingham. Wood, Hubert Moody, 259, Barry-road, Dulwich. s.e. Wood, James, 141, Derby -street, Bolton. Wood, John, Walmer, Kent. Wood, John Askey.

Wood, John Burn, Homestead, Largo., Fife. n.b. Wood, John Forrester, Southport.

Wood, John Hutchinson, M.B. Durh., Leyburn, Yorkshire. Wood, John Lawrence, Grammar School, Darlington. Wood, Joseph Arthur, M.B. Camb., Hereford. Wood, Joseph Cudlip, Naval Medical Service. Wood, Leonard, Roi/al Army Medical Corps. Wood, Miles Astman, Ledbury. AVood, Percival, Crawley, Sussex.

Wood, Percy Moore, Ashffeld., Sydney, New South Wales. Wood, Richard, M.D. St. Andr., Llanbedr, Merioneth. Wood, Robert Moorsom, 46, Harley -street, ^y. Wood, Stanislaus Swonnell Morton, 17, L'hicket-rd., Anerley. s.E. AVood, Stanley, 5, Weslboume-arenue. Hull. Wood, Thomas Arthur, M.D. Edinb., Douglas, Isle of Man. Wood, Thomas Jason, M.D. Lond., Marlborough-road, Bradford. AVood, Walter Robert, 1, Brunsicick-court, Brighton. Wood, Wilfred Burton, The Leysian Settlement, City-road. e.g. Wood, William, M.B. Camb., Cartmel, Lancashire. Wood, William Bird Herapath, M.B. Lond., SoutJiport. Wood, William Charrington, M.D. Lond., Penshurst, Kent. Wood, William Louis Rene, Hazeldene, Ossett, Forks. Wood, William A^incent, Wrington, Somerset. Wood, AVilliam Wallace, 4, Park-villas, Okehampton. Woodall, Robert AVilliam, Hetton-le-Hole, Durham. Woodbridge, Elliot Wilson, M.B. Lond., Barnstaple.

* Kesigned Membership 1900.



31X17 j Woodburn, William Harrison, Tiirhaij UnspHiil, Torqiiaij. 18i>l) Woodcock, Henry ('liadwick, 7, Pahnei-'s Greeii-villus. N. 1893 j Woodfield, Thomas Harold, M.B. Lond., yiroo/j Zro5/)ito/, Shooter s-

/li/l, Kent. 1896 Woodford, PMward Vivian Kussell, Abhir/don. 19U() I Woodforde, Alfred William George, MAi. Lond.. Pluit'tau-. e.

1898 i Woodforde, Robert Edmund Heig-hes, Jkildock, Ihrts.

1893 ' Woodhead, Thomas Fielding, Meitham, I/udders/if^ld.

1899 Wood-Hill, Henry Gilbert, JJecdes. 188G ' Woodhouse, Francis Decimus. Blandfurd.

1894 ! Woodhouse, Walter Mansell, Wcuitar/fi.

1890 j Woodhouse, AYilliam Barnabas, P.O. Pox 708, Pretoria,

I Transvaal.

1890 j Wooding, AVilliam Benjamin, Port/icaicl, Gknnorr/ an shire. lyOG j Woodman, Edward .Musgrave, M.B. ImuA., HJ\'elbec>c-street. \v.

1896 Woodman, William James, 13, New-road, Rochester. 1909 Woodruff, Charles Reynolds, 6, Stratford-place, w. 1890 I Woodruff, Thomas Adams.

1903 I Woods, Charles Wm. Tutliill, M.D., Jkussels, Sleaford. 1874 j Woods, David, M.D. McGill, 90, ]te<jenfs-parIc-road. n.av. 1884 ! Woods, Edward Robinson. M.B. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1886 Woods, Frank, liamsgate.

1908 i Woods, Harold Fergie, JJaddleoet/ Bectory, Selhy. 1893 \ U'oods, Herbert Hunter, New Milton, Hampshire.

1909 Woods, James Cowan, Prison Lodge Poehampton. s.\\-. 1902 Woods, John Robert Lloyd, Wrothen, Shrewsbury.

1904 AVoods, Robert Stanton, M.D. Loud., 479, Mile End-road. e. 1871 Woods, William James, M.B. Royal Univ., Ireland, Belfast. 190:i Woodsend, Robert Noel, Wembley Park, Middlesex.

1899 Woodstock, Charles Percy, Bournemouth.

1895 AVoodward, Arthui-, 36, Vincent-square, Westminster, s.av. 1904 AA'oodward, Henry Alartin Mogridge, Pershore.

1887 ! AA^oodward, AA'illiam, 7, Marmion-road, Lii:erpoot. 1902 Woodwark, Charles Stuart, The Chase., Kinrfs Lynn.

1888 Woodyatt, John Fred, M.D. Durh., Kings Cross, Halifax. 1899 Woodyatt, Henr}' Constantiue, Naval Medical Service. 1887 AA^ooldridge, Arthur Tylee, Camberley, Surrey.

1908 Wool f, Albert Edward Abortimer, Mayfiekl, Mortimer-road. N.w. 1904 AVoolfenden, Heibert Francis, Birkdale, Sonthport. 190r> AVoollatt, Percy Charles, Shiraz, Persia.

1897 Woollcombe, Alfred, Naval Medical Service.

1S80 Woollcombe. AA'alter Ley, 16, The Crescent, Plymouth. 1876 AA'oollett, Charles Jerome, M.D. Lond., Streatham. s.w. 1897 AVoolley, Edward John, M.D. Camb., Wellingborough.

1895 AA'oolley, Fred Duke, Moss Side, Manchester.

AVoolley, Jasper Maxwell, Indian Medical Service.

1896 AA^oolle}', Thomas Fisher, Ansty, Leicester.

1897 Woolliscroft, AA^illiani AA^infred, Trichinopoli, India.

1907 AVoott(ni, Leonard Henry, M.B. Lond., 99, Rodenhurst-road,

Clajyliam-jxtrk. s.AV. 1906 AA^'ootton, John Charles, 24, Mdrose-road, Wandsworth, s.w.


Worboys, Thomas Sanders, 5, Gohhmith-road, Brighton.

Wordsworth, William John, St. John-street, Mansjield.

WoTger, Richard George. Radstock, Bath.

Worley, Philip, Eccles Old-road, Pendleton.

Worlej', William Charles, 103, Green-lanes, Finshunj-parJ:. N.

Worley, William Ernest Amsden, 103, Green-lanes, n.

Worrall, Charles Lloyd, Barherton, Transvaal.

Worrall, Edward Stanislaus, 25, Wimpole-street. w.

Worsley, Reginald Carmichael, East London, Cape Colony.

Worsley, Richard Le Geyt, 17, Walton-park, Liverpool.

Worth, Claud Alley, 138, Har ley-street, ^y.

Worth, Erskine Herbert. 1. Eardley-road, Streatham. s.w.

Worth, Francis James, M.D. Durh., Basingstoke.

Worth, Reginald, M.B. Durh., Middlesex Asy/inn, Tooting, s.w..

Worthington, Edward Scott, Royal Army ^[edical Corps.

Worthington, Francis Samuel, Stoivmarket.

Worthington, George Vigers, M.B. Camb., TJandrindod WeJls.

Worthington, Harry Edward, Birchington., Kent.

Worthington, John Vigers, Olton, Bimiingham.

Worthington, Oscar Clayton, Birchington, Kent.

Worthington, Richard Till,I\I.B.Camb.,10, Marine-par., Lowestoft.

Worthington, Robert Alfred, M.B. Camb., London Hospital, k..

Worts, Edwin, Colchester.

Worts, Stanley Edwin, Colchester.

Woutersz, George Justin, Colombo, Ceylon.

Wragg, Ernest, M.B. Lond., Guys Hospital, s.e.

Wraitii, Ernest Ai-nold, Derby.

Wraugham, John Marris, Lincoln.

Wraugham, William, M.D. Lond., 46, Ash-grove, Bradford.

Wray, William Thomas, Hull.

WreFord, John. M.B. Durh., GG, West End-lane. Hampstead. n.w..

Wreford, Heyman, Exeter.

Wrench, Edward Branson, M.B. Camb., St. Johns Chapel, co..

Durham. Wrench, Guy Theodore, M.D. Lond., Queen Anne-mansions, s.w. Wright, Alfred Bosworth, Kingston-road, Portsmouth. Wright, Andrew John Metford, M.B. Lond., Clifton, Bristol. Wright, Bernard Duncan Zorapore, Coltishall, Norfolk. Wright, Charles Holding, 1, Park-road, Wigan. Wright, Charles Samuel Eiic, The Vicarage, Neiv Catton, Norwich.. Wright, Dudley D'Aavergne, Bentinck-mans., Bentinck-st. w. Wright, Edmund Hasell, Indian Medical Service. Wright, Eric Alfred, M.B. Camb., The Lodge, Romford, Essex. Wright, Everard Lister, Simons Town, Cape Colony. Wright, Fi'ederick Henry, Toronto, Canada. Wright, Fred. Robert EUiston, M.B. Lond., Braunton, Devon. Wright, Gaskoin Richard Morden, Nablus, Palestine. Wright, George CornehusWm., M.D. Durh., J/cr/./)ej)^.,G.P.O.E.c^ Wright, Harold Nairne, Elmirood-road, Croydon. Wright, Hiram Augustus, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Wright, Holland Hodgson, 2, Ospringe-road, Kentish Town. N.w.-



1879 Wrig-lit, JoliTi Wclliiif^ton, M,I). McGill, Pi'ctou, Ontario, Canada.

1888 Wright, Jose])!! Fiinell, 48, Derbij-Htreet, Bolton.

1907 Wrif^'lif, Oswald Kentish, 9, Newcastle Drive, iXottinf/haui.

188r> \\'ri;4-lit, Robert Wallace, Iioi/al Ai-ini/ Medical Corp.<.

1S9G Wrig-lit, .Sfimiiel ]{eg-iiialcl, J'tmifonl.

1892 Wri<;-lit, ^-ydiiey Faulconer, M.I). Lund., I'lltham-road, Lee. s.E.

1900 Wrig'Iit, Thomas James, .'jO, Prince of Wales-road, Norwich.

1909 Wri;^ht, Thomas Strethill, 24, llessboroiujU-cjardens, s.w.

1888 Wri^^iit, Thomas Nesbitt, Waihn, Auckland, New Zealand.

1894 Wrii^ht, Walter Southey, Wool, Dorset.

1899 Wrig-ht, William, M.B. Vict, 14:3, Dartmoutlt-rd., Willesden. N.w.

J 900 Wrig-ley, Philip Roscoe, 11, John-street, Manchester.

J 894 Wriiich, Edwin Percy, M.ll Durh., Wide Bargate, Boston.

190.J A\'roug"hton, Alexander Chamier, Griqualaml , Cape Colony.

1898 AV^roughton, Arthur Oliver j^iixl, Jtoijal Army Medical Corps.

1902 Wioughton, John Heniy, (Inthiny, Basutoland.

1892 Wroughton, Wm. Charles llanltain, Wetheral, Carlisle. 1885 Wunderlich, Otto Frederick, M.D. Brussels, Sydney, N.S.W. 190.') Wyatt, James Montagu, St. Thonins's Hospital. s.K.

i90(j Wyatt, TTai'old Douglas, Ilayei^, Jfiddlesex.

1888 Wyatt, Waltei- Lionel, Hornsea, Hull.

189.5 Wyborn, AValter Edward, 228, Camden-road. N.w.

1893 Wyche, Ernest Morton, Oielrasford.

1896 Wykes, William Henry, Hnyylei^cote, Leicester.

1906 Wyler, Edwin Joseph, M.I). Loud., Glenslidw-mans., Kilbnrn. x.w. 1901 Wylie, Angus, M.B. Camb., Georgetown, British Ginana.

1892 Wylie, James Thompson Roy, Little Rath, Sallins, Kildare.

1894 Wyllys, William, Great Yarmouth.

1887 Wynne, Edward Thomas, M.B. Camb., Rockhampton, Queensland. 19(»1 Wynne, Graham Shaw Arnold Smith, Amersham.

1888 Wynter, Andrew Ellis, 27, Wimpole-street. \y.

1892 Wysard, Alexander Thomas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.

1907 Vates, Arthur Linvndes, M.B. Loud., .SV. Albans.

1900 Yates, Thomas Preston, Manchester-road, Denton, Manchester.

1888 Yates, William Bartlemore, 368, Lees-road, Oldham. 1890 Yearsle3', Percival Macleod, 31, Harley-street. ^y.

1889 Yeld, Walter Harry, 68, Wimpole-street. w.

1893 Yelf, John Burnet, Shipsfou-on-Sfour.

1903 Yetts, Walter Perceval. Naiud Medical Service.

1904 Yin, Siiat-Chwan, M.B. Toronto, Amoy, China. 1907 Yorige, Ambrose Pode, Newton Ferrers, Plymouth. 1896 Yorke-Davies, John Wynne, 44, Harley-street. w. 1872 Young, Adam, Ockley, Surrey.

1902 Young, Alistair Cameron, o6, Caulwell Hall-road, Ipswich.

1895 Young, Archibald, M.B. Lond., Cidlegiate-crescent, Sheffield.

1898 Young, Bertram Michell, Hassocks, Sussex. 1893 Young, Charles Albert, Atherstone.

1895 Young, Clias. Whit wick, Dartmouth.

1899 Young, Edward, Hnckhiirst, Kent.

1885 I Young, Edward Herbert, M.D. Durh., Okehampton.

1901 Young, Ernest Eric, M.B. Lond., Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent.




1904 1903 1896 1888 1891 1899 1904 1901 1887 1906 1900 1902 1890 1888 1873 1882 1906 1895 1896 1906

Youug', Fred Armstrong', Winnipeg^ Canada.

Young", George, ^[.D. Zurich, 72, Lissenden-mans.,Ri<jhgate-rd. x.

Young, Graham Pallister, M.B. Loud., Hinckley.

Young, Ilenr}^ George Keith, Braintree, Essex.

Yo'.ing, Henry WilUam Pennyfathei', M.D. Canib., Nnrhury. s.w.

Young", James, Chorley Xeic Road. Bolton.

Young. John. M.D. Loud., Stamfovd-liiU. x.

Young", John Charles, Infirmary^ S/iii-lfi/ Warren. Southampton.

Young", Samuel Leggate Orford, M.D. (Jamb., Yarmouth, I. of W.

Young, Thomas, Woolacondje, Xortli Devon.

Young, William Archibald, 145, Colkf/e-street, Toronto., Canada.

Young, William Arthur Bruce. M.B. Vict., South Cave, Yorkshire.

Young, William John, Harston, Cambridge.

Yule, Bransb}', 98, St. Alban.<-viUa$, Highgate-road. x.w.

Zeidan, Selim.

Ziemann, Plermann Peter, AE.D. Freiburg", Cricklewood. x.w.

Zimmerman. Richard, M.B. Toronto. ^ we^z'co.

Zimmermaiui. Benjamin Frazier, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Zorab. Arthur Batoura, M.B. Lond., Ruuor Oak Park. s.k.

Zumbado, Federico, Snn Jose\ Costa Rica.

Zum Busch, Josef Paul.M.D. FvQxhnv^^X^b^Finshurtf-pavenient. e.c.

Zundel, Carl Ernst, M.D. Loud.. 4, Queens-gardens, Ilford.

Total Number of Licentiates, 11,508.

Given at the Censors' Board this 7th day of January, 1910, as corrected to the frst of the same month.

R. Douglas Poavell, M.D., President.

W. H. Allciiix, M.D.,


Seymour J. Sharkev, M.D., J. K. FowLEH, M.D.,


J. A. OiniErtOi), ^Nl.D.,




Tlie Diploma in Piihlia Health is grauied juinfhi icUIi the Uuyal College of Surgeons of England.

1891 Actou, Cliarles James, L.R.C.F., Wangford, Suffolk.

1894 Adams, Edmund Weaver, L.K.C.P., Church-street, Slough.

1892 Adams, Percy Tare^ett, M.R.C.S., Gov. Laboratories, Bloemfcntein, 1890 Adie, Alexander James, L.R.C.P., Hampden House, x.w.

1892 Aldridge, Arthur Russell, M.B. Ediub., Roijal Annji Medical Ccrp»,

1890 Aldridg-e, Norman Elliott, JM.B.Edinb., Southampton.

1888 AIexander,Fredk.Wm.,L.R.C.P. Edinb., Blackheath. s.e.

1895 Allen, Sydney Glenn, M.R.C.S., Jiogal Armi/ Medical Corps.

1900 Allison, John, M.D. Edinb., Kettering.

1909 Allison, Andrew, M.P>. Glasg"., Goran, Glasgow.

1902 Armstrong, Pattison, M.D. Dubl., Kingston-Hill., Kingston.

1892 Arnim, Henry Charles Leffler, L.R.C.P.. Indian Medical Service.

1902 Arnold, Frank Arthur, M.B. Lond., Pub. Health Bept., Pretoria.

1893 Atkinson, Arthur Edward, L.R.C.P., Mombasa, Uganda, E. AJrica. 1905 Atkinson, Jackson Arthur, L.R.C.P., Knareshorough.

1889 Bailey, Charles Frederic, M.D. Lond., Brighton. 1892 Bailey, William Henry, xM.B. Lond., Southall.

1891 Bain, David Stuart Erskine, M.R.C.S., Indian Medical Service. 1909 Ball, Alfred, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., 25, Woodlaiul-gardens,

Musu-ell Hill. x.

1905 Bankart, Arthur Reginald, M.V.O., M.B. Edinb., H.M. Yacht " Victoria and Albert."

1 907 Banks, Alexander Gray, M.D. Glasg., Grove Hospital, Tooting, s.w,

1894 Banks, Alfred, L.R.C.P., Seacombe.

Barbeau, Lonis (iabriel, M.B. Edinb.

1903 Barnetl, Bertiam Leeds Thomas, M.B. Camb.,L.R.C.P., Chichester. 1909 Barr, Hugh, M.B. Glasg., Lambeth Workhouse. s.E.

1903 Barratt, Herbert James. L.R.C.P., Ro>/al Army Medical Corps.

1896 Bartlett, Felix Paul, L.R.C.P., Ottenj 'St. Marij.

Batchelor, George Arthur, M.D. Aberd., Caj>e Colony.

1909 Beamish, James Aylnier, M.B. Roy. Univ. Irel., Chmahiltg, CO. Cork.

1908 Beards, CUfford, M.B. Oxf., M.R.C.P., London Fever Ilospitah n.

1901 Belilios,David Aaron,L.R.C.P.. 109, Q«feHV7-rf., Wimbledon, s.w. 1903 Bell, John L.R.C.P., Hong Kong, China.

Bennett, James, L.R.C.P., Padgate, Warrington.

1902 Bennett, Kenneth Hugh, L.R.C.P.. Escot, Penzance.

1907 Bennetts, Harold Graves, M.B. Sydney, 3b, Maida-hill. w.

1892 Best, AVilliam Jenner, M.R.C.S., 10. TJpgate, Louth, Lincolnshire. 1907 Betenson, Woodley Daniel, L.R.C.P., Kew. w.

1909 Bethune, Robert James, M.D. Roy. Univ. Irel., Ilendon. x.w. 1889 Bevan, Richard, L.R.C.P., 31, G'm//(!'?-'s-?-oorf. w.





Birdwood, Gordon Travers, M.D. Camb., L.U.C.F.,lnuia7i Medical

Service, Birt, Amelius Cyril, L.R.C.P., Wantofie. Blackhain, Robert James, L.K.C.P., Edinb., Royal Arvvj Medical

Corps. Blacklock, Breadalbane, M.B. Edinb., IIaUhill,Balliesio7i, Glasgow. Blackwell, Charles Thomas, M.D. Durh., Netley. Bolus, Harry Boulcott, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., Beckenham,

Kent. Bond, Charles Knox, L.R.C.P., 11, Denbigh-street, s.w. Bond, Charles Shaw, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., Highgate. x. Bond, Frederick Fielding-, M.D. Edinb., Brighouse. Boulton, Arthur, L.R.C.P., Ilomcastle. Bourke, Isidore McWilliam, L.R.C.P., >S'^ George's Hospital. I5ousfield, Edward Collins, [j.R.C.P., 363, Old Kent-road. Box, Stanley Long-hurst, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Ealing, av. Bradley, Clement Henry Burton, M.B. Syd., L.R.C.P., Sgdney. Braya, Joiio Francisco, L.S.A., 138, Croydon-road. s.e. Branthwaite, Robert AVelsh, L.R.C.P., Home Office, s.w. Bray, Ernest James, M.B. p]dinb., Durban, S. Africa. Brebner, Geoi'g'e Reith, M.D. Edinb., We'<t Croydon. Brewer, Dunstan, L.R.C.P., Eastern Hospital, Homerton. n.e. Bridg-er, James Frederick Edmund, L.R C.P., Barbadoes. Bi-incker, John Augustus Herman, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P.,

Borough Hospital, Croi/don, Surrey. Brind, Harry Hanslow, L.R.C.P., By fleet. Brodie, William Haig-, M.D. Edinb.,

G, St. Stephens-road W., West Ealing. Brook, Henry Darville, L.R.C.P., Fareham. Brown, Edwin Harold, M.R.C.P., Indian Medical Service. Brown, Henry Martyn, M.B. Loud., Indian Medical Service. Brown, Richard King', M.B., R.U.I., Town Hall, Berniondsey. s.e. Bruuton, Wm. Macqueen, M.B. Edinb., Greemvay-rd., Runcorn. Bryett, Lewis Thomas Eraser, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., 2, Alwyne-

road. N. Bulstrode, Herbert Timbrel!, M.D. Camb., L.B,.G.F., Kensingtoii. w. Butler, William, M.B. Glasg., 26, Craven Pk.-rd., Ilarlesden. N.w. Caddy, Adrian, M.D. Lend., L.R.C.P., Harrington-st., Calcutta. Caird, Henry, M.B., Edinb., 15G, Vauxliall-road, Liverpool. Caldwell, Alfred George, M.D. R03'. Univ. L-el., Stockport. Campbell Niel, M.B. Glasg., 56, Charles-road., Birmingham. Candler, John Pycock, ]S[.B. Camb., Woodford-green, Essex. *Cantlie, James, M.B. Aberd., 140, Harley-stret-t. w. Carter, Arthur Burnell, L.R.CJ.P., Dartford, Kent. Carter, Godfrey, M.B. Yict., Broomhill, Sheffield. Cartwright, Ernest Henry, M.D. Oxf., L.R.C.P., Ticehurst. Catto, John, M.B. Aberd., Singapore, Straits Settlements. Charlesworth, George Henry, L.R.C.P., East-hill, Wandsworth.

F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P.,

* Obtained before the Diplomas were granted jointly by the two CoUegea.



i:)02 Charpeiitier, Ambrose Edward Lea, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P.,


1004 Chatteijee,Basanta Kumar, L.R.C.P.E., 7, New Gouhton-street. v..

1009 Cherrett, Bertram Walter, M.B. Lond., L K.C.P., Ftver Jlospital,

Plaistow. E.

1906 Chesson, Herbert, L.K.C.P., Brisbane, New Zealand.

1805 Cliilds, Christopher, xM.D. Oxf., L.K.C.P., Boscame, Loot.

1809 Cliita'.e, Viiiayak Narayan, L. R.O.I*. Edinl*., Bombay.

1895 Chown, Francis, M.B. Lond., Towi.shend, Jlayle

1904 Clapham, Stanley Cornell, >Lli. Durh., L.R.C.P., J/and/ei/, Dorset. 1909 Clark, James, M.D, Aberd., M.H.C.P., St. Fancras Infirmary,

Jliflhfiate. K.

1903 Clark, Richard Foster, L.R.C.P., Naval Medical Service. 1893 Clark, AValter PVederick, L.R.C.P. Edinb., Cheshunt, Ihrts.

., Clark, ^Villiam Thomas Marston, L.R.C.P., Tivickenham.

1004 Clements, John Matthewson, ]\[.B. Roy. Uuiv. Irel., Liverpool.

1802 Coates, Henry Honiton, L.R.C.P.

1004 Cole, John William Edward, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., Rhodesia.

1893 Coleman. Matthew Owen, M.D. Aberd., Surhiton. 1891 Collins, Henry Beale, M R.C.S., Kimjston-on- Thames.

1006 Collyn.s, John Moore, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Entehhe, Uganda.

1004 Comerford, Beaumont Harry, L.R.fJ.P., 3, Chester-terrace, s.w.

1890 Cooper, Ardaseer Dossabhoy, L.R.C.P., Bombay., India.

1894 Cooper, Dossabhoy Nowrojee. L.R.C.P., 13, Royal-avenue, s.w.

1896 Cope, Albert Ernest, M.D. Durh., 26, Bessborour/h-gardens. s.av.

1889 Copeman, S. Monckton, M.D. Camb., 57, Redcliffe-gardens. s.w.

1905 Corbin, Herbert Ernest, L.R.C.P., Town Hall, Stockport.

1906 Corcoran, Gerald, L.R C.P. and S.L, Birr, King's County, Ireland. 1905 Courtauld, Louis, L.S.A.. Henley-on-Thames.

1900 Cowbnrn, Arthur Douglas, M.U. Brussels, L.R.C.P., 31, Bark- ston-qardens. s.w.

1891 Coxwell, Charles Filling-ham, M.D. Camb., M.R.C.P. ,Dulwich. s.e.

1890 Crabb, James, M.D. Edinb., 50, Parkhurst-road. N.

1002 Crawford, George Morris, M.D. Glasg-., Uddingstcn, Glasgow.

1893 Cres^well, Richard. L.S.A., 10, Adelaide-terrace, Portishead.

1891 Cropley, Alfred, M.R.C.S., Naval Medical Service.

Crople}'', Henry, F.R.C.S., East Park-parade^ Noiihampton.

1890 Cros.s, Robert George, L.R.C.P., Petersfield.

1909 Cullen, James Alfred Patrick, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Plymouth.

1005 Cullen, John, M.D. Glasg;., Ilulme, Manchester.

1006 Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett, M.D. Melb., Electra House,

Fini-bury Pavement. E.G.

1002 Curtis. Charles William, L.R.C.P., Perth, Australia.

1001 Daley William., L.R.C.P. Edinb., Bootl<', Liverpool.

1 892 Daniel, William Patiick Taylour. L.R.C.P., 273, Cable-street, e. 1889 Dantra, Sorabshaw Hormasji, M.D. Aberd., Ind. Med. Service.

1898 Darabseth, Naoroji Beramji, M.B. Aberd., San^a/ore, /wdi'a.

1899 Davey, Samuel, L.R.C.P., Caterham.

1904 David, Archibald Sincl.iir, L.R.C.P., Waterbeach, Cambridge. 1903 Davidson,Alexander Gordon, M.D. Aberd., Adjah Bippo, Turkwa,

W. Africa.


Davies, Walter Ernest Llewellyn, L.U.G.F. ,Civ?'tmawr, Abenjstwith. Day. James John, L.R.O.P.. Sunchdch.

Denver, Stanley Edward, C.M.G., M.D. Camb., L.R.C.P., Hull. De Reuzi, Arthur Castriot, M.K.C.S., cjo Grindlei/4' Co., Bombai/. De Wytt, William Henry, .M.B. Glasg., G6, Alberi-street. n.w. Dickinson, Wm. Gilbert, M.D. Durh., L. tl.C.P., Putney Ihath. s. sv. Dickson, John Rhodes, M.B. Edinb., Tohcujo, West Indies. Divine, Thomas, M.B, Glasg'ow, The Sanatorium., 11 udder sfield, Dodd, Frederick Lawson, L.R.C.P., 41, Wimpole-street. "w. Dodd, John Richard, M.B. Uurh., F.K.C.S., Woolwich. Dorrell, Edmund Arthur, L.R.C.P., 1, Liindcroft-qardens. k.w. Doug-las, Archibald Robert John, M.D. Lond., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,

Rangoon, Burma. Dove, Roland Atkinson, M.B. Edinb., 80, Elm-grove, Southsea. Dow, Wm. Alexander, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P., Leives. Downton,ArthurS3^duey, L.R.C.P.,.5, Weston-jxirk, Crouch End. x. Dryland, Leslie Winter, L.R.C.P., Kettering. Dutme, Arthur Briggs, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., West Bridgford,

Nottingham. Duthie, Roljert Campbell, M.B. Aberd., Cape Colony. Dyer, Sidney Reginald, M.D. Brussels, L.R.C.P., Princetown,

Devon. Dymott, Donald Fredk., M.B. Lond., 29. Birdhurst-rd., S. Croydon. Eckersley, Edwin, ^LB. Edinb., Royal Army Medical Corps. Edsell, George Alfred, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P., Surbiton. Edwards, Henry James, L.R.C.P. Edinb., Lynton. Edwards, William Lloyd, L.R.C.P., Barry, Glamorgan. Elkiiigton, John Simeon Colebrook, M.D. Brussels, L.R.O.P.

Edinb., Grey-street, East Melbourne. Elkington, Henry Percival George, M.R.C ^.,Anny Medical Corps. Elliot, Andrew, M.B. Edinb., M.R.C.P., 11, Uj-tj^er Berkeley- street. AV. Elliot, Tliomas Stokoe, L.R.C.P., Southioell. Elliott, Gilbert, L.R.C.P., Walthauistow. n.e. VAUs, Wm, Charles, L.R.C.P. Edinb., Upper Tooting-jmrk. s.W". 'English, Edgar, M.D. Durh., M.R.C.S., Doncaster. Erskine, Alexander McConnell, M.D. Roy. Univ. Irel., Goole. Erskine, Robert, M.D. Roy. Univ. L-el., 62, Pemhndge-villas. vr. Etches, William Robert, L.R.C.P., Warlingham, Surrey. Evans, Evan, M. U.C.S., Tynant, C'ilian Aeron. Evans, John Morton, L.R.C-P., 117, Ashley-road, Bristol. Evans, Robert Cecil Turle, M.B. Lond., Heme Bay. Evans, Thouias, M.B. Lond., 162, Nfivport-road, Cardiff. Ewart, Rol/ert John, M.D. Vict, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Liverpool. Faichnie, Norman, M.B. Durh., Royal Army Medical Corps. Fairley, James, xM.B. Glasg., Moray-place, Glasgow. Falconer, Alexander Robertson, M.B. New Zeal., Western Fever

Hosjntal, Fulham. w Falkener, Lyon, M.D. Camb., L.R.C.P., East Molesey. Surrey.

Obtained before the Diplomas wore granted jointly by the two Colleges.

Y 2


1891 Farmer, Septimus, M.K.C.S., Spenniimoor, co. Durham.

1893 Fawcett, AVilliara Uerbert, M.D. Brussels, Bournemouth.

1899 P^elkiu, Henry George, M.D. Loud., L. ll.C.P., Uimiwood, Hants. 1907 Fell, Matthew Henr}' (ires-son, Ij.R.C.P., A'o//. Amnj Med. Corps,

,. Fer<^-uson, Robert Bruce, M.D. Camb., li.H.C.P., New Southgate. n-

1891 Field, Oliver, M.D. YAmh.,Clapham-common. s.w.

1893 Fielden, William Eckett, M.D. Loud.. Staplehurst, Kent.

1900 Finch, Hugh Karnshaw, M.B. Oxf., Jlmtlijield, flarpenden. N. 1891 Firth. Robert Ilammill, F.R.C.S., Iloijal Army Medical Corps.

1894 Footnei-, John Jiulkley, F.R.C.S. & L.K.C.P., Tunhridge Wells. 19('2 Foster. Henry ]Jertram, M.B. Loud., L.Pi.C.P., Ind. Med. Service,

1899 Foster, Michael Bernard, L.R.C.P., Puckeridge.

1900 Foulerton, Harry Percival, L.ll.CP., If.M.Fi-ison, Ilolloica)/. n. 1N99 Fowler, Geoige, L.R.C.P. Edinb., c/o Messrs. Grindley, Bor.]ba>/. 1905 Fox, John William, M.B. Loud., L.R.C.P., Park Hospital, Hitlier

Green, s.k.

1907 Foy, Harry Andrew, L., M. & S. Bombai/, Lokoja, N. Nigeria.

1908 Francis, Thomas Evans, M.D. Loud., 41, Castle-street, Tredegar.

1904 Freeman, Ernest Carrick, INI D. Dnrh., L.R.U.P., Gosport.

Freer, Gerald Dudley, M.B. Lond., Ij.R.C.P., Singajjore, Straits Settlements.

1909 Freer, Robert Mylcraine, M.D. Edinb., North- West Hospital, s.w. 1902 Fremantle, Francis Edward, M.B. Oxf., M.R.C P., 17, Queeiis-

horough-place. S.w.

1895 Fremlin, Heaver Stuart, L.R.C.P., Laboratories, Hendon. K.vr.

1901 Frengle}-, Joseph Patrick, M.D. Roy. Univ. Irel., Auckland^

New Zealand.

1891 Frost, Francis Turner, L.R.C.P., 28, Ashbonme-road, Derhij. 1909 Fiy, Walter Ernest, L.R.C.P., Aberdeen House, Hammersmith, w.

1900 Gadg-il, Shridhar Bheekajee, L.M. & S.Bomb., 4, Mornington-

road. N.AV.

1908 Galbraith, Ernest Edward Scott Joseph, L.R.C.P. & S. Edinb.,

A comb, York

1897 Gardiner, Peter, M.D. Glasg., Basset-road, Camborne.

1892 Gay, John, L.R.C.P., 37, Upper Richmond-road, Putney. S.w. 1899 George, Isaac, L.R.C.P., 2G, Widfgate-street. e.g.

1895 Gepp, Maurice, L.R.C.P. & S. Edinb., Shrewsbury.

1892 Gibson, James Hill, M.D. Q.U.L, Parkstone, Doric'.

1901 Gibson, Thoma.s, M.D. Edinb., 2\>wn Hall, Wakejield. 1895 Gill, Joseph William, L.R.C.P., Liskeard.

1 90G Gillies, James, M. B. Edinb. , 4, Hurda-ick-place, Hampstead-rd. N."W.

1908 Glas.**, Alexander Gibb, M.B. Edinb., Craigview, Grantown-on- Spey, N.B.

1905 Glovei-, James Alison, M.D. Camb., 25, IIighbu7-y-place. K. 1908 Gloyne, Stephen Roodhouse, M.B. Leeds, Southorer, Lewes.

1902 Goode, Henry Norman, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., >S7. Leonards, York. 1905 Goodridge, Walter Lisle Tajdor. L.R.C.P., Windsor.

1897 Grandy, William Edward, M.B. Dubl.,.S^ Leonards.

1899 Grant, William Francis, M.D. Edinb., Sydenham, s.e.

1904 Grattan, Henry William, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps.

1890 Green, Chas. David, M.D. Loud., South-street, Romford.



Greenwood, George Spencer, L.R.C.P., Osseit.

*Green\vood, Major, L.H.C.P., 243, Hacknexi-rcad. x.e.

Gregory, Alfred John, M.D. Diuh., Cape Toivn, South Africa.

Griffith, Arthur Stanle.y, M.D. Vict, Liverpool.

Griffiths, John Howell, ":^I.D. Lend., L.R.C.P., Shooter's Hill, Kent.

Gromitt, John William, L.R.C.P.. Mahehour'j. Mauritius. *Gubb, Alfred Samuel, M.D. Paris, L.R.C.P., Algiers.

Gubbin. George Frederick, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Habgood, William, L.R.C.P., Sutton, Surrey.

Hague, John, L.R.C.P., Ainsdale, Southj)ort.

Haines, Edward, L.R.C.P.. Rochdale.

Haines, Frederick Haselfoot, L.R.C.P., Neichurrjh. Dorchester.

Hale, Lancelot Hugh Downman, L R.C.P., Chillington, Kings- bridge.

Hall, John Moore, M.B., R.U.I., 104, Upper Clapton-road. n.e.

Halliwell, Thomas, L.R.C.P., Forest-hill. s.e.

Hamerton. George Albert, L.R.C.P., 26, Southarnptcn-street. av.c.

Hamill, John Molyneux, M.B. Camb.,L.R.G.P., ^er//b?-d-/)rtr/j. w.

Hamilton, Hermann Lauder, M.B. Aberd., Aberdeen.

Hancock, George Chas., L.R.C.P., Local Govt. Board, White- hall. S.AV.

Harding, Heury William, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Catford.

Hardwick, Arthur, M.D. Durh., Neicquay, Cornwail.

Hard^', Henry Louis Preston, M.R.C.S., Stroud.

Harris, Arthur AVellesley, M.R.C.S., Town Hall, Catford.

Harris, Frauk Dren*. L.R.C.P., M.B. hond., Treherbert, Glamorgan.

Harris, John, M.D. Durh., L R.C.P., 40, Trinity-square, s.e.

Hart, George Henry, M.R.C.S., Harbome, Birmingliam.

Hartigan, Thomas Joseph Patrick, F.R.C.S., 94, Harley-st. w.

Harvey, Frederic, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Haslip, George Ernest, L.R.C.P., 8, Suffolk-place, s.w.

Hatch, Herbert Lincoln, L.R.C.P., Pinner, Middlesex.

Havard, David, M.D. St. And., L.R.C.P., Newport, Pembrokeshire.

Hayes, Edwin Charles, L.R.C.P. Edinb., Roy. Army Med. Corps.

Heanley, Charles Montagne, L.R.C.P., Hong Kong.

Heaven, John Cookesley, L.R.C.P., Clifton, Bristol.

Helby, Hasler, L.R.C.P., 4, Du Cane-road. ^r.

Henderson, James Threapland, L.R.C.P., Wibsey.

Henshaw, Harry Williams. L.R.C.P., 1, Priory-terrace, Kew.

Herringtou, Edmund William, L.R.C.P., 18, Lorrimore-sq. s.E.

Hewetson, Henry. L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Coips.

Hewlett, Richard Tanner, F.R.C.P., Southfields. s.w.

Hibbert, Joseph Coote, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Warrington.

Hichens, Frank, M.D. Lond., Redruth.

Highet, Hugh Campbell, M.D. Glasg., Bangkok, Siam.

Hill, Ernest Gardiner, L.R.C.P., Wymondham.

Hill, Richard Athelstane Parker, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., Harrow.

Hillier, Wm. Thomas, L.R.C.P., Brondey, Kent.

Hillyer, Wm. Henry, L.R.C.P., M.D. Dm'h., East Grinstead.



Obtained before the Diplomas were granted jointly by the two Colleges.


1896 1909

1887 1897 1891 1889 1909 1891 1905 1897 1889 1891 1895 1891 1897 1905 1902 1897 1892 1904 1899 1907

1898 1889 1891 1901 1896

1891 1898 1889 1887 1903

1907 1893 1904 J 899 1901 1892 1893 1896 1909 1890 1893

Hine, Alfred Ernest Barratt. L.R.C.P., Charmnnth, Dorset. Hirst, Leonard P'abian, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., 4.'», Ltinster-

squiur, JJdijmrnler. w. *nitchiiis, Tlionias Johns, LM.C.V., Broadfteld, Crawfei/. Iloare, Edwin Stanley, L.K.C.P.. 17, Lnims-^-treet. s.v>\ liobson, John Morrison, M.l) Edinb,, Morhind-road, Cioydon. llolherton, Henry Nelson. L.R.U.P., Eaft Mokfeij. Holmes, Thomas Edward, M.D. Catnb., Kniy/iton, Leicester^ Holroyde. John, M.K.C.S., Rochester. Holt, Henry, M.B. Vict., Ili:at<>n Chapel, Stockport. Home, Georg-e. M.D. Edinb,, New Piymouth, New Zealand, Hope, George, L.P.C.P.. Uxbrklge-road, Hanwell. w. Hope, William More, M.R.C.S., Barton-street, Gloucester. Hopwood, Edg-pir Oswald, M.D. Oxon., Manchester. Hormusji. Sorab Cowas.ji, L.K.C.P., Bovtbay, India. Horrocks, Herbert, M.D. Lond., L.K.G.P., Capri, Itahj. Horrocks, Oswald, L.R.C.P. Kdinb., Chatle.ris, Cambridije. Horrocks, AViu. Healon. M.B. Lond., Royal Armi/ Medical Corps. Howse, Percy Wm. McDowell, F.R.CS'., L.R.C!P., Reading. Hoyle, James (JoUing-s, L.I?.C.P., Upham, Hants. Hug-hes, David Arthur, L.R.C.P., Ammanford., Carmarthen. Hug-hep, Percy Theodore, M.B. Edinb., County Asylum, Be.rley. Hugo, James Henry, D.S.O., I\I.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Indian

Medical Service. Hunter, George Holbrey. M.R.C.S., Haughley, Suffolk. Hunter, William Lovell, M.D. Dublin, Finchhamstead, Berks. Hussey, Edward, M.D. Durh., Preston, Sussex. Hynes, Ernest Jermyn, L.R.C.P., Grassinaton, Skye. Ingall, Fiank Ernest, L.R.C.P. and F.R.C.S., Shooters-hill^

Kent. Irvin, Frederick David, M.B. Lond., Blackburn. Jackson, Herbert William. M.B. Lond,, L.R.C.P., Middlesbrough. James, Arthur William, L R.(].P., 69, Gloucester-terrace, w. James, Charles Alfred, L.R.C.P., 49, Stamford-hill. n. James, Frederick Charles. M.B. Dnrh., L.R.C.P., Harleston. James, Gwilym Prosser Wozencroft, L.K.C.P., Penarth. James, Sydney Price, i\LD. Lond., L.R.C.P., Ind. Med. Service. Jefiferiss, Walter Robert Spence, M.D. Edinb., Chatham. Jenkins, Hugh Llewelyn. M.B. Vict., Bethnal Green-road. n.e. Jenkins, John David, M.B. Lond.. L.R.C.P., Rhondda, Glamorgan, Jobson, Thomas Battersiiy. M.D. Dubl., Trelyon, Ilford. Johns, John F'rancis, M.D. Dnrh.. 16, Lamdoicne-pl., Cheltenham, Johnson, Gilbert Petgrave. M.D. Glasg., Stoke-on-Trent. Johnston, Charles Arthur. M.B. Edinb., Indian Medical Service, Johnston, Duncan Matheson, L,R,C.P., Maidstone. JoUye, Francis William, L.R.C.P., Alresford. Jones, Benjamin, M.D. Edinb., 104, Sutherland-avenue, w. Jones, Evan, L,R.C.P., 89, Gnswell-road. e.c. Jones, Frederick Felix, M,R,C,S., Llanfyllin, Oswesti-y.

Obtained before the Diplomas were granted jointly by the two Colleges.


Jones, George, M.B. Oxf., L.R.C.P., Lee. s.e.

Jones, John, M.D Lond., L.K.C.P., Cludach, Sivansea.

Jones, Lloyd Middleton Boweu, L.R.U.P., Carmarthen.

Jones, Martin Llewelyn, L.R.O.P., Aberdare.

Junes, Rowland Francis Hiigb, L.R.C.P., Boncath, Pembrokeshire.

Jones, William Black, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Llanrjammardi.

Julian, Oliver Richard Archer, C.M.G., L.R.C.P., Caatham.

Kaka, Sorabji Manekji, L.R.C.P., Karachi, India.

Kealy, John William Gregory, L.R.C.P., Gosport.

Keats, \\m. John Charles, L.R.C.P., Cambericell Injirwan/. s.E.

Keble, Alfred Ernest Conquer, L.R.C.P. & S.L, Royal Army

Medical Corps. Kenwood, Harry Richard, M.B. Edinb., L.R.C.P., Stoke ?\tivin{i-

ton. N. Ker, Malcolm Albert, M.B. Edinb., Indian Medical Service. Kerr, Daniel Oliver, M.B. Edinb., 1, Camberwell-new-road. s E. Kidd, Archibald, L.R.C.P., God.<dming.

Kilkelly, Charles Randolph, C.M.G., M.B. Dubl., Ind. Med. Sernce. King, Arthur, M.B. Edinb., Watford.

Kirton. Martin Ainger, L.R.C.P., 2, Outram-terrace, Devonport. Kirton, Reginald Gower, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Cairo. Kirwan, Albert, L.R.C.P. h'elaud, Medical Stajf, A Idershot. Kitching, John Lea Walton, L.R.C.P., Cobham, Surreij. Knocker, Wm. Douglas, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., 3G, 4, Essex- court. E.C. Lakshmanan, Peter N., M.B. Madras, L.R.C.P., 2, Carltnn-man-

sions, Clapham-road. s.\v. Lamb, John Marshall, M.B. Aberd., Borneo. Lampl(jugh, Wharram IL-nry, L.R.C.P.. M.O. Durh., Alverstone. Lansdale, William, M.D. Durh., L.R^C.P., 44, Triniii/sq. s.e. Larkam, Edward Thomas, L.R.C.P., Prestwic/i. Lawless, Edmond Jas., L.R.C.P. Edinb., Jun. Constitutional

Club. s. w. Lawrence, Sidney Cameron, L.R.C.P., Town Hall, Edmonton. N. Leake, Jonas William, L.R.C.P., Boi/al Arnnj Medical Corps. Leclezio, George Joseph Alexis, L.R.C.P., Moka, Mauritius. Ledinghani, Alexander Napier, M.B. Glasg., 13, Ledbunj-rd. w. Leleau, Percy Samuel, F.R.(/.S., L.R.C.P., i?o_(/«Z Arviy Medical

Corps. Leon, George Alexander, L.R.C.P., Torquay. Lewers, Alexander, L.R.C.P., 12, Chichester-road. av. Lewis, Frank Charles, M.D Lond., L.R.C.P., ^'a/t?*^. av. Lewis, Frederick William, M.B. Lond., Stoke Neicinytun. N. Lindow, Albert, M.R.C.S., Plumstead, Kent. Linnell, John Everard, M.B. Camb., Sheringham. Liston, William Glen, :\LD. Glasg.. Indian Medical Service. Lithgow, Thomas George, L.R.C.P., Famborough, Hants. Littledale, Herbert Edward, M.D. Dubl., 19, Sutton-court-road,

Chiswick. w. Littlejohn, Arthur Rienssett, L.R.C.P., County Asylum, Ilanicell. Lloyd, Brinley Richard, L.R.C.P., Merthyr Tydjil.


1906 Lock, George Ilaylett, L.U/J.P., 45C, Uxhriihje-road. ^y. 1903 Lodwidg-e, \Vm. Cluirrott, L.ll.C.P., Lain/jKnt, Somerset.

Logan. Tlioiuas Stiat ford, L.K.C.P. Ed'mh., J'Jwcll, Surrey,

1885 *Lo\v, Cliarle.s ^Vnl., M.B. Diirli., L.K.C.l'., Stowmarket.

1900 Low, John Spencer, Eiliub., Clu-i.<(cluirch-road, Tiilsc

Jlill. S.AV. 1909 McClure, AValter St. Clair, L.K.C.P., Stole, iJcvonport. 1897 Met 'orn)ack, Cliailes Vincent, L.K.C.P., Bomle, Liccrjwol.

1901 McDade, Charles Edmund. M.D. Koy. Univ. Irel. 146, Lavender-

Jlill. .'^.w. 1906 Macewen, Hugh Allan. M.B, Glas., 3, Woodside-crescent, Glasfjow.

1891 McGachen, Frederic Wui. Dobson, M.D. Durh., 176, Lambeth-

road. S.E.

1899 McGowan, Robert George, M.D. Aberd., ^[anchester.

1890 McLearn, Isaac Cianford, M.D.Q.U.L, IJolbom hijirmary. N.

1900 Macleod, Herbert AVilliani George, M.D. Ednib., M.K.C.P.,

17, Upper Wimpo/e-street. w. 1893 Macleod, Kobert Lockhart Koss, L'oijal Arnnj ]\fedical Corps.

1892 Macnamara, Uugli Winckwoith, L.K.C.P., Naval Med. Service. 1903 McNaught, James (}\hso\\,M.\).(j\?iS'^., Royal Army Medical Corps. 1909 Mc\Mian, Andrew Alexander, M.B. Glasg., Camhuslang, N.D,

1908 Mair, James, M.B. Glasg., Orselt. Gray's, Essex.

1893 Mair, Ludovic IVilliam Darra, L.K.C.P., Cars/ialton, Surrey. 1906 Malcomson, (jieer Edmund, M.D. Lond., Jiid. Med. Service.

1901 Male, Mamice Taylor, ]\LB. Lond., Naval Medical Service.

1891 Mallins, Clement, M.D. Dublin, Indian Medical Service.

1889 Manley, John Herbert Hawkins, M.B. Camb., West Bromwich.

1897 Mapleton, Henry Banbur}^ M.D. Edinb., Wonicell, Newton Abbot.

1899 Martin, Antony Alexander. M.D. Lond., L.K.C.P., Eastbourne.

1900 Martin, John Newton, L.K.C.P., Tavistock.

1897 Martyn, Gilbert John King, M.B., 12, Gay-street, Bath.

1891 Matthews, Charles Edward, M.D. Oxf., L.K.C. P., Northern Hospi- tal, ]Viiichmore Hill. N.

1897 Maynard, Edwin, L.K.C.P., General Ilosjntal, Bristol.

1895 JNleadows, Kobert Thornton, M.D. Edinb., Saltash.

1905 Meek, James, M.D. Koy. Univ., Irel., Tower of London, e.g.

1901 Melville, Charles Henderson, M.B. Edinb., lloyal Army Medical

Corps. 1905 Meuzies, Frederick Xoiton, M.D. Edinb., 27, Davies-street. ^y.

1909 Mhaskar, Krishnaji Shirpat, M.D. Bombay, 08, Warwick-avenue.


1902 Michel), Ralph, L.K.C.P., Leicester.

1903 Milburn, Lefslie, L.K.C.P., Town Hall, Tynemouth.

1905 Mitchell, Kobert xMacfarlaue, M.B. Edinb., Coolgardie, W.

A ustialia. 1901 MoEfit, Ciiarles Gordon, L.K.C.P., University College, w.c. 1891 Monk, Henry George Hawkins, M.K.C.S.. Neiv Zealand. 1895 Moore, Samson George, M.B. Vict., Public Tleaiih Dept.,


* Obtained before tlie Diplomas were granted jointlj by the two Colleges.



1898 1908

1903 1889 1902 1898 1889 1905 1902 1899 1903 1900

1889 190G

1898 1905 1901


1895 1898 1902 1905 1894 1889 1895 190G 1893 1891 1909


189G 1892 1908 1900

1889 1895


1907 1908 1896

Moores, Samuel Guise, L.R.C.P., Roijal Armij l^fedical Corps. Moran, Austin Joseph, L.R.C.P. & S.I., 12, Cwiihrichje-fjardens^

Kill) urn, X.AV. Morg-an, David James, M.B. Camb., Sivansea. Morg-an, (xeori^-e Frederick Elliot, L.R.C.P., IFesf TTartlepool. Morgan, James Campbell, L.R.C.P., Royal Armi) Medical Corps. Moigan, Morgan John, L.R.C.P., Aben/stwith. Morg'an, William Pi'iiig-le, M.B. Dublin, Seaford. Morris, Arthur Hugh, L.R.C.P., Royal Ariui/ Medical Corps. Mundy, Herbert, F.K.C.S., L.R.C.P., Durban, Natal. Murray, John Hamia, M.B. Loud., L<.R.C.P., Jnd. Med. Service. Murray, Wm., M.B. Edinb., 1, Montpelier-sq., Rutland-gate. s.w. Murray, Wm. Dunmore, M.B. Gla.s., 98, North-side, Clapham

Common, s.w. Muspratt, Chas. Drummond, M.D. Lond., Bownem.oidJi. Muspratt, Percy Knowles, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., W. Drayton. Musselhvhite, ^\^illiam, L.R.C.P., Spenny Moor, Durham. Myler, John William, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P , Whitchurch, Cardiff. Nabarro, David Nuues, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., Finchley-road.


Nathan, Sidney Herbert, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., 50, Harrington- gardens, s.w.

Newton, Heniy William, L.R.C.P., Chebmford.

Nicol, Percy NVood, ]\LD. Edinb., Streatham Common.

Nicoll, James, M.D. Edinb., Upper Catcrham, Surrey.

Nig-htingalf, John, M.D. Edinb., Horsforth, Leeds. *N'ighlingale, Samuel Shore, L.R.C.P., Matlock.

Norman, Frederick, L.R.C.P., 5, Holland-road, Brixton.

Norris, William Perrin, M.B. Melb., 3, Montagu-street.

Northcott, John Ford, JNl.D. Lond., Hither Green, s.e.

Norton, Everitt Edward, L.R.C.P., Isleivorth.

Norton, John, M.D. Durh., 54, Queen Annes-gate. s.w.

O'Brien, Richard Alfred, M.D. Melb., c'^o Agent-General for Victoria, Melbourne-pla<e, Strand, w.c.

O'Connor, Bernard, M.R.C.P., M.D. Queen's Univ., 14, Old- square, Lincoln s Lin. av.c.

Oliver, Charles Pye, M.D. Loud., L.R.C.P., Maidstone.

Orr, William Young, M.B. Edinb., Kenmore, Putney, s.w.

Ozzard, Fuirlie Rus^^ell, L.R.C.P., Indian Medical Service,

Page, Harry Marmaduke, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.D. Brussels, 14, Grenville-placc. 8.w.

Paget, Charles Edward, L.R.C.P., County Hall, Northaminon.

Paine, Alexander, M.D. Lond., \A, Sydney-street, Chelsea, s.w.

Paine, Charles, M.B. Lond., 15, Lupus-street, s.w.

Parker, Lionel Edmimd Longwortli, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps.

Parsons, Edward i)aniell, L.R.C.P., Wimbledon. s.AV.

Patersou, James Jenkins, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., ;SY. Helens.

Patterson, George Henry, L.R.C.P., Town Hall, Ulverston.


s.w. w.c.

* Formerly Shore Smith, Samuel.


1905 Pearse, Albert, L.K.C.P., Uoiiitl Army Medical Corps.

1903 Peile, William Hall, M.D. Dubl., L.Pt.(;.P., ii8, Campden House- court, w.

1909 Peuiiy, P'rcderick Septimus, M.B. Loiul., L.K.C.P., Royal Anmj Medical Corps.

1908 Penton, liicliard Hugh, D.S.O., L.K.C.P., Roijal Army Medical Corps.

1900 Perkins, George, L.ll.C.P., Germistoiu Transvaal. 1892 Perry, Sir Allan, M.R.C.S., Colombo, Ceijlon.

1906 Peters, Owen Herbert, M.B. Melb., Mansfield, Notts.

1903 Petrie, John Moir, M.D. Aheid., 371, Moseleij-j-oad, Birminyham.

1891 Piesse, Charles Henry, M.R.C.S., 74, Wimbledon-park-rd. s.w. ,, Pires, George, L.R.C.P.. Karachi, India.

1901 I'lant, James Robert, L.R.U.P., Leicester.

1905 Powell, James Farquliaison, Ij.R.C.P,. Ball/am. s.w.

1899 Powell, Walter Augustus, L.R.C.P., Brighton.

1904 Pratt, John Isaac, M.B. Toronto, L.R.C.P., Ontario, Canada.

1892 Preston, Georg-e, M.R.C.S. Laurel Bank, Sallash, Cornwall.

1901 Price, George Basil, M.D. Lond., M.R.tJ.P., 53, Devonshire-st. w.

1892 Priest, James Damer, M.R.C.S., Waltham Abbey.

1902 Prior, John Ralph, M.B. Durh., L.R.C.P., Church End, Finchley. 1904 Pritchett, Sidney Isaac, L R.C.P., Rochester.

1907 Probyn, Percy John, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical


1893 Procter, William James, M.B. Lond., Gt. Bookham, Leatherhead.

1895 Pryn, William Wenmnth, M.R.C.S., ^07/a/ AVty// Medical Service.

1900 Piuldicom be, Thomas Phare, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P. Plymouth.

1899 Raines, Pobert, L.R.C.P.. IhdI.

1903 Paper, Matthew Henry, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Shoeburyness.

1902 Rattraj^ Samuel, M.B. Edinb., Swindon.

1903 Reaney, Michael Foster, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Calcutta.

1888 Reece, Richard James, L.R.C.P., Loc. G^ov, /iowrc/, Whitehall, s.w.

1904 Rees, Morgan James, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Stepney Green, e.

1896 Rendle, Anstruther Cardew, M.B. Camb., L.R.C.P., Uganda. 1903 Rennie, Robert, MB. Glasg., Brierjield, Lancashire.

1905 Richards, John, L.R.C.P., Park-road, Uengoed, Cardiff.

1897 Richards, Joseph Stewart, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Croydon. 1892 Ricketts, Thomas Frank, M.R.C.P., Long Reach, Dartford.

ipoi Riddell, Robert George, M.D. VAmh., Moorgate-street, Rotherham.

1889 Roberts, Arthur, M.D. St. Andr., Harrogate.

1897 Roberts, George Augustus Edward, M.R.C.S., Twyford, Win-


1888 Roberts, John Lloyd, M.B. Edinb., Colwyn Bay, N. Wales.

1902 Robinson, Frank, M.D. Vict., Count, 1 Hall, Wakefield. 1905 Robinson, John Elliott, L.R.C.P., Dorchester.

1907 Robinson, Oliver Long, L.R.C.P., Rnyal Army Medical Corps.

1903 Robson, Neil, M.B. Glasg., Park-road, Sittinr/bourne.

1904 Rock, Frank Ernest, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., 38, Glenthome-rd. w.

1900 Roe, Thomas O'Neill, L.R.C.P., Jr/uirpie, Chili.

1898 Ross, Frederic William Forbes, M.D. Edinb., L.R.C.P., 1 5, Gower-

streef. w.c.


Ross, Eonald, M.R.C.S., The Universifi/, Liverpool.

RoiightoD, John Paul, L.R.C.P., Kettering.

Roughton, Walter, L.R.C.P., lieiv Baniet.

Rowlands, David Richards, M.D. Edinb., 17, Ilarjley-road ^

Biiiiiingham. Rundle, Claude, M.B. Lond., L.R C.P., Grove llosp,, Tooting, s.'vv. Russell, Charles Henry, L.R.C.P., Great Yarmontli. Russell, William, M.D. Aberd., The Hospital, Kiniberley. Ryley, Charles, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps. Safinrd. Artliur Hunt, L.S.A., Royal Army Medical Corps. Salisbury, Charles Ramsden, L.R.C.F., 110^ Evering-road, Stole

Neivington. N. Salter, 2Vlf red, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., 198, Jamaica-road. s.e. Samman, Charles Thomas, iVLR.(J.S., Royal Army Medical Corps, Sapp, Joha George Victor, M.B. Edinb., L.R.C.P., 16, Kiv^

William-street. Av.c. Savage, William George, L.R.C.P., M.D. Lond., Colchester. Saw, Francis Albert, M.B. Durh., Royal Army Medical Corps. Sayres, Alexander Ward Furtescue, M.D. Brussels, L.R.C.P.^

E.ieter. Scatliff, Arthur William, L R.C.P. E<linb., Clifionville, Margate. Schofield, Gerald, L.R.C.P., Chesham Bois, Bucks. Scott, Gavin Steel, M.D. Glasg., 188, Sherlock-road, Birmingham. Scott, Sack Noy, L.R.C.P., Flymstock, Plymouth. Scrase, Frank Edwd., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., West End-lane. N.w. Seccombe, John William Smyth, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical

Corps. Senior, Arthur, M.B. Camb., Thames Ditton, Surrey. Shadvvell, St. Clair Brockway, L.R.C.P., M.D. St. Audr., Waltham-

siow. Shannon, William John, M.B. Roy. Univ. Irel., Leytoustone. E. Sharpe, Wm. Salisbury, fj.R.C.P., 8, C lev eland-ter., Hyde Park. w. Sherlock, Edward Birchall, M.B. Loud., Darentli A sylnm,Dartford, Shrubshall, Wm. W^yatt, L. R.C.P. & S. Edinb., Kemp Toun^

Brighton. Sikes, Alfred Walter, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., 57, Wimpole-street. w. Simmons, Harold, M.B. Dui-h., L. R.C.P., Bournemouth. Simpson, Godfrey William, L. R.C.P., Wandsworth, s.w. Simpson, James Tracy, L. R.C.P. Edinb., Farnhorough, Hants. Sinclair, Harold Weightman, M.D. Lund., L.R.C.P., Middles- brough. Sinclair, Thomas Walker, M.D. Melb., Sydney, Neiv South Wales, Sinigar, Harry, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P. , Sovthall, Middlesex. Skelton, Dudley Sheridan, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps, Skerrett, Frank Blenkinsopp,M.B. Lond., L.V\..G.V., For est Gate. k. Small, Robert, L.R.C.P., Worcester.

Smith, Daniel Lloyd, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Kingswood, Frodsham, Smith, James, M.B. Edinb., Chesham, Bucks. Smith, Sydney I'alvin, L.R.C.P,, Highgate. n. *Smith, William Steele, L.R.C.P. ,Chorlton-Cum-Bardy, Manchester,

* Formerly Smith, William.




1894 1893 1889 1909 1901 1900 1904 1896 1908

1897 1902 1904 1891 1904

1897 1904 1902 1906 1898 1908 1891

1906 1894 1896 1892 1902 1889

1894 1908 1894 1901 1906

1889 1885 1893 1891

1902 1904 1901


Smithson, Arthur Ernest, M.B. Camb., L.Pv.C'.P., Roijal Army J\feilic(tl Corps.

Smjtii, Ernest Jackson, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Guildford.

Snell, Sidney Herbert, jNI.D. LoTid., L.R.C.P., Wandsworth. s."\v.

Solly, Ernest, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Harrogate.

Southconibe, Arthur George, L.R.C.P., 83, Sidnei/-road. n.e.

Spaull, Percy William, ij.\i.CF.,Staiiirtc/c-rd., W. Kensington, vr.

Spicer, Arthur Herbert, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Petwortli.

Spitteler, Alfred, M.B. Madras, Indian Medical Service.

Spooner, Cbarles Augustus, L.R.C.P.E., Gl , Tredegar-sq., Bow. E.

Spreat, Erank Arthur, E.R.C.S., Whetstone, s.

Stammers, Georg-e Elliott Erauk, L.R.C.P., lioyal Armi) Medical Corps.

Stanley, Arthur, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Shanghai, China.

Starkey, Thomas Albert, ^LP>. Lond., L.R.C.P., Montreal., Canada.

Statham, JohnCharles Baron. L.R.C.P.,/i'o_vrtZ Army Medical Coi-ps.

Stawell, Richard Rawdnn, INF.D, Melhoiivne, Melbourne, Atistralia.

Stedman, Percy Taylor Humphrey, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Leighton Ihizzard.

Steegmann, Edward John, M.B. Durh., L.R.C.P., Isleworth.

Steinhaeuser, John Robert, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Lewes.

Stephen, Guy Neville, L.R.C. P., 6^rosreno?- Club. ^y.

Stephen, Lessel Philip, J\LB. Aberd., Indian Medical Service.

Stephens, Henry Woolcott, L.R.C.P., Laingsburg, Cape Colony.

Stephens. James Batson, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Redhill.

Stevens, Francis Joseph, M.R.C.S., Grove Park, Camberwell. s.E.

Stirling, Alex. Williamson, M.D. }idinh., Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Stock, Philip Graham. L-R.C.P., .Johannesburg, 'Transvaal.

Stouham, Henry Archibald, L.R.C.P., 511, Commercial-road. e.

Stori-s, Eric Gleadow, L.R.C.P., Ellesmere.

Stott, Hugh, L.R.C.P., Lewes, Sussex.

Stoviu, Gornelius Frederick, L.S.xi., II ford, Essex.

Sykes, Mattliew Carrington, L.R.C.P., 50, Maddox-street. "\v.

Sylvester, George Holden, L.R.C.P., Tonbridge.

Symes, John Odery, M.B. Lond.,L.R.C.P., Clifton, Bristol.

Tate, John, L.R.C.'P., Harrow.

Tatliam, Chas. JohuAVillmer, M.R.C.S., Royal A rmy Medical Corps.

Taunton, Edgar, L.R.C.P., Bethersdon, Ashford, Kent.

Taylor, Daniel Macphersou. M.D. Glas., 18, Castlegate, York.

Taylor, John Francis, M.R.C.S., 204, Jligh-road, Leyto'n, Essex.

Taylor, Lot Albert, L.R.C.P. Edinb., Bricrley Hill. *Taylor, William Frederick, M-D.., Kingston, Brisbane, Queensland.

Tebb, Albert Edward, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Einchley-rd. n.w.

Tebb, Wm. Scott, M.D. Camb., L.R.C.P., Town Hall, South- wark. s.K.

Thomas, Albert Edward, M.B. Oxf., Town Hall, Chester.

Thomas, Artiiur Hitchings, L.S.A., Yiewsley, Middlesex.

Thomas, Charles James, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Epsom.

Thomas, Daniel Lewis, L.R.C.P., 23, Bromley-street, Commercial- road. E.

Obtained before the Diplomas were granted jointly bj the two Colleges.


Thomas, David Jones, L.k.C'.P., Acton, av.

Thomas, AVilliam Joha. L.R.C.P., South Woodford, x.e.

Thompson, Clias. Herbert, M.D.Dnbl., M.K.C.P., loo, Harhy-st. ay,

Thompson, James Arthur, L.R.C.P.I., Naval Medical Service.

Thompson, Wilberforce, L.R.C.P., Bridgwater.

Thomson, Alfred Georg-e Patiick, M.B. E(Hn., IIiiU.

Thomson, Frederic Holland, M.B. Aberd., Hospital, Tottenham, x.

Thomson, Jack Mowbray, M.B. Sydney, Inchcom, Brisbane.

Thornley, Robert Lewis, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Beverley.

Tibbetts, Thomas Major, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Cradle// Heath.

Tilleke, Robert Edwin Goone, M.D. Brussels, Goone, Candyy

Ceijlon. Toog-dod, Fredk. Sherman, M.D. Lond., //?^n?mr?/, T.ewisham. s.e. Townroe, Eugene Dunbar, L.R.C.P., Winslej/, Bradford-on-Avoiu Tratman, Frank. M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Perth, W. Australia. Tuxford, Arthur Wren, M.B. Durh., L.R.C.P., Gloucester. Tyndale, Wentworth Francis, C.MG., M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P.,

Royal Army Medical Corps. T^MTell, Walter Guy Beauchamp, L.R.C.F., Great Malvern. Valiutine, Thomas Harcourt Ambrose, L.R.C.P., New Zealand. Vallance, Hugh, L.R.C.P., Meadvale, Red llill. Vickers, Charles William, M.R.C.S., Paignton. Vickers, Philip, M.B. Ediub., Southport.

Wadd}', Fredk Henry, M.D. Glasg-., 83, Rustlings-rd., Sheffield. Waldo, Frederick Joseph, M.D. Camb., Golden-lane. k.c. Walker, Georg-e Charles, M.B. Vict., L.R.C.P., Winchmore Hill. n. AValkcr, Norman Hamilton, M.B. Lond.. L.R.C.P., Winchmore

Hill. N. Walker, William Percy, L.R.C.P., Royal Army Medical Corps. AVallace, Georg-e Smith, M.B. Glasg-., Royal Army Medical Corjjs. Wallace, William, M.D. Edinb., Pendlebury, Manchester. Walton, Henry Beckles Gall, L.R.C.P., i?o//«Z Army Medical Corps. Wanhiii, Charles Fi-ederick, L.R.C.P., Royal A rmy Medical Corps. Wanklyn, William McConnel, L.R.C.P., 8, St. Martin'' s-place. w.c. Waid, Ellacott Leamon, L. K.C.P., Indian Medical Service. Warner, Allan, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P., Kirhy Muxloe, Leicester. Warren, Stanle,y Herbert, L.R.C.P., Gillingham, Kent. Wari-y, John King-, M.B. Lond., M.R.C.P., o9, Filey-avenue. n.b. Watson. Joseph Riley, M.B. Edinb., Harrogate. Watt, James, M.D. Edinb., Dunedin, New Zealand. Watts, Brian, M.D. Brussels, L.R.C.P., Royal Army A[edical

Corps. Watts, Edward Croft, M.D. Edinb., Silverdalc, Farnhorough. Webb, Arthur Lisle Ambrose, L.R.C.P., Roy. Army Medical Corps. ^Wel b, Charles Alfred, M.R.C.S., Royal Army Medical Corps. W^ebb, Hugh George Stiles, 'h.Y^.^. V., Roy cd Army Medical Corps. Wed'J, Bernard Harry, M.D. Lond., h.ll.C.F., Nottingham-pl. "w. Westcott, AVilliam Wynn, M.B. Lond., 396, Camdeu-road. n. WTieaton, Samuel Walton, M.D. Lond., F.ll.C.P., Streatham

Hill. s.w.

* Obtained before the Diplomas vrere f;raiited jointly by the two Colleges.



1891 AVhiston, Philii) Henry. L.ll.C.P., Roiial Army Medical Corps.

1900 White, Frank Jlarris, L.K.C.P., Forest Catc. E.

1894 White, Thomas Edward, L.R.C.IM., Catford. s.K.

1890 Wl)itehead.riayward Reader, \j.\i.C.?.\Cjio>ial Army Med. Corps.

1888 *Whittick, Fallon Percy, M.D. Dnrh., L.R.C.P., 9a, Cpper Brook-

street, w.

1901 Wigj^ins, William Denison, Lli.C.P..7V/e Jnfmnary ^Greenwich, s.e.

1902 Wig-ht, Ernest Octavius, M.U.C.S.. Royal Anuy ' Medical Corys. 18:'5 Wigmore, Arthur William, L.R.C.l'., N^ortliwood, Middlesex.

1899 Wilkes, Edwin Montague, L.S.A., 111, Cnlvert-rd., Battersea. s.w.

1895 Wilkes, George Arthur, M.D. Jiirm., L.R.C.P., Birmiufjham.

1892 Wilkie, John, M.D. Lond., 118, Lansdowne-road. n.e.

1898 AVilkinson, John, M.B. Edinb., Droitwich.

1901 Wilkinson, Percy John, F.R.C.S. Edinb., IJiqhqate. n.

1900 Willcox, William Henry, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., 43, iluten Anne-

street, w. 1895 Wilhams, Arnold Wiiikelried, M.B. Edinb., Briyhton.

1899 Williams, Ernest Graham Hamilton, L.R.C.P., Droitwich. 1886 t^^i"'^"is, John Frederick, L.R.C. P., 5(), Camberwell-road. s.e.

1900 Williams, Robert Edwin, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Woolwich. 1894 Williamson, John, M.D. Lond., L.R.C.P., Epsom.

1906 Willis, Charles Savill, Sydney, L. R.C.P., A nnandale, Sydney.

1901 Willson, Howard Samuel, M.D. (Jamb., Weybridije.

1902 V\ illson, Reginald John, M.R. (Jamb., Sutton, Snrrei/.

1909 Wilson, Arthur Harold, L.K.CP. Edinb., ra/rZ/e//, \Vorce<tershire.

1907 Wilson, James Edwin, M.B. Roy. Univ. Irel., Neiv Southijate. N.

1902 Wilson, James Patterson. M.B. Glasg., liedhurn^ Johnstone.

1906 Winter, Thomas Basseil, M.R.C.S., Royal Army Medical Corps.

1907 Wood, Charles Rawdcm, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P., Shoreham.

1901 Wood, Fi'ank Lomax, ^[.B. Vict., 93, Stamford-hill. N.

1892 Wood, Louis Edmund, M.B. Lond., Fenshurst, Tonbridye.

1891 Wood, Wm. Atkinson, M.D. Melb., Tarra, Melbourne, Au.^tralia. 1899 Woodfield, Thomas Harold, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Sheotei-'s-

hill. S.F.

1893 Woodhouse, Francis Decimus, L.R.C.P., Blandford.

1898 Woollacott, Francis James, M.D. Oxf., Hospital, Tooting, s.w. ]906 Wright, Cyril Ilaworth, ALB. Edinb., Towcester.

1905 Wright, Fred. Robert EUist.m, M.B. Lond., L.R.C.P., Braunton,

Devon. 1893 Wray, George Bury, M.R.C.S., iVo«»?,i7/m?».

1902 Wright, Thomas, M.B. Glasg., The Grove, Aldershot.

1889 Wunderlich, Otto, L.R.C.P., M.D. Brussels, Sydney, N.S.W.

1899 Wyche, Ernest Morton, L.R.C.P., Haddenham. Cambridge. 1909 Yenamandram, Subrahmanyam, L.M. & S. Madras, Madras. 1889 Young, Edward Herbert, M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P., Okehumpton.

1901 Young, Ludovic Unwin, M.B. Edinb,, 82, Gi-osvenor-rd., Jliyh-

bury. N.

1902 Young, Meredith, M.D. Edinb., 24, Somerset-street, w.

Total Number of Diplomates, 651.

* Formerly Wightwick, Fallon Percy.

t UbLaiued befoi-e the Diplomas were granted jointly by the two Colleges.





Chesham Bois . Great Missenden



Liscard Tiniperley



Herbert AVatne}', M.D. Camb. f. Charles Wm. Marriott, M.D. St. Andr. m Francis Heury Hawkins, M.U. Edinb. m.


Henrj Cliarltoa Bastian, M.D. Lond. f. Sir Felix Semon, K.C.V.O., M.D. Berlin, f.


Peter Wallwork Latham, M.D. Camb. f. John Buckley Bradbury, M.D. Camb. f. Su- Thomas Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B., M.D. Camb.


William Halse Rivers Rivers, M.D. Lond. f. Laurence Humphry. M.D. Camb. f, John Foster Gaskell. M.B. Caml). m. Frederick Gowland Hopkins, M.B. Loud. m. Walter Maiden, M.D. Camb. m. Arthur Hallowes Miller, M.B. Camb. m.


John Elliott, M.D. Lond. f,

John Duff, M.D. Glasg. m.

James George Taylor, M.D. Camb. m.

Charles Edwyn Percy Forsyth, M.D. Aberd.

Ernest Bosdin Leech, M.D. Camb. m.

CORNWALL. James Barclay Montgomery, M.D. Glasg. r.

r. denotes a Fellow, and ii. a Member of the College.





Uathcrleujh Hfracombe

)> Lijntoii .

Plymouth Teignmoutli

'I'orquaij .

Parkstone Weymouth

Clacton-on-Sea Colcliester Inr/atestune Lei(jh-on-Sea . Wit ham . Woodford Bridje



'.1 Lydnej .

Alton Jiournemouth

V. V.


iroiiry Davy, M.D. Loud. v.

William Gordon, M.D. (Jamb. v.

Auj^iistus Drake, M.B. Camb. v.

Georg-e Lestock Thornton, m.

Tiioinas Tiilycr Wliipliam. M.D. Oxf.

Cornelius lienjaniin Fox, M.I). Edinb.

Edwyn .Jolin Slade King, M.D. Edinb. Ex. l.

Joliu Francis Walklngame Tatliam, M.D. Dubl.


Edward Lawrence Fox, INI.D. Camb. m. Alfred Lewis Galabin, i^LD. Camlj. v. William Walkinsliaw Macreight, jNLD. Glasg-. 31. Henry IIumplire3-s, M.D. Camb. m. Arthur Edmund Carver. M.D. Camb. m.


ITorace Dobell, U.\). St. Andr. yu George Gavin Morrice, M.D. Camb. m.


Ellas Jones Roberts, M.D. Lond. m. Sydney Walter Curl, M.D. Camb. m. Sheffield Henry Morler Neave. m. John Gallie Fraser, M.B. Edinb. ii. George Wallington Grabham, M.D. Lond. m. Robert Joues, M.D. Lond. f.


Robert Shingleton Smith, M.D. Lond. f.

^lr Herbert Isambard Owen, M.D. Camb. f.

John Mlchell Clai'ke, M.D. Camb. f.

Henry Waldo, M.D. Aberd. m.

Jolm Alexander Nixon, M.B. Camb. m.

John Roger Charles, M.D. Camb. h.

Newman Nelld, M.B. Vict. m.

Carey Franklin Coombs, M.D. Lond. m.

Edward Thomas Wilson, ^^B. Oxf. f.

Ernest Chrlstison Carter, M.B. Edinb. jr.

Robert Leamon Bowles, M.D. St. Andr. f.


Fletcher Beach, M.B. Lond. f. John Roberts Thomson, M.D. Edinb. f. Arthur Rausome, M.D. Camb. f. \VilIiam Vicary Snow, M.D. Lond. r.




Isle of Wijht .

)) Lee-on-the- Solent Milford-on-Sen


Hemel Hempstead Hertford . New Baniet . Letchworth

Bromley . Dartford. Edenhridge Eltham . Folkestone Side up . Sonthboroiigh Tiinhridge Wells

Didshury Eccles Formhy . Liveipool

ilA.MPSlllRE^-con finned.

James Davisou, M.D. Queen's Univ. jr. Edwiu Hyla Greves, M.D. Edinb. u. George Bainbridge, M.D. Durli. jr. Daniel McClare Ross, M.D. Durh. m, Thomas Frederick Gardner, M.D. Durh. si. Joseph Georg'e Harsaut, M.D. Lond. ir. Alfi-ed Charles (Joles, M.D. Edinb. m. Ernest Wyndham Cottle, M.D. Oxf. jr. John Livesay Whitehead, M.D. St. Andr. jr. Edward Purness Potter, M.D. Brussels. ji. Henry Cook, M.D. St. Andr. f. Vincent Dormer Harris, M.D. Lond. f.


Paul Morg-an Chapman, M.D. Lond. v.


John Yaughan Hughes, M.D. St. Andr. Ex. l. Charles Edward Shelly, M.D. Camb. m. Joseph Frank Payne, M.D. Oxf. f. Ralph Henry Crowley, M.D. Lond. jr.


Charles Henry Carter, M.D. Lond. jr. Thomas Frank Ricketts, M.D. Lond. jr. Charles Planck, jr.

Thomas Lawes Rogers, M.D. St. Andr. jc. William Joseph T^'son. M.D. Durh. f. Theodore Fisher, M.D. Lond. f. Robert Ci'others, M.D. Glasg. jr. George Fielding Blandford, M.D. Oxf. f. John Ebenezer Ranking, M.D. Oxf. f. Wilfred Brougham Warde, M.D. Lond. m. Francis Robert Bryant Bisshopp, M.D. Cumb. jr. George Lucas Pardinglon, M.D. Durh. m.


Thomas Carleton Railton. M.D. Lond. jr. Alexander Cors;ir Sturrock, M.D. Edinb. Jr. Stanle}' Augustine Gill, M.D. Durh. jr. Alderman Thomas Houghton Waters, M.D. St.

Andr. f. Thomas Robinson Glynn, M.D. Lond. f. Richard Caton, M.D. Edinb. f. Sir James Barr, M.D. Glasg. f.





LANCASHIRE— 60H/m«c^/.

Thomas Kohcit Bradsliaw, M.D. Dubl. v. John Hill Abrain, M.D. liOnd. v. Williaii) liariiett Warrington, M.D. Loml. f. Robert James Mcljean Buchanan, M.D. Vict. k. Charles John Macalister, M.D. Edinb. v. William Williams, M.D. Queen's University^

Ireland. M. James Reginald Stocker, M.B. Lond. m. Ewin^ Mould Glynn Whittle, M.D. Camb. m. William Gay, M.D. Edinb. m. John Oglethorpe W'akelin Barratt, M.D. Lond. >i John Hannah Drysdale, M.D. Camb. m. Max Sally Luwenthal, M.D. Wurzburg. m. John Lloyd Roberts, M.D. Lond. m. Archibald Gordon Gullan, M.D. Loud. m. Nathan Raw, M.D. Durh. y\. Thomas Bushby, M.B. Edinb. si. John Cecil Macmurdo Given, M.D. Lond. m. John Hay, M.D. Vict. m. Ernest Edward Glynn, M.B. Camb. m. Owen Thomas Williams, M.D. Lond. m. John Owen, M.D. Lond. m. David Lloyd Roberls, M.D. St. Andr. f. Graham Steell, M.D. Edinb. f. John Dixon Maun, M.D. St. Andr. f. Judson Sykes Bury, M.D. Lond. f. Ernest Septimus Reynolds, M.D. Lond. f. George Redmayne Murray, M.D. Camb. f. Arthur Thomas Wilkinson, M.D. Lond. f. Edward Mansfield Brockbauk, M.D. Vict. f. Richard Thomas Williamson, M.D. Lond. f. Abraham Matthewsoii Edge, M.D. Queen's Univ.,

Ireland, m. Siegmund INIoritz, M.D. Wurzburg. m. Archibald Donald, M.D. Edinb. m. Sir William Japp Sinclair, M.D. Aberd. m. Thomas Arthur IlelmC; M.D. Edinb. yi. Samuel Buckle^', M.D. Lond. m. Robert Briggs"^Wild, M.D. Lond. m. Richard Walter Marsden, M.D. Vict. 5i. Frederick Craven Moore, M.D. Vict. m. Charles Herbert Melland, M.D. Lond. m. Charles Christopher Heywood, M.B. Camb. m. Ernest Nicholson Cuuliffe, M.D. Vict. m. Frank Edward Tylecote, M.D. Vict. ii. Charles Paget Lapage, M.D. Vict. m. Albert Ramsbottom, M.D. Vict, m. Hugh 'J\ike Ashby, M.B, Camb. m. Donald Elms Core, M.B. Vict. m.



Preston .

•1 Rainhill .

11 Southport

Leicester Pinner

Mimdesley Norwich .


Long Framlington Neivcastle-on-Tyne.



L ANC ASHI R'E,— continued.

Robert Charles Brown, M.B. Lond. v. Joseph Hutchinson Hammond, M.D. Aberd. m. Frederick William Collinson, M.D. Ediub. y\. Joseph Wig-lesworth, M.D. Lond. v. Joseph Shaw Bolton, M.D. Loud. f. Richard CraAvshaw Holt, M.D. Durh. .Ar.


Frank Montague Pope, M.D. Camb. f. Reginald Pratt, M.D. Lond. m.


Frederick Thomas Roberts, M.D. TiOnd.


Sidney Vere Pearson, M.B. Camb. m.

Sir Peter Bade, M.D. Lond. f.

Fredk. Wm. Burton-Fanning. M.D. Camb. f,

Arthur John Cleveland, M.D. Lond. m.


Frank Bnszard, M.D. Lond. f. iVilliam Harding, M.B. Edinb. m. Peverell Smythe Hichens, M.D. Oxf. jr. William Morton Robson, M.D. Lond. m.


John Charles James Fenwick, M.D. Camb. y\.

^Villiam Murray, JNI.D. Durh. f.

Sir George Hare Philipson, M.D. Camb. f.

Sir Thomas Oliver, M.D. Glasg. f.

Thomas Beattie, M.D. Durh. m.

Robert Alfred Bolam. ]\LD. Durh. jr.

George Hall, M.D. Lond. m.

Alfred Parkin, M.D. Durh. m.

William Errington Hume, M.B. Camb. m.


Charles Henry Cattle, M.D. Lond. f. William Barney Tate, M.D. Aberd. m. Michael Colman Collins, M.D. Queen's Univ., Irel.


Frank Harwood Jacob, M.D. Lond. m. Hemy Handforu, M.D. Edinb. f.

z 2



Banbui^j . Oxford




Weslon-super-IJare .

Leek Wolverhampton


Ahiitgdov Epsovi . Farnham

Kenleij . Pur ley . Richmond

Virginia Water Warlingham .

OXKOUnSIIIIJE. Frederic La Coque Tlionie, M.U. St. Andr. William Odliii}.-, M.H. Loud. v. John AVickham Lcf^g', M.D. Lond. v. William Osier, M.D. McGill. f. William Collier, M.D. Camb. v L'obert Bridges, M.l^. Oxf. f. Arthur Latham Ormerod, M.D. Oxf. f. Joseph William Eastwood, M.D. Ediiib. M. Alexander Frederick Bradshaw, C.B. m. Alexander Georg-e (iibson, M.B. Oxf. Ji.

RUTLANDSHIRE. Robert Fielding-Ould, M.D. Oxf. m.

SHROPSHIRE. Ilenrj' Willoughby Gardner, M.D. Lond. m.


Henry Gervis, M.D. Lond. f. Edwai'd John Cave, M.D. Lond. m. Rupert Waterliouse, ^LD. liond. m. James Lindsay, M.D. Edinb. m. William Ronaldson Clark, M.B. Aberd. m.


William Francis Menzies, M.D. Edinb. m. William Millington. ^LD. Ediul). m. Frederick Edge, M.D. Lond. m.

SUFFOLK. William Allen Sturge, M.D. Lond. f.


Robert Boxall, M.D. Camb. :vi. llariy Devine, M.B. Lond. M. Fhilip John Hens'.ey, JNLD. Camb. f. George Oliver, M.D. Lond. f. Frederick Ruf^nacht \Valters, M.D. Lond. Joseph Arthur Arkwright, M.D. Camb. y\. Leonard George Parsons, M.D. Lond. ji. William Cay ley, M.D. Lond. f. Arthur Shadwell, M.D. Oxf. f. Herbert Chavasse Squire, M.B. Oxf. Albert John Venn, M.D. Aberd. m. Edwin Stephen Pasmore. M.D. Lond. m




Bexhill . Bognor . Brighton .



East Orinstead



Pttlhoruugh St. Leonards .


William Orano-e, C.B., M.D. Heidelberg-, v. John Charles Thorowg-ood, M.D. Lond. f. William Ainslie Hollis, M.I). Camb. f. Edmund Hobhouse, M.D. Oxf. f. Joseph Rutter, M.D, Lond, m. James Edmunds, M.D, St, Andr. m. Henry Seymour Branfoot, M.B. Lond, m. Walter Broadbent, M.D, Camb, m. Edward Forster Maynard, M,D, Edinb, m. Charles Frederick Bailey, M.D, Lond, m. Donald George Hall, M,D, Camb. m. John Frederick Gordon Dill, M.D. Camb. m. Charles Henry Benham, M.D. Lond. m. Francis Valentine Paxlou, M.B, Oxf, m. Ai-thur Evershed, m.

William Burns Beatson, M,D, St. Andr, f. George James Symes Saunders, M,D, Lond. Henry Singer Gabbett, M.D. Dubl. m. Edward Stewart, M.D. Brussels, m. Charles Henry Fennell, M.D, Oxf, m. AVilliam Alfred Wills, M.D, Lond. m. Noel Dean Bards well, M,D, Edinb. m. John Harle}^ M.D. Loud. f. Frederick Bagshawe, M.D. Camb. f. Charles Henry Allfrey, M.D. Edinb. m. Frank Papillou Haviland, M.D. Camb. jr. Isaac Dobree Chepmell, M.D, St, Andr. m.



Sir James Sawyer, M.D. Lond. f. Robert Saundby, M.D. Edinb, f. Alfred Henry Carter, M.D. Loud. f. Robert Michael Simon, M.D. Camb. f. Edward Malins, M.D, Edinb. f. James William Russell, M.D. Camb. f. Theodoi-e Stacey Wilson, M.D. Edinb. f. Cornelius William Suckling, M.D. Lond. jr. Otto Jackson Kanffmann, M.D, Lond. m. Thomas Sydney Short, M.D, Lond. m. Charles Edwin Furslow, M.D. Loud. m. John Douglas Stanley, M.D. Edinb. m. William Lamb, M.D. Edinb. m. Sidney Herbert Ferry, M.D. Loud. m. Arthur Douglas Heath, M.D. Lond. m. Arthur Stanley Barnes, M.D. Lond. m. Joseph George Emanuel, M.D. Lond. m.



Birmingham »>



Leaiiiiiigfon Rugby

Brongh Kirkby- Lonsdale,

Bradford-oil -A von



Bradford Crayke . Halifax . Harrogate


Tlkley Leeds



WARWICKSHIRE— continued.

James Edwaril Hill Sawyer, M.D. Oxf. m. VV^illiam lleiiry Wyiiii, M.I). Loiul. m. Georoe Au<^"iistus Auclen, M.H. Caiulj. :m. Leonard (George Josepli Mackey, MA). liinu. Thomas William Thursfield, M.l), Aberd. v. Frederic Harry Ilaynes, M.D. Loud. v. Thomas Edwyn Cecil Cole, M.D. Oxf. m. Clement l)uk(!s, M.D. Lond. k Athelstaue lliff Simey, M.D. Camb. m.


John Abercrombie, M.D. Camb. r. William Smith Paget-Tomliuson, M.D. Lond.


John Beddoe, M.D. Edinb. f. Francis George Penrose, M.D. Lond. William Wallis Ord, M.D. Lond. m.


Henry Johnstone Campbell, M.D. Lond. r. Charles Montague Chadwick, M.D. Oxf. v. Stanley William Randolph Colyer, M.D. Lond. George Oliver, M.D. Lond. f. Alfred Mantle, M.D. Durham, m. William Bain, M.D. Durh. m. Michael George Foster, m. Wilfrid Edgecombe, M.D. Lond. m. Edward Owen Daly, M.D. Oxf. m. Frank Cecil Eve, M.D. Camb. m. Edward Turton, M.D. Vict. m. Thomas Johnstone, M.D. Ediiib. jr. Alfred George Barrs, M.D. Edinb. f. Edmond Fauriel Trevelyan, M.D. Lond. f. Albert Sidney Frankau Gruubaum, M.D. Camb. Thomas Wardrop Grifltith, M.D. Aberd. f. Waler Henry Maxwell Telling, M.D. Lond. Carlton, Oldfield, M.D. Lond. m. George William Watson, M.D. Lond. m. Arthur John Hall, M.B. Camb. f. Duncan Burgess, M.B. Camb. f. Alfred Edward Barnes, ]\I.B. Lond. m. Edward Fretson Skinner, M.B. Camb. Bedford Fierce, M.D. Lond. f.



Abertistwith Cardiff .

Carmarthen Deganwij


Thomas Davies Harries. Ji. Edvvia Goodall, M.D. Lond. f. Donald Rose Paterson, M.D. Ediub. sr. Ewen John Maclean, M.D. Edinb. si. William Mitchell Stevens, M.D. Lond. m. Sir John Williams, Bart,, K.C.V.O., M.D. f. William Carter, M.D. Lond. f.

Belfast .

Cork Killarney


James Alexander Lindsay, M.D. Roy. Univ. Heniy Lawrence McKisack, M.D. Roy. TTniv. Patrick Thomas O'Snllivan, M.D. Roy. Univ. Lawrence Thomas Griffin. E::. l.


It Ayrshire . Edinburgh

Glasgow ,


David White Fiulay, M.D. Glasg. f.

Arthur Wellesley Falconer, M.D. Aberd. sr

James Clark, M.D. 7vl)erd. m.

William Smith Greenfield, M.D. Lond. f.

Edwin Bramwell, M.B. Ediab. f.

Dawson Fyers Duckworth Turner, M.D.Edlnb. m.

Sir Donald MacAlister, M.D. Camb. f.


CHANNEL ISLANDS. Edward Alfred Birch, M.D. Brussels f.


Foecy Cher Mentone .



George Charles Bright, M.D. Oxf. f.

Sir Henry Blanc, K.C.V.O., M.D. Montpellier. f.

Jules Edmond Theophile de Valcourt, M.D. Paris.


Edward Henry Douty, M.D. Camb, m, Alexander Collie, M.D. Aberd. m. James Lewis Siordet, M.B. Lond. f. John William Campbell, M.B. Camb. m. Daniel West Samways, M.D. Camb. m.



Freiburg ,

Florence .

Davos Plalz

Geneva . Monireux


Hong Kong

Bangalore Bengal .



Lahore Punjab



Christian Gottfried Ileinrich Biiuniler, M.D, Eilaiig'eD. F.


Edward Alfred Gates, M.D. Loud. m. Guido Yule Giglioli, M.U. Florouce. m.


William Richard Iluggai-d, M.D. Roy. Univ.

Ireland, v. Arnold Francis Bill, M.D. Oxf. m. Bernard Hudson, M.D. Canib. m. Auguste Elisee Cordes, M.D. Paris, .m. Stuart Alexander Tidey, M.D. Lond.' -m.


CEYLON. Georg-e Thornton. M.D. Ediub. m.


Francis William Clark, M.D. Durh. m.


Robert Frazer Standage. yi.

\Mlliam Henry Gregg. iSI.B. Dubl. m.

Edwin Haiold Brown, M.D. Dnrh. m.

George Maclver Canipliell Smith. M.B. Aberd

Archibald Currie MacGilchrist, M.D. Edinb.

"William David Ke> worth. M.B. ('amb. m.

Nusserwanji Fakirji Surveyor, M.D. Bomb.

Shapurji Hormusji ^lodi. m.

Jehangir Cawasjee Balsarn. m.

George Francis Angelo Harris, M.D. Durh. f

Leonard Rogers, M.D. Loud. v.

Thomas Fiederick Pearse. M.D. Brussels, m.

John Cyril Hohiich Leicester, M.D. Lond, m.

David AVaters Sutherland, M.B. Edinb. m.

John Norman Walker, m.


JAPAN. William Lawrence Ascherson, M.D. Camb. m.


Eijijpt (Caifo) .

*> n

,, (Ivhartoiun) Madeira .



George Alexander Finlaysou, ]\I.B. Aberd. m..


Llewellyn Caractacus Powell Pliiilips, M.D..

Camb. F. Paul Cuning'hani Edward Tribe, M.B. Lond. 51.. Thomas i3og-ie Hamilton, -M.B. Edinb. ir. Harold Benjamin Day, M.D. Lond. ^r. John Brian Christopherson, M.I). Camb. m. Vincent Sutherland Hodsou, M.B. Uxf. m. Michael Comport Grabham, M.D. Aberd. v.


Cape Town . . AA-^illiara Darley Hartley, M.D. Dnrh. Johannesburg . . j Emil Paul Baumann, M.B. Ediub. m. Pretoria. . . ! George Thornton, M.D. Edinb. Ji.

London . Montreal. Ottawa .

Peterborough Toronto .


Baltimore Boston . Illinois . San Francisco .



Hugh A. McCallum, M.D. West Univ., London. 31.

John Mc(.'i'ae, M.B. Toronto, m.

Sir Jame.s Alexander Grant, K.C.MG., M.iX.

McGill. V. Perry David Goldsmith, ]SI.D. 'J'oronto. jr. William Julius Mickle. M.D. Toronto, f. Robert Dawson Rudolf, M.D. Edinb. m. Robert Joseph Dwyer, M.B. Toronto, m. Goldwin William Howland. M.B. Toronto, m. Alfred Ernest Jones, M.D. Lond. m. Harold Campbell Parsons, M.D. Toronto, jr. George William Ross, M.B. Toronto, jr. Charles Hunter, M.D. Aberd. jr.


Thomas McCrae, J5LD. Toronto, f.

Charles Alfred Hebbert. ji.

Harold Douglas Singer, M.D. Lond. m.

Samuel Otway Lewis Potter, M.D. Jefiersoii

Coll. M. Winslow Anderson, M.D. California, ji.


JJaenos Ayres . Britifh Guiana



Edward Haiily, M.D. Queen's George Williams Parker, m.

Univ., Ireland. M.




Edward Johnstone Jenkins, M.I). Oxf. f. George Edward Uennie, M.I). Lend. f. Chailes Muller. m. James Michael McDonaffh, M.D. Brussels, m.

Brisbane .


William Samuel Octavius Byrne, M.D. Dubl. Thomas Iloward Mor^ran. M.D. Edinb. m.

Adelaide Exeter .


Alexander Disney Leith Napier, M.D. Aberd. Cliarles Henry Reissmann, M.D. Camb. m. Frederick Lucas Benham, M.D. Loud. m.



Henry Carr Maudsley, M.D. Loud. f. George Britton Halford, M.D. St. Audr. m. John William Sprmgthorpe, M.D. Melbourne. Duncan Turner, .'m.

Dtmcdin . jVapier . WelliiKjtO'i


Daniel Colquhoun, M.D. Lond. v. Walter William Moore, M,D. N.Z. m. Alfred Kingcome Newman, ^LB. Aberd. Albert Martin, M.D. Lond. m. William Kingston Fylt'e, M.B. Camb. m.



Harvey gave to the College during his lifetime his patrimonial estate of Bm'marsh, in Kent, then valued at £56 a year. In the conveyance of this gift by an indenture dated 26th June, 1656, Harvey directs that "to the end friendship between the members of the said College may the better be continued and maintained, there shall be, once every month, at the meetings of the Censors at the same College, some small collation provided, such as the President shall think fit, for the eutertainment of those who shall come to the said monthly meeting. And once every year there shall be a general Feast kept within the said College for all the Fellows that shall please to come ; and on the day when such feast shall be kept some one person (member of the College), to be from time to time appointed by the President and two eldest Censors, and two eldest Elects (so that the same person shall not be appointed two years together) shall make an oration in Latin publicly in the said College, wherein shall be a commemoration of all the Benefactors of the said College by name, and what in particular they have done for the benefit of the said College, with an exhortation to others to imitate these Benefactors, and to contribute their endeavours for the advancement of the Society according to the example of these Benefactors ; and with an exhortation to the Fellows and Members of the said College to search and study out the secrets of Nature by way of experiment ; and also for the honour of the profession, to continue in mutual love and affection amongst themselves, without which neither the dignity of the College can be preserved, nor yet particular men receive that benefit by their admission into the College which else they might expect, ever remembering that Concordia res parvce crescunt, discordid magnce dilahuntur.'^




18tU. Dr. R. Lke.

1865. Dr. II. W. Acland.

1866. Dr. G. E. Paget.

1867. Dr. J. Ar.DERSOx.

1869. Dr. G. O. Rees.

1870. Dr. W. W. Gull.

1871. Dr. T. K. Chambers.

1872. Dr. a. Farre.

1873. Dr. G. Rolleston.

1874. Dr. C. West.

1875. Dr. W. A. Guy.

1876. Dr. E. A. Parkes.

1877. Dr. E. Sieveking.

1878. Dr. J. B. Sanderson.

1879. Dr. S. Wilks.

1880. Dr. J. W. Ogle.

1881. Dr. A. W. Barclay.

1882. Dr. G. Johnson.

1883. Dr. S. 0. Habershon.

1884. Dr. J. R. Reynolds.

1885. Dr. R. Quain.

1886. Dr. F. W. Pavy.

1887. Dr. W. H. Stone.

1888. Dr. W. P. Latham.

1889. Dr. J. E. Pollock.

1890. Dr. J. Andrew.

1891. Dr. W. H. Dickinson.

1892. Dr. J. II. Bridges.

1893. Dr. p. H. Pye-Smith,

1894. Dr. T. L. Brunton.

1895. Dr. W. S. Church.

1896. Dr. J. F. Payne.

1897. Sir VVm. Roberts, M.D.

1898. Sir Dyce Duckworth^


1899. Dr. G. V. Poore.

1900. Dr. T. C. Allbutt.

1901. Dr. Norman Moore.

1902. Dr. D. Ferrier.

1903. Dr. W. H. Allchin.

1904. Dr. R. Caton.

1905. Dr. F. T. Roberts. 19U6. Dr. W. Osler.

1907. Dr. F. Taylor.

1908. Dr. J. A. Okmekod.

1909. Dr. G. H. Savage.


lu the 24tli year of Elizabeth, 1581, Dr. Richard Caldwell, a Fellow and former President of the College, in eonjimction with the Lord Lumley, founded the Lunileiau Lecture in Surgery, commonly called in the annals The Chirurgical Lecture, and endowed it with a rent-charge of forty pounds a year on their lands and on those of their heirs for ever.

The College, on the grant of the letters patent founding this Lectureship, " did immediately decree that one hundred pounds should be forthwith taken out of their public stock to build the


College rooms more ample and spacious, fur the better celebra- tion of this most solemn lecture."

A very ambitious scheme of Surgical Lectures Avas at first •adopted, an account of which may be found in Hollinshed { Chronicles, vol, iii., p. 1349); but it soon ceased to be either practicable or required. Honorarium of Lecturer. £30.


1890. Dr. J. H. Jackson: "On Convulsive Seizures."

1891. Dr. AV. H. Broadbent: "Structural Diseases of the

Heart from the point of view of Prognosis."

1892. Dr p. H. Pye-Smith : " Certain Points in the iEtioloiiT

or l^isease.

1893. Dr. C. T. Williams: "Aero-therapeutics in Luug


1894. Dr.Octavius SturgeS: "Heart Inflammation in Children."

1895. G. Fielding Blandford : " The Diagnosis, Prognosis and

Prophylaxis of Insanity."

1896. Sir Dyce Duckworth : " On the Sequels of Disease."

1897. Dr. H. Charlton Bastian: "Some Problems in Con-

nection with Aphasia and other Speech Defects."

1898. Sir Richard Douglas Powell. Bart., M.D. : " On the

Principles which govern Treatment in Diseases and Disorders of the Heart."

1899. Dr. Samuel Gee : " The Causes and Forms of Bronchitis

and the Nature of Pulmonary Emphysema and Asthma."

1900. Dr. W. B. Cheadle: "On some Cirrhoses of the Liver."

1901. Dr. .J. F. Payne : " On Cancer, especially of the Internal


1902. Dr. F. T. Roberts: "The Comprehensive Study of

Thoracic Phthisis."

1903. Dr. T. R. Glynn : "On Infective Endocarditis, mainly

in its Clinical Aspects."

1904. Dr. F. Taylor : " Some Disorders of the Spleen."

1905. Dr. W. H. Allchin : " Some Aspects of Malnutrition."

1906. Dr. D. Ferrier : " On Tabes Dorsalis." '

1907. Dr. G. H. Savage : " Insanity, its Causes and Increase."

1908. Sir James Sawyer, M.D. : " Points of Practice in Maladies

of the Heart."

1909. De. Norman Moore : "Rheumatic Fever and Valvular




In 1G32, Dr. Goulston, a fellow of the College, left £200 to purchase a rent-charge for the maintenance of a lecture to be delivered annually within the College of Physicians, the lecture to be read from time to time by one of the four youngest doctors in physic of the said College, upon two or three or more diseases. An annual rent of £12 charged on land called Fennes and Buckwood in Essex, was purchased by liis widow with the £200, and conveyed to the College, 24th July, 1635, in trust, that they would annually appoint one of their four youngest doctors to read this lecture between Michaelmas and Easter,, on three days together, both forenoon and afternoon, on some dead body if possibly it can be procured, Avhich shall then and there be dissected for the diseases treated of, and shall after- wards be buried. Honorarium of Lecturer, £10.


1890. Dr. G. N. Pitt : " Cerebral Lesions."

1891. Dr. T. Oliver : " Lead Poisoning in its Acute and

Chronic JManifestations."

1892. Dr. S. Maktin : " Chemical Pathology of Diphtheria

compared with that of Anthrax, Infective Endocarditis and Tetanus."

1893. Dr. W. D. Halliburton : " The Chemical Physiology of

the Animal Cell."

1894. Dr. p. U. Chapman : " The Physics of the Circulation."

1895. Dr. H. D. Rolleston: "The Suprarenal Capsiiles."

1896. Dr. p. Manson: -'The Life History of the Malaria Gern>

outside the Human Body."

1897. Dr. a. p. Luff : " The Chemistry and Pathology of


1898. Dr. John Rose Bradford: "Observations on the

Pathology of the Kidneys." 1899 Dr. G. R. Murray : "The Pathology of the Thvroid Gland."

1900. Dr. p. Hurton-Smith : " The Typhoid Bacillus and

Typhoid Fever."

1901. Dr. H. Head: "On certain Mental States associated

with Visceral Disease in the Sane."

1902. Dr. G. F. Still: " Some Abnormal Psychical Conditions

in Children."


1903. Dr. a. S. F. Grunbaum : "Theories of linmuiiity and

tlieir Clinical Application."

1904. Dr. R. Hutchison : " Some Disorders of the Blood and

Blood-forming Organs in Early Life."

1905. Dr. W. C. Bosanquet : "Some Considerations on the'

Nature of Diabetes Mellitus."

1906. Dr. H. Batty Shaw : "Auto-intoxication; its Relation

to certain Disturbances of Blood Pressure."

1907. Dr. E. Farquhar Buzzard: "Certain Acute Infectivt^

or Toxic Conditions of the Nervous System."

1908. Dr. H. S. French : " The Influence of Pregnancy on

certain Medical Diseases and the Influence of certain> Medical Diseases on Pregnancy."

1909. Dr._ a. E. Russell : " On some Disorders of Cerebral

Circulation and their Clinical Manifestations."


Dr. Wm. Croone, a fellow of the College, left behind him at his death, in 1684, a plan for two lectureships which he had designed to found ; one ot these to be read yearly before the- College of Physicians, with a sermon to be preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, the other, on the nature and laws of muscular- motion, to be delivered annually before the Royal Society, But as his will contained no provision whatever for the endow- ment of these lectures, his widow (a daughter of Alderman Lorimer, of the City of London, who subsequently married Sir Edwin Sadlier, Bart.), carried out his intention by demising in her will, dated 21st September, 1706, the King's Head Tavern in Lambeth Hill, Little Knightrider Street, to her husband for life, and after his decease to her executors in Trust, to settle four parts out of five thereof upon the College of Physicians, to found an annual lecture now called the Croonian Lecture, and the fifth part upon the Royal Society.

A new lease of the premises having been granted in 1886 at a greatly improved rent, it was resolved that in future the course should consist of not less than four lectures on one or more subjects in Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathologj', Avith a view to the prevention, control, and cure of diseases. That an honorarium of one hundred guineas be paid to the Lecturer, and that the remainder of the fund be employed, for original investigation by a past or present Croonian. Lecturer. Honorarium of Lecturer, 100 guineas.



1890. Dr. FerrieR: " Cerebral Localisation."

181)1. Dr. BuRDON Sanderson: " On the Progress of DLscoveiy relating to the Origin and Nature of Lifectious Diseases."

1892. Sir William Roberts : " On the Chemistry and Thera-

peutics of Uric Acid, Gravel and Gout."

1893. Dr. D. J. Leech : " On the Physiological Action and

Therapeutic Uses of Nitrites and Allied Compounds."

1894. Dr. Pavy: "A Ncav Departure in connection with


1895. Dr. W. Marcet : " Contribution to the History of the

Respiration of Man."

1896. Dr. G. Oliver: "Contribution to the Study of the

Blood and of the Circrdatiou.'"

1897. Dr. W.Hale White: "TheMeansby which the Tempera-

ture of the Body is maintained in Health and Disease."

1898. Dr. Sidney H. C. Martin : '• On the Chemical products

of Pathogenic Bacteria considered Avith special refer- ence to Enteric Fever."

1899. Dr. J. B. Bradbury": "On some Points connected with

Sleep, Sleeplessness and Hypnotics."

1900. Dr. F. W. Mott : " The Degeneration of the Neurone."

1901. Dr. W. D. Halliburton: "The Chemical Side of

Nervous Activit}-."

1902. Dr. J. W. Washbourn: "The Natural History and

Pathology of Pneumonia." Delivered by Dr. W. Hale AVhite.

1903. Dr. C. E. Beevor: " On ]\Iuscular Movements and their

Representation in the Central Nervous System."

1904. Dr. J. Rose Bradford : " Bright's Disease and its


1905. Dr. E. H. Starling : •• The Chemical Correlation of the

Functions of the Body."

190G. Dr. \V. H. R. Rivers: "On the Action of Drugs on Fatigue."

1907. Dr. W\ J. R. Simpson : " Plague."

1908. Dr. a. E. Garrod : " Liborn Errors of Metabolism."

1909. Dr. W. S. Lazarus-Barlow : " Radio-activity and




The Bradshaw Lecture was founded by tlie late Mrs. Bradshaw, widow of Dr. Wm. Wood Bradshaw, M.A., D.C.L. Oxford, a member of the College, in memory of her husband. She bequeathed to the College by will, dated 6th September, 1875, and proved 26th August, 1880, a sum of £1,000 Three per Cent. Consols in trust for this purpose. The Lecture to be delivered annually on the anniversary of the death of Dr. Bradshaw, Aug. 18th, on some subject connected with Medicine or Surgery, by some person appointed by the Presi- dent. The bequest was received, and the first lecture given, in 1881.

In 1891 the sanction of the Charity Commissioners was obtained to vary the date of delivery. Honorarium of Lecturer, £20.


1881. Dr. G. V. Poore : " On Nervous Affections of the Hand."

1882. Dr. E. L. Fox : " Influence of the Sympathetic System on


1883. Dr. J. W. LegG: "Cardiac Aneurysms."

1884. G. H. Philipson, M.D. : " Pathological Relations of the

Absorbent System."

1885. G. F. GOODHART, M.D. : '• Morbid Arterial Tension : A


1886. J. Dreschfeld, M.D. : '• On Diabetic Coma."

1887. S. H. West, M.D. : " On Pneumothorax."

1888. Wm. Carter, :\1.D. : '^ On Uremia."

1889. Dr. Norman Moore : " The Distribution and Duration of

Visceral New Growths."

1890. Dr. R. Saundbt : '• The Morbid Anatomj^ of Diabetes


1891. Dr. W. H. Allchix: •' On Duodenal Indigestion."

1892. Dr. Samuel J. Gee: "The signs of Acute Peritoneal


1893. Dr. AV. S. Greenfield : " On some Diseases of the

Thyroid Gland."

1894. De. T. Barlow: "Infantile Scurvy and its Relation to

Rickets." .

1895. Dr. J. B. Bradbury : " On some New Vaso Dilators."

2 A


1890. Dr. W. R. Gowers : "On Subjective Sensations of Sound."

1897. Dr. E. M. Skerritt : "On Prognosis in Heart Disease."

1898. Dr. W. M. Ord : " On Myxoedcma and Allied Conditions."

1899. Dr. W. A. Foxwell : " The Causation of Functional

Heart ]\Turniurs."

1900. Dr. a. E. Gaurod: "The Urinary Pigments in their

Pathological Aspects."

1901. Dr. J. S. Bury : "Prognosis in Relation to Disease of

the Nervous System."

1902. Dr. C. J. CuLLiNGWORTH : " Intra-peritoneal Haemon-hage

Incident to Ectopic Gestation."

1903. Dr. E. F. Trevelyan: "Some Observations on Tuber-

culosis of the Nervous System."

1904. Dr. F. F. Caiger : " The Treatment of Enteric Fever."

1905. Dr. G. R. ]\Iurray : " Exophthalmic Goitre and its


1906. Dr. S. J. Sharkey : " On Rectal Alimentation."

1907. Sir James Barr, M.D. : "The Pleuras; Pleural Effusion

and its Treatment."

1908. Dr. W. Pasteur : " Massive Collapse of the Lung."

1909. Dr. J. A. Lindsay : " Darwinism and Medicine."


Dr. Gavin Milroy, a fellow of the- College, who died 11th January, 1886, by his will bequeathed " to the President and Council of the Royal College of Physicians for the time being, a sum of £2,000 for the purpose of founding and continuing a yearly lectureship of three or more lectures on State Medicine and Public Hygiene, and upon trust to invest the same in the public funds, or in such other investment as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit, and upon trust to pay the income thereof to a lecturer, to be appointed by them from time to time, with full power and authority for the President and Council for the time being to vary investments, and. at all times to manage, appropriate, and dispose of the said funds and the in- come thereof as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit."

The College resolved that the suggestions of Dr. Milroy with regard to the subjects of these Lectures should be adopted as the foundation of any scheme of Lectures in connexion with his bequest, and these "Suggestions" are kept in print for the


guidance of Lecturers. It was further resolved that the Lectures be known as " The Mih'oy Lectures in State Medicine and Public Health," and that the course comprise not less than three nor more than six Lectures. Honorarium of Lecturer, £60.


1888. IxsP. Gen. R. Lawson : " Epidemic Influences and Epi-

demiological Aspects of Cholera and Yellow Fever."

1889. Dr. J. T. Arlidge : " Occupations and Trades in Relation

to Pubhc Health."

1890. Dr. a. Raxsome: "Etiolog}^ and Prevention of Phthisis."

1891. Dr. Thorne ThornE: "Diphtheria; its Natural History

and Prevention."

1892. Dr. F. Warxer : " Enquiry as to the Physical and Mental

Condition of School Children."

1893. Dr. B. A. WhitelegGE: '< Changes of Type in Epidemic


1894. Dr. J. B. Haycraft : '• Weissmanism, Disease and Race


1895. Dr. a. Newsholme : " The Natural History and Affinities

of Rheumatic Fever."

1896. Dr. E. Seatox : " The Value of Isolation and its


1897. Dr. W. Collixgridge : " On Quarantine."

1898. Dr. S. Moxcktox Copemax: "On the Natural History of


1899. Dr. G. Viviax Poore : " The Earth in relation to the

Preservation and Destruction of Contagia."

1900. Dr. F. J. Waldo : - Summer Diarrhoea, Avith special

relation to Causation and Prevention."

1901. Dr. J. F. J. Sykes: "The Influence of the Dwelling

upon Health.'^

1902. Dr. Corfield: " The Etiology of Typhoid Fever and its


1903. Dr. H. T. Bulstrode : " The Causes, Prevalence and

Control of Tuberculosis."

1904. Dr. W. Williams : " Deaths in Childbed, a preventible


1905. Dr. T. M Legge: "Industrial Anthrax."

1906. Dr. W. H. Hamer : " Epidemic Diseases in England the

Evidence of Variability and of Persistency of Type."

1907. Dr. Leoxard Rogers : " Kala-Azar ; its Difterentiation

and its Epidemiology."

1908. Dr. J. W. H. Eyre : " Melitensis Septicaemia " (Malta or

Mediterranean Fever).

1909. Dr. R. Taxxer Hewlett: "Disinfection and Disin-


2 A 2



In the year 1901, ^Irs. Agnes Letitia FitzPairick, widow of Dr. Thomas FitzPatrick, a learned member of tlie College, desiring to pei^jetuate the memory of her husband in connec- tion with the College, and acting under the advice of Dr. Norman Moore, presented to the President and Fellows, the sum of £2,000, in trust, to found a Lectureship in " The History of Medicine."

Under the terms of the trust, the interest accruing from the investment of the above capital sum is to be paid each year to a Fellow of the College appointed by the President and Censors who shall deliver in the College two lectures on " The History of Medicine," the precise subject being announced beforehand. The Lectures to be printed and published in a separate book.

The same Fellow may be appointed two years in succession, but not again until an interval of at least one year has elapsed.


1903. Dr. .J. F. Payne : " On English Medicine in the Auglo-

ISaxon Period."

1904. Dr. .J. F. Payne: "English Medicine in the Anglo-

Norman Period Gilbertus Anglicus; Ricardus Anglicus, and the Teaching of Anatomy in the Middle Ages."

1905. Dr. Norman Moore : " John Mirfeld (1393) and Medical

Study in London during the Middle Ages ; Dr. Edward Browne (1644-1708) and the Education of Physicians in London in the 17th Century."

1906. Dr. Norman Moore : "On the History of the Study of

Clinical Medicine in the British Islands."

1907. Dr. Leonard Guthrie: '-Contributions from History

and Literature to the Study of Precocity in Children."

1908. Dr. Leonard Guthrie : " The History of Nem-ology."

1909. Sir T. Clifford Allbutt : " Greek Medicine in Rome."


Dr. George Oliver, of Harrogate, and Farnham, Surrey, a Fellow of the College, gave to the College in trust, January, 1904, £2,000 sterling to found and endow a Lectureship or Prize in memory of the late William Sharpey. M.D., F.E.S., his in- tention being to promote physiological research by observation


and experiment on man himself, and encourage the application of physiological knowledge to the prevention and cnre of disease and the prolongation of life. The appointment or award to be made annually by the President and Censors, with whom it rests to determine whether a Lecturer shall be appointed, or a Prize awarded for work already done. The Lectures (one or more) are to be delivered annually in April. The approximate value of the honorarium or prize is £48.

LECTURER. 1004. Dr. G. Oliver: "'Recent Studies on the Tissue Lymph Circulation."

1 905. Dk. L. E. Hill : " The Influence of Atmospheric Pres-

sure on i\Ian."

1906. Ur. E. L SpriggS: "The bearing of Metabolism Experi-

ments upon the Treatment of Some Diseases."

1907. Dr. W. D. Halliburton: "New Facts in Relation to

the Processes of Nervous Degeneration and Re- generation." ■

1908. Prof. E. A. Sghafer, F.R.S. : " The Present Position of

our Knowledge regarding the Supra-renal Capsules."

1909. Prof. C. E. Sherrixgtox, M.D., F.R.S. : " The role of

Reflex Inhibition in the Co-ordination of Muscular Action."


In 1903, Dr. Horace B. Dobell, a Member of the College, gave a sum of £500 in Consols to the College in trust to endow a Lecture under the aboA^e title for a term of years, with a Aaew to encourage research into " the ultimate origin, evolution, and the life-history of bacilli and other pathogenic micro-organisms." The Lecture is to be delivered at the College once in every two years on the above subject, and an honorarium of £50 to be provided for the Lecturer by the sale on each occasion of a sufficient portion of the Stock.


1904. De. E. E. Klein : " The Life History of Saprophytic and Parasitic Bacteria and their Mutual Relation."

1906. Dr. F. W. Andrewes : "On the Evolution of the Streptococci."

1908. L. S. Dudgeon, F.R.C.P. : " The Latent Persistence and the Re-activation of Pathogenic Bacteria in the Body."



Dr. Swincy died January 20th, 1844, and by bis will be left the sum of £5,000 Consols to the Society of Arts, who are the Trustees, for the purpose of presenting a prize, on every fifth anniversary of the testator's death, to the author of the best Avork on Jurisprudence. The prize is a silver cup value £100, and money to the same amount ; the award is made jointly by the Society of Arts and the College of Physicians. The practice hitherto has been to award it alternately for a work on Medical and a Avork on General Jurisprudence.


1849. J. A. Paris, M.D., F.R.S., and J. Fonblanque, lor their

Avork, "Medical Jm-isprudence." 1854. Leoxe Levi, for his work on " The Commercial Law of

the World." 1859. Alfred Swayne Taylor, M.D., F.R.S., for his Avork on

" Medical Jurisprudence." 1864. Henry James Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L.,

member of the Legislative Council of Lidia, for his Avork

on " Ancient LaAv." 1869. William Augustus Guy, M.D., F.R.S., for his " Principles

of Forensic Medicine." 1874. The Right Hon, Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, Bart.,

D.C.L., for his " Commentaries on Liternational Law." 1879. Norman Chevers, M.D., for his "Manual of jMedical

Jurisprudence for India." 1884. Sheldon Amos, for his Avork on " A Systematic YieAv of

the Science of Jurisprudence." 1889. Charles Meymott Tidy, ]\I.B., for his Avork on "Legal

Medicine^*' 1894. Thomas Erskine Holland, D.C.L., for his Avork on

" Juris))rudence." 1899. John Djxon Mann, M.D., for his Avork on '• Forensic

Medicine and Toxicology." 1904. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., LL.D., D.C.L., and

Frederick William ]\1aitland, LL.D., D.C.L.. for

their Avork " History of English Law before the time

of Edward the First." 1909. Charles Arthur ]\1ercier, M.D. : " Criminal Responsi- bility in the Insane."




Frederic Daniel Dyster, M.D., trausferred to the College in the year 1866 the sum of £400 to provide a Gold Medal of the value of £20, "in memoriam Gulielmi Baly, M.D."

The award is made every alternate year, on the recom- mendation of the President and Council, to the person who shall be deemed to have most distinguished himself in the Science of Physiology, especially during the two years immediately pre- ceding the award, and is not restricted to British subjects.



Richard Owen.


Maurice S chief.


Lionel Beale.


Walter Holbeook


William Sharpey.


Gaskell. Edward Albert


Claude Bernard.



Carl Ludwig.


Charles Scott Sher


Charles Darwin.



John Burdon Sanderson.


Frederick AVilliam


Charles Edward Brown-




John Newport Lang


Willia:\i Kitchen Par-


ley. Ivan Petrovitsch




David Ferrier.


Ernest Henry


Rudolf Heidenhain.



Michael Foster.


Emil Fischer.


(CLINICAL medicine.)

This Scholarship was founded in 1880 to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Charles Murchison. The sum of about £850 Avas raised for this purpose by subscription among his friends, and afterwards increased to £1,000. The value of the Scholar- ship, which is tenable for one year only, is Twenty Guineas.

The award is made every year alternately by the University of Edinburgh and by the Royal College of Physicians of London after a competitive Examination.


The Examination is open to any Student of Medicine, -who, subsequently to the date of his passing his professional Examination in Anatomy and Physiology for a medical qualification, has studied for a period of not less than two and a half and not more than five years at a medical school in London recognized by the Royal College of Physicians, or at the University of Edinburgh, including medical classes recognized by the Medical Faculty of the University, and whether holding a medical qualification or not.

The following awards have been made :


* 1882. Charles Fillixgham Coxwell, M.B. Camb. t 1883. George Cecil Dickson, M.B. Edinb.

* 1884. John Bland Sutton.

t 1885. Joseph Griffiths, M.B. Edinb.

* 1886. John Stuart Button.

t 1887. Walter Stacy Colman.

* 1888. Henry John Tylden, M.B. Oxf.

t 1889. Arthur John Whiting, M.B. Edinb.

* 1890. Bedford Pierce, M.B. Lond. t 1891. No Award.

* 1892. No Award.

t 1893. David Arthur Welsh, M.B. Edinb.

* 1894. George Frederic Still, M.B. Camb. t 1895. Neil Macvicar, M.B. Edinb.

* 1 89(5. Sinclair Gillies, M.B. Lond.

t 1897. Percy Theodore Herring, M.B. Edinb.

* 1898. John Basil Page.

t 1899. Alfred Charles Sandstein, M.B. Edinb.

* 1900. Thomas Crisp English.

t 1901. Robert Veitch Clark, M.B. Edinb.

* 1902. No Award.

t 1903. Charles John Shaw, M.B. Edinb.

* 1904. William Henr^ Harwood-Yarred. t 1905. John Pool McGowan, M.B. Edinb.

* 1906. Henry Francis Bell Walker, M.B. Lond. t 1907. James Sutherland Edwards, M.B. Edinb.

* 1908. Edward Leslie Martyn Lobb.

t 1909. Alexander Gibson, M.B. Edinb.

* Bj Royal College of Physicians of London. + By tlie University of Edinburgh.



Shortly after the death of the late Walter Moxon, M.D., in July, 1886, a Committee was appointed for collecting sub- scriptions to found a memorial of the deceased. A sum of £515 8s. M. was subscribed and handed over by the Committee, of which Sir William Jenner was Chairman, to the Royal College of Physicians in trust for the purpose named. After the cost of erecting a Bronze Tablet in memory of Dr. Moxon at Guy's Hospital had been met, the remainder was invested in the purchase of a sum of £4o5 15^. 5d. new 2^ per cent. Government Stock.

It was agreed between the Committee and the College that the income thence derived should be expended in awarding every thnd year a Gold Medal of the value of £30, to the pei'son who should be deemed to have most distinguished himself by observation and research in Clinical Medicine. The award, which is not restricted to British subjects, is made by the Collefje on the recommendation of the Council.


1891. Sir Alfred Garrod, M.D.

1891. Sir William Jenner, Bart., G.C.B., J\1.D.

1897. Sir Samuel Wilks, Bart., jM.D.

1900. Sir William Tennant Gairdner, K.C.B., M.D.

1903. John Hughlings Jackson, M.D.

1906. Jonathan Hutchinson, F.E.S.

1909. Sir William Richard Gowers, M.D.


In 1893, Miss Johnstone, of Bath, bequeathed £5.000 in trust for founding five Scholarships for Medical Students, in memory of George Samuel Jenks, M.D., a former Fellow of the College.


The will assigns the appointment to these Scholarships to the President and Censors of the Royal College of Physicians aiid to the Conncil of ihe Royal College of Surgeons alternately, Avith a first claim or preference for students educated at and leaving Epsom College ; and directs that one Scholarship be awarded annually, tenable for five years. The value of each Scholar- ship is about £27 a year.


1893. James Alfred Patrick Cullen.

1894. Thomas Chetwood.

1895. Douglas Duke Turner.

1896. Arthur Whitehead Smith.

1897. George Archibald Bosson.

1898. William Hardy Fleetwood.

1899. Charles, Henry Burton Thompson.

1900. Alfred George Sworn.

1901. Rupert Farkant.

1902. John Webster Bride.

1903. Alfred Richardson.

1904. Charles Gibson.

1905. Eric Alfred Charles Fazan.

1906. Godfrey Alan Walker.

1907. William Henry Price Saunders.

1908. Ernest Haines Walker.

1909. Philip Dennis Scott.

WEBER-PARKES PRIZK AND MEDALS. In 1895 Dr. Hermann Weber presented to the College tne sum of £3,000 sterling in trust to found a prize to be called the " Weber-Parkes Prize," in memory of the late Dr. E. A. Parkes, to be awarded every third year to the author of the best essay upon some subject connected with the etiology, prevention, pathology, or treatment of tuberculosis, especially Avith refer- ence to pulmonary consumption in man ; the College, in making the award, to have regard to careful collection of facts and original research. This duty is entrusted to three Fellows of the College appointed by the President.


Provision is made for a prize of one liuudred and fifty guineas and for a silver medal to be awarded to the winner of the prize; also for a similar medal, distinguished as the second medal, to the essayist who comes next in order of merit.

LIST OF KECIPIENTS. 1897. Prize and Medal, Arthur Haxsome, M.D. Camb.

2nd Medal awarded to Peter Patersox, M.B. Glasg. 1900. No award. 1903. Hugh Walsham, 31. D. Camb.

2nd Medal awarded to W. .JoBSOX HoRXE, 31. D. Camb. 1906. No award. 1909. WiLLLVM Camac Wilkixsox, M.D. Lond.

2nd Medal awarded to Arthur Coxters Inmax. M.B. Oxf.


In 1896, Captain Edward Wilmot "Williams, at the suggestion of Dr. Theodore Williams, presented to the College the sum of £1,000 sterling, with the object of perpetuating the memory of the late Dr. Francis Bisset Hawkins in connection with the College.

To cany out this intention the College resolved to establish a Gold Medal to be bestowed triennially on some duly qualified medical practitioner, who is a British subject, and who has, during the preceding ten years, done such work in advancing- Sanitary Science, or in promoting Public Health, as, in the opinion of the College, deserves special recognition. The award is made by the President.


1899. James Burx Russell, M.D. Glasg. 1902. William Henry Power, C.B., F.R.C.S. 1905. Sir Patrick Maxsox, K.C.M.G., M.D. Aberd. 1908. Sir Shirley Murphy, M.R.C.S.



To Fellows, Members, and Extha-Licentiatks.



Aarons, S. J., M.D. . 45

Abercrombie, J., M.D. . 18 320

Abram, J. H., M.D. . 27 316

Aciand, T. D., M.D. . 19

Adamson, H. G., M.D. . 45

Addinsell, A. W., M.B. . 40

AUbutt, SirT. C.,M.D. . 17 313

AUchin, Sir W. H., M.D. 15

Allfrey, C. H., M.D. . 36 319

Anderson, J., C.I. E., M.D. 21

Anderson, W., M.D. . 36 323

Andrewes, F. W., M.D. . 21

Andrews, H. K., M.D. . 42

Arkvvright, J. A., M.D. . 47 318

Armour, D. J., M.B. . 39

Arnold, E. G. E., M.B. . 40

Ascherson, W. L., M.D. . 44 322

Asbby, H. T., M.B. . 51 316

Aude'u, a. A., M.D. . 52 320

Auld, A. G., M.D. . . 41


Bagshawe, F., M.D. . 15 319

Bailej, C. F., M.D. . . 44 319

Bain, W., M.D. . . 39 320

Bainbridge, F. A., M.D. . 29

Bainbridge, G., M.D. . 36 315

Ball, J. B., M.D. . . 28 Balsara, J. C. . . .50 322

Bardswell, N. D., M.D. . 41 319

Barlow,SirT.,Bart.,M.D. 15

Barnes, A. E., M.B. . 48 320

Barnes, A. S., M.D. . 43 319

Barr, Sir J., M.D. . . 25 315

Barratt, J. O. VV., M.D. . 37 316

Barrs, A. G., M.D. . . 20 320 Barton, J. K. . . .38

Bastian, H. C, M.D. . 13 313

Batten, F. E., M.D. . . 24

Baumann, E. P., M.D. . 45 323

Biiuuilor, C. G. H., M.D. 15 322

Beach, F., M.B. . . 19 314

Beale, E. C, M.B. . . 19

Beard, C. I., M.B. . Beards, C, M.B. . Beatson, W. B., M.D. . Beaitie, T., M.D. . Beddard, A. P., M.D. . Beddoe, J., M.D. . Beevor, Sir H. E., Bart.,


Benliam, C.H., M.D. . Benham, F. L., M.D. Berkart, I. B., M.D. Berkeley, G. H. A. C,

MB.' . . . . Bernstein, J. M., M.B. . Biddlecombe, E. H., M.B. Bidie, G., M.B. Bill, A. F., M.D. . Birch, E. A., M.D . . Bird, M. M., M.D . Bird, W. v., M.D . Biss, C. Y., M.D. . Bisshopp, F. K. B., M.D. Blaek, J.W., M.D.. Blacker, G. F., M.D. Blanc, Sir H., M.D. Blandford, G. F., M.D. . Bolam, R. A., M.D. Bolton, C, -M.D. . Bolton, J. S., M.D. . Bond, W. A., M.D. Bonnev, W. F. V., M.D. . Bosaiuiuet, W. C, M.D. . Bowles, R. L., M.D. Box, C. R., M.D. . Boxall, R., M.D. . Bradbury, J. B., M.D. . Bradford, J. R., M.D. , Bradshaw, A. F., C.B. Bradsbaw, T. R., M.D. Bramweli, E., M.B. Branfoot, H. S., M.B. Branson, W. P. S., M.D. Bridges, R.. M.B. . Bright, G. C. M.D. Brinton, R. D., M.D. Briscoe, J. C, M.D.




24 319

40 317


13 320


48 319

33 324 31





39 322

20 321




42 315



IG 321

12 315

45 317


29 317




16 314


34 318 14 313 22

33 318

26 316

28 321

33 319 43

23 318

15 36 43


xV.B. For Licentiates who obtained their Qualifications subsequent to 1860, xee page 55.

For Diplomates in Public Health, see page 298.



Broadbent, Sir J. F. H.,

Eart., M.D. Broadbent, W., M.D. Brockbank, E. M., M.D.. Brodie, G. B., M.D. Erodie, W. H., M.D. Brown, E. H., M.D. Brown, R. C, M.B. Brown, W. C, M.D. Brown, W. L., M.D. Browne, S. H.„ CLE.,


Bruce, J. M., M.D. . Brunton, Sir T. L., Bart.,


Buchanan,R. J. M., M.D. Buckley, S., M.D. . Bunch, J. L. M., M.D. . Burgess, D., M.B. . Burnet, Sir R. W., M.D. . BurreU, E., M.D. . Burton-Fanning, F. W.,


Bury, J. S., M.D. . Bushbv, T., M.B. . Buszard, F., M.D. . Buxton, D. W., M.D. Buzzard, E. F., M.D. . Buzzard, T., M.D. . Byrne, P. K., M.D. Byrne, W. S. O., M.D. .


Caiger, F. F., M.D. Calev, H. A.. M.D. Calvert, J., M.D. . Calvert, J. T., M.B. Cameron, H. C, M.B. . Campbell, H., M.D. Campbell, H. J., M.D. . Campbell, J. W.. M.B. . Carmalt-Jones, D. W.,


Carpenter, Q. A., M.D. . Carr, J. W., M.D. . Carter, A. H., M.D. Carter, C. II., M.D. Carter. E. C, M.D. . Carter, W., M.D. . Carver, A. E., M.D. Cassidv, M. A , M.D. Caton,'R., M.D. Cattle, C. H., M.D. . Cautlev, E., ^[.D. . Cave, E. J., M.D. . Caylev, W., M.D. . Chadwick, C. M., M.D. , Champnevs, F. H., M.D. Chaplin, T. H. A., M.D. ,












































































Chapman, C. W., M.D. . Chapman, P. M., M.D. . Charles, J. R., M.D. Cheadle, W. B., M.D. . Chepmell, I. D., M.D . Chisholm, E. A., M.B. . Chittenden, T. H., M.D. . Cliristopherson, J. B.,


Church, Sir W. S., Bart.,


Clark, F. W.. M.D. . Clark, J., M.D. Clark, W. R., M.B. . Clarke, J. M., M.D. Cleveland, A. J., M.D. . Clutterbuck, L. A.. M.D. Cockavue E. A., M.B. . Colbeck, E. H., M.D. Cole, R. H., M.D. . Cole, T. E. C, M.D. Coles, A. C, M.D. . Collie, A., M.D. Collier, J. S., M.D. . Collier, VV., M.D. . Collins, M. C, M.D. Collinson, F. W.. M.D. . Colman, W. S., M.D. Colquhoun, D., M.D. Colver, S. W. E., M.D. . CoJk, H., M.D. Cook, J., M.D. Ccombs, C. F., M.D. Cooper, C, M.D. . Copemau, S. A. M., il.D. Cordes, A. E., M.D. Core, D. E., M.B. . Cottle, E. W., M.D. Couplaud, S., M.D. Coutts, J. A., M.B. . Cox, P. G.

CoxweU, C. F., M.D. Craig, M., M.D. Crawf urd, R. H. P., M.D. Crooke, G. F., M.D. Crothers, R., M.D. . Crowlev, R. H., M.D. Cunliff'e, E. N., M.D. . Curl, S. AY., M.D. .


Dakin, W. R., M.D. Dally, J. F. H., M.D. . Dalton. N., M.D. . Daly, E. O.. M.D. . Daniels, C. W.. M.B. Dapples, E., M.D. . Dardenne, H., M.D. Dauber, J. H., M.B.












47 323








































































Davies. A. T., M.D. Davis, II. D., M.B. . Davis, II. J., M.I3. . Davison, J., M.l). Davy, II., M.D. Dawson, H. K., M.D. Day, II. B., M.D. . Dean, II. R., M.B. . Dcvine, II., M.B. . Dickinson, T. V., M.D. Dickinson, W. H., M.D. Dill, J. P. a., M.D. Dobell, II. B., M.D. Dodd, S., M.B. Doclgson, K. VV., M.D. Donald, A., M.D. . Doukin, H. B., M.D. Dore, S. E., M.D. . Douty, E. H., M.D. Drake, A., M.B. . Drewitt, F. G. D., IM.D. Drysdale, J. II., M.D. Duckworth, Sir D., Bart. Dudgeon, L. S. Duff, J., M.D. Duflin, A. B., M.D. . Dukes, C, M.D. . Duncan, A., M.D. . Duncan, W., M.D. . Dutt., M. L. . Dwyer, R. J., M.B. .


Eade, Sir P., M.D. , Eastwood, J. W., M.D. Eddowes, A,, M.D. Eden, T. W., M.D. Edge, A. M., M.D. . Edge, F., M.D. Edgecombe, W., M.D. Edmunds, J., M.D. Edwardes, E. J., M.D. Edwards, F. H., M.D. Elliot, A., M.D. Elliott, J., M.D. . Emanuel, J. G., M.D. Eve, F. C, M.D. . Everslied, A. . Ewart, "W ., M.D. .


Fairbairn, J. S., M.B. Falconer, A. W., M.D. Fawcett, J., M.D. . Fenrnsidcs, E. G., M.B. Fennell, C. H., M.D. Fenton, W. J., M.D. Fenwick, B., M.D. .




. 20

Fenwick, J. C. J., M.D.



. 51

Fenwick, W. S., M.D.


. 40

Farrier, D., M.D.


. 35


Fielding-Ould, R., M.D.



. 20


Finigan, D. C. O., M.D.


. 25

Finlay, D. W., M.D.



. 51


Finlayson, G. A., M.B.



. 4.S

Fisher, T., M.D.



. 48


Fletcher, H. M., M.D.


. 38

Forbes, J. G., M.D.


. 11

Forman, E. B., M.D.


. 46


Forsyth, C. E. P., M.B.



. 30


Forsyth, D., M.D. .


. 51

Foster, M. G., M.D.



. 45

Foster, Sir B. W., M.D.


. 35


Fowler, J. K., M.D.



Fox, C. B., M.D. ,



. 49

Fox, E. L., M.D. .



. 4fi


Fox, R. F., M.D. .


. 13


Fox, R. II., M.D. .


. 18

Fox, T. C, M.B. .


. 24


Fox, W. S., M.D. .


. 12

Frank, P., M.D.


. 29

Eraser, J. G., M.B. .



. 35


Fremantle, F. E., M.B.


. 13

French, H. S., M.D.


. 23


Freyberger, L., M.D.


. 28

Fiirth, K. J., M.D. .


. 33

Fyffe, W. K., M.B. .



. 33

. 44



Gabbett, H. S., M.D.



Galabin, A. L., M.D.



. 13


Galloway. J., M.D. .


. 31


Gardner, H. W., M.D.



. 39

Gardner, T. F.. M.D.



. 27

Garrod, A. E., M.D.


. 32


Gaskell, J. F., M.B.



. 38


Gaster, A., M.D.


. 49


Gates, E. A., M.D. .



. 32


Gay, W., M.D.



. 33

Gayner, C, M.D. .


. 40

Gee, S. J., M.D. .


. 44

Gervis, H., M.D. .



, 28


Gibbes, C. C, M.D.


. 44


Gibbons, R. A., M.D.


. 42


Gibson, A. G., M.B.



. 32


Gitiard, G. G.


. 16

Giglioii, G. Y., M.D. Giles, A. E., M.D. .

46 37


Gill, S. A., M.D. .



Given, J. C. M., M.D.



. 29

Glvnn, E E., M.D. .



. 49


GlVnn, T. R.. M.D. .



. 25

Godson, C, M.D .


. 52

Goldsmith, P. D., M.D.



. 43


GoUa, F. L., M.B. .


. 28

Goodall, E., M.D. .



. 32

Goodbody, F. W., M.D. .




Ooodhart, J. F., M.D. . 16 Oordon, W., M.D. . .25 314

Gossage, A. M., M.D. . 26

Oow, W. J., M.D. . . 26

Gowers, Sir W. R., M.D. 15

Grabham, G. W., M.D. . 33 314-

Grabham, M. C, M.D. . 14 323

Grant, Sir J. A., M.D. . 16 323

<3-ray, A. H. M., M.D. . 49

Green, T. H., M.D. . 14

Greenfield, W. S., M.D. . 15 321

Gregg, W. H., M.B. . 34 322

Greves. E. H., M.D. . 35 315

Griffin, L. T. . . . 54 321

Griffith, T. W.. M.D. . 29 320 Griffitli, W., M.B. . .52

Griffith, W. S. A., M.D. . 20

Griinbaum, A. S. F., M.D. 25 320

Griinbaum, O. F. F., M.D. 29

Gullan, A. G., M.D. . 42 316

Guthrie, L. G., M.D. . 23


Habershon, S. H.. M.D. . Hadley, W. J., M.D. Haig, A., M.D. Halford, G. B., M.D. Hall, A. J., M.D. . Hall, D. G., M.D. . Hall, F. de H., M.D. Hall, G., M.D. Halliburton, W. D., M.D. Hamer, W. H., M.D. Hamilton, T. B., M.B. . Hammond, J. H., M.D. . Handfield-Jones, C. M.,


Handford, H., M.D. Hanly, E., M.D. . Harding, W., M.D. . Harley, J., M.D. . Harlej, V. B., M.D. Harries, T. D. Harris, G, F. A., M.D. . Harris, V. D., M.D. Harris, \V. J., M.D. Harsant, J. G., M.D. Hartley, W. D., M.D. . Harvey, J. S. S., M.D. . Eaviland, F. P., M.B. . Hawkins, F. H., M D. . Hawkins, H. P., M.D. . Hawthorne, C. O., M.D. . Hay, J., M.D. Hayes, A. H. . Haynes, F. H., M.D. Head, H., M.D. . . 24





















































Headier, W. B., M.D. . 18

Heatb,'A. D., M.D. . 43 319

Hebb, R. G., M.D. . . 19

Hebbert, G. A. . . 34 323

Hedley, J. P., M.B. . 49

Helme, T. A., M.D. . 38 316

Hensley, P. J., M.D. . 13 318

Herman, G. E., M.B. . 17

Heron, G. A., M.D. . IS

Herringham,W. P., M.D. 19

Hertz, A. F., M.D. . 47

Hewlett, R. T., M.D. . 27

Heywood, C. C, M.B. . 46 316

Hiebens, P. S., M.D. . 40 317

Higgs, F. W., M.B. . 48

Hobhouse, E., M.D. . 24 319

Hodson, V. S., MB. . 49 323

Holland, E., M.D. . . 32

Holland, E. L., M.D. . 50

Holmes, G. M., M.D. . 51

HoUis, W. A., M.D. . 14 319

Holt, R. C, M.D. . . 43 317

Hood, D. W.C. M.D. . 20

Hopkins, F. G., M.B. . 52 313

Horder, T. J., M.D. . 27

Home, W. J., M.D. . 39 Horton - Smith - Hartley,

P., M.D. . . \ 23

Howell, C. M. H., M.D. . 47

Howland, G. W., M.B. . 44 323

Hudson, B., M.D. . . 49 322

Hughes, J. Y., M.D. . 54 315

Haggard, W. R., M.D. . 22 322

Hume, W. E., M.B. . 52 317

Humphreys, H., il.D. 32 314

Humphry, L., M.D. . 26 313

Hunter, "C, M.D. . . 43 323

Hunter, W., M.D. . . 22

Hutchison, R., M.D. . 26


Iredell, C. E., M.D. . 50

Jackson, J. H., M.D. . 12

Jacob, F. H., M.D. . 45 317

JafPe, C. S., M.D. . . 38

James, M. P., M.D. . 31

Jenkins, E. J., M.D. . 26 324

Jewesbury, R. C, M.B. . 50

Jex-Blake, A. J., M.B. . 46

Johnson, H. P. . .47

Johnston, G. F., M.D. , 38

Johnstone, T., M.D. . 34 320

Jones, A. E., M.D. . . 46 323

Jones, H. L., M.D. . . 21



Jones, J., M.D. Jones, R., M.D.


28 314


Kauffmann, O. J., M.D. Kellie, K.H. A., M.B. Kelvimck, T. N., M.D. KcTwoitli, W. D., M.B. Kidd, P., M.D. Kilner, W. J., M.B. King, E. J. S., M.D.

Lacy, C. S. De L., M.B. . Lakin, C. E., M.D. . Laking, Sir F. H.,

Bart., K.C.V.O., M.D. Lamb, W., M.D. . Langdon - Down, K. L.,


Langmead, F. S., M.D. . Lapage, C. P., M.D. Latham, A. C, M.D. Latham, P. W., M.D. . Lazarus-Barlow, W. S.,


Leech, E. B., M.D. . Lees, J). B., M.D. . Legg, J. W., M.D. . Leicester, J. C. H., M.D. Leslie, R. M., M.D. LcTY, A. G., M.D. . Lewers, A. H. N., M.D. . Lewis, T.. M.D. LindsHj, J.,M.D. . Lindsay, J. A., M.D. Lister,'T. D., M.D. Little, E. G. G., M D. - Little, J. F., M.B. . Little, S., M.D. Liveing, E., M.D. . Liveing, R., M.D. . Lomas, W., M.D. . Loekyer, C. H. G., M.D. . Longstaff, G. B.> M.D. . Lowentbal, M. S., M.D. . Lubbock, M., M.D. . Luff, A. P., M.D. . Lyon, T. G., M.D. .


Maoalistcr, C. J., M.D. MacAlister, Sir D., M.D.










































w /













29 316 18 321

McCallum, If. A., M.D. . McCann, F. J., M.D. XfcCairi-son, R., M.D. MacCorniac, 11., M.H. McCrae, J., M.B. . McCrae, T., M.D. . McDonagh, J. M., M.D. . MacGilchrist,A.C.. M.D. Mackey, L. G. J., M.D. . Mackenzie, II.'VV.G., M.D. Mackenzie, J., M.D. McKisack, 11. L., M.D. . Maclean, E. J., M.D. . MacLeod, A. C. Maclcod, n. W. G., M.D. MacLeod, J. M. H., M.D. Macnaniara, E. D., M.D. Macnaiigliton, G. W . F.,


Macreiglit, W. W., M.D. Mauuire, R., M.D. . Maiden, W., M.D. . aialius, E., M.D. . Mann, H. C. C, IM.D. . Mann, J. D., M.D. . Mauson, Sir P., M.D. . Mantle, A., M.D. . Manuel, A., M.B. . Marriott, C. W., M.D. . Marsden, R. W., M.D. . Marston,J.A.,C.B.,M.D. Martin, A., M.D. . Martin, S. H. C, M.D. . Masters, J. A., M.D. Maudsley, H., M.D. Maudslcv, H. C, M.D. . May, C. G., M.D. . May, O., M.B. Maynard, E. F., M.D. . Meachen, G. N., M.D. . Melland, C. H., M.D. . Menzies, W. F., M.D. . Mercier, C. A., M.D. Mickle, W. J.. M.D. Miller, A. H., M.B. . Miller, C.H., M.D. . Miller, R. H., M.D. Millington, W., M.D. . Miner, F. L , M.D. . Modi, 8. H. . Montgomery, J. B., M.D. Moon, R. O'., M.D. . Moore, F. C, M.D. . Moore, N., M.D. . Moore, W. W., MB. Morgan, T. H., M.D. Moi-ison, A., M.D. . Moritz, S., M.D. Morrice, G. G., M.D. Morris, R. J., M.D.


42 323




48 323

28 323

34 324

51 322

52 320 20


46 321

39 .321





30 314


53 313

25 319


19 316


38 320


34 313

41 316- 34

34 324




24 324



42 319 44

43 316 37 318 26

18 323

53 31 3



30 318


42 322 14 313 29

43 316 14

48 324

45 324


32 316

36 314




Mott, F. W., M.D. . Moullin, J. A. M., M.B. Muller, C.

Mun-aj, Gr. R., M.D. Murray, W., M.D. . Murreil, W., M.D. .


IS'abarro, D. N., M.D. Napier, A. D. L., M.D. Neild, N., M.B. Newman, A. K., M.B. Neare, S. H. M. . Newsholme, A., M.D. Nias, J. B., M.D. . Nixon, J. A., M.B. .


O'Connor, B., Ml). Odling, W., M.B. . Ogilvie, G-., M.B. . Ogle, C, M.D. Ogle, W., M.D. Uxf.

oidfieki,c., ar.D. .

Oliver, G., M.D. . Oliver, J., M.D. Oliver, Sir T., M.D. Oppeulieinier, II., M.D. Orange, W., C.B., M.D. Ord, W. W., M.D. . Ormerod, A. L., M.D. Ormerod, J. A., M.D. Osier, VV., M.D. . O'Sullivau, P. J., M.D. Onen, Sir H. I., M.D. Owen, J., M.D. Oxlev, A. J. E..M.D. .

Paget-Touilmsou, W. S.


Palmer, F. S., M.D. Pardiugton, ». L., ai.D. Park, W., M.D. Parker, G.W. Parkin, A., M.D. . Parkinson, J. P., M.D. Parsons, H. C, M.D. Parsons, J. I., M.D. Parsons, L. Gr., M.D. Pasmore, E. S., M.D. Pasteur, W., M.D. . Paterson, D. R., M.D.




31 32-t

22 316

13 317


. 43

. 35


. 49


. 32


. 43


. 23

. ;!3

. 45






















































Pavj, F. W., M.D. . . 11

Paxton, F. V., M.B. . 31 319

Payne, J. F., M.D. . . 13 315

Pearse, T. F., M.D. . 34 322

Pearson, S. V., M.B. . 43 317

Penrose, F. G., M.D. . 21 320

Percival, B. A., M.B. . 45

Perkins, J. J., il.B. . 25

Perry, Sir E. C. M.D. . 21

Perry, S. H., M.D. . 40 319

Phear, A. G., M.D. . 25

Philipson, Sir G. H., M.D. 13 317

Phillips, J., M.D. . . 20

Phillips, L. 0. P., M.D. . 29 323

Phillips, S. P., M.D. . 19

Philpot, J. H., M.D. . 34

Pidcock. a. D., M.D. . 34

Pierce, B., M.D. . . 26 320 Pitt, G. N., M.D. . .19 Planck, C. . . .35 315

Playfair, E., M.B. . . 40

Playfair, H. J. M., M.D. . 39

Pollock, J. E., M.D. . 11

Pope, F. M., M.D. . 24 317

Potter, E. F., M.D. . 44 315

Potter, S. 0. L., M.D. . 36 323

Powell, Sir R. D., Bart. . 11

Poynton, F. J., M.D. . 26

Pratt, R., M.D. . . 40 317

Price, F. W., M.B. . . 44

Price, G. B., M.D. . . 50

Pringle, J. J., M.B. . 19

Pritchard, G. E. C, M.D. 42

Pritchard, H., M.D. . 49

Purslow, C. E., M.D. . 38 319

Pye-Smith, P. H., M.D. . 12


Eailton, T. C, M.D. . 35 315

Eamsbottom, A.. M.D. . 51 316

Rankin, G., M.D. . . 28

Ranking, J. E., M.D. . 20 315

Ransome, A., M.D. . . 23 314

Raw, N., M.D. . . 42 316

Reid, Sir J., Bart., M.D. . 20

Reissraann, C. H., M.D. . 42 324

Rennie, G. E., M.D. . 28 324

Reynolds, E. S., M.D. . 22 316

Richardson, G-., M.D. . 33

Ricketts, T. F., M.D. . 41 315

Ringer, S., M.D. . . 12

Rivers, W. H. E., M.D. . 23 313

Riviere, C, M.D. . . 29

Roberts, C. II., M.D. . 38

Roberts, D. L., M.D. . 15 316

Roberts, E. J., M.B. . 30 314

2 B



Roberts, F. T., M.D. Roberts, J. L., M.D. Robinson, G. H. D., M.l). Robson, W. M., M.D. . Rogers, L., M.l). . Rogers, T. L., -M.D. RoKcr-Smith, H.R., M.l). Roilestoii, H. D., M.l). . Ross, D. M., M.l). . Ross, E. A., M.l). . Ross, G. W.. M.13. . Routh, A. J. McC, il.l). Rudolf, K. 1)., M.D. Russell, -A. E., M.D. Russell, .1. S. R., M.I). . Russell, J. W., M.l). Rutter, J., ;\r.D. .

Saiiisbury, K., :M.1). Sam ways, J). W., M.D. . Sandwith, F. M., M.D. . Saunclby, R., M.D. . Saunders, E. A.. M.l'. Saunders, G. J. S., M.l). Saunders P. W., IM.B. . Savage, G. H., M.T>. Sawyer, Sir J. , M.D. Sawyer, J. E. H., M.D. . Scott, L. M., M.D. . Seaton, E., M.D. . Seligmanii, C. G., M.D. . Semon. U. C. G.. M.B. . Semon, Sir F., M.D. Sequcira, J. H., M.D. . Shadwell, A.. M.D. . Sharkey, S. J.. :\r.D. Shaw, H. B., :M.D. . Shaw, L. E., M.D. . Shaw, T. C, M.D. . ShellT,C. E.,M.D. . Shore, O. B., M.D. . Short, T. S.. M.D. . Shvubsall, F. C, M.D. . Sibley, W. K., M.D. Sikes, A. W., M.D. . Simev, A. J., M.D. . Simon, R. M., M.D. Simpson, \V. J. R., M.D. Sinison, H, J. F., M.B. . Sinclair, J., M.D. . Sinclair, Sir W. J., M.D.. Singer, C. J., M.B. . Singer, H. D., M.D. Sinha, N. P. . Siordet, J. L., M.B. Skinner, E. F., M.B.

14 :J17 Sniitli, A. L. II., M.B. . 52

IJ -MO Smith, E., .M.l). . 14

27 i Smith, E. S., M.D. . . 39

47 317 ' Smith, F. J., M.D. . . 21

27 322 Smith, G. M. C, M.B. . 49 322

30 315 Smith, H., M.D. . . 31

40 Smith, L. A.. M.D. . . 41

21 Smith, R. P., .M.D. . . 19

30 315 Smith, R. S., M.l). . . 17 314 19 I Smith, R.T., M.l). . . 32

48 323 Snow, W. v., M.l). . . 23 314 23 I Snowman, J.. M.l). . 45

41 323 Sommcrville, 1).. :\r.t). . 46 29 Spencer, H. R.. .AI.l). . 23

22 Spencer, W. II., M.D. . 35 2t} 319 Spriggs, E. I., M.l). . 27

31 319 Spriiigthorpc,.;. W..M.D. 33 324

Squire. J. E., C.B., M.D. 29

Squires, H.C.. -M.H. . 50 318

Stabb, A. F.. M.B. . . 28

I Stainer, E.. M.B. . . 41

Standage. E. F. . . 50 322

Stanley, J. D.. IM.D. . 39 319

Starliilg, E. II., M.D. . 22 Steell. G.. M.D. . .IS 316

Stevens. T. G.. M.D. . 39

Stevens, W. M.. M.D. . 43 321

Stewart, E., M.D. . . 34 319

Stewart, J. P., M.D. . 27

Stewart, T. G., :\r.B. . 4G

Still, G. F.. M.D. . . 24

Stocker, A. TI.. M.D. . 30

Stockcr, J. R., M.B. . 31 316

Stoddart. W. If. B.. M.D. 28

Sturge, W. A..M.D. . 19 318

Sturrock, A. C, M.l). . 48 315

Suckling. C. W., M.D. . 33 319

Sunderland, S., M.D. . 43

Surveyor. N. F., M.D. . 37 322

Suthe'iland, D. \V., M.D. 44 322

Sutherland, G. .A.. M.D. . 25

Swanton, J. H., M.D. . 45 Svmes-Tliompjon, H. E.,

'M.D 44


Tate, W. B.. :M.D. . . 30 317

Tate,W. W. 11., M.D. . 25

Tatham,J.F. W.M.D. . 23 314

Taylor, F., M.D. . . 15

Ta"ylor, F. E., M.D. . 46

Taylor, F. H.. M.D. . 35

Taylor, J., M.D. . . 22

TaVlor.J.G.. -Af.D. . . 45 313

Taylor, S., M.D. . . 23

Telling, W. 11. M.. M.D. 44 32C

Thiele, F. II., M.D. . 42

Tliompson, C. IL. M.D. . 3"



Thompson, H. T., M.D. . Thompson, R. E., M.D. Tliomson, H. C, M.D. . Thomson, J. E., M.D. . Thomson, St. C. M.D. . Tliorne, F. La C, M.D. . Thorne, W. B.. M.D. Tliornlon, G., M.D. Thornton, Gr. L. Tliorowgood, J. C, M.D. Thurgar, B. B., M.D. Thnrsfield, J. H., M.D. . Tlmrsfield, T. W., M.D. . Tidev, S. A., M.D. . TidV, H. L.. M.B. . Th-ard, N. I. C. M.D. . Tooth, H. H., M.D. Torrens, J. A., M.B. Trerelvan, E. F., M.D. . Tiibe,'P. C. E., M.B. . Tunnicliffe, F. AV., M.D. Turner, D. . . .

Turner, D. F. D.. M.D. . Turner, W. A., M.D. Turnev, H. G., M.D. Turtle', G. de B., M.D. . Turton, E., M.D. . Tylecote, F. E., M.D. . Tjson, W. J., M.D.


Valcourt, de, J. E. T.,


Venn, A. J., M.D. . Vincent, E., M.D. . Voelcker, A. F., M.D. .


Waldo, H., M.D. .

Walker, J. N.

Wall, R. C. B.. M.D. .

Walsham, H., M.D. Walters. F. E., M.D.

Warde, W. B., M.D. Warner, F., M.D. . Warrington, W. B., M.D. Warrj, J. K., M.D. Waters, A. T. H., M.D. . Waterhouse, R., M.D. . Watrier, H., M.D. . AVatson, G. W., M.D. . Watson, J. W. Weaver, F. P., M.D. Webb, W. W., M.D.




16 314.


36 318


40 323

44 314 14 319 31


19 320

36 322





24 320

45 323 38

35 324

36 321


46 320

49 316

24 315

32 321 32 318 41 22


























Weber. F. P., M.D. . 22

Weber. Sir H., M.D. . 11

Wells, S. E., M.D. . . 38 West, S. H., M.D. . .17

Wethered, F. J., M.D. . 21

Wheaton, S. W.. M.D. . 27

Whipham, T. E. C, M.D. 42

Whipham, T. T., M.D. . 13 314

Wliite, C. S., M.D. . . 49

Wliite, E. W., M.B. . 34

White, W. Hale, M.D. . 18

White, W. H., M.D. . 33

White-Cooper, Ci.O., M.B. 36

Whitehead, J. L., M.D. . 35 315

Whitelegge, B. A., M.D. . 23

Whitfield, A., M.D. . 26

Whiting, A. J., M.D. . 39

Whittle, E. M. G., M.D. 32 316

Wigles worth, J., M.D. . 22 317

Wild, R. B., M.D. . . 40 316

Wilkinson, A. T., M.D. . 28 316

Wilkinson, W. C, M.D. . 24

Wilks, Sir S., Bart., M.D. 11

Willcox, W. H.. M.D. . 46

Willett, J. A., M.D. . 44

Williams, C. T.. M.D. . 13

Williams, D., M.D. . . 21

Williams, Su- J., Bt., M.D. 15 321

Will-innis, L. L. B., M.D. 44

Williams, O. T., M.D. . 48 316

AVilliams, W., M.D. . 31 316

WiUianiJoii, II., M.B. . 44

Williamson, O. K.. M.D.. 29

Williamson, E. T., M.D. . 23 316

Wills. W. A., M.D. . . 25 319

Willmore, A\'. S. . . 51

Wilson, E. T., M.B. . 12 314

Wilson, J. C M.D. . 51

Wilson, S. A. K., M.D. . 49

Wilson, T. S.. M.D. . 29 319

Wiltshire, H. W.. M.B. . 50

AVinslow, H. F., M.D. . 31

Winslow, L. S. F., M.B. . 31

Wood, X. T., M.D. . . 37

Wood, T. O., M.D. . . 35

Woodward, I.E., M.D. . .J3

Woodwark, A. S., M.D. . 52

Wvnn, W. H., M.D. . 47 320

Wynfcei-, W. E., M.D. . 22


Yeo, I. B., M.D. . Young, R. A., M.D. Younger, E. Gr., M.I


14 27 34



ST. martin's lane, LONDON. W.C.
