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Full text of "The mammals of the Caucasus; a history of the evolution of the fauna. (Mlekopitayushchie Kavkaza; istoriya formirovaniya fauny)"

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A History of the Evolution of the Fauna 


Published for the Smithsonian Institution, U.S.A. 
and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 

by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations 

Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Zoological Institute. Academy 
of Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan SSR 



A History of the Evolution of the Fauna 

(Mlekopitayushchie Kavkaza )(Istoriya formirovaniya fauny) 

Chief Editor: E.N. Pavlovskii 
Editor of this volume. A.A. Strelkov 

Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR 
Moskva-Leningrad 1959 

Translated from Russian 

Israel Program for Scientific Translations 
Jerusalem 1967 

Published Pursuant to an Agreement with 

Copyright © 1967 
Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd. 
IPST Cat. No, 1704 

Translated by Dr. A. Lerman and B. Rabinovich 
Edited by M. Loeb 

Printed in Jerusalem by S. Monson 

Binding: Wiener Bindery Ltd. Jerusalem 

Available from the 
Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information 
Springfield, Va. 22151 




Chapter I. Development of Caucasian Landscapes and Mammalian 
ELAR NTN SME TAUCIE ANC о delip sas! us. GS wit oat Mayen она 

Chapter II. Development of Caucasian Landscapes and Mammalian 
ЕО shaves (ONG АЕ ВЕНУ ое DR Ee О SNL oon корь ИА 


Chapter III. Review of the Early and Contemporary Populations and 
RAMGSS CH SCAMS) Па A Eis bho go ab ici oie dbo 6) ole 6 Olen 

Chapter IV. Stratigraphic and Geographic Variation in Caucasian 
Smareimanye MianaiialSae о Cee. Gilet neem lca ale eu ahe 


Chapter V. Analysis of Holocene Mammalian Fauna and Scheme 
Oli ZONE LO) AIE Dy ET cv ON UO В rae TS ge Stra CIO 
Chapter VI. Anthropogenic Changes in Mammalian Ecological 

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ОА тат: 5. МОЕ СИИ, Бо Оси: lie. ok 
Supplement. Part 1. Yield and Supply of Animal Pelts on the 

Caucasian Isthmus from 1925 to 1955(Graphs 1-23) ........ 
Supplement. Part 2. Maps of Animal Distribution on the Caucasus 

арены ее кое аа 
Index of Common Names of Mammals........... О о 
Index of Latin Names of Матта1 ..... В А 


English page 










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N.K. Vereshchagin's book is somewhat unusual: although it is not 
a comprehensive treatise of the past and present evolution of the fauna of 
this interesting and complex area, he has succeeded in producing the first 
generalized and complete picture of the development of terrestrial fauna in 
the Caucasus from Neogene to Recent times against a background of the 
geological history and landscape shifts. 

In his work the author draws on the entire body of biological science, 
from paleontological data on individual stages in the phylogeny of Quaternary 
mammals to the voluminous data of modern zoogeographical and ecological 
conditions of contemporary forms. 

The author believes that the eastern Mediterranean (including the 
Caucasus) was characterized in the Neogene by a unique process in the 
mammalian evolution — faunal complexes replacing one another, as 
commonly occurred throughout the Recent in the Holarctic region. 

The Quaternary mammalian faunas of the Caucasus have their roots deep 
in the Pliocene. The Caucasian faunas proper of the mountain forest 
community evolved locally since at least Upper Miocene time. However, 
in the Quaternary the evolution of mammals in the Caucasus took place 
primarily through species invasions and extinctions. 

The evolution of new species on the Caucasian Isthmus was not as 
Significant as other evolutionary processes in fauna formation. 

Veresnchagin's statements on the absence of saltations in the 
morphological evolution of the Quaternary mammals will require additional 
study before they are confirmed. 

Emphasis is placed on the destructive activity of humans which caused 
the extinction of many game mammals from the Upper Paleolithic to the 
Recent. Many examples are given of the ecological changes and 
readjustments of the surviving mammals in various zones. 

This work on the many questions relating to the development of fauna 
will undoubtedly inspire other intensive paleontological and zoological 
studies, not only on the Caucasus, but also on other parts of Russia. As an 
initiator, Vereshchagin has made a notable contribution to the methodology 
of his subject. 

The book also presents important data on the commercial value of 
autochthonous and introduced species, as well as information of concern 
to conservationists. 

The history of the development of mammalian fauna in the Caucasus will 
undoubtedly be of interest to a wide audience of botanists, geologists, 
archaeologists and geographers, as well as to zoologists. 

E.N. Pavlovskii, Academician, 
Lieutenant General, Medical Corps. 

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A study of the distribution of organisms in time and space in the course 
of their evolution presents problems at once interesting and difficult. Their 
study is necessary for the reconstruction of faunal history and the 
advancement of faunalogical investigations. 

The study of the development of fauna on the Caucasian Isthmus is 
complicated by the fact that throughout the Cenozoic, this area was the 
scene of marine transgressions and regressions, mountain-building 
processes and glaciations. As a result of these processes, the climate and 
landscape changed within short distances. 

In the physiographic sense, the Caucasus is large and varied. Its geologic 
structures, its flora and fauna, and the history of its peoples have been 
studied by outstanding scientists for almost 250 years. 

Studies of the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus have been primarily 
concerned with the identification and geographic distribution of species. 
Few workers were concerned with the ecology, and even fewer with the 
history of the fauna. The main works are those of K.A. Satunin, 

N. Ya. Dinnik, N.A. Smirnov, M.V. Shidlovskii, Z.S. Rodionov, 

В. А. oviridenko,, 5. 1. Орех, ‚т. В. Beme,) 5.5, Murov;,(V)G..Geptner, 
ВТ. Ако1корию, А. А. Nasimovich, 5. №. Ша! Т.М. Яваскох ааЯ 
Р.Р. Gambaryan. 

The vast collection of data by Russian zoologists on Caucasian animals 
can only be partly reflected in the bibliography of this book. 

Much paleontological work on the fossil mammals of the Caucasus 
has been done by V.V. Bogachev, A.A. Borisyak, V.I. Gromov, 

Е.Г. Belyaeva, У.Т. Gromova, В.О. Dzhafarov, L.K. Gabuniya, 

N.O. Burchak-Abramovich, myself and others. The osteological collections 
of archaeologists (S.N. Zamyatnin, G.K. Nioradze, A.P. Kruglov, 

Е.Г. Krupnov and others) were of particular value. 

These studies and collections facilitated my investigations of the origin 
and history of the development of Caucasian mammals. 

The history of the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus is intimately related 
to the evolution of landscapes, vital forms and ranges of species distribution. 
The marine transgressions and regressions during the Tertiary in the 

eastern part of the Mediterranean geosyncline (the Recent Black Sea, 
Caspian Sea and the Caucasus) and the evolution of the molluscan fauna of 
this area have been studied in great detail by geologists: Academicians 
Andrusov (1888) and Arkhangel'skii (1934), Arkhangel'skii and Strakhov 
(1938), Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov, Eberzin (1940) and others, mainly in 
the course of petroleum explorations. The Neogene, inparticular, has been 

thoroughly studied. A detailed zoogeographic summary оп the faunas of the 
Caspian and Black seas was published by Sovinskii (1904). 

Geobotanists and paleobotanists have also published a number of histories 
of the land flora of the Caspian lands, particularly of the Caucasus 
(N.I. Kuznetsov, 1909; Palibin, 1936; Grossgeim, 1936, 1948; Maleev, 
1941; and others). 

Studies to date on the history of Caucasian land fauna have been 
quite generalized and were based mostly on fossil material. These studies 
include Academician Menzbir's (1934) history of the fauna of the European 
U.S.S.R., Serebrovskii's (1935) history of the fauna of the U.S.S.R., 
Bogachev's (1938) review of the Tertiary of the Caucasus, and Borisyak 
and Belyaeva's (1948) review of the Tertiary mammalian fossil localities 
in the Caucasus. The history of the Quaternary fauna has been treated by 
Gromov (1939, 1948), Gromova (1948), Burchak-Abramovich (1951c) and 
Pidoplichko (1951, 1954). 

The history of the land mammals of the Caucasus has also been treated 
from the point of view of zoogeographical studies of the Recent by Satunin 
(1896, 1901а, b, 1904, 1909, 1913), Dinnik (1911), and Shidlovskii (1940a, 
1941b, 1945, 1947), and more recently by B. A. Kuznetsov (1949, 1950). 

There are fewer studies on the evolution of other classes of terrestrial 
vertebrates: birds (Puzanov, 1938b) and reptiles and amphibians (Nikol'skii, 
1913; Sobolevskii, 1929; Lyaister, 1931; Chernov, 1939). 

The history of terrestrial invertebrates on the Caucasus has been 
discussed in the studies of scorpions by Byalynitskii-Birulya (1917)*; of 
dragonflies by Bartenev (1933, 1934 — in which he also discussed mammals, 
reptiles and amphibians); of Coleoptera by Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii (1936) 
and Bogachev (1947); and of Orthoptera by Uvarov (1921). 

All of these studies have one feature in common: the history of the fauna 
is treated either from a purely paleontological or from a purely 
zoogeographical point of view, without synthesis or consideration of the 
ecological and morphophysiological data. 

Obviously, this approachcannot give a true picture of a process as 
complex as the development of fauna at any given stage of geologic time. 

It is more correct to view the process of the development of fauna as 
a combination of three interrelated processes: 

1. Evolution of the environment and of those life conditions of individual 
species which were controlled by secular changes in climate, in elevation 
and subsidence of the earth's crust, andofthe biocenosis proper. In more 
recent times the human factor also assumes great importance. 

2. Morphological evolution of individual species, which is affected by 
both external environment and internal developmental patterns. 

3. Ecological evolution of individual species and of entire biocenoses 
which is caused by continuous evolution of the conditions of life, and the 
further evolution of the biocenoses, in turn, through extinctions, 
transformations, invasions and migrations of species. 

Data on these three processes of faunal evolution are not equally 
available to paleontologists, zoogeographers and ecologists. A synthesis 
of the data and conclusions of each discipline is indispensable. 

The Caucasus has had a complicated geological, pedological and floral 
history, and a long pattern of changing human cultures. The influence of 

* [Arthrogastran Arachnids of Caucasia: Scorpions, Translated into English by IPST in 1964, OTS No, 64-1114.] 

man оп the land and the fauna became progressively more pronounced with 
time. Therefore, in order to understand the basic features of the evolution 
of Caucasian fauna, it is necessary to draw on the data of geology, 
geomorphology, geobotany, archaeology, paleontology, systematics, ecology 
and zoogeography. 

The complexity of the problem required a limitation on our studies and 
an organization into three interrelated subdivisions: 

1. Paleonio!ogical and archaeological evidence of the history of the 
development of the fauna. 

2. Analysis of the origins and distribution of the Quaternary mammals 
with reference to their ecology and morphogenesis. 

3. The mammalian geography of the Caucasian Isthmus and the most 
recent manifestations of local faunal evolution. 

In each of the subdivisions, progress of the work depended upon the 
material and technical facilities available. 

Materials, routes and methods 

The main source of mammalian material of the Tertiary and Pleistocene 
is in the paleontological, geological and archaeological collections of: 
Museum of Natural History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan 
S.S.R.; Zoological (ZIN) and Paleontological (PIN) Institutes of the Academy 
of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.; All-Union Geological Institute, Institute of 
Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian $.S.R.; Institute of 
Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian 5.5.В.; and the city 
museums of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Temryuk, Novocherkassk, 
Rostov and Astrakhan. Our own collections and observations on Tertiary 
mammals were taken from the Miocene site near Belomechetskaya in 
central Ciscaucasia, from the Pliocene site at the Kosyakin quarry near 
Stavropol and from the Upper Pliocene and Lower Quaternary sites along 
the Psekups and on the Taman Peninsula (Figure 1). Collections of 
Pleistocene mammals and plants were taken from Pleistocene river sands 
in the Kuban and the Kuma river valleys, near Krapotkin and Georgievsk 
in Ciscaucasia, and from the bituminous formations of the Apsheron 
Peninsula in Transcaucasia (Figure 2). 

Small collections of bones and flint tools and additional observations were 
made at old excavation sites in paleolithic caves on the Black Sea coast 
and inthe Rion River basin(Akhshtyrskaya, Sakazhia and Gvardzhilas caves) 
and in the recently excavated Kudaro cave. 

More than 55,000 Pleistocene bone fragments and 1,500 Tertiary bone 
fragments were examined. 

In order to trace the distribution of game animals and small rodents 
in the Holocene, the following types of fossil material from a variety of 
sites were studied: 

1. Food and industrial wastes of man from strata containing remains 
of campsites and settlements from the Mesolithic to the last centuries of 
the Recent (Sarkel, the ancient town of Semibratnoe, Elizavetovskoe, 

Cepi, Phanagoria, Taman, Gelendzhik, Anaklia, Kalakent, Mingechaur, 
Baku, and others). 

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2. Bone artifacts, ornamental objects, skulls and skeletons of wild and 
domestic animals from ritual burial grounds (Nal'chik, Samtavro, Trialeti, 
Sevan and others). 

3. Skulls of artiodactyls from mountain caves and shelters where they 
had accumulated over the centuries as the residue of rites and feasts 
dedicated to the hunting god(a number of ravines in Ossetia). 

4. Bones of rodents and insectivores deposited by owls during the last 
centuries in caves, under ledges and in the small cavities of rocks (the 
foothills and mountain regions of Cis- and Transcaucasia). 

5. Bones and horns of drowned animals and kitchen middens of tribes 
which lived in pile dwellings along the shores of Lake Sevan. (The lake is 
at present receding rapidly. ) 

6. Isolated occurrences of bones in Holocene loams. 

In all, nearly 52,000 identifiable bones and bone fragments from 
approximately 70 Holocene sites (Figure 3) were studied. 

Penetration of species in postglacial times and their role in the evolution 
of faunal complexes were the primary considerations in our selection of 
smaller areas of Holocene localities such as the Pleistocene localities of 
the Apsheron Peninsula, Stavropol Plateau and Pyatigor'e area 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c, 1953a). We particularly searched out food rests of 
eagle owls. 

Mapping of the fossil localities and searches in the extensive literature 
produced a general picture of the distribution of bone-bearing deposits of 
the Tertiary and Quaternary. 

The elevation of the Caucasus in the Cenozoic resulted in an accretion 
of very thick strata of gravels, sands and silts in the piedmont plains. Part 
of the terrigenous material was reworked by waves in the surf zone and 
part was deposited in the quiet water of bays on the margins of sea basins. 

Accumulation and burial of skeletons occurred mainly along the deltas 
and coastal bays, where they were carried by streams. Cenozoic bone- 
bearing sandy-gravelly lenses are usually found in erosional channels cut 
through older beds; this type of burial is common in the valleys of 
Ciscaucasia, Stavropol and in the broad intermontane valleys of 
Transcaucasia. The bone-bearing formations are exposed in the processes 
of erosion and quarrying. 

Caves containing bones of Tertiary age have not yet been found in the 
Caucasus. This is probably accounted for by the changes in the relief and 
river network which destroyed the older karst. 

Archaeologists have searched for Paleolithic localities inthe regions of 
developed Quaternary karst. The Paleolithic collections usually contain 
"fauna", i.e., bones left in the caves by prehistoric hunters and by 
predatory animals and birds. The latest, post-Paleolithic (post - Pleistocene) 
bones occur mainly in surface loams, diluvial gulleys, alluvial deposits 
in the first terraces of rivers, in caves and under rocky ledges. 

The positioning of most Holocene bone-bearing burials accessible to 
excavation and investigation was determined by early hunters and predatory 
birds. However, evidence of mass extinction of wild animals and 
preservation of their remains even in Recent times can be found in the 
Caucasus (Vereshchagin, 1951b; Figure 4). 

It is clear that the paleontological record of the origin of Caucasian 
mountain fauna (which is the background of this work) is not complete. 


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The reasons for this are taphonomical, i.e., the lack of accessible areas of 
sediment accumulations inthe highlands and the absence of caves containing 
Pliocene fossils. (See Efremov: ''Taphonomy'' (Tafonomiya) 1950. *) 

A critical evaluation of the available paleontological material requires a 
complete account of burials, their peculiarities and the ways by which bone 
remnants and matter were preserved in them. Therefore, a section dealing 
with the transport pathways and theburial of fossils has been added to 
each of the chapters devoted to the regional stratigraphy of the localities. 

A correct evaluation of the modes of preservation leads to important 
conclusions regarding the ancient landscapes and the conditions of life and 
of death of organisms. However, this factor was often ignored by 
paleontologists and, as a result, they were led to erroneous interpretations, 
particularly in cases where fossils of varying ages occur at the same 

In most instances, the paleontologist deals with a collection of fossil 
remains which reflects only the conditions peculiar to a particular locality, 
rather than the ecological associations of the entire ancient region. 

The degree of "universality'' of a burial is related to the number of 
preservable species of animals and plants which inhabit the area and to 
the proximal degree to which the distribution of species and individual 
specimens in the dead assemblage resembles that of the living community. 

Three sets of conditions determine the degree of universality of a fossil 
assemblage: 1) the circumstances ofthe animal's death; 2) the manner in which 
the remains accumulated in sediment; and 3) their ''behavior'' and 
preservation within the sediment. 

Clearly, any possibility of reconstructing ancient biocenoses and 
landscapes from fossil material is determined by the sets of conditions 
given above. 

The Binagady burial on the Apsheron Peninsula (Chapter II) is an example 
of a highly universal fossiliferous site. There a Pleistocene assemblage of 
plants, birds, insects, jerboas and rhinoceroses was preserved in thick 
layers of asphalt; this mode of preservation permits a highly reliable 
restoration of the ancient landscape. 

The situation is quite different when fossils are preserved in sediments of 
diluvial, river, lacustrine or marine origin, ог at Paleolithic sites or incaves. 

Accumulation of bone material in river sediment results from river 
erosion of bone-bearing beds (Vereshchagin, 1953c), as well as from the 
occurrence of animal deaths in the mainstream and оп the floodplain. Once 
in the mainstream, the bones are subject to mechanical reworking like 
gravel and pebbles and they are sorted and distributed according to specific 
gravity and size. 

Thus, a complex of animals which died in a river valley can be seen 
accurately only ifthe bones are collected from different facies, i.e., gravels, 
sands, silts. 

Available collections by earlier investigators were not, as arule, made 
in this way and consequently reflect only the last stage of sorting, i.e., 

Distribution of bones in different facies also occurs in lakes and marine 
bays to which they are carried by rivers. Burial in deltaic sediments is 
more common, since floating bodies of animals can be carried long 

* [The term "taphonomy," meaning "the study of the formation of burials of fossils, plants and animals, " 
was introduced by Efremov in this work, ] 


distances by currents to sink later into the silty and shell-covered bottoms 
of quiet bays. 

Accumulation of bones in the Paleolithic and post-Paleolithic strata of 
camp sites, settlements and burial grounds was primarily dependent upon 
the particular hunting traditions and customs of local tribes. (Deposition 
by flowing water is rarely encountered in caves. ) Remains of men's food 
was often found in caves mixed with remains of the food of predatory animals 
(bears, wolves, hyenas, panthers) and predatory birds (eagle owls and little 
owls). Clearly, grosserrors are possible if, indrawing conclusions, human 
hunting customs and animal behavior patterns are ignored, аз was done in those 
investigations which are limitedto a count of domestic and wild animals instrata 
of varying ages and cultures. For example, it is known that contemporary 
Caucasian hunters often carry 30-40 kg of wild goat, gazelle or swine meat 
over distances of 20-25 km on mountain trails. Caucasian goats can climb 
1,500-2,000 m in a day. We have observed eagle owls in the cave region of 
Imeretia flying frequently from caves in the foothills to seek prey on 
the subalpine meadows and attaining heights of more than 1,000 m in their 

Thus, reconstructions of the paleolandscape and of changes in the 
position of the snow line based on occurrences in caves of the remains 
of highland animals (goat and Prometheomys ) can be made only if all 
the processes involved in the accumulation of bones are considered. 

Similarly, conclusions on the accumulation of index gama fauna of one 
area cannot be based on a comparison of the material from an unlike area, 
e.g., material from the Greek towns of the Taman Peninsula (Phanagoria, 
Cepi) compared with the kitchen middens of a small hunting and fishing 
village of Roman time found at the ancient site of Semibratnoe in the mouth 
of the Kuban River. In this case the size of the settlement and its 
topographic location would be much more important considerations than the 
occurrence and disappearance of game animals in the surrounding area. 

Quantitative data on the composition and size of burials in the Caucasus 
are given here for the first time whenever adequate material was available. 
These data contribute to an understanding of the development of tribal 
culture and economy and of the nature of the landscape. To take one 
example: unverified ancient writings have led some geologists to believe 
that dry valleys existed in Colchis in the first millennium B.C. This theory 
is disproved by the absence of horse remains and the abundance of boar 
remains in the Colchis burials, which indicate that the marshlands of the 
Eneolithic and Bronze Ages were very Similar to those of approximately 
50 years ago. 

The species composition and distribution of wild animals were also 
inferred from the drawings and sculptures of the Bronze and Iron ages. 
Particularly interesting are the bronze, silver and gold objects with animal 
representations collected from the burials of the Armenian Highland, the 
Kura River valley and the Trans-Kuban sloping plain (Tsalka, Samtavro, 
Maikop, Kellermes, etc.). If one takes into account the probable origins of 
these objects, the aesthetic criteria of their consumers (Urartus, 
Scythians, Kobanians) and the ecology of the depicted, the realistic art of 
these ancient craftsmencan be of great aid in studying the distribution and 
gradual extinction of some of some of the larger animals. 


Neolithic settlements 


(Bronze and Iron ages) 

V WA Ze 


Asphalt pools 


Sea bays and river deltas 

FIGURE 4, Predominant circumstances of animal death and types of fossil burials in the Cenozoic of the 

Caucasian Isthmus 


Although it is possible to find fossils of large animals of the present 

‘period, their number has decreased to an extent that makes this a negligible 

probability. Consequently, the zoologist who is called upon by archaeology 
to furnish morphological and zoogeographic data for the identification of 
depicted animals will attach great importance to the so-called ''animal 
style'' in the art of the first millennium B.C. 

We have reviewed the published data of Tolstoi and Kondakov (1889), 
Uvarova (1900), Кайт (1940) and others on precious stones in the ''animal 
style'' from the Caucasian burials of the Kobanian, Khodzhalian, Scytho- 
Sarmatian and other cultures, as well as the collections of the Hermitage 
(Leningrad), the Georgian Museum (Tiflis) and the Historical Museum 
(Moscow). Our conclusions, as they relate to species and ranges, are 
discussed in Chapter Ш. The ‘animal style" of these Caucasian antiquities 
deserves a special zoological-ethnographical study in itself. 

In the study of the Cenozoic faunas of the Caucasus we used the 
geochronological subdivision of the Neogene of the eastern Mediterranean 
(Black and Caspian seas, Caucasus) as given by Academicians Andrusov 
(1918) and Pavlov (1925), with later additions by Kovalevskii (1933, 1936), 
Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov and Eberzin (1940). 

We placed the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (in agreement with Pavlov, 
1936, and Vardanyants, 1948) at the end of the Apsheron stage. The 
boundary probably corresponds to the last stage of existence of the Taman- 
Psekups fauna in Ciscaucasia, which was originally discovered by Gromov 
(1948, 1950) and is described in Chapter II of this book. 

The Quaternary of the Caucasus is subdivided into the Pleistocene and 
Holocene. Everywhere on the Caucasus the development of faunal complexes 
during the Pleistocene extended over a fairly long period, fromthe Upper 
Apsheron to the end of the last glaciation on the Caucasus and the onset of 
the xerothermic period which marks the beginning of the Holocene. The 
Pleistocene is subdivided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Pleistocene, 
which correspond to the stratigraphic stages of the Caspian region: the 
Baku, Khazar and Khvalynsk, containing mammalian fauna known from the 
entire Russian plain. The subdivision of the Quaternary in the foothills of 
the Caucasian Isthmus and the correlation of the river terraces with cave 
deposits and marine terraces were established following the studies of 
Mirchink (1937b), Gromov (1948), Vardanyants (1948) and Nikolaev (1953). 

The archaeological chronology oftne Caucasus is similar to the European 
(West Mediterranean) schematic chronology developed by Obermaier (1913), 
Osborn (1924) and Penk (1939). For date determinations of the Caucasian Paleo- 
lithic as guide lines to grouping mammalian ecological complexes, we used the 
papers of Zamyatnin (1950b, 1957) andother archaeologists. Geological dating 
was a primary concern in our studies of bone material. 

The problem of determining the relative and absolute age of fossil bones 
is becoming increasingly significant for geology, paleontology and 
archaeology. Fossilage is determined by: 1) physicochemical composition 
(the methods of calcination andradiocarbon dating); 2) taxonomic characters 
(generic, specific, subspecific); 3) inclusion in one faunal complex or 
another (faunal assemblages); 4) artifacts occurring with the fossils (stone 
tools, pottery, etc.); 5) evidence of associated invertebrate fauna and 
indirect geomorphological data (for example, the age of marine and river 
terraces); 6) type of preservation of the bone material. 


Each of the methods mentioned has disadvantages. The physicochemical 
methods give comparable results only when all the bones studied are less 
than 500,000 years old and have been preserved under the same conditions. 
The factors which affect the data obtained by this method are the composition 
of the sediments and their radioactivity, the water-salt relationship in the 
soil at the time of burial, etc. 

However, the method of calcination and comparison cf the coefficients 
of the organic residue used by Pidoplichko (1952) can be used in absolute 
and relative dating provided that separate chronological scales are р 
constructed for each physicogeographic region and for each type of locality. 

Radium-, uranium- and thorium-isotope dating methods (Cherdyntsev, 
1955) yield inconsistent results. 

Determination of geologic age by specific and faunal characters is 
possible only if the evolution of morphological characteristics is known in 
detail for the given genus or species. The taxonomic method can only be 
used with extremely well-preserved material, particularly in the case of 
skull specimens. 

Stone tools, pottery and other artifacts are reliable indicators of the 
relative age of fossiliferous strata only in those geographically defined 
areas where the chronology of the human cultures is known. By the latest 
consensus, the development of the Paleolithic cultures in Western Europe 
did not coincide in time with the Paleolithic in Eastern Europe. The 
occurrence of the bones in situ is another prerequisite for successful 
application of this method. 

Determination of the age of the geologic formations is of little use in 
determining the age of bones in Quaternary sediments which were often 
redeposited. The problem of dating is usually reversed since the Quaternary 
beds are dated by the vertebrates found in them. 

This method uses the simplest organoleptic analysis to determine the 
mode of preservation of bone material. But it requires considerable 
experience for an unbiased judgment and only yields indexes of relative age. 

It was necessary to review the entire body of Quaternary paleontological 
material taken from the Caucasus, since the indiscriminate application of 
morphological and morphometric criteria by earlier investigators had only 
resulted in confusion and redundancy in lists of species. 

With careful consideration of the mode and conditions of preservation, 
the age of the bone material can be placed within the major subdivisions 
of the Quaternary. The loss of organic matter (fossilization) and the 
secondary permineralization of the bones must also be taken into account 
by observing the new saturation of the bone material by salts, the 
color of fresh fracture, the degree and depth of colorization and the smell 
of fresh bone when scraped with a knife. A table is given for the 
determination of the relative age of Quaternary bones (Vereshchagin and 
Gromoy, 1953а). 

The geographic distribution of Recent species was studied, with 
interruptions, from 1935 to 1941 in Azerbaidzhan and Armenia, and from 
1945 to 1952 in Azerbaidzhan, Georgia, North Ossetia, Kabarda, Svanetia 
and Dagestan. Our collecting routes are shown on the map (Figure 5). 

Studies were made of the collections of ZIN, the Zoological Museum 
of Moscow University, The Georgian Museum and Institute of Zoology 
of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (collections to 1944), the 
Institute of Zoology of the Armenian Academy of Sciences (collections 
to 1943), the Institute of Zoology of the Azerbaidzhan Academy 




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(collections to 1948) and the Stavropol and Baku anti-plague stations 
(collections to 1945). A total of 13,500 excellent specimens of skins, stuffed 
animals, skulls and specimens preserved in alcohol (taken from over 

3,300 locations) comprised the material used. 

Conclusions on the most recent changes in the density of 23 species of 
fur -bearing animals were based on the data collected over 25 years (1925- 
1950) by the governmental fur stations in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia. 

17 The data of 257 pelt-receiving centers for the period 1945-1948 were used 
in the final refinement of the areas of distribution of species, as Shown in 
Figure 5. The statistics on the preparation of furs are shown separately on 
the graphs for Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia, and for the republics and 
regions (except the Astrakhan Region, for which no data were available). 

The occurrences of fossils and the recent yield of small fur-bearing 
animals are entered on a specially prepared map drawn to a scale of 
1:5,000,000. The population density of each species, as estimated from the 
mean annual number of furs received by the pelt-receiving centers, are 
indicated by small dots on the map. The total number of pelts exceeds 
3,665,000. Range boundaries have been drawn only for stenotopic species 
(i.e., those with a narrow geographic range). The occurrences of widely 
distributed animals, such as boar, gazelle, deer, antelope, saiga, goat and 
otter, are given according to our own observations. 

Data from the literature, not confirmed by observation, are entered 
with a query. 

The history of the development and the present state of distribution are 
given only for the stenotopic species and for those which are well 
represented in the paleontological record. 

The history of animal distribution in the Caucasus is closely connected 
with the climatic zones of the Quaternary. A relationship between vegetation 
and species distribution is also valid for this period during which there 
was a Successive displacement of xerophytic desert vegetation, first by 
a steppe landscape, then by a mesophytic, andlastlyby a forest landscape 
followed by a reversal of the entire process of vegetation displacement. 

The relationship, however, is not as clear in the older periods. It is certain 
that conclusions on distribution areas are easier to reach and are more 
reliable, asthe species association with a given type of vegetation and 
landscape is longer and its ecologic niche is more limited. 

Gaps in distribution and the influence of ecological barriers are only 
considered as they relate to types of vegetation and to barriers which were 
geophysical and climatic in nature. Ecological barriers which are 
determined by physiological reaction norms and morphological adaptations 
of the species require additional study. The validity of our theoretical 
assumptions was confirmed by the finding of the indicator species 
associated with a given type of vegetation and landscape in every case. 

The morphology was studied mainly from the Quaternary fossil materialin 
relationship {о {$ stratigraphic distribution andthe rate of evolution ofthe spe- 
cies. The morphological studies were primarily of carnivores (Vereshchagin, 
1951b) and of some rodents and hoofed species (Chapter IV). The geographic 
variability of some Recent carnivores, ungulates and rodents was also 

18 investigated in order to understand their origins and geologic age. 



The taxonomic classification of fragmentary bones of Quaternary 
mammals proved to be a problem. Some mammals, known from the Middle 
Pleistocene to the Recent, show gradually evolving successive forms with 
very few morphological differences. Other lineages of mammals are 
represented by a succession of more or less distinguishable forms which 
can be discussed as subspecies of the Recent orfossilspecies, or as species. 

As arule, paleontologists either classify the Upper Quaternary forms 
as subspecies of existing species, or they identify the fossil with the Recent 
species. This identification of a fossil form as a subspecies of a Recent 
species is unsound, as the criteria for subspecies distinction are quite often 
only conventional and subjective. 

Although we are out of agreement with this practice of classification, 
we retained in Tables 62 and 103 the names of the subspecies found in the 
literature. Those subspecies whose stratigraphic records are inadequate 
are entered with the qualifications conformis (similar) and affinis 
(related). Unfortunately, the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature (1932) 
do not cover this problem. 

Wherever possible, we applied ecological data of the Recent to the past, 
and the study of the ''universal'' death assemblage at Binagady proved the 
effectiveness of this approach. 

Although a certain constancy of predominant features is recognizable 
in Quaternary organisms, it is probable that there was a fairly rapid and 
extensive evolution of the physiology. This brought about modifications in 
the mode of life without changing the former morphological features. 

The zoogeographical analysis of the entire fauna of the Holocene mammals 
of the Caucasus is the culmination of studies of the history of faunal 
complexes. The analysis is based on genetic and stratigraphic principles. 
Rather than adhering to geomorphological and phytogeographical units, we 
have emphasized the evolutionary aspects of areas of species distribution 
and of faunal complexes. 

The problem of the geographic origins of species is discussed in 
Chapter III along the lines of criteria proposed by Arldt (1919). 

In any discussion of the future evolution of ranges, the chief consideration 
for any geological stage is undoubtedly the human factor. With this in 
mind, we studied the numbers and behavior of animals in their original 
biotopes and in those influenced by man, selecting various geographic zones 
mainly in the eastern Caucasus. 

These investigations add to our understanding of recent evolutionary 
development or degradation and direction of the fauna. 

Quantitative studies of animal populations in nature preserves were 
carried out during the expeditions (1938-1948) of the Azerbaidzhan anti- 
plague station and the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of 
the AzerbaidzhanS.S.R. Most of the studies employed commonly known 
methods, although in some cases special new methods nad to be devised. 

Studies of recent changes in virgin steppelands were done mainly in 
Azerbaidzhan and should be carried out in the future in Ciscaucasia where 
shelterbelts have been planted. 

Introduction by man of new species into the existing fauna is not 
discussed in detail in this book. Acclimatization of new species and the 
biotechnical procedures of game farming, which have been studied by many 
scientists, are separate problems. Nevertheless, some examples are given 


in this book of the rates and patterns of distribution of some introduced 
carnivores and rodents. * 

The effects of man's alterations of the landscape were clearly observable 
in the most recent changes in ecological assemblages; in fact, they may 
completely overtake the natural processes of change. For example, the 
development of stunted thorny shrubs in the place of forest in the foothills 
of eastern Ciscaucasia is a result not only of the Recent climatic trend, but 
also of deforestation and cattle grazing. Another example is the artificial 
drainage and forestation of the central parts of the Colchis Plain, which 
completely suppresses the development of water-logged soils and hydrophilic 
vegetation. In both cases the original assemblages of large and small mammals 
were completely destroyed. 

The following ecological and zoogeographical terms are used throughout 
the book: 

Ecological assemblage of mammals — a group of species which inhabit 
one biotope. The morphological and physiological features of the species 
are the result of evolution within the framework of the existing ecological 

Faunal complex — a number of ecological assemblages occurring within 
one homogeneous geographic zone. 

For example, the faunal complex of the arid eastern Transcaucasian 
plains from the Pleistocene to the Recent includes ecological assemblages 

types. This complex has evolved since the Pliocene under dry and 
moderately warm climatic conditions. 

The term 'fauna' is used in the book to designate a number of faunal 
complexes occurring in a multizonal territory. The word 'fauna' is 
commonly used by geologists, paleontologists and archaeologists to designate 
any collection of fossils. We do not use the word in this sense: where it was 
necessary to employ it, it appears in quotation marks ("'fauna''). It is a 
mistake to identify a selected collection of fossil remains of animals, 
possibly of different ages, with the fauna, or the faunal complex, ofa given 
region or country. 

Our terms are quite applicable to paleogeography, i.e., to the older 
stratigraphic stages. A faunal complex can exist throughout an entire 
geological epoch, during which its composition will gradually evolve. The 
extent to which it is possible to reconstruct fossil ecological assemblages 
and faunal complexes depends upon the degree of completeness of the 
geologicalrecord. It is for this reason that index species which occur in large 
populations at certain stratigraphic horizons are indispensable to a 

From the occurrences of such index species of the Pleistocene steppes 
of Eurasia as mammoth, horse, bison, saiga and other species, it is 
possible to infer the occurrence also of suslik, marmot, corsac fox, 
Siberian polecat, steppe skunk and related species. Similar inferences 
can be made from the occurrences of mountainous index species. 

In the process of preparation of this book, it was necessary to use 
extensive paleontological, zoological, botanical, geological and 
archaeological literature. Ofthe more than 3,200 sources consulted, only 
the most frequently quoted are given in the bibliography. 

* The author participated in the introduction of nutria, common raccoon and mink into the Caucasian fauna 
and served as a consultant in a number of other experiments. 
** [Tugai — a bottomland complex with forests, bushes and meadows in river valleys of Central Asia. ] 



The writings of ancient Greek, Roman, Arab and Armenian naturalists, 
historians and geographers in translation, as well as the reviews of Gan 
(1884-1890), Latyshev (1893-1904, 1947, 1948), and Karaulov (1901) 
were used as source material. 

Of the voluminous literature on species systematics only the titles most 
essential to the Caucasian fauna are given. 

The Caucasus (Caucasian Isthmus) is considered to lie within the 
following boundaries: the Kuma and Manych rivers to the north, and the 
international boundary of the Trancaucasian republics to the south. 

Of the many questions and problems which arose during the course of 
the field work and preparation of the book, some of the most important 
involved the stratigraphic correlations of paleolithic localities in mountainous 
country wherein several climatic, floral and faunal provinces are joined. 

The present work could have been accomplished only with the support 
of the Directors of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of 
the U.S.S.R., and the Presidium of the Azerbaidzhan Academy of Sciences. 
The author is indebted to B.S. Vinogradov and A.A. Strelkov for valuable 
editorial comments and advice. 

The line drawings were done by V.N. Lyakhov, the drawings of animals 
by E. Ya. Zakharov and Prof. К.К. Flerov. All the photographs were taken 
by the author. 

The interest and cooperation of officialinstitutions and individuals, both 
specialists and laymen, was invaluable to the field work in Azerbaidzhan, 
Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Stavropol and Krasnodar. 

I thank all those who, in one way or another, contributed to the 
completion of my work. 

The first and more detailed manuscript was completed in 1954; in the 
process of preparation for this publication, many sections were shortened 
and new material was included. 

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25 Part One 


Chapter I 


ТВ Ви S@ ONE - BEARING Si@i@ Agi aa S 

Abundant remains of Carboniferous plants in the slates and sandstones 
along the northern slopes of the Main Range indicate that land existed in 
the Caucasus as far back as the Paleozoic. 

Individual islands appeared after the broad transgressions of the 
Mesozoic, and later merged gradually into one landmass. 

FIGURE 6, Land formations (cross-hatched ) in Eastern Europe 
and Southwest Asia (from Arkhangel'skii and Strakhoy, 1938) 
Dot indicates Upper Oligocene locality at Benara 

The Caucasian islands were covered by ferns, ginkgos and cycads in 
the Jurassic, but the paleobotanical record only commences with the 
Cretaceous when plane, poplar, dryandra, myrica and giant conifers 
(araucarias, sequoias and others) appeared. 

Iguanodons which occur in travertine encrustations in the Satapliya 
cave near Kutaisi are the only fossils representative of the terrestrial 
vertebrates of the islands (Kandelaki and Dzontsenidze, 1937; Gabuniya, 

According to Pavlov (1936), the area between southwest Asia and the 
Baltic was dry land in the Paleocene. The Caucasus was built of gently 
folded Jurassic and Cretaceous strata. 


At a later stage, the transgression of Tethys covered southern 
Europe, the Ukraine, the Crimea and part of the Caucasus, and Tethys 
became connected with the Asian sea extending to the southeast. 

Thus, the formation of land in the Caucasus, which determined the 
evolution of the Quaternary faunas, took place entirely during the Cenozoic. 
In the Eocene the northern coast of Asia Minor, Surami, Kazbek and 
Elburz were sites of intensive vulcanism, which probably produced the 
high relief of the island lands of the Caucasus (Figure 6). There are no 

data on the Eocene flora. 

Small whales of the genus Zeuglodon (Archaeoceti) lived in the sea 
surrounding the island of Caucasus. Their fossilized remains occur in the 
Koun beds of the Apsheron Peninsula and in the area of the Sumgait rivulet. 

The first occurrences of terrestrial vertebrates in the Caucasus are 
in the Oligocene. 


The tropical character of the Caucasian landscape persisted through 
the Oligocene. The tuffaceous sandstones of Lower Oligocene age in 
Mount Darry-Dag and the Araks valley contain ferns (Blechnum brauni, 
Pteris oeningensis), palms (Sabal hearingiana), conifers 
(Podocarpus), Lauraceae (Cinnamomum), myrica, zelkova, and 
small grasses (Panicum miocenica and other forms). Palibin (1936) 
correlated the Darry-Dag Oligocene flora with the Lower Oligocene floras 
of the Balkans and central Europe. He thought that the Darry-Dag is 
indicative of humid tropical forests covering volcanic islands. 

No bones have as yet been found in the Lower Oligocene beds of the 
Caucasus. However, it is possible that the island of Caucasus and the 
adjacent land masses to the south were inhabited by the same fauna of 
primitive carnivores and hoofed mammals which are well-known from the 
Eocene and Oligocene deposits of Western Europe. 

Bogachev (1938d) mentions a footprint of а creodont about the size of a 
large dog from a layer of silicified volcanic ash in the Darry-Dag near 
the town of Dzhulfa. 

The marine (Middle Oligocene) Maikop beds of Cis- and Transcaucasia 
contain abundant remains of cod and herring. Occurrences of 
Halitherium cf. schinzi Kaup. and other, unidentified, sirenian 
species (possibly the ancestors of dugongs) are known from the Chiaturi 
manganese basin of Georgia, on the southern coast of the Black Sea, and 
from the Maikop beds in the Akhzy-Khazry area of the Apsheron Peninsula 
(Bogachev, 1938c). The whales Zeuglodon (Microzeuglodon) 
caucasicum Lyd. and Iniops caucasicum Lyd. have beendescribed 
from beds that are probably the same age (Lydekker, 1892). 

Remains of Microzeuglodon aff. caucasicum Lyd. have also 
been described from the beds eroded by the Sumgait rivulet 20 km north of 
Baku (Ryabinin, 1938). 

Occurrences of the whale genera Microzeuglodon, Iniops, 
Delphinus (sensu lato) and Zeuglodon have been recorded (Bogachev, 
1938c, 1939a) from the Maikop beds of the Apsheron Peninsula. 

The same Maikop beds along the Sumgait rivulet contain fossil leaves of 
the evergreens Combretaceae, Sapotaceae, Ternstemiaceae, with an 
admixture of tropical conifers. 


| | И? 

FIGURES 7. Bones of hoofed mammals from the Oligocene of Вепага 

1-4 —Pmg,and os lunatum of Benaratherium callistrati Gab.; 2—M*of Aceratherium 

cf. filholi Osb.; 3 —metatarsus of Schizotherium chuéua; 5 — fragment of scapula of small 

The abundance of marine mammals and the dense land vegetation attest 
to the earlier existence of tropical conditions on the island of Caucasus and 
of Sargasso-type lagoons on its southern coast. Observations on the 

27 southern slopes of the Taurus Mountains indicate that Asia Minor was also 
covered with such forms as podocarpus, myrica, oak, cinnamon, 
andromeda and eucalyptus in the Oligocene. 

A burial containing Oligocene land mammals was discovered by the 
geologist М.Е. Khuchua in 1948 at Benara in the Akhaltsikhe region of 
southern Georgia. A few poorly preserved bone fragments and teeth were 
found in upper multi-colored sandstone, conformably overlying the lignite 
beds (Figure 7). The mode of preservation in situ was inadequately studied. 

1704 23 

Small bone fragments occur mainly in the concretions made of hard 
sandstone. The material was identified and described by Gabuniya (1951а, b, 
1953, 1955a, b) as rodent and ungulate: 

Fam, gen. 

Schizotherium chuéua Gab, 
Benaratherium callistrati Gab. 


Anthracotherium sp. 
Lophiomeryx benarensis Gab, 

28 Gabuniya has correlated the Benara locality with the Oligocene 
phosphorite beds of Quercy in France and with the Middle Oligocene 
localities of Mongolia and Kazakhstan, where bones of Schizotherium 
and Lophiomeryx are known from the Upper Oligocene. 

The fauna from the vicinity of Akhaltsykh confirms the paleobotanical 
evidence of the land connections which existed, with interruptions, between 
the Caucasus and central Asia and between the Caucasus and Western 
Europe in the Oligocene. 


In the Lower Miocene the island of Caucasus extended from the vicinity 
of Anapa in the west to the upper reaches of the Samur River in the east. 
The area of the Dzirul crystalline massif was also an island of smaller 
dimensions. The region of Trialeti-Akhaltsikhe and Borzhomi was covered 
by sea. Sands were deposited in the sea, although toward the close of the 
Lower Miocene the area became dry land (Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov and 
Eberzin, 1940). Only marine mammals are known from the Lower Miocene 

Bones of the seal Phoca sp., resembling P. vindobonensis Toula 
(Bogachev, 1927b), occur in the Miocene beds at Lok-Batan, south of Baku. 
Remains of Phoca sp. have also been reported from the limestones of 
the Kilyazinskaya spit north of Baku, and of the whale Cetotherium 
meyeri Brandt from Lok-Batan andthe village of Dzhorat onthe Apsheron 
Peninsula (Bogachev, 1938c). 

29 The geography of the island of Caucasus at the beginning of the Middle 
Miocene, in the so-called Helvetian stage, was essentially the same as in 
the Lower Miocene. The sea, in which Tarkhan and Chokrak sediments 
accumulated, coveredthe entire area from the northern coast of the island 

_of Caucasus to Rostov in the northwest, and Stepnoi (formerly Elista) in 
the northeast. At that time the landmass of Caucasia Minor probably 
appeared south of Surami island, and the Caucasian island increased in size. 

The vegetation of the islands in the Middle Miocene, as shown by the incidence 
of fossils in Cis- and Transcaucasia, retained its subtropical character 
(Palibin, 1936) though witha small admixture of deciduous trees (Castanea 
sativa)andconifers (Pinus neptuni)ofnorthernorigin. In the Middle 







вАечзаэцоэитотэя 1е Азтеэот зэзеэтрит 10а 

(ОР6Т ‘з1эчзо рие оуцецоцелци oes ‘оцэцоцетци шоц) энэзоти{ STPPTIN O42 ит зиозещо} риет "8 MNO 


`0002. 3 = 



Miocene, in Chokrak time, the Caucasian land gradually became higher and, 
in the process of growth, became a peninsula of the southwest Asia massif 
(Figure 8). 

The sediments of Chokrak age in Ciscaucasia contain abundant remains 
of terrestrial mammals. ‘ 

Central Ciscaucasia 

Belomechetskaya. This locality, discovered by A.V. Рапоу in 
1926, is near the Cossack village of Belomechetskaya, on the right bank 
of the Kuban River, north of Cherkessk (Figure 1). 

In this region of the plateau, the Chokrak beds, 60 m thick, are mostly 
coarse-grained sandstones plus a combination of sand, clay and calcareous 
sediments. In a number of places, sandy bone-bearing lenses have been 
exposed in the Miocene hills by the eroding action of the Recent Kuban 
River approximately 50 m above the present water level. These were 
probably formed in a river which cut through the Chokrak beds eroding an 
ancient accumulation of skeletons in a lake or a marsh. The bone-bearing 
lense at the southern outskirts of Belomechetskaya is made up of gravelly 
quartz sand, with grains measuring 0.5-1.0 mm in diameter, slightly 
cemented by silt. Parts of the outcrop are iron-stained in vertical and 
diagonal bands. There is no pronounced bedding, which, however, may be 
a result of metamorphism. 

Areas of silty sandstone, more strongly cemented and of grayish color, 
occur within the mass of the gravelly quartz sand. The silty sand indicates 
changes in the river current regime. The exposed thickness of the bone- 
bearing layer at this locality is 3.5-4.0 m. It is overlain by a limestone 
layer 30-40 cm thick. This layer probably corresponds to a brief marine 
transgression. Higher in the section the sands alternate with limestones. 
In places the sands are covered by Quaternary loams (Figure 9). 

The remains of land and marine animals (bones and bone fragments, 
fragments of skulls, isolated teeth) are scattered throughout the layer. 
They occur in the gravelly sand and more often in the bluish, cemented, 
silty and iron-stained sand. The surface of the bones is pale yellow, light 
brown or dark brown in color. In fresh fracture the diaphyses are light 
brown, the cracks and the pores of the epiphyses are stained with ferric 
or, more rarely, ferrous oxide. The tooth dentine is also stained; the 
enamel is glossy and dark blue, or sometimes black at the base of the 
crown. The old factures on the long bones were rounded by water and the 
cavities in the bones were filled with sand. 

No tooth marks of predators were found on the bones. It is difficult 
to determine why and in what season of the year the animals died. It seems 
doubtful that death was caused by catastrophe. The variety and the 
fragmentation of the bones, and the abundance of teeth of small herbivores 
which occur sometimes in horizontal, sometimes in vertical positions 
within the sediment, indicate several cycles of redeposition. The death 
assemblage contains both young and old herbivores and carnivores. 
Remains of the swamp mastodon (Platybelodon) consist of a fragment 
of the facial part of the skull and mandibles which belonged to one adult 
and one young individual. 



FIGURE 9. Bone-bearing bed at Belomechetskaya 

Photograph by author, 1950 

The bone material at this locality includes both terrestrial and marine 
mammals, and the aquatic turtle Trionyx. The mode of preservation of 
all the bones is very much the same. This indicates the redeposition of the 
bones in alluvium. The bones were probably washed from the skeleton- 
bearing lenses of Oligocene-Miocene age by rivers or, less likely, by sea 
waves. In this process the bones became sorted and redistributed in the 
sediments of the river bed. The first burial of the bodies of land animals, 
as indicated by the iron stain on the bones, took place in a basin of standing 
fresh water, probably on the floodplain. Thus, it is evident that the 
existence of the Belomechetskaya ''fauna'’ antedates the deposition of most 
of the animals in the fossiliferous layer, although some few of the "fauna'! 
undoubtedly died during the time of deposition. In this process the bodies 
of land animals carried by the river and the floating bodies of marine 
mammals entering the river mouth were macerated and their remains 
incorporated into the sediment. 



The collections of PIN, ZIN and the Institute of Paleontology of the 
Georgian Academy of Sciences include the species and groups of mammals 
given in Table 1. 

TABLE 1, Species and number of mammal bones from the Middle Miocene beds at Belomechetskaya* 

Number Number 
of bones of bones 

Camivora Anchitherium aurelianense Cuv, + 
Amphicyon Se Dicerorhinus caucasicus Boris. 172 
oe Ом Chalicotheriidae gen. 3 
Нуаепа Sp, vee ee eee r cece eevee 1 
Раза WAUS SD). - Weemowel te Meeeel une n ei alleial +12 
Tubulidentata но 
Orycteropust о ОИ Kubanochoerus robustus Gab, 1 
Hippopotamidae (?) gen. mie сы 1 
р Micromeryx flourensianus Lartet 7 
Rodentia : 
Dicrocerus elegans Lartet 3 
Palaeocricetus caucasicus Arg, Paratragocerus caucasicus Soc, 8 
Eotragus cf, martinianus Lartet 12 
Proboscidea Hypsodontus miocenicus Soc, 1 
Platybelodon danovi Boris...... я 
MiaIS OIG ON бр еее 
Perissodactyla 34 

Paranchitherium karpinskii Boris 

* Material identified with the aid of Borisyak (1928a, 1943), Argiropulo (1938, 1940c), Sokolov (1949), 
Gabuniya (19554, 1956a) and unpublished data of К.К. Flerov and of the author, 

The collections also include fish and aquatic turtle (Trionyx). The 
total number of known Miocene mammals from the Belomechetskaya is 
approximately 20, although the taxonomic identity of some specimens 
remains unknown (Figures 10-15). 

Paranehitherium, Anchitherium, Rhinoceros and 
Platybelodon were considered stratigraphic index fossils by Borisyak 
(1937, 1938b). The degree of specialization of Paranchitherium from 
Belomechetskaya is the same as that of Parahippus from the Miocene 
of North America. Anchitherium, which is probably an earlier form, 
is characteristic of the Miocene of Eurasia. 

The Belomechetskaya rhinoceros was considered by Borisyak as one 
of the most primitive Dicerorhininae. The dentition shows both primitive 
and specialized features. Possibly it should be regarded as the oldest 
representative of Rhinoceros schleiermacheri. 

A peculiar mastodon, Platybelodon, is closest to the genera 
Phiomia and Palaeomastodon of the Oligocene of Africa, which 
may possibly be the ancestors of the long-snouted mastodon. The lower 
tusks of Platybelodon, flattened dorsoventrally and firmly joined, 
form an elongated scoop similar in shape to the tusks of Amebelodon 
fricki Barb. from the Pliocene of Nebraska. According to Borisyak (1928b) 

1704 28 



и ae я 

FIGURE 10, Bones of carnivores from Belomechetskaya 

1, 2—Hyaena sp.; 3—Amphicyon фр. 


and Osborn (1936) these mastodons had no trunk. They lived on the shores 
of lakes and river backwaters, digging with their flattened tusks for the 
succulent water plants and roots which were their food. 

Small Dicrocerus, Micromeryx and Eotragus are the main 
index fossils of the Middle and Upper Miocene of Eurasia. In general the 
fossiliferous layer at Belomechetskaya contains mammals of stratigraphically 
different ages. In view of this, it is difficult to identify the index species 
of the Middle Miocene faunal complex. 

The peculiar features of the Belomechetskaya "Рампа" do not permit 
an easy comparison with other Miocene faunas of Eurasia and therefore 
its zoogeographical relationships are not clear. However, since the 
autochthonous development of such a fauna on the small landmass of the 
Caucasus is unlikely, ап earlier land connection between the Caucasus 
and the continental landmass in the south can be regarded as certain. 

A reconstruction of the Caucasian landforms of the time when the animals 
preserved at Belomechetskaya lived would include mountain ridges and 
broad valleys with forests, bushland, lakes and quiet rivers as part of the 
landscape. The backwaters of those rivers and lakes were probably the 
feeding grounds of Platybelodon. 

Fossil insects and plants occur in the Middle Miocene beds which contain 
marine mollusks. These beds belong to the Karagan and Konka stages. 

FIGURE 11, Skull and tooth of Platybelodon danovi (from Borisyak, 1928b) 

Poplars (Populus mutabilis), Sapindus fulcifolius and 
evergreen cinnamons (Cinnamomum scheuchzeri) occur ш the 
Karagan beds of Dagestan. The sandy-clayey littoral sediments of the 
Spanidontella sea, southwest of Derbent, contain leaves of evergreen species 
characteristic of the Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene of Europe: 
Myrica hakeaefolia, Laurus primigenia, Ardisia cf. 
oceanica, Diospyros paradisiaca and other forms. The fauna of 
marine mollusks indicates that the Miocene sea became progressively less 



FIGURE 12, Skull and tooth of Paranchitherium karpinskii (from Borisyak, 1937) 

saline due to its isolation from the Tortonian basin of the Balkan region, 
that the climate became more humid and that the rivers carried more water 
(Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov and Eberzin, 1940). 

The richest ''fauna'' of insects (some 90 identified species) was 
discovered in bedded marls of the Karagan stage west of Stavropol. The 
insects were probably carried by streams into the shallow lagoons of the 
northern coast and buried in the silty sediment. The following aquatic 
insects are common: mayflies (Ephemeroptera), dragonflies (Odonata), 
true bugs (Gerridae), water beetles (Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae), caddis 
flies (Trichoptera) and mosquitos (Diptera). Among the terrestrial 
phytophagous, saprophagous, predaceous and parasitic forms are 
Orthoptera, Hemiptera, aphids, cockroaches, termites, cicadas, butterflies 
(Lepidoptera), Diptera, Hymenoptera and beetles (Rodendorf, 1939). 

This assemblage suggests a subtropical climate and profuse grassy 
vegetation in the Caucasus at the end of the Middle Miocene. 

The numerous plant fossils from the Krynka River valley in the Donets 
Basin (Krishtofovich, 1930) indicate that the vegetation on the northern 
shores of the Konka basin was of the temperate type and strikingly different 
from the subtropical flora of the Caucasus in the Neogene. 

In the Upper Miocene the seas still covered the southern Ukraine, the 
Crimea, Ciscaucasia, most of the Transcaspian land and possibly Iran. 




FIGURE 13. Upper incisors of giant FIGURE 14, Canine of an 

perissodactyl from Belomechetskaya unknown artiodactyl 
(Hippopotamidae? ) from 

The fauna of the Sarmatian sea reflects a further decrease in salinity 
and shows considerable variability in facies and in stratigraphic age. 

In the Lower Sarmatian the Caucasian landmass grew southward. The 
thickness of the Sarmatian sediments indicates that the relief of Japhethida 
and of the coastal areas was essentially the same as in the Middle Miocene. 
The areas of maximum uplift in the Lower Sarmatian were in the Guri ridge 
and in Khevsuretia, and in the Middle Sarmatian, in inner Dagestan. The 
northwestern coast remained a plain. The sea in this area became shallower 
due to the uplift of the Stavropol massif. 

In the Upper Sarmatian the sea receded from the northern part of the 
Caspian and from most of the Transcaspian lands, leaving the Stavropol 
Plateau as a peninsula projecting into the Ciscaucasian strait. To the south, 
a wide isthmus extended from Kutaisi to Telavi connecting Japhethida with 
the Caucasia Minor landmass, and in eastern Transcaucasia a narrow Kura 
bay formed (Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov and Eberzin, 1940). 

The landscapes of the Caucasus in Sarmatian time can be restored with 
a high degree of certainty from the available plant and animal fossil material. 

The littoral marine flora consisted of species of Fucus and 
Cystoseira, which occur as fossils in the valleys of the Sunzha and the 
Sulak on the Malokabardinskii ridge. 

Seals (Phocidae) andsmalltoothless whales ofthe genus Cetotherium 
were abundant in the Sarmatian sea. Bones of Cetotherium have been 
found in the Sarmatian coquinas and silts near Derbent, in Makhachkala, 


and in the blue Sarmatian clays near Maikop (Spasskii, 1939). Bones of seal 
have been found in the white marine sands near Stavropol, in the blue clays 
near Maikop and Goryachi Klyuch and in a number of other places. The 
Stavropol seal bones were found with bones of terrestrial Tertiary mammals 
— undoubtedly species which lived in a warm climate. 


1 — jaw of Kubanochoerus robustus (from Gabuniya, 1955a); horn axes of: 2 —Paratragocerus 
caucasicus; 3—Eotragus cf, martinianus; 4—teeth of Hypsodontus miocenicus (from 
Sokolov, 1949) 

The terrestrial flora of the Caucasus in the Sarmatian is represented 
by coniferous, evergreen and deciduous Species. Remains of spruce 



(Abies sp.)*, pines (Pinus sp.) and sequoia (Sequoia sp.) occur in 
the exposures along the Supsa River. Magnolia, laurel (Laurus 
primigenius), cinnamon (Cinnamomum polymorphum), elm, 
willow and pear trees have been identified from the Kakhetian Range and the 
Trans-Kuban Plain. 

30 35 40 45 50 
—_ J Ea ae 
a ok a Ff 
Smolensk < ии уаио 

© Kuibyshev 
ot у 

Тон. >} 
} cee ka R- 

о в Voronezh Moral'sk 

Kursk soy 
Kharkoy та 

> а 


atest INN ill 
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ИБ N P к Sr 
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| 2 

Danube В. | 
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of Ags °/: ИТИГО Hy 
ЕН Е о 

100 9 100 200 00 КТ 

By | РЕЙН 
НИ || 
eran АТ РТ 
= 173 Е 

25 30 

FIGURE 16, Land formations in the Upper Miocene (Upper Sarmatian) 
(From Kolesnikov; see Zhizhchenko and others, 1940, ) 
Dots indicate main occurrences of land vertebrates 

At some of the Middle Sarmatian localities in eastern Georgia as many 
as 30 arboreal species have been collected. Of these, up to 70% are 
deciduous and include the Tertiary species of hornbeam (Carpinus), oak 
(Quercus), willow (Salix), maple (Acer), chestnut (Castanea), 
zelkova (Zelkova ungeri), and shrubs of Indian hemp (Apocynum), 
bladder senna (Colutea salteri) and other deciduous species in addition 
to the evergreen laurel, cinnamon, myrica and magnolia. According to 
Palibin (1936) the evergreen species of the flora ''which covered the entire 
surface of Japhethida'' were the last Sarmatian representatives of the 
subtropical and tropical flora which flourished on the Caucasus from the 
beginning of the Tertiary. This first step in the borealization of the flora 
contributes to an understanding of the later evolution of the fauna. Ina 
comparison of the Caucasian flora with the Upper Miocene flora of Asia 
Minor, Grossgeim (1936) found that they are very similar, both being 
characterized by a mixture of boreal and subtropical elements. 

The taphonomy of these dead plant assemblages is significant for the 
ecologist or faunist in the study of altitudinal zonation of flora which 

“ [There is a discrepancy in the Russian text between the common and the Latin name here, The latter 
corresponds to the true firs, whereas the Russian gives the name "spruce, "] 



might have developed in the presence of the mountainous relief that existed 
in the Middle Miocene. Such a zonation might explain some of the instances of 
typically ''mixed'' Miocene flora. 

Hipparion fauna appeared in the Caucasus in Sarmatian time, having 
migrated from the south along the wide Transcaucasian Isthmus (Figure 16) 
it was probably first discovered in Transcaucasia by Ryabinin (1913). 

Ryabinin found bones and teeth of Hipparion gracile Kaup and 
tooth fragments of Rhinocerotidae in the Kyasaman site and on the left bank 
of the Iora River. At this locality the vertebrates occur in red clays with 
sandstone intercalations (which also contain algae (Chara cf. escheri) 
and mollusks (Planorbis sp.))andthe same mammalian genera were 
recorded by Ryabinin from gypsiferous clays underlying the Akchagyl beds 
in outcrops in the Katsakhuris-Kedy ridge. 

In 1913, the geologist Dombrovskii, working further south on the right 
bank of the lora River, found in the cliffs of the ЕПуаг-Опва and Palan- 
Tikyan ridges a rich locality of Tertiary mammals, known as the El'dar 
locality (1914). 

i aliete sy llama ey IP bene @ el wis 

El'dar. According to the descriptions of Dombrovskii (1914), and 
Andrianov and Larin (1935), the bone-bearing bed can betraced over 6 km 
from the gorge which connects the El'dar Steppe with the Iora River 
floodplain. From west to east the bed grades from a shell conglomerate 
to sandstone, then to limestone, and again to sandstone which grades into 
thick upper Sarmatian clays where the bed eventually peters out. The bones 
(parts of skeletons) occur in pockets, at intervals of 10, 20 and a few 
hundred meters. Ripple marks occur on the top surface of the bone-bearing 

The lithology of the bed attests to the existence of a low coast and muddy 
bay. The bodies of animals were transported into the bay by weak currents 
and shore waves and were buried in the sandy-clayey bottom sediment. The 
investigators believe that mass mortality in the animals was caused by 
steppe fires, earthquakes and mudflows. 

According to our observations, all the complete bones, including lower 
jaws and ribs, were flattened by the pressure of the overlying beds. Some 
bones were broken in the process of burial; as a consequence, the cavities 
became filled with sand and silt which preserved the original shape of the 

The surface of the bones is chestnut or chocolate in color; in fresh 
fracture, the colors are grayish. Permineralization and diagenesis of the 
bone material were not significant. Preserved coprolites were also found. 

Bones abraded bythe surf are rare, and in many cases limbs were 
preserved with bones intact. In general, a number of features support the 
conclusions of earlier authors regarding the nature of the burial and the 
mode of preservation. 

Table 2 (Figures 17, 18) lists the species from the Moscow and Baku 
collections identified by Bogachev (1927a), Alekseev (1930), Borisyak and 
Belyaeva (1948). 



TABLE 2, Species and number of mammal bones from the upper Miocene beds at El'dar 

of bones 
Primates Artiodactyla 
Bas, PEW swendenoaysdaree р ИР 1 Sus erymanthius Roth, et Wagn, 5 
Achtiaria borissiakii Alex. .... 
Carnivora Camelopardalis (Helladotheri- 69 
с sans : О akericka tae БАРОН ЯОЧОЙЬ a 
be ha eee ds Regs RT ISS}: АИ Tragocerus aff, leskevitschi 
Hyaena cf, eximia Gaudry....... 6 Е 
BOEES. ее. А. 66 = 
| ар осетр. ИМО ЗЕ ое 159 
TERA OC ети зато eens сы 
Mastodon longirostris Kaup..... GE Zie а Бр. gh: с оо “baal omy oi 6 
МЕ piemimemiiCi Gadi ysis weet ean element 24 
Mastodon sp. a «+> = aise wee Pinnipedia 
j р С : f 3 
Dinotherium giganteum Kaup,.. Phoca sp eee ТО 5 
Perissodactyla Gb 
: . : 164 
тратой Е ОР Ри Е у оО Ооо ооо ов еовос 
спеши ииияя 955 обо боньс 3 2 : 208 
г г сезоне Spe) И бе а Же = 
Aceratherium transcaucasicum 
Во шо Goh laa Saco. 22049 Оно he 6 
Dicerorhinus aff, orientalis 
БО И. te seh ею Ban 0 65 

The El'dar collection may be regarded as a part of the Upper Miocene 
faunal complex of Transcaucasia, since there are no signs of redeposition 
of the bones and most of the species lived at the same time. The most 
abundant species, as far аз the collections show, were Hipparion, ibex, 
rhinoceros and giraffe. 

Udabno. This sizable locality containing Hipparion fauna was 
discovered in 1931 by N.A. Gedroits near the village of Udabno, on the 
Kura-lora water divide of the Garedzhiiskaya Steppe. The locality was later 
excavated by the Museum of Georgia. 

The fossils occur in Sarmatian clays overlain by sandstones of the Shiraki 
formation. This locality and the El'dar locality are similar to each other, 
as are the lists of species from each. The material is in the collections 
of PIN and the Museum of Georgia, and was identified by Burchak- 
Abramovich and Gabashvili (1945, 1950), Tsereteli (1942), and Borisyak 
and Belyaeva (1948): 

Primates Proboscidea 
Udabnopithecus garedziensis Burtsch, Mastodon sp. 
et Gab, Dinotherium sp. 
Hyaena sp, Perissodactyla 
Rodentia Hipparion gracile Kaup 

ine Aceratherium $ 
Hystricidae gen, Be 



FIGURE 17, Remains of carnivores and hoofed mammals from El'dar 

1, 3—skull of Hyaena sp.; 2—coprolite of hyena; 4, 5 — tarsal joint and horn axis of Tragocerus 
sp.; 6, 7—horn axis and jaw of Gazella sp. 

- у Achtiaria sp. 

Sus sp. Tragocerus sp. 
Cervidae gen. Gazella sp, 

The occurrence of teeth of alarge homonid ape (Udabnopithecus 
garedziensis) is of particular interest in connection with studies of 
the origin of man (Figure 19). 

FIGURE 18, Remains of carnivores and hoofed mammals from El'dar 

1— jaw of Crocuta eldarica; 2—incisor of Aceratherium transcaucasicum; 
3-5 — teeth of Tragocerus leskevitschi (from Bogachey, 1927b) 

Arkneti. This locality is 1.5 km east of the village of Arkneti in 
South Ossetia. It is situated on what was the western part of the 
Transcaucasian bay of the Sarmatian sea. Fragmented bones of mammals 
occur in the yellowish gray loams, 1.5-2.0 m thick. Well-preserved bones, 
some of them joined, and skulls occur in a bone-bearing lense 3 m long 
and 50-70 cm thick. The artiodactyls and perissodactyls have been 
identified by Gabuniya (1952b, 1955c): 

Perissodactyla Tragocerus ex gr, leskevitschi Boris, 
Tragocerus sp, 

Gazella cf. gaudryi Schlos. 

Gazella sp. 

Giraffidae gen. 

Sus sp. Phronetragus arknethensis Gab. 
Eostylocerus sp, 

Dicrocerus salomeae Gab, 

Hipparion sp. (cf. garedzicum п. sp.) 




FIGURE 19. Teethof Udabnopithecus garedziensis 

1-4 —Pm*. anterior, outer, inner surfaces (x12), upper 
surface (x 24); 5-7 —M*(x14) anterior, outer and upper 
surfaces (from Burchak- Abramovich and Gabashvili, 1950) 

The age of the ''fauna,'' according to Gabuniya, is very close to the age 
of the Udabno ''fauna''; it may be dated as Upper Sarmatian (Meotian). 

The existence of large valleys covered with savannah and tropical forest 
vegetation on the piedmont can be inferred from the composition of the 
Sarmatian fauna. Streams originating in the Caucasus Range were evidently 
sufficiently powerful to transport the bodies of mastodons and rhinoceroses 
into the coastal bays of the Sarmatian sea. 

As а whole, the Sarmatian faunal complex supports a picture of the 
landscape drawn from the known paleontological data. The plant fossils 
indicate not only the ''mixed'' character of the Sarmatian flora, but also 
the high degree of its differentiation. 

Stravropol area 

The Hipparion faunal complex occurs in the Sarmatian of the 
Ciscaucasus. The fauna migrated along the coasts and over the plateaus 
and ridges of the central part of the peninsula. Hipparion sp. and 
Dinotherium giganteum Kaup are known from the Middle Sarmatian 
limestones near the village of Burlatskoe (Khomenko, 1913a). A small 
giraffe, Camelopardalis parva Weith., is known from the Upper 
Sarmatian beds near the village of Blagodarnoe in the Stavropol area 
(Pavlova, 1933a). 

Mount Kutsai. A fairly rich locality was discovered by A. A. Ivanchin- 
Pisarev in 1915 near the village of Petrovskoe, northeast of Stavropol. 
Like other Transcaucasian burials of Sarmatian age, it contains both 
marine and terrestrial vertebrates. 



The bone-bearing beds of Mount Kutsai are made of sands and clays 
(Ivanov, 1916). These are underlain by sandy, plastic clays of Middle 
Sarmatian age; soft limey sandstones overlie the fossiliferous sequence. 
The fossils occur in medium-grained marine quartz sands. The material 
is poorly preserved and consists mostly of individual teeth, fragments of 
vertebrae, metapodia and phalanges. Bones of seal and whale occur in the 
lower 2-3 m of the Upper Sarmatian clays and sands. The bones of 
terrestrial forms occur somewhat higher, although still within the lower 
3-5 m of the clayey-sandy beds. 

Ivanov's (1916) identification of the terrestrial mammals reveals the 
presence of the Hipparion faunal complex: 

Perissodactyla Gazella sp, 

Hipparion gracile Kaup. se ВЕТ. 

Hipparion sp, 

Aceratherium sp, 4 
Rhinoceros sp, Phoca cf, pontica Eichw, 
Artiodactyla Cetacea 
Listriodon sp, Cetotherium priscum Brandt, 
Sus sp. Cetotherium (?) sp. 

Remains of birds, turtles and fishes also occur at this locality. 
Individual occurrences of the bones of rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus 
and Aceratherium) are known from the greenish silts and sands near 
Maikop and from the marine sands near Beshpagir and Stavropol. Asa 
whole, the composition of the fauna of Ciscaucasia in the Sarmatian was 

very Similar to that of the Transcaucasian fauna. 

In order to identify the origin of the Hipparion faunal complex which 
appeared in the Caucasus, we should compare the Sarmatian ''fauna"' of the 
Caucasus with other Miocene ''faunas'' of Eurasia. The following groups are of 
interest: the Miocene ''faunas'' of Punjab — in the southern foothills of the 
Himalayas in the Salt Range in the Indus River valley, and in the Siwalik 
Range in the Indus and Ganges basins; the Middle Sarmatian ''fauna'' of the 
Crimea; the Upper Miocene ''fauna" of Iran from the eastern shore of Lake 
Urmia; and other occurrences in Asia Minor and the Balkans. 

The ''faunas" of the Siwalik and the Salt ranges occur in continental 
deposits upto 7,000 тп thick (Colbert, 1935). Over 288 species of mammals 
are known from these Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene formations, 
which evolved from the erosion of the newly uplifted mountain range. At 
this time detrital material was deposited on a land surface, sometimes 
partially covered by freshwater bodies. 

The Russian paleontologists and geologists are of the opinion, taken 
probably from Osborn (1921), that the Hipparion "fauna" of southern 
Asia (Siwalik Range) migrated via the Caucasus into Eastern Europe. 

According to Andrusov (1918) the [Hipparion] fauna of the Pikermi 
type appeared in Europe from the east, following two routes: one along 
the northern coast of the gradually shrinking Sarmatian sea and one through 
Asia Minor. 


Andrusov shows that the development of the Hipparion fauna was not 
complete in the Middle Sarmatian but continued through the Upper Sarmatian, 
reaching its maximum level in the Meotian. In southeastern Europe the 
fauna probably became extinct in the Lower Pontian. 

Borisyak (1928a, p.376) assumed that the Hipparion fauna migrated 
to Europe from Asia via the Caucasus and the Black Sea landmass. 

According to Bogachev (19384, рр. 36-37), ''the African-Siwalik fauna 
spread through Iran and Transcaucasia onto the growing Main Transcaucasian 
(sic!) Range, and from there, the migration continued across the Stavropol 
Plateau onto the Ukrainian Steppes. The stages of migration are marked 
by fossils which occur along the migration route. " 

However, Colbert's lists of the Upper Miocene fauna of Kamlial and 
Lower Siwalik show that there is practically no resemblance to the 
Sarmatian fauna of the Caucasus. 

Nearly 85 species of primates, rodents, carnivores, proboscideans, 
perissodactyls (Hipparion, rhinoceros) and artiodactyls (swine, tragulids, 
deer, giraffe), were noted to 1935 in the upper beds of the Lower Siwalik 
in the Salt area (Chinji). It is Significant that no Cavicornia occur in these 
beds. The equids, rhinoceroses without horns, giraffids and primates are 
found in both the Caucasian and the Lower Siwalik faunas. 

The Sevastopol ''fauna'' in the Crimea, assigned to the Middle Miocene 
age, consists of the following forms (Borisyak and Belyaeva, 1948): 

Carnivora Artiodactyla 
Ictitherium tauricum Boris. Achtiaria expectans Boris, 
Tragocerus leskevitschi Boris, 
Perissodactyla Tragocerus sp. 
Gazella sp. 

Hipparion gracile var, sebastopolianum 


Aceratherium zernovi Boris, 

A, zernovi var, asiaticum Boris, Testudo sp. 
Trionyx sp. 


The Stavropol faunal complex was undoubtedly very similar to the El'dar 
complex, although the zoogeographical relationships between the two are 
not clear. 

Recent geological data indicate that the Hipparion complex could only 
have reached the Crimea from the southwest at the end of the Middle Miocene 
or in the Lower Sarmatian. Later migrations can be ruled out, since the 
Caucasus landmass was probably cut off from the Russian platform and from 
the Crimea by the sea which existed until Pliocene time (Andrusov, 1918, 1926; 
Muratov, 1951). 

The ''fauna'' occurring in the clays and sands at the southern slope of 
Mount Sahand near Maragheh is of particular interest in the reconstruction 
of the Miocene landscapes and the faunal ties between Asia and the Caucasus. 

According to the identification of Rodler and Weithofer (1890), 
Mecquenem (1924), Bogachev (1928), and Burchak-Abramovich (1952b), 
the following species are represented in the Maragheh ''fauna’': 



Mesopithecus orientalis Kittl 
M, pentelici Gaudry 


Hyaenarctos maraghanus Меса, 
Ictitherium hipparionum Gaudry 
I, robustum Gaudry 

Hyaena eximia Wagner 

Meles polaki Kittl 

M. maraghanus Kittl 

Felis brevirostris Croiz, et Job. 
F, attica Wagner 

Machairodus aphanistus Kaup 
М. orientalis Kittl 



Oryteropus gaudryi Major 


Mastodon pentelici Gaudry 


Aceratherium persia Pohlig 

Rhinoceros morgani Mecq. 
Chalicotherium pentelici Gaudry 
Hipparion mediterraneum Hensel 


Sus (Microstonyx)erymanthius Roth. 
et Wagner 

Helladotherium gaudry Mecq. 
Alcicephalus neumayri Rodl, et Weith. 
Camelopardalis attica Gaudry 
Urmiabos azerbaidzanicus Burtsch. 
Gazella gaudryi Schlosser 

С. brevicornis Gaudry 

С. capricornis Rodl, et Weith. 
Palaeonyx pallasi Gaudry 

Protoryx carolinae Major 

Antilopinae gen. ?. 

Tragocerus rugosifron Schlos. 
Protragelaphus scozesi Dames. 
Tragelaphus hontom-schindleri Rodl. 
et Weith. 

Helicophora rotundocornis Weith. 
Oiceros rothi Wagner 

О. atropatanes Rodl, et Weith. 

O. boulei Mecq. 

Bones of ostrich (Struthio sp.) and Urmiornis maraghanus 
Meq. have also been recorded at the locality. 
The large number of species in the Maragheh ''fauna'’ attests to a high 

degree of universality of the death assemblage. 

Although the taphonomy 

is not known in detail, it seems likely that the death of the Upper Miocene 
animals can be attributed to a common cause. This might have been toxic 
gases (fumaroles), volcanic ash deposits or mudflows. According to Pohlig 
(1886), the Maragheh ''fauna'' was buried near the shores of Lake Urmia, 
the water level of which was much higher in the Miocene. The sedimentary 
facies at the locality are similar to the Pikermi locality near Athens and 

the Val d'Arno locality near Florence. 

The great variability of the 

assemblage is reflected in the occurrence of representatives of different 
ecological habitats: arboreal (e.g., Mesopithecus) and savannah and 
steppe (e.g., giraffes, gazelles, ostriches), and of different feeding types: 
carnivores, omnivores, herbivores. A predominance of savannah forms 
over subtropical forest forms indicates that the landscape was of a mixed 
savannah-tropical forest type, like that in the northern parts of the Iranian 

Plateau in the Miocene. 

The Mardagheh ''fauna'' has some ''African'' elements in it. It is fairly 
close to, though not identical with, the older Sarmatian fauna of 


According to Stahl (1907) and Oswald (1915-1916), the interior of Iran 
and Anatolia became dry land in the Upper Miocene. Salt and gypsum 

precipitated in the relicts of the Miocene seas. 

Bogachev and Shishkina 

(1915) discussed the importance of these geological processes in the 
formation of bone-bearing deposits. According to these authors, the climate 
of the country became arid in the Middle Miocene following the uplift and 

folding which subdivided the marine basin into a number of saline lagoons. 


This notion of an arid desert climate is not confirmed by ecological 
analysis of the Maragheh mammals. It is more likely that tropical forests 
existed on the shores of the relict basins, although the climate as a whole 
was dry and hot. 

The Maragheh faunal complex was probably characteristic of all of 
southwest Asia. This is confirmed by geological data on the paleolandforms 
of Asia Minor (Furon, 1955). 

Occurrences of Upper Miocene mammals in Asia Minor are known from 
Stambul, upper Gediz, Mugla, Galatia and Cappadocia. The collections 
comprise carnivores (Ichtitherium, Martes, Machairodus), 
proboscideans (mastodon), perissodactyls (Hipparion and rhinoceros) 
and artiodactyls (giraffe, gazelle, antelope). A similar fauna’ is found on 
Samos Island and in the Balkans, near Athens (Pikermi). The volcanic 
eruptions in Cappadocia, accompanied by ashfalls and mudflows, caused 
death among animals and subsequent burial in layers of tuff. 

Аз a whole, the Upper Miocene faunas of southwest Asia, the Caucasus, 
the Crimea and the Balkans are similar to one another. However, the order 
of appearance of the Hipparion faunal complex in each area cannot be 
established until all the material has been studied, a task beyond the 
abilities of one investigator. 

At the end of the Miocene, in Meotian and Pontian times, the seas 
surrounding the Caucasus became shallower and less saline. The Stavropol 
Plateau continued to grow towards the north, the area of the present 
Dagestan Mountains extended to the northeast, the eastern Caucasian gulf 
almost disappeared; and a narrow strait probably existed intermittently 
in the Manych area. 

The major Tertiary uplifts of the Caucasian Range had probably ended 
by that time, andthe highland faunal complexes proceeded to form under 
conditions of high-zonal climates and probable local glaciations. 

There is no evidence of any extensive glaciation in the Caucasus in the 
Upper Miocene, as hypothesized by Kovalevskii (1936) in his study of the 
continental formations at Adzhinour, Nor does the paleontological evidence 
support the hypothesis of Kovalevskii and Grossgeim (1936) of extinction 
of the tropical flora and fauna in the Caucasus caused by an Upper Miocene 
glaciation. Neither is there any evidence that the Gunz and Mindel glaciers 
were so large that they could ''plough"'’ and fill the Alazan-Agrichai valley 
in eastern Transcaucasia, which, in any case, is probably not that old. 

Grossgeim (1936, 1948) believed that in Meotian time the southern 
xerophilous flora invaded the Caucasus. However, the fossil record shows 
that the only flora known is the mesophilous forest flora in Gurie [Western 
Georgia] in which deciduous species (Fagus orientalis, Acer 
trilobatum) predominated, but which also included evergreen subtropical 
forms (Rhododendron pontic um) and some admixture of conifers 
(Taxus grandis). Mesophilous plants were also recorded at Nakhichevan 
in the Lower Pliocene rock salt deposit (with paper shales): alder, mazzard, 
hop, hornbeam, willow, sedge and reed (Palikin 1936, Bogachev and 
Shishkina 1915). 

Fossil plants and animals of the highlands are not known from that 
period. However, it is possible to assume that, in addition to some endemic 
evolution, cold-climate flora and fauna migrated to the Caucasus over the 
ranges of the Alpine region. 



The extant forms which evolved in the Upper Miocene are the Asia Minor 
hamsters (Mesocricetus), Prometheomys schaposchnikovi 
and the wild Caucasian goat. 

The Uppermost Miocene terrestrial fauna which inhabited the piedmont 
plains is as yet little known and poorly dated. The Hipparion faunal 
complex continued its existence on the plains around the Caucasus mountain 
system, particularly on those to the southeast. 

Rare occurrences of mammals are known in eastern Transcaucasia and 
in western Ciscaucasia. One was discovered by N.A. Kudryavtsev in 1935 
on a northern spur of the Kakhetian ridge in Transcaucasia. 

The stratigraphic position of that locality is not clear, although it has 
been tentatively datedas Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene. According to 
Orlov (1936b) the bone-bearing bed is exposed on the left slope of a deep 
gorge which cuts through the village of Dzhaparidze (near Tsiteli-Tskharo) 
toward the Alazan River. Scattered and broken limbbones, jaws and teeth 
of mammals occur in marine (?) clays overlain by continental clays 
alternating with layers of fossil soils. The following species are known 
from the locality: 

Proboscidea Artiodactyla 
Fam, реп. Sus sp. 
Cervidae gen, 
Perissodactyla Giraffidae gen, 
Gazella sp, 

Hipparion gracile Kaup 
Rhinocerotidae gen, 

In Ciscaucasia the Upper Miocene mammals were collected by 
Ya.M. Eglon in 1940 from the Meotian (?) clays on the right bank of the 
Kuban River near Armavir. Individual fragments of permineralized bones 
were identified as Hipparion sp., antelope about the size of saiga 
(Antilopinae gen.), small beaver (Castoridae gen.), small seal (Phoca 
sp.) and saber-tooth (Machairodus sp.). 

Fragments of molars of a rodent (Muridae), about the size of a house 
mouse, were found by V. Sizov in the Miocene beds of the River Aksai 
ravine in the Grozny Region at the boundary of the Upper Sarmatian and 
Meotian yellow-green clays. Remains of grasses, freshwater ostracods 
and otoliths of gobies (Gobius) were also collected. 

The vertebrates from the continental deposits near Novocherkassk, in 
the south of the Russian Plain, were tentatively dated Meotian age. 

The bodies of animals were probably carried by the paleo-Don into the 
Tanais Gulf of the Meotian sea where they were buried in the crossbedded 
white sands. The stratigraphic position of the sands is ''between the Pontian 
and the eroded Sarmatian'' (Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov, and Eberzin, 1940). 
The sands are up to 12 m thick. Very thin intercalations of bluish grayclay 
with diatoms, silicified wood and teeth of proboscideans occur in the sands. 

Near the village of Yanov, mollusks (Congeria and Neritina) 
and perch bones (Perca sp.) were collected from the sands. The mammals 
collected by Lisitsyn and Bykodorov near the villages of Yanov and Popovka 
and inthe quarries along Tuzlovka River were identified by Квотепко, 
Bogachev and Sokolov (1954) as belonging to four species: 


Proboscidea Dinotherium gigantheum Kaup 
Mastodon borsoni Hays, Artiodactyla 
М. ef. tapiroides Cuv, Palaeoryx longicephalus Soc, 

Thus the end of the Miocene in the Caucasus was characterized by the 
growth of landmasses, the appearance of northern species in the flora and 
the development of altitudinal zones of vegetation resulting from cooling of 
the climate and mountain-building movements. These processes, takentogether, 
promoted the rapid evolution of horses, Cavicornia, ruminants and deer, 
and a concomitant decline of giraffids. 


In the Caspian region, four stratigraphic subdivisions of the Pliocene 
can be recognized through the fauna: Pontian, Balakhany, Akchagyl and 
Apsheron. In the Black Sea region, there are five subdivisions in the same 
period: the Pontian and four subdivisions above it corresponding to the three 
upper subdivisions of the Caspian: Cimmerian, Kuyal'nitsk, Gurie and 

The outline of the Caucasian Peninsula did not change essentially from 
the Upper Miocene to the Lower Pliocene (Lower Pontian). The peninsula 
extended into a slightly saline lake-sea, not connected with the ocean 
(Andrusov, 1918). Two large open bays cut into the northern coast of the 
lake: the Kuban bay inthe northwest and the Terek bay in the northeast. 

In the western part of present-day Colchis, the Rion bay extended to the 
longitude of Kutaisi and to the east lay the Samur and Kura bays. The thick 
Pontian sediments andthe littoral conglomerates (Kolesnikov, Zhizhchenko, 
and Eberzin, 1940, p.402, map) indicate that all of these but the Kuban were 
very deep. Their depth suggests a considerable uplift in the coastal areas 
of the region which today comprises Abkhazia and northern Azerbaidzhan. 

The broad land connections with southwest Asia allowed the migration 
of southern plants and animals to the Caucasus. 

A number of geologists (for example, Sokolov, 1904) have noted that 
in Lower Pontian time the climate became cooler and the rivers of the 
Russian Plain periodically froze. 

Nevertheless, the climate of the Caucasus remained fairly warm in 
Lower Pliocene time. The abundant plant remains in the Yergeni beds (50 km 
north of Stalingrad, in the Ilovlya River Basin) represent deciduous, warm- 
climate flora of the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene. The flora consisted 
бога Розе АТ щаб тасава. | ube we Cisse, 1 C ars iteamera: 
sp., Parrotia persica, and Araliacea (identified by Baranov, 1952). 

The occurrence of the Russian pea shrub (Parrotia persica) inthe 
Yergeni beds is a good indicatcr of a warm climate in the Lower Pliocene, 
since this species only survived through the Pleistocene south of the 
Caspian sea, i.e., 10° in latitude farther south. 

With the Middle Pontian, the climate in the Caucasus became warmer, 
as evidenced by plants collected in stratigraphic sections in the Pontian 
sediments at Cape Pitsunda (Mchedlishvili, 1954b). 



At the end of Pontian time, the seas receded from Ciscaucasia and the 
water remained in the Caspian region only in the southern part of the basin 
(Figure 20). Extensive semideserts probably formed in eastern Ciscaucasia 
and eastern Transcaucasia. 

Later, in Cimmerian time, the climate became almost tropical, as 
indicated by the occurrence of banded iron-ores in the Taman and Kerch 
peninsulas and in the foothills of the northern Caucasus. Tropical conditions 
can also be inferred from the occurrence of tropical plants in marine 
littoral sediments (Mchedlishvili, (1954a) and in volcanic tuffs at Goderdzi 
on the Adzhar-Imeretia ridge in Transcaucasia (Palibin, 1936). The plant 
remains include Ficus, Araucaria and palms. 

35 40 45 50 55 60 
= SL ok р. р 
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eg [5 Kuibyshey 
Sa amarky р» 
о У / ait, 

[ Kursk < Ре) 9 Kant 

a Kiey ) 

[\ Kharkoy% ra 

} : 2 : oe 
3 ) 
Ф Stalingrad «4 > 
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oe itil то в. é 
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С i : en in ;23103985% 

WW [0 ome Batumi ¢ = БА ce 
fesse CEO gh 
ыы np ew gr : 

25 30 35 40 45 50 

FIGURE 20, Cimmerian and Balakhany basins (from Kolesnikov; see Zhizhchenko and others, 1940) 
Dots indicate main localities of land vertebrates 

The land connection between the Caucasian Peninsula and the Russian 
platform was established for the first time in the Cimmerian; this allowed 
migration of plant and animal species in both directions. 

At that time the fauna of the deserts of central Asia could have migrated 
far west to the eastern plains of the Caucasian Isthmus. During the 
Cimmerian, the configurations of the Black and Azov seas were similar 
to their Recent configurations. 

Lower and Middle Pliocene terrestrial vertebrates of the Caucasus occur 
primarily in continental deposits. 



Stavropol Plateau 

The largest and most complete body of Pliocene material was found 
10 km west of Stavropol in a locality of sandy sediments which were exposed 
in the Kosyakin quarry. А bone-bearing lens, 7-9m thick and 90m 
wide, was formed in a channel of a Pliocene river which cut through the 
Sarmatian limestones at the edge of the Stavropol Plateau (Kaspiev, 1939; 
Gnilovskoi and Egorov, 1955). 

Seven beds can be distinguished in the old alluvium. The lithology of the 
beds varies from fine-grained, grayish white sand to gravels with clayey 
intercalations and clayey pebbles up to 1.5 cm in diameter (Figures 21, 22). 

— 5 




FIGURE 21, Stratigraphic section in the Козуа п quarry 

a, b — loams with humus; c-g — bone-bearing river sands, some of them 
crossbedded. Numbers on the right indicate thickness in meters 

Our observations show that the pebbles in the lower part of the section 
are made of Sarmatian local rocks, rounded bones of Sarmatian marine 
mammals and, more often, Pliocene land mammals. 

Bones of animals, fractured and redeposited many times, were retained 
in the gravelly sands which were deposited at [current] velocities of 
1.3 m/sec (lower bed) and 0.1 m/sec (upper bed). 

The bones were preserved in various stages of abrasion, from complete 
specimens to rounded pebbles. 

Up to 92% of the bones collected in the quarry are free of organic 
matter and nearly free of permineralization. The bones resemble friable 
marl or chalk. The surface color of the bones is cream or grayish. All the 
cracks in the bones of this type are iron-stained. Manganese and iron 
dendrites occur rarely in the bones. Thin wavy grooves, the marks of 



Recent plant roots, are common on the bones. Notches of irregular shape, 
formed by water erosion and aquatic invertebrates at the time of deposition, 
were observed on some bones. 

The bones in this group are, for the most part, intact; fractures are 
mainly the result of careless collecting during quarrying. The remaining 
8% of the bones are gray, and numerous dendrites give the surfaces a stained 
appearance. As arule, these bones are more strongly permineralized and 
considerably heavier than the ''chalky'' bones. The tooth enamel is always 
well preserved; its color is either natural or light pea green or light pink. 

Tooth impressions of carnivores are rare: only nine bones show signs 
of gnawing on the epiphyses. 

FIGURE 22, Kosyakin quarry 
Photograph by author, 1952 

The occasional vertebrae of Sarmatian whales and seals, derived from 
the Sarmatian limestones, are easily distinguishable from Pliocene bones 
by the heavy permineralization and grayish brown color, 

Variations in the conditions of deposition and in the exposure times on 
river banks and spits during redeposition account for the differences in the 
state of preservation of the Pliocene bones. 

It seems likely that the physical environment of the valley and stream 
of the Stavropol paleoriver was similar to the middle parts of the Don, the 
Volga and the Ural in Quaternary time. Bodies of dead animals accumulated 
in the oxbow lakes, as well as in the mainstream and backwater. 

In the process of erosion of older marine sediments, the river carried 
the bone material over short distances and redeposited it. 

The direction of the stream flow has not yet been established. Perhaps 
when the sea level was low and the Stavropol area slightly elevated, the 




river source was somewhere on the Russian Plain (e.g., near Yergeni) 
rather than on the Caucasus. 

In spite of the different ages of the bones at the locality, most of the 
Pliocene species can undoubtedly be regarded as one faunal complex. 

The fragmented material makes identification difficult, and most of the 
species have not yet been described in detail. 

A preliminary list of the species is given in Table 3 (collections of PIN 
and ZIN: identification by Belyaeva (1940b, 1944), Borisyak and Belyaeva 
(1948), Argiropulo (1939b, 1940c), and Vereshchagin (1954)). 

TABLE 3, Composition of the Pliocene fauna and number of bones from the Kosyakin quarry 

Number Number 
of bones of bones 

Insectivora Proboscidea 
a EmOlCiGiiral < еее Anancus arvernensis Croiz, et Job. 21 
BY INN DENN о о бо дБ ооо бое ПЕ © НИ GI. оороваасе в овоб 12 
“IDES WAAL Gy в оосоевововосо 
Carnivora : р 
ND) DAWLOM S95 5 oaaaoonocaga00% 3 
* Ursus cf, arvernensis Croiz, EL up)pial milo meseaatenale акр 18 
Р1пос\ on cf, thenardi Jourdan Tapirus cf, arvernensis Dev, et 
САН SOM, OF ono Hola Ao eo BOM обо або во воносбовоа 3 
Felis cf. issiodorensis Croiz, Dicerorhinus orientalis Schlos. 72 
ЕВ ats ain с Мы Aceratherium cf, incisivum Каир 8 
Rhinocerotidae gen, (cf. Chilo- 
Lagomorpha В) 55s oon mows ooo oo 646 1 
Е ри р Ев", АЙ Mie oo eR eR rae: te 
7” : 
Ochotonal ch antiqua ... le Artiodactyla 
Rodentia Propotamochoerus provincialis 
ео Во мен СЕТИ: о и olevian eet 10 
2 SUCMCORMDEP 95. соооооььвово Е UO HEA? Re И | 
: - Palit Oleleny У рр ли 9 
СОВА 95 ро ие в 
О ре Ooo, 0 Seog о Е ит a 
Giraffidae gen. (cf. Sivatherium)... 2 
Сале ИТ афера, и causeway metab 5 

Note, Asterisk indicates author's collection of 1952. 

In addition to the land mammals given in Table 3, the material includes 
birds (Charadrius cf. morinellus L.), aquatic turtles 
(Trionychiidae — 14 carapace fragments), the lower jaw of asmall lizard 
(Lacertilia), and bones of small anurans (frogs and toads) (Figures 23-25). 

The faunal complex of the ancient Stavropol area was well developed. 
The Stavropol mastodons, tapirs, rhinoceroses and warthogs lived among 
subtropical mesophilous plants. Groves of tugai vegetation near the rivers 
probably alternated with open meadows inhabited by moles, hamsters 
and pikas. 

In the preceding sections we reached certain taphonomic conclusions 
and outlined a landscape scheme. These judgments are, to an extent, 


confirmed by the following phenomena: the predominance of fossils of 
animals associated with river valley thickets (rhinoceros, swine; Figures 
26 and 27), the occurrence of beaver, tapir and aquatic turtle fossils in 
swamps, oxbow lakes and channels, and the iron stain which appears on 
these fossils. The presence of small desmans in the Pliocene river indicates 

FIGURE 23, Bones of smaller vertebrates from the Kosyakin quarry 

1 — jaw of lizard (Lacertidae); 2—humerusof Talpa sp.; 3 — jaw of 
Desmana sp,; 4,5 — humerus and calcaneus of Lepus зр.; 6, 7 — upper 
molars and femur of Steneofiber sp.; 8—jaw of Cricetus sp. 

the antiquity ofthe erosion valley and the stability of the hydrological regime 
ofthe rivers, which is similar in this respect to the regime of the Don and 
the Volga. 

The Stavropol complex is not of Upper Pliocene age; Borisyak (1943) 
has dated it Pontian. The Lower Pliocene age is indicated by the absence 
of elephants and horses proper. According to Argiropulo (1932, 1940c), 
the Caucasian Amblycastor is very close to the Upper Miocene species 
of this genus occurring in Mongolia and North America. The deer in the 
Stavropol faunal complex are of the Lower and Middle Pliocene types. The 
Stavropol faunal complex can be tentatively dated as Lower Pliocene on the 
bases of accepted geological data and the composition of the complex. 



Mil 10 

= wha 

FIGURE 24, Remains of carnivores and proboscideans from the Kosyakin quarry 

1,3 — jawsof Ursus cf, arvernensis; 2—jaw of Dinocyon ef. thenardi (x); 4—premolar 

of Canidae gen. (x2); 5, 6 — jaw and shoulder of Felis cf. issiodorensis; 7 — Ма Anancus 



= Е 
с. | 
< ig | 
Se Че. 

О —=— 

FIGURE 25, Remains of hoofed mammals from the Kosyakin quarry 

1, 2 —metapodia of Hipparion gracile and Hipparion sp.; 3—jawof Tapirus cf, 
arvernensis; 4—jawof Propotamochoerus provincialis; 5,6—horn and jaw of Proca- 
preolus зр.; 7—jaw of Cervidae gen, 



It is younger than either the Taraklian complex of Moldavia (Khomenko, 
1914b) or the Pavlodar complex on the Irtysh River and is quite close in 
age to the Malusteni complex in Rumania (Simionescu, 1930). 

Some geologists correlate the continental clastics, in the foothills of the 
Ciscaucasus, 700-800 m thick, with the Cimmerian marine sediments. The 
continental clastics in Kabarda and North Ossetia have been described by 

FIGURE 26, Jaw of Dicerorhinus orientalis from the Kosyakin quarry 

Shvetsov (1928), as follows: the continental sequence resembles a moraine 
and consists of loams, sands and tuff breccias with large boulders oferupted 
material in some places. The continental beds form a scarp on the northern 
slopes of the Chernye-Gory Mountains; in the Zmeika ridge the continental 
beds overlie the Sarmatian clays. The beds were probably formed by 
mudflows carrying great volumes of poorly sorted material from the 
mountain slopes. The fossils in the continental beds are land and freshwater 
mollusks (Helix sp., Paludina sp., Neritina sp.), grasses and 
leaves, andbones of land vertebrates. M.V. Pavlova has identified an 
antler (Cervus (?)) anda "rat jaw'' in Shvetsov's collection. 

Sands and clays, 1,000-1,400 m thick, accumulated in eastern 
Transcaucasia in Cimmerian time; those on the Apsheron Peninsula 
comprise a large oil reservoir, known as the Balakhany productive beds. 

There are various opinions on the history of the productive beds. 
Kolesnikov, in a review of the theories of their origin (Zhizhchenko, 
Kolesnikov and Eberzin, 1940), concludes that the beds were formed ina 
"developing tectonic basin, '' whichis $0 зау that they were formed from the 
clastic products of the erosion of the eastern Caucasian Mountains which 
accumulated in subsiding shallow-water basins. Land vertebrates are very 
rare in the productive beds. 

In 1932 V. Podgornova discovered fossil mammals in light-colored, 
fine-grained sandstones in the productive beds to the east of the Lok-Batan 
volcano south of Baku. According to Bogachev's (1938b, 1941) and our 
identifications, the following species occur at the locality: 





Vulpes khomenkoi Bog. 


Cervus (cf. Eucladocerus)sp. 
Gazella sp, 

The sheatfish (Siluris glanis L.) has also been recorded at the 

Two complete sets of upper molars and jaw fragments of fox have been 
found embedded in the light gray, fine-grained sandstone. The bones were 
considerably permineralized; the replacing substance is straw-colored or 
pink in fresh fracture. The tooth enamel is black and glossy. The material 
includes a fragment of gazelle skull with complete sets of upper molars and 
two complete metacarpals of deer. There is no basis for identifying, as 
Bogachev did, the Middle Pliocene deer from Lok-Batan with the 
Quaternary red deer and goitered gazelle. The bones at the locality were 
probably deposited in the delta of one of the rivers draining the eastern 
slopes of the Caucasus, a river similar to the present-day Sumgait and 
Pirsagat rivers. 

The layers adjoining the sandstones of the productive beds contain 
freshwater mollusks (Golubyatnikov, 1925): Planorbis cornu var. 
manteli Dunk., P. costatus Klein, Limnaea armanensis Noul. 
and other limnaeids, Unio jasamalicus D. Golub. and Melania 
glacilicosta Sandb. The alga, Chara sp., also occurs in these beds. 
It is doubtful that such a collection of species could exist under desert 
conditions in rivers and lakes of variable salinity. The leguminous plant, 
Albizzioxylon hyrcanum, which is characteristic of subtropical 
conditions, is known from the Balakhany beds of the Shiraki Steppe 
[Leninakan Steppe], west of the Apsheron locality. 

The fossils occurring inthe Balakhany beds indicate that the differentiation 
of faunal complexes followed the differentiation of the landscapes in the 
Caucasus from subtropical forests to hot dry semideserts. 

FIGURE 27, Canine (?)of Rhinocerotidae gen, from the Kosyakin quarry 


The Middle Pliocene mammals of the southwestern part of the Russian 
Plain evolved from eastern Mediterranean Miocene faunas. The Middle 
Pliocene assemblages of mammals in Moldavia and in the Ukraine are 
particularly important to an understanding of the evolution of the Ciscaucasian 
fauna. The Moldavian assemblage occurs in gravelly-sandy fanglomerates 
in the basins of the Salcia, Kagul and Prut rivers; the Ukrainian 
assemblage is known from limestone catacombs, filled with red clay, in 

The Middle Pliocene ''fauna'' of Moldaviaconsists of ape, rodent, carnivore, 
rhinoceros, Hipparion, hippopotamus, camel, deer and antelope. 
Lagomorph and rodent are represented by the Recent genera of hares, pikas, 
squirrels, beavers, porcupines and mole rats (Khomenko, 1914a, 1915; 
Borisyak, 1943). 

. say 
AU Tyanovsk iW 
te Kuibyshey 

ie aS ony 
He “tif a 
С ae с 

Sey a? 

, Astrakhan 
NY, : Dy 

Вашити М4, 

= a 

FIGURE 28, Kuyal'nitsk and Akchagyl basins (from Kolesnikov; see Zhizhchenko and others, 1940) 
Dots indicate main localities 

The ''fauna'' of the catacombs in Odessa consists of nearly 30 species of 
insectivore, rodent, carnivore, proboscidean, artiodactyl and an ostrich 
(Gritsai, 1938, 1939; Borisyak, 1943; Pidoplichko, 1954). 

The faunal complexes of the areas north of the Black Sea reflect the 
variability of the landforms: wooded creek and river valleys alternating 
with steppes. Some of these complexes might have extended southeastward 
to Ciscaucasia. 

Both the Moldavia (Roussillonian) and the Odessa Middle Pliocene 
"faunas'' contain a number of subtropical forms. 

The occurrences of ape and hippopotamus in the Roussillonian of the 
eastern Mediterranean area are evidence of the warming of the climate in 
post-Pontian time. The climate of the north edge of the Cimmerian basin 




at the end of the Middle Pliocene was probably similar to the Recent climate 
of southern Italy, Spain and France, while in Ciscaucasia the climate was 
probably of a more continental type. 

During the Upper Pliocene, the configuration of the Caucasian Isthmus 
was similar to its present form, but it was intermittently cut off in the north 
by narrow straits in the Manych region, which temporarily severed the land 
connection between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea basins. 

In the Black Sea region most of the Upper Pliocene localities are situated 
along the sea coast. Fossils can probably be found in the zone of contact 
between deltaic deposits and gravelly fanglomerates of the paleo-Don, paleo- 
Donets, paleo-Dnieper and other ancient streams of the Kuyal'nitsk and 
post-Kuyal'nitsk basin (Figure 28). 

A number of authors in the last and present centuries (Fischer von 
Waldheim (1809), Eichwald (1850), Nordman (1858-60), Pavlova (1895), 
Bogachev (1923-24, 1938d), Sherstyukov (1926, 1927) and Grigor (1929)), 
have noted the following mammals from the Upper Pliocene of the Azov 
Sea and Kuban River regions: 

Carnivora Е. meridionalis Nesti 
Hypcuas. Е. antiquus Ра]с, 
лен Perissodactyla 

Rodentia Equus stenonis Cocchi 
Trogontherium cuvieri Fisch, Е 

Proboscidea Camelus sp. 
Cervus sp, 

Mastodon arvernensis Croiz. et Job. 

Elephas lyrodon Weithofer Bos sp. 

Upper Pliocene mammals in the Azov Sea region were collected by 
Gromov (1933, 1936) in 1933-1936 in the gravelly sands near the villages 
of Morskaya, Merzhanovka and Khapry, and in the Volovaya gulley near 
Taganrog. Similar fossils were collected by the author from the Leventsovka 
quarries near Rostov in 1954. Fragmentary iron-stained and well-rounded 
bones from the Khapry sand indicate that the bones were buried in alluvial 
fans and in sediments exposed to marine abrasion. Some of the bones are 
marked by bore holes made by marine invertebrates, showing that they had 
been deposited in the sea (Figure 29). 

According to the identifications of Gromov (1948), Borisyak and Belyaeva 
(1948), andthe author, the following species occur in the Azov Sea region: 

Mastodon sp. 
Canis cf, lupus L, Elephas planifrons (?)Fale, 
Canis sp. E, meridionalis Nesti 
Ursus sp. 
Hyaena sp. Perissodactyla 

Machairodus sp, Hipparion sp 

Equus stenonis Nesti(cf. major Boule) 
Rhinoceros sp, 
Trogontherium cuvieri Fisch. Elasmotherium sp, 





Sus sp. Eucladocerus pliotarandoides Alles. 
Camelus (Paracamelus)cf, kujalnikensis Cervus cf, elaphus L. 
Chom, Cervus sp. 

Fragments of ostrich long bones have also been collected in the region 
(Struthio sp. ). 

| ЕТ i lee 

FIGURE 29, Jaw of Elephas meridionalis with borings caused by invertebrates 
From the Khapry sands on the right bank of the Don River (Orig. ) 

Although the species listed are of different ages, as pointed out by 
Bogachev (1923-1924), they may, nevertheless, be assumed to represent 
one faunal complex. Since the same species also occur farther west, the 
complex may be considered characteristic of the Upper Pliocene of the 
southern part of the Russian Plain. 

Wie eins —IMblosiin IP ey Ta 

The burials in the gravels of the Trans-Kuban Plain along the 
Psekups River are in the main similar to the northern Azov Sea 
localities. The material was collected in 1930-1932 by Gromovy (1935b, 
1937, 1948) near the villages of Bakinskaya and Saratovskaya on the left 
bank of the Psekups River. Two floodplain terraces can be distinguished 
on the bank: the lower terrace of Wurm age andthe upper terrace of Riss age. 

Gromov (1948) has demonstrated the presence of freshwater basins in 
the foothills of western Caucasia in geological sections which show a 
variation from fast-flowing stream deposits to swamp deposits. 

According to Gromov (1948, p.56) the following species occur in the 
lower and middle parts of the sedimentary sequence: 


Elephas meridionalis Nesti — teeth and limb bones 




Rhinoceros etruscus Ра]с. — nearly complete skull and skeletal components 
Equus stenonis Cocchi — metapodia, phalanges 
Equus sp. (aff. stenonis) — limb bones 


Bison sp. — broken skull 

Bos sp. (Leptobos) — broken skull 

Eucladocerus pliotarandoides А1ез$. — skull with a horn and horn fragments 
Cervus sp, (Rusa) — fragments of horns 

Cervus sp. (ex. gr. polycladus?) — fragments of limb bones of a very large deer 
Cervus sp. (larger than elk! ) 

The material also included the lower part of an ostrich tibia (Strutio 
sp. ). 

The above-mentioned material from the Psekups was lost during the 
war before it could be described. 

The material preserved in PIN includes an antler of a deer (Eucla- 
docerus, Figure 30) and a skull of the Etruscan rhinoceros. The material 
is straw-colored and strongly impregnated with iron. 

From the presence in the Trans-Kuban Plain of intact skulls and horns, 
it can be inferred that during the Upper Pliocene quiet rivers flowed over 
this area into large bodies of still water. Such landforms could exist only 
at the stage of more advanced peneplanation of western Caucasia. 

East of the Psekups there have been individual occurrences of large 
Upper Pliocene mammals in the gravel beds deposited in piedmont basins, 
such as the bones and teeth of elephant (Elephas cf. planifrons Falc. 
and E. meridionalis Nesti) observed along the Laba and Kuban rivers, 
in the region of Tshchikskie plavni* (Navozova, 1951), near the villages of 
Novo-Labinskaya, Nekrasovskaya, and Grigoropolisskaya (Gromov, 1937), 
and south of Armavir. The occurrences of southern elephant, rhinoceros 
(Rhinoceros cf. etruscus Jaeg.) and deer (Eucladocerus 
pliotarandoides Aless.) are more frequent in the ferruginous sand 
near the village of Voskresenskaya, west of Stavropol, andinthe lower part 
of the river sands in the Girei quarry near the Kropotkin station (Figure 31). 

At the time when this faunal complex lived in Ciscaucasia the climate 
was mild-temperate; broadleaf forests of the Colchis and Hyrcania type 
covered considerable areas of western Ciscaucasia. Bos, horse and 
ostrich fossils evidence a progressive development of savannah-type 
grasslands. The animals inhabiting the piedmont plains were probably 
often killed by torrential streams and buried in masses of deposited gravel. 

In other cases, accumulation of bones in the gravels was caused by the 
erosion of bone-bearing lenses by later streams. Therefore, the Psekups 
and the Taman faunal complexes (see below) probably antedated the 
formation of the bone-bearing gravels in the Ciscaucasian plains. 

Most of the fossiliferous strata in the Psekups, Laba and Kuban areas 
are usually correlated with the Akchagyl and sometimes with the Apsheron 
stage of marine sedimentation in the Caspian region. 

* [Periodically flooded areas with Phragmites, Typha and Carex in river deltas and bottomlands in the 
southern part of the U.S.S.R.] 


FIGURE 30. Horn of Eucladocerus pliotarandoides 
from the gravels on the Psekups 

Taman Peninsula 

The bone-bearing formations of the Taman Peninsula are slightly younger 
than the lower beds inthe Psekups area. The fossiliferous localities on the 
Taman Peninsula are the Sinyaya and Kapustina gulleys and Sennaya, Fonta- 
lovskaya and Kuchugury (Figure 32). The bone-bearing breccia at Sinyaya 
gulley was discovered by Gubkin (1914) in 1912. He identified the freshwater 
sands exposed on the northern coast of the peninsula as of Basal Pleistocene. 
The sands contain numerous freshwater mollusks of the genera Vivipara, 
Bythinia, Dreissensia, Unio, and other forms (Figure 33). Broken, 
sometimes rounded, bones were found to be heavily permineralized, 
particularly at the Sennaya and Fontalovskaya localities. Permineralized 
excreta of hyenas, swine and ruminants also occur in the sandy-gravelly 
beds at Sennaya. The material from the localities mentioned is housed in 



the ZIN and PIN collections, and has been identified by Borisyak (1914), 
Belyaeva (1925, 1933a, b), Vereshchagin (1951а, 1957a) and Burchak- 
Abramovich (1952a). The species identified are given in Table 4 and 
Figure 34. 

A vertebra of a large fish was taken from the ferruginous sand near 
Sennaya. A seal phalange, resembling those of the Caspian seal (Phoca 
caspica Gmel.) (Kirpichnikov, 1953) is probably not from the same beds 
from which land vertebrates were taken at Sinyaya gulley. 

А taphonomical and ecological analysis of the species studied suggests 
that they are part of one faunal complex. The fauna lived on the land which 
formed between Ciscaucasia and the Danube River during one of the 
regressions in the post-Kuyal'nitsk (Apsheron) basin. 

The presence of horse and bison (species adapted to steppe life), of rhinocer- 
os, forest antelope, deer andelephant (species adaptedto forest life), andof 
beaver (aspecies adaptedto lake andriver life) indicates that western Cis- 
caucasia was aplain with dense vegetation alongthe rivers. The climate was 
probably moderately warm. From the morphogenetic point of view, this faunal 
complex is very close to the Villafranchian complex of Western Europe and 
the Nehavend complex of southwestern Asia. However, a number of 

FIGURE 31, Chauda and Apsheron basins (from Kolesnikov; see Zhizhchenko and others, 1940) 
Dots indicate main localities 

Taman species are indistinguishable from the species of the Khapry complex 
(beaver Trogontherium, southern elephant, camel) (Vereshchagin, 
1957a). Similar species also occur in the Apsheron beds of eastern 
Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia. 

The evolution of Upper Pliocene fauna complexes in the Caspian region 
was studied at localities situated along the margins of the Akchagyl and 
Apsheron basins of the Caspian depression. 

In Akchagyl time the axis of subsidence in the northern Caspian became 
oriented in a north-south direction, as opposed to its earlier east-west 



(63) TABLE 4, Upper Pliocene mammals and number of bones from five localities on the Taman Peninsula 

of bones 

of bones 

Carnivora Rhinoceros cf, etruscus Ра]с. 5 
Е ff. su b is Wust. 54 
Camis памща щен IN ет еее т 
Е 305 Wid ois loc о оо © Бека 
Е Artiodactyla 
Rodentia SUS LAMMAMSMSUS We Were Gos oon0 2 
) Camelus cf. kujalnikensis Chom, 1 
Г АН Eucladocerus sp. 22 
Trogontherium cuvieri Fisch. 
Megaceros cf, euryceros Aldr, 1 
: Tamanalces caucasicus М. Ver, 3 
Proboscidea : 
Cervidae реш. 33-55... - - oo00000 41 
Elephas meridionalis Nesti* ..... GAZSMA 0 Бо зоовооововоовое 2 
В. EROGOMUNEGrAN 199]. оъооросвовв TEAGCIAMNOS GIs ооооооросооос 2 
В. AMET@MUS Palle, срообосововоое Strepsicerotini gen, (cf. Taurotragus) 18 
Bison cf, schoetensacki Freud. .. 12 
Perissodactyla BUGOM Gy». | 0018 0-0 oto во glo BaoloND 2 

Elasmotherium caucasicum Boris, 

* According to Garutt (1958) this is Phanagoroloxodon mammontoides, 

FIGURE 32, Cliffs and landslides on the northern coast of the Taman Peninsula, near Cape Litvinov 

Photograph by author, 1954 



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orientation. Akchagyl marine sediments can be traced from eastern 
Transcaucasia and the foothills of the Kopet-Dag in the southeast to Kazan 
and Ufa in the north (Arkhangel'skii, 1934; Kovalevskii, 1933; Kolesnikov, 
(Zhizhchenko, Kolesnikov and Eberzin, 1940)). In Akchagyl time, the rivers 
draining the Caucasus Range entered the narrow Kura bay which extended 
almost to Tiflis, and the wide Terek bay which extendedto Mozdok. The 
rivers transported the bodies of dead animals to the plains and to the 
coastal bays. 

During the transgressive maximum, the Apsheron and the Kuyal'nitsk 
basins were connected by a narrow strait south of the Stavropol Plateau 
(Gatuev, 1932). 

This growth of the relict marine basin at the time of deposition of the 
productive beds has been explained by Kovalevskii (1933) as the result of 
marine transgression into the Caspian region. However, his hypothesis 
on connections with the boreal sea is not supported by recent data on 
molluscan faunas which occur in the northern part of the basin. 

Gradual climatic changes probably persisted throughout Akchagyl time. 
However, the glaciation ofthe Greater Caucasus, assumed by Kovalevskii 
(1936), hadnot yet begun. А reoccurrence of volcanic activity inthe Akchagylis 
indicated by thin layers of ash and pumice which appear in the massive 
loams and gravels of the foothills region. The Akchagyl basin, which 
covered a great area of the Russian Plain, was a natural barrier on the 
migration routes between central Asia and Ciscaucasia (Figure 28). 

The Akchagyl land flora is known from the shores of the Kura bay, near 
Naftalan, from Kakhetia and from the Shiraki Steppe. The following species 
have been identified by Palibin (1936): oriential beech (Fagus 
Ormemialiis)Moaky (@uwerecus эр. ), willows a lak jalibia)) ‘common 
pomegranate (Punica granatum), elm (Zelkova [= Carpinifolia] 
crenata), lime (Tilia platyphyllus); alder (Alnus glutinosa), 
mulberry tree (Morus andrussovi), Pitsunda pine (Pinus pithyusa), 
sequoia (Sequoia langsdorfii) and many other species. 

The list of species given above suggests that the environment of the 
flora on the shores of the Kura bay was very similar to Recent environments 
in the foothills of eastern Transcaucasia. 

Palibin (1936) and Grossgeim (1936, 1948) believed that there were no 
tropical plants in the Caucasus in Akchagyl time. The last of the evergreen 
sequoias and cherry laurels in the Shiraki area probably grew in a humid 
climate with moderately cold winters. 

The earliest occurrence of Elephas planifrons and Equus 
stenonis inthe Caucasus is in Akchagyl beds, although land vertebrate 
fossils seldom appear in these beds and the material mainly consists of 
teeth of mastodon, elephant and horse. 

In Ciscaucasia, teeth of Mastodon arvernensis Croiz. et Job. 
and Elephas planifrons Falc. were collected on the Malgobek ridge, 
40 km south of Mozdok. Teeth and bones of Elephas planifrons (?) 
were also found in the Solenyi gulley near Grozny (Pavlova, 1931). 

In eastern Transcaucasia, the Akchagyl conglomerates between the 
Alazan and Kura rivers (Kudryavtsev, 1932) contain bones of large 
vertebrates, freshwater mollusks (Helix sp., Planorbis, 
Cyclostoma) and species of plants known in the Recent. An antler of 
Cervus sp. is known from the Akchagyl of western Azerbaidzhan. 

The coarse breccia of the Bedeni ridge in the Tsalka District of Georgia 
contains fragmented bones of mammals among which teeth of Elephas aff. 


FIGURE 34, Fossils of the Taman complex 

1 — дам of Canis tamanensis; 2 — ulna of Panthera sp.; 3—skull of Castor tamanensis; 

4 — иррег jaw of Trogontherium cuvieri; 5 —upper jaw and teeth of Elephas meridionalis; 
6, 7 —Pmgand metacarpus of Equus aff.stissenbornensis; 8—jawof Sus tamanensis; 9—horn 

of Eucladocerus зр.; 10—horn peduncle of Tamanalces зр.; 11 — Пот axis of Bison sp. 



planifrons Fale. and Equus stenonis Cocchi have been identified. 
The breccia is underlain by a layer of doleritic lava and is covered by 
lacustrine sands and clays. The lake sediments are overlain by a layer 

of dolorite (Zaridze and Tatrishvili, 1948). Thus, in that area, the mammals 
lived and died during a period when the volcanos in the Lesser Caucasus 
were dormant. 

The next transgression in the Caspian 
 =—_ м Basin, a somewhat smaller one, is known 
as the Apsheron sea. 

The Kura bay of the Apsheron sea 
08 reached the longitude of Kirovabad. The 
Terek bay was temporarily connected with 
the Euxinic basin by a strait in the Manych 
area. The sea reached the latitude of 
145 Sarepta and [Lake] Inder in the north. 

2 The climate and landforms of the 
Caucasus in Apsheron time probably 
Е бо remained the same as in the Akchagyl, and 
а: Oe >. the volcanic activity was of about the same 
Ни: : intensity. Torrential mudflows, caused by 
| heavy rains, carried volumes of gravel 
and boulders from the mountains 
(Kudryavtsev, 1933); these boulders can 
now be seen on the Kakhetia Plain. 

The land vegetation known from the 
Apsheron deposits in the Shiraki Steppe 
consisted of spruce (Picea orientalis) 
and a number of Recent forms: beech, 
oak, aspen, apple, willow, filbert, Turkish 
filbert, walnut (Juglans regia), 
zelkova, honeysuckle; and Hyrcanian forms: 
oak (Quercus castaneifolia), alder 
(Alnus subcordata), maple (Acer 
ibericum) (Palibin, 1936). Cooling of the 
climate in Apsheron time resulted in the 
disappearance of the subtropicalevergreens. 

The wooded landscape of the shores of 
the Kura bay was probably similar to those 
parts of the present-day landscapes of 
Colchis and Asterabad which are stillina 
completely natural state. 

During the regressions of the Akchagyl 
and Apsheron seas, arid conditions 
undoubtedly prevailed in the eastern part 
of the Caucasian landmass. The 
development of coastal steppes and 
semideserts created the environment for 
ferruginous sands with rounded fragments us pei Sail ou Sireigiger Sine) ФА, weighs. 
of volcanic ash, bones of elephants and Fossil mammals are more abundant 
hoofed mammals, Numbers on the right in the Apsheron than in the Akchagyl 
indicate thickness in meters sediments. The material consists mostly 

a meth Pin Е Cie 
5 =e СВ RCS Os 


м РЕ... 
‘о’. .’о’..0.- ‘о. *.`Р. 2 ct 
Pere gor, Soy Ao eo : 2 One 





FIGURE 35. Stratigraphic section of 
bone-bearing sands near Georgievsk 

a-c — gravels with obsidian fragments on 
the high terrace; d-i — light-colored and 



of single limb bones and teeth of proboscideans and perissodactyls. These 
burials occur primarily in littoral marine deposits formed in quiet bays 
at various basin levels. Some occurrences are known from continental 
deposits: from the zone of accumulation at the piedmont ''barrier'' at a 
mountain base, and from the travertines in the Pyatigor'e area. 

In eastern Ciscaucasia, ''traces'' of a faunal complex, similar to those 
of the Psekups and Taman, occur in the travertines and loams of Mount 
Mashuk, and in the coastal loams of the Apsheron basin. Bones of elephant 
and hoofed mammals from the travertines are brittle and some contain 
cavities formed by dissolution, and filled with calcite crystals. From 
the oldest, Upper Pliocene ''travertine complex'’ in Mount Mashuk, the 
following forms have been described: Elephas meridionalis Nesti, 
Е. cho antiquus) Fale, Ey aff: tregont her Wust, Bovinae, Cervinae 
(Egorov, 1932; Ivanova 1948; Gromov, 1948). 

We collected teeth of Mastodon arvernensis Croiz. et Job., 
southern elephant (Elephas meridionalis Nesti), horse (Equus 
ef. stenonis) and bones of deer (Eucladocerus sp.) (Figure 36) 
from alluvial gray sands below a layer of redeposited basalt fragments and 
volcanic ash (Figure 35), near the Cossack village of Vinogradnaya and 
near Georgievsk. 

Bones of Elephas meridionalis and Equus sp. have been found 
in the Apsheron loams on the slope of Mount Tash-Kala near Grozny 
(Pavlova, 1931). Twoteeth of Equus stenonis Cocchi and an antler 
of a large antelope (Bubalis sp.) found near Verkhni Achaluki on the 
Sunzha ridge are probably also of Apsheron age (Burchak-Abramovich, 

The following forms from the locality near the village of Vinodel'noe, 
northeast of Stavropol, are identified by Borisyak and Belyaeva (1948) in 
the PIN collections: 


Elephas meridionalis Nesti 


Equus (stenonis?)sp. 


Paracamelus gigas Schloss. 

A camel mandible from this locality has been described by Khaveson 
(1954b, Figure 37). 

Teeth of southern elephant from the piedmont gravels near Makhachkala 
have been recorded occasionally. 

Apsheron Peninsula 
Fossil marine and land mammals are very abundant in the limestones 

of the Apsheron stage on the Apsheron Peninsula near Binagady, Shikhovo 
and Baku. 


М. от у 
И 7 

vt HH 
| if ' qj 



Он ПИН. 


т: НЕХ \ 


— Al > nl | 

Ще i lim 

FIGURE 36, Fossils from the river sands in the Georgievsk quarry 

i 2—M? of Elephas meridionalis and worn surface of tooth; 3, 4— worn surface and inner 
surface of Pmgof Equus stenonis; 5—metacarpus of Eucladocerus sp. 



According to Bogachev (1923, 1938a, 1940d), the fauna includes 
porpoise (Delphinus delphis L.), an unusual predacious marine 
pinniped similar to otter and seal (Necromites nestoris Bog. ) and 
perissodactyls (Hipparion crassum Gerv., Hipparion sp.). The 
humerus of a seal, indistinguishable from that of Phoca caspica Gmel., 
has been found under a 22-m-thick bed of Apsheron limestone near 
Baladzhar. The presence of BlackSea porpoise (Delphinus delphis L.) 
in the Caspian region can be accounted for (Bogachev, 1939a) by migration 
from the Mediterranean in Akchagyl time, i.e., at the time of migration 
of the mollusks, Mactra, Cardium and Potamides. According to 
Bogachev, the dolphin became extinct in the Caspian at the end of the 
Apsheron because of advancing glaciation. 

The same can be said of the incompletely studied Necromites which, 
according to Bogachev (1940d), is similar to Semantor macrurus 
Orl. from the Pliocene deposits of eastern Siberia. 

Farther west, fossils occur in the clayey ridges of Kabristan and in the 
two or three parallel ridges of hills which extend from the lora and 
Kartalinia plateaus to the Gerdyman-Chai canyon in the east. The hills 
are made of clays and loams with gravelly intercalations totalling 400 m 
in thickness. 

The material collected by geologists in the Kondzhashen, Palan-Tikyan, 
Karadzha, Boz-Dag, Chuzgun-Tapa and other ridges has been identified 
by Bogachev (1938c), Burchak-Abramovich (1951а, 1952c), and the author. 

Rodentia Perissodactyla 
Trogontherium cuvieri Fisch, Equus sp, 
Muridae gen. Rhinoceros cf, etruscus Ра]с. 

Rhinoceros sp, 


Anancus arvernensis Croiz, et Job, 

ane Е - Cervus : 
Elephas ineridionalis Nesti ay 

Eucladocerus sp, 
Bison sp, 

FIGURE 37, Jawof Paracamelus gigas from Vinodel'noe 



It is possible that the upper jaw of Ste godon sp. in the collections 
of the Natural History Museum in Baku came from some Upper Pliocene 
deposits in eastern Transcaucasia (Bogachev, 1935). 

The most abundant Upper Pliocene species from the Apsheron beds of 
Transcaucasia are, as a whole, very similar to the post-Kuyal'nitsk fauna 
of eastern Ciscaucasia. The mastodons occurring in the Apsheron beds 
were either the last survivors of the eastern Mediterranean group, or they 
were redeposited from older beds. 

Upper Pliocene index mammals have been identified from near Leninakan 
and Erzurum in the Armenian-Anatolian highlands of southern Transcaucasia. 
The fossils probably occur in the gravelly-pebbly sands deposited by streams 
in small, inland, freshwater lakes. 

As early as 1899, Abich mentioned an accumulation of fossil bones in Upper 
Tertiary calcareous marls and conglomerates underlying the layer of tuff 
and lava onthe slopes of a fortified hill near Leninakan. Academician 
I. Е. Brandt has identified ''Mastodontidae, Cervidae and Bovidae'' in that 

Bogachev (1923-1924) mentioned the finds of Elephas armeniacus 
Fale. in gray volcanic sands near Leninakan. The species is probably 
identical with ЕВ. meridionalis Nesti. 

In later collections from that area Burchak-Abramovich identified bones 
of Elephas sp., Rhinoceros mercki Jaeger, and Equus 
stenonis Cocchi (Avakyan, 1948). 

The following list (which requires revision) is given by Bogachev (1938c) 
for species occurring in the Upper Pliocene diatomite near the village of 
Nurnus on the Zanga River: 

Carnivora Rodentia 

Mustela filholi Gaudry Gerbillus sp. 
Putorius sp. 

Lagomorpha Hipparion sp. 

Lepus sp. Rhinoceros etruscus Falc, 


Tragocerus sp. 

The diatomite, 7m thick, occurs between andesitic lavas below and basalt 
above (Gambaryan, 1934), indicating that a freshwater basin existed in the 
middle Zanga region in a period between two strong volcanic eruptions. 
Intercalations of pumice and ash in the diatomite bed show that the volcanic 
activity also continued during the deposition of the bed. 

Occurrence of gerbil bones indicates that xerophilous vegetation thrived 
along the southern margins of the Armenian Highland in Upper Pliocene time. 
The stratigraphy of the fossil localities and the species composition of the 
Upper Pleistocene Transcaucasian fauna indicate that in Apsheron time the 
climate was temperate, and the volcanos were very active. These data also 
reflect to a certain degree semi-arid to arid conditions in the southern 
and eastern parts of the country. 

Pleistocene elements are traceable in the Upper Pliocene faunal complex 
of the Caucasus, particularly in the Taman Peninsula. 



TABLE 5. Stratigraphic distribution of the main localities of Tertiary mammals in the Caucasus 

Division Localities: Black Sea Area and Ciscaucasia 

Chauda beds Taman Peninsula: Sinyaya gulley, Sennaya, 


Gurie beds 



Stavropol area: Voskresenskaya, Trans-Kuban 
Plain: Psekups, Bakinskaya 

Taman Peninsula: Kapustina gulley 


Zmeika ridge; Darg-Kokh 

Stavropol Plateau; Kosyakin quarry 

North Azov coast: Novocherkassk, Tuzlovka 

Sarmatian Stavropol area; Burlatskoe, Blagodarnoe, 

у Petrovskoe 


Stavropol area: Belomechetskaya 



Localities: Caspian Area and 



Productive beds 



Terek Range: Malgobek, Grozny, 

Apsheron Peninsula: Binagady, Khurdalan, 

Armenian Highland; Leninakan, Nurnus 

Тога Plateau: El'dar, Dzheiran-Cheli 
Kirovabad Plateau: Karasakhkal, Naftalan 
Iora Plateau: Palan-Tikyan 

Apsheron Peninsula: Lok-Batan 

Kartalinia Plateau: Dzhaparidze 
Gori valley: Arkneti 

Iora plateau: El'dar, Udabno 
Kartalinia Plateau; Kyasaman, 
Kotsakhuris- Kedy 



Predominant Groups of Species 

Taman wolf, southern elephant, 
Trogontherium, Equus 
stenonis, Cervus pliotaran- 
doides, Taman bison 

Mastadon arvernensis 

Cervus pliotarandoides 



Mastodon arvernensis, 
hamster, Dicerorhinus, 
tapir, Hipparion, roe deer 

Hyena, long-snouted mastodon, 
Aceratherium, Hipparion, 
giraffe, gazelle 

Amphicyon, swamp mastodon, 
Anchitherium, giant swine, 

Dzhavakhetia: Akhaltsykh 




The Neogene faunal complexes of the Caucasus are not endemic. The 
Oligocene ''fauna'' of the Lesser Caucasus is related to the central Asian 
and European ''faunas'' of the same period. 

The Middle Miocene "fauna" of Ciscaucasia, known from Belomechetskaya, 
is also related to the Miocene ''faunas' of Eurasia and North America. This 
"fauna'' migrated over temporary land bridges from the north and south, 
although the trend from the south was more pronounced. 

In the Upper Miocene, Sarmatian, the Hipparion complex migrated 
to the Caucasus from the south over land which joined the island of 
Caucasus with Asia Minor. 

The local fauna of the mountains has probably evolved since the Miocene. 
Some of the surviving, endemic elements of the highland fauna are 
undoubtedly descendants of Upper Miocene forms. 

Evolution of the Pliocene faunal complexes in the piedmont and the 
plateaus can be traced mainly to migrations from the north and south. 

The hot, dry climates of the Pliocene produced a more pronounced southern 
influence on the evolving fauna. 

It is only at the very end of the Pliocene that the northern faunal elements 
became important. So-called Pleistocene genera and species appear during 
the general cooling at the end of the Pliocene. Evolution of endemic species 
in the Pliocene occurred mainly in the highland regions and left relicts on 
the peneplain. 

The paleontology of the Caucasian land mammals does not support the 
hypothesis of a ''Pontian landmass" in the Black Sea Basin connecting 
western Caucasia, the Crimea and Asia Minor (Andrusov, 1918; Vul'f, 

1944; Puzanov, 1949). This hypothesis has also been discarded by geologists 
(Muratov, 1951). However, it is more than likely that dry land existed in 
the Upper Pliocene where the Sea of Azov now lies (Vereshchagin, 1957). 

A stratigraphic summary of Caucasian localities of Tertiary land 
mammals is given in Table 5. 

Many forms of the Upper Pliocene Taman complex survived in the 
Caucasus and continued to evolve through the Lower and Middle Pleistocene. 


76 Chapter II 



EE ee ОО bN Ee РН st OC 2 NE ws On Diy 

The specific features of evolving landforms in this area between two 
ancient continents make the identification of the Pliocene- Pleistocene 
boundary difficult. 

The variety of zoogeographic zones and the complexity of their boundaries 
developed in the Upper Pliocene as well as in the Recent. 

Therefore, any study of the geomorphology based upon single occurrences 
of plants and animals in continental deposits often reflects only local 

This problem, as it concerns the European continent, is still under 
discussion by geologists and biologists (Zhirmunskii, 1936; Nikolaev, 1947, 
1950). We agree with Nikolaev that the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary must 
be identified on the basis of all available data of the various disciplines, 
rather than on isolated criteria. 

A variety of geomorphological changes caused by the interplay of 
tectonics and climate have been proposed as the markers of the Pliocene- 
Pleistocene boundary. Such markers are sea level fluctuations, orogenic 
and erosional cycles, glaciations, evolutionary changes of plants and 
animals, and morphogenetic stages of fossil lineages. 

The lower boundary of the Quaternary has been variously placed — in the 
Upper Sarmatian by geologist Kovalevskii (1936) and botanist Grossgeim 
(1936); at the end of the Akchagyl by geologists Reingard (1931, 1936a), 
Gerasimov and Markov (1939) and paleontologist and geologist Gromov 
(1948); and in the Upper Apsheron by geologists Pavlov (1936), Mirchink 
(1936b) and Vardanyants (1948). 

The Russian zoogeographers Menzbir (1934) and Serebrovskii (1935) 
did not resolve the question when they applied Western European 
stratigraphic concepts to the Caucasus. 

The hypothesis of Kovalevskii, Grossgeim and Shvetsov (1928) that the 
Pliocene continental glaciations in the Caucasus correlate with the Gunz 
and Mindel glaciations is no longer accepted. 

Gromov (1948) inferred fromthe geomorphological and paleontological 
data that, sometime atthe Tertiary-Pleistocene boundary, the climate 
became more severe which, however, did not imply an extensive glaciation. 
He considered the Khapry and the Psekups faunal complexes (see Chapter I) 
characteristic of the transition from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene in 



Ciscaucasia and the southern part of the Russian Plain, and placed the 
Taman complex at the base of the Quaternary. * 

At that time the following forms were considered indicative of early 
preglacial time on the Caucasian Isthmus: Elephas trogontherii 
(Е. wisti М. Pawl.), Bison schoetensacki Freud., Elasmo- 
therium caucasteium Boris. ,Cricetus остова i, Spokes 
microphthalmus Guld. The faunal break was expressed in the 
disappearance of mastodon, elephant (Elephas planifrons and 
E. meridionalis), Hipparion and Etruscan rhinoceros, coupled with 
the appearance of bison. Thus Gromov's biostratigraphic criteria of the upper 
margin of the Tertiary are similar to those of West European authors: the 
Khapry and Psekups complexes coinciding with the Gunz and Gunz-Mindel 
glaciations, and the Taman complex with the Mindel glaciation of the West 
European glaciological scheme. 

The first erosional cycle in the Quaternary occurred in the Gunz. The 
cycle is represented by gravels of the Kuban River terrace which are 
175° mifhick, 

Similar paleontological considerations have been put forward by 
Pidoplichko (1940c, 1952, 1954) for the northern Black Sea coast and the 

New paleontological data have confirmed that pronounced qualitative 
changes in the flora and fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus occurred only at 
the end of Apsheron time. These changes are indications of a mildly warm 
or temperate climate. 

Silicified wood of broadleaf species — oak (Quercus sp.), beech 
Pliocene freshwater beds near Kuchugur on the Taman Peninsula, and in the 
lower part of the alluvial sands in the Girei quarry on the Kuban. It is 
quite possible that subtropical species did not exist in the Caucasian flora 
of this period. An abundance of terrestrial mollusks (Chondrula, 
Helix) and freshwater mollusks (Corbicula, Anodonta, Bithynia, 
Micromelania and other species) in the post-Kuyal'nitsk continental 
beds of the Taman Peninsula and in the Upper Apsheron beds of eastern 
Transcaucasia, is evidence ofa temperate climate. 

It was in Upper Apsheron time that mastodon and Hipparion became 
extinct in the foothills of the northern Caucasus. The forms which then 
appeared were horse (Equus cf. stenonis, Е. aff. sussenbornen- 
sis), Elasmotherium caucasicum, camel (Paracamelus) 
and bison (Bison sp.). 

The morphogenesis of the Caucasian elephant (Elephas meridiona- 
lis —E. trogontherii) was in a transition stage during the Upper 
Apsheron (Vereshchagin, 1957a). 

The picture is similar in the continental deposits of the Transcaucasus, 
particularly so in the Armenian Highland. However, the chronological 
correlation with the Ciscaucasian localities is uncertain, despite the 
similarities in the composition of the faunal complexes and in the 
morphogenetic stages. 

* When Gromov wrote this, the Taman complex was poorly known; in point of fact, it is very similar to 
the Psekups and Khapry complexes (Vereshchagin, 1957a), 
** ‘Identified by А.Г. Zubkov. 



Thus at the end of Apsheron time, new cycles of erosion and mountain 
formation commenced on the Caucasian Isthmus; the flora developed a 
temperate or, in some places, a xerophilous aspect, and the vast areas 
from which the seas receded came to be inhabited by ungulates of a type 
adapted to the steppe, or even to the desert. 

Taking into account that this continental phase undoubtedly covered a 
very long period, we agree with Pavlov (1936) in placing the beginning 
of the Anthropogene in the Caucasus at the end of the Apsheron sea 
regression and at the beginning of the Baku sea transgression. 


The chief considerations in studying the development of the climates and 
landforms of the Caucasus in post-Apsheron time are the following: 

1. Tectonic cycles and the dynamics of the land relief created by river 

2. Fluctuations of the sea level and the land connections between the 
Ciscaucasus and the Russian platform. 

3. The extent and number of glaciations as related to the tectonics and 
climatic fluctuations. 

4. Changes in flora and formation of vegetation zones. 

These factors have been studied in the Caucasus on an empirical basis, 
disregarding the paleontological material. A summary of these studies 
would be germane to the overall problem of the history of the fauna. 

Dynamics of land relief. Inthe Pleistocene the dynamics of the 
relief of the Caucasus was highly complicated. The peneplanation of the 
ancient mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus at the end of the 
orogenic period of the Top Pliocene (Apsheron age) is a fact accepted 
by geomorphologists. 

Remains of an ancient peneplain are in fact observable in the Main 
Range, e.g., in Abkhazia, Svanetia and Kabarda, and particularly in 
Dagestan. At the end of the Pliocene, the poorly drained, boggy alpine 
plateaus of the present Dagestan highlands were probably no higher than 
500-800 m above sea level. The peneplain is considered to be of either 
Apsheron or Baku age; Mirchink (1936a) regards it as Upper Apsheron- 
Lower Baku. Some ridges in the region of Vodorazdel'nyi and the Bokovye 
ridges presumably did not rise over 1,000-1,500 m above the level of the 
Apsheron sea. Plant and animal fossils from these plateaus would have been 
of great interest in the study of the faunal complexes. Unfortunately, their 
preservation was probably precluded by the action of rapid drift and erosion. 

According to Nikolaev (1941, 1949) the relief of the inner plateaus of 
the Greater Caucasus is much older than Apsheron time. The relief of the 
Armenian Highland (Paffengol'ts, 1948, 1950) can be traced as far as the 
time in the Lower Quaternary when Lake Sevan was formed by the lava 
flows from the Bogu-Dag volcano which dammed the deep erosional valley 
of the paleo-Zanga River. 

Nikolaev (1941, 1949) places the maximum uplift of the Greater 
Caucasus, following a series of oscillating, tectonic movements, at 3-4 km, 



which was reached in ''post-Upper РПосепе"' time. On the basis of their 
studies in Dagestan and Ossetia, Reingard (1939) and Vardanyants (1933b, 
1948) hypothesized that the central part of the Main Range is a horst, 
which was uplifted by 1,000-1,500 m. The figure of 3-4 km is probably 
the sum of the uplift of the Central Range and the subsidence in the Black 
Sea and Caspian Sea depressions. 

The most recent tectonic movements have been detected in the central 
Caucasus, in the Stavropol area and on the Taman Peninsula. The laccoliths 
in the Pyatigor'e area, which stand out in the surrounding relief, ''underwent 
a relatively greater uplift than the surrounding areas.'' Ronov (1949), 
working by a ''volume method,’ stated that the uplift of the Greater Caucasus 
in the Pleistocene was nearly 2,000 m. 

Thus, by a general consensus, the relief of the Caucasian mountains 
resulted from arching, or, in some places, from horst uplift, and from a 
concomitant subsidence in the piedmont plains and in the Black Sea and 
Caspian Sea depressions. 

Because of these tectonic movements, the younger terraces in the 
foothills were formed close by older, denudational terraces, which, in the 
plains, disappeared completely under the younger ones. This overlapping 
of terraces is very important in a stratigraphic correlation of terrace 
deposits and in fossil dating. 

The uplift of the Caucasian mountains inevitably resulted in glaciations 
(which are discussed in more detail below) and in the formation of a rocky 
relief with numerous cuestas and talus in the faulted areas. The new 
topography allowed an expansion of plant and animal species adapted to a 
rocky terrain. The higher relief also promoted a greater ecological and 
morphological differentiation which was reflected in the formation of new 
habitats and in the division of existing ones. 

The slopes of the ridges which rose during the Pleistocene were actively 
eroded by rivers. Mountain streams deepened their valleys, stage after 
stage, forming terraces which correspond to the mountain-building cycles. 
Rivers cut through the young rising ridges forming narrow canyons in the 

Such post-Pliocene canyons occur on the northern slope of the Main 
Range (along the Baksan, Chegem, Cherek and Urukh rivers); in eastern 
Transcaucasia (along the Geok-Chai, Tur'yan-Chai, Alazan, Kura and 
Mtskheti rivers); on the southeastern spurs of the Karabakh Mountains 
(along the Araks River), and in Talysh (along the Vazaru-Chai river). 

The differential uplift of the mountain ridges combined with river erosion 
produced sheltered valleys, screened by ridges, which captured atmospheric 
precipitation and resulted in the development of temperate, arid areas in 
the highlands. These were a refuge for plants and animals adapted to 
drought. During the Pleistocene such areas existed in Dagestan, in the 
longitudinal mountain valleys of Ossetia and Kabarda, in the Gori depression 
on the Kura River, in the upper part of the Pambak River valley on the 
Armenian Highland, andin the Zuvanda depression in Talysh, These areas 
are still inhabited by xerophilous animals: suslik, hamster and steppe vole. 

Karstic niches and caves which were created in limestone terrain by 
river erosion became habitations for some predator species and, later, 
for man. 

A thick mantle of gravels and loams formed in the piedmont during the 
Pleistocene from the transport of clastic material by rivers from the 




mountains. Such deposits cover the Trans-Kuban and Terek-Sunzha valleys, 
the Kusary and Kirovabad plains in Transcaucasia, and the terraces on the 
Black and Caspian seacoasts. 

These piedmont plains were inhabited by mammals associated with the 
forest-steppe and with moderately humid climatic conditions. The piedmont 
plains were also the paths of migration from north to south, and vice versa, 
of those species which lived on the lowland plains. 

Vulcanism has had a pronounced effect on the relief and hence on the 
areas of species distribution in the highlands and on the piedmont plains 
(Apsheron and Taman peninsulas). In the Armenian Highland the lavas 
covered great areas of the plateau, sometimes nearly 50 % of awhole area 
(Maruashvili, 1946). Volcanism affected the distribution of animal species 
both directly and indirectly. For example, the absence of forests inwestern 
Armenia is, according to some geobotanists, the result of the volcanic 
activity and lava flows of the Pleistocene (P. Yaroshenko, 1941). 

The orogenic cycles were probably closely related to fluctuations in 
sea level during the Quaternary. 

Fluctuations of sea level. The transgression of the Baku sea, 
which followed the Apsheron regression, was characterized by an abundance 
of Didacna. The next stage, the Khazar sea, was characterized by the 
archaic Didacna surachanica Andr. The equivalent in the Black Sea 
Basin was the Neo-Euxine sea. The Khazar sea was followed by the 
brackish Khvalynsk sea which extended far to the north leaving brackish- 
water mollusk fauna near Ural'sk and Kazan. The Khvalynsk sediments 
correlate with the beds of the Ancient Black Sea. The last major 
transgression in the Caspian depression (Khvalynsk sea) is usually thought 
to correspond to the last stage of glaciation of the Caucasian Range. The 
Khvalynsk sea receded into the postglacial Caspian, in which later trans- 
gressions were only minor and did not extend much beyond the present 
coastline (Kovalevskii, 1933; Figure 38). 

The major Pleistocene transgressions considerably reduced the coastal 
terraces on the east and west coasts of the Isthmus. 

Sea erosion of the piedmont barrier, as in eastern Transcaucasia, or 
of the coastal plains restricted the areas of distribution and migration of 
animals on the plains. The alluvial plains were also affected by marine 
erosion: the Yeisk-Kuban, Kuma-Terek, Rion and Kura-Araks plains, 
which, at various times, were inhabited by faunas of diverse origins. 

The Manych strait formed during the transgression must have restricted 
the migration of animals from the Russian plains at least to the extent that 
hibernating animals could not have migrated over ice-covered country. 

During the regressions the low-lying areas remained covered by broad 
salinas and marshes with residual lagoons and lakes. Desalinization of 
these areas progressed rapidly in western Ciscaucasia where steppes 
developed. In eastern Ciscaucasia, desalinization proceeded at a slower 
rate. There semideserts developed, inhabited by jerboas, gerbils, saigas 
and goitered gazelles. Residual lakes and lagoons became plavni overgrown 
with nymphaea and bulrushes. Colchis developed a marsh-type vegetation 
consisting of alder, nymphaea, sedge and sphagnum. The longevity of such 
marshy tracts depended on the hydrological regime of the feeding rivers 
and the rate of alluvial fill. The fauna of these marshes included such 
hydrophilous animals as otter, water rat, European beaver and boar. 



FIGURE 38, The Caucasus and the Caspian in the Upper Pleistocene 

1 — old freshwater sediments in the Volga Basin; 2 — Aral-Caspian marine 
transgression; 3 — region of Quaternary glaciation (from Kovalevskii, 1933) 

Extent and number of glaciations. Climatic fluctuations and 
glaciations in the Caucasus could have been the most important factors in 
the development of the fauna. 

Data on Caucasian glaciations is based on the geomorphology of the area 
and on the relationships between the glacial and orogenic cycles and the 
sea level stands. Correlation of these data has been complicated by the 
attempts of Russian geologists to identify Caucasian glaciations with the 
European glacial stratigraphic scheme developed for the Alps. There has 
been almost no original stratigraphic work done to date on the glaciations 
in the Caucasus that is free of this ''Western glaciological hypnosis." 
Geomorphological studies show those peculiarities which distinguish the 
development of the Caucasus during the Pleistocene from the development 
of the Alps. 

Academician Pavlov (1925) believed that the end of Apsheron time in the 
Caucasus coincided with the Pliocene (Gtinz) glaciation, and that it was marked 
by the uplift of ranges causing a formation of mountain glaciers and intensive 
deposition of the gravels which are common in the upper part of the 
Apsheron suite. According to Pavlov, the Mindel glaciation correlates 
with the upper Baku and the Riss glaciation with the Upper Khazar, while the 




Khvalynsk corresponds to the time when the Wurm glaciers waned. 
Essentially this correlation is still valid. 

Reingard (1937, 1947b) recognized four or five major stages of glaciation 
in the Caucasus. The first (Gunz), which glaciated as far as the piedmont, 
occurred in the transition from Akchagyl to Apsheron time, and is 
represented only by scattered gravel deposits. The Mindel glaciers extended 
80 km north on the piedmont plain of the central Caucasus during the 
Apsheron-Baku transition period. This glaciation was followed by the long 
second interglacial, during which thick sequences of diluvial loams 
accumulated from transport of clastic material from the mountains. The 
third glaciation, the Riss, was the most extensive and its erosional effects 
in the valleys were the most pronounced. During the interglacial which 
followed, the glaciers remained only on the mountain peaks. During the 
fourth and the last glaciation, the glaciers covered only the mountain 
valleys, and subsequently receded in four stages, with one advance which 
occurred in the Middle Ages of our era. 

According to Reingard, the rise in the level of the Caspian Sea was 
related to the decrease in evaporation at the time of glaciation. Initially, 
the sea level rose slowly. Later, during the melting of the glaciers, the 
rise was more rapid, attaining its maximum in the second half of the glacial 
phase. At that time, the Black Sea level had not yet reached its maximum 
(Figure 39). 

According to Gerasimov and Markov (1939), the entire glacial history 
of the Caucasus can be subdivided into two periods. During the first period 
(Akchagyl-Apsheron), one or two glacial phases occurred in central and 
eastern Caucasia as the result of the uplift of the mountains. In the second 
period (the second half of the Quaternary), two glacial phases developed in 
the Greater Caucasus, ''the mountain framework formed by the Lower 
Quaternary tectonic movements. '' The authors doubted any synchrony 
between these and the alpine glaciations, although they were certain of 
"basic changes in climate which occurred several times, along witha 
number of glaciation (3-4) in the Caucasus. " 

A record number of ten glaciations beginning with the Upper Miocene 
has been given by Kovalevskii (1936). 

Three or four glacial phases in the Caucasus have been suggested by 
Vardanyants (1948). However, he tended to accept Gromov's (1935b) 
subdivision into two glacial epochs corresponding to the Riss and Wurm of 
Europe: the Riss corresponding tothe Early Khazar, andthe Wurm tothe Early 
Khvalynsk, with corresponding stages of retreat following each (Figure 40). 

In the Black Sea Basin the periodically established connections with the 
ocean were controlled by the uplift and subsidence in the Bosphorus - 
Dardanelles region and modified the processes of glaciation and 
transgression. A stratigraphic summary of Vardanyants' is given in 
Table 6. * 

A number of marine basins periodically connected the Aral, Caspian, 
Black and Mediterranean seas, and their waters interchanged with the 
fresh waters of the Caspian through the Manych strait. Increase in salinity 
of the basins was due to the penetration of the Mediterranean water eastward 
in post-Tertiary (Karangat and Ancient Black Sea) time. 

* Other geologists, for example Popov (1955), correlate the Khvalynsk time with the Neo-Euxine beds, 
the Khazar time with the Karangat beds, etc, 



Ц seems strange that the views of geologists оп {Ве extensive glaciations 
in the Caucasus were supported, rather than opposed, by biologists. 




; é Aral- 
Cardium edule basbiekiibelt 
FF [amr nase 

В | Stages of retreat =| Didacna trigonoides | <span 
Wirm glaciation ——_ = = 

Riss- Wurm- D surachanica Middle 

interglacial Caspian 

. 2 beds 
Kalinovka orogenic 


D. carditoides 

Pre-Riss orogenic 

MR Long Mindel-Riss == 
glaciation 5 
Baku beds 

Post-Gunz orogenic 
Mindel glaciation phase 
interglacial Upper 
Vs Apsheron 

Gunz glaciation 

Preglacial time — Lower Apsheron 

FIGURE 39, Relationships between glaciations, orogenic phases in the Caucasus and fluctuations 
of the Caspian Sea level (according to Reingard, cited in Bogachev, 1940) 

Formation of vegetation zones. According to the botanists 
Kuznetsov (1909) and Medvedev (1915) and the zoologists Satunin (1910) 
and Dinnik (1911), there was only one glacial phase during which the 
Caucasian fauna and flora were saturated with northern forms, and the 
mountain animals and plants had to seek refuge on the plains. 

From an analysis of Recent Caucasian flora, Grossgeim (1948) has 
inferred a number of hot interglacials, in order to account for the presence 
of xerophilous southern plants at a number of places in the Caucasus. 
Geobotanists Maleev (1946) and Kolakovskii (1947b), who studied the origin 
of the eastern Mediterranean flora (in particular, that of Colchis), also 










—5 adil 


Yerevan © 

FIGURE 40, Glaciation in the Caucasus during the pre-Khazar orogenic phase 

1 — inferred outline of the sea; 2 — areas of glaciation (from Vardanyants, 1948) 

accepted the notion of several glacial epochs and warm interglacials. They 
connected the occurrence of mesophilous broadleaf forests to the pluvial 
glacial periods, and the reduction of mesophilous flora, with concomitant 
development of semixerophilous and thermophilous vegetation, to the arid 
interpluvials. These conclusions are based either on studies of 
discontinuities in plant distribution, or on the geological literature 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c). An interplay of many factors, other than climatic, 
is responsible for discontinuities in the distribution of species. Even the 
penetration of northern plants (e.g., sphagnum and sundew) far into the 
south — to the Greater Caucasus, the marshlands of Colchis and the Lesser 
Caucasus highlands — cannot be correctly evaluated unless all the factors 
which control species distribution are known. The use of phytocenotic 
transformations to detect climatic changes is open to question even when 
applied to a period of time as short as the historical epoch (е.5., Sinskaya, 
1933; Fedorov, 1952). The Pleistocene climatic changes cannot be evaluated 
from the fossil plant record alone because the number of known macroscopic 
plants is small. However, the available paleobotanical and geobotanical 
evidence indicates that the flora of the Caucasus in the Middle Pleistocene 
resembled the Recent flora and the plant habitats had the essential aspects 
of the Recent. The arboreal vegetation at the end of the glacial epoch was 
also similar in type and in distribution areas to that of Recent time 
(Grossgeim, 1936, 1948). 

The valley glaciers of the past, as, for instance, those on the slopes 
of western Caucasia, were much larger than those of the Recent. This is 


(8 TABLE 6, Stratigraphic summary of post-Tertiary history of the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian 
Sea (from Vardanyants, 1948, p, 23) and connections via the Bosphorus and the Manych region 

Bosphorus Black Sea Manych Caspian Sea 
Buhl stages Ореп (?)  |Post-Khvalynsk layer 

Closed Regression 

Subsidence, regression, Uplift, glaciation (Buhl 

Closed ; 
м decreasing salinity or Neo-Wirm ) 
Ancient Black Sea beds Open Khvalynsk layer 
о Subsidence, influx of Uplift and glaciation Closed Regression 
ы seawater (Wiirm ) 
Neo-Euxine beds Riss-Wiirm (?) Khazar layer 
Closed Subsidence, regression, Uplift and glaciation Closed Regression 
decreasing salinity (Riss ) 
Karangat beds Open Upper Baku (transitional 
beds ) 
Subsidence, influx of Uplift Regression 
Uzunlarskoe and Ancient Middle Baku 
i Closed 
Euxine beds Lower Baku 
Chauda beds Uplift and glaciation Closed Regression 
ИИ Regression and decreasing] Uplift and glaciation Closed Regression 
salinity (?) 

indicated by the occurrence of glacial troughs and terminal morainic ridges 
in the valleys of the Laba, Zelenchuk, Kuban, Baksan and other rivers in 
the area (Figure 41). 
The glacial troughs occur in the upper parts of the valleys, far short 

of the Skalistyi ridge. It is clear that there were no basic differences in 
the environments of the faunal and floral complexes between the time when 
the valleys were covered by glaciers, andthe Recent. The vegetation of 
the highlands descended, although it was not completely displaced, to the 

87 piedmont plains. * During the period of maximum glacial advance, there 
was adequate living space for mountain animals on the meridional and 
lateral mountain ridges near the glaciers. Even at present, mountain forests 

* Even Grossgeim (1936, p, 203), allied as he was with Kovalevskii, was compelled to recognize this fact, 



(coniferous, broadleaf and mixed) and mountain animals exist close to the 
glaciers, as on the Cherek, Urukh and Rion rivers (Figure 42). 

The gravel beds and large boulders in the piedmont plains were more 
likely the result of mudflows, caused by floods and volcanic activity, than 
relicts of hypothetical glaciations. 

The evolution of mammalian faunal complexes must be related to the 
snow factor andto the latitudinal shift of the climatic zone on the Russian 
Plain caused by the northern European glaciation. However, the depth and 
duration of the Pleistocene snow cover have not been studied, and can only 
be inferred from examples of distribution and migration of some mammals 
in the Recent. 

FIGURE 41, Glacial trough and terminal moraine, overgrown with pine, in the Tseya ravine in 
North Ossetia 

Photograph by author, 1947 

The occurrence of boreal plant species in the Caucasus can only be 
accounted for by the proximity of the Riss glacier tongues to the Caucasian 
Range (Medvedev, 1915; Grossgeim, 1936, 1948). In other words, it is 
assumed that tundra and taiga existed in the Manych area and in the Salsk 
steppes. Results of recent palynological and paleontological studies indicate 
that steppes always existed between the lower Don and the lower Volga 

We will evaluate the paleontological and zoogeographical data in the 
Caucasian stratigraphy after we review the Pleistocene localities. It should 
be noted that the hypothesis of extensive continental glaciation in the 
Caucasus implies that the evolution of all the highly specialized forms 



(mountain goat, snow mouse and other forms) took place within а very short 
time — the postglacial period. 

The glacial stratigraphic scheme, particularly the hypothesis of 
continental glaciations inthe Caucasus, should be reviewed with reference 
to biological data. ; 

FIGURE 42, Glacier and forest in the upper reaches of the Rion 

Photograph by author, 1957 

Absolute geochronology of the Quaternary. Application 
of the absolute time scale of the Quaternary to the Caucasus did not produce 
new results. Most Russian authors accepted the estimates of Soergel (1925) 
and Milankovich (1939) of 600,000-650,000 years as the duration of the 
glacial epoch. In estimating the time of origin of the Aral-Caspian sea 
at 23,000 B.C., of the Khazar sea at 13,500 B.C. and of the Khvalynsk sea 
at 3,400 B.C., Kovalevskii (1933) condenses the entire history of man and 
the evolution of the Caucasian fauna into a very short period of time. Later 
investigators have found that the Quaternary orogenic processes and 
glaciations in the Caucasus lasted much longer — 500,000-600,000 years 
according to Vardanyants (1948) or even 1,000,000 years according to 
Nikolaev (1949) and to Ronov (1949). These estimates, which are of great 
importance in the calculation of the rates of evolution, speciation and 
development of the fauna, will undoubtedly be amended in the course of 
future studies of the physicochemical composition of rocks, bones and 
sediments. The only Caucasian stratigraphic stage with a satisfactory 
paleontological record is the Upper Pleistocene — presumably the time 
when glaciation reached its maximum extent. 




Pleistocene localities are more amenable than those of the Tertiary to 
studies of the conditions of animal death and deposition. 

In the Caucasus Quaternary mammal fossils occur in marine terraces 
along the coasts of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas, in river and lake 
terraces, in the surface loams and in caves. 

Only a few occurrences of mammals in marine and lagoonal sediments 
are known in post-Apsheron strata. This is probably due to the latest 
tectonic processes, since it is unlikely that the variability of the animal 
world in the Pleistocene was any less than in the Tertiary. 

The bodies of animals which had died from various causes (see 
Introduction) accumulated at river mouths and estuaries. Smaller 
accumulations formed in the alluvial sediments of the middle and lower 
parts of rivers. All such sites in the lower parts of the valleys of the 
Kuban, Terek, Rion and Kura rivers are at present in the zone of tectonic 
subsidence, in which sediments continue to accumulate. Consequently, 
most of the sites remain concealed by the sedimentary cover and can be 
discovered only in the processes of drilling and quarrying. 

Exceptions to this usual mode of occurrence are found in those sites 
which were at the head of coastal bays, provided the bays were in the area 
of the later uplift of the foothills. Such localities are found in the middle 
parts of the Kuban (Kropotkin, Nevinnomyssk), on the Terek River (near 
Mozdok and Kotlyarevskaya), on the Rion (at the longitude of Kutaisi and 
Zestafoni), and on the Kura (in the Mtskheti-Tbilisi area). 

It is possible that several fossiliferous layers occur at localities ina 
"Zone of undulation" (i.e., longitudinal depressions and swells) because 
favorable hydrological conditions prevailed over several epochs. 

Most of the Pleistocene mammals are found as intact or fragmented 
skeletons in continental deposits of various origins (alluvial, lacustrine, 
diluvial, eolian) in caves, travertines and asphalt pools, on the plains and 
in the foothills of the Caucasus Isthmus. 

Although life was precarious in the mountains and avalanches, falling 
rocks, slippery, ice-covered surfaces and hunger brought frequent death 
to the animal communities, the chances were poor for the preservation of 
their remains. The fine-grained alluvial sediments of mountain rivers 
did not offer much likelihood of preservationeither. Such sediments are 
usually thin and tend to shift with time (Shantser, 1951). Fossil vertebrates 
do not occur, as arule, in the terminal and lateral moraines of mountain 
valleys, because of the attrition of bones in the process of moraine 

The diluvial sediments at the foot of the mountains, far from the valleys 
of large rivers, do not contain fossil accumulations, since skeletons were 
usually destroyed during the slow deposition of the sediment. 

Skeletons of animals carried by torrential streams onto the plain areas 
stood a better chance of preservation in the thick mud and conglomerates 
formed by the streams. Mudflows continued to cause destruction and death 
among animals throughout the Quaternary; they have been vividly described 
by Ivanovskii (1911) for the Araks River valley, and by Muratov and 
Gvozdetskii (1948) for the Khasaut valley in the northern Caucasus. 
Mudflows are also known to have occurred in the rivers of eastern 



Transcaucasia, for example, in the Demir—Aparan-Chai ravine. 

Mudflows are produced by such factors as heavy rains and volcanic 
eruptions which melted the firn and ice. The flows, which were more 
frequent and powerful in the Pleistocene, killed masses of animals. 

Heavy snow and surface ice were probably common causes of violent 
death among the Pleistocene animals of the plains, just as they are among 
the Recent animals. On the plains beyond the river valleys bones were 
rarely preserved and then only inthe gulleys and diluvial loams. 

Disposal of food remains by primitive man at campsites and in caves 
added a new factor to the accumulation of Pleistocene fossils. The prey 
carried by predatory animals and owls also contributed to the bone 
accumulations of many species at the same cave sites. 

This type of death assemblage occurs most frequently in the mountains 
and is the main source of information on the history of the mountain fauna. 
The sections which follow are devoted to the discussion of the major 

localities by regions. 

PLES © OG ENE ee ON fb ввАВУМО ОСА rei aes 
Western Ciscaucasia 

Following the deposition of the bone-bearing Psekups gravels and 
conglomerates onthe Taman Peninsula, norich, diversified mammalian ac- 
cumulations are known for quite a longtime. The Lower and Middle Pleistocene 
fossil record consists mostly of teethof Elephas meridionalis and 
№. pPeEooonnt hie ria. 

On the Kuban Plain, i.e., on the right bank of the latitudinal section of 
the Kuban, fossil mammals occur at great depth in the sediments of ancient 
rivers which ran off the Caucasian mountains. 

The remains were deposited on the edges of floodplains of the plavni or 
liman type fed by mountain streams, probably beyond the zone of deposition 
of coarse clastics. 

The clays and sands of the Kuban Plain (e.g., those in the Krasnodar 
area) contain bones of large Middle Quaternary mammals of Khazar time, 
along with wood and freshwater mollusks (Unio, Paludina) 
(Pravoslavlev, 1932). The overlying beds are loess loams with 
occasional intercalations of volcanic ash. In addition to mammals and 
plants, these beds contain terrestrial mollusks (Buliminus tridens 
Mill. ), which are indicative of a steppe environment. 

Bones of "Воз, Equus, Cervus, Elephas'" have been recorded 
by Pravoslavlev and Ansheles (1930) from the 50-m-thick loams near the 
Cossack village of Temizhbekskaya. 

A number of fossils from other localities were identified by the author 
in 1952 in the Krasnodar Museum. These include the teeth and skull 
fragments of anearly mammoth, Elephas trogontherii — 

E. primigenius, from the village of Dinskaya, and remains of a long- 
horned bison, Bison priscus longicornis, from the village 

of Krylovskaya on the middle Chelbas. The skeleton was buried in the 
silty sand of a stagnant-water basin. The bones were only slightly 
permineralized and resembled alabaster in their appearance. Bones of 




Bison priscus longicornis and mammoth were preserved under 
similar conditions near the village of Skobelevskaya. The bones were 
found in a silty marsh bed 16.5mbeneaththe loess. Elongated grooves, the 
tracks of boring invertebrates (i riehiomine rawlarvae wal ), occur on the 
surfaces of the bones. The occurrences of B. priscus longicornis 
indicate the Middle Pleistocene, Khazar age of these localities. 

Five nearly complete skeletons of small cave bear (Grigor, 1926), 
described by Borisyak (1930, 1931) as Spelaearctus rossicus, were 
found near Krasnodar at a depth of 14 m in the sandy loams of the second 
alluvial terrace of the Kuban. The death and deposition of the animals have 
been attributed to mudflow by Borisyak. 

Girei Quarry. The stratigraphy of the alluvial sediments of the 
Kuban Plain has been worked out by Gromov (1948) from the sections in 
the quarries near the village ‘of Girei and the Kavkazskaya railroad station 
in the town of Kropotkin. 

Sandy loams and sands 2m thick, and greenish loam 1.5 т thick 
with vertical plant roots have been exposed by quarrying in the 10—15-m- 
thick Wurm terrace of the Kuban. Crossbedded gravels with sand lenses 
and gravel beds up to 3.5 m thick were exposed in the lower part of the 
quarry. Bones of mammoth occur at the base of the 3.5-m-thick sequence, 
which is underlain by a clay bed 0.8 m thick with plant remains (Figure 43), 
and a sand bed 3 m thick. The sand is underlain by gravels containing 
bones of bison, deer, and elephant. 

The following species occur in the gravel beds (Gromov, 1948): 
Beh ace, Usha ар. г оо hve iain Aimar Monee ва ove mats! 
HMhwnocenos meme, В. ant lqumiavise Вой pevusicusmer, 
Поет cone nts je. wom ise use chem iia tise: 

According to the observations of the geologist Kolbutov, the bones of 
E. wusti and R. mercki came from the lower gravel bed, which 
overlies the clays with lignitized wood. The age of these fossils is close 
to those of the Т1газро!' gravel. The mammoths from the sands and gravels 
higher in the section are of Riss age, and thus contemporaneous with the 
"fauna'' at the Il'skaya paleolithic locality (Gromov, 1948). The material 
represents three faunal complexes: 1) post-Khazar with Elephas 
primigenius, 2) Khazar with E. trogontherii, 3) pre-Khazar with 
E. wusti. 

According to Gromov, the age of most of the bones from the Girei quarry 
is Khazar, i.e., Early Riss or Riss-Mindel. 

Our studies in 1952 of the locality at Girei revealed the following 
stratigraphic sequence from top to bottom: surface loams; ancient alluvium, 
12-13 m thick; Sarmatian blue clay, 5-6 m of which were exposed by the 
Recent Kuban River erosion (Figure 44). 

Fragments of large tree trunks, often coated with ferruginous silt, 
saturated with water and charred in appearance, are common in the lower 
part of the sands and clays at а depth of 10 т. The following trees, which 
are characteristic of the present foothills, have been identified: oak 
(Quercus sp.), beech (Fagus sp.), and poplar (Populus sp.). 
Bones occur in the gravels overlying the wood-bearing sands. Most of 
the bones are well-rounded, heavily permineralized and iron-stained. 



FIGURE 43. Gravels and sands (stripped of loam surface) in the Сие! quarry 

Photograph by author, 1952 

We identified elephant teeth from the Girei quarry, now in the 
Krasnodar Museum, as follows: Elephas meridionalis —two molars 
with enamel 3.5-4 mm thick; E. trogontherii —three molars with 
enamel 2.4-2.8 mm thick; E. trogontherii primigenius — one tooth 
with enamel 1.8-2.2 mm thick. The bone material in the teeth of the 
meridionalis and trogontherii species is pink-tinged beige and 
resembles marl. The state of preservation is comparable in both species. 
A tooth of an early mammoth with 8.5 enamel lobes over 10 cm on М? is in 
a better state of preservation: in fracture the bone material is white, black- 
veined and slightly iron-stained. The collections also include bone fragments 
of deer (Cervus elaphus) and a marl-like fragment of a horn stem of 
Bison, ci. schoetensackKis 

The sandy-gravelly sequence at Kavkazskaya contains an assemblage 
consisting of animal remains which have been eroded and redeposited by 
lake sediments of different ages. As a whole, the Elephas meridiona- 
lis —E. trongotherii complex is possibly somewhat younger than the 
Taman faunal complex (see Chapter I). In all probability, there were no 
antelope in the younger complex: the bison were larger than the Taman 
species, and the deer were less diversified than those inthe earlier complex. 

The bones of mammals which are infrequently found inthe upper parts of the 
loess and in the fossiliferous soils underlying the loess on the water divides 
of northwestern Ciscaucasia are attributed to a later time. The Middle 
Pliocene localities in the lake sediments near Krylovskaya and Skobelevskaya 
are exceptions to this dating. Mirchink (1936b) has correlated the upper 

* The material was lost during the war. 




FIGURE 44, Section through bone- 
bearing gravels and sands in the Сие! 

a — surface loams; b — sandy loam with 
gravelly intercalations; с — river sands 
with layers of gravels and clays; d — 
gravels and sands with mammalian bones 
and tree trunks; e — Sarmatian blue 
clays. On the right — thickness in meters 

part of the loess in Ciscaucasia with the 
Wtirm glaciation, and the fossil soils with 
the Riss-Wurm interglacial. 

The Basal Quaternary of the Trans-Kuban 
Plain is represented by the middle part of 
the Psekups gravels with Е. meridiona- 
lis, Equus stenonis and unidentified 
Bos (Gromov, 1948). 

The meridionalis and trogonthe- 
rii elephant species are usually dated as 
the Lower or Middle Pleistocene. These 
occur, as arule, in the highest terraces 
of the left tributaries of the Kuban. A tooth 
from the mandible of Elephas trogon- 
therii was found near the village of 
Pregradnaya on the Bolshoi Zelenchuk (ZIN 

The Trans-Kuban Plain collections in 
the Krasnodar Museum include elephant 
molars of a species intermediate between 
Elephas trogontherii and 
Egor 1 nalenanains. mney ооо емаюже! 
is 1.8-2.4 mm thick; it forms 7-8 lobes over 
10 cm of the upper surface. The iron stain 
on the bones indicates that the remains of 
the elephants were buried in fine-grained 
river and lake sands, which subsequently 
became marshland. As for their state of 
preservation, these teeth always look younger 
than the teeth of E. meridionalis from 
the Psekups and Taman; the dentine and 
cement are dense and light beige and 
yellowish in color. In the gravel quarry 
near the village of Nekrasovskaya on the 
Laba, the following forms have been 
identified: tooth of an elephant of the type 
intermediate between E. meridionalis 
and Е. trogontherii; lower molar of 
Equus aff. sussenbornensis; 
fragment of a horn of the deer, Euclado- 
сегиз sp.; anda fragment of a horn of 
a giant deer, Megaceros euryceros. 
The faunal composition, the mode of 
preservation and the iron stain on the bones 
at this locality resemble some deposits on 
the Taman Peninsula. 

More recent collections by the Krasnodar Museum from the gravel 
quarry near the village of Ivanovskaya include molars of true mammoths 
with enamel 1.4-1.8 mm thick and 12 lobes over 10 cm. A molar ofa 
mammoth was also found on the Pshish River. Teeth of Elephas 
meridionalis and E. trogontherii from the vicinity of the village 

_of Novo-Labinskaya оп the Laba River are in the Maikop Museum collection. 



The museum material is difficult to place stratigraphically because of 
inadequate labelling and the peculiarities of the mode of deposition on the 
piedmont plain (see above). On the plain, cones of silt debris, formed out 
of mudflow and carrying the bodies of animals, were deposited one on top 
of the other. However, these deposits were later eroded by rivers which 
redistributed the bones in aggradation terraces. In this way, faunas of 
quite different ages occur in the same river terraces, and, for this reason, 
Mirchink's (1936b) attempted synthesis of the geomorphological and paleon- 
tological data on the river terraces of the southern Russian Plain and of 
Ciscaucasia can be accepted only with great reservation. On the basis of 
the occurrence of Elephas planifrons teeth, Mirchink dated the 
175 m terrace near Cherkessk Pliocene in age. The 100-125 m terrace 
belongs to the Mindel glaciation period, according to Reingard. On the 
Kuban Plain, this terrace is overlain by two loess strata. Two 
layers of osseous soil, correlated with the "Ра1а41па sands" near 
Taganrog, Bessergenovka and Yeisk, occur here. The 50m 
terrace near Cherkessk has been correlated by Mirchink, without 
paleontological evidence, with the moraines near the village of Khumarinskoe 
and the lower loess horizon occurring on the water divides of western 
Ciscaucasia. The loess, according to Mirchink, is of Riss age. It is likely 
that the loess in Ciscaucasia correlates with the gravels at the base of the 
second terrace in the lower Volga. Fossils of the Khazar faunal complex 
occur in these gravels. 

Il'skaya Paleolithic site. The activities of Paleolithic man in 
western Ciscaucasia are traceable through flint tools which occur on the 
shoals of the Kurdzhips and Belaya rivers near Maikop and Fortep'yanovka. 
The area probably had many summer encampments. The caves in the 
foothills, mentioned in local accounts, have not as yet been investigated 
by paleontologists. The Fanagoriiskaya cave, a narrow, cold crevice cut 
through the limestone conglomerates by the upper Ayuk rivulet west of the 
village of Goryachi Klyuch, was unsuitable for large animals. 

The Il'skaya site was discovered in 1898 by Debaille (see Volkov, 1899). 
This is an open site on the right bank of the П', the left tributary of the 
Kuban, 40 km southwest of Krasnodar. The site, now in deforested foothills, 
was rediscovered in 1925 by Zamyatnin (1934) who carried out excavations 
in 1927-1928, and who was followed by Gorodtsov (1940) in 1930 and 1936- 

Paleolithic remains occur in the lower of two beds of fossil soils in 
diluvial loams located on the second 10-14 m terrace of the П' under the 
dolomite cliffs. 

The archaeologists mentioned above have described numerous tools found 
at the site made of dolomite and, occasionally, of flint. Because of the 
poor finish of the dolomite tools, Zamyatnin dated the site Mousterian, 
but the more refined finish of the flint tools led Gorodtsov to date the site 
Solutrean. The geological dating of the terraces is Riss-Wturm, Early Riss 
(Gromov, 1933, 1948). 

According to Gorodtsov, the community abandoned the site when the 
surface of the Rissterrace became bogged at the onset of diluvial processes. 
At the same time oil seepage from the dolomite displaced the water at 
the site and preserved the strata containing Paleolithic tools and bones. 
The state of preservation of the bones varies at the Il'skaya site. Some 



fragments ''jingle'' and are so thoroughly permineralized that they only 
stick slightly to wet fingers; their specific gravity is almost equal tothat of 
Pliocene bones. These bones are usually strongly stained with the iron 
oxide which fills the pores, or are covered with particles of silty fine-grained 
sand of a type characteristic of swampy springs on river floodplains. The 
enamel of the teeth is completely black. Those bones which were preserved 
in oil are younger in appearance. АП the collected bones are food remains — 
the epiphyses on the bones are broken off, and the diaphyses split as though 
bone marrow has been extracted. Fragments of jaws and individual teeth 
of bison are particularly abundant and bones of young mammoths, showing 
teeth impressions of large carnivores, also occur at the site. 

When the asphalt which adhered to the teeth of the bison was dissolved 
with benzine, the remains of birch mice, small snakes, beetles and grasses 
became visible. 

Table 7 and Figure 45 give the species and their number in the Zamyatnin 
and Gorodtsov collections, as identified by Gromova (1932a, 1937) and by 
the author. 

TABLE 7. Mammals from the II'skaya site 

Number of 

Species and higher taxa 
р 8 individuals 

Number of bones 

WS WS, PSPS RATERS celle о, о eA 
Canis patiee Шири (simallliform)ins 2) erenalewe 
er UIE! DLS а о | rachel TTS) had ls 
Cirojeuiatisprenl aera. so асе 
ENEMAS Реми © ММЗ оробосбвооосанов с 
LS DUR Ai, SMROPACWI a slob с. obc ol 
вета vere awicaisicial И. нии 
Muridae, not determined below generic level .... 
Ее ми) Bawa US) фл Мое. Bile een 
Een. я ое che. cane 
SHUUS CEO! ати о. oie А ое mR 
Gervirsmeblea'p Hiuish- te со оо о о 
Щеста сео тему ео; А: се 
ЗОО SC WSN Alc) ot AN о Мо с ВИ 
S QS el) vara MOE о р Оооо во басовые 
Artiodactyla, not determined below generic level 

i oS — co cn p> № на = Sh 5 

The absence of woolly rhinoceros, elk and mountain goat is probably 
not accidental. These animals were rare and difficult to hunt. 

Elasmotherium and camel, common inthe Middle Pleistocene of 
the Volga River region, either did not exist on the Trans-Kuban Plain, or, 
at most, were extremely rare. 

Bison remains account for 87% of the bones at the Il'skaya site. The 
Species, according to Gromova, is one of the forms showing reduction in 
Size ва ет ев‘ deminutus. 


In fact, relatively small molars and carpal bones (of cows?) occur along 
with bones of large bison, which are indistinguishable from those of Khazar 
age of the middle and lower Volga. The proportion of large bones is small, 


= Sen 
7 eA NY a Е 

FIGURE 45, Mammal remains from the Il'skaya site 

1 — jaw of Canis lupus; 2— jaw of Crocuta spelaea; 3,4—My,of Elephas primigenius 
showing worn surfaces; 5 —upper jaw of Sicista cf, caucasica (x8); 6 —phalange of Equus 
hidruntinus; 7—metacarpus of E, caballus; 

1704 92 


but the determinant here may have been the selectivity of the ancient Trans- 
Kuban hunters rather than any morphogenetic factor. It is possible that 
hunters might have killed cows in preference to bison. 

The surroundings of the site were probably meadow- and forest-steppes, 
which were inhabited by large herds of bison, horse and deer. 

The climate and landscape of the Trans-Kuban region in the Upper 
Pleistocene can be best inferred from the presence of saiga and boar. Saiga 
did not live on the left bank of the Kuban in historical time, because of the 
damp summers and snowy winters which prevailed there. Boar, however, 
survived until recently by descending to the forested plain after heavy 
snowfalls in the mountains. Thus it can be seen from the evidence at the 
Paleolithic site that the Trans-Kuban area was more of a steppe than it is at 
present; the climate was drier, and there were no catastrophic snowfalls. 
However, the saigas could migrate from the north into the foothills only 
over ice- and snow-covered ground, as they do now in eastern Ciscaucasia. 

FIGURE 45 (continued ) 

8—jaw of Megaceros euryceros; 9—metacarpus of Cervus elaphus; 10 —horn stem of 
Saiga tatarica; 11, 12 —Mgand epiphysis of shank bone of Bison priscus. 


The negligible number of boar bones is probably accounted for by the 
much higher altitude of the mountain forests at that time. The absence of 
rock and mountain animals — mountain goats, sheep and boreal mammals — 
is also highly indicative. 

The absence of mountain goats, however, cannot be used in dating this 
site and estimating the extent of glaciation in the Caucasus. Even during 
the maximum extent of glaciation, these animals could have lived along the 
margins of the mountain glaciers near the Semashkho and Oplenen peaks, 
60-70 km from the site, and well outside the regular hunting grounds of the 
Il'skaya hunters. The mountains close to the site were low and gently sloped. 
The absence of the arctic fox, reindeer and ox indicates, most likely, that 
these species did not reach the northern Caucasus. 

The elephant bones at the П'зкауа site belong to a mammoth of a late 
type (tooth enamel thickness: 1.3-1.4 mm). At least two adults and three 
young, at the stage of tooth growth — Me-M‘4, were found. 

New collections of the bones of smaller species, which are preserved 
at the site in asphalt crusts, would contribute much to the understanding 
of the evolution of the Quaternary fauna in the Caucasus. 

Fragments of insect chitin which fell into the оП pools at the site and 
were thus preserved, were examined at our request by Bogachev, who 
identified eighteen beetles, one ant and one wasp (?). Of the beetles, the 
most common are water scavengers and water beetles (Dytiscus sp. 
noy.g Agabus*spifrboiwsesp., Hydroporus sp., Colym Баев 
fuscus L.); others are ground beetles (Carabws sp. nov.ja@t Tat ysma 
sp., Amara sp., Bembidium sp.), leaf beetles (Gastroidea sp., 
Donacia sp.) and Coprinae (Aphodius subterraneus L.). The 
steppe forms are represented by Tentyria nomas Pall. Many of the 
species differ considerably from the Recent forms, which indicates the 
antiquity of this fauna. 

Among the 20 grasses preserved in chunks of bitumen, collected by 
Zamyatnin and studied by Kipiani, the following predominated: Cruciferae 
gen. et sp., Compositae gen, et spr, Le pidium) perfoliatum, 
Polygonum aviculare mh и р Ног baa ici. pal@etiris, cilagtatice, 
Chenopodium sp. etcf. Atriplex. There were also occasional remains 
of Aligma sp., cf. Carex) Батрив. sp., Plantaco spijeandsetrer 
forms. No macroscopic remains of arboreal species were recorded. The 
species listed are ancient, weedlike types, characteristic of sunny habitats 
and some of them of a shallow-water environment. Cherdyntsev has set 
the age of the Il'skaya site from the carbon-dating of the bones at 39,000 

In our opinion, the Il'skaya fauna indicates the beginning of the Upper 
Pleistocene and the extensive development of steppes in the foothills region. 
In 1957 Formozov carried out exploratory excavations at the entrance 

to a cave in the Belaya River ravine near the village of Dakhovskaya. He 
collected eighty fragments of poorly preserved bones and some tools of 

the Mousterian type from the 3-m level. We have identified the bones as 
follows: Canis sp. (10/2), Vulpes sp. (17/4), Ursus spelaeus (3/2), 
Crocuta spelaea (1/1), Meles meles (7/2), Panthera spelaea 
(4/1),.Felis%ef, Silvestris (2/1), Lepus europaeus (3/1), 
Cricétus cricetus (3/2), Elephas cf. primigenius (14/7), 
Cervus elaphus (5/2), Megaceros euryceros (5/2), Capra cf. 



caucasica (2/1), Bison priscus (19/3). * This fauna is characteristic 
of ecological assemblages of the Middle-to-Upper Pleistocene transition. 

As a whole, it is quite similar to the Il'skaya assemblage. Some small 
forms of wolf and fox are particularly interesting. 

Cempenll Cis Came ssi 2 

On the Stavropol Plateau and in the Pyatigor'e area Pleistocene mammals 
occur mainly in diluvial loams covering the water divides and filling old 
gulleys. Older, Lower Pleistocene fossils occur in deposits of ancient 
streams and marine and lake bays on the surrounding plains. The Lower 
Pleistocene material is represented by Elasmotherium sibiricum 
from the vicinity of Divnoye in the Manych depression(Pavlova, 1916), and 
by Equus cf. stenonis teeth from loess loams near the village of 
Mirnyi (Khomenko, 1913a). The following finds can be dated Middle 
Pleistocene, Khazar: hornof Megaceros hibernicus, found by 
Khomenko in diluvial clays in the Kalaus cliffs; Saiga prisca 
(= S. tatarica) from diluvial clays in the Koronkoyar gulley, 35 km south- 
southwest of Stavropol; Equus caballus fossilis, in diluvial clays 
of the Shatyr mound, and remains of Bos sp. from sands at the bottom 
of a well in the stream bed of the Mutnyanka. 

The collection of elephant teeth in the Stavropol Museum includes three 
lower molars (7 lobes over 10 cm; enamel thickness 2.5-2.8 mm) of Lower 
Pleistocene Elephas trogontherii. The museum collections also 
contain six fragments of long-horned bison skull and one fragment of skull 
of aprimitive bull (Bos primigenius) which was found in the Stavropol 
area. Most of the material was collected from beds underlying the loess 
loams and can be dated Middle Pleistocene. 

New materials were collected by Gnilovskii in 1941 on the Kuban- 
Yegorlyk canal on the western edge of the Stavropol Plateau. The following 
specimens were collected from a 6-m depth of the first terrace of the 
Yegorlyk: two fragments of mandible, a lower carpal epiphysis and a heel 
bone (bitten through by some carnivore) of Paracamelus cf. gigas; 
fragmentary bones of short-horned bison; and fragments of neck vertebrae, 
horn, forelimb bones and astragalus of Bison cf. schoetensacki. 

The bones are chalky in appearance, with light iron oxide stains along the 

The following bones were collected from a 9-m depth in the alluvial bed 
overlying the Maikop clays in the first Yegorlyk terrace: fragments of upper 
molars of bulls (Bos sp. or Bison sp.) and an upper molar and first 
phalanx of a small horse (Equus sp. ). The bones, which are iron-stained 
and not rounded, occur on the erosional surface and are probably Lower 
or Middle Pleistocene. 

Ryabinin's (1918) collections from the Udel'naya steppe of the upper 
Kalaus are of Upper Pleistocene and partly Holocene age. The material 
was collected from the upper part of the loess loams exposed in the left 
bank of the Malyi Kiyankul' gulley, at the upper end of the Pervaya 
Ternovaya gulley, and in the Kalaus stream bed near the opening of the 

* The numerator indicates the number of fragments; the denominator, a possible number of individuals, 



Malyi Yankul' gulley. At the Malyi Yankul' locality numerous mammal bones 
occur at a depth of 2.5 m inthe structureless brown, sandy, gypsiferous clay 
with small, limey concretions. Ryabinin has identified the following forms: 
"Equus caballus fossilis; ба во scrofarfossilis) Dos taurus 
fossilis, Saiga tatarica fossilis anda horn similar to those of 
goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa).'' Mesolithic tools (of the 
Solutrean or Magdalenian cultures, '' according to Ryabinin) collected at 

the locality indicate the last part of the Pleistocene or even the transition 
to the Holocene. 

Thus, the fauna of the margins of the Stavropol Plateau does not support 
the hypothesis that mountain mammals of the Caucasus migrated to the 
plains during the maximum glacial advance. No boreal species have been 
recorded in the area. Studies of the caves on the southern and western 
slopes of Mount Strizhament (Vereshchagin and Gromoy, 1953b) would 
contribute to the knowledge of the steppe and forest-steppe complexes of 
the Stavropol area of the Upper Pleistocene. 

Bones of a mammoth have been recorded from gravel quarries near 
Yessentuki in the region of the Pyatigor'e laccolith on the Kabarda sloping 
plain (Karpinskii and Dreier, 1904). Eikhwal'd(1850, p.190) reported 
finding near Kislovodsk the complete jaws of a primitive form of Equus 
caballus covered with tuff. 

Travertines of the Pyatigor'e area. Travertines were 
deposited in post-Pliocene Pyatigor'e by mountain springs, which changed 
course after each mountain-building cycle. Animal remains were shifted 
and scattered by carnivores over the slopes until they became covered by 
sediment. Layers of lime-tuff formed on the bones upon contact with 
water rich in calcium-carbonate. 

Travertines were deposited on almost all the laccoliths — Lysaya, 
Zheleznaya, Zmeika and Beshtau. However, only the travertines of Mount 
Mashuk have beer subjected to paleontological study (Ivanova, 1948; 
Mirchink, 1936b; Gromov, 1948). 

According to Ivanova, there are four stratigraphic complexes of 
travertines: the first of Pliocene age (see Chapter I), the other three of 
Pleistocene and Holocene age. 

The travertines of the second complex (Mindel and Mindel-Riss age) 
occur in patches on the northern and eastern slopes. Teeth and jaw 
fragments of Elephas aff. antiquus have been found in these 
travertines. The travertines of the third complex cover a larger area to 
the northeast. These travertines have been correlated with the 55-m Riss 
and Riss-Wurm terrace of the Podkumok, where numerous bones of deer 
(Cervidae) occur. The fragments of Lepus sp. and Capreolus sp. 
teeth, collected by Kobutov in the Boichenko quarry, probably come from 
the travertines of the third complex. The material is Upper Pleistocene 
in appearance. 

The travertines of the fourth (Upper Pleistocene to Recent) complex occur 
in the first and second terraces on the southern slope of a mountain near 
Pyatigorsk, which extends to the stream bed of the Podkumok. According 
to Gromov (1948), the teeth of an advanced type of Equus sp. and of 
Elephas primigenius found inthe gravels and loams of the second 
(Wurm) terrace originally came from the travertines. 


The Pleistocene collections in the Pyatigorsk Museum include a sample 
of dolomitized travertine with a calcitic mold of a horn of a small bison 
(Bison sp.). Also in the museum is a fragment of the upper jaw ofa 
mammoth with the third milk tooth, collected from quarry No.1 on the 
northern slope of Mount Mashuk. The fresh appearance of the bone is very 
unusual among fossil findings in the south and suggests that the Pyatigor'e 
mammoth died as recently as the Holocene. The fragment of mammoth 
upper molar found in the travertines near the Medovyi waterfall in the 

102 vicinity of Kislovodsk, the mammoth teeth found in the sands and loams 
near the village of Kamenskaya, and those found at a 12-m depth in the 
banks ofthe Yutsa River are all older in appearance. The museum 
collections also include two jaws of woolly rhinoceros (Rhinoceros 
tichorhinus) and six skull fragments of primitive bison. The state of 
preservation of this material is Upper Pleistocene. 

All these fossils from the alluvial and diluvial sands and loams of the 
sloping Central Ciscaucasian Plain give only a very schematic picture of 
the ecological assemblages of the mammoth fauna which lived near the 
mountains. Inthe Lower Pleistocene the region was undoubtedly a steppe. At 
the end of the Pleistocene, however, the region became forested, at least 
in Pyatigor'e as indicated by occurrences of deer and gazelle bones in 
the travertines of the third complex of Mount Mashuk, апару the occurrences 
of post-Pliocene ''flora.'' Krasnov has identified 14 species of grasses 
and trees from the travertines of the Pyatigorsk area — species which are 
also characteristic of Recent broadleaf forests of the foothills: beech 
(Fagus sylvatica), filbert (Corylius avellana), white beech 
(Carpinus betulus), elm (Ulmus campestris), oak (Quercus 
robur), Norway maple (Acer platanoides) and other forms. The 
"flora'' from Mount Zheleznaya, which is similar in composition, though 
somewhat later inage, was identified by Palibin (1913) as follows: willow 
(Salix alba and other species), linden (Tilia cordata), ash 
(Fraxinus excelsior) and medlar (Mespilus germanica). No 
boreal elements have been recorded at these Upper Pleistocene or Lower 
Holocene localities; on the contrary, the southern elements are more 
abundant in the floras. 

Eastern Ciscaucasia 

Most of the plain in eastern Ciscaucasia was covered by the Caspian 
transgression, which accounts for the scarcity of Pleistocene mammals 
in the sediments of the plain. 

The semideserts and steppes in the lower reaches of the Kuma, Terek 
and Sulak were in the zone of subsidence. The postglacial marine and 
river sediments of the area are at present below the base of river erosion. 
As a consequence, the only known fossiliferous localities with Pleistocene 
mammals are situated farther west оп the high terraces along the shores 
of Pleistocene bays, on the piedmont plain and in the foothills. 

The sloping plains of eastern Ciscaucasia are covered by diluvial 
sediments and the alluvium of the Terek, Sunzha, Sulak and other rivers. 
The relief of this area is more complex than that of western Ciscaucasia 



аз а result of uplift of the Terek and Sunzha ranges during the Tertiary and 
erosion and further peneplanation during the Pleistocere. These ridges 
now separate the Vladikavkaz [Ordzhonikidze] and Sunzha plains from the 
alluvial plains of the western Caspian region. 

As early as 1886, Pohlig mentioned mammoth bones from the Sunzha 
valley in the Caucasian Museum collection in Tbilisi. Mullaev (1929) 
described a tooth of Elephas trogontherii from the post-Tertiary 
beds on the Ursdon River near the village of Karagach in the southwestern 
corner of the Vladikavkaz Plain. Scapula fragments of E. trogontherii 
from the 5-m level of the Mozdok sand quarry are in the collections of the 
Pyatigorsk Museum. Teethof E. trogontherii of an early type from 
the Grozny Region are in the collections of the Grozny Museum. 

All the fossils came primarily from Lower Quaternary alluvial sediments. 

Gromov (1948) recorded two skulls of Bison priscus deminutus 
and a fragment ofa Megaceros sp. skull from the first terrace of the 
Terek near Mozdok. The cranial cavities of the bison skulls were filled 
with volcanic ash. This fact establishes the time of the fossils as the time 
of deposition of the volcanic ash which occurs under the gravels of the 
first terrace and on the face slope of the second Riss terrace on the 
eastern Slope of Mount Mashuk. 

It seems possible that, in the last outburst of volcanic activity of the 
Kazbek and Elbrus in the Upper Pleistocene, animals were sometimes 
killed and buried in the ash deposited by torrents. Of the fossils from the 
Kuma valley below Budennovsk, a lower molar of a mammoth is included 
in the collections of the Pyatigorsk Museum. The Upper Pleistocene fossils 
are represented by fragments of Sus scrofa ferus mandibles collected 
by the geologist Plamenevskii in the alluvial sediments of the first (Wurm) 
terrace on the right bank of the Terek above Ordzhonikidze. 

Generally speaking, the evolution of landforms and faunal complexes 
was similar in eastern and western Ciscaucasia. The same large mammals 
occur in the Lower and Middle Pleistocene —Elephas trongotherii, 
giant deer, primitive bison and — in the Upper Pleistocene — boar. 

Forests were probably well developed in the Upper Pleistocene along 
the lower northern slopes of the Caucasus, and even inDagestan. Whitebeam 
(Sorbus aria) and European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) have 
been identified by Palibin (1913) as ''post-Tertiary'' species from the 
foothills near Makhachkala. These species also occur in the area at the 
present time. 

Very few fossil mammals are known from the piedmont and inner parts 
of Dagestan, or from the marine terraces of the western coast of the 
Caspian Sea, from Sulak to the Apsheron Peninsula. The collections in the 
museum at Makhachkala contain tooth fragments of Elephas trogon- 
therii of an early type (enamel thickness 2.5-3.0 mm) from the 
ferruginous gravels of the Manas River. A tooth fragment of a more 
recent elephant, with features of Elephas primigenius, and the atlas 
of an elephant from the vicinity of the village of Unty are in the same 

Investigations of Paleolithic sites and excavations of caves and sheltered 
areas in the Apsheron limestone above Makhachkala and inner Dagestan 
would contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of Middle and 
Upper Pleistocene fauna in this part of the country. 



Western Ciscaucasia 

In western Ciscaucasia the Pleistocene mammals occur mainly in cave 
deposits, kitchen middens and food remains of carnivores. 

Other types of deposition are seldom found. Several factors account for this: 
a lack of sedimentation and arapid stream-flow which destroyed the bones, 

a humid climate which induced rapid decay of bone material, and the rapid 
subsidence of the sea bottom in coastal areas which precluded the formation 
of deltas. 

Some occurrences are known from terraces and from small reed and 
sphagnum marshes and lakes which still exist in the region of Sochi, 
Pitsunda, and Ochamchiri. Some of these localities were later uplifted and 
exposed by river erosion. There are extensive alder and sphagnum marshes 
along the lower Rion and Supsa (Poti, Kobuleti) in the area of the Colchis 
depression which is at present rapidly subsiding under the load of river 
deposits. Without artificial excavation, whatever fossil mammals occur in 
those beds will remain there for centuries to come, practically inaccessible 
to study. 

The tooth of Elephas primigenius Blum. in the Sochi Museum 
(mentioned by Gromov, 1948) might have been introduced into the area. 

Ryabinin (1937) has described a fragment of the right half of the mandible 
of a large cat, similarto Felis cf. spelaea, found in 1935 6 km north 
of Sochi. The mandible was taken from the gravels of the third marine 
terrace (Karangat) and originally dated Riss-Wurm. More recently it 
was identified as Early Riss (Vardanyants, 1948). Shells of Cardium, 
Tapes and Mactra occur in the same terrace. 

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus was favored by Paleolithic hunters 
for its propitious conditions for big-game hunting: numerous narrow valleys 
and canyons, coastal terraces which carried the free migration of ungulates 
both from the north and from the south, and many caves inhabited by bears. 

The uplift of the spurs of the Bolshoi Range in the Pleistocene saved 
the cave deposits from river erosion. Paleolithic sites occur along the 
foothills from Sochi and Tuapse in the north to Kutaisi and Batumi in the 
south and the east. Paleolithic deposits probably continue along the northern 
coast of Asia Minor. 

Zamyatnin (1937a) has described and mapped 43 Paleolithic localities in 
Abkhazia. He subdivided the sites into three chronological groups: 1) pre- 
Mousterian, 2) Mousterian, 3) Upper Paleolithic. Most of the sites, 
however, are represented by only a few flint tools. 

Efimenko and Beregovaya (1941) have listed 15 open sites and 14 cave 
sites in western Georgia. 

Fossil mammals are known only from cave deposits in the gorges of the 
Khosta, Kudepsta, Mzymta, Tsebel'da, Rion, Kvirila and other smaller 

Caves on the Black Sea coast 

In 1936-1938 Zamyatnin (1940) excavated the Navalishinskaya and 
Akhshtyrskaya caves in the Sochi and Adler area in the Krasnodar Territory. 



Navalishinskaya cave is near the village of Navalishino, 12 km 
from the sea, on the right bank of the Kudepsta. Two cultural layers were 
found inthe cave: the upper layer (Upper Paleolithic) with bones of hamster 
and redeposited bones of cave bear; the lower layer (Mousterian, 
Aurignacian), with bones of elk, goat, hamster, cave bear, wolf, birds 
and shells of Anodonta and Helix. According to Zamyatnin, the cave 
was merely a seasonal shelter of early man. 

The mammals from the cave were identified by Gromov (1948), as shown 
in Table 8. 

TABLE 8. Species and number of bones of mammals from the Navalishinskaya cave 

Middle Upper 

Species nee. 
Paleolithic Paleolithi > 

Camis ре ME Tas ss 

Я реа CNS favs) А ИЕ ФЕИ atte tate rele 
Е CLiuGEtusie В оо сбаь пос 
ENING С оо ЕО бою нон 


The Shirokopokosskaya cave (which Gromov called Navalishinskaya II) 
is located near Navalishinskaya I. It contained Upper Paleolithic tools, 
cave bear bones and a few bones of red deer (Gromov, 1948). 

Bones of cave and European brown bear were excavated in 1946 in the 
Vorontsovskaya cave in the Khosta ravine (collection of the Krasnodar 
Museum). The state of preservation of the cave bear bones is not uniform: 
in fresh fracture the mandible bone is brownish and free of organic matter. 
The radius and femur are dark brown, and show little loss of organic 
matter; when scraped, they exude an odor of fresh bones. It seems that 
the cave bear lived in postglacial times. 

Akhshtyrskaya cave is located on the right bank of the 
Mzymta River 100 m above the river bed at the point where the river leaves 
its narrow canyon, near the village of Akhshtyr, 15 km from Adler (Figure 
46), and is, at present, inhabited only by bats (mostly horsehoe bats). The 
entrance to the cave faces south and a corridor 4.35 m high, 2 m wide and 
over 100 m long leads to the cave, which was probably much lower in 
Paleolithic time. In front of the corridor is an overhead ledge and two 
entrances with two platforms. The eastern platform has been excavated 
by Zamyatnin (Figure 47). From the west the cave can be approached 
over a narrow, easily defended trail on the cliff. Zamyatnin assumed that 
it was intermittently inhabited by man over several millennia. Because of 
the elevation of the platform dwelling site, the inhabitants probably threw 
away most the bones and tools into the river. In the intervals 
between man's occupancy, bears and bats lived in the cave. Two narrow 
crevices, which were also inhabited by bears, are located farther west 
ana down the cliff. 



According to Gromov (1948) the big cave was formed during the formation 
of the 60-80 m terrace on the Black Sea coast, which was raised 112 т 
near the Akhshtyr anticline. 

FIGURE 46. Mzymta gorge below the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

Photograph by author, 1954 

Two phases can be distinguished in the geological history of the cave. 
In the first phase two perpendicular faults formed: one, a normal fault, 
the other, a displacement along the bedding planes of the limestone. These 
two faults resulted in the formation of the cave which then, in the second 
phase, was continually enlarged by dissolution of the ceiling. During this 
period detritus, loam and fragments of stalactites continued to accumulate 
on the floor. 

Gromov assumed that detritus accumulated with cooling of the climate, 
whereas decomposition of the detritus into loam occurred in a warmer and 
more humid climate, but the faunal data which follow do not support these 

Zamyatnin (1940) has identified five cultural layers in the cave from the 
Middle Paleolithic (Lower and Upper Mousterian) to the Recent. He 
correlated the Lower Mousterian of the Akhshtyrskaya cave with the beds at 
the Il'skaya site in Ciscaucasia and with the Kiik-Koba cave in the Crimea. 

The excavations produced over 3,000 identifiable fragments of bones, 
mostly from the Middle Paleolithic layers. The material includes bats, 
carnivores, rodents, ungulates and birds. 

Remains of large animals, fragments of epiphyses and diaphyses, are 
typical food remains. Bat bones and excreta have accumulated in the cave 


into present time. Eagle owls probably carried in the hamster bones which 
were found in the cave. 
Most of the cave bear bones are metapodia, phalanges, isolated teeth and 
107 fragments of limb bones. Exploratory excavations in the sheltered section 
of the cave produced complete bones: femora, tibiae, fibulae, humeri, 
radii, ulnmae, and skull fragments of bears which probably died of natural 


| Zamyatnin's 


FIGURE 47, Diagram of the frontal part of the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

The matrix on the bones of Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic specimens 
is indistinguishable to the eye, but specimens in varying states of 
preservation occur within the same bed. The bones are pinkish yellow to 
light brown in color. The enamel of the teeth is either the natural color 
or darker with black cracks, and the rootsare yellow, brick or brown. 

The Mousterian bones are darker, with some surfaces spotted with dendrites; 
numerous dendrites may have coalesced resulting in a dark brown color 
over the entire bone. In fracture, the bones are usually light beige. They 
are light in weight and free of permineralization. 

The composition of the mammalian fauna of the cave is given in Table 9 
and Figure 48 (author's identification).* 

* Our count of bones and individuals in the ZIN collections differs somewhat from Gromovya's: bones from the 
Lower and Upper Mousterian were combined, since there is no noticeable difference in the composition, 
number and type of preservation, 


108 A cervical vertebra of an eagle was found in the Mousterian beds. Bones 
of the goshawk Astur gentilis L., of the magpie Pica pica К. and 

of small sparrows (Passeriformes) were collected from the Upper 
Paleolithic beds. 

FIGURE 48. Mammal remains from the Mousterian beds of the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

1 — metacarpal of Canis lupus; 2—shankof Vulpes vulpes; 3, 4 — canine and astragalus 
of Ursus spelaeus; 5 —femur of Martes sp,; 6 —shank of Cricetus cricetus; 

7 — carpal of Sus scrofa; 8—second phalange of Cervus elaphus; 9 — first phalange 

of Capreolus capreolus; 10 —carpal of Alces alces 

The number of bones in the Upper Paleolithic beds is much smaller than 
in the Mousterian beds. The smallest possible number of cave bears is 39, 
as estimated by the number of phalanges. This was evidently a species 
easy to hunt in the canyons where it lived. The European brown bear, is 
represented only by a molar from the Upper Paleolithic. 

Next in descending order of quantity are mountain goat, deer and boar. 

Remains of mountain and rock ungulates are fairly rare: the evidence 
of mountain goat has been mentioned, but there is no evidence of chamois. 


109 The Upper Paleolithic shows a slight increase in the number of boars, 
which may indicate not only an increase in species population in the vicinity 
of the cave, but also the gradual extinction of the cave bear, which forced 
the hunters to look for other game. * 

TABLE 9, Mammals from the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

Middle Paleolithic 

number of 

Upper Paleolithic 

number of number of 


Species individuals 

number of 


Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum 
Vulpes wipes aa we о Ose ЕВ 
Сап1$ Парики лен 
UTsws атс о... ea. <n eee go 37 
We ОР ИЕХЯН G6 Seiad . 
Мате chy полна о. о 
Не СЕ ЗЕ: ое neous ь 
Cricetus cricetus 
505 зева 4..... о. My 
АЛ се$. AGES несе ооо 
С ету ще Тарьи д... ес 

Megacepos ецгусего № =. 

Сартео1 $ сартесо Тиль. 
BisOn руси .... АЕ © 
Сарта Galacasica .. Wire. seen 



@ tees je ee RS pe) 

The absence of wild sheep in the Upper Pleistocene of the Black Sea 
coast supports the notion that forests and mesophilous vegetation covered 
the area, as inferred from the composition of the Akhshtyrskaya ''fauna."' 

It seems unusual that bison and giant deer bones were found only in 
Mousterian beds, since the bison has survived in this region to the present. 
Elk and gazelle appear only in the Upper Paleolithic beds, though these 
species existed in the Caucasus at least from the time of the Lower 
Pleistocene. Gromov's (1948, р. 262) theories of climatic changes which 
he predicated on the presence or absence of these species are, therefore, 
untenable. The number of specimens of ungulates and carnivores (except 
for the cave bear) is too small to furnish a basis for sound conclusions on 
faunal and climatic changes. 

The paleogeographic study of the animals from the Akhshtyrskaya cave 
must include the ecology of the species and the hunting traditions of the 
primitive tribes. 

The highly diversified terrain and the forests of the Black Sea coast 
were not Suitable ground for mammoths, horses, giant deer, saigas, 

* Gromova (1948) has identified a lower metatarsal epiphysis and the second phalanx of a ram as the small, 
wild "Ovis cf, ophion," Further examination shows that the bones are contemporary Holocene in 
appearance and their identification as Mousterian is incorrect; they are probably bones of a domestic 
sheep which fell into the excavation from post-Paleolithic beds, 



primitive bison and steppe bison. The species occurring near the dwelling 
site were hunted for food. 

The topography of the Black Sea coast in the Pleistocene was such that 
the vertical zonation of the vegetation remained stable, despite climatic 
changes. This accounts for the homogeneity of the fauna in the 
Akhshtyrskaya cave throughout the Middle and Upper Paleolithic. 

The assemblages of mammals from the Navalishinskaya and 
Akhshtyrskaya caves are not universal. Nevertheless, they clearly indicate 
the existence in the western Caucasus of a boundary between the distribution 
areas of the steppe and forest-steppe species of the Russian Plain. Only 
the eurytopic hamsters crossed this barrier. No northern species are 
recorded from the western Caucasus and the northwestern foothills; nor 
were there any southern elements from the dry upland steppes of Asia Minor. 

Farther south along the Black Sea coast, Pleistocene mammals occur in 
the caves near Sukhumi (Krongel'm, 1873). They were recently discovered 
in the Ablaskira cave and in the grottoes in the Tsebel'da canyon. 

Ablaskira cave is located on the western slope of one of the spurs 
of the Panavskii (Kodor) ridge, 2 km northeast of the village of Otak and 
35 km from Ochamchiri. The Achkhitizgo River flows out of the cave 
entrance at an elevation of 265 m above sea level. 

Paleolithic remains occur in wall niches not far from the entrance. The 
cave has been described by Satunin (1910) and Maruashvili (1938b). 

Seventy-five fragments of bones of two adult cave bears and one young 
were collected in the cave by Sadovskii in 1946. The bones were collected in 
the section 50-400 m from the entrance in the clay and gravel of the stream. 
The material consisted of tibiae, humeri, metapodia, phalanges anda 
nearly complete cranium of a very short-snouted adult specimen. Like the 
animals found in the deeper part of the Akhshtyrskaya cave, these died from 
natural or accidental causes, rather than at the hand of man. In fracture, 
the bones are chalky white; they disintegrate easily under pressure, are not 
permineralized and their surface is free of dendrites. There are no data 
on the conditions of bone accumulation, the time of deposition of the clays 
on the cave floor or the time of human settlement in the cave. 

The grottos near the village of Tsebel'dinskoe in the Tsebel'da ravine 
were surveyed by the archaeologist Solov'ev in 1941. Paleolithic tools 
and bones collected in the Kholodnyi grotto and in Kei-Bogaz are now 
housed in the ZIN. The animal fossil material consists of fragments of 
teeth and of tubular and plate bones, which were transported partly by 
Paleolithic hunters and partly by eagle owls. Identification of the species 
in the collection is given in Table 10 and Figure 49. 

The state of preservation suggests that most of the bones are of Upper 
Pleistocene age; only a small part of the collection (the rodent bones 
in particular) may be of Holocene age. The bones represent the local 
faunal complex of mountains and forests. The southern limit of the common 
hamster is in the area of these southern caves. 

Caves of Imeretia 

The northeastern part of the Colchis Plain is a low plateau composed 
of limestones overlain by Oligocene sands and silts. The tributaries of 


TABLE 10, Mammals from the Paleolithic sites at the Kholodnyi grotto and Kei-Bogaz 

of bones 


of bones P 


озна, ‘Spe LAVeUS Show, tension Мос SWS, SOTO Ta ye Pa esses ее а 75 
Чате RCo в а Cer irsiee lapiitis: eee. ey eee ee 60 
маза Vy TA Ва: оли Gapraieeaulcasicae пля o 58 
Fielisi sil west mis, пои Pe. wa Вирт С EMM tere Ble 8 

FIGURE 49, Mammal remains from the Kei-Bogaz grotto 
1 — humerus of Martes зр.; 2— humerus of Felis silvestris; 3 —humerus 
of Cricetus cricetus; 4— femur of Arvicola terrestris; 5 — astragalus 

of Sus scrofa; 6—second phlanx of Cervus elaphus; 7 -— first phalanx 
of Rupicapra rupicapra; 8 —epiphysis of metacarpal of Capra caucasica 

the Rion cut canyons 50-60 m deep through the plateau. Over several 
millennia numerous caves (dated Upper Paleolithic) were formed in the walls 
of these canyons, and were inhabited by prehistoric hunters, cave bears 

and eagle owls. 

112 The first discoveries of the Paleolithic in western Transcaucasia were 
made in the first half of the last century. The Swiss Favre collected stone 
tools in 1863 from "Jason's Grotto'' in the Sakazhia cave near Kutaisi 
(Zamyatnin, 1957). 


FIGURE 50, Entrance to the Sakazhia cave 

Photograph by author, 1954 

Burnt and split bones were collected by the engineer Bernatskii (1884) 
in one of the caves near the village of Rgani in the Chiaturi area. Some of 
the bones were sent to Rudolf Virchow in Berlin, and some were left in 
Tbilisi, wherethey were studied by Anuchin (1887). Bernatskii's collection 
consisted mostly of bones of cave bear. 

Zamyatnin has dated allthe Imeretian cave sites investigated thus far as 
Upper Paleolithic. The earliest sites were uncovered by Krukovskii in the 
Chiaturi area: the Khergulis cave near the village of Vachevi and the 
overhang, Таго-К1ае, nearthe village of Shukruti. The ''3rd 1ауег" in the 
Khergulis cave contained Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic flint tools, and 
split bones and teeth of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), horse (Equus 
caballus), Caucasian goat (Capra cf. caucasica) andbison (Bison 
ef, prise ws): 

Krukovskii's exploratory excavation at the Taro cave produced Upper 
Paleolithic cutting tools, Mousterian points, teeth of cave bear, bones of 



Asia Minor hamster (Mesocricetus aff. auratus) and teeth and split 
bones of Caucasian goat and bison. * 

According to Zamyatnin, the middle group of the Paleolithic sites includes 
the following caves: Sakazhia, Uvarovo, Bnele, and Devis-Khvreli. 

The Sagvardzhile cave on the Dzevrul rivulet belongs to the same group, 
although only preliminary data have so far been published on the many 
cultural layers of this cave (Kiladze, 1953; Gzelishvili, 1953). 

Sakazhia cave is оп the left wall of the ravine of the Tskhali-Tsiteli 
rivulet (the right tributary of the Kvirila), near the Motsameti Monastery, 
3 km from Kutaisi. The cave, which was formed near the surface of the 
faulted limestone plateau, is now approximately 300 m above sea level 
and 50 m above the present stream bed. The arched entrance is 5 m high, 
broadening at the top, and leading into a corridor which turns left 
(Figures 50, 51). 

Even though few of the earlier boxtrees and hornbeams remain, the 
setting of the cave against the cascading river and fallen rocks is still very 
picturesque. The cave dwellers could hunt their game on the marsh plain 
of the Rion and in the nearby mountains. 

Indications are that these caves were not inhabited by eagle owls or 
bears, except possibly, in the latter case, for very brief periods. 

Ss \Y 

= Ms а 


eel | 

\> > IN 

YY ) 

\\\\\ Е Х & 
: FZ 
SA : Е] 


FIGURE 51, Diagram of the Sakazhia cave 

* The bones have been identified by the author from drawings by S,N, Zamyatnin. 


The Sakazhia deposits are 2 ш thick. The cave was excavated in 1914 
by Shmidt and Kozlovskii who dug in the straight corridor, and in 1936 by 
G.K. Nioradze. In 1954 the author collected some bones and flint tools at 
the far end of the cave where some deposits still remain. 

The several thousand flint tools and fragments, which include many 
cutting edges and knifelike tools (Figure 52), establish the age of the culture 
as Solutrean (Nioradze, 1953; Zamyatnin, 1957). The collection includes 
many points and arrowheads made of the diaphyses of horse and bison 

114 metapodia. It seems strange that the dating of the thick cultural layer is 

FIGURE 52, Sakazhia cave flinttools (from Zamyatnin, 1957) and bone tools (from 
Nioradze, 1953) 



so narrow, since the cave was undoubtedly used as а habitation into post- 
Solutrean time. Bones of domestic animals which occur in the collection 
are probably derived from the upper layers. 

Upper Paleolithic food remains are represented by teeth, phalanges, 
jaw fragments and epiphyses and diaphyses of skeletal bones. There are 
472 specimens in Shmidt's collection, 130 in the author's and over 16,000 in 
Nioradze's. * 

Most of the bones, however, were not identifiable, because they were 
split into fragments. Single bones (heel bone and radius of Felis 
spelaea) bear the tooth impressions of large carnivores. The enveloping 
matrix suggests Upper Pleistocene age. The fragments are mostly gray 
with a slight yellow, free of dendrites and fossilized, but not permineralized 
The tooth enamel is a natural color with only occasional darkening. The 
canines of a European brown bear appear to be younger — of Holocene age. 

Belyaeva (1940c) and Сготоу (1948) published lists of 18 species 
identified from a few teeth and phalanges in the Nioradze collection. The 
results of the author's studies of both collections are given in Table 11. 

TABLE 11. Mammals from Sakazhia cave 

Number of 


cgi - of bones 

Vulpes vulpes 
Canis lupus 
Ursus spelaeus „в. 
WU. ALC OSD’: @ here Sees GOR © ole ЩЕ. + - вы 
Panthera spelaea 
Felis ef, Kyinx 
Martes cf, foina 

Melies meles .. а... See. све 

Chionomys roberti 
(GAS OW Цени 

босс Me 2 © о ме ole 

Нузвих ch, Поти ОЖ... 
E quis са а И. г 
Е. hidruntinus** 

pire, Se © слои 

Meee ов О Па сс 

Sr Orr rP FP rR FP ww Ww PDP 

Sus scrofa 
Cervus elaphus 


бя Ч о ооо о МАЙ, ее © ое 

© © © 0 що ol me. © ца чи № 

Capreolus capreolus 
А1сез aces, 20m. « «+ о emer о 
BiVSiON PiU SIGs, ое see . 
Capra caucasicat 

Rupicapra rupicapra 

* Shmidt's collection is kept in Odessa, Nioradze's in Tbilisi, 

** The дата on occurrences of these two species are taken from Gromovy and Belyaeva, since they do not 
appear in any available collections. 
t In this and the following tables of Imeretian deposits, the goat species is represented by the west Caucasian 
form, rather than the east Caucasian, contrary to erroneous identifications by Gromov (1948) and 
Gromova (1948), 




In addition to the bones listed in the table, ungulates and carnivores 
of intermediate size (goat, boar, chamois, wolf) are represented by at 
least 8,800 fragments of diaphyses, and larger animals (bison, deer, 
horse, cave bear, Panthera spelaea Goldf.) by at least 6,000 fragments. 
A few fragments of human bone were also found in the cave. 

The diversity of the landscape was reflected in a highly variegated species 
composition: bison, goat, deer, horse, boar and cave bear. Because the 
cave was advantageously located between mountain and plain, the Sakazhian 
dwellers were able to hunt boar, elk and beaver on the Rion marsh plain, 
bison (their chiefprey), deer and horse on the Imeretian Plateau, and goat 
and chamois inthe rocks of the Rion ravine. 

In the Uvarovo and Baratashvili grottos inthe same 
canyon, Shmidt collected nearly 30 teeth of Caucasian goat, 12 teethofbison, 

12 bone fragments of cave bear, 2deerteeth, 1 horse tooth, 1 fibular tarsal bone 
of a wolf, 1 fragment of the pelvis of a beaver and a number of Upper 
Paleolithic tools. The state of preservation of this material is similar to 
that of materialfound in the Sakazhia cave. 

The Bnele cave collectionconsists of afew bone fragments, identified 
by Smirnov (1923-1924), together with bones from the younger site at the 
Gvardzhilas cave. 

The Devis-Khvreli cave is located 4 km from the Kharagouli station 
on the right slope of the Chkherimela rivulet ravine in the Cenomanian 
crystalline limestones. The cave entrance, which faces southwest, lies 
340 m above sea level and 80 m above the Chkherimela rivulet bed. In 1926 
Nioradze excavated a section of the cave 25 т long, 4.5m wide and6.5m high, 
which revealed four layers: 1) upper layer, with Recent animals; 2) brown 
layer, with animalremains; 3) culturallayer; 4) clayey bed. Nioradze (1933) 
has identified the site as Upper Aurignacian, whereas Zamyatnin dates it Upper 
Magdalenian. The bone collection consists of food remains and bones in 
eagle owl pellets. The species, identified by Gromova (1929) and 
M.V. Pavlova, are listed in Table 12. (The number of bones available to 
Pavlova is unknown. ) 

TABLE 12, Mammals from the Devis-Khvreli cave 

Number Number 

РГ of bones SDE cics of bones 

аи Ир <5 Ge2 Bula too о: сСартео и: саршео и... .. 2 
5 о ре Гаде № ое мани. № АСЕ! AMG ее ес 1 
eating а тео Зе, ое ВОЗ ОИ ВО м [ро бони Оо 5 Зо ? 
Mesocricetus cf, auratus Cap rz Tei, CAWCASTOE 5. sie ails 22 

Ce ee 

As a whole, the fauna resembles the fauna of the Sakazhia cave. The 
smaller number of species recorded is due to the smaller scale of 
excavation. It is unusual that no equine bones should have been recorded 
at a site located in the center of a dry plateau. Near the spurs of the Rachin 
ridge are sites belonging to intermediate and late faunal complexes which 
are described below. 



FIGURE 53, Mammal remains from the Sakazhia cave 

1,2—caninesof Vulpes vulpes; 3,4—canines of Meles meles; 5, 6— jaw of 
Martes sp.; 7—Pm3Felis lynx; 8—canine of Felis silvestris; 9—Pmy,and 
10 — canine of Panthera spelaea; 11—M, Canis lupus; 12, 13 — metacarpal 
and metatarsal of Ursus spelaeus; 14 — jaw (x2) and 15 — first molar (x 10) of 
Microtus cf, roberti; 16, 17 — Pmg and its worn surface from Equus caballus; 
18 — Мз Cervus elaphus; 19 — Мз Rupicapra rupicapra; 20 — М; Capra 
caucasica; 21 — М; Bison priscus; 


M, ia 


FIGURE 53 (continued) 

22 — first phalanx of Sus scrofa; 23,24 — first phalanx and astragalus of Cervus 
elaphus; 25, 28-30 — horn, astragalus, metacarpal and metatarsal epiphyses of 
Bison priscus; 26, 27 — first phalanx and astragalus of Capra caucasica 



if, egy 
ye % 




In 1934 Zamyatnin (19375) collected Upper Paleolithic tools from beneath 
limestone overhangs on the right bank of the Kvirila near the village of 
Mgvimevi in the Chiaturi area. In 1940 Kiladze (1944) continued excavating 
under one of the overhangs. 

The bones from Mgvimevi are highly fragmented and free of organic matrix 
and permineralization except for a calcitic crust found on some bones. 

The bones collected by Zamyatnin and Kiladze were identified by 
Gromova (1948) and later by the author. The list of species is given in 
Table 13. 

TABLE 13. Mammals from the vicinity of Mgvimevi* 

Species Number of bones ПБ af 

Сара Три” М дол me oo) Poe 2 
Во Ce T'a CSpot, ain co cee, om, Abe eMC we, oe 1 
Раша sspclaietay о gestae Томе: т GENES о. 1 
Nes cre cis че ата аи... ПТИ. 1 
раме <cawad Tse оси... MMe ale alte 3 
Ba Sto MT USC US aie: 2 oc ce MM acl ре co ola 4 

Capnewer, CaUiGNSiC A ae. deer. се. Вы. 
O\W iS: ебало Die, WYRE ss aes, aM athe. oe 3 
Caprovinae (not identified more precisely ) 

Тотал их. 15 

* The numbers include material received by the ZIN osteological laboratory after the 1948 

The game animals in order of importance were bison, goat and ram, the 
latter represented by a noteworthy species of large argali. Horses were 
also abundant. The presence of cave bear and Panthera spelaea 
indicates the age as Pleistocene, possibly Topmost Pleistocene. The lack 
of deer, boar and gazelle specimens is due to the limited scope of the 

The Gvardzhilas cave is one ofthe Upper Paleolithic sites. It was 
partly excavated in 1915-1916 by the engineer Krukovskii (1916), and in 
1953 by Kalandadze and Tushabramishvili (1955). 

The cave is located in the ravine of the Chirula rivulet, the right 
tributary of the Kvirila, near the village of Rgani. The wide oval entrance 
faces south; it is located on a small protruding platform nearly halfway 
up the right wall of the canyon. Several grottos are located somewhat 
higher on the opposite wall. The length of the cave is 30 m, the width at 
the entrance is 19.5 m and the height approximately 4 m (Figures 54, 55). 

According to Krukovskii, the calcitic ceiling of the cave collapsed three 
or four times and two ancient cultural layers were buried beneath the fallen 

120 The tools from this cave are mostly cutting and scraping edges made 
of pink chert. Many bone implements were also collected: points, darts, 
awls (Figure 56). From the flint tools, the site was dated as Top 
Paleolithic, Magdalenian-Azillian. 


FIGURE 54. Gvardzhilas cave 

Photograph by S.N, Zamyatnin, 1926 

Krukovskii collected nearly 150 bone fragments and teeth of carnivores, 
ungulates and rodents; 14 species have been identified by Smirnov Е 

The collections made by Kalandadze and Tushabramishvili contain over 
4,600 bones; the author's contains 78 bones. 

All the bones of large animals are typical food remains of Paleolithic 
hunters: broken epiphyses, diaphyses, skulls and teeth. A small number 
of bones of insectivores, rodents and birds are derived from eagle owl 
pellets. The bones appear very fresh with a yellowish beige color 
1 and nearly intact organic matrix. Much of the enamel has retained its 
natural color showing only an occasional rusty tint or darkened crack. 
When the bones are scraped, they smell of dampness. Many show tooth 
impressions offieldmice. The state of preservation shows that the bones 

cannot be older than Top Pleistocene and they are more likely to be of 
Lower Holocene age. 


: 0 5m 
9 Spring nary 

FIGURE 55, Diagram of the Gvardzhilas cave 

The list of identified species from all the collections is given in Table 14. 
The collections from the two layers are combined for purposes of the count, 
since there are no differences between their species compositions. 

Nearly 900 fragments of diaphyses from Tushabramishvili's collection can 
with difficulty be identified as large ungulates, bison and deer; of which not 
less than 550 belong to wild goats, chamois and roe deer. In addition, the 
collection contains 2,970 unidentifiable fragments of small ungulates and 
carnivores (Figure 57). 

The sizable collection of Gvardzhilas cave material clearly indicates 
a considerable transformation of the ecological composition of regional 
mammals which occurred there [in the Colchis] at the Pleistocene-Holocene 
boundary. Horse, sheep and, probably, porcupine vanished from the 
plateau and, of the southern steppe-plateau forms, only the Asia Minor 
hamster remained. Since there are no reasons to suppose that the 
tastes and hunting habits of the primitive tribes changed at this time, it can 
be assumed that the disappearance of these species resulted from the 
afforestation of the highland. 

Smirnov, Gromov (1948) and Pidoplichko (1951) regarded the Gvardzhilas 
cave mammals as а Stratigraphically and ecologically uniform assemblage. 
These authors attributed the downward shift of the altitudinal zones to the 
advancing glaciers of the Greater Caucasus. They cited as support the 
fact that primitive hunters did not hunt goats and chamois further than a 
day's march away with aheavy load, i.e., 15-20km. Andthey also considered 
that Prometheomys schaposchnikovi Sat. (a present inhabitant) 
of alpine meadows) could not have existed in the cave environs in a zone 
of xerophilous vegetation such as exists there today. 



Our observations indicate faulty reasoning on their part. The distribution 
of game animals, in particular that of Caucasian goat, was wider than at 
present. And even now, suitable ground for wild goat is to be found in rocks 
6 km from the cave along the upper Chirula. In April 1954, the author 
observed one eagle owl which regularly flew each evening from its day 
shelter below the Gvardzhilas cave to the nearest subalpine meadows and 
the forests of the Rachin ridge. This owl probably preyed on hamsters in 
the dry cave environment and hunted Prometheomys inthe subalpine 
meadows and forests. 

It is evident that a discussion of the Gvardzhilas cave assemblage need 
not consider the shift of zones nor the mosaic structure of the landscape; 
neither should it preclude the possibility of two ecologically different types 
of animals coexisting in the same landscape zone: the alpine and 
mesophilous Caucasian goat and Prometheomys and the xerophilous 
Asia Minor hamster. 

The finds of Prometheomys and hamster remains indicate a 
Pleistocene faunistic connection between the western part of the Greater 
Caucasus and the Lesser Caucasus along the Imeretian Plateau and the 
western Slope of the Surami Range. 

TABLE 14, Mammals from the Gvardzhilas cave 

Number of Number of 

Species : 
bones individuals 

ара Ait CAWCES ICR WSS wads В ео ob do 0 a6 
BrimaCSws Ail, CHROPASCHSS oa5600000000n000 6 oc Ou 
МЕТ ре: УП ДЕЯ ее м fore fou Wile ео о 
О ео бое ое sas 
Ursus aretos meridionalis 
О BERCLOS CAMCASICISS 646 5 o.a0 goo bib adogeo 6 
о Sie EMSS вме ENB: повтор 
GSMO. ИО, ль ob, Geo ооо ао ANG ICN Иво овен 
Mustela nivalis caucasica 
MCSOCEI COURS Eiki, Па Ch cisononovaoo00 nied 
Prometheomys aff. schaposchnikovi 
В С TOMAS еее Meee etic cians 
Capreolus capreolus 
СИИ CIA DIS Gioia оо ооо додевойа CHOPE co Chena ones leans 
Capra cf, caucasica 
NUPUEAPA ириса DA oo Sos nooo boo o oma od dic 
Bison bonasus (caucasicus?) 

eee ee соо ооо 

I= 5— (op) @м ею Cr T= 59 fe 


Ce оо 

Ov i bo) Co) CoRR NSE NE bb) 


ооо оо уно ооо ооо не 

oo Н* 

о ооо ооо ово 

оао ацово ооо sO) O80 ооо 

The Upper Pleistocene faunal complex of northeastern Colchis is known 
by the remains of game animals and eagle owl victims from five cave sites. 
The complex has some features which are like and some which are unlike 
the faunal complex of the Black Sea coast. The similarities are in the 
occurrences of the mountain-forest ungulates and carnivores: wolf, fox, 



bear, European wildcat, marten, boar, roe deer, deer, elk and bison, and 
in the complete absence of the indicator species of the Eurasian plains, i.e., 
mammoth and primitive bull. 

As opposed to the Black Sea faunal complex, a number of migrants from 
the high steppes of southwest Asia are present in the Colchis complex. 
These include the Asia Minor hamster, porcupine, argali, horse and 
Equus hidruntinus. 

These species migrated from the south into western Transcaucasia. 
Their migration was facilitated by the presence of a karst relief (i.e., dry 
soil) and, toalesser degree, by the arid climatic phase which occurred 

some time in the Middle Pleistocene. 




ti Wig 







KM iy 







FIGURE 56, Flint and bone tools from the Gvardzhilas cave (from Zamyatnin, 1957) 

Forest animals (boar, elk, roe deer) were abundant in the complex, 
occurring mainly on the marsh plain of Colchis. The European beaver 

was an ancient relict. 
The alpine species of the highlands were much more widely distributed 

than in present time. 
The Kodor and Tsebel'da ravines formed "ecological barriers'' for some 

northern (European) species and for the highland species of southwest Asia. 
These two faunas converged in Upper Pleistocene time in the region of the 




Thirty species of mammals of Upper Pleistocene age are known from 
Paleolithic sites and other localities in western Transcaucasia. The species 
are distributed as follows: 

ИСИ GS ab lola Зое ов ое 2 Бозе АА О В ie enter sree 7 
Chino preralNed: a о ee eh aac) Meee 1 Rerissodactylaliige. ее Aya 3 
SATIN OLA wept ый ak 13 АОИ Sy д op On bn Oa oo ao 13 
ооо Бе Gyo ооо ole d bo 1 

It is Significant that mammoth, Bos primigenius and northern 
forms (e. Go, вещшавев або wep, ое hare) are missing from the complex. 
And yet there are no warm-climate southern forms in the complex either. 
The main difference between the western Transcaucasian and the western 
Ciscaucasian complexes is the presence in the former of forest and 
mountain species. This indicates that the contemporary fauna and landforms 
were developed in western Transcaucasia by Middle Pleistocene time. 

The transition to the Holocene (postglacial) fauna in western 
Transcaucasia was probably more abrupt than the changes which occurred 
during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene. At the end of the Upper Pleistocene 
the following changes took place in the fauna: the extinction of cave bear, 
cave cat and cave hyena; the southern retreat of southwest Asian upland 
xerophilous species (hamster, porcupine, argali); and a decrease among 
local forest and mountain species (bison, goat, chamois, roe deer). 
However, the fauna which has survived into the present has preserved the 
features of a forest fauna. 

The climatic change in western Transcaucasia since the Middle 
Pleistocene probably evolved in different ways than in other regions because 
of the montane character of the local topography and of regional climatic 

The paleogeographic picture we now have will undoubtedly be augmented 
by further studies of the karst in Imeretia, Abkhazia and the Krasnodar 

A special search for Lower and Upper Pleistocene cave sites must also 
be undertaken. 

Central Transcaucasia 

The regions of the Surami water divide, the upper Rion, Bol'shaya 
Liakhva and the Gori depression are of great interest to paleontologists and 
zoogeographers as the probable migration route of Neogene and Quaternary 
mammals from southwest Asia. Pleistocene mammals occur in Paleolithic 
caves and in diluvial deposits. 

In 1952 Lyubin (1953) was the first to find Lower Paleolithic tools in the 
Bol'shaya Liakhva valley and at Metekhskaya Prona near Dzhidzhoita, Morgo 
and Lashe-Balta, at an altitude of nearly 1,500 m. The tools from Lashe- 
Balta (hand axes, flakes, cores) are made of andesite and other quartzitic 
rocks. АП the specimens had been washed out of a high terrace (probably 
the 60 m terrace) and rounded and redeposited by streams. As in Abkhazia, 
the bones, whichwere probably originally deposited in the terraces together 
with the tools, were not preserved. The value of the paleontological material 
from the lower layers of the caves is therefore all the greater. 


FIGURE 57, Mammal remains from the Gvadzhilas cave 

1 — jaw of (x2) Talpa caucasica; 2—jaw of Gulo ай, gulo; 3 — femur (X 2) of 
Mesocricetus auratus; 4—jaw of Prometheomys schaposchnikovi; 5— 
jaw of Cervus elaphus; 6-8 — М, astragalus and metacarpal of Capra caucasica; 
9-10 — М» апа first phalanx of Bison bonasus 



Caves of Mount Chasovali-Khokh, Paleolithic and younger beds 
in caves of the Kudaro region in South Ossetia, were discovered by Lyubin 
in 1955. The four most important caves were located in the right wall of 
the Dzhodzhora rivulet ravine above the villages of Kvaisi and Chasovali. 
The caves are in the dolomite, 1,700 m above sea level and 300 m above 
the riverbed (Figure 58). Much material was collected from the upper cave, 
Kudaro I, which is dry and slopes gently to the north from two entrances 
facing south and east (Figures 59, 60). The excavations in 1955, 1956 and 
1957 exposed clay beds, 2.5 m thick, with blocks of limestone. Iron-, 
Bronze-, Copper- and Neolithic-Agetools and pottery occur in the upper 
part of the beds. Middle and Lower Paleolithic tools occur in the lower 
part of the section. The flakes, hand axes and points are made of quartzite 
and are in part Mousterian and in part Acheulean. АП the beds contain 

3 Kudaro ТУ. 

Kudaro 1-1 

FIGURE 58. Mount Chasovali-Khokh (caves indicated by arrows) 

Photograph by author, 1957 

bones brought into the cave by men and owls. The Lower Paleolithic bones 
are mostly devoid of organic matter; they are light brown in color, and have 
dendritic surfaces. Some bones were rounded like pebbles in a smallstream 
which flowed through the cave in wet seasons. Fragments of limb bones, 
teeth, phalanges and metapodia of carnivores and ungulates predominate. 
The material is difficult to identify to the species level. 

Upper Paleolithic tools and well-preserved bones were found at a depth 
of 3 m in excavating the clayey-lime beds in front of the entrance to the 
Kudaro III cave. Table 15 and Figure 61 show the many mammalian 
species which have been identified from these bones; up to 1958, 40 
identifications from the Pleistocene had been made. 


Collections from the Paleolithic beds of Kudaro I include: 42 bones of 
birds, 3 bones of lizards (Lacerta sp.), 43 bones of toads (Bufo sp.), 
22 bones of frogs (Rana sp.) and over 30,000 bones of fishes, primarily 
of Salmonidae. * 

The abundance of fish bones in the Lower Paleolithic beds might indicate 
that the beds were deposited under water, possibly in the paleo-Dzhodzhora 
River, which might have carried the bodies of animals and abraded the 

127 TABLE 15, Paleolithic mammals from Kudaro caves 

Kudaro I Kudaro III 
Lower and Middle | Kudaro II Upper 
Paleolithic Paleolithic 

Тара Spite ons folate tone a ane сы: 8 1 — 
GCL TS SAE oo oles ео 1 = 
Chiroptera, not determined below the generic level 27 — 
Масаеа р в ооо о 2 = 
Sans: Сиро оо... 27 10 
GHG "SP fe ое а.о. Prt cee 3 = 
Wail pie Sach. ariel Die Se ee ee: Ре oA ame oes 33 1 
Grocwtayspelaea tr с ны 1 = 
Wrstismsp ella evises 22. cats Bs ieee rte : ‚ 2,979 97 
Мате сабота, о he oS 9 = 
Misiteliasich nmasviall isi 22 al spauas ceo cde? wre ay at ae в = 
Melles ев железа. О Е 11 == 
Са о бе ооо Не oe 11 = 
PAMENE Ta реТаеа р: о пон, ев Aye 3 9 
Pepin Gast ие stave т а 9 1 
Carnivora, not determined below the generic level 18 — 
Lepuis’ еб eumo\p ен иен. au. clea a aie Nats 12 = 
а оао Ay ao opt ala 0 J.2-c cle b vag С 10 aa 
Hivis Dix Bers емонта ен Sahel one Е 18 = 
Al Vatetagarieh twit ll ia msi. ое На 2 a 
Mesocricetus, ай ama tus сес = devia А 56 = 
Мистогиз мари Tra. ор A esataol. eee cl ome ae 16 = 
Mi atten SNUG cee csc Зы NID eae tS - 5 — 
Prometheomys aff. schaposchnikovi .... 13 = 
Muridae, not determined below the generic level 52 — 
RNTNOWEMOSHED: sie: ов, О а cae st 2c bs о 6 т 
ор С ое ое сор и. nile 2 = 
Cervus chy ella phiuste, .. смс и. . 213 20 
Cap reo Misi а са pre 0 5... 36 = 
CApTa ©, СЕНТ И, ео 55 11 
Теа ОТВ М eter en И, МНН 26 11 
Ovis or Capra, not determined below the generic 

LEVEL) CELTS AEE: Bete atte Stine Rei HO ree 189 — 
Виолетта. дааа = 5 — 
Small bone fragments of ungulates and carnivores — 

Artiodactyla-Gamivoras 5 ao dit лан 13,013 135 

* Ina communication on the 1955 excavation (Vereshchagin, 1957b) the intermaxillary bone of a salmon 
was erroneously identified as a bone of a large lizard, 



FIGURE 59, Diagram of Kudaro I 

1, 2 —excavations of 1955-1958 

As a whole, the Kudaro I fauna is indicative of dry plateaus and includes 
widely distributed forms (wolf, fox, cave bear, badger), Caucasian mountain 
forms (panther, marmot), and southwest Asian forms (hamster, sheep, 
porcupine). The indications of the migration of southwest Asian upland-steppe 
forms to the Caucasian mountains and of the survival of apes through the 


end of the Pliocene are matters of particular interest. Porcupines, 
sheep, a few goats and chamois indicate that the reliefwas quite uniform 
and the climate warm and dry. 

128 Comparison of this site with the Upper Paleolithic sites of Imeretia 
suggests that mountain goat and other mountain forms existed in isolated 
areas of Caucasia which were undergoing differential uplift during the 
Pleistocene. In the Lower Paleolithic the upper reaches of the Rion were 
uplifted as much as 500 m. 

The Upper Pleistocene fauna of central Transcaucasia is represented 
by single mammoth teeth. One of the teethof Elephas primigenius 
from the Dusheti area has been described by Burchak-Abramovich (1946). 
The tooth of a small mammoth was also found in the town of Gori in the 
first terrace of the Kura River; according to Gabuniya (1952a), it belongs 
to an Upper Pleistocene or Lower Holocene mammoth. It is probably of 
the same age as the late mammoths of the Pyatigor'e area. 

The presence of mammoths in the Upper Pleistocene of Transcaucasia 
is not proof of a migration of ''northern'' forms to the south, but rather 
is probably indicative of an endemic evolution of the proboscideans, such as 
occurred in the western Mediterranean. 


FIGURE 60, Excavations at southern entrance to Kudaro I 

Photograph by author, 1956 

1704 124 



Eastern Transcaucasia 

In post-Tertiary time eastern Transcaucasia was plain country 
surrounded by mountains in the north, west and south, andthe sea inthe east. 
During the Pleistocene the seas transgressed at least three times over 
the eastern part of the plain, considerably reducing the living space of the 

land animals. 

The known localities of Quaternary mammals are on the marine terraces 
of the Apsheron Peninsula and on the foothill river terraces in the western 
part of the plain. Bone accumulations in caves are almost unknown in 
eastern Transcaucasia. ' 

Lower Pleistocene mammals occur in littoral sediments of the Baku sea 
on the Apsheron Peninsula. Skull fragments of a young rhinoceros 
(Rhinoceros cf. mercki), large horse (Equus sp.) and hyena 
(Crocuta sp.) were collected at a depth of 2 м incoarse, shelly 
limestone with Didacna rudis Nal. and О. surachanica Andr. near 
the Kishly railroad station, north of Baku. (The skull of the hyena was 
previously identified as Hyaena striata (Bogachev, 1925a, 1938b), 
which is impossible for the Lower Pleistocene.) A fragment of mandible 
and a tooth of Elasmotherium from the 12-m level in No. 19 oil well 
near the village of Binagady are in the PIN collections. This materialcomes 
from an ancient Caspian terrace with Didacna surachanica Andr. 
The southern part of the terrace underlies kir* beds which contain 
the Binagady faunal complex (discussed below). 

A lower jaw of a colt (Bogachev, 1938c), identified by Gromova (1949) 
as Equus aff. sussenbornensis, was collected in oil-bearing 
gravels of the ancient Caspian terrace which overlies the oil-bearing beds 
at Khurdalan on the Apsheron Peninsula. 

Fossil mammals are more common in Middle and Upper Pleistocene beds 
than in the Lower Pleistocene. However, their dating is sometimes 
difficult because of the poor state of stratigraphic knowledge and the 
discontinuities of the Caspian terraces. Most of the material comes from 
the Apsheron Peninsula. 

The preservation of material in this region was promoted by considerable 
changes in the relief caused by tectonic, erosional and eolian activity. The 
ancient, transgressing and regressing Caspian waters in some cases obliterated 
and in others enhanced the work of the forces operating on the land. 

Following the major transgressions of the Caspian, cones of mud 
volcanos appeared оп the Apsheron Peninsula. Аз arule, all the deposition 
sites of post-Baku fossils occur in oxidized oil shows, i.e., bitumens and 

Many animals died in oil and liquid asphalt which preserved the bodies 
in a perfect state. The bituminous beds, because of their plasticity, 
protected the bones from erosion by water and wind. 

In most cases, Pleistocene fossiliferous sites were formed through the 
compound action of freshwater and oil or asphalt seeps on accumulations of 
mammal remains. 

The best known are the Binagady and Kir-Maku fossiliferous localities, 
although fossil mammals also occur at other places, including: 

а jaw ofa camel (Camelus sp.) found in a ditch at Surakhany; skulls and 
horns of red deer (Cervus elaphus) collected in the bitumens on 
Artem Island (Bogachev, 1924, 1932); maxilla of a horse of the ''Asian type"! 

* Kir, or bitumen, was and still is used in covering and sealing flat roofs. 



OE ив 

ee 7 | $, 
р Пт 
\ |, 

FIGURE 61, Vertebrates from the Paleolithic beds of Kudaro I 

1 — intermaxillary (x 2) of salmon Salmo spp.; 2 — МЗ (х2) оЕ Macaca sp.; 3-5 — milk canine (x2), 
M,and metatarsal of Ursus spelaeus; 6—upper jaw of Panthera pardus; 7—jaw of Marmota 
sp.; 8 — дам (Х 2)of Mesocricetus aff, auratus; 9 —side and worn surface of tooth (x 2) of 
Hystrix зр.; 10—phalanx of Rhinoceros зр.; 11—hornof Capreolus cf, capreolus; 

12 — first phalanx of Cervus cf, elaphus; 13-15—metacarpus, first phalanx and astragalus of 

Ovis cf, ammon 


(Equus cf. caballus) found in the clayey breccia of Mount Bog-Boga in 
Balakhany, 15 km northeast of Baku; bones of a horse known from the ancient 
Caspian terrace on the Tertiary hills near the village of Ali-Bairamly; 
remains of one Bos, recorded from the Baba-Zanan Tertiary hills near 
Sal'yany (Bogachev, 1938c). 


The Binagady fossils are important in the study of the Quaternary fauna 
of the Caucasus. The occurrences at that locality of plants, mollusks, 
insects, reptiles, birds and animals of all ecological and morphological 
types allows a detailed reconstruction of the ancient Apsheron landscape. 

The locality was discovered in 1938 by a student, Mastan-Zade, who 
was studying the Apsheron bitumens. The first excavations were organized 
by Bogachev in 1938 (Azerbaidzhan branch of the Academy of Sciences of 
the U.S.S.R.). The excavations continued until 1941 with the participation 
of Kasabova and Sultanov and were resumed in 1946 under the supervision 
of Burchak-Abramovich. 

The primitive mining of kir over many centuries left holes and 
pits of various sizes in the bone-bearing area (Figure 62) which 
seriously interfered with the excavations. 

In order to obtain a clear stratigraphic picture the locality must be 
excavated in a series of mutually perpendicular trenches. 


FIGURE 62, Binagady hollow remaining from bitumen-mining in area where rhinoceros bones were found 

Photograph by author, 1941 




The Binagady locality is on the crest of а hill 0.5 km southeast of the 
village of Binagady, and 7 km north of Baku. The coast at its closest is 
10 km to the south and 25 km to the north. 

The bone-bearing area comprises approximately 12 hectares and is 
located on a hilltop near the Kyrrar hill. The area is 54-57 m above 
present sea level, and 48 m above the level of Lake Beyuk-Shor. An ancient 
mud volcano (Kichik-Dag) lies north of the fossiliferous area; further 
to the north is the meridionally elongated, saline Lake Masazyrskoe 
(Mirdalyabi) and to the northeast, Lake Binagady. To the east is the saline 
depression Kariatakh-Shor, beyond which rises the Balakhany Plateau. 
Extending from the Binagady hill are oil-bearing salinas and the 
saline Lake Beyuk-Shor, which stretches far to the southeast (Figure 63). 

According to the Volarovich-Lednev map (1913-1929) and Bogachev's 
description (1940b), the base of the Binagady hill is a broad, anticlinal 
fold made up of Maikop (Oligocene) and diatomaceous (Miocene) clays and 
of productive sandstones (Middle Pliocene). South of the hill is the Middle 
Quaternary Caspian terrace. An eroded cone of the mud volcano Beyuk- 
Dag, 105 m above sea level, is of Pleistocene age. The volcano probably 
formed on the northeastern part of the Miocene fold in two stages. The 
loessial sands at its base are dated Q,''(Riss-Wiirm) and at its top Q2>(Early 

The crest of the fold was eroded by waves of the transgressing sea. 

As a result of erosion the oil from the productive beds seeped into the 
coquinas of the ancient Caspian terrace and into the later Quaternary beds. 
The pressure within the productive beds resulted in oil and asphalt seeps 

at the surface of the fold and subsequent cementation of the overlying 
sediments by asphalt. Consequently, a series of fossiliferous asphalt 
layersof varying ages appearsin the syncline. The most recent asphalt 
seep occurs on the southeastern slope of the hill; it probably formed during 
oil formation in the last two centuries. 

R= La FIG Lake Mirdalyabi Gif HW = 
= : 7, И MONA ПОР == 
2 Wael. Gy GS, 
Fry, Sta’ Mt. Kichik-Dag == \ 
ТАМ: Beyuk-Dag к АЗ ЧЕ Ze. == G@ 
WAYNE 5 ie i wee : ИЕ АЕ EA 
| Whee Wht, IS, 9222222. 
MIN is Be 




ft fet} АЕ y Ma tf) 

Se anne к. AS : Lm 
KC 1:42000 

FIGURE 63, Present topography of the bone-bearing localities at Binagady and Kir-Maku 

The bituminous area extends to the ancient Caspian ''Khasar'' terrace 
in the south. The following fossils are characteristic of this terrace: 
Dreissensia polymorpha Pall., Didacna surachanica Andr., 


О. kovalevskii V. Bog., Neritina pallasii Lindh. It is possible 
that the lower part of the bone-bearing beds correlates with the near-shore 
coquina of the Khazar terrace. The terrace slopes gently downward to the 
south, an indication of tectonic movements in post-Khazar time. It does 
not extend beyond the northern slope, which, in Khazar time, was probably 
dry land which was later subjected to strong erosion. If, as agreed upon 
by many geologists, the landscape of the area at the time when the bone- 
bearing beds were being formed was similar to the Recent landscape, 

it follows that during the marine transgressions the area became an 
archipelago of small islands and peninsulas. 

The present-day relief of the Apsheron Peninsula was formed through 
the interaction of tectonic forces and eolian and subaqueous erosion 
(M. Mirchink, 1934). The incidence of shallow, elongated salt lakes in the 
area is a result of wind erosion. Even the deep Yasamal'skaya valley, 
extending from Binagady to the sea, was probably formed by wind erosion. 
The Apsheron limestones which cover the Tertiary loams in places were 
evidently not sufficient to protect the loams from erosion by northerly winds. 
The Upper Pleistocene and Holocene produced tectonic and epeirogenic 
movements which were responsible for much important change in the relief 
of the Apsheron Peninsula. 

134 According to Shlepnev (1947), the epeirogenic movements in the 
Apsheron over a mere 16-year period (1912-1928) resulted in differences 
in elevation between various points as great as 114 cm. Thus the present- 
day relief in the Binagady area cannot be used as a starting point in the 
restoration of the relief at the time of bone deposition. 

A generalized stratigraphic section from the center of the bone-bearing 
area is given in Figure 64. Surface layer А is diluvium, 0.2 to 1.0 м thick, 
underlain by bedB, which is 0.75 to 1.4 m thick and contains fine-grained 
sand with fairly coarse coquina of marine mollusks, impregnated with oil. 
The southern portion contains large trunks and branches of juniper and 
occasional bones of horses, deer and large birds. BedC consists of dense, 
viscous, dark brown bitumen, 0.1 to 0.5 m thick, which seems to form a 
lens toward the margins of the bone-bearing area. Pockets near the top 
of the bitumen bed contain bones of birds (mainly ducks), beetles and grasses. 
Bones of large animals are embedded in the bitumen of bed C, and 
occasionally at the boundary of beds B and C. 

BedD is fine-grained sand with fine coquina and some small pebbles; 
it measures 0.3 to 0.6 та in thickness. Horizontal bedding, produced by 
streams, and films of narrow, swamp-plant leaves occur in this bed, which 
is the main bone-bearing bed. It contains bones of mammals, birds and 
reptiles, as well as insects, mollusks and plants. 

The granulometric analysis of beds BandC shows that the fine-grained 
material amounts to 62.5 and 75.4%. This probably indicates the littoral 
eolian origin of the Binagady beds (Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

Fossil animals and plants occur in pockets in the oil-impregnated sand 
which underlies the bitumen bed. These pockets are more heavily 
impregnated with bitumen than the surrounding rock. 

The osseous strata 3 m from the surface gradually grades into the 
fine-grained sands of the productive beds, which are slightly impregnated 
with oil. A bitumen bed, 10-15 cm thick, can be seen in the holes dug at 

135 the highest point of the hill. This bed, 0.8-0.1 [?0.8-1.0] m from the 


= SSeS HH =) 
ess 6 — М — Hh 
ЕЕ — М = М — И=/л 
И = // — И == // = и 
и — и — Ими =и 
М — И — И = И = 

| at 





surface in Holocene loams, was probably 
formed during a recent phase in the 
migration of oil. It is rich in bones of small 

The origin of deposition of the beds shown 
in the section is not entirely clear. Bed B 
was probably formed along the shore ofa 
body of standing water, as indicated by the 
coarse coquina of marine shells composed 
of fragments 2-5 m in diameter. Bed C was 
probably formed as a result of migration of 
oil along a fault in the productive beds 
somewhat to the north of the Pleistocene 
bituminous lense. 

Mastan-Zade (1939) has hypothesized 
that an oil flow occurred during the eruption 
of the Kichik-Dag volcano. 

It is obvious that bituminization (oxidation 
and thickening of oil) occurred at the surface. 
This being the case, bedB must have been 

formed during a transgression in the basin 
which covered the bituminous lens, since 
the bituminization could not have occurred 
under water or else the oil floating to the 
surface would have been dispersed by wind. 

Bed D was probably formed in a short- 
lived body of stagnant water. It is difficult 
to detect the boundary between the osseous 
bed and the productive sands, because it 
is not clearly defined. The negligible 
percentage (0.2-1%) of shell fragments, 
2.0-3.5 mm in diameter, indicates littoral 
marine or estuarine deposits, in addition 
to windblown, fine-grained sand. 

The incidence of xerophilous grasses, 
small tree branches and detritus mixed with 
animal bones and fossil beetles indicates 
that the material was deposited in topographic 
depressions from small mud-oil flows. 
Individual bird bones, remains of insects 
and plants, skulls of animals filled with bituminous material — all these 
indicate poor sorting of the kind that occurs ш а river flow. The likelihood 
is that the remains accumulated in a stagnant basin where the bones were only 
slightly moved over the substrate. 

With the exception of individual skeletons of small birds (dove-size or 
smaller) all the skeletons at the site are disjointed. Remains of ligaments 
and feathers occur only on the bones of birds from the younger beds, e.g., 
the bituminous intercalation in bedB. No complete skeletons of large 
animals were found in the first excavation, possibly due to the scale of the 
excavation. Scattered bones of large and medium-sized animals occur in 
the asphalt beds mostly in horizontal positions. Burchak-Abramovich has 
found bones of a horse and of a deer scattered over an area of several 

FIGURE 64. Section through the asphalt 
beds at Binagady 

А — surface loams; В — bituminous sands 
with coquina, bones and wood; C— bed 
of "rich" asphalt; D— oil-impregnated 
sands with animal and plant remains; 

E — sands of productive beds. On the 
right — thickness in meters 


square meters. In the bituminous bed complete skulls of medium-sized 
animals (wolf, hyena, badger) were found separately from the cervical 
vertebrae; even the atlas was separated from the skull. One find has been 
recorded which consisted of six joined cervical vertebrae of an ass and 
the mandible of a horse in two sections: the anterior part, which had been 
broken off, was deposited in a bed adjoining the horizontal layer where 

the posterior section lay. Broken bones of large animals and birds occur, 
as arule, inthe lower part of bed В. 

The deposits in bedD are characterized by quite complete bones, 

136 including some broken epiphyses and intact skeletal bones of large birds — 
all with asphalt-filled cavities as a result of the penetration of oil into the 
bone tissue pores. 

One seldom finds bones that show tooth impressions of wolves, bears 
or hyenas, although gnawed humeri of bears, the pelvis of Equus 
hemionus andthe femur of a rhinoceros have been described by 
Vereshchagin (1951b) and by Burchak-Abramovich (1953a). There are no 
signs on the rodent skulls of beak or claw puncture by birds of prey, which 
indicates that the bitumen-preserved skulls probably were not deposited 
in the excreta or stomachs of birds which fell into the asphalt. Puparia of 
flesh flies occur, although not frequently, in nasal and brain cavities, and 
in the depressions of a rhinoceros humerus. When the puparia were opened, 
it could be observed that the flies had hatched from the pupae. There were 
no bones found which displayed cuts or breaks made by prehistoric man. 
Paleopathological evidence of osteomyelitis, rachitis and helminthiosis 
is common (Vereshchagin, 1946b, 19515; G.V. and D.V. Gadzhiev, 

1952). Only two bones of a wolf and deer with polished distal epiphyses 

are known. Among the Binagady bones, there are only very few which have 
been rounded by streams, or which show sand-polished surfaces or other 
signs, such as brittleness or cracking, of origins in land surfaces or 
well-aerated soils. 

The extent of permineralization of the bones is relatively slight. The 
diaphyses, when they are sawed, smell of damp bone, which is unusual for 
Middle Pleistocene material. Proteins were detected in the humerus ofa 
wolf, and juniper wood from bed В contained 30.52% cellulose (Mamedaliev 
and Kaplan, 1948). 

The dry bones and polished surfaces of diaphyses are dark brown and, 
in some places, bronze. In fresh fracture the bones show a grayish brown 
or chestnut color. Upon being boiled in alkali, the bones become brittle 
and light chestnut in color. The enamel and dentine of teeth are usually 
gray-brown to chestnut. However, the large molars of hyenas, saigas and 
bulls are bluish in color on the inner surface. 

Because the extensive excavations of 1938-1942 at Binagady were poorly 
documented, very little is known about the nature of the deposition. 

Almost all the investigators who worked with the Binagady material were 
concerned with the Apsheron landscape and the origins of the deposit: the 
reasons for death and the circumstances under whichthe remains accumulated. 

Bogachev (1939c, 1940b, 1944) maintains that the present-day relief 
is very old and that the contemporary Lake Beyuk-Shor is a relict of an 
ancient and much larger lake. He thought that rhinoceroces, horses, Bos 
and deer attempting to reach clear water were trapped in the oil-surfaced 
lake, and that quadruped and feathered predators attracted to the floating 
bodies fought and died over their prey. According to Bogachev, the region 




was also inhabited by migratory birds, and numerous streams 
presumably entered the lake carrying plant detritus, juniper trunks and 
pear fruit. He assumes the climate of the region to be somewhat colder 
and more humid than that of today. 

Considering all the evidenee, Bogachev compares the locality with the 
asphalt deposits at Starina (Galicia) and at La Brea (Los Angeles, California). 
He points out that organic remains accumulated gradually without any of 
those catastrophic episodes which kill thousands of animals of 
morphologically and ecologically different species. 

There are, however, a number offacts which donot fit into this elegant 
picture. If the relief in the past were similar to the present, then the 
Binagady hill would have been a small island when the level of the lake was 
higher and there would not have been room for all the animals nor for the 
accumulation of oil on such a small island. 

The absence of freshwater mollusks and fish in the bone-bearing bed 
and the concomitant incidence of xerophilous plants do not support a picture 
of a large freshwater lake. And, indeed, if there had been numerous clear 
streams, there seems little reason for animals to have waded into oily mud. 
The idea of rhinoceroses and boars dying trapped in mud can practically 
be dismissed. There are no silt deposits in the Binagady beds, and the 
animals could not sink in the very thin layer of fine-grained sand and 

From the plants identified in the asphalt, the botanist Petrov (1939) 
has inferred the existence of savannah and sparse arid forests in the 
Apsheron. He thought the site of deposit was in the delta region. 

According to Argiropulo and Bogachev (1939), the occurrences of forest 
dormouse, red-tailed gerbil, migratory (gray) hamster and jerboa, and 
of mesophilous species of beetles indicate that the forests were of tugai 
type and the climate was more humid than now. 

The ornithologist Serebrovskii (1948), in an analysis of the avifauna, 
included migratory birds in the species composition. He visualized the 
area of the locality as a shallow, reed-grown swamp Surrounding a marine 
bay. Bird casualties were attributed by Serebrovskii to oil film on the 

According to the geologist Sultanov (1947), the deposit site was located 
on the shores of a shallow marine bay beyond the main zone of wave action. 
His conclusions that rhinoceroses, Ellobius, mole voles and jerboas 
drowned in the sea and that flying birds died of fumarole gas poisoning 
do not require comment. 

Efremov's statement (1950) in his excellent ''Taphonomy"' that bone- 
bearing bed D is alluvial in origin and was presumably protected by the 
asphalt from later erosion is in error. 

Gromov (1952), who studied the rodents, adopted Efremov's taphonomical 
viewpoint and explained the accumulation of organic remains at Binagady 
by the agency of river sediments. He assumed the existence of treeless 
steppes on the Apsheron in the Upper Pleistocene. 

All the authors mentioned above have failed to explain the occurrence in 
one and the same bed of plants, mollusks, insects, birds and small rodents, 
medium-sized carnivores and large, hoofed mammals. Even though the 
data confirm the deltaic origin of the bed and the transport by river of 
animal remains, other questions, such as the causes and places of death 
and the distances traversed by the remains, have not been answered. 


However, ап analysis of the available geological 
and biological data can give a true picture of the 
Binagady site at the time of animal deposition 
and of the landscape of the Apsheron in the 

In addition to Binagady, we studied cases of 
mass death among insects, birds and animals on 
the Apsheron and in Kabristan and the conditions 
of continuous accumulation and burial of their 

A study of geological sections in both older and 
newer excavations showed that a lacustrine or 
river origin of bone-bearing bedD is doubtful. 

The osseous strata are always found beneath 
asphalt bedC, and when C wedges out, the organic 
remains disappear. This can only mean that the 
oil-asphalt provided the prerequisite condition for 
the accumulation of organic remains. 

Observations in Kabristan near Khurdalan, 
Kir-Kishlag and Beshbarmak show that 
incrustations and accumulations of asphalt occur 

oe on mountain slopes and in depressions, near 
munis with closely spaced : | : а 
с peculiar fissures from which the oil is forced to 
bearing bed at Binagady the surface. Gas and salt water are ejected, in 
addition to the asphalt, by the mud-oil craters 
or wells. The margins of the latter are overgrown 
by sparse reeds (also found in Binagady, Figure 65), the green of which, 
in the spring, makes a remarkable contrast to the yellow background of 
semidesert, mountains and salinas. The wells attract the cattle, and at 
Beshbarmak cows and asses died after sinking into the thick mud of the well. 

Rainwater often accumulates in the asphalt crusts. When the asphalt 
is hot and soft, the water forms lenses which are fatally attractive to 
animals in periods of drought. Asphaltic pools such as these annually trap 
many animals, and remains of various sizes, from that of mouse to 
that of goitered gazelle and ass, can be found in them. The decaying remains 
sink into the asphalt andthe bones and mineral particles brought by winds and 
streams become incorporated in the silty beds underlying the asphalt. 

It is not essential that the asphalt pools be located in large reservoirs, 
valleys or gulleys for animal remains to accumulate in the asphalt. On the 
contrary, asphalt located on gentle slopes or even on the crest of a ridge 
is guaranteed long and effective action, because on such terrain it is not 
buried under sediments (Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

These Recent examples indicate that animal death in the Pleistocene 
might have occurred at or near the site of deposit, without necessarily 
involving any transport over long distances. 

Over the centuries, the sticky surfaces and oily freshwater pools created 
by the heavy Binagady oil seeps on the shores of the marine bay probably 

139 became poisonous traps and burials for a variety of animals (e.g., hares, 
jerboas, gerbils, voles, hamsters) and for many types of birds and insects. 
Heavier animals such as rhinoceroses, horses and bulls would have been 
supported by thicker layers of asphalt. This herbivore carrion undoubtedly 

FIGURE 65, Upper part of the 
stem of Phragmites com- 


attracted carnivores and scavenger birds which accounts for the many bones 
of foxes, wolves and hyenas in this area as compared with their paucity 

on the river shoals. The author has described elsewhere the pursuit by foxes 
of birds which were trapped in the asphalt (Vereshchagin, 1946a). 

Transport of bodies by water with decomposition occurring at the site 
of deposit could have taken place only on a small scale. 

The absence at the site of mesophilous vegetation of forest and meadow 
animals and freshwater mollusks and fish would indicate that the streams 
which carried the bodies must have been small and ephemeral. They were 
probably short-lived torrents originating not more than a few kilometers or 
more likely, a few hundred meters distant from the site. 

Bed (with coquina and juniper trunks) was probably formed during a 
marine transgression over a shallow estuary. It covered the bitumen and 
contributed to the consolidation of the bone-bearing bed. During the erosion 
of the southern part of the osseous lense, it would have been possible for 
bone fragments to be redeposited and incorporated into bedB. Tree trunks 
carried into the bay by waves were also preserved in bedB (Figure 64). 

TABLE 16, Age groups of wolves at the Binadagy locality 

Number of specimens 

absolute 8 

Approximately 1 month 

20 3.5- 4 months 

15 7-8 months 

61 1-3 years 

20 3-5 years, with slightly worn teeth 

Over 5 years, with heavily worn teeth 

Such biological data as the seasonal mortality pattern and the composition 
of animal populations can contribute greatly to an understanding of the 
nature of the Binagady locality. Clearly, the insects and pear fruits could 
only have been trapped in the asphalt in the warm seasons of the year. The 
incidence of migratory birds both from the south (spoonbill, purple heron, 
black stork) and from the north (snowy owl) indicates that bird deaths 
occurred during both the summer and winter seasons. 

Death occurred at all ages, from infancy to senility, advanced age 
being indicated by some individuals with molars completely worn down to 
the base. Wolves are a particularly clear example. Because of the greater 
size and strength of the wolf bones, it is easier to extract them from their 
matrices than bones of other species, and thus to form estimates of the 
size of the wolf population. 

The age groups of wolves based on their mandibles are given in Table 16. 

The numbers clearly show that animals of all ages, not only the very 
young and very old, were buried in the Binagady beds. Data in Table 16 
indicate that the main part (67.4%) of the fossil wolves are adults 
(Figure 66). In other words, the dead assemblage represents not a selected 




FIGURE 66. Mandibles of wolves of varying age 
groups from Binagady 

(Illustrates Table 16) 

age group, but a cross-section of the 
animal population which lived in the 
area throughout most of the year. 

Analysis of other carnivore fossils 
also indicates that the animals 
perished throughout the warm season 
of the year (Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

Taken together, these facts show 
that the Binagady locality itself 
provided the single cause of death at 
this site, rather than at some 
other locality. 

From these preliminary 
assumptions it is possible to evaluate 
with greater certainty the faunal 
complex at Binagady, as well as the 
ecology of that period in eastern 

According to calculations by 
Burchak-Abramovich and Dzhafarov 
(1953), nearly 8,213 bones of at 
least 412 individual ungulates were 
collected during the 1938-1942 
excavations. Carnivores are 
represented by 2,043 bones of 11 
species and at least 440 individuals, 
lagomorphs and rodents by 
approximately 2,300 bones of 
15 species and at least 180 
individuals, andinsectivores by nearly 
50 bones of three species. 

Bird bones total at least 30,000. 
Hundreds of bones of turtles, lizards 
and snakes, many thousands of insect 
remains (mostly beetles), and 
hundreds of land mollusk shells have 
been found. Thirty-nine species of 
mammals have been identified (Boga- 
chev, 1938b, 1940b; Argircpulo, 1941b; 
Vereshchagin, 1948, 1949с, 1951b; 
Burchak-Abramovich, 1951c, 1952а; 
Dzhafarov, 1950, 1955; Alekperova, 
1952, 1955; Г. Gromov, 1952, and others). 

We estimated the number of 
common forms from individual 

mandibles andthe number of rare species from all the bones. The statistics 
on ungulates were taken from Burchak-Abramovich and Dzhafarov (1953). 
The data in Table 17 is taken from collections which, in 1945, were in the 
museums of Baku, Leningrad and Moscow. The quantities shown for bones 
and individuals reflect not only the actual number of animals, but also the 
method of extraction from the rock matrix. For small species, the 
quantities shown are less than the actual numbers. 


TABLE 17, Mammalian species and number of individuals from the Binagady locality 


дв Number of в Number of 
P individuals р individuals 
Insectivora Mesocricetus auratus plani- 
Croiedidiirak або т wisis ayes ss res 3 : . 
; Е Meriones erythrourus inter- 
Hemiechinus aff, auritus..... 3 : 
Erinace aff, europaeus 1 ен = 
u SBE MTG Pra Cae нь. 
at : P Allactaga elater dzhafarovi 4 
Sub tyo,t all eee vacate en oe 7 A. williamsi, 10 
A, jaculus bogatschevi 26 
Carnivora Dyromys nitedula 1 
Mi t a li 
Canis lupus apscheronicus.,, 120 ‘SoM Mae ee ee 70 
: М. зоста 11$ 
Сами мере 56 т : 
М. apsheronicus 2 
Vulpes CONS AG ese в: 2 пара 85 : 
i Ellobius aff, lutescens 10 
VeVi реза: ато К oe coe 125 Е Е 
Arvicola ef, terrestris 1 
Е Е SR Г. Hystrix vinogradovi 25 
Ursus arctos binagadensis ... 4 у Е 
Уоттеаарежщея ие пана. пе ast: 13 Subtotal 177 
M elesemeles! а: лишено 55 
Рапенета spellers errs pri 11 Perissodactyla 
ес Iybiician о. tlie 2 - 
Ай г а | a Equus aff, hidruntinus 73 
Yep peRt о SAE Ahi Е Е. caballus subsp, 154 
Sib otal) р Se 440 Rhinoceros binagadensis.... 31 
Subtotal 258 
Териз Curopaeusigureeviors® .F. 4 Artiodactyla 
ВЕ ce eles 4 Sus apscheronicus ae 11 
Мезасевоз св. епусево $ в. 2 
Rodentia Cervus elaphus binagadensis 52 
Mus: шие снос 2 wee ол: cee BP 
: Ovis cf, ammon Е 1 
Apodenm's sylvatiens 7... . 3 6 
Cricetulus migratorius 
заримо pay Tio еее eas fhe 8 154 

TABLE 18, Avifauna, by orders, from the Binagady locality 

Number of 

Number of 

Limicola CunA0.) ga le LUGAR ae te NGoraciifornes \. соб a) cic trey: 6 
ArisGhes ааа т. заза, ait Stegamopodes: 4. 5 лова ыь tate 45 2 
AGCIPIIES 5) syesryen de clad) Pores og ь Гапона еь плз ть ь дла 2 
GIEIROTES, 5 конь Вас Е" PIeTOCleleS ЕО о ой к РА 1 
Е НЕ ее, О а ое а 1 

Pee я Wie. dhe, РОН = 00. 7 as) > cua nen ets 1 


Characteristic bones are shown in Figures 67, 68, 70 and 71. 

The total number of bird species, as given by Serebrovskii (1948) and 
Burchak- Abramovich (1951с), is 97 (Table 18). 

Among the reptiles, bones of the grecian tortoise (Testudo graeca 
L.) and small unidentified lizards are known. 

Insect remains are abundant, but only beetles are well preserved. 
A. Bogachev (1947) has described 107 species of beetles of the following 

Cicindelidae Dermestidae 
Carabidae Hydrophilidae 
Dytiscidae Coccinellidae 
Cyprinidae Tenebrionidae 
Staphylinidae Cerambycidae 
Silphidae Chrysomelidae 
Histeridae Curculionidae 
Buprestidae Scarabaeidae 

Kirichenko has identified six species of bugs of the Thyreocoridae, 
Pentatomidae and Gerrididae families. 

\ | | рота 

FIGURE 67. Binagady 

Mandibles: 1—Hemiechinus auritus; 2—Erinaceus europaeus 

Remains of flies, fly puparia, butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers 
are poorly preserved and difficult to identify. Shells of mollusks belong to 
local land species of Helix, Helicella and Pupilla. 

Plants identified by Petrov (1939) and the author (Vereshchagin, 1949c) 
are represented by the following forms: 

Pirus salicifolia Juniperus polycarpos 
Pistacia cf. mutica Punica granatum 
Vitis cf. silvestris Allium sp. 

Zozimia sp. Phragmites communis 
Tragacanthum sp, Colchicus sp. 

Scirpus sp. 

Bogachev (1940b) has also reported Alhagi, Isatis, Artemisia, 
Salsola and Tamarix fromthe bone-bearingbed. However, these finds 
have not been confirmed. 

Some of the tree remains listed above come from coquina bed B, and 
thus are younger than the main bone-bearing bed. This does not, however, 

] 57 

143 exclude the possibility of a stable xerophilous landscape in eastern 

The paleontological material from Binagady is so complete that one can 
speak of entire Pleistocene complexes of different taxonomic groups and 
biocenoses of Transcaucasia. 

An ecological analysis of mammal assemblages reveals specific features 
of the Apsheron landscape, climate and zoogeography. Changes which 
have occurred since the Pleistocene in faunal species composition should 
be projected to the level of orders (Tables 19, 20, 22, 24), taking into 
account the Recent zoogeography of the northeastern and southeastern 
periphery of the Bolshoi Range. 


The absence of shrews and moles from the Pleistocene of Apsheron 
indicates axerophilous landscape. At present, the long-tailed white -toothed 
shrew inhabits forests and semidesert, andthe long-eared hedgehog the steppe 
and semidesert, sometimes frequentingsparse, aridforests. The European 
hedgehog lives in damp forests and in the dry bush of the semidesert. 

TABLE 19, Comparison of Quaternary insectivore species in the piedmont of the eastern Caucasus 


Historical time 


Apsheron and 


ee eno eer ee) en OR On 
Sieh вре ани 0% ey erie, ар бе о 

о а eis te) cle) oe of os, 6, ete 5 

о ООО 

Note, The query (?) п this and similar tables indicates species likely to occur within the given period 
of time. 


The absence of forest species of carnivores (pine marten, European 
wildcat, lynx) excludes the possibility of extensive forests on the Apsheron. 
The lack of otter and mink indicates that there were no rivers or reed- 
grown lakes rich in fish. Since weasels and stone martens are rare on 
the Apsheron in present time, they may not have been preserved. The 
presence of European brown bear (at present found in the sparse, arid 
forests of Transcaucasia) suggests that the ancient Apsheron was a dry 
plateau with juniper and pistachio forests growing along the creek beds. 


144 The presence of small fox and corsac fox is further evidence of the resemblance 
of the ancient landscape to the present. The incidence of cave bear is notable 
and can probably be attributed to the dry climate. 

Fast-moving carnivores were also common: wolf, fox, corsac fox, cave 
hyena, badger, Panthera leo, cheetah, African wildcat. These animals 
are adapted to the steppe or to brush and wooded areas of semidesert. The 
climate of the region might have been colder than it is in the present. 
However, the snow cover must have beenthin for the African wildcat, corsac 
fox and fox to have been able to hunt. 

In order to clarify the nature of the deposit and the evolution of species 
assemblages from the Pleistocene to the Recent, the number of carnivores 
at Binagady was compared with estimates of Recent carnivores based on 
contemporary commercial game hunting in the Shemakha area near Baku. 
The study revealed some similarities and some differences in the ecology 
of the two assemblages, and changes in the proportions of five common 
forms: fox, wolf, corsac fox, badger and jackal (Table 21). 

A comparative examination of carnivore species of both periods confirms 
the fact that the characteristically mesophilous Shemakha forest of the 
Recent, which is the habitat of martens and cats, is not at all similar to 
the Binagady trap and mountains. 

Lagomorphs and rodents 

The rodent species composition was almost twice as rich in the 
Pleistocene (Table 22) as in the Recent on the Apsheron. Their ecological 
grouping resembles that of the Recent Dagestan piedmont and indicates 
that, in Pleistocene time, Apsheron was a piedmont steppe marked by small, 
dry forests and some lakes which were overgrown by reeds and cattails. 

Common hamsters live in an environment more mesophilous than the 
one that exists at present on the Apsheron (see Chapter III). The presence 
of the common and the Apsheron vole is another indication that the habitat 
was more mesophilous than now. In contemporary distribution patterns, 
the lower boundary of the common vole lies in the piedmont brush near 
Shemakha at an altitude of 700 m, whereas the pine vole does not descend 
below approximately 1,000 m. 

Other species (hare, migratory hamster, steppe mouse, common 
vole, red-tailed gerbil, jerboa, mole vole and porcupine) form an 
assemblage characteristic of the present-day xerothermic valleys of 
northern Iran and Karabakh, which are covered with spiny astragali, 
willow-leaved pear, juniper and hawthorn. 

Comparison of the Binagady rodents trapped in oil pools with those 
caught on the Apsheron in the Recent by eagle owls and by personnel of the 
Azerbaidzhan anti-plague station, indicates that in the Holocene the 
proportion of xerothermic forms gradually increased at the expense of 
mesophilous forms, which ultimately disappeared (Table 23). 

Man is not responsible for the observed decrease of rodents from the 
Pleistocene to the Recent (see Chapter VII). 



FIGURE 68. Binagady 

1,2—skull of Vulpes согзас; 3,4—skull of V. vulpes aff. alpherakyi; 5, 6 —skull of Canis 
lupus apscheronicus; 7, 8 — canines of Ursus arctos binagadensis; 9-12 — skull, atlas and 
humerus of Crocuta spelaea; 13-17 —skull and humerus of Meles meles aff, minor; 18 — 
skull of Vormela peregusna; 19, 20 — jaws of young Acinonyx aff, jubalus; 21 — humerus 

of Felis aff. lybica; 22, 23 — jaws of young and 24 — jaw of adult Panthera spelaea. 


(148) TABLE 20. Changes in the species composition of the Quaternary carnivores in the piedmont of the eastern 

Historical time 
Specigs ны о апа Dagestan 
Kabristan piedmont 

Сами аси о р бое оно о, о о обв = + + 
Саи ор оо ses) oh Е ОИ а ие Я + - - 
Со MODES oc os oo ооо вов оборо о сво + + + 
Уц [рез еда... . О юм... + = - 
М. ми 1 резиу. ..... ПВ. ...... + + + 
I WASmey SUTIATA Gog Gelb оо во вобововов = + + 
Сто паре Таха see elect ees eon + - = 
UWRGWS ВОГО особь И ооо + F oF 
Мотитетамреже ло тиай. с. ogous aaas + a + 
Miulsitie dl aaah У (gts mame о с = + + 
№: ia tr ROM аще. Bile esses oo м... BA a = = + 
Mi, GWEESMMAMIN Goo oecopogso00ndobacan = - + 
ЕЕ ЕЕ сора бь юр ою оо во @asue = = + 
Матее$ BRON Male Gi. оо... = + + 
Меце пе Пе бесы uate ss lees sc Rees ves Ms Gs + + 
PAS 2 ре аа... > GONG, o ome > = 
IMINO оно модов р So ОН. < Ве = 2 ? 
Pee pairiGiuteas, с. ос соо неее. = + + 
SUNS ЛУ овобаво сво ооо о 0 Gago ов = + + 
A SASS iit с Nese oscar chow Omoinaaeeenn once = В т 
Ro ПУДРЫ оо о бо В о ое сои Stic + ? 2 
Ее с Па А, о ce eee Ва ВН oe ee - + + 
A CAIN i ух ЕВ о ББ боров об ооо or + ? ? 

TABLE 21. Relative proportions of carnivores in Apsheron (asphalt trap) and in Shemakha area (commercial 
game hunting data) 

Apsheron in Pleistocene Shemakha area, 1930-1940 
percentage percentage 
species of species of 
individuals individuals 
ори: Ро о ео о Meath ФО о d oan tloo bg Ooo нояб ас 75.5 
МОЕ о. c's а чет BENGKA MaMa Е 16.4 
Gorsac оо Jackal ,„.... ое 3.0 
Badger’, 20) . ое” es Wolf ес + Sennen : 2.3 
Cave Эт Б во БМ eee о European wildcat and jungle cat .. 0.8 
Tigempolecat а оао боев Pine marten and stone marten.... 0,7 
INNO G30 co о боя об oto GO посоюо вс Beatie в ее обеих © 0.2 
BEBE soe agalakvoondod ogo ово LYS ооо босоро ово особо сб 0.2 
Е keys ebeiteoutin ale WAGE cobb oo A оо co ong oor 0.1 
Я! ПИЩЕ ob Oo a oo ee oka OW bo eens 0400 осо ово 0.04 
Мо! (59а): 2 ле bee оо эо с Taisen pole cai ев. Неее =) В ее нь ee 0.04 
— ЗРЯ NOTE) Боба bod de 0% 0.001 
= AVON о 6 Яо дао о моб оч 0.0001 
Numbeniotispeciess uel. ce Number of species ..... 15 
Number of individuals ... Number of individuals... 12,890 



FIGURE 69. Binagady 

1,2—jaws of Lepus europaeus aureevi; 3-6—femur, metatarsal and tibia of Allactaga 

elater; 7-10— jaw, femur, metatarsal and tibia of A. williamsi dzhafarovi; 11-15 —skull, 
femur, metatarsal and tibia of А. jaculus bogatschevi; 



FIGURE 69 (continued) 

16, 17 — maxilla and femur of Cricetulus migratorius argiropuloi; 18-21 — maxilla, 

femur and tibia of Mesocricetus auratus planicola; 22-26 — maxilla, humerus, femur 

and tibia of Meriones erythrourus intermedius; 27-30 —skull, femur and tibia of Ellobius 
aff, lutescens; 31-32 — maxilla and scapula of Hystrix vinogradovi 



TABLE 22. Changes in the species composition of Quaternary lagomorphs and rodents in the piedmonts of 
the eastern Caucasus 

Historical times 




Apsheron and 


Le pus ещораец$ В. . еее 
Citellus рузшаев........ ce ees 
MiCrOM у тов. еее. 
Миз museugseteye - 2- « - а eee 

А воен "sty livatt vest, see seen. he meme 
А. ауте >. ров 2 Час 
А. ag ta Wi WS «se © © > oo ео, 
Cricetulus supgratorgus . . ieee ... 
Mesocricetus auratus planicola.. 
М. auratus@mmpriculusr .... fue «oe 
Meriones етот .... И > .. 
А 1астази и acon ruan: .... м... 
Allacta gia Че\атег. . Be. . a = + а... 
A. williams. 2... Zaks сс... 
А. JasCw Li See «cs с, с. ое 
Dy tom ys iameaduliay, a. 2 Ме. 
ОО elias SSS Fc eto aed au 
IMIS ОНА 5.4 B Sitedicrd nodule 'g ol oa Oo 
М. AD S:C ll COMME US) 5 деи газа 
ElLobiws “aie ute semis wry ee. es. cow ими, 
Je BEN opis WES, Бао ое ды О oon) с АО 
АтутсоТа "HERE C's О, се 
Hystrix утшорта ом, со, 5. 


* Recent black hamster is a possible descendant of the Binagady species, 

150 Perissodactyla 

The presence of Equus hidruntinus, horse andrhinoceros (Table 24) 
indicates that the Apsheron in Pleistocene time was a grassy steppe with 
bush-grown gulleys. The grasses were probably burnt by midsummer. 


The Pleistocene boar on the Apsheron could have lived in estuarine reeds 
and in the pistachio-juniper forests. Boars now live throughout the year 
in the thin, arid pistachio-juniper forests of Transcaucasia. The presence 
of saiga indicates wide-open areas with steppe vegetation. The Binagady 
Bos and deer might have entered the Apsheron during the spring growth 
of grasses. The decrease of artiodactyls on the Apsheron near the beginning 
of the historical epoch was caused by man. 


(149) ТА BLE 23. Changes in the species composition and proportions (in %) of rodents and hares оп the 
Apsheron from Pleistocene to Recent 

Pleistocene, ИН || 1939. 1940 | 1947, 
/ | centuries, ¢ : 
Species caught in enna caught in caught in 

asphalt pools Saye eres traps oil pools 
Sipe WOME о co Bao ооо въ особововв 38.6 23.8 | 4.6 25.0 
Comin) уе о но, она о. } i Absent 
GICAE ETD OAM.) рес ARO nar bb 14,4 Absent 
Втразаау DIOMOUPINE 5 Gace 500c 0b а 13.8 Extinet 
Rec=iailesl Буа РОЩИ 5). o5 5050500008 Toil 18.1 85.4 29.2 
William's Чезроай. ое... Me ies а... 5.5 9.5 | 2.0 | 20.8 
TNEMBCAMNCE SIAM mole WO 55555065 n000050 5,0 Absent 
Milsraronysalmasremr ry Не, о ee clei 4,4 42.4 2.9 12.5 
Sima tive=toecdigerbod) |. р. ene A) 0.2 0.3 0.3 
European Naremepeg. ; осо он 2.2 = 0.6 Зо 
Азта MinoOmiamisten <0 0) © . се. 1.6 Absent 
Comin weil ИО о о ов оо ово bo! 1.6 } 5 | 0.2 | = 
ЗЕРНО Е ее иены: ne То Г 3.2 — 
Пао ИО лы р ао о ооо О 1.1 Absent 
Рог 60199758 ооо бло сю Gnd oun He воно 0.5 = 0.1 = 
INKOLAWENY ENE ооо о або о Galo © oda myo Bila orc = = 0.1 == 

ПМТ NS OF GXSCIES 55 ор обо co blo dn eo 8 15 7 9 6 
Number ое ха а О tees sels 181 347 2,473 24 

* Recent Indian porcupine is а possible descendant of the Binagady species. 

TABLE 24. Changes in composition of Quaternary Perissodactyla in the piedmonts of the eastern Caucasus 



Historical time 

Ree Apsheron and Dagestan 
Apsheron ; ; 
Kabristan piedmont 
FEM WS IGP UIMEN MUS > o6ca0. von accor = 
2, MCMV OMUS eon o do 6 ROHS Lee cet eee = 
в, сааб yo 5 55560 a0 on ar 

Е, CAAIMIS SUDA, 55385000000 0 
RIMUNIGPC EROS lylme saGdeMEnS 55546. 

152 In studying the Pleistocene landscapes of the Apsheron, birds contribute 
little to our knowledge because of their seasonal migrations. Beetles, 
however, are more reliable. The proportions of beetles found at Binagady 
in aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial habitats respectively is given in 
Table 26 (identification by A.V. Bogachev; author's figures). 

Aquatic beetles, as such, are not indicative of the landscape, because 
of their capability of flying great distances; water-scavenger beetles and 
water beetles have even been known to cross great expanses of desert to 
reach water. According to Bogachev, land beetles in the Binagady 
bone -bearing bed comprise 8% (out of a total of 75.7%) of relatively 
mesophilous forms which are characteristic of the present piedmont brush 
near Shemakha and are absent from contemporary Apsheron. In other 



FIGURE 70, Binagady 

1-4—M?, М! heel bone and hoof of Equus caballus subsp,; 5-9 —М2, м, Ртз-М» heel 
bone and pelvis of Equus hidruntinus; 10, 11 —skull of Rhinoceros binagadensis 
(top and bottom views) 


(150) TABLE 25. Changes in composition of Quaternary Artiodactyla in the piedmonts of the eastern Caucasus 


Historical time 


pecies Apsheron and Dagestan 

Kabristan piedmont 

SOG LSC eeoNy OWS he aio odes ooo WO 
а.о. o.oo ogee 
Cervus elaphus 
Megaceros euryceros 
SIGE Бата Ge ooode pce nooo Oe 
Gazella subgutturosa 
Ovis cf. ammon 
Bos mastan- zadei 
Be ри оао е п о. cs oe Reem 2 ? 


Bison bonasus 


It is possible that the Apsheron boar is ancestral to the contemporary species, 
** The primitive bull inhabited Apsheron later than the period of the Binagady trap. 

words, the shift in the range areas of beetles confirms a progressive 
development of xerophilous landscapes in the Holocene. 

Thus, both qualitative and quantitative data on the mammal and beetle 
fauna and on the flora show that the climate of the Pleistocene Apsheron 
was colder and moister than in the present. The ecological conditions 
were Similar tothose which now exist in the thinly forested, arid zone 
on the southern slopes of the Armenian Highland at elevations of 1,500- 
1,600 m, and in the Dagestan piedmont at elevations of 0-500 m. 

The universality of the Binagady assemblage leads to other conclusions 
regarding the stratigraphy, paleoecology and history of the formation of 
the fauna. 

The Binagady faunal complex contains a representative group of species 
widely distributed in the Pleistocene over steppes and forest-steppes, and 
known from Paleolithic and other localities of Europe. These include: 

Erinaceus europaeus Apodemus sylvaticus 
Canis lupus Mus musculus 
Vulpes corsac Microtus arvalis 

V. vulpes Arvicola terrestris 
Crocuta spelaea Equus caballus 
Ursus arctos Megaceros euryceros 
Meles meles Cervus elaphus 
Panthera spelaea Saiga tatarica 

Allactaga jaculus 

The origin of most of these species is not yet clear. Oniy the corsac fox, 
great jerboa and saiga migrated from the north into eastern Transcaucasia. 

From the ecological point of view, the above assemblage is heterogeneous. 
It includes some species which, at present, are adapted to open habitats, 
and some species which live in the forests and moist river valleys of the 
same regions. There are no true xerophilous forms in the assemblage. 

Some of the listed species (fox, wolf, bear, badger, great jer>doa) are 
represented at Binagady by southern forms, an index of the antiquity of 
the conditions under which the Binagady faunal complex evolved. 



FIGURE 71. Binagady 

1,2 — epistropheus and metatarsal of Sus apscheronicus; 3,4—metatarsal and humerus 
Ovis aff. ammon: 5-8—horn, atlas, scapula and metatarsal of Saiga tatarica binagadensis; 
9, 10 —skull of Bos mastan-zadei, from above and side (1/20 natural size) (from Bogachev, 1940) 

TABLE 26, Ecological groups of beetle species and numbers of individuals from the Binagady asphalt 

Number of individuals 

Number of species 



Ecological groups of beetles 

© ом MMe) elie 6 оо о за ею 

The species which became extinct are: cave hyena, cave lion, 
horse, giant deer. The ranges of corsac fox, great jerboa and saiga 
have shifted considerably, but only localized changes took place 
in the distribution areas of the common and water voles. 

154 There is a prominent group of Mediterranean species adapted to 

xeromorphic landscapes, such as the upland steppes of southwest Asia. 
These species are: 



Crocidura russula Microtus socialis 

Hemiechinus auritus Ellobius lutescens 
Vormela peregusna Meriones erythrourus 
WEIS lytic Hystrix vinogradovi 
Acinonyx jubatus Rhinoceros binagadensis 
Lepus europaeus Equus hidruntinus 
Allactaga williamsi Sus apscheronicus 
Cricetulus migratorius Ovis ammon 
Mesocricetus auratus ‘ Bos mastan-zadei 

The group includes species adapted to mixed biotopes (white -toothed 
shrew, long-eared hedgehog, tiger polecat, jungle cat, cheetah, 

William's jerboa, steppe vole and boar), to upland steppes (Radde's 
hamster, migratory hamster and Transcaucasian mole vole), and to hot 
valleys and lowlands (red-tailed gerbil and Binagady porcupine). 

Most of these Mediterranean forms were represented in the Pleistocene 
by distinct subspecies, whose main areas of distribution at that time lay 
definitely to the south of the Caucasian Isthmus. The extinct Pleistocene 
ass (Equus hidruntinus), Binagady rhinoceros and Binagady goat were 
also of southern and southeastern origins. The extinct Apsheron vole, 
which has been identified from its molar classification as belonging to the 
European type of subgenus Pitymys, can be included among the endemic 
species. The range of the Dagestan hamster shifted into inner Dagestan, 
and that of the mole vole, to the mountain-steppe of Talysh. 

Thus, the general evolutionary trend of the faunal complex on the eastern 
Transcaucasian plains was toward either extinction or shifts in distribution 
patterns of relatively mesophilous forms. The disappearance of these forms 
from the area was caused by the development of a drier climate and 
consequently of a more xerophilous landscape. 

The general paleozoogeographical relationships within the Binagady 
complex can be understood when the complex is compared with the 
Pleistocene faunas of the southern part of the Russian Plain and of Southwest 

Some common species of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of Eastern 
Europe do not occur at Binagady (e.g., mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, 
Bison priscus, cave and other bears). Northern species were also 
absent from the Binagady complex: arctic fox, blue hare, lemming, 
reindeer, musk-ox. 

The absence of these forms may be accounted for in part by the existence 
of a xeromorphic landscape in the eastern Caucasus, and in part by the 
geological age of the locality. 

Tundra species probably did not extend as far south as the area of the 
Binagady trap, at the time it existed. Neither the harvest mouse, striped 
field mouse nor Siberian polecat reached the area from the north. And so 
it was that only some of the faunal elements of the southern Russian Plain 
and of the Iranian-Asia Minor uplands met in Apsheron and in Kabristan 
during the Pleistocene. Certain southwest Asian species, listed below, which 
have been found in the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of Palestine, Syria 
and Lebanon, were also absent from the area under consideration: 



Herpestes ichneumon L, Dama mesopotamica L, 

Felis chaus Guld, Gazella arabica L. 

Panthera pardus Schreb, Gazella cf, subgutturosa Сша. 
Rattus rattus L, Capra primigenia Fraas 
Spalax sp. 7 С. beden Schreb, 

Phacochoerus garroda Bate Bubalus sp, 

Hippopotamus amphibius №. Procavia cf, syriaca Schreb, 

The distance between Apsheron and Syria and Palestine indicatcs that 
the differences in composition of the fauna have zoogeographical significance 
which persisted through geologic time. 

A comparison of the Binagady complex with the Recent fauna of the eastern 
Transcaucasian plains shows the absence in the earlier period of a number 
of eurytopic species — species which probably penetrated the Apsheron at a 
later time, some still extant, suchas Suncus etruscus, Canis 
aureus, Hyaena hyaena, Mustela nivalis, Felis chaus, 

F. lynx, Panthera pardus, Rattus norvegicus, Gazella 
subgutturosa and Martes foina, and some recently extinct, such as 
Panthera leo and Equus hemionus. 

Thus an interesting feature becomes apparent: a number of southern 
thermophilous species migrated to eastern Transcaucasia, while a number 
of European steppe species retreated into eastern Ciscaucasia in the period 
following the time of the Binagady trap. 

All of which emphasizes the specific features of the Binagady complex 
and the relatively short period of time during which the asphalt trap was 
operative in the Pleistocene. 

Stratigraphic correlations and age of the Binagady complex 

The age of the Binagady locality is significant in tracing the origin of 
Quaternary fauna and the morphogenesis of mammals. 

Attempts at dating the bone-bearing bed and the faunal complex of 
Binagady have been based on the estimated age of the old Caspian terrace 
and of the orogenic compression of beds which was accompanied by an oil 
flow, and on paleozoogeographic correlations. 

Assuming the age of the terrace underlying the bituminous beds to be 
Khazar, Bogachev (1939, pp.47-51) has dated the Binagady locality Riss- 
Wurm. He has also related the compression of the procuctive beds and the 
oil flow to the so-called ''Kalinovka"' phase of folding. According to Reingard 
(1937) this phase occurred at the beginning of the second Riss glaciation. 
According to Vardanyants (1948, table 3, pp.104, 125), considerable 
compression occured in the pre-Khazar and pre-Khvalynsk orogenic phases, 
and later in the Neo-Pleistocene and Holocene, resulting in the formation 
of folds on the Apsheron and the development of mud volcanos. According 
to this scheme, the Binagady bed might have formed either in pre-Khazar 
or pre-Khvalynsk time. , . 

Bogachev places the tirne of truncation of the Binagady fold at the Khazar 
transgression, and concludes from this that the oil which appeared during 
the Kalinovka orogenic phase could not have been instrumental in trapping 
and preserving plants and animals, because the oil would have disappeared 



prior to the Khazar transgression. Accordingly, Bogachev (1940Ъ, р. 14) 
postulates the dislocation of Didacna surachanica beds and the 
existence of two Kalinovka compressive phases. 

An assumption that the Binagady fold was truncated by the Baku sea 
would, in fact, lead to a correlation between the formation of the asphalt 
trap and the pre-Riss and the Kalinovka orogenic phases, and would affect 
an estimate of the age of the locality. 

The peculiar features of the Binagady complex, as compared with the 
Quaternary complexes of the Russian Plain, complicate biostratigraphic 
correlations. Moreover, the difficulties are compounded by the lack of 
index fossils, such as elephant and bison, at Binagady. 

Gromov (1948, p.424) has dated the Binagady complex Upper pre-Glacial, 
correlating it with the Middle Quaternary ''Khazar fauna of the Volga 
region,'' which Nikolaev (1937) dated Mindel-Riss. 

The Burchak-Abramovich —Dzhafarov summary (1955) indicates that a 
majority of paleontologists accepted the Bogachev estimates without verifying 
them independently. 

In a study of carnivores from the Binagady asphalt (Vereshchagin, 1951b), 
the author employed the same age estimate with a disclaimer that the dating 
can be improved through more complete excavations and further study of 
the relationships of the continental and marine beds at the Binagady mound. 

A comparison of the Binagady species with lists of species from the 
Paleolithic caves of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon (Bate, 1937; Picard, 
1937) shows that the greatest similarity between the faunas of the two regions 
existed during the Mousterian and Aurignacian, i.e., in the Upper 

We determined the residual organic content of the Binagady horse and 
saiga bones by calcination (as used by Pidoplichko, 1952). The results 
showed that upon oil extraction by hot alkali and benzine, the calcination 
index was in the 480-520 range, which is close to the index of the bones 
of the Khazar complex. 

V.V.Cherdyntsev's attempt at a radioisotope determination of the age 
of the bones was unsuccessful. 

On the basis of all the paleobiological and geological data, the Binagady 
complex must have existed and been buried at the beginning of the Khazar 
transgression, i.e., the end of the Middle Pleistocene. In Reingard's 
scheme, this corresponds to the lower part of the Middle Caspian beds and 
the second Riss glaciation (''Ry''); in Gromov's, it corresponds to the 
Riss, "QL". 

How long the Binagady complex existed within the framework of the faunal 
composition described is not accurately known. Some species of the complex 
continued to live even in the Khvalynsk age, while others were replaced. 

An example of a later deposit where the Bos of the Asian type (Bos 
mastan-zadei) shows replacement by the European tur, while the saiga 
continued to exist, is another asphaltic locality, Kir-Maku. 

Morphological development of eastern Transcaucasian animals during 
the Upper Quaternary is discussed in Chapter IV. 

The results of the taphonomical and zoogeographical analysis of the 
Binagady burial may be summarized as follows. 

1. The Binagady mammals lived in a dry steppe and in sparse, arid 
forests which grew in gulleys and in areas of placer rock. The climate of 
the region was somewhat cooler and more humid than in the present. 



2. Animals of various ecological types perished in the liquid oil and 
viscous asphalt, as well as in mudflows. 

3. The animals were buried in the asphalt sand and fine-grained coquina 
at or near the site of death. The asphalt beds were later covered by eolian 
sandy coquina and lacustrine-estuarine sediments. 

4. On the basis of the occurrence of Khazar molluscan index-species 
in the Early Caspian terrace, the Binagady bone-bearing bed on the terrace 
margin can be dated post-Baku age. 

By relating the profuse oil flow and the deposit of animal remains with 
the orogenic phases, the Binagady faunal complex can be dated as either 
Lower Khazar or Lower Khvalynsk. 

5. A comparison of the Binagady faunal complex with the Quaternary 
complexes of the xerothermal zone of southwest Asia (the Paleolithic of 
Syria, Lebanon, Palestine) indicates that the Binagady complex correlates 
with the Mousterian culture. The coefficients of the residual organic matter 
of the Binagady bones are similar to those of the Khazar bones of the Volga 

6. Of the 39 mammal species in the Binagady complex, 19 (48.7%) are 
Pleistocene species found widely distributed on the plains of Western and 
Eastern Europe. Another 19 (48.7%) are Pleistocene species of southwest 
Asian and Iranian origin. Only the one remaining species (2.6 %) can 
possibly be endemic. 

The faunalcomplex probably did not include arctic or mountain animals, 
or cave bears, elephants andbison. Duringthe time of the complex, the 
ranges of several animal species of the steppes of the Russian Plain and 
of the upland steppes of southwest Asia met on the Apsheron. Fossiliferous 
localities of younger age on the Apsheron contain faunal assemblages which 
are not as universal as that of Binagady. 


The locality is 12 km south-southeast of the village of Dygya, in 
the center of the Apsheron Peninsula, on the slope of the Kir-Maku asphalt 

The Kir-Maku site was discovered in 1870 by Shtukenberg, who 
collected and gave to the Kazan University a skull of a female saiga anda 
wolf mandible in an asphalt matrix. 

According to the map of Volarovich and Lednev (1913-1929), the site 
lies 100 m above sea level; the mound is nearly 1.5 km wide at the base 
and is 60-70 m high. The top of the hill is composed of Early Caspian 
deposits, underlain by almost vertical middle productive sands (Middle 
Pliocene). Two buried or half-buried asphalt flows lie on the northern slope 
of the hill; one asphalt flow occurs on the southeastern slope. A bone- 
bearing kir layer occurs somewhat below the top of the hill, at a depth of 
2-5 m and covers an area of 1.5-2 hectares. A generalized stratigraphic 
section through the bituminous beds of the Quaternary at Kir-Maku as given 
by Sultanov (1947) is shown in Figure 72. 



The bitumen in this area often occurs in vertical veins, nearly 20 cm 
thick at the base and 1.5-2 m long. However, the main mass of the bitumen 
lies on a continuous layer, probably of flow origin. Bones occur in both 
the stratum and the veins. The oil which was forced to the surface by 
compression of the beds probably formed sticky crusts and pools which were 
later covered by sand and dust. Only fragmentary skeletons and skulls are 
found, as arule, inthe bitumen, probably remains of animals that died 
trapped in the asphalt crusts. 

The Kir-Maku locality has something in common with the 
travertines of Mount Mashuk in the northern Caucasus. However, the 
asphalt crusts probably acted as a more efficient trap. 

Bogachev (1924, 1925b) reported a skull 

of Bos primigenius that was 

iam 8 7972 ол , indistinguishable from a species which lived 
а Е оп the Russian Plain during the Pleistocene 
and Holocene. He dated the bituminous salina 
near the village of Dygya post-Baku and 
thought that the Bos died and was preserved 
during a period of increasing humidity and 
expansion of the steppe flora on the Apsheron 
Peninsula in Khvalynsk time. 

In 1940-1941 a large number of bones of 
Bos primigenius, wolf, fox, cave 
hyena and vulture were found in the process 
of bitumen-mining. The miners buried the 
bones in a specially prepared trench 
(Bogachev, 1944; Sultanov, 1947). 

i i). The Kir-Maku beds are younger than the 
Binagady beds. The age of the relief at 

Kir-Maku can be readily determined, since 
the bituminous bed is concordant with the 

Thies BOS реет oe mss) оао 
Maku is a younger type which replaced the 
Binagady form in the Upper Pleistocene of 
eastern Transcaucasia. The Kir-Maku 
Pleistocene assemblage still included saiga 
and possibly hyena of the Binagady type. 

Fossils found in the bitumens of the 
northeastern part of Artem Island belong to 
the Upper Pleistocene. These include two 
red deer skulls with broken antlers which 
FIGURE 72. Section through the asphat- | Were placed in the Museum of Natural 
bearing beds at Kir-Maku History in Baku (Bogachev, 1938a). Other 
ae. es Си HOS saneyMeliyoy bones of red deer, and several bones ofhorse, 
sequence; с — “rich” asphalt bed; d — wolf and large birds were collected at the 
productive sands, On the right — same locality in 1944 from old caches 
thickness in meters (Burchak-Abramovich, 1951с). 

The age of the bones from the island 
approaches those of Kir-Maku, as nearly 
as can be inferred from the state of preservation of the material. 



Broadleaf forests 
Saline semidesert Alpine zone 
of uplands Piedmont 

Ephemeral Shemale Mount Baba-Dag 
semidesert a 
Binagady 3000 
< | ; we 2000 
| Ся. 


Broadleaf forests 
ee Piedmont Alpine zone 
Binagady locality pela Везер Be 3000 
р 2000 
еже —t 
ia 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 N10 120 130 140 150 160 km 

FIGURE 78. Changes and migration of landscape zones since the Middle Pleistocene on the Apsheron 
Peninsula, based on the study of the Binagady locality 

Deer and horses probably lived on Artem Island during the relatively 
humid, cold period inthe Top Pleistocene. At that time ungulates migrated 
freely over the Apsheron and to nearbyislands, particularly during the 
spring growth of ephemeretum. Occurrences of animals on the islands, 
therefore, do not indicate a regression of the Caspian, since the animals 
could swim across the narrow straits. 

The Pleistocene development of landscapes and faunal complexes on the 
eastern Transcaucasian plain can be described from data at hand, as 

The development of the xeromorphic landscapes which predominated 
in the Lower Pleistocene probably began in the Middle Pliocene (the time 
of the productive beds). During the Baku transgression the shores of Kura 
bay were inhabited by rhinoceroses, Elasmotherium, horses, camels, 
and, of the carnivores, hyenas which closely resembled the spotted or 
African brown hyena. 

160 A distinct complex of mammals developed on the plains of eastern 
Transcaucasia toward the Middle Pleistocene, consisting of species widely 
distributed on the steppes of the temperate zone of Europe and on the 
upland steppes of southwest Asia. 



By analogy with western Transcaucasia, it can be assumed that the 
mountains of the Bolshoi Range were inhabited by European brown bears 
and cave bears, martens, lynx andherds of mountain goats and chamois. 

Glaciation over the eastern spurs of the Bolshoi Range, while probably 
not extensive, was sufficient to create a number of changes in the fauna 
of the plains. The general landscape was characterized by sparse 
forests and steppes. 

The Bos of the Asian-Indian type was replaced by the European tur. 
Argali and giant deer probably disappeared. A number of Pleistocene 
species of the steppes and forest-steppes of Eastern Europe penetrated 
Transcaucasia, and possibly the Iranian Plateau, during a cool, humid 
climatic phase in the Upper Pleistocene. During this stage the altitudinal 
vegetation zones probably migrated down the mountain slopes (Figure 73). 
This, however, did not interrupt the continuity of the xerophilous fauna 
of southwest Asian origin. 

The East European steppe animals (corsac fox, great jerboa, saiga) 
retreated to the north only at the very end of the Pleistocene during a new 
xeric climatic stage. 

A new migration of southern species into Transcaucasia occurred at 
the beginning of the xeric Holocene epoch. Some of the species migrated 
as far north as the Ciscaucasian plains. 

Lesser Caucasus upland (southern 

The high plateaus of southern Georgia, Armenia and Karabakh were 
taphonomically in a special position in the Pleistocene. Frequent mudflows, 
landslides, rockfalls and volcanic eruptions, associated with the 
mountainous terrain, caused death among animals. However, their incidence 
as fossils is rare. The known Pleistocene localities are situated on the 
margins of broad river valleys and in sink holes of high plateau lakes. The 
bones were deposited in river and mudflow fanglomerates, in diluvial 
sediments near mountain slopes and in lacustrine sediments. 

Although Paleolithic material is plentiful on the Armenian Highland, 
the instrumentality of man in the accumulation of animal bones was 
negligible (Zamyatnin, 1947; Panichkina, 1948, 1950a, 1950b; Sardaryan, 
1954), probably because of the erosion of most of the Middle Paleolithic 
caves and open sites. 

A site containing bones of Lower Pleistocene mammals in ancient 
lacustrine deposits near Akhalkalaki is particularly interesting. The 
locality was discovered by Vekua in 1958 and from it he has identified the 
following species: Canis sp., Crocuta spelaea, Meles cf. meles, 
Marmota sp. (smallform), Elephas cf. trogontherii, Equus 
sp., Rhinoceros etruscus, Hippopotamus sp. (large form), 
Megaceros sp., Bos cf. primigenius. The presence of the 
hippopotamus and of an unusual marmot in the assemblage emphasizes its 
southern aspects. The incidence of both forms indicates that the landscape 
of the area at the dawn of the Anthropogene was comprised of low plateaus 
with a well-developed river network and warm climate. * 

* The age of this assemblage may be older, possibly Upper Pliocene. 


FIGURE 74, Skull of Bos primigenius from Bayandur on Armenian Highland 

A large accumulation of bones was discovered in 1928 in the sand-gravel 
quarries near the Kazachii post on the southern outskirts of Leninakan, of 
which up to 300 kg were removed to the Yerevan Museum (Bogachev, 1938c, 
1938d; Avakyan, 1948). Bogachev has identified the following species in 
the material collected: Bison priscus, Megaceros sp. (hiberni- 
cus?), Cervus elephas maral, Equus caballus. Bones,of an 
elephant (Elephas cf. armeniacus) were taken from a lower bed 
which has been assigned to the Upper Pliocene (Apsheron age or equivalent). 
The rest of the bones were dated Pleistocene. Avakyan and Burchak- 
Abramovich (1945) have identified the camel Camelus knoblochi in 
the material and the following species occurring with it: Equus 
stenonis, Rhinoceros cf. mercki, Elephas meridionalis, 

E. trogontherii (?), Cervus sp., Bos sp. 

Elephant teeth from near Leninakan, described by Sardaryan (1954), 
indicate that the predominant species in the collectionis Elephas 
trogontherii, which closely resembles the Tiraspol E. wusti and, 
to a lesser extent, the elephants from the Taman Peninsula conglomerates. 
A fragment of skull of Bos primigenius from this locality (collections 
of the Museum of Georgia) has been described by Burchak-Abramovich 

Another fragment of Bos primigenius skull (Figure 74), taken from 
near the village of Bayandur in the Leninakan area, has been described 
by Gromova (1931). Even this brief review of the material clearly shows that 
fossils in the alluvial deposit near Leninakan are of varying ages. The 
deposit strongly resembles the gravels of the inclined Ciscaucasian plains. 

A Lower Quaternary faunal complex, with such indicative forms as 
Elephas trogontherii, Equus stenonis and Rhinoceros 
mercki, is distinguishable in the material collected and shows acorrelation 
of the Leninakan freshwater deposit with the upper part of the Psekups 
gravels and the lower beds of the Girei quarry on the middle Kuban. 

The Lower and Middle Quaternary bones from the sands and gravels 
near the village of Eilas, 12 km southwest of Yerevan, are close in age to 
the material described. In the Adzhi-Eilas site the gray, fine-grained river 
sands containing mammalian bones underlie the 3—3.5-m-thick gravels and 
loessial loams. The bone-bearing lenses are up to 1-1.5 m thick. Some of 
the bones had been redeposited, being apparently derived from older 
lacustrine sediments, The beds were dated as Riss age by Avakyan (1946). 
The fragments have lost most of their organic matter. The surrounding 
matrix of the horn fragments is ''chalky'' and ''marly.'' The enamel of the 
deer teeth is grayish brown from staining of the dentine. The material which 

1704 156 

162 We studied includes teeth of Elephas trogonthetii, a fragment of 
the skull of ''diluvial-type'' Bos, Bos trochoceros, fragments of deer 
horns and teeth, Cervus ex. gr. elaphus and Dama cf. mesopota- 
mica (Figure 75). 

FIGURE 75, Adzhi-Eilas 

1 — skull of Bos trochoceros; 2, 3 — fragment of horn and jaw of Dama cf, 

Younger, Upper Pleistocene bone deposits, partly created by primitive 
hunters, are so far known only in the northern sections of the Lesser 
Caucasus upland. There is a record of rodent bones, a fragment of a deer 
horn, fragments of tusks and skeletal bones of Elephas primigenius 
and a tooth of Equus caballus taken from a depth of 10 m at a site 
on the left bank of the Chichkhana rivulet near Nalband, 30 km north of 
Leninakan (Karakash, 1898). 

Zurtaketi site. This Paleolithic site discovered by Maruashvili 
(1946) on the Tsalka Plateau in southern Georgia was ascribed particular 
stratigraphic significance. The site is located at an elevation of nearly 
1,320 m on the right slope of the Karabulakh River valley (the right 
tributary of the Khram River), 15 km north of Bashkicheti. Fractured bones 
and tools of flint, obsidian and bone reflect human activity at the site. The 
obsidian tools are ten times as abundant as the flint implements. The 
bone and stone tools must have been attached to handles, because they 



resemble darts and arrowheads. From the stone material the site has been 
dated as Solutrean, 

Because he assumed that the primitive tribe was driven off the site by 
a lava flow which burned and covered the cultural layer, Maruashvili thought 
that the uplands relief and the volcanic activity dated from a period later 
than that of the site. His age estimates were disproved by Paffengol'ts 
(1951) who established that the site is located in a collapsed recess ofa 
doleritic lava wall. 

The mammalian material collected by Maruashvili in 1945 and 1948 
consisted of molars, incisors and metatarsal epiphysis of a horse, molars 
of an ass, vertebrae of a proto-bison and a fragment of a ram radius. 

Most of the bones are weathered and have slightly dendritic surfaces. 
Their state of preservation indicates a very late stage of the Pleistocene. 

The material from the Zurtateki site, as identified by Burchak- 
Abramovich (1951а), is given in Table 27. In addition, partridge bones 
which resemble rock partridge have also been identified in the locality 

The species composition of the game of the Zurtaketi people reflects a 
Khram Basin landscape of rolling plateaus covered with meadow-steppe, 

TABLE 27, Mammalian species and number of bones from Zurtaketi site 

Species Number of bones | Number of individuals 

Equus caballus subsp. ...... 
Е, (Asi muss:) Sp. ЗВ be tote ses 
Bia SOM PLS DUS! а ее 
Onis, Свое iM. weyers eae 

RRR о 

ese sie пая мае 

and underdeveloped forest-steppe vegetation in the Upper Pleistocene. 

The asses (kulans) and small rams were quite common until recently 
in the woodless territories farther south. 

Prehistoric hunters were also active along the upper Khram River, 
where a Mesolithic cave site, approximately 8 m above the riverbed, was 
discovered by Kuftin (1941) near the village of Barmaksyz. 

At this site, a cultural layer of no more than 40 cm in depth yielded 
9,900 broken obsidian tools and 600 flint tools in a 70 гп? area of eroded 
slope with surface soil up to 80 cm thick. 

The bone material consists of fragments of diaphyses and ungulate teeth, 
stained with humus. 

According to Burchak-Abramovich (1951b), the collections include six 
molars of a small horse and a lower molar of a Bos. 

During the artificial lowering of Lake Sevan, Dal' (1950b) collected 
material along the shores which is the same geologic age as the collections 
mentioned above. 

The extensive collections are mostly fragments of bones of domestic 
animals of post-Paleolithic age which are discussed in more detail below. 

As far as the state of preservation shows, the oldest bones belong to a 
Bos cf. minutus and adromedary (Camelus dromedarius), 

164 tentatively identified by Квауезоп (1954b) as a wild form. 



The fauna of the Pleistocene beds of southern Transcaucasia is relatively 
poor in species. Nevertheless, there is a regularity in the replacement of 
the faunal complexes one by another, similar to the process which operated 
in Ciscaucasia. 

It is interesting to note that a number of index species characteristic of 
the ''cold steppes" of Europe occur in the Pleistocene deposits of the Lesser 
Caucasus plateau. The following species are known: Elephas trogon- 
ое об VO Cie Oise Ime inc kul ое ате 5 као ось, 
Megaceros, Cervus elaphus, Bos primigenius. Of the species 
peculiar to southwest Asia, only fallow deer and mouflon-like sheep are 
known. The southern east Mediterranean aspects of this faunal complex 
were probably better developed among the smaller forms in the Pleistocene. 

The species under study have not yet been classified stratigraphically, 
nor have morphological characteristics been established for the index forms 
which take into account their environmental adaptations. 

As opposed to the Greater Caucasus, the Upper Pleistocene faunal 
complex of the highland region under discussion has not yet been recorded. 
This is partly accounted for by the poor development of the karst, and by 
the fact that the karst itself has been inadequately studied. In the face of the 
scarcity of Paleolithic material, it is impossible to form a judgment of the 
effects of Pleistocene cooling and glaciation of the plateaus on the 
development of the fauna. There is no doubt, however, that the increase in 
water and in mesophilous vegetation on the plateau did not preclude the 
existence of camels in the hot intermontane valleys. The vertical shifts of 
vegetation zones and faunal complexes which occurred during the period of 
cooling in the Pleistocene were probably less extensive than in the Greater 

The period of transition to the Holocene on the Armenian Highland is not 
very well known; it is probable, however, that it was similar to that in 
eastern Transcaucasia. 

The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Pleistocene mammals 
in the Caucasus is given in Figure 2 (see Introduction). 


A review of the geological data and of Pleistocene fossiliferous localities 
by regions provides a basis for a summary of the specific features of the 
development of Caucasian fauna. 

From the excavations at Kudaro I, the faunal complex which existed in the 
mountains that were uplifted in the Lower Pleistocene can be recognized 
as the direct ancestors of Recent Caucasian species of insectivores, rodents 
and ungulates which are characteristic of the Mediterranean region of the 
Alpine folded belt. From the zoological point of view, the strong 
peneplanation of the Caucasus in the Lower Pleistocene which is assumed 
by some geologists (see, for example, Vardanyants, 1948)is an 
impossibility. The evolution of the Caucasian mountain fauna with su¢éh 
highly specialized forms as Prometheomys, Microtus nivalis, 
Caucasian goat and chamois took place at the same time as the evolution of 
similar forms in the Alps, the Carpathians and Asia Minor. It is difficult 



to support a case for the origin and development of these mountain species 
only in the Pleistocene, since, by the end of the Middle Pleistocene, they 
had already assumed characteristics which are identified with the Recent. 

The main sections of the Greater Caucasus which had been uplifted during 
the Miocene probably retained their elevation into the Pleistocene, even 
though they might have been somewhat eroded. 

The better-known death assemblages of Middle and Upper Pleistocene 
mammals in the Caucasus reflect a continuing cooling of climate and 
modernization of fauna. 

Elasmotherium and Cervus pliotarandoides disappeared 
in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia toward the Middle Pleistocene. Steppes 
and forest-steppes replaced the semideserts and savannahs on the piedmont 
plains and the evolution of landforms promoted further isolation of faunal 
complexes in different landscape zones. At that time, the forest-steppes 
of Ciscaucasia were inhabited by Elephas trogontherii, Rhino- 
ceros mercki, red deer and long-horned bison. In eastern and southern 
Transcaucasia the bison were replaced by Bos primigenius. 

A widespread invasion of eastern Ciscaucasia by some xerophilous 
species of the Aral-Caspian fauna (e.g., little suslik, Central Asian gerbil 
and jerboa) might have occurred very early, perhaps even at the close of 
the Apsheron. It is possible that the ancestors of these species survived 
the Caspian transgressions on lands bordering the east Ciscaucasian bay, 
or that, having disappeared from the area, they returned in new migrations 
during the regressions of the sea. 

A mountain-forest faunal complex, consisting of bear, boar, deer, 
Caucasian goat and bison, existed in western Transcaucasia on the steep, 
southern, seaward slope of the Bolshoi Range. 

The faunal migrants from the Russian Plain were represented by the 
common hamster which appeared as far south as Tsebel'da. 

The low plateaus of Imeretia formed the northwestern boundary of the 
distribution zone of Upper Pleistocene xerophilous species of the southwest 
Asian uplands: Radde's hamster, porcupine, ass, argali-like sheep. Apes 
also survived in the area from the time of the Pliocene. The presence of 
horses and asses indicates a steppe development along the middle section 
of the Rion. 

Similar steppes, covered in places by very extensive lava flows, also 
developed in the Lesser Caucasus uplands and in central Transcaucasia. 

At the end of the Lower Pleistocene, the large mammalian fauna first 
showed noticeable effects of Paleolithic man's presence in the environment. 
These effects were more pronounced in the western part of the Isthmus. 

Commencing in Upper Pliocene time, the eastern Transcaucasian 
landscape, composed of dry foothills, juniper-pistachio forests and steppe 
grasses dry in summer, persisted throughout the Middle Pleistocene. The 
faunal complex of this region had a mixed composition of animals from the 
Pleistocene steppes of the Russian Plain (corsac fox, saiga, etc.), from 
the southwest Asian uplands (jungle cat, cheetah, mole vole, etc.), 
and from deserts of the Turan type (small five -toed jerboa). It also included 
endemic Caucasian species (Apsheron vole). 

As a general rule, cave bear, elephant and bison were not to be found. 
The only northern steppe species from the Pleistocene Russian Plain to 
occur in eastern Transcaucasia during the Middle Pleistocene were corsac 
fox, great jerboa and saiga (Figure 76). 






Us __ 7 

US ty 
777 12: 
ный = To 

! hl Se № 
Ht ali 


——— 55 

р Caucasian mountain- South Russian steppe 
727 [aa] 

forest and mountain- complex 

meadow complex ЕР) Central Asian semidesert 
(mo Southwest Asian complex 

mountain-steppe complex 

The ranges of the "northern" and ''southern' steppe species expanded 
along the margins of the Isthmus toward each other, probably moving closer 
together in irregular waves —irregular, that is, in the sense of both space 
and time. It seems possible that the extension over the Caucasus of the 
ranges of some other northern steppe species (e.g., common vole, Bos 
primigenius) also proceeded unevenly even in the Middle Pleistocene. 
The process was controlled by the alternation of arid and humid climatic 

The proportion of faunal elements from the Russian Plain steadily grew 
throughout the Pleistocene. The effects of this incursion of Russian Plain 
species was more pronounced in the fauna of the Ciscaucasian plains than 
in that of the Transcaucasian. 

True mammoths and bison, but of somewhat diminished size, lived in the 
western Ciscaucasian foothills at the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene, 
at a later time than that of the Binagady complex. 


167 The extensive development of steppes оп the Trans-Kuban Plain at the 
beginning of the Upper Pleistocene can be seen in the occurrences of grass 
beetle, horse, ass and saiga remains at the Il'skaya site. Mammals from 
the Upper Pleistocene localities of the Ciscaucasian plains also indicate 
the degree of development of the steppes. The mammals of this region 
include horse, boar, red deer, saiga, bison and Bos primigenius. 
Such an assemblage may be characteristic of either a steppe or a forest- 
steppe, but not of extensive forests nor of mesophilous meadows, and 
certainly not of moss swamps and tundra. 

From available paleofaunal data, it appears that glaciations in Eastern 
Europe and on the Caucasian mountains did not noticeably affect the 
composition of the faunal complexes on the piedmont plains. Moreover, 
development of desert and semidesert landscapes, rather than mesophytic 
landscapes, is indicated by the large collections of bones from the shoals 
of the lower Don. The occurrence of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene bones 
of blue hare and reindeer along the lower Don must be regarded as 
evidence of a late extension of their ranges southward along the valleys of 
the larger rivers of the Russian Plain, and not as a direct shift in the 
distribution areas caused by the cooling and glaciation of northern Europe. 
Mountain forms, such as snow vole, Caucasian goat and chamois, are 
completely unknown in the Pleistocene of the Caucasian foothills and plains. 
This might be taken as a contrary indication to the assumptions of 
continental glaciations and major shifts in the phytolandscape (such as 
displacement of alpine groupings to the plains) held by earlier zoologists 
and contemporary geomorphologists. 

If, during the glaciations of the Caucasian mountains, the glaciers 
descended to the piedmont plains, then the highland fauna (mountain goat, 
chamois, Prometheomys) must have either been completely displaced 
to the piedmont plains, or migrated to some adjacent mountain refuge, 
or become extinct. 

The cooling and the concomitant down-slope movement of the altitudinal 
zones can be traced through paleontological material which reflects the 
wider distribution of mesophilous animals and animals of the mountain- 
forest zone from the time of the Middle Pleistocene in western and eastern 

It should be noted that the Caucasian Isthmus, because of its more 
southerly location and more varied relief, had a more variegated species 
population during the Pleistocene than the southern part of the Russian Plain. 
Evidently, during the Pleistocene a number of subtropical and hydrophilous 
species of mammals found refuge in Transcaucasia. A number of such 
forms, such as macaca, black rat and porcupine, survived through the 
Pleistocene in Colchis and Asterabad because of proximity to the Black Sea 
and Caspian basins. 

All of this is fairly well in agreement with the results of paleontological 
studies in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon which are discussed in more detail 
below. Comparison of the Upper Pleistocene Caucasian faunal complexes 
with those of Syria- Lebanon indicates that the southward migration to the 
Caucasus of European forest forms (such as pine marten) followed 
the Aegean route (over the Balkans and the marginal ridges of Asia 
Minor) more frequently than the route over the plains of southern 
Russia and Ciscaucasia. 



During the Pleistocene the Caucasian Isthmus was ап ecological barrier 
to the dispersion routes of the Russian Plain and southwest Asian species. 
The barrier prevented the southward migration to Transcaucasia of a number 
of steppe mammals of the Russian Plain, such as Siberian polecat and 
suslik. The barrier also blocked the migration of animals of the upland 
steppes of southwest Asia (southern-type gerbils, mole vole and other 
species) to Ciscaucasia. 

The Recent fauna does not reflect a series of xerothermic phases in the 

At present one can speak of only one phase of development of the steppes 
in the Middle Pleistocene, the postglacial dry climatic phase. 

The warm (interglacial?) phases during the Pleistocene did not bring a 
return of the subtropical fauna or flora from south and southwest Asia and Africa, 
even to Transcaucasia. The fauna of the foothills and low plateaus remained 
xerophilous and relatively thermophilous in character. Some species of the 
Asia Minor and Iranian uplands moved north by way of Transcaucasia, and 
animals of the Turan deserts migrated south and west through Ciscaucasia 
mostly through the Manych area, but there were no new immigrations of 
southern species into Transcaucasia. 

The patterns and stages in the development of the Pleistocene Caucasian 
fauna are better understood when the fauna is compared with the Pleistocene 
faunas of the adjacent areas: the Russian Plain, the Crimea and southwest 
Asia. Comparative studies can be done on the Middle and Upper Pleistocene 
faunas; the data for the Lower Pleistocene and for the Pliocene- Pleistocene 
transitional period are insufficient. 

The total number of known species of mammals in the Middle and Upper 
Pleistocene of the Russian Plain is 74. (The number is based on the 
identifications of Gromov (1948), Pidoplichko (1954) and our unpublished 
data for the Volga and Don areas). The faunas of the Russian Plain and of 
the Caucasus have 36 species in common, which amounts to nearly 50%. 
The quantitative faunal resemblance might be even higher if the alluvium 
in the river valleys of the Ciscaucasian plains were to be successfully 
searched for fossils. 

The previously noted absence of boreal species (arctic fox, blue hare, 
lemming, reindeer and musk-ox) and the presence of mountain species 
(goat, chamois, sheep and a number of southwest Asian upland rodents) in 
the Caucasian fauna of the Pleistocene are the main features that distinguish 
it from the fauna of the Russian Plain of the same period. 

Of the 58 species of Pleistocene mammals known in the Crimea (Birulya, 
1930a, b; Vinogradov, 1937b; Gromova, 1935а; Gromova and Gromov, 
1937; Gromov, 1948), 35 species (approximately 50%) also occur in the 
Caucasus. Among the species in common are the following representatives 
of plain and steppe assemblages: long-eared hedgehog, wolf, fox, corsac 
fox, cave hyena, badger, Panthera leo, great jerboa, small five-toed 
jerboa and mammoth. 

The main difference between the faunas of the two areas is the absence 
in the Caucasus of steppe species (small pika, large-toothed suslik, 
Eversmann's hamster and yellow steppe lemming) and of northern species 
(arctic fox, blue hare and reindeer) which are highly characteristic of the 
Upper Paleolithic of the Crimea. The pronounced resemblance in other respects 
of the large-mammal faunas of the Crimea and the Caucasus may indicate 

169 that the Pliocene-Pleistocene faunas in both regions evolved from a common 


stock, and even that the regions were connected in the Lower Pleistocene 
by a landmass in the area presently covered by the Sea of Azov. It was the 
fauna of the southern part of the Russian Plain which primarily contributed 
to the faunas of the Crimea and the Caucasus. 

Any discussion of the faunal relationships in the Pleistocene between 
the Caucasus and the areas to the south and southwest must be based on 
a sound paleontological record of the southern Black Sea coast and inner 
Anatolia. However, there are no data on the Pleistocene faunas of those 
regions, although the activity of Acheulean man has been traced in the 
interior of the country by Pittard (1929), Pfannenstiel (1941) and Sauter 

According to Sauter, the interior of Asia Minor (Lake Tuz-Golii and 
other regions) was inhabited by prehistoric man from the early stages 
(Chellean-Clactonian-Acheulean) to the Mesolithic. This indication of 
natural conditions favoring the maintenance of human life means that large 
mammals were abundant in the Quaternary in regions bordering the Caucasus 
which are today deserts and salinas. 

Furon (1955) has noted that inner Turkey was less of a desert in the 
Pleistocene than it is in the Recent. Lakes Tuz-Golii and Budur-Golu were 
100 м deeper than their present depth. Of the Pleistocene cold phases, оп1у 
the Wurm phase is recognizable. 

The Pleistocene fauna of the southern parts of southwest Asia and 
northeastern Africa is known mostly from the studies of Blanckenhorn 
(1901, 1910, 1921-1922), Vaufrey (1931), Bate (1937), and Picard (1937). 
Of the 69 species reliably identified by these authors, 22 (approximately 
31%) also occur in the Caucasus. If species which are in doubt (Panthera 
leo, Bos and woolly rhinoceros) are included, the resemblance is even 
greater. As Picard correctly noted, there is no evidence that elk and 
reindeer lived in Syria or Palestine in the Pleistocene. Nor did they live 
in Egypt, contrary to Berg's uncritical quotation (1947, p.82) of 
Blanckenhorn's statement on the occurrence of these northern forms. In 
the study of the development of the Caucasian fauna, it is important to take 
into account the occurrences of pine marten, European wildcat, Asia 
Minor hamster, tiger polecat, roe deer and other forms in the 
Pleistocene of Palestine. The late, postglacial stage of infiltration of 
southern Asian species into the Caucasus is represented by occurrences 
of jackal, striped hyena, jungle cat, kulan and goitered gazelle in the Upper 
Pleistocene. The core of the Pleistocene fauna of Syria-Palestine are the 
southwest Asian and north African (Mediterranean) forms, such 
as civetcat, lion, true ass, warthog, hippopotamus and Sinai ibex. The 
distribution ranges of these species in the Pleistocene probably did not 
include areas near the Caucasus. The confirmed absence of mammoth and 
the presence of the Acheulean Elephas trogontherii are important 
indicators in tracing the extinction of some ''northern'' species and the 
southern range extension of others (via the Aegean landmass and the 
Caucasian Isthmus) in the Pleistocene. 

The paleontological material of Palestine has been studied in more detail 
with reference to evolution of climates and landscapes than has the material 
of the Caucasus. Bate (1937) attempted to represent the climatic changes 
graphically. Taking the bone-count as an index, he used several gazelle 

170species as representative of а xeromorphic landscape, and the fallow deer 


ЕРОСН$ Percentage and total numbers of bone fragments CLIMATE 

100 3 80 7 60 50 40 30 20 10 O 
STAGES 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 10) Г“ 

Neolithic 2) Уегу агу 
Mesolithic 2066 and warm 

Advance of 
warmth and 



Humid with 

Dama sharp changes 
mesopotamica in the fauna 

Dry and 
pao Rena 
Mousterian D Recurrence of 
dry conditions 

Warm and 
humid, with 



Mixed fauna 
muses and 

Е Humid, 
Acheulean tropical 

FIGURE 77, Variation in number of bones of Gazella and Dama during the Anthropogene 
based on food remains in caves of Mount Carmel, Palestine (excavations of Garrod and Bate, 

(Dama mesopotamica) as representative of broadleaf forests and of 
amore mesophytic landscape. Gazelle and fallow deer were the main food of the 
ancient Carmelites inhabiting the Wadi el Mugharah and other caves. 
Bate's study showedthat Dama bones predominate over gazelle bones 
mainly in the Lower Acheulean, in the Upper Mousterian and in the Upper 
Aurignacian. According to Bate, hippopotamus and rhinoceros lived in 
Palestine at the time of the Lower Acheulean when the climate was dry 
and warm, as it was inthe Middle Mousterian. The Upper Mousterian brought 
a humid, pluvial climate, with an abrupt change in fauna, and the Upper 
Aurignacian marked the last weak advance of humid conditions (Figure 77). 
The pluvial stages in Palestine probably corresponded to mountain 
glaciations of the Lesser and Greater Caucasus. Picard (1937) concluded 


that statements of Blanckenhorn's (1910, 1921) and others that the 
Pleistocene climate of Palestine was similar to the present climate of 

171 Germany are erroneous. The paleontological data indicate that the climate 
of Palestine was of the Mediterranean type, fairly stable and dry, from the 
time of the Pliocene. : 

Cooler and pluvial periods, according to Picard, are represented by 
gravels possibly corresponding to the major glaciations in the north. The 
main pluvial stage in Palestine correlates with the maximum, Riss, 
glaciation of Europe. In addition, two poorly developed pluvials occurred 
between the Acheulean and the Mesolithic. As a whole, the landscape of 
Palestine was dry desert with islands of broadleaf forests in the more 
humid valleys, that is, a landscape similar to the Recent. 

Three localities with Pleistocene mammals are known from the region 
south and southwest of the Caucasus (northwestern Iran). The mammals 
occur in diluvial sediments of marly hills near the town of Maragheh and 
in the Bisotun and Tamtama caves. A. Gebel's collection from the 
MarAagheh vicinity (deposited in ZIN; see Brandt, 1870) contains fragmentary 
bones showing the Pleistocene type of preservation: Canis lupus, 
Crocuta spelaea, Rhinoceros ci: чево паз Equus 
ecabatius-HrecirhremionvSst, Boersp., "OVS ch" ammon. 

Paleolithic beds of the Tamtama cave, west of Lake Urmia near Rezaiyeh, 
which was excavated by Coon (1951), yielded fifteen identified mammal 
species, e.g., gerbil (Meriones), porcupine (Hystrix), deer (Cervus 
elaphus), goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa).* Bones of deer 
constitute nearly 66%, and bones of horse nearly 12% of all the collected 

Sixteen species of mammals are known from the Upper Paleolithic and 
latest beds of the Bisotun cave, near Behistun (a rock landmark) on the 
Baghdad-Hamadan road. The finds of jackal (Canis aureus), panther 
(Panthera pardus), pika (Ochotona sp.), goitered gazelle and other 
forms are of considerable interest. The most abundant are deer (nearly 
50% of the collected material); these are followed by horse (23%) and 
goitered gazelle (12%). A seal tooth reported from this site was probably 
introduced from the Caspian coast; beaver remains were erroneously 

This extremely interesting material indicates the northern range limits 
of some southern species not found at the Binagady locality. The fauna 
indicates a late Pleistocene climate and landscape in the northern part of 
the Iranian plateau quite similar to the Recent. However, the abundance 
of deer indicates well-developed tugai forests, which were later destroyed 
by man. 

The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Pleistocene species 
in the Caucasus and adjoining areas is given in Table 62. 

The figures in Table 28 reflect the extent and detail of present knowledge 
of the Pleistocene ''faunas'' of the Caucasus and adjacent regions. From 
them it is possible to estimate the degree of faunal resemblance and the 
age of faunal connections between regions. They also confirm what has 
already been said of the predominantly northern and northwestern 
(southwestern [sic]) influence onthe fauna of the plains and foothills of the 

172 Isthmus in the Middie and Upper Pleistocene. At that time the areas of 

“ Following Fraser's identification, Coon mentions the occurrence of a European beaver (Castor fiber), 
which is evidently a misidentification of porcupine bones, 


distribution of the southern (southwest Asian) and local (Caucasian) Species 
either had already moved to the south, or had been reduced to isolated 

A survey of the stages and paths of development of Caucasian fauna by 
zoogeographic subdivisions can be made at this point only for the Upper 
Pleistocene, for which the following categories are recognizable: 

1. Ciscaucasian steppes and forest-steppes, including the Ciscaucasian 
plains, the Stavropol Plateau and the Taman Peninsula, from the Manych 
in the north to the foot of the Bolshoi Range in the south, and to the 
Apsheron Peninsula in the southeast. The fauna is characterized by 
mammoth, bison, horse, cave bear, giant deer and за1са. 

TABLE 28. Degree of similarity between Middle and Upper Pleistocene mammalian "faunas" of 
the Caucasus and adjacent territories” 


Russian Plain Crimea Southwest Asia 

Number of species known from 
Middle and Upper Pleistocene... 
Percentage of species in common 
between Middle and Upper 
ЩО 55 pon od Oe oO бовос 


* These estimates rapidly become obsolete as new localities are discovered and new collections made 

2. Caucasian mountain region, including the mountain system of the 
Greater Caucasus. In this region mesophilous mountain-forest types of 
mammals predominate: European brown and cave bear, mole vole, goat, 
chamois. Also present in the eastern part of the region are a few xerophilous 
species: Radde's hamster, wild goat and little suslik. These species 
originated in the Lower Pleistocene and have survived to the present in 
Dagestan and Kabarda. : 

3. Transcaucasian foothills region, which includes the foothills and 
the plains of western and eastern Transcaucasia. The eastern section of 
the region is characterized by southwest Asian rodent, southern-type 
rhinoceros, and horse and tur; the western is characterized by bison. 

4. The region of the Lesser Caucasian plateau, characterized by an 
abundance of horse, mouflon and Bos primigenius. The hot valleys 
of the southern part of the region were probably inhabited by the camel and 
the northwestern slopes by mountain-forest species: mole vole, goat, 




Conditions under which animals died and formation 
of deposits in the Holocene 

The conditions under which animals died and their remains accumulated 
were generally constant from the Pleistocene into the Holocene but for some 
important changes in the later period. As the dry warm period advanced, 
there was a reduction of slope erosion by running water and consequently 
the deposition of diluvium and alluvium decreased, and fewer bones and 
animal remains were transported to river deltas, lakes and marine bays. 

Man began to affect the landscape markedly by cutting and burning trees 
and changing the flow pattern of streams and, as the result of his direct 
and indirect influence on the landscape, the large mammals of the plains 
began to decrease rapidly in the Holocene. As another consequence, natural 
deposits of animal remains became very rare. 

Some cases of mass death of Recent animals from natural causes and 
the modes of their deposition are described for the plains of the Caucasian 
Isthmus by Kolesnikov (1950) and Vereshchagin (19514). 

Mesolithic, Neolithic, Copper-, Bronze- and Iron-Age sites with bone- 
bearing beds have been discovered (Piotrovskii, 1949) and these remains 
of human cultures of the postglacial epoch in the Caucasus have been 
thoroughly studied. The map of Paleolithic localities, shown in Figure 78, 
is after Krupnov. 

The scale and the location of human settlements changed radically in 
the Neolithic. Settlements were located on the shores of lakes and on river- 
banks, andcave dwellings remained only as relicts of the Paleolithic until 
they reached a new stage of development during the feudal wars of the Middle 

Because there was little tectonic activity in the Holocene, marine, 
deltaic and lacustrine deposits remained undisturbed, as they had during the 
Tertiary and the Pleistocene, and consequently they lie unexposed today. 
The possibilities of finding bones in relatively young deposits in diluvium, 
small niches and caves are considerably greater. Such accumulations of 
bones resulted from temporary settlements and predator activities, 
particularly those of owls and eagle owls. © 

Bone fragments similar to the Paleolithic constitute the food remains 
in the deposits of Holocene settlements. However, many more bone and 
horn implements were found from the Holocene than fromthe Paleolithic. 

Occurrences of bones gnawed by domestic dogs are highly characteristic 
of the Holocene, but phalanges and metapodials from which bone marrow 
was extracted were no longer as thoroughly broken as in the Paleolithic. 

Beginning with the Eneolithic, certain bone accumulations inthe Caucasus 
which contain complete skulls and skeletons of both wild and domestic 
mammals give evidence of being ritual burials. The religious-cultural 
customs of several Caucasian mountain tribes account for peculiar 
ceremonial accumulations of domestic and wild animal skv’.s in the last . 
few centuries of our era. 

The discussion which follows, organized into geomorphological regions, 
treats all these types of deposits, some of which have been studied to a 
greater and some to a lesser extent. 



yooda ие Аэ$ 01 

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Western Ciscaucasia'iand the south 
Rue Sane Вата 

The establishment in the Holocene of firm land connections between the 
Ciscaucagian and south Russian plains enabled mammals to migrate freely 
from one region to another. 

Investigators studying Pleistocene fauna in the lower Don region 
uncovered abundant mammal remains from the Holocene. These bones 
were washed out of floodplain sediments and redeposited on sandy-gravelly 
spits. Archaeological excavations of settlements and mounds in this same 
area which were carried out by the Institute of Material Culture, AN 
S.S.S.R., also yielded large collections of bones. 

Particularly valuable bone material was collected by Gol'msten during 
the excavation of mud-hut settlements on the Tsaritsa River dating from 
the fifteenth to tenth centuries B.C., and during the excavations of the 
Khazar fortress of Belaya Vezha (Sarkel) near the village of Tsimlyanskaya 
(Artamonov, 1952). 

Eleven species of domestic and 23 svecies of wild animals have been 
identified from the more than 30,000 bones collected in these excavations 
on the lower Don, mainly at Belaya Vezha. * 

The faunal complex of the steppes and plain forests is still pronounced 
in the wild mammal fauna of this period. The assemblage of game animals 
includes 16 species, ranging from corsac fox, steppe polecat and beaver 
to bear, elk and bison. The materials indicate that even in the Middle Ages 
(700 to 1300, A.D.) the ranges of forest animals (taiga and forest-steppe 
zones) extended along the river valleys to the Ciscaucasian plains, where 
in the thickets of the floodplains of the Yeya and Kuban rivers they joined the 
Caucasian ranges of the same animals. 

TABLE 29, Mammalian species and number of bones from Early Bronze Age mud huts near Gelendzhik** 

Number ЗА 
of bones Saas 


one of bones 

Ради © тала оды. Depirs den ropiaS Ws Fes + eters 6 oe 
рат ется ну ль, се 396 Died pihwmirs? Чери. лье fe 
Small cattle, primarily sheep .,... 106 Sills sSi@niayfval «he. о бов. abe 
а ЕЕ 559 ое: ВАН, "АН 

Аа Ми Г. 

6 pe езде" 0) oN) Фе 

The main archaeological monuments within Ciscaucasia proper are 
Neolithic settlements, Scythian mounds and cultural layers many meters 
thick of ancient Greek colonies and of the so-called Bosphorus kingdom 
(Rostovtsev, 1918; Kallistov, 1949) on the Taman Peninsula and on the 

* This material is being published separately. 
** This and other similar tables were compiled from the author's unpublished data. 


Kuban and Trans-Kuban plains. The Gelendzhik settlement is among the 
oldest settlements of the region. 

In 1952 Akhanov collected many bones from pits in the Upper Neolithic- 
Lower Bronze Age mud-hut settlement on the shore of the Gelendzhik bay. 
The material consists of mottled and yellowed diaphysal and vertebral 
fragments which, whentapped, emit alight, ringing sound like calcined bones. 
Most of the bones are those of large cattle and dolphins; those left by man 
were later gnawed by some small predators. 

The wild animals are represented by deer, bear, lynx and hare (Table 29). 
Individual bones of fish, shells of marine mollusks and edible snails were 
also collected at the site. 

The wild species at the Gelendzhik settlement indicate that sea game 
was important to the ancient Tamanians, or at least that they consumed 
the bodies of dolphins washed ashore by the sea. Forest game species 
(lynx, boar, deer) were also abundant in the vicinity. 

Thick bone-bearing beds, usually no more than 2-3 m and occasionally 
as much as 10m thick, occur on the shores of the Taman Bay, at the sites 
of the ancient towns ofCepi, Phanagoria and Taman. The beds are being 

176 eroded by the sea because of the subsidence of the coast in historical times. 
Bones of domestic animals, sturgeon-like fishes and characteristic layers 
of purple Mytilus shells comprise the food remains which are plentiful 
at these sites. Bones of wild animals rarely occur in these beds, which 
confirms the accepted concept of a high degree of cultural development in 
this region at that time (Figure 79). 

FIGURE 79, Exposures of cultural layers of Phanagoria on south shore of Taman Bay 

Photograph by author, 1952 




TABLE 30, Species and number of bones of domestic mammals from Taman towns 



Зо 06 бое зе дея del Малое леща ide heen Ва (6 6) un eae 

а eon fore Toke be We Rel ее ее ime cist ее 

ELOISE? С ts Me ants НЫ к tiene. hn aye, es 11 18 13 
Е, Ель РСЯ He 6 fey? 
TAREE Callen, whee, TTT iy а нь вы ete ae о 68 27 
SHEGP BALLER yaaa Paes PLS eR Ie 15 34 32 

а aye: © 9 einoniewel je) р ei weve, Юве ии о shes Зы Эра 

о e te! tee С, ОВ 

Table 30 lists bone fragments collected from several hundred meters 
of cultural layers from the three towns. 

From the incidence of identified domestic species it appears that the 
landscape of the Taman Peninsula in the second half of the first millennium 
B.C., on the whole, was similar to the Recent. The nomadic herds of the 
Scythians and the local animal husbandry of the Greeks must have strongly 
depleted the vegetation cover of the peninsulaatthat time, Large species 
decreased and the remainder of the animal assemblage probably consisted, 
as it does in the present, of European hedgehog, fox, hare, field mouse, 
house mouse, common vole and mole rat. 

More complete and interesting data are available for the ancient site of 
Semibratnoe near the Cossack village of Varenikovskaya, east of the Kuban 
River mouth. Anfimov's excavations in 1938-1939 and in 1951-1952 showed 
that a small settlement occupied the site as early as the fifth century B.C. 
A town of considerable size developed in the third to second centuries 
B.C., whichwas later destroyed and abandoned. A small settlement of 
hunter -fishermen occupied the site in the first century A.D. The bone 
material, collected in stratigraphic sequence, completely confirms the 
conclusions drawn from study of the material culture. Particularly 
Significant are the large numbers of bones of wild species occurring in the 
fifth century B.C. and again in the first century A.D. (Table 31). 

Some bird bones were also collected in the beds of this town: domestic 
chicken, wild duck and stork. The collections also include numerous bones 
of sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and cyprinid (mostly wild carp). 

Ancient animal husbandry was evidently not highly developed in the 
Bosphorus. Dogs were uniformly small, about the size of a spitz, and were 
probably used only as watchdogs. The bones of goats, sheep and swine 
are light, which indicates poor feeding. Cows were of the European short- 
hornedtype, somewhat larger than northern ''peat'' cattle. The occurrence 
of bones of otter, boar and deer may indicate that reed-grown swamps 
covered the area, in which there were probably no large forests. 

Bones from excavated Scythian mounds in the Maikop area, dating from 
the middle of the first millennium B.C., are known only from Vselovskii's 
drawings (1901). He depicted many tens and hundreds of skeletons of 
horses which had been killed during funeral ceremonies for tribal chieftains. 


TABLE 31. Mammalian species and number of bones from the ancient town of Semibratnoe 

ln) present Before Present Era a 
р Ега 3 
Species ae) 
I I II Ill с Е 
DO Gel ен ae ay ecg 46/32 25/16 48/31 99 
FIGTS CAMERA он Зо НЙ 7/5 10/6 102/52 33/18 74/32 | 142/75 188 
оао, ai aia Aare i pa Ha ek 15/8 5/4 64/44 36/16 | 101/42 | 103/70 184 
LATS CBWE 5 5 4 ove.6 prove oo 6 on 39/14 13/5 153/67 87/37 215/53 | 303/183 309 
SITES Pee ets cee heme. etc Pn ee ee sae, 9/6 13/12 72/43 27/11 98/37 | 152/72 181 
Goan oe He Re aan ae NUL es 17/8 32/17 63/28 56 
Small cattle (no closer 
ПОМИ ЕМЕ о  )) 5560000007 во 
ДРОВА so Aen a boo old 
(GAIUS ell U Sons омвибанно овен © 
MENGS. THENCE 5 S% 516 ое 
аа ета» 9. Зоо, 5 
РЗ CULOPEBCWS 4555050006 
SMS БОНО ees eee 25/7 2/1 4/2 3/3 2/2 
Cenyms ClapmMWS 545 66s bo 24/7 12/8 6/6 4/3 6/6 
Capreolus capreolus..... = = 1 = 

il ae 
SUDTOT pos0008 Fae aca ican 80 
СЕ ipreneiak Silber allies 1,101 

Note, Slash separates number of bones from number of individuals. 

TABLE 32. Mammalian species and number of bones from mounds near Ust-Labinskaya 


Before Present Fra 


Dog Duc onokor.a 020.0 oLoke 3 
HOMIES 5 о bb 900000004 we 
О о а 6 13 
БИТЬ CANIS оо ороовос 18 
SINE CDs: оке НО 5 
COL ево orotote ss о 3 

Small cattle (no 
closer identification), . 


Note, Slash separates number of bones from number of individuals, 



Excavations on a limited scale carried out by Petrovskii and Anfimov 
(1937) in the towns and burial grounds of the Kuban area east of Krasnodar 
uncovered bones of horses and large and small cattle from layers of the 
fourth century В.С. to the third century A.D. 

Pieces and amulets carved from large deer antlers and bear tusks which 
were collected from these burial grounds are housed in the Krasnodar 

We identified only eight species of domestic animals among the 337 bones 
from the burial grounds excavated by Anfimov near the Cossack village of 
Ust-Labinskaya. The animals were sacrificed during funerals and buried 
with the dead as food supply (Table 32). 

The dogs in this region were about the size of a small husky. Swine, 
cows, sheep and goats were also quite small. 

The ancient site of Elizavetovskoe and mounds on the left bank of the Kuban, 
13 km west of Krasnodar, were excavated by Gorodtsov (1935, \1936) in 
1934-1935. From layers of the early centuries of the present era, 
Gorodtsov recorded ''many bones of cows of two varieties, small pig, sheep, 
goat (?) and three varieties of dog. Bones of wild animals are very rare; 
only antlers of red deer, placed in the grave with the dead, were found."' 

Artamonov (1937) collected remains of the following animals from Late 
Bronze Age mounds on the steppes of the northern bank of the Manych 
(near the Manych canal and the village of Spornyi): 

Domestic Wild 
Horse Lepus europaeus 
Pig Marmota bobac 
Large cattle 

TABLE 33, Mammalian species and number of bones from hills on the south bank of the Manych 

Species Number of bones Number of individuals 
DGG TS ius оао: - ayy os eee omens leuate ite 16 1 
PLOIS GP Оки Нее rae cco НИИ не ББ 12 2 
Targe cattle. Sats cutie aie te eee te ole wie, ла 4 2 
Sheep) i A Re les J A eed 288 Pe Ta 5 
И о FY ek: в Дрю 103 10 

Vulpes ‘wnlpes red... ob а. 21 38 3 
сама, Пири ste cme eval eee ees sie eee se 1 i 
Mie les mie'les леса ее 1 1 
Tepisretrope Gus ease te 7 pean nme aie n er 2 1 
SUD BOG ИИ ПРЕ у оон aon tae 42 6 
RAR cg tee щи целы vitae 145 16 



Other species are known from the southern bank of the Manych, near 
the village of Veselyi; they occur in mounds of the middle of the first 
millennium B.C. (Table 33). Had marmot bones been found at this site, 
it would be of great paleogeographic interest, since marmots have not been 
documented on the Ciscaucasian plains by twentieth-century zoologists. 

Domestic animals were probably sacrificed in rituals. The bones of fox, 
wolf, badger and even hare, however, which were collected from the talus 
of the mound, are the remains of animals which died in their holes. 

The foothill regions and river canyons of northwestern Ciscaucasia are 
paleontologically unkncwn. Interesting data can probably be obtained from a 
study of the bones in the ancient Alani settlements, which are preserved 
in ruins in the Laba, Belaya and Zelenchuk river gorges and in the old pits 
in asphalt crusts near Khadyzhensk (Vinda, 1910). 

The only bones known from this region are the skeleton of Microtus 
(Chionomys) roberti —from a 14th-century burial chamber in the 
gorge of the Malaya Laba River, near the village of Andryukovskaya — and 
a horn of a Caucasianelk (Alces alces caucasicus), collected in 
1949 in the gravels of the Urup River near the village of Otradnaya. 

@Genitwal Cis cawicasia 

At present the Stavropol Plateau and Pyatigor'e are peculiar meadow- 
forest ''mesophytic islands'' in the steppe plains. As such, they have 
retained to the present a number of mesophilous species of mammals which 
migrated to this region during the cold phases of the Pleistocene. The 
migrations came from the north, from the south and from the Greater 

Deer and lynx which have completely disappeared from the relict forests 
of the Stavropol area are known from published records (Dinnik, 1914а) 
and from material in the Stavropol Museum to have inhabited the region 
until recently. 

Small mammals are among the species which have disappeared, or are 
about to. The length of time that the little suslik was isolated in the inner 
valleys on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus is a particularly 
interesting paleontological problem. 

Toward its solution, bone material from the layers of the ancient towns 
has been studied and special reconnaissance excavations have been carried 
out in caves and under overhangs on the margins of the Stavropol Plateau, 
in laccoliths of Pyatigor'e and in cliffs of the river canyons cutting the 
Kabarda Plain. 

The region of the Kabarda Plain was well populated by man in the Lower 
Holocene, as shown by occurrences of Neolithic tools, numerous mounds 
and remains of ancient settlements. The Eneolithic burials at Nal'chik, 
excavated by Miller in 1929, contained ornamentations made of teeth of 
domestic and wild animals: cat, fox, boar, red deer, goat, sheep and a 
very large Bos, either domestic or wild. 

Similar ornamentations from excavations by Kruglov, Piotrovskii and 
Podgaetskii (1941) were found in the Neolithic burials of the Nal'chik mound, 


near the ancient site of Agubekovskoe. The ornamentations consisted of 
teeth of boar, deer, fox, bear, and Bos. 

The Degen-Kovalevskii (1935) excavations of the 6th—8th-century 
settlement near the village of Zeyukovo (53 km from Nal'chik) found the 
Alani food remains to consist mostly of bones of domestic animals (Table 34). 

The bull from this locality was small, as shown by its bones, and 
undoubtedly belonged to a domesticated variety. Characteristic of the 
locality is the first occurrence of domestic pig and of a very primitive 
variety of goat, with horns curved similarly to the horns of Capra 

Kistyakovskii (1935) recorded remains of 15 species of extant rodents 
in the pellets of predatory birds of the steppes to the north and east 
of the Stavropol Plateau, and reported their occurrence in the same area 
of distribution as at present. 

Some bones of rodents and insectivores were collected by Lyutyi (1940) 

181 from eagle owl pellets on the western slopes of the plateau, near 
Stavropol. His data did not contain any new zoogeographical information. 

TABLE 34, Species and number of bones of mammals from Alani settlement near Zeyukovo 

Species Number of bones Number of individuals 

О а беби Geeks оао 2 1 
И Ор А 8 2 
о ре Е 15 3 
ато ВС а ее ое о о ses 29 3 
Sriall саме"? Jt: FES APA Ve eS = 10 2 
а ое ро а о aun enol ay ieee 64 1 

Rordionaa(aush-oved- sabi 12 

In the fall of 1950 we made a paleontological reconnaissance survey of 
the western part of the limestone cliff of Mount Strizhament on the 
southern margin of the Stavropol Plateau. The presence of forest, springs 
and "а sea of rocks'' indicated a likelihood of finding bones of forest and 
steppe animals, left by ancient hunters and cave predators, in this area. 

In four small caves only individual bones of sheep and cows, brought 
by shepherds and wolves, were collected. The unstable ceilings and big 
blocks of limestone on the floors prevented a more detailed survey. 

A considerable number of small-mammal bones brought by eagle owls 
during the last century were collected in one of the caves on the cliff. 
The results of the identification of the bones are given in Table 35. 

The most interesting find was the remains of a pine vole, which is not 
recorded in the literature as occurring in this region, although the species 


commonly occurs nowadays оп the meadows of the plateau. This 
occurrence of the species, Separated from its main area of distribution in 
the Caucasus, is biogeographical evidence that the climate in the past was 
more humid than in the present. 

Pyatigor'e. Studies were done on isolated elevations in the steppes 
of Pyatigor'e and compared with the Stavropol Plateau. Particular attention 
was devoted to the permafrost of Mount Razvalka, 5 km north of 
Zheleznovodsk, and to the gorge of the Berezovka rivulet south of 

Reconnaissance excavations were carried out on the eastern slope of 
Mount Razvalka near the Selitryanaya cave. At the site, dense broadleaf 
forest surrounds two picturesque trachytic rocks, weathered by wind 
erosion. A small dry cave, formed at the junction of three vertical joints, 

182 is located under the southern rock. Over the last millennia, deposits 
accumulated to a depth of 8-9 m under the entrance to the cave through 
erosion of the upper cliff platforms and the rock face, and as the ancient 
dwellers cleared the cave of rock fragments. The site of the debris was 
probably used as a resting place for cattle, since the bones of small and 
large mammals and fragments of pottery occur in layers at the foot of the 
cliff and in the cone of the cave debris. 

TABLE 35, Mammalian species and number of bones from pellets of eagle owls on Mount Strizhament 

Number of bones 

Species Number of individuals 

ООО МИХ oo боозоровоновов 
ПОЛА ССИ CUPOMACWS сооборовосовоооо 
WANDA CAWEBSICA 5 оорообововоовьоеьв 
Mustela nivalis caucasica 
IMIS VEL INS AGM BG oe oo e ood ono OOd 
Шри CUROPABSCWS соборов осбовосроос 
СТАС ФТС ШиИВ - оо одосвоочооовоес 
IMCSOCRICCTUS AMRATHS оообовоовососое 34 
CHiCSHOINS мата ПО 55 500000000c0% 29 
MR ОТО ЯЗ 25 o50b0a00000000005 
МИ, MIAVORL Soond0000000000000000D 0008 
рада впору ИЕ ИИ ooo 5r0000c0n 06 
ADOGESWAOS БУТИ вБообочбоовоосос 
MICROWAVE ОМИ сроровобовыыоовосов 
MDS ИОВ ОВ © оо о обо oo ob во о ano eo 

CN = не ю 

нон 6 - © 

oe ee ee ооо 

oo ee ee ee ee ew ee ee 

Our trial trench, 1 m wide and 3 m long, was dug 1.5-1.9 m deep 
into the talus in front of the cave entrance. The collections 
consisted mostly of simple black pottery, made with broken shells, of 
ancient Alanitype. The pottery fromthe deeper layers is ornamented with 
pitted and striated markings, characteristic of the Bronze Age. An obsidian 
fragment, a fragment of a stone hammer and a small whetstone made of 
black slate were found in the upper 60-cm-thick layer. 


TABLE 36. Mammalian species and number of bones at the Selitryanaya cave in Pyatigor'e 


Dept п 
И ее ао Oe qari ole 2 
ор cloned Maumee Conant iene 19 
ие 58 
Татр ts Geer tate naa ase 216 
Sheep’. SG DTS 175 
я ВЕ С PAE) Se 34 
Small cattle (no closer identification) 176 
Step portale YS ae oe eee 680 

Нерест ‘атс. 2 
Erinaceus europaeus...... 2 
Ура cia Nicasitcal к eae ats 3 
Vulpes val pes ncaa 1 
МО Зе COSa о 1 
вета ма ео 3 
Medes-mielesse sem arent 4 
Putorius eversmanni...... 2 
Wowie lia: Sainimatica buen, i 
ме ме со ri i 
Lepus europaeus... fas ss ‘ 19 
о te ее 15 
оО обо bre 197 
Mesocricetus auratus ..... 183 
Cricetulus migratorius.... 17 
Arvicola terrestris д... 41 
Microtius amvalis: smb. oo 18 
ME Artal орех sa 2 
Ratti: помех CUS denelsenertemsns 2 
Apodemus sylvaticus ..... 4 
Мс аи се oh nents о ОИС 1 
Spalax microphthalmus, aL 
ОЗЕРА ое ово ete eis 12 
Gervils) ela mins и Sisal 5 
Gapreolus wapreolus sn. 6 
Зидан о ТЕ 543 

yO Ball серое ин 1,223 

Fragments of large-mammal bones are typically found as food remains. 
The burial also contains rare fragmentary implements made of deer antlers. 
Remains of small animals are represented by bones from the pellets 
of birds of prey, mostly eagle owls which habitually rested on the rocks 
above the cave. The locality is a rare and valuable example of a deposit 
formed by the three processes of bone accumulation: remains of food 


transported by birds, remains of game transported by hunters who used 
the cave for shelter, and remains of food left from ritual tribal feasts or 
transported by ancient shepherds. 

Nearly 1,500 fragments of domestic and game animal bones were 
collected in stratigraphic sequence, all showing an approximately uniform 
mode of preservation. In small fracture, they are yellow or white in color, 
and very few show any signs of fossilization. 

184 It can be estimated that the layer accumulated over the last 2,000- 
2,500 years. 

FIGURE 80, Cave inhabited by eagle owl on Mount Lysaya. 
On top are bodies of seven hedgehogs and one corncrake 

Photograph by author, 1952 

Six species of domestic and 26 species of wild animals have been , 
identified in the collection of bone material (Table 36). 

Remains of birds, toads, frogs andshells of Clausilia and Helix 
were collected at the same locality. 



At the time of the ancient Alani settlement most of the Razvalka slope 
was probably deforested and man's occupation of the site probably drove 
away the eagle owls and other predators. As a consequence of their 
disappearance from the area at that time, the deeper layers of the deposit 
show a Sharp decrease in the number of rodent bones. In the main, the 
deeper layers reflect man's activities, and it is only in the last quarter of 
our era, when Pyatigor'e and Razvalka again became covered with forests, 
that most of the wild-animal bones, particularly those transported by eagle 
owls, were accumulated. Large forest game inhabited the area at this later 
period: bear, boar, deer and roe deer. Old records show that deer 
disappeared from the region at the beginning of this century. Bears, roe 
deer and boars occasionally enter the forests of Pyatigor'e in our times, 
although they do not live there permanently. During the same late period, 
the last four to five centuries, the food of the eagle owl consisted of small 
species characteristic of the laccolith region in the present: three hamster 
species and water, pine and common voles. Bones of snow voles 
(Chionomys gud), hamsters and water rats were collected in rock 
crevices over the stone-covered permafrost area. 

A few specimens of snow vole were collected in the rocks of the ''century- 
old freezer'' of Mount Razvalka, at altitudes of 400-500 m above sea level. 
The nearest that the species has been found elsewhere is a site 3 km south 
of Kislovodsk in the gorge of the Berezovka rivulet, which is 50-55 km away 
from Mount Razvalka. Thus the occurrence of the snow vole at Mount 
Razvalka indicates that during a cold period in the past, probably at the time 
of maximum glaciation, the mountain animals migrated to these minor 
elevations in Pyatigor'e. 

FIGURE 81, Crevice in limestones on western wall of Berezovka rivulet gorge near Kislovodsk — day resting 
site of eagle owl 

Photograph by author, 1954 


TABLE 37, Mammalian species and number of bones from pellets of eagle owls near Kislovodsk 

Number of Number of 

Specie Species 
А individuals* р individuals* 


Noon FP FN FP 

ARWVLOCOGOLA сот ороборовб 

SOrSk AVAMEWS особовововоо 
WAMI92 COSECH ор ъомовосовос 
MUSESIA mMiV@INS орооыадовов |) — о iG! боббообо Alo вообоовов 
MIMS мии 5556065005000 
Са МЮ MOnVYEENIEWS 5555000500 
Spalax microphthalmus 

LSpwUs, ИГОРНОМ сооосоообь 
DywOiwa ws munee@tMla oo 555600 оо 
CrueSrws CUUG SUMS odo ood v oe 

* Number of individuals given is based on number of mandibles. 

Plentiful remains of insectivores and small carnivores in the pellets 
of eagle owls were collected in the laccolith farther northeast under the 
rocky overhangs of Mount Lysaya (Figure 80) and in the gorge of the 
Berezovka rivulet, south of Kislovodsk (Figure 81). 

186 At the latter locality the material is older and more abundant. It was 
obtained from a half-meter-thick layer of Holocene dust deposit under a 
vertical joint in the Lower Cretaceous limestone cliff. This resting place 
must have been abandoned by the eagle owl not less than a century ago, 
since it is located only 1 km fromthe southern outskirts of Kislovodsk. 
The bones accumulated during several centuries of the second half of ourera. 

A total of 1,582 bones was collected. Their preservation is not uniform. 
The bones from the lower layer are coffee-colored with dendrites; bones 
from the upper layer are yellow. 

The species composition of the collected fauna indicates that the 
landscape at the time of accumulation of the bones was very similar to the 
present (Table 37 and Figure 82). 

Nineteen specimens of amphibians and 305 bones of birds were collected 
at the same site. The assemblage of relatively xerophilous steppe species 
is quite prominent, as at Mount Razvalka: hamster, polecat, mole rat. 

187 This assemblage never occurs in complete composition this far into the 
mountains. The moist meadows and rock-covered areas of the Berezovka 
gorge account for the large numbers of water rat and the occurrence of 
snow vole. 

The hamsters and mole rats in this region were the precursors of the 
relatively xerophilous assemblage which migrated in postglacial time from 
the dry Ciscaucasian plainsto the north. This advance overlapped by tens 
of kilometers the northernmost occurrences of the forest and alpine species 
(pine and snow voles, forest dormouse, fat dormouse) which remained 
in mesophytic sections of the laccoliths and in the river gorges after the 
recession of the colder, more humid period. The uppermost limits of 
distribution of this assemblage are the moist meadows of the Pastbishchnoi 
ridge and the lower reaches of narrow gorges cut by rivers through the 
ridge (Vereshchagin, 1953а). 



FIGURE 82, Mammalian bones from pellets of eagle owls in the Berezovka gorge 

1 —humerus of Talpa caucasica; 2—skull of Mustela nivalis; 3 — pelvis of Lepus 
europaeus; 4—jaw of Rattus norvegicus; 5,6—skull of Cricetus cricetus; 7,8 —skull 
of Mesocricetus auratus nigriculus; 9, 10 —skullof Arvicola terrestris 

In the western part of the region, a similar picture exists, although at 
a lower altitude, on the right bank of the meridional section of the Kuban 

The following conclusions can be drawn from the study of Holocene 
animal remains in the foothills of central Ciscaucasia: 

1. The intensive exploitation of the region by man from the Neolithic 
to the present resulted in a diminution of the wooded area and the 
disappearance of large animals (bison, deer and, later, roe deer and boar). 

2. The presence of mesophilous relicts of the cold (glacial) epoch has 
been established. The relicts survived in the steppe on the Pyatigor'e 
laccoliths and on the Stavropol Plateau. This fauna includes the snow and 
pine voles. 



3. А dominant assemblage of relatively xerophilous species of rodents 
(hamster, mole vole, mole rat), characteristic of open areas, existed in 
the foothills of the Kislovodsk area and further south during the last 
millennium, and possibly during the entire present era. During this period 
the little suslik did not live in the Pyatigor'e area. The migration of this 
species in the Holocene to the longitudinal valleys of the range can be 
established only after its remains have been found in layers deeper than 
those excavated. Such an occurrence might prove the existence ofa 
postglacial climatic phase drier and warmer than the present climate. 

Eastern Ciscaucasia 

The steppes of the eastern Manych area are of interest to the 
paleozoologist because of the occurrence of a microlithic culture, usually 
identified as Late Neolithic. Tribal sites containing microlithic material 
occur in the southern Ukrainian and Crimean steppes, along the northern 
coast of the Caspian and in the border scarps of the Ust'-Urt, and deep 
into Soviet Central Asia. The most permanent settlements of these tribes 
were located in the Berovskie hills, surrounded by elms and rich in fish 
and boar. 

In this region, remains of material culture and fragments of animal 
bones occur in wind-blown depressions, on wind-eroded mounds and in 
sandy hills. Fragmentary bones of giant mole rat (Spalax giganteus), 
Saiga and sheep occur at sites such as these in the steppes of the Kuma 
area; the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) occurs in blackland sands. 
Between the lower reaches ofthe Kuma andthe Volga, the archaegqlogist Sinitsyn 
discovered numerous bones of animals of many varieties around the remains 
of ancient campfires. He also discovered many settlements and burial 
grounds of the Bronze and Middle Ages. 

Remains of a large bull with horns similar to those of Bos 
primigenius from the pre-Scythian Tri Brata mounds near Stepnoi 
were photographed by Sinitsyn (1948, p.151). 

He dated the burials end of the second to beginning of the first millennium 
B.C. The culture, i.e., Transcaucasia, is similar to that at Trialet 
(Kuftin, 1941). 

Similar and younger monuments of the pre-Scythian and Scythian epochs 
have been traced by Krupnov (1947) in the steppes between the Terek and 
the Kuma. Osteological material from this region would greatly clarify 
the notion proposed by Krupnov that there were considerable changes in 
the landscape during the last millennium B.C., and would probably also 
improve our concepts of the history of the ranges of central Asian desert 

Farther south, on the northeastern slopes of the Dagestan foothills, bone 
material is known from settlements and mounds of the Bronze Age. 
Primitive archaeological excavations were carried out by Russov (1879) and 
Tsilossani (1879) in the region of Derbent, Kayakent and Deshlagar. Their 
excavation log indicates ''bones of rodents,''''bones of animals, '' ''bones 
of large and small domestic animals,'' etc., occurring in caves, 
mausoleums and burial mounds. The ZIN collections contain bone materials, 


obtained by Kruglov (1946a) in excavations in 1941 from layers of a 
settlement of the second half of the second millennium B.C. near the villages 
of Kayakent and Dzhemikent. The bone fragments from these layers 
are light brown in color and they clink slightly. Bones of boars tend to 
absorb water as do Upper Pleistocene bones. Identifications and 

counts are given for these fragments in Table 38. 

TABLE 38, Mammalian species and number of bones from Bronze Age settlement near Dzhemikent village 

Number of bones 

Species Number of individuals 


DIO en G1, о ве... 

ЕЮ Бо бое auc Ovo с а diigo. 60d. 0.6 topo aatan 
StS 07 We Е: сос 60 

PhoG@a C:asip Tare ss <1. Be. а... 
ие Боло fl, alate Rep ecko 
Уцир аз уе Re iete a sence oh ed. 
Бам MGM OM Sp of bs ey ees An hs ao Soe № 
ИВО о О И wea awede igs Gheds 

ee ee ee ны 

ооо ооо 

Зо се. в. © в я ©. р би са « 0 6 

189 The occurrences of seal, goitered gazelle and kulan in the region are 
noteworthy (Figure 83). 

The reconnaissance excavations of 1954 carried out under the picturesque 
cliffs of Kapchugai west of Makhachkala by the archaeologists of the Dagestan 
Branch of the AN SSSR revealed layers which have been dated late 
second to early first millennium B.C. The following bones have been 
identified by us from these layers: horses (3), large cattle (12), sheep (14) 
and red deer (Cervus elaphus) (12). These numbers indicate both the 
abundance of deer and the importance of game hunting in the economy of 
the ancient shepherd tribe. The cliffs of Chokrak sandstones at the 
site are covered with line drawings of arimals, made only a few centuries 
ago. Panther, horse, deer and saiga can be recognized in some drawings. 

Remains of Iron Age animals are known from excavations of ancient 
settlements in the valleys of the Sunzha River and its tributaries. 

Krupnov (1948) has published the results of excavations of a settlement 
of Scythian time (second half of the first millennium B.C.), near the village 
of Alkhaste on the left bank of the Assa River (Table 39). 

He also reports (1949) a similar ratio of domestic species 
distribution for the Assa River valley settlements of Nesterovo and Lugovoe 
(sixth to fifth centuries B.C.; identifications by Tsalkin). At the Lugovoe 


locality a horn stemof a saiga and individual bones of а roe deer have been 
identified among the numerous bones of domestic animals. 

FIGURE 83, Mammalian bones from the Bronze Age settlement near Dzhemikent 

1 — jaw of Vulpes vulpes; 2—tarsus of Ursus arctos; 3-5 —first phalanx, hoof and astragalus 
of first phalanx and tibia of Equus hemionus; 6-9—horn, head of femur, first phalanx and tibia 
of Gazella subgutturosa 


TABLE 39. Mammalian species and number of bones from Scythian epoch settlement near Alkhaste village 

Species * Number of bones Number of individuals 

Doe ce Е : Holo n Эа О: 6 3 
BIGKS® соб Sy SLND EE SLD pee Heel Mone eee wel octet wets 21 6 
И О ес on Mos инь: 175 15 
Largereatrle tiie! 3.20 ВЫ: мВ 101 10 
Small cattle (no closer identification) ......... 54 8 
АИ во бою aac aa ee isha аа 357 42 
Vulpes vulpes ...... ERROR TS Athens ee 1 1 
GNSS ще ети сети зм О А аа, 5 1 
Сетмз fe lapis) J oe hee pele. AOE 2 1 
Сархео 1 CApEGOllG Bbesceaduomoesuac 6 3 
i ey eas 9 oe 
TOA Lee es Sas A ee eee ate. Sates 371 48 

* М.А. Sugrobov's identifications, Bones of bear were probably included with domestic pig. 


TABLE 40, Mammalian species and number of bones from settlements and burial grounds in the 
Sunzha valley 

Species Number of bones Number of individuals 

DOG, ве о 102 ees 6s) 6 АЕ 5 о 75 4 
Gate ТЕ... „ба oy oes .- SOS 5.0 а 5 1 
Ногсе’ сы...’ М О ый. «о. 55 3 
Р сое. с, о. НХ « - 32 10 
Large ея е .,. 5.0% ele sss oe + 6 м. > 64 7 
Sheep SRS уно saers sas оО ВЕ ме 145 12 

Би ше 00$ ооо Е. il 1 

Cexrvisme lapiwis’ <p en. и 9, 

os в « № № ota winnie ее 

Gin) (a) ‘eine, ооо (hi erie) 8 ie 

In the eastern part of the Sunzha valley, excavations of settlements and 
burials of the second to third centuries A.D. were carried out in 1938 by 
Kruglov near the villages of Isti-Su, Alkhan-Kala and Khoro-Chai. 
The bones from these excavations, identified by the author (Table 40) are heavy 
and stained in places with humus. There are only a few remains of wild 
animals. However, the new evidence of past occurrences of steppe species 
of large mammals in the foothills of the eastern Caucasus is of considerable 

In 1952 we made a reconnaissance search for species of smaller 
mammals in the cavities and talus of the Sarmatian limestones above 
Makhachkala and in the sandstone cavities near Kapchugai. Large numbers 
of bones were collected: long-eared hedgehog (He miechinus auritus), 
hare (Lepus europaeus), little suslik (Citellus pygmaeus), 
hamster (Mesocricetus auratus nigriculus) and steppe vole 
(Microtus socialis). All the bones were collected in the pellets of eagle 
owls and flying predators which settled to rest on the cliffs. 

Further paleontological studies of Holocene burials, which take into 
account the earlier archaeological data (Komarov, 1879; Shtein, 1879; 
Iessen, 1935), will undoubtedly fill in the detail of the general picture we 
have of postglacial steppe species of ungulate mammals in the region. 

They will also add to an understanding of the decrease in numbers and 
deterioration of composition of the fauna toward the present. 



Томе ада те vist Of) timelgnion t hemn 51 оре 
ое‘ Greater @Camecacwa nw andy юоев`Базесваи 

The longitudinal tectonic valleys, bounded in the north by the 
Pastbishchnoi and Skalistyi ridges, are well developed east of Elburz. Like 
woodless inner Dagestan, the valleys attracted post-Paleolithic tribes as 
inhabitants because of their natural shelters and dry, relatively warm 
climate. Mesolithic sites have recently been discovered in the valleys and 
in inner Dagestan. Some Bronze Age tribes left behind them remarkable 
burial monuments: mounds, underground burial sites and catacombs for 
mass burials. The sites of their settlements are represented by fairly 
thick layers of the ''Kobanian culture’ (Uvarova, 1900, 1902). 

The medieval Alanis built numerous fortresses andwartowers, fortified 
caves and individual trenches in the vertical, rocky cliffs. Their 
descendants, the Ossetians, built peculiar collections of hoofed-mammal 
skulls in ritual places called ''dzuars. "' 

Many bones of rodents from the pellets of eagle owls accumulated in 
natural niches and ruins of the fortresses. 

We studied all these types of deposits, withthe exception of the Kobanian 
burial grounds and settlements. 

Mesolithic sites in the Baksan and Avar Koisu gorges 

In 1955, Zamyatnin discovered and studied diluvial sediments, many 
meters thick, containing Mesolithic flint tools, on the right slope of the 
Baksanravine at the head of the first gorge near the village of Byllym 
(Figure 84). Excavations to a depth of 6.85 m at the Sosruko overhang 
revealed a sequence of Middle Ages, Early Iron Age and five Mesolithic 
layers with characteristic flint tools of the transitional epoch. 

Most of the bones taken from every layer were broken into small 
fragments. The loss of organic matter in the bones is in its initial stage. 
Identifications of the collected bone fragments are given in Table 41 and 
Figure 85. 

In addition to the species listed, about ten bones of partridge, short- 
eared owl, griffon, vulture and small Passeriformes were collected 
from the Mesolithic layers. 

The list of animal species, although variegated, presents no 
zoogeographic novelties. Most of the species are characteristic of the 
region in the last century, prior to the extermination of deer, chamois and 
goat on the Skalistyi ridge. The find of suslik bones in the Mesolithic beds 
is particularly interesting as related to the question of the age of the 
populations of this species in the mountains of Caucasus. However, these 
bones may have originated in the steppe plains of the Manych area and been 
introduced into the layers from pellets of eagle owls and predators flying 

The Mesolithic site of Chokh in inner Dagestan was discovered 
in 1955 by Kotovich 2 km north of the village of Chokh in the Gunib area. 

194 The site is located under a steep limestone rock (Figure 86) on the right 

bank of a small stream, which cuts deeply into a mountain ravine covered 



FIGURE 84, Sosruko grotto in ВаКзап gorge 

Photograph by S,N, Zamyatnin, 1956 

1704 188 

Бу an alpine meadow. The thickness of the Mesolithic layer in the excavated 
areaexceeds 0.5m. The cultural layers contain flint tools in all stages of 
finishing and finely-fractured bones. Among the flint implements are tools 
with blunt backs, points, knifelike blades [or flakes] and various microliths. 

(193) TABLE 41, Mammalian species and number of bones in Mesolithic beds of the Sosruko grotto in 
Baksan gorge 


Mesolithic beds 

I Age 



о ео о а 
LBS CHUM 5 5555550005500 
Small cattle 




WHgyes УИ 60505500 
MARECS Ч oo o0080000000 
MISS МЕ e565 co > oc 

PaMMIErA раз 55600006 

Спее В PwWFMASCMS 55 044% 1 
Apodemus sylvaticus., oy 
во Са бро = 
MiEROKUS ШО оо оововоев = 
SUS SCROWE доноров dine coc 
Capreolus capreolus ... 1 
CErnvyus ЭПБ sob >oo0 cn 6 ins 
Rupicapra rupicapra . 1 
CADW Clip Ch WCHSICa ие, oa 
Artiodactyla (no closer 
оО) оо бооюв оо J 
БИОСа Gosctsane 50 
ао оне оо со олени 50 

The state of preservation of the fragmented bone material is similar 
to that of fragments from beds of the third and second millennia B.C. in the 
foothills of Dagestan. Identifications of the bone material in the 1955-1957 
collections are given in Table 42 and Figure 87; most of the fragments are 
unidentifiable. The rodents are represented by species which are 
characteristic of the region in the present. They were introduced into the 
site from the pellets of predatory birds. Amongthe ungulate bones, the most 
interesting are those of a bison and a small ram, probably a successor to 
the rams of the Lower Paleolithic Kudaro site. 



FIGURE 85. Mammalian bones from the Mesolithic layers of Sosruko grotto 

1 — jaw of Panthera pardus; 2 — дам (x 2) of Citellus pygmaeus; 3 — jaw (X 2) of 
Ellobius talpinus; 4—jawof Cervus elaphus; 5 —astragalus of Capra caucasica 

From the Koban burial grounds of the Bronze Age in Ossetia, 
archaeologists longagocollected sculptures of local domestic animals. 
These sculptures were made of bronze or, more rarely, of gold and silver. 
Pendants, fibulae, metal plates, buckles and heads of staves were often made 
by Koban craftsmen in the forms of heads of Caucasian goats, deer, elks, 
wild and domestic rams, bulls, goats, horses and bears (Uvarova, 1900). 
The past occurrence in the Caucasus of some of these species was 
confirmed by our studies of Ossetian burials. The materials from those 
sites indicate a late stage of existence of a rich assemblage of mammals 
on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus. 

Dzuars of North Ossetia 

Collections of skulls of domestic and wild ungulates from ritual sites 
in the Caucasus have long been known. These collections were mentioned 
by 17th century European travellers in Circassia (Jean de Luc, 1879). 
Reference is made to them inthe notes of Guldenstaedt at the end of the 18th 
century (Pallas, 1831), and in papers by Dinnik (1890a) and Satunin (1914). 
The period of accumulation of skulls in the dzuars extends over the last 
five centuries. 



TABLE 42, Mammalian species and number of bones from the Mesolithic site at Chokh in Dagestan 

of bones 

of bones 

Species Species 

Domestic (? ) Capra sp. (cf. aegagrus or 
Siva Со УИ ФО В) 46500506 8 
Madd оо ооо Бюро босо а и, 94 
Wild ааа oe closer 
Па СЕМ) oid bo ob on Sao в 1,202 
MIS UWE Боро обо ho 0 Bison bonasus (caucasicus?) 20 

Small fragments of skeletal bones, 
mainly Artiodactyla.......... 

Male Oly вере Ss 6 bo qb oo 60 
Sis ЗСО о И th ON ОО о О И 
Seong! CileyoiMmls’ еее 
OWis go. (eh, вито Ил) .55064- 

In 1947 and 1948 we studied 18 dzuars in the ravines of Urukh, Ardon, 
Fiagdon and Gizel'don (Figure 88). 

Skulls from dzuars located on the piedmont plains, e.g., the sacred 
Khetag grove, were takenin the thirties to bone-calcination plants. Up to 
30% of the dzuars in the mountain zone were also emptied of their bones 
(Vereshchagin andSemenov-Tyan-Shanskii, 1948; Vereshchagin and Naniev, 

The Adygeians, Digorians and Ossetians built their ritual sites in 
picturesque groves onthe spurs of ridges, under rocky overhangs and incaves. 
Special buildings were also constructed: churches, chapels or large 
enclosed sheds made of stone or of large logs. 

Dzuars were dedicated to different deities and each one belonged to a 
particular village; the villagers assembled there for feasts on special annual 
holidays of spring, summer or fall. 

The custom of killing animals in the dzuars during feasts survived from 
pagan times in Abkhazia. According to Abkhazian legend (Veidenbaum, 
1879), a white bull used to emerge from the Oggin cave and was sacrificed. 

In addition to ritualistic killing of domestic hoofed mammals, the 
Digorians and Ossetians used to bring skulls of wild, hoofed animals to the 
sites. This custom of bringing skulls into the dzuars was connected with 
the belief in the god Avsati, protector of hunters and game, to whom the 
skulls were dedicated. The occurrence of bison leg bones, with hoofs intact, 
in the deep skull-bearing beds of the Digorized cave suggests that special 
hunting expeditions set out before the holidays to bring an intact deer, elk 
or bison into the dzuar. Skulls of wild, hoofed animals, boiled by hunters, 
were also brought into the dzuars without relation to holidays. They were 
either carefully laid in one common pile or on special shelves and supports, 
or they were hung on cut branches of trees and placed against the walls of 
the dzuar. It is difficult to estimate the age of the collections from the 
number of wild animal skulls. 

The state of preservation was not uniform among the skulls of wild 
hoofed animals from different dzuars, because of differences intreatment 


197 and preparation. No skulls had intact lower jaws; of the bison skulls, only 
the hardest frontal and occipital bones with horn stems attached, were 
preserved. This mode of preservation is identical to that of the skulls of 
primitive bison from the shoals of the Don, the Volga and the Ural. 

y V.G. Kotovich 

FIGURE 87. Mammalian bones from Mesolithic beds of 
the Chokh site 

1-3 — First phalanx, metatarsal epiphysis and astragalus 
of Ovis cf. gmelini 

Only a few skulls were preserved in their entirety with basal part, 
intermaxillaries and horns intact. The horns were fastened to the stems 
with iron arrowheads inserted into holes prepared for this purpose. Horns 
were also removed from their stems and used as wine goblets. Boiled 
skulls of turs, chamois and roe deer were usually brought in after the basal 


о Prokhladnaya 

(у. 5 


о Shanaevo 

о Beslan 

‘=Tarskaya | 

— — Fasnal i — : 
A Styr-Digor eat г Aa т = 
iz 9 
Nogkau Dunta 


т % 

= 75 
и Gs 
Oh cal WW 



FIGURE 88, Map of some dzuars in North Ossetia 

1 — remaining forests; 2 — ritual sites studied; 3 — limits of distribution of deer in the 19th century; 
4 — area inhabited by relict bison and elk at the end of the 18th century; 5 — Recent glaciers 


part had been removed with an oblique cut. The horns were removed, 
together with skin and parts of frontal bone, from the fresh skulls of male 
deer and elks killed in the fall. The brain was then removed through the 
198 skull opening. The skulls were boiled, cleaned of flesh and small bones 

and placed in the dzuar. All the skulls of female deer and elks are without 
occipital bones which were excised to the dorsal mid-height. Most of the 
deer skulls did not have nasal parts, as they separated from the skull in 
the boiling process. 

The most remarkable dzuars are Digorized (Olisai-Don), Lesgor I and 
Lesgor II and Rekom. 

FIGURE 89, Digorized cave in Jurassic slate cliff in Urukh gorge 

Photograph by author, 1947 

Digorized cave is located on the right bank of the Urukh gorge in 
the southern cliff of the Skalistyi ridge. The cave was formed in the process 
of the weathering of Jurassic limestones. Ledges, picturesquely covered 
by pines, juniper and dog rose, occur on the giant cliff. 

The cave is approximately 1,200 m above sea level. It lies within the 
village limits of Zadelesk, located 1.5 km to the south. 

The mouth of the cave is triangular in shape, approximately 12 m high 
and 5.5 m at the base. The entrance is covered by a strong wall, 2.5 m high, 
made of limestone fragments (Figures 89 and 90). 

The feasting hall is approximately 7 m wide and 12 m long and contains 
a primitive fireplace, narrow benches and tables made of split pine logs, 



an iron cup for donations, two knotty-wood trunks placed against the wall, 
carved wood fetishes hanging on the trunks and some utensils, consisting 
of two large meat bowls, a wooden spoon and about fifteen horns of bison, 
used as goblets. A pile of skulls and horns in the far left corner is heaped 
between two fallen limestone blocks. A support, 2.7 m high, built of logs 
and boards, stands in the forepart of the hall. Some 140-159 pairs of 
antlers are piled on the support (Figure 134). The walls of the hall are 
covered with resinous soot from the fireplace. The entrance to the narrow 
right branch of the cave is blocked by an upright wooden log with a tin icon 
of St. Nicholas. At the entrance, the height of the branching chamber is 
about the height of a man; the height decreases and the chamber ends eight 
meters from its entrance. The floor is covered by a meter-thick layer of 
skulls and horns of artiodactyls (Figure 91). 

The annual feasts in the Digorized cave took place in June during the 
mowing season. 

\y (\ OY 
KY \\" 0 
Су Way 

FIGURE 90. Map of Digorized cave 

1 — fallen blocks; 2 — fireplace; 3 — veremonial pottery; 4 — benches; 
5 — support with deer antlers; 6 — stone wall; 7 —skulls of domestic 
goats, roe deer; e — elk skulls; b — bison skulls 




On our first visit to the cave in August 1947, three elk skulls and 
15 bison skulls were found in the front rows of skulls on the floor of the 
branch. These were probably the skulls noted by Guldenstaedt and Dinnik. 
Dinnik mentioned three camel skulls which were not in the cave; he probably 
misidentified the elk skulls. The pile of skulls in the left corner of the 
feasting hall was covered by centuries-old dust layers, whereas the skulls 
in the right branch of the cave had evidently been recently disturbed by 
archaeologists or tourists. As the layer of skulls was being sorted, bent 
or looped twigs (symbolic yoke), planed, half-burned sticks (shashlik spits), 
iron arrowheads (Figure 92) and small silver coins were found. 

The greatest number of bones found at Digorized were skulls of sheep, 
and, in descending order, skulls of deer, large cattle, domestic goats, 
bison, roe deer, chamois, elks, Caucasian turs, wild boars and buffalo. 
The ratio was established by the value placed on the hunters' sacrifices 
and by the availability of various game species in the hunting area around 
the village of Zadelesk. The bison and elk skulls are the best-preserved 
bone material because they remained on the floor of the dry parts of the 
cave, between the entrance and the side branch. In many cases, ligaments 
on the anterior and posterior sections were preserved because of the 
absence of hide beetles. On the frontal bone of one of the bison skulls the 
figure ''1833'' had been engraved with a knife. The elk skulls were in the 
same state of preservation. Remains of tree twigs and bushes were well 
preserved in the crevices of the animals' teeth. No elk horns were found 
in the cave. The horns had been removed from the frontal and occipital 
parts of one of the elk skulls inthe front row. In another skull, found in a far 
corner, the horns had either fallen or been broken off the crown. It is 
possible that the horns were stolen from the cave or retained by the hunter 
as a particularly valuable trophy. 

Deer antlers, found mixed with skulls in places protected from rain 
and snow, retained their natural brown color. Traces of molting were 
preserved on only a few antlers of deer which had been killed in August. 
Most ofthe bones left on the support, however, became uniformly whitened 
on the upper surface by rain, snow and sun, and blackened underneath 
by soot. Skulls of chamois and roe deer occur mainly in the middle and 
far section of the bone layer. Their state of preservation was much the 
same as that of the bison and elk skulls. 

The Dagestan goat is represented by four skulls with preserved horns; 
their condition indicates that they were middle-aged. The three skulls of 
wild boar found in the upper layers piled to the side can probably be 
accounted for by the fact that the Digorians in later times abandoned their 
earlier religious prejudices against this animal, and also by the fact that 
the supply of more valuable animals dwindled. Fresh-boiled skulls and 
limb bones, fractured by an ax, and ribs were only those of large cattle, 
goats and sheep. It was clearly observed that large skulls of ancient, 
mature bulls had been replaced in recent time by skulls ofsmall, immature 
specimens, which had been broken longitudinally. 

The skulls indicate that the large cattle of the region belonged to only 
one variety during the entire period of accumulation of the bone bed. These 
were large animals, with a concave area between the horns, which extended 
forward, sideward and upward. The cattle belonged to the secondarily 
enlarged European Bos brachyceros. Skulls of goats and sheep 



FIGURE 91, Interior of Digorized cave 
Photograph by author, 1947 

represent relatively small varieties with 
poorly developed horn stems and horns. 
If it is assumed that, from the beginning 
of the annual ritual, one bull and two to 
three sheep were sacrificed each year, 
it follows that the collection accumulated 
over not less than 500 years. 

The skulls in the right branch of the 
cave were deposited over a thin layer of 
limestone debris and old dust, underlain 
by a solid plate. A reconnaissance trench 
dug in the left corner of the feasting hall 
down to the limestone floor (a depth of 
60 cm) showed that there are no bones 
in the layer of old dust. 

Because skulls of bison and elks were 
particularly valued by the Digorians as 
ritualistic offerings to Avsati, it would 

rhe aera seem likely that most of the skulls of 
| р ст animals killed by the Zadelesk hunters 
were deposited in the cave. 

It is clear that the incidence of deer and, 
particularly, of elk was very low even 
as early as the 15th to 16th centuries. In 
all probability, the period of accumulation 
of the skulls could not have begun before the 

Le MM Lh 127 

FIGURE 92. Iron arrowheads from 
Digorized cave 



14th or 15th century and must have ended in the 18th or early 19th century. 
The accumulation in the cave of deer skulls and horns, as indicated by their 
state of preservation, ended only a little later than that of the skulls and 
horns of elk and bison. However, the deer survived until the time 
when the Ossetians obtained rifles. The Zadelesk hunters killed on an 
average up to ten deer each year. 

The Digorized bone material is particularly interesting for analysis of 
the age and sex groups of the game, as well as the seasonal hunting yields. 
These data are given in Table 43. * 

TABLE 43, Sex and age groups of wild ungulates from Digorized cave 


immature | mature total 

От ieee» 
Capra cylindricornis .... 
Rupicapra rupicapra 

G ANU GIAIS CAs. 87a seneakt ee age ey = 10 
Bison bonasus caucasicus 30 
Capreolus capreolus..... 34 
Cervus elaphus, шага... 439 

Areas асе Cail cas EWS ae 

The main game animal, deer, was hunted mostly in the fall, during 
the rut. 

Dzuar Lesgor I (lower) was built on a small ledge of the same 
Skalistyi cuesta and at the same altitude as the Digorized cave, but on the 
left wall of the Urukh gorge. It belonged to the village of Lesgor, which 
was.abandoned at the beginning of this century. The skulls were arranged 
in two layers behind a stone fence on an open wall. The lower layer rests 
directly on the ground, the upper on a big pine log inserted into a crevice 
in the rock, and on a "'hanger'' made of a knotty-pine trunk. The upper pile 
of skulls is colored by the smoke of the ritual fire, which was regularly lit 
under the rock. Most of the skulls and antlers of deer in the lower layer 
decayed because of moisture. The following kinds of skulls (given in 
descending order of occurrence) were found: sheep, cow, goat, deer, east 
Caucasian goat, roe deer, bison and elk. Among them was a completely 
'fresh'' skull of a young bison and a completely smoked skull of a she-bison 
with right horn intact. 

Lesgor II (upper) is located 250 m higher on the cliff on the side of 
а very steep path in a picturesque crevice. The collection of skulls is 
under a small rock overhang and is poorly protected from weather. Deer 
antlers rest on a horizontal, elevated support made of pine logs. Some of 
the skulls on the ground have ''grown"' into the soil and become covered 
with sod. Skulls of wild, hoofed mammals are more numerous than at 
Lesgor I, probably because the dzuar is located closer to the hunting grounds 

* Only the skulls whose age and sex were identified with certainty were counted. 



and farther away from the village. The descending order of occurrence 
is as follows: sheep, east Caucasian goat, deer, cow, goat, bison, 
chamois, elk and roe deer. 

As at Lesgor I, the horns are missing on most of the goat skulls; they 
were broken off and probably taken to the village (Figure 93). 

This group of the Urukh dzuars is very important in the study of the 
past ranges of deer and elkand their gradual shrinkage. Since it was 
difficult to carry the skulls and horns by mountain paths to the dzuars, 
hunters chose the most venerated dzuars and those which were closest to 
their hunting grounds. From the location of the ancient mountain paths 
through the passes of the Skalistyi ridge, which connected the villages 
Zadelesk and Lesgor with the piedmont plain, and from local legend, it can 
be established that most of the skulls of deer, elk and bison originated 
below the dzuars in the forests of the Chernye gorge and on the sloping 
Terek plain, particularly in the vicinity of the village of Akhsarisar. Even 
inthe 'twenties, deer still appeared during the mating season in the upper 
Urukh gorge, near the villages of Styr-Digor, Nogkau, Kamunt and Dunta. 
The last of the bison and elk, however, mainly inhabited the foothill forests 
of Ossetia toward the end of the 18th century. This is confirmed by the 
absence of skulls of these forms in the upper dzuars. In the longitudinal 
valley proper, between the Skalistyi and Bokovoi ridges, deer, elk and 
bison were probably either exterminated or driven out before the time of 
the Digorians by dense settlement and destruction of forests by earlier 
inhabitants. There are reasons to believe that elk and bison still frequented 
the forests of Ossetia at the time of Guldenstaedt's travels, although only 

FIGURE 93. Skulls of east Caucasian goats in Lesgor II dzuar 

Photograph by author, 1947 


Rekom Dzuar is the best known dzuar in the literature. It is 
located in the gorge of the Tseya (a tributary of the Ardon) in the pine- 
forest zone of the Bokovoi ridge and is greatly venerated by the Ossetians 
(Vyazigin, 1929). The dzuar-belongs to the village of Tsei, but is visited 
by villagers from other places as well. 

The dzuar is a massive structure dating from the end of the 17thcentury. 
It is constructed of pine and yew logs with one door and no windows and is 
situated in a pleasant meadow surrounded by old pine forest and rocks, 
with an outlook to snow-covered peaks (Figure 94). The site was inhabited 
as early as the Bronze Age. 

Those skulls which remain after they were plundered by tourists for 
souvenirs rest on specially constructed wall ledges and shelving of raised 
earth. The material consists of skulls and horns of Caucasian goats, 
domestic sheep, cows, goats and deer. (Satunin (1914b) reported bison 
skulls from the Rekom dzuar.) Most of the remains of Caucasian goat 
consist of horns and soft horn stems weathered and split by moisture and 
sun. Six fresh-boiled skulls were also found, brought probably from the 
margins of the nearest glaciers during the last 20-30 years. Chamois still 
live in the rocks above the dzuar. Because of the deep winter snow deer 
and roe deer probably did not inhabit the region even in the past. Most of 
the deer skulls and horns of Rekom were brought there from the lower areas 
of the Ardon basin. 


FIGURE 94, Rekom dzuar 

Photograph by author, 1947 


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The horns and skulls of Caucasian goats belonged to mature or even aged 
individuals of 6-17 years; the most common age is 10-11 years (Figures 

From the 18 dzuars we collected up to 10,000 items: skulls, horns and 
fragments of skulls and horns of 8,815 individuals. They belong to 11 species 
of hoofed mammals: domestic species of bull, buffalo, sheep and goat; wild 
species of boar, bison, east Caucasian goat, chamois, elk, deer and roe 
deer (Table 44). 

Our studies of the skulls in the Ossetian dzuars compared with data 
drawn from the literature and with other verified data lead to the following 

1. One and a half centuries ago the Terek-Sunzha inclined plain and the 
canyons on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus were inhabited by 
eight species of artiodactyls: boar, bison, east Caucasian and west 
Caucasian goats, chamois, red deer, elk and roe deer. 

2. Bison and elk were on the verge of extinction by the end of the 18th 
century, at which time deer were still abundant. 

3. The final extermination of deer in that section of the Greater Caucasus 
under study occurred in the second decade of the 20th century. 

4. The number of goats, chamois, roe deer and boars greatly decreased 
during the last century and the beginning of the present one. 

5. It was chiefly human activity that brought about the extinction of some 
species and the population decrease of others, directly through unrestricted 
use of firearms and indirectly through the cutting down of forests on the 
inclined piedmont plain. 

Ritual sites similar to those described earlier, containing bone 
material mostly consisting of skulls and horns of east Caucasian and wild 
goats and deer, are also known from Khevsuretia, Tushetia and Dagestan 
(Dinnik, 1914a; Makalatiya, 1935; Maruashvili, 1955). 

Bones of small mammals in pellets of eagle owls and little owls have 
been collected by the author at two localities in the inner valleys. These 
bones occurred at the bottom of small caverns in limestone rock near the 
village of Dzivgis in the Fiagdon gorge. They are not more than 150-200 
years old, completely white and in a good state of preservation. 

The present landscape of this area is composed of turfy dry slopes 
covered with tragacanth, astragali and rocks. Vegetable gardens, hay 
meadows and pastures are located near the river. The height above sea level 
is approximately 1,400 m. The list of the fauna is given in Table 45. 

Approximately 40 fragments of lizards and toads were collected at the 
same locality. 

All the species mentioned live in the present in the dry part of the 
Fiagdon valley. However, it should be mentioned that the occurrence of 
Norway rats, domestic mice and, possibly, migratory hamsters are 
related to the deforestation of the valley. 

Bones of other species were found in the pellets of little owls in the 
ruins of a medieval fortress on the upper reaches of the Doniserdon, the 
right tributary of the Urukh. 

The upper parts of the longitudinal valley are covered with mesophytic 
meadows and birch groves. The altitude is nearly 1,600 m above sea level. 
The fossil species correspond to the fauna of the Recent landscape (Table 46). 


A comparison of Tables 45 and 46 which takes into account the evolution 
of landscapes in the inner valleys indicates that the composition of the mice 
fauna and their distribution in the dry inner valleys changed considerably 
over the last few centuries. 



GEO) OU bon N70 Vara 6 90а 95 

Horn length (cm) 

итал fou 17 в 

Age in years 

FIGURE 95, Relationships between age groups and size of horns of east Caucasian 
goats in Rekom dzuar (length of horns measured along the maximum curvature ) 

(206) TABLE 45. Species and number of bones of mammals from pellets of eagle owls 
and little owls near Dzivgis village 

of individuals 


В of bones 

Vulpes vulpes 


Mausiiediayenpiwy а ме swam 2 jah 1 
IL SVMS Sw OPAEWS 45.044 ole bio or 1 
(Gwi oe ew ws ата TEEN WS ARYA a 22 
М ево EWES 355.46 5 also # 
MWS ИОВ 5 500400000000 3 
Apodemus sylvaticus ....... 6 
RALEOS MOVES И sondage o eo 7 


The increasing aridity in the valleys, caused by cutting the groves оп the 
slopes and grazing of cattle, resulted in the replacement of the mesophilous 
ecological assemblage of rodents (Microtus arvalis, M. majori, 
Chionomys gud) by a xerophilous assemblage (Cricetulus 
migratorius, Mus musculus hortulanus, Lepus europaeus) 
and by the introduction of synanthropic forms (Rattus norvegicus, 
Mus musculus musculus). 

FIGURE 96, Horn covers of goats and deer antlers along the 
walls of Rekom cave 

There are no data on the recent extinction of small mammals in the 
areas under study. Also no remains were found of those ancient species 
of little suslik (Citellus pygmaeus musicus) and Radde's hamster 
(Mesocricetus auratus raddei) which are characteristic of the 
inner valleys of Kabarda in the west and Dagestan in the east. 

208 Western Transcaucasia 

In the Holocene human settlements clustered around the terraces of the 
Black Sea coast, mountain river gorges and the shores of water bodies in 
swampy Colchis. 


TABLE 46, Species and number of mammal bones in pellets of little owls from the 
upper Doniserdon 

р Number Number of 
Species Tene 

of bones individuals 
Зотех DREUIO edie me ое, 5 1 
Nal DUG Call aha EIT о songs опа 16 1 
МОЛОТ BWC Gos sb dodo 600 cc 37 6 
МООИ © Geb obboo0ome 0000000 727 80 

Including the number identified with 

Mi main via TiS, вона = (77) 
Манон ое eae ae ees god (3) 

MWS ЗО И о 666004 dd oo Ho 6 

TABLE 47. Species and number of bones of mammals from post-Paleolithic beds of the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

Number of Number Number of 

Species individuals ee of bones individuals 
Domestic Wild 

О. Бе Ш 222809 oo 54050 2 
О G13 Wee odo оо Camis Пиры еее 1 
Ри еее MIBGIES ее 5455665 1 
WARES CAMS 556000 Lepus europaeus... 1 
COLIN об Dace eo oot RAETWS РА Е ообооб 1 
Е LSS Aap cla ow Зичаенога Ба Л: ме 4 
Esrviis Claplims соо - 1 
Повар. wae. Capreolus capreolus 5 


The fauna of the Neolithic and younger beds of the Akhshtyrskaya 
cave near Adler are of particular interest. These beds overlie the 
Paleolithic, but it is difficult to subdivide the material from the upper 
layers of the cave (Zamyatnin collections) into the various post-Paleolithic 

209 cultures. The bones are light in weight, mostly light yellow in color with 
some dark stains. Some of the fragments have partially lost organic matter; 
in general, theyresemble Upper Paleolithic bones. The identifiable material 
consists mostly of epiphyses. The species identified and their number are 
given in Table 47* (Figure 97). 

* The material from the Neolithic and Iron Age layers was combined, because the state of preservation 
of the bones definitely indicates that they were mixed in the layers and during the excavations, 



\ \ ШИ / 
i i | 



/, Hy! ] ‚ | 
Yi Min \\ \ 


| Wy. : 

FIGURE 97, Mammalian bones from post-Paleolithic layers of the Akhshtyrskaya cave 

1 — metacarpal of Ursus arctos; 2—radius of Meles meles; 3—femur of Lepus 
europaeus; 4—femur of Rattus rattus; 5—metatarsal of Capreolus capreolus; 
6 — metacarpalof Capra caucasica 

The composition of food remains at this site is more variegated in wild 
fauna than at other post-Paleolithic localities in the Caucasus, since the 
cave was probably used by hunters and shepherds. 

The absence at the site of mountain ungulates (cave bear, elk, giant 
deer and bison) which were probably driven farther into the mountains is 
quite apparent, as is the appearance of black rat in the Iron Age beds. 

In swampy Colchis the oldest cultural beds containing animal remains 
are known from the excavations of an Eneolithic site. The settlement was 
on a mound, at present submerged in a swamp, near the village of 
Ochamchiri, on the left bank of the Dzhikumur creek (Solov'ev, 1939). 

In the bone collections Gromov has identified a small cow, domestic pig, 
goats and sheep. Wild species include deer, roe deer and fish, particularly 
flounder. It is characteristic that horse is not found among the remains. 

One of the Early Bronze Age settlements whichis located near Anaklia, 
close to the mouth of the Ingur River, has been excavated by archaeologists 
of the Zugdinskii Museum. The cultural layer is overlain by Recent silty 
alluvium. According to Kuftin, the very primitive black ceramics place 
this bed in the second millennium B.C. The bones from this site are 
shiny, chestnut in color and slightly fractured. The latter characteristic 
indicates that the ancient settlers of the coast had an adequate supply of 


animals for food. The species identified (Table 48) show that primitive 
animal husbandry and more developed hunting were carried on by the ancient 

TABLE 48. Species and number of bones of mammals from the Bronze Age settlement near Anaklia 

Species Number of bones Number of individuals 

Ро ИЕ a AUR a te 103 17 
LEWES: CAME. оо оо ооо 0 oo dela обла в Ва 258 17 
CON WEAR и Olg).o eG) cl oeb) А 47 5 
ОА bao 009 00 ple 408 39 

Grains) “AMEE SUS eee etal ее 1 1 
ОО: S25 coco eoaocaonos odbc te 3 
Sis: эст Offa И о 15 3 
Сетунь GlApINNS ooboevobsoogdueo0 gan 4 1 
(EelpoymGOUMS CAPFEOQMSS cacao oobacu neo 36 4 
sub ee ee СИ РТ," 2 
WOW oo soababoanponoadaos 468 51 

Individual bones of fish and birds are also known from this locality. 

At present deer do not inhabit the area near the site, but jackals are 
abundant, and boars and roe deer occur occasionally. 

The absence of horses and the Small number of dolphin bones, as 
compared with the Gelendzhik locality, is characteristic of the Anaklia site. 
Rich bone material, which has probably been lost, was obtained from 
excavations of the numerous mounds and settlements of ancient Greek and 

later times on the Colchis plains, along the midde and lower sections of 
the Rion. The author has identified remains of a domestic goat, wild boar, 
deer and roe deer, found at the Naokhvamy site, from photographs by the 
archaeologist Kuftin. 

A number of fragmentary antlers of red deer, obtained in the peat areas 
of Colchis during the construction of drainage canals, were deposited in 
the museum of the town of Poti. 

Avery important deposit of food remains was exposed in the excavations 
of Holocene (Neolithic and latest) beds at the Sagvardzhile site, on the 
eastern margin of the Colchis plain (Kiladze, 1953). 

The collections from these beds which have been studied by the author 
contain the following wild species in order of decreasing abundance: * 
Sus scrofa Ursus arctos 
Cervus elaphus Equus caballus 
Capreolus capreolus Felis silvestris 
Bison bonasus Panthera pardus 
Capra caucasica Castor fiber 

Rupicapra rupicapra 

* Judging by the state of preservation, this material, which is under study by Burchak-Abramovich, 
undoubtedly also includes Paleolithic bones, 


The occurrence of the beaver bones confirms that it was in Colchis that 
this species survived the Pleistocene in the Caucasus. 

Of the many western Transcaucasian monuments of ancient architecture 
and sculpture ornamented with animal design, the Bagrat temple (1008, A.D.) 
in Kutaisi is particularly noteworthy. A scene showing cheetahs and 
panthers attacking a horse or a kulan and a goat is depicted on the heads of 
the temple columns. Taking into account the broad base of medieval 
Georgian culture it is obviously difficult to maintain on the basis of these 
ornaments that kulans and wild horses existed in Imeretia in the 10th 
century (Figure 98). 

FIGURE 98, Scene on the head of Bagrat temple column — panthers attacking a goat 

Photograph by author, 1956 

The latest developmental stages of the ecological assemblages of small 
mammals in Imeretia can be traced through bones brought by eagle owls 
into small caverns in the walls of the canyons which cut through the 
Imeretian Plateau. In 1952 we collected material (identified in Table 49) 
from close by the Sakazhia cave inthe Tskhali-Tsiteli gorge which 
shows the interesting, simultaneous occurrence of jackal, hare, Norway 
rat and fat dormouse, species not known from the Paleolithic beds of 
Imeretian caves. 

As opposed to eastern Caucasia, no collections of game animal skulls 
have been preserved from the mountainous section of western Transcaucasia 
in the Ingur, Rion and Tskhenis-Tskhali gorges which were inhabited by the 

212 Radde, it is true, wrote in 1866 that in 1864 he had observed ап 
accumulation of horns of Caucasian goats, piled by hunters near the chapel 
of the village of Chibiana (Ushkul'), inthe upper reaches of the Ingur. 

He estimated the number cof horns at ''several thousands." In 1948 I could 


find only 7 pairs of horns and horn stems of goats (6 of Capra 
caucasica апа 1 of C.cylindricornis) inthe altar of the chapel in 
the village of Zhabeshi and in the altar of the Lamardiya monastery above 
Ushkul'. No confirmation ofthe past existence of ''thousands of goat horns'' 
could be obtained from old residents or from the local authorities. But it 
seemed that the hunters of this village used to store horns and blade bones 
of Caucasian goats and chamois under the roofs of their observation towers. 
By 1948 the collections were mostly abandoned or given away and no new 
material was introduced due to the extermination of the animals. 

TABLE 49, Species and number of Holocene bones of mammals from pellets of 
eagle owls in the Tskhali-Tsiteli gorge 

Number of 

ss a Number of 
р bones 

Camis ЕСО Fo gioco 6 aieoetono 1 1 
[ею CURODASCWS оооовобеов 2 1 
ооо о бора Chal oMaNE NS 12 3 


RECESS МОУ МВ  Gooeanos 

eet ee we we 

It was the practice of the Svans, as opposed to that of the Ossetians, 
to cut the goat horns off with only a small piece of frontal bone. Evennow 
goat horns and bear paws can be seen attached to the porches of houses 
and embedded in the stone walls of houses made of slate. 

Thus, the studies of Holocene bones in western Trancaucasia indicate 
an abundance in the Neolithic and later epochs of larger game animals: 
boar, deer, roe deer, bison andbear, as well as the European beaver found 
in Colchis. The appearance of new species, unknown in the Pleistocene 
(Paleolithic) beds (jackal, Norway rat and black rat) is highly 
characteristic. The composition of the domestic fauna and the nature of 
their deposition indicate that, ingeneral, the landscape of Colchis andthe Black 
Sea coast was very Similar to the landscape of the beginning of the present 

сео аа саж е ата 

Reconnaissance excavations were carried out in 1952 by Lyubin above 
the overhangs of the natural landmarks of Saroty-Or and Sharshiat-Kadzakh 
near Staliniri. We have identified in Lyubin's collections bone fragments 
of small domestic pigs, bulls, goats and sheep, and teeth of European brown 
bears and foxes. Rich collections were also obtained in 1955-1957 from the 
Holocene beds of the Kudaro caves on the upper Rion. 

In the valleys of the Kura and the Aragva rich bone material was 
excavated by archaeologists of the Caucasian Museum from multilayered 


213 cemeteries andtowns at Samtavro and Armazi, near Mtskheti.* А сотраг150п 
between photographs of this material in the archives and exhibit material 
of the Upper Bronze Age (9th-8th centuries B.C.) show that these were 
bones of horses, cows, sheep, goats andboars, and amulets made of canines of 
European brown bear and incisors of beavers. Skeletonsofmartens (Martes 
foina) and steppe voles (Microtus socialis), which died at a later 
period, have recently been discovered. Objects made of red deer antlers 
are very common, e.g., the so-called ''spear rectifiers. '' Elegant bronze 
plates and trinkets of this period from Samtavro and Armazi often depicted 
dogs, foxes, lions, panthers, hares, deer, goitered gazelle, rams, 
Caucasian goats and Bos primigenius. 

Taking into account the paleontological data for Transcaucasia as a whole, 
these artistic representations confirm the existence of some large game 
animals in the Caucasus during the first millennium B.C. These animals 
became extinct only in the Middle Ages. 

Bastern D2rans caucaisi a 

On the Kura Plain and in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, Karabakh 
and Talysh, Holocene deposits of bones occur in diluvium, alluvium, caves, 
asphalt crusts and cultural layers of ancient settlements. 

There is a record of a horn of a red deer from the diluvium of a mountain 
slope near the village of Alty-Agach, near the eastern margin of the 
Bolshoi Range (Deminskii, 1901). Many occurrences are concentrated on 
the Apsheron Peninsula. 

Kovalevskii found in 1941 a skeleton of a striped hyena (Hyaena 
hyaena) at a depth of 4 m in Holocene loess loams in the lower section 
of the Sumgait rivulet, north of Baku. The skeleton was buried undera 
cultural layer containing medieval pottery and under a bone-bearing bed of 
an older settlement, overlain bythe sediments of the Recent Caspian. From 
the stratigraphic position of the skeleton and its state of preservation 
it can be dated as Lower Holocene. 

A skull of a very old striped hyena, bones of a horse and of a Caspian 
seal (Phoca caspica) were found by Kovalevskii in the Bailovskaya 
cave onthe southern outskirts of Baku (Bogachev, 1938b). 

We found two leg bones of goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) 
in blocks of asphalt-impregnated surface loams overlying the Middle 
Quaternary beds at Binagady. The bones are fresher and less impregnated 
with oil than the Pleistocene bones. In the asphalt crusts of Mount Kir- 
Kishlag we discovered bones of hare and wolf. Skeletons of small rodents, 
jerboas (Allactaga elater), hamsters (Cricetulus migratorius) 
and voles (Microtus socialis), which died in asphalt, also occur in 
this locality and at Mount Zigil'-Pirya (Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

The numerous Holocene settlements and burials of Azerbaidzhan (Passek 
and Latynin, 1926) are responsible for the rich bone collections from the 
cultural layers. 

Gummel!' (1948), who excavated the Bronze Age mounds on the sloping 
plain west of Khanlar (formerly Helenendorf), mentions numerous bones of 

* This material remained unidentified and was subsequently lost. 



Bos, sheep, goat and domestic pig. The number of horse bones was 

Excavations of the settlements and the burial near ancient 
Mingechaur оп the right bank of the Kura, near a hydroelectric 
power plant, revealed cultural layers dating from the second millennium 
B.C. to the early Middle Ages. The very rich bone material from this 
locality has not yet been completely identified. Our preliminary study of 
these materials indicated the presence of numerous bones of horses, asses, 
cows, sheep, goats and, more rarely, domestic pigs. The wild animals 
are represented by red deer (Cervus elaphus), goitered gazelle 
(Gazella subgutturosa) and boar (Sus scrofa), all of which were 
until recently quite common in the region. 

We found a particularly interesting burial near Mingechaur with bones 
of black rat (Rattus rattus) andhorse, ass, large cattle and 
boar buried in jugs. Thistype of burial, which included sacrificed domestic 
goats and grain, is usually dated as middle of the last millennium B.C. In 
view of the fact that the burial field has been covered for many centuries 
by a semidesert saltwort vegetation, the rats could only have inhabited the 
field during a time when it was settled and irrigated or at the time when 
the cult of mass burial flourished. Their occurrence verifies assumptions 
of the early appearance of black rat in Transcaucasia (Vereshchagin, 1949c). 

TABLE 50, Species and number of mammal bones from ancient settlement near Sumgait 

Species Number of bones Number of individuals 

FVOTS CMe, cere ts и Tans Elva eRe 6 1 
ато еса ее 11 3 
SHEED YU ен пани 12 3 
SUID ALO aM age ие м 29 7 

LEPUS МОИ о Бове boo boods bona 
GaxvZeila SMD GUULWROSE oh оба Вбр в ails 


oO} NO] = 

A very old settlement was discovered by Kovalevskii in 1941 in Holocene 
loams near the mouth of the Sumgait rivulet. Food remains were 
found at a depth of 3 m under the cultural layer containing medieval pottery; 
they were well preserved under the very dry burial conditions. The species 
found are given in Table 50. 

At the same locality ten fragments of bones of mute swan (Cygnus 
olor L.) and goose (Anser anser L.: three specimens) were found. 

According to Kovalevskii, the bone-bearing bed is overlain by sediments 
of the present-day Caspian and therefore antedates the last Holocene 
transgression of the Caspian, i.e., early first millennium B.C. 



Large collections of bones were made in 1953-1954 by archaeologists of 
the Azerbaidzhan Academy at the excavations of the fortress Uren'-Kala 
(Bailakan) in the center of the Mil'skaya steppe. We observed the layers 
from the Middle Ages at this locality to be characterized by sheep, large 
cattle, goat andhorse, witha small admixture of goitered gazelle (Gazella 

TABLE 51, Species and number of mammal bones from the medieval settlement 
on the Baku Fortress hill 

Number of 

Species Number of bones 
P i. individuals 


a) ое: |) else) мы. м ale (a) Plone) 160) 81 Ге» 
о ед te) iw, ое Ole) ual Pe) (@) \¢. (8) аа 
Oe Че 1s) 6) fe) fe) we 6 о @ ere "Че 
ча 5 folle обеде fel ere ру. 0s 0, НА e © 
dic’ s ee «Le bw > eke io iota $ и 

fede. ви в м & 0) 6) See Rees Ba oi te 

Se oS, м опер Oe (6 оюеае 

ОР OO DOs, ome ONCE Om) Cer rar 

7 ОМ Cree: СО oc 

"ОЕ ЕТО pun ding  Э We ons Eel ай 
NAGY SSA Hh SOMOS Bis еее & 
вания Wem Onis! а се сь 
Gazella‘subgutturosa ......, 

Sos бя виа sue и 

Ble) 640, we 2 e100; ae 

Bone material from beds of the Middle Ages was also obtained by 
Leviatov in excavations of the Shirvan-Shah Palace courtyard in Baku. 
The excavations revealed that small settlements successively occupied 
the hill of the contemporary Baku Fortress. The beds which have been 
studied are dated by the pottery as 9-13th century A.D. This is the time 
of the end of the Arabic caliphate, the age of Nisami and the beginning of 
the Mongolian invasions into eastern Transcaucasia. Part of the bone 
material buried at the site probably resulted from epidemic death among 
the cattle, since complete scapula and forelimb bones are common. 
However, most of the bone fragments are food remains which were well- 
preserved in the dry ground. 

Bones of domestic animals — sheep, cows, horses and asses — 
characteristically predominate. Bones of wild species — goitered gazelle, 
kulan, fox and seal — are not numerous (Table 51). 



FIGURE 99. Ruins of Chukhur-Kabala fortress 

Photograph by author, 1951 

From the same beds the following birds have been identified: Cygnus 
Spey Аизее (sp., 5 Бава. © серва» № domestic fowl, 
totalling 21 fragments of 10 individuals. In addition bone identification was 
made of the following fishes: Acipenseridae (25 fragments of 4 individuals) 
and Cyprinidae (58 fragments of 8 individuals). 

Most of the goitered gazelle bones occur in the 10--11th-century beds. 
The metatarsus of a kulan was found in the 13th-century bed. 

The findings in ancient Baku confirm an abundance of goitered gazelle 
and kulans in eastern Transcaucasia. The hunting of seals and aquatic 
birds, andfishingin the Baku bay have also been established. 

Bones and complete skulls of rats (Rattus norvegicus) are common 
in recent layers, dated 15-16th century A.D. However, the contemporaneity 
of the bones and the beds is not established, since rats may often penetrate 
the deep layers by descending through crevices and holes in the ground. 

We studied bone material from the beds of the ancient Chukhur - 
Kabala fortress (Figure 99), located on the northern margins of the 
Kura Plain in the Alazan-Agrichai valley and destroyed by the Mongolians 
in the 14th century (Krymskii, 1934). The ruins of the fortress and the 
towns are located between two left tributaries of the Turyan-Chai in thick 
broadleaf forest. During the period of the maximum development of these 
towns the trees were probably felled, since fragments of square bricks 
and pottery occur in the vicinity, particularly in the beds of the Kara-Su 
springs which flow through the alder and wing nut thickets. 



Bones of wild and domestic animals, mixed with pottery, bricks, ash 
and earth, fill deep wells in the fortress, which are at present being active.y 
eroded from the east by the Kara-Chai rivulet. The identified bones of 
domestic and wild animals which we collected in the talus of the cliff and 
in the rivulet bed are given in Table 52. 

TABLE 52, Species and number of mammal bones from the Chukhur-Kabala 
fortress beds (Middle Ages) 

Number of 

Species Number of bones 


Large cattle ae ines yeild ate) ere elles 
В Зе Ао ое Эва 

arn No 

Sin bitoit а ous ila 


Glervus ета ох 
Capreolus сартео 1 so а = 

eee eee eee 

Special excavations would undoubtedly increase the number of wild 
species specimens. In 1946-1947 we collected bones of small animals on 
the northern margins of the Kura Plain and in Apsheron from owl pellets. 
The material was collectedbetween Aldzhigan-Chai and Geok-Chai 
in short-livedcaves inthe cliffs of the Tertiary hills which separate the Alazan- 
Agrichai valley from the Kura Plain. Study of the fossil material showed 
that it was identical with the modern assemblage of insectivores and rodents 
known from samples obtained with traps (Table 53). 

We obtained more complete materials in a study of past and present 
distribution of small mammals on the Apsheron Peninsula, which enabled 
us to compare the composition of the present and the Pleistocene faunas. 

A narrow crevice (Figure 100) which had been occupied for several 
centuries by little owls was discovered by Burchak-Abramovich in 1944 in 
the limestone rock east of Cape Bil'gya onthenorthern coast of the 
Apsheron. Bones of insectivores, rodents, birds, reptiles and amphibians, 
and chitin of beetles from decayed pellets formed a layer 10-12 cm thick 
in the cavern. The bones in the upper layer were brown in color; those 
in the lower layers were gray-brown. Gromov, in 1944, andI, in 1945, 
collected up to 5,500 bones of mammals in the crevices.There were fewer 
bones of birds, lizards and toads. 


TABLE 53. Species and number of bones of small mammals in owl pellets from Geok-Chai 

Number of bones 

Species Number of individuals 

Hemiechinus auritus ....... : 1 
Соса пов о 5 466 bol uk 7 
оо ИЕ Иа 6.5 6 S60 5 o Bip e 1 
Cricetulus migratorius ...... 2 
MACROS БО ЧЕ ИО поло se deo cc 19 
MTS И В So WSs. koe нь 6 
Арочетни 5 у маи що 5b o aos 

MSTIOMES SRyWlarOUlrws 5569400 4 


FIGURE 100, Resting place of little owls in the rocks of Cape 

As old and plentiful as the accumulations found in owl prey are, they 
contain an essentially modern faunal assemblage, very similar to that which 
occurs at present on the northern Apsheron and is known from extensive 
samplings obtained with traps (Table 54). 

In both the owl-pellet accumulation and the trap samplings, there is a 
disproportionate representation of certain rodent species, which reflects 


in the one case the selectivity of the owls and in the other the specific 
instructions under which the personnel of the anti-plague station operated. 

There is no doubt that the ecological assemblage of smaller mammals 
of the Apsheron remained relatively stable over the last part of the 
Holocene. The study of the distribution of Recent mammals showed that 
the European hedgehog, forest dormouse, field mouse and steppe vole are 
relict species which have survived in a few sections of the peninsula from 
a more humid climatic stage, as have some other vertebrates, in particular 
Rana ridibunda WU. and the pond turtle Emys, orbreularmis L. 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c) (Figure 101). 

TABLE 54, Species and number of smaller mammals on Apsheron 

Caught by owls in the 
last three to four 

Species Trapped in 1939-1940 

ETinace us europaeus чо. .. ею Rare 
Неттесн и AUT RAMUS ое сес Common 
Crocidura russula.7. о, ее Common 
Pachyura еттизса ..,.. а emer cee Not recorded 
Юуто уз Whi Gost pac So sooo oy ooo Rare 
Cricetulus, migra commie ene mack 73 
Microtus socialis Я а 115 
Meriones ery throupiisee ое о нь 2,123 
А11астаса elaiter о Wwe и 8 

А. williamsi ... .. ое tie 50 
Mus musculus .. . ВЕ caer mea 81 

A pode mws sy мати, о kao deel tale 
Rattus norvegicus 

* The number of individuals is estimated from the number of lower jaws. 

The graphic art of nomadic tribes provides indirect evidence of the 
occurrence of large mammals inthe historical epoch ineastern Transcaucasia. 

A number of ancient campsites of nomads occur under the cliffs of 
Apsheron limestone in Kabristan, southwest of Baku. Ancient craftsmen 
have left line drawings of lions, red deer, wild and domestic goats, 
domestic bulls and horses on the picturesque rocks and overhangs of Mount 
Kyzyl-Kum, Beyuk-Dag and Dzhangir-Dag, which were probably also 
religious sites (Vereshchagin and Burchak-Abramovich, 1948). Some of 
the drawings are probably Neolithic, some Bronze Age and some belong 
to the present era (Figure 102). 

The studies of Holocene burials in eastern Transcaucasia may be 
Summarized as follows. In the postglacial epoch the following species 
appeared in eastern Transcaucasia: wild forms — striped hyena and 
possibly lion; rodents — black and Norway rats; hoofed mammals — kulan 
and goitered gazelle. A number of large mammals, characteristic of the 
Middle and Upper Pleistocene, disappeared from the area probably at a 
somewhat earlier stage. 


49°00' 49°30' 50°00" 

Г = 

Саре Bil’gya 

М la 
“2 rivulet У 


Mt. Keklik- Dag pany, 
"ify == М“ ое ae 

#7 Рига <> Магоеп Г. 
РА, Ел = Mt. KergeaJ 
“Mt. Osman-Dag и” Rana ridibunda 
aoe 7 
` Be and pond turtle 

: | polycarpos (1) 
European hedgehog @ Juniper J.polycarp 
(i bbionge (2) 

малыш Rock areas with brush 

Steppe vole on 

eDuvannyi Г. 
_ Sulla I, 40° 



Рае = 

FIGURE 102, Drawing of goats and other animals on rocks of Dzhingir-Dag 



Until recently some ungulates (е.5., deer and goitered gazelle) 
were much more abundant; the deer inhabited the tugai forests of the middle 
reaches of the Kura River. 

The occurrence of relict species (European hedgehog, fat dormouse, 
field mouse, Rana ridibunda and pond turtle) on the Apsheron 
indicates that the climatic regime remained relatively stable during the 
historical epoch. Their distribution also reflects changes in the landscape 
caused by man. 

Lesser Caucasus Upland 

Postglacial mammals of the Armenian Plateau occur in diluvial 
sediments, tuffaceous conglomerates, lake sediments, caves, cultural 
layers of settlements and burial grounds. 

Localities in diluvium on the shores of Lake Sevan. 
As early as 1926 Shelkovnikov brought to the ZIN rounded fragments of a 
bison skull (Bison bonasus subsp.), collected from postglacial, 
tuffaceous conglomerates at the Zanga source in Lake Sevan (Gromova, 
1935c). The state of preservation of this material shows that it may be 
Bronze Age. 

A large deer skullwithexcellently preserved antlers was collected from 
the diluvium of a slope near the village of Kabakhlu in the Azizbekov area 
in Armenia (Dal', 1947a). 

A fragment of the skull of a suslik (Citellus cf. xanthoprymnus) 
was collected from the alluvial loams on the right bank of the Zanga, 
6.5-7.0 m below the surface, in the vicinity of Arzni. The loams overlie 
a lava flow, presumably of the third to second millennium B.C. The time 
of the suslik is considered to be somewhat more recent (Dal', 1949a). The 
present eastern boundary of the suslik range is 40 km to the west. 

Many animal bones were deposited in the littoral zone of Lake Sevan, some 
from ‘animals which fell through the ice and drowned, some brought by the 
mountain streams. A large proportion of the bones are food remains of 
ancient hunters and cattle herdsmen who lived in pile dwellings along the 
lake shores. From the vicinity of such structural remains at the Zanga 
source two pairs of large antlers of red deer were collected and 
transferred to the Caucasian Museum (Bayern, 1871). Pile structures were 
also found near Novo-Bayazet and near Lake Gilli (Lalayan, 1929). 

In 1947-1948, when the level of the lake started to fall, Dal' (1950b) 
collected numerous bone fragments on the exposed part of the northern 
shelf of the lake. The material included bones of deer, European wildcat, 
boar and bear. A large collection of fragments of antlers and skullfragments 
of boars and turs was obtained from a 1.5-m depth in the shallow-water 
bay in the Artanishskii Gulf. 

Material from the gray river sands of the Sevan coast (the lower reaches 
of the Gavaraget River, near the Agbulakh rivulet and Cape Sary-Kai) 
appeared to be older; it included fragments of antlers, fragments of skulls 
and vertebrae of large bulls, similar in size to Bos primigenius and 
bison. A fragment of skull of a dwarftur (Bos cf. minutus) was 
collected from the same sediments near Cape Sary-Kai (Dal', 1950a). 


At our request Khaveson collected some bones оп the Lake Sevan shores, 
mostly on the northwestern shore near Shordzha, and on the southern shore 
near Cape Noraduz and Sary-Kai. 

222 We studied both collections. Most of the fragments in Dal's collection 
are brown and light brown in color; in Khaveson's collection the material 
is mostly of a light color. The bones seem heavy and permineralized, 
which, however, is only due to the limey deposit on the surface. Bones 
from the surf zone are strongly rounded and beige in color; those from the 
sediments in quiet water and from silt are complete and of a dark color. 
The deer remains mainly consist of antlers, often in a state of decomposition 
due to their exposure to water and subsequent weathering on the shore. 
Complete metapodia and jaws of domestic bulls and buffalos have been found. 
From the degree of coloration and loss of organic matter the material can 
be subdivided into two age-groups. The species identified and their 
proportions are given in Table 55. 

TABLE 55, Species and number of bones of mammals from Lake Sevan shores 

Па 69 ба а В ое вы В оо а 12 8 20 
(О АО р а о у 1 — il 
BOSS q AAC а ооо Ghaken Ate 61 23 84 
ес, ое 6 2 8 
Gael О gos ced kore Ag о о 3 3 6 
Lae ERE о обоо бобов sous оо бов 70 67 137 
ВИА ооо ин, Ц 5 2 7 
Small cattle (no closer identification) ... 13 14 27 
Subtotal 290 

Vulpes vulpesh.:. . Е 2 
тощо ate OSM 2.2.2 4). ее 1 
Miedes ime les... оо. Ни 1 
SiS SIGH OL AY ie ой. Пе ня 5 
Conus ЭЛАР с о овоббоооросво 52 
Subtotal 61 
Total 351 

The occurrence of dromedary is particularly interesting. The state of 
preservation of the forearm, scapula and mandible (Figure 103), which 
are colored light brown to a depth of 4-5 mm, indicates that the bones are 
quite old (3,500-4,000 years). 

Khaveson (1954b), on the basis of teeth indexes, identified the jaw 
of the camel as belonging to а wild form —Camelus dromedarius 
dahli. Confirmation of this identification based on more complete material 



would indicate an extensive development of хеготогр с landscapes of the 
Armenian Highland at some early stage of the Holocene. 

It seems very doubtful that wild camels could migrate into a mesophytic 
landscape of the present upland type in the vicinity of Lake Sevan. Other 
wild forms (bear, boar and deer) are more characteristic of the mesophytic, 
i.e., meadow and forest, environment than of the upland steppe and desert. 

Material from burials and settlements. It has been possible 
to date more accurately the bones from burial grounds and ancient towns 
on the Lake Sevan shores, the Karabakh plateau, the Zanga shores, Debed- 
Chai ravine and the upper reaches of the Khram, near Tsalka on the 
Trialet ridge. 

According to Piotrovskii (1949, p.92), the oldest Holocene site is the 
Eneolithic, on the bank of the Zanga River near Shengavit, which 
was excavated by Baiburtyan in 1936-1938. The site was dated as second half of 
the third millennium B.C. Dal' has identified inthe site material bones of wild 
goats, horses and fish; the horses were probably wild varieties. 

Remarkable material, including antlers of red deer, was collected by 
Kuftin (1939) in 1930 from Eneolithic (third millennium B.C.) mound burials 
on the Trialet ridge in the upper reaches of the Khram. 

A lower molar of abear (Ursus arctos meridionalis) was 
collected by Kuftin from an Upper Eneolithic single burial near the village 
of Ozny in the Tsalka area. 

FIGURE 103. Lower jaw of Camelus cf, dromedarius from 
the shores of Lake Sevan 

More recent burials from the middle of the second millennium B.C. 
contained fragments of skulls, metapodia and phalanges of giant bulls, 
nearly the size of Bos primigenius, аз well as bones of dogs, horses, 
boars, sheep and goats. АП the bones are stained with humus; they are 
dark brown in color, and partially decayed. Kuftin thought that venerated 
human remains were carried on bull-drawn carts to the grave site. The 
bulls were then slaughtered and eaten, and the skins, skulls and limb bones 
were buried with the corpse. These mounds yielded a silver bucket 
depicting red deer and chamois and a gold goblet depicting lions. 

1704 220 


The same type of burial with remains of a bull was found in 1948 in 
Kirovakan (Piotrovskii, 1950). The skull, better preserved than the 
one at the Trialet locality, indicates that the primitive tribes who 
built burial sites of this type had begun the domestication of Bos 
primigenius. A pair of roaring lions, similar in style to Hittite 
drawings, are depictedon a gold cup found in the grave. 

It is known from Resler's (1896) descriptions ''of the sites of huge fires" 
that "gre at accumulations of ashes and burnt animal bones — horses, rams, 
dogs, boars, buffalos, and bulls — '' occur in the mounds and burial sites at 
Archadzor near the village of Khodzhala on the Karabakh Plateau. The 
presently accepted date of these monuments, which are related to the 
Assyrian culture, is early first millennium B.C. (Piotrovskii, 1949). 
Skulls of horses, bones of rams, camels and wild animals were found in 

the dolmens excavated by Belek and Ivanovskii in Karabakh and near Kedabek 
(Sysoev, 1925). 

FIGURE 104, 

Skulls: 1—Vulpes vulpes; 2—Martes foina; 3—Lepus europaeus 
from Urartu burials on the shores of Lake Sevan 


The excavations of the Urartu fortress Tsovinar on the southern shore 
of Lake Sevan (Piotrovskii, 1944) revealed bones of domestic pigs, domestic 
bulls and sheep. Large Urartu burial fields on the eastern shore of Lake 
Sevan near the village of Zagalu were excavated in 1905-1908 by Lalayan 
(1929). Big earth mounds of three types, which cover stone mausoleums 
used for common burials, were found there and near the villages of Nor- 
Bayazet and Adiaman. By the transitional Bronze-to-Iron-Age material 
found there, these burials have been dated as early first millennium B.C. 

225 (Piotrovskii, 1949, p.86). The sites contained skulls of martens (Martes 
latifrons = Martes foina)and badgers (Meles urartuorum = 
Meles meles minor) (Satunin, 1907b). From the same sites, 
Shelkovnikov in 1930 collected a mandible of a horse, a skull of a young 
pig, two skulls of foxes (Vulpes vulpes), four skulls of martens 
(Martes foina) andaskull of ahare (Lepus europaeus), all of 
which he donated to the ZIN. 

The burial of the bodies of wild and domestic animals was of ritualistic 
importance to the Urartus. Lalayan mentions that he invariably found 
skeletons of horses, large cattle, sheep and goats in Urartu graves which 
he disposed of at the site. It is not known whether complete bodies of wild 
animals or only their skulls were buried (Figure 104). 

TABLE 56, Species and number of mammal bones from Urartu fortress Teishebaini 



Species Species 

Domestic Marge si Ро ее. 1 
Ре! пуле в... 1 
о Omoaoo o timed dc I у й . 
С Cefu lus арта о из. ... 2 
hot oon ое DODO Um > bo ac 
i Мера о ОВ р cosy << 2 
ооо о оО: аи у 
р. Apodemus Sylvaticeus,.... . 4 
ООО cidkate: ОА РО у 
8 ето тес ар а. ие а 1 
Large Cattle: |... м Ви 
ap wal ae gage PLUS: и, bas Raye “s 1 
GEM) о о A Chor oO Обо Pct > an 
ON US SSM GI. heer ЖЖ 1 
SHEEP® оон ce. oo нь 
Gazella subgutturosa..... 2 
GOAL) aie silo соо о а ем 
Соус... 4 

© wees On 4 в Що 2 

OM, ae. hs) ма 98 в 

ооо Ч 

ee a се тая 

6 © ye Of Axe Ve 

Ornaments from the graves usually depict red deer, A running bear 
is engraved on a sard seal collected in one of the graves. 

Excavations of the Urartu fortress Karmir-Blur (Teishebaini) 
on the Zanga River near Yerevan (Piotrovskii, 1944, 1949) produced bone 
material which reflects some features of the animal husbandry and the 
faunal peculiarities of the Armenian Highland in the middle of the first 
millennium B.C. 



Teishebaini, an important administrative center of the Urartus, was 
conquered inthe 7th century B.C. by the Scythians who invaded 
Transcaucasia. Domestic and wild animals and various objects were buried 
under falling roofs and walls as the fortress burned. Dal' (1952), who has 
studied 4,667 bones from the Teishebaini excavations, listed the species 
given in Table 56. 

From his knowledge of the conditions of the burial and his personal 
observations at the excavation site, Dal' concludes that gerbil and long- 
eared hedgehog migrated to the ruins of the fortress at a later time. The 
stone marten (Martes foina) andthe spotted cat (Felis lybica) 
might have been domesticated species which were used to control rodents. 
White -toothed shrew, hamster, field and house mice belong to the local 
synanthropic forms which at that time invaded human dwellings. Bones and 
objects made of horns of wild goat, ram, deer and goitered gazelle give 
some idea of the hunting traditions in the northern part of Urartu. This 
incidence of goitered gazelle bones is the first documented evidence of the 
occurrence of this gazelle in the middle section of the Araks valley. 

Material from shelters of predators. New paleontological 
materials of the postglacial epoch were found by zoologists during studies 
of accumulated food remains of predators in the caves and smaller caverns 
of the Lesser Caucasus upland. 

Polyakov (1882), in his survey of the caves along the shores of Lake 
Sevan in 1879, found a skull of a weasel, jaws of voles, mice and ducks in 
а cave at Mount Peschanaya Gor. 

In his study of the present vertebrate fauna of the Saraibulakh (Urtskii) 
ridge, Dal' (1940b, 1954a) collected and identified the remains of animals 
accumulated by preying eagle owls and wolves in four karst caves. (Some of 
the bones belonged to animals which entered the cave and died there. ) The 
richest material was collected in a cave in the third gorge from the west, 
in the western part of the ridge, above the village of Shagaplu. The entrance 
into the cave is on the right wall of the gorge, 11 m above the ravine floor 
(1,750 та above sealevel). The combined length of the sections of the cave 
which were studied is 41.5 m. The animal bones were scattered and were 
mainly found in depressions and chambers, occurring in large numbers 
in the clayey surface layer. In this cave, 1,850 bones, belonging to at least 
660 individual reptiles, birds and mammals, have been collected. 

The state of preservation and the age of the bones vary. Some bones of 
domestic animals which remained on the surface were better preserved 
than those which were embedded in the ground. The bones are grayish 
yellow in color. Calcareous crusts up to 1.3 mm thick and stalagmites up 
to 5 mm high formed on some of the bones. The oldest bones dissolve 
completely in hydrochloric acid. Па! estimates their age from 2,000- 
4,000 years. They include bones of jackal, domestic dog, fox, stone 
marten, tiger polecat, badger, hare, ass, horse, deer, bull, wild goat 
and Armenian mouflon. 

We have studied the skulls of badgers from this cave (Vereshchagin, 
1951b) and found them to be closer to that of the Urartu form of badger than 
those from the Sevan burials. This fact makes it seem possible that some 
of the bones are older than the age assigned to them by Dal'. The jaws 
of a large pika, found in the far corner of the cave, are among the oldest 
bones. The remains of white-toothed shrews, Myotis, foxes, weasels, 



martens and rodents are of modern types. Most of them were washed out 
of the pellets of eagle owls by water. 

The identification of the material from the four caves resulted in the long 
list of species given in Table-57. Bones of larks, chough, pigeons, 
Hungarian and rock partridges, Ophisaurus apus and lake frogs were 
also found. 

The location of the caves in a transitional landscape zone and the ways 
by which the animal remains were introduced into them preclude their 
usefulness as a basis for any far-reaching conclusions on changes in the 
climate and landscapes during the Holocene. 

The list of wild species of the Saraibulakh ridge shows that large species 
(jackal, bear, pika, kulan and deer) do not occur there in the present; 
their disappearance can undoubtedly be attributed to man. 

TABLE 57, Species and number of mammal bones from caves on the Saraibulakh (Urtskii) ridge 

of bones 


Ae cae of bones 



ID IS (Sty roe БОИ, CE ARC ON, Rah mee Mien cictarmtedlionss ее. esc 14 

HOBO We). Ю.И. oo BY A, Fe ThistDyibiioalt 20. FUER ке A i 

J ACIOR Dre teat ее рее ое И Lepussemropiaien(sa.s.% ления, 98 

batgeveattlen к аль. aril - Oicihiait Gniaygspagts sess bee МЫ 3 

А mc cer coe ров Allactaga м тать. 9 

ОА, ое А Mie iO eS рее ева 135 

Cricetulus migratorius 135 

re oe a MES Ger TG emus allie t Ws a, conics 794 

ан А SOCMAMUNS costes cts a ee 140 

Mi My atl ins: Rar. ee at М Ма 6 

BVINAGCeUSIeUTOpB ens я Lh. 44. Aryilcw laAMLeDresitrists. mt а 2 

Cro cidu ray Tussi) asp, wz). Ме Blo bars” we es/clense tiie aesepai 323 

Myotis oxygnathus......... Equus hemionus,....... erg 4 

Са aT CUS oon) epaysneue Vousn one GClervyuis арии о 24 

нок Ее Е ПВО Ga Pa Ae А а не Е: 85 

МЕ У ее Ovis gmelini 76 
оо erento rao rate 

Ме ЧИНА a Se Ne ae ete ee Pe Ome Pe AMO IDIOMA PT te. es 

Мате Seto iia te tate . Rh ne tel et etre 

Vormela peregusna , 

Taken аз a whole, the faunal complex of the region, even in the oldest 
times, was very close to the present faunal complex, which is characteristic 
of the arid plateau landscape of southwest Asia. 

In southeastern and central Armenia, Sosnikhina (1947, 1948) did a 
thorough study in 1946-1949 of bones from eagle owls' pellets in three 
different altitudinal vegetation zones and landscapes. These were: 1) zone 
of spiny tragacanth formations (1,500-1,600 m above sea level); 2) zone 
of upland fescue steppe and arid thin forests (2,100-2,200 m above sea level) 
in the Azizbekov area and near Lake Sevan; 3) zone оё mountain meadows 


(2,600 m above sea level) in Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. The material, consisting 
of several thousand bones, illustrates very well the distribution of small 
mammals on the high plateaus and the effects which changes in climate 

and landscape can have on formation of ecological assemblages. These 

data are summarized in Table 58. 

Most of the bones studied probably accumulated during the last centuries, 
possibly only during the last decades. 

The two main assemblages of small mammals, the xerophilous and the 
mesophilous, either replace or supplement each other, reflecting in part 
the landscape of the region and in part the distribution and hunting behavior 
of eagle owls. 

These data also indicate some etiological features of the behavior of 
eagle owls: the length of time they occupy their shelters, their habits of 
preying on a wide variety of species, choosing their prey in various 
biotopes, and leaving their pellets near the hunting ground. Inthe winter some 
of the eagle owls probably migrate from the highlands to the valleys, and , 

228 in the absence of shelters on the hunting grounds, they may migrate to 
another area to find day resting places. 

TABLE 58. Species and relative abundance (in %) of mammalian bones in pellets of eagle owls of 
Armenian Plateau 

Chirakhan Southern slope : у Slopes around 
i : Dzhagri ravine ; 

Species ravine (1,500- | of Sevan ridge Conn аъоме Lake Aknalich 

1,600 m above | (2,000-2,100 т |`’ (2, 60011 above 

sea level) above sea level) ео sea level) 
Erinaceus europaeus ........ 2.4 
Crocidura russula ........ = 
© ПО ® 545646646500 2000 cn 
HOS ПИШИ 5 S55 5000 co0D00 = 
NEO у9 ООВ Бобооороовос oF 
MSVOUIS OrxsyemawntS 5555000006 a 
Mustela nivalis caucasica,., 1.2 
Гери CUPROPACUS 5455006000006 7 
Фет ар Ио ween Е 4,7 
ИЕ eel Ween 55 oo G0 G6 р, 
"Ооо И ОИ Е 6556566000 = 
Apodemus sylvaticus........ ar 
МАТИ G5 coanooos0000008 a 
Cricetulus migratorius...... i 
MESOCIULCSTWS ИМЕЯ 5 65's 65% 17.3 
о али 56556006 бое 62.5 
ПИ, S@ GUIS Бовобоооав бов ов Ee 
MPa Ore. оо 2.4 
О АИ В ро оо ооо о бо Ne 10 2.4 
Arvicola terrestris..... . aa 
ВПП ИО so ag500006 2.4 




The occurrence of pika bones is of interest, sinces this species has 
probably become extinct in modern times on the Armenian Plateau. 

In the upland semidesert of the Araks valley, bones from the pellets of 
owls and eagle owls were collected by Sosnikhina (1950b) in a cave of the 
volcanic Mount Karakhan (900 m above sea level), near the village of 
Novyi Shakhvarut, west of Yerevan. In 1947 we collected material in caves 
and under overhangs at the foot of the rock formations known as Alindzha-Dag, 
Ilyanlu-Dag and Darry-Dag, and in caves near the village of Klit, east of 
Ordubad, at the beginning of the Araks gorge. 

The present-day landscape of the Abrakunis area consists of plateau-like 
spurs, covered with spiny astragalus bushes, mountain saltwort and weakly 
developed ephemeretum. The relict shrub vegetation, which had 
persisted in the valleys, consists of almonds, buckthorn and ephedra. This 
vegetation indicates that a xerophytic landscape existed in the region even 
before cattle husbandry. The plateau-like spurs are cut by dry canyons with 
rock-covered areas and caves, which are the resting sites of owls and 
eagle owls. There has been a survey of one such cave in the ''Hyena ravine" 
Kyaftar-Dara (Figure 105). 

On the left wall of the Araks gorge we surveyed three karst caves located 
between the Ordubad and Megri stations near the village of Klit. 

These caves were visited in 1879 by Polyakov (1882) on his reconnaissance 
of Paleolithic sites. In a trench in the anterior chamber of the middle cave, 
at a depth of 1.5 m, Polyakov found two pelvic bones of wild goat (Capra 
aegagrus), leg bones of European brown bear (Ursus arctos), several 
bones of hare (Lepus europaeus), "femur of a small carnivore similar 
to a dog'' and bones of a pigeon. The excavations revealed the following 
sequence from topto bottom: a layer of flaky clay and excreta of bats, 35 cm 
thick, clayey beds with excreta and bones of bats. 

All three caves are located in a wall of dolomitized limestone on the 
eastern slope of one of the small valleys in the Araks ravine. There are 
other caves in this limestone which, however, are not easily accessible. 
The biggest cave is the middle stalactitic cave ''Dlinnokryly'", described by 
Satunin (1915a). The entrance slopes downward into a cavern, from the 
middle of which the floor slopes upward to a long, narrow corridor with 
calcitic encrustations. From the posterior part of the cavern another 
twenty-meter-long corridor leads to the left into a lower chamber, 15 m 
wide, and to yet another corridor, this one proceeding a length of 50 т to 
a dead end. The combined length of the cavern and the long corridor is 250m. 

The height of the first chamber is 12-18 m; some sections are higher. 

In the talus left by Polyakov's excavations bones of Miniopterus 
schreibersii were observed. Inthe left corner of the cave, near the 
resting place of some carnivore (panther?), we found 14 gnawed bones 
(horse, ass, sheep, tur) showing a recent mode of preservation, and 
several bones of Miniopterus schreibersii covered with calcitic 
crust. Bones of a young panther (Panthera pardus) and stone marten 
(Martes foina), also showing a recent type of preservation, were found 
in the stone-covered middle section of the cave. 

Of the present cave inhabitants, we caught only one greater horseshoe 
bat (Rhinolophus ferrum equinum) and counted only ten flying 
Miniopterus. Satunin in 1893 counted Miniopterus inthe thousands. 
Footprints cf panthers, martens and white-toothed shrews occur in the 
ancient dust. 




FIGURE 105. Entrance to cave inhabited by eagle owl in Kyaftar-Dara ravine 

Photograph by author, 1947 

Some rodent bones from the pellets of eagle owls were collected near 
the mouths of the two marginal caves. 

Comparison of Sosnikhina's collections of small species with ours 
indicates a considerable increase — from west to east — in the xerophilous 
fauna and a concomitant species impoverishment in the small-mammal 
complexes (Table 59). 

All of this material from the Arals valley — up to 1,500 bones from owl 
pellets — was collected from the surface and generally shows a recent type 
of preservation. It gives no indication of the appearance or the disappearance 
of any species in the semideserts in our time. A similar composition of the 
fauna was established through sampling with traps. However, in the 
interests of accuracy, it is necessary to mention that a mouse-like hamster 
was discovered as recently as 1938 on Mount Darry-Dag near Ilyanlu-Dag, 
and that bones have been found of Asia Minor hamster which does not inhabit 
the upland semidesert zone at present. 

Тату: за EW ibwws jopland 

No bones of the postglacial epoch are known from the northern foothills 
of the Talysh Mountains and the Lenkoran Plain; neither are food remains 


known from the Talysh highland steppe. However, ancient burial mounds, 
in southern Mugan, as yet untouched by archaeologists, are evidence of 
ancient human habitation of the region. 

TABLE 59, Incidence of species (in %) in mammal remains from pellets of owls and eagle owls in caves 
of the middle Araks Valley 



Novyi Shakhvarut, 
Mt, Karakhan 


Erinaveus seu Top Meas ier «een 

Hemiechinus: a Wig uses pees eee 
Grocidura russ Wildy aa ee dio ae eas 
Miniopterus schmembens tine. jen 
Mustela miva 15 aver. ole an ais 
Lepws €wrop a € US ее 
Allaetaga ма evacuees nee 
Allateta вает ее email 
Mis) цессе 
Apodiemius. sy lL vane но еее ee 
Метгошез. Бас кет Е cae 
М. Pie ES UCUIS: И ue © ее 
Мезоесттсети$ .aAMEMISy ое 
Cricetutus тол оваветииь S| 4. ее 
Calomyscus bailwardi ...... ... 
Атугсо1 а террасе о ors 
MirGriotulsmarivallits’ . Steere ee ее 
М soleil a Lis, зо ое gods 
Edo bans, ре се ee 

In 1945 I collected rodent bones in small caves inhabited by owls located 
in three sections of upland steppe, covered with grass and spiny astragali, 
in the upper reaches of the Vilyazh-Chai, near the Dymanskii post and in 
the upper reaches of Vassaru-Chai, near Kelakhan and Kel'vyaz. 

TABLE 60, Species and number of mammal bones from owl pellets in upland steppe of Talysh 

Hie sec UM IS, ct Uinta ре еее 
| Dye NES eh NO) oS a ее . 
Аа е тара Larrys МУ cua! shar ae ats Bist 
CLUCETUNUSM та OTIS ena Rees № a vela te 
Miesoernceitiisy aiming Goya. аа: ие 
мМистоли зева Ба о-в 
Мау ог. s ба реа 0] ane 2 д: . 
Ea Mob а лв, im Ge SiGe т еее > cus а cee . 

Е о ооо резво . 


The age of these bones is not more than 200-300 years. In most cases, 
they were not protected by soil and consequently were subject to weathering. 
The combined data for all the three sections are given in Table 60. 

All the small mammals listed still inhabit the region, forming the Recent 
assemblage characteristic of the upland steppes of the northwestern Iranian 
Plateau and the Armenian Highland. The list does not include the European 
hedgehog, long-tailed shrew, steppe mouse and snow vole. These species 
are very rare in the region. (Relict snow voles occur higher in the 
mountains. ) The similarity of our list to Sosnikhina's (1947, 1948) list, 
given for the tragacanth-covered steppe areas of the Armenian Highland, 
proves a considerable degree of affinity between the faunas and between the 
landscapes of the two regions. 

On the adjacent Iranian Plateau, Coon (1951) collected Holocene 
mammals from the eastern part of the Elburz Range, 50 km from Asterabad, 
in Mesolithic and Neolithic beds of the Belt cave. Among the 1,170 fragments 
of bones, 18 species have been identified. The most abundant is goitered 
gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa, 67%), followed by Bos 
Пена еа ис (18-89%) coat (арта 5р. 5.19), ram, (Onassesipe. 
Фа рлаи seal (Eshioje aye as pile aw ice lo) andidopa(@anas sp, , 
1.7%). Also mentioned are individual occurrences of Vulpes sp., Felis 
Sjoe, Wilweigieucleis, ‘Crp Oli Sos, (eS Oi нноею, Isl yas te ss) Soe 5 
Mus sp., Equus asinus, Sus sp., Cervus elaphus and Cervidae. 

232 Identification of the bones of the Viverridae, European beaver and Bos 
primigenius needs to be confirmed. The remaining species are to some 
extent similar to the present assemblages of mammals on the hot plateaus 
of northwestern Iran and humid, wooded Asterabad. 

These studies of the various types of Holocene deposits of the 
Armenian Highland, Araks valley, and Talysh and El'brus highlands show 
that a number of large animals (bison, Bos primigenius, kulan, 
goitered gazelle) inhabited the region in the not-distant past. They also 
reveal shifts in the areas of distribution of some smaller species (suslik 
and Asia Minor hamster). 

The results of the studies of Holocene localities on the Caucasian 
Isthmus can be summarized as in Tables 62-63. 

In our studies of the bone collections from the post-Paleolithic cultural 
beds and from diluvial sediments, we were able to trace the appearance 
of some species of large mammals in the Caucasus in postglacial time. 
The species migrated to the Caucasus from adjacent areas. Extinction of 
many of the Pleistocene species was also revealed by the studies. The 
rapid development of animal husbandry and its characteristic regional 
features, as well as the steady increase in the proportion of domestic over 
wild species in food remains from the Neolithic to the present, could be 
traced through the bone material. Studies of bone material from the day 
resting places of eagle owls produced a more precise delineation between 
past and present distribution of many insectivores and rodents. The rarity 
of multilayered Holocene deposits of smallbones and the abundance of 
younger bones in small caves and under rocky ledges might indicate a 
discontinuity in the availability of shelters and in the accumulation of food 
remains of owls. It is possible, however, that rapid mechanical weathering 



of *he exposed rodent bones and the frequent collapse of small caves might 
have created the appearance of such a discontinuity. 

The studied Holocene material consists of 77 species of mammals which 
inhabited the Caucasus at the end of the Upper Paleolithic, some of which 
became extinct toward the 20th century. 

Comparison of the lists of the Holocene and Pleistocene species indicates 
pronounced changes in the compositions and distribution of the mammalian 
fauna of the Caucasus, occurring mainly at the Pleistocene-Holocene 
boundary (Table 61). 

Thus, the Holocene in the Caucasus is characterized by the complete 
disappearance of proboscideans* and apes while perissodactyls and 
artiodactyls decreased catastrophically. The increase in the number of 
rodents in the Holocene beds is accounted for by the differences between 
excavated and open sites. 

TABLE 61, Number of mammalian species from the Pleistocene and the Holocene in the Caucasus 


Species Holocene 

ANSECLIVOLA™ orate: ieee Lee неее 9 
Орта ote estoy) austere Reet о ее 3 
М мод СА cabetatetenema = 
Sarmivor iS. AWS SR MILI MATA. OE We! cyt 14 
Easomonphagn . seis ft) 4207s Yedda) eer 2 
Rodentia” “22 coc ао в осо thaeat mea Scab МВ 33 

РЕЗОВ а еее ео а poem) 
АО А ее еее ее еее 

ое целые; злее г, ca [© 

Reliable conclusions оп the appearance or disappearance of species in 
the Holocene can be drawn only with respect to the mass species. Overall, 
the species complexes and locations of the Holocene deposits exhibit a nearly 
modern faunal composition and distribution pattern. 

A review of paleontological material on post-Pleistocene fauna shows 
the following changes: 

Insectivora — At least five species crossed the Pleistocene -postglacial 
boundary: mole, white-toothed shrew, water shrew, long-eared and 
European hedgehog. In addition, three species of white-toothed shrew 
(Crocidura suaveolens Рай, Crocidura leucodon Hermes, 
Suncus etruscus) occur inthe Holocene; these species probably inhabited 
the Caucasus in the Pleistocene also. 

Chiroptera — Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus) is known from 
the Pleistocene beds. The Holocene beds in the caves of the Lesser 
Caucasus uplands commonly contain bones of Myotis and Miniopterus. 

Primates — There are no data on the occurrence of Holocene macacas. 

* In view of the finds of geologically young mammoths in Pyatigor'e andin the Gori depression, the question 
of their possible survival through the Pleistocene in the Caucasus deserves further investigation and requires 
additional corroborative material, 



Carnivora — Of the 21 species known in the Pleistocene, only 15 have 
been recorded in the Holocene. In the Holocene of the Caucasus there are 
no steppe or cave bear, cavehyena, Panthera leo or cheetah and probably 
no glutton. Jackal and striped hyena occur for the first time in the Holocene. 
It seems possible that at this period a number of other southern carnivores 
(jungle cat, lion and tiger) migrated to the Caucasus although their remains 
have not yet been found. The absence of lion, tiger and cheetah bones from 
postglacial deposits canbe accounted for by their scarcity in the historical 

Lagomorpha — European hare is the only species known from the 
Pleistocene. The Holocene deposits contain remains of European hare and 
large pika which probably existed in the Lesser Caucasus in the Pleistocene. 

Rodentia — A number of important changes in the composition and 
distribution of the rodent fauna occurred during the Holocene. The porcupine 
andthe Apsheron vole became extinct; the Asia Minor hamster retreated 
from the Apsheron and from Imeretia; the areas of distribution of the suslik 
of Asia Minor on the Armenian Highland and of the Caucasian snow vole in 
Ciscaucasia decreased. The finds of remains of black rats in Neolithic beds 
on the Black Sea coast and in Kura Plain beds of the middle of the first 
millennium B.C. are a basis for assuming that the species was autochthonous 
and that it survived through the Pleistocene on the warm, humid lowlands 
near the Black and southern Caspian seas. A similar conclusion, if applied 
to the Norway rat, would be oven to question. The occurrence of European 
beaver in Neolithic times in Colchis has been confirmed. 

Most of the other findings fill in details of the distribution of extant 

Perissodactyla — The materials studied give no indication that the woolly 
rhinoceros and the Equus hemionus survived in the Caucasus through 
the Pleistocene. The occurrence of the modern kulan in the Holocene of 
eastern Trans- and Ciscaucasia has been recorded. There were undoubtedly 
wild horses in the Holocene, but it has not yet been possible to distinguish 
their bones from the bones of domestic horses of various origins. Wild and 
domestic horses were the main animals used in sacrifices and for food by 
the Caucasian tribes during most of the historical epoch. 

Artiodactyla — Boar were widely distributed in the Caucasus. In the 
Holocene the species was one of the primary game animals. Bos 
primigenius were also abundant in the Lesser Caucasus. So far there 
is no evidence of the existence of wild camels in the Caucasus in the 

The wide distribution of red deer has been traced over nearly the entire 
Caucasian Isthmus from the Pleistocene to the 19th century. Roe deer 
and elk inhabited the lower Don valley, the river valley forests and reed 
jungle of the Kuban and the wooded lowlands of Ciscaucasia and Colchis to 
the end of the 18th century. No Holocene remains of Cervus 
pliotarandoides and fallow deer are known. 

The occurrence of bison has been established for the Bronze Age in 
the Lesser Caucasus, and for the Middle Ages of the present era on the 
middle and lower Don. Saiga disappeared from eastern Transcaucasia in 
the Lower Holocene. Remains of goitered gazelle begin to occur in beds 
dated second millennium B.C. in eastern Cis- and Transcaucasia. They 
are particularly abundant in the Apsheron Peninsula beds of the Middle Ages. 


234 TABLE 62. Species and stratigraphic location of mammal bones from the Quaternary of the Caucasus 


Orders and species 


Erinaceus europaeus Г. ($. lato) 
Hemiechinus auritus Gmel. (s, lato) 
SOP TURAL HL tery ests tel sees ss 
ЗОО TE bs oh Pe EAR OE, Е 
Neomys fodiens Schr, ($. 1ато).... 
Crocidura Lewcodon Herm Je. i 
Coa russuda Pali (s. ato) i sss Bae 
SUMS WS вас (Sa Vie рее ode 
IPM cy OEUNOEI NOE Sele 5 3 Hos ooo 
6 SD) CRIs Or ceaidisiedioe Ora 


Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum Schr. 
Myotis oxygnathus Mont, ...... 
Miniopterus schreibersii КИШ... 
EMITOpterakGelaron . он 


DCMCRAICAMS Dp choke eure ac aii eu ey, = Supers 


CAMS sae И atte reyes) a ONO Cae 
а: Sagal EO) haa ae ie a ene 
С. lupus apscheronicus М. Ver, 

“GC. tamamensis М, Мег. 111% 38 
Сам 8ря phe cc па ВЕ Е 
Уре со та ера AES -mebey. eye ie на 
У. унирес т. врал 
У. vulpes aff, alpherakyi Sat. ... 
WS WSS ANC воз ee pcre Че hel 
О. arctos binagadensis М. Ver... 
WU. speliaeus Rosm (sy lato)c G2 „Г... 
U. ressiten иво: ee. 
Hy aena shy vena. оу 
Crocitta «ретаеа соч io awe 
Mines, om nids вх. ms ии 
М. боди а: slairifironisesai.y eet В 
Мое ГОША: ео а ел 
Ne Е ВЯ, Арба ЗУВЕ on ceed, 
Vormela регеризпа Guld. ...... 
Lujtramihut ral 19:2. Sts де 
Mustela nivalis L. (5. lato) ..... 

* Species of the transitional Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene period on 

with an asterisk. 






o Ей Е 
$ 50 50 {> 
= < v. < `— 
Ф Ф Е 
= N < = 5 
[>) я S ne} 2 
oO о о к [9 
[= - 
7. a) 4 = 5. 
+ + + 
— + + 
— — + 
— = + 
== + + 
— + + 
- + + 
_ + + 
+ + + 
— = = 
— - + 
+ + + 
= se = 
= + + 
os == = 
+ = = 
a + + 
т af A: 
os = ag 
+ = be, 

the Taman Peninsula are marked 

TABLE 62 (continued) 

Orders and species 

MELISS WEISS № (Gs Ею) Ses 56 o 4 
М. MmETSS в, AMO SA 52564000 
MCIES S06 чобы Bid o-oo 4 ао оо 
Gulo aff. gulo L, 
Felis silvestris Schr, ($. lato) 

I's WWIDLGA 95 goog os50509006 
Po аш. WVICAa 163% oooacaodocg 
Во ухе о (Sip LAO) о ctr ake orem 
Panthera pardus L, 
Р. spelaea Goldf, 
Рама G0 oooaa 

Ce ee 


ACHMOMIPS Elis MIDAS бе 55 55 


OCMOLOMA Во бсосовобовосасов 
LEPUS GUROPACWS Pall, о ръоовос 
L, europaeus gureevi I, Grom... 
L. cf. europaeus 


МА О EE SP ob aodguogues 02000 
те 113 рузмаець Раш. ooo. « 
С. aff. citellus xanthoprimnus 

WOM, coors oo0gsoga000020000 
CASEOE WiDEH by собососбосочдо 
* С. tamanensis №. Ver. 
* Trogontherium cuvieri Fisch, 

Hystrix cf. leucura Sykes ...... 
H. vinogradovi Arg, 
Dyromys nitedula Pall, 

ИИ yy Wits ho бро 6 G0 Glo dina од 
subtilis Pall, 
Оо ©, ФЕИ VAM, Saves ade ai 
Allactaga jaculus Pall, 
А. jaculus bogatschevi Arg. 

ЕО, eNOS, mike ie sis о ро ао Е 


ве ие Е 

ев = 

. СЁ. williamsi 
iN EME WET ПО Yn G6 ood 000 0100 0 
Spalax microphthalmus Guld. 

So В ING 5 Soon a0 oo 
Micromys minutus Рай. 
Mus musculus Г. ($. lato) 
Apodemus agrarius Pall. 
A.sylvaticus Г. (s. lato) 
ROEM) MANIC Ibs 9 6 6 oe no oo 
R. norvegicus Berk. 

see ewe 

. Williamsi dzhafarovi I. Grom. 

+b + 

= 5 

Ss a 
= =) 
+ + 
a Е 
= + 
+ + 
£ a 
= + 
+ + 
+ + 
a = 
= + 
-|- — 
Зы — 
+ + 
— + 
+ + 
и oa 
+ = 
— + 
г == 
ws 5 
a. oe 
+ a 
г he 










5 5 
с [= 


д a 
= nie 
fe me 
— + 
+ + 
— + 
bu fie: 
— + 
— + 
ar + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 


Middle Ages 


Present time 

236 TABLE 62 (continued ) 

Orders and species 

Mi ат: araltiise Weiter. Bt orc. Е 
Me aura tus Tadic em Nehine sistant Е 
Maura tuls ра ео а Argyl nan kot. ae 
CTUCE оао а vO а» Pauly ie ec 
С. migratorius argiropuloi I. Grom. 
Calomyscus bailwardi Thos, 
Meriones erythrourus Gray, ....... 
М. erythrourus intermedius I, Grom, 
MiP DLAe Rr ОНО: де аа steno © he hehe 
Me persaicuis „Вами. о са aha ote 
Ва ити о ас мхи AEEUILS NG ое 
Arvicola tentestinis №. ©. Пато) jb. | 
Mie rons: anvialus: Paley, be tia sates ie 
М. socialis Pall, 
. ef, roberti Thos, 
nivalis Mart, 
aff. gud Sat, , 
A ЕО MOS, (8 ts, dick mie wht amie od 
apscheronicus Arg, 
Prometheomys aff, schaposchnikovi 
Ellobius talpinus Pall, 
Е. LU besice ns TOs. йа. 
Е. aff. lutescens Thos, 
Muridae реп. 

Эа ‘ares sx 


Мия, UTES ЗИ АЕ eas fot аа: ное ое 


Бот Saree) |B 



*Elephas meridivonalis Nesti 2. % 2. 
AE Тала, AUC ил дор в 
В trogomet he riyeP onl) и: 
Ирана цели BUNT 5 si 


Equus. цешопи Ра, ет 
Е. aff. hidruntinus Вер. ., 
Е, caballws Г. ЦТ, р ae oie be 
Е. caballus gmelini Ant, 

Ve! vue, чае 

*E, aff. sissenbornensis Wist. 
SE, Si KeTLOM US, Cocchi) оо dene aie 
Rhinoceros tichorhinus Fisch. 

Вели mete kis [aegery opis oH ane Uae 
Rh. binagadensis Dzhaf. 
Rh. sp. 


+ + 







ча! © 
к < 
5 5 
= oq 
fon) — 
— + 
+ + 
_ + 
— - 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
— + 
+ + 
+ + 

Middle Ages 





Present time 


+ + 


distinguished from domestic 


237 TABLE 62 (сопипиеа) 

Orders and species 

* etruscus 
Se CAMeCASTE WGN Зо 4 op on 0 4 

IPE Covey NET te ot AeA ten at 
sibiricum Fisch. . 

Эйс SevTOKea №. TAI) aacenoace 
5. apscheronicus Bur, et Dzhaf, 
аи а мещане IN, WEE 556 aoe oa 6 

ali poyyworewiwsy Ho so og oan aes 

Camelus dromedarius dahli eee 

CiGIIISD)” cio alaradian oo ce gid 
С. knoblochi Nehr, ор оросо < 
*Paracamelus gigas Schloss. .. 

Cervus elaphus L, (s. lato) ... 
*Eucladocerus sp. , 
VCGIMIGAS BMG “ods oage 50a t 

eee ee 

*р. cf. kujalnikensis Chom..... 

Dama cf, реет а Brooke 

Megaceros euryceros Aldr, ,. 
*“Megaceros sp.... 
Alces alces caucasicus N. Ver. 
Mo Big В© 08 Iho оооввоовоевь 

ооо ee ee 

ааа се Ss isl cog ood aoe 

Capreolus capreolus КГ. ($, lato) 
SAGA CAC etes by 65000 

see ee 

Gazella subgutturosa Guld, ... 

PAGE AGIMNEV SON Malai! og оные 
*Tragelaphus sp. 
*Strepsicerotini gen, et sp. 

Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica 

Capra cylindricornis Blyth .. 
©. CGAMECASTOR Guill, рой ва 
Co Aw, с аще аще а И 

Co веваетиз, (СЕ 65 6 bleale oe o 

OwviLs acini wibnins 65686 5 o\ba0 oc 

Gl, Gi, РАЗОМ МКИ 556504540 
С: ma mimosa cise. cls Per eee 
BiOsS) ИИ ИЕ wrestle a) ens) is ao 
В ем 5 о ово nl ole 
В. ENO MOE TOS иле и. 

В тата да еее ее 

Bison bonasus caucasicus Sat, 
В. priscus Boj. ($. lato) 

“Ben Che SiG MO tems Kis теч sree cites 

Ес eet Sennen sternite 

“BL ОТО AGN E OSs teen ee м 

- — 
o x) 
= 55) 
2 = 
3 = 
es oe 
= + 
ci we 
+ + 
= + 
ыы = 
A = 
= + 
+ = 
4 aes 
= + 
+ + 
Е = 
a: = 
+ + 
= + 
+ ee 
i = 
a = 
+ + 
+ + 
— + 
= + 
+ + 
a ыы 
+ + 





+ + | 

а < 
5 5 
FA a 
aa) any 
+ + 
+ + 
sa at 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
— + 
A es 
+ = 

Middle Ages 

Present time 

238 TABLE 63. Stratigraphic summary of main localities of Quaternary mammalian index species in the 

Black Sea region 
Subdivision of | Marine 

Quaternary beds Western Ciscatcasia 
and Russian Plain 

Climate and landscape 
from the composition 
of mammalian fauna 

Western Transcaucasia 

Sarkel fortress, Recent climate and 
9-13th centuries 
European brown bear 
European beaver 


red deer 

CI- 284 

increasing influence 
of man on landscape 

Present time 

Semibratnoe site at 
Kuban estuary 

Development of broad- 
leaf forest in foothills 

Iron Age 

Huts of Colchidians at 

в: = Anaklia and Ochamchiri 
‘, 5 jackal 
5 Е = boar 
о o 
я 2 roe deer 
[2] Е 
= o red deer 

Mud-hut settlement at 



red deer 




Akhshtytskaya cave, 
upper beds 
European brown bear 
lack rat 
roe deer 
CI- 460 

Strong warming and 
development of steppes 
in foothills; waning of 
valley glaciers 


* Calcination indexes of bones (СТ) by collagen analysis (Pidoplicnko, 1952); analyses aone in I.G. 


239 Caucasus and adjoining lands 

Caspian region 

beds Eastern Ciscaucasia and 

Russian Plain 

Dzuars of North Ossetia 
15-19th centuries 

red deer 

roe deer 

Caucasian elk 

east Caucasian goat 


Caucasian bison 

Settlements of Sunzha 
valley, Isti-Su, Alkhan- 


red deer 

5 Dzhemikent 

5 fox 

2 bear 

я kulan 

2 goitered gazelle 
Cl- 275 

Sosruko grotto on the 
little suslik 
red deer 
Caucasian goat 
CI- 241 

Chokh site in Dagestan 

Pidoplichko's laboratory in Kiev. 

Settlements near Baku, 

Eastern Transcaucasia 

9-13th centuries 
goitered gazelle 

and settlement at Sumgait 
striped hyena 
black rat 
ted deer 
goitered gazelle 


Lesser Caucasus upland and 
northern Iranian Plateau 

Settlements at Kayakent and | Burials in jugs at Mingechaur |Karmir-Blur fortress 

stone marten 
Armenian mouflon 
wild goat 
goitered gazelle 

Pile dwellings and burials on 

Sevan shores 
stone marten 
red deer 
dwarf tur 
CI- 207 

Belt cave at Asterabad 


red deer 

goitered gazelle 

Bos primigenius 

240 TABLE 63 (continued) 

Black Sea region 
Subdivision of | Marine 

Quaternary beds 
= [>] 
| Я 
[5% з =} 
5 ex | 
te О 
Ф [>] 
5. o 
o 9) 
г м 
wo) Ф 
|9 Е 
С.) х 
BS 5. 5 
= o = 
et — 
и =) я 
ae) vo 
As о 
2 = 

Western Ciscaucasia 
and Russian Plain 

Bone-bearing alluvium 

of late terraces of 


small pika 

little suslik 

great jerboa 

water vole 



red deer 



Il'skaya site at Krasnodar 

cave hyena 


red deer 


Bison priscus 

Bone-bearing alluvium 

of early terraces of 

Siberian polecat 

little suslik 


Allactaga sibir 
ca saltator 


red deer 



Climate and landscape 
from the composition 
of mammalian fauna 

Western Transcaucasia 

Gvardzhilas cave General strong cooling 

mole and probable displace- 
European brown bear ment downslope of 
glutton landscape zones 

Asia Minor hamster 
Caucasian goat 

following glaciation of 
high ridges 

Sakazhia, Devis-Khvreli, 
Mgvimevi caves 

cave bear 

horse Major uplift of the 
European beaver mountain ranges 


Caucasian goat 

Altitudinal zonation of 
modern type 

Akhshtyrskaya cave, 
lower beds 
cave bear 
common hamster 
red deer 
giant deer 
Bison priscus 
CI- 706 



Khvalynsk stage 

Khazar stage 

Eastern Ciscaucasia and 
Russian Plain 

Diluvium in Yankul' gulley 

on upper Kalaus 

Upper travertine complex of 
Мг. Mashuk in Pyatigor'e 

roe deer 

Bone-bearing sands of Terek, 

terraces at Mozdok 
Bison priscus 

Bone-bearing alluvium of 

ancient extended Volga 
cave hyena 
Panthera leo 
woolly rhinoceros 
Camelus knoblochi 
giant deer 
long-horned bison 

Caspian region 

Eastern Transcaucasia 

Bituminous loams Kir-Maku 
and Artem I, 
red deer 
European tur 
СТ 158-208 

Bituminous sands at Binagady 
on Apsheron Peninsula 

long-eared hedgehog 

corsac fox 

Ursus arctos binaga- 

tiger polecat 


red-tailed gerbil 


Rhinoceros binaga- 

red deer 



CI 450-520 


Lesser Caucasus upland and 
northern Iranian Plateau 

Diluvial loams at Maragheh 
cave hyena 

Tamtama and Bisotun caves in 
northern Iran 
cave hyena 
ted deer 
goitered gazelle 

Zurtaketi site on upper Khram 
Bison priscus 

242 TABLE 63 (continued) 

Subdivision of 



Lower Paleolithic 


Chauda beds 

Krasnodar beds 

Black Sea region 

Western Ciscaucasia 
and Russian Plain 

Bone-bearing sands at 
Girei and Krasnodar, 
middle beds 
Elephas trogon- 

long-horned bison 

Bone~bearing sands at 
Girei andIvanovskaya, 
on Kuban, lower beds 

southern elephant 
Elephas antiquus 


Conglomerates and sands 

at Kuchugury, Sinyaya 

gulley and Tsimbal 
on Taman Peninsula 

Castor tamanen- 

southern elephant 
Elephas antiquus 

Cervus pliota- 



CI 913-1203 

Western Transcaucasia 

Kudaro cave on upper 
Rion, lower beds 

Siberian red dog wolf 
cave bear 
Asia Minor hamster 
roe deer 
С1- 914 

Fauna unknown 

Sands and gravels of ancient 

terraces of Kuban at 
Voskresenskaya and 
Psekups at Babinskaya 
and Saratovskaya 

southern elephant 

Equus stenonis 

Rhinoceros etrus- 

Cervus pliotaran- 



Climate and landscape 
from the composition 
of mammalian fauna 

In Transcaucasia strong 
development of steppes 
on the plateaus, 
resulting in migration 
of southwest Asian 
species to Caucasus 

On Ciscaucasian plains 
climate temperate and 
dry; broadleaf forests 
in foothills 

On Ciscaucasian plains; 
warm climate; 
savannah and 
gallery forests 


Caspian region 

Marine Lesser Caucasus upland and 

beds Eastern Ciscaucasia р northern Iranian Plateau 
; $ Eastern Transcaucasia 
and Russian Plain 

Bone-bearing sands of Adzhi- 
Eilas near Yerevan 
Elephas trogontherii 
fallow deer 

Paleolithic sites on middle Zanga 
and at the foot of Alagez; 
fauna unknown 

Bone-bearing sands at Leninakan, 

upper beds 
Elephas trogontherii 
oF Rhinoceros mercki 
= giant deer 
Е Camelus knoblochi 
3 Bos primigenius 
Bone-bearing sands of upper Marine coquina at Khurdalan 
terraces of Kuma and on Apsheron Peninsula 
Podkumok near Georgievsk | horse 
southern elephant thinoceros 
Equus stenonis 
СТ 1073 
Sub-Khazar beds at Binagady 
Bone-bearing sands at Leninakan, 
lower beds 
Mastodon arvernensis 
Marine coquina at Kishla on 
Apsheron Peninsula 
Bone-bearing sands at Equus stenonis 
= Podlesnyi and Divnyi 
5 near Manych Diluvium at Tsinandali 
= southern elephant Rhinoceros etruscus 
= Elasmotherium AES On а 
5 Я small Mustilidae 
a hare 
5 Rhinoceros etruscus 
: Огух 
Tash-Kala near Grozny Yenikent on Alazan 
Elephas planifrons Trogontherium 
Equus stenonis cuvieri 



TABLE 63 (continued) 

Black Sea region 
beds Western Ciscaucasia and Г 
: ы Western Transcaucasia 
Russian Plain 

Bone-bearing sands at 
Khapry and Rostov on 
Azov Sea coast 

Elephas planifrons 
Mastodon arvernensis 

Climate and 
Subdivision of 

landscape from 
the composition of 
mammalian fauna 

Warm climate; 
savannahs and 
gallery forests in 
the southern part 
of the Russian Plain 

Fauna unknown 

Equus stenonis 
CI 1056-1142 



Krasnodar beds 

Paleontological studies of Holocene mammals lead to a number of general 
conclusions on faunal and landscape changes in the Caucasus which have 
occurred since the end of the Upper Pleistoce. The absence from the Holocene 
beds of those mammals which lived during the stage of maximum cooling indi- 
cates that a discontinuity in ecological conditions promoted their extinction. 

The paleontological materials indicate that the ecological assemblage of 
the piedmont plains was the one most affected in postglacial time; mountain 
fauna was probably affected to a much lesser degree. 

Inasmuch as species such as cave bear, cave hyena, Panthera leo, 
Equus hemionus, giant deer and others lived in the cold climate of 
the Upper Pleistocene, it may be assumed that the main reasons for their 
extinction were abrupt warming and increasing drought. The development 
of xerothermal landscapes must have affected the fauna of the lowlands 
and foothills to the east much more pronouncedly than the fauna in the 
western part of the Caucasian Isthmus. A number of relevant examples of 
the retreat of mesophilous species have been given under the discussion 
of the Binagady locality. 

The Holocene deposits, like the Pleistocene, do not contain any northern 
cold-climate forms (reindeer, blue hare, arctic fox). No Holocene remains 
of these species were found on the lower Don either. It becomes clear that 
in the Holocene the ranges of distribution of these species moved north, 
rather than closer to the Caucasus. Development of isolated pockets 
inhabited by mountainous mesophilous rodents also indicates the advent of 
a warm climatic phase, which resulted in shifts in the landscape zones. 
Examples of such isolated pockets are: pine vole on the meadows of the 
Stavropol Plateau, Transcaucasian mole vole on Mount Razvalka inPyatigor'e, 
Asia Minor snow vole on Mount Kelakhan inthe dry Zuvanda valley of the 
Talysh Mountains, and steppe vole on the Apsheron Peninsula. These 
and other examples of disrupted ranges of distribution are reviewed in 
more detail in a separate section under the discussion of the history of the 
development and the present state of areas of distribution of some species. 

The new developmental stage in Upper Quaternary faunal complexes is 
marked by the appearance inthe Caucasus of new species of mammals not found 
in the "universal" paleontological record of the bituminous Pleistocene beds 



of the Apsheron Peninsula. The occurrences noted in the Holocene of jackal, 
striped hyena, kulan and goitered gazelle and their present habitation of the 
area* indicate that their ranges in the Caucasus are relatively young. The 
southern origin and the migration of these species to the Caucasus in recent 
times can be deduced from the fact that the main areas of their distribution 
are to the south and east of the Caucasus, as well as from the fact that the 
Species cannot survive deep and prolonged snow cover. In this species list, 
jungle cat, lion and tiger (so far unknown in the Caucasus as fossils) must 
probably be included. (This is discussed in more detail in Chapter III. ) 

Our paleontological materials indicate only one cycle of warming and 
development of xerothermal landscapes, which reached its maximum at a 
fairly early stage of the postglacial epoch. 

It seems possible that the fossil mammals of a country as highly 
diversified geomorphologically as the Caucasus may not reflect the minor 
climatic changes which might have occurred within the Holocene. 

The existence of a xerothermal stage was recognized by geobotanists 
Maleev (1939b, 1946), Yaroshenko (1956), Grossgeim (1948) and 
Takhtadzhyan (1941). According to these authors this stage was responsible 
for isolated occurrences of xerophilous plants in western Transcaucasia 
and in some places in the Lesser Caucasus uplands among more mesophytic 

The xerothermal stage has also been mentioned by pedologist Yakovlev 
(1914) and Zakharov (1935), geomorphologist Shchukin (1925), zoologist 
Sviridenko (1927, 1937) and geologists Gerasimov and Markov (1939). 

The changes in the landscape caused by man in the last stage of the 
historical epoch are also traceable in the osteological material. 

The abundance of boar, deer, elk and roe deer in the food remains in the 
Sarkel beds of the Middle Ages indicates that extensive forests were 
developed in the Don River valley. By the 18th century, these forests had 
been exterminated and the result was the disruption of the ranges of 
distribution of some European species in the Caucasus. 

Occurrences of semifossil deer in the Stavropol area and the occurrences 
of boar and deer in some sections of the Armenian mountain-steppe (now 
arid) may to some extent provide confirmation of far fewer wooded areas 
in that country in Upper Holocene time. 

Studies of coals from the cultural beds of settlements of the second 
millennium B.C. (Tsalka) and the 12th century A.D. (Gandzha) have proved 
the existence of extensive forests in the present woodless areas of the 
uplands of western Georgia near the villages of Dabi and Gomi, in southern 
Georgianear Tsalka, and in Azerbaidzhan on the barren ridges of Kirovabad 
(Yatsenko-Khmelevskii and Kandelaki, 1940, 1941a,b). 

Our studies of the ritual collections of skulls in the mountain valleys of 
North Ossetia also indicated, through the disappearance of skulls of elks 
and bisons, that the forests on the sloping piedmont plains of eastern 
Ciscaucasia were exterminated by the 18th century. 

The paleontological materials studied provide many other data on changes 
inthe ranges and dispersion of synanthropic species and on extinction of animal 
game through direct extermination by man and through the indirect effects 
of radical anthropogenic changes in the landscapes. 

* With the exception of the extinct kulan. 


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Part Two 


Chapter Ш 


The patterns of zoocenose formation can be traced in any given country 
most easily by an investigation of range development, with consideration of 
the ecology of separate species. Well-defined ranges form the basis of 
zoogeographical division. 

The existing range of a Palaearctic species may be only a relict of an 
ancient range, e.g., from the Quaternary period. 

Therefore, in order to reach a conclusion on species dispersal, its 
ecology must be considered against a background of paleographic and 
paleontologic data, current zoogeographical conditions and man's influence 
during historical times. 

The various factors which determine species survival or extinction 
divide into those of major influence and those of lesser influence. 

The investigations of the Binagady asphalt deposit (Chapter II) have shown 
that peculiarities of early and recent ranges of eastern Transcaucasian 
mammals depend primarily on the evolution of the Quaternary landscape. 
To a lesser degree these peculiarities are also dependent on morphological 
evolution and biocenotic interrelationships. It is thought that the 
phytophagous mammals behave autonomously during the development and 
extinction of ranges. The influence of predators on Herbivora is probably 
of secondary importance to their distribution. 

Theoretically the explanation of the origin and development of the range 
is more easily accessible from observation of colonial species — 
Carnivora, Proboscidea, Rodentia, Ungulata — remains of which are 
frequently found in various deposits. Ideally, these species should be 
comparatively stenotopic, thatis, associated with acertaintype of topography 
having a small number of biotopes. Species thus widely distributed leave 
more fossil material and more recent evidence of early ranges than 
narrowly distributed species endemic to their relict ranges. Eurytopic 
animals yield excellent paleontological data, particularly ifthe investigator 
has a consecutive chronological series of deposits to study. 

The origin of other species, the fossil remains of which are rare, 
particularly the Insectivora and Chiroptera, may only be proved by means 
of zoogeographical mapping, analysis of present-day ranges, ecological 
analogy and extrapolations on the basis of more fully investigated specimens 
of Carnivora, Rodentia and Ungulata. 

An attempt has been made to trace the early and recent distribution of 
both living and extinct Caucasian mammals and the factors pertaining to 
their range and numbers. An investigation has also been made to determine 



when these species appeared in the Caucasus and the routes taken by 
immigrant species. The examples selected include various orders and 


The paleontological age of generic series belonging to this order is quite 
ancient. The Insectivora fossils are known from the Eocene. Radial 
adaptation and the diversity of its relationships to the landscape are complex 
in the Insectivora. The earliest aquatic and widely specialized forms 
belong to 3 genera: Desmana (desman), Talpa (mole) and Crocidura 
(shrew) which were found in the Lower Pliocene complex of the Stavropol 
area (see Chapter II). Remains of 5 species belonging to 5 genera — 
Frinaceus, teniecninus, Crecraura; ету sane ial pee 
are known from the Pleistocene deposits. 

The contemporary fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus includes 15 species 
of Insectivora belonging to 8 genera and ecologically to three categories: 
fossorial, 1 genus and 3 species (mole); amphibious, 2 genera and 
2 species (desman and water shrew); andthe remainder which are more or less 
specialized and associated with various biotopes (e.g., hedgehog, shrew). 


European hedgehog — Erinaceus europaeus (s. lato). Fossil 
remains of Erinaceus species are known in Europe from the Miocene. 
Remains of the European hedgehog have been found in the Caucasus inthe Middle 
Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron Peninsula and т Upper Pleistocene strata of 
western Transcaucasia. The hedgehog is widely distributed today (Map 1), 
found from the Caspian Sea level to an altitude of 2,500 m throughout the isthmus. 
The hedgehog is absent from alpine meadows, semisteppe, semidesert, open 
desert and permanent bogs апа 1$ rarely seen in upland forests; it is 
most frequently observed in the lowland forests of Transcaucasia and the 
sparse forests and shrubbery of the rolling Ciscaucasian plains. 

This hedgehog lives in tugai thickets, gardens and oases of the semi- 
deserts in eastern Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia. The range diminished 
in the Pleistocene over large areas of eastern Transcaucasia; the remaining 
ranges in the Apsheron Peninsula are attributed to the postglacial dryness 
of the area (according to Vereshchagin, 1949c). 

The origin of European hedgehog on the Caucasian Isthmus remains 
uncertain. Its range extends far to the north and south to the Caucasus. The 
absence of the hedgehog from open desert, semidesert and lowland steppes 
indicates its mesophilous character, its ancient associations with forest 
and its probable descent from Pliocene ancestors living in mesophytic 
environs of the eastern Mediterranean. Hedgehog remains from Middle 
Pleistocene deposits in Transcaucasia also confirm its presence in the 
Lower Quaternary, or more extactly pre-Quaternary, and the early 
distribution of this species in the Caucasus. 

Today the European hedgehog is spreading rapidly over the plain 
concomitantly with the development of steppe and desert irrigation. 



Long-eared hedgehog — Hemiechinus auritus Gmel. Remains of 
this species were found in Middle Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron 
Peninsula, and in Upper Pleistocene deposits of the northern Caspian 
lowland (Vereshchagin and Gromov, 1952). Hedgehog remains are known 
in the southwest from Paleolithic layers of Palestinian caves. Bones of 
the long-eared hedgehog carried into the caves by eagle owls have been 
found by the author in Holocene deposits in many areas of Ciscaucasia 
and Transcaucasia. 

Its contemporary range includes the dry lowlands of Ciscaucasia and of 
eastern Transcaucasia and the high plateaus of the south (Map 1). 

In the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, the hedgehog is found inthe area 
between sea level and an altitude of 300-350 m. In southern Transcaucasia 
and Talysh it lives in the mountain-steppe and semidesert to altitudes of 
1,600-1,800m. The animal is absent from the mountain and lower forest 
zone. The largest population of the species is observed in the semidesert 
zone, i.e., the Kura-Araks lowlands. 

The adaptation of the long-eared hedgehog to a semidesert and steppe 
environment is expressed in its food specialization: mollusks, locusts and 
beetles, and, to a lesser extent, small reptiles and rodents. Low water 
requirements, the ability to endure high temperatures and its use of turtle, 
gerbil, suslik, fox and badger burrows associate this hedgehog with a 
southern xerophilous fauna. 

Extensive vertical distribution of the hedgehog in southern Transcaucasia 
and the relocation of the range southward indicates the probable penetration 
of the species from southwest Asia during the Upper Pliocene. 

The present range of the hedgehog is increasing somewhat with the aridity 
of the foothills, which has been brought about by man. 


Мое _ lt alpa сацсавтса 'ВаЁ., i. ormenta 5 "Оба ihe 
remains of the genus Talpa are known in Europe and North America 
from the Miocene (Trouessart, 1898-1899a; Simpson, 1945). The earliest 
remains of small moles (Talpa sp.) in the Caucasus were in Pliocene 
strata near Stavropol. 

Remains of the recent species T. aff. caucasica are found in 
Pleistocene strata of western Transcaucasia. 

In Holocene sites they are very common, especially inthe Ciscaucasian 

Considering the early isolation of Caucasian moles from the European 
mole (Talpa europaea L.) and the Mediterranean mole (Talpa coeca 
Savi) (cf. map by Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944), we class them 
as separate species (following Ognev, 1926a, 1928). The morphological 
adaptations of both species are similar; their sympatry is shown in 
Map 2. A recent study of species' ranges shows that Ciscaucasia, the 
Greater Caucasus and the Lesser Caucasus are inhabited by the Caucasian 
mole, with the subspecies T. caucasica ognevi Str. оп the Rachin and 
Trialet ridges, whereas the eastern mole is found living in the Colchis 
lowland and the Talysh area. 



The present distribution of the Caucasian mole is significantly related 
to the country's topographical development, as can be seen from the following 
features of its ranges. 

In western Ciscaucasia, the animal inhabits the Don, Yeya, Chelbas, 
Yegorlyk and Kuban river valleys whereas in the Kuban Plain the population 
declines during arid years and survives only in more humid depressions. 

There is an insular distribution of a large and varied population in the 
meadows and forests of the Stavropol Plateau. 

In the northern Caucasus, the mole is widely distributed in the foothills, 
but inhabits only the river valleys of the Taman Peninsula and Kabarda 
Plain, and is totally absent from the steppelike plains. The species is 
found in oak forests of Pyatigor'e and in the Podkumok valley as far as 
Georgievsk, and to the north along the Kuma River to Budennovsk, 
becoming rare east of Ordzhonikidze. 

The mole is common in upland forests of the northern slopes of the 
Greater Caucasus from the upper reaches of the Afips Basin to the Argun, 
especially along the humid Chernye Gory. It has been observed on the 
southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus from Gelendzhik to Zakataly and 
inhabits slopes covered by fir—maple forest in the Tsebelda, Inguri and 
Tskhenis-Tskhali ravines. 

In western Transcaucasia, the species inhabits the terraces of the Black 
Sea coast, along riverside ridges in swampy Colchis, and to the west on 
the northern slopes of the eastern Taurus Mountains. 

The mole is found at medium altitudes on the Surami ridge and in South 
Ossetia but not in the dry Gori depression. 

In the Lesser Caucasus, the range is widespread in the zone of broadleaf 
forests and subalpine meadows оп the northern slopes of the Adzhar- 
Imeretian and Trialet ridges in Dzhavakhetia, and on the Bambakskii and 
Bezobdalskii ridges. 

Although the mole occurs in forests at altitudes of 400-1,700 min Talysh, 
it is rare because of the marked aridity in summer: (In July 1945, the 
Vilyazh-Chai, Vassaru-Chai and Vasharu-Chai ravines yielded only 3-4 moles 
per day from 100 traps. ) 

It is probable that the mole lives on the northern slopes of the Elburz 
Range and it survives in certain parts of the northern slope of the Sevan 
Range in the upper reaches of the Dzegam and Shamkhor rivers. 

Unexpectedly, it also survives in the semidesert zone of the Karayazy 
Plateau east of Tiflis, from a more humid epoch (Vereshchagin, 1940a). 
Here it lives in oak forests and motley-grass meadows along the banks of 
the spring-fed rivulets of the Kara-Su River. (Near this area steppe vole 
and red-tailed gerbils inhabit the solonchak meadows of sea lavender 
and arboreal saltwort (Figure 106); this is a remarkable example of the 
mosaic structure of biotopes and coexistence of hygrophilous and xerophilous 
animals. ) 

At the upper reaches of the Akstafa-Chai and Debed-Chai, Dal! (1944a) 
observed the maximum density — 42 moles per hectare — ina mixed beech — 
hornbeam forest at an altitude of 1,770-1,800 m. The author observed moles 
on the Karabakh Upland in the forested Terter-Chai ravine at an altitude 
of 700-1,600 m, but they were relatively scarce. 

The mole is not found in the dry longitudinal valleys from El'brus to 
Dagestan or in the interior of Dagestan. Its absence from the eastern part 


of the Маш Range is principally attributed to the steepness of the slopes, 
the thin layer of soil covering the bedrocks of the upland and the marked 
aridity in the lower part of the beech—hornbeam forest zone which results 
in an irregular food supply. 

The Alazan-Agrichai lowland, which is humid in winter but arid in 
summer, is also characterized by an absence of mole, as are the environs 
of Sevan and the Daralagez ridge. 

There are no data on the presence of the mole on the Iranian Plateau and 
in eastern Anatolia. Blanford (1876) did not mention moles. Radugin (1917b) 
included the mole in his list of animals at the Khoi oasis (analtitude of 
approximately 2,000 m), probably mistaking the mounds of the mole vole 
for mole hills. 

(252) Loginov (1949) obtained the following data on the relative density of the 


mole population from animals caught in July 1937 in various vertical zones 
(Table 64). 

TABLE 64. Comparative population of the mole in different 
environments of the northwestern Caucasus 

Number of moles 
caught per day 
with 100 traps 


PORES Sipe OF Hoos sp descaapudoonues 40 
ОЕ ЕВЕ о со оворосооюо во eens 30 
Бак COMEROUS HOES 65550 нобовоооовоов 5 
О ISCO со Boo moe аооов рр вос 10 

FIGURE 106, Habitats of ше mole (in oak forests) and red-tailed gerbil (on meadows with sea lavender 
and saltwort ) in the Karayazy forest of the Kura valley 

Photograph by author, 1958 



This survey of the collective range of Caucasian moles indicates that 
their distribution is more closely associated with a landscape of broadleaf 
forests and mesophilous meadows, and less so with a landscape of motley- 
grass steppes. The mole's existence depends on narrowly limited physical 
properties of the soil, particularly humidity and food reserves, i.e., a 
considerable biomass of invertebrates. Migrations of the mole through dry 
steppe and semidesert are improbable; it is more likely that the now 
separated ranges of the Greater Caucasus, Lesser Caucasus and Talysh 
were formerly connected. The collective range of Caucasian moles indicates 
that the areas of their distribution shared a uniform landscape only in the 
Tertiary. The Caucasian mole range (most of which lies within the western 
regions) was already established by the Upper Pliocene following the early 
development of arid zones in eastern Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia. The 
present discontinuity of mole ranges in the Caucasian Isthmus is a result 
of the ''struggle'’ between mesophytic and xerophytic environments during 
continuous climatic changes and of orographic peculiarities in the Pliocene 
and Pleistocene. 

The mole migrations from the Russian Plain to the Caucasus and back 
obviously took place in the Neogene and Upper Pleistocene through the 
Trans-Kuban Plain and the Stavropol area. However, the Caucasus was 
also an independent focus of mole species formation. 

The ranges in Ciscaucasia, on the Armenian Highland and in the Kura 
River valley near Karayazy are probably of postglacial origin. The broken 
range in Talysh-Karabakh may be of an earlier, pre-Quaternary age. 

The contemporary range of the mole in the Caucasus has been reduced 
by forest felling and the xerophytization of the foothills and mountain regions 
during grazing and plowing. Only in the western Caucasian foothills is the 
direct effect of trappers on moles noticeable (Graph 1). Pelt trade does 
not reflect variations of population. 

Desman—Desmana moschata L. The desman bones recorded from 
Pleistocene strata of southern and central Europe have been described 
(Trouessart, 1898-1899a; Wolf, 1938, 1939) as subspecies of the modern 
О, mosehata hungarica Kormos, D. moschata fossilis: Lartet 
and D. moschata magna Owen. 

In the Caucasus remains of Desmana sp. (mandibular fragment in 
gravel) were foundinthe ancient alluvium of a Pliocene river in the vicinity 
of Stavropol. Pleistocene remains are known from Paleolithic settlements 
in the Ukraine and from Quaternary alluvium of the Dnieper, Don and 
Volga rivers. 

The present range of the desman includes the basins of the Don, Volga 
and Ural. Only a small part of this areaalong the Don valley, from the 
Manych to the Don estuary where the animal has always been rare, is today 
adjacent to the Caucasian Isthmus (Map 2). 

The pronounced morphological and physiological adaptations of the 
desman to an amphibious existence in floodplain lakes supplied with 
Invertebrates indicates its ancestral evolution in river basins with a very 
stable hydrologic regime peculiar to rivers in extensive plains. 

The desman probably could not exist in mountain rivers of the Pliocene 
and Pleistocene Caucasus because of heavy floods and continuous erosion. 
Therefore we may consider the Eastern European species as a rather early, 
Upper Pliocene settler, but only in western Ciscaucasia near the Yeya and 
Chelbas rivers, probable tributaries of the paleo-Don. 



In fact some floodplain lakes are suitable for the desman, the lower 
Kuban, for instance, near the Cossack village of Grivenskaya and in the 
basins of the Colchis rivers Tsiya, Tsiva and Pichera. 


The origin and age of the range area of most Caucasian Carnivora can 
be determined more or less from paleontologic data and from the 
peculiarities of the range. The small number of species and the 
rarity of mass destruction did not provide conditions for the formation of 
natural deposits of Carnivora. However, remains of predators are found 
in kitchen middens of Paleolithic man and in later settlements where these 
animals were hunted for their pelts. Gromov (1948) submitted a valuable 
stratigraphic analysis of the remains of Quaternary Carnivora. Fossil 
Canidae, Ursidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae and Felidae are known from the 
Cenozoic deposits of the Caucasian Isthmus. The species of these families 
form the present fauna of Caucasian Carnivora. 


From Pleistocene fauna of the Caucasus 5 species of Canidae of the 
genera Canis and Vulpes are known; of these two are becoming extinct. 
There are 5 existing species of the Holocene fauna. 

Jackal —Canis aureus Г. The remains of the jackal are often found 
in fossiliferous cave deposits in southern Europe (France, Italy, Rumania), 
north Africa and southwest Asia. 

The difficulty of analyzing small Canidae according to their skeletons 
throws any identification of small Pleistocene European dogs with 
contemporary African and Asian jackals in doubt, especially since remains 
of Pleistocene jackals have not been found in Eastern Europe and Soviet 
Central Asia. Fossils in Acheulean and Mousterian cave deposits in 
Palestine, Lebanon and Syria may be considered closely related to the 
present species (Bate, 1937). In Pleistocene strata of the Caucasus, jackal 
remains have not been found, indicating that the jackal appeared оп the 
Isthmus recently (Vereshchagin, 1949c, 19515). Later remains of jackals 
were found in early Bronze Age settlements near Anaklia, in caves near 
Kutaisi and in the vicinity of the Saraibulakh ridge in Armenia (Dal', 1940b). 

The contemporary jackal is mainly restricted to the plains (Map 18). 

In western Ciscaucasia the jackal is rare; in eastern Ciscaucasia it 
inhabits the valleys of the Terek and Sunzha from Mozdok and Grozny. On 
the Black Sea coast the jackal is numerous from Gelendzhik to Batumi, but 
is not found at altitudes higher than 400-500 m. The jackal is particularly 
numerous in alder thickets of the lower reaches of Colchis rivers. Eastward 
the range passes through the Surami which only a few animals traverse. 

The largest population in eastern Transcaucasia is observed on the plains 

of Zakataly-Ismailly, Khachmas and Lenkoran. In winter jackals are 
numerous intugai thickets and margins of reedgrass bogs of the middle 
Kura and lower Araks. In fall when jackals feed on fruit, in particular 



medlar, they are found at altitudes to 1,000 m in the Greater Caucasus. 
They also inhabit the forest zone of Talysh to its upper edge at 1,700- 
1,800 m. 

In summer the jackal lives in the open semidesert while feeding on 
locusts but winters there only if small hibernating bustards are plentiful. 

The high arid plateaus of northern Iran and Armenia are not inhabited 
by the jackal; it is also rare in the deep ravines. 

Despite its apparent adaptation to a moderate climate, the jackal isa 
thermophilous predator, unable to endure deep snow. Its southern crigin 
becomes apparent during strong snowfalls in the Kura Lowland, when the 
animal becomes helpless and unable to move or to procure food, and often 
perishes from exhaustion and cold (Vereshchagin and Dyunin, 1949). The 
presence of the jackal among the Holocene fauna of southern Europe and its 
absence from the Russian Plain are probably explained by the difference 
in the thermal and snow regimes. 

The jackal is now vigorously hunted everywhere, but the population 
remains large. In the 1930's, 113 jackal pelts were obtained per 
1,000 km? in Azerbaidzhan, 32.4 in Georgia and 10 in Dagestan 
(Vereshchagin, 1947). In the last 25 years there has been a considerable 
increase in the pelt yield over that recorded in 1934 (Graph 2). In 1949 the 
pelt yield increased 2.5 times because of the higher premium placed on the 
jackal as a menace to cattle and an unbalancing factor in the economy. This 
fact demonstrates that the jackal thrives in the existing environment of 

Wolf —Canis lupus Г. ($. lato). Small wolves belonging to 
the polymorphic group С. lupus existed in the Upper Pliocene 
and Lower Pleistocene of Europe. Remains of a large wolf (C. lupus 
have been found in strata of the period of maximum glaciation. 

Those found in Germany and Austria are especially characteristic 
of the Wurm age (Freudenberg, 1914). 

In the Caucasus the most ancient evidence, a mandible belonging 
to a small wolf (C. tamanensis), comes from Lower Pleistocene 
conglomerates of the Taman Peninsula. The relationship of this species 
to contemporary C. lupus is uncertain. 

Remains of large wolf appear in this locality from the Lower Pleistocene 
on, and are common even now (Map 19). 

South of the Caucasus, C. cf. lupus remains are found in Mousterian 
layers of Palestinian caves (Bate, 1937) and in Upper Pleistocene talus of 
northwestern Iran. 

In the north the remains of large Middle and Upper Pleistocene wolves 
are common on the banks of the Dnieper, Don, Volga and Ural and in 
Paleolithic settlements of the Russian Plain and the Crimea. 

The present-day distribution of the wolf on the Isthmus is general 
although not uniform. 

According to State figures of pelt yields, the greatest number of wolves 
obtained per land-unit area is from western Ciscaucasia and eastern 
Transcaucasia (Map 19). In the 1930's the yield of wolf pelts per 1,000 km? 
was as follows: Azerbaidzhan — 11.6, Armenia — 9.9, northern Caucasus — 
6.7, Dagestan — 6.7, Georgia — 0.8. 

Most pelts delivered to the State depots came from the plains and were 
taken from animals killed in winter. 

1704 252 


Тре lower reaches of the Terek, Sulak and Kuma rivers and the Kura 
lowland coast of the Kyzyl-Agach Gulf are densely populated by wolves which 
feed on domestic cattle, wild boar and fish. 

In the alder bogs of Colchis the wolf is common in the lower reaches of 
the Gagida, Okum and Pichera rivers. 

In the mountain regions of the Caucasus a large wolf population can be 
observed in the Caucasian, Borzhomi and Zakataly- Lagodekhi reservations. 
The wolf populations settled in these areas, like those that live among the 
bulrushes of the Caspian coast, make predatory expeditions uphill and 
cross-country after wild ungulates. The wolf is distributed almost 
uniformly in all zones of the Caucasian Reservation, but in winter it is 
widely concentrated in the broadleaf forest zone. At this season large 
populations of boar, roe deer anddeer abound. The zonal distribution of wolves 
found in the reservation (expressed in percentages) is as follows: 
alpine zone — 30%; dark coniferous forests — 32%; broadleaf forests — 
38% (Teplov, 1938b). According to Teplov, the loss of young boar, deer, 
roe, chamois and Caucasian buck killed in the reservation by wolves ranges 
from 34-61% ina five-month period. In addition to the wild hoofed mammals, 
the wolf kills hundreds of domestic animals on lands adjacent to the 

The abundance of wolves in the Borzhomi area was noted by Dinnik 
(1914a). The wolf is endemic in the Zakataly Reservation as in the 
Caucasian Reservation (Markov and Mlokosevich, 1935; Vereshchagin, 

In other areas of the Isthmus, especially in the east, the wolf makes 
regular predations after herds of domestic animals as they graze — ш the 
mountains during the summer and in the lowlands during the winter. In 
Spring the greatest concentration of wolves is observed in arid foothills 
where there are gulleys and rock shelters; here the young are reared. 

The fluctuation of the wolf populations on the Isthmus during the Holocene 
can only be represented in a general outline. 

The number of wolves decreased in proportion to the decrease of wild 
Ungulata on the plain but gradually increased with the development of cattle 
breeding. The improvement of firearms and methods of capture and the 
breeding of large dogs for herd protection have probably reduced the 
number of wolves. 

The sharp increase of wolf pelts after World War II when the bounty 
was raised showed the stability of Caucasian populations of this animal 
(Graph 3). 

The Holarctic distribution of the wolf in the Quaternary, its poorly 
investigated geographical variability and the imperfect paleontological data 
leaves its center of origin unqualified. It is considered a Pliocene dweller 
of the Caucasus. 

Fox — Vulpes vulpes L. (5. lato). The Holarctic genus Vulpes 
dates from the Upper Miocene. Remains of Pliocene foxes, V. meridi- 
onalis Nordm. and У. moravicus Wold., attainingthe size of the present 
central Russian fox, are known from Eastern Europe. 

Remains of Lower Pliocene foxes have not yet been recorded from the 
Odessa catacombs and the Upper Pliocene strata of the coast of the Sea of 
Azov. On the Caucasus remains of У. khomenkoi with a dentition 
resembling that of red and arctic foxes were found in fossiliferous strata 


(Middle Pliocene) of the Apsheron Peninsula (Bogachev, 1938c, 1944; 
Vereshchagin, 1951b). An isolated fox premolar was found in Pliocene 
strata near Stavropol. 

The remains of foxes of the V. vulpes group are commonly found in 
various types of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of Western and Eastern 
Europe, the Crimea and the Caucasus, including Paleolithic encampment 

South of the Caucasus remains of foxes have been found in Paleolithic 
strata of northern Iran (Coon, 1951), Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, from 
which Picard (1937) recorded V. alopex for the Mousterian and 
Aurignacian, V. cf. niloticus Rupp. for the Acheulean and Mousterian, 
and Canis vulpes for the Aurignacian and Mesolithic. 

The present-day distribution of the fox in the Caucasus is general 
(Map 20). The greatest density of the fox population is observed in the 
zones of semidesert, steppe, foremontane forest steppe and highland steppe; 
the density is least in alpine meadows. Foxes are rare in the mountainous 
beech forests of the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. Dinnik (1914a) 
refers to the thinned forests on the foothills and plateaus of the northern 
Caucasus when discussing the fox population in Caucasian forests. In the 
Caucasian Reservation the largest number of foxes, upto 43.1%, inhabits the 
broadleaf forests throughout the year; a smaller number, up to 31.8%, 
is found in the spruce—fir forest zone, and the smallest number, up to 
25.1%, in the alpine and subalpine zone Khonyakina, 1938). This distribution 
generally corresponds with the particular food supply: Muridae, birds, 
insects and berries. A different situation exists in Transcaucasia. 

In 1935-1936, we found indications of fox distribution on the southern 
slopes of the Greater Caucasus in Azerbaidzhan in the form of fresh foot- 
prints and feces. The distribution according to the vertical ecological zones 
in which the foxes were found is given in Table 65. 


TABLE 65. Frequency of foxes found and their tracks in different zones of eastern Transcaucasia 

Number of foxes and their tracks 
recorded on a 20km walk 
Land types in eastern Transcaucasia 

[в крабы rapa 1936 


In the semidesert zone the slopes of gulleys and foothills are densely 
populated in spring, whereas the seashore and foothills are populated in 

The basic food in summer consists of grasshoppers, and in winter of 
beetle larvae, caterpillars, steppe vole and gerbils. The seashore attracts 


Virgin semtidesert % №. od Sy bate басс. 6 
Lower forests of the Agri-Chai valley 
Beech—hornbeam mountain forests 

а ло в gale Old р В clone 
Rocks and taluses of passes 




the foxes because of its abundant food supply: dead birds, fish, crayfish. 
The contemporary fox distribution according to biotopes is greatly affected 
by man's agricultural activity (cf. Chapter VI). 

The yield of fox pelts during 1930-1940 showed the densest population 
of foxes inhabiting the plains of Ciscaucasia and eastern Transcaucasia. 
The following numbers of pelts were obtained per 1,000 km? of tOGEILOr yi: 
northern Caucasus — 276; Azerbaidzhan — 268; Armenia — 158; Dagestan — 
138; (Georgia — 74. 

The number of foxes is inversely proportional to the degree of afforesta- 
tion and to the mountainous relief of the country (Vereshchagin, 1947). The 
fox is especially rare in western Transcaucasia which is rich in forests and 

Accordingto Bakeev's records, the density of the fox population in the 
Spitsevka area of the Stavropol region during the period 1938-1941 was 12.5 
animals per 1,000 hectares in summer and 10.3-16.5 in winter (Chirkova, 

During historical time the range and population of foxes in the Caucasus 
has apparently thrived under the favorable influence of agriculture, and 
even concentrated gathering has failed to reduce their numbers. 

The data on pelt supply during the last 25 years show sharp variations 
in the number of pelts for Ciscaucasia and fewer variations for 
Transcaucasia. Transcaucasia is more diverse ecologically and topographi- 
cally and therefore the fox population is more resistant. From the pelt 
yields of 1925-1952, three peaks in population increase can be noted — 1927, 
1936 and 1946 — with corresponding decreases in 1931, 1941 and 1951 
(Graphs 4 and 5). 

Considering the presence of similar factors in the Middle Pliocene of 
the Caucasus and the marked polymorphism of the present species in the 
Isthmus (Chapter IV), the fox should be included in the local eastern 
Mediterranean species of the Upper Tertiary. 

Corsac fox — Vulpes corsac L. The range of the corsac during the 
Pleistocene extended over a wide steppe belt from Western Europe to North 
China. Remains of this fox have been found in caves of Switzerland and 
Czechoslovakia. They are known also from a series of Paleolithic 
encampments in the Russian Plain and particularly from the Kodak and 
Crimean caves. 

On the Caucasian Isthmus corsac remains were found in large numbers 
but only in the Middle Pleistocene sands of Apsheron. To the south, 
particularly in Syria, Palestine and Iran, the corsac has not been observed. 
Here it was replaced by other mountain-desert forms of small foxes. By 
the 20th century the corsac was widespread in the Caucasus, and 
particularly in the northeastern part of the Isthmus (Map 21). 

The reduction of the western part of the species range probably began 
in the Upper Pleistocene but has only been apparent during the last 150 years 
because of the pelt trade. Since the Middle Pleistocene the corsac range on 
the west coast of the Caspian Sea has receded to the north for a distance 
of 700 km. 

Why the range diminished in Europe and the Caucasus since prehistoric 
times is stillopen to question. The data available indicate that the changes 
in group structure of small steppe predators occurred in the Middle 
Pleistocene. In Western Europe, for instance, a series of small wolflike 
and jackal-like Canidae became extinct without leaving a trace. 



At the time of the Binagady asphalt trap the corsac population was still 
fairly large in the biocenosis of the semisteppe of eastern Transcaucasia, 
but was subsequently depleted. The number of corsacs in relation to fox 
and wolf (as calculated by the authors for the Quaternary from bone 
remains and pelt yields) is presented in Table 66. 

TABLE 66. Comparative numbers of Quaternary Canidae (in %) 

Date and locality Wolf 

Holocene, 20th century. Mean annual pelt yield 

in the Northern Caucasus for the period 

1935-.1940;:—= 631600) fev gat. ое 2.4 
Holocene, Sarkel, 8th-13th centuries A.D. Total 

number of the specimens trapped by Khazars 

Banaras а cvs Бо лари Зена 15.9 
Middle Pleistocene, Binagady, Total number 

of specimens trapped in asphalt lakes — 327 36.7 

The corsac has long been a less vital form than fox or wolf, although in 
those regions most favorable for it the corsac population still exceeds those 
of fox and wolf even now. For example, south of Akmolinsk in the grass— 
wormwood steppe 37 corsac burrows, 3 fox burrows and 1 wolf burrow 
were found in 1947; in 1948, 42 burrows were observed, 34 of which 
belonged to the corsac and 8 to the fox (Chirkova, 1952, p.402). 

The corsac apparently originated in the steppe region of Kazakhstan. 

It is a steppe-desert animal, feeding on small rodents, birds, reptiles and 

The corsac was common in the steppes of the western Manych area and 
could still be found near Salsk between 1900-1910 (Dinnik, 1914a; Bogachev, 
1918). At present only a few pelts are obtained from this region (Graph 6). 
Steppe plowing and man's agricultural activity exerts an adverse influence 
on the corsac; now the animal is common only in the region of the Terek- 
Kuma sandy plains. 

The range ofthe corsac, considered from both its contemporary ecology 
and paleontological data, indicates that this species was a typical middle 
Pleistocene migrant from the Russian Plain to the Caucasus. The migration 
must have occurred during the maximum southward advance of the cold- 
steppe landscape. 


Hyenas and Ichthytheriinae remains are known in Eurasia from the Upper 
Miocene (Simpson, 1945). They are especially characteristic of 
Mediterranean Pliocene deposits. 

Three or four fossils and one living species of hyena are known from 
the Caucasus. Earlier remains were found in a Middle Miocene deposit near 
Belomechetskaya (Map 21). 



Two specialized lines emerged in the Upper Miocene: Crocuta, with 
carnassial teeth resembling those of large cats, and Hyaena, more 
primitive and with less powerful teeth. 

In the Quaternary there were two species. Their exact relationship to 
the Tertiary forms is not clear. 

Cave пуепа — Crocuta spelaea Goldf. This species is known from 
two localities in the Caucasian Isthmus where it apparently lived during the 
Pleistocene: the Middle Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron Peninsula 
(Binagady) and the Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Kuban Plain (Il'skaya). 

North of the Isthmus the distribution range of this hyena encompassed 
enormous areas of Eurasia in the Pleistocene (Pidoplichko, 1951). 

To the south the remains of this animal have been observed in the Upper 
Pleistocene of northwestern Iran (Brandt, 1870; Coon, 1951). 

The Middle Pleistocene Crocuta spelaea Goldf. of the Russian 
Plain was considerably larger than the Transcaucasian species 
(Vereshchagin, 1951b), and corresponds to the larger sizes of Herbivora 
of these regions, such as bison and horse. 

According to cranial features and body size, the Binagady hyena occupied 
an intermediate place between the Crocuta spelaea Goldf. and the 
extant C. crocuta L. of Africa. A direct relationship is quite possible. 

The distribution of Crocuta spelaea Goldf. decreased rapidly in 
the Upper Pleistocene, moving southwestward to Africa, but it is possible 
that a modified species inhabited an area south ofthe Isthmus inthe Holocene. 
Thus Crocuta crocuta L. inhabited Palestine in the Mousterian, 
in the Aurignacian and in the Holocene ''Natufian'' with the reappearance 
of the xerothermic climate (Bate, 1937). 

This animal's extinction in Eurasia is of particular interest; undoubtedly 
one factor was the gradual extinction of Proboscidea and large Ungulata in 
the Upper Pleistocene. Paleolithic man could scarcely have effected the 
disappearance of this hyena; even the present-day hunter with his modern 
arms has not wiped out the species. Pidoplichko (1951, p.160) states that the 
anthropic factor is negligible in the extinction of hyena from Europe and 
Asia. The Mediterranean Sea area can be considered the native country 
of Crocuta spelaea Goldf. The expansion of its range should be 
investigated as well as the distribution of the mammoth fauna. The 
advance of the postglacial xerothermic period was marked in the Caucasus 
by the migration from the south ofa less specialized species, the striped hyena. 

Striped hyena — Hyaena hyaena L. Fossils of the striped hyena 
were found in Paleolithic caves of Palestine, Morocco, Algeria and 
Portugal. The finds reported in France are doubtful (Wolf, 1938, p.59). 
Pidoplichko (1951), following Sharff (1918), assumes that the striped hyena 
arrived in Europe in the Pliocene from the southwest because land extended 
from Africa to the British Isles in the Pliocene. There is no proof to date 
that H. prisca Mars. de 5еггез апа Н. monspessulana Croiz. etJob. 
from the Pleistocene in southern France and Н. antiqua lLankest. from 
the Pliocene in England are ancestral to the contemporary species. 

Remains of the striped hyena have never been found on the Russian Plain 
or in Siberia. Only in Soviet Central Asia, south of Samarkand, in the 
Paleolithic strata of the Aman-Kutan cave have fragments of bones and teeth 
of this species been found (collection of the Zoological Institute of the 
Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.). 

The absence of striped hyena remains from Pleistocene deposits of the 
Russian Plain, the Crimea and the Caucasus, especially from the Binagady 


complex, verifies that И penetrated the Isthmus comparatively late. Striped 
hyena fossils are found on the Caucasus but only in Holocene deposits of the 
Apsheron Peninsula. The present-day range of a number of subspecies of 
this hyena embraces Soviet Central and southwest Asia and Africa. The 
range areas have a characteristically xerothermic climate. The underfur of 
this hyena is only slightly developed, another indication of its southern 
origin. Its ranges on the Caucasus are principally in the hot semidesert 
of lowlands and intermontane valleys (Figure 107) in eastern and southern 
Transcaucasia. At the close of the last century hyena was still found in 
eastern Ciscaucasia, between Derbent and Makhachkala (Dinnik, 1914a; 
Satunin, 1915a). Occasionally animals were observed near Vladikavkaz 
(now Ordzhonikidze) (Bogdanov, 1873). In the years 1861 —1869 many hyenas 
were killed near Tbilisi, Yerevan and Nakhichevan (Radde, 1899). Prior to 
1930 the hyena was found in small numbers and only in the sparsely populated 
areas of western Azerbaidzhan and in the western areas of Georgia 
(Vereshchagin, 1942b). From 1930 to 1940 the yield was 26 hyenas; from 
1940 to 1950 only 5 or 6 animals were caught. Today a small number of 
263 hyenas can be found in the discontinuous desert ranges of the Kartalinia 

Plateau, near Udabno and Geredzhi. 

The typical habitats of the hyena in eastern Transcaucasia are the eroded 
clayey areas grown withthickets of juniper and pistachio. 

During the last fifty years the range and population of hyenas have decreased 
veryrapidly, mainly because of a planned extermination campaign provoked by 
hyena attacks on children. 

FIGURE 107, Habitat of striped hyenas in the Middle Araks valley (Abrakunis) 
Photograph by author, 1947 


From the Cenozoic strata of the Caucasus two representatives of Ursidae 
are known: Ursavus and Ursus. 



Ursavus is а Middle Miocene genus found in Belomechetskaya. 
Ursus 15а lower Pliocene genus known from a Pliocene deposit near 
Stavropol in the Caucasus (Maps 22 and 23). 

The Quaternary fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus includes three species 
of bear, genus Ursus, of which only one lives today. 

Ursus (Spelaearctos) rossicus Boris. was reported in 1931 
from five skeletons recovered from sandy deposits of ancient alluvial flows 
(Middle Pleistocene) near Krasnodar (Figure 108). 

FIGURE 108. Skull of Ursus (Spelaearctos) rossicus Boris., from Krasnodar 

The remains ofUrsus (Spelaearctos) rossicus Boris. were also 
observed near Kherson (Borisyak, 1931), in the basins of the Greater Irgiz 
(Belyaeva, 1935, 1939a) and the Ural rivers (Vereshchagin and Gromov, 
1952) and are now reported to be in caves of the northern Urals. Since 
remains of this species do not occur in Paleolithic strata of the caves of 
western and central Transcaucasia and in the bituminous strata of the 
Apsheron Peninsula, we can assume that the southern limit of its range 
was somewhere in the Ciscaucasian foothills. Ursus (Spelaearctos) 
rossicus Boris. probably livedinriver valleys and steppe ravines andon 
slopes of foothills and was not as closely associated with karst topography as 
Ursus (Spelaearctos) spelaeus. The broad molar cusps indicate 
the preeminently phytophagous nature of the animal. 

We consider this bear to be a Lower Pleistocene settler in the Russian 
Plain; it probably became extinct during the Upper Pleistocene. 

Cave bear — Ursus (Spelaearctos) spelaeus Rosenm. During 
the second half of the Pleistocene the cave bear was a species associated 
with the landscape of Western Europe and north Africa. 

It is known from the remains of the Il'skaya camp site near Krasnodar 
in the Caucasus and from eastern Transcaucasian caves (Figure 109). 
Reports on the presence of this bear in the Binagady complex by Bogachev 
(1939, 1940b) and Gromova (1948) are erroneous (Map 22). 



FIGURE 109. Skull of Ursus (Spelaearctos) spelaeus Rosenm. with 
shortened facial part from Ablaskira cave 

The slight fossilization of the remains of the cave bear from the 
Vorontsovskaya cave near Khosta is very interesting. It is possible that a 
small cave bear population survived the Pleistocene in northeastern 

The remains of this species are unknown in the Russian Plain, except 
north of the Black Sea. Near the Samara Bend, however, a small cave 
bear existed in the Pleistocene which according to the skull and dentition 
was intermediate between the small and large cave bear. 

On the Lesser Caucasus, in Talysh and south of the Isthmus 
in Kurdistan and in Syria, cave bear remains have not been found. There- 
fore western Transcaucasia must be considered for now as the southern 
limit of the species range in the eastern Mediterranean. 

The affinity between this species and the small cave bear should be 
further investigated; there is no reason, however, to consider this Upper 
Pleistocene species ancestral to the small cave bear because fossils of 
both forms exist within close geological proximity. From its origin, the 
large cave bear can be classified as a local eastern Mediterranean species. 

European brown bear — Ursus arctos L. ($. lato). In comparison 
with the cave bears the European brown bear represents a more progressive 
branch which at the same time retains a number of primitive features. No 
less than ten forms are recorded from the Pleistocene cave deposits of 
Western Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia (Syria). 

The European brown bear was widespread on the Caucasian Isthmus 
during the Upper Pleistocene; this is substantiated by fossils found in the 
caves of Imeretia and in Apsheron Peninsula talus. 

North of the Isthmus the remains of Ursus arctos L. (s. lato) were 
found in Pleistocene sands and pebbles in the river valleys of the Don, Volga 
and Kama, and in the diluvium of several Paleolithic encampments on the 
Russian Plain. Paleolithic U. cf. arctos and U. syriacus have been 
substantiated in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine (Picard, 1937). 

While remains of the European brown bear are rare in Holocene 
deposits of the Caucasus, the species is nevertheless found as a regular 
replacement of the large brown bear in multilayered deposits indicating its 
broad dispersal during the postglaciation (Map 23). 



Pictures of bears are comparatively 
rare in the ancient art of the Caucasian 
people. In Kobanian burials of North 
Ossetia pendants and seals of bronze 
representing a bear were found. A 
running bear is shown on a carnelian 
seal (Figure 110) from an Urartu grave 
on the shore of Lake Sevan. A bear 
climbing a tree is figured on a silver 
container from the Maikop burial. 

The contemporary range of the bear 
FIGURE 110. in the Caucasus is still extensive. On 
the northern slope of the Greater 

: ; Caucasus it extends from Novorossiisk 

from the Kobanian burials of Ossetia : 

(according to Uvarova, 1900); 3 — picture in the west to the upper reaches of the 

of a running bear(X 2) on a сагпеНап seal Dzhengi-Chai in the east, wherever 

from Urartu graves (Orig, ) there are forests, mountain shrubs and 
meadows. The greatest population of 
this animal was observed in the 
Caucasian Reservation. On the Stavropol 

Plateau the bear was exterminated in the last century and is only rarely 

observed in the forests of Pyatigor'e. There are few bears in the Kabardian 

A.S.S.R. and in northern Ossetia, and none in the largest part of 

central Dagestan, but they are still seen in the Deshlagar forests. The bear 

was exterminated about 30 years ago in the lowland forests of Samur and 

on the gently sloped Kusary Plain. 

On the southern slope of the Greater Range there are now more bears 
than on the northern slope. Bears are common in wooded Abkhazia and 
Imeretia. There are no bears in the Colchis swamp. In Svanetia and South 
Ossetia the bear is common in reaches of the Kodor, Ingur and Rion, despite 
energetic attempts by the local population to exterminate the animal. In 
Azerbaidzhan it is numerous in the basins of the Belokan-Chai, Katekhi- 
Chai, Kakhi-Chai and other rivers, as far as the upper reaches of the 
Gerdyman-Chai in the east. 

In September and October when chestnuts and walnuts ripen, the bears 
concentrate in forests and gardens of the Alazan-Agrichai valley. The 
animals congregate on the upper forest edge when beechnuts and acorns are 
abundant in fall. On the low Kartalinia, Тога and Adzhinour plateaus it lives 
in the sparse forests of juniper and Turkish terebinth where it feeds on 
terebinth berries, juniper and grasses, and especially on astragali. The 
bears track through gulleys and along precipices. Recently bears inhabited 
the tugai floodplain forests of the Kura, especially the section between 
Mingechaur and the Alazan estuary. 

At present the bear is uncommon on the Lesser Caucasus where it has 
been nearly exterminated. It is not found in woodless Dzhavakhetia. On the 
Armenian Highland it inhabits sparse juniper forests and relict oak forests 
and it is rare in mountain forests of Talysh. 

The greatest yield of recorded bear pelts was from eastern Trans- 
caucasia. From 1930 to 1940 the average yield per 1,000 km” was as ° 
follows: Azerbaidzhan — 1.5, Armenia — 1.5, Georgia — 0.9, northern 
Caucasus — 0.9 and Dagestan — 0.2. Most of the pelts, however, were 
retained by the local population. 

1-2 — bronze pendant — bear figure (1:1) 



The European brown bear of the Caucasus was probably of endemic 
Pliocene origin. This local origin is substantiated by Pliocene finds near 
Stavropol, by its abundance in the area and by the diversity of its forms. 
In different parts of the country, however, new genetic influences from the 
northern and southern neighboring populations were possible. The recent 
Holocene relationship of the range areas of boreal and Caucasian bears 
existed in the Don valley, the steppe ravines and the scarps of western 
Ciscaucasia; this may explain the resemblance of the northwest Caucasian 
bear to the European bear (Smirnov, 1916a). 

Man's activity, which wrought changes in the landscape, also affected 
the population and range of the bear. The pelt yield increased somewhat 
in 1930 then dropped and increased again in 1941 (Graph 8). 

The future of the bear on the Caucasus is not promising because of 
continual forest felling and hunting of bear as a trade animal and cattle- 
breeding pest. 


Remains of Mustelidae emerge in Eurasia in Lower Oligocene strata. 
From the Pleistocene fauna of the Caucasus 6 species of mustelids are known, 
one of which probably became extinct in the Holocene. 

Glutton — Gulo aff. gulo Г. Glutton remains have been found in many 
caves from the Upper Pleistocene of the southern and middle belts of 
Western Europe. Inthe U.S.S.R. glutton remains were found in Crimean 
and Ukrainian Paleolithic strata on the Kama banks and in the Altai and 
Urals caves. 

A fragment of glutton mandible was found in the Upper Paleolithic strata 
of the Gvardzhilas cave and in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic strata of 
the Kudaro I cave. This was the most southeastern habitat of the 
Pleistocene species. 

Smirnov (1923-1924) considered the glutton a mountain animal and 
explained its extinction on the Eurasian plains by the disappearance during 
postglaciation of compacted snow оп whichthis animal could overtake average - 
size ungulates. 

Pidoplichko (1951) explained the withdrawal of the glutton range to 
northeastern Europe and its rapid extinction by ''anthropic factors.'' It is 
interesting that a similar decrease in range is recorded for the arctic fox, 
the reindeer and other arctic animals. In contrast, the range of the glutton 
shows а wide gap between its early Mediterranean focus and its northern part, 
added during the Pleistocene. The Caucasian focus of the species became 
extinct only slowly because food was abundant and mountain topography and 
therefore snow conditions were diverse. Many factors were responsible 
for the extinction of this animal in the Caucasus, the most important reason 
being decline in reproduction in the present-day phase of species evolution. 

The glutton is an autochthon of the mountain margins of the Mediterra- 
nean area; from this focus the animal dispersed northward and can be’ 
observed today on this new range. 

Exactly when the glutton became extinct on the Caucasus is as yet not 
determined. It is, however, possible that it became extinct there later 
than in southwest Europe, perhaps in the Bronze Age. 


Stone marten— Martes foina Erxl. The genus Martes is known 
in Eurasia from the Lower Pliocene. If we include the real martens in 
genus Mustela, we can assume that this collective group developed in 
the Holarctic by the Upper Miocene. Mustela filholi Goudry and 
Putorius sp. were reported by Bogachev (1938c) from the Caucasus in 
the Pliocene deposits of the Armenian Highland. 

Fragments of Martes sp. were collected by archaeologists in the 
Middle and Upper Pleistocene strata of western Transcaucasian caves: 
Akhshtyrskaya and Sakazhia. On the Russian Plain we found jaws of 
Martes sp. inthe Pleistocene sands of the lower Kama. This species 
is probably related to the pine marten. Real martens were not found in 
lower streams of Russian Plain rivers, but in the Crimea they were common 
in Paleolithic strata. From the Palestine Paleolithic, a M. palaeo- 
syriaca Nehr. similarto М. foina has been recorded. The marten 
of Urartu time from the Sevan shores was incorrectly recorded as 
Тат rons ‘Sat! 

The contemporary range of the stone marten is enormous: it spreads 
from the shores of Spain along the middle latitudinal belt as far as northern 
China and Manchuria. The Caucasian subspecies M. foina nehringi 
Sat. inhabits forested foothills, mountain forests and woodless plateaus 
(Map 24). On the Stavropol Plateau and on the undulating plains west of 
Stavropol it inhabits shrub-grown ravines and scarp lines of Sarmathian 
limestones. There is an annual yield of pelts from the middle reaches of 
the Kuma inthe area of Budennovsk, andthe Greater Caucasian foothills, the 
anterior valleys and central Dagestan are also inhabited by the stone marten. 

It is widely distributed in the basins of the left tributaries of the Terek, 

the Sunzha and the Manas, and in the Gunib District. An excellent pelt yield 
was taken from the lower forests of Samur. We found this marten near 
Baku, near the base of the Apsheron Peninsula. 

The stone marten is absent from the fringing forests of the Kura-Araks 

In western and eastern Transcaucasia Martes foina Erxl. dwells 
primarily in the foothills and lower mountain forests; it is very numerous 
in the lower forest areas, e.g., in the Alazan-Agrichai valley, where 
pelts are generally obtained. On the Armenian Highland and in Talysh the 
stone marten is widespread wherever there are small shrub thickets and 
forests. It lives in colonies in the upper mountain zone. However, 
even in desert intermontane valleys, e.g., on the middle Araks, the 
animal inhabits only large rocky placers and valleys, and ravines of 
isolated summits such as Ilyanlu-Dag, Darry-Dag and others. 

Judging from its ecological distribution the Caucasian stone marten is an 
early Pliocene dweller originating in the south. 

The activity of man, especially trading, affected it less than the following 

268 Pine marten—Martes martes Г. The remains of the pine marten 
are common in Pleistocene deposits of Western European caves (in England, 
France, Italy and Hungary). They are also recorded from Mousterian 
strata of Palestine (Bate, 1937). It is difficult to distinguish the bones 
of this marten from the bones of the stone marten which probably lives in 
some Paleolithic encampments of eastern Transcaucasia. 



The present-day range of the Caucasian subspecies М. martes 
lorenzi Ogn. is very peculiar; it mainly inhabits full-grown beech forests 
on the northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, gradually 
disappearing in the east. On the Lesser Caucasus it inhabits the northern 
slopes of the Adzhar-Imeretia ridge, and on the Trialet ridge it is found 
from Borzhomi and Bakuriani to the Belyi Klyuch. To the west, the range 
extends from the northern slope of Taurus to Asia Minor (Map 25). East 
of Debed-Chai and Akstafa-Chai the marten is very rare if it exists at all. 
No marten pelts have been obtained from Karabakh forests during the last 
25 years. 

Satunin (1907b) recorded a skull of a young marten from a site located 
on the eastern shore of Lake Sevan as M. martes (?). His diagnosis was 
based upon delicate features and small size; this skull, which is now in the 
Georgian Museum, is in fact that of a stone marten. 

The range of Martes martes L. had not reached Lake Sevan by 
the middle of the first millennium B.C. From the seven marten skulls taken 
from the Urartu graves not one belonged to Martes martes L. 

The species is absent from Talysh despite the abundance of forests and of 
the fat dormouse, а very important food. Ellerman and Morrison-Scott 
(1951, p.245) incorrectly claim the presence of the pine marten near 

The absence of the pine marten from the eastern part of the Lesser 
Caucasus and the Talysh Mountains may be attributed to the late appearance 
of the species in the Caucasus and the presence of an ancient woodless 
barrier in the Khram basin. The competition of the stone marten in the 
southeastern regions of the country should also be taken into consideration. 

The greatest number of pine martens is observed in the western 
Caucasus. Pelt yield per 1,000 km? for both martens* is given by pelt 
supply stations for the 1930's: Georgia — 37.8, Armenia — 30.3, 
Azerbaidzhan — 19.4, Dagestan — 10.3 and northern Caucasus — 7.8. 

The high number of martens in Georgia is explained by the heavy 
afforestation of the country. In Armenia the entire pelt yield was from 
stone martens. 

Donaurov (1949) observed the pine marten in the Caucasian Reservation 
between 1935 and 1936. (Its summer excrements and winter snow tracks 
were found distributed according to Table 67. ) 

Such a distribution is the result of an abundant supply of vegetable and 
animal foods: during summer months — Muridae and insects; in fall and 
winter — mountain ash, whortleberry, common yew and rodents. 

The small population of pine marten in the lower forest is probably a 
result of its replacement by the stronger stone marten. Onthe southern slopes 
of the Greater Caucasus the distribution of the animalis somewhat different. 

Table 68 shows the frequency of encounter of the marten activity in the 
Zaketaly Reserve and adjacent lands, according to our data of 1935 — 36. 

Our data and those of Donaurov for the lower and middle zones also 
pertain to the stone marten. 

According to Mlokosevich's observations (Markov and Mlokosevich, 
1935) made over several years in the Lagodekhi and Zakataly regions, the 
pine marten inhabits the upper mountain forests and is unable to compete 
successfully with the stronger stone marten of the foothills. It is absent 
from the woodless plains. 

* The State Yield Supply recorded both marten species together. 



TABLE 67. Frequency of pine marten tracks in the western Caucasus (in $) 


Habitat Winter 

Broadleantorests wes sisters ORES cui ae ele ое 6.9 
Fir—beech forests without vacciniaceous plants 9.4 
Fir—beech forests with underbrush and 

VEISCHMECEOWS рай 5. Jaa a 5 tao b om ule Elole o 51.8 
Upperiforestied seme и по: ее 30.9 

SUbalpinekmeadows emis ks о ие 

TABLE 68. Frequency of pine marten tracks on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus (in %) 

Habitat Winter 

Beech—hornbeam forest of the lower zone 
Beech forests with mazzard cherry and filbert 

GM (NS ООО. WOM ‘сооозонор в оо ововою 
Thinned oak—beech forests of the upper zone 
SUDAN SIMS WCAC Golhosdootiadcnabaouge 

The pine marten is a more specialized and phylogenetically younger 
Species than the stone marten as shown by its morphology and ecology. 
The separation of pine marten probably occurred in Europe in the Lower 
Pleistocene since it was a distinct species by the Middle Pleistocene. The 
ecology of the pine marten's contemporary range confirms the relatively 
late (Upper Pleistocene) migration from Europe through the Balkans and 
Asia Minor. 

The direct and indirect influence of man on the population and range of 
Caucasian martens became visible in the last century. 

Ancient Circassia produced a heavy yield of pine martens. There are 
references in Dubois de Montpéreux (1843) of the yield of pelts in this area 
in the 18th century and Radde (1866) records an annual yield of 500 marten 
pelts from upper Svanetia in the middle of the last century. Marten-hunting 
for pelt-trading was taken up in the 1860's following the settlement of the 
northern Caucasus (Dinnik, 1941а; Turov, 1937). The clearing of significant 
areas of forest land over the past centuries in Dagestan and Azerbaidzhan 
could have brought about a reduction in the marten range. Records of the 
last 25 years show a decrease in pelt yield in 1930-1931, an increase in 
1937 and another in 1947. Some drop in trade in Abkhazia was observed 
in the 1930's as an apparent result of the development of the fat dormouse 
trade (Markov, 1938; Graph 9). 




At least 10 forms of cats have been identified from Neogene deposits 
of the Caucasus and adjacent areas. Machairodus sp. is known from 
Sarmatian deposits near Armavir and a medium-sized Felis sp. from the 
Maraginsk Upper Pleistocene site in northwestern Iran. More fragmentary 
bone findings of Felis and Panthera have been reported from the 
Lower and Upper Pliocene of Stavropol and the Taman Peninsula. 

Six species have been recorded from Caucasian fauna of the Pleistocene: 
Panthera spelaea Goldf., panther, lynx, European wildcat, spotted 
cat and cheetah. And finally from the Holocene there have been nine 
species identifications; of these nine, three have become extinct in historical 

Cave lion— Panthera spelaea Goldf. Remains of this species 
of large cat have been discovered in Middle and Upper Pleistocene 
Eurasian strata — from England to the New Siberian Islands (Trouessart, 
1904-1905). It is a characteristic index species of the Pleistocene mammoth 
fauna of the Russian Plain and of the Crimea (Gromova, 1932a; Gromov, 1948; 
Pidoplichko, 1951). The southern distribution limit of P. spelaea Goldf. 
was probably somewhere in the Mediterranean area. Remains of Paleolithic 
cat from Lebanon, Syria and Palestine probably belong to the real lion 
(Picard, 1937). There have been no findings of P. spelaea Goldf. in 
Iranian caves. On the Caucasus remains of a large Pleistocene cat were 
discovered in the Sakazhia cave, in loamy talus deposits in the vicinity 
of Sochi and in asphalt sands of the Apsheron Peninsula (Figure 111; Map 33). 

Gromov's assumption (1948) that Panthera spelaea became 
extinct on the Caucasus just before the Bronze Age, which would have been 
later than in other regions, is open to question. In all probability, it 
became extinct simultaneously with the cave bear, woolly rhinoceros and 
mammoth. Related species, such as lion and tiger, appeared on the 
Caucasus as postglacial immigrants from the south. 

Lion— Panthera leo Г. The subject of the lion's place in the. 
Caucasian Holocene fauna and of its relationship to the Pleistocene 
Panthera spelaea is very complicated. The majority of paleontologists 
considered P. spelaea the direct ancestor of the contemporary lion. 
Without going into details, Pidoplichko (1951) claimed that the large 
Pleistocene cat was also a lion. However, asour investigations have shown 
(Vereshchagin, 1951b), Panthera spelaea possessed more specialized 
feline cranial features than the contemporary African lion. 

A number of West European paleontologists have recorded lion remains 
in caves in England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, 
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Morocco and Rhodesia, mostly from Holocene 
strata (Wolf, 1938, 1939). 

Lion remains were reported by Picard (1937) in Acheulean and 
Mousterian strata in Palestine. 

Gromova (1932a) mentioned teeth and metapodia of lion found in an 
ancient Greek cave in Olvia; however, these remains may have come from 



a lionskin rug brought from the south and not, as reported, from an animal 
caught on the north coast of the Black Sea. 

Spendid low- and high-relief representations of lions found during the 
excavations of ancient Sumer, Babylon and Nineveh verify that the lion was 
very common in southwest Asia in the third to first millennia B.C. Another 
series of representations of lions executedon stone by the Hittites in the 
central part of Asia Minor was published by Osten (1929-1930). 

FIGURE 111, Skullof Panthera spelaea Goldf., (female) from 
Binagady asphalt 

Lions are known on the Caucasus only from pictures and legends. Among 
them are the following noteworthy findings: relief representations of two 
lions on the gold plating of a beaker from the Trialet mounds, 2nd century 
B.C. (Kuftin, 1941); contour images of two lions on a gold cup from a 
Kirovakan burial, second millennium B.C. (Piotrovskii, 1949); contour 
images of lions on rocks in Kabristan from the first (?) millennium B.C. 
(Vereshchagin and Burchak-Abramovich, 1948); contour images of lions 
on silver containers and sculptures on gold plates (Figure 112) found 
near Maikop, second millennium B.C. (Farmakovskii, 1914); relief 
representation of a lion on the gold plating of a quiver from burials on the 
Taman Peninsula (Figure 113). 

Representations of lions and lionesses dismembering fallow deer and 
wild asses were found on a gold vial from the Solokh burial in southern 
Ukraine (6th century B.C.). Mantsevich (1949) concluded that this vial was 
made by Ionian craftsmen, but (despite our advice) erroneously 
classified the wild asses as horses and the lionesses as leopards. 

We do not exclude the possibility that the lion penetrated into Ciscaucasia 
and the Russian Plain in the xerothermic period. Pogrebova (1950) formed 
the reasonable opinion that most of the artistic works and representations 
of animals found in the Scythian mounds were executed locally and were, 
therefore, modelled on the local fauna. The find, in the strata of ancient 
Tanais, of a plate of local raw limestone (43X56 cm) depicting a lion 
supports this theory. This stone is kept in The Hermitage (Knipovich, 1949). 

Later likenesses of lion appear on many relics of Armenian, Arabian 
and Iranian culture in Armenia, Azerbaidzhan and Georgia. Lion heads 
appear on the walls of the Old Derbent fortress which dates from 



the time of the Arab caliphate, and оп the fortress gate in Baku, which 
was erected in honor of Shah Abbas in the 17th century. 

Lion images are frequently found in the medieval art of the Dagestan 
mountain region (Bashkirov, 1931). In Iran at the time of the Safawids, 
hunting rugs were designed with lion images (Kverfel'dt, 1940). 

FIGURE 112, Gold plates with figures of lions from a Maikop burial 

Both the earlier and later representations of lions found on the Caucasus 
could be easily accounted for by the influence of Hittite, Assyrian, 
Babylonian, ancient Iranian and Arabian cultures, and even by the 
importation of finished articles from southwest Asia, But a comparison 
of the pictures on Kabristan rocks with Scythian articles of Ciscaucasia 
suggests a different explanation. 

It is possible that the distribution area of the European and of the Asian 
lion was irreversibly reduced in historical time even in southwest Asia. 

Herodotus and Aristotle mention the presence of lions in the Balkans 
in the second half of the first millennium B.C. The lion figures in Homer's 
Iliad. A Greek military division of the 5th century encountered north 
African savannah animals near the source of the Euphrates (Xenophon, 1896 
edit. ). These included ostriches and onagers which became extinct in the 
19th century. 

Surveys on the early distribution of the lion in the Near East have relied 
heavily on such literary references as Sundevall (1863), Keller (1909), 
Gromova (1928) and Korner (1930). 

Lucian of Samosata (125 A.D.) reported a large cat (lion?!) which jumped 
on the horse of a Scythian hunter (Latyshev, 1947-1948). Zhitkov refers 
to the probable presence of a large cat — "а ferocious animal'' — on the 
southern steppes in old Slavonic times in "Тре Lay of the Host of Igor"’ 
(Slovo о polku Igoreve, 1936, p.229), as does Vladimir Monomakh in 
"Instructions'' (Pouchenie). However, Sementovskii (1857) understood 
"ferocious animal'' to mean only a wolf. Moisei Kalankatuiskii wrote 
(10th century A.D.; 1861 edit., p. 6) in what may be an imperfect 
translation: "Blessed is the country of Agvan*... where are wild animals: 
lions, tigers, panthers, wild asses; and a great number of birds: eagles, 
falcons and their like." It is interesting that the reference to wild 
asses was verified by kulan bones found in 1946 during the excavation 
of a 13th-century settlement in Baku. At the time of the Arabian 
caliphate and later, eastern Transcaucasia was entirely suitable for 
the habitation of lions. The tugai on the Kura and Araks rivers and the 

* Ancient Albania and Azerbaidzhan. 


vast reed-grown areas оп the Mugan floodplains were densely populated by 
boar and deer and herds of kulans and goitered gazelles grazed in the open 
Herds of ungulates were attracted in spring, summer and fall to the 
piedmonts grown with juniper—pistachio forests and a luxuriant grass cover. 
In the hunting ode ''Shikhariya'' dedicated to Manuchekhr, the son of 
Shirvan Shah, the poet Khagani (Avsaraddin), who lived in Shemakha 
(1120-1194), glorifies the Shah's lion hunt, mentioning the area between 
the Caspian Sea and Shemakha (History of Azerbaidzhan Literature, Vol. 1, 
1943; Text of Arasla in Azerbaidzhan). 

FIGURE 113. Part of gold lining of a quiver from the Semibratnoe site, 
showing a lion dismembering a deer 

In Farsi the word ''shir'' means lion and we can assume that the Shirvan 
region derived its name not only from the ruling shahs, but also from the 
lions which inhabited it. 

In his poems 'Iskandarnama,'' ''The Seven Beauties'' and others, 
Nizami Ganjawi (11th-12th centuries, A.D. ) constantly used the lion as a 
literary allusion. 

Usamah ibn Munkidh (1922-1923 edit. ) described lion hunts in Syria 
and Palestine in the 12th century when lions were as common there as hares 
in present-day Caucasia. 



At the end of the 19th century, Blanford (1876) indicated that lions had 
become extinct innorthernIran, but were still living in Mesopotamia on 
the western Zagros spurs and southeast of Shiraz. The Persian lion, 

P. leo persica Meyer, 1826, was described from a Teheran specimen, 
i.e., from northwestern Iran. 

Chardin records that lions and tigers still inhabited the forests of 
Mingrelia and Imeretia at the beginning of the 17th century (1735, p.51). 
Chopin (1852), who lived in Armenia, stated that during his lifetime lions 
were no longer observed there, but tigers were occasionally seen wandering 
from the Araks River. Danford and Alston (1880) mentioned the 
extermination of horses by a preying lion in 1873 or 1874 near Bilecik on 
the Upper Euphrates. According to Kinnear (1920), lions were no longer 
seen in Asia Minor by the end of the last century, but they still inhabited 
Mesopotamia and Arabia. After large-scale deliveries of weapons to the 
Near East during World War I, the number of Asian lions decreased rapidly. 
In the opinion of Pocock (1930, 1939) and of Harper (1945), the rapid 
extermination of the Asian lion was entirely a result of European 
colonization and wanton hunting by English officers stationed in Asia, who 
killed many of these animals for diversion. 

Considering the above, we can assume that the lion inhabited Trans- 
caucasia, penetrating there from the south in the Holocene. After a gradual 
withdrawal to the southeast and southwest (Map 33), it disappeared from 
this region by the end of the Middle Ages. The reduction of population and 
range of the tiger and striped hyena presents similar histories. Bothofthese 
animals were observed in this region until the first half of the 20th century. 

Tiger — Panthera tigris Г. Apparently remains of true tigers are 
known only from the caves of China and Java (Wolf, 1938). There are 
indications that findings in France and Siberia probably belong to 
Panthera spelaea Goldf. Tiger remains have not been found in the 
central Asian Paleolithic caves of Teshik-Tash and Aman-Kutan. 

The absence of tiger remains in the Binagady deposit is important for 
an understanding of the history of the tiger on the Caucasus. 

Today the tiger is distributed mainly in southeastern Asia. Like the 
cheetah, hyena and lion, the present-day tiger is a postglacial immigrant. 
The tiger spread widely in a northwesterly direction from southeastern 
Asia, probably only in the Upper Holocene. It is significant that this animal 
is not represented in the art of ancient Mesopotamia, but was depicted by 
the Persians, although not as frequently as the lion. 

Tigers occasionally appear in ancient Persian miniatures. In the 1620's 
the Russian merchant Fedot Kotov colorfully described a tiger in the 
Shah's menagerie in Kazvin (1852). 

Reviews and critiques of the literature on the distribution of the tiger 
on the Caucasus at theend of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries 
have been published by Dinnik (1914a), Satunin (1915a) and Ognev (1935). 

In 1947 the author presented a chart of tiger distribution on the Caucasus, 
showing locations where they had been captured over the previous ten years. 
Eastern Transcaucasia has been the extreme limit of tiger distribution 
up to the present time. 

The tiger was so common near Lenkoran in the 1860's that some were 
killed there each year (Radde, 1899). The tiger was frequently encountered 
at the end of the 19th century on the Lenkoran Plain and in the mountain 
forests of Talysh where at least one tiger was killed every year (Satunin, 


275 1915a). At the beginning of this century the tiger population began to 
decrease rapidly. In the 1920's (Figure 114) tigers were sometimes seen 
in eastern Transcaucasia, although they were not inhabitants of this region. 

Between 1920 and 1950 only two cases of tiger-pelt yield were recorded: 
one in 1922 near Tiflis and one in 1932 in Talysh (Map 33). 

FIGURE 114, Tiger in the jungles of Lenkoran in the first half of the 20th century 

Soviet officers who lived in Gilan and Mazanderan in 1942-1943 told us 
of repeated reports of tigers and of their own personal observations of tiger 
tracks and the dismembered bodies of boars and domestic animals on the 
forested northern slopes of the Elburz Range. 

Deforestation, the extermination of boars (the main food of the tiger) 
and tiger-hunting have created unfavorable conditions for tiger life on the 

Panther — Panthera pardus L. ($. lato). Remains of P. pardus 
were found in the Paleolithic strata of numerous caves in Africa and India. 

Remains of this species have been found in caves in Syria, Palestine and 
Lebanon in strata dating from Acheuleanto Neolithic (Picard, 1937; Bate, 
1937) and, in central Iran, it is recorded from Paleolithic strata of the 
Bisotun cave (Coon, 1952). Wolf in 1938 reported related fossil evidence. 

It is possible that a contemporary species of panther of African-European 
type inhabited Western Europe during the warmer phases of the Pleistocene. 
Panther remains have not been observed in the Pleistocene strata of 
Eastern Europe, which in our opinion indicates that the limits of the range 
were more southerly — at the Caucasus and Kopet Dag ranges — during the 

A unique find of Pleistocene P. pardus remains was made in the 
Paleolithic strata of Kudaro I and II caves at the head of the Rion. 



Тре remains of Р. pardus found in Holocene localities may have been 
brought there from elsewhere, as the only other reliable reports are on 
findings from Greek and Roman strata of Olvia and of ancient Theodosia 
(collection of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences in the 
Ukrainian S.S.R.) and on findings in the Caucasus from the Mesolithic 
of the Sosruko grotto (on the Baksan) and from the ''Dlinnokryly'"' cave 
(in the Araks ravine). 

The absence of P. pardus from the Middle Pleistocene fauna of 
Apsheron indicates that it first appeared in central Caucasia, penetrating 
the area along with the mouflon and 
porcupine from the south. 

During early historic time, 

Р. pardus was widespread. It was 
known by the Scythians on the 
Ciscaucasian Plain. Bronze heads 

of P. pardus have been found in the 
Scythian hills of the Russian Plain 
and in Ciscaucasia (Figure 115). 

A golden figurine of a reclining 
panther was recovered from the 
Kellermess hill. A splendid small 
bronze statue of a panther was recently 
found in Samtavro excavations, west 
of Tiflis (cf. reproduction in: Vestnik 
drevnei istorii, No. 3, 1948). 

At the beginning of the 20th century, 
FIGURE 115, Bronze heads of P, pardus from the distribution of panther was limited 
Ukraine burials by the foothills and mountain regions 

of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, 

and by the lowland of eastern Trans- 
caucasia (Dinnik, 1914a; Satunin, 1915c). During the last 50 years the 
number of panthers has rapidly decreased. 

From 1894 to 1898 eleven panthers were captured in the Kuban hunting 
regions. In 1904 only two panthers were caught there, while in 1905 and 
1906 none were found. The panther is rarely encountered on the Main Range 
in our century. In 1912 two panthers were killed in the Zakataly region; 
after that time, despite the abundance of goats, gazelles and deer, only 
occasional panther tracks were seen in the ravines of the left tributaries 
of the Alazan. In North Ossetia two panthers were killed at the beginning 
of the 'twenties. In 1949 one panther was killed in the gully of the right tributary 
of the Sunzha and in 1952 another panther was killed near Staliniri in 
South Ossetia. 

Panthers have been more numerous and more enduring in Talysh and 
Karabakh. In the middle of the last century Radde ordered and received 
twelve fresh panther pelts from the Lenkoran District over a seven-week 
period. From 1930 to 1940, i.e., about 70 years later, the Azerbaidzhan 
pelt-supply base received only two panther pelts and a small number of pelts 
was acquired privately by individuals. 

Not more than ten panthers were killed on the entire Caucasus in the 
1930's, and those mainly on the Zangezur ridge and in Talysh. Regular 
appearances of panther in the reed-grown thickets of the central Mugan, 



for example оп Makhmud-Chala Lake, were recorded from 1929 to 1932. 
Near the village of Kharmandali, a dead female panther apparently buried 
by the male was found in 1929. A male panther, which had fallen into a pit 
during a snowstorm, was killed near the village of Mashtagi on the Apsheron 
Peninsula on February 15, 1946 (Burchak-Abramovich and Dzhafarov, 1949). 
Heavy snowfalls and storms have driven the panther away from the 
After World War II, encounters with panthers became more frequent 
and pelt yield increased. Fresh panther pelts were received from the 
Talysh Mountains, the Nakhichevan area and the Karabakh Upland. Thus, 
in Azerbaidzhan in 1947, the yield was five pelts and in 1948, thirty-six pelts. 
This population increase is an apparent result of the migration of this 
animal from southwestern Iran. Present-day panther distribution on the 
Caucasus is limited by the forests of the Talysh Mountains and the ridges 
of Karabakh, Zangezur and the Nakhichevan area (Map 34). 

FIGURE 116, Three-month-old panther from Talysh, showing 
typical spottiness of the young animal 

Photograph by author, 1947 

The panthers which inhabited the Greater Caucasus belonged to the 
pale-colored subspecies Panthera pardus ciscaucasicus, now 
nearly extinct. 

The Transcaucasian P. pardus tullianus Val. (Figure 116) is 
brighter colored with an admixture of rust tints and shorter fur. The 
panther which was killed in Apsheron belonged to this subspecies. The 
rapid disappearance of panthers from the Greater Caucasus in this century 


is undoubtedly the result of persistent hunting of these animals. Unless 
panther hunting is forbidden, the animal will disappear in the next few 
decades from the Caucasian Isthmus. 

Lynx — Felis lynx L. (s. lato). Aspecies whichis closely related to the 
subgenus F. lynx pardina, dating at least from the Middle Pliocene, 
has been found in Upper Tertiary deposits of southern Europe (in Moldavia 
and in catacombs in Odessa, France and Italy). A cat mandible, similar 
in dentition to that of a small lynx, was found in Lower Pliocene deposits 
near Stavropol. 

Lynx fossils of the present-day type are characteristic of Lower and 
Upper Paleolithic settlements in the forest and forest-steppe zones of 
Western and Eastern Europe (Wolf, 1938, 1939; Gromova, 1948; 
Pidoplichko, 1951). On the Caucasus they have been found in the Sakazhia 
cave in western Transcaucasia. 

There are no reports of lynx remains from the Paleolithic of the eastern 
Mediterranean (Lebanon and Syria: Picard, 1937; Bate, 1937; Iran: Coon, 
1952). Thus, it can be assumed that in the Pleistocene the lynx was not 
distributed very far south of southwest Asia. Today the lynx range lies in 
plains and mountain forests and is limited by the polar circle. 

During the Holocene the lynx population was considerably reduced by 
hunting, but even more by deforestation. The lynx does not inhabit the 
riverain forests of the steppe zone nor the region to the south, despite the 
abundance of food, e.g., hare, beaver and roe. Perhaps the flooding of 
the area in the spring accounts for their absence; it may also account for 
the rarity of lynx remains in deposits found along the lower reaches of the 
Ural, the Volga and the Don. 

The present range of the lynx F. lynx orientalis Sat. onthe 
Caucasus includes the entire forested area of the Greater and Lesser 
Caucasus and of the Talysh area (Dinnik, 1914a; Satunin, 1915a; 
Vereshchagin, 1947d) (Map 35). In adjacent areas of Turkey and Iran 
the lynx is encountered in islets of mountain forests. Generally this cat 
is found in mountain regions even though small shrubs may be the only 
vegetation. For instance, on the eastern limit of the Main Range many lynx 
live in the shrub thickets and undergrowth near the villages of Kyzyl-Burun 
and Khizy where hares arenumerous. The lynx is also seen sometimes in 
woodless Dagestan and in small islands of oak forest in the Armenian 
Highland, e.g., along the headwaters of the Nakhichevan-Chai near Shalbuz. 
The lynx originated in the ancient Mediterranean area and today still inhabits 
the nearly woodless landscape of Palestine (Bodenheimer, 1935). According 
to Pidoplichko (1951), the lynx does not always inhabit forest land in 
southern mountain countries. 

The recent yield of lynx pelts from the Caucasus, from Ciscaucasia and 
from Transcaucasia has fluctuated widely. Significant increases in 
population were noted in 1928-1929, 1932-1933, 1938 and 1950 (Graph 15). 
The difficulties of mountain trade curtailed lynx extermination. 

European wildcat — Felis silvestris Г. Remains of small cats 
(F. pygmaea Lartet, F. media Lartet, F. attica Wagner and other 
species) closely related to the European wildcat are known from Miocene 
and Pliocene deposits in Italy, Austria and Greece, and are particularly 
associated with the Hipparion fauna. Fossils of a contemporary type 
are common in Pleistocene and Holocene strata of many caves throughout 




Western Europe, excluding the Scandinavian Peninsula (Trouessart, 1898- 
1899a; Wolf, 1938). They are frequently found in Middle and Upper 
Paleolithic strata in Crimean caves (Puzanov, 1929; Gromov, 1948).On 

the Russian Plain a mandible of a small cat was recovered from Pleistocene 
deposits of the lower Don (Tsimlyanskaya). On the Caucasus several bones 
of this cat were found in Paleolithic strata of the Akhshtyrskaya and 
Tsebeldinskoe caves. There are records of Felis silvestris L. 
remains in the southeastern Mediterranean area taken from Acheulean to 
Neolithic strata in caves in Palestine and Syria (Picard, 1937; Bate, 1937). 

We found Holocene remains of European wildcat only in the Pyatigor'e 
area. It is interesting that only remains of domesticated cats were found 
in the medieval strata of the Sarkel fortress on the Don. It would appear 
that the range of the Caucasian subspecies, F. silvestris caucasicus 
Sat., was not associated during the Holocene with the European subspecies 
in the Russian Plain. 

Today the range of the European wildcat includes Western Europe, Asia 
Minor and the Caucasus. It probably became extinct in the Crimea during 
the Holocene. Within the Caucasus the distribution of the European wildcat 
gradually declines eastwards (Map 36). There are no documented data 
from the Talysh and Elburz mountains; there is, however, some ambiguous 
information concerning a kind of cat seen inthe forests of Lenkoran, Gilan and 
Mazanderan (Blamberg, 1853; Smirnov, 1922; Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and 
Kuzyakin, 1944) which has not been verified. Associations with forest 
biotopes are quite pronounced for this species, but in Ciscaucasia wildcat 
distribution is limited by the small number of surviving plots of shrubs, 
forests and reeds, such as those of the Kabarda lowlands, the valley of 
the middle Kuma, the Stavropol Plateau and the Kuban River delta. In the 
southern part of the country, wildcat is more likely to be found in stands 
of forests, while on the woodless upland of the Lesser Caucasus it is 
practically nonexistent. In western Transcaucasia wildcats are numerous 
in the beech forests of the Adzhar-Imeretia Range and in the alder swamps 
of Colchis. Contrary to the studies made on the plain by Formozov (1946) 
(and repeated by Pidoplichko in 1951), the distribution pattern of wildcat 
does not show a relationship to the varying depths of snow cover on the 
irregular mountain terrain. 

The largest population of European wildcat is observed in the lower third 
of the forest zone; the animal prefers the beech—hornbeam forests. 

Caucasian Reservation data show the following distribution of 43 
encounters with wildcat: 76.7% in broadleaf forests, 18.6% in dark 
coniferous forests and 4.7% in the subalpine zone (Teplov, 1938a). The 
principal pelt yield on the Caucasus is obtained from submontane forests. 

According to paleontological data, the European wildcat is an autochthon 
of the Mediterranean area and, on the basis of present distribution patterns, 
can be regarded as an early Pleistocene settler from Europe which 
penetrated the Caucasus via the Balkans and Asia Minor. 

The hunting of European wildcats for their pelts during the last 25 years 
has not affected this animal's population (Graph 16). 

Jungle cat— Felis chaus Guld. The remains of this cat are known 
from Pleistocene strata of India (Wolf, 1938), According to Picard 
(1937), fossils have been found in Syria and in Palestine in deposits from 
the Mousterian to the Neolithic. Grornov (1937, р. 86) is of the opinion that 


Azilian and Tardenoisian strata of the Crimean mountain regions may well 
contain jungle cat fossils. The finds in Western Europe (e.g., in Stuttgart 
travertines) are insignificant. Pleistocene and Holocene remains of this 
species are unknown on the Caucasus, and finds of Holocene remains 

on the Russian Plain are also doubtful. In the 8-13th century strata of 

the Sarkel fortress near Tsimlyanskaya two inferior humeral epiphyses 
were found which were similar in size to those of the jungle wildcat. 

In the 14th-century strata of a Slavic village in Poltava an inferior 
humeral epiphysis of a cat resembling this species in size was reported 
(Gromov, 1948), but the authenticity of this report is questionable. Our 
later investigations of cat fossils indicate that Felis lybica lived in 
the Crimea and on the southern Russian Plain throughout the Quaternary, 
but Felis chaus didnot. It is probable thatFelis chaus only 
penetrated eastern Ciscaucasia and the southern Russian Plain late in the 
Quaternary (during the Holocene). 

At present the main distribution area of Felis chaus is in southern 
and southeastern Asia, while on the Caucasian Isthmus the range is 
"undeveloped.'' This cat inhabits eastern Transcaucasia from the Caspian 
Sea to an altitude of 900-1,000 m. In the west it inhabits the valleys of Kura 
to Gori; it has not been observed beyond Surami. In the Araks River valley 
the cat is encountered as far as the longitude of Mount Alagez. It is common 
along the Caspian shore, especially near Samur and along the lower reaches 
of the Sulak and Terek rivers, penetrating farther through the reeds along 
the Berovskie knolls and to the Volga delta (Dobrokhotov, 1939). 

In eastern Ciscaucasia this cat is found as far as Grozny in the Sunzha 
River valley and as far as Mozdok in the Terek River valley (Map 37). 

Felis chaus is not encountered at present in western Ciscaucasia. 
The pelts obtained from the Krasnodar Territory were brought from the 
southeast. In the scientific collections from this region, the jungle cat 
is not represented; although the literature, beginning with Bogdanov (1873), 
mentions the presence of this cat on the Kuban delta, it is yet to be 

The data of Formozov (1946) on the habitation of this cat along the reed- 
grown banks of the lower Kuban River are erroneous. The finding he cites 
of a pelt and skull in the Cossack village of Grivenskaya was really of 
European wildcat. 


FIGURE 117. Jaw of cheetah from Binagady asphalt 



The greatest number of this species is observed in the lowland forests 
of eastern Transcaucasia. Its favorite biotopes are reed—cattail thickets 
beside lakes and marshes and tugai thickets along rivers and rivulets. 
Here the cat hunts water voles and marsh birds. It is not encountered 
in mountain forests, but will migrate through open places in the 
Transcaucasian semidesert. 

Some unknown barriers impede its penetration into western Trans- 
caucasia. At the first glance it would seem that, like the jackal, the jungle 
cat would prosper in the Colchis, which has a topography similar to that 
of Girkan, a warm climate and many swamps. The absence of the cat from 
the Colchis cannot simply be explained by the ''newness'"' of the distribution 
area on the Caucasus. After all, the Surami Pass is sufficiently low to 
permit passage, and predatory communities are known to settle rapidly. 
The absence of jungle cat remains from the Binagady locality, the ''under- 
development"' of its range on the Isthmus and, finally, the stenotopic 
character of the animal and its relative adaptation to warmth suggest that 
it is a postglacial settler of southern origin. The area of land on the 
Azerbaidzhan Plains inhabited by the jungle cat increased with the 
development of a local irrigation system and decreased with its 

abandonment. Most recently, the destruction of tugai forests and of bamboo 

groves and accelerated trade have caused a further decrease in range and 
population. It is difficult to discover the population dynamics of the jungle 
cat from figures on pelt yields because the pelts of this species and those 
of European wildcat are reported together. 

The granting of bounties on cats sharply increased the pelt yield. This 
reflects a state of species well-being, although nutria breeding is thereby 

Cheetah — Acinonyx jubatus Schr. Cheetah remains are known 
from the Upper Pliocene of southern Europe and Africa (Simpson, 1945). 

The species is very rare in Quaternary deposits and until recent times 
was known only from the Upper Pleistocene of China (Pei, 1939). In the 
Caucasus (Figure 117) they were first revealed in Middle Pleistocene strata 
of the Apsheron Peninsula (Map 38). At that time the cheetah (Figure 118) 
could have hunted saigas, asses, horses and hares. Possibly its distribution 
in the Pleistocene extended to eastern Ciscaucasia. The contemporary range 
of the cheetah includes Africa and southern Asia as far as China. Its 
preferred biotopes, according to Roosevelt, Pocock (1939, 1941) and other 
naturalists andhunters, are low-lying plains and hilly savannahs, deserts 
and semideserts where the animal shelters among rocks and shrubs. In 
Turkmenistan and Iran it lives in the open sandy, clayey and stony desert, 
but prefers river valleys grown with tugai thickets where it hunts gazelles 
and hares. 

There are no documentary data on the occurrence of the cheetah in the 
Caucasus in historical times. It was depicted (Figure 119) on an ornament 
of a silver container found in the Maikop burial (Farmakovskii, 1914). The 
wearing of a collar suggests the possibility of cheetah domestication by 
the time of the Scythian. On a 12th-century ceramic from the excavation 
of ancient Gandzha [now Kirovabad] there are pictures of cheetah somewhat 
reminiscent of those depicted by the ancient Egyptians. 

The Georgian Chronicles ''Kartlis Tskhovreba" place the cheetah in 
eastern Georgia (Kartlia) in the Middle Ages and, from this source, its 


presence was incorporated into the local fiction. Some local authors made 
extraordinary statements regarding its habitation of high mountains, e.g., 
К. Gamsakhurdia in ''The Hand of a Great Master'' (1945). Usamah ibn 
Munkidh (1922-1923 edit.) mentioned that Asia Minor gazelles were hunted 
282 with cheetahs in the 12th century in Syria and Palestine. In the Russian 
Chronicles and also in "Тре Lay of the Host of Igor'' (Slovo о polku Igoreve) 
'parduses'' are mentioned — hunting ''leopards'' (cheetahs) — which served 
the Russian princes in the hunt during the 11th-12th centuries (Zhitkov, 
1936). This practice was borrowed from the Persians or the Polovtsian 
khans, according to Zhitkov. This is quite probable, because nomads of 
the Russian Plain maintained military, cultural and commercial relations 
with those of Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia from the time of the Bronze Age. 

FIGURE 118. Cheetah in the Pleistocene semidesert of eastern Transcaucasia 

After Aristov (1866), Pidoplichko (1951, p.178) erroneously ascribed 
these references to ''parduses'' (cheetahs) in the old Slavic records to the 
leopard, an animal unsuited for this hunt. The Azerbaidzhan khans and 
Armenian and Kartlian princes hunted with trained cheetahs up to the 14th 
century. In 1474 Доза! Barbaro saw the hundred hunting cheetahs of an 
Armenian prince. 

Adam Olearius (1870 edit.) recorded that a Persian shah 
hunted onagers using cheetahs in the Isfahan hunting grounds. Olearius 
wrote (page 935) in connection with this: ''There* are numerous predators, 
such as tigers, leopards, wolves and bears. Tigers** are so numerous 
there that they are sold in herds of 10-20 animals. The tigers were 
generally used for the hunt because they were rapid runners and became 
so highly domesticated that the hunter could place the tiger on the horse 
behind him."' Later information appears on the cheetah in Mazanderan and 
throughout the Caspian forests (Filippi, 1865, Blanford, 1876). 

* In the Gilan area. 
** Cheetahs. 


FIGURE 119. Representation of cheetahs оп a silver container from Ма ор burial (according to 
Farmakovskii, 1914) 

In Asia Minor and Arabia the cheetah was rare at the end of the last 
century (Danford and Alston, 1880; Aharoni, 1930; Bodenheimer, 1935). 

The cheetah probably remained in a wild state in the Kura-Araks lowland 
and in the middle Araks valley until the 18th century. This is convincingly 
shown by the sudden decline in cheetah range and population in present-day 
Turkmenistan and its recent presence in northern Iran (southern 

The disappearance of the cheetah from Transcaucasia and southern 
Asia is explained by the depletion of steppe ungulates and the intensive 
pursuit of young cheetahs for training. 

By tracing the contemporary range of the cheetah in Asia and Africa, 
Harper (1945) established the reduced area of distribution and the population 
decline of this peculiar cat. 


lLagomorphs appeared relatively early in time. Some genera of this 
order, for instance Mytonolagus and Shamolagus, are known from 
the Eocene. In the Mediterranean, central Asia and Mongolia, Tertiary 
lagomorphs are represented by pikas and hares (Trouessart, 1904-1905; 
Simpson, 1945; Borisyak and Belyaeva, 1948). 

On the Caucasian Isthmus remains of only two genera, Ochotona 
and Lepus, are known from the Lower Pliocene. 


European hare — Lepus europaeus (s. lato). The earliest 
fragmentary remains of small hares were found in Pliocene alluvium near 
Stavropol and, later, in Pliocene fluvial deposits of the middle Zanga, 
north of Yerevan. 


Numerous L. europaeus remains from the Middle Pleistocene of 
eastern Transcaucasia (Binagady) belong to a species closely resembling 
the contemporary animal. 

The Upper Pleistocene remains of European hare were found in deposits 
of the lower Don. In Holocene deposits on the Caucasus, European hare 
remains are often found in caves used by eagle owls, as well as in strata 
of human settlements. 

The contemporary European hare inhabits almost all of the Caucasian 

several years (Vereshchagin, 1947): northern Caucasus — 3,300; 
Azerbaidzhan — 770; Dagestan — 594; Georgia — 219; Armenia — 127. 

Because most of the pelts are sold on the spot, the number of European 
hare killed in Transcaucasia is actually much greater, especially in 
Azerbaidzhan. The yieldonthe northern Caucasus is mainly from Krasnodar 
Territory and the Dagestan plain. In Georgia almost all of the hares are 
obtained from the dry eastern portion (Map 39). 

The hare population of the alpine and subalpine meadows of the Greater 
Caucasus is insignificant. It is more common in the dry inner valleys 
of the northern slope of the range and on the steppelike alpine meadows of 
inner Dagestan. Оп the Gunib Plateau the European hare rests by day in 
relict pine and birch forests. 

This species is not found at all in continuous mountain forests of beech, 
hornbeam and fir. It is true that they penetrate the forest zone moving 
upwards from the subalpine meadows along woodless slopes and ridges 
and along denuded ravines, but this penetration takes place mainly as man 
has changed the landscape. 

The contemporary range of the European hare over broad areas of the 
Caucasian Isthmus shows upon examination that these animals generally 

284 inhabit dry uplands and moderately dry ravines with shrubs or sparse 
forests. In discussing the biotopes of the European hare, it is necessary 
to distinguish between its day resting places and its feeding grounds, whichdo 
not always coincide. The natural distribution of couching and fattening 
places has undergone marked modifications over the millennia wherever 
man has engaged in animal husbandry. 

On the Ciscaucasian Plain the European hare feeds and couches in the 
open virgin steppe only in spring and early summer. If the steppes dry out 
or are burned, the animals concentrate in the river valleys. In fall and 
winter they feed on windblown places, i.e., on the hills and southern slopes, 
and couch in ravines and shrubs. 

In continuously cultivated regions and in regions of intensive grazing 
the distribution of the European hare is very complicated. Almost all types 
of continuously cultivated land in the Stavropol area divert the hares from 
virgin land, especially when the virgin land is used for cattle grazing. 

Alfalfa and grass seedlings comprise the basic diet of the hare; hares 
also feed on ripened field melons, wheat and barley grains in stubble 
fields — the latter a probable result of careless combine harvesting 
(Kolosov and Bakeev, 1947, p.12). 

In winter the hare feeds on crops where it couches. It will often couch 
on fall-plowed fields, crossing the next forest belt if disturbed. Permanent 


fattening and couching places in the forest belts are observed only where 
there are very wide stands of advanced age. 

The contemporary widespread distribution of the European hare in the 
foothills, especially on the Trans-Kuban sloping plain, is the result of man's 
activity, i.e., eradication of forests and swamp drainage. 

т tern Transcaucasia, inhabiting the driest plots 
of Black Sea terraces and only the cleared"forest foothill glades in humid 

~Colchis. = 


— 2 eastern Transcaucasia the maximum European hare population is 
observed in the dry foothills and on the slopes of the Kartalinia, Гога and 
Azdhinour plateaus living in vegetation of Christ's-thorn and beard grass. 
The hares are temporarily driven out of this type of land only in winter 
when large sheep herds and their dogs appear (Vereshchagin, 1942b). Many 
European hares live in sparse tugai thickets, particularly in the tamarisk 
zone. In the Alazan-Agrichai and Khachmas lowlands they inhabit places 
where the original forests have been cut and where they can couch along 
the edges of forest glades. In the flat semidesert of the Kura-Araks lowland 
the European hare is very rare even insaltwort—caper communities. The 
plowing of semideserts and the establishment of fields, gardens and oases 
immediately promotes the appearance of the hare. It is particularly 
common in vineyards and fallow fields. Alfalfa and cotton plantings also 
attract the European hare (except when the cotton fields are being watered 
and weeded). 

On the Apsheron Peninsula the hare is found in vineyards and sand dunes 
where it couches among the ephedra shrubs and sand fescue. In winter when 
the hare is hunted, and when sheep are grazing in the vineyards, it 
couches on plowed fallow land and in winter barley fields, which, because of 
their microrelief, afford better protection inthe furrows or between lumps of 
earth than winter-sown land. In vineyards the hares eat the ripe grapes 
and gnaw on field watermelons when they are thirsty. 

Hunting during the last decades has influenced the development of the 
hare population on the Apsheron Peninsula. Individuals couch during the 
day on stone fences or on ruins of houses from which they have a clear 
view of approaching danger. 

On piedmont plains hares couch in dry riverbeds where they hide behind 
boulders in order to escape easily from jackals and foxes. 

In the Talysh upland and in the Araks valley the main natural biotopes 
of the European hare are bottoms and slopes of ravines grown withtamarisk, 
common buckthorn and buckthorn thickets. In general, the habits of this 
small southern European hare are similar to the central Asian Tolai hare. 

It is characteristic of the European hare, a species of southern, 
Mediterranean origin, that it reproduces the year round and maintains its 
largest population in the south, its litters decreasing proportionately to the 
distance it migrates northward (Vereshchagin, 1938b, 1942b; Kolosov, 
1941; Kolosov and Bakseev, 1947). 

The hare population is greatly affected by tularemia, epizootics, 
coccidiosis and, more rarely, early frosts (Kolosov and Bakeev, 1947). 
These population fluctuations affect the trade to some extent (Graphs 17-18). 

The prime cause of the decline in hare population in recent years is year- 
round poaching at night with automobiles. 

The cultivated terrain of the Caucasian Isthmus will promote an even 
more valuable trade in European hare in the future. 




More than 40 species of rodents are actually known from Cenozoic 
deposits of the Caucasian Isthmus and the southern Russian Plain. Holocene 
fauna of the same areas account for no less than 50 species identified as 
belonging to the families Sciuridae, Castoridae, Myoxidae, Dipodidae, 
Spalacidae, Muridae, Cricetidae and Hystricidae. 

The features of the ranges and the representatives are examined below. 


Only four species of Sciuridae are known from the Quaternary fauna of 
the Caucasus. Of these, the marmot is extinct; two susliks and the squirrel 
still survive. 

Marmot —Marmota sp. Accordingto the finds made inthe KudaroI cave 
in 1957 ата of marmot inhabited the Greater Caucasus inthe Pleistocene and 
Holocene. Marmot bones were found in Upper Pleistocene deposits in the 
basin of the Khram River in the Lesser Caucasus near the village of 
Orozman. Some relatively ''fresh'' marmot skulls resembling those of the 
steppe marmot were obtained by geologists from the karst funnel in the 
Belaya river ravine (Map 40). It is possible that the Caucasian marmot 
became extinct in the northwestern Caucasus at the beginning of this century 
(Vereshchagin, Geptner, Stroganova, 1959). The find of a small suslik, 
Marmota (?)sp., in lower Quaternary strata near Akhalkalaki is 

Little suslik —Citellus pygmaeus Pall. ($. lato). The origin and 
distribution of the suslik in the Caucasus have been studied by faunists, 
zoogeographers and parasitologists but remain unclear. More paleonto- 
logical, morphological, zoogeographical and ecological data are required 
for the task. 

The genus Citellus is known from the Miocene and Pliocene of North 
America and from the Pliocene of Eurasia (Simpson, 1945). 

Remains of marmots of C. pygmaeus type were determined by 
Buchner and also by Pidoplichko (1951) from Quaternary deposits at Nogaisk 
in the Zaporozhe Region. 

Upper Pleistocene remains of Citellus pygmaeus have been found 
only within the limits of the present-day range on the Eastern European 
plain. Vinogradov and Gromov (1952) distinguished an earlier form — 

С. pygmaeus musicoides — апа amore recent form — С. pygma- 
eus caspicus. The identification points up the probable retention of some 
archaic features of the mountain subspecies. 

From Lower Holocene, Mesolithic strata, suslik remains are known from 
the first Baksan gorge. More recent bones of little susliks from eagle 
owl pellets were collected by the author on the outskirts of the Caucasian 
Range: in the upper reaches of the Kalaus, in the Stavropol area and in the 
vicinity of Makhachkala. 

The contemporary range of the little suslik includes Eastern Europe, 
the northern Crimea, the Ciscaucasian plains and the plains of northern 
central Asia within the steppe, semidesert and desert zones. 


There are reasons to consider the Neogene of these areas аз the origin 
of this species without resorting to Pidoplichko's hypothesis (1951) of an 
earlier migration from the southern Caucasus. 

In the 1950's, the southwestern limit of the little suslik on the Cis- 
caucasian Plain crossed the Manych depression in the lower reaches of the 
Yegorlyk and, following the Stavropol upland from the north, penetrated 
the upper reaches of the Kalaus far to the southeast near the village of 
Sultanskoe, 15-18 km from the Kursavka station. Farther eastward the 
southern colonies extended to the Kuma near Vorontsovo-Aleksandrovskoe 
and continued parallel to the latitudinal course of the Terek. From the 
Terek estuary to the north, the range of this rodent continued unbroken. 

An isolated colony is located between the lower reaches of the Terek and 
the Sulak. 

On the right bank of the Sulak the suslik is dispersed over the foothills 
from Chir-Yurt to Buinaksk, while on the maritime terraces on the Caspian 
it penetrated southward nearly to Kayakent. 

Suslik populations exist in more isolation from the main basin of the 
range in the latitudinal valley between the Sunzha and Terek ranges, west 
of Grozny, and deeper in the ravines of the upper reaches of the Kuban, 
Malka, Baksan, Chegem and Bezingi Cherek rivers (Map 41). 

The territory between the Sunzha and Terek rivers inhabited by the suslik 
in the late 1930's comprised four sections with a total area of approximately 
1,000 ha (Ognev, 1947). 

The little mountain-dwelling suslik was recorded by Ménétries (1832) 
who noted the animal on the northern slope of El'brus; the range was traced 
and described by at least 14 zoologists from the end of the last century to 
the first half of the present one. 

According to Sviridenko (1927, 1937) the westernmost colonies of the 
mountain suslik were disposed along the Uchkulan ravine and itstributaries. 
The uppermost somehow did not reachthe estuary of Makhar and Dzhalp- Kol, 
and down the ravines they spread no farther than the Khudes estuary. 

287 The largest habitat was and is in the upper reaches of the Malka and its 
tributaries: Khasaut, Garbazi and Bolshoi Taluko. This is a vast plateau, 
gently sloping north andeast from altitudes of 1,500-2,500m. Sviridenko (1937) 
followed the junction of this range with that of the right bank of the Malka 
at an altitude of 3,072 m through the Buruntash Pass where the animals live 
not far from the El'brus glaciers. From here the susliks probably entered 
the Uchkulan basin. 

In the 1930's the suslik spread along the Khasaut to Narzan, a natural 
boundary, and to the Taluko Basin and the southwestern slope of Mount 
Kinzhal but not down into the Malka valley. 

In the east the suslik colonies are at present dispersed along the ravines 
of the Kurtyk and the Dzhovurgen, which are the left tributaries of the 
Baksan. In the Baksan ravine, the suslik is found 1.5-2 km above the gorge 
cut by the river in the Skalistyi ridge. From here, the suslik steadily 
spread in 1952 along both slopes of the ravine as far as the village of Nizhnii 
Baksan (Figure 120), and is especially numerous near the village of Byllym. 

Above Nizhnii Baksan there is another valley colonized by susliks which 
is separated by 8 km from the nearest colony on the left slope of the ravine. 
The animal's penetration into the Verkhnii Baksan ravine was probably 


accomplished by way of the Kurtyk River ravine, which is the left tributary 
of the Baksan from the west. In the upper trough of the Baksan the species 
was observed in 1952 in the Tegenekli area and even somewhat higher, 

although Sviridenko (1937) did not find suslik even at the Adyly-Su estuary. 

FIGURE 120. Habitat of the little suslik in the Baksan ravine 

Photograph by author, 1952 

Through the valley of the Dzhigiom River, the right tributary of the 

Baksan, the suslik penetrated the Chegem valley in which it lives at a very 
288 high altitude especially on the Bashi-Buzu-Su tributary. From the northern 

slopes of Mount Chegem-Bashi it spread into the Bezingi Cherek 


In the Balkar Cherek, the suslik has not been encountered, although there 
are places suitable for it in this area, for instance, near the villages of 
Kunim and Zilga. 

The suslik has never been found in the Urukh ravine. In 1947-1948, the 
author travelled through the entire Urukh area, including its tributaries, 
through the Balkar Cherek and the Cherek Rion pass without finding any 
suslik, and local inhabitants reported that suslik had never been seen in 
their area. Dinnik did not find them even in 1883 (1884a, 1884c). Thus the 
Rossikov report (1887, p.44) of encountering a mass of susliks in 
mountainous Digora is probably purely imaginary. Ognev, citing Rossikov 
(1947, p.139), added confusion by placing Mount Kun'-Ityg and the 
Zhelanoko ridge (i.e. , Dzhinal) in North Ossetia, whereas they are located 
in the Malka Basin (i.e., the Kabarda piedmont). 

The present geographic variations of the little suslik range within the 
Caucasian Isthmus (Chapter 4) does not account for the isolation of separate 

1704 284 


parts ofthe early range of this animal оп the Caucasus, because we simply 
do not know how rapidly the formation of separate features of the species 
in different environmental conditions takes place. 

A study of suslik distribution throughout its total range clearly shows 
the early adaptations of the species to artemisia semidesert. It is precisely 
in this zone of artemisia semidesert, clayey soils and specific plant 
groupings that the greatest suslik population density is observed. 

Considering the Neogene origin of the artemisia semidesert landscape 
on the northern margins of central Asia (Lavrenko, 1938) and the mountain 
xerophytes of the eastern Mediterranean (Bush, 1935; Grossgeim, 1948), 
we may assume that the age of the indicated adaptations is at least Upper 

Suslik penetration into the true artemisia steppe is only spotty. Birulya 
(1941) assumes that the factors limiting its distribution are the high, closed 
stands of homogeneous grass, the heavy spring thaws and the stagnant, 
overheated air in the feathergrasses. 

He further stated — and correctly so — that during the course of evolution 
the animal adapted to open biotopes. On the level steppe with a low grass 
stand, the colony could maintain prompt signalling of mutual danger, a 
complex system of burrows and normal heat exchange conditioned by moving 
ground air. It is significant that among mountain susliks of the Caucasus 
these early adaptations have not disappeared but have only changed somewhat. 

Susliks settling in the mountains on the moraine or on alluvial gravel 
have adapted to burrows dug under large boulders, thereby preventing the 
collapse of the burrows in the sandy ground and utilizing the friable spaces 
between cobblestones. 

On mountain-steppe meadows the suslik generally lives in colonies in 
open places near rock outcrops and digs burrows through the vertical walls 
of paths worn by cattle grazing on the slopes. This habit of digging burrows 
in different kinds of vertical walls is also characteristic of the Volga-Don 
steppe suslik. 

The arid floors of the Baksan and Chegem ravines have environmental 
conditions resembling those of the desert-plain and for this reason are 
more constantly and densely populated by susliks. The immigrating 
population decreases rapidly in proportion to the altitude. Thus, on Baksan 
near Byllym (August 1952) we obtained the following data on suslik population 
by altitudinal zones (Table 69). 

TABLE 69, Density of the suslik population in the Baksan ravine 

Artemisia-thymus Ry: 

grouping on the upper, 
third terrace on stone 
placers; altitude 
1,200 m 

Subalpine meadow with 
motley-grass, in some 
places with outcrops; 
southem exposure of 
slope approximately 30°; 
altitude 1,850 m 

grouping on the lower first 
terrace and in places 
where there are small 

stone heaps, stone fences 
and weeds; altitude 


Number of burrows per 



Sviridenko's data (1937) оп the burrowing habits of the suslik can be explained 
only by his tendency to emphasize the morpholgical-ecological isolation of 
the mountain suslik from the plain suslik. Thus, he claims that susliks 
will tolerate arboreal habitats, burrowing deeply in forest glades, but 
digging shallower burrows in sun-warmed artemisia-grown ground. 

The ages and causes of isolation of suslik colonies in Ciscaucasia are 
various. The isolation of the extreme southeast colonies in the Dagestan 
piedmont is caused by the more or less constant flow of the lower courses 
of the Terek and Sulak rivers. Their frequent bifurcation and meandering 
create fairly wide land areas, grown over with tugai forests, and reed-grown 
lakes which are ecological barriers for susliks. When а river changes 
course, the habitat of the animal population previously located on one bank 
is left on the other bank. It has also been experimentally proved that susliks 
can swim across narrow rivers (to 150 m wide) and can cross them on 
bridges (Sviridenko, 1927, 1937). Isolated instances are known of gravid 
susliks being transported alive over considerable distances by birds of prey, 
suchas Larus argentatus. 

For various reasons, the isolation of suslik colonies located between the 
Sunzha and Terek ranges seems to us to be quite ancient. In the first place, 
the susliks from the Alkhan-Churt valley are morphologically different 
from those of the Kuma and of Dagestan — they have been reported as 
subspecies C. pygmaeus boehmii Krass. Secondly, it is known that 
the Terek cut through the Terek gorge between Zmiisk and Terek at a period 
no later than the Middle Pleistocene. From the Malka estuary to the Sunzha 
estuary, the Terek is a powerful river with a strong and straight current 
and nearly devoid of oxbow lakes. Well-developed forest belts of old 
galleries unsuitable for suslik settlement are disposed along the Terek, and 
the northern slope of the Terek Range is covered by forests impassable to 

The eastern approach of susliks to the Alkhan-Churt valley was barred 
byawide strip of broadleaf and tugai forests on the Gudermes sloping plain 
and by the Argun, Gudermes and Aksai rivers. 

Therefore the formation of the Terek-Sunzha colonies should be 
correlated with the formation of the festuca—artemisia and andropogon— 
artemisia steppe landscape of the Alkhan-Churt valley, i.e, at least with 
the Middle Pleistocene. 

The origin of the Elburz mountain colony of susliks is more enigmatic. 

Up to the present, Shchukin's hypothesis (1925) has served to a greater 
or lesser extent as the basis for various modifying theories on the 
penetration of suslik into the mountains. Shchukin differed his hypothesis in 
answer to statements of Kuznetzov (1890) and Krasnov (1893-1894) on the 
penetration of dry mountain vegetation along the interior, longitudinal 
valleys of the northern Caucasus to Dagestan. He implied the penetration 
of suslik from the plain along the transverse ravines after the withdrawal 
of the glacier on the periglacial steppe, and a subsequent cutting-off of the 
colony from the north by the establishment of a forest strip. However, the 
question of the origin of the mountain suslik cannot be resolved so simply, 
because in Elburz the animal inhabited not only the valley floors, but also 
the passes of meridional ranges. Besides which, the colonies disposed 
along the low ridges of the Malka Basin were not cut off from the north by 
a forest strip; the foothills of this region have always been woodless. 



Still Sviridenko (1927) assumed that, аз ап ''emigrant from central Asia,'' 
the little suslik could have appeared on the steppes of the Volga-Don and 
in Ciscaucasia only after Khvalynsk time. Even from our viewpoint, the 
fairly recent establishment of the suslik range in Dagestan is confirmed 
by the absence of the species from central Dagestan where living conditions 
are very favorable for it. Later, after studying the peculiarities of suslik 
distribution in the mountains, Sviridenko (1937) concluded that they appeared 
in the mountains of central Caucasia during the time of the third Pleistocene 
maximum glaciation (Riss) — i.e., long before the Khvalynsk transgression — 
thus ''broadening the open-steppe ranges.'' Sviridenko's conclusions 
were based on Tutkovskii's rejected hypothesis (1909) of an arid climate 
in preglacial time. Contrary to this view, there is no place on the Caucasus 
where glaciers and foehns have not formed periglacial steppe, and 
contemporary glaciers are often embedded directly into pine and mixed 
forests (e.g., in Karaugom and Tseya). The formation of a dry-steppe 
zone within a mountain system is associated with fringing, isolated ridges 
which act as rain screens, rather than with any glacial influence. For 
example, central Dagestan is very arid, but has no glaciers. What is of 
importance is Sviridenko's assumption of the survival of mountain susliks 
from the time of the major glaciation of the Caucasus, which contradicts 
earlier geologic and geomorphologic datatothe effect that enormous glaciers 
covered places inhabited by susliks. Also of significance is Sviridenko's 
zoogeographical structure which coincides well with Bush's concept (1935) 
that the mountain-steppe vegetation of the longitudinal valleys ofthe northern 
Caucasus derives from the ancient mountain xerophilous vegetation of the 
entire Mediterranean area. 

Ioff (1936), who accepted Shchukin's hypothesis of the postglaciai 
penetration of the suslik into the mountains, was inclined to explain the 
entire history of discontinuities in the Ciscaucasian range of the suslik by 
extreme fluctuations in population, colonization and extermination over 
great expanses. 

In point of fact, in the early ‘fifties, the break in range between 
the southern suslik colonies in the upper reaches of the Kalaus 
and the Bermamyt slopes was only 92-95 km on a straight line and that 
between the Kuma Steppe and the Baksan ravine colonies was only 120 km. 
This break may mend because the distribution of susliks to the south has 
accelerated in the last decades under the influences of human activity and 
the naturally arid climatic cycle. Previously it was thought that the mass 
settling of susliks on the Caucasian steppes began, as it did in the former 
Astrakhan Province, about 1900-1901 (Pirkovskii, 1913; Sviridenko, 1927). 
However the suslik probably inhabited this area earlier, but was not 
reported because the country was so little cultivated and, mainly, because 
its presence was not investigated. There could also have been local 
population variations as reported by Lebedev (1912) and Satunin (1920, p. 81). 
All of this, however, neither excludes nor contradicts the established fact 
of the suslik's rapid advance southward in present time (Sviridenko, 1927; 
Romanova, 1936; Babenyshev, Birulya, Besedin, Golosovskaya, Egorov, 
Korf, Yanushko, 1937). 

In 1952, the author found susliks near Sultanskoe and Mironov. In the 
same year, Pavlov, Pushnitsa and Shiranovich together published a chart 
which indicates a shift of suslik range southward along the entire border 
for some kilometers. 



The settlement is advancing southward at a rate of 2.5-3 km рег year. 
At this rate, the plain susliks may reach the mountain colonies of the upper 
reaches of the Baksan and the Malka within 30-40 years! 

From geological data (Vardanyants, 1939, 1948; Nikolaev, 1941) we 
can assume that the suslik appeared on the Greater Caucasus at the 
beginning of the Quaternary when the recession of the Apsheron sea and 
a considerable peneplanation of the ranges created areas of the Caucasian 
Isthmus suitable for wide distribution of steppe and desert species of flora 
and fauna. By concentrating in those parts of longitudinal valleys and 
southern cuesta scarps with mountain-xerophilous vegetation, the suslik 
could have survived the maximum glaciation in the mountains, although 
the possibility of Pleistocene and Holocene migrations cannot be excluded. 

The later settlement of the suslik was dependent upon the animal's 
surmounting the ecological barriers which the forest and meadow zones in 
the Chernye Gory mountains and on the Pastbishchnoi and Skalistyi ridges 
presented. Suslik penetration into the mountains did not, in our view, follow 
the transverse ravines of the central Caucasian rivers, as proposed by 
Shchukin (1925). The ravines of the Skalistyi ridge east of Chegem have 
always been narrow and humid, and impassable to the suslik for distances 
of 8-10 km. These gorges became deeper with the tectonic cycles of the 
Pleistocene and attained maximum development in the postglaciation. 

Perhaps it is because of this barrier that the suslik is not found in the 
xerophytic zone of the upper reaches of the Balkar Cherek, Urukh, Ardon, 
Fiagdon, Gizel'don, Sunzha and Argun, nor in the whole of central Dagestan, 
although the living conditions are certainly no worse than those below 

The suslik's presence in the Alkhan-Churt valley as contrasted with its 
absence in the valleys of the right tributaries of the Sunzha is especially 

The suslik's relatively recent appearance in the mountains is indirectly 
indicated by the feeble development of the eastern range along the 
longitudinal valleys. The Balkar Cherek ravine is an example of an area 
which the suslik has not had sufficient time to populate. 

During the time of suslik migration from the plain to El'brus, the path 
of distribution probably lay east and west of the forested Pyatigor'e area, 
which was a barrier of sorts to animal penetration southward. It is likely 
that suslik bones deposited by eagle could be found in caves in this area. 

In 1952 we made a paleontological field trip into the Pyatigor'e area 
and found that no suslik bones had accumulated over the past 1,500-2,000 
years in the regions of Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk. This, 
however, does not mean that there were no susliks in the Pyatigor'e area 
in the postglacial xerothermic epoch or in the Pleistocene, particularly 
since suslik remains have been discovered in Lower Holocene strata in the 
Baksan gorge. 

The question of the origin of susliks in the Caucasian mountains could 
possibly be clarified further by more intensive investigations of shelters 
and caves in the mountains of Razvalkaand Verblyud, andthe gorges of Kich- 
Malka, Kuma and Podkumok; the acclimatization of mountain susliks on 
the plain and of plain susliks in the mountains should also be investigated. 
During this study it should be possible to trace the rate of ecological and 
morphological evolution for both forms. For the present, the bestestimate, 



based upon acknowledged facts, for the settlement in the mountains of the 
suslik from the Ciscaucasian plains is the relatively Upper Holocene. 

In the Recent epoch, man, by his activity, has unknowingly contributed 
to the rapid settlement of the suslik in the mountains, as well as on the 
plains (see Chapter VI). Efforts at extermination and the pelt trade (Graph 20) 
were not enough to impede this process in its early stages. 

Modern extermination methods and accelerated cultivation of the steppes, 
the development of shelterbelts and of artificial irrigation systems will 
virtually eliminate the suslik from the Ciscaucasian plains. 

Asia Minor suslik — Citellus citellus L. Fossils of suslik 
C.citelloides Kormos have been reported from Pleistocene strata in 
European caves (Wolf, 1939), and Citellus sp. from the Upper Paleolithic 
of Syria (Wolf, 1939). In the Caucasus, only more recent remains of 
C. citellus L. are known from Holocene alluvial loams in the Zanga 
ravine northwest of Yerevan (Dal', 1949a). 

The contemporary distribution of the southeastern subspecies 
C. citellus xanthoprymnus Benn. includes the Armenian Highland 
and Asia Minor. 

In Armenia the suslik occupies a large area of the Araks valley, from 
the region of the Kara-Burun station and Alagez to the village of ПИ, 
northwest of Leninakan; the upper valley and the Pambak River Basin to 
the Amamla station; and the western and northern slopes of Alagez (Map 41). 

The altitudinal distribution of the animal occupies a zone approximately 
1.5 km wide within an altitudinal range of 1,100 to 2,700 m (Dal', 1948b; 
Avetisyan, 1950). In the mountains, it lives in meadow-steppe, or even 
in subalpine meadows. In the Araks valley it is found in the mountain- 
artemisia semidesert, but not in the desert valley of the Araks. 

In view of the considerable ecological variability of the Asia Minor suslik 
(Avetisyan, 1950) it should be considered endemic to the submontane and 
mountain landscape of arid and relatively hot regions. The range area 
includes Asia Minor, the Aegean and the Balkans. The former habitat of 
the suslik in the Zanga ravine indicates a wider distribution during isolated 
epochs of the Quaternary. The present-day distribution in some areas 
suitable for the habitation of Asia Minor suslik was achieved only 
circuitously; for instance the arid Tertiary foothills bounded on the north 
by the Kura lowland were reached by way of land lying east of the Karabakh 
Mountains. The main causes of the feeble development of the Caucasian 
range of this species, in comparison with that of the steppe vole and the 
Asia Minor hamster, are its more conservative living habits and its lesser 
migratory ability. 

The local breaks and contractions in the range of this suslik on the 
Armenian Highland may be a result of orogenic processes and lava flows 
which covered large areas. At the time of cooling and glaciation, the upper 
border dropped at least 400-500 m. It is possible that the suslik also 
inhabited southern Dzhavakhetia in the Pleistocene. 

In the recent epoch the distribution of the Asia Minor suslik expanded 
in the upper zone and shrank in the lower as a result of pelt trading and 
chemical extermination (Avetisyan, 1949). 




Castoridae remains are known from the Lower Oligocene of Eurasia and 
North America. In their adaptations the beavers greatly resemble the 
terrestrial porcupines and, to a lesser extent, the amphibious voles and 
Octodontidae. Miocene-Pliocene fossils of the genera Steneofiber, 
Amblycastor, Trogontherium and Pliocene-Pleistocene fossils 
of the genus Castor are numerous along a wide belt of the northern 
Mediterranean and central Asia stretching from the British Isles to Mongolia. 

Fossils of four beaver genera, Steneofiber, Amblycastor, 
Trogontherium and Castor (Map 42) have been found on the Caucasian 

European beaver —Castor fiber Г. Remains of European beaver 
were first found on the Caucasus in Upper Pliocene conglomerates of the 
Taman Peninsula. The Taman beaver, C. tamanensis N. Ver., from 
the Sinyaya gulley site, a natural boundary, was probably the direct ancestor 
of the contemporary European beaver (Vereshchagin, 1957a). Other 
Pliocene representatives of the family Castoridae —Steneofiber, 
Amblycastor and Trogontherium —also known from the Caucasian 
Isthmus, do not have direct affinities with European beavers. 

A European beaver of a completely contemporary type lived in the 
Caucasus during the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene. Its remains are 
found in the caves of Sakazhia (Gromov, 1948) and Uvarova in the vicinity 
of Kutaisi, in the Neolithic strata of the Sagvardzhile cave, and in Upper 
Bronze Age strata in the Samtavro burial fields in the vicinity of Mtskheti. * 

Thus the beaver habitat in the Holocene on the Rion, Kvirila, Kura and 
Aragva tributaries has been documented (Figure 121): 

FIGURE 121, Remains of European beaver 

1 — Femur from Samtavro deposits (first millennium B,C, ); 2 — pelvic 
fragment from the Neolithic strata of Sagvardzhile cave; 3 — pelvic frayment 
from the Paleolithic strata of the Uvarova cave 


Information on beaver fossils from Sagvardzhile and Samtavro was kindly provided by М.О. Burchak- 
Abramovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, 



The remains of European beaver are very common in Quaternary deposits 
on the Russian Plain, but in the Crimea they have been found only in strata 
of the Upper Scythian epoch. South of the Caucasus, there have been no 
validated findings of beaver remains; Bate (1937) reports none from caves 
in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. 

Beaver fossil identifications from Iranian caves (Coon, 1951) are doubtful 
because these fossils were probably mixed with porcupine remains. 

The great number of recent beaver remains in the lower Don floodplain 
(Sarkel near Tsimlyanskaya, Novocherkassk) indicates that the contemporary 
habitat of this animal оп the rivers of the Cis- and Trans-Kuban plains is 
quite probable. Until the 18th century, perfectly suitable beaver habitats 
were located on the Psekups and on several small left tributaries of the 
Kuban and even of the Terek. 

Published data on the presence of beaver in the Caucasus during the 
present epoch are numerous and well-known. 

The beavers of Scythia and Colchis were often mentioned by ancient 
authors (Herodotus, Strabo). More recent references to beavers 
in Mingrelia and generally throughout Georgia can be found in Lamberti 
(1654) and inChardin (1686), in the Georgian Chronicles ''Kartlis 
Tskhovreba, '' and in the ''Geography of Georgia'' by Prince Vakhushti 
(1904), written at the beginning of the 18th century. At the end of 
the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century beaver pelts and 
"castoreum'' were probably important to the import-export economy of 
Georgia. This is apparent from the status of Tiflis as atrade center in 1803. 

Giildenstaedt (1879) and Pallas (1831) recorded the probability of beaver 
habitation on the Kuban and the Sunzha. Ménétries sent a beaver skull, found 
on the bank of the Sunzha, to Academician Brandt for his collection. Rovinskii 
(1809) mentioned that beavers were occasionally observed onthe Kuban. 
Nordmann (1840) recorded several beavers killed in the 1730's in the Notanebi 
Basin and in Colchis, and indicated the beaver's presence on the Terek. 
Hohenacker (1837) mentioned the Araks valley as a habitat of beaver. 

Chopin's data (1852, p.807) on beavers and ''castoreum' obtained in 
Armenia, Turkey and Iran are questionable. 

All these data are to be found in Brandt's monograph (1855). 

The beaver skull preserved in the Zoological Institute of the Academy of 
Sciences U.S.S.R. under No. 6330 (''Ménétries, 1831"), represented by 
Brandt (1855), has no trace of water sluice, river sand or silt, and has been 
thoroughly prepared and scraped with a knife. Perhaps this animal was 
killed not long before the arrival of Ménétries in Sunzha, or was gathered 
by him from a northern location en route to or from the Caucasus. 
Ménétries himself did not mention (1832) the beaver among the Caucasian 
animals (! ). 

Radde (1866) validated beaver habitats in Upper Svanetia, in the Tskhenis- 
Tskhali Basin, in the vicinity of Lentekhi and in the sources of the River 
Kheledula. Vinogradov (1870) wrote that beavers lived in the bottomland 
of Malyi Zelenchuk on the Trans-Kuban Plain. 

Bogdanov (1873) reported that beavers were found in the rivers of the 
Trans-Kuban steppe, and that the last beaver was killed in 1864 on the 
Laba River, not far from its estuary. Dinnik (1884b) recorded the beaver's 
presence near the source of the Laba. Keppen (1902) published data on 
two beavers killed in 1947 [sic] on the Araks and suggested some interesting 


possibilities of beaver habitation in the upper reaches of the Araks. Linstow 
(1908) published prolific but unsubstantiated data on beavers. 

Satunin (1920) used Keppen's and Linstow's surveys in his history of 
the Caucasian beaver, observing that if the beaver lived in the Supsa Basin 
of Colchis in 1909, it probably survives in some uninvestigated corners of 
eastern Transcaucasia and the northwestern Caucasus. 

Ognev's survey (1947) on the Caucasian beaver with an appended map of 
its former ranges (! ?) added new perplexities for future investigators. 

When studying the swamps and rivulets of the Colchis in 1931 and 1944 
in connection with nutria breeding, the author did not find gnawed tree 
stumps or remains of beaver dams, but was nevertheless convinced that 
beavers could have lived recently in the Rion valley from the source of the 
Kvirila to the Black Sea coast. 

There are rivers (they now have bare banks) near the Tskhaltubo resort 
and in many other places in Colchis which would have been perfectly suitable 
for beaver. 

It is difficult to establish exactly when the beaver disappeared from the 
Caucasus, but it was probably in the middle of the 19th century. 

South of the Caucasus the beaver was known in the past century in 
Mesopotamia and was widespread in Iran. It inhabited the rivers of the 
Kyzyl-Irmak system in Turkey where an annual yield of 2,000 pelts (!) was 
recorded. The beaver might have lived in the swampy area between Kayseri 
and Inesu, south of the middle course of Kyzyl-Irmak in the last half of 
the 19th century (Danford and Alston, 1877, 1880). 

All this data, published first by Keppen (1902) and then by Linstow (1908), 
looks very solid but lacks any scientific confirmation, e.g., figures, 
photos and collections. Radde (1866) provides another example of 
unscientific speculation: he ''placed the Безауег" on the right tributaries of 
the Rion in the highlands of Svanetia in small mountain fissures with 
turbulent streams avoided even by the otter. 

296 It is difficult to imagine that the beaver could have lived in the central 
parts of Asia Minor and Iran considering the absence of water and forests. 
It is known that beavers feed on wood of poplar, aspen, willow andbirch, and 
it is doubtful that dewberry, sea buckthorn, oleaster and smoothleaf elm, 
the main contemporary shrubs and trees growing along the riverbeds in 
Iran and Turkey, would have been sufficient food for the beaver. However, 
the very rapid changes in landscape of the last centuries are a further 
consideration. The recent discovery of beaver remains in the strata of the 
ancient Scythian site of Neapolis in the Crimea showed that from the middle 
of the first millennium B.C. beavers lived on the Salgir River on a part 
of the peninsula that was actually dry and completely woodless (Tsalkin, 
1947). With reference to old reports of the beaver on the steppes of the 
southern Ukraine, Pidoplichko (1951) reasonably explained that, given the 
presence of fluvial forests, the beaver could have lived, and could still 
live, in the southern steppe zone, or even in the semidesert zone, on rivers 
crossing these zones. His reasoning is useful in validating the earlier 
distribution of beaver in Ciscaucasia. On the other hand, it is likely that 
the unstable regime of mountain rivers and the dry continental climate 
were limiting factors in the uplands of southwest Asia. 

The beaver cannot live on a rapid, pebble-bedded mountain river for lack 
of shelter and food, even though a forest may grow along its banks. A river 
with a steep gradient provides no place for the beaver to burrow, and every 
flood will inevitably demolish the beaver dams. 



Nevertheless, the beaver survived intensive orogenic disturbances in 
such vast intermontane valleys as the Kura and the Rion, and on submontane 
plains. More frequently, beavers resettled in the area after peneplanation 
had occurred and subsided. 

The history of the beaver on the Caucasus presents a particularly 
interesting phenomenon: the morphological-physiological development in 
an animal native to warm (Mediterranean) climates of characteristics 
adaptive to life under ice. 

These adaptations to life in freezing water bodies have often been 
emphasized by investigators — Linstow (1908), Fedyushin (1935), 
Vereshchagin (1939c) and others — who place their early development in 
the Lower Pliocene with the initial cooling of the climate. Swimming under 
ice and working incisors under water probably involved a considerably 
accelerated process of adaptation in the first half of the Pleistocene. 

Postglacial beaver settlement progressed at a startling rate in territories 
free from inland ice. In view of the difficulty of migration across 
watersheds, the abundance of this animal in historic time in Scandinavia, 
on the Kola Peninsula, andonthe Karelian Isthmus might be taken by 
opponents of the theory of a major glaciation on the European plain as 
substantiation for their views. 

The first stage of beaver population decline resulted from excessive 
trading in pelts; the second stage and ultimate disappearance of the species 
from the Caucasus occurred because of anthropogenic alterations of the 
landscape. Environmental conditions changed with the cutting of fluvial 
forests and the acceleration of river currents, erosion and flooding as land 
was cleared and cattle grazed in the basins. These processes were more 
rapid along Ciscaucasian rivers than along those of Transcaucasia. The 
beaver survived longest in deep marshes and water courses of the Colchis 

In the 1940's some beavers were brought in pairs from Voronezh into 
the Karayazskii nutria sovkhoz where they reproduced in cages. They could 
be allowed to live out of captivity if they were placed in a suitable environ- 
ment, e.g., riverbanks grown with poplar and willow trees. 

We conclude the following from our survey: 

1. The European beaver inhabited the Caucasian Isthmus in the Pliocene 
and in the Quaternary. 

2. By the beginning of the 18th century, the distribution of this animal 
had become vestigial, surviving only in marshes and rivers of western 
Transcaucasia, in Colchis, and possibly on the piedmont plains of Cis- 
caucasia along tributaries of the Terek and the Sunzha. The beaver is not 
known in mountain regions of the Caucasus in historic time. 

3. The final extinction of beaver on the Caucasus occurred in the middle 
of the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century in Colchis. 

4. If water and forest regimes and hunting can be regulated in the 
U.S.S.R., it will become possible to breed beavers in small numbers on 
some of the left tributaries of the Kuban and on the rivulets of the Khachmas 
lowland and of Colchis. Especially suitable for breeding grounds are those 
spring-type rivulets ("кага-зи") with a constant flow of water and plantings 
of poplar and smoothleaf elm on their banks. Beaver breeding, however, 
will not produce any marked effect on an accelerated agricultural economy. 




Remains of 15 species of this family are known from Quaternary deposits 
on the Caucasian Isthmus; today the Muridae of the Caucasus comprise 
29 species. The emergence of the genus Rattus is of particular interest. 

Black rat —Rattus rattus Г. В. cf. rattus remains were known 
long ago from Quaternary strata of numerous Western European caves from 
the British Isles to the Carpathians (Woldrich, 1882; Brandt and Woldrich, 
1887). They were usually found with bones of animals of the Upper 
Pleistocene — cave bear, woolly rhinoceros, and others — in Upper 
Paleolithic strata, such as Aurignacian strata of the Evelinis cave of 
Somerset (England). The majority of black rat bones were found along 
Italian coasts and generally around the Mediterranean (Wolf, 1939). 

In Lebanese, Syrian and' Palestinian caves black rat bones were found 
in the Mousterian strata in which were also found remains of Rhinoceros 
mercki and the hippopotamus (!) (Bate, 1937). Black rat remains are, as 
a rule, deposited contemporaneously with their enclosing strata, i.e., 

"in situ, '' but there are probably many cases of contemporary rat remains 
being thrown down into the bottom of excavations or of the rats themselves 
entering the deeper strata by fissures. 

Nevertheless, the explanations are insufficient to accept the theory of 
postglacial, prehistoric penetration of the black rat by ''importation'' into 
Europe — а theory perpetuated in scientific articles. The black rat is 
probably a Pliocene relict of the Mediterranean. It survived the Pleistocene 
on the warm coasts of southern Europe and north Africa, and perhaps even 
on the Caucasus (Vereshchagin, 1947d, 1949c). 

In the U.S.S.R. black rat bones were found in Greek and Roman strata 
of Olvia, in the southern Ukraine (Pidoplichko, 1938c). 

On the Caucasus single bones of 
this kind were found in Neolithic strata 
of the Akhshtyrskaya cave and in 
graves with jar burials of the first 
millennium B.C. on the Kura near 
Mingechaur (Figure 122). 

Actually the black rat is widespread 
on the Caucasus, living both ''wild'' and 
as commensals with humans. It lives 
within the harbor constructions along 
FIGURE 122, Black rat pelvis from strata of the the Azov, Black and Caspian sea 
first millennium В.С, in Mingechaur coasts. The black rat is not found in 

the mountains or plains of Ciscaucasia 
and probably has never lived there. 

Black rat bones were not observed among the thousands of bones 
recovered from eagle owl pellets which were collected by Kistyakovskii 
(1935) and the author from the Stavropol and Pyatigor'e areas. 

Black rat is widespread along the Black Sea coast from Batumi to 
Novorossiisk, living in gardens and forests, and infrequently on the banks 
of water bodies where it has been largely replaced by the Norway rat. 
Flerov (1927) observed it north of Batumi forest. Shidlovskii (1947, 1948, 
1950) recorded the rat in many parts of Abkhazia, Mingrelia and Adzharia. 
He claimed that the black rat can be found in Abkhazia from sea level to 
600 m and in Adzharia to an altitude of 1,500 m. The author found both 



the black rat and the Norway rat on Bebesyri Lake in the fall of 1946, but 
it has hever been observed in the bogs around the Paleostom Lake 
(Vereshchagin, 1941b). According to Stepanov (1931), the black rat of 
Batumi is less numerous than the Norway rat. In eastern Transcaucasia 
it lives ''wild'' in the forests of northern Armenia where it is also found in 
populated areas. In 1937 it was frequently observed in the Shamlug mine 
and in the mills of the villages of Kulali, Achadzhur and Marts (Shidlovskii, 
1942). The animal is rare in South Ossetia and is found only in inhabited 
places deepinravines. In Kakhetia andthe Alazan-Agrichai valley it lives in 
gardens and buildings, quite often in garrets (Argiropulo, 1940a). It is 
common in summer in blackberry thickets bordering fields near Kutkashen 
and Vartashen. In the Kura lowland it lives in oases, especially in black- 
berry thickets along irrigation ditches. 

In Baku the black rat finds refuge in structures along the littoral strip 
and usually is not found farther than 100 m fromthe bay's edge. Sixty 
percent of the yield of a large-scale capture was from ships in Baku port 
and only 9% from port buildings. The remainder of the yield was made 
up of the Norway rat (Vereshchagin, 1942a). 

This rat is common in the Lenkoran lowland from the village of Masally 
to Astara, and further along the southern coast of the Caspian sea in Gilan 
and Mazanderan. In these areas it lives in orchards and can be found in 
all harbors, especially those near fisheries. Rodents from Asterabad were 
known to zoologists even at the beginning of the last century (Ménétries, 
1832; Radde, 1886). 

According to records from large-scale catches in Lenkoran and adjacent 
villages (late 1930's-early 1940's), the black rat comprised only 0.51% 
of all synanthropic rodents caught (Vereshchagin, 1949d). Even here the 
rodent does not inhabit mountains but confines itself to lower altitudes. 
The ability of the black rat to exist in the wild the year round in Colchis 
and Asterabad and to construct burrows under tree stumps, fences and 
shelters in hollows substantiates its Pliocene origin in the Mediterranean 
area in general, and in Transcaucasia in particular. 

The black rat adapted readily to the new types of shelter provided by 
human culture: first mud huts, and later brick, stone and wood buildings 
and boats and ships, in which heat and food were available. Adaptation to 
life within harbor constructions and on ships is, in our opinion, associated 
with the rat's original habitat on the warm Mediterranean coasts, where 
feeding along the shore was possible. Later, penetrating inland along rivers 
and confining itself to inhabited places, it gradually occupied the lower 
Transcaucasian forests. 

Norway rat —Rattus norvegicus Berk. There are no proved 
remains of this species from the Pleistocene strata of southwest Asia, the 
Caucasus and Western Europe. Remains of Norway rat found in the caves 
of Czechoslovakia, Malta, Gibraltar and Ireland were bedded together with 
the remains of postglacial animals and the type of preservation does not 
indicate an early origin (Wolf, 1939). The bones of Norway rat are known 
on the Caucasus from later Middle Ages strata (15th-16th century, A.D.) 
of the excavation of the courtyard of the palace of the Shirvan Shahs in Baku 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c), and from eagle owl pellets, no more than several 
hundred years old, found in small caves in the Stavropol and Pyatigor'e 
areas and in North Ossetia and Imeretia. 


The first reference to mice as being harmful to crops and trees was 
made by Claudius Aelianus in the 3rd century A.D. (Latyshev, 1904). 
Arabs probably knew of the Norway rat in the early Middle Ages (Zhitkov, 

Nowadays the Norway rat is reported on the Caucasus from all inhabited 
places of the country which are connected by railways or roads, from 
coastal villages, fisheries and ports along the shores of the Caspian and 
Black seas, and from the rivers (Kuban, Sulak, Terek, Kura and Rion), 
especially from their navigable sections (Vershchagin, 1947d) (Map 52). 

On the Caucasus the Norway rat is frequently found living off the land, 
especially in the humid foothills of Kabarda, North Ossetia and the Grozny 
Region. Here the Norway rat is often a real pest of gardens and field 
storehouses (''sapetki'') (Rossikov, 1887; Bogdanov, 1936). In Kabarda and 
North Ossetia the Norway rat lives in mountain villages (''auls''), 
particularly in the vicinity of mills, almost to the upper areas of the 
Greater Caucasus ravines (Turov, 1926c). 

There are wild populations of this rat in the Colchis swamps (Figure 123), 
in Asterabad and on ancient lakes of the Kura left bank in Azerbaidzhan 
(Vereshchagin, 1914b, 1942b, 1947d, 1949d; L'vov, 1949). 

The Norway rat also lives in rock placers on the Caspian desert coast, 
e.g., оп the Apsheron Peninsula, where it feeds on flotsam. In the Rion 
and Kura lowland swamps, the animal shelters in open, raised nests in 
reed thickets or in closed shelters constructed beneath alder roots. 

In the wild, the Norway rat feeds primarily on vegetable food but its 
consumption of animal food is also significant. 


FIGURE 123. Habitat of Norway rat in Colchis 

Photograph by author, 1939 


During periods of prolonged snow cover and hard-frozen open waters, 
some of the Norway rat population of reed and alder swamps in Trans- 
caucasia die in their own habitats, and some survive in the inhabited areas 
along the shores (Vereshchagin and Dyunin, 1949). 

This species, closely associated as it is with water biotopes, probably 
could not tolerate glaciation either in Ciscaucasia or Transcaucasia. 

The wider contemporary distribution of Norway rat throughout the world, 
as compared with black rat, is consonant with its Pliocene origin, and 
with the Mediterranean Holocene origin of the black rat. 

The Norway rat possesses a greater adaptability of physiological functions 
than the black rat (Ruttenburg, 1950) which has facilitated its settlement 
along with man's from the tropics to the Arctic. However, it is less 
resistant to winter conditions in the wild in Transcaucasia because of its 
hydrophilic nature. 

In developing Zhitkov's (1944) opinions and our own main premise of 
the survival of the genus Rattus in the Mediterranean from the Pliocene 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c), it was necessary to consider the Norway rat as a 
postglacial newcomer into the Transcaucasian Swamp fauna and to the 
forests of the Ciscaucasian lower mountain zone. This raised questions as 
to the routes and dates of its penetration into the Caucasus. 

The Norway rat certainly could not have entered Europe from central 
Asian deserts. The more recently popularized notion that the species 
entered the Caucasus by way of caravan routes across the dry Iranian 
desert from India was properly discredited by Kashchenko in 1912. The 

301 route of penetration obviously was along the sea coasts. In view of the 
historical fact that Egyptian and Phoenician ships crossed the Red and 
Mediterranean seas as early as the second millennium B.C., later sailing 
as far as southern Asia(Avdiev, 1953), it seems clear that the Norway rat 
was transported into the Mediterranean before the common era, probably 
first to the coast of the Black Sea in the Caucasus. 

The penetration of the Caspian coast occurred later, after settlement 
of the Black Sea area, either by water — on the Manych — or by land — 
very possibly along the humid, sloped plains of Ciscaucasia. 

Before urban concentrations of many-storied buildings and slaughter 
houses, and the development of canal, railroad and automobile trans- 
portation, the Norway rat apparently lived wild in reed- grown swamps and 
river deltas, as canbe seen from observation of its habitats inthe estuaries and 
lower reaches of the Danube and the Dniester (Aizenshtadt, 1950b), in the 
swamps of the Rion, and in the Volga delta. 

Pallas [1741-1811] observed rats in the Volga delta; at that time, the 
Norway rat probably lived there, as did the water vole. 

The new developmental stage of the Norway rat range in the Caucasus is 
associated with the construction of paved roads and railroads, and rural and 
urban centers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Slowly it extended into the 
populated areas of the Kura lowland along waterways (the Kura and Araks 
rivers and their tributaries). The rats first penetrated the Alazan-Avtaran 
valley by the left tributaries of the Kura: the Turyan-Chai, Geok-Chai and 
Alindzha-Chai. Later the population growth was accelerated by road 
construction — less so on the dry Armenian plateaus than elsewhere. In 
Yerevan and Dzhulfa, for instance, the Norway rat appeared inthe 1930's after 
the construction of the railroad connecting these towns with Tiflis and Baku. 



In the Ciscaucasian Plain the settlement of the Norway rat accelerated 
in the 1920's with the development of road transport. Gubarev (1941) 
recorded the appearance of the Norway rat in inhabited areas of the Salsk 

The Norway rat was known to Satunin (1901) in Stavropol from bones 
contained in eagle owl pellets from Mount Strizhament, which established 
that the species inhabited the forested valleys of this region as early as 
the last century. 

Kuzyakin's survey (1951) on the Norway rat's origin in northern Eurasia 
and its relationship to man added nothing to an understanding of the history 
of the animal in the U.S.S.R. 

Striped field mouse — Apodemus agrarius Pall. Remains of the 
striped field mouse are known from Pleistocene strata of Czechoslovakian 
caves (Wolf, 1939). They are as yet unknown on the Caucasus, although 
they have been exposed in Upper Quaternary deposits of the lower Don. 

The contemporary range of the striped field mouse occupies the broadleaf 
forest zone and the southern Eurasian taiga with discontinuities in Trans- 
baikal and in the upper Amur Basin (Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 
1944). The striped field mouse inhabits only the river valleys of the Russian 
Plain steppe zone. It is now absent from the Crimea although it has been 
found in Pleistocene strata. The distribution in Ciscaucasia, now isolated 
from the north, is confined to the humid piedmont and to the riverbeds of 
the steppe and semidesert (Sviridenko, 1944). Striped field mouse has 
been reported from the Black Sea coast south as far as Sukhumi (Shidlovskii, 
1947, 1950). 

The species inhabits the Stavropol Plateau and the tugai forests of the 
Kuma, Terek and Sulak rivers. An isolated range is situated to the southeast 
in the forests of the Khachmas lowlands from the lower reaches of the Samur 
to Khachmas (Beme, 1928; Vereshchagin, 1944). 

Its vertical distribution is insignificant: the upper parts of inhabited 
mesophytic meadows and fields in the northwest Caucasus between altitudes 
of 950-1,000 m; inthe Nalchik area, to an altitude of 700 m; and near 
Ordzhonikidze and in Alagir, between 800 and 850 m. 

Sviridenko (1944) observed that striped field mouse distribution is related 
to the amount of precipitation. The animal becomes eurytopic only if the 
annual precipitation is above 500 mm. In more arid regions the rodent 
inhabits only humid biotopes like the lowland forests of the Khachmas 
depression near the Caspian coast. Here the striped field mouse lives in 
the humid bottoms of afforested valleys and on the banks of spring-fed brooks 
under cover of alder and blackberry growth interspersed with liana. In this 
environment the mouse is not harmful to cereal crops as it is in other places. 
On the more arid Kusary sloping plain and on the remainder of the Caspian 
coast, this animal is not encountered. 

The distribution of striped field mouse in Ciscaucasia is mostly confined 
to regions with a dense network of small torrents and springs, such as the 
developmental zone of piedmont trains. Shrub areas along small rivers 
and small meadows along turbid brooks are characteristic biotopes. 

Consequently, the Caucasian foothills contain several isolated ranges: 
the Kuban (including the Black Sea coast), the Terek-Sunzha and the Samur 
(Map 54). The breaches in the Ciscaucasian range areas are created by 
dry, steppelike divides. 


Farlier — in the Pleistocene — the striped field mouse barely penetrated 
farther south than the lower forests of Khachmas, Since its remains were 
not found in the Pleistocene asphalts of the Apsheron Peninsula. This is 
further substantiated by its absence from the Alazan-Agrichai valley where 
conditions are suitable for its habitation. 

In humid western Transcaucasia the striped field mouse is distributed 
along terraces of the Black Sea coast southward to Sukhumi. Here it is 
frequently observed in glades, clearings, shrubs and orchards. 

Shidlovskii's data (1947) (Table 70) are characteristic for striped field 
mouse distribution inthe biotopes on the Black Sea coast. 

TABLE 70, Distribution of the striped field mouse according to biotopes in Abkhazia 

Com fields 

Number of (absolute 


1 27 36 12 10 31 135 2 


in %) .. 


303 These data show that anthropogenic alterations of the topography in the 
Black Sea littoral zone, especially deforestation, favor the growth of the 
distribution and population of the rodent. It is possible that the considerable 
extension of the striped field mouse range south along the Black Sea coast 
in historic time was promoted by man-made changes in the landscape. 
However, farther south in Colchis, important to note, there are no 
occurrences of striped field mouse, although the biotopes are much like 
those of Abkhazia, a fact probably explained by the excessive humidity. 

The peculiar underdevelopment of the field mouse ranges on the Caucasus 
suggests that the penetration of this species from the north occurred rather 
late in the Pleistocene. With the postglacial advance, the Caucasian 
populations of the striped field mouse were apparently cut back by the 
development of a large belt of dry steppes. 

The absence of the animal from the Crimea in the Recent and in the 
Pleistocene also confirms a late development of the range in the south. 

In the Recent epoch, the striped field mouse's distribution on the Caucasus 
increased in the southwest with forest clearing in places of excessive 
moisture, and in the dry regions to the north and south with the development 
of irrigation. 

Asia Minor hamster — Mesocricetus auratus Water. (5. lato). The 
question of the origin of the hamster of genus Mesocricetus on the 
Caucasus is rather complicated, for the earliest hamster remains — 
genus Paleocricetus — found on the Caucasus date from the Middle 
Miocene. In the Lower Pliocene of Ciscaucasia there lived a hamster 
almost the size of the golden hamster of the eastern Mediterranean area. 
Thus, the Caucasus could have been as much of a focus of Asia Minor 
(golden) hamster development as was southwest Asia. 



Fragments of hamster remains of the genus Mesocricetus are known 
from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Palestine (Athlit cave; Picard, 
1937) and, within the limits of the Caucasus, from the caves of the Rion 
Basin and Kvirila River (Gvardzhilas, Mgvimevi, Kudaro) and from 
Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron Peninsula. 

It is important to emphasize that, until now, the only hamster remains 
found in Quaternary deposits of the Russian Plain have been those of the 
genus Cricetus. 

Postglacial cave deposits of Asia Minor hamster remains are quite common 
on the Armenian Highland, in central Transcaucasia and in central 

In recognition of its considerable geographic variability, the Caucasian 
representatives of the genus Mesocricetus are classified by 
taxonomists under two or three separate species. Accepting southern 
southwest Asian origin of the extant Caucasian golden hamster, we can 
further assume that, in chronological order, Mesocricetus, 

M. auratus raddei Nehr., and M. auratus nigriculus Nehr. 
comprise a genetic series of successive subspecies. 

The contemporary range of this hamster includes Syria, Asia Minor, 
the Armenian Highland, Talysh, the northwestern Iranian Plateau, eastern 
Transcaucasia, central Dagestan and the Ciscaucasian Plain. Surveys of 
the distribution areas were given by Argiropulo (1935, 1939a), Neuhduser 
(1936), Shidlovskii (1940c) and Ellermann (1948). The vertical distribution 
of Mesocricetus lies within a range of 0-2,400 m. The altitudinal 
optimum of the Transcaucasian subspecies M. auratus koenigi Sat. 
is, according to Shidlovskii (1940c), in the range of 1,200-2,000 m (Map 58). 

On the Armenian Highland within the limits of the U.S.S.R., this 
hamster is widespread in relatively warm and arid upper river valleys. 

It inhabits the festuca-grown upland steppe of the Pambak River valley, 
the borders of Lake Sevan, and the Saraibulakh and Zangezur ridges. On 
the cold upland of Dzhavakhetia it can be observed on the steppe meadows 
near Tabistskhuri Lake. 

In the Karabakh uplands the hamster is known from the Gevorkevan 

In Talysh it has been encountered in an area stretching from the upper 
reaches of the Vilyash-Chai south to Kel'vyaz, in the upland zone of 
artemisia—grass-steppe at an altitude of 1,600 to 2,000 m. It was not found, 
however, in groupings of small goat's thorn and acanthus as in the 
Armenian Highland but, rather, concentrated in more humid places in the 
valley bottoms, especially on the margins of sown fields. 

The animal's distribution on the ranges of the northern Iranian Plateau 
is probably discontinuous. 

In eastern Transcaucasia the hamster inhabits the Gori depression, 
occupying regions of earlier steppes or forest clearings. In the Pleistocene 
and Holocene, it was distributed in Imeretia and in the upper reaches of 
the Rion. Eastwards, onthe Iora and Kartalinia plateaus, the animal 
inhabits areas grown with the racemose andropogon at altitudes of 
550-600 т. It is not found east of the Alazan to Shemakha, but it is possible 
that relict colonies will be found northeast of Shemakha, for example, in 
the Kilyazi-Chai and Gil'gin-Chai valleys, and west of Derbent. 



The distribution of the Dagestan subspecies, М. auratus raddei 
Nehr., is limited in inner Dagestan by the valleys of the Argun, the 
upper Sulak and the Samur. The animal has been traced from the village 
of Shatili to Evdokimovskoe in the Argun valley. According to Rossikov 
(1887) it is known from the Andi KoisuRiver. Accordingtothe data from the 
Orlov expedition, Beme's records (1925), and Dyukov (1927), the hamster 
is encountered on the whole of the Khunzhakh uplands on the fields 
surrounding Baitl, Chondotl and other villages. 

Here the hamster inhabits the mountain xerophytic steppe andis attracted 
to fields of grain. Its vertical placement is from 1,600 to 2,300 m (Geptner 
and Formozov, 1941). 

In the Middle Pleistocene these ranges were probably linked with the 
piedmont areas of the Apsheron. 

Perhaps this link was broken in the Upper Pleistocene when Dagestan 
was divided by water erosion and the formation of a forest zone on its 
southeastern border. 

The present-day range has enlarged somewhat under the influence of 
agricultural activity. 

The distribution of the Ciscaucasian form M. auratus nigriculus 
Nehr. is very extensive, although always ''squeezed'' close to the mountains 
(see Map 58). 

Its habitat in northern Ciscaucasia is in the zone of artemisia—festuca- 
steppes, while on the Stavropol Plateau and in the Kabarda foothills it is 
found on steppe-meadows and plots planted to corn. The animal is also 
encountered in the motley-grass of the Terek valley (Ognev, 1924). 

In many places this hamster has actively penetrated the mesophytic 
foothills of Ciscaucasia where the forests have been cut, for instance on 
the Trans-Kuban, Kabarda and Terek-Sunzha sloping plains. In general, this 
Ciscaucasian form is more eurytopic than its Transcaucasian parent, 
although, in the main, it occupies dry places. 

Its vertical distribution in Ciscaucasia normally extends from sea level 
to 1,000 m. In central Ciscaucasia, it penetrates the mountains as far as 
Kislovodsk and Nal'chik, but is not found in dry, longitudinal valleys of the 
northern slope. It is spread along the valleys of the left tributaries of the 
Terek. M. auratus nigriculus is distributed only as far as the 
Chernye Gory canyons. 

In the last few decades the settlement of hamsters in the Rostov Region 
has been reported and in the 1940's they were found northwest of Manych. 

Judging from the Asia Minor hamster's contemporary range and гот 115 
level of trophic succession, it seems possible that the ancestral species 
penetrated the Caucasus from the south and southwest during the Tertiary, 
most probably during a dry phase of the Upper Pliocene. 

The path by which the hamster extended its range from the Lesser 
Caucasus to eastern Ciscaucasia probably passed the foothill steppe zone 
along the base of the southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus and farther 
through the present uplands of Dagestan which at that time were lowlands. 
Later this route was impeded by loam and pebble sediment on the swamped 
plains of the piedmont, particularly in the region of presently eroded 
sections of Adzhinour and of the Kusary sloping plain. The distribution area 
of the hamster was probably the widest in the Middle Pleistocene during 
the wide steppe formation on mountain slopes. The subsequent mesophytic 
trend in landscape and the shifts in altitudinal zones during glaciation 



created а break and caused the decrease of the hamster range. Another 
breach in the range occurred with the onset of the postglacial xerothermic 
period which produced a discontinuous upland mountain relief in southwest 
Asia. N 

On the other hand, in the humid mountain regions of Imeretia and South 
Ossetia the Lower Holocene desiccation of ridges and slopes contributed 
somewhat to the spreading of the hamster range; there it was only displaced 
later during another humidification of the climate. 

There can be another interpretation of the history of the hamster range 
development on the Greater Caucasus and in Ciscaucasia, if, while accepting 
two distinct species for the Dagestan and Ciscaucasian forms, we consider 
the possibility of their having a common ancestor in a local Tertiary form. 

In the Recent epoch, ranges preserved in southern Transcaucasia are 
relatively stable and are diminished only during cattle grazing, large 
scale plowing of artificially watered land, or purposeful killing of the 
animal as a pest through the use of chemical exterminators. 

Asia Minor gerbil — Meriones blackleri Thos. Remains of gerbils 
of the genus Meriones were recorded from Acheulean and Mousterian strata 
of Palestinian caves (Picard, 1937; Wolf, 1939). In the Caucasus, aside 
from findings of Gerbillus sp. in Pliocene strata of the Armenian 
Highland (Bogachev, 1938c), only the remains of the present-day species 
are known from the superficial layers in caves and shelters of the Araks 

The present-day rangeof Meriones blackleri Thos. includes 
Asia Minor, Syria, western Iran and a part of Transcaucasia (Ellermann, 
1948; Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, Kuzyakin, 1944; Pogosyan, 1949). 

In Transcaucasia Meriones inhabits the middle Araks valley, certain 
places in the Araks gorge in the Zangezur ridge, the eastern Karabakh 
foothills, the Mil'skaya steppe, the southern Mugan steppe and the Kirovabad 
sloping plain. In the wide valley of Akera-Chai, it is found almost as far 
as Lachin, that is, about 1,500 m above sea level. The population of 
Meriones blackleri Thos. inthe plains of the middle Araks Valley 
is greater than that of other species; on the stony slopes, however, it is 
superseded by Meriones persicus Blanf. The animalis not encountered 
on the left bank of the Kura, although conditions are the same there 
as on the right bank. On the Kirovabad sloping plain its distribution can 
be traced to the lower reaches of the Khram. According to data from large- 
scale catches, it has a greater population than Meriones erythrourus 
Gray in the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. 

In the Mil'skaya steppe М. blackleri can be seen with М. егу- 
throurus almost everywhere, but in the Karabakh foothills it is 
encountered only in warm areas with artemisia groupings at altitudes of 
350-400 m above sea level. In the northern part of the Mugan steppe, this 
animal has been largely dislodged by cultivation and irrigation and is seen 
mainly in artemisia semidesert along the border from Karadonly to 
Belyasuvar. Оп the northeastern slopes of Talysh, it has been traced to 
the Eshakchi outpost at altitudes of about 600-700 m (Map 63). 

The animal mainly inhabits alluvial and talus deposits of loessial 
loam in large fluvial valleys grown with artemisia and ephemeral grasses. 

In view of M. blackleri's specific distribution in eastern Trans- 
caucasiaand, more particularly, its absence from the Kura-lora interfluvial 



area and the Shirvan steppe, we can assume that it settled in the north only 
relatively recently, i.e., in the’ Pleistocene or perhaps even in the 
Holocene. In southern Transcaucasia in the middle Araks valley, 

M. blackleri may be considered a local species fromthe Upper Tertiary. 

Persian gerbil— Meriones persicus Blanf. Fossil remains of 
this species from Pleistocene strata have not been validated, but they are 
known from Holocene cave deposits on the southern slopes of the Armenian 
Highland and from the middle Araks valley. 

The main part of the M. persicus range (Map 62) includes Turkey, 
Iran, Afghanistan and southern Turkmenia (Neuhauser, 1936; Geptner, 
1940; Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1951). 

On the Caucasus it is eurychoric over the southern slopes of the 
Armenian Highland and in the highlands of Talysh. Its population in the 
Alindzha-Chai Basin, according to large-scale catches, comprised 62.5% 
of the total Meriones population. It is not encountered on the left bank 
of the Araks gorge north of Mindzhevan. Inthe gorges of the southern 
slopes of the Zangezur ridge, the range reaches an altitude of 1,800 m in 
astragali_tragacanth formations and stretches as far as Zangelan and 

On the Saraibulakh ridge, according to Dal' (1904b), Meriones 
comprised 17% of the rodent constituent of the food of the eagle owl. It is 
observed in the Zanga valley to an altitude of 1,230 m (Dal', 1948b) and 
is common on the slopes of the outlying northern ridges of the middle Araks 
valley among mountain halophytes of the semidesert (Flerov and Gureev, 
1934; Argiropulo, 1939b; author's data, 1947). 

In the highland steppe of Talysh the species is common in the upper 
reaches of the Vilyash-Chai and Zuvanda at altitudes of 1,500-1,800 m. 
Our data collected in the vicinity of the Dyman outpost in 1945 show that 
its remains constituted 26 % of the remains of all rodents found in owl 

In the dry mountain areas ofnorthernIran and Asia Minor M. persicus 
is evidently the most numerous and eurychoric. Its usual biotopes are the 
stony slopes of valleys which are dotted by cushions of thorny astragali, 
acantholimon and artemisia, and in spring by ephemeral grasses and 
poppies. In certain places the animal emerges on divides beneath the 
mountain-grass and steppe zone. 

The facility of М. persicus in digging its burrows under stones or 
shrub roots, its skill in climbing stones, its hairless feet, long tail with 
panniculus and its long vibrissae —all these features, according to 
Argiropulo (1939a), are early adaptations to a mountaindesert habitat. 

This animal is mainly granivorous: during early summer, it feeds 
mostly on grain of small grasses; in later summer, on grain of mountain 
saltwort. It is an early indicator species of the southwest Asia mountain 
desert mammal complex. 

M. persicus thrives in agricultural regions. In grain fields and along 
bordering fences, its population is always increased somewhat. Cattle 
driving and overgrazing contribute to the spreading of thorny astragali, thus 
extending the range. 

Red-tailed Libyan gerbil— Meriones erythrourus Gray ($. lato). 
Fossils of this animal are known from Middle Pleistocene strata of the 
Apsheron Peninsula. 



At present, this polymorphous species (for which as many аз 23 
subspecies have beenrecorded) is identified with M. libycus Licht. Its 
vast range includes north Africa, southwest Asia, eastern Transcaucasia 
and central Asia to Semireche [Dzhety-Su]. Its northern limit on the 
Caucasus passes the latitude of Shemakha (Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 
1951; Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, Kuzyakin, 1944). 

In Transcaucasia it inhabits all of the Kura-Araks lowland and foothills — 
from Tiflis on the west to the Caspian coast on the east (Map 61) — and 
is especially numerous on the Apsheron Peninsula. М. erythrourus has 
not been observed north to Kilyazi or south to the Kyzyl-Agach Gulf on the 
Caspian coast. 

The species is encountered throughout the central lowland. A dense 

-population is noted among artemisia, saltwort and caper formations in the 

flat semidesert of the Mil'skaya, Shirvan and Mugan plains. The animal 
settles more frequently on alluvial ranges and on the margins of minor 
solonchak depressions overgrown with arboreal saltwort shrubs and 
Austrian and Sovichwormwood. The maximum population is observed, 
however, on the sandbank ridges of the Kura, Alazan, Гога and Araks, 
especially in the tamarisk-thicket zone. Similar high-density populations 
are encountered on the dunes of the Caspian coast where the sand hillocks 
are held by tamarisk and ephedra. In such places there are perhaps 

40 specimens per hectare. Biotopes created by man, especially vineyards, 
abandoned irrigation systems, shepherds' camps in the steppes and fallows 
of several years standing, are of great importance tothis animal's settlement. 

The animal is crepuscular and nocturnal in summer, crepuscular and 
diurnalinspring and fall, anddiurnalinwinter. Meriones erythrourus 
is mainly granivorous: in spring it feeds on shoots of ephemeral annual 
plants; in summer, on shoots and grains of goatgrass, ragweed, brome 
and insects, in particular on non-gregarious locusts; in fall, on new shoots 
of ephemeral grasses; in winter, on wormwood stalks, seeds of arboreal 
saltwort and others. 

In its search for grain, the animal climbs high on the saltwort shrubs. 
During snowfalls these animals usually lie in burrows untilthe thaw, rarely 
grazing on adjacent shrubs. The abundance of animals on sand hillock 
ridges in level steppes is explained by the ease of constructing ventilated 
burrows and the opportunity of winter fattening on artemisia and saltwort. 
The coincidence sometimes seen of dense rodent populations in cattle camps 
(''yatagi'') in these areas might persuade an unskilled observer that cattle 
raising is favorable to hibernating populations of Meriones (Gladkina, 

The contemporary range of M. erythrourus and its adaptation 
to the landscape indicate that the species formed in the southern and 
southeastern Mediterranean range. It penetrated the Caucasian Isthmus 
from the south and southeast probably as early as the Pliocene but no later 
than the Lower Pleistocene, since by the Middle Pleistocene it already 
inhabited the Apsheron Peninsula. 

The animal survived the transgressions of the Caspian Quaternary on 
the Tertiary hillocks on ihe northern and western borders of the Kura Bay. 
In the eastern part of the Kura-Araks lowland, this species is one of several 
late settlers of the territory after the sea waters retreated from it in the 


Local agriculture has, untilnow, been favorable for the development of 
the species. However, the construction of irrigation works and the expansion 
of irrigated cotton fields will rapidly drive this animal from vast land areas. 

Steppe vole —Microtus socialis Pall. (s. lato). Remains of this 
genus have been found in Middle Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron 
Peninsula, in Holocene cave strata of the Saraibulakh Range in Armenia 
and in many other places on the present-day range, which includes 
Cyrenaica, the Balkan Peninsula, the southern Ukraine, the Crimean steppes, 
southwest Asia, central Asia, eastern Ciscaucasia and eastern Transcaucasia 
(Minin, 1938; Vinogradov and Argiropulo, 1941; Ellermann, 1948). 

In Ciscaucasia this vole inhabits the Salsk steppes along the Manych 
valley, the regions of the lower Malka and Baksan, the slopes of the Terek 
and Sunzha ranges and steppelike piedmonts of northern Dagestan. The 
animal penetrated the Terek-Kuma massif of the sandy semidesert along 
the network of ducts and channels of the Kuma, Kura and Terek. 

On the sloping plain of the Kusary, the steppe vole's range is found in 
warm places to an altitude of 600 m, adjacent to that of the common vole. 
The animal inhabits only wide plowed fields in lowland forests of the 
Khachmas plain. 

From the western Caspian coast the range extends into eastern 
Transcaucasia at altitudes of 700-800 m on piedmont ridges (Map 72). 

The vole penetrated the lowland forests of the Alazan-Agrichai valley 
through deforested areas. On the Apsheron Peninsula and in Kabristan, 
there are small relict colonies in places with a maximum annual 
precipitation of only 280 mm, relieved, however, by localized, supplemen- 
tary moistening of the soil and an underlay of impervious layers of 
Apsheron limestone. The continuous distribution of the animal in the Kura- 

309 Araks lowlands begins in a region where the annual precipitation is less 
than 350 mm. In southeastern Mugan the distribution toward the Lenkoran 
lowlands is limited by greater soil moisture in winter and 800 mm annual 
precipitation (Vereshchagin, 1942c, 1946Ъ). * 

In the Kura valley the vole was found only as far as the Mtskheti until 
recently, when it penetrated the Mukhran valley as a consequence of 
deforestation there. Near the Mtskheti the range is broken by the forested 
narrow gorge of the Kura, and resumes again in the dry Gori depression 
at altitudes of 600-800 m. Here, M. socialis goriensis Arg. was 
isolated as a subspecies, slightly different from the typical species. The 
vole inhabits the Kirovabad sloping plain up to the existing lower timberbelt, 
i.e., to 600-700 m, although in some gorges it is encountered even higher. 
On the deforested northeastern slopes of Karabakh, the steppe vole has 
spread upward to 800 m in the vicinity of Madagiz, Mardakert, Martuni 
and other points where its range is adjacent to the lower distribution belt 
of the pine vole. The vole penetrated high into the mountains through the 
valleys of the Akera and Okhchi-Chai via the southern slopes of Karabakh. 
A similar penetration can be observed in gorges of the southern slope of 
the Armenian Highland. 

In the semidesert of the Kura-Araks lowlands the steppe vole forms 
temporary settlements in caper formations on chestnut soils, and lesser 
settlements in the artemisia—grass groupings. Summer conditions for the 
animal in the semidesert zone are rather poor because of lack of moisture 

* К.М. Rossikov's report on the mass daytime migration of voles during August in the Mil'skaya Steppe, 
noted by Ognev (1950) is, in fact, only a fiction (Vereshchagin, 1946Ъ). 



in food and the high temperature of the soil. The vole withstands these 
conditions by feeding partially on locusts and mollusks and by constructing 
deep burrows (Vereshchagin, 1946b). 

The semidesert population of voles declines catastrophically each year 
as June approaches because of cessation of reproduction and the sudden 
death of mature animals brought about by the desiccation of food and the 
high temperatures. Viable isolated colonies of animals survive in some 
hollows, in ravines grown with milk thistle (Silybum), in gardens 
moistened by irrigation, or under caper brush, etc. 

In the Mugan steppe, in the area of Belyasuvar and Astrakhan-Bazar, 
the years of peak breeding witness haphazard nocturnal mass shifts of 
the steppe vole in the first half of June because of physiologic disturbances 
aroused by the desiccation of vegetable food and soil overheating (Mamedov, 
1950). * 

Because vole behavior shows seasonal peculiarities controlled by 
temperature and insolation, in Azerbaidzhan this animal is more vulnerable 
to attack by predatory birds and mammals during the winter. 

Characteristic ''pulsations'' in the ranges of this species can be traced 
over the years near the base of the Apsheron Peninsula. When winters are 
warm and humid and summers cool for several consecutive years, there 
is an acceleration in reproductive activity and a significant increase in 
population. In the semidesert when the fall is humid, large food reserves, 
consisting of plant shoots and motley-grass—ephemeral grass formations 
are built up. This makes it possible for the animals to move from the 
Kabristan ridges through drying rivulet valleys almost to the sea coast, 
30-40 km beyond the outer limits of their fixed habitat. 

Meanwhile the first hot and dry season again causes mass mortality 
among the animals and a new withdrawal northwestward from their 
distribution area. This phenomenon is very significant in explaining the 
mode and rapidity of migration and the history of the animal range areas 
resulting from secular climate and landscape variations. 

In Talysh the vole may be found at altitudes of 1,500-1,800 m in the 
grassy mountain steppe, while it is absent in the poor fodder grouping of 
thorny astragali. A dense vole population developed on the eastern and 
northern slopes of Talysh near the upper timberline, which has been 
considerably lowered because of grazing andcutting. The upper parts of the 
Vilyash-Chai gorge inthe Yardymly region and the area of Vassaru-Chai 
near Lerik which is planted to grain are the real foci of mass vole 
reproduction. Such foci are the results of human activity. From them, 
the vole penetrates downwards to the gorge bottoms of the eastern slopes 
of Talysh only whena forest has been thinned or completely cleared. 

In the middle Araks valley the vole is found in Aralik and on some of 
the tributaries of the Araks, such as Alindzha-Chai, Nakhichevan-Chai 
and Arpa-Chai. The vole is not observed on the sun-scorched slopes and 
ridges ofthe Zangezur Range inthe zone of stony-mountain—saltwort-semi- 
desert and tragacanth astragali because of the poor nutritive value of the 
vegetation. In the central Armenian Highland the vole penetrated into the 
Araks valley by the left river bank. A steppe vole habitat is located in the 
upper part of the Pambak River valley, in the grassy mountain-steppe zone, 

* Ognev's report (1950) on the habitat of this vole in the Lenkoran lowlands is based on a confusion in the 

location of geographic points: the Kelvyaz outpost is in the high Talysh Mountain and not in the Talysh 


at ап altitude of 1,200-1,800 m. This site is cut off from the west by the cold 
Akhalkalakhi Plateau, and from the north by the afforested spurs of the 
Bzovdal'skii ridge and the Pambak River gorge. Contrary to Ognev's 
opinion (1950), the range of this species bears no relationship to that of the 
Gori subspecies. Such a relationship should be sought to the south in the 
Leninakan area and Kars Upland where the dry mountain valleys probably 
have populations morphologically similar to M. socialis schidlovskii. 
Dal' and Zakharin (1951) indicate that this vole's distribution extends from 
the upper reaches of the Pambak through the Araks valley up to the latitude 
of Yerevan. 

The population of the steppe vole is greatest during the reproducing 
season, when the number of burrow openings observed per hectare attains 
90,000 on both plowed and unplowed land in the piedmont andropogon-steppe 
zones of the Adzhinour and Kartalinia plateaus, the eastern foothills of 
Karabakh and the northwestern slopes of Talysh. In this steppe landscape 
the contemporary ecological optimum of the species has been reached 
(Satunin, 1912a; Vereshchagin, 1942c, 1946b). 

Viable even in periods of strong inhibition of population, the colonies of 
this rodent are clearly associated with shrubs of Christ's-thorn which 
affords them a safe shelter from predatory birds and extreme heat. The 
juniper— pistachio forests adjacent to the beard-grass steppe — the so-called 
"srid stunted forest'' — is sparsely populated by voles; they are encountered 
in thinned forest glades of motley-grass where they construct burrows under 
ephedra shrubs. 

The characteristics and the periods of steppe vole reproduction are 
dependent upon altitude and man-made landscape alterations. In the 
semidesert zone of the eastern Transcaucasian lowland, its period of 
reproduction is confined mostly to October-November and to March-April; 
although if the winter is warm and ephemeral vegetation available, it may 
extend from October to May. But in the mountain steppe of Talysh and on the 
Armenian Highland, intensive reproduction is observed in June, because 
of the later burning-off of the vegetation. 

The vole maintains longer sexual activity and vitality on unirrigated 
cereal croplands in the piedmont (Figure 124) and on irrigated cereal and 
alfalfa croplands in the semidesert zone of eastern Transcaucasia, than 
on virgin soil. 

Climate is the main factor affecting population variations and area of vole 
ranges, especially in eastern Transcaucasia. Nevertheless, epizootic 
factors, predatory mammals and birds also figure significantly in reducing 
the population of this rodent during peak breeding years. The greatest effect 
of bird predation on the vole population can be seen on the semidesert and 
the piedmont steppe from November to April, i.e., during the migration 
and wintering of the birds (Vereshchagin, 1946b). 

Agriculture contributed to the expansion of the range of this species, 
opening new territories by the felling of lowland forests, and providing 
for an increased population by supplying a succulent and high calorie diet of 
cereal crops. 

The main morphological features of steppe vole (permeable fur 
covering, short extremities poorly adapted to rapid and remote migrations, 
flat skull, elongated diastema indicating its enormous burrow-digging 
capacity in heavy and medium soils) testify that the species was formed 
under topographical xerophytic conditions of the eastern Mediterranean. 



FIGURE 124, М. socialis ina barley field 

Photograph by author, 1939 

The steppe vole of the Caucasus and eastern Asia never emerges in the 
desert proper but is dispersed in its eroded interzonal fringe areas, 
indicating an earlier association of presently separated steppes and semi- 
desert areas, probably during certain phases of the Pleistocene. The 
reasons for this association have been discussed elsewhere by us 
(Vereshchagin, 1942c; 1946b) and by Geptner (1945). 

Pidoplichko's opinion (1951) on the recent development of the vole range 
in the eastern Mediterranean rests on a patently erroneous description of 
the distribution area. 

The initial evolution of a variety of southern gray voles probably took 
place in the eastern Mediterranean on the relatively dry Pliocene uplands 
of Asia Minor. One of these forms, the Russian steppe vole, populated the 
dry coasts of eastern Mediterranean basins in the Lower Pliocene. 

The history of the development of the vole's range on the Caucasus 
follows orogenetic movements, fluctuations in the Caspian Sea level and 
shifts in landscape zones — both horizontal and vertical — and reveals the 
lability of the species in adapting to its environment. For instance, isolation 
of the Gori subspecies was caused by the rise of the northern spurs of the 
Trialet and the southern spurs of the Kakhetian ridges which partitioned off 
the Kura valley near the Mtskheti. M. socialis schidlovskii may 
be considered a special species having an earlier isolation. This isolation 
was accomplished by the uplift of the Armenian Highland in the Quaternary 
which spared some xerophytic communities in separated areas. Perhaps 
vast lava flows overlapping the sections of the ancient plateau in different 
directions contributed to this isolation (Vereshchagin, 1942c; Shidlovskii, 

The range of the steppe vole on the Isthmus evidently fluctuated repeatedly 
during the Pleistocene, conformingto the development and reduction of 
landscapes suitable for habitation during different climatic phases. In our 



time, forest clearing and slope erosion have facilitated the penetration 

of the species into the foothills and mountains, thereby greatly expanding 
its range. This is especially conspicuous on the mountain slopes of 
Karabakh and Talysh. The vole penetrates the semidesert and desert of 
eastern Ciscaucasia when channels are dug and new regions are developed 
for grain growing. New extermination methods have no noticeable 
reversible effects upon these incursions. 

Common vole — Microtus arvalis Pall. The fossil remains of this 
animal are known from many Pleistocene cave burials and from alluvial 
deposits inEastern Europe, from Ireland to the Carpathians and from Italy 
to Sweden. Inthe U.S.S.R. the remains of this vole are common in Upper 
Paleolithic strata of the Crimea (Vinogradov, 1937b) and in Middle and 
Upper Pleistocene strata of the lower Don and the Urals (Vereshchagin and 
Gromov, 1952). 

On the Caucasus the bones and skulls of this vole were found in Middle 
Pleistocene strata of the Apsheron Peninsula together with those of the 
steppe vole (Argiropulo, 1941b; Gromov, 1952). * 

In the Recent epoch this vole inhabited the taiga, the forest steppe and 
even desert areas from the Atlantic Ocean to the Khingan and the upper 
reaches of the Amur. It has a peculiar distribution on the Caucasus 
(Map 71). 

In Ciscaucasia an almost unbroken distribution range runs from the Don 
steppes through Manych along the Azov shore and includes the lower reaches 
of the Kuban and the Taman Peninsula. 

This vole is widespread in the Stavropol uplands where it lives in 
mesophytic meadows and deforested areas. 

The northeastern limit of the M. arvalis range in the Ciscaucasian 
steppes approaches the longitude of Budennovsk, coinciding with the margin 
of semideserts in the lower Kuma area. Eastward it pushes far through 
the river valley to the Terek-Kumsa sands. Following the courses of the 
Terek and Sulak rivers as far as the Caspian coast, habitats of this vole 
occupy ridges and depressions with meadow, tugai and steppe vegetation. 
On the Ciscaucasian dry steppe, freshwater basins are a requirement for 
the maintenance of vole habitation (Naumov, 1948). On the Greater 
Caucasus this vole inhabits only the Trans-Kuban sloping plain in the 
foothills at an altitude of 900-950 m, and is not encountered in higher forests. 

In the mountain meadows of the Greater Caucasus, it is always replaced 
by the pine vole. 

The vole is common on the sloping plain of central Ciscaucasia, but is 
rarely found, if at all, in the mountains (Ognev, 1950). On the deforested 
sloping plain of Terek-Sunzha voles are numerous and apparently 
destructive. Turov (1926c) considered the species to be common only in the 
forest zone of North Ossetia. According to our observations, the deforested 
glades and subalpine meadows in the Fiagdon and Gizel'don gorges of the 
Lesistyi and Skalistyi ridges are heavily populated by this animal. It is 
common in the Urukh ravine at altitudes of 1,500-1,800 m, and, farther 
east, has been traced in the Argun and Sulak basins at altitudes from 800 m 
to 2,700 m (Beme, 1933; Geptner and Formozov, 1941). 

It has not been observed in the Dagestan foothills from Khasavyurt to 
Derbent, or farther southward on the low littoral terrace down to Baku. 

It is also absent from the humid regions of the Khachmas lowland which 
is inhabited by steppe voles, field and house mice. On the Kusary sloping 

* Lower jaws of this vole species were found in the Lower Pleistocene strata of Kudaro I in 1958. 



plain, the lower border of the range is at an altitude of 600-650 т 
in the pasture-forest zone, and only on meadow sections of the Samur 
valley does it descend to 250-300 m. 

If accurate, Beme's mention (1928, p. 143) of animals caught near the 
Samur estuary is noteworthy. 

At the eastern end of the Greater Caucasus this rodent is encountered 
in grain fields and on subalpine meadows in the Konakhkent and Khizy 
regions. Its lower range in the Shemakha area extends along an altitude 
of approximately 800 m, while farther west on subalpine meadows in the 
upper reaches of the Gerdyman-Chai the species is replaced by the 
pine vole. 

In the deforested areas on the southern slope of the Main Range, the vole 
penetrated from mountain meadows through glades overgrown with bracken 
by way of the Demir-Aparan-Chai, Bum-Chai and Mazym-Chai ravines 
(in the vicinity of Kutkashen, Vartashen and Lagodekhi) up to the base of 
steep slopes and into the zone of lowland forests of the Alazan-Avtaran 
valley. On the high mountain meadows of the eastern half of the southern 
slope ofthe Greater Caucasus, the species is usually concentrated along the 
margins of cattle stands heavily covered with manure and overgrown with horse 
sorrel andorchard grass. It also populates subalpine meadows on the deforested 
ridges of the southern lateral ranges. 

The vole is common on meadows of the Kakhetian Range and in intensely 
deforested South Ossetia down to the reaches and tributaries of the Rion; 
here it is replaced by the pine vole as on the northern slope. 

There is no indication of the species in the dry Gori depression or in 
humid Colchis, on the Black Sea coast or on the northern slopes of the 
Adzhar-Imeretian ridges (Satunin, 1913; Shidlovskii, 1947, 1948, 1950). 

The common vole is conspicuous on the Trialet ridge and its spurs, 
e.g., the Mokrye Gory, and on Dzhavakhetia meadows. 

The species is eurychoric on the Armenian Highland, where along its 
lower limits the distribution increases greatly on the south and the east. 
While this vole is very common on ridges surrounding Lake Sevan (Turov 
and Turova-Morozova, 1928), it is also found on relatively dry and 
deforested northern slopes at an altitude lower than Kedabek (1,400 m). 
And similarly on the Karabakh mountain meadows (e.g., in Dali-Dag, Sary- 
Yeri and Basargechar) it is widespread and yet descends to 1,200-1,300 m 
on deforested eastern slopes. 

On the southern slope of the Zangezur ridge in the Akulis-Chai Basin, 
we found it in spring-fed marshland among heavily grazed steppelike spurs 
and valleys only above 1,800 m. The common vole does not occur in the 
tragacanth zone, i.e., in the ''phrygana'' and ''gariga'' formation or in the 
artemisia and saltwort semidesert of the middle Araks valley and the 
Kura-Araks lowland. Contrary to Ognev's opinion (1950, р. 209) and 
Kuznetsov's maps (Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944), there is 
no trace of this vole in the Lenkoran lowland or on Mugan. In the high 
Talysh mountain it is encountered only at altitudes of 2,000-2,100 m on 
steppe meadows, i.e., near the Kel'vyaz and Kosmalyan outposts. It does 
not even inhabit those places inhabited by mole in the Talysh forest zone. 
In general, the present-day range of the common vole in the eastern half 
of the Caucasian Isthmus diverges somewhat from the distribution of the 
steppe vole. In northwestern Iran and northeastern Turkey, the common 



vole is dispersed at altitudes of 2,000-2,500 m, and farther south its range 
is probably higher. Blanford (1876) recorded this vole under the name of 
Arvicola mystacinus De Fil. in an area between Shiraz and Esfahan, 
at an altitude of approximately 2,800 m.* Goodwin recorded it from the 
eastern Elburz (1939). It probably inhabits Mt. Savalan and was caught 

in the region of Lake Urmia by the Caucasian Museum Expedition. In the 
Georgian Museum collections there are specimens from Kars, Oltu, Great 
Ararat and other localities in Turkey. The numerous vole populations 

in the high Eleskirt valley in the upper reaches of the Euphrates can be 
accounted for by the many Swamps and rivulets. In central Turkey some 
remaining habitats are considered as relicts (Neuhauser, 1936; Ellermann, 

With higher seasonal and daily temperatures, the factors of soil humidity 
and mesophytic vegetation assume greater importance for the rodent in the 
south, and result in an enlarged vertical distribution as the range extends 
southward. They also account for the division of the range into isolated 
relict islets adapted to high plateaus and ranges. The animal's range 
is obviously wedged out on the high mountain ranges of the middle courses 
of the Tigris and Euphrates. 

The absence of the animal from western Caucasia and Transcaucasia 
is adequately explained by the excessive moisture, while in the forest of 
the Talysh lowland it can be attributed to dryness of the soil and vegetation. 

The feeding habits of the common vole show it to be a typical herbivorous 
animal. Human intervention during historical time is responsible for the 
concentrated forage which comprises its present-day diet. 

The main natural factor limiting this vole's population in both mountains 
and plains is unfavorable climate. The influence of quadrupeds and 
predatory birds on this vole during the summer season on the Caucasus 
is considerably greater than on the steppe vole. 

Based on its contemporary range and ecology, it is assumed that the 
common vole is a European mesophilous species which developed under 
conditions of moderate climate and humidity on meadow vegetation. 

The explanation of the appearance and total isolation of large, common 
vole populations on the ranges of southwest Asia and the Caucasus is 
consonant with this concept if we presuppose an early settlement during 
a humid epoch when present-day hot desert valleys and slopes were well 
covered with meadow or, at the least, steppe vegetation. 

From an interpretation of the contemporary ecological and distributive 
characteristics of this vole, it would seem that it could hardly have appeared 
on the Caucasus before the Middle Pleistocene, and then during a time of 
considerable climate cooling and development of mesophytic meadow 
formations in the desert and semidesert zones. 

The origin of the local, high-mountain common vole in the mountains 
of the eastern Mediterranean and its subsequent settlement in the north 
is substantiated by the Mediterranean origin of northern mesophytic meadow 
formations. Some botanists now hold the theory of an alpine origin of 
meadows which were displaced to lower altitudes in the Pleistocene and 
advanced in a northerly direction (Fedorov, 1952). : 

Pine vole —Microtus (Pitymys) majori Thos (3. lato). Voles of 
the subgenus Pitymys are known from Pleistocene deposits of Eurasia 

* A vole closely related to M. guentheri Danf. et Alst. is found on Mt.Talysh and in Iran. 



and North America (Wolf, 1939; Simpson, 1945). On the Caucasus remains 
of a special species of vole M. apscheronicus Arg., probably ancestral 
to extant Caucasian species, are foundin Middle Pleistocene strata of the 
Apsheron Peninsula. : 

The distribution of pine vole on the Caucasus includes the Greater 
Caucasus, the Lesser Caucasus, Asia Minor, Talysh and Elburz (Map 70). 
In Ciscaucasia the pine vole can be found from the northern piedmont 

forest belt up to the talus passes on the Main Range. 

On the Trans-Kuban Plainthe animal inhabits some locations to an 
altitude of 250-300 m above sea level, and it is common from Krymskto 
Maikop on the first low ridges of relict oak forests and mesophytic meadows. 
The range does not reach to the broader section of the Kuban River even 
in the valley of its left tributaries — here it is replaced by the common vole. 
On the east, the range enlarges and passes south to Cherkessk at an altitude 
of approximately 600 m. Inthe forest zone and on the alpine meadows of the 
northwestern Caucasus, the species is very common, and numerous 
specimens have been collected from the Caucasian and Teberdinskii 

In central Ciscaucasia the animal inhabits the mesophytic ravine areas, 
and is absent from the greater part of the dry Kabarda sloping plain. 

One isolated section of the range lies in oak stands in the Pyatigor'e 
area (Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Razvalka), and another more to the north 
in the Stavropol uplands. In this last area the vole inhabits grazed-down 
meadow glades among relict broadleaf forests, e.g., in the vicinity of 
Mt. Strizhament. 

The breach between this section of the range and the major one in the 
Caucasian uplands is 50-60 km and is made up of steppelike foothills. There 
are relict patches of pine vole habitation in forested dry ravines along the 
Kalaus. On the sloping plains of the Terek and Sunzha the animal inhabits 
mesophytic meadows which appeared shortly after the forests were cleared. 

Contrary to Ognev's opinion (1950), this vole is found neither in the 
vicinity of Mozdok nor near Grozny, where the climate is too dry for it. 

In central Dagestan it inhabits meadows at 1,600-2,500 m above sea level. 

In western Transcaucasia the pine vole is common everywhere from 
the Black Sea coast to the mountain talus passes. In humid Colchis it is 
absent only from periodically flooded alder thickets and reedgrass bogs. 
The Svanetian alpine meadows are heavily populated with vole along the 
fringes of birch forest grown with whortleberry and as far as the upper 
sections of cereal grass—crowfoot carpets which wedge into slate talus. 
Here it completely replaces the common vole. To the east, the animal is 
encountered all along the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus near the 
upper reaches of the Pirsagat rivulet in Azerbaidzhan. 

The pine vole is sometimes replaced by the common vole in alpine 
meadows in the areas of Nukha and Kutkashen. Argiropulo's statement 
(1939a) that the pine vole does not inhabit the forest zone in the Greater 
Caucasus is in error; on the contrary, a large pine vole population is often 
observed on the forest edges and in thinned stands of oak—hornbean. 

There is no indication of pine vole in the Alazan-Agrichai valley, in the 
valleys of the Adzhinour Plateau or on the Kura Lowland. Claims that this 
animal was found in Geok-Tepe [Geok-Chai] on desert foothills to the north 
of Evlakh (Shidlovskii, 1938; Ognev, 1950) are erroneous (Vereshchagin, 



In eastern Taurus and along the ranges of the Lesser Caucasus the animal 
is spread mostly on the northern slopes and on the high humid plateaus of 
Dzhavakhetia and Tsalka. 

It is very common on deforested slopes of ravines of the Shakhdag Range 
and in the remaining beech forests of the Terter-Chai ravines in Karabakh 
where it descended to an altitude of 1,000-1,200 m. In Talysh the pine vole 
inhabits only the border areas of the upper timberline, and is rare because 
of the extreme aridity in summer (Vereshchagin, 1949c). The southeastern- 
most section of the range is the northern slope of the Elburz Range 
(Ellermann, 1948). 

Pine vole is very common on motley-grass meadows near the forest's 
upper edge. In these areas of ecological optimum, the greatest population 
of this species can be found. 

The pine vole resembles the common vole in feeding habits, but, because 
of its greater digging capacity, the rhizomic constituents of herbaceous 
plants feature more prominently in its diet. 

The population dynamics of this vole are considerably more stable than 
those of the steppe and common vole. Predatory birds inflict less population 
loss on the pine vole because of its subterranean way of life and its habitat 
in tall grasses and forests. 

Based upon the degree of fur-cover differentiation (underfur and guard 
hair), the pine vole is intermediary between the steppe and the common vole. 

The pine vole is a typical mesophilous species of the eastern 
Mediterranean formed on mountain meadows and in broadleaf forests. This 
species is an excellent indicator species which illustrates the long existence 
of mesophytic conditions on separate areas of the Caucasus-Asia Minor 
landmass. The peak in pine vole population coincides with the epoch of 
greatest cooling during the Pleistocene. 

The Stavropol-Caucasus break in range probably occurred at the 
beginning of the Holocene; the Lesser Caucasus-Asterabad break 
undoubtedly happened considerably earlier. 

Caucasian snow vole — Microtus (Chionomys) gud Sat. (s. lato) 
(Figure 125). Fossils of this vole were found during the excavation of the 
Kudaro caves in the reaches of the Rion. The animal is distributed within 
limits of 1,600 to 2,000 m on the Perevalnyi and Skalistyi ridges but is 
absent from the frontal chain of the Chernye Gory Mountains (Nasimovich, 

Our observations in the Kuban and Teberda ravines show the vole at 
1,500-1,700 m above sea level on the Skalistyi slopes and especially 
numerous higher in the alpine zone on large rock taluses overgrown with 
pine, birch and willow, and further on in alpine meadows near taluses and 

At present this species is not encountered on the Stavropol uplands 
(Vereshchagin and Gromov, 1953b), but it is found in the trachyte rock 
taluses on the permafrost section of the Razvalka Mountain in the Pyatigor'e 
area, at an altitude of 600 м. This population is now isolated from the 
main range 50-60 km to the north, since the nearest vole habitat is 
encountered in the canyon of the Berezovka rivulet, south of Kislovodsk 
(Vereshchagin, 1953a). Higher inthe mountains, М. (Chionomys) gud 
Sat. inhabits the ravines of Malka, Baksan, Chegem and Cherek, especially 
rock taluses in canyons cut by these rivers in the Skalistyi ridge. It has 


been observed in certain places in the interior longitudinal valleys at ап 
altitude of 1,200-1,500m, where there are stone taluses. This vole is rare 
in the Chernye Gory Mountains near Nalchik. 

In the Ardon ravine the heaviest population was observed on the lateral 
moraine in the pine—birch forest near the end of the Tseya glacier among 
granite rocks overgrown with fern, whortleberry, sweetberry, honeysuckle 
and rhododendron. 

In the Terek gorges, this vole is widespread on the slope of Mount 
Fetkhus near Ordzhonikidze (Formozov, 1926). 

In central Dagestan numerous voles are encountered in Gunib, in the 
Bogos Range and in the ravines of the Samur tributaries at altitudes of 
1,300, 1,600, 2,100 and 2,500 m (Geptner and Formozov, 1941). 

In August 1952, the author observed many of these voles in arid, hot 
depressions in the upper reaches of the Manas brook among marl taluses 
near the village of Lavashi at an altitude of approximately 1,000m. Summer 

318 conditions here are pessimum for this animal. 

FIGURE 125. Microtus (Chionomys) gud Sat. (s. lato) 

From watercolor by K.K. Flerov 

On the southern steep slope of the Greater Caucasus in eastern Trans- 
caucasia this vole is found in gorges at 1,300-1,400 m, e.g., inthe 
Gerdyman-Chai ravine and others, but it is common only in the cirques at 
river sources bordering birch—hornbeam formations at 2,000-2,600 m. It is 
also encountered on the ridges of the transverse ranges near the upper 
forest belt of mountain oak at 2,200-2,700 m above sea level. Farther west 
the vole appears on the Kakhetian ridge above Telavi near the snowline 
(Shidlovskii, 1951). In relatively dry and deforested South Ossetia, it occurs 
among the rocks from 2,000 m upward (Ognev, 1950). 



In upper Svanetia this animal is very numerous in fir—maple forests. 
In the arid Ingur valley it lives in sunheated gneiss rocks overgrown with 
Pontic azaleas, e.g., near the village of Mestia. On steep southwestern 
slopes in Abkhazia it is common from an altitude of 500 m upward to the 
glaciers, although Shidlovskii (1950) recorded it for high mountains only in 
the reaches of the Bzyb River. In all probability, the Surami Range is not 
actually a habitat for this vole. In Asia Minor it probably inhabits the 
greater part of eastern Taurus since it was found on Mount Varzambeg 
south of Rize at ап altitude of 3,000 m.(Neuhduser, 1936). It was recently 
observed by Shidlovskii in Dzhavakhetia as well. 

The southern range of this vole is not as wide as that on the Greater 

Taluses of big rocks held by birch and pine forests with undergrowth of 
whortleberry, honeysuckle, raspberry and Pontic azalea are densely 
populatedbyM. (Chionomys). 

The structure and placement of rocks and stones which ensure dry 
shelters and food storage are secondary in importance for the well-being 
of this animal only to the availability of the food itself. The composition 
of the bedrock is less important, inasmuch as calcareous, gneiss, granite 
and slate taluses are all found populated. 

FIGURE 126. Reserve stocks of hay stored by Microtus (Chionomys) 

Photograph by author, 1952 

The composition of summer and winter foods of this vole varies greatly 
according to the habitat. Nasimovich (1935) observed that in the Caucasian 
Reservation the vole feeds mainly on anemones, ferns, raspberry and 
Caucasian rhododendron. In the upper part of the Teberda Reservation, 
Stepanov found that 32 vole stacks contained 47 plant species, of which 
ferns, raspberry, mountain ash, willow, birch, cereals, strawberry, 
spruce, pine and foxberry were the most frequently encountered. 



According to observations made by Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii and the 
author in the Tseya ravine, the animals stored mainly twigs of honeysuckle, 
whortleberry, willow herb, mountain ash, Caucasian rhododendron and 
stone bramble. They also feed on branches of birch and shrubs, climbing 
very high on the smooth tree trunks. On the relatively dry meadows of the 
Doniserdon and Baksan valleys, stacks of hay, stored in fissures in fortress 
ruins (Figure 126), are composed of veronica, sage, nettle, clover, etc. 

The Caucasian vole is adapted to rock reliefs and avoids digging. Among 
the other voles, it stands out in its astonishing climbing ability, almost 
the equal of that of the dormouse or the squirrel. 

Notwithstanding the fact that great variations in the population of this species 
have not been noted, in certain years and in certain gorges they are rarely 
encountered. This may indicate the incidence of local epizootic diseases. 
This species is not as vulnerable to climatic affects as are other vole 

Of the predators, only marten, weasel and large owls are dangerous 
to this vole, although any newly-settledcarnivore, like the sable, may prey 
upon it. 

Judging by the large population it supports and the size of the specimens 
it produces, the subalpine zone of the western part of the Greater Caucasus 
provides the optimal contemporary ecology for M. (Chionomys) gud. 

The formation of rocks during orogeny and glaciation was often more 
important to the development of this vole's range than the presence of 
mesophytic vegetation, as can be seen by the densely populated, dry 
interior valleys and by central Dagestan where the ecology of this species 
shows features similar to those of Microtus (Chionomys) 
nivalis Mart. (s. lato). An analysis of the range and habitat brings us 
to the conclusion that the Caucasian vole is an early local species, 
associated in its evolution with the development of high-mountain plant 
formations of the Miocene. The glaciation of the Greater Caucasus in the 
Pleistocene could not have displaced the populations of these animals to the 
plain, as thought by some faunists and paleontologists; it only partially 
lowered their range. Even during the lowering of the snowline to 1,000- 
1,100 m, a wide habitat for vole existed on the meridian ranges and onthe 
frontal longitudinal ranges. However, the cold and humid climate during 
the glaciation, whichbrought about the development of meadow formations 
in the foothill plains, created the conditions for the penetration of the 
animals into places below river bank escarpments. The vole probably 
appeared in the Pyatigor'e area during one of the cold epochs, but it is 
doubtful that it reached the Stavropol uplands. Future fossil finds in the 
foremontane regions from the Middle Quaternary may fix this history more 

Nowadays, cattle grazing and the felling of mountain forests diminish 
the range of the Caucasian vole in the eastern Caucasus, but enlarge it in 
the western Caucasus. 

Asia Minor snow vole —Microtus (Chionomys) nivalis Mart. 

(s. lato). Remains of this species were recorded from Pleistocene and 
Holocene strata of many caves in England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, 
Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Hungary (Wolf, 1939). 

The remains of a special species —M. (Chionomys) machintoni 

Bate — found in Acheulean to Mesolithic deposits (Bate, 1937) are recorded 

1704 316 

for the caves of Mount Carmel in Israel. In the U.S.S.R. only remains of 
Holocene Age are known on the Armenian Highland. The contemporary 
species is widespread in Mediterranean mountains — from the Pyrenees 

to the Balkans, in Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, onthe Caucasus andon 
the western Kopet Dag. In the upper Pleistocene this vole probably inhabited 
even the Balkan Mountains. 

On the Greater Caucasus, the animal is known only from the northern 
slope of the range: the Fisht, Pshekish, Bolshoi Tkhach, Acheshbok and 
Pambak peaks, and from the upper Teberda and Cherek river gorges; it is 
not encountered in the Balkarian Cherek or farther east. The paleontological 
sites on the Greater Caucasus are located at altitudes of 1,500-2,000 m in 
the subalpine zone. The habitats here are the same as those of the Caucasian 

_ vole (Map 67). 

321 On the Lesser Caucasus the Asia Minor vole inhabits the forest and 
alpine zones on the Trialet ridge, in Dzhavakhetia, on all ridges of the 
Armenian Highland, in Karabakh and in Talysh. 

The vertical distribution increases in a southeasterly direction according 
to the locations of phytolandscape zones, although there are exceptions. 
On the Trialet ridge the species has been found at altitudes of 2,000 m near 
Bakuryan; on the Pambak ridge it is common at altitudes of 1,800-2,500 m; 
and on the Shakhdag it lives in the Shamkor-Chai ravine between 1,600 and 
2,300 m. Southward, it is encountered in the xerophytic mountain steppe, 
e.g., near Sevan on the Saraibulakh and Daralagez ridges (Turov and 
Turova-Morozova, 1928; Dal', 1944b, 1949b). Above Yerevan it occurs at 
a height of 1,200 m in rock taluses covered with shrubs (Flerov and Gureev, 

Along the Akulis-Chai ravine on the southern slope of the Zangezur, in 
1947, we foundthe Asia Minor vole at altitudes from 1,600 to 2,500 м in 
rock taluses overgrown with spiraea, dog rose, almond, hawthorn and 
buckthorn in the zone of astragali—traganth. 

It was not encountered by the author in the beech forest in the Terter- 
Chai gorge in Karabakh, but is found higher in the alpine zone near 

In Talysh and Kopet-Dag, there is only a relict range. The author found 
a small vole population in June 1945 on the bald Kelakhan Mountain in the 
dry Diabar depression at 1,900 m. The animals were encountered here in 
the taluses of teschenite rocks with a sparse xerophytic cover of saxifrage, 
oxeye daisy, brome shoots and xerophilic ferns among the mountain- 
saltwort semidesert (Vereshchagin, 1945b). This vole probably inhabits 
Savalan and the Elburz Range. 

The Asia Minor vole achieves its maximum population in a zone of steppe 
meadows, e.g., near the Sevan shore. The rocky substrate is required 
for the well-being of this species. The habit of storing food is not so 
strongly developed as it is in the Caucasian vole, but the capacity to adjust 
its habitats to varying conditions is immeasurably greater; it adjusts to a 
wide range of feeds and of humidity. Whereas in the subalpine zone of the 
western Caucasus this vole lives side by side with the mole and the earth- 
worm, in Talysh and on the southern slopes of the Armenian Highland it is 
found in the mountain xerophytic zone living with the tarantula and the 
scorpion. Onthe whole, the vole is more adapted to low pressures and 
rocky substrates and less to succulent foods and low temperatures. 


The diminution in the animal's size in its eastern range and its 
disappearance from the medium-altitude southern slopes of the Armenian 
Highland indicate that the southeastern sections of the range are already 
located in a contemporary pessimum region. 

Discontinuities in the southeastern areas of this vole's range and the 
isolation of the mountain habitats in Talysh and Kopet Dag are explained 
by the increasing aridity in the eastern Mediterranean which followed 
optimal conditions for the settlement of the species during a pluvial cold 

However separated and various the isolated ranges in the Mediterranean, 
they indicate that the snow voles of the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians and 
Caucasus are separate species of parallel development from genetically 
related material. 

322 The postglacial rise in temperature and the elevation of phytolandscape 
zones have reduced the vole range, deepening it and isolating different 
geographic races of the snow vole. 

The limited spread of the snow vole on the Greater Caucasus is partially 
explained by the insufficient adaptation of this southern species to the 
marked humidity of the southwestern ridges; it is more difficult to explain 
its absence from the dry longitudinal valleys of the northern slopes of the 
eastern ridges and from Dagestan. 

Long-tailed snow vole — Microtus (Chionomys) roberti Thos. 

A unique finding of Quaternary fossils is recorded from the Upper Paleolithic 
of the Sakazhia cave in western Transcaucasia. The contemporary 
distribution of this vole includes the northern slopes of eastern Taurus in 
Asia Minor, the Adzhar-Imeretian Range, the Trialet ridge and the Greater 
Caucasus (Map 69). 

In the northwestern Caucasus this vole is found on the Chernye Gory 
Mountains from elevations of 800-1,000 m to the alpine zone. It is rare in 
central Ciscaucasian gorges and is not encountered at all on the Stavropol 
uplands. It is common in North Ossetia at altitudes of 800-1,000 m. 

In Dagestan it inhabits beech forests in the upper reaches of Andi Koisu 
near the villages of Takhota and Choroda, but it is probably absent from 
other parts of Dagestan (Geptner and Formozoy, 1941), as it still is from 
the inner longitudinal valleys of the northern Caucasus. 

The author found the vole in Azerbaidzhan (Vereshchagin, 1940a) in 
1935 in the Katekh-Chai ravine, northwest of Zakataly, at an altitude of 
1,450 m, butitis not known farther east. 

The vertical distribution of M. (Chionomys) roberti Thos. on the 
BlackSea slope of the Greater Caucasus is from sea level to the upper 
forest belt (Shidlovskii, 1947, 1950). In Adzharia the animal inhabits the 
forest zone from 800 to 1,800 m (Shidlovskii, 1948). It is distributed in all 
of South Ossetia except the dry Gori depression. 

A typical well-populated habitat of this vole is a shady, humid, dead-end 
gorge. In the western part of the Greater Caucasus and on the Lesser 
Caucasus, such biotopes are to be found in fir and fir—beech forests with 
tall broadleaf grasses of burdock, cow-parsnip, nettle and orchard grass 
covering the bottoms of creek valleys. In Ciscaucasia the population is -more 
numerous in the lower humid area of the Chernye Gory Mountains than in 
the upper parts of large ravines. In eastern Transcaucasia the opposite is 



According to its morphological type, particularly its fur cover, this 
vole resembles the water vole to a certain degree. The animal often swims 
in mountain brooks and in general lives in conditions of extreme humidity. 

The speciation of this vole is associated with the early mesophytic and 
even hygrophytic phytolandscapes and biotopes which existed in the 
mountains bordering the Black Sea depression on the southeast and east 
in the Miocene. The reduction of the M. (C hionomys) roberti range 
to the east completely corresponds to the changes in landscape and biotopes 
in the mountain forest. 

The existence of an isolated, actually a relict, population in the upper 
reaches of the Andi Koisu in Dagestan can be explained by the penetration 
of the animal from the southern slope during a humid epoch. Tumadzhanov 
(1940) recorded a similar immigration of the beech into Dagestan in the 

In all, М. (Chionomys) roberti is an endemic indicator species of 
the ancient mesophilous faunal complex in the Caucasus. 

Common red-backed vole —Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. 
Fossils belonging to the genus are known in Europe from the Pleistocene. 
The main part of this species' range is located in taiga and broadleaf forests 
of Eurasia. The animal penetrates into the steppe through the forested 
areas of river valleys. Ecologically this vole is mesophilous and 
psychrophilic. Only the Pontic subspecies, C glareolus ponticus 
Thos., is found in the southeastern Mediterranean, inhabiting the northern 
slopes of Taurus on the southern coast of the Black Sea (Thomas, 1906; 
Neuhauser, 1936) and the Adzhar-Imeretian Range (Map 72). 

In Adzharia the animal is found in spruce forests along the Supsa River 
(Shidlovskii, 1940a). This southern section of a wide range, now isolated 
by the Bosphorus, is a remarkable example of the southern faunistic 
influence on the Caucasus through the Balkans and Asia Minor. 

The common red-backed vole's absence from the western part of the 
Greater Caucasus indicates that it penetrated the southern Black Sea coast 
very late, during the period of maximum cooling in the Upper Pleistocene. 

Steppe lemming — Lagurus lagurus Pall. Fossils of this Upper 
Pleistocene species are known from several localities on the Russian 
Plain — the Don, Volga and Ural valleys. The present range is located in 
the steppe and semidesert zones from the lower reaches of the Dnieper 
to the upper reaches of the Yenisei and the borders of northwestern China 
(Vinogradov and Argiropulo, 1941). The steppe lemming is also widespread 
оп areas adjacent to the Caucasian Isthmus, on the northern coastlands of 
the BlackSea, the Sea of Azov andthe CaspianSea. Onthe Isthmus it is found only 
in the northern Ciscaucasian steppes in the interfluve of the Kuma, Kalaus 
and Manych, i.e., northwest of the Stavropol Plateau (Sviridenko, 1928). 
Kistyakovskii (1935) found remains of this animal in bird pellets in the 
vicinity of Achikulak, Blagodatnoe, Sukhaya, Padina, Petrovskoe and 
Kambulat (Map 64). 

The steppe lemming appears in Ciscaucasia only in peak breeding periods 
or during migrations provoked by unfavorable conditions. We assume that the 
steppe lemming penetrated only recently into the Caucasus Isthmus, probably in 
the Upper Pleistocene or Holocene, from the adjacent steppes of the Russian 
Plain, drawing the inference from its underdeveloped range in the 
Ciscaucasian steppes, from its stable connections with the landscape, and 


from formations of cereal grass—motley grass, feather grass—fescue and 
steppe—wormwood of the temperate belt of Eurasia. This settlement could 
have taken place at the time when the Manych strait disappeared. 

Promethean vole —Prometheomys schaposchnikovi Sat. 
(Figure 127). Fossils of this vole carried in by the eagle owl are known 
from Upper Paleolithic strata in the Gvardzhilas cave in the Kvirila River 
ravine in eastern Transcaucasia at an approximate altitude of 450-500 m, 
and from Lower Paleolithic strata of the Kudaro I cave. 

The Gvardzhilas cave is located outside the contemporary range of this 
animal, but to study the shifts in range during the Upper Pleistocene, it is 
necessary to follow the features of this vole's contemporary distribution 
on the Rachin ridge and to investigate the radius of the eagle owl's hunting 

324 flights in this region. 

FIGURE 127. Promethean vole 

Watercolor by E. Ya. Zakharov 



The present distribution of Promethean vole is confined to the western 
half of the Greater Caucasus and to the Adzhar-Imeretian Range of the 
Lesser Caucasus (Map 65). On the Greater Caucasus it is encountered 
from the Fisht and Oshten peaks to the Kazbek-Krestovyi Pass and Gudaur 
Dag. It has been traced in the Caucasian Reservationin the Mzymta valley, 
along the lower Kardyvach Lake, in the meadows where the Kurdzhips and 
Pshekish rivers rise, in the Kisha and Urushten basins, in the Malaya 
Laba sources, and near Krasnaya Polyana (Turov, 1926a, 1926b). The 
animal was caught in Abkhazia at the Avatkhar site at an approximate 
altitude of 1,500 m. In Svanetia in 1948 the author followed the animal on 
high-mountain meadows in the upper reaches of the Ingur and the Rion and 
found it particularly numerous on the Zagar pass of the Lechkhumi ridge 
at altitudes of 1800-2,800 м. This rodent is not encountered in the dry 
longitudinal Ingur valley. In South Ossetia the Promethean vole was hunted 
in the Bolshaya Liakhva upper reaches (Shidlovskii, 1951). The animal 
was traced on the mountain meadows of the Mamisson pass to the railroad 
stations Kazbek and Gudaur in the central part of the Greater Range (Turov, 
1926a, 1926b). The author found neither the animal nor its tracks in the 
upper reaches of the Balkar Cherek, Doniserdon and Ardon. We have no 
data on the presence of this vole in the upper reaches of the Kuban, Baksan 
and Malka. Thus, the range on the northern slope of the Main Range 
is broken at least from the Laba basin and Zelenchuk to Ardon. This may 
be explained to some extent by the destructivity of mountain glaciers. 

On the meadows of the Skalistyi ridge in Ossetia, in Kabarda and in the 
Grozny Region, this rodent was not observed in places perfectly adapted 
for its habitation. Apparently, the Promethean vole was not distributed 
north into the dry longitudinal valleys even during the Pleistocene. 

Nor has it been observed east of Kazbek on the Perevalnyi Range. Inthe 
Zakataly Reservation, which the author has carefully explored, it is absent, 
as it is from central Dagestan. The rapid thinning out of the rodent 
population east of the Caucasus can be attributed to the great reduction in 
area of alpine meadows and to xerophytization as shown by the development 
of sheep's fescue and matgrass, instead of a motley-grass community. 

On the Lesser Caucasus, the Promethean vole has been found only in 
the upper reaches of the Bakvis-Tskali River, the left tributary of the Supsa, 
near the Bakhmaro health resort, at an altitude of 1,600 m (Shidlovskii, 
1940a, 1947); these subalpine meadows are located west of the Gotimaria 
(Metis-Tskaro) peak (2,868 m). The range in this area is considerably 
wider; according to Shidlovskii's data, the vertical distribution lies within 
limits of 1,500-2,800 m, but the animal can also be found at lower altitudes. 
The contemporary ecological optimum of this animal is within subalpine 
and alpine meadow zones with a predominance of lady's mantle and bunch 
grasses (orchard grass, meadow grass and others). Meadows lying among 
thickets of Caucasian rhododendron and birch are also densely populated. 
The rodent does not enter the rhododendron growth where food is not 
available, but in birch forests and on the upper forest edge grown with 
tall grass it is as common as it is on open meadows. This vole's habitation 
of beech forests in the Caucasian Reservation, noted by Turov (1926b), 
may be, in some cases, the consequence of recently advancing forest 
formations into the alpine meadow zone. In heavily shaded beech and 
hornbeam forests the vole is never found because of the lack of grass food. 



In many places, the animal inhabits oat, wheat and potato fields or invades 
their borders, as in the upper reaches of the Ingur. 

Its strictly subterranean way of life and its diet of grass roots are 
reflected in the animal's morphology: flattened skull, extended incisor 
curve, elongated diastema, rudimentary eyes and shortened extremities. 
The skull, witha crest extending nearly to the occiput, is very similar to 
that of the muskrat. In its weakly-differentiated and vertically-disposed 
fur cover and coloration (often black), the animal is similar tothe mole vole. 

In general, in a morphological-functional sense, the Promethean vole 
combines features of the muskrat, water vole and mole vole, but, in 
contrast to the latter, it lives in mesophytic conditions (see also Vinogradov, 
1926; Ognev, 1926b). According to Gambaryan's observations (1952), the 
Promethean vole, unlike the mole vole, combines terrestrial feeding with 
root grubbing. 

Such adaptations indicate the early origin of the species and its pristine 
associations with the landscape of the high-mountain mesophytic meadows. 
The population fluctuation of the Promethean vole can be attributed to 
mass death during the spring showers and after frosts when the water 

freezes in the burrows (Turov, 1926a). 

The strict endemism of this species shows the conservation of the 
ecological conditions on the western Caucasus: the ancient origin and 
continuous existence of the landforms and the zone of mesophytic subalpine 
and alpine meadows from the Lower Pliocene at the latest. 

The division of the range into two parts — the Caucasian and Lesser 
Caucasian — may have taken place by postglacial time as a result of the 
drying-out of the meadows on the Surami crystalline rock massif. 

This vole is an early Pliocene species endemic to the Lesser and 
Greater Caucasus with a relict range which has increased somewhat in 
present time because of the expansion of the high-mountain-meadow zone 
through forest-felling and animal-grazing. 

Water vole — Arvicola terrestris L. ($. lato). Fossils of this 
vole are known from Pleistocene strata in Europe. 

Remains of Arvicola terrestris L. (s. lato) are common on the 
Russian Plain in Upper Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. South of the 
Caucasus the remains of this vole have been found in Acheulean strata of 
Syrian caves. On the Caucasian Isthmus there have been isolated fossil 
finds in Middle Quaternary strata of eastern Transcaucasia and inthe Upper 
Paleolithic of western Transcaucasia, and numerous finds in Holocene 
deposits in caves which are day rests for eagle owls. 

The contemporary distribution of the species includes the forest, steppe 
and semidesert zones of Eurasia. South of the Caucasus it can be traced 
in northern Iran and Asia Minor as far as Palestine. 

On the Caucasus the water vole inhabits small areas from the level of 
the Caspian to an altitude of 2,600-2,800 m, but is not found in broadleaf 
mountain and coniferous forests, or in rocks and taluses of passes (Map 66). 
Its greatest population is observed on the floodplain meadows of the lower 
Don and a somewhat smailer population in the Kuban floodplain. 

In the Colchis and Lenkoran lowlands it is very rare, although it is found 
in damp depressions which flood annually. In the eastern Ciscaucasian 
semidesert and in Transcaucasia, it is common on lakes and streams 
overgrown with reed and rush, where it lives in the summer months and 
builds sphericalnests among the thickets, but does not approach the shore area. 



The largest population of water vole in the foothills is observed on spring 
rivers like those on the Terek-Sunzha Plain. 

In the interior steppe valleys of the Greater Caucasus northern slopes 
and in central Dagestan, a peculiar type of vole, ecologically distinguished 
by its subterranean existence, is found. In these areas this vole inhabits 
the bottoms of gorges, particularly irrigated farmland. In the alpine zone 
of the Greater Caucasus it occurs rarely and only in the upper reaches of 
the Terek and the Aragva. 

On the Armenian Highland, in Asia Minor and in Iran, the water vole 
is common on subalpine meadows on the upper reaches of rivers (e.g., 
in Karabakh, in the upper reaches of Akstafa and in the lake region of 
Dzhavakhetia). In the Araks valley many of these voles are found near the 
spring rivers of the Aralik depression. 

It can be seen that this vole is widely distributed and especially attracted 
to water biotopes. 

The ecological optimum of the subterranean populations of these voles 
is at mean altitudes in the dry area of Caucasian plateaus; that of the 
hydrophilous populations is in the semidesert zones which lack excessive 
atmospheric humidity[sic!]. The low population density of the water vole 
on the Black Sea coast and in the Colchis and Asterabad swamps indicates 
a certain degree of similarity to the distribution of the common vole. 

In the Colchis swamps it is the tremendous competition and persecution 
from the Norway rat that produces this reduction in population, and in 
Asterabad the drying-up of reservoirs in summer and the compaction of 
the Lenkoran yellow podzolhave the same deleterious effect (Vereshchagin, 
1941b, 1949d). 

Subterranean mountain populations differ from hydrophilic species in 
elongated diastema, greater curvature radius of the upper incisors, and 
shorter tail length, and the divergence in the contemporary ranges of the 
respective Species can be observed along a line of secondary remove from 
the water medium and from these distinctions in features. 

In southwest Asia and onthe Caucasus the formation ofthese characteristics 
is probably related to the uplift of mountain systems during the Quaternary. 

Paleoecological data suggest that the water vole ofthe Caucasus is probably 
of Upper Pliocene origin. In Transcaucasia the southern, relatively 
xerophilous populations actually predominate. 

The consistency of the species range in the Mediterranean is ensured 
by both the natural and artificial development of freshwater biotopes and 
the ecologic plasticity of the animal. 


Representatives of the families Equidae and Rhinocerotidae appear in the 
Quaternary fauna of the Caucasus, but by the Holocene only Equidae remained. 
The historical origin and disappearance of this family is examined below. 


The earliest fossils of the large, true horse, Equus stenonis Cocchi, 
are known from the Caucasus and adjacent territories from Upper Pliocene 



deposits. Probably the horse appeared simultaneously with the southern 
elephant introducing a new phase in the fauna. Later, in the Middle 
Pleistocene, the ''semi-ass'’ appeared on the Caucasian Isthmus. 

The history of true horses can now be traced on the Caucasus very 
schematically from a number of deposits of various ages. 

Quaternary horse — Equus caballus ($. lato). After Equus 
stenonis, remains of which were found in Akchagyl and Apsheron deposits 
of the Isthmus, the Taman Upper and Lower Pliocene horse, E. aff. 
sussenbornensis Wist., found in conglomerates of the Taman 
Peninsula and the ancient Caspian terrace shingle near Baku, is the closest 
to the Quaternary horses (Chapter II and Map 79). 

Fossils of Midde Pleistocene horses (which are not recorded in detail) 
are abundant in Binagady asphalts and are found isolated in clayey beds of 
the Khazar stage in many localities in the Stavropol area and the Krasnodar 
Territory. These horses were related to Е. caballus chosaricus 
Grom., found in Middle Pleistocene deposits of the Russian Plain. 

Remains of horses from the Il'skaya Paleolithic settlement in Ciscaucasia 
and from the Paleolithic sites of Imeretia and the Lesser Caucasus uplands 
are probably related to Е. caballus latipes Grom. of the Russian 
Plain (see Gromova, 1949). South of the Caucasus, remains of Upper 
Pleistocene horses are known from Paleolithic strata in the Tamtama and 
Bisotun caves, from talus loams in the Maragheh vicinity of Iran and, 
southwest, from Palestinian and Syrian caves. The southern horses were 
of a lighter build than the northern animals. 

Specimens of Pleistocene horse have been taken in the following 
proportions to other species from sites representing various types of burial: 
6.6 % from the Il'skaya encampment; 5.2% from the Binagady asphalt; 

2.5% from the Sakazhia cave; 16.5% from the Mgvimevi shelters; 50.0% 
from the Zurtaketi encampment. 

Assuming that the forms ofhorse we have mentioned, which inhabited the 
Isthmus during the Pleistocene, constitute a unique genetic series, then 
the origin of the Caucasian Holocene horse should not be sought in migrated 
forms originating elsewhere. 

It is difficult to separate the remains of wild horses which lived on the 
Caucasus in postglacial time from the remains of domesticated horses. 

In the strata of post-Paleolithic encampments, it is quite common to 
find bones of horse among kitchen middens and skulls and entire skeletons 
in the deposits. It is very probable that most of these remains belong to 
tarpans —Е. caballus gmelini Ant.—or to their domesticated offspring. 

The records of horse remains found on the Caucasus in kitchen middens 
of encampments and in deposits fromthe historical age show that this animal 
had an enormous economic, dietary and ritualistic importance for various 
tribes and peoples (Table 71). 

Numerous remains of horse are known also from Urartu burials of the 
10th to 12th centuries A.D. in the Sevan Basin (Lalayan, 1929) and from 
the cultural strata of the Later Bronze Age and the Middle Ages near 
Samtavro and near Mingechaur.* The horse (including the wild horse) 
was among the preferred subjects of Bronze Age drawings and sculpture 
in Southwest Asia and in the Caucasus. 

In the middle of the first millennium B.C., wildhorses stillinhabited 
the Caucasus in large numbers. These were thin-legged animals with little 

* Materials from these localities have not been preserved. 


ears оп small heads similar to the Arab horses. 

Their slight build and 

refined form had nothing in common with the body type of tarpans. 

Marvellous reliefs on the walls of the Assyrian palace in Nineveh (Atlas 
of Ancient History of Egypt, Southwest Asia, India and China, 1937, Table 
156, Figure 2) show hunts in which they were set upon by dogs and brought 

down by spears. 

This accumulation of evidence confirms the fact that the 

tarpan was an aboriginal horse of Europe and the northern half of Asia and not 
a settler from the south at the end of the Pleistocene (much less during the 
Holocene) as is held by some paleontologists. 

In the monuments of the Koban cultures in Ossetia and Abkhazia the 
horse was depicted on belt buckles and ax handles as a rather slender and 
long-tailed animal. Bronze figurines of horses with heavy manes and long 
tails are among the material obtained by Uvarova (1900) in Ossetia. 

Without taking into account the stylization of the representations, one sees a 

similarity in body frame, particularly in the light head of this animal, 
to the southern type of horse, in marked contradistinction to the tarpan. 

strata of encampments and burials on the Caucasus* 

(329 ) TABLE 71. Number of kitchen and ceremonial remains of horse, compared with other animals, in 

Cece ess a a 

Regions and localities 



roportion of horse 
specimens to 
other specimens 

(in %) 
Ciscaucasia and Russian Plain 
Sarkel fortress (Slav and Khazar strata) ........ 8-18th centuries A.D. 10.3 
Settlement near Tsimlyanskaya (Khazar strata) ... 8-10th centuries A.D. 37 
Settelement of Zeyukovo near Nal'chik ........ 6-8th centuries A.D. 16.7 
Ancient town sites: Isti-Su and Alkhan-Kala in the 
Sumanay Walley oe в 0155 ows 6 aha So diss ae 616 2-3rd centuries A.D. Toll 
Burials near Ust-Labinskaya ...........+..-.- 6th century B.C. — 2nd 
century A.D. 21.2 
Site of ancient town of Alkhaste on the Assa...... 6-5th centuries B.C. 13.0 
Site of ancient town of Semibratnoe on the Kuban ..| dth-1st centuries B.C. 17.0 
Cepi 5 
Ancient Greek t f the 4 
ee И Я Phanagoria 5th- Ist centuries B.C. 12.3 
| Taman [Hermonassa ] 14,1 
smell Cm wos MEM hs бо мо бо poo mecds eo Oc Ist millennium B.C. 12.5 
mud-hut 1 Second half of 2nd 132 
Tsimlyanskaya on the Don: { 
у у mud-hut 2 millennium B.C. 12.0 
Eastern Transcaucasia 
CGhuakhuraKabalasiortressiew. bares. ое ens 12-14th centuries A.D. 16.6 
Settlement in the region of Baku fortress ....... 9- 12th centuries A.D. 8.1 
Settlement пеаг Sumgait и. 266 ee ee ee 1st millennium B.C, 8.3 

Western Transcaucasia 

Akhshtyrskaya cave near АЧ1ег............. 

* Author's unpublished data, 

Neolithic and later strata 





In large Scythian mounds in Ciscaucasia and south of the Russian Plain, 
archaeologists often encountered mass ritual burials of horses composed 
of some tens and even hundreds of specimens (as many as 300). 

In Scythian memorials realistic representations of horses are quite 
common. A drawing of a stallion with a short-standing mane, thick legs, 
heavy head, small ears and blunt muzzle resembling а tarpan is depicted 
on a silver dish from the Maikop burial (Farmakovskii, 1914; Figure 128). 
The well-known horse representations on the silver vase from the Kul-Oba 
burial probably portray domesticated horses. Outline drawings of horses 
are also found on the rocks of Kabristan, south of Baku. These were made 
probably during the time of the ancient Romans or earlier when wild horses 
lived on the Kura steppes (Vereshchagin and Burchak-Abramovich, 1948). 

Pallas, Gmelin and Guldenstaedt reported on tarpan in southern Russia 
and on the Ciscaucasian steppes at the end of the 18th century . Levchenko 
(1882), Keppen (1896), Anuchin (1896), Geptner (1934b), Antonius (1938) 
and others published many articles and notes tracing the history of the 
disappearance of this animal in the second half of the 19th century. A 
particularly complete and impartial survey on the investigation of the tarpan 
was submitted by Keppen, who insisted on the necessity for studying horse 
skeletons from the southern Russian burials. This investigation has not 
been carried out however. * 

Unlike most investigators, Anuchin did not consider the wild horse of 
the Eurasian steppes and deserts as a species, but thought it to be a type 
of horse which belonged to nomads and ran wild. It is obvious that, if this 
were the case, these horses ran wild on a large scale, and such horses 
must have closely resembled the original form — the wild horse of the Upper 
Paleolithic and the Lower Neolithic. There is little data on the tarpans 
in the Caucasus. Rovinskii (1809, р. 131) wrote: ''Wild horses or tarpans 
are found in flocks in the Kuban steppe, near the Ural mouth and farther."' 

The author could find no historical data on the presence of wild horses 
in Transcaucasia. By the Middle Ages, the only survivor of the dense 
early population of wild horse on the northern plateaus of southwest Asia 
was the kulan, since the horses had probably been caught and domesticated 
by Hittites, Assyrians and Urartus long before the Christian era. 

The rapid evolution of horses in the Quaternary is usually associated 
with the subsequent development of steppe topography and coarse grasses, 
some of which — the grain formations — appeared as early as the Pliocene. 
The adaptive features and contemporary ecology of wild and 
domesticated horses corroborate this association. Notwithstanding this 
typical association, horses could still subsist on the forest steppe and even 
in the forest zone of Europe because, in large herds, they can actively 
defend themselves against packs of predators (e.g., wolves), and because 
they can grab for food under the snow cover. In these areas, they fed in 
glades and swamps just as the extant domesticated horses of Yakutia do. 

The characterization of the Quaternary horse as a stenotopic steppe 
animal did not do justice to its conformation, which represents a universal 
form in ungulates. This is substantiated by the success in using domestic 
horses in widely differing topographies — from the glaciers of Greenland, 
Antarctica and the Alps to the tropical forests, swamps and deserts of all 

* Skulls and skeletons of horses from earlier diggings in large burials in the Ukraine and Ciscaucasia have not 
been kept. 






Lh AS 





FIGURE 128. Representation of a horse, primitive bulls, lions and other animals on a silver vessel 

from Maikop hill (Farmakovskii, 1914) 

Recently Vetulyani (1952) developed Keppen's theory that, especially 
in Middle Europe, wild horses were forest animals. As Vetulyani saw it, 
the tarpan adapted itself to a middle-forest-belt habitat and, in Europe, 
became a forest animal only during the last stage of its development, иен 

in the historical epoch. 
New observations on artiodactyls would indicate that such a change in 
biotopes resulted from the development of forests in former forest-steppe 

areas and the hunting down of horses by man. 
The intersecting relief and relatively dense population of the Caucasus 

did not favor such adaptations. The steep slopes, both afforested and 
deforested, were unsuitable for horses, and the gentle slopes were toc 

The date of the disappearance of the tarpan from the Russian Plain 

has been previously established as the 1870's, but Geptner's recently 

published data (1934b, p. 482; 1955) on the last tarpan to inhabit the Poltava 

Region considerably advances this date to 1918-1920. 
Tarpan extinction on the Caucasus resulted from their harassment by 

nomadic horsemen, steppe plowing, human settlement near watering places 
and, finally, from hunting with firearms (see Keppen, 1896). 
lato). The fossil remains of 

Kulan —Equus hemionus Pall. ($ 
Equus hemionus Pall. are known from Pleistocene and Holocene strata 

of Eurasia, particularly in steppe and semidesert zones. In Gromova's 
opinion (1949) kulan fossils recorded from Western Europe as 


Е. hemionus fossilis Nehr. may be related to small horses. However, 
the possibility of an early penetration of kulan into the west from Asia 
during the postglacial transformation of plains into steppes cannot be 
excluded. Phalanges and metapodia of semi-asses from upper layers of the 
Afontova Gora [Krasnoyarsk area] on the Yenisei, from sand dunes near 
Troitskosavsk [now Kyakhta] on the Selenga, from Irtysh and from Altai 
caves (Gromov, 1948; Vereshchagin, 1956) are mainly from the Upper 
Pleistocene and Holocene. Fossils from the Upper Pleistocene of China 
have also been recorded. 

In central Asia remains of kulan are known from Paleolithic d2posits 
in the Bukhtarma cave (Vereshchagin, 1956) and from Bronze Age 
strata in the Kaunchi-Tepe cave [Tashkent area]. Duerst (1908) recorded 
the remains of a thin-legged horse, Е. caballus pumpellii Duerst, 
fromthe earliest Annau strata (3000-1500 B.C.) near Ashkhabad. Gromova 
(1949) is of the opinion that these animals may be kulans. 

Kulan lived south of the Caucasus from the Lower Paleolithic Acheulean 
up to the present (Bate, 1937). Kulan fossils are also recorded from 
Paleolithic strata of the Barda-Balka cave in south Kurdistan. 

On the basis of contemporary data, the wild ass (Figure 129) is 
undoubtedly a southern species which originated in the Eurasian semidesert 
and upland steppe. 

The vague relationship of the Pleistocene ass, Е. hidruntinus Reg., 
with the wild ass makes it difficult to establish when and by which routes 
the wild ass emerged on the Caucasian Isthmus. Up to now a direct 
phylogenetic link between these species was generally denied on the grounds 
that the wild ass had a more primitive dentition (Stehlin and Graziosi, 1935; 
Gromova, 1949). If we consider as an analogy related orders of Quaternary 
elephant, rhinoceros, horse and primitive bison, it is possible to conclude 
that the wild ass is a direct descendant of the Pleistocene ass. The claim 
of an autochthonous origin for the wild ass on the Caucasus follows from 
this conclusion. Remains of Holocene wild ass are known from several 
localities on the Caucasian Isthmus and in adjacent areas of the Russian 
Plain (Map 78). The oldest finds are from a settlement of the later half of 
the second millennium B.C. near Dzhemikent, south of Makhachkala; the 
latest finds are from 13th-century strata of a settlement in the vicinity 
of Baku bay. 

Historical data on the wild ass on the Caucasus and in adjacent territories 
are fairly numerous. Xenophon (1896 edition) gives a vivid description of 
ancient Greek wild ass hunts; these wild asses lived together with ostriches 
in the wormwood steppes of the upper reaches of the Euphrates. The records 
of Moisei Khorenskii (1893 edition) state that Armenian kings of the 
Arsacid Dynasty (1st-2nd century A.D.) hunted onager (wild ass) and boar 
in the middle Araks valley. These records were recently discussed by 
Sarkisov (1946a) who mentioned that onagers had been recorded in Armenia 
in the ''Code of Laws of the Armenian-Gregorian Church"' in the Geography 
of Armenia by Ananiah of Shirak(7th century) and by Grigor Narekatsi 
(11th century). 

Under the influence of Satunin's ideas, Sarkisov assumed that the 
mountain barriers eliminated all penetration routes into Armenia for the 
onager except one from the ''Aral-Caspian lowland. '' Clearly, mountains 
are no barrier to this species, since, in historical time, onagers inhabited 


every intermontane valley that was even slightly accessible, including the 
uplands of southwest Asia. 

Even more convincing are the arguments to substantiate the existence 
of the wild ass in Armenia in the book of mathematics by Ananiah of Shirak 
which is discussed by Ter-Pogosyan (1947). 

The Armenian historian of the 10th century Moisei Kalankatuiskii 
(1861 edition) mentioned the wild asses inhabiting the Barda kingdom 
(in the contemporary Mil'skaya-Karabakh steppe). Nizami Ganjawi 
(12 century) praises the wild ass hunt in the Kura-Araks lowland. Rashid 
ad-Din (14th century, 1946 edition) mentioned that among the victims of the 
grand hunt organized by Gazan Khan in Talysh were wild asses. At the 
beginning ofthe 17th century Adam Olearius (1870 edition) recorded an 
onager hunt by the Iranian shah on onagers or Persian ''gurs'' in one of the 
sections of an enormous reservation in the vicinity of Iran's capital, 

More recent data on the wild ass developed by Russian naturalists 
indicates that these animals inhabited only the area beyond the Volga during 
the time of Pallas. 

Levanevskii (1894) gives a good description of the habits of this species 
in the region of the Kirghiz steppes of the Emba District. From this 
description it seems that the wild ass was common in the semidesert 
between Emba and the Urals even in the second half of the last century. 

333 It was probably at this time that the wild ass population declined rapidly 
and the range shifted to the east and southeast. It is difficult to relate this 
shift and reduction in population only to the extermination of the animal 
with improved firearms or to an increase in human population. The Nogai 
and Kazakh retainedtheir mainweapons, percussion muskets and flintlocks, 
from earlier times. The increase of encampments was limited by the fodder 
capacity of desert and semidesert pastures. It is therefore probable that 
other causes influenced the dynamics of the animal population. 

By the beginning of this century the wild ass was found in the U.S.5.R. 
only in the semideserts of northeastern Kazakhstan — Bet-Pak-Dala and 
Semirech'e. These animals disappeared from these areas and from 
southern Turkmenistan-Badchis in the 1930's. The peculiarities of wild 
ass distribution in the Iranian uplands and in Arabia are as yet unknown. 

Taking into account the stenotopic character of the wild ass and its 
adaptation to desert-steppe topography, one can fix its appearance on the 
Caucasian Isthmus at the beginning of the xerothermic period. It may have 
penetrated northwards into Transcaucasia from the valleys and low 
ridges of northwestern Iran and into Ciscaucasia directly from the Russian 
Plain and indirectly from central Asia by way of the northern coastlands 
of the Caspian. 

The broadest range of the wild ass existed in the Bronze Age. It is 
possible that the extinction of the wild ass in Transcaucasia coincides with 
the Mongolian invasion in the 13th century, and with the later growth of the 
Iranian [Persian] kingdom when the animals of the semidesert were 
destroyed in massive hunts. In northeastern Ciscaucasia wild ass survived 
until the 19th century. 




ty oe nee 1a Ш 

FIGURE 129. Kulans in the Pleistocene semidesert of eastern Transcaucasia 


Representatives of the families Suidae, Camelidae, Cervidae and 
Bovidae inhabited the Caucasian Isthmus in the Quaternary. Pig, deer and 
Cavicornia existed there up to the Holocene. Paleontological and 
zoogeographical data will be examined in order to analyze the history of 
the range development and the evolution of Holocene species of artiodactyls. 

Family SUIDAE 

The fossil remains of Suidae, abunodontnonruminantfamily, are known 
in Eurasia from the Lower Oligocene. The genus Sus, including the extinct 
subgenus Microstonyx, dates from the Lower Pliocene. Most of the 
fossil remains of Suidae were found in Upper Miocene and Pliocene deposits 
of the Mediterranean and southeastern Asia. 

Boar —Sus scrofa L. (s. lato). Remains of pigs belonging to the 
polymorphic species 5. scrofa occur оп the Caucasian Isthmus from 
the Upper Pliocene. The ancestor of the present-day boar was probably 
the large Taman boar, 5. tamanensis (Vereshchagin, 1951d). 

The next stage of evolution is represented by remains of the Apsheron 
boar, S. apscheronicus Burtsch. et Dzhaf., from Middle’ Plerstocene 
loams of eastern Transcaucasia, recorded by Burchak-Abramovich and 
Dzhafarov (1948). 

In the Akhshtyrskaya cave on the Black Sea coast, boar fossils were 
found in all strata from Mousterian to late Iron Age, their frequency 
increasing with time. Thus, in Mousterian strata they comprised 0.06%, 



in Upper Paleolithic 1.2%, and in роз -Ра1ео с 20.0% of the total 
number of osseous remains in each strata. 

Boar existed in pre- and post-glacial time in Western Europe (Amon, 
1938). North of the Caucasus on the Russian Plain, there have been single 
findings of boar in the Upper Pliocene and Middle Pleistocene deposits of 
the middle Volga region. During the Pleistocene the boar was probably 
very rare even in the river valleys of the Russian Plain, penetrating the 
area sporadically from the south in winters with a low snowfall. The rich 
fossil collections from the banks of the Don and the Volga contain only one jaw 
fragment of a Pleistocene boar (found on the Tunguz Peninsula), while from 
the Ural valley only remains of Holocene boars are found (Vereshchagin 
and Gromoy, 1952). In general, a number of related facts indicate that 
the migration of boars from the Caucasus and their widespread settlement 
in the Russian Plain occurred only in the Holocene. 

South of the Caucasus, in northern and central Iran, Palestine and Syria, 
boar fossils have been found in Paleolithic and post-Paleolithic settlement 
strata, although not frequently because of the predominantly dry topography 
of these countries. 

In examining the contemporary characteristics of central Asian and 
Caucasian boar — a concentrated succulent vegetal diet taken from the 
soil or subsoil, short legs, relatively poor fur cover and poor adaptation 
to low temperatures and deep snow cover — it is evident that the latter 
features determined the distribution of this animal in the Quaternary. In 
this respect, Formozov's (1946) opinions on the ''chionophobic'' character 
of boars is perfectly reasonable. Under the varied climatic and topographic 
conditions of a mountain country such as the Caucasus, depth of snow cover, 
would not, however, have been such a decisive factor and, in fact, would 
have permitted a satisfactory existence for boar on the Caucasus in the 

Settlement strata and burials of the Bronze Age and later cultures on 
the Caucasus almost always contain remains of boars. They are especially 
common in the early settlements of the swampy Colchis near Anaklia and 
in the ancient towns of Kuban. An abundance of boar was characteristic of 
the Middle Ages. This is particularly true for the Don valley where 
remains of these animals comprise as much as 6% of all fossils collected 
in Slav and Khazar strata of Sarkel near Tsimlyanskaya. One can estimate 
to a certain degree the distribution and population of boar in the Caucasus 
during the historical epoch from art objects and literature. There are no 
representations of boars on ornaments and among burial provisions of 
the Bronze Age on the Caucasus; these are noted only from the later 
Scythian epoch. Spectacular boar representations (Figure 130) are found 
in burials of the Kuban area and the Taman Peninsula. 

Moisei Khorenskii (1893 edition) mentions the boar hunts of the rulers 
of the Arsacid dynasty in the Araks valley in the 1st-2nd century A.D., 
which places them in ancient Roman time. In this description of the reign 
of ArtavazdII andthe war with the Romans (Book 2, Chapter 2, page 73) 
he said: "Не indulgedinfood and drink: he wandered and rambled on bogs, 
in reed thickets, on steep slopes, hunting onagers and boars...'' andfurther 
(Book 3, Chapter 55): ''Another time we had a boar hunt among the burned 



The decrease in the boar population 
and the restriction of its range was 
more rapid on the Armenian Highland 
because no religious prohibition was 
obtained against boar consumption and 
because the upland slopes were heavily 
deforested. Boar remains which can 
now be found on the shallowed shores 
of Lake Sevan show how abundant boars 
were on this upland in the past. Hunting 
was the chief operative factor in the 
FIGURE 130. Representation of a boar on a disappearance of boar from [ancient] 
bronze plate from the Semibratnoe burial Christian Armenia, a fact that is 
(The Hermitage) pointed up by the contemporary 

existence of a large boar population 
in considerably drier regions of Iran and Turkey. In Georgia the many 
mountain forests and almost inaccessible swamps maintained a thriving 
boar population over a long time, and it was only the 19th and 20th centuries 
that saw the beginning of the rapid extinction of the species. 

In Moslem regions, on the other hand, the development of agriculture, 
especially rice and melon culture, furnished a nutritional base for a 
stabilized boar population. The Lenkoran lowlands and the Samur forests 
are examples. In general, the spread of the Islamic population during the 
Middle Ages on the Caucasus was, perhaps, one of the primary causes 
of the extinction of the range and the population growth during historical 
times. Even now, there are more boars in Azerbaidzhan and Dagestan than 
in other places. One can judge the abundance of boars on the Caucasus in 
the 18th-19th centuries from the many notations contributed by Caucasian 
naturalists, students of local lore and travelers. 

The rapid decrease in boar population probably commenced in the 1850's 
after Russian settlement of the Caucasus. This decline was first observed 
on the lower Don, then on the Kuban and later on the Terek and Sulak. 

Boars were already rare in the area of the Don estuary and on the Azov 
coast by the beginning of the 19th century, and they completely disappeared 
about 1812. 

In the 1870's boars were still found in the forests near Stavropol (Dinnik, 
1914a) from which they have completely disappeared in the 20th century. 

Before 1900 the boar population on the northwestern Caucasus declined 
considerably because of the growth of settlements of Armenian hunters who 
hunted throughout the year. 

A small number of boars inhabited the reed thickets of the Kuban as recently 
as 1932 in the vicinity of the Cossack villages of Grivenskaya and Petrovskaya. 
A local hunter would usually kill no more than ten of these animals per 

In the 1930's a small boar population was encountered in the alder-grown 
bogs of the lower Rion between Poti and Samtredia — an area which had 
swarmed with these animals over many millennia. In general, western 
Georgia, Imeretia and Abkhazia supported only a small boar population 
by 1930. 

In 1909 in the Karayazy forest east of Tbilisi, as many as 50 boars were 
killed during one hunting day. In1911, 120boars were killed in a two-day 



period (Kalinovskii, 1900; Markov, 1931а, 1935). Today it is hardly 
possible to kill five boars in Karayazy in a day. 

In the Kura-Araks Plain the boar population fluctuated throughout the 
Quaternary period as the Caspian Sea level rose and fell and created breaks 
in the coastal ridges which resulted in the displacement of wormwood 
steppes by vast reed—cattail swamps and lakes. 

Such a break of the Araks occurred in 1896 when vast floods of Akh-Chala 
occurred on the Mugan steppe (Shelkovnikov, 1907). Even today such 
adverse factors as the height of the Kura in flood, the extent to which the 
steppe lakes fill and the burning-back of reeds largely control fluctuations 
in boar population. 

The booklet "Agriculture and Forest Economy of the Lenkoran District"! 
(1914, pp. 21-22) contains the statement: ''Ten years ago the number of 
wild pigs was so high that they became a real menace but when boar hunting 
became commercialized, the number of pigs was considerably reduced. 
Every year Armenians from the Elizavetpol Province came here to hunt 
wild pigs for their skins to use in the manufacture of shoes. Local Russian 
hunters kill the swine for their meat. For the last two years, about 
5,000 skins were sent to Elizavetpol Province through Lenkoran. "' 

During the 1930's the forests of northeastern Karabakh and the northern 
slopes of the Lesser Caucasus as far as Georgia did not contain boar. 

They were, however, encountered in the Akera-Chai valley and on the 
afforested northern slopes of the Zangezur Range where the local population 
was replenished by boars migrating through the Araks from the juniper 
forests of northern Iran. 

Before the later 1940's, a vast tugai forest extended 70 km along the 
Kura River from the outlets of the lora and the Alazan to Mingechaur; 
it was destroyed preparatory to the flooding of the Mingechaur Reservoir. 
The boars which inhabited these tugai forests were either killed or relocated. 
In the 1950's, after the closing of the Mingechaur Dam, the tugai forests 
below Evlakh began to dry out rapidly and, as a consequence, disappeared 
from this area also. 

The decline of the boar population in the last decades is visible even in 
Talysh where the mountain forests are thought to have abounded in boar. 

On the whole, the decline of the boar on the Caucasus during historical 
time is a result of its being hunted, both as a valuable trade animal and 
as apest. Anthropogenic changes in the landscape and epizootics were of 
secondary importance. 

The present range of boars on the Caucasus is still important. They are 
observed all over the northern slopes of the Main Range and in the foothills, 
even near Kislovodsk and Nal'chik. There are few boars in mountainous 
Dagestan. The densest population is in the Caucasian Reservation, in the 
lower reaches of the Terek and the Sulak, in the Alazan-Agrichai lowlands, 
in parts of the Kura and Araks tugai forests and in Talysh (Map 80). In 
adjacent territory of Iran, the boar is most numerous on the northern slopes 
of the Elburz Range (Sarkisov, 1944e). 

The vertical distribution of boar on the Caucasus extends from sea 
level to the alpine zone. The piedmont lowlands are inhabited more 
continuously; in the mountains distribution depends upon the availability of 
seasonal forage and the depth of the snow cover. According to the data of 
Donaurov and Teplov (1938), boars are observed in the following zones of 



the Caucasian Reservation (percentage/zone/year): broadleaf forest zone — 
48%; dark coniferous forest zone — 39%; subalpine zone — 11%; and alpine 
zone — 2%. Е 

Table 72 is based upon observations of the author's in 1935-36 in the 
Alazan valley and the Zakataly Reservation; percentages reflect fresh traces 
of boar (crouching imprints, evidence of digging, and excrements) observed 
in each zone or biotope. 

TABLE 72, Incidence of boar tracks observed on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus in Azerbaidzhan 

Percentage of total traces observed on prescribed 
20-km route 

August 1935 October 1935 
45 15 

32 35 
10 32 

Zones and biotopes 

January 1936 

Lowlandsforests of Alazainy: воина eee 
Foothillsawith fmitulGes ecnchestifccc Gadd seated & <uces 

Oak forest edges of the subalpine zone......... 
Alpine MeAadOWS. 7.6 оао suas А eure oe 

In Talysh and the Lenkoran lowlands, lacking an alpine zone, the 
distribution of boar is somewhat different: in the mountain semidesert zones, 
where grain fields and fruit trees are plentiful near the upper forest edge, 
the boars concentrate in June and July, while in fall and winter they mainly 
inhabit the lowland and the middle forest zone. The daily activity cycle and 
distribution of boar are influenced, not only by fodder availability, but by 
the degree and kind of hunting. In eastern Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia, 
boars often couch in the vicinity of the railroad (Dinnik, 1914a), in gardens 
and among weeds growing in borders of cotton fields (in the Shirvan and 
Mugan steppes). 

Where they are not hunted or disturbed, boars commence to feed 
at dawn and, in the reed thickets of the Kyzyl-Agach Reservation, they 
even wander by day. In places where they are constantly harassed, boars 
may feed only late at night, and before daybreak will travel sometimes as 
much as 10-15 km from their feeding ground to find couching places. 

The animal's preferred biotopes in the eastern half of the Caucasian 
Isthmus are impassable thickets of tugai, lower forests of Caucasian olive 
and willow, bramble shrubs and reed thickets. These thickets are the 
primordial biotope suitable to morphological adaptations of the animal. 

Any disruptions in the pattern of their horizontal and vertical migrations 
in search of food or an escape from deep snows cause the death of 
contemporary boars. Dinnik has recorded (1914a, pp. 47-48) episodes of 
mass mortality among boars in the 1880's and between 1902-1908 caused by 
deep snows, cold and hunger. It seems possible to us that this situation 
could have been created by their inability to migrate to the warm Kuban Plain. 

They could have reached the Kuban valley from the region of deep snow of 
the mountain forests through stands of forest or tugai. But by the 20th 
century, their migratory instinct had been suppressed as the result of 



harassment and habitat modifications, such as human settlement and 
the deforestation of the piedmont plain. 

In the 1940's the total boar yield on the Caucasus was 8,000: 
Azerbaidzhan — 4,000; northern Caucasus — 2,000; Dagestan — 1,500; 
Georgia — 300; Armenia — 200 (Vereshchagin, 19474). 

The future of the boar population of the Caucasus essentially depends 
upon the further development of the agricultural and forest economies. 

Boars are pests in fields of corn, barley, wheat, rice and melons and 
where these crops are grown they will be exterminated or considerably 

In eastern Transcaucasia the development of irrigation flood-control 
and cotton farming will inevitably reduce the boar population through the 
reduction of protective cover. 

If hunting quotas were established boars could exist in the mountain 
forests of the Greater Caucasus and Talysh for an indeterminate time. 


Pliocene strata of the Caucasus have been found to contain remains of 
representatives of the genera Eucladocerus, Procapreolus and 
Pliocervus, and Cervus, Dama, Megaceros, Alces, and 
Capreolus specimens are known from post-Tertiary deposits. Of these, 
only Cervus elaphus, Alces and Capreolus have survived to 
the present. 

Red deer — Cervus elaphus L. (s.lato). Fossils of the red deer 
group (C. elaphus) are known in Europe from the Pliocene. From 
Mediterranean deposits ten different types of deer are recorded, but only 
from the Pleistocene. In the Caucasus the remains of these deer have been 
found from the Upper Pleistocene to the present. 

For the most part these belongtothe extant C. elaphus maral Ogilby. 
The location of the fossil remains (Map 83) indicate the wide distribution 
of this species. 

North of the Isthmus C. elaphus was as common a settler of the 
floodplains and flood valleys in the Pleistocene as the primitive bison and 
the horse. In the Novocherkassk Museum its remains rank fourth after 
elephant, primitive bison and tur fossils. In riverbed deposits found on 
sand banks, bones of C. elaphus account for 3.3% of all the bones 
accumulated on the lower Don and 0.5 to 5.0% on the lower Kama and 
middle Volga. 

South of the Caucasus on the Iranian Plateau remains of Pleistocene 
C. elaphus were found in Paleolithic and post-Paleolithic strata of many 
caves and in diluvium northeast of Maragheh. It is important to mention 
that in caves in the vicinity of Urmia and Behistun bones of deer account 
for 57% of the total number of extracted bones. In Mesolithic and Neolithic 
strata of the Belt cave in the eastern extremity of the Elburz Range there 
were few deer remains — only 0.8% (Coon, 1951). In the Neolithic strata 
of the ancient townof Annauin western Turkmenia deer remains are rare 
(Duerst, 1908). C. elaphus was a common food of Paleolithic hunters 
in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. In spite of its frequent occurrence, 
there can be no doubt that the habitation of deer in southwest Asia was 
confined to river valleys and wooded slopes from at least the Pliocene. 




Fossils of С. elaphus are аз numerous in postglacial deposits as 
they are in Pleistocene deposits. In the Holocene loams of the Stavropol 
and Pyatogor'e areas, inthe Yegorlyk, Kumanand Podkumok river valleys, and 
in talus fragments of the slopes and banks of Lake Sevan on the Armenian 
Highland, skulls, teeth and antlers are especially common. 

These findings (see Chapter II) indicate that deer was widely distributed 
over the Ciscaucasian steppes and Transcaucasian plateaus, at least in 
the spring and fall and at the beginning of winter. 

This earlier distribution of deer on the steppes should not be associated 
with a wide deforestation of these areas as Shelkovnikov (1930), Dal' (1947a) 
and others thought. In the spring—summer season deer do not require large 
forests; on the contrary, they migrate from the forests to steppe and 
meadow areas to escape from bloodsucking insects. 

At present deer inhabit the Don, Volga and Ural valleys and adjacent 
steppe and forest areas. Doubtless the Caucasian population of C.elaphus 
was always related to the Eastern European population. In the strata of 
the Middle Ages in the Sarkel fortress near Tsimlyanskaya C. elaphus 
bones comprised 4.3% of all the fossils investigated. 

During the post-Paleolithic C.elaphus was the favorite subject of 
painters and sculptors of the Caucasus; it was used in the decoration of 
pottery, on arms and on clothes. Beginning with drawings on rocks 
in Kabristan (Figure 131), the deer subject is repeated in bronze pendants 
of Kobanian culture, in the ornamentation of Khodzhala and Sevan bronze 
belt buckles and especially in gold articles of Scythian-Sarmatian culture 
of the Trans-Kuban Plain and south Ukraine (Figures 132-133). Deer figured 
importantly in religious belief and rituals. According to legends of the 
Abkhazians and Imeretians, deer coming on the Feast of St. George to 
caves or chapels dedicated to the saint were killed for feasting (Dzhanashiya, 
1915). In a number of Ossetian dzuars antlers and sacrificial skulls of deer 
predominate among the remains of other wild, hoofed mammals. All this 
indicates that the deer population during the postglacial period did not 
decrease as rapidly and catastrophically as did that of tur and bison. 

Osseous remains of deer found in Quaternary deposits of steppe regions 
are often cited by naturalists as evidence of either a former steppe way 
of life or an earlier existence of forests in steppe regions. Recent 
observations of deer behavior and feeding habits and of the structure of 
the lower molars clearly indicate that the C.elaphus of Pleistocene and 
historical time was an inhabitant of the steppes, especially in spring and 
fall. During these seasons they grazed on the young grasses of the steppes, 
and at other times of the year inhabited the floodplains and oak forests 
in ravines. Deer were widely distributed in steppe and forest-steppe at 
least until the late Middle Ages. Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan 
(1832 edition, p.92) noted flocks of deer in the Ukrainian steppes at the 
beginning of the 17th century: ''Deer, fallow deer and saiga are 
encountered in flocks in the Ukrainian steppes.'' The present existence of 
deer on the steppe-pastures of the Askaniya-Nova Reservation gives 
credibility to this earlier report. 

Shal'kovskii (1885, p.189) also noted in his account of 18th-century 
Zaporozh'e that hunters ''also caught hares, wolves and deer which, until 
1760, inhabited the marvellous forests of the Trans-Dnieper Zaporozh'e. "' 



FIGURE 131. Beyuk-Dag rock south of Baku showing representation of a deer hunt 

Photograph by the author, 1946 

FIGURE 132. Kobanian artifacts from North Ossetia (Uvarova, 1900) 

1 — bronze rod representing a deer hunt; 2 — deer head 



During historical time а marked decline in the deer population can be 
traced to the development of cattle herding and agriculture. The greatest 
decline in the deer population of the East European and Caucasian steppe 
and forest-steppe zones, however, probably occurred when horses were 
domesticated and used in stag hunting. During the campaigns of the 
Scythians, Huns, Kipchaks and later the Mongolians, deer living on the 
steppes were rapidly decimated. It is possible that stag hunts forced the 
retreat of deer into the forests and forested foothills where they were out 
of reach of the mounted hunters. At the beginning of the 15th century, 
Josaf Barbaro (1836 edition) witnessed a Tartar ''pagany'' — mounted 
hunt — for bustards and other animals which formed an encirclement of 
120 miles (!) "апа [зам ] 4еег and other animals escaping from the Tartars.'"' 

The first phase in the depletion of C. elaphus during historical times 
was the extermination of its steppe population. 

The second phase of decline began in the late Middle Ages as a result 
of agricultural development and the rapid eradication of forests. This forest 
extermination was accompanied by desiccation and subsequent dwindling 
of land in the Caucasian foothills and high plateaus. 

Historical data on the distribution and yield of deer have been preserved 
since the 16th century. Georgian and Iranian chronicles and the ancient 
literature of Georgia, Azerbaidzhan and Iran mention the deer hunts. 
Thousands of peasant beaters and warriors took part in hunts organized 
by the Persian Shahs during the late Middle Ages in the forests of Gilan 
and Karabakh. 

The populousness of deer in Mazandaran and Gilan in the 16th century 
can be reckoned from an end-of-the century account by Adam Olearius 
(1870 edition, p.730): the Shah Takhmasp and his retinue killed 2,000 deer 
and goitered gazelles — ''agu'' — and he ordered the "building of a tower 
from their antlers." 

FIGURE 133, Scythian artifact from the Trans-Kuban Plain 

Gold-plated reclining deer from a hill near the Cossack village of 



In "Тре Geography of Georgia" (1904), Prince Vakhusti reports that, 
at the beginning of the 18th century, the 94th czar, Vakhtang VI, and his 
entourage killed 180 deer in one day on the Trialet ridge southwest of Tiflis. 

The historian Sekhnia Chkhaidze writes in ''The History of Georgia"’ 
(1945, p.408): ''The Czar Vakhtang Levanovich (1703-1721) invited persons 
of high rank to a hunt in Trialetia and Shanbiani. The first day 60 deer and 
countless other animals were killed." 

At this time deer still inhabited the reed-grown and forested floodplains 
of the Don, Kuban, Manych, Kuma, Kura, Terek and Sulak rivers. 

The disappearance of deer from Ciscaucasia in the 17th and 18th 
centuries can be attributed to the settlement of the country by Cossacks 
and the widespread use of firearms. Dinnik (1914a, p.97) reports that he 
found only fragments of antlers as evidence that deer existed there 
"60-70 years ago,''i.e., in the 1850's and 1860's. 

In the environs of Krasnodar and on the right bank of the Kuban, where 
they had been protected, deer still lived up to the early years of this 
century, when they were finally exterminated during the Civil War. 

According to Dinnik (1914a) the northern limit of their range on the 
northwest Caucasus passed through the Cossack villages of Peredovaya, 
Kaladzhinskaya, Makhashevskaya and north of Maikop. The largest deer 
population was observed in the upper reaches of the Belaya, Bolshaya and 
Malaya Laba rivers where 20-30 deer could be encountered in one day. In 
winter, deer ranged as far as Novorossiisk and Kabardinka. Later, the 
distribution area shifted southward. In the early 1930's, the northern range 
limit lay in the foothills along the line of the villages of Solenyi, Buguzh, 
Dakhovsk, Samursk, Neftyanaya and Navaginskaya. The range reached its 
western limits in the upper reaches of the Pshish River (Nasimovich, 1936a). 
In the 1940's deer could still be seen east of the Caucasian Reservation 
near the railroad stations of Predgradnaya and Mikoyan-Sakhar. 

Rossikov (1887) tells of hunting deer on the piedmont plain north of 
Nal'chik as late as the 1870's. 

FIGURE 134. Illustration of deer hunt in Digoria from "polati" [sleeping ledges or bunks] in the 
Digorized cave 

Photograph by author, 1947 



The last of the deer in the piedmonts of North Ossetia were exterminated 
(Figure 134) by the 1920's (Vereshchagin and Naniev, 1949). They survived 
for a longer time on the Sunzha tributaries near Gudermes and they are 
still found in tugai forests along the Sulak and Terek on the Dagestan plain. 

In the Dagestan uplands deer were numerous in the gorges of the Avar 
Koisu. Many antlers have been found in burials in deciduous and coniferous 
forests near Antsukh [Bogaz Range] and Tlyadal, and in Khevrusetia [eastern 
Georgia] and Tushetia [Andi Koisu region] (Dinnik, 1914a; Maruashvili, 
1955). The deer migrated to Dagestan from the southern slopes of the 
Greater Caucasus only in the summer to escape from bloodsucking flies, 
returning again in October or November to winter on the southern slopes. 

It is the practice of the Dagestanians to hunt them in the passes from 

Deer had disappeared from the Samur-Khachmas lowland forests by the 
beginning of this century and, according to old-time residents of the 
village of Kusary, they were gone from the higher forests of the Kuban area 
by the 1880's. 

In the Kura lowlands they could still be encountered in the tugai forests 
and reeds of the middle and lower reaches of the Kura River as late as 
the end of the last century. Older residents of the ancient village of Shil'yan 
and of the Shirvan steppe recall deer living along the reed-grown margins 
of the Lake Shil'yan, and a path through the reeds is still called ''mara]l 
се!" or ''maral elu'' (deer path). Deer was already rare in Talysh by the 
time of Radde, Satunin (1905b) and Dinnik (1914a). According to the 
Azerbaidzhan Game Inspector, V.V. Vitovich, the last deer in Talysh was 
killed in 1912. 

In Karabakh, deer had disappeared from the Dzegam and Shamkhor 
ravines by the 1920's. Melik-Shakhnazarov (1898) reported that in the 1890's 
in Zangezur deer were so abundant that some hunters killed 150-200 head 
a year. Osipov (1898) tells of deer being common in his time in the vicinity 
of Chaikent (south of contemporary Kirovabad). 

[п {Бе 1930's and 1940's some deer still survived in the Karayazy forest 
on the Kura River where in the 1890's 15-20 specimens had been killed in 
one day. 

In western Georgia, deer were either exterminated or driven into the 
mountains from the lower Rion, Kodor and Ingur by deforestation at the 
start of World War I. 

The present range of C. elaphus is comprised of four or five isolated 
tracts (Map 83), the largest of which is located in the northwest and includes 
the Caucasian and Teberdinskii reservations in the Pshish, Kurdzhips, 
Belaya, Laba, Malyi Zelenchuk, Bolshoi Zelenchuk and Kuban river basins. 
In the summer, most of the deer inhabit open places in the fir forests in 
the interior of the Caucasian Reservation at altitudes of 1,700-2,200 m. 
Their winter habitats are found in sunny places on the slopes and in the 
valleys of the lower fir belt and the beech-forest zone with a snow cover 
of 0.3-0.5 т. After the sharp decrease during the Civil War, the deer 
population commenced t9 rise again. A 1934 census (Nasimovich, 1936a) 
showed a total stock of 900 head. By the 1940's, there were at least 
3,000 head of deer in the Caucasian Reservation. 

In northeastern Ciscaucasia deer survived in forests and reed- grown 
areas of the lower Terek from the Cossack village of Chervlennaya to 
Kizlyar, and on the Sulak from Khasavyurt to the lower river. 



These deer live the year around in the tugai stands of the lowlands, 
because there are no longer any alternative locations open to them for 
migration: the northern foothills of Dagestan are now deforested and 

In western Transcaucasia a small deer population still inhabits the 
forests on the middle course of the Ingur. In the beech forests of the 
Borzhomi Reservation (on the eastern spurs of the Adzhar-Imeretia 
Range), El-Mar (Е. 1.. Markov, 1939) counted almost 900 head of deer in 
1934. The summer habitat of the Borzhomi deer had previously been 
located on the high, cold, deforested plateaus of the Dzhavakhetia and 
Akhalkalakhiuplands. In eastern Transcaucasia deer are found in the 
Karayazy forest and on the southern slope of the Main Range from the upper 
Alazan to the Gerdyman-Chai. The largest deer population has been 
observed in the Zakataly Reservation in the Belanukh-Chai and Katekh-Chai 
basins; it was estimated in the 1940's at 1,000 head. To the east, in the 
Kutkashen and Ismailly districts, deer are numerous both in the mountains 
and on the plain, and can be encountered near Chukhur-Kabala, Ismailly, 
Kalandzhak, Rushan-Kend and other villages. 

Our own observations made in the 1930's showed the summer habitat 
of deer to be on the southern slopes of ridges in the upper third of the 
beech forest zone and in the subalpine zone. If there were no cattle or 
dogs, they would venture onto the pastures. In the winter they inhabited 
beech forests in the middle altitudes of ridges with southern exposures. 

During winters with a heavy fall of snow deer sometimes appear on the 
open hilly steppe south of the Shemakha. This habit and the year-round 
existence of the Sulak population in reeds and tugai explain why deer remains 
were found together with those of ass and saiga in Pleistocene deposits 
on the Apsheron Peninsula. Notwithstanding its earlier history and these 
present variations, the contemporary C. elaphus must be regarded as 
а mountain-forest species, not accustomed to remote migrations to the 
plain. The differences between various deer populations in habits and in 
the directions their migrations take merely testify to the great adaptability 
of the animal and require a correct reading of its contemporary behavior 
as a response of its higher nervous system to human influence. 

During the 1940's poachers on the Caucasus averaged an annual bag of 
200-250 deer (Vereshchagin, 1947а). 

The Caucasus is the chief deer preserve in the U.S.S.R. The subsequent 
fate of the species in this region will depend upon the effectiveness of 
measures taken for their protection. If poaching is controlled, it will 
allow renewed breeding in the forests of Karabakh, Talysh and the Kusary 
sloping plain. In addition, it should be possible to resettle Caucasian deer 
in the future in the floodplain and watershed forests of the Russian Plain. 

Fallow deer —Dama cf. mesopotamica Brooke. Fossil remains 
of fallow deer similar to the Mediterranean D. dama L. are recorded 
from Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in Italy, England and Germany. 

A fragment of mandible and a fragment of antler discovered on the 
Caucasus in Pleistocene alluvium at Adzhi-EHilas near Yerevan are unique 
and can be reported here as D. mesopotamica only conditionally. 

In southern Asia Minor and Palestine fallow deer was the most frequent 
bag of Paleolithic hunters (Bate, 1937). 


Artistic representations of Mediterranean 
fallow deer heads in bronze (Figure 135) were 
found in the Semibratnoe Scythian burials on the 
Taman Peninsula, and also in burials in the 
southern Ukraine. This is a basis for presuming 
that the distribution areas of the two species, 
i.e., Mediterranean and Mesopotamian, 
encompassed the southern Balkan Peninsula, 
the Black Sea area, Asia Minor, Irag and Iran 
(Map 82). The fallow deer is an inhabitant of 
broadleaf forests and thickets and of the 
undergrowth of Mediterranean river valleys. 
The species is more thermophilic than Cervus 

By the beginning of the 20th century, the 
pega age ооо, fallow deer was nearly extinct in its natural 
aide saree na Ae range; it has since been bred under protected 
Scythian burial (The Hermitage ) conditions throughout Western Europe and north 

Africa (Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 1951). 
A successful experiment in breeding fallow 
deer was carried out on the Caucasus near Borzhomi before the revolution 
(see Chapter VI). 

Through future regulation of hunting, the fallow deer can become a 
worthwhile element inthe piedmont shrub-forest zone of the Caucasus. 

It can populate the forests of Stavropol, the Dagestan piedmont, eastern 
Armenia, the Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. and the Nagorno-Karabakh uplands. 


FIGURE 136. Golden plates from Scythian burial with representations similar to giant deer. 
Berlin Museum (Bachofen-Echt, 1937) 

Giant deer —Megaceros euryceros Aldr. Upper Pliocene remains 
of this deer have been found throughout Eurasia. 

In the Pleistocene the distribution area of M. euryceros included 
the forest-steppe and the steppe zones of Europe and Asia. Its remains 



are езрес1аПу common in Khazar strata of the Volga valley, where they are 

found on the banks and comprise 2—8 % of all the bone material. They are 
also common in Pleistocene strata of Western Europe. On the British 

Isles fossils have been found in caves, diluvium and peat beds. Some 
paleontologists, reasoning from 12th-century drawings and the rather fresh 
remains found in Irish peat beds, view М. euryceros as an inhabitant 

of Ireland up to the time of the present era (Mitchell and Parkes, 1949). The 
European continent lacks such recent remains indicating that the species 
was probably extinct here in the Upper Pleistocene. However, Pidoplichko's 
report (1951) of a find of M. euryceros remains inthe U.S.S.R., which, 
according to the bone calcination, showed a Recent origin, deserves further 
attention and verification. 

Kitchen middens containing M. euryceros remains, whichare common 
in Paleolithic caves of the Crimea, are completely unknown from the caves 
of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. On the Caucasus Isthmus, fossils have 
been found from the Upper Pliocene — on the Taman Peninsula, through 
the Mousterian — in Abkhazian caves and camp sites on the Trans- Kuban 
Plain (Map 82). M. euryceros inhabited Abkhazia in a mountain 
mesophytic environment. 

The species is rarely found in Pleistocene strata of the eastern 
Transcaucasian steppes, andin the Binagady asphalts only one bone among 
tens of thousands was identified as M. euryceros. No remains of giant 
deer have been found in Holocene deposits, even those as large as the Lake 
Sevan shore and the Sarkel strata of the Middle Ages. It is not depicted in 
any Caucasian Paleolithic or post-Paleolithic drawings and scuptures. 
Stylized representations of Cervus elaphus in gold plate taken from 
Scythian burials on the Trans-Kuban, which somewhat resemble representa- 
tionsof М. euryceros (Figures 136, 137), led Bachofen-Echt (1937) to 
the erroneous assumption that giant deer existed on the Caucasus in the 
first millennium B.C. 

FIGURE 137. Skull of Megaceros euryceros from the environs of Rostov-on-Don 

The usual osseous deposits containing M. euryceros found in flood- 
plains and peat beds reveal an ecological similarity to the elk. The 
structure of metapodia and especially of hoof phalanges place the species 
in a position intermediate between elk and ox. It could probably endure 


a deep snow cover, but could not undertake long marches in the snow like 
the elk. It was an inhabitant of the cold forest-steppe and the river valleys 
of the plains, living in floodplain forests and thickets together with 
Elasmotherium,and Elaphus irogontherii, 

Caucasian elk — А1сез alces caucasicus М. Ver. Remains of 
elk of the A. alces L. group are recorded from Pleistocene deposits of 
the northern Holarctic, but are rarely reported south of the 50th parallel. 
In the western Mediterranean Pleistocene deposits seldom contain 
elk, although other species of the Alces genus are sometimes so identified 
(Wolf, 1938; Pidoplichko, 1951 — map, p.79, reports all findings as 
A. alces). Earlier reports on finds of elk remains in the Paleolithic of 
Palestine, Syria and Lebanon (Blanckenhorn, 1910) were in error (Picard, 
1937). The same may be said more emphatically for Egypt. North of the 
Caucasus remains of Pleistocene elk have been found at Borshevo II, the 
encampment site near Voronezh, and on scarps of the Volga bank near the 
village of Osypnoi Bugor beyond Astrakhan. The species does not occur in the 
Crimean Paleolithic. On the banks of the middle Volga and especially of 
the lower Kuma, elk remains generally account for 5% of all the large- 
species bones. 

On the Caucasian Isthmus elk remains are recorded for the Upper 
Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic) from cave strata in western Transcaucasia 
from Khosta to Kutaisi. 

The Mousterian strata of the Akhshtyrskaya cave, the Il'skaya 
encampment and the Apsheron Peninsula asphalts revealed no remains 
of elk. It would be justifiable to conclude that the elk first penetrated the 
Caucasus from the north in the Upper Pleistocene, although it is equally 
possible that the development of the ancestral form could have taken place 
on the Caucasus, or, for that matter, anywhere in the eastern 
Mediterranean. In either case, it is a matter of established fact that the 
elk survived the Upper Pleistocene on the Caucasus and became extinct 
only at the beginning of the 19th century. 

The presence of elk on the Caucasus during the Bronze Age can be 
assumed from bronze buckles and pendants of Kobanian workmanship found 
in archaeological excavations in North Ossetia (Uvarova, 1900, p. 80, 

348 Figure 75; Vereshchagin, 1949a). In the collections of the Moscow State 
Historical Museum there is a bronze buckle with a design of two elk heads 
which was excavated near the village of Atage in the Sunzha valley and 
belongs to the second period of Koban culture (Figure 138). An interesting 
relief resembling an elk is carved ona stone from Euyuk, a Hittite town 
which existed in the first half of the second millennium B.C. in northeastern 
Asia Minor. This suggests the possibility that south of the Caucasus elk 
inhabited forested tracts in Asia Minor in historical time. 

Representations of elk appear in gold and bronze (Figures 138, 139) and 
on the ornamentation of quivers found in burials on the Trans-Kuban 
piedmont plain and in the southern Ukraine. 

Finally, Keller (1909) reported the find of gold pendants depicting elk 
in ancient Greek settlements on the northern shore of the Black Sea. 

All the elk representations of the Scythian epoch are of great importance, 
not only in reconstructing the early range of the elk, but alsoin assigning the 
origin of gold and bronze artifacts from Scythian burials with ornamental 
and relief designs of animal subjects. Taking into account that the southern 


margin of the elk range in the Holocene passed through the Caucasus and 
the northern Black Sea area, it becomes apparent that most of these 
Scythian artifacts were in fact produced at their cultural source — in 
Scythia — rather than, as often assumed by historians and archaeologists, 
in the southern Balkans, Asia Minor or the Aegean Islands. 

t , , Л yom 
FIGURE 138. Bronze buckle with 
elk head design from the village of 

Atage on the Sunzha (Moscow State 
Historical Museum ) 

FIGURE 139. Bronze plate 
depicting an elk's head (1:2) 
from the southern Ukraine 

There are references to Caucasian and 
southern European elk in the literature. 

Jean de Luc (1879 edition) in his 
description of a journey -nto the Nogai Tartar 
territory at the beginning of tne 17th century 
tells of seeing elks, in addition to wild horses, 
deer and other animals. Clarke's reference 
(1810, p. 386) to two young and very tame 
"elks'' which he saw near Ek.terinodar should 
certainly be assigned to deer rather than to 
elk, and Kirikov was wrong to use this citation 
(1952) as proof of the earlier existence of elk 
on the Caucasus. 

Pallas (1831)reportedin his 'Zoography" 
that elk was found on the Caucasus, and 
Lul'e (1875), in his description of the beliefs 
and customs of the Circassians, wrote of 
Mezitkh, their god of the forests, who rode 
on a boar with golden bristles. At his nod, 
"deer and elks assembled in the forests, and 
then young maidens milked the does. "' 

The presence of elk in the contemporary 
fauna of the Caucasus was later denied, 
however, by the best zoologists (Dinnik, 1896, 
1914a; Satunin, 1903b). Satunin wrote: 

'Thus he (Pallas) placed even the elk (Alces 
а1сез L.) оп the Caucasus, although there 
can be no doubt that this species never 
inhabited the Caucasus."' In our time, Kulagin 
(1932) and Buturlin (1934) expressed doubts 
about the occurrence of elk on the Caucasus. 
Kulagin's reservations, which he bases on 
Polferov's story, ''Eznos'', are really only 
tenuously connected with it. In fact, Polferov 
mentions encounters with elk and capercaillie 
somewhere in the taiga zone, and not on the 
Turkish border as Kulagin surmised. 

In the 1930's elk bones were found in 
archaeological excavations of 8th—12th-century 

towns near the Cossack village of Tsimlyanskaya on the lower Don. 
Figure 140 shows a semi-fossilized skull of ancient elk identified by the 
author in the Stavropol Museum collections in 1944. While investigating 
Ossetian dzuars in the Urukh Basin in 1947, we found seven elk skulls 
(Figure 141). These findings establish that the elk inhabited the foothills 
of the northern Caucasus contemporaneously with the primitive bison, 
both becoming extinct at the beginning of the 18th century (Vereshchagin 


and Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii, 1948; Vereshchagin, 1949а, 19495, 1955; 
Vereshchagin and Ganiev, 1949). 

FIGURE 140. Semi-fossilized skull of elk in the Stavropol Museum 

Photograph by author, 1945 

Ritual collections containing remains of elks, similar to those of Digoria, 
are probably to be found in other gorges of the northern slopes of the 
Greater Caucasus, particularly on the Balkar-Cherek. 

350 Even during the time when the Ossetian dzuars of Digoria flourished and 
skulls and horns were being accumulated in them in quantity, elk was 
already rare by comparison with deer and even bison. The seven skulls of 
elk found in our investigation of 16 dzuars were in a 10% ratio to bison 
skulls and 0.8% to deer skulls. The extinction of the species was brought 
about through direct extermination and through the general destruction of 
forests on the Terek-Sunzha plain. It is possible that the last of the elks 
survived until the beginning of the 19th century. 

During the 1950-1951 excavation of the Sarkel fortress on the lower Don 
carried out by The Hermitage (Artamonov, 1952), kitchen middens were 
found to contain manyremains ofelk, together with remains of deer, boar, 
saiga, bear and beaver. The elk remains comprised 0.3-0.8% of all the 
bones of domesticated and wild animals found during the excavations. * 

Elk remains were also foundrecently, together with those of reindeer, inthe 
Roman strata of Olvia (Pidoplichko and Topachevskii, 1953). 

A.A. Sadovskii has reported (through a verbal communication) his 
observation in 1937 of a mandible of elk among a large quantity of wild 
ungulate bones, including deer and roe deer, which had been uncovered 
during the excavation of the ancient burial of Naokhvami in Mingrelia. 

The relict alder swamps in the lower reaches of the Rion with thickets 
of osier and buckbean are even today an ideal elk habitat. 

* К.В. Yur'ev, G.V. Khrabrov and others investigated 200,000 bone fragments under my direction in Sarkel 
in 1952-1953. 



пы весе 5 1емое voile Ш 1 ВЕ 
Trans-Kuban was confirmed by the find 
of a horn (Figure 142) in the pebbles of 
the Urup River near the Cossack village 
of Otradnaya. The horn is preserved in 
the Krasnodar Museum; although wind- 
eroded on the surface, the inside shows 
it to be quite recent. 

If the elk settled on the Caucasus from 
the north during the Upper Pleistocene, 
it can be assumed that the principal 
penetration route of the species passed 
southward through the valleys of the Don 
and the Volga. However, the possibility 
of an immigration route from the southwest 
through the Balkans and Asia Minor cannot 
be excluded. The distribution of elk on 
the Caucasus was probably limited by the 
foothills (Map 84). Their chosen biotopes 
(Figure 143) were along spring and swamp 
rivers of the Trans-Kuban and Terek-Sunzha 
plains, on the littoral terraces of Abkhazia 
and in the lowlands of Colchis. As 
opposed to С. elaphus, the elk did not 
adapt to the Caucasian Range and to the 
mountain-forest environment. 

When the lumber and hunting industries 
of the country are regulated, it will be 
possible to resettle elk on the Trans-Kuban 
sloping plain in the valleys of the Afips, 
Psekups, Laba and Zelenchuk rivers. 

It is also possible that the species might 
be successfully settled in young mountain 
forests of pine, aspen and willow in the 
Teberda and Caucasian reservations. 
FIGURE 141. Skull of elk from the Roe deer —Capreolus capreolus 
Digorized cave ie wand Crcapreolus pyoargus Pall. 
The genus Capreolus is of Middle 
Pliocene origin (Simpson, 1945). The 
ancestor of the contemporary genus is 
probably Procapreolus which is known from the Lower Pliocene of 
Europe and Asia. Flerov (1952, pp. 98-99) considers that the contemporary 
roe deer is the descendent of Mio-Pliocene Cervulinae. 

The infrequently found remains of small European roe deer derive from 
various types of Quaternary deposits in Europe and Asia, almost all of 
them within the limits of the contemporary range (Wolf, 1938; Pidoplichko, 
1951). For the Caucasus, roe deer remains are recorded from Upper 
Quaternary travertines of Mount Mashuk and from Transcaucasian cave 
strata, Acheulean to Recent, at Kudaro II, Akhshtyrskaya and Gvardzhilas 
caves and others. A large form of С. pygargus has been recorded from 
further south for Palestine, Syria and Lebanon from Acheulean to Neolithic 
cave strata (Picard, 1937; Bate, 1937). 

Photograph by author, 1948 


FIGURE 142. Horns of elks: 

1 — from the strata of the Sarkel fortress on the Don; 2 — from the pebbles of the Urup River 

On the Russian Plain remains of a large roe deer were found in Upper 
352 Paleolithic strata of Kostenki on the Don and in Upper Quaternary alluvium 
of the middle Volga region (Khryashchevka). Tothe west, inthe Ukraine and 
the Crimea, only remains of smaller specimens were discovered in 
Paleolithic strata. Roe deer remains are numerous in Holocene deposits 
of the Caucasus, e.g., in Copper—Bronze-Age strata of camp sites near 
Anaklia, in post-Paleolithic strata of the Akhshtyrskaya cave, etc. (Map 85). 

During the excavations of the Sarkel fortress on the Don remains of the 
large Siberian roe deer were found in 8th—13th-century strata. The North 
Ossetian dzuars, e.g., the Digorized cave, contain preserved skulls and 
horns of small roe deer of C. capreolus type hunted in Urukh between 
the 15th and 20th centuries. 

Roe deer is seldom depicted on artifacts left by the ancient Caucasian 
tribes. One of the rare examples is a silver bucket from a Bronze Age 
burial onthe Trialet ridge which bears a contour representation of a roe 
deer wounded in the chest by arrows (Kuftin, 1941). 

The range of roe deer on the Caucasus in the Recent has continued to be 
widespread, and today the species is better preserved than other ungulates. 
A larger form, similartothe Siberian, inhabits the northern Caucasus 
(Dinnik, 1914a), and a small form is found in Transcaucasia. The roe deer 
does not occur in the reedlands of the lower Don and Kuban. It is 

1704 348 

certain that, as late аз the Middle Ages, the Caucasian range of the large 
roe deer was connected with the range of the large Siberian roe deer along 
the Don valley. The presence of the large roe deer in Ciscaucasia can 
probably be explained by a relatively recent postglacial migration from 
the north. 

FIGURE 143. Caucasian elk 

The ultimate disappearance of roe deer from the island forests near 
Stavropol took place in the 1920's. There are few of these animals 
remaining in the broadleaf forests of the Trans-Kuban sloping plain between 

353 Khadyzhensk and Maikop. But on the northwestern spurs of the Greater 
Caucasus, they are still populous in beech—hornbeam forests (e.g., near 
the Goryachi Klyuch and Krymskaya). 

TABLE 73. Distribution of roe deer in the Zakataly Reservation based on number of tracks encountered 
daily in summer and winter 

Southern spurs; beech— 
hornbeam and aspen 
forests with glades; 

700-1,800 m 

Upper forest belt and 
subalpine meadows; 
2,000-2,400 m 

Deep gullies in 
ravines; beech forests; 
1,200-1,600 m 


22-26 August 1935 

21- 26 November 1935 (snow: 
15-30 cm) 

1 January 1936 (snow: 

30-50 cm and more) 5 



In Kabardino-Balkaria and North Ossetia, roe deer inhabit the forests 
of the Chernye Gory, the canyons of the Skalistyi ridge and the sparse 
forests on the northern slopes of the Terek Range. They are not found in 
the Sunzha valley, but have been observed in the tugai along the Terek and 
Sulak between the Cossack villages of Chervlenaya and Kizlyar. The forests 
of the piedmont spurs of the Grozny Region contain a roe deer population, 
but the area near Makhachkala does not, and the many wolves in the 
reedlands of the lower Sulak and Terek preclude the habitation of roe deer 
there. Neither are they numerous in the forests of the Kusary sloping plain. 
On the whole, the distribution of roe deer on the northern slopes of the 
Caucasus reaches its summer limits at altitudes of 1,500-2,000 м. In the 
winters when the snowfall reaches disastrous proportions the animals 
descend to the piedmont plains, sometimes even venturing into the villages 
of the Maikop area (Olenich-Gnenenko, 1955). 

In western Transcaucasia, the population of roe deer is sparse in the 
lower forest belt because of the dense network of villages; it is heavier in 
the middle third of the forest zone. The snowfall in the upper Svanetian 
gorges, e.g., onthe Ingur, is too heavy to support the existence of roe 
deer there: 

A small population inhabits the Colchis alder swamps near the Chaladidi 
station and on the middle course of the Pichora River, where Poti hunters 
kill as many as 50 animals yearly. Roe deer is common on the northern 
slopes of the Adzhar-Guri Range and the Trialet ridge. Оп the southwest, 
its range extends to Asia Minor. In Palestine roe deer was still common 
in the last century in the Carmel Mountains where the last specimen was 
killed in 1912 (Bodenheimer, 1935). 

In east Transcaucasia it is found on the southern slopes of the Main 
Range inhabiting mainly the lower third of the forest belt where there are 
thickets of Cornelian cherry, hawthorn and hornbeam, or the glades of 
beech—hornbeam forests overgrown with giant fern and blackberry. 

In 1935 we made the following observations of fresh roe deer tracks on 
rivulet shoals and in the snow in the Zakataly Reservation as they were 
distributed altitudinally along the Tala-Chai and the Katekh-Chai. (Table 73). 

On the Alazan-Avtaran lowlands the habitat of roe deer is confined to 
the oak—C aucasian-wing-nut forests, and the population is greater in winter 
than in summer. The species doesnotinhabit the tugai, reedlands and 
oases of the Kura-Araks lowlands. 

On the Lesser Caucasus roe deer can be found wherever there are large 
stands of deciduous forest. In summer it inhabits subalpine tall-grass 
meadows near relict forest islands at altitudes of 1,800 and 2,000 m in the 
gorges of the upper Debed and Akstafa rivers. 

In Karabakh many roe deer are to be found in the Terter-Chai beech 
forests. They are not encountered on the southern slopes of the Armenian 

In Talysh and in the forests of the El'brus Range, the few deer live in 
isolated colonies in well-defined areas of some of the gorges. Only single 
tracks could be observed in the Vassaru-Chai and Vilyash-Chai ravines in 
our investigations during June and July of 1945. 

Broadly stated, roe deer is frequently found on the Caucasus, but never 
in the numbers in which it is found in the piedmonts of northeastern Tien- 
Shan or the Maritime Territory. 



In the Iranian uplands, roe deer are sparsely settled in relict forest 
islands. According to Blanford (1876) roe deer inhabited only the forests 
of Asterabad. The southern margin of the species range probably 
lies in the passes of northern Mesopotamia. 

Although the principal range of roe deer is now located in northern 
Eurasia, it can certainly be regarded as an Upper Pliocene species of the 
Caucasus whose closest ancestors are to be found in the Lower Pliocene 
of Transcaucasia and throughout the Mediterranean. 

The roe deer is adapted to a forest habitat and a diet comprised mainly 
of leaves; it has the capacity for very swift movement and high jumps in 
shrubs and tall grass; it does not endure deep snow. 

The rapid decline of the roe deer population and range on the Caucasus 
occurred in the last century as a result of unrestricted hunting and 
deforestation (see Chapter VI). 

The present yield of roe deer is estimated as follows: northern Caucasus 
—- 4,600; Azerbaidzhan — 1,500; Georgia —=|700; Armenia — 300; Dagestan — 
200 (Vereshchagin, 1947d). 

The development of agricultural shelterbelts in the Ciscaucasian plain 
will undoubtedly create ample opportunities for the breeding of roe deer 
in a cultivated landscape. 


The Quaternary fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus includes representatives 
of the sub-families Bovinae, Antilopinae and Caprinae. Seven genera occur 
im@rhnes Holocene faunareGaziell agg Siaiean) (Ru piiciarp nay Сара 
@vas) eos, and) Bilsion, 

Goitered gazelle —Gazella subgutturosa Со. Fossil remains 
of anumber of Gazella species are known from the Upper Miocene- Lower 
Pliocene. The genus is generally regarded as a Miocene species. Fragments 
of horn stems and teeth of gazelles, which show some similarity 
to the Mediterranean Pliocene G. deperdita Сегу., have been found on 
the Caucasus in Sarmatian deposits near Georgievsk, in Middle Pliocene 
sandstones south of Baku and in Lower Quaternary strata of the Taman 

In addition, a fragment of horn core which resembles goitered gazelle 
horn was found in postglacial loams in the upper reaches of the Kalaus, 
southwest of Stavropol (Ryabinin, 1918). 

Remains which are true to goitered gazelle type were reported for 
Pleistocene strata of the Tamtama and Bisotun caves in central Iran (Coon's 
excavations, 1951), for Mesolithic strata of caves near Dzhebel and 
Krasnovodsk (Okladnikov's excavations, 1949) and for Anau strata near 
Ashkhabad (Duerst, 1908). 

Picard (1937) and Bate (1937) have recorded remains of gazelle similar 
toy G. pame ldagPall исчо саит ааа Gh isu bg utitium@siayircom 
Paleolithic cave strata (Acheulean to Upper Neolithic) of Lebanon, Syria 
and Palestine. No fossil remains of goitered gazelle have been found in 
Pleistocene deposits of the Russian Plain nor in the Middle and Upper 
Pleistocene of eastern Transcaucasia. Validated finds of goitered gazelle 
remains on the Caucasus are recorded only from Holocene strata of the 
historical age in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia (Map 87). 



Goitered gazelle remains are particularly numerous in the strata of 
ancient Baku in which they account for 14.5% of all the bones found. Their 
ratio to sheep and goat bones is 3.9:10. 

Most of the present range of goitered gazelle lies within northwestern 
Iran and Afghanistan and the deserts of central Asia. 

The absence of goitered gazelle in the Binagady fauna of the Middle 
Pleistocene and the frequency of its occurrence in Holocene strata of the 
eastern part of the Isthmus lead to the conclusion that the species appeared 
relatively late in postglacial time replacing the saiga in Azerbaidzhan. 

It probably penetrated directly from the south through the ranges of 
northwestern Iran which border the Mugan steppe on the south. This 
extension of the range would have been possible in the dry, warm phase of 
the Holocene. There is also the possibility that the species was imported 
to the Kura lowlands by ancient nomadic tribes which spent the summer 

in the northern Iran uplands and the winter on the Mugan steppe. 

Cattle herders on the Mil'skaya and Mugan steppes capture young goitered 
gazelles which are easily tamed and tether them close to their tents. 

In Syria, Palestine and Lebanon and throughout the Near and Middle East 
newborn gazelles were caught each year by the thousands for domestication 
or for their meat. Usamah ibn Munkidh (1922-23 edition, p. 204) described 
the hunting of gazelles: ''When young gazelles are born, the hunters go on 
foot and take the young which were born that night, the previous night or 
two or three nights before. In one day, 3,000 young were caught near the 
Dzhabar fortress.'' Young adult gazelles were sent as gifts to chiefs and 
princes, sometimes over very long distances. 

The pursuit of goitered gazelles by Median, Albanian, Persian, Arabian 
and Mongolian horsemen was probably one of the causes of the separation 
of the species range on the plateaus and its penetration into isolated valleys. 
Even now when gazelles are hunted on horseback or in automobiles over 
long distances, it can be observed that they will seek refuge in solonchak, 
tugai and reed thickets or escape into creek valleys or onto the slopes of 
clayey ridges. From these places they emerge one or days later onto the 
open plain because they are frequently vulnerable to attack by wolves in the 
thickets and mountains. 

Ancient writings give evidence on the large population and area of 
distribution of gcoitered gazelle in eastern and southern Transcaucasia in 
the Middle Ages. Nizami Ganjawi (13th century A.D.) frequently employed 
the goitered gazelle as a poetic metaphor. 

Olearius (1870 edition) mentions herds of goitered gazelles which he 
observed in 1633 near Dzhevat [near present-day Sabirabad] on the Mugan 
Steppe and commented on the abundance of these animals on the adjacent 
Iranian Plateau. In the 18th century goitered gazelle existed on Svyatoi 
Island (now Artem Island) which they had reached either through importation 
by Arabs for breeding purposes or in a migration from the Apsheron 
Peninsula during some postglacial drop in the Caspian Sea level. They were 
observed there in 1720-1724 by Soimonov who wrote (1763, р. 110): 
"However, the island is inhabited by many wild goats which reproduce there 
and it is not known what their food is if not mosses growing on stones." 
...''December 3 (1724)... whereas on Svyatoi Island Don Cossacks with 
their general killed some wild goats." 

Academician Dorn (1875) noted that Svyatoi Island was called 
by the Arabs ''the island of steppe зпеер.'' Goitered gazelles were observed 



in the Araks valley in the middle of the last century by Nordman (1840) and 
Chopin (1852). They were exterminated in this area only in the second half 
of the century through game drives. 

The species is adapted to a habitat on level semidesert with a solid 
footing (for details, see Vereshchagin, 1937). The animal's great speed 
(up to 50-55 km/hr) permits easy escape from wolves and even cheetahs, 
except on a boggy soil. It is not found, therefore, on newly plowed or 
especially onirrigated soils. Goitered gazelle does inhabit barley and wheat 
fields on the Adzhinour Plateau, but only those that are not irrigated and 
whose soil is more or less compacted. 

While the goitered gazelle is more numerous on level steppes, it is also 
encountered in the Tertiary hills of Dzheiran-Chel, Boz-Dag, Turut-Sarudzha 
and Kabristan — areas of rugged relief with mountain xerophytes. Deep 
frosts and heavy snowfalls bring mass mortality to goitered gazelle 
inhabiting the Kura lowlands (Vereshchagin and Dyunin, 1949). In general, 
the goitered gazelle is a chinophobe because it cannot reach food under the 
snow nor move rapidly over a deep snow cover. This characteristic also 
confirms its recent migration to Transcaucasia from the south. 

Fluctuations in the Caspian Sea level, breaches of the coastal ridges and 
the flooding of the Kura and Araks rivers, as well as changes in the nomadic 
and settled populations of eastern Transcaucasia and in their agricultural 
techniques, have produced far-reaching changes in the range and population 
of goitered gazelle in this area in historical time. 

In the 1920's, the distribution area of goitered gazelle coincided with the 
saltwort solonchak-semidesert and andropogon steppes, and reached nearly 
to Tiflis on the west. 

The sharp population decline and the shrinkage of range in eastern 
Transcaucasia began in the 1920's and accelerated in the 1930's when the 
development of motor and air transport made it possible for poachers to 
work mass destruction on the species. It was driven from the Apsheron 
Peninsula early in the century and from the Shirak steppe in the 1920's. 

In the 1930's hunting with cars and trucks developed to such an extent 
that the goitered gazelle was nearly exterminated in the northern part of 
the Shirvan steppe. Just in the area around the Kara-Su railroad station 
poachers bagged more than 500 goitered gazelles annually. Poachers from 
the cotton sovkhozes of the Mil'skaya steppe bagged from 500 to 600 gazelles 
each year with the use of automobiles, and this steppe yieldedthe same 
number to herdsmen winteringthere. In 1937 goitered gazelle could be 
encountered in eight isolated areas of semidesert and poorly-developedtracts 
ofthe Kura steppes and the ridges of Adzhinour and Kabristan comprising 
approximately 8,219 km?. Its population was in the 5,000-6,000 range 
(Vereshchagin, 1939a) (Map 87). During the years that followed, the range 
and the number of animals decreased rapidly as poaching techniques were 
motorized and as semidesert land was developed for cotton growing. 

In the 1940's the species was displaced from the territory north of the 
Sumgait River. In Kabristan it was confined to deep semidesert ridges by 
the development of the oil industry. Small herds of goitered gazelle could 
sometimes be encountered in 1935-1937 on the Gezdek Plateau and near 
Mount Kergez 10 km southwest of Baku. By the 1940's only single 
Specimens could be observed andthose nocloser than 25-30 km from Baku 
in the Kara Dag and Shakhi-Kai region. 


With the irrigation and plowing of the Kura-Araks lowlands the goitered 
gazelle will become extinct in eastern Transcaucasia wu less a steppe 
preserve is established and effective measures taken for the protection of 
this animal. 

Saiga—Saiga tatarica L. Saiga remains are recorded for 
Pleistocene and Holocene strata from the British Isles in the west to the 
Novosibirskie Islands in the north and Alaska in the east (Nehring, 1890; 
Cherskii, 1891; V.I. Gromov, 1948; Pidoplichko, 1951). The stability 
of the adaptive features of the saiga from the Middle Pleistocene to the 
present points toward a Pliocene or even Miocene origin for the genus. 

The lack of findings of closely related forms in Pliocene strata of the 
Palaearctic is rather mysterious, but, in view of the adaptation of the 
contemporary species, it can be assumed to have developed in steppe and 
savannah environments. 

Although the Pleistocene fauna of the northern shores of the Mediterranean 
generally resembles that of the middle belt of Europe, saiga remains have 
not been found in southern France, Italy and Greece (Wolf, 1938, 1939). 
The most southerly finds of Pleistocene saiga remains have been in the 
Crimean steppes and on the Caucasian Isthmus. On the Russian Plain saiga 
bones present massive and certain evidence of Middle and Upper Pleistocene 

On the Caucasian Isthmus fossil remains of saiga have been reported 
from Ciscaucasia and eastern Transcaucasia (Map 86). 

There has probably been no penetration of saiga to the south of 
Transcaucasia. Nor has it been found in western Transcaucasia which also 
has long been a woodless area of rugged relief. 

The appearance of the species on the Caucasus can be dated at least 
Middle Pleistocene, 

358 The saiga remains of at least 70 specimens found in the Binagady 
bituminous strata of the Apsheron Peninsula are convincing evidence that 
the penetration route of European-Asian steppe forms from the north 
followed the western coast of the Caspian Sea. In the pre-Khazar stage 
of the ancient Caspian regression, the ecological barrier which the 
Khachmas lowland forests of the Kusary sloping plain now present to steppe 
species probably did not exist. The winter migrations of saiga recorded 
by Glitsch (1865) raise questions on the stability of saiga habitats in eastern 
Transcaucasia. Is it possible that these were only seasonal migrations 
taken during cold winters? The answer is supplied in a study of the age 
groups of animals which perished in the bitumen, based on 60 mandibles 
with preserved molars: 

1. Young — June-July; milk molars worn down; first true molar erupted: 

2. Young — August-September; first true molar erupted and worn down: 

3. Semi-adult — November; second true molar erupted; milk teeth 
replaced by permanent teeth: 5.0%. 

4. Adults and aged specimens — worn-down true molars: 40%. 

This data shows beyond doubt that saiga reproduced on the Apsheron 
and inhabited eastern Transcaucasia at least in summer, in fall and at the 
start of winter. This habitation continued until some time later, and was 
probably terminated only by the Khvalynsk transgression which greatly 
constricted the developing steppe belt of the piedmont. 



Saiga inhabited the Trans-Kuban piedmont plain and the Taman Peninsula 
of Ciscaucasia in the Upper Pleistocene together with primitive bison and 
giant deer. But whether these habitations represented only winter migrations 
from the Kuban valley and through the Kerch Strait from Crimea is difficult 
to judge from the existing data. The fact that such migrations were possible 
is confirmed by the run of saiga on the Aral Sea islands (Berg, 1905). 

In postglacial time the saiga range was still enormous, extending from 
the Carpathians to Mongolia. Saiga inhabited the Ciscaucasian plain during 
the Holocene from the Azov to the Caspian coast. From this area and 
particularly from adjacent areas of the Russian Plain multiple findings of 
Holocene remains of saiga have been taken. They have been found in cultural 
strata in the following proportions (ratio to total number of bones extracted 
at each site expressed in percentages): 1) Cossack village of Tsimlyanskaya, 
Bronze Age, 15th-10th centuries B.C. — 5% in one excavation area, 

12% in another; 2) the farmstead of Krasnyi Yar near Tsimlyanskaya, 

Late Bronze Age — 4.2%; 3) the village of Lugovoe in the Assa valley, 
Scythian strata — one horn among a great number of remains of domestic 
animals; 4) Cossack village of Tsimlyanskaya, Khazar strata, 8th-10th 
centuries A.D. — 14.8%; 5) Sarkel fortress near Tsimlyanskaya, 9th-11th 
centuries A.D., from 1934 excavations — 6.5%, and from 1950 excavations — 
Bee И. 

The saiga is not depicted in drawings, sculptures or folklore of the 
Caucasian peoples, except for a representation of antelope on a vase from 
the Maikop burial (Figure 128) and unrealistic recent drawings that are 
almost contemporary reported from Chokrak sandstones near Kapchugai 
in Dagestan by Markovin (1953). 

In the Ukraine saiga was common in the later Middle Ages (Beauplan, 
1823 edition). Litvin (1890 edition, p.48) recorded saiga and roe deer in 
the province of Kiev of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy as follows: ''Wild goats 
run across from the steppes into the forests in winter and from the forests 
to the steppes in Summer in such large numbers that each peasant kills up 
to 2,000 of them each уеаг." This was approximately the year 1550. 

In the last century the southern range limit of the species in Trans- 
caucasia lay alongthe Ust'-Urt, the Aral and the northern Kyzyl-Kum. 

During the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, the decline in 
saiga population оп allsurvivingranges proceeded very rapidly as the result 
of direct extermination (Glitsch, 1865; Dinnik, 1914a; and others). The 
plowing of land was also a contributing factor. At the time of Rossikov 
(1887) saiga still inhabited the lower reaches of the Malka, and in the 1890's 
could still be encountered near Stavropol: Dinnik (1914a) reports their 
being killed near the Sengileevskoe Lake and the village of Staro-Mar'evka. 
At his time saiga were common near Arzgir, Raguli and Turkmenskaya 
Stavka [Letnyaya Stavka, Stavropcl Territory] but had become extinct 
in the vicinity of Bol'shaya Kugul'ta, Dzhalga, Burukshum and Takhta. 

By the beginning of the 20th century they were no longer to be 

found in the western Manych area (Bogachev, 1918). At this time numerous 
armed detachments on the steppes contributed to the disastrous decrease 
in saiga population. They survived only in certain parts of the Chernye 
Zemli, in the lower reaches of the Kuma, Volga, Ural and Emba ‘rivers, 

in northern Kazakhstan and in Mongolia. They completely disappeared 

- from the Terek-Kuma semidesert. In the 1930's migrating herds were 


seldom seen near Arzgir and Terekli-Mekteb. The establishment of hunting 
limits, the confiscation of rifled arms and the gradual depopulation of the 
semidesert have brought about-a restoration of the saiga population. 

According to Adol'f (1950, 1952) a total of less than 3,500 saigas 
inhabited the interfluve of the lower Kuma and Volga in 1939, whereas in 
1950 herds of more than 1,500 specimens each were encountered; the total 
number of these animals living on the right bank of the Volga was several 
tens of thousands at this time. 

After World War II saiga again became common on the Terek-Kuma 
steppes (Babenyshev, 1948). 

In the severe winter of 1948-49 thousands of saiga died on the Astrakhan 
and Ciscaucasian steppes from cold and hunger. In the spring of 1950 
carcasses of saigas were found on the steppes of the eastern slopes of 
Yergeni in groups of five to eight (Kolesnikov, 1950). As snowfalls start 
large numbers of saiga rush to the south, toward the Terek and Sulak, 
and isolated groups reach the Dagestan foothills. Lavrovskii (1950) reported 
the gathering of tens of thousands of saiga north of the Chernye Zemli on 
tracts of fully-developed tall weeds. 

During blizzards, storms and deep cold in severe winters, saiga, like 
goitered gazelle, retreat into the tugai and reeds. Their appearance in 
the tugai along the Terek and Sulak is, therefore, not astonishing. When 
saiga undertake long migrations, going hundreds of kilometers northwards 
in search of moisture to quench their thirst during cold winters without 
snow, they are liable to die if they are suddenly caught by a snowstorm. 

As a result of such a migration, large numbers of saiga grazed in the corn 
and wheat fields of the Grozny Region in 1951. 

The present range and habits of saiga characterize it as a steppe animal 
which was driven into the desert by man. During the Pleistocene and 
Holocene it very probably lived in the forest-steppe and, in any case, 

360 inhabited thickets and reedlands of the floodplain, much like some African 
antelopes. Long migrations from 
forest to steppe and back, even 

in winters of unusually light snowfall, 
are confirmed by Litvin's cited 
report. In general, it may be said 
that the present stenotopic features 
of the species are only superficial 
and, to a considerable degree, forced. 
The prospects for the continued 
existence of saiga in Ciscaucasia 

are poor; plowing and irrigation of 
vast steppe and desert areas will 
each year restrict further the areas 
suitable for the habitation of saiga. 

In 1950, 15 saigas were settled on 
Bulla Island, south of Baku: they 
could probably successfully inhabit 
any part of the semidesert of eastern 

7 cS м И А, 

с А ААА > 
Е |/ 

FIGURE 144, Representation of a chamois оп а Transcaucasia. 
silver bucket from burials in the Trialet ridge Chamois — Rupicapra rupi- 
(Kuftin, 1941) Capra’ Cave agtioay Lyd: > Poss 



remains of chamois have frequently been found in Pleistocene and Holocene 
cave strata in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, e.g., the Colomby 
grotto which is very rich in animal remains. The finds are almost always 
in mountain or piedmont areas. 

Only isolated occurrences of chamois have been found in Paleolithic 
cave settlements in western Transcaucasia, but the North Ossetian dzuars 
contain Middle Holocene remains. None has been found in either Pleistocene 
or Holocene strata in the vast piedmont plain region of the Caucasus, nor 
have they been encountered in Pleistocene deposits of Iran, Syria, Palestine 
and Lebanon. The contemporary distribution lies in the Pyrenees, the 
Cantabrian Mountains, the French, Swiss and Italian Alps, the Apennines, 
the Carpathians, the Balkan Mountains, Asia Minor and the Caucasus 
(Couturier, 1938). 

Thus both paleontological data and present zoogeography characterize 
the chamois as a mountain species occurring in the alpine fold systems 
lying to the north of the western Mediterranean and to the southeast of the 
eastern Mediterranean. 

Contour representations of chamois, depicting the animal with its chest 
pierced by arrows, appear on a silver bucket from Early Bronze Age burials 
on the Trialet (Figure 144). Since the chamois does not endure captivity 
well and could not have been transported far from its natural habitat by 
ancient tribes, this find indicates to archaeologists that the bucket was 
fabricated either inthe Armenian Highland or in Asia Minor. The contemporary 
range of the chamois on the Caucasus is widespread (Map 88). On the 
Main Range, the distribution area can be traced from the west from the 
Goitkh Pass and Mount Semeshko (1,032 m) in the upper reaches of the 
Pshish (Dinnik, 1896, 1914a; Nasimovich, 1949b), with some occurrences 
observed (1955) in northwest Tuapse in the rocks of the Dzhubgi district, 
to the east on both sides of the Caucasus as far as Mount Baba-Dag in 
Azerbaidzhan. On the western Caucasus the chamois range is from 
250-300 m to 3,000 m above sea level. At the end of the last century and 
the beginning of the present one the species was very numerous in the 
reaches of the Belaya, Urushten and Malaya Laba rivers; as many as 
400 chamois could be observed daily and sometimes herds of 90 head were 
encountered (Dinnik, 1914a). Between 1926 and 1937, at least 4,000 chamois 
inhabited the Caucasian Reservation (Nasimovich, 1949b) and Zharkov 
reports as many as 12,000 (1940a). Winter concentrations are likely 
to occur on slopes with either a western or an eastern exposure. The animal 
is most frequently found in the middle altitudes of the subalpine zone — from 
1,500 to 1,700 m. 

In the central part of the northern Caucasian mountains, there are 
chamois habitations on the slopes of the Elburz and in pine forests of the 
ranges which border the upper Baksan, Chegem and Cherek rivers. The 
species is not found in the furthest chain of the Skalistyi, appearing only 
in Digoria and Ossetia. In Dagestan chamois live among rocks in an area 
of subalpine tall grasses and beech—hornbeam forests with a very humid 
environment on the ridges of the Chernye Gory to the middle course of the 
Argun. Their habitat in Urukh and the upper reaches of the Ardon is 
characterized by rocky areas grown with pine forests and stretches to 
Nogkau and Tseya. Chamois cannot be observed in central Dagestan which 
is deforested, andis found only in small numbers on the eastern slope of 
Mount Shakhdag. 



On the southern slopes of the Main Range the species is common in 
Abkhazia and Svanetia, and it has found habitats on the very steep slopes 
of the upper Kodor, Ingur and Rion gorges in fir, spruce and maple forests, 
and particularly in the upper reaches of the Tskhenis-Tskhali, which are 
very rich in chamois. There are few to be found in South Ossetia or 
Kakhetia, but, further to the east, they are numerous in the beech and 
birch forests of the Katekh-Chai and Shin-Chai gorges and in the basin of 
the upper Turyan-Chai in Azerbaidzhan. 

Herds of 50-70 chamois can be observed in the Zakataly Reservation in 
August. In the 1930's the census of chamois in this reservation was 
approximately 1,000 head (Markov and Mlokosevich, 1935). The usual 
habitats of this animal are the edges of birch forests and very steep sod 
slopes grown with matgrass and fescue in those parts of the subalpine 
meadow-steppe with bedrock of black slate. On rocky slopes near Kurban- 
Efend in the Ismailly region chamois live even in the summer at altitudes 
from 800-900 m. In winter, the bulk of the population inhabits beech forests 
in the range of 800-1,200 m. 

The population and distribution of chamois is considerably less on the 
Lesser Caucasus. They are still found along the middle course of the 
Chorokh in the Artvin area and, further to the west, on the eastern Taurus, 
e.g., the Trebizond vicinity. There are no data on the habitat of chamois 
on the northern slopes of the Adzhar-Imeretia Range. At one time chamois 
was common in the beech forests and rocks of the Kura left bank in the 
Borzhomi area. In 1890 five chamois were penned in on a 130-ha-tract 
in the Borzhomi Reservation (Shil'der, 1892). Onthe Trialet ridge, the 
species can be observed in the BelyiKlyuch area, although it has been 
exterminated in other places. There were probably no chamois in the past 
and are none now on the deforested plateaus of Dzhavakhetia. 

As late as 1873, Bogdanov and still later Kalishevskii (1904) 
noted their presence on Alagez. Neither Burchak-Abramovich in 1944 nor 
Dal' in 1950 found any chamois there. In the last century the species 
inhabited the northeast margin of the Armenian Highland, and in the 1860's 
could be encountered along the Dzegam-Chai and Shamkhor-Chai rivers as 
far as the village of Barsun (Radde, 1899, p.74). Folklorist Osipov (1898) 
mentions the presence of chamois in the mountainous areas around the 
village of Chaikend. By the 1930's it was no longer observable in Karabakh 
and on Shakhdag, although Sarkisov (1944g) maintains that it 
disappeared from the Murov-Dag only in 1930. Generally speaking, 
Sarkisov's data on chamois distribution on the northern slopes of 
Shakhdag, on the Lori uplands and in northeastern Karabakh (1944g) require 

The disappearance of chamois from Karabakh and Asia Minor cannot 
be explained only by human activity, because on the Murov-Dag and other 
ranges there are forests sufficiently deep for the survival of wild goat. 

There are no indications of chamois now or in the past in Talysh and 
оп the Elburz, although they could certainly exist there. South of the 
Armenian Highland, chamois probably exists in relict forest areas. A horn 
of chamois from the mountains of the southern coast of Lake Van is 
preserved in the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. 



FIGURE 145. Chamois lying on a scarp in the Katekh-Chai ravine 

Photograph by author, 1935 

Chamois is less well adapted to the intersecting relief of the mountains 
than is the goat. Its skeleton is lighter and its hooves are smaller. It 
avoids the rocky places frequented by Caucasian goats (although some 
naturalists think otherwise). Its principal enemies are big cats (panthers 
and lynx). It can survive in stable rocky areas which are 
inhabited by wolf and bear, because it is swifter of movement; it is even 
frequently found grazing side by side with bears. The seasonal and daily 
migrations of chamois are less pronounced than are those of goats. They 
do not migrate in winter to Dagestan where the snow cover is poor, and in 
summer they do not leave the forests for the glaciers, because they probably 
endure the attacks of bloodsucking diptera better than goats. Their 
attachment to biotopes of forest and mesophytic meadow is more stable than 
that of goats (Figure 145). On the whole, the chamois is a species adapted 
to the mesophytic areas of the mountains rising around the Mediterranean. 
It probably did not descend to the plain during the Quaternary because, 
being a specialized mountain species but without the speed of the roe deer 
or goitered gazelle, it could not move from range to range across the plain 
at that time without being destroyed by predators, particularly by wolves. 

The absence of chamois remains in plain burials and the data on its 
contemporary distribution and adaptations both indicate that the Caucasian 
and Alpine chamois derived independently from common ancestors which 
existed in the Tertiary on the folded uplands of the Sarmatian sea coasts. 

There is, thus, no room for discussion of a chamois migration in the 
Quaternary to the European Alps from the mountains of Asia Minor and the 
Caucasus or, conversely, from Europe eastwards through the Balkans and 
Asia Minor. The Caucasian chamois should be regarded not as a subspecies 
of the alpine chamois but as an independent species. A comparison of the 


two shows the Caucasian chamois to have distinctive morphological features, 
including a different voice — a long, hissing sound noted even by 
Dinnik (1896). 

The absence of chamois from Talysh and El'brus and the rapid decline 
of its population and shrinkage of its range in the 19th and 20th centuries 
on the Lesser Caucasus indicate that the contemporary ecological optimum 
of the species and probably the focus of its origin lie in the ranges 
surrounding the Black Sea to the south and east. 

The organization of a rational forest and hunting economy requires the 
renewed breeding of chamois in Karabakh — in the upper reaches of the 
Dzegam, in Shamkhor and in Talysh 

West Caucasian and east Caucasian goat— Capra caucasica Guld. 
ahd C. cylindricornis Blyth. Fossil remains of representatives of 
the subfamily Caprini have been found in Eurasia from the beginning of the 
Lower Pliocene, but on the Caucasus the only goat remains that have been 
found are from the Pleistocene and Holocene. The Pleistocene localities 
are all situated in western and central Transcaucasia on the margins of the 
contemporary range, often a distance of 50-60 km in a straight line from 
the present habitats of the species (Map 89). The explanation lies partly 
in the effects of the glaciations which forced the goats to lower altitudes, 
but even more in its widespread distribution in the Pleistocene (see 
Chapter II). 

To the south remains of local southern forms of C. sinaitica Erenb. 
have been found in the Paleolithic of Lebanon, Syria and Palestine and are 
recorded under the names of C. beden Wagn., C. ibex L. and 
С. cf. nubiana Cuv. (Picard, 1937). Remains of Pleistocene goats are 
also reported from many mountain and foothill settlements in Western 
Europe — from Ireland and Belgium to Bulgaria. These remains, sometimes 
consisting of entire skulls, which are generally related to some species of 
the contemporary European goat — C. ibex L., C. aegagrus L., 

С. pyrenaica Schinz. — and to fossil species —Ibex priscus Wold., 
I. cebennarum Gerv. and others, have been found in Pleistocene as 
well as in Holocene strata (Woldrich, 1893; Wolf, 1938). A large goat, 
Capra sp., inhabited the mountains of the Crimea in the Paleolithic 
(Gromova and Gromov, 1937). 

364 Carvings of Caucasian goats, especially of the east Caucasian type, 
were often produced in the Bronze Age; figures of goats appear on warders, 
pendants and seals (Figure 146). 

The contour representations on silver vessels from the Maikop burial 
show a similarity to west Caucasian goat (Figure 128). 

There are no paleontological or archaeological data on an earlier 
habitation of the Lesser Caucasus and the Taurus by Caucasian goat. 

Nevertheless, it seems very probable that such a habitation occurred, 
particularly if one compares Caucasian goat with species endemic to the 
area: Caucasian birch mouse, Promethean vole, pine vole, snow vole 
and the Caucasian black grouse. The feasibility of Caucasian goat existence 
on the Lesser Caucasus is demonstrated in the present day by the 
experience of the Borzhomi Reservation (Shil'der, 1892). 

The contemporary range of Caucasian goat includes almost all of the 
Greater Caucasus for 9 longitudinal degrees (between 39°45' and 
48°30'E). The chief habitat is on the slopes of the Main Range, but 




they are also encountered on parallel ridges to 
the north and south and on spurs with southern 

In this vast area two contemporary species 
developed: the western —C. caucasica 
(С. caucasica seve rtzovi) and the eastern — 
С. eylindricornis, which differs from the 
western chiefly in the structure of the male horns 
(see Chapter IV). 

The distribution of the west Caucasian goat 
(Figure 147) now begins to the west of Mount 
Chugush (Nasimovich, 1949a), although in the 
i ies 1880's they could be found 30 km westward on the 

peaks of Fisht and Oshten (Dinnik, 1914a). In the 
FIGURE 146. Kobanian poletop Caucasian Reservation goats inhabit the 
of bronze representing east Vodorazdel'nyi Range and its northern spurs. 
Caucasian goat — from North On the mountains of Bolshoi Pambak, Dzhuga, 
ОБА (ase, Mee) Akhtsarkhva and Yatyrgvarty, the habitats are 

somewhat separated in summer (Nasimovich, 
1949a). At the start of this century, goats were often encountered on the 
Skalistyi ridge and on Mount Achesbok. Temporary habitations by single 
specimens have been noted during the last fifty years on the summits of 
Dudugush, Chura and Khatsavita. 

The west Caucasian goat is also dispersed along the Vodorazdel'nyi 
Range and its northern and southern spurs from the upper reaches of Belaya 
and Mzymta to the upper reaches of the Balkar Cherek. Very few specimens 
are now found in the upper reaches of Teberda and Kodor, but in the 
Teberda Reservation, groups of 10-15 can be observed near the glaciers. 

Goats have completely disappeared from the upper reaches of the Ingur. 
To the east, they inhabit the southern slopes of Tetnuld in the upper reaches 
of the Mulkhra and single specimens are seen beyond the village of Ushkul’. 
The species is rare on the summits of Shoda and Laila, which are isolated 
from the Vodorazdel'nyi Range. There are numerous goats on the northern 
slopes of the southern ridges of El'brus. At the beginning of the 20th century, 
they lived on Mount Kinzhal, and at the beginning of the 19th century they 
were even found in the Pyatigor'e area on Mount Beshtau (Vietinghoff, 
1812). Beyond the villages of Tegenekli and Verkhnii Baksan groups of 
20-25 goats were observed in the 1950's. 

The species is also common in the Bezingi Cherek gorge, where in the 
1940's during the fall shepherds killed as many as 40 head. And it is even 
more common in the upper reaches of the Balkar Cherek on the slopes of 
Dykh-Tau. There in the course of a day in August 1948 the author 
encountered three females with young and two young males in the Dykhsu 
gorge, and observed numerous tracks and signs of goat-grazing near the 

It is very rare in the upper reaches of the Urukh. 

The present distribution of east Caucasian goat lies to the east of limits 
drawn by the Ingur and Tskhenis-Tskhali headwaters on the southern slopes 
and the Baksan and Malka headwaters on the northern slopes. The skull of 
a female specimen from Teberda is preserved in the Zoological Institute 
of the Academy of Sciences. The Georgian Museum contains in its 


collections a skull of a male from Teberda with horns of а type showing а 
transition from C. cylindricornis to C. caucasica, anda skull 
of an 11-year-old male from Baksan showing a transition from 

С. caucasica to С. cylindricornis. Thirteen skulls taken from 
the northern spurs of El'brus and Mount Kinzhal and now in the Zoological 
Institute collection also belong to the east Caucasian form. V.G.Khachvani, 
a Svan of Ushkul', near the Ingur source, owns a stuffed specimen, male, 
52 years old and typical of the east Caucasian form, which was killed near 
the summit of Shkhara in December 1947. From the same village Radde, 
in the last century, brought the horns of an aged goat of a transitional 
(hybrid?) type between west and east Caucasian. 


FIGURE 147. West Caucasian goats in winter 

Watercolor by E.Ya. Zakharov 


In 1949 Nasimovich (1950) discovered in the Psygansu ravine five skulls 
of east Caucasian goat and one skull of west Caucasian goat which had been 
discarded by hunters. In finds in the upper reaches of the Bezingi Cherek, 
four skulls had horns of the west and central! Caucasian type, and one had 
horns of the east Caucasian type. Two skulls found in the Balkar Cherek 
region both belonged to the eastern type. Of Dinnik's ten finds of skulls 
in 1887 in the Cherkess village of Kundyum two proved to be of the western 
form and eight of the eastern (Dinnik, 1890b). All 46 skulls taken from 
the Urukh and Ursdon gorges in the villages of Styr-Digor and Nogkau, 
which were examined by the author, belonged to the east Caucasian species. 

The Rekom dzuar in the Tseya gorge of the Ardon Basin contained 
298 pairs of horns, of which 292 belonged to the eastern type and only six 
to the western. 

From this location the range of the east Caucasian goat is continuous 
along the Vodorazdel'nyi Range (Map 89). 

According to data collected by the author and V.I. Naniev in North 
Ossetia in 1948, the east Caucasian goat can be observed on all the northern 
slopes of the Bokovoi and Main ranges and occasionally inthe upper reaches 
of the Urukh, Ardon, Fiagdon and Gizel'donrivers. Herds of up to 100 head 
are encountered in the upper reaches of the ArkhonRiver and occasionally 
in the neighborhood of the villages of Dunta, Arkhon and Aksai. 

The species is now rare in the Grozny region and in central Dagestan. 
It was probably rare on the Gunib and Khunzakh plateaus even at the time 
of the Caucasian wars inthe mid-19th century. Although now completely 
extinct in the middle reaches of Kara-Koisu, it undoubtedly could be found 
everywhere in that region in the last century. East Caucasian goat is 
rarely seen in the Samur and Lakskii areas, but is common in the Avar 
Koisu Basin on the Bogos Range, from which Geptner and Formosov (1941) 
report herds of 20 head in the 1920's. It is also numerous in the rocky 
upper reaches of Kara-Chai and Kusar-Chai on Shalbu-Dag and Shakh-Dag. 

There are now few goats on the southern slopes in the upper reaches of 
the Aragva and Alazan, and they are completely absent from the Telavi 
Range, even though they inhabited this area until quite recently. In the 
1930's some 200-300 head were counted in the Lagodekhi Reservation 
(Markov, 1940). Following some epizootic outbreak, their numbers were 
greatly reduced along the Belokan-Chai and Mazym-Chai (Vereshchagin, 

The Katekh-Chai ravine is the habitat, both in summer and in winter, 
for a particularly heavy population; herds of 200 and more head can be 
observed there. The census in the 1930's in the Zakataly Reservation was 
3,500-4,000 head (Markov and Mlokosevich, 1935; Vereshchagin, 1938a). 
The species is frequently found in cirques in the Shin-Chai and Demir- 
Aparan-Chai gorges, and is especially numerous on the southern border 
of Dagestan in the upper reaches of the Samur (Figure 148) and in the 
vicinity of the three high peaks of Bazar-Dyuzi, Baba-Dag and Shakh-Dag — 
a fact noted even in 1896 by Satunin (Radde, 1899). In the 1930's the author 
observed there many herds of 30-40 goats, and occasionally aggregations 
of 250 or more. The extreme eastern margin of the east Caucasian goat 
range passes near Mount Aivasel 25 km east of Mount Baba-Dag. 

Today groups of 15-20 goats can be observed near Konakhent in the upper 
reaches of the Gil'gin-Chai. 


FIGURE 148. Khalakhi Lake in the upper reaches of the Samur. 
The surrounding rocks are a favorite habitat of east Caucasian goat 

Photograph by author, 1937 

The eastern Caucasian goat (Figure 149) ranges between wide altitudinal 
limits. This animal can be found in summer at altitudes up to 1,200-1,300 m 
in ravines of the Zakataly Reservation which are nearly inaccessible from 
the south. It frequents mineral springs and passes in valley bottoms at 
altitudes of 800-1,000 m. To the east above Vartashen and Ismailly its 
summer habitat is on the treeless slopes of the southern ranges at altitudes 
of 1,400-1,500 m. In winter the lower limit on snow-covered slopes drops 
200-250 та, but remains the same as in Summer in the valley bottoms. After 
slaking their thirst atthe mineralsprings, the adult goats either stay near 
the riverbed at altitudes of 1,400-1,500 m or climb up to altitudes of 
2,800-3,000 m where they rest near snowdrifts, thus completing a daily 
vertical migration of 1,500-2,000 m. In August the goats often use passes 
at altitudes of 3,400-3,500 m. 

On the southern slopes the goat population of the upper reaches of the 
Alazan to the upper reaches of the Pirsagat divides in summer, because 
the entire alpine meadow belt is occupied by cattle herders with herds of 
sheep and cows guarded by dogs. One group of goats spends the entire 
summer in the forest, resting on taluses and rock overhangs; the other is 
to be found in the passes above the meadow zone on rocks and taluses. 

368 The west Caucasian goat of the Recent is now a mesophilous species, 
but its adaptation to the humid forest and to alpine meadows is probably 
а later, secondary phenomenon. 

The contemporary population of Caucasian goat is greater in the eastern, 
drier parts of the Caucasus; its preferred pasturage is in meadow-steppe 
rather than rich alpine meadows. It is characteristic of the goats of the 



forest populations to take long rests on rocky scarps, taluses and in sunny 
forest clearings — a habit which may revert to the ancient ways of their 
ancestors whose mountainous habitats were treeless and more arid. 

The pattern of Caucasian goat behavior as it relates to firn-snow and 
glaciers is more clearly seen in summer than in winter. The animals 
generally frequent the firn in August and rest in the sun enjoying the coolness 
and the absence of flies (Vereshchagin, 1949a). They avoid frozen slopes 
and glaciers, and will look for footing on uncovered stones after a fresh 
snowfall. It is rare that they will attempt a crossing over a large glacier 
area. During the author's crossing of the huge glaciers near Mount 
Laborda east of Mount Shoda in August 1948 no goat tracks were observed 
on the glaciers. According to observations of hunters (M.G. Ivkin and 
others), large herds of goats migrate each year in November-December 
from Lagodekhi and Belokan to Dagestan, always using the snow-free 
еее ог 19565. 

The general outline of the Caucasian goat ranges has changed little during 
the last 150 years. Presumably during the Caucasian wars in the mid-19th 
century there were more goats killed than there are now. The population 
declined with the establishment of Russian settlements in the Ciscaucasian 
piedmonts and the introduction into the mountains of the four-barrelled 
Berdan rifle andthe triple-barrelledrifle at the start of this century. 

The decline was progressive during the first half of the 20th century 
throughout most of the goat ranges. One exception was the hunting preserve 
of the Grand Duke in the Kuban Basin where the animals were well-guarded. 
The protected environment of the Caucasian and Zakataly reservations 
brought about an increase in the goat population in these areas beginning 
with the 1930's. 

Goats fled from harassment in Fisht and Oshten in the 1880's, and 
disappeared from Mount Achishko near Krasnaya Polyana in 1908 
(Nasimovich, 1949a). Villagers of Ushkul' killed 200-250 goats in the area 
of the Ingur sources over a35—40-year period in the last century. Their 
sons, using improved weapons, killed no more than 15-20 in the same time 
Span in the first half of this century. 

By the beginning of the 20th century, goats had been routed from the 
furthest ridges of the Skalistyi in the central part of the northern Caucasus, 
particularly from Kinzhal and Barmamyt (Dinnik, 1914a). Dronov collected 
thirteen skulls in the upper reaches of the Malka as late as the 1880's. 
They have probably been extinct in Pyatigor'e in the Beshtau region since 
the beginning of the last century. i 

Judging from skulls found in the dzuars of Lesgor and Digorized, the 
east Caucasian goat inhabited Digoria early in this century on the Skalistyi 
ridge which cuts off the longitudinal valley of the Doniserdon from the 
north. Since no fresh skulls have been found in these sanctuaries, the 
species must have disappeared by the 1930's-1940's. 

The approximate annual yield of Caucasian goat in the 1930's was 
probably no less than 4,000 head (Figure 150). 

Caucasian goats, then, are not to be considered as on their way to 
extinction, even though there is no control over hunting in the mountains. 
The existence of three reservations — Caucasian, Teberda and 
Zakataly-Lagodekhi — is a guarantee of a continuing, thriving population. 


The development of cattle breeding, accompanied by the extermination 
of wolves and panthers, had both a positive and a negative effect on the 
Caucasian goat population. In the early stages of cattle herding, wolves 

370 preyed on the domestic cattle in the mountains in the summer and followed 

the herds to the plains in winter, thus diminishing the danger to the goat 
population. However, as cattle breeding was further developed and pastures 
were enlarged, cattle diseases such as scab, foot-and-mouth disease 
and others spread to the goat population (Dinnik, 1914a; Vereshchagin, 

1938a; Nasimovich, 1941). 

FIGURE 149, East Caucasian goats in summer 

Watercolor by E. Ya. Zakharov 


The facility with which Caucasian goats can be crossed with domestic 
species, domesticated and acclimatized to the plains, 1еааз фо ап anticipation 
of further development of both species through controlled expansion. They 
will probably be bred in the Karabakh uplands, on the Shakhdag, and on the 
Trialet and the Adzhar-Imeretia ridges, as well as in Talysh and El'brus. 

FIGURE 150. Horns of Caucasian goats mounted on a veranda of an Ossetian house in the Urukh gorge 

Photograph by author, 1947 

The economic effects to be obtained from the hybridization of Caucasian 
goats with domestic goats could be considerable (Vereshchagin, 1938a). 

Taking into account the endemicity and morphological isolation of 
Caucasian goats from other representatives of the genus (see Chapter IV), 
the species should be regarded as local in origin, springing from Caucasian 
Tertiary ancestors. 

Bezoar goat— Capra aegagrus Erxl. Fossil remains of this 
species are recorded for Pleistocene and Holocene cave strata in Italy, 
Lebanon, Syria and Palestine (Picard, 1937; Wolf, 1938). They have been 
found in the Caucasus only in postglacial strata in caves in the Araks gorge 
(Polyakov, 1882) and on the Saraibulakh ridge, in Bronze Age strata of the 
Teishebaini fortress ruins near Yerevan (Dal', 1940b, 1952), and in dzuars 
in Tushetia and Khevsuretia. 

371 Bronze Age drawings on limestone rocks in southeast Kabristan west 
[? south] of Baku show a similarity to Bezoar goat (Figure 151), and may 
indicate a recent habitat for this species on the lower ridges of Kabristan 
near the Caspian Sea. The collections of the historical museums of Moscow, 
Makhachkala and Grozny contain exquisite bronze figurines of Bezoar goat 


from Dagestan (Figure 152) which are associated with the cultures of the 
Kobanian and Kayakent-Khoro-Chai period (first half of the 1st century B.C. ). 

FIGURE 151. Representations of goats on rocks of Beyuk-Dash south of Baku 

Photograph by author, 1945 

The contemporary distribution of Bezoar goat extends beyond the 
Caucasus to the mountains of southwest and central Asia, from Crete to 
western India through Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan. There are three 
isolated ranges on the Caucasian Isthmus: the eastern part of the Greater 
Caucasus and the central and the eastern parts of the Lesser Caucasus. 

The upper reaches of the Alazan, the Argun and the Gerdyman-Chai, which 
is to say the arid, treeless part of the country, form the limits of the range 
on the Greater Caucasus (Map 90). In the 1920's the species inhabited the 
Lakskii area of Dagestan, and, according to Dinnik (1914a), could be 
encountered 30 km from Gunib at the start of the century. 

The Bezoar goat of Dagestan is rarely seen in the forested, humid 
slopes of the Main Range between Lagodekhi and Shemakha and in the passes 
of the divide — perhaps once in two or three decades. 

It is common in the upper Avar Koisu area, in the vicinity of the villages 
of Tlyadal, Kidero, Chorod and Takhota, where it inhabits pine and beech 
forests. Along the upper Terek and Aragva it is not now observable and, 
to judge from the compleie absence of skulls of the species in Ossetian 
dzuars, it was probably never an inhabitant of this area. 

The range on the Lesser Caucasus is more extensive: it includes on the 
southwest the fir forests of the upper Chorokh, certain parts of the 



Adzhar-Imeretia Вапбе, {Ве western spurs of the Trialet in the Borzhomi 
District and the southeastern part of the Armenian Highland. The species 
is common on the Shakhdag and in the Kedabek and Kalakent areas, e.g., 
in the upper reaches of the Shamkhor 
near the Kashkar summit (3,379 m), 
on Mount Kyapyaz, beyond Lake 
Gek-Gel and below the peak of the 
Murov-Dag (3,740 m). 

In 1940 a small number of these 
goats inhabited the taluses in beech 
forests on the southeastern slope of 
Mount Kechel-Dag at the eastern 
extremity of the Shakhdag ridge. 

The guard at the sawmill there killed 
seven or eight goats each year. 

Mount Kirs (2,743 m) above 
Stepanakert was the easternmost summit 
inhabited by Bezoar goats in the 

FIGURE 152. Bronze figurine of Bezoar goat The habitat of this animal in the 

MIS Ree Sees) central and southern Armenian Highland 
lies in rocky mountains from the Azat 

River valley to the Zangezur, Megri and Bargushet ridges. North of the 

upland the range is limited by the southern slopes of the Gegam and 

Vardeniss ridges (Dal', 1951b). The Bezoar goat is frequently observed 

on the Urts and Aiotzdzor [Daralagez] ridges and on the rocky massifs 

close by. In 1950 Dal' (1951b) counted 124 goats in five aggregations on 

33.5 km? on the Urts ridge. 

In the 1870's goats could still be encountered near Elenovka on the Sevan; 
Polyakov collected one skull from this region. 

In the Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. in 1947 the summits of Alindzha-Dag and 
Ilyanlu-Dag in the vicinity of the villages of Abrakunis, Boyanur and 
Khanagya provided a habitat isolated by the upland semidesert. During the 
historical era, goats were repeatedly routed from these heights by ancient 
Armenian tribes which used the summits as natural fortresses. Bezoar 
goats are more adaptable than the Caucasian type; they often cross vast 
desert areas easily and, therefore, have a great migratory potential. 

On the Zangezur ridge and its southern spurs the goat population spreads 
eastwards as far as the Araks gorge. It is particularly numerous in the 
Negram Mountains between Dzhulfa and Ordubad at altitudes of 
1,000-1,200 m. In the Araks gorge it is distributed on the southeastern 
slopes of the Megri ridge as far as Okhchi-Chai. In 1947 a small goat 
population inhabited desert rocks near Akluis and Ordubad. 

There are references in the 14th-century writings of Rashid ad-Din to 
the Bezoar goat as an inhabitant of Talysh, where it could still be 
encountered in the high mountains, e.g., оп the Kyz-Yurdy summit, 
(Radde, 1899, p.75) in the mid-19th century; later it was no longer 
observed there. 

To the south the range of this goat extends into the dry uplands of Asia 
Minor and Iran. Collection specimens were taken from Erzurum, Van, 
Kars, Ararat, Tabriz, Sabalan and Damavand at the end of the last century 


and the beginning of the present one. In the U.S.S.R., the Bezoar goat 
also inhabits the Kopet-Dagh and the Bolshie Balkhany. According to 
Sarkisov (1944e) it can be observed in Iran throughout the mountains of 
Azerbaidzhan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah and Luristan, and to the south in 
the provinces of Yazd and Shiraz, in Makran, Baluchistan and as far as 
the Sulaiman Range. 

The most usual habitat of the species is an arid, rocky mountain biotope 
with buckthorn, hawthorn, juniper and other xerophytes. The vertical 
distribution of the contemporary Bezoar goat on the Caucasian is from 
900 to 3,500 m, but it manages very well at altitudes lower than that, even 
down to sea level. 

The adaptation of the present range to the eastern Mediterranean area 
and the life pattern of the Bezoar goat indicate a protracted evolution 
of the species in a dry, hot rocky mountain environment at relatively low 
altitudes. The penetration of this goat into the Greater Caucasus probably 
proceeded northwards from southwest Asia in one of the xerothermic 
periods of the Pliocene or Pleistocene, similarly to that of hamsters of the 
genus Mesocricetus. The Surami Range and the steppe-like piedmont 
of eastern Ciscaucasia would have provided a likely route. The subsequent 
isolation in the arid eastern part of the Greater Caucasus can be explained 
by the glaciation of the ranges and the development of a wide mesophytic 
zone of forest and meadows to the west. The occurrence of the species in 
Dagestan at a later time, e.g., Lower Holocene, is less probable. 

Anthropogenic influences on this goat only came into play in the last 
decades with the development of cattle herding and the introduction of 
long-range guns into the mountains. The decrease in the range is 
particularly apparent today on the southeastern Armenian Highland. 

In an ideal hunting economy on the Caucasus, the species would have 
an unlimited future. Its range could be extended by controlled settlement 
along the longitudinal valleys of the central Caucasus, e.g., in the Malka, 
Baksan, Cherek, Urukh and Fiagdon ravines where there are places on the 
cuesta scarps of the Skalistyi which provide favorable conditions for its 

Sheep: Argali— Ovis cf. ammon L.—and Armenian mouflon — 
Ovis gmelini Blyth. Argali remains are reported from Western Europe 
for the Pliocene to the Upper Pleistocene, and mouflon remains for the 
Pleistocene to the present. 

On the Caucasus occurrences of large sheep of the argali type (Figure 153) 
are very rare and have only been found in Middle and Upper Pleistocene 
strata of the Transcaucasian mountains and plains. Finds of mouflon 
remains are even more rare and have been made only in the Paleolithic 
of the Lesser Caucasus and the Mesolithic of Dagestan. 

The localities closest to the Caucasus from which finds of Pleistocene 
argali have been recorded are caves in the Crimea (Acheulean and 
Aurignacian strata). Bones of mouflon-type sheep, O. cf. argaloides 
Nehr., were found in Acheulean-Mousterian strata of the Kiik-Koba cave 
and in Aurignacian strata of the Adzhi-Koba cave (Gromova, 1935a; 
Gromova and Сгоштоу, 1937). In spite of the suitability of the topography 
of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, remains of sheep from Paleolithic and 
Neolithic cave strata in these regions are unknown (Picard, 1937). 



FIGURE 153. Remains of argali 

1,3 — metacarpal and humeral bones from Middle Pleistocene asphalts near Baku; 2— Mg 
from Upper Pleistocene diluvium near Maragheh 

A tooth of a large argali was found in Quaternary loams of northwest 
Iran near Maragheh, and remains of Ovis sp. were found in caves in the 
vicinity of Urmia and Asterabad (Coon, 1951). 

There are no occurrences of argali remains in Holocene strata of the 

Aside from the Mesolithic of Dagestan, bones of a small post-Pleistocene 
sheep, О. cf. gmelini, have been found only within the limits of the 
contemporary range of this species: in the ruins of the Karmir-Blur 
fortress near Yerevan (7th-5th centuries B.C.) and in cave strata of the 
Saraibulakh ridge (Dal', 1941, 1952) (Map 91). 

Depictions of sheep are scant in the ancient literature and representative 
art of the Caucasian peoples. The earliest are to be found in sculptures. 

A mouflon head carved on a belt buckle from the Trialet burials in southern 
Georgia has been related to the second millennium B.C. (Kuftin, 1941). 
Bronze pendants in the form of sheep with argali-like horns are quite 
common in Kobanian burial and settlement sites. These representations 
give an impression, however, of domestic rather than wild animals, as 
they do not have the force or vivid quality of untamed animals (Figure 154). 
Argali probably disappeared from the Caucasus in the Holocene, not even 
surviving in central Dagestan where environmental conditions were most 

Gold articles have been found in Scythian burials of western Ciscaucasia, 
Kellermess and other localities which bear traceries and relief 
representations of small-horned sheep of the mouflon type. Similar 
representations on so-called ''Sassanid metal'' from Transcaucasia date 
from 220-657 A.D. Silver plates in the Hermitage collection show a mounted 
hunt of Chosroes I and Shapur II in pursuit of fleeing sheep (Orbeli and 
Trever, 1935). The area in which the plates were produced — the Iranian- 
Anatolian Plateau — corresponds tothe contemporary rage of southwest 
Asian sheep. 


The present range limit of mouflon-like sheep т the U.S.S.R. is reached 
in southern Transcaucasia (Map 91). 

Horns and pelts of this species collected from Yerevan, Nakhichevan, 
Negram, Dzhulfa, Darry-Dag and the village of Puzian in Zangezur are 
preserved in the Georgian Museum. The nearest Iran localities to produce 
specimens are Kotur-Dagh, the vicinity of Khoi and the island of Koyun-Dagh 
on Lake Urmia. 

The collections of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences 
contain horns found by Academician Brosse in Alagez in 1849 and a skull 
from the same mountain near the village of Mastart found by Pfizenmair 
in 1911. There are also skulls and pelts collected throughout Armenia; 
from the Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. (the environs of the village of Shakhbuz, 
Dzhamaldin, Arazia), and from Turkey (Mount Ararat, the environs of 
Bayazid, the village of Gurdzhi-Bulakh, Pir-Reshid Mountain 60-80 km 
from Van Lake). The collections of Mil'kovich (1910), Brandt (1879), 
von Vik (1914), Khanykov (1851) and Vvedenskii (1908) contain horns, skulls 
and pelts from Kara-Dag to the south of Ordubad, the Zorskie Mountains, 
Lake Urmia, Mount Sabalan and the environs of Tabriz. 

The distribution of sheep in southern Transcaucasia has diminished 
rapidly since the last century. Chopin (1852) comments on the presence 
of sheep in Alagaz, but contemporary authors — Sarkisov (1941, 1944a, 
1944b) and Ра!" (1945, 1949b) — note that the distribution area ends east 
of the Zanga River on the Saraibulakh and Daralagez ridges. 

In 1947 the species was rare in 
the environs of Abrakunis, Dzhulfa, 
Negram and Ordubad and on the Darry- 
Dag andIlyanlu-Dag mountains, and 
only a small number inhabited the 
Zangezur ridge, particularly the 
vicinity of the villages of Bichenakh 
and Shakhbuz. 

The contemporary range of 
mouflon in Transcaucasia is 
associated with the upland steppes 
where groupings of dense xerophytic 
grasses and sibbaldia predominate, 
with formations on mountain slopes 
of thorny astragali in the middle 
zone, and with salt—wormwood 
groupings in the Araks valley. The 
summer habitat of the species is 
FIGURE 154. Bronze heads of argali-like sheep in the high mountains and their 
from Kobanian burials of North Ossetia descents into the warmer valleys 
Uvarova, 1900) 5 Е ; 

are made mainly in winter. 

It can be supposed from the 
general distribution of sheep in Eurasia (Nasonov, 1923) that argali and 
mouflon are newcomers to the Caucasian Isthmus. Their range expanded 
from a southern focus after the development of a xerophytic landscape. 

The distinctiveness of argali-like sheep and mouflon-like sheep cannot 
be considered as mere geographic variations of a single species, since the 
divergence between the two can be traced as far as the Middle Pleistocene 
(Vereshchagin, 1953c). 


The immediate future of wild sheep on the Caucasus, like that of other 

ungulates, will depend mainly upon the effectiveness of hunting regulations. 
376 The argali-like sheep should be settled in central Dagestan in Gunib, 
Botlikh and Khunzakh. 

Primitive and Caucasian bison— Bison sp., B. cf. schoetensacki 
Freud., B. priscus Boj., B. bonasus caucasicus Sat. Bison 
remains occur in Eurasia from the Upper Pliocene, the earliest finds — 
horn stems ofthe smallbison Bisonsp., В. cf. schoetensacki — being 
in Upper Pliocene Apsheron clays in Kabristan (eastern Transcaucasia) 
and in conglomerates on the Taman Peninsula (Burchak-Abramovich, 1949; 
Vereshchagin, 1957a). 

FIGURE 155, Caucasian bison 

Middle Pleistocene remains of a larger bison — В. priscus 
longicornis — апа Upper Pleistocene remains of a smaller one — 

B. priscus deminutus —have been found in many localities in 
Ciscaucasia and western Transcaucasia. Most of the finds were made in 
lacustrine -fluvial and cave strata (Map 92). 

The form was rare in the Pleistocene of eastern Transcaucasia and of 
the Armenian and Iranian uplands, even being replaced by primitive tur. 
Its absence from the Binagady complex is especially puzzling. To the 
southwest, however, it occurs quite commonly in caves of Lebanon, Syria 
and Palestine in strata from the Acheulean to the Neolithic (Picard, 1937). 

The trend toward a smaller size in the bison of Eurasia which can be 
observed at the end of the Pleistocene was reinforced and fixed by the 
harassment of man and the aridity of the landscape. There is no reason to 
attribute this phenomenon to ''deterioration" of the climate in the Upper 



Pleistocene, as 20010515415 and paleontologists have often done. The cooling 
of the climate and the development of meadow formations caused an increase 
in the size of bison in the Middle Pleistocene. The contemporary Caucasian 
bison (Figure 155) is undoubtedly a direct descendant of the local Pliocene - 

Pleistocene bison. 

At the same time that the bison size diminished in the Upper Pleistocene 
and postglacial periods, the populations became isolated in river valleys, 
оп high plateaus and in broadleaf forests onthe mountain slopes. The Caucasian 
bison has not retained the steppe habits of its Pleistocene ancestors and 
American relatives. It has become an inhabitant of the mesophytic forest- 
steppe and the mountain forest zone. Its remains have been observed in 
certain localities of western Transcaucasia and the Lesser Caucasus. 

In the Middle Ages the Caucasian bison population was probably linked 
to the bison population of Eastern Europe by way of the wooded valley of 
the Don. 

The different fates of the Eurasian bison and the American bison in the 
Holocene were caused by different anthropogenic effects (Vereshchagin, 
1956). The survival by large bison and turs of the destructive mounted 
assaults of hordes of Khazars, Polovtsians, Kipchaks and Mongols would 
have been strange indeed. They did survive, however, into the 16th century 
in Great Lithuania and Mazovia (Vizhener, 1890 edit. ) where they were 
hunted with spears ("'metabulo"), and into the 18th century in western Siberia 
(Bell, 1776). Pidoplichko's assertion (1951) that the European bison of the 
Pleistocene was a permanent inhabitant of the steppe is not well founded. 

It is strange that among ancient Caucasian artifacts scuptural and graphic 
representations of bison are almost unknown; only some unrealistic 
figurines of bulls that somewhat resemble bison have been found among 
bronze trinkets of the Kobanians. References to Caucasian bison in literature 
date from the Middle Ages. 

Rashid ad-Din (1946 edition) writes that when Abaga-Khan was wintering 
in Arran in 1275-1276, he and five farsang (Parsees) from Shahrud hunted 
the ''mountain buffalo'' in the forest. In describing a hunt of the Ghazan- 
Khan in Talysh in 1301-1302 (pp. 188-189), this chronicler reported: ''After 
this the warriors organized a round-up and chased the game — mountain 
buffalo, dzhurs, wild goats and asses, jackals, foxes, wolves and bears 
and all kinds of wild animals and beasts of prey — inside the fence until 
they all were gathered in that enclosure. '' The author probably referred to 
roe deer ("'dzhuyurs"') as ''dzhurs, '' and to Bezoar goats or goitered 
gazelles as ''wild goats."' 

It is noteworthy that tales of wild bulls in Talysh and the El'brus 
Mountains were repeated up to the 19th century (Ménétries, 1832). Brandt's 
critical survey (1867) added nothing new on this subject. It is possible that 
the extinction of bison in the forests of El'brus and Talysh occurred at 
approximately the same time as it did in the forests of the central 
Caucasus, i.e., in the 18th-19th centuries. 

The earliest literary reference to bison in Circassia is probably that 
of Jean de Luc (1625, 1879 edition) and Arcangelo Lamberti's (1954) 
is the first allusion to the species in Abkhazia. 

It was known in Moscow that the bison existed in Kabarda, Ossetia and 
Ingushetia long before the publications of Academicians Lovich, Guldenstaedt 
and others who are considered the earliest discoverers of bison on the 
Caucasus (Bashkirov, 1940). 



Page 7994 of the 10th volume of ''The Complete Collection of Statutes of 
the Russian Empire, 1649" gives this directive: 

"Written Order from the Cabinet of Her Majesty the Empress Anne 
Holstein [daughter of Ivan V] to the Astrakhan Obercommandant — on the 
yearly catching of various living animals to be sent to the Court and to the 
Izmailovo menagerie... It is known to us that there are in Kabarda wild 
bulls and: kdosy [bison] which they call dombai, for the sake of which you 
shall do your best and not spare money from the Treasury in order that the 
local princes shall command the catching of five or ten such bulls and young 
cows and send them to the Kizlyar fortress. There they should be lured 
with bread, and when they are habituated to it, you shall send them to 
Moscow together with the other animals. Write this to the Gori Shah and to 
the commandant of the Kizlyar fortress and to the Elmurza of Cherkassia, 
asking them to do their utmost for the capture and dispatch of these bulls 
and cows."' 

FIGURE 156. Bison skulls in the Digorized cave 

Photograph by author, 1947 

It is possible that bison still inhabited North Ossetia at the time of 
Guldenstaedt's journeys in 1770-1774. 

Dinnik (1890a) was able to find old men of the village of Zadalesk who told 
him how their fathers and grandfathers killed the bison-dombais with iron 
bullets. There is an inscription carved on one of the skulls of the Digorized 
cave which reads "1833" and may signify the date when one of the last bison 
was killed (No.10, North Ossetia Pedagogic Institute) (Figure 156). 


By the middle of the 19th century bison survived only in the mountains 
and forests of the northeastern Caucasus, from which they gradually 
disappeared in several stages. The range limit in the north was probably 
the longitudinal course of the Kuban, including the mouth of the Malyi- 
Zelenchuk, and in the west the Pshish River. A comparative reading of 
recorded folklore led Bashkirov (1940) to assume that bison very possibly 
inhabited the upper reaches of the Shakhe, Sochi, Mzymta, Psou, Bzyba, 
Kodor and Ingur. 

In the 1870's there remained a total of more than 2,000 head of 

Little by little, the Caucasian wars and the settlement of Cossacks in 
the foothills drove the bison to the upper Belaya-Laba interfluve. The 
decline in population and the shrinkage of the range continued without 
interruption as cattle breeding and hunting expanded and deforestation 

By the 1890's the Caucasian bison population was estimated at 
500-700 head (Satunin, 1898), and by 1918 Kulagin's census was only 442. 


FIGURE 157. Bison (male) in a fir forest 

Photography by Р.Р. Filatov, 1909 

The establishment in the 1890's of the Grand Duke's hunting preserve 
in a 522-dessiatina tract [1 dessiatina — 2.7 acres] of the Kuban and the 
control of poaching in this area halted the decline to a certain extent. 

Filatov's investigations (1910, 1912) revealed a further contraction of 
the bison range; this map shows a distribution area only in the upper 
Belaya-Bolshava Laba interfluve. He placed the bison population at that 
time at several hundred, mostly inhabitants of fir forests (Figure 157). 


After the 1917 Revolution, the Kuban hunting preserve was overrun 
by cattle herders, lumbermen, army deserters and hunters armed with 
triple-barrelled rifles who destroyed nearly all the Caucasian bison in 
that area. 

380 In 1919 an epizootic, probably endemic to domestic cattle grazing in the 
mountains, broke out among the bison and killed virtually all the rest. 

Only 50 animals survived in 1920, at least 20 of them in the Dishi- 
Khamyshki district, and these too were subsequently driven off by poachers. 

The establishment of the Caucasian Reservation in 1924 could not save 
the bison because of the number of small arms among the local population 
and the difficulties of protecting the animal in the mountains. 

Several bison killings are recorded for the years 1921-1926: near the 
Cossack village of Lineinaya, 50 km west of Maikop (1921), near Mount 
Gefo (1923), and in the upper reaches of Kodor on Alous and Mastakan 
(1925-1926). The latter report from Mount Alous describes the killing 
of three bison, probably the only survivors, by Imeretian herdsmen, and 
is the last one on record (Bashkirov, 1940). 

With the year 1940, the history of the hybrid Caucasian-American 
bison begins on the Caucasus (see Chapter VI). These bison possess a 
greater vital capacity and can live in the mountain forests throughout the 
northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia. 

Primitive bull* —Bos trochoceros Meyer, В. mastan-zadei 
Bertsch ewe prince mi us (Boy: , By mimutus Ма. Wh 1s"eustomear y. 
for a history of the genus Bos to commence with the deposits in northern 
India in which many Pliocene and Pleistocene fossils of extinct species of 
Bovidae have been preserved. 

Like bison, the genus displayed on the Caucasus a successive series of 
related forms, which, however, were not as clearly defined as the bison 
species. In addition, some species represented lateral phylogenetic 


The history of the primitive European-type Bos — а branch of 
B. primigenius —begins on the Caucasian Isthmus with the Middle 

The most ancient find is the skull of a giant B. trochoceros in 
Middle Pleistocene sands of Adzhi-Eilas south of Yerevan (Avakyan, 1946). 
Later, Upper Pleistocene finds are recorded for the Apsheron Peninsula 
bitumens (Bogachev, 1925b; Burchak-Abramovich, 1951а, 1952d), for the 
Armenian Highland and for Ciscaucasia (Map 93). There the history of 
Bos onthe Caucasus seems to be broken, although burials of the second 
millennium B.C. (Hittite ? culture) on the Trialet ridge near Tsalka and 
Kirovokan revealed skulls, metapodia and phalanges of bulls of a size close 
to the Holocene wild bull. 

Related forms on the Caucasus are those of the Middle Pleistocene 
В. mastan-zadei from the Apsheron bitumens (Burchak- Abramovich, 
1952d), and of the Holocene В. cf. minutus, а small postglacial bull 
from the sands of the Sevan coast (Dal', 1950a). These are isolated 
localities. The Caucasian В. mastan-zadei did not become an inhabitant 
of forests and did not migrate to the mountains — an interesting point of 

* [The Russian text uses "tur" here, but to avoid confusion between bull and goat (since, in English, "tur" 
can also mean Caucasian wild goat) we have substituted "primitive bull” in the translation as the common 
name for the genus Bos where it is apparent that the reference is to one of the primitive species of Bos.] 



difference from the bison. The distinguishing ecological characteristics 
of these Quaternary species can be observed in the distribution of their 
remains in Eastern Europe and on the Caucasus. 

For instance, to the north of the Caucasian Isthmus, remains of primitive 
bull are well authenticated from alluvial and diluvial deposits of the Russian 
Plain river valleys. 

The Bos population was less than that of bison throughout its range. 
The lower percentage of remains of Bos is particularly apparent to the 
southeast. Table 74 shows the breakdown between authenticated bison 
and bull skulls collected mainly from river banks and now in museum 

TABLE 74. Distribution of finds of bison and bull skulls on the Russian Plain (data from 
museum collections) 



This distribution confirms to some extent Pidoplichko's statement (1951) 
that primitive bulls inhabited more humid landscapes and biotopes than 
did bison. 

In Europe, the bull was mainly an animal of the mesophytic forest 
particularly toward the end of its existence. On the Caucasus and in 
southwest Asia this was not the case: it inhabited humid valleys and 
meadows of open plateaus and, of course, was easily exterminated. Recent 
experience with cattle breeding in the plains of central Asia shows a 
parallel: the spring ephemeral growth of the desert and semidesert suffices 
for pasturage for only a short time; later, from June onward, grazing is 
concentrated in meadow-swamp formations on the shores of lakes that are 
not stream-fed (e.g., the Chushka-Kul lakes near the city of Turkestan) 
and in the river valleys. Similar feeding habits can be observed in the 
coarse-grass steppe: as the dense, scrubby grasses become coarser, the 
cattle migrate from the steppe to the ravines, gulleys and humid floodplains. 

Attracted as the genus is to meadow formations, the primitive bull 
probably found its optimum biotope in the southern regions — southwest 
Asia and the Caucasus — at the time of cooling and humidification of the 

The habitation of the Apsheron Bos onthe Pleistocene semidesert — 
the eastern Transcaucasian steppes — was probably seasonal, that is, 
confined to the period of winter-spring ephemeral growth and not including 
the summer. Primitive bulls did not inhabit the forested and swampy 


Transcaucasus, but, to the south, they were common on the wooded and 
steppe -like plateaus of southwest Asia. 

Remains of Bos primigenius found in Mesolithic strata of the Belt 
cave near Asterabad Bay should probably be correlated with descendants 
of B. mastan-zadei, a more xerophilous form than European Bos. 
(The same correlation holds for goitered gazelle remains — Coon, 1951.) 
В. nomadicus Falc., remains of which are recorded for Lower Neolithic 
strata from the site of the ancient town of Annau near Ashkhabad (Duerst, 
1908), was probably a descendant of the Middle Pleistocene Apsheron Bos. 

Two forms of Bos, one large and one small, probably existed on the 
Armenian Highland at the end of the Pleistocene. Judging by the finds of 

382 bones of bulls in the Neolithic strata of Urartu, it can be assumed that both 
forms were domesticated. 

There is no documentation of the existence of Bos on the Caucasus 
in our time. 

Remains of Bos have been found, extraordinarily enough, in kitchen 
middens of ancient towns on the Russian Plain. However, to interpret this 
find to mean that the wild Bos was a dangerous enemy of prehistoric man 
(Gromova, 1931, p.362) and that man began ''to avoid the hunting of this 
dangerous ргеу" when domesticated animals were available is very naive. 
We have Shumerian and Assyrian bas-reliefs showing scenes of hunting to 
contradict this interpretation. 

The explanation lies rather in the sharp decline in the population of this 
animal in the Neolithic and in the habits of the European Bos which made 
it difficult to hunt. The bison which lived in the forest and was no less 
dangerous was hunted throughout the Holocene. In the Middle Ages Bos 
were encountered only in isolated localities and were often specially 
protected (Vizhener, 1890 edition). 

The Bronze Age and, particularly, the Scythian epoch on the Caucasus 
have furnished us with representations of bulls: a silver vessel from the 
Maikop burial (second millennium B.C.) bears a contour drawing — two 
bronze figures are designed in the form of bulls, and flat gold plates show 
a bull in profile (Figure 158). 

It is likely that contour drawings of bulls and cows on rocks (Figure 159) 
in Kabristan south of Baku, probably belonging to Roman time, depict 

domesticated animals (Vereshchagin and 
Burchak-Abramovich, 1948). A bronze figure 
of a powerful bull, similar to the primitive 
species, was found in a Kobanian burial in 
Ossetia. In the collection of the Historical 
Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the 
Azerbaidzhan 8.S.R. are many signets and 
rings with relief representations of bulls which 
date from the first millennium B.C. and were 

FIGURE 158. Gold plate depicting found in the vicinity of Mingechaur. There is 
a primitive bull from the Maikop a marvellous representation of a bellowing bull 
burial (actual size) on a gold signet from the Chertomlyk burial 

in the southern Ukraine. 
To the south and southwest of the Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Syria and 
Egypt produced the wonderful bas-reliefs of the ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, 
Babylonian, Assyrian and Hittite cultures, many of them depicting bulls 


and bull-hunts, from the second and early first millennia [B.C.] when wild 
bulls were common in southwest Asia and northeastern Africa. Usamah ibn 
Munkidh hunted bulls in Syria as late as the 12th century. 
We could find no reference to the existence or disappearance of Bos 
in the histories of the Caucasus. Consequently, we can only infer its history 
on the Ciscaucasian steppes and on the plateaus of the Lesser Caucasus 
from references to it elsewhere: the ancient Russian chronicles, ''The Lay 
of the Host of Igor, '' epic ballads (''byliny'') and ''The Instructions"' of 
Vladimir Monomakh (see Dolgikh, 1905, Gromova, 1931, Kolesnik, 1936). 
It is very probable that Bos became extinct on the forest-steppe of 
Ciscaucasia and on the Lesser Caucasus some time earlier than it did in 

383 The difficulties of evaluating paleontological, zoogeographical and 
ecological data to determine species origin and fauna formation are 
significantly revealed in this survey of the appearance, development and 
contemporary status of certain Quaternary mammals of the Caucasus. 

These difficulties are all the greater in elucidating the origins of 
eurytopic ubiquitous species (such as European hedgehog, fox and wolf) 
and several other mass species of the Quaternary (such as deer and bison) 
which have nearly stable distribution areas. Nevertheless, it is apparent 
that the local nucleus of the Caucasian mammalian fauna of the Tertiary 
formed in the Pliocene or even in the Upper Miocene, whereas for the 
most part the ancestral forms of Quaternary species do not occur in the 
strata of these periods. 

FIGURE 159, Representation of bulls on the rocks of Beyuk-Dash south of Baku 

Photograph by author, 1945 

1704 380 


The development of the ranges of many Caucasian mammals was 
demonstrably dependent upon the formation of Quaternary topography. 

The characteristics of the ranges depend to a lesser extent upon the 
species development of morphological-physiological adaptations and the 
interrelationships of biocenoses. 

The history of the development and disappearance of herbivore ranges 
even suggests that the processes proceeded autonomously within each 
species, each independent of the other; the harassment of predators exerted 
a secondary influence on herbivore distribution. 

Three principal types of ranges characteristic for Caucasian mammals 
can be distinguished from species distribution and ecological 

1. Caucasian forest and alpine type, associated with Tertiary mesophytic 
forest and mountain-meadow landscapes. Examples: the ranges of moles, 
Promethean vole, pine vole and chamois. 

2. Southwest Asian mountain-desert and mountain-steppe type, 
associated with Tertiary xerophytic landscapes which developed on the 
Caucasian landmass in the arid, hot Cezonoic period. Examples: the 
ranges of Persian and red-tailed gerbil, Asia Minor hamster, steppe vole 
and wild goat. 

3. European-Asian steppe type, associated with steppe landscapes which 
developed on the Ciscaucasian plains in the Pleistocene. Examples: the 
ranges of corsac fox, little suslik and saiga. 

The secondary phase of mammalian development proceeded during the 
Quaternary from the bases of these three ranges and resulted from the 
settlement in the Pleistocene and Holocene of European, central Asian and 
southern Asian species on the Caucasus. The range of central Asian desert 
species is the most isolated and alien to the Caucasus (see Chapter V). 

Data drawn from the Recent and based on paleontological studies of the 
distribution areas and on observations of the ecology of the species under 
discussion provide a broad chronological scheme of the origins of 
Caucasian Quaternary mammals. Three different age (stratigraphic) groups 
can be isolated in this fauna: Tertiary (Pliocene), Pleistocene and Holocene. 

The assemblage of local Tertiary forms (or their ancestors) which 
undoubtedly still existed on the Caucasus in the Pliocene was composed of: 
Insectivora, Chiroptera, Carnivora, Rodentia, Proboscidea, Perissodactyla 
and Artiodactyla — these formed a part of the base of the Holocene fauna. 
The assemblage is heterogeneous in both ecology and origin and is subdivided 
into mesophilous and xerophilous classifications. 

The species of the first — mesophilous — subgroup are local; they 
appeared in mesophytic eastern Mediterranean landscapes, i.e., mountain 
and lowland broadleaf forests and alpine meadows. They are the Caucasian 
mole, trogontherium beaver, European beaver, black rat, Promethean 
vole, Caucasian snow vole, long-tailed snow vole, roe deer and Caucasian 

The species in this group are eurytopic and ubiquitous. Pleistocene 
deposits contain remains of related forms: white-toothed shrew, fox, wolf, 
bear, deer, tur and bison. From this group the principal survivors are 
the ubiquitous species, the mountain-forest species and those other species 
which could adapt to the mountain-forest. 



The second — xerophilous — subgroup is composed of thermophilous 
species, endemic to arid, hot habitats of the eastern Mediterranean, 
known in zoogeographical literature as Iran-Asia Minor and Mediterranean 
species. Most of the species migrated to the Caucasian Isthmus from the 
south and their principal ranges lie in the southern and southeastern 
Caucasus and extend to the south of the Caucasus. The others survived 
on the Caucasus from the Pliocene, e.g., the Georgian macaca. 

Typical of this subgroup are the stone marten, Asia Minor suslik, 
common hamster, Persian gerbil, steppe vole and wild goat. Some of these 
forms can be found now in xerophytic locations on the Greater Caucasus 
and its foothills, and some only on the southern borders of Transcaucasia. 
It is very probable that this subgroup comprises relatively eurytopic 
animals, which, however, tend to be more xerophilous and southern in their 
adaptations. Examples are the long-eared hedgehog, tiger polecat 
and migratory hamster; the range of the latter passes through the 
eastern half of the Caucasian Isthmus, extending from the mountain steppes 
and semideserts of northern Iran to the steppes of the Russian Plain 
(see Maps 1, 26, 60). The ranges of some species in this subgroup were 
developed on the Caucasus in the Pleistocene, in some cases to a greater 
extent than in the Holocene, e.g., the common hamster and other southwest 
Asian forms. In other cases, the ranges developed in a northerly direction, 
i.e., onthe plains of Transcaucasia and even in Ciscaucasia in the Upper 
Pleistocene and as recently as the Holocene, e.g., Asia Minor gerbil, 
kulan and goitered gazelle. 

European-Asian hydrophilous and forest species formed the fauna of 
the Isthmus. The emergence of European forest-type animals on the 
Caucasus from Western Europe was feasible in the Tertiary, the Pleistocene 
and all epochs when the broadleaf forests of Europe and the Caucasus 
were connected through Asia Minor and the Balkans or through the Russian 
Plain. The formation of parallel species, especially in mountain forms 
like lynx, Caucasian snow vole, roe deer and chamois, was also possible. 

Those species which penetrated the Isthmus from the north, southwest 
and southeast belong to the younger — Pleistocene — genetic group. The 
reasons for their settlement lie in the ancient formation of the landmass 
of the northern Caucasian Isthmus, in the development of forest and 
meadow-steppe landscapes during the time of climate-cooling, in the 
development of steppe and semidesert landscapes in the Ciscaucasian plains 
during the time of climate-warming. It is very probable that there were 
two migratory routes to and from the Caucasus open to forest species in 
the Pleistocene — a northern one along the Don floodplain, and a southwestern 
one along the northern coast of Asia Minor. 

By either of these ways, the elk and the typical European brown bear 
could have penetrated the Caucasus. Only the northern route would have 
been feasible for the striped field mouse, the large Asian roe deer and 
other species; pine marten and European wildcat are more likely and 
common red-backed vole is certain to have followed the southwestern route. 
The time of their emergence on the Caucasus probably varied for each of 
these species — common hamster penetrating a little earlier, European 
brown bear and Asian roe deer a little later. 

The Pleistocene assemblage also included steppe elements: corsac fox, 
little suslik, saiga and other species which emerged on the Caucasus in 



the Lower Pleistocene, and steppe lemming which emerged later. In the 
Pleistocene, the northern steppe influence reached even into eastern 

The development of southern southwest Asian species was difficult in 
the Pleistocene because of the progressive cooling. 

The so-called interglacial epochs, warm, dry periods, can be traced 
on the Isthmus from the distribution areas of Turan desert species and, 
to some extent, of southwest Asian species. 

The latest genetic group to emerge on the Isthmus in the Holocene was 
composed of southern, thermophilous species which migrated to the 
Caucasus during the postglacial warming and dessication of landscapes. 

It is comprised of jackal, striped hyena, lion, tiger, jungle cat, kulan, 
goitered gazelle and probably some Insectivora and Chiroptera. Some of 
these species became extinct on the Caucasus as the result of human 

The Norway rat and the European races of house mouse can be counted 
as casual species, which were brought by ocean and river vessels of the 
ancient Greeks, Slavs, Khazars and Varangians, and later by railroad 
and automobile. 

A study of the characteristics of former and contemporary ranges of 
Caucasian mammals shows the effects of a great natural dynamic on the 
populations and on the range patterns of isolated species during the 
Quaternary. It also reveals the significant relationship between the 
anthropogenic influences of the historical epoch and the populations and 
ranges of many species. 

The discontinuities in the ranges of stenotopic and relatively stenotopic 
mammals of the Caucasus can be explained in the majority of cases by the 
alternation of dry and humid epochs during the Cenozoic and the orogeny 
and glaciation of the mountain ranges. 

The most characteristic are the high-mountain breaches in the ranges 
of Caucasian endemics — Caucasian snow vole, Promethean vole and 
chamois — in the region of the Surami Range; their age is probably Lower 
Holocene. Discontinuities in the ranges of mesophilous and forest species, 
e.g., mole, pine vole and roe deer, are peculiar to central Ciscaucasia 
and eastern Transcaucasia; some date from the Pleistocene and some from 
the post-Glacial. Among the xerophilous species, breaks can be observed 
in the ranges of common hamster, steppe vole and wild goat. 

An analysis of discontinuities like these, particularly those occurring 
in the ranges of rodents, reveals the patterns of two xerothermic epochs 
on the Caucasus — one in very ancient and the other in Recent time. The 
effects of a cold, humid epoch between these two can also be traced. 

Chapters IV and V are devoted to a general analysis of the distribution 
of all Holocene animals, based on zoogeographical maps, and to an attempt 
to evaluate with some precision the degree and kind of faunistic influences 
of the adjacent territories through a study of the stratigraphic and 
geographic variabilities. 




Chapter IV 


The study of the phylogeny of Caucasian Quaternary mammals presents 
many problems. 

The fossil remains from most localities are fragmentary, and suffer 
from post mortem crushing, making biometric studies very difficult. Skull 
material and skins of Recent small animals have been collected in different 
years and seasons by many workers using a variety of preservation. For 
these reasons conclusions on the spatial distribution and evolution of animal 
Species are not always reliable and convincing. For example, the annual 
and seasonal changes in growth rate and weight among rodent populations 
with short life cycles (e. g., moles and voles) may be more pronounced 
than variation which is related to local environmental changes. 

Insectivores and murids preserved in spirit and by dry method are of 
little use for detailed systematic study, as pointed out by Shidlovskii 
(1953a,b, 1954a, b). Data on geographic variation in fur-bearing animals 
is mostly based on information from the fur-trading stations and must be 
accepted with reservations, as a study of this type must take into account 
individual, sex and age variability within the populations. 

It is felt that comparative study of the morphology and systematics of 
the mammals of the Caucasus and the Russian Plain may contribute to an 
understanding of the development of the fauna, and therefore a summary 
of data on some orders is presented below. Most of the work on the evolution of 
the species through time has been based on better material, more amenable 
to biometric study. 


The number of fossil insectivores in the Caucasus is negligible. The 
Middle Pleistocene hedgehogs (He miechinus aff. auritus and 
Erinaceus aff. europaeus) from the bitumens at Binagady on the 
Apsheron Peninsula are practically indistinguishable from the Recent forms 
in size and structure of the mandibles and teeth. 

The geographic variation of the common hedgehog in the Caucasus is 
reflected in the darker spines and abdominal fur in gray woodland and 
wooded lowland populations. Dark varieties —Erinaceus europaeus 
concolor, E. europaeus ponticus —occur onthe Black Sea 

* Because it seems to us more correct to refer to evolutionary and geographic changes in living organisms as 
variation we reserve the more commonly used term variability to denote individual and age changes. 


coast of the Caucasus and in Asia Minor, the Eastern European 

EF. europaeus rumanicus is found in,Ciscaucasia;) and the light- 
colored Е. europaeus transcaucasicus in the semideserts of 

The variation in the Recent long-eared hedgehog is slight over the 
Caucasian Isthmus. The populations of the small forms, Hemiechinus 
auritus calligoni and H. auritus brachyotis, occur in the 
semideserts of eastern Ciscaucasia and in the middle Araks valley. 

Detailed information on the stratigraphic variation of the Caucasian 
moles (genus Talpa) is not available. The Recent mole populations 
can be subdivided into distinct geographic varieties, particularly in the 
areas which became isolated long ago. 

The biggest Caucasian moles (Talpa caucasica ognevi) inhabit 
the southern slopes of the western half of the Greater Caucasus and the 
Trialet ridge (Ognev, 1926a, 1928; Stroganov, 1948)*. The moles decrease 
in size to the south and southeast. Populations of the smallest varieties, 
т. Opeee vanieay) Sh Glamsye-ayicays са. and В. on ile mctiad Ws 
talyschensis, occur in the ridges of the Armenian Highlands and in the 
forests of Talysh. These populations are isolated from the main area of 
distribution of the species; however, N.K. Deparma has recently found 
a relatively small population of moles in the southeastern Caucasus, even 
smaller than the Talysh population. 

The size of the skulls and metatarsals of the Caucasian moles is given 
in Table 75. 

(385) тАвьЕ 78. Geographic variation in size (mm) of Caucasian motes* 


Lesser Caucasus Talpa 
orientalis trans- 

caucasica ognevi 

West of Greater and 
Lesser Caucasus Talpa 
8 specimens 

Greater Caucasus 
Talpa caucasica 

Lesser Caucasus 
Talpa orientalis 

170 specimens 
Talpa orientalis 

3 specimens 

240 specimens 
62 specimens 



35.9 33.9 30.1 32.4 

Condylobasal length 

Крео ее З5.1-317.2 33.1-395.7 29.8-32.6 31.3-33.0 29.5-29.8 
Length of upper tooth 14.5 13.4 IDE 11.2 11.1 

ее оо 14.0-15.0 12.5-13.8 11.9-12.7 10.5-11.7 11.0-11.2 
19.6 18.3 16.9 16.5 15.5 

о. 190-200 17.5-19.2 16.0-17.9 14.2- 17.5 15.0-16.0 

Note. Mean value of observed ranges in the numerator, limits in the denominator. 
* Measurements by Stroganov (1948), Dal’ (1944a), Vereshchagin (1945b) (Talysh). 

This size decrease to the southeast may be attributed to the prolonged 
isolation of moles on mountain ranges under conditions of increasing 

* In 1948 S.U. Stroganov tentatively identified 8 specimens of moles from the region of Kutaisi and 
Borzhomi as the Italian mole T. romana ognevi. Subject to the final clarification of affinities 
of the Caucasian and west Mediterranean moles, we regard this form as a subspecies of T. caucasica; 
T. europaea transcaucasica, described by Dal' (1944a) from the Pambak ridge, is tentatively 
referred to T. orientalis. 


draught, increasing annual temperatures and depletion of food resources, 
i.e., land invertebrates. 

The speciation of the Caucasian shrews can be understood in the light 
of the fact that these mesophilous forms, like the moles, were isolated for 
a long period in the forest-mountain massifs. 

Recent shrews of the genus Sorex onthe Caucasian Isthmus (e.g., 
Sorex minutus) also decrease in size from west to southeast. The 
Caucasian population of the common shrew is at present regarded as a 
subspecies of the European shrew, S. araneus satunini (Ognev, 1928). 
This shrew is distinguished by a short, wide nasal region and shorter 
mandible, etc. 

There are, however, certain larger local species of shrews which have 
evolved in the Caucasus, for example, the darker-colored and long-tailed 
S. raddei, closely related to the European S. araneus. 

European water shrews in the Caucasus (genus Neomys) are 
morphologically and ecologically more specialized than land shrews, but 
their genetic relationships are not well known. The forms described — 
Neomys leptodactylus, N. schelkovnikovi, N. balcaricus 
and №. dagestanicus —are regarded here as subspecies of the European 
N. fodiens. The first two of the above are characterized by narrow 
paws, as pointed out by Satunin (1915a), whereas the Dagestan 
subspecies is characterized by a poorly-developed tail, pale coloration, etc., 
characters typical of animals inhabiting lands with progressive desiccation 
(Spain, the Crimea). 

The structure of the skull and teeth of the white-toothed shrews of the 
Middle Pleistocene from the Binagady burial (Crocidula russula, 

C. leucodon) does not differ significantly from the contemporary forms 
inhabiting eastern Transcaucasia. Southern white-toothed shrews are much 
more widely distributed over the Caucasian Isthmus than other species; 
particularly abundantis C. russula guldenstaedti which inhabits 

both the dry and the humid zones. 

Geographic color variation is well seen in the Recent species and is 
directly related to the aquatic biotopes in the hot semidesert and humid 
shady forests of Colchis and Asterabad. According to Shidlovskii (1953b), 
the long-tailed shrews of Transcaucasia are smaller and darker in the 
humid forests of the coastal plains of the Black and Caspian seas than inthe 
390 center of the country and inthe dry areas of eastern Transcaucasia (Table 76). 

Clearly, if the isolation of the Caspian shrew can be proved, then any 
similarity in color will be the result of convergence due to the ecological 
similarity in the areas of Colchis and Asterabad. 



With a few exceptions, fossil Chiroptera are known in the Caucasus only 
from the Holocene beds. Thus there is no basis for discussion of the 
phylogenetic changes in this order. According to the data available in the 
literature (Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, Kuzyakin, 1944; Kuzyakin, 1950), the 
geographic variation in some Caucasian Rhinolophidae is expressed in the 
development of lighter coloration from northwest to southeast and in the 
increase in body size with increasing altitude above sea level 
(В. hipposideros, В. ferrum equinum). 



The widely distributed genera Myotis and Vespertilio are 
sometimes intermediate between the European-Siberian and central Asian 
populations (e.g., Myotis mystacinus), while other species (e.g., 
Vespertilio se rotinus) are closer to the European forms. 

TABLE 76. Geographic variation in dimensions (in mm) and coloration of long-tailed shrew in Transcaucasia* 

Western Transcaucasia, Central Transcaucasia, Eastern Transcaucasia, 

Colchis Kura valley Talysh 
Dimensions and color Crocidura russula Crocidura russula Crocidura russula 
monacha guldenstaedti caspica 

150 specimens 170 specimens 40 specimens 

70.6 74.1 70.6 
Body length......... 60-89 60-91 63-80 
12.1 13.0 13.1 
Foomlength о бою 69 9 6 11.0-15.0 11.0-15.0 12.0-13.6 
Condylobasal length of 18.1 18.7 19.3 
Stila teateete ciel -wentelfeiil« 16.1-19.4 17.5-19.8 18.6-20.2 
Length of upper tooth 8.1 8.2 8.9 
FROM ооо, Ome ba Choo 7.6-8.8 7.3-8.9 8.3-9.4 

Whole body dark 
chestnut brown, tail 
very dark all over 

Upper part of body gray- 
brown, lower part 
grayish white; tail 
uniformly dark 

Whole body dark chestnut 
brown, tail uniformly 

Note. Mean value of observed ranges in the numerator, limits in the denominator, 

* According to Shidlovskii (1953b), whose measurements are given in the above table, C. russu la 
caspica must be identified as a distinct species, C. caspica. This, however, needs further study, 
since the long-tailed shrew is a highly variable species, both ecologically and morphologically. 

In order to reach reliable conclusions on the geographic variation in the 
Caucasian bats, good southwest Asian data must be studied, as the ranges 
of distribution of most of the species extend from the Caucasus far to the 
south and southwest. 


The paucity of carnivore remains in Quaternary burials causes difficulties 
in the study of the morphological evolution of this order. The only exception 
is the Binagady locality, where there are particularly numerous canid 

The Middle Pleistocene Caucasian wolves are characterized by a smaller 
brain cavity, narrower nasal cavities, a narrower cheek region, shorter 
upper tooth row and smaller intertemporal width (Figure 160). It is of 
interest to note that no differences were recorded in the shape and 
structure of the teeth themselves. The decrease in the length of the upper 
tooth row was due both to closer spacing of the teeth and to the gradual 
disappearance of M*. In 33 wolf skulls from Binagady, M® was present 





2 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44% 

FIGURE 160. Variation in the temporal index (ratio 
of the intertemporal width to the length of the brain 
case expressed as a %) of Middle Pleistocene wolves 
from the Caucasus 

1— Recent Canis lupus cubanensis; 2— 
Fossil C. lupus binagadenis, eastern 
Transcaucasia, Binagady. Dots indicate mean 

in only 2 (i.e., 6%). Out of 222 
skulls of Recent wolves from the 
U.S.S.R., МЗ was found in only 
0.9%. Changes in the limb bones 
are reflected in the gradual 
narrowing of the scapulae with time 
(Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

The present geographic variation 
of the wolves on the Isthmus has 
been poorly studied; however, it is 
known that the wolves of the 
Transcaucasian plains are somewhat 
smaller than those of Ciscaucasia, 
while the Armenian Highland forms 
are larger. According to Dal' 
(1951a), the Armenian Canis 
lupus hajastanicus is no 
smaller in size than the Kuban wolf, 
and is distinguishable from it by its 
long, soft fur; its back is bright 
whitish gray and yellowish with a 
black tint. The fur traders in the 
Caucasus distinguish the ''steppe"’, 
relatively light-colored wolves of 
the open plains, and the darker 
varieties from the ''forest''. Wolves 
of bright iron-rust color occur in 
Kabarda. This is a fairly rare 
example of an aberrant variety. 
Three skins of this variety are in 
the collections of the ZIN Museum. 

The probable Middle Pleistocene ancestor of the Recent fox, Vulpes 
khomenkoi from the fossiliferous beds in eastern Transcaucasia, is 
characterized by small molars and short canines, like those of the Arctic 
fox (Bogachev, 1938c; Vereshchagin, 1951b). Towards the end of Middle 
Pleistocene times (Khazar stage) the fox evolved into the modern form and 
the subsequent changes in the structure of the skull have been negligible. 
The cranial features of the Middle Pleistocene foxes of eastern 
Transcaucasia (Binagady), however, are quite variable. This variation is 
characteristic both of the Recent fox of the Kura Lowlands (Vulpes 
vulpes alpherakyi) and the foxes of the highlands — У. vulpes 
kurdistanica, V. vulpes alticola. The basic structure and size 
of their teeth, however, does not differ from the former species, as shown 

in the graphs (Figure 161). 

The skull size and fur of the Recent Caucasian foxes display a marked 
geographic variation. The general pattern of variation has been traced on 
individual skulls and pelts by Ognev (1931), who published a distribution 
map of the described subspecies of Caucasian foxes: Vulpes vulpes 
stepensis, V. vulpes karagan, V. vulpes caucasica, 

Vevilpes aitreo ra, 

V. vulpes kurdistanica, V. vulpes 



The distribution of the Caucasian foxes, based оп the differences in the 
fur coloration (material studied at fur-trading posts), has been accurately 
described by Kuznetsov (Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, and Kuzyakin, 1944). 

The first distribution map of local variation (in such features as fur 
color and other associated characters) and size variation in the Caucasian 
foxes was published by us (Vereshchagin, 1947d). 

Pelts obtained in the course of hundreds of years are subdivided into 
six races by the local fur traders: Ukrainian, Don, Kuban, North Caucasian, 
Yerevan and Transcaucasian. 

Our study of the pelts of more than 13,000 specimens of foxes at the 
Rostov and Tbilisi fur stations may be briefly summarized as follows. 

Ukrainian. This race is subdivided into north and central Ukrainian. 
These are big foxes with relatively stiff guard hair, rusty white on the 
back and straw on the sides. The belly is mostly rust in color and 
the upper surface of the paws is black. This variety occurs, though rarely, 
in the Ciscaucasian plains. Populations of these foxes occur in pockets 
among the typical north Caucasian foxes, from the northwestern Manych 
region to the Kabarda plains. According to the fur traders, the presence 
of this variety in the 1940's in Ciscaucasia was noticed only after World War II. 

Don. Fairly large light-colored foxes, rusty white, with red shoulders 
and belly. The guard hair is shorter than in the Ukrainian race. The most 
commonly occurring colors are probably related to age and sex: rust, light 
rust, rust gray; more rare are dark rust and gray rust specimens. 

These foxes lived round the coast of the Sea of Azov, the lower reaches 
of the Don, and the Sal'sk steppes. In the east their range extends to the 
Yegorlyk, in the south, to the Yeya. 




—— oe a ee ===. 

~ % &S RH @® NN @ > 


< № &® BA FW HN & < 

56 58 60 62 64 66 68 3056 9501 122 13mm 

FIGURE 161. Variation in tooth size of Transcaucasian Middle Pleistocene foxes 

I — length of lower molar row; II — length of crown of My; Ш — length of crowns of Mg+M3; 
1 — Recent Vulpes vulpes alpherakyi; 2— fossil V. vulpes aff. alpherakyi; 
eastern Transcaucasia, Binagady. Dots indicate the mean values 



Kuban. These foxes are somewhat larger in size than the Don race. 

The characteristic bright rust and even reddish color on the face, back 
and, particularly, neck and shoulders produces a noticeable ''cross"' 
pattern. The guard hair on the back is shorter than that of the Ukrainian 
race. Individuals of very rich rust color are most common, while rust 
gray individuals are less abundant, and even more rare are the light rust 

The range of this race is on the steppes of the Kuban region, on the 
Trans-Kuban inclined plain from the Kerch Strait in the west to the Kuban- 
Kuma water divide in the east. 

North Caucasian. These are foxes of a somewhat smaller size than those 
of the Kuban race. The fur is coarse; on the back the guard hair often 
forms ''curls'' — patches of standing coarse hair. The belly is black to 
dark gray. These foxes occur in two varieties, the red and the paler red- 
gray forms, the latter becoming more abundant to the southeast. The 
foxes identified аз У. vulpes caucasica belong to this variety. 

The distribution of this race is from central and eastern Ciscaucasia, 
from the Trans-Kuban Plainto the Caspian coast, and from the lower Kuma 
and Terek to the Samur. Pelts of such foxes also come from eastern 
Transcaucaia and show great similarity in coloration and other features 
with the eastern Ciscaucasian form, 

Transcaucasian. This race is represented by the small foxes of the 
eastern Transcaucasian plains. They are subdivided into three varieties: 
Transcaucasian red, Transcaucasian red-gray, and Transcaucasian gray. 
Their fur is relatively coarse and short, often with considerable admixture 
of black hair on the rump and shoulders. The foxes are characterized by 
a yellowish rusty "Бапа" of variable width, which runs along the length of 
the back. The band is particularly conspicuous in the paler colored young 
specimens; as arule, young individuals are gray in color. The small fox 
of eastern Transcaucasia, described as V. vulpes alpherakyi, 
belongs to this race. 

Foxes of the Transcaucasian race inhabit the lower reaches of the Terek 
and Sulak, the western coast of the Caspian, the plains of eastern 
Transcaucasia andthe middle Araks valley. Inthe forties, the Transcaucasian 
Vulpes vulpes karagan, disseminatedinthe fox population of eastern 
Transcaucasia, was identified as belonging to this race. 

By the state standards of the forties, this is a small fox with soft 
uniformly dark gray and even somewhat dark brown fur. The limbs below 
the elbow and knee joints are black or black-brown. This variety has little 
in common with the central Asian karagan fox, as the former is an 
aberrant form, а dark-colored variety of У. alpherakyi, like the black- 
brown varieties of the arctic fox. 

Yerevan. A large fox, though smaller than the Ciscaucasian fox, with 
a weakly ossified skull. It is clearly distinguishable from other Caucasian 
varieties by its extremely thick and soft fur. The guard hair is very long 
and silky to the touch, and the color varies from light yellow to a dirty 
rust brown. Foxes identified as V. vulpes alticola and V. vulpes 
kurdistanica belong to this race, 


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(396) TABLE 78. Geographic variation in size (cm) of fresh fox pelts from the Caucasian Isthmus and the Ukraine 

Length from 
nose to tail 

Number of 
skins measured 

Area of 
pelt (cm?) 


Length of tail 

Races and fur station Е 
without fur 

Central Ukrainian, Stalino 

Don, Novocherkassk ..... 34 
Kuban, Slavyanskaya ... 30 
North Caucasian, Blagodarnoe 28 
Mongrel, Batumi 28 
Mongrel, Tsalka 34 
Transcaucasian, Yevlakh 36 
Transcaucasian, Baku . pe 
Yerevan, Теа ан 23 

Уетеуап,, Yerevan.) 25190 

Note. Mean value in the numerator, observed range in the denominator. 

These species inhabit the Armenian highlands, and probably the ranges 
of northwestern Iran and eastern Turkey in the south. Similar though not 
identical skins come from the highlands of the Greater Caucasus, 
particularly from south Ossetia and central Dagestan. 

It should be mentioned that the age variation of the animals could not be 
taken into account in the construction of the distribution map of the fox 
races (Figure 162) and the diagram of the distribution of different color 
types (Figure 163). The distribution and relative proportions of the different 
races are given in Table 77. 

307 Unusual coloring is observed occasionally in certain strains of Caucasian 
foxes, e.g., the ''sivodushka'', which has dark blue-gray to black fur on the 
belly and blackish brown fur on the back. Another type is the cross fox, 
which has reddish yellow background fur with a dark brown cross extending 
from the nape of the neck to the tail. This form occurs occasionally in 
Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia. Peculiar silver foxes with chocolate-purple 
fur are occasionally found in Dagestan. Silver foxes rarely occur in the 
Zakataly and Nukha regions in Transcaucasia, only 1-2 specimens being 
found in 20,000 animals. 





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TABLE 79. Geographic variation of skull dimensions (in mm) of foxes from the Caucasian Isthmus* 


Width between ends Number of skulls 

Regi d collecti ite Basic length of skull 
egions and collection sites asic length of sku of auditory canals ВЕ 

Western Ciscaucasia and Don area 

> К 131.5 5 
ALAS OVIKAWATE AL ии ат <iditetes } 125-138 
hi 128.0 5 
ро ATCA Neue avers. SN hee twee ole bel He 125-137 
(BO7 a. 129.0 
а оси НЫ 5 
Sal'sk area 193-198 
- i i aes eek = 1 
Trans-Kuban Plain, Maikop 128-149 0 
Central Ciscaucasia 
feat tas Пос CPoweoa sb Е 3 
Kursavka area 124-141 7 
Eastern Ciscaucasia 
. 134.5 
Ipatovo, Beshpagir............- 123-150 7 
@rdzhontkidzer\<-e eiew. =) suchen. A 132.0 48 
izl Makh ess eb eaters tees, SMe 
Kizlyar, Makhachkala 129.0 FA 
Greater Caucasus 
GVilety ROS We ALO eens. вы. ae eT 4 
eee 122-138 
Black Sea coast 
Tuapse-G ees 6 
uaps Е ol 4 blo bo oom . 126-135 
Eastern Transcaucasia 
i —__ 14 
ОО В nib oo oem aed 115-129 
Lesser Caucasus 
‘ 125.0 
Вог eer ata alte, ie vero eat tee 718-133 3 
Welenovka a copa thoes oer ? 8 7 


Note. Mean values in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Material used is in the ZIN and Moscow University collections. Skulls used for measurements were those 
of mature males and females, with replaced teeth or teeth in early stages of wearing. 


Fur traders do not subdivide the fox skins from the western plains of 

TranscaucaSsia.into races. These foxes are small and their fur is the 
398 usual type of rust in color. As far as the pelts at the Batumi station show, 

rust gray foxes predominate in Adzharia; they amount to 71% of all the 
foxes. Foxes similar in color and size to the Transcaucasian race number 
16%. Foxes of the type transitional from the Yerevan to Transcaucasian 
occur on the margins of the Dzhavakhetia Highland (Bogdanovka, Tsalka). 

Dimensions of skins and skulls of foxes of some of the races mentioned 
are given in Table 78 and 79. 

Z L FOX RACES (in %) 
h Tbilisi j ; IN AZERBAIDZHAN 

Data of 1935-1936 
Compiled by 
N.K. Vereshchagin, 

§ Nakhichevan : CO silver fox (4.2%) 
` ; E®}sivodushka (4.2%) 

\ 7 ] (3 Зстозз fox (2.1%) 
|] Е уегеуап 

(5) Тгапзсаисазап gray 
[1 Тгапзсаисаяап karagan 

: ‚ & 0х 
% Fur trading stations 


Analyses of all the data on the distribution of the coloration types and 
dimensions of skins and skulls produce a very complex picture of the 
geographic variation of foxes on the Caucasian Isthmus. It is clear that 
on the Ciscaucasian plains the foxes become consistently smaller and 
paler incolor from west to east. In Transcaucasia the altitude factor is 
superimposed on this regularity. Nevertheless, the smallest and least 
brightly-colored foxes are characteristic of the easternmost populations 
inhabiting the hot Kura-Araks Lowland. Another example of the connection 
between fur color and landscape are the foxes in eastern Transcaucasia. 



Data on their distribution were obtained from 41 fur stations for the 1935/36 
season. The total number of pelts used in the construction of the diagram 
(Figure 164) was 28,250. * 

From the review of the diagram it is possible to conclude that the 
palest-colored foxes occur in the zone of semideserts. Westward, towards 
the foothills and mountains, the abundance of bright-colored specimens 

In the Zakataly forest-mountainous region, 4.2% of the furs are silver 
foxes, 4.2% sivodushka, and 2.1% cross foxes. 

It may be mentioned that to the south and southeast of the Caucasus are 
located the areas of distribution of the small races of the same polytypic 
group of the Palearctic black-eared foxes: V. vulpes flavescens Gray, 
VA vo pies pier se ews ВТ Ve-vulpes Фес op u's’ Blyth: 

Taking into account such taxonomic variability of the Caucasian foxes 
and following the generally accepted criteria for establishing the area of 
origin of the species, the subprovince of the east Mediterranean and 
southwest Asia is the area from which the Holarctic fox most probably 


MS & BD &® 

42 44 46 48 50 52 1 12 13 У 6 7 6 Эш 

FIGURE 165. Variation in size of teeth of corsac fox in the Middle Pleistocene 

I — length of lower molar row; II — length of Му crown; Ш — length of М›+Мз. 1— Recent 
Vulpes corsac, Central Asia; 2 — fossil У. aff. corsac, eastern Transcaucasia, Binagady. 
Dots indicate the mean values 

The evolution of the skull of the corsac fox was much more pronounced 
than in the common fox. The remains from the Binagady asphalt indicate 
that the Middle Pleistocene east Caucasian corsac fox was somewhat smaller 
than the Recent Ciscaucacian and central Asian varieties (Vereshchagin, 
1951b). In addition, the size of Mz and M3 has considerably decreased, 
and M3 has even completely disappeared since the Middle Pleistocene 
(Figures 165, 166). The normal sized M3 was present in the Binagady 

* For the sake of brevity the numbers were not tabulated. 


corsac fox (43 cases), whereas in the Recent species this tooth is 
present in 66% (8 out of 12 cases). The Recent corsac foxes increase 
in size to the east, in their presumed country of origin, i.e., the 
steppes of the Baikal region and Transbaikalia, where they attain their 
maximum size. 

Brown bears in the Caucasus have noticeably decreased in size since 
the Middle Pleistocene. The Binagady bear from the Middle Pleistocene 
beds of the Apsheron Peninsula is closely related to the Recent large 
Caucasian bear, Ursus arctos caucasicus, but the Binagady species, 
which is probably ancestral to the Caucasian bear, is characterized by 

400 bigger molars of a more carnivorous type. This is particularly noticeable 
in the shape of the sharp pointed heel of М2. The decrease in the size of 
the animals and their teeth towards the Holocene was accompanied by the 
flattening of the grinding surface of the teeth with the development of 
herbivorous habits. The Binagady Pleistocene bear may actually be 
identified as а distinct species (Vereshchagin, 1951с). 

The biggest was the Middle Pleistocene bear of the Russian Plain, 
known from the Lower Kama (Mysy). This bear, a contemporary of the 
Binagady bear, has been identified by us as U. kamiensis N. Ver. sp. 
nov. The skull is elongate with a low forehead (Figure 167). In size (basic 

skull length 381, 386 mm) it was no 

smaller than the cave bears of the 

Pleistocene. In the Upper Pleistocene 

the bears of the Kama area (Tatar 

A.S.S.R.) began to decrease in size 

and to develop a convex forehead. The 
latter feature is particularly noticeable 
in the skulls of the bear 

р UA kawkimalkile nsiis) №. Vers sp: 
nov. (Figure 167, 2) from the asphalt 
VS Boal "ee г © near the village of Nizhnie Kalamalki on 

the Shemsha rivulet. In postglacial 
time the bears of the Russian Plain 
and the Caucasus decreased 
considerably in size, as confirmed 
by the size of the last molars. Our 
diagram (Figure 168), which combines 
the elements of the stratigraphic, 
geographic and individual variability 
FIGURE 166. Lower jaws of corsac foxes in the size of м? of bears, illustrates 
1 — Recent, Central Asia, No. 9470, ZIN; these facts. 
2 — fossil, eastern Transcaucaasia, Binagady, The Recent populations of bears 
No. 23674, ZIN of the Caucasus are genetically highly 

heterogeneous. In the present case 

it is probably impossible to speak 
of the regularities inthe geographic distribution of one monotypic species 
since, according to Smirnov's (1916a) studies, the region is inhabited by 
the big Caucasian subspecies and two small races — the northern and the 
southern, or Mediterranean. The interbreeding of these three forms (the 
northern race has probably migrated to the region relatively recently) 
makes the studies of the geographic variation of the species very difficult. 



There is а high degree of variability in skulls of badgers from the Middle 
Pleistocene of Binagady. Skulls with features of boththe sandbadger (Meles 
meles leptorhinus)andthe common badger occur at the same locality. 
Most of the badgers, however, were closest to the Recent badger of eastern 
Transcaucasia and northernIran—M. meles minor and М. meles 
canescens Blanf. It is interesting that the brain of the Recent badgers 
has become smaller, which attests to a decrease in metabolic rate 
(Figure 169). The first upper molar of the badgers from eastern 
Transcaucasia has decreased 8% in width, relative to length, since the 
Middle Pleistocene. However, badgers from the Bronze Age of the Armenian 
Highland had a wider М! than the early Apsheron forms (Vereshchagin, 

FIGURE 167. Skulls of bears 

1— Recent Ursus arctos caucasicus, Greater Caucasus, No.6169, ZIN; 
2—U.karmalkiensis М. Ver. sp. nov, Tatar A.S.S.R., Nizhnie Karamalki, Upper 
Pleistocene, No.3, Kazan University; 3—U. kamiensis М. Ver. sp. nov., Tatar 
A.S.S.R., Mysy, Middle Pleistocene, No.1, Kazan University 


The Recent badgers of Ciscaucasia are larger in size, while those from 
Transcaucasia are the smallest. 

Skulls of Vormela peregusna of eastern Transcaucasia have not 
altered appreciably since the Middle Pleistocene. The Recent tiger 
polecat decreases somewhat in size from the west to east in the steppe 
and desert zones of the U.S.S.R. 

The Upper Paleolithic gluttons from western Transcaucasia (Figure 57, 2) 
differ from the Recent tundra-taiga species in the deeper mandibles and 
larger molars, in this respect exceeding even the older, Middle Pleistocene 
forms from the Russian Plain and the Urals (Table 80). This is at variance 
with Bergmann's rule, but the phenomenon may be satisfactorily explained 

402 by the large size of the local prey: Caucasian ungulates. 

Recent Pleistocene 
i : 5 6 
3 +t 2 7 
и 3 

Ци ——— 

30 31 32 33 34 3% 36 37 88 39 40 Я 42 43 mm 

FIGURE 168. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in length of М? of 
Pleistocene and Recent bears 

1—Ursus arctos arctos, Karelia; 2—U.arctos caucasicus, 
Greater Caucasus; 3 — 0. arctos meridionalis, Lesser Caucasus, 
Talysh; 4—U.arctos arctos (subfoss.), Voronezh, Holocene; 

5—U. karmalkiensis М. Ver. sp. nov., TatarA.S.S.R., Nizhnie Karmalki, 
Upper Pleistocene; 6— U. kamiensis М. Ver. sp. nov., Tatar A.S.S.R., 
Mysy, Middle Pleistocene; 7—U. arctos binagadensis, eastern 
Transcaucasia, Binagady, Dots indicate individual measurements; hatched 
circles, mean values 

The smallest glutton was collected in the Middle Pleistocene of the 
middle Urals. 

There are no data on the evolution of the Caucasian martens of genus 
Martes inthe Quaternary. However, the Recent martens are represented 
in the area by distinct forms. The skull of the Caucasian pine marten 
(M. martes lorenzi) is on an average 2.0-2.5 mm longer thar the skull 
of the central Russian marten (M. martes ruthena Ogn.); jugal width 
is greater in M. martes lorenzi. The Caucasian species is 
distinguishable from the Swedish marten (Martes martes martes L. ) 
by a more highly-developed facial region, a relatively small brain case, 
and a narrower postorbital bridge (Kuznetsov, 1941). The coloration of 
the fur has more pronounced differences. 




These differences should not 
be considered significant, even 
if it is taken into account that the 
species migrated to the Caucasus 
relatively recently, as the 
differences may be due to specific 
features of the Caucasian habitats. 
The Recent pine marten varies 
little in size and color within its 
distribution area in the Caucasus. 

Individual and age variability 
are much more pronounced, as 
expressed, for example, in the 
shape and color of the neck spot. 
140 100 180 200 220 240) 260mm? This variability, based оп the 
material of the Rostov fur station, 
is Shown in Figure 170. 

The biometric differences 
between the Caucasian populations 
of the older stone marten 
(M. foina nehringi) and the 
West European M. foina foina 
Erxl. are, as expected, insignificant. Nevertheless, the skulls of these 
Caucasian martens are 2-2.5 mm larger than those of the Swiss martens, 
and 5-6 mm larger than the skulls of the Crimean martens (М. martes 
rosanovi Martino). 

The skull of the Caucasian mink (Mtitreola lutreola turovi) is 
also considerably larger than the skull of the central Russian species 
(Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944). It is known that the increase 
in size is fairly characteristic of populations in newly established marginal 
sections of an area of distribution. 

Detailed morphological and ecological studies are needed for the 
clarification of the genetic affinities between the small and big Caucasian 
weasels: Mustela nivalis caucasica and M. nivalis dinniki. 
These often occur side by side and may therefore be regarded as separate 

Cats such as the panther, cheetah, European wildcat and lynx are of 
interest from the point of view of their origins and speciation in the 

The size and proportions of the teeth and skeletal elements of leopards 
have remained practically the same since the Middle Pleistocene (Table 81; 
Figures 61, 6; 85, 1), as have the teeth of cheetahs (Vereshchagin, 1951b). 

The Recent Caucasian panthers are smaller, with thinner fur and brighter 
coloration in Transcaucasia than in Ciscaucasia (Dinnik, 1914а; Satunin, 
1915a). They are larger than the south Asian and African varieties. 

The Recent European wildcat of the Caucasus (Felis silvestris 
caucasicus) is generally larger than the European variety 
(F.s. silvestris): the condylobasal skull length of an adult male of the 
former is 99.1 (89.8-102) mm, andof the latter 86-96 mm. The lengths of 
the upper tooth row are 33.1 (30-34.7) and 28-32 mm respectively. 


FIGURE 169. Variation in brain volume of badgers 
from eastern Transcaucasia in the Middle Pleistocene 

1 — Recent Meles meles minor; 2 — fossil 
М. meles aff. minor, eastern Transcaucasia, 
Binagady. Dots indicate the mean values 


(4 03) TABLE 80. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in dimensions (in mm) of teeth and lower jaws of 


gluttons of the Caucasus and Eastern Europe * 

Upper Middle Pleistocene Recent 
oy 2 
о ‘bo ees “ > ря - 
Measurements es 9 2S of oe a Е Е 
2G но ‹ a Е 5 ED за by ь 
Е О: о 
ЕЕ Meat wks) я = ces « 
Е eu. ee a0] Sie us Bani 
SRO ao of U a> оо = -о© 
Ss u OF Pao нон яя © 
3 > помо < < [2] „4 a оно 
оо IN6< HaXx Za elt SCO 2. чо 
: 20.5 24.0 
Height of jaw behind M,.... о 195-210 710-260 
Height of jawnearPm3 .... : 4 17.8 19.3 
17.5-18.0 18.0-21.0 
1.5 7.0 
Теорию рые аи Е. 2) 6 set . é 7 3-1.6. rere 
: 4.8 5.3 
Width Рот t+ aero te Le ra SIG Е БВ 
10.5 130 
ПИ Piitguremt-memarets © ie terer : ; . 10.0-11.0 T1.0-11.1 
: 6.5 7.4 
МЧ ЕТ сое пе о ares Е 0-10. 7028.0 
19.5 22.1 
Bengtht, М це lene op eae : . . 19.0-20.0 210-232 
2 9.0 9.8 
Width Ме ayes aie ал 8.0-9.5 “9.0-10.2. 

Note. Mean values in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Author's unpublished material. 

As arule, cats inhabiting the reed thickets of the Lower Kuban are more 
uniformly colored than those which live in beech forests. Melanic individuals 
occur infrequently in the big beech forests near Nukha, Zakataly and 
Madagiz (Lesser Caucasus). In order to make sound conclusions on the 
scale of isolation of the Caucasian populations, pelts and skulls from the 
north of Asia Minor, the Balkans and the Carpathians must be studied. 

The Recent Caucasian lynx (Felis lynx orientalis) is usually 
regarded as a subspecies of the European lynx. Its body and skull size 
sometimes exceed those of the European form, and its coloration is brighter 
than that of the northern form. Morphological changes of the Caucasian 
lynx include decrease in size and simplification of the form of the internal 
nares in the populations of the Lesser Caucasus. 


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| | \ м | 
is ‘ ome 

FIGURE 170. Variation in the size and shape of the throat spot of Caucasian pine martens (1) and stone 


[a eS ee ee ee ee ee ee 

martens (2). Numbers indicate frequency 

TABLE 81. Dimensions of teeth (in mm) of Recent and fossil leopards in the Caucasus 

Crown length Му 

Locality and age 


17.8- 19.3 


Western Caucasus, Recent......... Panthera pardus 

Baksan gorge, Sosruko grotto, Early 
Holocene (Mesolithic) .......... 

P. aff. pardus . 

Upper Rion, Kudaro cave, Middle 
Pleistocene (Lower Paleolithic)..... 

P. cf. pardus 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 


According to 1. Gromov's measurements (1952), the following 
morphological changes have occurred in the European hare of Transcaucasia 
since the time of deposition of the Binagady bitumens: narrowing of the 



facial region of the skull, development of more angular orbits, decrease 
in the volume of auditory bullae, and narrowing of the ilium. The Recent 
European hares of the Caucasus well illustrate Bergmann's rule in that 
they increase in size from south to north. The European hares of 
Transcaucasia (Lepus europaeus cyrensis) have the following 
characteristics: skull length 93-97 mm, liveweight up to 3.5 kg, pale 
yellowish brown in color. The skull length of the Ciscaucasian Lepus 
europaeus caucasicus varies from 95 to 105 mm, the liveweight 
reaches 4.5 kg, and the color is predominantly brownish-yellowish gray 
(Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, Kuzyakin, 1944). According to our measurements, 
the condylobasal length of the skull of mature hares (females and males) 
from the Kura Lowland in eastern Transcaucasia is 85.3 (79-94) mm (32 
specimens), whereas in western Ciscaucasia it is 88.4 (83-96) mm 

(25 specimens). The liveweight of mature east Transcaucasian hares 
(females and males) is 3.78 kg (14 specimens), whereas the weight of the 
Ciscaucasian hares is 4.76 kg (9 specimens). The increase in the size of 
the hares is most noticeable in the region of the Khachmas Lowland, on the 
Kusary Plain and in the forests of the Lower Samur. This longitudinal type 
of variation confirms the southern origin of the species. 


Only few species of post-Pliocene Caucasian rodents are known, so that 
the phylogenetic lineages of most of them are too short to study their 
stratigraphic variation. However, the wide distribution and numerical 
abundance of many of the species permits easy tracing of their geographic 

The geographic (latitudinal) variation of morphological and physiological 
features of the little suslik is reflected in the increase in size and in the 
darkening of color, as well as in the shortening of the period of estivation 
from semidesert to steppe habitats. 

According to Ognev's measurements (1947), the skulls of the subspecies 
Citellus pygmaeus kalabuchovi from the Sal'sk steppes are on 
average almost 2 mm larger than the skulls of C. pygmaeus pallidus 
from the Kuma region semidesert. The variation with altitude is even more 
pronounced: the isolated populations of susliks of Ciscaucasia regularly 
increase in size and darken in color with height (Table 82). 

From the semideserts on the Lower Terek to the Upper Baksan the length 
of the body of the susliks increases on an average by 14 mm, tail length 
by 12 mm, foot length by 5 mm, and condylobasal skull length by 3 mm 
(Figure 171). 

However, the mountain populations of susliks also show considerable 
variation in adaptation to hot and dry glacial valleys (altitude 900-1200 m) 
and mountain slopes and subalpine meadows (altitude 2500-2800 m). Asa 
rule, populations inhabiting the bottoms of the gorges are similar to the 
plain dwellers, particularly in color. 

The European suslik (Citellus citellus), according to Vinogradov 
and Gromov (1952), increases in size and in the relative length of its tail 
when the populations are traced from east to west (from the Ukraine to the 
Balkans). The Asia Minor subspecies, however, shows pronounced 



morphologic and physiologic variation according to altitude: the body 
increases in size and weight, the tail becomes shorter, and the fur color 
darker (Table 83). According to Avetisyan (1950), the hibernation of the 
suslik in the Alagez area ends by the middle of March, while estivation 
begins in the second half of July. In the upland steppes, hibernation ends 
only in early April. 

TABLE 82. Geographic variation in size (in mm) of little suslik on the Caucasian Isthmus 

Lower Terek Dagestan foothills | Terek-Sunzha El'brus slopes 

Citellus Citellus Plateau Citellus 
Dimensions pygmaeus pygmaeus Citellus pyg- pygmaeus 
planicola satunini maeus boehmii musicus 
25 specimens 40 specimens 7 specimens 48 specimens 
ai ene 206.7 208.5 207.5 220.0 
GS АЗ 182-230 182-230 193-215 205-240 
ested 30.6 36.3 37.8 les 
Taree opie. Lox 30-40 32-43 28-40 45-50 
ев 32.1 32.1 33.2 37.4 
a mene оне La 21-35 30-36 28-34 36-38 
Gonduiepasdlicleftlidencth Deed eee pol, «ЕР OO 
Lah inal, hte 39.5-42.0 37.9-42.6 37.8-41.9 425-452 

Note. Means in numerator, observed ranges in denominator. 

Some general evolutionary trends and specialization rates can be studied 
in the jerboas (genus Allactaga). 

TABLE 83. Changes in size (mm) and weight (g) of Asia Minor suslik (males and females) at different 

Zone 1550-2190 т 
above sea level 

Zone 1255-1550 m 
above sea level 


203 215 

Вора ое Е 9 р МЕНЕ pee 
175-230 180-390 

а ель вами yee ftaeeote ae ae лы al ES a 
33-37 21-59 

МЕРЕ, Rt fll. а 223% 4 НЕ TSM 
188-372 184-430 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 



42 44 46 48 50 


© Stepnoi 


Budennovsk RA 
Terekli-M aS 




Kizlyar 9 

и® Sulak 

\Mik - 
ye ew, Grozny © Khasavyurt @ 
©) \ 
Mt. ЕГЬ 
at Ee 

Г Derbent © 
тео ое т pate 

FIGURE 171. Variation in size of little suslik in Ciscaucasia. Rectangles indicate the length of a foot 
squared. Populations from the Lower Terek taken as an entity. Black dots — points of trapping 


The jumping ability of Recent jerboas of Ciscaucasia and the Apsheron 
Peninsulahas improved since the Middle Pleistocene (Binagady) due to the 
increased length of the tibia relative to the femur, as shown in the increase 
in the jumping index (length of tibia/length of femur X 100) of the small and 
Asia Minor jerboas (Table 84). 

I. Gromov (1952) has pointed out that the structure of the metapodia in 
the great jerboa from the Binagady asphalt (Allactaga jaculus 
bogatschevi) is more primitive than in the Recent form in the wider 
spacing of the distal part of the foot and in the longer free end of the second 
metatarsal (11442). 

Hamsters (Cricetinae) have occurred in the Caucasus since the Middle 
Miocene. It is difficult, however, to establish the affinity of the Miocene 
(Palaeocricetus, Belomechetka) and Pliocene (Stavropol) hamsters 
with the Quaternary genera Cricetus and Mesocricetus. Hamsters 
from the Lower Pliocene alluvium of Stavropol (Kosyakin quarry) are 
characterized by large molars. The hamster from the Binagady asphalt 
(Mesocricetus auratus planicola) is intermediate in size between 
M. auratus raddei and M. auratus nigriculus. The Binagady 
species differs from the forms of Mesocricetus known inthe U.S.S.R. 
in its hard palate and short incisor foramina. The structure of the 
postcranial skeleton of the Upper Pleistocene hamsters from the Chiaturi 
manganese region indicates that the population was no less specialized than 
the Binagady population. 


TABLE 84. Changes in jumping index of Middle Pleistocene jerboas* 

Jumping index 


Binagady Recent 
дНтасваеа jaye lise. pater el ве 125.0 127.0 
IS У Е Зоо ие ро Oy) о о о 126.1 129.5 

ево ба обовоо в ово 129.5 136.8 

* Ме calculated the indexes from the mean values given by I. Gromoy (1952); he tried to reconstruct 
the ancient landscapes of the Apsheron on the basis of certain morphological features of the Binagady 
jerboas. His assumptions, however, on the existence of either soft ground, mosaic landscapes or 
diversified relief at Binagady are poorly founded. 

The geographic variation in the Recent populations of hamsters in Asia 
Minor is mainly reflected in changes in the depth and brightness of the 
rusty color of the back and sides, and the black color on the abdomen 
(Argiropulo, 1937). Also the mountain populations are, as arule, larger 
than those of the Ciscaucasian foothills, though the ecological variability 
of the species is great. On the high Armenian plateaus, hamsters begin 
to hibernate at the end of October or early November, whereas on the lower 
Kakhetian plateau they begin only in early December. 

The Recent gray hamsters of the Apsheron Peninsula have developed 
a narrower anterior palatal region, larger molars, a more protruding 
coronoid process, anda Slightly recurved lower incisor and Mg with 
shortened heel. These changes have occurred since the Middle Pleistocene. 
The functional significance of these minor changes and the evolutionary 
trends of the species are difficult to explain. It is simpler to record the 
facts, as has been done by I. Gromov (1952). 

The process of morphological and ecological evolution of the species as 
polymorphic as the house mouse (Mus musculus) in the Caucasus is 

409 very complex. This species was widely distributed in the Middle Pleistocene 
of eastern Transcaucasia (Binagady), and also occurs in this region today. 
The morphological and ecological differentiation of the species has led to 
evolution of the following subspecies: white abdomen and short-tailed 
(steppe and semidesert forms), M. musculus hortulanus, 

M. musculus tataricus; gray abdomen and long-tailed (mountain- 
forest forms), M. musculus abbotti, M. musculus formosovi; 
and introduced domestic forms, M. musculus musculus. This 
variability is as developed as the variability of the common field mice of 
the Caucasus (discussed below); however, it cannot yet be studied using 
the modern methods of morphological investigation (see Geptner, 1930; 
Gulii, 1930; Sviridenko, 1935а). 

The systematics of the common field mice of the Caucasus (genus 
Apodemus) has not been extensively studied, but on the basis of the 
studies of Argiropulo (1940a, 1946), Sviridenko (1936), Kuznetsov 
(Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944), Shidlovskii (1953a) and our 
observations, the genus may be considered as being subdivided into four 



species: А. mystacinus, A. cflavicollisy,An-fulvipectws tand 
A. sylvaticus (see also Chapter V). This classification is tentative 
and subject to future experimental ecologic studies. 

The Asia Minor mouse (A. mystanicus), distributed in the Balkans, 
Asia Minor and western Transcaucasia, is considerably smaller in size 
in the Caucasus than in the Balkans. According to Shidlovskii's 
measurements (1953a), the condylobasal length of the skull of the Balkan 
specimens is 28.4 mm (34 specimens), and of the Transcaucasian specimens 
26.5 mm (200 specimens). The length of the upper molar row is 4.9 and 
4.5 mm respectively. The Balkan populations are lighter in color than 
those in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. According to Shidlovskii (1953a), 
this animal migrated to the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus 
(Map 55) recently, during the last few decades. In the present case, the 
body size of the animal, which migrated into a new mesophytic environment, 
has decreased considerably. Paleontological studies of the Imeretian caves 
will clarify whether this is a primary or a secondary immigration and will 
consequently shed light on the degree of morphological divergence of this 
east Mediterranean species. 

The picture of the geographic variation of the other three species on the 
Caucasus Isthmus is much more complex. The yellow-necked mouse of the 
European type, with feet 24-25 mm long (close to A. flavicollis 
Samariensis) occurs only in the river valley forests on the Lower Sulak 
in eastern Ciscaucasia. * In the far southwest the southern boundary of the 
distribution of this species reaches the Lower Don (Map 55). 

The relatively small A. fulvipectus**, with a foot 22-23 mm long, 
occurs in the deciduous forests of the lower mountain belt in the Krasnodar 
area, in Abkhazia, Adzharia and northwestern Azerbaidzhan, and insome places 
in northern Armenia (Map 56). This species is easily distinguishable from 
the common field mouse, even in juvenile states, by its larger dimensions, 
greater length (relatively shortened) of the foot and the presence of an oval 
yellow spot on the breast. The species comes out into the sun to feed only 
rarely. It is a good climber and often lives in hollows in trees. It also 
differs from the common field mouse in its weaker response to light. 

It seems likely that the relatively short foot and tibia, the longer tail of 
the yellow-spotted mouse and its relatively narrow internal nares 
(Argiropulo, 1946), as compared with these features of the common field 
mouse, are adaptations to slower movement and better climbing. 

The populations of this species vary even within their area of distribution. 
As arule, the southern forms are somewhat smaller, while to the east 
their size increases. Morgilevskaya (1954) has published data on five mixed 
populations of the yellow-spotted and common field mice. According to 
her data, the condylobasal length of the skull is (accordingly to locality): 
Sukhumi — 23.8, Gagry — 22.3, Batumi — 23.1, Akhalkalaki — 22.7, 
Lagodekhi — 23.7 mm; length of hind foot: Sukhumi — 22.6; Gagry — 21.3, 
Batumi — 21.4, Lagodekhi — 22.7 mm. 

” This is true only if the labels on the material in the Moscow Zoological Museum have not been mixed. 
Geptner and Formosov (1941) have identified 5 specimens from this region and I studied one specimen, 
but the origin of this species is not yet clear to me. 
“* We have assigned to this species the Caucasian subspecies А. flavicollis ponticus, A.flavicollis 
parvus and A. sylvaticus fulvipectus of earlier authors. 



Populations of yellow-spotted 
mice are common in a number of 
valleys in Central Ciscaucasia 
(Urukh, Ardon, Terek) and on the 
piedmont plains of eastern 
Ciscaucasia. In this region the 
animals vary considerably in size 
from one valley to another, which 
is due to both genetic isolation and 
differences in habitats. The higher 
degree of ionization of the air in 
the area of tectonic fracture has 
been suggested as the reason for 
the larger size of the mice in the 
Armkha ravine (tributary of the 
Terek) (Ushatinskaya-Dekalenko, 
1933). If this is true, then the size 
of mice in the mountain populations 
may be an indicator in surveys of 

In eastern Transcaucasia this 
Species primarily occurs in the 
piedmont lowlands. Careful 
measurements in а series of 
preserved specimens of 
A. fulvipectus and common 
field mice of the same age group 
gave the data on the geographic 
variation in foot length, as shown 

18 19 20 af 22 23 24 25 26mm in Figure 172. 

FIGURE 172. Variation in foot length of common field Isolated bones of the common 

mice on the Caucasian Isthmus field mouse (A. sylvaticus 
Apodemus flavicollis; 1— Rostov region. subsp. ) occur in the Middle 

А. fulvipectus: 2— Caucasian Reservation; Pleistocene asphalts of the Apsheron 
3 — Alazan-Agrichai valley (Transcaucasia); Peninsula. No morphological 

4 — Lesser Caucasus (Delizhan); 5 — Talysh. differences between these and the 

A.sylvaticus: 6 — Rostov region; 7 — Caucasian Recent forms have been recorded 
ОН 8 я В Ossetia (Lars, fam ane in this material. In Ciscaucasia, 

— Alazan-Agrichai valley (Zakataly ), 10 — ee annie species те widely АЕ 
Araks valley. On the left — foot of A. sylvaticus; : ; é 
on the right — А. fulvipectus. Ordinate — on the plains, in the foothills and 
number of specimens in the mountains, particularly in 

areas of sparse vegetation (Map 57). 
The mountain populations of this species are characterized by higher counts 
of erythrocytes in their blood (Kalabukhov, 1940). In Transcaucasia the 
common field mouse is somewhat larger, which sometimes makes it 
difficult to distinguish from A. fulvipectus. A yellow spot is almost 
always present on the breast of mature specimens. 
The Caucasus is thus an ancient and self-contained center of speciation 

of domestic and field mice; this confirms their Pliocene origin in this 



The red-tailed gerbil from the Binagady bitumens (Meriones 
erythrourus intermedius) is a form intermediate between the Recent 
gerbils occurring to the west and east of the Caspian. 

The primitive features of the Middle Pleistocene gerbil are reflected 
in the shortness of the tibia, which is only 113.8% the length of the femur, 
as compared with 125.9% in the Recent gerbils of the Apsheron. * 

Insofar as the lengthening of the tibia relative to the femur indicates 
an adaptation for jumping (jerboas), it can be stated that the Recent gerbils 
became ''jerboaized'' (N. A. Smirnov's term) since the Middle Pleistocene.** 

Evolution in space and time can be studied inthe case of the Caucasian 
voles (genera Prometheomys, Arvicola, Microtus) as rewardingly 
as in mice. 

The teeth and lower jaws of Prometheomys from the Acheulean beds 
of KudaroI and the Upper Paleolithic beds of the Gvardzhilas cave are not 
noticeably different from the Recent forms. This is understandable, since 
the morphological features of burrowing rodents reflect conservativeness 
in habit. The data on the geographic variation in the color of Recent 
populations are summarized in Table 85. 

TABLE 85. Variation in abundance of melanic varieties in the distribution area of Prometheomys 

Upper Laba and Belaya Upper Bzyb Upper Terek 

Grayish brown....... 

* Collections of ZIN AN SSSR. 

The increased proportion of the melanic varieties is probably restricted 
to the western part of the distribution range. 

The Recent populations of water vole (Arvicola terrestris) vary 
noticeably within the Caucasian and adjacent regions. At least 9 varieties 
have been described in the Caucasus, and not less than 6 varieties from 
neighboring areas in Iran, Turkey and the Russian Plain. It is difficult, 
however, to trace the geographic variation in the morphological characters 
of the species. 

As arule the northern marshland forms from the Lower Don, Kuban 
and Volga are somewhat larger than the mountain and south Caucasian 
forms (Table 86). 

Populations of this species from some sections of the distribution range 
are characterized by minor morphological adaptive features. The upper 
incisors of the mountain ''burrowing'' populations of Balkaria, Ossetia, 
and Dagestan resemble those of mole voles. The curvature of the incisors 
is greater than in the marshland forms, and the degree of differentiation 

* Indices of the mean values were computed by us from the measurements given by I. Gromov (1952). 
** 1.Gromov has also indicated that the Binagady gerbil was of a “more running" type (i.e., less of a jumping 
type) than the Recent species. 


of the fur is less marked. The change in shape of the incisors is due to 
their adaptation for digging. 

TABLE 86, Variation in skull size of the water vole in the Caucasian Isthmus* 

Lower Don Lower Kuban Transcaucasia 

Eastern Dagestan 

Arvicola Arvicola Arvicola Arvicola 
Dimensions terrestris terrestris terrestris terrestris 
tanaiticus cubanensis kuruschi persicus 

10 specimens 11 specimens 32 specimens 32 specimens 

41,2 41.0 38.5 39.6 

Condylobasal length of skull... 41.0-41.5 39.5-42.6 38.2-38.3 37.3- 41.9 
10.2 9.9 10.1 
rs —_—_ 4 —_————_ 
Length of upper molar row 10-10.4 9.2-10.5 9 9.6-10.8 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Measurements by Орпеу (1933). 

Up to 8 subspecies of the snow vole known from Palestine to Kopet-Dagh 
are also found in southwest Asia, the Caucasus and Central Asia, The 
geographic variation of the Asia Minor snow vole occurring between the 
Lesser Caucasus and Kopet-Daghis expressed in lighter coloration correlated 
with increasing draught and isolation, in the shortening of МЗ along the 
west—east gradient, and in a general decrease in size (Table 87). 


TABLE 87. Geographic variation in size (in mm) of Asia Minor snow vole* 

nt Oe 2 5 ai ke eaten 
Dimensions 5 a 2.42) 9c o м ой вв о 2 
ЗЕЕ! ВР еяЕ Soap a Eee 2 
OVE Eo Se | Cea iene SOLON Ne ns OB Bice 
Be sf mwea elle ok | eek eB еее 
м Е а Ее мЕБЕЗО 
р 109.4 QLD 108.2 
Body length......... 99-121 109-142 97-120 
й 58.1 54.0 59.3 
а sn Gio elles iol 59-68 32-90 51-60 
ль 18.8 17.9 aoe 
oot length........ . 12.2-20.0 13-20 17-20 
26.4 21.8 211.8) 
Total skull length 5 .0-27.8 26 3-29.6 25 .8- 28.5 
+ 1 5.9 6.3 RACE IT, 
Length of upper molar row 55-62 6.1-6.7 5.5-6.5 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Author's measurements on the ZIN material. 




The snow vole from the Greater Caucasus is the smallest variety, 
indicating that humid mesophytic regions are not suitable for this animal. 
The decrease in size of this species towards the southeast, and its 
disappearance from the intermediate heights of the southern slopes of the 
Armenian uplands, indicate that the southeastern sections of the present 
distribution area are in a state of decline. This also indicates that in the 
past a more humid phase existed, during which the distribution area of the 
species extended further to the east. 

The geographic variation in the Caucasian snow vole on the Greater 
Caucasus is reflected in the decrease in size and lighter coloration from 
west to east. The change in color is probably due to the fur becoming 
bleached in sunny woodless Dagestan. The inversion of the zones in the 
central part of the Greater Caucasus is somewhat superimposed on the trend 
of brightening of the color. 

The decrease in size from west to east is shown by the measurements 
given in Table 88. 

It should, however, be mentioned that size variation of this species of 
vole has not yet been traced through the altitudinal and landscape zones. 

TABLE 88. Geographic variation in size (in mm) of Caucasian snow vole” 

Eastern Caucasus, 

Western Caucasus Central Caucasus 

р я Dagestan, 
d f Microtus gud Microtus gud г 
Dimensions ‘ P Microtus gud 
nenjukovi gud : 

128 specimens 116 specimens 

8 specimens 

Body lengths. еее, 120-152 102-149 100-121 
Taildenptlijewn-ee cet) Ae 68-106 61.0-85.0 58-78 
о ПОЙ поме ос овес 19.0-26.9 18.0-23.0 18.5-21.2 
Condylobasal length of 
TE SS oe соо 26.4-28.6 25.0-29.2 26.4-27.2 
Length of upper molar 
SOS meee АЕ 6.7-7.8 6.0-7.0 6.0-6.6 

* Measurements of Орпеу (1950) and author's (for Dagestan). 

The Middle Pleistocene Apsheron vole (Microtus (Pitymys) 
apscheronicus) differs from the Recent pine vole of the Caucasus in its 
larger size, its longer tooth row (6.3 mm as compared with 5.7 mm of the 
Recent species) and in details of the shape of the lower jaw. It is also 
possible that the extinct species was of a less mesophilous character than 
the Recent form. 

Geographic variation of the Recent pine vole is poorly developed. The 
subspecies described for the Caucasus reflect the subjective approaches 
of investigators or the ecological variants (and age groups) arising due to 
variation in living conditions from year to year. The subspecies described 
are: M. majori majori from northeast Asia Minor, the Kars Highland, 
Dzhavakhetia, Mingrelia, and the central and western parts of the Greater 
Caucasus; M. majori ciscaucasicus from the northern slope of the 

1704 412 


Bol'shoi Range, inits мез{егп ап4 сепёга]рагёз; М. majori suramensis 
from the central sections of both slopes of the Bol'shoi Range, Surami 

and the Lesser Caucasus; M. majori dagestanicus from inner 
Dagestan, Tushetia, northwestern Azerbaidzhan, the northeastern slopes 
of the Lesser Caucasus and Dhavakhetia; M. majori schelkovnikovi 
from the forests of Talysh. 

TABLE 89. Geographic variation in size (in mm) of common vole in the Caucasus" 

n n nn n 
= oe] 4 4 a 4 
Е i Bao 3 
=) (3) Gs} 
| = ее Ss yo > 
Е Е а a а += fey TAY с) е Я эх 
Di , Е зна м Е ма BS sy 
imensions a ® 22 8 в = оо ra 2) 
+ ры Я ов чоо в om 2 FG 
о = & a 9 зая ce 3 i Tay ИО 
4) 3 + © о Е ао @ Tr» OC |= 
гао бо ST © = © = © © оз 
ванная св &# a ® Go ey ies a a > © 
ное = of on & MOMs а ооо 
о oe a nN aoe Ss чо a > > 
о Ея ЕО N = = © 
№ © — ох Gow t fac HSE 

Condylobasal length of 26.3 23 .8-27.3 25.3 25.2 
УЧИТ Go sab asso6000 25 .8-27.3 j ; 24.0-26.9 24.0-26.0 
Length of upper molar 6.0 5.7 5.9 5.5 
WOW Боро вон oe oe 5.8-6.5 5.3-6.2 5.2-6.0 5.2=5.7 
17-18.2 15.5-19.6 14.1-18.0 0. 
Foot length.......... -18. 0-19. 1-18, 15,0-17.0 

Note. Means shown in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Measurements of Krasovskii (1930), Ognev (1950) and author's (for Talysh ). 

The Talysh specimens are distinguishable by their intense rusty color 
on the sides and their small size. М. majori dorothea Ellerm. from 
the Elburz Range is probably synonymous with the latter subspecies. The 
pronounced differences between the M. schelkovnikovi subspecies 
and the pine voles of the Lesser and Greater Caucasus attest to the long 
period of isolation of this animal in the southeastern section of its 
distribution range. The overlap of the distribution ranges of the former 
four subspecies is self-explanatory. The rather vague systematic diagnosis 
of the forms described indicates that in order to understand their geographic 
variation special ecologic and morphologic studies must be made. 

It is known that the common vole (Microtus arvalis) decreases in 
size from north to south on the Russian Plain. On the Caucasian Isthmus, 
with its diversified relief and inversion of the zones, Bergmann's rule does 
not strictly apply to the distribution of the species. Studies of the geographic 
variation of this species must be done systematically across the altitudinal 
and landscape zones, taking into account seasonal and annual variation. 

Some numerical results of the studies of the Caucasian subspecies are 
given in Table 89. 

Animals inhabiting the dry longitudinal valleys east of the El'brus and 
inner Dagestan are characterized bya lighter color than those inhabiting 
the humid foothills. 


The type of geographic variation described and the characteristic features 
of the area of distribution attest to the ancient origin of the species on the 
mesophytic uplands of the Mediterranean. 

The Middle Pleistocene steppe vole, Microtus socialis, from the 
Binagady asphalt is almost identical in skull structure to the Recent species 
(Gromov, 1952). 

According to Ognev (1950, p. 400) these subspecies increase in size from 
north to south; their auditory bullae also increase in size and the structure 
of M and МЗ becomes more complex. However, these facts need further 
study, particularly in relation to the specific ecologic features and to height 
above sea level. Considering the great size of the total area of distribution, 
the variation mentioned is not particularly significant. 

All this indicates that the relationships between the steppe vole and the 
xerophytic landscapes of the Mediterranean have remained stable; they 
date at least from the Lower Pleistocene. 


In the south of the Russian Plain, in the Caucasus and in southwest Asia 
(as in the Mediterranean in general), the first known true elephants are 
represented by highly specialized forms: Elephas (Archidiskodon) 
planifrons, E. (Hesperoloxodon) antiquus, E. (Archidiskodon) 
meridionalis from the Middle Pliocene (Trouessart, 1898-1899c; 
Pavlova, 1910a; Bogachev, 1923-1924; Osborn, 1942; Simpson, 1945). 

The smallelephant (Phanagoroloxodon mammontoides), as 
described by Garutt (1957a) from some Upper Tertiary beds of western 
Ciscaucasia*, is probably of the same age. The affinities of this species 

to those mentioned above are not clear. However, the species is considered 
to be close to E. (Hesperoloxodon) antiquus or E. (Parelephas) 
trogontherii, so that Garutt's identification of this form as Early 
Pleistocene is undoubtedly false. The absence of direct ancestors of 

the species listed in the Oligocene, Miocene and Lower Pliocene beds 

is probably not due simply to change. It is worth noting that the 
remains of elephants definitely do not occur in the immediately post-Pontian 
beds in Ciscaucasia and in the northern Black Sea area as they do, in the 
alluvium of the Kosyakin quarry near Stavropol and in the clay fissure- 
fillings in the Pontian limestone, exposed in the Odessa catacombs. In spite 
of the ''taphonomic universality'' of both burials, the proboscideans are 
represented only by mastodons (and Dinotherium at the Kosyakin 

Evolution of the elephants in the region must be studied mainly from 
tooth material, on which the poorly-developed hypothesis of the evolutionary 
lineage .E. planifrons-E, meridionalis Е. trogontuneritt= 

416 mammoth has been based. The systematic position of the so-called ancient 

* The Phanagorian elephant has been described fiom a permineralized skull (with broken teeth) of ° 
unknown locality in the Krasnodar museum. Garutt's (1957a) photographs show teeth of elephants 
collected from the conglomerates nearSennayaand Akhtanizovskaya on the Taman Peninsula, but his 
identification of the material as belonging to the Phanagorian elephant is not certain; these teeth seem 
rather to belong to the southern and ancient elephants (Vereshchagin, 1957а). There is unfortunately 
no space for discussion of the opinions of Sherstyukov (1954), which are lacking in clarity. 



elephant [Е. antiquus] is not sufficiently clear. Russian paleontologists 
have either identified this form with the Loxodonta group or have related 
itto E. planifrons and E. meridionalis. It has been identified 

as Palaeoloxodon by Dubrovo (1957). Because of the scarcity of 
remains of the ancient elephant, it is only possible to construct a 
distribution map (Map 76). Over 400 casts and descriptions of various teeth 
of Upper Pliocene and Quaternary elephants, collected from the Russian 
Plain and the Caucasus, have been studied by us in the Russian museums 
and collections. In addition to distribution maps showing occurrence of 
teeth (Maps 74-76), we can give a general description of the teeth of various 
phylogenetic grades and a summary in table form of the main morphological 
features. Most teeth and bones of Pliocene and Quaternary elephants in the 
Caucasus occur in redeposited sediments. All the material has been washed 
out of the primary bone-bearing lenses by streams and redistributed in 
conglomerates, gravels and sands. The localities with Е. planifrons 
and E. meridionalis in Ciscaucasia are situated in delta zones of 
ancient streams and mudflows, which once flowed from the Greater 
Caucasus to the Akchagyl and Apsheron seacoasts. The bones often occur 
in ferruginous gravels and sands of the high (third or fourth) river terraces 
on the inclined piedmont plains. According to Bogachev (1923-1924), most 
of the bones of southern elephants on the coast of the Sea of Azov (Lower 
Don) have been washed out of the Middle Pliocene beds and redeposited in 
Late Pliocene gravels. 

In eastern Transcaucasia the bones occur mostly in loesses, loams 
and gravels, around the ancient coasts of the Kura bay of the Akchagyl and 
Apsheron seas. Оп the Lesser Caucasus uplands, bones of Upper Pliocene 
and Lower Quaternary elephants occur in river and lake-river sediments, 
like those near Leninakan and Erzurum. Elephant bones occur at Tsalka 
in conglomerates between doleritic lava flows, dated as Gunz and Gtinz- 
Mindel (see also Burchak-Abramovich, 1951а). 

Teeth of, Elephas planifrons* and Ев, meridionalis are 
relatively small, with short and weak roots. Their enamel pockets are 
coarse-ribbed, comb-like plates, formed of enamel cylinders intergrown 
longitudinally. With a covering of dentine and cement, these widely-spaced 
pockets form enamel bellows; upon wearing, the pockets became 
transversally flattened, forming enamel loops with thick walls protruding 
5-6 mm above the surface in mature individuals (Figure 173). The working 
surface of the tooth was used for grinding large pieces of plant material. 
The bases of the enamel pockets, near the pulp cavity, form a uniform 
roller with poorly-developed papilla. The cement of the teeth of these 
early elephants has been altered and weakened to such an extent that the 
On the Russian Plain remains of Upper Pliocene elephants occur mostly in 
the south, none having been recorded north of the latitude of Moscow and 

As far as diet is concerned, E. planifrons and E. meridionalis 
were probably still fairly close to the mastodon. Striations and scratches 
in the enamel of the teeth of these elephants strongly resemble those on 
mastodon teeth, though in mastodons the grooves are usually transverse 

* Саги (1957b) has expressed an opinion, not yet well founded, that the so-called Е. planifrons 

known from the U.S.S.R. is merely an early form of Е, meridionalis, 
** The cement and dentine of these teeth usually resemble alabaster and marl. 


to the jaw, while in elephants they are longitudinal. This is probably due 
to differences in the mode of grazing. The grooves were undoubtedly formed 
by sand grains and small stones taken up together with roots and grasses. 

The seasonal feeding of elephants in the thickets and swamps and along 
the shores of lakes and in river valleys undoubtedly explains their relatively 
frequent burials in water-laid sediments. 

Tooth replacement in Upper Pleistocene elephants has not yet been studied 
thoroughly, but it is generally assumed that in each jaw 5 molars were 
worn off and replaced by the appearance of new molars from behind and 
above in each jaw, in a manner similar to the replacement of the molars 
of the Recent Indian and African elephants. The last, 6th tooth, the biggest, 
with thickest enamel, was characterized by the absence of a posterior 
crushing surface; it functioned only in the last stages of the animal's life. 
This type of molar replacement, which was probably also characteristic 
of mammoths, is taken into account in the discussion which follows. * 

Towards the Lower Anthropogene, the number and size of enamel pockets 
and consequently the height of the teeth have considerably increased; the 
enamel wall has become thinner and less folded. The teeth, particularly 
the lower teeth, have become relatively narrower and longer, and their 
volume and weight have increased both absolutely and relatively. This stage 
in the morphogenesis of elephants is represented by a series of burials on 
the lower (second and third) river terraces of Elephas (Parelephas) 
wusti and Е. (Parelephas) trogontherii.** The occurrences of 
bones of E. trogontherii are best known in the gravels of the third 

418 terrace on the left bank of the Dniester, near Tiraspol, and in the Araks 
valley, near Yerevan and Leninakan (Map 75). 

0 5 10 ст 

FIGURE 173. Section through М5 of the southern elephant from the northern coast 
of the Sea of Azov 

Section shows enamel pockets and specific features of loop formation (a — loop; 
b — pocket) 

Fragment of the skull of a southerm elephant from Khapry (collections of Institute of Geological Sciences 
AN SSSR) shows that the replacement of the second upper tooth by the third took place directly from 
above, similarly to the mode of replacement in mastodons, rather from than above and behind as in 
mammoths and Recent elephants. 

The latter name poorly reflects the actual situation, since the increase in abundance and area of 
distribution of the "trogontherial"” beaver occurred probably as early as the Upper Pliocene. 




The Middle Pleistocene sees the beginning of the final stage in the 
evolution of elephants. It coincided with the rapid development and 
proliferation of Middle Paleolithic man, who rapidly perfected the art of 
hunting, includingthe elephant hunt. By that time E. trogontherii had 
decreased in size and evolved into the mammoth, E. (Mammonteus) 
primigenius, and had completely changed in appearance, having 
developed a woolly coat*, longer and more sharply curved tusks, and 
stouter metacarpals and metatarsals. The evolutionary trends in the teeth 
included closer spacing of the enamel loops and increase in their 
number per unit length, thinning of the enamel, and smoothing of 
the enamel surface (Figure 174). Sharp edges developed on the bottom 
of the enamel pockets; pointed papillae situated along the sharp rim 
protruded into the pulp cavity. The teeth roots developed into long, 
curved or straight hollow tubes and the closely spaced enamel 
lamellae make a finer, and possibly more durable, grinder. Traces of 
vegetable matter are found only rarely on the truncated surfaces of the thin 
enamel of the teeth of mammoths and E. trogontherii. While feeding 
on twigs and tree branches undoubtedly continued, grass as a diet began 
to gain in importance, as has been definitely established by the contents of 
the stomachs of the frozen mammoths in Siberia. 

Remains of true mammoths inthe Caucasian Isthmus are more common 
in Ciscaucasia than in Transcaucasia. As as rule, they occur in the young 
(first and second) river terraces. The state of preservation of the enamel, 
dentine and cement of the mammoth teeth is always strikingly different 
from the preservation of these components in the teeth of earlier elephants, 
as roots andthe pulpcavities of mammoth teeth are often preserved in their 

The earliest remains of mammoth-type elephants from the Caucasus 
were found in the Girei quarry on the second terrace of the Kuban. Only 
the materials from the П'зкауа site in the Trans-Kuban region have been 
dated. Four fragments of molars, many pieces of tusk, and up to 40 
assorted incomplete skeletal elements including tarsals and carpals have 
been collected from this site. 

The last occurrence, stratigraphically speaking, is part of a left upper 
jaw with a very worn 6th tooth from the travertines of the northern slope 
of Mt. Mashuk. The whitish enamel, the light cement—light brown 
color of the bone in fresh fracture, and the characteristic smell of raw 
bones upon scratching — all these features are highly unusual for a burial 
so far south. The small size of the tooth, the thin enamel (1.0-1.2 mm), and 
the small diameter of the tusk indicate that the fragment belongs to a 
stunted, very late variety of mammoth of Late Paleolithic and even Neolithic 

In Transcaucasia, mammoth teeth have so far been found only in the Gori 
depression (Burchak- Abramovich, 1946; Gabuniya, 1952a). The tooth 
described by Gabuniya (1952a), an unworn М*, was collected on the first 
terrace of the Kura River in the town of Gori. On the basis of the small 
size of the tooth with 12 lamellae over 10 cm and enamel thickness of 1.5mm 
Gabuniya has related the tooth to the ''stunted'' mammoths of the west 
Mediterranean. On the basis of the mode of its occurrence the specimen 
has been dated as early post-Wurm, i.e., Lower Mesolithic to Neolithic. 

* So far there is no information on the woolly coat of E. trogontherii. 


Gromova (1948) has assumed, without any evidence, that ''some mammoths 
lived in the Caucasus in pre-Riss time.'' Burchak-Abramovich (1946) 
considered (incorrectly) that the Transcaucasian mammoth is a 
representative of the northern tundra. At variance with these investigators, 
Gabuniya has correctly emphasized the probability of evolution of small 

local forms of mammoth in the south of eastern Europe and in Transcaucasia. 

FIGURE 174. Longitudinal sections 

1- м8; 2 — МвоЁ mammoths from the Russian Plain 


Even if the northern mammoths migrated to the Caucasus during the 
maximum height of the cold periods, it is doubtful that they could migrate 
farther south than Ciscaucasia. In the Upper Pleistocene the western 
migratory route of the northern mammoths through forests and steep rocks 
was difficult, and the eastern route passed through a country too dry and 
hot for mammoths. 

420 Thus Transcaucasia was probably the southern boundary of the 
distribution cf the mammoths, and this is confirmed by the absence of 
reliably identified remains of mammoths from the Armenian Highlands, 
Iran and Southwest Asia in general. The xeromorphic environment with 
poorly-developed wood vegetation, which evolved (at least in the low valleys 
of these regions) towards Middle Pleistocene time, was not suitable for 
the elephants of late and northern types. 

North of the Ciscaucasian plain, mammoth remains are the most common 
paleontological finds in the valleys of the Don, the Volga and the Ural, and 
farther north the proportion of mammoth bones also steadily increases by 
comparison with the bones of earlier elephants. The results of our counts, 
done in 1950-1955, are given in Table 90. 

TABLE 90. Number of teeth of fossil elephants in regional museums 




ANNI 5 og ob оъяноюовов 
ОЕ а оо оо ое о в 33* 
Volo gda |. о асы 23* 
Seven) ОИ ИЗЕЗИАИ ооо Goo b a oy Ob 59 
(ОЕ 9 о ооо бор оо ово о 66 10 
ОЗУ Бо alo бо ооо 9яаосо 
SEMAN, dale blak 6 5 За чо 

Temryuk and collections from 
Taman and at the Paleontological 
OGRE (о о о о ое моб hob OSG . 

ЧУ 6 бр ово юобосбоворов 

SUNOCO 6 Зо бб бо соборе еее с 

INOS G45 6 al ао ово Зов 

ЧЕ ЕЕ оны боб обо лов 

Note. Asterisk indicates cases when bones other than teeth were counted. 

The distribution of the species, as given in Table 90, indicates more 
than the apparent decrease in the frequency of burial of mammoths in the 
south and the increase in erosion and exposure of older beds containing 
remains of southern elephants. Recorded distribution of the proportions 
of the species is due to the fact that the mammoths were very abundant in 
the north, the main areaoftheir distribution, whereas the distribution areas 
of E. trogontherii and E. meridionalis were further south. 



FIGURE 175. Print of worn surface (enamel loo eal nd outlines of teeth M of fossil elephants 

of the Russian Plain and the Caucasus (M°— a; b) 

Ele ss (Mammonteus ) ae a la, 1b — Sukhona valle iv No. 10401, pete 
Aas nae peat in Don valley, un-numbered, Vor = Mu За — Kir oo ee 

Mode aleolithic site near Kiev, No.302, eh of Zoology o ee the me ‘ie env f Sci 

of th nn 5. 5$. К 



FIGURE 175 (continued ) 

4b — Middle Paleolithic site, Chokurcha, in the Crimea, un-numbered, Simferopol Museum; 

da — second terrace of Kuban, Girei quarry, near Kavkazskaya, un-numbered, Armavir 
Museum; ба — Terek valley near Naurskaya, un-numbered, Georgian Museum; 7a, 7b — Khazar 
age of Volga valley, Chernye Yar, un-numbered, PIN [Paleontological Museum] ("Гате” 
Elephas trogontherii and "Early" mammoth); 



FIGURE 175 (сопипиеа) 

Elephas (Parelephas) trogontherii; 8a,8b— third terrace of Dniester at Tiraspol, 
un-numbered, Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. Elephas (Archidiskodon) 
meridionalis; 9a — Araks valley, Leninakan, Kazachii Post, un-numbered, Geological 
Institute AN Arm.S.S.R.; 10a,10b — conglomerates of Taman Peninsula, No. 1249/222, 
№. 1249/42, PIN (Phanagorian ('? ) elephant); 





FIGURE 175 (continued) 

11b — conglomerates of Taman Peninsula, No.1249/232, PIN (Phanagorian(!? ) elephant);* 
12а, 125 — Obitochnoe, Ukraine, No.24239, ZIN; 13a — Stavropol, No. 25284, ZIN 


*рэтрп1$ иээа OU sey цоцецшел хэ$ ‘зизвопвО эц1 рие вэиизо ay 
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(3°E-O°L) PL 

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Пем [auleue зо 5зэцуэтл, 

ее yn gy 
тэло 51э4904 Taureue jo Joquiny 

охото ео ое $лэдоо4 
Тэилеца jo тэашти шпиихеи 
“++ + + paipms ц1ээ1 Jo Jequiny 
Co Cee fe Ore Ce Os CO i PY Я te (Wu ul) 
Пем Teuleus Jo ssouyory TL 

Неее ШО gy 
тэло $1э4204 тэшенцэ jo Jaquiny 


Тэшечцэ Jo JoquINU имиихеи 

"s+ + * рэтриз5 41931 Jo тэамам 

SITPUOIpIiaw зечаэтя 

bee ee eee eee (Ш ur) 
Изм тэшеча jo ssauyorIy |, 

еее От 
IaA0 sieyood тэитеиа jo JoquinN 

CS aera aC ау 
Teuleus jo тэдиши WIAUITXe Vy 

“+++ ++ © рэ!триз$ ц1ээ1 Jo Jequinn 

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:етизитиэа чеитет, 

JO зэтелэшот8иоЭ 


T1yoezey) цеуеитиэ7 
*Аэпел зЯелу этррии 
JO S[aAeI3 рие spurs 

(51элы-01024 jo 

зАэттел TIssoj)TodorA 3$ 
‘ysiosteXq ‘ eAeupeiseig 



SIQAII JO $э971121 4814 
JO aseq oi 1е $Тэлето 

ase uossysdy лэа4п 

a8e nyeg 1эмо7 

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(Т’р-6'5)8°8 (5'5-8*5)0"8 

(6*5-5)5"8 = Пем тэшецо Jo ssauyoIy т, 
$1эцзо pue 
(0"3-0'Р)9"Р (3°Р-5"Р)Р’Р а аа оп jodniiew ‘Золие8е т, 
(9-9'Р)8"Р 1эло $19204 тэшецэ jo Joquiny ‘еАеу$1оу{ ‘Aideyy 
ат неее eee eee ee 5194004 Tesyy ‘еулозиэлэт 
== 115909 AOZY \1ЭЦ110ц 
эт Тэшецэ Jo Jaquinu шпиихеи 
JO sIaAtI-ojoid 
v JO $Тэле18 рие spues — 
к ** + + * parpmis Ц1э3: Jo тэашиам 3 
(S°p-0'S)L'E (6°E-L°S)S'E (5'5-Р'5)6"5 ce die ore ed а ook bk СЕ) sIayi0 pue Pte: 
Wie Se pee eee SS ie) 
(S'e=8'2) 1'e (1'P-8°3) Se = Пем Тэшеце Jo ssauyoIy т, 14и2019 ‘Чэдо8 ви Е g 
ps SNe ee : Е 8 =. 
(о e-c -)0 с (9-в)е °C (9-в) е'е mn о от ти ЕЕ: 1035 > 
(6-6'Р)8°Р 9-5 = I2A0 $124904 тэшеца jo JaquiInN oa са 
‘ram ‘запуэза 
ST 8 а @ iene (eet ee) ee ies) sioyood 2159125512 
тт — Тэитецэ jo 1эашии шпиихеи JO з1эл1-01014 jo 
ay “** * * рэтрпз$ 41901 Jo тэашим seavid pur зриеб 

pue yoodg 


(panunuos) 16 ЯТЯУт 




The above-mentioned morphological changes in the teeth of the supposed 
evolutionary sequence can be traced on the photographs of their longitudinal 
sections (Figures 173, 174) and by casts and diagrams (Figure 175). 

Table 91, which gives the morphometric indices of the teeth from some 
"key'' burials in the Caucasus and the Russian Plain, is of practical 
significance in stratigraphic correlations. * 

The changes in tooth structure may be summarized as follows. From 
the time elephants appeared in the region of the Black and Caspian seas to 
the time of their extinction in the Lower Holocene, the maximum number 
of enamel loops of Me increased from 16/15 to 25/19; the number of loops 
over 10 cm of the worn or lateral surface increased by 4.1/4.2. Thickness 
of the enamel wall decreased by 2.05/2.30 mm. 

The apparently saltatory changes in the tooth structure of Quaternary 
elephants, described so briefly in the preceding section, may be better 
explained from the geological (taphonomic) rather than the biological 
standpoint. The apparently isolated stages of morphogenesis of elephants 
(and other animals) may correspond to the changes in the structure of 
river networks and distribution, and in cycles of sedimentation which 
produced the conditions necessary for the burial of bones. Evolutionary 
inertia, which almost always operates in the evolutionary process, results 
in the lag of adaptive changes behind rapidly changing environmental factors. 
The accumulation of sediments depends, of course, on environmental 
factors; however, we tend to regard the evolutionary changes described 
as a continuous (not necessarily saltatory) accumulation of minor features, 
terminated by evolutionary extinction. 

Unfortunately, there are no data so far which would indicate that the 
development of mammoth features in the elephant stock occurred in the 
Caucasus at the same time as on the Russian Plain. Future comparisons 
of the results of geological and paleontological studies will undoubtedly 
reveal the truth. 


Very little work has been done on the phylogeny of perissodactyls, and 
as yet there is no agreement among paleontologists about whether the 
rhinoceroses of the Upper Pliocene and Anthropogene (Rhinoceros 
etruscus, В. mercki, В. tichorhinus) represent a Single 
phylorzenetic series. The pronounced morphological differences between 
these stratigraphically separated species are less sharp in the transitional 
stratigraphic stages. The skulls of the still poorly known 
R. binagadensis from the Middle Pleistocene of the Apsheron Peninsula 
(Binagady) differs from the Upper Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros in its 
deeply concave intertemporal region, the smaller second horn and greater 
inflation and callosity of the base of the first horn, the shorter postorbital 
part of the skull, thin mastoid processes and small (spherical) occipital 
condyles. The teeth of this species were considerably bigger (broader and 
longer) than those of the woolly rhinoceros, and the aboral edge of the last 

* In the construction of the table it was taken into account that the direct affinity of the Upper Pliocene 
forms to the Quaternary forms has not been proved in all cases. 



molar protruded far beyond the anterior edge of the orbit (Figure 176, 2). 
The preorbital foramina are very small. The relatively narrow occipital 
region of the skull of the Binagady species indicates that its head was held 
in a more horizontal position than that of the woolly species. The Binagady 
rhinoceros probably thrived more on tree branches than on grasses, as did 
the woolly rhinoceros. The more slender metapodials, forearm bones and 
tibia of the Binagady rhinoceros indicate that it was more lightly built and 
was more active than the woolly rhinoceros. The abundance of this species 
in the clearly xerophytic landscape of the Apsheron, very different from the 
habitats of the woolly rhinoceros, attests to the distinct specific and even 
generic identity of the Binagady form (see Dzhafarov, 1955). All the data 
presented above do not preclude the possibility that the woolly rhinoceros 
migrated from the north to eastern Transcaucasia and farther south into 
southwest Asiain Upper Pleistocene times. This seems very likely, as it 

is known that other large mammals like the primitive bull migrated in the 
Upper Pleistocene fromthe north to the Apsheron Peninsula. Since the 
remains of the woolly and early rhinoceroses in the Caucasus are 
represented by fragmentary material, at present we can only give a map 
of their occurrence (see Map 77), without going into a detailed analysis 

of their origin and stratigraphic variation of morphological and phylogenetic 

FIGURE 176. Rhinoceros skulls; 1 — Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Upper Pleistocene, 
Russian Plain, Vladimir, No.10699, ZIN; 2—Rh. binagadensis, Middle Pleistocene, 
eastern Transcaucasia, Binagady, No. 24402, ZIN 


The evolutionary trends of Elasmotherium (Е. caucasicum — 
E. fischeri), known only from its Upper Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene 
representatives, included a considerable decrease in the size of teeth and 
development of plicated enamel plates (Borisyak, 1914). 

The problem of the direct and indirect continuity of evolution of 
morphological characters in horses from the Anthropogene of the Caucasus 
and Russian Plain is as difficult as the problem of the evolution of 
rhinoceroses. The great ability to migrate and the almost universal 
adaptability to various types of habitat make it very difficult to solve the 

432 problem of the origin of the east European and Caucasian horses in the 
Quaternary satisfactorily. For example, it is still not clear whether 
Przewalski's horse is an evolutionary successor of the local Upper 
Pleistocene horse (broad-footed horse from the Upper Paleolithic of the 
Don area), or whether it migrated from the south in relatively recent times 
(i.e., Holocene). However, it is clear that local races of horses evolved 
in the Caucasian Isthmus and the Russian Plain, replacing one another at 
different geological periods. The general trend in horse evolution was 
reflected in the development of hypsodonty and monodactylism, but the 
details of the process varied from region to region. 

Considering the data presented above, it is only possible at this stage 
to speak of general stratigraphic and geographic changes in the post-Tertiary 
horses of Russia, without relation to the evolution of any particular 
species. As far as the Caucasian and east European material shows, the 
evolution of horses proceeded as follows. The Upper Pliocene horses of 
the Equus stenonis type from the Azov area were large, relatively 
heavy, with large teeth, characterized by a relatively thin and much folded 
enamel plate. The metapodia were neither highly specialized for fast 
running in semideserts and steppes nor broad-footed and thus adapted 
to the meadows and peat bogs of the taiga and tundra. 

The horses of the Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene of the 
Е. sussenbornensis type (from the conglomerates of the Taman 
Peninsula) had completely equuid teeth; their metapodia were lightly built, 
indicating that this form was adapted for fast running on savannah and 
steppes, which were regularly burnt during the summer. These horses 
were bigger than the Quaternary horses (Vereshchagin, 1957a), but a 
smaller horse occurred in the Middle Pleistocene of eastern Transcaucasia, 
characterized by more antero-posteriorly flattened metapodial diaphyses. 
Protuberances of the lower epiphysis ridge of the canon bone and 
metacarpus are indexes that the osteochondrous type of pastern fixation 
is somewhat less marked in the Binagady horse than in the Upper Pliocene 
forms. The laterial ligaments, however, are stronger. The hoof phalanges 
of this horse are relatively small, with a steeply rising angle anterior to 
the wall, an adaptation to the xerophytic habitats and the rough ground of 
this region. The fossil representatives of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene 
horses of the Caucasus are still poorly known; however, horses of the 
southern type, of "агу" contsitution (see Chapter III), undoubtedly inhabited 
Transcaucasia. The Upper Pleistocene horse of the Russian Plain was 
characterized by very massive legs and a brood foot, which can be seen 
particularly well in the representatives from the Upper Paleolithic beds 
at Kostenki on the Don (Figure 177). 





ere *® Fea ea 

FIGURE 177. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in the shape and supporting surface area 
of the hoof phalanx of Eurasian horses. a — fore legs; b — hind legs. $ natural size 

1а, 16 —-Equus caballus gmelini, Recent "tarpan", Russian Plain, No.521, ZIN; 

2а, 25 — E. przewalskii, Recent Przewalski's horse, Dzungaria, No.17591, ZIN; 

За, 3b — E, caballus subsp. (foss.), LowerHolocene, Novosibirskie Islands, №.4419, ZIN; 
4a,4b —Е. caballus latipes, Upper Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic) Voronezh, Kostenki XV, 
No, 25183, ZIN; 5а, 55 —Е. caballus subsp., Middle Pleistocene, eastern Transcaucasia, 




These horses probably grazed on soft meadows, tundra and taiga swamps 
on the floodplains of rivers. A similar structure of the hoof phalanx, though 
not as wide, is characteristic of the horses of the extreme northeast of 
Siberia, which probably lived on somewhat harder terrain under conditions 
of thinner snow cover. * 

TABLE 92. Stratigraphic and geographic variation of the supporting surface (mm 2) of hoof phalanges 
of horses from the Anthropogene of Asia 

2 6 => oa 1 
о av - a a С] a 
во 5 o 5 Е Ея = - 
o 3 = Se м =! ea = = 
ооо = oes 34S ae Ath te 
= Ф 
Dimensions aa QD» Ома о | ЗФ a aa Z N N 
$ sc A ~@ |= юм з Е 3 ro ip 
we оо а я |= o on N qa eS 
ря ay cae Е Я а я go 
oa vac (24) (A) ср oO) 1 aA ВФ = Cy Sesh imal cag, 0 
a 4 i os UO uw, зоо ey Gy в © so TtN 50 5 = 
< Uv oO V0 о 4 oO оо a, oO o w Е i 1 
aS) we GY EL fay wate © a>sta a, = . А 6 
= ее a, o | пос“ a oe = © Now Oo 
С) 5. $ 3 
Sommt 5 Sa) |9 м © © а 50 а = © = 


RaW Ио об бо бо eo OGD — 21-48 
Е ie 33.5 
ИЯ] WY Goose booweoe 33.5-40.5 
Index of difference 
Л 0) ооо оо «one 92.5 89.3 

Note, Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

The size of the area of the fore and hind leg hoof phalanges of different 
horses and their interrelationships are given in Table 92. The data in 
Table 92 show that in the southern and steppe varieties of horses the 
anterior hoofs were relatively larger. 

During the period of maximum cooling and development of mesophytic 
landscapes, the broad-footed horse migrated far southward, probably to 
the foothills of the Caucasus. There are reasons to believe that the 
xerothermal stage and the extensive development of steppes on the Russian 
Plain resulted in further divergence of these Upper Pleistocene horses in 
the development of morphological characters related to forest and steppe 
tarpans; confirmation is difficult, however, due to the absence of good 
skeletal material of these so recently extinct forms (see Gromova, 1949; 
Geptner, 1955). 


The large amount of work done on this order allows easy tracing of the 
main evolutionary trends of some of the Caucasian forms. 

* А.А. Sludskii (pers. comm, ) related the occurrence of wide hoofs on the fore legs of the northern and 
Upper Pleistocene hoofed mammals to the need to dig through the snow in search of food. 



Pigs of the group Sus scrofa — 5. vittatus appear in Eastern 
Europe and the Caucasus for the first time in the Upper Pliocene, and 
their main morphological features by then have already been eatablished. 

Amon (1938) noted the extreme variation in skull morphology of the 
Pliocene-Pleistocene pigs, which already inhabited vast areas of Eurasia 
by the Lower Pleistocene. Therefore there are reasons for believing that 
any stratigraphically younger pigs found in Russia are members of a 
continuous evolutionary lineage. 

The Taman boar (S. tamanensis) from the Upper Pliocene beds of 
the Taman Peninsula differs from the younger Caucasian boars in its 
larger size and, in mature males, a much wider lower jaw in the region of 
the diastema (Vereshchagin, 1957a). The boar from the Middle Pleistocene 
beds of the Apsheron Peninsula (S. apscheronicus) does not differ in 
size from the Recent speciés, but the Apsheron species is characterized 
by auditory bullae elongated downward and by the lachrymal bones of the 
type intermediate between S. scrofa and S. vittatus (Burchak- 
Abramovich and Dzhafarov, 1948). Widths of the lower jaw of Quaternary 
boars measured behind the tusks are given in Table 93. 

TABLE 93. Changes in size of boars by the dimensions of the lower jaw (in mm) 

Width of lower 
jaw behind tusks 

Number of 
specimens studied 

Locality and geologic age Species 

SUSE sero га ата | eas 

Caucasus, Recent 

Middle Don, 10-13thcenturiesA.D. | $. scrofa attila..... 3 

Volga area, Tunguz Peninsula, 
Middle Pleistocene 

5 ЕЁ senofas: hiya. eee $ 1 

Transcaucasia, Apsheron 

Peninsula, Middle Pleistocene S.apscheronicus . 

Ciscaucasia, Taman Peninsula, 
Upper Pliocene 

Я. сала ее 

Note, Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

A number of lower jaws and skulls of boars of the Anthropogene are 
shown in Figure 178. The relative size of the bones of the axial and visceral 
cranium has changed considerably since the Middle Pleistocene; however, 
there have only been minor changes in tooth size since that time. The sizes 
of M3 are identical in the Binagady and Recent Caucasian boar. However, 
the heel portion of the tooth of the Recent species has become more complex 
due to development of 1-2 columnar papillae on the heel (see Figure 178, 1, 4). 

The abrupt saltatory decrease in the size of teeth, particularly noticeable 
in M3, occurred only in the Neolithic in domesticated populations. 



The remains which have been reliably identified as the red deer group 
(Cervus elaphus s. lato) occur in the U.S.S.R. for the first time in 
the beds of the Lowermost Anthropogene.* These deer evidently evolved 
from some Pliocene Mediterranean forms. Pavlova (1926) has described 
a skull and very simple unbranched antlers of a deer (Cervus 
tschelekensis) from the Akchagyl (Upper Pliocene) beds of the 
Transcaspian region. Isolated fragments of antlers (with the first outgrowth 
somewhat above the crown) of a small variety of Pliocene deer occur in 
the Lower Pleistocene conglomerates of the Taman Peninsula. Their 
identification with the red deer group is not certain (Vereshchagin, 195%a); 
though it seems possible that they are ancestral forms. The Lower 
Anthropogene deer, known from the Tiraspol gravels (on the Dniester), 
are characterized by antlers with two closely spaced low supraorbital 
outgrowths and by the primitive, crownless type of the terminal branching. 

FIGURE 178. Skulls and lower jaws of boars 

la, lb — биз scrofa attila, Recent, Greater Caucasus, No.10485, ZIN; 2—S.scrofa attila, 
10-13th centuries A.D., Lower Don, Sarkel; За, ЗЬ — 5. apscheronicus, Middle Pleistocene, 
eastern Transcaucasia, No.26031, ZIN; 4—S.tamanensis, Upper Pliocene, Caucasus, Taman 
Peninsula, No. 26000, ZIN 

This type of "'tightly'' branching antler was remarkably stable, persisting 
through the Anthropogene in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. However, 
the Middle and Upper Pleistocene deer of the Volga valley and areas farther 
east are characterized by a ''looser" position of the first outgrowths on the 

* Indications of earlier occurrences, as for example, in the Middle Pliocene of Transcaucasia (Bogachev, 

1938c), are not certain. They probably refer to the deer of the genus Eucladocerus. 




antler stem similar to that of the Recent Siberian and American wapiti. 
Development of the fairly large antlers in the European noble deer began 
probably in the Middle Pleistocene. A weakly-developed type of vestigial 
crown is noted in some antlers washed out of the Khazar alluvium of the 
Volga (Figure 179) and Don valleys, and the crown is well developed in 
some antlers from the bitumens of the Apsheron Peninsula. 

0 5 10 1§ 2025cm 
a a oe) 

FIGURE 179. Antlers of red deer (Cervus elaphus subsp.) from the Middle 
Pleistocene alluvium of the proto-Volga valley. Kuibyshevy museum 

The extensive descriptions of deer from the Binagady materials 
(Alekperova, 1952) indicate that the Middle Pleistocene deer of eastern 
Transcaucasia are not appreciably different in size from the Recent deer 
of the Greater Caucasus. The Middle Pleistocene species is characterized 
by lighter antlers. According to Akeperova's drawings, antlers with poorly- 
developed and widely-spaced supraorbital outgrowths also occur in the 
bitumen. This material is not sufficient for the study of the role of the 
migrations and local speciation of the noble deer of Eastern Europe and the 
Caucasus in the Anthropogene under the conditions of changing landscape 
and ecology. Nevertheless it is clear that during the Quaternary in Eastern 
Europe and the Caucasus there was а ''struggle'’ between the elaphus - 
type (Cervus elaphus — with developed crown) and the wapiti-type 
(С. canadensis — without crown and withwidely-spaced first outgrowths). 
For the Caucasian population the development of this process can be traced 
by using Dinnik's (1914a) descriptions and very complete coilections 
as those of the Digorized cave in North Ossetia and the museum of the 
Borzhomi nature reserve. The elaphus-type of antler is usually 
suppressed in the Recent Caucasian deer, but in the Digorized collection, 
which in 1948 consisted of 62 pairs and 121 single horns, 27% were 




e laphus-type antlers (Figure 134) and 73 % wapiti-type.* The reliability of 
these estimates is somewhat questionable due to the fact that many antlers in 
this collection have an intermediate type of terminal branching, i.e., 
vestiges of a small crown. 

Smirnov (1923-1924) pointed out that the Caucasian deer has decreased 
in size since the Upper Paleolithic, his conclusions being based on the 
occurrence of teeth in the Gvardzhilas cave. Indeed the teeth found there 
by us and D.M. Tushabramishvili are of striking size, almost like those 
of elks. 

Since the collections contain mostly Quaternary deer material, it is 
only possible to speak in greater detail of stratigraphic variation in antler 
size. The antlers, and probably the animals themselves, gradually 
increased in size from the Lower to the Upper Pleistocene, the largest 
example occurring in the Upper Paleolithic of the Russian Plain (Kostenki, 
near Voronezh). Later, in the Holocene, they somewhat decreased in size 
again, though not as sharply as bison, for example; in the Middle Ages the 
deer of the middle Don valley (Fortress Sarkel, near Tsimlyanskaya) were 
still very large (Figure 180, 181). It is of interest that size change 
in deer somewhat lags behind such changes in bison (see below). 

The stock of particularly large individuals which colonized the Russian 
Plain at the end of the Upper Pleistocene was probably derived from the 
Caucasian population of deer which survived the Quaternary cool phases 
under most favorable conditions. The migration of the Caucasian deer to 
the north probably followed the Don and Volga valleys. In any event, 
Flerov's (1952) statement that they attained their maximum size in the 
Middle Pleistocene (Mindel-Riss) and then gradually began to decrease in 
size is undoubtedly wrong. 

The Recent Caucasian deer are characterized by body dimensions and 
size of antlers intermediate between the West European and Asian- 
American forms. This has been correctly noted in the first description 
by Ogilby. 

Geographic variation of the Recent deer C. elaphus maral inthe 
Caucasus has not been studied in detail; variation is to a large extent 
masked by individual and age variability. 

According to Dinnik (1914a), the deer of the northwestern Caucasus 
(Kuban area) are the largest, their size approaching that of Manchurian 
wapiti. The size of the Caucasian deer decreases to the east and south, 
and those inhabiting the foothills of Dagestan and the tugaic lower reaches 
of the Terek and Sulak are particularly small. Both the fossil material 
and the Recent populations are characterized by light horns, with only a 
few (5-6) outgrowths, and almost always devoid of crown. The deer which 
inhabited the Armenian Highlands and Talysh were also of relatively small 
size. АП this is accounted for by the optimum conditions of the northwest — 
abundance of food, vast areas of forests and mountains, etc. — aS compared 
with the hot and dry east and south with their ancient civilizations. 

Thus it can be seen that the picture of the development of the 
morphological type and range of distribution of the red deer in Eastern 
Europe and the Caucasus in the Cenozoic is extremely complex. This also 
shows that some of the excellent paleozoogeographic analyses of Geptner and 
Tsalkin (1947) can be confirmed or disproved only by means of additional 
collecting and detailed study of paleontological materials. 

* Dinnik's statement on the 500 pairs of horns at Digorized is somewhat exaggerated. 


NIZ ‘S009 
‘Ia1sotuq-oi1oid jo wintanq[e 

‘Аэиел чоа ‘(этчзтоэтеа 1э44п) эчээоззтэта reddy — ¢ 




ON ‘e[Nsulusg чешет, ‘snseoned ‘эцээоПа 1э44п —9 ‘aimimsuy Aaains 1291801099 Moosoy ‘parequinu-un ‘todsealy 

‘эцээоз$тэТа IBMOT —G ‘шпэзпи{ ло1е1е$ ‘рэ1зэашипи-ип ‘в ол-01044 JO UINIANT[e ‘э4цээ03$тэТа этрри —F ‘AIX 144э1509 

‘omariuies ‘АэПел vinyl ‘‘а’ y зэипзизэ цзет-0т —Z ‘TayIes ‘АэПел uog ‘*а’у зэмизизэ чзет-от —T 

(dnoiz зпц@е[э $пл1э9) Jaap э[4оц oy jo saseq Jape jo яиэш8е1я ‘08т JUNO 








^^ № < + лол < 

< So 



> >< > оз 


30 35 40 45 S50 5 60 65 70 т 

FIGURE 181, Change in antler size in red deer of the Cervus elaphus group. One-half of the sum of 
the diameters of the antler bases under crown. Black dots indicate means. Ordinate — frequency 

~™ № & A 

1— 15-19th centuries A.D., North Ossetia, Digorized cave; 2— 10-13th centuries A.D., Don valley, 
Sarkel; 3 — 1st millennium B.C., Caucasus, burial, Makhachkala, Samtavro and Lake Sevan shores; 

4 — Upper Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic), Don valley, Kostenki XIV; 5 — Middle Pleistocene, bitumens of 
Apsheron Peninsula, Binagady; 6 — Middle Pleistocene, alluvium of proto- Volga; 7 — Lower Pleistocene, 
alluvium of proto-Dniester, Tiraspol; 8 — Upper Pliocene, Caucasus, Taman Peninsula 



The phylogenetic lineage of the Recent elks of the genus Alces is 
so far known only from the Middle Pleistocene. Nevertheless, there is no 
doubt that Alces alces evolved at least in the Upper Pliocene, since 
by the Middle Pleistocene the animals were already indistinguishable from 
the Recent forms. The elk-like cervids of the side lineages which became 
extinct inthe Lower Pleistocene, Tamanalces and Alces latifrons, 
had, by the Upper Pliocene, developed some features of skull and antlers 
similar to those of elks. These features developed, evidently, long before 
the Anthropogene. 

The adaptations of the Recent northern elk to life in the taiga swamps 
and deep snow (long legs, large supporting surface of hoofs, brachydonty 
and feeding on twigs) could have originated long before the elks invaded 
the taiga and moss swamps.* Until recently, elks inhabited (in 1951) the 
floodplain marshes of the middle Volga area. Thus, Flerov's (1950, 1952) 
statements on the recent origin of these adaptations and on the feeding of 
elks mainly on leaves and bark do not correspond with the facts. 

It is known that for 7-8 months of the year elks feed mainly on hard 
(frozen) twigs. 

The skulls and antlers of Middle Pleistocene elks from the Khazar beds 
of the Middle Volga region were already practically indistinguishable from 
the Recent forms. The Caucasian elk, A. alces caucasicus, known 
in the Caucasus since the Upper Pleistocene, was a relatively small animal 
in the 18th century with clearly pronounced features of the European form. 
The skull is relatively broad, particularly in the preorbital and frontal 
regions; the nasal section is narrower than inthe northern elks. The 
molars differ in their branchydonty with complicated wedge-shaped folds 
on the labial surfaces of Pm® and Pm‘. In general, the morphological 
features of the Caucasian elk are sufficiently well pronounced, which enables 
one to date its appearance and beginning of isolation in the Caucasus as 
at least the Middle Pleistocene. 

The saiga (Saiga tatarica) is an example of considerable 
morphological stability since the Middle Pleistocene. However, the Russian 
and West European collections consist mostly of teeth and frontal- 
occipital fragments with horncores. The oldest and probably most primitive 
type of the frontal-horn fragment was collected in the Khazar beds 
of the central Volga area. The skull of the Middle Pleistocene East 
European saiga is relatively small, with absolutely straight, fairly 
short and only slightly diverging horns (Figure 182, 4a, 4b), quite 
similar to the skull of the saiga from the Binagady asphalt in 
eastern Transcaucasia. While no different from the Khazar skull type in 
the divergence of the horns, the horn stems of the Binagady skulls are 

Upper Pleistocene skulls from the Khvalynsk beds of the Ural valley 
(our collections, 1950) are characterized by greater divergence of the 
horns, curvature of the horn stems in the frontal plane, massive structure 
in some specimens and even greater length in other specimens 
(Figure 182, 2a, 2b). 

* It should be mentioned that all these features developed also in the absence of snow in Tertiary giraffes and 
in some antelopes of the Mediterranean and Africa. 

** Unfortunately, Alekperova's (1955) detailed description of the Binagady saiga does not help in drawing 






FIGURE 182. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in structure of horn cores and 
frontal-occipital fragments of saiga skulls. 1/5 natural size 

Frontal and side view: la, 1b — Sai ga borealis Tscher., Lower Holocene, Yakutia, 

Vilyui valley, No.13636, ZIN; 2a,2b—S.tatarica, Upper Pleistocene (Khvalynsk 

age), alluvium of proto-Ural, No.24201 (10), ZIN; 3a,3b—S.tatarica b inagadensis, 
Middle Pleistocene, bitumens of the Apsheron Peninsula, Binagady, №.22385, ZIN; 

4a,4b —Saiga sp., Middle Pleistocene (khazar age), alluvium of proto-Volga, No.1084, ZIN 


FIGURE 183. Outline of hom stems and frontal-occipital section 
of skull of the Recent saiga 

1—Saiga tatarica, Volga-Ural.steppes, No. 7064, ZIN; 
2—S,tatarica mongolica, northwestem Mongolia, 
No.8465, ZIN 

This type of frontal-occipital has persisted from the Upper Pleistocene 
to Recent times in vast areas of Eastern Europe, central Asia and west 
Siberia. In Yakutia, however, on the Vilyui and Lena rivers, 
morphologically distinct populations of the northern saiga (S. borealis 
Tscher.) are knownfrom the Upper Pleistocene and Lower Holocene, 
characterized by the elongation of the region posterior to the horns, and 
straight and long laterally compressed horns with weak divergence 
(Figure 182, 1a, 1b). 

The frontal-occipital region of the skulls in Recent saigas shows wide 
variability; however, their skulls are practically indistinguishable from 
the fragments of skulls from the central Urals (Figure 183, 1). 

The geographic variation in Recent populations is probably related to 
their occurrence on different types of pastures. In the upland semidesert 
of Inner Mongolia, for example, an undernourished population has 
developed, the subspecies S. tatarica mongolica Bann. (Figure 183, 2). 

The sizes and frontal-occipital indexes of saigas are givenin Table 94. 

443 Generally speaking, horn stems increased in length from the Middle 
Pleistocene to the Holocene; the skull became wider between the orbits 
and the region posterior to the horns shorter. At a later stage the horn 
stems became shorter. 

The size and proportions of the limb bones, the length of the tooth row 
and the tooth structure of the Pleistocene saigas do not differ essentially 
from the Recent forms. For example, the index of lateral compression 
of the metapodial diaphyses, i.e., the ratio of anteroposterior diameter 



of the diaphyses of metacarpus and metatarsus to the transversal diameter 
(in the middle of the bone), varies in the Binagady saiga within the following 
limits: metacarpus, 90-105% (5 specimens), metatarsus, 128-140% 

(3 specimens); whereas the indexes of the Recent Volga-Ural saiga are 90-102 
and 114-146 % respectively (5specimens). The jumping index, i.e., the length 
ratio of tibia to femur, is 114.9% (3 specimens) in the Binagady saiga, and 
114.2% (5 specimens) in the Recent species. 

TABLE 94. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in size (in mm) and proportion (in %) of frontal-occipital 
fragments of saigas* 

Size index Length index 
Horn stem " : 
ии (circumference | Maximum (length of skull 
Species, localities, geologic age at stem Базе | orbital skull section behind 
measured ; } : 
as % of its width horns as % of its 
along chord i i 
length) orbital width) 

Northwestern Mongolia, Recent Saiga 

: : : 99 62.7 106 62.0 

tatarica mongolica, 1 specimen 
Dzungaria, RecentSaiga tatarica, 127 76.7 125 47.5 

ZISPECIIMENS) о 9 озноб oie ae) ново 124-130 76.7- 76.9 125-125 46.5-49.5 
Central Don, 10-1316 centuries A.D. 139 718.0 62** 45 

Saiga tatarica, 100specimens.. 110-165 71-91 130-144 44.2-417.0 
Yakutia, Olenek, Lena Delta, Upper 

Pleistocene, Saiga borealis, 146 70 122.0 56.1 

Ре Boag 315 оо ooo devise Alb 139-153 66.7-73.4 117-127 55.0-57.2 
Ural valley, Upper Pleistocene, Saiga 156.1 77 134.5 51.8 

паважса , LOispecimensia №... 141-179 65.9-87.1 129-142 49.2-55.6 
Apsheron Peninsula, Middle Pleistocene, 

Saiga tatarica binagadensis, 135.5 75 59.9 

2 SPECIMENS he... Rie Me Nemec ey ohne вл 135-136 74.3- 76.0 } 
Volga valley, Middle Pleistocene, Saiga 115 82.6 57.5 

SP LISPECIMEM es sterols) ile ial ein Nolte ils 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* Unpublished author's data, from ZIN collections. Selected measurernents giving significant differences. 
** Based on 4 specimens. 

In other words, the Binagady saigas were able to move as fast as the 
Recent saigas; this feature also confirms to some extent the long-standing 
stability of the morphological structure of this animal as mentioned above. 

The stratigraphic variation of the Caucasian goats (Capra 
caucasica, C. cylindricornis) is of particular interest in the study 
of the origin and rates of evolution of the mountain mammals. However, 
it is unfortunate that the bones found so far are mostly Upper Pleistocene 
and Holocene. 


The Upper Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic) goats of the western Caucasus 
differ from the Recent species in their larger size, which is shown by 
measurements of the teeth and metapodia (Table 95). (The metapodia of 
goats from the Gvardzhilas cave (Figure 184) are of remarkable size. ) 

FIGURE 184. Lower epiphyses of metacarpus (1-3) and metatarsus (5-7) of Caucasian 
goats, Capra caucasica (foss.), from the Gvardzhilas cave, Upper Paleolithic; 
metacarpal bone (4) of Recent 5-year-old C. caucasica 

As far as the structure ofthe teeth and metapodiais concerned, noreliable 
distinctive features are apparent inthe Upper Pleistocene and Lower Holocene 
goats (Figure 97); the only exception is the somewhat greater eurosomality 
(wide bones). In general, the main morphological and physiological 
characters of the Caucasian goats — species adapted to mountainous terrain — 
may be said to have developed by the Lower Anthropogene. 

The geographic variation with longitude of the Recent Caucasian goats 
is more clearly observable on the degree of specialization of the horns 
of males, the structure of the horns becoming more complex from west 
to east. 

Four species of goats were identified in the Caucasus by the structure 
of the horns, or, more correctly, horn sheaths: (from west to east) 

1704 444 

С. difan Mer бете лот Слезы са: са ара С. супа согииз 
445 (see Dinnik, 1914a). Actually there are only two main forms: west and east 

TABLE 95. Stratigraphic variation in size of teeth and metapodia (in mm) of goats* 

Upper Pleistocene, Sakazhia 

Е Recent, west Caucasus 
and Gvardzhilas caves : 

Dimensions of teeth and metapodia 

number number 
mean range of of 
specimens specimens 

Anteroposterior diameter М?....... 
Anteroposterior diameter M, ...... 
Transverse diameter of lower epiphysis 

OigmMetacanpus ts.) «eNom 
Transverse diameter of lower epiphysis 
Gigmetatarsis; (1... -ieusriarela 

* Measurements based on the largest individuals (8-12 years old for teeth and 5-7 years old for metapodia ) 
available in the ZIN collections. 

The west Caucasian goat is more variable than the east Caucasian form. 
The former is transitional from the central Caucasian C. caucasica 
caucasica tothe west Caucasian C. caucasica severtzovi and 
С. caucasica dinniki. However, transitional forms, probably hybrids 
of the east Caucasian and Caucasian goats, occur in Svanetia, on the Upper 
Ingur (Radde, 1899; Vereshchagin, 1938a). 

The westernmost goats are characterized by massive and short horns, 
sabre-like in profile, with slight divergence and ends slightly bent forward 
and outward. In some specimens the horn sheaths display slight positive 
coiling, 'homonimity'' of Nasonov (1923). The adjacent western goats 
(C. caucasica severtzovi) are characterized by horns of predominatly 
neutral ''ibex'' type with marked protuberances on the outer curved surface. 
The ends of the horn sheaths diverge sharply; homonimity is slightly 
developed, i.e., the right sheath coils to the right, and the left one to the 
left. The central Caucasian goats (Guldenstaedt's turs) are characterized 
by strong divergence of their horns, with ends slightly curved inward and 
slight 'heteronimity'' of the sheaths, i.e., the right horncoils tothe left and 
the left one to the right. The east Caucasian forms (Pallas or Dagestan tur) 
have widely divergent horns; in old individuals the sheaths are bent 
backwards and inwards, forming a low spiral. Slight heteronimity is also 
observable. These forms of the geographic variation are illustrated in 
Figure 185. In addition, the frontoparietal suture in west Caucasian goats 
is straight, while its shape becomes more like an obtuse angle 
in the skull of the east Caucasian populations. 

If the original primitive form of the goat horns is the sabre-shaped 
profile (ibex and wild goat), then it can be assumed that the horns of the 
east Caucasian goat are phylogenetically the ''youngest. " 




In view of the observed horizontal migrations and hybridization, the 
origin of the ''latitudinal'' variation and morphological differentiation of 
both forms of goat in the Caucasus can be accounted for by very high rates 
of evolution of certain morphological characters. Taking into account the 
Recent ecology of both species (Chapter III), there is no evidence which 
would indicate that their isolation is the result of the glaciation of the 
region. It is of interest to note that the genus Ovis, distributed over the 
vast areas of Eurasia, represents another example of progressive 
development of more complex horns in its range of distribution from west 
to east. 

FIGURE 185. Skulls and horns of goats of the Caucasus 

1— Capra caucasica severtzovi, western Caucasus, No.12325, ZIN; 2—C. caucasica 
caucasica, central Caucasus, No.697, ZIN; 3—C.cylindricornis, eastern Caucasus, No.6964, ZIN 

The origin of the Caucasian goats and their closest generic affinities 
are not quite clear. The ecology and morphology of the skull and horns of 
Recent forms is similar to those of other goats of the ibex type inhabiting 
Eurasia, being closest to the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex L.), yet it differs 
strongly from the geographically closest Sinai ibex (C. sinaitica 
Ehrenb. ) and Siberian ibex (С. sibirica Meyer). Even greater are the 
morphologic differences in the structure of the skull and horns between 
the Caucasian and the Spanish ibex (C. pyrenaica Schinz. ). 


The two Caucasian forms — western and eastern — have, ofcourse, many 
more morphological and ecological features in common with each other 
than with any other named species of goat. For example, the lachrymal 
bones and the portion of the skull posterior to the horns are identical in 
the east and west Caucasian goats. Therefore the identification of 
Cy bers se vert zo Меня. yaGCemtbicsc™auibaisana в. 'Cuvier and 
CC. ibe x, si piciica Pall] asvonerspecies —C. ibex Li, аб was done 
recently by Ellermannand Morrison-Scott (1951), may be regarded as an 
unfounded extrapolation. * In spite of the fact that the Sinai and the Siberian 
ibex resemble one another in the shape of the horns, the structure of the 
lachrymal bone and the region of the skull posterior to the horns, it would 
be erroneous to identify these species with the Alpine and west Caucasian 
ibex. Moreover, for some reason С. caucasica is designated as a 
species, whereas C.cylindricornis is designated as one of its 

The morphologic distinction of the Caucasian goats from other Eurasian 
forms attests to the isolation of their ancestors in the Caucasus in the 
Middle Quaternary. 

Among other cavicornia, the best-developed continuous series of 
morphologic changes traceable since the Upper Pliocene is that of bison 
(genus Bison). 

The evolution of bison, like the evolution of elephants of the mammoth 
lineage, took place in the vast areas of the Holarctic region as in Asia 
and North America. However, the outcome and the features leading to 
extinction of the Holocene populations of bisons on these continents were 
entirely different (Vereshchagin, 1956). 

Some American investigators, for example Skinner and Kaisen (1947), 
regard the geologically distinct stages of the morphogenesis of bison on 
the level of genus, which is probably incorrect. 

In the Caucasus and the Russian Plain the phylogeny of bisons is known 
from several geologic phases of accumulation of freshwater sediments 
during the entire Quaternary era to the Recent: 1 — flat-horned small 
Bison sp. (tamanensis N. Ver.) in the Apsheron age of western 
Ciscaucasia (Taman Peninsula) and eastern Transcaucasia (Kabristan); 

2 — considerably larger В. schoetensacki from the third terrace 

of the Dniester (near Tiraspol); 3 — huge long-horned B. longicornis** 
from the alluvium of the high terraces in Ciscaucasia and the Khazar 
alluvium of the Volga and Ural river valleys; 4—B. priscus, asmaller 
form from the drift and alluvial loams and gravels of the first and second 
terraces in Ciscaucasia (post-Mousterian site, Il'skaya) and caves in 
western Transcaucasia (Aurignacian site, Sakazhia, etc.), and also from 
the Khvalynsk age and its equivalents on the Russian Plain (asphalt- 
impregnated loams at Nizhnie Karamalki in Tataria and other localities); 

5 — the sharply decreased size of the postglacial В. bonasus of the 
historical epoch with two subspecies surviving to Recent times: the 
Lithuanian B. bonasus bonasus andthe Caucasian B. bonasus 
caucasicus (see Figures 186, 187). 

Tsalkin (1955) has recently arrived at a similar conclusion. 

** Рог the sake of nomenclatural consistency, the long-horned bison from the Khazar alluvium, which is 
older than B. priscus Boj., must be regarded not as a subspecies of the latter but assigned the rank 
of species. 







FIGURE 186, Stratigraphic and geographic variation in skulls and horn stems of bison of the Russian Plain 
and the Caucasus. Contours of frontal surface of skulls and stems. 1/15 natural size 

1— Bison bonasus caucasicus, 15-18th centuries A.D., North Ossetia, Digorized cave; 

2—В. bonasus bonasus L., 10-13th centuries A.D., Don valley, Sarkel; 3— B. bonasus 

bonasus L., 12th century A.D., Belorussia, Grodno; 4— В. priscus (aff. deminutus), Upper 
Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic), Transcaucasia, Sakazhia cave, un-numbered, Odessa University; 
5—B.priscus deminutus, Upper Pleistocene, TatarA.S.S.R., Nizhnie Karamalki, No.1, Kazan 
University; 6— B. longicornis, Middle Pleistocene (Khazar age), alluvium of proto-Volga, Stalingrad 
Hydroelectric Station, No, 26134 (1), ZIN; 7-—B. schoetensacki, Lower Pleistocene, alluvium of proto- 
Dniester, Tiraspol, Moscow Geological Survey Institute; 8 —В. cf. schoetensacki, Lower Pleistocene 
Caucasus, Taman Peninsula, No.26009, ZIN; 9—B. sp. (tamanensis N. Ver.), Upper Pliocene, 
Caucasus, Taman Peninsula, No.26010, ZIN 



28 29 30 HW 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 42 43 44 4 46 47 48 49 50mm 

FIGURE 187. Stratigraphic and geographic variation in tooth size of bisons from the Russian Plain and 
the Caucasus. Anteroposterior diameter МЗ on the level of alveola (M3—a; M3— b) 

la,lb— Bison bonasus bonasus L., Belorussia, Belovezh, Recent; 2a,2b—B. bonasus 
caucasicus, Caucasus, Recent; 3a,3b — В. priscus, Upper Pleistocene, western Transcaucasia, 
Gvardzhilas and Sakazhia caves; 4a,4b — В. priscus, Upper Pleistocene, Trans-Kuban Plain, П'зкауа 
site; 5a,5b — В. longicornis, Middle Pleistocene (Khazar age), alluvium of proto-Volga, Stalingrad 
Hydroelectric Station; ба, 6b — schoetensacki, Lower Pliocene, alluvium of proto-Dniester, 
Tiraspol; 7—B. sp. (tamanensis N. Ver.), Upper Pliocene, Caucasus, Taman Peninsula 

Even the Upper Pliocene fragments of skulls and long bones give an 
idea of the stabilized morphological features of the genus which evolved in 
the Pleistocene. The rest of the lineage, as far as the available material 
shows, was characterized by evolution of quantitative (size, length, volume) 
rather than qualitative characters. The isolated teeth and long bones of 
the long-horned bison from the Khazar alluvium of the Volga are essentially 


only larger ''copies'' of the Lower Pleistocene bisons from the Tiraspol 

450 gravels and the Upper Pliocene bisons from the Taman conglomerates. 
Nevertheless even minor changes in the skeleton often attest to pronounced 
changes in the external environment. 

TABLE 96. Dimensions (in mm) of skull fragments of Pleistocene bison* 

Length of horn Anteroposterior Postorbital 
stem proper diameter of base of forehead width 
Locality and geologic stage along the chord horn stem proper (number of 

(number of зрес!- |(number of specimens specimens in 
mens in parentheses)| —_in parentheses) parentheses ) 

Caucasus, Digorized cave, 16-18th 128(18) 60.1 (63) 223 (27) 
GENT UIGIES, Al De ее Е 95-185 44-90 186-263 
с с 
И о cave, Upper 210 85 В 
РАНЕ ов ана 

.5.5.К., Ni i i, U 
Tatar A.S.S , Nizhnie Karamalki, Upper 270 87 291 

PleIstOCene! a ius. а seme зазье иен чене до 
Volga area, Stalingrad Hydroelectric Station 350 (7) 120 (8) 328 (7) 
localities, Middle Pleistocene ....... 371-560 105-140 301-352 
308 (8) 106 (8) 
davi i i ys ЗАУР Е = 
Moldavia, Tiraspol, Lower Pleistocene 290-340 85-120 
Caucasus, Taman Peninsula, Upper 210-260 80- 90 140 
PIOCENE ss einen Sekt om aoe (5) (2) 

Note. Means in the numerator, observed ranges in the denominator. 

* The table is based on unpublished work of the author: measurements of male and female skulls in 
Digorized cave, and of mature Pleistocene males in the collections of the Kazan Geological Museum, 
Moscow Geologic Survey and a number of muzeums in cities on the Volga, the Odessa Paleontological 
Museum, and ZIN. 

For stratigraphic purposes, the dimensions of the skull fragments 
(Table 96), in addition to Figures 186 and 187, are of importance, 
particularly in the study of sexual dimorphism, age and individual 

Studies of the morphogenesis of bisons in the Caucasus and adjacent 
areas suggest that these hollow-horned forms evolved here during the 
Anthropogene, and relict populations have survived in the mountain forests 
of the regions into Recent times. 

The history of the primitive bull (genus Bos) developed along different 
lines, as in the Pleistocene the Caucasus was inhabited by forms of 
diverse origins (Burchak-Abramovich, 1957). 

In a discussion of the morphological evolution of Caucasian and east 
European mammals in both time and space, it becomes clear that the 
Quaternary index forms (carnivores, proboscideans and ungulates) evolved 




in the Caucasian Isthmus in а manner analogous to the vast areas of northern 
Eurasia. Some features of their evolution are identical with those described 
by Hooijer (1949) for the southeast Asian mammals. As arule, most of the 
animal species increased in size during the Pleistocene, followed by strong 
decrease in size at the end of the Pleistocene as if Bergmann's rule 

applied to distribution in time. 

From study of the morphological changes in mammals during the 
Anthropogene one concludes that most of the evolution of the Quaternary forms 
took place some time before the Quaternary. Lower Pleistocene and even Upper 
Pleistocene mammals (carnivores, rodents, proboscideans and ungulates) 
show the characteristic features of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene forms 
at the rank of genus, and even subgenus and species; thus we recognize 
the fox from the group of the red fox, hamsters of subgenera Cricetus 
and Mesocricetus, deer of the group Cervus elaphus, etc. 

Since the onset of the Anthropogene, successive stages of related 
mammals (in most cases) differ mostly in questions of proportion and in 
relatively minor adaptations (Severtsov, 1939). For example the red deer of 
the Upper Paleolithic and the historical epoch of the Don area is an enlarged 
copy of the Lower Pleistocene deer of the Tiraspol gravel. There is an 
apparent absence of qualitative saltatory changes in the Quaternary history of 
mammals. This probably requires arevision of the criteria for the identification 
of species. It is due to these facts that some Russian paleontologists, among 
them Flerov (1952) and Gromov (1948), are mistaken intheir interpretations 
about the geologically young age of certain mammals (reindeer, elk) and their 
morphologic-physiologic adaptations to the conditions of taiga and tundra. 
Their assumptions only indicate lack of understanding of the genesis 
and evolution of the landscape of the northern part of the Holarctic region. * 
To us it is beyond doubt that the Anthropogene was the period of development 
of distribution areas and ecological assemblages of species which have 
reached the final stages of their evolution. 

The Anthropogene mammals mostly exploited ecological (physiological) 
plasticity, developed since the Pliocene in response to changes in the 
landscape behind which the morphological evolution often lagged. In other 
cases animals became extinct or migrated into other areas. 

The activity of man may possibly be partly responsible for the striking 
interruption of the evolution of many Quaternary species and their sudden 

Among other general phenomena is the variability in the rates of 
speciation and the heterogeneity of characters in different phylogenetic 
lineages, sometimes even in taxonomically closely-related forms. We may 
also point out the conservative nature of the skull characters of foxes, 
as compared with the characters of the corsac fox, the slower rates of 
increase and decrease in size of deer and elks as compared with bisons, etc. 

* Most recent geological and paleontological studies in northem Siberia, particularly in Yakutia, 
have shown that during the Cenozoic this country underwent considerable climatic changes together 
with changes in landscape structure and fauna. The changes were similar to those which occurred in 
the Mediterranean. Consequently, occurrences of Lower Quaternary reindeer, elks and saigas may be 


In а number of cases Ц is not clear whether we are concerned with minor 
adaptations to environment and initial stages of divergence, as has been 
demonstrated by Vinogradov (1946) for the rodents, or whether we are 
dealing with continuously developing characters within the framework of 
a general evolutionary trend. For example, it is difficult to decide without 
additional studies whether the increase in the length of the tibia and 
increased inobility of the Recent jerboas and gerbils of the Apsheron 
Peninsula, as compared with the Pleistocene forms, is the result of 
development of xerophytic (desert) landscapes, or whether it is the 
product of evolution of the organisms in a certain direction. The latter 
explanation is presumably favored by examples of specialization in the teeth 
of wolves, corsac foxes and elephants. 

The main forces behind changes in morphology during the Anthropogene 
were, of course, marked environmental and climatic changes. 

Minor responses to ecologic variation include the independent 
development of relict forest-mountain forms, which led to far-reaching 
divergence and conservatism (Caucasian voles, goats), and also the rapidly~ 
developing initialstages of speciation which led to the establishment of 
local ecological varieties (moles, foxes, common field mice, water voles, 
etc. ). 

The Caucasian populations of Eurasian species formed, as arule, local 
subspecies from which not only their origin and the antiquity of their areas 
of distribution can be determined, but also the rates of morphological 

The geographic changes in Recent mammals of the Caucasian Isthmus 
are mainly expressed in decrease in size and brightening of the coloration 
towards the southeast (foxes, snow voles), increase in body size with altitude 
(susliks), and more complex structure of the horns of cavicorn species 
towards the east of their area of distribution (Caucasian goats). These 
examples are often only small-scale reflections of similar phenomena 
observable over the vast expanses of Eurasia, and contribute to the 
understanding of the origin and history of colonization of the ecological 
niches in this area. It becomes increasingly clear that in the process of 
development of this Anthropogene mammal fauna the main role was played 
by the immigrations and the fluctuations in abundance and extinctions 
of organisms, whereas the divergence and morphogenesis in general 
were of secondary significance. 


453 РатЁ Three 


455 Chapter V 


Through our studies of the origin and ecology of a number of Caucasian 
mammals (Chapter III) it is possible to identify the principal ecological 
and geographic groupings of those species whose ranges lie in more or 
less clearly defined regions of diverse origins and ages. A study of the 
distribution of the other Holocene animal species and an evaluation of their 
origins and histories in the Caucasus would be a considerable contribution 
to the zoogeography of this region. The zonation of the area into mammalian 
geographic districts is necessaryin order to understand the regularities 
in faunal evolution as they relate to changing landforms and to gain some 
perspectives for the planned restoration of the fauna. 

However, since the ranges of individual species and the composition of 
ecological assemblages and faunal complexes are not constant, these 
zoogeographic boundaries cannot be regarded as permanent. The more the 
landscapes and the boundaries between landscape zones change, the greater 
is the rate of evolution; and the less adaptable the animals are to these 
changing environmental conditions, the greater is the rate of change within 
the ecological and faunal complexes. Therefore, a zonation, particularly 
on the scale of subregions or provinces, can be established only for 
relatively short periods of geologic time. This fact is not always 
recognized by zoogeographers. The concept of geographic boundaries of 
a range of a ''faunal type,'' a ''faunal complex, '' etc. is only a convention. 
Such a boundary only holds for an individual species on a specific date. 

At any given moment in geologic time, it can only establish an approximate 
coincidence of a number of species which are similar in their ecological 

The schemes of zoogeographic zonation and zoogeographic categories 
based upon characteristics of the species complexes presented by 
contemporary zoogeographers are usually based on relict species, which 
have survived during the historical epoch under various anthropogenic 
influences. Only tentative, inadequate attempts have been made to employ 
historical data on the occurrence of some extinct forms in the near past 
and to infer from this history the dynamics of the ranges of individual 

The error in this approach lies in the exclusion of those species which 
have recently become extinct, particularly those exterminated through 

456 human activity. This omission rules out any possibility of gaining 
perspective on the restoration of the fauna, which is the practical goal of 
zoogeographic studies. 



From the second half of the 19th century, almost every investigator who, 
in one way or another, was concerned with the zoogeographic division of 
Eurasia turned his attention to the origin of the fauna of the Caucasian 
Isthmus and its zoogeographic zonation. Wallace (1876) divided the Isthmus 
longitudinally along the Bolshoi Range, including Ciscaucasia in the European 
region, and Transcaucasia in the Mediterranean region. 

Severtsov's scheme (1877) was exceedingly simple and very nearly 
correct. He assigned the northern Caucasus, western Transcaucasia and 
the Caucasian Range to the Mediterranean region, the rest of Transcaucasia 
to the western Asian region, and northeastern Ciscaucasia to the central 
Asian region. This zonation reflected the heterogeneous origin of the fauna 
of the Isthmus. 

W. and Ph. Sclater (1899) combined the Caucasian Isthmus with Asia 
Minor, assigning both areas to the Europaeo-Asian region. 

It was Satunin who most clearly recognized the heterogeneous origin of 
the Recent fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus in his papers of 1901d, 1903b, 
1904-1906, 1909-1910, 1912b, and 1913. 

His main hypotheses were the monophyletic origin of species and their 
unvarying migrational tendency. * He evidently assumed that the focus of 
speciation lay somewhere to the south of Transcaucasia and from there, 
as from a cornucopia, the species spilled forth in northward migrations via 
the Balkans and the Caucasus — the highly mobile species and those less 
mobile. Satunin was the first Russian zoologist to attempt to synthesize the 
history of faunal development on the Caucasus with the geological data 
available in his time on the Tertiary and post-Tertiary seas, straits and 
glaciations. He reasoned his migrational hypothesis from his belief that 
evolution proceeds very slowly in mammals, and that the Caucasian Isthmus 
is geologically much younger than the adjacent areas of southwest Asia and 
southern Russia. Consequently, he concluded that no independent speciation 
could take place on the Caucasus. According to Satunin, the Manych strait 
and the Aral-Caspian basin in the northeast constituted barriers to mammal 
migrations from the north to the Caucasus. 

Satunin made an interesting attempt in 1901 to establish the geologic 
age of mammals which migrated to the Caucasus. He considered that 
Microtus arvalis and Arvicola amphibius already lived in the 
Caucasus in glacialtime. After the disappearance of the Manych strait 
"only Putorius foetidus, Vulpes corsac, Cricetus vulgaris, 
Sminthus subtilis, Castor fiber, Allactaga satrews, 

Lepus europaeus and Saiga tatarica migrated to the Caucasus 
from the north. 

"In addition to Cricetus vulgaris, mentioned above, Mus 
agrarius and М. minutus _ should be included among the most recent 
immigrants from the north." 

Later (1900-1910) Satunin examined the origin of the fauna of the entire 
Caucasian area and divided it into the northern Caucasus, the Range and 
Transcaucasia. He defined nine subdistricts in these three major districts. 
His work gave particular emphasis to the great antiquity and independent 

* We are in agreement with Pidoplichko (1953) that local development of a number of mammalian species, 
assemblages and complexes was a significant factor in the evolution of the Palaearctic, particularly the 
eastern Mediterranean fauna. His point, however, by no means excludes the possibility suggested by 
paleontological data of a dispersion of species and faunas during the Cenozoic, particularly in the 


origin of the alpine fauna and to the occurrence of immigrants in the forest 
zone and on mountain slopes. He further hypothesized that the ancestors 

of the mountain fauna of the Caucasus migrated from the mountains of 
southwest and central Asia. He pointed out that the absence of ptarmigan 
and blue hare in the highlands indicated that the arctic fauna never reached 
the Caucasus, that the mountain fauna of southwest Asia is autochthonous 

in nature, that there were no African elements in the Transcaucasian fauna, 
and that the fauna remained purely Asian in character. 

He accounted for the emergence of ''Aral-Caspian'' fauna in the Caucasus 
by the glacial advance and the flooding of the Caspian steppes, and for the 
isolation of the Aralik section in the Araks valley by vulcanism in the 
area of the southeastern spurs of the Zangezur Range. He regarded the 
fauna of the wooded parts of Talysh as the northwesternmost sector of the 
Indian fauna. 

Satunin briefly summarizes the general characteristics of the fauna of 
the Isthmus in this way: ''In this region the following occurrences can be 
observed — an ancient autochthonous fauna of the Greater Caucasus, a relict 
Mediterranean fauna in western Transcaucasia, the original, endemic fauna 
of the uplands of eastern Asia Minor, the northwesternmost advance of the 
Indian fauna and, finally, the faunas which migrated from the steppes of 
southern Russia and the deserts of central Asia." 

Satunin's zoogeographical studies culminated in his work ''On 
Zoogeographical Districts of the Caucasian Territory'' (1912b). He 
subdivided the territory into five subregions and eleven districts. His 
zoogeographic scheme of the Caucasus has been well accepted. 

He saw his main achievement in the fact that his zonation almost 
completely coincided with the phytogeographic divisions of the Caucasus. 
The coincidence is not fortuitous — Satunin travelled widely over the 
territory and placed great importance upon direct observation. He held that 
the fauna does not merely depend upon a specific landscape, but forms an 
integral part of it. 

Satunin's compilations of mammals for various districts of the Caucasus 
are extremely accurate and comprehensive. The interpretation of the data, 
however, was hindered by prevailing notitions and by too little knowledge of 
the ranges and faunas of adjacent territories. 

Some of Satunin's errors were repeated in the last work cited: the 
zoogeographic scheme remained ''geomorphological'' in nature, based on 
the features of the ''phytolandscapes'' rather than on the actual distribution 
areas of species and complexes. The boundaries either followed the 
mountain divides or were drawn along the foothills, and in the south of the 
country they were drawn from inference. The migration route of the Aral- 
Caspian fauna was still considered to be through eastern Transcaucasia 
along the ravine and valley of the Araks to the foothills of the Ararat and 
Alagaz, although the Lesnoi district of eastern Transcaucasia was mapped 
as a remarkable wedge-like extension, reaching to Artvin in the west and 
including, on the northeast, half of the woodless interior of Dagestan. 

Dinnik (1911), among other Caucasian faunologists, recognized the 
predominantly southern aspects of the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus. 
He pointed out the occurrences of three species of European, five species 
of Eastern European and thirteen species of Asian mammals in the steppes 
of the northern Caucasus. According to Dinnik, the mountain species 
migrated to the Caucasus from the south, mainly from Asia Minor. 




In a criticism of Satunin's work published 27 years later, Lyaister (1931) 
made the point that 85% of the mammals in the Aralik section of the Araks 
valley, which Satunin included in the steppe district of-eastern 
Transcaucasia, are shared with adjacent Iran, and that only 41% are also 
common to the Transcaspian region. 

Actually only two species of the Aral-Caspian fauna are found in the 
middle Araks valley: small five-toed jerboa and manul, and the ancient 
links of these species withthe Transcaspian region were through northern 
Iran, rather than through eastern Transcaucasia and Ciscaucasia. 

Lyaister, like Satunin, in holding to the theory that most of the animals 
characteristic of the Armenian Highlands migrated from Iran, was only 
paying lip service to the unfounded hypothesis of ''migrationism.'' The 
existence of dry land in this area since the Oligocene means that the Recent 
Lesser Caucasus uplands can be regarded as a marginal part of the ancient 
focus of speciation in southwest Asia. 

Menzbir (1934), who was also well acquainted with paleontological 
material, included all the plains of western Ciscaucasia in the Pontian- 
Barabanian subprovince of the European-Siberian subregion, eastern 
Ciscaucasia in the Kirgiz subprovince of the central Asian subregion 
and the Caucasus and Transcaucasia in the Caucasian subprovince of the 
eastern Mediterranean province of the Mediterranean subregion of the 
Palaearctic region. 

The northern boundary of the Caucasian subprovince defined by Menzbir 
is in the foothills of the northern Caucasus on a line from Novorossiisk 
оп the Black Sea coast to Khachmas on the Caspian. The southern boundary 
is drawn from Batumito Yerevan around southernTalysh. The faunaof this 
subprovince, which includes the southern Crimea, is mixed Europaeo-Asian. 
According to Menzbir, the Caucasian fauna was affected by two faunal 
centers —the Mediterranean and the central Asian. 

The boundaries of Menzbir's subprovinces coincide almost exactly with 
the broadly defined limits of the climatic and phytolandscape zones of 
the Recent. Clearly, Menzbir's work simply gives the faunal characteristics 
of the landscape zones of the Isthmus. 

Puzanov's treatise (1938a) of the fauna and nature of the Caucasian 
Isthmus is based on broad knowledge of geographic facts and presents a 
concise, lucid discussion. 

He places all of Transcaucasia in the Mediterranean subregion, grouping 
it with the Greek archipelago, Asia Minor and mountainous Crimea in the 
eastern Mediterranean province. The northern slopes of El'brus and Talysh 
are included in the Asterabad province, adjacent to the central Asian 

Puzanov describes the Greater Caucasus as a ''complex faunal knot in 
which Mediterranean forms predominate to the south, European forms to 
the north, and central Asian forms to the east. The nucleus of the fauna, 
however, is made up of an endemic alpine fauna of great antiquity." 

Kuznetsov (1949, 1950), who was familiar with the extensive data 
compiled in Soviet time, proposed a special geographic zonation of the 
mammalian fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus. In his scheme of the Palaearctic 
region, the plains of Ciscaucasia and the eastern Transcaucasian plains 
are included in the zone of deserts and steppes, the foothills of Ciscaucasia 
in the transitional forest-steppe zone, and the largest part of Transcaucasia 
in the Mediterranean province of the subregion of northern forests. 


His delineations of six Caucasian districts and nine subdistricts were 
drawn on the basis of characteristic features of a fauna comprised of 
113 species and on Bush's descriptions (1935) of the phytolandscape zones. 
Both of Kuznetsov's papers were hastily published and contain much 
erroneous data and many conflicting conclusions. Although he was correct 
in his understanding and interpretation of the Mediterranean subregion, 
which includes almost all of the Caucasian Isthmus, his treatment of the 
pattern of faunal development is inadequate, as can be seen in the following 
quotation: ''The third group of species of Caucasian mammalian fauna 
consists of forms of definite Mediterranean (! ? — М. У. ) origin.'' From 
this statement it would follow that the Caucasian, i.e., Mediterranean, 
forms originate within themselves. His discussion of the Armenian Highland 
is also vague, since the same area is referred to as the Armenian forest- 
upland region and the upland Armenian region. Talysh is incorrectly 
described as a forest-mountain area, although Satunin clearly distinguished 
both mountain-forest Indian types and upland-steppe Iranian types in the 
Talysh fauna. 

Kuznetsov omitted the following forms from his list of species: the 
vespertilio bats (У. ognevi and У. bobrinskii), pocketed bat, Asia 
Minor field mouse, Caucasian snow vole, saiga, goitered gazelle, bison, 
and recently extinct forms, i.e., elk, kulan, tarpan. There are also many 
errors in his conclusions on the origin of the fauna, in the faunal 
characterizations of the districts, particularly in the zoning of the Caucasian 
district, and in the descriptions of boundaries. 

The Azerbaidzhan district is an example. Its boundaries are described 
by Kuznetsov (1950) as follows: ''From the town of Astara on the Iranian- 
Soviet international boundary near the eastern end (? —N.V.) of the Talysh 
Range, the boundary follows the foothills ridge (! ? —N.V.) in the southern 
marginal area of the Mugan, Mil'skaya and Karabakh steppes to Lake Sevan 
(! —N.V.) and farther through the town of Karaklis, south of Tbilisi, to the 
Surami pass. Here the boundary turns sharply to the east through the towns 
of Gori, Mtskheti, Lagodekhi, Zakataly and Nukha toward the eastern end 
of the Main Range and over the Kuban lowlands toward the Caspian coast" 
(p.157). This description creates complete confusion since, according 
to it, the subdistrict of steppes and deserts includes both the Lenkoran, 
Alazan-Agrichai and Khachmas lowlands with almost subtropical forests 
and the northern slopes of the Shakh-Dag and Trialet ranges, surrounding 
Lake Sevan, with beech—hornbeam forests. 

The marginal sections of the Kura-Araks lowlands were never covered 
by the waters of the Aral-Caspian basin in the Quaternary, rather than 
being covered ''manytimes.'' And, therefore, rather than being a young 
fauna, as Kuznetsov maintains, the fauna is in fact so ancient that it contains 
such elements as Asia Minor hamster and mole (! ). 

In the mammals listed for this district, which Kuznetsov described as 
a plain with wormwood-steppes and floodplain forests, he included such 
species as the common and lesser shrews, harvest mouse, forest vole 
(1? — М. \.), pine vole and common vole, which definitely do not occur 
in the Kura-Araks, Lenkoran and the greater part of the Alazan-Agrichai 
lowlands. And such characteristic species as pine marten, serotine 
vespertilio, Ognev's vespertilio, tiger polecat, panther and red deer are 
not included. 



However, Kuznetsov's interpretation of the Mediterranean subregion 
is more accurate than interpretations of earlier authors. 

In recent years the refinement of the ranges of rodents in western 
Transcaucasia has engaged the attention of Shidlovskii (1940c, 1941b, 
1945, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951). He established the great diversity of the 
faunal influences on the rodent fauna of Georgia and refined the district 
boundaries laid down by Satunin (Shidlovskii, 1941b). In distinguishing 
some species of rodents as immigrants to Georgia from the west, east 
and south and others as ancient relicts, he presents a correct zoogeographic 
position. Shidlovskii attempted to establish the geologic age and history 
of the ranges of some of the species which comprise the rodent fauna of 
Georgia. For example, he places the migration of the Asia Minor hamster 
to the Caucasian Isthmus at the end of the Miocene- Lower Pliocene, and 
relates the discontinuity in the range of Promethean vole on the Greater 
Caucasus and in Adzharia to the development of xerothermal conditions on 
the Dzirul'skii massif in postglacial time. Shidlovskii, at variance with 
Satunin, proposed designating the alpine zone of the Greater Caucasus as 
an independent zoogeographic unit, based on the presence of Promethean 
vole and Caucasian birch mouse. 

Bobrinskii (1951) relates the fauna of the main part of Ciscaucasia to 
the fauna of the European-Kazakhstan steppes, the fauna of the northeastern 
section of Ciscaucasia to the fauna of the Aral-Caspian deserts, and the 
fauna of eastern Transcaucasia to the faunas of the Aral-Caspian deserts 
and the European-Kazakhstan steppes. The entire forest-mountain fauna 
of the Greater Caucasus, the northern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus and 
the eastern slopes of Talysh he relates to the fauna of the European 
broadleaf forests, and that of the alpine zone of the Bolshoi Range and 
Lesser Caucasus to the mountain fauna, like those of the Kopet-Dag, Tien 
Shan, Altai and the eastern Siberian ranges. Bobrinskii, quoting Satunin 
and making use of his map, repeats his error on the predominance of the 
Aral-Caspian fauna in Transcaucasia. His description of the fauna of the 
Lesser Caucasus uplands also abounds in error (p.314), such as his 
statements on the absence of deer, pine marten, mole and Bezoar goat 
from that area. 

Bobrinskii discussed the origin of the Caucasian fauna on the basis of 
modern geological data. He maintained that the migration of European 
animals to the Caucasus mainly followed the southwestern route via the 
Balkans and Asia Minor, and that the extension of the ranges of the European 
common vole and snow vole to the Caucasus was only possible through 
large-scale migrations. 

In addition to these disputable statements, he made the strange statement 
that the isolation of Promethean vole, Caucasian black grouse, goat and 
Snow partridge began at the time when the Main Range was still an island, 
when in fact the Caucasus was not an island in the Oligocene and in the 
Lower and Upper Miocene. 

A very detailed zonation of the Armenian territory into ecological and 
landscape districts was made by Dal' (1954a), who compiled lists of land 
vertebrates from various natural, mainly phytolandscape, zones of the 
Armenian Highland and the middle Araks valley. The fact that he employs 
four vertebrate classes concurrently in his zoogeographic analysis of the 
region, and that he adheres to the theory of a Eurasian ''faunal type", 



creates considerable difficulty in ascertaining the origin and composition 
of the mammalian fauna of Transcaucasia, even for the author. In his 
zonation of Transcaucasia, Dal', inthe main, followed Kuznetsov's 
(1949) scheme. 

This brief review of zoogeographic concepts of the Caucasian mammalian 
fauna of the Recent indicates, as did our paleontological data (Chapter ПТ), 
that the ancient local focus of speciation and of faunal development in the 
mountainous parts of the Isthmus was under strong influence from 
mammalian complexes of adjacent areas. 

In order to make a correct evaluation of these faunal influences and their 
distribution in time and space, it is necessary to discuss the age and origin 
of the local Caucasian and the neighboring faunal complexes. It is 
particularly important to understand the origin and the nature of the 
Mediterranean complexes — a subject on which there is no general 
agreement. Paleogeographers consider the Mediterranean littoral as the 
relict basin of the Tethys sea, or, at least, of the Sarmatian sea which 
extended from the Atlantic to the Transcaspian region. In the climatological 
sense, the Mediterranean is regarded as comprising southern Europe, 
north Africa, part of southwest Asia and even part of central Asia (see 
Berg, 1938). 

Geobotanists Alekhin (1938) and Vul'f (1944) include the coastal areas 
of the Mediterranean and Black seas in the Mediterranean region of the 
Holarctic north Africa, Spain, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor and the Crimea. 
And Maleev (1946) and Grossgeim (1936, 1948) have repeatedly pointed out 
the genetic affinities, if not the identity, of Caucasian formations of maquis, 
garigue, phrygana and broadleaf forest with similar formations in the 
western Mediterranean, clearly establishing them in their view as one 
unit. Lavrenko recently published the opinion (1958) that the forest region 
of the Caucasus is similar in the phytogeographic sense to the broadleaf 
forests of Europe in its origin and ecology (climate), but not to the 
Mediterranean. Earlier zoogeographers often considered the Mediterranean 
region to include the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea, Asia Minor, 
northern Arabia and Transcaucasia (Wallace, the Sclaters, Severtsov, 

Modern ornithologists like Serebrovskii (1928) regard southwest Asia 
(Sumer) as the area where the faunal elements of Africa, central Asia, 
India and Europe converge. According to Shtegman (1938)the Mediterranean 
type of fauna, apart from being found on the Mediterranean coasts, can 
also be found in the Sumer of Serebrovskii, but the fauna of Transcaucasia 
and the southern Crimea is characterized only by a tinge of the 
Mediterranean type. 

Kashkarov and Korovin (1931) observed the Mediterranean influences 
in the flora and fauna of even the middle life-zones in Tien Shan. There 
is a recent tendency to regard the Caucasian and Hyrcanian fauna as a part 
of the province of broadleaf forests of Europe (Rustamov, 1945; Kuznetsov, 
1950; Bobrinskii, 1951). 

Geptner (1939, 1940, 1945) developed the idea that the centers of origin — 
he named four — of the mammalian desert-steppe fauna of the Palearctic 
all lay far to the south. He opposes (1945) the notions of an endemic origin 
of Mediterranean fauna and of a Mediterranean region on the assumption 
that there were no ancient and specific mammalian forms in the 



Mediterranean, maintaining that the coasts of north Africa and southern 
Europe are inhabited only by immigrants from the north and the south. 

These assumptions are invalid because no true comparison can be made 
between the landscapes and the diversity of biotopes in the deserts and in 
the Mediterranean. 

Animal immigration to the Mediterranean was always more open than 
to the Sahara and Kara-Kum, but this does not detract from the importance 
of the Mediterranean as an ancient independent center of speciation and 
faunal evolution. 

A correct interpretation of the concept ''Mediterranean region" (and a 
resulting understanding of the Mediterranean type of fauna) can only be 
reached through an analysis of the natural changes which occurred in the 
Cenozoic in the Mediterranean geosyncline. 

It is known that the Sarmatian sea, which extended from Gibraltar to 
the Transcaspian area, repeatedly formed in later — Pliocene and 
Pleistocene — time a chain of isolated basins, which were sometimes 
interconnected during periods of transgressions. Their separate coastal 
areas evolved under varying conditions. The Aral and northern Caspian 
coasts because of their relief and greater continentality early became 
deserts, which excludes them from the unique system of Mediterranean 

The other coastal areas of this chain of Cenozoic basins, including the 
Caucasus, inherited a number of unique, primitive features of landscapes, 
flora and fauna, which originated in the Miocene. Therefore, the southern 
areas of Europe (including the southern Ukraine and the Crimea), north 
Africa, Asia Minor, the Caucasian Isthmus (excluding the Manych area) 
and the Talysh and El'brus ranges should be included by virtue of their 
paleogeographic identity in the Mediterranean region. 

Differences in physiographic conditions resulted in differences in the 
development of landscapes and Cenozoic fauna between the western 
Mediterranean — Pyrenean-Balkan, and the eastern Mediterranean — Balkan- 
El'brus. Eveninthe Oligocene the southern part of the eastern Mediterranean 
was under the influence of the central Asian continental Indricotherium 
fauna. Later, the thermophilous faunal complexes persisted on the northern 
and southern coasts of the western Mediterranean until the beginning of the 
Pleistocene. These complexes consisted of primates, viverrids and 
hippopotami. It has only recently been established that hippopotami and 
primates lived in Transcaucasia in the Upper Pliocene- Lower Pleistocene. 
At that time, the Azov Sea area was inhabited by some thermophilous forms 
— elephant and antelope, but the complex, as a whole, was characteristic 
of savannah and forest-steppe landscapes on the margins of temperate and 
subtropical climatic belts. 

The western Mediterranean in the Pleistocene was protected in the north 
by the high Alps and the Carpathian Range, whereas the eastern sections 
were exposed to masses of winter-cooled air from the Russian Plain. 

The landscapes and fauna of Spain, Italy and Greece were not as strongly 
affected by the glaciation of northern Europe as the landscape and fauna 
of the Caucasus and the Crimea. 

During the maximum, Dnieper stage of glaciation, a number of taiga 
and tundra species of mammals extended their ranges over the Russian Plain 
as far as the southern coast of the Crimea. These northern forms did not 




migrate farther to the southeast, i.e., to the Caucasian Isthmus, because 
the steppe zone of the Pleistocene on the Russian Plain made a sharp 
northward turn in the northeastern Azov area. In addition, the opening of 
the Manych strait during the Caspian transgressions (see Chapter II) also 
influenced the distribution of the fauna. 

The Mediterranean-type landscape is often identified by biogeographers 
with the Recent landscapes of Spain, Sicily and Palestine, i.e., sun-burned, 
rocky, dry slopes, grazed by goats, grown here and there with olive 
groves, fig trees and orchards, supporting colonies of rabbits and stone 
martens and occasional relict mouflons and wild goats. Actually in both 
the eastern and western Mediterranean, relict landscapes of Tertiary 
coniferous and broadleaf forests and mesophytic meadows of alpine- and 
subalpine-type occur alongside xerophytic landscapes of garigue, phrygana 
and upland steppes (see Il'inskii, 1937). Such characteristic species of 
mammals as Asia Minor mouse, snow vole, Promethean vole, chamois, 
Spanish, Alpine and Caucasian goats and macaca evolved and survived in 
these mesophytic areas of the mountains. These species are probably as 
old as piebald shrew, jerboa, gerbil, Selevinia and other animals of 
the adjacent desert centers of speciation. 

The highland landscapes of the Caucasus, like other mountain ranges 
of the Alpine folded system, formed in the Miocene. Even if some 
peneplanation subsequently occurred in the Pliocene, nevertheless some 
of the ranges retained their prominence. 

The Holocene complex of Caucasian mountain-forest mammals has, 
therefore, many features in common with mountain-forest mammalian 
complexes of the Alpine ranges of the western Mediterranean. In the main, 
it evolved locally, rather than migrating as a unit, which accounts for its 
high degree of specific and subspecific endemism. In the east this type of 
fauna occurs in the forests of Talysh and on the southern slopes of the 
Elburz. During the hot, dry stages of the Pliocene, it was affected by 
southern faunal elements, and during the Pleistocene by influences from 
the northeast, northwest and southwest. Of these, the faunal ties with 
the south were the oldest, most extensive and most permanent. 

The southwest Asian uplands are an independent center of evolution of 
two subtypes of mammalian complexes of Pliocene age: the upland-steppe 
and upland-desert complexes. 

The differentiation within the southwest Asian complex of these two 
subtypes is observable in almost all orders of mammals, and is related to 
the sharply differentiated relief of the country and its climatic variability. 
At the same time when biocenoses of the upland-desert type evolved in broad 
intermontane valleys and narrow canyons, ecological assemblages of upland- 
steppes and even meadow-steppes evolved on neighboring high plateaus and 

The influence of this southern complex on the Caucasian Isthmus was 
undoubtedly exerted in several stages, the oldest being the Miocene-Pliocene 
when the Hipparion fauna was dispersed over the Isthmus. It is probable 
that considerable influence from the south continued through the Upper 
Pliocene, but in the Pleistocene, particularly in the Upper Pleistocene, 
migration from south to north was probably impeded. 

In the north, the Caucasian Isthmus joins the southern Russian Plain 
which, in the area of the Dnieper, Don and Volga watershed, has been dry 


land since at least the Lower Miocene. The nucleus of the steppe flora and 
fauna of this area formed in the Pliocene, according to pollen analysis 
and paleofaunal data. 

The early stages of settlement of the Ciscaucasian plains by immigrant 
species from the Eastern European and northern Kazakhstan steppes might 
have taken place in the Middle Pliocene. However, the large-scale 
migration to the Caucasian Isthmus of mammals belonging to this steppe 
complex undoubtedly occurred in the Pleistocene concomitantly with the 
southward shift of landscape zones. During the humid climatic phases of 
the Pleistocene, the mammalian complex of European and Asian broadleaf 
and taiga forests could also have influenced the Caucasian fauna. These 
forest mesophilous species could have dispersed along the valleys of the 
Don and Volga, through the Balkans and along the northern coast of Asia 

The main features of the Transcaspian mammalian complex, i.e., the 
central Asian desert complex, had probably developed by the Lower 
Pliocene. The migration of representatives of the central Asian desert 
mammalian complex to the Caucasian Isthmus could have come partly from 
the northeast and southeast around the Caspian, and partly directly from 
the east. 

The Pleistocene and Holocene immigrants from the semideserts and 
deserts of Turan to eastern Ciscaucasia — jerboa and gerbil — probably 
appeared during the regressions of the ancient Caspian. The late, Holocene, 
stage of immigration of a number of thermophilous southern mammals is 
apparent in their ranges of distribution. 

In our systematic analysis of Holocene mammalian fauna of the Caucasian 
Isthmus we include, in addition to extant relict species, those species 
which became extinct in the historical epoch under direct and indirect 
anthropogenic influences. This approach gives a much more comprehensive 
list of Caucasian animals than those compiled by other investigators. 

As previously mentioned, the analysis of the Recent fauna was intended 
to reveal two aspects of the distribution ranges: their origins and their 
ages, which is to say, both the historico-genetic and ecological identity of 
the species. Lacking paleontological data on some of the Caucasian species, 
their ages were estimated on the basis of comparisons between the antiquity 
and evolution of their preferred biotopes, on the one hand, and data on their 
ecology and migrational ability, on the other. 

The review of Recent and restored distribution ranges of Quaternary 
mammals inhabiting the Caucasian Isthmus now or in the past (Maps 1-93) 
and a comparison of these with paleogeographic data resulted in considerable 
refinement of the scheme of genetic composition of the Caucasian Holocene 
fauna given in Chapter III. In its complete form, the scheme is as follows: 


I. Tertiary (Pliocene) : 

1) Caucasian, mesophilous, widely distributed; 

2) Southwest Asian, xerophilous and thermophilous; 
3) Eastern European, hydrophilous and steppe-type; 

465 Turanian, desert-type. 


Ш. ЕР1е15юседе: 
5) European, forest mesophilous; 
6) European-Asian, steppe-type; 
7) Turanian, semidesert- and desert-types. 
III. Holocene: 
8) South Asian, thermophilous; 
9) Turanian, desert-type; 
10) accidentally introduced. 
The principal types of ranges of some indicator species of these complexes 
are given in Figures 188-194. 
The zoogeographic and chronological analysis of the Holocene fauna of 
the Caucasus is given by orders. 


The Caucasian Isthmus is one of the richest areas in Insectivora species 
in the U.S.S.R. We have identified 15 extant species from studies of 
436 localities and 1,224 specimens (Maps 1-6). Modern compilations drawn 
from the Caucasus and neighboring areas (Ognev, 1928; Bobrinskii, 
Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944; Kuznetsov, 1950; Ellermann and Morrison- 
Scott, 1951; and others) do not reveal occurrences of Brandt's hedgehog 
of central Asia and Iran or of Diplomesodon or some white-toothed 
shrews of the western Mediterranean in the Caucasian fauna. 

The nucleus of the Caucasian Insectivora is composed of local mesophilous 
species, such as the mole of the southern, Mediterranean type, Caucasian 
and lesser shrew and gray white-toothed shrew. It also includes such widely 
distributed species associated with mesophytic landscapes as European 
hedgehog and water shrew, whose origin on the Isthmus is obscured. 

Next in order of abundance is the group of species associated with the 
Tertiary steppe and semidesert landscapes of the eastern Mediterranean, 
e.g., the long-eared hedgehog, white-bellied white-toothed shrew and 
pygmy white-toothed shrew. 

Among occurrences of relict Tertiary species of the Russian Plain are those 
of the Russian desmanwhich is limited to the northwesternmost part of the 
Isthmus, the common shrew which is sparsely settled in the southeastern 
part, and the little white-toothed shrew which is rare in eastern 
Transcaucasia* and southwest Asia. These species migrated from the 
north to the Caucasus in the Pleistocene. 

Table 97 sets forth our proposed scheme of the genetic composition of 
insectivores of the Caucasian Isthmus. ** 

* In Transcaucasia, this form includes Crocidura dinniki Ogn., whose systematic position is not clear. 

** Space cannot be devoted to a criticism of the classification of shrews given by Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov, 
Kuzyakin (1944) which was fully accepted by Ellermann and Morrison-Scott (1951), Peculiar 
misidentifications have been made of the gray white-toothed shrew. Ognev (1928)erroneously identified 
as gray white-toothed shrew ап alcohol-preserved specimen of long-tailed white- toothed shrew from northern 
Iran (Mala-Kara), which is in the ZIN collections. Because of a semantic confusion (?!) Bobrinskii and 
Kuzyakin misidentified the Pontian Crocidura lasia Thos. as the Far Eastern C. lasiura Dobs.— 
an error which has resulted in a greatly confused nomenclature and has obscured discussions of the ranges 
of these two species. 


466 TABLE 97. Genetic composition of Caucasian Insectivora 


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Gea 1 0 sila 5 = 5 о о зо о 
OFljadnd|malh la & [5] Hola Ho < 

Erinaceus europaeus L. 
Hemiechinus auritus Gmel. 

Talpa orientalis Ogn. ,... 
Тъеацеа ао а ОА mance ort po amas 
Резшапа Moschata sl ye ean 
SHO ELE 2S alga lath of) FUR оо Оооо aye 
SIL NS © a) ew levels sd seme our ie 
5. Tadidiog "Sater getccuct casts, sbttioue-c 
Neomys fodiems Schr. ...... 
Crocidura suaveolens Pall. 

с. Тенсочет +Herni.w Seis. Fr 
С. Tussula Herm: „вена sees 
Са аа DOSS we зле Bens bane eons 
Ca дара. a cae 
Заре etruse Us Savy. 2%. 


We have identified 27 Holocene Chiroptera species from 785 specimens 
from 419 localities of the Caucasus (Maps 7-17). There are reasons to 
believe that the fauna was somewhat poorer in the Upper Pleistocene because 
of the southward retreat of the ranges of some thermophilous species caused 
by the cold phases. These ranges were restored to their former areas in 
the Holocene. It remains for future investigations to reveal new forms of 
bats, so far unknown on the Caucasus because of the difficulties of bat- 

According to the compilations of Allen (1940), Tate (1942), Kuzyakin 
(1950) and Ellermann and Morrison-Scott (1951), the subtropical families 
Pteropidae, Rhinopomatidae, Embalonuridae, Nycteridae and Hipposiderinae, 


which are characteristic of the southern parts of southwest Asia, do not 
occur in the Caucasus. As a whole, however, the Caucasian bat fauna is 
much richer than that of Europe and Asia. The ranges of most of these 
Caucasian species belong in the Mediterranean region, sensu lato; viewed 
ecologically, they can be divided into those of relatively mesophilous forms 
and those of more xerophilous and thermophilous forms. The first occur 

in areas of broadleaf forests where the bats often build their nests in hollows. 
Their summer and winter habitats are mostly in marginal areas of the 
mountain formations of the Isthmus; the latter forms prefer the landscapes 
of low plateaus, foothills and hot lowlands. 

TABLE 98. Genetic composition of Caucasian Chiroptera 

Tertiary (Pliocene) 




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Si | Oe | S & SB 15 8) 5 5S ¢ o| 5 4 9 
Оз! ша H ja SJ) mo} a nl|H < 

Rhinolophus ferrum equinum 
SClimemtrcnct aus Nc coer or maces 
Rune Мите ше у М атс eee ues 
Rin, SWRVAIS Bl. с обооьовос в 
в, bhp) роЗиеи@З Bechstary stun 
Uns wile Si Reem Вы о об Gace 6c 
Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl ..... 
М. emarginatus Geoffroy ...... 
Mls оо gmat ws MICE “Ge ea o se 
Mi, MAY SRACMNOS KUM) 5 oS660 0c 
о ПО i MIG wean im hs eee 
Miniopterus schreibersii Kuhl 
IE OL WE UN CEDIG. Ie oes oe o wo Ole 
Barbastella darjelingensis Dobs. 
B, DAT DSS Wlmg ЗМ 54 a ooo 
NyCtailus Пола tial бое 
INS GUS WI Me Paull, woeM tees Kets. обо ьо 
ING MOC i Mlle Seite sg vavondhe selene alist 
Vespertilio pipistrellus Schr. 
Wo ме ами, 158593. Gis ВВ По 6 5 1 
УЗО о SG ео ЗЕЕ 
№. за ми Воларь еее oo Oe 6 aod 
Е ее а acD 
We Opis Rail) ИЯ S sae оо sls в 

Оу ее АВА 
ео ет ee Chee 
порево ро во и. Пи 
adarida taeniotis Raf. ..... 



The mesophilous group comprises most of the mouse-eared bats and 
vespertilids, including the serotine vespertilio, which occurs more often 
in beech forests, e.g., in Talysh, than on open plains. 

The more xerophilous and thermophilous group consists primarily of the 
horseshoe bats, barbastels and the Mediterranean pipistrel. The extent of 
the influence exerted by European Chiroptera fauna is undetermined, but 
it was probably not significant, no more so than that of the central Asian 
desert fauna. Among the desert species, the distribution range of Ognev's 
great bat is highly characteristic of the Tertiary hills in the Kura lowlands 
of eastern Transcaucasia. 

Only two species can be tentatively identified as Upper Pleistocene 
immigrants from Europe: the giant noctule and the northern vespertilio. 
Their appearance on the Caucasus at that time was possibly a second one 
caused by the end of the glaciation. 

The complete list, divided into genetic groups, is given in Table 98, 
using the terminology of Ognev (1928) and Kuzyakin (1950). 

Some species —Vespertilio bobrinskii Kuz. and У. ognevi 
Bobr. — require additional study. The first should be compared with 
V. (Eptesicus) nasutus Dobson, 1877, and the second with 
V. (Eptesicus) sodalis Barr. Hamilton, 1910. 


The Carnivora fauna of the Caucasus in the Holocene is comprised of 
25 species; it was probably no richer in the Upper Pleistocene. Of these, 
22 species survived until recent time. We have had available a wealth of 
material for the zoogeographical analysis of this group (Maps 18-38): 
extensive collections of fossil remains from 92 localities, skulls and skins 
of extant species from 376 localities, observations and data from state fur 
stations covering 257 localities, and 417 specimens. In comparison with 
neighboring territories, the Caucasian Isthmus is rich in carnivores (Ognev, 
1931, 1935; Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin, 1944; Ellermann and 
Morrison-Scott, 1951). The absence of Viverridae from the Caucasian fauna 
is noticeable, and is accounted for by the fact that the northern boundary of 
their range lies somewhat to the south in Iraq. The family of honey badgers 
(Mellivorinae) is also conspicuously missing, as they occur much farther 
to the south and east. The rest of the Palaearctic carnivore families are 
fairly well represented in the Caucasian fauna. The Caucasus lies outside 
the ranges of some of the Canidae, e.g., some foxes of southwest Asia 
(Vulpes ruppeli Schinz., V. cana Blanf., Fennecus zerda 
Zimm.). True feline desert species (Felis margarita Loche and 
F. caracal Schr.) do not occur in the Caucasus either. Most Caucasian 
carnivores belong to ubiquitous forms of uncertain origins, which have, 
nevertheless, been included by us in the group of Caucasian Mediterranean 
forms because of the occurrences on the Isthmus of closely related forms 
in the Middle and even in the Upper Pleistocene. These forms are wolf, 
fox, European brown bear, badger, and lynx. 


(469) TABLE 99. Genetic composition of Caucasian Carnivora 


3 3 o 
э 3 Э В. Е 
— о — — 
= ae) = a о 
nan = St „= 1 rt ~~ 
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ov [<] a. o [2] (ay ||: a, > Oo 
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РЕ С о a 
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Я + на Е > А = Gs) 
и м || = G Gh ep || = 
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зо a oe |= = = в а И > 
a ORK] ea aA a ® Е 
a VU [$ 5 о < is) < go a < Чем (9 
Sas 2 4 Ее || Ф = o Е ® ® 
oF |Ез а | & a. яз a a 9 |] 34 
Е ЕЕ ile 
Oa очшз & wm m |H @ [22] Ed < 

Grats rans ми. 

CHUMP ANS Ley Gh ete tale a. hee оровооо = 
Varlipesrv wipes и и © .s adele = 
Wol CORB ENCE NST lo. cache оо. В ood 

Нузепайпуаена т: еее 
ПОРТ (956) И ways о оО Во о 
Маре ищаыье: Ти. осо чан 
п MOHTAL LET pg co ei lecelieLiclbe! aula cinc 
Vormela peregusna Guild. ... 
PP MEO РОМ jh 25 6 6 ulls 
P. eversmanni Less. ..... dio od 

В ОИ ee о alo Giallo 
INE SCY NCUA Тре о оса 
да) лета ие к рвы еее 
“ Рашедера 515019 Ibe enone os 
SPV eOLy, ana mtn tat: о 
о О оао 
СОЭ UVC CR ооо роовов 
Me Энен бат ов once a 
р. CMAs Gill, . 526455 ее 
По ВВС рос 

Otocolobus manul Pall. 

* Acinonyx jubatus Schr, 

Note. ?—species whose occurrence on the Isthmus has not been definitely established; * —species which 
became extinct in modern time. 

The southern (southwest Asian-Mediterranean) species of steppe and 
desert landscapes are represented by pine marten, tiger polecat, African 
wildcat and cheetah). 

The Pliocene eastern species (Turanian-Afghan) are represented by 
the manul. 

The Pleistocene European immigrants from the north and southwest 
are easily recognized by the poor development of their ranges, which 
wedge out toward the southeast. These forms include pine marten, mink, 
European wildcat and, possibly, the ''European-type'' bear of the Greater 


АП the immigrant carnivores of the Holocene originated in the south and 
are relatively thermophilous. Their late appearance on the Isthmus is 
confirmed by modern ecological data, the development of their ranges and 
the absence of their remains in Pleistocene bituminous deposits on the 
Apsheron and in the caves on the upper Rion. The jackal, striped hyena, 
tiger, lion and jungle cat belong to this group; their origin on the Caucasus 
has been discussed in Chapter III. 

Most of the nomenclature employed for the list of carnivores given in 
Table 99 follows the usage of Russian authors. 


Two species of Lagomorpha emerged on the Caucasus in the Holocene — 
the European hare and the Armenian pika. Indications from Recent 
ecological data, from the characteristics of their ranges and from Cenozoic 
fossil hares and pikas, found on the southern Russian Plain and in 
Ciscaucasia, are that they were ancient Pliocene (Miocene) immigrants to 
the Isthmus, which evolved in the eastern Mediterranean xerothermic 
landscapes of the Tertiary. Of the more southern forms, the Arabian hare 
(Lepus arabicus ЕЪг. ) does not occur on the Caucasus, and of the 
western Mediterranean forms, the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) 
is absent. 

The Pleistocene migration of the blue hare and small pika from the 
north to the Caucasus has not been proven. 

The two Holocene Caucasian species are Tertiary forms of eastern 
Mediterranean origin and their Recent ecology indicates their relatively 
xerophilous character (Table 100, p.471). 


The Holocene fauna of the Caucasus includes no less than 50 species of 
rodents. The specific composition of the Caucasian rodent fauna can be 
regarded as completely known from the 10,623 specimens which we studied 
and from data from 1,770 collecting localities of extant forms. The Middle 
and Upper Pleistocene rodent fauna was probably not much richer than the 
postglacial fauna. 

The variation of the zoogeographical and ecological composition of the 
rodent fauna and its considerable geological antiquity permit a number of 
reliable conclusions on the particular features and developmental patterns 
of this faunal group. Taking stock of the faunal complexes of neighboring 
territories and their potential influence on the Caucasian fauna, it becomes 
apparent that a number of rodent species do not occur on the Isthmus. 

This review and comparative study of rodent fauna are based on works by 
Ognev (1940, 1947, 1948, 1950), Bobrinskii, Kuznetsov and Kuzyakin 
(1944), and Ellermann and Morrison-Scott (1951). 



The following species are missing from the Caucasian fauna: from the 
Eastern European steppe complex — marmot*, gray, big or red-cheeked 
suslik and Eversmann's hamster; from the European forest and mountain- 
forest complexes — common squirrel, dormice of the genera Eliomys 
and Muscardinus, the Balkan Dolomys, common vole, root vole and 
a number of other subterranean voles of the genus Pitymys; from the 
central Asian desert and southwest Asian upland-desert complexes — large- 
toothed suslik, long-clawed suslik or ground squirrel, jerboas of the 
genera Pygeretmus and Jaculus, mouse-like dormouse and 
Betpakdala dormouse, many species of gerbils of the genera Gerbillus, 
Psammomys. Tatera and subterranean rats of the genus Nesokia. 

There are also some western Mediterranean species that do not occur 
on the Caucasus: African porcupine (Hystrix cristata L.), mouse 
(Lemniscomys barbarus L.), Arvicanthis niloticus Desm., 
Acomys cahirinus Desm., and other species. 

Upper Tertiary (Pliocene) mesophilous species of the humid broadleaf- 
forest and mountain-meadow landscapes of the eastern Mediterranean 
comprise the largest group within the Caucasian rodent fauna: 

Persian (Caucasian) squirrel Broad-toothed field mouse (Asia Minor mouse) 
Fat dormouse Promethean vole 

Forest dormouse Water vole 

Black rat Caucasian snow vole 

House mouse Long-tailed snow vole 

Caucasian yellow-spotted mouse Pine vole 

Common field mouse 

The species referred to here as house mouse includes a number of wild 
forms, some associated with biotopes of the mountain, foothills and 
lowland-forest zones: Mus musculus formosovi Hept. and 
M. musculus abbotti Wat.; some associated with biotopes of the 
steppe and semidesert: М. musculus hortulanus Nordm. and 
M. musculus tataricus Sat. Those large Caucasian mice of the 
Apodemus fulvipectus Ogn. type (A.flavicollis ponticus 
Svirid., A.f.saturatus Neuh., A.f.argiropuli Vin. etArg.)which 
inhabit the forests of the Caucasus, and which grade into a smaller, lighter- 
colored form with a small spot on the neck which inhabits the semidesert 
zone of eastern and southern Transcaucasia (i.e., the A. arianus Blanf. 
type), are regardedas a polymorphic species of the eastern Mediterranean 
(Caucasian) yellow-spotted mouse. 

The ancient xerophilous species of eastern Mediterranean origin include 
the following: 

Asia Minor suslik Asia Minor gerbil 
William's jerboa Vinogradov's gerbil 

Asia Minor hamster Transcaucasian mole vole 
Migratory hamster : Asia Minor snow vole 
Mouse-like hamster Lesser mole rat 
Red-tailed Libyan gerbil Porcupine 

Persian gerbil 

* Tt is possible that the bobak marmot inhabited the Ciscaucasian steppes in historical time. 



The time of the emergence of these ancient species in different parts of 
the Isthmus and the characteristics of their dispersion vary, as the examples 
given in Chapter III show. : 

The European beaver and Ciscaucasian mole rat are representative 
of Eastern European Tertiary species, hydrophilous in nature and adapted 
to steppe ecology. Without pursuing the question of the origin of European 
beaver, it is assumed that the species inhabited the Caucasian Isthmus and 
Russian Plain as early as Pliocene time. 

It is more difficult to place the origin and emergence of mole rat in 
Ciscaucasia. In the absence of fossil mole rats on the Isthmus and any 
proof of their migration from Asia Minor, they must be considered 
descendants of the Miocene-Pliocene mole rats which inhabited the southern 
Russian Plain. Immigration of the Russian mole rat and the giant Russian 
mole rat to the Isthmus could have taken place at the time of deposition of 
the Balakhan beds, i.e., in the Middle Pliocene, and they could have 
survived the subsequent marine transgressions in the Caucasian foothills. 

The sole Caucasian representative of the ancient Turanian and Afghanistan 
desert species is the small five-toed jerboa. Its distribution range, which 
includes eastern Ciscaucasia and eastern and southern Transcaucasia, is 
an interesting example of the influence of the ''Aral-Caspian fauna." 

A fairly large group of Pleistocene immigrants of various ages and 
origins canbe identified from a comparison of the ranges and 
palaeogeographic data. 

There are at least seven generally mesophilous, ''European"' forest 

Northern birch mouse Common hamster 
Harvest mouse Common vole* 
Striped field mouse Common red-backed vole 

Yellow-necked field mouse 

The ranges of these species on the Isthmus are rather poorly developed. 
Where they penetrated deep into Transcaucasia, the ecological channels 
of their dispersion were either the floodplain river marshes of the piedmont 
valleys or the mesophytic meadows and coniferous forests of the uplands. 
Their routes followed the Black and Caspian sea coasts, bypassing the 
Caucasian Range on the east and on the west. Examples are the harvest 
mouse, striped field mouse and common hamster. The range of the 
European yellow-necked field mouse of the Apodemus flavicollis 
samariensis type is confined to the tugai forests of the lower Terek and 
Sulak in eastern Ciscaucasia. Indeed a puzzling phenomenon of distribution. 

Since it is doubtful that the species is endemic, it would seem that 
it could only have migrated to this region from the lower Volga. The most 
probable time would have been the Upper Pleistocene; the desert landscapes 
which formed in the northern Caspian area in later, postglacial, time could 
not have carried the migration of this species. 

Immigration of three eastern xerophilous species of the southern 
Kazakhstan semidesert and of the central Asian desert complexes occurred 
in the Pleistocene: thick-tailed three-toed jerboa, northern three-toed 
jerboa and little earth hare. 

* Bones of this vole which have recently been found in Acheulean beds of Kudaro I cave indicate that the 
occurrence of this species on the Caucasus dates from ancient time. 


(473) TABLE 100. Genetic composition of Caucasian Lagamorpha and Rodentia 

Tertiary (Pliocene) Pleistocene Holocene 

= n 
о =) =} 
= ig) о 
[22 ao} a = 
= |5 a. о 0 = а 
Speci оо 2 = я [=] = 
Becies FN dee, 5 = a Е | 3 
= a . 3s] = и ® 5 ® 
aele боя 2 Sie |S 1s & 
a о 3 ява. | = я ©. 
ааа [5 cr op) о | os 
xc a] 3 Es} uw 2 ojo” = о Ae! 
> о|9 0 5|<%8 1 В и 
вы Ее ее а ао а ща 
ов | в ae La sia & a ® 
пана < (23 
SS ge Ma 5 = © 5 a oe) = Е 
ее | se 
Odtg|na|[m a = шв ша езч|о = < 
Lepus europaeus Pall. ...... 

ООО Bs ооо обаюо 

Sciurus anomalus Guld. ne 
Citellus pygmaeus Pall. .... 
Ce оО и ie once creas 
Ea Gaston Роем 
GUIS BIBI зоб 564000 cco 
Dyromys nitedula Pall. .... 

ето ва мера Wy aie cee 
SHpbietwlainiawPall a: Bote Siem be 
SHICAINIC ais Car Ур eee lakes 

Allactaga elater Licht. ..... 
даем Ра. ое co ketene 
АИ ато Ве 
Alactagulus acontion Pall... 
Scirtopoda telum Licht. .... 
DAPwUS Зато Pell, ob oncag oc 
Spalax microphthalmus Са. 
5. gigantews Nehry н.о, 
S. leucodon Nordm. ....... BP 
RB bG USM Ratt Wise Los fuses his qs oe 
В. norvegicus Berken...... са 

MEG о 6 оо бобов 
Micromys minutus Pall. 

Apodemus agrarius Pall. .... 
ИЗ OPT, orden ou оо 
A. flavicollis Melch. ...... | 
а ВУИ WS) Vg Бор бобов 

А. mystacinus Danf. et Alst. .. 
Mesocricetus auratus Water. 
(Сони ООС ооо 
Cricetus migratorius Pall. ., 
Calomyscus bailwardi Thos, 

* Rhombomys opimus ...... 
Meriones meridianus Pall, 

MivenythrowrusiGrayeyt). мя. 
М; решен Вал ve, ды ances 
М. всататт ее Pall secs « 

Note. Asterisk indicates species which became extinct in historical time. 


Accidentally introduced 

TABLE 100 (continued) 



Southwest Asian, xerophilous 
European - Asian, steppe-type 

and thermophilous 
East European, hydrophilous 

Caucasian, mesophilous 
and widely distributed 

and steppe-type 

Turanian, desert-type 
Turanian, semidesert- 
South Asian, thermophilous 
Accidentally introduced 

European, forest 

and desert-types 
Turanian, semidesert- 
and desert-types 

Meubibaie@kTe mie Бо: ее m tia 
M. vinogradovi Hept. ...... 
NEE TOMES SPe cw о мо беоне 
Lagurus lagurus Pall. ...... 
Ellobius talpinus Pall. ..... 
EMMne Se. enismkossy te-a.tanske tens & 
Prometheomys schaposchni- 
KOMP Sat А ОЕ sear ae 
(474)arvicola terrestris L. ..... 
Microtus nivalis) Маг... ..... 
НЕ Пе ое c 
ODE ыы По оном eae fee 
Majorim Bhost’ .... F365 5.2 
Arvid l US EAUeee.encneear cheat, @ 
ое ta ира Peewee es cee - 
Clethrionomys glareolus Schr. 
Hiystrix leweuna Sykesp: Shr. 

ae EP: 

Their Pleistocene age is evident from the Upper Pleistocene occurrence 
of their remains on the lower Don, indicating that these species migrated 
from the Transcaspian deserts far to the west no later than the time of the 
post-Khazar sea regression. Partial survival of the Khvalynsk transgression 
was possible on the southern shores of the Terek bay. Again in the Holocene 
there was another wave of immigration of these species and of Turanian 
desert species to the Terek-Kuma semidesert and the Manych area. The 
great, midday and tamarisk gerbils are representative of these Holocene 
immigrants from the central Asian deserts, as shown by the absence of 
their remains from Quaternary alluvial beds of the lower Don and by the 
sparseness of their Recent distribution. The great gerbil became extinct 
in Ciscaucasia in historical time. 

One would expect that new southern rodents would have emerged during 
the xerothermal postglacial epoch in the southeastern part of the Isthmus, 
in addition to this second wave of immigration of desert species to the 
northeast. However, no such instances are known with the possible 
exception of the distribution of Asia Minor gerbil on the Kura-Araks lowlands 
and the local dispersion of Persian gerbil, steppe vole and some other 
species caused by anthropogenic changes in the landscape. 




The Norway rat is the only accidentally introduced species which has 
inhabited the Isthmus in historical time; this species and black rat are 
widely distributed over railroad, water and air routes. The penetration 
of house mouse of the northern type into the Caucasus continues. 

The complete genetic composition of the rodent fauna is given in 
Table 100, employing the basic nomenclature accepted by Russian authors. 
Thus, the great jerboais referred to as Allactaga jaculus Pallas, 
and not as А. major Kerr.; the thick-tailed three-toed jerboa* as 
Alactagulus acontion Pallas, andnot as A. pumilio Kerr.; the 
red-tailed Libyan gerbilas Meriones erythrourus Gray, and not 
as M. lybicus Licht.; the porcupine as Hystrix leucura Sykes, 
and not as Hystrix indica Kerr., etc. 

PR lows ODA Cl YIEvA 

According to collection material and data drawn from ancient historical 
sources, two or three species of horse lived in the Caucasus in postglacial 
time. The origin of tarpan remains obscured by unanswered questions on 
the morphology and evolution of horses of the Old World. Adopting the 
generally accepted view, we have included it in the group of Pleistocene 
immigrants from the northern steppes. The kulan is considered 
a Holocene immigrant from the south. It seems likely that 
postglacial evolution of horses proceeded differently in the north and in the 
south. Ciscaucasia was inhabited by horses of the Eastern Sur one ah plas, feyu 
whereas Transcaucasia was inhabited by southwest Asian horses. } Е 

As is the case with some rodents and carnivores ‚ perissodactyls 
occurring in different parts of the Caucasus had different origins. Examples 
are the kulan and the southwest Asian horse, whichinsouthern Transcaucasia 
must be regarded as local Tertiary species, but which ineastern Transcaucasia 
and Ciscaucasia must be regarded as Holocene immigrants. 

Table 101 shows the different positions occupied by Caucasian 
perissodactyls in our scheme. 


The Caucasian Isthmus occupies first place inthe U.S.S.R. in the 
number of artiodactyl species and individuals per unit area. It is a large 
center of speciation and development of this order. 

There has been no migration of the arctic forms, reindeer and musk ox, 
to the Caucasus. And the ranges of southern thermophilous species (such 
as Asia Minor and Mesopotamian fallow deer belonging to the genus Dama) 
and of a number of southwest Asian gazelle species (Gazella dorcasL., 
С. gazella Pall., С. leptoceros Cuv.) do not extend to the Caucasus 
in Recent time. 

Of the mountain forms of central Asia, no markhor [Capra falconeri 
Wagner] occurs in the Caucasian fauna; and of the Western European forms 
no Ammotmapus lemrvna Pall | Capralisinaitica Ehr,, 

C. ibex L., or C. pyrenaica Schinz. are found either. 

* [This is the correct translation for the Russian "emuranchik," but the author apparently meant "little 
earth hare" ("zemlyanoi zaichik") ... see Table 103. ] 


TABLE 101. Genetic composition of Caucasian Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla 

_ Tertiary (Pliocene) Holocene 

2 o 
5 2 с. n 
8 5 > => 3 ae) 
= о > |= о = 
a ие = 1 a = 5 = 
5 a, = © = o 
оэ|о a. Ф 5. ' 1 
ao] [2] а. a = 5 a =. 
5 3 И = ES К o Е o = 
— nn 
pecies = = 3 > 1 7 о — В Е 
с Е ec ial pee) a4 — - Uv Vv uo) e 
o =P = vo oO a = = а „= = 
2 Ss ta - с. a oO a Е - Е =) 
Sst | = ich Ss р Be 
ao] 2. |9 = o OF tes a o - vo >— 
2 < 1 uU al a” |=] 7) — 
>. о o = < — 
те |5 Ф - ‚ Oo ' г. З . = 
$ Og) ane cose: = Ея = я a = 2 
“rl ey Зо = a a co a С] < a я 
3 — = a =. © .ы Ф "А. rs) << 4 vo 
о < = = шо Е 5 о о. = = = Е 
Е Е, | = ы но я | = 9 
ae | o> ea Е =| 3 [2] = о 
Od|nd|[m ad / RH] mB] ag | eB a a < 

* Equus hemionus Pall....... 
* Е. caballus gihelini АВЕ 
ЗЕ cabia ии 0. 


SUS ASC HOP ag нА. > кл 
Cervus elaphus L. 

GP ULGES JANCIS Alas а «ap aa 
Gapreolus capreolus Lo... . 
Seal Wiel раза Fara En) Wares eons 6 tie 
Gazella subgutturosa Guld.... 
Rupicapra rupicapra L. 
Caprascawenasiica Gilde Л. se aw 
С: cy lind riciornis) Blyth. ные 
С зевак Ех ее che dye 
О ое ЕО. не ы 
ВО DOA SUS, №. Беер ais 

Note. Asterisk indicates species which became extinct in historical time. 

There was a gradual impoverishment in Artiodactyla on the Isthmus 
in the Quaternary, in spite of immigration of new species from without. 
Fifteen to sixteen species existed there in the Pleistocene, but by the 
Holocene, there were only thirteen, of which only eleven survived into 
recent time. Most of the Caucasian artiodactyls are local mountain-forest, 
often endemic, forms. The endemic forms include the Caucasian chamois 
and the east Caucasian and the west Caucasian goat. The group of widely 
distributed, generally somewhat mesophilous forest species is comprised 
of boar, red deer, roe deer, bison and primitive bull. It is possible that 
elk should also be included in this group, once its southern origin has been 


The southwest Asian xerophilous species, which are mainly associated 
with upland-steppe landscapes, are represented by Bezoar goat and Asia 
Minor mouflon. 

476 The Pleistocene immigrant group includes the northern-type elk, which 
may have made a second appearance in the forests of the Caucasus, and 
the saiga. The latter species reached the maximum development of its 
distribution on the Isthmus in the Middle Pleistocene. This group should 
probably also include the large form of roe deer which occurs in 

The goitered gazelle is the only late — postglacial — immigrant; it 
penetrated eastern Transcaucasia from the south, and eastern Ciscaucasia 
possibly from the east. 

The genetic composition of Holocene artiodactyls of the Caucasus is 
given in Table 101. 

The results of this paleogeographic and zoogeographic analysis of the 
Holocene mammalian fauna of the Caucasus can be summarized as follows: 

1. The Holocene mammalian fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus consisted 
of 136 species of Insectivora, Chiroptera, Carnivora, Lagomorpha, 
Rodentia, Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla, of which 124 species survived 
into recent time. 

2. The nucleus of the fauna — up to 36 % of the species — consists of 
local (predominantly mesophilous) and widely distributed forms of Pliocene 
age, They subsequently evolved on the Caucasian Isthmus and in adjacent 
areas of the eastern Mediterranean where the landscape retained its original 
(mesophytic) character because of proximity to the sea, warm climate and 
a particular relief. 

TABLE 102. Genetic composition (number of species by type of origin) of the Recent (Holocene) 
mammalian fauna of the Caucasus, by orders 

Tertiary (Pliocene) 


2) win 
3 [2] o 1 т о|® 
Е = | 4 о |5 
= mut 9 = [> га м 3 
OMe ior am > o ® о 
ана ie ое о 2 |5 6 |o|* 
At ава > # эо gy al Siw 
Orders ое о an = = о = oOo} Е |9 
я о| = Oo a о < а a ая == 
Вина |9 |5 2 |o B|- Чозы 5 
а S08 co | | ое аа 
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оз аз |= [и | = во fa S/6 of f/3 
ay Uo ltt os GC sa | @ Bn let 679 чо я 
Se leeiges |e he ahs. les (sects os) oe 
о 5 8 о es) о < = Els |g 
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еж аа |9 | se eSi2 Gls Se el eie 
оч евшыв | ш Е ladle ¢ ij4 Sle alq le 

ЗЕ О Та bo Blo oGg00 Odo uae 

Churaptera №. по Mer 1 1. 27 
(ANNE oS оо а ood do oop. cols 24 
Lagomorpha ......... Оооо 2 
кобели 56 52 
Perissodactylay aa amoue о 3 

ISCO, Gasooadoucoudedd 


ove) (a: fs) lame) els. 


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3. The next largest group — up to 27% of the species — is that of 
southwest Asian xerophilous immigrants of Tertiary age. 

4. Eastern European steppe and hydrophilous forms, some of which 
migrated to the Caucasus in the Pliocene and some in the Pleistocene, 
account for 12.5% of the species. 

5. European mesophilous and forest species, which appeared on the 
Caucasus mainly in the Pleistocene, constitute up to 11% of the species. 

6. Postglacial immigrants, consisting of thermophilous species which 
could not live under conditions of deep snow cover, and which migrated from 
the east and the south (central and southwest Asia), comprise up to 7% 
of the species. 

7. Accidentally introduced species which appeared in historical time 
amount to less than 1%. 

All of these data, which differ considerably from the opinion of other 
authors, have been summarized in Table 102. (р. 475). 

The proposed scheme of geographical zonation of the mammals of the 
Caucasian Isthmus is based on the results of the zoogeographical mapping 
and the analysis of the mammalian fauna given in this chapter and Chapter III. 

The generalized contours of the ranges of indicator mammalian 
complexes, both those that are relatively stenotopic to the Caucasus and 
those that were introduced, were employed to delineate districts, 
subdistricts and sectors (Figures 188-194). In preparing the zonation, the 
paleogeographical significance of territories and species was considered 
first, rather than the simple numerical preponderance of animals in one 
or another zoogeographic group. Thus, for example, the Caucasian 
mountain-forest district includes, in addition to the Greater and Lesser 
Caucasus, the eastern slopes of Talysh and the northern slopes of Elburz, 
even though only four clearly autochthonous species of the ancient 
mammalian complex of the Caucasus remain in the latter two sectors. 

The rest are Pleistocene and Holocene forms. The entire steppe area 

and part of the forest-steppes of Ciscaucasia belong to the Eastern European 
steppe subregion of Pleistocene immigrant fauna, inasmuch as no 
autochthonous Caucasian elements of Pliocene age remain in the Holocene 
fauna of this area. Our subdivision of the territory is not based on as 

many units as the zonation schemes of other zoogeographers, who based 
their schemes more on geomorphology and geobotany, rather than on the 
zoological material. Nevertheless, the boundaries of the phytolandscapes 
figure significantly in our scheme because of the importance of the 
relationships between index species of mammals and the phytolandscapes. 

In view of the fact that the greater part of the Caucasian Isthmus belongs 
in the eastern half of the Mediterranean region of the Palaearctic (i.e., the 
eastern Mediterranean subregion), we include the northern part of the 
Ciscaucasian plains in the Ciscaucasian subdistrict of the subregion of 
Eastern European and northern Kazakhstan steppes, and the northwestern 
corner of eastern Ciscaucasia in the Terek-Kuma sector of the central 
Asian desert subregion. The entire Greater Caucasus, the northern slopes 
of the Lesser Caucasus and the eastern slopes of Talysh are included in 
the Caucasian district, which is further divided into the Asterabad 
or Talysh- El'brus andthe Dagestan subdistricts. The Lesser 
Caucasus uplands (the Armenian Highland) is included in the Sevan 
subdistrict, and the semideserts and steppes of eastern Transcaucasia 


are included in the Kura subdistrict of the southwest Asian district of the 
same eastern Mediterranean subregion. The Talysh upland-steppe and the 
middle Araks valley are regarded as the main sectors of the southwest 

Asian district. The general scheme, the historico-geological characteristics 
of the districts, subdistricts and sectors and of their mammalian complexes, 

are given below and summarized in Table 103 (p.500) and Figure 195 (p. 515). 


(District of mole and pine vole) 

The definition of the Caucasian district is based on the distribution 
ranges of some index species of the Caucasian mammalian complex. These 
ranges almost entirely cover the mountain forests, upland meadows and 
rocky passes, the wooded parts of the inclined piedmont plains of 
Ciscaucasia, and the lowland forests of Transcaucasia. The northern 
boundary of the district is in the area of the inclined piedmont plains. 

In the Ciscaucasian steppes there are two isolated sectors which belong 
to this district — Stavropol and Pyatigor'e (Figure 195). In eastern 
Transcaucasia the southern boundary of the district runs along the latitude 
of Shemakha and Ivanovka in the Agri-Chai and Alazan valleys and near the 
Kakhetian Range at Telavi. In Kartalinia and South Ossetia, the boundary 
is on the northern edge of the dry Gori depression. It passes at the foot 
of the Surami Range where it turns sharply east to the foot of the Trialet 
Range, continues above Tbilisi and on through the lower Khram valley at 
the foot of the Shakh-Dag, south of Shamkhor and Kirovabad. In the 
southeast, the boundary bypasses Karabakh at altitudes of 600-700 m near 
Martuni, and encompasses Karyagino and part of the Okhchi-Chai basin. 

It takes a turn to the north and northwest, passing east and northeast of 
the high steppes and meadow-steppes of the Armenian (Sevan) Highland. 
The southern boundary of the Lesser Caucasus subdistrict of the Caucasian 
district follows the divides of the Shakh-Dag and Pambak ranges ina 

482 westerly direction, passing somewhat south of Kirovakan, and, skirting 
northern Dzhavakhetia, enters eastern Turkey along the divide of the 
Adzhar-Imeretian ridge. Its western boundary extends from Trabzon 
to Sukhumi along the Black Sea coast; shifting slightly to the east, it 
coincides with the boundary of the Ciscaucasian subdistrict of immigrant 
steppe species. 

The Caucasian district includes the isolated Asterabad Talysh-El'brus 
sector which lies in the far southeastern part of Transcaucasia. The 
boundaries of this sector almost completely coincide with the contours of 
the forest zone on the eastern slopes of Talysh and the northern slopes of 

The main massif of the Caucasian district encompasses the Dagestan 
subdistrict, located between the mesophytic landscapes of the marginal 
ridges of the eastern Caucasus (Figure 195). 



It should be noted that where the boundary of the Caucasian district 
passes at the foot of ranges and foothill plains certain parts of it comprise 
a broad, transitional zone where animals of the steppe plains and of the 
mountain-forest landscapes coexist sympatrically. Contrary to Kuznetsov's 
opinion (1950), this zone, even in Ciscaucasia, has little in common with 
the forest-steppe of the Russian Plain. 

Most of the district has been dry land at least since the Oligocene, 
gradually increasing in size on the periphery. Large mountain ranges 
formed in the Miocene. The central parts of the Greater Caucasus mountain 
system are composed of Jurassic slates and volcanic rock. The diluvium 
and soil cover are well developed only on the high plateaus; in the canyons 
the bedrock is exposed as rocky cliffs and talus. The marginal ranges are 
composed mainly of sandstones and limestones, which in the foothills are 
overlain by deposits of the Cenozoic seas and alluvial-diluvial boulder trains. 

The Lesser Caucasus and Talysh present similar geologic phenomena 
but calcareous deposits occur more rarely in these areas. As the 
orogenesis of the Pliocene and post-Pliocene waned, stages of peneplanation 
of the ranges alternated with mountain-building and glacial cycles. 

The contemporary types of vegetation in the Caucasian district date 
from the Lower Pliocene at least. The Recent zonation of climate and 
altitudinal vegetation zones were formed by the first half of the Quaternary. 

The contemporary landscapes of the Caucasian district which were 
formed in the Holocene are not homogeneous over its vast area. In the 
west, the Trans-Kuban piedmont plain is somewhat hilly in places and is 
dissected by numerous, almost completely non-meandering streams. 

The upper half of this plain is covered by oak and smoothleaf-elm 
forests alternating with wide sections of steppe meadows. This type of 
landscape does not occur in central Ciscaucasia; it reappears on the Terek- 
Sunzha inclined plain, and finally disappears in the east near Sulak, east 
of Gudermes. 

In Transcaucasia — Colchis, Alazan-Agrichai, Khachmas and the 
Lenkoran piedmont lowlands — lowland forests of a special type have 
developed in which oak, Caucasian wingnut and smoothleaf elm covered 
with thorny liana predominate. The marshy areas are characterized by 
European alder. The abundance of nut shrubs and trees on these lowlands 
favors the existence of rodents, ungulates and carnivores. 

The slopes of the Chernye Gory, the northernmost ridge of the Greater 
Caucasus, are covered with humid beech—hornbeam forests. Relict grassy 
steppe vegetation covers some of the calcareous rock outcrops. 

The next ridge, the Skalistyi, is characterized by subalpine meadows 
in mountain passes and by mountain pine forests which replace the beech 
forests on the southern slopes. Sections of mountain xerophytic vegetation 
occur in the valley bottoms of the Kuban, Teberda and other rivers, 
particularly in the longitudinal-latitudinal valleys between the El'brus and 
central Dagestan. 

Most of the mountain slopes of the lower and middle belts of the southern 
slope of the Greater Caucasus, of the northern slopes of the Lesser 
Caucasus and of eastern Talysh are covered with beech and hornbeam 
forests, which provide seasonal food for forest rodents and ungulates. 



Fir and pine forests are developed in the upper mountain-forest Бей of 
the western Caucasus, and fir—maple forests on the southern slopes. 

The well-defined rocky relief is a favorable habitat for snow vole and 
chamois, which are plentiful in the area. As arule, the upper edge of the 
forests is characterized by high-mountain oak and birch. Caucasian 
rhododendron which wedges into the upland-meadow zone is also typical. 

The alpine zone proper is completely developed in the western and 
central parts of the Greater Caucasus and on the highest ridges of the 
Lesser Caucasus with mesophytic meadows, taluses and rocky passes, 
and glaciers at altitudes of 2,800-3,500 m. In the uplands of Talysh the 
upper edge of the forest lies on the boundary of upland-steppe and upland- 
xerophytic vegetation formations. In the eastern part of the Greater 
Caucasus the subalpine meadows usually grade into areas of dense 
bunchgrass formations, particularly sheep's fescue and matgrass, which 
are typical for eastern alpine meadow formations. The steppe development 
is even more pronounced on the median-altitude plateaus of Dagestan where 
low precipitation and physiological dryness of the thin soil layer prevail, 
and where upland-steppe meadows and meadow-steppes with low grasses 
became the predominant formations. The turf-covered sections and slopes 
of the plateau, which have a plentiful food supply of grasses and a rapid 
run-off of rain- and snow-water, are particularly favorable environments 
for subterranean rodents such as hamster and vole. The main food 
resources of highland ungulates are also located in this zone. 

The Recent mammalian complex of the Caucasian district mainly consists 
of local Tertiary mesophilous forms which are associated with highland 
meadows and mountain and lowland forests. This mammalian complex and 
the ranges of its components developed out of local speciation and biocenotic- 
forming processes which occurred in the Neogene and the Quaternary. 

Immigration of animals from adjacent territories to this district, mainly 
to the piedmont transitional belt, took place during the Quaternary. 

The Holocene mammalian complex of the Caucasian district consists of 
88 species, most of which belong to genetic group 1 (see p.462). There is 
little representation from group 2, but somewhat more from group 3. 

No Turanian forms, i.e., representatives of group 4, appear in the complex. 
The nucleus of group 5 is fairly strongly developed, but group 7 is 
completely unrepresented. There are a few occurrences of species from 
groups 8 and 10(Table 103, p.500). 

The index species are local representatives of group 1° 
mesophilous Pliocene species comprising the Caucasian faunal nucleus 
and the widely distributed forms, totalling at least 48 species and accounting 
for more than one half of the total number of animals of the district 
(Table 103). 

Seem from the genetic and ecological points of view, this is not a 
homogeneous group. It includes animals associated with the mesophytic 
forests and meadows, which are fairly widely distributed in the broadleaf 
forests of Europe, such as lesser shrew, fat dormouse, roe deer and red 
deer. The list of endemic Caucasian highland species associated with alpine 
mesophytic meadows is more specific. Caucasian birch mouse, Promethean 
vole, long-tailed snow vole and Caucasian snow vole are characterized by 
their mountainous ranges. In addition to these rodents, the larger, more 
dynamic, but still stenotopic, species which are associated with mountain 



relief, rocks, alpine meadows and mountain forests (Caucasian goat and 
chamois) are also indicative of the Caucasian complex of mammals. 

In the Stavropol and Pyatigor'e sectors and the Dagestan and Asterabad 
subdistricts, the species of group 1 are poorly represented and have not 
permeated the complex, mainly because of anthropogenic influences and 
postglacial changes in climate and landscape. As examples, there are no 
deer, goat, chamois, Promethean vole or long-tailed snow vole in the 
Stavropol, Pyatigor'e and Talysh sectors; Promethean vole does not occur 
in the Dagestan sector, etc. 

Among the species in this group, European beaver and Caucasian 
mountain marmot recently became extinct, but the black rat has survived. 

Xerophilous and thermophilous Pliocene species (group 2) are represented 
by Chiroptera, Carnivora, Rodentia and Ungulata which migrated to certain 
landscape areas. 

Since a number of species in this group could cross the ecological 
barriers on the periphery of the mountain system, these species could 
also inhabit some areas in the interior of the mountain system, such as the 
longitudinal valleys of Svanetia, Kabarda and Digoria. 

There are at least 16 extant species, of which the most common are 
horseshoe bat, pine marten, European hare, Dagestan hamster, porcupine 
and Bezoar goat. 

The group of forest and mesophilous forms is comprised of Pleistocene 
immigrants of northern (European) origin (group 5). For the most part their 
occurrences are confined to the zones of mountain forest and highland 
meadows of the Greater Caucasus. The habitat of the common shrew is an 
example. Other species are more widely distributed, e.g., the Caucasian 
[subspecies of the European] wildcat and pine marten, which, however, 
do not occur in central Dagestan and Talysh. The pine marten is also 
absent from the eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus. Ciscaucasian 
subspecies of mink and field mouse occur in the district only in the foothills 
of the northwestern Caucasus. The distribution of the common vole and 
the Pontian common red-backed vole is somewhat peculiar: the range of 
the first is primarily connected with the highland meadows, but does not 
extend to western Transcaucasia; the partial range of the latter extends 
from Asia Minor to the northern slopes of the Adzhar-Imeretian ridge. 

The distribution of Caucasian elk, which became extinct in the last century, 
was probably limited in the Pleistocene to Ciscaucasia and western 

It is exceptional that the little suslik, a representative species of group 6, 
should occur in this district; it inhabits the dry longitudinal valleys of 
the northern slopes of the Bolshoi Range along with Caucasian snow vole 
and Caucasian goat. 

The occurrences of Recent southern thermophilous immigrants (group 8) 
— jackal, tiger and hyena which inhabit the periphery of the district — 
are noteworthy. 

The sole species from group 10, the Norway rat, inhabits the lower 
mountain-forest belt of Ciscaucasia and the lowland forests of eastern and 
western Transcaucasia. The species is particularly numerous in the 
marshes of Colchis and Asterabad. It is possible that several 
races of house mice (Mus musculus subsp.), which have been 
introduced into the Caucasus from the north, should be included in this 




The Caucasian district is a climatic and landscape refuge for all the 
mesophilous species, but its particular importance lies in the shelter it 
provides for large game animals which have been displaced by man from 
woodless piedmont plains, lowlands and high plateaus. It is a large natural 
reserve in which many of the large animals have survived, and which may 
in the future serve a variety of practical and scientific purposes. 

The protective qualities of the mountain relief and forest vegetation 
account for the great variety and high rate of survival of carnivore and 
ungulate species and individuals since the Pleistocene in this region, in 
contrast with the adjacent woodless plain areas. 

If measures were taken to control human intervention and to develop 
Suitable landscapes, they would undoubtedly promote the expansion of the 
Recent ranges of mountain [Caucasian] wildcat, panther, mountain boar, 
deer, roe deer and bison into the surrounding plains, thereby making the 
Caucasus a new species-dispersion center. 

On the basis of studies of the mammalian fauna, it is difficult to justify 
any segregation of a highland, or alpine, complex and subdistrict. There 
is not a single mammal connected in one way or another with the subalpine 
and mountain-forest zones which does not also occur in the highland zone 
of the Caucasus. The so-called alpine species — Promethean vole and 
Caucasian birch mouse — occur both in alpine meadows and in the subalpine 
and meadow areas of the middle mountain-forest zone. Caucasian goat, 
chamois and Caucasian snow vole attain their maximum population in this 
forest zone. And so one can only speak of an alpine ecological assemblage. 
The true alpine species do not occur as far downslope as the lower mountain 
forest belt or in the piedmont lowlands. This distribution pattern creates 
the transitional phytolandscape and geomorphological characteristics 
mentioned above. 

The ecological assemblage of animals of the highland zone of the Greater 
Caucasus is relatively poor in species: 3 insectivore, 8 carnivore (of which 
5 inhabit the region only in summer), 1 lagomorph, 8 rodent and 5 ungulate, 
of which 2 migrate to this zone only in summer. 

In view of the Miocene age of the Greater Caucasus relief and the Upper 
Miocene age of the Caucasian mountain vegetation zones, the isolation of 
these forms must have begun in the Lower Pliocene. Evidently the known 
morpho-physiological adaptations of highland mammals also date from the 
Lower Pliocene, and reflect to some extent the orogenic and other 
associated physical processes. 

Caucasian highland mammals are characterized by the usual adaptations 
to lower atmospheric pressure and temperature, such as higher rate of 
metabolism, red blood cell count and blood hemoglobin, enlarged heart, etc. 
In the jagged topography and rock debris of their environment, the fossorial 
habits of goats, chamois and snow voles were weakened, and they acquired 
the habits of walking and climbing on ledges and inclined rock faces. Boar, 
roe deer, deer, goat and chamois developed diurnal and seasonal migratory 
habits, both vertical and horizontal, in the face of such environmental 
factors as bloodsucking diptera, the distribution of mineral springs and 
seasonal food deficiencies which followed snowfalls. The snow vole's habit 
of stocking hay undoubtedly developed because of the plentiful shelters 
available in rocks where food remains dry in spite of the heavy atmospheric 



The occurrences of some endemic highland fossorial rodents (pine vole 
and Promethean vole), which feed on rhizomes, came about because of the 
disappearance of tree and bush vegetation and the development of areas of 
humid meadows, meadow-steppes and bare soil in the orogenic process. 

The relatively poor specific composition of the highland fauna of the 
Greater Caucasus, which is easily seen upon comparison with the fauna 
of the steppe plateau of the neighboring Lesser Caucasus, can be accounted 
for, in our opinion, by four factors: 

1. The accelerated orogenesis which probably caused the extinction of 
many specialized species of the Miocene mountain-forest faunal complex. 

2. The lack of other nearby mountain centers of speciation, i.e., the 
relatively early isolation of the area and the difficulties of new immigration. 
3. The space limitations of the highland life zone imposed by the sharp 

relief of the terrain: steep slopes and no plateaus suitable for carrying 
animal migrations. (These features probably account for the contemporary 
absence of mountain mouflon and marmot. ) 

4. The inability of the taiga-arctic species to colonize the Caucasian 
highlands, so that the area did not benefit from migrations caused by the 
European glaciation. 

The vertical boundaries in the Quaternary ranges of Caucasian mammals 
underwent relatively minor shifts, which were caused by the advances and 
retreats of glaciers with concomitant shifts in the phytolandscape zones. 
The segregation of the ranges of the endemic species mentioned above into 
two sections — Caucasian and Lesser Caucasian — occurred primarily in 
post-glacial time, as xerophytic vegetation developed on the Surami Range. 

The Caucasian type of mountain-forest mammalian complex reached its 
maximum development on the ridges and slopes surrounding the Colchis 
(Rion) lowlands. This saturation of the western Caucasus with Caucasian 
endemic forms cannot be linked to the Pliocene and Quaternary Pontian 
landmass in the Recent Black Sea basin, as some investigators have done. 
To the east, over the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, the ranges of these 
ancient autochthonous elements and later Pleistocene forms, connected 
with highland meadows and mountain, broadleaf forests, gradually decline; 
their distribution becomes discontinuous and even shifts into other zones 
and zoogeographic districts. 

At present, the species composition of the mammalian fauna of the 
Colchis lowlands is impoverished, particularly in rodents and ungulates. 
The periodically flooded habitats are unsuitable for burrowing rodents and 
paleontological and historical evidence shows that many hoofed mammals 
have been exterminated by man in the present epoch. 

The Caucasian district can therefore be subdivided into the western and 
eastern sectors of the Greater Caucasus subdistrict (approximately on the 
longitude of Tiflis and Kazbek) and the Lesser Caucasus subdistrict, based 
upon the degree of saturation of the Caucasian mammalian complex. The 
Lesser Caucasus is somewhat poorer in species than the Greater Caucasus, 
e.g., at present, there are no Caucasian goats in this area, the distribution 
range of the pine marten is narrower, etc. 

Inner Dagestan and the mountain-forest area of Talysh are characterized 
by the greatest faunal peculiarity. In origin, the fauna undoubtedly belong 
to the Caucasian district, but, because of the pronounced changes which 
took place in the original Quaternary complex, they should be categorized 
in separate subdistricts. 



Dagestan Subdistrict 

(Subdistrict of Dagestan hamster and Bezoar goat) 

This subdistrict includes the basins of the Argun, Andi Koisu, Avar 
Koisu and Samur. Its northern boundary follows the Chernye Gory on a line 
between Shatyr and Buinaksk which in the west is drawn near the upper 
Iora and the Krestovyi pass. The southern boundary extends from the upper 
Iora along the divide to Mount Baba-Dag, and the eastern boundary is a line 
drawn from Buinaksk to Mount Baba-Dag. In the Quaternary this area 
was subject to uplift, and was sharply dissected by river erosion. The 
presence of solpugids and scorpions may indicate that the landscapes were 
dry throughout the Cenozoic and that the fauna was linked with the southern 
landmasses. The phytolandscape of this subdistrict is characterized by 
mountain-steppe meadows and meadow-steppes; birch groves and subalpine 
steppe-meadows occur on the high plateaus. The bottoms and southern 
slopes of the ravines are typically grown with wormwood formations with 
an admixture of xerophilous bushes — Christ's thorn and barberry. Mountain 
pine and beech forests are well developed in the upper reaches of the Argun 
and Andi Koisu. 

The Caucasian mammalian complex of the Dagestan subdistrict, an area 
of mountain relief with a poorly developed forest vegetation, subject 
to drought, is impoverished in the ancient forest and highland species. 

Of 22 species of bats known in the Caucasian district, only 6 are recorded 
for inner Dagestan: 2 barbastels, 1 pipistrel and 3 noctules. There are no 
moles, Promethean voles or roe deer; long-tailed snow vole occurs only 
along the upper Avar Koisu, and deer occur only occasionally during the 
summer season. Chamois is not numerous, occurring only near the 
marginal ridges in forest-covered areas, althougheast Caucasian goat is 
abundant. The extinction of mouflon probably took place recently. 

However, the occurrences of southwest Asian mountain xerophilous 
forms — Bezoar goat and Dagestan hamster, both larger local races 
existing in isolated canyons — are evidence of early (Upper Pliocene, 
Middle Pleistocene) connections with southern Transcaucasia. Small races 
of voles are also characteristic: Caucasian snow vole and water vole, 
which, like the Transcaucasian mole vole, inhabit dry, irrigated areas. 

Asterabad Subdistrict 
(Subdistrict of Talysh mole and fat dormouse) 

This subdistrict encompasses the iow coastal areas of the southwestern 
and southern Caspian, the eastern slopes of Talysh and the northern slopes 
of El'brus. Onthe Isthmus, the Lenkoran lowlands and the mountain forests 
of Talysh are incorporated into a further subdivision — the Talysh sector 
of this subdistrict. 

The northern boundary of the Talysh sector starts at southern Mugan 
(at the village of Masally) and the spurs of the Talysh near Astrakhan- 
Bazar. The eastern boundary follows the seacoast from the mouth of the 
Vilyazh-Chai, andthe western boundary coincides with the lower boundary 
of the upland steppes at an altitude of 1,700-1,800 m. The Lenkoran 



lowlands are the youngest area geologically. They are formed of marine 
sediments and sediments deposited by the rivers of the Talysh, and are 
marsh-covered in winter. The phytolandscapes of the lowland and of the 
mountain slopes consist of dense broadleaf, lowland and mountain forest 
with some thermophilous endemic Tertiary forms, e.g., silk tree, Russian 
pea-shrub and thorny liana. 

Geobotanists and zoogeographers generally tend to segregate the southern 
Caspian coast as a district — Asterabad — because of its Recent 
isolation and peculiar features. From the standpoint of the mammalian 
fauna and the paleogeography, however, the Talysh-El'brus mountain massif 
belongs in the Caucasian district for the following reasons. 

Even in the Lower Miocene the northern spurs of El'brus, Talysh, the 
Lesser Caucasus and eastern Taurus formed a continuous coast of the 
Miocene basin. The landscapes of these areas were, therefore, similar, 
in spite of the influence of the Poltava flora from the east and their isolation 
beginning with the Upper Miocene (Sarmatian). The common landscape 
features have survived into the present. As ап example, the alder swamp 
forests and mountain beech forests of Asterabad are very like, and often 
indistinguishable from, the corresponding formations of Colchis. 

The Talysh sector is characterized by a specific climatic and soil 
regime. The mountain slopes and coastal lowland become extremely dry 
in summer, although the winters bring heavy precipitation. There is 
practically no subalpine zone in this sector. The upper margins of the 
broadleaf forests of Talysh (oak and fruit-bearing Rosales) grade into 
xerophytic, tall, herbaceous vegetation and into upland steppe or thorny 
astragali formations. Because of summer drought, the compacted 
zheltozem soil and lack of meadow-growth in the lowlands, there are no 
moles, common field mice or pine voles. Water vole occurs only in some 
marshes which are relicts of marine bays and never dry up. There are no 
occurrences of common and snow vole in the forest zone; their habitat is 
confined to the highest parts of the upland steppe. 

As awhole, the subdistrict contains only a few survivors of the Miocene- 
Pliocene Mediterranean mammals, representing the southeasternmost 
limit of their distribution. 

The Talysh sector is characterized by an extreme impoverishment in 
Caucasian mammals, there being по occurrences of Caucasian [Persian] 
squirrel, Caucasian birch mouse, Promethean vole, Caucasian snow vole, 
broad-toothed field mouse, Caucasian goat or chamois. It is 
possible, however, that some of these species may still be discovered on 
the El'brus. 

In addition to relict species of the ancient Tertiary faunal nucleus and 
the widespread species of group 1 of our scheme, the Holocene mammalian 
complex of the subdistrict consists of representatives of groups 2, 8 and 10. 

Of group 1, the dark long-tailed white-toothed shrew is abundant in the 
subdistrict, and mole and lesser shrew inhabit the upper, more humid part 
of the mountain forest zone. 

Chiroptera are very abundant in Talysh, occurring mainly on the lowland 
near buildings and hollows. The specific composition of the bats of the 
southern Caspian coast, however, is inadequately known. 

The distribution pattern of carnivores in Talysh presents no new 
features: fox is extremely rare in the mountain forests, as elsewhere on the 



Caucasus; small southern bear is seldom found, but otter is particularly 
abundant along quiet rivers where fish are plentiful. 

Rodentia are primarily represented by arboreal forms. Fat dormouse 
is especially numerous from the upper margins of the forest to the sea- 
coast. Black rat occurs only on the lowland, and common field mouse only 
in mountain forest. Pine vole, a rare species, lives only in the upper third 
of the mountain forest. Beaver is not known inthe area at present, but 
might have inhabited the lowland in the Holocene. The most numerous of 
the ungulates is boar. Deer were exterminated in Talysh at the beginning 
of this century, but still survive in the forests of Gilan and Mazandaran. 
The possibility of occurrences of bison and primitive bull has been 
discussed in Chapter III. 

The southern (southwest Asian) species of xerophilous landscapes (group 2) 
are not numerous in the subdistrict. They include stone marten, hare and 
steppe vole, immigrants from the Mugan Steppe and highland steppes, and 
porcupine, which occurs from sea level to the Talysh mountain passes. 

Bezoar goats do not occur in the Talysh sector, but probably lived there 
in the past. The species currently inhabits the El'brus. 

For historical reasons and because of specific ecological features, the 
Asterabad subdistrict cannot be expected to contain any European or Eastern 
European hydrophilous, forest or steppe species of Pliocene- Pleistocene 
age, or any Turanian-Afghan desert forms. 

Second in importance are the Holocene immigrants to the Isthmus 
(group 8), of which none are definitely known among insectivores and bats, 
although they probably occur, since Talysh and El'brus were affected by the 
Pleistocene cooling. Reports on the Recent occurrences of jackal, striped 
hyena, tiger and, possibly, lion are more reliable. 

Of the accidentally introduced species (group 10), there is the Norway 
rat, which at present inhabits the lowland marshes and mountain forests. 

The characteristic mammalian fauna of the Asterabad subdistrict clearly 
indicates that this area is typical of the mesophytic eastern Mediterranean, 
and that all of its ''Indian'' elements are later additions. 

The early independent development of the Caucasian mountain-forest 
mammalian complex logically suggests questions on the extent of its 
influence on neighboring mammalian complexes, i.e., of the southern 
Russian Plain, the Transcaspian deserts and the southwest Asian highlands. 
The nature and scope of this influence were determined by the high degree 
of specialization of the component species of the Caucasian complex. 

Their adaptations to their mountainous, humid-forest and meadow habitats 
precluded most of them from migrating to the northern steppes and 
northeastern deserts, and resulted in a distribution pattern which began 
to develop as early as the Middle Pliocene. At that time, the extensive 
landmasses formed during the regression of the Pontian basin probably 
became desert under the hot, arid climatic conditions of the period of the 
productive beds. Even inthe Pleistocene (the period of glaciation) the 
mountain-forest species migrated only as far as the inclined piedmont plains 
of Ciscaucasia, or at the farthest to the Stavropol Plateau. 

The southern, southwestern and southeastern migration routes were 
more feasible for the Caucasian mammals, and the influence of the 



Caucasian highland assemblage оп the alpine zone of the Armenian Highland 
and eastern Turkey was quite pronounced. 

Common vole, Caucasian snow vole, Caucasian birch mouse, Caucasian 
deer, roe deer and even Caucasian goat could have migrated south, possibly 
on a considerable scale during the major cooling epochs. Later, in the 
Holocene, the effects of these migrations were blurred and in places 
completely obliterated by the climate warming and the development of 
xerothermal landscapes. 

Of more significance was the role played by the mountain-forest area 
of the Caucasian district as a transitional area on the eastward migration 
routes of the European forest species. Pine marten, common red-backed 
vole, common dormouse and possibly elk migrated from Europe 
via the Balkans over the northern wooded slopes of the Taurus. 


(District of Asia Minor hamster and gerbil) 

The southwest Asian district, as understood here, implies the eastern 
Mediterranean province of other authors, but excludes the Greater Caucasus 
and the Crimea. It encompasses Asia Minor, northwestern Iran, the 
Armenian Highland and the lowlands of eastern Transcaucasia. 

The animals characteristic of this district belong to two subcomplexes — 
the upland-desert and upland-steppe. These ranges replace each other 
in some places, sometimes in a mosaic pattern, sometimes in altitudinal 

-zones. The upland-steppe variant has no clear boundaries on the Isthmus 

because its representative species (''medium" hamster [? Asia Minor 
(golden) hamster], William's jerboa, Bezoar goat and other more 
specialized species) migrated far to the north in the course of their 
evolution, following suitable landscapes (Figure 189). 

The upland-desert variant consists of narrowly specialized desert 
species, which accounts for the more conservative nature of this subcomplex 
and its clearly developed northern boundary. The range of the gerbils 
(Persian, Asia Minor and Vinogradov's) presents the best developed 
northern boundary of the upland-desert subcomplex distribution. The 
boundary is more or less clearly delineated, cutting at some places into 
the Sevan subdistrict along ravines and river valleys, following mountain 
slopes and zones of xerophytic vegetation (Figure 190). 

Most of the district is at least of Oligocene age. Remains of Oligocene 
plants are known from a locality in the middle Araks valley, a deposit of 
Oligocene mammals from a locality near Alkhaltsykh, Upper Miocene 
mammals from the vicinity of Lake Urmia, and Pliocene mammals from 
the Zanga ravine. The periphery of the district (e.g., the Kura lowlands) 
is considerably younger — Upper Pliocene and Quaternary. 

The predominant Recent types of landscape of the northwestern Iranian 
uplands, eastern Turkey and the middle Araks valley are sun-burned 
ridges of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, alternating with valleys and 
narrow ravines. The mountain slopes are covered with astragali formations 



with small xerothermal shrubs, buckthorn, almond and ephedra. Sparse 
juniper forests with groupings of silver hawthorn and williowleaf pear have 
survived in some places. The hot broad valleys are characterized by tree- 
like mountain saltwort and wormwort, and the river banks are covered by 
tugai thickets of poplar (Populus diversifoli a), oleaster, buckthorn 
and tamarisk. 

Upland-steppe formations with sheep's fescue predominating and some 
loose-bunch grasses cover the altitudinal ranges of the plateaus from 
1,600-1,900 m. Alpine-type meadows occur at altitudes no lower than 
2,000 m, e.g., in the region of Khvoy and Bayazet. Smalltracts of mountain 
pine and occasional oak forests survived in eastern Turkey in the region ^ 
of Van, Kars and Kagizman, and some oak forests were preserved on the 
Armenian Highland. 

The mammalian complex of the district consists of species from genetic 
groups 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8. 

It should be noted that most of the species of group 7[? group 8], which, 
further north on the Isthmus, are postglacial immigrants, in this district 
are either endemics or immigrants from the south in much earlier times. 
In other words, part of group 8 can be eliminated for this district, and 
included in group 2. 

In that part of the district that is within the U.S.S.R., the typical 
mammalian complex appears in only two small sectors. The district also 
includes two large sectors with mammalian complexes which underwent 
considerable change. 

The general characteristics and mammalian geographic features of the 
sectors in Soviet territory are given below and in Table 103. 

West Iranian Subdistrict 


(Sector of Persian gerbil and mouse-like hamster) 

The northern boundary of this sector extends from the Kagizman area in 
the west, follows the southern slope of the Armenian Highland and Karabakh, 
crossing the Araks in the east, and enters the Iranian part of Mugan in 
the vicinity of the mouth of the Akera. The southern boundary is 
conditionally drawn along the Araks. This sector can be seen to include the 
entire left half of the middle Araks valley with its characteristic rocky 
elevations: Alindzha-Dag, Ilyanlu-Dag, Darry-Dag and Negram-Dag. The 
main type of vegetation is saltwort—wormwort formations and grasses. 

In the Holocene tugai vegetation grew along the river banks, but later this 
was partly destroyed and partly replaced by planted groves of plane tree 
and walnut. 

The Holocene mammalian complex of the Araks sector consists of almost 
all the species of the upland-desert variant of the southwest Asian type. 

Group 1 is composed entirely of widespread species; there are no 
occurrences of mesophilous Caucasian species. The predominant forms are 
noctules, pipistrels, carnivores and mouse-like rodents. 



Most of the species of this group inhabit either the relict wooded areas 
or biotopes of the cultivated landscape, i.e., gardens and settlements. 

The faunal background is provided by 34 representative species of 
groups 2 and 8 (considered as one group): long-eared hedgehog and little 
white-toothed shrew among the Insectivora; horseshoe bats among the 
Chiroptera; hyena, stone marten, tiger polecat and other forms among the 
Carnivora; hamster and gerbil among the Rodentia; kulan, Bezoar goat, 
mouflon and goitered gazelle among the Ungulata. The index species are 
Persian gerbil, Transcaucasian mole vole and mouse-like hamster. 

The number of species which recently became extinct is considerable: 
kulan, horse, deer, goitered gazelle and dromedary (?). Their extinction 
was caused by the early occupation of the area by cattle-raising tribes and 
the terrain advantages of an intermontane valley for easy extermination 
of large animals. The central Asian or Turanian-Afghan elements 
(group 4) are poorly represented. These species include manul, Aralykh 
small five-toed jerboa and, possibly, the Arazdayan gerbil. The region 
of the middle Araks is the northwestern limit of their present distribution. 

The postglacial group (8) includes tiger, jungle cat and jackal. Tigers 
still occurred occasionally in the last century and jungle cat still inhabits 
the tugai and reedlands of the Araks valley, but jackals are exceedingly 
rare there. The migration of a number of Chiroptera species from the 
south during the postglacial warming of the climate seems a possibility. 
These species are identified as ancient Mediterranean forms. Of the latest, 
casually introduced species (group 10), Norway rat is noteworthy. 


(Sector of Persian gerbil and migratory hamster) 

This sector occupies the plateau in the upper reaches of the Vilyazh-Chai, 
and the Zuvanda depression in the upper reaches of the Vasharu-Chai and 
Vassaru-Chai near Kel'vyaz and Kelakhan. The lower boundary of this 
sector coincides with the upper boundary of the forest and xerothermal high- 
grass lands on the western, northern and easiern slopes of the Talysh 
Range at altitudes of 1,700-1,800 m. The landscape of the plateau is 
composed of gentle slopes and level ground of chestnut soil with a thin cover 
of low loose-bunch grasses (brome, mouse barley and other forms) 
alternating with thorny astragali and Acantholimon. The landscape 
is prominently marked by the isolated peaks of Kyz-Yurda, Mount Kelakhan 
and other mountains with fields of volcanic rocks. 

The Holocene niammalian complex mainly consists of species of genetic 
groups 2 and 5. The common species are: among insectivores, long-tailed 
white-toothed shrew and long-eared hedgehog; among carnivores, fox, wolf 
and badger; among rodents, William's jerboa, steppe vole, Transcaucasian 
mole vole, Persian gerbil, migratory hamster and Asia Minor hamster. 
Asia Minor snow vole occurs on Mount Kelakhan, which is obviously a relict 
habitat. The common vole occurs on the higher parts of the plateau in 
areas planted to rye. European hare is characteristically plentiful. 

There are no hoofed mammals in the sector; however, kulan, mouflon 
and Bezoar goat undoubtedly inhabited the area in the recent past. 



Sevan subdistrict 

(Subdistrict of Asia Minor snow vole and Asia Minor hamster) 

The Sevan subdistrict includes the steppe uplands of the Lesser Caucasus. 
The northern boundary of the subdistrict follows the mountain passes 
of the Adzhar-Imeretian ridge and curves around the northern part of the 

Dzhavakhetia highland, including the Mokrye Gory, Somkhetskii and 
Bezobdal'skii ridges. Farther east the boundary follows the divide of the 
Pambak ridge, passingnorthof Lake Sevan, and part of the steppe uplands 
of Karabakh. The southern boundary lies along the southern slope of the 
Karabakh, Zangezur and Daralagez ridges at altitudes of 1,500-1,700 m. 
To the west it passes beyond Yerevan on the southern slope of Alagez, 
entering Turkey in the vicinity of Kagyzman. 

The Sevan subdistrict landscape is high-plateau with ridges of gentle 
relief and isolated peaks; the lower areas are covered by steppe with 
sheep's fescue and loose-bunch grasses predominating. Canyons, fields 
covered with broken rock and sunlit areas are typically grown with 
astragali and dry, sparse forests of juniper, willowleaf pear and silver 
hawthorn, which have been partially destroyed. Rare oak forests have been 
preserved on the northern slopes of the canyons. The higher sections, 
upwards of 2,000 m, are characterized by steppe meadows, and true 
mesophytic meadows are developed at still higher altitudes. 

The Sevan subdistrict was an area of contest between the central 
southwest Asian (xerophytic mountain desert) landscape and the Caucasian 
(mesophytic forest) landscape, a contest which was reflected in the Holocene 
mammalian complex. The complex has no original features, but consists 
of a Caucasian-southwest Asian species combination. 

The boundaries of the subdistrict are best delineated by the distribution 
of relatively xerophilous species of rodents, which inhabit upland-steppe 
and steppe-meadow landscapes. At high altitudes their ranges extend into 
Iran and eastern Turkey. 

The mammalian complex of the subdistrict comprises representatives 
of groups 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10; the total number of extant forms is 43. 

The most completely represented groups are 1 and 2; there are no 
occurrences of species of the early European forest and Eastern European 
steppe fauna (groups 3 and 6). Nor are there any Turanian forms in the 
complex (groups 4 and 9). 

The ancient Caucasian and widely distributed species (group 1) are 
poorly represented as compared with the composition of the same group 
in the Caucasian district. In the Sevan subdistrict they consist of 
Transcaucasian hedgehog, Caucasian mole, Caucasian shrew, pocketed 
bats, noctules, southern bear, Caucasian birch mouse, Caucasian snow 
vole and roe deer. 

Up to the present time in the Holocene, 5 species of hoofed mammals 
have become extinct: boar, deer, chamois, bison and primitive bull. 
Some of these always inhabited the subdistrict, some migrated from the 
forest zone of the northern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus. 

With the exception of bats and carnivores, the species listed were, 
and still are, inhabitants of the most mesophytic, even hydrophytic,’ 
biotopes on elevated parts of the subdistrict: the banks of streams, springs, 
marshes and relict broadleaf forests. Lynx and bear inhabit relict oak 



Of the ancient Pliocene species of [гап1ап-Аз1а Minor or eastern 
Mediterranean origin (group 2), it is those which are associated with 
upland-steppe biotopes which inhabit the Sevan subdistrict. There is a 
poor representation of upland-desert species: long-eared hedgehog, 
Persian white-toothed shrew, horseshoe bats, stone marten, European 
hare and pika (now extinct), William's jerboa, Asia Minor suslik, 
lesser mole rat, Asia Minor hamster, Asia Minor snow vole, 
Shidlovskii's steppe vole, Bezoar goat and mouflon. The horse and 
possibly the dromedary became extinct in the Holocene. 

The Asia Minor suslik and lesser mole rat now inhabit only the western 
part of the subdistrict although their distribution on the plateau has 
fluctuated considerably throughout the Holocene. 

In some parts of the subdistrict, the ranges of species of groups 1 and 
2 form a mosaic pattern which is caused by the mountainous relief. 

There are no occurrences of early European forest, steppe and 
hydrophilous forms and central Asian desert and semidesert species. ивы 
subdistrict is inhabited by some species of northern (European?) origin 
which migrated there only in the Pleistocene (group 5). These species 
include the common vole (?), which inhabits the subalpine meadows, and 
the Caucasian wildcat, which inhabits the relict forests. At the present 
stage, it is difficult to identify any species which can be considered 
postglacial immigrants (group 8), although there were probably some 
belonging to various orders. It seems particularly probable that some bats 
resettled in the Armenian Highland following the Upper Pleistocene cooling, 
and that some southern carnivores (striped hyena, lion, tiger) began to 
migrate there seasonally. 

The desert ungulates — kulan and goitered gazelle — probably also 
migrated from time to time to the gently sloped steppe sections of the 
plateau from the middle Araks valley. 

Of the latest synanthropic immigrants, it is worth noting the Norway rat 
and house mouse. 

The development of the ecological assemblages and mammalian complex 
of the Sevan subdistrict in the Quaternary proceeded under intensive 
orogenic conditions, accompanied by faulting and extensive lava flows which 
covered the western part of the country in various directions. 

The Pleistocene glaciation of the highlands was not extensive and did not 
figure significantly in the development of the local mammalian complex. 
Man's settlement, which began in the Acheulean and developed through the 
Bronze and Iron Ages, was the chief reason for the disappearance of large 
mammals from the subdistrict. 

Within the Sevan subdistrict an isolated sector can be distinguished in 
the cold Akhalkalaki highland — Satunin's ‘district of the sources of 
the Kura River.'' This sector differs from the rest of the subdistrict in the 
presence of lesser mole rat and of Caucasian snow vole and Caucasian 
birch mouse in the Mokrye Gory mountains, which form the northeastern 
boundary of the sector. The cold climate and the availability of spring 
water on the Dzhavakhetian Plateau created conditions favorable for the 
development of such species as water shrew and common vole. Conversely 
these reasons are also accountable for the absence of steppe vole. The 
naturally treeless landscape and low relief of the plateau hastened the early 
displacement of large carnivores and ungulates by man. 



Kura subdistrict 

(Subdistrict of steppe vole and red-tailed Libyan gerbil) 

The Kura subdistrict is located between the eastern parts of the 
Caucasian district and most of it coincides with the areas of wormwood— 
saltwort semidesert and beard-grass steppes in the lowlands of eastern 
Transcaucasia. It is shaped like a wedge extending to the foot of the Surami 
ridge and bounded by the Caspian in the east. 

Between Karabakh and Talysh it grades into the western Iranian 
subdistrict of the southwest Asian district. 

The various parts of the subdistrict differ in geologic age. The eastern 
part at 20 m below sea level was probably covered by the Holocene sea; 
areas lying 30-40 m above sea level were covered by the Khvalynsk, Khazar 
and Baku seas. The foothills and piedmont plains of the Lesser and Greater 
Caucasus and the entire valley of the middle Kura, from Mingechaur to 
Gori, are of Late Tertiary age. 

The landscape and geobotanical zones can be described as follows: 
level areas of saltwort—wormwood semidesert; ephemeretum and beard- 
grass steppes; tugai forests on the Kura, Araks and their tributaries; 
reed vegetation around lakes and in floodplains; and pistachio-juniper 
forests on the eroded clayey ridges (''bozdags'') of the northern slopes. 

The age of this landscape is at least Lower Pleistocene, and its early stages 
of formation were probably in the Upper Pliocene. 

The Kura subdistrict cannot be rated as impoverished and undersaturated 
in species, as zoogeographers have sometimes done because of the young 
age of the Kura-Araks lowlands and their recent emergence from the sea 
waters. Only the group of mammals of the southwest Asian uplands, which was 
the ancient core of the developing local complex, can be considered poor 
in species. And only the biotope of the open plain semidesert, particularly 
the Shirvan steppe, can be regarded as undersaturated in species. The 
mammalian complex consists of representatives of genetic groups 1, 2, 4, 

8 and 10. 

There are at least 25 species of the Caucasian mesophilous and widely 
distributed species (group 1) in the subdistrict. The most characteristic 
are: Caucasian mole, black rat, boar and deer which occur in relict 
mesophytic habitats (tugai, oases, reed marshes, etc. ). The carnivores 
are represented by widely distributed forms: wolf, little fox, weasel, 
badger, otter and bear. 

The nucleus of this subdistrict comprises up to 22 species of Pliocene 
age (group 2). 

The ranges of most of these species extend south, southeast and 
southwest thereby corroborating our delineation of this subdistrict. The 
index insectivore species (long-eared hedgehog, long-tailed white -toothed 
shrew and lesser shrew) are characteristic of the dry biotopes of the open 

The index Chiroptera (up to 9 species) inhabit caves and buildings and 
feed in tugai areas and the margins of oases. The most commonly occurring 
species in the Kura subdistrict are horseshoe bats, Mediterranean (Kiihl's) 
vespertilio, tiger polecat and African wildcat, whose ranges penetrate the 
Caucasian Isthmus from the south in this part of eastern Transcaucasia. 
Cheetah recently became extinct. 



The characteristic ranges of the southwest Asian rodents (up to 6 species) 
are either relicts (as in the case of Asia Minor [William's] jerboa and 
Transcaucasian hamster) or poorly developed (as in the case of Asia Minor 
gerbil). The most numerous of these species are migratory hamster, 
red-tailed Libyan gerbil and steppe vole. 

There is a possibility that the subdistrict was still inhabited in the 
Holocene by horses of the perissodactyls, and by argali of the artiodactyls. 
There are no representatives of group 3 (European) in the subdistrict. 

Species of Pliocene age — eastern, Turanian and Turanian- Afghan (groups 
4 and 9) — are not numerous. In this respect the mammalian complex in this 
area evidently differs significantly from the insect complex, particularly 
the beetle complex (see Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii, 1936). Neither ancient 
nor younger Turanian species of insectivores, lagomorphs, perissodactyls 
and artiodactyls occur in the subdistrict. 

‚Тре small five-toed jerboa, which mainly inhabits the ephemeretum 
semidesert of the Apsheron and Kabristan, maybe the only representative 
of the early immigrants originating in Turan. 

It will be recalled that some of the species of the Russian Plain (corsac 
fox, great jerboa, saiga) migrated to this area in the Middle Pleistocene. 

There are only 6-7 of the southern thermophilous species which migrated 
to the Isthmus in postglacial time (group 8). It is possible that this group 
should include some small insectivores and bats which we have categorized 
as Pliocene immigrants. 

The late appearance of jackal, stripped hyena, goitered gazelle, tiger, 
lion and kulan is beyond doubt; of these, the last three are completely 
extinct. The accidentally introduced species which have inhabited the area 
during the historical epoch include Norway rat, a contemporary inhabitant 
of lake and marsh environs and of all large population centers. 

Present-day agricultural activity promotes further saturation of this 
subdistrict with small Caucasian species. 



Ciscaucasian subdistrict 
(Subdistrict of common hamster and striped field mouse) 

The ranges of the index species of this subdistrict developed from the 
north, and we have, therefore, drawn a purely conditional northern 
boundary along the Manych. The western boundary follows the seacoast 
from the lower Don to the mouth of the Kodor. In western Transcaucasia, 
only the narrow belt of the coastal terraces over which some Eastern 
European species migrated from the south falls into this subdistrict. 

The southern boundary coincides at all points with the northern boundary 
of the Caucasian district. The eastern boundary, starting from the lower 
Kalaus in the north, follows the middle Kuma to the Terek near Mozdok, 
bypassing the lower reaches of the Terek on the north and terminating at 






European (common) hedgehog — |concolor 
Erinaceus europaeus L. Martin 
Long-eared hedgehog — = 

Hemiechinus auritus Gm. 

Eastern mole — Talpa orientalis 

orientalis Ogn. Ogn. 

Caucasian mole — Talpa caucasica 

caucasica Sat, Sat., ognevi 

Common desman — Desmana 

moschata L. 

Lesser shrew — Sorex 

minutus L. 

Common shrew — Sorex 

araneus L. 

Caucasian shrew —S orex 

raddei Sat, 

Water shrew — Меоту$ 

fodiens Schr. 

Ogn., schel- 

Little white- toothed shrew — 
Crocidura suaveolens 

White- bellied white- toothed 
shrew —Crocidura leuco- 
don Herm. 

Long-tailed white-toothed — 
shrew —Crocidura russu- 
la Herm. 

Gray white-toothed shrew — 
Crocidura lasia Thos. 

Persian white-toothed shrew — 
Crocidura zarudnyi Ogn. 

Pygmy white- toothed shrew — 
suncus etruscus Savi 

Great horseshoe bat —Rhinolo- 
phus ferrum-equinum Schr, 

Mehely's horseshoe bat —Rhino- 
lophus mehelyi Matschi 

Southern horseshoe bat —Rhino- Jnordmanni 
lophus euryale Blas, 

TABLE 103. Species and geographic distribution of Holocene mammals on the Caucasian Isthmus 

Eastern Mediterranean 

Caucasian district 


Lesser Caucasus 

subd istrict 


ubdistric Talysh forest 


Tumanicus transcaucasicus Sat, 

Barr, et Нат. 

Dahl. М. Мег. 
ognevi Strog. — 

volnuchini Орп. 

caucasicus Sat, 
traddei Sat, 
dagestanicus | leptodactylus 

Нерг. et Form. Sat. 

dinnicki Ogn, 

Note; Asterisk (*) indicates species which became extinct during the last centuries and decades of the present 



Eastern European Central Asian 

subregion Е : 
steppe subregion | desert subregion 

Eastern European 

Southwest Asian district Western district 

: nents Northern Caspian 
Western Iranian subdistrict eaten 
Ret. Kura sub- Ciscaucasian SER CUSEEIOG 
Sevan subdistrict ue die a 
district subdistrict 
Upland Talysh Terek- Kuma 
Araks sector 
steppe sector sector 
transcaucasicus Sat, rumanicus Barr. et Ham, 
calligoni Sat, brachyotis Sat, auritus Gmel. 

we — transcaucasica = = ma 
= = — caucasicus Sat, = 

= = — = caucasicus Sat. я 
= = raddei Sat, — — es 
= = leptodactylus balearicus Ogn. = 
= = — — dinnicki Ogn. |suaveolenis Pall, 

persica Thos. + + 

guldenstaedti Pall. = = 

zarudnyi Ogn. = = = = 

= = us a ae = 
+ — = +. + = 
= = + + + = 
+ = = + — = 

era, Plus sign (+) indicates nominal forms and forms not identified closer. 


TABLE 103 (continued) 

Eastern Mediterranean 
Caucasian district 
Greater subdistrict 
Dagestan Lesser Caucasus 
Caucasus are re 
ВЕН subdistrict subdistrict 
subdistrict Talysh forest 
Small horseshoe bat —Rhino- + _ — + 
lophus hipposideros 


Blasius' horseshoe bat — Rhino- = = = = 
lophus blasii Peters, 

Bechstein's mouse-eared bat — + _ = — 
Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl 

Tricolor mouse-eared bat — + = = = 
Myotis emarginatus 


Sharp-eared mouse-eared bat — = + + = 
Myotis oxygnathus Mont, 

Whiskered mouse-eared bat — + = + + 
Myotis mystacinus Kuhl 

Natterer's mouse-eared bat — + + = = 
Myotis nattereri Kuhl 

Long-winged bat — М iniopte- + = oy = 
rus schreibersii Kuhl 

Long-eared bat —Plecotus wardi Thos, = + = 
auritus L. 

Asiatic barbastel —Barbastel- == + = == 
la darjelingensis Dobs. 

European barbastel —Barbastel- + + + = 
la barbastellus Schr, 

Leisler's noctule —Nyctalus + = = = 
leisleri Kuhl 

Giant noctule —Nyctalus + = + = 
siculus Palumbo 

Common noctule —Nyctalus + = i} = 
noctula Schr, 

Pipistrel — Уезрег!!110 + + + + 
pipistrellus Schr. 

Nathusius' vespertilio — Уезрег- + = + + 
tilio nathusii Keys. et 


Kuhl's vespertilio—Vesperti- — — - - 
lio kuhlii Kuhl 

Savi's vespertilio—Vespertilio|caucasicus = — — 
savii Bonap. Sat. 

Bicolor vespertilio—Vesperti- + = + + 
lio murinus L. 

Bobrinskii's vespertilio —Ves- = = — = 
pertilio bobrinskii Kuz. 

Northern vespertilio — Уезреги! - = — — — 
lio nilssonii Keys. et Blas. 



Central Asian 
desert subregion 

3 Eastern European 
subregion р 

steppe subregion 
Eastern European 

м Western district 

Southwest Asian district 

Northern Caspian 

Western Iranian district 
Kura sub- Ciscaucasian 
district subdistrict 


Upland Talysh 
steppe sector 


Araks sector 

+ — — + + — 
+ — — + — — 
— — — + — — 
+ — + + + — 
+ — + + + — 
araxenus — + = aus и. 
+ — — + — — 
+ — + + — — 
= == + + — — 
a — — — + — 
+ — — + + — 
ar = + + ch — 
+ - - + — - 
+ — — + - = 
= = - сацса- = - 
sicus Sat. 
| + - = + + = 
| - - - - : = 
= as Bs + к Le 


TABLE 103 (continued) 

Eastern Mediterranean 
Caucasian district 
Greater rs subdistrict 
4 Dagestan Lesser Caucasus 
Caucasus geet ree 
ar subdistrict subdistrict 
subdistrict Talysh forest 
Serotine vespertilio — Уезрег- + + + + 

tilio serotinus Schr, 
Ognev's уезре Шо — Уезрег- = = = = 
tilio ognevi Bobr. 

Pocketed bat —Tadarida — — fe = 
taeniotis Raf, 
Jackal—Canis aureus L. + — + + 
Wolf—Canis lupus L., cubanensis + + 

Кох — Уц1 рез vulpes Ц. caucasica Jinn. alticola Орп. + 

Corsac fox — Vulpes согзас L. - - = = 
Striped hyena — Нуаепа — — = = 
hyaena L 

European brown bear —Ursus caucasicus Smirn., meridionalis Midd. 
arctos L. arctos L. 

Pine marten —Martes lorenzi Ogn. = lorenzi Ogn. = 
martes L, 

Stone marten —Martes foina nehringi Sat, 


Tiger polecat—Vormela = - - — 
peregusna СШЧ. 

Polecat — Putorius — — — — 
putorius L. 

Siberian polecat —Putorius = = = = 
eversmanni Less, 

Mink —Lutreola lutreola L. |turovi Kuzn, = = = 

et Nov. 

Weasel —Mustela nivalis Г. caucasica Barr, et Ham, 

Ermine —Mustela +? = - — 

erminea Ц. 

Badger —Ме1ез meles L caucasicus Ogn, canescens Blanf, 

Otter —Lutra lutra L. + + + + 

“ Tiger—Panthera tigris L. = = = se ptentriona- 
lis баг. 

* Lion—Panthera leo L. — — — = 

Panther —Panthera pardus L. ciscaucasicus Sat, tullianus Уаепс. 

African wildcat —Felis lybica - = = = 

Forst, | 

European wildcat —Felis : - 
: . caucasicus Sat. 
silvestris Schr, 

Manul —Otocolobus — — = = 
manul Pall, 



Central Asian 
desert subregion 

Eastern European 
steppe subregion 


Eastern European 

Southwest Asian district Western district 

Northern Caspian 

Western Iranian subdistrict pian 


Sevan subdistrict Kura subdistrict 

Terek- Kuma 

Araks sector 

+ — — + + + 
+ — — + - — 
— — — — + — 
+ — — + + + 
+ + hajastanicus + 
alpherakyij + kurdistanica Jalpherakyi Sat.|stepensis Braun, karagan Erxl, 
Sat, Sat. caucasica 
= = = = kalmykorum Ogn. 
cs — — satunini Matschi * — 
— — meridionalis Midd. SF EVO EOS Ih, — 
nehringi Sat, nehringi Sat. = 
+ + + + + + 
— — — — +? => 
— — — — + + 

fei & = _ turovi Kuzn, et = 

caucasica Barr, et Ham. dinniki Sat, 
= = | — = +? +? 
minor Sat. caucasicus Ogn.jheptneri Ogn. 
+ — + + + + 
* = — * = = 
tullianus Valenc. * = 
+ — — + = — 

Ls pS = = caucasicus Sat, = 


TABLE 103 (continued) 

Eastern Mediterranean 
Caucasian district 
Greater Lesser 
Caucasus subdteerice Caucasus 
Е i ИИ 
subdistrict subdistrict Talysh forest 
Jungle cat—Felis chaus Gild, + = + + 
Lynx —Felis lynx L. orientalis Sat, 

* Cheetah —Ас1попух juba- = — — — 
tus Schr, 

European hare —Lepus caucasicus Ogn, cyrensis Sat, 
europaeus L, 

” Armenian pika —Ochotona = - - — 


Persian (Caucasian) squirrel — + = + = 
Sciurus anomalus Gild. 

Little зи ИК —Citellus musicus Men. — — — 

руртаецз Pall, 

Asia Minor suslik —Citellus — — = = 
Cire l Pusey, 

* European beaver —Сазтог . — — = 

Fat dormouse —Glis glis L. tschetschenicus Sat, + persius Erxl, 
Forest dormouse —-Dyromys caucasica ognevi Hept, pictus Blanf. 
nitedula Pall, Ogn, et Turov | et Form, 

Southern birch mouse — $ icista — — = == 
subtilis Pall, 

Northern birch mouse —Sicista |strandi Form, = — = 
betulina Pall, 

Caucasian birch mouse —Sicista + + + - 
caucasica Vinogr, 

Small five-toed jerboa — А 11ас- - - = — 
тара elater Licht, 

Great jerboa —А11аста ра = = = = 
jaculus Pall, 

William 's (mountain) jerboa — Al- - - — — 
lactaga williamsi Thos, 

Little earth hare -Alactagu- = = = — 
lus acontion Pall, 

Thick-tailed three-toed jerboa — - = = = 
Scirtopoda telum Licht. 

Northern three- toed jerboa — - - = = 
Dipus sagitta Pall, 

Russian mole rat —Spalax = = = = 
microphthalmus Gild, 




Araks sectors 

Southwest Asian district 

Western Iranian subdistrict 

xanthoprym- = 

nus Benn, 

sis Sat, 



Sevan subdistrict 

orientalis Sat, 

cyrensis Sat. 



williamsi Thos, 





schmidti Sat, 


Kura subdistrict 

Eastern European 
steppe subregion 

Eastern European 


* orientalis (?) 

Central Asian 
desert subregion 

Western district 

Northern Caspian 


caucasicus Ogn. 

Ogn., satunini 
Svirid., boeh- 
mi Кгаз$, 

Орп. et Turov, 
Keys. et Blas. 

jaculus Pall., 
fuscus Орп. 

dinniki Sat, 


planicola Sat, 

kizljaricus Sat, 

fuscus Орп, 



TABLE 103 (continued) 

Eastern Mediterranean 

Caucasian district 


Greater subdistrict 

Dagestan Lesser Caucasus 

Caucasus i. ae, oa 
deer subdistrict subd istrict = 
subdistrict Talysh forest 


Giant Russian mole rat —$ paiax — - — = 
giganteus Мег. 

Lesser mole rat —Spalax _ — — = 
leucodon Nordm, 

Black rat —Rattus rattus L. + = + + 
Norway rat—Rattus norve- colchicus + -- + 
gicus Berck, Lvov 

Ноцзе mouse —Mus musculus formosovi Heptn., abbotti |abbotti Waterh, |tataricus 
L. Waterh, Sat, 

Harvest mouse — Micromys = — — = 
minutus Pall, 

Striped field mouse — А pode- caucasicus — = = 
mus agrarius Pall. Duk, 
Caucasian yellow-spotted mouse |ponticus saxatilis argiropuli Vin. = 
—Apodemus fulvipectus Svirid. Кгаз5. et Arg. 

Yellow-necked field mouse — = — = = 
Apodemus flavicollis 

Melch, . 

Common field mouse — A pode - ciscaucasicus Орп. arianus Blanf, 
mus sylvaticus L, 

Broad-toothed field mouse (Asia |euxinus — euxinus - 
Minor mouse) —A podemus G. Allen G. Allen 
mystacinus Danf, et Alst. 

Asia Minor(golden )hamster — koenigi Sat. }raddei Nehr., |brandti Мейг. = 
Mesocricetus auratus avaricus 
Waterh, Орп. et Heptn. 

Common hamster —Cricetus + = = = 
cricetus L, 

Migratory (gray) hamster - Cri- pulcher Орп. + = 

cetulus migratorius Pall. 

Моицзе- Ике hamster —-Calomys- - — = = 
cus bailwardi Thos, 

Great gerbil — Rhombomys = = = = 
opimus Licht, 

Midday gerbil -Meriones =: — = = 
meridianus Pall, 

Red-tailed Libyan gerbil — = = = = 
Meriones erythrourus 


Persian gerbil -Meriones = a = = 
persicus Blanf, 

1704 508 


у Eastern European Central Asian 
subregion - : 

steppe subregion desert subregion 
Eastern European 

Southwest Asian district ОИ 

Western district 

: Soh bast Norther Caspian 
Western Iranian subdistrict 

. Е subd istrict 
жи ES Ciscaucasian 
Sevan subdistrict | Kura subdistrict BL ik 
Upland Talysh Terek- Kuma 
Araks sector 
steppe sector sector 
we = = = т Ех 
= = armeniaca = — — 
Mehely, neh- 
ringi Sat. 
— — — + + + 
+ + + + + + 
tataricus Sat. abbotti tataricus Sat, |hortulanus wagneri Eversm., 
Waterh, Могат. nogaiorum 
— — — — + + 
— — — — caucasicus Duk, = 
= == = = planicola = 
= = = = samariensis Ogn. 
arianus Blanf, ciscaucasicus — 
— brandti Мег. nigriculus — 
= == = = stavropolicus = 
+ + + + pulcher Ogn. haeus Pall, 
ыы ны = = res Сь 
— pal. = = Bo * 
= = = = = ogaiorum 
+ — = cCaucasicus — = 


rossicus Heptn. = — = ws 


(508) taste 103 (continued) 


Tamarisk gerbil —Meriones 
tamariscinus Pall, 

Asia Minor gerbil—Meriones 
blackleri Thos, 

Vinogradov's gerbil —Meriones 
vinogradovi Heptn. 

Arazdayan gerbil —Meriones sp. 

Steppe lemming — La gurus 
lagurus Pall, 

Northern mole vole —Ellobius 
talpinus Pall. 
Transcaucasian mole vole — 
Ellobius lutescens Thos, 
Promethean vole(long- clawed 
mole vole — Prometheomys 
schaposchnikovi Sat, 
Water vole —Arvicola 
terrestris 1. 

Asia Minor snow vole — Micro- 
tus nivalis Mart, 

Caucasian snow vole —Microtus 
gud Sat. 

Long-tailed snow vole — 
Microtus roberti Thos, 
Pine vole —Microtus majori 


Common vole —Microtus 
arvalis Pall, 

Steppe vole — Microtus 
socialis Pall. 

Common red-backed vole — 
Clethrionomys glareolus 

Porcupine — Hystrix leucura 

* Kulan (Asiatic wild ass) — 
Equus hemionus Pall. 

* Tarpan—Equus caballus 
gmelini Ant, 


subd istrict 

ognevi Tur, 
Зат., turovi 
loginovi Ogn. 

Form., gud 


Schidl., cis- 

Eastern Mediterranean 

Caucasian district 

Lesser Caucasus 

subd istrict 

— + 
djukovi Ogn. persicus 
et Form., 

Heptn, et Form. 



lghesicus + 
Schidl., ose- 
ticus Schidl. 

+ + 


cus SchidL 

macrocranius Ogn., gudauri-|transcaucasi- 

cus Ogn. 

* ponticus 

cus Ogn. 



Talysh forest 

de Fil, 

kovi Sat, 

hirsutirostris Brandt 


Central Asian 
desert subregion 

Eastern European 

subregion ; 
steppe subregion 

Eastern European 

Southwest Asian district Western district 

: р Northern Caspian 
Western Iranian subdistrict 

: 5 subdistrict 
8 te sy thls Ciscaucasian 
Sevan subdistrict | Kura subdistrict ТЕ: 
Araks Upland Talysh Terek-Kuma 
sector steppe sector sector 
7h 7 8 У iD Sat. 
bogdanovi Heptn. = bogdanovi = + 
+ — — — — — 
+ ae he a une = 
— — — — + — 
— — = = + + 
+ + = — - — 
persicus de Fil. caucasicus + 
Ogn., cuba- 
nensis Ogn. 
— = satunini = = = 
= mystacinus|transcaucasi- = macrocranius 
de Fil. cus Ogn. Ogn. 
+ + schidlovskii |binominatus parvus Sat, 
Arg. ЕПегт. 
* * * % * ыы 
— —= = = * * 


TABLE 103 (continued) 



Eastern Mediterranean 

Caucasian district 

Dagestan Lesser Caucasus subdistrict 
subdistrict subdistrict 


subdistric Talysh forest 


= Southwest Asian horse —Equus 
caballus L (subsp.) 

Boar —Sus scrofa L. attila Thos. 
Red deer —Cervus ela- maral Ogilby 
phus L. 
* Elk—Alces alces L. * caucasicus 

N. Ver. 
Roe deer —Capreolus capreolus L., pygargus Lyd. 

capreolus L. 
Saiga — ба1ра tatarica L. 
Goitered gazelle — Gazella- 
subgutturosa Guld. 

Chamois —Вир1сарга rupi- caucasica 
capra L. 

West Caucasian goat—Capra caucasica 

caucasica Guld. Guld., severt- 

доу! Menzb., 
dinniki Sat. 

East Caucasian goat — Сарга 
cylindricornis Blyth 
Bezoar goat (wild goat or ibex) — 
Capra aegagrus Erxl. 
Armenian mouflon —Ovis 
gmelini Blyth 

* Caucasian bison —Bison caucasicus Sat, 
bonasus L. 

* Primitive bull —Bos 
primigenius Boj. 

the Caspian coast near Makhachkala (Figure 195). 

The various sections of the subdistrict differ in geologic age. The 
youngest are the Kuban and Manych plains and the lower reaches of the 
Terek and Sulak; the oldest are the Stavropol Plateau and the sloping 
piedmont plains, which are made up of Maikop (Oligocene), Upper 
Sarmatian (Miocene), Apsheron (Pliocene) and Quaternary formations. 

The primeval postglacial landscapes are diversified in their features and 
in their origins. To the north in the Manych area, sheep's fescue and 
wormwood steppes predominate; the piedmont plains in the western area 
are characterized by steppe meadows, mesophytic meadows and forest 
steppe with islands of broadleaf forest and tugai-type forest growing along 



Eastern European Central Asian 
steppe subregion desert subregion 


Eastern European 

т Western district 

Southwestn Asian district 

Northern Caspian 

Western Iranian subdistrict И 


Sevan subdistrict | Kura subdistrict 

Araks Upland Talysh а Terek-Kuma 
sector | steppe sector sector 
ы * * ? = — 
attila Thos. attila Thos. 
— — + maral Ogilby 
= = * = * caucasicus = 
N. Ver. 
— — capreolus L. = * pygargus Lyd. = 
* * р + % % 
+ Е + == = = 

armeniana Nas. — = Be 

the river floodplains. Steppes developed on a considerable scale on the 
Trans-Kuban and Terek-Sunzha plains during the xerothermal phase of the 
Holocene. At the beginning of the present epoch, forests began to cover 
the steppe areas (Zakharov, 1935). The typical landscape of the 
southeastern area is dry wormwood steppe which grades into saltwort 
semidesert. Thickets of reed, narrowleaf cattail and bulrush grow on the 
shores of the estuaries along the Azov and Caspian coasts and on the 
floodplains of the lower Kuban, Chelbas, Yeya, Terek and Sulak. These 
Swampy areas are separated by sand spits covered with dry steppe 
vegetation and inhabited by jerboas, hamsters and hares. Tugai forests, 
alternating with plumegrass and licorice, remained intact only along the 
lower Terek and Sulak. 




The mammalian complex of the subdistrict is not homogeneous: 
it comprises elements of genetic groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8, of which groups 
5 and 6 furnish the foundation of the complex. 

The Caucasian Pliocene group is poor in species, consisting of European 
(common) hedgehog, Caucasian mole, lesser shrew, noctules and 
vespertilios, widely distributed carnivores, small rodents and ungulates 
(of which the only survivor is the boar). Caucasian bear, European beaver, 
Caucasian deer [maral: subspecies of red deer] and Caucasian bison became 
extinct in historical time. 

There are 15 southern species, i.e., group 2, originating in southwest 
Asia: long-eared hedgehog, white-bellied white-toothed shrew, horseshoe 
bat; stone marten and tiger polecat among the carnivores; and a number 
of xerophilous rodents — medium hamster, steppe vole and others. Most 
of the species of this group inhabit the xerophytic biotopes of the foothills 

The ancient Eastern European species (group 3) are rare; they include 
desman and mole rat. 

All the other extant species are later — Pleistocene and Holocene — 
immigrants to Ciscaucasia, primarily from the north: from the forests 
of Western Europe and the steppes of Eastern Europe. 

Group 5 consists of 9-11 Pleistocene-age species of northern origin and 
characteristically of forest and mesophilous biotopes: Caucasian shrew, 
mink, Caucasian wildcat, harvest mouse, striped field mouse, Samarian 
subspecies of yellow-necked field mouse, common hamster. Of those 
species which became extinct in historical time, the following are 
noteworthy: European brown bear, Caucasian elk, Caucasian large roe 
deer and, possibly, primitive bull. 

The ranges of most of these species are close to the Caucasian foothills. 
The principal proof of their Pleistocene age on the Isthmus rests on their 
poorly-developed southeastern distribution, geological data and the history 
of the phytolandscapes. Since all of these species are inhabitants of 
relatively cold environments, it is doubtful that they could have migrated 
to the hot, arid south in pre-Baku time. The distribution of the Eastern 
European subspecies of yellow-necked mouse, which, so far as is known, 
is corfined to the tugai sections of the Sulak, is somewhat enigmatic. 

The steppe species of Eastern Europe (group 6) migrated to the 
subdistrict mainly during the Pleistocene. They are: lesser shrew, corsac 
fox, Siberian polecat, little suslik, southern birch mouse, great jerboa, 
northern three-toed jerboa, thick-tailed three-toed jerboa, steppe lemming 
and northern mole vole. 

Marmot and tarpan are among the recently extinct species. 

Some of these species (e.g., little suslik) invaded the upland steppes on 
the northern slope of the Caucasus; others (great jerboaand saiga) migrated 
in the Middle Pleistocene by way of the Caspian coast as far as eastern 

The postglacial immigrants (group 8) comprise carnivores, 
perissodactyls andartiodacyls, andinclude jackal, jungle cat and such 
recently extinct forms as striped hyena, kulan and goitered gazelle. It is 
possible that lion, panther and cheetah inhabited the subdistrict in 
historical time. 

The ranges of jackal and jungle cat within the subdistrict form a narrow 
strip along the river valleys and foothills of eastern Ciscaucasia. 


0005 09 OO! og 


to) 05 







a igs ees 
- Beer" NOHZ 

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1035э5 чзАтел, puetdg [4 ‚а 

31019295 syeIy Ap 

3212451р uetIsy Jsamyjnog ps 
JoTIjSIpqns uejsaseq 5а 
32153$трап$ peqesajsy SP 
j214jSIp uetseoneg 29 

191995 ешим-хэлэл, yy 
32т535трапз uetdseD изэчалом ОМ 
3Эт135трапз uetseoneostg 29 

32т545тр ueadoing ихэз5ен яя 



The accidentally introduced species of the historical epoch are 
represented by Norway rat, which inhabits the floodplains of the Don, 
Kuban, Sulak and Terek, and is rapidly invading every settlement. 

To the east and northeast, the subdistrict adjoins the semideserts and 
deserts of central Asia which are characterized by a mammalian complex 
better adapted to xerothermal conditions. 

North Caspian subdistrict 


(Sector of tamarisk gerbil and midday gerbil) 

This sector encompasses the semideserts and deserts of the lower 
Kuma-Terek-Sulak interfluve. Its western boundary starts in the north at 
the Manych-Sarykamysh divide and continues southeasterly to the mouth of 
the Sunzha. The southern boundary crosses the lower Terek and Sulak and 
terminates on the Caspian coast near Makhachkala. The sector corresponds 
to that part of the Isthmus which was covered by the sea during the last 
major Khvalynsk transgression. Its northern half is made up of marine 
sediments of glacial time and is a level sandy-clayey semidesert. The 
southwestern third is in sandhills; the southeastern is composed ofalluvial 
loams and clays of postglacial time. The youngest areas geologically are 
the northern half and the southeastern third, which were partly covered by 
the sea even during the minor transgressions of the Caspian in historical 
time. Most of the Terek-Kuma semidesert and desert is covered by 
wormwood-—saltwort vegetation; the sandhills are covered by lopsided 
oat, wormwood and sweet clover; and the coasts of the Caspian estuaries 
are covered with reed thickets alternating with weeds on low elevations. 

The nucleus of the Holocene mammalian complex of the sector is formed 
by group-6 and group-7 species; the complex is completed by species of 
groups 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9. 

Group 1 is represented only by Palaearctic ubiquists which inhabit the 
interzonal biotopes; mesophilous Caucasian species of group 1 do not occur 
at all in this sector. Common hedgehog, wolf, weasel, badger, steppe 
mouse and boar inhabit reed-grown areas and hollows between sand- 
hills. These species play no significant role in the biocenoses of this 
sector, however, 

The only eastern Mediterranean xerophilous mammals (group 2) are the 
widely adapted species: long-eared hedgehog, white-bellied white-toothed 
shrew, tiger polecat, European hare, migratory hamster and steppe vole. 
The Russian mole rat has been replaced by giant Russian mole rat which 
occurs in isolated colonies in hollows between dunes. Small five-toed 
jerboa represents the ancient central Asian species (group 4). 



The Eastern European steppe species (group 6) and Turanian species 
(groups 7and9), which inhabited the sector during the Pleistocene 
regressions of the ancient Caspian and in the Holocene, are represented 
by corsac fox, little suslik, jerboas and midday and tamarisk gerbils. 
Great gerbil, manul and tarpan became extinct in historical time, but 
saiga has survived in this sector. 

The central Asian elements in this complex are comprised essentially 
of gerbils. Tarpan inhabited this sector longer than the Ciscaucasian 

The southern, postglacial species (group 8) probably penetrated this 
sector from the south, andthose from the northeast from centralAsia. It can 
be assumed that the sector was inhabited in the Holocene by almost all the 
group-8 species which occurred in the Ciscaucasian subdistrict. Of these, 
only jackal and jungle cat survived until recent time. 

A study of the mammalian fauna of the Terek-Kuma sector shows that 
it is essentially a part of the Aral-Caspian (central Asian) deserts, and 
not a part of the Caucasus zone. The animal assemblages of the sandhills 
in particular resemble the central Asian assemblages, e.g., the assemblage 
on the phenomenal Kumtorkala barchan* in the foothills of Dagestan. 

The fluctuations in the sea level of the Quaternary Caspian affected the 
development of the mammalian complex of this sector more than that of 
any other Caspian area. This factor, as well as the bifurcation of the lower 
Volga, strongly influenced the migration of hibernating species from the 
east in the Quaterrary. 

This study of the faunal influences of adjacent territories and of the 
characteristics of the districts, subdistricts and sectors of the Caucasian 
Isthmus, based on the history of species distribution and paleogeographic 
data, reveals only a small part of the biological processes which took place 
during a time of complex change in the Cenozoic terrestrial environments 
around the Black and Caspian seas. 

The geochronological continuity of the faunal influences, which we have 
noted, will certainly be better understood as paleontological data is 
accumulated and processes of speciation are analyzed. Nevertheless, 
the scheme presented here is justifiable at the present stage of 
zoogeographic knowledge. 

The characteristics of the mammalian fauna given for each zonation 
also show the degree of its saturation with species. This opens avenues 
leading to new deductions on the restoration and enrichment of the fauna. 
The complete list of species (and subspecies) of the Holocene mammalian 
fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus is given in Table 103.(p. 500). 

The effects of both casual and purposeful anthropogenic influence on the 
latest evolutionary patterns of mammalian ecological assemblages of the 
Isthmus, and on the changes in boundaries of the faunal complexes, are 
discussed in the next chapter. 

* [A symmetric dune with crescentic ground plan; gentler slope facing the wind on the convex side, and 
steeper slope on the concave or leeward side. ] 




Chapter VI 


Man's influence on the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus can be traced 
from Acheulean time by means of the kitchen middens of primitive tribes 
Here, as in other regions, the Paleolithic tribes were largely responsible 
for the extinction of а number of mammals and the reduction in range of 
others. The extent of the human influence on different species is difficult 
to gauge. The game of prehistoric hunters consisted largely of the widely 
distributed and most accessible species. For example, the chief game of 
Paleolithic tribes on the Trans-Kuban Plainwas bison, followed by horse, 
mammoth, red and giant deer and cave hyena. On the Black Sea coast and 
and in central Transcaucasia, cave bear was the chief game, followed by 
boar and red deer. Bison and horse were hunted in the Lesser Caucasus 
highlands. Over the millennia, the species and their proportions in the 
game of Paleolithic hunters probably changed considerably from season to 
season. Many species of small animals, birds, reptiles and fish used for 
food may not be preserved in the paleontological record; they may well 
have been consumed immediately at the hunting site or at temporary camps. 

Some of the animal species used for food by primitive Upper Pleistocene 
tribes in. various parts of the Caucasus are given in Table 104. The 
proportions given probably relate more to the type of landscape than to 
the age of the site. 

TABLE 104. Number of remains (in %) of predominating species of mammals at various Paleolithic sites 
in the Caucasus 

Lesser Caucasus 
(Zurtaketi ) 

Northwestern Black Sea 
Caucasus coast 
(Il'skaya ) (Akhshtyrskaya ) 


oh abe 
aye (Sakazhia ) 

In post-Paleolithic times, man's influence on the Caucasian mammals 
and their assemblages assumed many aspects: 



1) direct extermination of game species by unrestricted hunting; 

2) indirect influence on single species, their assemblages and ranges 
through changes in landscape, macro- and microclimate, soil and other 
ecological features caused by industrial and agricultural activity; 

3) accidental introduction of synanthropic species; 

4) planned changes in ecological assemblages effected by introducing 
and raising new species under natural conditions, breeding and protecting 
selected species and exterminating harmful species. 

9723 4 Som 

FIGURE 196. Bronze arrowheads and darts used in hunting and war from Late Bronze Age 
(darts) and Scythian-Sarmatian culture (Caucasian Museum collection) 

As human population and dispersal areas grew and culture developed in 
post-Paleolithic time, the direct influence of man on the large wild 
mammals of the Caucasus increased rapidly. 

The emergence of domesticated animals could not offset the magnitude 
of these effects. The decrease in the number of remains of wild animals 
which can be observed in post-Paleolithic cultural layers from Early to 
Recent is essentially the result of the development of animal husbandry, 
which is not to say that wild animals were hunted on any smaller scale 
(Table 105). 

The direct extermination and population decrease of a number of game 
animals of the Caucasus during the last millennia was closely related to 
the history of the Caucasian tribes and peoples, their migrations and wars, 
and the development of their material culture, particularly weaponry. 



TABLE 105. Number of bones of wild and domestic animals in post-Paleolithic localities, settlements and 
ritual sites of the Caucasus and the Russian Plain 


Percentage of 
animal bones 

Developed cattle raising; abundance of 

81.05 mountain-forest animals, killed with spears, 
bows and arrows, firearms. 
Abundance of domestic cattle and wild 

Monument and its age Description 

Dzuars of North Ossetia. Digorized 
cave, 14th-19th centuries A.D. 

Khazar fortress Belaya Vezha (Sarkel) 

on the Don, 8th-13th centuries A.D. 74.0 steppe and forest animals, killed in safari-type 
hunt and by individual hunters. 
Settlement near Baku Bayon the Apsheron, 79.4 Abundance of domestic cattle, goitered 

9th- 13th centuries A.D. gazelle, seals, migratory birds; developed 
hunting of goitered gazelle and kulan in 
game drives; seal hunting. 

Developed raising of low-grade cattle; 
hunting more important as the town declined 
at the beginning of the present era. 

Primitive cattle-raising; abundance of steppe 

Developed cattle-raising; hunting, including 
seal hunt, important. 

Developed dolphin hunting; cattle-raising 
and hunting of forest animals, 

Abundance of large forest animals in the 
vicinity of the cave. 

Ancient town of Semibratnoe, Kuban 
estuary, 4th century B.C. - 1st century 
А. О. 

Mud-hut settlements near Tsimlyanskaya 
on the Don, first millennium В.С. 

Settlement near Kayakent in Dagestan, 
second millennium B.C. 

Mud-hut settlements near Gelendzhik 
Bay, third millennium B.C. 

Akhshtyrskaya cave, hunting site, 
Neolithic and later beds 

* Unpublished author's materials. 
** Percentage of bones of wild animals from Sarkel was artificially increased in the process of sorting for 
final identification. 

Although we have plentiful archaeological and documentary materials 
on the Caucasus, it is difficult to trace the details in the evolution of hunting 
from the Paleolithic to the Recent. Ancient drawings on rocks in Kabristan 
and drawings on vessels from the Trialet and Maikop burials indicate that 
bows were widely used in the second and first millennia B.C. 

Spears and bows were the chief weapons in the big-game hunting of the 
Koban, Colchis and later tribes (Figure 196). It is characteristic of 
medieval weaponry in the northern Caucasus that the iron arrowheads 
and darts used in combat and the hunt show remarkable variations in type 
(Figure 197). 

The horse-mounted big-game drive was the principal hunting method 
used by the nomads of the Isthmus plains during the last three millennia, 
sometimes with either permanent or temporary fences or traps placed 
across gulleys and river valleys. 

In addition to group hunting, individual game hunting was widely 
practiced in the forests and mountains. 


a + 9 ст 

FIGURE 197. Iron arrowheads and darts from the Middle Ages — 7th- 9h centuries A.D. 
(Caucasian Museum collection) 

The sharp decrease in the large-animal population on the Caucasus 
undoubtedly occurred during the Middle Ages when the techniques of bow- 
manufacturing and forest and mountain hunting were at a very high level. 

Large-scale hunting into late medieval time was made possibly by the 
conditions of a feudal society and by the existence of large bands of free 
armed men which provided the necessary manpower. 

Rashid ad-Din, the Iranian chronicler of the 14th century (1946 edition), 
records a story of the expedition to Aladagh made by the ''king of Islam, " 
Ghazan-Khan (one of the Mongolianrulers ofIran). Inthe winter of 1301-02, 
Ghazan-Khan camped at Belesuvar (inthe southern Kura-Araks lowland) and 
Khamashakhre, and from there he hunted inthe mountain district enroute to 
Talysh and Ispakhbad. 

518 "Ghazan-Khan ordered the construction of two wooden fences in the 
mountains, each fence the length of one day's travel, which together would 
form a wedge fifty gyaz wide at the narrow end and one day's travel 
apart at the wide end. At the dead end the fences were to be closed 
off as acorral. After this the warriors drove the game — mountain buffalos, 
dzhurs, wild goats and asses, jackals, foxes, wolves, bears and other 
various wild and predatory beasts — between the fences until all were in the 
corral. The kingofIslam was seated with Bulugan-Khatun on the stage 
which was built in the middle, and enjoyed the sight of the animals. Some 
were killed and some set free" (pp. 188-189). 

From the latest Iranian chronicles, studied by Petrushevskii (1949, 
рр. 292-293), it is known that in the 16th-17th centuries in Iran, peasants 
were often called for a hunting duty — ''shikari."' 

"Hunter-emirs assembled on the Shah's orders with the gentry 
("mulyadzins'') and men-at-arms ("nukers''), often as many аз ten thousands 



ог more. Theyenclosedthe large area selected for the hunt to prevent the 
animals from escaping. The circumference of the enclosure gradually 
became smaller asthe hunters moved intothe area. The circumscribing line 
was called ''dzherke,"' 'negre" or "Котагра" (р. 292). 

During the Shah's hunt in Mian-Kaleh in the forests of Mazandaran in 
1028 (1618 А.Ш. — М. У. ) the ring surrounding the animals was 3 farsangs 
(18-20 km — М. У. ) long and 2/3 farsang (4-4.5 km — N.V.) wide. Before 
the beginning of the big hunt, the animals were driven for several days 
into the encircling ring. Hundreds and even thousands of large animals 
were killed during such hunting. In addition to the mounted warriors, foot 
soldiers were used to drive the animals. During the Shah's big hunt in 
the forests and thickets of Gilan (southern Caspian coast —N.V. ) in the 
spring of 1002 (1564 A.D. —N.V.) nearly 10,000 peasants from among the 
people of Gilan were called to drive the animals into the dzherke" (р. 293). 

During the Middle Ages, kulan and goitered gazelle were hunted in the 
middle Araks valley, and forest animals in northern Armenia and Georgia 
on a similarly grandiose scale, as described by Ananiah of Shirak in the 
"Book of Problems" (see Ter-Pogosyan, 1947), in Rustaveli's (1937) and 
Nizami's (1940) poems and in Prince Vakhusti's ''Geography" (1904). 

The large population of ungulates had already been considerably 
decreased by primitive hunting by the time firearms were discovered, 
introduced and perfected in the Caucasus. 

The perpetual wars between small tribes and feudal lords occupying 
separate canyons and the local custom of blood revenge greatly 
accelerated the distribution of firearms, making them also generally 
available for hunting purposes during the last centuries. 

With the decline in the animal population toward the 18th-19th centuries, 
large-scale hunting with fences and corrals was no longer feasible. But the 
introduction of small-gauge flint and percussion-type shotguns and rifles 
created new possibilities for individual hunting. 

The Caucasian wars of the 19th century also contributed to the decimation 
of large animals. 

The final stage in this development was the introduction of the four- 
barreled Berdan rifle and, later, of the Mosin rifle — the Russian three- 
barreled rifle. The latter model created almost unlimited possibilities 
for shooting mountain ungulates from great distances. Cattle-herding 
from one pasture region to another, the arming of shepherds, and the 
shipment of large quantities of arms into the mountains during the Civil 
War (1917-1922) brought about the final stage in the destruction of the 
Caucasian populations of deer and bison. 

The evolution of the distribution ranges of individual species of 
Caucasian mammals which is reviewed in Chapter IV shows the contributory 
role of man in the extinction of at least 9 species in the last thousand years 
(Table 106). 

In addition to the forms mentioned above, deer, roe deer, goitered 
gazelle, saiga and other species have declined in population and distribution 
range (Vereshchagin, 1947). 

Human activity indirectly affected the fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus 
in very complex and diversified ways through: 

1) destruction of tugai, foothill and mountain forests by cutting, fires, 
cattle grazing and cultivation; 



2) plowing and cultivation of steppes and semideserts, accompanied 
by irrigation and planting of groves, gardens and shelterbelts; 

3) cattle driving which resulted in large-scale thinning of forests, 
mountain slope erosion and changes in the plant formations of mountain 
meadows, steppes, semideserts and deserts; 

4) construction activity and development of mud-hut settlements, villages 
and larger towns with buildings of various types; 

5) building of roads and railroads. 

TABLE 106. Chronological order of disappearance (extinction) of some Caucasian mammals 

Probable time of 

Species : 

Area of last habitat 

Lion 10th century Eastern Transcaucasia 

Primitive bull 12th century Western Ciscaucasia 

Kulan 13th century Eastern Transcaucasia and (until the 18th century) 
eastern Ciscaucasia 

Cheetah 13th century Eastern Transcaucasia 

Beaver End of 19th century Colchis and Trans-Kuban Plain 

Elk Beginning of 19th century | Ciscaucasia 

Tarpan 1880's Eastern Ciscaucasia 

Bison 1920's Western Caucasus 

Tiger 1930's Talysh 

The formation of the secondary, or cultivated , man-made landscape 
caused the animals to develop new behavioral patterns and new assemblages 
adapted to the new conditions. These changes in the fauna followed the 
development of tribal economic life, cattle-raising, agricultural technology 
and industrialization. The relationships between species numbers within 
small-mammal assemblages (rodents and insectivores) were affected by 
particularly complex factors: the population dynamics from season to 
season and over long periods as they related to changes in biotopes brought 
about by a variety of agricultural techniques, e.g., crop rotation, etc. 

(see Qbolenskii, 1935; Polyakov, 1950, and others). 

The direct and indirect effects of human activity on individual species, 
their ecological assemblages and faunal complexes is discussed below by 
geomorphological and phytolandscape districts with examples. 


The typical primeval postglacial landscape of the Kuban Plain, lower 
Don, Manych area and steppe margins of the Stavropol area was one of 
motley-grasses—sheep's fescue—feathergrass and sheep's fescue— 
feathergrass steppes of the northern and southern type (Shiffers, 1953). 
The river valleys and steppe gulleys were developed with shrubs and 
leafy forests. 

From the time of the Neolithic, the floodplain terraces were steadily 
settled by cattle-raising tribes. Mud-hut settlements and towns were 


quite common along the rivers in the Bronze and Iron ages (see Gorodtsov, 
1935; Pokrovskii and Anfimov, 1937; Artamonov, 1937; Goretskii, 1948). 

The spurs of the Taman Peninsula were widely colonized by the Greeks 
as early as the 6th century B.C. (Kallistov, 1949). The postglacial 
mammalian assemblages of the Ciscaucasian steppes were rich in species. 
The floodplain forests and reed thickets on the Don and Kuban were inhabited 
by wolf, bear, otter, European wildcat, panther, beaver, water rat, boar, 
roe deer, deer, elk, tur and bison. The steppe proper was inhabited by 
tarpan, kulan, saiga and goitered gazelle. The small-mammal assemblage 
of the virgin steppes of the Manych region included common 
and long-eared hedgehog, fox, corsac fox, Siberian polecat, marmot, 
little suslik, hamster, jerboa and mole rat. 

It can be inferred from a comparison with the Recent and from historical 
data for adjacent regions (Barbaro, 1836 edition; Mikhail Litvin, 1890; 
Beauplan, 1832) that the disappearance and displacement of wild horse, 
kulan, saiga, tur and bison from the Ciscaucasian steppes were well 
advanced as early as the Middle Ages, brought about by domestic cattle 
herding and game drives by thousands of mounted Khazars, Polovtsy 
[Cumans] and Mongolians. 

Bear, beaver, boar, deer, roe deer and elk were displaced from the lower 
Don, the Kuban, the Terek andthe Sulak by the heavy deforestation by man 
during the last centuries (Kondrat'ev, 1885-86; Bogachev, 1918; Flerov 
and Balandin, 1931). 

It is known that extensive forests existed on the right bank of the Kuban 
as late as the 18th century (Mishchenko, 1928; Rogovskii, 1928; Zakharov, 

Rogovskii's map indicates nine isolated forest islands on the right bank 
of the Kuban where according to the 1775-76 map of the Kuban region an 
almost continuous zone of forests and bush extended from the source of 
the Protoka to the mouth of the Laba. 

Flood control in the deltas of the Kuban, Terek and Sulak (building of 
embankments and filling the gaps in the banks) have noticeably affected the 
landscape since the middle of the last century. These measures only 
drained the marshes temporarily, since the river levels continued to rise. 

The planned drainage and reclamation for wheat and rice cultivation of 
the Kuban plavni only began in the 1930's and brought about the greatest 
changes in the assemblages of rodents and carnivores. 

521 Mink, otter, European wildcat and water rat were displaced from vast 
areas of drained swamps and lakes during reclamation, and their habitats 
were occupied by polecat, hare, common vole, steppe mouse, common 
hamster and jerboa. 

Military considerations originally prompted the burning and cutting of 
the tugai forests on the Kuma, Terek and Sulak which began in the second 
half of the 18th century during the construction of the Caucasian 
fortifications (Popko, 1880; Potto, 1912). The establishment of Cossack 
settlements and posts brought about a rapid extermination of large animals, 
since the Cossacks were mainly engaged in hunting and fishing. During the 
reign of Anna Ioanovna, it was the duty of the Grebenskie Cossacks to 
supply live boars, deer, ibex (''steinboks'') and bison to the menageries 
of the capital. 



The destruction of ''bairak'' [small-gulley] forests scattered оп the 
northern slopes of hills and in the gulleys of the Ciscaucasian plains was 
similar to the process described for the steppes of the Russian Plain 
(Kuznetsov, 1896; Tanfil'ev, 1896; Lavrenko, 1939). Cattle breeding and 
agriculture on the Ciscaucasian plains played an important part in the 
formation of the ranges, populations and assemblages of small mammals 
and completed the process of displacement of corsac fox, kulan, tarpan 
and saiga which began in the first half of the last century during the building 
of the Cossack settlements. The extermination of the bairak forests brought 
about a decrease in the area of the habitats of mesophilous insectivores 
(shrews, moles), smallcarnivores (stone marten, badger), and forest rodents 
(forest dormouse, common and striped field mouse). The distribution of 
these species on the Ciscaucasian plains gradually split into small isolated 

Examples of the residual, disrupted ranges of these species can be 
observed in the Petrovskoe and Aleksandrovskoe Districts of the Stavropol 
Region, on the middle and upper Kalaus and on the Stavropol Plateau. 

The depletion of wolves, susliks and mouse-like rodents in the 
Ciscaucasian steppes dates from the early 20th century, but planned 
extermination has been carried out only under the Soviet regime. The 20th 
century also marks the beginning of the latest phase of development of the 
cultural landscape, which is well presented in the extensive statistics of 
the collection ''The Northern Caucasus after Districting'' (1925). 

During recent decades the introduction of new crops and irrigation 
and melioration projects (e.g., construction of canals on the left banks 
of the Malka and Kura, diversion of the Kuban waters to the Yegorlyk, and 
drainage of the Kuban plavni) resulted in accelerated agriculture and an 
increase in cultivated areas. Planting of shelterbelts started in the 1920's, 
at first along the railroads and later, in the 1930's, in the vast croplands. 
The largest shelterbelts are in Krasnodar, Tikhoretskaya and Salsk, where 
they are many hundreds of kilometers in length. 

The highly diversified ecological features and potential adaptations of 
various species to new conditions is readily seen in the nature of the 
relationships which developed between the mammals and the biotopes of the 
cultural landscape. 

The animal world of this region was affected by cattle raising for a longer 
time than by agriculture. The destruction of the steppe-grass stand by 
cattle over the centuries resulted in the replacement of motley-grass— 
sheep's fescue—feathergrass steppe formations by sheep's fescue— 
feathergrass vegetation, and later by sheep's fescue—wormwood vegetation. 
Concomitant with this process, weed groupings developed near resting and 
watering places, along the routes of cattle drives and around settlements. 
As early as the 1880's extensive grain farming began to replace the fine- 
wooled-sheep breeding of Ciscaucasia, from the virgin mixed-grass steppes 
of the Kuban and Terek and the Stavropol area to the zone of sheep's 
fescue—feathergrass steppes of the Kuma basin (Rozhdaev, 1925). Cattle 
grazing of virgin vegetation cover and overgrazing and manuring promoted 
the rapid expansion of suslik and jerboa ranges. The extension of the suslik 
range southward from the Manych area was also promoted by plowing of 
the steppe, construction of bridges over canals and rivers and established 



routing of cattle drives (Sviridenko, 1927; Formozov, 1929). The 
overgrazed, manured areas gave susliks and jerboas the advantages of 
a good field of vision, fresh green food, consisting of mixed weeds and 
grasses, fast movement and protection from predators. Both abandoned 
and occupied cattle stations were concentration sites for white-bellied 
white-toothed and lesser shrews and steppe voles. 

Recent complexes of small-mammal habitats in the cultural landscape 
of the Ciscaucasian steppes — Obolenskii's permanent or temporary ''farm 
habitats'' (1935) — typically consist of pastures, roads of various types, 
cultivated lands and settlements. 

Each of these categories comprises a number of biotopes, determined 
by the agricultural and construction methods of man and also by the 
ecological adaptability of the mammal species. 

Pastures. When the cattle load is light, the pastures preserve 
almost all the natural biotopes of the primitive ecological assemblage 
consisting of little suslik, small five-toed and great jerboas, little earth 
hare, common mole rat, steppe vole, steppe lemming and mole vole. 
Pastures located near settlements, particularly if the soil is somewhat 
humid, are covered by vegetation that is unsuitable for cattle forage, and 
are inhabited by suslik, great jerboa, steppe mouse, common vole and 
mole rat. 

Roads. The right-of-way zones along rail and major automotive roads 
are characterized by a mammalian assemblage similar to that of the 

These zones of virgin land are inhabited by little white-toothed shrew, 
black hamster [Mesocricetus auratus nigriculus], common 
hamster, great jerboa, southern birch mouse, mole vole, mole rat and 
little suslik. The weeds and ditches along the railroads are attractive to 
long-eared hedgehog, tiger polecat, Siberian polecat, weasel, steppe 
mouse, striped field mouse, common vole and migratory hamster. 

Cultivated areas. The composition of the mammalian assemblages 
in cultivated areas depends upon the routine agricultural techniques, crop 
rotation and the size of the arable areas. Usually large areas in cereal 
crops are inhabited only by common vole and steppe mouse. The margins 
of the planted areas are inhabited by little suslik, hamster, migratory 
hamster, mole vole and mole rat (Obolenskii, 1935), 

The habitation of the fields by hare is contingent upon the state of the 
crop and the method of crop treatment. If rodents and insects are available, 
the fox is also a field inhabitant. Thus, for example, when snow cover is 
thin in the winter, the European hare feeds on winter crops but rests during 
the day in fall-plowed fields. In such a winter foxes will concentrate in 
winter-crop and stubble fields which are inhabited by rodents. The most 
varied ecological assemblages occur in areas where the plantings of various 
crops alternate with sections of virgin land in a mosaic-like pattern. 
Perennial crops of alfalfa and other fodder plants are habitats of hamster, 
vole, steppe mouse and mole rat. Large plowed fields planted to grain and 
regularly worked are characterized by very impoverished assemblages 
consisting of fox, European hare, common vole and steppe mouse. 

The specific composition of the rodent fauna changes with each year that 
land lies fallow. The first year, the stubble may be inhabited by steppe 
mouse and common vole, rarely by common and striped field mouse, 


and even more rarely by birch mouse and migratoryhamster, ''Aging'' of the 
fallow land and development of weed cover (green bristlegrass, saltbush, 
wormwort) rapidly increases the stability of the rodent populations. The 
resulting assemblage consists of long-eared and common hedgehog, fox, 
hare, common hamster, mole vole and mole rat. Lands which have been 
fallow for many years are usually inhabited by suslik, jerboa and steppe 
lemming; this assemblage is similar to the original assemblage. 

Fieldcamps, silos and haystacks are inhabited by white-bellied and little 
white-toothed shrews, steppe mouse and common vole. 

Settlements. The settlements of the Ciscaucasian steppes are 
characterized bya fairly large number of biotopes: limestone walls around 
estates, ditches overgrown with weeds, gardens, vegetable plots, farm 
buildings and stacked sunflower, corn and Italian millet stems (used for 
firewood) and invariably inhabited by white-toothed shrew, weasel, Siberian 
polecat, house mouse, Norway rat, common hamster and vole. Migratory 
hamsters live in non-residential structures. Common field mouse and 
forest dormouse inhabit overgrown gardens, particularly those adjoining 
exposed rock or groves in valleys and bairaks. Banks of dammed rivers 
(reservoirs) are inhabited by water vole. Residences and churches in 
settlements are the habitats of common noctules and serotine vespertilio, 
and more rarely bicolor vespertilio and sharp-eared mouse-eared bat. 
House mouse, either native or introduced, always occurs in residential 
buildings in settlements and at field stations. All the large settlements 
connected with the Don by rail or automobile roads were inhabited by 
Norway rat by the 1930's. 

By now the synanthropic assemblage of small mammals in the settlements 
of the Ciscaucasian steppes can be considered fully developed, as is the 
assemblage of field and house pests (see also Stal'makova, 1935). 

The spontaneous development of game hunting in the first half of the 
20th century continued to decimate the saiga, corsac fox and, later, the 
white [Siberian] polecat populations. Since 1925-27, the hunting of the 
so-called ''summer'"' fur species has developed rapidly and affected the 
populations of little suslik, common and black hamster and great jerboa 
(B. Kuznetsov, 1932). 

Large-scale exterminating operations against harmful rodents were 
begun in Ciscaucasia early in the 20th century. Pest control of little suslik 
on the Ciscaucasian steppes was initiated to protect the peasants' crops. 
Later the great epidemiological threat presented by this species was 

524 discovered and the boundaries of the endemic plague source area were 

Organized extermination of suslik and mouse-like rodents has been 
carried out in Ciscaucasia only in Soviet time. The areas treated each 
year with chloropicrin and poisoned food increased from approximately 
100,000 ha in 1923 to 3,000,000 ha in 1935. Tens and hundreds of thousands 
of haystacks were surrounded by special ditches, andsilos were gas-treated 
(Sviridenko, 1925; Vinogradov and Obolenskii, 1926; Fal'kenshtein, 1933; 
B. Kuznetsov, 1932). 

The scale of the pest control measures undertaken in the 1920's and 
1930's only varied with the fluctuations in population of mouse-like rodents 
and the occurrences of epizootics in susliks. The present program is aimed 
toward the complete extermination of suslik in the Ciscaucasian steppes. 



It has not been possible to bring this about by currently available techniques 
even with concentration of effort and large expenditures of resources and 
labor just within the Ciscaucasian endemic focus. 

The operations, however, have resulted in a large decrease in population 
and density each year. While there have been no reports of successful 
extermination of widely distributed species of mouse-like rodents either, 
sudden rises in their populations have been prevented experimentally 
following Satunin's (1912a) advice on applying extermination methods in 
habitats suitable for survival in those years when they are least abundant, 
particularly in the early spring (Naumov, 1946). 

Introduction of crop rotation, planting of shelterbelts and trapping 
susliks for their pelts has had a much greater effect on the distribution 
ranges of susliks and mouse-like rodents than pest control measures. 

When fall plowing was introduced in the mid-thirties, it resulted in an 
abrupt population decline in mouse-like rodents over large areas. The 
plowing of the Salsk steppes and planting of shelterbelts also formed 
ecological barriers which prevented the susliks from invading the Kuban 
Plain. The continued development of shelterbelts and the construction of 
large water reservoirs near Stavropol, Novo-Troitskoe and other centers 
will create a more humid climate. Dispersion of common and striped field 
mouse and forest dormouse is currently taking place and will continued in 
the planted forests connecting the bairak and valley shrubs and forests. 
Concominantly, the ranges of steppe and common field mouse, common 
vole and hamsters will probably extend eastward into the semidesert zone. 
The ranges of small five-toed jerboa, thick-tailed three-toed jerboa, northern 
three -toed jerboa, little earth hare and midday gerbil will probably decrease. 
The development of hunting will promote the population expansion of European 
hare and fox. 

The introduction of new species of fur animals onto the Ciscaucasian plains 
was associated with the landscapes of the lower Kuban, Terek and Sulak. 

Forty-five raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray — 
Figure 198) were released in 1934 in the tugai forests on the Terek near 
Kizlyar. In subsequent years the raccoon dogs became widely distributed 
in the tugai and reedlands on the Terek and Sulak, migrating far north 
through the reed thickets on the coasts of the Caspian estuaries. The range 
of this Terek-based population soon touched the range of the Volga population 
which had grown from the introduction of the species along the lower Volga 
in 1936 and 1939 (Map 94). Hunting of these animals in the Grozny area 
and in northern Dagestan commenced in 1943-44 and the next year the yield 
from the lower Terek was nearly 1,000 specimens (Map 7; also see 
Lavrov, 1946). 

Attempts at introducing some exotic rodents were also fairly successful. 

In 1932 the South American nutria (Myocastor coypus Mol.) 
was introduced onto the plavni of the lower Kuban in the vicinity of 
Grivenskaya (43 specimens) and near Lake Shaitan-Kazak, an oxbow of the 
Sulak (22 specimens). The success of this experiment was hampered by 
the freezing of the water bodies in severe winters when the nutrias, dying 
on the ice of cold and hunger, fell prey to foxes, dogs and predatory birds 
(Vereshchagin, 1936, 1947d, 1950a). 

Semicontrolled nutria breeding, keeping part of the population in cages 
during the cold period, resulted in considerable economic success in these 
regions in the 1950's. 



FIGURE 198. Raccoon dog 

The introduction of muskrat (Ondatra zibethica L. — Figure 199) 
into the reedy sections of the Kuban, Yeya, Terek and Sulak met with more 

According to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Game 
Hunting, muskrats were first released on the Kuban plavni in 1944 
and in the reedlands of the lower Terek in 1947. The natural dispersion 
of the animals was greatly accelerated in the years that followed by the 
artificial dispersion which formed a part of the planned operation 
(Map 95). 

The development of the muskrat populations of Ciscaucasia will be set 
back by the continuation of plavni drainage and the construction of dams 
and reservoirs for the regulation of the Kuban, Terek and Sulak rivers. 

The relatively slow rate of population increase in muskrats in 
Ciscaucasia to date can be accounted for by specific features of the river 
regimes (e.g., the heavy June floods which kill the young), and by the 
tularemic epizootics of the water rats. 

Twenty-three specimens of common raccoon (Procyon lotor L. ) 
captured in Azerbaidzhan were released in 1950 in the tugai area of the 
lower Sulak. 

This omnivorous predator found favorable conditions for rapid expansion 
of population and range in the relict forests of the lower Sulak and Terek, 
where aged trees provide hollows, and frogs and fruit of wild Rosales 
provide abundant food. The species also migrates along the Sunzha valley 
to the approximate latitude of Achaluki. 

It is possible to establish raccoon populations in the tugai forests on the 
Kuma in the area of Budennovsk-Georgievsk and in the forest tracts of 
Pyatigor'e and along the left tributaries of the Kuban. But the expediency 


of expanding this predator's range is questionable, since it would be а 
threat to poultry farming and to game hunting in the fall and spring 
(Vereshchagin, 1953b). 

The prospects for enriching the ecological assemblages of mammals on 
the Ciscaucasian plains with commercial species depend entirely upon the 
expansion or restriction of game hunting. The forest belts can be populated 
by roe deer and deer, thereby increasing the population of European hare, 
if wolves are exterminated and measures against unlicensed hunting are 



^ hi М 
j ah heat 

FIGURE 199. Muskrat on feeding ground 


The central parts of the Kura-Araks lowlands are mainly covered by 
characteristic wormwood and wormwood—saltwort, or, more rarely, by 
caper and gramineous groupings. Оп the northern, southern and western 

527 margins the semidesert grades into the beardgrass steppe (Grossgeim, 
1932). Semidesert and steppe formations are developed in places in the 
Gori depression between Mtskheti and Surami. 

In the inner part of this zone, gallery forests have survived along the 
Kura, Araks, lora and Alazan rivers; also pools grown withreed and bulrush, 
and sparse juniper—pistachio forests on the Tertiary hills. 

The original Holocene assemblages of mammals in the areas described 
were fairly rich in species. The semidesert and steppe were inhabited by 
herds of kulan and goitered gazelle. Probably the insectivores and rodents 
of the open plains were generally similar to those of the Recent. The 
following species occurred in the area: long-eared hedgehog, long-tailed 


white-toothed shrew, red-tailed Libyan gerbil, steppe vole, William's and 
small five-toed jerboa. The tugai thickets and reed—bulrush formations of 
estuaries and residual lakes in the Shirvan, Mugan and Mil'skaya steppes 
were inhabited by wolf, jackal, striped hyena, lion, tiger, panther, cheetah, 
boar, deer and goitered gazelle. 

Fluvial lakes of the Araks and Kura and the Caspian bays abounded in 
aquatic birds, both migrating and wintering. These habitats were also 
occupied by water rat, otter and jungle cat. 

The documented record of human influence on the animal assemblage 
of this zone dates to the Bronze Age, when settled and nomadic hunters and 
cattle herders began to draw heavily on the stock of large animals of the 
steppes (Vereshchagin and Burchak-Abramovich, 1948; Vereshchagin, 
1949c). The rapid growth of cattle-herding tribes and large settlements and 
the development of agriculture and irrigation brought about the next phase 
of anthropogenic influence on the faunal complex of the Transcaucasian 

The agricultural history of the Shirvan, Mil'skaya-Karabakh and Mugan 
steppes, which goes back many centuries, has not yet been thoroughly 
studied by archaeologists and historians. 

The relics of ancient canals, fortresses and giant mounds in the 
Mil'skaya and Mugan steppes indicate that vast areas were put to agriculture 
and that irrigation techniques had advanced to a high level (Maevskii, 1902a, 
1902b). The burial fields and cultural layers under current study at 
Mingechaur and Uren-Kala are evidence of large settlements in the center 
of the Kura-Araks lowlands in the early first millennium B.C. (Sysoev, 
1925; Pakhomov, 1923; Dzhafar-Zade, 1946, and others). 

The small irrigation systems constructed on the tributaries of the Kura 
and Araks are probably even older. Small communities could readily draw 
upon the water of these tributaries, whereas the construction of large 
canals could only be carried out by a local population at a higher state of 
industrial development. In this respect Latynin's (1935) statements on the 
history of irrigation in central Asia are equally applicable to Azerbaidzhan. 
The oldest oases in the Kura-Araks lowlands are marked by the following 
towns and villages: Barda, Ardash, Geok-Chai, Shil'yan, etc., located on 
the Tertera, Aldzhigan-Chai, Geok-Chai, Gerdyman-Chai and Akh-Su. 

Cereals and, later, cotton were raised in the semidesert, which also 
provided winter forage for the cattle of nomadic herders. But it was the 
plowing and irrigation of the semidesert that had the greatest effect on the 

528 landscape and animals of the Kura-Araks lowlands. Destruction of the 
tugai forests, winter cattle-grazing of the vegetation cover and drainage 
of river lakes and flooded areas were of secondary importance to the wild- 
mammal fauna. 

Preliminary observations on reptiles and amphibians in the area of 
newly-established cotton sovkhozes in the Mil'skaya steppe show that 
irrigation produces differentiated effects on species populations: it causes 
extermination or decrease in some, and growth in others (A. Bogachev, 
1938). Sudden changes in the composition and abundance of nesting and 
wintering bird assemblages occur when irrigation is installed in semideserts 
(Satunin, 1912a; Vereshchagin, 1950b). In the case of the mammalian 
fauna, the evolution of its specific composition on irrigated and unirrigated 
lands depends upon the season of the year and the agricultural techniques 



employed, 1.е., the type of the main crop, rotation and treatment of crops, 
irrigation and development of shrub and tree plantings between the fields. 

The contemporary Apsheron Peninsula with its orchards, vegetable 
gardens, trade centers and settlements is a good example of qualitative 
and quantitative changes in mammalian assemblages caused by the 
development of agricultural and industrial settlements in the semidesert. 
At present there are 18 species of mammals on the Apsheron, as 
contrasted with 15 in the neighboring areas of the Kabristan semidesert. 
There are 5 species of small mammals in the cultivated areas of the 
Apsheron which do not occur in the adjacent virgin semidesert: Norway 
rat, black.rat, house mouse, Kuhl's vespertilio, common hedgehog. 
Goitered gazelle and wolf have been exterminated from this area. The 
populations ofhare, migratory hamster and steppe mouse increased as the result 
of new protective vegetation and fodder plantings (Vereshchagin, 1938b, 

The concentration and distribution of bats furnishes interesting examples 
of the effects of human activity. Bats appear in the semidesert and settle 
at structures as isolated as water towers, tombs, sheep pens and, in the 
oases, in the hollows of old plane and walnut trees. 

Between the years 1935 and 1945 we observed and captured specimens 
of the following bats inthe agricultural settlements of the semidesert zone: 

Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum V. nathusii 

Rh. hipposideros V. pipistrellus 
Myotis mystacinus У. serotinus 
Vespertilio kuhlii Nyctalus noctula 

All these species use residential and service structures for their day 
resting places; they feed on the outskirts of settlements and along the 
borders of gardens and parks (Vereshchagin, 1942b; Kuzyakin, 1950). 
They mainly inhabit crevices under roof beams and openings in the corners 
of window frames of railroad stations, schools and other buildings 
constructed of cut limestone blocks or bricks, and the stone domes of 
mausoleums and mosques. The vespertilio, particularly the Mediterranean 
species (Vespertilio kihlii), has become adapted to catching insects 
near electric light. In the urban center of Baku, large as it is, У. kuhlii 
is now the dominant bat species, althoughin the 1930's it was exceedingly 
rare there. We believe that its appearance and increase in numbers over 
these decades can be attributed to expanded cultivation, the growth of the 
flying insect population and the construction of freshwater pools as watering 
places. Following a certain route through the central sections of the city 
in 1935, I noted1-3 specimens of vespertilio, in 1940 — 3-5 specimens, 
and in the summer of 1949 — 3-7 specimens. 

The examples of animals belonging to other orders were selected from 
areas irrigated by local canals and consisting of small fields alternating 
with virgin land. 

Observations made in the Shirvan and Mugan steppes on changes in 
composition and relative abundance of the surviving mammals caused by 
irrigation and planting are given in Table 107. 


TABLE 107. Changes in specific composition and relative abundance of mammals occurring with the 
irrigation of the eastern Transcaucasian semidesert 



ВУЗ otoeelio aswanoNs 
Crocidura russula 

© ИСО Sogo о 
* Erinaceus euro-= 
DACWR Sonoanedo06 


Vulpes vulpes .... 
MEIGS MGS донос 
Vormela peregusna 
Mustela nivalis 

Ста ао G6 66.0 o 

SVP AMG CVE WS Uy a bea. b 


Lepus europaeus... 


Mus musculus 

GALERIE Фо рыб . 
Cricetulus migra- 
О О с Aen ОКО в 
Microtus зоста 11$ 
Meriones eryth- 

PO (TWIG: whale ее : 
Allactaga williamsi 
Ло GWA GET 5 oo 8 bh cols 
“Mus musculus 

199) 10S CTU ING д оо a geo 
* Apodemus sylva- 

о met leh ee Ь с 
* Вани та tb US ee oy. 
2 MCMV Sli CWS 5 66 4 
"Dyromys nitedula 



Wav iia le 








shoulders , 
with weeds 

in villages 



TABLE 107 (continued ) 

Ре ac} Untended 
| Virgin [2] shoulders , 
Species к iM р gardens 
semidesert a ditches Е Е 
Onis : in villages 
9 with weeds 


Gazella subgut- 
тогоза .......... 

Notes. 1. Symbol Х designates presence and relative abundance of species. 

2. Data from summer and winter counts are combined for virgin land, waste land, road shoulders and 
gardens. The data on the presence and number of animals shown in the fields is drawn from large areas 
planted to winter crops. During irrigation almost all the species are driven from the fields. 

3. Species migrating from other zones and biotopes are indicated by an asterisk. 

4. Table does not include water rat, which occurs only in the Agdam oasis and is absent from other lowland 

5. For widely distributed species — jackal and fox — only the habitats where they feed and rest are given 

in the table. 

The data show the greatest changes in the original assemblage of 
semidesert mammals when the semidesert is planted to cotton. The game 
animal population, however, is promoted by inadequate agricultural 
techniques, local methods of irrigating with an insufficient water supply; 
alternating sections of virgin land and waste land, and abandoned ditches and 
plantings of tree and shrub thickets. 

The species composition of the animal assemblages is most variable 
in old oases with long untended gardens, particularly those adjacent to 
tugai and lowland forests. All the new immigrant species which invade 
the human environment originate in gallery and lowland forests and reed 
Swamps: common hedgehog, jackal, jungle cat, black rat, common field 
mouse, forest dormouse and boar. 

The mammals which inhabit the vast semidesert areas irrigated by a 
system of water canals live under a variety of environmental conditions. 
The complete displacement of steppe vole and gerbil from the well-irrigated 
lands of the first, second and third Mil'skaya sovkhozes was recorded in 
1936-37. White-toothed shrew, hedgehog and steppe mouse, however, 
survived on the embankments of the canals, because ground holes are not 
so essential to their existence. 

The populations of these species were stabilized and steppe vole, hare 
and fox appeared in these habitats in later years as weed development and 
planted tree stands took hold on the banks of the ditches. 

Some specific examples of the reactions of various species to 
environmental changes in the semidesert are given below. 



Insectivores and rodents. The regular heavy irrigation of the 
cotton fields drives the long-tailed white-toothed shrew, steppe mouse, 
gerbil and steppe vole off the land. The environmental conditions created 
by weeding the cotton fields are unsuitable for rodents, at least until the 
start of winter. The two-stage irrigation method used in grain and alfalfa 
fields affect the animals less adversely, as they can find refuge in the 
"dry gaps, '' the margins of the fields and the banks of the canals during 
irrigating. When the animals reinvade the dry fields, their reproduction 
rises rapidly, particularly in the case of the steppe vole (Rodionov, 1924) 
which inhabits alfalfa fields in masses. The increase in the rodent 
population and in its harmful affects is directly related to haphazard 
alternation of planted fields with waste land of different ages and with 
virgin land, and to inefficient agricultural techniques (Vereshchagin, 1942c, 

The irrigation network is very important to the development of viable 
assemblages of small mammals in the semidesert. Canals under 
constant use are sometimes inhabited by water rat and also serve as 
dispersion routes for this species. 

On a nutria farm at Karayazy water voles and Norway rats dug holes 
in the ditches which collect and distribute water to the concrete cages of 
the nutria. At this farm the water rat has become a synanthropic species 
which feeds on the residue of grain and roots washed out of the cage basins. 

Steppe vole, red-tailed Libyan gerbil and steppe mouse usually inhabit 
the outer slopes and tops of banks of irrigation canals, attracted there by 
the good aeration of the soil, the ease of hole-digging, the rapid runoff of 
rainwater and the growth of weeds suitable for forage. 

The remains of ancient irrigation ditches in the steppes, often 
recognizable only as small depressions and low ridges, are invariably 
inhabited by steppe vole and red-tailed Libyan gerbil. These old ditches, 
overgrown with green ephemerals and shrubs of saltwort and caper, serve 
as important dispersion routes for the animals during the fall when 
population and activity increase. 

Railroads are similarly significant to the life and distribution of rodents 
in the semidesert. The elevated sections are regularly inhabited by steppe 
vole, red-tailed Libyan gerbil, steppe mouse and long-tailed white-toothed 
shrew. The soft sandy soil, suitable for hole-digging, the weed vegetation 
rich in'srains (Xanthium strumarium) "Cirsium Artie mi,siray, 
Salsola, Sueda), andthe seeds of melons and bits of bread thrown out 
of the railroad cars — all these attract the gerbils. 

The gerbils occasionally dig their holes under the crossties in much 
the same way as they dig under stones: they penetrate the soil at the face 
of the crosstie and burrow deep into theembankment. These holes are 
constantly disturbed by passing trains which leave an accumulation of 
debris at their entrances, and by the repacking of the excavated sand by 
railroad maintenance crews. Nevertheless, the gerbils persist in 
renovating them over and over. 

In the summer steppe voles inhabit the lower sections of the shaded 
northern slopes of the railroad enbankments, where the soil is cooler and 
moister and there are more succulent plants. In the winter they settle 
on the southern slopes where the growth of ephemeral grasses begins two 
to.three weeks earlier and proceeds faster than on the northern slopes. 



The shoulders and ditches beside both unsurfaced and hard-surface roads 
are important to the dispersion and maintenance of the micropopulations 
of steppe vole. Even in years of decline in population and reproduction, 
viable colonies survive in such areas. 

The great adaptability of William's jerboa is displayed in its hole- 
digging on soft-surface roads in spite of the noise, shocks and clogging of 
the holes with debris from passing carts and automobiles. 

The populations of the European hare of the Kura area fall into two 
different categories, one of which may be called the ''domestic'' population, 
the other the ''wild.'' The first inhabits the outskirts of settlements, where 
they usually remain by day among weeds and heavy growth of Imperata 
cylindrica, often as close as 30-50 m from the yards of houses. 

A thorough search near small settlements (e.g., ten to fifteen clay brick 
houses) may reveal three to five hares. They are not disturbed by the 

usual daytime noises of the village — the movement of people and cattle, 

and the barking of dogs. A zone 2-3 km wide, which is completely devoid 

of hares, begins 80-100 m from the settlement. Beyond this zone the hares 
of the "ма" population begin to appear. It would appear that the ''domestic' 
hare habituated itself to life near human settlements because it was 
relatively undisturbed and the dogs afforded protection for its day resting 
places from foxes and jackals. 

For a long time the distribution of rodents in the semidesert and the 
viability of their populations has been noticeably affected by the driving of 
cattle, the winter-pasturing of large herds of cows, sheep, camels and 
horses and the establishment of cattle-herders' stations. In past centuries 
these stations consisted of a few felt tents for living and a number of pits, 
surrounded by reed screens, for the protection of the young cattle. They 
were usually located on ancient alluvial ridges, which are highly attractive 
to the red-tailed Libyan gerbil. When the sites were abandoned they 
remained for decades as depressions and manured, overgrazed fields 
overgrown by milk thistle, white wormwood and orach. These sites are a 
characteristic element of the landscape of the Kura-Araks steppes. 

It is on these ''wounds of the virgin land'' that the viable populations of 
the steppe vole and red-tailed Libyan gerbil usually survive the years of 
low reproduction. High weeds protect the voles from dangerous heat 
exposure in summer; fast-growing ephemerals provide forage in winter. 
The abandoned pits are used by long-eared hedgehogs, white-toothed 
shrews, foxes, badgers, tiger polecats and ruddy sheldrakes for digging 
burrows and building nests and shelters. 

Over the millennia the overgrazing of the wormwood-—grass cover of the 
semidesert greatly limited the size of the local populations of vole, gerbil 
and jerboa, and affected their redistribution. 

In newly-built villages — temporary or permanent — the synanthropic 
assemblage of mammals develops at first from local forms: long-tailed 
white-toothed shrew, steppe vole, migratory hamster, steppe mouse and 
black rat. 

In the mud huts of fishermen and hunters built around reed lakes on the 
lowland, steppe mice and long-tailed white-toothed shrews are very common 
and are a great nuisance. 



Norway rats are always found in profusion near the fisheries оп the 
lowland lakes. Steppe voles rapidly invade the new huts and tents of nomadic 
cattle breeders in the Shirvan and Mil'skaya steppes. They steal bread 
and other food, unperturbed by the presence of people. The migratory hamster 
always inhabits residential structures, primarily in the southern part of 
the lowland from the village of Pushkino and further south, and in the 
foothills of the Lesser Caucasus and the Talysh uplands. 

As the settlement continues to develop, cosmopolitan synanthropic 
species appear, sometimes after several decades — house mouse, black 
rat and Norway rat. The Norway rat, however, also emerges from "мПа" 
natural environments (i.e., from populations inhabiting the reed marshes 
of Transcaucasia) to invade human dwellings. This is also true of the 
black rat originating in local relict colonies. 

The author's expedition of March 1940 to the foothills of Karabakh 
yielded the following sampling, totaling 1,536 animals trapped in the houses 
of the larger villages: 

Mus musculus musculus — 78.2% 
М. musculus abbotti — 12.1% 
M. musculus tataricus — 2.7% 
Microtus socialis — 1.4% 
Cricetulus migratorius — 1.2% 
Crocidura russula guldenstaedti — 0.3% 

Tables 108-110 set forth the small-mammal yield from traps and the 
large-mammal count in various types of human settlement in the semidesert 
zone as examples of the continuous development of synanthropic (house) 
and oasis assemblages. 

TABLE 108. Species of small mammals from sheep-breeders' winter station in caper formation in the 
center of the Shirvan steppe (5 April 1939) 

Number of 
specimens per 
100 traps over all 
the sites 

Species Trapping site 


Grociaiwmra WMememreloim" io 485 ah15 5.8 

Pit overgrown with weeds 
Pit for keeping lambs covered with reed roof 

Mierlomes (er yar nino ns) sv sis eyes 
Mus musiemius: tatarieus er .). 

On enbankments near abandoned pits 

2 specimens from a tent; 4 specimens 
from sheep pen 

6 specimens from area between tents; 

10 specimens from tents 

Мисти оста, 


TABLE 109. Species of small mammals from the village station of Kerar in the Shirvan steppe 
(10-15 April 1939) 



Crocidura russula 
ри 1 Чепзтае@ т! 

ен er) 


oe eee eee та 

Vespertilio ktihlii 
У. serotinus 



Ми muse uwlis mmiUsicwiit si . es 
M. musculus tataricus 

© ie) ее © 

Rattus NOTVERICUS. . 6. cs ewe es 

Number of 
specimens per 
100 traps over 
all the sites 

Trapping site 

In firewood storage sheds 

In garret of station building 

In residential barracks 

In firewood storage sheds and poultry 

In residential barracks 

Note: The village consists of ten wooden residential barracks and a stone station building. There are 
a few young acacia trees. 

Traps set at the same time in the surrounding semidesert yielded 
15 steppe voles and 2 red-tailed Libyan gerbils for 100 trap-nights. In 
addition, 2 foxes, 1 hare and 5 goitered gazelles were counted near the 

field station. 

At the time of the sampling, steppe voles and red-tailed Libyan gerbils 

inhabited the surrounding open wormwood—saltwort and cereal— 
ephemeretum semidesert, as well as the unirrigated experimental barley 


Long-eared hedgehogs, foxes, weasels, hares and goitered 

gazelles were also either caught or observed in the vicinity of the 


Observations taken while crossing an untended garden (area 15 ha) on 
the outskirts of the settlement showed 3 hares, 2 foxes, 5 jackals and 

1 jungle cat. 

In the large cities of the lowland the synanthropic assemblage is 
impoverished because of the disappearance of the local rodent and 

insectivore species. 

Baku is an example of this phenomenon: Kuhl's vespertilio, house 
mouse, Norway rat and black rat are the only four species of small 
mammals to occur within the city limits. 

Carnivores. Wherever fox, jackal, weasel, badger, tiger polecat 
and jungle cat appear and prosper in the oases and among the agricultural 

535 settlements in the Transcaucasiandesert, arelationship can be established 
to the available food resources (insects, rodents and poultry), a favorable 
relief and protective vegetation cover, which is particularly important 


in raising the young. These environmental factors are still dominant 
even where game hunting is widespread. 

(534)TABLE 110. Species of small mammals from the town of Agdam (24-30 April 1940) 

Number of 
Е specimens per Е F 
Species Trappin te 
P 100 traps over aaa as 
all the sites 

Crocidura russula 

ие пзваеч а о... Bacoge . In gardens and alfalfa 

Co ПЕСО о боово ов ооо во вое In alfalfa 

Vespertilio pipistrellus....... Killed in garden 

ПЕ УЗЕЛ 615 Go a alc ее : In garret of residence 

MESECLE ИЕ oo capone о в coo Killed in garden 

Lepus europaeus cyrensis..... Killed in garden 


Mus musculus musculus....... In warehouses and residences 

М. musculus tataricus ....... In gardens and stacks 
Cricetulus migratorius ....... In gardens and edges of fields 
Memos Бек еее ooo ods On sunny empty lots in settlement 

Apodemus sylvaticus arianus 

In garden ditches 

Миегови оса ee ves cite lene 
AVG O lia (VETTE SiUTIS и, еее таль 

In alfalfa and winter barley crop 
In banks of irrigation ditches in gardens 

Note, Town in the Karabakh steppe with apple orchards, vineyards and gardens surrounded by barley and 
alfalfa fields and old wasteland. Sampling in the alfalfa and barley fields and in the buildings was done 
in 400 trap-nights; sampling in gardens, ditches and waste land in 200 trap-nights. 

Ungulates. The goitered gazelle and boar provide some interesting 
examples of existence and behavior in the cultural landscape of eastern 
Transcaucasia. Although the goitered gazelle has been an officially 
protected animal during the last 30 years, it is gradually being exterminated 
by unlicensed shooting from cars and by shepherds. It is also being driven 
from its habitats by destruction of its feeding grounds and formation of a 
soft-ground footing by plowing and irrigating the steppes. The species lives 
well, however, among the unirrigated cereal crops on the Adzhinour 
plateau. The animals remain in the area even when the barley and wheat 
are high in May and June, because the soil of the dry fields is sufficiently 
firm to allow their escape from wolves. The goitered gazelle is persistent 


005 AYN 


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in its habitation of the saltwort—rape thickets covering wasteland 2-3 years 
old in the Mil'skaya and Shirvan steppes. This could be particularly well 
observed on the lands of the Mil'skaya sovkhozes in 1936 (Vereshchagin, 
1938b) (Figure 200). 

The first flocks of sheep and herds of cows and camels which commence 
to fill the steppe after October cause a redistribution of the goitered gazelle 
population. They at first occupy the poorer pastures and salines. Because 
of the increase in the number of herds and herding stations, and the flooding 
of the salinas in mid-winter, the gazelles are forced to graze near the 
the sheep, and sometimes among them. This type of distribution, however, 
is always temporary and unstable. 

When goitered gazelles are persistently pursued by mounted hunters, 
they are likely to change habitats abruptly, hiding for two to three days in 
tugai brush and reeds. They flee into the salinas and to hillocks and gulleys 
from hunters in automobiles. 

As oases were developed, boars took up habitats near the settlements. 
Their day resting places are now commonly found among dewberry bushes 
in gardens in Agdash, Karabudzhakh and other towns and villages of the 
Shirvan and Mugan steppes. Their lairs often occur on the banks of 
reservoirs and in ditches overgrown with reeds and plumegrass in the 
proximity of residences and traveled roads. 

A secondary anthropogenic effect on the mammals of the semidesert was 
produced by the destruction of tugai forests on the Kura and Araks and 
their tributaries. 

In eastern Georgia the tugai forests began to disappear rapidly in the 
19th century, until by the mid-century they were presumably placed under 
protection and developed for economic purposes through reforestation 
(Ketskhoveli, 1942). The tugai forests of Azerbaidzhan were being rapidly 
destroyed as early as the first half of the 20th century. 

As the tugai vegetation disappeared, bear, panther, tiger, lion and deer 
were displaced from the semidesert and the range of boar shrank. 

This brief review of the direct and indirect effects of human activity 
on the Holocene faunal complex of the Kura-Araks lowlands shows that it 
resulted in an impoverishment in large mammals. Some enrichment in 
the specific composition of the complex was caused by the appearance of 
bats and the enlargement of the ranges of small mammals inhabiting 
protected biotopes (white-toothed shrew, common hedgehog, jackal, hare, 
common field mouse, black rat, etc.). 

The destruction of tugai forests and the expansion of cultivated and 
irrigated areas resulted in the gradual enlargement of the ranges of small 
semidesert mammals on the margins of the semidesert, and in the 
migration of forest species tothe central parts of the semidesert. 

The most recent changes in the ecological assemblages and faunal 
complex of the semidesert mammals in eastern Transcaucasia were caused 
by purposeful human activity: the continuing efforts to exterminate the 
steppe vole, red-tailed Libyan and Asia Minor gerbil, jackal, wolf and 
jungle cat, and the drawing upon wild-life resources (аз game) suchas hare, 
fox and boar. The goitered gazelle remains officially under protection, 
but, lacking a steppe preserve and adequate supervision, is gradually 
becoming extinct. 



Large-scale extermination of the steppe vole, the chief pest in grain 
fields, began early in the 20th century through extensive irrigation and the 
spreading of poisoned bait (Satunin, 1912a; Rodionov, 1924; Vereshchagin, 
1942c, 1946b). 

Not untilthe 1940's were attempts made to exterminate the red-tailed Libyan 
gerbil by introducing chloropicrin into its holes and by trapping. This was 
done on the Apsheron Peninsula and, to a lesser extent, on the Mugan and 
in the Karabakh foothills. In no instance were these operations successful 
in reducing the total distribution area of this gerbil, although in years of 
high reproduction rates they were carried out in areas of many hundreds 
of thousands of hectares. The complete extermination of steppe vole and 
gerbil on the Kura-Araks lowlands does not appear to be economically 
feasible at the present technological level. With this in mind, it is suggested 
that the populations of these pests can be restricted by plowing stubble 
fields and using poisoned bait, giving due consideration to the viability of 
the populations and weather forecasts (Polyakov, 1950). 

The greatest damage to livestock and game is caused by wolves, jackals 
and jungle cats, which are far from being completely exterminated by the 
usual hunting methods. The statistics of pelt yields of these species for 
the years 1925-1955 show that fluctuations in the yields were controlled by 
the activity of the fur trade and the amount of the premium paid for each 
pest that was killed. For example, a 500% increase in the price paid for 
a jackal in 1949 increased the yield by 500%. 

НХ (р 2 

iW ei 

РА Pes 4 

er ae qt 




FIGURE 201. Rabbits grown wild on Bulla Island 

Planned introduction of alien species into the ecological assemblages of 
the semidesert was carried out in order to increase the yield of the valuable 

In the second half of the last century, rabbits of the species Lepus 
cuniculus Г. were introduced by sailboat captains and lighthouse keepers 
onto the Caspian islands of Zhiloi, Nargen, Bulla, Oblivnoi and Svinoi. They 


became acclimatized and grew wild. In 1931-1952 [sic] small groups of 
the Viennese blue rabbit were released on the islands of Urunos, Zhiloi, 
Bulla, Los! and Oblivnoi in order to establish a rabbit trade. 

These varicolored wild animals, whose average weight is 1.5 kg, live 
and reproduce on these islands almost entirely without peril from 
terrestrial enemies, and unhindered by lack of fresh water (Figure 201). 
In 1940 approximately 500 rabbits inhabited Bulla Island (Vereshchagin, 
1942b). The only check on their population increase is unlimited shooting 

538 by lighthouse keepers and visiting hunters and inadequate food and shelter. 
The compacted volcanic mud of the islands is easily eroded by winter rains 
and becomes unsuitable for digging holes. The rare Salsola 
dendroides, Frankenia, Ephedra, glasswort and shoots of hare 
barley and meadow grass, which die out by June, do not provide sufficient 
forage. Constructing artificial shelters and supplying additional food would 
be the important steps in organizing rabbit farming in this area. 

Since 1931 nutrias have been introduced into a number of plain water 
bodies overgrown with reedmace—cattail (Figures 202, 203; Map 95). 

FIGURE 202. Nutrias swimming and feeding 

Photograph by author, 1948 

The factors limiting the increase and dispersion of nutria populations 
were frost, winter-freezing and summer-drying of water bodies. Under 
these circumstances large numbers of nutria are easy prey for jackals 
and dogs (Vereshchagin, 1936, 1939c, 1942b, 1950a). The natural 


dispersion and range development of nutria followed the basins of the 
interconnected lakes, Shil'yan and Kara-Su, at the rate of 15-20 km a year. 
The populations and the yields, however, were unstable (Graph 20). 

At present stable natural populations of nutria occur only on sections 
of spring-fed rivers which never freeze, e.g., Lake Khuluflu in the 
Shamkhor District and the Kara-Su rivulets at Karayazy. Notwithstanding 
these difficulties, there are good prospects for the free breeding of nutria 
in Azerbaidzhan if certain conditions are met: a regular water supply to 
the basins, the availability of winter corrals and a stock of animals in the 
corrals for emergency situations, such as heavy frost or drought. 

It can be anticipated that large-scale irrigation operations and 
afforestation will produce much more pronounced changes in the semidesert 
ecological assemblages in the near future. The construction of the 
Mingechaur reservoir has already created the possibility of irrigating 
another million hectares of steppe land. 

FIGURE 203, Cattail thicket, thinned by nutrias, on Lake Shil'yan 

Photograph by author, 1948 

The construction of the irrigation network will allow heavy repeated 
irrigation, further expansion of cotton planting and grassland crop rotation. 
Improved methods of extermination used on the dry gaps, canal banks and 
other places will depress the populations of jerboas, gerbils and steppe 
voles in the vast lowland areas. The planting of shelterbelts and shrub 
thickets will expand the distribution ranges of white-toothed shrew, common 
hedgehog, jackal, weasel, jungle cat, hare and steppe mouse and, toa 
certain extent, black rat. 



Hunting, therefore, must be controlled and measures taken to prevent 
the development of dangerous epidemiological conditions. 

Any further enrichment of the mammalian complexes of the 
Transcaucasian steppes and semideserts by new species of game animals 
has limited prospects in the environment of the cultural landscape. 

Commercially useful rodents, as well as those that are pests, are not 
tolerated in fields of grain and industrial crops. And, lacking the rodents 
which are their chief food supply, small species of furred carnivores either 
die out or begin to prey on poultry and wild birds. Therefore, the project 
of introducing Siberian polecat into eastern Ciscaucasia, where the rodent 
populations are subject to considerable fluctuation, is economically and 
biologically unsound. Wild ungulates such as goitered gazelle, saiga and 
some other African antelopes (gnu, bubaline and other species) will be 
able to live on those sections of land which are unsuitable for irrigation 
and agricultural development, e.g., in Kabristan and the Dzheiran-Cheli 

The Pleistocene occurrence of saiga in Transcaucasia and the experimental 
release of 20 specimens on Bulla Island in 1950 indicate that the 
introduction of this species is quite possible. Clearly, however, without 
adequate protection, these new immigrants to the steppes would be as 
disadvantaged as the goitered gazelle. 


In the development of the most recent ecological assemblages and 
mammalian complexes of the forest-steppes and forests of the Caucasus, 
the anthropogenic factors are interwoven in a complicated pattern with 
the natural factors. 

The postglacial mountain landscapes of the Caucasus formed under 
conditions of general warming and lower humidity. As the glaciers melted, 
vast areas in the glacial valleys and on the slopes of the Main 
Range in the western Caucasus became covered by meadow and mountain- 
forest vegetation which migrated from the lower zones and over the spurs 
of the longitudinal ranges. 

Biocenotic relationships of the Recent type formed in the mountain- 
forest zone as developing forest groupings expanded over the subalpine 
meadows (Tumadzhanov, 1947). The continued warming and increasing 
drought created an encroachment of steppe formations on the forests. 

The uplift of some sections of the foothills forest-steppe zone during 
the xerothermal phase of the Holocene was considerable and, because of it, 
chernozems developed at altitudes as high as 1,000 m on the western spurs 
of the Greater Caucasus and near El'brus (Yakovlev, 1914; Zakharov, 
1935; Berg, 1947; Klopotovskii, 1948). 

During the next phase of the Holocene (the beginning of our epoch), the 
process probably operated in reverse with the forest formations 
encroaching on the steppes, a development which was particularly 
pronounced on the piedmont plains. 

The cenotic evolution of Caucasian forest assemblages in the Quaternary 
has been discussed by Sinskaya (1933) and Kolakovskii (1947a) on the basis 
of geobotanical analysis. In the present epoch, however, the natural 



development of successive formations of trees was not significant in the 
formation of landscape and ecological assemblages of mammals; indeed, 
haphazard cutting and burning of forests and cattle grazing greatly 
outweighed the natural processes. Because of human activity the oak, 
pistachio and hornbeam forests of the foothills degenerate to thickets of 
xerophytic deciduous thorny shrubs, which are later replaced by beard- 
grass steppe, or even by phrygana. Cutting of the mountain beech forests 
promotes the growth of hornbeams, and grazing further results in the 
development of birch groves and rhododendron thickets, which finally grade 
into subalpine meadows (Bush, 1935; Yaroshenko, 1940, 1945). 

According to botanists and soil scientists, the foothill and plateau 
forests of the Caucasus covered a larger area in the earlier historical epoch 
than they do at present. Their conclusion is based principally on the 
occurrence of relics of ancient forests in areas which are now steppes, 
particularly in Ciscaucasia and Armenia (Bush, 1900, 1935; Kuznetsov, 
1900; Troitskii, 1927, 1939; Takhtadzhyan, 1941; Grossgeim, 1948). 

The formation of other plant assemblages in areas of destroyed forest 
and new forest growth in various regions of the Caucasus was undoubtedly 
controlled by specific local conditions created by the ecological situation 
and the natural process of vegetation replacement. 

However, the most recent natural trend caused by climatic changes 
toward replacement of steppe formations by forests (Zakharov, 1935) and 
conversely of forests by steppe formations (Yaroshenko. 1940, 1956) is 
completely overbalanced by human activity which always leads to the 
development of xerophytic vegetation (Map 97). 

Man's early influence on the mountain forests was mainly reflected in 
the contraction of the upper and lower boundaries. But commercial 
deforestation during the last centuries has exposed the slopes on a large 
scale and caused the formation of forest glades and woodless belts over 
the entire altitudinal range (see Zaklinskii, 1931; Solntsev, 1940). 

Deforestation in the Caucasus produced these general consequences: 
the soil became desiccated; vegetation of a definitely xerophytic type 
replaced the forests; the climate changed, becoming less humid and having 
less atmospheric precipitation, because fog no longer condensed on the 
leaves and branches of trees; erosion increased sharply and as the soil 
layer was removed, gulleys and mudflows formed (Kirillov, 1915; Roshchin, 
1928, 1930, 1931). 

Almost everywhere the destruction of the forests brought about a 
displacement oftypical forest ungulates — deer, roedeer, elk, bison; of forest 
carnivores — bear, pine marten; andof arboreal rodents — fat dormouse, 
Persian squirrel and, partially, Caucasian yellow-spotted mouse. The 
effects of deforestation on those rodent species which do not depend heavily 
on forest habitats (e. g., vole and common field mouse) were more complex. 
Another result was the invasion of the mountain slopes, exposed and 
desiccated by deforestation, by relatively xerophilous rodents and 
carnivores from adjacent zones of open landscape. Specific local changes 
also occurred in each geographic district; these were associated with the 
particular composition of the mammalian fauna and the particular structure 
of the environment. They are discussed below according to natural zones. 



Ciscaucasian forest-steppe 

The broad belt of the Ciscaucasian sloping plains extends from the Taman 
Peninsula in the west to the Caspian coast and Mount Beshbarmak in the 
east. Its southern boundary is formed by the steep slopes of the Greater 
Caucasus, its northern by the latitudinal sections of the Kuban and Terek 
and the northern slopes of the Stavropol Plateau. 

In the xerothermal postglacial epoch this zone was probably covered by 
steppes and in the sub-Atlantic epoch by oak forest alternating with meadow 
and meadow steppe on the divides. The contemporary forest-steppe 
landscape of this zone is clearly secondary and anthropogenic (Bush, 1900; 
Tumadzhanov, 1947, and others). 

-The ancient sections of the dry steppe, Lower Quaternary in origin, 
have survived only between the Tertiary hills of the Terek and Sunzha 
ranges and on the southern cliffs of the limestone ridges of the foothills, 
and in the northern foothills of Dagestan. 

The archaeological studies of Gerts (1870), Farmakovskii (1914), 
Uvarova (1900), Gorodtsov (1935, 1936), Anfimov (1935), Iessen (1940), 
Krupnov (1946, 1947, 1948, 1949) and Kruglov (1946a) show Early and 
Late Bronze Age settlements built on these piedmont plains. The settlements 
are representative of Maikop, north Caucasian, Koban, Scytho-Sarmatian 
and Hellenic cultures. In the present era the region was settled by Alanis 
who were gradually driven out by migratory Moslem tribes. Mischenko 
(1923, 1928) and Zakharov (1935) report that the relict oak—hornbeam 
forests of the Trans-Kuban Plain have in this era overgrown the Scythian 
mounds which were originally built on the steppe. 

There were still many isolated forest islands and ritual groves of the 
Adygeians (''kodoshi"' or ''kudoshi'') remaining on the plain in the middle 
of the last century, indicating that in the past the area was covered by 
extensive tracts of forest (Veidenbaum, 1878). 

The destruction of these forests by the local population was nearly 
complete by the time of the first large-scale settlements of the Cossacks 
in the mid-19th century (Felitsin, 1884; Shcherbina, 1913). 

Their large settlements of warriors and hunters were built at that time 
in the valleys of the left tributaries of the Kuban and the right tributaries 
of the Terek and Sunzha. These valleys grown with tugai thickets were 
main routes for the seasonal migrations of large animals (boar, roe deer, 
deer, bison) fromthe mountains tothe plain, and were particularly important for 
the survival of these species during catastrophic snowfalls in the mountains. 
The deforestation of the divides and the establishment of villages (''check- 
posts'') in the valleys therefore disrupted the established pattern of 
migration and led to death from starvation which, along with hunting, 
brought about the extermination of the ungulates. The boar, forced to 
remain in the mountain forests during winters of heavy snow, was 
particularly affected. The clearing of tugai thickets in the lower floodplain 
valleys of the left tributaries of the Kuban and the concomitant changes in 
the hydrological regime of the streams resulted in the disappearance of 
river beaver from this area. 

The continuing replacement of forest-steppe by the contemporary 
cultural landscape on the Trans-Kuban Plain with great areas of arable land, 
pastures and settlements caused the displacement of pine vole to the 



foothills, reduction in the population size and distribution area of the 
common field mouse, and an increase in the population size of the 
common vole, Asia Minor and common hamsters, migratory hamster, 
steppe mouse, mole rat, hare and fox. 

Overgrazing by cattle formed bare dry areas on the bottoms of the 
valleys and near the canyon mouths; this promoted the rapid migration 
of the species mentioned to the zone of the mountain forests, as, for 
example, in the vicinity of Krymskaya, Il'skaya and Goryachii Klyuch. 

On the sloping Kabarda Plain small forest islands were preserved only 
in some gulleys and river valleys, and in the Pyatigor'e area. 

The width of the deforested zone between Pyatigorsk and Georgievsk 
and between Nal'chik and Prokhladnaya is at present 30—40 km. 

Only 200 years ago this plain was still inhabited by roe deer, deer, elk 
and bison; at present it is characterized by a relatively impoverished 
assemblage of synanthropic species and small agricultural pests. The 
continued extermination of the forests on the low ridges of the piedmont in 
the Nal'chik District results in the drying of the rivers. The mountain 
slopes, desiccated by deforestation and overgrazing, remain for some 
time covered with nut trees and hornbeams, which gradually retreat up 
the slope. Hare, common and black hamsters, steppe mouse, mole rat 
and northern mole vole follow this retreat. 

Forest belts have recently been planted on the Kuban-Kuma divide to 
lessen gulley erosion and summer drought. 

Similar changes have taken place in the ancient landscapes of the more 
humid Terek-Sunzha valley. Near Alagir there is a grove of 300-year-old 
lindens, beeches and filberts called Khetag, sacred to the Ossetians, which 
was visited by Pallas. The existence of this grove indicates that the area 
was covered in the past with well-developed piedmont forests, which were 
inhabited by bison, elk, deer and roe deer. 

The consequences of deforestation can be seen in the changes in specific 
composition and distribution ranges of the mouse-like rodent fauna. 

Pine vole and common field mouse have been displaced to the wooded 
foothills from the plains, which were then occupied by wheat-crop pests, 
common vole, hamster and migratory hamster. In this region the 
extensive fields of vegetables and corn and the rivers which never freeze 
provide a suitable habitat for Norway rat which does damage to the fields 
and vegetable gardens (Bogdanov, 1929). The xerophilous tiger polecat 
migrated here from the direction of the arid Sunzha Range; its distribution 
area extends to the wooded slopes of the Chernye Gory Mountains (Turov, 

As the result of cutting and overgrazing, the oak and beech forests of 
the Chechen foothills and northwestern Dagestan between the lower Sunzha 
and Sulak canyons were replaced by a peculiar bushy thicket consisting 
of filbert (Coryllus avellana), pear (Pyrus caucasica), plum 
(Prunus divaricata), common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), 
Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) and other species (Grossgeim, 1948). 

Of the earlier assemblage of forest mammals in this area only mole, 
European wildcat, lynx, forest dormouse, boar and roe deer still occur 
in some places; bear, fat dormouse and deer have disappeared. 

Between Makhachkala and Derbent some parts of the low foothill ridges 
have been planted for centuries to grapes and corn. Of the old forests of 
these foothills there now remains a xerophytic formation in which Christ's- 


thorn (Paliurus spina christi) and hornbeam forests predominate. 

All of these changes were favorable for the widespread infiltration of little 
suslik, steppe vole and migratory hamster into the foothills. Geptner and 
Formozoy (1941) noted that the species which has invaded Dagestan the most 
extensively is the vole. However, it can be deduced from the situation in 
eastern Transcaucasia that the more mobile and widely distributed migratory 
hamster, although less numerous, was more rapidly dispersed through the 
deciduous shrub formation in the gulleys. 

Farther south along the lower Samur and other rivers on the Khachmas 
lowlands, the forests are partially preserved. The continuous wooded tracts 
of the past are now reduced to a forest ''network'' — narrow belts, covered 
by liana, surrounding large clearings now converted to the cultivation of 
corn and vegetables. Even in its present state, however, the region is still 
inhabited by some boars, roe deer and numerous fat and forest dormice 
and steppe mice. 

The steppe vole has migrated from the dry hills of the Kusary Plain to 
the deforested sections and forest glades. On the rice fields peculiar 
hydrophilous populations of steppe mouse, Mus musculus 
tataricus, similarto M.musculus hortulanus, have developed. 
Their hydrophilous habits were, of course, formed long ago, since they 

544 also inhabit the margins of cattail marshes and are not solely dependent 
on the rice fields. These do, however, provide them with abundant food, 
shelter and storage places in the demarcation embankments (Vereshchagin 
and Mamedov, 1946). 

Corn and sunflower crops in melon cultures attract equally large 
numbers of steppe mice to clearings as to the old rice soil (chaltyk). This 
is due to rapid development of wheat strains: green bristlegrass — 
Setaria viridis, reed canarygrass —Phalaris arundinacea, 
barnyardgrass —Echinochloa crus-galli. European hare and 
common field mice feed in the clearings at night. 

TABLE 111. Composition and relative abundance of small mammals (number of animals per 100 traps) in 
various biotopes in the Samur forests in October 1945 

Edges of 
Old forest | forest with Corn and 
on liana Богаег-| sunflower ой ant Rice fields 
dry lands | ing streams fields АТО (al 
and fields weeds 

Land under 

Total number of specimens 

number of 
number of 
number of 
number of 


Crocidura russula gulden- 

ЕО о 
Mus musculus formosovi.. 
M. musculus tataricus ... 
Apodemus sylvaticus..... 
А AUREUS вы о ее OOo OO 
Миепови вос та BSAs 66s 
DyrOwesys паи совооос 
Gillis 5 с забовоовоное 



Table 111 sets forth the count of insectivores and rodents from trappings 
in this district in October 1945. 

As a result of the conversion of the Khachmas lowland forests to crop 
areas, the ranges of hare, fox and jackal expanded, steppe vole appeared 
in the area and the striped field mouse, which concentrates in the margins 
of forests, increased in population. 

The broad Kusary (or Kuba) sloping plain, covered with Quaternary 
gravels and loams, lies between the Khachmas lowland and the ranges of 
southeastern Dagestan. The forests of this plain were cut down during the 
last centuries and the deforested areas grown over mainly with Christ's- 
thorn, hawthorn, blackberry, hornbeam and filbert, or planted to wheat 
and barley. Large apple and quince orchards were planted near the villages. 

During the present era far-reaching and complicated changes took place 
in the distribution and populations of the carnivores, hares, mouse-like 
rodents and ungulates of this plain. Bear disappeared; fox, jackal, badger 
and hare populations have probably increased somewhat, and steppe vole 
and steppe mouse became widely distributed. 

The distribution of the common field mouse assumed a moSaic pattern, 
corresponding to relict forests and shrub thickets. Abandoned plowed lands 
and pastures were extensively occupied by steppe vole and mouse and the 
lower boundary of the common vole range moved upward somewhat. 

The recent construction of the Samur-Divichi canal and cultivation of rice 
favored the formation of hydrophilous populations of steppe mouse. 

Fat dormouse occurs in only a few parts of the relict aged forest, 
although forest dormouse is still widely distributed. 

The prospects for introducing new species into the mammalian fauna of 
the Ciscaucasian foothill forest-steppe plains is rather poor. 

Desmans have been released at a number of lake and reservoir locations. 
Raccoon dog and common raccoon occur in some parts of the Trans-Kuban 
and Terek-Sunzha plains (Map 94). 

The-immediate future for this zone is further development of gardening, 
acceleration of agriculture, rapid population growth and expansion of 
settlements. Forest belts should be established in the driest areas. Game 
control measures should take into account the moderate increase in the 
population of European hare, the increased abundance of fox andthe localized 
increases of mink and Siberian polecat. Agricultural planning should be 
directed toward the extermination of hamsters and voles in the western half 
of the zone, and of steppe voles and mice in the eastern half. 

No nature preserves have been established in the area, and by now such 
measures are long overdue. 

Changes in the landscape and the mammalian assemblages, similar to 
those described above, also occurred on the piedmont plains of eastern 

Transcaucasian forest lowlands 
In the Holocene the warm, humid lowlands of western and eastern 

Transcaucasia (Colchis, Alazan-Avtaran and Lenkoran) were covered by 
marshland forests with broadleaf species and thorny liana predominating. 


The nature of these primitive virgin forests has not been adequately 
studied (Al'bov, 1892; Sinskaya, 1933; Maleev, 1938; Grossgeim, 1948). 
Typical species are Quercus longipes, hornbeam, elm, Pterocaria 
caucaSsica, black alder and, in the Lenkoran lowland, Parrotia 

Man's selective destruction of the lowland forests produced many 
marginal sections overgrown with lianas: Smilax excelsa, Hedera 
helix, Clematis vitalba, Periploca graeca, and glades 
overgrown with bracken, blackberry or Christ's-thorn and spiny Juncus. 

The mammalian assemblages developed in different ways in various 
sections in response to human activity because, while the landscapes are 
homogeneous, the topography is diversified, 

The relics of human culture have been more completely studied in 
western Transcaucasia where monuments of the Bronze Age (Colchidian, 
Hellenic and later) are common in Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites 
throughout peripheral areas of Colchis (Rion lowlands). 

In the present era large settlements with corn plantations and fruit 
orchards were established in Colchis. The populations and specific 

546 composition of the mammalian fauna were heavily damaged through direct 
extermination efforts and shrinkage of the forest-covered areas. In this 
region river beaver became extinct at the end of the 19th century, red deer 
disappeared later, and boar and roe deer survived only in some isolated 

In 1930 operations to drain the Rion marshland (Figure 204) by means of 
silting and canals were commenced (Zunturidi, 1931; Shaposhnikov and 
Vereshchagin, 1932). At the same time the alder forests were cut and the 
land was planted to tea, corn, tangerines and eucalyptus. 

FIGURE 204, Alder—water lily marshes near Poti —typical habitat of nutria and Norway rat 

Photograph by author, 1931 


All these processes created abrupt changes in populations and composition 
of the mammalian fauna. 

The populations of jackal and wolf were supported by poultry- and cattle- 
breeding activities. Gardens and many marginal sections of relict forests 
overgrown with liana promoted an increase in the fat and forest dormouse 
populations, while the deforested, arid meadows became inhabited by 
pine vole, 

The evolution of mammalian assemblages promoted by the drainage of 
the alder marshes and other kinds of production-oriented human activity is 
shown in Table 112. Our observations, trappings and tabulations were 
made in the fall and winter of 1938-39 and 1940 near the eastern shore of 
Lake Paleostom and near Lake Bebesyri. 

Most of the mammalian species disappeared from areas planted to tea, 
tangerine, lemon and tung-tree because the plantations did not furnish the 
animals with shelter and food. 

The synanthropic assemblage in the agricultural settlements of Colchis 
developed partly from introduced species (Norway rat and house mouse) 
and partly from native species (black rat and common field mouse). 
Shidlovskii (1947) tabulated the following numbers of rodents caught per 
1,000 traps in residential buildings on the Black Sea coast: house mouse — 

547 158; Norway rat — 125; black rat — 17; common field mouse — 13. The 
latter species does not occur in the larger settlements of the lowland. 
Stepanov's data on rodents caught and studied by the anti-plague laboratory 
at Batumi show for an 18-year period: 44,771 mice, 40,000 Norway rats, 
3,505 black rats and 1,588 Alexandrine rats. According to Stepanov, the 
mice and rats are approximately equal in numbers at Batumi. * The mice 
mainly inhabit residential (apartment) buildings, while rats live and feed 
outside the apartments. 

548 Clearly the general trend of evolution of the mammalian assemblages 
during the development of the contemporary cultural landscape of the 
Colchis lowlands is toward extreme impoverishment of the assemblages. 
The large ungulates and medium-sized carnivores disappear, and the 
populations and species composition of most local rodents decline. 

Human activity in the Alazan-Avtaran lowland in northwestern 
Azerbaidzhan, which has a different topography, affected the mammals 
in a very different way than in the Colchis lowland. The Alazan-Avtaran 
lowland is a valley 20-25km wide and almost 300 km long, extending from 
the village of Akhmeti in Georgia to the village of Ismailly in Azerbaidzhan. 
Relict forests of Quercus longipes and hornbeam remain mainly in 
the eastern part of the valley. Human activity here reaches back as far 
as it does in Colchis. Remains of settlements of the first millennium В. С. 
are known from the vicinity of Belokany, Kutkashen and Nidzh. The 
lowland is now quite densely populated, the chief centers being inthe middle 
and at the canyon mouths. The mountain rivers have been diverted by means 
of additional channels and ditches for irrigation of the rice (Figure 205), 
wheat and tobacco fields and the fruit and nut orchards. Man worked the 
greatest changes in the landscape and in the mammals of the area by cutting 
the forests and subsequently planting walnut, hazel nut, chestnut, apple, 
pear, wild cherry, plum, medlar, quince and grape and by plowing the forest 
glades for cultivation of barley, wheat, corn, rice, tobacco and sesame. 

* This is highly questionable; as a rule, mice are more abundant. 


549 The margins of fields, banks of irrigation ditches and sections of pasture 
became overgrown with hawthorn, blackberry, blackthorn, Christ's-thorn, 
plume grass and reeds. The edges of forests and settlements are 
characterized by strongly developed annual weeds, shrubs and trees, 
particularly European elder and ailanthus. 

(547) TABLE 112. Changes in the specific composition and relative abundance of mammals caused by drainage 
and cutting of lowland forests in western Transcaucasia 

Forest glades 

Forests of with bracken Е 
Tea and citrus 


Species Colchidian and marshy Corn fields 
type meadows and 


SOE» аа оосовевовосвь 
Crocidura russula monacha .. 
Talpa ©о08$& с оооовообовосо 
Расе GUur@OPBSWS s5o0500c 

ES BS < 


CAMIMIG ADRES 5 оз особо обю вов 
С. ПЕРИ соозобоовоосовов об 
Wilpes Уи: совороввоонос 
IMIS He ea И МАЙ ее ее аи 
MGLOS оао ооо ово номе 


LEPUS ЭР o5 5660000040 


MMS ИБО so 000500506000 
ОЕ ии SWUVAEMCWS5S 6505005 
RANG HENEEMSS ooo oop odoDGo0000 
В ПОРУ ИОВ 5 Sincocagddon6 
ПВО МАЕ ОИ 6 оооообвасос 
ATWVCOLA воле о Зи 55565 5006 
Руза ИЕ S55 noo 5504 
Gis о 6-54 oko ne oOo boos 
< Муса зоне ур 6 a6 55006 


SiS wks CHVOID AN 3 st enna он 

ооо ооо 

Note. Symbol Х designates the presence and relative abundance of each species; asterisk (*) denotes 
species introduced either accidentally or purposefully. 

The original thickets were often restored on the sites of abandoned 
settlements. However, the original species of trees were replaced by 


different groupings with an admixture of introduced species. For example, 
the site of the town of Chukhur-Kabala was overgrown with alder, 
Pterocarya caucasica, poplar, maple and species which made a 
secondary return in a wild state, such as hazel nut, walnut and plane. 

The cutting and burning of the jungle drove out the large animals such 
as boar, deer, roe deer, bear, lynx, European wildcat and panther, as 
well as pine marten, fat and forest dormice and squirrel, while increasing 
at the same time the populations of fox, jungle cat, badger, hare, vole 

(steppe, water and common) and black rat. 

> PF é 

FIGURE 205. Flooded rice field in the Agri-Chai valley — ап example of complete seasonal displacement 
of mammals 

Photograph by author, 1950 

As the nut and fruit orchards age, the assemblage of forest mammals is 
almost completely restored. Some species increase because of the 
abundant food supply and available shelters in rock walls. These are fat 
and forest dormice, Persian squirrel, common field mouse (to some 
extent), Transcaucasian subspecies of the Caucasian yellow-spotted mouse, 
mountain house mouse and long-tailed white-toothed shrew. The common 
field mouse became a synanthropic house rodent in this region. The changes 
in the specific composition and relative abundance of mammals in diverse 
habitats of this lowland are shown in Table 113. 

In summary, then, the deforestation and planting of the lowlands to 
cereal and industrial crops in recent times resulted in the disappearance 
of 6 species of game animals (deer, roe deer, bear, lynx, European 
wildcat and squirrel) and the increase of 2 species (fox and hare). These 
processes also brought about the migration of William's jerboa, steppe 


(550) TABLE 113. Changes in specific composition and relative abundance of mammals caused by cultivation of 
field and garden crops in the Alazan- Avtaran lowland 

Forest glades with 

Lowland virgin Old nut and 

Species cereal crops i 
P forest P fruit orchards 
and shrubs 
Crocidura russula gilden- 
staedti PAVERS ROT oe Bie. cent ci ххх хххх 
Grylie WicoldsOl 42) swans <. Syeie ОВО ово = — 
SOR Ar EMS я ое bo Ooo x x 
тип асет ентораей 55 955 Ба x XX 
сима ет о tats te! weet elle x хх 
С. ПИР ons бебыьзоюооваесо x x 
WW DSS Урень. 4A po Blog x x 
WRIST ENC OR Basis a SG Gabo о x x 
IMAGES URE See ее x x 
Маме По не еее x x 
ICM eSNG Хе ее еее а ое x хх 
ЕВ IWERA cho op ola ads в ae Xx Х (on rivers) x 
BVeVIMSW CHAU Sis К ote Юга x хх x 
ВЕ SIT SEAN, Reese teste Mckee uate x x x 
Ie 14 co бо ше oO Sac 5,58 510 x = x 
SF POE W/O MOC SENSIS aa 9 6 boo x = хх 
Lepus €uropaeus........... = Xx 
Mus musculus abbotti...... хх ххх 
IN ине но ата цеце, 6 44 = — 
Ароетаиз ума те ие. ххх XXXX 
АИТ У рее ое ее хх хх 
вавво ив asDO MUSH. ое a) olka. = X (mear settlements) 
PVC OS ay ravactuld Srayeneucileiisi cl eis = XX (near — 
mountain slopes) 
SRPIVEMS Oe alas te ANS MP eres, ors — XXXX = 
АИ ЩЕУ ОНИ о боев с = Х (on rivers) = 
” А Vacitagia wa Wiliams м. . 1. = x — 
Dy PONS mice Soda eas 66a x x XXX 
(GUNS GUS. опрос зоо cham fea хх = XXXX 
ОИ A MOMMA As gone 65.0 x хх 
ShUS, SIC OM ALS econ ее с хх x 
GON MSS CAEN INS SS sents ele сое x oe 
Gapreolms capreolws о. x is 

Note. Symbol X designates the presence and relative abundance of each species; asterisk (*) denotes 
acclimatized species and immigrant species from other zones. 



mouse and steppe vole from the southern steppes and of common vole from 
the mountain-forest zone. 

In large nut and fruit orchards the assemblage of game species is almost 
completely restored, and the number of arboreal rodents is on the increase, 
This is, however, mainly a seasonal phenomenon controlled by the fall 
migratory pattern which brings these animals, inhabitants of mountain 
forests and wooded gulleys, to the orchards which are rich in food. 

The synanthropic assemblage of the large market-gardening villages in 
the lowland consists almost entirely of local species: common field mouse, 
house mouse (variety with dark abdomen), black rat, and, to a lesser extent, 
forest dormouse and long-tailed white-toothed shrew. 

The garrets and crevices in houses are inhabited by sharp-eared mouse- 
eared bat and small vespertilio. The introduced synanthropic forms, house 
mouse and Norway rat, are now foundinalllarge settlements interconnected 
by highways. 

Much more pronounced changes in landscape and fauna occurred in the 
lowland-forest zone on the northeastern border of the Karabakh, onthe lower 
Tertera and in southeastern Mugan along the northern margin of Talysh, 
where the cultural has completely obliterated the original landscape. The 
nature of the original features can only be deduced now by inference. 
Because the nut and fruit orchards are limited, there is no possibility of 
even a partial restoration of the earlier assemblage of forest animals. 

Only the occurrences of porcupine in the recent past and of black and 
Norway rat in isolated gardens in the present indicate that the region was 
previously inhabited by assemblages of forest mammals. 

house mouse 

a SF 


Number of rodents caught per 100 traps 

4 1941 
3 A. 
/ = Norway rat 
2 Pred Praise es 
11: black rat 

i it i! WV Wi VV хим 

FIGURE 206. Variations in abundance of house rodents 
(house mouse, Norway and black rats) in Lenkoran and 
adjacent settlements in 1941-42 



Most of the Lenkoran lowland has been subjected until now to changes 
similar to those described for the Alazan-Avtaran valley. Originally it was 
completely wooded with thick Hyrcanian forests of oak, alder and Persian 
ironwood, covered by thorny liana. Large forest glades were first converted 
to rice fields; later, extensive areas were cleared for tea and tangerine 
plantations. Combined with the growth of settlements and the development 
of hunting these landscape modifications have reduced the populations of 
boar and porcupine and completely driven out bear, tiger, deer and roe 
deer. Hares migrated to this region from the Mugan following routes along 
deforested sections and tea plantations. The steppe vole, however, could 
not migrate either from the upland steppes or from Mugan because of the 
wet ground in winter. The common field mouse is completely absent and 
hydrophilous populations of steppe mouse, so characteristic of the rice fields 
of the Khachmas lowland and southeastern Karabakh, are nowhere to be 
found in this region. 

The populations of jackal, jungle cat, fat dormouse, black and Norway 
rats and house mouse thrived as landscapes developed: large settlements, 
orchards and fruit gardens, rice fields, clearings, many strips of dense 
marginal forest, thorny thickets and hedges surrounding fields, and 
water reservoirs overgrown with reeds. Boar, which feeds on cereal 
crops, also remained in the area. There is no large-scale hunting to 
decelerate the increase in jackal and jungle cat populations which partly 
subsist by preying on poultry. 

Since there are fewer aged trees, the fat dormouse often uses the 
garrets of residential and industrial buildings as day resting and hibernation 
places. Garrets and crevices in wooden and stone buildings are also 
inhabited by Myotis mystacinus. The synanthropic assemblage of 
house pests consists of only 3 species of rodents: house mouse, Norway 
rat and black rat. Their relative occurrences, as given by the results of 
large-scale trappings, are: house mouse — 90.0%; Norway rat — 9.49%; 
black rat — 0.5% (Vereshchagin, 1949) (Figure 206). 

Continuing development of tea, tung and citrus plantations will 
undoubtedly lead to the cutting of the remaining original forests anda 
decrease in the area planted to rice. This will produce the most drastic 
impoverishment in all the ecological assemblages of mammals, creating a 
situation similar to that described for Colchis. 

Sparse juniper—pistachio forests of eastern Transcaucasia 

It is known from paleontological and archaeological studies (Petrov, 
1939; Vereshchagin, 1949c; Gummel and Yatsenko-Khmelevskii, 1941) that 
the dry foothills of the southeasternmost Greater Caucasus in Kabristan 
and the Gil'gin-Chai basin, on the Nukha, Kartalinia and Тога plateaus, 
on the Kirovabad Plain and southeastern slopes of Karabakh and 
in the Gori depression were covered in the Holocene by the so-called 
"light forests" consisting of groves of Turkish terebinth (Pistacia 
mutica) and junipers (Juniperus polycarpos) alternating with 


sections of beardgrass steppe. By now there remain only small relict 
sections of these forests, heavily damaged by cutting, on the barely 
accessible southern cliffs and northern slopes of the Tertiary hills in the 
Tsivi-Tskaroi, Samukh, Agdash and Geok-Chai districts. Some preserved 
and ritual groves and trees protected by the Moslems, as, for example, 

in Kabristan, are also relicts of these juniper —pistachio forests 
(Vereshchagin, 1949c). Observations in these residual forests show that the 
light forest was inhabited by bear, striped hyena, wolf, fox, badger, stone 
marten and red deer. 

FIGURE 207. Remains of the riverain and juniper forests in the Tur'yan-Chai ravine 

Photograph by author, 1949 

The first result of uncontrolled cutting of the forests for firewood and 
building materials and of accelerated cattle-grazing was the replacement 
of the juniper —pistachio by Christ's-thorn thickets; at a later stage upland- 
xerophytic formations of thorny astragali predominated. The pre-18th - 
century destruction of vast tracts of sparse forest has considerably 

553 restricted the distribution of bear, boar and deer. Increased erosion and 
desiccation of the slopes (Figure 207) have driven the populations of steppe 
vole and Asia Minor hamster to the northern slopes of the hills and to the 
plain areas. 

Mountain forests of the Greater Caucasus 

In the main, the most recent evolutionary stages of the species' ranges 
and of ecological assemblages in the mountain-forest belt of the Greater 



Caucasus are related to the development of the hunting, timber and са е - 
breeding industries. 

During the last fifty years, bison was exterminated in this zone; the 
distribution of deer and panther has drastically declined; in many places 
the populations of bear, boar, roe deer, chamois and Caucasian goat have 
also considerably decreased. 

Extermination of the forests of the lower belt and, later, of the fir 
forests of the middle and upper belts has been described by Dinnik (1911) for 
the northwestern Caucasus. Commercial cutting of fir and beech forests in 
the valleys of the Zelenchuk, Teberda and other rivers began in the 1890's. 

The greatest deforestation caused by cutting and cattle grazing occurred 
on the crests of the ridges descending in a fan-like pattern to the Taman 
Peninsula. The formation of forest glades with mesophytic meadows 
increased the populationof pine vole and improved the food supply of boar, 
roe deer and deer. 

Deeper in the canyons the process of deforestation was accompanied 
by orchard planting. Long ago the Circassians planted pear, quince and 
medlar along the tributaries of the Afips, Psekups and other rivulets; 
and after they were driven out in the second half of the last century, the 
pear plantings grew wild and expanded over the canyon bottoms penetrating 
to and sometimes into the broadleaf forests. These peculiar pear forests, 
described by Maleev (1939a), were rich in food, particularly in the fall, 
and highly attractive to marten, badger, bear, fat dormouse, forest 
dormouse, boar, deer and roe deer. 

Distribution of the mouse-like rodents was most strongly affected by 
man's intrusion into the canyon bottoms from which the striped field mouse, 
harvest mouse and steppe mouse, like the forest-steppe rodents, migrate 
to the highest points as the canyon bottoms are settled. 

The synanthropic mountain assemblage of house species initially develops 
from the native species, particularly the common field mouse and long- 
tailed snow vole. The latter species commonly occurs in cellars and house 
basements and inhabits seed beds and vegetable garden environs (Zharkov, 

То the east, the effects of anthropogenic deforestation of the slopes оп 
the evolution of biocenoses rapidly increase in magnitude due to the 
progressively drier climate. Extensive clearing of beech and pine forests 
on the slopes of the Cherek, Urukh, Ardon, Fiagdon and Terek ravines 
(see Bush, 1931, 1935) resulted in the development on the southern slopes of 
a dry forest-steppe with formations of tragacanth Astragalus inhabited 
by hare and migratory hamster, and on the northern slopes of mesophytic 
meadows inhabited by mole and common and pine voles. 

In Transcaucasia, the beech—hornbeam and chestnut forests of the lower 
belt on the Black Sea coastal terraces from Batumi to Novorossiisk were 
subjected to particularly extensive destruction. 

The once extensive areas of thicket were reduced to small sections of 
shrubs alternating with bracken. Factors in the deforestation of the 
mountain slopes in Abkhazia are extensive cutting, goat grazing and forest 
fires, which prevent new forest growth (Zaklinskii, 1931). 



Extermination of forests and development of numerous settlements 
proceeded concomitantly with the planting of orchards, mainly apple and 
pear, and decorative plants, and the establishment of parks with planes, 
eucalyptus, firs, bamboo and other exotic plants. 

Under these conditions a patently synanthropic assemblage of mammals 
developed which is poor in species. These aspects are due to the 
occurrence of Norway rat in wild habitats, black rat and fat dormouse in 
fruit plantings, and European wildcat and jackal near the poultry houses 
in villages and in fishermen's and porpoise-hunters'! stations. 

One can see additional evidence of the biological reactions of rodents 
to the newest agricultural methods in the common field and yellow-heeled 
mice, which have adapted to feeding on cork oak plantings (Sviridenko, 1940, 
1944), and in the house mouse which feeds on and inhabits seed beds 
(Shidlovskii, 1947). 

The population of mouse-like rodents in the mountains near Sochi has 
greatly increased in habitats formed by broken, fallen trees and branches 
left in forested areas cleared during the war. This waste material 
provides many additional shelters for the common field mouse, harvest 
mouse and pine vole. In addition, hares and foxes migrate to the mountains 
along the cleared sections. At the same time there is a decrease in the 
Caucasian yellow-spotted mouse population. However, with planned 
cutting and complete disposal of the fallen branches and twigs, the number 
of mouse-like rodents drops abruptly in the first year following the cutting, 
but is restored in the second year when the cleared sections become 
overgrown with meadow grasses and shrubs. Under these conditions, the 
black rat is added to the assemblage mentioned (Sviridenko, 1945). 
Extensive unplanned cutting of forests reduces the abundance of arboreal 
rodents — forest and fat dormice — which only completely disappear during 
planned cutting. These observations confirm to some extent Shidlovskii's 
(1948) conclusion that the distribution ranges of the striped field mouse and 
harvest mouse expanded in a southerly direction only in the last few 
centuries under the influence of man on the coastal landscapes. 

Deforestation of the mountain slopes of Abkhazia and Adzharia produced 
a localized population increase in long-clawed mole vole, which occurs in 
relict forest glades of the forest zone. 

On the spurs of the Rachin ridge and on the Surami, Kartalinian and 
Kakhetian ridges, particularly inthe vicinity of Staliniri, Tbilisi and 
Mtskheti, extensive cutting of beech forests brought about the most recent 
extension of the distribution areaof the Asia Minor hamster and shifts in 
the ranges of many forest species. The Mukhran valley, which, in the last 
century, was inhabited by bear, lynx, European wildcat, common field 
mouse, fat dormouse, boar, roe deer, and deer, was cleared of forests 
only in the last 50-60 years. By now the sacred ''witness'"' trees are the 
only remains of the beech—hornbeam forests which covered the area in 
the past (Figure 208). In recent time the valley has been planted to barley 
and corn except for the marshlands which are used for haymaking and 
pastures. The plowed sections were invaded from the west by the Gori 
steppe vole, European hare, steppe mouse and fox. Only the long-tailed 
white -toothed shrew remains of the former assemblage of forest mammals. 

Deforestation of the mountain slopes and subsequent cattle grazing in the 
vicinity of Tiflis and Mtskheti has promoted desiccation of the slopes and 
the eventual replacement of meadow formations by steppe. 


There has been no reforestation of this region. Overgrazing is 
exterminating even the secondary shrub groupings which develop on the 
northern slopes following cutting of the beech forests. These shrub 
groupings consist of representatives of the genera Crataegus, 
Mespilus, Rosa, Prunus, Jasminum, (Cerasus,' Cotoneaster, 
Spiraea and Coryllus. On the southern slopes even such shrubs as 
Juniperus and Paliurus disappear. Christ's-thorn is more viable, 
but eventually this species also retreats up the slope, not only because of 
physical destruction, but also because of changes in the physico-chemical 
properties of the soil which take place during consolidation, desiccation 
and heating by the sun (Sosnovskii, 1915). This anthropogenic process of 
progressive aridity promoted the expansion of the Asia Minor hamster, 
migratory hamster, steppe vole, steppe mouse, hare and fox. The same 
process has reduced the distribution areas of the forest carnivores, rodents 
and ungulates. The anthropogenic replacement of the forest by meadow - 
forest and meadow landscapes took place under more mesophytic 
conditions on the plateaus of South Ossetia (N. A. and E. A. Bush, 1936). 

556 In this region the forest assemblage of large species (bear, deer, roe deer, 
boar) became impoverished, whereas the populations of common and pine 
voles increased. 

FIGURE 208. Sacred "witness" trees in deforested and plowed Mukhran valley, inhabited by steppe vole 

Photograph by author, 1945 

Farther east, on the southern slope, the results of the deforestation 
created by cutting are observable in the districts of Kvareli, Zakataly, 


Nukha, Kutkashen and Shemakha, Cattle grazing on the upper margins 

of the forest prevents new forest growth, as the soil is compacted and 
desiccated (Yaroshenko, 1956). As the forests were gradually cleared, 
cattle-drive routes, several tens of meters in width, developed to connect 
the lowland with the highland pastures. These bald belts, which, asa 
rule, follow the crests of the longitudinal ridges, serve as migration 
routes for foxes and hares which inhabit the lowlands and the highlands. 

FIGURE 209. Desiccated mountain slopes resulting from forest cutting on the middle Gerdyman-Chai 
River, inhabited by stone marten and common field mouse 

Photograph by author, 1949 

Migrations of these animals are easily observable in the fall and during 
snowfalls. In the districts of Kvareli, Lagodekhi and near Vartashen the 
extensive deforestation of the slopes over a long period of time has 
probably enabled the common vole to migrate from the highlands and to 
inhabit the Alazan-Agrichai valley. 

The recent extermination of forests has had a particular and radical 
effect upon the composition of the mammalian fauna near the eastern end 
of the Greater Caucasus, between Shemakha, Lagich and Konakhkent. In 
this area the beech—hornbeam and oak forests of the upper belt were 
mostly replaced by mesophytic meadows on the northern slopes of the 
gorges or by thickets of low shrubs. 

In the middle zone, at altitudes from 700 to 1,300m, the desiccation of 
the slopes and development of the steppe assemblages result from the 

557 cutting of forests and cattle grazing. The effects of these processes were 
compounded by the karst topography (Figure 209). 


Of the large animals, east Caucasian goat survived in the upper reaches 
of isolated canyons, and boar and some bears in relict islands of oak 
forests. The pine marten, deer and roe deer have been completely driven 

Xerophilous mammals migrate to this region from Shemakha on the 
piedmont steppe. 

Migratory hamster, steppe mouse and hare occur at altitudes near 
1,200m in’ the vicinity of the village of Demerchi. The boundary of the 
distribution range of the steppe vole is at a lower altitude — 800-900m. 

As awhole, the area is characterized by steppe landscapes on the 
plateaus and by mammalian assemblages which are peculiarly impoverished 
by an undersaturation of species. 

In summary it may be noted that the direct influence of man and the 
development of anthropo-cultural landscapes in the forest zone of the 
Greater Caucasus result everywhere ina general decline in the populations 
of the large game species (bear, boar, deer, roe deer, goat, chamois), 
in the disappearance of characteristic forest species (pine marten, fat 
dormouse, squirrel), and in a highly differential redistribution of the 
mouse-like rodents. 


The so-called longitudinal valleys are located between El'brus 
and inner Dagestan in the east, between the Peredovye range. The 
valleys form a line of giant funnels, separated by low ridges. This peculiar 
xerophytic warm zone, protected in the north by the ranges as by a 
screen, is a refuge for a number of xerophilous and thermophilous animals 
and plants. Botanists Krasnov (1893-1894) and Kuznetsov (1909) regarded 
this zone as equal in importance to inner Dagestan in the development of 
special xerophilous flora. Grossgeim (1948) related the upland xerophytic 
formation of this zone to the type of tragacanths, which is characteristic 
of the dry uplands of southwest Asia. However, the xerophytic upland 
formations with feather grass, wormwood and barberry occur in places 
west of the El'brus in longitudinal glacial valleys on the Kuban, the 
Teberda, and the Malyi and Bolshoi Zelenchuk rivers, and in the upper 
Ingur valley in western Transcaucasia. The longitudinal valleys have been 
inhabited by man since the Bronze Age; they were the source area of the 
so-called Kobanian culture (Uvarova, 1900), dated as the first half of the 
first millennium B.C. The population of these valleys was engaged in 
cattle breeding and hunting, and later in agriculture. Toward the end 
of the Middle Ages the populations of the large hoofed mammals (boar, elk, 
deer, roe deer, Caucasian goat, chamois and bison) became much smaller 
on the Peredovye ranges, and they were completely driven out of the 
longitudinal valleys. 

The summer migrations of deer from the southern slope of the range 
were under heavy attack in inner Dagestan, in the canyons of Andi- and 
Avaz-Koisu, and on Kara-Koisu. The east Caucasian and Bezoar goats were 
driven off the major part of the ranges, particularly off the plateaus, and 


sheep became extinct in these areas. Undoubtedly, the latter two species 
558 had already disappeared from the Gunib by the Caucasian war years of 
the middle of the last century. 

Human activity enhanced the natural xeromorphic character of the 
longitudinal valleys and Dagestan, and is responsible in general for the 
Recent wide distribution of upland-xeromorphic vegetation on the northern 
slope of the range (Tumadzhanov, 1947). In inner Dagestan, where the 
forests were never strongly developed, many centuries of continuous 
destruction of the pines in the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Sulak 
resulted in their replacement by birch groves (Betula pendula, 

B. pubescens). This process has to some extent improved the habitats 
and feeding conditions of deer, Bezoar and east Caucasian goats. The 
ancient inhabitants of the ravines of Kara-Chai, Kabarda, North Ossetia, 
inner Dagestan and Svanetia cleared large areas of the ravine floors of 
rocks, and planted gardens and fields, arranging the boulders in circular 
piles and in rows. Giant stone walls and small fortresses with towers 
were often built of granite blocks and slate (Figure 210). 

FIGURE 210. Cereal and potato fields near the village of Ushkul' on the upper Ingur. Pine vole and long- 
clawed mole vole inhabit the marginal areas 

Photograph by author, 1948 

The boulder rows mentioned above, when overgrown with shrubs and 
grass, resemble the remains of terminal and lateral moraines. Asa rule, 
these ridges, like stone fences in villages and residential buildings, are 
sites of concentration of steppe mouse, Ciscaucasian mouse and Caucasian 



snow vole. The snow voles use the heaped stones and crevices in fences 
and walls for drying and storing their winter food stocks and for building 

In the Ardon ravine near Zaramag, Turov (1926c) observed a stable 
population of migratory hamster inhabiting these stone piles. On the 
Baksan, Chegem and Cherek, stone fences and abandoned fields are the 
favorite habitats of mountain suslik, a pest of cereal and potato crops. 

The mountain water vole concentrates on irrigated fields and in gardens 

in Kabarda, Ossetia and Dagestan. In these areas the species develops a 
strong fossorial tendency much like the mole rats of Central Asia. This 
species is a pest which feeds on the roots of young apple, pear and apricot 
trees. Furthermore, irrigation water rapidly fills the holes they make and 
creates additional damage by eroding large sections of the slopes. 

In inner Dagestan the Asia Minor hamster and pine vole became pests of 
cereal crops. Some populations of snow vole on the Gunib plateau have 
lost the habit of stocking hay for the winter. Instead, they use the hay 
stocked by the villagers in niches and caves in limestone rocks. 

The synanthropic assemblage of rodents in the isolated mountain villages 
of Dagestan develops from the local species: common field mouse and 
snow vole. 

The potato, barley and wheat fields in a number of ravines of the Grozny 
Region attracted the boar to the woodless mountains, and also contributed 
to some increase in the abundance of European hare. 

In western Transcaucasia, on the middle and upper Ingur, the clearing 
of the fir—maple forests on the slopes resulted in the development of 
meadow formations with Pontic azalea (Rhododendron flavum). 

Cattle grazing and cutting of shrubs for firewood led to the development 

of low, weedy motley grass. Xerophilous species of wormwood grew on 

the southern slopes. As the deforestation progressed, bear, lynx, European 
wildcat, pine marten, chamois and goat disappeared from large areas. 

Continued desiccation of the slopes by the cultivation of cereal crops has 
driven out the snow and pine voles, long-clawed mole vole, Caucasian birch 
mouse and common field mouse. Open areas of new pastures and fields 
were often free of rodents, since the typical field pests (common hamster, 
common vole) did not occur in the vicinity. 

Such isolated mountain valleys are good examples of presently unoccupied 
ecological niches formed inthe process of development of the cultural 


Prior to the appearance and development of nomadic cattle raising, the 
landscapes and mammalian assemblages of this zone were practically 
unaffected by man. In historical time cattle grazing contributed to the 
widening of the meadow zone from below due to the lowering of the upper 
forest margins. However, the growth of the upper parts of the meadow zone 
was limited by the development of turf meadows which invaded the talus in 
the mountain passes. Grazing also promoted the expansion of the Caucasian 
rhododendron (Rhododendron caucasicum), not grazed by cattle. 


This, however, prevented the renewal of birch growth. The upper forest 
belt was lowered during the last century by 150-200m at some places in 
the Caucasus as the result of cattle grazing, and also by shepherds cutting 
timber for firewood. Widening of the alpine and subalpine meadow zone 
560 brought about an expansion in the range of the common and pine voles and 
of mountain populations of hare and fox. Stone-fenced cattle stations, 
trampled-down and well-manured, rapidly became overgrown with dock 
(Rumex), thistle (Cirsium), and other species. These localities are 
refuge sites of common voles which concentrate on the margins of the 
trampled-down areas under the protection of multi-layered vegetation. 
Prior to the arrival of shepherds in early summer, bears feed on the green 
grass in these places, and boars dig in the ground in search of beetle larvae 
and worms. 

Overgrazing (i.e., overloading the pastures) inhibits the development 
of meadow vegetation. Numerous paths forming a network of steps are 
made by the cattle on the slopes. The vertical faces of the steps are broken 
by many holes dug by common and pine voles and long-clawed mole voles. 
Rainwater and melting snow easily enter the holes, eroding the soil. 
Fields are laid out in the uppermost parts of the Caucasian meadows, 
overgrown, asarule, by Sibbaldia procumbens and cinquefoil 
(Potentilla) and often inhabited by pine voles. Eventually this destroys 
the meadow growth over great areas. Large sections of grassy slopes are 
displaced by cattle grazing and rodent burrowing. The typically rock-strewn 
areas thus formed are used by Caucasian goats, mainly as shelters and 
resting places. Intensified erosion from heavy rains brings mudflows 
charged with stones. In most regions of the Caucasus mudflows are a new 
phenomenon in historical time, developing during the last two centuries of 
extensive cattle breeding. Thus, at Nukha the first mudflows occurred in 
1889, and at Vartashen in 1895 (Pyl'tsov, 1904). Pyl'tsov wrote in 1904 
(p. 268) of the Demir-Aparan-Chai basin in the Kutkashen district of 
Azerbaidzhan, where particularly powerful mudflow torrents occur: 

"... approximately 25 years ago (i.e., in the 1880's — N. V.) there were 
not more than 5,000 sheep on the pastures, whereas now there are more 
than 10,000." Overloading the mountain meadows with cattle exposed large 
areas of the slopes in the natural amphitheater of this ravine, which in the 
past was covered by alpine meadows. Asa result, the east Caucasian goat, 
chamois and common vole have been almost completely driven out of the 

Nomadic cattle breeding has also affected the wild hoofed mammals: 
deer, goat and chamois. The cattle introduced various diseases into the 
mountain zone: glanders, foot and mouth disease, anthrax, brucellosis, 
mange, demodecosis, favus and helminthiasis. Mortality among wild 
ungulates, particularly goats and chamois, from diseases introduced by 
cattle has been recorded from the Caucasian (Dinnik, 1914a; Nasimovich, 
1949a, 1949b) and Zakataly reservations (Markov and Mlokosevich, 1935; 
Vereshchagin, 1938a). 

The intrusions of hunters, shepherds with sheep dogs, and flocks of 
sheep and goats on the highland meadows during the three summer months 
has considerably affected the natural habits and diurnal cycles of deer, 
chamois and goat. The deer and chamois developed the summertime habit 



of remaining during the day in the forest zone and upper forest belt, leaving 
for the pastures only at night. This is also true of the Caucasian goat in 
the west (Nasimovich, 1949a). In the eastern part, on the southern slope, 
the east Caucasian goats form two clearly distinguishable populations in 

the summer: one inhabits the passes and rock-covered areas of the range 
and does not descend to the forests; the other remains in the forest, 
leaving for the upper forest belt and mountain pastures only at night 
(Vereshchagin, 1938a). 


In historical time landscape changes were probably minimal on the 
northern slopes of the Adzhar-Guri ranges, where large tracts of 
broadleaf and fir forests were preserved. These forests still supply 
appreciable quantities of bear andpine martenpelts. Nevertheless, a rapid 
lowering of the upper boundary of the forest is traceable recently throughout 
the area. In the Akhaltsykh District the faunal complex of the dry uplands 
of southwest Asia has infiltrated the forest zone. 

The rapid displacement of bear, deer, roe deer and marten from the 
Aten ravine of the Trialet ridge, causedbythe merciless extermination of 
the pine and beech forests since World War I, has been described by Belov 

In northern Armenia, оп the Somkhet, Bezobdal and Pambak ridges, 
small forest islands were preserved in some gulleys (Troitskii, 1934). The 
ancient age of human settlements in these regions is substantiated by 
archaeological and paleontological materials. Desiccation of the slopes 
caused by human activity in the upper parts of the forest zone is particularly 
noticeable on southern exposures along the upper reaches of the rivers 
which originate on the plateau, as, for example, on the Debeda-Chai. The 
section of canyon between the Amamly and Kirovakan stations is an example 
of a characteristic interpenetration in a mosaic arrangement of the 
distribution ranges of xerophilous species of mammals of the upland steppes 
and mesophilous species of the forest zone. Human activity always 
promotes encroachment of the xerophilous assemblage of small mammals on 
the mesophilous assemblage, following expansion of xerophytic formations. 
The distribution ranges of the Asia Minor hamster, steppe vole and 
Transcaucasian mole vole show a definite tendency toward extension to 
the north down the river valley. 

In the lower forest belt and partly in the middle belt, the extermination 
of the forest resulted in the development of characteristic formations of 
drought-resistant shrubs and meadow-steppe. This enabled the xerophilous 
species of the east Transcaucasian semidesert (Asia Minor gerbil, steppe 
vole and steppe mouse) to migrate up the ravines. 

Anthropo-cultural biotopes of the canyon bottoms (settlements, gardens, 
orchards, grain fields) are the main junctions of the ranges of small 
mammals of the east Transcaucasian steppes and the upland steppes of the 
Armenian upland. 



А number of groups can be recognized in the fairly large collection of 
species which is increasing in abundance in the cultural landscape of the 
canyons. The first group, associated with buildings and gardens, includes 
long-tailed white-toothed shrew, house mouse, common field mouse (in 
part) and migratory hamster. The second group, associated with plowed 
fields and cereal crops, consists of fox, hare, steppe mouse, pine and 
common voles, and, at the boundary of the middle and lower belts, steppe 
vole. The middle belt is characterized by an assemblage of rodent pests — 
pine and common voles — which occur on second-growth meadows used for 
haymaking and pasture. In the upper belt, the bushy thickets of oaks and 
tall herbage are inhabited by moles and common and pine voles; roe deer 
also commonly occur in these areas. Where marshes have developed at 
stream sources and hydrophilous vegetation now predominates in upland 
valleys which have been deforested, an increase in the water vole 
population occurs. 

Although the settlements in the area (e.g., the town of Kirovakan) are 
very old, the synanthropic assemblage of rodents still consists mostly of 
native species. In 1943 these were identified from a total rodent catch as 
follows: house mouse — 86%, common field mouse — 10.3%, migratory 
hamster — 3.7% (Sosnikhina, 1946). It is of interest to note that in recently 
built-up areas the common field mouse occurs only in the winter-spring 
season. Hamsters occur in towns in the winter and Summer, but not in 
the spring. 

Only small tracts of beech—hornbeam forest were preserved farther 
east in the broad amphitheater of the Dzegam and Shamkhor river gorges. 
The crests of the longitudinal ridges were completely cleared of forests. 
The replacement of the forest assemblages of mammals by meadow animals 
is particularly pronounced in the zone between 1,000 and 2,500m. 

In this area chamois and boar have disappeared, and the abundance of 
wild goat, roe deer and bear has decreased. 

The. ranges and populations of the common and pine voles have increased 
considerably. Those pine voles which inhabit the meadows which have 
developed on deforested lands have evolved into a slightly modified 
subspecies, Pitymys daghestanicus nasarovi (Shidlovskii, 1938; 
Ognev, 1950). 

Because of early human activity in the mountains, the primary beech 
forests on the eastern slopes of the Karabakh were preserved only in the 
Tertera gorge and on the northern and eastern slopes of Mount Kirs. 
Extermination of the forests restricted distribution ranges of the mole, 
bear, Persian squirrel, fat dormouse, common field mouse, pine vole 
and roe deer. 

The slopes which were subjected to timbering, plowing and desiccation 
became inhabited by steppe vole, migratory hamster and steppe mouse 
which migrated from the foothills. In the Tertera gorge the steppe vole 
begins to occur at altitudes of 650-700m; the pine vole at this altitude still 
clings to the northern shaded rocky areas and oak—hornbeam groves. 

The development of the woodless dry mountain landscapes is even more 
clearly pronounced in the south of the Karabakh and on the Armenian 
plateau proper. 




Sections of beech—hornbeam forests, subalpine tall herbage and upland 
steppes occur on the high plateaus of the Lesser Caucasus. On the southern 
slopes of the plateaus, towards the Araks valley, the mesophytic landscapes 
are contiguous to arid thin forests and dry sheep's fescue steppe, which 
grades into the zone of thorny Astragalus and Acantholimon. The 
upland wormwood— saltwort semidesert is developed in the middle Araks 

Man has inhabited the plateau since the Early Paleolithic (Zamyatnin, 
1947; Panichkina, 1948). However, during the second half of the 
Quarternary the pronounced changes in the landscapes were due mainly to 
tectonic and climatic phenomena. 

Even in the postglacial and historical epochs the vegetation of the plateau 
has changed considerably. 

Sections of upland steppe which developed in the postglacial xerothermal 
epoch grew smaller because of somewhat higher humidity and the advance of 
the forest phase. The landscapes began to be noticeably affected by man in 
the Bronze Age when human activity was immediately reflected in the 
distribution of forests and abundance of large mammals. Pedological 
studies (Klopotovskii, 1948), geobotanical studies (Kuznetsov, 1900; 
Troitskii, 1927, 1939) and archaeological studies (Grossgeim, 1948) all 
indicate that the pine and oak—beech forests in Dzhavakhetia covered much 
larger areas in the earlier stages of the historical epoch than in the present. 

However, deforestation of large areas in Dzhavakhetia and Armenia by 
lava flows occurred in the Pleistocene (Yaroshenko, 1941). 

In the Lower Holocene the plateau was still heavily inhabited by horse, 
bear, deer, roe deer, bison, primitive bull and sheep. The woodless 
highland areas were Summer pastures for forest ungulates which sought 
refuge from the bloodsucking dipterans of the forest zone. 

The very end of the second millennium B.C. is the beginning of the 
Bronze Age of human culture in Transcaucasia. Bronze Age culture was 
characterized by the development of agriculture and, at a later stage, of 
cattle breeding (see Piotrovskii, 1947, 1949). 

Remains of the ancient irrigation systems have recently been discovered 
on the slopes of Alagez and in the Gekham Mountains. It is known from 
Urartu cuneiform writings that the tribes of the Armenian plateau possessed 
large herds of cattle in the first millennium B.C. Sardur, son of Agrishti, 
twice drove herds (totalling 23,194 head of large cattle and 63,420 of small 
cattle) from Yeriarkh (a country to the north of Alagez) (Piotrovskii, 1949). 
The development of agriculture and cattle husbandry in the Lake Sevan area 
were directly responsible for the beginning of the forest extermination in 
that area three thousand years ago. 

However, the leafy forests on the Armenian plateau were mostly 
exterminated in the 19th century (N.B., 1861; Бай, 1947a). 

On the southern slopes of the Armenian upland, in the Armenian and 
Nakhichevan A.S.S.R., large areas of drought-resistant thin forests were 
exterminated in historical time. The thin forests consisted of silver 
hawthorn (Crataegus orientalis), willowleaf pear (Pyrus 
salicifolia), juniper (Juniperus polycarpos) and almond 
(Amygdalus fenzliana). In the present epoch the only remains 



of these forests are sacred ''witness'' trees which we and Burchak- 
Abramovich have described elsewhere (1950). 

During recent centuries the development of xerophytic vegetation on the 
southern slopes of the Zangezur and Daralagez ranges and of Alagez was 
promoted by an expanded nomadic cattle husbandry and by overloading the 
pastures. Аза result, the grass cover was trampled down and weeds 
appeared in the natural grass assemblages. 

As the mountain slopes of the Zangezur became desiccated, the lower 
boundaries of some rodent ranges (common and snow voles) were raised 
by 350-400m. The occurrence of these animals at lower altitudes in the 
immediate past is evidenced by isolated colonies which inhabit mesophytic 
sections of the Akulis-Chai gorge, rock-covered areas overgrown by 
buckthorn (Rhamnus pallasi, В. spathulaefolia) and dog rose 
(Rosa canina) at altitudes near 1,200-1,300m. In this area the colonies 
exist next to populations of Persian gerbil. The distribution of the gerbils 
gradually extends over dry, rocky slopes which have been overgrazed by 
sheep and follows the spread of phrygana higher into the mountains. The 
present vertical distribution of assemblages of mouse-like forms is shown 
in Figure 211. 

Similar cases of mutual interpenetration of the distribution ranges of 
the highland (upland-steppe and meadow) and semidesert mammals are 
known in the upper reaches of the Arpa-Chai and on the Aiodzor ridge. In 
these areas, three species of gerbils (Meriones persicus, M. 
blackleri and M.vinogradovi) invade the phrygana zone, whereas the 
Asia Minor hamsters concentrate on the boundaries and margins of barley 
fields and on wastelands in the mountain-steppe zone. In spite of human 
activity, the relatively xerophilous upland-steppe complex displays a 
tendency toward expansion (Dal', 1949b). 

Common field mouse - 8 

Common field mouse -3 Steppe mouse -9 
Persian gerbil-3 

ae Common field mouse -15 : : : 

Snow vole -19 z 3 Common field mouse -21 “Si? Minor gerbiled 

Tepe OSes S Vinogradov's gerbil-1 

Persian gerbil-6 val inaiahineaata 

8 Persian gerbil-12 Steppe yole-12 
Migratory hamster-3 ту : Е 
р ы Mouse-like hamster - 3 така hamster ee 

Mouse-like hamster-2 


Mt, Ilyanlu (2000 m) 


Mt. Kapudzhikh 
(3917 m) 


Darry-Dag (1911 m) 

FIGURE 211. Zonal distribution of rodents in the middle Araks region (on combined longitudinal profile) 
based on 100 trap-nights in October 1947 

I—rock-covered areas and meadows with weeds (2,200-2,300m); Il—thorny astragali and rock-covered 
areas with dog rose and hawthorn (1,600-1,700m); III—rock-covered areas with buckthorn and almond 
shrubs (1,200-1,300m); IV—vineyards in river valleys and on hill slopes (1,000-1,100 m) 

The process of xerophytization of the middle Araks valley and the 
southern slopes of the Armenian upland developed concomitantly with a 


reverse process — plantings of tracts of walnut, plane, almond, apricot 
and apple trees. Examples of such plantings are the nut orchards in the 
vicinity of Yerevan and the large groves of centuries-old plane trees in 

the valleys of the Nakhichevan-Chai and Bazar-Chai. There is even some 
disagreement among botanists as to whether these groves are of 
anthropogenic or natural (autochthonous) origin. Fruit-tree oases in the 
valleys of the Alindzha-Chai and Akulis-Chai also cover large areas. The 
canal on the right bank of the Zanga River, penetrating granitic rock through 
a tunnel several hundred meters long, was built in the 8th century B.C. in 
the slave-holding state of Urartu. The canal is still in use for irrigation of 
large areas of the upland semidesert. Cuneiform writings of the Urartus 
tell us that, at the time it was constructed, a number of groves, gardens 

and orchards were planted (Piotrovskii, 1949). 

FIGURE 212. Apricot gardens inhabited by Transcaucasian mole vole and common field mouse in 
the Alindzha-Chai valley 

In general the planting of trees and development of deserts in the valleys 
of the Middle East and central Asia during historical time depended less 
on climatic fluctuations than on the development of human culture and, 
above all, on irrjgational techniques (see also Berg, 1938). The rapid 
disappearance of one of the large piedmont oases occurred in recent times 
in the Akulis-Chai ravine, near the town of Ordubad, where several tens of 

565 hectares of dense fruit-tree plantings were exterminated by drought within 

10-15 years of the destruction of the Armenian village of Akulis by the 
Turks sin Lo 

In historical time, horse, boar, ASiatic wild ass, deer and Persian 
gazelle have been exterminated in the middle Araks valley. There was a 


sharp decline in the abundance of sheep. The populations and ranges of 
steppe vole, migratory hamster and mole vole have increased on the 
irrigated lands of the Araks valley and its tributaries. The population of 
gerbils and jerboas were displaced to the upper terraces. The garden- 
oases (Figure 212) in the valleys and orchards, with their stone walls, 
became the habitats of the long-tailed white-toothed shrew, hare, forest 
dormouse, common and steppe mice, migratory hamster and Transcaucasian 
mole vole. The activity of the Transcaucasian mole vole, which inhabited 
the artificially irrigated sections of the Vedi-Chai and Arpa-Chai valleys, 
has also increased (Dal', 1948a, 1949b). We observed similar 

trends in the Alindzha-Chai valley. 

Hydrophilous populations of steppe mice developed on the rice fields 
of the Araks valley (Pogosyan, 1945). The increase in mouse-like rodents 
was followed by an increase in carnivores (fox, tiger polecat, weasel), 
although hunting was well developed. 

As a whole, anthropogenic landscape changes in this dry valley promoted 
an increase in the number of individuals in small-mammal assemblages 
which were in the process of adaptation to the peculiar environmental 
conditions of the oases. 

Buildings built of raw bricks were inhabited by migratory hamsters, 
which became house pests. The numerous churches and monasteries 
attracted bats, particularly horseshoe bats, pipistrels and noctules. 

566 The original synanthropic assemblage of rodents in small settlements 
developed from local species: steppe mouse and migratory hamster. The 
results of rodent night-trapping in October 1947 in residential buildings 
of some villages in the Alindzha-Chai valley are given in Table 114. 

TABLE 114. Species and abundance of rodents (number of individuals per 100 traps) 
in small settlements in the middle Araks valley 







Mus musculus subsp. ........ 
М занеси Гиз tatariews.... 5. - 
Cricetulus migratorius..... 
Apodemus sylvaticus....... 

oa) (eae, байке wise ee 

At Leninakan and Yerevan, located on the plateau and connected by 
railroad with Baku and Tbilisi, the local residents were displaced by recently 
introduced cosmopolitan species. The results of rodent trapping carried 
out in these cities in the early 1940's are shown in Table 115, based on the 
data of Sosnikhina (1944), and Shidlovskii and Sosnikhina (1944). 

Such changes in the original synanthropic assemblage on the plateau and 
in small settlements are at present related to highway construction and 
development of motor transport. 

1704 572 


TABLE 115. Species and abundance (in %) of rodents in cities of the Armenian 



Species Yerevan 
MOUS MSCS SHEN Foon neue oo 
Cricetulus migratorius....... 
RACES МОТИВ ssasonodgoo 


Of the measures taken to enrich the mammalian fauna of the plateau, the 
following are noteworthy: the highly successful breeding of nutria on the 
Kara-Su rivulet (Sev-Dzhur) near Echmiadzin, which began in 1940 
(Sarkisov, 1946b), andthe release of 100 raccoon dogs in 1934 near 
Voskresenovka and of 15 female and 4 male axis deer in 1954 in the 
Khosrova forest near Garnya; the latter two experiments met with little 
success. The breeding of deSman was planned for the lakes of the 
Akhalkalaki upland. 


The landscape and biocenotic changes which occurred in Talysh in 
historical time are very similar to those described for the Lesser Caucasus. 
Hunting with firearms caused the disappearance of tiger and deer from 

the area in the 1920's and a considerable decrease in the abundance of 
panther and bear. Bison and wild goat, which probably inhabited the 
highlands, disappeared much earlier, possibly at the beginning of the last 
century. The agriculatural activity of man resulted in large changes in 
the composition of the assemblages and the distribution of many species of 

The cutting of broadleaf forests and cattle grazing were particularly 
extensive on the northern spurs of this range. These processes led to the 
formation of large, dry forest glades, overgrown on the margins by ferns, 
bracken and blackberry. In the upper reaches of the Vilyazh-Chai, plowed 
fields of barley and wheat occupy the southern slopes of the ravines. 

On the eastern slopes, the upper forest boundary was artificially lowered 
by 250-300m, even more in some places. Deforestation and desiccation of 
the mountain slopes resulted in the displacement of forest animals from 
this area and in a large-scale increase in the distribution areas of the 
European hare, steppe vole and migratory hamster, which disperse from 
the upland xerophytic steppe. The voles migrate over the deforested crests 
and slopes of the ranges to the bottom of the gorges at altitudes of 
1,200-1,500m, whereas the old, natural boundary of their distribution was 
1,700-1,800m. The rapid drying of the slopes enables the voles to withstand 
the high humidity in the deep canyons with an annual precipitation of up to 
1,500mm. However, in the zone of the ecological optimum of this species, 
precipitation does not exceed 500-550mm, and the upper limit on the 
plains is 800mm. This example of variability in the ecological stability 
of this small rodent is unique on the Caucasian Isthmus. The infiltration 
of xerophilous mammals into the humid mountain-forest zone, traced by 
us over vast piedmont and mountain areas of the Caucasus, reached its 



maximum development in this area. However, this infiltration is not from 
below, as in many other regions, but from above. In the Lerik and 
Yardymly districts of Talysh the high reproductive rate of the steppe vole 
endangers the cereal crops almost every year. In June large numbers of 
boar are attracted to the upper forest margins by the cereal crops. 

The range expansion of the xerophilous species in this area was 
accompanied by a decrease in the distribution areas of mole, porcupine, 
common field mouse, boar and roe deer (in part). 

The assemblage of house mammals in the small settlements located in 
the mountain forests is extremely poor, consisting only of the dark long- 
tailed shrew, house mouse and Norway rat. 

The development of cattle husbandry and agriculture in the upland 
steppe of Talysh resulted in the complete extermination of the arid 
sparse forests. A similar process occurred in the Nakhichevan 
District. At present the 2,000-2,500m upland steppe zone of Talysh is 
an arid region of unstable agricultural crops; barley, wheat and rye are 
grown at higher altitudes. Wild ungulates (Asiatic wild ass, sheep, Bezoar 
goat) probably still inhabited the area 150-200 years ago. The development 
of agriculture on the plateau during the last centuries promoted a population 
increase in mouse-like rodents (steppe and common vole, Transcaucasian 
mole vole, Asia Minor hamster) and in the European hare. The extensive 
digging in the alfalfa crops by Transcaucasian mole vole is particularly 
noticeable in the Zuvanda valley, at altitudes of 1,800-2,000m. In gardens 
and alfalfa fields the mole vole forms piles of earth up to 1m in diameter 
and 30cm in height, whereas on virgin lands such piles are never over 
25-30cm in diameter. 

The assemblage of house mammals in the settlements of this upland is 
very similar to that described for the middle Araks valley. Trapping in 
the mountain villages of Kel'vyaz and Dyman yields mostly local species. 
In a June 1945 trapping, the migratory hamster amounted to 80% and house 
mouse to 20% of the catch. Migratory hamster even inhabits garrets and 
second floors of residential houses in the summer, withstanding very high 
temperatures (Vereshchagin, 1949d). The introduced house mouse and 
Norway rat are so far common only in the district centers of Yardymly and 
Lerik, which are connected with Lenkoran by highways. 


The known record of game animal protection on the Caucasus goes back 
to the Early Middle Ages. However, there is no doubt that protective 
measures were in use also in the slave-holding states. 

Originally, protection consisted of restricting hunting on particularly 
valuable hunting grounds, as, for example, the lands of the feudal barons 
in Iran, Armenia and Georgia. Such local rules against hunting on the 
lands of beks, khans, shahs, princes and tsars also included the protection 
of the natural landscape: groves, reed swamps, water springs, etc. 

In ancient Armenia, inthe reign of Khosrou (4th-5th centuries A. D.), oak 
forests were planted and fenced and later populated by game animals in 
the districts of Garni and Рут and in the Metsamor valley. ''Then the tsar 



ordered all kinds of wild animals to be collected and released within the 
enclosure, in order to make this the place of the tsar's hunt, feasts and 
recreation'' (Buzand, 1953, p.17). In the 19th century, large sections of 
mountain forests were selected and leased for the Grand Duke's hunt. 
These were the Kuban hunting grounds, nearly 500,000 hectares in area, 
in the canyons of the left tributaries of the Kuban; the Caucasian hunting 
grounds in the Karayaz tugai forest (Figure 213) on the Kura, east of 
Tbilisi, and the Borzhomi animal reserve near Borzhomi (Shil'der, 1892; 
Bashkirov, 1940). 

On the grounds of the Borzhomi animal reserve, 500 hectares of 
mountain slopes were surrounded by a high fence with entrance traps and 
no exits for the animals. The Myzym-Chai and Belokany ravines on the 
southern slope of the Greater Caucasus near Lagodekhi were leased by 
Count Demidov San-Donato in 1903-1917 for hunting mountain ungulates 
(Markov and Mlokosevich, 1935; Markov, 1935, 1938). As these areas were 
efficiently guarded and rarely hunted, they became, in effect, game 
reservations, where a large stock of large mammals was preserved. 

In the early 20th century, the idea of maintaining such hunting reserves 
evolved into the idea of organizing state game reservations. 

After the Soviet revolution the following mountain and mountain-forest 
reserves were established in the twenties and thirties: Caucasian, 
Borzhomi, Teberda, Zakataly, Lagodekhi, Gumista, Rits, Telavo-Kvareli 
and Saraibulakh. Their total area is approximately 550,000 hectares 
(Markov, 1935; Makarov, 1940; Gambarashvili, 1937; Knyazev, 1946; 
Vereshchagin, 1947d). 

FIGURE 213. Results of one day's boar hunt at Karayazy in 1909 — 48 boars killed 

Photograph by E. L. Markov 


In addition а number of temporary game reservations were established 
in the thirties in the foothills and in the mountains. In the 1930-40's the 
total number of reserves was 17, comprising a total area of 200,000 
hectares. The value of these reserves was negligible, since the protection 
of animals, which consisted of prohibiting shooting and trapping, did not 
extend tothe forests, which were subject to logging and cattle grazing (Map 97). 

The establishment of the Caucasian game reservations stopped the 
decline in the large mammal population, particularly goats and chamois, 
and later contributed to a gradual population increase in these species. 

In view of the prospects for great changes in the landscape of the 
Caucasus in the next decades from mineral exploitation and agricultural 
expansion, conservation measures must be developed by every available 
means. Reducing the size of the Caucasian reservations and permitting 
logging on their lands is extremely shortsighted and a false economy. 

570 At the end of the 19th century some attempts were made to enrich the 
mountain-forest mammalian fauna of the Caucasus with foreign species. 

Following Shil'der's recommendations in 1888, 54 European fallow deer 
(Dama dama L.) were released in the Borzhomi game reservation. 

The animals became well acclimatized, and by 1918 there were several 
hundreds of them. Herds of 50-80 head wandered through the area, but in 
1919-1920 they were all killed by the local population. Also, in 1888, 

7 European red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from Vilna and 58 from 
Austria were released in the reservation in order to "improve the antlers" 
of local deer. According to the hunting specialist E. L. Markov, the 
number of deer in the reservation was nearly 1,000 by 1918; their numbers 
later decreasedto less than a hundred head as the result of unlicensed 

Ten east and west Caucasian goats were also introduced into the 
reservation. The crosses between the two species, and between each of 
the two with the local wild goats, produced a number of interesting 
malformed hybrids. By 1918 the total goat population of the reservation 
was presumably 500, which were wiped out during the Civil War. Such 
large numbers of animals as these constantly required increasing food 
supplies to maintain them in the reservation even in an environment of 
mountain relief. At any rate, the experience of the Borzhomi game 
reservation is a spectacular example of the great potential in breeding 
both local and introduced species of ungulates in the Caucasus. 

More or less planned attempts to enrich the mountain-forest fauna of 
the Caucasus were made only in Soviet times. Unfortunately, these 
operations were concerned only with fur animals. 

It should be noted that the methods by which new species were introduced 
into the mountain-forest zone of the Caucasus were strictly empirical. 

The theory of acclimatization was not at all well developed and only 
occasionally were more or less rational propositions advanced and put into 

Formozov (1930) has recommended that the fir forests of the Caucasus 
be populated with common squirrel; Markov (1931b, 1935) has suggested 
the introduction of axis deer into the Talysh forests, and of rabbit, skunk, 
raccoon dog and chinchilla into the mountains and forests of the Caucasus. 
Manteifel' (1943) considered it desirable to introduce the following forms 
into the Caucasus: goral, markhor, Pamir argali, chinchilla, Himalayan 




panda and Australian phalanger. Other proposals concerned the introduction 
of mink, raccoon and Siberian polecat into Transcaucasia, and the extension 
of the ranges of Caucasian goat and chamois to the Lesser Caucasus 
(Vereshchagin, 1939b). 

Attempts to introduce fur animals into the Caucasian forests have been 
discussed by zoologists (Shaposhnikov, 1938; M. Stepanov, 1939; Kurapova 
and Stepanov, 1941; Dal', 1941; Vereshchagin, 1941b,1947c; Rukovskii. 

Some of the more successful cases of acclimatization of fur and hoofed 
species in the forest and highland tones of the Caucasus are given below. 

Experimental acclimatization of squirrel, raccoon dog, axis deer and 
bison has been carried out in the western Caucasus. 

FIGURE 214. Altai squirrel in the pine forests on the upper Kuban 

In 1937, 134 specimens of Altai squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris 
altaicus Serebr.) (Figure 214) were released in the Teberda ravine 
in the Teberda game reservation. In 1940 the number of squirrels increased 
to 2,400, and in 1941 to more than 3,500 (Kurapova and Stepanov, 1941). 
In 1944 squirrels inhabited the forests in the basins of the Aksaut, Kuban, 
Teberda, Bolshoi Zelenchuk and Malyi Zelenchuk, feeding on the seeds 
of firs, spruces, pines and beech nuts. By 1948 the squirrels appeared 
in the Caucasian game reservation and on the southern slope of the range 
near Sukhumi, probably bypassing the glacier fields in the upper reaches 
of the Laba. Squirrel pelts were being procured as early as the fall of 
1948 from the forests of the Bzyb and Kodor basins. The advance of the 
squirrels to the east in the zone of the fir—maple forests of Svanetia 


proceeded very rapidly. They appeared in the Rion basin in 1951. In 
1954 gardens in the Gagry area were damaged by squirrels (Rukovskii, 
1956)*. Undoubtedly, squirrels will inhabit the entire forest zone of 
Transcaucasia in the future, and will probably migrate through the Surami 
ridge forests to the broadleaf and coniferous forests of the Trialet and 
Adzhar-Imeretian ranges. 

At present the expediency of introducing squirrels into the Caucasian 
forests is in doubt because the animal is a garden pest, particularly 
destructive of nut-tree plantations. The organization of commercial 
squirrel hunting is urgently required. 

The present (1956) and future distribution ranges of the red squirrel are 
shown in Map 95. 

Experimental acclimatization of raccoon dogs, raccoons, minks and 
Canadian skunks was carried out on the Zakataly-Ismailly lowland in eastern 
Transcaucasia. Of these only the acclimatization of raccoons was 

From an initial release of 22 specimens in 1941 west of the village of 
Ismailly, the raccoons increased in numbers and distribution, in spite of 
unlicensed hunting and extermination efforts in the village gardens. The 
entire valley of the Agri-Chai was a suitable habitat for this omnivorous 
predator (Figures 215, 216). By 1945 there were 180-200 raccoons 


FIGURE 215. Common raccoon from the forests of the Agri-Chai valley 

Photograph by author, 1949 

* Rukovskii's geographical data are lacking in accuracy: the occurrences of squirrels which he shows in the 
woodless areas near Novorossiisk, Gelendzhik and other cities are incorrect. 



distributed over an area of nearly 250 Ки? (Vereshchagin, 1947с, 
1953b). Ву 1949 the distribution area was approximately 850-900km’, 
and the number of animals was 800-850. Under favorable conditions, 
the rate of distribution and formation of the range on the humid 
wooded lowland was very high — as much as 15-20km per year. 
Raccoons often tend to concentrate in the vicinity of settlements where 
they can always find food: fruit, frogs and poultry. 

In order to increase the rate of natural distribution of raccoons 
throughout the region, 23 raccoons were caught in August-September 
1949 in the Ismaily area. Of these, 18 were released in the forests on 
the lower Samur and on the Khachmas lowland (Rukovskii, 1947, 1950). 
Additional animals, caught in the Kutkashen and Ismailly areas in 1950 and 
1951, were released in the gallery forests on the Terek and left tributaries 
of the Kuban, in spite of our warning that they might cause damage to 
poultry and game (Vereshchagin, 1953b). 

Introduction of other carnivores was not successful. The Canadian 
skunks and minks died within one year of unknown causes. A small number 
of raccoon dogs still inhabit the lowland forests of the Avtaran valley. 

Equally unsuccessful were the attempts to acclimatize raccoon dogs in 
the mountainforests of the Teberda game reservation in Transcaucasia and 
the Gumista reservation in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Kartalinia (Map 94). 
The animals, as a rule, died of unknown causes during the few years 

573 following their release; they often migrated over great distances (Stepanov, 

1939; Dal', 1941; Vereshchagin, 19474). 

FIGURE 216. Footprints of raccoon, black stork and black partridge on river shoal near the village of Nidzhi 

Photograph by author, 1949 




During the last few decades nutrias were introduced into the alder- 
covered swamps and thickets of the Colchis lowland. The first 48 nutrias 
were released in 1932 east of Lake Paleostom. In 1936 the species was 
observed in the region of Kobuleti, Supsa, Lanchkhuta and the mouth of the 
Khupa, 20-25km from the point of release. In the fifth year of breeding the 
distribution area covered at least 500km”. However, the areas actually 
inhabited by the animals probably comprised no more than 3,000-4,000 
hectares (Vereshchagin, 1941b). 

The rapid distribution of the species through suitable marshland sections 
of the Black Sea coast, particularly in Abkhazia, was aided by the artificial 
distribution of acclimatized animals in the region. 

In some areas nutria disappeared as the result of poorly organized 
hunting and inadequate protection from enemies in the thicket during frost 
and drought periods. 

The prospects for free breeding of nutrias in the water bodies of Colchis 
will become steadily poorer as the alder-covered marshes are drained and 
deforested. However, semi-free breeding may continue to develop 
successfully in lakes of the Bebesyri and Inkit type (Vereshchagin, 

The subalpine meadows of central Dagestan were used for an experiment 
in breeding Altai marmot (Marmota baibacina Brandt). In 1934, 

113 marmots from the Kosh-Agach District of the Oirotian autonomous 
region were released on the high plateau west of the village of Gunib. The 
animals occupied areas of rocky calcareous sandstone; some dug 

noles under the blocks of limestone on the grassy slopes (Figure 217). 

An August 1935 census revealed 47 marmots, none of which were new 
generation. At that time the total area of distribution was nearly 25km?, 
In 1936 only 15 mature and 2 young marmots were counted (Shaposhnikov 
and Krushinskaya, 1939; Lavrov, 1946). In 1937 18 holes with 27 animals 
were counted, Our observations in August 1952 showed that the marmots 
were distributed over the entire Gunib plateau, an area of approximately 
45km?, The densest colonies occurred along the faults on the northern 

of the plateau at an altitude of 1,800m (Figure 218). Occasional 
groups of young marmots occurred even near the village of Gunib 

at altitudes of 1,300-1,400m. The natural distribution of the animals 
proceeded westward, in spite of unlicensed hunting. The distribution of 
the colonies on the Gunib shows that the major part of the low slopes and 
ravine bottoms in Dagestan, covered by ephemeral upland-steppe vegetation, 
are unsuitable habitats for marmots. The prospects for artificial 
distribution of animals are better on high plateaus similar to the Gunib 
and Khunzakh with extensive rock-covered areas in the marginal zone. 

The distribution and breeding of marmots is evidently feasible over the 
entire upland-steppe zone of the inner valleys of the northern slope of the 
Greater Caucasus to El'brus. The better areas for new releases are the 
limestone talus at the base of the cuestas on the southern cliffs of the 
Skalistyi ridge and in the canyons of the Argun, Ardon, Cherek and Baksan, 
as well as in the Ingur and Rion river valleys. Marmots can also be 
distributed on the ridges of the Armenian Upland, for example, in the 
Lake Sevan area. The present and future distribution ranges of marmots 
are shown in Map 95, 



FIGURE 217. Habitats of Altai marmot оп the northern drop of the Gunib plateau 

Photograph by author, 1952 

In 1939, 59 specimens of axis deer (Cervus nippon Temm.) were 
released in the Teberda ravine for the purpose of developing a stock of 
animals to be used for their antlers. By 1942 the number of deer increased 
to approximately 150, but during the German occupation of the area it was 
halved. In 1954 a small herd of axis deer was released in the Kusary area 
of Azerbaidzhan, 

In order to restore the population of European bison in the Caucasus, 5 
relatively pure crosses of European and American bison from Askaniya-Nova 
(Bison bison L.XB.bonasus L.; European bison strain: Яо) 
were released in the Caucasian game reservation in 1940. Ш 1944, а herd 
of 11 relatively pure crosses lived in the reservation; the number increased 
to 21 (6 males and 15 females) in 1951 and in 1956 to 106. The animals are 
kept in open-air enclosures and in open areas under the protection of 
mounted shepherds. They are driven in summer to pastures in the sub- 
alpine and alpine zones. At present there is sufficient evidence to believe 
that the crosses of the two bison species will be viable for distribution over 
the entire forest zone of the northwestern Caucasus. 

These attempts to introduce new species into the Caucasian fauna show 
that distribution ranges develop instantaneously (in the geological time- 
sense), provided free ecological niches are available. The development of 
new biocenotic relationships when biotopes are saturated with the introduced 
species must be a special field of study of applied zoology. 

Future work on the redistribution and enrichment of the highland 
mammalian complexes of the Caucasus must be organized to take into 


account the natural conditions and main trends of human activity in different 
sections of the region. 

FIGURE 218, Altai marmots in Dagestan 

576 Planning for future enrichment of the mammalian complex of the 
mountain-forest zones of the Caucasus should be based on the following 
general theoretical considerations: 

1. The mammalian complex of the forest zone of the Caucasus was 
recently impoverished as regards large species because ofhuman activity. The 
species affected were: European bison, elk, and at some places deer and 

2. The highland assemblage of hoofed animals and rodents of the Greater 
Caucasus is poor in species because it was so long isolated, and because 
the relief of the alpine zone is highly diversified and snowfalls are heavy, 
particularly in the western part of the range. 

3. For the rodents and carnivores of the forest zone, the food regime 
is more stable in the western part of the Greater Caucasus than in the 
eastern part. 

4. А number of valuable species of hoofed mammals and carnivores, 
characteristic of the Greater Caucasus, do not occur in the lesser Caucasus 
area of the Caucasian District. 

Taking these specific features into consideration, more attention should 
be devoted to the possibility of restoring the populations of European bison 
(or the European-American hybrid), elk and red deer in the Caucasus, and 
to the introduction of fallow and axis deer. The food resources of the 
forest zone are evidently sufficient for one more fur carnivore of the sable 
type. Caucasian goats and chamois should be introduced into the Lesser 



Caucasus. Pine marten and chamois should be bred in the Karabakh, 
Talysh and other areas. 

In general, artificial transgressions over ecological barriers have great 
potentialities for increasing the distribution areas of local and introduced 

It would be particularly interesting for studies of speciation and 
directed variability to attempt an introduction of the east Caucasian goat 
in the west, i.e., into the Adzhar-Imeretian Range, and of the west 
Caucasian goat into Karabakh or Talysh and El'brus. 

Inner Dagestan must play a special role in the breeding and preservation 
of highland ungulates. The mountainous rocky relief and thin vegetation 
cover in inner Dagestan prevent an extensive development of agriculture, 
gardening or cattle breeding. These factors, as well as the geographic 
isolation of the area, could well make inner Dagestan a large reservation 
for breeding hoofed mammals which do not depend on the forests. 

The following species could be introduced for breeding into this area: 
Pamir argali (Ovis ammon L.), bharal or blue sheep (О. nahura 
Hodgson), tahr (Hemitragus jemlaicus Smith), markhor (Capra 
falconeri Wagner), Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia Pallas). 

The abundance of Bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), which once 
inhabited the entire plateau, must be restored. Beyond question all these 
operations must include the planned extermination of wolves. 

The dry uplands of the Lesser Caucasus and Talysh are not as potentially 
valuable as Dagestan for the breeding of mountain ungulates, since it is 
expedient to use the tragacanth—astragali zone for pastureland and for 
plantings of almond, pistachio and olive. Nevertheless, the populations 
of Persian gazelle must be restored in the middle Araks valley. The 
species could occupy the area between Vagarshapat and Ordubad which is 
unsuitable for farming. 

The semifree breeding of nutria must be further developed in the zone 
of the valley forests in Colchis, Zakataly-Ismailly and the Lenkoran 
lowlands, as well as on the Kara-Su rivulets in Armenia. 


The study of the direct and indirect effects of man on the mammalian 
fauna of the Caucasian Isthmus during the Holocene shows that this epoch 
is a distinct qualitative, anthropogenic stage in the evolution of the fauna. 

At this stage the distribution ranges of species, ecological assemblages 
and faunal complexes evolved under the direct and indirect influence of 
chaotic human activity, which often completely overshadowed the natural 
processes of evolution of the landscapes and biocenoses, 

Some general and specific regularities in the development of the 
mammalian fauna of the Caucasus during the Anthropogenic stage may 
be summarized as follows: 

1. In the historical epoch the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus was 
directly affected by man through unplanned hunting, limited only by thé 
contemporaneous level of technological development. The principal cause 
of the rapid impoverishment of the Caucasus in large mammals lay in the 


large-scale game hunts practiced by the feudal barons in the mountains 
and foothills and by the nomadic tribes on the plains. 

The extinction of lion, tiger, river beaver, horse, Asiatic wild ass, 
elk, primitive bull and European bison which inhabited the Isthmus was in 
some cases greatly accelerated and in others directly caused by man. 

Man was also responsible for the decrease in population and range of bear, 
striped hyena, panther, boar, roe deer, red deer, saiga and Persian 

The composition and abundance of commercially valuable fur species 
was much less affected in historical time. During the last centuries and 
decades there has been a drastic decline in abundance and distribution of 
only two species: corsac fox and Siberian polecat. The data of the state 
fur stations for the last 25 years indicate that various natural causes are 
responsible for the fluctuations in numbers in the other fox species. These 
generally take place over several years. 

The planned extermination of wolf, jackal, little suslik, common and 
steppe voles and house mouse, which was begun in Soviet time, has not yet 
been successful in decreasing the distribution areas of these species. 

2. The process of extinction and reduction of distribution areas of game 
mammals was accelerated everywhere by the indirect activity of man as 
he altered various types of landscape. The universal extermination of the 
forests had particularly grave consequences, 

3. The most recent evolutionary stages of species ranges and behavior 
can be largely traced to the anthropogenetic effect on the higher nervous 
system of some Caucasian game animals. These are reflected in choices 
of habitats and often in the complete suppression of ancient instincts toward 
horizontal and vertical migrations, diurnal activity, etc. 

The main reaction of the hoofed animals to the approach of man and his 
domestic animals was escape to protected biotopes such as forests, 
mountains and deserts. A number of carnivores and ungulates (bear, jackal 
and boar), drawn by new feeding grounds and little threatened by human 
pursuit, inhabited areas near human settlements in Azerbaidzhan. Man also 
promoted the development of local ecological populations of mammals such 
as the ''forest'' and ''rock'' populations of the east Caucasian goat on the 
southern slope of the eastern Caucasus and the "house" and '' garden" 
populations of boars and European hares in the oases of Azerbaidzhan. 

578 The formation of new types of biotopes was reflected in some small 
mammals, particularly rodents, by changes in ecological features, and 
even in the development of new features. This point is also discussed 
below (7). 

4, Man-made changes in the landscape have also produced changes in 
the more or less stable boundaries of the landscape and zoogeographic 
zones. Deforestation has resulted in the replacement of mesophilous 
ecological assemblages by advancing xerophilous assemblages. 

Thus the Ciscaucasian boundaries of the steppe immigrants shifted 
southward into the foothills, whereas the boundary of the southwest Asian 
upland-desert district moved north into Transcaucasia. This shift of 
xerophilous assemblages and complexes of mammals was particularly 
advanced in the east, southeast and south of the Caucasus. In these areas 
the advance of the xerophilous forms was aided by the natural zonation and 
the drier continental climate. The Caucasian mountain-forest and alpine 



district became a mesophytic refuge — a refuge for mesophilous mammals. 
Infiltration of the upland-steppe faunal complex into the zone previously 
covered by forests resulted in lowering the northern boundary of the 
Armenian transitional district down the canyons on the northern slope of 
the Lesser Caucasus, made arid by human activity. A similar picture was 
even more strongly developed in Talysh. 

5. The development of new ecological assemblages and faunal complexes 
of mammals on the plowed and irrigated steppes and semideserts of the 
Caucasian Isthmus was made possible by the extinction of large game 
species of hoofed mammals (tarpan, Asiatic wild ass, saiga, goitered 
gazelle) and rodents (suslik, mole rat, jerboa, gerbil), which do not 
tolerate plowing and irrigation. Qualitative enrichment of the faunal 
complexes proceeded concomitantly with irrigation and development of the 
cultural landscapve. The enrichment was due to the migration of 
mesophilous insectivores and rodents from the intrazonal habitats: gallery 
forests, reed thickets and adjacent sections of the lowland and foothill 
forests. Parallel to these developments, there came an increase in the 
populations of some widely distributed carnivores: fox, jackal, weasel, 
tiger роеса{. 

6. Partial restoration and, in some cases, enrichment of the original 
assemblages of forest mammals were the results of the replacement of the 
piedmont and lowland forests in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia by extensive 
plantations of fruit and nut trees wherever they were contiguous to the 
forests of the lower mountain belt. The seasonal migrations of large game 
animals and the increased abundance of arboreal forest rodents and 
carnivores which permanently inhabited the area were the main contributing 
factors in the restoration and reorganization of the assemblages of forest 

7. Assemblages of agricultural pests and synanthropic (house) 
assemblages developed initially in each zone from the local species. 

The cultural landscapes created many possibilities for the development 
of new ecological features and mammal assemblages. The best examples 
of these processes are the development of hydrophilous populations of 
steppe mouse on rice fields and populations of steppe vole on the unirrigated 
wheat and barley fields of eastern Transcaucasia. 

The accidentally introduced species play only a minor role in the 
development of assemblages of agricultural pests. The Norway rat is an 
example of this phenomenon: the species became established in the 
vegetable gardens of Ciscaucasia and the Black Sea coast. 

8. Development of synanthropic assemblages of mammals occurred 
many times and independently in different zoogeographic districts and 
sections of the Caucasian Isthmus. The development was based on the 
adaptation of native species to various local construction techniques, 
according to the evolution of morphological features, ecological possibilities 
and needs of individual species. The synanthropic assemblages developed, 
and still continue to develop, from the representatives of three orders: 
Rodentia, Chiroptera and шзесНуога. Rodents are the group which comes 
most into contact with man. 

Adaptation of the Caucasian rodents (steppe and mountain-steppe races 
of house mouse, common field mouse, migratory hamster, snow vole) to 
life in man-made structures is undoubtedly as old as the adaptation of the 
cosmopolitan races of house mouse and rat. 


Improvement in residential quarters and increase in human population 
under the conditions provided by cultural landscapes universally resulted in 
the replacement of the native synanthropic assemblage by the cosmopolitan 

Introduction of species (Norway rat and synanthropic races of house 
mouse) into the cultural landscape and human dwellings proceeded at first 
along the Black and Caspianseacoasts, where the animals were introduced 
from boats. The development of the house rodent assemblages in the 
coastal settlements has essentially been completed. At present the inner 
regions of the Caucasus are rapidly being inhabited by introduced 
synanthropic rodents. This process is due to the development of rail 
and motor transport. The displacement of native rodents from the house 
assemblage can best be observed on the high plateaus, for example in 

9. The planned reconstruction of Soviet agriculture includes planting 
of forests and construction of irrigational networks, organization of forestry 
and hunting, and development of settlements. All these measures will 
promote rapid evolution of ecological assemblages and faunal complexes of 
the Caucasian mammals. 

10. In addition to the planned alteration of the landscape, measures 
aimed at enrichment of the landscape zones and sections described with 
Caucasian and alien game animals will also affect the future development 
of the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus. 

Particularly interesting and economically important results may be 
obtained from the introduction of central Asian highland hoofed species 
into Dagestan, and of goats of the Greater Caucasus into the Lesser 
Caucasus section of the Caucasian District. 




This concludes the review of the main stages of the history of the 
mammalian fauna of the Caucasus as known from faunological materials 
now available. These stages, developing as marks in the Tertiary, 
become progressively clearer throughout the Anthropogene towards recent 
times. A generalized summary is given below. 

The history of the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus begins in the 
Oligocene. The Caucasian mountain-forest complex probably began to 
develop in the Middle Miocene. The Hipparion faunal complex migrated 
to the plain and foothills of the Caucasus from the south in the Upper 
Miocene, when the fauna of the Black Sea, Caucasus and Caspian coasts 
did not differ essentially from the west Mediterranean fauna. These 
similarities in the development of the mammalian fauna were also 
pronounced in the Middle Miocene under increasingly differentiated 
conditions of climate and landscape in the Caucasus. Mastodons and 
Hipparion became extinct; horses, bulls and elephants appeared. 

The transition to the Pleistocene on the Caucasus was also similar to 
the transition in Europe. The distribution ranges of large animals, the 
index species of the Lower Pleistocene (Elephas trogontherii, horses, 
Rhinoceros mercki, giant deer and European bison), covered the 
Caucasian Isthmus, i.e., the ranges extended from the Russian Plain to 
southwest Asia. The specificity of the faunal development somewhat 
increased following the new stages of landscape differentiation and the 
increased influence of the Greater Caucasus as an ecological mountain 
barrier. Ciscaucasia was infiltrated by the steppe species of the Russian 
Plain and semidesert species ef northern central Asia, whereas 
Transcaucasia was penetrated by the upland-steppe species of southwest 

The process of evolution of the mammalian fauna of the Isthmus in the 
Quarternary mainly consisted of extinctions and immigrations, rather 
than endemic speciation. 

The known data indicate that evolution of the species inthe Quaternary — 
evolution of mammoths from Elephas trogontherii, evolution of 
Caucasian bison from the primitive bison, etc. — did not result in the 
qualitative enrichment of the fauna. 

The rates of evolution and speciation and the adaptational trends of 
Caucasian mammals vary greatly within orders. This indicates that there 
are no unifying laws or general regularities in these processes. 

The glacial epoch did not produce noticeably northern effects in the 
composition of the mammalian complexes in the Caucasus. Undoubtedly, 
the glaciations did result, however, in the shifting of distribution ranges 
and in increased rates of evolution of many species. 



A number of xerophilous and thermophilous mammals migrated to the 
Caucasus from the south in Lower Holocene time because of the development 
of xerothermal conditions. Direct and indirect human influence on the 
development of ecological assemblages and complexes of mammals in the 
plains and foothills increased toward the Upper Holocene, at which time the 
fauna became strongly impoverished in large carnivores and hoofed 
mammals. However, consideration of all the facts on the extinction of 
individual species, changes in their distribution ranges and evolution of 
their complexes in the Anthropogene of the Caucasus (Chapters II, III, VI), 
attests to the importance of the role played by natural factors in the 
above processes. In particular, this applies to those mammals which 
originated in the steppes of central Asia. 

The newest stage of development of the Soviet economy opened great 
perspectives for the restoration and enrichment of the mammalian fauna 
of the Caucasus by exterminating harmful species and introducing useful 
ones. Further development of the economy and natural resources of the 
Caucasus will require the Government to undertake large-scale protection 
of sample natural faunal complexes. 

Tasks for immediate investigation 

The theory and organization of investigations in the near future of the 
mammalian fauna of the Caucasus and its history present many far-reaching 
and diverse problems. 

The collection of bone material at the known and newly-discovered 
deposits of Tertiary and Quarternary mammals must, of course, continue. 

Systematic observations within the next few years on the eroded Tertiary 
and Quarternary beds of the shores of the Tsimlyanskaya, Novotroitskii, 
Tshchikskii and Mingechaur reservoirs may reveal bone materials of 
great value in future studies. 

More thorough investigation must be carried out at such "Ккеу" deposits 
as the Tertiary beds near Belomechetskaya, at El'dar and Udabno, in the 
Kosyakin quarry near Stavropol and the sand quarries on the northern Azov 
coast, in the Lower Quarternary deposits on the Taman Peninsula and in 
the Middle and Upper Quarternary asphalt deposits on the Apsheron. 
Surveying Pyatigor'e, Karabakh and central Transcaucasia for Paleolithic 
sites may produce valuable paleontological material and improve our 
present knowledge of the development of the fauna of these regions in the 

The storage and maintenance of paleontological collections in the 
republican, regional and district museums must be improved. Systematic 
work on the collections from the regions mentioned would improve our 
knowledge of the composition of the ancient mammalian complexes and their 
correlation with the known Cenozoic faunas of the western Mediterranean, 
Russian Plain and central Asia. Additional identifications of species in the 
fossil faunal complexes, supported by paleobotanical studies, will help in 
the reconstruction of complete paleographic pictures and development of the 
stratigraphy of the Cenozoic continental sediments. 


Further study of the distribution ranges of Caucasian mammals must 
include ecological analyses of their manifestations of endemism, relict 
distribution and discontinuities. These analyses are relevant to determinations 
on climatic and sea level fluctuations, orogenesis and glaciations. 

They must be supported by paleontological evidence. Thus, for example, 
our knowledge of the time of infiltration of the central Asian semidesert and 
desert species into eastern Ciscaucasia can be improved only through deep 
drilling in the Terek-Kuma semidesert and by a paleontological survey of 
the northern foothills of Dagestan. 

Our study of the specific composition of the Caucasian fauna in the 
Cenozoic undertaken to discover general developmental regulations, 
particularly in the Anthropogene, left many unsolved problems, especially 
with regard to geographic and intraspecific variation. 

In this category belong the genetic and ecological interrelationships of a 
number of forms described by taxonomists: mole, water shrew and white- 
toothed shrew among the insectivores; weasel and bear among the 
carnivores; common field and house mice among the rodents; roe deer 
among the hoofed mammals, etc. 

It appears that these problems cannot be ЕЯ by a single morphometric 

No matter how thorough are such works or how well supported by 
accepted field observations, many questions remain unanswered: the extent 
of interbreeding, pattern of inheritance of characteristics, etc. 

The complex relief, variability of the climates and sharply differentiated 
landscapes over short distances produce a very complex picture of 
geographic variation. In small mammals, rodents being an example, the 
geographic variation is tied to the variation in weather conditions in 
different years and seasons. 

Studies with material collected in different years and seasons which 
does not take into account the altitude may only obscure the nature of the 
geographic variation. 

Thus the investigator — morphologist or faunologist — who has spent a 
great amount of labor on measurements can only make more or less reliable 
guesses as to the nature and rates of evolution of the forms. We believe 
that at this stage of science the faunologist must combine morphological 
analysis not only with the usual ecological observations in the field, but also 
with experiments under natural or nearly natural conditions. 

Organization of such studies is laborious, but nonetheless necessary, 
since they will contribute to the solution of the basic problems in the study 
of the evolution of organisms. 

Further studies comparing the data on the Recent evolution of ecological 
and morpho-physiological characteristics of species with paleontological 
material will establish accurately the rates of evolution of mammals at 
different stages of the Quarternary, and, employing the fossil mammals 
for the stratigraphic subdivision of the Quarternary, permit us to foresee 
faunal changes in the future. 


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Inst. Gruz. Fil. AN SSSR, Vol. 4:4-42. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1942a. Domovye gryzuny v Azerbaidzhane i 
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Methods of Controlling Them). 1-37 pp. — Baku, Izd. AN AzerbSSR. 

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Pest, the Social Vole, in Azerbaidzhan).—Izv. Azerb. Fil. AN 
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(Finds of Striped Field Mouse in Azerbaidzhan).— Priroda, 

No. 3:74-75. 

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Vereshchagin, N.K. 1945b. Novye faunisticheskie nakhodki v Talyshe 
(New Faunistic Finds in Talysh).— Priroda, No. 6:67-68. 

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(The Loss of Azerbaidzhan Bird Life in Oil [Pools]).— Zool. Zhurn., 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1946b. Osnovnye ekologicheskie cherty obshchest- 
vennoi polevki v polupustynnoi zone Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR (Main 
Ecological Features of the Social Vole in the Semidesert Zone of 
the Azerbaidzhan §.S.R.).— Tr. Zool. Inst. АМ AzerbSSR, 

Vol. 11:144-182. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1947a. Novye nakhodki khishchnykh i kopytnykh 
v binagadinskom asfal'ts (New Finds of Carnivora and Ungulata 
in the Binagady Asphalt).— DAN SSSR, 55(3):247-249. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1947b. Novaya rasa burogo medvedya iz 
binagadinskogo asfal'ta (Ursus arctos binagadensis subsp. 
nov.) (New Species of European Bear (Ursus arctos binaga- 
densis subsp. nov.) from the Binagady Asphalt).—Ibid., 55(4): 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1947с. Amerikanskii enot b lesakh Ismaillinskogo 
raiona Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR (American Raccoon in the Forests of 
the Ismailly Area of the Azerbaidzhan S.S.R.).— Izv. AN AzerbSSR, 
No. 5:68-73. 


Vereshchagin, М.К. 19474. Okhotnich'i i promyslovye zhivotnye 
Kavkaza (Game and Commercial Animals of the Caucasus). 

3-144 pp.— Baku, Izd. AN AzerbSSR. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1948. Los' Alces sp. kak nedavno vymershee 
na Kavkaze zhivotnoe (Alces sp. (Elk): An Animal Recently 
Extinct on the Caucasus).— DAN AzerbSSR, 4(3):124-126. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1949a. K istorii i sistematicheskomu polozheniyu 
losya na Kavkaze (History and Taxonomy of Elk on the Caucasus). — 
Ibid. , 65(3):491-493. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1949b. Zoogeograficheskie karty (Zoogeographic 
Charts).—In book: Atlas Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. p.44. Baku, Izd. 
AN AzerbsSsR. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1949c. Pleistotsenovye relikty Kabristana i 
Apsheronskogo poluostrova (Pleistocene Relics of Kabristan and 
the Apsheron Peninsula). — Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody, 
otdel biologicheskii, 54(4):3-14. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 19494. О proiskhozhdenii krys года Rattus у 
Zakavkaz'e (Origin of Rats of the Genus Rattus in Transcaucasia). 
—ieriroda, (Neowin 6125.63. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1949e. K ekologii i epidemiologicheskomu 
znacheniyu gryzunov Lenkoranskoi nizmennosti i gornogo Talysha 
(Rodents of the Lenkoran Lowland and Talysh Uplands: Their 
Ecology and Epidemiological Importance).— Tr. Zool. Inst. AN 
AzerbssR;. Vol. 13:115=129° 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1950a. Bolotnyi bobr (nutriya) po razvedenie i 
promysel v vodoemakh Zakavkaz'ya (Breeding Commercial Nutria 
(Myocastor coypus Mol.) in Transcaucasian Water Bodies). 
1-146 pp.— Baku, Izd. AN AzerbSSR. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1950b. Zimovki i promysel vodoplavayushchei 
ptitsy v Azerbaidzhane (Hibernation and Hunting of Waterfowl in 
Azerbaidzhan).— Tr. Inst. Zool. AN AzerbSSR, Vol. 14:133-212. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1951а. Ostatki sobaki 1 bobrov (Mammalia, 
Canis, Castor, Trogontherium) iz nizhnego pleistotsena 
zapadnogo Kavkaza (Fossils of Dog and Beaver (Mammalia: Canis, 
Castor, Trogontherium) from the Lower Pleistocene of the 
Western Caucasus).— DAN SSSR, 80(5):821-824. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1951b. Khishchnye (Carnivora) iz binagadinskogo 
asfal'ta: Binagadinskoe mestonakhozhdenie chetvertichnoi fauny i 
flory, I (Carnivora from the Binagady Asphalt: Binagady Site of 
Quaternary Flora and Fauna, I).— Tr. Estestv. -Ist. Muz. AN 
AzerbsSR, Vol. 4:28-126. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1951с. Mlekopitayushchie (Mammals). — 
Zhivotnyi Mir Azerbaidzhana. pp. 84-251. Baku, Izd. АМ AzerbSSR. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 19514. Usloviya massovoi gibeli nazemnykh 
pozvonochnykh i zakhoroneniya ikh ostatkov v Zakavkaz'e 
(Circumstances of Mass Mortality and of Fossil Deposition of 
Terrestrial Vertebrates in Transcaucasia). — Zool. Zhurn., 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1952. Ostatki zhivotnykh i rastenii v bituminoz- 
nykh otlozheniyakh (Remains of Animals and Plants in Bituminous 
Deposits). — Priroda, No. 3:122-123. 


Vereshchagin, М.К. 1953а. К istorii landshaftov Predkavkaz'ya v 
chetvertichnom periode (History of Ciscaucasian Landscapes in the 
Quaternary). — Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchest- 
va, No. 85, 2:200-201. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1953b. Opyty razvedeniya novykh vidov 
pushnykh khishchnikov v Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR (Breeding 
Experiments with New Fur-Bearing Carnivore Species in Azerbaid- 
zhan §.S.R.).— Tr. Inst. Zool. AN AzerbSSR, Vol. 16:150-168. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1953c. Ostatki argaliobraznogo barana Ovis cf. 
ammon Pall. iz bituminoznykh sloev Apsheronskogo Poluostrova: 
Binagadinskoe mestonakhozhdenie chetvertichnoi fauny i flory, Ш 
(Remains of Argali-like Sheep (Ovis cf. ammon Pall.) from 
Bituminous Strata of the Apsheron Peninsula: Binagady Site of 
Quaternary Fauna and Flora, ПТ). — Tr. Estestv.-Ist. Muz. AN 
AzerbSSR, Vol. 6:302-309. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1953d. Velikie 'kladbishcha"' zhivotnykh у 
dolinakh rek Russkoi ravniny (The Great Animal ''Graveyards" in 
the River Valleys of the Russian Plain). — Priroda, No. 12:60-65. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1954. K istorii fauny pozvonochnykh i razvitiya 
landshaftov Stavropol'ya v neogene (A History of the Vertebrates 
and of Landscape Development of the Stavropol Area in the Neogene). 
— Materialy po Izucheniyu Stavropol'skogo Kraya, No.6:169-175 . 

Vereshchagin, М.К. 1955. Kavkazskii los' (А1сез alces cauca- 
sicus М. Ver. subsp. nov. ya materialy k istorii losei na Kavkaze 
(Caucasian Elk (Alces alces caucasicus N. Ver. subsp. 
nov. ): Data on Its History in the Caucasus).— Zool. Zhurn., 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1956. O prezhnem rasprostranenii nekotorykh 
kopytnykh v raione smykaniya evropeisko-kazakhstanskikh i 
tsentral'noaziatskikh stepei (Former Distribution of Some Ungulates 
at the Junction of the European-Kazakhstan and Central Asian 
Steppes).— Zool. Zhurn., 35(10):1541-1553. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1957a. Ostatki mlekopitayushchikh iz nizhnechet- 
vertichnykh otlozhenii Tamanskogo poluostrova (Fossil Mammals 
from the Lower Quaternary Deposits of the Taman Peninsula). — 
Те Zool. Inst .AWN SSSR ом 958. 

Vereshchagin, N.K. 1957b. Pleistotsenovye pozvonochnye iz peshchery 
Kudaro I v Yugo-Osetii i ikh znachenie dlya razrabotki istorii fauny 
i landshaftov Kavkaza (Pleistocene Vertebrates from Kudaro I Cave 
in South Ossetia: Their Significance for an Historical Analysis of 
Caucasian Fauna and Гапазсарез). — DAN SSSR, No. 112, 6:1347-1349. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. andI.M. Gromov. 1952. К istorii fauny 
pozvonochnykh raiona nizhnego techeniya reki Ural (History of 
Vertebrate Fauna ofthe Lower Ural Area).—Tr. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 
Vol. 9:1226-1269. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. andI.M. Gromovy. 1953a. Sbor ostatkov 
vysshikh pozvonochnykh chetvertichnogo perioda (Collection of 
Remains of Higher Vertebrates of the Quaternary). 1-37 pp.— 
Moskva-Leningrad, Izd. AN SSSR. 


Vereshchagin, М, К. ара Т.М. Gromov. 19535. О proshlom fauny 
i Ногу Stavropol'ya (The Fauna and Flora of the Stavropol Area in 
the Past). — Priroda, No. 7:103-104. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. andS.K. Dal'. 1948. О rasprostranenii 
dikobraza у Zakavkaz'e (Porcupine Distribution in Transcaucasia). — 
DAN ArmSSR, 9(2):85-86. 

Veresmoenaciny N. оао. ©1194 9 Ромедеште ptits) 1 
mlekopitayushchikh prisil'nom zamorozke у vostochnom Zakavkaz'e 
(Behavior of Birds and Mammals During Hard Frost in Eastern 
Transcaucasia). — Izv. АМ AzerbSSR, No.7:34-38. 

Меса меаото Во AD о ооо. 1 1957. (Ostatki zaivotmy kia 
па must'erskoi stoyanke pod Stalingradom i stratigraficheskoe 
polozhenie paleoliticheskogo sloya (Animal Remains Found at a 
Mousterian Encampment Site Near Stalingrad; the Stratigraphic 
Position of the Paleolithic Deposits). Tr. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 
МО 221589). 

Vereshchagin, М.К. andS.l. Машедоу. 1946. Stepnaya mysh' 
(Mus musculus tataricus Sat.) kak vreditel' risa v 
Azerbaidzhane (Mus musculus tataricus Sat.: Rice Pest in 
Azerbaidzhan).— DAN AzerbSSR, 2(3):113-115. 

Vereshchagin, М.К. and V.I. Naniev, 1949. Prezhnee 1 sovremennoe 
rasprostranenie kopytnykh v Severnoi Osetii (Former and Recent 
Distribution of Ungulata in North Ossetia).— Zool. Zhurn., 28(3): 

Узоезщопаюля. М, №. С: Себе, ао Зы ое ом=ь 1959. 
О vremeni i prichinakh vymiraniya kavkazskogo surka (When and 
Why the Caucasian Marmot Became Extinct). — Doklady Vysshei 
Shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki, No. 2:36-38. 

W Gi S Slane wel Sissy GOIN) ie аа OQ, In SS меню Way aine ааа 1928 
Ostatki kopytnykh v svyatilishchakh Severnoi Osetii (Remains of 
Ungulata in North Ossetia Sanctuaries).— Priroda, No. 9:70-71. 

Меру ют Тотем а Perc osiasy INE! WOVAS пометка eller 
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Azerb. Neft. 

Byull. Kavkaz. 
Gos. Zapov. 
Byull. Komiss. 
po Izuch. Chet- 
vertichn. Perioda 
Byull. Mosk. 
Obshch. Ispyt. 




Ezhegodn. po Geol. 
i Mineral. Rossii 

Ezhegodn. Zool. 


Izd. AN UkrSSR 


Akademiya Nauk Ukrayins'- 
koyi Radyans'koyi 

Sotsialistychnoyi Respubliky 

Azerbaidzhanskoe Neftyanoe 


Academy of Sciences of 
the Ukrainian SSR 
[in Ukrainian] 
Azerbaidzhan Petroleum 

Gosudarstvennoe Ob''edinenie State Association of the 

Azerbaidzhanskoi Neftedoby- 
vayushchei Promyshlennosti 
Byulleten' Kavkazskogo Gosu- 

darstvennogo Zapovednika 

Byulleten' Komissii po 
Izucheniyu Chetvertichnogo 

Byulleten' Moskovskogo 
Obshchestva Ispytatelei 

Dagestanskii Narodnyi 
Komissariat Zemledeliya 

Doklady Akademii Nauk 

Doklady Akademii Nauk 
Armyanskoi SSR 

Doklady Akademii Nauk 
Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR 

Ezhegodnik po Geologii 
i Mineralogii Rossii 
Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo 
Muzeya Akademii 
Nauk SSSR 

Izdatel'stvo Akademii 
Nauk SSSR 

Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk 
Ukrainskoi SSR 


Azerbaidzhan Petroleum 

Bulletin of the Caucasian 
State Reservation 

Bulletin of the Commission 
on the Study of the 

Bulletin of the Moscow 
Society for Natural 

Dagestan People's 
Commissariat of 

Proceedings of the 
Academy of Sciences 
of the, U.5.8. В. 

Proceedings of the 
Academy of Sciences of 
the Armenian S.S.R. 

Proceedings of the 
Academy of Sciences 
ofthe AzerbaidzhanS.S.R. 

Russian Geological and 
Mineralogical Yearbook 

Yearbook of the Zoological 
Museum of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
Виа. Re 

Academy of Sciences ofthe 
U.S.S.R. Publishing 

Academy of Sciences of the 
Ukr.S.S.R. Publishing 

]2а. Kavk. Мал. 

12а. Mosk. 
Obshch. Ispyt. 


Izv. AN ArmSSR 

Izv. AN AzerbSSR 

Izv. AN Kazakh 

Пу, мое И 

Izv. Azerb. Gos. 

Izv. Azerb. Univ. 

Izv. Geogr. 
Izv. Kavk. Muz. 

Izv. Kavk. Otdel. 
Russk. Geogr. 

Izv. Ross. AN 

Izv. Russk. 
Geogr. Obshch. 

Ae, Abibhelkoatyy Е 



Kratk. Soobshch. 

Inst. Ist. Mater. 
Ка] Чагу 

Izdatel'stvo Kavkazskogo 

Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo 
Obshchestva Ispytatelei 

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 
Armyanskoi SSR 

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 
Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR 

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 
Kazakhskoi SSR 

Izvestiya Armyanskogo 
Filiala Akademii Nauk 

Izvestiya Azerbaidzhanskogo 

Izvestiya Azerbaidzhanskogo 

Izvestiya Geograficheskogo 

Izvestiya Kavkazskogo 

Izvestiya Kavkazskogo 
Otdeleniya Russkogo 

Izvestiya Rossiiskoi 
Akademii Nauk 

Izvestiya Russkogo 

Izvestiya Turkmenskogo 
Filiala Akademii Nauk 

Kabardinskoe Gosudarsten- 
noe Izdatel'stvo 

Vsesoyuznoe КоорегаЙупое 

Kratkie Soobshcheniya 
Instituta Istorii Material'- 
noi Kul'tury 


Caucasian Museum 
Publishing House 

Naturalists' Society of 
Moscow Publishing 

Bulletin of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
WEES Sekt: 

Bulletin of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
Armenian 8.S.R. 

Bulletin of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
Azerbaidzhan §$.S.R. 

Bulletin of the Academy 
of Sciences of the Kazakh 

Bulletin of the Armenian 
Branch of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
Я. 5.5.8. 

Bulletin of the 
Azerbaidzhan State 

Bulletin of the 
Azerbaidzhan University 

Bulletin of the 
Geographical Society 

Bulletin of the Caucasian 

Bulletin of the Caucasian 
Branch of the Russian 
Geographical Society 

Bulletin of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences 
Bulletin of the Russian 
Geographical Society 

Bulletin of the Turkmenian 
Branch of the Academy 
of Sciences of the 
WhiSs So 199. 

Kabardian State Publishing 

All-Union Cooperative 
Publishing House 

Brief Communications 
of the Institute of the 
History of Material 

Mater. К. Pozn. 
Fauny i Flory 
Ross. Imp. 

Mater. k Pozn. 
Fauny i Flory 

Materialy k Poznaniyu Fauny Materials for the Study 
i Flory Rossiiskoi Imperii of Fauna and Flora of 
the Russian Empire 

Materials for the Study 
of Fauna and Flora of 

Materialy k Poznaniyu Fauny 
i Flory SSSR 

SSSR ide log БВ: 

Mater. po. Materialy po Chetvertichnomu Materials on the 
Chetvert. Periodu SSSR Quaternary of the 
Periodu SSSR USS. №. 

MGU Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Moscow State University 

Zapiski Komiteta po 

Zap. Komit. po 

Notes of the Committee 

Zapov. Zapovednikam on Nature Reservations 

Nauchn. Tr. Nauchnye Trudy Erevanskogo Scientific Transactions, 
Erevansk. Gos. Gosudarstvennogo Yerevan State University 
Univ. Universiteta 

NIIS Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Scientific Research 

Institut Svyazi Institute of 
NKTP SSSR Narodnyi Komissariat People's Commissariat 

Tyazheloi Promyshlennosti 

Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov, 
Erevanskii Meditsinskii 

Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov 

of Heavy Industry of 
the Wro.o: kh. 

Collection of Scientific 
Works, Yerevan 
Medical Institute 

Council of the People's 

Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Communications of the 
Gruzinskoi SSR Academy of Sciences of 
the Georgian S.S.R. 

Communications of the 
Georgian Branch of the 
Academy of Sciences of 
tHe WS JS) 5% 

Sb. Nauchn. Tr., 
Erevanskii Med. 


Soobshch. AN 
Gruz SSR 

Soobshch. Gruz. 

Soobshcheniya Gruzinskogo 
Filiala Akademii Nauk SSSR 

Sotsekgiz Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo State Publishing House 
Sotsial'no-Ekonomicheskoi of Social Sciences and 
Literatury Economics 
SPb Sankt-Peterburg ow. Freterspure 
er Azerb. al: Trudy Azerbaidzhanskogo Transactions of the 
AN SSSR Filiala Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhan Branch 

Tr. Biol! Inst. 
Arm. Fil. AN 


Trudy Biologicheskogo 
Instituta, Armyanskii 
Filial, Akademiya Nauk 


of the Academy of 

Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 
Transactions of the 

Biological Institute, 

Armenian Branch, 

Academy of Sciences 

of the U.S.S.R. 

Tr. Erevansk. 
Zool. Parka 
Tr. Geol. Muz. 


Tr. Inst. Zool. 
AN AzerbSSR 

Tr. Geol. i 
Mineral, Muz. 

Tr. Kavk. Gos. 

Те. Komiss .“po 

Tr. Paleontol. 
Inst. AN SSSR 

Tr. Sov. Sektsii 
Assots. po 
Izuch. Chetver- 
tich. Perioda 

Tr. Zool. Inst. 

Tr. Zool. Inst. 
AN Gruz. SSR 

Tr. Zool. Sektsii 
Gruz. Fil. AN 

Tr. Zool. Sektsii 
Gruz. Otd. 
Zakavk. Fil. 

Trudy Erevanskogo 
Zoologicheskogo Parka 

Trudy Geologicheskogo 
Muzeya Akademii Nauk 

Trudy Instituta Zoologii, 
Akademii Nauk 
Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR 

Trudy Geologicheskogo i 
Muzeya Akademii Nauk 

Trudy Kavkazskogo 

Trudy Komissii po Izucheniyu 

Chertvertichnogo Perioda 

Trudy Paleontologicheskogo 

Instituta Akademii Nauk 

Trudy Sovetskoi Sektsii 

Mezhdunarodnoi Assotsiatsii 
po Izucheniyu Chetvertich- 

nogo Perioda Evropy 

Trudy Zoologicheskogo 
Instituta Akademii Nauk 

Trudy Zoologicheskogo 
Instituta Akademii Nauk 
Gruzinskoi SSR 

Trudy Zoologicheskoi Sektsii 

Gruzinskogo Filiala 
Akademii Nauk SSSR 

Trudy Zoologicheskoi Sektsii 

Gruzinskogo Otdeleniya 
Zakavkazskogo Filiala 
Akademii Nauk SSSR 


Transactions of the 
Yerevan Zoological Park 

Transactions of the 
Geological Museum of 
the Academy of Sciences 
of the U.S.S.R. 

Transactions of the 
Zoological Institute, 
Academy of Sciences 
of the Azerbaidzhan 

Transactions of the 
Geological and 
Mineralogical Museum 
of the Academy of 
Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 

Transactions of the 
Caucasian State Reserve 

Transactions of the 
Committee on the Study 
of the Quaternary 

Transactions of the 
Paleontological Institute 
of the Academy of 
Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 

Transactions of the Soviet 
Section of the Inter - 
national Association for 
the Study of the 
Quaternary of Europe 

Transactions of the 
Zoological Institute, 
Academy of Sciences of 
Woe ©. Sais like 

Transactions of the 
Zoological Institute, 
Academy of Sciences of 
the Georgian 8S.S.R. 

Transactions of the 
Zoological Section, 
Georgian Branch of the 
Academy of Sciences 
Git Wore Wa 5.5. В. 

Transactions of the 
Zoological Section, 
Georgian Division ofthe 
Transcaucasian Branch 
of the Academy of 
Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 


Uch. Zap. Azerb. 
Gos. Univ. 
im. S.M. Kirova 

Uch; Zap.) Seve 
Osetin. Gos. 
Ped. Inst. 

Uch. Zap. Sev.- 
Kavk. Inst. 

Zap. AN 

Zap. Kavk. Muz. 

Zap. Kavk. Otd. 
Russk. Geogr. 

Zool, Sh, 
Zool Sb. Arima, 

Zool. Zhurnt 

Tsentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi 

Uchenye Zapiski Azerbaid- 
zhanskogo Gosudarstven- 
nogo Universiteta im. 
S.M. Kirova 

Uchenye Zapiski, Severo- 
Osetinskii Gosudarstvennyi 
Pedagogicheskii Institut 
im. К.Г. Khetagurova 

Uchenye Zapiski Severo- 
Kavkazskogo Instituta 

Zapiski Akademii Nauk 

Zapiski Kavkazskogo 

Zapiski Kavkazskogo 
Otdeleniya Russkogo 

Zoologicheskii Sbornik 

Zoologicheskii Sbornik 
Armyanskogo Filiala 
Akademii Nauk SSSR 

Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 


Central Executive 

Scientific Reports of the 
Azerbaidzhan State 
University im. 
S.M. Kirov 

Scientific Reports, North 
Ossetian State 
Pedagogical Institute 
im. K.L. Khetagurov 

Scientific Reports of the 
North Caucasian Institute 
of Regional Studies 

Reports of the Academy 
of Sciences 

Reports of the Caucasian 

Reports of the Caucasian 
Branch of the Russian 
Geographical Society 

Zoological Collection 
Zoological Collection of 
the Armenian Branch 
of the Academy of 
Seiences of the U.S.S.R. 
Journal of Zoology 

629 Supplement. Part 1 

WAS) 0.1955 

(Graphs 1-23, pp. 692-703) 

(643) Part 2 


(Maps 1-97, pp. 705-801) 



Graph 1 

“° Ciscaucasia 

25. at eo oie F330 dor 39 
1930 1940 1950 
Graph 2 Н 
Г \ 
1 \ 
1 \ 
Jackal 1 \ 
Ciscaucasia | \ 
———-~» Transcaucasia | \ 
SOCDIGORCH Dagestan - | 
| : 
“A 1 \ 
H \ , \ | \ 
boy i | \- Г 
' № aN \ / 
i р | у 
Г ` : 
1 \ | 
1 \ | 
Г \ м 1 
| \ ‘\ 1 
я ae cal 
oe Nv м rf \! 

ao тт 
1930 1940 1950 


Graph 3 Wolf 

© Ciscaucasia 

—--——, Transcaucasia 

5 27 2931 33 $ 37 9 1 94 44 7 9 Я 35 
1930 1940 1950 

Graph 4 
nae Fox 

> Ciscaucasia 

= SS 2 Transcaucasia 

5 27 45 1 3 3 37 39°41 43 45 47 49 St 
1930 1940 1950 


633 Graph 5 

at eee Lranscaucasia 
pe и Azerbaidzhan 
/ ‘\ A Armenia 
ь \--/ | = —— — | Сера ° 
i A 
- K A 
А Ts re 
А! a * ms Wey 
Aes A 
\ \ ; vs \ \ 
/ у Г \ 

Bf B82 DB BF Be Bw oF eee Ss 
1930 1940 1950 

Graph 6 

Corsac Fox 

“~ Ciscaucasia 

85-27 28. Ft. FB» 35 FP DI AME ND 05 OP 59 

3 5 
1930 1940 1950 



Graph 7 

Raccoon Dog 

—— —— Transcaucasia 

Sie lens cea 


3 35S 

3 441797 





Graph 8 



= == 
С ----» 
о Some 
=) а. 
Gs] eee ee 
о "_----.-.. 
2 --> 
a g 
Ё = 
x cc _ 
| =e a 
| ? 
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oc — 




47 49° SI 

3 % 

33 $53731 

27 29% 91 




Graph 9 


---- Transcaucasia 

i nd 
SB 27 arn 3 $5 2B 4 @ 6 wea” 5t 53 55 
1930 1940 1950 


“f Ciscaucasia 

Graph 10 

3 SS 

9 449 99 

33 3 37 94 

27 ain 



636 Graph 11 

Siberian Polecat 

f Ciscaucasia 

»*@ SHI el et A 
a7 oly 2 5 ли чб lst 9 55 
1930 1940 

Graph 12 


ae Ciscaucasia 

5 272 93 3 37 B's 8 4 7 WD 51 SB SS 
1930 1940 1950 


637 Graph 13 

/ | Badger 
/ | zt Ciscaucasia 
# | “=== Transcaucasia 
еж ВОВ Dagestan 
%“ ал 
\ Was 
у Vv \ 
\ 4 
\ \ 
\ \ 
\ \ 
q \ oar? 
Oe ~ 
ome, * “, 
aed > 
SB FF HM’ ее TT B'H 2 Ba? we Oe SF Os 
1980 1940 1950 
Graph 14 
6 Ciscaucasia 
———-= Transcaucasia a 
\ ° 
a ae. 
Pa ae ee 
Pe ee 
Г \ 4\ 
Г 1 At 
1 ¥ d 
< . к 

аи тн 
1940 1950 


638 Graph 15 
1 | 
Lynx | 
=p Ciscaucasia Armenia Fhe) 
—— — > Tramseaucasia ----- Georgia ! j Vien 
—-—-— North Caucasus ---+++----= Dagestan А / I | 1 
т А zerbaidzhan 4 | i! № 
\ j | |! 
| #1 

5. —. 

53 55 

45 47 49 51 

2 27 29 131 33 $ 79 41 43 
1940 1950 


ase = a asia 
9 Transcaucasi 
*—'- Azerbaidzhan 
А бы Dagestan 

Graph 16 se 

§ ". Lf ee . | Matsa: 
ie $ 37 3 41 4 45 147949 ! 155 
1940 1950 



Graph 17 
European Hare 
к Ciscaucasia 

Е Transcaucasia 

29 7229 Bot. 3s8 GB п-т Gh AD 5 
1930 1940 1950 
ee European Hare 
— =e Transcaucasia 
№ т. Azerbaidzhan 
——=—=—— = Georgia 
1 pu ea «, — Лгпеша 
| ; ms A м, 
Гу ba 128%, 
ii Be МЛ >. у^. \ A 
Ph 1 - AN \ i \ 
1 \ | \ 1 \ | A 
ны : \/ \ и 
/ i у \\ ra 
AY Ko gpa 4 Ч 
/ \ . VA \ Я 



я ыы и № “oa, 
4 oO = ey, 
7 on BB a se'aw 86 6 W'S 
1940 1950 

640 Graph 19 

А Persian Squirrel 


—. —.- Azerbaidzhan 
\ ------ Georgia 


ji | 
a i ea , 
У > р. Oe. aS 

1930 1940 1950 
Graph 20 
Nutria ] 
———- Georgia Я 
—-—-— Azerbaidzhan 5 
Armenia | 



Graph 21 
Fat Dormouse 
и Ciscaucasia 
---= Transcaucasia 
д \ 
, 1 
А | 
Г “ \ 
J | 
| \ 
/ < ^^! \--* 
XN =, 
5 27 91 eS 7 Bo 4 4 47 49°51 33 55 
1930 1940 1950 
Graph 22 2890357 
Water Rat А 
7 Ciscaucasia 

25 27 дл“ т Sl 
1930 1930 

3 499 я 

У 5 


642 Graph 23 

24 mm 


_——е Ciscaucasia 

—_newee North Caucasus 

3 27 oH 33 $ 317 91494 41 9 St 3$ 
1930 1940 1950 




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Antelope 16, 43-44, 55, 60, 66, 71, 240, 355, 460, 545 
Ape 38, 55, 123, 160 
Argali — see Sheep 

Ass: 133, 158, 160, P64,02113242, 214, 222+024,- 22627 20% S41; TTa 
Kulan (Asiatic wild ass; onager) 158, 164, 184, 208, 212-213, 216, 
224, 229, 23154236 —-237, 239, 243^267-269, 327-3al-7374, 382—-ape, 
457, 473, 495, 497, 499, 510, 514, 520-525, 530, 571, 574, 584-585, 


Badger 123, 131, 139, 143, 147, 163, 175, 223, 236-237, 247, 399-401, 
466, 495, 498,504, 516, 525, 536, 538, 550, 554, 558-559, 698, 735 

Bat 101, 389, 464, 490, 496-497, 499, 532, 541, 572 
Barbastel 466, 490 
Asiatic 502, °716 
European 502, 716 
Horseshoe bat 466, 487, 495, 498, 514, 572 
Blasius' 502, 712 
Great 22674230. 9500) "alt 
Mehely's 500, 711 
Simiatl 502: 112 
Southern 500, 711 
Long-eared bat 502, 715 
Long-winged bat 502, 715 
Mouse-eared bat 466 
Bechstein's 502, 713 
Natterer's 502, 714 
Sharp-eared 502, 527, 556, 713 
Tricolor 502, 713 
Whiskered 502, 714 
Noctule (great bat) 490, 494, 496, 514, 572 
Commion 502. 5278 717 
Giant 466, 502, 717 
Leisler's 502, 717 
Pipistrel 466, 490, 494, 502, 572, 718 
Pocketed bat 457, 496, 504, 721 
Vespertilio 457, 514, 532, 556 
Bicolor 502, 5274 120 
Bobrinskii's 502, 720 
Kuht's 498, 502. 1532: 00, 619 
Nathusius' 502, 719 
Northern 466, 502, 721 
Ognev's 504, 721 


Savi's 502, 720 
Serotine 466, 504, 527, 721 
Bear 44, 99, 108, 131, 143, 147, 149, 160, 170-171, 174, 176, 180, 
190120981 21811220: 1221230123025), 2028, 326,359! 3 
381, 398-400, 467, 492, 496, 498, 514, 521, 524, 541, 546, 548, 
550.554. 1551—5651, 1563, 1565—5609, tora, 0584, 4589 
Cave 87, 100, 109—109. Пит, ПИ, 123, 199 19. 159, 155) 
160.116. 21061231, 2387240, ‘242! 1259=260,1266,1 2921398, 518, 1726 
Hurepean brown 103; 110, 138, 155, 167, 209—210, 226, 236, 236, 
260-262, 382, 398, 466, 504, 514, 727 
Beaver 130,155, 601) 170, 208%) 210,204) SAG. Sele 402) 523—524, 
547, 551, 584, 746 
Bumopean ae lise 2 O90 22023236" 258, 1290 “2953810, 
506, 514, 746 
Taman 746 
Bison 18, 60, 74, 87, 91-92, 95, 97-98, 104, 107-109, 111, 114, 116, 
LIG=11®, 151-152, 15. WGO$lG62, 10%, 170, WS, 199. ил, 
195—199, 201-202, 206, 209,214, 218—219, 1221—2222, 6229; 231; 
236—238, 240, 243, 257, 346, 374, 378-381, 447-450, 452, 457, 473, 
2991192. 496) i> 21524. 1546—548),. 559,09 5633) 569) 573, orn, 581 
Caucasian 160, 373-377, 513, 514, 587, 796, 800 
European 374, 581-582, 584, 587 
Long-horned 87, 160, 239-240 
Primitive 97-98, 105, 192, 328, 345, 355, 373-377, 587, 796 
Taman 71, 796 
Bours lee 17092, 98, hos) 111 114-118, 132,144, 197, 199, 160: 102, 
171-172, 175-176, 180-181, 183-184, 196, 202, 207, 209-211, 218, 
220-22 231. 930-238: 290, 243 253 269,271 13:28, 330330), 7346, 
434—435, 473, 433, 496, 498, (512,514, 516, 518, 52450531, 534 539, 
541, 547-549, 551, 554, 557-561, 563, 565-566, 568, 571, 574—575, 
Apsheron 784 
Taman 330, 434, 784 
В 95 sie 113311173:8183, 190-191: 1 I6—19 TAO 2h e208 264285221, 
DOS). BS, 580 
Primitive 95, 118, 327, 377-380, 430, 451, 473, 492, 496, 512, 
514, 523, 569, 584, 797 
Game lbs. 60 66074,91, 125, 54 bby 1962120219221, 231, в, 
242, 536, 541, 785 
Dromedary 158, 219, 495, 497, 785 
Giant 785 
Cats (for other Felidae see cheetah, lion, panther, tiger) 172, 175, 186, 
2]2, 219.257 1266 
African wildcat 139, 223, 266, 467, 498, 504, 738 
Caucasian wildcat 487 —488, 497, 514 
Cave эй" 119. 1128, 8266,6737 
Civet 164 
European wildcat 118, 138, 143, 164, 218, 266, 274—275, 382, 401, 
504, 524 5484 554, 560,6565;9695,804.0 i 
Jungle cat 143, 149, 160, 164, 231, 243, 275—277, 383, 467, 482, 
506, 514, 517, 531, 534, 538, 541—542. 1544, (5575741 


Lynx 138, 143, 155, 171, 175, 236, 266, 274, 359, 382, 401—402, 
468, 495, 506, 548, 554, 560, 565, 699, 739 
Мапи! 456, 466, 495—496, 504, 517, 742 
Chamoist 1 PRE 1.26, 1.7958 12451550 153.5 1822 16R58 1G, £167) $1 9R0e tL oae 
199-200, 202, 209, 220, 237-238, 253, 365-360, 381—383, 461, 
487—488, 491, 496, 512, 559,563, 565-566,°568, 576—577, 582-583, 792 
Caucasian 359-360 
Cheetah! 13930 143,09 149, 1160,9 2062 6231 ).°239) 266) s2708 (27 7S275.0 407, 
467, 498, .506;.414,.523, 63h, 9742 
Corsac.— see Hox 
Deer 16, 45; 54-55, 58, 60, 66, 71, 87-89, 92, 103=104, 111, 1145 106; 
118, 129-131, 144, 154, 156-157, 160, 166, 171—éa, 93-196; eRe tee. 
184, 187, 190-191, 194-200, 202, 204, 206-207, 209-210, 218-220, 
223—224. .240—241, 243, 253, 269, 272, 345-346, 380-361, /435-—438, 
451-452, 458, 487-488, 492, 495-496, 498, 522, 524, 530-531, 541, 
546-548, 554, 557, 559-561, 563-564, 566-567, 569, 571, 571, 573, 
56. 8582 
Axis 573, 576-577, 581-582, 800 
Fallow 159, 164-165, 241, 267, 336, 341-342, 473, 576, 582, 800 
Giant. 89, 98, 104,148, 155, 167,206, 238-239, 241-242): 342-344, 
518. 587 
Red 54, 100, 125, 153. 160, 1622 1732 18472022 207% 0-2: 
216. 218, 220, 222, 231, 236-238) 35-341, (365, ЯЗВА 
473,a486,° 5402.9 528215512 658. 8769825 Sst A0ks7 
Bac. 71, 118-119, 4164. 180—181, 485, 192, 196, 98 -— 2ООзалае. 
206-207, 209, 231, 236-237, 239-240, 243, 253, 274, 346-351, 355, 
359, 374, 381-383, 473, 486, 488, 490, 493, 496, 512, 514, 522, 524, 
530, 546-549, 551, 554, 557, 559-561, 563, 567-569, 574, 584, 589 
Maral (Caucasian) 437, 475, 493, 514 
Desman 50, 246, 250—251, 514, 550, 573, 706 
Common 500 
Dog 168, 172-174, 176, 178, 184-186, 205, 210, 212, 219-223, 229, 
РАЗ 25. 253, Wis). Dae, 25a), alos 
Siberian red 240, 722 

iTamian: 1, 028 
Jackal 139, 143, 164, 166, 207-209, 223-224, 231, 236, 239, 243, 

251—252 ,,255; 281» 374, 383, 468, 482, 492 9495,6400. 004 Sas: SINC, 
521, 531, 534, 536, 538, 541-544, 550, 552, 557, 560, 584—585, 688, 
Wolf-95, 100—111.-117, 131, 1847136; 1389) 1435 153) 163. 
175—176; 210, 223, 236, 238—239, 252-253, 255-256, 218.7 3261836, 
350, 359, 366, 374, 380-381, 389-390, 452, 466, 495, 498, 504, 5108 
521, 524-525, 530—532, 536, 539, 541-542, 552, 558, 583—584, 693, 
Dolphin 68, 171, 297, 236, 520 
Common 469, 493 
Fat 181, 208, 218, 264-265, 469, 486, 490, 506, 546, 548-550, 
552,554, 557, 559-560, 563,9568,8700, 147 t 
Forest 132, 145, 181, 216, 469, 506, 525, 527, 534, 548-550, 
552.554. 556; 5595550219725 6аь 


Dromedary — see Camel 
Elasmothere — see Rhinoceros 
Miephant 50, 155. 60 Gon Ob me 1— Oo. 920 95% 980 151-52 1156: "160, 
328, 414-417, 419-429, 447, 452, 460, 475, 487, 778-779 
Southern 58, 60, 66, 71, 240-241, 415-417 
Bist 9, 104, Sil 78,6164, 170, t90—191 194—199, 202" 206" 23H: 
236, 238, 243, 382, 440, 451-452, 457, 479, 487, 493, 512, 523-524, 
546, 548, 563, 582, 584 
Caucasian 175, 237, 343-349, 440, 514, 788 
Ermine — see Weasel 
Hox 91 В 95, hit wilis Sa, | MSOR 0143 „А, OSS. M163 1 > = 6" 
РОО 212, 223, 23298. 281, 253—256, №8]. ЗИ 330, 385386, 
390—398. 451-452) 466,991, 495,498, '504,'521` 524, 526/528, 
850. (51.1528: 1550, SS 558, 560—562, 5606. 568512 
585, 693—694, 724 
NOHO BA WAS), We, 105, 29. Bos 208, 392 
Corsac 15. L390, 143, 149-1268, 55.60: MIs al 7 OL 239) 8255256, 
991—592, 397—399) 958.499) 5081519, 15, 52-525, 527. 5869, 
Red 253 
Silver 798 
Gazelle 16, 42-43, 54, 71, 104, 114, 164-165, 272, 277, 473, 571, 
Coitered 54, 1, (96), 133. 1164. 165} 1182} 12110=213. 216: 1218) 
229, 289, Aol, Al, 209, 248, 20%, 988. Salo 354, S56, 959, 91, 319, 
382-383, 457, 475, 482, 495, 497, 499, 512, 514, 520, 522, 524, 
530—532, 538—541, 545, 585, 791 
Gerbil 69, 77, 133, 163, 166, 223, 239, 247, 254, 410, 452, 461, 469, 
493, 495, 517, 534-536, 544, 572, 585 
Arazdayan 495, 510, 768 
Asia Minor 302-303, 382, 469, 472, 478, 493, 499, 510, 541, 
567, 570, 767 
Great 183, 472, 508, 517, 765 
Midday 912, 481,508, 1516 511% 15281 570, 765 
Persian 160, 239, 248-249, 303, 381-382, 469, 472, 478, 481, 
493-495, 508, 535, 766 
Red-tailed Libyan 132, 139, 145, 149, 303-305, 381, 410, 469, 
473, 498-499, 508, 531, 536, 538, 541-542, 765 
Mamearisk 472, 510, 516—511, 570, 766 
Vinogradov's 469, 478, 493, 510, 768 
Giraffe 36, 39, 42-43, 71 
Glutton 231, 238, 262, 400, 731 
Goat 16, 91-92, 100, 103, 107-108, 111,114, 119, 124, 149, 155, 
192—108, 167, 102=10. 118, 164, 190=ИФ. 190, 1908. 199-202. 
204—205, 207—212, 216-217, 220, 222, 224, 229, 272, 359, 367, 
BAS). бо. AGil, 407, BSD, 565, 595-500, DO, 990 
Bezoar (wild) goat or ibex 36, 47, 116—117, 164, 167, 202 
216, 2205 223, 226-225 oo2 5 DD), oO = ОЗ, 981—383, tose 
461, 475, 477, 487, 490, 492-493, 495, 497, 512, 521, 524, 
563—564, 568, 573, 576, 583, 794 


East and west Caucasian goats 159-160, 162, 190, 198-200, 
202-203, 208-210, 237-238, 360-367, 381, 443-447, 452, 461, 473, 
487-491, 493, 512, 559, 563-564, 566-567, 574, 576-577, 

582—584, 793 
Markhor 473, 576 

Hamsters 49.7116, 2400, 905, AT 7 ALO: Уаз 9bS3, P1495 PGs, SieU ks ie 
183, 186, 210, 223, 237, 370, 382, 406-407, 451, 468, 486-487, 
490, 495, 513-514, 524,°528,°548,°550,) 5681063 

Asia Minor (golden) 108, 117-118, 145, 149, 160, 164, 167, 204, 
229, 231, 238, 240, 289, 299-302, 381, 457, 469, 477, 493, 
495-497, 499, 508, 548, 558, 560-561, 565, 567, 570, 574, 762 

Black 526—527, 548 

Common 160, 238, 382-383, 470, 479, 499, 508, 514, 524, 527, 
548, 763 

Migratory (gray) 132, 139, 145, 149, 202, 382, 407, 469, 495, 
499, 508, 516, 526-527, 532, 536-537, 548—5495 559, 561,563, 
265. 1568.:510,71502 ole, (595, 64 

Mouse-like 227, 469, 478, 494-495, 508, 570, 765 

Transcaucasian — see Asia Minor 

Hare 55, 139, 171=1 72" 75) 186s) 2085211015223, 82265 (256-2 eae 
214.1 277, 336, 404, 468, 492, 513, 524, 527, 532, 534,8538ee04de 
544, 48h a5 0) 1554 19557 POV 562 № 56655681512 

Blue 119, 133, 149, 163, 242, 468 

European 145, 231, 279-281, 403, 468, 487, 495, 499, 506, 516, 
526, 1536, 7549-550. 6560,!) 1565 21574715848 100 СТА 

Tnttle earth 70; 481, 50625261528 1580015730752 
Rabbit 460, 468, 542-543, 576, 799 

Hedgehog 138, 179, 246, 384, 463, 496, 527, 534 

European (common) 172, 216-218, 229-230, 246, 380, 382, 463, 
HOOPS 149 b 16.534, 1541: 152240705 

Long-eared 149, 163, 186, 223, 230, 239, 247, 382, 387, 463, 
495, 497-498, 500, 514, 516, 524, 526-527, 530, 53275961598 1105 

Hippopotamus 55, 155, 164-165, 294, 460 

Horse) 18, 45,50, 584160, 68" 66: 2745192595, 04, WOM, ОЭ у lien 
116911 Sip 125.212%10129-5131, 01338014435 148:5453=154)0158=060, 
162, 166-167, 170, 172-174, 176, 178, 184-186, 190-191, 205, 
207—208; ;210=2:1 27 214; 92:16)12195224 1231 62884241) 25152072, 
323—328,. 345, 431=433, «473, ) 49578497, 0499, °508,° 5245053681569) 
57. 584, 597: 195 

Southwest Asian 512, 783 
Tarpan 325-926, 457, 43; sol 0), 514517. 6523 —525-8 58508785 

Нуепа>59, 715. 625; 131, 134, 1537 2421, 2565 2582 2705 496 

Cave 119, 139% 143,/°148,) 153,163, 238i 288=239), 924255257, 
518, e5%1 

Bi'dar 725 

Spotted 143, 154 

Striped’ 143,164," 210,: 216, 12305 23:7 ,,243,~257.<258/) 270, 09935 
486, 492, 497, 499, 504, 514, 531, 558, 584, 725 

Ibex — see Goat 
Jackal — see Dog 


Jerboa 17. 132—133, 139, 160, 210, 238, 405—207, 2410, 4521346169, 
БН, 1524-9527, 536,544 5721585 
Great 145, 147-148, 155, 160, 163, 238, 406, 470, 473, 480, 499, 
500. ЭЛЯ, 526-58, Wail 
Northern three-toed 470, 481, 506, 514, 528, 753 
Small five-toed 145, 160, 163, 456, 470, 481, 495, 499, 506, 
5. S26, 528, Dols 150 
Thick-tailed three-toed 470, 473, 481, 506, 514, 528, 753 
William's (mountain) 145, 149, 469, 493, 495, 497, 499, 506, 
Hotkey 5364554. 152 
Kulan — see Ass 
Lemming 149, 163 
Steppe 163, 319-320, 383,510," 514," 526-527, 768 
Leopard — see Panther 
ом 1143.16 4 LOL 2G 20-22 1,925,243 9206-200, .527,"302, 468, 
29211497: C499." 504, 5049523, 531.541, 5645 197 
Cave "Поп — see Cat 
Macaca 162, 230, 240, 382, 461 
Markhor — see Goat 
Mammoth 18, 87-89, 91, 96-98, 104, 118, 124, 149, 161, 163-164, 
167, 238-239, 266, 414, 416-419, 421, 429, 447, 518, 587, 780 
Manul — see Cat 
Maral — see Deer 
Marmot 18, 123, 155, 175, 240, 282, 469, 487-489, 514, 524, 744 
Altai 580-582, 799 
Bobak 469 
Caucasian 282, 744 
Steppe 282 
Memon 119.139. 155, 210. 224. 226. 263—265, 916, 400, toad), 
567, 696 
Pine 138, 143, 162, 164, 263-265, 382, 400-403, 457-458, 467, 
ABT. ADs. BOL, 540, 554 508. HOD, SOY, 999, 129 
Stome 130113 223, 226, 237, 263-264, 382, 40115601492, 
95 49, 504 51 525 558, 562, 1728 
Mastodon 39, 43, 49, 63, 69, 414-415, 587 
Long-snouted 28, 71 
Swamp 26, 71 
Ио 139 401, ou, 470. АЭИ 950 5 550, 5е-5Т9, GUN, 953 
American 798 
Mole 49, 138, 230, 238, 246-250, 310, 317, 381, 383-384, 387-388, 
452, 457-458, 490—491, 525, 548, 539, 568, 574, 589, 692," 706 
Eastern 247, 500 
Caucasian 247-248, 250, 381, 387, 496, 498, 500, 514, 526 
Nole wat 55. Lino 193, 470, 514. 524. 526-527, 548.565 19595 
Giant Russian 183, 508, 516, 754 
Lesser 469, 477, 497, 508, 754 
Russian 470, 506, 754 
Mouflon — see Sheep 
Mouse 133, 202-203, 223, 410, 469, 552 
Caucasian yellow-spotted 408-409, 469, 508, 546, 554, 560, 
564, 760 


Birch 91, 488 
Caucasian 360, 458, 486, 491, 493, 496-497, 506, 565, 749 
Northern 470, 506, -749 
Southern 506, 514, 526, 749 
Meld 115, 17282168213. 22s oOo ao 
Broad-toothed (Asia Minor) 408, 457, 461, 469, 476, 508, 759 
Common 145, 408-409, 452, 469, 491-492, 508, 525, 527-528, 
534, 541, 546, 548—550, 552, 554, 556—551,. 559-:560,, 5625/4405, 
56891510-—572, 2574: 1585: 158951761 
Striped 149, 298-299, 382, 470, 479, 499, 508, 514, 525-526, 
550, 559-560, 758 
Yellow-necked 408, 470, 508, 514, 759 
Harvest 149, 457, 470, 508, 514, 559-560, 759 
House 44, 172, 223, 309, 383, 407, 469, 487, 497, 508, 527, 532, 
537—538, 552,.554,.556—557, 560, 574, 584, 586, 589, 757 
Steppe 139, 145, 229, 516, 524, 526-528, 532, 534-536, 544; 
548—550, 554, 557, 559-561, 563-564, 567-568, 570, 572, 585 
Noctule — see Bat 
Nuiria 293, 528; 535, 543-544, 551, 573, 580, 503, 697.9799 
Onager — see ‘Ass 
Otter 11655639077, 2138, © 143, 0272, +236, 04925 498. 504 4.524 5594; 
698, 736 
Ох 92. 343 
Musk 149, 163, 473 
Panther 123, 143, 166, ‘184, 208, 210, 226, 239—240 266.262. 
271-274, 278; 359, 401," 403, 457, 488, 504, 514, 524, ese, 541," 
552. OOS, Sta. .534. 739 
Р1ка"49. ‘55. „066, 223—224, 231, 464, 497 
Afghan 744 
Armenian 468, 506, 744 
Small 163, 238, 468 
Steppe 744 
Pipistrel — see Bat 
Polecat 170, 161, 504, 524, 59680731 
Siberian 18, 149, 163, 2384°480;:504,.514, 524, (526 =5215 545 
577. 696, 131 
Tiger 143, 149, 164, 223, 239, 382, 400, 457, 4611435, 4985 
504, БЫ: 516, 526.536, 558, 548) 550, SE. 95685, 730 
Porcupine 55, 116, 118-119, 123-124, 139, 145, 149, 160,162. 166, 
231, 237, 239-240, 272, 290, 469, 473, 487, 492, 510, 556—551, 
574, 585 
Indian crested 145 
Rabbit — see Hare 
Common 529, 550. 518. 198 
Dog 528—529, 550, 573, 576-573 26954198 
Rat 469, 552 
Black 162, 209; °211, 216, 231, 236-231, 294-295-297. .581 
469, 473, 487, 492, 498, 508, 532, 534, 536-538, 541, 544, 552, 554, 
556-=55а 550:'755 


Norway 145. 202, 208—209, 213; 216 23], 295—298 328 2388341473" 
487, 495, 497, 499, 508, 516, 527, 532, 535, 537-538, 548, 551-552, 
556-557, 560, 574, 585-586, 756 

Water 77, 180-181, 524, 529, 531, 534-535, 702 

Reindeer 92, 119, 149, 163-164, 238, 242, 262, 346, 451, 473 

Rhinoceros 28, 36, 39-40, 43, 49-50, 55, 58, 60, 74, 125, 127, 
131-133, 144, 149, 154, 165, 167, 239-241, 328, 429-430, 781 
Elasmothere 781 
Woolly rhinoceros 91, 97, 149, 164, 231, 239, 266, 294, 429-430, 

Sanoawhone 18. 24 171,292, 104 134, 611-151 ole 153, 155.160, 162. 
Ио UIST, 231, ABI, 238—239, Oe 936: 31. 346) 352. 
354—356, 381-382, 440-443, 457, 475, 480, 499, 512, 514, 517, 522, 
524—525, 527, 544-545, 584-585, 790, 800 

Seal 33, 40, 44, 48, 60, 68, 116, 123-124, 166, 184, 210, 212-213, 
229. 237, 310—373, 520 

ЭБЕРТ А, 119) 11555 MiGs. №0; I= aby 108-183-134. 186. 
139—190, 196—202, 209—212, 220-224, 226, 229, 281, 352, 310=3173, 
536, 564, 569, 574, 583 
ие аи 4. 118. 155, 160. 167. 238-240 6310-3503; 499% (566% 525 
576, 583, 795 
Armenian mouflon 159, 223, 237, 239, 272, 370-373, 461, 475, 
477, 489, 495, 497, 512, 795 

Shrew 138, 230, 246, 461, 463, 497, 500, 525, 589, 708 

Caucasian 388, 496, 509, 514, 708 

Common 388, 457, 463, 487, 500 

Lesser 457, 463, 486, 491, 498, 500, 514, 526, 707 

Water 463 

White-toothed 149, 223, 226, 230, 381, 388, 463, 534, 536, 
541, 544, 589 

Gray i2bo5. S00 a2 er 10 
Little 463, 495, 500, 526-5271, 709 
Long-tailed 138, 229, 388-389, 491, 495, 498, 500, 530, 
535—536, 554, 556, 560, 568, 572, 710 
Persian 497, 500, 710 
Pygmy (Etruscan) 463, 500, 710 
White-bellied 463, 500, 514, 516, 526-527, 709 
Skunk 18, 576 
Canadian 578-579 
Squirrel 55, 282, 468—469, 491, 554, 563, 576-578 
Persian (Caucasian) 469, 506, 546, 554, 697, 744 
Red 578, 799 
Susinik 18, 76, 168, 118. Zils. BAD. 241, 1232 HOS) DAHA, Os. 
585, 703 

Asia Minor 231, 289, 382, 404-405, 469, 477, 497, 506, 744 

European 404 

Large-toothed 163, 469 

Е Mao. lor tls, 183, 186, 2040 237-233)! 282—259, 
381-382, 404-406, 480, 487, 506, 514, 517, 524, 526-521, 549, 
584, 745 

Swine 50, 59, 172, 174 
Giant 71 
Warthog 49, 164 


Tapir’ 49-50, . 71 
Таграп — зее Ногзе 
Tiger 231, 243, 266, 268, 210-271, 388,.468; 492, 'а95„`497, ‘499, 
504, 523, 531, 541, (559 ;578,, 584,.131 
Saber-tooth 44 
Tur 151; 155,¢167,°192}"196, 218,. 226; 2377 239;> 241," 374,- 381 
445, 524 
Vespertilio — see Bat 
Vole 133, 145, 149, 160, 210, 223, 231, 240, 384, 410, 461, 486, 
491, 527, 536, 546, 549—550, 774 
Asia Minor snow 242, 316-318, 411, 469, 495-497, 510, 771, 
Caucasian snow 162, 180-182, 229, 231, 313-316, 360, 381-383, 
411-412, 452, 457, 469, 476, 486-488, 491, 493, 496-497, 514, 
565. 51011585782 
Common 139, 145, 148, 161,7172, .180, .809-313; 323; 423, 457} 
469-470, 487, 493, 497, 510, 524, 526-528, 548, 550, 554, 556, 
559, 561—562: 565—566. 568, 150, 574, .584, 715 
Common red-backed 319, 382, 470, 479, 487, 493, 495, 510, 776 
Long-tailed snow 318-319, 381, 469, 476, 486-487, 490, 510, 
5265, 559% 773 
Mole. 132, 139, 149, 160,, 163, 167,. 183, 249,. 322. ‘410,, ‘464, 
521, eo lee 
Northern 480, 495, 510, 514, 548, 769 
Pine 139, 116! 1680—1582 2429 305) SPOS sts. S60. sole our 
412-413, 457, 469, 476, 484, 489, 491-492, 510, 547-548, 
552, 559-661, 564-566, 568, 774 
Promethean (long-clawed mole vole) 320-322, 360, 381, 383, 458, 
461, 469, 476, 486-491, 510, 560, 564-566, 769 
Steppe 76, 145, 149, 186, 210, 216-217, 242, 248, 254, 289, 
305-311, 381-383, 414, 472, 492, 495, 497-499, 510, 514, 516, 
526, 531, 534-538, 541-542, 544, 549-550, 554, 556-558, 560-561, 
563, 567-568, 570, 572-574, 584-585, 776 
Transcaucasian 145, 149, 242, 469, 478, 490, 495, 510, 567, 
571—572, 574, 769 
Water 148, 180, 238, 277, 290, 319, 322-323, 410-411, 452, 469, 
490—491; 510, 527, 535, 554, 1565, “S558; 70 
Warthog — see Swine 
Weasel 138, 143, 223, 316, 401, 488, 504, 516, 526-527, 538, 544, 
272. 585: 589, 138 
Ermine 504, 731 
Whale 22, 40, 48 
Toothless 32 
Wolf — see Dog 



Aceratherium 41, 43 

— filholi 27* 

— incisivum 52 

— persia 44 

— transcaucasicum 41* 

— zernovi 44 

Achtiaria 41 

— borissiakii 39 

— expectans 44 

Acinonyx jubatus 141, 145*, 
283, 469, 663+ 

Alactagulus acontion 473, 668+ 

Alces alces 105, 108*, 109, 117, 118, 440, 
475, 686+ 

— — caucasicus 180, 202, 205, 347. 686+ 

Alcicephalus neumayri 45 

Allactaga 127, 406 ‘ 


154, 280— 

— elater 146*, 

530, 667+ 

— dzhafarovi 141 

jaculus 408, 473, 668+ 

jaculus bogatchevi 141, 146*, 153, 

408, 668+ 

— williamsi 444, 154, 219, 227, 228, 230, 
408, 473, 530, 550, 668* 

— — dzafarovi 146*, 668+ 

Ambelodon fricki 32 

Amblycastor caucasicus 52, 665+ 

Amphicyon 31, 32* 

Anancus arvernensis 52, 54*, 71, see taxon 
Mastodon arvernensis 

Anchitherium aurelianense 31 

Anthracotherium 27 

Antilopinae 45, 47 

и 409 

— agrarius 149, 301, 473, 544, 671+ 

flavicollis 149, 4A0*, 473, 672+ 

fulvipectus 409, 410*, 473, 550, 672+ 

mystacinus 409, 473, 672+ 

sylvaticus 144, 149, 153, 182, 183, 

185, 193, 206, 208, 218, 219, 295, 228, 

230, 4A0*, L73F 530, 544, 547, 550, 

566, 673+ 

— — arianus 534 

Archeoceti 26 

Archidiskodon —see Elephas 

Artiodactyla 27, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 
52, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 69, 71, 74, 96, 
123, 127, 141, 193, 233, 333—383, 434, 
474, 476, 530, 547, 550, 692+ 

Arvicola 4141, 677+ 

230, 408, 473, 


* [This index has been reproduced photographically from the Russian. 
Asterisks denote appearance in figures, crosses in maps 

to are at the left-hand side of the text. 
(Supplement, Part 2). ] 

— terrestris 111%, 141, 149, 453, 183, 
185, 186*, 195, 227, 228, 230, 326, 444, 
474, 534, 547, 550, 677+ 

— — cubanensis 412 

— kuruschi 412 

— — persicus 412 

— — tanaiticus 412 

Barbastella barbastellus 467, 650+ 

— darjelingensis 467, 650+ 

Benaratherium callistrati РИ * 

Bison 61, 63, 67*, 71, 77, 100, 404, 118, 
448*, "690+ 

— Бопазиз 122, 152, 241, 475, 692+ 

— — bonasus 448*, 449* 

— — caucasicus 202, 205, 448%, 

— longicornis 448*, 449* 

— priscus 96, 97*, 99, 
115*—117. 449, 124*, 
376, 448*, 449*, 690+ 

— — deminutus 92, 96, 103, 448* 

— longicornis 94, 92 

— — schoetensacki 63, 77, 93, 100, 376, 
448*, 449* 
sp. (tamanensis) 448*, 449*, 690+ 

Bos 59, 64, 91, 100, 118, 434, 161 

= mastan-zadei 141, 152%, 454, 380, 

— minutus 163, 380 

— primigenius 100, 
475, 691+ 

— taurus fossilis 100 
trochoceros 162*, 380 

Во 41, 71, 354—383 

Bubalis 69 

449*, 376, 

ТОО ча, 312, 
127, 161, 163, 

152, 160, 161, 380, 

Calomyscus bailwardi 230, 473, 675* 

Camelopardalis 39 

— attica 45 

— parva 42 

Camelus 59, 134 

— dromedarius 163, 223*, 

— knoblochi 161, 685+ 

— kujalnikensis 60, 63 

Canidae 52, 54*, 255— 260 

Canis 60, 99, 141, 144, 160, 654+ 

— aureus 144, 155, 170, 210, 212, 227, 255— 
256, 469, 530, 547, 550, 653+ 

— lupus 60, 96, 97*, 105, 108*, 109, 115*, 
117, 118, 119, 122, 427, 144, 153, aie 


The Russian page numbers referred 


179, 208, 
550, 654+ 

— — apsheronicus 141, 145*, 

— tamanensis 63, 67*, 654+ 

Сарга 105, 127 

—- > ees 225, 227, 370, 475, 689+ 

caucasica 99, 109, 141%, 142, 115*, 

1147—118— 119, 122, 124*, 127, 193, 

194*, 205, 209*, 211, 212, 444*, 415, 


— caucasica 446* 

— severtzovi 446* 

cylindricornis 202, 205, 212, 443, 444, 

446*, 475, 689+ 

dinniki 444 

— severtzovi 444 

Capreolus 104 

— capreolus 108*, 109, 117, 118, 122, 127, 
130*, 177, 183, 190, 193, 202, 205, 208— 
209*— 210, 217, 351, 475, 547, 550, 

— — pygargus 687+ 

Саргоушае 119 

Carnivora 31, 39, 41, 44, 52, 57, 59, 60, 
63, 74, 123, 127, 144, 233, 255—283, 
391, 468, 476, 530, 534, 547, 550, 691+ 

Castor fiber 117, 211, 293, 473, 665+ 

-- tamanensis 63, 67*, 665+ 

Castoridae 47, 293—297 

Cervidae 41, 47, 55*, 63, 71, 101, 338—354 

Cervus 57, 59, 60, 61, 66, 71, 91, 161, 


elaphus 60, 93, 96, 97*, 99, 108*, 109, 

iit, 115*—118, 122, 424%, 127, 134, 

152 1153.62. 175, 177, 181, 183, 190, 

193 194%, 195, 208, 210, "217, 222’ 

225, 227, 338, 437*—439*, 475, 550, 


— binagadensis 141 

— maral 161, 202, 205, 438 

nippon 575, 692+ 

pliotarandoides 685+ 

Cetacea 31.39.43 

Cetotherium 37, 39, 43 

— meyeri 28 

— priscum 43 

Chalicotheriidae 34 

Chalicotherium pentelici 44 

Chionomys — see Microtus 

Chiroptera 123, 127, 233, 390, 466, 476, 
533, 534 

Citellus citellus 292, 473, 665+ 

— pygmaeus 149, 191, 193, 
473, 665+ 

— — boemii 406 

— — musicus 406 

— — planicola 406 

— — satunini 406 

Clethrionomys glareolus 323, 474, 680+ 

Cricetus 53*, 408, 674+ 

— cricetus 77, 99, 105—108*—109, 111*, 
182, 183, 185, 186%, 190, 406, 473, 

Cricetulus migratorius 154, 182, 183, 185, 
206, 218, 219, 225, 227, 228, 200) 231: 
473° 5307533, (534,566, 674+ 

227, 256—258, 469, 530, 547, 

194*, 285, 


— — argiropuloi 141, 

— Crocidura 52 

—lasia 466, 674+ 

leucodon’ 143, 228, 389, 466, 530, 533, 

534, 550, 647+ 

russula 141, 143, 154, 218, 219, 225, 

2271,228} 230, 466, 550, 647+ 

— caspica 390 

gildenstaedti 389, 390, 530, 532— 

533—534, 544 

— monacha 390, 547 

suaveolens 466, 647+ 

zarudnyi 466, 647+ 

Crocuta 129, 655+ 

— eldarica '39, 41*, 655+ 

— spelaea 96, 97*, 99, 127, 141, 144, 145*, 
153, 160, 261, 655* 

Cuon 127, 653+ 

Dama 685+ 

— dama 692+ 

— mesopotamica 162*, 170*, 345 

ВИ» 26, 39, 210, 

elphis 69, 175 

Desmana 52, 53*, 250, 

— moschata 254—255, 

Dicerorhinae 32 

Dicerorhinus 43, see taxon 

— caucasicus 31, 683+ 

— etruscus—see Rhinoceros etruscus 

— orientalis 52, 56*, 683+ 

Dicrocerus elegans 31 

— salomeae 4 

Dinocyon thenardi 52, 54* 

Dinotherium 41, 

giganteum 39, 42, 48 

Dipus sagitta 473, 669+ 

Dyromys nitedula 141, 149,-185, 218, 
219, 228, 473, 530, 544, 547, 550, 666+ 

Elasmotherium 60 

— caucasicum 63, 77, 431 

— sibiricum 100 

Elephas 74, 91, 681+ 

— antiquus 59, 63, 68, 101, 415, 682* 
—- armeniacus 74, 164 

lyrodon 59 

mammontoides 681+ 

meridionalis 59—63, 67*—71, 74, 78, 
93, 94, 161, 415, 423*, 681+ 
primigenius 91, 92, 94, 96119727799; 
401, 103, 104, 128, 162, 418, 421*, 

trogontherii 63, 69, 77, 78, 91—94,102, 

164*, 674+ 

466, 645+ 


103, 160, 161, 415, 447, 422%, 682+ 

— — primigenius 93 

— wusti 92, 417 

Ellobius lutescens 141, 146*, 149, 154, 
227;: 228, 230,,'234102473, 6" 

— talpinus 149, 193, 194*, 473, 677* 

Eostylocerus 41 

Eotragus martinianus 31, 36* 

Equidae 327—333 

Equus 61, 71, 91, 100, 101, 129, 160, 163 

— caballus 96, 97*, 112, 115*, 117, 119, 
131. 4441, 150, 154%, 153, 10. 262) 
1654201927435"! 43) 27a, 082" 

Equus caballus gmelini 151, 433*, 434, 
475, 684+ 

— — latipes 433*, 434 

— hemionus 4154, 155, 188, 190, 
NS, BPS aslo У ВМ 

— hidruntinus 96, 97*, 117, 141, 150*, 
151, 154, 683+ 

— przewalskii 433*, 434 

— stenonis,59—61, 69, 70*, 74, 77, 100, 
161, 432, 684+ 

— siissenbornensis 63, 67*, 77, 94, 129, 
432, 684+ 

Erinaceidae 250 

Erinaceus europaeus 122, 141—143, 153, 
182, 183, 212, 219, 227, 228, 230, 250, 
388, 466, 530, 547, 550, 645+ 

— —- rumanicus 645* 

Eucladocerus 61, 63, 67*, 69, 70*, 71, 94 

Eucladocerus pliotarandoides 60—62* 

Felidae 270—283 

Felis 109 

— chaus 144, 155, 279, 469, 530, 550, 663+ 

— issiodorensis 52, 54% 

— lybica 144, 144, 145*, 154, 225, 227, 
469, 663+ 

— lynx 415%, 117, 144, 155, 175, 195, 

277, 469, 550, 662+ 

— orientalis 405 

— silvestris 99, 111%, 115, 144, 183, 214, 
278, 547, 550, 662* 

— — caucasicus 405 

Gazella 39—44, 47, 52, 57, 63, 170% 

— brevicornis 45 

— gaudry 45 

— subgutturosa 100, 152, 155, 188, 189%, 
214, 215, 225, 354, 475, 530, 688+ 

Gerbillus 74 

Giraffidae 41, 47, 52 

Glis lis 183, 242, 473, 544, 547, 550, 

Gulo gulo 122, 124*, 127, 266, 658+ 

Halitherium schinzi 26 

Helicophora rotundocornis 45 

Helladotherium 39 

— gaudry 45 

Hemiechinus auritus 141—143, 154, 182, 
183, 191, 218, 219, 225, 230, 231, 254, 
388, 466, 530, 533, 645+ 

Hipparion 41—43, 47, 52, 55*, 60, 69, 74 

— crassum 69 

— gracile 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 52, 55* 

— mediterraneum 44 

Hippopotamidae 31, 35* 

Hippopotamus 160 

Hyaena 31, 32*, 40*, 41, 59, 60 

— eximia 39 

— hyaena 155, 261—263, 469, 655+ 

— striata 129, 144 

Hyaenidae 260—263 

Hypsodontus miocenicus 31, 36* 

Hystricidae 41 

Hystrix 127, 130*, 681+ 

— hirsutirostris 117 

— leucura 474, 681+ 



— vinogradovi 141, 146*, 149, 154, 681+ 

Iniops 26 

— caucasicum 26 

Insectivora 52, 123, 141, 233, 250—255, 
388, 465, 476, 530, 533, 534, 547, 55 

Ictitherium tauricum 44 

Kubanochoerus robustus 31, 36* 

Lagomorpha 52, 74, 123, 144, 233, 283 — 
285, 405, 469, 473, 476, 530, 534, 547, 
550, 692+ 

Lagurus lagurus 323, 473, 676+ 

Leporidae 283—285 

Lepus 52, 53*, 74, 101, 664+ 

— europaeus 96, 99, 127, 149, 154, 175, 
177, 179, 182, 183, 185, 186*, 191, 
193, 195, 206, 208, 209*, 212, 214, 
224%, 227, 228, 230, 231, 283—285, 
473, 530, 547, 550, 664+ 

— — caucasicus 405 

— — cyrensis 405, 534 

ureevi 144, 146*, 664+ 

Listriodon 43 

Lophiomeryx benarensis 27 

Lutra lutra 144, 177, 469, 547, 550, 660* 

Lutreola lutreola 144, 659* 

— — turovi 404 

— vison 691+ 

Macaca 127, 130* 

Machairodus 47, 60 

Marmota 127, 130*, 160, 664+ 

— baibacina 573, 692+ 

— bobac 179, 664+ 

Martes 108%, 109, 141%, 115%, 193, 402 

— foina 117, 127, 144, 155, 224*, 225, 
227, 267, 469, 550, 656+ 

— — nehringi 404 

— martes 268—270, 469, 657+ 

Mastodontidae 71 

Mastodon 31, 39, 44, 60 

— arvernensis 59, 66, 69, см. 

— borsoni 48 

— longirostris 39 

— pentelici 39, 44 

— tapiroides 48 

Megaceros 103, 160, 161 

— euryceros 63, 94, 96, 97*, 99, 109, 
141, 152, 153, 346, 685+ 

— hibernicus 100 

Meles 59, 660+ 

— meles 99, 415%, 117, 127, 144, 153, 160, 
177, 179, 183, 193, 208, 209*, 222, 
227, 469, 530, 547, 550, 660+ 

— — minor 141, 445%, 402,* 660+ 

— — urartuorum 660+ 

— maraghanus 660+ 

— polaki 660+ 

Mephitis mephitis 691+ 

Meriones 225, 228, 473, 676+ 

— blackleri 230, 305, 473, 534, 676+ 

— erythrourus 154, 218, 219, 473, 530, 
533, 675* 



— — intermedius 141, 146*, 414, 675+ 

— meriodianus 473, 675+ 

— persicus 227, 230, 231, 306, 473, 675+ 

— tamariscinus 473, 675+ 

— vinogradovi 473, 676+ 

Mesocricetus 47, 408 

— auratus 112, 118, 119, 122, 124*, 127, 
130%; 154, 182, 183. 185.1 195; 22%. 
228, 230, 231, 303, 473, 673+: 

— — nigriculus 186%, 191, 408 

— — planicola 141, 146%, 408, 673 

— — raddei 408, 873* 

Micromeryx flourensianus 31 

Micromys minutus 149, 182, 473, 672+ 

Microtinae 208 

Microtus 411 

— apscheronicus 141, 149, 413, 679+ 

arvalis 141, 149, 153, 182, 183, 185, 

206, 208, 230, 231, 312, 414, 474, 550, 


— gudauricus 414 

— штасгосгап!5 414 

— mystacinus 414 

— transcaucasicus 414 

gud 127, 185, 317, 474, 678+ 

— gud 413 

— lIghesicus 413 

— nenjukovi 413 

guentheri 314 

majori 127, 182, 183, 208, 228, 315, 

474, 547, 679+ 

nivalis 227, 228, 413, 320, 474, 678+ 

— dementievi 413 

— loginovi 413 

— satunini 413 

roberti 115%, 180, 322, 474, 679+ 

socialis 141, 149, 154, 191, 218, 219, 

227—231, 308—312, 415, 474, 530, 

532—534, 544, 550, 680+ 

— — schidlovskii 309 

Microzeuglodon 26 

— caucasicum 26 

Miniopterus schreibersii 230, 467, 650+ 

Muridae 71, 96, 127, 297—327 

Mus 52, 671+ 

— musculus 141, 149, 153, 182, 183 185, 
206, 208, 218, 219, 225, 230, 408, 473, 
547, 566, 671+ 

abbotti 532, 550 

formosovi 544, 671+ 

hortulanus 671+ 

musculus 530, 532—534 

— tataricus 530, 532—534, 544, 550, 

566, 671+ 

Mustela erminea 469, 658+ 

— filholi 74 

— nivalis 127, 144, 155, 183, 185, 186%, 
206, 208, 227, 230, 469, 530, 534, 
547, 550, 659+ 

— — caucasica 122, 182, 228, 404 

-- — dinniki 182, 404 

Mustelidae 266—270 

Myocastor coypus 525, 547, 692+ 

Myotis 390 

467, 649+ 

lead а peak 

i a a 

— bechsteinii 

— emarginatus 467, 649+ 

— mystacinus 467, 528, 534, 
—- nattereri 467, 649+ 

— oxygnathus 227, 228, 467, 



Necromites nestoris 69 
Neomys 127, 389 

— balcaricus 289 

— daghestanicus 389 

— fodiens 228, 389, 466, 646+ 
— leptodactylus 389 

— schelkovikovi 389 

Nyctalus leisleri 467, 651+ 
— noctula 467, 528, 651+ 
— siculus 467, 651+ 

Nyctereutes procyonoides 524, 691+ 

Ochotona 171, 227, 228, 473, 664+ 

— antiqua 52, 664+ 

— pusilla 664+ 

— rufescens 664+ 

Oiceros atropatanes 45 

— boulei 45 

— rothi 45 

Ondatra zibethica 525, 692+ 

Orictolagus cuniculus 692+ 

Orycteropus sp. 31 

— gaudryi 44 

Otocolobus manul 469, 663+ 

Ovis 127, 195 

— ammon 119, 127, 130%, 144, 152%, 
154, 373, 690+ 

— яме 163, 195%, 225, 227, 373, 475, 

— ophion 109 

Palaeocricetus caucasicus 31, 674+ 

Palaeoloxodon 416 

Palaeomastodon 32 

Palaeoryx longicephalus 48 

— pallasi 45 

Panthera 63, 67*, 661+ 

— leo 144, 155, 270—274, 469, 6641+ 

— pardus 127, 130%, 144, 155, 171, 193, 
194», 241, 275—277, 403, 469, 661+ 

— spelaea 99, 104, 115%, 117, 119, 127, 
141, 144, 145%, 153, 270, 661+ 

— tigris 274, 469, 661+ 

Paracamelus 77 

— gigas 69, 71*, 100, 685+ 

— ujalnikensis 685+ 

Parahippus 32 

Paranchitherium karpinskii 31, 34+ 

Paratragocerus caucasicus 31, 36* 

Parelephas —see_ Elephas 

Perissodactyla 27, 31, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 
52, 59, 60, 64, 63, 69, 74, 74, 123, 
141, 233, 327—333, 430, 474, 476. 

Phangare verve mammontoides 63, 415, 

Phiomia 32 

Phoca 28, 39, 47 

— caspica 62, 69, 188, 215 
— pontica 43 

— vindobonensis 28 
Phocidae 37 

Phronetragus arknethensis 41 


Pinnipedia 39, 43 

Pitymys 315, 562, see Microtus majori 

Platybelodon danovi 31, 33* 

Plecotus auritus 467, 650+ 

Pliocervus 52 

Primates 39, 44, 44, 233 

Proboscidae 31, 39, 41, 44, 47, 48, 52, 
59—63, 69, 71, 233, 415 

Procapreolus 52, 55*, 687+ 

Procyon lotor 526, 550, 694+ 

Prometheomys 47, 411 

— schaposchnicovi 122, 124%, 127, 323, 
473, 677+ 

Propotamochoerus provincialie 52, 55* 

Protoryx carolinae 45 

Protragelaphus scozesi 45 

Pseudalces 52 

Putorius 74 

— eversmanni 144, 183, 185, 469, 658+ 

— putorius 469. 658+ 

Rattus norvegicus 155, 182, 183, 185, 
186*, 206, 212, 219, 299, 473, 530, 533, 
547, 566, 670+ 

— rattus 208, 209%. 297, 473, 530, 547, 
550, 670+ 

Rhinoceros 43, 60, 74, 127, 130°, 164 

— antiquitatis 92 

— binagadensis 141, 150, 151%, 154. 430, 

431*, 683+ 

etruscus 61, 63, 71, 74, 160, 430, 683+ 

mercki 74, 92, 129, 164, 430, 683+ 

morgani 44 

schleiermacheri 32 

— tichorhinus 102, 430, 431*, 683+ 

Rhinocerotidae 38, 47, 52, 56° 

Rhinolophidae 390 

Rhinolophus blasii 467, 648+ 

— euryale 467, 648+ 

— ferrum-equinum 109; 467, 528. 648+ 

— hipposideros 467, 528, 648+ 

— mehelyi 467, 648+ 

Rhombomys opimus 187, 473, 675+ 

Rodentia 27, 31, 41, 52, 59, 60, 63, 71, 74, 
123, 141, 233, 285—327, 405, 470, 473, 
476, 530, 533, 534, 547, 550, 692+ 

Rupicapra гир!сарга 108*, 111*, 115%, 
147, 118, 122, 193, 475 

— — caucasica 202, 205, 241, 360, 688+ 

Saiga borealis 441%, 443 

— prisca — see S. tatarica 

— tatarica 96, 97*, 100, 357, 441*—443, 
475, 687+, 692+ 

= АНИ 144, 152*, 153, 441*, 

— — mongolica 442+ 
Schisotherium chu¢ua 27*, 27 
Scirtopoda telum 473, 669+ 
Sciuridae 285—293 

Sciurus anomalus 473, 550, 664+ 
— vulgaris 692+ 

— — altaicus 570 

Semantor macrurus 69 

Sicista betulina 473, 667+ 

— caucasica 96, 97*, 473, 667+ 

— subtilis 473, 667+ 

Sorex 250, 389 

— araneus 185, 208, 466, 547, 550, 646+ 

— minutus 228, 389, 466, 646+ 

— raddei 389, 466, 646+ 

Spalax giganteus 187, 473, 669+ 

— leucodon 473, 669+ 

— microphtalmus 77, 182, 183, 185, 473, 

Spelaearctos rossicus 91 

Stegodon 71 

Steneofiber 52, 53%, 293, 665+ 

Strepsicerotini 63 

Suidae 334—338 

Suncus etruscus 466, 647° 

Sus 41, 43, 47, 60 

— apscheronicus 
435, 436°, 684 

— erymanthius 39, 44 

— scrofa 96, 108*, 109, 111%, 116—118, 
422, 127, 152, 175, 177, 183, 188, 193, 
195, 202, 205, 208, 210, 222. 334, 435, 
475, 530, 547, 550, 684+ 

— — attila 435, 436° 

— tamanensis 63, 67%, 334, 435, 436*, 

141, 152%, 154, 334, 

— vittatus 434 

Tadarida taeniotis 467, 653+ 

Talpa 52, 53%, 127, 250, 388, 645+ 

— coeca 547 

— caucasica 122, 124%, 182, 183, 186%, 
251, 466, 645° 

— — caucasica 389 

— — ognevi 388, 389, 645* 

— orientalis 251, 466, 645+ 

— — orientalis 389 

— — talyschensis 388, 389 

— — transcaucasica 388, 389 

— caucasicus 63 

Tapirus arvernensis 52, 55* 

Tragelaphus 63 

— hontom-schindleri 45 

Тгаросегиз 39, 40%, 41, 44, 74 

— leskevitschi 39, 41, 41*, 44 

— rugosifron 45 

Trogontherium cuvieri 59, 60, 63, 67*, 
71, 665+ 

Tubulidentata 31, 44 

Udabnopithecus garedziensis 41 

Urmiabos azerbaidzanicus 45, 691+ 

Ursavus 31, 263 

Ursidae 263—266 

Ursus 60, 263 

— arctos 109, 444, 447, 118, 144, 153, 
183, 188, 189*, 208, 209*, 214, 222, 
227, 264—266, 402*, 469, 550, 656* 

— arctos binagadensis 141, 145*, 402%, 

— — caucasicus 122, 399, 401*, 402* 

— — meridionalis 122, 402* 

— arvernensis 52, 54* 


kamiensis 400—402* Vormela peregusna 141, 145%, 154, 183, 
karmalkiensis 401%, 402° 227, 469, 530, 657+ 

rossicus 263, 655° Vulpes 99 

spelaeus 96, 99, 105, 108*—112, 115*, — corsac 141, 145%, 153, 259—260, 399°, 
117—119, 122, 127, 130%, 264, 655+ 469, 655+ 

Vespertilio 390 — fulvus 694+ 

— bobrinskii 467, 652+ — khomenkoi 57, 391, 654+ 

— kiblii 467, 528, 533, 652+ — vulpes 108%, 109, 115%, 117, 122, 127, 
— murinus 467, 652+ 144, 153, 179, 183, 188—190, 193, 
— nathusii 467, 528, 652+ 206, 215, 222, 224°, 227, 258, 469, 
— nilssonii 467, 653+ 530, 547, 550, 654+ 

— ognevi 467, 653+ — — alpherakyi 141, 145°, 392, 654+ 
— pipistrellus 467, 528, 534, 651+ — — alticola 392 

— savii 467, 652+ — — kurdistanica 392 

serotinus 467, 528, 533, 653+ 
Zeugiodon 26 

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