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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 12/11/2013
Leahy: The FISA pen register statute authorize you to obtain all internet meta data, not just e-mail meta data? Cole: I think that is correct. Again, it would be limited to the meta data in that regard.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN 12/11/2013
Leahy: the only limitation (under the FISA pen register statute) would be that it would be meta data? Cole: It cannot be content. In the latest order of the FISA court under 215, it specifically excluded cell site location as well. Litt: I was going to add only that you'd have to show that the categories of meta data that you're seeking was, in fact, relevant to the authorized investigation.
Mark Udall
Senator (D-Colorado) Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 06/05/2014
Udall: So Mr. Cole, let me ask you, even if it is not the intent of this administration or even of this Congress, what would stop the FISA court from interpreting the specific selection term very broadly should the government asked it to do so? Cole: I think a lot of what would prohibit that is the legislative history, the statements of intent, the legislative history that we’re creating here today by making clear and unambiguous statements that isn't intended to stop bulk collection and that what we are focusing on is some focused, tailored inquiries that will depend on the facts and circumstances and it's impossible to predict all of them ahead of time. But to make sure that we do have focused inquiries and focused collection of information for our investigations.
James Cole
Deputy US Attorney General
CSPAN2 06/05/2014
Cole: If there’s improvements that people want to suggest we’re happy to work with them on them but we think the language does it by using terms like specific and identifiers and things of that nature to make it not the indiscriminate bulk collection that have been going on before. And I think also just the reports that have come out of the House, the statements that are being made both by you Senators in the course of your comments and by the witnesses that come before you as making up the legislative history. Those would constrain it.
Mark Udall
Senator (D-Colorado) Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 06/05/2014
Cole: I think in addition if there were an interpretation by the FISA court that it is very broad, that would be a novel and significant order and opinion and would be given to the United States Congress, given to the Senate, and the Senate would then have an opportunity to pass additional legislation to rein it back in. But I would be very, very surprised to see it go in that direction based on the language that's here and the legislative history. Udall: We do have a moment in time where we have to get this right, and with all due respect I don't remember the FISA court showing a great deal of restraint in the past.
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